p. {n} (page)
:: pàg. {f}
pace {n} (step: step)
:: pas {m}
pace {n} (step: distance covered)
:: passa {f}
pace {n} (way of stepping: rate or style of how someone moves with their feet)
:: pas {m}
pace {n} (way of stepping: gait of a horse)
:: pas {m}
pace {n} (speed)
:: pas {m}, ritme {m}
pace {prep} (With due respect to)
:: amb tot el respecte per
pacemaker {n} (medical implement)
:: marcapassos {m}
pachyptile {n} (seabird in Pachyptila) SEE: prion
Pacific Northwest {prop} (region of North America)
:: Nord-oest Pacífic {m}
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water)
:: Oceà Pacífic {m}
pacifier {n} (for a baby)
:: xumet {m}
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence)
:: pacifisme {m}
pacifist {adj} (one who loves, supports, or favours peace)
:: pacifista {m} {f}
pack {n} (full set of playing cards)
:: baralla {f}
pack {v} (to make a pack)
:: fer (la maleta)
package {n} (something which is packed)
:: paquet {m}
package {n} (something consisting of components)
:: paquet {m}
package {n} (act of packing)
:: empaquetatge {m}
package {n} (something resembling a package)
:: paquet {m}
package {n} (package holiday)
:: paquet {m}
package {n} (male genitalia)
:: paquet {m}
package {v} (to pack)
:: empaquetar
packaging {n} (the materials used to pack something)
:: embalatge {m}
pack animal {n} (animal used to carry heavy items) SEE: beast of burden
packed {adj} (put into a package)
:: empaquetat
packed {adj} (filled with a large number or large quantity)
:: replet
packed {adj} (filled to capacity)
:: replet
pact {n} (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant)
:: pacte {m}
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff
paddle {n} (two-handed, single-bladed oar)
:: rem {m}
paddle {n} (double-bladed oar used for kayaking)
:: pala {f}
paddle {n} (bat-shaped spanking implement)
:: palmeta {f}, palmatòria {f}
paddle {n} (ping-pong bat)
:: pala {f}
paddle {v} (toddle) SEE: toddle
paddleboat {n} (pedalo) SEE: pedalo
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows)
:: arrossar {m}
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy
padel {n} (racquet sport)
:: pàdel {m}
padlock {n} (type of lock)
:: cadenat {m}
Padua {prop} (province)
:: Pàdua
Padua {prop} (city)
:: Pàdua {f}
paella {n} (Savory, cooked dish)
:: paella {f}
paellera {n}
:: paellera
pagan {adj} (relating to non main world religions)
:: pagà
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion)
:: pagà {m}
paganism {n} (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity)
:: paganisme {m}
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book)
:: pàgina {f}
page {n} (serving boy)
:: patge {m}
pageant {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves)
:: pagoda {f}
Paibian {prop} (subdivision of the Cambrian period)
:: Paibià
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering)
:: dolor {m}
pain {n} (suffering or anguish, especially mental)
:: pena {f}
painful {adj} (causing pain)
:: dolorós
painfully {adv} (in a painful manner)
:: dolorosament
pain in the arse {n} (pain in the ass) SEE: pain in the ass
pain in the ass {n} (something that causes discomfort)
:: gra al cul {m}
pain in the butt {n} (nuisance) SEE: pain in the ass
pain in the neck {n} (that which is annoying) SEE: pain in the ass
painkiller {n} (a drug that numbs the pain in the body)
:: analgèsic {m}
painless {adj} (without pain or trouble)
:: indolor
painstaking {adj} (careful attentive; diligent)
:: acurat
paint {n} (substance)
:: pintura {f}
paint {v} (apply paint to)
:: pintar
paint {v} (practise the art of painting pictures)
:: pintar
paintbrush {n} (thin brush)
:: pinzell {m}
painter {n} (artist)
:: pintor {m}
painting {n} (an illustration or artwork using paint)
:: quadre {m}, pintura {f}
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set
pair {n} (two similar or identical things)
:: parella {f}, parell {m}
pair {n} (two people in a relationship)
:: parella {f}
pair {n} (used with binary nouns)
:: parell {m}
pair {n} (couple of working animals attached to work together)
:: parell {m}
pair {n} (poker hand)
:: parella {f}
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles)
:: compàs {m}
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
:: pijama {m}
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia)
:: Pakistan
Pakistani {n} (A person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent)
:: pakistanès {m}
Pakistani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Pakistan, or its people)
:: pakistanès
palace {n} (large, lavish residence)
:: palau {m}
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords)
:: Palau de Westminster {m}
paladin {n} (heroic champion)
:: paladí {m}
palaeoclimatology {n} (science)
:: paleoclimatologia {f}
palaestra {n} (ancient wrestling area)
:: palestra {f}
Palaic {prop} (Indo-European language)
:: palaic {m}
Palaic {adj} (of or pertaining to Palaic language or its speakers)
:: palaic
palatal {adj} (pertaining to the palate)
:: palatal
palatal {adj} ((phonetics) articulated at the hard palate)
:: palatal
palatal {n} ((phonetics) palatal consonant)
:: palatal {f}
palatalization {n} (state)
:: palatalització {f}
palatalization {n} (instance)
:: palatalització {f}
palatalize {v} (to pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate)
:: palatalitzar
palate {n} (roof of the mouth)
:: paladar {m}
palatine bone {n} (bones that make up the hard palate)
:: os palatí {m}
Palau {prop} (Republic of Palau)
:: Palau
pale {adj} (light in color)
:: pàl·lid
pale {n} (heraldry: vertical band)
:: pal
paleanthropology {n} (study of ancient human remains) SEE: paleoanthropology
palely {adv} (in a pale manner)
:: pàl·lidament
Palencia {prop} (province)
:: Palència {f}
Palencia {prop} (city)
:: Palència {f}
paleness {n} (condition or degree of being pale or of lacking color)
:: pal·lidesa {f}
paleoanthropology {n} (study of ancient human remains)
:: paleoantropologia {f}
paleobotany {n} (branch of paleontology)
:: paleobotànica {f}
paleoclimatology {n} (palaeoclimatology) SEE: palaeoclimatology
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing)
:: paleografia
Paleolithic {n} (Old Stone Age)
:: paleolític {m}
Paleolithic {adj} (of or referring to the Old Stone Age)
:: paleolític
paleomagnetism {n} (study of the Earth's magnetic field as it has changed over time)
:: paleomagnetisme {m}
paleontological {adj} (of or pertaining to paleontology)
:: paleontològic
paleontologist {n} (one who studies paleontology)
:: paleontòleg {m}
paleontology {n} (study of prehistoric forms of life)
:: paleontologia {f}
paleozoology {n} (branch of zoology dealing with fossils)
:: paleozoologia {f}
Palermo {prop} (city)
:: Palerm
Palestine {prop} (geographic region)
:: Palestina {f}
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively)
:: Palestina {f}
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British entity)
:: Palestina {f}
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British Mandate)
:: Palestina {f}
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people)
:: palestí, palestinenc
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent)
:: palestí {m}, palestinenc {m}
paletot {n} (A loose outer jacket, overcoat)
:: abric {m}, gavany {m}, paltó {m}, sobretot {m}
Pali {prop} (a Middle Indo-Aryan language)
:: pali {m}
palindrome {n} (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards)
:: palíndrom {m}
paling {n} (fence)
:: palissada {f}, estacada {f}
palisade {n} (wall of wooden stakes)
:: palissada {f}
pall {n} (charge representing an archbishop's pallium)
:: perla {f}
Palladian {adj} (in the style of the Italian neoclassical architect Andrea Palladio)
:: pal·ladià {m}, pal·ladiana {f}
palladium {n} (chemical element)
:: pal·ladi {m}
pallet {n} (a portable platform)
:: palet {m}
palliate {v} (to relieve the symptoms of)
:: pal·liar, mitigar, atenuar, remeiar
palliate {v} (to cover or disguise the seriousness of something by excuses and apologies)
:: pal·liar, encobrir, dissimular
palliative {adj} (reducing progression and relieving symptoms)
:: pal·liatiu
pallid {adj} (appearing weak, pale or wan)
:: pàl·lid
pallium {n} (cerebral cortex) SEE: cerebral cortex
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand)
:: palmell {m}
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree
Palma {prop} (city)
:: Palma {f}
palmar {adj} (of or pertaining to the palm of the hand)
:: palmar
palmier {n} (puff pastry)
:: ulleres {m-p}, palmera {f}
palmistry {n} (telling fortunes from the lines on the palms of the hand)
:: quiromància {f}
palm oil {n} (edible plant oil)
:: oli de palma {m}
palm syrup {n} (syrup made from sap of a palm tree)
:: xarop de palma {m}, mel de palma {f}
palm thief {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab
palm tree {n} (tropical tree)
:: palmera {f}, palmer {m}
Palmyrene {n} (native or inhabitant of ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena)
:: palmirè {m}
palpable {adj} (capable of being touched)
:: palpable
palpable {adj} (obvious)
:: palpable
palpitation {n} (abnormal beating of the heart)
:: palpitació {f}
palynologist {n} (one who studies palynology)
:: palinòleg {m}
palynology {n} (study of spores, pollen etc.)
:: palinologia {f}
Pamplona {prop} (city in Navarre of northern Spain)
:: Pamplona
Pan {prop} (Greek god of nature)
:: Pan {m}
panacea {n} (remedy believed to cure all disease)
:: panacea {f}
panacea {n} (something that will solve all problems)
:: panacea {f}
panache {n} (ornamental helmet plume)
:: plomall {m}
Panama {prop} (country)
:: Panamà {m}
Panamanian {n} (person from Panama)
:: panameny {m}, panamenya {f}
Panamanian {adj} (pertaining to Panama)
:: panameny
pan-Arabism {n} (movement)
:: panarabisme {m}
panarchism {n}
:: panarquisme {m}
pancake {n} (thin batter cake)
:: crep americana {f}
Panchen Lama {n} (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism)
:: Panchen Lama
Pancras {prop} (saint)
:: Pancraç {m}
pancreas {n} (gland near the stomach)
:: pàncrees {m}
pancreatic {adj} (of or pertaining to the pancreas)
:: pancreàtic
pancreatitis {n} (inflammation of the pancreas)
:: pancreatitis {f}
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda)
:: panda {m}
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general
pandemic {adj} (epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion of the population)
:: pandèmic
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population)
:: pandèmia {f}
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp
pandora {n} (Pagellus erythrinus)
:: pagell {m}
Pandora {prop} (Character in Greek mythology)
:: Pandora
panegyric {n} (formal speech or opus publicly praising someone or something)
:: panegíric {m}
panegyrically {adv} (with lavish praise)
:: panegíricament
panel {n} (rectangular section of a surface)
:: panell {m}
panel {n} (group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc)
:: comissió {f}
pan flute {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes
Pangaea {prop} (supercontinent prior to Triassic)
:: Pangea {f}
pangolin {n} (mammal)
:: pangolí {m}
pangram {n} (a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet)
:: pangrama {m}
panic {n} (overpowering fright)
:: pànic
panic attack {n} (sudden period of intense anxiety)
:: atac de pànic {m}
panna cotta {n} (Italian dessert made from double cream)
:: panacota {f}
panoply {n} (complete set of armour)
:: panòplia {f}
panoramic {adj} (with a wide view)
:: panoràmic
pan pipes {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes
panpipes {n} (musical instrument)
:: flauta de Pan {f}
panpsychism {n} (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect)
:: panpsiquisme {m}
pansexuality {n} (sexual orientation)
:: pansexualitat {f}
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants
pant {v} (to breathe quickly or in a labored manner)
:: panteixar
pantaloons {n} (an article of clothing covering each leg separately)
:: calces {m-p}, pantalons {m-p}
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine)
:: panteisme {m}
pantheist {n} (person who believes in pantheism)
:: panteista {m} {f}
pantheistic {adj} (pertaining to pantheism)
:: panteista
pantheistical {adj} (pantheistic) SEE: pantheistic
pantheon {n} (a temple dedicated to all the gods)
:: panteó {m}
Pantheon {prop}
:: panteó {m}
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls)
:: calces {f-p}, calçons {m-p}
Pantocrator {prop} (ruler of everything)
:: pantocràtor {m}
pantry {n} (storage room)
:: rebost {m}
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards)
:: pantaló {m}, pantalons {m-p}, calçons {m-p}
pants {n} (undergarment covering the genitals)
:: bragues {f-p}, calçotets {m-p}, calçons blancs {m-p}e
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad
papacy {n} (the office)
:: papat {m}, pontificat {m}
papacy {n} (the period)
:: papat {m}, pontificat {m}
papal {adj} (related to the pope or papacy)
:: papal
papal bull {n} (official document or edict from the Pope)
:: butlla papal
paparazzi {n} (paparazzo) SEE: paparazzo
paparazzo {n} (freelance photographer of celebrities)
:: paparazzo {m}
papaya {n} (fruit)
:: papaia {f}
paper {n} (sheet material)
:: paper {m}
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book)
:: article {m}
paper {n} (academic paper)
:: article {m}
paper {v} (to apply paper to)
:: empaperar
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper
paper {n} (wrapping paper) SEE: wrapping paper
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document
paperboard {n} (thick paper)
:: cartonet {m}
paper clip {n} (paper clip)
:: clip {m}
paperknife {n} (a knife for cutting paper or opening envelopes) SEE: letter opener
papers {n} (official documents or identification)
:: papers {m-p}
paper towel {n} (sheet of absorbent paper)
:: tovalló de paper
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object)
:: petjapapers {m}
paperwork {n} (work involving written documents)
:: paperassa {f}, paperada {f}
Paphos {prop} (city in Cyprus)
:: Pafos {f}
Papiamento {prop} (creole language) SEE: Papiamentu
Papiamentu {prop} (language)
:: papiament {m}
papier-mâché {n} (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object)
:: paper maixé {m}
papilla {n} (anatomical structure)
:: papil·la {f}
papillar {adj} (papillary) SEE: papillary
papillary {adj} (having the properties of a papilla)
:: papil·lar
papilloma {n} (epithelial tumour)
:: papil·loma {m}
pappardelle {n} (broad form of fettuccine)
:: pappardelle
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania)
:: Papua Nova Guinea {f}
papyrology {n} (the study of ancient texts written on papyrus)
:: papirologia {f}
papyrus {n} (plant in the sedge family)
:: papir {m}
papyrus {n} (material made from this plant)
:: papir {m}
papyrus {n} (scroll or document written on this material)
:: papir {m}
parable {n} (short story illustrating a lesson)
:: paràbola {f}
parabola {n} (a conic section)
:: paràbola {f}
parabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a parabola or paraboloid)
:: parabòlic
parabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a parable)
:: parabòlic
parabolically {adv} (in the form of a parabola)
:: parabòlicament
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object)
:: paracaigudes {m}
parachuting {n} (sport)
:: paracaigudisme {m}
parachutist {n} (parachute user)
:: paracaigudista {m} {f}
parade {n} (organized procession)
:: desfilada {f}
paradigm {n} (way of viewing reality)
:: paradigma {m}
paradigm {n} (example serving as a model or pattern)
:: paradigma {m}
paradigm {n} (linguistics: all forms which contain a common element)
:: paradigma {m}
paradise {n} (heaven)
:: paradís {m}
paradise {n} (very pleasant place)
:: paradís {m}
paradisiac {adj} (of or like Paradise)
:: paradisíac
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true)
:: paradoxa {f}
paradoxical {adj} (having self-contradicting properties)
:: paradoxal
paradoxically {adv} (in a paradoxical manner)
:: paradoxalment
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene
paraffin {v} (treat with paraffin)
:: parafinar
paraglider {n} (one who paraglides)
:: parapentista {m} {f}
paraglider {n} (equipment)
:: parapent {m}
paragliding {n} (the sport of gliding with a paraglider)
:: parapent {m}
paragraph {n} (passage in text)
:: paràgraf {m}
Paraguayan {n} (person from Paraguay)
:: paraguaià {m}
Paraguayan {adj} (pertaining to Paraguay)
:: paraguaià
parakeet {n} (various species of small parrots)
:: periquito {m}
parallactic {adj} (pertaining to parallax)
:: paral·làctic {m}
parallax {n}
:: paral·laxi {f}
parallel {adj} (equally distant from one another at all points)
:: paral·lel
parallel {adj} (having the same overall direction)
:: paral·lel
parallelepiped {n} (solid figure)
:: paral·lelepípede {m}
parallelism {n} (state or condition of being parallel)
:: paral·lelisme {m}
parallelism {n} (agreement, similarity, resemblance)
:: paral·lelisme {m}
parallelism {n} (grammar)
:: paral·lelisme {m}
parallelism {n} (philosophy)
:: paral·lelisme {m}
parallelism {n} (the use of parallel methods in computing)
:: paral·lelisme {m}
parallelogram {n} (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length)
:: paral·lelogram {m}
paralyse {v} (paralyse) SEE: paralyze
paralysis {n} (loss of muscle control)
:: paràlisi {f}
paralytic {n} (person suffering from paralysis)
:: paralític {m}
paralytic {adj} (affected by paralysis)
:: paralític
paralytic {adj} (pertaining to paralysis)
:: paralític
paralyze {v} (to afflict with paralysis)
:: paralitzar
paralyzed {adj} ((of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement; disabled)
:: paralitzat
paralyzing {adj} (that paralyzes)
:: paralitzant
paramecium {n} (organism)
:: parameci {m}
paramedic {n} (individual trained to stabilize people outside of hospital)
:: paramèdic {m}
parameter {n} (variable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar)
:: paràmetre {m}
parameter {n} (name in a function or subroutine definition)
:: paràmetre {m}
parametric {adj} (of, relating to, or defined using parameters)
:: paramètric
paramilitary {n} (a group of civilians trained and organized in a military fashion)
:: paramilitar
paramilitary {n} (a member of a paramilitary group)
:: paramilitar
paramilitary {adj} (relating to a paramilitary)
:: paramilitar
paranoia {n} (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution)
:: paranoia {f}
paranoiac {n} (somebody who has paranoia) SEE: paranoid
paranoid {adj} (of, related to, or suffering from paranoia)
:: paranoic
paranoid {adj} (exhibiting extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others)
:: paranoic
paranoid {n} (someone suffering from paranoia)
:: paranoic
paranoid personality disorder {n} (personality disorder)
:: trastorn paranoide de la personalitat
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions)
:: esquizofrènia paranoide {f}
paranormal {adj} (can not be explained by scientific methods)
:: paranormal
parapet {n} (a low retaining wall)
:: ampit {m}
parapet {n} (a fortification consisting of a wall)
:: parapet {m}
paraphrastic {adj} (pertaining to a paraphrase)
:: parafràstic {m}, parafràstica {f}
paraplegia {n} (paralysed condition)
:: paraplegia {f}
paraplegic {adj} (of, related to, or suffering from paraplegia)
:: paraplègic
paraplegic {n} (person who suffers from paraplegia)
:: paraplègic {m}
parapsychology {n} (study of that which cannot yet be explained)
:: parapsicologia {f}
parasite {n} (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back)
:: paràsit {m}
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism)
:: paràsit {m}
parasitic {adj} (pertaining to a biological or symbolic parasite)
:: parasitari
parasitic {adj} (drawing upon another organism for sustenance)
:: paràsit
parasitical {adj} (parasitic) SEE: parasitic
parasitise {v} (parasitize) SEE: parasitize
parasitism {n} (interaction between two organisms)
:: parasitisme {m}
parasitize {v} (live off a host)
:: parasitar
parasitology {n} (study of parasites)
:: parasitologia {f}
parasol {n} (umbrella used as protection from the sun)
:: para-sol {m}, ombrel·la {f}
parasynthesis {n}
:: parasíntesi {f}
parataxis {n} (in grammar)
:: parataxi {f}
parathyroid {adj} (pertaining to the parathyroid glands or their extracts)
:: paratiroïdal
paratrooper {n} (soldier that parachutes from aircraft)
:: paracaigudista {m} {f}
parched {adj} (dry)
:: ressec
parched {adj} (thirsty)
:: assedegat
parchment {n} (material)
:: pergamí {m}
parchment {n} (document)
:: pergamí {m}
pardon {n} (forgiveness for an offence)
:: perdó {m}
pardon {n} (releasing order)
:: perdó {m}, indult {m}
pardon {v} (to forgive)
:: perdonar
pardon {v} (to grant an official pardon)
:: perdonar, indultar
pardon {interj} (interjection, request to repeat)
:: perdó {m}
paremiology {n} (the study of proverbs)
:: paremiologia {f}
parenchyma {n} (functional part of an organ, as opposed to supporting tissue)
:: parènquima {m}
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended)
:: progenitor {m} {f}, genitor {m} {f}, pares {m-p}
parent {n} (source or origin of something)
:: pare {m}, mare {f}
parent {n} (parent company) SEE: parent company
parent company {n} (a company that owns or controls another company)
:: empresa matriu {f}
parenthesis {n} (a clause, phrase or word inserted into a passage which is already grammatically complete)
:: parèntesi {m}
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( ))
:: parèntesi {m}
parents {n} (one's parents)
:: pares {m-p}
par excellence {adj} (being a quintessential example of a general type)
:: per antonomàsia, per excel·lència
pariah {n} (an outcast)
:: pària {m} {f}
pariah {n} (member of one of the oppressed social castes in India)
:: pària {m} {f}, intocable {m} {f}
parietal bone {n} (either of two bones at the sides and top of the skull)
:: os parietal {m}, parietal {m}
parietal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum)
:: lòbul parietal {m}
Paris {prop} (capital of France)
:: París {m}
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince)
:: Paris {m}
parish {n} (part of a diocese)
:: parròquia
parish church {n} (church that serves as the religious centre of a parish)
:: església parroquial {f}
parishioner {n} (member of a parish)
:: parroquià {m}
Parisian {n} (someone from Paris)
:: parisenc {m}, parisenca {f}
Parisian {adj} (of Paris)
:: parisenc
parity {n} (equality, comparability)
:: paritat {f}
park {n} (ground for preservation of game, etc.)
:: parc {m}, parc natural {m}
park {n} (ground for recreation)
:: parc {m}
park {n} (space occupied by animals, wagons, etc.)
