G20 {prop} (group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies)
:: Gruppe der Zwanzig {f}
G8 {prop} (Group of 8)
:: Gruppe der Acht {f}
gab {n} (Idle chatter)
:: Geschwätz {n}, Gequassel {n}
gab {v} (to talk or chatter a lot, usually on trivial subjects)
:: schwatzen, quasseln
gabardine {n} (type of woolen cloth)
:: Gabardine {m}
gabbro {n} (igneous rock)
:: Gabbro {m}
gabby {adj} (inclined to talk too much, especially about trivia)
:: geschwätzig
gable {n} (triangular area of wall)
:: Giebel {m}
gable end {n} (side of a building)
:: Stirnseite {f}
gable roof {n} (a single-ridge roof that terminates at gable ends)
:: Satteldach {n}
Gabon {prop} (Gabonese Republic)
:: Gabun
Gabonese {n} (A person from Gabon or of Gabonese descent)
:: Gabuner {m}, Gabunerin {f}
Gabonese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gabon or the Gabonese people)
:: gabunisch
Gaborone {prop} (capital of Botswana)
:: Gaborone {n}
Gabriel {prop} (male given name)
:: Gabriel {m}
Gabriel {prop} (archangel)
:: Gabriel {m}
Gabriela {prop} (female given name)
:: Gabriele
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Oestridae) SEE: botfly
gadfly {n} (one who upsets the status quo)
:: Störenfried {m}, Querulant {m}, Quälgeist {m}
gadfly {n} (one who merely irritates)
:: Störenfried {m}, Querulant {m}, Quälgeist {m}
gadfly {n} (slang: bloodsucker)
:: Blutsauger {m}
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly
gadget {n} (any device or machine)
:: Apparat {n}, Gadget {n}, Gerät {n}
gadolinium {n} (chemical element)
:: Gadolinium {m}
gadwall {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck)
:: Schnatterente {f}
Gaea {prop} (earth goddess)
:: Gaia {f}
Gael {n} (ethnic group)
:: Gäle {m}, Gälin {f}
Gaelic {prop} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic
Gaelic {prop} (Goidelic) SEE: Goidelic
Gaetan {prop} (Cajetan) SEE: Cajetan
gaff {n} (minor error or faux pas) SEE: gaffe
gaff {n} (handle with a hook)
:: Fischhaken {n}
gaffe {n} (a foolish error, especially one made in public)
:: Fauxpas {m}, Ausrutscher {m}, Patzer {m}
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby
gaffer {n} (chief lighting technician)
:: Oberbeleuchter {m}
gaffer {n} (glassblower) SEE: glassblower
gaffsail {n} (topsail)
:: Gaffelsegel {n}
gag {n} (device to restrain speech)
:: Knebel {m}
gag {n} (order or rule forbidding discussion)
:: Maulkorberlass {m}
gag {n} (joke or prank)
:: Witz {m}, Gag {m}
gag {v} (To experience the vomiting reflex)
:: würgen
gag {v} (To restrain someone's speech)
:: knebeln, mundtot machen
gaga {adj} (senile)
:: senil, tüdelig
gaga {adj} (crazy)
:: verrückt, bekloppt, plemplem, gaga
gaga {adj} (infatuated)
:: verknallt
Gagauz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Gagauzia, Gagauz people, or the language)
:: gagausisch
Gagauz {prop} (language)
:: Gagausisch {n}
Gagauzia {prop} (Autonomous region)
:: Gagausien {n}
gage {v} (gauge) SEE: gauge
gag order {n} (an order issued by a court)
:: Maulkorberlass {m}
gahnite {n} (mineral)
:: Gahnit {m}
Gaian {n} (radical Green)
:: Gaianer {m}
gaiety {n} (state of being happy)
:: Frohsinn {n}
gain {v} (acquire)
:: gewinnen
gain {n} (act of gaining)
:: Gewinnen {n}, Zugewinnen {n}
gain {n} (what one gains (profit))
:: Gewinn {m}, Zugewinn {m}, Ertrag {m}, Ausbeute {f}
gain {n} (factor by which signal is multiplied)
:: Verstärkung {f}
gain ground {v} (to make progress or obtain advantage)
:: Boden gewinnen, an Boden gewinnen
gainsay {v} (to contradict something said)
:: leugnen, widersprechen
gain weight {v} (put on weight) SEE: put on weight
gainword {n} (a word a language has borrowed from another language) SEE: loanword
gait {n} (manner of walking)
:: Gang {m}, Gangart {f}
gait {n} (horse's way of moving)
:: Gangart {f}
gaiter {n} (covering for the ankle and instep)
:: Gamasche
gaiwan {n} (lidded cup or bowl)
:: Gaiwan
galactagogue {n} (substance that induces lactation)
:: Galaktagogum {n}
galactic {adj} (relating to a/the galaxy)
:: galaktisch
galago {n} (primate)
:: Galago {m}
galah {n} (cockatoo)
:: Rosakakadu {m}
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool
galangal {n} (any of several plants of the ginger family)
:: Galgant {m}
Galatia {prop} (region of Asia Minor)
:: Galatien {n}
Galatians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Galater
galaxy {n} (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc)
:: Galaxie {f}, Galaxis {f}, Welteninsel {f}
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way
galaxy cluster {n} (cluster of galaxies)
:: Galaxienhaufen {m}
galaxy group {n}
:: Galaxiengruppe {f}
galbanum {n} (bitter, aromatic resin or gum, extracted from plants of the genus Ferula)
:: Galbanharz {n}
gale {n} (meteorology: a very strong wind)
:: Sturm {m}
gale {n} (Myrica gale)
:: Gagelstrauch {m}
galena {n} (mineral)
:: Galenit {m}
galeophobia {n} (fear of cats and felines) SEE: ailurophobia
galeophobia {n} (irrational fear of sharks or dogfish)
:: Selachophobie {f}
galette {n} (a type of flat, round cake)
:: Galette {f}
Galicia {prop} (Iberian kingdom, region of Spain)
:: Galicien {n}, Galizien {n}
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe)
:: Galizien {n}
Galician {adj} (pertaining to Galicia in Iberia)
:: galicisch, galizisch
Galician {n} (person(s) from Galicia, Spain)
:: Galicier {m}, Galicierin {f}, Galizier {m}, Galizierin {f}
Galician {n} (Romance language spoken in Galicia)
:: Galizisch {n}, Galicisch {n}
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to the region of Galilee)
:: galiläisch
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to a Galilean, Galileans)
:: galiläisch
Galilean {n} (zealous follower of Judas of Galilee)
:: Galiläer {m}, Galiläerin {f}
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to Galileo Galilei)
:: galileisch
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel)
:: Galiläa {n}
gall {n} (impudence or brazenness)
:: Frechheit {f}, Unverfrorenheit {f}
gall {v} (to trouble or bother)
:: stören, lästigfallen
gall {v} (to harass, harry)
:: belästigen, schikanieren
gall {v} (to chafe)
:: wundreiben, wundscheuern
gall {v} (to exasperate)
:: ärgern
gall {n} (blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants)
:: Galle {f}, Gallapfel {m}, Pflanzengalle {f}, Zezidie {f}, Cecidie {f}
gall {n} (bile) SEE: bile
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder
gallantry {n} (courage)
:: Tapferkeit
gallate {n} (oxoanion of gallium)
:: Gallat {n}
gallate {n} (salt or ester of gallic acid)
:: Gallat {n}
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile)
:: Gallenblase {f}
galleass {n} (vessel)
:: Galeasse {f}
Gallegan {prop} (the Galician language) SEE: Galician
galleon {n} (large sailing ship)
:: Galeone {f}
gallerist {n} (the owner or operator of an art gallery)
:: Galerist {m}, Galeristin {f}
gallery {n} (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)
:: Galerie {f}
gallery {n} (establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art)
:: Galerie {f}
gallery {n} (area of a theater, concert hall, or auditorium)
:: Galerie {f}
gallery {n} (roofed promenade along the wall of a building)
:: Galerie {f}
galley {n} (ship propelled primarily by oars)
:: Galeere {f}
galley {n} (cooking room or kitchen and cooking apparatus of a vessel or aircraft)
:: Kombüse {f}
galley proof {n} (trial page or proof of continuous text)
:: Druckfahne {f}, Korrekturfahne {f}
galliard {n} (9-point type) SEE: bourgeois
galliard {n} (8-point type) SEE: brevier
Gallic {adj} (of or relating to Gaul or France)
:: gallisch
gallic acid {n} (acid found in galls, etc)
:: Gallussäure {f}
gallicize {v} (to make French as the culture, customs, pronunciation, or style)
:: französisieren
galliform {adj} (of or pertaining to a chicken or other member of the order Galliformes)
:: galliform, hühnerartig
galliform {n} (galliform bird)
:: Hühnervogel {m}, hühnerartiger Vogel {m}
gallimaufry {n} (Hash of various kinds of meats)
:: Gemisch {n}, Mischmasch {m}
gallimaufry {n} (Any absurd medley)
:: Sammelsurium {n}
galling {adj} (vexing)
:: ärgerlich
Gallio {prop} (town in Italy)
:: Gelle, Gäll
Gallipoli {prop} (peninsula)
:: Gallipoli {n}
gallium {n} (chemical element)
:: Gallium {n}
gallium arsenide {n} (binary compound of gallium and arsenic, GaAs)
:: Galliumarsenid {n}
gallium arsenide phosphide {n}
:: Galliumarsenidphosphid {n}
gallize {v} (to add sugar and water to (unfermented grape juice) so as to increase the quantity of wine produced)
:: gallisiren
gall midge {n} (gall midge)
:: Gallmücke
gallon {n} (a unit of volume used for liquids)
:: Gallone {f}
gallon {n} (a Gallon in the U.S. Customary System)
:: Gallone {f}
gallop {n} (fastest gait of a horse)
:: Galopp {m}
gallop {v} (to ride at a galloping pace)
:: galoppieren
Gallo-Roman {n} (Romanized Gaul)
:: Galloromanisch {n}
Gallo-Roman {adj} (pertaining to the period of Roman rule in Gaul)
:: galloromanisch, gallorömisch
gallows {n} (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging)
:: Galgen {m}
gallows bird {n} (person who deserves to be hanged)
:: Galgenvogel {m}
gallows humor {n} (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a perfectly hopeless situation)
:: Galgenhumor {m}, grünes Lachen {n}
gallstone {n} (small, hard object, that sometimes forms in the gall bladder)
:: Gallenstein {m}
galoot {n} (clumsy or uncouth person)
:: Tölpel {m} , Dummkopf {m}, Steinzeitmensch {m}
galore {adj} (in abundance)
:: im Überfluss {m}
galosh {n} (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow)
:: Galosche {f}, Überschuh {m}, Gamasche {f}
galoshe {n} (overshoe worn in wet weather)
:: Galosche {f}
Galápagos penguin {n} (penguin)
:: Galápagos-Pinguin {m}
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend
galvanic {adj} (of or pertaining to galvanism; electric)
:: galvanisch
galvanised {adj} (coated with zinc)
:: galvanisiert
galvanization {n} (the process of galvanizing)
:: Galvanisierung {f}
galvanize {v} (to coat with rust-resistant zinc)
:: verzinken
galvanize {v} (to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means)
:: galvanisieren
galvanize {v} (to shock or stimulate into sudden activity)
:: aufrütteln, aufschrecken, wachrütteln, einen Impuls setzen, beleben
Galway {prop} (county in Ireland)
:: Galway {n}, County Galway {n}
Galway {prop} (city in Ireland)
:: Galway {n}
Galway Bay {prop} (bay off the west coast of Ireland)
:: Galway Bay {f}, Galwaybucht {f}
Gambia {prop} (The Republic of The Gambia)
:: Gambia
Gambian {adj} (of Gambia)
:: gambisch
Gambian {n} (person from Gambia)
:: Gambier {m}, Gambierin {f}
gambist {n}
:: Gambist {m}, Gambistin {f}
gambit {n} (chess move)
:: Gambit {n}
gamble {n} (a risk undertaken with a potential gain)
:: Glücksspiel {n}, Hazardspiel {n}
gamble {n} (a risky venture)
:: Glücksspiel {n}
gamble {v} (to take a risk, with the potential of a positive outcome)
:: riskant spielen, spekulieren, zocken, hasardieren
gamble {v} (to play risky games for monetary gain)
:: wetten, spielen, zocken
gamble {v} ((transitive) to risk something for potential gain)
:: aufs Spiel {n} setzen, hasardieren, wagen
gambler {n} (one who plays at a game of chance)
:: Glücksspieler {m}, Glücksspielerin {f}
gambler {n} (one who takes significant risks)
:: Hasardeur {m}, Hasardeurin {f}
gambling {n} (activity characterised by a balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance)
:: Glücksspiel {n}
gamboge {n} (resin of the gamboge tree)
:: Gamboge, Gummigutt {n}, Gummigutta {n}, Gutti
game {n} (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime)
:: Spiel {n}
game {n} (particular instance of playing a game; match)
:: Spiel {n}
game {n} (video game, see also: video game)
:: Computerspiel {n}, Videospiel {n}
game {n} (wild animals hunted for food)
:: Wild {n}
game {adj} (willing to participate)
:: bereit, dabei
game {v} (To play games and be a gamer)
:: zocken
game {v} (to gamble) SEE: gamble
gamebook {n}
:: Spielbuch {n}
gamecock {n} (fighting cock)
:: Kampfhahn {m}
game console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console
gamekeeper {n} (person employed to maintain the game)
:: Wildhüter {m}
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage
game of chance {n} (game in which the outcome is at least partly determined by random variables)
:: Glücksspiel {n}
game over {phrase} (message)
:: Game over {n}
game point {n}
:: Spielball {m}
gamer {n} (person who plays video games)
:: Spieler {m}, Spielerin {f}, Gamer {m}
games console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console
game, set, match {phrase} (tennis)
:: Spiel, Satz und Sieg
game show {n} (a radio or television programme)
:: Spielshow {f}
gamester {n} (gambler) SEE: gambler
gamete {n} (reproductive cell)
:: Geschlechtszellen, Gamet {m}
game theory {n} (mathematical study of strategic situations)
:: Spieltheorie {f}
gamification {n} (use of gameplay)
:: Gamification {f}, Gamifikation {f}, Gamifizierung {f}, Spielifikation {f}, Gamifizierung {f}
gamify {v} (to convert into the form of a game)
:: gamifizieren
gamin {n} (homeless boy; street urchin)
:: Straßenjunge {m}
gaming console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console
gaming machine {n} (machine for gambling)
:: Spielautomat {m}
gamma {n} (third letter of the Greek alphabet)
:: Gamma {n}
gamma-aminobutyric acid {n} (amino acid)
:: 4-Aminobutansäure {f}
gamma function {n} (function which generalizes the notion of a factorial)
:: Gammafunktion {f}
gamma-hydroxybutyric acid {n} (chemical)
:: 4-Hydroxybutansäure {f}
gamma ray {n} (very high frequency electromagnetic radiation)
:: Gammastrahlung {f}
gamma-ray burst {n} (flash of gamma rays)
:: Gammastrahlenblitz {m}, Gammablitz {m}
gamut {n} (complete range)
:: Skala {f}, Palette {f}
gamut {n} (all the notes in the musical scale)
:: Tonumfang {m}
gamut {n} (all the colours available to a device)
:: Farbumfang {m}, Gamut {m}
Gan {prop} (one of Sinitic languages)
:: Gan {n}
ganache {n}
:: Ganache {f}, Canache {f}, Pariser Creme {f}, Ganachecreme, Ganachecrème
Ganassi {prop}
:: Ganassi
gander {n} (a male goose)
:: Gänserich {m}, Ganter {m}, Ganterich {m} , Ganser {m} , Ganauser {m} , Gänser {m}
gander {n} ((slang) a look)
:: Blick {m}
Gandhi {prop} (surname Gandhi)
:: Gandhi
Ganesha {prop} (Hindu god)
:: Ganesha
gang {n} (a company of persons)
:: Bande {f}, Rotte {f}, Clique {f}, Freundeskreis {m}
gang {n} (a company of labourers)
:: Arbeitsmannschaft {f}, Arbeitskolonne {f}, Arbeitstrupp {m}, Arbeitsgruppe {f}
gang {n} (criminal group with a common background)
:: Bande {f}, Verbrecherbande {f}, Gangsterbande {f}
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection)
:: Bande {f}
gang bang {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy
gang bang {n} (gang rape) SEE: gang rape
gangboard {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside)
:: Steg {m}, Landungssteg {m}, Landungsbrücke {m}
Ganges {prop} (the river)
:: Ganges {m}
ganglion {n} (cluster of interconnecting nerve cells outside the brain)
:: Ganglion {m}
ganglion {n} (centre of power or authority)
:: Kopf {m}
Gang of Four {prop} (leftist political faction)
:: Viererbande {f}
gangplank {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside)
:: Steg {m}, Landungssteg {m}, Landungsbrücke {m}
gang rape {n} (rape by a number of people)
:: Gruppenvergewaltigung {f}
gangrene {n} (the necrosis or rotting of flesh)
:: Gangrän {f}, Wundbrand, Brand
gangster {n} (street gang member)
:: Gangster {m}, Bandit {m}
gangue {n} (earthy waste substances occurring in metallic ore)
:: Gang {m}, Gangart {f}, Gangerz {n}
ganguro {n} (Japanese fashion trend involving dyed hair and tanned skin)
:: Ganguro {n}
gangway {n} (passageway)
:: Gang {m}, Gangway {f}
gangway {n} (temporary bridge)
:: Gangway {f}
gangway {n} (temporary plank bridge, path, or passageway)
:: Landungsbrücke {f}
gangway {n} (clear path through a crowd)
:: Durchgang {m}
gangway {n} (nautical: passage on upper deck)
:: Gangway {f}
gangway {n} (nautical: passage through the side of a ship)
:: Gangway {f}
gangway {interj} (make way)
:: Mach Platz!
gangway {n} (aisle) SEE: aisle
ganja {n} (slang for marijuana)
:: Ganja {n}
gannet {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton
gannet {n} (sea bird)
:: Basstölpel {m}, Tölpel {m}
gantlope {n} (gauntlet) SEE: gauntlet
gantry {n} (framework of steel bars bridging over something)
:: Signalbrücke {f}
Ganymede {prop} (in Greek mythology)
:: Ganymed {m}
Ganymede {prop} (satellite of Jupiter)
:: Ganymed {m}
gaol {v} (jail) SEE: jail
Gaonic {adj} (related to the Geonim)
:: gaonäisch
Gaosyong {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung
Gaoxiong {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung
gap {n} (hiatus) SEE: hiatus
gap {n} (opening made by breaking or parting)
:: Spalte {f}, Ritz {m}, Ritze {f}
gap {n} (opening allowing passage or entrance)
:: Spalt {m}
gapless {adj} (having no gaps)
:: lückenlos
gap of danger {n} (place which is hard to defend, danger)
:: Schlucht der Gefahr {f}
gar {n} (garfish)
:: Knochenhecht {m}
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station
garage {n} (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.)
:: Garage {f}
garage {n} (space in a canal to enable vessels to pass each other) SEE: siding
garage door {n} (door on a garage)
:: Garagentor {n}, Garagentür {f}
garage sale {n} (a sale of used household goods in the driveway or garage)
:: Garagenverkauf {m}
garbage {n} (waste material)
:: Abfall {m}, Müll {m}
garbage bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste)
:: Müllbeutel {m}
garbage can {n} (waste receptacle)
:: Mülltonne {f}; Mülleimer {m}, Abfalleimer {m}; Papierkorb {m}, Abfallbehälter {m}
garbage collection {n} (service for transporting household garbage)
:: Müllabfuhr {f}
garbage collection {n} (programming)
:: Freispeichersammlung {f}, automatische Speicherbereinigung {f}
garbage collector {n} (worker)
:: Müllmann {m} ; Müllwerker {m} ; Müllfrau {f}, Müllwerkerin {f}
garbage collector {n} (program)
:: Garbage Collector {m}
garbage disposal {n} (device in kitchen sink to wash away waste)
:: Küchenabfallzerkleinerer {m}
garbage man {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector
garbage truck {n} (waste collection vehicle)
:: Müllauto {n}, Müllwagen {m}
garbage woman {n} (female garbage collector)
:: Müllfrau {f}; Müllwerkerin {f}
garbanzo {n} (edible pulse)
:: Kichererbse {f}
garble {v} (to mutilate; to pervert)
:: verstümmeln
garbologist {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector
garbologist {n} (one who examines refuse using archaeological techniques)
:: Garbologe {m}, Garbologin {f}
garbology {n} (anthropological study of society through refuse)
:: Garbologie {f}
garden {n} (piece of land outside with flowers and plants)
:: Garten {m}
garden {n} (gardens with public access)
:: Garten {m}
garden {n} (grounds at the front or back of a house)
:: Garten {m}, Vorgarten {m}
garden {n} (slang: the pubic hair)
:: Gestrüpp {n}
garden {v} (grow plants)
:: gärtnern
garden balsam {n} (Impatiens balsamina)
:: Springkraut {n}, Rühr-mich-nicht-an {n}
gardenburger {n} (vegetarian imitation hamburger)
:: Brätling {m}
garden city {n} (planned city with gardens)
:: Gartenstadt {f}
garden cress {n} (the leafy plant)
:: Kresse {f}, Gartenkresse {f}
gardener {n} (one who gardens)
:: Gärtner {m}, Gärtnerin {f}
garden gnome {n} (a small statue of a gnome used as a garden ornament)
:: Gartenzwerg {m}
garden hose {n} (type of hose)
:: Gartenschlauch {m}
garden hose {n} (length of hose)
:: Gartenschlauch {m}
gardenia {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Gardenia)
:: Gardenie {f}
gardening {n} (the care of a garden)
:: Gartenarbeit {f}, Gärtnerei {f}
Garden of Eden {prop} (place where Adam and Eve first lived)
:: Garten Eden {m}
garden variety {adj} (ordinary)
:: Feld-Wald-und-Wiesen-, Feld-, Wald- und Wiesen-, Wald- und Wiesen-
garden warbler {n} (Sylvia borin)
:: Gartengrasmücke {f}
garfish {n} (fish of family Belonidae)
:: Hornhecht {f}
garganey {n} (duck)
:: Knäkente {f}
gargle {v} (to clean one's mouth)
:: gurgeln
gargle {v} (to make such a sound)
:: gurgeln
gargle {n} (liquid)
:: Gurgellösung {f}, Gurgelwasser {n}
gargoyle {n} (carved grotesque figure on a spout)
:: Wasserspeier
garish {adj} (overly ostentatious; so colourful as to be in bad taste)
:: grell, protzig, auffallend, aufdringlich, knallig, knallbunt, schreiend bunt
garland {n} (wreath of flowers)
:: Girlande {f}
garland {n}
:: Girlande {f}
garland chrysanthemum {n} (Glebionis coronaria)
:: Kronenwucherblume {f}, Speisechrysantheme {f}, Salatchrysantheme {f}, Garland-Chrysantheme {f}
garlic {n} (plant)
:: Knoblauch {m}
garlic bread {n} (bread topped with garlic)
:: Knoblauchbrot {n}
garlic mustard {n} (Alliaria petiolata)
:: Knoblauchrauke {f}, Knoblauchhederich {m}, Läuchel {m}
garlic press {n} (ustensil)
:: Knoblauchpresse {f}
garment {n} (single item of clothing)
:: Kleidungsstück {n}
garmon {n} (a small Russian button accordion)
:: Garmon {n}
garner {n} (granary)
:: Magazin {n}, Reservoir {n}, Speicher {m}, Vorratsraum {m}
garner {v} (to reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary)
:: aufspeichern
garnet {n} (mineral)
:: Granat {m}
garnet {n} (colour)
:: Granat, Granatrot {n}
garnish {v} (to decorate with ornamental appendages)
:: verzieren
garnish {v} (to ornament)
:: verzieren, garnieren
garnish {n}
:: Garnierung {f}
garnish {v} (fetter) SEE: fetter
garnishment {n} (a judgment that a third party should pay money owing to a defendant directly to a plaintiff)
:: Pfändung {f}, Zahlungsverbot an den Drittschuldner {n}
garniture {n} (something that garnishes)
:: Garnitur
garçon {n} (a male waiter (in a French context), see also: waiter)
:: Garçon {m}
garçonnière {n} (bachelor pad) SEE: bachelor pad
garret {n} (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house)
:: Mansarde {f}, Dachwohnung {f}
garret window {n} (skylight that lies along the slope of the roof)
:: Dachflächenfenster {n}, Dachfenster {n}
garrison {n} (post)
:: Standort {m}, Garnison {f}
garrison {n}
:: Standort {m} , Garnison {f}
garrote {n} (iron collar used to execute by strangulation)
:: Würgeisen {n}
garrote {n} (cord or wire used for strangulation)
:: Garotte {f}
garrulity {n} (state or characteristic of being garrulous)
:: Geschwätzigkeit {f}
garrulous {adj} (excessively or tiresomely talkative)
:: geschwätzig
garrulousness {n} (garrulity) SEE: garrulity
garter {n} (band around leg)
:: Strumpfband {n}
garter belt {n} (suspender belt) SEE: suspender belt
gas {n} ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter)
:: Gas {n}
gas {n} ((US) gas in digestion)
:: Blähung {f}
gas {v} (kill with poisonous gas)
:: vergasen
gas {n} (fuel)
:: Benzin {n}
gas {v} (give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate)
:: Gas geben
gas {v} (fill a vehicle's fuel tank)
:: auftanken, tanken
gasbag {n} (gasbag) SEE: windbag
gasbag {n} (bag or bladder to hold a reservoir of gas)
:: Gassack {m}
gas bladder {n} (internal organ) SEE: swim bladder
gas centrifuge {n}
:: Gaszentrifuge {f}
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas)
:: Gaskammer {f}, Vergasungskeller {m}
gasconade {n} (boastful talk)
:: Gascognade {f}
gas constant {n} (universal constant R)
:: Gaskonstante {f}
Gascony {prop} (Former region of France)
:: Gascogne {f}
gas cylinder {n} (cylindrical vessel)
:: Gasflasche {f}
gaseous {adj} (relating to, or existing as, gas)
:: gasförmig
gaseous {adj} (of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy)
:: gashaltig, kohlensäurehaltig (of carbonated beverages)
gas field {n} (natural gas field)
:: Erdgasfeld {n}
gas giant {n} (large planet of gas)
:: Gasriese {m}, Gasplanet {m}
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva
gasholder {n}
:: Gasbehälter {m}, Gasspeicher {m}, Gasometer {m}
gasifier {n} (apparatus used to perform gasification)
:: Vergaser {m}
gasify {v} (to convert into gas)
:: vergasen
gasket {n} (mechanical seal)
:: Dichtung {f}
gaslight {n} (lamp which burns piped illuminating gas)
:: Gaslampe {f}
gaslight {n} (light produced by burning gas)
:: Gaslicht {n}
gaslight {v} (to manipulate (someone) psychologically such that they question their own memory, perception, and sanity)
:: mit Psychotricks allmählich in den Wahnsinn treiben, mit Psychotricks langsam irre machen
gas mask {n} (a covering for the face with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas)
:: Gasmaske {f}, Atemschutzmaske {f}
gas meter {n} (a meter which measures the amount of gas supplied to a property via a gas main)
:: Gaszähler {m}
Gasmoulos {n}
:: Gasmule
gasoline {n} (motor fuel)
:: Benzin {n}
gasometer {n} (gasholder) SEE: gasholder
gasp {v} (to draw in the breath suddenly)
:: keuchen
gasp {v} (to breathe laboriously or convulsively)
:: japsen, prusten, keuchen
gasp {n} (A short, sudden intake of breath)
:: Atemzug {m}, Luftholen {n}, Schnaufen {n}, Keuchen {n}, Prusten {n}
gasp {n} (A draw or drag on a cigarette (or gasper))
:: Zug {m}
gas pedal {n} (accelerator) SEE: accelerator
gas plant {n} (Dictamnus albus)
:: Diptam {m}, Aschwurz {m}, Brennender Busch {m}
gas pump {n} (device at a gas station that dispenses gasoline)
:: Zapfsäule {f}
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car)
:: Tankstelle {f}, Tanke {f}
gassy {adj} (tending to release flatus) SEE: flatulent
gassy {adj} (of a beverage: containing dissolved gas)
:: gasförmig
