gabbro {n} (igneous rock)
:: gabro
gable {n} (triangular area of wall)
:: zabat {m}
Gabon {prop} (Gabonese Republic)
:: Габон {m}; Gabon {m}
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Oestridae) SEE: botfly
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly
gadget {n} (any device or machine)
:: сокоћало {n}, геџет {m}; sokoćalo {n}, gedžet {m}
gadolinium {n} (chemical element)
:: гадолиниj {m}, гадолиниjум {m}; gadolinij {m}, gadolinijum {m}
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby
Gagauzia {prop} (Autonomous region)
:: Гагаузија {f}; Gagauzija {f}
gaggle {n} (group of geese)
:: guščje jato {n}
Gaia {prop} (the ecosystem of the Earth regarded as a self-regulating organism)
:: Геја {f}, Geja {f}
gainword {n} (a word a language has borrowed from another language) SEE: loanword
gait {n} (manner of walking)
:: ход {m}; hȏd {m}
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool
galangal {n} (any of several plants of the ginger family)
:: galgant {m}, galgan {m}, galanga {f}
Galatians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Посланица Галатима
galaxy {n} (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc)
:: галаксија {f}; galàksija {f}
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way
gale {n} (outburst of laughter)
:: napadaj {m}, prasnuti
galena {n} (mineral)
:: galenit
Galicia {prop} (Iberian kingdom, region of Spain)
:: Gàlīcija {f}
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe)
:: Gàlīcija {f}, Галӣција {f}
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel)
:: Галилеја {f}; Galiléja {f}
gall {n} (bile) SEE: bile
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile)
:: жуч {m}; žȗč {m}
galleon {n} (large sailing ship)
:: галеон {m}, галијун {m}; galeon {m}, galijun {m}
gallery {n} (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)
:: галерија {f}; galerija {f}
galligaskins {n} (shalwar) SEE: shalwar
gallimaufry {n} (Any absurd medley)
:: papazjanija {f}
gallium {n} (chemical element)
:: галиј {m}, галиjум {m}; gȃlij {m}, galijum {m}
gallivant {v} (roam about for pleasure)
:: ševrdati, vrludati
gallivant {v} (flirt, romance)
:: flertovati
gallop {n} (fastest gait of a horse)
:: галоп {m}; gàlop {m}
gallop {v} (to ride at a galloping pace)
:: галопирати; galopirati
gallows {n} (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging)
:: шибеница {f}, вешала {f}, вјешала {f}; šibenica {f}, vešala {f}, vjȅšala {f}
galore {adj} (in abundance)
:: obilje, izobilje, obilno, izobilno
galosh {n} (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow)
:: калоша {f}, каљача {f}; kaloša {f}, kaljača {f}
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend
Galway {prop} (county in Ireland)
:: Голвеј {m}; Galway {m}
Galway {prop} (city in Ireland)
:: Голвеј {m}; Galway {m}
Gambia {prop} (The Republic of The Gambia)
:: Гамбија {f}; Gambija {f}
gamble {v} (to take a risk, with the potential of a positive outcome)
:: kȍckati se
gamble {v} (to play risky games for monetary gain)
:: kȍckati se
gambler {n} (one who plays at a game of chance)
:: коцкар {m}; kockar {m}
gambler {n} (one who takes significant risks)
:: коцкар {m}; kockar {m}
gambrel {n} (roof)
:: krov sa dva nagiba
game {n} (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime)
:: игра {f}; igra {f}
game {n} (wild animals hunted for food)
:: lovina {f}, divljač {f}
game {v} (to gamble) SEE: gamble
gamekeeper {n} (person employed to maintain the game)
:: lovočuvar {m}
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage
game show {n} (a radio or television programme)
:: kviz
gamester {n} (gambler) SEE: gambler
gamma {n} (third letter of the Greek alphabet)
:: гама {f}; gȁma {f}
gamma {n}
:: гама {f}; gȁma {f}
gander {n} (a male goose)
:: gusak {m}; гусан {m}; gusan {m}
Ganesha {prop} (Hindu god)
:: Ганеш {m}; Ganeš {m}
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection)
:: банда {f}; bȃnda {f}
gang bang {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy
gang bang {n} (gang rape) SEE: gang rape
gangboard {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside)
:: brv {m}, brvina {f}
Ganges {prop} (the river)
:: Ганг {m}; Gang {m}
gangplank {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside)
:: brv {m}, brvina {f}
gang rape {n} (rape by a number of people)
:: grupno silovanje
gangrene {n} (the necrosis or rotting of flesh)
:: гангрена {f}; gangrena {f}
ganja {n} (slang for marijuana)
:: ганџа {f}; gȃndža {f}
gannet {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton
gaol {v} (jail) SEE: jail
Gaonic {adj} (related to the Geonim)
:: гаонски; gaonski
gape {v} (to open the mouth wide)
:: зјапити; zjápiti
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station
garage {n} (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.)
:: гаража {f}; garaža {f}
garbage {n} (waste material)
:: ȍtpād {m}, smèće {n}; отпад {m}, смеће {n}
garbage can {n} (waste receptacle)
:: kanta za smeće {f}
garden {n} (piece of land outside with flowers and plants)
:: вртњак, повртњак, сад, садњак, посадњак, врт {m}; vrtnjak, povrtnjak, sad, sadnjak, posadnjak, vrt {m}
garden {n}
:: врт
gardener {n} (one who gardens)
:: vrtlar, sadnik
garlic {n} (plant)
:: чешњак {m}, бели лук {m}, бијели лук {m}; čèšnjāk {m}, beli luk {m}, bijeli luk {m}
garlic mustard {n} (Alliaria petiolata)
:: чешњевка {f}, чешњача {f}; češnjevka {f}, češnjača {f}
garlic press {n} (ustensil)
:: преса за бели лук {f}; prȅsa za beli luk {f}
garment {n} (single item of clothing)
:: рухо {n}; rȕho {n}
garner {n} (granary)
:: hambar, ambar, žitnica
garnet {n} (mineral)
:: granat {m}
garniture {n} (something that garnishes)
:: гарнитура {f}; garnitura {f}
garret {n} (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house)
:: поткровље {n}; potkrovlje {n}
garrulous {adj} (excessively or tiresomely talkative)
:: брбљив; brbljiv
gas {n} ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter)
:: плин {m}, гас {m}; plȋn {m}, gȃs {m}
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas)
:: гасна комора {f}; gasna komora {f}
Gascony {prop} (Former region of France)
:: Гаскоња {f}; Gaskonja {f}
gash {n} (deep cut)
:: posjekotina
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva
gasholder {n}
:: гасометар {m}; gasometar {m}
gasket {n} (mechanical seal)
:: бртва {f}; bȑtva {f}
gasoline {n} (motor fuel)
:: бензин {m}; benzin {m}
gasometer {n} (gasholder) SEE: gasholder
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car)
:: бензинска пумпа {f}; benzinska pumpa {f}
gassy {adj} (tending to release flatus) SEE: flatulent
gastralgia {n} (stomachache) SEE: stomachache
gastritis {n} (inflammation of the lining of the stomach)
:: гастрѝтис {m}; gastrìtis {m}
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system)
:: гастроентерологија {f}; gastroenterològija {f}
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (pain from influx of gastric juices into the esophagus) SEE: heartburn
gastronome {n} (gourmet) SEE: gourmet
gasworks {n} (factory)
:: plinara {f}
gate {n} (door-like structure outside)
:: капија {f}; kapija
gather {v} (to bring together; to collect)
:: окупљати {impf}, окупити {pf}, прибрати {pf}; okupljati {impf}, okupiti {pf}, pribrati {pf}
gatherer {n} (person who gathers things)
:: скупљач {m}, сакупљач {m}; skùpljāč {m}, sakùpljāč {m}
Gatling gun {n} (a type of machine gun)
:: Гетлингов систем {m}
gaucho {n} (South American cowboy)
:: гаучо {m}; gàučo {m}
gaunt {adj} (lean, angular and bony)
:: koščat, suhonjav, ispijen
gauze {n} (thin fabric with open weave)
:: газа {f}; gaza {f}
gauze {n} (cotton fabric used as surgical dressing)
:: вата {f}; vata {f}
gawk {v} (to stare or gape stupidly)
:: blenuti, buljiti
gawk {v} (to stare conspicuously)
:: buljiti, zuriti
gawp {v} (gawk) SEE: gawk
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian)
:: хомосексуалан {m}; homoseksualan {m}
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger)
:: геј {m}, хомосексуалац {m}, лезбејка {f}; gej {m}, homoseksualac {m}, lezbejka {f}
gay marriage {n} (marriage between two people of the same sex)
:: истополни брак {m}; istopolni brak {m}
Gaza {prop} (city)
:: Газа {f}, Gaza {f}
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip
Gazaean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gaza or its people.) SEE: Gazan
Gazaean {n} (An inhabitant of Gaza or native to it.) SEE: Gazan
Gazan {adj}
:: гаски {m}; gaski {m}
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip)
:: Појас Газе {m}; Pojas Gaze {m}
gazelle {n} (antelope)
:: газела {f}; gazela {f}
Gdańsk {prop} (city of Poland)
:: Гдањск {m}; Gdanjsk {m}
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product)
gear {n} (equipment or paraphernalia)
:: опрема {f}; ȍprema {f}
gear {n} (a wheel with grooves)
:: зупчанӣк {m}; zupčànīk {m}
gear {n} (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears)
:: брзѝна {f}, степен преноса {m}; brzìna {f}, stȅpēn prenosa {m}
gear {n} (motor car transmission)
:: брзѝна {f}, степен преноса {m}; brzìna {f}, stȅpēn prenosa {m}
gearbox {n} (train of gears)
:: mjenjač brzine {m}, мењач брзине {m}
gear wheel {n} (wheel with a toothed rim)
:: зупчанӣк {m}; zupčànīk {m}
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look
geek {n} (person intensely interested in a particular field or hobby)
:: geek {m}
gee up {interj} (direction to a horse) SEE: giddyup
geezer {n} (device for boiling water) SEE: geyser
geezer {n} (informal: old person, especially male)
:: starac {m}, čiča {m}, striček {m}
geisha {n} (a Japanese entertainer)
:: гејша {f}; gejša {f}
gel {n} (suspension of solid in liquid)
:: гел {m}; gȅl {m}
geld {n} (money) SEE: money
