-i {suffix}
:: Added to a proper noun, noun or postposition to form an adjective
-i {suffix}
:: his/her/its ...-s (third-person singular, multiple possessions)
-i {suffix}
:: your ... -s (second-person singular and plural formal, multiple possessions)
-i {suffix}
:: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation)
-i {suffix}
:: Added to nouns, mostly used by the younger generation or in informal conversations
i {letter}
:: letter: i
I {letter}
:: letter: i
í {letter}
:: letter: í
Í {letter}
:: letter: í
iá {interj}
:: hee-haw (the cry of an ass or donkey)
-ias {suffix}
:: reminding of, appropriate to, characteristic of. Added to a noun to form an adjective
Iaszón {prop}
:: Jason (the leader of the Argonauts)
iatrokémia {n}
:: iatrochemistry
Ibi {prop}
:: given name
ibolya {adj}
:: violet (colour)
ibolya {n}
:: violet (flower)
Ibolya {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Violet
ibrik {n}
:: ibrik (ewer)
-id {suffix}
:: your ... -s (second-person singular informal, multiple possessions)
-id {suffix}
:: -ide (indicating a binary compound)
id. {adj}
:: Sr. (a title used before a father's name when his son is given the same name)
Ida {prop}
:: given name
ide- {prefix}
:: here, to this place
ide {adv}
:: here
ide {adv}
:: hither, this way
idea {n}
:: idea
idead {vt}
:: to give, hand over
ideál {n}
:: ideal (a perfect standard of beauty, intellect, or a standard of excellence to aim at)
ideális {adj}
:: ideal
ideálisabb {adj}
:: comparative of ideális
idealizál {vt}
:: to idealize
ideértve {adv}
:: including
ideg {n}
:: nerve
ideg {n}
:: bowstring
ideg {n}
:: string of lute
idegen {adj}
:: unknown, strange
idegen {adj}
:: foreign, alien
idegen {adj}
:: extraneous
idegen {n}
:: stranger
idegen {n}
:: foreigner, alien
idegenebb {adj}
:: comparative of idegen
idegenforgalmi {adj}
:: touristic
idegenforgalom {n}
:: tourism
idegengyűlölet {n}
:: xenophobia
idegenkedik {vi}
:: to feel aversion (toward someone or something tól)
idegenlégiós {n}
:: legionnaire (member of the French Foreign Legion)
idegen nyelv {n}
:: foreign language (a language that is not one's native tongue)
idegenvezető {n}
:: tour guide, tourist guide
idegennyelv-oktatás {n}
:: foreign language teaching
ideges {adj}
:: nervous, worried
ideges {adj}
:: annoyed, tense
idegesebb {adj}
:: comparative of ideges
idegesít {vt}
:: to annoy, to irritate
idegesítő {adj}
:: annoying, irritating, exasperating, tiresome, nerve-racking
idegesség {n}
:: nervousness
idegklinika {n}
:: neurology clinic
idegkórtan {n}
:: neurology
idegorvos {n}
:: neurologist
idegösszeomlás {n}
:: nervous breakdown
idegrendszer {n}
:: nervous system (system which coordinates the activity of the body)
idegroham {n}
:: fit of nerves, anxiety attack, panic attack
idegsejt {n}
:: nerve cell, neuron, neurocyte (a cell of the nervous system, which conducts nerve impulses)
ideggyógyász {n}
:: neurologist
ideggyógyászat {n}
:: neurology (the branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of nervous system)
ideggyógyászat {n}
:: department of neurology (the hospital department specialized in treating neurological disorders)
ideggyógyászat {n}
:: department of neurology (a university faculty, an area of study)
idehaza {adv}
:: at home, here
idei {adj}
:: this year's, of this year, current year
ideiglen {adv}
:: temporarily (for a certain time)
ideiglenes {adj}
:: temporary, provisional, provisory (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant)
ideiglenesebb {adj}
:: comparative of ideiglenes
ideiglenesebben {adv}
:: comparative of ideiglenesen
ideiglenesen {adv}
:: temporarily, momentarily
ideiglenesség {n}
:: temporary character, provisionality
ideig-óráig {adv}
:: temporarily (for a short time)
ideír {vt}
:: to write here
idejében {adv}
:: in time
idejétmúlt {adj}
:: old-fashioned, outmoded, outdated (no longer in vogue)
idejétmúlt {adj}
:: belated, delayed, untimely (no longer timely; later in relation to the proper time something should have happened)
idejű {adj}
:: of time, duration, term
ideküld {vt}
:: to send someone or something to the speaker's location
idempotencia {n}
:: idempotence
idén {adv}
:: this year
identifikáció {n}
:: identification
identitás {n}
:: identity
identitásmátrix {n}
:: identity matrix
idény {n}
:: season, period
idényjelleg {n}
:: seasonality, seasonal nature
idényjellegű {adj}
:: seasonal (varying with the seasons of the year)
ide-oda {adv}
:: here and there, to and fro, back and forth
ideológia {n}
:: ideology
ideológiai {adj}
:: ideologic, ideological
idétlen {adj}
:: silly, antic, unsightly, weird
idétlen {adj}
:: preterm (of a premature birth or baby)
idétlen {n}
:: idiot (a foolish and stupid person)
idétlenkedés {n}
:: playing the fool, foolishness
idétlenkedik {vi}
:: to play the fool, fool around (to behave in a foolish manner)
idéz {vt}
:: to quote, to cite
idéz {vt}
:: to be reminiscent of something, to remind
idéz {vt}
:: to summon
idéz {vt}
:: to conjure up, to summon (a ghost or a spirit)
idézés {n}
:: quoting, citing
idézés {n}
:: summoning, citation (the act by which somebody is summoned)
idézés {n}
:: subpoena (a writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony)
idézet {n}
:: quotation, quote
idézőjel {n}
:: quotation mark (used like „this” in Hungarian)
idióma {n}
:: idiom (any mode of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people)
idióma {n}
:: idiom (a specific language or language variety)
idióma {n}
:: idiom (an established expression whose meaning is not deducible from the literal meanings of its component words)
idióta {n}
:: idiot
idom {n}
:: figure
idom {n}
:: form, shape, curves, figure
idom {n}
:: mold, mould (a hollow form for shaping a fluid or plastic substance)
idomtalan {adj}
:: ungainly (strikingly large and clumsy)
idomtalan {adj}
:: shapeless, malformed, misshapen (having a bad or ugly form)
idő {n}
:: a concept relating to the temporal dimension
idő {n}
:: time (the progression into the future with the passing of events into the past)
idő {n}
:: time (numerical or general indication of a quantity of time)
idő {n}
:: time (the present moment as indicated by a clock)
idő {n}
:: time (the appropriate moment or hour for something)
idő {n}
:: time zone (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used)
idő {n}
:: era, time (time period of indeterminate length, generally more than one year)
idő {n}
:: one's time (a person's youth or young adulthood, as opposed to the present day)
idő {n}
:: time-out (short break in the action of a sport)
idő {n}
:: tense (any of the forms of a verb which distinguish when an action occurs)
idő {n}
:: weather (short term state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place)
időbeli {adj}
:: temporal, time, of time
időben {adv}
:: in time (at or before the time assigned)
időbeosztás {n}
:: time management
időbeosztás {n}
:: timetable
időegység {n}
:: unit of time
időgazdálkodás {n}
:: time management
időgép {n}
:: time machine (a hypothetical device used to travel into the past or the future)
időhiány {n}
:: lack of time, time constraints
időhúzás {n}
:: temporization, temporizing, stall, playing for time (the act of intentionally causing a delay; a delaying tactic)
időigényes {adj}
:: time-consuming
időigényesebb {adj}
:: comparative of időigényes
időintervallum {n}
:: time interval
időjárás {n}
:: weather
időjárási {adj}
:: meteorological, of or relating to weather
időjárás-jelentés {n}
:: weather forecast, weather report (prediction of future weather in a newspaper or on the radio or television)
időkapszula {n}
:: time capsule
időköz {n}
:: interval, time interval, lapse, period
időközben {adv}
:: meanwhile, in the meantime, meantime
időközi {adj}
:: interim, by- (happening between two scheduled points in time, especially an election occurring outside the regular timetable)
időközönként {adv}
:: from time to time, now and then, at ... intervals
időnként {adv}
:: from time to time, now and then, once in a while, occasionally
időnkénti {adj}
:: periodical, occasional
időpont {n}
:: date, moment, (point of) time
időrend {n}
:: chronology, chronological order (order of time)
időrendi {adj}
:: chronological
időrendi sorrendben {adv}
:: in chronological order
idős {adj}
:: old (not young), elderly
idős {adj}
:: year(s) old (referring to years of age)
idős {adj}
:: senior, Sr. (a title used before a father's name when his son is given the same name, abbreviated as id.)
