éclair {n} (type of pastry)
:: éclair {m}
éclat {n} /eɪˈklɑ/ (brilliant or successful effect)
:: éclat {m}
écu {n} /eɪˈkuː/ (obsolete French unit of currency)
:: écu {m}
e {n} /iː/ (name of the letter E, e)
:: e {m}
E {n} /ɛ/ (slang: ecstasy)
:: Hebrew
ea. {determiner} (each)
:: ch.
each {determiner} /it͡ʃ/ (every)
:: chaque
each {adv} (per)
:: chacun
each other {pron} /iˈtʃʌðɚ/ (to one another; one to the other)
:: l'un l'autre, les uns les autres {p}
each to his own {proverb} (to each his own) SEE: to each his own
eager {adj} /ˈiɡɚ/ (excited by desire in the pursuit of any object)
:: désireux, enthousiaste, impatient
eagerly {adv} /ˈiɡɚli/ (in an eager manner)
:: avidement
eagle {n} /ˈiːɡəl/ (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae)
:: aigle {m}
eagle {n} (representation of an eagle in heraldry)
:: aigle {m}
eagle {n} (in golf, a score of two under par for a hole)
:: eagle {m}
eagle {v} (to score an eagle)
:: réussir un aigle
eagle-eyed {adj} (Having great visual acuity)
:: œil de lynx
eaglehawk {n} (a large Australian eagle)
:: uraète {m}
eagle owl {n} /ˈiːɡəl ˈɑʊl/ (large owl of genus Bubo)
:: grand duc {m}
eaglet {n} (an eagle chick)
:: aiglon {m}, aiglette {f}
ear {n} /ɪɹ/ (fruiting body of a grain plant)
:: épi {m}
ear {v} (to put forth ears in growing)
:: monter en épi, épier
ear {v} (archaic: to plough)
:: labourer
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough
ear {n} (external part of the organ of hearing) SEE: pinna
ear {n} (organ of hearing)
:: oreille {f}
ear {n} (slang: police informant)
:: indic {m}, balance {f}, mouchard {m}
earache {n} /ˈɪə̯ɹeɪk/ (pain in the ear)
:: otalgie {f}
ear bud {n} (small earphone)
:: écouteur
ear canal {n} (tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum)
:: conduit auditif {m}
eardrum {n} /ˈiɚˌdɹʌm/ (membrane separating outer and middle ears)
:: tympan {m}
earl {n} /ɝl/ (a British or Irish nobleman)
:: comte
earless seal {n} (seal of family Phocidae)
:: phoque
earlier {adv} /ˈɝliɚ/ (previously; before now; sooner)
:: plus tôt
ear lobe {n} (a part of the ear)
:: lobe {m} (de l'oreille)
early {adj} /ˈɝli/ (at a time in advance of the usual)
:: de bonne heure, tôt
early {adj} (arriving at a time before expected)
:: en avance
early {adj} (near the start or beginning)
:: ancien
early {adj} (illness: having begun to occur)
:: précoce
early {adv} (at a time before expected)
:: tôt, de bonne heure, en avance
early bird {n} (one who wakes early)
:: lève-tôt {m}
early childhood {n} (stage including toddlerhood and some time afterwards)
:: petite enfance {f}
Early Middle Ages {prop} (Translations)
:: Haut Moyen Âge
Early Modern English {prop} (Early Modern English)
:: anglais moderne naissant {m}
Early New English {prop} (15th to mid-17th century form of English) SEE: Early Modern English
early retirement {n} (early retirement)
:: préretraite {f}, retraite anticipée {f}
early riser {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird
early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise {proverb} (Benjamin Franklin quote)
:: coucher de poule et lever de corbeau écartent l'homme du tombeau
earmark {v} (to specify or set aside for a particular purpose)
:: allouer, réserver
earmuff {n} (garment to keep the ears warm)
:: cache-oreilles {p}
earn {v} /ɝn/ (transitive: receive (money) for working)
:: gagner
earn {v} (deserve)
:: mériter
earn {v} (intransitive: receive money for working)
:: gagner
earnest {n} /ˈɝnɪst/ (gravity; serious purpose; earnestness)
:: sérieux {m}, gravité {f}
earnest {adj} (ardent)
:: ardent
earnest {adj} (important, serious)
:: sérieux, grave
earnest money {n} (money paid)
:: arrhes {f-p}
earnings {n} (wages, money earned, income)
:: revenus {m-p}
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear)
:: écouteur {m}
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears)
:: écouteurs {m-p}
earpick {n} (instrument for removing earwax)
:: cure-oreille {m}
earplug {n} (protective clothing for the ear canal)
:: bouchon d’oreille {m}
earring {n} /ˈɪɹɪŋ/ (piece of jewelry)
:: boucle d'oreille {f}
ears are burning {phrase}
:: avoir les oreilles qui sifflent
ear shell {n} (abalone) SEE: abalone
earshot {n} /ˈɪəˌʃɒt/ (distance)
:: portée de voix {f}
ear tag {n} (tag on the ear of an animal)
:: étiquette d'oreille {f}
earth {n} /ɝθ/ (soil)
:: terre
earth {n} (any general rock-based material)
:: terre
earth {n} (the ground, land)
:: terre
earth {n} (electrical connection)
:: terre
earth {n} (fox's lair)
:: terrier
earth {n} (world of our current life, as opposed to afterlife)
:: terre
earth {n} (one of the four basic elements)
:: terre
earth {n} (one of the five basic elements)
:: terre
earth {v} (connect electrically to the earth)
:: relier à la terre, mettre à la terre
earth {v} (to bury)
:: enterrer
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth
Earth {prop} /ɝθ/ (third planet of the Solar System)
:: Terre {f}
Earth {prop} (personification of Earth) SEE: Mother Earth
earthbound {adj} (unimaginative or mundane)
:: terre-à-terre
Earth Day {prop} (global day of observance of the need to protect the earth)
:: Jour de la Terre {m}
earthenware {n} /ˈəːθ(ə)nwɛː/ (ceramic)
:: poterie {f}
Earthling {n} /ˈɜːθ.lɪŋ/ (inhabitant of the planet Earth)
:: terrien {m}, terrienne {f}
earthly {adj} /ˈəːθli/ (as opposed to heaven)
:: terrestre
earthly branch {n} (set of twelve terms in East Asian cultures)
:: branche terrestre {f}
Earth mass {n} (Unit of mass)
:: masse de la Terre {f}
earth pig {n} (aardvark) SEE: aardvark
earthquake {n} /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ (shaking of the surface of a planet)
:: tremblement de terre {m}, séisme {m}
earth science {n} (any of the sciences dealing with the planet Earth)
:: géoscience {f}, science de la terre {f}
earthshine {n} (reflected Earthlight)
:: clair de Terre {m}, lumière cendrée {f}
earthworm {n} (worm (animal))
:: ver de terre {m}, lombric {m} , lèche {f}
ear to the ground {n} (the practice of carefully gathering information)
:: (to keep one's ear to the ground) rester à l'écoute, être à l'écoute
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear)
:: cérumen {m}
earwig {n} (the insect)
:: forficule {f}, perce-oreille {m}
earwitness {n} /ˈɪə̯wɪtnəs/ (witness who gives evidence of what he or she has heard)
:: témoin auriculaire {m}
earworm {n} (earwig) SEE: earwig
ease {n} /iz/ (ability, see also: ability)
:: facilité {f}
ease {n} (relaxation)
:: repos {m}
easel {n} /ˈiː.z(ə)l/ (upright frame for displaying or supporting something)
:: chevalet {m}
easement {n} /ˈiːzm(ə)nt/ (legal right to use another person's property)
:: servitude
ease nature {v} (to urinate and/or defecate (euphemism)) SEE: relieve oneself
ease up {v} (to become more relaxed)
:: lâcher du lest
ease up {v} (to reduce speed)
:: lever le pied
easier said than done {adj} (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
:: plus facile à dire qu’à faire
easily {adv} /ˈiːzɪli/ (without difficulty)
:: facilement
easily {adv} (without question)
:: facilement
easiness {n} (the quality of being easy)
:: facilité {f}, simplicité {f}
east {n} /iːst/ (compass point)
:: est {m}, orient {m}, levant {m}
east {adj} (in or towards the east)
:: à l'est
east {adj} (meteorology: easterly)
:: de l'est
east {adj} (of or pertaining to the east)
:: de l'est
east {adj} (from the East)
:: oriental {m}, orientale {f}
east {adv} (towards the east)
:: vers l 'est
East {prop} /iːst/ (Eastern world)
:: orient {m}, levant {m}
East {prop} (Eastern states of the US)
:: les états de l'est des États-Unis
East al-Quds {prop} (East Jerusalem) SEE: East Jerusalem
East Anglia {prop} (area of eastern England)
:: Est-Anglie {f}
East Asia {prop} (eastern subregion of Asia)
:: Asie de l'Est {f}
East Asian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to East Asia)
:: est-asiatique
East Asian {n} (a person from East Asia)
:: Est-Asiatique {m} {f}
East Berlin {prop} (the Soviet sector of Berlin between 1949 and 1990)
:: Berlin-Est {m}
east by north {n} (compass point)
:: est-quart-nord-est {m}
east by south {n} (compass point)
:: est-quart-sud-est {m}
East China Sea {prop} (a sea)
:: mer de Chine orientale {f}
East Coast {prop} (the eastern seaboard of the United States)
:: Côte Est {f}
Easter {n} /ˈi.stɚ/ (Christian holiday)
:: Pâques {f-p}
Easter Bunny {prop} /ˈiːs.tɚ ˈbʌ.ni/ (Symbolic rabbit sometimes depicted delivering Easter eggs to children)
:: lapin de Pâques {m}
Easter egg {n} /ˈiː.stəɹ ˌɛɡ/ (a dyed or decorated egg)
:: œuf de Pâques {m}
Easter egg hunt {n} (activity held at Easter where hidden Easter eggs have to be found)
:: chasse aux œufs {f}
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific)
:: île de Pâques {f}
Easter Monday {prop} (Monday after Easter Sunday)
:: Lundi de Pâques {m}
eastern {adj} /ˈiːstən/ (related to the east)
:: oriental
Eastern Arabic {prop} (Levantine Arabic) SEE: Levantine Arabic
Eastern Bloc {prop} (the largely Communist countries of the eastern world)
:: pays de l'Est {m}
eastern buzzard {n} (Buteo japonicus)
:: buse du Japon {f}
easterner {n} (a native or inhabitant of the east)
:: Oriental {m}
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe)
:: Europe de l'Est {f}
Eastern Hemisphere {prop} (hemisphere of the Earth)
:: hémisphère est {m}
eastern imperial eagle {n} (Aquila heliaca)
:: aigle impérial {m}
eastern jackrabbit {n} (European hare) SEE: European hare
Eastern Orthodox Church {prop} (division of Christianity)
:: Église orthodoxe {f}, Communion des Églises orthodoxes {f}
Eastern Standard Time {prop} (timezone)
:: heure normale de l'est
Easter Sunday {prop} (Easter Sunday)
:: dimanche de Pâques {m}
East Flanders {prop} (East Flanders)
:: Flandre-Orientale {f}
East Flemish {prop} (group of Flemish dialects)
:: flamand oriental {m}
East Frisian {prop} (Frisian language)
:: frison oriental {m}
East Germany {prop} (former European country)
:: Allemagne de l'Est {f}
East Indies {n} (Southeast Asia)
:: Indes orientales {f-p}
East Jerusalem {prop} (eastern sector of Jerusalem)
:: Jérusalem-Est {m}
east-northeast {n} (compass point)
:: est-nord-est {m}
East Prussia {prop} (historical province of Germany)
:: Prusse-Orientale {f}
East Sea {prop} (South China Sea) SEE: South China Sea
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea
East Sea {prop} (East China Sea) SEE: East China Sea
East Siberian Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean)
:: mer de Sibérie orientale {f}
East Slavic {adj} (of or relating to the East Slavs)
:: slave oriental
east-southeast {n} (compass point)
:: est-sud-est {m}
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania)
:: Timor Oriental
East Turkestan {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang
Eastwoodian {adj} (relating to, or characteristic of Clint Eastwood)
:: eastwoodien
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable
easy {adj} /ˈiːzi/ (requiring little skill or effort)
:: facile, simple, fastoche
easy {adj} (consenting readily to sex)
:: facile
easy as pie {adj} (very easy)
:: simple comme bonjour
easy chair {n} (a comfortable chair)
:: fauteuil
easy come, easy go {proverb} /ˌiːzi ˈkʌm ˌiːzi ˈɡoʊ/ (easily won and easily lost; usually said when resigned to a loss)
:: une de perdue, dix de retrouvées
easy does it {phrase} (do something gently or slowly)
:: doucement, d'une main légère (with a light hand)
easygoing {adj} (casual and informal)
:: sympathique
eat {v} /it/ (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest)
:: manger, bouffer
eat {v} (colloquial: cause to worry)
:: ronger, bouffer
eat {v} (eat a meal)
:: manger
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible
eat crow {v} (to recognize that one has mistaken)
:: faire amende honorable, admettre son erreur, reconnaître son erreur, aller à Canossa, venir à Canossa
eater {n} /ˈiːtɚ/ (one who eats)
:: mangeur
eatery {n} /ˈiːtəɹi/ (a restaurant or café)
:: resto {m}
eat humble pie {v} (to admit one's faults)
:: manger son chapeau
eating disorder {n} (psychological disorder)
:: trouble des conduites alimentaires {m}
eat like a bird {v} (to eat small amounts)
:: manger comme un moineau
eat like a horse {v} (eat large amounts)
:: manger comme un ogre, manger comme quatre
eat my shorts {phrase} /ˈiːt maɪ ˈʃɔːɹts/ (irreverent rebuke or dismissal)
:: va te faire shampooiner, va te faire shampouiner , mange de la crotte , va chier
eat one's fill {v} (to eat to one's satisfaction, until full)
:: manger à sa faim
eat one's hat {v} (to express disbelief about a proposition)
:: manger son chapeau
eat one's heart out {v} (feel overwhelming negative emotion)
:: se ronger le cœur
eat one's words {v} (regret something said)
:: se rétracter
eat out of someone's hand {v} (to be submissive due to fascination)
:: manger dans la main
eat pussy {v} (to perform cunnilingus)
:: faire minette, coller les timbres à la cave, brouter le gazon, bouffer la chatte
eat up {v} (consume completely)
:: dévorer
eau de toilette {n} /ˌəʊ də twɑːˈlɛt/ (lightly scented perfume)
:: eau de toilette {f}
eave {n} /iːv/ (the underside of a roof that extends beyond the external walls of a building)
:: égout {m}, avant-toit {m}
eaves {n} /iːvz/ (underside of a roof)
:: avant-toit {m}, corniche
eavesdrop {v} /ˈivzˌdɹɑp/ (to hear a conversation one is not intended to hear)
:: être aux écoutes, écouter secrètement, écouter discrètement
eavesdrop {n} (space around a house on which such water drips)
:: chéneau {m}
eavesdropping {n} (interception of electronic communication)
:: écoute clandestine {f}
eavestrough {n} (roof gutter)
:: gouttière {f}
e-banking {n} (banking carried out electronically)
:: homebanking {m}
ebb {n} /ɛb/ (receding movement of the tide)
:: reflux {m}, jusant {m}
ebb {n} (low tide)
:: reflux {m}
ebb {v} (to fall away or decline)
:: refluer, décliner
e-bike {n} /ˈiː.baɪk/ (bicycle powered by an electric motor)
:: vélo à assistance électrique {m}
Ebola {n} (Ebola virus) SEE: Ebola virus
Ebola {n} (Ebola fever) SEE: Ebola fever
Ebola fever {n} (illness caused by the Ebola virus)
:: fièvre Ebola {f}
Ebola virus {n} (virus)
:: virus Ebola {m}
ebonite {n} /ˈɛbəˌnaɪt/ (product of vulcanizing rubber with sulfur)
:: ébonite {f}
ebony {n} /ˈɛb.ən.i/ (wood)
:: ébène {f}, bois d'ébène {m}
ebony {n} (tree)
:: ébénier
ebony {n} (colour)
:: ébène
ebony {adj} (made of ebony wood)
:: d'ébène
e-book {n} (electronic book)
:: livre numérique {m}, livrel, livre électronique
e-book reader {n} (e-reader) SEE: e-reader
Ebro {prop} (Spanish river)
:: Èbre {m}
EBU {prop} (European Broadcasting Union)
:: UER
ebullience {n} /ɪˈbʊl.i.əns/ (boiling or bubbling up)
:: ébullition {f}
ebullience {n} (quality of enthusiastic or lively expression of feelings and thoughts)
:: joie de vivre {f}
ecard {n} (computerized greeting card)
:: e-carte {f}
ECB {prop} (European Central Bank)
:: BCE
eccentric {adj} /ɛkˈsɛntɹɪk/ (not at or in the centre)
:: excentrique
eccentric {adj} (deviating from the norm)
:: excentrique
eccentric {n} (person who does not behave like others)
:: excentrique {m} {f}
eccentricity {n} /ˌɛk.sɛnˈtɹɪs.ɪ.ti/ (the quality of being eccentric)
:: excentricité {f}
eccentricity {n} (eccentric behaviour)
:: excentricité {f}
eccentricity {n} (a ratio between distances in a conic section)
:: excentricité {f}
ecchi {n}
:: ecchi {m}
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise
ecchymosis {n} /ˌɛk.ɪˈmoʊ.sɪs/ (leaking of blood into the tissues of the body as a result of a bruise)
:: ecchymose
Ecclesiastes {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Ecclésiaste, Qohéleth {m}
ecclesiastic {adj} /əkliziˈæstɪk/ (pertaining to the church)
:: ecclésiastique
ecclesiastical {adj} /əˌkli.ziˈæ.stə.kəl/ (pertaining to the church)
:: ecclésiastique
Ecclesiastical Latin {prop} (Latin language)
:: latin ecclésiastique {m}
ecclesiologist {n} (one versed in ecclesiology)
:: ecclésiologue {m} {f}, ecclésiologiste {m} {f}
ecclesiology {n} (branch of theology)
:: ecclésiologie {f}
ecdysteroid {n} (any of a group of hormones present in arthropods and in plants)
:: ecdystéroïde {?}
echelon {n} /ˈɛʃəlɒn/ (level or rank)
:: échelon {m}
echelon {n} ((military) formation of troops)
:: échelon {m}
echelon {v} (to form troops into an echelon)
:: échelonner
echidna {n} /əˈkɪdnə/ (any of the four species of small spined monotremes)
:: échidné {m}
echinococcosis {n} (a potentially fatal parasitic disease of animals and humans, caused by the Echinococcus tapeworm)
:: échinococcose
echinococcus {n} /ɪˌkaɪ.nəˈkɑk.əs/ (parasite)
:: échinocoque {m}
echinoderm {n} (member of the Echinodermata)
:: échinoderme {m}
echinofauna {n}
:: échinofaune {f}
echo {n} /ˈɛkoʊ/ (reflected sound)
:: écho {m}
Echo {prop} /ˈɛkoʊ/ (mythology)
:: Écho {f}
echo chamber {n} (room)
:: chambre réverbérante {f}
echo chamber {n} (sound effect)
:: chambre d'écho {f}, écho {m}
echo chamber {n} ((derogatory) communication space which refuses the input of outsiders)
:: chambre d'échos {f}
echography {n} (the use of ultrasound as a diagnostic aid)
:: échographie {f}
echolalia {n} /ˌɛkoʊˈleɪliə/ (echoing of words or phrases)
:: écholalie {f}
echolalic {adj} (of or pertaining to echolalia)
:: écholalique {m} {f}
echolocation {n} /ˌɛkoʊloʊˈkeɪʃən/ (use of echos to detect objects)
:: écholocation {f}, écholocalisation {f}
Echternach {prop} (city)
:: Echternach
eclair {n} /ɪˈklɛə/ (oblong, chocolate-covered, cream-filled pastry)
:: éclair {m}
eclaircise {v} (to make clear) SEE: clarify
eclaircissement {n} /eɪˌklɛə(ɹ)siːsˈmɒ̃n/ (explanation of something obscure or unknown)
:: éclaircissement {m}
eclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy)
:: éclampsie {f}
eclectic {adj} /ɛkˈlɛk.tɪk/ (selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles)
:: éclectique
eclectic {adj} (unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous)
:: hétérogène, hétéroclite disparate, de bric et de broc
Eclectic Wicca {prop} (branch of Wicca)
:: wicca éclectique
eclipse {n} /ɪˈklɪps/ (passage of a planetary object between others)
:: éclipse {f}
eclipse {v} (To cause an eclipse)
:: éclipser
eclipse {v} (To overshadow)
:: éclipser
ecliptic {n} /ɪˈklɪp.tɪk/ (Earth's orbital plane)
:: écliptique {m}
eclogue {n} (pastoral poem)
:: églogue {f}
eco- {prefix} /ˈiːkəʊ/ (concerning ecology or the environment)
:: éco-
ecochemistry {n}
:: écochimie {m}
ecocide {n} /ˈiːkəʊsaɪd/ (destruction of an ecosystem)
:: écocide {m}
ecoclimatic {adj} (relating to ecoclimate)
:: écoclimatique
ecodistrict {n}
:: écoquartier {m}
ecofascism {n} (ecofascism)
:: écofascisme {m}, écototalitarisme {m}
ecofeminism {n} (a sociopolitical movement combining feminism and environmentalism)
:: écoféminisme {m}, éco-féminisme {m}
ecofeminist {adj} (of or relating to ecofeminism)
:: écoféministe, éco-féministe
ecofeminist {n} (one who subscribes to ecofeminism)
:: écoféministe {m} {f}, éco-féministe {m} {f}
ecofeministic {adj} (resembling or relating to ecofeminism)
:: écoféministe
eco-friendly {adj} (ecologically friendly) SEE: environmentally friendly
E-collar {n} (Elizabethan collar) SEE: Elizabethan collar
ecologic {adj} (related to ecology) SEE: ecological
ecological {adj} /ˌiːkəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkl̩/ (relating to ecology)
:: écologique
ecological footprint {n} (measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems)
:: empreinte écologique {f}
ecologically {adv} (in an ecological manner)
:: écologiquement
ecologism {n} (ideology)
:: écologisme {m}
ecologist {n} (A scientist who studies ecology)
:: écologue {m} {f}, écologiste {m} {f}
ecology {n} /i.ˈkɑ.lə.dʒi/ (branch of biology)
:: écologie {f}
e-commerce {n} (commercial activity conducted via the Internet)
:: commerce électronique {f}, vente en ligne {f}
ecomuseum {n} (museum focused on a local community)
:: écomusée {m}
ecomusicology {n} (study of music, culture, and nature)
:: écomusicologie {f}
econometrics {n} /ɪˌkɒnəˈmɛtrɪks/ (branch of economics)
:: économétrie {f}
economic {adj} /ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪk/ (pertaining to an economy)
:: économique
economic {adj} (cheap)
:: économique
economic {adj} (pertaining to the study of money)
:: économique
economical {adj} (relating to economy) SEE: economic
economical {adj} /ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪkəl/ (careful with money)
:: économe {m} {f}
economical {adj} (saving money or resources)
:: économique {m} {f}
economic crisis {n} (period of economic slowdown) SEE: financial crisis
economic emigrant {n} (economic migrant) SEE: economic migrant
economic growth {n} (growth)
:: croissance {f}, croissance économique {f}
economic immigrant {n} (economic migrant) SEE: economic migrant
economic migrant {n} (person)
:: migrant économique {m}
economic refugee {n} (person fleeing poverty)
:: réfugié économique
economics {n} /ˌikəˈnɑmɪks/ (study)
:: économie {f}
economies of scale {n} (the characteristics of a production process)
:: économies d'échelle {f-p}
economism {n} (Definition)
:: économisme {m}
economist {n} /iːˈkɒn.ə.mɪst/ (expert in economics)
:: économiste {m}
economy {n} /iːˈkɒn.ə.mi/ (frugal use of resources)
:: économie {f}
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption)
:: économie {f}
ecophysiology {n}
:: écophysiologie {f}
eco-region {n} (region, smaller than an ecozone, that contains distinct biodiversity of flora and fauna)
:: écorégion {m}
eco-responsible {adj}
:: écoresponsable
ecosphere {n} (portion of the atmosphere)
:: écosphère {f}
ecosystem {n} /ˈikoʊˌsɪstəm/ (system of an ecological community and its environment)
:: écosystème {m}
ecotone {n} /ˈiːkətəʊn/ (a region of transition)
:: écotone
ecotourism {n} /ˌɛkoʊˈtʊɹɪzəm/ (responsible travel)
:: écotourisme {m}
ecotype {n} (organism adapted to an environment)
:: écotype {m}
ecozone {n} (large geographical region having a distinct biodiversity)
:: écozone {f}
ecru {adj} (beige) SEE: beige
ECSC {prop} (European Coal and Steel Community)
:: CECA {f}
ecstasy {n} /ˈɛk.stə.si/ (intense pleasure)
:: extase {f}
ecstasy {n} (intense emotion)
:: extase {f}
ecstasy {n} (trance associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation)
:: extase {f}
ecstasy {n} (drug)
:: ecstasy {m}, exta {m}
ecstatic {adj} /ɛkˈstætɪk/ (feeling or characterized by ecstasy)
:: extatique
ectoblast {n} (the outer layer of the blastoderm; the ectoderm or epiblast)
:: ectoblaste {m}
ectoderm {n} (tissue layer in the embryo)
:: ectoderme {m}
ectopic pregnancy {n} (type of pregnancy)
:: grossesse extra-utérine {f}
ectoplasm {n} /ˈɛktəˌplæzəm/ (parapsychology: visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums)
:: ectoplasme
ectoproct {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan
ectothermic {adj} (of or relating to ectotherm)
:: poïkilotherme, à sang froid
ecu {n} (European Currency Unit)
:: écu {m}
Ecuador {prop} /ˈɛk.wə.dɔɹ/ (country in South America)
:: Équateur {m}
Ecuadorian {n} (person from Ecuador)
:: Équatorien {m}, Équatorienne {f}
Ecuadorian {adj} (pertaining to Ecuador)
:: équatorien
ecumenic {adj} (ecumenical) SEE: ecumenical
ecumenical {adj} /ˌɛk.jʊˈmɛ.nɪ.kəl/ (ecclesiastical: pertaining to the Christian Church in a worldwide sense)
:: œcuménique
ecumenical {adj} (general, universal, worldwide)
:: œcuménique
ecumenism {n} (ecumenical doctrines and practices)
:: œcuménisme {m}
ecumenopolis {n} /ˌɛkjuːmɛˈnɒpəlɪs/ (planet-wide city)
:: œcumenopolis {f}
eczema {n} /ˈɛk.sɪm.ə/ (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin)
:: eczéma {m}, exéma {m}
eczematous {adj} /ɪɡˈzɛmətəs/ (of or pertaining to eczema)
:: eczémateux, exémateux
Edam {prop} (Edam cheese) SEE: Edam cheese
Edam cheese {n} (type of cheese)
:: édam {m}
edaphic {adj} (of or relating to soil)
:: édaphique
edaphology {n} (ecological relationship of soil with plants, and land cultivation practices)
:: édaphologie
eddy {n} /ˈɛd.i/ (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current)
:: contre-courant, remou
edelweiss {n} (a European perennial alpine plant)
:: edelweiss {m}
edema {n} /ɪˈdiː.mə/ (excessive accumulation of serum in tissue)
:: œdème {m}
Eden {prop} /ˈiːdən/ (garden)
:: Éden {m}
Edenic {n} (of or suggesting Eden)
:: paradisiaque,édénique,
edentate {adj} (toothless) SEE: toothless
edentulous {adj} (toothless) SEE: toothless
Edgar {prop} /ˈɛdɡɚ/ (male given name)
:: Edgar {m}
edge {n} /ɛdʒ/ (boundary line of a surface)
:: bord {m}
edge {n} (joining line between two vertices of a polygon)
:: côté {m}
edge {n} (place where two faces of a polyhedron meet)
:: arête {f}
edge {n} (thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument)
:: carre {f}
edge {n} (any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge)
:: bord {m}
edge {n} (in graph theory: any of the pairs of vertices in a graph)
:: arête {f}
edgy {adj} /ˈɛdʒi/ (nervous)
:: nerveux, anxieux, à cran
edgy {adj} (on the edge between acceptable and offensive)
:: limite
edible {adj} /ˈɛdəbəl/ (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption)
:: comestible
edible {adj} (that can be eaten without disgust)
:: mangeable
edible {n} (anything edible)
:: comestible {m} {f}
edible dormouse {n} (dormouse which is food)
:: loir gris {m}, Loir gris {m}
edict {n} /ˈiː.dɪkt/ (proclamation of law)
:: édit {m}
e-dictionary {n} (electronic dictionary)
:: dictionnaire électronique {m}
edification {n} /ˌɛdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of edifying, or the state of being edified)
:: édification {f}
edification {n} (building)
:: édification {f}
edifice {n} /ˈɛd.ɪ.fɪs/ (building)
:: édifice {m}
edifice {n} (school of thought)
:: édifice {m}, école de pensée {f}
edify {v} /ˈɛdɪfaɪ/ (To instruct or improve morally or intellectually)
:: édifier
Edinburgh {prop} /ˈɛdənbəɹə/ (capital of Scotland)
:: Édimbourg
edit {n} /ˈɛdɪt/ (a change to the text of a document)
:: modification {f}, correction {f}
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document)
:: modifier, corriger, rediger, éditer
editability {n}
:: modifiabilité {f}
editable {adj} (capable of being edited)
:: modifiable
Edith {prop} (female given name)
:: Édith
editing {n} /ˈɛdɪtɪŋ/ (an act or instance of something being edited)
:: rédaction {f}
edition {n} /ɪˈdɪʃən/ (literary work)
:: édition {f}
edition {n} (whole set of copies, print run)
:: édition {f}
editor {n} /ˈɛdɪtə/ (person who edits)
:: rédacteur {m}
editor {n} (person who edited a specific document)
:: lecteur-correcteur {m}, correcteur {m}, (Canada) réviseur {m}
editor {n} (newspaper editor)
:: éditeur {m}
editor {n} (machine for editing film)
:: monteuse {m}, monteur {m}
editor {n} (someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order)
:: monteur {m}
editorial {adj} (of or relating to an editor, editing, or an editorial)
:: éditorial, rédactionnel
editorial {n} (article giving the opinion of editors)
:: éditorial {m}
editorial cartoon {n} (illustration containing social or political commentary)
:: dessin de presse {m}
editor in chief {n} (highest ranking editor)
:: rédacteur en chef {m}, rédactrice en chef {f}
edit war {n} (a dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work)
:: guerre d'édition {f}
Edmonton {prop} /ˈɛdməntən/ (city in Alberta, Canada)
:: Edmonton
Edmund {prop} (male given name)
:: Edmond
Edo {prop} /ˈɛdəʊ/ (former name of Tokyo)
:: Yédo {m}, Edo {m}
Edom {prop} /ˈidəm/ (name given to Esau in the Hebrew Bible)
:: Edom {m}
Edom {prop} (region whose inhabitants traditionally traced their ancestry to Esau)
:: Idumée
e-dress {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address
EDT {prop} (Eastern Daylight Time)
:: heure d'été de New-York
educable {adj} (capable of being educated)
:: éducable
educate {v} /ˈɛdʒəkeɪt/ (to instruct or train)
:: éduquer
educated {adj} /ˈɛdʒɘkeɪɾɪd/ (having attained a level of higher education)
:: cultivé
educated guess {n} (guess based on experience or knowledge)
:: supposition éclairée {f}, supposition bien informée {f}, hypothèse raisonnée, hypothèse raisonnable {f}, hypothèse bien fondée {f}, à vue de nez, au pifomètre, estimation éclairée {f}, jugement approximatif {m}, approximation {f}, spéculation bien informée {f}, hypothèse éclairée {f}
educatee {n} (someone who is being educated)
:: élève
education {n} /ˌɛd͡ʒʊˈkeɪʃn̩/ (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
:: éducation {f}, enseignement
education {n} (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally)
:: éducation {f}
educational {adj} /ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃənəl/ (Of or pertaining to education)
:: éducatif
educative {adj} (educational)
:: éducatif {m}, éducative {f}
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher
educator {n} /ˈɛdʒəkeɪtɚ/
:: éducateur
educology {n} (the fund of knowledge about the educational process)
:: éducologie {f}
edulcorate {v} (to sweeten)
:: édulcorer
Edward {prop} /ˈɛdwɚd/ (male given name)
:: Édouard
Edwardian {adj} (relating to the reign of Edward VII)
:: édouardien
-ee {suffix} (forming words meaning a person to whom or a thing to which an action is done)
:: -é {m}, -ée {f}
-ee {suffix} (forming words meaning a person who or a thing that does an action, especially where a passive sense of the verb is implied)
:: -eur {m}, -euse {f}
EEA {prop} (European Economic Area)
:: EEE
eek {interj} /iːk/ (scream or shriek)
:: hiii
eel {n} /iːl/ (any fish of the order Anguilliformes)
:: anguille {f}
eel {n} (Anguilla anguilla) SEE: European eel
eelgrass {n}
:: zostère marine
eelworm {n} (a nematode, or roundworm, especially any that resemble small eels)
:: anguillule {f}
eeny, meeny, miny, moe {n} (similar children's counting-out games in other languages)
:: ams tram gram
eerie {adj} /ˈɪɹi/ (weird)
:: étrange {m} {f}, sinistre
eerie {adj} (frightened)
:: craintif {m}, timide {m} {f}, peureux {m}
eerily {adv} /ˈɪəɹɪli/ (In an eerie manner)
:: étrangement, sinistrement
ef {n} /ɛf/ (name of the letter F, f)
:: effe {m} {f}
efface {v} /əˈfeɪs/ (to erase)
:: effacer
efface {v} (cause to disappear as if by rubbing out)
:: effacer
efface {v} (make oneself inobtrusive)
:: s'effacer
effacement {n} (withdraw in order to make oneself inconspicuous)
:: effacement {m}
effect {n} /ɪˈfɛkt/ (result of an action)
:: effet
effect {n} (special effect in film)
:: effet
effect {n} (scientific phenomenon)
:: effet {m}
effect {n} (belongings)
:: effets {m-p}
effect {v} (to make or bring about; to implement)
:: effectuer
effective {adj} /ɪˈfɛktɪv/ (having the power to produce a required effect or effects)
:: efficace {m} {f}
effective {adj} (producing a decided or decisive effect)
:: efficace {m} {f}, décisif {m}
effective {adj} (efficient, serviceable, or operative)
:: efficace {m} {f}
effective {adj} (actually in effect)
:: en vigueur
effectively {adv} (in an efficient or effective manner; with powerful effect)
:: efficacement
effectiveness {n} (property)
:: efficacité
effect size {n} (a measure of the strength or magnitude of the effect)
:: taille d'effet {f}
effeminacy {n} (the quality of being effeminate)
:: efféminement {m}
effeminate {adj} /ɪˈfɛmɪnət/ (of a man, behaving like a woman)
:: efféminé {m}, efféminée {f}
effendi {n} /ɛˈfɛndi/ (title of respect)
:: effendi {m}
efferent {adj} /ˈɛ.fə.rənt/ (carrying away from)
:: efférent
effervescence {n} (the escape of gas from solution in a liquid)
:: effervescence {f}
effete {adj} /ɪˈfit/ (lacking strength)
:: affaibli
effete {adj} (decadent)
:: décadent
efficacious {adj} /ɛf.ɪ.ˈkeɪ.ʃəs/ (effective, see also: effective)
:: efficace {m} {f}
efficacity {n} (efficacy) SEE: efficacy
efficacy {n} /ˈɛf.ɪ.kə.si/ (ability to produce effect)
:: efficience {f}, efficacité {f}
efficiency {n} /ɪˈfɪʃn̩si/ (extent to which time is well used)
:: efficacité
efficiency {n} (extent to which a resource is used for the intended purpose)
:: rendement
efficiency {n}
:: rendement
efficient {adj} /əˈfɪʃənt/ (making good use of resources)
:: efficace
efficient {adj} (using a particular proportion of available energy)
:: efficace
efficiently {adv} (in an efficient manner)
:: efficacement
effigy {n} /ˈɛfədʒi/ (dummy or other crude representation)
:: effigie {f}
effigy {n} (likeness of a person)
:: effigie {f}
effloresce {v} (to come forth) SEE: emerge
effloresce {v} /ˌɛfləˈɹɛs/ (to seep through material and then crystallize on a surface in a powdery form)
:: effleurir
efflorescence {n} (formation of a powdery surface)
:: efflorescence
efflorescence {n} (production of flowers)
:: efflorescence
efflorescence {n} (rapid flowering of a culture)
:: efflorescence
efflorescence {n} (eruption on the skin)
:: efflorescence, irruption {f}
efflower {v} (leatherworking: remove an outer surface with a knife) SEE: graze
effluence {n} /ˈɛfːluəns/ (process of flowing out)
:: effluence {f}
effluvium {n} /ɪˈfluːvi.əm/ (gaseous or vaporous emission)
:: effluvium
effort {n} (endeavor) SEE: endeavor
effort {n} /ˈɛfɚt/ (the amount of work involved in achieving something)
:: effort
effortless {adj} (without effort)
:: sans effort, aisé
effrontery {n} /ɪˈfɹʌntəɹi/ (insolent and shameless audacity)
:: effronterie {f}
effulgent {adj} /ɪˈfʌldʒ(ə)nt/ (radiant, resplendent, shining, see also: radiant; resplendent; shining)
:: rayonnant {m}, rayonnante {f}
effusion {n} (outpouring of liquid)
:: effusion {f}
effusion {n} (outpouring of speech or emotion)
:: effusion {f}
effusion {n} (seeping of fluid into a body cavity)
:: effusion {f}
effusive {adj} /ɪˈfjuːsɪv/ (extravagant or excessive)
:: excessif
E-flat {n} (tone between D and E)
:: mi bémol {m}
E-flat {n} (mechanism for producing an E-flat)
:: mi bémol {m}
E-flat {n} (E-flat major)
:: mi bémol {m}
E flat major {n} (Major scale of E-flat)
:: mi bémol majeur
E flat major {n} (Major chord of E-flat)
:: mi bémol majeur
EFTA {prop} /ɛf.tɑː/ (European Free Trade Association)
eftsoons {adv} (soon after)
:: bientôt
e.g. {adv} /ˌiˈdʒi/ (abbreviation for “for example”)
:: par ex.
