Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water)
:: Тихи океан {m}
pacifier {n} (for a baby)
:: залъгалка {f}
pack {n} (bundle to be carried)
:: пакет {m}
package {n} (something which is packed)
:: пакет {m}
packet {n} (small pack)
:: пакетче {n}, пакет {m}
packing needle {n} (large needle)
:: губерка
pact {n} (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant)
:: пакт {m}
pad {n} (flattened mass of anything soft)
:: подложка
pad {n} (soft or small cushion)
:: възглавничка за диван
pad {n} (animal's foot or paw)
:: възглавничка на животинска лапа {f}
pad {n} (floating leaf of a water plant)
:: плаващо листо
padawan {n} (any apprentice or student) SEE: apprentice
paddleboat {n} (pedalo) SEE: pedalo
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows)
:: оризище {m}
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy
Padishah {n} (Padishah)
:: падишах
padlock {n} (type of lock)
:: катинар {m}
paean {n} (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph)
:: пеан
pagan {adj} (relating to non main world religions)
:: езически
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion)
:: езичник {m}
paganism {n} (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity)
:: езичество {m}
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book)
:: страница {f}
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves)
:: пагода {f}
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering)
:: болка {f}
painkiller {n} (a drug that numbs the pain in the body)
:: пенкилер {m}
paint {n} (substance)
:: боя {f}
paintbrush {n} (thin brush)
:: четка {f}
painted dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
painted hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
painted wolf {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
painter {n} (artist)
:: художник {m}
painting {n} (an illustration or artwork using paint)
:: картина {f}
painting {n} (the action of applying paint)
:: живопис {m}
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set
pair {n} (two similar or identical things)
:: двойка {f}
pair {n} (two people in a relationship)
:: двойка {f}
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles)
:: пергел {m}
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of forceps {n} (forceps) SEE: forceps
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of goggles {n} (goggles) SEE: goggles
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
:: пижама {f}, нощница {f}
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia)
:: Пакистан {m}
Pakistani {n} (A person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent)
:: пакистанец {m}, пакистанка {f}, пакистанци {p}
Pakistani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Pakistan, or its people)
:: пакистански
palace {n} (large, lavish residence)
:: дворец {m}
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords)
:: Уестминстърски дворец {m}
palate {n} (roof of the mouth)
:: небце {n}
Palau {prop} (Republic of Palau)
:: Палау
pale {adj} (light in color)
:: блед {m}
pale {v} (to become pale)
:: бледнея, избледнявам, избледнея
pale {n} (wooden stake)
:: кол {m}
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing)
:: палеография
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively)
:: Палестина {f}
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people)
:: палестински
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent)
:: палестинец {m}, палестинка {f}
palindrome {n} (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards)
:: палиндром {m}
palish {adj} (somewhat pale)
:: бледничък
palladium {n} (chemical element)
:: паладий {m}
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand)
:: длан {f}
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree
palm oil {n} (edible plant oil)
:: палмово масло {n}
palm tree {n} (tropical tree)
:: палма {f}
palpable {adj} (capable of being touched)
:: осезаем, обозрим
palpable {adj} (obvious)
:: очевиден, ясен, явен
pamphlet {n} (booklet) SEE: booklet
Panama {prop} (country)
:: Панама {f}
Panamanian {n} (person from Panama)
:: панамец {m}, панамка {f}, панамци {m-p}, панамки {f-p}
Panamanian {n} (person from Panama City)
:: панамец {m}, панамка {f}
Panamanian {adj} (pertaining to Panama)
:: панамски {m}, панамска {f}, панамско {n}
pan-Arabism {n} (movement)
:: панарабизъм
panarchism {n}
:: панархизъм {m}
pancake {n} (thin batter cake)
:: палачинка {f}
Panchatantra {prop} (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose)
:: Панчатантра
pancreas {n} (gland near the stomach)
:: панкреас {m}
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda)
:: панда {f}
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population)
:: пандемия {f}
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp
Pangaea {prop} (supercontinent prior to Triassic)
:: Пангея {f}
pangolin {n} (mammal)
:: люспеник {m}, панголин {m}
panic {n} (overpowering fright)
:: паника {f}
panicgrass {n} (grass of the genus Panicum)
:: просо {n}
panpsychism {n} (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect)
:: панпсихизъм {m}
pansexuality {n} (sexual orientation)
:: пансексуалност {f}
Pan-Slavism {n} (movement)
:: панславизъм {m}
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine)
:: пантеизъм {m}
panther {n} (big cat with black fur)
:: пантера {f}
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls)
:: гащички {p}
pantry {n} (storage room)
:: килер {m}
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards)
:: панталони {p}, панталон {m}, гащи {p}
pants {n} (undergarment covering the genitals)
:: гащи {p}
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad
papaya {n} (fruit)
:: папая {f}
paper {n} (sheet material)
:: хартия {f}
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book)
:: документ {m}, статия {f}
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document
paper clip {n} (paper clip)
:: кламер {m}
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object)
:: преспапие {n}
papier-mâché {n} (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object)
:: папие-маше {n}, папиемаше {n}
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania)
:: Папуа Нова Гвинея {f}
parabola {n} (a conic section)
:: парабола {f}
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object)
:: парашут {m}
parachute {v} (to jump with a parachute)
:: скачам с парашут
parade {n} (organized procession)
:: парад {m}
paradise {n} (heaven)
:: рай {m}, небеса {n-p}
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true)
:: парадокс {m}
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene
paragon {n} (model or pattern)
:: образец {m}
paragraph {n} (passage in text)
:: параграф {m}
Paraguay {prop} (country in South America)
:: Парагвай {m}
parallel {adj} (equally distant from one another at all points)
:: паралелен
paranoia {n} (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution)
:: параноя {f}
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions)
:: параноична шизофрения {f}
parasite {n} (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back)
:: паразит {m}
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism)
:: паразит {m}
paratyphoid fever {n} (acute infectious intestinal disease)
:: паратиф {m}
parcel {n} (package wrapped for shipment)
:: колет {m}, пакет {m}
pardon {n} (forgiveness for an offence)
:: опрощение {n}
pardon {n} (releasing order)
:: помилване {n}
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended)
:: родител {m}
parent {n}
:: родител {m}
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( ))
:: скоба {f}, скобка {f}
parents {n} (one's parents)
:: родители {m-p}
Paris {prop} (capital of France)
:: Париж {m}
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince)
:: Парис {m}
parish {n} (part of a diocese)
:: енория {f}
parish church {n} (church that serves as the religious centre of a parish)
:: енорийска църква {f}
park {n} (ground for recreation)
:: парк {m}
parking {n} (space)
:: паркинг {m}
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease)
:: болест на Паркинсон {f}
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members)
:: парламент {m}
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament
parlous {adj} (appalling, dire, terrible) SEE: appalling
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous
parody {n} (expression making fun of something else)
:: пародия {f}
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb
parrot {n} (kind of bird)
:: папагал {m}
parsimony {n} (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily)
:: пестеливост {f}, скъперничество {n}
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum)
:: магданоз {m}
parsnip {n} (the plant Pastinaca sativa)
:: пащърнак {m}
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa)
:: пащърнак {m}
part {n} (math: factor) SEE: factor
part {n} (fraction of a whole)
:: част {f}
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial
partake {v} (to take part in an activity)
:: участвам
Parthenon {prop} (ancient temple to Athena)
:: Партенон {m}
partial {adj} (existing in part)
:: частичен
participant {n} (one who participates)
:: участник {m}
participate {v} (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself)
:: участвувам {impf}, вземам участие {impf}, взема участие {pf}
participation {n} (act of participating)
:: участие {n}
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle
participle {n} (verb form)
:: причастие {n}
particle {n} (body with very small size)
:: частица {f}
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech)
:: частица {f}
particle physics {n} (particle physics)
:: физика на елементарните частици
particular {adj} (distinguished in some way; special)
:: специален
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential
partisan {n} (adherent to a party)
:: алебарда {f}
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla
partner {n} (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest)
:: партньор {m}, партньорка {f}
partner {n} (dancing partner)
:: партньор {m}, партньорка {f}
partnership {n} (state of being associated with a partner)
:: партньорство {n}
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs)
:: част на речта {f}
partridge {n} (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
:: яребица {f}
parturition {n} (act of giving birth)
:: раждане {n}
party {n} (social gathering)
:: забава {f}
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party
party wall {n} (commonly shared wall)
:: калкан {m}
