cab {n} (taxi) SEE: taxi
cabal {n} (secret organization)
:: клика {f}
cabbage {n} (plant)
:: зелка {f}
cabbage {n} (leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable)
:: зелка {f}
cabdriver {n} (one who drives a taxi)
:: таксист {m}
cabdriver {n} (one who drives a carriage)
:: кочијаш {m}
cabinetmaker {n} (skilled woodworker)
:: столар {m}, дограмаџија {m}
cable {n} (large wire, rope)
:: јаже {n}, ортома {f}, гајтан {m}
cable {n} (assembly of wires for electricity)
:: кабел {m}
cable {n} (heavy rope or chain as used for mooring)
:: ортома {f}
cable {n} (communications system with coaxial or fiber optic)
:: кабел {m}
cable {n} (telegram)
:: телеграма {f}
cable television {n} (television received through coaxial cables)
:: кабловска телевизија {f}
Cabo Verde {prop} (Cape Verde) SEE: Cape Verde
cabriolet {n} (an automobile with a retractable top)
:: кабриолет {m}
cabriolet {n} (a light carriage with a folding top, pulled by a single horse)
:: кабриолет {m}
caciocavallo {n} (Italian cheese type)
:: кашкавал {m}
cackle {n} (cry of a hen or goose, especially when laying an egg)
:: кокодакање {n}
cackle {n} (laugh resembling the cry of a hen or goose)
:: кокодакање {n}
cackle {v} (to laugh with a sound similar to a hen's cry)
:: кокодака
cadaver {n} (a dead body)
:: труп {m}
cadet {n} (a student at a military school who is training to be an officer)
:: началниче
cadmium {n} (chemical element)
:: кадмиум {m}
Caesar {prop} (ancient Roman family name)
:: Цезар {m}
caesium {n} (a metallic chemical element)
:: цезиум {m}
café {n} (coffee shop)
:: кафуле {n} , кафана {f}
cafe {n} (café) SEE: café
cafeteria {n} (restaurant)
:: кантина {f}, кафетерија {f}
caffeine {n} (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants)
:: кофеин {m}
cage {n} (enclosure)
:: кафез {m}
cage {n} (lift compartment)
:: кабина {f}
caiman {n} (alligator relative)
:: кајман {m}
Cairo {prop} (capital of Egypt)
:: Каиро {n}
cake {n} (a sweet dessert)
:: торта {f}, колач {m}
cake {v} (to coat with a crust)
:: закоравен {m}
cake {v} (to cackle like a goose) SEE: cackle
cakery {n} (cake shop) SEE: patisserie
calaboose {n} (prison) SEE: prison
Calais {prop} (a town in France)
:: Кале {n}
calamari {n} (as mollusk) SEE: squid
calamus {n} (quill) SEE: quill
calamus {n} (sweet flag) SEE: sweet flag
calandra lark {n} (Melanocorypha calandra)
:: дебелоклуна чучурлига
calcium {n} (chemical element of atomic number 20)
:: калциум {m}
calculate {v} ((transitive) to determine the value or solution of sth.)
:: пресметува {impf}, пресмета {pf}, калкулира {impf} {pf}
calculation {n} (act or process of calculating)
:: пресметка {f}, калкулација {f}
calculator {n} (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations)
:: сметач {m}, дигитрон {m}, калкулатор {m}
calculator {n} (mechanical device that performs mathematical calculations)
:: сметач {m}
calculator {n} (dated: a person who performs mathematical calculations)
:: сметач {m}
calculus {n} (stony concretion in an organ)
:: камен {m}
calculus {n} (deposits on teeth)
:: забен камен {m}
Calcutta {prop} (former name of Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal)
:: Калкута {f}
Calcutta {prop} (current name of the city) SEE: Kolkata
calendar {n} (system by which time is divided)
:: календар {m}
calendar {n} (means to determine the date)
:: календар {m}
calendar {n} (list of planned events)
:: календар {m}, распоред {m}
calf {n} (young cow or bull)
:: теле {n}
calf {n} (anatomy: back of the leg below the knee)
:: лист {m}
Cali {prop} (California) SEE: California
California {prop} (US state)
:: Калифорнија {f}
californium {n} (chemical element)
:: калифорниум {m}
caliginous {adj} (dark, obscure) SEE: dark
caliph {n} (political leader of the Muslim world)
:: калиф {m}, халиф {m}
caliphate {n} (Islamic government)
:: халифат {m}
call {n} (telephone conversation)
:: повик {m}
call {n} (social visit)
:: посета {f}
call {n} (cry or shout)
:: вик {m}, крик {m}
call {n} (characteristic cry of a bird or other animal)
:: крик {m}
call {n} (beckoning or summoning)
:: повик {m}
call {n} ((computing) the act of jumping to a subprogram)
:: повик {m}
call {v} (to request, summon, or beckon)
:: вика {impf}, повикува {impf}, повика {pf}
call {v} (to cry or shout)
:: вика
call {v} (to contact by telephone)
:: ѕвони {impf}, се јавува, телефонира {impf} {pf}
call {v} (to pay a social visit)
:: посетува, навраќа
call {v} (to name or refer to)
:: нарекува, вика
calling name {n} (nickname) SEE: nickname
Calliope {prop} (the Muse of eloquence and epic)
:: Калиопа {f}
callow {adj} (bald) SEE: bald
callus {n} (hardened part of the skin)
:: жуљ {m}
calm {adj} (free from anger and anxiety)
:: мирен
calm down {v} (To become less excited)
:: се смирува {impf}, се смири {pf}
calque {n} (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language)
:: калка {f}
calque {v} (adopt a word by translation of its parts)
:: калкира
Calvados {prop} (département of France, in the Normandy region)
:: Калвадос {m}
Calvinism {n} (Christian religious tradition)
:: калвинизам {m}
Calvinist {n} (follower)
:: калвинист {m}, калвинистка {f}
calvous {adj} (lacking most or all of one's hair) SEE: bald
cam {n} (camera) SEE: camera
Cambodia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia)
:: Камбоџа {f}
Cambodian {n} (the language of the Cambodian people) SEE: Khmer
Cambrian symbol {n} (literary: vegetable emblematic of Wales) SEE: leek
Cambridge {prop} (city)
:: Кембриџ {m}
Cambridge {prop} (university)
:: Кембрички универзитет {m}
came {v} (simple past of come)
:: дојде
came {v} (simple past of cum)
:: сврши
camel {n} (beast of burden)
:: камила {f}
camelopard {n} (giraffe) SEE: giraffe
camera {n} (still camera)
:: фотоапарат {m}
camera {n} (movie camera)
:: камера {f}
Cameroon {prop} (country in Central Africa)
:: Камерун {m}
camomile {n}
:: камилица {f}, вртипоп {m}
camp {n} (outdoor place)
:: логор {m}, камп {m}
camshaft {n} (a shaft fitted with cams)
:: брегаста осовина {f}
can {v} (to be able)
:: може
can {v} (may)
:: може
can {n} (a more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids)
:: лименка {f}
can {n} (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants)
:: канта {f}, кофа {f}
can {n} (a tin-plate canister)
:: конзерва {f}
can {v} (to preserve)
:: конзервира
can {v} (to fire or dismiss an employee)
:: отпушта
can {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
Canada {prop} (country in North America)
:: Канада {f}
Canadian football {n} (sport)
:: канадски фудбал {m}
canal {n} (artificial waterway)
:: канал {m}
canal {n}
:: канал {m}
canapé {n} (elegant sofa)
:: канабе {n}
canary {n} (bird from the Canary Islands)
:: канаринец {m}
Canary Islands {prop} (an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa)
:: Канарски Острови {m-p}
canasta {n} (card game)
:: канаста {f}
Canberra {prop} (Capital of Australia)
:: Канбера {f}
cancer {n} (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation)
:: рак {m}
Cancer {prop} (constellation)
:: Рак {m}
Cancer {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Рак {m}
candidate {n} (person running in an election)
:: кандидат {m}
candidate {n} (participant in an examination)
:: кандидат {m}
candle {n} (a light source)
:: свеќа {f}
candle holder {n} (candle holder) SEE: candlestick
candlestick {n} (a holder with a socket or spike for a candle)
:: свеќник {m}
candlewick {n} SEE: candle
candy {n} (piece of candy)
:: бонбона {f}
candy {n} (confection) SEE: confectionery
candy floss {n} (sweet)
:: шеќерна волна
candy store {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop
cane {n} (slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo)
:: трска {f}
cane {n} (plant itself)
:: трска {f}
cane {n} (a short wooden or bamboo rod or stick used for corporal punishment)
:: прачка {f}, стап {m}
cane {n} (the cane: corporal punishment consisting of a beating with a cane)
:: стап {m}
cane {n} (long collapsible rod used by vision impaired people)
:: стап {m}
cane {v} (to beat with a cane)
:: шиба
cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick
cane {n} (sugar cane) SEE: sugar cane
canine {adj} (pertaining to dogs)
:: кучешки
canine {n} (pointy tooth) SEE: canine tooth
canine tooth {n} (tooth)
:: песјак {m}
cannabis {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana
cannibal {n} (an organism which eats others of its own species)
:: канибал {m}
cannon {n} (artillery piece)
:: топ {m}
cannon {n} (billiard shot)
:: карамбол {m}
cannon fodder {n} (military forces considered to be expendable)
:: топовско месо {n}
canny {adj} (pleasant, nice) SEE: pleasant
canny {adj} (frugal, thrifty) SEE: frugal
canonical form {n} ((linguistics) lemma or dictionary form) SEE: lemma
can opener {n} (device used to open tin cans)
:: отворач за конзерви {m}
can-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener
canopy {n} (high cover)
:: балдахин {m}
canopy {n} (overhanging or projecting roof structure)
:: свод {m}
cantata {n} (cantata)
:: кантата {f}
canteen {n} (small cafeteria or snack bar)
:: кантина {f}, менза {f}
Canterbury {prop} (cathedral city in England)
:: Кантербери {m}
Canticle of Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs
Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs
canton {n} (state of Switzerland)
:: кантон {m}
canton {n} (subdivision of an arrondissement)
:: кантон {m}
canton {n} (subdivision of Luxembourg)
:: кантон {m}
canton {n} (subdivision of Serbia)
:: кантон {m}
canton {n} (subdivision of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
:: кантон {m}
canton {n} (subdivision of flag)
:: кантон {m}
Cantonese {adj} (relating to Canton)
:: кантонски
Cantonese {adj} (relating to the Cantonese people)
:: кантонски
Cantonese {adj} (relating to the Cantonese language)
:: кантонски
Cantonese {n} (person from Canton)
:: Кантонец {m}, Кантонка {f}
Cantonese {n} (language)
:: кантонски {m}
canvas {n} (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint)
:: платно {n}
canyon {n} (a valley cut in rock by a river)
:: кањон {m}
cap {n} (head covering)
:: капа {f}
capable {adj} (able and efficient)
:: способен
capacitor {n} (electronic component)
:: кондензатор {m}
cape {n} (garment)
:: наметка {f}
caper {n} (crime) SEE: crime
caper {n} (capercaillie) SEE: capercaillie
capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus)
:: тетреб
Cape Verde {prop} (country in Western Africa)
:: Зелено’ртска Република {f}, Зелено’ртски Острови {p}
Cape Verdean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cape Verde, its people or their language)
:: зелено’ртски {m}
Cape Verdean {n} (a person from Cape Verde or of Cape Verdean descent)
:: Зелено’рќанец {m}, Зелено’рќанка {f}
capillary {n} (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins)
:: капилар {m}
capital {n} (money and wealth)
:: капитал {m}
capital {n} (uppermost part of a column)
:: капител {m}
capital {n} (capital city) SEE: capital city
capital city {n} (city designated as seat of government)
:: главен град {m}
capitalism {n} (socio-economic system based on private property rights)
:: капитализам {m}
capitalist {adj} (supporting or endorsing capitalism)
:: капиталистички {m}
capitalist {n} (supporter of capitalism)
:: капиталист {m}
capitalist {n} (owner of capital)
:: капиталист {m}
capital punishment {n} (punishment by death)
:: смртна казна {f}
cappuccino {n} (beverage)
:: капучино {n}
cappuccino {n} (cup of this beverage)
:: капучино {n}
Capricorn {prop} (constellation) SEE: Capricornus
Capricorn {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Јарец {m}
Capricornus {prop} (constellation)
:: Јарец {m}
Capricornus {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Capricorn
capsicum {n} (plant of the genus Capsicum (only terms covering capsicum in general apply, NOT species-specific))
:: бабура {f}
capsicum {n} (fruit of these plants)
:: бабура {f}
capsule {n} (weasel) SEE: weasel
captain {n} (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major)
:: капетан {m}
captain {n} (one of the athletes on a sports team designated to make decisions)
:: капитен {m}
captee {n} (captive) SEE: captive
caption {n} (descriptive title or heading of (part of) a document)
:: заглавие {n}, натпис {m}, опис {m}
caption {n} (title or brief explanation attached to an illustration or cartoon)
:: натпис {m}, опис {m}
caption {n} (piece of text appearing on screen as part of a film or broadcast)
:: титл {m}
caption {v} (to add captions to a film or broadcast)
:: титлува
captive {n} (a person who has been captured)
:: заробеник {m}, заробеничка {f}
captive {adj} (held prisoner)
:: заробен
captivity {n} (captives) SEE: captive
captivity {n} (state of being captive)
:: заробеништво {n}, пленство {n}
car {n} (automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver)
:: кола {f}, автомобил {m}
car {n} (railway car, railroad carriage) SEE: carriage
Caracas {prop} (capital of Venezuela)
:: Каракас {m}
caramel {n} (confection)
:: карамел {m}
caravan {n} (convoy or procession)
:: караван {m}
caravan {n} (vehicle)
:: приколка {f}, камп-приколка {f}
caravel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel)
:: каравела {f}
caraway {n} (plant)
:: ким {m}
caraway {n} (seed/fruit)
:: ким {m}
carbon {n} (chemical element)
:: јаглерод
carbonado {v} (to cut or hack) SEE: cut
carbon black {n} (fine black powder of amorphous carbon)
:: саѓа {f}, саѓи {p}
carboxylic acid {n} (organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group)
:: карбоксилна киселина {f}
carburetor {n} (a device in an internal combustion engine)
:: карбуратор {m}
carburettor {n} (motor car part) SEE: carburetor
carcass {n} (body of a dead animal)
:: мрша {f}, леш {m}
carcass {n} (body of a dead human) SEE: corpse
card {n} (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.)
