User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e you have here. The definition of the word User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofUser:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-e, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.
éclat {n} /eɪˈklɑ/ (brilliant or successful effect) :: sfarzo {m}, splendore {m}
écu {n} /eɪˈkuː/ (obsolete French unit of currency) :: scudo {m}
each {determiner} /it͡ʃ/ (every) :: ogni , ognuno , ciascuno
each other {pron} /iˈtʃʌðɚ/ (to one another; one to the other) :: a vicenda
each to his own {proverb} (to each his own) SEE: to each his own ::
eager {adj} /ˈiɡɚ/ (excited by desire in the pursuit of any object) :: avido {m}
eagerly {adv} /ˈiɡɚli/ (in an eager manner) :: impazientemente
eagle {n} /ˈiːɡəl/ (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae) :: aquila {f}
eagle {n} (a gold coin with a face value of $10.00) :: moneta di dieci dollari
eagle owl {n} /ˈiːɡəl ˈɑʊl/ (large owl of genus Bubo) :: gufo reale {m}
eaglet {n} (an eagle chick) :: aquilotto {m}
ear {n} /ɪɹ/ (fruiting body of a grain plant) :: spiga {f}, pannocchia {f}, amento {m}
ear {v} (archaic: to plough) :: arare
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
ear {n} (external part of the organ of hearing) SEE: pinna ::
ear {n} (organ of hearing) :: orecchio {m}, orecchia {f}, orecchie {f-p}
ear {n} (slang: police informant) :: informatore {m}, canarino {m}, delatore {m}, spione {m}
earache {n} /ˈɪə̯ɹeɪk/ (pain in the ear) :: otalgia
eardrum {n} /ˈiɚˌdɹʌm/ (membrane separating outer and middle ears) :: timpano
eared seal {n} (seal of the family Otariidae) :: otaria {f}, leone marino {m}
earful {n} (castigation) :: cazziata {f}, cazziatone {m}, lavata di capo {f}
earl {n} /ɝl/ (a British or Irish nobleman) :: conte {m}
earldom {n} /ˈəɹldəm/ (rank) :: contea {f}
earldom {n} (territory) :: contea {f}
earlier {adj} /ˈɝliɚ/ (occurring previously) :: precedente
earlier {adv} (previously; before now; sooner) :: prima
ear lobe {n} (a part of the ear) :: lobo {m}
early {adj} /ˈɝli/ (at a time in advance of the usual) :: presto, precoce, anticipato {m}, anticipata {f}, anticipo
early {adj} (arriving at a time before expected) :: precoce
early {adj} (near the start or beginning) :: primo
early {adj} (illness: having begun to occur) :: precoce, iniziale
early {adv} (at a time before expected) :: presto
early bird {n} (one who wakes early) :: mattiniero {m}, mattiniera {f}
Early Middle Ages {prop} (Translations) :: Alto Medioevo
early riser {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise {proverb} (Benjamin Franklin quote) :: il mattino ha l'oro in bocca
earn {v} /ɝn/ (gain through applied effort or work) :: guadagnare
earn {v} (transitive: receive (money) for working) :: guadagnare
earnest {adj} /ˈɝnɪst/ (ardent) :: voglioso, desideroso, fervente, zelante
earnest {adj} (intent) :: pressante
earnest {adj} (important, serious) :: serio, grave
earnest {n} (pledge) :: pegno {m}
earnings {n} (wages, money earned, income) :: guadagno
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear) :: cuffia {f}
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears) :: cuffie {f}
earring {n} /ˈɪɹɪŋ/ (piece of jewelry) :: orecchino {m}
ear shell {n} (abalone) SEE: abalone ::
earshot {n} /ˈɪəˌʃɒt/ (distance) :: a portata di orecchio
earsplitting {adj} (extremely loud) :: assordante
earth {n} /ɝθ/ (soil) :: terra
earth {n} (any general rock-based material) :: terra
earth {n} (the ground, land) :: terra
earth {n} (electrical connection) :: terra, massa
earth {n} (fox's lair) :: tana
earth {n} (one of the four basic elements) :: terra
earth {n} (one of the five basic elements) :: terra
earth {v} (connect electrically to the earth) :: mettere a terra, collegare a terra
earth {v} (to bury) :: interrare
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth ::
Earth {prop} /ɝθ/ (third planet of the Solar System) :: Terra {f}
Earth {prop} (personification of Earth) SEE: Mother Earth ::
earthenware {n} /ˈəːθ(ə)nwɛː/ (ceramic) :: coccio {m}, terraglia {f}
Earthling {n} /ˈɜːθ.lɪŋ/ (inhabitant of the planet Earth) :: terrestre {m}
earthly {adj} /ˈəːθli/ (as opposed to heaven) :: terrestre
earth pig {n} (aardvark) SEE: aardvark ::
earthquake {n} /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ (shaking of the surface of a planet) :: terremoto {m}, sisma {m}, tremuoto {m}
earthstar {n} (a type of puffball) :: geastro {m}
earthwork {n} /ˈɝθwɝk/ (structure made from earth) :: montarozzo {m}, terrapieno {m}
earthworm {n} (worm (animal)) :: lombrico {m}
earthy {adj} /ˈɜː.θi/ (resembling or of the earth) :: corposo
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear) :: cerume {m}
earwig {n} (the insect) :: forficula {f}
earworm {n} (earwig) SEE: earwig ::
earworm {n} /ˈɪəwɜːm/ (tune that keeps replaying in one's head) :: tormentone {m}
ease {n} /iz/ (ability, see also: ability) :: facilità {f}
ease {n} (relaxation) :: riposo {m}
ease {v} (To alleviate, assuage or lessen (pain)) :: attenuare
easel {n} /ˈiː.z(ə)l/ (upright frame for displaying or supporting something) :: cavalletto {m}, treppiedi {m}
easement {n} /ˈiːzm(ə)nt/ (legal right to use another person's property) :: servitù
easier said than done {adj} (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish) :: più facile a dirsi che a farsi
easily {adv} /ˈiːzɪli/ (without difficulty) :: facilmente, agevolmente
east {n} /iːst/ (compass point) :: est {m}, oriente {m}, levante {m}
east {adj} (in or towards the east) :: orientale
east {adj} (meteorology: easterly) :: di levante
east {adj} (of or pertaining to the east) :: orientale
east {adj} (from the East) :: da est
east {adv} (towards the east) :: a est, verso est
East {prop} /iːst/ (wind from the east) :: levante {m}
East {prop} (Eastern world) :: oriente {m}, levante {m}
East {prop} (Eastern states of the US) :: gli stati dell'est degli Stati Uniti
East Anglia {prop} (area of eastern England) :: Anglia orientale {f}
East Berlin {prop} (the Soviet sector of Berlin between 1949 and 1990) :: Berlino Est {f}
East China Sea {prop} (a sea) :: Mar Cinese Orientale {m}
Easter {n} /ˈi.stɚ/ (Christian holiday) :: Pasqua {f}
Easter Bunny {prop} /ˈiːs.tɚ ˈbʌ.ni/ (Symbolic rabbit sometimes depicted delivering Easter eggs to children) :: coniglietto pasquale {m}
Easter egg {n} /ˈiː.stəɹ ˌɛɡ/ (a dyed or decorated egg) :: uovo di Pasqua {m}
Easter egg {n} (a chocolate confection in the shape of an egg) :: uovo di Pasqua {m}
Easter egg {n} (image, feature, or other content that is hidden on a video disc or in a movie) :: Easter egg {m}
Easter egg hunt {n} (activity held at Easter where hidden Easter eggs have to be found) :: caccia alle uova {f}
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific) :: Isola di Pasqua {f}
Easter Monday {prop} (Monday after Easter Sunday) :: Pasquetta {f}, lunedì dell'Angelo {m}, lunedì di Pasqua {m}
eastern {adj} /ˈiːstən/ (related to the east) :: orientale
Eastern Arabic {prop} (Levantine Arabic) SEE: Levantine Arabic ::
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe) :: Europa orientale {f}
Eastern Orthodox Church {prop} (division of Christianity) :: chiesa ortodossa {f}, Chiesa ortodossa orientale {f}, Chiesa cristiana d'oriente {f}, Chiesa cattolica ortodossa {f}
East German {adj} (of or pertaining to East Germany) :: tedesco-orientale {m}, tedesca-orientale {f}
East German {adj} (of or pertaining to an East German, East Germans) :: tedesco-orientale {m}, tedesca-orientale {f}
East German {adj} (East German) :: tedesco-orientale {m}, tedesca-orientale {f}
East German {n} (East German person) :: tedesco-orientale {m}, tedesca-orientale {f}
East Indies {n} (Southeast Asia) :: Indie Orientali {f-p}
East Sea {prop} (South China Sea) SEE: South China Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan ::
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (East China Sea) SEE: East China Sea ::
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania) :: Timor Est
Eastwoodian {adj} (relating to, or characteristic of Clint Eastwood) :: eastwoodiano
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable ::
easy {adj} /ˈiːzi/ (requiring little skill or effort) :: facile
easy as pie {adj} (very easy) :: ad occhi chiusi, con una sola mano, con mani e piedi legati
easy chair {n} (a comfortable chair) :: poltrona {f}
easy does it {phrase} (do something gently or slowly) :: attenzione, vacci piano, andarci piano (go there slowly)
eat {v} /it/ (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest) :: mangiare
eat {v} (eat a meal) :: mangiare
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible ::
eater {n} /ˈiːtɚ/ (one who eats) :: mangiatore
eat humble pie {v} (to admit one's faults) :: mangiare la polvere
eating {n} /ˈitɪŋ/ (the act of consuming food) :: mangiare
eating disorder {n} (psychological disorder) :: disturbi del comportamento alimentare, disturbi alimentari psicogeni
eat my shorts {phrase} /ˈiːt maɪ ˈʃɔːɹts/ (irreverent rebuke or dismissal) :: ciucciati il calzino
eat one's hat {v} (to express disbelief about a proposition) :: mangiarsi il cappello
eaves {n} /iːvz/ (underside of a roof) :: gronda {f-s}, grondaia {f}, cornicione {m}
eavesdrop {v} /ˈivzˌdɹɑp/ (to hear a conversation one is not intended to hear) :: origliare
eavesdrop {n} (dripping of rain from the eaves of a house) :: sgocciolatoio {m}, sgocciolio {m}
eavesdrop {n} (space around a house on which such water drips) :: sgocciolatoio {m}
eavesdropper {n} /ˈiːvzˌdɹɒpə(ɹ)/ (one who eavesdrops) :: uditore {m}, ascoltatore {m}, spione {m}
eavesdropping {n} (listening to private conversation) :: origliamento {m}, l'origliare {m}, ascolto di nascosto {m}
eavesdropping {n} (interception of electronic communication) :: intercettazione telefonica {f}, intercettazione comuncazioni {f}
eavestrough {n} (roof gutter) :: gronda {f}, grondaia {f}
ebb {n} /ɛb/ (low tide) :: riflusso {m}
ebonite {n} /ˈɛbəˌnaɪt/ (product of vulcanizing rubber with sulfur) :: ebanite {f}
ebony {n} /ˈɛb.ən.i/ (wood) :: ebano
ebony {n} (tree) :: ebano {m}
ebony {n} (colour) :: ebano {m}
e-book {n} (electronic book) :: e-book {m}, libro elettronico {m}
e-book reader {n} (e-reader) SEE: e-reader ::
ebullience {n} /ɪˈbʊl.i.əns/ (boiling or bubbling up) :: ebollizione {f}, bollore {m}
ebullience {n} (quality of enthusiastic or lively expression of feelings and thoughts) :: ebollizione {f}, bollori {m-p}, entusiasmo {m}, esuberanza {f}, vitalità {f}
ebullient {adj} /ɪˈbʊljənt/ (agitated) :: bollente
ebullioscope {n} (an instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids) :: ebullioscopio {m}
ebullioscopic {adj} (of or pertaining to ebullioscopy) :: ebullioscopico
ebullioscopy {n} (measurement of the boiling point of liquids) :: ebullioscopia {f}
ebullism {n} (formation of gas bubbles in bodily fluids at low pressure) :: ebullismo {m}
ECB {prop} (European Central Bank) :: BCE
eccentric {adj} /ɛkˈsɛntɹɪk/ (not at or in the centre) :: eccentrico {m}
eccentric {adj} (deviating from the norm) :: eccentrico {m}
eccentric {n} (person who does not behave like others) :: eccentrico {m}
eccentricity {n} /ˌɛk.sɛnˈtɹɪs.ɪ.ti/ (the quality of being eccentric) :: eccentricità {f}
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise ::
Ecclesiastes {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Qoelet, Ecclesiaste {m}
ecclesiastical {adj} /əˌkli.ziˈæ.stə.kəl/ (pertaining to the church) :: ecclesiastico
Ecclesiastical Latin {prop} (Latin language) :: latino ecclesiastico {m}
ecclesiology {n} (branch of theology) :: ecclesiologia {f}
echelon {n} /ˈɛʃəlɒn/ ((military) formation of troops) :: scaglione {m}
echelon {v} (to form troops into an echelon) :: scaglionare
echidna {n} /əˈkɪdnə/ (any of the four species of small spined monotremes) :: echidna {f}
echinofauna {n} :: echinofauna {f}
echo {n} /ˈɛkoʊ/ (reflected sound) :: eco {f}
echo {n} (the letter E in the ICAO spelling alphabet) :: Empoli
Echo {prop} /ˈɛkoʊ/ (mythology) :: Eco
echocardiography {n} (use of ultrasound to produce images of the heart) :: ecocardiografia {f}
echography {n} (the use of ultrasound as a diagnostic aid) :: ecografia {f}
echolalia {n} /ˌɛkoʊˈleɪliə/ (echoing of words or phrases) :: ecolalia {f}
echo sounding {n} :: ecoscandaglio {m}
eclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy) :: eclampsia {f}
eclectic {adj} /ɛkˈlɛk.tɪk/ (selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles) :: eclettico
eclectic {adj} (unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous) :: eclettico, disparato, heteroclitico, eterogeneo, poliedrico {m}, versatile {m}
eclectic {n} (one who selects by the eclectic method) :: eclettico
eclipse {n} /ɪˈklɪps/ (passage of a planetary object between others) :: eclisse {f}, eclissi {f}
eclipse {v} (To cause an eclipse) :: eclissare
eclipse {v} (To overshadow) :: eclissare
ecliptic {n} /ɪˈklɪp.tɪk/ (Earth's orbital plane) :: eclittica {f}
eclogue {n} (pastoral poem) :: egloga {f}
eco- {prefix} /ˈiːkəʊ/ (concerning ecology or the environment) :: eco-
ecocide {n} /ˈiːkəʊsaɪd/ (destruction of an ecosystem) :: ecocidio {m}
ecoclimatic {adj} (relating to ecoclimate) :: ecoclimatico
ecofascism {n} (ecofascism) :: ecofascismo {m}
ecofeminism {n} (a sociopolitical movement combining feminism and environmentalism) :: ecofemminismo {m}
eco-friendly {adj} (ecologically friendly) SEE: environmentally friendly ::
eco-incentive {n} (incentive for eco-friendly policy) :: ecoincentivo {m}
ecolabel {n} :: ecoetichetta {f}
ecologic {adj} (related to ecology) SEE: ecological ::
ecological {adj} /ˌiːkəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkl̩/ (relating to ecology) :: ecologico
ecological footprint {n} (measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems) :: impronta ecologica {f}
ecologically {adv} (in an ecological manner) :: ecologicamente
ecologism {n} (ideology) :: ecologismo {m}
ecologist {n} (A scientist who studies ecology) :: ecologista {m} {f}, ecologo {m}
ecology {n} /i.ˈkɑ.lə.dʒi/ (branch of biology) :: ecologia {f}
ecomuseum {n} (museum focused on a local community) :: ecomuseo {m}
ecomusicology {n} (study of music, culture, and nature) :: ecomusicologia
econometrics {n} /ɪˌkɒnəˈmɛtrɪks/ (branch of economics) :: econometrica {f}
economic {adj} /ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪk/ (pertaining to an economy) :: economico
economic {adj} (cheap) :: economico, economo
economic {adj} (pertaining to the study of money) :: economico
economical {adj} (relating to economy) SEE: economic ::
economic crisis {n} (period of economic slowdown) SEE: financial crisis ::
economic growth {n} (growth) :: crescita economica {f}
economics {n} /ˌikəˈnɑmɪks/ (study) :: economia {f}
economy {n} /iːˈkɒn.ə.mi/ (effective management of the resources of a community or system) :: economia {f}
economy {n} (frugal use of resources) :: economia {f}, risparmio {m}
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption) :: economia {f}
ecosphere {n} (portion of the atmosphere) :: ecosfera {f}
ecosystem {n} /ˈikoʊˌsɪstəm/ (system of an ecological community and its environment) :: ecosistema {m}
ecosystemic {adj} (Of, or pertaining to an ecosystem) :: ecosistemico
ecotype {n} (organism adapted to an environment) :: ecotipo {m}
ecozone {n} (large geographical region having a distinct biodiversity) :: ecozona {f}
ecru {adj} (beige) SEE: beige ::
ecstasy {n} /ˈɛk.stə.si/ (intense pleasure) :: estasi {f}
ecstasy {n} (intense emotion) :: estasi {f}
ecstasy {n} (trance associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation) :: estasi {f}
ecstasy {n} (drug) :: ecstasy {m}
ectoblast {n} (the outer layer of the blastoderm; the ectoderm or epiblast) :: ectoblasto {m}
ectoderm {n} (tissue layer in the embryo) :: ectoderma {f}
-ectomy {suffix} /-ˈɛktəmi/ (excision of) :: -ectomia {f}
-ectomy {suffix} (surgical removal of) :: -ectomia {f}
ectoparasite {n} /ˌɛktə(ʊ)ˈpæɹəˌsaɪt/ (parasite living on the surface of host organism) :: dermatozoo {m}
ectoplasm {n} /ˈɛktəˌplæzəm/ (parapsychology: visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums) :: ectoplasma
ectoproct {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan ::
Ecuador {prop} /ˈɛk.wə.dɔɹ/ (country in South America) :: Ecuador
Ecuadorian {n} (person from Ecuador) :: ecuadoriano {m}, ecuadoriana {f}, ecuadoriani {m-p}, ecuadoriane {f-p}
Ecuadorian {adj} (pertaining to Ecuador) :: ecuadoriano
ecumenism {n} (ecumenical doctrines and practices) :: ecumenismo {m}
eczema {n} /ˈɛk.sɪm.ə/ (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin) :: eczema {m}
eczematous {adj} /ɪɡˈzɛmətəs/ (of or pertaining to eczema) :: eczematoso, eczematico
edaphology {n} (ecological relationship of soil with plants, and land cultivation practices) :: edafologia {f}
eddy {n} /ˈɛd.i/ (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current) :: vortice {m}, gorgo {m}, mulinello {m}, controcorrente {f}
edelweiss {n} (a European perennial alpine plant) :: stella alpina {f}
edema {n} /ɪˈdiː.mə/ (excessive accumulation of serum in tissue) :: edema {m}
edentate {adj} (toothless) SEE: toothless ::
edentulous {adj} (toothless) SEE: toothless ::
Edgar {prop} /ˈɛdɡɚ/ (male given name) :: Edgardo
edge {n} /ɛdʒ/ (boundary line of a surface) :: orlo {m}, bordo {m}
edge {n} (joining line between two vertices of a polygon) :: lato
edge {n} (an advantage) :: vantaggio {m}
edge {n} (thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument) :: lama {f}, filo {m}
edge {n} (any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge) :: bordo {m}, filo {m}
edge {n} (in graph theory: any of the pairs of vertices in a graph) :: arco {m}, spigolo {m}
edgeways {adv} (with the edge uppermost) :: di taglio
Ediacaran {adj} /ɛdiˈakəɹən/ (of a geologic period from about 620 to 542 million years ago) :: ediacarano {m}
Ediacaran {prop} (Ediacaran period) :: ediacarano {m}
edible {adj} /ˈɛdəbəl/ (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption) :: commestibile, edibile, edule
edible dormouse {n} (dormouse which is food) :: ghiro {m}
edict {n} /ˈiː.dɪkt/ (proclamation of law) :: editto {m}
edictal {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from edicts) :: edittale
edictally {adv} :: edittalmente
Edinburgh {prop} /ˈɛdənbəɹə/ (capital of Scotland) :: Edimburgo {f}
edisonade {n} (genre of fiction) :: edisonata {f}
edit {n} /ˈɛdɪt/ (a change to the text of a document) :: modifica
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document) :: redigere, elaborare
edit {v} (be editor of a publication) :: pubblicare
editing {n} /ˈɛdɪtɪŋ/ (an act or instance of something being edited) :: redazione {f}, montaggio {m}
edition {n} /ɪˈdɪʃən/ (literary work) :: edizione {f}
editor {n} /ˈɛdɪtə/ (person who edits) :: redattore
editor {n} (newspaper editor) :: curatore {m}, curatrice {f}, redattore {m}, redattrice {f}
editor {n} (machine for editing film) :: giuntatrice {f}
editor {n} (program for modifying text files) :: editor
editor {n} (someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order) :: montatore
editorial {adj} (of or relating to an editor, editing, or an editorial) :: editoriale
editor in chief {n} (highest ranking editor) :: caporedattore {m}, caporedattrice {f}, redattore capo {m}, redattrice capo {f}
edit war {n} (a dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work) :: guerra di modifiche {f}
Edmonton {prop} /ˈɛdməntən/ (city in Alberta, Canada) :: Edmonton
Edmund {prop} (male given name) :: Edmondo
Edo {prop} /ˈɛdəʊ/ (former name of Tokyo) :: Edo {f}
educate {v} /ˈɛdʒəkeɪt/ (to instruct or train) :: istruire, educare
educated guess {n} (guess based on experience or knowledge) :: ipotesi plausibile {f}, supposizione plausibile {f}, ipotesi ragionata {f}
education {n} /ˌɛd͡ʒʊˈkeɪʃn̩/ (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment) :: istruzione {f}, educazione {f}
education {n} (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally) :: formazione {f}
educational {adj} /ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃənəl/ (Of or pertaining to education) :: educativo
educational {adj} (Instructive) :: istruttivo
educationalist {n} (specialist in the theory of education) :: educatore {m}, educatrice {f}
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher ::
edulcorate {v} (to sweeten) :: edulcorare
Edward {prop} /ˈɛdwɚd/ (male given name) :: Edoardo, Eduardo
-ee {suffix} (forming words meaning a person to whom or a thing to which an action is done) :: -ato {m}, -ata {f}
-ee {suffix} (forming words meaning a person who or a thing that does an action, especially where a passive sense of the verb is implied) :: -tore {m}, -trice {f}
-ee {suffix} (used to form diminutives) :: -etto, -ino
eel {n} /iːl/ (any fish of the order Anguilliformes) :: anguilla {m}
eelpout {n} (fish of the family Zoarcidae) :: blennio {m}
eelskin {n} (the skin of a hagfish) :: pelle d'anguilla {f}
eelworm {n} (a nematode, or roundworm, especially any that resemble small eels) :: anguillula {f}
eeny, meeny, miny, moe {n} (similar children's counting-out games in other languages) :: Igne migne magna mo
eerie {adj} /ˈɪɹi/ (weird) :: misterioso {m}, strano, agghiacciante, spaventevole
ef {n} /ɛf/ (name of the letter F, f) :: effe {m} {f}
effect {n} /ɪˈfɛkt/ (result of an action) :: effetto
effect {v} (to make or bring about; to implement) :: effettuare
effective {adj} /ɪˈfɛktɪv/ (having the power to produce a required effect or effects) :: efficace
effective {adj} (efficient, serviceable, or operative) :: efficiente
effectively {adv} (in an efficient or effective manner; with powerful effect) :: efficacemente
effectiveness {n} (property) :: efficacia {f}
effectiveness {n} (degree) :: efficacia {f}
effectually {adv} /ɪˈfɛktʃuːəli/ (in such a way as to achieve a desired result) :: efficacemente
effeminacy {n} (the quality of being effeminate) :: effeminatezza {f}
effeminate {adj} /ɪˈfɛmɪnət/ (of a man, behaving like a woman) :: effemminato
effeminately {adv} (in an effeminate manner) :: effemminatamente, effeminatamente
effendi {n} /ɛˈfɛndi/ (title of respect) :: efendi {m}, effendi {m}
efferent {adj} /ˈɛ.fə.rənt/ (carrying away from) :: efferente
effervesce {v} /ˌɛf.əɹˈvɛs/ (to emit small bubbles) :: sprizzare bollicine
effete {adj} /ɪˈfit/ (lacking strength) :: logoro
efficaciously {adv} (in an efficacious manner) :: efficacemente
efficacity {n} (efficacy) SEE: efficacy ::
efficacy {n} /ˈɛf.ɪ.kə.si/ (ability to produce effect) :: efficacia {f}
efficiency {n} /ɪˈfɪʃn̩si/ :: efficienza
efficient {adj} /əˈfɪʃənt/ (making good use of resources) :: efficiente
effloresce {v} (to come forth) SEE: emerge ::
efflorescence {n} (formation of a powdery surface) :: efflorescenza
efflorescence {n} (production of flowers) :: efflorescenza
efflorescence {n} (rapid flowering of a culture) :: efflorescenza
efflorescence {n} (eruption on the skin) :: efflorescenza
efflower {v} (leatherworking: remove an outer surface with a knife) SEE: graze ::
effluent {n} (flow of liquid waste) :: effluente {m}
effluvium {n} /ɪˈfluːvi.əm/ (gaseous or vaporous emission) :: effluvio
effort {n} (endeavor) SEE: endeavor ::
effort {n} /ˈɛfɚt/ (the amount of work involved in achieving something) :: sforzo {m}
effortless {adj} (without effort) :: senza sforzo
effortlessly {adv} /ˈef.ɚt.lə (without effort; without difficulty or struggle) :: senza sforzo, facilmente
effrontery {n} /ɪˈfɹʌntəɹi/ (insolent and shameless audacity) :: sfrontatezza
effusion {n} (outpouring of liquid) :: effusione {f}, spargimento {m}, travaso {m}
effusion {n} (outpouring of speech or emotion) :: effusione {f}, effusioni {m-p}
effusion {n} (seeping of fluid into a body cavity) :: effusione {f}
E-flat {n} (tone between D and E) :: mi bemolle {m}
E-flat {n} (mechanism for producing an E-flat) :: mi bemolle {m}
E-flat {n} (E-flat major) :: mi bemolle {m}
E flat major {n} (Major scale of E-flat) :: mi bemolle maggiore {m}
eflornithine {n} (a drug used to treat cancer) :: eflornitina {f}
e.g. {adv} /ˌiˈdʒi/ (abbreviation for “for example”) :: ad es.
