n. {m}
:: abbreviation of nombre
n. {adj}
:: abbreviation of nacido
n {letter}
:: letter
N {letter}
:: The 14th letter of the Spanish alphabet
N {m}
:: abbreviation of norte; north
ñ {letter}
:: letter
Ñ {letter}
:: The 15th letter of the Spanish alphabet
na' {pron}
:: alternative form of na
na {contraction}
:: en la
na {pron}
:: pronunciation spelling of nada
NA {prop}
:: abbreviation of Nayarit (Mexican state)
ná {pron}
:: apocopic form of nada
naam {m}
:: naan (bread)
naba {f}
:: rape, swede, rutabaga
nabaja {f}
:: obsolete spelling of navaja
nabal {adj}
:: Of, or pertaining to turnips
nabar {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to turnips
nabar {m}
:: Place where turnips are grown
nabatea {f}
:: feminine noun of nabateo
nabateo {m}
:: Nabataean
nabateo {adj}
:: Nabataean
nabo {m}
:: turnip
nabo {m}
:: any thick root
nabo {m}
:: mast
nabo {m}
:: heart (of split wood)
nabo {m}
:: penis
naboriano {adj}
:: of or pertaining to Nabor, or Nabor and Felix, Christian martyrs
Nabucodonosor {prop}
:: Nebuchadnezzar (Biblical king)
naca {f}
:: feminine noun of naco
nácar {m}
:: nacre, mother of pearl
nácara {f}
:: A type of military drum
nacarado {adj}
:: nacreous, pearly
nacarado {adj}
:: decorated or laden with nacre
nacatamal {m}
:: A tamale filled with pork or chicken, rice, potatoes, herbs, spices, and other ingredients
nacedero {m}
:: river source
nacer {v}
:: to be born, to sprout, to begin to grow; to hatch (out)
nacer {v}
:: to grow; to rise, to have its source (river); to rise (sun); to have its roots; to arise
nacer con estrella {v}
:: to be jammy (lucky)
nacer de pie {v}
:: to be born lucky
nacho {m}
:: nacho
Nacho {prop} {m}
:: given name
Nacianzo {prop}
:: Nazianzus
nacido {adj}
:: born
nacido {adj}
:: natural, inborn, innate
nacido {m}
:: human being
nacido {m}
:: growth, tumour
naciencia {f}
:: birth
naciente {adj}
:: nascent, new
nacimiento {m}
:: birth
nacimiento {m}
:: birth, beginning, start
nacimiento {m}
:: crib
nación {f}
:: nation
nacional {adj}
:: national, nationwide (of or pertaining to a nation)
nacional {adj}
:: national (native to a nation)
nacional {m}
:: A member of the national militia
nacionalcatolicismo {m}
:: National Catholicism
nacionalcatólico {adj}
:: nationalistic Catholic (relating to the National Catholicism ideology)
nacionalidad {f}
:: nationality
nacionalismo {m}
:: nationalism
nacionalista {adj}
:: nationalist
nacionalista {mf}
:: nationalist
nacionalización {f}
:: nationalization
nacionalizador {adj}
:: nationalizing, uniting
nacionalizar {v}
:: to nationalize
nacionalmente {adv}
:: nationally
nacionalsocialismo {m}
:: National Socialism; Nazism
nacionalsocialista {adj}
:: National Socialist; Nazi
nacionalsocialista {mf}
:: National Socialist; Nazi
Naciones Unidas {prop} {f}
:: United Nations
nacista {adj}
:: National Socialist, especially relating to the National Socialist Movement of Chile
nacista {mf}
:: National Socialist, especially a member of the National Socialist Movement of Chile
naco {adj}
:: indigenous; Indian
naco {adj}
:: uncultured; backwards; vulgar
naco {m}
:: An uncultured or indigenous person; a hillbilly or redneck
Naco {prop}
:: Naco (municipality), on the Arizona border
Nacor {prop}
:: Nahor (the brother of Abraham)
Nacor {prop}
:: Nahor (the grandfather of Abraham)
nada {pron}
:: nothing, zero, zilch
nada {pron}
:: anything
nada {f}
:: nothingness
nada del otro mundo {phrase}
:: no big deal, nothing special, nothing to write home about
nadadera {f}
:: float
nadador {m}
:: swimmer
nadadora {f}
:: feminine noun of nadador
nadaísmo {m}
:: Nadaism
nadal {m}
:: Christmas day, Nativity day
nada más {pron}
:: nothing else
nada más {prep}
:: Just after, right after, upon
nadando {adj}
:: naiant
nadar {vi}
:: to swim
nadar {vi}
:: to be swimming in (used with "en")
nadar entre dos aguas {v}
:: to be in two minds; be on the fence
nadar y tener la ropa {v}
:: to have one's cake and eat it
nadería {f}
:: worthless things; trifle
nadie {pron}
:: no one, nobody; anyone, anybody
nadie es perfecto {phrase}
:: nobody's perfect
nadir {m}
:: nadir (point of the celestial sphere directly under the place where the observer stands)
nafa {f}
:: naphtha
nafta {f}
:: petroleum ether
nafta {f}
:: petrol, gasoline, gas
naftalato {m}
:: naphthalate
naftaleno {m}
:: naphthalene
naftalina {f}
:: naphthalene
naftero {adj}
:: Powered with gasoline (not diesel)
naftilo {m}
:: naphthyl
nagó {mf}
:: A Yoruba person, especially an enslaved Yoruba brought to the Americas or a descendant of the same
Nagorno-Karabaj {prop} {m}
:: Nagorno-Karabakh (region in South Caucasus)
nagua {f}
:: skirt
nagual {m}
:: alternative form of nahual
naguatata {f}
:: feminine noun of naguatato
naguatato {m}
:: obsolete spelling of nahuatlato
naguatlata {f}
:: feminine noun of naguatlato
naguatlato {m}
:: alternative form of nahuatlato
nahua {adj}
:: Nahua
nahua {mf}
:: Nahua
nahual {m}
:: sorcerer
nahual {m}
:: healer, witch doctor
nahual {m}
:: nahual (animal form which a person may take)
nahual {m}
:: nahual (person able to take animal form)
nahuaparlante {adj}
:: Nahuatl-speaking
náhuat {m}
:: Pipil
náhuatl {adj}
:: Nahuatl (attributive)
náhuatl {prop} {m}
:: Nahuatl; Classical Nahuatl
náhuatl {prop} {m}
:: Nahuatl, any of several modern languages and dialects of the Nahuan (or Aztecan) language family
nahuatlato {m}
:: A person who spoke Nahuatl and Spanish and could serve as an interpreter
nahuatlato {m}
:: A person who speaks, studies or translates Nahuatl
náhuatl clásico {m}
:: Classical Nahuatl
nahuatlismo {m}
:: Nahuatlism
nahuizalqueña {f}
:: feminine noun of nahuizalqueño
nahuizalqueño {adj}
:: Of or from the municipality of Nahuizalco in El Salvador
nahuizalqueño {m}
:: An inhabitant of the municipality of Nahuizalco in El Salvador
Nahúm {prop} {m}
:: Nahum (the book of the Bible)
naif {adj}
:: naive
naíf {adj}
:: naive
nailon {m}
:: nylon
naipe {m}
:: playing card
naipe {m}
:: deck of cards
Naipyidó {prop}
:: Naypyidaw
naira {f}
:: naira
Nairobi {prop}
:: Nairobi (capital city)
naíta {f}
:: alternative spelling of nada
Nájera {prop} {f}
:: Nájera (municipality)
Najicheván {prop}
:: Nakhichevan
ñajo {m}
:: brat
Najodka {prop}
:: Nakhodka
Nakamura {prop} {mf}
:: surname
nalca {f}
:: giant rhubarb
Nálchik {prop}
:: Nálchik (city)
naled {m}
:: naled (insecticide)
nalga {f}
:: buttock
nalgada {f}
:: spanking, a beating on the bottom
nalgada {f}
:: a hit given with the buttocks
nalgada {f}
:: a pig's pernil
nalgatorio {m}
:: bottom, buttocks, posterior, behind, fanny
nalgatorio {m}
:: great butt
nalgón {adj}
:: having big buttocks
nalgoncito {adj}
:: diminutive of nalgón
nalgudo {adj}
:: big-bottomed
nalguear {vi}
:: to move the buttocks excessively while walking
nalguear {vt}
:: to spank
nalguita {f}
:: diminutive of nalga
naloxona {f}
:: naloxone
naltrexona {f}
:: naltrexone
ñam {interj}
:: yum
namasté {interj}
:: namaste (an interjection)
ñame {m}
:: yam
Namibia {prop} {f}
:: Namibia
namibio {adj}
:: Namibian
namibio {m}
:: Namibian
ñam ñam ñam {interj}
:: nom nom nom
ñamoli {m}
:: red inkplant (Phytolacca octandra)
Namur {prop} {m}
:: Namur (province)
Namur {prop} {m}
:: Namur (city)
nana {f}
:: nanny
nana {f}
:: granny, grandmother
nana {f}
:: lullaby
ñaña {f}
:: sister, especially a liked one
ñaña {f}
:: sister
ñaña {f}
:: older sister
ñaña {f}
:: nursemaid, wet nurse
ñaña {f}
:: maternal grandmother
nanacate {m}
:: An edible or hallucinogenic mushroom
Nancagua {prop} {m}
:: Nancagua (city)
nancagüino {adj}
:: from the Chilean city of Nancagua
nance {m}
:: A fruit tree of the species Byrsonima crassifolia in the acerola family
nance {m}
:: The fruit of this tree
nance {m}
:: A kind of coffee grown in Costa Rica
nandaimeña {f}
:: feminine noun of nandaimeño
nandaimeño {adj}
:: Of or from Nandaime
nandaimeño {m}
:: Someone from Nandaime
nandrolona {f}
:: nandrolone
ñandú {m}
:: American ostrich, rhea, nandu
ñandú común {m}
:: greater rhea
ñandú petizo {m}
:: Darwin's rhea
ñango {adj}
:: alternative form of ñengo
ñangotar {v}
:: to ridiculize
ñáñigo {adj}
:: referring to the members of the Abakuá, an Afro-Cuban men’s secret society
ñañita {f}
:: little sister
ñañita {f}
:: brat, spoiled, coddled, sometimes a term of endearment
ñañita {f}
:: small bruise, specially on small children
nano- {prefix}
:: nano-
nano {m}
:: man, dude
ñaño {m}
:: older brother
ñaño {m}
:: brother, especially a liked one
ñaño {m}
:: brother
nanocápsula {f}
:: nanocapsule
nanociencia {f}
:: nanoscience
nanocoulomb {m}
:: nanocoloumb
nanocristal {m}
:: nanocrystal
nanoculombio {m}
:: nanocoulomb
nanodiamante {m}
:: nanodiamond
nanoescala {f}
:: nanoscale
nanoestructura {f}
:: nanostructure
nanofaradio {m}
:: nanofarad
nanofibra {f}
:: nanofiber
nanofósil {m}
:: nanofossil
nanogramo {m}
:: nanogram
nanoherramienta {f}
:: nanotool
nanohilo {m}
:: nanowire
nanomáquina {f}
:: nanomachine
nanomaterial {m}
:: nanomaterial
nanométrico {adj}
:: nanometric
nanómetro {m}
:: nanometre
nanopartícula {f}
:: nanoparticle
nanoporo {m}
:: nanopore
nanorrobótica {f}
:: nanorobotics
nanosatélite {f}
:: nanosatellite
nanoscópico {adj}
:: nanoscopic
nanosegundo {m}
:: nanosecond
nanosistema {m}
:: nanosystem
nanotecnología {f}
:: nanotechnology
nanotransportador {m}
:: nanotransporter
nanotubo {m}
:: nanotube
nansú {m}
:: nainsook
ñapa {f}
:: Something that is added, especially something that a merchant gives to a buyer to complete the amount requested, or something extra given as a bonus; a gratuity, lagniappe
napalm {m}
:: napalm
napias {fp}
:: nose
napo {m}
:: a thousand pesetas
napo {m}
:: Neapolitan pizza
Napoleón {prop} {m}
:: Napoleon
napoleónico {adj}
:: Napoleonic
Nápoles {prop} {f}
:: Nápoles (city)
napolitana {f}
:: pain au chocolat
napolitana {f}
:: feminine noun of napolitano
napolitano {adj}
:: Neapolitan
napolitano {m}
:: Neapolitan (person)
napolitano {m}
:: Neapolitan (language)
naproxeno {m}
:: naproxen
naranja {adj}
:: orange (having orange color)
naranja {adj}
:: Pertaining to Ciudadanos, a Spanish political party
naranja {f}
:: orange (fruit)
naranja {m}
:: orange (color)
naranja {mf}
:: A member or supporter of Ciudadanos, a Spanish political party
naranjada {f}
:: orangeade
naranjal {m}
:: orange grove
naranja sanguina {f}
:: blood orange
naranjero {adj}
:: Of or related to oranges or orange growing
naranjero {m}
:: Someone who grows or sells oranges
naranjero {m}
:: An orange tree
naranjilla {f}
:: A naranjilla (subtropical plant)
naranjilla {f}
:: A naranjilla (fruit)
naranjita {f}
:: diminutive of naranja
naranjiteña {f}
:: feminine noun of naranjiteño
naranjiteño {adj}
:: Of or from Naranjito
naranjiteño {m}
:: Someone from Naranjito
naranjo {m}
:: orange tree
naranjo chino {m}
:: a kumquat
naranjo enano {m}
:: a kumquat
Narbona {prop} {f}
:: Narbonne
narca {f}
:: feminine noun of narco
narcicismo {m}
:: narcissism
Narcisa {prop} {m}
:: given name, feminine form of Narciso. Name of a 19th century Peruvian saint
narcisismo {m}
:: narcissism
narcisista {adj}
:: narcissistic
narcisista {mf}
:: narcissist
narciso {m}
:: daffodil
narciso {m}
:: narcissus
Narciso {prop} {m}
:: Narcissus
Narciso {prop} {m}
:: given name, borne by several saints
narco- {prefix}
:: narco- (of or pertaining to narcotics or their trade and use)
narco- {prefix}
:: narco- (pertaining to stupor, sleep, or a state of unconsciousness)
narco {m}
:: drug dealer, drug lord
narco {m}
:: drug trafficking
narcoactividad {f}
:: activity in the narcotics industry
narcoavioneta {f}
:: aircraft used in the narcotics industry
narcobarón {m}
:: narcotics baron
narcocorrido {m}
:: narcocorrido
narcocultivo {m}
:: drug cultivation
narcocultura {f}
:: The culture associated with the Latin American drug trade
narcocumbre {f}
:: A summit held by multiple drug cartels
narcodelictivo {adj}
:: of or relating to narcotics crime
narcodictadura {f}
:: narco-dictatorship
narcodólar {m}
:: narcodollar
narcoeconomía {f}
:: The narcoeconomy
narcoestado {m}
:: narcostate
narcofiesta {f}
:: A party held by a drug cartel
narcofosa {f}
:: A makeshift grave of someone killed by a drug cartel
narcogeneral {mf}
:: general of a narcotics regime
narcogobierno {m}
:: A government run by a drug cartel
narcoguerrilla {f}
:: narcoguerrilla
narcoindulto {m}
:: pardoning of a narcotics criminal
narcoinvernadero {m}
:: greenhouse used to grow illegal drugs
narcolaboratorio {m}
:: drug lab
narcolancha {f}
:: speedboat used in the narcotics industry
narcolepsia {f}
