л. {adj}
:: abbreviation of легкорастворимый
л. {m inan}
:: abbreviation of лист
л. {n inan}
:: abbreviation of лицо
л {letter}
:: The thirteenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is эл or эль and it has the sound of English l in leash or hall
л {m inan}
:: abbreviation of литр
л {adj}
:: abbreviation of лёгкий
Л. {prop} {m inan}
:: abbreviation of Ленинград (now Saint Petersburg)
Л. {prop} {m inan}
:: abbreviation of Лондон
Л. {m inan}
:: abbreviation of лес
Л. {f inan}
:: abbreviation of литература
Л {f inan}
:: abbreviation of ладья
Л {f inan}
:: abbreviation of латунь
Л {f inan}
:: abbreviation of лампа
Л {f inan}
:: abbreviation of лебёдка
Л {prop} {m inan}
:: abbreviation of Лебедянский
Л {prop} {m inan}
:: abbreviation of «Ленинец»
Л {adj}
:: abbreviation of левый
Л {adj}
:: abbreviation of летний
Л {adj}
:: abbreviation of легковесный
Лаба {prop}
:: the Elbe (European river)
Лаба {prop}
:: Лаба (tributary)
лабиализованный {adj}
:: labialized
лабиализовать {v both}
:: to labialize (make a sound labial)
лабиринт {noun}
:: labyrinth, maze
лаборант {noun}
:: laboratory technician
лаборантка {noun}
:: (female) laboratory assistant, (female) laboratory technician
лаборатория {noun}
:: laboratory
лабораторный {adj}
:: laboratory
лабрадор-ретривер {noun}
:: Labrador retriever
лава {noun}
:: lava
лаванда {noun}
:: lavender
лаваш {noun}
:: lavash
лаве {n inanp}
:: alternative form of лавэ
лавина {noun}
:: avalanche
лавина {noun}
:: landslide
лавировать {v impf}
:: to tack (to turn the bow through the wind)
лавировать {v impf}
:: to manoeuvre
лавка {noun}
:: bench
лавка {noun}
:: a small shop, store
лавочка {noun}
:: diminutive of лавка: (small) bench; (small) shop/store, kiosk
лавочка {noun}
:: gang, clique; shady concern
лавочник {noun}
:: petty trader, small shopkeeper
лавочник {noun}
:: greedy bourgeois philistine
лавр {noun}
:: laurel, bay tree
лавра {noun}
:: lavra, (a large male) monastery
Лавразия {prop}
:: Лавразия (hypothetical <<ancient supercontinent>> in the <<hemisphere/Northern Hemisphere>>, evolved from Pangaea)
лавровишня {noun}
:: cherry laurel
лавровый {adj}
:: laurel
лавэ {n inanp}
:: money, dough
-лагать {affix}
:: Combining form used to form imperfectives of derived perfectives of ложить
лагер {noun}
:: lager
лагерный {adj}
:: camp
лагерь {noun}
:: camp, camp-out
лагерь {noun}
:: camp, party, faction
Лагос {prop}
:: Лагос (city)
лагуна {noun}
:: lagoon
лад {noun}
:: harmony, concord
лад {noun}
:: manner, way
лад {noun}
:: mode; fret
лада {noun}
:: darling, sweetheart
Лада {prop}
:: given name
Лада {prop}
:: Lada (a Russian car)
ладан {noun}
:: labdanum, frankincense (a perfume often used in the rites of various religions)
ладить {v impf}
:: to get on (with), to agree (with), to be on good terms (with)
ладить {v impf}
:: to prepare, to make ready, to fix, to tune
ладить {v impf}
:: to plan
ладить {v impf}
:: to repeat, to keep saying, to drone (on)
ладиться {v impf}
:: to work well, to advance
ладно {interj}
:: well, all right, okay
ладный {adj}
:: well-built, well-formed
ладный {adj}
:: comfortable, fitting nicely
Ладога {prop}
:: Ладога (lake)
Ладога {prop}
:: Ладога (rural locality/and/former town)
ладожанин {noun}
:: Ladogan (inhabitant of Staraya Ladoga or of the district surrounding Lake Ladoga)
ладожский {adj}
:: Ladoga; Ladogan (referring to Lake Ladoga or Staraya Ladoga)
ладонь {noun}
:: palm
ладоша {noun}
:: diminutive of ладонь
ладоши {noun}
:: diminutive of ладони: palms of the hands
ладошка {noun}
:: diminutive of ладонь, diminutive of ладоша: (small) palm of the hand
ладушка {noun}
:: endearing diminutive of лада
ладушки {noun}
:: a clapping game, similar to pattycake
лады {interj}
:: same as ладно
ладья {noun}
:: boat, longship (a type of medieval vessel propelled by oars and a sail)
ладья {noun}
:: vase or other vessel in the form of a boat
ладья {noun}
:: rook, castle (Russian abbreviation: Л)
лаж {noun}
:: agio
лажа {noun}
:: crap, something unpleasant or poor-quality
лажа {noun}
:: nonsense, rubbish
лажа {noun}
:: extreme easyness
лажа {noun}
:: deception, lie, fraud
лаз {noun}
:: manhole, trapdoor
лаз {noun}
:: Laz
лазанье {noun}
:: climbing
лазанья {noun}
:: lasagna (pasta)
Лазаревское {prop}
:: Лазаревское (a remote <<microdistrict>> of <<city/Sochi>>, <<c/Russia>>)
лазарет {noun}
:: infirmary, sick quarters
лазать {v impf}
:: alternative form of лазить
лазейка {noun}
:: narrow hole
лазейка {noun}
:: loophole
лазер {noun}
:: laser (device producing beam of light)
лазерная указка {noun}
:: laser pointer
лазерный {adj}
:: laser
лазить {v impf}
:: to climb, to clamber
лазить {v impf}
:: to creep
лазоревый {adj}
:: cerulean, azure
лазурный {adj}
:: azure, sky-blue, cerulean
лазурь {noun}
:: azure (colour)
лазутчик {noun}
:: scout, spy
лай {noun}
:: bark (of a dog or other animal), barking, yelp
лайк {noun}
:: like
лайка {noun}
:: Laika (lit., barker), a native Russian breed of dog, a rather small hunting dog of Russia’s northern forests, similar to a husky
лайка {noun}
:: kidskin, kid leather
лайкать {v impf}
:: to like
лайкнуть {v pf}
:: to like
лайм {noun}
:: lime (a green citrus fruit)
лайма {noun}
:: lime (a green citrus fruit)
лайнер {noun}
:: liner
лак {noun}
:: varnish
лак {noun}
:: lacquer, lac, lake
лак {noun}
:: polish, nail polish
лак {noun}
:: Lak, a member of the Lak people of Dagestan
лакать {v impf}
:: to lap (to take liquid into the mouth with the tongue)
лакать {v impf}
:: to drink greedily or in large amounts (usually alcohol)
лакедемонянин {noun}
:: Lacedaemonian
лакей {noun}
:: lackey
лакирование {noun}
:: lacquering
лакированный {adj}
:: lacquered
лакированный {adj}
:: gleaming
лакировать {v impf}
:: to varnish, to lacquer
лакмус {noun}
:: litmus (dyestuff from lichen)
лакмусовая бумага {noun}
:: litmus paper (paper containing a water-soluble mixture of different dyes extracted from certain lichens)
лакмусовый {adj}
:: litmus
лаковый {adj}
:: lacquered
лаковый {adj}
:: lacquer, varnish
лакома кошка до рыбки, да в воду лезть не хочется {proverb}
:: all cats love fish but fear to wet their paws
лакомка {noun}
:: gourmand
лакомство {noun}
:: dainty, tidbit; delicacy
лакомый {adj}
:: dainty, tasty
лакомый {adj}
:: fond (of); partial (to) (especially food)
лаконичный {adj}
:: laconic, terse, pithy
лакрица {noun}
:: liquorice
лакросс {noun}
:: lacrosse
лакса {noun}
:: laksa (a spicy noodle soup or stew from Indonesia or Malaysia)
лама {noun}
:: llama (South American mammal of the camel family, Llama glama)
лама {noun}
:: lama
лама {noun}
:: lama, Sumerian beneficent protective female deity
Лама {prop}
:: Лама (tributary)
Лама {prop}
:: Лама (river)
Лама {prop}
:: Лама (lake)
ламантин {noun}
:: manatee, sea-cow
Ла-Манш {prop}
:: English Channel
ламбада {noun}
:: lambada (Brazilian dance)
ламинат {noun}
:: laminate
лампа {noun}
:: lamp
лампа {noun}
:: torch
лампа {noun}
:: vacuum tube (British: valve)
лампада {noun}
:: lampad
лампас {noun}
:: A colored cloth stripe sewn along the outer seam of uniform trousers, lampasse
лампас {noun}
:: lampas
ламповый {adj}
:: lamp
ламповый {adj}
:: tube, valve (relating to vacuum tubes)
ламповый {adj}
:: mellow, heartful, sincere
лампочка {noun}
:: diminutive of лампа
лампочка {noun}
:: light bulb
лангобард {noun}
:: Lombard
лангуст {noun}
:: spiny lobster, rock lobster
ландграф {noun}
:: landgrave
ландскнехт {noun}
:: lansquenet (German mercenary)
ландушка {noun}
:: swede (Brassica napus, syn. Brassica napus subsp. rapifera)
ландушка {noun}
:: rutabaga (the plant and the vegetable)
ландшафт {noun}
:: landscape (portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view)
ландшафтный {adj}
:: landscape
ландыш {noun}
:: lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
ланита {noun}
:: cheek
ланка {noun}
:: doe, a female deer
ланолин {noun}
:: lanolin (greasy yellow substance)
лантан {noun}
:: lanthanum
ланцет {noun}
:: lancet
ланцуг {noun}
:: chain
ланч {noun}
:: lunch
лань {noun}
:: fallow deer
