Ra {prop} /ɹɑː/ (Egyptian god of the Sun)
:: Rê {m}, Râ {m}
rabbet {n} /ˈɹæbɪt/ (channel, groove of recess in e.g. wood)
:: feuillure {f}
rabbet joint {n} (rabbet) SEE: rabbet
rabbi {n} /ˈɹæ.baɪ/ (Jewish scholar or teacher)
:: rabbin {m}
rabbinate {n} /ˈɹæbɪnət/ (office or function of a rabbi)
:: rabbinat {m}
rabbinic {adj} /ɹəˈbɪnɪk/ (Relating to rabbis)
:: rabbinique
rabbinical {adj} /rəˈbɪnəkəl/ (Referring to rabbis, their writings, or their work)
:: rabbinique
rabbit {n} /ˈɹæbɪt/ (mammal)
:: lapin {m}
rabbit ears {n} (an indoor dipole antenna)
:: antenne en V d'intérieur {f}
rabbit fever {n} (tularemia) SEE: tularemia
rabbit hutch {n} (a cage in which rabbits are kept)
:: clapier à lapins {m}, cabane à lapins {f}, or cage à lapins {f}
rabbit punch {n} (a chopping punch to the back of the neck or head)
:: coup du lapin {m}
rabbit warren {n} (An underground system of interconnected tunnels occupied by rabbits)
:: garenne {f}
rabbit warren {n} (A confusingly labyrinthine environment)
:: labyrinthe {m}
rabble {n} /ˈɹæbəl/ (a disorderly crowd)
:: cohue {f}, foule {f}
rabble {n} (the mass of common people; the lowest class of people)
:: populace {f} , racaille {f}
rabble rouser {n} ((idiomatic) someone or something that tends to inspire mobs)
:: fauteur de troubles {m}, agitateur {m}
rabblerousing {adj}
:: qui incite à la révolte, qui incite à la violence, qui cherche à soulever les masses
Rabelaisian {adj} (pertaining to the works or period of Rabelais)
:: rabelaisien
rabid {adj} /ˈɹæbɪd/ (affected with rabies)
:: enragé {m}
rabid {adj} (furious; raging; extremely violent)
:: enragé
rabidly {adv} (in a rabid manner)
:: farouchement, férocement, avec fanatisme, comme un(e) enragé(e)
rabidness {n} (the property of being rabid)
:: férocité {f}
rabies {n} /ˈɹeɪ.biz/ (viral disease)
:: rage {f}
raccoon {n} /ɹæˈkun/ (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor)
:: raton laveur commun {m}, raton laveur {m}, chaoui {m}, chat sauvage {m}
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the subfamily Procyoninae)
:: procyoniné {m}
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the family Procyonidae)
:: procyonidé {m}
raccoon dog {n} (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
:: chien viverrin {m}
race {n} /ɹeɪs/ (contest)
:: course {f}
race {n} (progressive movement toward a goal)
:: course {f}
race {n}
:: race {f}
race {v} (to move or drive at high speed)
:: s'élancer
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage)
:: race {f}
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of common, physical characteristics)
:: race {f}
race {n} (a breed or strain of domesticated animal)
:: race {f}
race against time {n} (situation in which something must be done hurriedly, by a deadline)
:: course contre le temps, course contre la montre
race baiting {n} (using racially derisive communication to anger, intimidate, or coerce)
:: supplice racial {m}
race car {n} (car that goes at very fast speeds)
:: voiture de course {f}
race card {n}
:: programme des courses {m}
racecourse {n} (a course over which races are run)
:: champ de courses {m}
racecourse {n} ((UK) a racetrack where horse races are run)
:: hippodrome {m}
race hatred {n} (hatred towards an ethnic group)
:: racial
racehorse {n} (horse that competes in races)
:: cheval de course {m}
raceme {n} /ˈɹæsiːm/ (type of inflorescence)
:: racème {m}, grappe {f}
race meeting {n} (a series of horse races at a particular racecourse on a particular day)
:: réunion de courses {f}
racemization {n} (formation of racemate)
:: racémisation {m}
racer {n} (racehorse) SEE: racehorse
racer {n} /ˈɹeɪsəɹ/ (someone who takes part in a race)
:: coureur {m}, coureuse {f}
racer {n} (something used for racing)
:: racer {m}, vélo de course {m}, bicyclette de course {f}
race relations {n}
:: relations inter-raciales {f-p}
racetrack {n} /ˈɹeɪsˌtɹæk/ (a course over which races are run)
:: champ de courses {m}, piste {f}, hippodrome {m}
racewalking {n} (sport in which people try to walk as fast as possible)
:: marche athlétique {f}
Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti {prop} (region of Georgia)
:: Ratcha-Letchkhoumie et Basse Svanétie {f}
Rachel {prop} /ˈɹeɪt͡ʃəl/ (younger daughter of Laban)
:: Rachel
rachitic {adj} /ɹəˈkɪtɪk/
:: rachitique
rachitis {n} /ɹəˈkʌɪtɪs/ (rickets)
:: rachitisme {m}
Rachmanism {n} ((UK) The exploitation of tenants of slum properties by unscrupulous landlords)
:: intimidation de locataires par des propriétaires sans scrupules (pour obtenir une expulsion)
racial {adj} /ˈɹeɪʃəl/ (of or relating to a race (or a people))
:: racial
racial discrimination {n} (type of discrimination)
:: discrimination raciale {f}
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism
racialist {n}
:: raciste {m} {f}
racially {adv} (relating to race)
:: à motivation raciste
racily {adv} (in a racy manner)
:: lestement, avec verve
raciness {n} (the property of being racy)
:: piquant {m}
racing {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪŋ/ (the sport of competing in races)
:: course {f}
racism {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪzm̩/ (racial prejudice or discrimination)
:: racisme {m}
racist {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪst/ (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.)
:: raciste {m} {f}
racist {adj} (relating to racism)
:: raciste
rack {n} /ɹæk/ (series of shelves)
:: étagère
rack {n} (torture device)
:: chevalet {m}
rack {n} (cut of meat)
:: carré
rack {n} (woman's breasts)
:: balcon, devanture
racket {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (implement)
:: raquette {f}
racket {n} (loud noise)
:: vacarme {m}, tintamarre {m}, boucan {m}
racket {n} (fraud)
:: escroquerie {f}
rack one's brain {v} (struggle to think of something)
:: se creuser la tête, se creuser les méninges, se creuser la cervelle
rack railway {n} (railway that uses a rack and pinion mechanism)
:: chemin de fer à crémaillère {m}
raclette {n} (dish)
:: raclette {f}
raclette {n} (cheese)
:: raclette {m}
raconteur {n} /ˌɹæk.ɑnˈtɝ/ (storyteller)
:: raconteur {m}
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon
racquet {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (an implement with a handle used to hit a ball)
:: raquette {f}
ractopamine {n} (a drug used as a feed additive to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat)
:: ractopamine {f}
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet
radar astronomy {n} (astronomical technique)
:: radarastronomie {f}
radar dome {n} (weatherproof enclosure used to protect a radar antenna)
:: radôme {m}
Rade {n} (ethnic group)
:: Rhade, Rhadé, Rade, Radé
Rade {prop} (language)
:: rhade, rhadé, rade, radé
Radhanite {adj}
:: radhanite
radial {adj} /ˈɹeɪdi.əl/ (arranged like rays that radiate from, or converge to a common center)
:: radial
radian {n} (unit)
:: radian {m}
radiation {n} /ˌɹeɪ.di.ˈeɪ.ʃən/ (shooting forth of anything from a point or surface)
:: radiation {f}
radiation {n} (radioactive energy)
:: radiation {f}, rayonnement
radiation {n}
:: radiation {f}
radiative {adj} (related to radiation)
:: radiatif {m}
radiator {n} /ˈɹeɪ.diˌeɪ.tɚ/ (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air)
:: radiateur {m}
radiator {n} (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room)
:: radiateur {m}
radical {adj} /ˈɹædɪkəl/ (pertaining to the root (of a plant))
:: radical
radical {adj} (pertaining to the basic or intrinsic nature of something)
:: radical
radical {adj} (thoroughgoing)
:: radical
radical {adj} (favouring fundamental change)
:: radical
radical {adj} (linguistics: pertaining to the root of a word)
:: radical
radical {adj} (slang: excellent)
:: génial, super
radical {n} (historical: early 20th-century France)
:: radical {m}, radicale {f}
radical {n} (arithmetic: root (of a number or quantity))
:: racine {f}
radical {n} (linguistics: portion of a character that provides an indication of its meaning)
:: clé {m}, radical {m}
radical {n} (organic chemistry: free radical)
:: radical {m}
radicalism {n} (social or political movements that aim at fundamental change in the structure of society)
:: radicalisme {m}
radicalization {n} (the process or result of radicalizing)
:: radicalisation
radicalize {v} ((transitive) to make radical)
:: radicaliser
radio {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ/ (technology)
:: radio {f}, radiodiffusion {f}
radio {n} (receiver)
:: radio {f}
radio- {prefix} (radiation)
:: radio-
radio- {prefix} (radio (broadcasting))
:: radio-
radioactivation {n}
:: radioactivation {f}
radioactive {adj} /ˌɹeɪdioʊˈæktɪv/ (exhibiting radioactivity)
:: radioactif
radioactive fallout {n} (material from a radioactive plume)
:: retombée radioactive
radioactive waste {n} (type of waste)
:: déchet radioactif {m}
radioactivity {n} (emission of ionizing radiation)
:: radioactivité {f}
radioactivity {n} (radiation emitted)
:: radioactivité {f}
radio altimeter {n}
:: radioaltimètre {m}
radio beacon {n} (beacon that emits radiowave)
:: radiobalise {f}, radioborne {f}
radio button {n} (preset button on a radio)
:: bouton radio {m}
radio button {n} (selction button in graphical user interface)
:: bouton radio {m}
radio clock {n} (a clock that is synchronized to a remote time standard by means of radio signals)
:: horloge radio {f}, horloge radio-pilotée {f}
radioconcentric {adj}
:: radioconcentrique
radioconductor {n}
:: radioconducteur {m}
radio-controlled {adj} (controlled remotely using radio signals)
:: téléguidé, télécommandé
radio-controlled car {n} (radio-controlled car)
:: voiture téléguidée {f}
radiodiagnostics {n} (diagnostics by means of X-rays or radiochemical tracers)
:: radiodiagnostic {f}
radio direction finder {n}
:: radiocompas {m}
radio drama {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ dɹɑmə/ (acoustic performance)
:: théâtre radiophonique {f}
radioelectric {adj} (of or pertaining to the transmission of power via electromagnetic waves)
:: radioélectrique {m} {f}
radioelement {n} (element whose currently known isotopes are all radioactive)
:: radioélément {m}
radio frequency {n} (part of the electromagnetic spectrum within which radio waves are transmitted)
:: radiofréquence {f}
radio galaxy {n} (type of galaxy)
:: radiogalaxie {f}
radiogram {n} (radiograph) SEE: radiograph
radiogram {n} (a message, like a telegram, transmitted by radio)
:: radiogramme {m}
radiogram {n} (device combining radio and gramophone)
:: radio-phonographe {m}
radiograph {n} (image produced by radiation)
:: radiographie {f}
radiography {n} (the process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them)
:: radiographie {f}
radioisotope {n} (a radioactive isotope of an element)
:: radioisotope {m}
radiolarian {n} (marine protozoa)
:: radiolaire {m}
radiole {n} /ˈɹeɪdɪəʊl/ (spine of a sea urchin)
:: radiole {m}
radiological {adj} (pertaining to radiation, radioactivity or nuclear weapons)
:: radiologique
radiologist {n} /ˌɹeɪ.diːˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (practitioner of radiology)
:: radiologiste
radiology {n} (the use of radiation in diagnosis)
:: radiologie {f}
radiolysis {n} (dissociation due to radiation)
:: radiolyse
radiometer {n} (device that measures radiant energy)
:: radiomètre {m}
radionecrosis {n} (necrosis caused by ionizing radiation)
:: radionécrose {f}
radionuclide {n} (radioactive nuclide)
:: radionucléide {m}
radiopasteurize {v}
:: radiopasteuriser
radiopharmacy {n}
:: radiopharmacie {f}
radio silence {n} /ˈɹeɪ.di.oʊ ˌsaɪ.ləns/ (period of time when all radio transmissions cease)
:: silence radio {m}
radio silence {n} (period of time during which nothing is heard from a person or organization)
:: silence radio {m}
radio source {n} (any astronomical object that emits radio waves)
:: radiosource {f}
radio station {n} (broadcast station emitting an audio signal)
:: station de radio {f}
radiosterilize {v}
:: radiostériliser
radiotelegraphy {n} /ˌɹeɪ.di.əʊ.təˈlɛɡ.ɹə.fi/ (sending telegrams using radio waves)
:: radiotélégraphie {f}
radio-telephone {n} (radiotelephone) SEE: radiotelephone
radiotelephone {n} (device)
:: radiotéléphone {m}
radiotelephony {n} (the transmission of sound using modulated radio waves rather than wires)
:: radiotéléphonie {f}
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device)
:: radiotélescope {m}
radiotherapist {n} (specialist of radiotherapy)
:: radiothérapeute {m} {f}
radiotoxicological {adj} (pertaining to radiotoxicology)
:: radiotoxicologique
radio wave {n} (electromagnetic radiation)
:: onde radio {f}
radish {n} /ˈɹadɪʃ/ (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
:: radis {m}
radish {n} (edible root)
:: radis {m}
radium {n} /ˈɹeɪ.dɪ.əm/ (chemical element with an atomic number of 88)
:: radium
radius {n} /ˈɹeɪ.di.əs/ (bone (human))
:: radius {m}
radius {n} (line segment)
:: rayon {m}
radius {n} (length of this line segment)
:: rayon {m}
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root
radix {n} /ɹeɪ.dɪks/ (linguistics: word from which other words may be derived)
:: racine {f}
radix {n} (mathematics: number of distinct symbols used to represent numbers)
:: base {f}
RAdm {n} (rear admiral)
:: CAm
radome {n} (radar dome) SEE: radar dome
radon {n} /ˈɹeɪdɒn/ (chemical element)
:: radon {m}
Raeffsky Islands {prop} (island group in the Tuamotus, French Polynesia)
:: Îles Raéffsky, Îles Raevski
raffinate {n} (solution)
:: raffinat {m}
raffle {n} /ˈɹæfl̩/ (drawing)
:: tombola {f}
raffle {v} (to award by means of a raffle)
:: mettre en tombola
raft {n} /ɹæft/ (flat, floating structure)
:: radeau {m}
raft {n} (inflatable floating craft)
:: canot pneumatique {m}
raft {n} (large but unspecified number of something)
:: multitude {f}, masse {f}
rafter {n} /ˈɹɑːftə(ɹ)/ (one of a series of sloped beams)
:: chevron {m}
rafting {n} /ˈɹæftɪŋ/ (sport)
:: rafting {m}, radelage {m}
rag {n} /ɹæɡ/ (piece of cloth)
:: chiffon {m}, fripe {f}
rag {n} (mean or tattered attire)
:: haillon {m}, loque {f}, guenille {f}
rag {n} (shabby, beggarly fellow)
:: loque {f}
rag {n} ((slang, pejorative) A newspaper)
:: torchon {m}, canard {m}
rag {n} (piece of ragtime music)
:: rag {m}, ragtime {m}
ragbag {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge
rag doll {n} (a doll made from cloth and rags)
:: poupée de chiffon {f}
rage {n} /ɹeɪdʒ/ (a violent anger)
:: rage {f}, furie {f}, fureur {f}, courroux {m}
rage {v} (act in an angry manner)
:: rager
rage {v} (move with great violence)
:: faire rage, se déchaîner
ragequit {v} /ˈɹeɪdʒˌkwɪt/ (slang: quit a video game in anger)
:: ragequitter
ragged {adj} /ˈɹæɡɪd/ (rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken)
:: en lambeaux, déguenillé
ragged {adj} (wearing tattered clothes)
:: enguenillé {m}
ragged robin {n}
:: œillet des prés
ragman {n} (collector of refuse)
:: chiffonnier {m}
ragout {n} /ɹæˈɡuː/ (stew of meat and vegetables mixed together)
:: ragoût {m}
ragpick {v} (scavenge) SEE: scavenge
ragpicker {n} (collector of refuse)
:: chiffonnier {m}
rags and tatters {n} (very old, torn clothes)
:: haillons {p}
rags to riches {n} (in a biographical context, from poverty to exceptional wealth)
:: de la misère à la richesse (from misery to wealth)
Ragusa {prop} (province of Sicily)
:: Raguse {f}
Ragusa {prop} (capital of the Italian province)
:: Raguse {f}
Ragusa {prop} (Dubrovnik) SEE: Dubrovnik
ragweed {n} (plant of the genus Ambrosia)
:: herbe à poux {f}
raid {n} /ɹeɪd/ (attack for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering)
:: raid {m}, razzia {f}, descente {f}
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway
rail {n} /ɹeɪl/ (metal bar)
:: rail {m}
rail {n} (small bird in the family Rallidae)
:: râle {m}
railcar {n} (self-propelled railroad vehicle)
:: automotrice {f}
railgun {n} /ˈɹeɪl.ɡʌn/ (electromagnetic gun)
:: canon électrique {m}, railgun {m}
railing {n} /ˈɹeɪlɪŋ/ (fence or barrier)
:: rampe
railman {n} (railwayman) SEE: railwayman
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway
railroad crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station
railroad switch {n} (points) SEE: points
railroad tie {n} (piece supporting the rails of a railroad)
:: traverse {f}
railroad track {n} (track for trains)
:: voie ferrée {f}
rail trail {n} (former railway track)
:: voie verte {f}, sentier ferroviaire {m}
railway {n} /ˈɹeɪlˌweɪ/ (track, consisting of parallel rails)
:: chemin de fer {m}, réseau ferroviaire {m}, voie ferrée {f}
railway {n} (transport system using these rails)
:: chemin de fer {m}
railwayman {n} (man who works on a railway)
:: cheminot {m}
railway station {n} (place where trains stop)
:: gare {f}, gare ferroviaire {f}, gare de chemin de fer {f}
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud)
:: pluie {f}
rain {n} (any matter falling)
:: pluie {f}
rain {n} (an instance of particles falling)
:: pluie
rain {v} (of rain: to fall from the sky)
:: pleuvoir, royer
rain {v} (to fall in large quantities)
:: pleuvoir des cordes
rainbow {n} /ˈɹeɪnboʊ/ (multicoloured arch in the sky)
:: arc-en-ciel {m}
rainbow {adj}
:: iridescent, multicolore
rainbow {n} (baseball: curveball) SEE: curveball
rainbow flag {n} (rainbow-striped flag used as a symbol of LGBT pride and social movements)
:: drapeau arc-en-ciel {m}
rainbow trout {n}
:: truite arc-en-ciel
rain buckets {v} (to rain heavily) SEE: rain cats and dogs
rain cats and dogs {v} (to rain very heavily)
:: pleuvoir des cordes, pleuvoir à verse, pleuvoir des hallebardes, pleuvoir comme vache qui pisse, pleuvoir à boire debout, dracher
rain cloud {n} (cloud from which rain is falling)
:: nimbus
raincoat {n} /ˈɹeɪnkoʊt/ (waterproof coat)
:: imperméable {m}, imper {m}
raincoat {n} (slang: condom (see also condom))
:: capote {f}
rain dance {n} (ceremonial dance intended to provoke rain)
:: danse de la pluie {f}
raindrop {n} /ˈɹeɪndɹɑp/ (droplet of rainwater)
:: goutte de pluie {f}
rainfall {n} (amount of rain that falls on a single occasion)
:: précipitations {f}
rainforest {n} (type of forest)
:: , forêt de la pluie {f}, pluvisylve {f}, pluvisilve {f}, forêt pluviale {f}, forêt pluvieuse {f}
rainmaker {n} /ˈɹeɪnmeɪkə/ (medicine man who seeks to induce rain)
:: faiseur de pluie
rain or shine {adv} (regardless of the circumstances)
:: par tous les temps, qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente
rain pitchforks {v} (rain cats and dogs) SEE: rain cats and dogs
rainstick {n} /ˈreɪnstɪk/ (rainstick)
:: bâton de pluie {m}
rainstorm {n} (storm characterized by substantial rainfall)
:: pluie torrentielle {f}
rainwater {n} (rainfall) SEE: rainfall
rainwater {n} (water sourced from rain)
:: eaux de pluie {f-p}
rainy {adj} /ˈɹeɪni/ (abounding with rain)
:: pluvieux
rainy season {n} (portion of the year when rainfall amounts are greatest)
:: saison des pluies {f}
raise {v} /ɹeɪz/ (to cause to rise)
:: élever, lever, ériger
raise {v} (to resurrect, to cause to live again)
:: ressusciter
raise {v} (to collect)
:: lever
raise {v} (to bring up, to grow)
:: élever
raise {v} (to exponentiate)
:: élever
raise {n} (increase in wages)
:: augmentation {f}
raise one's voice {v}
:: hausser le ton, hausser la voix
raise someone's hackles {v}
:: foutre en rogne
raise the stakes {v} (up the ante) SEE: up the ante
raisin {n} /ˈɹeɪzn̩/ (dried grape)
:: raisin sec {m}
raisin bread {n} (raisin bread)
:: pain aux raisins {m}
raising {n} (recruitment) SEE: recruitment
raison d'être {n} /ʁɛzɔ̃ d‿ɛːtʁ̥/ (Reason for existence)
:: raison d'être {f}
rake {n} /ɹeɪk/ (garden tool)
:: râteau {m}
rake {v} (to act upon with a rake, or as if with a rake)
:: râtisser
rake {v} (to search through (thoroughly))
:: fouiller, passer au peigne fin
rake {v} (to use a weapon to fire at (something) with a side-to-side motion)
:: arroser
rake {n} (set of coupled rail vehicles)
:: rame {f}
rake {n} (person who is stylish but habituated to hedonistic and immoral conduct)
:: fumiste {m}
rake {n} (a lot, plenty) SEE: plenty
rake together {v} (collect small amounts) SEE: scrape together
rakija {n} /ˈɹɑːkɪə/ (strong alcoholic drink)
:: rakia
rakish {adj} /ˈɹeɪkɪʃ/ (dashingly stylish)
:: négligé
rakish {adj} (like a rake)
:: débauché
Rakvere {prop} (Town in Estonia)
:: Rakvere
Raków {prop} /ˈɹækuːf/ (Polish town 1569–1869 and village 1869–present, important centre of Socinianism in the 16th–17th CC.)
:: Raków
rale {n} (abnormal sound made by lungs and heard with a stethoscope) SEE: rales
rales {n} /ɹeɪɫs/ (symptom)
:: crépitants {m-p}, râle {m}
Raëlian {n} (a member of Raëlism)
:: raëlien {m}
Raëlism {prop} (religion with liberal sexual views)
:: raëlisme {m}
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration
rally {n} /ˈɹæ.li/ (public gathering for a cause)
:: rassemblement {m}; demonstration: manifestation {f}
rally {n} (motor racing: event)
:: rallye {m}, rally {m}
rally {v} (To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion)
:: rallier
rally {v} (To come into orderly arrangement)
:: rallier
Ralph {prop} /ɹælf/ (male given name)
:: Raoul
ram {n} /ɹæm/ (male sheep)
:: bélier {m}
ram {v} (intentionally collide with (a ship))
:: éperonner
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram
RAM {n} /ɹæm/ (random access memory)
:: RAM {f}, mémoire RAM {f}
Ramadan {prop} /ɹæməˈdɑːn/ (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar)
:: ramadan {m}
rambade {n} (nautical)
:: rambade
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll
ramble {v} (wander) SEE: wander
ramble {v} /ˈɹæmbəl/ (to walk for pleasure; to amble or saunter)
:: flâner, se balader
ramble {v} (to talk or write incessantly, unclearly, or incoherently, with many digressions)
:: divaguer, radoter
rambunctious {adj} /ɹæmˈbʌŋ(k)ʃəs/ (boisterous, energetic, noisy, and difficult to control)
:: turbulent
rambutan {n} /ɹæmˈbuːtən/ (fruit)
:: ramboutan {m}, litchi chevelu {m}
ramekin {n} /ˈɹæm(ɪ)kɪn/ (Small dish for baking in oven)
:: ramequin {m}
Ramesses {prop} (name of pharaohs)
:: Ramsès
ramification {n} /ˌɹæməfəˈkeɪʃən/ (branching process)
:: ramification {f}
ramification {n} (consequence or development complicating a problem)
:: ramification {f}
Ramin {prop} (Male given name)
:: Ramine {m}
Ramin {prop} (Surname)
:: Ramin {m} {f}
ramjet {n} (ramjet engine)
:: statoréacteur
rammed earth {n} (construction material)
:: pisé {m}
ramp {n} /ɹæmp/ (inclined surface)
:: rampe {f}
ramp {n} (aviation: mobile staircase)
:: passerelle {f}
ramp {v} (stand in a rampant position)
:: ramper
ramp {n} (American plant, Allium tricoccum, related to the onion)
:: oignon sauvage {m}, ail des bois {m}, poireau sauvage {m}
rampage {n} /ˈɹæmpeɪdʒ/ (a course of violent, frenzied action)
:: déchainement {m}, saccage {m}
rampage {v} (to move about wildly or violently)
:: rager
rampant {adj} /ˈɹæm.pənt/ (heraldry)
:: rampant
rampant {adj} (unrestrained)
:: effréné
rampart {n} /ˈɹæm.pɑː(ɹ)t/ (defensive ridge of earth)
:: rempart
rampion {n} (Campanula rapunculus)
:: raiponce {f}
rampion {n} (Phyteuma)
:: raiponce {f}
ramraid {n}
:: attaque à la voiture-bélier {f}
ramrod {n} /ˈɹæmɹɒd/ (device used with early firearms)
:: baguette {f}
ramshackle {adj} /ˈɹæmˌʃæk.əl/ (in disrepair or disorder)
:: délabré
ramson {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons
ramsons {n} (Allium ursinum)
:: ail des ours {m}
ranch {n} /ɹæntʃ/ (large plot of land)
:: ranch {m}
ranch {n} (small farm that cultivates vegetables or livestock)
:: ranch {m}
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive
rancid {adj} /ˈɹænsɪd/ (being rank in taste or smell)
:: rance
rancidity {n} (state of being rancid)
:: rancidité {f}
rancor {n} /ˈɹæŋ.kɚ/ (the deepest malignity or spite)
:: rancune {f}
rancorous {adj} /ˈɹæŋ.kəɹ.əs/ (full of rancor)
:: rancunier, acrimonieux
Randolph {prop} /ɹændɒlf/ (male given name)
:: Randolph
random {n} /ˈɹændəm/ (unimportant person)
:: inconnu {m}
random {adj} (all outcomes being unpredictable)
:: aléatoire
random {adj} (mathematics: of or relating to probability distribution)
:: aléatoire, stochastique
random {adj} (computing: pseudorandom)
:: pseudo-aléatoire
random {adj} (undistinguished, average)
:: moyen
random {adj} (apropos of nothing)
:: sans queue ni tête, incohérent
random {adj}
:: accidentel, imprévisible, au hasard, aléatoire, arbitraire
random access memory {n} (the main memory of a computer available for program execution or data storage)
:: mémoire vive {f}, mémoire RAM {f}, mémoire à accès aléatoire {f}, mémoire à accès sélectif {f}, mémoire à accès direct {f}
randomise {v} /ˈɹændəmɑɪz/ (arrange randomly; to make random)
:: randomiser
randomly {adv} /ˈɹændm̩li/ (in a random way)
:: en vrac, par hasard, accidentellement
randomness {n} /ˈɹændəmnəs/ (property of all possible outcomes being equally likely)
:: hasard {m}
randomness {n} (type of circumstance or event that is described by a probability distribution)
:: aléatoire {m}, aléa {m}, hasard {m}
random number {n} /ˈɹændəm ˈnʌmbə/ (number allotted randomly using a suitable generator)
:: nombre aléatoire {m}
random walk {n} (stochastic path)
:: marche aléatoire {f}
randy {adj} /ˈɹændi/ (sexually aroused)
:: excité
range {n} (step of a ladder) SEE: rung
range {n} /ɹeɪndʒ/ (line of mountains, buildings etc.)
:: chaîne (de montagnes)
range {n} (large stove with many hotplates)
:: cuisinière {f}
range {n} (selection, array)
:: sélection {f}, gamme {f}
range {n} (area for practicing shooting)
:: champ {m} champ de tir {m}
range {n} (area for military training or equipment testing)
:: terrain (de chasse) {m}
range {n} (distance to the object)
:: distance {f}, portée {f}, rayon {m}
range {n} (maximum reach of capability)
:: portée {f}
range {n} (area of open, often unfenced, grazing land)
:: prairie {f}
range {n} (math: set of values of a function)
:: ensemble d'arrivée {m}, image {f}
range {n} (statistics: difference between largest and smallest observation)
:: amplitude, étendue {f}
range {n} (music: scale of tones)
:: gamme {f}
range {n} (ecology: area where a species is found)
:: habitat {m}, habitat naturel {m}
range {v} (to classify) SEE: classify
range {v} (to travel over) SEE: roam
range {v} (to separate into parts) SEE: sift
rangefinder {n} (instrument)
:: télémètre {m}
range hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood
range pole {n} (Rod or pole marked with alternating red and white bands used by surveyors)
:: jalon {m}
ranger {n} /ˈɹeɪndʒɚ/ (Park ranger)
:: garde forestier {m}
Rangoon {prop} (Yangon) SEE: Yangon
Rangoonese {n} (someone from Rangoon)
:: Rangounais {m}, Rangounaise {f}
ranivorous {adj} (frog-eating)
:: ranivore
rank {adj} /ɹæŋk/ (having a very strong and bad odor)
:: malodorant, rance
rank {n} (set of pipes in an organ)
:: registre {m}
rank {n} (position based on a shared property)
:: rang {m}
rank {n} (level of one's position in a class-based society)
:: rang {m}
rank {n} (hierarchical level in an organization)
:: rang {m}
rank {n} (chess: one of the horizontal lines of squares)
:: rangée {f}
rank {v} (place abreast or in a line)
:: ranger
rank {v} (to have a ranking)
:: classer
rank {v} (assign a suitable place in a class or order)
:: coter
ranking {adj} /ˈɹænk.ɪŋ/ (having a specified rank)
:: classement {m}
ranking {adj} (superior in rank)
:: supérieur
ranking {n} (placement in a list)
:: classement {m}
ransack {v} /ˈɹænsæk/ (to loot or pillage)
:: mettre à sac, saccager
ransack {v} (to make a thorough search or examination for plunder)
:: fouiller
ransom {n} /ˈɹænsəm/ (money paid for the freeing of a hostage)
:: rançon {f}
ransom {v} (to pay a price to set someone free)
:: rançonner
ransomware {n} (malware)
:: rançongiciel {m}, logiciel rançonneur {m}, logiciel de rançon {m}, logiciel d'extorsion {m}
rant {v} /ɹænt/ (to criticise by ranting)
:: râler
ranunculus {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup
rap {n} (rap music) SEE: rap music
rapacious {adj} /ɹəˈpeɪ.ʃəs/ (avaricious)
:: rapace
rapacity {n} /ɹəˈpæ.sɪ.ti/ (greed)
:: rapacité {f}
rape {n} /ɹeɪp/ (act of forcing sexual activity)
:: viol {m}
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse)
:: violer
rape {v} (cause damage, destruction to a countryside, nature etc)
:: pirater
rape culture {n} (rape culture)
:: culture du viol {f}
rapeseed {n} (rapeseed plant)
:: colza {m}
Raphael {prop} /ˈɹæ.feɪ.ɛl/ (Archangel)
:: Raphaël {m}
Raphael {prop} (given name)
:: Raphaël {m}
raphe {n} /ˈɹeɪfi/ (ridge or seam on a structure)
:: raphé {m}
rapid {adj} /ˈɹæpɪd/ (Very swift or quick)
:: rapide
rapid {n} (section of river)
:: rapides {m-p}
rapid-fire {adj} (able to fire bullets in quick succession)
:: feu roulant {m}
rapidity {n} /ɹəˈpɪdɪti/ (speed, swiftness)
:: rapidité {f}, célérité {f}
rapidly {adv} /ˈɹæpɪdli/ (with speed)
:: rapidement
rapier {n} /ˈɹeɪpˌɪə(ɹ)/ (slender straight sharply pointed sword)
:: rapière {f}
rapine {n} /ˈɹæpaɪn/ (seizure of someone's property by force)
:: rapine {f}
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape
rapini {n} (vegetable Brassica rapa) SEE: turnip greens
rapist {n} /ˈɹeɪpɪst/ (someone who rapes someone else)
:: violeur {m}, violeuse {f}
rap music {n} (music form)
:: rap {m}
rappel {v} /ɹæˈpɛl/ (to abseil)
:: descendre en rappel
rapper {n} (performer of rap music, or one who raps)
:: rappeur {m}, rappeuse {f}
rapprochement {n} /ɹəˈpɹɒʃmɒ̃/ (reestablishment of cordial relations)
:: rapprochement {m}
rap sheet {n} (Printed police record)
:: casier judiciaire {m}
rapt {adj} /ˈɹæpt/ (very interested; fascinated)
:: captivé, absorbé, fasciné
rapt {adj} (enthusiatic; ecstatic, elated, happy)
:: ravi
raptor {n} (bird of prey) SEE: bird of prey
raptorial {adj}
:: rapace {m} {f}
rapture {n} /ˈɹæptʃɚ/ (gathering up of believers in end times)
:: ravissement, enlèvement
Rapture {prop} (prophesied sudden removal of Christian believers) SEE: rapture
rapunzel {n} (corn salad) SEE: corn salad
rapunzel {n} (rampion) SEE: rampion
Rapunzel {prop} /ɹəˈpʌnzəl/ (a German fairy tale)
:: Raiponce
Rapunzel {prop} (the main character of that tale)
:: Raiponce
rara avis {n} (rare or unique person or thing)
:: oiseau rare {m}, merle blanc {m}
rare {adj} /ɹɛə(ɹ)/ (very uncommon)
:: rare, peu commun
rare {adj} (cooked very lightly)
:: saignant
rare bird {n} (unusual or exceptional person or thing) SEE: rara avis
rarebit {n} (Welsh rarebit) SEE: Welsh rarebit
rare earth {n} (naturally occurring oxide of the lanthanide metals)
:: terre rare {f}
rare earth element {n} (type of metal)
:: terre rare {f}
rare earth metal {n} (rare earth element) SEE: rare earth element
rarefied {adj} (less dense than usual)
:: raréfié
rarely {adv} /ˈɹɛːli/ (not occurring at a regular interval)
:: rarement
rarity {n} /ˈɹɛɹ.ə.ti/ (rare object)
:: rareté {f}
rascal {n} /ˈɹɑːskl̩/ (dishonest person)
:: racaille {f}
rascal {n} (cheeky person)
:: canaille {f}, crapule {f}, coquin {m}, filou {f}, fripon {f}, fripouille {f}, gredin {m}, scélérat
rascal {adj} (part of the common rabble)
:: ordinaire
rash {adj} /ɹæʃ/ (hasty)
:: impulsif, hâtif
rash {n} (of skin)
:: irritation {f} (de la peau), éruption {f}, éruption cutanée {f}
rash {n} (surge in problems)
:: épidémie {f}, flambée {f}
rasher {n} /ˈɹæʃə(ɹ)/ (a strip of bacon)
:: tranche de bacon {f}
rashly {adv} (in a rash manner)
:: étourdiment, imprudemment
rashness {n} (quality of being rash)
:: témérité {f}, irréflexion {f}
rasorial {adj} /ɹəˈsɔːɹɪəl/ (scratching the ground for food, as domestic fowl or other gallinaceous birds)
:: grattage du sol, grattage
rasp {n} (coarse file)
:: râpe {f}
rasp {n} (sound made by a rasp)
:: râpement
rasp {v} (to use a rasp)
:: râper
rasp {v}
:: grincer
raspberry {n} /ˈɹæzˌbɛɹi/ (plant)
:: framboisier {m}
raspberry {n} (fruit)
:: framboise {f}
raspberry {n} (colour)
:: framboise
raspberry {adj} (containing or having the flavor/flavour of raspberries)
:: à la framboise
raspberry {adj} (the colour)
:: framboise
raspy {adj} (irritable) SEE: irritable
raspy {adj} /ˈɹæsp.i/ (rough, raw)
:: râpe {m} {f} (sound), râpeux {m} (voice)
rassemblement {n} (fencing movement)
:: rassemblement {m}
rassolnik {n} (a soup in Russian cuisine)
:: rassolnik {m}
rasta {n} (Rastafarian)
:: rasta
Rastafarianism {prop} (religion that emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s)
:: rastafarisme {m}
raster graphics {n} (structure representing grid of pixels)
:: image matricielle, carte de points
rat {n} /ɹæt/ (rodent)
:: rat {m}, (mouse or rat) souris {f}, surmulot {m}, rat gris {m}, rat d'égout {m}, rat noir {m}
rat {v} (to tell on someone)
:: moucharder, cafter,balancer
Ratahan {prop} (Austronesian language)
:: ratahan {m}
ratany {n} (Krameria)
:: ratanhia {m}
ratatouille {n} /ɹæt.əˈtuː.i/ (traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish)
:: ratatouille {f}
ratchet {n} /ˈɹætʃɪt/ (pawl, click or detent for a ratchet wheel)
:: rochet {m}
ratchet {n} (ratchet wrench)
:: clé à cliquet {f}
ratchet wrench {n} (A type of wrench)
:: clé à cliquet {f}
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed
rate {n} /ɹeɪt/ (the proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another)
:: taux
rate {n}
:: proportion {f}
rate {v} (assign a particular rank or level)
:: coter
rate {v} (berate) SEE: berate
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger
rather {adv} /ˈɹæðɚ/ (preferably)
:: plutôt
rather {adv} (on the contrary)
:: au contraire
rather {adv} (somewhat, fairly)
:: plutôt
rather than {prep} (instead of, in preference to)
:: au lieu de, à la place de, plus que
rathole {n} (a particularly squalid human residence)
:: trou à rats, nid à rats
raticide {n} (rat poison) SEE: rat poison
ratification {n} (act or process of ratifying, or the state of being ratified)
:: ratification {f}
ratify {v} /ˈɹætɪfaɪ/ (give formal consent to)
:: ratifier
rating {n} /ˈɹeɪtɪŋ/ (position on a scale)
:: notation {f}
rating {n} (evaluation of status)
:: notation {f}, évaluation {f}
ratio {n} /ˈɹeɪ.ʃoʊ/ (number representing comparison)
:: rapport {m} , ratio {m}
ratio {n} (arithmetics: relative magnitude of two quantities expressed as quotient)
:: rapport {m}
ratiocination {n} /ɹætɪˌɒsɪˈneɪʃn̩/ (activity or process of reasoning)
:: raisonnement {m}
ratiocinative {adj} /ˌɹæʃ.ɪˈɑs.əˌneɪ.tɪv/ (Pertaining to or characterized by ratiocination)
:: ratiocinatif
ration {v} /ˈɹæʃən/ (to portion out, especially during a shortage of supply)
:: rationner
rational {adj} /ˈɹæʃ(ə)nəl/ (capable of reasoning)
:: rationnel {m}, rationnelle {f}
rational {adj} (reasonable; not absurd)
:: raisonnable
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of a number)
:: rationnel {m}, rationnelle {f}
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number
rationale {n} /ɹæ.ʃəˈnæl/ (justification or rationalization)
:: justification {f}, rationalisation {f}
rationale {n} (liturgical vestment)
:: rational {m}, surhuméral {m}
rationalise {v} (rationalise) SEE: rationalize
rationalism {n} (philosophical theory)
:: rationalisme {m}
rationalization {n} (process or result of rationalizing)
:: rationalisation {f}
rationalization {n} (statement of one's motives)
:: rationalisation {f}
rationalization {n} (reorganization of a company)
:: rationalisation {f}
rationalization {n} (simplification of a mathematical expression)
:: rationalisation {f}
rationalize {v} (to make something rational)
:: rationaliser
rationalize {v} (to justify negative behaviour)
:: rationaliser
rationally {adv} (in a rational manner)
:: rationnellement
rational number {n} (quotient of integers)
:: nombre rationnel {m}
ration card {n} (food stamp) SEE: food stamp
rationing {n} (ration) SEE: ration
ration stamp {n} (food stamp) SEE: food stamp
ratite {n} /ˈɹætaɪt/ (bird)
:: ratite {m}
rat king {n} (conglomeration of rats with tails joined)
:: roi de rats {m}
ratline {n} (net like ropework of the shrouds)
:: enfléchure {f}
rat out {v} (to inform authorities (about someone))
:: dénoncer
rat poison {n} (poison for killing rats, etc.)