pascal {n} (SI unit of pressure and stress)
:: паскал {m}
pas de deux {n} (a dance performed by two dancers)
:: па дьо дьо
pasha {n} (title)
:: паша {m}
Pashto {n} (official language of Afghanistan)
:: пущунски {m}
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto
pass {n} (document granting permission to pass or to go and come)
:: пропуск {m}
pass {n} (password) SEE: password
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle)
:: пасажер {m}, пасажерка {f}, пътник {m}, пътница {f}, пътничка {f}
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by)
:: минувач {m}
pass gas {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind
passion {n} (any great emotion)
:: страст {f}
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit)
:: маракуя {f}
passive {adj} (not active, but acted upon)
:: пасивен
passive {adj} (grammar: being in the passive voice)
:: страдателен, пасивен
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die
passport {n} (official document)
:: паспорт {m}
pass through {v} (to infiltrate) SEE: infiltrate
pass wind {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind
password {n} (word used to gain admittance)
:: парола {f}
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago
past {n} (period of time that has already happened)
:: минало {n}
past {adj} (having already happened; in the past)
:: минал
pastirma {n} (highly seasoned, air-dried cured beef)
:: пастърма
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd
pastor {n} (a minister or priest)
:: пастор {m}
past perfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense
past tense {n} (grammatical form)
:: минало време {n}
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze
pasture {n} (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
:: пасище {n}, пасбище {n}, паша {f}
patch {n} (figuratively: fit) SEE: fit
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool
patch {n} (computing: file describing changes made to source code)
:: ъпдейт {m}
patch file {n} (patch) SEE: patch
patella {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap
paternal uncle {n} (brother of one's father)
:: чичо {m}
paternity {n} (fatherhood) SEE: fatherhood
path {n} (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians)
:: път {m}, пътека {f}
patience {n} (quality of being patient)
:: търпение {n}, търпеливост {f}
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting)
:: търпелив
Patras {prop} (city of Greece)
:: Патрай
patriarch {n} (male leader)
:: баща {m}, патриарх {m}
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country)
:: родолюбец {f}, патриот {m}
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country)
:: патриотизъм {m}
patron {n} (supporter)
:: ага {m}
patron {n} (wealthy individual who supports an artist etc.)
:: ага {m}
patron saint {n} (exemplar) SEE: exemplar
patsy {n} (a person who is taken advantage of)
:: карък {m}
paucity {n} (fewness in number; a small number)
:: малобройност {f}, оскъдност {f}
Paulette {prop} (female given name)
:: Полет {f}
Paulson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Paul")
:: Павлов {m}
pauper {n} (one who is extremely poor)
:: бедняк {m}, сиромах {m}
pavement {n} (footpath)
:: тротоар {m}
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal)
:: лапа {f}
pawn {n} (chess piece)
:: пешка {f}
pawnshop {n} (business premises of a pawnbroker)
:: заложна къща {f}
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services)
:: плащам {impf}, платя {pf}
pay attention {v} (to be attentive)
:: насочвам внимание
payment {n} (the act of paying)
:: плащане {n}
Pazardzhik {prop} (a town in southern Bulgaria)
:: Пазарджик
pea {n} (plant)
:: грах {m}
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence)
:: мир {m}, спокойствие {n}
peace {n} (state of being free from war)
:: мир {m}
peace {n}
:: мир
peaceful {adj} (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil)
:: мирен, спокоен, тих
peaceful {adj} (inclined to peace; peaceable)
:: мирен
peach {n} (tree)
:: праскова {f}
peach {n} (fruit)
:: праскова {f}
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo)
:: паун {m}
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut)
:: фъстък {m}
peanut butter {n} (spread made from ground peanuts)
:: фъстъчено масло {n}
pear {n} (fruit)
:: круша {f}
pear {n} (tree)
:: круша {f}
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks)
:: бисер {m}, перла {f}, маргарит {m}
pearl {n} (fringe or border) SEE: fringe
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher
Pearl Harbor {prop} (a harbor on Oahu)
:: Пърл Харбър {m}
pear tree {n} (a tree of the genus Pyrus)
:: круша {f}
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class)
:: селянин {m}, селянка {f}
peat {n} (soil)
:: торф {m}
peck {v} (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar)
:: кълва {impf}
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker
pectoral {adj} (of or pertaining to the breast or chest)
:: гръден
pecuniary {adj} (of or relating to money)
:: паричен
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian
pedagogy {n} (profession of teaching)
:: педагогика {f}
pedal {n} (lever operated by one's foot)
:: педал {m}
pedal {adj} (of or relating to the foot)
:: ножен
pedalo {n} (small boat propelled by pedals)
:: водно колело {n}
peddler {n} (itinerant seller of small goods)
:: амбулантен търговец {m}
peddler {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer
pederast {n} (practitioner of pederasty)
:: педераст {m}
pederasty {n} (pederasty)
:: педерастия {f}
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like)
:: пиедестал {m}
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle)
:: пешеходец {m}
pedestrian crossing {n} (place for pedestrians to cross a street)
:: пешеходна пътека {f}
pedigree {n} (chart of ancestors)
:: родословие {n}
pedophile {n} (an adult who is sexually attracted to children)
:: педофил {m}
pee {v}
:: уринирам
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee
peephole {n} (hole)
:: шпионка {f}
Pehčevo {prop} (a town in the Republic of Macedonia)
:: Пехчево {n}
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing
pekan {n} (fisher) SEE: fisher
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae)
:: пеликан {m}
pelmeni {n} (Russian dumplings)
:: пелмен {m}, пелмени {m-p}
Peloponnese {prop} (region of Greece)
:: Пелопонес {m}
pelvis {n} (bone)
:: таз {m}
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing
pen {n} (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals)
:: кошара {f}
pen {n} (writing tool)
:: писалка {f}
penal code {n} (penal code) SEE: criminal code
penance {n} (voluntary self-imposed punishment)
:: покаяние {n}
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument)
:: молив {m}, молив {m}
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case
pencil case {n} (object purposed to contain stationery)
:: кутия за моливи {f}
pendant {n} (a piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck)
:: огърлица {f}
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird)
:: пингвин {m}
penicillin {n} (penicillin)
:: пеницилин {m}
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water)
:: полуостров {m}
penis {n}
:: пенис {m}, кур {m} , хуй {m} , пишка {f}
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent
penny bun {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini
penology {n} (study of punishment and prevention of crime)
:: пенология {f}
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services)
:: пенсия {f}
pensioner {n} (someone who lives on a pension)
:: пенсионер {m}
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles)
:: петоъгълник {m}
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star)
:: пентаграм {m}, пентаграма {f}
Pentecost {prop} (Christian festival)
:: петдесетница {f}
Pentecostalism {n} (Christian religious movement)
:: петдесятничество {n}
penultimate {adj} (next-to-last in a sequence)
:: предпоследен
penumbra {n} (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse)
:: полусянка {f}
Penza {prop} (a city in Russia)
:: Пенза {f}
peony {n} (Paeonia genus of flowering plants)
:: божур {m}
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons)
:: хора {p}, люде {m-p}
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)
:: народ {m}, нация {f}
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family)
:: род {m}, семейство {n}, линия {f}
people {v} (to fill with people)
:: населвам, населя
people {v} (to inhabit, to occupy)
:: обитавам, живея, населявам
people's {adj} (of, from, or controlled by the common people)
:: народен
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria)
:: Алжирска народно-демократична република {f}
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments)
:: народна република {f}
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China)
:: Китайска народна република {f}
pepper {n} (spice)
:: пипер {m}
Pepsi {prop} (the brand of drink)
:: Пепси
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred)
:: процент
perceptible {adj} (able to be perceived)
:: осезаем
perch {n} (fish of the genus Perca)
:: костур {m}
perdition {n} (eternal damnation)
:: ад {m}
perdition {n} (hell)
:: ад {m}
peregrine falcon {n} (Falco peregrinus)
:: сокол скитник {m}
perennial {adj} ((of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years)
:: многогодишен
perestroika {prop} (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s)
:: перестройка {f}
perfect {adj} (fitting its definition precisely)
:: съвършен
perfect {adj} (grammar: of a tense or verb form: representing a completed action)
:: свършен
perfective {adj} (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect)
:: свършен
perfective aspect {n} (grammatical term)
:: свършен вид {m}
perfect tense {n} (verb form indicating that an action has been completed)
:: свършено време {n}, аорист {m}
perform {v} (to do something)
:: извършвам
perform {v} (to do something in front of an audience)
:: изпълнявам, представям
performativity {n}
:: перформативност {n}
perfume {n} (pleasant smell)
:: благоухание {n}, аромат {m}
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell)
:: парфюм {m}
perfume {n}
:: благоухание {n} , парфюм {m}
perfume {v} (to apply perfume to)
:: парфюмирам
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty)
:: може би
Pericles {prop} (Greek politician)
:: Перикъл {m}
perineum {n} (anatomical term)
:: перинеум
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity)
:: период {m}
period {n} (punctation mark “.”)