Лаос {prop}
:: Лаос (country)
лаосец {noun}
:: Laotian, Lao (person)
лаоска {noun}
:: female Laotian, Lao (person)
лаосский {adj}
:: Laotian
лаотянин {noun}
:: Laotian
лапа {noun}
:: paw
Ла-Пас {prop}
:: Ла-Пас (administrative capital)
лапать {v impf}
:: to touch, to paw, to grope
лапидарно {adv}
:: in a lapidary manner
лапка {noun}
:: diminutive of лапа
лапка {noun}
:: (of insects or small animals) leg, limb, foot
лапка {noun}
:: claw, grip, clutch, pawl, tang
лапка {noun}
:: curly quote (one of „ “ in Russian typography)
Лапландия {prop}
:: Lapland
лапоть {noun}
:: bast shoe, bast sandal, lapti
лапоть {noun}
:: an outdated, cumbersome, awkward thing
лапоть {noun}
:: ignorant, uneducated person, dropout (who might wear cheap, bast shoes)
лапочка {noun}
:: diminutive of лапа
лапочка {noun}
:: diminutive of лапка
лапочка {noun}
:: cutie pie, baby, darling, lassie (endearing word for women or children)
лапсердак {noun}
:: lapserdak
лапта {noun}
:: lapta (Russian bat and ball game)
лапша {noun}
:: noodle, noodles
Лара {prop}
:: given name
ларва {noun}
:: alternative form of лярва; a spirit of the underworld, an evil ghost
ларва {noun}
:: larva
ларец {noun}
:: jewelry box
ларец {noun}
:: small chest
ларёк {noun}
:: kiosk, stall
лари {m inan}
:: lari (currency of Georgia)
Лариса {prop}
:: given name
ларь {noun}
:: chest, wooden box
ларь {noun}
:: stall, kiosk
ларь {noun}
:: trough
Ласа {noun}
:: Ласа (capital city)
ласка {noun}
:: caress, endearment
ласка {noun}
:: petting
ласка {noun}
:: weasel (mammal, Mustela nivalis)
ласкательное имя {noun}
:: hypocorism (a term of endearment)
ласкательный {adj}
:: diminutive, caressing
ласкать {v impf}
:: to caress (touch, kiss or stroke lovingly)
ласково {adv}
:: affectionately, tenderly
ласково {adv}
:: blandly
ласково {adv}
:: benignly
ласково {adv}
:: grandmotherly, gently
ласковый {adj}
:: affectionate
ласковый {adj}
:: tender, gentle
ласковый {adj}
:: gentle, soft, caressing
ласковый {adj}
:: mild, pleasant
лассо {n inan}
:: lasso (a long rope with a sliding loop)
ласта {noun}
:: flipper
ласта {noun}
:: fin
ластик {noun}
:: eraser
ластовица {noun}
:: gusset (in the underpart of the sleeve)
ласточка {noun}
:: swallow (bird)
ласточка {noun}
:: horizontal stand
лат. {adj}
:: abbreviation of латинский: Lat., Latin
лат {noun}
:: lat or lats (currency of Latvia)
латакийский {adj}
:: Latakian
Латакия {prop}
:: Latakia
латать {v impf}
:: to patch, to mend by patching
Латвийская Республика {prop}
:: Латвийская Республика (country)
Латвийская ССР {prop}
:: Латвийская ССР (former republic)
латвийский {adj}
:: Latvian (relating to the country Latvia as a state)
Латвия {prop}
:: Латвия (country)
латекс {noun}
:: latex
латексный {adj}
:: latex
латентный {adj}
:: latent
латеральный {adj}
:: lateral
латимерия {noun}
:: coelacanth
латинизация {noun}
:: Latinization (act or process of Latinizing)
латинист {noun}
:: Latinist
латиница {noun}
:: Roman alphabet
латиноамериканский {adj}
:: Latin American, Latino
Латинская Америка {prop}
:: Латинская Америка (<<region>> in <<cont/North America,South America>> where Spanish and Portuguese are predominantly spoken)
латинский {adj}
:: Latin
латинский {adj}
:: Roman Catholic
латинство {noun}
:: Roman Catholicism
латинянин {noun}
:: Latin (a person native to the ancient region of Latium)
латинянин {noun}
:: Roman Catholic
латка {noun}
:: patch
латка {noun}
:: casserole, braiser, oval-shaped Dutch oven
латка {noun}
:: casserole
латунный {adj}
:: brass
латунный {adj}
:: brass-colored, brass-yellow
латунь {noun}
:: brass
латы {noun}
:: armor (protective layer over a body)
латынь {noun}
:: Latin
латыш {noun}
:: Latvian, Lett
латышка {noun}
:: female Latvian, Lett
латышский {adj}
:: Latvian
латышский {noun}
:: Latvian (language)
лауреат {noun}
:: laureate, prize-winner
лафа {noun}
:: benefit; luck; enjoyment
лафитник {noun}
:: a type of long and thin stemware for drinking alcoholic beverages
Лахор {prop}
:: Лахор (capital)
лацкан {noun}
:: lapel
лачуга {noun}
:: hovel, shack, hut, shanty
лающая собака не кусает {proverb}
:: barking dogs seldom bite
лаять {v impf}
:: to bark (like a dog)
лаять {v impf}
:: to scold, to rebuke
лгать {v impf}
:: to lie, to tell lies
ЛГБТ {m animp}
:: initialism of лесбиянки, геи, бисексуалы и трансгендеры: LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transexual)
лгун {noun}
:: liar
лебеда {noun}
:: orach, saltbush (Atriplex)
лебеда {noun}
:: goosefoot (Chenopodium)
лебедёнок {noun}
:: cygnet (young of a swan)
лебединый {adj}
:: swan; swan's
лебединый {adj}
:: snow-white and buxom
лебединый {adj}
:: graceful, majestic
лебедь {noun}
:: swan
лебедь {noun}
:: swan
лебезить {v impf}
:: to fawn (upon), to cringe (to)
лебёдка {noun}
:: pen (female swan)
лебёдка {noun}
:: winch
лев {noun}
:: lion
лев {noun}
:: lev (currency of Bulgaria)
Лев {prop}
:: given name
Лев {prop}
:: Leo (a constellation of the zodiac containing the bright star Regulus, in the shape of a lion)
Лев {prop}
:: Leo (the zodiac sign for the lion, covering July 23–August 22)
левак {noun}
:: ultraleftist
левак {noun}
:: illicit dealer, moonshiner
левак {noun}
:: moonshiner driver, gypsy cab
Левант {prop}
:: Levant (Eastern Mediterranean)
левантийский {adj}
:: Levantine
левантинец {noun}
:: Levantine person
левизна {noun}
:: left wing political orientation
левизна {noun}
:: ostensibly left wing political orientation that is imagined or feigned; showy sociopolitical views that are purported to be leftist; ostentatious, affected left-wing radicalism; pretentious sham pseudo-leftism
лево {noun}
:: left (direction): only in слева, влево, налево
леворукий {adj}
:: left-handed
левша {m anim} {f anim}
:: lefty, left-hander, left-handed person
левый {adj}
:: left, left-hand
левый {adj}
:: port
левый {adj}
:: left-wing, leftist
левый {adj}
:: counterfeit
левый {adj}
:: wrong, strange, unsuitable, impertinent
левый {noun}
:: leftist, one who believes in the political left
легавый {adj}
:: pointer, setter (breed of dog)
легавый {noun}
:: pointer, setter (dog)
легавый {noun}
:: cop, copper (policeman)
легализация {noun}
:: legalization
легализовать {v both}
:: to legalize
легально {adv}
:: legally (as permitted by law)
легальный {adj}
:: lawful, legal (conforming to or recognised by law or rules)
-легать {affix}
:: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of лечь (to lie down)
леггинсы {noun}
:: leggings
легенда {noun}
:: legend
легенда {noun}
:: cover, cover story
легендарный {adj}
:: legendary
легинсы {noun}
:: alternative form of леггинсы
легион {noun}
:: legion
легионер {noun}
:: legionary
легитимность {noun}
:: legitimacy
легитимный {adj}
:: legitimate, legally sound
легко {adv}
:: lightly
легко {adv}
:: easily, facilely, slightly
легко {adv}
:: luckily
легко {pred}
:: it is easy
легкоатлет {noun}
:: (track and field) athlete (a participant in a group of sporting activities which includes track and field, road running, cross country running and racewalking)
легкоатлетка {noun}
:: female (track and field) athlete (a participant in a group of sporting activities which includes track and field, road running, cross country running and racewalking)
легковесный {adj}
:: lightweight
легковой {adj}
:: passenger (of a vehicle)
легковушка {noun}
:: passenger car (type of automobile)
легкомысленно {adv}
:: thoughtlessly, flippantly
легкомысленный {adj}
:: thoughtless, flippant
легкомысленный {adj}
:: frivolous, flighty
легкомыслие {noun}
:: frivolity, light-mindedness, carelessness
легкотня {noun}
:: something extremely easy, easy peasy
легкоусвояемый {adj}
:: easily digestible
легонько {adv}
:: diminutive of легко: very slightly, very lightly
легчать {v impf}
:: to lessen, to abate
легче {adv}
:: comparative of лёгкий
легче {adv}
:: comparative of легко
леденеть {v impf}
:: to turn to ice, to freeze
леденеть {v impf}
:: to freeze, to feel very cold
леденеть {v impf}
:: to grow torpid, to become rigid, to freeze (from a fright, horror, surprise, etc.)