:: карта {f}, картичка {f}
card {n} (playing card) SEE: playing card
cardboard {n} (material resembling heavy paper)
:: картон {m}
Cardiff {prop} (The capital city of Wales)
:: Кардиф {m}
cardinality {n} ((set theory))
:: моќност {?}
card key {n} (keycard) SEE: keycard
care {n} (close attention, concern or responsibility)
:: грижа {m}
career {n} (one's calling in life; a person's occupation)
:: кариера {f}
carefree {adj} (worry free, light hearted, etc.)
:: безгрижен
careful {adj} (cautious)
:: внимателен
care killed the cat {proverb} (curiosity killed the cat) SEE: curiosity killed the cat
careless {adj} (not concerned or worried) SEE: carefree
caress {v} (touch or kiss lovingly)
:: милува {impf}, гали {impf}, мази
caretaker {n} (one who takes care of a place or thing)
:: домар {m}, настојник {m}
caretaker {n} (one who takes care of a person)
:: старател {m}
Caribbean Sea {prop} (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere)
:: Карипско Море {n}
carious {adj} (decayed, rotten) SEE: rotten
Carl {prop} (male given names cognate to Carl) SEE: Charles
Carl {prop} (transliterations and equivalents of "Carl")
:: Карл {m}
Carlow {prop} (county)
:: Карлоу {m}
Carlow {prop} (town)
:: Карлоу {m}
carnival {n} (festive occasion marked by parades)
:: карневал {m}
carnivore {n} (meat-eating animal)
:: месојадец {m}
carob {n} (tree)
:: рогач {m}
carob {n} (fruit)
:: рогач {m}
carom billiards {n} (family of billiards games)
:: карамбол {m}
carousel {n} (merry-go-round) SEE: merry-go-round
carp {n} (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae)
:: крап {m}
car park {n} (outdoor parking area) SEE: parking lot
Carpathians {prop} (mountainous system in Central Europe)
:: Карпати {f-p}
carpenter {n} (carpentry person)
:: столар {m}
carpentry {n} (trade of cutting and joining timber)
:: дрводелство {n}, столарство {n}
carpet {n} (a fabric used as a floor covering)
:: тепих {m}, ќилим {m}
carpet shark {n} (ferret) SEE: ferret
car rental {n} (hiring of cars for short periods)
:: изнајмување автомобил {n}
carriage {n} (railroad car)
:: вагон {m}
carrier {n} (person or object that carries someone or something else)
:: носач {m} (generic), амал {m} (person)
carrier {n} (company in the business of shipping freight)
:: шпедитер {m}, превозник {m}
carrier {n} (signal modulated to transmit information)
:: преносител {m}
carrier {n} (person or organism that has inherited a trait or disease but displays no symptoms)
:: пренесувач {m}, преносител {m}
carrot {n} (Daucus carota ssp. sativus)
:: морков {m}
carry {v} (to transport by lifting)
:: носи
carry {v} (to carry) SEE: bear
carry out {v} (to carry out) SEE: fulfill
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to Descartes)
:: декартов {m}
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to coordinates based on orthogonal axes)
:: декартов {m}
cartilage {n} (dense connective tissue)
:: ’рскавица {f}
cartography {n} (creation of charts and maps)
:: картографија {f}
cartoon {n} (humorous drawing or strip)
:: стрип {m}, карикатура {f}
cartoon {n} (satire of public figures)
:: карикатура {f}
cartoon {n} (artist's preliminary sketch)
:: скица {f}
cartoon {n} (animated cartoon)
:: цртан филм {m}
cartoonist {n} (creator of cartoons or strip cartoons)
:: карикатурист {m}, цртач {m}
cartridge {n} (firearms package)
:: набој {m}, шаржер {m}
cartwheel {n} (gymnastic maneuver)
:: ѕвезда {f}
carvel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) SEE: caravel
car wash {n} (event at which people wash cars)
:: миење кола {n}
car wash {n} (place at which a car is washed, often mechanically)
:: автоперална {f}
Casablanca {prop} (city)
:: Казабланка {f}
case {n} (actual event, situation, or fact)
:: случај {m}
case {n} (instance or event as a topic of study)
:: случај {m}
case {n} (legal proceeding)
:: судско дело {n}, случај {n}, процес {n}
case {n} (box containing a number of identical items of manufacture)
:: сандак {m}, гајба {f}
case {n} (piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus)
:: кутија {f}, куфер {m}
case {n} (suitcase)
:: чанта {f}
case {n} (piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic)
:: витрина {f}
case {n} (grammatical case) SEE: grammatical case
cash {n} (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
:: готовина {f}, пари {p}
cash dispenser {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
cashier {n} (one who works at a till or receives payments)
:: касиер {m}, касиерка {f}, благајник {m}, благајничка {f}
cashier {n} (person in charge of the cash of a business or bank)
:: благајник {m}
cash in {v} (to die) SEE: die
cash machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
cashpoint {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
cash register {n} (machine)
:: каса {f}
casino {n} (public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling)
:: казино {n}, коцкарница {f}
casket {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin
Caspian Sea {prop} (landlocked sea)
:: Касписко Море {n}
casserole {n} (glass or earthenware dish)
:: тепсија {f}
cassock {n} (item of clerical clothing)
:: мантија {f}
caste {n} (hereditary social class)
:: каста {f}
Castilian {prop} (Spanish) SEE: Spanish
castle {n} (fortified building)
:: замок {m}
castle {n} (chess piece) SEE: rook
Castlegregory {prop} (village on the Dingle peninsula)
:: Каслгрегори {m}
castling {n} (move in chess)
:: рокада {f}
castoreum {n} (castor sac exudate)
:: кастореум {m}
cat {n} (spiteful woman) SEE: bitch
cat {n} (type of fish) SEE: catfish
cat {n} (domestic species)
:: мачка {f}, мачор {m}
cat {n} (member of the family Felidae)
:: мачка {f}
Catalan {prop} (language of Catalonia)
:: каталонски
Catalonia {prop} (autonomous community in Spain)
:: Каталонија {f}
Catalonian {adj} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan
Catalonian {n} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan
catapult {n} (device for launching large objects)
:: катапулт {m}
catastrophe {n} (any large and disastrous event of great significance)
:: катастрофа {f}
catchment area {n} (area from which water drains) SEE: drainage basin
categorically {adv} (In a categorical manner)
:: категорично
category {n} (group)
:: категорија {f}, видоред {m}
category {n} (collection in math)
:: категорија {f}, видоред {m-p}
caterpillar {n} (larva of a butterfly)
:: гасеница {f}
caterpillar {n} (vehicle with a caterpillar track)
:: гасеничар {m}
caterpillar track {n} (continuous track in the form of steel or rubber belt)
:: гасеница {f}
catfish {n} (type of fish, see also: sheatfish)
:: сом {m}
cathedral {n} (principal church of a bishop's diocese)
:: катедрала {f}, соборна црква {f}, соборен храм {m}
cathetus {n} (either of the sides of a right triangle other than its hypotenuse)
:: катета {f}
Catholic {adj} (of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from the Orthodox church)
:: католички
Catholic {adj} (of the Roman Catholic church)
:: римокатолички {m}
Catholic {n} (member of a Catholic church)
:: католик {m}
Catholic Church {n} (24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome)
:: католичка црква {f}
Catholicism {n} (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church)
:: католицизмот {n}
catholicity {n} (Catholicism) SEE: Catholicism
cat lady {n} (elderly lady who devotes her attention to cats)
:: мачкарка {f}
catmint {n} (catnip) SEE: catnip
catnip {n} (plant of the genus Nepeta)
:: мачкино нане {n}, непета {f}
catnip {n} (specific species which causes intoxication among cats)
:: мачкино нане {n}
cattle {n} (domesticated bovine animals)
:: говедо {n}
cattle {n}
:: говедо
Caucasus {prop} (geographic region)
:: Кавказ {m}
cauldron {n} (large bowl-shaped pot)
:: котел {m}, казан {m}
cauliflower {n} (vegetable)
:: карфиол {m}
causate {v} (cause) SEE: cause
cause {n} (source or reason of an event or action)
:: причина {f}
cavalry {n} (military service that fights with riding horses)
:: коњаница {f}
Cavan {prop} (county in the Republic of Ireland)
:: Каван {m}
Cavan {prop} (town in County Cavan)
:: Каван {m}
cave {n} (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground)
:: пештера {f}
caveman {n} (early humans or related species)
:: пештерски човек {m}
cavy {n} (guinea pig) SEE: guinea pig
caw {v} (to make the cry of a crow, rook, or raven)
:: грака {impf}
Cayman Islands {prop} (British territory in the Caribbean)
:: Кајмански Острови {p}
CD {n} (abbreviation of compact disc, see also: compact disc)
:: це-де {n}
cease {v} (intransitive)
:: престанува {impf}, престане {pf}
cease-fire {n} (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose)
:: примирје {n}
cedar {n} (coniferous tree in genus Cedrus)
:: кедар {m}
ceil {n} (ceiling) SEE: ceiling
ceiling {n} (upper limit of room)
:: таван {m}
celery {n} (herb)
:: целер {m}
celestial {adj} (relating to heaven (religious))
:: небесен
celestial sphere {n} (abstract sphere of infinite radius)
:: небесна сфера {f}
cell {n} (component of an electrical battery)
:: батерија {f}
cell {n} (room in a prison for containing inmates)
:: ќелија {f}
cell {n} (room in a monastery for sleeping one person)
:: ќелија {f}
cell {n} (basic unit of a living organism)
:: клетка {f}
cell {n} (biological cavity)
:: ќелија {f}
cell {n} (minimal unit of a cellular automaton that can change state and has an associated behavior)
:: ќелија {f}
cell {n} (a short, fixed-length packet as in asynchronous transfer mode)
:: ќелија {f}
cell {n} (geometry: a three-dimensional facet of a polytope)
:: ќелија {f}
cell {n} (informal: a cellular telephone, see also: mobile phone)
:: мобилен {m}
cellar {n} (underground space)
:: визба {f}, подрум {m}
cellist {n} (person who plays the cello)
:: виолончелист {m}, виолончелистка {f}
cell nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) SEE: nucleus
cello {n} (musical instrument)
:: виолончело {n}
cell phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone
cellular {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone
cellular {adj} (of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells)
:: клеточен {m} (of organisms), ќелиен {m}
cellular phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone
Celsius {adj} (related to a metric scale of temperature)
:: Целзиус
Celtic {prop} (branch of languages)
:: келтски јазици {p}
Celtic {adj} (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts)
:: келтски
cembalo {n} (cembalo) SEE: harpsichord
cement {n} (a powdered substance)
:: цемент {m}
cemetery {n} (a place where the dead are buried) SEE: graveyard
censorship {n} (use of state or group power to control freedom of expression)
:: цензура {f}
cent {n} (subunit of currency in US and elsewhere)
:: цент {m}
cent {n} (one-hundredth of a euro)
:: цент {m}
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle)
:: центар {m}, средина {f}
center {n} (point on a line midway between the ends)
:: центар {m}
centimetre {n} (one-hundredth of a metre)
:: сантиметар {m}
centipede {n} (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda)
:: стоногалка {f}
central {adj} (being in the centre)
:: средишен, централен
central {adj} (being very important)
:: главен
central {adj} (having or containing the centre of something)
:: средишен, централен
Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa)
:: Централноафриканска Република {f}
Central America {prop} (part of North America)
:: Средна Америка {f}
Central Asia {prop} (smaller area of Central Asia)
:: Средна Азија {f}
central bank {n} (the principal monetary authority of a polity)
:: централна банка {f}
Central Europe {prop} (geographical region in the center of Europe)
:: Централна Европа {f}
central heating {n} (heating system)
:: парно {n}, парно греење {n}, централно греење {n}
Central Powers {prop} (Germany, Austria-Hungary and their allies during World War I)
:: Централни сили {f-p}
central processing unit {n} (part of a computer)
:: процесор {m}
centre {n} (center) SEE: center
centre {v} (center) SEE: center
century {n} (100 years)
:: век {m}, столетие {n}
century {n} (Roman army type unit)
:: центурија {f}
century {n} (political division of Rome)
:: центурија {f}
century egg {n} (Chinese delicacy)
:: вековно јајце {n}
cephalalgia {n} (headache) SEE: headache
cereal {n} (type of grass)
:: житарка {f}, жито {n}
cereal {n} (grains of such a grass)
:: зрна {n}, жито {n}
cerebral palsy {n} (group of non-contagious conditions)
:: церебрална парализа {f}
ceremony {n} (ritual with religious significance)
:: церемонија {f}
cerium {n} (chemical element)
:: цериум {m}
certain {adj} (sure, positive, not doubting)
:: сигурен, уверен
certificate {n} (document containing a certified statement)
:: сертификат {m}
cervix {n} (neck) SEE: neck
cervix {n} (neck-like part) SEE: neck
c'est la vie {phrase} (such is life) SEE: such is life
Ceuta {prop} (Spanish enclave)
:: Сеута {f}
Chad {prop} (country)
:: Чад {m}
Chadian {adj} (pertaining to Chad)
:: чадски
Chadian {n} (person from Chad)
:: Чаѓанец {m}, Чаѓанка {f}
chaff {n} (inedible parts of grain plant)
:: плева {f}
chain {n} (series of interconnected rings or links)
:: ланец {m}
chain {n} (series of interconnected things)
:: ланец {m}
chain {n} (series of stores or businesses with the same brand name)
:: ланец {m}
chain {v} (to secure someone with fetters)
:: оковува
chain mail {n} (a flexible defensive armor)
:: верижница {f}, панцирна кошула {f}
chainsaw {n} (saw with a power-driven chain)
:: моторна пила {f}
chair {n} (furniture)
:: стол {m}, столица {f}
chair {v} (to act as chairperson)
:: претседава, води
chair {n} (chairperson) SEE: chairperson
chairman {n} (person presiding over a meeting)
:: претседател {m}
chairperson {n} (a person who presides over a meeting, a board)
:: претседател {m}, претседавач {m}
chairwoman {n} (female chairperson)
:: претседателка {f}
chalk {n} (a soft, white, powdery limestone)
:: креда {f}, вар {f}
chalk {n} (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard)
:: креда {f}
chalk {n} (tailor's chalk) SEE: tailor's chalk
chalkboard {n} (slate board for writing on with chalk)
:: табла {f}
chamber {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
chamber music {n} (chamber music)
:: камерна музика {f}
chamber of commerce {n} (community business association)
:: стопанска комора {f}
chamber orchestra {n} (orchestra to play chamber music)
:: камерен оркестар {m}
chamber pot {n} (a container used for urination and defecation, see also: urinal; chemical toilet)
:: нокшир {m}
chameleon {n} (reptile)
:: камелеон {m}
chamois {n} (A goat-like antelope)
:: дивокоза {f}
champagne {n} (sparkling white wine produced in Champagne)
:: шампанско {n}
champagne {n} (any sparkling white wine)
:: пенливо вино {n}
champagne {n} (glass of champagne)
:: чаша шампанско {f}
Champagne {n} (champagne) SEE: champagne
champian {n} (field of inquiry or study) SEE: field
champian {n} (flat expanse of land) SEE: plain
champian {n} (species of landscape) SEE: plain
champian {n} (level open countryside) SEE: plain
champignon {n} (Agaricus bisporus)
:: шампињон {m}
championship {n} (competition to determine a champion)
:: првенство {n}
chance {n} (an opportunity or possibility)
:: шанса {f}, можност {f}
chancel {n} (space around the altar in a church)
:: олтар {m}
Ch'üan-chou {prop} (Quanzhou) SEE: Quanzhou
Ch'ang-ch'un {prop} (Changchun) SEE: Changchun
Changchun {prop} (a sub-provincial city in northeastern China)
:: Чангчун {m}
change {v} (to become something different)
:: се менува, се изменува
change {v} (to replace)
:: заменува
change {n} (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination)
:: кусур {m}, ситно {n}
change {n} (a replacement)
:: замена {f}
change {n} (balance returned after a purchase)
:: кусур {m}, ситно {n}
changing room {n} (room in gym etc.)