:: точка {f}
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements)
:: периодична система на елементите {f}
peristalsis {n} (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract)
:: перисталтика
peritonitis {n} (inflammation of the peritoneum)
:: перитонит {m}
perjury {n} (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath)
:: лъжесвидетелство {n}
perky {adj} (lively or enthusiastic)
:: закачлив, игрив
Perm {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Перм
permanent {adj} (without end)
:: постоянен
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent
permission {n} (authorisation)
:: разрешение {n}, позволение {n}
permission {n} (act of permitting)
:: позволение {n}
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen)
:: позволявам {impf}
permutation {n} (one-to-one mapping)
:: пермутация {f}
permutation {n}
:: пермутация {f}
pern {n} (honey buzzard) SEE: honey buzzard
pernicious {adj} (causing much harm)
:: пагубен
pernicious {adj} (causing death or injury)
:: гибелен, пагубен
Pernik {prop} (town)
:: Перник
perpendicular {adj} (at or forming a right angle to)
:: перпендикулярен
perpetrator {n} (one who perpetrates)
:: извършител {m}, виновник {m}
perpetuity {n} (the quality or state of being perpetual)
:: вечност {f}
Perpignan {prop} (city in Pyrénées-Orientales, France)
:: Перпинян {m}, Перпиня {m}
Persephone {prop} (Greek goddess)
:: Персефона {f}
Persepolis {prop} (ancient city of Persia)
:: Персеполис
Perseus {prop} (mythical Greek warrior)
:: Персей {m}
Perseus {prop} (constellation)
:: Персей {m}
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran
Persia {prop} (region of ancient Iran)
:: Персия {f}
Persian {n} (the Persian language)
:: персийски {m}, фарси {m}
Persian {n} (person from Persia)
:: персиец {m}, персийка {f}
Persian {n}
:: персиец {m}, персийка {f}
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia)
:: персийски
Persian {adj}
:: персийски {m-p}
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula)
:: Персийски залив {m}
persimmon {n} (fruit)
:: фурма {f}, японска ябълка {f}
person {n} (individual)
:: човек {m}
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man)
:: човек {m}
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category)
:: лице {n}
personal {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular person)
:: личен, персонален
personal {adj} (grammar: denoting person)
:: личен
personal data {n}
:: лични данни {p}
persona non grata {n} (a person who is not welcome)
:: персона нон грата
perspicacity {n} (Acute discernment or understanding; insight)
:: проницателност
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat
persuade {v} (convince)
:: убеждавам
Perth {prop} (city in Western Australia)
:: Пърт {m}
pertinent {adj} (pertaining)
:: уместен, подходящ
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough
Peru {prop} (country in South America)
:: Перу {m}
perusal {n} (studying something carefully)
:: изучаване {n}
pervasive {adj} (manifested throughout)
:: всеобхватен
Peshawar {prop} (capital of North West Frontier Province, Pakistan)
:: Пешавар {m}
pessimism {n} (general belief that bad things will happen)
:: песимизъм {m}
pessimistic {adj} (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness)
:: песимистичен
pestle {n} (instrument used with a mortar to grind things)
:: токмак {m}, пестик {m}, чукало {n}, тлъчок {m}, тлъчник {m}, бияло {n}
pesto {n} (an Italian sauce especially for pasta)
:: песто {m}
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion)
:: домашен любимец {m}, питомец {m}
peta- {prefix} (SI prefix)
:: пета-
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower)
:: венчелистче {n}
petasus {n} (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans)
:: петасос
Peter {prop} (male given name)
:: Петър {m}
Peterson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Peter")
:: Петров {m}
Petrarchan sonnet {n} (type of sonnet)
:: италиански сонет {m}, петраркистки сонет {m}
Petrich {prop} (town)
:: Петрич
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station
Petrozavodsk {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Петрозаводск {m}
Peugeot {prop} (French manufacturer of cars)
:: Пежо
Peugeot {n} (car manufactured by Peugeot)
:: Пежо {n}
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx
phalanx {n} (finger or toe bone)
:: фаланга {f}
phaleristics {n} (the study of orders, fraternity, and award items)
:: фалеристика
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)
:: фараон {m}
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs)
:: фармацевт {m}, аптекар {m}
pharmacology {n} (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals)
:: фармакология {f}
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed)
:: аптека {f}, дрогерия {f}
Pharsalia {prop} (poem by Lucan)
:: Фарсалия {f}
phase {n} (distinguishable part of a sequence)
:: фаза {f}
pheasant {n} (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food)
:: фазан {m}
pheasant's eye {n} (flowering plant of the genus Adonis)
:: адонис {m}
Philadelphia {prop} (largest city in Pennsylvania)
:: Филаделфия {f}
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover
philanthropy {n} (charity) SEE: charity
philanthropy {n} (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind)
:: човеколюбие {f}
philately {n} (stamp collecting)
:: филателия {f}
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship
philia {n} (liking) SEE: liking
Philip {prop} (male given name)
:: Филип {m}
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines)
:: орел маймунояд {m}
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines)
:: Филипини {p}
philistine {adj} (lacking in appreciation for art or culture)
:: филистер {m}, простак {m}
Philistine {adj} (philistine) SEE: philistine
philologist {n} (person who engages in philology)
:: филолог {m}, филоложка {f}
philology {n} (historical linguistics)
:: филология {f}
philosopher {n} (person devoted to studying philosophy)
:: философ {m}
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone)
:: философският камък {m}
philosophy {n} (academic discipline)
:: философия {f}
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages)
:: храчки {f-p}, слуз {f}
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox)
:: флокс {m}
phobia {n} (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety)
:: фобия {f}
phoenix {n} (mythological bird)
:: феникс {m}
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone
phoneme {n} (indivisible unit of sound)
:: фонема {f}
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number
phonics {n} (acoustics) SEE: acoustics
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record
phonology {n} (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages)
:: фонология {f}
phosphorus {n} (element)
:: фосфор {m}
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph
photo {v} (to take a photograph)
:: фотографирам, снимам
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier)
:: ксерокопия {f}
photogenic {adj} (looking good when photographed)
:: фотогеничен {m}
photograph {n} (picture)
:: фотография {f}, снимка {f}
photograph {v} (to take a photograph)
:: фотографирам {impf} {pf}, снимам {impf}
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs)
:: фотограф {m}
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces)
:: фотография {f}
photon {n} (quantum of light)
:: фотон {m}
photosynthesis {n} (biological process)
:: фотосинтеза {f}
phrase {n} (short written or spoken expression)
:: фраза {f}, израз {m}
phrase {v} (to express by means of words)
:: изразявам
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary)
:: разговорник {m}
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward)
:: фригийска шапка {f}, шапка на свободата {f}
phycology {n} (study of algae)
:: алгология {f}
physical examination {n}
:: преглед {m}
physician {n} (medical doctor)
:: доктор {m}, докторка {f}, лекар {m}, лекарка {f}
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics)
:: физик {m}, физичка {f}
physics {n} (branch of science)
:: физика {f}
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument)
:: пиано {n}
picaresque {n} (picaresque novel)
:: пикаресковият роман {m}
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum
pickaxe {n} (heavy iron tool)
:: кирка {f}
pickpocket {n} (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby)
:: джебчия {m}
picnic {n} (a meal eaten outdoors)
:: пикник {m}
pico- {prefix} (multiplying the unit by 10−12)
:: пико-
picometer {n} (10-12 of a meter)