:: narcolepsy
narcomansión {m}
:: A mansion owned by a druglord
narcomanta {m}
:: A message left by a drug cartel on a cloth banner, usually containing threats or explanations of criminal activity
narcomayoreo {m}
:: the sale of illegal drugs in large quantities; illegal drug trade
narcomensaje {m}
:: A message left by a drug cartel, usually containing threats or explanations of criminal activity
narcomenudeo {m}
:: the sale of illegal drugs in relatively small quantities
narcomenudista {mf}
:: A small-time drug dealer
narconovela {f}
:: A story of narcotics
narcopartido {m}
:: A political party allied with the narcotics industry
narcoperiodismo {m}
:: journalism related to narcotics
narcopiso {m}
:: A apartment/flat where illegal drugs are sold and normally which has normally been squatted
narcopolítico {m}
:: A politician who works for the drug cartels
narcopolítico {adj}
:: Of or relating to the politics of drug dealing
narcorrégimen {m}
:: regime run by narcotics dealers
narcosanta {f}
:: A saint worshipped in the religious practices associated with the drug cartels
narcosanto {m}
:: A saint worshipped in the religious practices associated with the drug cartels
narcoserie {f}
:: A TV series about narcotics
narcosobrino {m}
:: Either of the two nephews of Nicolás Maduro, arrested for drug trafficking
narcoterapia {f}
:: narcotherapy
narcoterrorismo {m}
:: narcoterrorism
narcoterrorista {mf}
:: narcoterrorist
narcotest {m}
:: drug test
narcótico {adj}
:: narcotic
narcótico {m}
:: drug
narcotiendita {f}
:: A place where small quantities of drugs are sold on the street
narcotiranía {f}
:: narco-tyranny
narcotización {f}
:: narcotization
narcotizar {v}
:: to drug, to administer narcotics
narcotraficante {mf}
:: drug trafficker
narcotraficante {mf}
:: drug baron
narcotráfico {m}
:: drug trafficking
narcotúnel {m}
:: a tunnel used by narcotics dealer
narcozoológico {m}
:: A private zoo owned by a druglord
nardo {m}
:: nard, spikenard (Nardostachys grandiflora or Nardostachys jatamansi)
nardo {m}
:: dick, penis
narghile {m}
:: alternative form of narguile
narguile {m}
:: hookah (pipe)
Narian-Mar {prop}
:: Narian-Mar (city)
narices {adv}
:: the heck; on earth
naricilla {f}
:: diminutive of nariz
naricita {f}
:: diminutive of nariz, little nose
narigudo {adj}
:: big-nosed
narina {f}
:: nostril
nariñense {adj}
:: Of or from Nariño Department
nariñense {mf}
:: Someone from Nariño Department
nariz {f}
:: nose (organ on face)
nariz {f}
:: nose; smell (sense of smell)
narizón {adj}
:: Having a large nose
narniana {f}
:: feminine noun of narniano
narniano {adj}
:: Narnian
narniano {m}
:: Narnian
narración {f}
:: narration, story
narrador {m}
:: narrator, storyteller
narradora {f}
:: feminine noun of narrador
narrar {v}
:: to narrate
narrativa {f}
:: narrative
narrativa {f}
:: narration
narrativa {f}
:: storyline
narrativamente {adv}
:: narratively
narratividad {f}
:: narrativity
narrativo {adj}
:: narrative
nártex {m}
:: narthex
Narvaez {prop}
:: surname
narval {m}
:: narwhal
nasa {f}
:: weir
nasa {f}
:: fish-trap
nasal {adj}
:: nasal
nasal {f}
:: nasal, nasal consonant
nasalidad {f}
:: nasality
nasalización {f}
:: nasalisation
nasalizar {v}
:: to nasalize
Nasáu {prop} {m}
:: Nasáu (city)
Nasáu {prop} {m}
:: Nasáu (capital city)
nashviliana {f}
:: feminine noun of nashviliano
nashviliano {adj}
:: Nashvillian (of or pertaining to Nashville, Tennessee)
nashviliano {m}
:: Nashvillian (native or resident of Nashville, Tennessee)
násico {m}
:: proboscis monkey
naso- {prefix}
:: naso-
nasobuco {m}
:: surgical mask; procedure mask
nasociliar {adj}
:: nasociliary
nasofaringe {m}
:: nasopharynx
nasofaríngeo {adj}
:: nasopharyngeal
nasofrontal {adj}
:: nasofrontal
nasogástrico {adj}
:: nasogastric
nasogeniano {adj}
:: nasogenian
nasserismo {m}
:: Nasserism
nastuerzo {m}
:: alternative spelling of mastuerzo
nata {f}
:: (dairy) cream
nata {f}
:: skin (on boiled milk)
nata {f}
:: elite
nata {f}
:: whipped cream; custard
Nata {prop} {f}
:: given name
natación {f}
:: swimming
natación sincronizada {f}
:: synchronized swimming
natal {adj}
:: natal
natal {adj}
:: native
natal {adj}
:: home
Natalia {prop} {f}
:: given name
natalicio {adj}
:: Of, or pertaining to someone's birthday
natalicio {m}
:: birth, birthday
natalidad {f}
:: birth rate
natalidad {f}
:: natality
Natalio {prop} {m}
:: given name. The masculine form of Natalia
natalismo {m}
:: natalism
nata montada {f}
:: whipped cream
Natan {prop} {m}
:: given name
Natán {prop} {m}
:: given name
natatorio {adj}
:: swimming
Nati {prop} {f}
:: given name
natilla {f}
:: sour cream
natío {adj}
:: native, natural
natío {m}
:: birth
natío {m}
:: nature (inherent features of something)
ñatita {f}
:: diminutive of ñata
nativa {f}
:: feminine noun of nativo
nativa americana {f}
:: Native American
nativamente {adv}
:: natively
natividad {f}
:: nativity or birth
Natividad {prop} {f}
:: given name
nativismo {m}
:: nativism
nativista {mf}
:: nativist
nativo {adj}
:: native
nativo {m}
:: native of a place
nativo americano {m}
:: Native American
nativoamericano {adj}
:: Native American
nativoamericano {m}
:: Native American
nato {adj}
:: born
ñato {adj}
:: snub-nosed
natriurético {adj}
:: natriuretic
natrolita {f}
:: natrolite
natrón {m}
:: natron
natura {f}
:: nature
natural {adj}
:: natural (of or relating to nature)
natural {adj}
:: natural, plain (without artificial additives)
natural {adj}
:: natural (as expected; reasonable)
natural {adj}
:: being a calendar day
natural {adj}
:: natural (neither sharp nor flat)
natural {adj}
:: illegitimate (born to unmarried parents)
natural {adj}
:: room-temperature (neither heated nor chilled)
naturaleza {f}
:: nature
naturaleza humana {f}
:: human nature
naturaleza muerta {f}
:: still life
naturalidad {f}
:: naturalness
naturalísimamente {adv}
:: superlative of naturalmente
naturalísimo {adj}
:: superlative of natural
naturalismo {m}
:: naturalism
naturalista {adj}
:: naturalistic (of or relating to naturalism)
naturalista {mf}
:: naturalist (a person who studies nature or natural history)
naturalista {mf}
:: naturalist (a person who advocates naturalism)
naturalístico {adj}
:: naturalistic
naturalización {f}
:: naturalization
naturalizado {adj}
:: naturalized
naturalizar {v}
:: to naturalize
naturalmente {adv}
:: naturally, of course
naturismo {m}
:: The belief in using natural products to protect health and treat illness
naturista {adj}
:: natural; healthful by means of natural products
naturista {mf}
:: A person who believes in the preservation of health by natural means
naturópata {mf}
:: naturopathist
naturopatía {f}
:: naturopathy
ñau {interj}
:: meow, miaow
naúfraga {f}
:: feminine noun of naúfrago
naufragar {v}
:: to be shipwrecked
naufragar {v}
:: to fail, founder
naufragar {v}
:: fall, go down (to be defeated)
naufragio {m}
:: shipwreck
naúfrago {adj}
:: shipwrecked
naúfrago {m}
:: One who is shipwrecked
náufrago {m}
:: castaway, shipwrecked person
naumaquia {f}
:: naumachia
Naún {prop} {m}
:: Nahum
Nauru {prop} {m}
:: Nauru
nauruana {f}
:: feminine noun of nauruano
nauruano {adj}
:: Nauruan
nauruano {m}
:: Nauruan
náusea {f}
:: nausea
náusea {f}
:: repugnance, disgust
nauseabundo {adj}
:: nauseating, sickening
Nausícaa {prop} {f}
:: Nausicaa
-nauta {suffix}
:: -naut (forms nouns meaning a voyager)
nauta {mf}
:: seaman
náutica {f}
:: sailing
náutico {adj}
:: nautical
nautilo {m}
:: nautilus
nava {f}
:: a meadow located in a mountain valley, a water meadow
navaja {f}
:: razor
navaja {f}
:: pocketknife, penknife, jackknife
navaja {f}
:: razor shell, razor clam (edible clam of genus Ensis)
navaja de afeitar {f}
:: straight razor, cut-throat razor
navaja de Occam {f}
:: Occam's razor
navajazo {m}
:: stab with a knife
navajina {f}
:: diminutive of navaja
navajo {adj}
:: Navajo
navajo {m}
:: Navajo
naval {adj}
:: naval (of or relating to a navy)
navalizar {v}
:: to navalize
navarra {f}
:: feminine noun of navarro
Navarra {prop} {f}
:: Navarra (autonomous community/and/province)
Navarra {prop} {f}
:: The letter N in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
navarrismo {m}
:: Pro-Navarra feelings
navarro {adj}
:: Navarrese
navarro {m}
:: Navarrese
Navarro {prop}
:: surname
nave {f}
:: ship vessel (with a concave hull)
nave {f}
:: craft, spaceship, spacecraft (ellipsis of nave espacial), starship (ellipsis of nave estelar)
nave {f}
:: nave, aisle
navecilla {f}
:: diminutive of nave
navecita {f}
:: diminutive of nave
nave espacial {f}
:: spaceship, spacecraft
nave estelar {f}
:: starship
navegabilidad {f}
:: navigability
navegable {adj}
:: sailable, navigable
navegación {f}
:: navigation
navegación {f}
:: sailing
navegador {adj}
:: navigating
navegador {m}
:: navigator
navegador {m}
:: browser (software component capable of rendering HTML)
navegadora {f}
:: feminine noun of navegador
navegador GPS {m}
:: GPS receiver, satnav
navegador web {m}
:: browser (software component capable of rendering HTML)
navegante {mf}
:: navigator
navegante {mf}
:: mariner, sailor
navegar {v}
:: to navigate, to sail
navegar {v}
:: to surf, navigate
navetiforme {f}
:: naveta
Navia {prop} {m}
:: Navia (river)
navicular {adj}
:: navicular
navicular {m}
:: navicular bone
navidad {f}
:: alternative case form of Navidad
Navidad {prop} {f}
:: Nativity; the birth of Jesus Christ
Navidad {prop} {f}
:: Christmas; the feast day celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
Navidad {prop} {f}
:: Christmastide, Christmas time, Christmas season, the time between the first day of Christmas and Epiphany
Navidad {prop} {f}
:: Navidad (city)
Navidades {f}
:: The Christmas season; yuletide
navidaíno {adj}
:: from the Chilean city of Navidad
navideño {adj}
:: related to Christmas
navideño {m}
:: Christmas Islander (a person from Christmas Island)
naviera {f}
:: feminine noun of naviero
naviera {f}
:: shipping company
naviero {adj}
:: shipping
naviero {m}
:: ship operator
naviero {m}
:: shipowner
navío {m}
:: large ship
navy {m}
:: navy (marine forces)
náyade {f}
:: naiad (female deity)
náyade {f}
:: naiad (aquatic larva)
Nayarit {prop} {m}
:: Nayarit (state)
nayarita {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Nayarit
Nayeli {prop} {f}
:: given name
nazareno {adj}
:: Nazarene
nazareno {adj}
:: from Dos Hermanas, a city in Seville
nazareno {m}
:: Nazarene
nazareno {m}
:: Someone from Dos Hermanas, a city in Seville
Nazaret {prop} {m}
:: Nazaret (largest city)
nazarí {m}
:: Nasrid
nazarita {adj}
:: Nazarite
nazarita {mf}
:: Nazarite
Nazca {prop} {f}
:: Nazca
nazi {mf}
:: Nazi
nazi {adj}
:: Nazi
nazificación {f}
:: Nazification
nazionalista {adj}
:: nationalist
nazionalista {mf}
:: nationalist
nazismo {m}
:: Nazism
nazista {adj}
:: Nazi
nazista {mf}
:: Nazi
nazqueña {f}
:: feminine noun of nazqueño
nazqueño {adj}
:: of or from Nazca
nazqueño {m}
:: someone from Nazca
ndebele {adj}
:: Ndebele
ndebele {mf}
:: Ndebele
ndebele {m}
:: Ndebele
neandertal {adj}
:: Neanderthal
neandertal {m}
:: Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis, an extinct hominid)
neanderthal {adj}
:: Neanderthal
nébeda {f}
:: catnip
neblí {m}
:: peregrine falcon
neblina {f}
:: fog, mist (water or other liquid finely suspended in air)
neblinoso {adj}
:: misty, foggy
nebliselva {f}
:: cloud forest
Nebraska {prop} {f}
:: Nebraska (state)
nebrasqueña {f}
:: feminine noun of nebrasqueño
nebrasqueño {adj}
:: Nebraskan
nebrasqueño {m}
:: Nebraskan
nebrediano {adj}
:: Made by, or in the style of, Vicente Nebrada, a Venezuelan dancer and choreographer
nebrina {f}
:: prickly juniper berry
nebulización {f}
:: nebulization
nebulizador {m}
:: nebulizer
nebulizar {v}
:: To nebulize
nebulosa {f}
:: nebula
nebulosa {f}
:: fog (state of confusion)
nebulosa planetaria {f}
:: planetary nebula
nebulosidad {f}
:: nebulosity
nebuloso {adj}
:: cloudy, overcast
nebuloso {adj}
:: unclear, uncertain
necaxista {adj}
:: Club Necaxa
necaxista {mf}
:: Someone associated with Club Necaxa, as a fan, player, coach etc
necear {v}
:: to act foolishly; to fool around
necedad {f}
:: foolishness, stupidity
necedad {f}
:: a foolish or stupid action
necedad {f}
:: stubbornness
necesariamente {adv}
:: necessarily
necesario {adj}
:: necessary
neceser {m}
:: washbag, toilet bag, sponge bag
necesidad {f}
:: need
necesidad {f}
:: necessity
necesidad {f}
:: neediness, state of being in need
necesidad {f}
:: neediness (emotional)
necesitado {adj}
:: needy, in need (of)
necesitáis ayuda {phrase}
:: do you need help?