egalitarian {adj} /ɪˌɡæl.ɪˈtɛɹ.i.ən/ (characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people) :: egualitario
egalitarian {n} (person who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people) :: egualitario {m}
egalitarianism {n} (political doctrine of universal equality) :: egualitarismo {m}
egg {n} (body housing an embryo) :: uovo {m}
egg {n} (egg of domestic fowl as food item) :: uovo {m}
egg {n} (ovum) :: ovulo {m}
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum ::
eggcup {n} (a small dish used to support a boiled egg while it is eaten) :: portauovo {m}
egg donation {n} (donation of ova) :: ovodonazione {f}
egghead {n} (pejorative: bald person) :: zucca pelata {f}
egghead {n} (pejorative: intellectual) :: secchione {m}
eggnog {n} /ˈɛɡ.nɑɡ/ (alcoholic beverage) :: zabaione {m}, zabaglione {m}, zabajone {m}
egg on one's face {n} (suffer embarrassment or humiliation) :: fare una figuraccia
egg pasta {n} (pasta made with eggs) :: pasta all'uovo {f}
eggplant {n} (plant) :: melanzana {f}
eggplant {n} (edible fruit) :: melanzana {f}
eggshell {n} /ˈɛɡʃɛl/ (object) :: guscio d'uovo
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen ::
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk ::
egocentric {adj} (egotistical) :: egocentrico {m}, egocentrica {f}
egocentrism {n} (following ones egotistical desires) :: egocentrismo {m}
egoist {n} (person who talks excessively about himself or believes in his own importance or superiority) SEE: egotist ::
egophony {n} (bleating sound) :: egofonia {f}
egotist {n} (person who believes in his or her own importance and superiority) :: pallone gonfiato {m}
egregious {adj} /ɪˈɡɹiː.dʒəs/ (outrageously bad) :: oltraggioso {m}, vergognoso {m}, disdicevole
egregore {n} /ˈɛɡɹɪɡɔɹ/ (psychic entity influencing thoughts) :: eggregora {f}
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
egress {n} /ˈiːɡɹɛs/ (process of exiting) :: uscita {f}
egret {n} /ˈi.ɡɹɪt/ (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea) :: garzetta, airone guardabuoi
Egypt {prop} /ˈiː.dʒɪpt/ (country in North Africa) :: Egitto {m}
Egyptian {adj} /ɪˈdʒɪp.ʃən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt) :: egiziano
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt) :: egiziano {m}, egiziaco {m}, egiziana {f}, egiziani {m-p}, egiziane {f-p}
Egyptian {prop} (language) :: egizio {m}, lingua egizia {f}
Egyptian goose {n} (Alopochen aegyptiacus) :: oca egiziana
Egyptian Mau {n} :: gatto Egyptian Mau {m}
Egyptian vulture {n} (Neophron percnopterus) :: capovaccaio {m}
Egyptologist {n} (A person; one who is skilled professes or practices Egyptology) :: Egittogista {f}, Egittogisto {m}
egyptology {n} (Egyptology) SEE: Egyptology ::
Egyptology {n} /ˌidʒɪpˈtɑlədʒi/ (the study of ancient Egypt) :: egittologia
eh {interj} /eɪ/ (used as a tag question) :: eh
eh {interj} (used to mean “What?”) :: eh
eh {interj} (meh) SEE: meh ::
eicosanoid {n} /aɪˈkoʊ.səˌnɔɪd/ :: eicosanoide {m}
eicosapentaenoic acid {n} (fatty acid) :: acido eicosapentaenoico {m}
eider {n} /ˈaɪdə/ (duck of genus Somateria) :: edredone {m}
eidolopeia {n} :: idolopea {f}, idolopeia {f}
eidolopoeia {n} (rhetorical figure) :: idolopea {f}, idolopeia {f}
Eifelian {prop} :: Eifeliano
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris) :: torre Eiffel {f}
eigenfunction {n} (function) :: autofunzione {f}
eigenstate {n} (dynamic quantum mechanical state) :: autostato {m}
eigenvalue {n} /ˈaɪɡənˌvæljuː/ (scalar multiplier of an eigenvector) :: autovalore {m}
eigenvector {n} (vector not rotated by linear transformation) :: autovettore {m}
eight {num} /eɪt/ (cardinal number 8) :: otto
eighteen {num} /ˈeɪ(t).tin/ (cardinal number) :: diciotto
eighteenth {adj} /ˌeɪˈtiːnθ/ (the ordinal form of the number eighteen, see also: 18th) :: diciottesimo (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) diciottesimo {m}, diciottesima {f} (after the name) (abbreviation XVIII)
eighteenth {n} (the person or thing in the eighteenth position) :: diciottesimo {m}, diciottesima {f}
eighteenth {n} (one of eighteen equal parts of a whole) :: diciottesimo {m}
eighth {adj} /eɪtθ/ (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th) :: ottavo; (in names of monarchs and popes) ottavo {m}, ottava {f} (after the name) (abbreviation VIII)
eighth {n} (person or thing in the eighth position) :: ottavo {m}, ottava {f}
eighth {n} (one of eight equal parts of a whole) :: ottavo {m}
eighth note {n} (eighth note) SEE: quaver ::
eight hundred {num} /ˈeɪt ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 800) :: ottocento {m} {f}
eighties {n} (the decade of the 1980s) :: anni ottanta
eightieth {adj} /ˈeɪ.ti.əθ/ (ordinal form of the number eighty) :: ottantesimo {m}, ottantesima {f} (abbreviations 80º {m}, 80ª {f})
eightieth {n} (The person or thing in the eightieth position) :: ottantesimo {m}, ottantesima {f}
eightieth {n} (One of eighty equal parts of a whole) :: ottantesimo {m}
eight thousand {n} (cardinal number) :: ottomila
eighty {num} /ˈ(ʔ)eɪ̯ɾi/ (80) :: ottanta
eighty-eight {num} (88) :: ottantotto
eighty-first {adj} (ordinal number 81st) :: ottantunesimo {m}, ottantunesima {f} (abbreviations 81º {m}, 81ª {f})
eighty-first {n} (one of eighty-one equal parts of a whole) :: ottantunesimo {m}
eighty-five {num} (the cardinal number 85) :: ottantacinque
eighty-four {num} (84) :: ottantaquattro
eighty-nine {num} (89) :: ottantanove
eighty-one {num} (81) :: ottantuno
eighty-seven {num} (87) :: ottantasette
eighty-six {num} (cardinal number 86) :: ottantasei
eighty-three {num} (83) :: ottantatré
eighty-two {num} (82) :: ottantadue
eikonal {adj} (physics and maths term) :: eikonale
einkorn {n} (einkorn wheat) SEE: einkorn wheat ::
einkorn wheat {n} (domesticated form of wheat type) :: farro piccolo {m}, farricello {m}
Einstein {prop} /ˈaɪnstaɪn/ (Albert Einstein) :: Einstein
Einsteinian {adj} /aɪnˈstaɪ.nɪ.ən/ (of or relating to Albert Einstein) :: einsteiniano
einsteinium {n} /aɪnˈstaɪni.əm/ (element with atomic number 99) :: einstenio {m}
either {determiner} /ˈaɪð.ə(ɹ)/ (each of two) :: ciascuno, entrambi {m-p}, ogni
either {adv} ((after a negative) as well) :: neanche, nemmeno, neppure
either {conj} (introduces the first of two options) :: o, oppure; o ... o
either way {adv} (regardless of what happens) :: in ambo i casi, in un modo o nell'altro, ad ogni modo, in tutti i modi, in ogni modo, a prescindere
ejaculate {v} /ɪˈdʒæk.jʊ.leɪt/ (to eject semen or vaginal fluid) :: eiaculare
ejaculation {n} /iˌdʒækjuˈleɪʃən/ (ejection of semen through the urethra) :: eiaculazione {f}
ejection {n} /əˈdʒɛkʃən/ (act of ejecting) :: eiezione {f}
ejector {n} /ɪˈd͡ʒɛktɚ/ (ejector) :: espulsore {m}
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also ::
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition ::
eke out {v} (to supplement) :: integrare, arrotondare
eke out {v} (to obtain with difficulty) :: sbarcare il lunario, tirare avanti, tirare la carretta
ekranoplan {n} (ground-effect vehicle) :: ekranoplano {m}
el {n} /ɛl/ (name of the letter L, l) :: elle {m} {f}
elaborate {adj} /ɪˈlæbəɹət/ (detailed) :: elaborato, dettagliato
elaborate {adj} (flashy or fancy) :: intricato
elaborate {adj} :: elaborato
elaborate {v} (to give further detail or explanation) :: approfondire, dettagliare
Elamite {n} (an inhabitant of ancient Elam) :: elamita {m} {f}
eland {n} /ˈiːlənd/ (genus of antelope) :: antilope alcina {f}
elapse {v} ((of time) to pass or move by) :: trascorrere
elastic {adj} /iˈlæstɪk/ (capable of stretching) :: elastico {m}, elastica {f}
elastic {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band ::
elastic band {n} (loop of rubber or similar material) :: elastico {m}
elasticity {n} /ɪ.læsˈtɪs.ɪ.ti/ (physics: property by which a material can regain its original dimensions) :: elasticità {f}
elasticity {n} (adaptability) SEE: adaptability ::
elastin {n} (protein with elastic properties, similar to collagen) :: elastina {f}
elastomer {n} (any polymer having the elastic properties of rubber) :: elastomero {m}
elation {n} (An exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism) :: euforia {f}
Elba {prop} (Italian island) :: Elba {f}
elbaite {n} (a type of tourmaline) :: elbaite {f}
Elbe {prop} /ˈɛlbə/ (European river) :: Elba {f}
elbow {n} /ˈɛɫ.boʊ/ (joint between upper arm and forearm) :: gomito {m}
elbow {n} (pipe fitting) :: raccordo {m}
elbow {n} (a hit with the elbow) :: gomitata {f}
elbow {v} (to push with the elbow) :: sgomitare
elbow bone {n} (ulna) SEE: ulna ::
elbow bone {n} (olecranon) SEE: olecranon ::
elbow grease {n} (effort or hard work) :: olio di gomito {m}
elder {n} /ˈɛldɚ/ (Sambucus nigra) :: sambuco {m}
elder {n} :: sambuco {m}
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder ::
elderberry {n} (fruit) :: sambuco {m}
elderly {adj} /ˈɛldɚli/ (old) :: anziano {m}
elderly {n} (elderly person) :: anziano {m}, anziana {f}, anziani {m-p}, anziane {f-p}
elderly {n} (elderly as group) :: anziani {p}
Eleanor {prop} (female given name) :: Eleonora
Eleazar {prop} /ˈɛləˌzɔɹ/ (biblical character) :: Eleazar
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose ::
elect {v} /ɪˈlɛkt/ (to choose in election) :: eleggere
election {n} /ɪˈlɛkʃ(ə)n/ (process of choosing a new leader or representatives) :: elezione {f}
electioneering {n} /ɪˌlɛk.ʃənˈɪə.ɹɪŋ/ (campaigning for elective office) :: propaganda elettorale {f}
elector {n} (person eligible to vote) :: elettore {m}
elector {n} (in the Holy Roman Empire, a participant in the election of the emperor) SEE: Elector ::
Elector {n} (elector or prince-elector) :: principe elettore {m}
electoral {adj} (of, or relating to elections) :: elettorale
electoral district {n} (district represented by one or more elected officials) :: circoscrizione elettorale {f}, collegio elettorale {m}, distretto elettorale {m}
electoral fraud {n} (illegal interference with an election) :: frode elettorale {f}
electorally {adv} (in an electoral manner) :: elettoralmente
electoral system {n} (voting system) SEE: voting system ::
electorate {n} /ɪˈlɛktəɹət/ (those entitled to vote collectively) :: elettorato {m}
electorate {n} (geographic area encompassing electoral district) SEE: electoral district ::
Electorate of the Palatinate {prop} (historical territory of the Holy Roman Empire) :: Elettorato Palatinato
Electra {prop} (mythical women) :: Elettra
electric {adj} /ɪˈlɛktɹɪk/ (electrical) :: elettrico
electric {adj} (electronic (musical instrument)) :: elettronico {m}
electrical {adj} (electric) SEE: electric ::
electrically {adv} (by means of electricity) :: elettricamente
electrical tape {n} (plastic tape) :: nastro isolante {m}
electric bass {n} /ɪˈlɛktɹɪkbeɪs/ (electric bass guitar) :: basso elettrico {m}
electric car {n} (a car that uses electric motors) :: auto elettrica {f}
electric chair {n} (device used for performing execution by electrocution) :: sedia elettrica {f}
electric charge {n} :: carica {f}
electric current {n} (measurement of the rate of flow of electric charge) :: corrente {f}, corrente elettrica {f}
electric field {n} (region around a charged particle) :: campo elettrico {m}
electric guitar {n} /ə.ˈlɛk.tɹɪk ɡɪ.ˈtɑːɹ/ (guitar which requires electronic amplification) :: chitarra elettrica
electrician {n} (tradesman who works with electrical equipment) :: elettricista {m} {f}
electricity {n} /əˌlɛkˈtɹɪsɪti/ (form of energy) :: elettricità {f}
electricity meter {n} (a device that measures the consumption of electricity) :: contatore elettrico {m}
electric motor {n} (motor) :: motore elettrico {m}
electrifiable {adj} (capable of being electrified) :: elettrizzabile
electrification {n} (the act of electrifying, or the state of being charged with electricity) :: elettrificazione {f}
electrification {n} (adaptation for electric power) :: elettrificazione {f}
electrify {v} (to communicate electricity to) :: elettrificare
electrify {v} (to cause electricity to pass through) :: elettrificare
electrify {v} (to adapt for electric power) :: elettrificare
electro- {prefix} (of electricity or electrical) :: elettro-
electroacoustics {n} (the science of the interaction and interconversion of electric and acoustic phenomena) :: elettroacustica {f}
electrobiology {n} (study of the production of electricity by organisms) :: elettrobiologia {f}
electrocardiogram {n} /əˌlɛktɹəˈkɑɹdi.əˌɡɹæm/ (trace of an electrocardiograph) :: elettrocardiogramma {m}
electrocardiography {n} (the science of preparation and diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms) :: elettrocardiografia {f}
electrochemical {adj} (of or relating to a chemical reaction brought about by electricity) :: elettrochimico
electrochemical {adj} (of or relating to electricity produced by a chemical reaction) :: elettrochimico
electrochemistry {n} (chemistry pertaining to electricity) :: elettrochimica {f}
electroconvulsive therapy {n} (biomedical therapy using electrical current) :: elettroshockterapia {f}
electrocute {v} /ɪˈlektɹəkjuːt/ (to cause death from immediate complications resulting from electric shock) :: fulminare
electrocution {n} (accidental death or suicide by electric shock) :: elettrocuzione {f}, fulminazione {f}
electrode {n} /əˈlɛk.tɹəʊd/ (the terminal through which electric current passes) :: elettrodo {m}
electrodeposition {n} (deposition of a metal on a cathode during electrolysis) :: elettrodeposizione {f}
electrodynamometer {n} (electromechanical instrument) :: elettrodinamometro {m}
electroencephalogram {n} (a recording of electrical brain activity made by an electroencephalograph) :: elettroencefalogramma
electroencephalography {n} (measurement of electrical activity in medicine) :: elettroencefalografia {f}
electrokinetics {n} (the electrodynamics of electrical circuits) :: elettrocinetica {f}
electroluminescence {n} (generation of light by application of an alternating current or by electric discharge) :: elettroluminescenza {f}
electrolysis {n} /ɪlɛkˈtɹɒləsɪs/ (chemical change) :: elettrolisi {f}
electrolyte {n} /ɨˈlɛk.tɹɵˌlaɪt/ (substance that ionizes and conducts electricity) :: elettrolito {m}, elettrolita {m}
electrolyte {n} (ion that regulates the electric charge on cells and the flow of water across their membranes) :: elettrolito {m}, elettrolita {m}
electrolytic {adj} /ɨˌlɛk.tɹɵˈlɪ.tɪk/ :: elettrolitico
electromagnet {n} (magnet) :: elettromagnete {m}, elettrocalamita {f}
electromagnetic {adj} (pertaining to electromagnetism) :: elettromagnetico
electromagnetic radiation {n} (radiation) :: radiazione elettromagnetica {f}
electromagnetic spectrum {n} (electromagnetic spectrum) :: spettro elettromagnetico {m}
electromagnetic wave {n} (electromagnetic radiation) :: onda elettromagnetica {f}
electromagnetism {n} /ɪˌlɛk.tɹəʊˈmæɡ.nəˌtɪzm̩/ (a fundamental force) :: elettromagnetismo {m}
electromechanical {adj} (combining the fields of mechanics and electronics) :: elettromeccanico
electromotive {adj} (causing electrons to move) :: elettromotrice
electromyography {n} (diagnostic technique) :: elettromiografia {f}
electron {n} /ɪˈlɛktɹɑn/ (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms) :: elettrone {m}
electron cloud {n} (mathematically defined region) :: nuvola elettronica {f}
electronegativity {n} (degree of electron attraction) :: elettronegatività {f}
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole ::
electron hole {n} :: lacuna elettronica {f}
electronic {adj} /ˌɛl.ɛkˈtɹɒn.ɪk/ (pertaining to electrons) :: elettronico
electronic {adj} (operating on behavior of electrons) :: elettronico
electronic {adj} (generated by electronic device) :: elettronico
electronically {adv} /ɪˌlɛkˈtɹɑn.ɪ (by electronic means) :: elettronicamente
electronic book {n} (e-book) SEE: e-book ::
electronic cigarette {n} /ɪˌlɛkˈtʃɹɑːnɪk ˈsɪɡɚˌɛt/ (electronic cigarette) :: sigaretta elettronica
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
electronics {n} ((physics)) :: elettronica {f}
electron microscope {n} (any of several forms of microscope that use a beam of electrons) :: microscopio elettronico {m}
electron volt {n} (a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles) :: elettronvolt {m}
electrooculogram {n} (a record of the voltage differences between the front and back of the eye as the eyeball moves) :: elettrooculogramma {f}
electrophile {n} (compound which attracts electrons) :: elettrofilo {m}
electrophilic {adj} (relating to an electrophile) :: elettrofilico
electrophoresis {n} (method for separation of large molecules) :: elettroforesi {f}
electrophysiology {n} (the branch of physiology that studies the electrical activity of organisms) :: elettrofisiologia {f}
electroplating {n} (electrochemical coating) :: galvanostegia {f}
electroscope {n} (device that detects the presence of an electric charge) :: elettroscopio {m}
electrostatic {adj} (of, relating to, or producted by electrostatics or static electricity) :: elettrostatico
electrostatic precipitator {n} (particulate collection device) :: elettrofiltro {m}, precipitatore elettrostatico {m}
electrotherapeutic {adj} (relating to electrotherapy) :: elettroterapico
electrovalency {n} (charge) :: elettrovalenza {f}
electrovalency {n} (number of electrons gained or lost) :: elettrovalenza {f}
electroweak {adj} (combination of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces) :: elettrodebole
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber ::
elegance {n} /ˈɛl.ɪ.ɡəns/ :: eleganza {f}
elegant {adj} /ˈɛl.ə.ɡənt/ (exhibiting elegance) :: elegante
element {n} /ˈel.ɪ.mənt/ (simplest or essential part or principle of anything) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (chemistry: simplest chemical substance) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (alchemy: one of the four basic building blocks) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (something small) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (atmospheric forces) :: elemento {m}, elementi {m-p}
element {n} (place or state of being that an individual or object is better suited towards) :: elemento {m}, ambiente {m}
element {n} (law: component of a cause of action) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (set theory: object in a set) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (group of people with a common characteristic) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (heating element) :: elemento {m}
element {n} (computing: conceptual object in a markup language) :: elemento {m}
elemental {adj} (basic, fundamental, elementary) SEE: elementary ::
elementaristic {adj} :: elementaristico
elementary {adj} /(ˌ)ɛlɪ̈ˈmɛnt(ə)ɹɪ/ (relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something) :: elementare
elementary {adj} (relating to an elementary school) :: elementare
elementary {adj} (relating to a subatomic particle) :: elementare
elementary charge {n} (electric charge on a single proton) :: carica elementare {f}
elementary particle {n} (subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles) :: particella elementare {f}
elementary school {n} (school for children) SEE: primary school ::
elementary substance {n} (pure chemical substance consisting of a singe element) :: sostanza semplice {f}
Eleonora's falcon {n} (Falco eleonorae) :: falco della regina {m}
elephant {n} /ˈɛləfənt/ (mammal) :: elefante {m}
elephantiac {adj} (afflicted with elephantiasis) :: elefantiaco
elephantiasis {n} /ˌɛlɪfənˈtaɪəsɪs/ (disease) :: elefantiasi {f}
elephant in the room {n} (problem that is obvious but ignored) :: elefante nella stanza
elephant seal {n} (mammal of the genus Mirounga) :: elefante marino {m}
elephant shrew {n} (Any member of the order Macroscelidea) :: toporagno elefante {m}
elevate {v} (promote) SEE: promote ::
elevate {v} /ˈɛləveɪt/ (raise) :: elevare
elevate {v} (increase the intensity of) :: aumentare
elevate {v} (ennoble) SEE: ennoble ::
elevated railway {n} (railway) :: Ferrovia sopraelevata
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift ::