egalitarian {adj} /ɪˌɡæl.ɪˈtɛɹ.i.ən/ (characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people)
:: égalitaire
egalitarian {n} (person who accepts or promotes social equality and equal rights for all people)
:: égalitaire
egalitarianism {n} (political doctrine of universal equality)
:: égalitarisme {m}
egestion {n} /iːˈd͡ʒɛst͡ʃən/ (act of egesting)
:: excrétion {f}, excrément {m}
egg {v} /ɛɡ/ (to throw eggs at)
:: jeter des oeufs
egg {n} (body housing an embryo)
:: œuf {m}
egg {n} (egg of domestic fowl as food item)
:: œuf {m}
egg {n} (ovum)
:: ovule {m}
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum
eggcup {n} (a small dish used to support a boiled egg while it is eaten)
:: coquetier {m}
egghead {n} (pejorative: intellectual)
:: intello
egghead {n}
:: crâne d'œuf {m}
eggnog {n} /ˈɛɡ.nɑɡ/ (alcoholic beverage)
:: lait de poule {m}
egg on {v} (provoke)
:: pousser à
eggplant {n} (plant)
:: aubergine {f}
eggplant {n} (edible fruit)
:: aubergine {f}
egg roll {n} (a food made made by wrapping a combination of ingredients)
:: pâté impérial {m}
eggs and bacon {n} (bacon and eggs) SEE: bacon and eggs
eggshell {n} /ˈɛɡʃɛl/ (object)
:: coquille d'œuf {f}
egg timer {n} (timer with an alarm)
:: sablier {m}, minuteur {m}
egg tooth {n}
:: diamant {m}, dent de délivrance {f}
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk
eglantine {n} (Rosa eglanteria)
:: églantine {f}
ego {n} /ˈiːɡəʊ/ (the self)
:: moi {m}
ego {n} (psychoanalytic ego)
:: moi {m}
egocentric {adj} (egotistical)
:: égocentrique
egoism {n} (tendency to think of self)
:: égoïsme {m}
egoist {n} (person who talks excessively about himself or believes in his own importance or superiority) SEE: egotist
egoist {n} (advocate of egoism)
:: égoïste {m} {f}
egotist {n}
:: égoïste
egotist {n} (egocentric or self-centered person) SEE: egoist
e-grade {n}
:: degré plein {m}
egregious {adj} /ɪˈɡɹiː.dʒəs/ (conspicuous, exceptional, outstanding)
:: flagrant, inouï
egregore {n} /ˈɛɡɹɪɡɔɹ/ (psychic entity influencing thoughts)
:: égrégore {m}
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit
egress {n} /ˈiːɡɹɛs/ (process of exiting)
:: sortie {f}
egret {n} /ˈi.ɡɹɪt/ (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea)
:: aigrette {f}
Egypt {prop} /ˈiː.dʒɪpt/ (country in North Africa)
:: Égypte {f}
Egyptiac {adj} (of or relating to Ancient Egypt)
:: Egyptiaque
Egyptian {adj} /ɪˈdʒɪp.ʃən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt)
:: égyptien {m}, égyptienne {f}
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egyptians)
:: égyptien {m}, égyptienne {f}
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt)
:: Égyptien, Égyptienne, Egyptien {m}, Egyptienne
Egyptian {prop} (language)
:: égyptien {m}
Egyptian Arabic {prop} (Egyptian Arabic)
:: arabe égyptien {m}
Egyptian cobra {n} (Naja haje)
:: cobra égyptien {m}
Egyptian plover {n} (Pluvianus aegyptius)
:: pluvian fluviatile {m}, pluvian d'Égypte {m}, pluvian du Nil {m}
Egyptologist {n} (A person; one who is skilled professes or practices Egyptology)
:: égyptologue {m} {f}
egyptology {n} (Egyptology) SEE: Egyptology
Egyptology {n} /ˌidʒɪpˈtɑlədʒi/ (the study of ancient Egypt)
:: égyptologie {f}
eh {interj} /eɪ/ (used as a tag question)
:: hein, tu savoir, n'est-ce pas
eh {interj} (used to mean “What?”)
:: hein
eh {interj} ((Canadian) an interjection used to ascertain the continued attention)
:: hein
eh {interj} (meh) SEE: meh
eicosanoid {n} /aɪˈkoʊ.səˌnɔɪd/
:: eicosanoïde {m}
Eid {prop} /iːd/ (Muslim religious festival)
:: Aïd
Eid al-Adha {prop} (Islamic festival)
:: Aïd el-Kebir {m}, Aīd al-Kabīr {m}
Eid al-Fitr {prop} /ˌiːd æl ˈfiːtəɹ/ (religious celebration)
:: Aïd el-Fitr {m}
eider {n} /ˈaɪdə/ (duck of genus Somateria)
:: eider {m}
eiderdown {n} (a quilt stuffed with this down)
:: édredon {m}
eid mubarak {phrase} (eid mubarak)
:: eid mubarak, aïd moubarak
eidolopeia {n}
:: idolopée {f}
eidolopoeia {n} (rhetorical figure)
:: idolopée {f}
Eifelian {prop}
:: Eifelien
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris)
:: tour Eiffel {f}, Tour {f}
eigen- {prefix}
:: propre
eigenfunction {n} (function)
:: fonction propre {f}
eigenmode {n} (physics)
:: mode propre {m}
eigenspace {n} (set of the eigenvectors associated with a particular eigenvalue)
:: espace propre {m}
eigenvalue {n} /ˈaɪɡənˌvæljuː/ (scalar multiplier of an eigenvector)
:: valeur propre {f}
eigenvector {n} (vector not rotated by linear transformation)
:: vecteur propre {m}
eight {num} /eɪt/ (cardinal number 8)
:: huit
eight {n} (The digit/figure 8)
:: huit {m}
eight {n} (Playing card with value 8)
:: huit {m}
eighteen {num} /ˈeɪ(t).tin/ (cardinal number)
:: dix-huit {m}
eighteenth {adj} /ˌeɪˈtiːnθ/ (the ordinal form of the number eighteen, see also: 18th)
:: dix-huitième (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) dix-huit (after the name) (abbreviation XVIII)
eighteenth {n} (the person or thing in the eighteenth position)
:: dix-huitième {m} {f}
eighteenth {n} (one of eighteen equal parts of a whole)
:: dix-huitième {m}
eighth {adj} /eɪtθ/ (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th)
:: huitième ; huit (abbreviation VIII)
eighth {n} (person or thing in the eighth position)
:: huitième {m} {f}
eighth {n} (one of eight equal parts of a whole)
:: huitième {m}
eighth note {n} (eighth note) SEE: quaver
eight hundred {num} /ˈeɪt ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 800)
:: huit cents
eighties {n} (the decade of the 1980s)
:: années quatre-vingt {f-p}, années 80 {f-p}
eightieth {adj} /ˈeɪ.ti.əθ/ (ordinal form of the number eighty)
:: quatre-vingtième, huitantième (abbreviation 80e)
eightieth {n} (The person or thing in the eightieth position)
:: quatre-vingtième {m} {f}; huitantième {m} {f}
eightieth {n} (One of eighty equal parts of a whole)
:: quatre-vingtième {m}; huitantième {m}
eight o'clock {n} (the start of the ninth hour)
:: huit heures {f-p}
eight thousand {n} (cardinal number)
:: huit mille
eighty {num} /ˈ(ʔ)eɪ̯ɾi/ (80)
eighty {num} (80)
:: quatre-vingts; octante; huitante
eighty-eight {num} (88)
:: quatre-vingt-huit
eighty-first {adj} (ordinal number 81st)
:: quatre-vingt-et-unième (abbreviation 81ème)
eighty-first {n} (one of eighty-one equal parts of a whole)
:: quatre-vingt-et-unième {m}
eighty-four {num} (84)
:: quatre-vingt-quatre
eighty-nine {num} (89)
:: quatre-vingt-neuf, huitante-neuf
eighty-one {num} (81)
:: quatre-vingt-un
eighty-second {adj} (ordinal form of eighty-two)
:: quatre-vingt-deuxième {m} {f}, huitante-deuxième {m} {f}
eighty-seven {num} (87)
:: quatre-vingt-sept
eighty-six {num} (cardinal number 86)
:: quatre-vingt-six
eightysomething {n} (octogenarian) SEE: octogenarian
eighty-three {num} (83)
:: quatre-vingt-trois
eighty-two {num} (82)
:: quatre-vingts deux
Eileithyia {prop} (goddess of childbirth)
:: Ilithyie {f}
einkorn {n} (einkorn wheat) SEE: einkorn wheat
einkorn wheat {n} (wheat type)
:: engrain {m}
einkorn wheat {n} (wild form of wheat type)
:: engrain sauvage {m}
einkorn wheat {n} (domesticated form of wheat type)
:: engrain {m}, petit épeautre {m}
Einstein {prop} /ˈaɪnstaɪn/ (Albert Einstein)
:: Einstein
Einstein field equation {n} (tensor equation in general relativity that describes gravitational force as curvature)
:: Équation de champ d'Einstein
Einsteinian {adj} /aɪnˈstaɪ.nɪ.ən/ (of or relating to Albert Einstein)
:: einsteinien
einsteinium {n} /aɪnˈstaɪni.əm/ (element with atomic number 99)
:: einsteinium {m}
Einstein's constant {prop} (constant)
:: constante d'Einstein {f}
either {determiner} /ˈaɪð.ə(ɹ)/ (each of two)
:: soit
either {adv} ((after a negative) as well)
:: non plus
either {conj} (introduces the first of two options)
:: ou, soit; soit ... soit, ou ... ou
either way {adv} (regardless of what happens)
:: peu importe, dans un cas comme dans l'autre
ejaculate {v} /ɪˈdʒæk.jʊ.leɪt/ (to eject semen or vaginal fluid)
:: éjaculer
ejaculate {n} (the liquid ejected during ejaculation)
:: éjaculat {m}
ejaculation {n} /iˌdʒækjuˈleɪʃən/ (ejection of semen through the urethra)
:: éjaculation {f}
ejaculatory {adj} /ɪ.ˈdʒæ.kjə.lə.ˌtɔɹ.i/ (of or pertaining to ejaculation)
:: éjaculateur
eject {v} /ɪˈdʒɛkt/ (to compel to leave)
:: éjecter, expulser
eject {v} (to throw out forcefully)
:: éjecter, expulser
ejecta {n} /əˈjektə/ (material which has been ejected, especially from a volcano)
:: éjecta {m}
ejectable {adj} (able to be ejected)
:: éjectable
ejection {n} /əˈdʒɛkʃən/ (act of ejecting)
:: éjection {f}
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition
eke out {v} (to supplement)
:: améliorer, augmenter, accroître un peu, faire durer
eke out {v} (to obtain with difficulty)
:: arracher, décrocher; : essayer de joindre les deux bouts, gagner tout juste sa vie
ekranoplan {n} (ground-effect vehicle)
:: ékranoplane {m}
el {n} /ɛl/ (name of the letter L, l)
:: elle {m}
El Aaiún {prop} (El Aaiún, Western Sahara)
:: Laâyoune
elaborate {v} /ɪˈlæbəɹət/ (to give further detail or explanation)
:: approfondir
elaborated sap {n} (sap produced in leaves)
:: sève élaborée {f}
Elam {prop} /ˈiːləm/ (ancient civilization)
:: Élam {m}
Elamite {n} (an inhabitant of ancient Elam)
:: Élamite
eland {n} /ˈiːlənd/ (genus of antelope)
:: éland {m}
elanid kite {n} (bird of the Elaninae subfamily)
:: élanion {m}
elapse {v} ((of time) to pass or move by)
:: se passer, s'écouler
elastic {adj} /iˈlæstɪk/ (capable of stretching)
:: élastique {m} {f}
elastic {adj} (made of elastic)
:: élastique {m} {f}
elastic {adj} (sensitive to changes in price)
:: élastique {m} {f}
elastic {n} (material)
:: élastique {m} {f}
elastic {adj} (elasticated) SEE: elasticated
elastic {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band
elasticated {adj} (containing a strip of elastic)
:: élastiqué {m}, élastiquée {f}
elastic band {n} (loop of rubber or similar material)
:: élastique {m}, bande élastique {f}
elasticity {n} /ɪ.læsˈtɪs.ɪ.ti/ (physics: property by which a material can regain its original dimensions)
:: élasticité {f}
elasticity {n} (economics: sensitivity of a variable to changes in another variable)
:: élasticité
elasticity {n} (adaptability) SEE: adaptability
elastin {n} (protein with elastic properties, similar to collagen)
:: élastine {f}
elated {adj} (extremely happy and excited)
:: transporté(e) de joie, fou de joie
elation {n} (An exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism)
:: élation {f}
elation {n}
:: allégresse {f}, exaltation {f}
elative {n} /ɪˈleɪtɪv/ (elative degree of an adjective)
:: élatif
elative {n} (elative case of a noun)
:: élatif {m}
elative case {n} (case used to indicate movement out of something)
:: élatif {m}
Elba {prop} (Italian island)
:: Elbe {f}
elbaite {n} (a type of tourmaline)
:: elbaïte {f}
Elbe {prop} /ˈɛlbə/ (European river)
:: Elbe {f}
elbow {n} /ˈɛɫ.boʊ/ (joint between upper arm and forearm)
:: coude {m}
elbow {n} (pipe fitting)
:: coude {m}
elbow {n} (a hit with the elbow)
:: coup de coude {m}
elbow {v} (to push with the elbow)
:: jouer des coudes
elbow bone {n} (olecranon) SEE: olecranon
elbow grease {n} (effort or hard work)
:: huile de coude {f}
elbow room {n} (room or space in which to move or maneuver)
:: place {f}, espace {m}
elbow room {n} (freedom or leeway)
:: liberté d'action {f}, marge de manœuvre {f}
Elbrus {prop} (mountain)
:: Elbrouz {m}
ELCIC {prop} /ˌiːˌɛlˌsiːˌaɪˈsiː/ (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)
:: Église évangélique luthérienne au Canada {f}
elder {adj} /ˈɛldɚ/ (greater than another in age or seniority)
:: aîné
elder {n} (elderly person)
:: grans {m-p}
elder {n} (leader of a community)
:: ancien {m}
elder {n} (Sambucus nigra)
:: sureau {m}
elder {n} (Sambucus)
:: sureau {m}
elder {n}
:: sureau {m}
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder
elderberry {n} (fruit)
:: baie de sureau {f}
eldercare {n} (care for the elderly)
:: soins aux personnes âgées {f-p}
elderly {adj} /ˈɛldɚli/ (old)
:: vieux, ancien, âgé
elderly care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare
Eleanor {prop} (female given name)
:: Éléonore, Aliénor {f}
e-learning {n} (learning conducted via electronic media)
:: téléformation {f}, formation en ligne {f}, e-learning {m}
elecampane {n} /ˌɛləkæmˈpeɪn/ (Inula helenium)
:: aunée officinale {f}, grande aunée {f}, inule aunée {f}
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose
elect {n} /ɪˈlɛkt/ (One chosen or set apart)
:: élu {m}, élue {f}
elect {n} (One chosen by God)
:: élu {m}, élue {f}
elect {v} (to choose or make decision)
:: choisir, décider
elect {v} (to choose in election)
:: élire
elect {adj} (who has been elected)
:: élu
election {n} /ɪˈlɛkʃ(ə)n/ (process of choosing a new leader or representatives)
:: élection {f}
election {n} (choice of a leader or representatives)
:: élection {f}
elective {adj} /ɪˈlɛktɪv/ (optional or discretionary)
:: facultatif
elective {n}
:: option {f}
elective affinity {n}
:: affinité élective {f}
elector {n} (person eligible to vote)
:: électeur {m} votard {m} , votant {m}
elector {n} (in the Holy Roman Empire, a participant in the election of the emperor) SEE: Elector
Elector {n} (elector or prince-elector)
:: prince-électeur {m} (princesse-électrice {f} )
electoral {adj} (of, or relating to elections)
:: électoral
electoral college {n} (body of electors empowered to elect someone to a particular office)
:: collège électoral {m}
electoral district {n} (district represented by one or more elected officials)
:: circonscription {f}
electoral fraud {n} (illegal interference with an election)
:: fraude electoral {f}
electoral system {n} (voting system) SEE: voting system
electorate {n} /ɪˈlɛktəɹət/ (those entitled to vote collectively)
:: électorat {m}
electorate {n} (geographic area encompassing electoral district) SEE: electoral district
Electra complex {n} (Psychoanalytical theory)
:: complexe d'Électre {m},
electric {adj} /ɪˈlɛktɹɪk/ (electrical)
:: électrique
electric {adj} (electronic (musical instrument))
:: électrique
electric {n} (electric car)
:: voiture électrique {f}
electrical {adj} (electric) SEE: electric
electrical engineer {n}
:: ingénieur électricien {m}
electrical engineering {n} (branch of engineering)
:: électrotechnique {f}, génie électrique {m}
electrically {adv} (by means of electricity)
:: électriquement
electrical tape {n} (plastic tape)
:: ruban isolant {m}
electric car {n} (a car that uses electric motors)
:: voiture électrique {f}
electric chair {n} (device used for performing execution by electrocution)
:: chaise électrique {f}
electric charge {n} (electric energy of a charged body)
:: charge électrique {f}
electric charge {n} (quantity of unbalanced ions in an object)
:: charge électrique {f}
electric charge {n} (quantum number of some subatomic particles)
:: charge électrique {f}
electric charge {n}
:: charge {f}, charge électrique {f}
electric circuit {n} (path or interconnected group of paths (at least one of which is closed) that can carry an electric current)
:: circuit électrique {m}
electric current {n} (measurement of the rate of flow of electric charge)
:: courant {m}, courant électrique {m}
electric fence {n} (electric fence)
:: électrificateur de clôture {m}, clôture électrique {f}
electric guitar {n} /ə.ˈlɛk.tɹɪk ɡɪ.ˈtɑːɹ/ (guitar which requires electronic amplification)
:: guitare électrique {f}
electric guitarist {n} (someone who plays or performs on the electric guitar)
:: guitariste électrique {m} {f}
electrician {n} (tradesman who works with electrical equipment)
:: électricien {m}, électricienne {f}
electricity {n} /əˌlɛkˈtɹɪsɪti/ (form of energy)
:: électricité {f}
electricity meter {n} (a device that measures the consumption of electricity)
:: compteur électrique {m}
electric ray {n} (fish of the order Torpedodiniformes)
:: torpille {f}, torpedo {m}
electric shock {n} (physical reaction)
:: choc électrique {m}, électrisation {f}
electric vehicle {n} (vehicle that uses an electric motor as the means of propulsion)
:: véhicule électrique {m}
electrification {n} (the act of electrifying, or the state of being charged with electricity)
:: électrification {f}
electrification {n} (adaptation for electric power)
:: électrification {f}
electrify {v} (to communicate electricity to)
:: électrifier
electrify {v} (to cause electricity to pass through)
:: électrifier
electrify {v} (to adapt for electric power)
:: électrifier
electro- {prefix} (of electricity or electrical)
:: électro-
electro {n} (The musical genre)
:: electro {m}, électro {m}
electroacoustics {n} (the science of the interaction and interconversion of electric and acoustic phenomena)
:: électroacoustique {f}
electrobiology {n} (study of the production of electricity by organisms)
:: électrobiologie
electrocardiogram {n} /əˌlɛktɹəˈkɑɹdi.əˌɡɹæm/ (trace of an electrocardiograph)
:: électrocardiogramme {m}
electrocardiography {n} (the science of preparation and diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms)
:: électrocardiographie {f}
electrocatalysis {n} (atalysis of a half cell reaction)
:: électrocatalyse {f}
electrocatalyst {n} (material that catalyzes a half cell reaction)
:: électrocatalyseur {m}
electrocatalytic {adj} (pertaining to electrocatalysis or an electrocatalyst)
:: électrocatalytique {m} {f}
electroconvulsive therapy {n} (biomedical therapy using electrical current)
:: électroconvulsivothérapie
electrocute {v} /ɪˈlektɹəkjuːt/ (to cause death from immediate complications resulting from electric shock)
:: électrocuter
electrocution {n} (accidental death or suicide by electric shock)
:: électrocution {f}
electrocution {n} (deliberate execution by electric shock)
:: électrocution {f}
electrocution {n} (a severe electric shock)
:: électrocution {f}
electrode {n} /əˈlɛk.tɹəʊd/ (the terminal through which electric current passes)
:: électrode {f}
electroencephalogram {n} (a recording of electrical brain activity made by an electroencephalograph)
:: électroencéphalogramme {m}
electroencephalography {n} (measurement of electrical activity in medicine)
:: électroencéphalographie {f}
electrofugal {adj}
:: électrofuge
electrology {n} (the branch of physical science that deals with electricity and its properties)
:: électrologie {f}
electroluminescence {n} (generation of light by application of an alternating current or by electric discharge)
:: électroluminescence {f}
electrolysis {n} /ɪlɛkˈtɹɒləsɪs/ (chemical change)
:: électrolyse {f}
electrolysis {n} (destruction of hair roots by electric current)
:: électrolyse {f}
electrolyte {n} /ɨˈlɛk.tɹɵˌlaɪt/ (substance that ionizes and conducts electricity)
:: électrolyte {m}
electrolytic {adj} /ɨˌlɛk.tɹɵˈlɪ.tɪk/
:: électrolytique
electromagnet {n} (magnet)
:: électro-aimant {m}
electromagnetic {adj} (pertaining to electromagnetism)
:: électromagnétique {m} {f}
electromagnetic force {n} (fundamental force)
:: force électromagnétique {f}
electromagnetic interaction {n} (electromagnetic interaction)
:: interaction électromagnétique {f}
electromagnetic spectrum {n} (electromagnetic spectrum)
:: spectre électromagnétique {m}
electromagnetic wave {n} (electromagnetic radiation)
:: onde électromagnétique {f}
electromagnetism {n} /ɪˌlɛk.tɹəʊˈmæɡ.nəˌtɪzm̩/ (a fundamental force)
:: électromagnétisme {f}
electromechanical {adj} (combining the fields of mechanics and electronics)
:: électromécanique
electron {n} /ɪˈlɛktɹɑn/ (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms)
:: électron {m}
electronarcosis {n} (process of rendering one unconscious)
:: électronarcose {f}
electronegativity {n} (degree of electron attraction)
:: électronégativité {f}
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole
electronic {adj} /ˌɛl.ɛkˈtɹɒn.ɪk/ (pertaining to electrons)
:: électronique
electronic {adj} (operating on behavior of electrons)
:: électronique
electronic {adj} (generated by electronic device)
:: électronique
electronic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Internet)
:: électronique
electronic book {n} (e-book) SEE: e-book
electronic cigarette {n} /ɪˌlɛkˈtʃɹɑːnɪk ˈsɪɡɚˌɛt/ (electronic cigarette)
:: cigarette électronique {f}, vapoteuse {f}
electronic circuit {n}
:: circuit électronique
electronic game {n} (game played on an electronic device)
:: jeu électronique {m}
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email
electronics {n} ((physics))
:: électronique {f}
electron microscope {n} (any of several forms of microscope that use a beam of electrons)
:: microscope électronique {m}
electron volt {n} (a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles)
:: électronvolt {m}, électron-volt {m}
electrophoresis {n} (method for separation of large molecules)
:: électrophorèse
electroplate {v} (to coat an object with a thin layer of metal using electrolysis)
:: plaquer
electroscope {n} (device that detects the presence of an electric charge)
:: électroscope
electrosensibility {n}
:: électrosensiblité
electrostatic {adj} (of, relating to, or producted by electrostatics or static electricity)
:: électrostatique
electrostatic precipitator {n} (particulate collection device)
:: électrofiltre {m}
electrostatics {n} (branch of physics)
:: électrostatique {f}
electrotechnician {n} (specialist in electrotechnology)
:: électrotechnicien {m}, électrotechnicienne {f}
electrotechnology {n} (electrical technology and engineering)
:: électrotechnique {f}
electrotherapy {n} (use of electrical energy as a medical treatment)
:: électrothérapie {f}
electroweak {adj} (combination of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces)
:: électrofaible
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber
electrum {n} /ɪˈlɛktɹəm/ (alloy of gold and silver)
:: électrum {m}
elegance {n} /ˈɛl.ɪ.ɡəns/ (grace, refinement, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners)
:: élégance {f}, grâce {f}, finesse {f}
elegance {n}
:: élégance {f}
elegant {adj} /ˈɛl.ə.ɡənt/ (exhibiting elegance)
:: élégant
elegiac {adj} /ˌɛləˈdʒaɪæk/ (of or relating to an elegy)
:: élégiaque {m} {f}
elegy {n} /ˈɛlɪdʒi/ (mournful or plaintive poem or song)
:: élégie {f}
element {n} /ˈel.ɪ.mənt/ (simplest or essential part or principle of anything)
:: élément {m}
element {n} (chemistry: simplest chemical substance)
:: élément {m}
element {n} (atmospheric forces)
:: élément {m}
element {n} (place or state of being that an individual or object is better suited towards)
:: élément {m}
element {n} (law: component of a cause of action)
:: élément {m}
element {n} (set theory: object in a set)
:: membre {m}, point {m}
element {n} (computing: conceptual object in a markup language)
:: élément {m}
elemental {adj} (basic, fundamental, elementary) SEE: elementary
elementary {adj} /(ˌ)ɛlɪ̈ˈmɛnt(ə)ɹɪ/ (relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something)
:: élémentaire
elementary charge {n} (electric charge on a single proton)
:: charge élémentaire {f}
elementary particle {n} (subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles)
:: particule élémentaire {f}
elementary school {n} (school for children) SEE: primary school
elementary substance {n} (pure chemical substance consisting of a singe element)
:: corps simple {m}
elemi {n} (elemi)
:: élémi
Eleonora's falcon {n} (Falco eleonorae)
:: faucon d'Éléonore {m}
elephant {n} /ˈɛləfənt/ (mammal)
:: éléphant {m}, éléphante {f}, éléphanteau {m}, éléphantelle {f}
elephant {n} (anything huge and ponderous)
:: éléphantesque {m} {f}
elephant bird {n} (extinct flightless bird)
:: oiseau-éléphant {m}
elephantiasis {n} /ˌɛlɪfənˈtaɪəsɪs/ (disease)
:: éléphantiasis
elephantine {adj} /ɛl.ə.ˈfæn.tin/ (of or relating to elephants)
:: éléphantin
elephantine {adj} (very large)
:: éléphantesque
elephant in the room {n} (problem that is obvious but ignored)
:: l'éléphant dans la pièce
elephant seal {n} (mammal of the genus Mirounga)
:: éléphant de mer {m}
elephant shrew {n} (Any member of the order Macroscelidea)
:: musaraigne à trompe {f}
elevate {v} (promote) SEE: promote
elevate {v} /ˈɛləveɪt/ (raise)
:: élever
elevate {v} (increase the intensity of)
:: augmenter
elevate {v} (ennoble) SEE: ennoble
elevated {adj} /ˈɛləveɪtɪd/ (Above normal)
:: élevé
elevated railway {n} (railway)
:: ligne ferroviaire aérienne {m}
elevating work platform {n} (aerial work platform) SEE: aerial work platform
elevation {n} /ˌɛlɪˈveɪʃən/ (act of raising)
:: élévation {f}
elevation {n} (condition of being elevated)
:: élévation {f}
elevation {n} (that which is raised)
:: élévation {f}
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift
eleven {num} /ɪˈlɛv.ən/ (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve)
:: onze
eleven hundred {num} (one thousand one hundred)
:: mille cent, onze cent
eleven o'clock {n} (the start of the twelfth hour)
:: onze heures {f-p}
eleventh {adj} /iˈlɛv.ənθ/ (ordinal form of eleven, see also: 11th)
:: onzième (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) onze (after the name) (abbreviation XI)
eleventh {n} (something in the eleventh position)
:: onzième {m} {f}
eleventh {n} (one of eleven equal parts of a whole)
:: onzième {m}
eleventh hour {n} (The last minute)
:: à la dernière minute
eleventhly {adv} (in the eleventh place)
:: onzièmement
eleventy {num} /ɪˈlɛvənti/ (one hundred and ten)
:: onzante {m} {f}
elf {n} /ɛlf/ (Norse mythology: luminous spirit dwelling in Álfheim)
:: elfe {m}
elf {n} (mythical, supernatural being)
:: elfe {m}, lutin {m}, farfadet {m}
elf {n} (fantasy: magical, typically forest-guarding creature)
:: elfe {m}
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf
elfin {adj} (elven) SEE: elven
elfish {adj} (elven) SEE: elven
elf owl {n}
:: chevêchette des saguaros {f}, chevêchette elfe {f}
Elginism {n} /ˈɛlɡɪnɪzəm̩/ (cultural vandalism)
:: elginisme
Elias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Elijah
elicit {v} /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ (to draw out, bring out)
:: causer, réaliser, obtenir
elicit {v} (to use logic to arrive at truth)
:: raisonner, déduire
elide {v} /ɪˈlaɪd/ (to leave out or omit)
:: omettre
elide {v} (to cut off, as a vowel or a syllable)
:: élider
elide {v} (to conflate)
:: amalgamer, confondre
Eliezer {prop} (biblical character)
:: Éliézer {m}
eligibility {n} (quality of being eligible)
:: éligibilité {f}
eligible {adj} /ˈɛlɪdʒəb(ə)l/ (meeting the necessary requirements to participate; worthy of being chosen)
:: éligible, approprié
Elijah {prop} /ɨˈlaɪd͡ʒə/ (biblical prophet)
:: Élie
Elijah {prop} (male given name)
:: Élie
eliminate {v} (to exclude (from investigation or from further competition)) SEE: exclude
eliminate {v} /ɪˈlɪməneɪt/ (completely destroy)
:: éliminer
eliminate {v} (kill)
:: tuer
elimination {n} (act of eliminating, expelling or throwing off)
:: élimination {f}
eliminator {n} (one who, or that which, eliminates)
:: éliminateur {m}, éliminatrice {f}
eliminatory {adj} (tending to eliminate)
:: éliminatoire
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth
Elisha {prop} /ɨˈlaɪʃə/ (biblical prophet)
:: Élisée
Elisheba {prop} (biblical wife of Aaron)
:: Elichéba
elision {n} /ɪˈlɪ.ʒ(ə)n̩/ (the omission of a letter or syllable)
:: élision {f}
elite {adj} /ɪˈliːt/ (of high birth or social position)
:: élite, élitaire, d'élite
elite {n} (group with higher status)
:: élite {f}
elitism {n} (belief society should be run by elite)
:: élitisme {m}
elixir {n} /ɪˈlɪksə(ɹ)/ (pharmacy: sweet taste-masking liquid)
:: élixir {m}
elixir of life {n} (elixir that brings immortality)
:: élixir de vie {m}
Elizabeth {prop} /əˈlɪzəbəθ/ (female given name)
:: Élisabeth {f}
Elizabeth {prop} (mother of John the Baptist)
:: Élisabeth {f}
Elizabeth {prop} (wife of Aaron) SEE: Elisheba
Elizabethan {n} /əˌlɪzəˈbiːθən/ (pertaining to the reign of Elizabeth I of England)
:: élisabéthain {m}, élisabéthaine {f}
Elizabethan collar {n} (protective medical device)
:: collerette vétérinaire {f}
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose
elk {n} (wapiti - Cervus canadensis) SEE: wapiti
ell {n} /ɛl/ (measure of cloth)
:: aune {f}
ell {n} (extension of a building)
:: aile {f}
Elliott wave {n} (wave pattern)
:: vague d'Elliott {f}
ellipse {n} /ɪˈlɪps/ (curve)
:: ellipse {f}
ellipsis {n} /ɪˈlɪpsɪs/ (typographic mark)
:: points de suspension {m}
ellipsis {n} (omission of word or phrase)
:: ellipse {f}
ellipsoid {adj} (shaped like an ellipse) SEE: elliptical
ellipsoid {n} (surface all of whose cross sections are elliptic or circular)
:: ellipsoïde {m}
elliptic {adj} (relating to an ellipse or its mathematical definition)
:: elliptique
elliptical {adj} /ɪˈlɪp.tɪ.kəl/ (oval)
:: elliptique
elliptical {adj} (showing ellipsis)
:: elliptique
elliptical {adj} (in math) SEE: elliptic
elliptic curve {n}
:: courbe elliptique {f}
elm {n} /ɛlm/ (tree of genus Ulmus)
:: orme {m}
El Niño {n} (a global coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon)
:: El Niño {m}
elocution {n} /ɛləˈkjuːʃən/ (The art of public speaking with expert control of gesture and voice, etc.)