:: пикометър {m}
picometre {n} (picometer) SEE: picometer
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc)
:: картина {f}
picture {v} (to depict or describe vividly) SEE: depict
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting
Pi Day {prop} (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi))
:: Денят Пи {m}
pie {n} (type of pastry)
:: пирог {m}
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza
piece {n} (part of a larger whole)
:: парче {n}, част {f}
piece {n} (chess: figure other than pawn; similar counter in other games)
:: фигура {f}
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis
piece of paper {n} (sheet or scrap of paper)
:: книга {f}
Piedmont {prop} (region)
:: Пиемонт
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk
pier {n} (raised platform built from the shore out over water)
:: пристан {m}, кей {m}
pier {n} (rectangular pillar, or similar structure, that supports an arch, wall or roof)
:: колона {f}, стълб {m}
Pieria {prop} (Greek prefecture)
:: Пиерия
piety {n} (reverence and devotion to God)
:: набожност
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus)
:: свиня {f}
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae)
:: гълъб {m}
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in)
:: касичка {f}
piglet {n} (young pig)
:: прасенце {n}, прасе {n}
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet
pigpen {n} (pigsty) SEE: pigsty
pigsty {n} (enclosure where pigs are kept)
:: кочина {f}, свинарник {m}
pigsty {n} (dirty or very untidy place)
:: бардак {m}, кочина {f}
pike {n} (fish of the genus Esox)
:: щука {f}
pike pole {n} (tool, see also: setting pole; gaff; hook)
:: канджа {f}
pilaf {n} (dish)
:: пилаф {m}
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pile {n} (nap of a cloth) SEE: nap
pile {n} (hemorrhoid) SEE: hemorrhoid
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy
piles {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids
pilgrim {n} (traveler, especially to religious sites)
:: хаджия {m}
pill {n} (small object for swallowing)
:: хапче {n}, хап {m}
pillory {n} (framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation)
:: позорен стълб {m}
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed)
:: възглавница {f}
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft)
:: летец {m}
pilot project {n} (prototype, proof of concept)
:: пилотен проект {m}
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor)
:: сводник {m}
pimping {n} (practise of procuring prostitutes)
:: сводничество {n}
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin)
:: пъпка {f}, пъпчица {f}
pin {n} (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts)
:: щифт {m}
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch
pinata {n} (candy-filled container that is hit with a stick)
:: пинята {f}
pinch {v} (to squeeze a small amount of skin)
:: щипя {impf}
pinch {n} (small amount of powder)
:: щипка {f}
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus)
:: бор {m}, мура {f}
pineapple {n} (plant)
:: ананас {m}
pineapple {n} (fruit)
:: ананас {m}
pinecone {n} (seed-bearing cone of a pine tree)
:: шишарка {f}
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine
pingo {n} (flexible pole with a load suspended from each end) SEE: carrying pole
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis
pink {n} (flower)
:: карамфил {m}
pink {n} (pale red colour)
:: розов цвят {m}
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white)
:: розов {m}
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear)
:: ушна мида {f}
Pinocchio {prop} (protagonist)
:: Пинокио {m}
pin-up {n} (person)
:: хубаво момиче {n}
Pinyin {prop} (romanization of Mandarin Chinese)
:: пинин {m}
pioneer {n} (member of a child organization in the Soviet bloc)
:: пионер {m}
pious {adj} (of or pertaining to piety)
:: набожен, благочестив
pious {adj} (practiced under the pretext of religion)
:: набожен
pipe {n} (rigid tube)
:: тръба {f}
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe
piper {n} (bagpiper) SEE: bagpiper
pipette {n} (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
:: пипета {f}
pip-squeak {n} (small and insignificant person)
:: нищожество {n}
piracy {n} (robbery at sea)
:: пиратство {n}
piranha {n} (South American fish)
:: пираня {f}
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea)
:: пират {m}
pirog {n} (baked good)
:: пирог {m}
pisanka {n} (decorated egg) SEE: pysanka
Pisces {prop} (constellation)
:: Клас Риби
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant
piss {n} (urine)
:: пикня {f}
piss {v}
:: пишкам, пикая, чуркам
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
pisser {n} (vulgar slang for toilet) SEE: shitter
piste {n} ((skiing) a downhill trail)
:: писта {f}
pistol {n} (handgun)
:: пистолет {m}
pit {n} (hole in the ground)
:: яма {f}
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit
pitaya {n} (dragon fruit) SEE: dragon fruit
pitchfork {n} (farm tool with tines)
:: вила {f}
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord
pitiless {adj} (having no pity)
:: безмилостен
pity {n} (feeling of sympathy)
:: жалост {f}
pity {n} (something regrettable)
:: жал {m}
pixie {n} (playful sprite or elflike or fairy-like creature)
:: феичка {f}
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish)
:: пица {f}
pizza parlor {n} (pizzeria) SEE: pizzeria
pizzeria {n} (outlet that primarily sells pizza)
:: пицария {f}
place {n} (location, position)
:: място {n}
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square)
:: площад {m}
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta)
:: плацента {f}
plagiarism {n} (copying of someone's ideas)
:: плагиатство {n}, плагиат {m}
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague")
:: чума {f}
plague {n}
:: тормози
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
:: равнина {f}
plaintiff {n} (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant)
:: тъжител {m}
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid
plan {n} (set of intended actions)
:: план {m}
Planck's constant {n} (constant)
:: константа на Планк {f}
plane {n} (deciduous tree)
:: чинар {m}
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky)
:: планета {f}
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun)
:: планета {f}
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star)
:: планета {f}
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity)
:: планетарна мъглявина {f}
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis)
:: растение {n}
plantain {n} (small plant)
:: живовляк {m}
plantigrade {adj} (walking with the entire sole of the foot)
:: който ходи на цяло стъпало, плоскостъпен
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer)
:: пластмаса {f}
plasticine {n} (modeling clay)
:: пластилин {m}
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid
plat {n} (plot of land) SEE: lot
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot
plate {n} (flat dish)
:: чиния {f}, блюдо {n}
platform {n} (politics: political stance on a broad set of issues)
:: платформа {f}
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers)
:: платформа {f}, перон {m}
platinum {n} (metal)
:: платина {f}
platinum {n} (colour)
:: платина {f}, платинен {m}
platinum {adj} (colour)
:: платинен {m}
platinum {adj} (musical recording)
:: платинен {m}
platitude {n} (often-quoted saying)
:: изтъркана фраза {f}
Plato {prop} (Greek philosopher)
:: Платон {m}
platoon {n} (unit of 30-40 soldiers)
:: взвод {m}
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
:: птицечовка {f}
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun)
:: играя {impf}
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun)
:: играя {impf}
play {n} (playful activity)
:: игра {f}
play {n} (theatrical performance)
:: пиеса {f}, спектакъл {m}, представление {n}
play {n} (area of free movement for a part of a mechanism) SEE: backlash
Playboy {prop} (the adult magazine)
:: Плейбой {m} {n}
play down {v} (play down) SEE: downplay
player {n}
:: играч
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card)
:: карта за игра {f}, карта {f}
playwright {n} (writer of plays for the theatre)
:: драматург {m}
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright
plaza {n} (a towns' public square)
:: площад {m}
plea {n} (appeal, petition, entreaty)
:: апел {m}, петиция {f}, молба {f}
plea {n} (excuse)
:: извинение {n}
pleasant {adj} (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner)
:: приятен
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request)