:: raticide {m}, mort-aux-rats {f}
rat race {n} (activity which is hectic, tedious, and congested with participants)
:: course folle {f}
rats {interj} /ɹæts/ (damn, darn)
:: zut, flute, peste
ratsbane {n} (Rat poison; white arsenic.)
:: mort aux rats {f}, mort-aux-rats {f}
rattail {n} (hair)
:: queue-de-rat {f}
rattan {n} /ɹəˈtæn/ (climbing palm)
:: rotin {m}
rattan {n} (material)
:: rotin {m}
rat-tat-tat {interj} (sound made by knocking on a door)
:: toc! toc! toc!
rattle {n} /ˈɹæt.l̩/ (baby’s toy)
:: hochet
rattle {v}
:: s’entrechoquer
rattle off {v} (list or recite quickly)
:: énumérer rapidement, débiter rapidement
rattler {n} (rattlesnake) SEE: rattlesnake
rattlesnake {n} (venomous snake)
:: crotale {m}, serpent à sonnettes {m}
rattletrap {n} (unreliable mechanical device)
:: tacot {m} , teuf-teuf {f} , tas de ferraille {m}
rattrap {n} (device used to catch rats)
:: piège à rats {m}, ratière {f}
raucous {adj} /ˈɹɔkəs/ (harsh and rough-sounding)
:: rauque {m} {f}
raucous {adj} (disorderly and boisterous)
:: chahuteur {m}, tapageur {m}
ravage {v} /ˈɹævɪdʒ/ (to devastate or destroy something)
:: ravager
rave {n} /ɹeɪv/ (dance party)
:: rave {m}
Ravelian {adj} (of, or characteristic of Maurice Ravel, or his music)
:: ravélien
ravelin {n} (fortification outside a castle)
:: ravelin {m}
raven {n} /ˈɹeɪvən/ (bird)
:: grand corbeau {m}
raven {adj} (of the color of the raven; jet-black)
:: noir corbeau
Ravenclaw {n} (Harry Potter team)
:: Serdaigle
Ravenna {prop} (province)
:: Ravenne {f}
Ravenna {prop} (city)
:: Ravenne {f}
ravenous {adj} /ˈɹævənəs/ (very hungry)
:: affamé, vorace
ravine {n} /ɹəˈviːn/ (a deep narrow valley)
:: ravin {m}
raving {n} /ˈɹeɪvɪŋ/ (Incoherent talk)
:: divagations {f-p}, more rarely in the singular form: divagation {f}
ravioli {n} (pasta)
:: raviole {f}
raviolo {n} (parcel of pasta, see also: ravioli)
:: raviole {f}
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape
ravish {v} /ˈɹæ.vɪʃ/ (seize and carry away by violence; snatch by force)
:: ravir
ravish {v} (transport with joy or delight; delight to ecstasy)
:: ravir
ravishing {adj} (Extremely beautiful)
:: ravissant
raw {adj} /ɹɔ/ (uncooked)
:: cru
raw {adj} (untreated)
:: brut
raw {adj} (of data, statistics etc: uncorrected, without analysis)
:: brut
raw {adj} (not covered; bare, bald)
:: nu
raw material {n} (material in its unprocessed, natural state)
:: matière première {f}
raw material {n}
:: matière première {f}
rax {v} /ɹæks/ (to stretch after sleep)
:: s'étirer, étendre ses membres
rax {v} (to stretch, reach out, hand)
:: tendre
ray {n} /ɹeɪ/ (beam of light or radiation)
:: rayon {m}
ray {n} (mathematics: line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point)
:: demi-droite
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail)
:: raie {f}
Raymond {prop} /ˈɹeɪmənd/ (male given name)
:: Raymond
razor {n} /ˈɹeɪzə/ (shaving knife)
:: rasoir {m}
razor {n} (shaving instrument)
:: rasoir {m}
razorbill {n} (a large black and white auk, Alca torda)
:: pingouin {m}
razor blade {n} (razor blade)
:: lame de rasoir {f}
razor's edge {n} (a dangerous or precarious situation)
:: être sur le fil du rasoir
razor wire {n} (a form of security wire)
:: barbelés coupants {m-p}
RBBG {n} (rubber ball blast grenade)
RCM {n} (Regional County Municipality)
:: MRC
RCMP {prop} (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
:: GRC
R&D {n} (Research and Development)
:: R&D {f}
RDBMS {n} (relational database management system)
:: SGBDR {m}
RDP {prop} (Rivière-des-Prairies)
:: RDP
re {n} /ɹeɪ/ (the second note in solfège)
:: ré {m}
re- {prefix} /ɹiː/ (again)
:: r-, re-, ré-
reach {v} /ɹiːt͡ʃ/ (to hit with an arrow, a bullet etc.)
:: atteindre
reach {v} (to extend an action, effort, or influence to)
:: atteindre
reach {v} (to touch by virtue of extent)
:: atteindre
reach {v} (to arrive at by effort)
:: atteindre à
reach {v} (to extend in dimension, time or action, so as to touch, attain to, or be equal to, something)
:: atteindre
reach {n} (ability to reach or touch)
:: atteinte {f}
reach {n} (extent; stretch; expanse)
:: portée {f}
reach {n} (boxing: distance a boxer's arm can extend)
:: allonge {f}
reach {n} (A level stretch of a watercourse)
:: bief {m}
reachable {adj} (within easy reach)
:: accessible, joignable
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up
react {v} /ɹiːˈækt/ (to act upon each other)
:: réagir
reactant {n} (participant at the start of a chemical reaction)
:: réactif {m}
reaction {n} /ɹiˈækʃən/ (action in response to an event)
:: réaction {f}
reaction {n} (chemical transformation)
:: réaction {f}
reactionary {adj} /ɹiˈækʃən(ə)ɹi/ (opposed to change)
:: réactionnaire
reactionary {n} (such a person)
:: réactionnaire {m} {f}
reactivate {v} (to activate again)
:: réactiver
reactivation {n} (the activation of something previously inactive or inactivated)
:: réactivation {f}
reactor {n} /ɹiˈæktɚ/ (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat)
:: réacteur
reactor {n} (a chemical substance which responds to the presence or contact with another substance)
:: réactif {m}
read {v} /ɹid/ (look at and interpret letters or other information)
:: lire
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written)
:: lire
read {v} (have the ability to read text or other information)
:: lire
read {v} (of text, etc., to be interpreted or read in a particular way)
:: se lire
read {v} (be able to hear (in a radio communication))
:: recevoir
read {v} (make a study of)
:: étudier
read {n} (a reading or an act of reading)
:: lecture {f}
readability {n} (property of being capable of being read; legibility)
:: lisibilité {f}
readable {adj} (legible) SEE: legible
readableness {n} (readability) SEE: readability
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly)
:: lire entre les lignes
reader {n} /ˈɹidɚ/ (person who reads a publication)
:: lecteur {m}, lectrice {f}
reader {n} (lecturer) SEE: lecturer
readership {n} (collected readers of a publication)
:: lectorat {m}
readily {adv} /ˈɹɛdɪli/ (showing readiness)
:: facilement, volontier
readiness {n} (state or degree of being ready)
:: préparation {f}
reading {n} /ˈɹiːdɪŋ/ (process of interpreting written language)
:: lecture {f}
Reading {prop} /ˈɹɛdɪŋ/ (the town)
:: Reading
reading comprehension {n} (reading comprehension)
:: compréhension écrite, compréhension à la lecture {f}
reading glasses {n} (spectacles to deal with the effects of presbyopia)
:: lunettes de lecture {f-p}
reading room {n} (space set aside for reading)
:: salle de lecture {f}
readjust {v} (to adjust again)
:: rééquilibrer, rajuster, réadapter, réajuster
readjustment {n} (a second, or subsequent adjustment)
:: réajustement {m}
read like a book {v}
:: lire en quelqu'un comme dans un livre ouvert
readme {n} (a file meant to be read before taking any significant action)
:: readme, lisezmoi
readmit {v} (to admit again)
:: réadmettre
read-only {adj} (capable of being read but not written)
:: en lecture seule
read-only memory {n} (memory chip that stores values but doesn't allow updates)
:: mémoire morte {f}, mémoire fixe {f}, mémoire ROM {f}, mémoire à lecture seule {f}
read someone's mind {v} (to guess what someone is thinking)
:: lire dans les pensées
read-write {adj} (supporting both read and write operations)
:: en lecture-écriture
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash
ready {adj} /ˈɹɛdi/ (prepared for immediate action or use)
:: prêt {m}, prête {f}
ready {v} (to make prepared for action)
:: rendre disponible
ready, aim, fire {interj} (sequence of commands)
:: prêts, visez, feu
ready-made {adj} (made in advance)
:: tout fait
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go
reagent {n} /ɹi.ˈeɪ.dʒɛnt/ (substance used in chemical reactions)
:: réactif {m}
real {adj} /ˈɹiːəl/ (true, genuine, not merely nominal)
:: réel, vrai
real {adj} (genuine, not artificial, counterfeit or fake)
:: vrai
real {adj} (genuine, unfeigned, sincere)
:: vrai
real {adj} (that has physical existence)
:: vrai
real {adj} (mathematics: relating to numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line)
:: réel
real {adj} (absolute, complete, utter)
:: vrai
real {n} /ɹeɪˈɑl/ (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies)
:: réal {m}
real {n} /ɹeɪˈɑl/ (a unit of currency used in Brazil)
:: réal {m}
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number
real {adv} (really) SEE: really
real analysis {n} (mathematics: a branch dealing with the real numbers and related structures)
:: analyse réelle {f}
real axis {n} (mathematics)
:: axe réel {m}
real estate {n} /ˈɹiːl əˌsteɪt/ (property that cannot easily be moved)
:: immeuble {m}, bien immeuble {m}
realia {n} /ɹeɪˈɑːlɪə/ (real objects or facts)
:: realia {f}
realism {n} /ɹi.əlɪzm/ (concern for fact or reality)
:: réalisme {m}
realist {n} /ˈɹɪəlɪst/ (one who sees things as they are)
:: réaliste {m} {f}
realist {n} (advocate of artistic realism)
:: réaliste {m} {f}
realistic {adj} /ˌɹiːjəˈlɪstɪk/ (expressed or represented as being accurate)
:: réaliste
realistic {adj} (relating to the representation of objects, actions or conditions as they actually are or were)
:: réaliste
reality {n} /ɹiˈælɪti/ (state of being actual or real)
:: réalité {f}
reality {n} (a real entity, event etc.)
:: vérité {f}
reality {n} (entirety of all that is real)
:: réalité {f}
reality {n}
:: réalité
reality check {n} (check to make sure something is consistent)
:: confrontation avec la réalité {f}
reality check {n} (wake-up call)
:: rappel à la réalité {m}
reality principle {n} (mechanism which guides a person in coping with the real world)
:: principe de réalité
reality television {n} (television genre)
:: téléréalité {f}
realizable {adj} (capable of being realized or achieved)
:: réalisable
realization {n} /ˌɹiəlɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act of figuring out or becoming aware)
:: connaissance {f}
realization {n} (act of making real)
:: réalisation
realization {n}
:: réalisation
realize {v} /ˈɹi.ə.laɪz/ (to make real)
:: réaliser
realize {v} (to become aware of)
:: se rendre compte, prendre conscience, réaliser
realize {v} (to convert into actual money)
:: réaliser
real life {n} (life outside of a contrived or fantastical environment)
:: vie réelle {f}
reallocate {v} (to change the user or purpose)
:: réallouer, réaffecter
really {adv} /ˈɹɪli/ (actually)
:: vraiment
really {adv} (informally, as an intensifier; very, very much)
:: vraiment
really {interj} (indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information)
:: vraiment ?, ah bon ?
realm {n} /ɹɛlm/ (domain of an abstraction)
:: domaine {m}
realm {n} (territory or state)
:: royaume {m}
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers)
:: nombre réel {m}
real part {n} (of complex number)
:: partie réelle {f}
realpolitik {n} /ɹeɪˈɑlpoʊlɪˌtik/ (pragmatic international government policy)
:: realpolitik {f}, réalpolitik {f}, réalpolitique {f}, réal-politique {f}
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate
real socialism {n} (a pragmatic brand of socialism)
:: socialisme réel {m}
real tennis {n} (racket sport)
:: courte-paume (diminutive), jeu de paume (diminutive), jeu de courte-paume
real time {n} /ˈɹiːəl ˈtaɪm/ (time duration)
:: temps réel {m}
realtime {adj} /ˈɹiːəltaɪm/ (computer term)
:: en temps réel
realtor {n} /ˈɹi(ə)l.təɹ/ (dealer in real estate)
:: agent immobilier {m}
real world {n} (realm comprising physical objects)
:: monde réel
ream {v} /ɹiːm/ (to enlarge a hole)
:: aléser
ream {n} (bundle of paper)
:: rame {f}, rame de papier {f}, ramette {f}
reamer {n} /ˈɹi.məɹ/ (tool for boring)
:: alésoir {m}
reamer {n} (cooking appliance)
:: presse-citron {m}
reamer {n} (pipe tool)
:: grattoir {m}
reanimate {v} /ɹiˈænɪmeɪt/ (to animate anew)
:: réanimer
reanimation {n} (act of reanimating)
:: réanimation {f}
reap {v} /ɹiːp/ (to cut with a sickle)
:: faucher
reaper {n} (one who reaps)
:: moissonneur {m}, récolteur {m}
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper
reaper {n} (machine used for harvesting) SEE: harvester
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle
reappear {v} (to appear again)
:: reparaître, réapparaître
reappearance {n} (act of appearing again)
:: réapparition {f}
reap what one sows {v} (receive justice)
:: récolter ce qu’on a semé, qui sème le vent récolte la tempête
rear {v} /ɹɪɹ/ (to lift, raise etc. physically)
:: ériger
rear {v} (to lift spiritually)
:: ériger
rear {v} (to bring up to maturity)
:: élever
rear {v} (to breed and raise)
:: élever
rear {adj} (being behind, or in the hindmost part)
:: arrière
rear {n} (the part of an army or fleet which comes last)
:: arrière-garde {f}
rear {n} (the posterior, butt(ocks)- only terms with directional notion)
:: derrière {m}
rear {n}
:: arrière
rear admiral {n} (naval officer below the rank of vice admiral)
:: contre-amiral {m}
rear admiral {n} (proctologist) SEE: proctologist
rear end {n} (back or hindmost part)
:: arrière {m}
rear end {n} (buttocks)
:: arrière-train {m}, fesses {f-p}, derrière {m}
rearguard {n} /ˈɹɪəɹˌɡɑɹd/ (the rearmost part of a force)
:: arrière-garde {f}
rearm {v} (to replace or restore the weapons or arms)
:: réarmer
rearmament {n} (the process of rearming)
:: réarmement {m}
rearrange {v} (to change the order or arrangement)
:: réorganiser, réarranger
rearrangement {n} (chemistry: rearrangement reaction)
:: réarrangement
rearrange someone's face {v}
:: refaire le portrait
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind)
:: rétroviseur
rear window {n} (window at the back of a car)
:: lunette arrière {f}
reason {n} /ˈɹiːzən/ (that which causes: a cause)
:: raison {f}, cause {f}
reason {n} (motive for an action or determination)
:: raison {f}
reason {n} (excuse, explanation: thought or consideration offered in support of a determination)
:: raison {f}
reason {n} ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking)
:: raison {m}
reason {n}
:: raison
reason {v} (to arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine, debate, discuss) SEE: debate
reason {n} (math: ratio, proportion) SEE: ratio
reasonable {adj} /ˈɹiː.zən.ə.bəl/ (just; fair; agreeable to reason)
:: correct, juste, raisonnable
reasonable {adj} (satisfactory)
:: satisfaisant
reasonableness {n} (state or characteristic of being reasonable)
:: modération {f}
reasonable person {n} (a fictional person used as a comparative legal standard to represent an average member of society)
:: personne raisonnable {f}
reasonably {adv} /ˈɹiː.zən.ə.bli/ (in accordance with reason)
:: raisonnablement
reasonably {adv} (not extremely)
:: raisonnablement
reasonably {adv} (fairly)
:: justement
reasoning {n} /ˈɹiːzənɪŋ/ (deduction of inferences or interpretations)
:: raisonnement {m}
reassemble {v} (to assemble again)
:: rassembler
reassess {v} (assess again) SEE: re-evaluate
reassure {v} /ɹiəˈʃʊɹ/ (to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubt)
:: tranquilliser, rassurer
reassure {v} (to reinsure)
:: réassurer
reassuring {adj} /ɹiːəˈʃɔːɹɪŋ/ (that reassures; causing comfort or confidence)
:: rassurant
reattachment {n} (the act of reattaching; a second or subsequent attachment)
:: recollement {m}
rebandage {v} (To bandage again)
:: rebander
rebaptize {v} (to baptize again)
:: rebaptiser
rebar {n} /ˈɹiː.bɑː(ɹ)/ (steel reinforcing bar for concrete)
:: fer à béton {m}, barre d’armature {f}
rebate {n} /ˈɹiːbeɪt/ (A deduction from an amount to be paid; an abatement)
:: rabais {m}
rebate {n} (The return of part of an amount already paid)
:: remise {f}
rebate {n} (rabbet) SEE: rabbet
Rebecca {prop} (female given name)
:: Rebecca
Rebekah {prop} (sister of Laban and wife to Isaac)
:: Rébecca {f}
rebel {n} /ˈɹɛbəl/ (person who resists an established authority)
:: rebelle {m}
rebel {v} /ɹɪˈbɛl/ (to resist or become defiant towards)
:: se rebeller
rebelieve {v} (believe again)
:: recroire
rebellion {n} /ɹɪˈbɛl.i.ən/ (armed resistance)
:: rébellion {f}
rebellious {adj} /ɹəˈbɛliəs/ (showing rebellion)
:: rebelle, rétif
rebelliousness {n} (the state of being rebellious)
:: insoumission {f}
rebirth {n} /ɹiˈbɝθ/ (reincarnation)
:: renaissance {f}
rebirth {n} (revival, reinvigoration)
:: renaissance {f}
rebirth {n} (spiritual renewal)
:: renaissance {f}
reboot {n} /ˈɹiːbuːt/ (instance of rebooting)
:: redémarrage {m}
reboot {v} (To execute a computer's boot process and reload the operating system)
:: redémarrer, réinitialiser, relancer
rebound {n} /ˈɹibaʊnd/ (recoil of an object bouncing off another)
:: rebond {m}
rebound {n} (return to health)
:: guérison {f}
rebound {n} (effort to recover from a setback)
:: rétablissement {m}
rebound {v} (To bound or spring back from a force)
:: rebondir
rebound {v} (To jump up or get back up again)
:: rebondir
rebracketing {n}
:: métanalyse {f}, mécoupure {f}
rebranding {n} (association of a new brand, trademark, image, or appearance with a product or service)
:: rebranding {m}
rebreather {n} (breathing apparatus)
:: recycleur {m}
rebroadcast {v} (broadcast again)
:: rediffuser
rebuff {n} /ɹɪˈbʌf/ (refusal)
:: rebuffade {f}
rebuff {v} (refuse)
:: rejeter, refuser
rebuild {v} /ˈɹiːbɪld/ (to build again)
:: reconstruire
rebuke {n} /ɹiˈbjuːk/ (harsh criticism)
:: reproche {m}, réprimande {f}
rebuke {v} (to criticise harshly; to reprove)
:: reprendre, réprimander, gronder, désapprouver, reprocher (s.o. for sth.: qqch. à qqn), tancer, engueuler, mettre une chasse, passer un savon, pourrir, gourmander, chapitrer
reburn {v}
:: rebrûler
rebus {n} /ˈɹiːbəs/ (puzzle)
:: rébus
rebut {v} /ɹɪ.ˈbʌt/ (deny the truth of something)
:: réfuter
rebuy {v} /ɹiːˈbaɪ/ (to buy again)
:: racheter
recalcitrant {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈkæl.sɪ.tɹənt/
:: récalcitrant
recall {v} /ɹɪˈkɔːl/ (to call (someone) back to a specific place, station)
:: rappeler
recall {v} (to remember, recollect)
:: se souvenir, se rappeler, se remémorer
recall {v} (to order the return of (faulty product))
:: rappeler
recall {n}
:: rappel {m}
recall {v} (to recall) SEE: reproduce
recallable {adj} (Capable of being retrieved from one's memory)
:: rappelable, souvenable
recallable {adj} (Capable of being brought back from service)
:: rappelable
recant {v} /ɹəˈkænt/ (to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly)
:: rétracter, se rétracter, retirer
recapitulate {v} /ɹiːkəˈpɪtʃʊleɪt/ (to summarize or repeat in concise form)
:: récapituler
recapitulation {n} /ɹiː.kəˌpɪ.tʃəˈleɪ.ʃ(ə)n/ (subsequent enumeration of the major points)
:: récapitulation {f}
recapitulation {n} (music: third major part of a movement in sonata form)
:: réexposition {f}
recapitulative {adj} (Relative to recapitulation)
:: récapitulatif
recede {v} /ɹɨˈsiːd/ (move back, move away)
:: reculer, se retirer
receipt {n} /ɹɪˈsiːt/ (act of receiving)
:: réception {f}
receipt {n} (written acknowledgement)
:: for money or for hand-given thing: reçu {m}, récépissé {m}; for owed money: any of the preceding or quittance (specially for rents); for sent e-mail, letter, parcel: accusé de réception {m}, ticket {m}
receipt {n} (obsolete: recipe)
:: recette {f}
receive {v} /ɹɪˈsiːv/ (take what is offered, accept from another)
:: recevoir
receive {v} (take possession of)
:: recevoir
receive {v} (to act as a host for guests)
:: recevoir
receive {v} (telecommunications: to detect a signal)
:: recevoir
receiver {n} /ɹəˈsivɚ/ (person who receives)
:: destinataire {m} {f}
receiver {n} (person appointed to settle financial affairs)
:: receveur {m}
receiver {n} (person who accepts stolen goods)
:: receleur {m}
receiver {n} (electronic device)
:: récepteur {m}
receiver {n} (telephone handset)
:: écouteur {m}
receivership {n} (state of being under the control of a receiver)
:: mise sous séquestre {f}
receivership {n} (trusteeship in bankruptcy)
:: administration-séquestre {f}
recency {n} (newness) SEE: newness
recension {n} /ɹɪ̈ˈsɛnʃ(ə)n/ (critical revision of a text)
:: recension {f}
recent {adj} /ˈɹiːsənt/ (having happened a short while ago)
:: récent
recently {adv} /ˈɹiːsəntli/ (in the recent past)
:: dernièrement, récemment, ces derniers temps
recentralization {n} (the action of recentralizing)
:: recentralisation {f}
recentralize {v} (to centralize again)
:: recentraliser
receptacle {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.tə.kl̩/ (container)
:: réceptacle {m}
reception {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.ʃn̩/ (act of receiving)
:: réception {f}
reception {n} (electronics: act or ability to receive signals)
:: réception {f}
reception {n} (social engagement)
:: accueil {m}, réception {f}
reception {n} (front desk)
:: réception {f}
receptionist {n} /ɹɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ (employee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting)
:: réceptionniste {m} {f}, secrétaire {m} {f}
receptive {adj} /ɹɪˈsɛptɪv/ (ready to receive new ideas or concepts)
:: réceptif
receptiveness {n} (the characteristic of being receptive)
:: réceptivité {f}
receptivity {n} (the state of being receptive)
:: réceptivité {f}
receptor {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.tə/ (a protein on a cell wall that responds to sensory stimuli)
:: récepteur
receptor {n} (any specialized cell or structure that responds to sensory stimuli)
:: récepteur
recess {n} /ˈɹiː.sɛs/ (break, pause or vacation)
:: vacances {f-p}
recess {n} (time of play)
:: récréation {f}, récré {f}, pause {f}
recess {n} (decree of the German imperial diet)
:: recès {m}
recess {n} (place of retirement, retreat, secrecy, or seclusion)
:: recès {m}
recess {n} (botany, zoology: sinus) SEE: sinus
recession {n} /ɹɪˈsɛʃn̩/ (period of reduced economic activity)
:: récession {f}
recessive {adj} (in genetics)
:: récessif
rechargeable {adj} (able to be recharged)
:: rechargeable {m} {f}
rechew {v} (chew again)
:: remâcher
rechew {v} (go over again)
:: remâcher
recidivate {v} (return to criminal behaviour)
:: récidiver
recidivism {n} (committing new offenses after being punished for a crime)
:: récidive {f}
recidivist {n} /ɹɪˈsɪdɪvɪst/ (one who falls back into prior habits, especially criminal habits)
:: récidiviste {m} {f}
recipe {n} /ˈɹɛs.ɪ.pi/ (instructions for making or preparing food dishes)
:: recette {f}
recipient {n} /ɹəˈsɪp.i.ənt/ (one who receives)
:: receveur {m}, receveuse {f}, destinataire {m} {f}, récipiendaire {m} {f}
recipient {n} (individual receiving donor organs or tissues)
:: personne gréffée {f}
reciprocal {adj} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹək(ə)l/ (done by each of two people towards the other)
:: réciproque {m} {f}
reciprocal {n} (in mathematics)
:: inverse {f}
reciprocally {adv} (in a reciprocal manner)
:: réciproquement
reciprocal pronoun {n} (a part of speech)
:: pronom réciproque {m}
reciprocate {v} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹəˌkeɪt/ (to mutually give and take something; to interchange)
:: donner en retour, réciproquer, rendre la pareille
reciprocating engine {n} (piston engine) SEE: piston engine
reciprocation {n}
:: réciprocité {f}
reciprocity {n} (the state or quality of being reciprocal)
:: réciprocité {f}
recital {n} (a formal explanation of the reasons on which the transaction is founded)
:: considérant {m}
recital {n} (narration) SEE: narration
recitation {n} /ˌɹɛsəˈteɪʃən/ (act of reciting)
:: récitation {f}
recitation {n} (material recited)
:: récitation {f}
recitative {n} /ɹɛsɪtəˈtiːv/ (dialogue in an opera etc.)