:: élocution {f}
Elohim {prop} /ˌɛlɵˈhiːm/ (name for God)
:: Elohim {m}, Élohim {m}
Eloise {prop} (female given name)
:: Éloïse, Héloïse
elongate {v} /ɪ.ˈlɔŋ.ˌɡeɪt/ (to make long)
:: allonger
elongate {adj} (lengthened)
:: allongé
elongated {adj} (extensive in length)
:: élongé
elope {v} /ɨˈloʊp/ (run away with a paramour)
:: s'enfuir
elope {v} (run away from home)
:: fuguer
elopement {n} (running away from home for any reason)
:: disparition {f}
eloquence {n} /ˈɛl.ə.kwəns/ (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing)
:: éloquence {f}
eloquent {adj} /ˈɛl.əˌkwənt/ (fluently persuasive and articulate)
:: éloquent
eloquent {adj} (effective in expressing meaning)
:: éloquent
El Salvador {prop} /ɛl ˈsæl.və.dɔɹ/ (country in Central America)
:: Salvador {m}, El Salvador {m}
else {adj} /ɛls/ (other)
:: d'autre
else {adv} (word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to)
:: sinon, autrement
Elsinore {prop} /ˈɛlsɪnɔː/ (Danish city)
:: Elseneur {m}
elucidate {v} /əˈluː.sɪ.de͡ɪt/ (make clear)
:: élucider, expliquer
elucidation {n} /ɪˌlu.sɪˈdeɪ.ʃən/ (A making clear; the act of elucidating or that which elucidates, as an explanation, an exposition, an illustration)
:: élucidation {f}
elusive {adj} /ɪˈluːsɪv/ (evading capture, comprehension or remembrance)
:: évasif
elute {v} /i.ˈluːt/ (to separate substances using a solvent)
:: éluer
elvan {adj} (elven) SEE: elven
elven {adj} /ˈɛlvən/ (of or having to do with elves, see also: elflike)
:: elfique
elver {n} /ˈɛlvə(ɹ)/ (a young eel)
:: anguille de verre {f}, civelle {f}, pibale {f}, bouiron
Elvira {prop} (female given name)
:: Elvire
elvish {adj} (elven) SEE: elven
Elvish {prop} /ˈɛlvɪʃ/ (language spoken by elves)
:: elfique
Elysian {adj} /ɪˈlɪ.zi.ən/ (of or pertaining to Elysium)
:: élyséen
Elysian Fields {prop} (Elysian Fields, see also: Elysium)
:: Champs-Élysées {m-p}
Elysium {prop} /ɪˈli.ʒi.əm/ (In mythology: paradise, see also: Elysian Fields)
:: Élysée {m}
elytron {n} /ˈɛlɪtɹɒn/ (outer covering of insect)
:: élytre {m}
em {n} /ɛm/ (name of the letter M, m)
:: emme {m}
em {n} (typographic unit)
:: cadratin {m}
emaciate {v} ((transitive) make extremely thin or wasted)
:: amaigrir, émacier
emaciate {v} ((intransitive) become extremely thin or wasted)
:: s'émacier, s'amaigrir
emaciated {adj} /əˈmeɪsieɪtɪd/ (thin or haggard)
:: émacié
emaciation {n} (the act of making very lean)
:: émaciation {f}
emaciation {n} (the state of being emaciated)
:: émaciation {f}, émaciement {m}
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email
email {n} /ˈiːmeɪl/ (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)
:: courrier électronique {m}, courriel {m}, email {m}
email {n} (message sent through email an email system)
:: courriel {m}, courriels {m-p}, courrier électronique {m}, email {m}, e-mail {m}
email {n} (email address, see also: e-mail address)
:: adresse courriel {f}
email {v} ((transitive) to send an email or emails to)
:: envoyer un courriel, courrieller
email {v} ((transitive) to send (something) through email)
:: envoyer par courriel, courrieller
email {v} ((intransitive) to send, or compose and send, an email or emails)
:: envoyer un courriel, courrieller
email address {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address
e-mail address {n} (unique identifier)
:: adresse électronique {f}, adresse courriel {f}, adresse de courrier électronique {f}, adresse e-mail
Emajõgi {prop} (river in Estonia)
:: Emajõgi
E major {n} (the major key with E as its tonic)
:: mi majeur {m}
E major {n} (the major chord with a root of E)
:: mi majeur {m}
emanate {v} /ˈɛm.ə.ˌneɪt/ (To come from a source)
:: émaner
emanation {n} /ˌɛməˈneɪʃən/ (act of flowing)
:: émanation {f}
emanation {n} (that which flows)
:: émanation {f}
emanation {n} (radon, see also: radon)
:: émanation {f}, radon {m}
emancipation {n} /ɨˈmænsɨˌpeɪʃnˌ/ (act of setting free from the power of another)
:: émancipation {f}
emasculate {adj} /ɪˈmæskjʊleɪt/ (deprived of virility or vigor)
:: émasculé
emasculate {v} (to deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate)
:: émasculer
emasculation {n} (castration)
:: émasculation {f}
embalm {v} /ɪmˈbɑːm/ (to treat a corpse in order to prevent decomposition)
:: embaumer
embalm {v} (to perfume)
:: embaumer
embankment {n} (artificial mound of earth and stone)
:: chaussée {f}, talus {m}
embarcadère {n} (a pier, a wharf)
:: embarcadère {m}
embarge {n} (embargo) SEE: embargo
embarge {v} /əmˈbɑɹdʒ/ (to put in a barge)
:: embarquer
embarge {v} (to board a barge)
:: embarquer, monter
embargo {n} /ɪmˈbɑɹɡoʊ/ (an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port)
:: embargo {m}
embargo {n} (a ban on trade with another country)
:: embargo {m}
embarkation {n} (embarking)
:: embarquement {m}
embarrass {v} /ɪmˈbæ.ɹəs/ (to humiliate; to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely)
:: embarrasser, gêner
embarrassed {adj} /ɪmˈbæɹ.əst/ (Having a feeling of shameful discomfort)
:: embarrassé, gêné
embarrassing {adj} /ɪmˈbæɹəsɪŋ/ (causing embarrassment)
:: embarrassant, gênant
embarrassment {n} /ɪmˈbæɹəsmənt/ (state of discomfort)
:: embarras {m}
embarrassment {n} (state of confusion)
:: embarras {m}
embarrassment {n} (person whose actions cause humiliation)
:: (être la) honte (de) {f}
embarrassment of riches {n} (too much of a good thing)
:: embarras du choix {m}
embassy {n} /ˈɛmbəsi/ (organization representing a foreign state)
:: ambassade {f}
embattled {adj} /ɛmˈbæt.əld/ (subject to or troubled by battles, controversy or debates)
:: contesté, encerclé
embattled {adj} (prepared or armed for battle)
:: armé, prêt pour la bataille
embattled {adj} (having battlements or crenellations)
:: toujours en difficultés, crénaux d'une muraille
embattled {adj} ((heraldry) drawn with a line of alternating square indendations and extensions)
:: crénelé {m}
embed {v} /ɪmˈbɛd/ (lay as in a bed; lay in surrounding matter)
:: insérer, encastrer, incruster
embed {v} (mathematics; embed in)
:: plonger dans
embedded {adj} /ɪmˈbɛdɪd/ (part of; firmly, or securely surrounded; lodged solidly into)
:: imbriqué, incrusté, inclus
embedding {n} (in mathematics)
:: plongement {m}
embellish {v} /ɪmˈbɛlɪʃ/ (to make more beautiful and attractive)
:: embellir
embellish {v} (to make sound or look better)
:: embellir
ember {n} /ˈɛm.bɚ/ (glowing piece of coal or wood)
:: braise {f}, tison {m}, brandon {m}
ember {n} (smoldering ash) SEE: embers
Ember day {n} /ˈɛmbə ˌdeɪ/ (any of the three days within the same week, four separate sets of which occur roughly equidistant in the circuit of the year, set aside for fasting and prayer)
:: Quatre-Temps {m-p}
embers {n} (the smoldering or glowing remains of a fire, smoldering ash)
:: braise {f}
embetterment {n} (improvement) SEE: improvement
embezzle {v} /əmˈbɛzəl/ (to steal money that one has been trusted with)
:: divertir, détourner
embezzlement {n} /ˌɪmˈbɛzəlmənt/ (The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner)
:: détournement {m}
embiggen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge
embiopteran {n} (insect)
:: embioptère {m}
emblem {n} /ˈɛmbləm/ (representative symbol)
:: emblème {m}
emblematic {adj} /ˌɛmbləˈmatɪk/ (serving as a symbol)
:: emblématique
emblem book {n} (book containing allegorical illustrations with accompanying explanatory text)
:: livre d'emblèmes {m}
embodiment {n} (entity typifying an abstraction)
:: incarnation {f}
embody {v} (represent in a physical form; to incarnate or personify)
:: incarner, personnifier
embody {v} (include or represent, especially as part of a cohesive whole)
:: représenter
embolden {v} /ɛmˈbəʊldən/ (To encourage, inspire, or motivate)
:: encourager,enhardir
embolism {n} (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus)
:: embolie {f}
embolism {n} (insertion of days into the calendar)
:: embolisme {m}
embolus {n} /ˈɛmbələs/ (An obstruction causing an embolism: a blood clot)
:: embole {m}
embonpoint {n} /ɑ̃bɔ̃pwɛ̃/ (plumpness)
:: embonpoint {m}
emboss {v} /ɪmˈbɒs/ (to mark or decorate with a raised design or symbol)
:: estamper, gaufrer, bosseler
embouchure {n} /ˈɑm.bə.ʃɚ/ (use of the lips, facial muscles, tongue, and teeth when playing a wind instrument)
:: embouchure {f}
embourgeoisement {n} /ɒmbɔːˈʒwazmɑ̃/ (the adoption the characteristics of the bourgeoisie)
:: embourgeoisement {m}
embrace {v} /ɛmˈbɹeɪs/ (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug)
:: étreindre, embrasser
embrace {v} (to enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.))
:: embrasser
embrace {n} (act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest, see also: hug)
:: accolade {f}, embrassement {m}, embrassade {f}, étreinte {f}
embrace {v} (to submit to) SEE: undergo
embrace {v} (to encircle; to enclose, to encompass) SEE: encircle
embrasure {n} (Any of the indentations between the merlons of a battlement)
:: embrasure {f}, ébrasure {f}
embrocation {n} (to rub oil or spirit etc. onto a diseased parts)
:: embrocation {f}
embroider {v} /ɪmˈbɹɔɪdɚ/ (to stitch a decorative design on fabric with needle and thread)
:: broder
embroider {v} (to add imaginary detail to a narrative)
:: broder
embroiderer {n} (person who embroiders)
:: brodeur {m}
embroideress {n} (female embroiderer)
:: brodeuse {f}
embroidery {n} /ɪmˈbɹɔɪdəɹi/ (ornamentation)
:: broderie {f}
embroidery {n} (fabric)
:: broderie {f}
embroidery {n} (elaboration of an account with details)
:: broderie {f}
embroil {v} /ɪmˈbɹɔɪl/ (to draw into a situation)
:: embourber
embroilment {n} (an entangled situation) SEE: imbroglio
embryo {n} /ˈɛmbɹi.əʊ/ (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus)
:: embryon {m}
embryogenesis {n} (The process by which an embryo is formed and develops)
:: embryogenèse {f}
embryologic {adj} (embryologic) SEE: embryological
embryological {adj} (of or pertaining to embryology)
:: embryologique
embryologist {n} (expert or specialist in embryology)
:: embryologist {m} {f}, embryologue {m} {f}
embryology {n} (the scientific study of embryos)
:: embryologie {f}
embryonic {adj} /ˈɛm.bɹi.ɒn.ɪk/ (embryology: of or relating to an embryo)
:: embryonnaire
embryonic {adj} (figuratively: something, especially a project, that is very new and is still evolving)
:: embryonnaire
em dash {n} (typographical symbol '—')
:: tiret cadratin {m}
-eme {suffix} /-iːm/ (linguistic base unit)
:: -ème {m}
emerald {n} /ˈɛməɹəld/ (gemstone)
:: émeraude {f}
emerald {n} (colour)
:: émeraude {f}
emerald {adj} (of a rich green colour)
:: émeraude
emerald ash borer {n} (Agrilus planipennis)
:: agrile du frêne
emerald green {n} (colour)
:: émeraude {m}, vert émeraude {m}
emerge {v} /iˈmɝd͡ʒ/ (to come into view)
:: émerger
emerge {v} (to come out of)
:: émerger, sortir
emerge {v}
:: émerger
emergence {n} /ɪˈmɜːdʒ(ə)ns/ (The act of rising out of a fluid, or coming forth from envelopment or concealment, or of rising into view)
:: émergence {f}
emergence {n} (the arising of emergent structure in complex systems)
:: émergence {f}
emergency {n} /ɪˈmɝ.dʒən.si/ (situation requiring urgent assistance)
:: urgence {f}, crise {f}
emergency {n} (situation requiring urgent assistance)
:: urgences {f-p}
emergency brake {n} (type of brake)
:: signal d'alarme {m}
emergency escape {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape
emergency exit {n} (exit for evacuation)
:: sortie de secours {f}
emergency goalie {n}
:: gardien d'urgence
emergency physician {n} (emergency physician)
:: médecin d’urgence {m}, urgentiste {m} {f}, médecin urgentiste {m}, urgentologue {m} {f}
emergency room {n} (hospital department)
:: salle d'urgences {f}, salle des urgences {f}
emergency stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape
emergent {adj} /ɪ.ˈmɜː.dʒənt/ (Emerging; coming into view or into existence; nascent; new.)
:: émergent
emerging {adj} (becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising)
:: émergent
emeritus {adj} (retired but retaining an honorific version of previous title)
:: émérite
emery {n} /ˈɛməɹi/ (mineral)
:: émeri {m}
Emery {prop} (male given name)
:: Émeric, Aymeric
Emesa {prop} /ˈɛməsə/ (the ancient city of Homs)
:: Émèse {f}
Emesene {adj} /ˌɛməˈsiːn/ (of or pertaining to Emesa or its region)
:: émésénien, émésène, émésien
Emesene {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Emesa or its region)
:: Émésénien {m}, Émésénienne {f} Émésène {m} {f}, Émésien {m}, Émésienne {f}
Emesene {prop} (region in Syria)
:: Émésène {f}
emetic {adj} /əˈmɛt.ɪk/ (causing nausea and vomiting)
:: émétique, vomitif
emetic {n} (agent)
:: émétique, vomitif
emetophilia {n} (sexual fetish)
:: émétophilie {f}
emetophobia {n} /ɪˌmɛt.əˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ (fear of vomiting)
:: émétophobie {f}
emigrate {v} /ˈɛmɪɡɹeɪt/ (to leave one's country in order to reside elsewhere)
:: émigrer
emigration {n} (act of emigrating)
:: émigration {f}
Emil {prop} (male given name)
:: Émile
Emile {prop} (Emil) SEE: Emil
Emilian {prop} (language)
:: émilien {m}
Emilia-Romagna {prop} (region of Italy)
:: Émilie-Romagne {f}
Emily {prop} (given name)
:: Émilie
eminent {adj} /ˈɛmɪnənt/ (remarkable, great)
:: remarquable
eminent {adj} (of a person: distinguished, noteworthy)
:: éminent
eminent domain {n} (government's right to expropriate private land)
:: expropriation {f}, expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique {f}
eminent domain {n} (lord's property interest in a fief or fee)
:: domaine direct {m}, domaine éminent {m}
eminently {adv} /ˈɛmɪnəntli/ (in an eminent manner)
:: éminemment
eminently {adv} (to a great degree)
:: parfaitement, éminemment
E minor {n} (the minor key with E as its tonic)
:: mi mineur {m}
E minor {n} (the minor chord with a root of E)
:: mi mineur {m}
emir {n} (Islamic prince or leader)
:: émir {m}
emirate {n} /ˈeməɹət/ (country ruled by an emir)
:: émirat {m}
Emirati {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to United Arab Emirates)
:: émirati, émirien
Emirati {n} (a person from the United Arab Emirates)
:: Émirati, Émirien {m}
emissary {n} /ˈɛmɪˌsɛɹi/ (an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else)
:: émissaire {m} {f}
emission {n} /ɪˈmɪʃən/ (something that is emitted)
:: émission {f}
emission {n} (act of sending or throwing out)
:: émission {f}
emission allowance {n}
:: quota d'émission
emissions trading {n} (carbon emissions trading) SEE: carbon emissions trading
emit {v} /iˈmɪt/ (to send out or give off)
:: émettre
emitter {n} /əmɪtə/ (that which emits)
:: émetteur {m}
emitter {n} (terminal of a transistor)
:: émetteur {m}
Emma {prop} /ˈɛmə/ (female given name)
:: Emma
Emmanuel {prop} (male given name)
:: Emmanuel
Emmanuel {prop} (figure whose birth is foretold) SEE: Immanuel
Emmanuel {prop} (this figure, regarded as Christ) SEE: Immanuel
Emmeline {prop} (female given name)
:: Émeline
emmer {n} /ˈɛmɚ/ (Triticum dicoccon)
:: amidonnier {m}
emoji {n} /ɪˈməʊdʒi/ (digital graphic icon)
:: emoji {m}, émoji {m}
emollient {n} /ɪˈmɑl.jənt/ (something which softens or lubricates the skin)
:: émollient {m}
emollient {adj} (Soothing; mollifying)
:: lénifiant
emolument {n} /ɪˈmɒljəmənt/ (payment for an office or employment)
:: émolument {m}
emoticon {n} /ɪˈmoʊtəˌkɑn/ (representation of an emotion of the writer)
:: émoticône {m}, émoticone {m}, binette {f}, frimousse {f}
emotion {n} /ɪˈmoʊʃən/ (person's internal state of being)
:: émotion {f}
emotional {adj} /ɪˈməʊʃənəl/ (of or relating to the emotions)
:: émotionnel
emotional {adj} (characterised by emotion)
:: émotionnel
emotional {adj} (determined by emotion rather than reason)
:: émotif
emotional {adj} (easily affected by emotion)
:: émotif
emotional blackmail {n} (psychological misuse of a person's emotions)
:: chantage affectif {m}
empathic {adj} /ɛmˈpæθɪk/ (showing or expressing empathy)
:: empathique
empathize {v} /ˈɛmpəˌθaɪz/ (to feel empathy for another person)
:: compatir, s'apitoyer
empathy {n} /ˈɛmpəθi/ (intellectual identification with another person)
:: empathie {f}
Empedocles {prop} /ɛmˈpɛdəkliːz/ (philosopher)
:: Empédocle
emperor {n} /ˈɛmpəɹɚ/ (ruler of an empire)
:: empereur {m}
emperor penguin {n} (largest penguin)
:: manchot empereur {m}
emphasis {n} /ˈɛmfəsɪs/ (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important)
:: accent {m}, emphase {f}
emphasis {n}
:: graisse {f}
emphasize {v} /ˈɛm.fə.saɪz/ (stress)
:: souligner
emphatic {adj} /ɪmˈfætɪk/ (characterized by emphasis)
:: emphatique {m} {f}
emphatic {adj} (stated with conviction)
:: emphatique {m} {f}
emphatic {adj} (of emphatic consonants)
:: emphatique {m} {f}
emphysema {n} /ˌɛmfɪˈsiːmə/ (abnormal accumulation of air in tissues)
:: emphysème {m}
emphyteusis {n} (right)
:: emphytéose {f}
emphyteutic {adj} (pertaining to emphyteusis)
:: emphytéotique
empire {n} /ˈɛmpaɪə/ (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories)
:: empire
empire {n} (political unit ruled by an emperor)
:: empire {m}
empire {n}
:: empire {m}
Empire of Japan {prop} (nation-state)
:: Empire du Japon {m}
empiric {n} (unqualified or dishonest practitioner) SEE: charlatan
empiric {adj} (empiric) SEE: empirical
empiric {n} (one guided by empiricism) SEE: empiricist
empirical {adj} /ɪmˈpɪɹɪkəl/ (pertaining to or based on experience)
:: empirique
empiricism {n} (philosophical theory)
:: empirisme {m}
empiricist {n} (an advocate or supporter of empiricism)
:: empiriste
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use
employ {v} /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ (to give someone work)
:: employer, embaucher, recruter
employability {n} /ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti/ (state of being employable)
:: employabilité {f}
employable {adj} (able to be employed)
:: employable
employee {n} /ɛmplɔɪˈiː/ (individual who provides labor to a company or another person)
:: employé {m}, employée {f}, salarié {m}, salariée {f}
employer {n} /ɪmˈplɔɪɚ/ (person or entity which employs others)
:: employeur {m}, employeuse {f}
employment {n} /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (use, purpose)
:: emploi {m}
employment {n} (the act of employing)
:: emploi {m}
employment {n} (the state of being employed)
:: emploi {m}
employment {n} (the work or occupation for which one is paid)
:: travail {m}, emploi {m}
employment agency {n} (organisation that matches employers to employees)
:: agence pour l'emploi {f}
employment contract {n} (category of contract)
:: contrat de travail {m}
empower {v} (to give permission to)
:: autoriser
empower {v} (to give confidence and/or strength to)
:: encapaciter
empowerment {n} (granting of power)
:: autonomisation
empress {n} /ˈɛmpɹəs/ (female monarch of an empire)
:: impératrice {f}
empress dowager {n} (mother of an emperor)
:: impératrice douairière
emptiness {n} (the state or feeling of being empty)
:: vide {m}, néant {m}, vacuité {f}
emptiness {n}
:: néant
empty {adj} /ˈɛmpti/ (devoid of content)
:: vide
empty {v} (to make empty)
:: vider
empty {n} (empty bottle)
:: cadavre {m}
empty constructor {n} (constructor with no argument)
:: constructeur par défaut
empty-handed {adj} (emptyhanded) SEE: emptyhanded
emptyhanded {adj} (having nothing to give)
:: les mains vides {p}
emptyhanded {adj} (having given or received nothing)
:: bredouille
empty product {n} (result of multiplying no numbers)
:: produit vide {m}
empty promise {n}
:: promesse en l'air {f}
empty set {n} (unique set that contains no elements)
:: ensemble vide {m}
empty space {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum
empty sum {n} (result of adding no numbers)
:: somme vide {f}
empty the tank {v} (make the utmost effort)
:: se donner à fond
empty vessels make the most sound {proverb} (proverb)
:: c'est pas parce-qu'on n'a rien à dire qu'il faut fermer sa gueule
empyema {n} (collection of pus)
:: empyème {m}
empyrean {adj} /ɛmˌpaɪˈɹiːn̩/ (the highest heaven)
:: Empyrée {m}
Emsian {prop}
:: Emsien
emu {n} /ˈiːmjuː/ (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
:: émeu {m}, émeus {m-p}
emulate {v} /ˈɛm.jə.leɪt/ (to attempt to equal or be the same as)
:: émuler
emulate {v} (to copy or imitate, especially a person)
:: émuler, imiter
emulate {v} (to feel a rivalry with; to be jealous of, to envy)
:: émuler
emulate {v}
:: copier, simuler
emulator {n} (person or thing that emulates)
:: émulateur {m}, émulatrice {f}
emulator {n}
:: émulateur
emulsion {n} (suspension of one liquid in another)
:: émulsion {f}
en {n} /ɛn/ (name of the letter N, n)
:: enne {m}
enable {v} /ɪˈneɪbəl/ (to give power, sanction or authorization to; to provide with abilities, means, opportunities)
:: autoriser
enable {v} (to make something possible)
:: permettre
enable {v} (to allow a way out or excuse for an action)
:: permettre
enable {v} (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
:: activer
enact {v} (to make (a bill) into law)
:: promulguer
enact {v} (to act the part of; to play)
:: jouer
enamel {n} /ɪˈnæməl/ (opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects)
:: émail {m}, glaçure {f}
enamel {n} (coating that dries to a hard, glossy finish)
:: émail {m}
enamel {n} (covering on the tooth)
:: émail {m}
enamel {n}
:: émail {m}
enamel {v} (to coat with enamel)
:: émailler
enameling {n} (the art of applying enamel)
:: émaillerie {f}
enantio- {prefix} /ɛnˈæntɪəʊ/ (opposite)
:: énantio-
enantiodromic {adj} (Relating to enantiodromia)
:: énantiodromique
enantiomer {n} (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers)
:: énantiomère
enantiotropic {adj}
:: énantiotrope {m} {f}
enarthrosis {n} (a ball-and-socket joint)
:: énarthrose {f}
en bloc {adv} (as a whole)
:: en bloc
encampment {n} (campsite)
:: campement {m}
encampment {n} (temporary living quarters)
:: campement {m}
encapsulate {v} /ɪnˈkæps(j)ʊˌleɪt/ (to enclose as if in a capsule)
:: encapsuler
encapsulate {v} (object-oriented programming: To enclose objects in a common interface)
:: encapsuler
encapsulation {n} (act of enclosing in a capsule)
:: encapsulation
encapsulation {n} (object-oriented programming: grouping together an object's state)
:: encapsulation
-ence {suffix} (same as -ance; having the state or condition of)
:: -ence, -ance
Enceladus {prop} /ɛnˈsɛlədəs/ (mythology)
:: Encelade {m}
Enceladus {prop} (moon of Saturn)
:: Encelade {m}
encephalitis {n} (inflammation of the brain)
:: encéphalite {f}
encephalo- {prefix} (pertaining to the brain)
:: encéphalo-
encephalography {n} (X-ray examination of brain)
:: encéphalographie {f}
encephalon {n} /ɛnˈsɛfələn/ (brain)
:: encéphale {m}
encephalopathy {n} /ɛnˌsɛfəˈlɒpəθi/ (condition affecting the brain)
:: encéphalopathie
enchant {v} /ɪnˈtʃænt/ (to attract and delight)
:: enchanter
enchanted {adj} /ɪnˈt͡ʃæntɪd/ (under the influence of enchantment)
:: enchanté
enchanter {n} /ɪnˈtʃɑːntə/ (A spellcaster, conjurer, wizard, sorcerer or soothsayer)
:: enchanteur {m}, enchanteuse {f}
enchanting {adj} (having the ability to enchant)
:: enchanteur {m}, enchanteresse {f}
enchantment {n} /ɪnˈtʃɑːntmənt/ (act of enchantment or feeling of being enchanted)
:: enchantement {m}, ensorcellement {m}
enchantress {n} /ɪnˈtʃæntɹɪs/ (attractive woman skilled at using magic)
:: enchanteresse {f}
enchondroma {n} (a cartilage cyst found in the bone marrow)
:: enchondrome {m}
encircle {v} /ɛnˈsɜɹkəl/ (surround)
:: encercler {f}
enclave {n} /ˈɛnkleɪv/ (entity completely surrounded by another)
:: enclave {f}
enclitic {adj} /ɪnˈklɪtɪk/ (affixed phonetically)
:: enclitique
enclosure {n} /ɛnˈkloʊʒəɹ/ (act of enclosing)
:: encloitrer, encloîtrer
enclosure {n} (area partially or entirely enclosed by walls, fences or buildings)
:: enclos {m}
enclosure {n} (act of separating and surrounding an area etc. with a barrier)
:: cloitrer
enclosure {n} (inaccessible part of the monastery)
:: cloître {m}
encode {v} /ɪnˈkoʊd/ (genetics)
:: encoder, coder
encoder {n} (a device to encode a signal)
:: encodeur
encoding {n} /ɪnˈkoʊdɪŋ/ (character encoding (computing))
:: codage {m}
encompass {v} /ɛnˈkʌm.pəs/ (encircle)
:: encercler
encompass {v} (surround)
:: entourer
encompass {v} (include)
:: englober, inclure, comprendre, renfermer
encore {n} /ˈɑnkɔɹ/ (brief extra performance after the main performance is complete)
:: bis {m}
encore {n} (a call for a repeat performance)
:: bis {m}, rappel {m}
encounter {v} /ɪnˈkaʊntɚ/ (meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly)
:: rencontrer
encounter {n} (unplanned meeting)
:: rencontre {f}
encounter {n}
:: rencontre
encourage {v} /ɪnˈkɝɹɪdʒ/ (mentally support or motivate)
:: encourager
encourage {v} (spur on, recommend)
:: encourager
encouragement {n} /ɪnˈkʌɹɪdʒmənt/ (the act of encouraging)
:: encouragement {m}
encouragement {n} (that which serves to incite, support, promote or advance, as favor, countenance, reward etc.)