леденец {noun}
:: fruit-drop, sugar candy, lollypop
леди {f anim}
:: lady
ледник {noun}
:: glacier
ледник {noun}
:: icehouse, icebox
ледниковый {adj}
:: glacier; glacial
ледовитый {adj}
:: covered with ice, having plenty of ice
ледовый {adj}
:: ice
ледок {noun}
:: endearing diminutive of лёд
ледокол {noun}
:: icebreaker
ледоруб {noun}
:: ice axe, piolet
ледяной {adj}
:: ice
ледяной {adj}
:: icy
ледяной щит {noun}
:: ice sheet
леер {noun}
:: jackstay (taut wire, both ends of which are fixed to the ship structures)
лежак {noun}
:: lounger, sunbed, reclining beach chair
лежание {noun}
:: lying down
лежанка {noun}
:: sleeping ledge above a Russian chimney stove
лежанка {noun}
:: sleeping place or couch
лежанка {noun}
:: niche in the stone wall of a crypt, where the deceased is placed
лежать {v impf}
:: to lie (to be in a horizontal position)
лежать {v impf}
:: to be situated
лежать {v impf}
:: to rest, to be incumbent
лежачий {adj}
:: lying, recumbent
лежачий {adj}
:: sleeping
лежачий полицейский {noun}
:: speed bump
лежбище {noun}
:: ground, rookery, bed, lair (of animals)
лежбище {noun}
:: rookery (a place where criminals congregate)
лежебока {m anim} {f anim}
:: lazybones, idler, slacker, loafer (procrastinating or lazy person)
лезвие {noun}
:: blade
лезвие {noun}
:: edge
лезвие {noun}
:: razor blade
лезгинка {noun}
:: a Lezgi
лезгинка {noun}
:: lezginka
лезть {v impf}
:: to climb (up, on to), to scramble
лезть {v impf}
:: to clamber, to crawl, to scramble (through, into, under)
лезть {v impf}
:: to get (into); to thrust the hand (into)
лезть {v impf}
:: to thrust oneself (upon); to intrude (upon)
лезть {v impf}
:: to meddle (in, with)
лезть {v impf}
:: to fit (into)
лезть {v impf}
:: to fall out, to come out (of hair or fur)
лезть {v impf}
:: to stick out, to be conspicuous
лезть {v impf}
:: to slip out of position
лезть {v impf}
:: to come on, to do something despite obstacles or objections
лезть {v impf}
:: to try to climb, to try to reach a better position in life
лезть {v impf}
:: to come to pieces (of cloth or leather)
лезть {v impf}
:: used in idioms:
лей {noun}
:: leu (currency of Moldova and Romania)
лейб-кучер {noun}
:: court coachman
лейбл {noun}
:: label
лейка {noun}
:: watering can
лейка {noun}
:: bail
лейка {noun}
:: Leika (brand of camera)
лейкемия {noun}
:: leukemia
лейкоз {noun}
:: leukaemia/leukemia
лейкоцит {noun}
:: white blood cell
лейтенант {noun}
:: lieutenant (military rank)
лейтмотив {noun}
:: leitmotif (melodic theme in an opera)
лейтмотив {noun}
:: leitmotif (a recurring theme)
лек {noun}
:: lek (currency of Albania)
лекарственный {adj}
:: medicinal
лекарство {noun}
:: medicine, drug (substance which promotes healing)
лекарь {noun}
:: doctor, medico, physician (feminine form "лекарша" is usually considered colloquial)
лексема {noun}
:: lexeme
лексема {noun}
:: token
лексика {noun}
:: vocabulary
лексикограф {noun}
:: lexicographer
лексикографический {adj}
:: lexicographic
лексикография {noun}
:: lexicography
лексиколог {noun}
:: lexicologist
лексикология {noun}
:: lexicology
лексикон {noun}
:: lexicon, dictionary
лексикон {noun}
:: word-stock, vocabulary
лексический {adj}
:: lexical
лектор {noun}
:: lecturer, reader
лекция {noun}
:: lecture, conference
лелеять {v impf}
:: to caress, to pamper
лелеять {v impf}
:: to care for, to tend, to look after
лелеять {v impf}
:: to cherish, to foster
лемех {noun}
:: ploughshare
лемма {noun}
:: lemma
лемниската {noun}
:: lemniscate
лемур {noun}
:: lemur
лен {noun}
:: fief, fee
Лена {prop}
:: given name
Лена {prop}
:: Лена (major river)
ленивец {noun}
:: lazybones, loafer, idler, slacker, sluggard
ленивец {noun}
:: sloth (mammal)
лениво {adv}
:: lazily (in a lazy manner)
ленивый {adj}
:: lazy (unwilling to work)
Ленингор {prop}
:: Ленингор (a <<town>> in <<c/South Ossetia>>, a de-facto independent state internationally recognized as part of the <<c:pref/Georgia>>)
Ленинград {prop}
:: Ленинград (the former name, from 1924 to 1991, of Saint Petersburg, a <<major city>> in <<c/Russia>>)
ленинградец {noun}
:: resident of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg)
ленинградка {noun}
:: female resident of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg)
ленинградский {adj}
:: Leningrad
ленинец {noun}
:: Leninist
ленинизм {noun}
:: Leninism
ленинский {adj}
:: Leninist, Lenin's
-ленить {affix}
:: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning of "to be lazy"
лениться {v impf}
:: to be lazy
леность {noun}
:: laziness, indolence, idleness, sloth
лента {noun}
:: ribbon, band
лента {noun}
:: tape
лента {noun}
:: belt
лента {noun}
:: film, movie
лента Мёбиуса {noun}
:: Möbius strip
ленточка {noun}
:: diminutive of лента: (small) ribbon; tape
ленточная пила {noun}
:: band saw
ленточный {adj}
:: ribbon, band, tape
лентяй {noun}
:: lazybones, loafer, idler, slacker, sluggard
лень {noun}
:: laziness, idleness, indolence
лень {pred}
:: (do/does) not want; feels lazy (to do something)
Леонид {prop}
:: given name
леонтьевский {adj}
:: Leontyev (surname of various notable Russians and Soviets)
леопард {noun}
:: leopard (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus)
лепесток {noun}
:: petal (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower)
лепесток {noun}
:: lobe (an identifiable segment of an antenna radiation pattern)
лепет {noun}
:: babble, prattle (inarticulate or senseless talk)
лепетать {v impf}
:: to babble
лепетать {v impf}
:: to prattle
лепёшка {noun}
:: flatbread, flat cake, cookie
лепёшка {noun}
:: tablet, lozenge
лепить {v impf}
:: to model, to sculpt, to fashion, to shape
лепить {v impf}
:: to build, to make (cells, a nest, etc.)
лепить {v impf}
:: to stick on
лепить {v impf}
:: to slap, to smack
лепить {v impf}
:: to babble
лепиться {v impf}
:: to cling, to be attached
лепка {noun}
:: modelling
лепнина {noun}
:: relief
лепной {adj}
:: modelled, moulded
лепота {noun}
:: beauty (quality of pleasing appearance)
лепта {noun}
:: lepton (coin)
лепта {noun}
:: mite, two cents, (small) contribution
лептон {noun}
:: lepton
лепый {adj}
:: beautiful
лепый {adj}
:: good; proper; useful
Лермонтов {prop}
:: Лермонтов (town)
лермонтовский {adj}
:: Lermontov (anyone with this surname, or the town of this name)
лес {noun}
:: forest, woods
лес {noun}
:: (only singular) lumber, timber
лес {noun}
:: (only plural) леса scaffolding, scaffold trestle, falsework
лес {noun}
:: much, many, a lot of smth. (especially high, eminent)
леса {noun}
:: fishing line
леса {noun}
:: scaffolding
лесбийский {adj}
:: lesbian (between two women; relating to female homosexuality)
лесбиянка {noun}
:: lesbian
лесбиянский {adj}
:: lesbian (between two women; relating to female homosexuality)
лесбуха {noun}
:: lesbian
лесенка {noun}
:: diminutive of лестница: (short) flight of stairs; (short) ladder
лесистость {noun}
:: woodiness
лесистый {adj}
:: woody, wooded, timbered
леска {noun}
:: fishing line
лесник {noun}
:: ranger, forest ranger, woodsman
леснина {noun}
:: wild apple
лесничество {noun}
:: forestry
лесничество {noun}
:: forest district
лесничий {noun}
:: woodsman, forest ranger, chief forester
лесничий {adj}
:: woodsman's, forest ranger's
лесной {adj}
:: forest, wood
лесной {adj}
:: lumber , timber
лесной орех {noun}
:: hazelnut
лесной орех {noun}
:: hazel (tree / shrub)
лесной орех {noun}
:: hazel (color)
лесной орех {noun}
:: nitwit, nit
лесоведение {noun}
:: dendrology, forestry (the study of trees)
лесовод {noun}
:: forester, forest cultivator
лесовод {noun}
:: silviculturist
лесоводственный {adj}
:: forestry; silvicultural
лесоводство {noun}
:: forestry
лесоводство {noun}
:: silviculture
лесоводческий {adj}
:: forestry
лесовоз {noun}
:: log transporter, timber carrier
лесовозвращение {noun}
:: reforestation
лесовозобновление {noun}
:: reforestation
лесовой {adj}
:: alternative form of лесной
лесозавод {noun}
:: lumber mill , timber mill , sawmill
лесозаготовительный {adj}
:: lumbering, logging, timber-cutting, timber-felling
лесозаготовка {noun}
:: lumbering, logging, timber cutting, timber felling
лесозащита {noun}
:: forest protection
лесозащитный {adj}
:: forest-protection
лесоинженерный {adj}
:: forest engineering
лесок {noun}
:: grove, small wood
лесокатка {noun}
:: log-roller
лесом {adv}
:: through the forest
лесоматериал {noun}
:: lumber
лесоматериал {noun}
:: timber (U.S.)