:: parc {m}
park {n} (an enclosed parcel of land stocked with animals for hunting)
:: vedat {m}
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use)
:: aparcament {m}, pàrquing {m}
parking meter {n} (device for collecting parking fees)
:: parquímetre {m}
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease)
:: malaltia de Parkinson {f}
parkour {n} (athletic discipline)
:: parkour
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members)
:: parlament {m}
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament
parliamentarian {n} (member of parliament)
:: parlamentari {m}, parlamentària {f}
parliamentary {adj} (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament)
:: parlamentari
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous
parmesan {n} (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma)
:: parmesà {m}
Parmesan {n} (parmesan) SEE: parmesan
Parmesan {adj} (from Parma)
:: parmesà
Parmesan {n} (someone from Parma)
:: parmesà {m}
parochial {adj} (pertaining to a parish)
:: parroquial
parodic {adj} (of, related to, or having characteristics of parody)
:: paròdic
parodist {n} (person who parodies)
:: parodista {m} {f}
parody {n} (expression making fun of something else)
:: paròdia {f}
parody {v} (to make a parody of something)
:: parodiar
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb
paronomasia {n} (a pun or play on words)
:: paronomàsia
paronym {n} (word that sounds like another word)
:: parònim {m}
paroxytone {n} (paroxytone)
:: paroxítona {f}, paraula plana {f}
parquet {n} (the part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle) SEE: stall
parrot {n} (kind of bird)
:: lloro {m}, papagai {m}
parrot {n} (person who repeats what was said)
:: lloro {m}
parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin
parrotfish {n} (tropical marine fish)
:: peix lloro {f}
parse {v} ((computing) to split data into pieces)
:: analitzar
parse {v} (to examine closely) SEE: scrutinize
parsimonious {adj} (Exhibiting parsimony)
:: parsimoniós
parsimony {n} (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily)
:: parsimònia {f}
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum)
:: julivert {m}
parsnip {n} (the plant Pastinaca sativa)
:: xirivia {f}
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa)
:: xirivia {f}
part {n} (fraction of a whole)
:: part {f}
part {n} (group inside a larger group)
:: part {f}
part {n} (position or role, especially in a play)
:: part {f}
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial
part {adv} (partially) SEE: partially
Parthia {prop} ((historical) region)
:: Pàrtia
Parthia {prop} (empire of the Parthians)
:: Pàrtia {f}
Parthian {adj} (relating to Parthia)
:: part
Parthian {n} (person)
:: part {m}, parta {f}
partial {adj} (existing in part)
:: parcial
partial {adj} (biased)
:: parcial
partial differential equation {n} (equation)
:: equació diferencial en derivades parcials {f}
partially {adv} (to a partial degree)
:: parcialment
participant {n} (one who participates)
:: participant {m} {f}
participate {v} (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself)
:: participar
participation {n} (act of participating)
:: participació {f}
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle
participle {n} (verb form)
:: participi {m}
particle {n} (body with very small size)
:: partícula {f}
particle {n} (elementary particle or subatomic particle)
:: partícula {f}
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech)
:: partícula {f}
particle accelerator {n} (a device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds)
:: accelerador de partícules {m}
particle physics {n} (particle physics)
:: física de partícules {f}
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla
partisanship {n} (an inclination to be partisan)
:: partidisme {m}
partition {n} (vertical structure that divides a room)
:: envà {m}
partiture {n} (score (music)) SEE: score
partner {n} (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner)
:: parella {f}
partocracy {n} (government by political parties)
:: partitocràcia {f}
partridge {n} (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
:: perdiu {f}
party {n} (law: particular side in a contract or legal action)
:: part {f}
party {n} (social gathering)
:: festa {f}, sarau {m}
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party
party pooper {n} (one who dampens the fun of a group activity) SEE: spoilsport
party wall {n} (commonly shared wall)
:: paret mitgera {f}
pascal {n} (SI unit of pressure and stress)
:: pascal {m}
Pashto {n} (official language of Afghanistan)
:: paixtu {m}
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto
Pashtun {adj} (of or relating to the Pashtuns)
:: paixtu
Pashtun {n} (Pashtun person)
:: paixtu {m} {f}, afgà {m}
pass {v} (move or be moved from one place to another)
:: passar
pass {v} (move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge)
:: passar
pass {v} (happen)
:: passar
pass {v} (elapse)
:: passar
pass {v} (advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness)
:: ser aprovat
pass {v} (go through any inspection or test successfully)
:: aprovar
pass {v} (to continue)
:: passar
pass {n} (password) SEE: password
passable {adj} (That may be passed or traversed)
:: transitable
passable {adj} (Tolerable; satisfactory; adequate)
:: passable
passage {n} (section of text or music)
:: passatge {m}
passage {n} (part of a journey)
:: passatge {m}
passage {n} (passageway)
:: passatge {m}
passcode {n} (string of characters used for authentication on a digital device)
:: contrasenya {f}
passed pawn {n} (pawn that has passed beyond enemy pawns)
:: peó passat {m}
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle)
:: passatger {m}
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by)
:: vianant {m}
passerine {n} (any bird of the order Passeriformes)
:: passeriforme {m}
passing {adj} (that passes away; ephemeral)
:: passatger
passing {n} (sports: act of passing)
:: passada {f}
passion {n} (any great emotion)
:: passió {f}
passion {n} (suffering of Jesus)
:: passió {f}
passionate {adj} (fired with intense feeling)
:: apassionat
passionately {adv} (in a passionate manner)
:: apassionadament
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit)
:: maracujà {m}
passive {adj} (not active, but acted upon)
:: passiu {m}
passively {adv} (in a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action)
:: passivament
passiveness {n} (passivity) SEE: passivity
passivity {n} (the state of being passive)
:: passivitat {f}
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival)
:: pasqua {f}
passport {n} (official document)
:: passaport {m}
pass through {v} (to infiltrate) SEE: infiltrate
password {n} (word used to gain admittance)
:: contrasenya {f}
password {n} (computing: string of characters known only to a user)
:: contrasenya {f}
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago
past {n} (period of time that has already happened)
:: passat {m}
past {adj} (having already happened; in the past)
:: passat
pasta {n} (dough)
:: pasta {f}
past anterior {n} (a compound tense used in literary French, Spanish, and Italian)
:: passat anterior {m}, pretèrit anterior {m}
paste {v} (to cause to stick, adhere)
:: enganxar
paste {v} (to insert a piece of text)
:: enganxar
pasteurise {v} (pasteurize) SEE: pasteurize
pasteurize {v} (to heat food in order to kill harmful organisms)
:: pasteuritzar
pastiche {n} (work that imitates the work of a previous artist)
:: pastitx
pastille {n} (soft flavoured candy)
:: pastilla {f}
pastille {n} (medicinal pill)
:: pastilla {f}
pastille {n} (small granular half spheroid piece of material)
:: pastilla {f}
pastime {n} (that which amuses)
:: passatemps {m}
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd
pastor {n}
:: pastor {m}
past participle {n} (past participle)
:: participi passat {m}
past perfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense
pastry {n} (food group)
:: pastissos
pastry bag {n} (bag used to pipe cakes with icing)
:: mànega pastissera {f}, mànega de pastisseria {f}
past tense {n} (grammatical form)
:: passat {m}, pretèrit {m}
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze
pasture {n} (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
:: prat {m}
pasture {v} (to herd animals into a pasture)
:: pasturar
Patagonia {prop} (geographical region)
:: Patagònia {f}
patch {n} (figuratively: fit) SEE: fit
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool
patch {n} (piece of cloth used to repair a garment)
:: pedaç {m}
patch {n} (computing: file describing changes made to source code)
:: pedaç {m}
patch {v} (mend by sewing on cloth)
:: apedaçar
patch file {n} (patch) SEE: patch
patella {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap
paten {n} (plate for the host during Eucharist)
:: patena {f}
patent {n} (declaration issued by a government to an inventor)
:: patent
patent {v} (successfully register an invention with a government agency; to secure a letter patent)
:: patentar
patent {adj} (explicit and obvious)
:: patent
paternal {adj} (of or pertaining to one's father)
:: patern {m}
paternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's father)
:: tia {f}
paternal grandfather {n} (one's father's father)
:: avi patern {m}
paternal grandmother {n} (one's father's mother)
:: àvia paterna {f}
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary
paternoster {n} (Lord's prayer)
:: paternòster {m}, parenostre {m}
path {n} (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians)
:: sendera {f}, sender {m}
path {n} (a course taken)
:: camí {m}, trajectòria {f}
path {n} (a metaphorical course)
:: camí {m}
path {n} (computing: a specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure)
:: camí {m}
path {n} (graph theory: a sequence of vertices from one vertex to another)
:: ruta {f}
pathetic {adj} (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion)
:: commovedor
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt)
:: patètic
pathogen {n} (an organism or substance that causes disease)
:: patogen {m}
pathogenesis {n} (pathogenesis)
:: patogènesi {f}
pathogenic {adj} (able to cause disease)
:: patogen, patogènic
pathognomonic {adj} (Beyond any doubt diagnostic for a particular disease)
:: patognòmic, patognomònic
pathologic {adj} (pathological) SEE: pathological
pathological {adj} (pertaining to pathology)
:: patològic
pathological {adj} (relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder)
:: patològic
pathologically {adv} (in a pathological manner)
:: patològicament
pathologist {n} (expert in pathology)
:: patòleg {m}
pathology {n} (branch of medicine)
:: patologia {f}
patience {n} (quality of being patient)
:: paciència {f}
patience {n} (game that can be played by one person)
:: solitari {m}
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting)
:: pacient
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor)
:: pacient {m}
patiently {adv} (in a patient manner)
:: pacientment
patient zero {n} (index case) SEE: index case
patina {n} (colour or incrustation which age and wear give to objects)
:: pàtina {f}
patio {n} (a paved outside area, adjoining a house, used for dining or recreation)
:: pati {m}
patio {n} (an inner courtyard typical of traditional Spanish houses)
:: pati {m}
Patras {prop} (city of Greece)
:: Patres
patriarch {n} (male leader)
:: patriarca {m}
patriarchal {adj} (relating to patriarchy)
:: patriarcal
patriarchy {n} (social system)
:: patriarcat {m}
patriarchy {n} (power structure)
:: patriarcat {m}
patriarchy {n} (dominance of men in social or cultural systems)
:: patriarcat {m}
patrician {n} (member of Roman aristocracy)
:: patrici {m}
patricide {n} (murder of one's father)
:: parricidi {m}
patrimony {n} (inheritance from one's ancestor)
:: patrimoni {m}
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country)
:: patriota {m} {f}
patriotic {adj} (inspired by patriotism)
:: patriòtic
patriotically {adv} (in a patriotic manner)
:: patriòticament
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country)
:: patriotisme {m}
Patroclus {prop} (character in the Iliad)
:: Pàtrocle {m}
patrol {n} (going of the rounds)
:: patrulla
patrol {v} (go the rounds along a chain of sentinels)
:: patrullar
patrol {v} (go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard or policeman)
:: patrullar
patrol car {n} (police car)
:: cotxe patrulla {m}
patronage {n} (the act of providing approval and support)
:: patrocini {m}, patronatge {m}, patronat {m}
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending
patronymic {n} (patronymic (noun))
:: patronímic
pattern {n} (that from which a copy is made)
:: mostra {f}, model {m}, patró
Paul {prop} (the Apostle)
:: Pau {m}
Paul {prop} (male given name)
:: Pau {m}, Pol {m}
Paula {prop} (female given name)
:: Paula {f}
paunch {n} (large, protruding belly)
:: panxa {f}, butza {f}
paunchy {adj} (having a paunch)
:: panxut, ventrut
pause {n} (temporary stop or rest)
:: pausa {f}
pave {v} ((British) to cover with paving stones)
:: pavimentar (with asphalt), empedrar (with stones)
pave {v} ((North American) to cover with stones, asphalt, etc)
:: pavimentar (with asphalt), empedrar (with stones)
pavement {n} (footpath)
:: vorera
pavilion {n} (ornate tent)
:: pavelló {m}
pavilion {n} (structure erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc)
:: pavelló {m}
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal)
:: pota {f}
pawn {n} (chess piece)
:: peó {m}
pawn {v} (give as security for loan)
:: empenyorar
pawnshop {n} (business premises of a pawnbroker)
:: casa de penyores {f}
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services)
:: pagar
payback {n} (an act of revenge)
:: venjança {f}
payment {n} (the act of paying)
:: pagament {m}
payment {n} (a sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services)
:: pagament {m}
payment terminal {n}
:: datàfon {m}
pay off {v} (to become worthwhile; to produce a net benefit)
:: valdre la pena, valer la pena, compensar
pay-off {n} (a payment)
:: retribució {f}
pay-off {n} (a reward)
:: recompensa {f}
pay raise {n} (increase in salary) SEE: pay rise
pay rise {n} (increase in pay)
:: augment de sou
payrise {n} (pay rise) SEE: pay rise
Pays de la Loire {prop} (region of France)
:: País del Loira {m}
pe {n} (Semitic letter)
:: pe {f}
pea {n} (plant)
:: pesolera {f}
pea {n} (edible seed)
:: pèsol {m}
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence)
:: pau {f}
peace {n} (state of mind)
:: pau {f}
peace {n} (harmony; lack of conflict in personal relations)
:: pau {f}
peace {n} (state of being free from war)
:: pau {f}
peaceable {adj} (in favour of peace)
:: pacifista
peaceful {adj} (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil)
:: pacífic
peaceful {adj} (inclined to peace; peaceable)
:: pacífic
peaceful {adj} (motionless and calm; placid)
:: assossegat
peacefully {adv} (in a peaceful manner)
:: pacíficament
peach {n} (tree)
:: presseguer {m}
peach {n} (fruit)
:: préssec {m}
peach {n} (colour)
:: préssec {m}
peach blossom {n} (flower)
:: flor de presseguer {f}
peachfuzz {n} (soft, scanty beard of an adolescent male)
:: pèl moixí {m}
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo)
:: paó {m}
peak {n} (point, sharp end)
:: punta {f}, visera {f}
peak {n} (highest value reached)
:: pic {m}
peak {n} (mountain top)
:: cim {m}, pic {m}
peak {n} (point where a function attains a maximum)
:: pic {m}
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut)
:: cacauet {m}
peanut butter {n} (spread made from ground peanuts)
:: mantega de cacauet {f}
peanuts {n} (insignificant amount of money)
:: quatre rals, quatre xavos
pear {n} (fruit)
:: pera {f}
pear {n} (tree)
:: perera {f}
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks)
:: perla {f}
pearl {n} (fringe or border) SEE: fringe
pearl {n} (brill) SEE: brill
pearl {n} (one of the tubercles on a deer's antler) SEE: tubercle
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher
pearl necklace {n} (necklace made of pearls)
:: collaret de perles {m}
pear tree {n} (a tree of the genus Pyrus)
:: perer {m}, perera {f}
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class)
:: camperol, pagès {m}
peasant {n} (country person)
:: camperol {m}, pagès {m}
peat {n} (soil)
:: torba {f}
pebble {n} (stone)
:: còdol {m}
peccaminous {adj} (sinful)
:: pecaminós
peccary {n} (a family of mammals related to pigs and hippos)
:: pècari {m}
peck {n} (act of striking with a beak)
:: picada {f}
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker
pectin {n} (substance)
:: pectina {f}
pectoral {adj} (of or pertaining to the breast or chest)
:: pectoral
pectoral fin {n} (fin located on each side of a fish)
:: aleta pectoral {f}
peculiar {adj} (out of the ordinary)
:: peculiar
peculiar {adj} (common or usual for a particular place or circumstance)
:: peculiar
peculiarity {n} (the quality or state of being peculiar)
:: peculiaritat {f}
peculiarity {n} (that which is peculiar)
:: peculiaritat {f}
pecuniary {adj} (of or relating to money)
:: monetari
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian
pedagogic {adj} (pedagogical) SEE: pedagogical
pedagogical {adj} (of, or relating to pedagogy)
:: pedagògic
pedagogically {adv} (in a pedagogical manner)
:: pedagògicament
pedagogue {n} (a teacher)
:: pedagog {m}
pedagogy {n} (profession of teaching)
:: pedagogia {f}
pedal {n} (lever operated by one's foot)
:: pedal {m}
pedal {v} (to operate a pedal)
:: pedalejar, pedalar
pedalo {n} (small boat propelled by pedals)
:: patí de pedals {m}, velomar {m}
pedant {n} (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning)
:: pedant {m} {f}
pedantic {adj} (like a pedant)
:: pedant
pedantic {adj} (being showy of one's knowledge)
:: pedant
pedantical {adj} (pedantic) SEE: pedantic
peddler {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer
pederast {n} (practitioner of pederasty)
:: pederasta {m} {f}
pederasty {n} (pederasty)
:: pederàstia {f}
pederasty {n} (archaic: homosexual anal sex) SEE: sodomy
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like)
:: pedestal {m}, peana {f}
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle)
:: vianant {m}
pedestrian island {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island
pedestrian refuge {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island
pediatrician {n} (physician who specialises in pediatrics)
:: pediatre {m}
pedicel {n} (stalk of an individual flower)
:: pedicel {m}
pediment {n} (architectural element)
:: frontó {m}
pedological {adj} (pertaining to pedology)
:: pedològic
pedology {n} (soil science)
:: pedologia {f}
pedometer {n} (device)
:: podòmetre {m}, pedòmetre {m}
peduncle {n} (stalk supporting an inflorescence, etc)
:: peduncle {m}
peduncle {n} (bundle of neurons)
:: peduncle {m}
pee {v}
:: pixar
pee {n} (name of the letter P, p)
:: pe {f}
peep {n} (sandpiper) SEE: sandpiper
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee
peephole {n} (hole)
:: espiera {f}, espiell {m}
peepul {n} (Ficus religiosa) SEE: sacred fig
peer {n} (noble)
:: par {m}
peer {n}
:: igual {m}
pegasus {n} (winged horse)
:: pegàs {m}
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing
pejorative {adj} (disparaging, belittling or derogatory)
:: pejoratiu
pejoratively {adv} (pejorative manner)
:: despectivament, pejorativament
pekan {n} (fisher) SEE: fisher
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing
Peking duck {n} (dish consisting of duck and pancake)
:: ànec de Pequín {m}, ànec pequinès {m}, ànec lacat a la pequinesa {m}, ànec lacat {m}, ànec a la pequinesa {m}
Pekingese {n} (someone from Beijing)
:: pequinès {m}, pequinesa {f}
pelagic {adj} (living in the open sea)
:: pelàgic
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae)
:: pelicà {m}
pellet {n} (A small, compressed, hard chunk of matter)
:: pèl·let {m}
pellet {n} (A lead projectile used as ammunition in rifled air guns)
:: perdigó {m}
Peloponnese {prop} (region of Greece)
:: Peloponès {m}
Peloponnesian {adj} (pertaining to the Peloponnesus)
:: peloponesi
Peloponnesian {n} (inhabitant of the Peloponnesus)
:: peloponesi {m}
pelvic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pelvis; as, pelvic cellulitis)
:: pelvià
pelvis {n} (bone)
:: pelvis {f}
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing
pen {n} (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals)
:: corral {m}
pen {n} (writing tool)
:: bolígraf {m}
penal colony {n} (colonial territory)
:: colònia penal {f}
penalize {v} (to subject to a penalty)
:: penalitzar
penalty {n} (punishment for violating rules of procedure)
:: càstig {m}
penalty {n} (penalty kick) SEE: penalty kick
penalty area {n} (area on a soccer pitch)
:: àrea de penal {f}
penalty box {n} (in ice hockey, enclosed bench for serving a penalty)
:: banqueta d'expulsats
penalty box {n} (penalty area) SEE: penalty area
penalty corner {n} (penalty)
:: penal {m}
penalty kick {n} ((soccer) a form of direct free kick)
:: penal {m}
penalty kick {n} ((rugby) a form of free kick)
:: xut de càstig {m}
penalty mark {n} (spot from where penalty kicks are taken)
:: punt de penal {m}
penalty spot {n} (spot from where penalty kicks are taken)
:: punt de penal {m}
penalty try {n} (awarding of five points)
:: assaig de càstig {m}
penance {n} (voluntary self-imposed punishment)
:: penitència
penance {n} (sacrament in some churches)
:: penitència {f}
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument)
:: llapis {m}
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case
pencil case {n} (object purposed to contain stationery)
:: estoig {m}
pencil holder {n}
:: portallapis {m}, llapidera {f}
pencil pusher {n} (one who does office work)
:: pixatinters {m} (ink pisser)
pencil sharpener {n} (device used to sharpen pencils)
:: maquineta de fer punta
pendant {n} (a piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck)
:: penjoll {m}
pendentive {n} (triangular section of vaulting)
:: petxina {f}
pending {adj} (awaiting a conclusion or a confirmation)
:: pendent
pending {adj} (begun but not completed)
:: pendent
pending {adj} (about to happen; imminent or impending)
:: pendent
pen drive {n} (flash drive) SEE: flash drive
penduline tit {n} (bird)
:: remízids
pendulum {n} (body suspended from a fixed support)
:: pèndol {m}
penetrate {v} (enter into)
:: penetrar
penetration {n} (act of penetrating)
:: penetració {f}
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird)
:: pingüí {m}
penicillin {n} (penicillin)
:: penicil·lina {f}
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water)
:: península {f}
peninsular {adj} (of or connected with a peninsula)
:: peninsular
penis {n}
:: penis {m}
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member
penis envy {n} (unconscious desire)
:: enveja del penis
penitent {adj} (Feeling pain or sorrow on account of sins or offenses; repentant; contrite; sincerely affected by a sense of guilt, and resolved on amendment of life)
:: penedit
penitent {adj} (Doing penance)
:: penitent
penitent {n} (one who repents of sin)
:: penitent
penitent {n} (one undergoing penance)
:: penitent
penitent {n} (one under the direction of a confessor)
:: penitent
pennant {n} (flag on ship to represent special condition)
:: gallardet {m}
Pennsylvania {prop} (US state)
:: Pennsilvània {f}
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent
penny bun {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini
pennyroyal {n} (Mentha pulegium)
:: poliol {m}
pen-pusher {n} (person who performs routine office work) SEE: pencil pusher
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services)
:: pensió {f}
pension {n} (boarding house)
:: pensió {f}
pensive {adj} (having the appearance of thinking)
:: pensatiu
pensive {adj} (looking thoughtful or sad)
:: pensatiu
penta- {prefix} (five)
:: penta-
pentachloride {n} (pentachloride)
:: pentaclorur {m}
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles)
:: pentàgon {m}
Pentagon {prop} (headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense)
:: Pentàgon {m}
pentagonal {adj} (of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon)
:: pentagonal
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star)
:: pentagrama {m}
pentahedron {n} (solid geometric figure)
:: pentaedre {m}, pentàedre {m}
pentane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C5H12)
:: pentà {m}
pentanoic acid {n} (valeric acid) SEE: valeric acid
Pentateuch {prop} (first five books of the Bible)
:: Pentateuc {m}
pentathlete {n} (An athlete who competes in the pentathlon)
:: pentatleta {m} {f}
pentathlon {n} (ancient pentathlon)
:: pentatló {m}
pentathlon {n} (modern pentathlon)
:: pentatló {m}
pentatonic {adj} (based on five notes)
:: pentatònic
Pentecost {prop} (Jewish festival)
:: Pentecosta {f}
Pentecost {prop} (Christian festival)
:: Pentecosta {f}
Pentecostalism {n} (Christian religious movement)
:: pentecostalisme {m}
pentennial {adj} (quinquennial) SEE: quinquennial
penthouse {n} (an apartment or suite on the top floor of a tall building)
:: àtic {m}
pentoic acid {n} (valeric acid) SEE: valeric acid
pentose {n} (saccharide containing five carbon atoms)
:: pentosa {f}
penultimate {adj} (next-to-last in a sequence)
:: penúltim
penumbra {n} (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse)
:: penombra {f}
peony {n} (Paeonia genus of flowering plants)
:: peònia {f}
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons)
:: gent {f}
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)
:: poble {m}
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family)
:: família {f}, els meus
people {n} (the mass of community as distinguished from a special class)
:: poble {m}
people {v} (to fill with people)
:: poblar
people {v} (to become populous)
:: poblar-se
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria)
:: República Democràtica Popular d'Algèria {f}
pepper {n} (plant)
:: pebrer {m}
pepper {n} (spice)
:: pebre {m}
pepper {n} (fruit of the capsicum)
:: pebrot {m}
pepper pot {n} (container)
:: pebrera
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent)
:: gas pebre
pep talk {n} (a rallying speech made to instill enthusiasm)
:: exhortació {f}, arenga {f}
peptide {n} (class of organic compounds)
:: pèptid {m}
peptidic {adj} (pertaining peptides)
:: peptídic
per {prep} (for each)
:: per
per {prep} (used in expressing ratios of units)
:: per
per {prep} (via)
:: via
per {prep} (in accordance with)
:: segons
perceive {v} (to understand)
:: percebre
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred)
:: per cent
percentage {n} (part of a whole)
:: percentatge {m}
percentage {n} (share of the profits)
:: percentatge {m}
percentage point {n} (unit of the difference of two percentages)
:: punt percentual {m}
perceptibly {adv} (in a perceptible manner)
:: perceptiblement
perception {n} (conscious understanding of something)
:: percepció {f}
perception {n} (vision (ability))
:: percepció {f}
perception {n} (that which is detected by the five senses)
:: percepció {f}
perception {n} (acuity) SEE: acuity
perch {n} (fish of the genus Perca)
:: perca {f}
percolate {v}
:: filtrar-se
percussion {n} (collision producing a sound)
:: percussió {f}
percussion {n} (sound produced by collision)
:: percussió {f}
percussion {n} (medicine: tapping of the body)
:: percussió {f}
percussion {n} (music: section of percussion instruments)
:: percussió {f}
percussion cap {n} (metal cap on muzzleloading firearms)
:: càpsula fulminant
percussion instrument {n} (type of instrument)
:: instrument de percussió {m}
percussionist {n} (musician)
:: percussionista {m} {f}
peregrinate {v} (to travel from place to place)
:: peregrinar
peregrine falcon {n} (Falco peregrinus)
:: falcó pelegrí {m}
perennial {adj} (lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time)
:: perenne
perennial {adj} ((of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years)
:: perenne
perennial {adj} (continuing without cessation or intermission; perpetual; permanent; unceasing; never failing)
:: perenne
perennial {adj} (enduring; lasting; timeless)
:: perenne
perennial {n} (perennial plant)
:: perennifoli
perfect {adj} (fitting its definition precisely)
:: perfecte
perfect {adj} (having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose)
:: perfecte
perfect {adj} (grammar: of a tense or verb form: representing a completed action)
:: perfet
perfect {v} (make perfect)
:: perfeccionar
perfect crime {n} (undetected crime)
:: crim perfecte {m}
perfection {n} (being perfect)
:: perfecció {f}
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection)
:: perfeccionisme {m}
perfectionist {n} (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect)
:: perfeccionista {m} {f}
perfectionist {adj} (inclined or related to perfectionism)
:: perfeccionista
perfectionistic {adj} (perfectionist) SEE: perfectionist
perfectitude {n} (perfection) SEE: perfection
perfective {adj} (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect)
:: perfectiu
perfectly {adv} (with perfection)
:: perfectament
perfect number {n} (a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself)
:: nombre perfecte
perfidy {n} (the act of violating faith or allegiance.)