idősb {adj}
:: comparative of idős (now mostly limited to the spoken form of id.)
idősebb {adj}
:: comparative of idős
idősen {adv}
:: at an old age
idősor {n}
:: time series
idősödés {n}
:: aging , ageing (becoming older)
idősödik {vi}
:: to grow old, age
időszak {n}
:: period (of time)
időszaki {adj}
:: periodical, periodic, recurrent
időszaki {adj}
:: temporary, seasonal
időszakos {adj}
:: periodic, seasonal
időszámítás {n}
:: computation of time (the system of measuring time)
időszerű {adj}
:: timely, seasonable, opportune (occurring at an appropriate or suitable time)
időszerű {adj}
:: topical (of current interest; contemporary)
időszerűen {adv}
:: timely, topically, opportunely (in a manner convenient or advantageous at some particular time)
időszerűség {n}
:: timeliness, topicality, opportuneness
időszerűtlen {adj}
:: untimely, inopportune
időszerűtlenség {n}
:: untimeliness
időtartam {n}
:: duration, period, term (an amount of time or a particular time interval)
időtlen {adj}
:: timeless, immemorial
időtlenség {n}
:: timelessness
időtöltés {n}
:: pastime, hobby, recreation
időutazás {n}
:: time travel
idővel {adv}
:: over time, in time (as time passes; after a time; eventually)
időz {vi}
:: alternative form of időzik
időzik {vi}
:: to stay, to spend time somewhere
időzik {vi}
:: to dwell on (to spend time in thought with something, a subject, the past, etc.)
időzít {vt}
:: to time (to choose when something begins or how long it lasts)
időzítés {n}
:: timing (the regulation of the pace of e.g. an athletic race, the speed of an engine, the delivery of a joke, or the occurrence of a series of events)
időzítő {n}
:: timer (a device used to measure amounts of time)
időzóna {n}
:: time zone
i. e. {adv}
:: BCE
-ies {suffix}
:: reminding of, appropriate to, characteristic of. Added to a noun to form an adjective
ifj. {adj}
:: Jr. (a title used before a son's name when his father has the same name)
ifjabb {adj}
:: comparative of ifjú
ifjú {adj}
:: young (in the early part of life or growth)
ifjú {n}
:: boy, lad
ifjúság {n}
:: youth
ifjúsági {adj}
:: youth
-ig {suffix}
:: until, till, up to. Used to form the terminative case. It can refer to both time and place. It is used by both back and front vowel words
-ig {suffix}
:: for a specified length of time
iga {n}
:: yoke
-igál {suffix}
:: Appended to a verb to create a new verb indicating repetitive action
igaz {adj}
:: true
igaz {adj}
:: righteous
igaz {n}
:: truth
igaz {n}
:: justice, rightful claim
igaz {n}
:: righteous person
igazabb {adj}
:: comparative of igaz
igazából {adv}
:: really, actually
igazán {adv}
:: really (as an intensifier)
igaza van {v}
:: to be right (to be correct in one's judgment or statement about something)
igazgat {vt}
:: to administer, manage, govern
igazgat {vt}
:: to conduct, order, supervise
igazgat {vt}
:: to adjust, to arrange (objects, sometimes anxiously and at length)
igazgatás {n}
:: management, direction, administration, running, leading
igazgatási {adj}
:: administrative
igazgató {n}
:: director (supervisor, manager), principal (of a school)
igazgatói {adj}
:: directorial, executive, director's, principal's
igazgatóság {n}
:: directorate, management board, board of directors (a body of directors)
igazgatóság {n}
:: head office (the main administrative centre for a company or organisation)
igazgatótanács {n}
:: board of directors, governing body
igazi {adj}
:: real, true, genuine, authentic
igazi {n}
:: Mister Right or Miss Right, the right man or woman
igazibb {adj}
:: comparative of igazi
igazít {vit}
:: to (try to) fix, straighten, tidy (clothes, shoes, hair etc.) (a bit about something n)
igazít {vt}
:: to adjust, fit, suit, match (to something hoz)
igazít {vt}
:: to set or put (a clock forward or back)
igazít {vt}
:: to align (text in a word processor: left, right, centered, or justified)
igazít {vt}
:: to alter (clothes, by a tailor)
igazít {vt}
:: to trim, adjust (haircut, by a hairdresser)
igazol {vt}
:: to justify, verify, confirm, certify
igazolás {n}
:: verification, certificate, certification, confirmation (verification that something has happened)
igazolt {adj}
:: certified, justified, verified, confirmed
igazolvány {n}
:: certificate, pass, ID, identification, ident (a document or documents serving as evidence of a person's identity)
igazolványkép {n}
:: ID photo (standardized headshot photo for use in identity documents)
igazság {n}
:: truth
igazság {n}
:: justice
igazságos {adj}
:: just, fair
igazságosabb {adj}
:: comparative of igazságos
igazságosság {n}
:: justness, justice (state of being just or fair)
igazságszolgáltatás {n}
:: justice (punishment of a person who wronged one)
igazságtalan {adj}
:: unjust, unfair
igazságtalanabb {adj}
:: comparative of igazságtalan
igazságtalanabbul {adv}
:: comparative of igazságtalanul
igazságtalanul {adv}
:: unjustly, unfairly
igazságügyi {adj}
:: of justice, judicial
igazságügy-miniszter {n}
:: justice minister
ige {n}
:: verb
ige {n}
:: Word
igealak {n}
:: verb form
igehirdetés {n}
:: sermon, preaching (the act of delivering a sermon)
igei {adj}
:: verbal, verb-related, verb-like
igeidő {n}
:: tense
igei igenév {n}
:: verbal participle, attributive verb
igekötő {n}
:: coverb, verbal prefix
igemód {n}
:: grammatical mood
igemódosító {n}
:: verbal modifier, verb modifier (a sentence element in Hungarian syntax, comparable to a complement, which tends to head the verb phrase, immediately preceding the suffixed verb form, and forming a close syntactic, semantic, and phonological unit with it; it is typically a verbal prefix or a bare noun or adjective)
igen {adv}
:: quite, very, rather
igen {interj}
:: yes
igen {n}
:: yes
igencsak {adv}