:: encouragement {m}
encrust {v} (To cover with a hard crust)
:: encroûter, encrouter
encrust {v} (To inset or affix decorative material)
:: incruster
encrypt {v} /ɪn.ˈkrɪpt/ (to conceal information by means of a code or cipher)
:: coder, chiffrer, crypter
encrypted {adj} (that is in code)
:: chiffré
encryption {n} (process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge, key files, and/or passwords)
:: chiffrement
encyclical {n} /ɛnˈsɪklɪkəl/ (papal letter delivered to Bishops)
:: encyclique {f}
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia
encyclopedia {n} /ənˌsəɪ.kləˈpi.di.ə/ (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics)
:: encyclopédie {f}
encyclopedic {adj} (of or relating to comprehensiveness and other characteristics of an encyclopedia)
:: encyclopédique
encyclopedic {adj} (in lexicography)
:: encyclopédique
encyclopedic dictionary {n} (form of dictionary)
:: dictionnaire encyclopédique
encyclopedicity {n} /ɛnˌsaɪk.ləʊˈpiːˌdɪs.ɪ.ti/ (quality or state of being encyclopaedic)
:: encyclopédicité {f}
end {n} /ɛnd/ (extreme part)
:: fin {f}, bout {m}, extrémité {f}
end {v} (ergative, intransitive: be finished, be terminated)
:: finir, terminer
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something))
:: finir, terminer
end- {prefix} /ɛnd/
:: endo-
endanger {v} /ənˈdeɪndʒɚ/ (to put someone or something in danger)
:: compromettre
endangered {adj} (in danger, at risk)
:: en danger
endangered species {n} (species which is in danger of becoming extinct)
:: espèce en danger {f}, espèce menacée {f}, espèce en voie de disparition {f}
en dash {n} (typographical symbol –)
:: tiret demi-cadratin {m}
endbrain {n} (telencephalon) SEE: telencephalon
endbutton {n} (wooden plug in the end of the instrument)
:: bouton {m}
endearing {adj} /ɪnˈdɪəɹɪŋ/ (inspiring affection or love)
:: attendrissant
endearment {n} (an expression of affection)
:: affection {f}
endeavor {n} /ɛnˈdɛv.ɚ/ (a sincere attempt)
:: effort {m}
endeavor {n} (enterprise; assiduous or persistent activity)
:: effort {m}, entreprise {f}
endeavor {v} (attempt through application of effort)
:: tenter, s’efforcer, tâcher
endeavor {v} (to work with purpose)
:: se dévouer à quelque chose, tâcher
endectocide {n}
:: endectocide {m}
endemic {adj} /ɛnˈdɛm.ɪk/ (native to a particular area)
:: indigène, endémique
endemic {adj} (peculiar to a particular area)
:: endémique
endemic {adj} (prevalent in a particular area)
:: endémique
endemic {n} (disease affecting a number of people simultaneously, so as to show a distinct connection with certain localities)
:: endémie {f}
Enderby {prop} /ˈɛndɚbi/ (city in British Columbia)
:: Enderby
endgame {n} (end stage of a chess game)
:: finale {f}
endimanched {adj} (dressed up in their Sunday best)
:: endimanché
ending {n} /ˈɛndɪŋ/ (termination or conclusion)
:: fin {f}
ending {n} (grammar: last morpheme of a word) SEE: termination
end in itself {n} (something without a purpose)
:: fin en soi {m}, raison d’être {f}
endive {n} /ˈɛndaɪv/ (leafy salad vegetable, Cichorium endivia)
:: laitue romaine {f}
endless {adj} /ˈɛndlɪs/ (having no end)
:: infini, interminable, perpétuel
endless {adj}
:: infini
endlessly {adv} (in an endless manner)
:: indéfiniment
endling {n} (last individual)
:: dernier spécimen recensé {m}
endnote {n} (annotation placed at the end of a document)
:: note {f} en fin de chapitre / de texte / d’ouvrage
endocardium {n} (membrane that lines the interior of the heart)
:: endocarde {m}
endocarp {n} (inner layer of the pericarp)
:: endocarpe {m}
endocrine {adj} /ˈɛnd.oʊ.kɹɪn/ (producing internal secretions that are transported around the body by the bloodstream)
:: endocrine
endocrine gland {n} (gland)
:: glande endocrine {f}
endocrine system {n} (system of ductless glands)
:: système endocrinien {m}
endocrinologist {n} /ˈɛn.dəʊ.kɹɪnˌɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (practitioner of endocrinology)
:: endocrinologue {m} {f}
endocrinology {n} /ˌɛn.də.krɪˈnɑ.lə.dʒi/ (study of the endocrine glands)
:: endocrinologie {f}
endodermic {adj} (of or relating to the endoderm; endodermal)
:: endodermique
end of the line {n} (termination point of a railway or similar transportation system)
:: terminus {m}
end of the world {n} (end of the world)
:: fin du monde {f}
endogamous {adj} (of a marriage, within a social group)
:: endogamique, endogame
endogamy {n} /ɛnˈdɒɡəmi/ (the practice of marrying within one's own social group)
:: endogamie {f}
endogeneity {n} (state)
:: endogénéité {f}
endogenous {adj} /ɨnˈdɑdʒənəs/ (produced, originating or growing from within)
:: endogène
endogenous {adj} (of a disease, caused by factors within the body)
:: endogène
endohedral {adj}
:: endoédrique
endometrectomy {n}
:: endométrectomie {f}
endometriosis {n} /ˌɛndoʊˌmiːtɹiˈoʊsɪs/ (endometrium condition)
:: endométriose {f}
endometrium {n} /ˌɛndəˈmiːtɹi.əm/ (mucous membrane)
:: endomètre {m}
end one's days {v}
:: finir ses jours, finir sa vie
end one's life {v} (end one's days) SEE: end one's days
endonym {n} (a name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language)
:: endonyme {m}
endoparasite {n} /ˌɛndə(ʊ)ˈpæɹəˌsaɪt/ (indwelling parasite)
:: endoparasite {m}
endoplasmic reticulum {n} (network of membranes)
:: réticulum endoplasmique
endorheic {adj} /ɛn.doʊˈɹi.ɪk/ (internally drained; having no outlet)
:: endoréique
endorphin {n} /ɛnˈdɔ(ɹ)fɪn/ (any of a group of peptide hormones)
:: endorphine {f}
endorse {v} /ɪnˈdɔɹs/ (support)
:: soutenir, approuver
endorse {v} (write on the back of a cheque)
:: endosser
endorsement {n} (support from an important, renowned figure of a media)
:: soutien
endoscope {n} (instrument)
:: endoscope {m}
endoscopic {adj} (of or relating to endoscopy)
:: endoscopique
endoscopy {n} /ɛnˈdɔ.skə.pi/ (examination using an endoscope)
:: endoscopie {f}
endoskeletal {adj} (Of, or pertaining to an endoskeleton)
:: endosquelettique {m} {f}
endoskeleton {n} (internal skeleton of an animal)
:: endosquelette {m}
endosome {n} (endocytic vacuole)
:: endosome
endosperm {n} (tissue)
:: albumen {m}
endosymbiosis {n} (living within another organism)
:: endosymbiose {f}
endosymbiotic theory {n} (the theory that concerns the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts)
:: hypothèse de l'endosymbiose {f}, hypothèse endosymbiotique {f}
endothermic {adj} /ˌɛndəʊˈθəːmɪk/ (zoology: of animal with regulated temperature)
:: homéotherme, à sang chaud
endotoxic {adj} (of, related to, or caused by an endotoxin)
:: endotoxique
endotoxin {n} (any toxin secreted by a microorganism that is released into surrounding environment only when it dies)
:: endotoxine {f}
endotracheal {adj} (within or through the trachea)
:: endotrachéal
endovascular {adj} (within a blood vessel)
:: endovascolare
endow {v} /ɪnˈdaʊ/ (to give property to (someone) as a gift; to provide with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits)
:: doter
endow {v} (to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality)
:: doter, enrichir
endowment {n} /ɛnˈdaʊmənt/ (something with which a person or thing is endowed)
:: dotation {f}
endpaper {n} (either of two folded sheets of paper used to connect the front and back covers of a book to the first and last pages)
:: page de garde {f}
endpin {n} (spike of a musical instrument)
:: pique {f}
endpoint {n} (either of two points at the end of a line)
:: extrémité {f}
end product {n} (finished product) SEE: finished product
end up {v} (conclude, turn out)
:: se terminer, se finir
end up {v} (arrive at a destination)
:: se retrouver, finir
end up {v} (eventually do)
:: finir par
endurable {adj} (able to be endured; tolerable; bearable)
:: endurable, tolérable
endurance {n} /ɪnˈdjʊəɹəns/ (the measure of a person's stamina or persistence)
:: endurance {f}
endurance {n} (ability to endure hardship)
:: endurance {f}
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer
endure {v} /ɪnˈd(j)ʊɹ/ (to continue despite obstacles)
:: endurer, perdurer
end user {n} (the final consumer of a product; the intended recipient or user)
:: utilisateur final {m}
-ene {suffix} (alkene)
:: -ène {m}
enema {n} /ˈɛn.ə.mə/ (injection of fluid into the rectum)
:: lavement {m}
enemy {n} /ˈɛnəmi/ (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else)
:: ennemi {m}, ennemie {f}
enemy {adj} (of, relating to, or belonging to an enemy)
:: ennemi
energetic {adj} /ˌɛnɚˈdʒɛtɪk/ (Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy)
:: énergique, énergétique
energetic {adj} (Of or relating to energy)
:: énergétique
energetically {adv} (in an energetic manner)
:: énergiquement
energumen {n} /ɛn.ə.ˈɡjuː.mən/ (A person possessed by an evil ghost, spirit, or entity)
:: énergumène {m} {f}
energy {n} /ˈɛnɚd͡ʒi/ (impetus behind activity)
:: énergie {f}
energy {n} (capacity to do work)
:: énergie {f}, courage {m}
energy {n} (physics)
:: énergie {f}
energy drink {n} (caffeinated soft drink)
:: boisson énergisante {f}
enervate {v} /ˌɛn.ə(ɹ)ˈveɪt/ (to reduce strength or energy; debilitate)
:: affaiblir
enfantement {n} (obsolete: act of giving birth)
:: enfantement {m}
enfant terrible {n} (unconventional badly-behaved person)
:: enfant terrible {m}
enfeeble {v} /ɪnˈfiːbəl/ (make feeble)
:: affaiblir
enfeoff {v} (to give up completely) SEE: surrender
enfeoff {v} /ɛnˈfɛf/ (to put (a person) in legal possession of a freehold interest)
:: inféoder
enfeoffment {n} /ɪnˈfɛfmənt/ (act or process of transferring possession of land)
:: inféodation {f}
enfleurage {n} /ˌɑ̃.fluˈɹɑʒ/ (the process of extracting fragrance from flowers)
:: enfleurage {m}
enforcer {n} (one who enforces)
:: exécuteur
enforcer {n} (member of a group charged with keeping dissident members obedient)
:: homme de main
Engadin {prop} (long valley in the Swiss Alps)
:: Engadine {f}
engage {v} /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ (to engross or hold the attention of someone)
:: attirer l'attention
engage {v} (intransitive: to enter into battle)
:: engager
engage {v} (to employ or obtain the services of someone)
:: engager
engage {v} (to mesh or interlock)
:: embrayer
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy
engaged {adj} /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ (agreed to be married)
:: fiancé {m}, fiancée {f}
engaged {adj} (already involved in a telephone call)
:: engagé
engagement {n} /ɪnˈɡeɪd͡ʒ.mənt/ (period of time when marriage is planned or promised)
:: fiançailles {f-p}
engagement ring {n} (a ring signifying a promise to wed)
:: bague de fiançailles {f}
en garde {interj} /ɑn ˈɡɑɹd/
:: en garde
engender {v} /ɛnˈdʒɛn.dɚ/ (to bring into existence, cause)
:: engendrer, concevoir, donner le jour à, donner naissance à
engine {n} /ˈɛnd͡ʒɪn/ (mechanical device)
:: moteur {m}
engine {n} (influential group)
:: moteur {m}
engine {n} (brain or heart)
:: moteur {m}
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive
engine block {n} (casting containing piston cylinders)
:: bloc-moteur {m}, bloc-cylindres {m}
engineer {n} /ˌɛnd͡ʒɪˈnɪɹ/ (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering)
:: ingénieur {m} , ingénieure {f}
engineer {n} (locomotive operator)
:: machiniste {m}, conducteur de train {m}
engineering {n} /ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪə.ɹɪŋ/ (application of science to the needs of humanity)
:: ingénierie {f}, génie
engineering {n} (work of an engineer)
:: ingénierie {f}
engineering {n} (profession)
:: ingénierie {f}
engineering {n} (area aboard a ship where the engine is located)
:: salle des machines {f}
engineer's scale {n}
:: kutsch {m}
engine room {n} (compartment on a ship)
:: salle des machines {f}
engine trouble {n} (problems occurring with an engine or motor)
:: panne {f}
England {prop} /ˈɪŋɡlənd/ (region of Great Britain)
:: Angleterre {f}
english {n} /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/ (spinning or rotary motion around the vertical axis)
:: anglais
English {adj} /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to England)
:: anglais {m}, anglaise {f}
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language)
:: anglais
English {n} (people from England)
:: Anglais {m}, Anglaise {f}
English {n} (one's ability to employ the English language)
:: anglais {m}
English {n} (14-point type)
:: gros-texte
English {prop} (the English language)
:: anglais {m}, langue de Shakespeare {f}
English bond {n} (in bricklaying, an arrangement of bricks)
:: appareil français {m}, appareil à la française {m}, appareil flamand {m}, appareil picard {m}
English Canada {prop} (English-speaking Canada)
:: Canada anglais {m}, Canada anglophone {m}
English Canada {prop} (English Canadians)
:: Canadiens anglais {m-p}
English-Canadian {adj} (anglophone Canadian, English-speaking Canadian, English-language Canadian)
:: canadien anglophone {m}, canadienne anglophone {f}
English-Canadian {adj} (English-Canadian)
:: canadien-anglais {m}, canadienne-anglaise {f}, anglo-canadien {m}, anglo-canadienne {f}
English Carrier {n} (English Carrier)
:: pigeon carrier {m}, carrier {m}, Pigeon Messager anglais {m} (pigeon messager anglais {m}), Messager anglais {m} (messager anglais {m}), Messager {m} (messager {m})
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France)
:: La Manche {f}
English holly {n} (Ilex aquifolium) SEE: European holly
English horn {n} (cor anglais) SEE: cor anglais
Englishman {n} /ˈɪŋ.lɪʃ.mən/ (male native or inhabitant of England)
:: Anglais {m}
English Opening {n} (chess opening)
:: partie anglaise {f}
English sparrow {n} (house sparrow) SEE: house sparrow
English studies {n} (academic discipline)
:: anglistique {f}
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England)
:: Anglaise {f}
engobe {n} (A clay slip coating applied to a ceramic body)
:: engobe {m}
engrailed {n} (moth)
:: boarmie crépusculaire {f}
engrave {v} /ɪnˈɡɹeɪv/ (carve text or symbols into (something))
:: graver
engraver {n} (person who engraves)
:: graveur {m}, graveuse {f}
engraving {n} (the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface)
:: gravure {f}
engraving {n} (an engraved image)
:: gravure {f}
engross {v} /ɪnˈɡɹəʊs/ (to buy up wholesale)
:: accaparer, rafler, s'emparer de
engross {v} (to monopolize; to concentrate possession)
:: accaparer, monopoliser, truster
engross {v} (to engage completely)
:: captiver, passionner, fasciner, polariser, envoûter, ravir, charmer, capter, obnubiler, obséder
engross {v} (to make gross or fat)
:: engraisser
engrossed {adj} /ɛn.ˈɡɹoʊst/ (preoccupied)
:: obnubilé {m}, absorbé
engrossing {adj} /ɛnˈɡɹoʊsɪŋ/ (absorbing)
:: absorbant, captivant
engulf {v} (overwhelm)
:: submerger
engulf {v} (surround; cover)
:: engloutir, engouffrer
enhance {v} /ɪnˈhæns/ (augment or make something greater)
:: augmenter, accroître
enhance {v} (improve something by adding features)
:: améliorer
enhanced {adj} (improved)
:: avancé
enhanced {adj} (raised up)
:: amplifié
enhancement {n} (an improvement)
:: amélioration {f}
enhydros {n} (chalcedony containing liquid)
:: enhydre {f}
enhydrous {adj} (having water within)
:: enhydre {m} {f}
enigma {n} /ɪˈnɪɡmə/ (something puzzling, mysterious or inexplicable)
:: énigme {f}
enigma {n}
:: énigme {f}
enigmatic {adj} /ˌɛnɪɡˈmætɪk/ (pertaining to an enigma)
:: énigmatique
enigmatic {adj} (mysterious)
:: énigmatique
enjail {v} (put in jail) SEE: imprison
enjambment {n} /ɪn.ˈdʒæm.mənt/ (a technique in poetry)
:: enjambement {m}
enjoin {v} /ɛnˈdʒɔɪn/ (to lay on, as a command)
:: enjoindre
enjoy {v} /ɪnˈd͡ʒɔɪ/ (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something)
:: profiter de, jouir de, apprécier
enjoy {v} (to have the use or benefit of something)
:: jouir de
enjoyable {adj} /ɛnˈdʒɔɪ.jə.bəl/ (giving pleasure or delight)
:: agréable, amusant
enjoyment {n} /ɛnˈdʒɔɪmənt/ (the condition of enjoying anything)
:: jouissance {f}, plaisir {m}
enjoy oneself {v} (take pleasure)
:: s'amuser, s'égayer, prendre du bon temps
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit
enkephalin {n}
:: enképhaline
enlarge {v} /ɪnˈlɑːd͡ʒ/ (make larger)
:: agrandir, élargir, accroître
enlargement {n} /ɪnˈlɑː(ɹ)d͡ʒmənt/ (Act of making larger)
:: élargissement, agrandissement
enlargen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge
enlighten {v} /ɪnˈlaɪtn̩/ (to supply with light)
:: éclairer
enlighten {v} (to make clear to the intellect)
:: éclairer, informer
enlightened absolutism {n}
:: despotisme éclairé {m}, monarchie éclairée {f}
enlightenment {n} /ɪnˈlaɪtənmənt/ (philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge)
:: illumination {f}
Enlightenment {prop} (the Enlightenment)
:: les Lumières {f-p}
enlist {v} (to join a cause or organization)
:: rejoindre
enlist {v} (to recruit or to obtain)
:: recruter
enlistment {n} (voluntary service)
:: enrôlement {m}
en masse {adv} /ɒn ˈmæs/ (in a single body or group)
:: en masse
enmesh {v} (To mesh; to tangle or interweave)
:: piéger, captiver
enmesh {v} (To involve in such complications.)
:: emberlificoter, empêtrer, entortiller
enmesh {v} (To involve in difficulties.)
:: entortiller, inclure, englober
enmity {n} /ˈɛn.mɪ.tiː/ (hostile or unfriendly disposition)
:: inimitié {f}
Enna {prop} (province of Sicily, Italy)
:: Enna
Enna {prop} (town and capital of Enna)
:: Enna
ennea- {prefix} (prefix)
:: ennéa-
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine
enneagon {n} /ˈɛ.niː.ə.ɡən/ (a polygon with nine sides; a nonagon)
:: ennéagone {m}
ennealogy {n} (A set of nine works of art that are connected)
:: ennéalogie {f}
ennoble {v} (To bestow with nobility, honour or grace)
:: anoblir
ennui {n} /ɑnˈwi/ (listlessness, boredom)
:: apathie {f}, indolence {f}
ennui {n} (melancholia, depression)
:: mélancolie {f}, dépression {f}
Enoch {prop} (biblical character)
:: Hénoch
enol {n} (compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom which is doubly bonded to another carbon)
:: énol {m}
enormous {adj} /ɪˈnɔː(ɹ)məs/ (extremely large)
:: énorme
enormously {adv} (to an enormous degree)
:: énormément
enough {determiner} /ɪˈnʌf/ (sufficient)
:: assez
enough {adv} (sufficiently)
:: suffisamment, assez
enough {pron} (a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc)
:: suffisamment, assez
enough {interj} (stop!)
:: ça suffit !, assez !
enough is enough {phrase} (the limit of patience or tolerance has been reached)
:: ça commence à bien faire; ça commence à bien faire, trop c’est trop
en passant {adv} /ɒ̃ ˈpæsɒ̃/ (in passing)
:: en passant
en passant {adv} ((chess) captured “in passing” by the other player's pawn)
:: en passant
en passant {n} (chess move)
:: en passant
enquiry {n} /ɛnˈkwaɪ.ɹi/ (a question)
:: enquête {f}, demande {f} de renseignement
enrage {v} /ɪnˈɹeɪd͡ʒ/ (to fill with rage)
:: rendre furieux, mettre en rage, enrager
enrich {v} /ɪnˈɹɪt͡ʃ/ (to make rich(er))
:: enrichir
enriched uranium {n} (uranium enriched with a higher amount of U-235)
:: uranium enrichi {m}
enriching {adj}
:: enrichissant {m}
enrichment {n} (the act of enriching)
:: enrichissement {m}
enrichment {n} (the process of making enriched uranium)
:: enrichissement {m}
enrol {v} (enroll) SEE: enroll
enroll {v} /ɛnˈɹoʊl/ (to enter (a name) in a register, roll or list)
:: s'inscrire, s'enrôler
enroll {v} (to enlist (someone) or make (someone) a member of)
:: enrôler
enrollment {n} (act of enrolling or state of being enrolled)
:: enrôlement {m}
enrollment {n} (people enrolled)
:: enrôlé {m}, enrôlés {m-p}, enrôlée {f}, enrôlées {f-p}
enrollment {n} (registration)
:: enrôlement {m}
enrolment {n} (act of enrolling or state of being enrolled)
:: inscription {f}, enrôlement {m}
en route {prep} /ɒn ɹu(ː)t/ (on the way)
:: en route
en route {prep} (along the way)
:: sur la route, sur le chemin
ensemble {n} /ˌɑnˈsɑm.bəl/ (a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole)
:: ensemble {m}
ensemble {n} (a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company)
:: ensemble {m}
enshrine {v} /ɪnˈʃɹʌɪn/ (to enclose (a sacred relic etc.) in a shrine or chest)
:: enchâsser
ensign {n} /ˈɛnsaɪn/ (military officer)
:: aspirant {m}
ensign {n} (banner)
:: pavillon {m}
enslave {v} (to make subservient; to strip one of freedom; enthrall)
:: asservir, esclavagiser
enslavement {n} (the act of enslaving or the state of being a slave; bondage)
:: asservissement {m}, esclavage {m}
ensnare {v} /ɛnˈsnɛə/ (To snare, to catch through a snare or trap)
:: piéger
ensnare {v} (To entangle)
:: empêtrer
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate
ensorcell {v} /ɛnˈsɔːs(ə)l/ (to bewitch or enchant, see also: bewitch; enchant)
:: ensorceler
enstatite {n} (mineral)
:: enstatite {f}
ensue {v} /ɪnˈsuː/ (to occur as consequence)
:: résulter, découler
ensure {v} (assure) SEE: assure
ensure {v} /ɪnˈʃʊə/ (make sure or certain)
:: s'assurer, garantir, assurer
ENT {n} (ear, nose and throat)
:: ORL {m} {f}
entail {v} /ɛnˈteɪl/ (to imply or require)
:: comporter, impliquer, requérir
entail {v} (to settle or fix inalienably on a person or thing)
:: conférer, accorder
entail {n} (That which is entailed)
:: entail
entangle {v} /ɛnˈtaŋɡəl/ (twist or interweave)
:: intriquer, empêtrer, tortiller
entanglement {n} (the state of being entangled)
:: intrication {f}
entelechy {n} /ɛnˈtɛləki/ (complete realisation and final form of some potential concept or function)
:: entéléchie {f}
enter {v} /ˈɛntɚ/ (to go into (a room, etc.))
:: entrer
enter {v} (to type into a computer)
:: taper, saisir
enteric {adj} (of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestines)
:: entérique
entering tone {n} (short sharp tone)
:: ton d'entrée
enter into {v} (enter into) SEE: penetrate
enteritis {n} (intestinal disease)
:: entérite {f}
enterolith {n} /ˈɛntəɹəˌlɪθ/ (mineral concretion in the intestinal tract)
:: entérolithe {m}
enterprise {n} /ˈɛntɚˌpɹaɪz/ (company, business, organization, or endeavor)
:: entreprise {f}
enterprise {n} (undertaking, especially a daring and courageous one)
:: venture {f}
enterprise {n} (willingness to undertake projects, energy and initiative)
:: initiative {f}
enterprise union {n} (a form of trade union)
:: syndicat d'entreprise, syndicat d'industrie
enterprising {adj} (very able and ingenious in business dealings)
:: entreprenant
entertain {v} /ˌɛntəˈteɪn/ (to amuse)
:: divertir
entertain {v} (to have over at one's home)
:: recevoir
entertainability {n}
:: amusabilité {f}, divertissabilité {f}
entertainer {n} (person who entertains)
:: amuseur {m}, divertisseur {m}
entertaining {adj} (amusing)
:: divertissant {m}, distrayant
entertainment {n} /ˈɛn.tɚˈteɪn.mənt/ (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation)
:: divertissement {m}
enter the equation {v}
:: entrer en ligne de compte
enthalpy {n} /ˈɛn.θəl.piː/ (a measure of the heat content)
:: enthalpie {f}
enthesis {n} /ɪnˈθiː.sɪs/ (point at which a tendon, etc., inserts into a bone)
:: enthèse
enthesopathy {n} (disease)
:: enthésiopathie, enthésopathie
enthral {v} (hold spellbound) SEE: enthrall
enthral {v} (make subservient) SEE: enthrall
enthrall {v} (hold spellbound)
:: captiver
enthrall {v} (make subservient)
:: asservir
enthrone {v} (put on the throne)
:: introniser
enthronement {n} (the act of enthroning or the state of being enthroned)
:: intronisation {f}
enthronise {v} (enthrone) SEE: enthrone
enthuse {v} /ɛnˈθuz/ (to cause (someone) to feel enthusiasm)
:: enthousiasmer
enthusiasm {n} /ɪnˈθjuːzɪæz(ə)m/ ((obsolete or historical) possession by a god; divine inspiration)
:: enthousiasme {m}
enthusiasm {n} (feeling of excited, lively interest)
:: enthousiasme {m}, passion {f}
enthusiast {n} /ɪnˈθʉu̯.ziˌəst/ (person filled with or guided by enthusiasm)
:: passionné, amateur
enthusiast {n} (person exhibiting over-zealous religious fervour)
:: enthousiaste {m} {f}, zélote {m} {f}
enthusiastic {adj} /ɪnˌθuːziˈæstɪk/ (with zealous fervor; excited, motivated)
:: enthousiaste
enthusiastically {adv} (in an enthusiastic manner)
:: avec enthousiasme
enthymeme {n} /ˈɛnθɪˌmiːm/ (by and large statement)
:: enthymème {m}
enthymeme {n} (syllogism with required but unstated assumption)
:: enthymème {m}
entice {v} (to lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope)
:: appâter, attirer
enticing {adj} (alluring)
:: aguicheur
entire {adj} (internal; interior) SEE: internal
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion
entire {adj} /ɪnˈtaɪɚ/ (whole)
:: entier {m}, entière {f}
entirely {adv} /ɪnˈtaɪɹli/
:: entièrement
entirety {n} /ɪnˈtaɪ.ə.ɹɪ.ti/ (wholeness)
:: entièreté {f}
entitle {v} /ənˈtaɪtəl/ (to give a title to a book etc.)