gas tank {n} (fuel tank)
:: Benzintank {m}, Tank {m}
gastralgia {n} (stomachache) SEE: stomachache
gastric {adj} (Of or relating to the stomach)
:: gastrisch
gastric acid {n} (acidic secretion of the stomach)
:: Magensäure {f}, Magensaft {m}
gastric juice {n} (secretion of the stomach) SEE: gastric acid
gastritis {n} (inflammation of the lining of the stomach)
:: Gastritis {f}, Magenschleimhautentzündung {f}
gastro- {prefix} (meaning stomach)
:: gastro-
gastrocnemius {n} (muscle at the back of the calf)
:: Zwillingswadenmuskel {m}
gastroenteritis {n} (inflammation)
:: Gastroenteritis {f}; Margen-Darm-Grippe {f}, Brechdurchfall {m}
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system)
:: Gastroenterologie {f}
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (pain from influx of gastric juices into the esophagus) SEE: heartburn
gastrointestinal tract {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract
gastronome {n} (gourmet) SEE: gourmet
gastronomy {n} (study of the relationship between food and culture)
:: Gastronomie {f}
gastroschisis {n}
:: Gastroschisis {f}
gastrulation {n} (stage of embryo development)
:: Gastrulation {f}
gas up {v} ((US slang) To fill a gas tank with fuel)
:: auftanken, tanken
gasworks {n} (factory)
:: Gaswerk {n}
-gate {suffix} (component in names of scandals)
:: -gate {n}
gate {n} (door-like structure outside)
:: Tor {n}
gate {n} (doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall)
:: Tor {n}
gate {n} (movable barrier)
:: Schlagbaum {m}, Schranke {f}
gate {n} (in an air terminal)
:: Flugsteig {m}, Gate {n}
gateau {n} (rich, iced cake)
:: Kuchen {m}, Torte {f}
gatecrash {v} (to go to a social event without being invited, or without having paid)
:: ungebeten erscheinen
gatecrasher {n} (a person who gatecrashes)
:: Eindringling {m}
gateway {n} (entrance)
:: Einfahrt {f}, Tor {n}, Zugang {m}
gateway {n} (computer network access point)
:: Gateway {n}, Protokollumsetzer {m}
gateway drug {n} (substance that is believed to encourage the user to experiment with more harmful substances)
:: Einstiegsdroge {f}
gather {v} (to bring together; to collect)
:: sammeln, versammeln
gatherer {n} (person who gathers things)
:: Sammler {m}
gathering {n} (get-together, social function)
:: Zusammenkunft {f}, Versammlung {f}
gathering {n} (group of people or things)
:: Ansammlung {f}
Gatling gun {n} (a type of machine gun)
:: Gatling-Kanone
gauche {adj} (awkward, bumbling)
:: unbeholfen, linkisch, plump
gaucho {n} (South American cowboy)
:: Gaucho {m}
gaudy {adj} (very showy or ornamented)
:: knallig, grell, protzig, kitschig, aufsehenerregend
Gaugamela {prop} (village)
:: Gaugamela
gauge {n} (a measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard)
:: Meter {n}, Messgerät {n}, Maß {n}
gauge {n} (any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the level, state, dimensions or forms of things; as, a rain gauge; a steam gauge)
:: Messgerät {n}, Meter {f}
gauge {n} (distance between the rails of a railway)
:: Spurweite {f}
gauge {n} (a semi-norm; a function that assigns a non-negative size to all vectors in a vector space)
:: Maß {n}
gauge {v} (measure)
:: messen
gauge boson {n} (particle)
:: Eichboson {n}
gauge theory {n} (type of field theory)
:: Eichtheorie {f}
gauging {n}
:: Eichung {f}, eichen, ergründen
Gaul {prop} (region)
:: Gallien {n}
Gaul {n} (person)
:: Gallier {m}, Gallierin {f}
gauleiter {n} (an official in charge of a district of Nazi Germany)
:: Gauleiter {m}
Gaulish {adj} (of or pertaining to Gaul)
:: gallisch
Gaulish {prop} (Celtic language of Gaul)
:: Gallisch {n}
gaunt {adj} (lean, angular and bony)
:: knochig, dünn, hager, mager
gaunt {adj} (haggard, drawn and emaciated)
:: abgemagert, ausgemergelt
gaunt {adj} (bleak, barren and desolate)
:: kahl, nackt, öde, verlassen, trostlos, karg
gauntlet {n} (protective armor for the hands)
:: Kampfhandschuh {m}
gauntlet {n} (two parallel rows of attackers who strike at a criminal)
:: Spießrutenlauf
gauntlet {n} (any challenging, difficult, or painful ordeal)
:: Spießrutenlauf {m}
gaur {n} (Bos gaurus)
:: Gaur {m}
Gaussian {adj} (Gaussian)
:: Gaußsch
Gaussian distribution {n} (probability distribution)
:: Gauß-Verteilung {f}
gauze {n} (thin fabric with open weave)
:: Gaze {f}
gauze {n} (cotton fabric used as surgical dressing)
:: Gaze {f}, Mullbinde
gavel {n} (wooden mallet)
:: Hammer {m}; Richterhammer {m} ; Auktionshammer {m}
gavial {n} (crocodilian of genus Gavialis)
:: Gangesgavial {m}, Gharial {m}, Gavial {m}
gay {adj} (sexually promiscuous) SEE: promiscuous
gay {adj} (happy, joyful and lively)
:: fröhlich, lustig, ausgelassen
gay {adj} (festive, bright, colorful)
:: bunt
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian)
:: homosexuell, schwul , Homofürst {m} , lesbisch
gay {adj} (typical of homosexual appearance)
:: schwul
gay {adj} (lame, uncool (used to express dislike))
:: schwul
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger)
:: Homosexueller , Schwuler {m}, Homo {m}, Gay {m}
gay bar {n} (nightclub whose primary clientele are LGBT people)
:: Gay-Bar {f}, Schwulenbar {f}
gaydar {n} (ability to detect if a person is gay)
:: Gaydar {n}
gay marriage {n} (marriage between two people of the same sex)
:: gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe {f}, Homoehe {f}, Homo-Ehe {f}, Schwulenehe {f}
gay pride {n} (a feeling of pride in one's homosexuality)
:: Gay Pride
gay rights {n} (gay rights)
:: Schwulenrechte {n-p}, Lesben- und Schwulenrechte {n-p}
Gaza {prop} (city)
:: Gaza {n}
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip
Gazaean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gaza or its people.) SEE: Gazan
Gazaean {n} (An inhabitant of Gaza or native to it.) SEE: Gazan
Gazan {n}
:: Gazäer
Gazan {adj}
:: gazäisch
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip)
:: Gazastreifen {m}
gaze {v} (to stare intently or earnestly)
:: anstarren
gazebo {n} (roofed structure)
:: Pavillon {m}; Salettl {n}; Laube {f}, Gartenlaube {f}
gazehound {n} (sighthound) SEE: sighthound
gazelle {n} (antelope)
:: Gazelle {f}
gazette {n} (newspaper, see also: newspaper)
:: Amtsblatt {n}, Anzeiger {m}
gazetteer {n} (geographic dictionary or encyclopedia)
:: Ortslexikon {n}
gazpacho {n} (cold soup of Spanish origin)
:: Gazpacho {m} {f}
gcd {n} (initialism for greatest common divisor)
:: ggT {m}
G clef {n} (treble clef)
:: Violinschlüssel {m}
G-d {prop} (deliberately incomplete spelling of God)
:: G'tt, G-tt
Gdańsk {prop} (city of Poland)
:: Danzig {n}, Gdańsk {n}
Gödel number {n} (number uniquely assigned to each symbol)
:: Gödelnummer {f}
Gödel's incompleteness theorem {prop} (theorem)
:: Gödelscher Unvollständigkeitssatz {m}
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product)
:: BIP
GDPR {prop} (2018 EU regulation concerning personal data)
:: DSGVO {f}, DS-GVO {f}, EU-DSGVO {f}, EU-DS-GVO {f}, EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung {f}
GDR {prop} (German Democratic Republic)
:: DDR {f}
Gdynia {prop} (city)
:: Gdingen
gear {n} (equipment or paraphernalia)
:: Ausrüstung {f}
gear {n} (a wheel with grooves)
:: Zahnrad {n}
gear {n} (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears)
:: Gang {m}
gear {n} (motor car transmission)
:: Gangschaltung {f}
gear {n} ((slang) recreational drugs)
:: Stoff {m}
gearbox {n} (train of gears)
:: Getriebe {n}
gear lever {n} (lever used to change gears)
:: Schalthebel {m}, Schaltknüppel {m}
gear stick {n} (gear lever) SEE: gear lever
gearstick {n} (gear lever) SEE: gear lever
gear wheel {n} (wheel with a toothed rim)
:: Zahnrad {n}
Geat {n} (tribe member)
:: Gaute {m}
gecko {n} (lizard of the family Gekkonidae)
:: Gecko {m}
gedankenexperiment {n} (thought experiment) SEE: thought experiment
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look
geek {n} (expert in a technical field, particularly to do with computers)
:: Geek {m}, Freak {m}, Spezialist {m}
geek {n} (person intensely interested in a particular field or hobby)
:: Spezialist {m}, Freak {m}
geek {n} (carnival performer)
:: Straßenkünstler {m}
geeky {adj} (like a geek)
:: dämlich
gee up {interj} (direction to a horse) SEE: giddyup
geez {interj} (An exclamation denoting surprise or frustration)
:: jessas
geez {interj} (Exclamation of fright)
:: Jesses
geez {interj} (Exclamation of incredulity)
:: jessas
Ge'ez {prop} (Ethiopian language)
:: Altäthiopisch {n}
geezer {n} (device for boiling water) SEE: geyser
geezer {n} (male person)
:: Typ {m}, Kerl {m}
geezer {n} (informal: old person, especially male)
:: Knacker {m}, Greis {m}, alter Knacker {m}, alte Schachtel {f}
Gehenna {prop} (hell, in Abrahamic religions)
:: Gehinnom
Gehinnom {prop} (Jewish realm of the afterlife) SEE: Gehenna
Geiger counter {n} (device)
:: Geigerzähler {m}
geisha {n} (a Japanese entertainer)
:: Geisha {f}
gel {n} (suspension of solid in liquid)
:: Gel {n}
gel {n} (any gel for a particular cosmetic use)
:: Gel {n}
gelada {n} (primate)
:: Dschelada {f}
Gelasian {prop} (geological age)
:: Gelasium
gelatin {n} (protein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen)
:: Gelatine {f}
gelatin {n} (edible jelly)
:: Gelatine {f}
gelatinous {adj} (jelly-like)
:: gelatineartig, gelatinös
gelatinous {adj} (of or referring to gelatin)
:: Gelatine-
gelbstoff {n} (optically measurable component of dissolved organic matter in water)
:: Gelbstoff {m}
geld {n} (money) SEE: money
geld {v} (castrate) SEE: castrate
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch
gelding {n} (castrated male horse)
:: Wallach {m}
gelee {n} (any gelled suspension made for culinary purposes)
:: Gelee {n}
gem {n} (precious stone)
:: Edelstein {m}, Juwel {n}, Kleinod {n}
gemination {n} (phonetical phenomenon)
:: Gemination {f}
Gemini {prop} (constellation)
:: Zwillinge {m-p}
Gemini {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Zwillinge {m-p}
Gemini {n} (Someone with a Gemini star sign)
:: Zwilling {m}
Gemma {prop} (Alpha (α) Coronae Borealis)
:: Gemma
gemsbok {n} (a large African antelope of the Oryx genus)
:: Spießbock {m}, Gemsbok {m}
gemstone {n} (a gem)
:: Edelstein {m}, Juwel {n}, Kleinod {n}
gemütlich {adj} (cozy)
:: gemütlich
Gemütlichkeit {n} (coziness)
:: Gemütlichkeit
-gen {suffix} (producer of something)
:: -gen
gendarme {n} (member of the gendarmerie)
:: Gendarm {m}
gendarme {n} (any policeman)
:: Gendarm {m}
gendarmerie {n} (military body charged with police duties)
:: Gendarmerie {f}
gender {v} (engender) SEE: engender
gender {n} (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns)
:: Geschlecht {n}, Genus {n}
gender {n} (division, class, kind)
:: Geschlecht {n}
gender {n} (biological sex)
:: Geschlecht {n}
gender {n} (identification as a man, a woman, or something else)
:: Gender {n}, soziales Geschlecht {n}, Geschlecht {n}
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice
gendercide {n} (killing of people because of their gender)
:: Genderzid {n}
gender dysphoria {n} (profound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people)
:: Gender-Dysphorie {f}
genderfluid {adj} (not conforming to fixed gender)
:: geschlechtsflüssig
gender identity {n} (person's sense of self as a member of a particular gender)
:: Geschlechtsidentität {f}
gender identity disorder {n} (gender dysphoria condition)
:: Geschlechtsidentitätsstörung {f}
gender ideology {n}
:: Genderideologie {f}, Gender-Ideologie {f}
gender-neutral {adj} (applicable to all genders)
:: geschlechtsneutral
gender-neutral {adj} (grammar: lacking gender assignment)
:: geschlechtslos
genderqueer {adj} (having a non-binary gender, see also: non-binary)
:: genderqueer
gender studies {n} (academic field)
:: Geschlechterforschung {f}, Genderstudies {f-p} ; Genderforschung {f}, Genderstudien {n-p}, Geschlechterstudien {n-p}, Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung {f}
gene {n} (unit of heredity)
:: Gen {n}
genealogical {adj} (of or relating to genealogy)
:: genealogisch
genealogically {adv} (from a genealogical perspective)
:: genealogisch
genealogist {n} (person who studies or practises genealogy, expert in genealogy)
:: Ahnenforscher {m}, Ahnenforscherin {f}, Genealoge {m}, Genealogin {f}, Stammbaumforscher {m}, Stammbaumforscherin {f}
genealogy {n} (descent of a person, family or group from ancestors)
:: Abstammung {f}
genealogy {n} (record or table of such descent)
:: Ahnentafel {f}
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents)
:: Ahnenforschung {f}, Genealogie {f}
general {adj} (involving every part or member, not specific or particular)
:: allgemein, generell
general {adj} (not limited in application; applicable to a whole class or category)
:: allgemein
general {n} (military rank)
:: General {m}
general anaesthesia {n} (general anesthesia) SEE: general anesthesia
general anesthesia {n} (a type of anesthesia that causes loss of sensation to the whole body, usually to the point of unconsciousness)
:: Narkose {f}
general anesthetic {n} (substance)
:: Narkosemittel {n}, Narkotikum {n} , Allgemeinanästhetikum {n}
general assembly {n} (formal meeting of all members of an organization)
:: Generalversammlung
General Assembly {prop} (United Nations General Assembly) SEE: United Nations General Assembly
general education {n} (education in a number of important subjects)
:: Allgemeinbildung {f}
general election {n} (election held at regular intervals)
:: allgemeine Wahlen {f-p}
generalisation {n} (formulation of general concepts)
:: Verallgemeinerung {f}, Generalisierung {f}
generalisation {n} (inductive reasoning)
:: Verallgemeinerung {f}, Generalisierung {f}
generalisation {n}
:: (linguistics) Bedeutungserweiterung, Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung
generalissimo {n} (supreme commander)
:: Generalissimus {m}
generalist {n} (person with a broad general knowledge)
:: Generalist {m}
generalizability {n} (1. The quality of being generalizable)
:: Verallgemeinerbarkeit {f}
generalizable {adj} (1. Capable of being generalized)
:: verallgemeinerbar
generalization {n} (formulation of general concepts)
:: Verallgemeinerung {f}, Generalisierung {f}
generalization {n} (inductive reasoning)
:: Verallgemeinerung {f}, Generalisierung {f}
generalization {n}
:: (linguistics) Bedeutungserweiterung, Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung
generalize {v} (to infer or induce from specific cases to more general cases or principles)
:: verallgemeinern
general knowledge {n} (wide body of information that a person acquires from education and from life)
:: Allgemeinwissen {n}
generally {adv} (popularly or widely)
:: allgemein, gewöhnlich, im Allgemeinen
generally {adv} (as a rule; usually)
:: hauptsächlich, überhaupt, üblicherweise
generally {adv} (without reference to specific details)
:: allgemein, generell
general partnership {n} (type of partnership)
:: offene Handelsgesellschaft {f}, Kollektivgesellschaft {f}
general population {n} (general public) SEE: general public
general practitioner {n} (physician who provides primary care; family doctor)
:: Allgemeinmediziner {m}, Allgemeinmedizinerin {f}, Hausarzt {m}, Hausärztin {f}, Allgemeinarzt {m}, Allgemeinärztin {f}
general public {n} (members of the public who have no special role)
:: Allgemeinheit {f}
general-purpose {adj} (all-purpose)
:: Allzweck-
general relativity {n} (theory in physics)
:: Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie {f}, allgemeine Relativitätstheorie {f}
General Secretary {n} (chief administrator of political parties or organizations)
:: Generalsekretär {m}
general staff {n} (officers in charge of army)
:: Generalstab {m}
general store {n} (a store which sells a large variety of useful things)
:: Kaufhaus {n}, Kramladen {m}
general strike {n} (work stoppage)
:: Generalstreik {m}
generate {v} (to bring into being)
:: generieren
generate {v}
:: erzeugen
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent)
:: Generation {f}, Geschlecht {n}
generation {n}
:: Generation {f}
generational {adj} (of, pertaining to, or changing over generations)
:: generationell, generationsmäßig, Generations-
generator {n} (apparatus: electrical generator)
:: Generator
generic {adj} (very comprehensive)
:: allgemein, generisch, typisch
generic {adj} (of, or relating to a genus)
:: artmäßig, gattungsmäßig, arttypisch
generic {adj} (not having a brand name)
:: Generikum {n}
generic {adj} ((computing) written so as to operate on any data type)
:: generisch
genericized trademark {n} (brand name that has come into general use)
:: generischer Markenname {m}, generalisierter Markenname {m}
generosity {n} (the trait of being willing to donate)
:: Großzügigkeit {f}, Generosität {f}, Großmut {m}
generosity {n} (acting generously)
:: Großzügigkeit {f}, Freizügigkeit {f}
generosity {n} (the trait of being more than adequate)
:: Großmut {m}
generosity {n} (good breeding; nobility of stock)
:: Edelmut {m}
generosity {n} (a generous act)
:: Edelmut {m}, Großzügigkeit {f}
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly)
:: großzügig, generös
generous {adj} (large, ample)
:: großzügig, generös
genesis {n} (the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being)
:: Genese {f}, Genesis {f}
Genesis {prop} (the book of the Bible)
:: Genesis {f}, 1. Buch Mose {n} (das erste Buch Mose)
genet {n} (mammal of the genus Genetta)
:: Genette {n}, Ginsterkatze {f}
gene therapy {n} (therapy involving the insertion of genes into a patient's cells)
:: Gentherapie {f}
genetic {adj} (relating to genetics or genes)
:: genetisch
genetically {adv} (relating to genes)
:: genetisch
genetic engineering {n} (practice or science of genetic modification)
:: Gentechnik {f}
geneticist {n} (scientist who studies genes)
:: Genetiker {m}, Genetikerin {f}
genetics {n} (branch of biology)
:: Genetik {f}, Vererbungslehre {f}
genetics {n} (genetic makeup of a specific individual or species)
:: Genetik {f}
Geneva {prop} (city)
:: Genf {n}
Geneva {prop} (canton)
:: Genf
Geneva {prop} (lake)
:: Genfersee
Geneva Convention {prop} (international treaty)
:: Genfer Konvention {f}
Genevieve {prop} (female given name)
:: Genoveva {f}
Genghisid {adj} (relating to the Genghisids)
:: dschingisidisch
Genghis Khan {prop} (Genghis Khan)
:: Dschingis Khan {m}
genial {adj} (marked by genius)
:: genial
genie {n} (an unseen being in Muslim theology)
:: Dschinn {m}, Djinn {m}
genie {n} (a fictional magical being)
:: Dschinn {m}, Djinn {m}
genie is out of the bottle {phrase} (something has been brought into reality that cannot be eliminated or undone) SEE: what's done is done
genitalia {n} (genitals or sex organs)
:: Genitalien {n-p}
genitals {n} (genitalia) SEE: genitalia
genital wart {n} (sexually transmitted infection)
:: Condylom {n}, Condyloma {n}, Kondylom {n}, Kondyloma {n}, Feigwarze {f}, Feuchtwarze {f}, Genitalwarze {f}, venerische Warze {f}
genitive {adj} (of or pertaining to the case of possession)
:: genitivisch, genetivisch {m}
genitive {n} (inflection pattern)
:: Genitiv {m}, Wesfall {m}, Wessenfall {m}, zweiter Fall {m}, Genetiv {m} , Genetivus {m} , Herkunftsfall {m} , Zeugefall {m} , Genitivkasus {m}, Genitiv-Kasus {m}, Genetivkasus {m} , Genetiv-Kasus {m}
genitive absolute {n} (independent genitive phrase)
:: Genitivus absolutus {m}
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive
genius {n} (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill)
:: Genie {n}
genius {n} (extraordinary mental capacity)
:: Genialität {f}
genizah {n} (depository where sacred Hebrew books, etc., are kept before being buried in a cemetery)
:: Geniza
genoa {n} (a staysail)
:: Genua {f}
Genoa {prop} (province)
:: Genua {n}
Genoa {prop} (Italian city)
:: Genua {n}
genocidaire {n} (person involved in perpetrating a genocide)
:: Génocidaire {n}
genocide {n} (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people)
:: Völkermord {m}, Genozid {m}
Genoese {n} (an inhabitant or resident of Genoa)
:: Genuese {?}, Genueser
Genoese {adj} (of, from or relating to Genoa)
:: genuesisch
genome {n} (complete genetic information of an organism)
:: Genom {n}
genotype {n} (DNA sequence which determines a specific characteristic)
:: Genotyp {m}
genotypic {adj} (pertaining to a genotype)
:: genotypisch
genotypical {adj} (of or relating to genotype)
:: genotypisch
Genovese {adj} (Genoese) SEE: Genoese
genre {n} (kind; type; sort)
:: Genre {n}, Gattung {f}
gens {n} (legally defined unit of Roman society)
:: Gens
Genseric {prop} (male given name)
:: Geiserich
genteel {adj} (excessively polite and well-mannered)
:: höflich
gentian {n} (Any of various herbs of the family Gentianaceae)
:: Enzian {m}
gentian {n} (The dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian)
:: Enzian {m}
gentian blue {n} (A purplish blue colour)
:: Enzianblau {n}
gentian blue {adj} (gentian blue)
:: enzianblau
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide
gentile {adj} (non-Jewish)
:: nichtjüdisch
gentile {n} (non-Jewish person)
:: Goj, Nichtjude, Heide
gentile {n} (kind of noun)
:: Gentile
gentility {n} (The state of being elegant)
:: Vornehmheit {f}, vornehme Lebensart {f}, Freundlichkeit {f}, Herzlichkeit {f}
gentle {adj} (tender and amiable)
:: liebenswürdig
gentle {adj} (soft and mild rather than hard or severe)
:: einfühlsam, sanftmütig, sanft
gentle {adj} (docile and easily managed)
:: einfühlsam
gentle {adj} (gradual rather than steep or sudden)
:: gemächlich, sachte
gentle {adj} (polite and respectful rather than rude)
:: freundlich, liebenswürdig
gentleman {n} (man of breeding)
:: Herr
gentleman {n} (polite term for a man)
:: Herr {m}
gentleman {n} (polite form of address to men)
:: Herr {m}, meine Herren {p}
gentlemanly {adv} (in the manner of a gentleman)
:: vornehm
gentleman's agreement {n} (agreement)
:: stillschweigendes Abkommen {n}
gentleness {n} (being gentle)
:: Sanftmut {f}
gentoo penguin {n} (penguin)
:: Eselspinguin {m}
gentrification {n} (process of renewal accompanying an influx of relatively affluent people)
:: Gentrifizierung {f}, Gentrifikation {f}
gentrify {v} (to renovate something, especially housing to make more appealing to the middle classes)
:: gentrifizieren
genuflect {v} (to bend the knee, as in servitude or worship)
:: niederknien
genuflection {n} (the act of genuflecting, in the sense of bowing down)
:: Niederknien {n}, Kniebeuge {f}, Kniefall {m}
genuine {adj} (real, authentic)
:: echt, original, genuin
genuinely {adv} (truthfully, truly)
:: wirklich, echt, ernsthaft, aufrichtig, tatsächlich
genuineness {n} (the quality of being genuine; authenticity)
:: Aufrichtigkeit {f}, Wahrhaftigkeit {f}, Echtheit {f}, Authentizität {f}, Glaubwürdigkeit {f}
genus {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species)
:: Gattung {f}
genus {n} (taxon at this rank)
:: Gattung {f}
genus name {n} (genus name, generic name)
:: Gattungsname {m}, Genusname {m}
genu varum {n} (bowleg) SEE: bowleg
geo- {prefix} (Earth)
:: geo-
geocache {n} (hidden item in geocaching)
:: Geocache {m}
geocaching {n} (pastime)
:: Geocaching {n}
geocentric {adj} (having Earth at center)
:: geozentrisch
geochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry)
:: Geochemie {f}
geodesic {n} (mathematics: the shortest line between two points on a specific surface)
:: Geodäte {f}
geodesic {adj} (of or relating to geodesy)
:: geodätisch
geodesic {adj} (of or relating to a geodesic dome)
:: geodätisch
geodesy {n} (scientific discipline)
:: Geodäsie {f}
geodetic {adj} (geodesic) SEE: geodesic
geodetic {adj} (relating to geodesy)
:: geodätisch
geoduck {n} (P. abrupta)
:: Elefantenrüsselmuschel {f}
geodynamo {n}
:: Geodynamo {n}
Geoffrey {prop} (a male given name)
:: Gottfried {m}
Geoffroy's cat {n} (Leopardus geoffroyi)
:: Kleinfleckkatze {f}
geoglyph {n} (large-scale drawing on the ground)
:: Geoglyph {m}, Geoglyphe {f}
geographer {n} (a specialist in geography)
:: Geograf {m}, Geografin {f}, Geograph {m}, Geographin {f}
geographic {adj} (pertaining to geography)
:: geografisch
geographic {adj} (determined by geography)
:: geografisch
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic
geographically {adv} (in a geographical manner)
:: geografisch
geographic information system {n} (an electronic system)
:: Geoinformationssystem {n}
geography {n} (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth)
:: Geografie {f}, Geographie {f}, Erdkunde
geoid {n} (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation)
:: Geoid
geolocate {v} (to use GPS to provide map coordinates)
:: geolokalisieren
geolocation {n} (the identification of geographic location)
:: Geolokalisierung {f}
geologic {adj} (relating to geology)
:: geologisch
geological {adj} (geologic) SEE: geologic
geologist {n} (person skilled at geology)
:: Geologe {m}, Geologin {f}
geology {n} (the study of the earth)
:: Geologie {f}
geometric {adj} (of or relating to geometry)
:: geometrisch
geometric {adj} (using simple shapes)
:: geometrisch
geometrical {adj} (geometric) SEE: geometric
geometric mean {n} (measure of central tendency)
:: geometrisches Mittel {n}
geometric progression {n} (sequence)
:: geometrische Reihe {f}, geometrische Progression {f}
geometry {n} (branch of mathematics)
:: Geometrie, Raumlehre
geometry {n} (type of geometry)
:: Geometrie
geomorphologic {adj}
:: geomorphologisch
geomorphological {adj} (pertaining to geomorphology)
:: geomorphologisch
geophysicist {n} (one who studies geophysics)
:: Geophysiker {m}, Geophysikerin {f}
geophysics {n} (branch of earth science)
:: Geophysik {f}