лесомелиоративный {adj}
:: forest-amelioration
лесомелиорация {noun}
:: forest amelioration
лесонасаждение {noun}
:: afforestation, forest planting
лесонасаждение {noun}
:: forested tract, wood
лесообрабатывающий {adj}
:: timber-working
лесоохранение {noun}
:: forest-protection
лесопарк {noun}
:: forest-park
лесопилка {noun}
:: sawmill
лесопильный {adj}
:: saw, sawing
лесопильня {noun}
:: sawmill
лесопитомник {noun}
:: forest-tree nursery
лесопитомник {noun}
:: nursery garden
лесопитомник {noun}
:: arboretum
лесоповал {noun}
:: tree felling
лесополоса {noun}
:: woodland belt
лесопользование {noun}
:: forest management, forest use, forest exploitation
лесопосадки {noun}
:: forest plantations, forest plantings
лесопосадочный {adj}
:: forest-planting
лесопромышленник {noun}
:: lumberman, lumber dealer , timber merchant
лесопромышленный {adj}
:: timber industry
лесоразработка {noun}
:: forest exploitation area
лесоразработка {noun}
:: timber exploitation area
лесорастительный {adj}
:: forest and vegetation
лесоруб {noun}
:: lumberman, lumberjack, logger, woodcutter
лесосека {noun}
:: clearing
лесосека {noun}
:: wood to be felled
лесосека {noun}
:: wood-cutting area, cutting area
лесосплав {noun}
:: timber-rafting
лесоспуск {noun}
:: timber slide, timber chute
лесостепной {adj}
:: forest-steppe
лесостепь {noun}
:: forest-steppe
лесосушилка {noun}
:: lumber kiln
лесосушилка {noun}
:: timber-drying plant, timber dryer
лесотаска {noun}
:: log hauler
лесотаска {noun}
:: log conveyer
лесотехнический {adj}
:: forest technology, forestry technology
Лесото {prop} {n inan} {f inan}
:: Лесото (country)
лесотундра {noun}
:: forest tundra
лесотундровый {adj}
:: forest tundra
лесоустройство {noun}
:: forestry
лесоустройство {noun}
:: forest management, forest regulation
лесохимический {adj}
:: wood-chemical
лесохимия {noun}
:: wood chemistry; the chemistry of timber
лесохозяйственный {adj}
:: forestry
лесоэкспорт {noun}
:: timber-export
леспромхоз {noun}
:: logging enterprise, timber enterprise
лестница {noun}
:: stair, staircase
лестница {noun}
:: ladder, step
лестничный {adj}
:: staircase, ladder
лестный {adj}
:: complimentary
лесть {noun}
:: flattery, adulation, cajolery
лесхоз {noun}
:: forestry
лесхоз {noun}
:: forestry farm
летальный {adj}
:: lethal
летательный {adj}
:: flying, made to fly
летательный аппарат {noun}
:: aircraft (machine capable of atmospheric flight)
летать {v impf}
:: to fly
летающая тарелка {noun}
:: flying saucer
летающая тарелка {noun}
:: frisbee
Летающий Макаронный Монстр {prop}
:: Flying Spaghetti Monster
лететь {v impf}
:: to fly, to be flying
-летний {adj}
:: -year-old (suffix used to indicate the age of something or someone, in terms of years)
летний {adj}
:: summer
летний {adj}
:: summery, summerlike
летный {adj}
:: summer
летный {adj}
:: old (of a person)
летняя спячка {noun}
:: aestivation/estivation (state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer)
лето {noun}
:: summer
лето {noun}
:: {p}: years, age, summers
летом {adv}
:: in summer
летописец {noun}
:: chronicler, annalist
летописец {noun}
:: chronicle
летопись {noun}
:: annals, chronicle, record, fasti (a relation of events)
летучая мышь {noun}
:: bat (literally, flying mouse)
летучий {adj}
:: flying
летучий {adj}
:: shifting
летучий {adj}
:: volatile
Летучий голландец {prop}
:: Flying Dutchman (mythical ghost ship)
лечебница {noun}
:: clinic, hospital (medical facility)
лечебный {adj}
:: medical
лечебный {adj}
:: medicinal, healing, therapeutic, curative
лечение {noun}
:: treatment, cure
лечить {v impf}
:: to heal, to treat
лечиться {v impf}
:: to take treatment, to receive treatment undergo a cure
лечиться {vi impf}
:: to cure
лечиться {vi impf}
:: to heal
лечь {v pf}
:: to lie down
лечь {v pf}
:: to fall, to cover
лечь {v pf}
:: to flow
лечь {v pf}
:: to heave (to move in a certain direction or into a certain situation)
лечь {v pf}
:: to fall over, to die
леший {noun}
:: leshy (a male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology who protects wild animals and forests)
лещ {noun}
:: bream
лещ {noun}
:: slap in the face, box on the ear
лещина {noun}
:: hazel (tree)
лёгкая атлетика {noun}
:: track and field (group of athletic sports)
лёгкая походка {noun}
:: amble (an unhurried leisurely walk or stroll)
лёгкая промышленность {noun}
:: light industry (industry that does not require high capitalization or heavy machinery)
лёгкий {adj}
:: light, lightweight
лёгкий {adj}
:: easy, facile, slight
лёгкий {adj}
:: lucky
лёгкое {noun}
:: lung
лёгкость {noun}
:: easiness, ease (the quality of being easy; simplicity)
лёгкость {noun}
:: lightness (the state of having little weight)
лёгок на помине {phrase}
:: speak of the devil (literally, easy on the mention)
лёгок на помине {phrase}
:: are your ears burning?
лёгочный {adj}
:: lung; pulmonary
лёд {noun}
:: ice
лёжа {adv}
:: in the lying position
лёжка {noun}
:: lying (for a long time), lying position
лёжка {noun}
:: lair, den, place where animals lie in hiding
лён {noun}
:: flax
лёсс {noun}
:: loess
лёт {noun}
:: flight
лётный {adj}
:: flying, flight
лётчик {noun}
:: airman, pilot, flyer, aviator
лженаука {noun}
:: pseudoscience
лжесвидетельство {noun}
:: perjury
лжец {noun}
:: liar
лживый {adj}
:: lying, deceitful, mendacious
лживый {adj}
:: false
ли {particle}
:: Do/does/did...? Is/are/was/were...?
ли {conj}
:: whether, if
лиана {noun}
:: liana, creeper
либерал {noun}
:: liberal
либерализация {noun}
:: liberalization
либерализм {noun}
:: liberalism
либеральничание {noun}
:: acting in a too liberal or too tolerant manner
либеральничанье {noun}
:: alternative form of либеральничание
либеральничать {v impf}
:: to play or to act the liberal, to show (excessive) tolerance
либеральный {adj}
:: liberal
либераст {noun}
:: libtard, liberal
либерийский {adj}
:: Liberian
Либерия {prop}
:: Либерия (country)
либидо {n inan}
:: libido (sexual urges or drives)
-либо {suffix}
:: any- (indefinite particle used in pronouns)
либо {conj}
:: either...or
либрация {noun}
:: libration
Либревиль {prop}
:: Либревиль (capital city)
либретто {n inan}
:: libretto
Ливан {prop}
:: Ливан (country)
ливанец {noun}
:: Lebanese
ливанский {adj}
:: Lebanese
ливень {noun}
:: shower, downpour, cloud-burst
ливерморий {noun}
:: livermorium
ливиец {noun}
:: Libyan (a person from Libya or of Libyan descent)
ливийка {noun}
:: female Lybian
ливийский {adj}
:: Lybian
Ливия {prop}
:: Ливия (country)
Ливорно {prop} {n inan}
:: Ливорно (province/and/city)
ливрея {noun}
:: livery (in bourgeois houses and courts, the uniforms of a special cut and a certain color for waiters, porters, coachmen and other servants)
ливрея {noun}
:: livery (ceremonial dress of knights and courtiers indicating allegeance to a particular overlord)
ливрея {noun}
:: livery (proprietary coloring of a vehicle or airplane indicating its service and ownership by a particular company)
-ливый {suffix}
:: -y, -ous, etc. (Used to form adjectives from nouns and verbs, with the meaning "having the characteristic of X".)
лига {noun}
:: league
лига {noun}
:: tie
Лига арабских государств {prop}
:: Arab League (an international organization of Arabic-speaking nations)
лигатура {noun}
:: ligature
лигатура {noun}
:: alloy, base metal
Лида {prop}
:: given name
Лида {prop}
:: name of a city in Belarus
лидер {noun}
:: leader
лидерство {noun}
:: leadership
лидерство {noun}
:: lead (precedence; advance position)
лидировать {v both}
:: to be in the lead, to be a leader
Лидия {prop}
:: given name
Лидия {prop}
:: Лидия (historic region)
Лиза с гусями {prop}
:: Gänseliesel, the "Goose-Girl", "Goose-Lizzy"
лизать {v impf}
:: to lick
лизинг {noun}
:: lease, leasing
лизинговый {adj}
:: lease
лизнуть {v pf}
:: to lick
лизоблюд {noun}
:: adulator, lickspittle (sycophant)
лизоблюдство {noun}
:: toadyism, sycophancy
лик {noun}
:: face
лик {noun}
:: image, representation of face on the icon
ликбез {noun}
:: Likbez
ликбез {noun}
:: grounding (giving a basic education in a particular subject)
ликвидатор {noun}
:: liquidator
ликвидация {noun}
:: eliminating
ликвидация {noun}
:: deletion
ликвидация {noun}
:: dissolution
ликвидация {noun}
:: liquidation
ликвидировать {v both}
:: to eliminate, to abolish
ликвидировать {v both}
:: to dissolve
ликвидировать {v both}
:: to stamp out, to do away with, to destroy, to kill (off)
ликвидировать {v both}
:: to liquidate
ликвидность {noun}
:: liquidity
ликвидный {adj}
:: liquid
ликёр {noun}
:: liqueur
ликёро-водочный {adj}
:: liquor, alcohol
ликование {noun}
:: exultation, jubilation; triumph
ликовать {v impf}
:: to rejoice (at, over), to triumph (over), to exult (at, in)
ликующий {adj}
:: exultant, jubilant, triumphant
Лилиана {prop}
:: given name
лилипут {noun}
:: Lilliputian
лилипут {noun}
:: dwarf
лилипут {noun}
:: someone insignificant
лилия {noun}
:: lily
Лилия {noun}
:: given name
лиловый {adj}
:: lilac, violet
лиловый {adj}
:: violet, purple
Лилонгве {prop} {m inan}
:: Лилонгве (city/capital city)
Лима {prop}
:: Лима (capital city)
лиман {noun}
:: wide estuary
лиман {noun}
:: brackish lagoon
лиманный {adj}
:: estuary, firth, coastal salt lake
лиманский {adj}
:: лиманский (city)
лиманский {adj}
:: Limansky, Limanskaya (referring to anyone with this name, e.g. Maria Limanskaya, famous Russian soldier during World War II)
лиманский {adj}
:: Limansky, Limanskaya, Limanskoye, Lymanske (referring to any of several settlements with this name in Russia and Ukraine)
лимбургский {adj}
:: Limburgish
лимбургский {adj}
:: Limburg, Limburger
лимит {noun}
:: limit, quota
лимнобиология {noun}
:: limnobiology
лимон {noun}
:: lemon (citrus fruit)
лимон {noun}
:: lemon tree, wood
лимон {noun}
:: million
лимонад {noun}
:: lemonade
лимонад {noun}
:: soda pop
лимонка {noun}
:: pineapple, hand grenade
лимонный {adj}
:: lemon
лимонный {adj}
:: lemon, lemon-yellow
лимузин {noun}
:: limousine
лимфа {noun}
:: lymph
лимфатический {adj}
:: lymphatic
лимфодренаж {noun}
:: lymphatic massage
лимфодренажный {adj}
:: lymphatic massage
лимфоцит {noun}
:: lymphocyte (type of white blood cell)
лингала {m inan}
:: Lingala (Bantu language)
лингвист {noun}
:: linguist
лингвистика {noun}
:: linguistics
лингвистический {adj}
:: linguistic (relating to human language)
линейка {noun}
:: ruler (for measuring or drawing straight lines)
линейка {noun}
:: line (for writing)
линейка {noun}
:: (polygraphy) rule
линейка {noun}
:: line (formation)
линейный {adj}
:: line; linear
линейный {adj}
:: of the line
линейный корабль {noun}
:: battleship (20th century, dreadnoughts and later designs)
линейный корабль {noun}
:: ship of the line, battleship (Age of Sail)
линейный крейсер {noun}
:: battlecruiser
линза {noun}
:: lens (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it)
линза Френеля {noun}
:: Fresnel lens
линия {noun}
:: line (path through two or more points, or figuratively)
линия {noun}
:: line (old Russian unit of length equal to 1/10 of an inch, or 2.54 mm)
линия {noun}
:: a building housing a row of adjacent trading stalls; a cloth hall
линия {noun}
:: type of street or one side of a street
линия сборки {noun}
:: assembly line (system of workers and machinery in a series)
линк {noun}
:: link, hyperlink
линкор {noun}
:: battleship (20th century, dreadnought and later designs)
линолеум {noun}
:: linoleum
линь {noun}
:: tench
линь {noun}
:: line
линька {noun}
:: moult (the process of shedding or losing a covering of fur, feathers or skin, etc.)