:: моля
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody)
:: радвам се да се запознаем, приятно ми е, драго ми е
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt)
:: моля, преминавам че сол
please repeat after me {phrase} (phrase)
:: моля се повтаря след мен
pleasing {adj} (giving pleasure)
:: приятен
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased)
:: удоволствие {n}, наслада {f}
plectrum {n} (music: small piece for plucking strings)
:: перце {n}
Pleiades {prop} (Greek mythology)
:: Плеяди
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy)
:: Плеяди
plenary {adj} (fully attended)
:: пленарен
plenipotentiary {n} (person invested with supreme authority)
:: упълномощен {m}, пълномощник {m}
plenipotentiary {n}
:: пълномощен
plenty {n} (a more-than-adequate amount)
:: изобилие {n}
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant
Pleven {prop} (city)
:: Плевен {m}
Pliny {prop} (Roman praenomen)
:: Плиний (Plinij)
plot {n} (course of a story)
:: сюжет {m}
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground)
:: плуг {m}
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting)
:: ора {impf}
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
Plovdiv {prop} (city)
:: Пловдив {m}
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough
plug {n} (electric connecting device)
:: щепсел {m}, щекер {m}
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica)
:: слива {f}
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum
pluperfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense
pluperfect tense {n} (tense)
:: минало предварително време {n}, плусквамперфект {m}
plural {n} (the plural number)
:: множествено число {n}
plural {n} (word in plural form)
:: множествено число {n}
plus {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign
plush {n} (textile fabric)
:: плюш {m}
plus sign {n} (mathematical symbol)
:: плюс {m}
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy)
:: плутокрация {f}
plutonium {n} (chemical element)
:: плутоний {m}
Plymouth {prop} (a city in Devon, England)
:: Плимът {m}
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer
Po {prop} (longest river in Italy)
:: По
poaching {n} (trespassing in search of game)
:: бракониерство {n}
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing)
:: джоб {m}
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook
pocket flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) SEE: hip flask
Podgorica {prop} (capital city of Montenegro)
:: Подгорица {f}
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse)
:: стихотворение {n}, поема {f}
poem {n}
:: поема
poet {n} (person who writes poems)
:: поет {m}
poetess {n} (female poet)
:: поетеса {f}
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse)
:: поезия {f}
pogrom {n} (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews)
:: погром {m}
point {n} (opinion which adds to the discussion)
:: мнение {n}, възглед {m}
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object)
:: точка {f}
point {n} (unit of scoring in a game or competition)
:: точка {f}
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice
pointer {n} (anything that points or is used for pointing)
:: показалка {f}
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor
pointless {adj} (having no prominent or important feature)
:: безсмислен
pointless {adj} (having no purpose)
:: безсмислен
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism)
:: отрова {f}
poison {v} (to use poison to kill or paralyse)
:: тровя {impf}, отравям {pf}
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock
poisoning {n} (administration of a poison)
:: отравяне {n}
poisoning {n} (state of being poisoned)
:: отравяне {n}
poke {v} (rummage) SEE: rummage
poker {n} (metal rod for poking)
:: ръжен {m}
poker {n} (card game)
:: покер {m}
Poland {prop} (European country)
:: Полша {f}
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus)
:: бяла мечка {f}, полярна мечка {f}
pole {n} (extreme of an axis)
:: полюс {m}
pole {n} (magnetic point)
:: полюс {m}
Pole {n} (person from Poland)
:: поляк {m}, поляк {m}, полякиня {f}
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius)
:: прът {m}
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law)
:: полиция {f}
policeman {n} (a member of a police force)
:: полицай {m}
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency)
:: полицай {m}
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police)
:: полицейска държава {f}
police station {n} (building of police force)
:: полицейски участък {m}
policewoman {n} (a female police officer)
:: полицайка {f}
policy {n} (principle of conduct)
:: политика {f}
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance
polish {n}
:: политура {f}, блясък {m}, изтънченост {f}
polish {v}
:: излъсквам , шлифовам
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language)
:: полски
Polish {n} (the language of Poland)
:: полски {m}
polish off {v} (To finish completely, especially a food)
:: излапвам
politburo {n} (the governing Communist council)
:: политбюро {n}
polite {adj} (well-mannered)
:: учтив, вежлив
political {adj} (concerning or relating to politics)
:: политически
political correctness {n} (being politically correct)
:: политическа коректност {f}
political party {n} (political organization)
:: партия {f}
politician {n} (one engaged in politics)
:: политик {m}, политичка {f}
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government)
:: политика {f}
pollen {n} (fine granular substance produced in flowers)
:: цветен прашец {m}, полен {m}
pollution {n} (desecration) SEE: desecration
polo {n} (ball game)
:: поло {n}
polonium {n} (chemical element)
:: полоний {m}
poltergeist {n} (a disruptive ghost)
:: полтъргайст {m}
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly
polyclinic {n} (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated)
:: поликлиника {f}
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene)
:: полиетилен {m}
polyglot {adj} (Versed in, or speaking, many languages)
:: полиглот {m}
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages)
:: полиглот {m}
polygon {n} (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
:: многоъгълник {m}, многоъгълник {m}
polygonal {adj} (having many angles)
:: многоъгълен {m}
polyhedron {n} (geometry: solid figure)
:: полиедър {m}, многостен {m}
polysemic {adj} (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings)
:: многозначен
polysemy {n} (ability to have multiple meanings)
:: полисемия {f}
polyspast {n} (machine consisting of many pulleys) SEE: block and tackle
polysynthetic {adj} (polysynthetic)
:: полисинтетичен
polytheism {n} (belief in the existence of multiple gods)
:: политеизъм {m}
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene
pomegranate {n} (shrub/tree)
:: нар {m}
pomegranate {n} (fruit)
:: нар {m}
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit
pomelo {n} (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis)
:: помело {n}
Pomerelia {prop} (historical region in Pomerania)
:: Померелия
poncy {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay
pond {n} (small lake)
:: езерце {n}
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense
pony {n} (small horse)
:: пони {m}
poodle {n} (any of various breeds of poodle)
:: пудел {m}
pool {n} (small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle)
:: локва
pool {n} (supply of resources)
:: общ запас
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool
Poole {prop} (town)
:: Пул
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern
poop {v} (to break wind) SEE: break wind
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money)
:: беден
poor {adj} (of low quality)
:: лош
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating)
:: пуканки {f-p}
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church)
:: папа {m}, папа Римски {m}
pope {n} (Russian Orthodox priest)
:: поп {m}
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus)
:: топола {f}
poppy {n} (plant)
:: мак {m}
popsicle {n} (serving of frozen juice on a stick)
:: замразен плодов сок {m}
pop someone's cherry {v} (deflower) SEE: deflower
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)
:: население {n}
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy)
:: популизъм {m}
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic)
:: порцелан {m}
porch {n} (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building)
:: веранда {m}
porcini {n} (mushroom, Boletus edulis)
:: манатарка {f}
porcupine {n} (large rodent)