:: récitatif {m}
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say
recite {v} /ɹɪˈsaɪt/ (to repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text)
:: réciter
reciter {n} (one who recites)
:: réciteur, récitateur
reckless {adj} /ˈɹɛkləs/ (careless or heedless; headstrong or rash)
:: irresponsable, insouciant
reckless {adj} (indifferent to danger or the consequences)
:: téméraire, branque
reckon {v} /ˈɹɛkən/ (to count; to enumerate; to number; also, to compute; to calculate)
:: compter, calculer
reckon {v} (to count as in a number, rank, or series; to estimate by rank or quality; to place by estimation)
:: compter, estimer
reckon {v} (colloquial: to conclude, as by an enumeration and balancing of chances; hence, to think; to suppose)
:: estimer, considérer
reckoning {n} /ˈɹɛkənɪŋ/ (the action of calculating or estimating something)
:: calculer, estimer
reckon with {v} (To settle accounts with or to settle claims with)
:: régler ses comptes avec
reckon with {v} (To take into account)
:: prendre en compte
reclaim {v} (to recycle) SEE: recycle
reclaim {v} (to tame or domesticate a wild animal) SEE: tame
recluse {n} /ɹɪˈkluːs/ (A person who lives in self-imposed isolation or seclusion from the world, especially for religious purposes; a hermit)
:: reclus {m}, recluse {f}
recognition {n} /ˌɹɛkəɡˈnɪʃən/ (the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized)
:: reconnaissance {f}
recognizable {adj} (able to be recognized)
:: reconnaissable
recognizably {adv} (in a recognizable manner)
:: reconnaissablement
recognize {v} /ˈɹɛkəɡnaɪz/ (to match in memory; to know from a previous encounter)
:: reconnaître
recognize {v} (to acknowledge the existence or legality of)
:: reconnaître
recognize {v} (to acknowledge as something)
:: reconnaître
recognize {v} (to realize or discover the nature of something)
:: reconnaître
recognize {v}
:: reconnaître
recognized {adj} /ˈɹɛkəɡnaɪzd/ (notable, distinguished, honored)
:: reconnu
recoil {n} /ɹɪˈkɔɪl/ (pushback from a fired firearm)
:: recul {m}
recoil {v} (to pull back, especially in disgust, horror or astonishment)
:: reculer
recoilless rifle {n} (weapon)
:: canon sans recul {m}
recollect {v} /ɹɛkəˈlɛkt/ (to recall past events)
:: se souvenir, se rappeler
Recollect {n} (a member of a French reform branch of the Order of Friars Minor, commonly known as the Franciscans)
:: récollet {m}
recollection {n} /ɹɛkəˈlɛkʃən/ (act of recalling to the memory)
:: souvenir {m}
recollection {n}
:: mémoire
recombination {n} (in genetics)
:: recombinaison, recombinaison
recommence {v} (to begin again)
:: recommencer
recommend {v} /ɹɛkəˈmɛnd/ (to commend to the favorable notice of another)
:: recommander
recommend {v}
:: adviser, conseiller, recommander
recommendation {n} /ˌɹɛkəmɛnˈdeɪʃən/ (act of recommending)
:: recommandation {f}
recommendation {n} (that which is recommended)
:: recommandation
recommendation {n}
:: recommandation {f}
recommendatory {adj} (of or pertaining to a recommendation)
:: recommandatoire
recompense {n} /ˌɹɛkəmˈpɛns/ (that which compensates for a harm done)
:: récompense {f}
recompense {v} (to give compensation)
:: récompenser
recon {n} /ˈɹikɑn/ (reconnaissance)
:: reco {f}
reconcentrate {v}
:: reconcentrer
reconcile {v} /ˈɹɛkənsaɪl/ (to restore a friendly relationship)
:: réconcilier
reconcile {v} (to make things compatible or consistent)
:: réconcilier
reconciliation {n} /ˌɹɛkənˌsɪlɪˈeɪʃən/ (reestablishment of friendly relations)
:: réconciliation {f}, raccommodement {m}
reconciliation {n} (accounting process)
:: réconciliation {f}, rapprochement {m}
reconnaissance {n} /ɹɪˈkɒnəsəns/ (act of gathering information)
:: reconnaissance {f}
reconnect {v} (connect again or differently)
:: reconnecter
reconnection {n} (connection of that which has been severed)
:: reconnexion {f}
reconnoiter {v} /ˌɹɛkəˈnɔɪtɚ/ (perform a reconnaissance)
:: reconnaître
reconnoitre {v} /ˌɹɛkəˈnɔɪtɚ/ (perform a reconnaissance)
:: reconnaître
reconquest {n} (act or process of conquering again)
:: reconquête {f}
reconsider {v} (To consider a matter thought already to have been decided)
:: reconsidérer
reconsideration {n} (the act of reconsidering or something reconsidered)
:: reconsidération
reconstructed language {n} (a hypothetical language formed by making comparisons between actual languages)
:: langue reconstruite {f}
reconstruction {n} (attempt to understand)
:: reconstitution {f}
record {n} /ˈɹɛkɔːd/ (information put into a lasting physical medium)
:: enregistrement {m}
record {n} (phonograph record)
:: disque {m}
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item)
:: enregistrement {m}
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement)
:: record {m}
record {v} /ɹɨˈkɔːd/ (make a record of)
:: enregistrer
record {v} (make an audio or video recording of)
:: enregistrer
recordable {adj} (able to be used to record something)
:: enregistrable
record chart {n} (Ranking of music by popularity)
:: Hit-parade
recorder {n} (recording device)
:: enregistreur {m}
recorder {n} (musical instrument)
:: flûte à bec
recording {n} (reproduction stored in a permanent medium)
:: enregistrement {m}
record label {n} (record company)
:: maison de disques {f}, label discographique {m}
record player {n} (analogue electronic device for playing gramophone records, see also: gramophone)
:: électrophone {m}, tourne-disque {m}, phonographe {m}, gramophone {m}
recount {v} (to tell, narrate)
:: raconter
recount {v} (to count again)
:: recompter
recover {v} /ɹɪˈkʌvə/ (transitive: to get back, regain)
:: recouvrer
recover {v} (intransitive: to get better, regain health)
:: récupérer, guérir, se remettre
recoverability {n}
:: recouvrabilité {f}
recovery {n} /ɹɪˈkʌvəɹi/ (act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost)
:: récupération {f}, rétablissement {m}, recouvrement
recovery {n} (return to normal health)
:: guérison {f}, rétablissement {f}
recovery position {n}
:: position latérale de sécurité {f}, PLS {f}
recreate {v} /ˈɹɛkɹɪeɪt/ (to enjoy or entertain oneself)
:: se réjouir
recreate {v} /ɹiːkɹɪˈeɪt/ (create anew)
:: recréer
recreate {v} (to produce again, to recreate) SEE: reproduce
recreation {n} /ɹɛkɹiˈeɪʃən/ (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates)
:: récréation {f}
recreation {n} /ɹiːkɹiˈeɪʃən/ (The process of recreating something)
:: recréation {f}
recreational {adj} (for, or relating to, for recreation)
:: récréationnel
recreational vehicle {n} (vehicle or trailer)
:: camping-car, véhicule récréatif
recriminate {v} (to accuse in return)
:: récriminer
recrudescence {n} /ˌɹiːkɹuːˈdɛs(ə)ns/ (acute recurrence of a disease, or its symptoms, after a period of improvement)
:: recrudescence {f}
recruit {n} /ɹɪˈkɹut/ (newly enlisted soldier)
:: recrue {f}
recruit {v} (to enroll or enlist new members or potential employees)
:: recruter, enrôler
recruit {v} (To prompt to intervene in a body region)
:: recruter
recruit {v}
:: recruter, enrôler
recruiter {n} (one employed to recruit others)
:: recruteur {m}
recruitment {n} (process or art of finding candidates or recruits)
:: recrutement {m}
rectal {adj} (Of, via or related to the rectum)
:: rectal
rectangle {n} /ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡəl/ (quadrilateral)
:: rectangle {m}
rectangular {adj} (having a shape like a rectangle)
:: rectangulaire
rectangular coordinates {n} (Cartesian coordinates) SEE: Cartesian coordinates
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal
rectify {v} /ˈɹɛktəˌfaɪ/ (to correct or amend something)
:: rectifier
rectitude {n} /ˈɹɛk.tə.tuːd/ (straightness; state or quality of having a constant direction)
:: rectitude
rectitude {n} (rightness of principle or practice)
:: rectitude, droiture, rigueur
recto {n} /ˈɹɛk.toʊ/ (The front side of a flat object)
:: recto {m}
recto {n} (The right-hand page of a book)
:: recto {m}
rector {n} /ˈɹɛktɚ/ (headmaster)
:: recteur {m}
rectory {n} (residence of Roman Catholic priest)
:: presbytère {m}, cure {f}
rectum {n} /ˈɹɛktəm/ (terminal part of the large intestine)
:: rectum {m}
recumbent {adj} (lying down)
:: gisant, couché, allongé
recumbent {n} (special type of bicycle)
:: vélo couché {m}
recumbent bicycle {n} (recumbent) SEE: recumbent
recuperate {v} (recover, especially from an illness) SEE: recover
recur {v} /ɹɪˈkɜː(ɹ)/ (to happen again)
:: resurvenir, revenir, réapparaître
recurrence {n} (return or reversion to a certain state)
:: récurrence {f}
recurrence {n} (the instance of recurring; frequent occurrence)
:: récurrence {f}
recurrence {n} (a return of symptoms as part of the natural progress of a disease)
:: récurrence {f}
recurrent {adj} (recurring time after time)
:: périodique, récurrent
recurring {adj}
:: récurrent, répété, répétitif
recursion {n}
:: recursion {f}
recursive {adj} (drawing upon itself)
:: récursif
recursive {adj} (mathematics: of an expression, in which each term is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms)
:: récursif
recursive {adj} (computing: of a program or function that calls itself)
:: récursif
recursive {adj} (computing: of a set whose characteristic function is recursive)
:: récursif
recursive {adj}
:: récursif
recursive acronym {n} (an acronym in which the first letter of the first word represented by the acronym is the acronym itself)
:: acronyme récursif
recursivity {n} (quality of being recursive)
:: récursivité
recurve bow {n} (type of bow)
:: arc classique {m}
recuse {v} /ɹɪˈkjuːz/ (To refuse or reject)
:: récuser
recuse {v} (To refuse to act as a judge; to declare oneself disqualified to act)
:: récuser
recut {v} (to cut again)
:: recouper
recyclable {adj} (able to be recycled)
:: recyclable
recycle {v} /ɹəˈsaɪkəl/ (to break down and reuse component materials)
:: recycler
recycle {v} (to reuse as a whole)
:: recycler, réutiliser
recycle bin {n} (container)
:: corbeille {f}
recycling {n} (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use)
:: recyclage {m}
red {n} /ɹɛd/ (colour)
:: rouge {m}
red {adj} (having red as its colour)
:: rouge
red {adj} (of hair: orange-brown)
:: roux
red {adj} (left-wing, socialist or communist)
:: rouge
redact {v} /ɹɪˈdækt/ (to censor, to black out or remove parts of (a document) while releasing the remainder)
:: censurer, caviarder
red admiral {n} (butterfly)
:: vulcain {m}
Redange {prop} (city)
:: Redange
Red Army {prop} (name of the Soviet army)
:: armée rouge {f}
Red Army man {n} (the lowest military rank of the Red Army)
:: rouge-armiste
red as a beetroot {adj} (being the colour of a beetroot)
:: rouge comme une pivoine
red-backed hawk {n} (Buteo polyosoma)
:: buse tricolore {f}
red-backed shrike {n} (medium-sized bird)
:: pie-grièche écorcheur {f}
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot
red blood cell {n} (haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates)
:: globule rouge {m}, érythrocyte {m}, hématie
redbreast {n} (European robin) SEE: European robin
redbreast {n} (American robin) SEE: American robin
Red Brigades {prop} (former Marxist-Leninist militant group based in Italy)
:: Brigades rouges
redbud {n} (Judas tree) SEE: Judas tree
red cabbage {n} (a variety of cabbage having red leaves)
:: chou rouge {m}
red campion {n} (Silene dioica)
:: compagnon rouge {m}, silène dioïque
red card {n} (sports: card)
:: carton rouge {m}
red card {n} (instructions to vacate an area)
:: carton rouge {m}
red carpet {n} (a strip of red carpet laid for a VIP)
:: tapis rouge {m}
red carpet {n} (VIP treatment)
:: tapis rouge {m}
red clover {n} (Trifolium pratense)
:: trèfle des prés {m}, trèfle violet {m}
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross)
:: Croissant-Rouge {m}
red-crested pochard {n} (Netta rufina)
:: nette rousse {f}
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross)
:: Croix-Rouge {f}
red currant {n} /ˈɹɛdˌkɜɹənt/ (plant)
:: groseillier à grappes {m}
red currant {n} (fruit)
:: groseille rouge {f}
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus)
:: cerf commun {m}, cerf rouge {m}, cerf élaphe {m}, élaphe {m}
Red Delicious {n} (variety of apple)
:: Red Delicious {f}, Délicieuse rouge {f}
redden {v} /ˈɹɛdn̩/ (to become red)
:: rougir
redden {v} (to make red)
:: faire rougir
reddish {adj} /ˈɹɛdɪʃ/ (resembling the colour red)
:: rougeâtre
reddish {adj} (quite red; red to a certain extent)
:: rougeâtre
red dwarf {n} (small star)
:: naine rouge {f}
redeem {v} /ɹɪˈdiːm/ (to recover ownership of something by paying a sum)
:: racheter
redeem {v} (to set free by force)
:: libérer
redeem {v} (to save, rescue, recover)
:: secourir
redeem {v} (to clear, release from debt or blame)
:: libérer, soulager
redeem {v} (to convert into cash)
:: liquider
redeem {v} (to repair, restore)
:: réparer, rétablir
redeem {v} (to change for the better, reform)
:: améliorer, réformer
redeem {v} (to restore the reputation, honour of ...)
:: racheter
redeemable {adj} ((finance) capable of being paid off or repurchased)
:: remboursable {m} {f}
redeemable {adj} (susceptible to correction or reform)
:: corrigible {m} {f}
redeemer {n} (one who redeems)
:: rédempteur {m}
redefine {v} (to give a new or different definition to a word)
:: redéfinir
redefinition {n} (act or event of redefining)
:: redéfinition {f}
redemption {n} /ɹɪˈdɛmpʃən/ (the act of redeeming or something redeemed)
:: rédemption {f}
redemption {n} (the recovery, for a fee, of a pawned article)
:: rédemption {f}
redemption {n} (salvation from sin)
:: rédemption
redemptorist {n} (member of the Roman Catholic missionary congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer)
:: Redemptoriste {m}
red envelope {n} (monetary gift)
:: enveloppe rouge {f}, paquet rouge {m}
redeposit {v} (all senses)
:: redéposer
red flag {n} (a cue, warning, or alert; a sign or signal that something is wrong)
:: avertissement {m}, signal d'alarme
red fox {n} (Vulpes vulpes)
:: renard roux {m}
red giant {n} (large red star)
:: géante rouge {f}
red-handed {adj} (in the act of wrongdoing)
:: la main dans le sac, en flagrant délit
redhead {n} /ˈɹɛdˌhɛd/ (red-haired person)
:: roux {m}, rousse {f}
redhead {n} (Aythya americana)
:: fuligule à tête rouge {m}
red herring {n} (smoke-cured herring)
:: hareng saur {m}
red herring {n} (misleading clue)
:: diversion {f}, leurre
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog
rediffusion {n} (the rebroadcasting of a programme)
:: rediffusion {f}
redirect {v} (to give new direction to)
:: réorienter
redirect {v} (instruct to go elsewhere)
:: réadresser, faire suivre
redirect {n} (redirection) SEE: redirection
redirection {n} /ɹiːdəˈɹɛkʃən/ (setting a new direction)
:: redirection {f}
redirection {n} (automated process)
:: redirection {f}
rediscover {v} (to discover again)
:: redécouvrir, retrouver
redistribute {v} /ˌɹɪːdɪˈstɹɪbjuːt/ (distribute again)
:: redistribuer
redistribution {n} /ˌɹiːdɪstɹəˈbjuːʃən/ (act of changing the distribution of resources)
:: redistribution {f}
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus)
:: milan royal {m}
red kuri squash {n} (orange colored winter squash)
:: potimarron {m}, courge châtaigne {f}
red light {n} (a warning light, especially as a traffic signal)
:: feu rouge {m}
red-light district {n} (area of prostitution)
:: quartier chaud {m}, red light {m}
red line {n} (a boundary or limit which should not be crossed)
:: ligne rouge {f}
red link {n}
:: lien rouge {m}
red lynx {n} (bobcat) SEE: bobcat
redneck {n} /ˈɹɛdnɛk/ (uneducated, unsophisticated person)
:: beauf {m}, baraki {m}
red-necked buzzard {n} (Buteo auguralis)
:: buse d'Afrique {f}
red-necked stint {n} (Calidris ruficollis)
:: bécasseau à col roux
redness {n} (quality of being red)
:: rougeur {f}
redo {v} /ɹiˈdu/ (to do again)
:: refaire
redolent {adj} /ˈɹɛd.əl.ənt/ (fragrant or aromatic)
:: parfumé
red onion {n} (a type of onion with reddish purplish skin)
:: oignon rouge
redoubt {v} (to dread) SEE: dread
redoubt {n} /ɹɪˈdaʊt/ (fortification)
:: redoute {f}
redoubtable {adj} (awe-inspiring)
:: redoutable
redox {n} /ˈɹiːdɒks/ (chemical reaction)
:: oxydoréduction {f}
red panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens)
:: petit panda {m}, panda roux, panda éclatant
red pepper {n} (red colored pepper)
:: paprika {m}
red phalarope {n} (Phalaropus fulicarius)
:: phalarope à bec large {m}
red pine {n} (Pinus resinosa)
:: pin rouge {m}
Red Planet {prop} (Mars)
:: planète rouge {f}
red poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy
red poppy {n} (any red poppy)
:: coquelicot {m}
Red River {prop} (the Red River of Yunnan in southern China and of northern Vietnam)
:: Fleuve Rouge {m}
red-rumped swallow {n} (Cecropis daurica)
:: hirondelle rousseline {f}
red scare {n} (perceived threat from communism and leftist movements)
:: peur rouge {f}
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia)
:: mer Rouge {f}
redshank {n} (Old World wading bird)
:: gambette {m}
redshift {n} /ˈɹɛdˌʃɪft/ (change in wavelength)
:: décalage vers le rouge
red-shouldered hawk {n} (Buteo lineatus)
:: buse à épaulettes {f}
redskin {n} (an American Indian)
:: Peau-Rouge {m} {f}
red snapper {n} (fish of Lutjanus)
:: vivaneau
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square)
:: Place Rouge {f}
red squirrel {n} (Sciurus vulgaris)
:: écureuil roux {m}
redstart {n} (ground-feeding bird)
:: rougequeue {m}
red state {n} (red state in the United States)
:: État rouge {m}
red-tailed hawk {n} (bird of prey)
:: buse à queue rousse {f}
red-tailed tropicbird {n} (species of tropicbird)
:: phaéton à brins rouges {m}
red tape {n} (excessive bureaucracy)
:: impôt papier {m}, paperasse {f} paperasserie {f}
red tea {n} (black tea) SEE: black tea
red-throated diver {n} (loon)
:: plongeon catmarin {m}
red-throated pipit {n} (Anthus cervinus)
:: Pipit à gorge rousse {m}
red tide {n} (algal bloom)
:: marée rouge {f}
red turtle dove {n} (bird)
:: tourterelle à tête grise
reduce {v} /ɹɪˈduːs/ (to bring down)
:: réduire
reduce {v}
:: diminuer, réduire
reduced {adj} /ɹɪˈdjust/ (made smaller, less)
:: réduit
reduced {adj}
:: réduit, amoindri, soldé
reducer {n} (something that reduces)
:: réducteur {m}
reductase {n} /ɹɪˈdʌk.teɪz/ (enzyme that chemically reduces its substrate)
:: réductase {f}
reductio ad absurdum {n} (proof by contradiction) SEE: proof by contradiction
reduction {n} /ɹɪˈdʌkʃən/ (act, process, or result of reducing)
:: réduction {f}
reduction {n} (amount or rate by which something is reduced)
:: réduction {f}
reduction {n} (chemistry: reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced)
:: réduction {f}
reduction {n} (cooking: process of concentrating a sauce)
:: réduction {f}
reduction {n} (math: rewriting an expression)
:: réduction {f}
reduction {n} (computability theory: a transformation of one problem into another problem)
:: réduction {f}
reduction {n} (medical procedure to restore a fracture)
:: réduction
reductional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or producing reduction)
:: réductionnel
reductionism {n} (approach of studying complex systems)
:: réductionnisme {m}
reductionism {n} ((philosophy) theory holding that complex systems can be reduced to simpler components)
:: réductionnisme {m}
reductionist {adj} (of, or relating to reductionism)
:: réductionniste
redundancy {n} /ɹɪˈdʌnd(ə)nsi/ (state of being redundant)
:: redondance {f}
redundancy {n} (duplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components)
:: redondance {f}
redundancy {n} (duplication of parts of a message to guard against transmission errors)
:: redondance {f}
redundancy {n} (state of being unemployed because one's job is no longer necessary)
:: chômage économique
redundant {adj} /ɹɪˈdʌn.dənt/ (superfluous)
:: redondant
redundantly {adv} (in a redundant manner)
:: redondamment
reduplication {n} /ɹɪd(j)uplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of, or an instance of, reduplication )
:: redoublement {m}
redux {adj} /ˈɹiːdʌks/ (redone, restored, brought back, or revisited)
:: de retour
red wine {n} (red coloured wine)
:: vin rouge {m}
redwing {n} (Turdus iliacus)
:: grive mauvis
red-winged blackbird {n} (Agelaius phoeniceus)
:: carouge à épaulettes {m}
redwood {n} (the species Sequoia sempervirens)
:: séquoia {m}
reed {n} /ɹiːd/ (grass-like plant)
:: roseau {m}
reed {n} (hollow stem)
:: canne {f}, jonc {m}
reed {n} (music: part of mouthpiece)
:: anche {f}
reed {n} (music: instrument)
:: instrument à anche {m}
reed {n} (weaving)
:: peigne {m}
reed {n} (material)
:: roseau {m}
reed {n}
:: roseau {m} , jonc {m} , anche {f} , chaume {m}
reed bed {n} (place where reeds grow)
:: roselière {f}
reed switch {n} (type of electrical switch)
:: interrupteur reed {m}, interrupteur à lames souples {m}
reeducation camp {n}
:: camp de rééducation {m}
reed warbler {n} (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
:: rousserolle effarvatte {f}
reef {n} /ɹiːf/ (rocks at or near surface of the water)
:: écueil {m}, récif {m}
reef {n} (large vein of auriferous quartz)
:: filon {m}
reef {v} (sailing)
:: prendre un ris, arriser
reef {n} (reef knot) SEE: reef knot
reefal {adj} (of or pertaining to a reef)
:: récifal
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana
reefer {n} /ˈɹiːfə/ (marijuana cigarette)
:: joint {m}
reefer jacket {n} (type of jacket) SEE: pea coat
reef knot {n} (type of knot)
:: nœud plat {m}
reek {n} /riːk/ (unpleasant smell)
:: puanteur {f}
reek {v} (to have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell)
:: empester, puer, fouetter , schlinguer
reek {v} (to be evidently associated with something unpleasant)
:: puer
reel {n} /ɹiːl/ (dance, music)
:: reel {m}
reel {n} (spool)
:: bobine {f}
reel {n} (machine for winding yarns)
:: enrouleur {m}
reel {v} (to wind on a reel)
:: embobiner, enrouler
reel {v} (to walk shakily or unsteadily)
:: tituber
reelect {v} (to elect for a subsequent time)
:: réélire
re-electability {n}
:: rééligibilité {f}
re-electable {adj}
:: rééligible
reelection {n} (the act of being elected after already being elected once)
:: réélection {f}
reel in {v} ((fishing) bring out of the water)
:: ramener, tirer hors de l'eau
reel in {v} (bring in)
:: attirer, attirer l'attention, capter, capter l'attention
reel off {v} (list effortlessly and quickly)
:: débiter
reem {n} /ɹiːm/ (horned creature)
:: réem {m}
reenactment {n} (replication of earlier event)
:: reconstitution {f}
reenter {v} (to enter again)
:: rentrer
reestablish {v} (establish again)
:: rétablir
re-evaluate {v} /ɹiːɪˈvæljuːeɪt/ (evaluate again)
:: réévaluer
refection {n} /ɹɪˈfɛkʃən/ (a light meal)
:: réfection
refectory {n} /ɹɪˈfɛkt(ə)ɹi/ (dining-hall)
:: réfectoire {m}
refer {v} /ɹɪˈfɝ/ (to direct to a source for help or information)
:: référer
refer {v} (to allude to (grammar term))
:: renvoyer (à)
refer {v}
:: référer
referee {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹiː/ (sport: umpire, judge of a game)
:: arbitre {m}
referee {n} (person who settles a dispute)
:: arbitre {m}
referee {v} (to act as a referee)
:: arbitre
reference {n} /ˈɹɛf.(ə)ɹəns/ (measurement one can compare to)
:: référence {f}
reference {n} (information about a person)
:: recommandation {f}, référence {f}
reference {n} (academic writing: source)
:: référence {f}
reference {v} (to refer to)
:: faire référence à, référencer, se référer à
reference {v} (to mention)
:: faire référence à, se référer à
reference {n} (reference work) SEE: reference work
reference book {n} (book providing factual information)
:: livre de référence {m}
reference work {n} (compendium of information)
:: ouvrage de référence {m}
referendum {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹɛndəm/ (direct popular vote)
:: référendum {m}
referential integrity {n} (referential integrity)
:: intégrité référentielle {f}
referrer {n} (person who refers another)
:: recommandataire {m} {f}
refill {v} /ˌɹiːˈfɪl/ (to fill up again)
:: reremplir
refillable {adj} (capable of being refilled)
:: rechargeable
refine {v} /ɹɪˈfaɪn/
:: raffiner, affiner, perfectionner
refined {adj} /ɹiːfaɪnd/ (cultured, elegant)
:: affiné, raffiné
refined {adj}
:: châtié
refinement {n} /ɹəˈfaɪnmənt/ (high-class style; cultivation)
:: raffinement
refinery {n} (building used to produce refined products)
:: raffinerie {f}
refining {n} (process) SEE: refinement
reflect {v} /ɹɪˈflɛkt/ (to bend back from a surface)
:: refléter, réfléchir
reflect {v} (to be bent back from a surface)
:: refléter
reflect {v} (to mirror, or show the image of something)
:: réfléchir, refléter
reflect {v} (to be mirrored)
:: se refléter
reflect {v} (to agree with; to closely follow)
:: refléter, suivre, s'accorder
reflect {v} (to give evidence of someone's or something's character etc.)
:: refléter
reflect {v} (to think seriously; to ponder or consider)
:: réfléchir
reflection {n} /ɹɪˈflɛkʃən/ (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected)
:: réflexion {f}
reflection {n} (something that is reflected)
:: reflet {m}
reflection {n}
:: reflet, réflexion
reflector {n} /ɹɪˈflɛktə(ɹ)/ (small reflecting disk on a vehicle)
:: réflecteur {m}
reflex {n} /ˈɹiːflɛks/ (automatic response)
:: réflexe
reflex {n} (the descendant of an earlier language element, such as a word or phoneme, in a daughter language)
:: continuateur {m}
reflexive {adj} /ɹəˈflɛksɪv/ (in grammar)
:: réfléchi
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun
reflexive {n} (reflexive verb) SEE: reflexive verb
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech)
:: pronom réfléchi {m}
reflexive verb {n} (verb with equivalent subject and direct object)
:: verbe réfléchi
reflux {n} /ˈɹiː.flʌks/ (backwards flow of any fluid)
:: reflux {m}
reflux {n} (technique using a reflux condenser)
:: reflux {m}
reforest {v} (replant)
:: reboiser, reforester
reforestation {n} (replanting)
:: reboisement {m}, reforestation {f}
reform {n} /ɹɪˈfɔɹm/ (amendment)
:: réforme {f}
reform {v} (to put into a new and improved form or condition)
:: réformer
reformism {n} (Any of several movements that promote reform)
:: réformisme {f}
reformist {adj} (advocating reform of an institution or body)
:: réformiste {m} {f}
reformist {n} (one who advocates reform (of an institution))
:: réformiste {m} {f}
reformulate {v} (to formulate again)
:: reformuler
reformulation {n} (formulating anew)
:: reformulation {f}
reformulation {n} (new formulation)
:: reformulation {f}
refound {v} (reestablish)
:: refonder
refract {v} (to refract) SEE: disperse
refract {v} (to cause to change direction)
:: réfracter
refract {v}
:: réfracter
refraction {n} /ɹəˈfɹækʃən/ (bending of any wave)
:: réfraction {f}
refractive index {n} (ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to another medium)
:: indice de réfraction {m}
refractometer {n} (instrument used to measure the refractive index)
:: réfractomètre {m}
refractory {adj} /ɹɪˈfɹæk.təɹ.i/ (obstinate; strongly opposed)
:: réfractaire
refractory {adj} (not affected by great heat)
:: réfractaire
refractory {adj} (medicine: difficult to heal)
:: réfractaire
refractory metal {n} (metal with an unusually high melting point)
:: métal réfractaire {m}
refragable {adj} /ˈɹɛ.fɹə.ɡə.bəl/
:: réfragable
refrain {v} /ɹɪˈfɹeɪn/ (to keep oneself from action)
:: se retenir, s'abstenir
refrain {v}
:: se réfréner, se retenir
refrain {n} (burden of song)
:: refrain {m}
refresh {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɛʃ/ (to renew or revitalize)
:: revigorer, rafraîchir
refreshing {adj} /ɹəˈfɹɛʃɪŋ/ (refreshing)
:: rafraîchissant
refreshment {n} /ɹɪˈfɹeʃ.mənt/ (The action of refreshing; a means of restoring strength, energy or vigour)
:: rafraîchissement {m}
refreshment {n} (A light snack or drink)
:: rafraîchissement {m}
refrigerate {v} (freeze) SEE: freeze
refrigerate {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɪdʒəɹeɪt/ (keep cool in refrigerator)
:: réfrigérer
refrigerate {v} (cool down) SEE: cool down
refrigeration {n} (process of transferring heat from an object in order to cool it)
:: réfrigération {f}
refrigeration {n} (process of preserving something by cooling)
:: réfrigération {f}
refrigerator {n} /ɹɪˈfɹɪd͡ʒəˌɹeɪɾɚ/ (appliance)
:: réfrigérateur {m}, frigo {m}
refringence {n} (refractive power; refraction)
:: réfringence {f}
refuel {v} (to refill with fuel)
:: faire le plein, ravitailler
refuge {n} /ˈɹɛfjuːdʒ/ (state of safety, protection or shelter)
:: refuge {m}
refuge {n} (place providing safety, protection or shelter)
:: refuge {m}
refugee {n} /ˈɹɛfjʊdʒiː/ (person seeking political asylum)
:: réfugié {m}, réfugiée {f}
refugee {n} (person seeking economic asylum)
:: réfugié {m}
refugee camp {n} (camp built to receive refugees)
:: camp de réfugiés {m}
refund {v} /ɹɪˈfʌnd/ (to return (money) to (someone))
:: rembourser
refund {n} (amount of money returned)
:: remboursement {m}
refurbish {v} /ɹiˈfɝbɪʃ/ (rebuild or replenish)
:: renouveler, restaurer
refusal {n} /ɹɪˈfjuːzl̩/ (the act of refusing)
:: refus {m}
refuse {n} /ˈɹɛfjuːs/ (items or material that have been discarded)
:: ordures {f-p}, déchets {m-p}, détritus {m-p}
refuse {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːz/ ((transitive) decline (request, demand))
:: refuser
refuse {v} ((intransitive) decline a request or demand)
:: refuser
refutation {n} (an act of refuting)
:: réfutation {f}
refute {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːt/ (to prove (something) to be false or incorrect)
:: réfuter
refute {v} (to deny the truth or correctness of (something))
:: rejeter, contester, chicaner, récuser
refute {v}
:: réfuter
regain {v} /ɹiːˈɡeɪn/ (to get back, to recover possession of)
:: reconquérir, reprendre
regale {n} /ɹɪˈɡeɪl/ (a feast, meal)
:: festin {m}
regale {v} (to please someone with entertainment)
:: régaler
regale {v} (to provide a meal and entertainment)
:: régaler
regalia {n} /ɹəˈɡeɪl.i.ə/ (emblems, symbols or paraphernalia)
:: regalia {f}
regard {v} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd/ (to consider, look upon in a given way)
:: considérer, regarder
regard {v} (to have to do with)
:: concerner, concerner, regarder
regarding {prep} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdɪŋ/ (concerning)
:: quant à
regardless {adv} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd.lɪs/ (actioned in a way which shows no consideration)
:: malgré tout, malgré cela, en dépit de cela
regardless {prep} (paying no attention to)
:: quelle que soit, quel que soit
regardless of {prep} (without attention to)
:: nonobstant, peu importe
regards {n} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdz/ (greeting at the end of a letter)
:: cordialement
regasification {n} (evaporation)
:: regazéification
regasify {v} (reevaporate)
:: regazéifier
regatta {n} /ɹɪˈɡætə/ (boat race)
:: régate {f}
regency {n} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒənsi/ (system of government)
:: régence {f}
regenerate {v} /ɹiːˈdʒɛnəɹeɪt/ (to construct or create anew, especially in an improved manner)
:: régénérer
regenerate {v} (to revitalize, see also: revitalize)
:: régénérer
Regensburg {prop} (city in Germany)
:: Ratisbonne {f}
regent {n} /ˈɹiːdʒənt/ (one who rules in place of the monarch)
:: régent {m}, régente {f}
reggeon {n}
:: reggéon
Reggio nell'Emilia {prop} (province)
:: Reggio d'Émilie
Reggio nell'Emilia {prop} (city)
:: Reggio d'Émilie
regicide {n} /ˈɹedʒəsaɪd/ (the killing of a king)
:: régicide
regicide {n} (one who kills a king)
:: régicide
regidor {n} (alderman) SEE: alderman
regime {n} /ɹəˈʒiːm/ (mode of rule or management)
:: régime {m}
regime {n} (form of government)
:: régime {m}
regime {n} (period of rule)
:: régime {m}
regime change {n} (overthrow of a government)
:: changement de régime {m}
regimen {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪ.mən/ (any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation)
:: régime
regimen {n} (grammar: object, see also: object)
:: régime
regiment {n} /ˈɹɛdʒɪmənt/ (army unit)
:: régiment {m}
Regina {prop} /ɹɪ.ˈdʒaɪ.nə/ (female given name)
:: Régine
region {n} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒn̩/ (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface)
:: région {f}
region {n} (an administrative subdivision)
:: région {f}
region {n} (a place in or a part of the body in any way indicated)
:: région
regional {adj} /ˈɹiːdʒənəl/ (pertaining to a specific region)
:: régional
regionalism {n} (linguistic characteristic, see also: provincialism)
:: régionalisme
regionalization {n} (an act or process of regionalizing)
:: régionalisation {f}
regional lockout {n} (prevents the playing of imported media on a domestically marketed device)
:: verrouillage régional, codage régional
regionally {adv} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒənəli/
:: régionalement
register {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tə/ (book of such entries)
:: registre {m}
register {n} (act of registering)
:: inscription {m}
register {n} (computing: part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers)
:: registre {m}
register {n} (printing: exact alignment of lines, margins and colors)
:: registre {m}
register {n} (music: range of a voice or instrument)
:: registre {m}
register {n} (music: organ stop)
:: registre {m}
register {n} (linguistics: style of a language used in a particular context)
:: niveau de langue {m}, registre {m}
register {n} (grille at the outflow of a ventilation duct)
:: registre {m}
register {v} (to enter in a register)
:: enregistrer
register {v} (to enroll, especially to vote)
:: inscrire
register {v} (to record, especially in writing)
:: enregistrer, imprimer (mental)
register {v} (printing: to adjust so as to be properly aligned)
:: recaler
register {v} (to place one's name, or have one's name placed in a register)
:: inscrire
register {v} (to make an impression)
:: imprimer
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register
registered {adj} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tɚd/ (having a mailed item recorded in a register)
:: recommandé
registered mail {n} (type of mail)
:: courrier recommandé {m}, recommandé {m}
registered trademark {n} (officially registered trademark)
:: marque déposée {f}
register ton {n} (unit of capacity)
:: tonneau {m}
registrar {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪsˌtɹɑɹ/ (official keeper of records)
:: registraire {m} {f}
registrar {n} (service that manages domain names)
:: registrar {m} (a society)
registration {n} (the act of signing up or registering for something)
:: enregistrement {m}
registry {n} (registration)
:: enregistrement {m}
registry {n} (database)
:: registre {m}, base de registre {f}
regolith {n} /ˈɹɛɡəlɪθ/ (layer of loose rock that constitutes the surface of most land)
:: régolithe {m}
regress {v} /ˈɹiːˌɡɹɛs/ (to move backwards to an earlier stage)
:: régresser
regression {n} /ɹəˈɡɹɛʃən/ (return to a previous state)
:: régression {f}
regression {n} (statistics: analytic method)
:: régression
regressive {adj} (that tends to return, revert, or regress)
:: régressif
regressive assimilation {n} (phonology: sound change process)
:: assimilation régressive {f}
regret {v} /ɹɪˈɡɹɛt/ (feel sorry about some past thing)
:: regretter
regret {n} (instance of such an emotion)
:: regret {m}
regrettable {adj} (of an event, action, or state, allowing or deserving regret)
:: regrettable
regular {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚ/ (having a constant pattern)
:: régulier
regular {adj} (grammar)
:: régulier
regular {n} (routine visitor)
:: habitué {m}, habituée {f}, habitués {m-p}, habituées {f-p}
regular expression {n} (computing: a concise description of a pattern to be matched)
:: expression rationnelle {f}, expression régulière {f}
regularity {n} /ˌɹɛɡjuˈlæɹəti/ (condition or quality of being regular)
:: régularité {f}
regularize {v} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚaɪz/ (to make regular)
:: régulariser
regularly {adv} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚli/ (with constant frequency)
:: régulièrement, fréquemment
regularly {adv} (normally, ordinarily)
:: normalement, ordinairement
regular verb {n} (a verb which conjugates regularly)
:: verbe régulier {m}
regulate {v} (control) SEE: control
regulate {v} /ˈɹɛɡjəleɪt/ (adjust)
:: régler
regulation {n} /ˌɹɛɡjʊˈleɪʃən/ (law or administrative rule)
:: règlement {m}, réglementation {f}
regulation {n} (EU: self-effecting legislative act)
:: règlement {m}
regulation {n} (mechanism controlling DNA transcription)
:: régulation
regulation {n} (physiological process maintaining homœostasis)
:: régulation
regulator {n} /ɹɛɡ.juː.leɪt.ə/ (a type of gene)
:: régulateur
regulatory {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjələtɹi/ (of or pertaining to regulation)
:: régulateur, régulatoire, réglementaire
regulatory framework {n} (set of regulations)
:: cadre de régulation
regurgitate {v} /ɹɪˈɡɝd͡ʒəˌteɪt/ (to throw up)
:: régurgiter
regurgitator {n}
:: régurgiteur
rehab {n} /ˈɹiːhæb/ (An act of rehabilitation)
:: désintox {m}
rehabilitate {v} /ɹiː(h)əˈbɪlɪteɪt/ (to restore (someone) to their former state, reputation, possessions, status etc.)
