Appendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Appendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Appendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Appendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Appendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list you have here. The definition of the word Appendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofAppendix:Northern Mansi Swadesh list, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.

This is a Swadesh list of words in Northern Mansi, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


EnglishNorthern Mansi
мāньси лāтыӈ (mānʹsi lātyň)
edit (207)
1I (1sg)ам (am)
2you (2sg)наӈ (naň)
3he, she, it (3sg)тав (taw)
4we (1pl)ме̄н (mēn) (dual), ма̄н (mān) (plural)
5you (2pl)нэ̄н (nè̄n) (dual), на̄н (nān) (plural)
6they (3pl)тэ̄н (tè̄n) (dual), та̄н (tān) (plural)
7thisты (ty)
8thatта (ta)
9hereтыт (tyt)
10thereтот (tot)
11whoхотьют (hotʹût)
12whatма̄ныр (mānyr)
13whereхо̄т (hōt)
14whenхунь (hunʹ)
15howхумус (humus)
16notа̄ти (āti)
17allпуссын (pussyn)
18manyса̄в (sāw)
19someто̄ва (tōwa)
20fewмось (mosʹ)
21otherмо̄т (mōt)
22oneаква (akwa)
23twoкитыг (kityg)
24threeхӯрум (hūrum)
25fourнила (nila)
26fiveат (at)
27bigяныг (ânyg)
28longхоса (hosa)
29wideхарыс (harys), хара (hara)
30thickосыӈ (osyň)
31heavyта̄рвитыӈ (tārwityň)
32smallма̄нь (mānʹ)
33shortва̄ти (wāti)
34narrowосься (osʹsâ)
35thinво̄вта (wōwta) (thin ice), осься (osʹsâ)
36womanнэ̄ (nè̄)
37man (adult male)хум (hum)
38man (human being)э̄лмхо̄лас (è̄lmhōlas), хум (hum)
39childня̄врам (nâ̄wram)
40wifeэ̄ква (è̄kwa), нэ̄ (nè̄)
41husbandхум (hum)
42motherома (oma)
43fatherатя (atâ)
44animalӯй (ūj)
45fishхӯл (hūl)
46birdтовлыӈ ӯй (towlyň ūj) (winged animal)
47dogкӯтюв (kūtûw), а̄мп (āmp), лӯӈи (lūňi)
48louseта̄кум (tākum)
49snakeялпынг уй (âlpyng uj)
50wormматар (matar), няруй (nâruj)
51treeйӣв (jīw)
52forestво̄р (wōr)
53stickса̄гла (sāgla)
54fruitпил (pil) (berry)
55seedӯрлах (ūrlah), сам (sam)
56leafлӯпта (lūpta)
57rootта̄р (tār)
58bark (of a tree)кэ̄р (kè̄r) (obsolete), хуруп (hurup), сӯл (sūl)
59flowerсё̄ри (së̄ri)
60grassпум (pum) (hay/grass)
61ropeква̄лыг (kwālyg)
62skinалписов (alpisow) (skin of the body), о̄хыӈтовыль (ōhyňtowylʹ) (treated leather), сов (sow)
63meatнё̄выль (në̄wylʹ)
64bloodке̄лп (kēlp) (blood/red)
65boneлув (luw)
66fat (noun)во̄й (wōj)
67eggмӯӈи (mūňi)
68hornа̄ньт (ānʹt) (antler/horn)
69tailлэ̄г (lè̄g), маськ (masʹk) (deers tail)
70featherпун (pun) (feather/fur)
71hairа̄т (āt)
72headпуӈк (puňk)
73earпаль (palʹ)
74eyeсам (sam)
75noseнёл (nël)
76mouthсӯп (sūp)
77toothпуӈк (puňk)
78tongue (organ)не̄лум (nēlum)
79fingernailкос (kos)
80footла̄гылпатта (lāgylpatta)
81legла̄гыл (lāgyl)
82kneeса̄нс (sāns)
83handка̄т (kāt)
84wingмарк (mark) (arm/wing), товыл (towyl) (wing/cover feather)
85bellyсо̄рыг (sōryg), пукы (puky) (tummy/belly)
86gutsсах (sah)
87neckсыплув (sypluw), сып (syp) (neck area)
88backсыс (sys) (back side)
89breastма̄гыл (māgyl)
90heartсым (sym)
91liverма̄йт (mājt)
92to drinkаюӈкве (aûňkwe)
93to eatтэ̄ӈкве (tè̄ňkwe)
94to biteпуруӈкве (puruňkwe)
95to suckсыпгуӈкве (sypguňkwe)
96to spitсальгуӈкве (salʹguňkwe)
97to vomitойтэнтахтаӈкве (ojtèntahtaňkwe)
98to blowво̄тумтаӈкве (wōtumtaňkwe) (the wind start blowing), во̄туӈкве (wōtuňkwe) (the wind is blowing)
99to breatheлылтуӈкве (lyltuňkwe)
100to laughмувиньтаӈкве (muwinʹtaňkwe) (laugh), мовала̄лаӈкве (mowalālaňkwe) (smile/laugh)