:: соблекувална {f}
changing room {n} (room in shop)
:: гардероба {f}
Chang Jiang {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies)
:: канал {m}
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television)
:: канал {m}
chaplet {n} (a garland or circlet for the head)
:: венец {m}
chapter {n} (section in a book)
:: глава {f}, поглавје {n}
character {n} (being in a story)
:: лик {m}
character {n} (complex of mental and ethical traits marking a person or a group)
:: карактер {m}
character {n} (symbol for a sound or a word)
:: знак {m}
charcoal {n} (substance)
:: ќумур
charcoal drawing {n} (charcoal drawing) SEE: charcoal
charge {n} (amount of money levied for a service)
:: цена {f}, наплата {f}
charge {n} (military: ground attack)
:: јуриш {m}
charge {n} (accusation)
:: обвинение {m}
charge {n} (electric charge)
:: набој {m}, полнење {n}, напојување {n}, полнеж {m}
charge {n} (scope of responsibility)
:: надлежност {f}, грижа {f}
charge {n} (load or burden)
:: товар {m}, бреме {f} {n}
charge {n} (instruction)
:: задача {f}, доверување {n}
charge {n} (measured amount of powder and/or shot)
:: полнење {n}
charge {n} (heraldry: image displayed on an escutcheon)
:: чесна фигура {f}
charge {v} (to place a burden upon, to assign a duty)
:: товари, обременува
charge {v} (to assign a duty to)
:: доверува, задава
charge {v} (to formally accuse of a crime)
:: обвинува
charge {v} (to demand payment)
:: наплаќа
charge {v} (to assign a debit to an account)
:: наплаќа
charge {v} (to pay on account)
:: наплатува
charge {v} (to load equipment with material required for its use)
:: полни
charge {v} (to cause to take on an electric charge)
:: напојува, полни
charge {v} (to move forward forcefully)
:: јуриша
charge {v} (military: to attack by moving forward quickly)
:: јурнува
chargecard {n} (credit card) SEE: credit card
charging station {n}
:: напојна станица {f}, акумулаторска станица {f}
charity {n} (Christian love)
:: милосрдие {n}
charity {n} (attitude)
:: милосрдие {n}
charity {n} (providing of goods or money)
:: добротворност {f}
charity {n} (goods or money given)
:: добротворен прилог {m}
charity {n} (organization)
:: добротворна организација {f}
charlady {n} (woman who cleans houses and offices) SEE: charwoman
Charlemagne {prop} (king of the Franks)
:: Карло Велики {m}
Charles {prop} (given name)
:: Чарлс {m}
Charles's law {prop} (physical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure)
:: Шарлов закон {m}, закон на Шарл и Геј-Лисак {m}
Charon {prop} (a moon of Pluto)
:: Харон {m}
Charon {prop} (the ferryman of Hades)
:: Харон {m}
chart {n} (map) SEE: map
chart {n} (table) SEE: table
chart {n} (navigator's map)
:: карта {f}
chart {n} (non-narrative presentation of data)
:: графикон {m}, дијаграм {m}
chart {v} (draw a chart or map)
:: црта, трасира
chart {v} (draw or figure out a route or plan)
:: црта, трасира
charter {n} (document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc)
:: повелба {f}
charwoman {n} (cleaning lady)
:: измеќарка {f}
chary {adj} (not disposed to give freely) SEE: frugal
chase {n} (hunt) SEE: hunt
chase {v} (to hunt) SEE: hunt
chase {v} (to pursue, to follow at speed)
:: гони {impf}
chaste {adj} (modest) SEE: modest
chaste {adj} (innocent) SEE: innocent
chasten {v} (discipline) SEE: discipline
chastity {n} (abstaining from sexual activity)
:: целомудрие {n}
chat {n} (exchange of text or voice messages in real time)
:: чет {m}
chauffeur {n} (a person employed to drive a motor car)
:: шофер {m}, возач {m}
chauvinism {n} (excessive patriotism)
:: шовинизам {m}
chavender {n} (chub) SEE: chub
cheap {adj} (low and/or reduced in price)
:: евтин ; намален {m}, снижен {m}, поевтинет {m}
cheap {adj} (of poor quality)
:: евтин, неквалитетен
cheap {adj} (of little worth)
:: евтин {m}
cheap {adj} (slang: underhand or unfair in game)
:: евтин {m}
cheat {v} (violate rules to gain advantage)
:: мами, илеџи
cheat {v} (being unfaithful)
:: мами
cheat {n} (someone who is dishonest or cheats)
:: измамник {m}, илеџија {m}
cheat {n} (unfair advantage in a computer game)
:: шифра {f}
cheater {n} (cheat) SEE: cheat
Cheboksary {prop} (city)
:: Чебоксари {p}
Chechnya {prop} (republic of Russia)
:: Чеченија {f}
check {n} (chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece)
:: шах {m}
check {n} (inspection or examination)
:: проверка {f}, контрола {f}, преглед {m}
check {n} (control, limit or stop)
:: проверка {f}, надзор {m}, контрола {f}
check {n} (mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator)
:: штикла {f}
check {n} (bill, particularly at a restaurant)
:: сметка {f}
check {v} (to inspect, examine)
:: проверува, прегледува
check {v} (to control, limit, or halt)
:: препречува, сопира, спречува
check {v} (to verify or compare with a source of information)
:: проверува
check {n} (pattern)
:: карир {m}
check {n} (bank order) SEE: cheque
checkbook {n} (chequebook) SEE: chequebook
checkers {n} (draughts) SEE: draughts
checkmate {interj} (said when making the conclusive move in chess)
:: шах-мат, мат
check out {v} (to pay when leaving)
:: се одјавува, плаќа
check out {v}
:: подгледнува, ѕирка, изнесува
cheek {n} (part of face)
:: образ {m}
cheek {n} (colloquial: buttock)
:: фелка {f}
cheerleader {n} (person (usually female) who encourages applause)
:: мажоретка {f}
cheers {interj} (toast when drinking)
:: на здравје
cheers {interj} (informal: goodbye)
:: чао
cheers {interj} (informal: thank you)
:: фала
cheese {n} (dairy product)
:: сирење {n}
cheese {n} (countable: any particular variety of cheese)
:: сирење {n}
cheetah {n} (Acinonyx jubatus)
:: гепард {m}
chef {n} (head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant)
:: шеф на кујна
Chelyabinsk {prop} (city)
:: Челјабинск
chemical reaction {n} (process in which chemical substances are changed into others)
:: хемиска реакција {f}
chemist {n} (person working in chemistry)
:: хемичар {m}
chemist {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
chemist {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist
chemistry {n} (branch of natural science)
:: хемија {f}
chemist's {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
chemosynthesis {n} (production of carbohydrates and other compounds from simple compounds)
:: хемосинтеза {f}
Cheng-chou {prop} (Zhengzhou) SEE: Zhengzhou
Chengdu {prop} (capital of Sichuan province, China)
:: Ченгду {n}
Ch'eng-tu {prop} (Chengdu) SEE: Chengdu
cheque {n} (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity)
:: чек {m}
chequebook {n} (folder containing cheques)
:: чековна книшка {f}
Chernobyl {n} (city in Ukraine)
:: Чернобил {m}
cherry {n} (fruit)
:: цреша {f} , вишна {f}
cherry {n} (tree)
:: цреша {f} , вишна {f}
cherry {n} (wood)
:: цреша {f}
cherub {n} ((biblical) winged creature attending on God)
:: херувим {m}
cherub {n} (artistic depiction of such a being)
:: херувим {m}
cherub {n} (person seen as being particularly angelic or innocent)
:: ангелче {n}
cherubic {adj} (of, or relating to a cherub)
:: херувимски
chervil {n} (spice)
:: геревиз {m}, красница {f}
chess {n} (two-player board game)
:: шах {m}
chessboard {n} (square board used in the game of chess)
:: шаховска табла {f}
chessman {n} (chess piece) SEE: chess piece
chess piece {n} (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess)
:: шаховска фигура {f}
chesspiece {n} (chessman) SEE: chess piece
chest {n} (strong box)
:: сандак {m}
chest {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin
chestnut {n} (nut of the chestnut tree)
:: костен {m}
chestnut {n} (reddish-brown colour)
:: костенлива {f}
chestnut {n} (wood of a chestnut tree)
:: костен {m}
chestnut {adj} (of a deep reddish-brown colour)
:: костенлива {f}
chevin {n} (chub) SEE: chub
chevron {n} (heraldry: wide inverted V)
:: стропило {n}
chevy {v} (to chase or hunt) SEE: chase
chew {v} (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing)
:: џвака
chewing gum {n} (flavoured preparation for chewing)
:: гума за џвакање {f}, мастика {f}
chi {n} (Greek letter)
:: хи
chi {n} (the fundamental life-force or energy)
:: чи {n}
Chiang-hsi {prop} (Jiangxi) SEE: Jiangxi
Chicago {prop} (large US city)
:: Чикаго {n}
chick {n} (young bird)
:: пиле {n}
chick {n} (young chicken)
:: пиле {n}, коковче {n}
chickadee {n} (songbird)
:: сипка {f}, сенка {f}
chicken {n} (bird)
:: кокошка {f}
chicken {n} (meat)
:: пилешко {n}
chicken {n} (coward)
:: кукавица {f}
chicken coop {n} (small building for poultry) SEE: henhouse
chickpea {n} (plant)
:: леблебија {f}, наут {m}, слануток {m}
chickpea {n} (seed)
:: леблебија {f}, наут {m}, слануток {m}
chicory {n} (common chicory (Cichorium intybus))
:: цикорија {f}, голица {f}
chicory {n} (endive (Cichorium endivia)) SEE: endive
chief {n} (leader of group, etc.)