:: perfídia {f}
perforate {v} (to pierce or penetrate)
:: perforar
perform {v} (to do something)
:: realitzar
perform {v} (to do something in front of an audience)
:: actuar
performance {n} (the act of performing; carrying into execution or action; accomplishment)
:: actuació {f}, execució {f}
performance {n} (live show or concert)
:: representació {f}
perfume {n} (pleasant smell)
:: perfum {m}
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell)
:: perfum {m}
perfusion {n} (act of perfusing)
:: perfusió {f}
Pergamum {prop} (an ancient Greek city)
:: Pèrgam
pergola {n} (framework)
:: pèrgola {f}
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty)
:: potser, tal vegada, possiblement
perianth {n} (sterile parts of a flower)
:: periant {m}
pericarditis {n} (inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart)
:: pericarditis {f}
pericardium {n} (serous membrane that surrounds the heart)
:: pericardi {m}
pericarp {n} (outermost layer of a ripe fruit or ovary)
:: pericarpi {m}
Pericles {prop} (Greek politician)
:: Pèricles {m}
perigee {n} (closest point in an orbit about the Earth)
:: perigeu {m}
perigone {n} (perianth) SEE: perianth
perihelion {n} (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the Sun)
:: periheli {m}
peril {n} (a situation of serious danger)
:: perill {m}
perilous {adj} (dangerous, full of peril)
:: perillós
perimeter {n} (sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object)
:: perímetre {m}
perimeter {n} (length of such a boundary)
:: perímetre {m}
perineum {n} (anatomical term)
:: perineu {m}
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity)
:: període {m}
period {interj} (and nothing else)
:: i punt
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation
periodic {adj} (having repeated cycles)
:: periòdic
periodic {adj} (occurring at regular intervals)
:: periòdic
periodically {adv} (intermittently) SEE: intermittently
periodically {adv} (in a regular, periodic manner)
:: periòdicament
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements)
:: taula periòdica {f}
peripatetic {adj} (Having to do with Aristotle's philosophy or school of thought)
:: peripatètic, aristotèlic
peripatetic {n} (Aristotelian) SEE: Aristotelian
peripeteia {n} (a reversal of fortune; a sudden change in circumstances)
:: peripècia {f}
peripheral {n} (computing device) SEE: peripheral device
peripheral device {n} (device that is outside the computer's system unit)
:: perifèric {m}
peripheral vision {n}
:: visió perifèrica {f}
periphery {n} (outside boundary, parts or surface)
:: perifèria {f}
periphery {n} (Greek administrative region)
:: perifèria {f}
periphrase {n} (use of more words than necessary) SEE: periphrasis
periphrasis {n} (use of a longer expression instead of a shorter one)
:: perífrasi {f}
periphrastic {adj} (expressed in more words than are necessary)
:: perifràstic
periphrastic {adj} (grammar: characterized by periphrase or circumlocution)
:: perifràstic
periphyton {n}
:: perífiton
periscope {n} (viewing device)
:: periscopi {m}
perish {v} (to decay and disappear; to waste away to nothing)
:: perir
perish {v}
:: perir
perishable {n} (food that does not keep)
:: perible
perishable {adj} (liable to perish)
:: perible
peristalsis {n} (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract)
:: peristaltisme {m}, peristalsi {f}
peristyle {n} (colonnade surrounding a courtyard, temple, etc.)
:: peristil {m}
peristyle {n} (a courtyard; the space surrounded by a colonnade)
:: peristil {m}
peristyle {n} (a porch surrounded by columns)
:: peristil {m}
peritoneal {adj} (of, relating to or affecting the peritoneum)
:: peritoneal
peritoneum {n} (serous membrane in mammals)
:: peritoneu {m}
peritonitis {n} (inflammation of the peritoneum)
:: peritonitis {f}
perjury {n} (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath)
:: perjuri {m}
perk {n} (perquisite)
:: benefici {m}
permafrost {n} (permanently frozen ground)
:: pergelisòl {m}
permanence {n} (the state of being permanent)
:: permanència {f}
permanent {adj} (without end)
:: permanent
permanent {adj} (lasting for an indefinitely long time)
:: permanent
permanently {adv} (in a permanent manner)
:: permanentment
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent
permanganate {n} (salt of permanganic acid)
:: permanganat {m}
permeable {adj} (that absorbs or allows the passage of fluids)
:: permeable
permeate {v} (to pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement)
:: impregnar
permission {n} (authorisation)
:: permís {m}, autorització {f}
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen)
:: permetre
permit {n} (an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal)
:: permís {m}
perovskite {n} (a mineral, calcium titanate)
:: perovskita {f}
peroxide {n} (chemical compound with two oxygen atoms)
:: peròxid {m}
peroxide {n} (hydrogen peroxide) SEE: hydrogen peroxide
perpendicular {adj} (at or forming a right angle to)
:: perpendicular
perpendicular {n} (line or plane)
:: perpendicular {f}
perpendicularly {adv} (in a perpendicular manner)
:: perpendicularment
perpetrate {v} (to be guilty of, or responsible for; to commit)
:: perpetrar
perpetual {adj} (lasting forever)
:: perpetu, perpetual
perpetually {adv} (seeming to never end)
:: perpètuament, perpetualment
perpetuate {v} (to make perpetual)
:: perpetuar
Perpignan {prop} (city in Pyrénées-Orientales, France)
:: Perpinyà {f}
perquisite {n} (benefit beyond salary)
:: benefici {m}
Persephone {prop} (Greek goddess)
:: Persèfone {f}
Persepolis {prop} (ancient city of Persia)
:: Persèpolis
Perseus {prop} (mythical Greek warrior)
:: Perseu {m}
Perseus {prop} (constellation)
:: Perseu {m}
perseverance {n} (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence)
:: perseverança {f}
persevere {v} (persist steadfastly)
:: perseverar
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran
Persian {n} (the Persian language)
:: persa {m}, farsi {m}
Persian {n} (person from Persia)
:: persa {m} {f}, persà {m}, persana {f}
Persian {n} (Persian cat)
:: gat persa {m}
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia)
:: persa {m} {f}, persà {m}, persana {f}
Persian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Persian people)
:: persa {m} {f}, persà {m}, persana {f}
Persian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Persian language)
:: persa {m} {f}
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula)
:: golf Pèrsic {m}
persimmon {n} (tree)
:: caquier, persimó, banús
persist {v} (continue to exist)
:: persistir
persistence {n} (property of being persistent)
:: persistència {f}
persistent {adj} (refusing to give up)
:: persistent
persistently {adv} (in a persistent manner)
:: persistentment
person {n} (individual)
:: persona {f}, persón {m}
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man)
:: persona {f}
person {n} (any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts)
:: persona {f}
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category)
:: persona {f}
personal {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular person)
:: personal
personal {adj} (pertaining to the external or bodily appearance)
:: corporal
personal {adj} (done in person)
:: personal
personal {adj} (grammar: denoting person)
:: personal
personality {n} (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people)
:: personalitat {f}
personalization {n} (act of personalizing)
:: personalització {f}
personalize {v} (adapt to an individual)
:: personalitzar
personally {adv} (in a personal manner)
:: personalment
personally {adv} (in person)
:: personalment
personally {adv} (concerning oneself)
:: personalment
personally {adv} (as a person)
:: personalment
persona non grata {n} (a person who is not welcome)
:: persona non grata
personification {n} (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea)
:: personificació {f}
personification {n} (literary device)
:: personificació {f}, prosopopeia {f}
personification {n} (artistic representation of an abstract quality as a human)
:: personificació {f}
personify {v} (to be an example of)
:: personificar
personify {v} (to create a representation in the form of a character)
:: personificar
perspective {n} (view, vista or outlook)
:: perspectiva {f}
perspective {n} (appearance of depth in objects)
:: perspectiva {f}
perspective {n} (technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface)
:: perspectiva {f}
perspicacious {adj} (showing keen insight)
:: perspicaç
perspicaciously {adv} (with sharp of sight)
:: perspicaçment
perspicacity {n} (Acute discernment or understanding; insight)
:: perspicàcia {f}
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat
persuade {v} (convince)
:: persuadir
persuasion {n} (the act of persuading)
:: persuasió {f}
persuasion {n} (one's power of persuading)
:: persuasió {f}
persuasive {adj} (convincing)
:: persuasiu
persuasively {adv} (in a manner intended to convince or persuade)
:: persuasivament
pertain {v} (to belong)
:: pertànyer
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough
Peru {prop} (country in South America)
:: Perú
Perugia {prop}
:: Perusa
Peruvian {n} (person from Peru)
:: peruà {m}, peruana {f}
Peruvian {adj} (pertaining to Peru)
:: peruà
perylene {n} (hydrocarbon)
:: perilè {m}
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover
pescetarian {n} (a person who consumes no animal flesh with the exception of fish)
:: pescetarià {m}, pescetariana {f}
peseta {n} (currency)
:: pesseta {f}
peso {n} (currency)
:: peso {m}
pessimism {n} (general belief that bad things will happen)
:: pessimisme {m}
pessimism {n} (doctrine that this world is the worst of all possible worlds)
:: pessimisme {m}
pessimist {n} (someone who habitually expects the worst outcome)
:: pessimista {m} {f}
pessimistic {adj} (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness)
:: pessimista
pessimistic {adj} (always expecting the worst)
:: pessimista
pest {n} (plague)
:: pesta {f}, plaga {f}
pesticide {n} (substance used to kill or repress the activities of pests)
:: plaguicida {m}, pesticida {m}
pestle {n} (instrument used with a mortar to grind things)
:: mà de morter {f}, maça {f}
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion)
:: mascota {f}
PET {n} (polyethylene terephthalate) SEE: polyethylene terephthalate
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower)
:: pètal {m}
petasus {n} (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans)
:: pétasos
PETE {n} (polyethylene terephthalate) SEE: polyethylene terephthalate
Peter {prop} (male given name)
:: Pere
petiole {n} (stalk of a leaf)
:: pecíol {m}
petite bourgeoisie {n} (petite bourgeoisie)
:: petita burgesia {f}
petition {n} (formal, written request made to an official person)
:: petició {f}
petit mal {n} (form of epilepsy)
:: petit mal {m}
Petrarch {prop} (the scholar and poet Petrarca)
:: Petrarca {m}
Petrarchan {adj} (of or relating to Petrarch)
:: petrarquista
Petrarchism {n} (Petrarch's literary style)
:: petrarquisme {m}
petrify {v} (to harden organic matter)
:: petrificar
petrify {v} (to produce rigidity akin to stone)
:: petrificar
petrify {v} (to immobilize with fright)
:: petrificar
petrochemical {adj} (of or pertaining to the such compounds, or the industry that produces them)
:: petroquímic
petroglyph {n} (a rock carving, especially one made in prehistoric times)
:: petròglif {m}
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline
petrolatum {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil
petroleum jelly {n} (pale yellow semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum)
:: petrolat {m}
petrology {n} (the study of rock)
:: petrologia {f}
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station
petunia {n} (flower)
:: petúnia {f}
pewter {n} (alloy of tin, copper and antimony)
:: peltre {m}
phagocytosis {n}
:: fagocitosi {f}
-phagous {suffix} (feeding on)
:: -fag
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx
phalanx {n} (ancient Greek military unit)
:: falange {f}
phalanx {n} (finger or toe bone)
:: falange {f}
phalanx {n} (large group of people)
:: falange {f}
phaleristics {n} (the study of orders, fraternity, and award items)
:: fal•lerística
phallic {adj} (having to do with the penis)
:: fàl·lic
phallocentrism {n} (Focus on the phallus or on a male point of view.)