:: quite, rather, pretty
igenév {n}
:: participle or infinitive, in general: any non-finite verb form
igenévi {adj}
:: participial, participle-related, participle-like
igenévi ige {n}
:: verbal participle, attributive verb
igenévszó {n}
:: A word that can be used both as a verb or as a noun, such as nyom (trail; to push), les (ambush; to watch), fagy (frost; to freeze), zár (lock; to close)
igen-igen {adv}
:: exceedingly, extremely (to a great or unusual degree, extent)
igenis {interj}
:: yes, right (sir, madame, etc.) (as a compliant response to a request or order)
igenis {adv}
:: but, yes (to emphasize an objection)
igény {n}
:: claim, demand
igénybe vesz {vt}
:: to take
igénybe vesz {vt}
:: to use
igénybe vesz {vt}
:: to employ, engage, enlist (for something: ra)
igénybe vesz {vt}
:: to tax, strain, tire, take a toll (to make excessive demands on)
igénybevétel {n}
:: employment, making use of
igénybevétel {n}
:: taking advantage of
igénybevétel {n}
:: utilization, use
igénybevétel {n}
:: bearing force, stress
igényel {vt}
:: to claim, demand, require
igényelhető {adj}
:: can be claimed/requested
igényes {adj}
:: exigent, demanding (expecting high quality from other people or things)
igényes {adj}
:: of high standard (having high quality)
igényes {adj}
:: (labor, capital etc.) -intensive, (time)-consuming
igényesebb {adj}
:: comparative of igényes
igényesen {adv}
:: with high standards, with high quality, at a high level, with professionalism and care
igénytelen {adj}
:: unassuming, modest, simple, plain, undemanding, unpretentious
ígér {vt}
:: to promise
ígéret {n}
:: promise
ígéretes {adj}
:: promising
ígérget {vt}
:: to keep promising something repeatedly, for a long time (possibly without intending to fulfil these promises)
ígérgetés {n}
:: the act of holding out the promise of something for a prolonged period of time
ígérkezik {vi}
:: to promise to be something
ígérkezik {vi}
:: to promise to go somewhere, to engage oneself to go somewhere
igeszemlélet {n}
:: aspect (a grammatical quality of a verb)
igéz {vt}
:: to enchant, charm
igéz {vt}
:: to fascinate, bewitch
Ignác {prop}
:: given name
ignorál {vt}
:: to ignore
igric {n}
:: minstrel
így {adv}
:: in this way, like this (replaces an adverb)
így {conj}
:: thus (between a phrase and a conclusion of it)
igyekezet {n}
:: endeavour, endeavor, effort
igyekezik {vi}
:: to strive
igyekezik {vi}
:: to hurry
igyekszik {vi}
:: alternative form of igyekezik
ihatatlan {adj}
:: undrinkable, impotable
ihatatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of ihatatlan
iható {adj}
:: drinkable, potable
ihatóbb {adj}
:: comparative of iható
ihin {adv}
:: here
ihlet {vt}
:: to inspire
ihlet {n}
:: inspiration, impulse
íj {n}
:: bow (a weapon)
íjász {n}
:: archer
íjászat {n}
:: archery
ijed {vi}
:: to become scared
ijedt {adj}
:: scared, frightened, alarmed, afraid
ijedtebb {adj}
:: comparative of ijedt
ijedtség {n}
:: alarm (sudden surprise with fear or terror)
ijeszt {vt}
:: to frighten, scare
ijesztő {adj}
:: scary
ijesztőbb {adj}
:: comparative of ijesztő
-ik {suffix}
:: Specifies which one of a specific set of things/persons. Used with adjectives. See usage notes below
-ik {suffix}
:: their ...-s (third-person plural, multiple possessions)
-ik {suffix}
:: The ending of a large group of passive/reflexive verbs in third-person singular present tense (indefinite conjugation). This is also the lemma form of these verbs
-ik {suffix}
:: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (definite conjugation)
-ika {suffix}
:: Added to a noun to express smallness, youth, or endearment
-ika {suffix}
:: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. In this role, it is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
Ikarosz {prop}
:: Icarus, son of Daedalus, who attempted to escape from Crete with wings made of feathers and wax
-ike {suffix}
:: Added to a noun to express smallness, youth, or endearment
iker {n}
:: twin
ikerablak {n}
:: bifora, biforate window, bifore window (paired windows divided by a mullion)
ikerítés {n}
:: reduplication (the act of reduplicating, the repetition of a word or part of a word in order to form a new word or phrase, possibly with modification of one of the repetitions)
ikerszó {n}
:: reduplication
-ikó {suffix}
:: Added to a word to express smallness or endearment
ikon {n}
:: icon (a religious painting, often done on wooden panels)
ikon {n}
:: icon (image)
ikon {n}
:: icon
ikozaéder {n}
:: icosahedron (a polyhedron with twenty faces)
ikra {n}
:: calf (of the leg)
ikra {n}
:: roe (of a fish)
Ikrek {prop}
:: Gemini
iksz {n}
:: letter: x
iktat {vt}
:: to authorize, confirm, notarize
iktat {vt}
:: to register, file
iktat {v}
:: to allow entrance
-ikus {suffix}
:: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns and adjectives. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
Ildi {prop}
:: given name
Ildike {prop}
:: given name
Ildikó {prop}
:: given name. It is thought to be derived from Hildegard
Ili {prop}
:: given name
Ilk {prop}
:: Ilk (village)
ill. {conj}
:: abbreviation of illetve
ill. {conj}
:: abbreviation of illetőleg
illat {n}
:: fragrance
illatos {adj}
:: fragrant
illatosabb {adj}
:: comparative of illatos
illatszer {n}
:: scent, perfume
illatszerbolt {n}
:: perfumery (a shop selling perfumes)
illatú {adj}
:: with a specific smell or scent (describing pleasant smells)
illegális {adj}
:: illegal
illékony {adj}
:: volatile
illékonyabb {adj}
:: comparative of illékony
illem {n}
:: decorum, good manners
Illés {prop}
:: given name
illeszkedik {vi}
:: to fit into ( ba)
illeszt {vt}
:: to fit, insert, adjust, suit, accommodate something (into something ba, to something hoz)