:: главатар {m}, поглавар {m}, главешина {f}, старешина {m}, водач {m}
chief {n} (head of an organization)
:: шеф {m}
chief of state {n} (the titular head of a nation) SEE: head of state
Chihuahua {n} (breed of dog)
:: чивава
Chișinău {prop} (capital city and a municipality of Moldova)
:: Кишинев {m}
child {n} (a female or male child, a daughter or son)
:: дете {n}, чедо {n}
child {n} (a minor)
:: дете {n}
child {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth
child-fucker {n} (one who engages in sex with a child) SEE: pedophile
childhood {n} (state of being a child)
:: детство {n}
childhood {n} (time when one is a child)
:: детство {n}
childhood {n} (early stages of development of something)
:: детство {n}
childless {adj} (not having any children)
:: бездетен {m}
Chile {prop} (country in South America)
:: Чиле {n}
Chi-lin {prop} (Jilin) SEE: Jilin
chili pepper {n} (fruit)
:: чили пиперка {f}
chimera {n} (flame-spewing monster, see also: Chimera)
:: химера {f}
Chimera {prop}
:: химера {f}
chimney {n} (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue)
:: оџак {m}
chimney sweep {n} (occupation)
:: оџачар {m}
chin {n} (bottom of a face)
:: брада {f}
China {prop} (country in east Asia)
:: Кина {f}
China {prop} (region corresponding to the People's Republic of China and Taiwan)
:: Кина {f}
China {prop} (civilization of the Chinese people)
:: Кина {f}
Chi-nan {prop} (Jinan) SEE: Jinan
Chinese {prop} (any language spoken in China, see also: Literary Chinese; Mandarin; Cantonese; Wu; Min Nan)
:: кинески {m}, кинески јазик {m}
Chinese {n} (the people of China)
:: Кинез {m}, Кинези {p}
Chinese {n} (person born in China)
:: Кинез {m}, Кинеска {f}
Chinese {adj} (relating to China)
:: кинески
Chinese {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin
Chinese character {n} (CJKV character)
:: кинески знак {m}, ханце
Chinese whispers {n} (game)
:: расипан телефон {m}
Ch'ing-hai {prop} (Qinghai) SEE: Qinghai
Ch'ing-tao {prop} (Qingdao) SEE: Qingdao
chip {n} (integrated circuit)
:: интегрално коло {n}, чип {m}
chip {n} (fried strip of potato, french fry)
:: помфрит {m}
chip {n} (thin, crisp, fried piece of potato or vegetable)
:: чипс {m}
chip on one's shoulder {n} (combative attitude)
:: комплекс {m}
chirality {n} (handedness in chemistry, physic and mathematics)
:: хиралност {f}
chisel {v} (to cheat) SEE: cheat
chisel {n} (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal)
:: длето {n}
Chita {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Чита {f}
chivalry {n} (ethical code)
:: витештво {n}, рицарство {n}
chivalry {n} (Courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women)
:: кавалерство {n}, галантност {f}
chive {n} (plant)
:: власец {m}
chive {n} (chives: herb)
:: власец {m}
chlorine {n} (chemical element)
:: хлор {m}
chlorophyll {n} (green pigment)
:: хлорофил {m}
chocolate {n} (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans)
:: чоколада {f}
chocolate egg {n} (Easter treat) SEE: Easter egg
choice {n} (option or decision)
:: избор {m}
choke {n} (control on a carburetor)
:: саух {m}
Chongqing {prop} (a municipality in western China)
:: Чунгчинг {m}
choose {v} (to choose) SEE: take
choose {v} (to pick)
:: избира {impf}
choosy {adj} (taking care when choosing that what is chosen best suits one's tastes, desires or requirements)
:: пребирлив {m}, избирлив {m}
chopper {n} (helicopter (formal translations)) SEE: helicopter
chopper {n} (axe/ax) SEE: axe
chopstick {n} (single eating utensil)
:: стапче за јадење {n}
chop suey {n} (Cantonese dish)
:: чоп суи
chord {n} (combination of three or more notes)
:: акорд {m}
Christ {prop} (title for Jesus of Nazareth)
:: Христос {m}
Christadelphian {n} (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination)
:: Брат во Христа {m}
Christchurch {prop} (a city in New Zealand)
:: Крајстчерч {m}
Christendom {n} (the Christian world)
:: христијанство {n}
Christian {n} (member of the Christian religion)
:: христијанин {m}, христијанка {f}
Christian {prop} (male given name)
:: Кристијан {m}, Христијан {m}
Christian {adj} (of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians)
:: христијански
Christianity {prop} (monotheistic religion)
:: христијанство {n}
Christianity {prop} (Christendom) SEE: Christendom
Christian name {n} (first name at Christian baptism)
:: ќрсно име {n}
Christian name {n} (any forename) SEE: forename
Christina {prop} (female given name)
:: Кристина {f}, Христина {f}
Christine {prop} (female name) SEE: Christina
Christmas {prop} (Christian holiday)
:: Божиќ {m}
Christmas Eve {prop} (evening before Christmas Day)
:: Бадна вечер {f}
Christmas Eve {prop} (day before Christmas Day)
:: Бадник {m}
Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia)
:: Божиќен Остров {m}
Christopher {prop} (a male given name)
:: Кристофер
chromium {n} (chemical element)
:: хром {m}
chromosome {n} (structure in the cell nucleus)
:: хромозом {m}
chronology {n} (determining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history))
:: хронологија {f}
chrysanthemum {n} (flower)
:: хризантема {f}
chub {n} (Leuciscus cephalus)
:: клен {m}
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukchi Peninsula, see also: Chukchi Peninsula)
:: Чукотка {f}
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, see also: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)
:: Чукотка {f}
Ch'ung-ch'ing {prop} (Chongqing) SEE: Chongqing
Chung-shan {prop} (Zhongshan) SEE: Zhongshan
chur {interj} (voicing of thanks) SEE: thanks
church {n} (house of worship)
:: црква {f}
church {n} (a religious organization)
:: црква {f}
church {n} (worship service)
:: богослужба {f}, литургија {f}
church bell {n} (bell of a church)
:: камбана {f}
Church of England {prop} (established Christian church in England)
:: Црква на Англија {f}
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints {prop} (major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement)
:: Црквата на Исус Христос на светиите од подоцнежните дни
churn {n} (vessel for churning)
:: бутин {m}
chutzpah {n} (nearly arrogant courage)
:: одважност {f}, дрскост {f}
Chuukese {n} (member of an ethnic group)
:: чучки
Chuvashia {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Чувашија {f}
ciao {interj} (hello) SEE: hello
ciao {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye
cicada {n} (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera)
:: цикада {f}
cicatrice {n} (scar) SEE: scar
cicatrix {n} (scar that remains after the development of new tissue) SEE: scar
Cicero {prop} (Roman statesman and orator)
:: Цицерон {m}, Кикерон {m}
cider {n} (alcoholic beverage)
:: јаболково вино {n}
cider {n} (soft drink) SEE: soft drink
cigar {n} (tobacco product)
:: пура {f}
cigarette {n} (cigarette)
:: цигара {f}
cigarette lighter {n} (lighter) SEE: lighter
cigarillo {n} (thin cigar)
:: цигарилјо {n}
cinder {n} (ember) SEE: ember
Cinderella {prop} (fairy tale)
:: Пепелашка {f}
Cinderella {prop} (main character in this fairy tale)
:: Пепелашка {f}
cinema {n} (movie) SEE: movie
cinema {n} (a film/movie theatre)
:: кино {n}
cinema {n} (the art of making films and movies)
:: кинематографија {f}
cinnamon {n} (spice)
:: цимет {m}
circle {n} (geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center)
:: круг {m}
circle {n} (geometry: set of all points in a plane within a radius)
:: круг {m}
circle {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit
circular {adj} (of or relating to a circle)
:: кружен
circular {adj} (in the shape of, or moving in a circle)
:: кружен
circular {adj} (circuitous or roundabout, see also: circuitous; roundabout)
:: обиколен
circulate {v} (to move in circles)
:: кружи
circulate {v} (to move from person to person)
:: кружи
circumcise {v} (to remove the foreskin from the penis)
:: обрежува, сунетисување {n}
circumcision {n} (removal of foreskin from penis)
:: обрежување {n}
circumference {n} (line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional object)
:: обем {m}, периметар {m}, обиколка {f}
circumference {n} (length of such line)
:: обем {m}, периметар {m}, обиколка {f}
circumscription {n} (electoral district) SEE: electoral district
circumspect {adj} (carefully aware of all circumstances)
:: претпазлив {m}
circumstance {n} (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event)
:: околност {f}
circus {n} (company that travels)
:: циркус {m}
cirque {n} (something in the shape of a circle) SEE: circle
cirrhosis {n} (chronic disease of the liver)
:: цироза {f}
citadel {n} (a strong fortress that sits high above a city)
:: цитадела {f}
citadel {n} (a stronghold or fortified place)
:: цитадела {f}
citation {n} (the passage or words quoted; quotation)
:: цитат {m}
cite {v} (quote) SEE: quote
cite {n} (citation) SEE: citation
citizen {n} (legal member of a state)
:: државјанин {m}, државјанка {f}, граѓанин {m}, граѓанка {f}
citizen {n} (antonym to "subject")
:: граѓанин {m}, граѓанка {f}
citizen {n} (legal resident of a city)
:: граѓанин {m}, граѓанка {f}
citizen {n} (resident of any particular place)
:: жител {m}, жителка {f}
citizenship {n} (state of being a citizen)
:: државјанство {n}, граѓанство {n}
city {n} (large settlement)
:: град {m}
city {n} (downtown) SEE: downtown
City {prop} (UK financial sector)
:: Сити {n}
city center {n} (downtown) SEE: downtown
city hall {n} (building)
:: градска куќа {f}, градски дом {m}
city hall {n} (government)
:: општина {f}, градска управа {f}, градски совет {f}
city state {n} (sovereign city)
:: град-држава {m}
civil {adj} (related to people and government office as opposed to military or religion)
:: граѓански
civilization {n} (organized culture)
:: цивилизација {f}
civil servant {n} (government employee)
:: службеник {m}, службеничка {f}
civil war {n} (war between factions within a single country)
:: граѓанска војна {f}
Civil War {prop} (civil war) SEE: civil war
civvies {n} (mufti (dress)) SEE: mufti
Claire {prop} (female given name) SEE: Clara
clairvoyance {n} (the power to perceive objects that are not accessible to the senses)
:: видовитост {f}, јасновидност {f}
clairvoyant {adj} (of, or relating to clairvoyance)
:: видовит {m}
clairvoyant {adj} (able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses)
:: видовит {m}
clairvoyant {adj} (able to foresee the future)
:: видовит {m}
clairvoyant {n} (person able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses)
:: јасновидец {m}, јасновитка {f}
clairvoyant {n} (person able to foresee the future)
:: јасновидец {m}, јасновитка {m} {f}
clam {n} (mollusc, see also: mollusc; oyster; mussel)
:: школка {f}
clamp {n} (woodworking tool)
:: менгеме {n}
clap {n} (The act of striking the palms of the hands, or any two surfaces, together)
:: ракоплескање {n}
clap {v} (To strike the palms of the hands together)
:: плеска
clap {v} (To applaud by clapping the hands)
:: ракоплеска, аплаудира
clap {v} (To create or assemble (something) hastily)
:: сплескува
clap {n} (gonorrhea)
:: трипер {m}, гонореја {f}
Clara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of the name Clara)
:: Јасна {f}
Clare {n} (Clara) SEE: Clara
Clare {prop} (county)
:: Клер {m}
Clare {prop} (town in Ireland)
:: Клер {m}
clarinet {n} (woodwind musical instrument)
:: кларинет {m}
clasp {n} (fastener or holder)
:: копец {m}
clasp {v} (take hold of; grab tightly)
:: зграпчи
class {n} (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes)
:: класа {f}
class {n} (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.)