линять {v impf}
:: to fade, to lose color, to run
линять {vi impf}
:: to shed, to cast (skin, fur, feathers), to moult
линять {v impf}
:: to bolt, to run away
липа {noun}
:: lime tree, linden
липа {noun}
:: forgery, fake
Липецк {prop}
:: Липецк (city/administrative center)
липецкий {adj}
:: Lipetsk (city in Russia)
липид {noun}
:: lipid
липка {noun}
:: diminutive of липа: young linden tree
липкий {adj}
:: adhesive, sticky
липнуть {v impf}
:: to stick, to adhere to
липовый {adj}
:: linden, lime
липовый {adj}
:: limewood
липовый {adj}
:: sham, faked, forged
лира {noun}
:: lyre (a stringed musical instrument)
лира {noun}
:: hurdy-gurdy
лира {noun}
:: lira
лирик {noun}
:: lyricist
лирика {noun}
:: lyric poetry
лирика {noun}
:: lyricism
лирика {noun}
:: sentimental talk, gas, hot air
лирический {adj}
:: lyrical
лис {noun}
:: male fox
лиса {noun}
:: (zool.) fox (Vulpes vulpes)
лиса {noun}
:: vixen, female fox
лиса {noun}
:: fox fur
лиса {noun}
:: a foxy fellow/girl
лисель {noun}
:: studding sail, studsail, stunsail
лисёнок {noun}
:: fox cub
лисий {adj}
:: fox
лисий {adj}
:: vulpine, foxlike
лисий {adj}
:: clever, cunning
лисица {noun}
:: fox (Vulpes vulpes)
лисица {noun}
:: vixen (female of the fox)
лисичка {noun}
:: diminutive of лиса: little fox, foxie; female fox cub, fox kit, fox pup
лисичка {noun}
:: chanterelle (a mushroom of the Cantharellus genus)
Лиссабон {prop}
:: Лиссабон (capital city)
лист {noun}
:: leaf (flat green organ of a plant)
лист {noun}
:: sheet, leaf of paper or similar
лист {noun}
:: certificate, deed, list
листать {v impf}
:: to leaf through, to flip through (a book, manuscript, etc.)
листать {v impf}
:: to skim, to browse (a book, manuscript, etc.)
листва {noun}
:: foliage
лиственница {noun}
:: larch
лиственный {adj}
:: deciduous
лиственный {adj}
:: leafy
листик {noun}
:: diminutive of лист: leaf, leaflet
лист Мёбиуса {noun}
:: Möbius strip
листовка {noun}
:: leaflet
листовка {noun}
:: flyer, flysheet
листовой {adj}
:: leaf
листовой {adj}
:: sheet
листок {noun}
:: diminutive of лист: small leaf, small sheet (of paper)
листок {noun}
:: slip, sheet, paper
листок {noun}
:: wall newspaper, document, poster
листопад {noun}
:: autumn fall of the leaves
листочек {noun}
:: diminutive of листок, diminutive of лист: (small) leaf, leaflet
лит {noun}
:: litas (currency of Lithuania)
литавра {noun}
:: kettledrum
литавры {noun}
:: timpani, kettledrums
Литва {prop}
:: Литва (country)
литвин {noun}
:: Litvin, a native of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (or its former territory), but not necessarily an ethnic Lithuanian; especially a Belorussian
литейный {adj}
:: casting, founding (of metal)
литера {noun}
:: type (block with a raised letter or character on its surface)
литера {noun}
:: letter (of an alphabet)
литера {noun}
:: A prepaid mark on a postal envelope
литератор {noun}
:: literary man, man of letters, writer, litterateur
литература {noun}
:: literature
литературный {adj}
:: literary
литературный язык {m inan}
:: standard language (standardized idiom)
литературный язык {m inan}
:: literary language (language of literature)
литературовед {noun}
:: literary critic, specialist in study of literature
литературоведение {noun}
:: literary science
литий {noun}
:: lithium
литинститут {noun}
:: literary institute, specifically the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow
лития {noun}
:: lity, name for several prayers in Eastern Orthodoxy:
лития {noun}
:: a special prayer for the dead, performed during a funeral or during the commemoration of the deceased
лития {noun}
:: part of the nightly vigil, following the pleading of the litany
лития {noun}
:: a public prayer, performed at the time of a disaster or in memory of a disaster
лития {noun}
:: a solemn prayer or song
литовец {noun}
:: Lithuanian (person from Lithuania)
литовка {noun}
:: female Lithuanian (person from Lithuania)
Литовская Республика {prop}
:: Литовская Республика (country)
Литовская ССР {prop}
:: Литовская ССР (former republic)
литовский {adj}
:: Lithuanian
литовский {noun}
:: Lithuanian language
литой {adj}
:: cast
литой {adj}
:: full-muscled, muscular, strapping
литосфера {noun}
:: lithosphere
литота {noun}
:: litotes
литр {noun}
:: liter
литровый {adj}
:: liter
литургический {adj}
:: liturgical
литургия {noun}
:: liturgy
лить {v impf}
:: to pour, to spill
лить {v impf}
:: to shed
лить {v impf}
:: to cast, to mould, to found
литьё {noun}
:: founding, casting, moulding
литьё {noun}
:: pouring
лить как из ведра {idiom}
:: to rain cats and dogs
литься {v impf}
:: to flow, to pour
литься {v impf}
:: to pour on oneself
литься {v impf}
:: to spread
литься {v impf}
:: to sound
лифт {noun}
:: lift, elevator
лифчик {noun}
:: brassiere, bra
лихач {noun}
:: daredevil, brave man
лихач {noun}
:: roadhog; a reckless driver
лихва {noun}
:: interest, profit (still used in expressions)
Лихие девяностые {prop}
:: "Wild Nineties", the decade of the 1990s, characterised in Russia by economic difficulties, crime epidemic, regional separatism and social decadence
лихо {noun}
:: evil, ill, misfortune, trouble
лихо {noun}
:: An odd number, see the Chetno i licho game
лихо {adv}
:: dashingly, jauntily
лиходей {noun}
:: evildoer, villain
лиходейка {noun}
:: female evildoer, villain
лихоимство {noun}
:: corruption, bribery
лихой {adj}
:: evil, hard, sinister
лихой {adj}
:: valiant, intrepid, bold, daring
лихой {adj}
:: dashing, gallant
лихой {adj}
:: nimble
лихой {adj}
:: smart
лихой {adj}
:: criminal, delinquent
лихорадить {v impf}
:: to fever, to burn with fever
лихорадить {v impf}
:: to cause fever
лихорадить {v impf}
:: to ague (to strike with an ague, or with a cold fit)
лихорадка {noun}
:: fever (higher than normal body temperature)
лихорадка {noun}
:: rush, mania
лихорадочно {adv}
:: feverishly
лихорадочный {adj}
:: feverish, febrile
лихость {noun}
:: bravery, daring
Лихтенштейн {prop}
:: Лихтенштейн (country)
лихтер {noun}
:: lighter, stevedore barge
лицевой {adj}
:: face
лицедей {noun}
:: actor
лицедей {noun}
:: pretender, faker
лицедейство {noun}
:: acting, performance
лицедейство {noun}
:: hypocrisy
лицезреть {v impf}
:: to behold (to see in close proximity)
лицей {noun}
:: lyceum, lycée
лицемер {noun}
:: hypocrite
лицемерие {noun}
:: hypocrisy, dissimulation
лицемерить {vi impf}
:: to be hypocritical, to masquerade
лицемерка {noun}
:: hypocrite (female)
лицемерно {adv}
:: hypocritically
лицемерный {adj}
:: hypocritical
лицензиар {noun}
:: licensor
лицензиат {noun}
:: licensee
лицензионный {adj}
:: licensing
лицензионный {adj}
:: licence, licensed
лицензирование {noun}
:: licensing/licencing
лицензия {noun}
:: licence/license
лицо {noun}
:: face
лицо {noun}
:: countenance
лицо {noun}
:: front
лицо {noun}
:: person, individual, individuality
лицо {noun}
:: person
лицо, ищущее убежище {noun}
:: asylum seeker
лицом к лицу {adv}
:: face to face
личи {n inan} {m inan}
:: lychee (Fruits)
личико {noun}
:: diminutive of лицо: face
личина {noun}
:: mask
личина {noun}
:: pretense, disguise
личина {noun}
:: scutcheon, keyplate
личинка {noun}
:: larva, grub, maggot
личиночный {adj}
:: larval
-личить {affix}
:: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to distinguish" or "to convict"
лично {adv}
:: personally, in person
личное местоимение {noun}
:: personal pronoun
личной {adj}
:: face; facial
личностный {adj}
:: personality
личностный {adj}
:: personal
личность {noun}
:: personality
личность {noun}
:: person, individual
личность {noun}
:: identity
личные нападки {noun}