illesztő {n}
:: adjuster
illesztőprogram {n}
:: driver
illet {vt}
:: to concern ( t)
illet {v}
:: (ami …-t illet/illeti) as far as … is concerned, as regards, with respect to
illet {vt}
:: to be due to someone ( t)
illet {vt}
:: to give, afford (targeted at somebody or something precious, noble etc.) ( val)
illet {vt}
:: to inflict, impose, sling (criticism) ( val)
illeték {n}
:: fee, tax, levy, duty, stamp duty
illetékes {adj}
:: competent, qualified, responsible, authorized to
illetékes {n}
:: authorities, the powers that be (the bodies that have political or administrative power and control in a particular sphere)
illetékesség {n}
:: competence, authority, responsibility
illetéktelen {adj}
:: unauthorized
illetéktelen {n}
:: unauthorized person
illetlen {adj}
:: improper, indecent, indecorous
illetlenebb {adj}
:: comparative of illetlen
illetmény {n}
:: pay, salary, stipend, fee
illető {adj}
:: in question, the said
illető {adj}
:: concerning, affecting, relating to, referring to
illető {n}
:: person, man, party
illetően {adv}
:: about, concerning, regarding, as to (with reference or regard to)
illetőleg {adv}
:: regarding, concerning, as to (used after a nominal in accusative case)
illetőleg {conj}
:: and, or
illetőleg {conj}
:: or rather (making corrections to what one previously said)
illetőleg {conj}
:: indicating that a statement relates to all mentioned
illetve {conj}
:: or, (occasionally) and (as the case may be, depending on the specific circumstances)
illetve {conj}
:: or rather, that is to say (making corrections to what one previously said)
illik {vi}
:: to fit (somebody or something in terms of size, e.g. a place: ra, ba)
illik {vi}
:: to suit, to match (somebody or something, in terms of style/design, being in the same set or of the same nature: hoz)
illik {vi}
:: to be proper (in terms of manners, with impersonal use)
illik {v}
:: to disappear
illik {v}
:: to run away
illó {adj}
:: volatile (evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal conditions)
illóolaj {n}
:: essential oil
illő {adj}
:: appropriate, proper, correct
illusztráció {n}
:: illustration
illusztrál {vt}
:: to illustrate (to provide with decorative or explanatory pictures)
illusztrál {vt}
:: to illustrate (to clarify or demonstrate by giving an example)
illusztrál {vt}
:: to illustrate, demonstrate, prove
illusztrátor {n}
:: illustrator (person who makes illustrations for books, magazines, packaging, etc.)
illúzió {n}
:: illusion (anything that seems to be something that it is not)
illúziókba ringatja magát {v}
:: to deceive oneself, to live in a fool's paradise
Ilma {prop}
:: given name
Ilona {prop}
:: given name
ily {pron}
:: such
ilyen {determiner}
:: such a/an, this kind of
ilyen {pron}
:: something like this, this kind of thing, such a thing
ilyenkor {adv}
:: in such a case
ilyenkor {adv}
:: this time (the same time last year or next year)
ilyesmi {pron}
:: something like this, something of the sort/kind
Illyés {prop}
:: Gyula Illyés, Hungarian poet and novelist
-im {suffix}
:: my ... -s (first-person singular, multiple possessions)
i. m. {n}
:: Used in bibliographies to indicate a previously referenced source; op. cit.
ím {interj}
:: behold! see! lo!
ima {n}
:: prayer
imád {vt}
:: to adore, worship
imádás {n}
:: worship, adoration, devotion
imádkozik {vi}
:: to pray (to communicate with God for any reason)
imádkozó {adj}
:: praying
imádkozó sáska {n}
:: European mantis, praying mantis (Mantis religiosa)
imádni való {adj}
:: adorable (befitting of being adored)
imádó {adj}
:: adoring, worshipping
imádó {n}
:: admirer, worshipper
imádság {n}
:: prayer
imaginárius {adj}
:: imaginary
imaginárius szám {n}
:: imaginary number (number of the form ai with real number a)
imám {n}
:: imam
imamalom {n}
:: prayer wheel
imazsámoly {n}
:: kneeler, prie-dieu
imbolyog {vi}
:: to sway, stagger, waver, rock (to move slowly, unsteadily, swinging from side to side; or backward and forward)
imbolyog {vi}
:: to sway, bend, waver (to swing from side to side while in one place)
imbolyog {vi}
:: to flutter, waver
íme {interj}
:: behold! see! lo! voilà!
imént {adv}
:: a short while ago, a little while ago, just now, a moment ago
Imi {prop}
:: given name
immanens {adj}
:: immanent
immár {adv}
:: already, now
immáron {adv}
:: already, now
immobilizál {vt}
:: to immobilize
immorális {adj}
:: immoral
immun- {prefix}
:: immuno- (relating to the immune systems and processes in a living organism)
immunhiány {n}
:: immunodeficiency
immunhiányos {adj}
:: immune deficiency , immune deficient (having a decreased or no resistance to infections)
immunis {adj}
:: immune (resistant to infectious disease)
immúnis {adj}
:: superseded spelling of immunis
immunitás {n}
:: immunity (resistance to infection)
immunitás {n}
:: immunity (exemption from prosecution)
immunrendszer {n}
:: immune system (system that protects the body from foreign material and organisms)
immunterápia {n}
:: immunotherapy
imperializmus {n}
:: imperialism
implikáció {n}
:: implication
import {n}
:: import
importál {vt}
:: to import
importálás {n}
:: import, importation (the act or an instance of importing)
importőr {n}
:: importer
impozáns {adj}
:: imposing, stately, grand (magnificent and impressive because of appearance, size, stateliness or dignity)
impregnál {vt}
:: to impregnate (to saturate or infuse material with a chemical substance to make it waterproof, heat-resistant, acid-resistant, etc.)
impresszárió {n}
:: impresario
impresszionista {adj}
:: impressionist
impresszionista {n}
:: impressionist
impresszionizmus {n}
:: impressionism
impresszum {n}
:: imprint (the name and details of a publisher or printer, as printed in a book, etc.)