:: intituler
entitled {adj} (having a title - book etc)
:: intitulé
entitled {adj} (having a right to something)
:: ayant droit {m}
entitlement {n} /ənˈtaɪtəlmənt/ (the right to have something)
:: (avoir) droit sur
entitlement {n} (something that one is entitled to)
:: revendication {f}, droit {m}
entitlement {n} (a legal obligation on a government to make payments to a person, business, or unit of government)
:: allocation {f}
entity {n} /ˈen.tɪ.ti/ (that which exists as an individual unit)
:: entité {f}
entity {n} (something that has properties of being real)
:: entité {f}
entity {n} (computing: anything about which data can be stored)
:: entité {f}
Entlebucher {n} (dog breed)
:: bouvier de l'Entlebuch
entoblast {n} (any of the embryonic blastomeres that develop into the endoderm)
:: entoblaste {m}
entognath {n} (arthropod)
:: enthognathe {m}
entomb {v} (to deposit in a tomb)
:: entomber
entomological {adj} (of or pertaining to entomology)
:: entomologique
entomologist {n} (scientist who studies insects)
:: entomologiste {m} {f}
entomology {n} (study of insects)
:: entomologie {f}, insectologie {f}
entourage {n} /ˈɑn.tə.ɹɑʒ/ (retinue of attendants, associates or followers)
:: entourage {m}
entr'acte {n} /ˈɑnˌtɹækt/ (interval between two acts)
:: entracte {m}
entr'acte {n} (another performance during this interval)
:: entracte {m}
entrance {n} /ˈɛn.tɹəns/ (action of entering, or going in)
:: entrée
entrance {n} (place of entering)
:: entrée {f}
entrance {n} (right to go in)
:: entrée
entrance {v} /ɛnˈtɹæns/
:: enchanter
entrance examination {n} (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)
:: concours d'entrée {m}, examen d'entrée {m}, examen d'admission {m}
entrapment {n} (state of being entrapped)
:: emprisonnement {m}, séquestration {f}
entrapment {n} (action by law enforcement personnel to lead an otherwise innocent person to commit a crime)
:: provocation {f}
entrapment {n} (method of isolating cells or molecules)
:: séquestration {f}
entrée {n} /ˈɒntɹeɪ/ (dish served before the main course of a meal, see also: starter; appetizer)
:: entrée {f}
entrée {n} (act of entering)
:: entrée {f}
entrée {n} (main dish) SEE: main course
entreaty {n} /ɛnˈtɹiːti/ (petition, solicitation, prayer)
:: supplication {f}
entrecôte {n} (a premium cut of beef)
:: entrecôte {f}
entrelac {n}
:: entrelac, entrelacs
entrepreneur {n} /ˌɑn.trə.prəˈnɝ/ (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk)
:: entrepreneur {m}, entrepreneuse {f}
entrepreneurial {adj} /ˌɒntɹəpɹəˈnɜːɹi.əl/ (having the spirit, attitude or qualities of an entrepreneur; enterprising)
:: entreprenant, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial
entrepreneurship {n} (quality of being an entrepreneur)
:: entrepreneuriat {m}
entresol {n} (an intermediate floor in a building)
:: entresol {m}
entropy {n} /ˈɛntɹəpi/ (term in thermodynamics)
:: entropie {f}
entropy {n}
:: entropie {f}
entrust {v} /ɪnˈtɹʌst/ (To trust to the care of)
:: confier
entry {n} /ˈɛntɹi/ (act of entering)
:: entrée {f}
entry {n} (permission to enter)
:: entrée {f}, accès {m}
entry {n} (doorway that provides a means of entering a building)
:: entrée {f}, accès {m}
entry {n} (room immediately inside the front door)
:: entrée {f}, vestibule {m}
entry {n} (article in a dictionary or encyclopedia)
:: article {m}, rubrique {f}
entry {n} (record in a log or in a database)
:: élément {m}, article {m}, enregistrement {m}, rubrique {f}
entry {n} (term in a matrix)
:: coefficient {m}, élément {m}
entry-level {adj} (simple enough to be appropriate to an inexperienced person)
:: facile d'accès {m}
entryphone {n} (an electronic communication system, see also: intercom)
:: interphone {m}
enturban {v} (to cover with a turban)
:: enturbanner
enturbanment {n} (the act of enturbanning or the state of being enturbanned)
:: enturbannement {m}
entwine {v} /ɨnˈtwaɪn/ (twist or twine)
:: entrelacer
enucleate {v} /ɪˈnukliˌeɪt/ (to remove, especially a tumor)
:: énucléer
enumerate {v} /ɪˈnjuː.məˌɹeɪt/ (to specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order)
:: énoncer
enumerate {v} (to determine the amount of)
:: dénombrer
enumeration {n} (the act of enumerating)
:: énumération {f}
enunciation {n} /ɪˌnʌn.sɪˈeɪ.ʃən/ (act of enunciating)
:: énonciation {f}
envelop {v} /ɛnˈvɛləp/ (to surround or enclose)
:: envelopper
envelope {n} /ˈɛn.və.ləʊp/ (wrapper for mailing)
:: enveloppe {f}
envelope {n} (geometry: object that is the tangent to a family of objects)
:: enveloppe {f}
envier {n} (one who envies)
:: envieux {m}, envieuse {f}
envious {adj} /ˈɛnvɪəs/ (feeling or exhibiting envy)
:: envieux
enviously {adv} (in an envious manner or to an envious degree)
:: envieusement
environment {n} /ɪnˈvaɪɹə(n)mənt/ (area around something)
:: environnement {m}
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem)
:: environnement {m}
environmental {adj} (pertaining to the environment)
:: environnemental
environmentalism {n} (ideology seeking to prevent the degradation of environment)
:: écologisme {m}, environnementalisme {m}
environmentalist {n} (one who advocates for the protection of the biosphere)
:: environnementaliste {m} {f}, écologiste {m} {f}
environmentally {adv} (affecting the environment)
:: environnementalement
environmentally friendly {adj} (causing little harm to the environment)
:: écologique, respectueux de l'environnement
environmental protection {n} (protecting the environment)
:: protection de l'environnement {f}
envisage {v} /ɛnˈvɪzɪdʒ/ (to conceive or see something within in one's mind)
:: envisager, prévoir
envision {v} (to conceive or see something within one's mind)
:: envisager
envoy {n} /ˈɛn.vɔɪ/ (representative)
:: envoyé {m}, émissaire {m}
envy {n} /ˈɛnvi/ (resentful desire of something possessed by another)
:: envie {f}, jalousie {f}, convoitise {f}
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions)
:: envier
Enyo {prop} /ɨˈnaɪoʊ/ (goddess of war)
:: Ényo {f}
enzymatic {adj} (of, relating to, or caused by enzymes)
:: enzymatique {m} {f}
enzyme {n} /ˈɛn.zaɪm/ (catalytic protein)
:: enzyme {m} {f}
eo- {prefix} /iːəʊ/
:: éo-
EO {prop} (ethylene oxide)
:: EO
Eogene {adj} /ˈiəˌdʒin/ (former name of Paleogene)
:: éogène
Eogene {prop} (former name of the Paleogene)
:: Éogène
eon {n} /ˈiː.ɒn/ (eternity)
:: éternité {f}
eon {n} (period of 1,000,000,000 years)
:: éon
eon {n} (geological time period)
:: éon {m}
eon {n} (informal, hyperbolic: a long period of time)
:: bail {m}
Eonavian {prop}
:: éonavien {m}
eosinophil {n} /i.əˈsɪnəˌfɪl/ (type of white blood cell)
:: éosinophile {m}
epagomenic {adj} (all senses)
:: épagomène
epanadiplosis {n}
:: épanadiplose {f}
epanalepsis {n}
:: épanalepse {f}
eparchial {adj} (of or pertaining to an eparchy)
:: éparchique
eparchy {n} (district of the Roman Empire)
:: éparchie
eparchy {n} (diocese of a bishop)
:: éparchie
epaulet {n} /ˈɛpəlɛt/ (shoulder decoration)
:: épaulette {f}
epaulette {n} /ˈɛpəlɛt/ (ornamentation)
:: épaulette {f}
epazote {n} /ˌɛpəˈzoʊteɪ/ (herb)
:: épazote {m}, thé du Mexique {m}, fausse ambroisie {f}
epee {n} /ˈɛpeɪ/ (A fencing sword)
:: épée {f}
ependyma {n} /ɛpˈɛn.dɪm.ə/
:: épendyme {m}
epenthesis {n} /ɪˈpɛn.θə.sɪs/ (insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word)
:: épenthèse {f}
epenthetic {adj} /ˌɛpənˈθɛtɪk/ (of or pertaining to epenthesis)
:: épenthétique
epenthetic {adj} (inserted into a word)
:: épenthétique
epenthetically {adv} (epenthetically)
:: épenthétiquement
epexegesis {n} /ɛpˌɛksɪˈdʒisɪs/ (additional explanation)
:: épexégèse {f}, apposition {f}
ephedra {n} (plant)
:: prêle des bois
ephedrine {n} /ˈɛfədɹɪn/
:: éphédrine {f}
ephelcystic {adj} (grammar)
:: éphelcystique
ephemeral {adj} /ɛˈfɛ.mə.ɹəl/ (lasting for a short period of time)
:: éphémère
ephemeris {n} /ɪˈfɛməɹɪs/ (table giving the apparent position of celestial bodies throughout the year)
:: éphéméride {f}
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Éphésiens {p}
Ephesus {prop} /ˈɛfɪsəs/ (ancient city)
:: Éphèse {m}
Ephialtes {prop} (either the ancient Greek statesman or a mythological Giant)
:: Éphialtès {m}, Éphialte {m}
ephod {n} /ˈiː.fɒd/ (apron worn by chief priest of ancient Israel)
:: éphod
ephor {n} /ˈɛfə/ (superintendent)
:: éphore {m}
Ephraim {prop} /ˈifɹi.əm/ (the younger son of Joseph)
:: Éphraïm {m}
Ephraim {prop} (given name)
:: Ephraïm
epi- {prefix} (above, over, on, in addition to)
:: épi-
epiboly {n} /ɪˈpɪbəli/ (the expansion of one cell sheet over other cells, as takes place during gastrulation or secondary intention wound healing)
:: épibolie {m}
epic {n} /ˈɛp.ɪk/ (extended narrative poem)
:: épopée
epic {adj} (of, or relating to, an epic)
:: épique
epic {adj} (Momentously heroic)
:: épique
epicalyx {n} (group of bracts)
:: épicalice {m}
epicanthus {n} (a skin fold of the upper eyelid, typical of East Asians)
:: épicanthus {m}, pli épicanthique {m}
epicardium {n} (layer of tissue between the pericardium and the heart)
:: épicarde {m}
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude
epicarp {n} (exocarp) SEE: exocarp
epicene {n} (transvestite) SEE: transvestite
epicene {n} (transsexual) SEE: transsexual
epicene {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate
epicene {adj} (asexual) SEE: asexual
epicene {adj} /ˈɛpɪsiːn/ (of or relating to nouns or pronouns in any language that have a single form for male and female referents)
:: épicène
epicene {n} (effeminate man)
:: efféminé {m}, personne efféminée {f}
epicene {adj} (androgynous, hermaphrodite) SEE: androgynous
epicene {adj} (suitable for use regardless of sex) SEE: unisex
epicene {n} (epicene person) SEE: androgyne
epicene {adj} (indeterminate, mixed) SEE: indeterminate
epicentre {n} /ˈɛpɪˌsɛntɚ/ (point above earthquake)
:: épicentre {m}
epicentre {n} (focal point of activity)
:: épicentre {m}
epiclesis {n} (part of the Divine Liturgy or the Mass)
:: épiclèse {f}
epicness {n} /ˈɛ.pɪk.nəs/ (quality or state of being epic)
:: héroïcité {f}
Epictetus {prop} /ˌɛ.pɪk.ˈtiː.təs/
:: Épictète {m}
Epicureanism {n} (system of philosophy based upon the teachings of Epicurus)
:: éicurisme {m}
Epicurus {prop} /ˌepɪˈkjʊɹəs/ (ancient Greek philosopher)
:: Épicure
epicycle {n} /ˈɛpɪˌsaɪkəl/ (a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle)
:: épicycle
epicyclic gear {n} (system of gears) SEE: planetary gear
epicycloid {n} (locus)
:: épicycloïde {f}
epidemic {n} /ˌɛpɪˈdɛmɪk/ (widespread disease)
:: épidémie
epidemic {n} (occurrence of such disease)
:: épidémie
epidemic {adj} (like an epidemic)
:: épidémique
epidemiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to epidemiology)
:: épidémiologique
epidemiological {adj} (of or pertaining to epidemiology) SEE: epidemiologic
epidemiology {n} /ˌɛp.ɪˌdi.miˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations)
:: épidémiologie {f}
epidermis {n} /ˌɛ.pɪ.ˈdɜː.mɪs/ (skin's outer layer in animals)
:: épiderme {m}
epididymis {n} /ɛpiˈdɪdɪmɪs/ (tube)
:: épididyme {m}
epidote {n} (class of mixed minerals)
:: épidote {f}
epidural {n} /ɛpɪˈdjʊəɹəl/ (anaesthetic)
:: péridurale {f}, épidurale {f}
epigastric {adj} (of or pertaining to the epigastrium)
:: épigastrique
epigenetically {adv}
:: épigénétiquement
epigenetics {n} /ˌɛpɪd͡ʒəˈnɛtɪks/ (study of processes)
:: épigénétique {f}
epigenetics {n} (study of heritable changes)
:: épigénétique {f}
epiglottal {adj} (pertaining to the epiglottis)
:: épiglottal
epiglottal {adj} (phonetics)
:: épiglottal
epiglottis {n} /ˌɛpɪˈɡlɑtɪs/ (cartilaginous organ in the throat)
:: épiglotte {f}
epigram {n} /ˈɛpɪɡɹæm/ (inscription in stone)
:: épigramme {m}
epigram {n} (brief but witty saying)
:: épigramme {m}
epigram {n} (short, witty or pithy poem)
:: épigramme {m}
epigrammatic {adj} (characteristic of an epigram)
:: épigrammatique
epigraph {n} /ˈɛpɪˌɡɹæf/ (inscription)
:: épigraphe {f}
epigraph {n} (literary quotation placed at the beginning of a text)
:: épigraphe {f}
epigraph {n} (set of all points lying on or above a mathematical function's graph)
:: épigraphe {m}
epigraphic {adj} (of or pertaining to an epigraph or to epigraphy)
:: épigraphique
epigraphy {n} /ɪˈpɪɡɹəfi/ (study of inscriptions)
:: épigraphie {f}
epilanguage {n}
:: épilangue {f}
epilaryngeal {adj}
:: épilaryngien
epilate {v} (to remove hair) SEE: depilate
epilation {n} (removal of hair)
:: épilation {f}
epilepsy {n} /ˈɛpɪlɛpsi/ (medical condition)
:: épilepsie {f}
epileptic {adj} /ˌɛpɪˈlɛptɪk/ (of or relating to epilepsy)
:: épileptique
epilogue {n} /ˈɛpɪlɔɡ/ (brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece)
:: épilogue {m}
epimer {n} /ˈɛpɪmə(ɹ)/ (diastereoisomer)
:: épimère {m}
epimutation {n} /ɛpɪmjuˈteɪʃən/
:: épimutation {f}
epinasty {n} (botany: downward curvature due to growth)
:: épinastie {f}
epinephrine {n} /ɛpɪˈnɛfɹɪn/ (hormone and nurotransmitter)
:: épinéphrine {f}
Epiphanes {prop} /ɛˈpɪfəniːz/ (epithet)
:: Épiphane
Epiphania {prop} (the ancient city of Hama)
:: Épiphanie {f}
epiphany {n} /ɪˈpɪf.ə.ni/ (manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being)
:: apparition {f}
epiphany {n} (illuminating realization or discovery)
:: illumination, révélation {f}
epiphany {n} (Epiphany) SEE: Epiphany
Epiphany {n} (Christian feast)
:: Épiphanie {f}, fête des Rois {f}
epiphenomenon {n} /ˌɛp.ə.fəˈnɒm.əˌnɒn/ (medicine: a symptom that develops during the course of a disease not connected to the disease)
:: épiphénomène
epiphenomenon {n} (philosophy, psychology: mental state or process that is an incidental byproduct of physiological events)
:: épiphénomène {m}
epiphenomenon {n} (any state, process or other activity that is the result of another)
:: épiphénomène {m}
epiphrasis {n} (epexegesis)
:: épiphrase {f}
epiphysis {n} (pineal gland) SEE: pineal gland
epiphyte {n} (plant that grows on another)
:: épiphyte {m} {f}
epiploic {adj} (pertaining to the omentum)
:: épiploïque
Epirotic {adj} (Of or pertaining to Epirus)
:: épirote {m} {f}
Epirus {prop} /ɨˈpaɪəɹəs/ (region; historical kingdom)
:: Épire {m}
Epirus {prop} (one of the 13 peripheries)
:: Épire {m}
episcopal {adj} /əˈpɪs.kə.pl̩/ (related to a bishop)
:: épiscopal {m}
episiotomy {n} /əˌpiːziːˈɒtəmiː/ (surgical incision)
:: épisiotomie {f}
episode {n} /ˈɛpɪsəʊd/ (incident or action connected with a series of events)
:: épisode {m}
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts)
:: épisode {m}
episodic memory {n}
:: mémoire épisodique {f}
epistaxis {n} /ˌɛpɪˈstæksɪs/ (nosebleed)
:: épistaxis {f}, saignement de nez {m}
episteme {n} /ˌɛ.pɪˈstiː.mi/ (philosophy (general): scientific knowledge)
:: épistémè {f}
episteme {n} (Foucaultian philosophy)
:: épistémè
epistemic {adj} /ˌɛpəˈstimɪk/ (relating to knowledge or cognition)
:: épistémique
epistemic {adj} (relating to theory of knowledge)
:: épistémologique
epistemological {adj} /ɪˌpɪstəməˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to, epistemology)
:: épistémologique
epistemologically {adv} (in a manner that pertains to epistemology)
:: épistémologiquement
epistemologist {n} (A person, especially a philosopher, who studies theory of knowledge)
:: épistémologue {m} {f}
epistemology {n} /ɪˌpɪstəˈmɑlədʒi/ (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge)
:: épistémologie {f}
epistemophilia {n}
:: épistémophilie {f}
epistle {n} /ɪˈpɪs.l/ (a letter)
:: épître {f}, épitre {f}
epistle {n} (book of the New Testament)
:: épître {f}, épitre {f}
epistolary {adj} /ɪˈpɪst(ə)ˌləɹi/
:: épistolaire
epistolographic {adj} (relating to the writing of epistles)
:: épistolographique
epistolography {n} (the practice of writing epistles)
:: épistolographie {f}
epitaph {n} /ˈɛpɪtæf/ (inscription on a gravestone)
:: épitaphe {f}
epithalamium {n} /ɛpɪθəˈleɪmɪəm/ (song or poem celebrating a marriage)
:: épithalame {m}
epithalamus {n} (segment of the diencephalon)
:: épithalamus {m}
epithelial {adj} (of or pertaining to the epithelium)
:: épithélial
epithelium {n} /ˌɛpɪˈθiːlɪəm/ (membranous tissue)
:: épithélium {m}
epithet {n} /ˈɛ.pɪ.θɛt/ (term used to characterize a person or thing)
:: épithète {f}
epithet {n} (term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person)
:: épithète {f}
epithet {n} (abusive or contemptuous word or phrase)
:: épithète {f}
epitome {n} /əˈpɪt.ə.mi/ (embodiment or encapsulation of)
:: résumé, épitomé {m}
epitome {n} (representative example)
:: personnification {f}, incarnation {f}
epitome {n} (summary)
:: résumé, abrégé
epitomize {v} /əˈpɪt.əˌmaɪz/ (make an epitome)
:: résumer
epitope {n} (target of an immune response)
:: épitope {m}
epitrachelion {n} /ˌɛpɪtɹəˈkiliɒn/ (vestment)
:: épitrachelion {m}
epitrite {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt)
:: épitrite {m}
epitrochoid {n} (geometric curve)
:: épitrochoïde {f}
epitrope {n}
:: épitrope {f}
e pluribus unum {proverb} (e pluribus unum - a United States' motto)
:: un à partir de plusieurs, de plusieurs, un
epoch {n} /ˈɛp.ək/ (particular period of history)
:: époque {f}, ère {f}, période {f}
epoch {n} (notable event)
:: singularité {f}, évènement {m}
eponym {n} /ˈɛpənɪm/ (person's name that has given rise to the name of something)
:: éponyme {m}
eponym {n} (word formed from a person’s name)
:: éponyme {m}
eponymous {adj} /ɪˈpɒnɪməs/ (relating to the person after which something is named)
:: éponyme
eponymy {n} (Quality of being eponymous)
:: éponymie {f}
epoophoron {n} (a group of tubules, a remnant of the Wolffian body, often found near the ovary or oviduct)
:: époophore
epopee {n} /ˈɛpəpiː/ (an epic, saga)
:: épopée {f}
epoxide {n} (cyclic ether)
:: époxyde {m}
epoxy {adj} (derived from an epoxide)
:: époxy
epoxy {n} (epoxy resin) SEE: epoxy resin
epoxy resin {n} (polyether resin)
:: époxy {m}
ePrix {n} /iːˈpɹiː/ (electric grand prix)
:: eprix
epsilon {n} /ɛpˈsaɪ.lən/ (name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet)
:: epsilon {m}
equal {adj} /ˈiːkwəl/ (the same in all respects)
:: égal
equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical)
:: égal
equal {v} (be equal to)
:: égaler à
equal {n} (person or thing of equal status to others)
:: égal {m}, égale {f}
equalitarian {adj} (egalitarian) SEE: egalitarian
equality {n} /ɪˈkwɑl.ɪ.ti/ (fact of being equal)
:: égalité {f}
equality {n} (mathematics: fact of having the same value)
:: égalité {f}
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences)
:: égalité {f}
equalization {n} (act of equalizing)
:: égalisation
equalize {v} /ˈikwəˌlaɪz/ (to make equal)
:: égaliser
equalize {v} (to make the score equal)
:: égaliser
equalizer {n} (a goal that equalizes the score)
:: but égalisateur {m}
equally {adv} /ˈiːkwəli/ (in an equal manner)
:: également
equal sign {n} (symbol)
:: signe égal {m}, signe d'égalité {m}
equanimity {n} /ˌɛkwəˈnɪmɪtiː/ (state of being calm)
:: équanimité {f}
equanimous {adj} /ɪˈkwæn.ɪ.məs/ (Calm and composed; of stable disposition)
:: équanime
equation {n} /ɪˈkweɪʃən/ (mathematics: assertion)
:: équation {f}
equation {n} (astronomy: correction)
:: équation {f}
equational {adj} (of, pertaining to, or constructed using equations)
:: équationnel
equative {n} /i(ː)ˈkweɪtɪv/ (grammar: construction)
:: comparatif d'égalité {m}
equative {n} (grammar: case)
:: équatif {m}
equator {n} /ɪˈkweɪ.tɚ/ (circle around the earth)
:: équateur {m}
equator {n} (celestial equator) SEE: celestial equator
equatorial {adj} /ˌɛkwəˈtɔːɹiəl/ (of, near, or relating to the equator)
:: équatorial {m}, équatoriale {f}
Equatorial Guinea {prop} /ˌɛkwəˈtɔːɹiəl ˈɡɪni/ (country in Western Africa)
:: Guinée équatoriale {f}
equerry {n} /ɪˈkwɛ.ɹi/ (responsible for the care of horses)
:: écuyer {m}
equestrian {adj} (of horseback riding or horseback riders)
:: hippique
equestrianism {n} (the art or sport of riding horses)
:: équitation {f}
equestrianly {adv}
:: hippiquement
equiangular {adj} (geometry: having all internal angles equal)
:: équiangle
equilateral triangle {n} (type of triangle)
:: triangle équilatéral {m}
equilibrist {n} (tightrope walker)
:: équilibriste {m} {f}
equilibrium {n} /ɛkwɪˈlɪbɹɪəm/ (condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced)
:: équilibre {m}
equilibrium {n} (physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero)
:: équilibre {m}
equilibrium {n} (chemistry: state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same)
:: équilibre {m}
equilibrium {n} (mental balance)
:: équilibre {m}
equine {adj} /ˈiːkwaɪn/ (Of or relating to a horse or horses)
:: chevalin, équin, hippique
equinoctial {n} (celestial equator) SEE: celestial equator
equinox {n} /ˈiːkwəˌnɑːks/ (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator)
:: équinoxe {m}
equipage {n} /ˈɛ.kwɪ.pɪdʒ/ (equipment or supplies, especially military ones)
:: bagages, fourgons, train des équipages
equipage {n} (a type of horse-drawn carriage)
:: équipage
equipment {n} /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ (the act of equipping)
:: équipement {m}
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping)
:: équipement {m}
equisonant {adj} /iːkwɪˈsəʊnənt/ (intra-octavally consonant)
:: équisonnant
equity {n} /ˈɛk.wɪ.ti/ (ownership, especially in terms of net monetary value of some business)
:: action {f}
equity {n} (ownership interest in a company)
:: capitaux propres {m-p}
equity {n} (justice, impartiality and fairness)
:: impartialité {f}, solidarité {f}
equivalence {n} /ɪˈkwɪvələns/ (condition of being equivalent)
:: équivalence {f}
equivalence {n} (equivalence relation)
:: équivalence {f}
equivalence {n} (relationship between two propositions)
:: équivalence {f}
equivalence principle {n}
:: principe d'équivalence {m}
equivalence relation {n} (binary relation)
:: relation d'équivalence {f}
equivalent {adj} /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ (similar or identical in value)
:: équivalent {m}
equivalent {adj} (of two sets, having a one-to-one relationship)
:: équivalent
equivalent {adj} (relating to the corresponding elements of an equivalence relation)
:: équivalent
equivalent {n} (anything that is virtually equal to something else)
:: équivalent {m}
equivocal {adj} /ɪˈkwɪvək(ə)l/ (having several applicable significations)
:: équivoque {m} {f}, ambigu {m}, incertain {m}
equivocal {adj} (capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters)
:: douteux {m}, incertain {m}, indéterminé {m}, équivoque {m} {f}
equivocal {adj} (uncertain, doubtful)
:: équivoque {m} {f}
equivocation {n} /ɪˌkwɪvəˈkeɪʃən/ (Logical fallacy)
:: équivocité {f}, équivoque {f}
equivocation {n} (Expression susceptible of a double signification, possibly misleading)
:: équivoque {f}, quiproquo {m}
Equuleus {prop} (second smallest constellation of the northern sky)
:: le Petit Cheval {m}
-er {suffix} /ɚ/ ((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
:: -eur {m}, -euse {f}
-er {suffix} (person whose occupation is...)
:: for players of instruments or games, often translated as joueur {m}/joueuse {f} de followed by the name of the instrument or game played, but some words have specific translations
-er {suffix} ((with numbers, measurements or quantified sets) ranked by or having...)
:: Not used in French
-er {suffix} ((used form a demonym) resident or inhabitant of...)