:: réhabiliter
rehabilitation {n} (process)
:: réhabilitation {f}
rehair {n} (to rehair)
:: remécher
rehair {n} (an instance of re-hairing)
:: reméchage {m}
rehear {v} (to hear again)
:: réentendre
rehearsal {n} /ɹɪˈhɜː(ɹ)səl/ (practicing of performance to test or improve it)
:: répétition {f}
rehearse {v} /ɹɪˈhɜːs/ (repeat what has already been said)
:: rabâcher, ressasser
rehearse {v} (practice by repetition or recitation)
:: répéter
reheat {v} (heat something after it has cooled off)
:: réchauffer
Reich {n} /ɹaɪx/ (a German empire or nation)
:: Reich {m}, empire {m}
reichsmark {n} (monetary unit)
:: reichsmark {m}
reification {n} /ˌɹeɪəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (Consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living)
:: réification
reify {v} /ˈɹiː.ə.faɪ/ (to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing)
:: réifier
reign {n} /ɹeɪn/ (The exercise of sovereign power)
:: règne {m}
reign {n} (The period during which a monarch rules)
:: règne {m}
reign {v} (exercise sovereign power)
:: régner
reimbursable {adj} (capable of being reimbursed for)
:: remboursable
reimburse {v} (to compensate with pay or money; especially, to repay money spent on one's behalf)
:: rembourser
reimbursement {n} /ˌɹiː.ɪmˈbɜːs.mənt/ (compensating someone for an expense.)
:: remboursement {f}
reimmerse {v} (immerse again)
:: réimmerger
reimplantation {n} (implanting again)
:: réimplantation {f}
Reims {prop} /ɹiːmz/ (city)
:: Reims {m}
rein {n} /ɹeɪn/ (strap or rope)
:: rêne {f}
reincarnation {n} (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form)
:: réincarnation {f}
reindeer {n} /ˈɹeɪndɪə/ (Rangifer tarandus)
:: renne {m}, caribou {m}
Reindeer Lake {prop} (glacial lake in Western Canada)
:: lac Reindeer {m}
reinette {n} (any of various kinds of apple)
:: reinette {f}
reinforce {v} (to strengthen by addition)
:: renforcer
reinforce {v} (to emphasize or review)
:: renforcer
reinforced {adj} (having been or containing reinforcement)
:: renforcé
reinforced concrete {n} (building material)
:: béton armé {m}
reinforcement {n} (thing that reinforces)
:: renfort
reinstall {v} (install again)
:: réinstaller
reinstallation {n} (the act or process of reinstalling)
:: réinstallation {f}
reinstate {v} (To restore to a former position or rank)
:: rétablir, réintégrer
reinstate {v} (To bring back into use or existence)
:: rétablir, réactiver
reinterpret {v} (to interpret again)
:: réinterpréter
reintroduce {v} (introduce again)
:: réintroduire
reinvent the wheel {v} /ˌɹiːɪnˈvɛnt ðə ˈhwiːl/ (do work unnecessarily)
:: réinventer la roue
reinvigorate {v} (to give new energy or strength)
:: revigorer
reinvite {v} (invite again)
:: réinviter
reis {n} (holder of military rank)
:: raïs {m}
reiter {n} /ˈɹʌɪtə/ (German cavalryman)
:: reître {m}
reiterate {v} /ɹiˈɪt.əɹ.eɪt/ (to say or do repeatedly)
:: réitérer
reiterate {adj} (repeated)
:: réitéré
reject {v} (to throw away, reject) SEE: discard
reject {v} /ɹɪˈdʒɛkt/ (refuse to accept)
:: rejeter
rejection {n} /ɹəˈdʒɛkʃən/ (the act of rejecting)
:: refus, rejet
rejoice {v} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɔɪs/ (be happy)
:: se réjouir
rejoice {v} (make happy)
:: réjouir
rejoinder {n} /ɹɪd͡ʒˈɔ͡ɪndɚ/ (defendant's answer)
:: réponse {f}
rejoinder {n} (reply)
:: réplique {f}
rejoneador {n} ((bullfighting) mounted bullfighter)
:: rejoneador {m}
rejuvenate {v} (render young again)
:: rajeunir
rejuvenation {n} (the process of rendering young again)
:: rajeunissement {m}
rekindle {v} (To kindle once again)
:: rallumer
rekindle {v} (To revive)
:: raviver
relapse {n} /ɹɪˈlæps/ (the act or situation of relapsing)
:: rechute
relate {v} /ɹɪˈleɪt/
:: concerner
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate
relate {v} (to interact) SEE: interact
related {adj} /ɹɪˈleɪtɪd/ (standing in relation or connection)
:: lié
related {adj} (being a relative of)
:: apparenté
relation {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃən/ (way in which two things may be associated)
:: relation
relation {n} (mathematics: set of ordered tuples, a Boolean function of two or more arguments)
:: relation {f}
relation {n} (member of one's family)
:: parent {m}, parente {f} , parenté {f} , parentage {m} , parentèle {f} , parentaille {f}
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative
relational {adj} (relating to, using, or being a method of organizing data in a database)
:: relationnel
relational database {n} (relational database)
:: base de données relationnelle
relational model {n} (database model)
:: modèle relationnel {m}
relationship {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/ (connection or association)
:: rapport {m}
relationship {n} (kinship)
:: relation {f}
relationship {n} (romantic or sexual involvement)
:: relation {f}
relative {adj} /ˈɹɛl.ə.ɾɪv/ (conditional; depending on something else)
:: relatif
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption)
:: parent {m}, géniteur {m}, génitrice {f}
relative atomic mass {n} (ratio)
:: masse atomique relative {f}, poids atomique {m}
relative clause {n} (type of subordinate clause)
:: proposition relative {f}, relative {f}
relative humidity {n} (amount of water vapor in the air)
:: humidité relative {f}
relatively {adv} /ˈɹɛl.ə.tʰɪv.li/ (proportionally)
:: relativement
relatively {adv} (somewhat) SEE: somewhat
relative pronoun {n} (pronoun that introduces a relative clause)
:: pronom relatif {m}
relative superlative {n} (a form of the superlative)
:: superlatif relatif {m}
relativism {n} (theory that truth and moral values are relative)
:: relativisme {m}
relativity {n} /ɹɛləˈtɪvɨti/ (the state of being relative)
:: relativité {f}
relativity {n} (physics principle)
:: relativité {f}
relativize {v} (to make relative to)
:: relativiser
relax {v} /ɹɪˈlæks/ (to calm down)
:: détendre
relax {v} (to make something loose)
:: relâcher
relax {v} (to become less severe or tense)
:: se détendre
relaxation {n} /ˌɹilækˈseɪʃən/ (act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed)
:: relaxation, détente
relaxation {n}
:: relaxation {f}
relaxed {adj} /ɹɪˈlækst/ (having an easy-going mood)
:: détendu {m}
relaxing {adj} (allowing one to relax)
:: relaxant {m}, relaxante {f}
re-lay {v} /ˌɹiˈleɪ/ (to lay again)
:: remettre
relay {n} /ˈɹiːleɪ/ (electrical actuator)
:: relais {m}, relai {m}
relay {v} (to place (people or horses) in relays)
:: relayer
relay {v} (to pass on or transfer (information))
:: transmettre
relayer {n} (athlete in a relay race)
:: relayeur {m}, relayeuse {f}
release {n} /ɹɪˈliːs/ (event of setting free)
:: lâcher {m}, relâche {f}
release {n} (software: distribution of a computer software product)
:: version {f}
release {n} (product made recently available)
:: sortie {f}, parution {f}
release {n} (law: giving up of a claim; debt release)
:: remise de dette {f}
release {n} (biochemistry)
:: libération
release {v} (to let go (of))
:: lâcher, libérer
release {v} (to make available to the public)
:: sortir
release {v} (to free or liberate)
:: libérer
relegate {v} /ˈɹɛlɪɡeɪt/ (to exile)
:: reléguer
relegate {v}
:: reléguer
relegation {n} (act of being relegated)
:: relégation {f}
relegation zone {n} (bottom part of a sports table)
:: zone de relégation {f}, zone rouge {f}
relent {n} /ɹɪˈlɛnt/ (stop, delay)
:: se retirer
relentless {adj} /ɹɪˈlɛntləs/ (unrelenting or unyielding in severity)
:: implacable, impitoyable
relentless {adj} (unremitting, steady and persistent)
:: tenace
relentlessness {n} (condition of being relentless)
:: acharnement {m}
relevance {n} (property or state of being relevant, pertinency)
:: pertinence {f}
relevancy {n} (relevance) SEE: relevance
relevancy {n} /ˈɹɛlɪvənsi/ (the degrees to which a thing is relevant)
:: pertinence {f}
relevant {adj} /ˈɹɛləvənt/ (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic)
:: pertinent
reliability {n} (quality of being reliable)
:: fiabilité {f}
reliability {n} (quality of a measurement)
:: fiabilité
reliable {adj} /ɹɪˈlaɪəbəl/ (fit to be relied on)
:: fiable, sûr
reliably {adv} (in a reliable manner)
:: de manière fiable, fiablement
reliance {n} /ɹɪˈlaɪəns/ (The act of relying on someone or something; trust)
:: confiance {f}
reliance {n} (The condition of being reliant or dependent)
:: dépendance {f}
reliant {adj} (having reliance on somebody or something)
:: dépendant
relic {n} /ˈɹɛlɪk/ (part of a body or an object of religious significance)
:: relique
relief {n} /ɹɪˈliːf/ (removal of stress or discomfort)
:: soulagement {m}, allégement {m}
relief {n} (feeling associated with removal of stress or discomfort)
:: soulagement {m}
relief {n} (person who takes over a shift)
:: relève {f}
relief {n} (type of artwork)
:: relief {m}
relief {n} (apparent difference in elevation)
:: relief {m}
relief {n} (difference of elevations on a surface)
:: relief {m}
relief agency {n} (organization)
:: organisation humanitaire {f}
relief printing {n} (printing method)
:: taille d'épargne {f}
relief valve {n} (safety valve that relieves pressure)
:: soupape de décharge {f}, soupape de décompression {f}, soupape d'échappement {f}
relieve {v} /ɹɪˈliːv/
:: soulager
relieved {adj} /ɹɪˈliːvd/ (alleviated)
:: soulagé
relieve oneself {v}
:: se soulager, faire ses besoins
religion {n} /ɹɪˈlɪdʒən/ (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death)
:: religion {f}
religious {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈlɪ.d͡ʒəs/ (concerning religion)
:: religieux
religious {adj} (committed to the practice of religion)
:: religieux
religious education {n} (religious studies) SEE: religious studies
religiously {adv} (in the manner of religion)
:: religieusement
religious studies {n} (study of religious beliefs, behaviours and institutions)
:: sciences des religions {f-p}
relinquish {v} /ɹɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/ (to give up, abandon)
:: abandonner, renoncer
relinquish {v} (to let go, physically release)
:: lâcher, relâcher
relinquish {v}
:: , laisser
reliquary {n} /ˈɹɛlɪkwɛɹi/ (container for religious relics)
:: reliquaire {m}
relish {n} /ˈɹɛ.lɪʃ/ (pickled sauce)
:: relish {f}
relish {v} (to taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of)
:: savourer, se délecter
relish {v} ((obsolete) to give a relish to; to cause to taste agreeably)
:: parfumer
relive {v} /ɹiːˈlɪv/ (to come back to life)
:: revivre
reload {v} (to load (something) again)
:: recharger
reload {v} (to refresh a copy of a program in memory or of a web page on screen)
:: rafraîchir
relocate {v} (to move (something) from one place to another)
:: déplacer
relocate {v} (to change one's domicile or place of business)
:: déménager
relocation {n} /ˌɹiːləʊˈkeɪʃən/ (moving to another place)
:: déménagement, délocalisation
relook {v} (To look again)
:: reregarder
reluctance {n} /ɹɪˈlʌktəns/ (unwillingness to do something)
:: réticence {f}
reluctance {n} (magnetic resistance)
:: réluctance {f}
reluctant {adj} /ɹɪˈlʌktənt/ (offering resistance to)
:: récalcitrant, réfractaire
reluctant {adj} (not wanting to take some action)
:: réticent, réservé, rétif
reluctantly {adv} /ɹɪˈlʌktəntli/ (in a reluctant manner)
:: à contrecœur
rely {v} /ɹɪˈlaɪ/ (rest with confidence)
:: compter sur
rely on {v} (to be confident in)
:: se fier à, compter sur
remain {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪn/ (That which is left; relic; remainder)
:: reste {m}
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw)
:: rester
remain {v} (to continue unchanged)
:: demeurer, rester
remain {n} (That which is left of a being after its life is gone) SEE: remains
remainder {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪndə/
:: restant {m}, reste {m}, résidu {m}, invendu, surplus {m}
remaining {adj} /ɹɪˈmeɪnɪŋ/ (which remains)
:: qui reste, restant
remains {n} (remains) SEE: wreck
remains {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪnz/ (what is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a corpse)
:: dépouille {f}, cendres {f-p}, restes {m-p}
remains {n} (relic of an ancient building or other structure)
:: ruines {f-p}
remains {n} (all that is left of the stock of some things; remnants)
:: reste {m}, restes {m-p}
remain to be seen {v} (be as yet unknown)
:: rester à voir
remake {v} /ɹiːˈmeɪk/ (to make again)
:: refaire
remake {n} (new version of something)
:: copie {f}, remake {m}
remake {n} (new version of film)
:: remake {m}, reprise {f}
remand {n} /ɹɪˈmɑːnd/ (sending an accused person back into custody)
:: maintien {m} (en détention préventive)
remand {n} (sending a matter back to a lower court)
:: renvoi {m} (devant une autre cour)
remand {v}
:: maintenir (en détention préventive), renvoyer (devant une autre cour)
remark {n} /ɹɪˈmɑɹk/ (expression of something noticed)
:: remarque {f}
remark {n}
:: remarque {f}
remarkable {adj} /ɹɪˈmɑɹkəbl̩/ (worthy of being remarked)
:: remarquable
remarkably {adv} /ɹɪˈmɑɹkəbli/ (in a remarkable manner)
:: remarquablement
remaster {v} (to create a new master copy by enhancing sound or picture quality of an older recording)
:: rematricer
remasticate {v} (chew again)
:: remâcher
remasticate {v} (go over again)
:: remâcher
rematch {n} /ˈɹiː.mætʃ/ (second contest between the same opponents, a return game)
:: revanche
remediation {n} (action or process to remedy a situation)
:: rattrapage {m}, réparation {f}, dépollution {f}
remedy {n} /ˈɹɛmədi/ (something that corrects or counteracts)
:: remède {m}
remedy {n} (legal means)
:: recours {m}
remedy {n} (medicine, application, or treatment)
:: remède {m}
remedy {v} (To provide or serve as a remedy for)
:: remédier
remember {v} /ɹɪˈmɛmbɚ/ (to recall from one's memory)
:: se rappeler, se souvenir, se remémorer
remember {v} (to memorize)
:: retenir
remember {v} (to not forget to do something required)
:: penser à
remember {v} ((obsolete) to remind) SEE: remind
Remembrance Day {prop} (in Canada, November 11)
:: jour du Souvenir {m}
Remich {prop} (city)
:: Remich
remind {v} /ɹəˈmaɪnd/ (Cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice)
:: rappeler à
reminder {n} (something that reminds)
:: rappel {m}
reminder {n} ((finance) Writing that reminds of open payments)
:: rappel {m}
reminisce {v} /ˌɹɛm.ɨˈnɪs/ (to recall the past in a private moment, often fondly or nostalgically)
:: évoquer des réminiscences, se remémorer
reminiscence {n}
:: réminiscence {m}
remission {n} /ɹɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ (pardon of a sin)
:: rémission {f}, pardon {m}
remit {v} /ɹiˈmɪt/ (to forgive, pardon)
:: remettre
remit {v} (to postpone) SEE: postpone
remittance {n} (A payment to a remote recipient)
:: virement {m}
remix {n} /ˈɹiˌmɪks/ (rearrangement of an older piece of music)
:: remix {m}
remnant {n} /ˈɹɛmnənt/ (small portion remaining of a larger thing or group)
:: reste {m}
remnant {n} (unsold end of piece goods)
:: reste {m}
remorse {n} /ɹɪˈmɔɹs/ (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning)
:: remords {m-p}, componction {f}
remote {adj} /ɹɪˈmoʊt/ (at a distance)
:: distant
remote {adj} (distant or otherwise unaccessible)
:: éloigné
remote {n} (remote control)
:: télécommande {f}
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away)
:: télécommande {f}
remotely {adv} /ɹɪˈmoʊtli/ (at a distance, far away)
:: à distance
remoteness {n} (quality of being remote)
:: éloignement {m}
remote sensing {n} (gaining information about an object without coming in direct contact with it)
:: télédétection {f}
remote sensing {n} (remote viewing) SEE: remote viewing
remote viewing {n} (paranormal ability to gather information from great distances)
:: vision à distance
remoulade {n} /ɹɛmuːˈlɑːd/ (condiment)
:: rémoulade {f}
removable {adj} (able to be removed)
:: amovible
removal {n} /ɹəˈmuːvəl/ (The process of moving, or the fact of being removed)
:: enlèvement {m}, élimination, prélèvement
removal {n} (The relocation of a business etc)
:: déménagement {m}
removal {n} (The dismissal of someone from office)
:: destitution {f}
remove {v} (to remove) SEE: delete
remove {v} /ɹɪˈmuːv/ (to take away)
:: enlever
remuneration {n} /ɹə.mjuː.nə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (something given in exchange for goods or services rendered)
:: rémunération {f}
remuneration {n} (a payment for work done; wages, salary, emolument)
:: salaire {m}
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney
renaissance {n} (Renaissance) SEE: Renaissance
Renaissance {prop} /ˈɹɛnəˌsɑːns/ (14th-century revival)
:: Renaissance {f}
Renaissance {prop} (any similar revival)
:: renaissance {f}
renal {adj} /ˈɹiːnəl/ (pertaining to the kidneys)
:: rénal
renal pelvis {n} (funnel-like dilated proximal part of the ureter in the kidney)
:: bassinet du rein {m}, petit bassin du rein {m}
rename {v} (to give a new name to)
:: renommer
renamer {n} (What performs renaming)
:: renommeur {f}
renaming {n} (act in which something is renamed)
:: renommage {m}
Renata {prop} (female given name)
:: Renée
Renault {prop} /ɹəˈnoʊ/ (car of Renault brand)
:: Renault {f}
rend {v} (to separate into parts with force)
:: rompre
render {v} /ˈɹɛn.də/ (to cause to become)
:: rendre
render {v} (to interpret)
:: interpréter
render {v} (to translate)
:: traduire
render {v} (cover a wall with a layer of plaster)
:: plâtrer
rendezvous {n} /ˈɹɑndəˌvu/ (meeting or date)
:: rendez-vous {m}
rendezvous {n} (agreement to meet)
:: rendez-vous {m}
rendezvous {v} (meet at an agreed time and place)
:: se donner rendez-vous, se rencontrer, se rejoindre
Renée {prop} (female given name) SEE: Renata
renegade {n} /ˈɹɛnɪˌɡeɪd/ (outlaw or rebel)
:: renégat
renegade {n} (disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion etc.)
:: renégat {m}
renege {v} /ɹɪˈn(e)ɪɡ/ (break a promise or commitment)
:: manquer à la parole
renegotiate {v} (to negotiate new terms)
:: renégocier
renew {v} /ɹɪˈnjuː/ (to make new again)
:: renouveler
renewable {adj} (Able to be renewed)
:: renouvelable
renewable energy {n}
:: énergie renouvelable {f}
renewal {n} (act of renewing)
:: renouvellement {m}, renouvèlement {m}
renminbi {n} /ˈɹɛn.mɪn.bi/ (currency in China)
:: renminbi {m}
Rennes {prop} /ɹɛn/ (city)
:: Rennes
rennet {n} /ˈɹɛnɪt/ (An enzyme)
:: présure {f}
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum
renovate {v} /ˈɹenəveɪt/ (to renew; to revamp)
:: rénover, remettre à neuf
renovation {n} (act or process of renovating)
:: rénovation {f}
renown {n} /ɹɪˈnaʊn/ (Fame or wide recognition)
:: renom {m}
renowned {adj} /ɹɪˈnaʊnd/ (famous)
:: reconnu, renommé {m}
rent {n} /ɹɛnt/ (payment made by a tenant)
:: loyer {m}
rent {n} (payment made for the use of equipment or a service)
:: location {f}
rent {v} (to occupy premises in exchange for rent)
:: louer
rent {v} (to grant occupation in return for rent)
:: louer
rent {v} (obtain/have temporary possession of an object such as a movie)
:: louer
rent {n} (a tear or rip)
:: déchirure {f}
rent boy {n} (young male prostitute)
:: giton {m}
rentcharge {n} (periodic payment)
:: rente constituée {f}, rente à prix d’argent {f}
rentier {n} /ˈɹɒntɪeɪ/ (individual who receives capital income)
:: rentier {m}, rentière {f}
renunciation {n} (the act of rejecting or renouncing something as invalid)
:: renonciation
reoffender {n} (repeat offender) SEE: repeat offender
reopen {v} ((transitive) to open again)
:: rouvrir
reopen {v} ((intransitive) to open again)
:: se rouvrir
reopening {n} (act of opening again)
:: réouverture {f}
reorganization {n} (act or process)
:: réorganisation
reorganization {n} (result)
:: réorganisation
reorganize {v} (to organize again)
:: réorganiser
rep {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative
rep {n} /ɹɛp/ (a type of fabric)
:: reps {m}
rep {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition
repaint {v} /ɹiːˈpeɪnt/ (to paint again)
:: repeindre
repair {v} /ɹɪˈpɛɚ/ (to restore to good working order)
:: réparer
repair {n} (act of repairing something)
:: réparation {f}
repair {n} (result of repairing something)
:: réparation {f}
repairable {adj} (able to be repaired) SEE: reparable
repairer {n} (person who repairs)
:: réparateur {m}
reparable {adj} /ˈɹɛp(ə)ɹəb(ə)l/ (able to be repaired)
:: réparable
reparation {n} /ˌɹɛpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (payment to undo transgressions)
:: réparation {f}
repartee {n} /ˌɹɛpɑɹˈteɪ/ (swift witty retort)
:: repartie
repartition {n} (a distribution or apportioning of something)
:: répartition {f}
repartition {v} (to format a hard drive into different partitions)
:: partitionner
repartition {v} (to partition again)
:: repartitionner
repatriation {n} (the process of returning of a person to their country of origin)
:: rapatriement {m}
repay {v} (pay back) SEE: pay back
repdigit {n} /ˈɹɛpˌdɪdʒɪt/ (number composed of one digit)
:: nombre uniforme {m}
repeal {v} /ɹəˈpiːl/ (to cancel)
:: abroger , annuler , révoquer
repeat {v} /ɹɪˈpiːt/ (do or say again)
:: répéter
repeat {n} (pattern of nucleic acids)
:: répétition
repeated {adj} /ɹɪˈpiːtɪd/ (said or done again)
:: répété
repeatedly {adv} /ɹɪˈpiːtɪdli/ (done several times)
:: à plusieurs reprises à maintes reprises
repeater {n} (electronics: an electronic device that received a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or power)
:: répéteur {m}
repeater {n} (a student repeating a course or class)
:: redoublant
repeat offend {v} (recidivate) SEE: recidivate
repeat offender {n} (repeat offender, see also: recidivist)
:: récidiviste {m} {f}
repechage {n} /ˌɹɛp.əˈʃɑʒ/ (heat for competitors who have lost in a previous round)
:: repêchage {m}
repel {v} /ɹɪˈpɛl/ (to put off)
:: rebuter, repousser
repel {v} (physics: to force away)
:: repousser
repellent {adj} /ɹəˈpɛlənt/ (repulsive, inspiring aversion)
:: répulsif
repellent {n}
:: répulsif
repent {v} /ɹɪˈpɛnt/ (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do)
:: se repentir
repent {v} (theology: to be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness)
:: se repentir
repent {v} (to feel pain on account of, to remember with sorrow)
:: repentir
repentance {n} /ɹɪˈpɛntəns/ (condition of being penitent)
:: repentance {f}
repentance {n} (feeling of regret or remorse)
:: repentir
repentant {adj} (feeling sorrow for wrongdoing)
:: repentant, repenti
reperceive {v} (Perceive again)
:: repercevoir
repercussion {n} /ˌɹi.pɚˈkʌʃ.ən/ (consequence, result of action)
:: conséquence, répercussion
repertoire {n} /ˈɹɛp.əɹ.twɑɹ/ (list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed)
:: répertoire
repertoire {n} (set of skills possessed by a person; collection of items)
:: répertoire {m}
repetition {n} /ɹɛpəˈtɪʃən/ (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated)
:: répétition {f}
repetitive {adj} (happening many times in a similar way)
:: répétitif
rephrase {v} (find a different way to say something)
:: reformuler
replace {v} /ɹɪˈpleɪs/ (to substitute)
:: remplacer
replaceable {adj} (capable of being replaced)
:: remplaçable
replacement {n} /ɹɪˈpleɪsmənt/ (a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute)
:: remplaçant {m}, substitut
replenish {v} /ɹɪˈplɛn.ɪʃ/ (to refill)
:: réapprovisionner
replenishment {n} (act of replenishing)
:: reconstitution, réapprovisionnement
repletion {n} (the condition of being replete)
:: réplétion {f}
replica {n} /ˈɹɛplɪkə/ (exact copy)
:: réplique {f}, copie exacte {f}
replicate {v} /ˈɹɛpləˌkeɪt/ (to make a copy of)
:: répliquer
replication {n} /ɹɛplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (copy, reproduction)
:: duplicata {m}
replication {n} (a response from the plaintiff to the defendant's plea)
:: réponse {f}
replication {n} (process of producing replicas of DNA or RNA)
:: réplication
replicon {n} (DNA that replicates as an individual unit)
:: réplicon
reply {v} /ɹɪˈplaɪ/ (to give a written or spoken response)
:: répondre
reply {n} (written or spoken response)
:: réponse {f}
reply {n} (something given in reply)
:: réponse {f}
repoliticize {v}
:: repolitiser
report {v} /ɹɪˈpɔɹt/ (to relate details of)
:: rapporter
report {v} (to notify formally)
:: signaler
report {v} (to be accountable)
:: rendre des comptes
report {v} (to write news reports)
:: couvrir, présenter, rapporter
report {n} (information describing events)
:: rapport {m}, reportage {m}, communiqué {m}, bulletin {m}, compte-rendu {m}
report {n} (an employee whose position in a corporate hierarchy is below that of a particular manager)
:: subordonné {m}
reportage {n} /ɹɪˈpɔː(ɹ)tɪdʒ/ (reporting of news, especially by an eyewitness)
:: reportage {m}
reportage {n} (news or information that has been reported; media coverage)
:: reportage {m}
report card {n} (grades)
:: bulletin {m}, bulletin scolaire {m}, procès-verbal d'examens {m}
reportedly {adv} /ɹɪˈpɔːtɪdli/ (according to reports or rumors)
:: supposément
reported speech {n} (a form of speech used to express what another has said)
:: discours indirect {m}
reporter {n} /ɹɪˈpɔɹtɚ/ (journalist)
:: reporter, rapporteur, journaliste
repository {n} (a location for storage, often for safety or preservation)
:: chambre-forte {f}, coffre-fort {m}, repositoire {m}
repository {n} (storage location for computer files)
:: dépôt {m}, référentiel {m}
repository {n} (a burial vault)
:: tombeau {m}, mausolée {m}
repository {n} (a person to whom a secret is entrusted)
:: dépositaire {m}
reprehensible {adj} (blameworthy)
:: blâmable {m} {f}, coupable {m} {f}
reprehensible {adj} (deserving of reprehension)
:: répréhensible {m} {f}, condamnable {m} {f}
reprehension {n} (the act, or an expression, of criticism, censure or condemnation; reprimand)
:: répréhension {f}
represent {v} /ɹɛp.ɹɪ.ˈzɛnt/ (to present again or anew)
:: représenter
represent {v} (to portray by pictorial or plastic art)
:: représenter
represent {v} (to portray by mimicry or action of any kind)
:: jouer
represent {v} (to stand in the place of, act on behalf of)
:: représenter
representation {n} /ˌɹɛp.ɹə.zɛn.ˈteɪ.ʃən/ (figure, image or idea that substitutes reality)
:: représentation
representation {n} (theatrical performance)
:: représentation {f}
representation {n}
:: représentation
representative {adj} /ˌɹɛpɹɪˈzɛnt(ət)ɪv/ (typical)
:: typique, représentatif
representative {n} (one who speaks for another)
:: représentant {m}, délégué {m}, mandataire {m} {f}
representative {n} (representative of a constituency)
:: député {m}
representative {n} (one that is taken as typical of its class)
:: représentant
representative {n} (member of the House of Representatives)
:: représentant {m}
repress {v} /ɹəˈpɹɛs/ (forcefully prevent an upheaval from developing)
:: réprimer, opprimer
repress {v} (to keep back)
:: retenir
repression {n} (act of repressing)
:: répression {f}
repressive {adj} (serving to repress or suppress; oppressive)
:: répressif
repressor {n} (protein that represses)
:: répresseur {m}
reprieve {n} /ɹɪˈpɹiːv/ (cancellation of a punishment)
:: grâce {f}
reprimand {n} /ˈɹɛpɹɪmɑːnd/ (a severe, formal or official reproof)
:: réprimande, semonce {f}
reprimand {v} (to reprove in a formal or official way)
:: réprimander, semoncer
reprisal {n} /ɹɪˈpɹaɪzəl/ (retaliation)
:: représailles {f-p}
reprise {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition
reprise {n} /ɹɪˈpɹiːz/ ((music) A repetition of a phrase, or a return to an earlier theme)
:: reprise {f}
reproach {n} /ɹɪˈpɹoʊtʃ/ (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism)
:: reproche {m}
reproach {n} (disgrace or shame)
:: opprobre {m}
reproach {v} (to criticize or rebuke someone)
:: reprocher
reproachful {adj} (with reproach)
:: réprobateur
reprobate {adj} /ˈɹɛpɹəbət/ (rejected)
:: rejeté, évincé, condamné, réprouvé, blâmé, flétri, marginalisé, banni, blackboulé, répudié
reprobate {adj} (rejected by God)
:: maudit, anathématisé, réprouvé, excommunié, stigmatisé
reprobate {adj} (immoral)
:: maudit, infâme, cynique, immoral
reproduce {v} /ˌɹi.pɹoʊˈdus/ (to produce an image or copy of something)
:: reproduire
reproduce {v} (to generate offspring)
:: se reproduire
reproduce {v} (to produce again, to recreate)
:: reproduire
reproducibility {n} (quality of being reproducible)
:: reproductibilité {f}
reproducible {adj} (capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people)
:: reproductible
reproduction {n} (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically, see also: procreation)
:: reproduction {f}
reproduction {n} (a duplicate)
:: reproduction {f}
reproductive {adj} (of or relating to reproduction)
:: reproductif, reproducteur
reproductive organ {n} (organ used in sexual reproduction) SEE: sex organ
reproductive system {n} (reproductive system)
:: système reproducteur {m}
reprography {n} (the reproduction, reprinting and copying of graphics)
:: reprographie {f}
reprotoxic {adj} /ˌɹipɹoʊˈtɑksɪk/ (having a toxic effect on reproduction)
:: reprotoxique
reptile {n} /ˈɹɛp.taɪl/ (a cold-blooded vertebrate)
:: reptile {m}
rep-tile {n}
:: reptuile {m}
republic {n} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (a type of state)
:: république {f}
republic {n} (one of the kinds of parts constituting Russia)
:: république {f}
republican {adj} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪkən/ (of or belonging to a republic)
:: républicain
republican {n} (someone who favors a republic)
:: républicain {m}, républicaine {f}
Republican {adj} (republican) SEE: republican
Republican {adj} (pertaining to the Republican Party)
:: républicain
Republican {n} (supporter of the Republican Party of the U.S.)