:: таралеж {m}, мъначка {f}
pore {n} (a tiny opening in the skin)
:: пора {f}
pork {n} (meat of a pig)
:: свинско {n}
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography
pornographer {n} (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography)
:: порнограф {m}
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity)
:: порнографичен
pornography {n} (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent)
:: порнография {f}
Poroshenko {prop} (Ukrainian surname)
:: Порошенко {m} {f}
porphyrogenite {n} (honorific title)
:: багрянороден
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal)
:: каша {f}
port {n} (dock or harbour)
:: порт {m}, пристанище {n}
port {n} (left-hand side of a vessel when facing the front)
:: бакборд {m}
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry
portmanteau {n} (case)
:: голям кожен куфар
Port Moresby {prop} (capital of Papua New Guinea)
:: Порт Морсби {m}
Portoferraio {prop} (city and harbour in the north of Elba, Italy)
:: Портоферайо {n}
portrait {n} (painting of a person)
:: портрет {m}
Portsmouth {prop} (city in southern England)
:: Портсмът
Portugal {prop} (country)
:: Португалия {f}
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal)
:: португалски
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal)
:: португалец {m}, португалка {f}
Portuguese {n} (the language)
:: португалски {m}
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal)
:: Португалска република {f}
port wine {n} (A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal)
:: порто {n}, портвайн {m}
portyanki {n} (footwrap) SEE: footwrap
Poseidon {prop} (the god of the sea)
:: Посейдон {m}
position {n} (place, location)
:: положение {n}, позиция {f}
position {n} (post of employment)
:: длъжност {f}
positron {n} (positron)
:: позитрон {m}
possess {v} (to have; to have ownership of)
:: владея {impf}, притежавам {impf}
possibility {n} (quality of being possible)
:: възможност {f}
possible {adj} (able but not certain to happen)
:: възможен
possible {adj}
:: възможно
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum
post {n} (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground)
:: стълб {m}
post {n} (appointed position in an organization)
:: длъжност {f}
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid)
:: пощенска марка {f}, марка {f}
postal {adj} (relating to mail)
:: пощенски
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope)
:: пощенска {f}, пощенска картичка {f}
postcode {n} (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address)
:: пощенски код {m}
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard)
:: плакат {m}
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman
postmodernism {n} (a style of art, literature, etc)
:: постмодернизъм {m}
post office {n} (place)
:: поща {f}
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.)
:: тенджера {f}
pot {n} (crucible) SEE: crucible
potable {adj} (good for drinking, see also: drinkable)
:: питеен
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage
potassium {n} (the chemical element)
:: калий {m}
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable)
:: картоф {m}
potato chip {n} (potato crisp) SEE: potato crisp
potato crisp {n} (thin fried slice of potato)
:: чипс {m}
pothole {n} (a hole in a road)
:: дупка {f}
Potter {prop} (surname)
:: Потър
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
potty {adj} (insane) SEE: insane
potty {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
poultice {n} (A poultice or plaster)
:: компрес {m}
poultry {n} (domestic fowl)
:: птица
pound {n} (unit of mass (16 ounces avoirdupois))
:: фунт {m}
pound {n} (unit of currency)
:: лира {f}
pound {n} (US: symbol #) SEE: hash
pound sign {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash
pound sterling {n} (currency of the UK)
:: британска лира {f}
pour {v} (to cause to flow in a stream)
:: лея
pout {v} (push out one’s lips)
:: цупя се
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy)
:: Паданска равнина {f}
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance)
:: прах {m}, прахче {n}
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder
powdered sugar {n} (very finely ground sugar used in icings, etc)
:: пудра захар {f}
power {n} (capability or influence)
:: власт {f}
power {n} (physical force or strength)
:: сила {f}
power {n}
:: сила {f} , власт {f} , степен {f}
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence)
:: мощен, могъщ
power inverter {n} (a device that converts DC electricity into AC)
:: инвертор {m}
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced)
:: електроцентрала {f}, електрическа централа {f}
Poznań {prop} (Poznan) SEE: Poznan
Poznan {prop} (city in Poland)
:: Познан {f}
practicability {n} (being practicable)
:: осъществимост {f}, изпълнимост {f}
practice {n} (repetition of an activity to improve skill)
:: практика {f}
practise {v} (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill)
:: упражнявам се, тренирам се
practise {v} (to perform or execute a craft or skill)
:: практикувам, упражнявам
practise {v} (to pursue (a career, especially law, fine art or medicine))
:: занимавам се с
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic)
:: Прага {f}
prairie {n} (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland)
:: прерия {f}
praise {v} (to give praise to)
:: хваля {impf}
praseodymium {n} (chemical element)
:: празеодим {m}
prawn {n} (large shrimp)
:: скарида {f}
pray {v} (to petition a higher being)
:: моля се {impf}
pray {v}
:: казвам молитва
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God)
:: молитва {f}
prayer beads {n} (string of beads, see also: rosary)
:: броеница {f}
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family)
:: богомолка {f}
preach {v} (give a sermon)
:: проповядвам {impf}
preach {v} (proclaim by public discourse)
:: проповядвам {impf}
preacher {n} (one who preaches)
:: проповедник {m}
precarious {adj}
:: несигурен
precede {v} (go before, go in front of)
:: предшествам
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very
precious {adj} (of high value or worth)
:: скъпоценен, ценен, скъп
precise {adj} (exact)
:: точен, прецизен
predator {n} (animal or organism that hunts)
:: хищник {m}
predecessor {n} (one who precedes)
:: предшественик {m}, предшественичка {f}
predicate {n} ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject)
:: сказуемо {n}
predict {v} (to state, or make something known in advance)
:: прогнозирам {impf}, предсказвам {impf}, предскажа {pf}
preface {n} (introduction before the main text)
:: предговор {m}
prefer {v} (to favor)
:: предпочитам {impf}
preference {n} (selection)
:: предпочитание {n}, избор {m}
preference {n} (option to select or selected)
:: предпочитание {n}
preferences {n} (plural of "preference") SEE: preference
prefix {n} (morpheme at the beginning of a word)
:: представка {f}, префикс {m}
pregnancy {n} (condition)
:: бременност {f}
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body)
:: бремен
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister
preordain {v} (To determine the fate of something in advance)
:: предопределям
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose)
:: подготвям
prepare {v} (to make ready for eating or drinking)
:: приготвям
prepare {v} (to make oneself ready)
:: подготвям се
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by")
:: предлог {m}
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism)
:: презвитерианство {n}
presbytery {n} (chancel) SEE: chancel
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine)
:: рецепта {f}
presence {n} (fact or condition of being present)
:: присъствие {n}
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense
present {adj} (pertaining to the current time)
:: настоящ, сегашен
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity)
:: присъствуващ
present {n} (current time)
:: настояще {n}
present historic {n} (tense) SEE: historical present
present tense {n} (form of language)
:: сегашно време {n}
president {n} (the head of state of a republic)
:: президент {m}, президентка {f}
president {n} (a person presiding over a meeting, chair, presiding officer, presider)
:: председател {m}, председателка {f}
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear
press {n} (printed media)
:: преса {f}, печат {f}
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher
Pressburg {prop} (Bratislava) SEE: Bratislava
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media)
:: пресконференция {f}