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch
gem {n} (precious stone)
:: драгуљ {m}; dragulj {m}
gemstone {n} (a gem)
:: драгуљ {m}; dragulj {m}
gendarmerie {n} (military body charged with police duties)
:: жандармерија {f}, оружништво {n}; žandarmerija {f}, oružništvo {n}
gender {n} (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns)
:: род {m}; rod {m}
gender {n} (biological sex)
:: пол {m} /pol/, спол {m}; pol {m}, spol {m}
gender {n} (identification as a man, a woman, or something else)
:: род {m}; rod {m}
gender {n}
:: пол {m} (pol); pol {m}
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice
gene {n} (unit of heredity)
:: ген {m}; gen {m}
genealogy {n} (descent of a person, family or group from ancestors)
:: rodoslovlje {n}, genealogija {f}
genealogy {n} (record or table of such descent)
:: rodoslovlje {n}, genealogija {f}
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents)
:: rodoslovlje {n}, genealogija {f}
general {adj} (involving every part or member, not specific or particular)
:: опћенит, свеопћӣ, начелан; općènit, svȅopćī, náčelan
general {adj} (not limited in application; applicable to a whole class or category)
:: свеобухватан, опћӣ; sveobùhvatan, ȍpćī
general {adj}
:: генерални {m}, општӣ {m}; generalni {m}, ȍpštī {m}
general {n} (military rank)
:: ђенерал {m}; đeneral {m}
general {n}
:: генерал {m}; genèrāl {m}
general election {n} (election held at regular intervals)
:: опћӣ ѝзбори {m-p}; ȍpćī ìzbor {m-p}
generally {adv} (popularly or widely)
:: opće
generally {adv} (as a rule; usually)
:: obično
generally {adv} (without reference to specific details)
:: općenito
general relativity {n} (theory in physics)
:: опћа теорија релативности {f} , општа теорија релативности {f} ; opća teorija relativnosti {f} , opšta teorija relativnosti {f}
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent)
:: поколење {n}, покољење {n}, генерација {f}; pokolenje {n}, pokoljenje {n}, generacija {f}
generation {n}
:: naraštaj {m}, pokolenje {n}
generative {adj} (having the power of generating)
:: generativan, stvaralački
generosity {n} (the trait of being willing to donate)
:: великодушност {f}, дарежљивост; velikòdušnōst {f}, darèžljivōst
generosity {n} (acting generously)
:: великодушност {f}; velikòdušnōst {f}
generosity {n} (a generous act)
:: великодушност {f}; velikòdušnōst {f}
generous {adj} (noble in behaviour, magnanimous)
:: великодушан; velikòdušan
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly)
:: дарежљив, великодушан; darèžljiv, velikòdušan
generous {adj} (large, ample)
:: издашан, обѝлат; ȉzdāšan, obìlat
generous {adj} (of noble birth)
:: племенит, племенит; plemènit, plȅmenit
generous {adj}
:: великодушан; velikòdušan
genesis {n} (the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being)
:: генеза {f}, постанак {m}; geneza {f}, postanak {m}
Genesis {prop} (the book of the Bible)
:: Knjiga Postanka
genetic engineering {n} (practice or science of genetic modification)
:: genetički inženjering
Geneva {prop} (city)
:: Женева {f}; Ženéva {f}
Genevieve {prop} (female given name)
:: Геновефа {f}, Геновева {f}; Genovefa {f}, Genoveva {f}
Genghis Khan {prop} (Genghis Khan)
:: Џингис Кан {m}; Džingis Kan {m}
genie {n} (an unseen being in Muslim theology)
:: џин {m}, дух {m}; džin {m}, duh {m}
genie {n} (a fictional magical being)
:: џин {m}, дух {m}; džin {m}, duh {m}
genitive {n} (inflection pattern)
:: генитив {m}; genitiv {m}
genitive {n} (word in the genitive inflection)
:: генитив {m}; genitiv {m}
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive
genizah {n} (depository where sacred Hebrew books, etc., are kept before being buried in a cemetery)
:: гениза
Genoa {prop} (Italian city)
:: Ђенова {f}; Genova {f}
genocidal {adj} (causative of or relating to a genocide)
:: геноцӣдан; gȅnocīdan
genocide {n} (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people)
:: геноцид {m}; genocid {m}
genome {n} (complete genetic information of an organism)
:: геном {m}; gènōm {m}
genre {n} (kind; type; sort)
:: жанр {m}; žanr {m}
gens {n} (legally defined unit of Roman society)
:: gȅns {m}
gentian {n} (Any of various herbs of the family Gentianaceae)
:: сирѝштара {f}, генцијана {f}, срчанӣк {m}, лѝнцура {m}; sirìštara {f}, gencijána {f}, srčànīk {m}, lìncura {m}
gentian {n} (The dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian)
:: сирѝштара {f}, генцијана {f}, лѝнцура {m}; sirìštara {f}, gencijána {f}, lìncura {m}
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide
gentle {adj} (polite and respectful rather than rude)
:: учтив; ùčtiv
gentleman {n} (man of breeding)
:: gospodin {m}
gentleman {n} (polite term for a man)
:: gospodin {m}
gentleman {n} (polite form of address to men)
:: gospoda {f}
gently {adv} (in a gentle manner)
:: нежно, њежно; nežno, nježno
genuine {adj} (real, authentic)
:: прави; pravi
genus {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species)
:: род {m}; rȏd {m}
geodesy {n} (scientific discipline)
:: геодезија {f}; geodezija {f}
geoglyph {n} (large-scale drawing on the ground)
:: геоглиф; geoglif
geographer {n} (a specialist in geography)
:: географ {m}; geograf {m}
geographic {adj} (pertaining to geography)
:: географски; geografski
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic
geography {n} (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth)
:: географија {f}, земљопис {m}; geografija {f}, zemljopis {m}
geoid {n} (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation)
:: geoid
geologic {adj} (relating to geology)
:: geološki {m}
geological {adj} (geologic) SEE: geologic
geology {n} (the study of the earth)
:: геологија {f}; geologija {f}
geometric mean {n} (measure of central tendency)
:: geometrijska sredina {f}
geometric series {n} (infinite series of terms in geometric progression)
:: geometrijski red {m}
geometry {n} (branch of mathematics)
:: геометрија {f}; geometrija {f}
geometry {n} (type of geometry)
:: геометрија {f}; geometrija {f}
geometry {n} (spatial attributes)
:: геометрија {f}; geometrija {f}
geomorphology {n} (the study of landforms)
:: geomorfologija {f}
George {prop} (male given name)
:: Ђорђе, Ђурађ, Јуре, Ђуро {m}; Đorđe, Đurađ, Jure, Đuro {m}
Georgeson {prop} (surname meaning "son of George")
:: Ђорђевић, Ђурђевић, Ђорђић, Ђурић; Đorđević, Đurđević, Đorđić, Đurić
Georgetown {prop} (capital of Guyana)
:: Џорџтаун {m}; Džordžtaun {m}
Georgia {prop} (country)
:: Грузија {f}; Grȗzija {f}
Georgia {prop} (state of the USA)
:: Џорџија {f}; Džordžija {f}
Georgian {n} (language of the country Georgia)
:: грузијски {m}; gruzijski {m}
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia)
:: Грузијац {m}, Грузијка {f}; Gruzijac {m}, Gruzijka {f}
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia)
:: грузӣјскӣ; grȗzījskī
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt
geranium {n} (cranesbill)
:: zdravnjak
geranium {n} (common name for Pelargoniums)
:: здравац {m}; zdràvac {m}
geriatrics {n} (branch of medicine dealing with the elderly)
:: gerijatrija {f}, геријатрија {f}
German {n} (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality)
:: Nijemac {m}, Nemac {m}, Njemica {f}, Nemica {f}
German {n} (member of a Germanic tribe)
:: Герман {m}, Германка {f}; Gèrmān {m}, Gèrmānka {f}
German {n}
:: Немац {m}, Нијемац, Немица {f}, Њемица {f}; Nemac {m}, Nijemac {m}, Nemica {f}, Njemica {f}
German {prop} (the German language)
:: немачки {m}, њемачки {m}; nemački {m}, njemački {m}
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany)
:: немачкӣ, њемачкӣ; nèmačkī, njèmačkī
German {adj} (of or relating to the German language)
:: немачкӣ, њемачкӣ; nèmačkī, njèmačkī
German Democratic Republic {prop} (East Germany from 1949-1990)
:: Njemačka Demokratska Republika
germane {adj} (related to the topic being discussed)
:: релевантан, сродан, повезан; relevàntan, srȍdan, pòvēzān
German Empire {prop} (Germany between 1871 and 1918)
:: Немачко царство {n}, Немачко царство {n}
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples)
:: германскӣ; gèrmānskī
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic)
:: германскӣ; gèrmānskī
Germanic {adj} (having German characteristics)
:: њемачкӣ; njèmačkī
germanium {n} (chemical element)
:: германиј {m}, германиjум {m}; gèrmānij {m}, germanijum {m}
germanium tetrahydride {n} (germane) SEE: germane
germanomethane {n} (germane) SEE: germane
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog)
:: немачки овчар {m}; nemački ovčar {m}
Germany {prop} (country in Central Europe)
:: Немачка {f}; Nèmačkā {f}
gerontology {n} (branch of science)
:: gerontologija {f}
gerontophobia {n} (fear of aging)
:: геронтофобија {f} /gerontofobija/; gerontofobija {f}
gerundive {n} (Latin verbal adjective that describes obligation or necessity)
:: gerundiv
Gervase {prop} (male given name)
:: Gervazije {m}
Gestapo {prop} (the secret police of Nazi Germany)
:: гестапо {n}
gestation {n} (period of time a fetus develops inside mother's body)
:: gestacija {f}
gesundheit {interj} (said to someone who has just sneezed) SEE: bless you
get {v} (to obtain)
:: добивати, добити {pf}; dobivati, dobiti {pf}
get {v} (to beget) SEE: beget
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack
get at {v} ((slang) to contact someone) SEE: contact
get away {v} (to avoid capture; to escape (from)) SEE: escape
get away {v} (To start moving; to depart) SEE: depart
get drunk {v} (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol)
:: nàpiti se, òpiti se
get drunk {v} (transitive; to make drunk)
:: nàpiti, òpiti
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex
get lost {interj} (Go away!)