necesitan ayuda {phrase}
:: do you need help?
necesitar {vt}
:: to need
necesitas ayuda {phrase}
:: do you need help?
necesita usted ayuda {phrase}
:: do you need help?
necesito papel higiénico {phrase}
:: I need toilet paper
necesito su ayuda {phrase}
:: I need your help
necesito tu ayuda {phrase}
:: I need your help
necesito una bebida {phrase}
:: I need a drink
necesito un condón {phrase}
:: I need a condom
necessario {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of necesario
necessidad {f}
:: obsolete spelling of necesidad
neciamente {adv}
:: foolishly
necio {adj}
:: stupid, ignorant
necio {adj}
:: stubborn
necio {m}
:: fool
necísimo {adj}
:: superlative of necio
neckbreaker {m}
:: neckbreaker
nécora {f}
:: velvet crab
necro- {prefix}
:: necro-
necrodactilia {f}
:: The process of fingerprinting a corpse
necrófago {m}
:: necrophage (organism that eats dead or decaying flesh)
necrófago {adj}
:: necrophagous (that eats dead or decaying flesh)
necrófila {f}
:: necrophiliac (person who engages in necrophilia)
necrofilia {f}
:: necrophilia
necrofílico {adj}
:: necrophilic
necrofílico {m}
:: necrophile, necrophiliac
necrófilo {m}
:: necrophiliac (person who engages in necrophilia)
necrofobia {f}
:: necrophobia
necrólisis {f}
:: necrolysis
necrología {f}
:: necrology
necrológico {adj}
:: obituary
necrológico {adj}
:: necrological
necromancia {f}
:: necromancy
necromancía {f}
:: alternative form of necromancia
necrópolis {f}
:: necropolis
necropompa {f}
:: Among the Incas, burial of servants along with their dead master or mistress
necropsia {f}
:: necropsy, autopsy
necrosis {f}
:: necrosis
necrótico {adj}
:: necrotic
necrotizante {adj}
:: necrotizing (causing necrosis)
néctar {m}
:: nectar (the drink of the gods)
néctar {m}
:: nectar (any delicious drink)
néctar {m}
:: nectar (the sweet liquid secreted by flowers)
nectáreo {adj}
:: nectarous; nectareous
nectarífero {adj}
:: nectariferous
nectarina {f}
:: nectarine
nectario {m}
:: nectary
nectarívoro {m}
:: nectarivore
necton {m}
:: nekton
necuazal {m}
:: honey ant (Myrmecocystus spp.)
neerlandés {adj}
:: Dutch, Netherlandish (from or native to the Netherlands)
neerlandés {adj}
:: Dutch, Netherlandish (pertaining to the Netherlands)
neerlandés {m}
:: a Dutchman
neerlandés {m}
:: the Dutch (Netherlandish) language (including Flemish)
neerlandesa {f}
:: feminine noun of neerlandés
Neerlandia {prop} {f}
:: Netherlands
nefando {adj}
:: vile; nefarious
nefario {adj}
:: nefarious
nefasto {adj}
:: ill-omened, ominous
nefasto {adj}
:: disgraceful, loathsome
nefelina {f}
:: nepheline
nefita {mf}
:: Nephite
ñefle {m}
:: a penis, dick
nefología {f}
:: nephology
nefrectomía {f}
:: nephrectomy
nefridio {m}
:: nephridium
nefrita {f}
:: nephrite
nefrítico {adj}
:: nephritic
nefritis {f}
:: nephritis
nefro- {prefix}
:: nephro-
nefrocito {m}
:: nephrocyte
nefroesclerosis {f}
:: nephrosclerosis
nefroesclerótico {adj}
:: nephrosclerotic
nefroide {adj}
:: nephroid
nefroide {f}
:: nephroid
nefróloga {f}
:: feminine noun of nefrólogo
nefrología {f}
:: nephrology
nefrológico {adj}
:: nephrological
nefrólogo {m}
:: nephrologist
nefrona {f}
:: nephron
nefropatía {f}
:: nephropathy
nefrosclerosis {f}
:: alternative form of nefroesclerosis
nefrosis {f}
:: nephrosis
nefrótico {adj}
:: nephrotic
nefrotoxicidad {f}
:: nephrotoxicity
Neftalí {prop} {m}
:: given name
negación {f}
:: denial
negacionismo {m}
:: denialism, denial, negationism
negacionista {adj}
:: denialist, denier, negationist (relating to denial in a controversial debate)
negacionista {mf}
:: denialist, denier, negationist (one who denies an assertion in a controversial debate)
negadísimo {adj}
:: superlative of negado
negado {adj}
:: incompetent, hopeless, useless
negador {adj}
:: denier (person who denies something)
negar {v}
:: to deny
negar {vr}
:: to refuse
negativa {f}
:: refusal, denial
negativamente {adv}
:: negatively
negatividad {f}
:: negativity
negativísimo {adj}
:: superlative of negativo
negativismo {m}
:: negativism
negativista {adj}
:: negativistic
negativo {adj}
:: negative
negativo {m}
:: minus sign
negativo {m}
:: negative
negibacterial {adj}
:: negibacterial
negligencia {f}
:: neglect
negligencia {f}
:: malpractice
negligente {adj}
:: negligent, careless
negligentemente {adv}
:: negligently
negligir {v}
:: to neglect
negociabilidad {f}
:: negotiability
negociable {adj}
:: negotiable (open to negotiation or bargaining)
negociación {f}
:: negotiation
negociador {adj}
:: negotiatory
negociador {m}
:: negotiator
negociadora {f}
:: feminine noun of negociador
negociante {mf}
:: shopkeeper
negociante {mf}
:: businessman
negociante {mf}
:: negotiator
negociar {v}
:: to negotiate
negociar {v}
:: to trade
negociar {v}
:: to make money, make profit
negociazo {m}
:: augmentative of negocio
negocio {m}
:: business, enterprise (commercial enterprise or establishment)
negocio {m}
:: deal (a particular instance of buying or selling, a transaction)
negocio {m}
:: deal (agreement between parties)
negocio {m}
:: profit, money-making
negocio {m}
:: shop
negocito {m}
:: diminutive of negocio
negra {f}
:: feminine noun of negro
negra {f}
:: crotchet, quarter note
negra {f}
:: black piece
negra {f}
:: bad luck
negral {m}
:: black poplar
negral {m}
:: Pyrenean oak
negrear {v}
:: to blacken
negrecer {v}
:: to turn black, become black
negrero {adj}
:: slave, proslavery (attributive)
negrero {m}
:: slaver, slave driver, slaveholder, slave trader
negrero {m}
:: slave driver
negriazul {adj}
:: black and blue
negrificar {v}
:: to blackify
negrilla {f}
:: diminutive of negra
negrillo {m}
:: diminutive of negro
negrísimo {adj}
:: superlative of negro
negrita {f}
:: boldface, bold type
negrita {f}
:: darling, sweetheart
negrita {f}
:: black woman, black girl
negrito {m}
:: A person of African descent
negrito {m}
:: austral negrito (bird speices)
negritud {f}
:: negritude
negro {m}
:: black (the color perceived in the absence of light)
negro {m}
:: a black person
negro {m}
:: ghost writer
negro {adj}
:: black (absorbing all light and reflecting none; dark and hueless)
negro {adj}
:: black (of or relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin)
negro {adj}
:: dirty
negro {adj}
:: sad
negro {adj}
:: clandestine
negro {adj}
:: angry
negro {adj}
:: ( mi ~) my darling, my honey
negroafricano {adj}
:: African Negro
negro como un zapato {adj}
:: jet black; black as coal
negro de la uña {m}
:: iota; tad; inkling
negrofobia {f}
:: Negrophobia
negroide {m}
:: negroid
negror {m}
:: blackness
negro sobre blanco {adv}
:: in black and white (explicitly)
negrura {f}
:: blackness
negrura {f}
:: darkness
negruzco {adj}
:: blackish
negus {m}
:: Negus (supreme Ethiopian ruler)
Nehemías {prop} {m}
:: Nehemiah (the book of the Bible)
nejayote {m}
:: nejayote
nelore {m}
:: Nelore (cow breed)
ñema {f}
:: tip of the penis, glans
ñema {f}
:: egg yolk
nematelminto {m}
:: synonym of nematodo
nematocisto {m}
:: nematocyst
nematodo {m}
:: nematode, roundworm
nemátodo {m}
:: alternative form of nematodo
nematología {f}
:: nematology
nematomorfo {m}
:: nematomorph
ñembyense {adj}
:: Of or from Ñemby
ñembyense {mf}
:: Someone from Ñemby
nemertino {m}
:: nemertean
némesis {f}
:: punishment
Némesis {prop} {f}
:: Nemesis
nemoroso {adj}
:: woody; wooded
nemotecnia {f}
:: mnemonic (memory device)
nemotécnico {adj}
:: alternative spelling of mnemotécnico
Nemrod {prop}
:: Nimrod
nena {f}
:: feminine noun of nene; baby girl
nena {f}
:: babe, dear (term of endearment to a woman or girl)
nenaza {f}
:: sissy, momma's boy and chicken, yellow belly (an effeminate and coward man)
nenaza {f}
:: wimpy
nene {m}
:: baby, young child
nene {m}
:: babe, baby (term of endearment for a male)
nené {m}
:: kid, kiddo
ñengo {adj}
:: sickly, stunted, weak
nenita {f}
:: diminutive of nena; sistergirl, homegirl, girlfriend, honey
nenito {m}
:: diminutive of nene
nenuca {f}
:: little girl
nenúfar {m}
:: water lily, white waterlily
neo- {prefix}
:: neo-
neoadyuvante {adj}
:: neoadjuvant
neoandino {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to a modern style of architecture from the Andes
neoárabe {adj}
:: Neo-Arab
neoasirio {adj}
:: Neo-Assyrian
neobabilónico {adj}
:: neo-Babylonic
neobarroco {adj}
:: Neo-Baroque
neobizantino {adj}
:: Neo-Byzantine
neobrunswiqués {adj}
:: New Brunswicker (of or pertaining to New Brunswick, Canada)
neobrunswiqués {mf}
:: New Brunswicker (native or resident of New Brunswick, Canada)
neocaledonio {adj}
:: New Caledonian
neocaledonio {m}
:: New Caledonian
neocapitalismo {m}
:: neo-capitalism
neocelandés {adj}
:: of, or relating to, New Zealand
neocelandés {m}
:: New Zealander
neocentralista {m}
:: neocentralist
neoclásica {f}
:: feminine noun of neoclásico
neoclasicismo {m}
:: neoclassicism
neoclasicista {mf}
:: neoclassicist
neoclásico {adj}
:: neoclassical
neoclásico {m}
:: neoclassicist
neococina {f}
:: nouvelle cuisine
neocolonia {f}
:: neo-colony
neocolonial {adj}
:: neocolonial
neocolonialismo {m}
:: neocolonialism
neocolonialista {adj}
:: neocolonialist
neocolonialista {mf}
:: neocolonialist
neocolonizar {vt}
:: neo-colonize
neocomunista {adj}
:: neocommunist
neocomunista {mf}
:: neocommunist
neocon {m}
:: neocon
neoconcretismo {m}
:: neoconcretism
neoconservador {adj}
:: neoconservative
neoconservadurismo {m}
:: New Conservatism
neocórtex {m}
:: neocortex
neocorteza {f}
:: neocortex
neodarwinismo {m}
:: Neo-Darwinism
neodelhiense {adj}
:: New Delhian, Dilliwale, Delhite (of or pertaining to New Delhi, India)
neodelhiense {mf}
:: New Delhian, Dilliwale, Delhite (native or resident of New Delhi, India)
neodictadura {f}
:: neodictatorship
neodimio {m}
:: neodymium
neoescocés {adj}
:: Nova Scotian
neoescocés {m}
:: Nova Scotian
neoescolástica {f}
:: neo-scholasticism
neoespartana {f}
:: feminine noun of neoespartano
neoespartano {adj}
:: Of or from Nueva Esparta
neoespartano {m}
:: Someone from Nueva Esparta
neofascismo {m}
:: neofascism
neofascista {adj}
:: neofascist
neofascista {mf}
:: neofascist
neofiguración {f}
:: neo-figurative art
neófita {f}
:: feminine noun of neófito
neófito {m}
:: neophyte, novice
neoflavonoide {m}
:: neoflavonoid
neofobia {f}
:: neophobia
neofranquista {mf}
:: neo-Franquist
neogénico {adj}
:: neogenic
neógeno {adj}
:: Neogene
neognato {m}
:: neognath
neogótico {adj}
:: neogothic
neogranadino {adj}
:: Of or from New Granada
neogranadino {m}
:: Someone from New Granada
neogriego {adj}
:: Neo-Greek
neohablante {mf}
:: A person in a new generation who speaks a minority language
neohampshireña {f}
:: feminine noun of neohampshireño
neohampshireño {adj}
:: New Hampshirite
neohampshireño {m}
:: New Hampshirite
neohumanismo {m}
:: neohumanism
neohumanístico {adj}
:: neohumanistic
neo-imperial {adj}
:: alternative spelling of neoimperial
neoimperial {adj}
:: neoimperial
neoimperialista {adj}
:: neoimperialist
neoimperialista {mf}
:: neoimperialist
neoimpresionista {mf}
:: neoimpressionist
neojerseíta {adj}
:: New Jerseyan, New Jersey
neojerseíta {m}
:: New Jerseyan
neokantismo {m}
:: Neo-Kantianism
neokeynesiano {adj}
:: Neo-Keynesian
neolatino {adj}
:: New Latin
neolengua {f}
:: newspeak
neolenguaje {m}
:: newspeak
neoleonés {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Nuevo León
neoliberal {adj}
:: neoliberal
neoliberal {mf}
:: neoliberal
neoliberalismo {m}
:: neoliberalism
neolítico {adj}
:: neolithic
neolitización {f}
:: neolithization