eleven {num} /ɪˈlɛv.ən/ (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve) :: undici
eleven hundred {num} (one thousand one hundred) :: millecento
eleventh {adj} /iˈlɛv.ənθ/ (ordinal form of eleven, see also: 11th) :: undicesimo (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) undicesimo {m}, undicesima {f} (after the name) (abbreviation XI)
eleventh {n} (something in the eleventh position) :: undicesimo {m}, undicesima {f}
eleventh {n} (one of eleven equal parts of a whole) :: undicesimo {m}
eleventh hour {n} (The last minute) :: all'ultimo minuto
eleven thousand {num} (11,000) :: undicimila
elf {n} /ɛlf/ (Norse mythology: luminous spirit dwelling in Álfheim) :: elfo {m}
elf {n} (mythical, supernatural being) :: elfo {m}
elf {n} (fantasy: magical, typically forest-guarding creature) :: elfo {m}
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf ::
Elias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Elijah ::
elicit {v} /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ (to evoke, educe) :: provocare, suscitare
elide {v} /ɪˈlaɪd/ (to leave out or omit) :: omettere
elide {v} (to cut off, as a vowel or a syllable) :: elidere
Eliezer {prop} (biblical character) :: Eliezer {m}
eligibility {n} (quality of being eligible) :: idoneità
eligible {adj} /ˈɛlɪdʒəb(ə)l/ (meeting the necessary requirements to participate; worthy of being chosen) :: eleggibile, appropriato
Elijah {prop} /ɨˈlaɪd͡ʒə/ (biblical prophet) :: Elia
Elijah {prop} (male given name) :: Elia
eliminate {v} /ɪˈlɪməneɪt/ (completely destroy) :: eliminare
eliminatory {adj} (tending to eliminate) :: eliminatorio
Elis {prop} (ancient Greek city-state) :: Elide
Elis {prop} (region of modern Greece) :: Elide
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth ::
Elisha {prop} /ɨˈlaɪʃə/ (biblical prophet) :: Eliseo
Elisheba {prop} (biblical wife of Aaron) :: Elisabetta, Eliseba, Elisceba
Elissa {prop} (name of Queen Dido) :: Elisa
elite {n} /ɪˈliːt/ (group with higher status) :: élite {f}
elitism {n} (belief society should be run by elite) :: elitismo {m}
elixir {n} /ɪˈlɪksə(ɹ)/ (alchemy: liquid which was believed to turn non-precious metals to gold) :: elisir {m}
elixir {n} (liquid which is believed to cure all ills) :: elisir {m}
elixir {n} (pharmacy: sweet taste-masking liquid) :: elisir {m}
elixir of life {n} (elixir that brings immortality) :: l’elisir di lunga vita {m}
Elizabeth {prop} /əˈlɪzəbəθ/ (female given name) :: Elisabetta {f}
Elizabeth {prop} (mother of John the Baptist) :: Elisabetta {f}
Elizabeth {prop} (wife of Aaron) SEE: Elisheba ::
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose ::
ellipse {n} /ɪˈlɪps/ (curve) :: ellisse {f}
ellipsis {n} /ɪˈlɪpsɪs/ (typographic mark) :: puntini puntini puntini
ellipsis {n} (omission of word or phrase) :: ellissi {f}
ellipsoid {adj} (shaped like an ellipse) SEE: elliptical ::
elliptic {adj} (relating to an ellipse or its mathematical definition) :: ellitico
elliptical {adj} /ɪˈlɪp.tɪ.kəl/ (oval) :: ellittico {m}
elliptical {adj} (in math) SEE: elliptic ::
elliptic curve {n} :: curva ellittica {f}
elm {n} /ɛlm/ (tree of genus Ulmus) :: olmo {m}
Elmer Fudd {prop} (fictional cartoon hunter) :: Taddeo
elocution {n} /ɛləˈkjuːʃən/ (The art of public speaking with expert control of gesture and voice, etc.) :: elocuzione
Eloise {prop} (female given name) :: Eloisa
elongational {adj} :: elongazionale
elope {v} /ɨˈloʊp/ (run away with a paramour) :: fuggire
elope {v} (run away to get married) :: fuggire
elope {v} (run away from home) :: scappare, fuggire, abbandonare, allontanarsi
eloquent {adj} /ˈɛl.əˌkwənt/ (fluently persuasive and articulate) :: eloquente
eloquent {adj} (effective in expressing meaning) :: loquace, articolato, verboso, pedissequo
El Salvador {prop} /ɛl ˈsæl.və.dɔɹ/ (country in Central America) :: El Salvador {m}
else {adv} /ɛls/ (word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to) :: altro
else {adv} (statement in computing that indicates the result of a conditional statement (if) evaluating as false) :: altrimenti
Elsinore {prop} /ˈɛlsɪnɔː/ (Danish city) :: Elsinore {f}, Elsinora {f}
eluate {n} (Liquid solution resulting from elution) :: eluato {m}
elucidate {v} /əˈluː.sɪ.de͡ɪt/ (make clear) :: chiarire
elusive {adj} /ɪˈluːsɪv/ (evading capture, comprehension or remembrance) :: elusivo {m}
Elysian {adj} /ɪˈlɪ.zi.ən/ (of or pertaining to Elysium) :: elisio
Elysian Fields {prop} (Elysian Fields, see also: Elysium) :: Campi Elisi
em {n} /ɛm/ :: emme {m} {f}
emaciate {v} ((transitive) make extremely thin or wasted) :: emaciare
emaciate {v} ((intransitive) become extremely thin or wasted) :: emaciarsi
emaciated {adj} /əˈmeɪsieɪtɪd/ (thin or haggard) :: emaciato, smunto, denutrito, smorto, mingherlino, minuto, magro, tutta pelle
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email ::
email {n} /ˈiːmeɪl/ (system for transferring messages from one computer to another) :: posta elettronica {f}, e-mail {f}, mail {f}
email {n} (message sent through email an email system) :: messaggio di posta elettronica {m}, e-mail {f}, mail {f}
email {n} (email address, see also: e-mail address) :: indirizzo di posta elettronica {m}, indirizzo e-mail {m}
email {v} ((transitive) to send (something) through email) :: inviare via e-mail/mail, inviare per e-mail/mail
email {v} ((intransitive) to send, or compose and send, an email or emails) :: (to compose) scrivere un'e-mail/una mail; inviare un'e-mail/una mail
Emajõgi {prop} (river in Estonia) :: Emajõgi
emanate {v} /ˈɛm.ə.ˌneɪt/ (To come from a source) :: emanare
emanation {n} /ˌɛməˈneɪʃən/ (act of flowing) :: emanazione {f}
emanation {n} (that which flows) :: emanazione {f}
emanationism {n} (religious concept) :: emanatismo {m}
embalm {v} /ɪmˈbɑːm/ (to treat a corpse in order to prevent decomposition) :: imbalsamare
embalming {n} (work of an embalmer) :: imbalsamazione {f}
embankment {n} (artificial mound of earth and stone) :: argine {m}
embarge {n} (embargo) SEE: embargo ::
embarge {v} /əmˈbɑɹdʒ/ :: imporre
embargo {n} /ɪmˈbɑɹɡoʊ/ :: embargo {m}
embark {v} /ɪmˈbɑːk/ (to get on a boat) :: imbarcare
embark {v} (to start) :: imbarcare, iniziare, imbarcarsi, cacciarsi, impegolarsi
embarrass {v} /ɪmˈbæ.ɹəs/ (to humiliate; to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely) :: imbarazzare, mettere in imbarazzo
embarrassed {adj} /ɪmˈbæɹ.əst/ (Having a feeling of shameful discomfort) :: imbarazzato
embarrassing {adj} /ɪmˈbæɹəsɪŋ/ (causing embarrassment) :: imbarazzante {m} {f}
embarrassment {n} /ɪmˈbæɹəsmənt/ (state of discomfort) :: imbarazzo
embassy {n} /ˈɛmbəsi/ (organization representing a foreign state) :: ambasciata {f}
embattled {adj} /ɛmˈbæt.əld/ ((heraldry) drawn with a line of alternating square indendations and extensions) :: merlato {m}
embed {v} /ɪmˈbɛd/ (lay as in a bed; lay in surrounding matter) :: incastonare, incastrare, incorporare, inserire, aggregare
embed {v} (mathematics; embed in) :: inglobare
embedding {n} (in mathematics) :: immersione {f}
embellish {v} /ɪmˈbɛlɪʃ/ (to make more beautiful and attractive) :: abbellire, agghindare, impreziosire, adornare, infronzolare
embellish {v} (to make sound or look better) :: imbellettare, abbellire, impreziosire
ember {n} /ˈɛm.bɚ/ (glowing piece of coal or wood) :: brace {f}
ember {n} (smoldering ash) SEE: embers ::
Ember day {n} /ˈɛmbə ˌdeɪ/ (any of the three days within the same week, four separate sets of which occur roughly equidistant in the circuit of the year, set aside for fasting and prayer) :: tempora {f}
embers {n} (the smoldering or glowing remains of a fire, smoldering ash) :: braci {f-p}, splendore, favilla {f}
embetterment {n} (improvement) SEE: improvement ::
embezzlement {n} /ˌɪmˈbɛzəlmənt/ (The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner) :: appropriazione indebita {f}, peculato {m}
embiggen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
embiopteran {n} (insect) :: embiottero {m}
emblem {n} /ˈɛmbləm/ (representative symbol) :: emblema {m}, raffigurazione {f}, simbolo {m}
emblematic {adj} /ˌɛmbləˈmatɪk/ (serving as a symbol) :: emblematico
embodiment {n} (entity typifying an abstraction) :: incarnazione {f}
embolism {n} (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus) :: embolia {f}
embolization {n} (minimally invasive procedure) :: embolizzazione {f}
emboss {v} /ɪmˈbɒs/ (to mark or decorate with a raised design or symbol) :: coniare
embrace {v} /ɛmˈbɹeɪs/ (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug) :: abbracciare
embrace {v} (to enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.)) :: abbracciare, aderire, inglobare
embrace {n} (act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest, see also: hug) :: abbraccio {m}
embrace {v} (to submit to) SEE: undergo ::
embrace {v} (to encircle; to enclose, to encompass) SEE: encircle ::
embroider {v} /ɪmˈbɹɔɪdɚ/ (to stitch a decorative design on fabric with needle and thread) :: ricamare
embroider {v} (to add imaginary detail to a narrative) :: ricamare, abbellire, indorare
embroiderer {n} (person who embroiders) :: ricamatore {m}
embroideress {n} (female embroiderer) :: ricamatrice {f}
embroidery {n} /ɪmˈbɹɔɪdəɹi/ (ornamentation) :: ricamo
embroil {v} /ɪmˈbɹɔɪl/ (to draw into a situation) :: coinvolgere
embroilment {n} (an entangled situation) SEE: imbroglio ::
embryo {n} /ˈɛmbɹi.əʊ/ (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus) :: embrione {m}
embryo {n} :: embrione {m}
embryogenic {adj} (of or pertaining to embryogenesis) :: embriogenico
embryologic {adj} (embryologic) SEE: embryological ::
embryological {adj} (of or pertaining to embryology) :: embriologico
embryologically {adv} (regarding embryology) :: embriologicamente
embryonic {adj} /ˈɛm.bɹi.ɒn.ɪk/ (embryology: of or relating to an embryo) :: embrionario, embrionico, embrionale
em dash {n} (typographical symbol '—') :: lineetta emme {f}
emerald {n} /ˈɛməɹəld/ (gemstone) :: smeraldo {m}
emerald green {adj} (of emerald green colour) :: smeraldo
emerge {v} /iˈmɝd͡ʒ/ (to come out of) :: emergere, venire fuori
emerge {v} (to become known) :: venire alla luce, venire fuori, emergere
emergence {n} /ɪˈmɜːdʒ(ə)ns/ (the arising of emergent structure in complex systems) :: emergenza {f}
emergency {n} /ɪˈmɝ.dʒə (situation requiring urgent assistance) :: emergenza {f}
emergency escape {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
emergency exit {n} (exit for evacuation) :: uscita d'emergenza {f}
emergency landing {n} (landing made in an emergency) :: atterraggio di emergenza {m}, atterraggio di fortuna {m}, atterraggio forzato {m}
emergency room {n} (hospital department) :: pronto soccorso
emergency stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
emerging {adj} (becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising) :: emergente
emeritus {adj} (retired but retaining an honorific version of previous title) :: emerito
Emersonian {adj} :: emersoniano
emery {n} /ˈɛməɹi/ (mineral) :: smeriglio {m}, spoltiglio {m}
Emery {prop} (male given name) :: Amerigo {m}
Emesene {adj} /ˌɛməˈsiːn/ (of or pertaining to Emesa or its region) :: emeseno
Emesene {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Emesa or its region) :: emeseno {m}, emesena {f}
Emesene {prop} (region in Syria) :: Emesene {f}
emetic {adj} /əˈmɛt.ɪk/ (causing nausea and vomiting) :: emetico
emigrant {n} /ˈɛmɪɡɹənt/ (someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country) :: emigrante {m} {f}
emigrate {v} /ˈɛmɪɡɹeɪt/ (to leave one's country in order to reside elsewhere) :: emigrare
Emil {prop} (male given name) :: Emilio
Emile {prop} (Emil) SEE: Emil ::
Emilia {prop} (historical region of Italy) :: Emilia {f}
Emilian {prop} (language) :: emiliano {m}
Emilia-Romagna {prop} (region of Italy) :: Emilia-Romagna {f}
Emily {prop} (given name) :: Emilia
eminent domain {n} (government's right to expropriate private land) :: espropriazione per pubblica utilità {f}
emir {n} (Islamic prince or leader) :: emiro
emirate {n} /ˈeməɹət/ (country ruled by an emir) :: emirato {m}
emissive {adj} (of, pertaining to, or having the capacity to emit radiation or matter; emitting) :: emesso
emit {v} /iˈmɪt/ (to send out or give off) :: emettere
Emmanuel {prop} (male given name) :: Emanuele
Emmanuel {prop} (figure whose birth is foretold) SEE: Immanuel ::
Emmanuel {prop} (this figure, regarded as Christ) SEE: Immanuel ::
emmer {n} /ˈɛmɚ/ (Triticum dicoccon) :: farro dicocco {m}, farro medio {m}
emmetropia {n} (perfect vision) :: emmetropia {f}
emoji {n} /ɪˈməʊdʒi/ (digital graphic icon) :: emoji {f}
emollient {n} /ɪˈmɑl.jənt/ (something which softens or lubricates the skin) :: emolliente {m}, demulcente {m}
emollient {n} (anything soothing) :: emolliente {m}, demulcente {m}
emollient {adj} (Moisturizing) :: emolliente {m}
emollient {adj} (Soothing; mollifying) :: emolliente {m}
emolument {n} /ɪˈmɒljəmənt/ (payment for an office or employment) :: emolumento {m}
emotion {n} /ɪˈmoʊʃən/ (person's internal state of being) :: emozione {f}
emotional {adj} /ɪˈməʊʃənəl/ (of or relating to the emotions) :: emotivo, emozionante
emotional {adj} (characterised by emotion) :: emotivo
emotional {adj} (determined by emotion rather than reason) :: emotivo
emotional {adj} (appealing to or arousing emotion) :: emozionante, commovente
emotional {adj} (easily affected by emotion) :: emotivo, impressionabile
empanoply {v} /ɪmˈpænəpli/ (to dress in a full suit of armour) :: corazzarsi
empathic {adj} /ɛmˈpæθɪk/ (showing or expressing empathy) :: empatico
empathize {v} /ˈɛmpəˌθaɪz/ (to feel empathy for another person) :: avere empatia, simpatizzare
empathy {n} /ˈɛmpəθi/ (intellectual identification with another person) :: empatia {f}
empathy {n} (capacity to understand another person's point of view) :: empatia {f}
emperor {n} /ˈɛmpəɹɚ/ (ruler of an empire) :: imperatore {m}
emphasize {v} /ˈɛm.fə.saɪz/ (stress) :: enfatizzare, sottolineare, evidenziare
emphatically {adv} (in an emphatic manner) :: enfaticamente
emphyteusis {n} (right) :: enfiteusi {f}
empire {n} /ˈɛmpaɪə/ (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories) :: impero {m}
empire {n} (political unit ruled by an emperor) :: impero {m}
empire {n} :: impero {m}
empiric {n} (unqualified or dishonest practitioner) SEE: charlatan ::
empiric {adj} (empiric) SEE: empirical ::
empirical {adj} /ɪmˈpɪɹɪkəl/ (pertaining to or based on experience) :: empirico
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
employ {v} /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ (to give someone work) :: impiegare, ingaggiare
employ {v} (to put into use) :: impiegare
employability {n} /ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti/ (state of being employable) :: assumibilità {f}
employable {adj} (able to be employed) :: assumibile
employee {n} /ɛmplɔɪˈiː/ (individual who provides labor to a company or another person) :: dipendente
employer {n} /ɪmˈplɔɪɚ/ (person or entity which employs others) :: datore di lavoro {m}
employment {n} /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (use, purpose) :: impiego {m}
employment {n} (the act of employing) :: assunzione {f}
employment {n} (the work or occupation for which one is paid) :: impiego {m}
employment {n} (the number or percentage of people at work) :: occupazione {m}
employment contract {n} (category of contract) :: contratto di lavoro
emporium {n} /ɛmˈpɔː.ɹi.əm/ (shop that offers a wide variety of goods for sale) :: emporio
empower {v} (to give permission to) :: dare potere, permettere
empower {v} (to give confidence and/or strength to) :: incoraggiare, sostenere
empowerment {n} (granting of power) :: conferimento di potere, controllo
empowerment {n} (state of being empowered) :: responsabilizzazione, emancipazione
empress {n} /ˈɛmpɹəs/ (female monarch of an empire) :: imperatrice {f}
empress {n} (wife or widow of an emperor) :: imperatrice {f}
empress {n} :: imperatrice {f}
empress dowager {n} (mother of an emperor) :: imperatrice vedova
emptier {n} :: vuotatore {m}
emptily {adv} (in an empty manner) :: vuotamente
empty {adj} /ˈɛmpti/ (devoid of content) :: vuoto
empty {v} (to make empty) :: vuotare, svuotare
empty-handed {adj} (emptyhanded) SEE: emptyhanded ::
emptyhanded {adj} (having nothing to give) :: a mani vuote, inerme
emptyhanded {adj} (having given or received nothing) :: con le pive nel sacco
emptying {n} :: vuotamento {m}
empty set {n} (unique set that contains no elements) :: insieme vuoto {m}
empty space {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
empty the tank {v} (make the utmost effort) :: fare del proprio meglio
empty vessels make the most sound {proverb} (proverb) :: zucca vuota fa rumore
empyema {n} (collection of pus) :: empiema {m}
empyrean {adj} /ɛmˌpaɪˈɹiːn̩/ (the highest heaven) :: Empireo {m}
Emsian {prop} :: Emsiano
emu {n} /ˈiːmjuː/ (Dromaius novaehollandiae) :: emù {m}
emulsifier {n} /ˈɪi.mʌl.sɪf.aɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (substance that helps an emulsion form) :: emulsionante {m}
emulsify {v} (To make into an emulsion) :: emulsionare
emulsion {n} (suspension of one liquid in another) :: emulsione
emydid {n} (any member of the Emydidae) :: emidide {p}; emididi {p}
en {n} /ɛn/ (name of the letter N, n) :: enne {f}
en {n} :: enne {m} {f}
enable {v} /ɪˈneɪbəl/ (to allow a way out or excuse for an action) :: permettere
enable {v} (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: attivare, abilitare
enabler {n} (one who helps something to happen) :: facilitatore {m}, aiutante {m} {f}
enabler {n} (one who encourages a bad habit in another) :: incoraggiatore {m}, tentatore {m}, ammaliatore {m}, seduttore {m}, ingannatore {m}
enabler {n} (one who gives someone else the power to behave in a certain way) :: ammaestratore {m}
enamel {n} /ɪˈnæməl/ (opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects) :: smalto {m}, lacca {f}
enamel {n} (covering on the tooth) :: smalto {m}
enamel {v} (to coat with enamel) :: smaltare
enantio- {prefix} /ɛnˈæntɪəʊ/ (opposite) :: enantio-
enantiomer {n} (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers) :: enantiomero
enantiomeric {adj} (pertaining to an enantiomer) :: enantiomerico
-ence {suffix} (same as -ance; having the state or condition of) :: -enza, -anza
Enceladus {prop} /ɛnˈsɛlədəs/ (moon of Saturn) :: Encelado {m}
encephalic {adj} /ˌɛn.səˈfæ.lɪk/ (relating to the encephalon) :: encefalico
encephalitis {n} (inflammation of the brain) :: encefalite {f}
encephalogram {n} (an image of the brain obtained by encephalography) :: encefalogramma {m}
encephalography {n} (X-ray examination of brain) :: encefalografia {f}
encephalon {n} /ɛnˈsɛfələn/ (brain) :: encefalo {m}
encephalopathy {n} /ɛnˌsɛfəˈlɒpəθi/ (condition affecting the brain) :: encefalopatia {f}
enchant {v} /ɪnˈtʃænt/ (to attract and delight) :: incantare
enchanted {adj} /ɪnˈt͡ʃæntɪd/ (under the influence of enchantment) :: incantato, rapito {m}, affascinato
enchantress {n} /ɪnˈtʃæntɹɪs/ (attractive woman skilled at using magic) :: incantatrice {f}
enchondroma {n} (a cartilage cyst found in the bone marrow) :: encondroma {m}
encircle {v} /ɛnˈsɜɹkəl/ (surround) :: accerchiare, circondare, contornare, cingere
enclave {n} /ˈɛnkleɪv/ (entity completely surrounded by another) :: enclave {f}
enclitic {n} /ɪnˈklɪtɪk/ (clitic which joins with the preceding word) :: enclitico {n}
enclitic {adj} (affixed phonetically) :: enclitico
enclose {v} /ɪnˈkloʊz/ (surround, fence in) :: cintare
enclosure {n} /ɛnˈkloʊʒəɹ/ (something enclosed) :: allegato {m}
enclosure {n} (area partially or entirely enclosed by walls, fences or buildings) :: recinto {m}
enclosure {n} (inaccessible part of the monastery) :: clausura {f}
encode {v} /ɪnˈkoʊd/ (genetics) :: codificare
encompass {v} /ɛnˈkʌm.pəs/ (encircle) :: circondare
encompass {v} (surround) :: racchiudere, comprendere
encompass {v} (include) :: includere, racchiudere, circoscrivere
encore {n} /ˈɑnkɔɹ/ (brief extra performance after the main performance is complete) :: bis {m}
encore {interj} (please perform again) :: bis!