:: républicain {m}, républicaine {f}
republicanism {n} (republicanism as a form of government)
:: républicanisme {m}
republicanist {n} (one who holds republican opinions)
:: républicaniste {m} {f}
republican marriage {n} (form of execution used during the French Revolution)
:: mariage républicain
Republic of Albania {prop} (Official name of Albania)
:: République d’Albanie {f}
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia)
:: République d'Arménie {f}
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria)
:: République d'Autriche {f}
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan)
:: République d'Azerbaïdjan {f}
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus)
:: République de Biélorussie {f}, République du Bélarus {f}
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria)
:: République de Bulgarie {f}
Republic of China {prop} (state in East Asia)
:: la République de Chine {f}, Taiwan {m}
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia)
:: La République de Croatie
Republic of Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (official name of Côte d'Ivoire)
:: République de Côte d'Ivoire {f}
Republic of Cuba {prop} (official name of Cuba)
:: République de Cuba {f}
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus)
:: République de Chypre {f}
Republic of Equatorial Guinea {prop} (official name of Equatorial Guinea)
:: République de Guinée équatoriale {f}
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia)
:: République d'Estonie {f}
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland)
:: République de Finlande {f}
Republic of Ghana {prop} (official name of Ghana)
:: République du Ghana {f}
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary)
:: République de Hongrie {f}
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland)
:: République d'Islande {f}
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India)
:: République de l'Inde {f}
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia)
:: République d'Indonésie {f}
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq)
:: République d'Irak {f}, République d'Iraq {f}
Republic of Ireland {prop} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk əv ˈaɪə(ɹ)lənd/ (country)
:: République d'Irlande {f}
Republic of Korea {prop} (country)
:: République de Corée {f}
Republic of Kosovo {prop} (official name of Kosovo)
:: République du Kosovo {f}
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia)
:: République de Lettonie {f}
Republic of Letters {prop} (the intellectual community in the late 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and the Americas)
:: République des Lettres {f}
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania)
:: République de Lituanie {f}
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta)
:: République de Malte {f}
Republic of Nicaragua {prop} (official name of Nicaragua)
:: république du Nicaragua
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia)
:: République de Macédoine du Nord {f}
Republic of Peru {prop}
:: République du Pérou {f}
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland)
:: République de Pologne {f}
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia)
:: République de Serbie {f}
Republic of Seychelles {prop} (official name of Seychelles)
:: République des Seychelles
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore)
:: République de Singapour {f}
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia)
:: République de Slovénie {f}
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa)
:: République d'Afrique du Sud {f}
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country)
:: République du Congo {f}
Republic of The Gambia {prop} (official name of Gambia)
:: République de Gambie {f}
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia)
:: République des Philippines {f}
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey)
:: République turque {f}, République de Turquie {f}
Republic of Zaire {prop} (official name of Zaire)
:: République du Zaïre {f}
Republika Srpska {prop} /ɹɪˈpʊblɪkə ˈsɜː(ɹ)pskə/ (Entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina)
:: République serbe de Bosnie {f}
repudiate {v} /ɹɪˈpjuː.di.eɪt/ (to reject the truth of, deny)
:: nier
repudiate {v}
:: répudier
repudiation {n} (refusing)
:: répudiation
repugnant {adj} /ɹɪˈpʌɡnənt/ (offensive or repulsive; arousing disgust or aversion)
:: répugnant {m}, répugnante {f}, repoussant {m}, repoussante {f}
repulsive {adj} (tending to rouse aversion or to repulse)
:: répugnant, repoussant
repunish {v} (to punish again)
:: repunir
reputable {adj} /ˈɹɛpjʊtəbəl/ (having a good reputation)
:: respectable, décent
reputation {n} /ˌɹɛpjʊˈteɪʃən/ (what somebody is known for)
:: réputation {f}, renommée {f} (more slang)
repute {n} /ɹɪˈpjuːt/ (reputation, especially a good reputation)
:: réputation {f}
request {v} /ɹɪˈkwɛst/ (to express the need or desire for)
:: demander
request {v} (to ask somebody to do something)
:: demander, prier
request {n} (act of requesting)
:: requête {f}, demande {f}
request {n} (formal message requesting something)
:: requête {f}
request {n} (condition of being sought after)
:: demande {f}
request {n} (message sent over a network)
:: requête {f}
requiescat in pace {phrase} (may he/she rest in peace)
:: repose en paix
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask
require {v} /ɹɪˈkwaɪə/ (to demand, call for authoritatively)
:: exiger
require {v} (to need)
:: demander, avoir besoin de, requérir, nécessiter
require {v} (to demand of (someone))
:: exiger de, prier
requirement {n} /ɹɪˈkwaɪɹmənt/ (necessity)
:: exigence {f}, besoin {m}
requirement {n} (something asked)
:: demande
requirement {n} (engineering: constraint)
:: contrainte {f}, exigence {f}
requisition {n} (That which is required by authority)
:: réquisition {f}
requite {v} /ɹɪˈkwaɪt/ (to repay, recompense, reward)
:: rendre la pareille, réciproquer
reread {v} /ɹiːˈɹiːd/ (to read again)
:: relire
reredos {n} (screen or decoration behind the altar in a church) SEE: retable
reroute {v} (to change the route taken by something)
:: recircuiter
rerun {n} /ɹiˈɹʌn/ (television program shown after its initial presentation)
:: rediffusion {f}, reprise {f}
rerun {v} (run (a television program) again)
:: rediffuser {f}
resale {n} (the action of selling something previously bought)
:: revente {f}
reschedule {v} (to schedule again)
:: reprogrammer, rééchelonner
rescind {v} /ɹɪˈsɪnd/ (repeal, annul, or declare void)
:: abroger, annuler
rescue {v} /ˈɹɛs.kjuː/ (to save from any danger or violence)
:: délivrer, secourir, sauver
rescue {v}
:: délivrer, sauver
rescue {n} (act of rescuing, saving)
:: sauvetage {m}, secours {m}, rescousse
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation
rescuer {n} (person who rescues)
:: sauveur {m}, sauveteur {m}
research {n} /ˈɹi.sɚtʃ/ (inquiry or examination)
:: recherche {f}
research {n}
:: recherche {f}
research {v} (to examine with continued care)
:: rechercher
research {v}
:: examiner, explorer, fouiller, rechercher
researcher {n} (one who researches)
:: chercheur {m}, chercheuse {f}
research professor {n}
:: professeur de recherche
resection {n} (surgical excision)
:: résection
reseda {n} /ɹɪˈsiːdə/ (plant of the genus Reseda)
:: réséda {m}
resell {v} /ɹiːˈsɛl/ (To sell again)
:: revendre
reseller {n} (company or individual)
:: revendeur {m}
resemblance {n} /ɹəˈzɛmbləns/ (state of resembling)
:: ressemblance {f}
resemblance {n} (that which resembles)
:: ressemblance
resemblance {n} (comparison)
:: comparaison
resemblance {n} (probability)
:: probabilité
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare
resemble {v} /ɹɪˈzɛmb(ə)l/ (to be like or similar to something else)
:: ressembler à
resend {v}
:: renvoyer
resent {v} /ɹiˈzɛnt/ (to feel resentment)
:: avoir de l'amertume
resent {v} (to express displeasure or indignation at)
:: exprimer son mécontentement, s'indigner
resentful {adj} /ɹɪˈzɛntfəl/ (inclined to resent)
:: rancunier
resentful {adj} (full of resentment)
:: indigné
resentment {n} /ɹɪˈzɛntmənt/ (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.)
:: ressentiment {m}, agacement {m}, rancune {f}
reserpine {n} (alkaloid)
:: réserpine {f}
reservation {n} /ˌɹɛzɚˈveɪʃən/ (act of withholding)
:: réservation {f}
reservation {n} (something withheld)
:: réservation {f}
reservation {n} (limiting qualification)
:: réserve {f}
reservation {n} (tract of land)
:: réserve {f}
reservation {n} (arrangement by which something is secured in advance)
:: réservation {f}
reservation {n} (area that separates opposing traffic lanes)
:: terre-plein central {m}
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold
reserve {n} /ɹɪˈzɝv/ (the act of reserving or keeping back; reservation)
:: réservation
reserve {n} (that which is reserved or kept back, as for future use)
:: réserves {f-p}
reserve {n} (known unexploited natural resource)
:: réserve {f}
reserve {n} (restraint of freedom in words or actions)
:: réserve {f}
reserve {n} (tract of land reserved for Aboriginal people)
:: réserve {f}
reserve {n} (military: body of troops in the rear of an army)
:: réserve {f}
reserve {n}
:: réservation {f}
reserve {v}
:: réserver
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank
reserved {adj} /ɹɪˈzɝvd/ (slow to reveal emotion or opinions)
:: réservé {m}
reserved {adj} (set aside for a particular person or purpose)
:: réservé {m}
reserved word {n} (a word in a programming language that has a fixed meaning)
:: mot réservé {m}
reservoir {n} /ˈɹɛz.ə(ɹ).vwɑɹ/ (place where anything is kept in store)
:: réservoir {m}
reservoir {n} (large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply)
:: réservoir {m}
reset {v} /ɹiːˈsɛt/ (to set back to the initial state)
:: remettre à zéro, réinitialiser
reship {v} (to ship something again)
:: réexpédier
reshuffle {v} (to shuffle something again)
:: rebattre
reshuffle {v} (to reorganize or rearrange something)
:: remanier
reshuffle {n} (an instance of reshuffling)
:: remaniement
reside {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪd/ (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time)
:: habiter, résider, demeurer
reside {v} (to have a seat or fixed position)
:: résider
residence {n} /ˈɹɛz.ɪ.dəns/ (place where one lives)
:: résidence {f}
residence {n} (place where a corporation is established)
:: siège social {m}
residence {n} (building used as a home)
:: résidence {f}
residence {n} (student accommodation)
:: résidence {f}
residence permit {n} (right to legally reside in a country)
:: titre de séjour {m}, carte de séjour {f}, permis de séjour {m}
resident {n} /ˈɹɛzɪd(ə)nt/ (person living at a location or an area)
:: résident {m}, résidente {f}, habitant {m}, habitante {f}
residential {adj} (of or pertaining to a place of personal residence)
:: résidentiel {m}
residual {adj} /ɹɪˈzɪdʒʊəl/
:: résiduaire
residual {n}
:: restant {m}, résidu {m}
residual-current device {n} (a device that breaks an electric circuit)
:: dispositif différentiel à courant résiduel {m}
residue {n} /ˈɹɛzɪduː/ ((chemistry) substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration)
:: résidu
resign {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪn/ (quit a job or position)
:: démissionner
resign {v} (to give up)
:: se résigner, se faire une raison
resignation {n} /ɹɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ (act of resigning)
:: démission {f}
resignation {n} (declaration that one resigns)
:: démission {f}
resignation {n} (state of uncomplaining acceptance)
:: résignation {f}
resigner {n} (Someone who resignes)
:: démissionnaire
resign oneself {v} (give up)
:: se résigner
resilience {n} /ɹə.zɪl.ɪ.əns/ (mental ability)
:: résilience {f}
resilience {n} (physical property of material)
:: résilience {f}
resilient {adj} (able to withstand force without cracking; elastic)
:: flexible {m} {f}, résistant {m}, résilient
resilient {adj} (returning quickly to normal after damaging events or conditions; psychologically or structurally tough)
:: résilient
resin {n} /ˈɹɛzɪn/ (secretion of plants)
:: aufef {f}
resin {n} (viscous liquid of plant origin)
:: résine {f}
resin {n} (similar synthetic compound)
:: résine {f}
resist {v} /ɹɪˈzɪst/ (to attempt to counter actions or effects of)
:: résister
resist {v} (to withstand actions or effects of)
:: résister
resist {v} (to oppose)
:: s'opposer, rejeter
resist {v} (to be distasteful to)
:: dégoûter
resist {n} (protective coating or covering)
:: vernis {m}
resistance {n} /ɹɪˈzɪstəns/ (act of resisting)
:: résistance {f}
resistance {n} (shortened form of electrical resistance)
:: résistance {f}
resistance {n} (underground organization struggling for liberation)
:: résistance {f}
resistance {n}
:: résistance
resistance band {n}
:: bande de résistance {f}
resistant {n} (a person who resists)
:: résistant {m}
resistant {adj} (that which makes resistance)
:: résistant {m}
resistant {adj} (that which is not overcome by a disease or drug)
:: résistant {m}
resistible {adj} (able to be resisted)
:: résistible
resistin {n} (Definition)
:: résistine {f}
resistivity {n} (capacity of resistance to electricity)
:: résistivité {f}
resistor {n} /ɹɪˈzɪstɚ/ (one who resists, especially a person who fights against an occupying army)
:: résistant {m}
resistor {n} (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it)
:: résistance {f}
resit {v} (to take an examination second time)
:: repasser
resit {n} (examination)
:: rattrapage {m}
resizable {adj} (computing: able to be resized)
:: redimensionnable {m} {f}
resize {v} (alter the size of something)
:: redimensionner
resmelt {v} (to smelt again)
:: refondre
resole {v} (to replace or reattach the sole of an article of footwear)
:: ressemeler
resolute {adj} /ˈɹɛ.zəˌl(j)uːt/ (firm, unyielding, determined)
:: résolu {m}, résolue {f}, ferme {m} {f}, déterminé {m}, déterminée {f}
resoluteness {n} (state or characteristic of being resolute)
:: détermination {f}, résolution {f}
resolution {n} /ˌɹɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (strong will)
:: conviction {f}
resolution {n} (state of being resolute)
:: résolution {f}, détermination {f}
resolution {n} (computing, photography: degree of fineness of image)
:: résolution {f}
resolution {n} (computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed)
:: résolution {f}
resolution {n} (formal statement adopted by an assembly)
:: résolution {f}
resolution {n} (music: progression from dissonance to consonance)
:: résolution {f}
resolution {n}
:: résolution {f}
resolvable {adj} (able to be resolved)
:: résoluble
resolve {v} /ɹɪˈzɑlv/ (to find a solution to)
:: résoudre
resolve {v} (to make a firm decision)
:: se résoudre
resolve {v} (to separate racemic compounds into their enantiomers)
:: résoudre
resonance {n} /ˈɹɛzənəns/
:: résonance
resonate {v} /ˈɹɛz.əˌneɪt/ (to vibrate or sound, especially in response to another vibration)
:: résonner
resorb {v} (to absorb again)
:: résorber
resort {n} /ɹɨˈzɔ(ɹ)t/ (a relaxing environment for people on vacation)
:: lieu de vacances {m}, resort {m}
resort {n} (something or someone turned to for safety)
:: sortie, recours
resort {v} (to have recourse out of necessity or frustration)
:: recourir (à)
resort {v} /ˌɹiːˈsɔ(ɹ)t/ (to repeat a sorting process)
:: retrier
resound {v} /ˌɹiːˈsaʊnd/ (to sound again)
:: retentir, résonner
resound {v} /ɹɨˈzaʊnd/ ((intransitive) to reverberate with sound or noise)
:: résonner
resounding {adj} /ɹɪˈzaʊn.dɪŋ/ (having a deep, reverberating sound)
:: résonnant
resource {n} /ˈɹisɔɹs/ (something that one uses to achieve an objective)
:: ressource {f}
resourceful {adj} (capable or clever; able to put available resources to efficient or ingenious use)
:: débrouillard, futé
resourcefulness {n} (the ability to cope with situations)
:: débrouillardise {f}
respect {n} /ɹɪˈspɛkt/ (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit)
:: respect {m}
respect {v} (to have respect for)
:: respecter
respectability {n} (quality of being respectable)
:: respectabilité {f}
respectable {adj} /ɹi.ˈspɛk.tə.bl̩/ (deserving respect)
:: respectable
respectable {adj} (decent; satisfactory)
:: convenable, pas mal
respectably {adv} (in a respectable manner)
:: respectablement
respected {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪd/ (deserving of respect)
:: respecté
respectful {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəl/ (characterized by respect)
:: respectueux
respectfully {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəli/ (in a respectful manner)
:: respectueusement
respective {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪv/ (referencing two or more things as individuals)
:: respectif
respectively {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪvli/ (in a relative manner)
:: respectivement
respiration {n} /ɹɛspɪˈɹeɪʃən/ (breathing)
:: respiration {f}
respirator {n} (device to allow breathing)
:: respirateur {m}
respiratory {adj} /ˈɹɛspəɹəˌtɔɹi/ (relating to respiration; breathing)
:: respiratoire
respiratory distress {n} (heightened level of carbon dioxide in the blood stream)
:: hypoxie {f}, détresse respiratoire {f}, insuffisance respiratoire {f}
respiratory system {n} (system of organs)
:: système respiratoire {m}, appareil respiratoire {m}
respite {n} /ˈɹɛspɪt/ (brief interval of rest or relief)
:: répit {m}
resplendent {adj} /ɹɪˈsplɛn.dənt/ (shiny and colourful, and thus pleasing to the eye)
:: resplendissant {m}
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return
respond {v} /ɹəˈspɒnd/ (to say something in return)
:: répondre
respond {v} (to act in return)
:: répondre
respond {v} (to correspond)
:: répondre
respond {v} (to satisfy)
:: répondre
response {n} /ɹɪˈspɒns/ (an answer or reply)
:: réponse {f}
response {n} (a reaction to a stimulus or provocation)
:: réponse
responsibility {n} /ɹɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪɾi/ (the state of being responsible)
:: responsabilité {f}
responsibility {n} (a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is responsible)
:: responsabilité {f}
responsibilization {n}
:: responsabilisation {f}
responsibilize {v}
:: responsabiliser
responsible {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsəbl̩/ (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences)
:: responsable
responsible {adj} (able to answer reasonably for one's conduct)
:: responsable
responsible {adj} (involving a degree of personal accountability)
:: responsable
responsible {adj} (being a primary cause or agent of some event or action)
:: responsable
responsible {adj} (able to be trusted)
:: responsable
responsive {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsɪv/ (able to receive and respond to external stimuli)
:: sensible
ressentiment {n} (obsolete: resentment) SEE: resentment
ressentiment {n} /ɹɛˌsɒ̃tiˈmɒ̃/ (resentment arising from envy and hatred)
:: ressentiment {m}
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep)
:: repos {m}
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation)
:: repos {m}
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility)
:: paix {f}, repos {m}, quiétude {f}
rest {n} (repose afforded by death)
:: paix {f}, repos {m}
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music)
:: pause {f}
rest {n} (symbol indicating a pause in music)
:: silence {m}, pause {f}
rest {n} (physics: absence of motion)
:: repos {m}
rest {n} (object designed to be used to support something else)
:: support {m}
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose)
:: se reposer
rest {v} (put into state of rest)
:: cesser
rest {v} (stop working, become inactive)
:: s'arrêter
rest {v} (stay, remain, be situated)
:: rester
rest {v} (transitive: lean or lay (something))
:: reposer
rest {v} (intransitive: lie or lean or be supported)
:: se reposer
rest {v} (US legal)
:: en finir
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (remainder)
:: reste {m}
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain
rest area {n} (rest area along a road)
:: aire d'autoroute {f}, aire de repos {f}, halte routière {f}
restart {v} /ˈɹiːˌstɑɹt/ (To start again)
:: recommencer
restart {v} (In computing, to reboot)
:: redémarrer
restate {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase
restate {v} (to state again)
:: redéclarer, réaffirmer
restaurant {n} /ˈɹɛs.t(ə)ˌɹɑnt/ (an eating establishment in which diners are served food)
:: restaurant {m}
restaurateur {n} /ˌɹɛst(ə)ɹəˈtəː/ (owner of a restaurant)
:: restaurateur {m}, restauratrice {f}
restavec {n}
:: reste-avec {m} {f}
restharrow {n} /ˈɹɛsthaɹəʊ/ (any of various species of small shrubs making up the genius Ononis)
:: bugrane {f}
resting place {n} (place where one rests or may rest)
:: lieu de repos {m}
resting place {n} (place where one is buried)
:: dernière demeure {f}
resting-place {n} (place where one can rest) SEE: resting place
rest in peace {v} (blessing or expression of hope)
:: repose en paix
rest in power {v} (blessing or expression of hope)
:: repose en puissance
restitution {n} /ˌɹɛstɪˈtuʃən/ (legal: process of compensation for losses)
:: restitution {f}
restive {adj} /ˈɹɛstɪv/ (resistant of control; stubborn)
:: rétif {m}
restive {adj} (refusing to move, especially in a forward direction)
:: rétif {m}
restless {adj} /ˈɹɛstlɪs/ (not allowing or affording rest)
:: inquiet
restless {adj}
:: agité, impatient
restlessness {n} (state or condition of being restless)
:: agitation, impatience
rest mass {n} (mass of a body when it is not moving)
:: masse au repos {f}
rest on one's laurels {v} (rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further)
:: se reposer sur ses lauriers, s'endormir sur ses lauriers, s'endormir dans les délices de Capoue, s'endormir sur le rôti
restoration {n} /ɹɛstəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the process of bringing an object back to its original state)
:: restauration {f}
restore {v} /ɹɪˈstɔɹ/ (To reestablish, or bring back into existence)
:: restaurer, rétablir
restore {v} (To bring back to a previous condition or state)
:: rétablir
restore {v} (To give back, or make restitution)
:: rendre, restituer
restore {v}
:: restaurer
restrain {v} /ɹɪˈstɹeɪn/ (to control or keep in check)
:: retenir
restrain {v} (to deprive of liberty)
:: réprimer
restrain {v} (to restrict or limit)
:: restreindre
restraining order {n} (An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions)
:: ordonnance restrictive {f}
restraint {n} /ɹɪˈstɹeɪnt/ (something that restrains, ties, fastens or secures)
:: contention {f} (to secure manipulation on animals)
restraint {n} (control or caution; reserve)
:: frein {m}, retenue {f}
restrict {v} /ɹɪˈstɹɪkt/ (to restrain within bounds)
:: restreindre
restricted {adj} /ɹɪˈstɹɪktɪd/ (limited within bounds)
:: restreint
restricted {adj} (available only to certain authorized groups of people)
:: réservé
restricting {adj} (serving to restrict)
:: contraignant
restriction {n} /ɹɪˈstɹɪkʃən/ (degradation of DNA)
:: restriction
restrictive {adj} (confining; limiting)
:: restrictif
restring {v} (string again)
:: recorder
restroom {n} (public room containing a toilet)
:: toilettes {f}, cabinet d'aisance {m}
resubscribe {v} (subscribing again or renewing a subscription)
:: réabonner
result {v} /ɹɪˈzʌlt/ (to proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence)
:: résulter, causer
result {n} (that which results)
:: résultat {m}
resultative {adj} (indicating the state of a noun)
:: résultatif
resulting {adj} /ɹɪˈzʌltɪŋ/ (of something that follows as the result of something else)
:: résultant
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae
resume {v} /ɹɪˈzjuːm/ (start something again that has been stopped or paused)
:: recommencer, reprendre, continuer
resume {n} /ˈɹɛz.ə.meɪ/ (summary)
:: résumé {m}
resurface {v} (to come once again to the surface)
:: remonter à la surface
resurrect {v} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkt/ (to raise from dead)
:: ressusciter
resurrection {n} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkʃən/ (the act of arising from the dead)
:: résurrection {f}
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus)
:: résurrection {f}
resuscitate {v} /ɹɪˈsʌsɪˌteɪt/ (restore consciousness)
:: ressusciter
resuscitation {n} (the act of resuscitating)
:: résuscitation {f}
resveratrol {n} (phenolic substance)
:: resvératrol {m}
ret {v} /ɹɛt/ (to soak linen, hemp etc.)
:: rouir
retable {n} (table or shelf behind an altar)
:: retable {m}
retail {n} /ˈɹiˌteɪl/ (sale of goods directly to the consumer)
:: vente au détail {f}
retail {v} (to sell at retail, or in small quantities directly to customers)
:: vendre au détail
retailer {n} (retail sales company or salesman)
:: revendeur {m}, distributeur {m}, commerçant {m}
retain {v} /ɹɪˈteɪn/ (to keep in possession or use)
:: retenir, conserver, maintenir
retainer {n} /ɹɪˈteɪn.ə/ (dependent or follower)
:: suite {f}
retainer {n} (paid servant)
:: serviteur {m}
retainer {n} (fee)
:: avance {f}
retainer {n} (dentistry: device)
:: faux-palais {m}, contention {f}
retaining wall {n} (structure)
:: mur de soutènement {m}
retake {n} (an instance of resitting an examination) SEE: resit
retake {v} /ɹiːˈteɪk/ (take again)
:: reprendre
retake {v} (take back)
:: reprendre
retake {v} (recapture)
:: reprendre
retaliate {v} (do something harmful to get revenge)
:: riposter
retaliation {n} /ɹɪˌtæliˈeɪʃən/ (act of responding violently to an act of harm or perceived injustice)
:: représailles
retard {n} /ɹɪˈtɑː(ɹ)d/ (retardation; delay)
:: retard
retard {n} (a person with mental retardation)
:: retardé
retard {n} (a stupid person, or one who is slow to learn)
:: attardé
retarded {adj} /ɹiˈtɑɹdɪd/ (delayed in development)
:: retardé {m}
retarded {adj} (having mental retardation)
:: attardé
retarded {adj} (stupid, irrational)
:: attardé
retch {n} /ɹɛtʃ/ (an unsuccessful effort to vomit)
:: haut-le-cœur
retell {v} /ɹiˈtɛl/ (to tell again)
:: raconter de nouveau, redire
retention {n} (the act of retaining or something retained)
:: rétention {f}
retention {n} (the involuntary withholding of urine and faeces)
:: rétention {f}
retention {n} (right to retain property until a debt is paid)
:: droit de rétention {m}
rethink {v} /ɹiːˈθɪŋk/ (think again about a problem)
:: repenser, réfléchir
reticence {n} /ˈɹɛtɪs(ə)ns/ (avoidance of saying or reluctance to say too much)
:: réticence {f}
reticent {adj} /ˈɹɛtɪsənt/ (reserved)
:: réticent, hésitant
reticle {n} /ˈɹɛtɪkəl/ (a gridwork or lattice of lines set into the eyepiece of optical instruments)
:: réticule {m}
reticule {n} (reticle) SEE: reticle
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant)
:: réticulum {m}, réseau {m}, bonnet {m}
Reticulum {prop} (small constellation of the southern summer sky)
:: Réticule {m}
retina {n} /ˈɹɛt.ɨ.nə/ (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball)
:: rétine {f}
retinofugal {adj}
:: rétinofuge
retinol {n} (the vitamin)
:: rétinol {m}
retinoscope {n} (instrument)
:: rétinoscope {m}
retinue {n} /ˈɹɛtɪn(j)uː/ (group of servants)
:: retenue {f}, suite {f}
retinue {n} (comitatus)
:: retenue {f}
retire {v} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (to stop working on a permanent basis)
:: se retirer, prendre sa retraite
retire {v} (to go to bed)
:: se coucher
retired {adj} /ɹɪˈtʌɪəd/ (having left employment)
:: retraité, à la retraite
retiree {n} /ɹəˈtaɪ.ə(ɹ)ˌiː/ (someone who has retired from active working)
:: retraité {m}
retirement {n} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ).mənt/ (act of retiring, or the state of being retired)
:: retraite {f}
retirement {n} (portion of one's life after retiring)
:: retraite {f}
retirement {n} (place of seclusion or privacy)
:: retraite {f}
retirement community {n} (retirement village) SEE: retirement village
retirement home {n} (multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly)
:: maison de retraite {f}, EHPAD {m}
retirement village {n} (residential complex designed for senior citizens)
:: résidence senior {f}
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return
retort {n} /ɹɪˈtɔɹt/ (sharp or witty reply)
:: réplique {f}, riposte {f}, repartie {f}
retort {v} (To say something sharp or witty in answer to a remark or accusation)
:: rétorquer, lancer
retort {n} (flask used for distillation)
:: cornue
retract {v} /ɹəˈtɹækt/ (to draw back; to draw up)
:: rétracter
retract {v} (to take back or withdraw something one has said)
:: rétracter
retractable {adj} /ɹiˈtɹæktɪbəl/ (capable of being retracted)
:: rétractable {m} {f}, rétractile {m} {f}
retractile {adj} (that can be retracted)
:: rétractable {m} {f}, rétractile {m} {f}
retransmit {v} (to transmit again)
:: retransmettre
retreat {n} /ɹəˈtɹiːt/ (act of pulling back or withdrawing)
:: retraite {f}
retreat {n} (quiet place affording privacy)
:: retraite {f}
retreat {n} (period of meditation, prayer, or study)
:: retraite {f}
retreat {v} (to withdraw military forces)
:: se retirer, se replier, battre en retraite
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet
retreat {v} (retreat) SEE: withdraw
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return
retribution {n} /ˌɹɛtɹɪˈbjuʃən/ (punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance)
:: vendetta, châtiment {m}, punition {f}
retrieval {n} (act of retrieving)
:: récupération {f}
retrieve {v} /ɹɪˈtɹiv/ (to regain or get back something)
:: récupérer, retrouver
retrieve {n} (retrieval) SEE: retrieval
retro {adj} /ˈɹɛ.tɹoʊ/ (of, or relating to the past, past times, or the way things were)
:: rétro
retro {adj} (affecting things past; retroactive, ex post facto)
:: rétro
retro- {prefix} (back or backward)
:: rétro-
retroact {v} (to act backward, or in return; to act in opposition; to be retrospective)
:: rétroagir
retroaction {n} (action with an influence due to a past event)
:: rétroaction {f}
retroactive {adj} /ˌɹɛ.tɹoʊˈæk.tɪv/ (extending in scope, effect, application or influence to a prior time or to prior conditions)
:: rétroactif
retrocognition {n} /ˌɹɛtɹəʊkɒɡˈnɪʃən/ (extrasensory knowledge of past events)
:: rétrocognition {f}
retrocomputing {n}
:: rétro-informatique {f}, retrocomputing {m}
retroflex {adj} /ˈɹɛt.ɹəʊ.flɛks/ (of any of the retroflex pronunciations)
:: rétroflexe
retrograde {adj} /ˈɹɛtɹəˌɡɹeɪd/ (Directed backwards...)
:: rétrograde {m} {f}
retrograde {adj} (Counterproductive to a desired outcome)
:: rétrograde {m} {f}
retrograde {adj} ((astronomy) In the opposite direction to the orbited body's spin)
:: rétrograde {m} {f}
retrograde {n} (degenerate person)
:: rétrograde {m} {f}
retrograde amnesia {n} (loss of memories from the period leading up to the amnesic episode)
:: amnésie rétrograde {f}
retrogression {n} (decline)
:: rétrogression {f}
retromingent {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly
retronym {n} (A new coinage for an old concept)
:: rétronyme {m}
retronymic {adj}
:: rétronymique
retronymy {n}
:: rétronymie {f}
retrospect {n} /ˈɹɛtɹoˌspɛkt/ (consideration of past times)
:: rétrospection {f}, coup d'œil rétrospectif {m}
retrospective {adj} /ˌɹɛtɹə(ʊ)ˈspɛktɪv/ (of, relating to, or contemplating the past)
:: rétrospectif
retrovirus {n} (virus with a genome consisting of RNA)
:: rétrovirus
retry {v} /riˈtɹaɪ/ (to try or attempt again)
:: retenter, réessayer, ressayer
rettery {n} (place to soak hemp or flax)
:: rouissoir
returf {v} (to lay turf again)
:: réengazonner
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer
return {v} /ɹɪˈtɜːn/ (to come or go back)
:: revenir, retourner, s'en retourner
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner)
:: rendre, retourner
return {v} (tennis: to bat the ball back over the net in response to a serve)
:: relancer
return {n} (act of returning)
:: retour {m}
return {n} (finance: gain or loss from an investment)
:: rendement, rendement {m}
return {v} (to take something back to a retailer for a refund) SEE: take back
return {v} (to put something back where it had been) SEE: put back
return on investment {n} (benefit gained by an investor from an investment)
:: retour sur investissement {m}
return ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again)
:: aller-retour {m}
retweet {v} (repost or forward a Twitter message)
:: retweeter
Reuben {prop} (first son of Jacob)
:: Ruben
Reuben {prop} (male given name)
:: Ruben
Reuleaux triangle {n} (figure consisting of three circular arcs)
:: triangle de Reuleaux
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country)
:: réunification
reunify {v}
:: réunifier
reunion {n} (the process or act)
:: réunion {f}, réunification {f}, rassemblement {m}
reunion {n} (planned event)
:: réunion {f}, rassemblement {m}
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification
Reunionese {n} (person of or from Réunion)
:: Réunionnais
Reunionese {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Réunion)
:: réunionnais
reunite {v} (to unite again)
:: réunir, réunifier
reuptake {n} (reabsorption of neurotransmitter by neuron)
:: recaptage neuronal
reuse {n} /ɹiːˈjuːs/ (act of salvaging or restoring a discarded item to yield something usable)
:: réemploi {m}, réusage {m}, réutilisation {f}
reuse {n} (act of using again or in another place)
:: réemploi {m}
reuse {v} (to use again)
:: réutiliser
Reutemann {prop} (surname)
:: Reutemann
Reuven {prop} (given name) SEE: Reuben
rev {v} /ɹɛv/ (to increase the speed of a motor)
:: monter le régime de
revamp {v} /ɹiˈvæmp/ (to renovate, revise, improve or renew; to patch)
:: reviser, renouveler, améliorer
revanche {n} /ɹəˈvæntʃ/ (revenge or retaliation)
:: revanche {f}
revanchism {n} /ɹəˈvɑn(t)ʃɪz(ə)m/ (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory)
:: revanchisme {m}
revanchist {n} (avenger) SEE: avenger
revanchist {n} /ɹəˈvɑn(t)ʃɪst/ (revanchist, vengeful person)
:: revanchiste {m} {f}, revanchard {m}, revancharde {f}
revanchist {adj} (advocating a policy of revanche)
:: revanchiste, revanchard
rev counter {n} (rev counter) SEE: tachometer
reveal {v} /ɹəˈviːl/ (to uncover)
:: révéler
reveal {v} (to communicate that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction)
:: révéler, laisser voir
reveille {n} /ˈɹɛ.və.li/ (the sounding of a bugle or drum early in the morning to awaken soldiers)
:: diane {f}, réveil {m}
revelation {n} /ɹɛvəˈleɪʃən/ (the act of revealing or disclosing)
:: révélation {f}
Revelation {prop} (book of Bible)
:: Apocalypse {f}, Révélation {f} (especially in New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)
revenant {n} /ˈɹɛvənənt/ (Someone who returns from a long absence)
:: revenant {m}, revenante {f}
revenant {n} (supernatural being)
:: revenant
revenge {n} /ɹɪˈvɛndʒ/ (retaliatory action)
:: vengeance {f}, revanche {f}
revenge {v} (to take one's revenge on someone)
:: se venger (de quelqu'un)
revenge {v} (to take revenge for an action)
:: venger
revenge is a dish best served cold {proverb} (revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed)
:: la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid
revenge is sweet {phrase} (said when one is satisfied after taking revenge on oneself)
:: vengeance en représailles
revenge porn {n} (explicit media distributed as revenge)
:: pornovengeance {f}, revenge porn {m}
revenue {n} /ˈɹɛvənjuː/ (income from an investment)
:: revenu {m}
revenue {n} (total income from a given source)
:: revenu {m}
revenue {n} (all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.)