geopolitical {adj} (of, or relating to geopolitics)
:: geopolitisch
geopolitics {n} (the study of the effects of geography on international politics)
:: Geopolitik {f}
George {prop} (male given name)
:: Georg
Georgetown {prop} (capital of Guyana)
:: Georgetown
Georgia {prop} (country)
:: Georgien {n}, Grusien {n}
Georgia {prop} (state of the USA)
:: Georgia
Georgian {n} (language of the country Georgia)
:: Georgisch {n}, Grusinisch {n}, Kartwelisch {n}
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia)
:: Georgier {m}, Georgierin {f}, Grusier {m}, Grusierin {f}
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia)
:: georgisch, grusinisch
Georgian SSR {prop} (Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic)
:: Georgische SSR {f}
Georgian studies {n} (Kartvelian studies) SEE: Kartvelian studies
geoscience {n} (earth science) SEE: earth science
geostationary {adj} (fixed distance orbit)
:: geostationär
geotechnical {adj} (related to the soil)
:: geotechnisch
geothermal energy {n} (heat under the ground used to heat water and make steam to turn generator turbines and make electricity)
:: Erdwärme {f}
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt
Gerald {prop} (male given name)
:: Gerald
geranium {n} (cranesbill)
:: Storchschnabel {m}
geranium {n} (common name for Pelargoniums)
:: Geranie {f}
Gerard {prop} (male given name)
:: Gerhard
gerbera {n} (A daisy of the genus Gerbera)
:: Gerbera {f}
gerbil {n} (small rodent)
:: Rennmaus {f}, Wüstenrennmaus {f}, mongolische Rennmaus {f}
gerenuk {n} (Litocranius walleri)
:: Giraffengazelle {f}
geriatric {n} (slang: old person)
:: Greis, alter Mensch
geriatrics {n} (branch of medicine dealing with the elderly)
:: Geriatrie {f}
germ {n} (mass of cells)
:: Keim {m}
germ {n} (pathogenic microorganism)
:: Keim {m}
German {n} (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality)
:: Deutscher {m}, Deutsche {f}
German {n} (member of the Germanic ethnic group which is the most populous ethnic group in Germany)
:: Deutscher {m}, Deutsche {f}
German {n} (member of a Germanic tribe)
:: Germane {m}, Germanin {f}
German {n} (1½-point type)
:: Achtelcicero
German {prop} (the German language)
:: Deutsch {n}, Hochdeutsch {n}, deutsche Sprache {f}
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany)
:: deutsch
German {adj} (of or relating to the German people)
:: deutsch
German {adj} (of or relating to the German language)
:: deutsch
German Autumn {prop} (set of events in late 1977)
:: Deutscher Herbst
German Bight {prop} (bay in the North Sea)
:: Deutsche Bucht
German-Canadian {adj} (germanophone Canadian)
:: deutschsprachig kanadisch, deutschsprechend kanadisch
German-Canadian {adj} (German-Canadian)
:: deutschkanadisch, deutsch-kanadisch
German chamomile {n} (annual plant used for tea)
:: Kamille {f}
German cockroach {n} (Blattella germanica)
:: Deutsche Schabe {f}
German Democratic Republic {prop} (East Germany from 1949-1990)
:: Deutsche Demokratische Republik {f}
germane {adj} (related to the topic being discussed)
:: relevant
germane {n} (germanium tetrahydride)
:: Monogerman
German Empire {prop} (Germany between 1871 and 1918)
:: Deutsches Reich {n} , Deutsches Kaiserreich {n}
Germania {prop} (historical region)
:: Germanien {n}
Germanic {prop} (early language, see also: Ur-Germanic)
:: Germanisch {n}
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples)
:: germanisch
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic)
:: germanisch
Germanic {adj} (having German characteristics)
:: deutsch, deutsch klingend, typisch deutsch
Germanism {n} (a word or idiom of the German language)
:: Germanismus {m}
Germanist {n} (person who studies Germanic languages and cultures)
:: Germanist {m}, Germanistin {f}
germanium {n} (chemical element)
:: Germanium {n}
germanium tetrahydride {n} (germane) SEE: germane
Germanization {n} (Making more German)
:: Germanisierung {f}, Eindeutschen {n}
Germanize {v} (make more German)
:: eindeutschen, germanisieren
German measles {n} (the disease rubella) SEE: rubella
Germanness {n} (being German)
:: Deutschheit {f}, Deutschsein {n}
Germano- {prefix} (relating to Germany and German culture)
:: Deutsch-
germanomethane {n} (germane) SEE: germane
germanophilia {n} (the love of the country, culture or people of Germany)
:: Germanophilie {f}, Deutschfreundlichkeit {f}, Deutschlandfreundlichkeit {f}
Germanophobia {n} (hatred or fear of Germany or anything German)
:: Germanophobie {f}, Deutschfeindlichkeit {f}
Germanophone {adj} (German-speaking)
:: deutschsprachig
Germanophone {n} (German speaker)
:: Deutschsprachiger {m}, Deutschsprachige {f}
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog)
:: deutscher Schäferhund {m}
German silver {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver
German Spaniel {n} (dog breed)
:: Deutscher Wachtelhund
German sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow
German studies {n} (academic discipline)
:: Germanistik {f}
Germany {prop} (country in Central Europe)
:: Deutschland {n}
Germinal {prop} (the seventh month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: Germinal {m}, Keimmonat {m}
germinate {v} (sprout or produce buds)
:: keimen
germ plasm {n} (cytoplasm of germ cells)
:: Keimplasma {n}
germ warfare {n} (the use of harmful organisms as a weapon) SEE: biological warfare
gerontocracy {n} (government by elders)
:: Gerontokratie {f}
gerontology {n} (branch of science)
:: Gerontologie {f}, Alternsforschung
gerontophilia {n} (sexual attraction)
:: Gerontophilie {f}
Gertrude {prop} (female given name)
:: Gertrud, Gertraud, Gertrude
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as a verbal noun)
:: Gerundium {n}, Vertretungswort
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as an adverb)
:: Gerundium {n}
gerundive {n} (Latin verbal adjective that describes obligation or necessity)
:: Gerundiv {n}, Gerundivum {n}
Gesamtkunstwerk {n} (operatic performance)
:: Gesamtkunstwerk {n}
Gessler {prop} (A German surname)
:: Gessler
gestalt {n} (collection of entities that creates a unified concept)
:: Gestalt {f}
gestalt therapy {n} (branch of psychotherapy)
:: Gestalttherapie {f}
Gestapo {prop} (the secret police of Nazi Germany)
:: Gestapo {f}
gestation {n} (period of time a fetus develops inside mother's body)
:: Reifung {f}, Heranreifen {n}
gesticulate {v} (to make gestures)
:: gestikulieren
gesticulate {v} (to express through gestures)
:: gestikulieren
gesticulation {n} (act of gesticulating)
:: Gestikulierung {f}
gesture {n} (motion of the limbs or body)
:: Geste {f}, Gebärde {f}, Attitüde {f}
gesture {n} (act or remark)
:: Geste {f}
gesture {v} ((intransitive) to make a gesture)
:: gestikulieren
gesture {v} ((transitive) to express something by a gesture)
:: (jemandem etwas) bedeuten
gesundheit {interj} (said to someone who has just sneezed) SEE: bless you
get {v} (to obtain)
:: besorgen, holen, erwischen, kriegen , sich schnappen, anschaffen
get {v} (to receive)
:: bekommen, kriegen
get {v} (to become)
:: werden, in some cases: gehen (sometimes translated by a reflexive verb: get drunk = sich betrinken)
get {v} (to fetch)
:: mitbringen, holen
get {v} (to arrive at)
:: ankommen, erreichen
get {v} (colloquial: to understand)
:: kapieren, haben
get {v} (colloquial: to be)
:: werden
get {v} (to beget) SEE: beget
get {v} (to getter) SEE: getter
get a grip {v} (to return to a rational handling of reality)
:: reiß dich zusammen
get along {v} (interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble)
:: sich verstehen, sich vertragen
get along {v} (survive; to do well enough)
:: zurechtkommen, klarkommen, zurechtfinden
get a move on {v} (hurry up) SEE: hurry up
get a room {phrase} (used to instruct a couple to stop displaying physical affection in public)
:: nehmt euch ein Zimmer
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack
get at {v} (to annoy, bother) SEE: annoy
get at {v} ((slang) to contact someone) SEE: contact
get at {v} (to mean, signify, drive at) SEE: drive at
get away {v} (to avoid capture; to escape (from)) SEE: escape
get away {v} (To start moving; to depart) SEE: depart
getaway {n} (effecting of an escape)
:: Flucht {f}
getaway {n} (vacation or destination)
:: Kurzurlaub {m} ; Erholungsort {m}
getaway {adj} (pertaining to an escape)
:: Flucht-
get away with {v} (to escape punishment for)
:: mit etwas davonkommen, mit etwas durchkommen, ungeschoren davonkommen
get a word in edgewise {v} (to break into or participate in a conversation)
:: ins Wort fallen
get back {v} (to return to where one came from)
:: zurückkommen
get back {v} (to retrieve, to have an item returned)
:: zurückbekommen
get back {v} (to do something to hurt or harm someone)
:: heimzahlen
get back at {v} (to retaliate)
:: sich rächen
get back to {v} (to return contact with (someone); to return to someone in response to a request)
:: sich melden
get by {v} (subsist)
:: auskommen, durchkommen, zurechtkommen, klarkommen
get cold feet {v} (to become nervous or anxious and reconsider a decision about an upcoming event)
:: kalte Füße bekommen
get down {v} (go down (intransitive)) SEE: go down
get down {v} (bring down (transitive)) SEE: let down
get dressed {v} (to beclothe oneself, to put on clothes)
:: sich anziehen
get drunk {v} (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol)
:: sich betrinken, saufen
get drunk {v} (transitive; to make drunk)
:: betrunken machen, abfüllen
Gethsemane {prop} (garden in ancient Jerusalem)
:: Getsemani, Gethsemani, Gethsemane
get in {v} (to board)
:: einsteigen
get in {v} (to enter)
:: einsteigen
get in the way {v} (to obstruct, hinder, or interfere)
:: stören, dazwischenkommen, hindern, behindern
get it over with {v}
:: hinter sich bringen
get it up {v} (achieve a penile erection)
:: einen hochkriegen
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex
get laid {v} (to have sex)
:: bumsen
get lost {interj} (Go away!)
:: hau ab!, geh weg!, verschwinde!, mach, dass du wegkommst!, verpiss dich!, schleich dich!
get lost {v} (become lost)
:: sich verirren, sich verlaufen
get married {v} (become married to someone)
:: sich verheiraten, heiraten
get married {v} (become married to each other)
:: sich verheiraten
get off {v} (to disembark from)
:: aussteigen
get off one's chest {v} (to relieve oneself by talking to someone)
:: loswerden
get on {v} (to board or mount)
:: einsteigen
get one's finger out {v} (stop delaying)
:: Gas geben
get one's hands dirty {v}
:: sich die Hände schmutzig machen, sich die Finger schmutzig machen
get one's wires crossed {v} (to misunderstand one another)
:: einander missverstehen, an einander vorbeireden
get on someone's nerves {v} (annoy or irritate)
:: jemandem auf die Nerven gehen, jemandem auf den Geist gehen
get on with {v} (proceed with)
:: fortfahren, sich begeben
get out {v} (to leave or escape)
:: aussteigen
get out {v} (to help someone leave)
:: raus
get out of bed on the wrong side {v} (to start the day in a bad mood) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed
get out of Dodge {v}
:: eine Fliege machen
get out of here {interj} (command to leave)
:: hau ab!, geh weg!, verschwinde!, mach, dass Du wegkommst!, verpiss Dich!
get out of here {interj} (expression of disbelief)
:: hör doch auf, echt jetzt
get outta here {interj} (get out of here) SEE: get out of here
get over {v} (recover) SEE: recover
get over {v} (to overcome)
:: überwinden
get over {v} (to forget, and move on)
:: überwinden, verschmerzen
get ready {v} (to make ready or prepare)
:: bereit machen, fertig machen, klar machen, vorbereiten
get rid of {v} (remove)
:: loswerden, abschaffen
gettable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable
getter {n} (absorbing material)
:: Getter {m}
get the hang of {v} (to learn to handle with some skill)
:: etwas kapieren, die Kurve heraushaben, mit etwas umgehen lernen, etwas in den Griff bekommen, etwas in den Griff kriegen
get to {v} (to upset or annoy)
:: zu schaffen machen
get to know {v} (to become acquainted with someone)
:: kennenlernen
get to the bottom of {v} (understand the truth about)
:: einer Sache auf den Grund gehen
get to the point {v} (State directly)
:: auf den Punkt kommen, zur Sache kommen
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed)
:: aufstehen, sich erheben
get up on the wrong side of the bed {v} (to feel irritable without a particular reason)
:: mit dem linken Fuß zuerst aufgestanden sein , mit dem falschen Fuß aufgestanden sein
get used {v} (to get accustomed (to))
:: sich gewöhnen (an)
get well soon {phrase} (expressing hope that someone recovers soon)
:: gute Besserung
get wind of {v} (To hear about; to learn of, especially especially with respect to facts intended to have been confidential)
:: von etwas Wind bekommen
geyser {n} (boiling spring)
:: Geysir {m}
GFY {phrase} (Good for you)
:: schön für dich
Ghana {prop} (The Republic of Ghana)
:: Ghana
Ghanaian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people)
:: ghanaisch
Ghanaian {n} (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent)
:: Ghanaer {m}, Ghanaerin {f}
Ghanan {adj} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian
Ghanan {n} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian
gharial {n} (gavial) SEE: gavial
ghastly {adj} (horrifyingly shocking)
:: grässlich, gespenstisch, haarsträubend
ghastly {adj} (extremely bad)
:: schauderhaft
ghazal {n} (a poetic form)
:: Ghasel {n}
ghee {n} (South Asian style clarified butter)
:: Ghee {n}
Gheg {prop} (Gheg)
:: Gegisch {n}
Ghent {prop} (capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium)
:: Gent {n}
Gheorgheni {prop} (city)
:: Niklasmarkt
gherkin {n} (small cucumber)
:: Salzgurke {f} , Gewürzgurke {f} , Gürkchen {n}
Gherla {prop} (city, see also: Armenopolis)
:: Neuschloss
ghetto {n} (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated)
:: Getto {n}, Ghetto {n}, Judenviertel {n}, Judengasse {f}
ghetto {n} (area of a city where people of another ethnicity concentrate or are concentrated)
:: Getto {n}, Ghetto {n}
ghetto {v} (confine to a ghetto)
:: gettoisieren
ghetto bird {n} (police helicopter)
:: Polizeihubschrauber {m}, Polizeihelikopter {m}
ghetto blaster {n} (powerful portable stereo system) SEE: boom box
Ghibelline {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the German emperors)
:: Ghibelline {m}, Gibelline {m}, Waiblinger {m}
ghit {n} (ghit (contraction of “Google hit”))
:: Google-Hit {m}, Google-Treffer {m}
ghost {n} (spirit appearing after death)
:: Gespenst {n}, Geist {m}, Phantom {n}, Spuk {m}, Erscheinung {f}
ghost {n} (faint shadowy semblance)
:: Schatten {m}
ghost {n} (false image on a television screen)
:: Geisterbild {n}
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul
ghost {n} (ghostwriter) SEE: ghostwriter
ghost driver {n} (wrong-way driver) SEE: wrong-way driver
ghost goal {n} (apparent goal)
:: Phantomtor {n}, Wembley-Tor {n}
ghosthunter {n} (person who tries to track down ghosts)
:: Geisterjäger {m}
ghosting {n} (appearance of ghosts on a television screen)
:: Geisterbild {n}
ghost net {n} (fishing net discarded or lost in the ocean)
:: Geisternetz {n}
ghost ship {n} (abandoned, possibly adrift ship that is haunted)
:: Geisterschiff {n}
ghost story {n} (story about ghosts)
:: Gespenstergeschichte {f}
ghost town {n} (town which has become deserted)
:: Geisterstadt {f}, Geisterdorf {n}, Geistersiedlung {f}, Geisterort {m}, Ghosttown {n}
ghost train {n} (fairground attraction)
:: Geisterbahn {f}
ghost train {n} (theatrical performance beside a train)
:: Geisterzug
ghost word {n} (fictitious or erroneous word)
:: Ghostword {n}, Geisterwort {n}
ghostwriter {n} (professional writer for another person)
:: Ghostwriter {m}, Phantomschreiber {m}
ghoul {n} (a spirit said to feed on corpses)
:: Ghul {m}
ghrelin {n} (peptide hormone that increases appetite)
:: Ghrelin {n}
gianduja {n} (Piedmontese chocolate preparation)
:: Gianduja {m}
giant {n} (mythical human)
:: Riese {m}, Riesin {f}, Gigant {m}, Gigantin {f}
giant {n} (Greek mythological creature)
:: Gigant {m}
giant {n} (very tall person)
:: Riese {m}, Riesin {f}, Hüne {m}, Hünin {f}
giant {n} (luminous star)
:: Riese {m}
giant {adj} (giant)
:: riesig, gigantisch
giant anteater {n} (species)
:: Großer Ameisenbär {m}
giant burrowing cockroach {n} (Macropanesthia rhinoceros)
:: Australische Großschabe {f}
giant fennel {n} (Ferula communis)
:: Riesenfenchel {m}, Steckenkraut {n}
giant forest genet {n} (Genetta victoriae)
:: Riesenginsterkatze {f}
Giant Mountains {prop} (the particular mountain range)
:: Riesengebirge
giant otter {n} (Pteronura brasiliensis)
:: Riesenotter
giant panda {n} (mammal)
:: Panda
giant slalom {n} (skiing discipline)
:: Riesenslalom {m}
giant squid {n} (any of the very large squid of genus Architeuthis)
:: Riesenkalmar {m}
giant star {n} (star that has stopped fusing hydrogen)
:: Riesenstern {m}
giant tortoise {n} (a giant tortoise)
:: Riesenschildkröte {f}
giant wood rail {n} (bird)
:: Ypecaharalle {f}
gibberish {n} (unintelligible speech or writing)
:: Kauderwelsch {n}, Kokolores {m}, Gequassel {n}, Geschwafel {n}
gibbet {n} (upright post with a crosspiece used for execution and subsequent public display; a gallows)
:: Galgen {m}
gibbon {n} (small ape)
:: Gibbon {m}
gibbous {adj} (humpbacked) SEE: humpbacked
gibibit {n} (230 bits)
:: Gibibit {n}
gibibyte {n} (230 bytes)
:: Gibibyte {n}
giblet {n} (edible bird entrails)
:: Innereien {f-p}
giblets {n} (the organs of poultry)
:: Hühnerklein {n}, Eingeweide {f}
Gibraltar {prop} (British overseas territory)
:: Gibraltar
Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) SEE: Strait of Gibraltar
Gibraltarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Gibraltar)
:: gibraltarisch
Gibraltarian {n} (native or inhabitant of Gibraltar)
:: Gibraltarer {m}, Gibraltarerin {f}
giddiness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness
giddy {adj} (dizzy)
:: schwindelig, schwindlig
giddy {adj} (causing dizziness)
:: schwindelerregend
giddy {adj} (lightheartedly silly or joyfully elated)
:: vergnügt, ausgelassen, aufgedreht, lebhaft , munter, freudig erregt
giddyup {interj} (used to make a horse go faster)
:: hü, hüa
GIF {n} (short video without audio)
:: Gif {n}
gift {n} (something given to another voluntarily, without charge)
:: Geschenk {n}, Präsent {n} , Spende {f}, Gabe {f}
gift {n} (something received incidentally, without effort)
:: Geschenk {n}
gift {n} (a talent or natural ability)
:: Begabung {f}, Talent {n}
gift {v} ((transitive) to give as a gift)
:: schenken
gift card {n} (a card issued by retailers)
:: Geschenkkarte {f}
gift certificate {n} (voucher entitling the bearer to free products or services)
:: Gutschein {m}
gifted {adj}
:: begabt, geistvoll, begnadet
gift of the gab {n} (ability to talk readily)
:: Wortgewalt {f}, Eloquenz {f}, Redegabe {f}, flottes Mundwerk {n}
gift voucher {n} (voucher given as a present) SEE: gift certificate
gig {n} (performing engagement by a musical group)
:: Auftritt {m}
giga- {prefix} (SI prefix)
:: giga-
gigabyte {n} (one billion bytes)
:: Gigabyte {n}
gigantic {adj} (very large)
:: gigantisch
gigantism {n} (quality or state of being gigantic)
:: Gigantismus {m}
gigantomaniac {adj}
:: gigantomanisch
giga-watt {n} (gigawatt) SEE: gigawatt
gigawatt {n} (109 watts)
:: Gigawatt {n}
giggle {v} (laugh)
:: kichern
giggle {n} (laugh)
:: Gekicher {n}
gigolo {n} (male having sexual relationships for money)
:: Gigolo {m}, Stricher {m}
gigolo {n} (hired escort or dancing partner)
:: Gigolo {m}
Gila monster {n} (Heloderma suspectum)
:: Gila-Krustenechse {f}
Gilbert {prop} (male given name)
:: Gilbert
gild {v} (to cover with a thin layer of gold)
:: vergolden
gild {v} (to adorn)
:: schmücken
gilded {adj} (made of gold or covered by a thin layer of gold)
:: vergoldet
gilded cage {n} (place or situation which is attractive but constraining)
:: goldener Käfig {m}
gilder {n} (one who gilds)
:: Vergolder {m}, Vergolderin {f}
gilding {n} (art)
:: Vergolden {n}
gilding {n} (leaf)
:: Blattgold {n}
gilding {n} (coating)
:: Vergoldung {f}
Gilead {prop} (Biblical region east of the Jordan)
:: Gilead
Giles {prop} (male given name)
:: Ägidius
Gilgamesh {prop} (legendary king of Uruk)
:: Gilgamesch {m}
gill {n} (breathing organ of fish)
:: Kieme {f}
gill {n} (mushroom organ)
:: Lamelle {f}
gill {n} (fleshy flap that hangs below the beak of a fowl) SEE: wattle
gill {n} (flesh under or about the chin) SEE: wattle
gilo {n} (fruit of a species of fruiting plant)
:: äthiopische Eierfrucht {f}, afrikanische Eierfrucht {f}, afrikanische Aubergine {f}
gilt {n} (gold or other metal in a thin layer; gilding)
:: Vergoldung {f}
gilt {adj} (golden coloured)
:: gülden
Gim {prop} (Korean surname) SEE: Kim
gimbal {n} (device for suspending something)
:: ; kardanische Aufhängung {f}
gimlet {n} (tool)
:: Nagelbohrer
gimlet {n} (cocktail)
:: Gimlet {m}
gimmick {n} (trick or a device)
:: Kniff {m}, Kunstgriff {m}, Trick {m}
gimmick {n} (clever ploy or strategy)
:: Aufhänger {m} , Gag {m}
gimmicky {adj} (resembling, or characteristic of a gimmick)
:: effekthascherisch, künstlich
gimmicky {adj} (containing gimmicks)
:: trickreich, mit allerlei Kniffen
gimp {n} (a cripple)
:: Krüppel {m}, Depp {m}
gin {n} (alcoholic beverage)
:: Gin {m}
gin and tonic {n} (cocktail made from gin and tonic)
:: Gin Tonic {m}
ginger {n} (plant)
:: Ingwer {m}
ginger {n} (spice)
:: Ingwer {m}
ginger {n} (person with reddish-brown hair)
:: Rotkopf {m}, Rotschopf {m}
ginger {adj} (reddish-brown)
:: fuchsrot {n}, fuchsig, rötlich braun, rötlich-gelb, rotblond, rothaarig
ginger ale {n} (ginger beer) SEE: ginger beer
ginger beer {n} (queer) SEE: queer
ginger beer {adj} (queer) SEE: queer
ginger beer {n} (drink flavoured with ginger)
:: Ingwerbier {n}
gingerbread {n} (type of cake)
:: Pfefferkuchen {m}, Lebkuchen {m}, Ingwerbrot {n}, Gewürzkuchen {m}, Honigkuchen {m}, Lebzelten {m}
gingerbread man {n} (cookie in the shape of a person, flavoured with ginger)
:: Pfefferkuchenmann {m}, Lebkuchenmann {m}
gingerly {adv} (gently)
:: behutsam, vorsichtig, zimperlich, sanft
gingham {n} (a cotton fabric made from dyed and white yarn woven in checks)
:: Gingan {m}
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum
gingival {adj} (alveolar) SEE: alveolar
gingivitis {n} (inflammation of the gums)
:: Zahnfleischentzündung {f}, Gingivitis {f}
ginglymus {n} (hinge joint) SEE: hinge joint
ginkgo {n} (tree)
:: Ginkgo {m}, Ginko {m}, Ginkgobaum {m}, Ginkobaum {m}, Ginkjo {m}, Mädchenhaarbaum {m}, Frauenhaarbaum {m}
ginormous {adj} (very large)
:: gigantisch, riesig, elefantös
gin rummy {n} (card game)
:: Gin Rummy {n}, Gin Rommé {n}
ginseng {n} (any of several plants, of the genus Panax)
:: Ginseng {m}
ginseng {n} (root of such a plant, or the extract)
:: Ginseng {m}
ginseng {n}
:: Ginseng {m}
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian
gippo {n} (Gypsy) SEE: Gypsy
giraffe {n} (mammal)
:: Giraffe {f}
giraffe weevil {n} (Trachelophorus giraffa)
:: Giraffenkäfer {m}
girasole {n} (Jerusalem artichoke) SEE: Jerusalem artichoke
girder {n} (main horizontal support in a building)
:: Träger {m}, Balken {m}, Unterzug {m}, Tragbalken {m}, Binder {m}
girdle {n} (zodiac) SEE: zodiac
girdle {n} (belt)
:: Hüfthalter {m}
girl {n} (young female person)
:: Mädchen {n}, Mädel {n}, Wicht
girl {n} (woman)
:: Frau {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female partner in a romantic relationship)
:: Freundin {f}, Girlfriend {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female friend)
:: eine Freundin {f}
girl group {n} (pop group made up of young women)
:: Girlgroup
Girl Guides {prop} (youth organisation)
:: Pfadfinderinnenbewegung {f}
girlish {adj} (like a girl)
:: mädchenhaft
girlishness {n} (quality of being girlish)
:: Mädchenhaftigkeit {f}, mädchenhaftes Aussehen {n}, mädchenhaftes Wesen {n}
Girl Scout {n} (a member of the Girl Scouts)
:: Girl Scout {f}
girl's name {n} (given name for a girl)
:: Mädchenname {m}
Girondist {n} (member of a moderate faction during the French revolution)
:: Girondist {m}, Girondistin {f}
girth {n} (A band or strap passed under an animal to hold a saddle in place)
:: Sattelgurt {m}
girth {n} (the distance measured around an object)
:: Umfang {m}
girth {n} (equipment)
:: Sattelgurt {m}
girya {n} (kettlebell) SEE: kettlebell
Giselle {prop} (female given name)
:: Gisela {f}
gissard {n} (one who tends to geese) SEE: gosherd
gist {n} (the most essential part)
:: Hauptinhalt {m}, Hauptpunkt {m}, Kern {m}, Kernaussage {f}, Wesentliche {n}, Quintessenz {f}
git {n} (A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person)
:: Idiot {m}, Blödmann {m}, Dummkopf {m}
GI tract {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract
give {v} (transfer the possession of something to someone else)
:: geben, abgeben
give {v} (bend slightly when a force is applied)
:: nachgeben
give {n} (give (noun))
:: Dehnbarkeit {f}
give a damn {v} (to be concerned about) SEE: give a shit
give a fig {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give a fuck {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give a hoot {v} (to care about) SEE: give a shit
give a light {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime {proverb} (more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them)
:: Gib einem Mann einen Fisch und du ernährst ihn für einen Tag. Lehre einen Mann zu fischen und du ernährst ihn für sein Leben.