:: губи се! /gubi se!/
get married {v} (become married to each other)
:: venčati se
get off {v} (to disembark from)
:: sići {pf}, silaziti {impf}
get out {interj} (indicating incredulity)
:: van, marš van, tornjati
get out of bed on the wrong side {v} (to start the day in a bad mood) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed
get rid of {v} (remove)
:: otarasiti se
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed)
:: устајати {impf}, устати {pf}; ustajati {impf}, ustati {pf}
get up on the wrong side of the bed {v} (to feel irritable without a particular reason)
:: устати на лијеву ногу / устати на леву ногу; ùstati na lijȇvū nȍgu / ùstati na lȇvū nȍgu
Gevgelija {prop} (a city in North Macedonia)
:: Ђевђелија, Đevđelija
geyser {n} (boiling spring)
:: гејзир {m}
Ghana {prop} (The Republic of Ghana)
:: Гана {f}; Gana {f}
Ghent {prop} (capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium)
:: Гент
ghetto {n} (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated)
:: гето {n}; geto {n}
Ghibelline {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the German emperors)
:: гибелини {m-p}; gibelíni {m-p}
ghost {n} (spirit appearing after death)
:: дух {m}, фантом {m}, привиђење {n}, авет {m}, сабласт {m}; duh {m}, fantom {m}, priviđenje {n}, avet {m}, sablast {m}
ghost {n}
:: avet, duh, utvara, sablast, fantom
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul
ghost town {n} (town which has become deserted)
:: град духова {m}; grȃd duhova {m}
ghrelin {n} (peptide hormone that increases appetite)
:: grelin
gianduja {n} (Piedmontese chocolate preparation)
:: ђандуја {f}; gianduja {f}, đanduja {f}
giant {n} (mythical human)
:: див {m}, горостас {m}, оријаш; div {m}, gorostas {m}, orijaš
giant {n} (very tall person)
:: див, горостас; div, gorostas
giant fennel {n} (Ferula communis)
:: fȉjerla {f} , devèsilj {m} / nevèsilj {m}
giant panda {n} (mammal)
:: panda {f}
giaour {n} (infidel)
:: ђаур {m}, ђаурин {m}, каур {m}, каурин {m}; đaur {m}, đaurin {m}, kaur {m}, kaurin {m}
giblet {n} (edible bird entrails)
:: изнутрица {f}; iznutrica {f}
Gibraltar {prop} (British overseas territory)
:: Гибралтар {m}; Gibraltar {m}
giddiness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness
giddyup {interj} (used to make a horse go faster)
:: ђиха, ђија; đȉha, đȉja
gift {n} (something given to another voluntarily, without charge)
:: поклон {m}, дар {m}; poklon {m}, dar {m}
gift {n} (a talent or natural ability)
:: dȃr {m}
gig {n} (performing engagement by a musical group)
:: свирка {f}, гажа {f}, тезга {f}; svirka {f}, gaža {f}, tezga {f}
Giles {prop} (male given name)
:: Егидије; Egidije
Gilgamesh {prop} (legendary king of Uruk)
:: Гилгамеш {m}; Gilgameš {m}
gill {n} (breathing organ of fish)
:: шкрга {f}; škȓgā {f}
Gillard {prop} (surname)
:: Гилард {m} {f}; Gillard {m} {f}
gilt {n} (gold or other metal in a thin layer; gilding)
:: позлата {f}; pozlata {f}
Gim {prop} (Korean surname) SEE: Kim
gimmick {n} (trick or a device)
:: trik, štos
gin {n} (alcoholic beverage)
:: џин {m}; džin {m}
ginger {n} (plant)
:: ђумбир {m}, ђѝнђер {m}; đùmbīr {m}, đìnđer {m}
gingerbread {n} (type of cake)
:: медењак {m}; medènjāk {m}
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum
gingival {adj} (alveolar) SEE: alveolar
ginseng {n} (any of several plants, of the genus Panax)
:: женшен {m}; ženšen {m}
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian
gippo {n} (Gypsy) SEE: Gypsy
giraffe {n} (mammal)
:: жирафа; žirafa {f}
girder {n} (main horizontal support in a building)
:: греда {f}; greda {f}
girl {n} (young female person)
:: девојка {f}, дјевојка {f}; devojka {f}, djevojka {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female partner in a romantic relationship)
:: цура {f}, девојка {f}, дјевојка {f}, ђевојка {f}, пријатељица {f}; cura {f}, devojka {f}, djevojka {f}, đevojka {f}, prijateljica {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female friend)
:: пријатељица {f}; prijateljica {f}
girya {n} (kettlebell) SEE: kettlebell
give {v} (transfer the possession of something to someone else)
:: dati; давати {impf}, дати {pf}; davati {impf}, dati {pf}
give back {v} (return)
:: враћати {impf}, вратити {pf}; vraćati {impf}, vratiti {pf}
give birth {v} (produce new life)
:: рађати {impf}, родити {pf}; ráđati {impf}, ròditi {pf}, donjeti na svijet
give me {v} (expression of preference)
:: дајте ми, дај ми; dajte mi, daj mi
given {prep} (considering, taking into account)
:: uzimajući u obzir
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest
give the finger {v} (make an obscene gesture)
:: pokazati srednji prst, pokazati prosti prst
give what for {v} (scold) SEE: scold
gizzard {n} (portion of the esophagus with ingested grit)
:: желудац {m}; žèludac {m}
glacier {n} (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill)
:: ледењак {m}, ледник {m}, глечер {m}; ledènjāk {m}, lednik {m}, glȅčer {m}
glaciology {n} (study of ice and its effect on the landscape)
:: glaciologija, глациологија
glad {adj} (pleased, happy, satisfied)
:: задовољан; zȁdovōljan
gladden {v} (to cause to become more glad)
:: razvesèliti, развеселити
glade {n} (open space in the woods)
:: чистина {f}; čistina {f}
gladly {adv} (in a glad manner)
:: радо; rado
glagol {n} (name of the letter g in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets)
:: глагол {m}
Glagolitic {n} (the oldest known Slavonic alphabet)
:: глагољица {f}, буквица {f}; glagòljica {f}, bukvica {f}
Glagolitic alphabet {n} (writing system) SEE: Glagolitic
glaive {n} (weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade)
:: глејв
gland {n} (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance)
:: жлезда {f}, жлијезда {f}; žlezda {f}, žlijezda {f}
gland {n} (secretory structure on the surface of an organ)
:: жлезда {f}, жлијезда {f}; žlezda {f}, žlijezda {f}
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis
glans penis {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis)
:: главӣћ {m}; glàvīć {m}
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union)
:: гласност {f}; glasnost {f}
glass {n} (hourglass) SEE: hourglass
glass {n} (substance)
:: стакло {n}, cpчa {f}; staklo {n}, srča {f}