:: revenu {m}, revenus {m-p}
revenue {n} (turnover, total sales)
:: revenu {m}
revenue {n} (net sales) SEE: net sales
revenue stamp {n} (stamp to affix as proof that tax due)
:: timbre fiscal {m}
reverberation {n} /ɹiˈvɜː(ɹ)bəɹeɪʃən/ (violent oscillation or vibration)
:: contrecoup {m}
reverberation {n} (echo, or a series of overlapping echos)
:: echo {m}
reverberation {n} (reflection of light or heat)
:: réflexion {f}
reverberation {n} (evolving series of effects)
:: répercussion {f}
revere {v} /ɹə.viːɹ/ (to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion)
:: idolâtrer
reverence {n} /ˈɹɛv.ə.ɹəns/
:: révérence
reverend {n} /ˈɹɛvɹənd/ (member of the Christian clergy)
:: révérend {m}
Reverend {n} (minister) SEE: reverend
Reverend {n} /ˈɹɛvɹənd/ (honorary title added to the names of Christian clergy)
:: Le Révérend
reverent {adj} /ˈɹɛvɹənt/ (showing respect or reverence; respectful)
:: pieux
reverie {n} /ˈɹɛvəɹi/ (state of dreaming while awake)
:: rêverie {f}
revers {n} (lapel, reversed)
:: revers {m}
reverse {adj} /ɹɪˈvɜːs/ (having the order of its constituents moved backwards)
:: inverse {m} {f}
reverse {n} (opposite of something)
:: contraire {m}
reverse {n} (reversal)
:: recul {m}
reverse {n} (setback, misfortune)
:: revers {m}
reverse {n} (side of a medal, badge, or coin opposite the obverse)
:: côté pile {m} (of a coin)
reverse {n} (side of something facing away; opposite of front)
:: envers {m}, revers {m}
reverse {n} (gear)
:: marche arrière
reverse {v} (to turn something around)
:: renverser
reverse {v} (to cause a mechanism or vehicle to operate or move in the opposite directions)
:: reculer
reverse dictionary {n} (a dictionary in which entries are sorted alphabetically by their last letter, then second-to-last, and so on)
:: dictionnaire inverse {m}
reverse discrimination {n} (advantaging minority groups who have traditionally been discriminated)
:: discrimination positive {f}
reverse dowry {n} (bride price) SEE: bride price
reverse engineering {n} (analyzing the construction and operation of a product in order to manufacture a similar one)
:: rétro-ingénierie {f}
reverse osmosis {n} (technique)
:: osmose inverse {f}
reverse psychology {n}
:: psychologie inversée {f}
reversible {adj} (able to be reversed)
:: réversible
reversible {adj} (clothing that can be worn inside out)
:: réversible
reversing {n} (an act of reversal)
:: reversement {m}
reversion {n} /ɹɨˈvɚʒn̩/ (return)
:: retour
revert {n} /ɹɨˈvɝt/ (Islamic usage: convert to Islam)
:: conversion {f}
revert {v} (to turn back, or to the contrary; to reverse)
:: retomber, retourner, redevenir
revert {v} (to throw back; to reflect; to reverberate)
:: renvoyer, réverbérer, refléter
revert {v}
:: retourner, revenir
review {n} /ɹɪˈvjuː/ (second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact)
:: relecture {f}
review {n} (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work)
:: critique {f}, compte rendu {m}
review {n} (judicial reassessment of a case or an event)
:: révision {f}
review {n} (periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field)
:: revue {f}
review {n} (military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs)
:: revue {f}
review {v} (to look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.)
:: réviser
reviewer {n} (critic)
:: relecteur {m}, réviseur {m}
revile {v} /ɹəˈvaɪl/ (to attack with abusive language)
:: insulter
revise {v} /ɹɪˈvaɪ̯z/ (to review, alter and amend, especially of written material)
:: revoir
revise {v} (to look over again)
:: revoir, réviser
Revised Romanization of Korean {prop} (Romanization standard for Korean)
:: Romanisation révisée du coréen {f}
reviser {n} (person who verifies quality of translation)
:: relecteur {m}, relectrice {f}
revision {n} /riˈvɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (act of revising)
:: révision {f}
revision {n} (changed edition)
:: modification
revisionism {n} /ɹɪˈvɪʒəˌnɪzəm/ (advocacy of a revision of some view)
:: révisionnisme {m}
revisionist {adj} /ɹɪˈvɪʒənɪst/ (of or pertaining to revisionism)
:: révisionniste {m} {f}
revisionist {n} (proponent of revisionism)
:: révisionniste {m} {f}
revitalise {v} (to give new life, energy, activity or success)
:: revivifier
revivable {adj} (possible to return to life)
:: revivifiable
revival {n} /ɹɪˈvaɪvəl/ (renewed interest in religion)
:: réveil {m}
revival {n}
:: hjjejhd
revivalist {n}
:: revivaliste {m} {f}
revivalist {adj} (evangelistic)
:: revivaliste
revocation {n} /ˌɹɛvəˈkeɪʃən/ (action of revoking)
:: révocation
revocative {adj} (revocative) SEE: revocatory
revocatory {adj} (of or pertaining to revocation; tending to revoke or recall)
:: révocatoire
revoke {v} (to cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing)
:: révoquer
revolt {v} /ɹɪˈvoʊlt/ (to rebel)
:: se révolter
revolt {v} (to greatly repel)
:: révolter
revolt {n} (act of revolting)
:: révolte {f}
revolting {adj} (repellent)
:: repoussant, répugnant
revolution {n} /ˌɹɛvəˈl(j)uːʃən/ (political upheaval)
:: révolution {f}
revolution {n} (removal and replacement of a government)
:: révolution {f}, coup d'état {m}
revolution {n} (turning of an object around an axis)
:: tour {m}, révolution {f}
revolution {n} (traversal of one body through an orbit around another body)
:: révolution {f}, tour {m}
revolutionarily {adv}
:: révolutionnairement
revolutionary {adj} /ˌɹɛvəˈluʃənɛɹi/ (of or pertaining to a revolution in government)
:: révolutionnaire
revolutionary {n} (A revolutionist; a person who revolts)
:: révolutionnaire {m} {f}
revolutionize {v} (to radically or significantly change, as in a revolution)
:: révolutionner
revolve {v} /ɹɪˈvɒlv/ (to orbit a central point)
:: retourner, tourner
revolve {v} (to turn on an axis)
:: retourner, tourner
revolver {n} /ɹɪˈvɒl.vɚ/ (a handgun with revolving chambers)
:: revolver {m}
revolving door {n} (rotating door)
:: porte tambour {f}
revolving door {n} (politics)
:: porte tambour {f}
revue {n} /ɹəˈvjuː/ (form of theatrical; any entertainment featuring skits, dances, and songs)
:: revue {m}
rewalk {v} (to walk again)
:: remarcher
reward {n} /ɹɪˈwɔːd/ (something of value given in return for an act)
:: récompense {f}, salaire {m}
reward {n} (result of an action)
:: récompense {f}
reward {v} (give a reward to)
:: récompenser
reward {v} (recompense) SEE: recompense
rewarding {adj} (giving satisfaction)
:: gratifiant
rewatch {v} (to watch again)
:: reregarder
rewild {v} (to return an area to a wilder state)
:: réensauvager
rewind {v} /ɹiːˈwaɪnd/ (to wind again)
:: rembobiner
rewind {v} (wind back) SEE: wind back
reword {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase
rewritable {adj} (able to be rewritten)
:: réinscriptible
rewrite {v} /ˈɹi.ɹaɪt/ (write again, differently)
:: réécrire
rewrite history {v}
:: réécrire l'histoire
rewriting {n} (computer science method)
:: réécriture {f}
rewriting {v} (present participle of rewrite)
:: réécrivant
Rexism {prop} (a fascist movement in Belgium)
:: rexisme {m}
Rexist {adj} (of, pertaining to or advocating Rexism)
:: rexiste
Rexist {n} (a follower or advocate of Rexism.)
:: rexiste {m}
Reykjavik {prop} /ˈɹɛk.jə.vɪk/ (capital of Iceland)
:: Reykjavík {m}
Reykjaviker {n} (inhabitant of Reykjavik)
:: Reykjavikois {m}, Reykjavikoise {f}
Reynard {prop} (name in European folklore for the red fox)
:: Renart {m}
Reynold {prop} (male given name)
:: Renaud
rezone {v} (to change the zoning assigned to a piece of property)
:: redécouper
rezoning {n} (the act, process or result of being rezoned)
:: redécoupage {m}
RGB {n} (red, green, blue)
:: RVB
rhabdomyolysis {n} /ˌɹæb.dəʊ.mʌɪˈɒl.ɪs.ɪs/ (the rapid disintegration of striated muscle tissue accompanied by the excretion of myoglobin in the urine)
:: rhabdomyolyse
rhea {n} /ˈɹiːə/ (flightless bird)
:: nandou {m}
Rhea {prop} (goddess)
:: Rhéa {f}
Rhea {prop} (moon)
:: Rhéa {f}
rheme {n} /ɹiːm/ (part of a sentence)
:: rhème {m}
Rhenish {adj} /ˈɹɛnɪʃ/ (Pertaining to the river Rhine)
:: rhénan
rhenium {n} /ˈɹiːniəm/ (chemical element)
:: rhénium {m}
rheological {adj} (of, or relating to rheology)
:: rhéologique
rheology {n} (physics of the deformation and flow of matter)
:: rhéologie {f}
rheometer {n} (device)
:: rhéomètre {m}
rheostat {n} /ˈɹiːəstæt/ (A resistor with adjustable resistance)
:: rhéostat {m}, potentiomètre {m}
rhesus {n} (Macaca mulatta) SEE: rhesus macaque
rhesus macaque {n} (Macaca mulatta)
:: macaque rhésus {m}
rhetoric {n} /ˈɹɛtəɹɪk/ (art of using language for persuasion)
:: rhétorique {f}, discours
rhetoric {n} (meaningless language)
:: rhétorique {f}
rhetorical {adj} /ɹɪˈtɔɹɪkəl/ (part of or similar to rhetoric)
:: rhétorique
rhetorically {adv} (in a rhetorical manner)
:: rhétoriquement
rhetorical question {n} (question posed for dramatic or persuasive effect)
:: question rhétorique
rheumatic {adj} /ɹuːˈmætɪk/ (referring to rheumatism)
:: rhumatismal
rheumatics {n} (rheumatism) SEE: rheumatism
rheumatism {n} /ˈɹu.məˌtɪz.m̩/ (any painful disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones and nerves)
:: rhumatisme {m}
rheumatoid {adj} (presenting analogies with rheumatism)
:: rhumatoïde
rheumatologist {n} (doctor)
:: rhumatologue {m} {f}
rheumatology {n} (branch of medicine)
:: rhumatologie {f}
rhinarium {n} (tip of mammal's nose)
:: rhinarium {m}, truffe {f}
Rhine {prop} /ɹaɪn/ (river that flows through Europe)
:: Rhin {m}
Rhineland {prop} /ˈɹɑinland/ (land on both sides of the river Rhine)
:: Rhénanie {f}
Rhineland-Palatinate {prop} (state)
:: Rhénanie-Palatinat
rhinencephalon {n} (smell-brain) SEE: smell-brain
rhinestone {n} (an artificial diamond)
:: strass {m}
rhinitis {n} (inflammation)
:: rhinite {f}
rhino {n} /ˈɹaɪ.noʊ/ (short form of rhinoceros)
:: rhino {m}
rhino- {prefix} /ˌɹaɪnoʊ-/ (of or relating to the nose)
:: rhino-
rhinoceros {n} /ɹaɪˈnɑsəɹəs/ (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s))
:: rhinocéros {m}
rhinoceros beetle {n} (tropical beetle)
:: scarabée rhinocéros {m}
rhinoplasty {n} (plastic surgery used to improve a person's nose)
:: rhinoplastie {f}
rhinorrhea {n} (medical symptom)
:: rhinorrhée {f}
rhinotillexomania {n} (compulsive nose-picking)
:: décrottage de nez {m}, rhinotillexomanie {f}
rhizome {n} /ˈɹaɪzoʊm/ (horizontal underground stem of some plants)
:: rhizome {m}
rhizosphere {n} (soil region influenced by plant roots)
:: rhizosphère {f}
Rhône {prop} (Rhone) SEE: Rhone
Rhône {prop} (department)
:: Rhône {m}
Rhône-Alpes {prop} (former region of France)
:: Rhône-Alpes
rho {n} /ɹoʊ/ (letter of Greek alphabet)
:: rhô {m}
Rhodanian {adj} /ɹəʊˈdeɪni.ən/ (of or aboriginal to the Rhône valley)
:: rhodanien
Rhodanian {n} (inhabitant of the Rhône valley)
:: Rhodanien {m}
Rhode {prop} (the oldest Oceanid)
:: Rhodé {f}
Rhodes {prop} /ɹoʊdz/ (island)
:: Rhodes {f}
Rhodes {prop} (capital of the Dodecanese)
:: Rhodes
Rhodesia {prop} /ɹoʊˈdiːʒə/ (historical name of Zimbabwe)
:: Rhodésie {f}
Rhodesian {adj} (from Rhodesia)
:: rhodésien {m}
Rhodesian Ridgeback {n} (breed of dog)
:: chien de Rhodésie à crête dorsale
Rhodian {n} (Someone from the island of Rhodes)
:: Rhodien {m}, Rhodienne {f}
rhodic {adj} /ˈɹəʊdɪk/ (of or pertaining to rhodium)
:: rhodique
rhodium {n} /ˈɹoʊdiəm/ (chemical element)
:: rhodium {m}
rhodochrosite {n} (crystalline mineral composed mainly of manganese carbonate)
:: rhodochrosite {f}
rhododendron {n} /ɹoʊdəˈdɛndɹən/ (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron)
:: rhododendron {m}
rhododendron {n} (oleander) SEE: oleander
rhombic {adj} (of or pertaining to a rhombus)
:: rhombique, losangique
rhombicosidodecahedron {n} /ɹɑmbɪˈkoʊsiˌdoʊdɛkəhidɹən/ (Archimedean solid)
:: petit rhombicosidodécaèdre
rhombicuboctahedron {n} (polyhedron with 8 triangular and 18 square faces)
:: rhombicuboctaèdre {m}
rhombohedral {adj} (having three equal axes and oblique angles)
:: rhomboédrique
rhombohedron {n} (prism with six faces, each a rhombus)
:: rhomboèdre {m}
rhombus {n} /ˈɹɑːmbəs/ (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length)
:: losange {m}, rhombus {m}
Rhone {prop} (river)
:: Rhône {m}
rhopalic {adj} (increasing)
:: rhopalique
rhotacism {n} /ˈɹoʊtəsɪzəm/ (A linguistic phenomenon in which a consonant changes into an R)
:: rhotacisme {m}
rhubarb {n} /ˈɹuːbɑːb/ (any plant of the genus Rheum)
:: rhubarbe {f}
Rhuddanian {prop} (subdivision of the Silurian period)
:: Rhuddanien
rhumb {n} /ɹʌm/ (One of the 32 points of the compass (compass points))
:: rumb {m}, rhumb {m}
rhumb {n} (A unit of angular measure equal to 1/32 of a circle or 11.25°)
:: rumb {m}, rhumb {m}
rhumb {n} (A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle) SEE: rhumb line
rhumb line {n} (a line cutting all meridians at a constant angle)
:: loxodromie {f}, ligne de vent {f}
rhyme {n} /ɹaɪm/ (verse, poetry)
:: strophe {f}, vers {m}
rhyme {n} (word that rhymes with another)
:: rime {f}
rhyme {v} (transitive, to rhyme with)
:: rimer
rhyme {v} (put words together)
:: faire rimer
rhyme {v}
:: vers mpl, rime {f}, rimer vi
rhyme {n} (rime) SEE: rime
rhyme off {v} (list or recite quickly)
:: énumérer rapidement , débiter rapidement
rhyme or reason {n} (logic or common sense)
:: n'avoir ni queue ni tête, ne rimer à rien
rhymester {n} (rhymer, inferior poet)
:: rimeur {m}, rimeuse {f}
rhyming dictionary {n} (a reference work that provides lists of rhymes for any given word)
:: dictionnaire de rimes {m}
rhythm {n} /ˈɹɪ.ð(ə)m/ (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time)
:: rythme {m}
rhythm {n}
:: rythme {m}
rhythm {n} (rhythm section) SEE: rhythm section
rhythmic gymnastics {n} (a discipline of gymnastics)
:: gymnastique rythmique {f}, gymnastique rythmique et sportive {f}
rhythm section {n} (section of a band maintaining the rhythm)
:: section rythmique {f}
ria {n} (a coastal inlet formed by the partial submergence of an unglaciated river valley)
:: aber {m}, ria {f}
rial {n} (currency in Middle East)
:: rial {m}
rib {n} /ɹɪb/ (curved bone)
:: côte {f}
rib {n} (cut of meat)
:: côtelette {f}, côte {f}
rib {n} (archaic, literary, humorous: wife woman)
:: épouse {f}, femme {f}, moitié {f}
ribald {adj} /ˈɹɪb.əld/ (coarse, lewd, vulgar)
:: grossier, vulgaire, grivois, paillard
ribald {n} (individual who is filthy or vulgar)
:: balourd, lourdaud, dégoûtant, sagouin,
ribaldry {n} (humorous language or behaviour)
:: grivoiserie, paillardises
ribauldequin {n} /ɹɪˈbəʊdɪkɪn/ (engine of war)
:: ribaudequin {f}
ribauldequin {n} (huge bow)
:: ribaudequin {f}
ribbed vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults)
:: croisée d'ogives {f}, voûte d'ogives {f}
ribbit {n} (the sound made by a frog or toad) SEE: croak
ribbit {v} (make the sound of a frog or toad) SEE: croak
ribbit {interj} /ˈɹɪbɪt/ (the sound made by a frog or toad)
:: croâ
ribbon {n} /ˈɹɪbən/ (long, narrow strip of material)
:: ruban {m}
ribbon {n} (inked ribbon)
:: ruban {m}
ribbon {n} (toolbar)
:: ruban {m}
ribbon cable {n} (cable with many parallel wires one next to the other)
:: nappe {f}, limande {f}
ribbonmaker {n} (one who makes ribbons)
:: rubanier {m}, rubanière {f}
ribbon seal {n} (a species of true seal)
:: phoque annelé
rib cage {n} (part of skeleton)
:: cage thoracique {f}
rib cage {n} (cavity created by the ribs)
:: cage thoracique {f}
ribeye steak {n}
:: entrecôte / bifteck de côte / entrecôte sans os / bifteck de côte sans os
riboflavin {n} /ˌraɪboʊˈfleɪvɪn/ (the vitamin B2, riboflavin)
:: riboflavine {f}
ribonuclease {n} (enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of ribonucleic acid)
:: ribonucléase {f}
ribonucleic {adj} (of or pertaining to RNA or its derivatives)
:: ribonucléique
ribonucleic acid {n} (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material)
:: acide ribonucléique {m}
ribonucleoprotein {n} (any nucleoprotein that contains RNA)
:: ribonucléoprotéine {f}
ribonucleotide {n} (nucleotide having ribose as its sugar)
:: ribonucléotide
ribose {n} (naturally occurring pentose sugar)
:: ribose {m}
ribosomal {adj} (of or relating to ribosomes)
:: ribosomique
ribosome {n} /ˈɹaɪbəˌsoʊm/ (organelle)
:: ribosome {m}
ribosomic {adj} (of or pertaining to ribosomes)
:: ribosomique
ribsteak {n}
:: entrecôte / bifteck de côte / entrecôte sur os / bifteck de côte sur os
ribwort {n} (Old World plantain)
:: plantain lancéolé {m}
rice {n} /ɹaɪs/ (plants)
:: riz {m}
rice {n} (seeds used as food)
:: riz {m}
rice cake {n}
:: gâteau de riz {m}
rice cooker {n} (kitchen appliance designed to cook rice)
:: cuiseur de riz {m}, cuit-riz {m}
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy
rice flour {n} (flour made of rice)
:: farine de riz {f}
rice growing {n} (the growing of rice)
:: riziculture {f}
rice hull {n} (hard protecting covering of a grain of rice)
:: balle de riz {f}
rice husk {n} (rice hull) SEE: rice hull
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy
rice paper {n} (paper made from parts of the rice plant)
:: papier de riz {m}
rice pudding {n} (milk pudding made from rice, milk, sugar and nutmeg)
:: riz au lait {m}
rice vinegar {n} (a type of vinegar)
:: vinaigre de riz {m}
rice wine {n} (alcoholic drink brewed from rice)
:: vin de riz {m}
rich {adj} /ɹɪt͡ʃ/ (having wealth)
:: riche
Richard {prop} /ˈɹɪtʃ.əd/ (male given name)
:: Richard {m}
rich as Croesus {adj} (very rich)
:: riche comme Crésus
rich kid {n} /ˈɹɪt͡ʃ ˌkɪd/ (child or young adult from a wealthy family)
:: fils à papa {m}
Richmond {prop} /ˈɹɪtʃmənd/ (capital of Virginia)
:: Richmond {m}
richness {n} (state or quality of being rich)
:: richesse {f}
Richter scale {prop} (logarithmic scale)
:: échelle de Richter {f}
rich text {n} (enhanced text)
:: texte riche {m}
ricin {n} /ˈɹaɪsɪn/ (poison)
:: ricine {f}
ricinoleic acid {n} (12-hydroxy-oleic acid)
:: acide palmique {m}
rick {n} /ɹɪk/ (stack or pile, of straw, hay etc.)
:: meule {f}
rickets {n} /ˈɹɪkəts/ (disorder of infancy)
:: rachitisme {m}
rickety {adj} /ˈɹɪk.ɪ.ti/ (not strong because of poor construction or upkeep)
:: branlant, délabré, boiteux
rickety {adj} (feeble in the joints, tottering)
:: boiteux
rickety {adj} (affected with rickets)
:: rachitique
rickshaw {n} /ˈɹɪk.ʃɔː/ (two-wheeled carriage)
:: pousse-pousse {m}
ricochet {n} /ˈɹɪkəʃeɪ/ (an instance of ricocheting)
:: ricochet
ricochet {v} (To rebound)
:: ricocher
ricotta {n} /ɹɪˈkɑtə/ (Italian whey cheese)
:: ricotta {f}
rictus {n} /ˈɹɪk.təs/ (Any open-mouthed expression)
:: rictus {m}
Ricœur {prop} (surname of French origin)
:: Ricœur
rid {adj} /ˈɹɪd/ (released from)
:: débarrasser
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve
riddle {n} /ˈɹɪdəl/ (verbal puzzle)
:: énigme {f}, devinette {f}, devinaille
riddle {v} (to put something through a riddle or sieve)
:: cribler
riddle {v} (to fill with holes like a riddle)
:: cribler
riddle {v} (to fill or spread throughout; to pervade)
:: cribler
ride {v} /ɹaɪd/ (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.)
:: , rouler, monter, chevaucher
ride {v} (to be transported in a vehicle as a passenger)
:: monter en, à
ride {v} (to transport someone in a vehicle)
:: conduire
ride {v} (to mount someone to have sex with them)
:: monter
ride {n} (instance of riding)
:: tour {m}, course {f}
ride {n} (informal: vehicle)
:: bagnole {f}
ride height {n} (ground clearance) SEE: ground clearance
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber
rider {n} /ˈɹaɪ.dəɹ/ (one who rides, see also: cyclist; driver)
:: cavalier {m}
ride roughshod over {v} (treat roughly or without care; act in a bullying manner)
:: fouler aux pieds
rideshare {n} (travel arrangement)
:: covoiturage
ridge {n} /ɹɪdʒ/ (line of intersection)
:: crête {f}
ridge {n} (highest point on a roof)
:: faîte {m}
ridge {n} (chain of mountains)
:: crête
ridge {n} (elevation on ocean bottom)
:: dorsale {f}
ridge beam {n} /ɹɪdʒ biːm/ (top longitudinal beam of a roof)
:: panne faîtière {f}
ridgepole {n} /ˈɹɪdʒpəʊl/ (beam supporting rafters)
:: panne faîtière {f}
ridicule {v} /ˈɹɪdɪkjuːl/ (to make fun of someone)
:: ridiculiser, tourner en dérision
ridiculous {adj} /ɹɪˈdɪkjʊləs/ (foolish, absurd)
:: ridicule
ridiculously {adv} (in a ridiculous manner)
:: ridiculement, bouffonnement, caricaturalement
ridiculousness {n} (characteristic of being ridiculous)
:: ridiculité {f}
ridiculousness {n} (result of being ridiculous)
:: ridiculité {f}
riding {n} /ˈɹaɪdɪŋ/ (electoral district or constituency in Canada)
:: circonscription
riding crop {n} (horsewhip)
:: cravache {f}
Riemann surface {n} (manifold)
:: surface de Riemann {f}
Rieti {prop}
:: Rieti
Rieti {prop} (capital of the province of Rieti)
:: Rieti
rife {adj} /ɹaɪf/ (Abounding; present in large numbers, plentiful)
:: abondant
riffler {n} (curved file used in carving wood and marble)
:: rifloir {m}
riffraff {n} /ˈɹɪfɹæf/ (the rabble)
:: racaille {f}, populace {f}, canaille {f}
rifle {n} /ˈɹaɪfəl/ (firearm with a rifled barrel)
:: fusil {m}
rifleman {n} (soldier)
:: fusilier {m}
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford
rift {n} /ɹɪft/ (chasm or fissure)
:: fente, fissure
rift {n} (break in the clouds, fog, mist etc.)
:: percée, éclaircie
rig {n} /ɹɪɡ/ (the arrangement of masts etc.)
:: grééments {m-p}
rig {n} (the special apparatus used for drilling oil wells)
:: foreuse {f}
rig {n} (a costume or outfit)
:: costume {m}, tenue {f}
rig {v} (to fit out with a harness)
:: harnacher
rig {v} (to equip and fit a ship)
:: gréer
rig {v} (to dress or clothe in some costume)
:: déguiser
rig {v} (to make or construct something in haste)
:: bâcler
rig {v} (to manipulate something dishonestly)
:: truquer
Riga {prop} /ˈɹiːɡə/ (capital of Latvia)
:: Riga
Rigel {prop} /ˈɹaɪdʒəl/ (star)
:: Rigel
rigged {adj} /ɹɪɡd/ (pre-arranged)
:: truqué
rigging {n} /ˈɹɪɡɪŋ/ (tackle of a sailing vessel)
:: gréement {m}
right {adj} /ˈɹaɪt/ (straight, not bent)
:: droit
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees)
:: droit {m}
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.)
:: correct, juste, bon, droit {m}
right {adj} (appropriate, fit for purpose)
:: correct {m}
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left)
:: droit {m}, droite {f}
right {adj} (politics: conservative)
:: de droite
right {adv} (on the right side)
:: à droite
right {adv} (towards the right side)
:: à droite
right {adv} (exactly)
:: juste
right {adv} (immediately, directly)
:: juste
right {interj} (yes, that is correct; I agree)
:: d'accord
right {interj} (checking agreement)
:: non ?, n'est-ce pas ?, hein ?
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement)
:: droit {m}
right {n} (right, not left, side)
:: droite {f}
right {n} (right hand)
:: droite {f}, dextre {f}
right {n} (right-wing politicians and parties)
:: droite {f}
right {v} (to correct)
:: corriger
right {v} (to set upright)
:: redresser
right {v} ((intransitive) to return to normal upright position)
:: se redresser
right {adj} (all right, not requiring assistance) SEE: all right
right angle {n} (angle of 90 degrees)
:: angle droit {m}, droit {m}
right-angled {adj} (having a right angle)
:: rectangle
right-angled triangle {n} (right-angled triangle) SEE: right triangle
right away {adv} (very soon; immediately)
:: tout de suite, sur le champ, séance tenante, aussi sec
right bank {n} (river bank to the right when facing downstream)
:: rive droite {f}
right brain {n} (right cerebral hemisphere)
:: hémisphère droit {m}, cerveau droit {m}
right-click {v} (to press right-hand button of a mouse)
:: faire un clic droit
righteous {adj} /ˈɹaɪtʃəs/ (moral and virtuous, to the point of sanctimonious)
:: moral, juste
Righteous Among the Nations {adj} (non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust)
:: Juste parmi les nations
righteousness {n} /ˈɹaɪt͡ʃəsnəs/ (quality or state of being righteous)
:: justice {f}
rightful {adj} (by right, by law)
:: légitime
right-handed {n} (of one who uses their right hand in preference to, or more skillfully than their left.)