give a monkey's {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give a shit {v} (to (not) care)
:: scheißegal (e.g.: mir ist (es) scheißegal), Scheißdreck (e.g.: Das kümmert mich einen Scheißdreck)
give a tinker's cuss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give a tinker's damn {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give a toss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give away {v} (to make a gift of something)
:: weggeben
give-away shop {n} (shop)
:: Umsonstladen
give back {v} (return)
:: zurückgeben
give birth {v} (produce new life)
:: gebären
give head {v} (slang: to perform oral sex on another person)
:: jemandem einen blasen
give in {v} (to collapse or fall)
:: einbrechen, zusammenfallen
give in {v} (to relent or yield)
:: nachgeben, einlenken, aufgeben
give me {v} (expression of preference)
:: geben Sie mir, gebt mir, gib mir
given {adj} (currently discussed)
:: vorliegend
given name {n} (name chosen for a child by its parents)
:: Vorname {m}
give notice {v} (to announce one's intent to leave a job)
:: kündigen
give off {v} (to emit)
:: emittieren
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately
giver {n} (one who gives)
:: Geber {m}, Geberin {f}, Gebender {m}, Gebende {f}, Spender {m}, Spenderin {f}, Schenker {m}, Schenkerin {f}, Schenkender {m}, Schenkende {f}, Gönner {m}, Gönnerin {f}, Stifter {m}, Stifterin {f}, Donator {m}, Donatorin {f}
give rise to {v} (to be the origin of; to produce)
:: führen zu
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest
give someone a hand {v} (1. To help, aid, or assist. )
:: jemandem zur Hand gehen
give someone the cold shoulder {v} (snub)
:: jemandem die kalte Schulter zeigen
give the finger {v} (make an obscene gesture)
:: den Stinkefinger zeigen
give them an inch and they'll take a mile {proverb}
:: Gib jemandem den kleinen Finger und er nimmt die ganze Hand
give two hoots {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit
give up {v} (surrender)
:: aufgeben, sich ergeben, kapitulieren
give up {v} (stop, quit, desist)
:: aufgeben
give up {v} (lose hope)
:: aufgeben
give up {v} (abandon)
:: aufgeben
give up {v} (admit defeat)
:: aufgeben, kapitulieren
give up the ghost {v} (to die)
:: den Geist aufgeben
give way {v} (to yield to persistent persuasion)
:: nachgeben, weichen
give way {v} (to collapse or break under physical stress)
:: nachgeben, weichen
give what for {v} (scold) SEE: scold
GIYF {interj} (Abbreviation of Google is your friend)
Giza {prop} (city in Egypt)
:: Gizeh {n}
gizmo {n} (thingy)
:: Dingsbums {n}
gizzard {n} (portion of the esophagus with ingested grit)
:: Kaumagen {m}
glacial {adj} (relating to glaciers)
:: glazial
glacial {adj} (cold and icy)
:: eisig, eiskalt
glacial {n} (glacial period)
:: Kaltzeit {f}, Eiszeit {f}
glacial acetic acid {n}
:: Eisessig {m}
glacial erratic {n} (rock)
:: Findling {m}
glacier {n} (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill)
:: Gletscher {m}, Ferner {m}, Kees {n}
glaciology {n} (study of ice and its effect on the landscape)
:: Glaziologie {f}
glad {adj} (pleased, happy, satisfied)
:: froh, fröhlich
gladden {v} (to cause to become more glad)
:: freuen, erfreuen
glade {n} (open space in the woods)
:: Lichtung {f}
gladiator {n} (a professional boxer) SEE: boxer
gladiator {n} ((in ancient Rome) a person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat with another, or with a wild animal)
:: Gladiator {m}
gladiolus {n} (plant)
:: Gladiole {f}
gladly {adv} (in a glad manner)
:: gern
gladly {adv} (willingly, certainly)
:: gern
glad wrap {n} (thin plastic food wrap)
:: Adhäsionsfolie {f}
Glagolitic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Glagolitic alphabet)
:: glagolitisch
Glagolitic {n} (the oldest known Slavonic alphabet)
:: Glagoliza {f}
Glagolitic alphabet {n} (writing system) SEE: Glagolitic
glaive {n} (light lance)
:: Lanze {f}, Pike {f}, Speer {m}
glaive {n} (weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade)
:: Glefe {f} (alternative spellings: Gläfe {f}, Gleve {f}), Fauchard {f}
glamorous {adj} (Having glamour; stylish)
:: glamourös, bezaubernd
glance {v} (to look briefly at something)
:: blicken
glance {n} (a brief or cursory look)
:: Blick {m}, Streifblick {m}
glance {n} (a deflection)
:: Glanz {m}
glance {n} (mineral)
:: Steinkohle {f}
glance coal {n}
:: Steinkohle {f}
gland {n} (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance)
:: Drüse {f}, Stinkdrüse {f}
gland {n} (secretory structure on the surface of an organ)
:: Drüse {f}
glanders {n} (disease)
:: Rotz {m}
glandular {adj} (pertaining to a gland or glands)
:: glanduläre, drüsig
glans {n} (acorn or mast of the oak)
:: Eichel {f}
glans {n} (goiter) SEE: goitre
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis
glans {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans
glans clitoridis {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans
glans penis {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis)
:: Eichel {f}
glare {n} (light)
:: Blendung {f}
glare {n} (angry or fierce stare)
:: entrüstetes Starren
glare {v} (to stare angrily)
:: missbilligend anstarren
glaring {adj} (reflecting with glare)
:: grell leuchtend, hell strahlend
glaring {adj} (blatant, obvious)
:: krass, schreiend, eklatant
Glarus {prop} (a canton of Switzerland)
:: Glarus
Glarus {prop} (a town in Switzerland)
:: Glarus
Glasgow {prop} (the city Glasgow)
:: Glasgow {n}
Glasgow kiss {n} (headbutt) SEE: headbutt
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union)
:: Glasnost {f}
glass {n} (hourglass) SEE: hourglass
glass {n} (substance)
:: Glas {n}
glass {n} (drinking vessel)
:: Glas {n}
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer
glassblower {n} (person skilled in the art of glassblowing)
:: Glasbläser {m}, Glasbläserin {f}
glassblowing {n} (art of making objects from molten glass)
:: Glasblasen {n}
glass ceiling {n} (unwritten, uncodified barrier)
:: Gläserne Decke {f}
glass cutter {n} (glazier) SEE: glazier
glass cutter {n} (tool)
:: Glasschneider {m}
glasscutter {n} (glass-cutting device) SEE: glass cutter
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
glass eye {n} (artificial eye)
:: Glasauge {n}
glass harmonica {n} (a musical instrument)
:: Glasharmonika {f}
glass jaw {n} (sensitive chin or jaw)
:: Glaskinn {n}
glassmaker {n}
:: Glasmacher {m}
glass transition temperature {n}
:: Glasübergangstemperatur {f}
glass wool {n} (insulating material)
:: Glaswolle {f}
glassworks {n} (a factory that produces glass)
:: Glashütte {p}
glasswort {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire
Glaswegian {adj}
:: glasgowisch
Glaswegian {n} (native or resident of Glasgow)
:: Glasgower {m}, Glasgowerin {f}
glaucoma {n} (eye disease)
:: Glaukom {n}, Grüner Star {m}
glaucophane {n} (a blue amphibole mineral)
:: Glaukophan {m}
glaze {n} (coating on pottery)
:: Glasur {f}
glaze {n} (layer of paint)
:: Lasur {f}
glaze {n} (meteorology: smooth coating of ice caused by freezing rain)
:: Reif {m}
glazier {n} (craftsman who works with glass, fitting windows, etc)
:: Glaser {m}, Glaserin {f}
glazing bar {n} (muntin) SEE: muntin
gleam {n} (small shaft or stream of light)
:: Schein {m}, Schimmer {m}
gleam {n} (glimpse or indistinct sign)
:: Funke {m}
gleam {n} (brightness or splendor)
:: Glanz {m}
glean {v} (harvest grain left behind after the crop has been reaped)
:: nachlesen, schmorren
glean {v} (gather information in small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit)
:: herausbekommen, zusammentragen
gleaning {n} (act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields)
:: Nachlese {f}, Ährenlesen {n}
glee {n} (Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; particularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast)
:: Freude {f}, Fröhlichkeit {f}, Ausgelassenheit {f}
glee {n} (Music; minstrelsy; entertainment)
:: Rundgesang {m}
glee {n} (An unaccompanied part song for three or more solo voices)
:: Rundgesang {m}
gleeful {adj} (joyful)
:: schadenfroh
glen {n} (secluded and narrow valley)
:: Tobel {m} {n}
glib {adj} (having a ready flow of words but lacking thought or understanding)
:: schwatzhaft, beredsam
glib {adj} (smooth or slippery)
:: glatt, rutschig, schlüpfrig
glib {adj} (artfully persuasive but insincere in nature)
:: aalglatt, gewandt, einschmeichelnd-betrügerisch
glibness {n} (the condition of being glib)
:: Gewandtheit
glide {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel
glide {v} (To move softly, smoothly, or effortlessly)
:: gleiten
glide {v} (To fly unpowered, as of an aircraft)
:: gleiten
glide {v} (To cause to glide)
:: gleiten lassen
glider {n} (aircraft)
:: Segelflugzeug {n}, Gleiter {m}, Gleitflugzeug {n}
glider {n} (animal with the ability to glide)
:: Gleiter {m}
glimmer {n} (faint light)
:: Schimmer {m}
glimmer {v} (to shine with faint unsteady light)
:: glimmern
glint {n} (short flash of light)
:: Glitzern {n}
glint {v} (to flash briefly)
:: glitzern
glioblastoma {n} (fast-growing tumor of the brain)
:: Glioblastom {n}
glisten {v} (to reflect light with a glittering luster)
:: glitzern, glänzen, gleißen
glitch {n} (problem, bug, imperfection, quirk)
:: Störung {f}, Fehler {m}, Macke {f}
glitch {n}
:: Glitch {n}
glitter {v} (to sparkle with light)
:: glitzern
glitz {n} (brilliant showiness)
:: Pomp {m}
Gliwice {prop} (city in Poland)
:: Gleiwitz
gloat {v} (to exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction)
:: hämisch freuen, sich weiden an, sich diebisch freuen, sich ergötzen
gloat {v} (to triumph, crow, relish, glory, revel)
:: sich brüsten, großtun, angeben, protzen, triumphieren, jubilieren, frohlocken, begeistert sein
gloat {n} (an act or instance of gloating)
:: hämische Freude {f}, Schadenfreude {f}, Triumph {m}
gloating {n} (act of one who gloats)
:: Siegesfreude {m}, siegesfreudiger Ausdruck {m}, Ausdruck von Häme {m}, Häme {f}, Sichbrüsten {n}
global {adj} (concerning all parts of the world)
:: global
global {adj} (of a variable, in computing)
:: global
global cooling {n} (Global declining average temperatures.)
:: globale Abkühlung {f}
globalisation {n} (process of becoming a more interconnected world)
:: Globalisierung {f}
globalisation {n} (process of world economy becoming dominated by capitalist models)
:: Globalisierung {f}
globalism {n} (doctrine of globalization)
:: Globalismus {m}
globalist {adj}
:: globalistisch
globalist {n}
:: Globalist {m}, Globalistin {f}
globalize {v} (To make something global in scope)
:: globalisieren
global order {n} (world order) SEE: world order
global positioning system {n} (system determining precise location based on signals received from satellites)
:: Globales Navigationssatellitensystem {n}
Global Positioning System {prop} (system which enables a mobile receiver to determine its precise location)
:: Global Positioning System {n}
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change)
:: globale Erwärmung {f}, Erderwärmung {f}, Treibhausklima {n}
globe {n} (planet Earth)
:: Erde {f}, Erdkugel {f}
globe {n} (model of Earth)
:: Globus {m}
globefish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish
globeflower {n} (plant of the genus Trollius)
:: Trollblume {f}
globe thistle {n} (any of the flowering plants in the genus Echinops, with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads)
:: Kugeldistel {f}
globetrotter {n} (person who travels often to faraway places)
:: Weltenbummler {m}, Weltenbummlerin {f}, Globetrotter {m}
globin {n}
:: Globin {n}
globular cluster {n} (large spherical star cluster)
:: Kugelsternhaufen {m}
globulin {n} (protein)
:: Globulin {n}
globus cruciger {n} (royal symbol of power)
:: Reichsapfel {m}
glocalization {n}
:: Glokalisierung {f}
glockenspiel {n} (musical instrument)
:: Glockenspiel {n}
glogg {n} (Scandinavian version of mulled wine)
:: Glögg {m}, Glühwein {m}
glomerulus {n} (small intertwined group of capillaries)
:: Nierenkörperchen {n}
gloom {n} (darkness, dimness or obscurity)
:: Düsternis {f}, Dunkelheit {f}
gloom {n} (a melancholy, depressing or despondent atmosphere)
:: Trübnis {f}
gloom {n} (cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness)
:: Schwermut {m}, Melancholie {f}, Niedergeschlagenheit {f}
gloomy {adj} (imperfectly illuminated)
:: düster, finster, trübe, dunkel, trüb
gloomy {adj} (affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy)
:: düster, dunkel, melancholisch, betrübt, niedergeschlagen, deprimiert, traurig, schwermütig, freudlos
glorification {n} (the act of glorifying or the state of being glorified)
:: Glorifizierung {f}
glorify {v} (to exalt, or give glory or praise to something or someone)
:: verherrlichen
glorify {v} (to make something appear to be more glorious than it is)
:: glorifizieren, verklären
glorify {v} (to worship or extol)
:: anbeten
glorious {adj} (exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory)
:: ruhmvoll, glorreich, herrlich
glorious {adj} (splendid; resplendent; bright; shining)
:: prachtvoll
glory {n} (great beauty or splendour)
:: Pracht {f}, Herrlichkeit {f}, Prunk {m}, Gepränge {n}
glory {n} (honour and valour)
:: Ruhm {m}, Glorie {f}
glory {n} (worship or praise)
:: Rühmen {n}, Glorie {f}
glory {n} (optical phenomenon)
:: Glanz {m}, Glorie {f}, Brillianz {f}
glory {v} (to exult with joy; to rejoice)
:: jubilieren, jubeln, auskosten
glory hole {n} (sex)
:: Glory Hole, Ruhmesloch {n}, Klappenloch {n} , Schwanzloch {n}
gloss {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary
gloss {n} (surface shine)
:: Glanz {m}
gloss {v} (give a gloss or sheen to)
:: polieren
gloss {n} (brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression)
:: Glosse {f}, Glossem {f}; Erläuterung {f} , Randbemerkung {f}
gloss {n} (extensive commentary on some text)
:: Erläuterung {f}
glossary {n} (list of words with their definitions)
:: Glossar {n}
glossolalia {n} (speaking in tongues)
:: Zungenreden {n}, Zungenrede {f}, Glossolalie {f}, Glottolalie {f}, Glossolalieren {n}
glossolalia {n} (xenoglossy) SEE: xenoglossy
glossolalist {n} (one who exhibits glossolalia; one who speaks in tongues)
:: Glossolaler {m}, Glossolale {f}, Glottolaler {m}, Glottolale {f}, Zungenredner {m}, Zungenrednerin {f}
glossy {adj} (having a reflective surface)
:: glänzend
glossy antshrike {n} (a passerine bird of the antbird family)
:: Trauerameisenwürger {m}
glossy ibis {n} (Plegadis falcinellus)
:: Brauner Sichler {m}
glottal {adj} (of or relating to the glottis)
:: glottal
glottalize {v} (to apply glottalization)
:: glottalisieren
glottal stop {n} (plosive sound articulated with the glottis)
:: Knacklaut, glottaler Plosiv {m}, Stimmritzenverschlusslaut {m}, Glottisschlag {m}
glottis {n} (organ of speech)
:: Glottis {f}
glove {n} (item of clothing)
:: Handschuh {m}
glove box {n} (plastic box with rubber gloves fastened around holes)
:: Handschuhbox {f}, Glove-Box {f}
glove box {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment
glove compartment {n} (compartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard)
:: Handschuhfach {n}, Handschuhkasten {m}
glover {n} (person who makes gloves)
:: Handschuhmacher {m}, Handschuhmacherin {f}
glow {v} (to give off light from heat or to emit light as if heated)
:: glühen
glow {v} (to radiate thermal heat)
:: abstrahlen
glow {v} (to shine brightly and steadily)
:: leuchten
glow {n} (the state of a glowing object)
:: Glühen {n}
glow discharge {n}
:: Glimmentladung {f}
glowing {adj} (that which glows)
:: glühend
glowworm {n} (beetle larva or female)
:: Glühwürmchen {n}, Leuchtkäfer {m}
glucagon {n} (peptide hormone)
:: Glucagon {n}
gluconate {n} (any salt or ester of gluconic acid)
:: Gluconat {n}
gluconic acid {n} (organic compound C6H12O7)
:: Gluconsäure
glucosamine {n} (an amino derivative of glucose)
:: Glucosamin {n}
glucose {n} (simple monosaccharide sugar)
:: Glukose {f}, Traubenzucker {m}
glue {n} (sticky adhesive substance)
:: Klebstoff {m}, Leim {m}, Kleber {m}
glue {v} (join with glue)
:: leimen, kleben
glue {n} (birdlime) SEE: birdlime
glue-boiler {n} (who produces glue)
:: Leimsieder {m}, Leimkocher {m}
glue gun {n} (gun-shaped glue applicator in general)
:: Klebepistole {f}
glue gun {n} (hot glue gun) SEE: hot glue gun
glue stick {n} (solid adhesive tube)
:: Klebestift {m}
gluey {adj} (viscous and adhesive, as glue)
:: klebrig
glug {interj} (sound of pouring or swallowing a liquid)
:: gluck
gluhwein {n} (type of mulled wine)
:: Glühwein {m}
glum {adj} (despondent)
:: bedrückt, niedergeschlagen, verdrießlich, trist, mürrisch, deprimiert, trostlos, dunkel, missmutig
glume {n}
:: Spelze {f}
gluon {n} (massless gauge boson)
:: Gluon {n}
glut {n} (excess)
:: Schwemme {f}, Überfluss {m}, Überschuss {m}
glut {v} (fill, satisfy, sate)
:: auffüllen, sättigen, befriedigen, stillen
glutamate {n} (salt or ester of glutamic acid)
:: Glutamat {n}
glutamic acid {n} (the nonessential amino acid (α-amino-glutaric acid))
:: Glutaminsäure {f}
glutamine {n} (nonessential amino acid; C5H10N2O3)
:: Glutamin {n}
glutaraldehyde {n} (pentane-1,5-dial)
:: Glutaraldehyd {n}
gluteal {adj} (relating to the buttocks)
:: glutäal, Glutäal-, gluteal, Gluteal-, Gesäß-
gluteal cleft {n} (cleft between buttocks)
:: Analrinne {f}
gluten {n} (cereal protein)
:: Gluten {n}
gluten-free {adj} (containing no gluten)
:: glutenfrei
glutinous {adj} (glue-like)
:: klebrig
glutinous rice {n} (rice variety)
:: Klebreis {m}
glutton {n} (wolverine) SEE: wolverine
glutton {n} (one who eats voraciously)
:: Vielfraß {m}, Nimmersatt {m}, Völler {m}
glutton {n} (one who gluts himself)
:: Unersättlicher {m}, Unersättliche {f}
gluttonous {adj} (given to excessive eating; prone to overeating)
:: gefräßig, unersättlich
gluttonous {adj} (greedy, see also: )
:: unersättlich, gierig, verfressen
gluttony {n} (the vice of eating to excess)
:: Völlerei {f}, Fresssucht {f}, Gefräßigkeit {f}
glycemia {n} (presence of an unusual amount of glucose in the blood)
:: Glykämie
glycemic index {n} (measure)
:: glykämischer Index {m}
glycerine {n} (the compound glycerol)
:: Glyzerin {n}
glycine {n} (amino acid)
:: Glycin {n}
glycogen {n} (polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals)
:: Glykogen {n}
glycogenolysis {n} (production of glucose-1-phosphate)
:: Glykogenolyse {f}
glycol {n} (any aliphatic diol)
:: Glykol {n}
glycoprotein {n} (protein with covalently bonded carbohydrates)
:: Glykoproteine
glyph {n} (carved relief representing a sound, word or idea)
:: Zeichen {n}, Symbol {n}
glyph {n} (graphic representation of a character)
:: Glyphe {f}
glyphosate {n} (chemical)
:: Glyphosat {n}
G major {n} (the major key with G as its tonic)
:: G-Dur {n}
G major {n} (the major chord with a root of G)
:: G-Dur {n}
GM-free {adj}
:: gentechnikfrei
G minor {n} (the minor key with G as its tonic)
:: g-Moll {n}
G minor {n} (the minor chord with a root of G)
:: g-Moll {n}
gnash {v} (to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger)
:: knirschen
gnat {n} (any small insect of the order Diptera)
:: Stechmücke {f}, Schnake {f}
Gnat {n} (fighter type)
:: Gnat {f}
gnaw {v} (to bite something persistently)
:: nagen, kauen, knabbern
gnaw {v} (to produce anxiety or worry)
:: nagen, verfolgen, umtreiben, beschäftigen
gneiss {n} (common and widely-distributed metamorphic rock)
:: Gneis {m}
gnocchi {n} (pasta-like dumplings)
:: Nocken, Nockerln
gnome {n} (legendary being)
:: Gnom {m}
gnome {n} (small owl, Glaucidium gnoma)
:: Gnomen-Sperlingskauz {m}
gnomon {n} (object used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it)
:: Gnomon {m}
gnosis {n} (gnosis)
:: Gnosis {f}
Gnostic {adj} (relating to Gnosticism)
:: gnostisch
Gnostic {n} (a believer in Gnosticism)
:: Gnostiker {m}, Gnostikerin {f}
Gnosticism {n} (Gnosticism)
:: Gnostizismus {m}
gnu {n} (large antelope of the genus Connochaetes)
:: Gnu {n}
go {v} (to move through space (especially from one place to another))
:: gehen
go {v} (to take a turn)
:: dran sein , ziehen
go {v} (to disappear)
:: verschwinden , weggehen , fortgehen
go {v} (to be destroyed)
:: kaputtgehen , kaputt sein , zerstört sein
go {v} (to make (a specified sound))
:: machen
go {n} (attempt)
:: Versuch
go {n} (board game)
:: Go {n}
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack
go {v} (attend) SEE: attend
go {v} (change) SEE: change
go {v} (turn out) SEE: turn out
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive
go {v} (extend) SEE: extend
go {v} (of time: elapse, pass) SEE: elapse
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead
go {v} (die) SEE: die
Goa {prop} (state in western India)
:: Goa
go about {v} (to tackle)
:: anpacken
goad {n} (stimulus) SEE: stimulus
goad {n} (pointed stick used to prod animals)
:: Stachelstock {m}
goad {v} (to prod with a goad)
:: anstacheln , antreiben
goad {v} (to encourage or stimulate)
:: anspornen, anstacheln
goad {v} (to incite or provoke)
:: reizen, aufreizen , anstacheln
goad {v}
:: anstacheln, antreiben
go ahead {v} (proceed)
:: bitte, los, nur zu, na los
goal {n} (result one is attempting to achieve)
:: Ziel {n}
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object)
:: Tor {n}
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal)
:: Tor {n}
goal {n} (point(s) scored)
:: Tor {n}
goalie {n} (colloquial form of goalkeeper or goaltender)
:: Goalie {m}, Goali {m}
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal)
:: Torwart {m}, Torwartin {f}, Torhüter {m}, Torhüterin {f}, Torwächter {m}, Torwächterin {f}, Tormann {m}, Torfrau {f}, Keeper {m} , Keeperin {f}, Schlussmann {m}, Schlussfrau {f}, Goalie {m}, Goali {m}, Goalmann {m} , Goalfrau {f}, Torsteher {m}, Torsteherin {f}, Fliegenfänger {m} , Fliegenfängerin {f}
goal kick {n} (a set piece taken from the goal area after the ball has gone out of play)
:: Abstoß {m}
goalless {adj} (without ambition)
:: ziellos
goalless {adj} (without scored goals)
:: torlos
goal line {n} (in soccer)
:: Torlinie {f} ; Torauslinie {f}
goal post {n} (vertical support limiting a goal)
:: Torpfosten {m}
goalpost {n} (vertical side pole of a goal)
:: Torpfosten {m}
goalscorer {n} (person who scores a goal)
:: Torschütze {m}, Torschützin {f}
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper
Goan {n} (a person or resident from the Indian state of Goa)
:: Goaner {m}, Goanerin {f}
Goan {adj} (of or pertaining to Goa or its people, culture or languages)
:: Goaner, goanisch
go astray {v} (develop bad habits; behave improperly or illegally)
:: auf die schiefe Bahn geraten
goat {n} (animal)
:: Ziege {f}, Geiß {f}, Bock {m}
goat cheese {n} (cheese produced by goat milk)
:: Ziegenkäse {m}
goatee {n} (beard at the center of the chin)
:: Spitzbart {m}, Kinnbart {m}, Ziegenbart {m}, Goatee {m}
goatfucker {n} (derogatory term for a person of North African or Asian descent)
:: Kanake; Ölauge; Ziegenficker
goatgrass {n} (Aegilops)
:: Walch {m}, Walchgras {n}
goatherd {n} (person who herds, tends goats)
:: Ziegenhirt {m}, Ziegenhirte {m}, Ziegenhirtin {f}
goathouse {n} (shelter for goats)
:: Ziegenstall {m}
goatmeat {n} (goat eaten as meat)
:: Ziegenfleisch {n}
goatmilk {n} (product)
:: Ziegenmilch {f}
goat's-beard {n}
:: Bocksbart {m}
goat's rue {n} (Galega officinalis)
:: Geißraute {f}
go away {interj}
:: geh weg!, gehen Sie weg
go away {v} (to depart or leave a place)
:: weggehen, fortgehen , wegfahren, fortfahren
go away {v} (to travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation)
:: verreisen
go away {v} (to become invisible, vanish or disappear)
:: verschwinden
go-away bird {n} (bird of the genus Corythaixoides)
:: Lärmvogel {m}
go-away bird {n} (Corythaixoides concolor)
:: Grauer Lärmvogel {m}
gob {n} (slang: mouth)
:: Schnauze {f}
go back {v} (to return to a place)
:: zurückgehen, zurückfahren
go back on {v} (be treacherous or faithless to; betray)
:: hintergehen, betrügen, verraten, im Stich lassen
go back on {v} (fail to keep, renege on)
:: zurücknehmen, rückgängig machen
go bad {v} (of foods: to spoil or rot)
:: verderben {n}
go ballistic {v} (become very angry)
:: in die Luft gehen
go bankrupt {v} (to become bankrupt)
:: bankrott gehen, Bankrott machen, fallieren
gobble {v} (to eat hastily or greedily)
:: schlingen
gobble {v} (to make the sound of a turkey)
:: kollern
gobbledygook {n} (Nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language.)
:: Geschwafel {n}, Kauderwelsch {n}
gobbledygook {n} (Something written or said in an overly complex, incoherent, or incomprehensible manner.)
:: Fachchinesisch {n}, geschwollenes Zeug {n}, aufgeblasenes Gesülze {n}
gobbler {n} (one who eats quickly)
:: Fresser {m}
gobbler {n}
:: Puter
go belly-up {v} (go bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt
Gobi {prop} (desert)
:: Gobi {f}
goblet {n} (drinking vessel with a foot and stem)
:: Kelch {m}
goblet cell {n} (secretory cell)
:: Becherzelle
goblin {n} (hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature)
:: Kobold {m}
go by {v} (to pass by without paying attention to)
:: vorbeigehen, vorbeifahren
goby {n} (certain Godiidae)
:: Grundel {f}
goby {n} (gudgeon) SEE: gudgeon
go-cart {n} (a racing vehicle)
:: Kart {n}, Go-Kart {n}
go crazy {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts
god {n}
:: Gott {m}, Göttin {f}, Gottheit {f}, Götter {p}
god {n} (idol)
:: Idol
God {prop}
:: Gott {m}
God {prop} (single male deity of duotheism)
:: Gott {m}
God {n} (an omnipotent being)
:: Gott {m}
God bless you {interj} (said as a short prayer for the recipient)
:: Gott segne dich
God bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed)
:: Gesundheit!
godchild {n} (a child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent)
:: Patenkind {n}
goddamn {interj} (an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration)
:: verdammt noch mal, gottverdammt
goddamn {adj} (intensifier)
:: verdammt, gottverdammt, verflucht, höllisch
Goddard {prop} (male given name)
:: Gotthard
Goddard {prop} (surname)
:: Gotthardt
goddess {n} (female deity)
:: Göttin {f}, weibliche Gottheit {f}, weiblicher Gott {m}
Goddess {prop} (single goddess of monotheism)
:: Göttin {f}, Gott {n}
Goddess {prop} (single goddess of ditheism)
:: die Göttin {f}
godfather {n} (man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner)
:: Pate {m}, Firmpate {m}, Patenonkel {m}, Götti {m} , Taufpate {m}, Gevatter {m}, Taufzeuge {m}, Gote {m} , Göd {m} , Taufgöd {m} , Firmgöd {m}
godfather {n} (mafia leader)
:: Pate {m}
God-fearer {n} (God-fearer)
:: Gottesfürchtiger {m}, Gottesfürchtige {f}
godfearing {adj} (obedient to a deity)
:: gottesfürchtig
godfearing {adj} (religiously devout)
:: gottesfürchtig
God-fearing {adj} (following the precepts of a religious practice and respects and reveres god and his authority)
:: gottesfürchtig
God forbid {interj} (Don't let it be)
:: Gott behüte; Gott bewahre; da sei Gott vor
godforsaken {adj} (particularly awful; very bad; miserable; terrible)
:: gottverlassen
Godfrey {prop} (male given name)
:: Gottfried
god game {n} (video game type)
:: Göttersimulation {f}
God-given {adj} (given or sent by God or appearing so)
:: gottgegeben
godhead {n} (deity) SEE: deity
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God
godhead {n} (divinity, godhood) SEE: divinity
God helps those who help themselves {proverb} (good fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things)
:: hilf dir selbst, dann hilft dir Gott
godhood {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity
God knows {phrase} (Only known to God; only known to the gods)
:: Gott weiß, weiß Gott
godless {adj} (not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god)
:: unreligiös, nicht gottgläubig
godlessness {n} (state of being godless)
:: Gottlosigkeit {f}
godlike {adj} (having characteristics of a god)
:: gottgleich, göttlich
godliness {n} (the condition and quality of being godly)
:: Göttlichkeit {f}
godly {adj} (of or pertaining to a god)
:: göttlich
godly {adj} (devoted to a god or God)
:: fromm
godly {adj} (gloriously good)
:: rechtschaffen
godmother {n} (woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner)
:: Patin {f}, Patentante {f}, Taufpatin {f}, Gotte {f} , Firmgodl {f} , Firmpatin {f}, Godel {f} , Godl {f} , Gote {f} , Taufgodl {f} , Gevatterin {f}
God object {n}
:: Gottobjekt {n}
go down {v} (descend)
:: absteigen, hinabsteigen
go down {v} (decrease)
:: abnehmen
godparent {n} (godfather or godmother)
:: Pate {m}, Patin {f}
godsend {n} (an unexpected good fortune)
:: Glücksfall {m}, Geschenk des Himmels
godsent {adj} (sent by God)
:: gottgesandt
godship {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church
Godspeed {n} (wish that the outcome of someone's actions is positive for them)
:: viel Erfolg!