:: сталеж {m}, класа {f}
class {n} (division of society into classes)
:: сталеж {m}, класа {f}
class {n} (admirable behavior; elegance)
:: отменост {f}
class {n} (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher)
:: одделение {n}, клас {m}
class {n} (series of classes covering a single subject)
:: курс {m}
class {n} (group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year)
:: одделение {n}, клас {m}
class {n} (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation)
:: класа {f}
class {n} (taxonomy: classification below Phylum and above Order)
:: класа {f}
class {n} (set theory: collection of sets definable by a shared property)
:: класа {f}
class {n} (object-oriented programming: set of objects possibly differing in state but not behavior)
:: класа {f}
class {v} (to assign to a class)
:: класира
classical {adj} (literature etc)
:: класичен
Classical Latin {prop} (Latin language as spoken and written formally)
:: класичен латински {m}
classical music {n} (music of the classical period)
:: класицистичка музика {f}
classical music {n} (the more serious forms of European and American music)
:: класична музика {f}
classification {n} (act of forming into classes)
:: класификација {f}
classroom {n} (room in a school)
:: училница {f}
claustrophobe {n} (one who suffers from claustrophobia)
:: клаустрофоб {m}
claustrophobia {n} (fear of closed, tight places)
:: клаустрофобија {f}
clavicle {n} (collar bone)
:: клучна коска {f}
clavis {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary
claw {n} (curved horny nail)
:: канџа {f}
clay {n} (mineral substance)
:: глина {f}
clean {adj} (not dirty)
:: чист
clean {v} ((transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object)
:: чисти {impf}
clean {adj} (empty) SEE: empty
cleaning lady {n}
:: чистачка {f}
cleanliness {n} (the property of being cleanly)
:: чистота {f}
cleanness {n} (state of being clean)
:: чистота {f}
clearance {n} (act of clearing or something cleared)
:: расчистување {n}
clearance {n} (permission to have access to sensitive or secret documents or other information)
:: дозвола {f}
clearance {n} (sale of merchandise at a reduced price)
:: распродажба {f}
clearance {n} (finance: processing of payments at a clearing house)
:: клиринг {m}
clearance {n} (medicine: removal of harmful substances from the blood)
:: пречистување {n}
clearly {adv} (in a clear manner)
:: јасно
cleavage {n} (the act of cleaving or the state of being cleft)
:: раскол {m}, расцеп {m}
cleavage {n} (separation between breasts)
:: деколте {n}
cleavage {n} (biology: cell division)
:: делба {f}
cleaver {n} (a squarish knife used for hacking)
:: сатар {m}
clef {n} (musical symbol)
:: клуч {f}
Clement {prop} (male given name)
:: Климент
Cleopatra {prop} (a given name of women in the Ptolemy dynasty)
:: Клеопатра
clergy {n} (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services)
:: свештенство {n}
clever {adj} (mentally quick or sharp)
:: умен
click {n} (sharp sound)
:: чкрапање {n}, шкрапање {n}, штракање {n}
click {n} (act of operating a switch, etc., so that it clicks)
:: чкрапнување {n}
click {n} (act of pressing a button on a computer mouse)
:: клик {m}
click {v} (transitive: press and release (button on a mouse))
:: клика, кликнува
click {v} (intransitive: emit a click)
:: клика, кликнува
click {v} (intransitive: click the left button of a mouse)
:: клика, кликнува
click {v} (intransitive: make sense suddenly)
:: светнува
click {interj} (sound of a click)
:: штрак, чкрап, шкрап
client {n} (a customer or receiver of services)
:: клиент {m}, клиентка {f}, муштерија {m}
cliff {n} (a (near) vertical rock face)
:: спила {f}
climate {n} (long-term atmospheric conditions)
:: клима {f}
climatology {n} (science)
:: климатологија {f}
climax {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) SEE: orgasm
climb {v} (to ascend, to go up)
:: искачува, се искачува
climb {v} (to mount, to move upwards on)
:: се јази
climb {v} (to scale)
:: искачува
climb {v} (to move by using the hands and feet)
:: се јази
climb {v} (to practice the sport of climbing)
:: искачува
climb {v} (of plants: to grow upwards by clinging to something)
:: ползи
climb {n} (an act of climbing)
:: искачување {n}
clinic {n} (medical facility)
:: клиника {f}
clinker {n} (fetters) SEE: fetter
clique {n} (small, exclusive group)
:: клика {f}
clitoris {n} (elongated erectile organ)
:: клиторис {m}, дразница {f}
cloaca {n} (anatomical feature of birds etc)
:: клоака {f}
cloak {n} (cape)
:: наметка {f}, плашт {m}
cloakroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
clock {n} (instrument to measure or keep track of time)
:: часовник {m}
clock face {n} (the surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands)
:: бројник {m}
clog {n} (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel)
:: кломпа {f}
close {v} (obstruct (an opening))
:: затвори
close {adj} (at a little distance)
:: близок
closed {adj} (not open)
:: затворен
closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
close the stable door after the horse has bolted {v}
:: по свадба тапани
clothes {n} (apparel)
:: облека {f}
clothing {n} (clothes)
:: облека {f}
cloud {n} (visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air)
:: облак {m}
cloudy {adj} (covered with or characterised by clouds)
:: облачен
clove {n} (spice)
:: каранфилче
clover {n} (plant in genus Trifolium)
:: детелина {f}
clown {n} (performance artist working in a circus)
:: кловн {m}, палјачо {m}
clown {n} (person acting in a silly fashion)
:: кловн {m}
club {n} (association of members)
:: клуб {m}
club {n} (playing card symbol, ♣)
:: треф {m}
clubs {n} (plural of club) SEE: club
clubs {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)
:: детелина {f}, треф {m}
cluck {n} (sound made by hen)
:: кокода, квак
cluck {n} (tongue click to urge on a horse)
:: вабење {n}
clutch {v} (to grip or grasp tightly)
:: фаќа, зграпчува
clutch {n} (A device to interrupt power transmission)
:: квачило {n}, спојка {f}, куплунг {m}
clutch {n} (The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission)
:: квачило {n}, спојка {f}, куплунг {m}
c'mere {contraction} (come) SEE: come
c'mere {contraction} (here) SEE: here
c'mon {contraction} (come on)
:: ајде
coach {n} (wheeled vehicle drawn by horse power)
:: кочија {f}
coach {n} (rail passenger car)
:: вагон {m}
coach {n} (trainer)
:: тренер {m}, тренерка {f}
coach {v} (sports: train)
:: тренира
coach {v} (instruct)
:: тренира
coach driver {n} (driver of a horse-drawn coach)
:: кочијаш {m}
coachman {n} (male coach driver) SEE: coach driver
coachwoman {n} (female coach driver) SEE: coach driver
coadjutor {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant
coal {n} (uncountable: carbon rock)
:: јаглен {m}, ќумур {m}
coal {n} (smouldering material)
:: ќумур {m}
coal tit {n} (coal tit)
:: елова сипка
coat {n} (outer garment covering the upper torso and arms)
:: капут {m}
coat {n} (covering of material, such as paint)
:: слој {m}
coat {n} (fur or feathers)
:: крзно {n} , пердуви {m}
coat {v} (to cover with a coat of some material)
:: обложува, покрива
coat hanger {n} (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc)
:: закачалка {f}
coat of arms {n} (hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon)
:: грб {m}
cob {n} (gull) SEE: gull
cobalt {n} (chemical element)
:: кобалт {m}
cobble {n} (cobblestone) SEE: cobblestone
cobbler {n} (person who makes and repairs shoes)
:: чевлар {m}, кондураџија {m}
cobblestone {n} (a rounded stone)
:: калдрма {f}
cobweb {n} (a spider’s web) SEE: spiderweb
Coca-Cola {prop} (particular carbonated soft drink)
:: Кока-Кола {f}
cocaine {n} (the narcotic)
:: кокаин {m}
cock {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick
cock {n} (hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism)
:: петле {n}
cock {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) SEE: rooster
cockade {n} (a rosette worn in a hat as an office or party badge)
:: кокарда {f}
cock-a-doodle-doo {interj} (cry of the rooster)
:: кукурику
cockatoo {n} (a bird)
:: какаду {n}
cockchafer {n} (beetle of genus Melolontha)
:: мајски бумбар {m}
cockerel {n} (young male chicken)
:: петле {n}
cockeyed {adj} (absurd, silly, or stupid) SEE: absurd
cockeyed {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk
cockle {n} (wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle
cockroach {n} (type of insect)
:: бубашваба {f}, лебарка {f}
cockscomb {n} (fleshy red crest of a rooster)
:: кикиришка {f}
cocksucker {n} (a fellator)
:: куропушач {m}, дудлач {m}, куропушач {f}, дудлачка {f}
cocktail {n} (alcoholic beverage)
:: коктел {m}
cocoa {n} (partially fermented seeds of cacao tree)
:: какаови зрна {n-p}
cocoa {n} (hot drink)
:: какао {n}
cocoa {n} (powder) SEE: cocoa powder
cocoa powder {n} (powder from cocoa solids)
:: какао {n}
coconut {n} (fruit of coco palm)
:: кокос {m}, кокосов орев {m}
coconut {n} (shelled seed)
:: кокос {m}, кокосов орев {m}
coconut {n} (edible flesh of coconut fruit)
:: кокос {m}
coconut {n} (coconut palm) SEE: coconut palm
coconut milk {n} (the liquid from inside the seed of the coconut)
:: кокосово млеко {n}
coconut palm {n} (Cocos nucifera)
:: кокосова палма {f}
cocoon {n} (protective case)
:: кокона {f}
cod {n} (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
:: бакалар {m}
code {n} (very short abbreviation)
:: код {m}
code {n} (set of rules for converting information)
:: код {m}
code {n} (source code) SEE: source code
codfish {n} (cod) SEE: cod
coetaneous {adj} (contemporary) SEE: contemporary
coexist {v} (Exist contemporaneously)
:: сопостои, коегзистира
coexistence {n} (two or more things existing together)
:: сосуштествување {n}, соживот {m}, коегзистенција {f}
coffee {n} (beverage)
:: кафе {n}
coffee bar {n} (establishment that sells coffee) SEE: café
coffee bean {n} (The seed of a tropical plant of the genus Coffea)
:: зрно кафе {n}
coffee grinder {n} (a device for pulverizing or powdering coffee beans)
:: мелница за кафе {f}
coffeehouse {n} (café) SEE: café
coffeemaker {n} (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee)
:: кафемат {m}
coffee shop {n} (café) SEE: café
coffee table {n} (type of table)
:: масичка {f}
coffin {n} (box in which a dead person is buried)
:: ковчег {m}
cognac {n} (type of brandy)
:: коњак {m}
cohort {n} (accomplice) SEE: accomplice
cohort {n} (group of people supporting the same thing or person)
:: истомисленици {m-p}
cohort {n} (division of Roman legion)
:: кохорт {m}
cohort {n} (colleague) SEE: colleague
coiffure {n} (hairstyle) SEE: hairstyle
coin {n} ((currency) a piece of currency)
:: монета {f}
coinage {n} (currency) SEE: currency
coincidence {n} (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not)
:: совпаѓање {n}, случајност {f}
cola {n} (drink)
:: кола {f}
Colchester {prop} (town in England)
:: Колчестер {m}
cold {adj} (having a low temperature)
:: студен, ладен
cold {adj} (of the weather)
:: студено, ладно
cold {adj} (of a person)
:: ладен
cold {adj} (unfriendly)
:: ладен
cold {n} (low temperature)
:: студ {m}
cold {n} (illness)
:: настинка {f}
cold fusion {n} (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion)
:: студена фузија {f}
cold war {n} (a period of hostile relations)
:: студена војна {f}
Cold War {prop} (a period of history from 1945–1991)
:: Студена војна {f}
cole {n} (cabbage) SEE: cabbage
collaborationist {n} (one who collaborates) SEE: collaborator
collaborator {n} (person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy)
:: колаборационист {m}
collar {n} (fabric garment part fitting around throat)
:: јака {f}, крагна {f}, околувратник {m}
collar {n} (anything around the neck)
:: околувратник {m}
collar {n} (device for restraining animal)
:: оглавник {m}
collar {n} (part of harness)
:: оглавник {m}
collar {n} (any encircling device or structure)
:: обрач {m}
collar {v} (to place a collar on)
:: оглавува
collar {v} (to seize, capture or detain)
:: притега
collar {v} (to arrest) SEE: arrest
collarbone {n} (clavicle) SEE: clavicle
collared dove {n} (collared dove)
:: гугутка {f}
colleague {n} (fellow member of a profession)
:: колега {m}, колешка {f}
collect {v} (to gather together)
:: собира {impf}, собере {pf}
collection {n} (set of items)
:: збирка {f}, колекција {f}
collective noun {n} (noun referring to a group of similar things)
:: збирна именка {f}
collectivism {n} (An system in which the means are owned and controlled by people collectively)
:: колективизам {m}
collectivization {n} (the act of collectivizing)
:: колективизација {f}
college {n} (institution of higher education)
:: виша школа {f}
college {n} (institution of higher education teaching undergraduates)
:: виша школа {f}
college {n} (non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university)
:: институт {m}
college {n} (specialized division of a university)
:: факултет {m}
college {n} (in the formal names of private schools: secondary school)
:: училиште {n}
college {n} (institution of further education at an intermediate level)
:: училиште {n}, академија {f}
collet {n} (A band, flange, ferrule, or collar, usually of a hard material, especially a metal)
:: приклештувач {m}
collider {n} (particle accelerator)
:: судирач {m}
colliery {n} (underground coal mine)
:: јагленокоп {m}
colloquial {adj} (of oral communication language)
:: разговорен
cologne {n} (eau de Cologne)
:: колонска вода {f}
Cologne {prop} (city in Germany)
:: Келн {m}
Colombia {prop} (country in South America)
:: Колумбија {f}
colon {n} (punctuation mark)
:: две точки {f-p}
colon {n} (the last part of the digestive system)
:: дебело црево {n}
colonel {n} (commissioned office in the armed services)
:: полковник {m}
colonization {n} (process of establishing a colony)
:: колонизација {f}
colonnade {n} (a series of columns at regular intervals)
:: колонада {f}
colony {n} (region or governmental unit)
:: колонија {f}
colony {n} (group of organisms)
:: колонија {f}
colophony {n} (rosin) SEE: rosin
color {n} (spectral composition of visible light)
:: боја {f}
Colorado {prop} (US state)
:: Колорадо {n}
Colorado beetle {n} (beetle)
:: златица {f}
color blindness {n} (condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired)
:: далтонизам {m}, бојно слепило {n}
colossal {adj} (extremely large)
:: џиновски {m}, колосален {m}
Colosseum {prop} (ancient stadium in Rome)
:: Колосеум {m}
colt {n} (young male horse)
:: ждребе {n}
coltsfoot {n} (Tussilago farfara)
:: подбел {m}
columbine {n} (any plant of the genus Aquilegia)
:: кандилка
column {n} (upright supporting member)
:: столб {m}
column {n} (vertical line of entries in a table)
:: колона {f}
column {n} (column of troops)
:: колона {f}
column {n} (newspaper column)
:: колумна {f}
coma {n} (Deep sleep)
:: кома {f}
comatose {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep
comb {n} (toothed implement for grooming the hair)