:: falocentrisme
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis
phallus {n} (the penis or its representation)
:: fal·lus {m}
Phanes {prop} (primordial god)
:: Fanes {m}
phantom {n} (something having no physical reality)
:: fantasma {m}
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)
:: faraó {m}
pharaonic {adj} (of or pertaining to a pharaoh)
:: faraònic
pharaonic {adj} (impressively large or luxurious)
:: faraònic
Pharisee {n} (member of an ancient Jewish political party, social movement, etc)
:: fariseu {m}
pharmaceutical {adj} (of, or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists)
:: farmacèutic
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs)
:: farmacèutic {m}
pharmacologic {adj} (pharmacological) SEE: pharmacological
pharmacological {adj} (of or having to do with pharmacology)
:: farmacològic
pharmacologist {n} (student of or one who is versed in pharmacology)
:: farmacòleg {m}
pharmacology {n} (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals)
:: farmacologia {f}
pharmacovigilance {n} (detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects of medicines)
:: farmacovigilància {f}
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed)
:: farmàcia {f}
pharmacy {n} (science of medicinal substances)
:: farmàcia {f}
pharmacy {n} (occupation of a pharmacist)
:: farmàcia {f}
Pharsalia {prop} (poem by Lucan)
:: Farsàlia {f}
pharyngeal {adj} (of or pertaining to the pharynx)
:: faringi
pharyngeal {adj} (of pharyngeal sounds)
:: faringi
pharyngeal tonsil {n} (pharyngeal tonsil)
:: amígdala faríngia {f}
pharyngitis {n} (inflammation of the pharynx)
:: faringitis {f}
pharynx {n} (part of alimentary canal)
:: faringe {f}
phase {n} (astronomy: particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle)
:: fase {f}
phase {n} (physics: point or portion in a recurring series of changes)
:: fase {f}
Phaëthon {prop} (son of Helios)
:: Faetó {m}, Faetont {m}
pheasant {n} (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food)
:: faisà {m}
phenol {n} (caustic compound derived from benzene)
:: fenol {m}
phenol {n} (any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring)
:: fenol {m}
phenolic {adj} (organic chemistry: of, relating to, or derived from a phenol)
:: fenòlic
phenological {adj} (pertaining to phenology)
:: fenològic
phenomenal {adj} (remarkable)
:: fenomenal
phenomenal {adj} (sciences: perceptible)
:: fenomènic
phenomenally {adv} (in a phenomenal manner)
:: fenomenalment
phenomenological {adj} (of or relating to phenomenology)
:: fenomenològic {m}
phenomenology {n} (philosophy based on intuitive experience of phenomena)
:: fenomenologia {f}
phenomenon {n} (observable fact or occurrence)
:: fenomen {m}
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event)
:: fenomen {m}
phenomenon {n} (philosophy: experienced object structured by the mind)
:: fenomen {m}
phenyl {n} (univalent hydrocarbon radical (C6H5))
:: fenil {m}
phenylalanine {n} (amino acid; C9H11NO2)
:: fenilalanina {f}
pheromone {n} (chemical)
:: feromona {f}
phi {n} (Greek letter)
:: fi {f}
phial {n} (glass vessel) SEE: vial
Philadelphia {prop} (largest city in Pennsylvania)
:: Filadèlfia
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover
philanthropic {adj} (of or pertaining to philanthropy; characterized by philanthropy)
:: filantròpic
philanthropically {adv} (in a philanthropic manner)
:: filantròpicament
philanthropist {n} (person who loves mankind)
:: filantrop {m}
philanthropist {n} (very generous person)
:: filantrop {m}
philanthropy {n} (charity) SEE: charity
philanthropy {n} (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind)
:: filantropia {f}
philatelic {adj} (relating to stamp collecting)
:: filatèlic
philatelist {n} (a person who studies or collects stamps)
:: filatelista {m} {f}, filatelista {m} {f}
philately {n} (stamp collecting)
:: filatèlia {f}
-phile {suffix} (Forming nouns and adjectives denoting "friend")
:: -fil {m}
Philemon {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Filèmon, Filemó
philharmonic {adj} (appreciative of the performance of music)
:: filharmònic
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship
-philia {suffix} (forming words denoting abnormal linking towards a given thing)
:: -fília {f}
Philip {prop} (biblical persons)
:: Felip {m}
Philip {prop} (male given name)
:: Felip {m}
Philippians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Filipencs
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines)
:: Àguila menjamones
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines)
:: Filipines {f-p}
philistine {n} (Philistine) SEE: Philistine
philistine {adj} (lacking in appreciation for art or culture)
:: filisteu
Philistine {n} (person from Philistia)
:: filisteu
Philistine {n} (person lacking appreciation of culture)
:: filisteu
Philistine {adj} (of or pertaining to the Philistines)
:: filisteu
Philistine {adj} (philistine) SEE: philistine
Phillips head {n} (screwdriver)
:: tornavís d'estrella {m}, tornavís Phillips {m}
Phillips head {n} (screw)
:: caragol de cap Phillips {m}, caragol d'estrella {m}
Phillips screw {n} (screw) SEE: Phillips head
philodendron {n} (any of several climbing plants of the genus Philodendron)
:: filodendre {m}
philological {adj} (pertaining to the history of literature)
:: filològic
philologically {adv} (in a philological manner)
:: filològicament
philologist {n} (person who engages in philology)
:: filòleg {m}, filòloga {f}
philology {n} (historical linguistics)
:: filologia {f}
philosopher {n} (person devoted to studying philosophy)
:: filòsof {m}, filòsofa {f}
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone)
:: pedra filosofal {f}
philosophical {adj} (of or pertaining to philosophy)
:: filosòfic
philosophically {adv} (in a philosophical manner)
:: filosòficament
philosophizable {adj} (capable of being discussed in a philosophical context)
:: filosofable
philosophize {v} (ponder or reason out philosophically)
:: filosofar
philosophy {n} (academic discipline)
:: filosofia
philosophy {n} (comprehensive system of belief)
:: filosofia
philosophy {n} (view regarding fundamental principles)
:: filosofia
philosophy {n} (general principle)
:: filosofia
philosophy of science {n} (study of the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science)
:: filosofia de la ciència {f}
philter {n} (love potion)
:: filtre {m}
philtrum {n} (shallow groove running down the centre of the outer surface of the upper lip)
:: filtre {m}
phimosis {n} (contraction of the foreskin)
:: fimosi {m}
Phineas {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Phinehas
Phinehas {prop} (biblical character)
:: Finees
phlebitis {n} (inflammation of vein)
:: flebitis {f}
phlegm {n} (historical: humour)
:: flegma {f}
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages)
:: flegma {f}, gargall {m}
phlegm {n} (calmness, composure)
:: flegma {f}
phlegmatic {adj} (not easily excited to action)
:: flegmàtic
phlegmatic {adj} (abounding in phlegm)
:: flegmàtic
phlegmatic {adj} (generating, causing, or full of phlegm)
:: flegmàtic
phloem {n} (vascular tissue)
:: floema {m}
phlogosis {n} (phlogosis)
:: flogosis
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox)
:: flox {m}
-phobe {suffix} (used to form nouns denoting a person having a fear of a specific thing)
:: -fob {m}
-phobe {suffix} (used to form nouns denoting a person who hates or despises a specific thing)
:: -fob {m}
-phobia {suffix} (used to form nouns meaning fear)
:: -fòbia {f}
phobia {n} (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety)
:: fòbia {f}
-phobic {suffix} (fear)
:: -fob
-phobic {suffix} (dislike or aversion)
:: -fob
Phobos {prop} (mythology)
:: Fobos
Phobos {prop} (moon of Mars)
:: Fobos
Phoenicia {prop} (land of the Phoenicians)
:: Fenícia {f}
Phoenician {adj} (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia)
:: fenici
Phoenician {prop} (Semitic language spoken by the inhabitants of Phoenicia)
:: fenici {m}
Phoenician {n} (inhabitant of Phoenicia)
:: fenici {m}, fenícia {f}
phoenix {n} (mythological bird)
:: fènix {m}
phonation {n} (process of producing vocal sound)
:: fonació {f}
phone {v} (to call (someone) on the telephone)
:: telefonar, trucar
phone {n} (speech segment)
:: fon {m}
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone
phoneme {n} (indivisible unit of sound)
:: fonema {m}
phonendoscope {n} (a form of stethoscope used in auscultation)
:: fonendoscopi {m}
phone sex {n} (erotic or sexual telephone conversation between two or more people)
:: sexe telefònic {m}
phonetic {adj} (relating to sounds of spoken language)
:: fonètic
phonetically {adv} (in the way it sounds)
:: fonèticament
phonetician {n} (person who specializes in phonetics)
:: fonetista {m} {f}, foneticista {m} {f}
phonetics {n} (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols)
:: fonètica {f}
phonic {adj} (phonic)
:: fònic
phonics {n} (phonetics) SEE: phonetics
phonics {n} (acoustics) SEE: acoustics
phono- {prefix} (relating to sound)
:: fono-
phonograph {n} (device that records or plays sound from cylinder records)
:: fonògraf {m}
phonological {adj} (of or relating to phonology)
:: fonològic
phonologically {adv} (in acoordance with phonology)
:: fonològicament
phonologist {n} (person who specializes in phonology)
:: fonòleg {m}
phonology {n} (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages)
:: fonologia {f}
phonometer {n} (instrument)
:: fonòmetre {m}
phosphate {n} (any salt or ester of phosphoric acid)
:: fosfat {m}
phosphorescence {n} (emission of light without heat)
:: fosforescència {f}
phosphoric acid {n} (the colourless liquid; H3PO4)
:: àcid fosfòric {m}
phosphorous {adj} (of or pertaining to phosphorus)
:: fosforós {m}
phosphorus {n} (element)
:: fòsfor {m}
phosphorylation {n} (the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor)
:: fosforilació {f}
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph
photo- {prefix} (light)
:: foto-
photoallergy {n}
:: fotoal·lèrgia {f}
photochemical {adj} (relating to photochemistry)
:: fotoquímic
photocopier {n} (machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates)
:: fotocopiadora {f}
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier)
:: fotocòpia {f}
photocopy {v} (to make a copy using a photocopier)
:: fotocopiar
photogenic {adj} (looking good when photographed)
:: fotogènic
photogenicity {n} (photogenicity)
:: fotogènia {f}
photograph {n} (picture)
:: fotografia {f}, foto {f}
photograph {v} (to take a photograph)
:: fotografiar
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs)
:: fotògraf {m}
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photographs)
:: fotogràfic
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photography)
:: fotogràfic
photographically {adv} (in a photographic manner)
:: fotogràficament
photographically {adv} (using photography)
:: fotogràficament
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces)
:: fotografia {f}
photography {n} (occupation of taking (and often printing) photographs)
:: fotografia {f}
photojournalism {n} (journalism via photographs or images)
:: fotoperiodisme {m}
photometer {n} (measuring instrument)
:: fotòmetre {m}
photon {n} (quantum of light)
:: fotó {m}
photonuclear {adj} (of or relating to a nuclear reaction involving a photon)
:: fotonuclear
photophobia {n} (excessive sensitivity to light)
:: fotofòbia
photosphere {n} (A visible surface layer of a star)
:: fotosfera {f}
photosynthesis {n} (biological process)
:: fotosíntesi {f}
photosynthesize {v} (to synthesize carbohydrates)
:: fotosintetitzar
photosynthetic {adj} (of or relating to photosynthesis)
:: fotosintètic
photovoltaic {adj} (producing a voltage when exposed to light)
:: fotovoltaic {m}
phrasal verb {n} (idiomatic phrase)
:: locució verbal {f}
phrase {n} (grammar: group of two or more words that express an idea but do not form a complete sentence)
:: sintagma {m}
phrase {n} (music: small section of music in a larger piece)
:: frase {f}
phraseology {n} (study of set or fixed expressions)
:: fraseologia {f}
phraseology {n} (group of specialized words and expressions)
:: fraseologia {f}
phrenic {adj} (of or pertaining to the diaphragm)
:: frènic
phrenological {adj} (of, or relating to phrenology)
:: frenològic
phrenology {n} (the discredited "science" or pseudo-science of phrenology)
:: frenologia {f}
Phrygia {prop} (ancient kingdom)
:: Frígia {f}
Phrygian {adj} (of or relating to Phrygia, its people or their culture)
:: frigi
Phrygian {n} (native or inhabitant of Phrygia)
:: frigi {m}
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward)
:: barret frigi {m}
phthisic {adj} (of or relating to phthisis)
:: tísic {m}
phthisis {n} (phthisis)
:: tisi {f}
phycology {n} (study of algae)
:: ficologia {f}
phylactery {n} (leather case containing biblical scrolls, worn by Jewish men; the tefilla)
:: filacteri {m}
phylactery {n} (small object worn for its magical power; amulet or charm)
:: filacteri {m}, talismà {m}
phylogenic {adj} (of or pertaining to phylogeny)
:: filogenètic {m}
phylogenic {adj} (phylogenetic)
:: filogenètic {m}
phylogeny {n} (evolutionary history of an organism)
:: filogènia {f}
phylum {n} ((biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class)
:: fílum {m}
physiatrist {n}
:: fisiatra
physical {adj} (having to do with the material world; tangible)
:: físic
physical {adj} (having to do with physics)
:: físic
physical {adj} (having to do with the body; corporeal)
:: físic
physical {adj} (involving bodily force; vigorous)
:: físic
physical culture {n} (bodybuilding) SEE: bodybuilding
physical examination {n} (type of examination of the patient's body)
:: exploració física {f}
physicality {n} (physical attributes)
:: fisicitat {f}
physically {adv} (in a physical manner)
:: físicament
physically {adv} (according to the laws of physics.)
:: físicament
physically {adv} (using physical force.)
:: físicament
physician {n} (medical doctor)
:: metge {m}, metgessa {f}
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics)
:: físic {m}
physics {n} (branch of science)
:: física {f}
physiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to physiology) SEE: physiological
physiological {adj} (of, or relating to physiology)
:: fisiològic
physiologically {adv} (in accordance with the science of physiology)
:: fisiològicament
physiologist {n} (person)
:: fisiòleg {m}
physiology {n} (branch of biology)
:: fisiologia {f}
physiotherapist {n} (therapist who treats physical injury or dysfunction, usually with exercise)
:: fisioterapeuta {m} {f}
physique {n} (physical structure of a person)
:: físic {m}
phyto- {prefix} (Pertaining to or derived from plants)
:: fito-
phytopathogen {n}
:: fitopatogen
phytophagous {adj} (feeding on plants)
:: fitòfag
phytosterol {n}
:: fitoesterol
pi {n} (letter of Greek alphabet)
:: pi {f}
Piacenzian {prop} (subdivision of the Pliocene epoch)
:: Piacenzià
pianist {n} (piano player)
:: pianista {m} {f}
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument)
:: piano {m}
pica {n} (disorder)
:: pica {f}
picador {n} (a lancer mounted on horseback who assists a matador)
:: picador {m}
Picard {adj} (of, from or relating to Picardy)
:: picard
Picard {n} (person)
:: picard {m}
Picard {prop} (language)
:: picard {m}
Picardy {prop} (region of France)
:: Picardia {f}
picaresque {n} (picaresque novel)
:: novel·la picaresca
picayune {n} (Something of very little value) SEE: trifle
piccolo {n} (musical instrument)
:: flautí {m}, piccolo {m}, octaví {m}
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose
pick {n} (pickaxe)
:: pic {m}
pick {v} (to remove a fruit or plant for consumption)
:: collir
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum
pickaxe {n} (heavy iron tool)
:: pic {m}, piqueta
picket {n} (sentry) SEE: sentry
pickle {n} (any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish)
:: conserva {f}, envinagrat {m}
pickle {n} (baseball: rundown) SEE: rundown
picklock {n} (device designed to pick locks)
:: rossinyol {m}
pickpocket {n} (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby)
:: carterista
pick up {v} (to receive (a signal))
:: captar
picky {adj} (fussy, particular)
:: exigent
picramic acid {n} (picramic acid)
:: àcid picràmic {m}
pictogram {n} (picture that represents a word or an idea)
:: pictograma {m}
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc)
:: imatge {f}
picture {n} (photograph)
:: foto {f}, fotografia {f}
picture {n} (informal: cinema)
:: cinema {m}
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting
Pi Day {prop} (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi))
:: Dia Pi {m}
pie {n} (type of pastry)
:: pastís {m}
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza
piece {n} (part of a larger whole)
:: peça {f}, tros {m}
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier
piece of cake {n} (simple or easy job)
:: bufar i fer ampolles
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment
piece of furniture {n} (item of furniture)
:: moble {m}
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis
pied avocet {n} (Recurvirostra avosetta)
:: bec d'alena {m}
Piedmont {prop} (region)
:: Piemont {m}
Piedmontese {adj} (of, from, or relating to Piedmont)
:: piemontès
Piedmontese {n} (inhabitant)
:: piemontès {m}, piemontesa {f}
Piedmontese {prop} (language)
:: piemontès {m}
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk
pieing {n} (an instance of throwing a pie at someone)
:: empastissada {f}
pie iron {n} (device for making sandwiches)
:: sandvitxera {f}
Piemontese {prop} (language) SEE: Piedmontese
pier {n} (raised platform built from the shore out over water)
:: moll {m}
pierce {v} (puncture)
:: foradar
pierce {v} (to pierce) SEE: puncture
piercing {n} (hole for jewelry)
:: pírcing
piety {n} (reverence and devotion to God)
:: pietat {f}
piezometer {n} (instrument used to measure pressure)
:: piezòmetre {m}
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus)
:: porc {m}
pig {n} (someone who overeats or eats rapidly)
:: golafre {m}
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae)
:: colom {m}
pigeonhole {v} (to categorize; especially to limit or be limited to a particular category, role, etc)
:: encasellar
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in)
:: guardiola {f}, vidriola {f}
piglet {n} (young pig)
:: garrí {m}, porcell {m}, porquet {m}
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet
pigment {n} (any color in plant or animal cells)
:: pigment {m}
pigment {n} (dry colorant)
:: pigment {m}
pigment {v} (add color or pigment)
:: pigmentar
pig out {v} (eat voraciously or ravenously)
:: devorar, empapussar-se
pigpen {n} (pigsty) SEE: pigsty
pigsty {n} (enclosure where pigs are kept)
:: cort de porcs {f}, porcatera {f}, porcellera {f}, soll {f}
pigsty {n} (dirty or very untidy place)
:: cort de porcs {f}
pigweed {n} (plant of genus Amaranthus) SEE: amaranth
pika {n} (furry mammal of the family Ochotonidae)
:: pica {f}
pike {n} (long spear)
:: pica {f}
pike {n} (fish of the genus Esox)
:: lluç de riu {m}, luci {m}
pike-perch {n} (zander) SEE: zander
pilaf {n} (dish)
:: pilav {m}
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pilaster {n} (a column attached to the wall)
:: pilastra {f}
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pile {n} (funeral pile) SEE: pyre
pile {n} (nap of a cloth) SEE: nap
pile {n} (heap)
:: pila {f}
pile {n} (galvanic pile)
:: pila {f}
pile {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries)
:: pila {f}
pile {n} (hemorrhoid) SEE: hemorrhoid
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy
piles {n} (plural of pile) SEE: pile
piles {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids
pileus {n} (the cap of a mushroom)
:: pili {m}, píleu {m}
pileus {n} (small cloud)
:: píleu {m}
pileus {n} (felt hat worn in ancient Rome and Greece)
:: pili {m}
pilgrim {n} (traveler, especially to religious sites)
:: pelegrí {m}, pelegrina {f}
pilgrimage {n} (religious journey, or one to a sacred place)
:: pelegrinatge {m}
pilgrimage {v} (to go on a pilgrimage)
:: peregrinar
pill {n} (small object for swallowing)
:: píndola {f}
pill {n} (the pill - functions as a contraceptive)
:: píndola {f}
pillage {v} (loot or plunder by force)
:: saquejar
pillage {n} (the act of pillaging)
:: saqueig {m}, pillatge {m}
pillar {n} (large post, often used as supporting architecture)
:: pilar {m}
pilliwinks {n} (torture device for squeezing the fingers) SEE: thumbscrew
pillory {n} (framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation)
:: picota {f}
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed)
:: coixí {m}
pillowcase {n} (sheet for covering a pillow)
:: coixinera {f}
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft)
:: pilot {m} {f}
pilot {n} (sample TV series episode)
:: pilot {m} {f}
pilot {adj} (made or used as a test)
:: pilot {m} {f}
pilot {v} (to control an aircraft or watercraft)
:: pilotar
pilot {v} (to test)
:: provar
pilot fish {n} (marine fish)
:: pàmpol {m}
pilot whale {n} (either of two species of whale)
:: cap d'olla negre {m}
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor)
:: proxeneta
pimpernel {n} (plant of genus Anagallis)
:: anagall {m}
pimpernel {n} (Sanguisorba minor) SEE: salad burnet
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin)
:: bua {f}, buba {f}
pin {n} (needle without an eye, used for fastening)
:: agulla de cap {f}
pin {n} (peg in musical instrument)
:: clavilla {f}
pin {n} (engineering: short shaft)
:: pern {m}
pinch {v} (to squeeze a small amount of skin)
:: pessigar
pinch {v} (to steal)
:: pispar
pinch {n} (action of squeezing a small amount of skin)
:: pessic
pinch {n} (small amount of powder)
:: pessic {m}
pinch {n} (difficult situation)
:: destret, dificultat, cuita
pincushion {n} (device designed to have sewing pins and needles stuck into it)
:: buirac {m}
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus)
:: pi {m}
pineal gland {n} (small endocrine gland)
:: glàndula pineal {f}, epífisi {f}
pineapple {n} (plant)
:: ananàs {m}
pineapple {n} (fruit)
:: pinya {f}
pineapple guava {n} (feijoa) SEE: feijoa
pinecone {n} (seed-bearing cone of a pine tree)
:: pinya {f}
pine nut {n} (edible seeds of evergreen pine)
:: pinyó {m}
pinery {n} (pinewood) SEE: pinewood
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine
pinewood {n} (wood of the pine)
:: pi {m}
pinewood {n} (forest or grove of pines)
:: pineda {f}
ping {v} (To send a packet in order to determine whether a host is present)
:: pinguejar
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis
pink {n} (flower)
:: clavell {m}
pink {n} (pale red colour)
:: rosa {m}
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white)
:: rosa
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger
pink jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Giro d'Italia)
:: mallot rosa {m}
pink noise {n} (signal or process)
:: soroll rosa {m}
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear)
:: aurícula {f}, pavelló auricular {m}
pinnacle {n} (architecture: an upright member)
:: pinacle {m}
Pinocchio {prop} (protagonist)
:: Pinotxo {m}
pintail {n} (Anas acuta) SEE: northern pintail
pinworm {n} (worms)
:: oxiür {m}
pion {n} (particle)
:: pió {m}
piñon {n} (pine nut) SEE: pine nut
pioneer {n} (one who goes before)
:: pioner {m}, pionera {f}
pipa {n} (Chinese lute)
:: pipa {m}
pipe {n} (wind instrument)
:: gaita {f}
pipe {n} (rigid tube)
:: tub {m}, canonada {f}
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe
pipefish {n} (small fish)
:: agulleta {f}
piper {n} (baby pigeon) SEE: squab
piper {n} (bagpiper) SEE: bagpiper
pipes of Pan {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes
pipette {n} (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
:: pipeta
pipit {n} (passerine bird from the genus Anthus)
:: piula {f}
piracy {n} (robbery at sea)
:: pirateria {f}
piracy {n} (unauthorized duplication)
:: pirateria {f}
piranha {n} (South American fish)
:: piranya {f}
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea)
:: pirata {m}
pirate {n} (one who breaks intellectual property laws)
:: pirata {m}
pirate {v} (make and/or sell an illegal copy)
:: piratejar
pirate radio {n} (radio station without the necessary license)
:: ràdio pirata {f}, emissora pirata {f}
Pisces {prop} (constellation)
:: Peixos
Pisces {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Peixos
Pisces {n} (Someone with a Pisces star sign)
:: peixos {m} {f}, pisces {m} {f}
piscivore {n} (fish eater)
:: piscívor
pisiform bone {n} (os pisiforme)
:: os pisiforme {m}
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant
piss {n} (urine)
:: pixo {m}, pipí {m} (coloquial), pixat {m}, pixada {f}
piss {v}
:: pixar
pissaladière {n} (pizza-like pie from southern France)
:: pissaladiera {f}
pissed {adj} (drunk)
:: trompa, gat
pissed {adj} (annoyed, angry)
:: emprenyat
pissed off {adj} (annoyed, upset, angry)
:: emprenyat
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
pisser {n} (one who pisses)
:: pixaner {m}
piss off {v} (to annoy)
:: emprenyar, empipar
pistachio {n} (tree)
:: festuc {m}, pistatxer {m}
pistachio {n} (fruit)
:: festuc {m}, pistatxo {m}
pistil {n} (a discrete unit in the center of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit)
:: pistil {m}
pistol {n} (handgun)
:: pistola {f}
piston engine {n} (engines having cylinders containing reciprocating pistons)
:: motor d'explosió {m}
pit {n} (hole in the ground)
:: sot
pit {n} (seed or stone inside a fruit)
:: pinyol {m}
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit
pita {n} (bread pouch used for making sandwiches)
:: pita {f}
pitch {n} (sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees)
:: reïna {f}, resina {f}
pitch {n} (act of pitching a baseball)
:: llançament {m}
pitch {v} (to play baseball in the position of pitcher)
:: llançar
pitcher {n} (the player who throws the ball to the batter)
:: llançador {m}
pitcher {n} (A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids)
:: gerra {f}
pith {n} (albedo) SEE: albedo
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord
pitiful {adv} (so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it)
:: lamentable
pitiful {adv} (of an amount or number: very small)
:: miserable
pitta bread {n} (flat bread made from wheat flour) SEE: pita
pituitary {adj} (of or pertaining to the pituitary gland)
:: pituïtari
pituitary body {n} (controlling gland of the endocrine system)
:: cos pituïtari {m}
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland)
:: glàndula pituïtària {f}
pity {n} (feeling of sympathy)
:: pietat {f}
pity {n} (something regrettable)
:: llàstima {f}
pivot {v} (to turn on an exact spot)
:: pivotar
pixel {n} (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory)
:: píxel {m}
pixelate {v} (transform an image into large pixels)
:: pixelar
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish)
:: pizza {f}
pizza {n} (a single instance of that dish)
:: pizza {f}
pizza parlor {n} (pizzeria) SEE: pizzeria
pizzeria {n} (outlet that primarily sells pizza)
:: pizzeria {f}
place {n} (location, position)
:: lloc {m}, indret {m}
place {n}
:: lloc {m}
place {v} (to put in a specific location)
:: col·locar
placebo {n} (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment)
:: placebo {m}
placename {n} (the name of a place)
:: topònim {m}
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta)
:: placenta {f}
placenta {n} (botany)
:: placenta {f}
placental {adj} (relative to placenta)
:: placentari
placid {adj} (calm and quiet; peaceful)
:: plàcid
plagiarism {n} (copying of someone's ideas)
:: plagi {m}
plagiarist {n} (one who plagiarizes)
:: plagiari {m}
plagiarize {v} (use, and pass off as one's own, someone else's writing/speech)
:: plagiar
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague")
:: pesta {f}
plague {n} (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence)
:: pesta {f}