neologismo {m}
:: neologism (a word or phrase which has recently been coined)
neomachismo {m}
:: neomasculinity
neomalthusianismo {m}
:: Neo-Malthusianism
neomercantilista {mf}
:: neomercantilist
neomexicano {adj}
:: New Mexican
neomexicano {m}
:: New Mexican
neomodernismo {m}
:: neomodernism
neomudéjar {adj}
:: Neo-Mudéjar
neón {m}
:: neon
neón {m}
:: neon light, fluorescent lamp
neonacionalismo {m}
:: neonationalism
neonacionalista {mf}
:: neo-Nazi
neonata {f}
:: feminine noun of neonato
neonatal {adj}
:: neonatal
neonato {m}
:: newborn
neonatóloga {f}
:: neonatologist
neonatología {f}
:: neonatology
neonatólogo {m}
:: neonatologist
neonazi {adj}
:: neo-Nazi
neonazi {mf}
:: neo-Nazi
neonazismo {m}
:: neo-Nazism
neonazista {adj}
:: neo-Nazi
neonazista {mf}
:: neo-Nazi
neonicotinoide {m}
:: neonicotinoid
neontología {f}
:: neontology
neopagana {f}
:: feminine noun of neopagano
neopaganismo {m}
:: neopaganism
neopagano {adj}
:: neopagan
neopagano {m}
:: neopagan
neopalladiano {adj}
:: neo-Palladian
neopentecostal {adj}
:: neo-Pentecostal
neopitagórico {adj}
:: neopythagorean
neoplasia {f}
:: neoplasia
neoplasia {f}
:: neoplasm
neoplásico {adj}
:: neoplastic
neoplasticismo {m}
:: neoplasticism
neoplástico {adj}
:: neoplastic
neoplatónico {adj}
:: Neoplatonic
neoplatonismo {m}
:: Neoplatonism
neopopulismo {m}
:: neopopulism
neopositivismo {m}
:: neopositivism
neopositivista {mf}
:: neopositivist
neopreno {m}
:: neoprene
neopreno {m}
:: wetsuit
neoprofesional {adj}
:: newly professional
neoprogresista {adj}
:: neoprogressive
neorrealismo {m}
:: neorealism
neorrealista {adj}
:: neorealist
neorrealista {mf}
:: neorealist
neorrenacentista {adj}
:: Renaissance Revival
neorrenacimiento {m}
:: Neo-Renaissance
neorrománico {adj}
:: neo-Romanesque
neorromanticismo {m}
:: neoromanticism
neorromántico {adj}
:: neo-romantic
neostigmina {f}
:: neostigmine
neotaberna {f}
:: wine bar
neotérico {adj}
:: neoteric
neotestamentario {adj}
:: New Testament (attributive)
neotipo {m}
:: neotype
neotropical {adj}
:: neotropical
neotrópico {adj}
:: neotropical
neoumbilicoplastia {f}
:: neoumbilicoplasty
neovanguardista {adj}
:: neo-avant-garde
neovasco {adj}
:: neo-Basque
neovascularización {f}
:: neovascularization
neoyorkino {adj}
:: alternative spelling of neoyorquino
neoyorkino {m}
:: alternative spelling of neoyorquino
neoyorquino {adj}
:: Of or relating to New York
neoyorquino {m}
:: A New Yorker; somebody from New York
neozelandés {adj}
:: of, or relating to, New Zealand
neozelandés {m}
:: New Zealander (a person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent)
neozelandesa {f}
:: feminine noun of neozelandés
Nepal {prop} {m}
:: Nepal
nepalés {adj}
:: Nepali
nepalés {m}
:: Nepali
nepalesa {f}
:: feminine noun of nepalés
nepalí {adj}
:: Nepali
nepalí {m}
:: Nepali (someone from Nepal)
nepalí {m}
:: Nepali (language)
Nephtalí {prop}
:: Naphtali (Biblical character and tribe)
nepotismo {m}
:: nepotism
nepotista {adj}
:: nepotistic
nepotista {mf}
:: nepotist
neptuniano {adj}
:: Neptunian
neptuniano {m}
:: Neptunian
neptunio {m}
:: neptunium
Neptuno {prop} {m}
:: Neptune
ñeque {m}
:: agouti
ñeque {m}
:: force, power
ñeque {m}
:: courage
ñera {f}
:: feminine noun of ñero
nerazzurro {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the FC Internazionale Milano, the famous Italian football club based in Milan
nerazzurro {m}
:: A FC Internazionale Milano player or supporter
nerca {f}
:: meat
nerd {mf}
:: nerd
nerda {f}
:: feminine noun of nerdo
nerdaco {m}
:: nerd, geek
nerdo {m}
:: nerd
Nerea {prop} {f}
:: given name
nereida {f}
:: nereid
nerítico {adj}
:: neritic
ñero {m}
:: buddy, pal
Nerón {prop} {m}
:: Nero (Roman emperor)
neroniano {adj}
:: Neronian (of or pertaining to the emperor Nero)
neroniano {adj}
:: ruthless, cruel
nervación {f}
:: nervation
nervado {adj}
:: nervate; nerved
nervadura {f}
:: midrib, nerve (of a plant leaf)
nervadura {f}
:: rib (of a building, especially a vault)
nerval {adj}
:: neural
nerviación {f}
:: nerve
nervio {m}
:: nerve
nervio ciático {m}
:: sciatic nerve
nervio craneal {m}
:: cranial nerve
nervio facial {m}
:: facial nerve
nervio óptico {m}
:: optic nerve
nerviosamente {adv}
:: nervously
nerviosidad {f}
:: nervousness
nerviosísimo {adj}
:: superlative of nervioso
nerviosismo {m}
:: nervousness
nervioso {adj}
:: nervous, on edge
nervio trigémino {m}
:: trigeminal nerve
nervio vago {m}
:: vagus nerve
nervudo {adj}
:: wiry, sinewy
nervudo {adj}
:: tough, robust
nérvulo {m}
:: nervule
nesga {f}
:: gore
nesosilicato {m}
:: nesosilicate
Néstor {prop} {m}
:: Nestor
nestoriana {f}
:: feminine noun of nestoriano
nestorianismo {m}
:: Nestorianism
nestoriano {adj}
:: Nestorian
nestoriano {m}
:: Nestorian
netamente {adv}
:: solely, genuinely
netbook {m}
:: netbook
netnografía {f}
:: netnography
neto {adj}
:: net (remaining after deductions)
networking {m}
:: networking (meeting new people)
neuma {m}
:: neume (sign used in early musical notation)
neumático {adj}
:: pneumatic
neumático {m}
:: tyre
neumatización {f}
:: pneumatization
neumo- {prefix}
:: pneumo-
neumocito {m}
:: pneumocyte
neumocócico {adj}
:: pneumococcal
neumococo {m}
:: pneumococcus (bacterium)
neumoconiosis {f}
:: pneumoconiosis
neumóloga {f}
:: feminine noun of neumólogo
neumología {f}
:: pneumology
neumológico {adj}
:: pneumological, pulmonological
neumólogo {m}
:: pneumologist, pulmonologist
neumomediastino {m}
:: pneumomediastinum
neumonía {f}
:: pneumonia
neumonitis {f}
:: pneumonitis
neumópata {adj}
:: suffering from lung disease
neumoperitoneo {m}
:: pneumoperitoneum
neumotórax {m}
:: pneumothorax
Neuquén {prop}
:: Neuquén (province)
Neuquén {prop}
:: Neuquén (city)
neuquino {adj}
:: of or from Neuquén
neuquino {m}
:: Someone from Neuquén
neural {adj}
:: neural (relating to nerves)
neuralgia {f}
:: neuralgia
neurálgico {adj}
:: neuralgic
neurálgico {adj}
:: central or decisive to a situation, problem, etc
neuraminato {m}
:: neuraminate
neuramínico {adj}
:: neuraminic
neuraminidasa {f}
:: neuraminidase
neurastenia {f}
:: neurasthenia (condition characterized by lassitude, fatigue, headache and irritability)
neurasténico {adj}
:: neurasthenic
neurilemoma {m}
:: schwannoma
neurinoma {f}
:: neurinoma
neurita {f}
:: neurite
neuritis {f}
:: neuritis
neuro- {prefix}
:: neuro-
neuroactivo {adj}
:: neuroactive
neuroanatomía {f}
:: neuroanatomy
neuroanatomista {mf}
:: neuroanatomist
neurobióloga {f}
:: neurobiologist
neurobiología {f}
:: neurobiology
neurobiológico {adj}
:: neurobiological
neurobiólogo {m}
:: neurobiologist
neuroblasto {m}
:: neuroblast
neurociencia {f}
:: neuroscience
neurocientífico {adj}
:: neuroscientific
neurocirugía {f}
:: neurosurgery
neurocirujana {f}
:: feminine noun of neurocirujano
neurocirujano {m}
:: neurosurgeon
neurocisticercosis {f}
:: neurocysticercosis
neurocognitivo {adj}
:: neurocognitive
neurocomportamiento {m}
:: neurobehavior
neuroconductual {adj}
:: neurobehavioural
neurocráneo {m}
:: neurocranium
neurodegeneración {f}
:: neurodegeneration
neurodegenerativo {adj}
:: neurodegenerative
neurodermatitis {f}
:: neurodermatitis
neurodermitis {f}
:: alternative form of neurodermatitis
neurodesarrollo {m}
:: neurodevelopment
neurodiversidad {f}
:: neurodiversity
neuroeconomía {f}
:: neuroeconomics
neuroectodermo {m}
:: neuroectoderm
neuroendocrino {adj}
:: neuroendocrine
neuroestética {f}
:: neuroesthetics
neuroetología {f}
:: neuroethology
neurofibrilar {adj}
:: neurofibrillary
neurofibromatosis {f}
:: neurofibromatosis
neurofisióloga {f}
:: neurophysiologist
neurofisiología {f}
:: neurophysiology
neurofisiológico {adj}
:: neurophysiological
neurofisiólogo {m}
:: neurophysiologist
neurogénesis {f}
:: neurogenesis
neurogénico {adj}
:: neurogenic
neuroide {adj}
:: neuroid, neuroidal
neuroimagen {f}
:: neuroimage
neuroléptico {m}
:: neuroleptic
neurolingüística {f}
:: neurolinguistics
neurología {f}
:: neurology
neurológicamente {adv}
:: neurologically
neurológico {adj}
:: neurological
neurólogo {m}
:: neurologist
neuroma {m}
:: neuroma
neuromercadotecnia {f}
:: neuromarketing
neuromielitis {f}
:: neuromyelitis
neuromuscular {adj}
:: neuromuscular
neurona {f}
:: neuron; nerve cell
neuronal {adj}
:: neuronal
neuropatía {f}
:: neuropathy
neuropático {adj}
:: neuropathic
neuropatología {f}
:: neuropathology
neuropéptido {m}
:: neuropeptide
neuroplasticidad {f}
:: neuroplasticity
neuroprotección {f}
:: neuroprotection
neuroprotector {m}
:: neuroprotector
neuroprótesis {f}
:: neuroprosthesis
neuropsicóloga {f}
:: feminine noun of neuropsicólogo
neuropsicología {f}
:: neuropsychology
neuropsicológico {adj}
:: neuropsychological
neuropsicólogo {m}
:: neuropsychologist
neuropsiquiatra {mf}
:: neuropsychiatrist
neuropsiquiatría {f}
:: neuropsychiatry
neuropsiquiátrico {adj}
:: neuropsychiatric
neuróptero {m}
:: neuropteran
neuroquímica {f}
:: feminine noun of neuroquímico
neuroquímico {adj}
:: neurochemical
neuroquímico {m}
:: neurochemist
neurosensorial {adj}
:: neurosensory
neurosicología {f}
:: neuropsychology
neurosífilis {f}
:: neurosyphilis
neurosis {f}
:: neurosis
neurosis de guerra {f}
:: shell shock, shell-shock, shellshock
neurosporaxantina {f}
:: neurosporaxanthin
neurótica {f}
:: feminine noun of neurótico
neuroticismo {m}
:: neuroticism
neurótico {adj}
:: neurotic
neurótico {m}
:: neurotic
neurotípico {adj}
:: neurotypical
neurotmesis {f}
:: neurotmesis
neurótomo {m}
:: neurotome
neurotoxicidad {f}
:: neurotoxicity
neurotóxico {adj}
:: neurotoxic
neurotoxina {f}
:: neurotoxin
neurotransmisión {f}
:: neurotransmission
neurotransmisor {m}
:: neurotransmitter
neurotrófico {adj}
:: neurotrophic
neurovascular {adj}
:: neurovascular
néurula {f}
:: neurula
neurulación {f}
:: neurulation
neuston {m}
:: neuston
neustriano {adj}
:: Neustrian
neustriano {m}
:: Neustrian
neutle {m}
:: pulque
neutral {adj}
:: neutral
neutralidad {f}
:: neutrality
neutralista {mf}
:: neutralist
neutralización {f}
:: neutralization
neutralizador {adj}
:: neutralizing
neutralizador {m}
:: neutralizer
neutralizante {adj}
:: neutralizing
neutralizar {v}
:: to neutralise (UK), to neutralize (US)
neutralmente {adv}
:: neutrally
neutrino {m}
:: neutrino
neutrino electrónico {m}
:: electron neutrino
neutrino muónico {m}
:: muon neutrino
neutrino tauónico {m}
:: tauon neutrino
neutro {adj}
:: neuter (neither the one thing nor the other)
neutro {adj}
:: neuter (having a form which is neither masculine nor feminine)
neutro {adj}
:: neutral (not taking sides in a conflict)
neutro {adj}
:: neutral (neither positive nor negative)
neutro {adj}
:: neutral (having a pH near 7)
neutro {adj}
:: neutered (lacking sexual organs)
neutrofilia {f}
:: neutrophilia
neutrofílico {adj}
:: neutrophilic
neutrófilo {adj}
:: neutrophil (easily stained by neutral dyes)
neutrófilo {m}
:: neutrophil (a cell that is easily stained by neutral dyes)
neutrón {m}
:: neutron
neutrónico {adj}
:: neutron (attributive)
neutronización {f}
:: neutronization
neutropenia {f}
:: neutropenia
nevada {f}
:: snowfall
nevada {f}
:: snow storm
Nevada {prop} {f}
:: Nevada (state)
nevadense {adj}
:: Nevadan
nevadense {m}
:: Nevadan
nevado {adj}
:: snowy
nevado {adj}
:: white as snow
nevar {vi}
:: to snow
nevasca {f}
:: blizzard, snowstorm (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow)
nevazón {m}
:: blizzard
nevera {f}
:: refrigerator
nevería {f}
:: ice cream shop
nevero {m}
:: névé
nevero {m}