:: чешел {m}
comb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) SEE: honeycomb
combine {n} (combine harvester) SEE: combine harvester
combine harvester {n} (combine)
:: комбајн {m}
combust {v} (be consumed by fire) SEE: burn
combustion {n} (the act or process of burning)
:: согорување {n}, горење {n}
combustion {n} (similar process where two chemicals are combined)
:: согорување {n}, палење {n}
combustion {n} (process wherein a fuel is combined with oxygen)
:: согорување {n}
come {v} (to move nearer)
:: доаѓа {impf}, дојде {pf}
come {v} (to arrive, to appear)
:: доаѓа, пристига
come {v} (to orgasm)
:: свршува
come {v} (to become)
:: станува
come in {v} (to enter) SEE: enter
come on {interj} (expression of encouragement)
:: ајде
come on {interj} (hurry up)
:: ајде
comet {n} (a celestial body, generally with a tail)
:: комета {f}
comfort {n} (contentment, ease)
:: удобност {f}
comforter {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier
comforter {n} (person who comforts)
:: јорган {m}
comic {adj} (being funny)
:: комичен {m}
comic {adj} (related to comedy)
:: комедиски {m}, комичен {m}
comic {n} (comedian)
:: комичар {m}
comic {n} (cartoon story)
:: стрип {m}
comic strip {n} (series of illustrations)
:: стрип {m}
comma {n} (punctuation mark ',')
:: запирка {f}
command {n} (order)
:: наредба {f}, заповед {m}, команда {f}
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization)
:: командант {m}, заповедник {m}
commander in chief {n} (Supreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country)
:: главен командант {m}, врховен командант {m}
commensurate {adj} (proportionate; of a similar measurable standard)
:: сразмерен
comment {n} (spoken remark)
:: коментар {m}
comment {v} (to remark)
:: коментира {impf}
commerce {n} (large scale trade)
:: трговија {f}, комерција {f}
commercial {n} (advertisement in a common media format)
:: реклама {f}, ЕПП {n}
commercial {adj} (of or pertaining to commerce)
:: стопански {m}, трговски {m}, комерцијален {m}
commercial at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign
commie {n} (communist (pejorative))
:: комуњар {m}
commission {n} (body of officials)
:: комисија {f}
commit suicide {v} (to kill oneself)
:: врши самоубиство {impf}, извршува самоубиство {pf}
committee {n} (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose)
:: комитет {m}
commo {n} (communication) SEE: communication
commo {n} (commie) SEE: commie
commode {n} (low chest of drawers)
:: комода {f}
commodity {n} (anything movable traded)
:: стока {f}
common blackbird {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: blackbird
common cockchafer {n} (Melolontha melolontha)
:: мајски бумбар {m}
Common Era {prop} (secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era)
:: нашата ера {f}
Common Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic
common gull {n} (Larus canus)
:: сив галеб
common sense {n} (ordinary understanding)
:: здрав разум {m}
Common Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) SEE: Proto-Slavic
Common Slavic {prop}
:: прасловенски јазик {m}
common snipe {n} (the species Gallinago gallinago)
:: шлука бекасина {f}
Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (alliance of former Soviet republics)
:: Заедница на Независни Држави {f}, ЗНД
communication {n} (concept of exchanging information)
:: комуникација {f}
communion {n} (Holy Communion) SEE: Holy Communion
communism {n} (philosophy)
:: комунизам {m}
communism {n} (society)
:: комунизам {m}
community {n} (group sharing a common understanding)
:: заедница {f}, општина {f}
community college {n} (secondary school) SEE: secondary school
Como {prop} (Province of Lombardy)
:: Комо {n}
Como {prop} (City and capital of Como Province)
:: Комо {n}
Comoros {prop} (country in Eastern Africa)
:: Комори {m-p}
compact disc {n} (optical disc used to store data)
:: компакт-диск {m}, це-де {n}
compact disk {n} (CD) SEE: compact disc
companion {n} (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company)
:: компањон {m}, компањонка {f}
company {n} (in legal context, a corporation)
:: фирма {f}, претпријатие {n}, компанија {f}
company {n} (in non-legal context, any business, without respect to incorporation)
:: фирма {f}, претпријатие {n}
company {n} (group of individuals with a common purpose)
:: друштво {n}, дружина {f}
company {n} (social visitors)
:: друштво {n}
company {n} (companionship)
:: друштво {n}
company {n} (military unit)
:: чета {f}
comparability {n} (quality of being comparable)
:: споредливост {f}
comparable {adj} (similar) SEE: similar
comparable {adj} (able to be compared)
:: споредлив
compare {v} (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another)
:: споредува {impf}, спореди {pf}, сравнува {impf}
compare {v} (to form the three degrees of comparison of)
:: споредува {impf}
compare {v} (to be similar)
:: споредува
comparison {n} (act of comparing or the state of being compared)
:: споредба {f}
comparison {n} (evaluation of the similarities and differences of two (or more) things)
:: споредба {f}
comparison {n} (state of being similar or alike)
:: сличност {f}
compass {n} (instrument to determine cardinal directions)
:: компас {m}
compass {n} (pair of compasses) SEE: pair of compasses
compassion {n} (deep awareness of the suffering of another)
:: сочувство {n}
compass point {n} (any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass)
:: страна на светот {f}
compatriot {n} (somebody from one's own country)
:: сонародник {m}
compete {v} (to contend)
:: се натпреварува
competent {adj} (adequate for a purpose)
:: кадарен
competition {n} (action of competing)
:: натпревар {m}, конкуренција {f}
competition {n} (contest for a prize or award)
:: наптревар {m}
complaint {n} (grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining)
:: жалба {f}
complete {adj} (with everything included)
:: полн
complex {adj} (not simple or straightforward)
:: сложен, компликуван
complex {n} (problem) SEE: problem
complicated {adj} (difficult or convoluted)
:: сложен, компликуван
composer {n} (one who composes music)
:: композитор {m}
composition {n} (synthesis as opposed to analysis) SEE: synthesis
compost {n} (decayed remains of organic matter)
:: компост
comprador {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary
comprehension {n} (thorough understanding)
:: разбирање {n}, сфаќање
compromise {n} (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions)
:: компромис {m}
computer {n} (device)
:: сметач {m}, компјутер {m}
computer {n} (person)
:: пресметувач {m}
computer game {n} (electronic game)
:: компјутерска игра {f}
computer program {n} (software)
:: компјутерска програма {f}
computer science {n} (study of computers and their architecture)
:: информатика {f}
computer scientist {n} (one who studies or practises computer science)
:: информатичар {m}
computing {n} (the study, field of computers and computer programming)
:: информатика {f}
computing {n} (calculation) SEE: calculation
comrade {n} (companion in battle, fellow soldier)
:: соборец {m}, другар {m}
comrade {n} (fellow socialist or communist)
:: другар {m}, другарка {f}
comrade {n} (title used in leftist circles)
:: другар {m}, другарка {f}
concentration camp {n} (camp where large numbers of persons are detained)
:: концентрационен логор {m}
concept {n} (something understood and retained in the mind)
:: поим {m}, концепт {m}
conception {n} (initiation of an embryonic animal life)
:: зачнување {n}
concert {n} (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part)
:: концерт {m}
concoction {n} (mixture so prepared)
:: напиток {m}, напивка {f}
concord {n} ((grammar) Agreement of words with one another) SEE: agreement
concordance {n} (agreement) SEE: agreement
concrete {n} (building material)
:: бетон {m}
concubine {n} (a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife)
:: наложница {f}
concubine {n} (mistress) SEE: mistress
condensed milk {n} (milk that has been reduced to syrup)
:: кондензирано млеко {n}
condenser {n} (capacitor) SEE: capacitor
condescendence {n} (condescension) SEE: condescension
condescending {adj} (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude)
:: снисходлив {m}
condescendingly {adv} (In a condescending manner)
:: снисходливо {m}
condescension {n} (act of condescending)
:: снисходливост {f}
condition {n} (logical clause or phrase)
:: услов {m}
condition {n} (health status of a patient)
:: состојба {f}
condition {n} (state of an object)
:: состојба {f}
conditioner {n} (hair conditioner) SEE: hair conditioner
condom {n} (flexible sleeve worn on the penis)
:: кондом {m}, презерватив {m}, куртон {m} , накурник {m}
condor {n} (California condor)
:: кондор {m}
conductor {n} (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble)
:: диригент {m}
conductor {n} (person who takes tickets on public transportation)
:: кондуктор {m}
conductor {n} (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound)
:: проводник {m}
cone {n} (surface of revolution)
:: конус {m}
cone {n} (fruit of conifers)
:: шишарка {f}
cone {n} (ice-cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone
confectioner {n} (a manufacturer of or dealer in confections)
:: слаткар {m}
confectioner's {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop
confectionery {n} (sweet foodstuffs (collectively))
:: слатки {n-p}
confectionery {n} (shop where confectionery is sold) SEE: sweetshop
conference {n} (a meeting of people)
:: конференција {f}
confession {n} (open admittance)
:: признавање {f}
confession {n} (disclosure of one's sins to a priest)
:: исповед {f}
confessional {n} (a small room where confession is performed)
:: исповедалница {f}
confessor {n} (priest who hears confession)
:: исповедник {m}
confidentiality {n} (something told in confidence) SEE: secret
confine {v} (arrest) SEE: arrest
confirmation {n} (indicator)
:: потврда {f}
conflagration {n} (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire)
:: пожар {m}
conflict {n} (clash or disagreement)
:: конфликт {m}, судир {m}
Confucius {prop} (Chinese philosopher)
:: Конфучиј {m}
confused {adj} (unable to think clearly or understand)
:: збунет
conga {n} (drum)
:: конга {f}
Congo {prop} (country with Brazzaville as capital)
:: Конго-Бразавил {m}, Република Конго {f}
Congo {prop} (country with Kinshasa as capital)
:: Конго-Киншаса, Демократска Република Конго {f}
Congo {prop} (river)
:: Конго {n}
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo
congratulate {v} (to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for)
:: чести {impf}
congress {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse
congress {n} (legislative body)
:: конгрес {m}
conjugate {v} (to inflect (a verb) for each person)
:: конјугира {impf} {pf}
conjugation {n} (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs)
:: конјугација {f}
conjugation {n} (act of conjugating a verb)
:: конјугација {f}
conjunction {n} (act of joining or being joined)
:: спој {m}, врска {f}
conjunction {n} (grammar: word used to join words or phrases)
:: сврзник {m}
conjunction {n} (logic: proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the and operator)
:: конјункција {f}
conjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood
conjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood
conjuncture {n} (combination of events or circumstances)
:: единство {n}
Connacht {prop} (province in Ireland)
:: Конахт {m}
connect {v} (to join two or more pieces)
:: поврзува, спојува, сврзува
connect {v} (to join an electrical or telephone line)
:: приклучува, поврзува, сврзува
connect {v} (associate)
:: поврзува
Connecticut {prop} (a state of the United States of America)
:: Конектикат {m}
connective tissue {n} (type of tissue)
:: сврзно ткиво {m}
connectivity {n} (state of being connected)
:: поврзливост {f}, удружливост {f}
connoisseur {n} (specialist whose opinion is valued)
:: познавач {m}
conscience {n} (moral sense)
:: совест {f}
consciousness {n} (awareness)
:: свест {f}
consent {n} (voluntary agreement)
:: согласност {f}
consequence {n} (that which follows something on which it depends)
:: последица {f}
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement)
:: конзервативизам {m}
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that moral objectivism exists, and should be adhered to)
:: конзервативизам {m}
conservativism {n} (conservatism) SEE: conservatism
conserve {n} (wilderness where human development is prohibited)
:: резерват {m}
consistently {adv} (constantly) SEE: constantly
consonant {n} (sound)
:: согласка {f}
consonant {n} (letter)
:: согласка {f}
conspiracy {n} (act of working in secret to obtain some goal)
:: заговор {m}, завера {f}
conspiracy theory {n} (hypothetical speculation)
:: теорија на заговор {f}
conspirator {n} (person who is part of a conspiracy)
:: заговорник {m}
Constance {prop} (female given name)
:: Костадинка {f}
constancy {n} (The quality of being constant)
:: постојаност {f}
Constantine {prop} (male given name)
:: Константин, Костадин
Constantinople {prop} (Constantinople)
:: Константинопол {m}
constantly {adv} (in a constant manner)
:: постојано
constantly {adv} (recurring regularly)
:: постојано
constantly {adv} (in an invariable manner)
:: постојано
constellation {n} (formation of stars perceived as figure)
:: соѕвездие {n}
constellation {n} (image associated with a group of stars)
:: соѕвездие {n}
constellation {n} (modern astronomy: any of 88 officially recognized regions)
:: соѕвездие {n}
constellation {n} (astrology: configuration of planets)
:: соѕвездие {n}
constipation {n} (state of bowels)
:: запек {m}
constitution {n} (act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup)
:: состав {n}, уредување {n}
constitution {n} (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions)
:: устав {m}
constitution {n} (legal document describing such a formal system)
:: устав {m}
constitutional {adj} (relating to the constitution)
:: уставен
constitutional {adj} (conforming to the constitution)
:: уставен
constitutional monarchy {n} (monarchy limited by laws and a constitution)
:: уставна монархија {f}
construe {v} (to translate) SEE: translate
consul {n} (official who protects the interests of citizens)
:: конзул {m}, конзулка {f}
consulate {n} (the residency of a consul)
:: конзулат {m}, конзулство {n}
consumer {n} (person purchasing goods)
:: потрошувач {m}
contact lens {n} (thin lens placed directly on the eye)
:: контактна леќа {f}, контактни леќи {p}
contain {v} (to contain) SEE: hold
container {n} (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods)
:: контејнер {m}
contemporary {adj} (from the same time period)
:: современ
contemporary {adj} (modern)
:: модерен, современ
contemporary {n} (someone living at the same time)
:: современик {m}
content {n} (that which is contained)
:: содржина {f}
