i {m}
:: letter: i
IA {f}
:: AI (artificial intelligence)
IA {f}
:: AI (artificial insemination)
Iakoutsk {prop} {m}
:: Iakoutsk (city)
iambe {m}
:: alternative spelling of ïambe
ïambe {m}
:: iamb
iambique {adj}
:: alternative form of ïambique
ïambique {adj}
:: iambic
iatro- {prefix}
:: Forms terms relating to physicians
iatrogène {adj}
:: iatrogenic
iatrogénique {adj}
:: iatrogenic
iatrogéniquement {adv}
:: iatrogenically
ibadite {adj}
:: Ibadi
ibère {adj}
:: Iberian
Ibère {mf}
:: Iberian
Ibérie {prop} {f}
:: The European pensinsula Iberia, south of the Pyrenees
ibérien {adj}
:: Iberian
Ibérien {m}
:: Iberian
ibérique {adj}
:: Iberian
ibéromaurusien {adj}
:: Iberomaurusian
ibis {m}
:: ibis
Ibiza {prop} {f}
:: Ibiza
-ible {suffix}
:: -ible
Ibo {prop} {m}
:: Ibo (people)
ibuprofène {m}
:: ibuprofen
icaridine {f}
:: icaridin
icarien {adj}
:: Icarian
icarisme {m}
:: Icarianism
iceberg {m}
:: iceberg
icelle {pron}
:: feminine singular of icelui
icelui {pron}
:: this one
-iche {suffix}
:: Forming colloquial nouns and adjectives, chiefly with hypocoristic effect
Ichim {prop}
:: Ishim (town in Tyumen Oblast, Russia)
ichnographique {adj}
:: ichnographic
ichnographiquement {adv}
:: ichnographically
ichnologie {f}
:: ichnology
ichthyochorie {f}
:: ichthyochory
ichthyologie {f}
:: ichthyology
ichthyologique {adj}
:: ichthyological
ichtyocolle {f}
:: isinglass
ichtyol {m}
:: ichthyol
ichtyologie {f}
:: ichthyology
ichtyologique {adj}
:: ichthyologic; ichthyological
ichtyologiste {mf}
:: ichthyologist
ichtyologue {mf}
:: ichthyologist
ichtyosaure {m}
:: ichthyosaur
ichtyose {f}
:: ichthyosis
ichtyosisme {m}
:: ichthyism
ichtyotoxine {f}
:: ichthyotoxin
ici {adv}
:: here
ICI {n}
:: initialism of industries, commerces et institutions
içi {adv}
:: archaic spelling of ici
ici-bas {adv}
:: down here, here below
ici-bas {adv}
:: yonder
icitte {adv}
:: here; around here
icone {f}
:: alternative spelling of icône
icône {f}
:: icon (representation as an object of religious devotion)
icône {f}
:: icon (small picture that represents something)
icône {mf}
:: icon (exemplar person or thing)
iconifier {v}
:: iconify
iconique {adj}
:: iconic
iconoclasme {m}
:: iconoclasm
iconoclaste {adj}
:: iconoclastic
iconoclaste {mf}
:: iconoclast
iconodule {m}
:: iconodule
iconographe {m}
:: iconographer
iconographie {f}
:: iconography
iconographique {adj}
:: iconographic
iconographique {adj}
:: image, picture (attributive)
iconostase {f}
:: iconostasis (a wall of religious icons)
iconothèque {f}
:: picture library
icosaèdre {m}
:: icosahedron
icosaédrique {adj}
:: icosahedral
icosanoïque {adj}
:: eicosanoic
icosénoïque {adj}
:: eicosenoic
icosicosidodécaèdre {m}
:: icosicosidodecahedron
icosidodécadodécaèdre {m}
:: icosidodecadodecahedron
icosihémidodécaèdre {m}
:: icosihemidodecahedron
ictère {m}
:: jaundice
ictérique {adj}
:: icteric
idéal {adj}
:: ideal
idéalement {adv}
:: ideally
idéalisation {f}
:: idealization
idéaliser {vt}
:: to idealize
idéalisme {m}
:: idealism
idéaliste {adj}
:: idealistic
idéaliste {mf}
:: idealist
idéalité {f}
:: ideality (quality or state of being ideal)
idéalité {f}
:: idealism
idée {f}
:: idea
idée du siècle {f}
:: best idea ever
idéel {adj}
:: ideal (pertaining to ideas)
idée mère {f}
:: idée mère
idée noire {f}
:: blue devils
idée reçue {f}
:: a received, or accepted, idea
idée reçue {f}
:: a catchphrase or platitude
idem {adv}
:: idem, likewise
identifiable {adj}
:: Identifiable
identifiant {m}
:: login
identifiant {m}
:: identifier (primary key)
identificateur {m}
:: identifier
identification {f}
:: identification
identificatoire {adj}
:: identifying
identificatoire {adj}
:: identificatory
identifier {v}
:: to identify
identifier {v}
:: to log in
identique {adj}
:: identical
identiquement {adv}
:: identically
identitaire {adj}
:: identity
identité {f}
:: identity
idéo- {prefix}
:: ideo-
idéogramme {m}
:: ideogram
idéographe {m}
:: ideograph
idéographie {f}
:: ideography
idéographique {adj}
:: ideographic
idéographiquement {adv}
:: ideographically
idéolangue {n}
:: conlang
idéologie {f}
:: ideology
idéologique {adj}
:: ideological (of or pertaining to an ideology)
idéologiquement {adv}
:: ideologically
idéologue {mf}
:: ideologue, ideologist
idioélectrique {adj}
:: idioelectric
idiographie {f}
:: idiography
idiographique {adj}
:: idiographic
idiographiquement {adv}
:: idiographically
idiolecte {m}
:: idiolect
idiomatique {adj}
:: idiomatic
idiomatiquement {adv}
:: idiomatically
idiome {m}
:: language
idiome {m}
:: idiom (in the sense of a form of language proper to a folk or region)
idiopathique {adj}
:: idiopathic
idiot {adj}
:: idiotic; stupid
idiot {m}
:: idiot
idiot du village {m}
:: village idiot
idiote {f}
:: feminine noun of idiot
idiotement {adv}
:: idiotically
idiotie {f}
:: idiocy (state of being an idiot)
idiotie {f}
:: nonsense
idiotisme {m}
:: idiom
ido {prop} {m}
:: the Ido language
idoine {adj}
:: appropriate, suitable
idolâtre {adj}
:: idolatrous
idolâtre {adj}
:: idol-worshipping
idolâtre {mf}
:: idolater
idolâtrement {adv}
:: idolatrously
idolâtrer {v}
:: to idolize; to worship (treat as an idol)
idolâtrie {f}
:: idolatry
idole {f}
:: idol. A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power
idole {f}
:: idol. A cultural icon, or especially popular person
idonique {adj}
:: idonic
Idumée {prop}
:: Edom
idylle {f}
:: idyll
idylle {f}
:: romance
idyllique {adj}
:: idyllic
-ie {suffix}
:: indicates a feminine noun, often an abstract one
Iekaterinbourg {prop} {m}
:: Iekaterinbourg (city/administrative center)
-iel {suffix}
:: Suffix used to form adjectives. Compare with English -ial
-iel {suffix}
:: Suffix used to form some nouns, especially when the noun was originally an adjective
iel {pron}
:: they . A proposed genderqueer personal pronoun (third-person singular subject), where the person referenced is non-binary
iel {pron}
:: they ; s/he; he or she. A proposed gender-neutral personal pronoun (third-person singular subject), where the gender of the person referenced is irrelevant or unknown
iels {pron}
:: they . A proposed genderqueer personal pronoun (third-person plural subject), where the persons referenced are non-binary
iels {pron}
:: they . A proposed gender-neutral personal pronoun (third-person plural subject), where the genders of the persons referenced are irrelevant; unknown; or a mixture of male, female, and/or other
-ième {suffix}
:: -st, -nd, and -th, the suffix denoting an ordinal number
-ien {suffix}
:: Denotes where something or someone is from; -ian
-ien {suffix}
:: Relating to; -ian
Ienisseï {prop} {m}
:: Ienisseï (river)
-ienne {suffix}
:: feminine singular of -ien
-ier {suffix}
:: used to form the names of trees bearing a particular type of fruit
-ier {suffix}
:: used to form the names of ships
-ier {suffix}
:: used to form the names of jobs
-ière {suffix}
:: feminine noun of -ier
-iez {suffix}
:: A suffix denoting the second-person plural imperfect indicative form of a verb
-if {suffix}
:: -ive; used in forming adjectives denoting characteristics or qualities
if {m}
:: yew
-ificateur {suffix}
:: use to form noun to refer to someone or something that realise an action
-ification {suffix}
:: -ification
-ifier {suffix}
:: -ify
igbo {m}
:: Igbo (language)
igloo {m}
:: igloo
igloo mobile {m}
:: a car that is covered in uncleared snow (possibly with only a window cleared into the snow on the front windshield) that is driven on the roads
Ignace {prop}
:: given name
igname {f}
:: yam (plant)
ignare {adj}
:: ignorant
ignatien {adj}
:: Ignatian
igné {adj}
:: igneous
ignifugation {f}
:: fireproofing
ignifuge {adj}
:: fireproof, fire-retardant
ignifuge {m}
:: fire retardant
ignifugeant {adj}
:: flame retardant; fireproof
ignifuger {vt}
:: to fireproof
igniteur {m}
:: igniter (device)
ignoble {adj}
:: disgusting, repulsive, horrible
ignoblement {adv}
:: ignobly
ignominie {f}
:: ignominy (great dishonor, shame, or humiliation)
ignominieusement {adv}
:: ignominiously
ignominieux {adj}
:: ignominious
ignoramment {adv}
:: ignorantly
ignorance {f}
:: ignorance
ignorant {adj}
:: ignorant
ignorantin {adj}
:: Ignorantine
ignorer {v}
:: to ignore
ignorer {v}
:: to be unaware of, to be ignorant of
i grec {m}
:: letter
i grec {m}
:: synonym of upsilon
iguane {f}
:: iguana
il {pron}
:: he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
il {pron}
:: it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
il {pron}
:: Impersonal subject; it
ile {f}
:: alternative spelling of île
île {f}
:: island
île Christmas {prop} {f}
:: Christmas Island
Île Christmas {prop} {f}
:: alternative spelling of île Christmas
Île-de-France {prop}
:: Île-de-France (region), including Paris
île de Man {prop} {f}
:: Isle of Man
Île de Man {prop} {f}
:: alternative spelling of île de Man
Île-du-Prince-Édouard {prop} {f}
:: Prince Edward Island, a province in Canada
île flottante {f}
:: floating island (dessert with beaten egg white)
iléon {m}
:: ileum
îles Aléoutiennes {prop} {m}
:: Aleutian Islands
îles Anglo-Normandes {prop} {fp}
:: Channel Islands
îles Baléares {fp}
:: îles Baléares (archipelago/and/autonomous community)
îles Canaries {prop} {fp}
:: îles Canaries (archipelago/and/autonomous community)
îles Cook {prop} {fp}
:: Cook Islands
îles Féroé {prop} {fp}
:: the Faroe Islands
îles Malouines {prop}
:: Falkland Islands
îles Mariannes du Nord {prop} {fp}
:: Northern Mariana Islands (archipelago)
Îles Phœnix {prop}
:: Phoenix Islands
îles Salomon {prop} {fp}
:: Solomon Islands
il est quelle heure {phrase}
:: what time is it?
îles Vierges britanniques {prop} {fp}
:: British Virgin Islands
il était une fois {phrase}
:: there was once …; once upon a time, there was … (traditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales)
il faut battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud {proverb}
:: One must strike while the iron is hot
il faut battre le fer tant qu'il est chaud {proverb}
:: alternative form of il faut battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud
il faut de tout pour faire un monde {proverb}
:: it takes all kinds to make a world, it takes all sorts, variety is the spice of life
il faut le voir pour le croire {proverb}
:: seeing is believing
il faut que jeunesse se passe {proverb}
:: youth must have its fling; boys will be boys
iliaque {adj}
:: iliac
ilicine {f}
:: ilicin
ilien {adj}
:: island (attributive)
ilien {m}
:: islander
îlien {adj}
:: alternative form of ilien
îlien {m}
:: alternative form of ilien
ilkhan {m}
:: ilkhan
Ilkhanat {prop} {m}
:: Ilkhanate
ilkhanide {adj}
:: Ilkhanid
illatif {m}
:: illative case
Ille {prop}
:: Ille (river)
Ille-et-Vilaine {prop}
:: Ille-et-Vilaine
illégal {adj}
:: illegal; not permitted by law
illégalement {adv}
:: illegally
illégaliser {vt}
:: to illegalise (make illegal)
illégalité {f}
:: illegality
illégalité {f}
:: lawlessness
illégible {adj}
:: illegible, unreadable
illégitime {adj}
:: illegitimate
illégitimement {adv}
:: illegitimately
illégitimité {f}
:: illegitimacy
illettré {adj}
:: illiterate; analphabetic
illettré {adj}
:: uncultured; lacking literary culture
illettré {m}
:: illiterate (someone who cannot read or write)
illettrée {f}
:: feminine noun of illettré
illettrisme {m}
:: illiteracy (the inability to read and write)
-illiard {suffix}
:: -illiard
illibéral {adj}
:: illiberal
illibéralement {adv}
:: illiberally
illicite {adj}
:: illicit
illicitement {adv}
:: illicitly
illico {adv}
:: pronto, right away
illimité {adj}
:: limitless; infinite; unlimited;
illimité {adj}
:: indefinite (without a defined ending time/date)
Illinois {prop} {m}
:: Illinois (state)
-illion {suffix}
:: -illion
illiquide {adj}
:: illiquid
illisibilité {f}
:: illegibility; unreadability
illisible {adj}
:: unreadable; illegible
illisiblement {adv}
:: unreadably
illite {f}
:: illite
illogique {adj}
:: illogical
illogiquement {adv}
:: illogically
illogisme {m}
:: illogicality
illuminateur {m}
:: illuminator
illumination {f}
:: enlightenment (philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge)
illumination {f}
:: illumination, lighting
illuminatrice {f}
:: feminine singular of illuminateur
illuminer {vt}
:: to illuminate, to light up
illuminer {vt}
:: to illuminate, to enlighten
illumineur {m}
:: illuminator, enlightener
illuminisme {m}
:: illuminism
illuministe {adj}
:: illuminist
illusion {f}
:: illusion
illusionner {vt}
:: to delude
illusionnisme {m}
:: conjuring, illusionism
illusionniste {mf}
:: conjuror, illusionist
illusoire {adj}
:: illusory
illusoirement {adv}
:: illusorily
illustrateur {m}
:: illustrator
illustratif {adj}
:: illustrative
illustration {f}
:: illustration
illustration {f}
:: photo, picture
illustre {adj}
:: illustrious
illustré {m}
:: comics album
illustre inconnu {m}
:: a completely unknown person
illustrement {adv}
:: illustriously
illustrer {v}
:: to illustrate
illuvial {adj}
:: illuvial
Illyrie {prop}
:: Illyria
illyrien {adj}
:: Illyrian (of or pertaining to Illyria, Illyrians or the Illyrian language)
ilménite {f}
:: ilmenite
il ne fallait pas {phrase}
:: you shouldn't have (said on receiving a gift) (literally, "it was not necessary")
il ne faut jamais dire jamais {proverb}
:: never say never
il ne faut pas réveiller le chat qui dort {proverb}
:: One must let sleeping dogs lie
il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué {proverb}
:: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
il n'en est rien {phrase}
:: not at all
il n'est pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir {proverb}
:: there are none so blind as those who will not see
il n'est pire sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre {proverb}
:: there are none so deaf as those who will not hear
il n'est si bon cheval qui ne bronche {proverb}
:: alternative form of il n'y a si bon cheval qui ne bronche
il n'y a pas à dire {interj}
:: what can I say, there's no doubt about it, you have to admit it
il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu {proverb}
:: there's no smoke without fire
il n'y a pas de petits profits {proverb}
:: every little helps, light gains make heavy purses, take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
il n'y a pas de quoi {interj}
:: don't mention it, not at all, think nothing of it, you're welcome
il n'y a pas de quoi fouetter un chat {proverb}
:: there's nothing to get worked up about, there's no need to get your knickers in a twist, it's no big deal
il n'y a pas de sot métier {proverb}
:: all work is noble, no profession is without merit
il n'y a pas mort d'homme {phrase}
:: It’s not that bad; said to de-dramatize an event
il n'y a pas un chat {phrase}
:: there is no one, there wasn't a soul
il n'y a si bon cheval qui ne bronche {proverb}
:: even Homer nods, it's a good horse that never stumbles
ilot {m}
:: alternative spelling of îlot
îlot {m}
:: islet, ait (UK)
îlot {m}
:: island bench (in a kitchen or lab)
îlot {m}
:: block (group of houses etc)
ilotage {m}
:: community policing
îlotage {m}
:: alternative form of ilotage
ilote {mf}
:: helot
ilotier {m}
:: community policeman
îlotier {m}
:: alternative form of ilotier
ilotière {f}
:: feminine noun of ilotier
îlotière {f}
:: feminine noun of îlotier
ilotisme {m}
:: helotry
ils {pron}
:: they
ils {pron}
:: they
ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants {phrase}
:: they lived happily ever after (Used at the end of fairy tales)
il y a {prep}
:: ago
il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres {proverb}
:: there's many a slip twixt cup and lip
il y a plusieurs façons de plumer un canard {proverb}
:: there's more than one way to skin a cat
il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark {phrase}
:: something is rotten in the state of Denmark
im- {prefix}
:: a form of the prefix in-, used before b, m and p
image {f}
:: picture, image
image {f}
:: frame
imagé {adj}
:: figurative (of sense of term or discourse)
imagé {adj}
:: graphic (full of imagery), graphical
image corporelle {f}
:: body image
image de marque {f}
:: brand image
image de marque {f}
:: public image
image d'Épinal {f}
:: Épinal print (prints on popular subjects rendered in bright sharp colours)
image d'Épinal {f}
:: stereotype, idyllic view, rose-coloured view, picture-postcard view
image de soi {f}
:: self-image
imager {v}
:: to embellish with images
imagerie {f}
:: imagery
imagerie {f}
:: imaging
image satellite {f}
:: satellite image
imagier {m}
:: A person who sells illustrations etc