:: A location with continuous snow throughout the year
nevirapina {f}
:: nevirapine
nevisca {f}
:: light snow
neviscar {vi}
:: to sleet
neviscar {vi}
:: to snow lightly
ñew {interj}
:: mew, meow, miaow
newton {m}
:: newton
newtoniano {adj}
:: Newtonian
nexo {m}
:: link, nexus
Neymar {prop} {m}
:: given name
nguemista {m}
:: A supporter of Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, president of Equatorial Guinea
nguemista {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, president of Equatorial Guinea, or his politics
ni {conj}
:: neither... nor
ni {conj}
:: nor, or
ni {adv}
:: not even, even
ni {f}
:: nu; the Greek letter Ν, ν
niacina {f}
:: niacin
ni a dos tirones {adv}
:: not at all; absolutely not
ni a la de tres {adv}
:: no way; over my dead body
Niamey {prop}
:: Niamey (capital city)
ni a tiros {adv}
:: not a chance; no way; not for the world
ni a tres tirones {adv}
:: not at all; absolutely not
ni bien {adv}
:: as soon as
ni borracho {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
nica {adj}
:: Nicaraguan
nica {mf}
:: A Nicaraguan
Nicanor {prop} {m}
:: given name
Nicaragua {prop} {f}
:: Nicaragua (country)
nicaraguanidad {f}
:: The state of being Nicaraguan
nicaragüeño {m}
:: Nicaraguan
nicaragüense {adj}
:: Nicaraguan
nicaragüense {mf}
:: Nicaraguan
niceno {adj}
:: Nicene, Nicaean
niche {m}
:: low-class
ni chicha ni limonada {phrase}
:: neither fish nor fowl; not easily conforming to categorization. (Said of something that is unknown or unclear)
nicho {m}
:: niche
nicho {m}
:: niche
nicho {m}
:: burial niche
Nico {prop} {m}
:: given name
Nicolás {prop} {m}
:: given name
Nicolasa {prop} {f}
:: given name
nicoleña {f}
:: feminine noun of nicoleño
nicoleño {adj}
:: Of or from San Nicolás de los Arroyos
nicoleño {m}
:: Someone from San Nicolás de los Arroyos
Nicomedia {prop} {f}
:: Nicomedia
ni come, ni deja comer {phrase}
:: dog in the manger
Nicópolis {prop} {m}
:: Nicopolis
Nicosia {prop}
:: Nicosia (capital city)
nicotianamina {f}
:: nicotianamine
nicotina {f}
:: nicotine (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco)
nicotinamida {f}
:: nicotinamide
nicotínico {adj}
:: nicotinic
nicoya {adj}
:: Nicoyan
nicoya {mf}
:: Nicoyan
nicoyana {f}
:: feminine noun of nicoyano
nicoyano {adj}
:: of or from Nicoya, Costa Rica
nicoyano {adj}
:: Of, from, or relating to Nicoya, a pre-Columbine culture
nicoyano {m}
:: someone from Nicoya
nicoyano {m}
:: A member of the Nicoya
nictálope {adj}
:: nyctalopic
nictalopía {f}
:: nyctalopia
nictitante {adj}
:: nictating
nicuatole {m}
:: A dessert made from ground corn and sugar, traditional in Oaxaca, Mexico
nidada {f}
:: clutch (of eggs)
nidada {f}
:: brood (of chicks)
ni de broma {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
ni de coña {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
ni de guasa {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
nidificación {f}
:: nesting, nidification
nidificante {adj}
:: nesting (of wildlife)
nidificar {v}
:: to nidify; to build a nest
nidito {m}
:: diminutive of nido
nido {m}
:: nest
NIE {m}
:: initialism of número de identidad de extranjero
niebla {f}
:: fog (a thick cloud that forms near the ground)
niebla {f}
:: fog (a state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion)
ni en pedo {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
ni en sueños {adv}
:: over someone's dead body; in one's dreams
nieta {f}
:: granddaughter
nieta política {f}
:: stepgrandchild
nieta política {f}
:: stepgrandson
nietastra {f}
:: stepgranddaughter
nietastro {m}
:: stepgrandson, stepgrandchild
nietecillo {m}
:: diminutive of nieto
nietecita {f}
:: diminutive of nieta
nietecito {m}
:: diminutive of nieto
nietito {m}
:: diminutive of nieto
nieto {m}
:: grandchild; grandson
Nieto {prop}
:: surname
nieto político {m}
:: stepgrandchild
nieto político {m}
:: stepgrandson
nietzscheano {adj}
:: Nietzschean
nietzscheano {m}
:: Nietzschean
nieve {f}
:: snow
nieve {f}
:: ice cream
Nieves {prop} {f}
:: given name
Nieves {prop} {f}
:: surname derived from the given name, or from a nickname for someone with white hair
ni fu ni fa {adj}
:: so-so
ni fu ni fa {adj}
:: OK, nothing special
ni fu ni fa {interj}
:: whatever
ni gaitas {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
ni gaitas {adv}
:: no nothing
Níger {prop} {m}
:: Níger (country)
Níger {prop} {m}
:: Níger (major river)
Nigeria {prop} {f}
:: Nigeria (country)
nigeriana {f}
:: feminine noun of nigeriano
nigerianas {n}
:: plural of nigeriana
nigeriano {adj}
:: Nigerian
nigeriano {m}
:: Nigerian
nigerino {adj}
:: Nigerien
nigerino {m}
:: Nigerien
nigérrimo {adj}
:: superlative of negro
nightclub {m}
:: nightclub
nigiri {m}
:: nigiri
nigroestriado {adj}
:: nigrostriatal
nigromancia {f}
:: necromancy
nigromante {mf}
:: necromancer
nigua {f}
:: chigoe, jigger (Tunga penetrans)
ni hablar {adv}
:: no way, don't go there
ni harto de vino {adv}
:: no way, by no means
ni hecho a propósito {phrase}
:: you couldn't have made this up; that couldn't be done if you tried
nihilismo {m}
:: nihilism
nihilista {adj}
:: nihilistic
nihilista {mf}
:: nihilist
nihil obstat {m}
:: nihil obstat
nihonio {m}
:: nihonium
ni idea {interj}
:: no idea
ni ir ni venir {v}
:: to be neither here nor there; to have nothing to do with it
Niké {prop} {f}
:: Nike
nikkei {mf}
:: nikkei
Nilda {prop} {f}
:: given name
ni lerdo ni perezoso {adv}
:: quickly; in two shakes of a lamb's tail
nilgó {m}
:: nilgai
Nilo {prop} {m}
:: Nile
ni loco {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
nilón {m}
:: nylon
nilótico {adj}
:: Nilotic
nilpotente {m}
:: nilpotent
nimbado {adj}
:: decorated
nimbar {v}
:: to aureole; to halo
nimbo {m}
:: halo, aureola
nimbo {m}
:: nimbus (cloud)
Nimega {prop}
:: Nimega (city)
nimiamente {adv}
:: trivially
nimiedad {f}
:: trifle, triviality
nimiedad {f}
:: excess
nimio {adj}
:: insignificant, trivial, petty, trifling
nimio {adj}
:: meticulous, thorough
nimio {adj}
:: excessive, exaggerated
nimrávido {m}
:: nimravid
ni muerto {adv}
:: no way, not a chance
niña {f}
:: feminine noun of niño, girl
niña bonita {f}
:: The number fifteen in some Spanish card games
niña cambiada {f}
:: feminine noun of niño cambiado
niña probeta {f}
:: feminine noun of niño probeta
niñato {adj}
:: childish
niñato {m}
:: kid
niñe {mf}
:: child
niñera {f}
:: baby-sitter
niñería {f}
:: childishness
niñería {f}
:: trifle; triviality
niñero {m}
:: baby-sitter
niñez {f}
:: childhood
ninfa {f}
:: nymph
ninfal {adj}
:: nymphal
ninfea {f}
:: water lily
ninfeo {m}
:: nymphaeum
ninfómana {f}
:: nymphomaniac
ninfomanía {f}
:: nymphomania
ninfomaníaco {adj}
:: nymphomaniac
ninfómano {m}
:: nymphomaniac
ninguna {pron}
:: feminine singular of ninguno
ningunear {v}
:: to ignore, forget
ningunear {v}
:: to disrespect, belittle
ningún nacido {m}
:: nobody
ninguno {adj}
:: no; none
ninguno {pron}
:: nobody; no one
ninguno {pron}
:: none; neither, any
nini {mf}
:: neet, NEET
niñita {f}
:: diminutive of niña
niñito {m}
:: diminutive of niño, small child
Nínive {prop} {f}
:: Nínive (ancient city)
ninja {mf}
:: ninja (person trained in stealth, espionage, assassination and ninjutsu)
niño {m}
:: child; boy, girl
niño cambiado {m}
:: changeling
niño probeta {m}
:: test tube baby
niño salvaje {m}
:: feral child
niño soldado {m}
:: child soldier
nínox {m}
:: Any owl of the Ninox genus, including various species of boobooks and hawk-owls
niobio {m}
:: niobium
ni olvido, ni perdón {phrase}
:: never forget, nor forgive
nipo- {prefix}
:: Nippo-
nipofilia {f}
:: Japanophilia (strong interest in Japan)
nipofilo {m}
:: Japanophile
nipón {adj}
:: Nipponese
nipón {m}
:: Nipponese
niponización {f}
:: Japanification
ni por asomo {adv}
:: by no means
niqab {m}
:: niqab
ni que {conj}
:: It's as if; anyone would have thought (that)
níquel {m}
:: nickel
niquelar {vt}
:: to nickel
niquelero {adj}
:: nickel
niquelífero {adj}
:: nickel
niquelina {f}
:: nickeline
ñire {m}
:: Antarctic beech (Nothofagus antarctica)
ñirre {m}
:: alternative spelling of ñire
nirvana {m}
:: nirvana
níscalo {m}
:: saffron milk cap (edible mushroom of the species Lactarius deliciosus)
ni siquiera {adv}
:: not even
ñisñil {m}
:: cattail
níspero {m}
:: medlar (Mespilus germanica, now Crataegus germanica)
níspero {m}
:: loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
níspero {m}
:: sapodilla (Manilkara zapota and Manilkara huberi)
níspero {m}
:: great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)
níspero europeo {m}
:: The medlar
níspero japonés {m}
:: The loquat (tree & fruit)
nistagmo {m}
:: nystagmus
ni tanto ni tan calvo {phrase}
:: don't exaggerate; don't get carried away
nítidamente {adv}
:: clearly, distinctly
nitidez {f}
:: clarity, clearness (cleanness)
nitidez {f}
:: sharpness, clarity, definition (of an image or video)
nitidez {f}
:: clarity (lack of ambiguity)
nítido {adj}
:: pure, clear, clean
nítido {adj}
:: clear, distinct
Nito {prop} {m}
:: A male pet name
nitración {f}
:: nitration
nitrato {m}
:: nitrate
nitrería {f}
:: nitrary
nítrico {adj}
:: nitric
nitrificación {f}
:: nitrification
nitrificador {m}
:: something that nitrifies
nitrificador {adj}
:: nitrifying
nitrificante {adj}
:: nitrifying
nitrificar {v}
:: to nitrify
nitrilo {m}
:: nitrile
nitrito {m}
:: nitrite
nitro- {prefix}
:: nitro-
nitroareno {m}
:: nitroarene
nitrobenceno {m}
:: nitrobenzene
nitrocelulosa {f}
:: nitrocellulose
nitrofurano {m}
:: nitrofuran
nitrogenado {adj}
:: nitrogenous
nitrogenasa {f}
:: nitrogenase
nitrógeno {m}
:: nitrogen
nitroglicerina {f}
:: nitroglycerine
nitrometano {m}
:: nitromethane
nitronio {m}
:: nitronium
nitrosación {f}
:: nitrosation
nitrosamina {f}
:: nitrosamine
nitroso {adj}
:: nitrous
nitróxido {m}
:: nitroxide
nitroxilo {m}
:: nitroxyl
nitruración {f}
:: nitriding
nitruro {m}
:: nitride
nival {adj}
:: snow; snow
nivariense {adj}
:: Of or from Santa Cruz de Tenerife
nivariense {mf}
:: Someone from Santa Cruz de Tenerife
nivel {m}
:: level, tier, height (distance relative to a given reference elevation)
nivel {m}
:: level, standard (degree or amount)
nivel {m}
:: level (tool for finding whether a surface is level)
nivelación {f}
:: levelling, flattening
nivelador {adj}
:: levelling
nivelador {m}
:: level (tool)
nivelador {m}
:: leveller
nivelar {v}
:: to level out, to make even
nivelar {v}
:: to balance
nivelar {v}
:: to survey
nivelar {vr}
:: to level out, to become even
nivel de agua {m}
:: water level
nivel del agua {m}
:: water level
nivel del mar {m}
:: sea level
nivel energético {m}
:: energy level
níveo {adj}
:: niveous, snowy (of or resembling snow)
Nix {prop} {f}
:: Nyx
nixtamal {m}
:: hominy, nixtamal
nixtamalización {f}
:: nixtamalization
nixtamalizar {v}
:: to nixtamalize
Niza {prop} {f}
:: Niza (coastal city/capital)
nizardo {adj}
:: Niçois
nizardo {m}
:: Someone from Nice, France
nizarí {adj}
:: Nizari
nizarí {mf}
:: Nizari
nizatidina {f}
:: nizatidine
NL {prop}
:: abbreviation of Nuevo León (Mexican state)
NLE {prop}
:: abbreviation of Nuevo León, a state of Mexico
NMC {phrase}
:: initialism of no me chingues
NNA {p}
:: initialism of niños, niñas y adolescentes (boys, girls, and adolescents)
no {adv}
:: no
no {adv}
:: not
no {interj}
:: eh? (used as a tag question, to emphasise what goes before or to request that the listener express an opinion about what has been said)
no {m}
:: no
no {m}
:: abbreviation of número; no.