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area)
:: налягане {n}
presumptuous {adj} (going beyond what is proper)
:: дързък, самоуверен
prevarication {n} (deviation from what is right or correct)
:: шикалкавене {n}
prevent {v} (to prevent) SEE: forestall
Priam {prop} (king of Troy)
:: Приам {m}
priapism {n} (medical condition)
:: приапизъм {m}
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something)
:: цена {f}
priceless {adj} (so precious as not to be sold at any price)
:: безценен
prick {n} ((slang) a penis)
:: кур {m}, хуй {m}
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one)
:: гордост {f}
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson))
:: свещеник {m}, поп {m}
priestess {n} (woman with religious duties)
:: жрица {f}
priesthood {n} (role or office)
:: свещенство {n}
priesthood {n} (clergy)
:: духовенство {n}
Prilep {prop} (a city in North Macedonia)
:: Прилеп {m}
primate {n} (mammal)
:: примат {m}
prime {v}
:: просто
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
:: министър-председател {m}, премиер {m}
prime number {n} (natural number)
:: просто число {n}
primer {n} (children's book introducing basic literacy)
:: буквар {m}
primer {n} (introductory textbook)
:: буквар {m}, азбучник {m}
Primorsky Krai {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Приморски край {m}
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality)
:: княз {m}, принц {m}
prince {n}
:: принц {m}
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title)
:: принц на Уелс {m}
princess {n} (female member of royal family)
:: принцеса {f}
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle
principal {adj} (primary, main)
:: главен, основен
principality {n} (region)
:: княжество
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality
principle {n} (fundamental assumption)
:: принцип {m}
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine)
:: печатам {impf}
print {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images)
:: принтер {m}
printing {n} (the process or business of producing printed material, see also: typography)
:: печатарство {n}
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes)
:: затвор {m}, дранголник {m}, тъмница {f}, тюрма {f}, зандан {m}
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison
prisoner {n} (person incarcerated in a prison)
:: затворник {m}
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy)
:: военнопленник {m}
Pristina {prop} (city)
:: Прищина {f}
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group)
:: частен
private {n} (soldier)
:: редник
private international law {n} (law)
:: международно частно право {n}
private parts {n} (genitals or sex organs) SEE: genitalia
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor)
:: привилегия {f}
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet
privy {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine
probability {n} (state of being probable; likelihood)
:: вероятност {f}
probability {n} (event that is likely to occur)
:: вероятност {f}
probability {n} (relative likelihood of an event happening)
:: вероятност {f}
probable {adj} (likely to be true)
:: правдоподобен, вероятен
probably {adv} (in all likelihood)
:: вероятно
Probištip {prop} (a town in North Macedonia)
:: Пробищип {m}
problem {n} (difficulty)
:: проблем {m}
procedure {n} (method for performing a task)
:: процедура {f}
process {n} (series of events to produce a result)
:: процес {m}
processor {n} (microprocessor)
:: процесор {m}
proclaim {v} (to state excitedly, verbosely and candidly)
:: провъзгласявам {impf}
procreate {v} (to procreate) SEE: beget
produce {v} (to make available to)
:: предоставям
produce {n} (offspring) SEE: offspring
product {n} (commodity for sale)
:: стока {f}
product {n} (amount created by a process)
:: производство {n}
product {n} (consequence of efforts)
:: резултат {m}
product {n} (result of chemical reaction)
:: следствие {n}, продукт {m}
product {n} (multiplication result)
:: произведение {n}
production {n} (the act of producing)
:: производство {n}
product placement {n} (a form of advertising)
:: продуктово позициониране {m}
profane {adj} (Unclean; impure; polluted; unholy)
:: нечестив
profane {adj} (Not sacred or holy)
:: светски, мирски, непосветен
profane {adj} (Treating sacred matters with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity)
:: богохулен
profane {adj} (taking the name of God in vain)
:: богохулен
profession {n} (occupation)
:: професия {f}
professor {n} (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university)
:: професор {m}
profit {n} (benefit)
:: печалба {f}
profitable {adj} (producing profit)
:: доходен
progenitor {n} (founder) SEE: founder
program {n} (set of structured activities)
:: програма {f}
program {n} (software application)
:: програма {f}
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs)
:: програмист {m}, програмистка {f}
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols)
:: език за програмиране {m}
program trading {n} (programmed trading)
:: високочестотна търговия {f}
progress {n} (advancement to a more developed state)
:: прогрес {m}, напредък {m}
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards)
:: напредък {m}
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden
prohibition {n} (act of prohibiting)
:: забрана {f}, запрещение {n}
prohibition {n} (law that prohibits something)
:: забрана {f}, запрещение {n}
project {n} (planned endeavor)
:: проект {m}
proletarian {n} (member of the proletariat)
:: пролетарий {m}
proletariat {n} (working class or lower class)
:: пролетариат {m}
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long
promethium {n} (chemical element)
:: прометий {m}
promise {n} (vow)
:: обещание {n}
promise {v} (to commit to something)
:: обещавам {impf}
Promised Land {n} (place which one eagerly seeks)
:: обетована земя {f}
promissory note {n} (document saying that someone owes a specific amount of money)
:: запис на заповед {m}
promo {n} (promotion)
:: промоция {f}
pronoia {n} (imperial grant)
:: прония
pronoun {n} (type of noun)
:: местоимение {n}
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate)
:: произнасям {impf}, произнеса {pf}
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word)
:: произношение {n}, изговор {m}
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced)
:: произношение {n}, изговор {m}
proof {v} (proofread) SEE: proofread
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth)
:: доказателство {n}
proof {n}
:: проба {f}, проверка {f}
proofread {v} (to check for errors in spelling and grammar)
:: корегирам, проверявам
propaganda {n} (concerted set of messages)
:: пропаганда {f}
propane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8)
:: пропан {m}
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel)
:: перка
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity)
:: собствено име {n}
property {n} (something owned)
:: имущество {n}, собственост {f}
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing)
:: собственост {f}
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept)
:: свойство {n}, качество {n}
property {n}
:: имот {m}
prophecy {n} (prediction)
:: пророчество {n}
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration)
:: пророк {m}, пророчица {f}
prophetess {n} (female prophet)
:: пророчица {f}
proponency {n} (advocacy) SEE: advocacy
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size
proposal {n} (that which is proposed)
:: предложение {n}
proposition {n} (uncountable: act of offering for consideration)
:: предложение {n}
proposition {n} (idea or plan offered)
:: предложение {n}
pro rata {adv} (in proportion to some factor)
:: съразмерно
proscenium {n} (modern theatre: stage area between the curtain and the orchestra)
:: авансцена {f}
prosciutto {n} (dry-cured ham from Italy)
:: прошуто {n}
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry)
:: проза {f}
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution)
:: прокурор {m}, обвинител {m}
prosody {n} (linguistics: study of rhythm and other attributes in speech)
:: прозодия {f}
prosody {n} (poetry: study of poetic meter etc)
:: прозодия {f}
prosopagnosia {n} (disorder of face perception)
:: прозопагнозия {f}
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships)
:: просопография
prospect {n} (position affording a fine view) SEE: lookout
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part)
:: протеза {f}
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit)
:: проститутка {f}, курва {f}