imagier {m}
:: A collection of images (masculine only)
imagière {f}
:: feminine singular of imagier
imaginable {adj}
:: imaginable
imaginaire {adj}
:: fanciful, imaginary
imaginairement {adv}
:: imaginarily
imaginaire pur {m}
:: imaginary number (number of the form ai)
imaginatif {adj}
:: imaginative
imagination {f}
:: imagination
imaginer {v}
:: to imagine
imago {f}
:: imago
imago {f}
:: imago
imam {mf}
:: imam
imamat {m}
:: imamate
imanat {m}
:: alternative form of imamat
imbattable {adj}
:: unbeatable, invincible
imbécile {adj}
:: stupid, foolish, acting like an imbecile
imbécile {m}
:: imbecile
imbécilement {adv}
:: stupidly; idiotically
imbécilité {f}
:: post-1990 spelling of imbécillité
imbécillité {f}
:: imbecility, stupidity, idiocy, foolishness
imberbe {adj}
:: beardless
imbibé {adj}
:: soaked, saturated
imbiber {vt}
:: to soak, saturate
imbitable {adj}
:: meaningless, incomprehensible
imbootable {adj}
:: Unbootable: impossible to boot up
imbrim {m}
:: great northern diver
imbriqué {adj}
:: interlinked
imbriquer {v}
:: to imbricate
imbriquer {v}
:: to nest one within another
imbriquer {vp}
:: to be interlinked, to be closely linked
imbrisable {adj}
:: unbreakable
imbroglio {m}
:: a complicated situation; an entanglement
imbrûlé {adj}
:: unburnt
imbu {adj}
:: full (of)
imbu {adj}
:: imbued (with)
imbuvable {adj}
:: undrinkable, impotable
imbuvable {adj}
:: unbearable
iminoacide {m}
:: imino acid
imipramine {f}
:: imipramine
imitable {adj}
:: imitable
imitateur {m}
:: imitator, impersonator, mimic
imitateur {adj}
:: imitative, mimic
imitation {f}
:: imitation
imiter {v}
:: to imitate
immaculé {adj}
:: immaculate
Immaculée Conception {prop} {f}
:: Immaculate Conception
immanent {adj}
:: immanent
immangeable {adj}
:: inedible, uneatable
immanquable {adj}
:: inevitable, impossible to miss
immanquablement {adv}
:: unmissably
immanquablement {adv}
:: inevitably
immarcescible {adj}
:: immarcescible
immatérialité {f}
:: immateriality
immatériel {adj}
:: immaterial
immatériel {adj}
:: intangible
immatériellement {adv}
:: immaterially
immatriculation {f}
:: registration
immatriculer {v}
:: to register
immature {adj}
:: immature, unripe
immaturité {f}
:: immaturity
immédiat {adj}
:: immediate
immédiat {m}
:: time being
immédiatement {adv}
:: immediately
immédiateté {f}
:: immediacy
immémorable {adj}
:: immemorable
immémorablement {adv}
:: immemorably
immémorial {adj}
:: immemorial, age-old
immémorialement {adv}
:: immemorially
immense {adj}
:: immense, huge
immensément {adv}
:: immensely
immensément {adv}
:: tremendously
immensité {f}
:: immensity, vastness
immensité {f}
:: (great) scale
immergé {adj}
:: immersed
immerger {v}
:: to immerse
immérité {adj}
:: undeserved
immersif {adj}
:: immersive
immersion {f}
:: immersion
immersion {f}
:: language immersion
immesurable {adj}
:: immeasurable
imméthodique {adj}
:: unmethodical
imméthodiquement {adv}
:: unmethodically
immettable {adj}
:: unwearable
immeuble {m}
:: building
immeuble {m}
:: apartment building
immeuble {m}
:: piece of real property, piece of real estate
immigrant {m}
:: immigrant
immigrant {adj}
:: immigrant (attributive)
immigration {f}
:: immigration
immigré {m}
:: immigrant
immigrer {v}
:: to immigrate (to move into another country or area)
imminemment {adv}
:: imminently
imminence {f}
:: imminence
imminent {adj}
:: imminent
imminer {v}
:: To be due to happen or occur soon; to be imminent
immiscer {vt}
:: to involve (someone)
immiscer {vr}
:: to interfere (dans in)
immiséricordieusement {adv}
:: mercilessly
immiséricordieux {adj}
:: merciless
immixtion {f}
:: interference
immobile {adj}
:: motionless, unmoving, still, stationary
immobile {adj}
:: immovable, immobile
immobile {adj}
:: invariable
immobilement {adv}
:: immovably
immobilier {adj}
:: real, in the sense of "tangible and immovable"
immobilier {m}
:: real estate, real property
immobilièrement {adv}
:: immovably
immobilisation {f}
:: immobilization
immobilisation {f}
:: Capital investments
immobiliser {v}
:: to immobilize
immobilisme {m}
:: opposition to change; immobilism, stasis
immobilité {f}
:: immobility, stillness
immodération {f}
:: immoderation
immodéré {adj}
:: immoderate, excessive
immodérément {adv}
:: immoderately
immodeste {adj}
:: immodest
immodestement {adv}
:: immodestly
immodestie {f}
:: immodesty
immolation {f}
:: immolation
immoler {v}
:: to sacrifice (that is, to kill) as an offering to a higher being
immoler {vr}
:: offer one’s life in sacrifice
immoler {v}
:: to massacre; to kill
immonde {adj}
:: impure; unclean
immonde {adj}
:: vile; disgusting
immondement {adv}
:: impurely
immondement {adv}
:: disgustingly
immondice {f}
:: refuse
immondice {f}
:: filth
immondice {f}
:: ordure
immondices {fp}
:: refuse
immoral {adj}
:: immoral
immoralement {adv}
:: immorally
immoralisme {m}
:: immoralism
immoraliste {adj}
:: immoralist
immoraliste {mf}
:: immoralist
immoralité {f}
:: immorality
immortalisation {f}
:: immortalization
immortaliser {vt}
:: to immortalise
immortalité {f}
:: immortality
immortel {adj}
:: immortal
immortel {m}
:: immortal (an immortal person)
immortelle {f}
:: immortelle
immortelle {f}
:: everlasting flower
immortellement {adv}
:: immortally
immuabilité {f}
:: immutability
immuable {adj}
:: Which hardly ever change; unchanging
immuable {adj}
:: Incapable, by its very nature, of changing; immutable, fixed
immuable {adj}
:: Said of someone that remains true to themselves
immuablement {adv}
:: immutably
immun {adj}
:: immune
immunisation {f}
:: immunization
immuniser {v}
:: to immunize/immunise
immunitaire {adj}
:: immune (relating to immunity)
immunité {f}
:: immunity
immunité diplomatique {f}
:: diplomatic immunity
immunité grégaire {f}
:: herd immunity
immuno- {prefix}
:: immuno-
immunochimie {f}
:: immunochemistry
immunocompétence {f}
:: immunocompetence
immunocompétent {adj}
:: immunocompetent
immunocytochimie {f}
:: immunocytochemistry
immunodéficience {f}
:: immunodeficiency
immunodéficient {adj}
:: immunodeficient
immunodéficitaire {adj}
:: immunodeficient
immunodépresseur {adj}
:: immunosuppressive, immunosuppressant
immunodépresseur {m}
:: immunosuppressive, immunosuppressant
immunodéprimé {adj}
:: immunocompromised
immunoglobuline {f}
:: immunoglobulin
immunologie {f}
:: immunology
immunologique {adj}
:: immunological
immunologiste {mf}
:: immunologist
immunomodulateur {m}
:: immunomodulator
immunomodulateur {adj}
:: immunomodulating
immunonéphélométrie {f}
:: immunonephelometry
immunonéphélométrique {adj}
:: immunonephelometric
immunosénescence {f}
:: immunosenescence
immunosénescent {adj}
:: immunosenescent
immunosuppresseur {m}
:: immunosuppressive, immunosuppressant
immunothérapie {f}
:: immunotherapy
immunoturbidimétrie {f}
:: immunoturbidimetry
immunoturbidimétrique {adj}
:: immunoturbidimetric
immutabilité {f}
:: immutability, constancy
immutable {adj}
:: immutable
immutable {adj}
:: immutable
impact {m}
:: impact
impactant {adj}
:: impacting
impacter {v}
:: To impact. collide
impacter {v}
:: To influence
impair {adj}
:: odd (of a number)
impairement {adv}
:: oddly, unevenly (in number terms)
impala {m}
:: impala
impalpable {adj}
:: impalpable
impaludation {f}
:: alternative form of impaludisme
impaludisme {m}
:: inoculation against malaria
imparable {adj}
:: unstoppable
imparable {adj}
:: unanswerable, irrefutable
imparablement {adv}
:: unstoppably
imparablement {adv}
:: irrefutably
impardonnable {adj}
:: unpardonable, unforgivable
impareil {adj}
:: different
impareillement {adv}
:: differently
imparfait {adj}
:: imperfect, flawed
imparfait {adj}
:: unaccomplished, incomplete
imparfait {m}
:: the past imperfect, the imperfect or continuous past tense
imparfaitement {adv}
:: imperfectly
impartial {adj}
:: impartial
impartialement {adv}
:: impartially
impartialité {f}
:: impartiality (the quality of being impartial; fairness)
impartir {v}
:: to assign
impassable {adj}
:: impassable
impasse {f}
:: stalemate, impasse (situation in which no progress can be made; not used in the chess sense of stalemate)
impasse {f}
:: dead-end; cul-de-sac (street)
impassibilité {f}
:: impassivity, impassiveness
impassible {adj}
:: impassible
impassible {adj}
:: impassive
impassiblement {adv}
:: impassibly
impatiemment {adv}
:: impatiently, without patience
impatiemment {adv}
:: sadly, with sadness
impatience {f}
:: impatience
impatient {adj}
:: impatient
impatient {m}
:: impatient person
impatienter {vt}
:: to make, become impatient
impavide {adj}
:: fearless
impavidement {adv}
:: fearlessly
impayable {adj}
:: unpayable
impayable {adj}
:: priceless (funny or original)
impayable {adj}
:: funny, bizarre or extraordinary (about a person)
impayable {adj}
:: priceless, inestimably valuable
impayé {adj}
:: unpaid
impec {adj}
:: good; great; cool; awesome
impec {adv}
:: good; great; well; brilliantly
impeccable {adj}
:: perfect, faultless, impeccable
impeccablement {adv}
:: impeccably
impécunieusement {adv}
:: impecuniously
impécunieux {adj}
:: impecunious
impécuniosité {m}
:: impecuniosity, poverty
impédance {f}
:: impedance (physics, measure of opposition to flow of current)
impénétrabilité {f}
:: impenetrability
impénétrable {adj}
:: impenetrable
impénétrablement {adv}
:: impenetrably
impénitence {f}
:: impenitence, obduracy
impénitent {adj}
:: impenitent, unrepentant
impensable {adj}
:: unthinkable
impensablement {adv}
:: unthinkably
imper {m}
:: raincoat (waterproof coat)
impératif {adj}
:: imperative
impératif {m}
:: imperative
impérativement {adv}
:: urgently
impérativement {adv}
:: imperatively
impératoire {f}
:: masterwort
impératrice {f}
:: empress
imperceptible {adj}
:: imperceptible
imperceptiblement {adv}
:: imperceptibly
imperdable {adj}
:: unlosable
imperdable {adj}
:: unmissable
imperfectible {adj}
:: imperfectible
imperfectiblement {adv}
:: imperfectibly
imperfectif {adj}
:: imperfective (related to the imperfective aspect)
imperfectif {m}
:: imperfective
imperfection {f}
:: imperfection
imperfection {f}
:: imperfection
Imperia {prop}
:: Imperia (town/and/associated province)
impérial {adj}
:: imperial (related to an empire)
impériale {f}
:: upper deck (of bus etc.)
impérialement {adv}
:: imperially
impérialisme {m}
:: imperialism (the policy of extending power, by force)
impérialiste {adj}
:: imperialist
impérieusement {adv}
:: imperiously
impérieusement {adv}
:: masterfully
imperieux {adj}
:: obsolete form of impérieux
impérieux {adj}
:: imperious
impérieux {adj}
:: imperative, compelling
impérissable {adj}
:: imperishable
impérissablement {adv}
:: imperishably
impérissablement {adv}
:: unfadingly
impéritie {f}
:: inability
impéritie {f}
:: ineptitude
impermanence {f}
:: impermanence (state of being impermanent)
impermanent {adj}
:: impermanent
imperméabilisation {f}
:: waterproofing
imperméabiliser {v}
:: to waterproof; to make waterproof
imperméabilité {f}
:: impermeability
imperméable {adj}
:: waterproof
imperméable {m}
:: raincoat
imperméablement {adv}
:: impermeably (in a way not allowing liquids to pass)
impersonnalité {f}
:: impersonality
impersonnel {adj}
:: impersonal (not relating to a person)
impersonnel {adj}
:: impersonal, banal, nondescript
impersonnel {adj}
:: impersonal
impersonnellement {adv}
:: impersonally
impertinemment {adv}
:: impertinently (in a way which is not pertinent, relevant)
impertinence {f}
:: impertinence
impertinent {adj}
:: insolent, ill-mannered
imperturbable {adj}
:: imperturbable
imperturbablement {adv}
:: imperturbably, calmly
impesanteur {f}
:: weightlessness
impétigo {m}
:: impetigo
impétrant {m}
:: recipient, grantee
impétrant {m}
:: applicant
impétrante {f}
:: feminine singular of impétrant
impétueusement {adv}
:: impetuously
impetueux {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of impétueux
impétueux {adj}
:: forceful, violent, strong
impétueux {adj}
:: impetuous (impatient)
impétuosité {f}
:: impetuosity, impetuousness, impulsiveness
impie {adj}
:: impious, ungodly, unholy
impiété {f}
:: impiety
impieusement {adv}
:: impiously
impieux {adj}
:: impious
impitoyable {adj}
:: pitiless; merciless; severe
impitoyablement {adv}
:: ruthlessly, mercilessly
implacabilité {f}
:: implacability
implacable {adj}
:: implacable, harsh, unrelenting
implaçable {adj}
:: unplaceable; that cannot be put or placed
implacablement {adv}
:: implacably
implant {m}
:: implant
implantable {adj}
:: implantable
implantaire {adj}
:: implantation (attributive)
implantation {f}
:: implantation
implantatoire {adj}
:: implantatory
implantatoire {adj}
:: implant
implanter {v}
:: to build (an installation); to install (machinery); to open (a business)
implanter {v}
:: to establish
implanter {v}
:: to instill (an idea)
implanter {v}
:: to implant
implanter {v}
:: to embed
implantologie {f}
:: implantology
implémentation {f}
:: implementation
implémenté {adj}
:: implemented
implémenter {vt}
:: to implement
implication {f}
:: implication
implicite {adj}
:: implicit
implicitement {adv}
:: implicitly
impliquer {v}
:: to implicate, to accuse
impliquer {v}
:: to imply
impliquer {v}
:: to involve
impliquer {vr}
:: to get involved in, to participate in
implorant {adj}
:: pleading, imploring, beseeching, entreating
implorer {v}
:: to beg, to plead, to implore
imploser {vi}
:: to implode
implosion {f}
:: implosion
impolarisable {adj}
:: unpolarizable / unpolarisable
impoli {adj}
:: rude; impolite (bad-mannered)
impoliment {adv}
:: impolitely; without politeness
impolitesse {f}
:: impoliteness; rudeness
impolitique {adj}
:: impolitic
impolitiquement {adv}
:: impoliticly
impondérabilité {f}
:: imponderability
impondérable {adj}
:: imponderable
impondérable {adj}
:: unforeseen event, unpredictable event
impondérable {mf}
:: imponderable, intangible
impondéré {adj}
:: unweighable
impopulaire {adj}
:: unpopular
impopularité {f}
:: unpopularity
import {m}
:: Geographical import
importamment {adv}
:: importantly
importance {f}
:: importance
importance {f}
:: significance
important {adj}
:: important
important {adj}
:: significant
importantissime {adj}
:: very important
importateur {adj}
:: importing
importateur {m}
:: importer
importation {f}
:: importation
importatrice {f}
:: feminine noun of importateur
importer {vt}
:: to import
importer {v}
:: to matter, to be relevant, important (to someone)
importun {adj}
:: undesirable, troublesome
importun {adj}
:: unwanted, unwelcome
importunément {adv}
:: undesirably
importunément {adv}
:: unwelcomely
importunément {adv}
:: intrusively
importuner {v}
:: to importune, to annoy
importunité {f}
:: importunity
imposable {adj}
:: imposable; that can be imposed
imposant {adj}
:: imposing, impressive
imposer {v}
:: to impose
imposer {vr}
:: to triumph, to win
imposer {vr}
:: to establish oneself, to make a name for oneself
imposition {f}
:: imposition (all senses)
impossibilité {f}
:: impossibility (the quality of being impossible)
impossible {adj}
:: impossible
impossiblement {adv}
:: impossibly
impossible n'est pas français {proverb}
:: there's no such word as can't; nothing is impossible
imposte {f}
:: transom
imposteur {m}
:: impostor, fake
imposture {f}
:: imposture
impôt {m}
:: tax
impotence {f}
:: powerlessness
impotent {adj}
:: infirm, disabled
impotent {adj}
:: impotent
impôt progressif {m}
:: progressive tax
impôt proportionnel {m}
:: flat tax
impôt sur le revenu {m}
:: income tax
impraticabilité {f}
:: impracticability
impraticable {adj}
:: impracticable, unfeasible
impraticable {adj}
:: impracticable, unusable
imprécation {f}
:: ill wish, desire for mischance to befall someone
imprécation {f}
:: imprecation, curse
imprécis {adj}
:: imprecise; lacking precision
imprécisément {adv}
:: imprecisely
imprécision {f}
:: imprecision
imprégnation {f}
:: impregnation
imprégner {vt}
:: to impregnate
imprégner {vt}
:: to imbue
imprémédité {adj}
:: unpremeditated
impréméditément {adv}
:: unpremeditatedly
impremeuse {f}
:: feminine singular of imprimeur
imprenable {adj}
:: impregnable
impréparation {f}
:: lack of preparedness, lack of readiness
impréparation {f}
:: lack of preparation, lack of training
impresario {m}
:: alternative form of imprésario
imprésario {m}
:: impresario
imprescriptible {adj}
:: imprescriptible
impression {f}
:: an impression, the overall effect of something
impression {f}
:: the indentation or depression made by the pressure of one object on another
impression {f}
:: a print, print-out
impressionnable {adj}
:: sensitive (to light, etc.)