God the Father {prop} (aspect of the Trinity)
:: Gott der Vater {m}
God the Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Trinity)
:: Gott der Heiliger Geist {m}
God the Holy Spirit {prop} (God the Holy Ghost) SEE: God the Holy Ghost
God the Son {prop} (the aspect of the Trinity corresponding to Jesus Christ)
:: Gott der Sohn {m}
go Dutch {v} (split the cost)
:: getrennte Kasse machen
God willing {interj} (God willing)
:: wenn Gott will, wenn Gott es will, so Gott will
godwit {n} (Bird)
:: Schnepfe {f}
God works in mysterious ways {proverb} (a situation may be beneficial later)
:: die Wege des Herrn sind unergründlich; Gottes Wege sind unergründlich
Godzilla {prop} (Japanese science-fiction monster)
:: Godzilla {m}
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot
goer {n} (one who goes)
:: -gänger {m}, -gängerin {f} , Geher {m}, Geherin {f}
Goethe {prop} (surname)
:: Goethe {m} {f}
Goethean {adj} (relating to Goethe)
:: Goethesch, goethisch, göthesch, göthisch
goethite {n} (an iron oxyhydroxide that is the main constituent of rust)
:: Goethit {m}
go far {v} (to attain success)
:: es weit bringen
gofer {n} (worker)
:: Aushilfskraft {f}
go figure {phrase} (expression of perplexity or surprise)
:: stell dir vor
go for broke {v} (to wager everything)
:: alles aufs Spiel setzen
go for broke {v} (to try everything possible in a final attempt)
:: alles auf eine Karte setzen
go for it {v} (to put maximum effort into something)
:: alles geben, (richtig) reinhauen
go fuck oneself {v} (a variant of fuck you)
:: leck mich am Arsch, fick dich, fick dich ins Knie
go-getter {n} (one who is motivated or inclined to excel)
:: Draufgänger {m}
goggle {n} (a pair of protective eyeglasses) SEE: goggles
goggle {v} (stare with wide eyes)
:: glotzen
goggles {n} (protective eyewear)
:: Schutzbrille {f}
Goidelic {n} (division of the Celtic languages)
:: Gälisch {n}
going {n} (progress)
:: Fortschritt {m}
going {n} (conditions for advancing)
:: Weiterkommen {n}
going concern {n} (working business)
:: Fortführungsprinzip {n}
go in one ear and out the other {v} (to be heard but not attended to)
:: zum einen Ohr hinein- und zum anderen wieder hinausgehen
go it alone {v} (do something alone or independently)
:: im Alleingang + verb (e.g., erledigen)
go-it-alone {adj} (done alone or independently)
:: im Alleingang
goitre {n} (enlargement of the neck)
:: Kropf {m}, Struma {f}, Satthals {m}
goji berry {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry
gokkun {n} (genre of pornography)
:: Gokkun {n}
Golan Heights {prop} (plateau)
:: Golanhöhen {p}
Golconda {prop} (ruined city in Andhra Pradesh, India)
:: Golkonda {f}, Golkanda {f}, Golconda {f}
gold {adj} (made of gold, golden)
:: golden, gülden
gold {adj} (having the colour of gold)
:: golden, gülden , goldfarben, goldfarbig
gold {n} (element)
:: Gold {n}
gold {n} (coin)
:: Goldmünze {f}, Goldstück {n}
gold {n} (gold medal)
:: Goldmedaille {f}
Gold Coast {prop} (in Australia)
:: Gold Coast {n}
gold coin {n} (coin made of gold)
:: Goldmünze {f}
goldcrest {n} (bird)
:: Goldhähnchen {n}
gold digger {n} (someone who digs or mines for gold)
:: Goldgräber {m}
gold digger {n} (person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain money and/or material goods, power)
:: Abzockerbraut {f}
golden {adj} (made of, or relating to, gold)
:: golden, gülden
golden {adj} (having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold)
:: golden, gülden
golden {adj} (marked by prosperity, creativity, etc.)
:: golden
golden {adj} (advantageous or very favourable)
:: golden
golden age {n} (time of progress and achievement)
:: goldenes Zeitalter {n}
goldenberry {n} (cape gooseberry) SEE: cape gooseberry
golden calf {n} (A golden image of a calf)
:: goldenes Kalb {n}
golden-crested wren {n} (goldcrest) SEE: goldcrest
golden eagle {n} (large bird of prey)
:: Steinadler {m}
Golden Fleece {prop} (in mythology)
:: Goldenes Vlies {n}
golden fruit dove {n} (the fruit dove species Ptilinopus luteovirens)
:: Goldtaube {f}
golden goal {n} (first goal scored during extra time)
:: Golden Goal {n}
golden goose {n} (something that generates much profit)
:: goldene Gans {f}
golden hamster {n} (a small rodent, Mesocricetus auratus)
:: Goldhamster {m}
golden handshake {n} (generous severance payment)
:: goldener Handschlag {m}
Golden Horde {prop} (the Mongol invaders)
:: Goldene Horde {f}
Golden Horn {prop} (inlet)
:: Goldenes Horn {n}
golden jackal {n} (Canis aureus)
:: Goldschakal {m}
golden mole {n} (mole of the family Chrysochloridae)
:: Goldmull {m}
golden parachute {n} (agreement on benefits)
:: goldener Fallschirm {m}
golden pheasant {n} (golden pheasant)
:: Goldfasan
golden plover {n} (Pluvialis dominic) SEE: American golden plover
golden ratio {n} (irrational number)
:: Goldener Schnitt {m}
goldenrod {n} (plant)
:: Goldrute {f}
golden rule {n} (idiomatic)
:: goldene Regel {f}
golden rule {n} (ethics)
:: goldene Regel {f}
golden wedding {n} (anniversary celebration)
:: Goldhochzeit {f}, goldene Hochzeit {f}
Golden Week {prop} (holiday)
:: Goldene Woche {f}
gold fever {n} (fever for gold ore)
:: Goldfieber {n}
goldfinch {n} (any of several passerine birds)
:: Stieglitz {m}
goldfish {n} (fish)
:: Goldfisch {m}
goldfish bowl {n} (bowl in which fish are kept)
:: Goldfischglas {n}
goldilocks {n} (girl with golden hair)
:: Goldlöckchen {n}
Goldilocks {prop} (fairy tale character)
:: Goldlöckchen {n}
gold leaf {n} (gold beaten into a thin sheet)
:: Blattgold {n}, Goldblatt {n}
gold medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, gold)
:: Goldmedaille {f}
gold mine {n} (mine for gold)
:: Goldmine {f}, Goldbergwerk {n}
gold mine {n} (very profitable economic venture)
:: Goldgrube {f}
gold mine {n} (reserve of something sought after)
:: Goldgrube {f}
gold rush {n} (period of feverish migration into an area in which gold has been discovered)
:: Goldrausch {m}
goldsmith {n} (person who makes things out of gold)
:: Goldschmied {m}, Goldschmiedin {f}, Gold- und Silberschmied {m}, Gold- und Silberschmiedin {f}
goldsmithery {n} (the work of a goldsmith)
:: Goldschmiedekunst
gold standard {n} (monetary system)
:: Goldstandard {m}
golem {n} (creature)
:: Golem {m}
golf {n} (ball game)
:: Golf {n}
golf {v} (play golf)
:: golfen
golf ball {n} (small ball used in golf)
:: Golfball {m}
golf club {n} (the implement)
:: Golfschläger {m}
golf club {n} (a club or organization)
:: Golfklub {m}
golf course {n} (the land where one plays golf)
:: Golfplatz {m}
golfer {n} (someone who plays golf)
:: Golfer {m}, Golferin {f}, Golfspieler {m}, Golfspielerin {f}
Golgi apparatus {n} (organelle)
:: Golgi-Apparat {m}
Golgotha {prop} (the crucifixion hill, see also: Calvary)
:: Golgotha
Goliard {n} (wandering student)
:: Vagant {m}
Goliath {prop} (biblical giant)
:: Goliath {m}
Gollum {n} (fictional character)
:: Gollum
Golodomor {prop} (Holodomor) SEE: Holodomor
go mad {v} (to become insane) SEE: go nuts
Gomel {prop} (city)
:: Homel {n}, Gomel {n}
Gomorrah {prop} (city in the Middle East)
:: Gomorrha {n}, Gomorra {n}, Gomorrhah {n}
-gon {suffix} (plane figure)
:: -eck {n}
gonad {n} (sex gland)
:: Gonade {f}, Geschlechtsdrüse {f}, Keimdrüse {f}
gonad {n} (slang, testicles)
:: Eier {n-p}
gondola {n} (narrow boat, especially in Venice)
:: Gondel {f}
gondola {n} (enclosed car suspended to a cable onto which it travels)
:: Seilbahn {f}
gondolier {n} (Venetian boatman who propels a gondola)
:: Gondoliere {m}, Gondolier {m}, Gondelfahrer {m}, Gondelführer {m}, Gondelschiffer {m}, Gondelier {m}
Gondwana {prop} (southern supercontinent)
:: Gondwana {n}
Gondwanaland {prop} (Gondwana) SEE: Gondwana
goner {n} (someone doomed, a hopeless case)
:: ein hoffnungsloser Fall {m}, Todgeweihter {m}
gong {n} (percussion instrument)
:: Gong {m} {n}
gongfu {n} (kung fu) SEE: kung fu
gonorrhea {n} (STD)
:: Gonorrhoe {f}
go nuts {v} (to become mad)
:: verrückt werden, durchdrehen
go nuts {v} (in the imperative)
:: leg los
goo {n} (sticky or gummy semi-solid or liquid substance)
:: Schmiere {f}, Klebstoff {m}, Glibber {m}, Soße {f}, klebriges Zeug {n}, Papp {m}
goo {n} (sentimentality)
:: Schmalz {m}, übertriebene Sentimentalität {f}
good {adj} (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions)
:: gut
good {adj} (useful for a particular purpose)
:: gut
good {adj} (of food, edible; not stale or rotten)
:: gut
good {adj} (of food, having a particularly pleasant taste)
:: lecker, gut
good {adj} (healthful)
:: gut, gesund
good {adj} (pleasant; enjoyable)
:: gut, schön, angenehm
good {adj} (of people, competent or talented)
:: gut
good {adj} (effective)
:: gut, effektiv
good {adj} (favourable)
:: gut
good {adj} (beneficial; worthwhile)
:: gut
good {n} (the forces of good)
:: das Gute {n}
good {n} (item of merchandise)
:: Gut {n}
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon)
:: guten Tag, guten Nachmittag
Good Book {prop} (the Good Book)
:: gutes Buch {n}
goodbye {interj} (farewell, see also: bye)
:: auf Wiedersehen, auf Wiederschauen , Gott befohlen, auf Wiederhören (telephone), tschüss, tschau (ciao), lebe wohl, adieu, bis später, bis bald
goodbye {n} (an utterance of goodbye)
:: Abschied {m}
goodbye, cruel world {phrase} (exclamation prior to suicide)
:: mach's gut, grausame Welt!, auf Wiedersehen, grausame Welt!
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset)
:: guten Tag
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening)
:: guten Abend
good faith {n} (good, honest intentions)
:: guter Glaube {m}; bestes Wissen und Gewissen {n}
good for nothing {adj} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing
good-for-nothing {adj} (useless, worthless)
:: Tunichtgut {m}
good-for-nothing {n} (person of little worth or usefulness)
:: Taugenichts {m}, Nichtsnutz {m}, Krattler {m}, Tunichtgut {m}
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck
Good Friday {prop} (The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified)
:: Karfreitag {m}, Charfreitag {m}, Hoher Freitag {m}, Stiller Freitag {m}
good heavens {interj} (exclamation of surprise or shock)
:: Gott im Himmel
Good King Henry {n} (species of goosefoot)
:: Guter Heinrich {m}
good-looking {adj} (attractive)
:: hübsch, schön, attraktiv
good luck {interj} (wish of fortune or encouragement)
:: viel Glück! {n}, viel Erfolg! {m}
good morning {interj} (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
:: guten Morgen
good-natured {adj} (of or pertaining to an amicable, kindly disposition)
:: gutmütig
goodness {n} (state or characteristic of being good)
:: Güte {f}, Gütigkeit {f}, Herzensgüte {f}, Tugend {f}, Integrität {f}
good news {n} (something positive)
:: gute Nachricht {f}
good news {n} (the message of Jesus concerning the salvation of the faithful)
:: gute Nachricht {f}
good night {phrase} (a farewell)
:: gute Nacht
good riddance {interj} (used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome)
:: gehe mit Gott, aber geh!
goods {n} (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold)
:: Güter {f-p}, Ware {f}
Good Samaritan {n} (subject of the parable)
:: barmherziger Samariter {m}
good sense {n} (common sense) SEE: common sense
goods train {n} (train used for transportation of goods)
:: Güterzug {m}
good things come to those who wait {proverb} (patience is a virtue)
:: was lange währt, wird endlich gut, gut Ding will Weile haben
goodwill {n} (favorably disposed attitude)
:: guter Wille {m}
goodwill {n}
:: Freundschaft {f}
good wine needs no bush {proverb} (aomething good does not need to be advertised)
:: gute Ware lobt sich selbst
gooey {adj} (soft, sticky and viscous)
:: klebrig, zähflüssig
goof {v} (to make a mistake)
:: fehlen
go off {v} (explode)
:: explodieren
go off {v} (putrefy; become inedible)
:: schlecht werden, sauer werden , ranzig werden
goof up {v} (to make a mistake)
:: vermurksen, verpfuschen
goofy {adj} (silly)
:: albern, trottelig, doof
Goofy {prop} (Disney character)
:: Goofy {m}
google {v} (to search for on the Internet)
:: googeln, googlen
Google {v} (to search the internet using the Google search engine) SEE: google
Google {prop} (Google (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters))
:: Google {n}
googol {num} (1 followed by 100 zeros)
:: Googol {n}
googolplex {num} (ten to the power of a googol)
:: Googolplex
gook {n} (derogatory slur for an Asian person)
:: Schlitzauge {n}
goombah {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop
go on {v} (continue)
:: weitermachen , weiter gehen , fortsetzen
go on {v} (happen)
:: passieren, los sein , abgehen
goon {n} (a thug)
:: Schläger {m}, Gorilla {m}
goon {n} (a fool)
:: Trottel {m}
goon squad {n} (a group of individuals serving as enforcers, bodyguards, and the like)
:: Schlägertrupp {m}, Schlägertruppe {f}
goosander {n} (diving duck)
:: Säger {m} , Sägetaucher {m} , Gänsesäger {m}
goose {n} (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae)
:: Gans {f}
gooseberry {n} (fruit)
:: Stachelbeere {f}
gooseberry {n} (additional person)
:: fünftes Rad am Wagen
goose bump {n} (raised skin caused by cold, excitement, or fear)
:: Gänsehaut {f}
goose egg {n} (nothing)
:: überhaupt nichts
goose egg {n} (swelling or bump)
:: Beule {f}
goose flesh {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump
goosefoot {n} (flowering plant of the subfamily Chenopodioideae)
:: Gänsefuß {m}
gooseherd {n} (person who tends to geese) SEE: gosherd
goose is cooked {phrase} (all hope is gone)
:: erledigt sein, geliefert sein, Die Messe ist gelesen
gooseneck {n} (anything shaped like a goose's neck)
:: Schwanenhals {m}
gooseneck {n} (swivel connection on a sailboat for the boom to attach to the mast)
:: Lümmelbeschlag {m}
gooseneck barnacle {n} (Pollicipes pollicipes)
:: Entenmuschel {f}
goose pimple {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump
goose skin {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump
goose-step {n} (a style of marching)
:: Stechschritt {m}
goose-step {v} (to march with a goose-step)
:: im Stechschritt marschieren
go out {v} (to leave, especially a building)
:: hinausgehen, herausgehen, ausgehen
go out {v} (to leave one's abode to go to public places)
:: ausgehen
go out {v} (to be turned off or extinguished)
:: erlöschen, verlöschen
go out {v} (to become extinct, to expire)
:: aussterben
gopher {n} (a small burrowing rodent)
:: Erdhörnchen {n}, Ziesel {m}, Zieselmaus {f}, (of the family Geomyidae) Taschenratte {f}
go places {v} (make progress)
:: es zu was bringen, Erfolg haben, erfolgreich sein
go postal {v} (behave in a hysterical, angry or irrational manner)
:: ausrasten
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname)
:: Gorbatschow
Gordian knot {n} (mythical knot)
:: Gordischer Knoten
Gordias {prop} (name of kings of Phrygia)
:: Gordios, Gordias
gore {n} (thick blood)
:: Blut {n}, geronnenes Blut {n}
gore {v} (to pierce with a horn)
:: aufspießen, stechen
gore {n} (triangular patch of fabric)
:: Gehre {f}, Zwickel {m}
gorge {n} (The front aspect of the neck)
:: Gurgel {f}, Kehle {f}
gorge {n} (inside of the throat, see also: gullet)
:: Speiseröhre {f}
gorge {n} (deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides)
:: Schlucht {f}
gorgeous {adj} (very beautiful)
:: fantastisch, großartig, herrlich, hinreißend, prachtvoll, sagenhaft, toll , traumhaft, umwerfend , wunderschön
gorget {n} (armour)
:: Ringkragen {m}
gorgon {n} (monster in Greek mythology)
:: Gorgo {f}, Gorgone {f}
Gori {prop} (a city in eastern Georgia)
:: Gori
gorilla {n} (ape)
:: Gorilla {m}
Gorizia {prop} (town & province)
:: Görz {n}
gormless {adj} (lacking intelligence or understanding; foolish)
:: dämlich
Gorno-Altaysk {prop} (town, centre of the Altai Republic, Russia)
:: Gorno-Altaisk {n}
gorodki {n} (an ancient Russian folk sport)
:: Gorodki {p}
go round in circles {v} (To repeatedly do the same thing)
:: sich im Kreis drehen
gorse {n} (evergreen shrub)
:: Ginster {m}, Stechginster {m}
Gorstian {prop}
:: Gorstium
gory {adj} (covered with blood, very bloody)
:: blutig, blutrünstig, mörderisch
gory {adj} (unpleasant) SEE: unpleasant
Goryeo {prop} (a historical Korea)
:: Goryeo {n}
gosh {interj} (mild expression of surprise or enthusiasm)
:: meine Güte, Mensch, Mann
goshawk {n} (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter)
:: Habicht {m}
gosherd {n} (one who takes care of geese)
:: Gänsehirt {m}, Gänsehirte {m}, Gänsehirtin {f}
gosling {n} (young goose)
:: Gänseküken {n}, Gänslein {n}, Gänschen {n}, Gössel {n} , junge Gans {f}
gosling {n} (callow, or foolish and naive, young person)
:: Grünschnabel {m}, Gelbschnabel {m}
go south {v} (become unfavorable)
:: auf dem absteigenden Ast sein
gospel {n} (first section of New Testament)
:: Evangelium {n}
gospel {n} (account of the life, death, and teachings of Jesus)
:: Evangelium {n}
gossamer {n} (cobwebs floating in the air)
:: Altweiberfäden {p} {m}, Flugfäden {p} {m}
gossip {n} (idle talk)
:: Klatsch {m}, Tratsch {m}
gossip {v} (to talk about someone else's private or personal business)
:: tratschen, klatschen
gossip {v} (to talk idly)
:: klatschen, schwatzen
gotcha {contraction} (gotcha)
:: hab dich, erwischt
goth {n} (person who is part of the goth subculture)
:: Grufti {m}, Schwarzer {m}
Goth {n} (member of the East Germanic people)
:: Gote {m}, Gotin {f}
Gothenburg {prop} (city on the west coast of Sweden)
:: Göteborg {n}, Gotenburg {n}, Gothenburg {n}
Gothenburger {n} (person from, or an inhabitant of, Gothenburg)
:: Göteborger {m}, Gotenburger {m}, Göteborgerin {f}, Gotenburgerin {f}
Gothic {prop} (extinct Germanic language)
:: Gotisch {n}
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the Goths)
:: gotisch
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the architectural style)
:: gotisch
Gothic {adj} (of the type formerly used for printing German)
:: gotisch
Gothic {adj} (of a sans serif typeface)
:: gotisch
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the goth subculture or lifestyle)
:: Gothic
Gothic alphabet {n} (27-letter alphabet of the Gothic language)
:: gotische Schrift {f}, gotisches Alphabet {n}
go through {v} (to execute; carry out) SEE: execute
got it {v} (Do you understand?)
:: verstanden?, kapiert?