encourage {v} /ɪnˈkɝɹɪdʒ/ (mentally support or motivate) :: incoraggiare
encouragement {n} /ɪnˈkʌɹɪdʒmənt/ (the act of encouraging) :: incoraggiamento {m}
encouragement {n} (that which serves to incite, support, promote or advance, as favor, countenance, reward etc.) :: incoraggiamento {m}
encroach {v} /ɛŋˈkɹəʊtʃ/ (to intrude unrightfully on someone else’s rights or territory) :: invadere
encrypt {v} /ɪn.ˈkrɪpt/ (to conceal information by means of a code or cipher) :: cifrare
encryption {n} (process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge, key files, and/or passwords) :: cifratura {f}, codifica {f}
encumber {v} /ɪnˈkʌmbə(ɹ)/ (to load down) :: caricare, incombere
encumber {v} (to restrict) :: intralciare, ingombrare, ostacolare
encumber {v} (to burden with a legal claim) :: caricare con ipoteca, gravare di ipoteca
encyclical {n} /ɛnˈsɪklɪkəl/ (papal letter delivered to Bishops) :: enciclica {f}
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia ::
encyclopedia {n} /ənˌsəɪ.kləˈpi.di.ə/ (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics) :: enciclopedia {f}
end {n} /ɛnd/ (extreme part) :: fine {f}
end {v} (ergative, intransitive: be finished, be terminated) :: finire
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something)) :: finire
end- {prefix} /ɛnd/ :: endo-
endanger {v} /ənˈdeɪndʒɚ/ (to put someone or something in danger) :: rischiare, compromettere, mettere in pericolo
endangered {adj} (in danger, at risk) :: a rischio
en dash {n} (typographical symbol –) :: lineetta enne {f}
endearing {adj} /ɪnˈdɪəɹɪŋ/ (inspiring affection or love) :: tenero, gentile, caro, carino
endearment {n} (act or process of endearing) :: accarezzamento {m}
endearment {n} (an expression of affection) :: vezzeggiativo {m}
endeavor {n} /ɛnˈdɛv.ɚ/ (a sincere attempt) :: tentativo {m}, impegno, sforzo {m}
endeavor {n} (enterprise; assiduous or persistent activity) :: impresa {f}, impegno {m}
endeavor {v} (attempt through application of effort) :: tentare, sforzarsi, adoperarsi
endemic {adj} /ɛnˈdɛm.ɪk/ (native to a particular area) :: endemico
endemic {adj} (peculiar to a particular area) :: endemico
endemic {adj} (prevalent in a particular area) :: endemico
endemic {n} (disease affecting a number of people simultaneously, so as to show a distinct connection with certain localities) :: endemia {f}
endimanched {adj} (dressed up in their Sunday best) :: indomenicato
ending {n} (grammar: last morpheme of a word) SEE: termination ::
end in itself {n} (something without a purpose) :: fine a se stesso {m}
endive {n} /ˈɛndaɪv/ (leafy salad vegetable, Cichorium endivia) :: indivia {f}, scarola
endlessly {adv} (in an endless manner) :: infinitamente
endocarditis {n} (inflammation of the endocardium) :: endocardite {f}
endocardium {n} (membrane that lines the interior of the heart) :: endocardio {m}
endocarp {n} (inner layer of the pericarp) :: endocarpo {m}
endocrine {adj} /ˈɛnd.oʊ.kɹɪn/ (producing internal secretions that are transported around the body by the bloodstream) :: endocrino
endocrine gland {n} (gland) :: ghiandola endocrina {f}
endocrine system {n} (system of ductless glands) :: sistema endocrino {m}
endocrinologist {n} /ˈɛn.dəʊ.kɹɪnˌɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (practitioner of endocrinology) :: endocrinologo {m}, endocrinologa {f}
endocrinology {n} /ˌɛn.də.krɪˈnɑ.lə.dʒi/ (study of the endocrine glands) :: endocrinologia {f}
endodermic {adj} (of or relating to the endoderm; endodermal) :: endodermico
endoenergetic {adj} :: endoenergetico
endoenthalpic {adj} (in which enthalpy decreases) :: endoentalpico
end of the world {n} :: finimondo {m}
endofunction {n} (function whose codomain is equal to its domain) :: endofunzione {f}
endogamy {n} /ɛnˈdɒɡəmi/ (the practice of marrying within one's own social group) :: endogamia {f}
endogenous {adj} /ɨnˈdɑdʒənəs/ (produced, originating or growing from within) :: endogeno, endogeno
endogenous {adj} (of a disease, caused by factors within the body) :: endogeno
endometrial {adj} /ˌendəˈmiːtɹi.əl/ (of or pertaining to the endometrium) :: endometriale
endometriosis {n} /ˌɛndoʊˌmiːtɹiˈoʊsɪs/ (endometrium condition) :: endometriosi {f}
endometritis {n} (inflammation of the endometrium) :: endometrite {f}
endometrium {n} /ˌɛndəˈmiːtɹi.əm/ (mucous membrane) :: endometrio {m}
endonym {n} (a name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language) :: endonimo {m}
endoplasmic reticulum {n} (network of membranes) :: reticolo endoplasmatico
endoprosthesis {n} (internal prosthesis) :: endoprotesi {f}
endoreduplication {n} (replication) :: endoreduplicazione {f}
endorheic {adj} /ɛn.doʊˈɹi.ɪk/ (internally drained; having no outlet) :: endoreico
endorphin {n} /ɛnˈdɔ(ɹ)fɪn/ (any of a group of peptide hormones) :: endorfina {f}
endorse {v} /ɪnˈdɔɹs/ (support) :: approvare, (candidate) appoggiare
endoscope {n} (instrument) :: endoscopio {m}
endoscopic {adj} (of or relating to endoscopy) :: endoscopico
endoskeletal {adj} (Of, or pertaining to an endoskeleton) :: endoscheletrico
endoskeleton {n} (internal skeleton of an animal) :: endoscheletro {m}
endosome {n} (endocytic vacuole) :: endosoma
endosperm {n} (tissue) :: endosperma {m}
endosymbiotic theory {n} (the theory that concerns the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts) :: teoria endosimbiotica {f}
endothelium {n} (thin layer of cells) :: endotelio {m}
endotoxic {adj} (of, related to, or caused by an endotoxin) :: endotossico
endotoxin {n} (any toxin secreted by a microorganism that is released into surrounding environment only when it dies) :: endotossina {f}
endotracheal {adj} (within or through the trachea) :: endotracheale
endow {v} /ɪnˈdaʊ/ (to give property to (someone) as a gift; to provide with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits) :: dotare, finanziare, foraggiare, provvedere, sovvenzionare
endow {v} (to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality) :: arricchire, dotare, garantire
endow {v} (to naturally furnish) :: dotare
endpin {n} (spike of a musical instrument) :: pirone {m}
endpoint {n} (either of two points at the end of a line) :: estremo {m}
end table {n} (small table placed beside a chair or a sofa) :: tavolino {m}
end up {v} (conclude, turn out) :: andare a finire, finire
end up {v} (arrive at a destination) :: finire, andare a finire, ritrovarsi
end up {v} (eventually do) :: finire per , finire col
endurance {n} /ɪnˈdjʊəɹəns/ (the measure of a person's stamina or persistence) :: resistenza {f}, sopportazione {f}, durata {f}, autonomia {f}, fatica {f}
endurance {n} (ability to endure hardship) :: capacità {f}, persistenza {f}, resistenza {f}, tolleranza {f}
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take ::
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer ::
endure {v} /ɪnˈd(j)ʊɹ/ (to continue despite obstacles) :: durare, restare, resistere, perdurare
endure {v} (to tolerate something) :: tollerare, sopportare
endure {v} (to suffer) :: sopportare, tollerare, soffrire di
endure {v} (to last) :: durare
Enego {prop} (town in Italy) :: Enego
enema {n} /ˈɛn.ə.mə/ (injection of fluid into the rectum) :: clistere {m}, lavativo {m}
enemy {n} /ˈɛnəmi/ (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else) :: nemico {m}, nemica {f}
Eneolithic {adj} (describing the age between the Neolithic and Bronze age) :: eneolitico
Eneolithic {prop} (age between the Neolithic and Bronze age) :: eneolitico
energetic {adj} /ˌɛnɚˈdʒɛtɪk/ (Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy) :: energico
energetically {adv} (in an energetic manner) :: energicamente, energeticamente
energy {n} /ˈɛnɚd͡ʒi/ (impetus behind activity) :: energia {f}
energy {n} (capacity to do work) :: energia {f}, forza {f}
energy {n} (physics) :: energia {f}
energy source {n} (source from which energy can be extracted) :: fonte di energia {f}, fonte energetica {f}
enfeoff {v} (to give up completely) SEE: surrender ::
enforce {v} /ɪnˈfɔɹs/ (to strengthen) :: rafforzare
enforce {v} (to intensify) :: intensificare
enforce {v} (to exert) :: sforzare
enforce {v} (to affirm) :: far valere
enforce {v} (to compel) :: costringere, forzare, obbligare
enforce {v} (to keep up) :: applicare, rispettare
enforceable {adj} (capable of being enforced) :: azionabile, esecutorio
enforcement {n} (act of enforcing; compulsion) :: applicazione, imposizione, attuazione, compimento, esecuzione, rispetto
Engadin {prop} (long valley in the Swiss Alps) :: Engadina {f}
engage {v} /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ (to engross or hold the attention of someone) :: attirare, convergere
engage {v} (to draw into conversation) :: ingaggiare, intavolare
engage {v} (to attract, to please) :: irretire, attirare, convogliare
engage {v} (to enter into conflict with an enemy) :: ingaggiare
engage {v} (intransitive: to enter into battle) :: ingaggiare
engage {v} (to employ or obtain the services of someone) :: ingaggiare
engage {v} (to mesh or interlock) :: impegolarsi
engage {v} (to enter into an activity) :: attivare, partecipare, aderire
engage {v} (to guarantee or promise to do something) :: assicurare, garantire, dare la parola
engage {v} (to bind through legal or moral obligation) :: fidanzarsi, impegnarsi
engage {v} (to pledge one's property) :: impegnare
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy ::
engaged {adj} /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ (agreed to be married) :: fidanzato {m}, fidanzata {f}, impegnato {m}, impegnata {f}
engagement {n} /ɪnˈɡeɪd͡ʒ.mənt/ (appointment) :: impegno
engagement {n} (connection or attachment) :: connessione
engagement {n} (feeling (about human emotional state)) :: partecipazione, adesione, presenza, interesse, interessamento
engagement {n} (period of time when marriage is planned or promised) :: fidanzamento {m}
engender {v} /ɛnˈdʒɛn.dɚ/ (to bring into existence, cause) :: generare, originare, concepire
engine {n} /ˈɛnd͡ʒɪn/ (mechanical device) :: motore {m}
engine {n} (influential group) :: motore {m}
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive ::
engineer {n} /ˌɛnd͡ʒɪˈnɪɹ/ (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering) :: ingegnere {m}
engineer {n} (locomotive operator) :: macchinista {m}
engineering {n} /ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪə.ɹɪŋ/ (application of science to the needs of humanity) :: ingegneria {f}
engineering {n} (work of an engineer) :: ingegneria {f}
engineering {n} (profession) :: ingegneria {f}
engineering {n} (area aboard a ship where the engine is located) :: sala macchine
engineerization {n} (conversion of a chemical process to pilot and finally scale scale) :: ingegnerizzazione {f}
engineer's scale {n} :: scalimetro {m}
England {prop} /ˈɪŋɡlənd/ (region of Great Britain) :: Inghilterra {f}
English {adj} /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to England) :: inglese
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language) :: inglese
English {n} (people from England) :: inglese
English {n} (14-point type) :: silvio
English {prop} (the English language) :: inglese
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France) :: La Manica {f}, canale della Manica {m}
English horn {n} (cor anglais) SEE: cor anglais ::
Englishman {n} /ˈɪŋ.lɪʃ.mən/ (male native or inhabitant of England) :: inglese {m}
English sparrow {n} (house sparrow) SEE: house sparrow ::
English studies {n} (academic discipline) :: anglistica {f}
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England) :: inglese {f}
engrave {v} /ɪnˈɡɹeɪv/ (carve text or symbols into (something)) :: incidere, intagliare, bulinare
engraver {n} (person who engraves) :: incisore {m}
engraving {n} (the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface) :: incisione
engross {v} /ɪnˈɡɹəʊs/ (to buy up wholesale) :: incettare
engross {v} (to monopolize; to concentrate possession) :: accaparrare
engross {v} (to engage completely) :: captare
engross {v} (to make gross or fat) :: ingrassare
engulf {v} (overwhelm) :: sopraffare, travolgere
engulf {v} (surround; cover) :: sommergere, circondare
enhance {v} /ɪnˈhæns/ (augment or make something greater) :: accrescere, intensificare, incrementare, avanzare, sviluppare
enhance {v} (improve something by adding features) :: migliorare, arricchire, potenziare, progredire
enhanced {adj} (improved) :: avanzato
enhanced {adj} (raised up) :: amplificato
enharmonic {adj} (Describing two or more identical notes that are written differently when in different key) :: enarmonico
enharmonic {adj} (Of or pertaining to a tetrachord) :: enarmonico
enigma {n} /ɪˈnɪɡmə/ (something puzzling, mysterious or inexplicable) :: enigma {m}
enigma {n} (riddle, or a difficult problem) :: enigma {m}, indovinello {m}
enigmatic {adj} /ˌɛnɪɡˈmætɪk/ (pertaining to an enigma) :: enigmatico
enigmatic {adj} (mysterious) :: enigmatico
enjail {v} (put in jail) SEE: imprison ::
enjambment {n} /ɪn.ˈdʒæm.mənt/ (a technique in poetry) :: inarcatura {f}
enjoy {v} /ɪnˈd͡ʒɔɪ/ (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something) :: godere, gioire, piacere
enjoy {v} (to have the use or benefit of something) :: usufruire, godere, beneficiare
enjoy {v} :: godere
enjoyable {adj} /ɛnˈdʒɔɪ.jə.bəl/ (giving pleasure or delight) :: piacevole, gradevole
enjoy oneself {v} (take pleasure) :: divertirsi
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit ::
enlarge {v} /ɪnˈlɑːd͡ʒ/ (make larger) :: allargare
enlargement {n} /ɪnˈlɑː(ɹ)d͡ʒmənt/ (Act of making larger) :: aumento {m}, ingrossamento {m}
enlargement {n} (something that has been made larger such as a picture or diagram) :: ingrandimento {m}
enlargen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
enlarger {n} (optical device used to make enlarged prints) :: ingranditore {m}
enlighten {v} /ɪnˈlaɪtn̩/ (to supply with light) :: illuminare
enlightenment {n} /ɪnˈlaɪtənmənt/ (act of enlightening, state of being enlightened) :: illuminismo {m}
Enlightenment {prop} (the Enlightenment) :: illuminismo {m}
en masse {adv} /ɒn ˈmæs/ (in a single body or group) :: in massa, massivamente
enmity {n} /ˈɛn.mɪ.tiː/ (hostile or unfriendly disposition) :: inimicizia {f}, ostilità {f}
Enna {prop} (province of Sicily, Italy) :: Enna {f}
Enna {prop} (town and capital of Enna) :: Enna {f}
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine ::
enneadic {adj} (of, relating to, or being an ennead) :: enneadico
enneagram {n} (nine-pointed stellate polygon) :: enneagramma {m}
ennoble {v} (To bestow with nobility, honour or grace) :: nobilitare
ennui {n} /ɑnˈwi/ (listlessness, boredom) :: noia {f}
Enoch {prop} (biblical character) :: Enoch {m}
enocyanin {n} (anthocyanin) :: enocianina {f}
enol {n} (compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom which is doubly bonded to another carbon) :: enolo {m}
enologically {adv} (with regard to enology) :: enologicamente
enormously {adv} (to an enormous degree) :: enormemente
enough {determiner} /ɪˈnʌf/ (sufficient) :: abbastanza
enough {adv} (sufficiently) :: abbastanza
enough {pron} (a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc) :: abbastanza
enough {interj} (stop!) :: basta
enough is enough {phrase} (nothing additional is required) :: nulla da aggiungere
enough is enough {phrase} (the limit of patience or tolerance has been reached) :: quando è troppo è troppo
en passant {n} /ɒ̃ ˈpæsɒ̃/ (chess move) :: en passant
enqueue {v} (to add an item to a queue) :: accodare
enquiry {n} /ɛnˈkwaɪ.ɹi/ (a question) :: domanda, richiesta
enquote {v} :: virgolettare
enrage {v} /ɪnˈɹeɪd͡ʒ/ (to fill with rage) :: esasperare, imbestialire, irritare
enrapture {v} (to fill with great delight or joy; to fascinate) :: rapire, incantare, affascinare
enravish {v} (to enrapture) SEE: enrapture ::
enrich {v} /ɪnˈɹɪt͡ʃ/ (to make rich(er)) :: arricchire
enrich {v} (to add nutrients or fertilizer to the soil; to fertilize) :: arricchire
enrich {v} (to increase the amount of one isotope in a mixture of isotopes) :: arricchire
enriched uranium {n} (uranium enriched with a higher amount of U-235) :: uranio arricchito {m}
enrichment {n} (the act of enriching) :: arricchimento {m}
enrol {v} (enroll) SEE: enroll ::
enroll {v} /ɛnˈɹoʊl/ (to enter (a name) in a register, roll or list) :: iscriversi
enroll {v} (to enlist (someone) or make (someone) a member of) :: reclutare
enrollment {n} (act of enrolling or state of being enrolled) :: iscrizione {f}, arruolamento {m}
enrollment {n} (people enrolled) :: iscritti {m-p}, iscritte {f-p}, arruolati {m-p}, aruolate {f-p}
enrollment {n} (number of people enrolled) :: iscrizioni {f-p}, arruolamenti {m-p}
enrollment {n} (registration) :: registrazione {f}
enrolment {n} (act of enrolling or state of being enrolled) :: iscrizione {f}, arruolamento {m}
enrolment {n} (people enrolled) :: iscritti {m-p}, iscritte {f-p}, arruolati {m-p}, aruolate {f-p}
enrolment {n} (number of people enrolled) :: iscrizioni {f-p}, arruolamenti {m-p}
enrolment {n} (registration) :: registrazione {f}
en route {prep} /ɒn ɹu(ː)t/ (on the way) :: in arrivo
ensemble {n} /ˌɑnˈsɑm.bəl/ (a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole) :: insieme
ensiform {adj} /ˈɛnsəˌfɔɹm/ (shaped like a sword blade) :: ensiforme
ensign {n} /ˈɛnsaɪn/ (military officer) :: guardiamarina {m}, alfiere {m}, cadetto {m}
ensign {n} (banner) :: insegna {f}, vessillo {m}, baluardo {m}, stendardo {m}
enslave {v} (to make subservient; to strip one of freedom; enthrall) :: asservire
ensnare {v} /ɛnˈsnɛə/ (To snare, to catch through a snare or trap) :: intrappolare
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate ::
enstatite {n} (mineral) :: enstatite {f}
enstrophy {n} (measure of kinetic energy of a fluid as a result of turbulence) :: enstrofia {f}
ensue {v} /ɪnˈsuː/ (to occur as consequence) :: seguire, conseguire
ensuing {adj} (repercussions which result from some prior stimulus) :: conseguente, risultante, derivante
ensure {v} /ɪnˈʃʊə/ (make sure or certain) :: garantire, assicurare
ENT {n} (ear, nose and throat) :: ORL
entail {v} /ɛnˈteɪl/ (to imply or require) :: comportare, implicare
entangle {v} /ɛnˈtaŋɡəl/ (twist or interweave) :: ingarbugliare, intrigare, confondere
entanglement {n} (the state of being entangled) :: intreccio {m}, groviglio {m}
entasis {n} /ˈɛntəsɪs/ (slight convex curvature in a column) :: entasi {f}
enter {v} /ˈɛntɚ/ (to go into (a room, etc.)) :: entrare
enter {v} (to type into a computer) :: immettere, digitare
enteric {adj} (of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestines) :: enterico
enter into {v} (enter into) SEE: penetrate ::
enteritis {n} (intestinal disease) :: enterite
enterococcus {n} (bacterium of the genus Enterococcus) :: enterococco {m}
enteropathy {n} /ɛntəˈɹɒpəθi/ (internal disorder or disease) :: enteropatia {f}
enterprise {n} /ˈɛntɚˌpɹaɪz/ (company, business, organization, or endeavor) :: impresa {f}
enterprise {n} (undertaking, especially a daring and courageous one) :: impresa {f}
enterprise {n} (willingness to undertake projects, energy and initiative) :: iniziativa {f}
entertain {v} /ˌɛntəˈteɪn/ (to amuse) :: divertire
entertainer {n} (person who entertains) :: intrattenitore
entertainment {n} /ˈɛn.tɚˈteɪn.mənt/ (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation) :: divertimento {m}, intrattenimento
enthesis {n} /ɪnˈθiː.sɪs/ (point at which a tendon, etc., inserts into a bone) :: entesi
enthral {v} (hold spellbound) SEE: enthrall ::
enthral {v} (make subservient) SEE: enthrall ::
enthrall {v} (make subservient) :: asservire, schiavizzare
enthuse {v} /ɛnˈθuz/ (to cause (someone) to feel enthusiasm) :: entusiasmare
enthusiasm {n} /ɪnˈθjuːzɪæz(ə)m/ (feeling of excited, lively interest) :: entusiasmo, foga {f}
enthusiast {n} /ɪnˈθʉu̯.ziˌəst/ (person filled with or guided by enthusiasm) :: entusiasta
enthusiast {n} (person exhibiting over-zealous religious fervour) :: zelota
enthusiastic {adj} /ɪnˌθuːziˈæstɪk/ (with zealous fervor; excited, motivated) :: entusiasta
enthusiastically {adv} (in an enthusiastic manner) :: entusiasticamente
entice {v} (to lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope) :: attrarre, tentare, allettare, adescare