n.º {n}
:: abbreviation of número
no atar ni desatar {v}
:: to make no progress; to go nowhere fast
ñoba {m}
:: bathroom
nobel {m}
:: Nobel Prize
nobel {mf}
:: Nobel Prize winner
nobelio {m}
:: nobelium
no bien {adv}
:: no sooner; as soon as; barely
nobiliario {adj}
:: noble
nobilísimo {adj}
:: superlative of noble
noble {adj}
:: noble
noblemente {adv}
:: nobly
nobleza {f}
:: nobility
noblote {adj}
:: noble
no callarse ni bajo el agua {v}
:: alternative form of no callarse ni debajo del agua
no callarse ni debajo del agua {v}
:: to never shut up; to be a chatterbox
nocao {m}
:: knockout
nocardiosis {f}
:: nocardiosis
nocaut {m}
:: knockout
nocharniego {adj}
:: nocturnal
noche {f}
:: night (the period between sunset and sunrise)
noche {f}
:: evening
nochebuena {f}
:: poinsettia
Nochebuena {prop} {f}
:: Christmas Eve
noche cerrada {f}
:: dead of night
nochecita {f}
:: diminutive of noche
Noche de Brujas {prop} {m}
:: Halloween, All Hallows' Eve
noche de perros {f}
:: awful night; night from hell
noche de San Juan {f}
:: Saint John's Eve (the night before June 24)
nochero {m}
:: night worker
Nochevieja {prop} {f}
:: New Year's Eve
nocicepción {f}
:: nociception
nociceptivo {adj}
:: nociceptive
nociceptor {m}
:: nociceptor
noción {f}
:: notion
nocional {adj}
:: notional
nocividad {f}
:: harmfulness
nocivo {adj}
:: noxious
nocivo {adj}
:: harmful
no comerse un rosco {v}
:: to have no luck flirting; to get nowhere (trying to pull someone); go home empty-handed (without scoring)
no comprendo {phrase}
:: I don't understand
noctámbulo {adj}
:: Tending to be awake or up and about at night
noctámbulo {m}
:: One who is awake at night; a night owl
noctívago {m}
:: sleepwalker
noctívago {adj}
:: sleepwalking
noctívago {adj}
:: nocturnal (active at night)
nocturnidad {f}
:: nocturnality
nocturno {adj}
:: of or relating to night
nocturno {adj}
:: nocturnal
nocturno {m}
:: nocturne (composition)
nodal {adj}
:: nodal
no dar palo al agua {v}
:: alternative form of no dar un palo al agua
no dar pie con bola {v}
:: to screw up; keep on screwing up; to be off one's game
no dar una a derechas {v}
:: to not get anything right, get it all wrong
no dar un palo al agua {v}
:: to not lift a finger
no decir ni mu {v}
:: to keep mum; to not breathe a word; to not say a word
no decir ni pío {v}
:: to keep mum; to not breathe a word; to not say a word; to not breathe a word
no dejar títere con cabeza {v}
:: to smash up everything in sight
no dejar títere con cabeza {v}
:: to do away with everything
nodo {m}
:: node
nodosáurido {m}
:: nodosaur
nodoso {adj}
:: nodose
no doy {phrase}
:: well duh! no shit; no shit, Sherlock
nodriza {f}
:: wet nurse
nodulación {f}
:: nodulation
nodular {adj}
:: nodular
nódulo {m}
:: module
noduloso {adj}
:: nodulose
Noe {prop} {f}
:: given name
Noé {prop} {m}
:: Noah
Noelia {prop} {f}
:: given name
Noemí {prop} {f}
:: Naomi (Biblical figure)
Noemí {prop} {f}
:: given name
noemonja {f}
:: A feminist, due to she censor clothes like the nuns
no entiendo {phrase}
:: I don't understand
no es oro todo lo que reluce {proverb}
:: all that glitters is not gold
no estar el horno para bollos {v}
:: not be the right time
no estar para esos trotes {v}
:: to not be up to those kind of things (anymore)
noetheriano {adj}
:: noetherian
noética {f}
:: noetics
noético {adj}
:: noetic
no faltaba más {phrase}
:: don't mention it; you're welcome
no fastidies {phrase}
:: no kidding; no shit
no ficción {f}
:: non-fiction, nonfiction
nogada {f}
:: A sauce made from walnuts and spices
nogal {m}
:: walnut tree
nogal {m}
:: walnut wood
Nogales {prop}
:: Nogales (municipality), across the border from Nogales, Arizona
nogayo {adj}
:: Nogai
nogayo {m}
:: Nogai
nogayo {m}
:: Nogai (language)
no, gracias {phrase}
:: no thanks
noguera {f}
:: walnut (tree)
Noguera {prop}
:: surname
no haber color {v}
:: there is no comparison between multiple options
no haber inventado la pólvora {v}
:: to be nothing special; to not be especially smart
no hablo español {phrase}
:: I don't speak Spanish
no hablo inglés {phrase}
:: I don't speak English
no hacer caso {v}
:: to ignore, to not pay attention (to), to not heed, to not take any notice (of), to not listen (to) (+ a or de)
no hay de qué {phrase}
:: don't mention it; used as you're welcome in the sense of no problem
no hay derecho {phrase}
:: no fair; it's not fair
no hay mal que por bien no venga {proverb}
:: every cloud has a silver lining
no hay mal que por bien no venga {proverb}
:: blessing in disguise
no hay moros en la costa {phrase}
:: the coast is clear
no hay problema {phrase}
:: No problem!
no hay quien {phrase}
:: it is impossible; there's no use; nobody can; there's no (used to talk about impossibility)
no jodas {phrase}
:: no way; fuck off (expression of disbelief (often used ironically))
Nolasco {prop} {m}
:: given name
Nolasco {prop} {m}
:: surname
no llegar la sangre al río {v}
:: to not be a big deal, to not escalate, to have no blood shed
no lo sabes bien {phrase}
:: not half; damn straight; you bet
no lo sabes tú bien {phrase}
:: alternative form of no lo sabes bien
no lo sé {phrase}
:: I don't know
noluntad {f}
:: unwillingness, resistance
NOM {f}
:: initialism of Norma Oficial Mexicana (Official Mexican Standard), each of a series of official, compulsory standards and regulations for diverse activities in Mexico
nómada {adj}
:: nomadic
nómada {mf}
:: nomad
nómade {adj}
:: alternative spelling of nómada
nomadismo {m}
:: nomadism
no mames {phrase}
:: no way!; are you fucking kidding?; gimme a break
no manches {phrase}
:: don't screw around, stop joking, stop being silly
no manches {phrase}
:: synonym of no mames
nomarca {m}
:: nomarch
nomás {adv}
:: only, just
nombradía {f}
:: fame; renown
nombramiento {m}
:: appointment (to a position)
nombrante {adj}
:: naming, giving a name
nombrar {v}
:: to name
nombre {m}
:: name
nombre {m}
:: noun
nombre abstracto {m}
:: abstract noun
nombrecito {m}
:: diminutive of nombre
nombre colectivo {m}
:: collective noun
nombre completo {m}
:: full name
nombre común {m}
:: common noun
nombre de agente {m}
:: agent noun
nombre de pila {m}
:: given name
nombre de soltera {m}
:: maiden name
nombre incontable {m}
:: uncountable noun; mass noun
nombre numeral {m}
:: noun numeral, a noun that represents a number
nombre propio {m}
:: proper noun
nombre propio {m}
:: given name
no me digas {phrase}
:: you don't say
no me digas {phrase}
:: no kidding
nomenclador {adj}
:: Showing the name
nomenclátor {m}
:: name catalogue; binder of names
nomenclatura {f}
:: nomenclature
nomenclatura binominal {f}
:: binomial nomenclature
nomenclatural {adj}
:: nomenclatural
nomeolvides {mf}
:: forget-me-not (flower)
nomina {f}
:: payroll
nómina {f}
:: payroll
nómina {f}
:: salary
nominación {f}
:: nomination
nominada {f}
:: feminine noun of nominado
nominado {adj}
:: nominated
nominado {m}
:: nominee
nominador {adj}
:: nominating
nominal {adj}
:: nominal
nominalismo {m}
:: nominalism
nominalista {adj}
:: nominalist
nominalista {mf}
:: nominalist
nominalización {f}
:: nominalization
nominalizar {v}
:: to nominalize
nominalmente {adv}
:: nominally
nominar {v}
:: to nominate
nominativo {adj}
:: nominative (giving a name, naming; designating)
nominativo {adj}
:: nominative (grammar)
nominativo {m}
:: nominative case
nomo {m}
:: alternative form of gnomo
nomofobia {f}
:: nomophobia
nomograma {m}
:: nomogram
nomología {f}
:: nomology
Nom Pen {prop}
:: Phnom Penh
non {adj}
:: odd (indivisible by two)
nonada {f}
:: A thing or event of little or no importance or value
nonadecágono {m}
:: enneadecagon
nonaflato {m}
:: nonaflate
nonagenaria {f}
:: feminine noun of nonagenario
nonagenario {adj}
:: nonagenarian
nonagenario {m}
:: nonagenarian
nonagésima {f}
:: feminine noun of nonagésimo
nonagésimo {adj}
:: ninetieth
nonagésimo {m}
:: ninetieth
nonagonal {adj}
:: nonagonal
nonágono {adj}
:: nonagonal
nonágono {m}
:: nonagon
nonato {adj}
:: unborn
nonbre {m}
:: obsolete spelling of nombre
ñoñear {v}
:: to whine
ñoñería {f}
:: dotage, senility
nones {adv}
:: absolutely not; no way
noneto {m}
:: nonet
noni {f}
:: noni (fruit)
nonillón {num}
:: 1054
noningentésimo {adj}
:: nine hundredth
nonio {m}
:: nonius
nono {adj}
:: ninth
ñoño {adj}
:: senile
ñoño {adj}
:: whiny
ñoño {adj}
:: pathetic
ñoño {adj}
:: fussy
ñoño {adj}
:: characterless
ñoño {m}
:: The letter Ñ in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
non sancto {adj}
:: unholy; wicked; crooked
no obstante {conj}
:: notwithstanding; albeit
no obstante {conj}
:: nevertheless; however; yet
noodle {m}
:: noodle (food)
noongar {adj}
:: Noongar
noongar {mf}
:: Noongar
nootrópico {adj}
:: nootropic
nop {interj}
:: nope
nopal {m}
:: nopal (plant)
nopal {m}
:: nopal (vegetable, nopal plant pads)
nopaleda {f}
:: Terrain abundant in nopal plants
nopalera {f}
:: Terrain abundant in nopal plants
nopalitos {f}
:: A dish of diced nopal cactus pads
no parar {v}
:: to never stop; to be constantly busy
no parar {m}
:: endless barrage
no pasa nada {phrase}
:: it doesn't matter
no pasarán {phrase}
:: they shall not pass
no poder con su alma {v}
:: to be knackered; to be shattered
no poder hacer carrera {v}
:: to not get anywhere with
no poder ver ni en pintura {v}
:: can't stand the sight of
nopor {m}
:: euphemistic form of porno
no por mucho madrugar, amanece más temprano {proverb}
:: things will happen at their own time, you can't rush art
no puede ser {phrase}
:: no way; no shit
no puede ser {phrase}
:: it is impossible; there's no way
noquear {v}
:: to knock out
no querer nada con {v}
:: To have no time for
ñoqui {m}
:: dumpling, gnocchi
ñoquis {mp}
:: gnocchi
ñor {m}
:: clipping of señor
norabuena {interj}
:: congrats
noradrenalina {f}
:: noradrenaline
noradrenérgico {adj}
:: noradrenergic
norafricana {f}
:: feminine noun of norafricano
norafricano {adj}
:: North African
norafricano {m}
:: North African
noramala {adv}
:: rare form of en hora mala
noray {m}
:: bollard
norbornano {m}
:: norbornane
norcarolina {f}
:: feminine noun of norcarolino
norcarolino {adj}
:: North Carolinian
norcarolino {m}
:: North Carolinian
norcentral {adj}
:: north-central
nor-coreana {f}
:: feminine noun of nor-coreano
norcoreana {f}
:: feminine noun of norcoreano
nor-coreano {adj}
:: alternative form of norcoreano
nor-coreano {m}
:: alternative form of norcoreano
norcoreano {adj}
:: North Korean
norcoreano {m}
:: North Korean
nordakoteña {f}
:: feminine noun of nordakoteño
nordakoteño {adj}
:: North Dakotan
nordakoteño {m}
:: North Dakotan
nordeste {m}
:: northeast
Nordeste de Inglaterra {prop}
:: North East England
nordestino {adj}
:: northeastern
nórdico {adj}
:: Norse (from or native to the Nordic lands)
nórdico {adj}
:: Nordic (pertaining to Nordic languages)
nórdico {m}
:: the Nordic group of languages
nórdico antiguo {m}
:: Old Norse
nordista {mf}
:: northerner, Yankee
norepinefrina {f}
:: norepinephrine, noradrenaline