impressionnable {adj}
:: impressionable
impressionnant {adj}
:: impressive
impressionné {adj}
:: impressed, overawed
impressionner {v}
:: to impress, wow or overawe
impressionnisme {m}
:: impressionism (movement in art)
impressionniste {mf}
:: impressionist (painter)
impressionniste {adj}
:: impressionist, impressionistic
imprévisible {adj}
:: unforeseeable, unpredictable (unable to be predicted)
imprévision {f}
:: lack of foresight
imprévision {f}
:: unpredictability, fortuity
imprévoyance {f}
:: improvidence; a lack of foresight
imprévoyant {adj}
:: improvident
imprévu {adj}
:: unforeseen, unexpected
imprévu {m}
:: unforeseen event
imprévument {adv}
:: unexpectedly, unforeseenly
imprimable {adj}
:: printable
imprimante {f}
:: printer (machine used to print text or images)
imprimante 3D {f}
:: 3D printer
imprimatur {m}
:: imprimatur
imprimer {v}
:: to print, to print out
imprimerie {f}
:: printing
imprimerie {f}
:: printing office, print shop
imprimeur {m}
:: printer (operator of a printing press)
impro {f}
:: improv
improbable {adj}
:: unlikely, improbable (not likely)
improbablement {adv}
:: improbably
improbe {adj}
:: dishonest, crooked
improbité {f}
:: improbity, dishonesty
improductif {adj}
:: unproductive
improductivement {adv}
:: unproductively
improductivité {f}
:: unproductiveness
impromptu {adj}
:: improvised, not planned
impromptu {m}
:: improvised action
impromptu {m}
:: impromptu
imprononçable {adj}
:: unpronounceable
improportionnel {adj}
:: disproportional
improportionnellement {adv}
:: disproportionally
impropre {adj}
:: inappropriate
impropre {adj}
:: unsuited (to), unfit (for)
improprement {adv}
:: improperly
impropriété {f}
:: impropriety
impropriété {f}
:: incorrectness, inaccuracy
improuver {v}
:: To disapprove
improuver {v}
:: To blame
improuver {v}
:: to improve
improvisateur {m}
:: improviser (person who improvises)
improvisation {f}
:: improvisation (all meanings)
improvisatrice {f}
:: feminine noun of improvisateur
improviser {v}
:: to improvise
imprudemment {adv}
:: imprudently, recklessly, rashly, carelessly
imprudence {f}
:: imprudence, rashness
imprudent {adj}
:: imprudent, rash
impubère {adj}
:: prepubescent
impubliable {adj}
:: unpublishable, unprintable
impudemment {adv}
:: with impudence, impudently, shamelessly
impudence {f}
:: impudence
impudent {adj}
:: impudent
impudeur {f}
:: immodesty, shamelessness
impudicité {f}
:: impudicity, shamelessness
impudique {adj}
:: immodest
impudiquement {adv}
:: immodestly
impuissamment {adv}
:: powerless; futilely
impuissance {f}
:: impotency, helplessness
impuissance {f}
:: erectile dysfunction
impuissant {adj}
:: impotent, powerless
impuissant {m}
:: an impotent man
impulser {v}
:: to encourage, egg on
impulsif {adj}
:: impulsive
impulsif {adj}
:: impulsive
impulsion {f}
:: impulse
impulsion {f}
:: impulsion, drive, impetus
impulsion {f}
:: electric pulse, momentum
impulsivement {adv}
:: impulsively
impulsivité {f}
:: impulsiveness
impunément {adv}
:: with impunity
impuni {adj}
:: unpunished
impunissable {adj}
:: unpunishable
impunité {f}
:: impunity
impur {adj}
:: impure
impurement {adv}
:: impurely
impureté {f}
:: impurity
imputable {adj}
:: imputable, attributable, ascribable, chargeable
imputation {f}
:: imputation
imputer {vt}
:: to attribute, impute, put down to
imputer {vt}
:: to charge, allocate, settle
imputer {vr}
:: to blame oneself
imputer {vr}
:: to accept responsibility, take the blame
-in {suffix}
:: adjectival suffix
-in {suffix}
:: nominal suffix
in- {prefix}
:: in-; un- (indicates negation)
inabordable {adj}
:: inaccessible, unapproachable
inabordable {adj}
:: extortionate, prohibitive
inabouti {adj}
:: unfinished
inabouti {adj}
:: unfulfilled
inabrité {adj}
:: unsheltered
inaccentué {adj}
:: unstressed
inaccentué {adj}
:: unaccented
inacceptable {adj}
:: unacceptable
inacceptablement {adv}
:: unacceptably
inaccessible {adj}
:: inaccessible
inaccomplissement {m}
:: unaccomplishment, unfulfillment
inaccoutumé {adj}
:: unaccustomed
inachetable {adj}
:: unbuyable
inachevé {adj}
:: unfinished, uncompleted
inachèvement {m}
:: incompleteness
inactif {adj}
:: inactive
inaction {f}
:: inactivity
inactivé {adj}
:: inactivated
inactivement {adv}
:: inactively (with little or no activity)
inactiver {vt}
:: to inactivate, deactivate
inactivité {f}
:: inactivity, idleness
inactuel {adj}
:: not current, not modern or up-to-date
inadapté {adj}
:: maladjusted
inadéquat {adj}
:: inadequate
inadéquat {adj}
:: inappropriate, unsuitable
inadéquation {f}
:: inadequacy
inadmis {adj}
:: unallowed; unallowable
inadmissibilité {f}
:: inadmissibility
inadmissible {adj}
:: inadmissible
inadmissiblement {adv}
:: inadmissibly
inadvertamment {adv}
:: inadvertently
inadvertance {f}
:: inadvertence
inadvertance {f}
:: accident, oversight
inadvertant {adj}
:: inadvertent
inaffrontable {adj}
:: unconfrontable
inaliénabilité {f}
:: inalienability
inaliénable {adj}
:: inalienable
inaliénablement {adv}
:: inalienably
inaltérabilité {f}
:: inalterability
inaltérable {adj}
:: unalterable; that cannot be altered
inaltérablement {adv}
:: inalterably
inaltéré {adj}
:: unaltered
inamical {adj}
:: unfriendly, inimical
inamicalement {adv}
:: in an unfriendly way
inamovible {adj}
:: unremovable; fixed, stationary
inamovible {adj}
:: untouchable
inamovible {adj}
:: unceasing
inanalysable {adj}
:: unanalysable
inanimé {adj}
:: inanimate
inanimé {adj}
:: unconscious
inanimé {adj}
:: lifeless
inanité {f}
:: inanity
inanité {f}
:: futility
inaperçu {adj}
:: unnoticed, unobserved
inappétence {f}
:: lack / loss of appetite
inapplicable {adj}
:: inapplicable
inappliqué {adj}
:: inattentive
inappliqué {adj}
:: unimplemented
inappréciable {adj}
:: invaluable, inestimable
inappréciable {adj}
:: inappreciable
inappréciablement {adv}
:: invaluably, inestimably
inapprivoisable {adj}
:: untameable
inapproprié {adj}
:: inappropriate, unsuitable
inappropriément {adv}
:: inappropriately
inappropriément {adv}
:: unsuitably
inapte {adj}
:: inapt
inaptitude {f}
:: inaptness
inarticulé {adj}
:: inarticulate
inassouvi {adj}
:: unsatisfied, unfulfilled
inattaquable {adj}
:: irrefutable, watertight
inattaquable {adj}
:: unassailable, impregnable
inattendu {adj}
:: unexpected
inattentif {adj}
:: inattentive
inattentif {adj}
:: heedless, regardless (of)
inattention {f}
:: inattention
inattesté {adj}
:: unattested, not supported by attestations
inaudible {adj}
:: inaudible
inaudible {adj}
:: unlistenable, very unpleasant to listen to
inauguration {f}
:: inauguration
inauguré {adj}
:: inaugurated
inaugurer {v}
:: to inaugurate
inauthenticité {f}
:: inauthenticity
inauthentique {adj}
:: inauthentic
inauthentiquement {adv}
:: inauthentically
inavouable {adj}
:: unmentionable; guilty (of a secret)
inavoué {adj}
:: unproven
inavoué {adj}
:: unadmitted (not having been confessed or confided)
incalculable {adj}
:: incalculable
incalculablement {adv}
:: incalculably
incandescent {adj}
:: incandescent
incantation {f}
:: incantation
incantatoire {adj}
:: incantation (attributive)
incanter {vt}
:: to enchant, to cast a spell over
incapable {adj}
:: unable, incapable
incapable {m}
:: incompetent (person)
incapacitant {adj}
:: debilitating
incapacité {f}
:: inability
incapaciter {v}
:: To incapacitate
incarcération {f}
:: incarceration, imprisonment
incarcérer {vt}
:: To incarcerate
incarnat {adj}
:: carnation
incarnat {m}
:: carnation (colour)
incarnatif {adj}
:: incarnative
incarnation {f}
:: embodiment (entity typifying an abstraction)
incarner {v}
:: to incarnate
incarner {v}
:: to embody, to personify
incarner {v}
:: to play (act as a certain character)
incarner {vr}
:: to ingrow (become ingrown) (of a toenail or fingernail)
incartade {f}
:: prank, escapade
incassable {adj}
:: unbreakable, shatterproof
incélébrité {f}
:: nonfamousness
incendiaire {adj}
:: incendiary
incendiaire {m}
:: arsonist; pyromaniac
incendie {m}
:: fire (something on fire which is out of control)
incendier {vt}
:: to burn down
incendier {v}
:: to roast (criticize severely)
incensurable {adj}
:: incensurable
incertain {adj}
:: uncertain; unsure
incertainement {adv}
:: uncertainly
incertitude {f}
:: uncertainty
incessamment {adv}
:: unceasingly, incessantly
incessamment {adv}
:: right away
incessamment sous peu {adv}
:: imminently, very soon
incessant {adj}
:: incessant
incessible {adj}
:: nontransferable
inceste {m}
:: incest (sexual relations between people legally unable to marry, especially close relatives)
incestueusement {adv}
:: incestuously
incestueux {adj}
:: incestuous
inchangé {adj}
:: unchanged
inchangeable {adj}
:: unchangeable
inchantable {adj}
:: unsingable
inchrétien {adj}
:: unchristian
inchrétiennement {adv}
:: unchristianly
incidemment {adv}
:: incidentally (in an incidental manner)
incidence {f}
:: impact, effect, consequence
incidence {f}
:: incidence
incident {adj}
:: incidental
incident {adj}
:: incident
incident {m}
:: incident
incinérateur {m}
:: incinerator
incinération {f}
:: incineration
incinération {f}
:: cremation
incinérer {v}
:: to incinerate
incirconcis {adj}
:: uncircumcised
incirconcision {f}
:: uncircumcision (state of being uncircumcised)
incirconscriptible {adj}
:: uncircumscribable
incise {f}
:: A part of a sentence, set between em dashes
inciser {v}
:: to incise, make an incision
incisif {adj}
:: incisive (apt for making cuts, incision)
incisif {adj}
:: incisive (quick and direct)
incision {f}
:: incision
incisive {f}
:: incisor (tooth)
incisivement {adv}
:: incisively
incitateur {m}
:: inciter
incitatif {adj}
:: incentivizing
incitatif {m}
:: incentive
incitation {f}
:: incitation
incitatrice {f}
:: feminine singular of incitateur
inciter {vt}
:: to urge; to impel
incivil {adj}
:: uncivil
incivilement {adv}
:: uncivilly
incivilité {f}
:: incivility
incivique {adj}
:: not civic
inclassable {adj}
:: unclassifiable
inclémence {f}
:: inclemency
inclément {adj}
:: inclement
inclément {adj}
:: merciless
inclinaison {f}
:: inclination
inclination {f}
:: inclination (all senses)
incliner {v}
:: to incline
incliner {vr}
:: to lose
incliner {vr}
:: to set, to go down
inclinomètre {m}
:: alternative form of clinomètre
inclure {v}
:: to include
inclure {v}
:: to enclose (attach document, file)
inclure {v}
:: to feature (important aspect, design, information, event)
inclus {adj}
:: included, contained
inclus {adj}
:: inclusive
inclus {adj}
:: inclosed / enclosed
inclusif {adj}
:: inclusive
inclusion {f}
:: inclusion
inclusivement {adv}
:: inclusively
incoercibilité {f}
:: incoercibility
incognito {adj}
:: incognito
incognito {adv}
:: incognito
incognito {m}
:: incognito
incohérence {f}
:: incoherence
incohérent {adj}
:: incoherent (not coherent)
incollable {adj}
:: unbeatable, who can't be caught off guard, who can't be caught out, who knows everything there is to know (about something), very knowledgeable (on a topic)
incollable {adj}
:: easy-cook
incolore {adj}
:: colourless; uncoloured
incolore {adj}
:: dull, uninteresting
incombement {m}
:: behoving
incomber {vt}
:: to behove
incombinable {adj}
:: incombinable
incombustibilité {f}
:: incombustibility
incomestible {adj}
:: inedible
incommensurabilité {f}
:: incommensurability
incommensurable {adj}
:: incommensurable
incommensurable {adj}
:: immeasurable
incommensurablement {adv}
:: immeasurably
incommensurablement {adv}
:: incommensurably
incommodément {adv}
:: inconveniently
incommodément {adv}
:: uncomfortably
incommoder {vt}
:: to incommode, bother, disconcert
incommodité {f}
:: inconvenience
incommunicabilité {f}
:: incommunicability
incommutable {adj}
:: incommutable
incommutablement {adv}
:: incommutably
incomparable {adj}
:: incomparable; uncomparable
incomparablement {adv}
:: uncomparably
incomparativement {adv}
:: incomparably
incompatibilité {f}
:: incompatibility
incompatible {adj}
:: incompatible
incompatiblement {adv}
:: incompatibly
incompétemment {adv}
:: incompetently
incompétence {f}
:: incompetence
incompétent {adj}
:: incompetent
incompétitif {adj}
:: uncompetitive
incomplet {adj}
:: incomplete
incomplètement {adv}
:: incompletely
incompréhensible {adj}
:: incomprehensible
incompréhensiblement {adv}
:: incomprehensibly
incompréhensif {adj}
:: uncomprehending
incompréhension {f}
:: incomprehension
incompressibilité {f}
:: incompressibility
incompressible {adj}
:: incompressible
incompressible {adj}
:: For a penalty (peine incompressible): mandatory (period, minimum), ineligibility (period of parole ~)
incompris {adj}
:: misunderstood
inconcevable {adj}
:: inconceivable
inconcevablement {adv}
:: inconceivably
inconciliable {adj}
:: irreconcilable
inconciliable {adj}
:: incompatible
inconciliablement {adv}
:: irreconcilably
inconciliablement {adv}
:: incompatibly
inconditionné {adj}
:: unconditioned
inconditionnel {adj}
:: unconditional
inconditionnel {adj}
:: dedicated
inconditionnel {adj}
:: wholehearted
inconditionnel {m}
:: devotee
inconditionnellement {adv}
:: unconditionally
inconducteur {f}
:: nonconductor
inconducteur {adj}
:: nonconducting
inconduite {f}
:: misconduct, misbehaviour
inconformité {f}
:: inconformity, unconformity
inconfort {m}
:: discomfort
inconfortable {adj}
:: uncomfortable
inconfortablement {adv}
:: uncomfortably
incongru {adj}
:: incongruous (not matching)
incongruité {f}
:: incongruity
incongrument {adv}
:: alternative form of incongrûment
incongrûment {adv}
:: incongruously
inconnaissable {adj}
:: unknowable
inconnu {adj}
:: unknown, obscure, unfamiliar, strange
inconnu {m}
:: unknown, stranger
inconnu au bataillon {adj}
:: unknown, unheard of
inconnu au bataillon {m}
:: a complete stranger, a completely unknown person, an unknown quantity
inconnue {f}
:: unknown
inconsciemment {adv}
:: unwittingly; unknowingly
inconscience {f}
:: unconsciousness
inconscience {f}
:: recklessness, pure madness
inconscient {adj}
:: unthinking, unaware
inconscient {adj}
:: unconscious
inconscient {adj}
:: irresponsible
inconscient {m}
:: unconscious, unconscious mind
inconscient {m}
:: irresponsible person
inconséquemment {adv}
:: inconsistently
inconséquence {f}
:: inconsistency
inconséquence {f}
:: thoughtlessness
inconséquent {adj}
:: inconsistent
inconséquent {adj}
:: thoughtless
inconsidéré {adj}
:: inconsiderate, thoughtless
inconsidérément {adv}
:: inconsiderately, thoughtlessly
inconsistance {f}
:: inconsistency
inconsistance {f}
:: flimsiness
inconsistant {adj}
:: inconsistent
inconsistant {adj}
:: flimsy
inconsolable {adj}
:: inconsolable
inconsolablement {adv}
:: inconsolably
inconstamment {adv}
:: inconstantly
inconstant {adj}
:: inconstant
inconstitutionnalité {f}
:: unconstitutionality
inconstitutionnel {adj}
:: unconstitutional
inconstitutionnellement {adv}
:: unconstitutionally
inconstructible {adj}
:: Where construction (of buildings) is not permitted
incontestable {adj}
:: incontestable
incontestablement {adv}
:: undeniably
incontesté {adj}
:: undisputed, uncontested
incontinemment {adv}
:: incontinently
incontinent {adj}
:: incontinent, suffering from incontinence, enuretic
incontinent {adv}
:: forthwith, at once
incontournable {adj}
:: unmissable, unavoidable, essential, inescapable, indispensable
incontrôlable {adj}
:: uncontrollable
incontrôlable {adj}
:: unverifiable
incontrôlé {adj}
:: uncontrolled, unchecked
incontrôlé {adj}
:: out of control
inconvenable {adj}
:: inconvenable
inconvenable {adj}
:: inconsistent
inconvenablement {adv}
:: inconvenably
inconvenablement {adv}
:: inconsistently
inconvenance {f}
:: impropriety (word, action)
inconvenant {adj}
:: improper, unseemly, indecent
inconvénient {m}
:: inconvenience
inconvénient {m}
:: drawback, disadvantage
incopiable {adj}
:: uncopyable
incorporé {adj}
:: built-in, inbuilt
incorporel {adj}
:: intangible, incorporeal, insubstantial
incorporer {v}
:: to incorporate
incorporer {v}
:: to embed
incorrect {adj}
:: incorrect (not correct)
incorrect {adj}
:: incorrect (socially unacceptable)
incorrectement {adv}
:: incorrectly
incorrection {f}
:: A fault, default or impropriety, especially of language
incorrection {f}
:: State of what is incorrect
incorrection {f}
:: Character of what goes against courtesy and politeness
incorrection {f}
:: Act displaying such character
incorrigible {adj}
:: incorrigible
incorrigible {m}
:: An incorrigible
incorrigiblement {adv}
:: incorrigibly
incorruptibilité {f}
:: incorruptibility
incorruptible {adj}
:: incorruptible
incorruptiblement {adv}
:: incorruptibly
incrédibilité {f}
:: incredibility, incredibleness
incrédible {adj}
:: incredible
incrédule {adj}
:: incredulous, nonbelieving
incrédule {mf}
:: non-believer
incrédulement {adv}
:: incredulously
incrédulité {f}
:: incredulity (unwillingness to believe; doubt about the truth of something)
incréé {adj}
:: uncreated
incrément {m}
:: increment
incrémental {adj}
:: incremental
incrémentalement {adv}
:: incrementally
incrémenter {v}
:: to increment (to increase in steps)
incrétine {m}
:: incretin
increvable {adj}
:: unburstable; unpoppable
increvable {adj}
:: tireless; unwearied
incriminé {adj}
:: incriminated
incriminé {adj}
:: accused
incriminer {v}
:: to incriminate, accuse
incrochetable {adj}
:: unpickable (lock etc)
incroyable {adj}
:: incredible
incroyablement {adv}
:: unbelievably (all meanings)
incroyant {adj}
:: unbelieving
incroyant {m}
:: unbeliever, nonbeliever
incrucifiable {adj}
:: uncrucifiable
incrustation {f}
:: incrustation
incrustation {f}
:: chromakey
incruste {m}
:: gatecrasher, parasite, bad penny
incruster {v}
:: to embed, to inlay
incruster {vr}
:: to gatecrash, to stay (for a long time), to overstay
incubateur {m}
:: incubator (place to incubate)
incubation {f}
:: incubation
incube {m}
:: incubus
incuber {v}
:: to incubate
inculpation {f}
:: inculpation
inculpé {m}
:: A person charged with an offence
inculper {v}
:: To charge
inculquer {v}
:: to inculcate
inculquer {v}
:: to instill into
inculte {adj}
:: uncultivated, uncultured
inculte {mf}
:: ignoramus, yokel
incultivable {adj}
:: uncultivable, unworkable (land)
incunable {adj}
:: Which dates from the early days of printing
incunable {m}
:: incunabulum
incurable {adj}
:: incurable
incurablement {adv}
:: incurably
incurie {f}
:: negligence, carelessness
incurieusement {adv}
:: incuriously
incurieux {adj}
:: incurious
incursion {f}
:: incursion
incursion {f}
:: foray
incursion {f}
:: excursion
incurvé {adj}
:: curved
incurver {vt}
:: to bend into a curve
incus {m}
:: incus
indaguer {v}
:: to investigate
indate {m}
:: indate
Inde {prop} {f}
:: India
indébordable {adj}
:: unpassable (can return every ball)
indéboulonnable {adj}
:: ever-present, unbudgeable
indécelabilité {f}
:: undetectability
indécelable {adj}
:: undetectable
indécemment {adv}
:: indecently
indécence {f}
:: indecency
indécent {adj}
:: indecent
indécent {adj}
:: ungodly
indéchiffrable {adj}
:: indecipherable
indéchiffrablement {adv}
:: indecipherably
indéchirable {adj}
:: tearproof
indécidabilité {f}
:: undecidability
indécidable {adj}
:: undecidable
indécis {adj}
:: undecided