entire {adj} (internal; interior) SEE: internal ::
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion ::
entire {adj} /ɪnˈtaɪɚ/ (whole) :: intero {m}, intera {f}
entirety {n} /ɪnˈtaɪ.ə.ɹɪ.ti/ (wholeness) :: interezza {f}
entitle {v} /ənˈtaɪtəl/ (to give a title to a book etc.) :: intitolare
entitled {adj} (having a title - book etc) :: intitolato
entitled {adj} (having a right to something) :: avente titolo
entitled {adj} (convinced of one's own righteousness or the justifiability of one's actions or status) :: presuntuoso {m}
entity {n} /ˈen.tɪ.ti/ (that which exists as an individual unit) :: soggetto {m}, entità {f}
entity {n} (something that has properties of being real) :: entità {f}
entity {n} (computing: anything about which data can be stored) :: elemento {m}
entity {n} (state or quality of existence) :: esistenza {f}
entognath {n} (arthropod) :: entognato
entomological {adj} (of or pertaining to entomology) :: entomologico
entomologist {n} (scientist who studies insects) :: entomologo
entomology {n} (study of insects) :: entomologia {f}
entomophilic {adj} (pollinated by entomophily) :: entomofilo
entomophily {n} /ɛntəˈmɒfəliː/ (pollination by insects) :: entomofilia {f}
entr'acte {n} /ˈɑnˌtɹækt/ (another performance during this interval) :: intermezzo {m}
entrails {n} /ˈentɹeɪlz/ (internal organs) :: interiora {f-p}, frattaglia {f-p}, rigaglie {f-p}
entrance {n} /ˈɛn.tɹəns/ (action of entering, or going in) :: entrata
entrance {n} (place of entering) :: entrata {f}
entrance {n} (right to go in) :: accesso
entrance {v} /ɛnˈtɹæns/ (to delight) :: incantare
entrance {v} (to put into a trance) :: mandare in trance
entrée {n} (main dish) SEE: main course ::
entrench {v} /ɛnˈtɹɛntʃ/ (dig) :: scavare, sterrare
entrench {v} (surround with a trench) :: trincerare, fortificare
entrench {v} (establish financial position) :: rafforzare, consolidare, cementare, potenziare, rinforzare
entrepreneur {n} /ˌɑn.trə.prəˈnɝ/ (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk) :: imprenditore
entrepreneur {n} :: imprenditore {m}
entropy {n} /ˈɛntɹəpi/ (term in thermodynamics) :: entropia {f}
entropy {n} (measure of the amount of information in a signal) :: entropia {f}
entropy {n} (tendency of a system to descend into chaos) :: entropia {f}
entrust {v} /ɪnˈtɹʌst/ (To trust to the care of) :: confidare
entry {n} /ˈɛntɹi/ (act of entering) :: entrata {f}, ingresso {m}
entry {n} (permission to enter) :: entrata {f}, accesso {m}
entry {n} (doorway that provides a means of entering a building) :: entrata {f}, accesso {m}, via di accesso {f}, uscio {m}
entry {n} (room immediately inside the front door) :: entrata {f}, ingresso {m}
entry {n} (article in a dictionary or encyclopedia) :: articolo {m}, lemma {m}, vocabolo {m}, voce {f}
entry {n} (term in a matrix) :: entrata {f}
entwine {v} /ɨnˈtwaɪn/ (twist or twine) :: intrecciare
enumeration {n} (the act of enumerating) :: enumerazione {f}
enunciation {n} /ɪˌnʌn.sɪˈeɪ.ʃən/ (act of enunciating) :: enunciazione {f}
envelop {v} /ɛnˈvɛləp/ (to surround or enclose) :: circondare, avviluppare
envelope {n} /ˈɛn.və.ləʊp/ (wrapper for mailing) :: busta {f}
enviable {adj} /ˈɛnvi.əbl̩/ (Arousing or likely to arouse envy.) :: invidiabile
envious {adj} /ˈɛnvɪəs/ (feeling or exhibiting envy) :: invidioso
enviously {adv} (in an envious manner or to an envious degree) :: invidiosamente, livorosamente, con invidia
environment {n} /ɪnˈvaɪɹə(n)mənt/ (area around something) :: ambiente {m}
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem) :: ambiente {m}
environment {n} (political or social setting, arena or condition) :: ambiente {m}
environment {n} (software or hardware on a computer) :: ambiente {m}
environmental {adj} (pertaining to the environment) :: ambientale
environmentalist {n} (one who advocates for the protection of the biosphere) :: ambientalista {m} {f}
environmentally {adv} (affecting the environment) :: ambientalmente
environmentally friendly {adj} (causing little harm to the environment) :: ecologico
envoy {n} /ˈɛn.vɔɪ/ (representative) :: inviato {m}
envy {n} /ˈɛnvi/ (resentful desire of something possessed by another) :: invidia {f}
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions) :: invidiare
Enyo {prop} /ɨˈnaɪoʊ/ (goddess of war) :: Enio {f}
enzymatic {adj} (of, relating to, or caused by enzymes) :: enzimatico
enzyme {n} /ˈɛn.zaɪm/ (catalytic protein) :: enzima {?}
eon {n} /ˈiː.ɒn/ (geological time period) :: eone {m}
eon {n} (informal, hyperbolic: a long period of time) :: eone {m}
eon {n} (a being emanating from the Godhead) :: eone {m}
Eonavian {prop} :: eonaviegano, eonaviego
eosin {n} /ˈi.əsɪn/ (red, acidic dye) :: eosina {f}
eosinophil {n} /i.əˈsɪnəˌfɪl/ (type of white blood cell) :: eosinofilo {m}
epact {n} (the time by which a solar year exceeds twelve lunar months) :: epatta {f}
epagomenic {adj} (all senses) :: epagomeno
epaulet {n} /ˈɛpəlɛt/ (shoulder decoration) :: mostrina {f}
epaulette {n} /ˈɛpəlɛt/ (ornamentation) :: spallina {f}
epee {n} /ˈɛpeɪ/ (A fencing sword) :: spada {f}
epenthesis {n} /ɪˈpɛn.θə.sɪs/ (insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word) :: epentesi {f}
epenthetic {adj} /ˌɛpənˈθɛtɪk/ (of or pertaining to epenthesis) :: epentetico
epenthetic {adj} (inserted into a word) :: epentetico
epenthetically {adv} (epenthetically) :: epenteticamente
ephedrine {n} /ˈɛfədɹɪn/ :: efedrina {f}
ephemeral {adj} /ɛˈfɛ.mə.ɹəl/ (lasting for a short period of time) :: effimero, passeggero, fuggevole, transitorio, fugace
ephemeris {n} /ɪˈfɛməɹɪs/ (table giving the apparent position of celestial bodies throughout the year) :: effemeride {f}
Ephesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Ephesus) :: efesino
Ephesian {n} (someone from Ephesus) :: efesino {m}
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Efesini
Ephesus {prop} /ˈɛfɪsəs/ (ancient city) :: Efeso
Ephialtes {prop} (either the ancient Greek statesman or a mythological Giant) :: Efialte {m}
Ephraim {prop} /ˈifɹi.əm/ (the younger son of Joseph) :: Efrem {m}
Ephraim {prop} (given name) :: Efraimo
epi- {prefix} (above, over, on, in addition to) :: epi-
epiblast {n} (biology: the outer layer of a blastula that, after gastrulation, becomes the ectoderm) :: epiblasto {m}
epic {n} /ˈɛp.ɪk/ (extended narrative poem) :: epico {m}
epic {n} (events appropriate to an epic) :: epico {m}
epicalyx {n} (group of bracts) :: epicalice {m}
epicanthus {n} (a skin fold of the upper eyelid, typical of East Asians) :: epicanto {m}
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude ::
epicene {n} (transvestite) SEE: transvestite ::
epicene {n} (transsexual) SEE: transsexual ::
epicene {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate ::
epicene {adj} (asexual) SEE: asexual ::
epicene {adj} /ˈɛpɪsiːn/ (of or relating to a class of Greek and Latin nouns that may refer to males or females but have a fixed grammatical gender) :: epiceno {m}, ambigenere {m}, effemminato {m}, promiscuo {m}
epicene {adj} (androgynous, hermaphrodite) SEE: androgynous ::
epicene {adj} (suitable for use regardless of sex) SEE: unisex ::
epicene {n} (epicene person) SEE: androgyne ::
epicene {adj} (indeterminate, mixed) SEE: indeterminate ::
epicentre {n} /ˈɛpɪˌsɛntɚ/ (point above earthquake) :: epicentro {m}
epiclesis {n} (part of the Divine Liturgy or the Mass) :: epiclesi {f}
epicness {n} /ˈɛ.pɪk.nəs/ (quality or state of being epic) :: epicità {f}
Epicurus {prop} /ˌepɪˈkjʊɹəs/ (ancient Greek philosopher) :: Epicuro
epicycle {n} /ˈɛpɪˌsaɪkəl/ (a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle) :: epiciclo
epicycloid {n} (locus) :: epicicloide {f}
epidemic {n} /ˌɛpɪˈdɛmɪk/ :: epidemia {f}, contagio {m}
epidemic {adj} (like an epidemic) :: epidemico
epidemiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to epidemiology) :: epidemiologico
epidemiological {adj} (of or pertaining to epidemiology) SEE: epidemiologic ::
epidemiologically {adv} (with regard to epidemiology) :: epidemiologicamente
epidemiologist {n} (scientist who specializes in epidemiology) :: epidemiologo {m}
epidemiology {n} /ˌɛp.ɪˌdi.miˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations) :: epidemiologia {f}
epidermis {n} /ˌɛ.pɪ.ˈdɜː.mɪs/ (skin's outer layer in animals) :: epidermide {f}
epidermis {n} (plant's outer layer) :: epidermide {f}
epididymis {n} /ɛpiˈdɪdɪmɪs/ (tube) :: epididimo {m}
epidote {n} (class of mixed minerals) :: epidoto {m}
epigastralgia {n} (pain in the epigastrium) :: epigastralgia {f}
epigastric {adj} (of or pertaining to the epigastrium) :: epigastrico
epigeal {adj} (living near the surface of the ground) :: epigeo
epigeal {adj} (emerging above the surface of the ground after being germinated) :: epigeo
epigenetics {n} /ˌɛpɪd͡ʒəˈnɛtɪks/ (study of processes) :: epigenetica {f}
epigenetics {n} (study of heritable changes) :: epigenetica {f}
epiglottal {adj} (pertaining to the epiglottis) :: epiglottale, epiglottidale
epiglottal {adj} (phonetics) :: epiglottale, epiglottidale
epigone {n} /ˈɛpɨɡoʊn/ (follower, disciple) :: epigono, epigona {f}
epigone {n} (imitator of artist or style) :: epigono {m}, epigona {f}
epigrammatic {adj} (characteristic of an epigram) :: epigrammatico
epigraphic {adj} (of or pertaining to an epigraph or to epigraphy) :: epigrafico
epilate {v} (to remove hair) SEE: depilate ::
epilator {n} (electrical device) :: depilatore {m}, depilatrice {f}
epilepsy {n} /ˈɛpɪlɛpsi/ (medical condition) :: epilessia {f}
epimer {n} /ˈɛpɪmə(ɹ)/ (diastereoisomer) :: epimero {m}
epinephrine {n} /ɛpɪˈnɛfɹɪn/ (hormone and nurotransmitter) :: epinefrina {f}
Epiphanes {prop} /ɛˈpɪfəniːz/ (epithet) :: Epifane
epiphany {n} /ɪˈpɪf.ə.ni/ (manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being) :: epifania {f}, Epifania {f}, ierofania {f}, apparizione {f}, befana {f}
epiphany {n} (illuminating realization or discovery) :: rivelazione {f}
epiphany {n} (Epiphany) SEE: Epiphany ::
Epiphany {n} (Christian feast) :: Befana {f}, Epifania {f}
epiphonema {n} /ˌɛpɪfəˈniːmə/ (exclamation or reflection used at the end of an argument) :: epifonema {m}
epiphrasis {n} (epexegesis) :: epifrasi {f}
epiphysis {n} (pineal gland) SEE: pineal gland ::
epiploic {adj} (pertaining to the omentum) :: epiploico
Epirus {prop} /ɨˈpaɪəɹəs/ (region; historical kingdom) :: Epiro {m}
Epirus {prop} (one of the 13 peripheries) :: Epiro {m}
episcopacy {n} /ɪˈpɪskəpəsi/ (government of the church by bishops) :: episcopato {m}
episcopacy {n} (bishops collectively) :: episcopato {m}
episcopal {adj} /əˈpɪs.kə.pl̩/ (related to a bishop) :: episcopale, vescovile
episiorrhaphy {n} (suturing of the vulva) :: episiorrafia {f}
episiotomy {n} /əˌpiːziːˈɒtəmiː/ (surgical incision) :: episiotomia {f}
episode {n} /ˈɛpɪsəʊd/ (incident or action connected with a series of events) :: episodio
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts) :: episodio {m}
episperm {n} (the outer, protective layer of the seed of a flowering plant) :: episperma {m}
epistaxis {n} /ˌɛpɪˈstæksɪs/ (nosebleed) :: epistassi {f}
epistemological {adj} /ɪˌpɪstəməˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to, epistemology) :: epistemologico
epistemologically {adv} (in a manner that pertains to epistemology) :: epistemologicamente
epistemologist {n} (A person, especially a philosopher, who studies theory of knowledge) :: epistemologo {m}
epistemology {n} /ɪˌpɪstəˈmɑlədʒi/ (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge) :: epistemologia {f}
epistemophilia {n} :: epistemofilia {f}
epistle {n} /ɪˈpɪs.l/ (a letter) :: epistola
epistolary {adj} /ɪˈpɪst(ə)ˌləɹi/ :: epistolare
epistomatic {adj} (having stomata only on upper surface) :: epistomatico
epitaph {n} /ˈɛpɪtæf/ (inscription on a gravestone) :: epitaffio {m}
epitaph {n} (commemorative poem or other text) :: epitaffio {m}, discorso funebre {m}
epitaxy {n} /ˈɛpətæks.i/ (type of overgrowth) :: epitassia {f}
epithelial {adj} (of or pertaining to the epithelium) :: epiteliale
epithelium {n} /ˌɛpɪˈθiːlɪəm/ (membranous tissue) :: epitelio {m}, tessuto epiteliale
epithet {n} /ˈɛ.pɪ.θɛt/ (term used to characterize a person or thing) :: epiteto {m}
epithet {n} (term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person) :: epiteto {m}
epithet {n} (abusive or contemptuous word or phrase) :: epiteto {m}
epithet {n} (word in the scientific name of a taxon following the name of the genus or species) :: epiteto {m}
epitoky {n} :: epitochia {f}
epitome {n} /əˈpɪt.ə.mi/ (embodiment or encapsulation of) :: epitome
epitome {n} (representative example) :: personificazione {f}, incarnazione {f}
epitome {n} (the height; the best) :: apice {m}
epitome {n} (summary) :: compendio {m}, sommario {m}, sunto {m}, sinossi {f}, epitome
epitope {n} (target of an immune response) :: epitopo {m}
epitrochoid {n} (geometric curve) :: epitrocoide {f}
epoch {n} /ˈɛp.ək/ (particular period of history) :: epoca {f}
epoch {n} (notable event) :: avvenimento {m}, singolarità {f}
epoch {n} ((astronomy) time reference point) :: orario epocale, epoca
epoch {n} ((computing) time reference point) :: epoca
eponym {n} /ˈɛpənɪm/ (person's name that has given rise to the name of something) :: eponimo {m}
eponym {n} (word formed from a person’s name) :: eponimo {m}
eponymous {adj} /ɪˈpɒnɪməs/ (relating to the person after which something is named) :: eponimo {m}
epoophoron {n} (a group of tubules, a remnant of the Wolffian body, often found near the ovary or oviduct) :: epooforon
epopee {n} /ˈɛpəpiː/ (an epic, saga) :: epopea {f}
epoxide {n} (cyclic ether) :: epossido {m}
epoxy {adj} (derived from an epoxide) :: epossidico
epsilon {n} /ɛpˈsaɪ.lən/ (name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet) :: epsilon {m}
epsilon number {n} (type of transfinite or surreal number) :: numero epsilon {m}
equal {adj} /ˈiːkwəl/ (the same in all respects) :: uguale, pari
equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical) :: uguale
equal {adj} (music: intended for voices of one kind only, either all male or all female) :: uguale
equal {v} (be equal to) :: eguagliare
equal {n} (person or thing of equal status to others) :: uguale {m} {f}
equalitarian {adj} (egalitarian) SEE: egalitarian ::
equality {n} /ɪˈkwɑl.ɪ.ti/ (fact of being equal) :: parità {f}, uguaglianza {f}, eguaglianza {f}
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences) :: egualità {f}, ugualità {f}, uguaglianza {f}, eguaglianza
equality {n} :: uguaglianza {f}
equalization {n} (act of equalizing) :: equalizzazione {f}
equalization {n} (diving maneuver) :: compensazione {f}
equalize {v} /ˈikwəˌlaɪz/ (to make equal) :: uguagliare
equalize {v} (to make the score equal) :: uguagliare
equalize {v} (to clear the ears) :: compensare
equally {adv} /ˈiːkwəli/ (in an equal manner) :: altrettanto
equanimity {n} /ˌɛkwəˈnɪmɪtiː/ (state of being calm) :: equanimità {f}
equation {n} /ɪˈkweɪʃən/ (mathematics: assertion) :: equazione {f}
equative {n} /i(ː)ˈkweɪtɪv/ (grammar: construction) :: comparativo di uguaglianza {m}
equator {n} /ɪˈkweɪ.tɚ/ (circle around the earth) :: equatore {m}
equatorial {adj} /ˌɛkwəˈtɔːɹiəl/ (of, near, or relating to the equator) :: equatoriale
equatorial {n} (kind of telescope) :: equatoriale {m}
Equatorial Guinea {prop} /ˌɛkwəˈtɔːɹiəl ˈɡɪni/ (country in Western Africa) :: Guinea Equatoriale
Equatorial Guinean {n} (A person from Equatorial Guinea or of Equatorial Guinean descent) :: equatoguineano {m}, equatoguineana {f}, equatoguineani {m-p}, equatoguineane {f-p}
Equatorial Guinean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Equatorial Guinea, the Equatorial Guinean people or the Equatorial Guinean culture) :: equatoguineano
equestrian {n} (an equestrian person; one who rides on horseback) :: equestre {m} {f}
equestrianism {n} (the art or sport of riding horses) :: equitazione {f}
equiangular {adj} (geometry: having all internal angles equal) :: equiangolo
equiangularity {n} (condition of being equiangular) :: equiangolarità {f}
equifacial {adj} (having equal faces) :: equifacciale
equifacial {adj} (having both sides the same) :: equifacciale
equilateral {adj} (referring to a polygon all of whose sides are of equal length) :: equilatero
equilaterality {n} (condition of being equilateral) :: equilateralità {f}
equilateral triangle {n} (type of triangle) :: triangolo equilatero
equilibrium {n} /ɛkwɪˈlɪbɹɪəm/ (condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced) :: equilibrio {m}
equilibrium {n} (physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero) :: equilibrio {m}
equilibrium {n} (chemistry: state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same) :: equilibrio {m}
equine {adj} /ˈiːkwaɪn/ (Of or relating to a horse or horses) :: equino {m}
equinox {n} /ˈiːkwəˌnɑːks/ (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator) :: equinozio {m}
equip {v} /ɪˈkwɪp/ (to furnish for service) :: equipaggiare
equipment {n} /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ (the act of equipping) :: equipaggiamento {m}
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping) :: attrezzatura {f}, equipaggiamento {m}, apparecchiatura {f}
equiprobable {adj} (having equal probability) :: equiprobabile
equisonant {adj} /iːkwɪˈsəʊnənt/ (intra-octavally consonant) :: equisono
equitable {adj} /ˈɛk.wɪ.tə.bəl/ (fair, just, or impartial) :: equo {m}, giusto {m}, bilanciato {m}, equilibrato {m}
equitation {n} (the art, practice or act of riding a horse) :: equitazione {f}
equivalence principle {n} :: principio di equivalenza {m}
equivalence relation {n} (binary relation) :: relazione di equivalenza {f}
equivalent {adj} /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ (similar or identical in value) :: equivalente
equivalent weight {n} (equivalent weight) :: peso equivalente {m}, massa equivalente {f}
equivocal {n} /ɪˈkwɪvək(ə)l/ (A word or expression capable of different meanings) :: equivoco {m}, ambiguo {m}, a varie interpretazioni {f}
equivocal {adj} (having several applicable significations) :: equivoco {m}, ambiguo {m}, ambivalente, ingannevole, dubbio {m}
equivocal {adj} (capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters) :: ambivalente
equivocal {adj} (uncertain, doubtful) :: equivoco, dubbioso
-er {suffix} /ɚ/ ((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...) :: -ore {m}, -tore {m}
-er {suffix} (person whose occupation is...) :: -ista {m}/{f}, -ista {m}/{f}, giocatore {m}/giocatrice {f} di followed by the name of the sport
-er {suffix} ((with numbers, measurements or quantified sets) ranked by or having...) :: Not used in Italian
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adjectives) :: più
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adverbs) :: più
era {n} /ˈɛɹ.ə/ (time period) :: era {f}, epoca {f}
erase {v} /ɪˈɹeɪs/ (to remove markings or information) :: cancellare
erase {v} (to obliterate information) :: cancellare
eraser {n} /ɪˈɹeɪsɚ/ (thing used to erase something written or drawn) :: gomma {f}
eraser {n} (chalkboard eraser) :: cancellino
Erasmian {adj} (of or pertaining to Erasmus) :: erasmiano
Erasmus {prop} /ɪˈɹæz məs/ (Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, known as Erasmus or Erasmus of Rotterdam) :: Erasmo da Rotterdam {m}
Erasmus {prop} (male given name) :: Erasmo {m}
erbium {n} /ˈɜːɹbiəm/ (chemical element) :: erbio {m}
ere {conj} /ɛəɹ/ (before, sooner than) :: prima, dinanzi
e-reader {n} (device) :: lettore di ebook {m}, lettore di libri elettronici {m}, ebook reader {m}, eReader {m}
e-recruitment {n} (personnel recruitment using electronic resources) :: e-recruitment
erect {adj} /ɪˈɹɛkt/ (vertical in position) :: eretto, duro
erect {adj} (standing out perpendicularly) :: dritto, eretto
erectile dysfunction {n} (erectile dysfunction) :: disfunzione erettile {f}
erection {n} /ɪˈɹɛkʃən/ (act of building) :: erezione {m}
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) :: erezione {m}
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit ::
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
ergative {n} (ergative case) SEE: ergative case ::
ergative case {n} (case used to indicate the agent of a verb) :: caso ergativo {m}