imprimatúra {n}
:: imprimatur
improvizáció {n}
:: improvisation
improvizációs {adj}
:: improvisational
improvizál {vt}
:: to improvise
impulzusnyomaték {n}
:: angular momentum
Imre {prop}
:: given name
ín {n}
:: tendon, sinew
ín {n}
:: slave
inába száll a bátorsága {v}
:: to get cold feet (to become scared, to lose courage)
inas {adj}
:: tendinous, sinewy, stringy
inas {n}
:: apprentice
inas {n}
:: valet, man-servant, footman
ind {adj}
:: Indian (of or pertaining to India, its people or language)
index {n}
:: turn signal , indicator (each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made to left or right, or a lane change)
index {n}
:: pointer, hand, indicator (a needle or dial on a device)
index {n}
:: report card, course report (in higher education)
index {n}
:: index (an alphabetical listing of items and their location, usually at the end of publications)
index {n}
:: ban, blacklist (a list of books that was banned)
indexel {vt}
:: to index (to arrange an index for something, especially a long text)
indexel {vi}
:: to use the turn signal (to indicate a lane change or directional change while driving a car)
indexkép {n}
:: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
India {prop}
:: India (country)
indiai {adj}
:: Indian (of, from, or relating to India, its people or language)
indiai {n}
:: Indian (person from India)
indiai {n}
:: Indian (language)
Indiai Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of India (the official name of India)
Indiai-óceán {prop}
:: Indian Ocean
indián {adj}
:: related to the aboriginal peoples of America
indián {n}
:: Native American, Amerindian, Indian
indifferens {adj}
:: indifferent
indifferensebb {adj}
:: comparative of indifferens
indigó {n}
:: anil, indigo (plant)
indigó {n}
:: indigo (colour)
indigó {n}
:: carbon paper
indikátor {n}
:: indicator
indikció {n}
:: indiction (cycle of fifteen years)
indiszkréció {n}
:: indiscretion
indiszkrét {adj}
:: indiscreet (revealing secrets; lacking good judgment)
indiszkrét {adj}
:: nosy, tactless, prying (inquisitive or curious in other’s affairs)
indít {vt}
:: to start, launch, set off, get underway, set in motion
indítás {n}
:: launching, launch, starting, start, startup (the act or process of starting a process or machine)
indíték {n}
:: motive (that which incites to action)
indító {adj}
:: starting
indító {n}
:: starter, launcher
indítvány {n}
:: proposal, suggestion, proposition
indítvány {n}
:: motion (a parliamentary action to propose something)
indítvány {n}
:: opinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case)
indium {n}
:: indium
individuális {adj}
:: individual
individualizmus {n}
:: individualism
indo- {prefix}
:: pertaining to India
indoeurópai {adj}
:: Indo-European
indok {n}
:: cause, motivation, reason, motive, argument
indoklás {n}
:: justification, reason
indokol {vt}
:: to justify, explain, warrant
indokolatlan {adj}
:: unjustified, unwarranted, unprovoked, groundless, gratuitous, uncalled-for
indonéz {adj}
:: Indonesian
indonéz {n}
:: Indonesian (person)
indonéz {n}
:: Indonesian (language)
Indonézia {prop}
:: Indonézia (country)
indukál {vt}
:: to induce (to cause, bring about, lead to)
indukál {vt}
:: to induce (to infer by induction)
indukál {vt}
:: to induce (to produce electric current by a physical process of induction)
indukció {n}
:: induction
induktív {adj}
:: inductive
induktívabb {adj}
:: comparative of induktív
indul {vi}
:: to set off, set out, head somewhere (begin a trip)
indul {vi}
:: to start (in the passive sense)
indulás {n}
:: start, beginning, launch
indulat {n}
:: impulse, temper
indulat {n}
:: mood, disposition
indulat {n}
:: anger
indulatos {adj}
:: hot-tempered, short-tempered, impetuous
indulatszó {n}
:: interjection
induló {adj}
:: starting
induló {adj}
:: departing
induló {n}
:: march (any song in the genre of music written for marching)
induló {n}
:: competitor, entrant, participant (in a competition)
indus {n}
:: Indian, a person from India
Indus {prop}
:: Indus (large river)
inerciális {adj}
:: inertial
inerciális vonatkoztatási rendszer {n}
:: inertial frame of reference
inerciarendszer {n}
:: inertial frame of reference
infantilis {adj}
:: infantile
infarktus {n}
:: infarction (the process which causes an infarct)
infarktus {n}
:: infarct
infekció {n}
:: infection
infláció {n}
:: inflation (expansion in the money supply beyond the increase in available goods and services)
inflációellenes {adj}
:: anti-inflationary
inflációs {adj}
:: inflationary
inflammáció {n}
:: inflammation
inflammatorikus {adj}
:: inflammatory (relating to or causing inflammation)
influenza {n}
:: flu, influenza
infó {n}
:: info, information
infografika {n}
:: infographic (visual representation of data)
információ {n}
:: information
információelmélet {n}
:: information theory
információs {adj}
:: of, or relating to information
informál {vt}
:: to inform (to communicate knowledge to others)
informális {adj}
:: informal
informálisabb {adj}
:: comparative of informális
informált {adj}
:: informed
informatika {n}
:: informatics
informatika {n}
:: information technology
informatika {n}
:: computer science
informatikai {adj}
:: of or relating to informatics and computer science
informatikus {n}
:: an IT specialist
informatív {adj}
:: informative
informatívabb {adj}
:: comparative of informatív
infrastruktúra {n}
:: infrastructure
infrastrukturális {adj}
:: infrastructural
infravörös {adj}
:: infrared
infúzió {n}
:: infusion
-ing {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a verb denoting repetitive action
ing {n}
:: shirt
ing {vi}
:: to wobble
ing {vi}
:: to swing
inga {n}
:: pendulum
ingadozik {vi}
:: to fluctuate (to vary irregularly; to swing)
ingat {vt}
:: to sway, to swing, to rock
ingatag {adj}
:: unstable, unsteady, wobbly, shaky (not held firmly in position, physically unstable)
ingatag {adj}
:: precarious, unstable, shaky (having an uncertain existence)
ingatag {adj}
:: fickle (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance; insincere; not loyal or reliable)
ingatagabb {adj}
:: comparative of ingatag
ingatlan {adj}
:: immovable, solid
ingatlan {adj}
:: immovable (of or relating to real estate)
ingatlan {n}
:: real estate
ingázás {n}
:: commuting (travel between home and workplace)
ingázik {vi}
:: to commute (to regularly travel from one's home to one's workplace or school, or vice versa)
ingázó {n}
:: commuter (a person who regularly travels to work)
inger {n}
:: stimulus
ingerlékeny {adj}
:: irritable, excitable, short-tempered, petulant (easily irritated or annoyed)
ingerült {adj}
:: irritated, exasperated
ingerültebb {adj}
:: comparative of ingerült