indécisif {adj}
:: indecisive (not decisive)
indécision {f}
:: indecision
indécisivement {adv}
:: indecisively
indéclinable {adj}
:: indeclinable
indécomposable {adj}
:: indecomposable
indécrochable {adj}
:: undetachable
indécrottable {adj}
:: hopeless
indécrottable {adj}
:: incorrigible
indécrottablement {adv}
:: hopelessly
indéfectible {adj}
:: indefectible, unfailing, unswerving
indéfectiblement {adv}
:: indefectibly, unfailingly, unswervingly
indéfendable {adj}
:: indefensible
indéfini {adj}
:: undefined; without a definition
indéfini {adj}
:: indefinite
indéfiniment {adv}
:: indefinitely (for an indefinite amount of time)
indéfinissable {adj}
:: indefinable
indéfinissable {adj}
:: nondescript
indéfinissable {adj}
:: intangible
indéformable {adj}
:: undeformable
indégivrable {adj}
:: undefrostable
indélébile {adj}
:: indelible
indélébilement {adv}
:: indelibly
indélibéré {adj}
:: accidental (not deliberate)
indélibéré {adj}
:: unplanned
indélibérément {adv}
:: accidentally (not deliberately)
indélicat {adj}
:: indelicate, tactless
indélicat {adj}
:: dishonest
indélicatement {adv}
:: indelicately
indélicatesse {f}
:: indelicacy
indélicatesse {f}
:: tactlessness
indélicatesse {f}
:: dishonesty
indélogeable {adj}
:: entrenched, unmoveable
indélogeablement {adv}
:: entrenchedly, unmoveably
indémaillable {adj}
:: run-resistant, ladder-proof (stockings)
indemne {adj}
:: unhurt, undamaged, unscathed
indemnisable {adj}
:: compensable (entitled to compensation)
indemnisation {f}
:: compensation
indemniser {v}
:: to compensate
indemnitaire {adj}
:: indemnifying
indemnitaire {adj}
:: compensatory
indemnité {f}
:: indemnity
indemnité {f}
:: compensation
indemnité de licenciement {f}
:: severance pay, severance allowance
indémodable {adj}
:: ever-fashionable; timeless
indémontable {adj}
:: unremovable
indémontrable {adj}
:: unprovable
indémontrablement {adv}
:: unprovably
indène {m}
:: indene
indéniable {adj}
:: undeniable
indéniablement {adv}
:: undeniably; indisputably
indénombrabilité {f}
:: uncountability
indénombrable {adj}
:: uncountable
indentation {f}
:: indentation
indépassable {adj}
:: unsurpassable
indépassable {adj}
:: timeless (that will not become outdated)
indépassablement {adv}
:: unsurpassably
indépassablement {adv}
:: timelessly
indépendamment {adv}
:: independently
indépendance {f}
:: independence
indépendant {adj}
:: independent
indépendantisme {m}
:: independentism, separatism (independence movement)
indépendantiste {adj}
:: independence (used attributively); separatist
indépendantiste {mf}
:: separatist
indépendantiste {mf}
:: independentist
indéracinable {adj}
:: ineradicable
indéréglable {adj}
:: very reliable (that will not break down)
indescriptible {adj}
:: indescribable
indescriptiblement {adv}
:: undescribably
indésirable {adj}
:: unwanted
indésirable {adj}
:: undesirable
indésiré {adj}
:: undesired, unwanted
indestructible {adj}
:: indestructible
indestructiblement {adv}
:: indestructibly
indét. {adj}
:: abbreviation of indéterminé
indétectable {adj}
:: undetectable
indéterminable {adj}
:: indeterminable
indétermination {f}
:: indecision, indecisiveness
indéterminé {adj}
:: undetermined
indéterminé {adj}
:: uncertain, unsure
indéterminément {adv}
:: uncertainly
indéterminisme {m}
:: indeterminism
indéterministe {m}
:: indeterminist
indévissable {adj}
:: not unscrewable (not capable of being unscrewed)
indévot {adj}
:: indevout
indévotement {adv}
:: indevoutly
index {m}
:: index
index {m}
:: forefinger
index {m}
:: The welcome page of a web site, typically index.html, index.htm or index.php
indexation {f}
:: indexation
indexation {f}
:: indexing
indexé {adj}
:: indexed
indexer {v}
:: to index (put into an index)
indianiser {v}
:: Indianize
indic {m}
:: nark, grass (informant)
indicateur {m}
:: indicator, measure, index
indicateur {m}
:: gauge, indicator, meter
indicateur {m}
:: informer, informant
indicateur {m}
:: street directory, signpost
indicateur {adj}
:: indicative
indicatif {adj}
:: indicative (serving to indicate)
indicatif {m}
:: indicative
indication {f}
:: direction, instruction
indication {f}
:: indication, sign
indication {f}
:: indication, information
indication {f}
:: a hint
indice {m}
:: clue, indication
indice {m}
:: index
indice {m}
:: index
indice de masse corporelle {m}
:: body mass index
indicible {adj}
:: indescribable
indicible {adj}
:: unspeakable
indiciblement {adv}
:: unspeakably
indiciel {adj}
:: index (attributive), indicial
indien {adj}
:: Indian (related to India)
indien {adj}
:: Indian (related to Amerinds)
indien {m}
:: Indian (Amerind)
Indien {m}
:: Indian (person)
indienne {f}
:: feminine noun of indien
indienne {f}
:: printed calico
indienne {f}
:: overarm sidestroke
Indienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Indien
indifféremment {adv}
:: indifferently, indiscriminately, equally
indifférence {f}
:: indifference, uncaringness
indifférenciation {f}
:: indifferentiation
indifférencié {adj}
:: undifferentiated
indifférent {adj}
:: indifferent
indifférentisme {m}
:: indifferentism
indifférentisme {m}
:: indifference
indifférer {v}
:: To leave indifferent
indiffusible {adj}
:: indiffusible
indigénat {m}
:: indigenousness
indigence {f}
:: indigence
indigène {adj}
:: indigenous
indigène {mf}
:: indigenous person, native, indigene
indigénisme {m}
:: indigenismo
indigent {adj}
:: (very) poor, needy, destitute
indigent {m}
:: poor person, indigent needy, destitute, poor
indigeste {adj}
:: indigestible
indigestibilité {f}
:: indigestibility
indignation {f}
:: Indignation
indigne {adj}
:: unworthy
indigne {adj}
:: disgraceful
indigné {adj}
:: indignant (angry, infuriated, mad, resentful)
indigné {m}
:: indignant
indignement {adv}
:: disgracefully
indigner {v}
:: to fill with indignation, exasperate
indigner {vr}
:: ) to express self-righteous anger or disgust
indignité {f}
:: unworthiness
indigocarmine {f}
:: indigo carmine
indigotate {m}
:: indigotate
indigotier {m}
:: indigo (plant)
indigotine {f}
:: indigotin
indigotique {adj}
:: indigotic
indiligemment {adv}
:: inattentively
indine {f}
:: indin
indiquer {v}
:: to connote (to signify beyond principal meaning)
indiquer {v}
:: to show, indicate
indiquer {v}
:: to prescribe
indiquer {v}
:: to point to, to point out
indirect {adj}
:: indirect
indirectement {adv}
:: indirectly
indiscernabilité {f}
:: indiscernibility
indiscernable {adj}
:: indistinguishable
indiscernable {adj}
:: indiscernible, imperceptible
indiscipliné {adj}
:: undisciplined
indiscontinu {adj}
:: incessant
indiscontinûment {adv}
:: incessantly
indiscret {adj}
:: indiscreet, indiscrete
indiscrètement {adv}
:: indiscreetly
indiscrétion {f}
:: indiscretion
indiscriminé {adj}
:: indiscriminate
indiscutable {adj}
:: undebatable; not arguable, unquestionable, undeniable
indiscutablement {adv}
:: indisputably; undebatably
indiscuté {adj}
:: undisputed, unquestioned
indisert {adj}
:: ineloquent
indisertement {adv}
:: ineloquently
indispensable {adj}
:: indispensable
indispensablement {adv}
:: indispensably
indisponibilité {f}
:: unavailability
indisponible {adj}
:: unavailable
indisposer {v}
:: to irritate, to annoy
indisposer {v}
:: to make (someone) feel ill, to upset
indisputable {adj}
:: indisputable
indisputablement {adv}
:: indisputably; undeniably
indissociable {adj}
:: indissociable, inseparable
indissociablement {adv}
:: inextricably
indissoluble {adj}
:: indissoluble
indissolublement {adv}
:: indissolubly
indistinct {adj}
:: not distinct; not easily distinguishable
indistinctement {adv}
:: indistinctly
indistinguabilité {f}
:: indistinguishability (the state of being indistinguishable)
indistinguable {adj}
:: indistinguishable (not distinguishable)
indium {m}
:: indium
individu {m}
:: individual
individualisation {f}
:: individualization
individualiser {vt}
:: to individualize, personalize
individualisme {m}
:: individualism
individualiste {mf}
:: individualist
individualité {f}
:: individuality
individuel {adj}
:: individual
individuellement {adv}
:: individually
individuer {v}
:: To individuate
indivis {adj}
:: undivided, indivisible
indivisé {adj}
:: undivided
indivisément {adv}
:: undividedly
indivisibilité {f}
:: indivisibility
indivisible {adj}
:: indivisible
indivisiblement {adv}
:: indivisibly
indivision {f}
:: tenancy in common
indo- {prefix}
:: Indo-
indo-aryen {adj}
:: Indo-Aryan
Indochine {prop} {f}
:: Indochina
Indochine {prop} {f}
:: An orange-brown color
indochinois {adj}
:: Indochinese
Indochinois {m}
:: an Indochinese person
Indochinoise {f}
:: feminine noun of Indochinois
indocilement {adv}
:: intractably
indocilité {f}
:: indocility
indocilité {f}
:: disobedience
indocte {adj}
:: unlearned
indoctement {adv}
:: unlearnedly
indo-européen {adj}
:: Indo-European
indoeuropéen {adj}
:: Indo-European (of or relating to languages originally spoken in Europe and Western Asia)
indo-européen commun {m}
:: Proto-Indo-European (reconstructed language)
indo-iranien {adj}
:: Indo-Iranian
indolemment {adv}
:: indolently
indolence {f}
:: insensibility, lack of pain
indolence {f}
:: laziness, indolence
indolent {adj}
:: indolent
indolore {adj}
:: painless
indomptable {adj}
:: untamable, indomitable
indomptablement {adv}
:: untamably
indompté {adj}
:: unbroken (horse)
indompté {adj}
:: untamed
Indonésie {prop} {f}
:: Indonesia
indonésien {adj}
:: Indonesian
indonésien {m}
:: Indonesian (language)
Indonésien {m}
:: Indonesian (person)
Indonésienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Indonésien
indophénol {m}
:: indophenol
indoxyle {m}
:: indoxyl
Indre {prop} {f}
:: Indre
indu {adj}
:: unjustified, unwarranted, undue
indubitable {adj}
:: indubitable
indubitablement {adv}
:: indubitably; undoubtedly; unquestionably
inductance {f}
:: inductance
inductance {f}
:: inductor
inducteur {adj}
:: inductive
inducteur {m}
:: inductor
inducteur {m}
:: starter
inductible {adj}
:: inducible
inductif {adj}
:: inductive
induction {f}
:: induction
induire {v}
:: to induce, to cause
induire en erreur {vt}
:: to mislead, to throw off
induit {adj}
:: induced
indulgemment {adv}
:: indulgently
indulgent {adj}
:: lenient (tolerant; not strict)
indument {adv}
:: alternative spelling of indûment
indûment {adv}
:: unjustly; unfairly
industrialisable {adj}
:: industrializable
industrialisation {f}
:: industrialisation
industrialisé {adj}
:: industrialised
industrialiser {v}
:: to industrialize
industrialisme {m}
:: industrialism
industrie {f}
:: an industry, productive enterprise(s)
industrie {f}
:: a profession
industrie {f}
:: the virtue diligence, zeal
industrie {f}
:: the quality of inventiveness, notably for disapproved purposes
industriel {adj}
:: industrial
industriel {m}
:: industrialist
industriel {m}
:: (a particular) industry
industriellement {adv}
:: industrially
industrieusement {adv}
:: industriously
industrieux {adj}
:: industrious
-ine {suffix}
:: feminine noun of -in
inébranlable {adj}
:: unshakeable
inébranlablement {adv}
:: unshakeably, unswervingly
inécoutable {adj}
:: unlistenable (not suitable for being listened to)
inécrasable {adj}
:: uncrushable
inécrivable {adj}
:: Unwritable
inédit {adj}
:: (previously) unpublished (of book etc.)
inédit {adj}
:: brand new, original; unheard-of, never-been-seen-before
ineffable {adj}
:: ineffable (unable to be expressed in words)
ineffablement {adv}
:: ineffably
ineffaçable {adj}
:: unerasable; indelible
ineffaçablement {adv}
:: undeletably
ineffectivité {f}
:: ineffectiveness
inefficace {adj}
:: ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious
inefficacement {adv}
:: inefficiently
inefficacité {f}
:: inefficiency
inefficience {f}
:: synonym of ineffectivité
inégal {adj}
:: unequal
inégalable {adj}
:: incomparable, matchless
inégalablement {adv}
:: incomparably
inégalé {adj}
:: unequalled; unrivaled
inégalement {adv}
:: unequally
inégalitaire {adj}
:: unequal, inegalitarian
inégalité {f}
:: inequality (an unfair, not equal, state)
inégalité {f}
:: inequity
inélasticité {f}
:: inelasticity (quality of not being elastic)
inélastique {adj}
:: inelastic
inélégamment {adv}
:: inelegantly (in a way that is not elegant)
inélégance {f}
:: inelegance
inélégance {f}
:: clumsiness
inélégant {adj}
:: inelegant (not elegant)
inéligibilité {f}
:: ineligibility
inéligible {adj}
:: ineligible
inéluctabilité {f}
:: ineluctability, inevitability
inéluctable {adj}
:: ineluctable; inevitable
inéluctablement {adv}
:: inevitably, inescapably, ineluctably
inemployable {adj}
:: unusable
inemployable {adj}
:: unemployable
inemployé {adj}
:: unused
inemployé {adj}
:: unemployed
inénarrable {adj}
:: indescribable, inexpressible
inénarrable {adj}
:: hilarious
inénarrablement {adv}
:: indescribably
inénarrablement {adv}
:: hilariously
inentamable {adj}
:: impenetrable
inenvisageable {adj}
:: unforeseeable
inenvisageable {adj}
:: inconceivable
inepte {adj}
:: inept, incompetent, feckless
ineptement {adv}
:: ineptly
ineptie {f}
:: ineptness
inépuisable {adj}
:: inexhaustible (that cannot be used up)
inépuisablement {adv}
:: inexhaustibly
inéquation {f}
:: inequality
inéquation {f}
:: inequation (a statement that two expressions are not the same)
inéquitable {adj}
:: unfair; unjust
inéquitable {adj}
:: uneven; unequal
inéquitablement {adv}
:: unequally; unfairly; unjustly
inéquité {m}
:: inequity
inérotique {adj}
:: unerotic
inertage {m}
:: inerting (rendering inert)
inerte {adj}
:: inert, inactive
inerté {adj}
:: Rendered inert (especially of radioactive waste)
inerter {v}
:: to replace a dangerous gas with a safe one
inerter {v}
:: to make inert or safe (especially radioactive waste)
inertie {f}
:: inertia
inertie {f}
:: lack of dynamism or forcefulness
inertiel {adj}
:: inertial
Inès {prop}
:: given name
inescompté {adj}
:: unexpected, unhoped-for
inesgal {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of inégal
inespérable {adj}
:: unexpected; not hoped for
inespéré {adj}
:: unexpected
inespérément {adv}
:: unexpectedly
inessif {m}
:: inessive case
inesthétique {adj}
:: unsightly
inestimable {adj}
:: priceless, invaluable; inestimable
inétendu {adj}
:: unextended
inévitable {adj}
:: inevitable; unavoidable
inévitablement {adv}
:: inevitably, unavoidably
inexact {adj}
:: inexact (not exact)
inexactement {adv}
:: inexactly; imprecisely
inexactitude {f}
:: inexactitude
inexaucé {adj}
:: unfulfilled
inexaucé {adj}
:: unanswered (prayer)
inexcusablement {adv}
:: inexcusably
inexécutable {adj}
:: unenforceable
inexécutable {adj}
:: impracticable, unworkable
inexécutablement {adv}
:: unenforceably
inexécution {f}
:: inexecution
inexistant {adj}
:: not existing; nonexistent
inexistence {f}
:: inexistence
inexorable {adj}
:: inexorable
inexorablement {adv}
:: inexorably, relentlessly
inexpérience {f}
:: inexperience
inexpérimenté {adj}
:: inexperienced (not experienced)
inexplicable {adj}
:: inexplicable, unexplainable
inexplicablement {adv}
:: inexplicably
inexpliqué {adj}
:: unexplained
inexploitable {adj}
:: unexploitable
inexploitable {adj}
:: impractical
inexploité {adj}
:: unexploited, untapped
inexploré {adj}
:: unexplored
inexpressif {adj}
:: inexpressive, expressionless
inexpressivité {f}
:: inexpressiveness, expressionlessness
inexprimable {adj}
:: undescribable, inexpressible
inexprimablement {adv}
:: undescribably
inexprimé {adj}
:: unspoken, unexpressed
inexpugnable {adj}
:: impregnable, unassailable
inextinguible {adj}
:: inextinguishable
inextinguible {adj}
:: unquenchable; uncontrollable, unstoppable
inextricable {adj}
:: inextricable
inextricablement {adv}
:: inextricably
infaillibilité {f}
:: infallibility
infaillible {adj}
:: infallible (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy)
infaillible {adj}
:: inevitable
infailliblement {adv}
:: infallibly
infaisabilité {f}
:: infeasibility, impracticability
infaisable {adj}
:: infeasible, impractical
infalsifiable {adj}
:: unfalsifiable, unforgeable
infamant {adj}
:: dishonouring
infâme {adj}
:: infamous, nefarious, villainous
infâme {adj}
:: disgusting, repugnant
infâmement {adv}
:: infamously
infamer {v}
:: To dishonour
infamie {f}
:: infamy
infâmie {f}
:: alternative form of infamie
infanterie {f}
:: infantry
infanteriste {m}
:: A foot soldier, infantryman
infantile {adj}
:: infantile
infantiliser {vt}
:: to infantilize
infantilisme {m}
:: infantilism
infarctus {m}
:: infarct
infarctus du myocarde {m}
:: myocardial infarction
infatigable {adj}
:: indefatigable, tireless
infatigablement {adv}
:: tirelessly, indefatigably
infatué {adj}
:: conceited
infécond {adj}
:: infertile (unable to procreate)
infécond {adj}
:: unfruitful
infécond {adj}
:: unproductive
infécond {adj}
:: sparse (in)
infécondité {f}
:: infecundity, infertility
infect {adj}
:: vile, loathsome
infect {adj}
:: revolting, disgusting
infectant {adj}
:: infecting; infectious
infecter {v}
:: to infect
infectieux {adj}
:: infectious
infectiologie {f}
:: alternative form of infectologie
infectiologue {mf}
:: alternative form of infectologue
infection {f}
:: infection
infection {f}
:: stench, stink
infectologie {f}
:: infectiology
infectologue {mf}
:: infectiologist
inféodation {f}
:: infeudation, enfeoffment
inféodation {f}
:: allegiance
inféoder {v}
:: to infeudate
inféoder {v}
:: to subjugate, to subdue
inférence {f}
:: inference
inférer {v}
:: to infer (make an inference)
inférieur {adj}
:: lower, under
inférieur {adj}
:: inferior
inférieur {adj}
:: less than or equal to. ≤, ⩽
inférieurement {adv}
:: inferiorly
infériorité {f}
:: inferiority
infériorité numérique {f}
:: numerical disadvantage
infériorité numérique {f}
:: penalty kill
infermentescible {adj}
:: unfermentable
infernal {adj}
:: infernal (relating to hell)
infernal {adj}
:: infernal, hellish, awful, terrible
infernalement {adv}
:: infernally
Infernet {prop}
:: surname
infertile {adj}
:: infertile
infertilement {adv}
:: infertily, unfruitfully
infertilité {f}
:: infertility
infester {v}
:: to infest
infichu {adj}
:: incapable (of)
infidèle {adj}
:: unfaithful
infidèle {adj}
:: adulterous
infidèle {adj}
:: unfaithful, inaccurate
infidèlement {adv}
:: unfaithfully
infidélité {f}
:: infidelity, unfaithfulness
infilmable {adj}
:: unfilmable
infiltrateur {m}
:: infiltrator
infiltratrice {f}
:: female equivalent of infiltrateur
infiltrer {vp}
:: to infiltrate
infime {adj}
:: lowly, inferior
infime {adj}
:: tiny, minuscule
in fine {adv}
:: ultimately, in the end
infini {adj}
:: endless, ceaseless, unending
infini {m}
:: infinity (the symbol ∞)
infini {m}
:: infinity
infiniment {adv}
:: infinitely, ad infinitum
infiniment {adv}
:: infinitely, extremely
infinité {f}
:: infinity, endlessness
infinitésimal {adj}
:: infinitesimal
infinitésimalement {adv}
:: infinitesimally
infinitésime {adj}
:: infinitesimal
infinitésime {mf}
:: infinitesimal
infinitif {adj}
:: infinitive
infinitif {m}
:: infinitive (uninflected verb form)
infinitisme {m}
:: infinitism
infinitive {f}
:: infinitive clause, same as proposition infinitive
infirmer {v}
:: to weaken, to undermine (a theory, a testimony, etc.)