noreste {m}
:: northeast
noreuropeo {adj}
:: Northern European
noria {f}
:: noria
noria {f}
:: Ferris wheel
Noriega {prop} {m}
:: surname, most associated with Panaman president and dictator Manuel Noriega
norirlandés {adj}
:: Northern Irish
norma {f}
:: rule, norm, standard, touchstone
normal {adj}
:: normal, standard, regular
normal {adj}
:: perpendicular
normal {f}
:: a school for becoming a teacher
normalidad {f}
:: normality
normalísimo {adj}
:: superlative of normal
normalista {mf}
:: student teacher
normalito {adj}
:: diminutive of normal
normalización {f}
:: normalization
normalización {f}
:: standardization
normalizador {adj}
:: normalising
normalizador {m}
:: normalizer
normalizar {v}
:: to normalize
normalmente {adv}
:: normally; usually; most of the time; customarily
normal y corriente {adj}
:: run-of-the-mill, meat and potatoes, regular
normanda {f}
:: feminine noun of normando
Normandía {prop} {f}
:: Normandía (region)
normando {adj}
:: Norman
normando {m}
:: Norman
normar {v}
:: to norm
normar {v}
:: to normalize, standardize
normativa {f}
:: rules, regulations
normativamente {adv}
:: normatively
normatividad {f}
:: regulation
normativismo {m}
:: normativism
normativización {f}
:: normativization
normativizar {v}
:: to normativize
normativo {adj}
:: normative
normovidente {mf}
:: normal-sighted person
nornordeste {m}
:: north-northeast
nornoreste {m}
:: north-northeast
nornoroeste {adj}
:: north-northwest
nornorueste {m}
:: north-northwest
noroccidental {adj}
:: northwestern, northwesterly
noroccidente {m}
:: northwest
noroeste {m}
:: northwest
Noroeste Pacífico {m}
:: Pacific Northwest
nororiental {adj}
:: northeast, northeastern
nororiente {adj}
:: northeast
norosetia {f}
:: feminine noun of norosetio
norosetio {adj}
:: North Ossetian (of or pertaining to North Ossetia)
norosetio {m}
:: North Ossetian (native or resident of North Ossetia)
norovirus {m}
:: norovirus
norponiente {adj}
:: northwest
ñorsa {f}
:: chick; sheila; gal
ñorso {m}
:: dude; guy; bloke
nortamericana {f}
:: feminine noun of nortamericano
norte {adj}
:: north, northern
norte {m}
:: north (compass point)
norte {m}
:: north wind
norte {m}
:: guide, inspiration
norte {m}
:: goal, objective
Norte {prop} {m}
:: Norte (department)
norteafricano {adj}
:: North African
Norteamérica {prop} {f}
:: North America
norteamericano {m}
:: born in, belonging or relative to the United States
norteamericano {m}
:: American
norteamericano {adj}
:: born in, belonging or relative to the United States
norteamericano {adj}
:: American
norteña {f}
:: feminine noun of norteño
norteño {adj}
:: northern
norteño {m}
:: northerner
nortesantandereana {f}
:: feminine noun of nortesantandereano
nortesantandereano {adj}
:: Of or from the department of Norte de Santander Department in Colombia
nortesantandereano {m}
:: An inhabitant of the department of Norte de Santander Department in Colombia
Northumbria {prop} {f}
:: alternative form of Nortumbria
nortina {f}
:: feminine noun of nortino
nortino {adj}
:: of or pertaining to Club Sport Norte América
nortino {m}
:: Someone connected to Club Sport Norte América, as a player, coach, fan etc
Nortumbria {prop} {f}
:: Northumbria
nortumbrio {m}
:: Northumbrian
nortumbrio {adj}
:: Northumbrian
noruega {f}
:: feminine noun of noruego
Noruega {prop} {f}
:: Norway
noruego {adj}
:: Norwegian (from or native to Norway)
noruego {adj}
:: Norwegian (pertaining to Norway or the Norwegian language)
noruego {m}
:: a Norwegian
noruego {m}
:: the Norwegian language
norvietnamita {adj}
:: North Vietnamese
norvietnamita {mf}
:: North Vietnamese
no saber a qué carta quedarse {v}
:: to be in two minds; to be undecided
no saber de qué va la fiesta {v}
:: to not have a clue what's going on
no saber hacer la o con un canuto {v}
:: to not know one's head from a hole in the ground
no saber hacer la o con un canuto {v}
:: couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery
no sé {phrase}
:: I don't know
no se ganó Zamora en una hora {proverb}
:: Rome wasn't built in a day (it takes a long time to do something complicated or impressive)
no sé qué y no sé cuánto {phrase}
:: blah blah blah, this and that
no ser moco de pavo {v}
:: to be nothing to sneeze at
nosocomial {adj}
:: nosocomial
nosocomio {m}
:: hospital
nosofobia {f}
:: nosophobia
nosología {f}
:: nosology
no soltar prenda {v}
:: to keep one's mouth shut, to keep one's lips sealed, to not utter a single word
no soltar prenda {v}
:: to keep one's cards close to one's chest
nosotras {pron}
:: we (feminine plural)
nosotres {pron}
:: we
nosotros {pron}
:: we (masculine plural)
nostalgia {f}
:: nostalgia
nostálgicamente {adv}
:: nostalgically
nostálgico {adj}
:: nostalgic
nostálgico {adj}
:: homesick
nostálgico {adj}
:: wistful
nos vemos {interj}
:: see you later! (literally, we see each other)
nos vemos {interj}
:: cheers, goodbye
nota {f}
:: note, memo
nota {f}
:: note
nota {f}
:: mark, academic score
nota bene {phrase}
:: nota bene (used to add an aside or warning to a text)
notabilidad {f}
:: notability, noteworthiness
notabilísimo {adj}
:: superlative of notable
notable {adj}
:: remarkable, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, significant, marked, outstanding, striking, noted
notablemente {adv}
:: notably
notación {f}
:: notation
notación algebraica {f}
:: algebraic notation
notación musical {f}
:: musical notation
nota de corte {f}
:: cut-off grade
notar {vt}
:: to note (make a written record of and/or purposefully commit to memory)
notar {vr}
:: to show, to be noticed, to become obvious
nota reversal {f}
:: A kind of diplomatic agreement between two or more parties
notaria {f}
:: feminine noun of notario
notaría {f}
:: office of a notary
notariado {m}
:: lawyers
notarial {adj}
:: notarial
notariar {v}
:: synonym of notarizar
notario {m}
:: notary, lawyer, solicitor, counsel, attorney, barrister
notarización {f}
:: notarization
notarizar {v}
:: to notarize
notarse {v}
:: reflexive of notar
no te acostarás sin saber una cosa más {proverb}
:: you learn something new every day, every day is a school day
notebook {m}
:: notebook
no te cortes {phrase}
:: knock yourself out!
no tener abuela {v}
:: to have a high opinion of oneself; to be full of oneself
no tener dos dedos de frente {v}
:: to be an idiot, to be thick as a plank
no tener ni chapa {v}
:: To be skint
no tener ni para pipas {v}
:: to be skint, to be broke; to not have a pot to piss in
no tener ni pies ni cabeza {v}
:: to make no sense
no tener pelos en la lengua {v}
:: to not mince one's words, to speak one's mind
no tener un pelo de tonto {v}
:: to be a brainbox; to be no fool
no te preocupes {phrase}
:: don't worry
notera {f}
:: feminine noun of notero
notero {m}
:: journalist
noticia {f}
:: message
noticia {f}
:: communication
noticia {f}
:: news, piece of news
noticiable {adj}
:: newsworthy
noticiar {v}
:: to notify
noticiario {m}
:: news program
noticiera {f}
:: female newsman, reporter
noticiero {m}
:: newsman, reporter
noticiero {m}
:: news
noticiero {m}
:: newsreel
notición {f}
:: heads-up (call for attention)
noticioso {adj}
:: newsworthy
notificación {f}
:: notification
notificador {m}
:: notifier
notificadora {f}
:: feminine noun of notificador
notificar {v}
:: to notify, announce, inform, intimate, make known
notocorda {f}
:: notochord
notocuerda {f}
:: alternative form of notocorda
no todo el monte es orégano {phrase}
:: life is not all beer and skittles
notoriamente {adv}
:: notoriously
notoriedad {f}
:: notoriety
notorio {adj}
:: well-known
notorio {adj}
:: clear, apparent, obvious
notosuquio {m}
:: notosuchian
notoungulado {m}
:: notoungulate
notro {m}
:: Chilean firetree
notros {m}
:: Chilean firebush
novación {f}
:: novation
no va más {m}
:: top dog; number one; ultimate; something head and shoulders above the rest
no van por ahí los tiros {phrase}
:: to get it all wrong; to be nothing like that
novar {v}
:: to novate
novatada {f}
:: student prank, rag, ragging, haze, hazing
novatada {f}
:: blunder, newbie error, rookie mistake
novato {adj}
:: newbie
novato {m}
:: beginner, newbie, rookie, novice
no vaya a ser que {conj}
:: in case
novecentismo {m}
:: Any of the arts and literature of the twentieth century (1900s)
novecentista {mf}
:: An artist or writer of the twentieth century (1900s)
novecentista {mf}
:: A historian who specializes in the twentieth century
novecientos {num}
:: nine hundred
novedad {f}
:: novelty (the state of being new)
novedad {f}
:: novelty (a new product)
novedad {f}
:: piece of news
novedosamente {adv}
:: novelly
novedosísimo {adj}
:: superlative of novedoso
novedoso {adj}
:: novel, new
novel {adj}
:: novel, new
novel {mf}
:: newbie, green
nóvel {adj}
:: fresh, new
nóvel {mf}
:: newbie, newcomer
novela {f}
:: novel
novela {f}
:: novella
novelable {adj}
:: Apt to putting into a novel, novelworthy
novelado {adj}
:: fictional
novela gráfica {f}
:: graphic novel
novela negra {f}
:: a noir, a roman noir
novela negra {f}
:: noir fiction (as a genre)
novela negra {f}
:: crime novel, crime fiction
novelar {v}
:: to novelize; to make a novel out of
novelera {f}
:: feminine noun of novelero
novelería {f}
:: obsession with new things
novelería {f}
:: fantasy; living in a fantasy world
novelería {f}
:: banal news
novelero {adj}
:: novel-loving
novelero {adj}
:: highly imaginative
novelero {adj}
:: fond of new things
novelero {m}
:: novel reader
novelesco {adj}
:: fictional, fictitious, storybook
novelín {m}
:: diminutive of novela
novelista {mf}
:: novelist
novelístico {adj}
:: novelistic
novelita {f}
:: novelette
novelización {f}
:: novelization, fictionalization
novelizar {v}
:: To novelize
novelón {m}
:: augmentative of novelo, great novel
novelón {m}
:: pejorative of novelo, pulp novel
novena {f}
:: novena
novenario {m}
:: novena
no vendas la piel del oso antes de cazarlo {v}
:: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
no vender una escoba {v}
:: to be a dead loss
noveno {adj}
:: ninth
noveno {m}
:: ninth
noventa {num}
:: ninety
noventas {mp}
:: nineties; 90s (1990s)
noventa y cinco {num}
:: ninety-five
noventa y cuatro {num}
:: ninety-four
noventa y dos {num}
:: ninety-two
noventa y nueve {num}
:: ninety-nine
noventayochismo {m}
:: The style of the Generation of '98 (a Spanish literary group at the end of the 19th century)
noventayochista {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to (the style of) the Generation of '98 (Spanish literary group of the end of the 19th century)
noventayochista {mf}
:: A member of the Generation of '98 (Spanish literary group of the end of the 19th century)
noventa y ocho {num}
:: ninety-eight
noventa y seis {num}
:: ninety-six
noventa y siete {num}
:: ninety-seven
noventa y tres {num}
:: ninety-three
noventa y uno {num}
:: ninety-one
noventero {adj}
:: 1990s
noventero {m}
:: Someone born in the 1990s
noventista {adj}
:: nineties (relating to the 1990s, 1890s etc.)