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit)
:: проституция {f}
prostokvasha {n} (soured milk)
:: катък {m}, крукмач {m}
protactinium {n} (chemical element)
:: протактиний {m}
protest {v} (to make a strong objection)
:: протестирам {impf} {pf}
protest {n} (formal objection)
:: протест {m}
Protestantism {n} (faith)
:: протестантство {n}
protester {n} (person who protests)
:: протестиращ {m}, протестираща {f}
protist {n} (eukaryotic unicellular organisms)
:: протист {m}
protium {n} (lightest isotope of hydrogen)
:: протий {m}
Proto-Indo-European {prop} (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages)
:: индоевропейски праезик {m}
Proto-Indo-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Indo-European) SEE: Proto-Indo-European
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language)
:: праезик {m}
protomartyr {n} (any of the first Christian martyrs)
:: първомъченик {m}, първомъченица {f}
proton {n} (positively charged nucleon)
:: протон {m}
Proto-Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic)
:: праславянски език {m}
Proto-Slavic {adj} (of or pertaining to Proto-Slavic language or people who spoke it)
:: праславянски
prototype {n} (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects)
:: първообраз {m}, прототип {m}
proud {adj} (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied)
:: горд
proud {adj} (possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves)
:: горд
Provence {prop} (region in France)
:: Прованс {m}
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth)
:: пословица {f}, поговорка {f}
provided {conj} (only if)
:: само ако
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level)
:: провинция {f}, област {f}
provocateur {n} (one who engages in provocative behavior)
:: провокатор {m}
provocation {n} (act of provoking)
:: провокация {f}
prowess {n}
:: храброст, сръчност
proxenetism {n} (procuring) SEE: pimping
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately
proximity {n} (closeness; the state of being near as in space, time, or relationship)
:: близост {f}
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum
Prussia {prop} (geographical area)
:: Прусия {f}
psalm {n} (sacred song)
:: псалом {m}, псалм {m}
psalmist {n} (composer of psalms)
:: псалмописец {m}
psalmist {n} (composer of one of the Biblical Psalms)
:: псалмописец {m}
psalter {n} (The Book of Psalms)
:: псалтир {m}
pseudo {adj} (insincere) SEE: insincere
pseudo-anglicism {n} (word with an English appearance that is not current in English)
:: псевдоанглицизъм {m}
pseudocroup {n} (croup) SEE: croup
pseudoscience {n} (purported science)
:: лъженаука {f}, псевдонаука {f}
Pskov {prop} (a city in Russia)
:: Псков {m}
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital
psychiatrist {n} (doctor specializing in psychiatry)
:: психиатър {m}
psychokinesis {n} (movement inanimate objects by the use of psychic power)
:: телекинеза
psychologist {n} (expert in the field of psychology)
:: психолог {m}, психоложка {f}
psychology {n} (study of the human mind)
:: психология {f}
psychopathy {n} (personality disorder)
:: психопатия {f}
psychopolitics {n} (interaction between psychology and politics)
:: психополитика {f}
psychosis {n} (mental disorder)
:: психоза {f}
pétanque {n} (form of boules)
:: петанк
pub {n} (public house)
:: кръчма {f}, пивница {f}, пъб {m}, механа {f}
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole)
:: обществен
public {n} (people in general)
:: публика {f}, общественост {f}
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict
public transit {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport
public transport {n} (form of transport)
:: обществен транспорт {m}
public transportation {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport
publisher {n} (One who publishes, especially books)
:: издателство {n}
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert
puddle {n} (a small pool of water)
:: локва {f}
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pull {v} (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one)
:: дърпам, влека, влача
pull apart {v} (disassemble) SEE: disassemble
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken
pullet {n} (young hen)
:: пиле {n}
pulley {n} (one of simple machines)
:: макара {f}, скрипец {m}
pullover {n} (sweater)
:: пуловер {m}
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs)
:: белодробен
pulmonary tuberculosis {n} (tuberculosis infecting the lungs)
:: туберкулоза {f}
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church)
:: амвон {m}
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star)
:: пулсар {m}
puma {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar
pumice {n} (pumice)
:: пемза {f}
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas)
:: помпа {f}
pumpkin {n} (plant)
:: тиква {f}
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant)
:: тиква {f}
punch {n} (hit or strike with one's fist)
:: удар {m}
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching)
:: боксов чувал
punctuality {n} (state of being punctual)
:: акуратност {f}
punctuate {v} (emphasize, stress) SEE: emphasize
punctuation {n} (set of symbols)
:: пунктуация {f}
puncture vine {n} (Tribulus terrestris) SEE: caltrop
punish {v} (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct)
:: наказвам {impf}, накажа {pf}
punishment {n} (the act of punishing)
:: наказание {n}
Punjab {prop} (geographical region in South Asia)
:: Пенджаб
Punjabi {n}
:: пенджабски
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute
pup {n} (young dog, etc.)
:: кученце {n}
pup {n} (young, inexperienced person)
:: младок {m}
pup {n} (cute dog)
:: кученце {n}
pup {v} (to give birth to pups)
:: окучвам, окуча
pupa {n} (insect)
:: какавида {f}
pupil {n} (learner)
:: ученик {m}, ученичка {f}
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)
:: зеница {f}
puppet {n} (movable model of a person or animal)
:: кукла {f}, марионетка {f}
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll
puppeteer {n} (person who uses a puppet)
:: кукловод {m}
puppy {n} (young dog)
:: кученце {n}
purchase {n} (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something for money)
:: покупка {f}
puree {n} (food that has been ground into a thick liquid)
:: пюре {n}
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death)
:: чистилище {n}
purge {n} (forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc.)
:: чистка {f}
purple {adj} (colour)
:: виолетов {m}, пурпурен {m}, морав {m}
purport {v} (to convey)
:: загатвам
purpose {n} (target)
:: цел {f}
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money)
:: портмоне {n}
pursue {v} (to follow urgently)
:: преследвам {impf}
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection)
:: гной {m}
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan
push {v} (to apply a force to something so that it moves away)
:: бутам, блъскам
push {v} (to thrust the points of the horns against) SEE: gore
push in {v} (jump the queue) SEE: jump the queue
Pushkin {prop} (Russian surname)
:: Пушкин {m}
pushpin {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack
Puss in Boots {prop} (fairy tale)
:: Котаракът в чизми {m}
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia)
:: путка {f}
put {v} (to place something somewhere)
:: слагам {impf}, сложа {pf}
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison
Putin {prop} (surname)
:: Путин {m}
Putler {prop} (derogatory name of Vladimir Putin)
:: Путлер {m}
put on {v} (to don clothing)
:: обличам {impf}, облека {pf}
putsch {n} (a coup; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government)
:: пуч {m}
put to death {v} (to kill as punishment) SEE: execute
put to words {v} (verbally express) SEE: articulate
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword
puzzle {n} (anything difficult to understand or make sense of)
:: загадка {f}
puzzle {n} (game for one person)
:: главоблъсканица {f}
pygmy {n} (a member of various African peoples)
:: пигмей {m}
Pyongyang {prop} (capital of North Korea)
:: Пхенян {m}
pyramid {n} (ancient construction)
:: пирамида {f}
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base)
:: пирамида {f}
Pyrenees {prop} (the mountain range separating Spain from France)
:: Пиренеи
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework
Pyrrhic victory {n} (a costly victory)
:: Пирова победа {f}
pysanka {n} (Easter egg decorated with intricate designs)
:: писано яйце {n}
Pythagoras {prop} (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher)
:: Питагор {m}