ingovány {n}
:: bog, swamp, fen, moor
ingoványos {adj}
:: swampy, marshy
ingoványos {adj}
:: precarious, dubious, murky, intricate, tricky, shaky, unstable
ingoványosabb {adj}
:: comparative of ingoványos
ingyen {adv}
:: gratis, free
ingyenes {adj}
:: free (obtainable without payment)
ingyenesen {adv}
:: free of charge, for free, all expenses paid
ingyenjegy {n}
:: free ticket
ingyért {adv}
:: gratis, free
ínhüvely {n}
:: tendon sheath (vagina tendinis)
iniciálé {n}
:: initial (distinguished initial letter of a chapter or section of a document)
injekció {n}
:: injection
-ink {suffix}
:: our ...-s (first-person plural, multiple possessions)
inkább {adv}
:: rather, more
inkonzisztens {adj}
:: inconsistent
inkonzisztensebb {adj}
:: comparative of inkonzisztens
inkorrekt {adj}
:: incorrect
inkriminál {vt}
:: to incriminate
inkvizíció {n}
:: Inquisition
innen {adv}
:: from here, from this place
innen {adv}
:: on this side of (with n)
innentől {adv}
:: from now on, from here on, from this place
innivaló {n}
:: drink, something to drink
innováció {n}
:: innovation
innovációs {adj}
:: innovative
innovatív {adj}
:: innovative
innovatívabb {adj}
:: comparative of innovatív
inog {vi}
:: to wobble, shake (to be unsteady)
inog {vi}
:: to swing, sway
inog {vi}
:: to be in a shaky position
ínség {n}
:: distress, poverty, misery, need
inspekció {n}
:: inspection
inspiráció {n}
:: inspiration
instabil {adj}
:: unstable
installál {vt}
:: to install
instrukció {n}
:: instruction
instrumentális {adj}
:: instrumental (relating to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, especially a musical instrument)
-int {suffix}
:: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing an instantaneous and causative action. Used with all vowels
-int {suffix}
:: Adverbial suffix
int {vi}
:: to wave (wave one’s hand in greeting or departure)
int {vi}
:: to wave (signal with a waving movement)
int {vt}
:: to beckon, motion (wave or nod to somebody indicating a desired movement)
int {vt}
:: to warn
integet {vi}
:: to wave (to move one's hand repeatedly back and forth in greeting or departure)
integet {vi}
:: to wave (to move one's hand repeatedly back and forth as a signal or warning)
integráció {n}
:: integration
integrál {n}
:: integral
integrál {vt}
:: to integrate (something into something)
integrál {vt}
:: to integrate
integrálás {n}
:: integration
integrálegyenlet {n}
:: integral equation
integrálszámítás {n}
:: integral calculus
integrált {adj}
:: integrated
intellektuális {adj}
:: intellectual
intellektus {n}
:: intellect
intelligencia {n}
:: intelligence, intellect, brainpower, acumen (capacity of mind)
intelligencia {n}
:: erudition, cultivation, culture
intelligencia {n}
:: intelligentsia (the intellectual élite of a society, the intellectuals, the professional classes)
intelligenciahányados {n}
:: intelligence quotient
intenció {n}
:: intention
intenzív {adj}
:: intensive
intenzív {n}
:: ellipsis of intenzív osztály
intenzívebb {adj}
:: comparative of intenzív
intenzíven {adv}
:: intensively
inter- {prefix}
:: inter-
interakció {n}
:: interaction
interaktív {adj}
:: interactive
interferencia {n}
:: interference
interjú {n}
:: interview
interjúalany {n}
:: interviewee (someone being interviewed)
interlingva {n}
:: Interlingua (an international auxiliary language)
internacionalizmus {n}
:: internationalism
internet {n}
:: Internet (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers)
internetadó {n}
:: Internet tax
internetes {adj}
:: of, or relating to the Internet/internet
internetprotokoll {n}
:: Internet Protocol
internetszolgáltató {n}
:: Internet service provider (ISP)
interpelláció {n}
:: interpellation
interpretáció {n}
:: interpretation
intervenció {n}
:: intervention
intéz {vt}
:: to manage, handle
intézet {n}
:: institute, institution, establishment
intézkedés {n}
:: measure, action
intézmény {n}
:: institution, establishment
intézményes {adj}
:: institutional
intézményi {adj}
:: institutional
intézményrendszer {n}
:: polity, establishment, institution, institutional system (an organizational structure of the government of a state)
intim {adj}
:: intimate (familiar, closely acquainted)
intim {adj}
:: intimate, private (relating to sexuality, private body parts and their functions)
intim {adj}
:: intimate, confidential, internal, personal, private
intolerancia {n}
:: intolerance
intolerancia {n}
:: intolerance (extreme sensitivity to certain drugs)
intoleráns {adj}
:: intolerant (not tolerant; close-minded about new or different ideas)
intoleránsabb {adj}
:: comparative of intoleráns
intonáció {n}
:: intonation
intő {adj}
:: warning, cautioning
intő {n}
:: a written warning
intőbb {adj}
:: comparative of intő
intő példa {n}
:: object lesson (example or lesson which serves to warn others)
intravénás {adj}
:: intravenous (inside the veins)
intrika {n}
:: intrigue
intrikál {vi}
:: to intrigue, scheme, plot
introvertált {adj}
:: introverted
introvertáltabb {adj}
:: comparative of introvertált
intuíció {n}
:: intuition
invázió {n}
:: invasion
invenciózus {adj}
:: inventive, ingenious, resourceful
invertálható {adj}
:: invertible
invertálható mátrix {n}
:: invertible matrix
inverz {adj}
:: inverted, inverse
inverz {n}
:: inverse
inverzió {n}
:: inversion
invesztál {vt}
:: to invest (to commit money)
invitál {vt}
:: to invite
inzulin {n}
:: insulin (polypeptide hormone)
íny {n}
:: gum (soft tissue around the teeth)
ínyenc {n}
:: gourmet
-ió {suffix}
:: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
ión {adj}
:: superseded spelling of jón
ión {n}
:: superseded spelling of jón
ionizál {vt}
:: to ionize
ionizáló {adj}
:: ionizing
ionizáló sugárzás {n}
:: ionizing radiation
ionoszféra {n}
:: ionosphere
ión oszloprend {n}
:: superseded spelling of jón oszloprend
ióta {n}
:: iota (Greek letter)
ipa {n}
:: father-in-law
ipar {n}
:: industry
iparág {n}
:: industry (businesses of the same type, considered as a whole)
ipari {adj}
:: industrial
iparosodás {n}
:: industrialization
ipartelep {n}
:: industrial plant, industrial establishment, industrial park
iparvidék {n}
:: industrial area
IP-cím {n}
:: IP address (number assigned to each computer's network interface)
ipszilon {n}
:: letter: y
ír {vt}
:: to write
ír {vt}
:: to burn (a compact disc)
ír {adj}
:: Irish (of or relating to Ireland, its people or language)
ír {n}
:: Irishman, Irishwoman (person)
ír {n}
:: Irish (language)
ír {n}
:: balm, ointment, lotion, unguent (substance applied to skin to cure a wound or heal some other problem)
ír {n}
:: remedy for any kind of problem
Irak {prop}
:: Irak (country)
iraki {adj}
:: Iraqi
Irán {prop}
:: Irán (country)