ergativity {n} /ɜː(ɹ)ɡəˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/ (linguistics: structuring property of grammar) :: ergatività {f}
ergo {conj} :: dunque, quindi, ergo
ergometer {n} (dynamometer used for muscles) :: ergometro
ergometric {adj} (relating to ergometry) :: ergometrico
ergometry {n} (measurement with an ergometer) :: ergometria
ergosterol {n} (steroid precursor of vitamin D2) :: ergosterolo
Eric {prop} /ˈɛɹɪk/ (male given name) :: Erico
eriometer {n} (optical device) :: eriometro {m}
Eris {prop} /ˈɪəɹɨs/ (Greek goddess of discord) :: Eris, Eride
Eris {prop} (dwarf planet) :: Eris
eristic {n} (type of dialogue) :: eristica {f}
Eritrea {prop} /ˌɛɹɪˈtɹi.ə/ (country in Eastern Africa) :: Eritrea {f}
Eritrean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Eritrea, the Eritrean people or the Eritrean culture) :: eritreo
Eritrean {n} (A person from Eritrea or of Eritrean descent) :: eritreo {m}, eritrea {f}
Erlenmeyer flask {n} (conical laboratory flask) :: beuta {f}, matraccio di Erlenmeyer {m}
erm {interj} (expression of uncertainty) :: uhm
ermine {n} /ˈɜːmɪn/ (Mustela erminea) :: ermellino {m}
ermine {n} ((heraldry) a white field with black spots) :: armellino {m}
Ernest {prop} /ˈɜː(ɹ)nɪst/ (given name) :: Ernesto
erode {v} /ɪˈɹəʊd/ (To wear away by abrasion, corrosion or chemical reaction) :: erodere, corrodere, rodere
erogenous zone {n} (erogenous zone) :: zona erogena {f}
Eros {prop} /ˈɛɹɒs/ (God of love) :: Eros {m}
erosion {n} /əˈɹoʊʒən/ (the result of having being eroded) :: erosione
erotic {adj} /ɪˈɹɑtɪk/ (tending to arouse sexual desire) :: erotico
erotically {adv} (in an erotic manner) :: eroticamente
eroticism {n} (the state of being erotic, or of being sexually aroused) :: erotismo {m}
eroticization {n} (act of eroticizing) :: erotizzazione {f}
eroticize {v} (to make erotic) :: erotizzare
eroto- {prefix} (used to form terms related to sexual desire) :: eroto-
erotomania {n} (mental disorder based on the delusion of a romantic relationship) :: erotomanie {f}, erotomania {f}
erotomanic {adj} :: erotomanico
erotopathy {n} (abnormality related to sexual desire) :: erotopatia {f}
erotophobia {n} (fear of a romantic relationship) :: erotofobia {f}
err {v} /ɛɚ/ :: errare, sbagliare
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
errand {n} /ˈɛɹənd/ (trip to accomplish a small task) :: commissione {f}, ambasciata {f}, incombenza {f}
errand {n} (purpose of a small trip) :: incarico {m}
errand boy {n} (male employed to run errands) :: bardotto {m}, fattorino {m}
errant {adj} /ˈɛɹənt/ (straying from the proper course or standard) :: errante
errata {n} /ɛˈɹɑtə/ (added page listing the errors which were discovered after printing) :: errata corrige {m}
erratum {n} (corrigendum) SEE: corrigendum ::
erroneous {adj} /ɛɹˈoʊ.ni.əs/ (containing an error; inaccurate) :: erroneo
erroneously {adv} /ɪˈɹəʊnɪəsli/ (in an erroneous manner) :: erroneamente
erroneously {adv} (incorrectly) SEE: incorrectly ::
erroneousness {n} (state of being in error) :: fallacia {f}
error {n} /ˈɛɹɚ/ (mistake) :: errore {m}, sbaglio {m}
error {n} (difference between a measured or calculated value and a true one) :: errore {m}
error {n} (baseball: play which is scored as having been made incorrectly) :: errore {m}
error {n} (one or more mistakes in a trial that could be grounds for review of the judgement) :: vizio {m}
error {n} (any alteration in the DNA chemical structure) :: errore {m}
error {v} (To show an error) :: mostrare un errore, mostrare errori
error {v} (to cause or contain an error) :: causare un errore, contenere un errore, causare errori, contenere errori
error {v} ((nonstandard) To make a mistake; to result in an error) SEE: err ::
error-prone {adj} (in the habit of making errors) :: propenso all'errore
erucic {adj} (pertaining to plants of the genus Eruca) :: erucico
erudite {adj} /ˈɛɹ.(j)ə.daɪt/ (scholarly, learned) :: erudito
erupt {v} /ɪˈɹʌpt/ (to violently eject) :: eruttare
erupt {v} (to spontaneously release pressure or tension) :: spuntare, scoppiare, sfociare
eruption {n} /ɪˈɹʌpʃən/ (violent ejection, such as that of lava from a volcano) :: eruzione {f}
ervil {n} (Vicia ervilia) SEE: bitter vetch ::
-ery {suffix} /-əɹi/ (place of art, craft or practice) :: -eria {f}
erysipelas {n} /ɛɹɪˈsɪpələs/ (severe skin disease) :: risipola {f}
erythema {n} (abnormal redness) :: eritema {m}
erythema {n} (redness from sunburn) :: eritema solare {m}
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea ::
erythro- {prefix} (red) :: eritro-
erythroblast {n} (cell in the bone marrow) :: eritroblasto {m}
erythrocyte {n} (red blood cell) SEE: red blood cell ::
erythrodysesthesia {n} (form of erythema) :: eritrodisestesia {f}
erythrolysis {n} :: eritrolisi {f}
erythromycin {n} /ɪˌɹɪθɹəˈmaɪsɪn/ (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics) :: eritromicina {f}
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium ::
erythrophobia {n} (fear of blushing) :: ereutofobia {f}
erythropoiesis {n} (production of red blood cells) :: eritropoiesi {f}
erythropoietin {n} (a hormone) :: eritropoietina {f}
erythrose {n} (aldotetrose) :: eritrosio {m}
Erzya {prop} (language) :: erzya {m}
Esau {prop} /ˈiːsɔː/ (son of Isaac and Rebekah) :: Esaù {m}
escabeche {n} (a dish of fish (sometimes chicken) first fried then marinated in a spiced vinegar and served cold) :: scapece {m}
escalator {n} /ˈɛs.kə.leɪ.tɚ/ (mechanical device) :: scala mobile
escallop {n} (scallop) SEE: scallop ::
escallop {n} (thin slice of meat) SEE: escalope ::
escalope {n} (thin slice of meat) :: scaloppa {f}, fettina {f}
escapade {n} /ˈɛskəˌpeɪd/ (daring or adventurous act; undertaking which goes against convention) :: scappatella {f}
escape {v} /ɪˈskeɪp/ (to get free) :: scappare, fuggire, darsela a gambe
escape {v} (to elude) :: evitare, eludere, svicolare, sgattaiolare
escape {v} (to avoid capture) :: fuggire, scappare, farla franca
escape {v} (to elude observation) :: sviare, eludere
escape {n} (sally) SEE: sally ::
escape sequence {n} (escape character together with subsequent characters) :: sequenza alternativa {f}
escape velocity {n} (minimum velocity) :: velocità di fuga {f}
Escaut {prop} (the river Scheldt) SEE: Scheldt ::
eschar {n} /ˈɛskɑː/ (dry dark scab or scar) :: escara {f}
eschatological {adj} /ˌɛskətəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/ (pertaining to eschatology) :: escatologico
eschatologically {adv} (in an eschatological manner) :: escatologicamente
eschatology {n} /ɛskəˈtɒlədʒi/ (system of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death) :: escatologia {f}
eschatology {n} (the study of the end times) :: escatologia {f}
eschew {v} /ɛsˈtʃu/ (avoid, shun) :: schivare, rifuggire
escort {n} /ˈɛs.kɔɹt/ (group of people who provide safety) :: scorta
escort {n} (accompanying person) :: scorta {f}
escort {v} /ɛˈskɔɹt/ (To attend to in order to guard and protect) :: scortare
escritoire {n} /ˌɛskɹɪˈtwɑːɹ/ (A writing desk with a hinged door) :: scrittoio {m}
escutcheon {n} /ɪˈskʌtʃən/ (coat of arms) :: scudo {m}, blasone {m}, stemma {m}
Esdras {prop} (any of four books) :: Esdra
-ese {suffix} (forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place) :: -ese
esker {n} /ˈɛskɚ/ (ridge created under glacier) :: esker {m}
Eskimo {prop} /ˈɛs.kɪ.moʊ/ (language) :: eschimese {m}
Eskimo {n} (member of the Eskimo people(s)) :: eschimese {m}
Eskimo {adj} (of, or relating to an Eskimo, Eskimos or their language, languages) :: eschimese
esophageal {adj} (pertaining to the esophagus) :: esofageo
esoteric {adj} /ˌɛs.əˈtɛɹ.ɪk/ (understood only by a chosen few) :: esoterico
esoterism {n} (inward forms of faith and religion) :: esterismo
ESP {n} (extrasensory perception) :: ESP
esparto {n} (species of North African grass) :: alfa {f}
especially {adv} /ɪˈspɛʃ(ə)li/ (particularly) :: specialmente, soprattutto, specie
Esperantist {n} (specialist or speaker of Esperanto) :: esperantista {m} {f}, esperantofono {m}, esperantofona {f}
Esperanto {prop} /ˌɛspəˈɹæntəʊ/ (auxiliary language) :: esperanto
espionage {n} /ˈɛs.pi.ə.ˌnɑːʒ/ (act of learning secret information through clandestine means) :: spionaggio {m}
Esposito {prop} (surname) :: Esposito
espousal {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal ::
espresso {n} /ɛˈspɹɛsoʊ/ (strong type of coffee) :: espresso {m} , caffè espresso {m}, caffè liscio {m}
-esque {suffix} /-ɛsk/ (in the style of) :: -esco
ESR {n} (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) :: VES {m}
ess {n} /ɛs/ :: esse {m} {f}
essay {n} /ˈɛˌseɪ/ (written composition) :: saggio, ricerca {f}, studio {m}
essay {n} (an attempt) :: tentativo {m}, prova {f}
essayist {n} /ˈɛ.seɪ.ɪst/ (one who composes essays; a writer of short compositions) :: saggista {m}
essence {n} /ˈɛsəns/ (inherent nature) :: essenza {f}
essence {n} (significant feature) :: essenza {f}
essence {n} (concentrate) :: essenza {f}
essence {n} (true nature of something) :: essenza {f}
essential {adj} /ɪˈsɛn.ʃəl/ :: essenziale, indispensabile
essential amino acid {n} (amino acid which is a dietry requirement) :: amminoacido essenziale {m}
essentiality {n} (being essential) :: essenzialità {f}
essentially {adv} /ɪˈsɛnʃəli/ (essentially) :: in essenza
essential oil {n} (volatile oil used to make perfumes and flavourings) :: essenza {f}
essential tremor {n} (Neurological condition) :: tremore essenziale {m}
essive case {n} (case used to indicate a temporary state of being) :: caso essivo {m}
-est {suffix} /ɪst/ (second-person singular present tense of verbs) :: -i
establish {v} /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/ (To make stable or firm; to confirm) :: stabilire
establish {v} (To form; to set up in business) :: instaurare
establish {v} (To found; to institute) :: fondare, istituire
establish {v} :: stabilire
established {adj} /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃt/ (defined, described) :: stabilito
establishment {n} /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ (slang: the ruling class or authority group) :: classe dirigente {f}, establishment {m}
estate {n} /ɪsˈteɪt/ (property and liabilities, especially of a deceased person) :: asse ereditario
estate {n} (law: nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land) :: beni {m-p}
estate {n} ((extensive) area of land under single ownership) :: proprietà {f}, tenuta {f}, possedimento {m}
estate {n} (body style of cars) SEE: station wagon ::
estate {n} (housing estate) SEE: housing estate ::
estate car {n} (station wagon) SEE: station wagon ::
esteem {n} /ɛsˈtiːm/ (favourable regard) :: stima {f}
ester {n} /ˈɛstɚ/ (compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom) :: estere {m}
Esther {prop} /ˈɛstɚ/ (female given name) :: Ester
Esther {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ester
Esther {prop} (the heroine of the Book of Esther) :: Ester
esthesiometer {n} (device) :: estesiometro {m}
estimate {n} /ˈɛstɨmɨt/ (rough calculation or guess) :: stima {f}
estimate {n} ((construction and business) a document specifying how much a job will probably cost) :: preventivo {m}
estimate {v} (to calculate roughly) :: stimare
estimation {n} /ɛstɪˈmeɪʃən/ (the process of making an estimate) :: stima {f}
estival {adj} /iːˈstʌɪv(ə)l/ (of or relating to summer) :: estivo
estivate {v} /ˈɛstɪˌveɪt/ (go into stasis in the summer months) :: estivare
Estonia {prop} /ɛsˈtoʊ.ni.ə/ (country) :: Estonia
Estonian {n} (person) :: estone {m} {f}
Estonian {n} (language) :: estone {m}
estradiol {n} /ˌɛstɹəˈdaɪɔl/ (hormone) :: estradiolo {m}
estragon {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon ::
estrange {v} /ɪˈstɹeɪndʒ/ (cause to feel less close or friendly; alienate) :: estraniare
estranged {adj} (having become a stranger) :: estraniato
estrangement {n} (the act of alienating) :: straniamento {m}
estrangement {n} (the state of being alien) :: straniamento {m}
estrogen {n} /ˈɛstɹədʒən/ (estrogen) :: estrogeno {m}
estrogenism {n} (condition caused by the ingestion of estrogen) :: estrogenismo {m}
estrous {adj} (Of or relating to estrus) :: estrale
estuary {n} (place where ocean tides and river water merge) :: estuario {m}
esurient {adj} (avid, eager) SEE: avid ::
Esztergom {prop} /ˈɛstɛɹɡom/ (a town in Hungary) :: Strigonio {f}
etacism {n} (pronunciation of the Greek eta like the Italian long e) :: etacismo {m}
et al. {phrase} /ɛtˈɔl/ (and others) :: ed altri {m}
etc. {phrase} /ˌɛt ˈsɛt(ə)ɹə/ (and so on, see also: and so forth) :: ecc., eccetera
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc. ::
etch {v} /ɛtʃ/ (to engrave) :: incidere all'acquaforte
etcher {n} (person) :: acquafortista {m} {f}
etching {n} /ˈetʃ.ɪŋ/ (art of producing an image) :: acquaforte {f}
etching {n} (image created by this process) :: acquaforte {f}
etendue {n} /ˌeɪtɒnˈd(j)uː/ (conserved property of the light in an optical system) :: accettanza
eternal {adj} /ɪˈtɝnəl/ (lasting forever) :: eterno
Eternal City {prop} (nickname for Rome) :: Città Eterna {f}
eternal life {n} (immortality) SEE: immortality ::
eternal life {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
eternally {adv} (forever) :: eternamente
eternity {n} /ɪˈtɝnɪti/ (infinite time) :: eternità {f}
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future) :: eternità {f}
eternity {n} (period of time that elapses after death) :: eternità {f}
eternity {n} (informal: a comparatively long time) :: eternità {f}
etesian {n} /ɪˈtiːzɪən/ (dry north wind which blows in the eastern Mediterranean) :: etesio {m}
ethane {n} /ˈɛθeɪn/ (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6) :: etano {m}
ethanoic {adj} :: etanoico
ethanol {n} /ˈɛ.θə.nɒl/ (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH) :: etanolo {m}
ethene {n} (ethylene) SEE: ethylene ::
ether {n} /ˈiːθə/ (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere) :: etere {m}
ether {n} (substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space) :: etere {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) diethyl ether) :: etere {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups) :: etere {m}
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens ::
ethereal {adj} /ɪˈθɪɹ.i.əl/ (Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere) :: etereo
ethereal {adj} (Consisting of ether; hence, exceedingly light or airy; tenuous; spiritlike; characterized by extreme delicacy) :: etereo
ethereal {adj} (Delicate, light and airy) :: etereo
ethical {adj} /ˈɛθɪkəl/ (of or relating to the study of ethics) :: etico {m}
ethical {adj} (of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession) :: etico {m}, morale
ethical {adj} (morally approvable, when referring to an action that affects others; good) :: etico
ethical {adj} (only dispensed on the prescription of a physician) :: consentito {m}
ethical dative {n} (form of the dative case) :: dativo etico {m}
ethics {n} /ˈɛθ.ɪks/ (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct) :: etica {f}
ethics {n} (standards of conduct) :: etica {f}
ethidium {n} (the cationic form of a polycyclic aromatic base) :: etidio {m}
Ethiopia {prop} /iθiˈoʊpi.ə/ (country in Eastern Africa) :: Etiopia {f}
Ethiopian {n} /ˌiːθiˈəʊpi.ən/ (person) :: etiopico {m}, etiopica {f}, etiope {m} {f}
Ethiopian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Ethiopia) :: etiope, etiopico
ethmoid bone {n} (bone of the skull between the eyes and at the roof of the nose) :: osso etmoide {m}
ethnic {adj} /ˈɛθ.nɪk/ (of or relating to a group of people) :: etnico
ethnic {adj} (belonging to a foreign culture) :: etnico
ethnic cleansing {n} (ethnic cleansing) :: pulizia etnica {f}
ethnic group {n} (ethnic group) :: etnia
ethnicity {n} /ɛθˈnɪsɪti/ (The characteristics of an ethnic group) :: etnicità {f}, etnia {f}
ethnie {n} (ethnicity) SEE: ethnic group ::
ethno- {prefix} /ɛθnoʊ/ (race, ethnicity) :: etno-
ethnocentrism {n} /ˌɛθ.nəʊˈsɛn.tɹɪzm̩/ (tendency) :: etnocentrismo {m}
ethnographic {adj} (of, or relating to ethnography) :: etnografico
ethnography {n} /ɛθˈnɑɡɹəfi/ (branch of anthropology) :: etnografia {f}
ethnologic {adj} (ethnologic) SEE: ethnological ::
ethnological {adj} (of or relating to ethnology) :: etnologico
ethnologically {adv} (in an ethnological manner) :: etnologicamente
ethnomusicology {n} (study of music and culture) :: etnomusicologia
ethnonationalism {n} (type of nationalism) :: etnonazionalismo {m}
ethnonym {n} (name of an ethnic group) :: etnonimo
ethologically {adv} (in an ethological manner) :: etologicamente
ethology {n} /iːˈθɒlədʒi/ (study of human and animal behaviour) :: etologia {f}
ethoxide {n} :: etanolato {m}, etilato {m}
ethyl {n} /ˈɛθəl/ (C2H5) :: etile {m}, etilico
ethylene {n} /ˈɛθəˌliːn/ (compound) :: etilene {m}
ethylene {n} (radical) :: etilene {m}
ethylphenol {n} (derivative) :: etilfenolo {m}
-etic {suffix} (pertaining to) :: -etico
etiolation {n} (growth process of plants grown in the absence of light) :: eziolamento {m}
etiological {adj} /ˌiːtɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to an aetiology) :: etiologico
etiquette {n} /ˈɛtɪˌkɛt/ (customary behavior) :: comportamento {m}, maniera {f}, modi {m-p}
Etna {prop} /ˈɛtnə/ (volcano in Sicily, Italy) :: Etna {m}, Mongibello {m}
Etruscan {adj} /ɪˈtɹʌskən/ (pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria) :: etrusco
Etruscan {n} (inhabitant of Etruria) :: Etrusco {m}
Etruscan {prop} (extinct language of Etruria) :: etrusco {m}
Etruscan shrew {n} (Suncus etruscus) :: mustiolo {m}
etude {n} /ˈeɪˌtud/ (piece of music) :: studio {m}
etymological {adj} (of or relating to etymology) :: etimologico
etymological {adj} (etymologically consistent) :: etimologico
etymologically {adv} (Based on or belonging to etymology) :: etimologicamente
etymologist {n} (person who specializes in etymology) :: etimologista {m} {f}, etimologo {m}, etimologa {f}
etymologize {v} (to find or provide etymology for a word) :: etimologizzare
etymology {n} /ˌɛt.ɪˈmɑl.ə.dʒi/ (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words) :: etimologia {f}
etymology {n} (account of the origin and historical development of a word) :: etimologia {f}
etymon {n} /ˈɛt.ə.mɑn/ (source word) :: etimo {m}
EU {prop} /ˌiː ˈjuː/ (European Union, see also: European Union; EUSSR) :: UE
Euboea {prop} /juːˈbiːə/ (Greek island) :: Eubea {f}, Evia {f}, Negroponte {f}
eucalyptus {n} /ˌjuːkəˈlɪptəs/ (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus) :: eucalipto {m}, eucalitto {m}
Eucharist {n} /ˈjuːkəɹɪst/ (sacrament) :: eucaristia {f}
Eucharist {n} (ceremony) :: eucaristia {f}
Eucharist {n} (substances) :: eucaristia {f}
eucharistic {adj} (pertaining to the Eucharist) :: eucaristico {m}
Euclid {prop} /ˈjuːklɪd/ (Greek mathematician) :: Euclide {m}
Euclidean {adj} /juːˈklɪd.i.ən/ (of traditional geometry) :: euclideo
Euclidean {adj} (of Euclid's Elements) :: euclideo
Euclidean distance {n} (distance between two points defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences between the corresponding coordinates of the points) :: distanza euclidea {f}
Euclidean geometry {n} (mathematical system) :: geometria euclidea {f}
eudiometer {n} (tube for measuring volume of gases) :: eudiometro
Eudist {n} :: eudista {m} {f}
euergetism {n} (the practice of élite in Greek and Roman cities to distribute a part of their wealth to the community) :: evergetismo
Eugene {prop} /ju.ˈdʒiːn/ (male given name) :: Eugenio
Eugenia {prop} /juːˈd͡ʒiːniə/ (female given name) :: Eugenia
eugenic {adj} /juː.ˈdʒɛ.nɪk/ :: eugenetico, eugenico
Eugenius {prop} (given name) :: Eugenio
euhemerism {n} /juːˈhiːmərɪzəm/ (attribution of the origins of the gods to the deification of heroes) :: evemerismo {m}
eukaryote {n} /juˈkæɹi.əʊt/ (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus) :: eucariota {m}
eukaryotic {adj} (having complex cells) :: eucariotico
Eulalie {prop} (female given name) :: Eulalia
Euler {prop} /ˈɔɪlɚ/ (Leonhard Euler) :: Eulero {m}
Euler-Mascheroni constant {prop} (mathematical constant) :: costante di Eulero-Mascheroni {f}
Euler's formula {prop} (Euler's formula) :: formula di Eulero {f}
Euler's totient function {prop} (number theory) :: funzione phi di Eulero {f}