:: ad hominem (personal attack)
личный {adj}
:: personal (relating to a particular person)
личный {adj}
:: personal
лишай {noun}
:: lichen
лишай {noun}
:: herpes
лишайник {noun}
:: lichen (symbiotic organism)
лишайник {noun}
:: consortium
лишать {v impf}
:: to deprive, to rob, to bereave
лишать {v impf}
:: to devest, to forjudge, to dispossess
лишаться {v impf}
:: to be deprived of, to lose
лишек {noun}
:: excess, surplus
лишенец {noun}
:: lishenets
лишение {noun}
:: deprivation
лишение {noun}
:: (usually plural) privations, hardship
лишённый {adj}
:: devoid, lacking
лишить {v pf}
:: to deprive, to rob, to bereave
лишить {v pf}
:: to devest, to forjudge, to dispossess
лишиться {v pf}
:: to be deprived of, to lose
лишнее {noun}
:: surplus; something superfluous
лишнее {noun}
:: something spare, reserve, vacant
лишнее {noun}
:: something unwanted
лишний {adj}
:: superfluous, excess, spare, extra
лишний {adj}
:: unnecessary
лишний {adj}
:: additional, another
лишок {noun}
:: surplus, excess
лишь {adv}
:: only, merely, just
лишь {adv}
:: as soon as
лишь только {conj}
:: as soon as, just as
-лище {suffix}
:: Suffix used to form neuter nouns from verbs, usually denoting a place and sometimes having an archaic or literary feel
-лка {suffix}
:: -er (forms nouns denoting objects, generally tools or instruments, from verbs)
-лка {suffix}
:: (forms nouns denoting places, generally of a colloquial nature, from verbs)
-лка {suffix}
:: (forms nouns, denoting women performing an occupation, from verbs)
лм {m inan}
:: lumen
ЛНР {prop} {f inan}
:: initialism of Луганская Народная Республика
-ло {suffix}
:: Suffix appended to verbs to create a neuter noun, normally denoting a tool
-ло {suffix}
:: Suffix appended to verbs or sometimes other words to create a colloquial or slang neuter noun with various meanings
лоб {noun}
:: forehead
Лобамба {prop}
:: Лобамба (capital city)
лобан {noun}
:: flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus)
лобби {n inan}
:: lobby (group of people who try to lobby)
лоббирование {noun}
:: lobbying
лоббировать {v impf}
:: to lobby (for)
лоббист {noun}
:: lobbyist
лобзик {noun}
:: fretsaw, jigsaw (a saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade)
лобия {noun}
:: cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
лобия {noun}
:: hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
лобковая кость {noun}
:: pubis
лобковый {adj}
:: pubic
лобный {adj}
:: forehead; frontal
лобовой {adj}
:: frontal, head-on
лобовой {adj}
:: front
лобок {noun}
:: mons pubis
лоботомия {noun}
:: lobotomy (surgical operation)
лоботряс {noun}
:: idler, lazybones
лобстер {noun}
:: lobster
лобстер {noun}
:: the meat of lobsters or spiny lobsters
лов {noun}
:: catching, hunting
ловелас {noun}
:: womanizer, lady-killer, skirt-chaser
ловец {noun}
:: fisherman
ловец {noun}
:: hunter
ловить {v impf}
:: to catch, try to catch, trap
ловить рыбу в мутной воде {v impf}
:: to fish in troubled waters
ловиться {v impf}
:: to get caught
ловкач {noun}
:: dodger, trickster, tricky dick, wheeler-dealer
ловкий {adj}
:: adroit, dexterous, deft
ловкий {adj}
:: cunning, smart, crafty, never at a loss
ловкий {adj}
:: comfortable
ловко {adv}
:: skillfully, artfully, knowingly
ловко {adv}
:: neatly
ловко {adv}
:: cunningly, shrewdly, slick
ловко {adv}
:: trippingly
ловко {adv}
:: nattily
ловкость {noun}
:: agility, adroitness, dexterity, deftness
ловля {noun}
:: catching, hunting
ловушка {noun}
:: trap, snare
ловчий {adj}
:: hunting
ловчий {adj}
:: serving as a snare/trap
ловчий {noun}
:: huntsman, master of hounds
ловчила {m anim} {f anim}
:: dodger, trickster, tricky dick
ловчить {v impf}
:: to dodge
лог {noun}
:: ravine
логарифм {noun}
:: logarithm
логик {noun}
:: logician
логика {noun}
:: logic
логин {noun}
:: login (user's identification)
логист {noun}
:: logistician
логист {noun}
:: logicist
логистик {noun}
:: logistician, logistics specialist
логистика {noun}
:: logistics (civil planning)
логистический {adj}
:: logistic
логистический {adj}
:: logistics
логически {adv}
:: logically
логический {adj}
:: logical
логично {adv}
:: logically
логично {pred}
:: it figures
логичный {adj}
:: logical
-логия {suffix}
:: -logy
лого {n inan}
:: logo, logotype (symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an entity)
логово {noun}
:: den, lair (home of certain animals, also figurative)
логопед {noun}
:: speech therapist
логос {noun}
:: logos
логотип {noun}
:: logo, logotype (symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an entity)
логотип {noun}
:: logotype (a single type combining two or more letters; a ligature)
лоджия {noun}
:: recessed balcony
лоджия {noun}
:: loggia
лодка {noun}
:: boat, dinghy, gig, yawl
лодочка {noun}
:: diminutive of лодка: small boat
лодочник {noun}
:: boater, boatman
лодыжка {noun}
:: ankle (joint between foot and leg)
лодырь {noun}
:: idler, slacker, loafer (procrastinating or lazy person)
ложа {noun}
:: box (in a theatre)
ложа {noun}
:: lodge (Masonic)
ложбина {noun}
:: shallow ravine, depression
ложбинка {noun}
:: small hollow, small groove
ложбинка {noun}
:: endearing diminutive of ложбина
ложе {noun}
:: bed, couch
ложе {noun}
:: riverbed; channel
ложе {noun}
:: gunstock
ложечка {noun}
:: diminutive of ложка: little spoon; teaspoon
ложить {v impf}
:: to put, to lay, to lay down, to deposit
ложиться {v impf}
:: to lie down
ложиться {v impf}
:: to fall, to cover
ложка {noun}
:: spoon
ложка {noun}
:: spoonful
ложная тревога {noun}
:: false alarm
ложно {adv}
:: falsely (in a false manner)
ложноотрицательный {adj}
:: falsely negative
ложноположительный {adj}
:: falsely positive
ложный {adj}
:: false (untrue, not factual, wrong)
ложный {adj}
:: fallacious (deceptive or misleading, mistaken)
ложный друг {noun}
:: false friend (a word in a foreign language that bears a deceptive resemblance to a word in one's own language, but has a different meaning)
ложный палтус {noun}
:: olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
ложок {noun}
:: diminutive of лог: small ravine
ложь {noun}
:: lie, falsehood
лоза {noun}
:: vine
лоза {noun}
:: rod, switch (thin, flexible stick)
лозунг {noun}
:: slogan, watchword
локализация {noun}
:: localization (act of localizing)
локализовать {v both}
:: to locate, to allocate, to position
локализовать {v both}
:: to localize, to contain
локализовать {v both}
:: to localize
локальный {adj}
:: local
локатор {noun}
:: locator, radar set
локаут {noun}
:: lockout (opposite of a strike)
локомотив {noun}
:: locomotive
локомотивный {adj}
:: locomotive
локон {noun}
:: lock, curl, ringlet
локоток {noun}
:: diminutive of локоть: (small) elbow
локоть {noun}
:: elbow
локоть {noun}
:: cubit, ell
локтевая кость {noun}
:: ulna, elbow bone
локтевой {adj}
:: elbow; ulnar, anconal
локтевой {adj}
:: cubit; cubital
локш {noun}
:: lie, falsehood
локш {noun}
:: failure; futility
локш {noun}
:: hopeless affair, no-win affair
локш {noun}
:: emptiness in the soul
локш хлебать {v impf}
:: to serve in a prison unfairly (because of a judicial mistake)
лом {noun}
:: crowbar
лом {noun}
:: scrap, waste
ломака {noun}
:: poser, affected person
ломака {noun}
:: affected / mincing / simpering girl or woman
ломаный {adj}
:: broken
ломать {v impf}
:: to break, to fracture
ломать {v impf}
:: to quarry (stone)
ломать {v impf}
:: to rack, to cause to ache
ломать {v impf}
:: to cause (someone) to lose spirit or will
ломаться {vi impf}
:: to break, to break up, to fracture, to split
ломаться {vi impf}
:: to break down (of a device, etc.)