glass {n} (drinking vessel)
:: чаша {f}; čaša {f}
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
glasswort {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire
glean {v} (harvest grain left behind after the crop has been reaped)
:: pabirčiti
glean {v} (gather information in small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit)
:: pabirčiti
glee {n} (Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; particularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast)
:: veselje, likovanje
glen {n} (secluded and narrow valley)
:: gudura {f}
glitter {n} (bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy)
:: блесак {m}, бљесак {m}, блијесак {m}; blȇsak {m}, bljȇsak {m}, blijȇsak {m}
gloat {v} (to exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction)
:: злурадост {f}; zluradost {f}
global {adj} (concerning all parts of the world)
:: светски, свјетски, глобалан; svetski, svjetski, globalan
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change)
:: globalno zatopljenje {n}
globe {n} (model of Earth)
:: глобус {m}; globus {m}
globe thistle {n} (any of the flowering plants in the genus Echinops, with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads)
:: glàvoč {m}, sȉkavac {m}, sȉkavica {f}
glockenspiel {n} (musical instrument)
:: zvoncici, zvonoigra
gloomy {adj} (imperfectly illuminated)
:: mráčan, támān
gloomy {adj} (affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy)
:: mráčan, támān, sumoran
glory {n} (great beauty or splendour)
:: слава {f}; slava {f}
glory {n} (honour and valour)
:: slava {f}
gloss {n} (brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression)
:: глоса {f}; glȍsa {f}
glossolalia {n} (speaking in tongues)
:: глосолалија {f}; glosolàlija {f}
glove {n} (item of clothing)
:: рукавица {f}; rukàvica {f}
glover {n} (person who makes gloves)
:: рукавичар {m}; rukàvičār {m}
glue {n} (sticky adhesive substance)
:: лепило {n}, љепило {n}, лепак {m}, љепак {m}, туткало {n}; lepilo {n}, ljepilo {n}, lepak {m}, ljepak {m}, tutkalo {n}
glue {v} (join with glue)
:: lijépiti
glutton {n} (wolverine) SEE: wolverine
glutton {n} (one who eats voraciously)
:: ждера {f}; ždera {f}
gluttony {n} (the vice of eating to excess)
:: proždrljivost {f}, prežderavanje {n}, neumjerenost (u jelu) {f}, neumerenost, crevougodstvo
glycerine {n} (the compound glycerol)
:: глицерин {m}
gnat {n} (any small insect of the order Diptera)
:: мушица {f}, комарац {f}; mušica {f}, komarac {f}
gnaw {v} (to bite something persistently)
:: глодати {impf}; glodati {impf}
gnawer {n} (rodent or other animal that gnaws)
:: глодар {m}; glodar {m}
gneiss {n} (common and widely-distributed metamorphic rock)
:: гнајс {m}; gnajs {m}
gnocchi {n} (pasta-like dumplings)
:: njoki {p}
gnomon {n} (object used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it)
:: gnomon {m}, гномон {m}
Gnosticism {n} (Gnosticism)
:: gnosticizam {m}
go {v} (to move through space (especially from one place to another))
:: ићи ; ići
go {v} (to become)
:: бити ; biti
go {v} (to disappear)
:: izčeznuti , propadnuti
go {v} (to be destroyed)
:: raspasti , slomiti
go {v} (to make (a specified sound))
:: направити , казати , говорити ; napraviti , kazati , govoriti
go {v} (to date)
:: izaći
go {n} (board game)
:: го ; go
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack
go {v} (change) SEE: change
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead
go {v} (die) SEE: die
Goa {prop} (state in western India)
:: Гоа, Goa
goad {n} (pointed stick used to prod animals)
:: badalo; бадало; badalo
goad {v} (to prod with a goad)
:: podbosti
goad {v} (to encourage or stimulate)
:: podbosti
goad {v} (to incite or provoke)
:: podbosti
goal {n} (result one is attempting to achieve)
:: циљ {m}; cȋlj {m}
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object)
:: гол {m}, врата {f}; gȏl {m}, vráta {f}
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal)
:: гол {m}, погодак {m}, згодитак {m}; gȏl {m}, pògodak {m}, zgodítak {m}
goal {n} (point(s) scored)
:: гол {m}, погодак {m}, згодитак {m}; gȏl {m}, pògodak {m}, zgodítak {m}
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal)
:: вратар {m}, голман {m}; vràtār {m}, gȍlman {m}
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper
goat {n} (animal)
:: коза , јарац {m} ; kòza , jȁrac {m}
goat {n} (lecherous man)
:: јарац {m}; jȁrac {m}
goatfucker {n} (derogatory term for a person of North African or Asian descent)
:: kozojeb {m}
goatgrass {n} (Aegilops)
:: остика {f}; ȍstika {f}
goatherd {n} (person who herds, tends goats)
:: kozar
goatskin {n} (a liquid container)
:: мијех {m}, мех {m}, мјешина {f}, мешина {f}; mijȇh {m}, mȇh, mjèšina {f}, mèšina {f}
goat's rue {n} (Galega officinalis)
:: ждраљевина {f}, ждралевина {f}; ždràljevina {f}, ždràlevina {f}
goat willow {n} (Salix caprea) SEE: sallow
go away {interj}
:: одлази; odlazi
gob {n} (lump of soft or sticky material)
:: gvalja {f}
gob {n} (slang: mouth)
:: gubica {f} , labrnja {f}
gob {n} (slang: saliva or phlegm)
:: hračak {m}
gob {v} (to spit)
:: hraknuti, ishraknuti
gobbledygook {n} (Nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language.)
:: galimatijas {m}, lupetanje {n}
goblin {n} (hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature)
:: гоблин {m}; goblin {m}
gobsmacked {adj} (Flabbergasted, astounded, speechless, overawed)
:: osupnut
goby {n} (gudgeon) SEE: gudgeon
god {n}
:: бог {m}; bog {m}; бог {m}; bog {m}
God {prop}
:: Бог {m}, Господ {m}; Bog {m}, Gospod {m}; Бог {m}, Господ {m}; Bog {m}, Gospod {m}, Gospodin, Allah {m}
God {n} (an omnipotent being)
:: božanstvo {n}
God bless you {interj} (said as a short prayer for the recipient)
:: Bog te blagoslovio
godchild {n} (a child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent)
:: kumče {n}
goddamn {adj} (intensifier)
:: prokleti {m}
goddess {n} (female deity)
:: богиња {f}, божица {f}; bòginja {f}, bòžica {f}
goddess {n} (adored or idealized woman)
:: богиња {f}; boginja {f}
godfather {n} (man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner)
:: kum {m}
godfather {n} (mafia leader)
:: kum {m}
God forbid {interj} (Don't let it be)
:: Боже сачувај!; Bože sačuvaj!