:: often translated as habitant {m}/habitante {f} de followed by the name of the place, but some words have specific translations
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adjectives)
:: plus
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adverbs)
:: plus
era {n} /ˈɛɹ.ə/ (time period)
:: ère {f}, période {f}, époque {f}
eradicate {v} /ɪˈɹæd.ɪ.keɪt/ (to completely destroy; to reduce to nothing radically)
:: éradiquer
eradication {n} (act of plucking up by the roots)
:: éradication {f}
eradicator {n} (that which eradicates)
:: éradicateur
erasable {adj} (capable of being erased)
:: effaçable
erase {v} /ɪˈɹeɪs/ (to remove markings or information)
:: effacer
erase {v} (to obliterate information)
:: effacer
erase {v} (to clear a storage medium)
:: effacer
erase {v} (intransitive: to be erased)
:: s'effacer
erase {v}
:: effacer
eraser {n} /ɪˈɹeɪsɚ/ (thing used to erase something written or drawn)
:: gomme {f}, effaceur {m}, efface {f}
eraser {n} (chalkboard eraser)
:: brosse à tableau {f}, gomme {f}
eraser pen {n} (fine eraser)
:: stylo-gomme {f}
Erasmus {prop} /ɪˈɹæz məs/ (Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, known as Erasmus or Erasmus of Rotterdam)
:: Érasme {m}, Érasme de Rotterdam {m}
Erasmus {prop} (male given name)
:: Érasme {m}
erastes {n} /ɛˈɹæsteɪs/ (the older partner in a pederastic relationship)
:: éraste {m}
erbium {n} /ˈɜːɹbiəm/ (chemical element)
:: erbium {m}
e-reader {n} (device)
:: liseuse {f}, e-reader {m}
Erebus {prop} /ˈɛɹəbəs/ (mythology)
:: Érèbe {m}
erectile {adj} /əˈɹɛktaɪl/
:: érectile
erectile dysfunction {n} (erectile dysfunction)
:: dysfonction érectile {f}
erection {n} /ɪˈɹɛkʃən/ (act of building)
:: érection {f}
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris)
:: érection, bandaison {f}
eremacausis {n} (oxidation)
:: érémacausie {f}
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit
eremitic {adj} /ɛɹəˈmɪtɪk/ (characteristic of hermit)
:: érémitique {m} {f}
eremitical {adj} (eremitic) SEE: eremitic
eremitism {n} (state of being a hermit)
:: érémitisme {m}
erethism {n} /ˈɛɹɪθɪzəm/ (pathology: abnormal excitement of organ or tissue)
:: éréthisme {m}
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday
ergative {n} (ergative case) SEE: ergative case
ergative case {n} (case used to indicate the agent of a verb)
:: ergatif {m}
ergo {conj}
:: donc
ergodic {adj} (of or relating to certain systems that, given enough time, will eventually return to previously experienced state)
:: ergodique
ergometer {n} (dynamometer used for muscles)
:: ergomètre {m}
ergonomic {adj} (of, or relating to the science of ergonomics)
:: ergonomique
ergonomics {n} /əːɡəˈnɒmɪks/ (science of the design of equipment)
:: ergonomie {f}
ergot {n} /ˈɜːɡət/ (any fungus of the genus Claviceps)
:: ergot {m}
ergot {n} (deformed grain)
:: ergot {m}
ergotamine {n} /ɜːˈɡɒtəmiːn/ (an alkaloid extracted from ergot)
:: ergotamine {f}
erhu {n} /ˈɜːhuː/ (Chinese fiddle)
:: erhu {m}
Eric {prop} /ˈɛɹɪk/ (male given name)
:: Éric
Eridanus {prop} (constellation)
:: Éridan
Erie {prop} /ˈɪɹi/ (one of Great Lakes)
:: Érié {m}
eriometer {n} (optical device)
:: ériomètre {m}
Eris {prop} /ˈɪəɹɨs/ (Greek goddess of discord)
:: Éris {f}
Eris {prop} (dwarf planet)
:: Éris {f}
eristic {n} (type of dialogue)
:: éristique {f}
Eritrea {prop} /ˌɛɹɪˈtɹi.ə/ (country in Eastern Africa)
:: Érythrée {f}
Eritrean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Eritrea, the Eritrean people or the Eritrean culture)
:: érythréen {m}, érythréenne {f}
Eritrean {n} (A person from Eritrea or of Eritrean descent)
:: Érythréen {m}, Érythréenne {f}
Erlenmeyer {prop}
:: Erlenmeyer
Erlenmeyer flask {n} (conical laboratory flask)
:: erlenmeyer
erm {interj} (expression of uncertainty)
:: euh
ermine {n} /ˈɜːmɪn/ (Mustela erminea)
:: hermine {f}
ermine {n} (the white fur of this animal)
:: hermine {f}
ermine {n} ((heraldry) a white field with black spots)
:: hermine {f}
erne {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle
Ernest {prop} /ˈɜː(ɹ)nɪst/ (given name)
:: Ernest
Ernestine {adj}
:: ernestine
erode {v} /ɪˈɹəʊd/ (To wear away by abrasion, corrosion or chemical reaction)
:: éroder
erogenous {adj} /əˈɹɒd͡ʒɪnəs/ (sensitive to sexual arousal)
:: érogène
erogenous zone {n} (erogenous zone)
:: zone érogène {f}
eromenos {n} /ɛˈɹəʊmɛnɒs/
:: éromène {m}
Eros {prop} /ˈɛɹɒs/ (God of love)
:: Éros {m}
Eros {prop} (433 Eros (asteroid))
:: Éros {m}
erosion {n} /əˈɹoʊʒən/ (the result of having being eroded)
:: érosion {f}
erosion {n} (the changing of a surface by mechanical action)
:: érosion {f}
erosion {n} (destruction by abrasive action of fluids)
:: érosion {f}
erotic {adj} /ɪˈɹɑtɪk/ (tending to arouse sexual desire)
:: érotique
erotica {n} /ɪˈɹɒt.ɪkə/ (erotic literature or art)
:: érotisme {m}
erotically {adv} (in an erotic manner)
:: érotiquement
eroticism {n} (the state of being erotic, or of being sexually aroused)
:: érotisme {m}
eroticization {n} (act of eroticizing)
:: érotisation {f}
eroticize {v} (to make erotic)
:: érotiser
eroto- {prefix} (used to form terms related to sexual desire)
:: éroto-
erotomania {n} (mental disorder based on the delusion of a romantic relationship)
:: érotomanie {f}
erotophobia {n} (fear of a romantic relationship)
:: érotophobie {f}
err {v} /ɛɚ/
:: se tromper, errer
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin
errand {n} /ˈɛɹənd/ (trip to accomplish a small task)
:: course {f}
errand {n} (oral message)
:: commission {f}
errand boy {n} (male employed to run errands)
:: coursier {m}, garçon de courses {m}
errant {adj} /ˈɛɹənt/ (straying from the proper course or standard)
:: errant
errata {n} /ɛˈɹɑtə/ (added page listing the errors which were discovered after printing)
:: errata {m}
erratum {n} (corrigendum) SEE: corrigendum
errhine {adj} /ˈɛɹ.aɪn/ (causing an increase in mucus within the nose)
:: errhin {m}
erroneous {adj} /ɛɹˈoʊ.ni.əs/ (containing an error; inaccurate)
:: erroné
erroneously {adv} /ɪˈɹəʊnɪəsli/ (in an erroneous manner)
:: par erreur, à tort, erronément, faitivement
erroneously {adv} (incorrectly) SEE: incorrectly
error {n} /ˈɛɹɚ/ (mistake)
:: erreur {f}
error {n} (difference between a measured or calculated value and a true one)
:: erreur {f}
error {n} (one or more mistakes in a trial that could be grounds for review of the judgement)
:: vice {m}
error {n} (any alteration in the DNA chemical structure)
:: erreur {f}
error {v} (To show an error)
:: être en erreur
error {v} (to cause or contain an error)
:: planter, foirer
error {v} ((nonstandard) To make a mistake; to result in an error) SEE: err
error message {n} (message displayed when a failure condition occurs)
:: message d'erreur {m}
ersatz {n} /ˈɝsæts/ (something made in imitation)
:: ersatz {m}
erstwhile {adj} /ˈɚst.waɪl/ (former, previous)
:: ancien, d'autrefois
erstwhile {adv} (erstwhile) SEE: formerly
erudite {adj} /ˈɛɹ.(j)ə.daɪt/ (scholarly, learned)
:: érudit
eruditely {adv} (in a learned or scholarly manner)
:: éruditement
erudition {n} /ˌɛɹʊˈdɪʃən/ (profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship)
:: érudition {f}
erupt {v} /ɪˈɹʌpt/ (to violently eject)
:: entrer en éruption
eruption {n} /ɪˈɹʌpʃən/ (violent ejection, such as that of lava from a volcano)
:: éruption {f}
eruption column {n} (cloud of ash emitted during a volcanic eruption)
:: panache éruptif {m}, panache volcanique {m}, colonne éruptive {m}, colonne volcanique {f}
ervil {n} (Vicia ervilia) SEE: bitter vetch
Erymanthian Boar {prop} (boar)
:: sanglier d'Érymanthe
eryngo {n} (Eryngium) SEE: sea holly
erysipelas {n} /ɛɹɪˈsɪpələs/ (severe skin disease)
:: érysipèle {m}
erysipelatous {adj} (Resembling erysipelas)
:: érysipélateux
erythema {n} (abnormal redness)
:: érythème {m}
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea
erythrocyte {n} (red blood cell) SEE: red blood cell
erythromycin {n} /ɪˌɹɪθɹəˈmaɪsɪn/ (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics)
:: érythromycine {f}
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium
erythronium {n} (plant of genus Erythronium)
:: érythrone
erythrophobia {n} (fear of blushing)
:: érythrophobie {f}
erythropoiesis {n} (production of red blood cells)
:: érythropoïèse {f}
ESA {prop} (European Space Agency)
:: ASE
Esau {prop} /ˈiːsɔː/ (son of Isaac and Rebekah)
:: Ésaü
escalade {v} /ˈɛskəˌleɪd/ (to scale the walls of a fortification)
:: escalader
escalate {v} /ˈɛs.kə.leɪt/ (to intensify)
:: intensifier
escalate {v} (to transfer a telephone caller or problem to the next higher level of authority)
:: faire remonter
escalation {n} (a deliberate or premeditated increase in the violence or geographic scope of a conflict)
:: escalade {f}
escalator {n} /ˈɛs.kə.leɪ.tɚ/ (mechanical device)
:: escalator {m}, escalier mécanique {m}, escalateur {m}
escallop {n} (scallop) SEE: scallop
escallop {n} (thin slice of meat) SEE: escalope
escalope {n} (thin slice of meat)
:: escalope {f}
escapade {n} /ˈɛskəˌpeɪd/ (daring or adventurous act; undertaking which goes against convention)
:: escapade {f}
escape {v} /ɪˈskeɪp/ (to get free)
:: échapper, s'échapper
escape {v} (to elude)
:: éviter
escape {v} (to avoid capture)
:: s'en tirer
escape {n} (act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation)
:: évasion {f}, échappatoire {f}
escape {n} (architecture: apophyge) SEE: apophyge
escape velocity {n} (minimum velocity)
:: vitesse de libération {f}
escapism {n} (inclination to escape)
:: escapisme
escapology {n} /ˈɛskəˌpɒlədʒiː/ (the study or art of escaping from a constriction)
:: escapologie {f}
escargot {n} (dish)
:: escargot {m}, escargot de Bourgogne {m}
escarole {n} /ˈɛskəɹəʊl/ (subspecies or variety of endive)
:: escarole {f} , scarole {f}
escarpment {n} (steep descent or declivity)
:: escarpement {m}
Escaut {prop} (the river Scheldt) SEE: Scheldt
eschar {n} /ˈɛskɑː/ (dry dark scab or scar)
:: escarre
eschatological {adj} /ˌɛskətəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/ (pertaining to eschatology)
:: eschatologique
eschatology {n} /ɛskəˈtɒlədʒi/ (system of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death)
:: eschatologie {f}
eschatology {n} (the study of the end times)
:: eschatologie {f}
Esch-sur-Alzette {prop} (city)
:: Esch-sur-Alzette
escort {n} /ˈɛs.kɔɹt/ (group of people who provide safety)
:: escorte {f}
escort {v} /ɛˈskɔɹt/ (To attend to in order to guard and protect)
:: escorter
escrow {n} /ˈɛs.kɹoʊ̯/
:: fiducie
esculic acid {n}
:: acide esculique {m}
escutcheon {n} /ɪˈskʌtʃən/ (coat of arms)
:: écusson {m}
escutcheon {n} (plate or bezel to fill the gap around a protuberance)
:: écusson {m}
Esdras {prop} (any of four books)
:: Esdras
-ese {suffix} (forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)
:: -ais, -ois
esker {n} /ˈɛskɚ/ (ridge created under glacier)
:: esker {m}
Eskimo {prop} /ˈɛs.kɪ.moʊ/ (group of native peoples)
:: Esquimaux {m-p}, Eskimos {m-p}
Eskimo {prop} (language)
:: esquimau {m}, eskimo {m}
Eskimo {n} (member of the Eskimo people(s))
:: Esquimau {m}, Eskimo {m}
Eskimo {adj} (of, or relating to an Eskimo, Eskimos or their language, languages)
:: esquimau, eskimo
Eskimo kiss {n} (rubbing of one's nose against another's)
:: bisou esquimau {m}
Esmeralda {prop} /ɛzməˈɹɑːldə/ (Female given name)
:: Esméralda
esophageal {adj} (pertaining to the esophagus)
:: œsophagien
esophageal cancer {n} (cancer)
:: cancer de l'œsophage {m}
esoteric {adj} /ˌɛs.əˈtɛɹ.ɪk/ (understood only by a chosen few)
:: ésotérique
esoteric {adj} (having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical)
:: cérébral
esoterism {n} (inward forms of faith and religion)
:: ésotérisme
ESP {n} (extrasensory perception)
:: PES
espadrille {n} /ɛspəˈdɹɪl/ (light shoe)
:: espadrille {f}
esparto {n} (species of North African grass)
:: alfa {m}
especially {adv} /ɪˈspɛʃ(ə)li/ (particularly)
:: spécialement, particulièrement, surtout, en particulier
especially {adv} (in a special manner)
:: spécialement
Esperantist {n} (specialist or speaker of Esperanto)
:: espérantiste {m} {f}, espérantophone {m} {f}
Esperantize {v} (to turn into Esperanto)
:: espérantiser
Esperanto {prop} /ˌɛspəˈɹæntəʊ/ (auxiliary language)
:: espéranto {m}
Esperantologist {n} (academic of Esperanto)
:: espérantologue {m} {f}
Esperantujo {prop} (notional land)
:: espérantie
espionage {n} /ˈɛs.pi.ə.ˌnɑːʒ/ (act of learning secret information through clandestine means)
:: espionnage {m}
Esposito {prop} (surname)
:: Esposito
espousal {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal
espouse {v} /ɪˈspaʊz/ (become married to)
:: épouser
espouse {v} (accept, support, take as one’s own)
:: épouser, adopter
espresso {n} /ɛˈspɹɛsoʊ/ (strong type of coffee)
:: café express {m}, express {m}, café expresso {m}, expresso {m}, café espresso {m}, espresso {m}, café court {m}
esprit de corps {n} /ɛˌspɹi də ˈkɔɹ/ (shared spirit of comradeship, enthusiasm, and devotion)
:: esprit de corps
-esque {suffix} /-ɛsk/ (in the style of)
:: -esque
-esque {suffix} (resembling)
:: -esque
esquire {n} /ɪˈskwaɪə/ (a squire)
:: écuyer {m}
esquire {n} (shield bearer)
:: écuyer {m}
-ess {suffix} /ɛs/ (female suffix)
:: -esse {f}, -euse {f}, -e {f}
ess {n} /ɛs/ (name of the letter S, s)
:: esse {m}
essay {n} /ˈɛˌseɪ/ (written composition)
:: essai {m}, rédaction {f}, dissertation {f}
essayist {n} /ˈɛ.seɪ.ɪst/ (one who composes essays; a writer of short compositions)
:: essayiste {m} {f}
essence {n} /ˈɛsəns/ (inherent nature)
:: essence {f}
essence {n} (true nature of something)
:: essence {f}
essential {adj} /ɪˈsɛn.ʃəl/ (of high importance)
:: indispensable
essential {adj} (in basic form)
:: essentiel, fondamental
essential {adj}
:: essentiel
essentialism {n} (view that objects have properties that are essential to them)
:: essentialisme {m}
essentiality {n} (being essential)
:: essentialité {f}
essentialize {v} (to reduce to its essence)
:: essentialiser
essentially {adv} /ɪˈsɛnʃəli/ (essentially)
:: essentiellement, en essence
essential oil {n} (volatile oil used to make perfumes and flavourings)
:: huile essentielle {f}
essential tremor {n} (Neurological condition)
:: tremblement essentiel {m}
Essex skipper {n} (butterfly)
:: hespérie du dactyle {f}, hespérie des graminées {f}, hespérie européenne {f}
essive case {n} (case used to indicate a temporary state of being)
:: essif {m}
Essonne {prop} (département)
:: Essonne {f}
-est {suffix} /ɪst/ (superlative of adjectives and adverbs)
:: plus
-est {suffix} (second-person singular present tense of verbs)
:: -es ; -is ; -s
EST {prop} (Eastern Standard Time)
:: HNE
EST {n} (English subtitles)
:: STA
establish {v} /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/ (To make stable or firm; to confirm)
:: affermir
establish {v} (To found; to institute)
:: établir
establish {v}
:: établir
established {adj} /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃt/ (defined, described)
:: établi
establishment {n} /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ (the act of establishing)
:: établissement {m}
establishment {n} (the state of being established)
:: établissement {m}
establishment {n} (that which is established)
:: établissement {m}
establishment {n} (slang: the ruling class or authority group)
:: establishment {m}, établissement {m}
estate {n} /ɪsˈteɪt/ (property and liabilities, especially of a deceased person)
:: patrimoine {m}
estate {n} (historical: major social class or order of persons)
:: noblesse {f}
estate {n} (law: nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land)
:: proprieté {f},, biens {m-p}
estate {n} ((extensive) area of land under single ownership)
:: domaine, propriété
estate {n} (body style of cars) SEE: station wagon
estate {n} (housing estate) SEE: housing estate
estate agent {n} (one acting for another in sale or lease of real estate)
:: agent immobilier {m}
estate car {n} (station wagon) SEE: station wagon
esteem {n} /ɛsˈtiːm/ (favourable regard)
:: estime {f}, respect {m}
esteem {v} (to regard with respect)
:: respecter
ester {n} /ˈɛstɚ/ (compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom)
:: ester {m}
Esther {prop} /ˈɛstɚ/ (female given name)
:: Esther
Esther {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Esther
Esther {prop} (the heroine of the Book of Esther)
:: Esther
estimate {n} /ˈɛstɨmɨt/ (rough calculation or guess)
:: estimation {f}
estimate {v} (to calculate roughly)
:: estimer
estimation {n} /ɛstɪˈmeɪʃən/ (the process of making an estimate)
:: estimation
estival {adj} /iːˈstʌɪv(ə)l/ (of or relating to summer)
:: estival
estivate {v} /ˈɛstɪˌveɪt/ (go into stasis in the summer months)
:: estiver
Estonia {prop} /ɛsˈtoʊ.ni.ə/ (country)
:: Estonie {f}
Estonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language)
:: estonien {m}, estonienne {f}
Estonian {n} (person)
:: Estonien {m}, Estonienne {f}
Estonian {n} (language)
:: estonien {m}
estragon {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon
estrange {v} /ɪˈstɹeɪndʒ/ (cause to feel less close or friendly; alienate)
:: éloigner
estrange {v} (remove from an accustomed place or set of associations)
:: aliéner
estranged {adj} (having become a stranger)
:: éloigné, perdu de vue (lost sight of); see also désuni, which applies to two or more parties
estrangement {n} (the act of alienating)
:: éloignement {m}
estrangement {n} (the state of being alien)
:: éloignement {m}
estrogen {n} /ˈɛstɹədʒən/ (estrogen)
:: œstrogène {m}
estrous {adj} (Of or relating to estrus)
:: œstral
estuary {n} (place where ocean tides and river water merge)
:: estuaire {m}
esurient {adj} (avid, eager) SEE: avid
esurient {adj} (very greedy or hungry) SEE: voracious
eszett {n} (a German letter)
:: eszett {m}
Esztergom {prop} /ˈɛstɛɹɡom/ (a town in Hungary)
:: Esztergom {f}
eta {n} /ˈeɪtə/ (Greek letter)
:: êta {m}
etacism {n} (pronunciation of the Greek eta like the Italian long e)
:: étacisme {m}
et al. {phrase} /ɛtˈɔl/ (and others)
:: et al., et coll., & cie
etc. {phrase} /ˌɛt ˈsɛt(ə)ɹə/ (and so on, see also: and so forth)
:: et cétéra, etc., et cætera, ...
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc.
etch {v} /ɛtʃ/ (to engrave)
:: graver
etch {v} (to make a lasting impression)
:: marquer
etching {n} /ˈetʃ.ɪŋ/ (art of producing an image)
:: gravure {f}, eau-forte {f}
etching {n} (image created by this process)
:: eau-forte {f}, estampe {f}
etendue {n} /ˌeɪtɒnˈd(j)uː/ (conserved property of the light in an optical system)
:: étendue de faisceau {f}, étendue géométrique {f}
eternal {adj} /ɪˈtɝnəl/ (lasting forever)
:: éternel
Eternal City {prop} (nickname for Rome)
:: ville éternelle {f}
eternal life {n} (immortality) SEE: immortality
eternal life {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife
eternally {adv} (forever)
:: éternellement
eternal sleep {n} (death (euphemism))
:: sommeil éternel {m}
eternity {n} /ɪˈtɝnɪti/ (infinite time)
:: éternité {f}
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future)
:: éternité {f}
eternity {n} (period of time that elapses after death)
:: éternité {f}
eternity {n} (informal: a comparatively long time)
:: éternité {f}
etesian {adj} /ɪˈtiːzɪən/ (pertaining to a specific eastern Mediterranean wind)
:: étésien
etesian {n} (dry north wind which blows in the eastern Mediterranean)
:: étésien {m}
Ethan {prop} /ˈiːθən/ (male given name)
:: Éthan
ethane {n} /ˈɛθeɪn/ (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6)
:: éthane {m}
ethanoic {adj}
:: éthanoïque
ethanol {n} /ˈɛ.θə.nɒl/ (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH)
:: éthanol {m}
ethene {n} (ethylene) SEE: ethylene
ether {n} /ˈiːθə/ (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere)
:: éther {m}
ether {n} (substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space)
:: éther {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups)
:: éther {m}
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens
ethereal {adj} /ɪˈθɪɹ.i.əl/ (Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere)
:: éthéré
ethereal {adj} (Consisting of ether; hence, exceedingly light or airy; tenuous; spiritlike; characterized by extreme delicacy)
:: éthéré
ethereal {adj} (Delicate, light and airy)
:: éthéré
Ethernet {n} /ˈiθəɹˌnɛt/ (network cabling protocol standards)
:: Ethernet
Ethernet {n} (computer network which complies with standards)
:: Ethernet
ethical {adj} /ˈɛθɪkəl/ (of or relating to the study of ethics)
:: éthique
ethical dative {n} (form of the dative case)
:: datif éthique {m}
ethics {n} /ˈɛθ.ɪks/ (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct)
:: éthique {f}
ethics {n} (standards of conduct)
:: éthique {f}
Ethiopia {prop} /iθiˈoʊpi.ə/ (country in Eastern Africa)
:: Éthiopie
Ethiopian {n} /ˌiːθiˈəʊpi.ən/ (person)
:: Éthiopien
Ethiopian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Ethiopia)
:: éthiopien
ethnic {adj} /ˈɛθ.nɪk/ (of or relating to a group of people)
:: ethnique
ethnic {adj}
:: ethnique, païen
ethnic cleansing {n} (ethnic cleansing)
:: nettoyage ethnique {m}, épuration ethnique {f}
ethnic group {n} (ethnic group)
:: ethnie {f}, groupe ethnique {m}
ethnicity {n} /ɛθˈnɪsɪti/ (The characteristics of an ethnic group)
:: ethnicité {f}, appartenance ethnique {f}
ethnicity {n} (An ethnic group)
:: ethnie {f}, groupe ethnique {f}
ethnic minority {n} (people with different characteristics to those of the majority)
:: minorité ethnique {f}
ethnie {n} (ethnicity) SEE: ethnic group
ethno- {prefix} /ɛθnoʊ/ (race, ethnicity)
:: ethno-
ethnocentric {adj} (related to ethnocentrism)
:: ethnocentrique {m} {f}
ethnocentrism {n} /ˌɛθ.nəʊˈsɛn.tɹɪzm̩/ (tendency)
:: ethnocentrisme {m}
ethnocide {n}
:: ethnocide {m}
ethnocultural {adj} (all senses)
:: ethnoculturel
ethnoentomology {n}
:: ethnoentomologie {f}
ethnogenesis {n} (ethnogenesis)
:: ethnogenèse {f}
ethnographer {n} (one who studies ethnography)
:: ethnographe
ethnographic {adj} (of, or relating to ethnography)
:: ethnographique
ethnography {n} /ɛθˈnɑɡɹəfi/ (branch of anthropology)
:: ethnographie {f}
ethnolect {n} (language variety)
:: ethnolecte {m}
ethnolinguist {n} (scholar of ethnolinguistics)
:: ethnolinguiste {m} {f}
ethnolinguistics {n} (field of linguistic anthropology)
:: ethnolinguistique {f}
ethnologic {adj} (ethnologic) SEE: ethnological
ethnological {adj} (of or relating to ethnology)
:: ethnologique
ethnologist {n} (one who practices ethnology)
:: ethnologue {m} {f}
ethnology {n} (branch of anthropology)
:: ethnologie {f}
ethnomusicology {n} (study of music and culture)
:: ethnomusicologie {f}
ethnonationalism {n} (type of nationalism)
:: ethnonationalisme
ethnonym {n} (name of an ethnic group)
:: ethnonyme {m}
ethnopolitical {adj} (relating to ethnopolitics)
:: ethnopolitique
ethnoreligious {adj} (Of or pertaining to ethnicity and religion)
:: ethnoreligieux
ethography {n} (study of moral behaviour)
:: éthographie {f}
ethology {n} /iːˈθɒlədʒi/ (study of human and animal behaviour)
:: éthologie
ethopoeia {n} (rhetorical technique of creating an imaginary speech)
:: éthopée {f}
ethyl acetate {n} (ethyl ester of acetic acid)
:: acétate d'éthyle {m}, éthanoate d’éthyle {m}
ethylene {n} /ˈɛθəˌliːn/ (compound)
:: éthylène {m}, éthène {m}
ethylene {n} (radical)
:: éthylène {m}
ethylene glycol {n} ((organic chemistry) organic compound HO-CH2-CH2-OH)
:: éthylène glycol {m}
ethylene oxide {n} (simplest epoxide)
:: oxyde d'éthylène {m}, dihydroxyrène {m}, oxyde de diméthylène {m}, oxiranne {m}
ethylene-vinyl acetate {n} (copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate)
:: éthylène-acétate de vinyle {m}
etilefrine {n} (a cardiac stimulant used as an antihypotensive)
:: étiléfrine {m}
etiological {adj} /ˌiːtɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to an aetiology)
:: étiologique
etiquette {n} /ˈɛtɪˌkɛt/ (forms to be observed in social or official life)
:: étiquette {f}
etiquette {n} (customary behavior)
:: étiquette {f}
Etna {prop} /ˈɛtnə/ (volcano in Sicily, Italy)
:: Etna {m}
Etruria {prop} /ɪˈtɹʊə.ɹɪ.ə/ (ancient country)
:: Étrurie {f}
Etruscan {adj} /ɪˈtɹʌskən/ (pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria)
:: étrusque
Etruscan {n} (inhabitant of Etruria)
:: Étrusque
Etruscan {prop} (extinct language of Etruria)
:: étrusque {m}
Etruscologist {n} (a person who specialises in the Etruscans)
:: étruscologue {m} {f}
Ettelbruck {prop} (city)
:: Ettelbruck
et tu, Brute {phrase} /ɛt ˈtu ˌbɹutɛ/ (expression of betrayal)
:: tu quoque mi fili
etymological {adj} (of or relating to etymology)
:: étymologique
etymologically {adv} (Based on or belonging to etymology)
:: étymologiquement
etymologist {n} (person who specializes in etymology)
:: étymologiste {m} {f}
etymologize {v} (to find or provide etymology for a word)
:: étymologiser
etymology {n} /ˌɛt.ɪˈmɑl.ə.dʒi/ (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words)
:: étymologie {f}
etymology {n} (account of the origin and historical development of a word)
:: étymologie {f}
etymon {n} /ˈɛt.ə.mɑn/ (source word)
:: étymon {m}
EU {prop} /ˌiː ˈjuː/ (European Union, see also: European Union; EUSSR)
:: UE {f}
Euboea {prop} /juːˈbiːə/ (Greek island)
:: Eubée {f}
eucalyptus {n} /ˌjuːkəˈlɪptəs/ (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus)
:: eucalyptus {m}, eucalypte {m}
eucatastrophe {n} /ˌjuːkəˈtæstɹəfi/ (catastrophe that results in the protagonist's well-being)
:: eucatastrophe {f}
Eucharist {n} /ˈjuːkəɹɪst/ (sacrament)
:: eucharistie {f}
eucharistic {adj} (pertaining to the Eucharist)
:: eucharistique {m}
euchologion {n} /juːkə(ʊ)ˈləʊdʒɪən/ (prayer book)
:: eucologe {m}
Euclid {prop} /ˈjuːklɪd/ (Greek mathematician)
:: Euclide {m}
Euclidean {adj} /juːˈklɪd.i.ən/ (of traditional geometry)
:: euclidien
Euclidean {adj} (of Euclid's Elements)
:: euclidien
Euclidean algorithm {n} (number theory)
:: algorithme d'Euclide {m}
Euclidean geometry {n} (mathematical system)
:: géométrie euclidienne {f}
Euclidean space {n} (ordinary space)
:: espace euclidien {m}
Euclidian space {n} (Euclidean space) SEE: Euclidean space
eudiometer {n} (tube for measuring volume of gases)
:: eudiomètre
euergetism {n} (the practice of élite in Greek and Roman cities to distribute a part of their wealth to the community)
:: évergétisme {m}
euergetist {n} (one who practices euergetism)
:: évergète {m}
Eugene {prop} /ju.ˈdʒiːn/ (male given name)
:: Eugène {m}
Eugenia {prop} /juːˈd͡ʒiːniə/ (female given name)
:: Eugénie
Eugenius {prop} (given name)
:: Eugène
euhemerism {n} /juːˈhiːmərɪzəm/ (attribution of the origins of the gods to the deification of heroes)
:: évhémérisme {m}
eukaryote {n} /juˈkæɹi.əʊt/ (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus)
:: eucaryote
eukaryotic {adj} (having complex cells)
:: eucaryote
Eulalie {prop} (female given name)
:: Eulalie
Euler {prop} /ˈɔɪlɚ/ (Leonhard Euler)
:: Euler {m}
Euler's formula {prop} (Euler's formula)
:: formule d'Euler {f}
eulogistic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in the form of a eulogy)
:: dithyrambique, élogieux
eulogy {n} /ˈjulədʒi/ (an oration to honor a deceased person)
:: éloge {m}
eumetazoan {n} ((zoology) animal of the subkingdom Eumetazoa)
:: eumétazoaire {m}
eumolpic {adj}
:: eumolpique
eunuch {n} /ˈjuː.nək/ (castrated human male)
:: eunuque {m}, castrat {m}
eunuch {n} (such a man who was harem guard or in Middle Eastern courts under Roman Emperors, important officials of the state)
:: eunuque {m}
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle
Euphemia {prop} /juːˈfiːmɪ.ə/ (female given name)
:: Euphémie {f}
euphemism {n} /ˈjuː.fəˌmɪ.z(ə)m/ (use of a word or phrase to replace another word with one considered less offensive)
:: euphémisme {m}
euphemism {n} (word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way)
:: euphémisme {m}
euphemistic {adj} (of euphemism)
:: euphémique
euphemistically {adv} (in a euphemistic manner)
:: euphémiquement
euphonic {adj} (harmonious)