ломаться {v impf}
:: to collapse, to fall apart
ломаться {v impf}
:: to crack, to break (of the voice)
ломаться {v impf}
:: to pose, to mince, to pretend
ломаться {v impf}
:: to be obstinate, to cause difficulties, to refuse to agree
ломбард {noun}
:: pawn shop
Ломе {prop} {m inan}
:: Ломе (capital city)
ломить {v impf}
:: to break
ломить {v impf}
:: to charge forward, to break through
ломить {v impf}
:: to ache
ломиться {v impf}
:: (third person only) to be (near to) breaking (with), to burst (with)
ломиться {v impf}
:: to force one's way (to, into), to come in crowds (to), to flock (to)
ломка {noun}
:: breaking
ломка {noun}
:: withdrawal symptoms (as with drug addicts)
ломкий {adj}
:: brittle, friable (able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure)
ломкий {adj}
:: fragile, breakable
ломота {noun}
:: dull ache
ломоть {noun}
:: hunk, chunk, slice
ломтик {noun}
:: slice
Лондон {prop}
:: Лондон (capital city)
лондонец {noun}
:: (male) Londoner
лондонка {noun}
:: (female) Londoner
лондонский {adj}
:: London
лонжерон {noun}
:: longeron, spar, stringer, stiffener (airframe)
лони {adv}
:: last year
лонись {adv}
:: last year
лоно {noun}
:: lap, bosom
лопарь {noun}
:: fall
лопарь {noun}
:: Lapp, Laplander
лопасть {noun}
:: blade, propeller blade, swim fin blade
лопасть {noun}
:: vane, fan
лопата {noun}
:: spade, shovel
лопата {noun}
:: electric guitar
лопата {noun}
:: punchline
лопатка {noun}
:: diminutive of лопата
лопатка {noun}
:: shoulder blade
лопатка {noun}
:: spatula, scapula
лопаточка {noun}
:: diminutive of лопатка
лопать {v impf}
:: to devour, to gobble
лопать {v impf}
:: alternative form of лопаться
лопать {v impf}
:: to cause to burst
лопаться {v impf}
:: to pop, to burst (to break from internal pressure)
лопаться {v impf}
:: to crash, to go bankrupt (e.g. of a company, of an idea)
лопаться {v impf}
:: to be depleted (of patience)
лопаться {v impf}
:: to express one's opinion harshly
лопнуть {v pf}
:: to pop, to burst (to break from internal pressure)
лопнуть {v pf}
:: to crash, to go bankrupt (e.g. of a company, of an idea)
лопнуть {v pf}
:: to be depleted (of patience)
лопнуть {v pf}
:: to express one's opinion harshly
лопотать {v impf}
:: to mumble; to speak unclearly
лопух {noun}
:: burdock
лопух {noun}
:: simpleton
Лора {prop}
:: given name
лорд {noun}
:: lord (British aristocrat)
Лори {prop} {m inan}
:: Lori (region of Armenia)
лорнет {noun}
:: lorgnette (an opera glass with a handle)
Лос-Анджелес {noun}
:: Лос-Анджелес (major city/and/seaport)
лосины {noun}
:: tight pants made of moose skin, buckskins
лосины {noun}
:: leggings
лосиха {noun}
:: a female moose
лоск {noun}
:: gloss, lustre, polish
лоск {noun}
:: dell, hollow, lowland
лоскут {noun}
:: rag, shred, scrap
лоскут {noun}
:: scraps of cloth or leather in the textile and leather industries
лоскутный {adj}
:: rag, shred, scrap
лоскутный {adj}
:: patchwork
лоскуток {noun}
:: diminutive of лоскут
лосниться {v impf}
:: to be glossy, to shine
лососеобразные {noun}
:: Salmoniformes (a biological order that includes salmon, trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and graylings; has only one biological family under it, the Salmonidae)
лососёвые {noun}
:: Salmonidae (a biological family that includes salmons and greylings)
лососёвые {noun}
:: Salmoninae (under the Salmonidae family)
лососёвый {adj}
:: salmon
лососий {adj}
:: salmon
лососина {noun}
:: salmon (meat)
лосось {noun}
:: salmon (the fish and the seafood)
лось {noun}
:: moose (U.S.), elk (British), Alces alces
лосьон {noun}
:: makeup remover
лосьон {noun}
:: lotion
лосьон {noun}
:: aftershave, shaving lotion
лот {noun}
:: plummet, sounding line
лот {noun}
:: lot (old Russian unit of mass equal to 12.8 grams)
лот {noun}
:: lot
лотарингец {noun}
:: Lotharingian
лотерея {noun}
:: lottery (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance)
лото {n inan}
:: lotto (game of chance similar to bingo)
лоток {noun}
:: tray, pan; chute
лотос {noun}
:: lotus
лотошливый {adj}
:: hasty
лоукостер {noun}
:: low cost carrier, budget airline
лоуренсий {noun}
:: lawrencium
лох {noun}
:: oleaster, silverberry (Elaeagnus)
лох {noun}
:: male Atlantic salmon
лох {noun}
:: stiff, simpleton, dummy; bogan, chav, redneck
лох {noun}
:: loser
лох {noun}
:: sucker, mark, someone who is easy to swindle or con
лохануться {v pf}
:: to make a mistake, to blunder
лохматить {v impf}
:: to tousle, to dishevel, to ruffle
лохматый {adj}
:: shaggy
лохматый {adj}
:: shaggy-haired, dishevelled, tousled
лохмотья {noun}
:: rags; tatters; duds; frazzles
лохмы {noun}
:: disheveled locks; matted hair, mop
лошадиная сила {noun}
:: horsepower
лошадиный {adj}
:: horse
лошадка {noun}
:: diminutive of лошадь: horsey, small horse
лошадь {noun}
:: horse
лошак {noun}
:: hinny (offspring of male horse and female donkey)
лощина {noun}
:: hollow, depression, dell, glen, ravine
лояльность {noun}
:: loyalty, allegiance
лояльный {adj}
:: loyal
л. с. {f inan}
:: abbreviation of лошадиная сила: HP, horsepower
л.с. {f inan}
:: abbreviation of лошадиная сила: HP, horsepower
ЛСД {m inan}
:: LSD, acid (диэтиламид d-лизергиновой кислоты)
Луанда {prop}
:: Луанда (capital city)
Луара {prop}
:: Луара (city)
луб {noun}
:: bast (of a tree)
лубок {noun}
:: piece of bast
лубок {noun}
:: bast product
лубок {noun}
:: splint
лубок {noun}
:: type of wooden board for printing lubok images
лубок {noun}
:: lubok (woodcut or engraving of folk art)
лубок {noun}
:: lubok literature (popular literature in prerevolutionary Russia, similar to chapbooks)
лубочный {adj}
:: bast
лубочный {adj}
:: lubok
Лубянка {prop}
:: Lubyanka Square
Лубянка {prop}
:: Lubyanka Building, the headquarters of the Soviet intelligence agency KGB and Russian FSB
Лубянка {prop}
:: the intelligence agencies themselves; KGB, FSB
луг {noun}
:: meadow
Луганск {prop}
:: Луганск (city)
Луганская Народная Республика {prop}
:: Luhansk People's Republic (LPR/LNR), abbreviated as ЛНР, not internationally recognized as a nation
луганский {adj}
:: Luhansk/Lugansk (city in Ukraine)
луговой {adj}
:: meadow
лудить {v impf}
:: to tin, to blanch, to tin-plate
лужа {noun}
:: puddle, pool
лужайка {noun}
:: lawn, grass-plot; (forest) glade
лужица {noun}
:: diminutive of лужа: (a small) puddle, pool
Лужица {prop}
:: Lusatia (Slavic speaking region in Germany)
Лужица {prop}
:: Лужица (small river)
лужицкий {adj}
:: Sorbian, Lusatian, Wendish
лужичанин {noun}
:: Sorb
лужок {noun}
:: diminutive of луг
луза {noun}
:: a decrement on the ground of a playing field as for billiards or golf whereinto the game’s ball is to be transferred, pocket
лузер {noun}
:: failure, loser
Луизиана {prop}
:: Луизиана (state)
лук {noun}
:: onion, onions
лук {noun}
:: bow (weapon used for shooting arrows)
лук {noun}
:: appearance, clothing style, look
лука {noun}
:: bend (in a river or road)
лука {noun}
:: pommel (of a saddle)
лука {noun}
:: saddlebow
Лука {prop} {m anim}
:: given name
лукавить {v impf}
:: to be crafty, cunning, to sly
лукаво {adv}
:: craftily, cunningly
лукавство {noun}
:: slyness, craftiness, archness
лукавый {adj}
:: sly, crafty, cunning
лукавый {adj}
:: arch, playful (knowing, clever, mischievous)
лукавый {prop}
:: the Evil One
луковица {noun}
:: onion
луковица {noun}
:: bulb
луковица {noun}
:: onion-shaped dome of a Russian church
луковица {noun}
:: old-fashioned pocket watch with thick convex glass and convex backside
луковичный {adj}
:: bulbous
луковичный {adj}
:: onion
луковка {noun}
:: diminutive of луковица
луковый {adj}
:: onion
лукошко {noun}
:: a handmade basket made of bast
лук-порей {noun}
:: leek (vegetable)
луна {noun}
:: moon (the Moon, the satellite of planet Earth)
луна {noun}
:: moon (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet)
Луна {prop}
:: the Moon (the only natural satellite of the Earth)
луна-парк {noun}
:: amusement park
лунатик {noun}
:: sleepwalker, somnambulist
лунатик {noun}
:: lunatic
лунка {noun}
:: hole
лунка {noun}
:: alveolus
лунка {noun}
:: indentation
лунка {noun}
:: socket
лунное затмение {noun}
:: lunar eclipse
лунный {adj}
:: moon; lunar
лунный {adj}
:: moonlit
луновение {noun}
:: menstruation
луноход {noun}
:: lunokhod, lunar rover
лунь {noun}
:: harrier, ring-tail
лупа {noun}
:: magnifying glass, magnifier (instrument)
лупа {noun}
:: loop
Луперк {prop}
:: Lupercus (Roman god)
Луперка {prop}
:: Luperca (Roman goddess)
лупить {v impf}
:: to peel, to bark
лупить {v impf}
:: to thrash, to flog, to spank, to beat, to batter
лупить {v impf}
:: to beat, to drub, to clobber
лупить {v impf}
:: to knock, to hit, to zap, to shoot (at), to fire (on), to bomb
лупить {v impf}
:: to fleece (someone) (of a certain amount)
Лусака {prop}
:: Лусака (capital city)
Лусон {prop}
:: Лусон (the largest <<island>> of the <<c/Philippines>>)
луч {noun}
:: ray, beam
луч {noun}
:: radius bone
лучевой {adj}
:: ray, beam; radial
лучевой {adj}
:: radiation
лучезарный {adj}
:: radiant, effulgent, beaming
лучик {noun}
:: diminutive of луч
лучина {noun}
:: splinter, chip
лучина {noun}
:: a small torch made of a single splinter
лучинка {noun}
:: diminutive of лучина
лучинка {noun}
:: fly
лучистый {adj}
:: radiant, glowing
лучистый {adj}
:: radiant (arising from radiation)
лучистый {adj}
:: radially diverging, diverging from a point
лучить {v impf}
:: to allow
лучить {v impf}
:: to hunt (fish, etc.) at night with a lit torch
лучить {v impf}
:: to unite
лучиться {v impf}
:: to shine
лучиться {v impf}
:: to gleam with emotion
лучиться {v impf}
:: to radiate