eulogist {n} (a speaker who delivers a funeral oration for a deceased person) :: panegirista {m} {f}
eulogist {n} (a person who praises another person or thing) :: panegirista {m} {f}
eulogistic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in the form of a eulogy) :: elogiativo, lodativo
eunuch {n} /ˈjuː.nək/ (castrated human male) :: eunuco
eunuch {n} (such a man who was harem guard or in Middle Eastern courts under Roman Emperors, important officials of the state) :: eunuco
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
Euphemia {prop} /juːˈfiːmɪ.ə/ (female given name) :: Eufemia {f}
euphemism {n} /ˈjuː.fəˌmɪ.z(ə)m/ (use of a word or phrase to replace another word with one considered less offensive) :: eufemismo {m}
euphemism {n} (word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way) :: eufemismo {m}
euphemistic {adj} (of euphemism) :: eufemistico
euphemistically {adv} (in a euphemistic manner) :: eufemisticamente
euphonic {adj} (harmonious) :: eufonico {m}
euphonium {n} (brass instrument) :: eufonio {m}
euphony {n} (pronunciation which is pleasing to the ear) :: eufonia {f}
euphony {n} :: eufonia {f}
euphoria {n} /juːˈfɔːɹi.ə/ (an excited state of joy) :: euforia {f}
euphoric {adj} (feeling great well-being or elation or intense happiness; characterized by euphoria) :: euforico
euphotic {adj} (describing that part of the near-surface ocean in which photosynthesis is possible) :: eufotico
Euphrates {prop} /juːˈfɹeɪtiːz/ (river in the Middle East) :: Eufrate {m}
euphuism {n} (style of writing) :: eufuismo {m}
Eurasia {prop} /jʊˈɹeɪʒə/ (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia) :: Eurasia {f}
Eurasian black vulture {n} (Aegypius monachus) :: avvoltoio monaco {m}
Eurasian collared dove {n} (Streptopelia decaocto) SEE: collared dove ::
Eurasian eagle owl {n} (Bubo bubo) :: gufo reale {m}, dugo {m}
Eurasian hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo) :: lodolaio {m}
Eurasian jay {n} (Garrulus glandarius) :: ghiandaia {f}
Eurasian nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea) :: picchio muratore {m}
Eurasian pygmy owl {n} (Glaucidium passerinum) :: civetta nana {f}
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) :: sparviero {m}
Eurasian spoonbill {n} (Platalea leucorodia) :: spatola {f}
Eurasian treecreeper {n} (Certhia familiaris) :: rampichino alpestre {m}
Eurasian woodcock {n} (Scolopax rusticola) :: beccaccia {f}
Eurasian wren {n} (Troglodytes troglodytes) :: scricciolo {m}
eureka {interj} /juˈɹikə/ (exclamation indicating sudden discovery) :: eureka
Euripidean {adj} /juːˌɹɪpɪˈdiːən/ (of or relating to Euripides) :: euripideo
Euripides {prop} /jʊˈɹɪp.ɪˌdiz/ (a Greek tragedian) :: Euripide {m}
euro {n} /ˈjʊɹoʊ/ (currency unit of the European Monetary Union) :: euro {m}
Euro- {prefix} (pertaining to Europe) :: euro-
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone ::
Eurocentrism {n} (practice of viewing the world from a European perspective) :: eurocentrismo {m}
euro coin {n} (coin in the eurozone) :: moneta in euro {f}
Eurocommunism {n} (trend) :: eurocomunismo {m}
Eurocommunistic {adj} (relating to or characteristic of Eurocommunism) :: eurocomunista {m} {f}
Eurodollar {n} (a deposit, in US dollars, held in a bank outside of the United States) :: eurodollaro {m}
Eurogroup {n} (body of Eurozone finance ministers) :: eurogruppo {m}
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone ::
Eurolinguistics {n} (branch of linguistics) :: eurolinguistica
Europa {prop} /jʊˈɹoʊpə/ (a moon of Jupiter) :: Europa {m}
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union ::
Europe {prop} /ˈjʊɹəp/ (continent) :: Europa
European {adj} /ˌjʊɹəˈpi.ən/ (relating to Europe or the European Union) :: europeo
European {n} (person) :: europeo {m}, europea {f}
European alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder ::
European beaver {n} (European beaver) :: castoro europeo {m}
European bison {n} /jʊɹəˌpiːən ˈbaɪsn̩/ (the wisent species Bison bonasus) :: bisonte europeo
European bullhead {n} (species) :: scazzone {m}
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union) :: Banca Centrale Europea {f}
European Commission {prop} (executive branch) :: Commissione europea {f}
European Council {prop} (an institution of the European Union) :: Consiglio europeo
European Economic Area {prop} :: Spazio economico europeo
European hedgehog {n} (Erinaceus europaeus) :: riccio comune
European herring gull {n} (Larus argentatus) :: gabbiano reale {m}
European hornet {n} (Vespa crabro) :: calabrone {m}
Europeanisation {n} (assimilation) :: europeizzazione
European Parliament {n} (legislative chamber of the European Union) :: Parlamento europeo {m}, Europarlamento {m}
European perch {n} (Perca fluviatilis) :: persico reale
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
European seabass {n} (Dicentrarchus labrax) :: spigola {f}, branzino {m}, rango {m}
European shag {n} (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) :: marangone dal ciuffo {m}
European Shorthair {n} :: gatto European Shorthair
European smelt {n} (Osmerus eperlanus) :: sperlano {m}
European Union {prop} /ˌjʊəɹəˈpiːən ˈjuːnjən/ (European supranational organisation) :: Unione Europea
europium {n} /jʊəˈɹoʊpiəm/ (chemical element) :: europio {m}
Euro-sceptic {n} (One who is sceptical of increasing the powers of the European Union) :: euroscettico {m}, euroscettica {f}
Eurosceptic {n} (one who is sceptical of increasing the powers of the European Union) :: euroscettico {m}, euroscettica {f}
Eurosceptical {adj} (of or pertaining to Eurosceptics or Euroscepticism) SEE: Eurosceptic ::
Euroscepticism {n} (scepticism of increasing powers of the EU) :: euroscetticismo {m}
Euroskeptic {n} (One who is skeptical of increasing the powers of the European Union) :: euroscettico {m}, euroscettica {f}
Euro-skeptic {n} (One who is skeptical of increasing the powers of the European Union) :: euroscettico {m}, euroscettica {f}
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro) :: zona euro {f}, eurozona {f}
Eurydice {prop} /jʊˈɹɪdɨsi/ (mythology) :: Euridice {f}
Eurystheus {prop} (Greek mythological king) :: Euristeo {m}
Eusebius {prop} /juˈsibi.əs/ (given name) :: Eusebio
Eustace {prop} /ˈjuːˌstɪs/ (male given name) :: Eustachio
Eustachian tube {n} (tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear) :: tuba di Eustachio {f}
eustasy {n} /ˈjuːstəsi/ (worldwide change in sea level) :: eustatismo {m}
eustatic {adj} (of or pertaining to eustasy) :: eustatico
euthanasia {n} /juːθəˈneɪʒə/ (practice of killing a human being or animal) :: eutanasia {f}
eutrophication {n} (becoming eutrophic) :: eutrofizzazione {f}
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea ::
evacuate {v} /ɪˈvæk.ju.eɪt/ (to move out of an unsafe location into safety) :: evacuare
evacuation {n} (act of emptying) :: evacuamento {m}
evaluate {v} /ɪ̈ˈvaljəˌweɪt/ (to draw conclusions from by examining) :: valutare
evaluation {n} /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ (assessment) :: valutazione {f}
evanescent {adj} (ephemeral) SEE: ephemeral ::
evanescent {adj} /ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ (disappearing, vanishing, see also: disappearing; vanishing) :: evanescente, indistinto
Evangeline {prop} (female given name) :: Evangelina
evangelist {n} /ɪˈvændʒəlɪst/ :: evangelista
Evangelist {n} (gospel writer) :: Vangelista {m}
evangelistary {n} (book containing selections from the Gospels) :: evangelario {m}
evangelize {v} (tell people about Christianity) :: evangelizzare
evaporate {v} /ɪˈvæpəɹeɪt/ (to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state) :: evaporare
evaporation {n} (process of liquid converting to the gaseous state) :: vaporizzazione
evapotranspiration {n} /ɪˌvæpəʊˌtɹænspɪˈɹeɪʃn̩/ (the transfer of water from the surface of the earth to the atmosphere by evaporation) :: evapotraspirazione {f}
evasion {n} /ɪˈveɪʒən/ (the act of eluding or evading or avoiding, particularly the pressure of an argument, accusation, charge, or interrogation) :: evasione {f}
eve {n} /iːv/ (day or night before) :: vigilia {f}
Eve {prop} /iːv/ (the first woman) :: Eva
Eve {prop} (given name) :: Eva
even {adj} /ˈivən/ (flat and level) :: piano
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two) :: pari
even {v} (to make even) :: spianare
even {adv} (exactly, fully) :: esattamente, completamente
even {adv} (implying extreme example) :: addirittura, perfino, neppure
even {adv} (emphasising comparative) :: ancora
even {n} (Evening of the day) :: sera
even if {conj} (irrespective of) :: anche se
evening {n} /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight) :: sera {f}
evening dress {n} (elegant dress worn by women) :: abito da sera {m}
evening meal {n} (meal taken in the evening) :: cena {f}
evening star {n} (planet Venus seen in the evening) :: stella della sera {f}, vespero {m}
even-pinnate {adj} (even number of pinnates) :: paripennato
even so {adv} (in spite of the preceding remark or facts) :: tuttavia, ciononostante
event {n} /ɪˈvɛnt/ (occurrence) :: evento {m}, fatto {m}, accadimento {m}
event {n} (point in spacetime (physics)) :: evento {m}
event {n} (computing: action which triggers an event handler) :: evento {m}
event {n} (probability theory: a set of some of the possible outcomes) :: evento {m}
event {n} ((medicine) An episode of severe health conditions) :: accidente
event horizon {n} (gravitational sphere within which light cannot escape) :: orizzonte degli eventi {m}
even though {conj} (although) :: nonostante, benché, anche se
eventuality {n} (possible event) :: eventualità {f}
eventually {adv} /ɪ.ˈvɛn.t͡ʃu.ə.li/ (in the end) :: alla fine, infine
ever {adv} /ˈɛvɚ/ (at any time) :: mai
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest ::
evergreen {adj} /ˈɛvɚɡɹin/ (of plants, that do not shed their leaves) :: sempreverde
everlasting {adj} /ˌɛvɚˈlæstɪŋ/ (Lasting or enduring forever) :: eterno {m}, imperituro {m}, immortale
every {determiner} /ˈɛv.(ə.)ɹi/ (all of a countable group) :: ogni
everybody {pron} /ˈɛvɹibʌdi/ (all people) :: tutti, ciascuno
every cloud has a silver lining {proverb} (in every bad situation there is an element of good) :: non tutti i mali vengono per nuocere
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily ::
everyday {adj} /ˈɛvɹiˌdeɪ/ (appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions) :: quotidiano, giornaliero
everyday {adj} (commonplace, ordinary) :: ordinario, comune
everyday life {n} (everyday life) :: quotidianità {f}
every man for himself {phrase} /ˈɛv.(ə.)ɹi mæn fɔː(ɹ) hɪm.ˈsɛlf/ (forget about comradeship; save yourselves!) :: ognun per sé, il primo prossimo è sé medesimo
everyone {pron} /ˈɛv.ɹi.wʌn/ (every person) :: ciascuno, tutti {m-p}
every so often {adv} (occasionally) :: ogni tanto, di tanto in tanto
everything {pron} /ˈɛvɹiθɪŋ/ (all the things) :: tutto
every time {adv} (at each occasion that) :: ogni volta
everywhere {adv} /ɛv.ɹi.(h)wɛɹ/ (at all places) :: dappertutto, ovunque
evict {v} (to expel) :: sfrattare
eviction {n} (the act of evicting) :: espulsione {f}, sfratto {m}
evidence {n} /ˈɛvəɾəns/ (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion) :: prova, evidenza {f}
evident {adj} /ˈɛ.vɪ.dənt/ (obviously true) :: evidente
evidential {adj} /ˌɛ.vɪˈdən.tʃəl/ (of or providing evidence) :: probatorio
evidently {adv} /ˈɛvɪdəntli/ (obviously) :: evidentemente
evil {adj} /ˈiːvɪl/ (intending to harm) :: malvagio {m}, malevolo, maligno, malefico, perverso, diabolico, mefistofelico, infernale, demoniaco, satanico
evil {adj} (morally corrupt) :: malvagio, cattivo, malevolo, corrotto
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness) :: male {m}, malevolenza {f}, malignità {f}
evildoer {n} /ˈiːvəlˌduːə/ (person who performs evil acts) :: malfattore {m}
evil eye {n} (wicked look) :: malocchio {m}
evil laugh {n} (stereotypical villain's laugh) :: risata malvagia {f}, risata diabolica {f}
evil laughter {n} (stereotypical villain's laughter) SEE: evil laugh ::
evince {v} /iˈvɪns/ (to show or demonstrate clearly) :: dimostrare, manifestare
evitable {adj} /ˈɛvɪtəb(ə)l/ (possible to avoid) :: evitabile {m} {f}
evocation {n} (act of calling out) :: evocazione {f}
evocative {adj} (that evokes (brings to mind) a memory, mood or image; redolent or reminiscent) :: evocativo
evocativeness {n} :: evocatività {f}
evoke {v} /ɪˈvoʊk/ (to cause the manifestation of) :: evocare, rammemorare, rammentare, rammemorare ("rammemorarsi" exists)
evolution {n} /ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (general: a gradual process of development) :: evoluzione {f}
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time) :: evoluzione {f}
evolutionarily {adv} (from the perspective of evolution) :: evolutivamente
evolutionary biology {n} (sub-field of biology) :: biologia evolutiva {f}, biologia dell'evoluzione {f}
evolutionary developmental biology {n} (branch of biology) :: biologia evolutiva dello sviluppo {f}
evorsion {n} :: evorsione {f}
ew {interj} /ɪʊ̯/ (expression of disgust or nausea) :: bleah
ewe {n} /juː/ (female sheep) :: pecora {f}
ewer {n} /ˈju.ɚ/ (widemouthed pitcher) :: brocca {f}, caraffa {f}, lancella {f}
ex {n} /ɛks/ (name of the letter X, x) :: ics {f} {m}
ex {n} (colloquial: former partner or spouse) :: ex {m}
exacerbate {v} /ɪɡˈzæsɚˌbeɪt/ (make worse) :: esacerbare
exacerbation {n} (increase in severity) :: esacerbazione, esacerbamento {m}
exact {adj} /ɪɡˈzækt/ (precisely agreeing) :: esatto, giusto
exact {adj} (habitually careful) :: esatto, preciso, attento
exact {adj} (precisely conceived or stated) :: preciso, definito
exact {adj} (such that kernel equals image) :: equivalente
exact {v} (To demand and enforce) :: esigere, pretendere
exactly {adv} /ɪɡˈzæk(t)li/ (in an exact manner) :: esattamente
exactly {interj} (signifying agreement or recognition) :: appunto
exaggerate {v} /ɛɡˈzæ.dʒə.ɹeɪt/ (to overstate, to describe more than is fact) :: esagerare
exaggerated {adj} /ɪɡˈzæ.dʒəˌɹeɪ.tɪd/ (that has been described as greater than it actually is) :: esagerato
exaggeration {n} /ɪɡˌzæd͡ʒəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of exaggerating) :: esagerazione {f}
exalt {v} /ɪɡˈzɔːlt/ :: esaltare
examination {n} /ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən/ (inspection by a doctor) :: esame {m}, visita {f}
examination {n} (formal test) :: esame {m}
examination {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
examinee {n} (one who is examined) :: esaminando {m}
examiner {n} /əɡˈzæmɪnɚ/ (person who investigates someone or something) :: esaminatore {m}
example {n} /ɪɡˈzæmpl̩/ (something representative of a group) :: esempio {m}
exanimate {adj} /ɪɡˈzænɪmɪt/ (lifeless; dead) :: morto, privo di vita
exanimate {adj} (spiritless, dispirited, disheartened, not lively) :: esanime, inanimato
exaptation {n} (use of a biological structure or function for a purpose other than that for which it initially evolved) :: exattamento {m}
exarch {n} /ˈɛksɑɹk/ :: esarca
exarchate {n} :: esarcato {m}
Excalibur {prop} /ɛksˈkæ.lɪ.bɚ/ (Legendary sword) :: Excalibur {f}
excavation {n} (act of excavating, or of making hollow) :: scavo {m}
excavation {n} (archaeological excavation) :: scavo {m}
excavator {n} /ˈɛkskəˌveɪtə/ (person) :: spalatore {m}, badilante {m}, sterratore {m}, scavatore {m}
excavator {n} (vehicle) :: escavatore {m}, escavatrice {f}, ruspa {f}, talpa {f}
exceed {v} /ɪkˈsiːd/ (to be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable) :: superare
exceed {v} :: eccedere
excel {v} /ɪkˈsɛl/ (transitive: to surpass someone or something) :: superare
excel {v} (intransitive: to be much better than others) :: superare, eccellere, brillare, primeggiare, spiccare
Excellency {n} (Form of address for certain high officials or dignitaries) :: Eccellenza {f}
excellent {adj} /ˈɛksələnt/ (of the highest quality) :: eccellente
excelsior {n} /ɛkˈsɛlsɪɔː/ (3-point type) :: diamante
except {prep} /ɪkˈsɛpt/ (with the exception of) :: salvo, tranne, eccetto
exception {n} /əkˈsɛpʃən/ (act of excepting or excluding; exclusion) :: eccezione {f}
exception {n} (that which is excepted or taken out from others) :: eccezione
exception {n} :: eccezione {f}
exceptional {adj} /ɪkˈsɛpʃənəl/ (forming an exception) :: eccezionale
exceptional {adj} (superior due to exception or rarity) :: eccezionale
exceptionality {n} (quality of being exceptional) :: eccezionalità {f}
exceptionally {adv} (unusual, remarkable or exceptional degree) :: in via eccezionale, eccezionalmente
exception that proves the rule {n} (occurrence of counterexample) :: eccezione che conferma la regola {f}
excess {n} /əkˈsɛs/ (state of surpassing limits) :: eccesso {m}
excess {n} (degree by which one thing exceeds another) :: eccedenza {f}
excess {v} (Excessive) :: eccessivo
excessive {adj} /ɪkˈsɛsɪv/ (exceeding the bounds of something) :: eccessivo
excessively {adv} /ɪkˈsɛsɪvli/ (to an excessive degree) :: eccessivamente
excessively {adv} (in excess) :: eccessivamente, troppo
exchange {n} /ɛksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (act of exchanging or trading) :: scambio {m}, cambio {m}
exchange {v} (To trade or barter) :: cambiare, scambiare
exchange rate {n} (currency rate (finance)) :: tasso di cambio {m}
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury ::
excise {n} (excise tax) SEE: excise tax ::
exciseman {n} (collector of excise tax) :: daziere {m}, gabelliere {m}, esattore {m}
excise tax {n} (any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods) :: accisa {f}
excitation {n} (the act of producing excitement (stimulation); also, the excitement produced) :: eccitazione {f}
excite {v} /ɪkˈsaɪt/ (to stir the emotions of) :: stimolare, eccitare, riaccendere
excite {v} (to arouse or bring out (eg feelings); to stimulate) :: provocare, accendere, stimolare
excite {v} (to cause an electron to move to a higher than normal state) :: eccitare
excited {adj} /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ (having great enthusiasm) :: entusiasta
excited {adj} (being in a state of higher energy) :: eccitato, agitato
excitement {n} /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/ (state of being excited) :: eccitamento {m}, orgasmo {m}, fregola {f}
exciting {adj} /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ (causing excitement) :: emozionante
exciton {n} (bound state of electron and hole) :: eccitone {m}
exclaim {v} /ɛkˈskleɪm/ (to cry out) :: esclamare
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclamation {n} /ˌɛkskləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ (loud calling or crying out; outcry) :: esclamazione {f}
exclamation {n} (word expressing outcry) :: esclamazione {f}
exclamation mark {n} /ˌɛks.kləˈmeɪ.ʃən ˌmɑɹk/ (punctuation “!”) :: punto esclamativo {m}
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclusion {n} /ɪksˈkluːʒən/ (act of excluding or shutting out) :: esclusione
exclusive right {n} (The power to allow or disallow others from taking certain actions) :: destra esclusiva
excommunicate {v} /ˌɛkskəˈmjunəkət/ (to officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community) :: scomunicare
excommunication {n} /ɛkskəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting) :: scomunica {f}
excoriate {v} /ɪkˈskɔɹ.iˌeɪt/ (to wear off the skin of) :: escoriare
excrement {n} /ˈɛkskɹəmənt/ (human and animal solid waste) :: escremento {m}
excrete {v} /ɛkˈskɹiːt/ (to discharge material) :: espellere
excruciating {adj} /ɛkˈskɹuːʃiːeɪtɪŋ/ (Causing great pain or anguish, agonizing) :: atroce, straziante, lancinante
exculpatory {adj} /ɛksˈkʌlpəˌtɒɹi/ (tending to excuse or clear of wrongdoing) :: giustificativo, giustificatorio
excursion {n} /ɛks.kɜː(ɹ).ʒən/ (brief recreational trip) :: gita {f}, escursione {f}
excuse {v} /ɪksˈkjuz/ (forgive, pardon) :: scusare, perdonare
excuse {v} (allow to leave) :: scusare
excuse {v} (explain with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement) :: scusarsi, giustificarsi
excuse {n} (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement) :: scusa {f}, pretesto {m}
excuse me {phrase} (request to repeat, see also: come again) :: scusi? , prego? , scusa? , come?