:: euphonique
euphonically {adv} (in a euphonic manner)
:: euphoniquement
euphony {n}
:: euphonie {f}
euphoria {n} /juːˈfɔːɹi.ə/ (an excited state of joy)
:: euphorie {f}, pêche {f}, frite {f}
euphoric {adj} (feeling great well-being or elation or intense happiness; characterized by euphoria)
:: euphorique
euphotic {adj} (describing that part of the near-surface ocean in which photosynthesis is possible)
:: euphotique
Euphrates {prop} /juːˈfɹeɪtiːz/ (river in the Middle East)
:: Euphrate {m}
euphuism {n} (style of writing)
:: euphuisme {m}
Eurabia {prop}
:: Eurabia {f}, Eurabie {f}
Eurasia {prop} /jʊˈɹeɪʒə/ (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia)
:: Eurasie {f}
Eurasian {adj} (pertaining to Eurasia)
:: eurasiatique
Eurasian badger {n} (Meles meles)
:: blaireau européen {m}, blaireau eurasiatique {m}
Eurasian bittern {n} (Botaurus stellaris)
:: butor étoilé {m}
Eurasian blackbird {n} (Turdus merula)
:: merle {m}
Eurasian black vulture {n} (Aegypius monachus)
:: vautour moine
Eurasian bullfinch {n} (a small passerine bird)
:: bouvreuil pivoine {m}
Eurasian collared dove {n} (Streptopelia decaocto) SEE: collared dove
Eurasian crag martin {n} (Ptyonoprogne rupestris)
:: hirondelle de rochers {f}
Eurasian eagle owl {n} (Bubo bubo)
:: hibou grand-duc {m}
Eurasian Economic Union {prop} (economic union, see also: EAU; EAEU)
:: Union eurasiatique {f}
Eurasian hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo)
:: faucon hobereau {m}
Eurasian jay {n} (Garrulus glandarius)
:: geai des chênes {m}
Eurasian lynx {n} (Lynx lynx)
:: lynx boréal {m}, lynx commun {m}, lynx d'Europe {m}, lynx d'Eurasie {m}, loup-cervier {m}
Eurasian magpie {n} (Pica pica)
:: pie bavarde {f}
Eurasian nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea)
:: sittelle torchepot {f}
Eurasian pygmy owl {n} (Glaucidium passerinum)
:: chevêchette d'Europe {f}
Eurasian scops owl {n} (Otus scops)
:: petit-duc scops {m}, hibou petit-duc {m}
Eurasian siskin {n} (Spinus spinus)
:: tarin {m}, tarin des aulnes {m}
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus)
:: épervier {m}, épervier d'Europe {m}
Eurasian spoonbill {n} (Platalea leucorodia)
:: spatule blanche {f}
Eurasian three-toed woodpecker {n} (Picoides tridactylus)
:: pic tridactyle {m}
Eurasian treecreeper {n} (Certhia familiaris)
:: grimpereau des bois {m}
Eurasian tree sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow
Eurasian wigeon {n} /jə.ɹeɪʒən.wɪd͡ʒən/ (dabbling duck)
:: canard siffleur {m}
Eurasian woodcock {n} (Scolopax rusticola)
:: bécasse des bois {f}
Eurasian wren {n} (Troglodytes troglodytes)
:: troglodyte mignon {m}
Eure {prop} (département)
:: Eure {f}
Eure-et-Loir {prop} (département of France)
:: Eure-et-Loir
eureka {interj} /juˈɹikə/ (exclamation indicating sudden discovery)
:: eurêka
Euribor {n} (Euro Interbank Offered Rate)
:: euribor
Euripides {prop} /jʊˈɹɪp.ɪˌdiz/ (a Greek tragedian)
:: Euripide {m}
euro {n} /ˈjʊɹoʊ/ (currency unit of the European Monetary Union)
:: euro {m}
Euro- {prefix} (pertaining to Europe)
:: euro-
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone
Eurocent {n} (one hundredth of a euro)
:: centime {m}
Eurocentrism {n} (practice of viewing the world from a European perspective)
:: européocentrisme {m}, eurocentrisme {m}
euro coin {n} (coin in the eurozone)
:: monnaie en euro {f}
Eurocommunism {n} (trend)
:: eurocommunisme {m}
Euroconnector {n} (SCART) SEE: SCART
Eurocrat {n} (employee of the EU)
:: eurocrate {m} {f}
Eurogroup {n} (body of Eurozone finance ministers)
:: Eurogroupe {m}
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone
Eurolinguistics {n} (branch of linguistics)
:: eurolinguistique
Euromaidan {prop} (series of anti-government protests in Ukraine)
:: Euromaïdan {m}
Europa {prop} /jʊˈɹoʊpə/ (a moon of Jupiter)
:: Europe {f}
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union
Europe {prop} /ˈjʊɹəp/ (continent)
:: Europe {f}
European {adj} /ˌjʊɹəˈpi.ən/ (relating to Europe or the European Union)
:: européen
European {n} (person)
:: Européen {m}, Européenne {f}
European alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder
European ash {n} (Fraxinus excelsior) SEE: common ash
European beaver {n} (European beaver)
:: castor d'Europe {m}, castor commun {m}, castor d'Eurasie {m}, bièvre {m}
European bee-eater {n} (Merops apiaster)
:: guêpier d'Europe {m}
European bison {n} /jʊɹəˌpiːən ˈbaɪsn̩/ (the wisent species Bison bonasus)
:: bison d'Europe {m}
European bitterling {n} (Rhodeus amarus)
:: bouvière {f}
European bullhead {n} (species)
:: chabot commun {m}
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union)
:: Banque centrale européenne {f} (note: only capital letter to Bank)
European Commission {prop} (executive branch)
:: Commission européenne
European corn borer {n} (Ostrinia nubilalis)
:: pyrale du maïs {f}
European cornel {n} (Cornus mas)
:: cornouiller mâle {m}, cornouiller sauvage {m}, cornier {m}, fuselier {m}
European Council {prop} (an institution of the European Union)
:: Conseil européen {m}
European Economic Area {prop}
:: Espace économique européen
European eel {n} (fish)
:: anguille d'Europe {f}, anguille commune {f}
European Engineer {n} (qualification)
:: ingénieur européen {m}
European garden spider {n} (Araneus diadematus)
:: épeire diadème {f}
European goldfinch {n} (Carduelis carduelis)
:: chardonneret élégant {m}
European hake {n} (Merluccius merluccius)
:: merlu commun
European hare {n} (hare species)
:: lièvre d'Europe {m}
European hedgehog {n} (Erinaceus europaeus)
:: hérisson commun
European herring gull {n} (Larus argentatus)
:: goéland argenté {m}
European holly {n} (Ilex aquifolium)
:: houx {m}, houx commun {m}
European honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus)
:: bondrée apivore {f}
European hornet {n} (Vespa crabro)
:: frelon européen {m}
Europeanisation {n} (assimilation)
:: européanisation {f}
Europeanize {v} (to make something, or someone, more European)
:: européaniser
European lobster {n} (species of lobster)
:: homard européen {m}
European mink {n} (mink species)
:: vison d'Europe {m}
European mistletoe {n} (Viscum album)
:: gui blanc {m}
Europeanness {n}
:: européanité {f}
European otter {n} (Lutra lutra)
:: loutre d'Europe {f}, loutre européenne {f}, loutre commune {f}
European Parliament {n} (legislative chamber of the European Union)
:: Parlement européen {m}, Europarlement {m}, Eurochambre {f}, Chambre européenne {f}
European peacock {n} (colorful butterfly)
:: paon du jour {m}
European penduline tit {n} (Remiz pendulinus)
:: rémiz penduline {f}, mésange rémiz {f}, mésange penduline {f}, mésange de Pologne {f}
European perch {n} (Perca fluviatilis)
:: perche commune {f}, perche franche {f}, perche européenne {f}
European pied flycatcher {n} (Ficedula hypoleuca)
:: gobemouche noir {m}
European plaice {n} (Pleuronectes platessa)
:: carrelet {m}, plie d'Europe {f}, plie commune {f}
European polecat {n} (Mustela putorius)
:: putois {m}, furet {m}
European pollock {n} (Pollachius pollachius)
:: lieu jaune {m}
European Portuguese {prop} (Portuguese spoken and written in Portugal)
:: portugais du Portugal {m}
European rabbit {n} (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
:: lapin de garenne {m}, lapin commun {m}
European redbud {n} (Judas tree) SEE: Judas tree
European river lamprey {n} (European species of lamprey)
:: lamproie de rivière {f}, lamproie fluviatile {f}
European robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula)
:: rouge-gorge familier {m}, rouge-gorge européen {m}
European roller {n} (Coracias garrulus)
:: rollier d'Europe {m}
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan
European seabass {n} (Dicentrarchus labrax)
:: bar commun {m}, bar européen {m}, perche de mer {f}, loup de mer {m}
European shag {n} (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
:: cormoran huppé {m}
European smelt {n} (Osmerus eperlanus)
:: éperlan {m}
European squid {n} (Loligo vulgaris)
:: calmar commun {m}, encornet {m}, supion {m}, tautène {m}
European turtle dove {n} (Streptopelia turtur)
:: tourterelle des bois {f}
European Union {prop} /ˌjʊəɹəˈpiːən ˈjuːnjən/ (European supranational organisation)
:: Union européenne {f}
Europhilia {n} (love of Europe)
:: europhilie {f}
Europhone {adj}
:: europhone
europium {n} /jʊəˈɹoʊpiəm/ (chemical element)
:: europium {m}
Europop {n} (European pop music)
:: europop {m}
Euro-sceptic {n} (One who is sceptical of increasing the powers of the European Union)
:: eurosceptique {m} {f}
Euro-sceptic {adj} (Of or pertaining to Euro-sceptics or Euro-scepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Eurosceptic {n} (one who is sceptical of increasing the powers of the European Union)
:: eurosceptique {m} {f}
Eurosceptic {adj} (of or pertaining to Eurosceptics or Euroscepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Eurosceptical {adj} (of or pertaining to Eurosceptics or Euroscepticism) SEE: Eurosceptic
Euro-sceptical {adj} (Of or pertaining to Euro-sceptics or Euro-scepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Euroscepticism {n} (scepticism of increasing powers of the EU)
:: euroscepticisme
Euroskeptic {n} (One who is skeptical of increasing the powers of the European Union)
:: eurosceptique {m} {f}
Euroskeptic {adj} (Of or pertaining to Euroskeptics or Euroskepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Euro-skeptic {n} (One who is skeptical of increasing the powers of the European Union)
:: eurosceptique {m} {f}
Euro-skeptic {adj} (Of or pertaining to Euro-skeptics or Euro-skepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Euro-skeptical {adj} (Of or pertaining to Euro-skeptics or Euro-skepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Euroskeptical {adj} (Of or pertaining to Euroskeptics or Euroskepticism)
:: eurosceptique
Eurotunnel {prop} (Channel Tunnel) SEE: Channel Tunnel
Eurovision {prop} /ˈjɝ.əˌvɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (television network)
:: Eurovision {f}
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro)
:: zone euro {f}, eurozone {f} rare
Eurydice {prop} /jʊˈɹɪdɨsi/ (mythology)
:: Eurydice {f}
euryoecious {adj}
:: euryèce
Eurystheus {prop} (Greek mythological king)
:: Eurysthée {m}
euryxenous {adj}
:: euryxène
Eusebius {prop} /juˈsibi.əs/ (given name)
:: Eusèbe
eusocial {adj} (biology)
:: eusocial
eusociality {n} (state of being eusocial)
:: eusocialité {f}
eusocially {adv} (biology)
:: eusocialement
Eustace {prop} /ˈjuːˌstɪs/ (male given name)
:: Eustache
Eustachian tube {n} (tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear)
:: trompe d’Eustache {f}, trompe auditive {f}, tube auditif {m}
eustasy {n} /ˈjuːstəsi/ (worldwide change in sea level)
:: eustatisme {m}
Euterpe {prop} /juːˈtɜɹpi/ (the Muse of music and lyric poetry)
:: Euterpe {f}
euthanasia {n} /juːθəˈneɪʒə/ (practice of killing a human being or animal)
:: euthanasie {f}
euthanasist {n} (a person who performs euthanasia)
:: euthanasiste {m} {f}
euthanize {v} /ˈjuː.θən.ˌaɪz/ (submit (a person or an animal) to euthanasia)
:: euthanasier, faire euthanasier
eutrophication {n} (becoming eutrophic)
:: eutrophisation
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea
EVA {n} (extravehicular activity) SEE: extravehicular activity
EVA {n} (ethylene-vinyl acetate) SEE: ethylene-vinyl acetate
evacuate {v} /ɪˈvæk.ju.eɪt/ (to move out of an unsafe location into safety)
:: évacuer
evacuation {n} (act of emptying)
:: évacuation {f}
evacuation {n} (act of leaving a place for protection)
:: évacuation {f}
evade {v} /ɪˈveɪd/ (to avoid by dexterity, subterfuge, elude)
:: esquiver
evade {v} (to escape or slip away)
:: s'évader
evaluate {v} /ɪ̈ˈvaljəˌweɪt/ (to draw conclusions from by examining)
:: évaluer
evaluation {n} /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ (assessment)
:: évaluation {f}
Evan {prop} /ˈɛ.vən/ (given name)
:: Yvan
evanescent {adj} (ephemeral) SEE: ephemeral
evanescent {adj} /ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ (disappearing, vanishing, see also: disappearing; vanishing)
:: évanescent
evanescent {adj} ((mathematics) diminishing to the point of reaching zero as a limit) SEE: infinitesimal
evangelical {adj} /iːvænˈdʒɛlɪkəl/ (pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general)
:: évangélique
evangelically {adv} (in an evangelical manner)
:: évangéliquement
Evangeline {prop} (female given name)
:: Évangéline {f}
evangelist {n} /ɪˈvændʒəlɪst/ (itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist)
:: évangéliste {m} {f}
evangelist {n} (preacher of the gospel)
:: évangéliste {m} {f}
evangelist {n} (writer of a gospel)
:: évangéliste {m} {f}
evangelist {n}
:: évangéliste
Evangelist {n} (gospel writer)
:: évangéliste {m} {f}
evangelize {v} (tell people about Christianity)
:: évangéliser
evaporate {v} /ɪˈvæpəɹeɪt/ (to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state)
:: évaporer
evaporated milk {n} (milk that has been concentrated by evaporation)
:: lait évaporé {m}, lait concentré {m}
evaporation {n} (process of liquid converting to the gaseous state)
:: évaporation
evaporation {n}
:: évaporation {f}
evasion {n} /ɪˈveɪʒən/ (the act of eluding or evading or avoiding, particularly the pressure of an argument, accusation, charge, or interrogation)
:: esquive
eve {n} /iːv/ (day or night before)
:: veille {f}
Eve {prop} /iːv/ (the first woman)
:: Ève {f}
Eve {prop} (given name)
:: Ève {f}
Evelyn {prop} (female given name)
:: Évelyne
even {adj} /ˈivən/ (flat and level)
:: plat
even {adj} (without great variation)
:: monotone , uniforme
even {adj} (equal)
:: régulier, uniforme
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two)
:: pair {m}, paire {f}
even {adj} (of a number: convenient for rounding other numbers to)
:: rond
even {v} (to make even)
:: aplatir, égaliser, niveler
even {adv} (exactly, fully)
:: exactement, complètement
even {adv} (implying extreme example)
:: même, voire
even {adv} (emphasising comparative)
:: encore, même
even {n} (Evening of the day)
:: veillée {f}, veillée du soir {f}
even {n} (even number) SEE: even number
Even {prop} /əˈvɛn/ (language)
:: évène
even function {n} (unaffected by sign)
:: fonction paire {f}
even Homer nods {proverb} (no one is immune to error)
:: tout le monde peut se tromper, il n'y a si bon cheval qui ne bronche
even if {conj} (irrespective of)
:: même si
evening {n} /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ (time of day between dusk and night)
:: crépuscule {m}, soir {m}
evening {n} (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight)
:: soir {m}
evening dress {n} (elegant dress worn by women)
:: robe de soirée {f}
evening meal {n} (meal taken in the evening)
:: souper {m} , diner {m}, repas du soir {m}
evening star {n} (planet Venus seen in the evening)
:: étoile du soir {f}
evenly {adv} (so as to make flat)
:: uniformément
evenly {adv} (in a fair manner)
:: également, équitablement
even number {n} (positive integer that can be divided by two)
:: nombre pair {m}
even so {adv} (in spite of the preceding remark or facts)
:: quand même
event {n} /ɪˈvɛnt/ (occurrence)
:: événement {m}, évènement {m}
event {n} (point in spacetime (physics))
:: événement {m}, évènement {m}
event {n} (computing: action which triggers an event handler)
:: événement {m}, évènement {m}
event {n} (probability theory: a set of some of the possible outcomes)
:: événement {m}, évènement {m}
event {n} ((medicine) An episode of severe health conditions)
:: accident
event-driven {adj}
:: orienté événements
eventful {adj} (pertaining to high levels of activity)
:: mouvementé
event horizon {n} (gravitational sphere within which light cannot escape)
:: horizon des événements {m}
even though {conj} (although)
:: bien que, quoique
eventing {n} (equestrian event which comprises dressage, cross-country, and showjumping)
:: concours complet {m}
eventuality {n} (possible event)
:: éventualité
eventually {adv} /ɪ.ˈvɛn.t͡ʃu.ə.li/ (in the end)
:: finalement, à terme, à la fin
ever {adv} /ˈɛvɚ/ (always)
:: toujours
ever {adv} (at any time)
:: jamais
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest
Everett {prop} (male given name)
:: Évrard
evergreen {adj} /ˈɛvɚɡɹin/ (of plants, that do not shed their leaves)
:: sempervirent
everlasting {adj} /ˌɛvɚˈlæstɪŋ/ (Lasting or enduring forever)
:: éternel
everlasting {adj} (Continuing indefinitely)
:: permanent
evermore {adv} /ˌɛvə(ɹ)ˈmɔː(ɹ)/ (always)
:: toujours
ever since {adv} (continuously since a specified time or event)
:: depuis lors
ever since {conj} (continuously since)
:: depuis que
evert {v} /ɪˈvɜːt/ (to turn inside out)
:: retourner
every {determiner} /ˈɛv.(ə.)ɹi/ (all of a countable group)
:: tout, chaque
everybody {pron} /ˈɛvɹibʌdi/ (all people)
:: tout le monde, chacun, tous
every cloud has a silver lining {proverb} (in every bad situation there is an element of good)
:: à quelque chose malheur est bon, après la pluie, le beau temps
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily
everyday {adj} /ˈɛvɹiˌdeɪ/ (commonplace, ordinary)
:: usuel
everyday life {n} (everyday life)
:: quotidien {m}, vie de tous les jours {f}, vie quotidienne {f}
every dog has its day {proverb} (proverb)
:: à chacun vient sa chance, à chacun son heure de gloire
every man for himself {phrase} /ˈɛv.(ə.)ɹi mæn fɔː(ɹ) hɪm.ˈsɛlf/ (forget about comradeship; save yourselves!)
:: chacun pour soi; sauve qui peut
everyone {pron} /ˈɛv.ɹi.wʌn/ (every person)
:: chacun, tout le monde, tous
every other {adj} (every second) SEE: every second
every second {adj} (every other; each alternate)
:: un sur deux {m}, une sur deux {f}
every silver lining has a cloud {proverb} (every good situation has the potential to turn bad)
:: toute médaille a son revers
every so often {adv} (occasionally)
:: de temps en temps
everything {pron} /ˈɛvɹiθɪŋ/ (all the things)
:: tout {m}
everything but the kitchen sink {n} (Almost everything, whether needed or not)
:: tout le/un/son bric-à-brac/bazar
every time {adv} (at each occasion that)
:: chaque fois que, à chaque fois que
everywhere {adv} /ɛv.ɹi.(h)wɛɹ/ (at all places)
:: partout
everywhere else {adv} (in all other places)
:: partout ailleurs
evict {v} (to expel)
:: évincer
eviction {n} (the act of evicting)
:: expulsion {f}, éviction {f}
evidence {n} /ˈɛvəɾəns/ (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion)
:: preuve {f}
evidence {n} (anything admitted by a court as proof)
:: preuve
evidence {v} (to provide evidence)
:: prouver, démontrer
evident {adj} /ˈɛ.vɪ.dənt/ (obviously true)
:: évident
evidently {adv} /ˈɛvɪdəntli/ (obviously)
:: de toute évidence, manifestement
evil {adj} /ˈiːvɪl/ (intending to harm)
:: mauvais {m}, maléfique {m} {f}, méchant
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness)
:: mal {m}
evildoer {n} /ˈiːvəlˌduːə/ (person who performs evil acts)
:: malfaiteur {m}, méchant {m}
evil eye {n} (wicked look)
:: mauvais œil {m}
evil genius {n} (intellectually brilliant person who excells at using their mental abilities for negative ends)
:: génie du mal {m}
evil laugh {n} (stereotypical villain's laugh)
:: rire sardonique {m}, rire de méchant {m}, rire diabolique {m}
evil laughter {n} (stereotypical villain's laughter) SEE: evil laugh
evince {v} /iˈvɪns/ (to show or demonstrate clearly)
:: montrer, prouver
eviscerate {v} /ɪˈvɪsəˌɹeɪt/ (to disembowel)
:: éviscérer
evisceration {n} (A disemboweling)
:: ôter les tripes, étriper
evisceration {n} (A vigorous verbal assault)
:: démolir verballement, éreinter quelque chose
evitable {adj} /ˈɛvɪtəb(ə)l/ (possible to avoid)
:: évitable
evocative {adj} (that evokes (brings to mind) a memory, mood or image; redolent or reminiscent)
:: évocateur
evoke {v} /ɪˈvoʊk/ (to cause the manifestation of)
:: évoquer, remémorer
evolution {n} /ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (general: a gradual process of development)
:: évolution {f}
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time)
:: évolution {f}
evolutional {adj} (of or pertaining to evolution, or coming about as a result of its principles)
:: évolutionnel {m}
evolutionary {adj} /ˌiːvəˈluːʃəneɹi/ (of or relating to evolution)
:: évolutif, évolutionnaire
evolutionary biology {n} (sub-field of biology)
:: biologie de l’évolution {f}, biologie évolutive {f}
evolutionary developmental biology {n} (branch of biology)
:: biologie évolutive du développement {f}
evolutionary theory {n} (theory of evolution)
:: théorie de l'évolution {f}
evolutionist {n} (a proponent or supporter of evolutionism)
:: évolutionniste {m} {f}
evolutionistic {adj} (of or pertaining to evolutionism)
:: évolutionniste
evolve {v} /ɪˈvɑlv/ (move in regular procession through a system)
:: évoluer, progresser
evolve {v} (come into being; develop)
:: élaborer
ew {interj} /ɪʊ̯/ (expression of disgust or nausea)
:: beurk
e-wallet {n}
:: portefeuille électronique {m}
e-warfare {n} (cyberwarfare) SEE: cyberwarfare
ewe {n} /juː/ (female sheep)
:: brebis {f}
ewer {n} /ˈju.ɚ/ (widemouthed pitcher)
:: pichet {m}, aiguière, broc, cruche {f}
ex {n} /ɛks/ (name of the letter X, x)
:: ixe {m}
ex {n} (colloquial: former partner or spouse)
:: ex
ex- {prefix} (former)
:: ex-
exa- {prefix} (SI prefix)
:: exa-
exacerbate {v} /ɪɡˈzæsɚˌbeɪt/ (make worse)
:: exacerber,agraver, empirer
exact {adj} /ɪɡˈzækt/ (precisely agreeing)
:: exact {m}, précis {m}
exact {v} (To demand and enforce)
:: exiger
exactitude {n} (accuracy; attention to small details)
:: exactitude {f}
exactly {adv} /ɪɡˈzæk(t)li/ (in an exact manner)
:: exactement
exactness {n} (the state of being exact)
:: exactitude {f}
exact science {n} (field of science capable of quantitative expression)
:: science exacte {f}, science dure {f}
exaggerate {v} /ɛɡˈzæ.dʒə.ɹeɪt/ (to overstate, to describe more than is fact)
:: exagérer, outrer
exaggeration {n} /ɪɡˌzæd͡ʒəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of exaggerating)
:: exagération {f}
examination {n} /ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən/ (act of examining)
:: examen {m}
examination {n} (formal test)
:: examen {m}
examine {v} /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ (to observe or inspect carefully or critically)
:: examiner
examine {v} (to check the health or condition of something or someone)
:: examiner
examiner {n} /əɡˈzæmɪnɚ/ (person who investigates someone or something)
:: examinateur {m}, examinatrice {f}
exam paper {n} (paper on which questions of an examination are written)
:: sujet {m}
exam paper {n} (paper on which examination candidates are expected to write their answers)
:: copie {f}
example {n} /ɪɡˈzæmpl̩/ (something representative of a group)
:: exemple {m}
example {n} (something serving to explain or illustrate a rule)
:: exemple {m}
example {n} (something serving as a pattern of behaviour)
:: exemple {m}
example {n} (person punished as a warning to others)
:: exemple {m}
example {n} (parallel or closely similar case)
:: exemple {m}
example {n} (instance as a problem to be solved)
:: exemple {m}
exanimate {adj} /ɪɡˈzænɪmɪt/ (lifeless; dead)
:: sans vie, mort
exanimate {adj} (spiritless, dispirited, disheartened, not lively)
:: déprimé, découragé
exarch {n} /ˈɛksɑɹk/
:: exarque
exarchate {n}
:: exarchat {m}
exasperate {v} /ɪɡˈzæsp(ə)ɹeɪt/ (frustrate, vex, annoy)
:: exaspérer
exasperation {n} (the act of exasperating)
:: exaspération {f}
Excalibur {prop} /ɛksˈkæ.lɪ.bɚ/ (Legendary sword)
:: Excalibur {f}
excavate {v} (to make a hole in (something); to hollow)
:: excaver
excavation {n} (archaeological excavation)
:: fouille {f}
excavator {n} (curette used to scrape out pathological material) SEE: curette
excavator {n} /ˈɛkskəˌveɪtə/ (vehicle)
:: excavateur {m}
exceed {v} /ɪkˈsiːd/ (to be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable)
:: excéder
exceed {v} (to go beyond the limits of something)
:: excéder, dépasser
exceed {v}
:: excéder
exceedingly {adv} /ɪkˈsiːdɪŋli/ (extremely)
:: extrêmement, énormément
excel {v} /ɪkˈsɛl/ (transitive: to surpass someone or something)
:: dépasser
excel {v} (intransitive: to be much better than others)
:: dépasser
excellence {n} /ˈɛksələns/ (the quality of being excellent)
:: excellence {f}
Excellence {prop} (title of honor or respect)
:: Excellence {m}
Excellency {n} (Form of address for certain high officials or dignitaries)
:: Excellence {f}
excellent {adj} /ˈɛksələnt/ (of the highest quality)
:: excellent
excellently {adv} (very well)
:: excellemment
excelsior {n} /ɛkˈsɛlsɪɔː/ (3-point type)
:: diamant
except {v} /ɪkˈsɛpt/ (to exclude)
:: faire une exception pour, excepter
except {v} (to take exception, to object to)
:: objecter, protester, s'élever contre
except {prep} (with the exception of)
:: excepté, sauf, à l'exception de, hormis
except {conj} (with the exception that)
:: si ce n'est
exception {n} /əkˈsɛpʃən/ (that which is excepted or taken out from others)
:: exception {f}
exception {n}
:: exception {f}
exceptional {adj} /ɪkˈsɛpʃənəl/ (superior due to exception or rarity)
:: exceptionnel
exceptionalism {n} (belief that a particular nation does not conform to an established norm)
:: exceptionnalisme {m}
exceptionally {adv} (unusual, remarkable or exceptional degree)
:: exceptionnellement, par exception
exception that proves the rule {n}
:: l'exception confirme la regle
excerpt {n} /ˈɛɡzɜ(ɹ)(p)t/ (a clip, snippet, passage or extract from a larger work)
:: extrait {m}, passage {m}
excerpt {v} (to select or copy sample material (excerpts) from a work)
:: extraire
excess {n} /əkˈsɛs/ (state of surpassing limits)
:: excès
excess {n} (degree by which one thing exceeds another)
:: excès {m}
excess {n} (insurance condition)
:: franchise {f}
excess {v} (Excessive)
:: excessif
excessive {adj} /ɪkˈsɛsɪv/ (exceeding the bounds of something)
:: excessif
excessively {adv} /ɪkˈsɛsɪvli/ (to an excessive degree)
:: excessivement, bien trop (much too...), beaucoup trop (much too...)
excessively {adv} (in excess)
:: excessivement, de trop
exchange {n} /ɛksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (act of exchanging or trading)
:: échange {m}, troc {m}
exchange {n} (place for conducting trading)
:: bourse {f}
exchange {v} (To trade or barter)
:: échanger, troquer
exchange {v} (To replace with a similar item)
:: échanger
exchange rate {n} (currency rate (finance))
:: taux de change {m}, cours de change {m}
exchange student {n} (student in an exchange scheme)
:: étudiant d'échange {m}
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury
excipient {n} (Drug additive without therapeutic or diagnostic effect)
:: excipient {m}
excircle {n} (escribed circle)
:: cercle exinscrit {m}
excise {n} (excise tax) SEE: excise tax
exciseman {n} (collector of excise tax)
:: accisien {m}
excise tax {n} (any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods)
:: droit d'accise {m}, accise {f}
excitation {n} (the act of producing excitement (stimulation); also, the excitement produced)
:: excitation
excite {v} /ɪkˈsaɪt/ (to stir the emotions of)
:: exciter
excite {v} (to arouse or bring out (eg feelings); to stimulate)
:: exciter
excite {v} (to cause an electron to move to a higher than normal state)
:: exciter
excited {adj} /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ (having great enthusiasm)
:: excité, enthousiasmé
excited {adj} (being in a state of higher energy)
:: excité
excitement {n} /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/ (state of being excited)
:: excitation {f}
exciton {n} (bound state of electron and hole)
:: exciton {m}
exclaim {v} /ɛkˈskleɪm/ (to cry out)
:: exclamer
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark
exclamation {n} /ˌɛkskləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ (loud calling or crying out; outcry)
:: exclamation {f}
exclamation mark {n} /ˌɛks.kləˈmeɪ.ʃən ˌmɑɹk/ (punctuation “!”)