лучиться {v impf}
:: to radiate outwards
лучник {noun}
:: archer
лучница {noun}
:: archeress, female archer
лучше {adv}
:: comparative of хороший
лучше {adv}
:: comparative of хорошо
лучше {adv}
:: rather, would better (do something)
лучшее {noun}
:: something better
лучшее {noun}
:: the best
лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать {proverb}
:: a picture is worth a thousand words
лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать {proverb}
:: seeing is believing
Лхаса {prop}
:: Лхаса (capital city)
лыжа {noun}
:: ski (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow)
лыжа {noun}
:: runner (on a sleigh or sled)
лыжи {noun}
:: skiing
лыжник {noun}
:: skier
лыжный {adj}
:: ski
лыжня {noun}
:: ski track, trail left by a pair of skis, or one artificially created for the purpose of skiing on
-лый {suffix}
:: Suffix used to form adjectives, usually qualitative, from verbs and nouns
-лый {suffix}
:: Suffix used to form primary qualitative adjectives from adjectival roots, which may occur without the suffix in related words
-лый {suffix}
:: Suffixed used to form adjectives from (normally intransitive) verbs with the meaning "having X'ed"
лыко {noun}
:: bast (plant fiber)
лыко {noun}
:: yarn, rope, or geotextile made of bast fiber
лысеть {v impf}
:: to become bald
лысина {noun}
:: bald spot, bald patch; bald head
лыска {noun}
:: milled, sawed flattened surface on a shaft
лыска {noun}
:: Eurasian coot, common coot, Australian coot (bird)
лысость {noun}
:: baldness
лысуха {noun}
:: Eurasian coot, common coot, Australian coot (bird)
лысый {adj}
:: bald, bald-headed
лытдыбр {noun}
:: a blog posting about one’s daily life
лычный {adj}
:: bast
-ль {suffix}
:: Unproductive suffix forming action nouns
ль {particle}
:: alternative form of ли
ль {conj}
:: alternative form of ли
львёнок {noun}
:: lion cub
львиная доля {noun}
:: lion's share
львиный {adj}
:: lion's
львица {noun}
:: lioness
Львов {prop}
:: Львов (city/administrative center)
львовский {adj}
:: Lviv, Lvov (city in Ukraine)
львовский {adj}
:: Lvov (Russian surname, e.g. of Alexei Lvov, Russian composer)
львовский {adj}
:: Lvovo, Lvovsky, Lvovskoye (name of several settlements in Russia)
льгота {noun}
:: privilege, benefit, exemption, discount
льготник {noun}
:: beneficiary
льготный {adj}
:: preferential, privileged
льдина {noun}
:: ice floe
льдинка {noun}
:: diminutive of льдина: small ice floe
льдистый {adj}
:: icy, ice-covered
льдистый {adj}
:: ice-cold, freezing cold
лье {n inan}
:: league (distance)
Льеж {prop}
:: Льеж (province)
Льеж {prop}
:: Льеж (capital)
-льник {suffix}
:: Suffix appended to nominal stems to create masculine nouns, animate or inanimate
льнопрядильня {noun}
:: flax mill
льносемя {noun}
:: flaxseed, linseed
льнуть {v impf}
:: to cling (to), to stick (to)
льнуть {v impf}
:: to cultivate (someone), to fawn on
льнуть {v impf}
:: to feel drawn towards
-льня {suffix}
:: Used to form nouns referring to places from verbs
льняной {adj}
:: flax, linen
льстец {noun}
:: flatterer, adulator
льстивый {adj}
:: flattering, sycophantic
льстивый {adj}
:: smooth-tongued, smooth-speaking
льстить {v impf}
:: to flatter, to adulate
льстить {v impf}
:: to flatter, to please
-льщик {suffix}
:: -er (forms nouns denoting persons from verbs)
льющийся {adj}
:: being poured
ЛЭП {f inan}
:: acronym of линия электропередачи: electric power transmission line
лэптоп {noun}
:: laptop (a laptop computer)
Люба {prop}
:: given name
Любавичи {prop}
:: Lyubavichi (one of two villages in the Smolensk Oblast of Russia)
любвеобильный {adj}
:: loving
любвеобильный {adj}
:: amorous, lustful
любезно {adv}
:: friendly (in a friendly manner)
любезность {noun}
:: courtesy, politeness, civility
любезность {noun}
:: kindness
любезность {noun}
:: favour
любезный {adj}
:: amiable, affable, courteous (mild, benign)
любезный {adj}
:: obliging (ready to help)
любезный {adj}
:: my good man, sir (form of address)
любимая {noun}
:: beloved, darling
любимец {noun}
:: favourite, pet, fondling, minion
любимица {noun}
:: female favourite, pet, fondling, minion
любимчик {noun}
:: favorite, pet; teacher's pet; blue-eyed boy
любимый {adj}
:: favorite
любимый {noun}
:: beloved, darling
любисток {noun}
:: lovage, sea parsley, Levisticum officinale
любитель {noun}
:: lover, devotee, fan
любитель {noun}
:: amateur, dilettante
любительница {noun}
:: lover, devotee, fan (female)
любительница {noun}
:: female amateur (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally)
любительский {adj}
:: amateur, amateurish (non-professional)
любить {v impf}
:: to love, to like, to be fond of, to grow fond of (more intensely than нравиться)
любиться {v impf}
:: to love each other
любиться {v impf}
:: to love
любиться {v impf}
:: to love
Любляна {prop}
:: Любляна (capital city)
любо {adv}
:: nicely, beautifully; prettily; pleasantly; well; correctly
любование {noun}
:: admiration
любоваться {v impf}
:: to admire, to feast one's eyes (upon)
любовник {noun}
:: lover
любовник {noun}
:: paramour
любовница {noun}
:: mistress, lover
любовно {adv}
:: fondly, lovingly
любовно {adv}
:: painstakingly
любовное письмо {noun}
:: love letter (letter about the author's love)
любовный {adj}
:: love
любовный {adj}
:: amorous (indicating love or sexual desire)
любовный {adj}
:: loving
любовь {noun}
:: love
любовь {noun}
:: affection
Любовь {prop}
:: given name
любовь к ближнему {noun}
:: agape (asexual love, spiritual love, altruistic love)
любовь с первого взгляда {noun}
:: love at first sight
любознательность {noun}
:: inquisitiveness, curiosity
любознательный {adj}
:: curious, inquisitive
любой {determiner}
:: any, either, whichever one wants
любой ценой {adv}
:: at all costs, at any cost (sparing no effort)
любопытная варвара {noun}
:: nosey parker, stickybeak (prying person, male or female)
любопытно {adv}
:: curiously, with curiosity
любопытно {pred}
:: one is curious
любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали {proverb}
:: curiosity killed the cat
любопытный {adj}
:: curious, inquisitive
любопытный {adj}
:: interesting, intriguing
любопытство {noun}
:: curiosity, interest
любопытствовать {v impf}
:: to be curious, to ask, to pry
любый {adj}
:: dear, sweet, cute, pleasant, pleasing
любящий {adj}
:: loving
люд {noun}
:: people, folk
люди {noun}
:: people, humans
людишки {noun}
:: (worthless) people
Людмила {prop}
:: given name
людный {adj}
:: densely populated
людный {adj}
:: crowded
людный {adj}
:: well-traveled, full of passers-by
людоед {noun}
:: man-eater, cannibal; a person, animal, or other creature that eats humans
людской {adj}
:: human
люк {noun}
:: hatch, hatchway
люк {noun}
:: port
люкс {noun}
:: lux (unit of light)
люкс {adj}
:: deluxe
Люксембург {prop}
:: Люксембург (country)
Люксембург {prop}
:: Люксембург (capital city)
Люксембург {prop}
:: Люксембург (canton)
Люксембург {prop}
:: Люксембург (province)
люлька {noun}
:: cradle (oscillating bed for a baby)
люлька {noun}
:: tobacco pipe
люмен {noun}
:: lumen (SI-unit for luminous flux)
люминесцентный {adj}
:: luminescent
люминесцентный {adj}
:: fluorescent
люмпен {noun}
:: Lumpenproletariat
люмпен {noun}
:: miscreant, hoodlum, ruffian
люмпен {noun}
:: snakefish
люмпенизация {noun}
:: degradation to lumpens
Люсин {adj}
:: Lyusya's
люстра {noun}
:: chandelier, luster (a branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling)
люстрация {noun}
:: lustration (restoration of credibility to a government by the purging earlier perpetrators)
Люся {prop}
:: given name
лютеранин {noun}
:: Lutheran
лютеранский {adj}
:: Lutheran
лютеций {noun}
:: lutetium
лютик {noun}
:: buttercup
лютня {noun}
:: lute
лютость {noun}
:: fierceness, ferocity
лютый {adj}
:: fierce, cruel, grim
люцерна {noun}
:: alfalfa, lucerne (Medicago sativa)
Люцифер {prop}
:: Lucifer
ля {n inan}
:: (musical note) A
ля-бемоль мажор {noun}
:: A-flat major
-лявый {suffix}
:: -y, -ous, etc. (Used to form adjectives from nouns and verbs, with the meaning "having the characteristic of X".)
лягавый {adj}
:: alternative form of легавый
лягавый {noun}
:: alternative form of легавый
лягать {v impf}
:: to kick
лягать {v impf}
:: to sway
лягнуть {v pf}
:: to kick
лягнуть {v pf}
:: to knock, to let out , to jump (to tell something offensive of someone)
лягушка {noun}
:: frog
лягушка {noun}
:: @ (at sign) (more common: собака "dog")
лягушонок {noun}
:: young frog
лядвея {noun}
:: thigh, haunch
ля-диез мажор {noun}
:: A-sharp major (major key)
ля-диез минор {noun}
:: A-sharp minor
ляжка {noun}
:: thigh, haunch
лязг {noun}
:: clank, clang, clack
лязгать {v impf}
:: to clank, to clang
лязгнуть {v pf}
:: to clank, to clang
лялька {noun}
:: doll, puppet (a toy in the form of a human)
лялька {noun}
:: baby
ля мажор {noun}
:: A major
ля минор {noun}
:: A minor
лямка {noun}
:: strap, sling, tug
Ляонин {prop}
:: Ляонин (province)
ляп {noun}
:: error, mistake; blooper, blunder
ляпать {v impf}
:: to make hastily, to throw together
ляпать {v impf}
:: to slap, to splotch, to daub (paint on something)
ляпать {v impf}
:: to whack, to hit
ляпать {v impf}
:: to blurt out, to blab
ляпнуть {v pf}
:: to blab, to blurt out
ляпнуть {v pf}
:: to hit, to whack, to smack
ляпнуть {v pf}
:: to straight from the shoulder
ляпсить {v impf}
:: to steal
ляпсус {noun}
:: blunder, slip
лярва {noun}
:: a spirit of the underworld, a demon
лярва {noun}
:: scoundrel
лярва {noun}
:: whore, slut
лях {noun}
:: Pole, Polish man, Polack
ляшка {noun}
:: female Pole, Polish woman, Polack