contents {n} (that which is contained)
:: содржина {f}
contestant {n} (participant in a contest)
:: натпреварувач {m}
continent {n} (each of main land-masses on earth's surface)
:: континент {m}
continental quilt {n} (duvet) SEE: duvet
continue {v} (transitive: proceed)
:: продолжува {impf}, продолжи {pf}
contour {n} (outline, boundary or border)
:: оцрт {m}, контура {f}
contrabass {n} (person or instrument performing the contrabass part)
:: контрабас {m}
contrabass {n} (double bass) SEE: double bass
contract {n} (agreement that is legally binding)
:: договор {m}, контракт {m}
contractor {n} (A person or company that constructs or improves buildings)
:: изведувач {m}
contractor {n} (A person or company that performs specific tasks like electrical or plumbing work in construction projects)
:: изведувач {m}
contradiction {n} (act of contradicting)
:: противречие {n}, противречење {n}
contradiction {n} (statement that contradicts itself)
:: противречие {n}
contradiction {n} (the logical incompatibility of opposing elements)
:: противречие {n}
contradiction {n} (proposition that is false for all values of its variables)
:: контрадикција {f}, противречие {n}
contradictory {adj} (that contradicts something)
:: противречен
contradictory {adj} (that is itself a contradiction)
:: противречен
contradictory {adj} (that is diametrically opposed to something)
:: спротивен
contradictory {adj} (tending to contradict, contrarious)
:: противречен {m}
contradictory {n} (any of a pair of propositions, that cannot both be true or both be false)
:: контрадикција {f}, противречие {n}
contribution {n} (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole)
:: придонес {m}
contusion {n} (wound in which the skin is not broken)
:: модрица {f}
convenient {adj} (of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient)
:: згоден, погоден, поволен, удобен
convent {n} (religious community of especially nuns)
:: женски манастир {m}
convent {n} (building)
:: манастир {m}
convent {n} (gathering)
:: собир {m}
conversation {n} (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people)
:: разговор {m}
convertible {n} (car whose roof can be removed or folded)
:: кабриолет {m}
cook {n} (person who prepares food)
:: готвач {m}, готвачка {f}
cook {v} (to prepare (food) for eating)
:: готви {impf}
cookie {n} (bun) SEE: bun
cookie {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit)
:: колач {m}, кекс {m}, бисквит {m}
Cook Islands {prop} (self-governing country in Oceania)
:: Кукови Острови {p}
cooling {n} (refrigeration)
:: разладување {n}, ладење {n}
cooling {adj} (that cools)
:: разладен {m}
cooling glasses {n} (sunglasses) SEE: sunglasses
coop {n} (enclosure for birds)
:: кокошарник {m}
cooper {n} (craftsman)
:: бочвар {m}
cooperate {v} (to work together)
:: соработува {impf}
cooperation {n} (act of cooperating or being cooperative)
:: соработка {f}, кооперација {f}
coot {n} (bird)
:: лиска {f}
cootie {n} (louse) SEE: louse
cooze {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina
cop {n} (police officer)
:: цајкан {m}, џандар {m}
Copenhagen {prop} (capital of Denmark)
:: Копенхаген {m}
copier {n} (machine)
:: копир {m}
copper {n} (chemical element Cu)
:: бакар {m}
copper {n} (slang: a policeman)
:: цајкан {m}, џандар {f}
coppern {adj} (made of copper) SEE: copper
Copt {n} (member of the Coptic Church)
:: копт {m}, коптка {f}
Coptic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Copts, Coptic Orthodox Church or to the Coptic language)
:: коптски {m}
copula {n} (grammar: linking kind of word)
:: копула {f}
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: cover
copulate {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) SEE: bed
copulation {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse
copy {n} (result of copying)
:: копија {f}, дупликат {m}
copy {n} (writing paper of a particular size) SEE: bastard
copybook {n} (student's exercise book) SEE: exercise book
copycat {n} (one who imitates or plagiarizes others' work)
:: папагал {m}
coral {n} (substance)
:: корал {m}
Corfu {prop} (island)
:: Крф
Corinth {prop} (city in Greece)
:: Коринт
Cork {prop} (city)
:: Корк {m}
Cork {prop} (county)
:: Корк {m}
corkscrew {n} (implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork)
:: вадичеп {m}, отворач за тапи {m}
cormorant {n} (seabird)
:: корморан {m}
corn {n} (grain crop of species Zea mays) SEE: maize
corn {n} (grain or seed of a cereal crop)
:: зрно {n}
corn {v} (to preserve with salt)
:: соли
corn {n} (type of callus)
:: плускавец {m}, набиеница {f}, мозолка {f}
corncrake {n} (the bird Crex crex)
:: прдавец {m}, крекс {m}
cornel {n} (tree)
:: дрен {m}
cornel {n} (fruit)
:: дренка {f}
corner {n} (point where two converging lines meet) SEE: angle
corner {n} (space in the angle between converging lines or walls)
:: агол {m}, ќош {m}, ќоше {n}
corner {n} (projection into space of an angular solid)
:: агол {m}, ќош {m}, ќоше {n}
corner {n} (intersection of two streets)
:: агол {m}, ќош {m}, ќоше {n}
corner {n} (secret or secluded place)
:: катче {n}, ќоше {n}
corner {n} (football: corner kick) SEE: corner kick
corner kick {n} (in soccer)
:: корнер {m}
corollary {n} (proposition which follows easily)
:: королар {m}
coronation {n} (the act or solemnity of crowning)
:: крунисување {n}
coronavirus {n} (member of the family Coronaviridae)
:: коронавирус
corporal {n} (military rank)
:: десетар {m}
corporal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily
corporation {n} (public limited company)
:: акционерско друштво {f}
corporeal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily
corpse {n} (dead body)
:: труп {m}, леш {m}
corpus {n} (body) SEE: body
correct {adj} (free from error)
:: правилен, верен
correspondence {n} (reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially by letters)
:: преписка {f}
correspondent {adj} (corresponding) SEE: corresponding
corresponding {adj} (that have a similar relationship)
:: соодветен, соодветствувачки
corridor {n} (narrow hall or passage)
:: коридор {m}
corruption {n} (seeking bribes)
:: корупција {f}
corselet {n} (thorax) SEE: thorax
Corsica {prop} (island in the Mediterranean)
:: Корзика {f}
corvee {n} (unpaid labor required by a feudal lord)
:: кулук {m}
corvee {n} (labor in lieu of taxes)
:: ангарија {f}
corvette {n} (modern warship)
:: корвета {f}
cos {conj} (because) SEE: because
cosine {n} (trigonometric function)
:: косинус {m}
cosmodrome {n} (a site for launching spacecraft)
:: космодром {m}
cosmogony {n} (the study of the origin of the universe)
:: космогонија {f}
cosmos {n} (the universe)
:: космос {m}, вселена {f}
Cossack {n} (member of a population)
:: Козак {m}
Cossack {n}
:: козак {m}
cost {v} (to incur a charge, a price)
:: чини {impf}, кошта {impf}
cost {n} (amount of money spent for a purpose)
:: вредност {f}
costa {n} (rib) SEE: rib
Costa Rica {prop} (country)
:: Костарика {f}
costume {n} (dress of a particular country, period or people)
:: костум {m}, носија {f} , костим {m}
coterie {n} (exclusive group) SEE: clique
cottage cheese {n} (cheese curd product)
:: младо сирење {n}, изварка {f}, урда {f}
cotton {n} (any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium)
:: памук {m}
cotton {n} (fiber)
:: памук {m}
cotton {n} (fabric)
:: памук {m}
cotton {adj} (made of cotton)
:: памучен
cotton candy {n} (cotton candy) SEE: candy floss
couch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass
couch grass {n} (species of grass)
:: пиреј {m}
cough {v} (push air from the lungs)
:: кашла {impf}
cough {n} (expulsion of air from the lungs)
:: кашлица {f}
council {n} (committee that leads or governs)
:: совет {m}
counsel {n} (consultation)
:: советување {n}
counsel {n} (advice)
:: советување {n}, совет {m}
counsel {v} (to give advice, especially professional advice)
:: советува
counsel {v} (to recommend)
:: препорачува, советува
count {v} (to enumerate or determine number)
:: брои {impf}
count {v} (to be of significance; to matter)
:: се важи
count {n} (a countdown)
:: одбројување {n}
count {n} (ruler of a county (male))
:: гроф {m}
count down {v}
:: одбројува
countdown {n} (a count backward to the time of some event)
:: одбројување {n}
countdown {v} (count down) SEE: count down
countenance {n} (face)
:: лик {m}
counter-attack {n} (an attack made in response to an attack by the opponents)
:: противнапад {m}
counterbalance {n} (weight balancing an opposite one)
:: противтежа {f}
counterbalance {n} (force or influence balancing an opposite one)
:: противтежа {f}
counterculture {n} (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture, especially to western culture)
:: контракултура {f}
countermeasure {n} (action)
:: противмерка {f}
counterpoise {n} (a weight sufficient to balance another) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {n} (an equal power or force acting in opposition) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {n} (the relation of two weights or forces which balance each other; equilibrium) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {v} (to act against with equal weight; to equal in weight) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {v} (to act against with equal power; to balance) SEE: counterbalance
counterproductive {adj} (more of a hindrance than a help)
:: контрапродуктивен
counterproposal {n} (alternative proposal)
:: противпредлог {m}
counterproposition {n} (counterproposal) SEE: counterproposal
countess {n} (wife of a count or earl)
:: грофица {f}
country {n} (region of land)
:: земја {f}
country {n} (nation state)
:: држава {f}, земја {f}, нација {f}
country {n} (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city)
:: село {n}
country {n} (country music)
:: кантри
country {adj} (of, from or pertaining to the countryside (adjective))
:: селски {m}
county {n} (land ruled by a count or countess)
:: грофовија {f}, грофовство {n}
county {n} (administrative region of various countries)
:: грофовија {f}, округ {m}
coupé {n} (two-seater car, normally a sports car)
:: купе {n}
couple {n} (two partners)
:: пар {m}, двојка {f}
coupling {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse
courage {n} (quality of a confident character)
:: храброст {f}, смелост {f}
courageous {adj} (brave) SEE: brave
courgette {n} (a small marrow/squash)
:: тиквичка {f}
court {n} (enclosed space; a courtyard)
:: двор {m}
court {n} (hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered)
:: суд {m}
court {n} (tribunal established for the administration of justice)
:: суд {m}
courteous {adj} (showing regard for others)
:: учтив
courtier {n} (attendant at a royal court)
:: дворјанин {m}
court jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court)
:: дворски шут {m}, шут {m}
court of last resort {n} (final court of appeal) SEE: supreme court
court of law {n} (court presided over by a judge)
:: суд {m}
courtroom {n} (room where a judge presides)
:: судница {f}
courtyard {n} (unroofed walled area)
:: двор {m}
cousin {n} (nephew or niece of a parent)
:: братучед {m}, братучеда {f}
Coventry {prop} (an industrial city in central England)
:: Ковентри
cover {v} (to conceal or protect)
:: покрива {impf}
covert {n} (disguise) SEE: disguise
cow {n} (female domesticated ox or other bovine)
:: крава {f}
cow {n} (any domestic bovine regardless of sex or age)
:: крава {f}
cow {n} (female of various species of mammal)
:: женка {f}
cow {n} (derogatory: despicable woman)
:: крава {f}
cow {n}
:: крава {f}
cowabunga {interj} (expression of joy) SEE: yes
cowabunga {interj} (expression of amazement or enthusiasm) SEE: wow
coward {n} (a person who lacks courage)
:: кукавица {m} {f}
cowardice {n} (the lack of courage)
:: кукавичлук {m}, плашливост {f}
cowbell {n} (bell worn by cows)
:: клопотарец {m}, прапорец {m}
cowbell {n} (musical instrument)
:: клопотарец {m}, прапорец {m}
cowboy {n} (person who tends cattle)
:: каубој {m} , говедар {m}
cowgirl {n} (A woman who tends free-range cattle)
:: говедарка {f}, краварка {f}
cowherd {n} (a person who herds cattle)
:: кравар {m}, говедар {m}
cowl {n} (monk's hood or robe)
:: качулка {f}
coworker {n} (somebody with whom one works)
:: колега {m}, колешка {f}
cowper {n} (cooper) SEE: cooper
cowshed {n} (place for cows)
:: краварник {m}
coyote {n} (canine)
:: којот {m}
coypu {n} (Myocastor coypus)
:: нутрија {f}
crab {n} (crustacean)
:: рак {m}
crack {n} (thin space opened in a previously solid material)
:: пукнатина {f} , цеп {m}
crack {n} (narrow opening)
:: пукнатина {f}, процеп {m}
crack {n} (sharply humorous comment)
:: досетка {f}
crack {n} (sharp sound made when solid material breaks)
:: цеп {m}, пукање {n}
crack {n} (attempt at something) SEE: try
cracker {n} (firecracker) SEE: firecracker
crack of dawn {n} (sunrise) SEE: sunrise
Cracow {prop} (city)
:: Краков {m}
cradle {n} (oscillating bed for a baby)
:: колевка {f}, лулка {f}
cradle song {n} (lullaby) SEE: lullaby
craft {n} (device; means; art) SEE: device
craft {n} (strength; power; might; force) SEE: strength
cramp {n} (clamp for carpentry or masonry) SEE: clamp
crampon {n} (attachment to a shoe used for climbing or walking on ice)
:: дереза {f}
cranberry {n} (shrub)
:: брусница {f}
cranberry {n} (berry)
:: брусница {f}
crane {n} (bird)
:: жерав {m}
crane {n} (machinery)
:: кран {m}
cranium {n} (skull) SEE: skull
crate {n} (box or basket)
:: гајба {f}, сандак {m}
crater {n} (astronomy: hemispherical pit)
:: кратер {m}
crawdad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crawfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crawl {v} (to move along the ground)
:: ползи
crawldad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crawler {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant
crawlfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crayfish {n} (freshwater crustacean resembling lobster)
:: рак {m}
crazy {adj} (insane, demented)
:: луд
cream {n} (oily part of milk)
:: кајмак {m}
cream {n} (product to apply to the skin)
:: крем {m}
create {v} (to put into existence)
:: создава {impf}, создаде {pf}, твори {impf}, створи {pf}
creationism {n} (any creationary theory or belief system)
:: креационизам {m}
creature {n} (living being)
:: суштество {n}, битие {n}
credit card {n} (card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services)
:: кредитна картичка {f}
credulous {adj} (excessively ready to believe things)
:: лековерен, лесноверен
Cree {prop} (an aboriginal nation of North America)
:: кри {n}
Cree {prop} (Algonquian language spoken by this people)
:: кри {n}
creep {v} (to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground) SEE: crawl
crematorium {n} (place where dead bodies are cremated)
:: крематориум {m}
crematory {n} (crematorium) SEE: crematorium
creole {n} (lect formed from two languages)
:: креол {m}
crescent {n} (figure of the moon)
:: полумесечина {f}
crescent {n} (curved pastry)
:: кифла {f}