got it {v} (I understand)
:: verstanden
Gotland {prop} (island of Sweden)
:: Gotland {n}
go to bed {v} (to lie down to sleep)
:: zu Bett gehen, schlafen gehen
go to hell {v} (interjection)
:: fahr zu Hölle, fahrt zu Hölle {p}
go too far {v}
:: zu weit gehen, es zu weit treiben
go to sleep {v} (fall asleep) SEE: fall asleep
go to someone's head {v}
:: zu Kopf steigen
go to the dogs {v} (idiomatic: to decline or deteriorate)
:: vor die Hunde gehen
go to the ends of the earth {v} (bend over backwards) SEE: bend over backwards
go to war {v} (enter armed conflict)
:: in den Krieg ziehen
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work
go to work {v} (commute) SEE: commute
Gottschee {prop} (region)
:: Gottschee
Gottschee {prop} (city)
:: Gottschee
Gottscheer {n} (Germanic person from Gottschee)
:: Gottscheer
Gottscheerish {prop} (lect)
:: Gottscheerisch
gouache {n} (paint)
:: Gouache {f}, Guasch {f}
gouache {n} (painting)
:: Gouache {f}, Guasch {f}
gouda {n} (semi-hard cheese)
:: Gouda {m}
Gouda {prop} (city in the Netherlands)
:: Gouda
Gouda {n} (cheese)
:: Gouda
gouge {v} (to cheat or impose upon) SEE: cheat
gouge {n} (chisel with a curved blade)
:: Grabstichel {m}, Hohlbeitel {m}, Hohlmeißel {m}, Stichel {m}
gouge {n} (cut or groove)
:: Furche {f}, Rille {f}
gouge {v} (to make a groove, hole, or mark in by scooping)
:: ausstechen, bohren, einschlagen
gouge {v} (to charge an unfairly or unreasonably high price)
:: abzocken, schröpfen
goulash {n} (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream)
:: Gulasch {n}
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep
go under {v} (to fail by going bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt
go under {v} (to descend into a body of water)
:: untergehen
go up {v} (to move upwards)
:: hinaufgehen, steigen
go up {v} (to rise or increase)
:: ansteigen, aufsteigen, hochgehen
gourd {n} (dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit)
:: Kalebasse {f}
gourmand {n} (person given to excess in the consumption of food and drink)
:: Gourmand {m}, Schlemmer {m} / Schlemmerin {f}, Vielfraß {m}, Völler {m}
gourmand {n} (person who appreciates good food)
:: Feinschmecker {m}, Feinschmeckerin {f}, Gourmet {m}
gourmandise {v} (eat food in a gluttonous manner)
:: sich voll fressen
gourmet {adj}
:: Feinschmecker-, Genießer-, Feinkost-
gourmet {n} (gourmet; a person who appreciates good food)
:: Feinschmecker {m}, Feinschmeckerin {f}, Gourmet {m}, Genießer {m}
gout {n} (arthritic disease)
:: Gicht {f}
govern {v} (to exercise sovereign authority in)
:: regieren
govern {v} (to control the actions of)
:: regulieren
govern {v} (to exercise a determining influence on)
:: lenken
govern {v} (to control the speed or magnitude of)
:: regeln
govern {v} ((intr.) to exercise political authority)
:: regieren
govern {v} ((intr.) to have a determining influence)
:: regeln
governability {n} (ability to be governed)
:: Regierbarkeit {f}
governable {adj} (capable of being governed)
:: regierbar
governance {n} (the process, or the power, of governing; government or administration; control and monitoring)
:: Regieren {n}, Regierungsführung {f}, Führung {f}, Staatsführung {f}, Herrschen {n}, Herrschaft {f}, Regentschaft {f}, Lenkung {f}, Staatslenkung {f}
governance {n} (the specific system by which a political system is ruled)
:: Regierungsform {f}, Führungsstruktur {f}
governance {n} (the group of people who make up an administrative body)
:: Führung {f}, Staatsführung {f}
governess {n} (woman paid to educate children in their own home)
:: Hauslehrerin {f}, Erzieherin {f}, Gouvernante {f}
government {n} (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws)
:: Regierung {f}
governmental {adj} (relating to a government)
:: Regierungs
governor {n} (leader of a region or state)
:: Gouverneur {m}, Gouverneurin {f}
governor {n} (device which regulates or controls)
:: Regler {m}
governorate {n} (territory ruled by a governor)
:: Gouvernement {n}
governor general {n} (governor or viceroy possessing some military authority)
:: Generalgouverneur {m}
governor general {n} (representative of the monarch)
:: Generalgouverneur {m}
governor-general {n} (commonwealth official)
:: Generalgouverneur {m}
governor-general {n} (similar official in other countries)
:: Generalgouverneur {m}
go wild {v} (to go ahead, do as one pleases) SEE: go nuts
go with {v} (match, correspond with)
:: passen zu
go without saying {v} (to be obvious, apparent or clear)
:: es versteht sich von selbst
gown {n} (loose, flowing upper garment)
:: Umhang {m}, Umwurf {m}, Überwurf {m}
gown {n} (woman's dress)
:: Kleid {n}, Abendkleid {n}
gown {n} (official robe)
:: Robe {f}, Talar {m}
gown {n} (dressing gown) SEE: dressing gown
go wrong {v} (to fail)
:: schiefgehen, schieflaufen
goy {n} (non-Jew)
:: Goi {m}, Goj {m}, Nichtjude {m}
Gozitan {n} (inhabitant of Gozo)
:: Gozitaner {m}, Gozitanerin {f}
Gozitan {adj} (pertaining to Gozo)
:: gozitanisch
GPL {prop}
:: Prägermanisch {n}
GPS {n} (Global Positioning System)
:: GPS {n}
GPS receiver {n} (GPS receiver)
:: Navigationsgerät {n}; Navi {n}
grab {v} (to seize)
:: greifen
grab {v} (to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something))
:: greifen
grab {n} (a mechanical device that grabs)
:: Greifer {m}
graben {n} (elongated block of the Earth's crust that has dropped relative to the surrounding blocks)
:: Graben {m}
Gracchus {prop} (Roman cognomen)
:: Gracchus
grace {n} (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal)
:: Tischgebet {n}
grace {n} (elegant movement, poise or balance)
:: Anmut {f}, Grazie {f}
grace {n} (allowance of time granted to a debtor)
:: Aufschub {m}, Fristverlängerung {f}, Zahlungsfrist {f}
grace {n} (free and undeserved favour, especially of God)
:: Gnade {f}, Gunst {f}, Huld {f}
grace {n} (divine assistance in resisting sin)
:: Gnade {f}, Gunst {f}, Huld {f}
grace {v} (to adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify)
:: schmücken, zieren
graceful {adj} (showing grace)
:: anmutig, ansprechend, elegant, graziös, reizend, zierlich, huldreich
gracefully {adv} (in a graceful manner)
:: anmutig, anstandslos, elegant, graziös, würdevoll
gracefulness {n} (the state of being graceful)
:: Anmut {f}
grace note {n} (musical note played to ornament the melody)
:: Vorschlagsnote {f}
Graces {prop} (trio of Greek goddesses)
:: Grazien {f}
gracilis {n} (Inner thigh most superficial muscle)
:: Schlankmuskel {m}
gradation {n} (a sequence of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression)
:: Abstufung {f}
grade {n} (rating)
:: Note {f}
grade {n} (performance expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol)
:: Note {f}, Zensur {f}
grade {n} (degree or level of something)
:: Grad {m}, Sorte {f}
grade {n} (level of pre-collegiate education)
:: Klasse {f}
grade crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing
grade school {n} (elementary or primary school) SEE: primary school
gradient {n} (slope or incline)
:: Steigung {f}, Gefälle {n}, Neigung {f}
gradient {n} (rate of inclination or declination of a slope)
:: Steigung {f}, Gefälle {n}, Neigung {f}
gradient {n} (in calculus)
:: Gradient {m}
gradient {n} (in physics)
:: Gradient {m}
gradient {n} (in vector algebra)
:: Gradient {m}
gradual {adj} (proceeding by steps or small degrees)
:: graduell, schrittweise zunehmend
gradually {adv} (in gradual manner)
:: nach und nach, allmählich, stufenweise, schrittweise
graduate {n} (from a university)
:: Absolvent {m}, Absolventin {f}
graduate {n} (US: from a high school)
:: Absolvent {m}, Absolventin {f}
graduate {v} (to be recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree)
:: absolvieren, graduieren
graduate {v} (to mark a scale on (something) so it can be used for measuring)
:: graduieren
graduate school {n} (a school that awards advanced degrees)
:: Graduiertenschule {f}
graduate student {n} (university student working on a master's or Ph.D.) SEE: postgraduate
graduation {n} (the action or process of graduating)
:: Abschluss {m}
graduation {n} (a commencement ceremony)
:: Abschlussfeier {f}
graduation {n} (a marking (i.e. on a container) indicating a measurement)
:: Graduierung {f}
graffiti {n} (drawings on a surface)
:: Graffito {m} {n}, Graffiti {m-p} {n-p}
graffiti artist {n} (Person who paints graffiti)
:: Graffitikünstler {m}, Graffitikünstlerin {f}
graffitist {n} (graffiti artist) SEE: graffiti artist
graft {n} (small shoot or scion)
:: Pfropfreis {n}
graft {n} (portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty)
:: Transplantat {n}
graft {v} (to implant to form an organic union)
:: transplantieren
graft {v} (to insert scions)
:: pfropfen
Graham biscuit {n} (bread made of unbolted wheat flour) SEE: Graham bread
Graham bread {n} (bread baked of graham flour)
:: Grahambrot {n}
grain {n} (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops)
:: Korn {n}, Getreide {n}
grain {n} (single seed of grain)
:: Körnchen {n}, Korn {n}
grain {n} (the crops from which grain is harvested)
:: Getreide {n}
grain {n} (linear texture of material or surface)
:: Maserung {f}
grain {n} (single particle of a substance)
:: Körnchen {n}
grain {n}
:: Korn, Getreide, Strich, Gran
grained {adj} (Having a grain or grains)
:: körnig
graining {n} (practice of imitating woodgrain)
:: maserieren
grainline {n}
:: Fadenlauf {m}
grains of paradise {n} (spice)
:: Paradieskörner {m-p}, Malagettapfeffer {m}, Guineapfeffer {m}, Meleguetapfeffer {m}
gram {n} (unit of mass)
:: Gramm {n}
-gram {suffix} (something written)
:: -gramm
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic
grammar {n} (rules for speaking and writing a language)
:: Grammatik {f}, Sprachlehre {f}
grammar {n} (study of internal structure and use of words)
:: Grammatik {f}, Grammatiktheorie {f}, Sprachlehre {f}, Sprachkunst {f}
grammar {n} (book describing grammar)
:: Grammatik {f}, Sprachlehre {f}
grammar {n} (in computing: formal system specifying the syntax of a language)
:: Grammatik {f}
grammarian {n} (person who studies grammar)
:: Sprachlehrer {m}, Grammatiker {m}
grammar Nazi {n} (person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others)
:: Sprachpolizei {f}
grammar school {n} (secondary school that stresses academic education)
:: Gymnasium {n}
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar
grammatical {adj} (acceptable as determined by the rules of the grammar)
:: grammatisch, grammatikalisch; (but usually grammatisch korrekt / richtig)
grammatical {adj} (of or pertaining to grammar)
:: grammatisch; grammatikalisch
grammatical alternation {n} (Verner alternation) SEE: Verner alternation
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word)
:: Fall {m}, Kasus {m}
grammaticalization {n}
:: Grammatikalisierung {f}
grammatically {adv} (in a grammatical manner)
:: grammatisch
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship)
:: Modus {m}, Aussageform {f}, Aussageweise {f}, Weise {f}, Sprechart, Art {f}
grammatician {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian
grammaticist {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian
grammaticity {n} (the existence of analyzable grammatical structure)
:: Grammatizität
grammatischer Wechsel {n} (Verner alternation) SEE: Verner alternation
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole
gramophone {n} (record player)
:: Grammophon {n}, Grammofon {n}
gramps {n} (grandfather)
:: Opa {m}
grampus {n} (killer whale) SEE: orca
Gramscian {adj} (of Antonio Gramsci and his works)
:: gramscistisch
Granada {prop} (city in Spain)
:: Granada {n}
granary {n} (storage facility)
:: Getreidespeicher {m}, Kornhaus {n}, Kornspeicher {m}, Speicher {m}
granary {n} (fertile, grain-growing region)
:: Kornkammer {f}
grand {adj} (of large size or extent)
:: groß
grand {adj} (great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression)
:: groß, großartig
grand {adj} (having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other similar things)
:: Groß-
grand {adj} (standing in the second or more remote degree of parentage or descent)
:: Groß-
grand {n} (one thousand of some currency)
:: Tausi {m}
grand {n} (grand piano) SEE: grand piano
grandaunt {n} (great-aunt) SEE: great-aunt
Grand Canyon {prop} (large national park and gorge)
:: Grand Canyon {m}
grandchild {n} (child of someone’s child)
:: Enkel {m}, Enkelkind {n}
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child)
:: Enkelin {f}
grand duchess {n} (grand duke’s consort)
:: Großherzogin {f}
grand duchess {n} ((grand)daughter of a Russian czar or emperor)
:: Großherzogin {f}
grand duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a grand duke or grand duchess)
:: Großherzogtum {n}
Grand Duchy of Lithuania {prop} (former European state)
:: Großfürstentum Litauen {n}
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg)
:: Großherzogtum Luxemburg {n}
grand duke {n} (ruler or monarch of a grand duchy)
:: Großherzog {m}
grand duke {n} (son or grandson of a czar)
:: Großfürst {m}
grandee {n} (high ranking nobleman in Spain or Portugal)
:: Grande {m}
grandee {n} (person of high rank)
:: Grande {m}
grandee {n} (title for a high ranking nobleman in Spain or Portugal)
:: Grande {m}
Grand Est {prop} (region of France)
:: Großer Osten, Grand Est
grandfather {n} (grandfather (from either side))
:: Großvater {m}, Grossvater {m} , Opa {m}, Opi {m}; Großvater väterlicherseits {m} , Großvater mütterlicherseits {m}
grandfather clock {n} (pendulum clock)
:: Bodenstanduhr {f}, Standuhr {f}, Großvateruhr {f}
grandfatherly {adj} (in the manner of a grandfather)
:: großväterlich
grandfather paradox {n} (type of paradox)
:: Großvaterparadoxon {n}, Großvater-Paradoxon {n}
Grand Inquisitor {n} (lead official of the Inquisition)
:: Großinquisitor {m}
grandiosity {n} (the state of being grandiose)
:: Großspurigkeit {f}
grand jury {n}
:: Grand Jury {f}
grandma {n} (grandmother (informal))
:: Oma, Omi
grandmaster {n} (Grandmaster) SEE: Grandmaster
Grandmaster {n} (highest title for chess player)
:: Großmeister {m}, Großmeisterin {f}, Grossmeister {m} , Grossmeisterin {f}
Grand Master {n} (title)
:: Großmeister {m}
grandmother {n} (mother of someone's parent)
:: Großmutter {f}, Oma {f}, Omi {f}, Großmütterchen {n} , Großmütterlein {n}
grand narrative {n} (metanarrative) SEE: metanarrative
grandnephew {n} (grandson of a sibling)
:: Großneffe {m}
grandniece {n} (granddaughter of a sibling)
:: Großnichte {f}
grandpa {n} (grandfather (informal))
:: Opa, Opi
grandparent {n} (parent of one's parent)
:: Großeltern {p} , Großelternteil {m}
grandparenthood {n} (state of being a grandparent)
:: Großelternschaft {f}
grand piano {n} (type of piano)
:: Flügel {m}
grand prince {n} (ruler's title)
:: Großfürst {m}
Grand Prix {n} (any of several international races, especially one of a series for Formula One racing cars)
:: Großer Preis {m}, Grosser Preis {m}, Grand Prix {m}
grandson {n} (son of one's child)
:: Enkelsohn {m}, Enkel {m}, Großsohn {m}, Grosssohn {m}
grandstand {n} (seating area)
:: Tribüne {f}
grand theft auto {n} (criminal act of stealing a motor vehicle)
:: Kraftfahrzeugdiebstahl {m}; Autodiebstahl {m}; Motorraddiebstahl {m}
granduncle {n} (great-uncle) SEE: great-uncle
grand unification theory {n} (theory that unifies fundamental forces)
:: große vereinheitlichte Theorie {f}
granite {n} (type of rock)
:: Granit {m}
granitoid {n} (any mineral that resembles granite)
:: Granitoid
granny {n} (colloquial: grandmother)
:: Oma {f}, Omi {f}
granny {n} (colloquial, derogatory: an elderly woman)
:: Alte {f}
granodiorite {n} (intrusive igneous rock)
:: Granodiorit
granola {n} (breakfast and snack food)
:: Müsli {n}
grant {v} (To give over)
:: gewähren
grant {v} (To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request)
:: erteilen
grant {v} (To assent; to consent)
:: bewilligen
granted {adv} (Used to concede a point)
:: zugegebenermaßen, freilich
grantedly {adv} (by admission)
:: zugegebenermaßen
grant-in-aid {n} (giving of national funds)
:: Subvention {f}
granulate {v} (to segment)
:: granulieren
granulated sugar {n} (granulated sugar)
:: Haushaltszucker {m}, Kristallzucker {m}
granule {n} (small particle)
:: Körnchen {n}
granulomatous {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characterized by granulomata)
:: granulomatös
grape {n} (fruit)
:: Traube {f}, Weintraube {f}, Weinbeere
grape {n} (vine)
:: Weinrebe {f}
grape {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot
grapefruit {n} (fruit)
:: Grapefruit {f}, Pampelmuse {f}
grape juice {n} (grape juice)
:: Traubensaft {m}
grapery {n} (a place used for grape cultivation)
:: Weintreibhaus {n}
grapeshot {n} (type of shot)
:: Kartätsche {f}
grapevine {n} (the plant on which grapes grow)
:: Weinstock {m}, Rebstock {m}
grapevine {n} (informal means of circulating gossip)
:: Gerüchteküche {f}, Buschtrommel {f}, Buschtrommeln {p} {f}, Urwaldtrommel {f}, Flurfunk {m}, Gerüchteküche {f}
graph {n} (mathematical diagram)
:: Graph {m}, Funktionsgraph {m}
graph {n} (ordered pair in graph theory)
:: Graph {m}
graph {n} (chart) SEE: chart
-graph {suffix} (something related to writing etc.)
:: -graph
grapheme {n} (fundamental unit of a writing system)
:: Graphem {n}
graphene {n} (large-scale, one-atom thick layer of graphite)
:: Graphen
graphic {adj} (drawn, pictorial)
:: graphisch, grafisch
graphic {adj} (vivid, descriptive)
:: graphisch, grafisch
graphic {n} (a drawing or picture)
:: Graphik {f}
graphic {n} ((in the plural) computer generated images as viewed on a screen forming part of a game or a film etc.)
:: Graphik {f}
graphical {adj} (of, related to, or using graphics)
:: grafisch
graphical user interface {n} (type of user interface)
:: grafische Benutzeroberfläche {f}, grafische Benutzerschnittstelle {f}
graphic artist {n} (graphic designer) SEE: graphic designer
graphic design {n}
:: Grafikdesign {n}
graphic designer {n} (artist)
:: Grafiker {m}, Grafikerin {f}; alternate spellings: Graphiker {m}, Graphikerin {f}
graphic novel {n} (comic book)
:: Comicbuch {m}, Graphic Novel {f}
graphics {n} (the graphic arts)
:: Grafik {f}
graphics {n} (pictorial representation and manipulation of data)
:: Grafik {f}
graphics card {n} (display adapter)
:: Grafikkarte {f}
graphics tablet {n} (input device)
:: Grafiktablett {n}
graphing paper {n} (graph paper) SEE: graph paper
graphite {n} (form of carbon)
:: Graphit {m}
graphite fluoride {n}
:: Graphitfluorid {n}
grapholect {n} (a written variant of a language)
:: Grapholekt {m}
graphologist {n} (graphologist)
:: Grafologe {m}, Grafologin {f}, Graphologe {m}, Graphologin {f}
graph paper {n} (ruled paper)
:: Millimeterpapier {n}
graph theory {n} (study of networks of nodes and vertices)
:: Graphentheorie {f}
-graphy {suffix} (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject)
:: -graphie
grappa {n} (Italian grape-based spirit)
:: Grappa {m} {f}
grapple {v} (to seize and hold firmly)
:: packen, ergreifen
grapple {v} (to ponder and intensely evaluate a problem)
:: auseinandersetzen , herumschlagen
grapple {v} (to wrestle or struggle)
:: ringen, kämpfen
grappling {n} (grappling hook or grappling iron) SEE: grappling hook
grappling {n} (act in which something is grappled)
:: herumschlagend, packend
grappling hook {n} (a type of hook)
:: Enterhaken {m}
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold
grasp {v} (to grip)
:: greifen, erfassen
grasp {v} (to understand)
:: begreifen, verstehen, erfassen
grasp {n} (grip)
:: Griff {m}
grasp {n} (understanding)
:: Verständnis {n}
grasping {adj} (greedy, eager for wealth)
:: gierig
grass {n} (ground cover plant)
:: Gras {n}
grass {n} (lawn)
:: Rasen {m}
grass {n} (marijuana)
:: Gras {n}
grass {n} (informer)
:: Spitzel {m}
grass {v} (to inform on)
:: verpfeifen
grass court {n} (tennis court with a grass surface)
:: Grasplatz {m}
grass-green {adj} (Of a bright green colour, like that of grass.)
:: grasgrün
grasshopper {n} (an insect of the order Orthoptera)
:: Heuschrecke {f}, Grashüpfer {m}
grass mud horse {n} (Mythical Baidu deity used for circumventing censorship)
:: Gras-Schlamm-Pferd
grass of Parnassus {n} (plant of the genus Parnassia)
:: Herzblatt {n}
grass script {n} (style of cursive script used in Chinese calligraphy)
:: Grasschrift {f}
grass skirt {n} (skirt made of dried grass)
:: Grasrock {m}
grass snake {n} (Natrix natrix)
:: Ringelnatter {f}
grass widow {n} (woman whose husband is away)
:: Strohwitwe {f}, grüne Witwe {f}
grass widower {n} (a married man whose wife is away)
:: Strohwitwer {m}
grassy {adj} (covered with grass)
:: grasbewachsen
grate {n} (horizontal metal grill)
:: Rost {m}
grate {v} (cooking: to shred by rubbing)
:: reiben
grate {v}
:: reiben
grateful {adj} (showing gratitude)
:: dankbar
grateful {adj} (recognizing the importance of a source of pleasure)
:: wohltuend, zufrieden
gratefulness {n} (the state of being grateful)
:: Dankbarkeit
grater {n} (a tool with which one grates)
:: Reibe {f}, Küchenreibe {f}
graticule {n} (reticle) SEE: reticle
gratification {n} (reward; gratuity, see also: reward; gratuity)
:: Befriedigung
grating {n} (barrier)
:: Gitter {n}
grating {n}
:: Gitter {n}
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge
gratitude {n} (state of being grateful)
:: Dankbarkeit {f}
gratuitous {adj} (given freely)
:: gratis, kostenlos, geschenkt, frei, unentgeltlich, unverdient
gratuitous {adj} (not called for by the circumstances)
:: unnötig, überflüssig, nutzlos, willkürlich, grundlos, beliebig, unerwünscht, unaufgefordert, unbegründet
gratuity {n} (reward provided freely, without obligation)
:: Zuwendung {f}, Geldgeschenk {n}, Gratifikation {f}
gratuity {n} (service charge)
:: Vergütung {f}
graupel {n} (supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake)
:: Graupel {m} {f}
grave {n} (excavation for burial)
:: Grab {n}
grave {adj} (having a sense of seriousness)
:: gewichtig, gemessen, gravitätisch
grave {adj} (low in pitch, tone)
:: dumpf, dunkel
grave {adj} (serious in a negative sense)
:: respektgebietend, furchtgebietend
grave {n} (grave accent) SEE: grave accent
grave accent {n} (grave accent)
:: Gravis {m}
gravedigger {n} (a person employed to dig graves)
:: Totengräber {m}
gravedigger {n} (A necrophore, or burying beetle)
:: Totengräber {m}
grave goods {n} (objects buried with a body)
:: Grabbeigabe {f-s}, Grabbeigaben {f-p}, Totengabe {f}
gravel {n} (small fragments of rock)
:: Kies {m}, Schotter {m}, Kiesel {m}
gravel {v} (To apply a layer of gravel to the surface of a road, etc)
:: schottern
gravel pit {n} (quarry)
:: Kiesgrube {f}, Schottergrube {f}
graverobber {n} (one who robs graves or tombs)
:: Grabräuber {m}, Grabräuberin {f}
gravestone {n} (stone slab set at the head of a grave) SEE: tombstone
graveyard {n} (tract of land in which the dead are buried)
:: Friedhof {m}, Kirchhof {m}, Begräbnisplatz, Gottesacker {m}, Leichenhof
graveyard shift {n} (night shift) SEE: night shift
gravid {adj} (pregnant; now used chiefly of egg-laying animals, or metaphorically)
:: trächtig, gravid
gravitation {n} (fundamental force of attraction)
:: Schwerkraft {f}, Gravitation {f}
gravitational {adj} (pertaining to gravitation)
:: Gravitations-, gravitativ, gravitationsbedingt
gravitational field {n} (the field produced by the gravitational force of mass)
:: Gravitationsfeld {n}
gravitational force {n} (fundamental force)
:: Erdanziehungskraft {f}, Gravitationskraft {f}, Schwerkraft {f}
gravitational lens {n} (astronomy: body big enough to bend light rays)
:: Gravitationslinse {f}
gravitational wave {n} (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light)
:: Gravitationswelle {f}
graviton {n} (a hypothetical gauge boson)
:: Graviton {n}
gravity {n} (graveness, the condition or state of being grave)
:: Bedenklichkeit {f}, Ernst {m}
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface)
:: Erdanziehung {f}, Gravitation {f}
gravity {n} (gravitation, gravity force on two mass bodies)
:: Schwerkraft {f}, Gravitation {f}
gravity assist {n}
:: Gravitationsmanöver {n}, Schwerkraftumlenkung {f}, Swing-by {m}, Vorbeischwungmanöver {n}
gravity bong {n} (gravity bong)
:: Eimer {m}
gravlax {n} (appetizer of dry-cured salmon)
:: Graved Lachs {m}, Gravlax {m}
gravy {n} (sauce)
:: Soße {f}
gravy boat {n} (dish for gravy)
:: Soßenschüssel {f}, Sauciere {f}
gravy train {n} (occupation that generates considerable income with little or less effort)
:: lauer Lenz {m}
gray {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember)
:: grau
gray {adj} (dreary, gloomy)
:: grau
gray {v} (to become gray)
:: ergrauen, grau werden
gray {n} (colour)
:: Grau {n}
gray {n} (extraterrestrial being)
:: Graue {m}, Grauen {f-p}
gray {n} (SI unit of absorbed radiation)
:: Gray {n}
gray-blue {adj} (blue-gray) SEE: blue-gray
graybody {n} (body that radiates energy having a blackbody distribution reduced by a constant factor)
:: grauer Körper {m}
grayish {adj} (somewhat gray)
:: gräulich
grayling {n} (Thymallus thymallus)
:: Äsche {f}, Europäische Äsche {f}
grayling {n} (Hipparchia semele)
:: Ockerbindiger Samtfalter {m}
gray out {v}
:: ausgrauen
gray tape {n} (duct tape) SEE: duct tape
gray water {n} (non-potable, but non-toxic water)
:: Grauwasser {n}, Nutzwasser {n}
Graz {prop} (city)
:: Graz {n}
graze {n} (act of grazing or scratching lightly)
:: Kratzen {n}, Schrammen {n}, Schaben {n}, Schleifen {n}, Schürfen {n}
graze {n} (light scratch)
:: Kratzer {m}, Schramme {f}, Abschürfung {f}, Schürfwunde {f}
graze {v} (to feed or supply with grass)
:: grasen lassen, weiden lassen, beweiden
graze {v} (to eat grass from a pasture)
:: weiden, grasen
graze {v} (to tend cattle while grazing)
:: hüten, grasen lassen, weiden lassen
graze {v} (to rub or touch lightly the surface of in passing)
:: touchieren, streifen, ankratzen, schrammen
graze {v} (to cause a slight wound to)
:: abschürfen, schürfen, ankratzen
grease {n} (animal fat)
:: Fett {n}
grease {n} (oily or fatty matter)
:: Schmierfett {n}, Schmiere {f}
greaseball {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop
greased lightning {n} (Something incredibly fast)
:: geölte Blitz {m}, wie der geölte Blitz {m}
grease nipple {n} (fitting fixed to a piece of machinery)
:: Schmiernippel
greasepaint {n} (mixture of grease and coloring)
:: Theaterschminke {f}
greasy {adj} (having a slippery surface)
:: schmierig, rutschig
greasy {adj} (Containing a lot of grease or fat)
:: fettig
great {adj} (important) SEE: important
great {adj} (very big, large scale)
:: groß
great {adj} (very good)
:: großartig, schön, fein, wundervoll
great {adj} (important title)
:: der Große {m}
great {adj}
:: groß, weit, ausgedehnt, bedeutend
great {interj} (great!)