plague {n}
:: plaga {f}
plaice {n} (Pleuronectes platessa)
:: capellà {m}
plain {adj} (ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation)
:: senzill
plain {adj} (unseasoned)
:: natural, simple
plain {adj} (computing: containing no non-printing characters)
:: net
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
:: plana {f}, planura {f}, planícia {f}
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid
plait {n} (flat fold)
:: dobleg {m}
plan {n} (technical drawing)
:: pla {m}
plan {n} (set of intended actions)
:: pla {m}
plan {n} (2-dimensional drawing from above)
:: pla {m}
plan {v} (to create a plan for)
:: planejar
plan {v} (to intend)
:: planejar
Planck's constant {n} (constant)
:: constant de Planck {f}
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
:: pla {m}
plane {n} (a tool)
:: ribot {m}
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky)
:: planeta {m}
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun)
:: planeta {m}
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star)
:: planeta {m}
planetarium {n} (museum which displays images of space)
:: planetari {m}
planetary {adj} (of or relating to planets)
:: planetari
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity)
:: nebulosa planetària {f}
planetology {n} (the study of planets)
:: planetologia {f}
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane
planetree {n} (sycamore) SEE: sycamore
planimeter {n} (measuring device)
:: planímetre {m}
plankton {n} (generic term for all the organisms that float in the sea)
:: plàncton {m}
planned obsolescence {n} (policy)
:: obsolescència planificada {f}
planner {n} (planning notebook or software)
:: agenda {f}
planning {n} (action of the verb to plan)
:: planificació {f}
planning {n} (act of formulating of a course of action)
:: planificació {f}
planning {n} (act of making contingency plans)
:: planificació {f}
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis)
:: planta {f}
plant {v} (place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)
:: plantar
plantain {n} (small plant)
:: plantatge {m}
plantation {n} (large farm)
:: plantació {f}
plasmid {n} (loop of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes)
:: plasmidi {m}
plaster {n} (mixture for coating)
:: argamassa {f}
plaster {v} (to cover with plaster)
:: arrebossar, enguixar
plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid
plaster {n} (plaster of Paris) SEE: plaster of Paris
plaster cast {n} (healing aid)
:: guix {m}
plasterer {n} (a person who plasters walls)
:: guixaire {m} {f}
plaster of Paris {n} (hemihydrate of calcium sulfate)
:: guix {m}
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer)
:: plàstic
plastic {adj} (capable of being moulded; malleable, flexible, pliant)
:: plàstic
plastic {adj} (biology: capable of adapting to varying conditions)
:: plàstic
plastic {adj} (made of plastic)
:: plàstic
plastic bag {n} (type of packaging)
:: bossa de plàstic {f}
plasticity {n} (quality of being plastic)
:: plasticitat {f}
plasticity {n} (property of a solid body)
:: plasticitat {f}
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot
plate {n} (flat dish)
:: plat {m}
plate {n} (contents of a plate)
:: plat {m}
plate {n} (flat metallic object)
:: làmina {f}
plate {n} (vehicle license plate)
:: matrícula {f}
plate {n} (printing: engraved surface used to transfer an image to paper)
:: planxa {f}
plate {n} (printing, photography: image or copy)
:: placa {f}
plate {n} (printing, publishing: full page illustration)
:: làmina {f}
plate {n} (dental plate)
:: placa {f}
plate {n} (anode of vacuum tube)
:: placa {f}
plate {n} (music: record)
:: placa {f}
plate {v} (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material)
:: xapar
plate {n} (baseball: home plate) SEE: home plate
plate {n} (prize given to the winner in a contest) SEE: prize
plateau {n} (level expanse)
:: altiplà {m}, planell {m}
platelet {n} (particle found in the blood of mammals)
:: plaqueta {f}
platform {n} (stage for speeches and performances)
:: tarima {f}
platform {n} (high shoe type)
:: plataforma {f}
platform {n} (computing: particular type of operating system or environment)
:: plataforma {f}
platform {n} (politics: political stance on a broad set of issues)
:: programa {m}, plataforma {f}
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers)
:: andana {f}
platform game {n} (A video game characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles)
:: videojoc de plataformes {m}
platinum {n} (metal)
:: platí {m}
Plato {prop} (Greek philosopher)
:: Plató {m}
platometer {n} (planimeter) SEE: planimeter
platonic {adj} (not sexual in nature)
:: platònic
Platonic {adj} (related to Plato)
:: platònic
platonic love {n} (intimate but non-sexual affection)
:: amor platònic {m}
Platonism {prop} (phillosophy of Plato)
:: platonisme {m}
platter {n} (tray for serving food)
:: plata {f}, plàtera {f}
platycnemic {adj} (of, relating to, or characterized by, platycnemism)
:: platicnem {m}
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
:: ornitorinc {m}
platyrrhine {adj} (having a broad, flat nose)
:: camerí {m}, platirí {m}, platirrí
plausible {adj} (likely, acceptable)
:: plausible
plausible {adj} (worthy of being applauded)
:: plausible
plausibly {adv} (in a plausible manner)
:: plausiblement
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun)
:: jugar
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun)
:: tocar
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense, not affecting a noun))
:: tocar
play {v} (act in a performance)
:: actuar
play {v} (participate in (a sport or game))
:: participar, jugar
play {v} (use a device to hear (a recording))
:: tocar
play {n} (playful activity)
:: joc {m}
play {n} (individual's performance in a sport)
:: joc {m}
play {n} (theatrical performance)
:: obra {f}
play {n} (action carried out when it is one's turn to play)
:: jugada {f}
play {n} (instance of watching or listening to digital media)
:: reproducció {f}
playability {n} (property of being playable)
:: jugabilitat {f}
playability {n} (overall quality of a gameplay)
:: jugabilitat {f}
playback {n} (replaying of recorded sound or moving images)
:: reproducció {f}
play ball {v} (expression used at the beginning of a game of baseball)
:: jugueu
Playboy Bunny {n} (waitress at a Playboy Club)
:: conilleta de Playboy {m}
player {n} (one who plays any game or sport)
:: jugador {m}
playfield {n} (playing field) SEE: playing field
playful {adj} (liking or prone to play)
:: enjogassat, juganer
play God {v} (make life-and-death decisions)
:: jugar a ser Déu
play hooky {v} (to stay away from school, work, etc. without suitable permission or excuse)
:: fer campana , fer pila , fer fugina
play house {n} (toy house for dolls) SEE: doll's house
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card)
:: naip {m}, carta {f}
playing field {n} (field on which a game is played)
:: camp de joc {m}
play on words {n} (pun or similar humorous use of language)
:: joc de paraules {m}
play the fool {v} (pretend ignorance)
:: fer l'andorrà
play truant {v} (be absent from school without permission)
:: fer campana , fer pila , fer fugina
playwright {n} (writer of plays for the theatre)
:: dramaturg {m}, dramaturga {f}
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright
plaza {n} (a towns' public square)
:: plaça
plea {n} (appeal, petition, entreaty)
:: súplica {f}
pleasant {adj} (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner)
:: agradable, plaent
pleasantly {adv} (in a pleasant manner)
:: agradablement
please {v} (to make happy or satisfy)
:: plaure, complaure, agradar
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request)
:: si us plau, per favor
pleased {adj} (happy, content)
:: content
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody)
:: encantat, molt de gust, tant de gust
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt)
:: per favor, passeu la sal
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased)
:: plaer {m}
pleasure {n} (person or thing that causes enjoyment)
:: plaer {m}
pleasure {v} (to give pleasure to)
:: agradar
pleat {n} (plait) SEE: plait
plebe {n} (plebeian) SEE: plebeian
plebeian {n} (one of the common people of ancient Rome)
:: plebeu
plebeian {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people)
:: plebeu
plectrum {n} (music: small piece for plucking strings)
:: pua {f}
pledge {v} (to make a solemn promise)
:: prometre
pledge {v} (to deposit something as a security; to pawn)
:: penyorar, empenyorar
pledge {n} (solemn promise)
:: promesa {f}, jurament {m}
pledge {n} (security to payment)
:: penyora {f}, garantia {f}
-plegia {suffix} (paralysis)
:: -plegia
-plegic {suffix} ( of -plegia)
:: -plègic
Pleiades {prop} (Greek mythology)
:: Plèiades
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy)
:: Plèiades
Pleistocene {prop} ((geology) the Pleistocene epoch)
:: plistocè {m}
plenary {adj} (fully attended)
:: plenari
pleochroism {n} (optical phenomenon)
:: pleocroisme {m}
pleonasm {n} (redundancy in wording)
:: pleonasme {m}
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant
pleroma {n} (the region of light above the world)
:: pleroma {m}
plethora {n} (excess, abundance)
:: plètora {f}
plethoric {adj} (overabundant)
:: pletòric
pleura {n} (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax)
:: pleura {f}
pleural {adj} (of, relating to, or affecting the pleura)
:: pleural
pleural cavity {n} (body cavity)
:: cavitat pleural {f}
pleximeter {n} (instrument)
:: plexímetre {m}
Pliensbachian {prop} (a subdivision of the Jurassic period)
:: Pliensbachià
pliers {n} (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand)
:: alicates {f-p}
plight {n} (unfortunate situation)
:: tràngol {m}
plinth {n} (bottom course of stones supporting a wall)
:: sòcol {m}
Pliny {prop} (Roman praenomen)
:: Plini
plosive {n} (consonant)
:: oclusiva {f}
plot {n} (course of a story)
:: argument {m}, trama {f}
plot {n} (area of land used for building on or planting on)
:: solar {m} (per construir-hi o genèric), marjal {m} (per plantar-hi), terreny {m}
plot {n} (graph or diagram)
:: gràfica {f}, traçada {f}
plot {n} (secret plan to achieve an end)
:: complot {m}, conspiració {f}
plot {v} (transitive: to conceive)
:: planejar
plot {v} (to trace out a graph or diagram)
:: traçar
plot {v} (to mark a point on a graph)
:: marcar
plot {v} (intransitive: to conceive)
:: conspirar
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground)
:: arada {f}
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting)
:: llaurar
plough {v} (to use a plough)
:: llaurar
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
plover {n} (wading bird of the family Charadriidae)
:: corriol {m}
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough
plowman {n} (male plower)
:: llaurador {m}
plowshare {n} (cutting edge of a plow)
:: rella {f}
pluck {n} (nerve, fortitude, persistence)
:: perseverància {f}
plug {n} (electric connecting device)
:: clavilla {f}, endoll {m}
plug in {v} (connect an electrical device)
:: endollar
plug-in {n} (computer add-on)
:: connector {m}, plugin {m}
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica)
:: pruna {f}
plum {n} (tree)
:: pruner {m}, prunera {f}
plum {n} (colour)
:: color pruna
plum {n} (slang: testicle)
:: pilotes {m-p}, ous {m-p}
plum {adj} (colour)
:: pruna
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin
plumage {n} (collection of feathers covering a bird’s body)
:: plomatge {m}
plumber {n} (one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage)
:: llauner {m}, lampista {m} {f}
plumber's helper {n} (plunger) SEE: plunger
plumbic {adj} (pertaining to lead)
:: saturní {m}, saturnina {f}
plumbism {n} (lead poisoning)
:: saturnisme {m}
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum
plumule {n} (the first bud)
:: plúmula {f}
plunge {v} (to thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse)
:: submergir
plunge {n} (The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge)
:: immersió {f}
plunger {n} (device for removing blockages by suction)
:: desembossador
pluperfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense
pluperfect tense {n} (tense)
:: plusquamperfet {m}
plural {adj} (more than one)
:: plural
plural {n} (word in plural form)
:: plural {m}
plurale tantum {n} (a noun without a singular form)
:: plurale tantum {m}
pluralism {n} (social system with multiple cultural identities)
:: pluralisme {m}
pluralistic {adj} (characteristic of pluralism)
:: pluralista
plurality {n} (the state of being plural)
:: pluralitat {f}
plurality {n} (group composed of more than one entity)
:: pluralitat {f}
Plurinational State of Bolivia {prop} (official name of Bolivia)
:: Estat Plurinacional de Bolívia {m}
plus {prep} (arithmetic: sum)
:: més
plus {adj} (being positive rather than negative or zero)
:: més, positiu
plus {adj} (positive, involving advantage)
:: positiu
plus {adj} (physics: electrically positive)
:: positiu
Pluto {prop} (Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet)
:: Plutó {m}
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy)
:: plutocràcia {f}
Plutonic {adj} (of or pertaining to rocks formed deep in the Earth's crust)
:: plutònic
plutonium {n} (chemical element)
:: plutoni
pluviometer {n} (instrument)
:: pluviòmetre {m}, udòmetre {m}
Pluviôse {prop} (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: pluviós {m}
pneumatic {adj} (of or relating to air or other gases)
:: pneumàtic
pneumatic {adj} (of or relating to pneumatics)
:: pneumàtic
pneumatic {adj} (powered by, or filled with compressed air)
:: pneumàtic
pneumatometer {n} (measuring device)
:: pneumatòmetre {m}
pneumo- {prefix} (relating to the lungs)
:: pneumo-
pneumococcus {n} (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
:: pneumococ {m}
pneumoconiosis {n} (disease of the lungs)
:: pneumoconiosi {f}
pneumology {n} (the study of the respiratory system and organs)
:: pneumologia {f}
pneumonia {n} (inflammation of the lungs)
:: pneumònia {f}, pulmonia {f}
pneumothorax {n} (presence of air inside the pleural cavity)
:: pneumotòrax {f}
Po {prop} (longest river in Italy)
:: Po
poach {v} (to cook in simmering liquid)
:: escaldar
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing)
:: butxaca {f}
pocket {n} (billiards: net into which balls are struck)
:: tronera {f}
pocket {v} (to put into a pocket)
:: embutxacar
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook
pocketful {n} (the quantity that a pocket would hold)
:: butxacada {f}
pocketknife {n} (small knife whose blades or tools can fold in its handle)
:: navalla {f}
pod {n} (seed case)
:: beina {f}, tavella {f}
pod {v} (To remove peas from their case)
:: pelar
podiatrist {n} (specialist in foot care)
:: podòleg {m}, podòloga {f}
podium {n} (platform)
:: pòdium {m}
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse)
:: poema {m}, poesia {f}, oda {f}
poet {n} (person who writes poems)
:: poeta {m} {f}
poetaster {n} (unskilled poet)
:: poetastre {m}
poetess {n} (female poet)
:: poetessa {f}
poetic {adj} (relating to poetry)
:: poètic
poetic {adj} (characteristic of poets)
:: poètic
poetically {adv} (in a poetic manner)
:: poèticament
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse)
:: poesia {f}
poetry {n} (a poet's literary production)
:: poesia {f}
poetry {n} (poetical quality, artistic and/or artful, which appeals or stirs the imagination)
:: poeticitat {f}
poet's daffodil {n} (species of daffodil)
:: grandalla {f}
pogrom {n} (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews)
:: pogrom {m}
-poiesis {suffix} (production)
:: -poesi
poignant {adj} (sharp-pointed; keen)
:: punyent, penetrant, punxegut {m}
poignant {adj} (neat; eloquent; applicable; relevant)
:: clar {m}, eloqüent, penetrant
poignant {adj} (evoking strong mental sensation)
:: punyent, commovedor {m}
poignant {adj} (piquant; pungent)
:: picant, punyent
poignant {adj} (incisive; penetrating)
:: punyent, incisiu {m}, penetrant, agut {m}
poignant {adj} (piercing)
:: punyent, incisiu {m}
poignant {adj} (inducing sharp physical pain)
:: punyent, dolorós {m}
point {n} (location or place)
:: punt {m}
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object)
:: punt {m}
point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket
pointed {adj} (sharp at one end)
:: punxegut
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice
pointer {n} (computer programming: variable that stores the address of another variable)
:: apuntador {m}
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor
point guard {n} (ballhandling guard in basketball)
:: base {m} {f}
pointillism {n} (painting technique)
:: puntillisme {m}
point of no return {n} ((idiomatic) the point when it is no longer possible to stop the process)
:: punt de no-retorn {m}
point of view {n} (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint)
:: punt de vista {m}
point of view {n} (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
:: punt de vista {m}
point out {v} (identify with a bodily gesture)
:: assenyalar, apuntar
point out {v} (tell, remind, indicate to someone)
:: indicar
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism)
:: verí {m}, metzina {f}
poison {n} (something that harms)
:: verí {m}, metzina {f}
poison {v} (to use poison to kill or paralyse)
:: emmetzinar, enverinar
poison {v} (pollute)
:: emmetzinar, enverinar
poison {v} (make worse)
:: emmetzinar, enverinar
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock
poisoning {n} (administration of a poison)
:: enverinament {m}
poisoning {n} (state of being poisoned)
:: enverinament {m}
poisonous {adj} (containing sufficient poison to be dangerous)
:: verinós, tòxic
poke {v} (rummage) SEE: rummage
poke {n} (ice cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone
poker {n} (card game)
:: pòquer {m}
pokey {n} (prison)
:: garjola {f}
Poland {prop} (European country)
:: Polònia {f}
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus)
:: ós polar {m}, ós blanc {m}
polar cap {n} (high-latitude region covered by ice)
:: casquet polar
polarization {n} (production or condition of polarity)
:: polarització {f}
polarization {n} (production of polarized light)
:: polarització {f}
polarization {n} (separation of positive and negative charges)
:: polarització {f}
polarization {n} (grouping of opinions into two extremes)
:: polarització {f}
polarize {v} (to cause to have a polarization)
:: polaritzar
polarize {v} (to cause a group to be divided into extremes)
:: polaritzar
pole {n} (long and slender object for construction or support)
:: pal
pole {n} (extreme of an axis)
:: pol {m}
pole {n} (magnetic point)
:: pol {m}
Pole {n} (person from Poland)
:: polonès {m}, polonesa {f}
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius)
:: turó {m}
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk
polemic {adj} (having the characteristics of a polemic)
:: polèmic
polemical {adj} (of, or relating to argument or controversy; polemic or contentious)
:: polèmic
polemical {adj} (disputatious)
:: polèmic
pole position {n} (top qualifying position)
:: posició preferent {f}
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law)
:: policia {f}
police dog {n} (trained dog for police work)
:: gos policia {m}
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency)
:: policia {m} {f}, agent {m} {f}, agent de policia {m} {f}
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police)
:: estat policia {m}
police station {n} (building of police force)
:: comissaria {f}, comissaria de policia {f}
policy {n} (principle of conduct)
:: política {f}
policy {n} (law: insurance document)
:: pòlissa {f}
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance
poliomyelitis {n} (infection by the poliovirus)
:: poliomielitis {f}
polis {n} (a city or city-state)
:: polis {f}
polish {v} (make a surface smooth or shiny)
:: polir
polish {v} (to refine; improve imperfections from)
:: polir
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language)
:: polonès
Polish {n} (the language of Poland)
:: polonès {m}
polisher {n} (person who makes something smooth and shiny)
:: polidor {m}
polisher {n} (tool)
:: polidora {f}
polisher {n} (machine)
:: polidora {f}
polisher {n} (person who refines)
:: polidor {m}
politburo {n} (the governing Communist council)
:: politburó {m}
polite {adj} (well-mannered)
:: cortès
politely {adv} (in a polite manner)
:: cortesament
politeness {n} (act of being polite)
:: educació cortesia {f}
political {adj} (concerning or relating to politics)
:: polític
political {adj} (motivated by political calculation)
:: polític
politically {adv} (in a political manner)
:: políticament
political party {n} (political organization)
:: partit {m}, partit polític {m}
political prisoner {n} (person)
:: pres polític
political science {n} (study of politics)
:: politologia {f}
political scientist {n} (political science expert)
:: politòleg {m}
politician {n} (one engaged in politics)
:: polític {m}, política {f}
politicization {n} (The state of being or process of becoming politicized)
:: politització {f}
politicize {v} (to give something political characteristics)
:: polititzar
politicize {v} (to make someone politically active)
:: polititzar
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government)
:: política {f}
politology {n} (political science) SEE: political science
polka {n} (dance)
:: polca {f}
polka dot {n} (uniform round dots forming a pattern on fabric)
:: pic
poll {n} (an election or a survey of a particular group)
:: enquesta {f}, sondatge {m}, sondeig {m}
pollakiuria {n} (abnormally frequent passage of relatively small quantities of urine)
:: pol·laciúria {f}
pollen {n} (fine granular substance produced in flowers)
:: pol·len {m}
pollenize {v} (to impregnate with pollen)
:: pol·linitzar
pollinate {v} (To apply pollen to)
:: pol·linitzar
pollination {n} (transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma)
:: pol·linització {f}
pollinator {n} (agent)
:: pol·linitzador {m}
pollster {n} (person who conducts polls)
:: enquestador {m}
pollutant {n} (something that pollutes)
:: contaminant {m}
pollution {n} (the contamination of the environment by harmful substances)
:: contaminació {f}, pol·lució {f}
pollution {n} (something that pollutes; pollutant)
:: pol·luent {m}
polo {n} (ball game)
:: polo {m}
polonaise {n} (dance)
:: polonesa {f}
polonaise {n} (music for this dance)
:: polonesa {f}
polonium {n} (chemical element)
:: poloni {m}
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly
poly- {prefix} (many)
:: poli-
-poly {suffix} (pertaining to the number of sellers in a market)
:: -poli {m}
polyandry {n} (plurality of husbands at the same time)
:: poliàndria {f}
polyarchy {n} (government in which power is invested in multiple people)
:: poliarquia {f}
polychromatic {adj} (showing a variety of colours)
:: policrom, policromàtic
polycyclic {adj} (having two or more rings of atoms in the molecule)
:: policíclic
polycystic {adj} (having many cysts)
:: poliquístic
polyester {n} (polymer)
:: polièster {m}
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene)
:: polietilè {m}
polyethylene terephthalate {n} (type of polyester)
:: politereftalat d'etilè {m}
polygamist {n} (one who practices polygamy)
:: polígam {m}
polygamy {n} (the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time)
:: poligàmia {f}
polyglot {adj} (Containing, or made up of, several languages)
:: poliglot
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages)
:: poliglot {m}
polygon {n} (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
:: polígon {m}
polygonal {adj} (having many angles)
:: poligonal
polygraph {n} (device to discern if a subject is lying)
:: polígraf {m}
polyhedron {n} (geometry: solid figure)
:: poliedre {m}, políedre {m}
polymathy {n} (knowledge of many arts and sciences; variety of learning)
:: polimatia {f}
polymer {n} (molecule)
:: polímer {m}
polymeride {n} (polymer) SEE: polymer
polymerize {v} (to convert a monomer to a polymer)
:: polimeritzar
polymorphic {adj} (relating to polymorphism)
:: polimorf, polimòrfic
polymorphism {n} (ability to assume different forms or shapes)
:: polimorfisme {m}
polymorphism {n} (crystallography: ability of a material to exist in more than one form)
:: polimorfisme {m}
polymorphism {n} (genetics: regular existence of two or more different genotypes within a given species or population)
:: polimorfisme {m}
Polynesia {prop} (part of Oceania)
:: Polinèsia {f}
Polynesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia)
:: polinesi
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia)
:: polinesi {m}
Polynesian {prop} (language group of Polynesia)
:: polinesi {m}
polynomial {n} (algebraic expression)
:: polinomi {m}
polynomial {adj} (in algebra)
:: polinomial
polyp {n} (growth)
:: pòlip {m}
polyp {n} (coelenterate)
:: pòlip {m}
polypeptide {n} (organic chemistry: any polymer amino acids joined via peptide bonds)
:: polipèptid {m}
polyphasic {adj} (having multiple coexisting phases)
:: polifàsic {m}
polyphonic {adj} (of or relating to polyphony)
:: polifònic
polyphosphate {n} (class of inorganic polymers)
:: polifosfat {m}
polypod {adj} (having many feet)
:: polípode {m}
polypod {n} (animal with many feet)
:: polípode {m}
polysaccharide {n} (complex carbohydrate)
:: polisacàrid {m}
polysemic {adj} (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings)
:: polisèmic
polysemy {n} (ability to have multiple meanings)
:: polisèmia {f}
polysyllabic {adj} (having more than one syllable)
:: polisíl·lab, polisil·làbic
polysynthetic {adj} (polysynthetic)
:: polisintètic
polytechnic {adj}
:: politècnic
polytechnic {n} (educational institute)
:: politècnica {f}
polytheism {n} (belief in the existence of multiple gods)
:: politeisme {m}
polytheist {n} (believer in polytheism)
:: politeista {m} {f}
polytheistic {adj} (of or relating to polytheism)
:: politeista
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene
polytonic {adj} (having several tones)
:: politònic
polytope {n} (geometric shape)
:: polítop {m}
polyunsaturated {adj} (relating to long chain organic compounds)
:: poliinsaturat
polyuria {n} (production of an abnormally large amount of urine)
:: poliúria {f}
pomace {n}
:: brisa {f}
pomegranate {n} (shrub/tree)
:: magraner {m}
pomegranate {n} (fruit)
:: magrana {f}
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit
pomelo {n} (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis)
:: aranja grossa {f}, pampelmussa
Pomerania {prop} (region of Europe on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea)
:: Pomerània
Pomeranian {adj} (of, or relative to Pomerania)
:: pomerani
Pomeranian {n} (native or inhabitant of Pomerania)
:: pomerani {m}
pommel horse {n} (gymnastic apparatus)
:: cavall de salts {m}
pomological {adj} (pertaining to pomology)
:: pomològic
pomp {n} (show of magnificence)
:: pompa {f}
Pompeii {prop} (a historical city)
:: Pompeia
Pompey {prop} (a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic)
:: Pompeu
pompous {adj} (affectedly grand)
:: pompós
pompously {adv} (in a pompous manner)
:: pomposament
poncho {n} (simple garment of cloth)
:: ponxo {m}
poncho {n} (waterproof garment with hood)
:: capelina {f}
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay
pond {n} (small lake)
:: bassa {f}, estany {m}
ponder {v} (to think deeply)
:: ponderar
ponder {v} (to consider carefully)
:: ponderar
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense
pond-skater {n} (any of various predatory insects) SEE: water strider
Pontevedra {prop} (city)
:: Pontevedra {f}
Pontevedra {prop} (province)
:: Pontevedra {f}
pontiff {n} (pope)
:: pontífex {m}
pontificate {n} (state of a pontifex)
:: pontificat {m}
Pontus {prop} (god of the sea)
:: Pontos {m}
pony {n} (small horse)
:: poni {m}
poo {v}
:: cagar
poodle {n} (any of various breeds of poodle)
:: canitx {m}
poof {n} (A male homosexual.)