Godfrey {prop} (male given name)
:: Готфрид; Godfrid
God-given {adj} (given or sent by God or appearing so)
:: bogomdani {m}, bogomdana {f}, bogomdano {n}
godhead {n} (deity) SEE: deity
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God
godhead {n} (divinity, godhood) SEE: divinity
God helps those who help themselves {proverb} (good fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things)
:: ко се сам чува и Бог га чува; ko se sam čuva i Bog ga čuva
godhood {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity
godless {adj} (not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god)
:: безбожан; bezbožan
godship {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church
God the Father {prop} (aspect of the Trinity)
:: Бог Отац {m}; Bog Otac {m}
God the Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Trinity)
:: Бог Свети Дух {m}; Bog Sveti Duh {m}
God the Holy Spirit {prop} (God the Holy Ghost) SEE: God the Holy Ghost
God the Son {prop} (the aspect of the Trinity corresponding to Jesus Christ)
:: Бог Син {m}; Bog Sin {m}
God willing {interj} (God willing)
:: ако Бог да; ȁko Bȏg dȁ
God works in mysterious ways {proverb} (a situation may be beneficial later)
:: čudni su putevi Božji
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot
Goethe {prop} (surname)
:: Гете
go for broke {v} (to wager everything)
:: sve staviti na kocku , igrati na sve ili ništa
go for broke {v} (to try everything possible in a final attempt)
:: sve uložiti na jednu kartu
Gogol {prop} (Gogol)
:: Гогољ, Gogolj
going to {phrase} (will (future tense))
:: ići (+ infinitive/verbal noun)
gold {adj} (made of gold, golden)
:: златан; zlatan
gold {adj} (having the colour of gold)
:: златоноѕан; zlatonosan
gold {n} (element)
:: злато {n}; zlato {n}
gold {n} (coin)
:: kovanica; златник {m}; zlatnik {m}
gold {n} (colour)
:: zlatna
gold digger {n} (person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain money and/or material goods, power)
:: спонзоруша /sponzoruša/
golden {adj} (made of, or relating to, gold)
:: златан; zlatan
goldenberry {n} (cape gooseberry) SEE: cape gooseberry
golden eagle {n} (large bird of prey)
:: златаш {m}, црни орао {m}; zlataš {m}, crni orao {m}
Golden Gate {prop} (Golden Gate Bridge) SEE: Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge {prop} (suspension bridge in California)
:: Golden Gate most {m}
Golden Horde {prop} (the Mongol invaders)
:: Златна хорда {f}; Zlatna horda {f}
golden jackal {n} (Canis aureus)
:: златни шакал {m}; zlatni šakal {m}
goldenrod {n} (plant)
:: zlatnica {f}
goldfish {n} (fish)
:: златна рибица {f}; zlatna ribica {f}
Goldilocks {prop} (fairy tale character)
:: Златокоса {f} /Zlatokosa/
goldsmith {n} (person who makes things out of gold)
:: zlatar {m}, zlatarka {f}
golem {n} (creature)
:: голем {m}; gòlem {m}
golf {n} (ball game)
:: голф {m}; golf {m}
Gollum {n} (fictional character)
:: Голум {m}, Golum {m}
Gomel {prop} (city)
:: Гомељ {m}; Gomel {m}, Gomelj {m}
gondola {n} (narrow boat, especially in Venice)
:: гондола {f}; gȏndola {f}
gondolier {n} (Venetian boatman who propels a gondola)
:: гондолѝјер {m}; gondolìjēr {m}
gong {n} (percussion instrument)
:: гонг {m}; gong {m}
gonorrhea {n} (STD)
:: гонореја {f}; gonoreja {f}, kapavac {m}
goo {n} (sticky or gummy semi-solid or liquid substance)
:: ljiga {f}
good {adj} (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions)
:: добар; dȍbar
good {adj} (useful for a particular purpose)
:: добар; dȍbar
good {adj} (of food, edible; not stale or rotten)
:: dobro, valjano, dobar {m}
good {adj} (of food, having a particularly pleasant taste)
:: ukusno, dobro
good {adj} (healthful)
:: dobro, zdravo, zdrav
good {adj} (pleasant; enjoyable)
:: godno, ugodno, čedno, dobro
good {adj} (of people, competent or talented)
:: spretan {m}, spretna {f}, blagotvorna {f}, blagotvoran {m}, sposoban {m}, sposobna {f}, dobar
good {adj} (effective)
:: dobro, dobar
good {adj} (favourable)
:: pouzdano, dobar
good {adj} (beneficial; worthwhile)
:: pouzdana, korisna, dobar
good {adj}
:: добро, dobro
good {n} (the forces of good)
:: добро {n}; dobro {n}
good {n} (good result)
:: valjan, dobar, pouzdan
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon)
:: добар дан; dȍbar dȃn
goodbye {interj} (farewell, see also: bye)
:: до виђења, довиђења, збогом, поздрав; do viđenja, doviđenja, zbogom, pozdrav
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset)
:: добар дан; dȍbar dȃn
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening)
:: добро вече, добра вечер; dobro veče, dobra večer
good for nothing {adj} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing
good-for-nothing {n} (person of little worth or usefulness)
:: ништарија {f}, нишкорӣсти {m}, пробисвијет {m}, бѝтанга {m}, згубидан {m}, клошар {m}, љенчарија {f}; ništàrija {m}, niškòrīsti {n}, pròbisvijēt {m}, bìtānga {f}, zgùbidān {m}, klòšār {m}, ljenčarija {f}
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck
Good Friday {prop} (The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified)
:: Велики петак {m}; Veliki petak {m}
good job {interj} (a phrase used to praise for a good job or efforts)
:: svaka čast
good luck {interj} (wish of fortune or encouragement)
:: срећно!, сретно! ; srećno!, sretno!
good morning {interj} (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
:: добро јутро; dobro jutro
good-natured {adj} (of or pertaining to an amicable, kindly disposition)
:: dobroćudan
good-naturedness {n} (the quality of being good-natured)
:: dobroćudnost
good night {phrase} (a farewell)
:: лаку ноћ; laku noć
good offices {n} (good offices)
:: писарница {f}, управа {f}; pisarnica {f}, uprava {f}
good riddance {interj} (used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome)
:: zbogom i ne vraćaj se!, збогом и не враћај се!
goods {n} (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold)
:: роба {f}, добро {n}; roba {f}, dobro {n}
good sense {n} (common sense) SEE: common sense
gooey {adj} (soft, sticky and viscous)
:: gnjecav, ljigav
goofball {n} (A foolish or silly person.)
:: bedak {m}, blesan {m}
Goofy {prop} (Disney character)
:: Šilja {m}
google {v} (to search for on the Internet)
:: googlati, guglati
Google {v} (to search the internet using the Google search engine) SEE: google
Google {prop} (Google (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters))
:: Гугл
goon {n} (a thug)
:: siledžija {m}
goon {n} (a fool)
:: bedak {m}
goose {n} (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae)
:: гуска {f}, гусан {m}; guska {f}, gusan {m}
gooseberry {n} (fruit)
:: ogroz {m}, ogrozd {m}, kosmulja {f}
goose bump {n} (raised skin caused by cold, excitement, or fear)
:: срх {m}; srh {m}
goose flesh {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump
goosefoot {n} (flowering plant of the subfamily Chenopodioideae)
:: прудник {m}, јурјевац {m}, пепељуга {f}, стратор {m}; prudnik {m}, jurjevac {m}, pepeljuga {f}, strator {m}
goose pimple {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump
goose skin {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump
go out {v} (to leave, especially a building)
:: излазити {impf}, изаћи {pf}; izlaziti {impf}, izaći {pf}
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname)
:: Горбачов {m}; Gorbačov {m}
Gordian knot {n} (mythical knot)
:: Гордијев чвор {m}; Gordijev čvor {m}
gore {n} (triangular patch of fabric)
:: klin {m}, umetak
gorge {n} (inside of the throat, see also: gullet)
:: гркљан {m}; grkljan {m}
gorge {n} (deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides)
:: клисура {f}, кланац {m}, теснац {m}; klisura {f}, klanac {m}, tesnac {m}
gorge {v} (to stuff the gorge or gullet with food; to eat greedily)
:: наситити, наситити се, ждерати; nasititi, nasititi se, žderati
gorilla {n} (ape)
:: gorila
gorilla {n} (thug)
:: gorila, grmalj
Gorizia {prop} (town & province)
:: Горица {f}; Gòrica {f}
gory {adj} (unpleasant) SEE: unpleasant
goshawk {n} (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter)
:: jастреб кокошар; jastreb kokošar
gospel {n} (first section of New Testament)
:: јеванђеље {n}, еванђеље {n}; jevanđelje {n}, evànđēlje {n}
gossamer {n} (cobwebs floating in the air)
:: bablje ljeto {n}
gossip {n} (idle talk)
:: ogovaranje {n}, оговарање {n}
gossip {v} (to talk about someone else's private or personal business)