crest {n} (animal’s or bird’s tuft)
:: качулка {f}, кикиришка {f}, гривна {f}
crest {n} (plume or decoration on a helmet)
:: кикиришка {f}, перјаница {f}, челенка {f}
crest {n} (heraldic bearing)
:: челенка {f}
crest {n} (horse's neck)
:: грива {f}
crest {n} (ridge or top of a wave)
:: гребен {m}
crest {n} (summit)
:: врв {m}
crest {n} (helm or head)
:: креста {f}, пувка {f}
Crete {prop} (island)
:: Крит {m}
crevasse {n} (a crack or fissure in a glacier or snow field)
:: кланец {m}
crew {n} (group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment)
:: екипа {f}
crew {n} (non-officer nautical personnel)
:: посада {f}, екипаж {m}
crew {n} (group of people working on common task)
:: екипа {f}, тајфа {f}
crew {n} (informal: group of friends or associates)
:: банда {f}
cribbage {n} (card game)
:: крибеџ {m}
cricket {n} (insect)
:: штурец {m}
cricket {n} (game)
:: крикет {m}
crime {n} (specific act committed in violation of the law)
:: злосторство {n}, злодело {n}, недело {m}
crime {n} (practice or habit of committing crimes)
:: злосторство {n}
Crimea {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula)
:: Крим {m}
Crimean {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea
Crimean {prop} (Crimean peninsula) SEE: Crimean peninsula
Crimean peninsula {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimea)
:: Кримски полуостров {m}
Crimean Tatar {n} (Crimean Tatar (a Turkic language))
:: Кримски татарски јазик {m}
criminal {adj} (being against the law)
:: злосторнички, криминален, престапен
criminal {adj} (guilty of breaking the law)
:: престапнички, злосторен
criminal {adj} (of or relating to crime)
:: криминален
criminal {n} (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law)
:: злосторник {m}, злосторница {f}, престапник {m}, престапничка {f}
criminal offence {n} (crime) SEE: crime
criminology {n} (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour)
:: криминологија {f}
crimson tide {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation
crisis {n} (unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs)
:: криза {f}
crisp {n} (thin slice of potato) SEE: potato crisp
crispy {adj} (having a crisp texture)
:: крцкаво
criticism {n} (act of criticising)
:: критика {f}
croak {n} (the harsh cry of various birds, particularly the raven or crow) SEE: caw
croak {v} (of a raven, to make its cry) SEE: caw
Croat {n} (language) SEE: Croatian
Croatia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Хрватска {f}
Croatian {adj} (of or pertaining to Croatia)
:: хрватски {m}
Croatian {n} (person of Croatia)
:: Хрват {m}, Хрватка {f}
Croatian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian)
:: хрватски
Croatian Sheepdog {n} (Croatian Sheepdog)
:: хрватски овчар {m}
crocodile {n} (reptile)
:: крокодил {m}
croft {n} (cave or cavern) SEE: cave
croissant {n} (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent)
:: кроасан {m}
crop rotation {n} (farming practice)
:: плодоред {m}
croquet {n} (croquette) SEE: croquette
croquet {n} (game)
:: крокет {m}
croquet {n} (shot)
:: крокет {m}, крокетирање {n}
croquet {v} (to drive one's opponent's ball by own ball)
:: крокетира
croquette {n} (food)
:: крокет {m}
cross {n} (geometrical figure)
:: крст {m}
cross {n} (in heraldry)
:: крст {m}
cross {n} (definite: the cross on which Christ was crucified)
:: распетие {n}
cross {n} (gesture made by Christians)
:: крстење {n}
cross {v} (go from one side of something to the other)
:: преминува, преодува, пресекува
cross {v} (travel in a direction or path that will intersect with that another)
:: пресекува
cross {v} (make the sign of the cross over oneself)
:: крсти, прекрстува
cross {v} (biology: to cross-fertilize or crossbreed)
:: вкрстува
cross {prep} (across) SEE: across
crossbill {n} (finch of the genus Loxia)
:: крстоклун (k'rstoklun) {m}
crossbow {n} (mechanised weapon based on the bow)
:: самострел {m}
crossbowman {n} (someone equipped with a crossbow)
:: самострелец {m}
crossroad {n} (crossroads) SEE: crossroads
crossroads {n} (intersection)
:: крстопат {m}
cross swords {v} (to fight with someone) SEE: duel
crosswalk {n} (place where pedestrians can cross a street)
:: пешачки премин {m}
crossword {n} (word puzzle)
:: крстозбор {m}
crossword puzzle {n} (crossword) SEE: crossword
crow {n} (any bird of the genus Corvus)
:: врана {f}
crowbar {n} (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart)
:: ќускија {f}
crowd {n} (group of people)
:: толпа {f}
crown {n} (royal headdress)
:: круна {f}
crown {n} (representation of such a headdress)
:: круна {f}
crown {n} (wreath or band for the head)
:: венец {m}
crown {n} (imperial or regal power)
:: круна {f}
crown {n} (topmost part of the head)
:: теме {n}
crown {n} (highest part of a hill)
:: врв {m}
crown {n} (splendor, culmination, acme)
:: круна {f}
crown {n} (any currency issued by the crown)
:: круна {f}
crown {n} (former British coin worth five shillings)
:: краун {m}
crown {n} (anatomy: part of tooth)
:: коронка {f}
crown {n} (dentistry: prosthetic covering for a tooth)
:: навлака {f}
crown {adj} (of, related to, or pertaining to a crown)
:: крунски {m}
crown {v} (to place a crown on the head of)
:: крунисува
crown {v} (to formally declare one a king or emperor)
:: крунисува
crowning {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation
crownment {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation
crucian {n} (species of freshwater game fish) SEE: crucian carp
crucian carp {n} (Carassius carassius)
:: караш {m}
crucian carp {n} (Carassius)
:: караш {m}
crucifix {n} (object)
:: распетие {n}
crucifixion {n} (execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross)
:: распнување {n}
crucifixion {n} (death of Christ on cross)
:: распетие {n}
cruelty {n} (indifference to suffering)
:: свирепост {f}, суровост {f}
crumb {n} (small piece of biscuit, cake, etc)
:: трошка {f}
crusader {n} (fighter in the medieval crusades)
:: крстоносец {m}
crustacean {n} (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea)
:: раковите
crutch {n} (device to assist in motion as a cane)
:: патерица {f}
crux {n} ((heraldry) cross on a coat of arms) SEE: cross
cry {v} (intransitive: to weep)
:: плаче {impf}
cry {v} (intransitive: to shout, scream, yell)
:: вика
cry {n} (shedding of tears)
:: плач {m}
cry {n} (shout or scream)
:: вик {m}, крик {m}
cry {n} (words shouted or screamed)
:: вик {m}, крик {m}
crybaby {n} (person whose feelings are easily hurt)
:: плачко {m}, плачка {f}
crying {n} (Action of the verb cry)
:: плач {m}
cry one's eyes out {v} (to moan) SEE: moan
crystal {n} (array of atoms)
:: кристал {m}
crystal {n} (mineral)
:: кристал {m}
crystal {n} (glassware)
:: кристал {m}
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (the Ivory Coast)
:: Брег на Слоновата Коска {m}
cub {n} (the young of certain animals)
:: младенче {n}
Cuba {prop} (country and largest island in Caribbean)
:: Куба {f}
Cuban {n} (a person from Cuba)
:: Кубанец {m}, Кубанка {f}
Cuban {adj} (of or pertaining to Cuba)
:: кубански
cubbyhole {n} (pigeonhole) SEE: pigeonhole
cube {n} (geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces)
:: коцка {f}
cube {n} (object more or less in the form of a cube)
:: коцка {f}
cube {n} (arithmetic: number raised to the third power)
:: куб {m}
cube {v} (arithmetic: to raise to the third power)
:: дига на куб
cuboid {adj} (of the shape of a cube)
:: коцкест
cuboid {n} (rectangular parallelepiped)
:: квадар {m}
cuckoo {n} (the bird)
:: кукавица {f}
cuckoo {n} (the sound)
:: ку-ку
cuckoo {v} (to make the call of a cuckoo)
:: кука
cuckoo {v} (to repeat something incessantly)
:: вергла
cuckoo clock {n} (clock)
:: часовник со кукавица {m}
cucumber {n} (plant)
:: краставица {f}
cucumber {n} (edible fruit)
:: краставица {f}
cue {n} (name of the letter Q, q)
:: ку {n}
cue {n} (straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in games such as billiards, snooker, and pool)
:: так {m}
cue sport {n} (game played with cue and balls)
:: билијардска игра (bilijárdska ígra) {f}
cuff {n} (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist)
:: манжетна {f}
cuff {n} (the end of a pants leg, folded up)
:: манжетна {f}
cuff {v} (To hit, as a reproach)
:: плеснува, удира шлаканица
cuff {v} (to handcuff) SEE: handcuff
cufflink {n} (button used to hold a sleeve cuff together)
:: копче за манжетна {n}
cuisine {n} (characteristic style of preparing food)
:: кујна {f}
culinary art {n} (cuisine) SEE: cuisine
cult {n} (a sect)
:: секта {f}, култ {m}
cult {n} (devotion to a saint)
:: култ {m}
culture {n} (arts, customs and habits)
:: култура {f}
culture {n} (microbiology: the process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity)
:: култура {f}
culture {n} (the collective noun for a group of bacteria)
:: култура {f}
culture {v} (to maintain in an environment suitable for growth)
:: одгледува
cum {n} (slang: semen)
:: сперма {f}, семе {n}, свршка {f} , дрканица {f}
cum {v} (slang: have an orgasm; ejaculate)
:: свршува, ејакулира
cumin {n}
:: ким
cuneiform {n} (ancient writing system)
:: клинесто писмо {n}
cuneiform {n} (wedge-shaped bone)
:: клинеста коска {f}
cunnilingus {n} (oral stimulation of female genitals)
:: кунилингус {m}, лижење пичка {n}
cunt {n} (genitalia)
:: пичка {f}, минџа {f}, слива {f}
cup {n} (drinking vessel)
:: шолја {f}, филџан {m}, чаша {f}
cup {n} (trophy)
:: пехар {m}
cup {n} (contest)
:: куп {m}
cupboard {n} (enclosed storage)
:: шкаф {m}
Cupid {prop} (god of love, son of Venus)
:: Купидон {m}
cupidity {n} (extreme greed, especially for wealth)
:: алчност {f}, лакомост {f}
cup of tea {n}
:: шолја чај {f}
curator {n} (person who manages, administers or organizes a collection)
:: кустос {m}
curd {n} (part of milk that coagulates)
:: младо сирење {n}
curd {v} (curdle) SEE: curdle
curd cheese {n} (cottage cheese) SEE: cottage cheese
curdle {v} (to form or cause to form curds)
:: засирува, згрутчува
curdle {v} (to coagulate)
:: засирува, згрутчува
curdle {v} (to cause to form clumps)
:: згрутчува
cure {v} (to restore to health)
:: лечи {impf}, излечи {pf}, лекува {impf}, излекува {pf}
curer {n} (healer) SEE: healer
curfew {n} (a regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time)
:: полициски час {m}
curiosity {n} (inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore)
:: љубопитност {f}
curiosity killed the cat {proverb} (undue curiosity is dangerous)
:: љубопитноста ја убила мачката
curious {adj} (tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate, see also: inquisitive)
:: љубопитен
curious {adj} (leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual)
:: необичен, чуден
Curitiba {prop} (State capital of Paraná)
:: Куритиба
curium {n} (chemical element)
:: кириум {m}
curlew sandpiper {n} (Calidris ferruginea)
:: белокрстен свиркач
curling {n} (sports)
:: карлинг {m}
curly {adj} (having curls)
:: кадрав
curmudgeon {n} (an ill-tempered stubborn person)
:: намќор {m}
currant {n} (fruit of the genus Ribes)
:: рибизла {f}
currant {n} (bush)
:: рибизла {f}
currency {n} (money or other item used to facilitate transactions)
:: валута {f}
current {n}
:: струја {f}
current {n} (time rate of flow of electric charge)
:: струја {f}
curry {n} (dish)
:: кари {n}
curry {n} (sauce or relish)
:: кари {n}
curry {n} (curry powder) SEE: curry powder
curry powder {n} (mixture of spices)
:: кари {n}
curse {n} (supernatural detriment)
:: проклетство {n}
curse {v} (to place a curse upon)
:: проколнува {impf}
curse word {n} (vulgarity) SEE: swear word
curtain {n} (piece of cloth covering a window)
:: завеса {f}, перде {n}
curtain {n} (piece of cloth in a theater)
:: кулиса {f}
curve {n} (gentle bend)
:: свиок {m}
curve {n} (geometry: one-dimensional figure)
:: крива {f}
curve {n} (informal: usually in plural: attractive features of a woman or informal: attractive shape of a woman's body)
:: облина {f}, облини {f-p}
curve {v} (bend, crook)
:: витка, свиткува, искривува
curve {v} (bend or turn gradually from a given direction)
:: се извива
cushion {n} (soft material in cloth bag)
:: перниче {n}
cushion {n} (absorbent or protective item)
:: подлога {f}, легло {n}
cushion {v} (absorb impact)
:: ублажува
cuspidor {n} (spittoon) SEE: spittoon
custom {n} (frequent repetition of the same act)
:: обичај {m}, навика {f}
custom {n} (long-established practice)
:: обичај {m}, адет {m}
custom {n} (the customary toll, tax, or tribute)
:: царина {f}, давачка {f}
customer {n} (one who purchases or receives a product or service)
:: купувач {m}, муштерија {m}, клиент {m}
custom house {n} (official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit)
:: царина {f}
customs {n} (the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods)
:: царина {f}
customs {n} (custom house) SEE: custom house
cut {v} (to perform an incision)
:: сече {impf}, реже {impf}
cut {n} (haircut) SEE: haircut
cutaneous {adj} (of, or relating to the skin)
:: кожен
cute {adj} (having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals)
:: симпатична {f}
cutlass {n} (machete) SEE: machete
cutlass {n} (a short sword with a curved blade)
:: анџар {m}
cutlery {n} (eating and serving utensils)
:: прибор {m}
cuttlefish {n} (any of various squidlike mollusks)
:: сипа {f}
cyanosis {n} (discolouration of the skin)
:: цијаноза {f}
cyborg {n} (person who is part machine)
:: киборг {m}
cycle {n} (imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens) SEE: celestial sphere
cycling {n} (The sport of riding and racing bicycles)
:: велосипедизам {m}
cyclone {n} (rotating system of winds)
:: циклон {m}
Cygnus {prop} (constellation)
:: Лебед {m}
cylinder {n} (geometry: surface)
:: цилиндар {m}
cylinder {n} (geometry: solid)
:: цилиндар {m}
cylinder {n} (any cylindrical object)
:: валец {m}
cylinder {n} (cavity or chamber)
:: цилиндар {m}
cylinder {n} (recording)
:: цилиндар {m}
cylinder {n} (part of a revolver which contains chambers for rounds)
:: буренце {n}
cylindrical {adj} (shaped like a cylinder)
:: валчест, цилиндричен
cypress {n} (an evergreen coniferous tree)
:: чемпрес
Cyprus {prop} (country)
:: Кипар {m}
Cyril {prop} (male given name)
:: Кирил {m}
Cyril {prop} (Kirill) SEE: Kirill
Cyrillic {adj} (of or pertaining to Cyrillic)
:: кириличен, кирилски
Cyrillic {prop} (a script or alphabet)
:: кирилица {f}, азбука {f}
Cyrus {prop} (ancient king of Persia)
:: Кир
Czech {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language)
:: чешки {m}
Czech {n} (person)
:: Чех {m}, Чехинка {f}
Czech {n} (language)
:: чешки {m}
Czechia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Чешка {f}, rarely Чехија {f}
Czechoslovakia {prop} (former country in Central Europe)
:: Чехословачка {f}, Чехословакија {f}
Czecho-Slovakia {prop} (dated form of Czechoslovakia)
:: Чехо-Словачка {f}
Czech Republic {prop} (country in Central Europe)
:: Чешка Република {f}, Чешка {f}, Чехија {f}