no ver la hora de {v}
:: to look forward to; can't wait (for)
no ver tres en un burro {v}
:: To be blind as a bat
Nóvgorod {prop} {m}
:: Nóvgorod (city)
novgorodense {adj}
:: Novgorodian
novgorodense {mf}
:: Novgorodian
novia {f}
:: feminine noun of novio, girlfriend
novia {f}
:: feminine noun of novio, fiancée
novia {f}
:: feminine noun of novio, bride
noviar {v}
:: to date; go steady with
noviazgo {m}
:: engagement, betrothal (period of time when marriage is planned or promised)
noviazgo {m}
:: relationship (the time when a couple is together)
novicia {f}
:: feminine noun of novicio
noviciado {m}
:: novitiate
novicio {m}
:: novice
noviecita {f}
:: diminutive of novia
noviecito {m}
:: diminutive of novio
noviembre {m}
:: November
novieta {f}
:: girlfriend, other half
noviete {m}
:: boyfriend, other half
novilla {f}
:: heifer
novillada {f}
:: novillada
novillera {f}
:: feminine noun of novillero
novilleril {adj}
:: of or pertaining to novillos or novilleros
novillero {m}
:: young trainee bullfighter (who fight against novillos)
novillero {m}
:: truant (one who is absent without permission, especially from school)
novillo {m}
:: young ox, young bull
novilunio {m}
:: new moon
novio {m}
:: boyfriend (romantic partner)
novio {m}
:: fiancé
novio {m}
:: bridegroom, groom
noviolencia {f}
:: nonviolence
noviolento {adj}
:: nonviolent
novísimo {adj}
:: superlative of nuevo
novo {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of nova
novohispano {m}
:: Someone from Nueva España
novohispano {adj}
:: Of or from Nueva España
novoprogresista {adj}
:: Of or from the New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico
novoprogresista {mf}
:: a member or supporter of the New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico
NSDAP {prop} {mf}
-nte {suffix}
:: alternative form of -ante
ñu {m}
:: gnu, wildebeest
Nuakchot {prop}
:: Nuakchot (capital city)
nubarrón {m}
:: storm cloud
nube {f}
:: cloud
nube {f}
:: multitude, or crowd, of people
nube {f}
:: marshmallow
nubecilla {f}
:: diminutive of nube: small cloud
nubecita {f}
:: marshmallow
nube de azúcar {f}
:: candy floss
nube de electrones {f}
:: electron cloud
nube de hongo {f}
:: mushroom cloud
nube de Oort {f}
:: Oort cloud
nubia {f}
:: feminine noun of nubio
núbil {adj}
:: nubile
nubio {m}
:: Nubian
nubio {adj}
:: Nubian
nublado {adj}
:: cloudy
nublar {v}
:: to cloud
nublar {vr}
:: to become cloudy
nublo {m}
:: storm cloud
nublo {adj}
:: cloudy
ñublo {m}
:: cloud
nubloso {adj}
:: cloudy
ñubloso {adj}
:: cloudy
nubosidad {f}
:: cloudiness
nuboso {adj}
:: cloudy
nuca {f}
:: nape, back of the neck
nucal {adj}
:: nuchal
nucela {f}
:: nucellus
nucelar {adj}
:: nucellar
nucleación {f}
:: nucleation
nucleamiento {m}
:: gathering; union
nuclear {adj}
:: nuclear
nuclear {v}
:: to join up; to unite
nuclearización {f}
:: nuclearization
nuclearmente {adv}
:: in a nuclear way; related to a nucleus or to nuclear power; nuclearly
nucleasa {f}
:: nuclease
nucleico {adj}
:: nucleic
nucleido {m}
:: nuclide
nucleína {f}
:: nuclein
núcleo {m}
:: nucleus
núcleo atómico {m}
:: atomic nucleus
nucleocápside {f}
:: nucleocapsid
núcleo caudado {m}
:: caudate nucleus
nucleocitoplasmático {adj}
:: nucleocytoplasmic
núcleo duro {m}
:: central core (of a group)
nucleoenergético {adj}
:: nuclear energy
nucleofílico {adj}
:: nucleophilic
nucleófilo {m}
:: nucleophile
nucleófilo {adj}
:: nucleophilic
nucleogénico {adj}
:: nucleogenic
nucleolar {adj}
:: nucleolar
nucléolo {m}
:: nucleolus
nucleón {m}
:: nucleon
nucleoplasma {m}
:: nucleoplasm
nucleoporina {f}
:: nucleoporin
nucleoproteína {f}
:: nucleoprotein
nucleósido {m}
:: nucleoside
nucleosíntesis {f}
:: nucleosynthesis
nucleosintético {adj}
:: nucleosynthetic
nucleosoma {m}
:: nucleosome
nucleótido {m}
:: nucleotide
núclido {m}
:: nuclide
nucú {m}
:: leaf-cutter ant (Atta spp.)
núcula {f}
:: nucule
nudibranquio {m}
:: nudibranch
nudillista {mf}
:: knuckleballer
nudillo {m}
:: knuckle
nudismo {m}
:: nudism
nudista {adj}
:: nudist
nudista {mf}
:: nudist
nudo {m}
:: knot (a looping piece of a long, flexible material)
nudo {m}
:: knot (nautical unit of speed)
nudo {adj}
:: nude
ñudo {m}
:: alternative spelling of nudo
nudo corredizo {m}
:: slipknot
nudo de ocho {m}
:: figure-of-eight
nudo de rizo {m}
:: reef knot
nudo gordiano {m}
:: Gordian knot
nudo llano {m}
:: reef knot
nudoso {adj}
:: knotty, knotted
ñudoso {adj}
:: synonym of nudoso
nudrir {v}
:: alternative form of nutrir
nuececilla {f}
:: nutlet
nuegado {m}
:: red bryony; Bryonia dioica
nuégado {m}
:: nougat
nuer {mf}
:: Nuer
nuer {m}
:: Nuer (language)
nuera {f}
:: daughter-in-law
nueso {adj}
:: our
nuestra {pron}
:: feminine singular of nuestro
nuestras {pron}
:: feminine plural of nuestro Ours
Nuestra Señora {prop} {f}
:: "Our Lady", the title for the Virgin Mary
nuestro {pron}
:: ours
nuestro {adj}
:: our, ours, to us
nuestro mar {m}
:: the Mediterranean Sea
nuestros {pron}
:: plural of nuestro: Ours
nueva {f}
:: news, novelty
Nueva {prop} {f}
:: Nueva (village)
Nueva Caledonia {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Caledonia (overseas territory)
Nueva Delhi {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Delhi (capital city)
Nueva Écija {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Ecija
Nueva Escocia {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Escocia (province)
Nueva Gales del Sur {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Gales del Sur (state)
Nueva Granada {prop} {f}
:: New Granada
Nueva Guinea {prop} {f}
:: New Guinea
Nueva Hampshire {prop} {f}
:: New Hampshire
Nueva Inglaterra {prop} {f}
:: New England
Nueva Jersey {prop} {f}
:: New Jersey
nuevamente {adv}
:: again
nuevamente {adv}
:: newly
nuevaolero {adj}
:: new-wave
Nueva Orleans {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Orleans (city)
Nueva Segovia {prop} {f}
:: Nueva Segovia (department)
Nuevas Hébridas {prop} {fp}
:: New Hebrides
Nueva York {prop} {f}
:: Nueva York (state)
Nueva York {prop} {f}
:: Nueva York (city)
Nueva Zelanda {prop} {f}
:: New Zealand
Nueva Zelandia {prop} {f}
:: New Zealand
Nueva Zembla {prop} {f}
:: Novaya Zemlya
nueve {num}
:: nine
nueve {f}
:: The digit or figure 9
nuevecito {adj}
:: diminutive of nuevo
nuevísimo {adj}
:: superlative of nuevo
nuevitera {f}
:: feminine noun of nuevitero
nuevitero {adj}
:: Of or from Nuevitas
nuevitero {m}
:: Someone from Nuevitas
nuevito {adj}
:: diminutive of nuevo
nuevo {adj}
:: new
nuevo {adj}
:: brand new, all-new
nuevo {adj}
:: fresh
Nuevo {prop}
:: surname
Nuevo Brunswick {prop} {m}
:: New Brunswick
Nuevo Hampshire {prop} {m}
:: New Hampshire
Nuevo León {prop} {m}
:: Nuevo León (state)
nuevoleonés {adj}
:: (of a person) Of or from the Mexican state of Nuevo León
Nuevo México {prop} {m}
:: New Mexico (US State)
Nuevo Mundo {prop} {m}
:: New World
Nuevo Testamento {prop} {m}
:: New Testament (second half of the Christian Bible)
nuez {f}
:: walnut (nut)
nueza {f}
:: red bryony; English mandrake
nuez de Adán {f}
:: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat)
nuez de areca {f}
:: betel nut
nuez moscada {f}
:: nutmeg (seed of the nutmeg tree)
nuez pecana {f}
:: pecan (nut)
nukear {v}
:: to nuke
nulidad {f}
:: nullity, void
nulidad {f}
:: inept person
nulificar {v}
:: to cancel; call off
nulo {adj}
:: null, void, invalid
nulo {adj}
:: useless, good-for-nothing
nulo {adj}
:: none
núm. {m}
:: No., number
núm {m}
:: alternative form of núm.
numantina {f}
:: feminine noun of numantino
numantino {adj}
:: heroic
numantino {adj}
:: Numantian (of or from the city of Numantia)
numantino {m}
:: Numantian (inhabitant of Numantia)
numen {m}
:: numen
numen {m}
:: muse (source of inspiration)
numerable {adj}
:: countable; numerable
numeración {f}
:: numbering
numerado {adj}
:: numbered
numerador {m}
:: numerator (number or expression written above the line in a fraction)
numeral {m}
:: numeral
numerar {v}
:: to number
numerar {v}
:: to calculate
numerario {adj}
:: numerary (relating to numbers)
numerario {adj}
:: numerary, tenured (of a position, held permanently)
numerario {m}
:: cash; loose cash
numéricamente {adv}
:: numerically
numérico {adj}
:: numeric
numerismo {m}
:: numeracy
numerito {m}
:: diminutive of número
número {m}
:: number (counting)
número {m}
:: musical number
número {m}
:: number
número {m}
:: spectacle
número {m}
:: man, soldier
número arábigo {m}
:: Arabic numeral
número atómico {m}
:: atomic number
número cardinal {m}
:: cardinal number
número complejo {m}
:: complex number (number of the form a + bi)
número de Avogadro {m}
:: Avogadro's number
número de teléfono {m}
:: telephone number
número entero {m}
:: A whole number
número Harshad {m}
:: Harshad number
número imaginario {m}
:: imaginary number (number of the form ai)
número impar {m}
:: odd number
número irracional {m}
:: irrational number
numerología {f}
:: numerology
número natural {m}
:: natural number
numerónimo {m}
:: numeronym
número par {m}
:: even number
número pin {m}
:: PIN number
número primo {m}
:: prime number (natural number)
número racional {m}
:: rational number
número real {m}
:: real number
número romano {m}
:: Roman numeral (number of a system using the letters I, V, X, L, C, D and M)
Números {prop} {mp}
:: Numbers (the book of the Bible)
numerosamente {adv}
:: in great number; a great number of times
numerosidad {f}
:: numerousness
numerosísimo {adj}
:: superlative of numeroso
numeroso {adj}
:: numerous
número uno {m}
:: number one; top; best; leader
númido {adj}
:: Numidian
numisma {f}
:: numisma
numismática {f}
:: feminine noun of numismático
numismática {f}
:: numismatics
numismático {adj}
:: numismatic
numismático {m}
:: numismatist
nunca {adv}
:: never
nunca {adv}
:: ever
nunca digas de este agua no beberé {phrase}
:: never say never
nunca digas de este agua no beberé, ni este cura no es mi padre {phrase}
:: alternative form of nunca digas de este agua no beberé
nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena {phrase}
:: better late than never
nunca falta un roto para un descosido {proverb}
:: there's a lid for every pot
nunca jamás {adv}
:: never ever
nunca llueve a gusto de todos {proverb}
:: one man's meat is another man's poison; you can't please everybody
nunca mejor dicho {phrase}
:: you said it; I couldn't have said it better myself; damn straight (used to agree wholeheartedly with a statement)
nunca mucho cuesta poco {phrase}
:: you get what you pay for; literally: much never costs little
nunca segundas partes fueron buenas {phrase}
:: Sequels are never any good
nunciatura {f}
:: nunciature
nuncio {m}
:: messenger
nuncio {m}
:: nuncio
Núñez {prop}
:: surname
Ñuñoa {prop}
:: Ñuñoa (city)
nupcial {adj}
:: nuptial (pertaining to wedding and marriage)
nupcias {fp}
:: wedding, nuptials
nuquiblanco {adj}
:: white-necked
nurágico {adj}
:: Nuragic
Núremberg {prop} {m}
:: Núremberg (major city)
Nuria {prop} {f}
:: given name
ñusta {f}
:: Inca princess or queen
nutación {f}
:: nutation
nutela {f}
:: chocolate spread
nutella {m}
:: Nutella
nutella {m}
:: Any chocolate spread
nutria {f}
:: otter
nutria {f}
:: nutria, coypu
nutria gigante {f}
:: giant otter
nutricio {adj}
:: nutritional
nutrición {f}
:: nutrition
nutricional {adj}
:: nutritious
nutricionalmente {adv}
:: nutritionally
nutricionismo {m}
:: nutritionism
nutricionista {mf}
:: nutritionist
nutrido {adj}
:: well-stocked
nutrido {adj}
:: decent, large, great (number of things)
nutriente {m}
:: nutrient
nutrimental {adj}
:: nutritious
nutrimento {m}
:: nourishment
nutrimento {m}
:: nutrient
nutrióloga {f}
:: nutritionist
nutriólogo {m}
:: nutritionist
nutrir {v}
:: to nourish
nutritivo {adj}
:: nutritious
Nuuk {prop}
:: Nuuk (capital city)
ny {f}
:: nu; the Greek letter Ν, ν
nylon {m}
:: nylon