:: tračati, ogovarati
gossip {v} (to talk idly)
:: brbljati
goth {n} (person who is part of the goth subculture)
:: готичар {m}, готичарка {f}; gotičar {m}, gotičarka {f}
Gothic {prop} (extinct Germanic language)
:: готскӣ {m}; gȍtskī {m}
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the Goths)
:: готскӣ; gȍtskī
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the architectural style)
:: готичкӣ; gòtičkī
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the goth subculture or lifestyle)
:: готичкӣ; gòtičkī
go through {v} (to execute; carry out) SEE: execute
go through the mill {v} (to gain experience or maturity through suffering or discipline)
:: проћи сито и решето; prȏći sȉto i rešèto
go to hell {v} (interjection)
:: ideš u pakao {n}
go to someone's head {v}
:: udariti u glavu
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work
gouge {v} (to push or try to push the eye out of its socket)
:: iskopati, izbiti
goulash {n} (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream)
:: gulaš {m}
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep
gourmet {n} (gourmet; a person who appreciates good food)
:: fàjnšmeker {m}
gout {n} (arthritic disease)
:: kostobolja {f}
governance {n} (the process, or the power, of governing; government or administration; control and monitoring)
:: upravljanje {n}, guverniranje {n}
governance {n} (the specific system by which a political system is ruled)
:: režim {m}
governance {n} (the group of people who make up an administrative body)
:: uprava {f}, rukovodstvo {n}
government {n} (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws)
:: влада {f}; vlada {f}
governmental {adj} (relating to a government)
:: владин; vládin
governor {n} (leader of a region or state)
:: гувернер {m}; guverner {m}
go with the flow {v} (to act as others are acting)
:: okrenuti se kako vjetar puše
grab {n}
:: poseći, posegnuti
graceful {adj} (showing grace)
:: graciozan, elegantan, ljubak
grade {n} (level of pre-collegiate education)
:: класа {f}; klàsa {f}
gradient {n} (slope or incline)
:: nagib {m}
gradient {n} (rate of inclination or declination of a slope)
:: gradijent {m}
gradient {n} (in calculus)
:: gradijent {m}
gradient {n} (in physics)
:: gradijent {m}
gradient {n} (in vector algebra)
:: gradijent {m}
gradual {adj} (proceeding by steps or small degrees)
:: поступан; pòstupan
graffiti {n} (drawings on a surface)
:: графити {m-p}, grafiti {m-p}
graft {n} (small shoot or scion)
:: калем {m}; kàlem {m}
graft {n} (portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty)
:: трансплантат {m}; transplantat {m}
graft {v} (to insert a graft in another tree)
:: калемити, накалемити; kàlemiti, nakàlemiti
grain {n} (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops)
:: зрно {n}, жито {n}; zȑno {n}, žȉto {n}
grain {n}
:: zȑno {n}
gram {n} (unit of mass)
:: gram {m}; грам
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic
grammar {n} (rules for speaking and writing a language)
:: граматика {f}, словница {f}; gramatika {f}, slovnica {f}
grammar {n} (study of internal structure and use of words)
:: граматика {f}; gramatika {f}
grammar {n} (book describing grammar)
:: граматика {f}, словница {f}; gramatika {f}, slovnica {f}
grammar {n} (in computing: formal system specifying the syntax of a language)
:: gramàtika {f}
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word)
:: падеж {m}; padež {m}
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship)
:: начин {m}, модус {m}; način {m}, modus {m}
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole
granary {n} (storage facility)
:: житница {f}, амбар {m}, хамбар {m}; žȉtnica {f}, ȁmbār {m}, hȁmbār {m}
granary {n} (fertile, grain-growing region)
:: житница {f}; žȉtnica {f}
grand {adj} (of large size or extent)
:: velik
grand {adj} (great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression)
:: veličanstven
grand {adj} (having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other similar things)
:: nad-
grand {adj} (standing in the second or more remote degree of parentage or descent)
:: pra-, šukun-, čukun-
grand {n} (grand piano) SEE: grand piano
grandchild {n} (child of someone’s child)
:: унуче {n}; ùnuče {n}
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child)
:: унука {f}; unuka {f}
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg)
:: Велико Војводство Луксембург {n}; Veliko Vojvodstvo Luksemburg {n}
grandfather {n} (grandfather (from either side))
:: дјед {m}, дед {m}, деда {m}, дека {m}, декица {m}, дедица {m}; djed {m}, ded {m}, deda {m}, deka {m}, dekica {m}, dedica {m}
grand jury {n}
:: велика порота {f} /vèlika pȍrota/
grandma {n} (grandmother (informal))
:: бака {f}; báka {f}
grandmaster {n} (Grandmaster) SEE: Grandmaster
Grandmaster {n} (highest title for chess player)
:: велемајстор {m}, velemajstor {m}
grandmother {n} (mother of someone's parent)
:: baka {f}; баба {f}, нена {f}, старамајка {f}; baba {f}, nena {f}, staramajka {f}
grandpa {n} (grandfather (informal))
:: деда {m}; dȅda {m}
grand piano {n} (type of piano)
:: klavir {m}
grandson {n} (son of one's child)
:: унук {m}; ùnuk {m}
Granicus {prop} (river)
:: Granik {m}
granite {n} (type of rock)
:: granit {m}, гранӣт {m}
granny {n} (colloquial: grandmother)
:: бака {f}; báka {f}
granny knot {n} (knot)
:: женски чвор (female knot); ženski čvor
granuloma {n} (tumor)
:: гранулом {m}; granùlōm {m}
grape {n} (fruit)
:: грозд {m}, грожђе {n-p} ; grozd {m}, grožđe {n-p}
grape {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot
grapefruit {n} (fruit)
:: грејпфрут {m}, лимуника {f}; grèjpfrut {m}, limùnika {f}
grapeshot {n} (type of shot)
:: картеч {m}; karteč {m}
grapevine {n} (the plant on which grapes grow)
:: vinova loza {f}
grapevine {n} (informal means of circulating gossip)
:: glasina {f}
graph {n} (mathematical diagram)
:: граф {m}; graf {m}
graph {n} (ordered pair in graph theory)
:: граф {m}; graf {m}
grapheme {n} (fundamental unit of a writing system)
:: grafem {m}
graphene {n} (large-scale, one-atom thick layer of graphite)
:: графен; grafen
graphite {n} (form of carbon)
:: grafit {m}
-graphy {suffix} (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject)
:: -grafija, -pis
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold
grass {n} (ground cover plant)
:: трава {f}; trava {f}
grass {n} (lawn)
:: травњак {m}; travnjak {m}
grass {n} (marijuana)
:: трава {f}; trava {f}
grasshopper {n} (an insect of the order Orthoptera)
:: скакавац {m}; skakavac {m}
grassland {n} (an area dominated by grass or grasslike vegetation)
:: trȃvnjāk {m}
grass snake {n} (Natrix natrix)
:: белоушка {f}; belouška {f}
grateful {adj} (showing gratitude)
:: захвалан; záhvālan
grater {n} (a tool with which one grates)
:: ренде {n}, рибеж {m}, треница {f}; rènde {n}, ribež {m}, trènica {f}
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge
gratitude {n} (state of being grateful)
:: благодарност {f}, захвалност {f}; blagodarnost {f}, zahvalnost {f}
graupel {n} (supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake)
:: крупа {f}; krúpa {f}
grave {n} (excavation for burial)
:: гроб {m}; grȍb {m}
grave {v} (to carve letters or similar)
:: urezati
grave {v} (to carve to give a shape)
:: oblikovati
grave {adj} (having a sense of seriousness)
:: ozbiljan
grave {adj} (low in pitch, tone)
:: dubokoglasni
grave {adj} (serious in a negative sense)
:: preozbiljan
grave {adj} (to be checked)
:: sumnjiv
grave {n} (grave accent) SEE: grave accent
grave accent {n} (grave accent)
:: краткоузлазни нагласак {m} ; kratkouzlazni naglasak {m}
gravel {n} (small fragments of rock)
:: шљунак {m}
graveyard {n} (tract of land in which the dead are buried)
:: гробље {n}, мезарје {n}, гробиштe {n}, пoкoпaлиштe {n}, гробје {n}, мезарлук {m} ; groblje {n}, mezarje {n}, grobište {n}, pokopalište {n}, grobje {n}, mezarluk {m}
gravitation {n} (fundamental force of attraction)
:: гравитација {f}, тежа {f}; gravitácija {f}, téža {f}
gravitational {adj} (pertaining to gravitation)
:: gravitácījskī
gravitational interaction {n} (gravitational interaction in physics)
:: gravitacijska interakcija {f}, гравитацијска интеракција {f}
gravitational wave {n} (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light)
:: gravitacijski talas {m}, gravitacioni talas {m}, гравитациони талас {m} /gravitacioni talas/