infirmer {v}
:: To invalidate
infirmerie {f}
:: infirmary
infirmier {m}
:: nurse (medical professional)
infirmier {adj}
:: nursing (relating to nurses)
infirmière {f}
:: nurse
infirmité {f}
:: disability, impairment
infirmité {f}
:: infirmity
infirmité motrice cérébrale {f}
:: cerebral palsy
infixe {m}
:: infix
infixer {v}
:: to infix
inflammabilité {f}
:: inflammability
inflammable {adj}
:: flammable, inflammable
inflammation {f}
:: inflammation
inflammatoire {adj}
:: inflammatory (causing inflammation)
inflation {f}
:: inflation
inflationniste {adj}
:: inflationist, inflationary
infléchir {vt}
:: To bend (a thing), forming an elbow-shape
infléchir {vt}
:: To change the state or direction of (a thing) by inclining, curving, or crossing
infléchir {vt}
:: To change the orientation or outcome of (a thing, a course of events)
infléchir {vr}
:: to change direction; to curve
infléchir {vr}
:: To change direction, to bend, as at the interface between two media
infléchir {vr}
:: To change in tone or pitch
infléchissement {m}
:: reorientation
infléchissement {m}
:: inflection
infléchissement {m}
:: trend
inflétrissable {adj}
:: synonym of immarcescible
inflexibilité {f}
:: inflexibility
inflexible {adj}
:: inflexible
inflexiblement {adv}
:: inflexibly
inflexion {f}
:: change, especially a slight drop
inflexion {f}
:: bow (of the body or head)
inflexion {f}
:: inflection
inflexion {f}
:: vowel mutation
infliger {v}
:: to inflict, to impose
influençable {adj}
:: influenceable (easily influenced)
influence {f}
:: influence
influencé {adj}
:: influenced
influencer {v}
:: influence (to exert an influence upon)
influent {adj}
:: influential
influer {v}
:: to influence (to exert an influence upon)
info {f}
:: contraction of information
info {f}
:: contraction of informatique
infobulle {f}
:: tooltip
infogérance {f}
:: facilities management
infogérance {f}
:: outsourcing
infographie {f}
:: computer graphics
infographique {adj}
:: computer graphics (attributive)
infographiste {mf}
:: computer graphics specialist / designer
infoguerre {f}
:: infowar
infondé {adj}
:: unfounded, baseless, groundless
infonuagique {f}
:: cloud computing
informateur {m}
:: informant, informer – one who informs
informaticien {m}
:: computer specialist, computer scientist; IT worker
informaticienne {f}
:: feminine noun of informaticien
informatif {adj}
:: informative, instructive
information {f}
:: piece of information; datum
information {f}
:: news
information {f}
:: information
informationnel {adj}
:: informational (giving, related to information)
informatique {f}
:: computer science
informatique {f}
:: ICT (information and communications technology)
informatique {adj}
:: computer science (attributive)
informatique en nuage {f}
:: cloud computing
informatiquement {adv}
:: By means of computer science
informatisation {f}
:: computerization
informatiser {vt}
:: to computerize
informe {adj}
:: formless, shapeless
informe {adj}
:: unfaithful
informe {adj}
:: Étoiles informes : An old term for stars that were not members of any constellation
informel {adj}
:: informal
informellement {adv}
:: informally
informer {v}
:: to inform; to enlighten; to impart knowledge (upon)
informer {vr}
:: to inquire
informulé {adj}
:: unformulated
infortune {f}
:: misfortune
infortuné {adj}
:: unfortunate (marked or accompanied by or resulting in misfortune)
infortuné {m}
:: unfortunate person
infortunée {f}
:: feminine noun of infortuné
infoutu {adj}
:: incapable (of)
infox {f}
:: fake news
infra- {prefix}
:: infra-
infrabasse {f}
:: synonym of infrason
infraclasse {f}
:: infraclass
infracteur {m}
:: infractor
infraction {f}
:: offense (US), departure
infraction {f}
:: infringement, infraction
infradental {adj}
:: infradental
infragénérique {adj}
:: infrageneric
infranchissable {adj}
:: insurmountable, impassable
infrangible {adj}
:: indestructible, unbreakable, infrangible
infrangiblité {f}
:: indestructibility
infraordre {m}
:: infraorder
infrarouge {adj}
:: infrared
infrarouge {m}
:: infrared
infra-son {m}
:: infrasound
infrason {m}
:: infrasound
infra-sonore {adj}
:: infrasonic
infrasonore {adj}
:: infrasonic
infrastructure {f}
:: infrastructure (an underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system)
infréquemment {adv}
:: infrequently; not often
infréquent {adj}
:: infrequent; rare
infréquentable {adj}
:: That should be avoided or shunned; beyond the pale
infroissable {adj}
:: creaseproof, crease-resistant
infructueusement {adv}
:: unfruitfully
infructueux {adj}
:: unfruitful
infrutescence {f}
:: infructescence
infundibulaire {adj}
:: infundibular
infundibulum {m}
:: infundibulum
infus {adj}
:: innate
infus {adj}
:: infused
infusant {adj}
:: infusing
infuser {v}
:: to infuse
infuser {v}
:: to inject
infusette {f}
:: tea bag
infusion {f}
:: infusion (liquid product which has had other ingredients steeped in it to extract useful qualities)
infusoire {m}
:: infusoria
-ing {suffix}
:: Used to form verbal nouns from verbs
ingambe {adj}
:: spry, nimble
ingénérosité {f}
:: ungenerosity
ingénier {vr}
:: to strive
ingénierie {f}
:: engineering
ingénieriste {mf}
:: engineer (engineering systems professional)
ingénieur {m}
:: engineer (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering)
ingénieur {m}
:: conductor
ingénieur du son {m}
:: sound engineer
ingénieur européen {m}
:: European Engineer
ingénieusement {adv}
:: ingeniously
ingénieux {adj}
:: ingenious
ingéniosité {f}
:: ingeniosity
ingéniosité {f}
:: inventiveness
ingénu {adj}
:: ingenuous
ingénuité {f}
:: ingenuousness
ingénument {adv}
:: frankly, openly
ingénument {adv}
:: artlessly, ingenuously
ingérable {adj}
:: unmanageable
ingéré {adj}
:: ingested
ingérence {f}
:: interference, meddling
ingérer {v}
:: to ingest, to swallow
ingérer {vr}
:: to interfere in, to meddle with
ingestion {f}
:: ingestion
inglorieusement {adv}
:: ingloriously
inglorieux {adj}
:: inglorious
ingouche {m}
:: Ingush (caucasian language)
Ingouche {mf}
:: Ingush
ingouvernable {adj}
:: ungovernable
ingracieusement {adv}
:: ingraciously
ingracieux {adj}
:: ingracious
ingrat {adj}
:: ungrateful
ingrat {adj}
:: thankless
ingratement {adv}
:: ungratefully
ingratitude {f}
:: ingratitude, ungratefulness
ingrédient {m}
:: ingredient
Ingrid {prop} {f}
:: given name
inguérissable {adj}
:: incurable (not capable of being cured)
inguinal {adj}
:: inguinal
ingurgiter {vt}
:: to swallow
ingurgiter {vt}
:: to drink avidly
inhabile {adj}
:: unskilful; maladroit
inhabilement {adv}
:: unskilfully
inhabitable {adj}
:: uninhabitable
inhabité {adj}
:: uninhabited
inhabité {adj}
:: unoccupied
inhabité {adj}
:: unmanned
inhabituel {adj}
:: unusual, uncustomary, unhabitual
inhabituellement {adv}
:: unusually (not according to routine or tradition)
inhæsion {f}
:: obsolete form of inhésion
inhalateur {m}
:: inhaler
inhalation {f}
:: inhalation (all meanings)
inhalatoire {adj}
:: inhalational
inhaler {v}
:: to inhale
inharmonieusement {adv}
:: inharmoniously
inharmonieux {adj}
:: inharmonious
inhéremment {adv}
:: inherently
inhérent {adj}
:: inherent
inhiber {v}
:: to inhibit (to hinder; to restrain)
inhibiteur {m}
:: inhibitor
inhibition {f}
:: inhibition
inhospitalier {adj}
:: inhospitable (all meanings)
inhospitalièrement {adv}
:: inhospitably
inhumain {adj}
:: inhumane
inhumainement {adv}
:: inhumanely
inhumanité {f}
:: inhumanity
inhumanité {f}
:: barbarity
inhumation {f}
:: inhumation
inhumé {adj}
:: buried
inhumer {v}
:: to bury; to inter
iniaque {adj}
:: inial
iniatrice {f}
:: feminine noun of initiateur
iniencéphale {adj}
:: iniencephalic
inimaginable {adj}
:: unimaginable
inimaginablement {adv}
:: unimaginably
inimaginablement {adv}
:: inconceivably
inimitabilité {f}
:: inimitability, incontestability
inimitable {adj}
:: unmatched, uncontestable, inimitable
inimitablement {adv}
:: inimitably (in a way that cannot be imitated)
inimitié {f}
:: enmity
ininflammable {adj}
:: nonflammable
inintelligemment {adv}
:: unintelligently
inintelligence {f}
:: lack of intelligence, unintelligence
inintelligent {adj}
:: unintelligent
inintelligible {adj}
:: unintelligible
inintelligiblement {adv}
:: unintelligibly; in a way that cannot be understood or deciphered
inintentionnel {adj}
:: unintentional
inintentionnellement {adv}
:: unintentionally
inintéressant {adj}
:: uninteresting
ininterrompu {adj}
:: uninterrupted
iniodyme {adj}
:: iniodymic
inique {adj}
:: iniquitous, unjust
iniquement {adv}
:: iniquitously
iniquement {adv}
:: unfairly
iniquité {f}
:: iniquity
initial {adj}
:: initial
initiale {f}
:: initial
initialement {adv}
:: initially
initialisation {f}
:: initialization
initialiser {vt}
:: to initialize
initiateur {adj}
:: innovative, groundbreaking
initiateur {m}
:: initiator, instigator
initiation {f}
:: initiation
initiatique {adj}
:: initiatory
initiative {f}
:: initiative
initier {v}
:: to initiate, to start
injectable {adj}
:: injectable
injecté {adj}
:: bloodshot (eyes)
injecter {v}
:: to inject
injecteur {m}
:: injector
injecteur {m}
:: injector
injectif {adj}
:: injective
injection {f}
:: injection
injoignable {adj}
:: unreachable
injonction {f}
:: injunction (the act of enjoining)
injouable {adj}
:: unplayable
injure {f}
:: offense, insult
injurier {v}
:: to abuse, howl abuse at
injurieusement {adv}
:: injuriously
injurieux {adj}
:: injurious; hurtful
injurologie {f}
:: the study of insults
injuste {adj}
:: unjust; unfair
injustement {adv}
:: unfairly; unjustly
injustice {f}
:: injustice
injustifiable {adj}
:: unjustifiable
injustifié {adj}
:: unjustified, unwarranted
inlandsis {m}
:: ice sheet
inlassable {adj}
:: indefatigable, tireless, unremitting
inlassablement {adv}
:: tirelessly
inné {adj}
:: Innate, inborn, congenital, inbred, native
innervant {adj}
:: innervating
innervant {adj}
:: nerve (attributive)
innervé {adj}
:: innervated
innerver {v}
:: To innervate
innocemment {adv}
:: innocently
innocence {f}
:: innocence
innocent {adj}
:: innocent
innocent {m}
:: an innocent (innocent person)
innocent {m}
:: a naive person
innocent comme l'agneau qui vient de naître {adj}
:: innocent as the child unborn, clean as a whistle
innocent comme l'enfant qui vient de naître {adj}
:: innocent as the child unborn
innocenter {vt}
:: to declare innocent, absolve
innocuité {f}
:: innocuousness
innombrable {adj}
:: innumerable, countless
innombrablement {adv}
:: innumerably
innomé {adj}
:: unnamed, nameless (having no name)
innominé {adj}
:: unnamed
innommable {adj}
:: unnameable
innommable {adj}
:: unspeakable
innommé {adj}
:: alternative spelling of innomé
innovant {adj}
:: innovative
innovateur {adj}
:: innovative
innovateur {m}
:: innovator
innovation {f}
:: innovation
innovatrice {f}
:: feminine noun of innovateur
innover {v}
:: to innovate
innu {m}
:: Montagnais, Inuit (language)
inobservable {adj}
:: unobservable
inobservé {adj}
:: unobserved
inoccupé {adj}
:: unoccupied
inoccupé {adj}
:: unemployed
inoculable {adj}
:: inoculable
inoculer {v}
:: to inoculate
inodore {adj}
:: odourless, scentless
inoffensif {adj}
:: harmless
inoffensivement {adv}
:: harmlessly
inoffensivement {adv}
:: inoffensively
inofficiel {adj}
:: unofficial; not official
inofficiellement {adv}
:: unofficially
inofficieux {adj}
:: inofficious
inofficieux {adj}
:: depriving an heir of just inheritance
inondable {adj}
:: liable to flooding
inondation {f}
:: flood (overflow of water)
inondation {f}
:: flood, inundation (a large influx of e.g. people)
inonder {v}
:: to flood (to overflow)
inonder {v}
:: to inundate
inopérable {adj}
:: inoperable
inopérant {adj}
:: inoperative
inopérant {adj}
:: ineffective
inopiné {adj}
:: accidental, unexpected
inopinément {adv}
:: unexpectedly
inopportun {adj}
:: untimely
inopportun {adj}
:: inopportune
inopportun {adj}
:: inappropriate
inopportunément {adv}
:: inopportunely
inopportunément {adv}
:: inappropriately
inopportunité {f}
:: untimeliness
inopportunité {f}
:: inappropriateness
inopportunité {f}
:: inopportuneness
inorganique {adj}
:: inorganic
inorganisation {f}
:: disorganisation
inorganisé {adj}
:: disorganized
inorganisé {adj}
:: unorganized
inosate {m}
:: inosinate
inostensible {adj}
:: inostensible
inostensiblement {adv}
:: inostensibly
inoubliable {adj}
:: unforgettable
inoubliablement {adv}
:: unforgettably
inouï {adj}
:: unheard
inouï {adj}
:: unprecedented, incredible, unheard-of
inox {m}
:: Stainless steel; short form of acier inoxydable
inox {adj}
:: stainless
inox {adj}
:: made of stainless steel
inoxydable {adj}
:: stainless, as in steel
inqualifiable {adj}
:: unspeakable, despicable, objectionable
inqualifiable {adj}
:: inappropriate, unacceptable
inquestionnable {adj}
:: unquestionable
inquiet {adj}
:: worried
inquiet {adj}
:: anxious
inquiétant {adj}
:: worrying, disturbing, disquieting
inquiètement {adv}
:: worriedly; anxiously
inquiéter {vt}
:: to worry
inquiéter {vr}
:: to be worried, to worry
inquiétude {f}
:: worry, concern, trepidation
inquilin {adj}
:: inquilinous
inquilin {m}
:: inquiline
inquilinisme {m}
:: inquilinism
inquisiteur {adj}
:: inquisitive, probing, prying
inquisiteur {m}
:: inquisitor
inquisitif {adj}
:: inquisitive
inquisition {f}
:: inquisition
inquisitivement {adv}
:: inquisitively
inquisitorial {adj}
:: inquisitorial (all senses)
inracontable {adj}
:: ineffable
inracontable {adj}
:: unrepeatable
Inrap {prop} {m}
:: The National Institute of Preventative Archaeological Researches
inratable {adj}
:: not possible to go wrong, dead cert
inrayable {adj}
:: scratchproof
Inria {prop}
:: initialism of
INRIA {prop}
:: alternative form of Inria
insaisissable {adj}
:: elusive
insaisissable {adj}
:: imperceptible
insaisissablement {adv}
:: elusively
insaisissablement {adv}
:: imperceptibly
insalubre {adj}
:: insalubrious, unhealthful
insalubrement {adv}
:: insalubriously
insalubrité {f}
:: insalubrity
insane {adj}
:: crazy
insane {adj}
:: foolish
insanité {f}
:: insanity
insapide {adj}
:: tasteless; bland
insatiable {adj}
:: insatiable
insatiablement {adv}
:: insatiably
insatisfaisant {adj}
:: unsatisfying
insatisfait {adj}
:: dissatisfied, unsatisfied
insaturation {f}
:: unsaturation
insaturé {adj}
:: unsaturated
insciemment {adv}
:: ignorantly
insciemment {adv}
:: unknowingly
inscription {f}
:: registration, enrolment
inscription {f}
:: inscription
inscrire {vt}
:: to inscribe (engrave)
inscrire {vt}
:: to inscribe; jot down (make notes on paper)
inscrire {vt}
:: to inscribe
inscrire {vt}
:: to inscribe, sign up (to a publication, annual pass etc.)