excuse me {phrase} (request for attention) :: scusi, scusa, scusate
excuse me {phrase} (request to pass) :: permesso, scusa , scusi , scusate
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology) :: scusi , scusa , scusate {p}
execrable {adj} /ˈɛksɪkɹəbl/ (of the poorest quality) :: esecrabile
execute {v} /ˈɛksɪˌkjuːt/ (to kill as punishment) :: giustiziare
execute {v} (to start, launch or run software) :: lanciare
execution {n} /ˌek.sɪˈkjuː.ʃən/ (act of executing or the state of being executed) :: esecuzione
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty) :: esecuzione
execution {n} :: esecuzione {f}
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution) :: boia {m}, carnefice {m}
executive {n} /ɪɡˈzɛkjʊtɪv/ (title of a chief officer or administrator) :: dirigente {m}
executive officer {n} (second in command of a military unit or ship) :: secondo {m}
exedra {n} :: esedra {f}
exegesis {n} /ɛksɪˈdʒisɪs/ (formal written exposition or explanatory essay) :: esegesi {f}, spiegazione {f}, esplicazione {f}, chiarimento {m}, chiarificazione {f}
exegete {n} /ˈɛksɪdʒit/ (person skilled in exegesis) :: esegeta {m}
exemplar {n} (role model) SEE: role model ::
exemplar {n} /ɛɡˈzɛm.plə/ (something typical or representative of a class) :: esemplare {m}, campione {m}
exemplary {adj} /ɛɡˈzɛmpləɹi/ (of such high quality as to serve as an example, see also: ideal; perfect) :: esemplare
exempt {adj} /ɪɡˈzɛmpt/ (free from duty or obligation) :: esente
exercise {v} /ˈɛk.sə.saɪz/ (exert for the sake of training) :: esercitare
exercise {v} (perform physical activity) :: esercitarsi, allenarsi
exercise {v} (use; put into practice) :: esercitare
exercise {v} (take action, enforce) :: impiegare
exercise bicycle {n} (exercise machine) :: cicletta {f}, cyclette {f}
exercise book {n} (booklet for students) :: quaderno {m}
exergue {n} (space on coin) :: esergo {m}
exert {v} /ɪɡˈzɝt/ (to put in vigorous action) :: sforzare
exert {v} (to make use of) :: esercitare
exertion {n} /əɡˈzɝʃən/ (the action of exerting) :: sforzo {m}, fatica {f}
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor ::
exhale {v} /ɛksˈheɪl/ (to breathe out) :: esalare
exhaust {n} (exhaust pipe) SEE: exhaust pipe ::
exhaustive {adj} /ɛɡˈzɑ.stɪv/ (including every possible element) :: esaustivo, esauriente
exhaust pipe {n} (pipe that vents waste gases from the engine) :: tubo di scappamento, scarico {m}
exhibit {v} /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ (display or show (something) for others to see) :: mostrare
exhibit {v} (demonstrate) :: dimostrare
exhibit {n} (public showing) :: esposizione {f}
exhibition {n} /ɛksɪˈbɪʃən/ (large scale public showing of objects or products) :: mostra {f}, esposizione {f}
exhibition game {n} (practice game) :: partitella {f}
exhibitionism {n} (practice of drawing attention to oneself) :: esibizionismo {m}
exhibitionism {n} (practice of displaying one's private bodily parts in public) :: esibizionismo {m}
exhibition match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game ::
exhilaration {n} (the state of being enlivened, cheerful or exhilarated) :: euforia {f}, eccitazione {f}
exhume {v} /ɛkˈ.s(j)um/ (To dig out of the ground; to take out of a place of burial; to disinter) :: esumare
exiguity {n} /ɛɡzɪˈɡjuːɪti/ (quality of being meagre or scanty, see also: meagreness; scantiness) :: esiguità {f}, sparutezza {f}
exiguous {adj} /ɪɡˈzɪɡju.əs/ (extremely scanty) :: esiguo {m}
exile {n} /ˈɛɡˌzaɪl/ (the state of being banished from one's home or country) :: esilio {m}
exile {n} (someone who is banished from one's home or country) :: esiliato, esule
exile {v} (to send into exile) :: esiliare
exist {v} /ɪɡˈzɪst/ (to be) :: esistere
existence {n} /ɛɡ.ˈzɪs.təns/ (state of being, existing, or occurring) :: esistenza {f}
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now) :: esistente
existential {adj} (of, or relating to existence) :: esistenziale
existentialism {n} /ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəlɪzəm/ (philosophical movement) :: esistenzialismo {m}
existing {adj} /ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ/ (that exists) :: esistente
exit {n} /ˈɛksɪt/ (action of going out or going away, or leaving, see also: departure) :: uscita {f}
exit {n} (way out) :: uscita {f}
exit {n} (passage or opening through which one can go from inside a place to the outside) :: uscita {f}
exit {v} (to go out or go away from a place or situation, see also: depart; leave) :: uscire
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death ::
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die ::
exit strategy {n} (plan) :: strategia di uscita {f}
exocrinology {n} (the study of external secretions) :: esocrinologia {f}
exocyclic {adj} (unattached) :: esociclico
exodus {n} /ˈɛksədəs/ (sudden departure) :: esodo {m}
Exodus {prop} /ˈɛksədəs/ (departure of Hebrew slaves) :: Esodo {m}
Exodus {prop} (book of Torah and Old Testament) :: Esodo {m}
exoenergetic {adj} :: esoenergetico
exoenthalpic {adj} (with increase in enthalpy) :: esoentalpico
exogamic {adj} (of or pertaining to exogamy) :: esogamico
exogamy {n} (marriage) :: esogamia {f}
exomoon {n} (moon of an extrasolar planet) :: esoluna {f}, satellite extrasolare {m}, luna extrasolare {f}
exon {n} /ˈɛksɑn/ (region of a gene) :: esone
exonucleasic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or produced by an exonuclease) :: esonucleasico
exonym {n} (name used by foreigners) :: esonimo {m}
exophthalmos {n} (abnormal protrusion of the eyeball) :: esoftalmo {m}
exorbitant {adj} /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/ (exceeding proper limits) :: esorbitante
exorcise {v} (To drive out an evil spirit from a person, place or thing, especially by an incantation or prayer) :: esorcizzare
exorcism {n} (ritual driving out of evil spirits) :: esorcismo {m}
exorcist {n} (a person who practices exorcism) :: esorcista {m}
exorcize {v} (exorcise) SEE: exorcise ::
exoskeletal {adj} (Of, or pertaining to an exoskeleton) :: esoscheletrico
exoskeleton {n} (hard outer structure) :: esoscheletro {m}
exosphere {n} (the uppermost layer of a planet's atmosphere) :: esosfera {f}
exostosis {n} (benign bony growth) :: esostosi {f}, spinella {f}, schinella {f}, soprosso {m}
exoteric {adj} /ˌɛksoˈtɛɹɪk/ :: essoterico {m}, essoterica, {f}essoterici {m-p}, essoteriche {f-p}
exotic {adj} /ɪɡˈzɑtɪk/ (foreign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign) :: esotico
exotic {adj} :: esotico
Exotic Shorthair {n} :: gatto Exotic Shorthair
exotoxin {n} (any toxin secreted by a microorganism into surrounding environment) :: esotossina {f}
expand {v} /ɛkˈspænd/ ((transitive) to change from a smaller form/size to a larger one) :: estendere, espandere
expand {v} ((transitive) to increase the extent, number, volume or scope of) :: espandere
expand {v} ((transitive) to express at length or in detail) :: dettagliare, dilungare
expand {v} ((transitive, algebra) to rewrite as an equivalent sum of terms) :: sviluppare
expand {v} ((intransitive, algebra) to become an equivalent sum of terms) :: sviluppare
expand {v} ((transitive, arithmetic) to multiply the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same number) :: moltiplicare
expand {v} ((intransitive) to change from a smaller form/size to a larger one) :: estendersi, espandersi
expand {v} ((intransitive) to increase in extent, number, volume or scope) :: espandersi
expand {v} ((intransitive) to speak or write at length or in detail) :: dilungarsi
expandable {adj} (having the capacity to be expanded) :: dilatabile, espandibile
expansibility {n} (condition of being expansible) :: dilatabilità {f}
expansion {n} /ɪkˈspænʃən/ (act of expanding) :: espansione {f}
expansive {adj} /ɪkˈspænsɪv/ ((mathematics)) :: espansivo {m}
expatriate {adj} /ɛksˈpætɹɪɪt/ (living outside of one's own country) :: espatriato
expatriate {n} (person living outside own country) :: espatriato {m}
expatriate {v} (withdraw from one’s country) :: espatriare
expect {v} /ɪkˈspɛkt/ (to look for, look forward to, anticipate) :: aspettarsi, pensare
expect {v} (To consider obligatory) :: aspettarsi
expect {v} (To consider reasonably due) :: aspettarsi
expectant {adj} (pregnant) :: in dolce attesa
expectation {n} /ɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən/ (act or state of expecting) :: attesa {f}
expectation {n} (that which is expected or looked for) :: attese {f}, aspettativa {f}
expectation {n} (prospect of anything good to come, especially of property or rank) :: aspettativa {f}
expected value {n} (weighted average of outcomes) :: valore atteso {m}
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit ::
expedient {adj} /ɪkˈspiːdi.ənt/ (suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended) :: conveniente
expedient {adj} (simple, easy, or quick; convenient) :: opportuno
expedient {n} (a means for achieving an end) :: espediente, escamotage, ripiego {m}
expedition {n} /ɛkspəˈdɪʃən/ (An important enterprise, implying a change of place) :: spedizione {f}
expeditious {adj} /ɛkspɪˈdɪʃəs/ (Fast, prompt, speedy) :: veloce {m} {f}, rapido {m}, tempestivo {m}
expel {v} /ɪkˈspɛl/ (to eject) :: espellere
expel {v} (to remove from membership) :: espellere
expend {v} /ɪkˈspɛnd/ (to consume resources) :: spendere
expend {v} (to spend money) :: spendere
expenditure {n} /ɛkˈspɛndɪt͡ʃɚ/ (act of expending) :: spendere {m}
expenditure {n} (amount expended) :: spesa {f}
expense {n} /ɪkˈspɛns/ (a spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure) :: spesa {f}
expensive {adj} /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ (having a high price or cost) :: caro, costoso
experience {n} /ɪkˈspɪɹ.i.əns/ (event(s) of which one is cognizant) :: esperienza {f}
experience {n} (activity which one has performed) :: esperienza {f}
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge) :: esperienza {f}
experience {n} (the knowledge thus gathered) :: esperienza {f}
experience {v} (to observe or undergo) :: esperire
experiential {adj} /ɪkˌspɪɹiˈɛnʃəl/ (of, related to, encountered in, or derived from experience) :: esperienziale
experiment {n} /ɪkˈspɛɹ.ə.mənt/ (test under controlled conditions) :: esperimento {m}
experimental {adj} /ɨkspɛɹəˈmɛntəl/ (of or pertaining to an experiment) :: sperimentale
expert {n} /ˈɛkspɚt/ (person with extensive knowledge or ability) :: esperto {m}
expertise {n} /ˌɛkspɚˈtiːs/ (great skill or knowledge) :: competenza {f}
expertise {n} (advice or opinion of an expert) :: perizia {f}
expiate {v} /ˈɛk.spi.eɪt/ (to atone) :: espiare
expiate {v} (to make amends) :: espiare
expiatory {adj} (of or pertaining to expiation) :: espiatorio
expiration {n} /ˌɛk.spəˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act of expiring) :: espirazione {f}
expiration {n} (act or process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth; as, respiration consists of inspiration and expiration) :: respirazione {f}
expiration {n} (emission of volatile matter; exhalation) :: esalazione {f}
expiration {n} (last emission of breath; death) :: cessazione {f}
expiration {n} (coming to a close; cessation; extinction; termination; end) :: cessazione {f}, espirazione {f}, scadenza {f}
expiration {n} (That which is expired; matter breathed forth; that which is produced by breathing out) :: respiro {m}
expiration date {n} (expiration date) SEE: expiry date ::
expiratory {adj} (of or pertaining to expiration) :: espiratorio, espiratore
expire {v} (exhale) SEE: exhale ::
expire {v} (die) SEE: die ::
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead ::
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death ::
expiry date {n} (date something expires) :: data di scadenza {f}
explain {v} /ɪkˈspleɪn/ (report) :: spiegare, chiosare, illustrare
explainable {adj} (explicable) SEE: explicable ::
explanation {n} /ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃən/ (the act or process of explaining) :: spiegazione {f}, esplicazione {f}, chiarificazione {f}, esegesi {f}
explanation {n} :: spiegazione {f}
explanatory {adj} /ɪkˈsplanətɔːɹi/ (serving as an explanation) :: esplicativo
expletive {adj} /ˈɛksplətɪv/ (serving to fill up) :: pleonastico, riempitivo
expletive {adj} (marked by phrase-fillers) :: espletivo
expletive {n} (profane, vulgar term) SEE: swear word ::
explicable {adj} /ɪkˈsplɪkəbəl/ (able to be explained) :: illustrabile, motivabile, spiegabile
explicatable {adj} (explicable) SEE: explicable ::
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation ::
explicitly {adv} (in an explicit manner) :: esplicitamente
explode {v} /ɪkˈsploʊd/ (to destroy with an explosion) :: esplodere
explode {v} (to explode (intransitive)) :: esplodere
exploit {n} /ˈɛksplɔɪt/ (heroic or extraordinary deed) :: gesto eroico {m}, gesta eroiche {f-p}, gesta {f-p}, prodezza {f}
exploit {n} (achievement) :: impresa {f}, prestazione {f}, risultato {m}, raggiungimento {m}, espletamento {m}
exploit {v} (use for one’s advantage) :: sfruttare, avvantaggiarsi, approfittare
exploit {v} (exploit) SEE: take advantage of ::
exploitable {adj} (able to be exploited) :: sfruttabile
exploitation {n} /ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃn̩/ (act of exploiting) :: sfruttamento, valorizzazione
exploration {n} /ˌɛkspləˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of exploring) :: esplorazione {f}
explore {v} /ɪkˈsplɔɹ/ (to examine or investigate something systematically) :: esplorare, investigare, indagare
explore {v} (to travel somewhere in search of discovery) :: esplorare
explore {v} (to (seek) experience first hand) :: esplorare
explore {v} (to examine diagnostically) :: esplorare, investigare, indagare
explore {v} (to be enagaged exploring in any of the above senses) :: esplorare, vagare
explorer {n} /ɛkˈsplɔːɹə(ɹ)/ (person who explores) :: esploratore {m}
explosion {n} /ɛkˈsploʊ.ʒən/ (violent release of energy) :: esplosione {f}, scoppio {m}
explosion {n} (sound of an explosion) :: scoppio {m}
explosive {adj} (with the capability to, or likely to, explode) :: esplosivo
explosive {adj} (easily driven to anger) :: irascibile, collerico, iracondo
explosive {n} (explosive substance) :: esplosivo {m}
explosive {adj} (shocking) SEE: shocking ::
exponential distribution {n} (class of continuous probability distributions) :: distribuzione esponenziale {f}
exponentially {adv} /ɛkspə(ʊ)ˈnɛnʃəli/ (in an exponential manner) :: esponenzialmente
export {n} /ˈɛks.pɔɹt/ (the act of exporting) :: esportazione
export {v} (to sell (goods) to a foreign country) :: esportare
expose {v} /ɪkˈspoʊz/ :: esporre
exposition {n} /ɛkspəˈzɪʃən/ (action of putting something out to public view) :: esposizione {f}, mostra {f}
exposure {n} /ɪkˈspoʊʒɚ/ (condition) :: espozione {f}
exposure {n} (lack of protection) :: assideramento {m}
exposure {n} (taking a photograph) :: espozione {f}, posa {f}
exposure {n} (gardening) :: smascheramento {m}
exposure meter {n} (an instrument used in photography) :: esposimetro {m}
expound {v} /ɪkˈspaʊnd/ (explain or discuss at length) :: spiegare, illustrare
express {n} /ɛk.ˈspɹɛs/ (quick mode of transportation) :: espresso {m}
express {v} (to convey meaning) :: esprimere
expression {n} /ɪkˈspɹɛʃ.ən/ (particular way of phrasing an idea) :: espressione {f}
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom) :: espressione {f}
expression {n} (facial appearance) :: espressione {f}
expression {n} (mathematics: arrangement of symbols) :: espressione {f}
expression {n} (process of translating a gene into a protein) :: espressione {f}
expression {n} ((computing) a piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value) :: espressione {f}
expressionless {adj} (without expression) :: inespressivo
expressive {adj} /ɪkˈspɹɛsɪv/ (effectively conveying feeling) :: espressivo
expressively {adv} (in expressive manner) :: espressivamente
express train {n} (a train making limited stops) :: treno espresso {m}, espresso {m} , express {m} , EXP {m}
expressway {n} (US: divided highway) :: superstrada
expressway {n} (freeway) SEE: freeway ::
expropriate {v} (to deprive a person of their property) :: espropriare
expulsion {n} /ɪkˈspʌlʃən/ (the act of expelling or the state of being expelled) :: espulsione {f}
expunge {v} /ɛks.ˈpʌndʒ/ (to erase or strike out) :: espungere
exquisite {adj} /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt/ (especially fine) :: squisito, delizioso
extempore {adj} /ɛkˈstɛmpəɹi/ (carried out with no preparation; impromptu) :: improvvisato
extemporize {v} (to act, particularly to perform or speak, without prior planning or thought) :: parlare a braccio, improvvisare
extendable {adj} /ɛkˈstɛndəbl̩/ (capable of being extended) :: estendibile, prolungabile
extensibility {n} (capability of being extended) :: estensibilità {f}, prolungabilità {f}
extensible {adj} (capable of being extended) :: estensibile, prolungabile
extension {n} /ɪkˈstɛnʃən/ (act of extending or the state of being extended) :: proroga {f}, estemsione {f}, estensione {f}
extension block {n} (power strip) SEE: power strip ::
extension cord {n} (an electrical cord) :: prolunga {f}
extensive {adj} /ɛksˈtɛn.sɪv/ (wide) :: vasto, molto
extensively {adv} (in an extensive manner; having great range; having wide breadth and depth) :: estensivamente
extensively {adv} (to a great extent) :: estensivamente
extent {n} /ɪksˈtɛnt/ (range of values or locations) :: estensione
extent {n} (space, area, volume to which something extends) :: misura {f}
extenuating circumstance {n} (fact that mitigates a crime) :: attenuante {f}
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign ::
exterior {adj} (external) SEE: external ::
exterior {adj} (outer) SEE: outer ::
exterminate {v} /ɪkˈstɝ.mɪ.neɪt/ (to kill all of a population) :: sterminare
extermination camp {n} (death camp) SEE: death camp ::
external {adj} /ɛksˈtɝnəl/ (outside of something) :: esterno
exteroceptive {adj} :: esterocettivo
extinguish {v} /ɪkˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ (to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench) :: estinguere
extinguishable {adj} (able to be extinguished) :: estinguibile
extol {v} /ɪkˈstoʊl/ (to praise; to make high) :: lodare
extort {v} (to wrest from an unwilling person by undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity) :: estorcere, carpire, spillare
extort {v} (to twist outwards) :: spillare
extortion {n} /ɪkˈstɔːɹʃn/ (the practice of extorting money or other property) :: estorsione {f}
extortioner {n} (someone who extorts) SEE: extortionist ::
extortionist {n} (someone who extorts) :: taglieggiatore {m}
extra- {prefix} (outside, beyond) :: extra-
extra {adj} /ˈɛkstɹə/ (beyond what is due, usual) :: extra
extra {adv} (to an extraordinary degree) :: eccezionalmente, straordinariamente
extra {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on ::
extracellular {adj} (occurring or found outside of a cell) :: extracellulare
extract {n} /ˈɛkstɹækt/ (portion of a document) :: estratto {f}
extract {n} (solution made by drawing out from a substance) :: estratto
extract {v} (to draw out) :: cavare
extraction {n} (extract obtained from a mixture or from a plant etc) SEE: extract ::
extractor hood {n} (kitchen device) :: cappa da cucina {f}
extradotal {adj} (wife's property) :: extradotale, parafernale
extragalactic {adj} (originating outside of a galaxy) :: estragalattico, extragalattico
extra-Italian {adj} :: extraitaliano
extrajudicial {adj} (carried out without legal authority) :: extragiudiziale, extragiuridico
extrajudicially {adv} (outside the legal system) :: extragiudizialmente
extramarital {adj} (taking place outside marriage) :: extraconiugale
extranational {adj} :: extranazionale
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural ::
extraneity {n} (state of being extraneous) :: estraneità {f}
extraneity {n} (something extraneous) :: estraneità {f}
extraordinarily {adv} (in an extraordinary manner) :: straordinariamente
extraordinary {adj} /ɪksˈtɹɔː(ɹ)dɪnəɹi/ (not ordinary) :: straordinario {m}, straordinaria {f}, eccezionale, fantastico, impareggiabile, ineguagliabile, fuori dal comune
extrapancreatic {adj} (originating outside of the pancreas) :: extrapancreatico
extrapolate {v} /ɛkˈstɹæp.əˌleɪt/ (to infer by extending known information) :: estrapolare
extrapolate {v} (to estimate the value of a variable outside a known range) :: estrapolare
extrapolation {n} (calculation of an estimate) :: estrapolazione {f}
extrapolation {n} (inference) :: estrapolazione
extrasectorial {adj} (pertaining to a different sector) :: extrasettore
extrasensory {adj} /ˌɛkstɹəˈsɛnsəɹi/ (of or relating to extrasensory perception) :: extrasensoriale
extrasensory perception {n} /ˌɛkstɹəˈsɛnsəɹi pəˈsɛpʃən/ (supposed ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels) :: percezione extrasensoriale {f}, sesto senso, ESP
extrasystolia {n} (altered rhythm) :: extrasistolia {f}
extrasystolic {adj} (relating to extrasystole) :: extrasistolico
extratemporal {adj} (happening outside of time) :: extratemporale
extraterrestrial {adj} /ˌɛkstɹətɚˈɛstɹi.əl/ (originating from outside of the Earth) :: extraterrestre
extraterritoriality {n} /ˌɛk.stɹəˌtɛ.ɹɪˌtɔː.ɹɪˈæl.ɪ.ti/ (immunity from the local laws of a certain area) :: extraterritorialità {f}
extra time {n} :: tempi supplementari {m-p}
extravagant {adj} /ɪkˈstɹævəɡənt/ (exceeding the bounds of something) :: stravagante, estravagante
extravascular {adj} (situated or happening outside of the blood vessels) :: extravascolare
extravehicular {adj} :: extraveicolare
Extremaduran {adj} (of, or relating to Extremaduran) :: estremadurano
Extremaduran {prop} (the language of Extremadura) :: estremadurano {m}
extreme {adj} /ɪkˈstɹiːm/ (of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost) :: estremo
extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree; intense) :: estremo
extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm) :: estremo
extreme {adj} (drastic, or of great severity) :: profondo
extreme {adj} (of sports, difficult or dangerous; performed in a hazardous environment) :: estremo
extreme {n} (greatest or utmost point, degree or condition) :: estremo {m}
extreme {n} (each of the things at opposite ends of a range or scale) :: estremo {m}
extremely {adv} /ɪksˈtɹiːmli/ (to an extreme degree) :: estremamente
extreme sport {n} (sport) :: sport estremo {m}
extremism {n} (extreme ideas or actions) :: estremismo {m}
extremity {n} /ɪkˈstɹɛmɪti/ (furthest point) :: estremità {f}
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb ::
extremum {n} (mathematics) :: estremo {n}
extrinsic {adj} /ɛks.ˈtɹɪn.zɪk/ :: estrinseco
extrorse {adj} (dehiscing outwards) :: estrorso
extroversion {n} (concern with or an orientation toward others) :: estroversione {f}
extroverted {adj} /ˈɛkstɹəˌvəɹtɪd/ (psychology: of or related to an extrovert) :: estroverso
extrusion {n} (manufacturing process) :: estrusione {f}
extrusive {adj} (jutting out or extruding) :: estrusivo
exuberance {n} /ɛksˈjuː.bɜːɹ.əns/ (The quality of being exuberant; cheerful or vigorous enthusiasm; liveliness) :: esuberanza {f}, entusiasmo {m}, vitalità {f}
exude {v} /ɪɡˈzud/ (to discharge through pores) :: trasudare
exult {v} /ɪɡˈzʌlt/ (rejoice) :: esultare
eye {v} /aɪ/ (to observe carefully or appraisingly) :: adocchiare, visionare
eye {v} (to view narrowly) :: adocchiare, spulciare
eye {v} (to look as if intending to do sthg) :: guatare
eye {v} :: occhio {m}
eye {n} (organ) :: occhio {m}
eye {n} (hole in needle) :: cruna {f}
eye {n} (loop of metal) :: occhiello {m}
eye {n} (of a hurricane) :: occhio {m}
eye {n} (mark on an animal resembling an eye) :: occhio {m}
eye {n} (of a potato) :: occhio
eye {n} (ability to notice what others might miss) :: occhio {m}
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye) :: bulbo oculare {m}
eyebath {n} :: occhiera {f}
eyebolt {n} (bolt with a looped head) :: occhione {m}, occhiolo {m}
eyebright {n} (any of the flowering plants of the genus Euphrasia) :: euphrasia {f}
eyebrow {n} /ˈaɪˌbɹaʊ/ (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket) :: sopracciglio {m}
eye contact {n} (action of looking at another human or animal in the eye) :: contatto visivo {m}
eyecup {n} (eyebath) SEE: eyebath ::
eyedrop {n} (eye medicine) :: collirio
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury) :: occhio per occhio
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury) :: occhio per occhio, dente per dente
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
eyelash {n} /ˈaɪlæʃ/ (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid) :: ciglio {m}
eyelet {n} /ˈaɪ.lət/ (A small hole to receive a cord or fastener) :: occhiello {m}
eyelid {n} /ˈaɪ.lɪd/ ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye) :: palpebra {f}
eye patch {n} (patch worn to cover one eye) :: occlusore {m}
eyeshade {n} (shield for the eyes) :: paraocchio {m}
eye shadow {n} (makeup around the eyes) :: ombretto
eyesight {n} /ˈaɪˌsaɪt/ (faculty of sight) :: vista {f}
eyes on the ground {n} (observer(s) in an area of interest) :: osservatori {m-p}, analizzatori {m-p}
eyesore {n} /ˈaɪˌsɔɹ/ (a displeasing sight) :: pugno in un occhio
eye tooth {n} (canine tooth) SEE: canine tooth ::
eyewall {n} (ring of towering thunderstorms of a cyclone) :: muro dell'occhio {m}
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event) :: testimone oculare
eyot {n} (islet) SEE: islet ::
Ezekiel {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ezechiele
Ezekiel {prop} (prophet) :: Ezechiele {m}
Ezekiel {prop} (male given name) :: Ezechiele {m}
Ezra {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Esdra
Ezra {prop} (Jewish high priest) :: Esdra {m}
Ezra {prop} (male given name) :: Esdra {m}
éminence grise {n} (a secret or unofficial decision-maker; the power behind the throne, see also: power broker) :: eminenza grigia {f}
Èze {prop} (a commune in France) :: Eza