iránt {postp}
:: towards, for, to (by an emotion)
iránt {postp}
:: towards (physically in the direction of something)
iránta {pron}
:: towards / for / about him/her/it
iránti {adj}
:: concerning, regarding, for, towards
irány {n}
:: direction, way
irány {n}
:: towards
irányadó {adj}
:: trendsetting, guideline, standard, governing (providing direction to action or behaviour)
irányár {n}
:: guide price (a provided or recommended approximate price given for information only)
irányelv {n}
:: guideline, directive, guiding principle
irányít {vt}
:: to direct, guide
irányítás {n}
:: control
irányító {adj}
:: controlling
irányító {n}
:: controller
irányítószám {n}
:: zip code, postal code, postcode
iránytű {n}
:: compass (navigational compass)
irányú {adj}
:: in the direction of (not always translated to English)
irányul {vi}
:: to be directed towards, be aimed at, tend towards to, trend towards to (to have a particular direction)
irányuló {adj}
:: aiming, pointing, directed (at something felé)
irányzat {n}
:: direction, trend, tendency
írás {n}
:: verbal noun of ír, writing
írás {n}
:: script
írás {n}
:: tails, reverse
írásba foglal {v}
:: to write down, commit to paper, commit to writing (to record something)
írásbeli {adj}
:: written (e.g. exam or request)
írásbeli {n}
:: written exam (a written test or examination)
írásmű {n}
:: writing (a piece of writing)
írásos {adj}
:: written
írástudatlan {adj}
:: illiterate, unlettered, analphabet (unable to read and write)
írástudatlan {n}
:: illiterate (person)
írástudatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of írástudatlan
írásváltozat {n}
:: alternative spelling (a variant spelling of the written form)
irat {n}
:: writing, paper (written), document
iratgyűjtő {n}
:: folder (an organizer that papers are kept in)
iratkapocs {n}
:: paper clip
iratmegsemmisítő {adj}
:: paper shredding
iratmegsemmisítő {n}
:: paper shredder, shredder (a machine that tears up paper into smaller pieces)
Irén {prop}
:: given name
irha {n}
:: hide (animal's skin)
irha {n}
:: one's skin (one's life)
irídium {n}
:: iridium (chemical element)
irigy {adj}
:: envious
irigyebb {adj}
:: comparative of irigy
irigyel {vt}
:: to envy
irigykedés {n}
:: envy, enviousness
irigykedik {v}
:: to be envious
irigykedő {adj}
:: envious
irigykedőbb {adj}
:: comparative of irigykedő
irigység {n}
:: envy, enviousness
Irisz {prop}
:: Iris (messenger of the gods)
írisz {n}
:: iris (plant of the genus Iris having attractive blooms)
írisz {n}
:: iris (contractile membrane perforated by the pupil)
írisz {n}
:: iris (diaphragm used to regulate the size of a hole)
Ír Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of Ireland
írnok {n}
:: clerk, writer
író {adj}
:: writing
író {n}
:: writer
író {n}
:: buttermilk
íróasztal {n}
:: desk
iroda {n}
:: office (building or room)
irodai {adj}
:: office (of or relating to office)
irodalmár {n}
:: litterateur, man of letters, woman of letters (person engaged in literary pursuits)
irodalmár {n}
:: literary historian (a historian of literature)
irodalmi {adj}
:: literary
irodalom {n}
:: literature
irodalomtörténész {n}
:: literary historian
irodalomtörténet {n}
:: literary history (history of literature)
irodaszék {n}
:: office chair
íródik {vi}
:: to be written
írógép {n}
:: typewriter
írógépes {adj}
:: typewriter-like, typical or characteristic of a typewriter, related to typewriters
írógépes {adj}
:: straight, vertical, typewriter (apostrophe/quotes)
írói {adj}
:: literary, writing, writer's (of or relating to writers or authorship)
írói álnév {n}
:: pen name, nom de plume (a fictitious name used by an author in place of their actual name)
iromány {n}
:: document, writing, paperwork (something written, such as a document, article, letter, or book)
iromány {n}
:: pot boiler, potboiler, patchwork (a literary work of poor quality)
irón {n}
:: pencil
irónia {n}
:: irony
ironikus {adj}
:: ironic
ironikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of ironikus
írónő {n}
:: author (female), authoress
Írország {prop}
:: Írország (island/and/country)
írországi {adj}
:: Irish (of, from, or relating to Ireland)
írótoll {n}
:: pen
írott {adj}
:: written (of, relating to, or characteristic of writing)
írott betű {n}
:: script (typeface made in imitation of handwriting)
-íroz {suffix}
:: Mainly added to loanwords to naturalize them in Hungarian. Partially productive
irracionális {adj}
:: irrational
irracionális szám {n}
:: irrational number
irreális {adj}
:: unreal, unrealistic
irt {vt}
:: to exterminate, to extirpate, to eradicate, to slaughter, to destroy
irtás {n}
:: massacre, slaughter, butchery
irtás {n}
:: clearing (an area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
Ír-tenger {prop}
:: Irish Sea
irtó {adj}
:: exterminating
irtó {n}
:: exterminator
irtó {adv}
:: extremely, terribly
irtózik {vi}
:: to shudder at, to abhor, to be repelled by ( tól), to find repugnant (to feel repugnance and fear at the same time toward someone or something)
irtózik {vi}
:: to dread (to be in dread or great fear)
irtvány {n}
:: clearing, glade (a grassy open or cleared space in a forest)
-is {suffix}
:: Diminutive suffix
is {adv}
:: also, too, as well
is {adv}
:: even, up to, as much as, as long as
is {adv}
:: again (used in a question to ask something one has forgotten)
isi {n}
:: school
isk. {n}
:: abbreviation of iskola
iskola {n}
:: school (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning)
iskolabusz {n}
:: school bus
iskolai {adj}
:: of or relating to school
iskolaigazgató {n}
:: principal, school principal, headmaster (the chief administrator of a school)
iskolaorvos {n}
:: school doctor (a physician working as a school health care provider)
iskolarádió {n}
:: school radio
iskolás {adj}
:: school
iskolás {n}
:: schoolchild, schoolboy, schoolgirl (a young person attending school or of an age to attend school)
iskoláskor {n}
:: school age
iskoláskorú {adj}
:: school-age
iskolatáska {n}
:: schoolbag, school satchel
ism. {n}
:: abbreviation of ismétlés
ismer {vt}
:: to know (be acquainted or familiar with)
ismeret {n}
:: (a piece of) knowledge
ismeretelmélet {n}
:: epistemology
ismeretes {adj}
:: known
ismeretlen {adj}
:: strange, unfamiliar (not yet part of one’s experience)
ismeretlen {adj}
:: unknown
ismeretlen {n}
:: stranger
ismeretlen {n}
:: unknown (a variable whose value is to be found)
ismeretlenebb {adj}
:: comparative of ismeretlen
ismeretterjesztő {adj}
:: educational, informational (disseminating information and knowledge to a wide audience)
ismerkedik {vi}
:: to familiarize oneself, to get acquainted (with something val), to get to know
ismerős {adj}