:: point d'exclamation {m}
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark
exclave {n} /ˈɛkskleɪv/ (a country's territory not connected to the main part)
:: exclave {f}
exclay {n} /ˈɛkskleɪ/ (clay aggregate)
:: argile expansée {f}
exclude {v} /ɪksˈkluːd/ (to bar from entering; keep out)
:: exclure
excluding {prep} (to the exclusion of)
:: à l’exclusion de
exclusion {n} /ɪksˈkluːʒən/ (act of excluding or shutting out)
:: exclusion
exclusive {adj} /ɪkˈsklu.sɪv/ (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions)
:: exclusif
exclusive {adj} (of high quality and/or renown)
:: exclusif
exclusive {adj}
:: exclusif
exclusively {adv} /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/ (to the exclusion of anything or anyone else)
:: exclusivement, uniquement
exclusive or {n} (exclusive disjunction)
:: ou exclusif
exclusive right {n} (The power to allow or disallow others from taking certain actions)
:: droite exclusive
exclusivity {n} (the quality of being exclusive)
:: exclusivité {f}
excommunicate {v} /ˌɛkskəˈmjunəkət/ (to officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community)
:: excommunier
excommunicate {v} (to officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community)
:: bannir
excommunication {n} /ɛkskəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting)
:: excommunication {f}
excoriate {v} /ɪkˈskɔɹ.iˌeɪt/ (to strongly denounce or censure)
:: fustiger
excoriation {n} /ˈɛks.kɔ.ɹi.eɪʃən/ (skin abrasion)
:: excoriation {f}
excrement {n} /ˈɛkskɹəmənt/ (human and animal solid waste)
:: excrément {m}
excrescence {n} /ɛkˈskɹɛsəns/ (something, usually abnormal, which grows out of something else)
:: excès {m}, excroissance {f}
excrete {v} /ɛkˈskɹiːt/ (to discharge material)
:: excréter
excretion {n} (process of removing from the body)
:: excrétion {f}
excretory {adj} (of, or relating to excretion)
:: excrétoire
excruciate {v} /ɛk.ˈskɹu.ʃi.eɪ̯t/ (to inflict intense pain or mental distress on (someone); to torture)
:: torturer
excursion {n} /ɛks.kɜː(ɹ).ʒən/ (brief recreational trip)
:: excursion {f}, randonnée {f}
excuse {v} /ɪksˈkjuz/ (forgive, pardon)
:: excuser, pardonner
excuse {v} (allow to leave)
:: excuser
excuse {v} (explain with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement)
:: excuser, justifier
excuse {n} (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement)
:: prétexte {m}, excuse {f}
excuse me {phrase} (request to repeat, see also: come again)
:: pardon, plaît-il, comment, quoi, hein
excuse me {phrase} (request for attention)
:: pardon
excuse me {phrase} (request to pass)
:: pardon, excusez-moi, excuse-moi
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology)
:: pardon, excusez-moi, mes excuses, je m'excuse
ex-directory {adj} (unlisted)
:: sur la liste rouge
execrable {adj} /ˈɛksɪkɹəbl/ (of the poorest quality)
:: exécrable {m} {f}
execrate {v} (to feel loathing for)
:: exécrer
execration {n} /ɛksɪˈkɹeɪʃən/ (act or instance of cursing)
:: exécration {f}
executable {adj} /ˈɛksɪkjuːtəbl/ (capable of being executed)
:: exécutable
executable {n} (file that can be run)
:: fichier exécutable {m}
execute {v} /ˈɛksɪˌkjuːt/ (to kill as punishment)
:: exécuter, mettre à mort
execute {v} (to start, launch or run software)
:: exécuter
execution {n} /ˌek.sɪˈkjuː.ʃən/ (act of executing or the state of being executed)
:: exécution {f}
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty)
:: exécution {f}
execution {n} (carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will)
:: exécution {f}
execution {n} (carrying out of an instruction by a computer)
:: exécution {f}
execution {n}
:: exécution {f}
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution)
:: exécuteur des hautes œuvres {m}, bourreau {m}, exécuteur de la haute justice, maître des hautes œuvres
executive {adj} /ɪɡˈzɛkjʊtɪv/ (designed for execution)
:: exécutif
executive {n} (title of a chief officer or administrator)
:: cadre, gestionnaire, directeur, administrateur {m}
executive {n} (branch of government responsible for enforcing laws and judicial decisions)
:: exécutif {m}
executive committee {n} (the cabinet of ministers for a city government)
:: comité exécutif {m}
executive order {n} (decree issued on the authority of the executive branch of government)
:: ordonnance {f}
executor {n} /ɪɡˈzɛkjʊtɚ/ (one who carries out some task)
:: exécuteur {m}, exécutrice {f}
executor {n} (someone appointed by a testator to administer a will)
:: exécuteur {m}, exécuteur testamentaire {m}
executrix {n} /ɪɡˈzɛkjətɹɪks/ (female executor)
:: exécutrice {f}
exegesis {n} /ɛksɪˈdʒisɪs/ (formal written exposition or explanatory essay)
:: exégèse {f}
exegete {n} /ˈɛksɪdʒit/ (person skilled in exegesis)
:: exégète
exemplar {n} (role model) SEE: role model
exemplar {n} /ɛɡˈzɛm.plə/ (handwritten manuscript)
:: exemple {f}
exemplarily {adv} (in an exemplary manner)
:: exemplairement
exemplary {adj} /ɛɡˈzɛmpləɹi/ (of such high quality as to serve as an example, see also: ideal; perfect)
:: exemplaire
exemplify {v} /ɛɡˈzɛmplɪfaɪ/ (to show or illustrate by example)
:: exemplifier, illustrer
exemption {n} (act of exempting)
:: exemption {f}
exercise {n} /ˈɛk.sə.saɪz/ (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability)
:: exercice {m}
exercise {n} (physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness)
:: exercice {m}
exercise {v} (exert for the sake of training)
:: exercer
exercise {v} (take action, enforce)
:: exercer
exercise {v}
:: exercer
exercise bicycle {n} (exercise machine)
:: vélo stationnaire {m}, vélo d'appartement {m}, bicyclette stationnaire {f}
exercise book {n} (booklet for students)
:: cahier {m}, cahier d'exercices {m}
exert {v} /ɪɡˈzɝt/ (to put in vigorous action)
:: exercer
exertion {n} /əɡˈzɝʃən/ (the action of exerting)
:: effort {m}, dépense {f}
exfoliant {n} (an agent or substance used for the process of exfoliation)
:: exfoliant {m}
exfoliation {n} (the removal of a layer of skin, as in cosmetic preparation)
:: exfoliation {f}
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor
exhale {v} /ɛksˈheɪl/ (to breathe out)
:: expirer
exhaust {v} /ɪɡˈzɔːst/ (to empty by drawing or letting out the contents)
:: épuiser
exhaust {n} (exhaust gas)
:: gaz d'échappement
exhaust {n} (exhaust pipe) SEE: exhaust pipe
exhausted {adj} /ɪɡˈzɔstɪd/
:: épuisé, à bout de forces
exhausting {adj} (Very tiring)
:: épuisant
exhaustion {n} /ɪɡˈzɔːs.tʃən/ (point of complete depletion)
:: épuisement {m}
exhaustion {n} (supreme tiredness; having exhausted energy)
:: harassement {m}, épuisement {m}
exhaustive {adj} /ɛɡˈzɑ.stɪv/ (including every possible element)
:: exhaustif
exhaust pipe {n} (pipe that vents waste gases from the engine)
:: pot d'échappement {m}, silencieux {m}
exhibit {v} /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ (display or show (something) for others to see)
:: exposer
exhibit {n} (public showing)
:: exposition {f}
exhibit {n} (article as evidence in court)
:: pièce à conviction {f}
exhibition {n} /ɛksɪˈbɪʃən/ (large scale public showing of objects or products)
:: exposition {f}
exhibition game {n} (practice game)
:: match amical {m}
exhibitionism {n} (practice of drawing attention to oneself)
:: exhibitionnisme {m}
exhibitionism {n} (practice of displaying one's private bodily parts in public)
:: exhibitionnisme {m}
exhibitionist {n} (one who attempts by his behaviour to draw attention to himself)
:: poseur {m}, poseuse {f}, exhibitionniste {m} {f}
exhibitionist {n} (someone who exposes their genitalia in public)
:: exhibitionniste {m} {f}
exhibition match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game
exhilarating {adj} (refreshingly thrilling)
:: jubilatoire {m} {f}, grisant {m}
exhort {v} /ɛɡˈzɔːt/ (urge)
:: exhorter
exhortation {n} (Act or practice of exhorting)
:: exhortation {f}
exhumation {n} /ˌeks.hjuːˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (the act of digging up that which has been buried)
:: exhumation {f}
exhume {v} /ɛkˈ.s(j)um/ (To dig out of the ground; to take out of a place of burial; to disinter)
:: exhumer
ex-husband {n} (a former husband)
:: ex-mari {m}
exigent {adj} /ˈɛk.sɪ.dʒənt/
:: exigeant, urgent, pressant
exile {n} /ˈɛɡˌzaɪl/ (the state of being banished from one's home or country)
:: exil {m}
exile {n} (someone who is banished from one's home or country)
:: exilé {m}
exile {v} (to send into exile)
:: exiler
exine {n} (outer layer of a pollen grain or spore)
:: exine {f}
exinscribed {adj}
:: exinscrit
exist {v} /ɪɡˈzɪst/ (to be)
:: exister
existence {n} /ɛɡ.ˈzɪs.təns/ (state of being, existing, or occurring)
:: existence {f}
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now)
:: existant
existential {adj}
:: existentiel
existential crisis {n} (state of panic)
:: crise existentielle {f}
existentialism {n} /ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəlɪzəm/ (philosophical movement)
:: existentialisme {m}
existentialist {n} (a person who adheres to the philosophy of existentialism)
:: existentialiste {m} {f}
existential quantifier {n} (operator used in predicate calculus)
:: quantificateur existentiel
existing {adj} /ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ/ (that exists)
:: existant
exit {n} /ˈɛksɪt/ (action of going out or going away, or leaving, see also: departure)
:: sortie {f}
exit {n} (way out)
:: sortie {f}
exit {n} (passage or opening through which one can go from inside a place to the outside)
:: sortie {f}
exit {n}
:: sortie {f}, issue {f}
exit {v} (to go out or go away from a place or situation, see also: depart; leave)
:: sortir
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die
exit poll {n} (poll taken of a sample of voters as they leave a voting station)
:: sondage sortie des urnes {m}
exit strategy {n} (plan)
:: stratégie de sortie {f}
exobiology {n} (biology dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms)
:: exobiologie {f}
exocarp {n} (outermost layer of the pericarp)
:: épicarpe {m}
exodus {n} /ˈɛksədəs/ (sudden departure)
:: exode {m}
Exodus {prop} /ˈɛksədəs/ (departure of Hebrew slaves)
:: Exode
Exodus {prop} (book of Torah and Old Testament)
:: Exode {m}
exogamous {adj} (of or relating to exogamy)
:: exogamique {m} {f}, exogame
exogamy {n} (marriage)
:: exogamie {f}
exogeography {n} (study of physical structure and inhabitants outside the Earth)
:: exogéographie {f}, exo-géographie {f}
exogeography {n} (physical structure outside a particular region; terrain)
:: exogéographie {f}, exo-géographie {f}
exolingual {adj} (pertaining to a series of utterances between two people who do not speak the same language)
:: exolingue
exomoon {n} (moon of an extrasolar planet)
:: exolune {f}, lune extrasolaire {f}, satellite extrasolaire {m}, exosatellite {m}
exon {n} /ˈɛksɑn/ (region of a gene)
:: exon {m}
exonerate {v} /ɪɡˈzɒnəɹeɪt/ (to relieve (someone or something) of a load; to unburden (a load))
:: exonérer
exonerate {v} (to free from an obligation, responsibility or task)
:: exonérer
exonerate {v} (to free from accusation or blame)
:: exonérer
exonym {n} (name used by foreigners)
:: exonyme {m}
exophthalmos {n} (abnormal protrusion of the eyeball)
:: exophtalmie {f}, proptose {m}
exoplanet {n} (planet outside Earth's solar system)
:: exoplanète
exoplanetology {n} (study of exoplanets)
:: exoplanétologie {f}
exorbitant {adj} /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/ (exceeding proper limits)
:: exorbitant
exorcise {v} (To drive out an evil spirit from a person, place or thing, especially by an incantation or prayer)
:: exorciser
exorcism {n} (ritual driving out of evil spirits)
:: exorcisme {m}
exorcist {n} (a person who practices exorcism)
:: exorciste {m} {f}
exorcize {v} (exorcise) SEE: exorcise
exoskeletal {adj} (Of, or pertaining to an exoskeleton)
:: exosquelettique {m} {f}
exoskeleton {n} (hard outer structure)
:: exosquelette {m}
exosphere {n} (the uppermost layer of a planet's atmosphere)
:: exosphère {f}
exostosis {n} (benign bony growth)
:: exostose {f}
exoteric {adj} /ˌɛksoˈtɛɹɪk/
:: exotérique
exotic {adj} /ɪɡˈzɑtɪk/ (foreign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign)
:: exotique
exotic {adj} (non-native to the ecosystem)
:: exotique
exotic {adj}
:: exotique
exotic {n} (organism exotic to an environment)
:: exotique {m} {f}
exotic atom {n} (irregular subatomic particle)
:: atome exotique {m}
exoticism {n} (the state of being exotic)
:: exotisme {m}
exotoxin {n} (any toxin secreted by a microorganism into surrounding environment)
:: exotoxine {f}
expand {v} /ɛkˈspænd/ ((transitive) to change from a smaller form/size to a larger one)
:: agrandir
expand {v} ((intransitive) to speak or write at length or in detail)
:: élaborer
expand {v}
:: élaborer, (s')éteindre
expandable {adj} (having the capacity to be expanded)
:: extensible {m} {f}
expansion {n} /ɪkˈspænʃən/ (act of expanding)
:: expansion {f}
expat {n} /ˈɛksˌpæt/ (An expatriate)
:: expat {m} {f}
expatiate {v} /ɛkˈspeɪʃɪeɪt/
:: parler longuement, appesentir sur quelque chose
expatriate {n} /ɛksˈpætɹɪɪt/ (person living outside own country)
:: expatrié {m}, expatriée {f}
expect {v} /ɪkˈspɛkt/ (to look for, look forward to, anticipate)
:: attendre, s'attendre à
expect {v} (To consider obligatory)
:: attendre
expectancy {n} (expectation or anticipation; the state of expecting something)
:: attente {f}, espérance {f}, expectative {f}
expectation {n} /ɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən/ (act or state of expecting)
:: attente
expectation {n} (that which is expected or looked for)
:: attente
expected {adj} /ɪksˈpɛktɪd/ (anticipated; thought to be about to arrive or occur)
:: attendu
expected value {n} (weighted average of outcomes)
:: espérance mathématique {f}
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit
expectorate {v} /ɪkˈspɛktəɹeɪt/ (to cough up fluid from the lungs)
:: expectorer
expectoration {n} (the act)
:: expectoration {f}
expectoration {n} (that which is expectorated)
:: expectoration {f}
expediency {n} /ɛk.ˈspiː.dɪ.ən.si/ (quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end)
:: efficacité {f}, opportunisme {m},
expedient {adj} /ɪkˈspiːdi.ənt/ (simple, easy, or quick; convenient)
:: expédient
expedient {n} (a means for achieving an end)
:: expédient {m}
expedition {n} /ɛkspəˈdɪʃən/ (An important enterprise, implying a change of place)
:: expédition {f}
expel {v} /ɪkˈspɛl/ (to eject)
:: expulser
expel {v} (to remove from membership)
:: expulser
expel {v} (to deport)
:: déporter, expulser
expend {v} /ɪkˈspɛnd/ (to spend money)
:: dépenser
expendable {adj} (able to be expended)
:: consommable {m} {f}
expendable {adj} (designed for a single use)
:: jetable {m} {f}
expendable {adj} (not essential or mandatory)
:: facultatif {m}
expendable {adj} (not worth preserving or saving)
:: sacrifiable {m} {f}
expenditure {n} /ɛkˈspɛndɪt͡ʃɚ/ (act of expending)
:: dépense {f}
expenditure {n} (amount expended)
:: dépense {f}
expense {n} /ɪkˈspɛns/ (a spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure)
:: dépense {f}
expensive {adj} /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ (having a high price or cost)
:: cher, coûteux
expensiveness {n} /ɛkˈspɛnsɪvnəs/ (quality of being expensive)
:: cherté {f}
experience {n} /ɪkˈspɪɹ.i.əns/ (event(s) of which one is cognizant)
:: expérience {f}
experience {n} (activity which one has performed)
:: expérience {f}
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge)
:: expérience {f}
experience {n} (the knowledge thus gathered)
:: expérience {f}
experience {v} (to observe or undergo)
:: éprouver, vivre
experienced {adj} /ɪkˈspɪɹ.i.ənst/ (having experience)
:: expérimenté
experience points {n} (set of points accumulated by a player character)
:: point d'expérience {m}
experiential {adj} /ɪkˌspɪɹiˈɛnʃəl/ (of, related to, encountered in, or derived from experience)
:: expérientiel {m}, expérienciel {m}
experiment {n} /ɪkˈspɛɹ.ə.mənt/ (test under controlled conditions)
:: expérience {f}
experiment {v} (to conduct an experiment)
:: expérimenter
experimentally {adv} (in the manner of an experiment)
:: expérimentalement
experimentation {n} (act of experimenting)
:: expérimentation {f}
experimenter {n} (person who experiments)
:: expérimentateur {m}, expérimentatrice {f}
expert {n} /ˈɛkspɚt/ (person with extensive knowledge or ability)
:: expert {m}
expertise {n} /ˌɛkspɚˈtiːs/ (great skill or knowledge)
:: compétence {f}, expertise {f}
expertise {n} (advice or opinion of an expert)
:: expertise {f}
expert witness {n} (witness with topical expertise)
:: témoin expert
expiation {n} (an act of atonement)
:: expiation {f}
expiatory {adj} (of or pertaining to expiation)
:: expiatoire
expiration {n} /ˌɛk.spəˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act of expiring)
:: expiration {f}
expiration {n} (act or process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth; as, respiration consists of inspiration and expiration)
:: expiration {f}
expiration {n} (emission of volatile matter; exhalation)
:: expiration {f}
expiration {n} (coming to a close; cessation; extinction; termination; end)
:: expiration {f}
expiration date {n} (expiration date) SEE: expiry date
expire {v} /ɪkˈspaɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (become invalid)
:: expirer
expire {v} (exhale) SEE: exhale
expire {v} (die) SEE: die
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead
expired {adj} (that is no longer valid)
:: expiré
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death
expiry {n} /ɪkˈspaɪ.əɹ.i/ (end, termination)
:: expiration {f}
expiry date {n} (date something expires)
:: date de péremption {f}
explain {v} /ɪkˈspleɪn/ (report)
:: expliquer
explain {v} (excuse)
:: justifier
explainable {adj} (explicable) SEE: explicable
explanation {n} /ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃən/ (the act or process of explaining)
:: explication {f}
explanation {n}
:: explication {f}
expletive {adj} /ˈɛksplətɪv/
:: explétif
expletive {n}
:: explétif {m}
expletive {n} (profane, vulgar term) SEE: swear word
explicable {adj} /ɪkˈsplɪkəbəl/ (able to be explained)
:: explicable
explicatable {adj} (explicable) SEE: explicable
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation
explicitly {adv} (in an explicit manner)
:: explicitement
explode {v} /ɪkˈsploʊd/ (to destroy with an explosion)
:: exploser
explode {v} (to explode (intransitive))
:: détoner, exploser
exploded view {n} (a view in a drawing showing how parts in an assembly fit together)
:: vue éclatée {f}, vue explosée {f}
exploit {n} /ˈɛksplɔɪt/ (heroic or extraordinary deed)
:: exploit {m}
exploit {n} (computing security)
:: exploit {m}
exploit {v} (use for one’s advantage)
:: exploiter
exploit {v} (exploit) SEE: take advantage of
exploitation {n} /ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃn̩/ (act of exploiting)
:: exploitation {f}
exploitation film {n} (A film that relies on lurid subject matter for its appeal.)
:: film d'exploitation {m}
exploiter {n} (one who exploits)
:: exploiteur {m}, exploiteuse {f}
exploration {n} /ˌɛkspləˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of exploring)
:: exploration {f}
exploration {n}
:: exploration {f}
exploration {n} (physical examination) SEE: physical examination
explore {v} /ɪkˈsplɔɹ/ (to examine or investigate something systematically)
:: explorer
explore {v} (to travel somewhere in search of discovery)
:: explorer
explore {v} (to (seek) experience first hand)
:: explorer
explorer {n} /ɛkˈsplɔːɹə(ɹ)/ (person who explores)
:: explorateur {m}, exploratrice {f}
explorer {n} (person who by expedition seeks new information)
:: explorateur {m}, exploratrice {f}
explorer {n} (any of various tools in dentistry)
:: sonde {f}
explosion {n} /ɛkˈsploʊ.ʒən/ (violent release of energy)
:: explosion {f}
explosive {adj} (with the capability to, or likely to, explode)
:: explosif
explosive {n} (explosive substance)
:: explosif {m}
explosive {adj} (shocking) SEE: shocking
exponent {n} /ɛkˈspəʊnənt/ (one who expounds, represents or advocates)
:: exposant {m}
exponent {n} ((in mathematics) the power to which something is raised)
:: exposant {m}
exponential {adj} /ˌɛk.spoʊ.ˈnɛn.tʃəl/ (expressed in terms of a power of e)
:: exponentiel
exponential {adj}
:: exponentiel
exponential function {n} (function in which an independent variable is in the form of an exponent)
:: fonction exponentielle {f}
exponential growth {n} (growth proportional to value)
:: croissance exponentielle {f}
exponentiation {n} /ˌɛk.spoʊ.ˌnɛn.ʃi.ˈeɪ.ʃən/ (process)
:: exponentiation {f}
export {n} /ˈɛks.pɔɹt/ (the act of exporting)
:: exportation {f}
export {v} (to sell (goods) to a foreign country)
:: exporter
export {v} (to cause to spread in another part of the world)
:: exporter
export {v} (computing: send (data) from one program to another)
:: exporter
exporter {n} (person who or organization that exports)
:: exportateur {m}, exportatrice {f}
exposé {n} /ˌɛkspoʊˈzeɪ/ (publication of investigative journalism)
:: révélations {f-p}
expose {v} /ɪkˈspoʊz/ (to reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to light, introduce to)
:: exposer, dénoncer
expose {v} (to subject photographic film to light)
:: exposer
exposed beam {n}
:: poutre apparente {f}
exposition {n} /ɛkspəˈzɪʃən/ (action of putting something out to public view)
:: exposition {f}
exposure {n} /ɪkˈspoʊʒɚ/ (condition)
:: exposition {f}
exposure {n} (gardening)
:: exposition {f}
exposure meter {n} (an instrument used in photography)
:: posemètre {m}
expound {v} /ɪkˈspaʊnd/ (explain or discuss at length)
:: préciser, expliciter
express {n} /ɛk.ˈspɹɛs/ (quick mode of transportation)
:: express {m}
express {v} (to convey meaning)
:: exprimer
express {v} (to excrete or cause to excrete)
:: exprimer
expressible {adj} (able to be expressed)
:: exprimable
expression {n} /ɪkˈspɹɛʃ.ən/ (particular way of phrasing an idea)
:: expression {f}
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom)
:: expression {f}
expression {n} (facial appearance)
:: expression {f}
expression {n} (mathematics: arrangement of symbols)
:: expression {f}
expression {n} (process of translating a gene into a protein)
:: expression
expression {n} ((computing) a piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value)
:: expression {f}
expressionism {n} (movement in the arts)
:: expressionnisme {m}
expressionist {n} (painter who paints in this style)
:: expressionniste {m} {f}
expressionless {adj} (without expression)
:: inexpressif
expressive {adj} /ɪkˈspɹɛsɪv/ (effectively conveying feeling)
:: expressif
expressively {adv} (in expressive manner)
:: expressivement
expressivity {n} (quality of being expressive)
:: expressivité {f}
express train {n} (a train making limited stops)
:: train express {m}, rapide {m}
expressway {n} (US: divided highway)
:: autoroute {f}
expressway {n} (NZ: high speed road, not built to freeway standards)
:: voie express {f}
expressway {n} (freeway) SEE: freeway
expropriate {v} (to deprive a person of their property)
:: exproprier
expropriation {n} /ɛksˌpɹoʊpɹiˈeɪʃən/ (act of expropriating)
:: expropriation {f}
expulsion {n} /ɪkˈspʌlʃən/ (the act of expelling or the state of being expelled)
:: expulsion {f}
expunge {v} /ɛks.ˈpʌndʒ/ (to erase or strike out)
:: effacer
expunge {v} (to eliminate)
:: éliminer
expurgate {v} /ˈɛks.pɚ.ɡeɪt/ (to cleanse, to purge)
:: expurger
exquisite {n} (fop, dandy) SEE: fop
exquisite {adj} /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt/ (especially fine)
:: exquis
exquisite corpse {n} (art game)
:: cadavre exquis {m}
exquisitely {adv}
:: exquisément, exquisement
exsanguine {adj} (Lacking blood)
:: exsangue {m} {f}
exstrophic {adj}
:: exstrophique
exstrophy {n}
:: exstrophie {f}
extant {adj} /ˈɛkstənt/ (still in existence)
:: existant
extempore {adj} /ɛkˈstɛmpəɹi/ (carried out with no preparation; impromptu)
:: extemporané
extempore {adv} (without preparation; extemporaneously)
:: extemporanément
extend {v} /ɛkˈstɛnd/ (to increase in extent)
:: étendre
extend {v} (to cause to last for a longer period of time)
:: prolonger
extendable {adj} /ɛkˈstɛndəbl̩/ (capable of being extended)
:: extensible
extended metaphor {n}
:: métaphore filée {f}
extension {n} /ɪkˈstɛnʃən/ (act of extending or the state of being extended)
:: extension {f}
extension {n} (computing: file extension)
:: extension
extension {n} (computing: optional software component)
:: extension
extension block {n} (power strip) SEE: power strip
extension cord {n} (an electrical cord)
:: prolongateur {m}
extensive {adj} /ɛksˈtɛn.sɪv/ (wide)
:: étendu
extensively {adv} (to a great extent)
:: largement
extent {n} /ɪksˈtɛnt/ (space, area, volume to which something extends)
:: mesure {f}
extent {n}
:: étendue {f}
extenuate {v} /ɪkˈstɛnjueɪt/ (lessen; palliate)
:: atténuer
extenuating circumstance {n} (fact that mitigates a crime)
:: circonstance atténuante {f}
exterior {adj} /ɪkˈstɪɹiɚ/ (relating to the outside parts or surface)
:: extérieur
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign
exterior {adj} (external) SEE: external
exterior {adj} (outer) SEE: outer
exteriorization {n} /ɪkˌstɪɹiɚɪˈzeɪʃən/
:: extériorisation {f}
exterminate {v} /ɪkˈstɝ.mɪ.neɪt/ (to kill all of a population)
:: exterminer
exterminate {v}
:: exterminer, anéantir
extermination camp {n} (death camp) SEE: death camp
external {adj} /ɛksˈtɝnəl/ (outside of something)
:: externe
externality {n} /ɛkstəˈnælɪti/ (impact on any party not involved in a given economic transaction)
:: externalité {f}
externalization {n} (physical thing that typifies an abstract thing)
:: extériorisation {f}
external link {n}
:: lien externe {m}
extinct {adj} /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ (extinguished, no longer alight (of fire, candles etc.))
:: éteint
extinct {adj} (having died out)
:: éteint, disparu
extinction {n} /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ (the action of making or becoming extinct)
:: extinction {f}
extinct language {n} (dead language) SEE: dead language
extinguish {v} /ɪkˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ (to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench)
:: éteindre
extirpate {v} /ˈɛkstəpeɪt/ (to pull up by the roots)
:: déraciner, extirper
extirpate {v} (to destroy completely)
:: extirper, annihiler
extirpate {v} (to surgically remove)
:: extirper
extol {v} /ɪkˈstoʊl/ (to praise; to make high)
:: louer, faire l'éloge de
extort {v} (to wrest from an unwilling person by undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity)
:: extorquer
extortion {n} /ɪkˈstɔːɹʃn/ (the practice of extorting money or other property)
:: extorsion {f}
extortioner {n} (someone who extorts) SEE: extortionist
extortionist {n} (someone who extorts)
:: extorqueur {m}, extorqueuse {f}
extra- {prefix} (outside, beyond)
:: extra-
extra {adj} /ˈɛkstɹə/ (beyond what is due, usual)
:: supplémentaire
extra {adv} (to an extraordinary degree)
:: particulièrement
extra {n} (extra edition of a newspaper)
:: hors-série {m}
extra {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on
extract {n} /ˈɛkstɹækt/ (something extracted)
:: extrait {m}
extract {n} (portion of a document)
:: extrait {m}
extract {n} (solution made by drawing out from a substance)
:: extrait
extract {v} (to draw out)
:: extraire
extract {v} (to withdraw in process)
:: extraire
extraction {n} (extract obtained from a mixture or from a plant etc) SEE: extract
extraction {n} /ɪkˈstɹækʃən/ (one's origin, lineage or ancestry)
:: extraction
extraction {n} (removal of a tooth from its socket)
:: extraction
extractor hood {n} (kitchen device)
:: hotte aspirante {f}
extracurricular {adj} (outside of the normal curriculum of an educational establishment)
:: parascolaire, périscolaire, extrascolaire
extradite {v} /ˈɛkstɹədaɪt/ (to remove a person from one state to another by legal process)
:: extrader
extradition {n} (a formal process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government)
:: extradition {f}
extragalactic {adj} (originating outside of the Milky Way)
:: extragalactique {m} {f}
extragalactic {adj} (originating outside of a galaxy)
:: extragalactique {m} {f}
extrajudicial {adj} (carried out without legal authority)
:: extrajudiciaire
extrajudicially {adv} (outside the legal system)
:: extrajudiciairement
extralegal {adj} (occurring outside the law)
:: extralégal
extramarital {adj} (taking place outside marriage)
:: extraconjugal
extramural {adj} (taking place outside the walls of an institution, especially a school or university)
:: externe
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural
extraneous {adj} /ɪkˈstɹeɪ.ni.əs/ (not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing)
:: étranger
extranet {n} (private computer network accessed via the Internet)
:: extranet {m}
extraordinarily {adv} (in an extraordinary manner)
:: extraordinairement
extraordinary {adj} /ɪksˈtɹɔː(ɹ)dɪnəɹi/ (not ordinary)
:: extraordinaire
extraplanetary {adj} (originating or located outside of a planet)
:: extraplanétaire {m} {f}, extra-planétaire {m} {f}
extraplanetary {adj} (extraterrestrial)
:: extraplanétaire {m} {f}, extra-planétaire {m} {f}
extrapolate {v} /ɛkˈstɹæp.əˌleɪt/ (to infer by extending known information)
:: extrapoler
extrapolate {v} (to estimate the value of a variable outside a known range)
:: extrapoler
extrapolation {n} (calculation of an estimate)
:: extrapolation {f}
extrapulmonary {adj} (beyond or outside the lungs)
:: extrapulmonaire
extrasensory {adj} /ˌɛkstɹəˈsɛnsəɹi/ (of or relating to extrasensory perception)
:: extrasensoriel
extrasensory perception {n} /ˌɛkstɹəˈsɛnsəɹi pəˈsɛpʃən/ (supposed ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels)
:: perceptions extra-sensorielles {f-p}, PES
extrasolar {adj} (originating outside the Solar System)
:: extra-solaire {m} {f}, extrasolaire {m} {f}
extrasolar {adj} (originating in a solar system other than ours)
:: extra-solaire {m} {f}, extrasolaire {m} {f}
extraterrestrial {adj} /ˌɛkstɹətɚˈɛstɹi.əl/ (originating from outside of the Earth)
:: extraterrestre
extraterrestrial {n} (being originating from outside of the Earth)
:: extraterrestre {m} {f}
extraterritoriality {n} /ˌɛk.stɹəˌtɛ.ɹɪˌtɔː.ɹɪˈæl.ɪ.ti/ (immunity from the local laws of a certain area)
:: extraterritorialité {f}
extra time {n}
:: prolongation {f}
extrauterine {adj} (outside the uterus)
:: extra-utérin
extravagant {adj} /ɪkˈstɹævəɡənt/ (exceeding the bounds of something)
:: extravagant
extravaganza {n} /ɪkˌstɹæv.əˈɡæn.zə/ (event or display of fantastic or chaotic behaviour or conduct)
:: extravagance {f}
extravasate {v} /ɪkˈstɹævəˌseɪt/ (to flow from a vessel)
:: extravaser
extravehicular activity {n} (work outside of spacecraft)
:: activité extravéhiculaire {f}, AEV {f}, EVA {f}, sortie extravéhiculaire {f}
Extremadura {prop} /ˌɛkstɹəməˈdʊəɹə/ (autonomous province of Spain)
:: Estrémadure {f}, Extrémadure {f}
Extremaduran {adj} (of, or relating to Extremaduran)
:: estrémègne
Extremaduran {n} (a native or inhabitant of Extremadura in Spain)
:: Estrémègne {m} {f}
Extremaduran {prop} (the language of Extremadura)
:: estrémègne {m}, estrémaduran {m}
extreme {adj} /ɪkˈstɹiːm/ (of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost)
:: extrême {m} {f}
extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree; intense)
:: extrême
extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm)
:: extrême {m} {f}, excessif {m}, excessive {f}
extreme {adj} (drastic, or of great severity)
:: extrême {m} {f}
extreme {adj} (of sports, difficult or dangerous; performed in a hazardous environment)
:: extrême {m} {f}
extreme {adj} (archaic: ultimate, final or last)
:: extrême {m} {f}
extreme {n} (greatest or utmost point, degree or condition)
:: extrême {m}
extreme {n} (each of the things at opposite ends of a range or scale)
:: extrême {m}
extreme {n} (drastic expedient)
:: extrême {m}
extremely {adv} /ɪksˈtɹiːmli/ (to an extreme degree)
:: extrêmement, vachement
extreme sport {n} (sport)
:: sport extrême {m}
extreme unction {n} /ɛk.stɹiːm.ʌŋk.ʃən/ (sacrament)
:: extrême-onction {f}
extremism {n} (extreme ideas or actions)
:: extrémisme {m}
extremist {n} /ɪkˈstɹiːmɪst/ (person who holds extreme views)
:: extrémiste {m}
extremity {n} /ɪkˈstɹɛmɪti/ (furthest point)
:: extrémité {f}
extremity {n} (hand or foot)
:: extrémité {f}
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb
extremophile {n} (organism that lives under extreme conditions)
:: extrêmophile
extroverted {adj} /ˈɛkstɹəˌvəɹtɪd/ (psychology: of or related to an extrovert)
:: extraverti
extrude {v} /ɪk.ˈstruːd/
:: extruder
extruder {n} /ɛkˈstɹuːdə(ɹ)/ (machine for extruding)
:: extrudeuse {f}
extrusion {n} (manufacturing process)
:: extrusion {f}
extrusive {adj} (jutting out or extruding)
:: extrusif
extubate {v} (remove a tube from the body)
:: extuber
exuberant {adj} /ɪɡˈzuːbəɹənt/ (abundant, luxuriant, profuse, superabundant)
:: exubérant
exude {v} /ɪɡˈzud/ (to discharge through pores)
:: exsuder
exult {v} /ɪɡˈzʌlt/ (rejoice)
:: exulter
exultation {n} /ˌɛɡzʌlˈteɪʃən/ (lively joy at success or victory)
:: exultation {f}
ex-wife {n} (a former wife)
:: ex-femme {f}
Eyak {prop} /ˈijæk/ (language)
:: eyak
eyalet {n}
:: eyalet {m}
eye {v} /aɪ/
:: examiner
eye {n} (organ)
:: œil {m}
eye {n} (hole in needle)
:: chas {m}, trou {m}
eye {n} (loop of metal)
:: œillet {m}
eye {n} (of a hurricane)
:: œil {m}
eye {n} (mark on an animal resembling an eye)
:: œil {m}
eye {n} (of a potato)
:: œil {m}
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye)
:: globe oculaire {m}
eyeball {v} (to judge by eye)
:: évaluer à vue de nez, évaluer au pif
eyebright {n} (any of the flowering plants of the genus Euphrasia)
:: euphraise {f}
eyebrow {n} /ˈaɪˌbɹaʊ/ (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket)
:: sourcil {m}
eyebrow pencil {n} (makeup used to define or draw on the eyebrows)
:: crayon à sourcils {m}
eye contact {n} (action of looking at another human or animal in the eye)
:: contact visuel {m}
eyedrop {n} (eye medicine)
:: gouttes oculaires {f-p}
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury)
:: œil pour œil, dent pour dent
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury)
:: œil pour œil, dent pour dent
eyeglass {n} (eyepiece) SEE: eyepiece
eyeglass {n} /ˈaɪˌɡlæs/ (a monocle)
:: monocle {m}
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
eyehole {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket
eyelash {n} /ˈaɪlæʃ/ (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid)
:: cil {m}
eyelet {n} /ˈaɪ.lət/ (A small hole to receive a cord or fastener)
:: œillet {m}
eyelid {n} /ˈaɪ.lɪd/ ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye)
:: paupière {f}
eyeliner {n} (makeup)
:: eyeliner, ligneur {m}, pinceau-traceur
eye of a needle {n} (small gap in a needle)
:: chas {m}
eye patch {n} (patch worn to cover one eye)
:: cache-œil {m}
eyepiece {n} (lens or combination of lens)
:: oculaire {m}
eye shadow {n} (makeup around the eyes)
:: ombre à paupières {f}
eyesight {n} /ˈaɪˌsaɪt/ (faculty of sight)
:: vue {f}, vision {f}
eye socket {n} (socket of eye)
:: orbite {f}, cavité oculaire {f}, orbite crânienne {f}, orbite de l'œil {f}
eyes-only {adj} (only in writing, not in speech)
:: classé
eyesore {n} /ˈaɪˌsɔɹ/ (a displeasing sight)
:: horreur {f}
eye test {n} (test of vision)
:: examen de la vue {m}, examen de vue {m}
Eyetie {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop
eye tooth {n} (canine tooth) SEE: canine tooth
eyewall {n} (ring of towering thunderstorms of a cyclone)
:: mur de l'œil {m}
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event)
:: témoin oculaire {m}
eyot {n} (islet) SEE: islet
eyrie {n} /ˈɛɹi/ (bird of prey's nest)
:: nid d'aigle {m}, aire {f}
eyrie {n}
:: aire {f}
Ezekiel {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Ézéchiel
Ezekiel {prop} (prophet)
:: Ézéquiel {m}
Ezekiel {prop} (male given name)
:: Ézéquiel {m}
Ezra {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Esdras
Ezra {prop} (Jewish high priest)
:: Esdras
Ezra {prop} (male given name)
:: Esdras {m}
éminence grise {n} (a secret or unofficial decision-maker; the power behind the throne, see also: power broker)
:: éminence grise {f}