:: marieta {m}, marica {m}, maricó {m}
pool {n} (body of water)
:: gorg {m}, toll {m}
pool {n} (small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle)
:: toll {m}, bassal {m}
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool
poop {v} (to poop) SEE: poo
poop {n} (feces) SEE: poo
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money)
:: pobre
poor {adj} (of low quality)
:: pobre
poor {adj} (used to express pity)
:: pobre
poor {n} (those with no possessions)
:: pobres {m-p}
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill
poor thing {n} (someone or something to be pitied)
:: pobret {m}, pobreta {f}
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit
pop {n} (affectionate form of father, see also: father)
:: papi, papa {m}
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating)
:: crispeta {f}, rosa {f}, roseta {f}, gallet {m}
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church)
:: Papa {m}
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope)
:: papamòbil
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus)
:: pollancre {m}, àlber {m}
poplit {n} (fossa at the back of the knee joint)
:: fossa poplítia {f}, sofraja {f}
popliteal fossa {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit
poppy {n} (plant)
:: rosella {f}
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population
popular {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people)
:: popular
popular {adj} (liked by many people)
:: popular
popularise {v} (to make popular)
:: popularitzar
popularity {n} (the quality or state of being popular)
:: popularitat {f}
popularization {n} (the act of making something popular to the general public)
:: popularització {f}
popularly {adv} (in a popular manner)
:: popularment
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)
:: població {f}
populational {adj} (of or pertaining to population)
:: poblacional
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy)
:: populisme {m}
populous {adj} (having a large population)
:: populós
porbeagle {n} (a pelagic shark)
:: marraix {m}
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic)
:: porcellana {f}
porch {n} (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building)
:: porxo {m}, pòrtic {m}
porcine {adj} (of or pertaining to the pig)
:: porquí, porcí
porcini {n} (mushroom, Boletus edulis)
:: sureny {m}
porcupine {n} (large rodent)
:: porc espí {m}
pore {n} (a tiny opening in the skin)
:: porus {m}, por {m}
pork {n} (meat of a pig)
:: porc {m}
pork rind {n} (food made from pork skin)
:: cotnes {f-p}
pork scratching {n} (pork rind) SEE: pork rind
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography
pornocracy {prop} (period of the papacy known as the saeculum obscurum)
:: Pornocràcia {f}
pornocracy {n} (government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons)
:: pornocràcia {f}
pornographer {n} (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography)
:: pornògraf {m}, pornista {m} {f}
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity)
:: pornogràfic
pornography {n} (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent)
:: pornografia {f}
porosity {n} (state of being porous)
:: porositat {f}
porosity {n} (measure of how porous a material is)
:: porositat {f}, porositat {f}
porous {adj} (full of tiny pores)
:: porós
porphyria {n} (abnormality of porphyrin metabolism)
:: porfíria {f}
porphyrin {n} (heterocyclic compound)
:: porfirina {f}
porpoise {n} (cetacean)
:: marsopa {f}
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal)
:: farinetes {f-p}
porron {n} (glass container for wine)
:: porró {m}
port {n} (dock or harbour)
:: port {m}
port {n} (left-hand side of a vessel when facing the front)
:: babor
port {n} (port city) SEE: port city
portability {n} (quality of being portable)
:: portabilitat {f}
portability {n} (the ability of a program to execute properly on multiple hardware platforms)
:: portabilitat {f}
portable {adj} (able to be carried or moved)
:: portàtil, portable
portable art {n} (portable prehistoric art)
:: art mobiliari {m}
portal vein {n} (particular vein)
:: vena porta {f}
port city {n} (city built around a port)
:: port {m}
portentous {adj} (vain; marvelous; prodigious; wonderful)
:: portentós
porter {n} (person in control of a building entrance)
:: porter {m}
portico {n} (small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building)
:: pòrtic {m}
portion {n} (allocated amount)
:: porció {f}
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry
Portland cement {n} (cement made by heating and pulverizing limestone and clay)
:: pòrtland {m}
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words)
:: mot creuat {m}
portolan {n} (chart of European navigable waters)
:: portolà {m}
portrait {n} (painting of a person)
:: retrat {m}
portrait {n} (an accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc.)
:: retrat {m}
Portugal {prop} (country)
:: Portugal {m}
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal)
:: portuguès, portugalès; portugués {m}, portuguesa {f}
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal)
:: portuguès {m}, portuguesa {f}, portugalès {m}, portugalesa {f}; portugués {m}, portuguesa {f}
Portuguese {n} (the language)
:: portuguès {m}, portugalès {m}; portugués {m}
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal)
:: República Portuguesa {f}
Portuñol {prop} (the language)
:: portunyol {m}
Poseidon {prop} (the god of the sea)
:: Posidó {m}
posit {n} (postulate)
:: postulat {m}
position {n} (place on a playing field)
:: posició {f}
positive {adj} (mathematics: greater than zero)
:: positiu
positive {adj} (characterised by constructiveness)
:: positiu
positive {adj} (physics: having more protons than electrons)
:: positiu
positive {adj} (grammar: describing the primary sense)
:: positiu
positive {adj} (characterised by the existence rather than absence of qualities or features)
:: positiu
positive {adj} (photography: of a visual image true to the original)
:: positiu
positive {adj} (favorable, desirable)
:: positiu
positive {n} (photography: a positive image)
:: positiu {m}
positively {adv} (in a positive manner)
:: positivament
positivism {n} (philosophical doctrine)
:: positivisme {m}
positivist {n} (a believer in positivism)
:: positivista {m} {f}
positivist {adj} (related to positivism)
:: positivista
positivity {n} (optimism)
:: positivitat {f}
positron {n} (positron)
:: positró {m}
possess {v} (to have; to have ownership of)
:: posseïr
possess {v} (to take control of someone's body or mind)
:: posseïr
possessed {adj} (controlled by evil spirits)
:: esperitat, endimoniat
possession {n} (something that is owned)
:: possessió {f}, propietat {f}
possession {n} (ownership; taking, holding, keeping something as one's own)
:: propietat {f}, possessió {f}
possession {n} (a territory under the rule of another country)
:: possessió {f}
possession {n} (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon)
:: possessió {f}
possession {n} (control of the ball in a disputed sports game)
:: possessió {f}
possessive {adj} (pertaining to possession)
:: possessiu
possessive {adj} (grammar: indicating possession)
:: possessiu
possessive {adj} (unwilling to yield possession of)
:: possessiu
possessive pronoun {n} (pronoun which expresses possession)
:: pronom possessiu {m}
possibility {n} (a thing possible)
:: possibilitat {f}
possibility {n} (option)
:: possibilitat {f}
possible {adj} (able but not certain to happen)
:: possible
possible {adj} (capable of being done or achieved; feasible)
:: possible
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that an action may successfully be performed)
:: possiblement
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum
post {n} (location on a basketball court)
:: pivot {m} {f}
post- {prefix} (later)
:: post-
post- {prefix} (behind)
:: post-
postage {n} (charge)
:: franqueig {m}
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid)
:: segell {m}
postal {adj} (relating to mail)
:: postal
postbellum {adj} (of the period following a war)
:: postguerra
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope)
:: targeta postal {f}, postal {f}
poster {n} (picture intended to be attached to a wall)
:: pòster {m}
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard)
:: cartell {m}
posterior {adj} (located towards the rear)
:: posterior
posterior {adj} (following in order or time)
:: posterior
posterior auricular muscle {n} (muscle)
:: múscul auricular posterior {m}
posterior chamber {n} (space between iris and lens)
:: cambra posterior {f}
postern {n} (secondary gateway)
:: poterna {f}
post horn {n} (musical instrument)
:: corn de posta {m}
posthumous {adj} (born after one's father's death)
:: pòstum
posthumous {adj} (taking place after one's death)
:: pòstum
posthumous {adj} (in reference to a work, published after the author's death)
:: pòstum
postilion {n} (rider mounted on leading horse)
:: postilló {m}
postlude {n} (final part of a musical piece)
:: postludi {m}
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman
postmodernism {n} (a style of art, literature, etc)
:: postmodernisme {f}
postmodernist {adj} (postmodern)
:: postmodernista
postmodernist {n} (follower of postmodernism)
:: postmodernista {m} {f}
postnatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the period immediately after birth)
:: postpart
post office {n} (place)
:: oficina de correus {f}, oficina postal {f}
postpone {v} (to delay or put off an event)
:: posposar, ajornar
postscript {n} (addendum to a letter)
:: postdata
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation)
:: trastorn per estrès posttraumàtic {m}
post-truth {n} (post-truth)
:: postveritat {f}
posturing {n} (assumption of an exaggerated pose or attitude)
:: postureig {m}
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.)
:: olla {f}, pot {m}
pot {n} (crucible) SEE: crucible
pot {n} (plaster cast) SEE: plaster cast
potable {adj} (good for drinking, see also: drinkable)
:: potable
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage
potash {n} (pot ash)
:: potassa {f}
potassium {n} (the chemical element)
:: potassi {m}
potassium chloride {n} (the salt KCl)
:: clorur de potassi {m}
potassium hydroxide {n} (potassium hydroxide)
:: hidròxid de potassi {m}, potassa càustica {f}
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable)
:: patata {f}; creïlla {f}
potato chip {n} (potato crisp) SEE: potato crisp
potato crisp {n} (thin fried slice of potato)
:: patata xip {f}
potato masher {n} (utensil for mashing potatoes)
:: aixafapatates {m}
potato salad {n} (salad made from chopped boiled potatoes)
:: amanida de patata
Potawatomi {n} (member of the Potawatomi people)
:: potawatomi
pot calling the kettle black {n} (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser)
:: aquò's la misèria que se trufa de l'espital (it's the charity laughing at the hospital)
potential {n} (currently unrealized ability)
:: potencial
potential {n} (physics: the radial component of a gravitational field)
:: potencial
potential {n} (energy of a unit electrical charge)
:: potencial
potential {adj} (existing in possibility)
:: potencial
potentially {adv} (in a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way)
:: potencialment
potholder {n} (insulated pad for handling hot cooking utensils)
:: agafador {m}
pothole {n} (a hole in a road)
:: clot {m}
potion {n} (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical)
:: poció {f}
potsherd {n} (piece of ceramic from pottery)
:: padellàs {m}
potter {n} (one who makes pots and ceramic wares)
:: terrissaire
pottery {n} (fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed)
:: terrissa {f}
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
potty {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
pouch {n} (pocket in which a marsupial carries its young)
:: marsupi {m}
poultice {n} (A poultice or plaster)
:: cataplasma {m}
poultry {n} (domestic fowl)
:: aviram, volateria
pound {n} (unit of mass (16 ounces avoirdupois))
:: lliura {f}
pound {n} (unit of currency)
:: lliura {f}
pour {v} (to cause to flow in a stream)
:: abocar
pour gasoline on the fire {v} (add fuel to the fire) SEE: add fuel to the fire
pout {v} (push out one’s lips)
:: fer el bot, fer el petarrell
pouting {n} (fish, Trisopterus luscus)
:: mòllera fosca {f}, capellà {m}, capellà fosc {m}, faneca {f}, mòllera {f}
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy)
:: Plana Padana {f}
poverty {n} (quality or state of being poor)
:: pobresa {f}
poverty {n} (deficiency of elements)
:: pobresa {f}
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance)
:: pols {f}
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder
powdered milk {n} (dairy product) SEE: milk powder
powder puff {n} (ball or pad of soft material used to apply powder)
:: bronja {f}
power {n} (capability or influence)
:: poder {m}
power {n} (physical force or strength)
:: poder {m}, potència {f}
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence)
:: potent, poderós
powerfully {adv} (in a powerful manner)
:: poderosament, potentment
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station
power play {n} (sports)
:: superioritat numèrica {f}
power point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced)
:: central {f}, central elèctrica {f}
power supply {n} (part of apparatus)
:: font d'alimentació
pox {n} (syphilis) SEE: syphilis
pox {n} (A disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks)
:: buba {f}
practical {adj} (based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis)
:: pràctic
practically {adv} (In practice, in effect)
:: pràcticament
practically {adv} (almost completely)
:: pràcticament, gairebé
practice {n} (repetition of an activity to improve skill)
:: pràctica {f}
practice {n} (an ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession)
:: pràctica {f}
practice {n} (an observance of religious duties)
:: pràctica {f}
practice {n} (customary action, habit, or behaviour)
:: pràctica {f}
practice {n} (actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory)
:: pràctica {f}
practise {v} (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill)
:: practicar
practise {v} (to perform or execute a craft or skill)
:: practicar
practise {v} (to perform or observe in a habitual fashion)
:: practicar
practise {v} (to pursue (a career, especially law, fine art or medicine))
:: practicar
praenomen {n} (ancient Roman first name)
:: prenom {m}
Pragian {prop} (a subdivision of the Devonian period)
:: Praguià
pragmatic {adj} (practical)
:: pragmàtic
pragmatically {adv} (in a pragmatic manner)
:: pragmàticament
pragmatics {n} (study of the use of the language in a social context)
:: pragmàtica {f}
pragmatism {n} (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities)
:: pragmatisme {m}
pragmatism {n} (philosophical idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer)
:: pragmatisme {m}
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic)
:: Praga
Prairial {prop} (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar)
:: pradial {m}
praise {n} (commendation; favorable representation in words)
:: alabança {f}, lloança {f}
praise {v} (to give praise to)
:: lloar
praiseworthy {adj} (meriting praise)
:: lloable, encomiable
prank {n} (practical joke or mischievous trick)
:: malifeta {f}
praseodymium {n} (chemical element)
:: praseodimi {m}
prawn {n} (large shrimp)
:: gamba {f}
pray {v} (to petition a higher being)
:: resar, pregar
pray {v} (to beg humbly for aid)
:: pregar
pray {v} (to talk to God)
:: resar, pregar
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God)
:: oració, pregària
prayer {n} (the act of praying)
:: rés {m}
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family)
:: mantodeu {m}, pregadéu {m}, pregamans {m}
PRC {prop} (abbreviation of People’s Republic of China, see also: People’s Republic of China)
:: RPX {f}
pre- {prefix} (before)
:: pre-
preacher {n} (one who preaches)
:: predicador {m}
preamble {n} (short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute)
:: preàmbul {m}
precariat {n} (sociological group)
:: precariat
precarious {adj} (dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous)
:: precari
precariously {adv} (in a precarious manner)
:: precàriament
precariousness {n} (state of being uncertain)
:: precarietat {f}
precede {v} (go before, go in front of)
:: precedir
precedent {n} (past act used as example)
:: precedent {m}
precedent {n} (leading case which is cited to justify a judgment)
:: precedent {m}
precept {n} (rule or principle governing personal conduct)
:: precepte {m}
pre-Christian {adj} (before the arrival of Christianity)
:: precristià
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very
precious {adj} (of high value or worth)
:: preciós
precious metal {n} (metallic element with high economic value)
:: metall preciós {m}
precious stone {n} (gem)
:: pedra preciosa {f}
precipice {n} (very steep cliff)
:: precipici {m}
precise {adj} (exact)
:: precís
precisely {adv} (in a precise manner)
:: precisament
precision {n} (the state of being precise or exact; exactness)
:: precisió {f}
precocious {adj} (characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity)
:: precoç
precocious {adj} (exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age)
:: precoç
precociously {adv} (in a precocious manner)
:: precoçment
precociousness {n} (condition of being precocious)
:: precocitat {f}
precocity {n} (state of being precocious)
:: precocitat {f}
pre-Columbian {adj} (before Christopher Columbus)
:: precolombí
preconceived {adj} (conceived beforehand)
:: preconcebut
preconception {n} (prejudice) SEE: prejudice
precursor {n} (forerunner, predecessor)
:: precursor {m}
predecessor {n} (one who precedes)
:: antecessor {m}
predestination {n} (religious doctrine)
:: predestinació {f}
predestiny {n} (predestination) SEE: predestination
predicament {n} (a definite class, state or condition)
:: predicament {m}
predicament {n} (an unfortunate or trying position or condition)
:: compromís {m}, dilema {m}
predict {v} (to state, or make something known in advance)
:: predir
prediction {n} (a statement about the future)
:: predicció {f}
predictive {adj} (useful in predicting)
:: predictiu
predilection {n} (tendency towards)
:: predilecció {f}
predisposition {n} (the state of being predisposed)
:: predisposició {f}
predominant {adj} (common or widespread; prevalent)
:: predominant
predominant {adj} (significant or important; dominant)
:: predominant
predominantly {adv} (in a predominant manner)
:: predominantment
predominate {adj} (predominant) SEE: predominant
preface {n} (introduction before the main text)
:: prefaci {m}
prefecture {n} (The office of a prefect)
:: prefectura {f}
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect)
:: prefectura {f}
prefer {v} (to favor)
:: preferir
preferable {adj} (Better than some other option)
:: preferible
preferably {adv} (in preference)
:: preferiblement
preference {n} (selection)
:: preferència {f}
preference {n} (option to select or selected)
:: preferència {f}
preference {n} (state of being preferred)
:: preferència {f}
preferences {n} (plural of "preference") SEE: preference
preferred {adj} (favoured)
:: preferit
prefix {n} (morpheme at the beginning of a word)
:: prefix {m}
pregnancy {n} (condition)
:: embaràs {m}, prenyat {m}
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body)
:: embarassat, encinta {f}, prenyat, gràvid
pregnant {adj} (having many possibilities or implications)
:: prenyat
preheat {v} (to heat something in preparation for further action, especially cooking)
:: preescalfar
prehensile {adj} (able to take hold of objects)
:: prènsil
prehistorian {n} (student of or expert in prehistory)
:: prehistoriador {m}
prehistoric {adj} (of relating to the epoch before written record)
:: prehistòric
prehistory {n} (study of events and conditions before written records)
:: prehistòria {f}
prejudice {n} (adverse judgement formed beforehand)
:: prejudici {m}
prelate {n} (clergyman)
:: prelat {m}
preliminarily {adv} (in a preliminary manner)
:: preliminarment
preliminary {adj} (in preparation for the main matter)
:: preliminar
prelude {n} (introductory event)
:: preludi {m}
prelude {n} (short piece of music)
:: preludi {m}
premarital {adj} (before one’s marriage)
:: prematrimonial
premature {adj} (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity)
:: prematur
premature {adj} (taking place earlier than anticipated)
:: prematur
prematurely {adv} (in a premature manner)
:: prematurament
premeditated {adj} (planned, considered or estimated in advance; deliberate)
:: premeditat
premeditatedly {adv} (in a premeditated manner)
:: premeditadament
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister
premiere {n} (first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment)
:: estrena {f}
premiere {v} ((intransitive) of a film or play, to play for the first time)
:: estrenar
première {n} (premiere) SEE: premiere
premium {n} (a bonus paid in addition to normal payments)
:: prima {f}
prenatal {adj} (being or happening before birth)
:: prenatal
prenuptial {adj} (occurring before marriage; antenuptial)
:: antenupcial
preon {n} (particle)
:: preó {m}
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework
prep {n} (preparation) SEE: preparation
preparation {n}
:: preparació {f}
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose)
:: preparar
prepare {v} (to make ready for eating or drinking)
:: preparar, fer
prepare {v} (to make oneself ready)
:: preparar-se
prepared {adj} (ready, willing)
:: preparat, disposat
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by")
:: preposició {f}
prepositional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition)
:: preposicional
prepuce {n} (foreskin of certain animals) SEE: sheath
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right
prerogative {n} (right or power that is exclusive to a monarch etc.)