:: prima
great {n} (person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim)
:: Größe {f}
great- {prefix} (removal of one generation)
:: ur-
great antshrike {n} (Taraba major)
:: Weißbrust-Ameisenwürger {m}
great ape {n} (ape of the taxonomic family Hominidae)
:: Großaffe {m}, Grossaffe {m} , Großäffin {f}, Grossäffin {f} , Menschenaffe {m}, Menschenäffin {f}, Hominide {m}, Hominid {m} , Hominidin {f}
great auk {n} (Pinguinus impennis)
:: Riesenalk {m}
great-aunt {n} (aunt of one’s parent)
:: Großtante, Großmuhme {f} , Grossmuhme {f}
Great Barrier Reef {prop} (Great Barrier Reef)
:: Great Barrier Reef {n}, Großes Barriereriff {n}
Great Bear {prop} (a bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky)
:: Großer Bär {f}
great black-backed gull {n} (Larus marinus)
:: Mantelmöwe {f}
Great Britain {prop} (island)
:: Großbritannien {n}
Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom, see also: United Kingdom; Kingdom of Great Britain)
:: Großbritannien {n}
great bustard {n} (Otis tarda)
:: Großtrappe {f}
great cardiac vein {n} (large vein)
:: große Herzvene {f}
great circle {n} (circle)
:: Großkreis {m}
greatcoat {n} (heavy overcoat)
:: Wintermantel {m}
great cormorant {n} (Phalacrocorax carbo)
:: Kormoran {m}
great crested grebe {n} (freshwater bird)
:: Haubentaucher {m}
Great Dane {n} (mastiff)
:: Deutsche Dogge {f}, Dänische Dogge {f}
greater {adj} (area with surrounding region)
:: Groß-
greater {adj} (greater) SEE: bigger
greater adjutant {n} (Leptoptilos dubius)
:: Große Adjutant {m}, Argala-Marabu {m}
greater bamboo lemur {n} (Prolemur simus)
:: Breitschnauzen-Halbmaki {m}, Großer Halbmaki {m}, Großer Bambuslemur {m}
Greater Caucasus {prop} (mountain range)
:: Großer Kaukasus
greater celandine {n} (Chelidonium majus)
:: Schöllkraut {n}
greater galago {n} (primate of the genus Otolemur) SEE: thick-tailed bushbaby
Greater London {prop} (administrative area)
:: Groß-London {n}, Greater London
Greater Poland {prop} (region of Poland)
:: Großpolen {n}
greater prairie chicken {n} (Tympanuchus cupido)
:: Präriehuhn {n}
greater rhea {n} (Rhea americana)
:: Nandu {m}
greater scaup {n} (Aythya marila)
:: Bergente {f}
greater spotted eagle {n} (Clanga clanga)
:: Schelladler {m}
greater than {n} (the '>' character)
:: größer als
greater yellowlegs {n} (Tringa melanoleuca)
:: Großer Gelbschenkel {m}
greatest common divisor {n} (largest positive integer or polynomial)
:: größter gemeinsamer Teiler {m}
greatest thing since sliced bread {n} ((idiomatic) a relatively recent invention)
:: das Größte seit der Erfindung der Bratkartoffel
Great Game {prop} (the strategic rivalry and conflict)
:: Große Spiel {n}
great-grandchild {n} (The child (son or daughter) of one's grandchild)
:: Urenkelkind {n}, Urenkel {m}, Urenkelin {f}
great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of someone's grandchild)
:: Urenkelin {f}
great-grandfather {n} (father of grandparent)
:: Urgroßvater {m}, Urgrossvater {m}
great grandmaster {n} (a grandmaster in a field, whose skills or accomplishments exceed those of other grandmasters)
:: Großmeister {m}
great-grandmother {n} (mother of one's grandparent)
:: Urgroßmutter {f}, Urgrossmutter {f}
great-grandparent {n} (parent of a grandparent)
:: Urgroßelternteil {m}, Urgroßeltern {p} , Urgroßvater {m} , Urgroßmutter {f}
great-grandson {n} (son of a grandchild)
:: Urenkel {m}
great-great-grandchild {n} (the child of one's great-grandchild)
:: Ururenkelkind {n}, Ururenkel {m}
great-great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of one's great-grandchild)
:: Ururenkelin {f}
great-great-grandfather {n} (The father of someone's great-grandparent)
:: Ururgroßvater {m}
great-great-grandmother {n} (The mother of someone’s great-grandparent)
:: Ururgroßmutter {f}
great-great-grandparent {n} (parent of a great-grandparent)
:: Ururgroßelternteil {m}
great-great-grandparents {n} (great-great-grandparents)
:: Ururgroßeltern {p}
great-great-grandson {n} (the son of one's great-grandchild)
:: Ururenkel {m}
great green macaw {n} (endangered parrot)
:: Großer Soldatenara
great grey owl {n} (Strix nebulosa)
:: Bartkauz {m}
great grey shrike {n} (Lanius excubitor)
:: Raubwürger
great haste makes great waste {proverb} (haste makes waste) SEE: haste makes waste
greathearted {adj} (bighearted) SEE: bighearted
Great Lakes {prop} (a group of five lakes on the United States-Canada border)
:: Große Seen {m-p}
Great Leap Forward {prop} (Great Leap Forward (in China))
:: Großer Sprung nach vorn {m}
Great Lent {prop} (Great Lent)
:: große Fastenzeit {f}, Große Fastenzeit {f}
great martyr {n} (a saint who was martyred after suffering great torture)
:: Großmärtyrer {m}, Großmärtyrerin {f}, Megalomärtyrer {m}, Megalomärtyrerin {f}
great minds think alike {proverb} (used to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion)
:: zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke
greatness {n} (The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc)
:: Größe {f}
great northern diver {n} (large member of the diver family, Gavia immer)
:: Eistaucher {m}
great northern loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver
great northern prawn {n} (Pandalus borealis)
:: Eismeergarnele {f}
Great Patriotic War {prop} (the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945)
:: Großer Vaterländischer Krieg {m}
great power {n} (powerful state)
:: Großmacht {f}
great primer {n}
:: Tertia
Great Pyramid at Giza {prop} (Great Pyramid of Giza) SEE: Great Pyramid of Giza
Great Pyramid of Giza {prop} (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids)
:: Cheops-Pyramide {f}
Great Pyrenees {n} (dog breed)
:: Pyrenäen-Berghund
great ramshorn {n} (Planorbarius corneus)
:: Posthornschnecke {f}
Great Recession {prop} (Great Recession)
:: Weltwirtschaftskrise ab 2007 {f}
Great Russia {prop} (the territories of "Russia proper")
:: Großrussland {n}
Great Russian {prop} (Russian language, when considered mutually intelligble with Ukrainian and Belarusian)
:: Großrussisch {n}
Great Satan {prop} (pejorative: United States of America)
:: Großer Satan
great skua {n} (Great Skua)
:: Große Raubmöwe {f}
great snipe {n} (Gallinago media)
:: Doppelschnepfe {f}
great spotted woodpecker {n} (species of woodpecker)
:: Buntspecht {m}
Great Successor {prop}
:: Große Nachfolger
great tit {n} (bird)
:: Kohlmeise {f}
great-uncle {n} (uncle of one's parent)
:: Großonkel {m}, Grossonkel {m} , Großoheim {m} , Grossoheim {m}
Great Vowel Shift {prop} (major change in the pronunciation of the English language)
:: Große Vokalverschiebung {f}
Great Wall of China {prop} (Chinese fortification)
:: Chinesische Mauer {f}
Great War {prop} (epithet for World War I)
:: Großer Krieg {m}
great white shark {n} (Carcharodon carcharias)
:: Weißer Hai {m}
greave {n} (piece of armour that protects the leg, especially the shin)
:: Schienbeinschutz {m}, Schienbeinschützer {m}, Schienbeinschoner {m}, Beinschiene {f}
greaves {n} (residue from animal fat)
:: Grieben {f-p}, Grammeln {f-p}
grebe {n} (any of several waterbirds in the family Podicipedidae)
:: Lappentaucher {m}
Grecism {n} (word or idiom of the Greek language used in another language)
:: Gräzismus {m}
Greco- {prefix} (relating to Greece or Greek)
:: Griechisch-
Greco-Roman {adj} (of or pertaining to Greek or Roman culture)
:: griechisch-römisch
Greece {prop} (country in Southeastern Europe)
:: Griechenland {n}
greed {n} (selfish desire for more than is needed)
:: Gier {f}, Habsucht {f}, Habgier {f}, Raffgier {f}, Raffsucht {f}
greedily {adv} (in a greedy manner)
:: gierig
greedy {adj} (having greed; consumed by selfish desires)
:: gierig, habgierig, habsüchtig
greedy {adj} (prone to overeat)
:: gefräßig
Greek {prop} (language of the Greek people)
:: Griechisch {n}, griechische Sprache {f}
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece)
:: Grieche {m}, Griechin {f}
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country)
:: griechisch
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance)
:: griechisches Feuer {n}
Greek Orthodox {adj} (Greek Orthodox (adjective))
:: griechisch-orthodox
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church)
:: Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche {f}
green {adj} (having green as its colour)
:: grün
green {adj} (inexperienced)
:: grünschnäblig, naiv, unerfahren
green {adj} (environmentally friendly)
:: grün
green {adj} (of fruit: unripe)
:: grün
green {n} (colour)
:: Grün {n}
green {n} (member of a green party)
:: Grüner {m}, Grüne {f}
green as a gooseberry {adj} (very young and inexperienced)
:: grün hinter den Ohren
green-backed firecrown {n} (Sephanoides sephaniodes)
:: Chile-Kolibri {m}
green-backed tit {n} (Parus monticolus)
:: Bergkohlmeise {f}
green bean {n} (immature pods of any kind of bean)
:: grüne Bohne {f}, Brechbohne {f}, Prinzessbohne {f}
green belt {n} (area of agricultural land around an urban area)
:: Grüngürtel {m}
green bottle fly {n} (flies in the genera Lucilia and Phaenicia)
:: Goldfliege
green card {n} (US work permit)
:: Green Card {f}
green energy {n} (non-polluting energy)
:: Ökostrom
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana
green-eyed {adj} (having green eyes)
:: grünäugig
greengage {n} (a plum with greenish-yellow flesh and skin)
:: Reneklode {f}, Edelpflaume {f}, Ringlotte {f}, Reineclaude {f}
green gram {n} (Bean from the seed of Vigna radiata) SEE: mung bean
greengrocer {n} (person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit)
:: Gemüsehändler {m}, Gemüsehändlerin {f}, Obst- und Gemüsehändler {m}, Obst- und Gemüsehändlerin {f}, Gemüsemann {m}, Gemüsefrau {f}
greengrocer's {n} (shop for fruit and vegetables)
:: Gemüseladen {m}, Gemüsehandlung {f}, Obst- und Gemüseladen {m}, Obst- und Gemüsehandlung {f}, Gemüsegeschäft {n}
greengrocer's apostrophe {n} (incorrectly used apostrophe)
:: Deppenapostroph {m}, Idiotenapostroph {m}
greengrocery {n} (shop) SEE: greengrocer's
greenhorn {n} (inexperienced person)
:: Grünschnabel {m} (green beak), Gelbschnabel (yellow beak)
greenhouse {n} (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside)
:: Gewächshaus {n}, Treibhaus {n}
greenhouse effect {n} (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere)
:: Treibhauseffekt {m}
greenhouse gas {n} (any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect)
:: Treibhausgas {n}
greenish {adj} (somewhat green)
:: grünlich
greenishness {n} (the quality of somewhat green)
:: Grünlichkeit
greenish warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochiloides)
:: Grünlaubsänger {m}
green jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader of the Tour de France points competition)
:: Grünes Trikot {n}
Greenland {prop} (a large self-governing island in North America)
:: Grönland {n}
Greenlander {n} (a person from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent)
:: Grönländer {m}, Grönländerin {f}
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish
Greenlandish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language)
:: grönländisch
Greenlandish {n} (language)
:: Grönländisch {n}, Kalaallisut {n}
Greenland shark {n} (Somniosus microcephalus)
:: Grönlandhai {m}, Eishai {m}
green light {n} (green traffic light)
:: grünes Licht {n}, Grünlicht {n}
green light {n} (permission)
:: grünes Licht {n}
greenlight {v} (to approve)
:: grünes Licht geben, genehmigen
green line {n} (demarcation line)
:: grüne Linie {f}
greenmarket {n} (market)
:: Bauernmarkt
green monkey {n} (monkey of Chlorocebus)
:: Grüne Meerkatze {f}
Green Party {prop} (particular green party of a country or region)
:: Die Grünen
green pepper {n} (green sweet bell pepper)
:: grüne Paprika {f}
green pepper {n} (green peppercorn)
:: grüner Pfeffer {m}
green roof {n} (roof of a house or other building which is covered with soil and grass, plants, trees, etc.)
:: begrüntes Dach {n}
greens {n} (leaves of certain edible green plants)
:: Blattgemüse
Greens {n} (green party)
:: die Grünen {m-p}
green sandpiper {n} (Tringa ochropus)
:: Waldwasserläufer {m}
green sea turtle {n} (species)
:: Suppenschildkröte {f}
greenshank {n} (wading bird)
:: Grünschenkel {m}, Heller Wasserläufer {m}
greenstick fracture {n} (a partial fracture of a long bone)
:: Grünholzfraktur {f}
green tea {n} (leaves)
:: grüner Tee {m}
green tea {n} (drink)
:: grüner Tee {m}
green thumb {n} (skill)
:: grüner Daumen {m}
green thumb {n} (person)
:: grüner Daumen {m}
green turtle {n} (green sea turtle) SEE: green sea turtle
greenware {n} (unfired pottery)
:: Rohware {f}
green with envy {adj} (consumed by envy)
:: grün vor Neid
green woodpecker {n} (Picus viridis)
:: Grünspecht {m}
greet {v} (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes)
:: begrüßen, grüßen
greeting {n} (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival)
:: Gruß {m}, Begrüßung {f}
greeting card {n} (card sent as a greeting)
:: Glückwunschkarte {f}, Grußkarte {f}
gregarious {adj} (of a person who enjoys being in crowds)
:: gesellig
gregarious {adj} (of animals that travel in herds)
:: Herden-
Gregorian {adj} (of, or relating to a person named Gregory)
:: gregorianisch
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar)
:: Gregorianischer Kalender {m}
Gregory {prop} (male given name)
:: Gregor {m}
Grenada {prop} (Caribbean country)
:: Grenada {n}
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate
grenade {n} (small explosive device)
:: Granate {f}
grenade launcher {n} (weapon that shoots grenades)
:: Granatwerfer {m}
Grenadian {n} (A person from Grenada)
:: Grenader {m}, Grenaderin {f}
Grenadian {adj} (pertaining to Grenada)
:: grenadisch
grenadier {n} (soldier)
:: Granatier, Granatierer, Grenadier
grep {v} (use the program grep)
:: greppen
Gressoney-La-Trinité {prop} (town in Italy)
:: Gressoney-La-Trinité
Gressoney-Saint-Jean {prop} (town in Italy)
:: Gressoney-Saint-Jean
Gretel {prop} (given name)
:: Gretel {n} {f}
Gretel {prop} (character in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel)
:: Gretel {n} {f}
Grevenmacher {prop} (city)
:: Grevenmacher
grey {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember)
:: grau
grey {adj} (dreary, gloomy)
:: grau
grey {v} (to become grey)
:: ergrauen, grau werden
grey {n} (colour)
:: Grau {n}
grey {n} (extraterrestrial being)
:: Graue {m}, Grauen {f-p}
grey area {n} (area intermediate between two fuzzily-distinguished categories)
:: Grauzone {f}
greybeard {n} (old man)
:: Graubart {m}
grey-blue {adj} (blue-gray) SEE: blue-gray
grey crested tit {n} (Lophophanes dichrous)
:: Birkenmeise {f}
grey crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow
grey-headed chickadee {n} (Poecile cinctus)
:: Lapplandmeise {f}
grey heron {n} (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family)
:: Graureiher {m}, Fischreiher {m}
greyhound {n} (lean breed of dog used in hunting and racing)
:: Windhund {m}, Windhundrüde {m}, Windhündin {f}, Windhundwelpe {m}
greylag {n} (large European goose) SEE: greylag goose
greylag goose {n} (Anser anser)
:: Graugans {f}, Wildgans {f}
grey matter {n} (collection of cell bodies)
:: Graue Substanz {f}
grey-necked wood rail {n} (Aramides cajanea)
:: Cayenne-Ralle {f}
grey partridge {n} (Perdix perdix)
:: Rebhuhn {n}
grey seal {n} (Halichoerus grypus)
:: Kegelrobbe {f}
grey-tailed tattler {n} (Tringa brevipes)
:: Grauschwanz-Wasserläufer {m}
grey-throated rail {n} (bird)
:: Augenralle {f}
grey wolf {n} (a large grey wolf)
:: Wolf {m}
Gräfenberg spot {n} (G-spot) SEE: G-spot
grid {n} (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size)
:: Gitter {n}, Gatter {n}
grid {n} (electricity delivery system)
:: Stromnetz {n}, Leitungsnetz {n}
grid {n} (method of marking off maps)
:: Gitternetz {n}, Gradnetz {n}, Raster {n}, Koordinatennetz {n}
grid {n} (electrode of a vacuum tube)
:: Gitter {n}, Steuergitter {n}
grid {v} (to mark with)
:: rastern
gridiron {n} (rack or grate for broiling)
:: Rost {m}
gridlock {n} (traffic congestion)
:: Verkehrsinfarkt {m}, Verkehrskollaps {m}
gridlock {n} (on a smaller scale)
:: Stau {m}
gridlock {n} (deadlock)
:: Stillstand {m}
gridlocked {adj} (stationary in a gridlock)
:: festgefahren
grief {n} (sadness)
:: Kummer {m}
grievance {n} (something which causes grief)
:: Ärgernis {n}, Missstand {m}, Mißstand {m}, Übelstand {m}, Kümmernis {n}
grievance {n} (a wrong or hardship suffered)
:: Kränkung {f}, Missstand {m}, Mißstand {m}, Kümmernis {n}, Kummer {m}
grievance {n} (feelings of being wronged; outrage)
:: Groll {m}, Kummer {m}, Kränkung {f}, Wut {f}, Ärger {m}
grievance {n} (complaint)
:: Beschwerde {f}, Klage {f}, Ärgernis {n}
grievance {n} (formal complaint)
:: Beschwerde {f}, Klage {f}
grieve {v} (to experience grief)
:: trauern
griffin {n} (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle)
:: Greif {m}
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin
griffon vulture {n} (Gyps fulvus)
:: Gänsegeier {m}
grift {n} (con game) SEE: con game
grill {n} (grating, grid)
:: Grill {m}
grill {n} (vehicle front cover)
:: Grill {m}
grill {n} (barbecue)
:: Grill {m}
grill {v} (to cook food on a grill)
:: grillen, grillieren
grim {adj} (dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding)
:: grimmig, düster, finster
grim {adj} (rigid and unrelenting)
:: unbeugsam, unnachgiebig, eisern
grim {adj} (ghastly or sinister)
:: gruselig
grimace {n} (a distortion of the face)
:: Grimasse {f}
grimace {v} (to make grimaces)
:: Grimassen schneiden
grime {n} (Dirt that is ingrained and difficult to remove)
:: Schmutz, Ruß
grimly {adv} (in a grim manner)
:: grimmig
Grimm {prop} (surname)
:: Grimm {m} {f}
Grimmian {adj} (of or relating to the Brothers Grimm)
:: Grimmsch
grimoire {n} (book of instructions in the use of alchemy or magic)
:: Grimoire, Zauberbuch
Grim Reaper {prop} (personification of Death)
:: Sensenmann {m}, Schnitter {m}, Todesengel {m}
grin {n} (A smile revealing the teeth)
:: Grinsen {n}
grin {v} (To smile showing the teeth)
:: grinsen
grind {v} (to reduce to smaller pieces)
:: mahlen, zermahlen
grind {v} (to remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface)
:: schleifen
grind {v} (to slide a skateboard or snowboard across an obstacle)
:: grinden
grind {n} (a specific degree of pulverization of coffee beans)
:: Mahlung {f}, Mahlfeinheit {f}
grind {n} (a tedious task)
:: Schinderei {f}, Quälerei {f}
grinder {n} (sandwich) SEE: sub
grinder {n} (tool)
:: Schleifmaschine {f}
grinder {n} (kitchen gadget)
:: Mühle {f}
grinding stone {n} (tool)
:: Mahlstein {m}, Reibstein {m}, Handmühle {f}
grindstone {n} (wheel for grinding)
:: Schleifstein {m}
grin like a Cheshire cat {v} (to smile broadly)
:: grinsen wie ein Honigkuchenpferd (smile like a honey cake horse), grinsen von Ohr zu Ohr (smile from ear to ear)
grip {v} (to grip) SEE: grasp
grip {n} (grip) SEE: grasp
grip {v} (to take hold)
:: festhalten, greifen
grip {n} (A hold or way of holding, particularly with the hand)
:: Griff {m}
grip {n} (A handle or other place to grip)
:: Griff {m}
gripe {n} (that which is grasped)
:: Griff {m}
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin
gripe {n} (nautical: piece of timber that terminates the keel) SEE: forefoot
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu
grisly {adj} (horrifyingly repellent; terrifying, gruesome)
:: grässlich
Grisons {prop} (a canton of Switzerland)
:: Graubünden
grist {n} (grain that is to be ground in a mill)
:: Mahlgut {n}
grist for the mill {n} ((idiomatic, chiefly US) Something that is useful or that creates a favorable opportunity)
:: Wasser auf die Mühlen
gristle {n} (cartilage)
:: Knorpel {m}
grit {n} (collection of hard materials)
:: Splitt {m}, Schotter {m}, Streu {f}, Grieß {m}, Streumittel {n}, Streugut {n}, Schrot {n}
grit {n} (inedible particles in food)
:: Ballaststoff {m}, Grieß, Schrot {m}
grit {n} (measure of coarseness)
:: Korn {n}, Körnung {f}
grit {n} (strength of mind)
:: Mut {m}, Schneid {m}
grit {v} (to clench)
:: knirschen, knarren
grit {n} (husked but unground oats)
:: Hafergraupen {p} {f}
grit one's teeth {v} (face up to a difficult or disagreeable situation, and deal with it)
:: die Zähne zusammenbeißen
grits {n} (coarsely ground corn)
:: Maisgrieß {m}, Polenta {f}
gritter {n} (vehicle)
:: Streufahrzeug {n}
gritty {adj} (containing sand or grit)
:: sandig
gritty {adj} (spirited; resolute; unyielding)
:: mutig
grizzly {n} (grizzly bear) SEE: grizzly bear
grizzly bear {n} (Ursus arctos horribilis)
:: Grizzlybär {m}
Görlitz {prop} (city in Saxony, Germany)
:: Görlitz {n}
groan {n} (low mournful uttered sound)
:: Stöhnen {n}
groan {n} (low guttural sound uttered in frustration or disapproval)
:: Seufzen {n}, Ächzen {n}
groan {n} (low creaking sound from applied pressure or weight)
:: Knarren {n}
groan {n}
:: Stöhnen {n}
groan {v} (to make a groan)
:: ächzen, stöhnen
groaning {adj}
:: ächzend, stöhnend
groaning {n}
:: Ächzen {n}, Geächze {n}, Gestöhn {n}, Gestöhne {n}, Stöhnen {n}
groat {n} (hulled grain)
:: Graupe {f}, Grütze {f}
grocer {n} (person selling foodstuffs and household items)
:: Lebensmittelhändler {m}, Lebensmittelhändlerin {f}, Kaufmann {m}, Kauffrau {f}, Krämer {m}, Krämerin {f}
groceries {n} (commodities sold by a grocer or in a grocery)
:: Lebensmittel {n-p}
grocer's {n} (shop selling groceries)
:: Lebensmittelladen {m}, Krämer {m}
grocery {n} (retail foodstuffs and other household supplies) SEE: groceries
grocery {n} (shop or store that sells groceries)
:: Lebensmittelladen {m}, Lebensmittelgeschäft {n}, Lebensmittelhandlung {f}
grocery list {n} (list of grocery items to be bought)
:: Einkaufszettel {m}
grocery store {n} (grocery) SEE: grocery
Grodno {prop} (city)
:: Hrodna {n}, Grodno {n}
grog {n} (alcoholic beverage made with rum and water)
:: Grog {m}
grog {n} (type of pre-fired clay)
:: Schamotte {f}
groggy {adj} (Slowed or weakened, as by drink, sleepiness, etc.)
:: benommen, mitgenommen
grogram {n} (strong, rough fabric made up of a mixture of silk, and mohair or wool)
:: Grogram, Grogramstoff {m}
groin {n} (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs)
:: Leiste {f}
groined vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) SEE: groin vault
groin vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults)
:: Kreuzgratgewölbe {n}, Kreuzgewölbe {n}
grok {v} (to have an intuitive understanding)
:: schnallen
grok {v} (to fully understand)
:: begreifen, verstehen
grommet {n} (reinforced eyelet, or a small metal or plastic ring)
:: Grommet, Durchführungstülle {f}, Augenring {m}, Öse {f}, Tülle {f}, Ringkausch {f}, Kausch {f}
Groningen {prop} (city)
:: Groningen, Grunneng
Groningen {prop} (province)
:: Groningen, Grunneng
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom
groom {n} (person who cares for horses)
:: Stallknecht {m}, Pferdeknecht {m}
groom {v} (to attend to one's appearance)
:: vorbereiten, ordnen, zurechtmachen, pflegen, Toilette machen, herausputzen
groom {v} (to care for animals)
:: pflegen, striegeln, putzen
groom {v} (to prepare a ski slope)
:: präparieren
grooming {n} (care for one's appearance)
:: Körperpflege {f}
grooming {n} (act of teaching)
:: Coaching {n}
grooming {n} (caring for horses)
:: Pferdepflege {f}, Tierpflege {f}, Fellpflege {f}, Viehputz {m}
grooming {n} (attempting to gain the trust of a minor)
:: sich vertraut machen
groove {n} (long, narrow channel)
:: Rille {f}, Nut {f}
groove {n} (fixed routine)
:: gewöhnlicher Gang {m}, üblicher Ablauf {m}, übliche Routine {f}, fester Rhythmus {m}, eingefahrenen Gleise {p}
groove {n} (pronounced, enjoyable rhythm)
:: Groove {m}
groove {n} ((mining) A shaft or excavation)
:: Schacht {m}, Ausschachtung {f}
groove {v} (to cut a furrow into a surface)
:: einkerben, auskehlen, nuten, rillen
groove {v} (to enjoy rhythmic music)
:: grooven
grooved {adj} (having grooves)
:: gerillt
groove fricative {n} (phonetics: hissing sound) SEE: sibilant
groovy {adj} (cool, neat, interesting)
:: toll, fetzig, schick
grope {v} (obsolete: to feel with or use the hands)
:: tasten
grope {v} (to search by feeling)
:: tappen, herumtasten
grope {v} (to touch closely and sexually)
:: begrapschen, grapschen
groschen {n} (coin)
:: Groschen {m}
gross {adj} (serious, flagrant, shameful)
:: grob
gross {adj} (whole amount, total)
:: brutto, Brutto-
gross {adj} (disgusting)
:: ekelhaft, Ekel erregend
gross {adj} (coarse, rude, obscene)
:: grob, unanständig
gross {adj} (bulky, fat)
:: dick
gross {adj} (dull)
:: grob, unempfindlich
gross {n} (twelve dozen)
:: Gros
gross {n} (total earnings or amount)
:: Brutto
gross domestic product {n} (economic production of a particular territory)
:: Bruttoinlandsprodukt {n} (abbreviation BIP {n})
gross national income {n} (total market value of all the goods and services produced by a nation, see also: gross national product)
:: Bruttonationaleinkommen {n}
gross national product {n} (economics)
:: Bruttosozialprodukt {n}
gross profit {n} (the difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold)
:: Bruttogewinn {m}, Rohertrag {m}
grossular {n} (a type of garnet)
:: Grossular {m}
grosz {n} (one hundredth of a Polish zloty)
:: Groschen {m}, Grosz {m}
grotesque {adj} (distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous)
:: grotesk
grotto {n} (small cave)
:: Grotte {f}
grotto {n} (artificial cavern-like retreat)
:: Grotte {f}
grouchy {adj} (irritable; easily upset; angry; tending to complain)
:: genervt
ground {n} (surface of the Earth)
:: Erde {f}, Erdboden {m}, Land {n}, Grund {m}, Boden {m}
ground {n} (soil, earth)
:: Erde {f}, Boden {m}, Erdreich {n}
ground {n} (bottom of a body of water)
:: Grund {m}
ground {n} (basis, foundation, groundwork)
:: Grundfeste {f}
ground {n} (background, context, framework, surroundings)
:: Hintergrund {m}
ground {n} (electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential)
:: Erde {f}, Masseleitung {f}, Masseverbindung, Erdung
ground {n} (electrical point of zero potential)
:: Bezugspotenzial {n}, Masse {f}, Massepotenzial {n}
ground {v} (to connect an electrical conductor)
:: erden
ground {v} (to require a child to remain at home)
:: Hausarrest geben
ground {v} (to forbid an aircraft or pilot to fly)
:: Startverbot erteilen
ground {adj} (crushed, or reduced to small particles.)
:: gemahlen
ground {n} (terrain) SEE: terrain
ground {v} (to run aground) SEE: run aground
ground beef {n} (meat)
:: Rinderhack {n}
groundbreaking {adj} (innovative)
:: bahnbrechend, weltbewegend, innovativ
ground-breaking {adj} (innovative)
:: bahnbrechend
ground clearance {n} (distance)
:: Bodenfreiheit {f}
ground cover {n} (something that overlays land)
:: Bodendecker {m}
grounded {adj} (of a conductor connected to earth)
:: geerdet
grounded {adj} (not allowed to fly)
:: mit Flugverbot belegt
ground-effect machine {n} (hovercraft) SEE: hovercraft
ground floor {n} (floor of a building closest to ground level)
:: Erdgeschoss {n}
ground frost {n} (frozen upper level of soil)
:: Bodenfrost {n}
groundhog {n} (woodchuck) SEE: woodchuck
ground ivy {n} (Glechoma hederacea)
:: Gundermann {m}, Gundelrebe {f}
ground-ivy {n} (Glechoma hederacea)
:: Gundelrebe {f}, Gundermann {m}
groundless {adj} (baseless)
:: grundlos, unbegründet
ground meat {n} (ground meat)
:: Hackfleisch {n}
groundpecker {n} (bird)
:: Tibetmeise {f}
ground pine {n} (Ajuga, Ajuga chamaepitys) SEE: bugle
grounds {n} (basis of an action)
:: Grund {m}, Rechtfertigung {f}
grounds {n} (sediment at the bottom of a liquid)
:: Satz {m}
ground shark {n} (Greenland shark) SEE: Greenland shark
groundskeeper {n} (someone who handles upkeep of grounds)
:: Platzwart {m}
groundspeed {n} (horizontal speed relative to the ground)
:: Geschwindigkeit über Grund {f}, Grundgeschwindigkeit {f}
ground spider {n} (spider)
:: Plattbauchspinne {f}
ground state {n}
:: Grundzustand {m}
ground-to-air {adj}
:: Boden-Luft
ground-to-ground {adj}
:: Boden-Boden
ground-to-ship {adj}
:: Boden-Schiff
ground water {n} (underground water) SEE: groundwater
groundwater {n} (Water existing beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers)
:: Grundwasser {n}
groundwork {n} (foundation)
:: Grundlage {f}
ground zero {n} (location on the surface marking the detonation of a bomb)
:: Boden null, Bodennullpunkt {m}, Ground Zero {m}
group {n} (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other)
:: Gruppe {f}
group {n} (in group theory)
:: Gruppe {f}
group {n} (people who perform music together)
:: Gruppe {f}, Musikgruppe {f}
group {n} (column in the periodic table)
:: Gruppe {f}
group {n} (subset of a culture or of a society)
:: Gruppe {f}
group {n} (in Unix)
:: Benutzergruppe {f}
group {n} (A set of teams playing against each other in a division, while at the same not playing against other sets of teams of the same division.)