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface)
:: гравитација {f}; gravitácija {f}
gravity {n} (gravitation, gravity force on two mass bodies)
:: гравитација {f}; gravitácija {f}
gray {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember)
:: сив, сива; siv, siva
gray {n}
:: siv
gray-blue {adj} (blue-gray) SEE: blue-gray
grayling {n} (Thymallus thymallus)
:: липљан {m}, лѝпан {m}, липа {f}; lȉpljan {m}, lìpan {m}, lipa {f}
graze {v} (to feed or supply with grass)
:: пасти {impf}; pȃsti {impf}
great {adj} (important) SEE: important
great {adj} (very big, large scale)
:: велик, голем; vèlik, golem
great {adj} (very good)
:: одличан, изврстан; odličan, izvrstan
great {adj} (important title)
:: велик; vèlik
great {adj}
:: veliki, istaknuto {n}
great- {prefix} (removal of one generation)
:: пра-; pra-
Great Bear {prop} (a bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky)
:: Велики медвед {m} /Veliki medved/
Great Britain {prop} (island)
:: Велика Британија {f}; Velika Britanija {f}
Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom, see also: United Kingdom; Kingdom of Great Britain)
:: Велика Британија {f}; Velika Britanija {f}
greater {adj} (greater) SEE: bigger
Greater Antilles {prop} (Caribbean islands)
:: Veliki Antili
Greater London {prop} (administrative area)
:: Шири Лондон {m} , Велики Лондон {m} ; Širi London {m} , Veliki London {m}
great-grandchild {n} (The child (son or daughter) of one's grandchild)
:: praunuče {n}
great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of someone's grandchild)
:: праунука {f}; pràunuka {f}
great-grandfather {n} (father of grandparent)
:: прадеда {m}; pradeda
great-grandmother {n} (mother of one's grandparent)
:: прабаба {f}, прабака {f}; pràbaba {f}, prabáka {f}
great-grandson {n} (son of a grandchild)
:: праунук {m}; pràunuk {m}
great-great-grandfather {n} (The father of someone's great-grandparent)
:: čukundeda {m}
great-great-grandmother {n} (The mother of someone’s great-grandparent)
:: čukunbaba {f}
Great Hours {n} (a particularly solemn celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church)
:: царски часови {m-p}; carski časovi {m-p}
great martyr {n} (a saint who was martyred after suffering great torture)
:: великомученик {m}, великомученица {f}
Great Patriotic War {prop} (the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945)
:: Великӣ отаџбӣнскӣ рат {m}; Vèlikī òtadžbīnskī rȁt {m}
Great Pyramid at Giza {prop} (Great Pyramid of Giza) SEE: Great Pyramid of Giza
Great Pyramid of Giza {prop} (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids)
:: Велика Кеопсова пирамида {f}, Кеопсова пирамида {f}; Velika Keopsova piramida {f}, Keopsova piramida {f}
great spotted woodpecker {n} (species of woodpecker)
:: велики детлић; veliki detlić, veliki djetao
great tit {n} (bird)
:: сеница; senica, sjenica velika
greave {n} (piece of armour that protects the leg, especially the shin)
:: štitnik za potkoljenice {m}, štitnik za potkolenice {m}
Greece {prop} (country in Southeastern Europe)
:: Грчка {f}; Gȑčkā {f}
greed {n} (selfish desire for more than is needed)
:: pohlepa {f}, gramžljivost {f}, grabežljivost {f}, halapljivost {f}, srebroljublje {n}, škrtost {f}, požuda {f}
greedy {adj} (having greed; consumed by selfish desires)
:: похлепан; pohlepan
Greek {prop} (language of the Greek people)
:: грчки {m}; grčki {m}
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece)
:: Грк {m}, Гркиња {f}; Gȑk {m}, Gȑkinja {f}
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country)
:: грчкӣ; gȑčkī
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance)
:: грчка ватра {m}; grčka vatra {m}
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church)
:: Грчка православна црква {f}; Grčka pravoslavna crkva {f}
green {adj} (having green as its colour)
:: зелен; zelen
green {adj} (inexperienced)
:: zelen
green {adj} (environmentally friendly)
:: zeleni {p}
green {n} (colour)
:: зелена {f}; zelena {f}
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana
greenfinch {n} (European greenfinch, Carduelis chloris)
:: zelentarka {f}
greengrocer {n} (person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit)
:: пиљар {m} /piljar/
greenhouse {n} (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside)
:: стакленик {m}; staklenik {m}
Greenland {prop} (a large self-governing island in North America)
:: Гренланд {m}, Гринланд {m}; Grenland {m}, Grinland {m}
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish
Greenlandish {n} (language)
:: гренландски језик {m}
green tea {n} (drink)
:: zeleni čaj
green vitriol {n} (Iron(II) sulfate)
:: зелена галица {f}; zelena galica {f}
green wave {n} (way of timing traffic lights)
:: zeleni val {m}
Greenwich {prop} (town)
:: Гринич {m}; Grinič {m}
green with envy {adj} (consumed by envy)
:: zelen od ljubomore
green woodpecker {n} (Picus viridis)
:: зелена жуња {f}, зелена жуна {f}; zelena žunja {f}, zelena žuna {f}
greet {v} (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes)
:: поздрављати {impf}, поздравити {pf}; pòzdravljati {impf}, pòzdraviti {pf}
greeting {n} (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival)
:: поздрав {m}; pȍzdrāv {m}
gregarious {adj} (of a person who enjoys being in crowds)
:: друштвен; društven
gregarious {adj} (of animals that travel in herds)
:: čoporski; друштвен; društven
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar)
:: грегоријански календар {m}; gregorijanski kalendar {m}
Grenada {prop} (Caribbean country)
:: Гренада {f}; Grenada {f}
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate
grenade {n} (small explosive device)
:: граната {f}; granata {f}
grey {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember)
:: сив; siv
grey {n}
:: siv
grey-blue {adj} (blue-gray) SEE: blue-gray
grey-haired {adj} (having grey hair)
:: sed, sedokos
grey heron {n} (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family)
:: сива чапља {f}; siva čaplja {f}
greylag {n} (large European goose) SEE: greylag goose
greylag goose {n} (Anser anser)
:: дивља гуска {f}; divlja guska
grid {n} (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size)
:: мрежа {f}; mreža {f}
grid {n} (electricity delivery system)
:: електромрежа {f}; elektromreža {f}
grief {n} (sadness)
:: туга {f}, беда {f}, биједа {f}; tuga {f}, beda {f}, bijeda {f}
griffin {n} (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle)
:: грифон {m}; grifon {m}
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin
griffon vulture {n} (Gyps fulvus)
:: белоглави суп {?}, јелоглави суп {?}; bjeloglavi sup {?}, jeloglavi sup {?}
grill {n} (barbecue)
:: роштиљ {m}
grimace {v} (to make grimaces)
:: кревељити се
Grim Reaper {prop} (personification of Death)
:: Смрт {f}; Smrt {f}
grin {n} (A smile revealing the teeth)
:: кез {m}, церек {m}; kez {m}, cerek {m}
grind {v} (to reduce to smaller pieces)
:: млети {impf}; mleti {impf}
grind {v}
:: mljeti
grinder {n} (tool)
:: oštrač {m}, brusač {m}, mlinac {m}
grindstone {n} (wheel for grinding)
:: жрвањ {m}, брус {m}, точило {n}; žrvanj {m}, brus {m}, točilo {n}
grip {n} (A hold or way of holding, particularly with the hand)
:: zahvat {m}; хват {m}; hvȃt {m}
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu
groan {v} (to make a groan)
:: stenjati
groceries {n} (commodities sold by a grocer or in a grocery)
:: намирнице {f-p} /namirnice/, namirnice {f-p}
grocery {n} (retail foodstuffs and other household supplies) SEE: groceries
Grodno {prop} (city)
:: Гродно {m}, Гродна {m} {f}; Гродно {m}, Grodna {m} {f}
groin {n} (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs)
:: препоне {f-p}; prepone {f-p}
grok {v} (to fully understand)
:: proniknuti
Groningen {prop} (city)
:: Хронинген; Hroningen
Groningen {prop} (province)
:: Хронинген; Hroningen
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom
groove {n} (long, narrow channel)
:: жлијеб {m}; žlijȇb {m}
groove {n} (fixed routine)
:: колотечина {f}; kolotèčina {f}
groove {v} (to cut a furrow into a surface)
:: жлијебити; žlijébiti {impf}
groove fricative {n} (phonetics: hissing sound) SEE: sibilant
gross national product {n} (economics)
:: бруто национални производ, bruto nacionalni proizvod
grosz {n} (one hundredth of a Polish zloty)
:: грош {m}; grȍš {m}
ground {n} (surface of the Earth)
:: земља {f}; zèmlja {f}
ground {adj} (crushed, or reduced to small particles.)