:: prerrogativa {f}
presage {n} (warning; omen)
:: presagi {m}
presbyopia {n} (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects)
:: presbícia {f}, vista cansada {f}
Presbyterian {adj} (relating to the Presbyterian Church)
:: presbiterià
Presbyterian {n} (person belonging to the Presbyterian Church)
:: presbiterià {m}
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism)
:: presbiterianisme {m}
presbytery {n} (chancel) SEE: chancel
preschool {n} (nursery school) SEE: nursery school
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine)
:: recepta {f}
presence {n} (fact or condition of being present)
:: presència {f}
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift
present {adj} (pertaining to the current time)
:: actual, present
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity)
:: present
present {n} (current time)
:: present {m}
present {v} (bring into the presence of)
:: presentar
presentable {adj} (able to be presented)
:: presentable
presenter {n} (someone who presents a broadcast programme)
:: presentador {m}
presentiment {n} (a premonition; a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen)
:: pressentiment {m}
present participle {n} (verb form that indicates an ongoing action)
:: participi present {m}
preservation {n} (the act of preserving)
:: preservació {f}
preserve {n} (nature preserve)
:: reserva natural {f}
preserve {v} (to protect)
:: preservar
preserve {v} (to keep; to maintain the condition of)
:: conservar
presidency {n} (office or role of president)
:: presidència {f}
presidency {n} (time during which one is president)
:: presidència {f}
president {n} (the head of state of a republic)
:: president {m}, presidenta {f}
presidential {adj} (presiding)
:: presidencial
presidential {adj} (pertaining to a president or presidency)
:: presidencial
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear
press {n} (device used to apply pressure)
:: premsa {f}
press {n} (printed media)
:: premsa {f}
press {n} (printing machine)
:: premsa {f}, impressora {f}
press {v} (to apply pressure)
:: prémer
press {v}
:: prémer
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher
pressure {n} (a pressing; force applied to a surface)
:: pressió {f}
pressure {n} (a contrasting force or impulse of any kind)
:: pressió {f}
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area)
:: pressió {f}
pressure {v} (exert force or influence)
:: pressionar
pressure ulcer {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore
prestidigitation {n} (sleight of hand)
:: prestidigitació {f}
prestige {n} (dignity, status, or esteem)
:: prestigi {m}
prestigious {adj} (of high prestige)
:: prestigiós
presumably {adv} (able to be sensibly presumed)
:: presumiblement
presumedly {adv} (presumably) SEE: presumably
presumptively {adv} (as is presumed to be the case) SEE: presumably
pretend {v} (to allege falsely)
:: fingir, fer veure
pretentious {adj} (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction)
:: pretensiós
pretentious {adj} (intended to impress others)
:: ostentós
pretentiously {adv} (in a manner with unwarranted claim to importance or distinction)
:: pretensiosament
preterite {adj} (showing an action at a determined moment in the past)
:: pretèrit
preterite {n} (preterite tense; simple past)
:: pretèrit {m}
preternatural {adj} (existing outside of the natural world)
:: preternatural
pretext {n} (false, contrived or assumed purpose)
:: pretext {m}
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive)
:: bonic
pretty {adv} (somewhat)
:: força
prevent {v} (to keep from happening)
:: impedir
prevention {n} (The act of preventing or hindering)
:: prevenció {f}
preventive {adj} (preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to)
:: preventiu
preventive {adj} (carried out to deter military aggression)
:: preventiu
preventive {adj} (slowing the development of an illness)
:: profilàctic
previous {adj} (prior)
:: previ, anterior
previous {adj} (premature)
:: prematur
previously {adv} (at an earlier time)
:: anteriorment, prèviament
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals)
:: presa
Priabonian {prop} (subdivision of the Eocene epoch)
:: Priabonià
priapism {n} (medical condition)
:: priapisme {m}
Priapus {prop} (son of Aphrodite and Dionysus)
:: Príap {m}
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something)
:: preu {m}
price {n} (cost of an action or deed)
:: preu {m}
priceless {adj} (so precious as not to be sold at any price)
:: no tenir preu
prickly {adj} (covered with sharp points)
:: espinós
prickly {adj} (easily irritated)
:: malhumorós
prickly pear {n} (any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia)
:: figuera de moro {f}
prickly pear {n} (cactus fruit)
:: figa de moro
pride {n} (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.)
:: orgull
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one)
:: orgull {m}
prie-dieu {n} (a piece of furniture on which someone can pray)
:: reclinatori {m}
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson))
:: sacerdot {m}, capellà {m}
priestess {n} (woman with religious duties)
:: sacerdotessa
prill {n} (a pellet, a granule)
:: grànul {m}, perdigó {m}
prill {n} (a nugget of virgin metal)
:: palleta {f}
prim {adj} (prudish)
:: posturer {m}
primarily {adv} (of a primary or central nature)
:: primàriament
primary {adj} (first in a group or series)
:: primari {m}, primària {f}
primary {adj} (that which is placed ahead of others)
:: primari {m}, primària {f}
primary {n} (first year of grade school)
:: primària {f}
primary {n} (base or fundamental component)
:: primari {m}, bàsic {m}, fonamental {m}
primary colour {n} (any of three colours which can generate all other colours)
:: color primari {m}
primate {n} (mammal)
:: primat {m}
prime {adj} (mathematics: having no factors except itself and unity)
:: primer
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
:: primer ministre {m}
prime number {n} (natural number)
:: nombre primer {m}
primer {n} (children's book introducing basic literacy)
:: beceroles, abecé
primeval {adj} (belonging to the first ages)
:: primigeni {m}
primigravida {n} (woman who is pregnant for the first time, or who has been pregnant once)
:: primigràvida {f}
primitive {n}
:: primitiu {m}
primitive {adj} (one of the adjectival senses)
:: primitiu
primitively {adv} (in a primitive manner)
:: primitivament
primitiveness {n} (quality or state of being primitive)
:: primitivitat {f}, primitivisme {m}
primitivity {n} (primitiveness) SEE: primitiveness
primordial {adj} (earliest)
:: primordial
primrose {n} (plant of the genus Primula)
:: prímula {f}, primavera {f}
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality)
:: príncep {m}
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch)
:: príncep {m}
Prince Charming {n} (the fictional character)
:: príncep encantador {m}, príncep blau {m}
Prince Charming {n} (romantically ideal man)
:: príncep encantador {m}, príncep blau {m}
Prince Edward Island {prop} (Province in eastern Canada)
:: Illa del Príncep Eduard {f}
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title)
:: príncep de Gal·les {m}
princess {n} (female member of royal family)
:: princesa
princess {n} (female monarch, or wife of a ruler)
:: princesa {f}
princess {n}
:: princesa {f}
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school)
:: director {m}, directora {f}
principality {n} (region)
:: principat {m}
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality
principle {n} (fundamental assumption)
:: principi {m}
principle {n} (moral rule or aspect)
:: principi {m}
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine)
:: imprimir
print {n} (visible impression on a surface)
:: empremta {f}
print {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint
printable {adj} (worthy or capable of being printed)
:: imprimible {m} {f}
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images)
:: impressora {f}
printer's ink {n} (printing ink) SEE: printing ink
printing ink {n} (ink used for printing)
:: tinta d'impressió {f}, tinta d'imprempta {f}
printout {n} (A hard copy)
:: llistat {m}
prion {n} (misfolded protein)
:: prió {m}
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former
prior {n} (a high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than an abbot)
:: prior {m}
prior {adv} (previously) SEE: previously
prioress {n} (a nun in charge of a priory)
:: priora {f}, prioressa {f}
prioritization {n} (process of assigning priorities to things or tasks)
:: priorització {f}
prioritize {v} (to rank as having priority)
:: prioritzar
prioritized {adj} (Precedence; superior rank)
:: prioritat {f}
priority {n} (item's relative importance)
:: prioritat {f}
priority {n} (attributive use) SEE: prioritized
priory {n} (monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress)
:: priorat {m}
prise {n} (prize) SEE: prize
prism {n} (geometry: polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape)
:: prisma {m}
prism {n} (block used to split or reflect light)
:: prisma {m}
prismatic {adj} (of or pertaining to a prism)
:: prismàtic
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes)
:: presó {f}, càrcer {m}
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison
prison cell {n} (room to which a prisoner is confined)
:: calabós {m}
prisoner {n} (person incarcerated in a prison)
:: pres {m}, presoner {m}
prisoner {n} (figurative: any person held against his or her will)
:: pres {m}, presoner {m}
prison guard {n} (person working to provide order to in a jail)
:: escarceller {m}
pristine {adj} (unspoiled)
:: primitiu, primer, pristí
pristine {adj} (pertaining to the earliest state of something)
:: pristí
privacy {n} (state of being private)
:: privacitat {f}, privadesa {f}
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group)
:: privat, personal
private {adj} (not accessible by the public)
:: privat
private {adj}
:: privat
private key {n} (unpublished key)
:: clau privada {f}
privately {adv} (in a private manner)
:: privadament
privatization {n} (transfer from the government to private ownership)
:: privatització {f}
privatize {v} (to release government control to private industry)
:: privatitzar
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello
privet {n} (Any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum)
:: troana {f}, olivereta {f}
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor)
:: privilegi {m}
privileged {adj} (having special privileges)
:: privilegiat
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet
privy {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine
prize {n} (something captured)
:: botí {m}
prize {n} (honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest)
:: premi {m}
prize {n} (that which may be won by chance)
:: premi {m}
pro {n} (advantage of something)
:: pro {m}
pro {prep} (in favor of)
:: pro
probability {n} (state of being probable; likelihood)
:: probabilitat {f}
probability {n} (event that is likely to occur)
:: probabilitat {f}
probability {n} (relative likelihood of an event happening)
:: probabilitat {f}
probability {n} (mathematical probability)
:: probabilitat {f}
probable {adj} (likely to be true)
:: probable
probable {adj} (likely to happen)
:: probable
probably {adv} (in all likelihood)
:: probablement
probiotic {n} (food or dietary supplement)
:: probiòtic {m}
probiotic {adj} (that contains live bacteria for therapeutic purposes)
:: probiòtic
problem {n} (difficulty)
:: problema {m}
problem {n} (schoolwork exercise)
:: problema {m}
problem {n} (puzzling circumstance)
:: problema {m}
problematic {adj} (posing a problem)
:: problemàtic
problematic {adj} (uncertain, debatable, questionable)
:: problemàtic, dubtós, incert
problematical {adj} (problematic) SEE: problematic
proboscis {n} (elongated tube)
:: probòscide {f}
procedural {adj} (related to procedure)
:: procedimental
procedure {n} (method for performing a task)
:: procediment {m}
procedure {n} (series of small tasks to accomplish an end)
:: procediment {m}
procedure {n} (set of established forms or methods of an organized body)
:: procediment {m}
procedure {n} (computing: subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task)
:: procediment {m}
procedure mask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask
process {n} (series of events to produce a result)
:: procés {m}
process {n} (path of succession of states through which a system passes)
:: procés {m}
process {v} (to perform a particular process)
:: processar
processing {n} (action of the verb to process)
:: processament {m}
procession {n} (act of progressing or proceeding)
:: processió {f}
procession {n} (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner)
:: processó {f}
processor {n} (device which processes)
:: processador {m}
processor {n} (microprocessor)
:: processador {m}
processual {adj} (of, or relating to a process)
:: processal
proclamation {n} (a statement which is proclaimed)
:: proclamació {f}
proclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the following word)
:: proclític {m}
proconsul {n} (in ancient Rome: a magistrate who served as a consul and then as the governor of a province)
:: procònsol {m}
procrastinate {v} (put off; to delay taking action)
:: procrastinar
procrastination {n} (act of postponing, delaying or putting off)
:: procrastinació {f}
procreate {v} (to beget)
:: procrear
procreate {v} (to procreate) SEE: beget
proctologist {n} (expert in proctology)
:: proctòleg {m}
proctology {n} (branch of medicine)
:: proctologia {f}
prodigal {adj} (wastefully extravagant)
:: pròdig
prodigal son {n} (one who returns)
:: fill pròdig
prodigious {adj} (gigantic or huge)
:: prodigiós
prodigious {adj} (amazing)
:: prodigiós
prodigy {n} (something from which omens are drawn)
:: prodigi {m}
prodigy {n} (amazing or marvelous thing)
:: prodigi {m}
prodigy {n} (wonderful example of something)
:: prodigi {m}
prodigy {n} (extremely talented person, especially a child)
:: prodigi {m}
produce {v} (to make or manufacture)
:: produir
producer {n} (in arts)
:: productor {m}, productora {f}
product {n} (commodity for sale)
:: producte {m}
product {n} (amount created by a process)
:: producte {m}
product {n} (consequence of efforts)
:: producte {m}
product {n} (result of chemical reaction)
:: producte {m}
product {n} (multiplication result)
:: producte {m}
production {n} (the act of producing)
:: producció {f}
production {n} (the total amount produced)
:: producció {f}
productive {adj} (capable of producing something)
:: productiu
productive {adj} (yielding good or useful results; constructive)
:: productiu
productivity {n} (state of being productive)
:: productivitat {f}
product placement {n} (a form of advertising)
:: emplaçament de producte {m}
profane {adj} (Not sacred or holy)
:: profà
profane {v} (To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt)
:: profanar
profanely {adv} (in a profane manner)
:: profanament
profaner {n}
:: profanador {m}, profanadora {f}
profanity {n} (quality of being profane)
:: profanitat {f}
profession {n} (occupation)
:: professió {f}, ofici {m}
professional {n} (person who belongs to a profession)
:: professional
professional {n} (person who earns their living from a specified activity)
:: professional {m} {f}
professional {n} (expert)
:: professional
professional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession)
:: professional
professional {adj} (expert)
:: professional, perit
professionalization {n} (act pr process)
:: professionalització {f}
professionalize {v} (make something professional)
:: professionalitzar
professionally {adv} (in a professional manner)
:: professionalment
professional wrestling {n} (Entertainment characterized by choreographed wrestling)
:: lluita lliure {f}
professor {n} (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university)
:: professor {m}, professora {f}
proficiency {n} (ability or skill)
:: habilitat, competència {f}
proficient {adj} (skilled)
:: perit, capaç, versat
profile {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation
profit {n} (total income or cash flow minus expenditures)
:: benefici {m}
profitable {adj} (producing profit)
:: profitós, rendible
profoundly {adv} (in a profound manner)
:: profundament
profoundly {adv} (deeply) SEE: deeply
profuse {adj} (In great quantity or abundance)
:: profús
progenitor {n} (founder) SEE: founder
progenitor {n} (any of a person's direct ancestors)
:: progenitor {m}
progeny {n} (offspring)
:: progènie {f}
prognathic {adj} (prognathous) SEE: prognathous
prognathous {adj} (with jaws projecting forward)
:: prògnat {m}
program {n} (set of structured activities)
:: programa {m}
program {n} (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity)
:: programa {m}
program {n} (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television)
:: programa {m}
program {n} (software application)
:: programa {m}
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs)
:: programador {m}
programming {n} (brain-washing) SEE: brain-washing
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols)
:: llenguatge de programació {f}
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards)
:: progrés
progress {v}
:: progressar
progression {n} (moving from one thing to another)
:: progressió {f}
progression {n} (mathematical sequence)
:: progressió {f}
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous
progressive {adj} (favouring or promoting progress; advanced)
:: progressista
progressive {adj} (gradually advancing in extent; increasing)
:: progressiu
progressive {adj} (promoting or favoring progress towards improved conditions or new policies, ideas or methods)
:: progressista
progressive {adj} (increasing in rate as the taxable amount increases)
:: progressiu
progressive {adj} (advancing in severity)
:: progressiu
progressively {adv} (in a progressive manner)
:: progressivament
progressivism {n} (political ideology)
:: progressisme {m}
prohibit {v} (to proscribe officially)
:: prohibir
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden
prohibition {n} (act of prohibiting)
:: prohibició {f}, interdicció {f}
project {n} (planned endeavor)
:: projecte {m}
projectile {n} (object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon)
:: projectil {m}
projector {n} (optical device)
:: projector {m}
prokaryote {n} (organism characterized by absence of nucleus)
:: procariota {m}
prokaryotic {adj} (of cells, lacking a nucleus)
:: procariota
prolactinemia {n}
:: prolactinèmia {f}
proletarianization {n} (act or process of making somebody or something proletarian)
:: proletarització
proletariat {n} (working class or lower class)
:: proletariat {m}
prolific {adj} (Fertile, producing offspring or fruit in great abundance)
:: prolífic
prolific {adj} (Similarly producing results or works in abundance)
:: prolífic
proline {n} (nonessential amino acid; C5H9NO2)
:: prolina {f}
prolix {adj} (tediously lengthy)
:: prolix
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long
prolixity {n} (An excess of words)
:: prolixitat {f}
prolog {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue
prologue {n} (speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel)
:: pròleg {m}
promenade {n} (place to walk)
:: passeig {m}
promenade {v} (to walk)
:: passejar
Prometheus {prop} (Greek mythological figure)
:: Prometeu {m}
promethium {n} (chemical element)
:: prometi {m}
prominence {n} (being prominent)
:: prominència {f}
prominent {adj} (projecting, protuberant)
:: prominent
prominent {adj} (likely to attract attention)
:: prominent
prominent {adj} (eminent, distinguished above others)
:: prominent
promiscuity {n} (state or quality of being promiscuous)
:: promiscuïtat {f}
promiscuous {adj} (made up of various disparate elements mixed together)
:: promiscu
promiscuous {adj} (made without careful choice; indiscriminate)
:: promiscu
promiscuous {adj} (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
:: promiscu
promiscuously {adv} (in a promiscuous manner)
:: promíscuament
promiscuousness {n} (promiscuity) SEE: promiscuity
promise {n} (vow)
:: promesa {f}
promise {v} (to commit to something)
:: prometre
promising {adj} (showing promise, and likely to develop in a desirable fashion)
:: prometedor
promo {n} (promotion)
:: promo
prompt {adj} (quick)
:: ràpid
prompt {adj} (on time)
:: puntual
prompt {v} (to lead someone toward what they should say or do)
:: incitar
prompt {v} (to show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing)
:: apuntar
prompt {v} (to cause or lead to)
:: causar
prompter {n} (person in a theater)
:: apuntador {m}, apuntadora {f}
promulgate {v} (to make known public)
:: promulgar
promulgate {v} (to put into effect as a regulation)
:: promulgar
promulgation {n} (act of promulgating)
:: promulgació {f}
pronaos {n} (the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple)
:: prónaos {m}
prone {adj} (lying face downward; prostrate)
:: pron, bocaterrós
prone {adj} (predisposed)
:: predisposat, propens, procliu
pronominal {adj} (of a pronoun)
:: pronominal
pronoun {n} (type of noun)
:: pronom {m}
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate)
:: pronunciar
pronounceable {adj} (able to be pronounced)
:: pronunciable
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word)
:: pronunciació {f}, pronúncia {f}
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced)
:: pronunciació {f}, pronúncia {f}
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth)
:: prova {f}
prop {n} (rugby: player next to the hooker in a scrum)
:: pilar {m} {f}
prop {n} (item placed on a stage to create a scene)
:: utillatge {m}
propaganda {n} (concerted set of messages)
:: propaganda {f}
propaganda of the deed {n} (a provocative act of political violence intended to inspire imitators and foment an anarchist revolt)
:: propaganda pel fet {f}
propagandist {n} (Person who disseminates propaganda)
:: propagandista {m} {f}
propagation {n} (the multiplication or natural increase in a population)
:: propagació {f}
propagation {n} (the dissemination of something to a larger area or greater number)
:: propagació {f}
propane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8)
:: propà {m}
proparoxytone {adj} (proparoxytone)
:: proparoxíton
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel)
:: hèlice {f}
propelling pencil {n} (mechanical pencil) SEE: mechanical pencil
propenoic {adj} (acrylic) SEE: acrylic
proper {adj} (fit, suitable)
:: adequat
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity)
:: nom propi
property {n} (something owned)
:: propietat {f}, possessió {f}, immoble {m}
property {n} (piece of real estate)
:: propietat {f}
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing)
:: pertinença {f}
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept)
:: propietat {f}
property {n} (an attribute characteristic of a class of objects)
:: propietat {f}
property {n} (computing: an editable parameter associated with an application, or its value)
:: propietat {f}
property {n}
:: hisenda {f}
prophecy {n} (prediction)
:: profecia {f}
prophesy {v} (to predict)
:: profetitzar
prophesy {v} (to speak as a prophet)
:: profetitzar
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration)
:: profeta {m} {f}
prophet {n} (one who foretells the future)
:: profeta {m} {f}
prophetic {adj} (of, or relating to a prophecy or a prophet)
:: profètic
prophylactic {adj} (Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect, especially disease)
:: profilàctic
prophylaxis {n} (prevention of, or protective treatment for disease)
:: profilaxi {f}
propolis {n} (glue-like substance)
:: pròpolis {m}
proportion {n} (quantity that is part of the whole)
:: proporció {f}
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size
proportional {adj} (at a constant ratio (to))
:: proporcional
proportional {adj} (proportionate)
:: proporcional
proportionally {adv} (in proportion)
:: proporcionalment
proportionate {adj} (proportional)
:: proporcional
proportionate {adj} (harmonious and symmetrical)
:: proporcional
proposal {n} (that which is proposed)
:: proposta {f}
propose {v} (to suggest a plan or course of action)
:: proposar
propriety {n} (fitness; the quality of being appropriate)
:: propietat {f}
propriety {n} (correctness in behaviour and morals)
:: propietat {f}
proprioception {n} (sense of the position of parts of the body)
:: propiocepció {f}
propulsion {n} (the action of driving or pushing)
:: propulsió {f}