:: droitier
right-handedness {n} (state of being right-handed)
:: droiterie {f}, dextralité {f}
right-hander {n} (one who is right-handed)
:: droitier {m}, droitière {f}
right-hand man {n} (trusted assistant)
:: bras droit {m}
right honourable {adj} (politics)
:: très honorable
rightish {adj} (right-wing) SEE: right-wing
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately
right now {adv} (at this precise moment)
:: en ce moment
right of asylum {n} (right)
:: droit d'asile {m}
right of first refusal {n} (contractual provision)
:: droit de préemption {m}
right of way {n} (right to proceed first in traffic)
:: priorité {f}
right of way {n} (legal right of passage)
:: droit de passage {m}, servitude {f}
right of way {n} (legal easement granted for the construction of a roadway or railway)
:: droit de passage {m}
right of way {n} (area modified for passage of a railway)
:: voie {f}, voie ferrée {f}
right of way {n} (fencing: priority)
:: priorité
rightsholder {n} /ˈɹaɪts.həʊldə(ɹ)/ (a person or organization that owns the legal rights to something)
:: ayant droit {m}
right the ship {v}
:: redresser la barre
right to keep and bear arms {n} (the right of individuals to possess weapons and armor)
:: port d'armes {m}
right to life {n} (one of fundamental human rights)
:: droit à la vie {m}
right to work {n} /ɹaɪt tə wɝk/ (the fundamental human right to have employment)
:: droit au travail {m}
right triangle {n} (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles)
:: triangle rectangle {m}
right wing {n} (political)
:: aile droite {f}
right wing {n} (hockey)
:: ailier droit
right-wing {adj} (resisting political change)
:: droitier, droit
right-winger {n} (person who belongs to the political right)
:: personne de droite {f}
right-winger {n} (sports: winger on the right)
:: ailier droit {m}, ailière droite {f}
rigid {adj} /ˈɹɪdʒɪd/ (stiff)
:: rigide
rigid {adj} (rigorous, unbending)
:: rigide
rigid {adj} (uncompromising)
:: rigide
rigidity {n} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɪdɪti/ (The quality or state of being rigid)
:: rigidité {f}, raideur {m}
rigidly {adv} (in a rigid manner)
:: rigidement
rigidness {n} (rigidity) SEE: rigidity
rigmarole {n} /ˈɹɪɡməɹoʊl/ (nonsense talk)
:: charabia {m}
rigor mortis {n} (Temporary stiffness of a body's muscles and joints following death)
:: rigidité cadavérique {f}, rigor mortis {f}
rigorous {adj} /ˈɹɪɡəɹəs/ (showing, causing or favoring rigor)
:: rigoureux
rigorous {adj} (severe; intense)
:: rigoureux
rigorously {adv} (in a rigorous manner)
:: rigoureusement
rigour {n} /ˈɹɪɡə(ɹ)/ (character of being unyielding or inflexible)
:: rigueur {f}
rigour {n}
:: rigueur {f}
Rijeka {prop} /ɹɪˈjɛkə/ (coastal city in Croatia)
:: Rijeka {f}, Fiume {m}
rill {n} /ɹɪl/ (very small brook)
:: ruisselet {m}
rillette {n} (A dish of meat)
:: rillettes {f-p}
rim {n} /ɹɪm/ (edge around something)
:: bord ; jante
rim {n} (wheel rim)
:: jante {f}, roue {f}
Rimbaldian {adj} (relating to Rimbaud)
:: rimbaldien
rime {n} /ɹaɪm/ (hoar frost)
:: givre {f}
rime {n} (second part of a syllable)
:: rime {f}
Rimini {prop} (province of Italy)
:: Rimini
Rimini {prop} (a resort town in Italy)
:: Rimini
rind {n} /ɹaɪnd/ (hard outer layer of fruit, cheese)
:: pelure {f} , croûte {f} , couenne {f}
rinderpest {n} (disease)
:: peste bovine {f}
Rindt {prop}
:: Rindt
ring {n} /ɹɪŋ/ (circumscribing object)
:: anneau {m}
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger)
:: anneau {m}, bague {f}
ring {n} (place where some sports take place)
:: ring {m}, manège {m}
ring {n} (arena where circus acts take place)
:: piste {f}
ring {n} (group of people (for illicit purposes))
:: cercle {m}
ring {n} (astronomy: a formation of various pieces of material orbiting around a planet)
:: anneau {m}
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound)
:: sonner
ring {v} ((tr.) to make something produce a resonant sound)
:: sonner
ring {n} (algebra: an algebraic structure)
:: anneau {m}
ring {n} (burner (e.g. of a stove)) SEE: burner
ring a bell {v} (to seem vaguely familiar)
:: dire quelque chose
ring back {v} (Return a call)
:: rappeler
ring back {v} (Make another call to the same person)
:: rappeler
ring-billed gull {n} (Larus delawarensis)
:: goéland à bec cerclé {m}
ring binder {n} (folder)
:: cartable {m}, classeur
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop
ringed {adj} /ɹɪŋd/ (marked with rings, circles, or loops)
:: annelé
ring false {v} (to seem to be incorrect)
:: sonner faux
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger)
:: annulaire {m}
ringgit {n} (currency)
:: ringgit {m}
ringmaster {n} (the person who manages the performers in a circus ring)
:: Monsieur Loyal {m}
ringneck dove {n} (Streptopelia risoria)
:: tourterelle rieuse {f}, tourterelle domestique {f}
Ring of Fire {prop} (area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity)
:: ceinture de feu {m}
ring off the hook {v} (ring constantly)
:: ne pas arrêter de sonner
ring ouzel {n} (Turdus torquatus)
:: merle à plastron {m}
ring road {n} (highway)
:: périphérique {m}, ring {m}
ringside seat {n} (any vantage point providing an excellent view)
:: être aux premières loges
ringtone {n} (sound made by a telephone when ringing)
:: sonnerie {f}, sonnerie de téléphone {f}
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start
ringwoodite {n} (cubic form of olivine)
:: ringwoodite {f}
ringworm {n} (contagious fungal affliction of the skin)
:: teigne {f}, roue de Sainte-Catherine {f}, rogne {f}
rink {n} /ɹɪŋk/ (sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports)
:: patinoire {f}, piste {f}
rink {n} (team in curling)
:: équipe {f}
rinse {v} /ɹɪns/ (to wash something quickly using water and no soap)
:: rincer
rinse {v} (to remove soap from something using water)
:: rincer
rinse {n} (the action of rinsing)
:: rinçage {m}
Rio de Janeiro {prop} /ˈɹiːəʊ dɪ ʒəˈnɪəɹəʊ/ (state)
:: État de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro {m}
Rio de Janeiro {prop} (municipality)
:: Rio de Janeiro {m}
riot {n} /ˈɹaɪ.ɪt/ (tumultuous disturbance of public peace)
:: émeute {f}
rioter {n} (one who riots)
:: émeutier {m}, émeutière {f}
riot police {n} (a unit of police specifically trained to deal with rioting crowds)
:: police antiémeute {f}
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear
rip {v} (to mock) SEE: mock
rip {v} /ɹɪp/ (to rapidly become two parts)
:: se déchirer
rip {v} (to copy data to a device)
:: ripper
rip {n} (something unfairly expensive) SEE: rip-off
RIP {interj} /ɑː(ɹ) aɪ ˈpiː/ (abbreviation: rest in peace)
:: REP
riparian {adj} /ɹʌɪˈpɛːɹɪən/ (of or pertaining to a riverbank)
:: rivulaire
ripe {adj} /ɹaɪp/ (ready for reaping or gathering, of fruits and seeds)
:: mûr {m}, mûre {f}
ripe {adj} (advanced to the state of fitness for use)
:: arrivé à maturité, mûr {m}, fait {m}
ripe {adj} (having attained its full development; mature)
:: accompli {m}, accomplie {f}
ripe {adj} (maturated or suppurated, of sores and tumors)
:: mûr {m}, mûre {f}
ripe {adj} (ready for action or effect; prepared)
:: mûr {m}, mûre {f}
ripe {adj} (intoxicated) SEE: intoxicated
ripen {v} /ˈɹaɪpən/ (to grow ripe)
:: mûrir
ripen {v} (to approach or come to perfection)
:: arriver à maturité
ripen {v} (to cause to mature; to make ripe)
:: faire mûrir
ripen {v} (to bring to perfection)
:: mûrir, amener à maturité
ripening {n} (process)
:: maturité {f}
rip off {v} (to pull off by ripping)
:: arracher
rip off {v} ((idiom) to steal, cheat or swindle)
:: arnaquer
rip-off {n} (unfair price or rate)
:: arnaque {f}
ripost {n}
:: riposte
riposte {n} /ɹɪˈpəʊst/
:: riposte
ripped {adj} /ɹɪpt/ (torn, either partly or into separate pieces)
:: déchiré
ripped {adj} (having extremely low body fat content)
:: sec {m}
ripper {n} /ˈɹɪpə/ (someone who rips (something))
:: ripeur {m}
ripper {n} (murderer who kills and often mutilates victims with a blade)
:: éventreur {m}
ripple {n} /ˈɹɪp(ə)l/ (moving disturbance or undulation in the surface of a liquid)
:: ondulation {f}
ripple {n} (small oscillation of an otherwise steady signal)
:: ondulation résiduelle {f}
ripple {v} (to move like the undulating surface of a body of water)
:: onduler
ripple {n} (implement for removing the seeds from flax)
:: drège {f}
Ripuarian {prop} (West Germanic dialect)
:: francique ripuaire
Ripuarian {n} (member of a section of the Frankish people)
:: Franc ripuaire
Ripuarian {adj} (pertaining to a/the tribal Ripuarian(s))
:: franc ripuaire
Ripuarian {adj} (pertaining to dialect)
:: francique ripuaire
rise {v} /ɹaɪz/ (to move upwards)
:: monter
rise {v} (of a celestial body: to appear to move from behind the horizon)
:: se lever
rise {v} (to assume an upright position after lying down or sitting)
:: se lever
rise {v} (to get up)
:: se lever
rise {v} (to be resurrected)
:: ressusciter
rise {v} (to have its source)
:: prendre sa source
rise {n} (action of moving upwards)
:: montée {f}
rise {n} (pay rise) SEE: pay rise
riser {n} /ˈɹaɪ.zə(ɹ)/ (platform)
:: élévateur {m}, praticable {m}
riser {n} (part of a step)
:: contremarche {f}, contre-marche {f}
riser {n} (conduct)
:: gaine {f}, gaine technique {f}
rising star {n} (emerging talent)
:: étoile montante
risk {n} /ɹɪsk/ (possible, usually negative, outcome)
:: risque {m}
risk {n} (likelihood of a negative outcome)
:: risque
risk {n} (potential (conventionally negative) impact of an event)
:: risque
risk {n}
:: risque {m}
risktaker {n} (a person who takes risk, especially to reap the benefits if the feared event does not happen)
:: risqueur {m}
risk-taking {adj} (prone to engaging in risky behaviour or unafraid to do things with uncertain outcomes)
:: risqueur
risky {adj} /ˈɹɪski/ (dangerous, involving risks)
:: risqué {m}
risotto {n} /ɹɪˈzɑtoʊ/ (food)
:: risotto {m}
risqué {adj} /ɹɪsˈkeɪ/ (bordering on the indelicate)
:: risqué {m}, osé {m}
rissole {n} (ball of meat which has been fried or barbecued)
:: rissole {f}
rite {n} /ɹaɪt/ (ritual)
:: rite {m}
rite of passage {n} (ceremony to celebrate a transition)
:: rite de passage {m}
ritual {adj} /ˈɹɪ.tʃu.əl/ (related to a rite)
:: rituel {m}
ritual {n} (rite)
:: rituel {m}
ritualistic {adj} /ˌɹɪt͡ʃuəˈlɪstɪk/ (in the manner of a ritual)
:: ritualiste
ritually {adv} (in a ritual manner)
:: rituellement
rival {n} /ˈɹaɪvəl/ (competitor with the same objective)
:: rival {m}
rival {v} (to oppose or compete with)
:: rivaliser
rivalry {n} /ˈɹaɪ.vəl.ɹi/ (competition)
:: rivalité {f}
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass)
:: fleuve {m} (flowing to the ocean or a sea); rivière {f} (others)
river {n} (any large flow of a liquid)
:: torrent {m}
riverbank {n} (sloped side of a river)
:: rive {f}, berge {f}
riverbed {n} /ˈɹɪvɚˌbɛd/ (a river bottom)
:: lit de rivière {m}
riverboat {n} (watercraft)
:: bateau fluvial {m}, bateau-mouche {m}
riverboatman {n} (Someone who pilots a riverboat)
:: batelier {m}
river god {n} /ˈɹɪvə ˌɡɒd/ (river-being)
:: dieu-fleuve {m}
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus
riverside {n} (side of a river)
:: berge {f}, rive {f}
rivet {n} /ˈɹɪvət/ (cylindrical mechanical fastener)
:: rivet {m}
rivet {v} (to attach or fasten parts by using rivets)
:: riveter
riveter {n} (one who rivets)
:: riveteur {m}
riveter {n} (tool, rivet gun)
:: pince à riveter {f}
riveting {adj} (commanding the attention)
:: fascinant
rivulet {n} /ˈɹɪv.jə.lət/ (small brook)
:: ruisselet {m}, ru {m}, rivelet {m}
Riyadh {prop} /ɹiˈjɑːd/ (capital of Saudi Arabia)
:: Riyad {m}, Riad {m}
RNA {n} (abbreviation of ribonucleic acid)
:: ARN {m}
röntgen {n} /ˈɹɜːnt.ɡən/ (unit of exposure to ionizing radiation)
:: röntgen {m}
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach
roach {n} /ɹoʊtʃ/ (Rutilus rutilus)
:: gardon {m}
roach {n} (slang: butt of a marijuana cigarette)
:: cul {m}, cul de joint {m}
road {n} /ɹəʊd/ (a way for travel)
:: route {f}
road {n} (a path in life)
:: chemin {m}, route {f}
road {n} (nautical: partially sheltered waters) SEE: roadstead
roadbase {n} (layer of aggregates)
:: grave {f}
roadblock {n} (Something that blocks or obstructs a road)
:: barrage routier {m}
road game {n} (athletic contest played in the opposing team's turf) SEE: away game
road hog {n} (bad or inconsiderate driver)
:: chauffard {m}
roadholding {n}
:: tenue de route {f}
roadhouse {n} (establishment)
:: restoroute {m}, restauroute {m}
Roadian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian period)
:: Roadien
road map {n} (a map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation)
:: carte routière {f}
road map {n} (plan of action)
:: feuille de route {f}
road rage {n} (behaviour)
:: rage au volant {f}, rage routière {f}
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt)
:: rouleau compresseur {m}
roadrunner {n} /ˈɹoʊdˌɹʌnə(ɹ)/ (bird of the Geococcyx genus)
:: géocoucou {m}
roadside bomb {n} (explosive device)
:: engin explosif improvisé {m}
roadside hawk {n} (Buteo magnirostris)
:: buse à gros bec {f}
road sign {n} (sign for traffic control or driver information)
:: panneau de signalisation {m}
roadstead {n} (partly-sheltered anchorage outside a harbour)
:: rade
road user {n} (road user)
:: usager de la route {m}
roadway {n} (main or central portion of a road used by the vehicles)
:: chaussée {f}
roadwork {n} (construction or maintenance done to roads)
:: travaux publics, travaux sur la route
roadworthy {adj} (able to be driven)
:: en bon état de marche
roam {v} /ɹoʊm/ (wander freely)
:: errer
roaming {n} /ˈɹoʊmɪŋ/ (wandering)
:: vagabondage {m}
roaming {n} (using a cell phone outside of its original registering zone)
:: itinérance {f}, roaming {m}
roan antelope {n} (Hippotragus equinus)
:: antilope cheval {f}
roar {v} /ɹɔɹ/ (to make loud, deep cry of emotion)
:: rugir, hurler
roar {v} (to laugh in a particularly loud manner)
:: s'esclaffer, rire aux éclats, rire à gorge déployée, éclater de rire, rire comme une baleine
roar {v} (of animals, to make a loud deep noise)
:: rugir
roar {v} (to make a loud resounding noise)
:: rugir
roar {n} (cry of the lion)
:: rugissement {m}
roar {n} (loud resounding noise such as sound of a motorbike or a similar engine)
:: vrombissement {m}
roaring forties {n} (area of the earth between 40 and 50 degrees south)
:: quarantièmes rugissants
roast {v} /ɹoʊst/ (to cook food by heating in an oven or fire)
:: rôtir
roast {v} (to process by drying through heat-exposure)
:: rôtir
roast {v} (to banter, severely criticize)
:: incendier
roast {n} (cut of meat)
:: rôti {m}
roast {n} (comical event)
:: bien-cuit {m}
roast {adj} (having been cooked by roasting)
:: rôti
roast beef {n} (Beef cooked by roasting)
:: rosbif {m}
roasted {adj} /ˈɹoʊstɪd/ (cooked by roasting)
:: grillé, rôti
roast pork {n} (Pork cooked by roasting)
:: rôti de porc {m}
rob {v} /ɹɑb/ (to steal from, using violence)
:: voler, cambrioler
rob {v} (to deprive of)
:: voler
rob {v} (to commit robbery)
:: cambrioler
robber {n} /ˈɹɒ.bə(ɹ)/ (one who robs)
:: brigand {m}, bandit {m}
robber crab {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab
robbery {n} /ˈɹɒbəɹi/ (act or practice of robbing)
:: brigandage {m}, vol à main armée
robbery {n} (attempt of taking the property of another by threat)
:: banditisme {m}, braquage {m}
robe {n} /ɹoʊb/ (long, loose outer garment)
:: robe {f}
Robert {prop} /ˈɹɒb.ət/ (given name)
:: Robert
Roberta {prop} (female given name)
:: Roberte {f}
Robeson Channel {prop} (strait)
:: passage Robeson {m}
Robespierrism {n}
:: robespierrisme {m}
Robespierrist {adj}
:: robespierriste
robin {n} /ˈɹɑb.ɪn/ (any bird called robin in English)
:: grive {f}
robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula)
:: rouge-gorge {m}, rouge-gorge familier {m}
robin {n} (Turdus migratorius)
:: merle d'Amérique {m}
robin {n}
:: merle {m}, rubiette {f}
Robin {prop} /ˈɹɑbɪn/ (Male given name)
:: Robin {m}
Robin Hood {prop} /ˈɹɑbɪn hʊd/ (legendary outlaw)
:: Robin des Bois {m}
robinsonade {n} /ˌɹɑbɪnsəˈneɪd/ (genre of adventure fiction)
:: robinsonnade {f}
robot {n} /ˈɹoʊbɑt/ (intelligent mechanical being)
:: robot {m}
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light
robotic {adj} /ɹoʊˈbɑt.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or resembling a robot)
:: robotique
robotization {n}
:: robotisation {f}
robotize {v} (to automate by making use of robots)
:: robotiser
rob Peter to pay Paul {v} (to use resources producing no net gain)
:: déshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul
robust {adj} /ɹoʊˈbʌst/ (evincing strength)
:: robuste
robustly {adv} (in a robust manner)
:: robustement
robustness {n} (quality of being robust)
:: robustesse {f}
rocambolesque {adj} (fantastic)
:: rocambolesque
Rocco {prop} (male given name)
:: Roch
roche moutonnée {n} /ɹɒʃ muːˈtɒneɪ/ (rock formation)
:: roche moutonnée {f}
rock {n} /ɹɑk/ (natural mineral aggregate)
:: roche {f}, roc {m}, pierre {f}
rock {n} (mass of projecting rock)
:: rocher {m}
rock {n} (large stone or boulder)
:: rocher {m}, roc {m}
rock {n} (precious stone or gem)
:: caillou, diam {m}
rock {n} (confectionery made from sugar)
:: sucre d'orge
rock {n} (closed hand in rock paper scissors)
:: pierre {f}
rock {v} (move gently back and forth)
:: remuer, bercer
rock {v} (cause to shake or sway violently)
:: secouer, faire tanguer
rock {v} (disturb the mental or emotional equilibrium)
:: bouleverser
rock {n} (act of rocking)
:: secousse {f}
rock {n} (style of music)
:: rock {m}
rock {v} (slang: to be very favourable or skilful)
:: gérer, assurer, déchirer
rock {n} (distaff) SEE: distaff
rock and roll {n} /ˈɹɒk ənd ˈɹəʊl/ (style of music)
:: rock and roll {m}, rock 'n' roll {m}
rock band {n} (rock group) SEE: rock group
rock dove {n} /ɹɒk dʌv/ (Columba livia)
:: pigeon biset {m}, biset {m}, pigeon de roche {m}
rocked {v} (rock music)
:: rocké {m}, rockée {f}
rocker {n} /ˈɹɒkə(ɹ)/ (musician who plays rock music)
:: rockeur {m}, rockeuse {f}
rockery {n} /ˈɹɒkəɹi/ (section of a garden made from decorative rocks)
:: rocaille {f}
rocket {n} /ˈɹɑkɪt/ (rocket engine)
:: fusée {f}
rocket {n} (military: non-guided missile)
:: roquette {f}
rocket {n} (vehicle)
:: fusée {f}
rocket {n} (rocket-propelled firework, see also: skyrocket)
:: fusée {f}, pétard {m}
rocket {n} (arugula) SEE: arugula
rocket launcher {n} (device for launching a missile)
:: lance-roquettes {m}
rocket salad {n} (rocket, arugula) SEE: arugula
rocket science {n} (anything overly complex (idiomatic))
:: physique quantique {f}
rocket scientist {n} (capable of understanding complex things)
:: grand clerc {m}, Einstein {m}, polytechnicien {m}, avoir fait Polytechnique
rockfish {n} (stonefish) SEE: stonefish
rockfish {n} /ˈɹɑk.fɪʃ/ (fish of the genus Sebastes)
:: sébaste
rockfowl {n} (passerine bird)
:: picatharte {m}
rock garden {n} (rockery) SEE: rockery
rock group {n} (musical group specializing in rock music)
:: groupe de rock {f}
rockhopper penguin {n} (crested penguin)
:: gorfou sauteur {m}
rock hyrax {n} (Procavia capensis)
:: daman des rochers {m}
Rockies {prop} (Rocky Mountains) SEE: Rocky Mountains
rocking {adj} (excellent, grand)
:: super, génial
rocking {v} (rock music)
:: rockant
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked)
:: chaise à bascule {f}, fauteuil à bascule {m}, berçante {f}, rocking chair
rocking horse {n} (a child’s toy consisting of a (usually wooden) horse mounted on a rocker or swing)
:: cheval à bascule {m}
rock lobster {n} (spiny lobster) SEE: spiny lobster
rockmelon {n} (Cucumis melo reticulatus) SEE: cantaloupe
rock music {n} (popular music genre)
:: rock {m}, musique rock {f}
rock paper scissors {n} (popular child's game)
:: pierre-feuille-ciseaux {m}
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove
rock pigeon {n} (speckled pigeon, Columba guinea)
:: Pigeon roussard {m} , pigeon roussard {m}
rock pigeon {n} (chestnut-quilled rock pigeon, Petrophassa rufipennis)
:: Colombine rufipenne {f} , colombine rufipenne {f}
rock pigeon {n} (white-quilled rock pigeon, Petrophassa albipennis)
:: Colombine des rochers {f} , colombine des rochers {f}
rock samphire {prop} (Crithmum maritimum)
:: criste marine {f}, fenouil marin {m}, bacile {f} {m}, passe-pierre {f}
rock the boat {v} (disturb the status quo)
:: faire des vagues
rocky {adj} /ˈɹʷɒki/ (full of rocks)
:: rocheux
Rocky Mountains {prop} (mountain range)
:: montagnes Rocheuses {f-p}, Rocheuses {f-p}
rococo {adj} (old-fashioned) SEE: old-fashioned
rod {n} /ɹɑd/ (straight round stick, shaft, or bar)
:: tige {f}
rod {n} (fishing rod or pole)
:: canne à pêche {f}
rod {n} (stick or bundle used for punishment)
:: verges {p}
rod {n} (archaic: unit of area)
:: verge
rod {n} (slang: penis)
:: bite {f}; paf {m}; pine {f}; queue {f}; vit {m}; zob {m}
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol
rodent {n} /ˈɹəʊdənt/ (mammal of the order Rodentia)
:: rongeur {m}
rodeo {n} /ɹoʊ.ˈdeɪ.oʊ/ (sport)
:: rodéo {m}
rodomontade {n} /ˌɹɑ.də.mənˈteɪd/ (vain boasting)
:: rodomontade {f}
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer
roe {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (eggs of fish)
:: œufs de poisson {p}, frai {m}
roebuck {n} /ˈɹəʊ.bʌk/ (male roe deer)
:: cerf {m} (du chevreuil)
roe deer {n} /ˈɹəʊˌdɪə/ (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus)
:: chevreuil {m}
roentgenium {n} /ɹɛntˈɡɛniəm/ (chemical element)
:: roentgenium {m}
roger {interj} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (received)
:: bien reçu, compris
Roger {prop} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (male given name)
:: Roger {m}
roger that {interj} (received) SEE: roger
rogue {n} /ˈɹoʊ̯ɡ/ (a scoundrel, rascal or unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person)
:: canaille {f}, fripouille {f}, coquin {m}, voyou {m}
rogue {n} (a mischievous scamp)
:: garnement {m}
rogue {n} (a vagrant)
:: vagabond {m}, clochard {m}
rogue {adj} (large, destructive and unpredictable)
:: incontrôlable {m} {f}
rogue {adj} (deceitful, unprincipled)
:: sans scrupules
roguery {n} (mischievous behaviour)
:: friponnerie {f}
rogue state {n} (state or nation acting outside of the accepted international norms and policies)
:: État voyou {m}
ROI {n} (return on Investment)
:: retour sur investissement {m}
roil {v} /ɹɔɪl/ (render turbid)
:: troubler
roil {v} (to annoy)
:: énerver, irriter, fâcher
Rojava {prop} (region in northern and northeastern Syria)
:: Rojava {m}
Roland {prop} (male given name)
:: Roland
role {n} /ɹəʊl/ (character or part)
:: rôle {m}
role {n} (the expected behavior of an individual in a society)
:: rôle {m}
role {n} (the function or position of something)
:: rôle
role {n} ((grammar) the function of a word in a phrase)
:: fonction {f}
role model {n} (a person who serves as an example)
:: modèle {m}, exemple {m}
roleplay {n} (roleplaying game) SEE: roleplaying game
roleplay {v} (To act as a character as part of a fantasy, especially with a group.)
:: rôler
roleplaying game {n} (type of game in which the players assume the role of a character)
:: jeu de rôle {m}
roll {v} /ɹəʊl/ (to cause to revolve)
:: faire rouler
roll {v} (to wrap round on itself)
:: rouler
roll {v} (to bind or involve by winding)
:: enrouler
roll {v} (to press or level with a roller)
:: rouler , laminer , niveler , aplatir
roll {v} (to rotate on fore-and-aft axis)
:: rouler
roll {v} (geometry: to apply (one line or surface) to another without slipping)
:: faire rouler
roll {v} (to make noise like thunder)
:: gronder
roll {v} (to utter with a trill)
:: rouler
roll {n} (the act of rolling)
:: roulement {m}
roll {n} (that which rolls; a roller)
:: rouleau {m}
roll {n} (a heavy cylinder used to break clods)
:: rouleau {m}
roll {n} (one of a set of revolving cylinders between which metal is pressed)
:: rouleau {m}
roll {n} (oscillating movement of a vessel from side to side)
:: roulis {m}
roll {n} (a heavy, reverberatory sound)
:: roulement {m} , grondement {m}
roll {n} (the uniform beating of a drum)
:: roulement {m}
roll {n} (the rotation angle about the longitudinal axis)
:: gîte {f}
roll {n} (that which is rolled up)
:: rouleau {m}
roll {n} (a scroll)
:: rouleau {m}
roll {n} (an official or public document)
:: rôle {m}, registre {m}
roll {n} (a list of names or an official register of names)
:: rôle {m}
roll {n} (quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form)
:: rouleau {m}
roll {n} (shortened raised biscuit or bread)
:: petit pain {m}
roll {n} (part; office; duty)
:: rôle {m}
rollback {n} (a withdrawal of military forces)
:: retrait {m}
rollback {n} ((computing) an operation to return the database to the previous commit point)
:: rollback {m}
roll call {n} (reading of a list of names and responses)
:: appel {m}, appel nominal {m}
rolled fillet {n} (chopped veal rolled in a piece of bacon)
:: paupiette de viande {f}
roller {n} (slang: police) SEE: cop
roller {n} /ˈɹəʊlə/ (tool for applying paint or ink)
:: rouleau {m}
roller {n} (bird of the family Coraciidae)
:: rollier
roller {n} (hair roller) SEE: hair roller
rollerblade {n} (type of roller skate)
:: roller {m}, patin en ligne {m}
rollercoaster {n} /ˈɹoʊlɚˌkoʊstɚ/ (amusement ride)
:: montagnes russes {f-p}
roller derby {n} (sport)
:: roller derby {m}, roller-catch {m}
roller shutter {n} (shutter consisting of a series of horizontal sections that are hinged together)
:: volet roulant
roller skate {n} (a boot having small wheels)
:: patin à roulettes {m}
roller skating {n} (skating on roller skates)
:: patinage à roulettes
roller sport {n}
:: roller sport
rolling paper {n} (paper for rolling cigarettes)
:: papier à rouler {m}
rolling pin {n} (food preparation utensil)
:: rouleau à pâtisserie {m}
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer
rolling stone {n} (person who moves around and never settles down)
:: clochard {m}, bourlingueur {m}, clocharde {f}
rolling stop {n}
:: arrêt Idaho, stop américain
rollmop {n} (fillet of herring)
:: rollmops {m}
roll on {interj} (expressing anticipation)
:: vivement
roll one's eyes {v} (turn one's eyes upwards)
:: lever les yeux au ciel
roll out the red carpet {v} (extend the utmost hospitality)
:: dérouler le tapis rouge
rollup {n} (self-made cigarette)
:: roulée
roll up one's sleeves {v} (roll one's sleeves up)
:: retrousser ses manches
roll up one's sleeves {v} (prepare to work)
:: retrousser ses manches
roly-poly {n} /ˌɹəʊlɪˈpəʊli/ (toy that rights itself when pushed over)
:: culbuto {m}, ramponeau {m}, ramponneau {m}, poussah {m}
Rom {n} /ɹoʊm/ (a member of the Romani people)
:: Rom {m}, Rrom {m}; bohémien {m}, gitan {m}, tsigane {m} {f}
Rom {prop} (language) SEE: Romani
Rom {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani
Roma {prop} (the Romani macrolanguage) SEE: Romani
Roma {n} (member of the Roma/Romani people) SEE: Romani
Roma {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani
Roma {prop} (the Romani people)
:: Roma, Rroms
Romagnol {prop} (a Romance language)
:: romagnol {m}
Romaic {adj} (of or pertaining to modern Greece)
:: romaïque
Romaine lettuce {n} (Lactuca sativa longifolia)
:: laitue romaine {f}
romaji {n} /ˈɹoʊmədʒi/ (romanization of Japanese)
:: romaji {m}
Roman {adj} /ˈɹoʊmən/ (of or from Rome)
:: romain
Roman {n} (a native or resident of Rome)
:: Romain {m}, Romaine {f}
Roman {prop} (male given name)
:: Romain {m}
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet
Roman Catholic Church {prop} (Catholic Church)
:: Église catholique romaine {f}, Église catholique apostolique romaine {f}
romance {n} /ɹoʊˈmæns/ (intimate relationship, love affair)
:: romance {f}, idylle {f}
romance {n} (idealized love)
:: romance {f}, amour romantique {m}, idylle {f}
romance {n} (story or novel dealing with idealized love)
:: romance {f}
Romance {adj} (of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin)
:: néolatin, roman
Romance language {n} (language descended from Latin)
:: langue romane {f}
Roman chair {n}
:: chaise romaine {f}
Romandy {prop} (French-speaking Switzerland)
:: Romandie {f}
Roman Empire {prop} /ˈɹoʊmən ˈɛmpaɪɚ/ (ancient Latin empire)
:: Empire romain {m}
Romanesque {adj} /ˌɹoʊməˈnɛsk/ (Applied to the debased style of the later Roman empire)
:: roman
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom
Romani {prop} /ˈɹo.mə.ni/ (language)
:: romani {m}; tsigane {m} {f}
Romani {n} (nomadic people) SEE: Roma
Romania {prop} /ɹoˈmeɪˌni.ə/ (South-Eastern European country)
:: Roumanie {f}
Romanian {adj} /ɹoʊˈmeɪ.ni.ən/ (of or relating to Romania, its people, or language)
:: roumain {m}, roumaine {f}
Romanian {n} (native of Romania)
:: Roumain {m}, Roumaine {f}
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania)
:: roumain {m}
romanise {v} (romanize) SEE: romanize
Romanise {v} (romanize) SEE: romanize
Romanization {n} (putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet)
:: transcription en caractères romains, romanisation {f}
romanize {v} (to put letters or words into the Latin alphabet)
:: latiniser, romaniser
Roman nose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose
Roman numeral {n} (numeral represented by letters)
:: chiffre romain {m}
Roman numerals {n} (system of numerals)
:: chiffres romains {m-p}
Roman road {n} (road built by the Romans)
:: voie romaine {f}
Romans {prop} /ˈɹəʊmənz/ (book of the Bible)
:: Romains {m-p}
Romans {prop} (30th sura of the Qur'an)
:: Romains {m-p}
Romansch {n} /ɹə(ʊ)ˈmanʃ/ (the Romance language)
:: romanche {m}
Roman shade {n} (type of window shade)
:: store romain {m}
romantic {adj} /ɹəʊˈmæntɪk/ (fantastic, idealistic)
:: romantique
romantic {adj} (powerfully sentimental, evocative)
:: romantique
romantic {adj} (concerned with, or conducive to, romance and love)
:: romantique
romantic {n} (person with romantic character)
:: romantique {m} {f}
romantic {n} (person who is behaving romantically)
:: romantique
romanticism {n} (romantic quality, spirit or action)
:: romantisme {m}, romanesque {m} {f}
Romanticism {prop} (artistic and intellectual movement)
:: romantisme {m}
romanticize {v} (to view something in a romantic manner)
:: romantiser
romanticized {adj} (interpreted in idealized fashion)
:: idéalisé {m}
Romaphobia {n} /ˌɹoʊ.məˈfoʊ.bi.ə/ (fear, dislike or hate of Roma people)
:: rromophobie {f}
Rome {prop} /ɹoʊm/ (city)
:: Rome {f}
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend
Romeo {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet)
:: Roméo {m}
Romeo and Juliet {prop} (the tragedy)
:: Roméo et Juliette
Rome wasn't built in a day {proverb} (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive)
:: Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jour, Rome ne s'est pas faite en un jour
romp {v} (to play roughly or energetically)
:: s'ébattre
romper suit {n} (one-piece garment) SEE: onesie
Ronald {prop} /ˈɹɑnəld/ (male given name)
:: Ronald {m}
Ronan {prop} (male given name)
:: Ronan
rondel {n} (long thin medieval dagger)
:: dague à rouelles {f}
ronin {n} (masterless samurai)
:: ronin {m}
rood {n} /ɹuːd/ (quarter of an acre)
:: vergée {f}
rood screen {n} /ˈɹuːd skɹiːn/ (carved screen)
:: jubé {m}
roof {n} /ɹuːf/ (the cover at the top of a building)
:: toit {m}
roof {n} (the upper part of a cavity)
:: toit {m}
roofer {n} (craftsman who lays or repairs roofs)
:: couvreur {m}
roofie {n} /ˈɹufi/ (slang for flunitrazepam)
:: roofie {m}
Roof of the World {prop} (the high mountainous regions in Asia)
:: toit du monde {m}
roof rabbit {n}
:: lapin de gouttière
roof tile {n} (tile covering a roof)
:: tuile {f}
rook {n} /ɹʊk/ (bird)
:: corbeau freux {m}, freux {m}
rook {v} (cheat, swindle)
:: rouler
rook {n} (chesspiece)
:: tour {f}
rookie {adj} (amateur) SEE: amateur
rookie {n} /ˈɹʊki/ (an inexperienced recruit)
:: bleu {m}
rookie {n} (a novice)
:: bleu {m}
room {n} /ɹuːm/ (space)
:: espace {f}, place {f}
room {n} (division in a building)
:: pièce {f}, salle {f}, chambre {f} (a bedroom)
room for doubt {n} (eventuality)
:: place au doute
rooming house {n} (house with inexpensive apartments)
:: maison de chambreurs {f}
roommate {n} /ˈɹumˌmeɪt/ (a person with whom one shares a room)
:: camarade de chambre {m} {f}, camarade de chambrée {m} {f}, copiaule {m}, cothurne
roommate {n} (US: with whom one shares an apartment or house)
:: colocataire {m} {f}, coloc {m} {f}
room service {n} (provision of food and drink to a guest room)
:: room service {m}
room temperature {n} (normal temperature)
:: température ambiante {f}
roomy {adj} (spacious)
:: spacieux, ample, grand, logeable
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet
rooster {n} /ˈɹustəɹ/ (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird)
:: coq {m}
rooster {n} (powerful person) SEE: big cheese
rooster {n} (informant) SEE: informant
rooster {n} (violent person) SEE: brawler
root {n} /ɹuːt/ (part of a plant)
:: racine {f}
root {n} (of a tooth)
:: racine {f}
root {n} (part of a hair under the skin)
:: racine {f}
root {n} (primary source)
:: racine {f}, origine {f}
root {n} (arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression)
:: racine {f}
root {n} (linguistic morphology: primary lexical unit of a word)
:: racine, radical
root {n} (philology: word from which another word or words are derived)
:: racine {f}, mot souche {m}
root {n} (person who manages accounts on a UNIX system)
:: root {f}
root {v} (coarse slang: to have sexual intercourse)
:: fourrer, emmancher
root {n} (arithmetic: square root) SEE: square root
root beer {n} /ˈɹut ˌbɪɹ/ (beverage with sarsaparilla root)
:: racinette {f}
root for {v} (encourage a favored person)
:: animer
root hair {n}
:: poil racinaire {m}
rooting {n} (The process of forming roots.)