101to seeва̄ӈкве (wāňkwe)
102to hearхӯлуӈкве (hūluňkwe)
103to knowва̄ӈкве (wāňkwe)
104to thinkномсуӈкве (nomsuňkwe)
105to smellатая̄луӈкве (ataâ̄luňkwe)
106to fearпилуӈкве (piluňkwe)
107to sleepхуюӈкве (huûňkwe)
108to liveо̄луӈкве (ōluňkwe)
109to dieāтимыг ēмтуӈкве (ātimyg ēmtuňkwe), хо̄луӈкве (hōluňkwe)
110to killалуӈкве (aluňkwe)
111to fightворитотуӈкве (woritotuňkwe)
112to huntво̄раяӈкве (wōraâňkwe)
113to hitю̄ныгтаӈкве (û̄nygtaňkwe)
114to cutпасатуӈкве (pasatuňkwe) (to drill/stab/cut)
115to splitхалытаӈкве (halytaňkwe)
116to stabпувтуӈкве (puwtuňkwe) (to stab/poke/chisel)
117to scratchконсуӈкве (konsuňkwe)
118to digхилуӈкве (hiluňkwe)
119to swimуйгалаӈкве (ujgalaňkwe)
120to flyтыглуӈкве (tygluňkwe)
121to walkяласаӈкве (âlasaňkwe), ялантаӈкве (âlantaňkwe)
122to comeйиӈкве (jiňkwe)
123to lie (as in a bed)хӯлуӈкве (hūluňkwe)
124to sitӯнлуӈкве (ūnluňkwe)
125to standлю̄люӈкве (lû̄lûňkwe)
126to turn (intransitive)ё̄ӈхыгпаптуӈкве (ë̄ňhygpaptuňkwe)
127to fallпатуӈкве (patuňkwe)
128to giveмиӈкве (miňkwe)
129to holdо̄ньсюӈкве (ōnʹsûňkwe), пувуӈкве (puwuňkwe) (catch/hold)
130to squeezeпасиртаӈкве (pasirtaňkwe)
131to rubсартлуӈкве (sartluňkwe)
132to washловтуӈкве (lowtuňkwe), посуӈкве (posuňkwe) (wash cloths)
133to wipeсэ̄гуӈкве (sè̄guňkwe)
134to pullхартуӈкве (hartuňkwe)
135to pushтуюӈкве (tuûňkwe), пувтуӈкве (puwtuňkwe), нарыгта̄лыглаӈкве (narygtālyglaňkwe)
136to throwпа̄хвтуӈкве (pāhwtuňkwe)
137to tieха̄суӈкве (hāsuňkwe)
138to sewю̄нтуӈкве (û̄ntuňkwe)
139to countловиньтаӈкве (lowinʹtaňkwe)
140to sayла̄вуӈкве (lāwuňkwe)
141to singэ̄ргуӈкве (è̄rguňkwe)
142to playёнгуӈкве (ënguňkwe)
143to floatра̄мпуӈкве (rāmpuňkwe)
144to flowовтуӈкве (owtuňkwe)
145to freezeпо̄льтуӈкве (pōlʹtuňkwe)
146to swellлэ̄нтгэ̄нттаӈкв (lè̄ntgè̄nttaňkw)
147sunхо̄тал (hōtal)
148moonэ̄тпос (è̄tpos)
149starсов (sow)
150waterвит (wit)
151rainракв (rakw)
152riverя̄ (â̄)
153lakeтӯр (tūr)
154seaща̄рыщ (ŝāryŝ)
155saltсолвал (solwal)
156stoneа̄хвтас (āhwtas)
157sandхыс (hys)
158dustпорс (pors)
159earthма̄ ()
160cloudтул (tul)
161fogсэ̄ӈкв (sè̄ňkw)
162skyто̄рум (tōrum) (god/sky)
163windво̄т (wōt)
164snowтӯйт (tūjt)
165iceя̄ӈк (â̄ňk)
166smokeпосым (posym)
167fireна̄й (nāj)
168ashхӯльм (hūlʹm)
169to burnна̄йн тыттуӈкве (nājn tyttuňkwe)
170roadлё̄ӈх (lë̄ňh) (trace, way)
171mountainур (ur)
172redвы̄гыр (wȳgyr), ке̄лп (kēlp), меруп (merup), ке̄лпхарпа (kēlpharpa)
173greenня̄рппум оспа (nâ̄rppum ospa) (green as grass)
174yellowвощрам (woŝram)
175whiteя̄ӈк (â̄ňk)
176blackсэ̄мыл (sè̄myl)
177nightэ̄ти (è̄ti)
178dayхо̄тал (hōtal)
179yearтāл (tāl)
180warmма̄лтып (māltyp)
181coldасирма (asirma)
182fullта̄глыӈ (tāglyň)
183newйильпи (jilʹpi)
184oldпе̄с (pēs) (thing), матум (matum) (being)
185goodёмас (ëmas)
186badлю̄ль (lû̄lʹ)
187rottenсайым (sajym)
188dirtyвосьлахыӈ (wosʹlahyň)
189straightсохт (soht)
190roundе̄ӈта (ēňta)
191sharp (as a knife)пе̄лп (pēlp)
192dull (as a knife)ляӈквы (lâňkwy)
193smoothсастум (sastum)
194wetвитыӈ (wityň)
195dryка̄тра (kātra)
196correctёмас (ëmas)
197nearляпа (lâpa)
198farхоса (hosa)
199rightёмаспа̄л (ëmaspāl) (right side)
200leftво̄ртыпа̄л (wōrtypāl) (left side)
201atпа̄лт (pālt)
202inкакыр (kakyr) (inside (chest)), кхулт (khult)
203with-эл (-èl), (-l)
204andйа (ja), ос (os)
205ifэ̄рт (è̄rt)
206becauseма̄гыс (māgys), кастыл (kastyl)
207nameнам (nam)
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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