inscrire {vr}
:: to sign up (for)
inscrire {v}
:: notch up, chalk up
inscrutablement {adv}
:: inscrutably
insécable {adj}
:: indivisible
insécable {adj}
:: non-breaking
insecte {m}
:: insect
insecticide {m}
:: insecticide
insectivore {adj}
:: insectivorous
insectivore {m}
:: insectivore
insécurité {f}
:: insecurity
INSEE {prop}
:: initialism of w:Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques
inselberg {m}
:: monadnock
insémination {f}
:: insemination
insémination artificielle {f}
:: artificial insemination
inséminer {v}
:: to inseminate
insensé {adj}
:: insane, crazy
insensé {adj}
:: mindless, meaningless
insensé {adj}
:: phenomenal
insensément {adv}
:: insanely
insensibiliser {vt}
:: to anesthetize
insensibiliser {vt}
:: to desensitize
insensibilité {f}
:: insensibility
insensible {adj}
:: insensible
insensible {adj}
:: impervious
insensiblement {adv}
:: insensitively
insensiblement {adv}
:: imperceptibly
inséparable {adj}
:: inseparable
inséparable {mf}
:: lovebird (the bird)
inséparablement {adv}
:: inseparably
insérer {v}
:: to insert
insert {m}
:: insert
insertion {f}
:: insertion
insidieusement {adv}
:: insidiously
insidieux {adj}
:: insidious
insigne {adj}
:: remarkable, distinguished
insigne {m}
:: a badge
insignifiance {f}
:: insignificance
insignifiant {adj}
:: Of no impact; unimportant; inconsequent; insignificant
insignifiant {adj}
:: Of no value or interest
insignifiant {adj}
:: Without or with an unclear signification
insignifiant {m}
:: A boring (male) person of no importance
insignifier {v}
:: to belittle
insincère {adj}
:: insincere
insincèrement {adv}
:: insincerely
insincérité {f}
:: insincerity
insinuation {f}
:: insinuation
insinuer {v}
:: insinuate (make way for by subtle means)
insinuer {v}
:: insinuate; hint at
insipide {adj}
:: insipid, bland, tasteless
insipidement {adv}
:: insipidly
insistance {f}
:: insistence
insistant {adj}
:: insistent, pressing
insistant {adj}
:: persistent
insister {v}
:: to insist
insociablement {adv}
:: insociably
insociablement {adv}
:: unsociably
insolation {f}
:: sunstroke, insolation (heatstroke caused by an excessive exposure to the sun's rays)
insolemment {adv}
:: insolently
insolence {f}
:: insolence
insolent {adj}
:: insolent
insoleuse {f}
:: platesetter
insolide {adj}
:: unsolid
insolidement {adv}
:: unsolidly
insolite {adj}
:: unusual, strange
insolitement {adv}
:: unusually, strangely
insolubilisé {adj}
:: insolubilized
insolubiliser {v}
:: insolubilize
insolubilité {f}
:: insolubility
insoluble {adj}
:: insoluble
insoluble {adj}
:: insoluble
insolublement {adv}
:: insolubly
insolvabilité {f}
:: insolvency
insolvable {adj}
:: insolvent
insomniaque {adj}
:: insomniac
insomniaque {mf}
:: insomniac
insomnie {f}
:: insomnia (sleeping disorder)
insondable {adj}
:: unsoundable
insondable {adj}
:: unfathomable
insondablement {adv}
:: unfathomably
insonore {adj}
:: soundless, inaudible
insonore {adj}
:: soundproof
insonorisation {f}
:: soundproofing
insonoriser {vt}
:: To soundproof: to make (something) soundproof
insortable {adj}
:: unsocial; inappropriate in social situations
insouciamment {adv}
:: carelessly
insouciamment {adv}
:: blithely
insouciance {f}
:: insouciance, unconcern
insouciant {adj}
:: carefree, without worries
insoucieusement {adv}
:: unconcernedly, carefreely
insoucieux {adj}
:: unconcerned, carefree
insoumis {adj}
:: rebellious
insoumis {adj}
:: unruly
insoumis {adj}
:: absent without leave
insoumission {f}
:: disobedience, recalcitrance, rebelliousness
insoumission {f}
:: absence without leave
insoupçonnable {adj}
:: above suspicion
insoupçonné {adj}
:: unsuspected
insoutenable {adj}
:: untenable
insoutenable {adj}
:: unbearable
insoutenablement {adv}
:: untenably, unbearably, unsustainably
inspammable {adj}
:: unspammable
inspecter {v}
:: to inspect
inspecteur {m}
:: inspector
inspecteur {m}
:: assessor
inspecteur des travaux finis {m}
:: Monday-morning quarterback
inspection {f}
:: inspection (act of examining something, often closely)
inspectrice {f}
:: feminine noun of inspecteur
inspirateur {adj}
:: inspirational
inspirateur {m}
:: inspirer
inspiration {f}
:: inspiration (instance of breathing in)
inspiration {f}
:: inspiration (divine intervention)
inspiration {f}
:: inspiration (something which brings about creativity or perseverance)
inspirer {v}
:: to inspire
inspirer {v}
:: to breathe
inspirer confiance {v}
:: to inspire confidence in someone, to inspire trust in someone
instabilité {f}
:: instability
instable {adj}
:: unstable
instablement {adv}
:: unstably
installateur {m}
:: installer (a person who installs)
installation {f}
:: installation
installer {v}
:: to install
installer {v}
:: to place
installer {vr}
:: to settle
instamment {adv}
:: instantly
instance {f}
:: urgent demand, insistence, plea
instance {f}
:: authority, forum, agency, body
instance {f}
:: legal proceedings, prosecution process
instance {f}
:: instance
instance {f}
:: instance
instanciation {f}
:: instantiation
instant {adj}
:: pressing, insistent
instant {m}
:: instant, minute, moment
instantané {adj}
:: instant
instantané {m}
:: snap, snapshot
instantanéité {f}
:: instantaneity, instantaneousness, immediacy
instantanément {adv}
:: instantaneously (without any delay)
instar {n}
:: only used in à l'instar de
instaurateur {m}
:: establisher, instaurator
instauration {f}
:: establishment (of a government, regime etc.)
instauratrice {f}
:: feminine singular of instaurateur
instaurer {v}
:: to set up; to establish
instigateur {m}
:: instigator
instigation {f}
:: instigation
instigatrice {f}
:: feminine singular of instigateur
instiller {v}
:: To instil
instinct {m}
:: instinct
instinct {m}
:: gut feeling
instinctif {adj}
:: instinctive (related to or prompted by instinct)
instinctivement {adv}
:: instinctively
instinctuel {adj}
:: instinctual
instinctuellement {adv}
:: instinctually
instit {mf}
:: primary school teacher
institué {adj}
:: instituted
instituer {vt}
:: to institute
instituer {vt}
:: to bring forth
institut {m}
:: institute
institut de beauté {m}
:: salon (beauty salon)
instituteur {m}
:: primary school teacher
institutif {adj}
:: institutive
institution {f}
:: institution
institutionaliser {v}
:: alternative form of institutionnaliser
institutionnalisation {f}
:: institutionalization
institutionnaliser {v}
:: to institutionalise
institutionnalisme {m}
:: institutionalism (stress of the importance of institutions)
institutionnel {adj}
:: institutional
institutionnellement {adv}
:: institutionally
institutrice {f}
:: teacher (in a school)
instructeur {m}
:: instructor, teacher
instructif {adj}
:: instructive (conveying knowledge, information or instruction)
instructif {m}
:: instructive, instructive case
instruction {f}
:: instruction
instructrice {f}
:: feminine noun of instructeur
instruire {v}
:: to instruct, to teach
instruire {v}
:: (of a judge or other magistrate) to hear, to try (a case)
instruit {adj}
:: learned, knowledgeable
instrument {m}
:: instrument
instrument à cordes {m}
:: string instrument
instrumental {adj}
:: instrumental
instrumental {m}
:: instrumental, instrumental case
instrumentalement {adv}
:: instrumentally
instrumentalisation {f}
:: instrumentalisation/instrumentalization
instrumentaliser {v}
:: to instrumentalize, to exploit, to use (for selfish gains)
instrumentation {f}
:: instrumentation
instrument à vent {m}
:: wind instrument
instrument de musique {m}
:: musical instrument
instrumenter {vt}
:: to instrument, draw up
instrumenter {vt}
:: to orchestrate
instrumentiste {mf}
:: instrumentalist
insu {m}
:: ignorance
insubmersible {adj}
:: unsinkable
insubordination {f}
:: insubordination
insubordonné {adj}
:: insubordinate
insuccès {m}
:: failure
insuffisamment {adv}
:: insufficiently
insuffisance {f}
:: shortfall; insufficiency
insuffisant {adj}
:: insufficient, not enough
insuffler {vt}
:: to infuse
insuffler {vt}
:: to instill
insulaire {adj}
:: island
insulaire {adj}
:: insular, islandy (pertaining to an island)
insulaire {adj}
:: insular (having inward-looking characteristics)
insulaire {adj}
:: island-dwelling
insulaire {mf}
:: islander (person who lives on an island)
insulairement {adv}
:: insularly
insularité {f}
:: insularity
Insulinde {prop} {f}
:: the Malay Archipelago
insuline {f}
:: insulin (polypeptide hormone)
insulinodépendant {adj}
:: insulin-dependant
insulinome {m}
:: insulinoma
insulinorésistant {adj}
:: insulin-resistant
insultant {adj}
:: insulting
insulte {f}
:: insult
insulté {adj}
:: insulted
insulter {v}
:: to insult
insulteur {m}
:: insulter
insulteuse {f}
:: female equivalent of insulteur
insupportable {adj}
:: intolerable; insupportable; unbearable
insupportablement {adv}
:: insupportably, intolerably, unbearably
insupporter {v}
:: To be unbearable or extremely irritating to
insurgé {m}
:: insurgent
insurger {vr}
:: to rise up, to protest (against)
insurmontable {adj}
:: insurmountable
insurmontablement {adv}
:: insurmountably
insurpassable {adj}
:: unsurpassable
insurrection {f}
:: insurrection
insurrectionnel {adj}
:: insurrectional, insurrectionary
insurrectionnellement {adv}
:: insurrectionally
intact {adj}
:: intact
intact {adj}
:: unspoiled, unbroken
intactilité {f}
:: untouchability
intarissable {adj}
:: inexhaustible
intarissable {adj}
:: unfailing
intarissablement {adv}
:: inexhaustibly
intarissablement {adv}
:: unfailingly
intégrabilité {f}
:: integrability
intégrable {adj}
:: integrable (able to be integrated)
intégral {adj}
:: full, complete
intégral {adj}
:: uncut (film); unabridged (text); all-over (suntan)
intégrale {f}
:: integral
intégrale {f}
:: complete works of an author, a composer, etc
intégralement {adv}
:: fully, completely
intégralisme {m}
:: integralism
intégraliste {adj}
:: integralist
intégraliste {mf}
:: integralist
intégralité {f}
:: entirety, wholeness
intégrande {f}
:: integrand
intégrant {adj}
:: integral
intégrateur {m}
:: integrator
intégration {f}
:: integration
intégrationniste {adj}
:: integrationist
intégratrice {f}
:: feminine singular of intégrateur
intègre {adj}
:: honest
intègrement {adv}
:: honestly
intégrer {vt}
:: to integrate, to incorporate
intégrer {vt}
:: to join, to join in (a group, a band)
intégrer {v}
:: to integrate
intégrisme {m}
:: fundamentalism
intégriste {adj}
:: fundamentalist
intégrité {f}
:: integrity
intégrité référentielle {f}
:: referential integrity
intellect {m}
:: intellect
intellectualiser {vt}
:: to intellectualize
intellectualisme {m}
:: intellectualism
intellectualité {f}
:: intellectuality
intellectuel {adj}
:: intellectual
intellectuellement {adv}
:: intellectually
intelligemment {adv}
:: intelligently
intelligence {f}
:: intelligence; cleverness
intelligence {f}
:: comprehension
intelligence artificielle {f}
:: artificial intelligence
intelligent {adj}
:: intelligent
intelligentsia {f}
:: intelligentsia
intelligible {adj}
:: intelligible
intelligiblement {adv}
:: intelligibly
intello {adj}
:: intellectual, highbrow
intello {mf}
:: intellectual, highbrow
intello {mf}
:: nerd, egghead
intempéramment {adv}
:: intemperantly, intemperately
intempérance {f}
:: intemperance
intempérance {f}
:: overindulgence
intempérant {adj}
:: intemperate
intempérant {adj}
:: overindulgent
intempéré {adj}
:: intemperate
intempérément {adv}
:: intemperately
intempérie {f}
:: bad weather, foul weather
intempestif {adj}
:: untimely, mistimed
intempestivement {adv}
:: untimely; at an awkward moment
intempestivité {f}
:: untimeliness
intemporel {adj}
:: timeless
intenable {adj}
:: untenable, indefensible
intendance {f}
:: stewardship
intendance {f}
:: supply corps
intendant {m}
:: intendant, administrator
intendant {m}
:: quartermaster
intendante {f}
:: The mother superior in certain nunneries
intense {adj}
:: intense
intensément {adv}
:: intensely
intensif {adj}
:: intensive
intensification {f}
:: intensification
intensifier {v}
:: to intensify
intensité {f}
:: intensity
intensivement {adv}
:: intensively
intenter {v}
:: to file, bring
intention {f}
:: intention
intentionnalisme {m}
:: intentionalism
intentionnaliste {adj}
:: intentionalist
intentionnaliste {mf}
:: intentionalist
intentionnalité {f}
:: intentionality
intentionné {adj}
:: intentioned
intentionnel {adj}
:: intentional
intentionnellement {adv}
:: intentionally; deliberately; on purpose
intentionnellement {adv}
:: in intention only
inter- {prefix}
:: inter-
interacadémique {adj}
:: interacademic (between learned societies)
interactif {adj}
:: interactive
interaction {f}
:: interaction
interaction électromagnétique {f}
:: electromagnetic interaction
interaction élémentaire {f}
:: fundamental interaction
interaction faible {f}
:: weak interaction
interaction fondamentale {f}
:: fundamental interaction
interaction forte {f}
:: strong interaction
interaction gravitationnelle {f}
:: gravitational interaction
interaction nucléaire faible {f}
:: weak nuclear interaction
interaction nucléaire forte {f}
:: strong nuclear interaction
interactivement {adv}
:: interactively
interactivité {f}
:: interactivity (quality of being interactive)
interagir {vt}
:: to interact (with)
interallié {adj}
:: Allied (concerning the Allies during World War One)
interarmées {adj}
:: joint (of a combined force)
interarmes {adj}
:: interservice, joint
interatomique {adj}
:: interatomic
interbancaire {adj}
:: interbank
interblocage {m}
:: deadlock
interburundais {adj}
:: inter-Burundian
intercalaire {m}
:: divider (separator used to divide sheets of paper)
intercalaire {adj}
:: dividing; serving as a divider
intercalation {f}
:: intercalation
intercaler {v}
:: to intercalate (add an extra day)
intercaler {v}
:: to insert
intercaler {v}
:: to join in a ruck
intercartilagineux {adj}
:: intercartilaginous
intercaténaire {adj}
:: interchain
intercéder {v}
:: to intercede
intercellulaire {adj}
:: intercellular
intercepter {vt}
:: to intercept
intercepteur {m}
:: interceptor
intercepteur {m}
:: defender
interception {f}
:: interception
interceptrice {f}
:: defender
intercesseur {m}
:: intercessor
intercession {f}
:: intercession
intercessrice {f}
:: feminine noun of intercesseur
interchangeable {adj}
:: interchangeable, substitutable
interchangeablement {adv}
:: interchangeably
intercité {adj}
:: intercity
interclasse {m}
:: break (between lessons)
interclubs {adj}
:: interclub
intercolonial {adj}
:: intercolonial
intercolumnaire {adj}
:: intercolumnar
intercommunal {adj}
:: intercommunal
intercommunalité {f}
:: intercommunality (region of France)
intercommunautaire {adj}
:: intercommunity
interconfédéral {adj}
:: interconfederal
interconnecté {adj}
:: interconnected
interconnecter {v}
:: to interconnect (to connect to one another)
interconnexion {f}
:: interconnection (a connection between multiple things)
intercontinental {adj}
:: intercontinental
interconvertible {adj}
:: interconvertible
interconvertir {v}
:: to interconvert
interculturalisme {m}
:: interculturalism
interculturel {adj}
:: intercultural
interdécile {adj}
:: interdecile
interdépartemental {adj}
:: interdepartmental
interdépendance {f}
:: interdependence
interdépendant {adj}
:: interdependent
interdiction {f}
:: ban, interdiction
interdire {vt}
:: to forbid, ban, prohibit
interdire {vt}
:: to interdict
interdisciplinaire {adj}
:: interdisciplinary
interdisciplinarité {f}
:: interdisciplinarity
interdit {m}
:: Something which is prohibited
interdit {m}
:: an interdict
interdit {adj}
:: forbidden, prohibited, off-limits
interdit {adj}
:: stupefied, at a loss
interépineux {adj}
:: interspinal
intéressant {adj}
:: interesting
intéressé {adj}
:: interested
intéressé {m}
:: person who is keen or interested
intéressé {m}
:: the interested party, the person concerned
intéressée {f}
:: feminine noun of intéressé
intéressement {m}
:: profit sharing
intéresser {vt}
:: to interest; to make interested
intéresser {vr}
:: to be interested in; to have an interest
intérêt {m}
:: interest (great attention and concern from someone)
intérêt {m}
:: interest
intérêt {m}
:: point (purpose, objective)
interétatique {adj}
:: interstate (pertaining to or joining two states)
intérêt général {m}
:: general interest; public interest, public good, common good
interethnique {adj}
:: interethnic
interfaçage {m}
:: interfacing
interface {f}
:: interface
interface {f}
:: interface
interfacer {vt}
:: to interface
interfaceur {m}
:: interfacer
interfacial {adj}
:: interfacial
interfamilial {adj}
:: interfamilial
interfécond {adj}
:: interfecund, interfertile
interférence {f}
:: interference (all senses)
interférent {adj}
:: interfering
interférentiel {adj}
:: interference (attributive)
interférer {v}
:: to interfere
interféromètre {m}
:: interferometer
interférométrie {m}
:: interferometry
interférométrique {adj}
:: interferometric
interféron {m}
:: interferon
interfertilité {f}
:: interfertility
interfibrillaire {adj}
:: interfibrillar
intergalactique {adj}
:: intergalactic (occurring between galaxies)
intergénérationnel {adj}
:: intergenerational
intergénique {adj}
:: intergenic
intergiciel {m}
:: middleware
interglaciaire {adj}
:: interglacial
intergouvernemental {adj}
:: intergovernmental
intergroupe {adj}
:: intergroup
intérieur {adj}
:: interior
intérieur {m}
:: interior, inside
intérieurement {adv}
:: inside, on the inside, internally, interiorly
intérim {m}
:: interim
intérimaire {adj}
:: interim
intérimairement {adv}
:: temporarily (on an interim basis)
interindividuel {adj}
:: interindividual
intériorisation {f}
:: interiorization
intérioriser {v}
:: to internalize, to interiorize
intérioriser {v}
:: to accept, to receive, to take in
intérioriser {v}
:: to take on, to assume
intériorité {f}
:: interiority
intériorité {f}
:: intimacy
Intériste {m}
:: An Inter Milan player
interjectif {adj}
:: interjectional
interjection {f}
:: interjection
interjectivement {adv}
:: interjectively (as an interjection)
interjeter {v}
:: to lodge
Interlaken {prop} {m}
:: Interlaken
interligne {m}
:: spacing
interligne {f}
:: lead, leading (typography)
interlingua {f}
:: the Interlingua language
interlingue {f}
:: the Interlingue language
interlobaire {adj}
:: interlobar
interlobulaire {adj}
:: interlobular
interlocuteur {m}
:: interlocutor, person with whom one speaks
interlocutoire {adj}
:: interlocutory, conversational
interlocutoirement {adv}
:: interlocutorily, conversationally
interlocutrice {f}
:: female equivalent of interlocuteur
interloquer {vt}
:: to take aback
intermaxillaire {adj}
:: intermaxillary
intermède {m}
:: interlude
intermédiaire {adj}
:: intermediate
intermédiaire {mf}
:: intermediary
intermédiaire {mf}
:: mean, average
intermédiairement {adv}
:: intermediately, intermediarily
intermembranaire {adj}
:: intermembrane
intermétallique {adj}
:: intermetallic
interminable {adj}
:: unending, endless, ceaseless, neverending
interminablement {adv}
:: interminably, endlessly
interministériel {adj}
:: interministerial
intermittemment {adv}
:: intermittently
intermittent {adj}
:: Intermittent
intermodal {adj}
:: intermodal
intermodalité {f}
:: intermodality
intermoléculaire {adj}
:: intermolecular
intermunicipal {adj}
:: intermunicipal
intermunicipalité {f}
:: intermunicipality
intermusculaire {adj}
:: intermuscular
internat {m}
:: boarding school
internat {m}
:: entrance examination (for residency)
internat {m}
:: (medical education) residency (as a doctor), hospital training
international {adj}
:: international
Internationale {prop} {f}
:: the Internationale
internationalement {adv}
:: internationally
internationalisation {f}
:: internationalization
internationaliser {vt}
:: to internationalize
internationalisme {m}
:: internationalism
internationaliste {adj}
:: internationalist (relating to internationalism)
internaute {mf}
:: Internet user, surfer, websurfer
internautique {adj}
:: Internet
interne {adj}
:: internal
interne {mf}
:: intern (as in a medical student)
interne {mf}
:: boarder (pupil living at school)
interné {adj}
:: interned
interné {m}
:: internee
internement {m}
:: internment
interner {v}
:: to intern, to imprison
interner {v}
:: to section (in a psychiatric ward)
internet {m}
:: the Internet
Internet {prop} {m}
:: the Internet
internucléaire {adj}
:: internuclear
interocéanique {adj}
:: interoceanic
interopérabilité {f}
:: interoperability
interorganique {adj}
:: interorganic
interosseux {adj}
:: interosseous
interpariétal {adj}
:: interparietal
interparlementaire {adj}
:: interparliamentary
interparticulaire {adj}
:: interparticle
interpeler {v}
:: alternative form of interpeller
interpellation {f}
:: hailing, calling out
interpellation {f}
:: questioning; heckling
interpellation {f}
:: interpellation, questioning
interpellation {f}
:: (an instance of) questioning
interpeller {vt}
:: to call out to
interpeller {vt}
:: to question, to interrogate; to address (of police etc.)