:: enracinement {m}, radication
root mean square {n} (type of average)
:: moyenne quadratique
root of unity {n} (field element, some positive power of which equals 1)
:: racine de l'unité {f}
root rot {n} (plant fungal disease)
:: pourriture racinaire {f}, pourridié {m}
roots {n} /ɹuːts/ (ancestors)
:: aïeux {m-p}
roots {n} (beginnings)
:: sources {f-p}, origines {f-p}
rope {n} /ɹoʊp/ (thick, strong string)
:: corde {f}
rope {n} (a length of this string)
:: corde {f}, cordage {m}
rope ladder {n} (flexible ladder)
:: échelle de corde {f}
ropemaker {n} (maker of ropes)
:: cordier {m}, cordière {f}
ropewalker {n} (acrobat)
:: funambule {m} {f}
ropeway {n} (cableway) SEE: cableway
Roquefort {n} (blue cheese made from sheep's milk, produced in France)
:: roquefort {m}
roriferous {adj} /ɹəʊˈɹɪf.əɹ.əs/ (producing or generating dew)
:: rorifère
rorqual {n} /ˈɹɒɹkwəl/ (whale with long skin folds below mouth)
:: rorqual {m}
Rorschach test {n} /ˈɹɔɹˌʃæk tɛst/ (method of psychological evaluation that uses subject's interpretations of inkblots)
:: test de Rorschach {m}
rosé {n} /ɹoʊ̯ˈzeɪ̯/ (wine)
:: vin rosé {m}
Rosa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Rose
rosacea {n} (chronic condition)
:: couperose {f}
Rosalie {prop} (female given name)
:: Rosalie
Rosaline {prop} (female given name)
:: Roseline, Roselyne
Rosamund {prop} /ˈroʊzəmənd/ (female given name)
:: Rosemonde {f}
rosary {n} /ˈɹoʊzəɹi/ (Catholic prayer beads)
:: rosaire, chapelet
Rosberg {prop}
:: Rosberg
rose {n} /ɹoʊz/ (shrub)
:: rosier {m}
rose {n} (flower)
:: rose {f}
rose {n} (a plant or species in the rose family (Rosaceae))
:: rosacée {f}, rosacées {f-p}
rose {n} (colour)
:: rose {f}
rose {n} (nozzle)
:: pomme
rose {adj} (colour)
:: rose
Rose {prop} (female given name)
:: Rose
roseate {adj} /ˈɹoʊzi.ət/ ((formal) pink; rosy)
:: rosâtre
rosebush {n} (rose plant)
:: rosier {m}
rose chafer {n} (Cetonia aurata)
:: cétoine dorée {f}
rose-colored glasses {n} (overly optimistic perception of something)
:: la vie en rose {f-s}
rose fish {n} (Sebastes norvegicus)
:: sébaste atlantique
rosehip {n} /ˈɹoʊzhɪp/ (the fruit of a rose plant)
:: fruit d’églantier {m}, cynorhodon {m}, gratte-cul {m}
roselle {n} /ɹəʊˈzɛl/ (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
:: oseille de Guinée {f}
rosemary {n} (shrub)
:: romarin {m}
Rosemary {prop} (female given name)
:: Rose-Marie
Rosemont {prop}
:: Rosemont
Rosemount {prop}
:: Rosemont
rose quartz {n} (pinkish to reddish-colored quartz)
:: quartz rose {m}
Rosetta Stone {prop} (large inscribed stone)
:: Pierre de Rosette {f}
rosewater {n} (a liquid produced by steeping rose petals in water)
:: eau de rose {f}
rose window {n} (circular window)
:: rosace {f}
Rosh Hashanah {prop} /ˌɹɑʃ (h)əˈʃɑnə/ (Jewish holiday)
:: Roch Hachana
Rosicrucian {n} (member of Rosicrucian Order)
:: rosicrucien {m}, rosicrucienne {f}
Rosicrucian {adj} (related to Rosicrucianism)
:: rosicrucien
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin
rosin {n} /ˈɹɒ.zən/ (solid form of resin)
:: colophane {f}
Ross River fever {n}
:: polyarthrite épidémique {f}, fièvre de la Ross River {f}
Ross River virus {n}
:: virus de la Ross River {m}
Ross's gull {n} (Rhodostethia rosea)
:: mouette rosée {f}
roster {n} (schedule) SEE: schedule
roster {n} /ˈɹɑstɚ/ (a list of names)
:: liste {f}
roster {v} (to place a name on a roster)
:: consigner, inscrire
Rostov-na-Donu {prop} (a city in Russia) SEE: Rostov-on-Don
Rostov-on-Don {prop} (a city in Russia)
:: Rostov-sur-le-Don {m}
rostral {adj} (relating to the rostrum)
:: rostral
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak
rostrum {n} /ˈɹɑː.stɹəm/ (dais, pulpit, or similar platform)
:: chaire {f}
rostrum {n} (projecting prow of a rowed warship)
:: éperon {m}, rostre {m}
rosé wine {n} (pink coloured wine)
:: vin rosé {m}, rosé {m}
rosy {adj} /ˈɹoʊzi/ (rose-coloured)
:: rosé
rot {v} /ɹɒt/ ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition)
:: pourrir
Rotarian {n} /ɹoʊˈtɛɹ.i.ən/ (member of a Rotary Club)
:: rotarien {m}, rotariens {m-p}, rotarienne {f}, rotariennes {f-p}
rotary {n} (traffic circle) SEE: traffic circle
rotary {adj} /ˈɹoʊtəɹi/ (capable of rotation)
:: rotatif {m}
rotary phone {n} (rotary dial telephone)
:: téléphone à cadran {m}
rotate {v} /ˈɹoʊteɪt/ (to spin, turn, or revolve)
:: tourner, rotationner, rotater
rotate {v} (to spin, turn, or revolve something)
:: faire tourner
rotate {v} (to change which tire is on each corner of the car, so that they wear evenly)
:: intervertir, permuter
rotation {n} /ɹoʊˈteɪʃən/ (act of turning around a centre)
:: rotation {f}
rotation {n} (single cycle of turning)
:: tour {m}
rotational symmetry {n} (property a shape has when it looks the same after some rotation by a partial turn)
:: symétrie de rotation {f}
rotator cuff {n} (set of four smaller muscles in the shoulder)
:: coiffe des rotateurs {f}
rote {n} /ɹoʊt/ (process of committing to memory)
:: apprentissage par cœur {m}
rotgut {n} (raw or poor quality alcoholic liquor)
:: tord-boyaux
roti {n} /ˈɹoʊti/ (unleavened flatbread)
:: roti {m}
roton {n} (quantum of rotation)
:: roton {m}
rotor {n} /ˈɹoʊ.tɚ/ (a rotating part of a mechanical device)
:: rotor {m}
rotten {adj} /ˈɹɑtn̩/ (decayed, gone bad)
:: pourri
rotten {adj} (mean)
:: mauvais
Rotterdammer {n} (person from Rotterdam)
:: Rotterdamois {m}, Rotterdamoise {f}
Rottweiler {n} (breed of dog)
:: rottweiler {m}
rotula {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap
rotund {adj} /ɹoʊˈtʌnd/ (Having a round or spherical shape)
:: rond {m}
rotund {adj} (Round in body shape)
:: rond {m}
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout
roué {n} /ˈɹuːeɪ/ (A debauched or lecherous person)
:: roué {m}
Roubaisian {n} /ɹoʊˈbeɪʒən/ (Someone from Roubaix)
:: Roubaisien {m}, Roubaisienne {f}
Roubaix {prop} /ɹuˈbeɪ/ (city in Hauts-de-France)
:: Roubaix
Rouen {prop} (a city in France)
:: Rouen
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush
Rouget's rail {n} (bird)
:: râle de Rouget {m}
rough {adj} /ɹʌf/ (not smooth)
:: rude, rugueux, brut {m}
rough {adj} (approximate)
:: approximatif {m}
rough {adj} (difficult)
:: difficile {m} {f}
rough {adj} (crude, unrefined)
:: brut {m}
rough {adj} (violent)
:: brutal {m}
rough {v} (to create in approximate form)
:: ébaucher
roughage {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre
rough around the edges {adj} (in need of refinement)
:: brut de décoffrage
rough breathing {n} (Ancient Greek diacritical mark)
:: esprit rude {m}
roughcast {n} /ˈɹʌfkæst/ (a rough surface finish)
:: crépi
roughcast {v} (to apply a roughcast finish to)
:: crépir
rough collie {n} (breed of dog)
:: colley à poil long
rough-hew {v} (cut or shape something roughly)
:: dégrossir
rough-legged buzzard {n} (Buteo lagopus)
:: buse pattue {f}
roughly {adv} /ˈɹʌf.li/ (in a rough manner)
:: rudement
roughly {adv} (unevenly)
:: approximativement
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately
rough up {v} (to manhandle or beat up)
:: malmener, brutaliser
rouille {n} /ˈɹui/ (type of sauce from Provence, France)
:: rouille {f}
roulette {n} (game of chance)
:: roulette {f}
roulette {n} (locus)
:: roulette {f}
round {adj} /ˈɹaʊnd/ (circular or cylindrical)
:: rond
round {adj} (spherical)
:: rond
round {adj} (plump)
:: rond {m}, ronde {f}
round {adj} (complete, not lacking)
:: complet {m}
round {adj} (of a number that has been rounded off)
:: rond
round {adj} (pronounced with the mouth in the shape of an "O")
:: arrondi
round {n} (circular object)
:: rond {m}
round {n} (circular or repetitious route)
:: ronde {f}, étape
round {n} (outburst)
:: éclat {m}
round {n} (song with each subset starting at a different time)
:: canon {m}
round {n} (serving)
:: tournée {f}
round {n} (individual ammunition shell)
:: coup {m}
round {n} (segment of a sport event)
:: round {m}
round {n} (stage of a sports competition)
:: épreuve {f}, tour {m}
round {n} (golf etc: way around the course)
:: tour {m}
round {v} (to approximate a number)
:: arrondir
round {prep} (around) SEE: around
round {adv} (around) SEE: around
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island)
:: rond-point {m}, giratoire {m}
roundabout {n} (children's play apparatus which rotates around a central axis when pushed)
:: tourniquet {m}
roundabout {n} (fairground carousel)
:: manège {m}
round bracket {n} (parenthesis, bracket)
:: parenthèse {f}
rounded {adj} /ˈɹaʊndɪd/ (pronounced with the lips drawn together)
:: arrondi
roundel {n} /ˈɹaʊn.dəl/ (heraldry: a circular spot; a charge in the form of a small coloured circle)
:: of tincture: tourteau {m}; of metal: besant {m}
roundel {n}
:: cocarde
roundhouse kick {n}
:: coup de pied circulaire
rounding {n} /ˈɹaʊndɪŋ/ (the act of rounding a mathematical value)
:: arrondi {m}
round of applause {n} (outburst of clapping)
:: salve d'applaudissements {f}
round off {v} (to change the shape of an object to make it more circular)
:: arrondir
round off {v} (to change a number into an approximation having fewer significant digits)
:: arrondir
round off {v} (to complete or finish something)
:: compléter
roundoff {n} (roundoff, a gymnastics move)
:: rondade {f}
round table {n} (conference)
:: table ronde {f}
Round Table {prop} (King Arthur's table)
:: Table ronde {f}
round the clock {prep} (24 hours per day) SEE: around the clock
round trip {n} (a trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location)
:: aller-retour {m}
round up {v} (to collect or gather (something) together)
:: rassembler, réunir, cueillir
round up {v} (to round up a number)
:: arrondir
roundworm {n} (invertebrate of the phylum Nematoda) SEE: nematode
rouse {v} /ˈɹaʊz/ (to wake)
:: éveiller
rousong {n} (meat floss)
:: rousong {m}
Rousseauian {adj} /ɹuːˈsəʊɪən/ (of or relating to the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
:: rousseauesque, Rousseauesque, Rousseau-esque
Roussillon {prop} (region of southern France)
:: Roussillon {m}
rout {n} /ɹaʊt/ (large evening party)
:: raout {m}
route {n} /ɹuːt/ (course or way traveled)
:: route {f}, chemin {m}
route {n} (passing, course, road)
:: route {f}
route of administration {n} (path by which a drug is taken into the body)
:: voie d'administration {f}
router {n} /ˈɹaʊtɚ/ (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet)
:: routeur
router {n} /ˈɹaʊtɚ/ (power tool)
:: défonçeuse
routine {n} /ɹuːˈtiːn/ (course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure)
:: routine {f}
routine {n} (set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically)
:: routine {f}
routine {n} (set piece of an entertainer's act)
:: routine {f}, numéro
routine {n} (computing: set of instructions designed to perform a specific task)
:: routine {f}
routine {adj} (according to established procedure)
:: procédural
routine {adj} (regular; habitual)
:: routinier
routine {adj} (ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others)
:: quelconque {m} {f}
routinely {adv} (in a routine manner)
:: routinièrement
roux {n} /ɹuː/ (mixture of fat (usually butter) and flour used to thicken sauces and stews)
:: roux
Rovaniemi {prop} (city)
:: Rovaniemi
rovibronic {adj}
:: rovibronique
row {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (line of objects)
:: ligne {f}, rang {m}, rangée {f}
row {n} (in a table)
:: ligne {f}
row {v} /ɹoʊ/ (transitive:to propel over water using oars)
:: ramer
row {v} (intransitive: to propel a boat or other craft over water using oars)
:: ramer, voguer
rowan {n} /ˈɹaʊ.ən/ (Sorbus aucuparia)
:: sorbier des oiseleurs {f}
rowan {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Sorbus)
:: sorbier {f}, alisier {f}
rowboat {n} (small boat that is rowed)
:: bateau à rames {m}, barque {f}
rowdy {adj} /ˈɹaʊdi/ (rough and disorderly)
:: chahuteur
rowel {n} /ˈɹoʊəl/ (small spiked wheel on the end of a spur)
:: molette {f}
rower {n} /ˈɹəʊ.ə(ɹ)/ (person who rows a boat)
:: rameur
rowhome {n} (house) SEE: rowhouse
row house {n} (rowhouse) SEE: rowhouse
rowhouse {n} (house)
:: maison mitoyenne {f}, maisons en bande {f-p}
rowing {n} /ˈɹoʊɪŋ/ (action of the verb "to row")
:: aviron {m}, canotage {m}
rowing {n} (the sport)
:: aviron {m}
rowing boat {n} (rowboat) SEE: rowboat
rowlock {n} /ˈɹʌlək/ (support for an oar)
:: dame de nage {f}, tolet {m}
Roxana {prop} (the wife of Alexander the Great)
:: Roxane
Roxana {prop} (female given name)
:: Roxane
Roxanne {prop} (female given name) SEE: Roxana
Roya {prop} (river and associated valley)
:: Roya {f}
royal {adj} /ˈɹɔɪəl/ (of or relating to a monarch or their family)
:: royal, royale {f}
royal {n} (nautical: a sail)
:: cacatois
royal {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic
royal {n} (old English gold coin) SEE: rial
Royal Canadian Mounted Police {prop} (the federal and national police force of Canada)
:: Gendarmerie Royale du Canada
royal family {n} (family of the ruling sovereign of a country or state)
:: famille royale {f}
royal fish {n}
:: poisson royal {m}
royal flush {n} (ace-high straight flush)
:: quinte flush royale {f}
royalist {n} (supporter of monarchy)
:: royaliste {m} {f}
royal jelly {n} (substance secreted by bees)
:: gelée royale {f}
royally {adv} (in a royal manner)
:: royalement
Royal Navy {prop} (British navy)
:: Royal Navy, marine britannique
royal penguin {n} (Eudyptes schlegeli)
:: gorfou de Schlegel {m}
royal poinciana {n} (flamboyant) SEE: flamboyant
royalty {n} /ˈɹɔɪəlti/ (rank, status, etc. of a monarch)
:: règne {m}
royalty {n} (payment for exploiting mineral rights)
:: royalty {f}, redevance {f}
royal we {n} (plural "we" used by a sovereign)
:: nous de majesté
Roy G. Biv {prop} /ɹɔɪ d͡ʒiː bɪv/ (mnemonic)
rozzer {n} /ˈɹɒzə(ɹ)/ ((slang) police officer)
:: flic {m}, poulet {m}, keuf
RPG {n} (role-playing game)
:: JdR {m}
-rrhea {suffix} (flowing)
:: -rrhée {f}
rRNA {n} (ribosomal RNA)
:: ARNr
rösti {n} /ˈɹɔsti/ (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes)
:: rösti {m-p}, rœsti {m-p}
RSVP {v} (initialism meaning reply please)
:: R.S.V.P.
RTFM {phrase} (Abbreviation of Read the fucking manual)
:: LLFM (lis le foutu manuel)
rub {n} /ɹʌb/ (act of rubbing)
:: friction {f}
rub {n} (difficulty or problem)
:: hic {m}
rub {v} (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area)
:: frotter
rub {v} (to rub something against (a second thing))
:: frotter
rub {v} (to scour; to burnish; to polish; to brighten; to cleanse)
:: frotter, polir
rubber {n} /ˈɹʌbɚ/ (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree)
:: caoutchouc {m}, gomme {f}
rubber {n} (synthetic materials with the same properties)
:: gomme {f}, caoutchouc {m}
rubber {n} (condom)
:: capote {f}, condom {m}, préservatif {m}
rubber {adj} (not covered by funds)
:: chèque en bois {m}
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser
rubber ball blast grenade {n}
rubber band {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band
rubber bullet {n}
:: balle de plastique {f}, balle de défense {f}
rubber duck {n} (toy shaped like a duck)
:: canard en caoutchouc {m}, canard en plastique
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist
rubberneck {n} (someone who engages in rubbernecking, or turning and staring, see also: rubbernecker)
:: badaud {m}
rubberneck {v} (to watch by craning the neck)
:: faire le badaud
rubbernecker {n} /ˈrʌbəˌnɛkə/ (someone who cranes their neck to see something)
:: badaud {m}, badaude {f}, curieux {m}, curieuse {f}
rubbernecking {n} (slowing down to see the scene of an accident)
:: faire le badaud
rubber stamp {n} (piece of rubber to make an imprint)
:: tampon {m}
rubber tree {n} (Hevea brasiliensis)
:: hévéa {m}
rubbery {adj} (relating to or resembling rubber)
:: caoutchouteux
rubbing alcohol {n} (surgical spirit) SEE: surgical spirit
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage
rubbish {n} /ˈɹʌbɪʃ/ (nonsense)
:: absurdités {f-p}, inepties {f-p}
rubbish {n} (debris or ruins of buildings)
:: décombres {m-p}
rubbish {adj} (exceedingly bad, see also: awful)
:: pourri
rubbish {interj} (used to express that what was recently said is nonsense or untrue)
:: n'importe quoi
rubbish bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag
rubbish bin {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can
rubble {n} /ˈɹʌb.əl/ (the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry)
:: décombres {m-p}, débris {m}, gravats {m-p}
rubblestone {n} (collection of broken stones)
:: moellon
rube {n} /ɹuːb/ (person of rural heritage; a yokel)
:: plouc {m}
Rube Goldberg machine {n} (comically overcomplicated machine)
:: usine à gaz
rubella {n} /ɹuːˈbɛlə/ (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract)
:: rubéole {f}
Rubenid {adj} (of or pertaining to the Rubenids)
:: roupénide, roubénide
rubeola {n} (measles) SEE: measles
rubidium {n} /ˌɹuːˈbɪd.i.əm/ (element with atomic number 37)
:: rubidium {m}
Rubik's cube {n} (cubical mechanical puzzle)
:: Rubik’s Cube {m}, Cube de Rubik {m}
rub it in {v} (add insult to injury)
:: retourner le fer dans la plaie, en rajouter
ruble {n} /ɹuːbəl/ (Russian monetary unit)
:: rouble {m}
rub one's hands together {v}
:: se frotter les mains
rub out {v} (delete or erase by rubbing)
:: effacer
rubrician {n} (someone skilled in, tenaciously holding to rubrics)
:: rubriciste {m} {f}
rubricist {n} (rubrician) SEE: rubrician
rub salt in the wound {v} (to make an injury feel worse)
:: remuer le couteau dans la plaie
ruby {n} /ˈɹuːbi/ (type of gem)
:: rubis {m}
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate
Rubyist {n}
:: Rubyiste
ruckus {n} /ˈɹʌkəs/ (A noisy disturbance and/or commotion)
:: chahut {m}
ruckus {n} (A row, fight)
:: grabuge {m}, commotion {f}
ruction {n} /ˈɹʌk.ʃən/ (noisy quarrel or fight)
:: rixe
rudd {n} /ɹʌd/ (fish Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
:: rotengle {m}
rudder {n} /ˈɹʌdɚ/ (underwater vane used to steer a vessel)
:: gouvernail {m}, safran {m}
ruddy {adj} /ˈɹʌdi/ (reddish)
:: rougeâtre
ruddy turnstone {n} (Arenaria interpres)
:: tournepierre à collier
rude {adj} /ɹuːd/ (bad-mannered)
:: impoli, malpoli
rudeness {n} (property of being rude)
:: impolitesse {f}
rudiment {n} /ˈɹuːdɪmənt/ (fundamental principle or skill)
:: rudiment {m}
rudiment {n} (sthg. in undeveloped form)
:: rudiment {m}
rudiment {n} (biology: body part that has no function left)
:: rudiment {m}
rudimentary {adj} /ˌɹuːdɪˈmɛntəɹi/ (of or relating to rudiments)
:: rudimentaire
rudimentary {adj} (basic; minimal)
:: rudimentaire
Rudolph {prop} /ˈɹuːdɒ(l)f/ (male given name)
:: Rodolphe
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer {prop} (the red-nosed reindeer)
:: Rudolphe le renne au nez rouge {m}
rue {v} /ɹuː/ (to repent or regret a past action or event)
:: regretter
rue {n} (any of various perennial shrubs)
:: rue odorante {f}, herbe de grâce {f}, Herbe à la belle Fille {f}
ruff {n} /ɹʌf/ (circular frill or ruffle on a garment)
:: fraise
ruff {n} (the bird Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax))
:: combattant varié {m}
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump
ruff {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) SEE: ruffe
ruffe {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus)
:: grémille {f}
ruffed grouse {n} (game bird)
:: gélinotte huppée {f}
ruffian {n} /ˈɹʌfi.ən/ (scoundrel, rascal)
:: rufian, voyou, brute
ruffle {n} /ˈɹʌfəl/ (strip of fabric)
:: falbala {m}
ruffle {v} (to curl or flute)
:: ébouriffer
rufous-bellied kookaburra {n} (Dacelo gaudichaud)
:: martin-chasseur de Gaudichaud {m}
rufous-bellied tit {n} (Melaniparus rufiventris)
:: mésange à ventre cannelle {f}
rufous-capped antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus ruficapillus)
:: batara à tête rousse
rufous-tailed hawk {n} (Buteo ventralis)
:: buse de Patagonie {f}
rufous-vented ground-cuckoo {n} (Neomorphus geoffroyi)
:: géocoucou de Geoffroy {m}
rufous-winged antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus torquatus)
:: batara à ailes rousses
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig
rug {n} /ɹʌɡ/ (partial floor covering)
:: tapis
rug {n} (thick piece of fabric used for warmth)
:: couverture
rugby {n} /ˈɹʌɡbi/ (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball)
:: rugby {m}
rugby league {n} (version of rugby football)
:: rugby à XIII {m}
rugby player {n} (one who plays rugby)
:: jouer {m}, joueuse {f} de rugby; rugbyman {m}, rugbywoman {f}
rugby sevens {n} (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball)
:: rugby à sept {m}
rugby union {n} (form of rugby)
:: rugby à XV {m}
rugged {adj} /ˈɹʌɡɪd/ (broken into sharp points)
:: rugueux {m}
rugged {adj} (not neat or regular)
:: irrégulier {m}
rugged {adj} (harsh, austere)
:: sévère {m} {f}
rugged {adj} (stormy, turbulent)
:: turbulent, tempétueux {m}
rugged {adj} (sour, surly)
:: hargneux {m}
rugged {adj} (violent, rude)
:: rude {m} {f}, violent {m}
rugged {adj} (vigorous, robust)
:: robuste, solide
ruin {n} /ˈɹu.ɪn/ (remains of destroyed construction)
:: ruine {f}
ruin {n} (the state of being a ruin, destroyed or decayed)
:: ruine {f}
ruin {n} (something which leads to serious troubles)
:: ruine {f}
ruin {v} (to cause the economical ruin of)
:: ruiner
ruin {v} (to destroy)
:: abîmer, foutre en l'air , ruiner , massacrer
ruin {v} (to spoil)
:: gâcher, foutre en l'air , plomber, ruiner
ruin {v} (to ruin) SEE: wreck
ruination {n} (state of being ruined)
:: ruination
ruination {n} (act of ruining)
:: ruination
ruinous {adj} (destructive)
:: ruineux
ruinously {adv} (in a way that will cause ruin)
:: ruineusement
Ruism {n} (Confucianism) SEE: Confucianism
rule {n} /ɹuːl/ (regulation)
:: règle {f}
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over)
:: gouverner, régler
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler
rulebook {n} (a book containing rules)
:: règlement {m}, règles {f-p}
rule of law {n} (the doctrine that no individual is above the law)
:: état de droit {m}
rule of three {prop} (mathematical rule)
:: règle de trois {f}
rule of thumb {n} (general guideline rather than a strict rule)
:: règle générale {f}, au doigt mouillé, au pif
rule out {v} (to cross out)
:: barrer, biffer
rule out {v} (to reject from list of possibilities)
:: écarter, éliminer, exclure
rule out {v} (to make something impossible)
:: exclure, interdire
rule out {v} (to disallow)
:: exclure
ruler {n} /ˈɹulɚ/ (measuring or drawing device)
:: règle {f}, latte {f}
ruler {n} (person who rules or governs)
:: dirigeant {m}, chef {m}
rulership {n} /ˈɹuːlə(ɹ)ʃɪp/ (where one rules over others)
:: pouvoir, dominance
rules are made to be broken {proverb} (it is acceptable to break rules)
:: les règles sont faites pour être transgressées
ruling {adj} /ˈɹuːlɪŋ/ (that rules)
:: au pouvoir, régnant
ruling {n} (an order or a decision on a point of law from someone in authority)
:: décision {f}, arrêt
ruling class {n} (social class)
:: classe dirigeante {f}
ruling pen {n} (a drawing instrument)
:: tire-ligne {m}
rum {n} /ɹʌm/ (distilled spirit)
:: rhum {m}
rumba {n} (dance)
:: rumba {f}
rumble {n} /ˈɹʌmb(ə)l/ (low, heavy, continuous sound)
:: borborygme {m} (stomach), gargouillement {m} (stomach), grondement {m} (thunder)
rumble {v} (to make a low pitched noise)
:: gronder
rumbling {adj}
:: grondant
rumbling {n} (muted sound of complaint or discontent)
:: grondement
rumbling {n} (deep low noise)
:: grondement
Rumelange {prop} (city)
:: Rumelange
rumen {n} /ˈɹu.mən/ (first stomach of ruminants)
:: panse {f}, rumen {m}
ruminant {n} /ˈɹuːmɪnənt/ (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud)
:: ruminant {m}, ruminante {f}
ruminate {v} /ˈɹumɪneɪt/ (to chew cud)
:: ruminer
ruminate {v} (to meditate)
:: ruminer
rumination {n} (act of ruminating)
:: rumination {f}
rummage {v} /ˈɹʌm.ɪdʒ/ (to search something which contains many items)
:: fouiller
rummage {v} (to search something thoroughly and with disregard)
:: fouiller
rummage {v} (to hastily search for)
:: fouiller
rummage sale {n} (informal sale)
:: kermesse {f}
rummy {n} /ˈɹʌmɪ/ (card game)
:: rami {m}
rumor {n} /ˈɹumɚ/ (statement or claim from no known reliable source)
:: rumeur {f}, bruit {m}
rumor has it {phrase} (rumour has it) SEE: rumour has it
rumour has it {phrase} (there is a rumor that...)
:: il parait (que...), le bruit court (que...), on dit (que...)
rump {n} /ˈɹʌmp/ (the hindquarters of an animal)
:: croupe {f}
rump {n} (the buttocks)
:: croupe {f}
Rumpelstiltskin {prop} (the fairy tale)
:: Grigrigredinmenufretin {m}
Rumpelstiltskin {prop} (the fictional dwarf)
:: Grigrigredinmenufretin {m}, Barbichu {m}, Broumpristoche {m}, Outroupistache {m}, Perlimpinpin {m}, Tracassin
rumple {v} /ˈɹʌmpəl/ (to make wrinkled)
:: froisser
rump state {n} (state that is the remnant of a previous, larger one)
:: état croupion {m}
rumpus {n} (noise and confusion)
:: conflit {m}, confusion {f}, divergence {f}
run {v} /ɹʌn/ (to move quickly on two feet)
:: courir
run {v} (to flow)
:: s'écouler, couler
run {v} (of a machine, to be operating normally)
:: marcher
run {n} (the act of running)
:: courir
run {n} (the route taken while running)
:: parcours {m}
run {n} (flow of liquid)
:: flot {m}, flux {m}
run {n} (creek)
:: cours d'eau {m}
run {n} (faster than a walk)
:: course {f}
run {n} (gallop)
:: galoper
run {n} (interval of distance or time)
:: période {f}
run {v} (to smuggle illegal goods) SEE: smuggle
run after {v} (follow quickly)
:: courir après
run after {v} (try to win someone's affections)
:: courir après
run aground {v} (to be immobilized by shallow water)
:: échouer
run along {v} (to leave)
:: partir
run amok {v} (run amok)
:: perdre le contrôle, péter un câble
run away {v} (to flee by running)
:: s'enfuir
run away with {v} (to overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm
run down {v} (to hit someone with a car or other vehicle and injure or kill them)
:: heurter
rundown {n} (a rough outline)
:: topo {m}
rune {n} /ɹuːn/ (letter or character)
:: rune {f}
runestone {n} (stone with a runic inscription)
:: pierre runique {f}
rung {n} /ɹʌŋ/ (ladder step)
:: barreau {m}
runic {adj} /ˈɹuːnɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or written using runes)
:: runique
runiform {adj} /ˈɹuːnɪfɔːm/ (resembling or in the form of runes)
:: runiforme
run in the family {v} (to be observed in several generations)
:: être de famille
run into the ground {v} (To wear out, especially through excessive use)
:: laisser se détériorer (tomber en ruine) | user à fond (ruiner | rincer)
Réunion {prop} /ɹiːˈjuːnjən/ (Overseas department of France)
:: Réunion
runner {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter
runner {n} /ˈɹʌnɚ/ (somebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace)
:: coureur {m}, coureuse {f}
runner {n} (mechanical part intended to guide or aid something else to move)
:: coulisse {f}, glissière {f}
runner bean {n}
:: haricot d'Espagne {m}
runner-up {n} /ˌɹʌn.ɚˈʌp/ (the person who finishes second)
:: vice-champion {m}, vice-championne {f}
running {n} /ˈɹʌnɪŋ/ (the action of the verb to run)
:: course {f}, course à pied {f}
running board {n} (step under the car door)
:: marchepied {m}
running mate {n} (candidate on a joint ticket)
:: colistier {m}, colistière {f}
runny nose {n} (condition of discharge of mucus from the nose)
:: avoir le nez qui coule
runoff {n} (second or further round of an indecisive election)
:: ballottage {m}
run-of-the-mill {adj} (ordinary)
:: ordinaire
runology {n} (study of runes)
:: runologie {f}
run out {v} (to use up)
:: épuiser, être à court
run out {v} (to expire, to come to an end)
:: venir à expiration, toucher à sa fin, expirer, venir à manquer
run out of steam {v} (to run out of energy or motivation)
:: marquer le pas
run out the clock {v} (preserve a lead in a game by retaining possession)
:: jouer la montre
run over {v} (to drive over, causing injury or death)
:: renverser
runs {n} /ɹʌnz/ (diarrhea)
:: courante {f}
run scared {v} (to be in a state of fearful alarm)
:: courir en fuite
run someone ragged {v} (to exhaust) SEE: exhaust
runt {n} /ˈɹʌnt/ (the smallest or the weakest animal of a litter or a pack)
:: avorton {m},
runt {n} (undersized or stunted plant, animal or person)
:: avorton {m}
run the risk {v}
:: courir le risque
run through {v} (go through hastily)
:: parcourir
run through {v} (impale a person)
:: embrocher
run through {v} (flow through an area)
:: arroser (lit., to water)
runway {n} /ˈɹʌnweɪ/ (walkway extending from a stage)
:: podium {m}, passerelle {f}
runway {n} ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from)
:: piste {f}, piste d'atterrissage
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds {v} (support both sides of an argument)
:: manger à tous les râteliers, ménager la chèvre et le chou
rupee {n} /ˌɹuːˈpiː/ (monetary currency)
:: roupie {f}
Rupelian {prop} (subdivision of the Oligocene epoch)
:: Rupélien
rupture {n} /ˈɹʌptʃə/ (burst or split)
:: rupture {f}
rural {adj} /ˈɹʊɹəl/ (pertaining to non-urban areas)
:: rural
rurban {adj} (of a location which has both urban and rural characteristics)
:: rurbain
Ruritanian {adj} /ˌɹʊɹ.ɪˈteɪ.ni.ən/ (of or having the characteristics of adventure, romance, and intrigue)
:: chimérique
Ruritanian {adj} (used to describe a fictitious and generic foreign government or person)
:: Poldavie, Syldavie, Bordurie
Ruritanian {n} (person from the fictional land of Ruritania)
:: huron, persan
Rus {prop} /ɹuːs/ (people)
:: Rus' {f}, Rus {f}
Rus {prop} (medieval East Slavic state)
:: Rus' {f}, Rous' {f}, Ruthénie {f}
rusa deer {n} (Cervus timorensis)
:: Cerf rusa
rusalka {n} (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths)
:: roussalka {f}
ruse {n} /ɹuːz/ (action intended to deceive, see also: trick)
:: ruse {f}, finasserie {f}
ruse {n} (guile, trickery)
:: ruse {f}
rush {n} /ɹʌʃ/ (plant)
:: jonc {m}
rush {n} (haste)
:: hâte {f}
rush {v} (to hurry)
:: se dépêcher, se hâter
rushes {n} /ˈɹʌʃɪz/ (cinematography)
:: rushes {m-p}, épreuve de tournage {f}
rush hour {n} (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting)
:: heure de pointe {f}
Rusian {adj} (related to the Rus (people))
:: ruthénien
rusk {n} /ɹʌsk/ (light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven)
:: biscotte, biscotin
russet {n} /ˈɹʌsɪt/ (color)
:: roux
russet {adj} (color)
:: roux {m}, rousse {f}
Russia {prop} /ˈɹʌʃə/ (country in Asia and Europe)
:: Russie {f}
Russian {adj} /ˈɹʌʃ(ə)n/ (of or pertaining to Russia)
:: russe {m} {f}
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Rus)
:: ruthénien
Russian {n} (person from Russia)
:: Russe {m} {f}
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian)
:: Russe {m} {f}
Russian {n} (Russian (language))
:: russe {m}, langue russe {f}, langue de Tolstoï {f}
Russian bar {n} (gymnastics-style beam held by two porters)
:: barre russe {f}
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll)
:: poupée russe {f}, matriochka {f}, poupée gigogne {f}
Russian Empire {prop} (state)
:: Empire russe {m}, Empire de Russie {m}
Russian Far East {prop} (Russian region)
:: Extrême-Orient russe {m}
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia)
:: Fédération de Russie {f}
Russianism {n} (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language)
:: russisme {m}
Russianist {n} (a person who studies Russian language, culture or history)
:: russiste {m} {f}
Russianness {n} (quality of being Russian)
:: russité {f}
Russian olive {n} (oleaster) SEE: oleaster
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches)
:: Église orthodoxe de Russie {f}, Église orthodoxe russe {f}
Russian oven {n} (a type of oven)
:: petchka {f}
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning)
:: roulette russe {f}
Russian salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic {prop} (official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union)
:: République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie {f}
Russicist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Russian language) SEE: Russianist
russification {n} (Russification) SEE: Russification
Russification {n} (process of making anything Russian)
:: russification {f}
Russki {n} /ˈɹʌs.ki/ (alternative term for Russian (derogatory))
:: ruskov, russkoff, russkof, ruskoff, ruskof, Popov
Russo- {prefix} (relating to Russia or Russian)
:: russo-
Russo-Japanese {adj} (Of or pertaining to both Russia and Japan)
:: russo-japonais {m}
Russophilia {n} (a strong interest in the country, culture, or people of Russia)
:: russophilie {f}
Russophobia {n} (the fear of Russia or Russian)
:: russophobie {f}
Russophone {adj} (Russian-speaking)
:: russophone
Russophone {n} (someone who speaks Russian)
:: russophone {m} {f}
rust {n} /ɹʌst/ (result of oxidation)
:: rouille {f}
rust {n} (plant disease)
:: rouille {f}
rust {v} (to oxidise)
:: rouiller, oxyder
rusticate {v} (suspend or expel from a college or university)
:: limoger
rustle {n} /ˈɹʌsəl/ (soft crackling sound)
:: bruissement {m}, froufrou {m}
rustle {v} (to move (something) with a soft crackling sound)
:: froufrouter
rustle up {v} (quickly prepare)
:: préparer vite fait
rusty {adj} /ˈɹʌsti/ (affected by rust)
:: rouillé
rusty {adj} (lacking recent experience, out of practice)
:: rouillé
rusty {adj}
:: rouillé
rusty-spotted cat {n} (Prionailurus rubiginosus)
:: chat rubigineux {m}
rut {n} /ɹʌt/ (sexual desire or oestrus)
:: rut {m}
rut {v} (To be in the annual rut)
:: être en rut
rut {n} (furrow, groove, or track worn in the ground)
:: ornière {f}
rut {n} (fixed routine, procedure, line of conduct, thought or feeling)
:: ornière {f}, voie de garage {f}
rut {v} (make a furrow)
:: sillonner
rutabaga {n} /ˈɹutəˌbeɪɡə/ (plant)
:: rutabaga {m}, chou-navet {m}
rutabaga {n} (edible root)
:: rutabaga {m}, chou-navet {m}
ruth {n} /ɹuːθ/ (pity)
:: pitié {f}
ruth {n} (sorrow)
:: peine {f}
Ruth {prop} /ɹuːθ/ (book of the Bible)
:: livre de Ruth {m}
Ruth {prop} (female given name)
:: Ruth {f}
Ruthenia {prop} /ruːˈθiː.ni.ə/ (alternative name of Rus, see also: Rus)
:: Ruthénie {f}
ruthenium {n} /ɹuːˈθiːniəm/ (chemical element)
:: ruthénium {m}
rutherfordium {n} /ˌɹʌðəɹˈfɔːɹdiəm/ (chemical element)
:: rutherfordium {m}
ruthless {adj} /ˈɹuːθləs/ (without pity or compassion)
:: impitoyable
ruthlessly {adv} /ˈɹuːθ.ləs.li/ (in a ruthless manner)
:: impitoyablement, sans foi ni loi, cruellement, sadiquement, inhumainement, tenacement
rutile {n} (the most frequent of the three polymorphs of titanium dioxide)
:: rutile
Ruy Lopez {prop} (a common chess opening)
:: partie espagnole {f}
Rwanda {prop} /ɹuˈɑndə/ (country)
:: Ruanda {m}, Rwanda {m}
Rwandan {n} (a person from Rwanda or of Rwandan descent)
:: Rwandais {m}, Rouandais {m}
Rwandan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Rwanda, the Rwandan people or language)
:: rwandais {m}, rouandais {m}
Ryazan {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Riazan {m}
rye {n} /ɹaɪ/ (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food)
:: seigle {m}
rye {n} (rye bread) SEE: rye bread
rye {n} (ryegrass) SEE: ryegrass
rye bread {n} (type of bread)
:: pain de seigle {m}
ryegrass {n}
:: ivraie {f}
ryokan {n} (a traditional Japanese hotel)
:: ryokan {m}
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (commonwealth) SEE: commonwealth
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland
Rzeczpospolita {prop} /ʒɛt͡ʃˌpɒspəˈlaɪtə/ (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth)
:: Rzeczpospolita {f}