:: Gruppe {f}
group {v} (put together to form a group)
:: gruppieren
group {n} (functional entity consisting of certain atoms whose presence provides a certain property to a molecule) SEE: functional group
group action {n} (a mapping of a mathematical group)
:: Gruppenaktion {f}, Gruppenoperation {f}, Gruppenwirkung {f}
group dynamics {n}
:: Gruppendynamik {f}
grouper {n} (fish)
:: Zackenbarsch {m}
grouping {n} (a collection of things or people)
:: Gruppierung {f}
grouping {n} (the action of the verb to group)
:: Eingruppierung {f}
group marriage {n} (type of marriage)
:: Gruppenehe {f}, Vielehe {f}
group of death {n} (a group in a multi-stage tournament which is unusually competitive)
:: Todesgruppe {f}
group sex {n} (sexual practice)
:: Gruppensex {m}
group theory {n} (mathematical theory of groups)
:: Gruppentheorie {f}
groupthink {n} (tendency of a group to conform to the majority view)
:: Gruppendenken {n}
groupwork {n} (work done in groups)
:: Gruppenarbeit {f}
grouse {n} (any of various game birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae)
:: Raufußhuhn {n}
grout {n} (mortar used between tiles)
:: Fugenmörtel {m}
grout {n} (coarse meal)
:: Grieß {m}
grout {n} (dregs)
:: Satz {m}
grout {v} (insert mortar between tiles)
:: verfugen
grove {n} (small forest)
:: Hain {m}, Gehölz {n}
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard
grovel {v} (to crawl)
:: kriechen
grovel {v} (to abase oneself)
:: kriechen, katzbuckeln, auf dem Bauch rutschen
grovel {v} (to be slavishly nice in the hope of securing something)
:: kriechen, schleimen
grove snail {n} (common species of landsnail)
:: Schwarzmündige Bänderschnecke {f}
grow {v} ((intransitive) to become bigger)
:: wachsen
grow {v} ((intransitive) to appear or sprout)
:: wachsen
grow {v} ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger)
:: anbauen, ziehen, züchten
grow apart {v} (gradually become estranged)
:: sich auseinanderleben
growl {n} (deep, rumbling, threatening sound)
:: Knurren {n}
growl {n} (sound made by the stomach when hungry)
:: Magenknurren {n}
growl {v} (to utter a deep guttural sound)
:: knurren
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult
grown-up {adj} (adult, fully grown)
:: erwachsen
growth {n} (increase in size)
:: Wachstum {n}
growth {n} (act of growing)
:: Wachstum {n}
growth {n} (pathology: abnormal mass such as a tumor)
:: Geschwulst {f}
growth medium {n} (culture medium) SEE: culture medium
growth ring {n} (tree ring) SEE: tree ring
grow up {v} (to mature and become an adult)
:: erwachsen, aufwachsen
groyne {n} (structure to prevent erosion)
:: Buhne {f}, Wellenbrecher {m} {m-p}, Lahnung {f}
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Grosny {n}
grub {n} (immature insect)
:: Larve {f}, Wurm {m}
grubby {adj} (dirty)
:: schmutzig, schmuddelig
grubby {adj} (having grubs in it)
:: madig, wurmstichig
grubhouse {n} (pithouse) SEE: pithouse
grudge {n} (deep seated animosity)
:: Groll {m}, Neid {m}
grudge {v} (to be unwilling to give)
:: missgönnen
grudging {adj} (unwilling or with reluctance)
:: widerwillig
Grudziądz {prop} (city)
:: Graudenz
grue {adj} (philosophy: of an object that is first green, then blue)
:: blün
grue {adj} (linguistics: green or blue in languages that do not distinguish the two colors)
:: blün
grue {v} (shudder) SEE: shudder
grue {n} (shudder) SEE: shudder
gruel {n} (thin watery porridge)
:: Grütze {f}, Schleimsuppe {f}
gruelling {adj} (so difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted)
:: zermürbend
Gruen {prop}
:: Gruen, Grüen, Grün
gruesome {adj} (repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly)
:: grauenhaft, grauenvoll
grumble {n} (a low thundering, rumbling or growling sound)
:: Gegrummel {n}, Grummeln {n}
grumble {n} (the sound made by a hungry stomach)
:: Knurren {n}
grumble {v} (to murmur or mutter with discontent)
:: murren
grumble {v}
:: brummen
grumpy {adj} (unhappy and/or irritable)
:: mürrisch
grunge {n} (dirt, filth)
:: Schmutz {m}, Dreck {m}
grunge {n} (subgenre of alternative music)
:: Grunge {m}
grunt {n} (short, snorting sound)
:: Grunzer {m}, Stöhnen {n}
grunt {n} (cry of a pig)
:: Grunzen {m}
grunt {n} (fish of the family Haemulidae)
:: Grunzer {m}
grunt {n} (a person who does ordinary and boring work)
:: Hucker {m}, Handlanger {m}, Hilfsarbeiter {m}, Ungelernter {m}, Hiwi {m}
grunt {n} ((slang) the amount of power of which a vehicle is capable)
:: Wumms {m}, Pfeffer {m}
grunt {v} (of a person: to make a grunt or grunts)
:: grunzen
grunt {v} (of a pig: to make a grunt or grunts)
:: grunzen
gruntle {v} (grunt) SEE: grunt
Grus {prop} (spring constellation of the southern sky)
:: Kranich {m}
gruyere {n} (type of cheese)
:: Greyerzer {m}
Gruyère {n} (cheese) SEE: gruyere
Grévy's zebra {n} (Equus grevyi)
:: Grevyzebra {n}
Gryffindor {n} (Gryffindor House Harry Potter)
:: Greiftür {f}
G-sharp minor {n} (minor key)
:: gis-Moll
G-spot {n} (sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina)
:: G-Punkt {m}
G-string {n} (on a stringed musical instrument, the string that produces G)
:: G-Saite {f}
G-string {n} (a scanty piece of underwear or lingerie)
:: String {m}, Tanga {m}, Stringtanga {m}, G-String {m} {f}, Minislip {m}
guacamole {n} (avocado-based greenish dip)
:: Guacamole {f}
Guadalcanal {prop} (Pacific island)
:: Guadalcanal {m}
Guadalquivir {prop} (river in southern Spain)
:: Guadalquivir {m}
Guadeloupe {prop} (island)
:: Guadeloupe
Guadeloupe {prop} (overseas department of France)
:: Guadeloupe {n}
Guadeloupean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guadeloupe)
:: von Guadeloupe
Guadiana {prop} (river in Spain and Portugal)
:: Guadiana {m}
Guam {prop} (Territory of Guam)
:: Guam
Guamanian {n} (person from Guam)
:: Guamischer {m}, Guamischerin {f}
Guamanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guam)
:: guamisch
guanaco {n} (Lama guanicoe)
:: Guanako {n}, Huanako {n}
Guangzhou {prop} (Chinese city)
:: Guangzhou {n}
guanine {n} (substance obtained from guano)
:: Guanin {n}
guano {n} (dung from a sea bird or from a bat)
:: Guano {m}
Guantanamo Bay {prop} (US naval base)
:: Guantanamo-Bucht {f}
guanylate {n} (salt or ester of guanylic acid)
:: Guanylat {n}
Guaraní {prop} (South-American language)
:: Guaraní {n}
guarantee {n} (anything that assures a certain outcome)
:: Garantie {f}
guarantee {n} (written declaration)
:: Garantie {f}
guarantee {n} (person who gives such a guarantee)
:: Garant {m}
guarantee {v} (to give an assurance that something will be done right)
:: garantieren, versichern
guarantee {v} (to make something certain)
:: garantieren
guarantor {n} (person or company that provides a guarantee)
:: Garant {m}, Garantiegeber {m}
guaranty {n} (undertaking to answer for payment, performance of contract, etc.)
:: Garantievertrag {m}
guard {n} (person who or thing that protects something)
:: Wächter {m}
guard {n} (the part of a sword that protects the wielder's hand)
:: Parierstange {f}
guard {n} (part of machine blocking dangerous parts)
:: Schutz {m}
guard {v} (to protect from some offence)
:: schützen, bewachen
guard dog {n} (dog used to protect a property or its owner)
:: Wachhund {m}, Wachhündin {f}
guardian {n} (guard or watcher)
:: Wächter {m}, Wache {f}
guardian {n} (law: person legally responsible for a minor in loco parentis)
:: Vormund {m}, Erziehungsberechtigter {m}, Erziehungsberechtigte {f}
guardian {n} (superior in a Franciscan monastery)
:: Guardian {m}
guardian angel {n} (spirit)
:: Schutzengel {m}
guardianship {n} (position)
:: Vormundschaft {f}, Schutz {m}
guardrail {n} (rail set alongside a dangerous place)
:: Geländer {n} , Leitplanke {f} , Schutzplanke {f} , Leitlinie {f}
guardsman {n} (a soldier on guard)
:: Wärter {m}, Gardist {m}
guardsman {n} (a member of the National Guard)
:: Gardist {m}
guardsman {n} (a member of a Guards regiment)
:: Gardist {m}
guard stone {n} (architectural element located at the corner and/or foot of gates etc. to prevent damage)
:: Radabweiser
Guatemala {prop} (country in Central America)
:: Guatemala {n}
Guatemalan {n} (person)
:: Guatemalteke {m}, Guatemaltekin {f}
Guatemalan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guatemala or its people)
:: guatemaltekisch
guava {n} (tree or shrub)
:: Guave {f}, Guavenbaum {m}
guava {n} (fruit)
:: Guave {f}
guberniya {n} (an administrative subdivision in the Russian empire)
:: Gubernia {f}, Gubernat {n}, Statthalterschaft {f}, Gouvernement {n}
gudgeon {n} (Fish, Gobio gobio)
:: Gründling {m}
gudgeon {n} (fitting into which the pintle of the rudder fits)
:: unteres Ruderscharnier {n}, Ruderöse {f}
guelder rose {n} (guelder rose, snowball tree)
:: Schneeball {m}
Guelph {n} (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the Pope)
:: Guelfe {m}, Welfe {m}
Guelphic {adj}
:: guelfisch
guenon {n} (monkey of the genus Cercopithecus)
:: Meerkatze {f}
Guernsey {prop} (island)
:: Guernsey
guerrilla {n} (irregular soldier)
:: Partisan {m}, Partisanin {f}, Guerillakämpfer {m}
guerrilla {n} (guerrilla war)
:: Guerilla {f}
guess {v} (to reach an unqualified conclusion)
:: schätzen, raten
guess {v} (to solve by a correct conjecture)
:: erraten
guess {v} (to suppose)
:: schätzen, wohl, glauben
guess {n} (prediction about the outcome of something)
:: Vermutung {f}
guessing game {n} (game the object of which is for a player or players to guess a word, etc)
:: Ratespiel {n}
guess what {phrase} (used to dramatize the unsurprising)
:: rate mal
guesswork {n} (estimate, judgment or opinion)
:: Mutmaßung {f}, Vermutung , Raterei {f}, Rätselraten {n}
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host
guest {n} (recipient of hospitality)
:: Gast {m}
guest {n} (patron, customer)
:: Gast {m}
guest {n} (invited performer)
:: Gast {m}
guest {v} (to appear as a guest)
:: gastieren
guest book {n} (ledger for visitors to leave comments about an establishment)
:: Gästebuch {n}
guest book {n} (website feature functioning like a physical guest book)
:: Gästebuch {n}
guesthouse {n} (small house for visitors)
:: Gästehaus {n}, Gästeheim {n}
guesthouse {n} (boarding house) SEE: boarding house
guest of honour {n} (guest of honour)
:: Ehrengast {m}
guest room {n} (room in a home or hotel set aside for the use of visiting guests)
:: Gästezimmer {n}
guest speaker {n}
:: Gastredner {m}, Gastrednerin {f}
guest worker {n} (guest worker)
:: Gastarbeiter {m}, Gastarbeiterin {f}, ausländischer Arbeitnehmer {m}, ausländische Arbeitnehmerin {f}
guff {n} (nonsensical talk or thinking)
:: Quatsch {m}, Stuss {m}, Nonsens {m}, Schmarren {m} , Quark {m}, Käse {m}, Kappes {m} , Unsinn {m}, Blödsinn {m}, Stuss {m}, Mumpitz {m}
guff {v} (break wind)
:: pupen, pupsen, furzen
guffaw {n} (a boisterous laugh)
:: schallendes Gelächter
guffaw {v} (To laugh boisterously)
:: schallend lachen
GUI {n} (acronym of graphical user interface)
:: GUI {f}
Guianan slaty antshrike {n} (bird)
:: Tüpfelwollrücken {m}
guidance {n} (the act or process of guiding)
:: Anleitung {f}, Richtungsweisung {f}, Handlungsempfehlung {f}, Orientierungshilfe {f}
guidance {n} (advice)
:: Rechtleitung {f}
guidance {n} (system to control the path of a vehicle)
:: Lenkung {f}
guide {n} (someone who guides)
:: Reiseleiter {m}, Reiseleiterin {f}, Fremdenführer {m}, Fremdenführerin {f}
guide {n} (document, book)
:: Anleitung {f}
guide {v} (to serve as a guide person)
:: führen
guide book {n} (book that provides guidance)
:: Reiseführer {m}
guide dog {n} (dog that is trained to be of assistance to a blind person)
:: Blindenhund {m}
guideline {n} (non-specific rule or principle)
:: Richtlinie {f}
guido {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop
guidon {n} (pennant, banner)
:: Truppenfahne {f}, Guidon {n}
guild {n} (association of tradespeople)
:: Gilde {f}, Zunft {f}
guilder {n} (gilder) SEE: gilder
guilder {n} (unit of currency)
:: Gulden {m}
guile {n} (astuteness, cunning)
:: Gerissenheit {f}
guile {v} (to deceive, to beguile)
:: irreleiten, irreführen
guileless {adj} (honest but naive)
:: arglos
guilelessness {n} (the characteristic of being guileless; honesty)
:: Arglosigkeit {f}
Guillain-Barré syndrome {n} (rapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function)
:: Guillain-Barré-Syndrom {n}
guillemet {n} (either of the punctuation marks « or »)
:: Guillemet {m} {n}; Möwchen {n}
guillemot {n} (seabird)
:: Lumme {f}
guillotine {n} (machine used for capital punishment)
:: Guillotine {f}, Fallbeil {n}
guillotine {n} (device that cuts paper)
:: Papierschneider {m}
guillotine {v} (execute by use of a guillotine)
:: guillotinieren
guilt {n} (responsibility for wrongdoing)
:: Schuld {f}
guilt {n} (the regret of having done wrong)
:: Schuldgefühl {n}
guilt-ridden {adj} (having a strong sense of guilt)
:: mit Schuldgefühlen beladen, von Schuld gebeutelt , schuldgeplagt
guilty {adj} (responsible for a dishonest act)
:: schuldig
guilty {adj} (judged to have committed a crime)
:: schuldig, fehlbar
guilty {adj} (having a sense of guilt)
:: schuldbewusst
guilty {adj} (blameworthy)
:: schuldig, tadelnswert, tadelnswürdig
guilty conscience {n} (a feeling of guiltiness)
:: schlechtes Gewissen
guilty pleasure {n} (something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo)
:: heimliches Vergnügen {n}, lasterhaftes Vergnügen {n}, billiges Vergnügen {n}, sündhafte Freude {f}
guinea {n} (coin worth 21 shillings)
:: Guinee {f}
guinea {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop
Guinea {prop} (short form of the Republic of Guinea)
:: Guinea
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau)
:: Guinea-Bissau
guinea fowl {n} (bird)
:: Perlhuhn {n}
Guinean {adj} (from Guinea)
:: guineisch
Guinean {adj} (from Guinea-Bissau)
:: guinea-bissauisch
Guinean {n} (someone from Guinea or of Guinean descent)
:: Guineer {m}, Guineerin {f}
guinea pig {n} (rodent)
:: Meerschweinchen {n}, Meerschwein {n}
guinea pig {n} (experimental subject)
:: Versuchskaninchen {n}, Proband {m}, Probandin {f}, Versuchsperson {f}
guise {n} (way of speaking or acting)
:: Art und Weise {f}, Auftreten {n}
guise {n} (appearance in manner or dress)
:: Erscheinung, Auftreten
guise {n} (cover; cloak)
:: Deckmantel {m}
guitar {n} (musical instrument)
:: Gitarre {f}
guitarist {n} (person playing or performing on the guitar)
:: Gitarrenspieler {m}, Gitarrenspielerin {f}, Gitarrist {m}, Gitarristin {f}
Gujarat {prop} (state in India)
:: Gujarat {n}
Gujarati {n} (language)
:: Gujaratisch {n}, Gudscharati {n}
Gujarati {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Gujarat, or the Gujarati people)
:: gudscheratisch, gudscharatisch, guzeratisch, guzaratisch
gulag {v} (Soviet labour camp)
:: Gulag {m}, Gulag {n} , GULag {m}
gulch {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton
gulch {n} (act of gulping) SEE: gulp
gulch {n} (a narrow v-shaped valley)
:: (tiefe) Schlucht {f}
Guldborgsund {prop} (strait)
:: Guldborgsund {m}
gules {n} (blazoning term for red)
:: Rot
gules {adj} (heraldry, of the colour red)
:: rot
gulf {n} (geography)
:: Golf {m}, Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of Alaska {prop} (arm of the Pacific Ocean)
:: Golf von Alaska {m}
Gulf of Bothnia {prop} (arm of the Baltic)
:: Bottnischer Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of California {prop} (body of water)
:: Golf von Kalifornien {m}
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea)
:: Finnischer Meerbusen {m}
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean)
:: Golf von Guinea {m}
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico)
:: Golf von Mexiko {m}
Gulf of Naples {prop} (Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania)
:: Golf von Neapel {m}
Gulf of Riga {prop} (inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia)
:: Rigaischer Meerbusen
Gulf Stream {prop} (warm ocean current)
:: Golfstrom {m}
Gulf War {prop} (war fought at the Persian Gulf)
:: Golfkrieg {m}
Gulf War syndrome {n} (chronic multisymptom disorder)
:: Golfkriegssyndrom {n}
gull {n} (seabird)
:: Möwe {f}
gull-billed tern {n} (Gelochelidon nilotica)
:: Lachseeschwalbe {f}
gullet {n} (the throat or esophagus)
:: Speiseröhre {f}
gullibility {n} (quality of being easily deceived)
:: Leichtgläubigkeit {f}
gullible {adj} (easily deceived or duped, naive)
:: einfältig, leichtgläubig, naiv, gutgläubig
gully {n} (a trench, ravine or narrow channel which was worn by water flow, especially on a hillside)
:: Erosionsrinne {f}
gulp {n} (usual amount swallowed)
:: Schluck {m}
gulp {n} (sound of swallowing)
:: schlucken
gulp {v} (to swallow eagerly, or in large draughts)
:: schlingen, verschlingen
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum
gum {n} (flesh around teeth)
:: Zahnfleisch {n}
gum {n} (sticky substance exuded by certain plants)
:: Kautschuk {m}
gum {n} (single piece of chewing gum)
:: Kaugummi {n}
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees)
:: Gummiarabikum {m}
gumball {n}
:: Kaugummikugel {f}
gummi {n} (gelatinous candy)
:: Gummi, Fruchtgummi
gummy {n} (gelatinous candy) SEE: gummi
gummy bear {n} (candy)
:: Gummibärchen {n}, Gummibär {m}
Gummy Bears {prop} (candy)
:: Gummibärchen {n}
gumption {n} (common sense, initiative)
:: Grips {m}, Vernunft {f}
gumption {n} (boldness of enterprise)
:: Biss {m}, Durchhaltevermögen {n}, Unternehmenssinn {m}
gumption {n} (energy of body and mind)
:: Enthusiasmus {m}, Lebenslust {f}
gumshoe {n} (slang: a detective)
:: Schnüffler {m}
gumshoe {v} (to act as a detective)
:: schnüffeln
gun {n} (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use)
:: Pistole {f}
gun {n} (a less portable, long weapon)
:: Gewehr {n}
gun {n} ((military) A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity)
:: Geschütz {n}, Kanone {f}
gun {n} ((military) a cannon with tube length 30 calibers or more)
:: Geschütz {n}, Kanone {f}
gun {n}
:: Geschütz, Kanone
gunboat {n} (small armed vessel)
:: Kanonenboot {n}
gun carriage {n} (metal frame on which a piece of ordnance is mounted for firing or transportation)
:: Lafette {f}
gun control {n} (law or policy restricting or limiting the possession of firearms by private citizens)
:: Waffenkontrolle {f}
gun dog {n} (dog used by hunter)
:: Apportierhund, Jagdhund {m}
gunfighter {n} (gunslinger) SEE: gunslinger
gung ho {adj} (overly enthusiastic or energetic)
:: übereifrig
gunk {n} (dirt or grime; any vague or unknown substance)
:: Dreck {m}, Schleim {m}, Schmiere {f}, Schmodder {m}, Schmutz {m}
gunmetal {n} (alloy of copper, tin and zinc)
:: Rotguss {m}
gunnel {n} (gunwale) SEE: gunwale
gunnery {n}
:: Schießwesen {n}
gunpoint {n} (a location in the front of the muzzle of a gun)
:: Laufmündung {f}
gunpoint {n} (threat or coercion by display or aiming a firearm or similar weapon)
:: Androhung von Schusswaffengewalt {f}, vorgehaltene Waffe {f}
gunport {n} (a hatch in the hull of a ship through which a cannon is fired)
:: Stückpforte {f}
gunpowder {n} (explosive mixture)
:: Schießpulver {n}, Schwarzpulver {n}
Gunpowder Plot {prop} (failed plot to kill the king of England)
:: Pulververschwörung {f}
gunrunner {n} (person who smuggles arms and ammunition)
:: Waffenschmuggler {m}, Waffenschmugglerin {f}
gunrunning {n} (smuggling of arms and ammunition)
:: Waffenschmuggel {m}
gunshot {n} (act of discharging a firearm)
:: Schuss {m}
gunsight {n} (an optical instrument)
:: Visier {n}
gunslinger {n} (person expert at the quick draw)
:: Revolverheld {m}
gunsmith {n} (person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms)
:: Waffenschmied {m}, Waffenschmiedin {f}, Büchsenmacher {m}, Büchsenmacherin {f}
gunstick {n} (stick to ram down the charge) SEE: ramrod
gunstock {n} (The rear part of a rifle or shotgun which is pressed into the shoulder) SEE: stock
Gunt {prop} (river in Tajikistan)
:: Gunt {m}
Gunter {prop} (male given name)
:: Günter, Günther
gunwale {n} (top edge of the side of a boat)
:: Dollbord
gun worm {n} (corkscre-like device to remove charges) SEE: wad hook
guoxue {n} (sinology; Chinese studies) SEE: Chinese studies
Guoyu {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin
guqin {n} (instrument)
:: Qin {f}
gurbir {n} (Potentilla indica) SEE: mock strawberry
gurgle {v} (to flow with a bubbling sound)
:: gurgeln
gurgle {v} (to make such a sound)
:: gurgeln
gurgle {n} (gurgling sound)
:: Gurgeln {n}
Guria {prop} (region of Georgia)
:: Gurien
gurnard {n} (marine fish of the family Triglidae)
:: Seehahn {m}, Knurrhahn {m}
gurney {n} (a stretcher having wheeled legs)
:: Rollbahre {f}, Tragbahre {f}, Trage {f}
gurrier {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin
guru {n} (spiritual teacher)
:: Guru {m}
guru {n} (advisor or mentor)
:: Guru {m}
gush {n} (sudden rapid outflow)
:: Schwall {m}, Flut {f}
gush {v} (to flow forth suddenly)
:: sich ergießen, strömen, herausquellen
gush {v} (to make an excessive display of enthusiasm)
:: schwärmen
gusle {n} (single-stringed instrument)
:: Gusle {f}, Gusla {f}
gusli {n} (an ancient Russian musical instrument)
:: Gusli {p}
gusset {n}
:: Zwickel {m}
gust {n} (strong, abrupt rush of wind)
:: Bö {f}
gustation {n} (The ability to taste flavors; the sense of taste)
:: Geschmack {m}
gustatory {adj} (relating to taste)
:: Geschmacks-
Gustav {prop} (given name)
:: Gustav
Gustave {prop} (Gustav) SEE: Gustav
Gustavus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Gustav
gusto {n} (enthusiasm)
:: Begeisterung {f}, Überschwänglichkeit {f}, Enthusiasmus {m}, Ausgelassenheit {f}
gusty {adj} (of wind: blowing in gusts)
:: böig
gut {n} (alimentary canal)
:: Darm {m}, Eingeweide {n-p}
gut {n} (abdomen)
:: Bauch {m}, Ranzen {m-p}
gut {n} (intestines of an animal used to make strings of a tennis racket or violin, etc)
:: Darm {f}, Darmsaite {f}
gut {v} (To eviscerate)
:: ausnehmen, ausweiden
gut {v} (To remove or destroy the most important parts of)
:: ausweiden
gut {adj} (made of gut)
:: darmbesaitet
gut {adj} (instinctive)
:: instinktiv
gut {adj}
:: Bauch-, Bauchgefühl-
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine
Gutenberg {prop} (surname)
:: Gutenberg
gut feeling {n} (an instinct or intuition)
:: Bauchgefühl {n}, Intuition {f}
gut reaction {n} (instantaneous reaction)
:: Reaktion aus dem Bauch {f}, Reaktion aus dem Bauch heraus {f}, Bauchentscheidung {f}, instinktive Reaktion {f}
guts {n} (entrails)
:: Eingeweide {n-p}
guts {n} ((slang) courage)
:: Frechheit
gutsy {adj} (marked by courage)
:: mutig, schneidig, beherzt
gutta {n} (Doric architectural element)
:: Gutta
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel
gutter {n} (prepared channel in a surface)
:: Rinne {f}, Gosse {f}
gutter {n} (ditch along the side of road)
:: Rinne {f}, Graben {m}, Straßengraben {f}
gutter {n} (duct or channel beneath the eaves)
:: Dachrinne {f}, Regenrinne {f}
gutter {n} (any narrow channel or groove)
:: Nut {f}, Gang {f}
gutter {n} (space between columns in text)
:: Spaltenabstand {f}
gutter {n} (drainage channel)
:: Kanal {m}, Entwässerungskanal {m}, Drainage {f}
gutter {n} (low, vulgar state)
:: Gosse {f}
gutter {v} (to flow or stream; to form gutters)
:: ausspülen
gutter rabbit {n}
:: Dachhase {m}
guttural {adj} (sounding harsh and throaty)
:: guttural, kehlig
guy {n} (male, man)
:: Typ {m}, Kerl {m}
guy {n} (in plural: people)
:: Typen {m-p}, Kerle {m-p}, Leute {p}
guy {v} (to equip with a support cable)
:: abspannen
Guy {prop} (male given name)
:: Veit
Guyana {prop} (country)
:: Guyana {n}
Guyanan {adj} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese
Guyanan {n} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese
Guyanese {n} (person from Guyana)
:: Guyaner {m}, Guyanerin {f}
Guyanese {adj} (pertaining to Guyana)
:: guyanisch
guyed {adj} (fitted with or attached to a guy)
:: abgespannt
guyline {n} (guy) SEE: guy
guy rope {n} (rope or cable used to steady a tall structure or thing being hoisted)
:: Abspannseil {n}
Guzhangian {prop}
:: Guzhangium
guzzle {v} (to drink (or sometimes eat) voraciously)
:: saufen , verschlingen
guzzle {v} (to consume alcoholic beverages, especially frequently or habitually)
:: saufen
guzzle {v} ((by extension) to consume anything greedily)
:: schlucken
Gwoyeu Romatzyh {prop} (a transliteration system)
:: Lateinumschrift der Reichssprache
gybe {v} (to change tack with the wind behind)
:: kreuzen
gym {n} (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise)
:: Gymnastikraum {m}, Fitnessstudio {n}, Turnhalle {f}
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium
gymnasiast {n} (gymnasium student)
:: Gymnasiastin {f} , Gymnasiast {m}
gymnasium {n} (place for indoor sports)
:: Sporthalle {f}, Turnhalle {f}, Gymnastikraum {m}, Fitnessstudio {n}
gymnasium {n} (type of school)
:: Gymnasium {n}
gymnast {n} (one who performs gymnastics)
:: Turner {m}, Turnerin {f}
gymnastic {n} (gymnast) SEE: gymnast
gymnastics {n} (a sport)
:: Turnen {n}, Gymnastik {f}
gymnastics {n} (complex intellectual or artistic exercise)
:: Gymnastik {f}
gymnosperm {n} (plant whose seeds are not in an ovary)
:: Nacktsamer {m}, nacktsamige Pflanze {f}
gym shorts {n} (type of shorts)
:: Turnhose
gynaecologist {n} (specialist in diseases of the female reproductive system)
:: Gynäkologe {m}, Gynäkologin {f}, Frauenarzt {m}, Frauenärztin {f}, Frauenheilkundler {m}, Frauenheilkundlerin {f}
gynandromorph {n} (a person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes) SEE: hermaphrodite
gynecological {adj} (pertaining to gynecology)
:: gynäkologisch
gynecologist {n} (gynaecologist) SEE: gynaecologist
gynecology {n} (branch of medicine specializing in the problems of women)
:: Frauenheilkunde {f}, Gynäkologie {f}
gynecomastia {n} (development of breasts in males)
:: Gynäkomastie {f}
gynophobia {n} (fear or hatred of women)
:: Gynophobie {f}, Gynäkophobie {f}, Gynäphobie {f}, Weiberscheu {f}
gypsiology {n} (study of the life and culture of gypsies)
:: Romistik, Tsiganologie, Tziganologie, Zigeunerkunde, Zigeunerwissenschaft
gypsum {n} (mineral)
:: Gips {m}
gypsum board {n} (drywall panels)
:: Rigips
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom
gypsy {n} (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft)
:: Zigeuner {m}, Zigeunerin {f}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Gypsy
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group)
:: Zigeuner {m} (Zigeunerin {f})
Gypsy {prop} (the language of the Romani people) SEE: Romani
Gypsy {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) SEE: Romani
Győr {prop} (city in Hungary)
:: Győr {n}, Raab {n}
gyre {n} (a swirling vortex)
:: Strudel {m}
gyre {n} (a circular current, especially a large-scale ocean current)
:: ozeanischer Wirbel {m}, Wirbel {m}
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon
gyrfalcon {n} (Falco rusticolus)
:: Gierfalke {m}, Geierfalke {m}, Gerfalke {m}, Jagdfalke {m}
gyro {n} (gyroscope) SEE: gyroscope
gyro {n} (Greek sandwich)
:: Gyros {n}
gyron {n} (heraldic charge)
:: Ständer {m}
gyronny {adj} (heraldic term)
:: geständert
gyroscope {n} (apparatus)
:: Gyroskop {n}
gyroscopic {adj}
:: gyroskopisch
gyrus {n} (anatomy)
:: Gyrus {m}
Gzhelian {prop}
:: Gzhelium