propyl {n} (hydrocarbon radicals)
:: propil {m}
prosaic {adj} (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose)
:: prosaic
pros and cons {n} (for and against)
:: el pro i el contra {m}, els pros i els contres {m-p}
proscenium {n} (modern theatre: stage area between the curtain and the orchestra)
:: prosceni {m}
proscenium {n} (ancient theatre: stage area immediately in front of the scene building)
:: prosceni {m}
proscenium {n} (ancient theatre: row of columns at the front the scene building)
:: prosceni {m}
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry)
:: prosa {f}
prosecute {v} (To pursue something to the end)
:: perseguir
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution)
:: fiscal {m} {f}
proselyte {n} (one who has converted to a religion)
:: prosèlit {m} {f}
proselytism {n} (proselytizing or being a proselyte)
:: proselitisme {m}
prosimian {n} (primate suborder)
:: prosimi {m}
prosody {n} (linguistics: study of rhythm and other attributes in speech)
:: prosòdia {f}
prosopagnosia {n} (disorder of face perception)
:: prosopagnòsia {f}
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships)
:: prosopografia
prospect {n} (potential things that may come to pass, usually favorable)
:: prospeccions
prospect {v} (to search as for gold)
:: fer prospeccions
prospect {v} (to determine which minerals or metals are present in a location)
:: prospectar
prosper {v} (to be successful)
:: prosperar
prosperity {n} (condition of being prosperous)
:: prosperitat {f}
prosperous {adj} (characterized by success)
:: pròsper
prosperous {adj} (well off; affluent)
:: pròsper
prosperous {adj} (favorable)
:: pròsper
prostaglandin {n} (lipid)
:: prostaglandina {f}
prostate {n} (prostate gland)
:: pròstata {f}
prostatectomy {n} (surgical removal of prostate)
:: prostatectomia {f}
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate
prostatitis {n} (inflammation of the prostate)
:: prostatitis {f}
prosthesis {n} (prothesis) SEE: prothesis
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part)
:: pròtesi {f}
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis
prosthodontics {n} (restoration or replacement of damaged or missing teeth)
:: prostodòncia {f}
prostitute {v} (reflexive: to perform sexual activity for money)
:: prostituir-se
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit)
:: prostitut {m}, prostituta {f}
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit)
:: prostitució {f}
prostyle {n} (building)
:: pròstil {m}
protactinium {n} (chemical element)
:: protactini {m}
protagonist {n} (main character)
:: protagonista {m} {f}
protagonist {n} (leading person in a contest)
:: protagonista {m} {f}
protean {adj} (exceedingly variable)
:: proteic
protease {n} (enzyme)
:: proteasa {f}
protect {v} (to keep safe)
:: protegir
protection {n} (process of keeping sthg safe)
:: protecció {f}
protectionism {n} (A policy of protecting the domestic producers of a product by imposing tariffs, quotas or other barriers on imports)
:: proteccionisme {m}
protectionist {adj}
:: proteccionista {m} {f}
protectionist {n}
:: proteccionista {m} {f}
protectionistic {adj} (protectionist) SEE: protectionist
protector {n} (someone who protects or guards)
:: protector {m}
protector {n} (a mechanism which is designed to protect)
:: protector {m}
protectorate {n} (government by a protector)
:: protectorat {m}
protein {n} (biochemistry: complex molecule)
:: proteïna {f}
protein {n} (class of food)
:: proteïna {f}
proteomics {n} (branch of molecular biology)
:: proteòmica {f}
protest {v} (to make a strong objection)
:: protestar
protest {n} (formal objection)
:: protesta {f}
Protestant {n} (someone who is a member of such a denomination)
:: protestant {m} {f}
Protestant {adj} (pertaining to these denominatons)
:: protestant
Protestantism {n} (faith)
:: protestantisme {m}
protester {n} (person who protests)
:: protestant {m} {f}, manifestant {m} {f}
Proteus {prop} (mythology)
:: Proteu {m}
Proteus {prop} (moon)
:: Proteu {m}
prothesis {n} (the addition of a sound or syllable at the beginning of a word without changing the word's meaning or the rest of its structure)
:: pròtesi {f}
prothrombin {n} (glycoprotein)
:: protrombina {f}
protium {n} (lightest isotope of hydrogen)
:: proti {m}
Proto-Indo-European {prop} (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages)
:: protoindoeuropeu {m}
Proto-Indo-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Indo-European) SEE: Proto-Indo-European
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language)
:: protollengua {f}
protomartyr {n} (any of the first Christian martyrs)
:: protomàrtir {m} {f}
Proto-Mayan {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language)
:: proto-maia
proton {n} (positively charged nucleon)
:: protó
protoplanet {n} (astronomical object)
:: protoplaneta {f}
prototype {n} (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects)
:: prototip {m}
protozoal {adj} (protozoan) SEE: protozoan
protozoan {n} (any of a diverse group of eukaryotes)
:: protozou {m}
protractor {n} (a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles)
:: transportador {m}, semicercle
protuberance {n} (Something that protrudes)
:: protuberància {f}
proturan {n} (insect of Protura)
:: protur {m}
proud {adj} (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied)
:: orgullós
proud {adj} (possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves)
:: orgullós
proud {adj} (having a too high opinion of oneself; arrogant, supercilious)
:: orgullós, arrogant
proud {adj} (obsolete: brave, valiant; gallant)
:: orgullós
proud {adj} (standing out, swollen)
:: orgullós
proudly {adv} (in a proud manner)
:: orgullosament
prove {v} (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for)
:: provar, demostrar
Provençal {adj} (of or relating to Provence)
:: provençal
Provençal {prop} (language spoken in Provence)
:: provençal {m}
Provençal {prop} (inhabitant of Provence)
:: provençal {m}
Provence {prop} (region in France)
:: Provença {f}
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur {prop} (region of France)
:: Provença-Alps-Costa Blava
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth)
:: proverbi {m}, dita {f}, refrany {m}, parèmia {f}
Proverbs {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Proverbis
provide {v} (to give what is needed or desired)
:: proveir
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level)
:: província {f}
provincial {adj} (of or pertaining to a province)
:: provincial
provisional {adj} (temporary)
:: provisional, provisori
provisionally {adv} (in a provisional way)
:: provisionalment
provocative {adj} (tending to provoke strong negative feeling)
:: provocador, provocatiu
provoke {v} (to cause to become angry)
:: provocar
prow {n} (fore part of a vessel; bow)
:: proa {f}
prowl {v} (To be on the lookout for some prey)
:: aguaitar
prowl {v} (To be watching over something)
:: aguaitar
proximal {adj} (Closer to the point of attachment)
:: proximal
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately
proximity {n} (closeness; the state of being near as in space, time, or relationship)
:: proximitat {f}
proxy server {n} (hardware server)
:: servidor intermediari {m}
præstige {n} (Archaic spelling of prestige) SEE: prestige
prudence {n} (The quality or state of being prudent)
:: prudència {f}
Prudence {prop} (female given name)
:: Prudència {f}
prudent {adj} (sagacious in adapting means to ends)
:: prudent
prudently {adv} (in a prudent manner)
:: prudentment
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum
prune {v} (dried plum)
:: pruna seca {f}
prune {v} (trim a tree or shrub)
:: podar, esporgar
pruning {n} (action of pruning)
:: poda {f}
Prussia {prop} (geographical area)
:: Prússia {f}
Prussia {prop} (former Baltic country)
:: Prússia {f}
Prussia {prop} (former German province)
:: Prússia {f}
Prussian {adj} (of Prussia)
:: prussià
Prussian {prop} (language)
:: prussià {m}
Prussian {n} (native or inhabitant of the geographical region of Prussia)
:: prussià {m}
Prussian blue {n} (pigment)
:: blau de Prússia {m}
Prussian blue {n} (colour)
:: blau de Prússia {m}
pry {v} (to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey)
:: dotorejar
PS {n} (addendum to a letter)
:: PS
psalm {n} (sacred song)
:: salm {m}, psalm {m}
psalm {n} (a hymn collected into one book of the Old Testament)
:: salm {m}, psalm {m}
psalm {v} (to extol in psalms; to sing)
:: salmejar, psalmejar
Psalms {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Salms {m-p}
psalter {n} (The Book of Psalms)
:: saltiri {m}
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum
psalterium {n} (zither-like instrument)
:: tamborí de cordes {m}
psaltery {n} (instrument)
:: saltiri {m}
pseudo- {prefix} (not genuine)
:: pseudo-
pseudocroup {n} (croup) SEE: croup
pseudoephedrine {n} (sympathomimetic alkaloid)
:: pseudoefedrina
pseudohermaphrodite {n} (individual with a genital malformation)
:: pseudohermafrodita
pseudohermaphroditism {n} (having different internal and external sexual organs)
:: pseudohermafroditisme {m}
pseudonym {n} (fictitious name)
:: pseudònim {m}
pseudopod {n} (temporary projection)
:: pseudòpode {m}
pseudoscience {n} (purported science)
:: pseudociència {f}
pseudoword {n} (unit)
:: logàtom {m}
psi {n} (Greek letter)
:: psi {f}
psoriasis {n} (facial skin disease)
:: psoriasi {f}
psyche {n} (the human soul, mind, or spirit)
:: psique {f}
psyched {adj} (thrilled)
:: emocionat, mentalitzat
psyched {adj} (frightened)
:: asustat
psychedelia {n} (subculture)
:: psicodèlia {f}
psychedelic {adj} (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.)
:: psicodèlic
psychiatric {adj} (of, or relating to, psychiatry)
:: psiquiàtric
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital
psychiatrist {n} (doctor specializing in psychiatry)
:: psiquiatre {m}
psychiatry {n} (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders)
:: psiquiatria {f}
psycho- {prefix} (relating to the mind)
:: psico-
psychoactive {adj} (pharmacology: affecting the mind or mental processes)
:: psicoactiu
psychoanalysis {n} (family of psychological theories)
:: psicoanàlisi {f}
psychoanalyst {n} (practitioner)
:: psicoanalista {m} {f}
psychoanalytic {adj} (of or relating to psychoanalysis)
:: psicoanalític
psychoanalytical {adj} (psychoanalytic) SEE: psychoanalytic
psychoanalyze {v} (practice psychoanalysis)
:: psicoanalitzar
psychodrama {n} (a form of psychotherapy)
:: psicodrama {m}
psychological {adj} (of or pertaining to psychology)
:: psicològic
psychologically {adv} (in a psychological manner)
:: psicològicament
psychologist {n} (expert in the field of psychology)
:: psicòleg {m}
psychology {n} (study of the human mind)
:: psicologia {f}
psychology {n} (the study of the human behavior)
:: psicologia {f}
psychology {n} (the mental characteristics of a particular individual)
:: psicologia {f}
psychometrics {n} (design of psychological tests to measure intelligence)
:: psicometria {f}
psychopath {n} (person with a personality disorder)
:: psicòpata {m} {f}
psychopathology {n} (study of mental illness)
:: psicopatologia {f}
psychopathy {n} (personality disorder)
:: psicopatia {f}
psychosis {n} (mental disorder)
:: psicosi {f}
psychosocial {adj} (having both psychological and social aspects)
:: psicosocial
psychotherapy {n} (treatment of those with mental illness)
:: psicoteràpia {f}
psychotic {adj} (of, related to, or suffering from psychosis)
:: psicòtic
psychrometer {n} (instrument which measures atmospheric humidity)
:: psicròmetre {m}
pétanque {n} (form of boules)
:: petanca {f}
pterodactyl {n} (informal term for any pterosaur)
:: pterodàctil {m}
pterosaur {n} (extinct flying reptile)
:: pterosaure {m}
pub {n} (public house)
:: bar {m}, taverna {f}
puberty {n} (age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction)
:: pubertat {f}
pubescent {adj} (arriving at puberty)
:: púber, pubescent
pubic {adj} (of, or relating to the area of the body adjacent to the pubis)
:: púbic
pubic hair {n} (collectively)
:: pèl púbic {m}
pubis {n} (the pubic bone)
:: pubis {m}
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole)
:: públic
publication {n} (act of publishing)
:: publicació {f}
publication {n} (an issue of printed or other matter)
:: publicació {f}
public domain {n} (realm of intellectual property)
:: domini públic {m}
public finance {n} (field of economics)
:: hisenda pública {f}
public good {n} (good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable)
:: bé públic {m}
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub
publicity {n} (advertising or other activity designed to rouse public interest in something)
:: publicitat {f}
publicity {n} (public interest attracted in this way)
:: publicitat {f}
public key {n} (the public one of the two keys used in asymmetric cryptography)
:: clau pública {f}
public law {n} (law)
:: dret públic {m}
publicly {adv} (in an open and public manner)
:: públicament
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict
public servant {n} (civil servant) SEE: civil servant
public speaking {n} (art of public speaking) SEE: oratory
public works {n} (projects carried out by the government)
:: obra pública {f}
publish {v} (to issue a medium (e.g. publication))
:: publicar
publish {v} (to issue something (usually printed work) for sale and distribution)
:: publicar
publish {v} (to announce to the public)
:: publicar
publisher {n} (One who publishes, especially books)
:: editorial {f}, editor {m}
publishing house {n} (company that produces books)
:: editorial {f}
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert
puddle {n} (a small pool of water)
:: bassiot {m}, toll {m}, bassal {m}
puddle {v} (to form a puddle)
:: entollar
pudor {n} (appropriate sense of modesty or shame)
:: pudor {m}
Puerto Rican {adj} (pertaining to Puerto Rico)
:: porto-riqueny
Puerto Rico {prop} (Caribbean Commonwealth)
:: Puerto Rico {m}
puff {v} (pant) SEE: pant
puff {n} (homosexual) SEE: poof
puff {n} (powder puff) SEE: powder puff
puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica)
:: fraret {m}
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry)
:: pasta de full {f}, pasta fullada {f}
pugilist {n} (one who fights with his fists; a boxer)
:: pugilista {m} {f}
Puglian {adj} (Apulian) SEE: Apulian
pugnacious {adj} (aggressive, belligerent)
:: pugnaç
pug nose {n} (a short nose)
:: nas xato {m}
pug-nosed {adj} (having a pug nose)
:: xato {m}
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pull {v} (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one)
:: tirar
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken
pullet {n} (young hen)
:: polla {f}
pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire {v} (do someone's difficult work)
:: treure les castanyes del foc
pull the plug {v} (disconnect from a supply) SEE: unplug
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs)
:: pulmonar
pulmonary alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs)
:: alvèol pulmonar {m}
pulmonary artery {n} (artery that connects the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs)
:: artèria pulmonar {f}
pulmonary tuberculosis {n} (tuberculosis infecting the lungs)
:: tuberculosi
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church)
:: púlpit {m}
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star)
:: púlsar {m}
pulse {n} (regular beat caused by the heart)
:: pols {m}
pulse {n} (beat, throb)
:: pulsació
pulse {n} (in music)
:: pulsació {f}
pulse oximeter {n} (device used to monitor oxygen)
:: pulsioxímetre
pulse oximetry {n} (method of monitoring of the oxygenation of hemoglobin)
:: pulsioximetria {f}
pumice {n} (pumice)
:: pumicita {f}
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas)
:: bomba {f}
pump {v} (transitive: to use a pump to move liquid or gas)
:: bombar
pump attendant {n} (one who works at a petrol station)
:: encarregat d'una benzinera {m}
pumpkin {n} (plant)
:: carbassera {f}, carabassera {f}
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant)
:: carbassa {f}, carabassa {f}
pun {n} (joke or type of wordplay)
:: joc de paraules {m}
punch {n} (hit or strike with one's fist)
:: cop de puny {m}
punch {v} (to strike something or someone with one's fist)
:: apunyegar
punch {v} (to employ a punch to create a hole)
:: perforar
punch {n} (beverage)
:: ponx {m}
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching)
:: sac de boxa {m}
punching bag {n} (object of abuse)
:: sac de boxa {m}
punctual {adj} (prompt)
:: puntual
punctuality {n} (state of being punctual)
:: puntualitat {f}
punctually {adv} (in a punctual manner)
:: puntualment
punctuate {v} (add punctuation to)
:: puntuar
punctuate {v} (emphasize, stress) SEE: emphasize
punctuation {n} (set of symbols)
:: puntuació {f}
punctuation mark {n} (symbol used in writing)
:: signe de puntuació {m}
puncture {v} (puncture) SEE: pierce
puncture {v} (to pierce)
:: perforar
Punic {adj} (Carthaginian) SEE: Carthaginian
punish {v} (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct)
:: castigar, punir
punishment {n} (the act of punishing)
:: punició {f}, puniment {m}
punishment {n} (penalty for wrongdoing)
:: càstig {m}
punishment {n} (suffering imposed as retribution)
:: punició {f}, puniment {m}
punishment {n} (harsh treatment or experience)
:: punició {f}, puniment {m}
punitive {adj} (punishing)
:: punitiu
Punjab {prop} (geographical region in South Asia)
:: Panjab
Punjabi {adj} (of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language)
:: panjabi
Punjabi {n} (language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan)
:: panjabi {m}
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute
punt {n} (American football: drop-kick)
:: xut al vol {m}
puny {adj} (of inferior size)
:: feble, escarransit, desnerit
pupil {n} (learner)
:: alumne {m}, alumna {f}, pupil {m}, pupil·la {f}
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)
:: pupil·la {f}
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll
puppy {n} (young dog)
:: cadell {m}
purchasing power {n} (amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a unit of currency)
:: poder adquisitiu {m}
pure {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections)
:: pur
pure {adj} (free of foreign material or pollutants)
:: pur
pure {adj} (free of immoral behavior or qualities; clean)
:: pur
purely imaginary number {n} (imaginary number) SEE: imaginary number
purgative {adj} (capable of purging)
:: purgatiu
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death)
:: purgatori {m}
purification {n} (act of purifying)
:: purificació {f}
purify {v} (cleanse something of impurities)
:: purificar
purism {n} (insistence on the traditionally correct way)
:: purisme {m}
purist {adj} (pertaining to purism)
:: purista
purist {n} (advocate of purism)
:: purista {m} {f}
puristic {adj} (purist) SEE: purist
puritan {n} (puritanical person)
:: purità {m}
puritan {adj} (having very strict moral standards)
:: purità
Puritan {n} (member of a particular Protestant religious sect)
:: purità {m}
Puritanism {n} (practices of the Puritans)
:: puritanisme {m}
purity {n} (the state of being pure)
:: puresa {f}
purlin {n} (longitudinal structural member of a roof)
:: corretja {f}
purple {n} (colour)
:: porpra {f}, púrpura {f}
purple {n} (a purple robe, worn as an emblem of rank or authority)
:: porpra {f}
purple {adj} (colour)
:: porpra, purpuri
purplish {adj} (somewhat purple in colour/color)
:: moradenc
purpose {n} (target)
:: propòsit {m}
purpose {n} (intention)
:: propòsit {m}, intenció {f}
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose
purpure {n} (purple colour on a coat of arms)
:: porpra {f}
purr {v} (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat)
:: roncar, ronronejar
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money)
:: moneder {m}
purslane {n} (Portulaca oleracea) SEE: common purslane
pursuit {n} (act of pursuing)
:: perseguiment {m}
purulent {adj} (consisting of pus)
:: purulent
purveyor {n} (supplier) SEE: supplier
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection)
:: pus {m}
push {v} (to apply a force to something so that it moves away)
:: empènyer, empentar
push {n} (short, directed application of force; act of pushing)
:: empenta {f}
push {n} (great effort (to do something))
:: empenta {f}
push {n} (attempt to persuade someone)
:: empenta {f}
push {v} (to thrust the points of the horns against) SEE: gore
push-button {n} (electrical switch)
:: polsador {m}, botó {m}
push in {v} (jump the queue) SEE: jump the queue
pushing up daisies {adj} ((euphemism) dead)
:: estar fent malves
pushpin {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter
pushup {n} (push-up) SEE: push-up
push-up {n} (exercise performed by resting on one's toes and hands and pushing one's weight off the floor)
:: flexió {f}
pusillanimous {adj} (showing cowardice)
:: pusil·lànime
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia)
:: cony {m}
put {v} (to place something somewhere)
:: posar, ficar, metre
put {v}
:: posar, pondre
putative {adj} (commonly believed or deemed to be the case)
:: putatiu
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison
Putin {prop} (surname)
:: Putin
put out {n} (baseball statistic)
:: eliminació {f}
put out {v} (extinguish)
:: apagar
putrescible {adj} (Decomposable; capable of becoming putrescent; rottable)
:: putrescible
putrid {adj} (rotting, rotten, being in a state of putrefaction)
:: pútrid
putsch {n} (a coup; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government)
:: cop d'estat {m}
putt {v} (to lightly strike a golf ball with a putter)
:: fer un putt
putting green {n} (area on a golf course)
:: green {m}
putto {n} (representation of a small, naked, often winged child)
:: amoret
put to death {v} (to kill as punishment) SEE: execute
put to words {v} (verbally express) SEE: articulate
putty {n} (a form of cement)
:: massilla {f}
putty {n} (any of a range of similar substances)
:: màstic {m}
putty {v} (to fix something using putty)
:: massillar
Puy-de-Dôme {prop} (département of Auvergne, France)
:: Puèi Domat {m}
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword
puzzle {n} (game for one person)
:: trencaclosques {m}
puzzle {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle
puzzled {adj} (confused or perplexed)
:: perplex
Pyeongchang {prop} (county of South Korea)
:: Pyeongchang
pygmy {n} (a member of various African peoples)
:: pigmeu {m}
pylon {n} (obelisk) SEE: obelisk
pylorus {n} (opening between the stomach and duodenum)
:: pílor {m}
pyramid {n} (ancient construction)
:: piràmide {f}
pyramid {n} (construction)
:: piràmide {f}
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base)
:: piràmide {f}
pyramidal {adj} (pyramid-shaped)
:: piramidal
pyre {n} (funeral pile)
:: pira {f}
Pyrenean {adj} (of or pertaining to the Pyrenees)
:: pirinenc
Pyrenean ibex {n} (recently extinct subspecies of ibex)
:: herc {m}, erc {m}
Pyrenees {prop} (the mountain range separating Spain from France)
:: Pirineus {m-p}
pyrheliometer {n} (measuring device)
:: pirheliòmetre {m}
pyridine {n} (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds)
:: piridina {f}
pyrite {n} (mineral iron disulfide)
:: pirita {f}
Pyrénées-Orientales {prop} (department of France)
:: Pirineus Orientals {m-p}
pyrochlore {n} (mineral)
:: piroclor {m}
pyroclastic flow {n} (pyroclastic flow)
:: flux piroclàstic {m}
pyrogen {n} (substance that produces fever)
:: pirogen {m}
pyrolysis {n} (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents)
:: piròlisi
pyromania {n} (disorder)
:: piromania {f}
pyromaniac {n} (one who is obsessed with fire)
:: piròman
pyrometer {n} (thermometer)
:: piròmetre {m}
pyrosis {n} (burning sensation due to reflux)
:: pirosi {f}
pyrotechnic {adj} (of or relating to fireworks)
:: pirotècnic
pyrotechnic {adj} (of or relating to pyrotechny)
:: pirotècnic
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework
pyrotechnics {n} (art and technology of fireworks)
:: pirotècnia {f}
pyroxene {n} (mineral)
:: piroxè {m}
Pyrrhic {adj} (achieved at excessive cost)
:: pírric
pyrrole {n} (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds)
:: pirrole {m}
Pythagoras {prop} (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher)
:: Pitàgores
Pythagorean {adj} (of or relating to Pythagoras or his philosophy)
:: pitagòric
python {n} (constricting snake)
:: pitó {m}
pyxis {n} (anatomy: acetabulum) SEE: acetabulum