:: mljeven
ground {n} (terrain) SEE: terrain
ground {v} (to run aground) SEE: run aground
ground-effect machine {n} (hovercraft) SEE: hovercraft
ground floor {n} (floor of a building closest to ground level)
:: prizemlje {n}
ground ivy {n} (Glechoma hederacea)
:: добричица; dòbričica
ground pine {n} (Ajuga, Ajuga chamaepitys) SEE: bugle
group {n} (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other)
:: група {f}, скупина {f}; grupa {f}, skupina {f}
group {n} (in group theory)
:: група {f}; grupa {f}
group {n} (people who perform music together)
:: grupa {f}
group {n} (column in the periodic table)
:: grupa {f}
group {n} (subset of a culture or of a society)
:: grupa {f}
group {n} (in Unix)
:: grupa {f}
grouper {n} (fish)
:: kijerna {f}
group sex {n} (sexual practice)
:: групнӣ секс {m}, скупнӣ секс {m}; grȕpnī sȅks {m}, skȕpnī sȅks {m}
group theory {n} (mathematical theory of groups)
:: teorija grupa {f}
grouse {n} (any of various game birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae)
:: тетреб {m}, тетријеб {m}; tetreb {m}, tetrijeb {m}
grouse {v} (to complain or grumble)
:: gunđati
grove {n} (small forest)
:: луг {m}, гај {m}, шумица {f}, шумарак {m}; lug {m}, gaj {m}, šumica {f}, šumarak {m}
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard
grovel {v} (to crawl)
:: puzati, plaziti, gmizati
grovel {v} (to be slavishly nice in the hope of securing something)
:: puzati
grow {v} ((intransitive) to become bigger)
:: расти {impf}; rȃsti {impf}
growl {n} (deep, rumbling, threatening sound)
:: режање {n}; režanje {n}
growl {n} (sound made by the stomach when hungry)
:: крчање {n}; krčanje {n}
growl {n} (aggressive grumbling)
:: režanje {n}
growl {v} (to utter a deep guttural sound)
:: режати; režati
growl {v} (to express (something) by growling)
:: режати; režati
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult
grown-up {adj} (adult, fully grown)
:: одрастао; òdrāstao
growth {n} (increase in size)
:: раст {m}; rast {m}
grow up {v} (to mature and become an adult)
:: òdrāsti {pf}, одрасти {pf}, odrástati {impf}, одрастати {impf}
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Грозни {m}, Grozni {m}
grub {n} (slang: food)
:: клопа {f}; klopa {f}
grudge {n} (deep seated animosity)
:: kivnost {f}, resentiman, kivnja {f}
gruelling {adj} (so difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted)
:: iscrpljujući
gruesome {adj} (repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly)
:: grozan
Guadalajara {prop} (city in Spain)
:: Гвадалахара {f}; Guadalajara {f}
Guadalajara {prop} (city in Jalisco, Mexico)
:: Гвадалахара {f}; Guadalajara {f}
Guadalquivir {prop} (river in southern Spain)
:: Гвадалкивир {m}; Guadalquivir {m}
Guadeloupe {prop} (overseas department of France)
:: Гвадалупа {f}; Gvadalupa {f}
Guam {prop} (Territory of Guam)
:: Gvam {m}
Guangzhou {prop} (Chinese city)
:: Гуангџоу {m}, Кантон {m}; Guangzhou {m}, Kànton {m}
guarantee {n} (anything that assures a certain outcome)
:: јемство {n} (Serbia, Bosnia); jemstvo {n} (Serbia, Bosnia) jamstvo {n} (Croatia)
guarantee {v} (to give an assurance that something will be done right)
:: jamčiti
guard {n} (person who or thing that protects something)
:: čuvar {m}, stražar {m}
guardian {n} (guard or watcher)
:: skrbnik {m}, skrbkinja {f}, hranitelj, zaštitnik, čuvar {m}
guardian {n} (law: person legally responsible for a minor in loco parentis)
:: staratelj {m}, staralac {m}, hranitelj {m}
guardian angel {n} (spirit)
:: анђео чувар {m}; anđeo čuvar {m}
guardianship {n} (position)
:: старатељство {n}; stàratēljstvo {n}
Guatemala {prop} (country in Central America)
:: Гватемала {f}; Gvatemala {f}
Guatemalan {n} (person)
:: Gvatemalac {m}, Gvatemalka {f}
Guatemalan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guatemala or its people)
:: gvatemalski
guberniya {n} (an administrative subdivision in the Russian empire)
:: губернија {f}; gubernija {f}
gudgeon {n} (Fish, Gobio gobio)
:: krkuša {f}
Guelph {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the Pope)
:: гвелфи {m-p}; gvȅlfi {m-p}
guerrilla {n} (irregular soldier)
:: партизан {m}, партизанка {f}; partizan {m}, partizanka {f}
guess {v} (to reach an unqualified conclusion)
:: nagađati {impf}, nagoditi {pf}
guess {v} (to suppose)
:: претпостављати, ваљда; pretpòstavljati, vàljda
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host
guest {n} (recipient of hospitality)
:: гост {m}, гошћа {f}; gost {m}, gošća {f}
guesthouse {n} (small house for visitors)
:: гостионица {f}; gostionica {f}
guest worker {n} (guest worker)
:: печалбар {m}, pečalbar {m}, гастарбајтер {m}, gastarbajter {m}, gastarbeiter {m}
guffaw {n} (a boisterous laugh)
:: грохот {m}; grȍhōt {m}
guffaw {v} (To laugh boisterously)
:: грохотати; grohòtati
guide {n} (someone who guides)
:: водӣч {m}; vòdīč {m}
guide {n} (document, book)
:: uputstvo {n}, vòdīč
guide book {n} (book that provides guidance)
:: водӣч {m}; vòdīč {m}
guideline {n} (non-specific rule or principle)
:: nit vodilja {f}, smjernica {f}
guild {n} (association of tradespeople)
:: цех {m}; cȅh {m}
Guillain-Barré syndrome {n} (rapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function)
:: Guillain-Barréov sindrom {m}
guilt {n} (responsibility for wrongdoing)
:: кривѝца, кривња {f}; krivìca, krívnja {f}
guilty {adj} (responsible for a dishonest act)
:: крив; kriv
guilty pleasure {n} (something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo)
:: zabranjeno voće {n}, slatki grijeh {m}, slatki greh
Guinea {prop} (short form of the Republic of Guinea)
:: Гвинеја {f}; Gvinéja {f}
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau)
:: Гвинеја Бисао {f}, Гвинеја Бисау {f}; Gvineja Bisao {f}, Gvineja Bisau {f}
guinea fowl {n} (bird)
:: мѝсӣрка {f}, бѝсерка {f}, морка {f}; mìsīrka {f}, bìsērka {f}, mȏrka {f}
guinea pig {n} (rodent)
:: заморче {n}, заморац {m}, морско прасе {n}; zamorče {n}, zamorac {m}, morsko prase {n}
guitar {n} (musical instrument)
:: гитара {f}; gitara {f}
Gujarat {prop} (state in India)
:: Гуџарат {m}, Gujarat {m}
gulch {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton
gulch {n} (act of gulping) SEE: gulp
gules {n} (blazoning term for red)
:: црвена {f}; crvena {f}
gules {adj} (heraldry, of the colour red)
:: црвена {f}; crvena {f}
gulf {n} (geography)
:: залив, заљев {m}; zaliv {m}, zaljev {m}
Gulf of California {prop} (body of water)
:: Kalifornijski zaljev {m}
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea)
:: Фински залив {m}, Фински заљев {m}; Finski zaliv {m}, Finski zaljev {m}
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean)
:: Гвинејски залив {m}, Гвинејски заљев {m}; Gvinejski zaliv {m}, Gvinejski zaljev {m}
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico)
:: Мексички заљев {m}, Мексички залив {m}; Meksički zaljev {m}, Meksički zaliv {m}
Gulf of Naples {prop} (Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania)
:: Напуљскӣ заљев {m}; Nápuljskī záljev {m}
Gulf of Riga {prop} (inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia)
:: Riški zaljev
gull {n} (seabird)
:: галеб {m}; galeb {m}
gullet {n} (the throat or esophagus)
:: grlo {n}; гркљан {m}, једњак {m}; grkljan {m}, jednjak {m}
gullibility {n} (quality of being easily deceived)
:: lakovjernost {f}
gullible {adj} (easily deceived or duped, naive)
:: лаковеран, лаковјеран; lȁkovēran, lȁkovjēran
gulp {n}
:: гутљај {m}; gȕtljāj {m}
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum
gum {n} (flesh around teeth)
:: десни {f} {p}; dȇsni {f} {p}
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees)
:: arapska guma {f}, гумарабика {f}
gumption {n} (common sense, initiative)
:: dovitljivost {f}
gumption {n} (boldness of enterprise)
:: poduzetnost {f}
gumption {n} (energy of body and mind)
:: elan {m}
gun {n} (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use)
:: пиштољ {m}; pištolj {m}
gun carriage {n} (metal frame on which a piece of ordnance is mounted for firing or transportation)
:: табља {f}; tȁblja {f}
gunpowder {n} (explosive mixture)
:: барут {m}; barut {m}
gunsmith {n} (person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms)
:: пушкар {m}, оружар {m}; puškar {m}, oružar {m}
gunstock {n} (The rear part of a rifle or shotgun which is pressed into the shoulder) SEE: stock
Guoyu {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin
gurney {n} (a stretcher having wheeled legs)
:: ležeća kolica {n-p}
guru {n} (spiritual teacher)
:: guru {m}
guru {n} (advisor or mentor)
:: guru {m}
gusle {n} (single-stringed instrument)
:: гусле {f-p}; gȕsle {f-p}
gusli {n} (an ancient Russian musical instrument)
:: гусле {f-p}; gȕsle {f-p}
gustatory {adj} (relating to taste)
:: окуснӣ; òkusnī
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine
gut feeling {n} (an instinct or intuition)
:: šesto čulo {n}
gutsy {adj} (marked by courage)
:: куражан, одважан, мудат
gutta-percha {n} (a latex)
:: gutaperka {f}
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel
gutter {n} (duct or channel beneath the eaves)
:: žleb; олук {m}; oluk {m}
guv {n} (form of address)
:: gazda {m}, šef {m}
Guy {prop} (male given name)
:: Gvido, Vid
Guyana {prop} (country)
:: Гвајана {f}; Gvajana {f}
guzzle {v} (to drink (or sometimes eat) voraciously)
:: локати; lòkati
gym {n} (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise)
:: теретана {f}, вежбаоница {f}; teretana {f}, vežbaonica {f}
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium
gymnasium {n} (place for indoor sports)
:: гимнастичка сала {f}, теретана {f}; gimnastička sala {f}, teretana {f}
gymnasium {n} (type of school)
:: гимназија {f}; gimnazija {f}
gymnastics {n} (a sport)
:: гимнастика {f}, тјеловјежба {f}; gimnastika {f}, tjelovježba {f}
gymnastics {n} (complex intellectual or artistic exercise)
:: gimnàstika {f}, tjèlovježba {f}
gynandromorph {n} (a person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes) SEE: hermaphrodite
gynecomastia {n} (development of breasts in males)
:: гинекомастија {f}; ginekomàstija {f}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom
gypsy {n} (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft)
:: Циганин {m}, Циганка {f}; Cȉganin {m}, Cȉgānka {f}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Gypsy
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group)
:: Циганин {m}, Циганка {f}; Ciganin {m}, Ciganka {f}
Gypsy {prop} (the language of the Romani people) SEE: Romani
Gypsy {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) SEE: Romani
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon
gyrus {n} (anatomy)
:: вијуга {f}; vijuga {f}