interpeller {vt}
:: to apprehend, to arrest
interpeller {vt}
:: to interpellate (question formally concerning official or governmental policy)
interpénétration {f}
:: interpenetration
interpénétré {adj}
:: interpenetrated
interpénétrer {v}
:: To interpenetrate
interpersonnel {adj}
:: interpersonal
interphone {m}
:: entryphone
interphone {m}
:: intercom
interplanétaire {adj}
:: interplanetary
interpolé {adj}
:: interpolated
interpoler {vt}
:: to interpolate
interposer {vt}
:: to interpose
interprétariat {m}
:: interpreting
interprétatif {adj}
:: interpretative
interprétation {f}
:: interpretation
interprétation {f}
:: interpretation, interpreting
interprétation consécutive {f}
:: consecutive interpretation
interprétation simultanée {f}
:: simultaneous interpretation
interprétativement {adv}
:: interpretively
interprète {mf}
:: interpreter (as opposed to translator)
interprète {mf}
:: interpreter; spokesperson
interprète {mf}
:: performer (for example, an actor, musician, singer)
interpréter {vt}
:: to translate
interpréter {vt}
:: to interpret
interpréter {vt}
:: to construe
interprofession {f}
:: All the professionals in a particular branch of work
interprofessionnel {adj}
:: interprofessional
interprovincial {adj}
:: interprovincial
interracial {adj}
:: interracial
interrégional {adj}
:: interregional
interrègne {m}
:: interregnum
interreligieux {adj}
:: interreligious
interréseau {m}
:: Internet
interro {f}
:: test, exam
interrogateur {m}
:: interrogator
interrogatif {adj}
:: interrogative
interrogatif {adj}
:: questioning
interrogation {f}
:: questioning, interrogation
interrogation {f}
:: interrogative, question
interrogation {f}
:: query
interrogation {f}
:: examen, often unexpected
interrogativement {adv}
:: interrogatively
interrogatoire {m}
:: interrogation (series of questions)
interrogatrice {f}
:: feminine noun of interrogateur
interrogeable {adj}
:: searchable
interroger {vt}
:: to question, interrogate
interroi {f}
:: interrex
interrompre {v}
:: to interrupt
interrupteur {m}
:: switch
interruption {f}
:: interruption
intersaison {f}
:: interseason
interscapulaire {adj}
:: interscapular
interscolaire {adj}
:: interschool, interscholastic
intersecter {v}
:: to intersect
intersexualité {f}
:: intersexuality
intersexuel {adj}
:: intersexual
intersidéral {adj}
:: interstellar
interspécifique {adj}
:: interspecific
interstellaire {adj}
:: interstellar
interstice {m}
:: interstice
interstice {m}
:: gap, interval
intersticiel {adj}
:: alternative form of interstitiel
interstitiel {adj}
:: interstitial
intersyndical {adj}
:: interunion
intersystème {adj}
:: intersystem
intertextualité {f}
:: intertextuality
intertitre {m}
:: subtitle
intertitre {m}
:: caption
intertuberculaire {adj}
:: intertubercular
interuniversitaire {adj}
:: interuniversity, intervarsity
interurbain {adj}
:: interurban
interurbain {adj}
:: long-distance (phone call)
intervalle {m}
:: interval
intervenant {adj}
:: intervening
intervenant {m}
:: stakeholder
intervenir {v}
:: to intervene
intervenir {v}
:: to take part
intervention {f}
:: intervention
interventionnisme {m}
:: interventionism
interventionniste {adj}
:: interventionist
interversion {f}
:: inversion
interversion {f}
:: reversal
interversion {f}
:: transposition (of letters)
interversion {f}
:: metathesis
intervertébral {adj}
:: intervertebral
intervertible {adj}
:: interchangeable
intervertir {vt}
:: to invert, reverse
intervertir {vt}
:: to interchange
interview {f}
:: interview (by a journalist)
interviewer {v}
:: to interview
interviewer {m}
:: interviewer
intervieweur {m}
:: alternative form of interviewer (Noun)
intervieweuse {f}
:: feminine noun of intervieweur
intervocalique {adj}
:: intervocalic
intestat {adj}
:: intestate
intestat {m}
:: intestate person
intestate {f}
:: feminine noun of intestat
intestin {m}
:: intestine
intestin {adj}
:: internal
intestinal {adj}
:: intestinal
intestin grêle {m}
:: small intestine
intifada {f}
:: intifada
intime {adj}
:: intimate
intime {adj}
:: inner
intimé {m}
:: respondent
intimement {adv}
:: intimately
intimer {v}
:: to tell, to notify with authority
intimidant {adj}
:: intimidating
intimidateur {m}
:: intimidator
intimidateur {adj}
:: intimidating
intimidation {f}
:: intimidation
intimider {vt}
:: to intimidate
intimine {f}
:: intimin
intimisme {m}
:: intimism (a genre involving depiction of quiet domestic scenes)
intimiste {mf}
:: intimist
intimité {f}
:: intimacy; closeness
intituler {vt}
:: to title (eg. a book)
intituler {vr}
:: to be titled
intolérable {adj}
:: intolerable
intolérablement {adv}
:: intolerably
intoléramment {adv}
:: intolerantly (in a way which is not tolerant)
intolérance {f}
:: intolerance
intolérant {adj}
:: intolerant; not tolerant
intonation {f}
:: intonation (all senses)
intouchable {adj}
:: untouchable
intouchable {mf}
:: pariah
intox {f}
:: hoax (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick)
intox {f}
:: disinformation
intoxication {f}
:: poisoning
intoxication {f}
:: the act of spreading false information or propaganda
intoxication alimentaire {f}
:: food poisoning
intoxiquer {v}
:: to poison, to intoxicate
intoxiquer {v}
:: to spread propaganda
intra- {prefix}
:: intra-
intracardiaque {adj}
:: intracardiac
intracaténaire {adj}
:: intrachain
intracellulaire {adj}
:: intracellular
intracommunautaire {adj}
:: intracommunity
intracoronaire {adj}
:: intracoronary
intracrânien {adj}
:: intracranial
intradermique {adj}
:: intradermal, intracutaneous
intradiégétique {adj}
:: intradiegetic
intraduisible {adj}
:: untranslatable
intragastrique {adj}
:: intragastric
intraguilde {adj}
:: intraguild
intraitable {adj}
:: intractable
intraitable {adj}
:: inflexible, uncompromising
intramoléculaire {adj}
:: intramolecular
intra-muros {adj}
:: inner city, within the city's walls
intramuros {adj}
:: inner city, within the city's walls
intramusculaire {adj}
:: intramuscular
intranet {m}
:: intranet
intransigeance {f}
:: intransigence
intransigeant {adj}
:: intransigent, unaccommodating
intransitif {adj}
:: intransitive (not taking a direct object)
intransitivement {adv}
:: intransitively
intransitivité {f}
:: intransitivity
intransportable {adj}
:: untransportable
intrant {m}
:: input
intranucléaire {adj}
:: intranuclear
intrapéritonéal {adj}
:: intraperitoneal
intraprismatique {adj}
:: intraprismatic
intraspécifique {adj}
:: intraspecific
intrathécal {adj}
:: intrathecal
intraveineuse {f}
:: intravenous injection
intraveineux {adj}
:: intravenous
intrépide {adj}
:: intrepid
intrépidement {adv}
:: intrepidly
intrépidité {f}
:: intrepidity, fearlessness, boldness
intrication {f}
:: entanglement
intrication quantique {f}
:: quantum entanglement
intrigant {adj}
:: devious, scheming
intrigant {adj}
:: bizarre, odd
intrigue {f}
:: intrigue (all senses)
intriguer {vt}
:: to puzzle; to make interested or curious
intriguer {vi}
:: to scheme, to connive
intrinsèque {adj}
:: intrinsic
intrinsèquement {adv}
:: intrinsically
intriqué {adj}
:: entangled
intriquer {vp}
:: to become tangled
intro {f}
:: intro, introduction
introducteur {m}
:: introducer
introductif {adj}
:: introductory
introduction {f}
:: introduction
introductrice {f}
:: feminine singular of introducteur
introduire {v}
:: to introduce
introduire {v}
:: to insert, to put in
introït {m}
:: introit
intronisation {f}
:: enthronement
introniser {v}
:: To induct, to introduce into
introspectif {adj}
:: introspective
introspection {f}
:: introspection
introuvable {adj}
:: unfindable; elusive
introuvable {adj}
:: unobtainable
introverti {adj}
:: introvert
intrure {v}
:: to intrude
intrus {m}
:: odd one out, mismatch
intrus {m}
:: intruder (unknown unwelcome person)
intrusif {adj}
:: intrusive (tending to intrude)
intrusion {f}
:: intrusion
intuable {adj}
:: unkillable
intubation {f}
:: intubation
intuber {vt}
:: to intubate
intuitif {adj}
:: intuitive (all meanings)
intuition {f}
:: intuition (cognitive faculty)
intuition {f}
:: intuition, hunch
intuition {f}
:: premonition
intuitionisme {m}
:: alternative form of intuitionnisme
intuitionnisme {m}
:: intuitionism
intuitivement {adv}
:: intuitively
inuit {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Inuit people
Inuit {m}
:: Inuit (people)
Inuite {f}
:: feminine noun of Inuit
Inuit Nunangat {prop}
:: Inuit Nunangat
inuktitut {m}
:: Inuktitut (language)
inusable {adj}
:: indestructible
inusité {adj}
:: disused; outmoded; obsolete
inusuel {adj}
:: unusual
inutile {adj}
:: unused
inutile {adj}
:: useless, unnecessary, pointless
inutilement {adv}
:: uselessly, unnecessarily
inutilisable {adj}
:: unusable (not capable of being used)
inutilisé {adj}
:: unused; not used
inutiliser {v}
:: To make unusable
inutilité {f}
:: uselessness, inutility
inutilité {f}
:: useless thing
invaginé {adj}
:: invaginated
invaginer {v}
:: To invaginate
invaincu {adj}
:: undefeated
invalable {adj}
:: invalid
invalable {adj}
:: unacceptable
invalablement {adv}
:: invalidly, unacceptably
invalidant {adj}
:: invalidating
invalidation {f}
:: invalidation
invalide {adj}
:: disabled
invalide {adj}
:: invalid, null, void
invalide {mf}
:: disabled person
invalidé {adj}
:: invalidated
invalidement {adv}
:: invalidly
invalider {v}
:: to invalidate, void
invalidité {f}
:: disability
invariabilité {f}
:: invariability
invariable {adj}
:: invariable
invariablement {adv}
:: invariably
invariant {adj}
:: invariable
invariant {m}
:: invariable
invasif {adj}
:: invasive
invasion {f}
:: invasion
invective {f}
:: invective
invectiver {vt}
:: to insult, shout abuse (at)
invendable {adj}
:: unsaleable / unsellable, unmarketable
invendu {adj}
:: unsold
invendu {m}
:: unsold article
inventaire {m}
:: inventory (list of items)
inventaire {m}
:: stocktake (the process of taking stock)
inventer {v}
:: to invent (make something for the first time)
inventer {v}
:: to invent (create a mistruth)
inventeur {m}
:: inventor
inventif {adj}
:: inventive
invention {f}
:: invention
inventivement {adv}
:: inventively
inventivité {f}
:: inventiveness, ingenuity
inventorié {adj}
:: inventorized
inventorier {v}
:: to inventorize
inventrice {f}
:: feminine noun of inventeur
invérifiable {adj}
:: unverifiable
inverse {adj}
:: inverse, the other way round
inverse {m}
:: the inverse, the contrary
inversé {adj}
:: inverted
inversement {adv}
:: inversely, conversely
inversément {adv}
:: alternative form of inversement
inverser {vt}
:: to revert; inverse
inverser {vr}
:: to get reversed; to go the other way round
inversible {adj}
:: invertible (which has an inverse)
inversion {f}
:: inversion
inversion {f}
:: deviance (especially sexual)
invertébré {adj}
:: invertebrate
invertébré {m}
:: an invertebrate
inverti {m}
:: an invert; a homosexual
invertine {f}
:: invertase
invertir {vt}
:: to invert
investigateur {m}
:: investigator
investigation {f}
:: investigation, examination
investir {v}
:: to invest
investissement {m}
:: investment
investissement {m}
:: commitment, devotion
investisseur {m}
:: investor
investisseur providentiel {m}
:: angel investor, business angel, angel
investiture {f}
:: investiture
investiture {f}
:: inauguration
invétéré {adj}
:: inveterate
invétéré {adj}
:: ingrained
invincibilité {f}
:: invincibility
invincible {adj}
:: invincible
invinciblement {adv}
:: invincibly
inviolabilité {f}
:: inviolability
inviolabilité {f}
:: immunity (from prosecution)
inviolable {adj}
:: inviolable
inviolablement {adv}
:: inviolably
inviolé {adj}
:: inviolate
invisibilité {f}
:: invisibility
invisible {adj}
:: invisible (unable to be seen)
invisible {adj}
:: invisible (not appearing on the surface)
invisiblement {adv}
:: invisibly
invitation {f}
:: invitation
invité {m}
:: guest (person who is invited)
invité {adj}
:: invited
inviter {v}
:: to invite
inviteur {m}
:: inviter
inviteuse {f}
:: feminine noun of inviteur
invivable {adj}
:: impossible to live in, unbearable
invivable {adj}
:: impossible to live with, unbearable
invocateur {m}
:: invoker
invocation {f}
:: invocation
invocatrice {f}
:: feminine singular of invocateur
involontaire {adj}
:: involuntary
involontairement {adv}
:: involuntarily; unintentionally
involuer {v}
:: To regress
involutif {adj}
:: involute
involutif {adj}
:: involutive
invoquer {v}
:: to invoke
invoquer {v}
:: to call upon (God)
invraisemblable {adj}
:: unbelievable, improbable, implausible
invraisemblablement {adv}
:: unbelievably, improbably, implausibly
invraisemblance {f}
:: unlikeliness; doubtfulness
invulnérabilité {f}
:: invulnerability
invulnérable {adj}
:: invulnerable
invulnérablement {adv}
:: invulnerably
iochroma {m}
:: alternative form of iochrome
iochrome {m}
:: iochroma
iode {m}
:: iodine (element)
iodé {adj}
:: iodized, iodinated
iodeux {adj}
:: iodous
iodhydrate {m}
:: iodohydrate
iodhydrique {adj}
:: hydroiodic
iodique {adj}
:: iodic
iodler {vi}
:: to yodel
iodoforme {m}
:: iodoform
iodométhane {m}
:: iodomethane
iodométrie {f}
:: iodometry
iodure {m}
:: iodide
ioduré {adj}
:: iodized
-ion {suffix}
:: -ion
ion {m}
:: ion
ionène {f}
:: ionene
Ionescu {prop}
:: surname
ionien {adj}
:: Ionian
ionique {adj}
:: ionic
ionique {adj}
:: Ionic
ionisable {adj}
:: ionizable
ionisant {adj}
:: ionizing
ionisation {f}
:: ionisation
ionisé {adj}
:: ionized
ioniser {v}
:: to ionize
ioniseur {m}
:: ionizer
ionosphère {f}
:: ionosphere
ionosphérique {adj}
:: ionospheric
-ions {suffix}
:: A suffix denoting the first-person plural imperfect indicative form of a verb
-ions {suffix}
:: A suffix denoting the first-person plural imperfect subjunctive form of a verb
iota {m}
:: iota (Greek letter)
iota {m}
:: jot, iota (negligible amount)
iPad {m}
:: iPad (the Apple iPad)
iPad {m}
:: iPad (a generic internet/electronic tablet)
IPC {adj}
:: Indicating a sport adapted for the disabled, typically prefixing the term. This usage has been superceded by the use of the prefix para- in its place
I.-P.-E. {prop} {f}
:: Île-du-Prince-Édouard, a province in Canada
I.-P.-E. {prop} {f}
:: Île-du-Prince-Édouard, an island in eastern Canada
IPE {prop}
:: alternative spelling of I.-P.-E.
ipé {m}
:: ipe (tropical tree)
ipé {m}
:: ipe (wood)
iPhone {m}
:: iPhone (the Apple iPhone)
iPhone {m}
:: iPhone (any smartphone)
iPod {m}
:: iPod (the Apple iPod)
iPod {m}
:: iPod (a generic personal portable MP3 player)
ippon {m}
:: ippon
ipsilatéral {adj}
:: ipsilateral
IQA {m}
:: abbreviation of indice de la qualité de l'air (air quality index)
Iqaluit {prop}
:: Iqaluit (capital city)
-ique {suffix}
:: Used to form adjectives from nouns: -ic, -ical, -ish, -ly
-ir {suffix}
:: A suffix forming infinitives of many verbs
ir- {prefix}
:: not; negation
iradé {m}
:: irade
Irak {prop}
:: Iraq
irakien {adj}
:: Iraqi (relating to Iraq)
Irakien {m}
:: Iraqi (Iraqi person)
Irakienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Irakien
Iran {prop} {m}
:: Iran
iranien {adj}
:: Iranian (of or pertaining to Iran or its people or culture)
Iranien {m}
:: Iranian (person)
Iranienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Iranien
iranisant {m}
:: Iranist
IRAP {prop} {m}
:: initialism of Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie
iraqien {adj}
:: alternative spelling of irakien
Iraqien {m}
:: alternative spelling of Irakien
Iraqienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Iraqien
iraquien {adj}
:: alternative spelling of irakien
Iraquien {m}
:: alternative spelling of Irakien
Iraquienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Iraquien
irascible {adj}
:: irascible
Irazein {prop}
:: Irazein (hamlet)
ire {f}
:: ire, anger
irène {f}
:: irene
Irène {prop}
:: given name
irénique {adj}
:: irenic, irenical
iridescent {adj}
:: iridescent
irideux {adj}
:: iridium (attributive)
iridié {adj}
:: iridium (attributive, especially as an alloy)
iridien {adj}
:: iridial
iridine {f}
:: iridin
iridiosmium {m}
:: osmiridium
iridique {adj}
:: iridic
iridium {m}
:: iridium
iridologie {f}
:: iridology
iridologue {mf}
:: iridologist
irien {adj}
:: iridial
iris {m}
:: iris
Iris {prop}
:: Iris
Iris {prop}
:: given name
irisation {f}
:: iridescence
iris d'eau {m}
:: yellow iris, yellow flag
irisé {adj}
:: iridescent
iriser {v}
:: to make, or to become iridescent
irlandais {m}
:: Irish, the Irish language
irlandais {adj}
:: Irish
Irlandais {m}
:: Irishman, someone from Ireland
Irlandaise {f}
:: feminine noun of Irlandais
Irlande {prop} {f}
:: Irlande (country)
Irlande du Nord {prop} {f}
:: Northern Ireland
ironie {f}
:: irony
ironie du sort {f}
:: twist of fate, quirk of fate, irony (condition contrary to expectations, unfortunate turn of events)
ironique {adj}
:: ironic
ironiquement {adv}
:: ironically
ironiser {v}
:: to be ironic
ironiser {v}
:: to say ironically
ironiste {mf}
:: ironist
iroquoien {adj}
:: Iroquoian
Iroquoien {m}
:: Iroquoian
Iroquoienne {f}
:: feminine singular of Iroquoien
iroquois {adj}
:: Iroquois (attributive)
Iroquois {prop}
:: Iroquois
irracontable {adj}
:: too complicated for words
irracontable {adj}
:: unrepeatable
irradiateur {adj}
:: irradiating
irradiateur {m}
:: irradiator
irradiation {f}
:: irradiation
irradier {v}
:: to irradiate (sterilyse)
irraisonnable {adj}
:: unreasonable
irraisonnablement {adv}
:: unreasonably
irraisonné {adj}
:: irrational
irraisonné {adj}
:: unreasoned
irrationalisme {m}
:: irrationalism
irrationaliste {adj}
:: irrationalist
irrationaliste {mf}
:: irrationalist
irrationalité {f}
:: irrationality
irrationnalité {f}
:: alternative form of irrationalité
irrationnel {adj}
:: irrational
irrationnel {adj}
:: irrational (of a number)
irrationnellement {adv}
:: irrationally
irrattrapable {adj}
:: irretrievable
irréalisable {adj}
:: unrealizable
irréalisable {adj}
:: impracticable
irréalisme {m}
:: unreality (a lack of realism)
irréaliste {adj}
:: unrealistic (not realistic)
irréalité {f}
:: irreality (quality of being unreal)
irrecevable {adj}
:: inadmissible, unacceptable
irréconciliable {adj}
:: irreconcilable
irréconciliablement {adv}
:: irreconcilably
irrécouvrable {adj}
:: irrecoverable
irrécupérable {adj}
:: irretrievable, unreclaimable
irrécusable {adj}
:: unimpeachable
irrécusable {adj}
:: incontestable, indisputable, irrefutable
irrécusablement {adv}
:: unimpeachably
irrécusablement {adv}
:: incontestably, indisputably, irrefutably
irrédentisme {m}
:: irredentism
irréductible {adj}
:: irreducible
irréductible {adj}
:: indomitable, implacable
irréductiblement {adv}
:: irreducibly
irréductiblement {adv}
:: implacably
irréel {adj}
:: unreal
irréellement {adv}
:: unreally (in an unreal way)
irréfléchi {adj}
:: rash, reckless
irréfléchi {adj}
:: thoughtless, badly thought-out, short-sighted
irréflexion {f}
:: short-sightedness, thoughtlessness
irréflexion {f}
:: rashness, lack of thoughts
irréfragabilité {f}
:: irrefragability
irréfragable {adj}
:: irrefragable
irréfragablement {adv}
:: irrefragably
irréfutable {adj}
:: incontrovertible, irrefutable (undeniable, unable to be disproved)
irréfutablement {adv}
:: irrefutably (in a way which is irrefutable)
irrégularité {f}
:: irregularity
irrégulier {adj}
:: irregular (non-standard)
irrégulier {adj}
:: (of a polygon) irregular
irrégulier {adj}
:: undependable
irrégulier {adj}
:: illegal
irrégulier {adj}
:: (of a verb etc.) irregular
irrégulièrement {adv}
:: irregularly (in a way which is not regular)
irreliable {adj}
:: unconnectable, unjoinable, unlinkable
irréligieusement {adv}
:: irreligiously
irréligieux {adj}
:: irreligious
irréligion {f}
:: irreligion, irreligiousness
irrémédiable {adj}
:: irremediable
irrémédiablement {adv}
:: irrecoverably, irremediably
irrémissible {adj}
:: irremissible
irrémissiblement {adv}
:: unforgivably; impardonably
irremplaçable {adj}
:: irreplaceable
irremplissabilité {f}
:: unfillability
irréparable {adj}
:: irreparable, unrepairable, unfixable
irréparablement {adv}
:: irreparably
irrépréhensible {adj}
:: irreprehensible
irrépréhensiblement {adv}
:: irreprehensibly; irreproachably
irrépressible {adj}
:: irrepressible
irrépressiblement {adv}
:: irrepressibly
irréprochable {adj}
:: irreproachable
irréprochablement {adv}
:: irreproachably (in a way that is beyond reproach)
irrésistibiliser {vt}
:: to make irresistible
irrésistibilité {f}
:: irresistibility
irrésistible {adj}
:: irresistible (not able to be resisted)
irrésistiblement {adv}
:: irresistibly
irrésolu {adj}
:: indecisive
irrésoluble {adj}
:: irresolvable
irrésolument {adv}
:: undecidedly; indecisively
irrésolution {f}
:: irresoluteness, irresolution; indecision, wavering
irrespect {m}
:: disrespect
irrespectueusement {adv}
:: disrespectfully
irrespectueux {adj}
:: disrespectful
irrespirable {adj}
:: unbreathable, suffocating
irresponsabilité {f}
:: irresponsibility
irresponsable {adj}
:: irresponsible
irresponsablement {adv}
:: irresponsibly
irrétrécissable {adj}
:: unshrinkable, nonshrink
irrévéremment {adv}
:: irreverently
irrévérence {f}
:: irreverence
irrévérence {f}
:: disrespect
irrévérencieusement {adv}
:: irreverently
irrévérencieux {adj}
:: irreverent
irrévérent {adj}
:: irreverent
irréversibilité {f}
:: irreversibility
irréversible {adj}
:: irreversible
irréversiblement {adv}
:: irreversibly
irrévocable {adv}
:: irrevocable (not able to be revoked)
irrévocablement {adv}
:: irrevocably
irrigation {f}
:: irrigation
irrigué {adj}
:: irrigated
irriguer {v}
:: to irrigate
irritabilité {f}
:: irritability
irritabilité {f}
:: petulance
irritable {adj}
:: irritable
irritant {adj}
:: irritating; annoying
irritant {m}
:: irritant
irritatif {adj}
:: irritative
irritation {f}
:: irritation (all senses)
irrité {adj}
:: irritated, annoyed
irriter {v}
:: to annoy, to irritate
irrotationnel {adj}
:: irrotational
irrumation {f}
:: irrumation
irrumer {vt}
:: to irrumate
irruption {f}
:: outbreak (an eruption, sudden appearance)
irruption {f}
:: irruption
-is {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the first-person singular present indicative of -ir verbs
-is {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the second-person singular present indicative of -ir verbs
-is {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the first-person singular past historic of -ir verbs
-is {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the second-person singular past historic of -ir verbs
-is {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the first-person singular past historic of -re verbs
-is {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the second-person singular past historic of -re verbs
is- {prefix}
:: form of iso- before a vowel
Isaac {prop}
:: Isaac (Biblical figure)
Isaac {prop}
:: given name
isabelle {adj}
:: light tan
Isabelle {prop} {f}
:: given name
Isaï {prop}
:: Jesse
Isaie {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Isaïe
Isaïe {prop} {m}
:: given name
Isaïe {prop} {m}
:: Isaiah
isapostole {mf}
:: isapostle
isapostolicité {f}
:: isapostolicity
isapostolique {adj}
:: isapostolic
isapôtre {m}
:: isapostle
isapôtresse {f}
:: feminine noun of isapôtre
isard {m}
:: chamois
-isation {suffix}
:: -ization
ischémie {f}
:: ischemia
ischémique {adj}
:: ischemic
ischiadique {adj}
:: synonym of ischiatique
ischiatique {adj}
:: ischiatic
Ischim {prop}
:: alternative form of Ichim
ischio- {prefix}
:: ischio-
ischio-jambier {adj}
:: hamstring
ischio-jambier {m}
:: hamstring (muscle)
ischion {m}
:: ischium
-ise {suffix}
:: -ise (suffix used to form nouns)
Isée {prop} {m}
:: Isaeus
isentropique {adj}
:: isentropic
-iser {suffix}
:: -ise/-ize
Isère {prop} {f}
:: Isère (river)
Isère {prop} {f}
:: Isère (department)
Isernia {prop}
:: Isernia (town/and/province)
isérois {adj}
:: Of or from Isère
Iseult {prop} {f}
:: given name
Ishii {prop}
:: surname
Ishikawa {prop}
:: surname
isiaque {adj}
:: Isiac
isidorien {adj}
:: Isidorian
islam {m}
:: Islam
islamique {adj}
:: Islamic (of, or relating to, Islam)
islamiquement {adv}
:: Islamically
islamisation {f}
:: Islamization (ac of making Islamic)
islamiser {v}
:: to Islamize/Islamise, Islamicize (to make Islamic)
islamisme {m}
:: Islamism
islamiste {mf}
:: Islamist
islamiste {adj}
:: Islamist
islamologie {f}
:: Islamology
islamologue {mf}
:: Islamologist
islamophobie {f}
:: Islamophobia
islandais {m}
:: Icelandic, the Icelandic language
islandais {adj}
:: Icelandic
Islandais {m}
:: Icelander (someone from Iceland)
Islandaise {f}
:: feminine noun of Islandais
Islande {prop} {f}
:: Islande (country)
isle {f}
:: obsolete spelling of île
Isles d'Hières {prop}
:: archaic spelling of Îles d'Hyères
ismaélien {m}
:: Ismaelian; Shiite
ismaélienne {f}
:: feminine singular of ismaélien
-isme {suffix}
:: -ism
-ïsme {suffix}
:: -ism, variant of -isme following vowels
iso- {prefix}
:: iso-
isobarique {adj}
:: isobaric
isobarométrique {adj}
:: isobarometric
isobornéol {m}
:: isoborneol
isobutane {m}
:: isobutane
isobutène {m}
:: isobutene
isocèle {adj}
:: isosceles
isochronique {adj}
:: isochronic
isochroniquement {adv}
:: isochronically
Isocrate {prop} {m}
:: Isocrates (an Ancient Greek given orator)
isodense {adj}
:: isodense
isodensité {f}
:: isodensity
isoédrique {adj}
:: isohedral
isoélectrique {adj}
:: isoelectric
isoète {m}
:: quillwort
isoeugénol {m}
:: isoeugenol
isoflavone {f}
:: isoflavone
isofonctionnel {adj}
:: isofunctional
isoforme {m}
:: isoform
isogame {adj}
:: isogametic
isogamie {m}
:: isogamy
isogène {adj}
:: synonym of homocentrique
isogénique {adj}
:: isogenic
isogéotherme {adj}
:: isogeothermic
isogéotherme {m}
:: geoisotherm
isolant {adj}
:: insulating
isolant {adj}
:: isolating
isolant {m}
:: insulator
isolat {m}
:: isolate
isolateur {m}
:: insulator, isolator
isolation {f}
:: isolation
isolation {f}
:: insulation
isolationnisme {m}
:: isolationism (a national (or group) policy of non-interaction with other nations (or groups))
isolationniste {adj}
:: isolationist (of or pertaining to isolationism or an advocate thereof)
isolé {adj}
:: isolated
isolé {m}
:: An independent rider in the Tour de France
isolement {m}
:: detachment
isolement {m}
:: isolation
isolément {adv}
:: isolatedly, individually, separately
isoler {v}
:: to isolate
isoler {v}
:: to insulate
isolisme {m}
:: synonym of isolement
isologue {adj}
:: isologous
isoloir {m}
:: voting booth
isomérase {f}
:: isomerase
isomère {m}
:: isomer (chemistry: compounds)
isomérie {f}
:: isomerism
isomérique {adj}
:: isomeric
isomérisation {f}
:: isomerization
isomérisme {m}
:: isomerism
isomètre {adj}
:: isometric
isométrie {f}
:: isometry
isométrique {adj}
:: isometric
isométriquement {adv}
:: isometrically
isomorphe {adj}
:: isomorphic
isomorphisme {m}
:: isomorphism (all meanings)
ison {m}
:: ison
isonomie {f}
:: isonomy
isopalmitique {adj}
:: isopalmitic
isopentane {m}
:: isopentane
isopentènyl {m}
:: isopentenyl
isopétale {adj}
:: isopetalous
isophtalique {adj}
:: isophthalic
isophylle {adj}
:: isophyllous
isopleure {adj}
:: isopleuron
isopode {m}
:: isopod
isoprène {m}
:: isoprene
isoprénoïde {adj}
:: isoprenoide
isoprénoïde {m}
:: isoprenoide
isopropyle {m}
:: isopropyl
isopropylique {adj}
:: isopropyl (attributive)
isoptère {m}
:: isopteran
isorel {m}
:: hardboard
isoscédasticité {f}
:: synonym of homoscédasticité
isoscédastique {adj}
:: synonym of homoscédastique
isoscèle {adj}
:: alternative form of isocèle
isostatique {adj}
:: isostatic
isostémone {adj}
:: isostemonous
isosyllabique {adj}
:: isosyllabic
isotherme {m}
:: isotherm
isotherme {adj}
:: isothermal
isothermique {adj}
:: isothermic
isothermiquement {adv}
:: isothermically
isotone {m}
:: isotone
isotone {adj}
:: isotonic
isotonique {adj}
:: isotonic
isotope {adj}
:: isotopic (relating to isotopes)
isotope {m}
:: isotope
isotopie {f}
:: isotopy
isotopique {adj}
:: isotopic
isotopiquement {adv}
:: isotopically
isotopomère {m}
:: isotopomer
isotrope {adj}
:: isotropic (having properties which are equivalent in all directions)
isotropie {f}
:: isotropy
isotropique {adj}
:: isotropic
isotypique {adj}
:: isotypic
ispaghul {m}
:: ispaghula
Ispahan {prop}
:: Ispahan (city)
ispahanais {adj}
:: Isfahani
Ispahanais {m}
:: Isfahani (male)
ispravnik {m}
:: ispravnic
Israël {prop} {m}
:: Israel
israélien {adj}
:: Israeli (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people)
Israélien {m}
:: Israeli (person from Israel or of Israeli descent)
Israélienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Israélien
Israëlienne {f}
:: feminine singular of Israëlien
israélite {adj}
:: Jewish
israélite {adj}
:: Israelite
Israélite {mf}
:: Israelite
Issa {prop} {m}
:: given name, widely used in Islamic North and West Africa
Issa {m}
:: A member of the Issa clan
-isse {suffix}
:: Used with a stem to for the first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of -ir verbs
isséen {adj}
:: From the French town of Issé
isséen {adj}
:: From the French town of Issy-les-Moulineaux
-issime {suffix}
:: suffix used to form superlative forms of adjectives
issu {adj}
:: from, originating from
issue {f}
:: An exit, a way out
issue {f}
:: The final outcome or result
Istanbul {prop}
:: Istanbul (city)
-iste {suffix}
:: -ist
-iste {suffix}
:: -istic
isthme {m}
:: isthmus
isthmique {adj}
:: isthmic
-it {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the third-person singular present indicative of -ir verbs
-it {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the third-person singular past historic of -ir verbs
-it {suffix}
:: Suffix forming the third-person singular past historic of -re verbs
-ît {suffix}
:: A suffix denoting the third-person singular imperfect subjunctive form of an -ir or -re verb
itaconique {adj}
:: itaconic
italianisant {m}
:: Italianist
italianisation {f}
:: Italianization
italianiser {v}
:: To Italianize
italianité {f}
:: Italianness
Italie {prop} {f}
:: Italy
italien {adj}
:: Italian
italien {m}
:: Italian (language)
Italien {m}
:: Italian (person)
Italienne {f}
:: feminine noun of Italien
italique {adj}
:: italic
italique {m}
:: italics
italo- {prefix}
:: Italo-
italophile {adj}
:: Italophilic
italophobie {f}
:: Italophobia
-ite {suffix}
:: -itis
-ite {suffix}
:: -ite (relating to following someone or something)
-ite {suffix}
:: -ite
-ité {suffix}
:: variant of -té, giving a quality or characteristic of an adjective; -ity
item {adv}
:: same; in the same way
itérateur {m}
:: iterator
itératif {adj}
:: iterative (of a procedure that involves repetition)
itération {f}
:: iteration
itérativement {adv}
:: repeatedly; with many repetitions
itérer {v}
:: to iterate
itéropare {adj}
:: iteroparous
itéroparité {f}
:: iteroparity
ithyphalle {m}
:: ithyphallus
ithyphallique {adj}
:: ithyphallic
itinéraire {m}
:: itinerary
itinérance {f}
:: Homelessness
itinérance {f}
:: Pedestrian traveling done for pleasure; hiking; backpacking
itinérance {f}
:: The ability to use a cell phone outside of its original registering zone; roaming
itinérance {f}
:: Act of traveling without a particular goal or destination
itinérance {f}
:: roaming
itinérant {m}
:: A homeless person
itinérant {adj}
:: Which travels to perform its functions
itinérant {adj}
:: Occurring in several places one after the other
itou {adv}
:: likewise, also
-itude {suffix}
:: -itude
Iturée {prop} {f}
:: Iturea
ituréen {adj}
:: Iturean
iulacé {adj}
:: Bearing catkins
iule {m}
:: millipede
iule {m}
:: catkin
IVG {f}
:: initialism of interruption volontaire de grossesse, an abortion
ivoire {m}
:: ivory
ivoirien {adj}
:: Ivorian (of or pertaining to the Ivory Coast or its people or culture)
Ivoirien {m}
:: A male Ivorian
Ivoirienne {f}
:: female equivalent of Ivoirien
ivoirité {f}
:: The quality of being Ivorian
ivraie {f}
:: ryegrass (Lolium)
ivraie {f}
:: darnel, cockle (Lolium temulentum)
ivre {adj}
:: drunk, inebriated
ivresse {f}
:: drunkenness
ivresse {f}
:: euphoria
ivrogne {adj}
:: alcoholic
ivrogne {mf}
:: drunkard; alcoholic
ivrogne {mf}
:: red campion (Silene dioica)
ivrognerie {f}
:: drunkenness
ivrognesse {f}
:: feminine singular of ivrogne
Iwasaki {prop}
:: surname
ixe {m}
:: ex. letter: x
ixer {v}
:: to X-rate; to make X-rated
ixième {adj}
:: nth, xth