:: familiar, that which rings a bell (apparently known to someone)
ismerős {adj}
:: acquainted, familiar (having previous knowledge about some location)
ismerős {n}
:: acquaintance, friend
ismerősebb {adj}
:: comparative of ismerős
ismerszik {vi}
:: to be known by some characteristics
ismert {adj}
:: known, well-known
ismertebb {adj}
:: comparative of ismert
ismertet {vt}
:: to state, outline, present, give an account
ismertető {adj}
:: distinguishing, distinctive, expositive, how-to
ismertető {n}
:: brochure, prospectus, guide book
ismertető {n}
:: tutorial, how-to
ismérv {n}
:: criterion
ismérv {n}
:: attribute, characteristic
ismét {adv}
:: again
ismétel {vt}
:: to repeat
ismételhető {adj}
:: repeatable, reproducible
ismételt {adj}
:: repeated
ismétlés {n}
:: repetition, repeating
ismétlés {n}
:: replay, rerun
ismétlés a tudás anyja {proverb}
:: practice makes perfect, experience is the best teacher
ismétlődik {vi}
:: to recur, repeat (to happen again)
ismétlődő {adj}
:: recurring, repeating, periodic (happening or occurring frequently, with repetition)
ISO {prop}
:: ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
ispán {n}
:: count (leader of a county in the Kingdom of Hungary)
ispotály {n}
:: hospital
-ista {suffix}
:: -ist, added to a word to form a noun denoting:
-ista {suffix}
:: One who follows a principle or system of belief
-ista {suffix}
:: A member of a profession or one interested in something
-ista {suffix}
:: A person who uses something
-ista {suffix}
:: A person who holds certain views or values
-ista {suffix}
:: -istic, added to a word to form an adjective
istálló {n}
:: stable (for horses), shed (for cows)
isten {n}
:: god, deity (especially when referenced in popular culture, as opposed to religious context)
Isten {prop}
:: God (single god of monotheism)
istenfélő {adj}
:: godfearing, God-fearing (following the precepts of a religious practice; respecting and revering God and His authority)
Isten hozott {interj}
:: welcome (greeting given upon someone's arrival)
isteni {adj}
:: divine (of or pertaining to a god)
isteni {adj}
:: divine, beautiful, heavenly
isteni {adj}
:: heavenly (strongly or sublimely beautiful or pleasurable)
istenibb {adj}
:: comparative of isteni
isteni gondviselés {n}
:: Divine Providence
istenkáromlás {n}
:: blasphemy (irreverence toward something sacred)
Isten malmai lassan őrölnek {proverb}
:: the mills of the gods grind slowly
istennő {n}
:: goddess
Istennő {prop}
:: Goddess (single goddess of various monotheistic religions)
istenség {n}
:: divinity, godhead, deity
istentisztelet {n}
:: church service (a worship service)
Isten tudja {phrase}
:: God knows, God only knows (it is only known to God; it is unknown to people)
isten veled {phrase}
:: farewell
István {prop}
:: given name
i. sz. {adv}
:: CE
iszap {n}
:: mud
iszapos {adj}
:: silty, muddy
iszaposabb {adj}
:: comparative of iszapos
iszik {vti}
:: to drink (to consume through the mouth)
iszik {vi}
:: to drink (to consume alcoholic beverages)
iszik, mint a gödény {v}
:: to drink like a fish (to drink alcohol heavily and in excess)
iszik, mint a kefekötő {v}
:: to drink like a fish (to drink alcohol heavily and in excess)
iszlám {adj}
:: Islamic
iszlám {n}
:: Islam (religion)
Iszlámábád {prop}
:: Iszlámábád (capital city)
iszony {n}
:: horror (feeling), loathing, revulsion, disgust, repulsion
iszony {n}
:: phobia
iszonyatos {adj}
:: horrible, terrible, awful
iszonyatosan {adv}
:: horribly, terribly
iszonyatosan {adv}
:: tremendously, extremely, supremely
iszonyodás {n}
:: abomination, repulsion (the feeling of horror and disgust)
iszonyodik {vi}
:: to feel horror/repulsion/disgust (of someone or something tól)
iszonyú {adj}
:: awful, horrible, terrible, frightful (dreadful; causing alarm and fear)
iszonyú {adj}
:: enormous (intense; extreme in degree or extent)
iszonyú {adj}
:: immense, huge
Isztambul {prop}
:: Isztambul (city)
-isztika {suffix}
:: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
-isztikus {suffix}
:: A distinguishable foreign word ending in adjectives. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
-ít {suffix}
:: -ify, added to a noun, adjective, verb or other stem to form a verb expressing causation (make something ...-like)
ital {n}
:: drink
Itália {prop}
:: Italy
itáliai {adj}
:: Italian
-itás {suffix}
:: -ity. A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
itat {vt}
:: to help someone drink
itat {vt}
:: to get drunk (to make someone drunk, to forcibly offer alcoholic drink to someone)
itat {vt}
:: to water, to provide with water
itat {vtr}
:: to make someone to drink more because of its pleasing taste (followed by the reflexive pronoun magát)
itat {vt}
:: to blot (to dry spilled liquid with an absorbent cloth)
itatja az egereket {v}
:: to cry, weep, sob, shed tears
-itek {suffix}
:: your ... -s (second-person plural informal, multiple possessions)
-itek {suffix}
:: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation)
ítél {vt}
:: to judge (to criticize or label another person or thing)
ítélet {n}
:: judgment, opinion (conclusion or result of judging)
ítélet {n}
:: judgment, verdict (act of determining, as in courts of law, what is conformable to law and justice)
ítélet {n}
:: proposition (assertion which can be considered true or false)
ítéletidő {n}
:: stormy weather, tempestuous weather, tempest
ítéletnap {n}
:: judgement day, doomsday
iteráció {n}
:: iteration
-itok {suffix}
:: your ...-s (second-person plural informal, multiple possessions)
itt {adv}
:: here, over here (in this place)
ittas {adj}
:: drunk, tipsy, intoxicated
ittasabb {adj}
:: comparative of ittas
ittasabban {adv}
:: comparative of ittasan
ittasan {adv}
:: drunkenly
ittas vezetés {n}
:: drink-driving , drunk driving (the act of driving under the influence of alcohol)
ittas vezető {n}
:: drink-driver , drunk driver (someone who drives under the influence of alcohol)
itten {adv}
:: here
itterbium {n}
:: ytterbium (chemical element)
itthon {adv}
:: at home
itthoni {adj}
:: home (relating to one's home or home country)
itt-ott {adv}
:: here and there
ittrium {n}
:: yttrium (symbol: Y)
-ív {suffix}
:: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns and adjectives. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix
ív {n}
:: arc (curve)
ív {n}
:: arch (building)
ív {n}
:: sheet (of paper)
ív {n}
:: signature (a group of four (or a multiple of four) pages printed such that, when folded, they become a section of a book)
Iván {prop}
:: given name
ivarszerv {n}
:: sex organ
ivartalan {adj}
:: neuter, asexual
ivartalanít {vt}
:: to neuter, castrate, spay
ivartalan szaporodás {n}
:: asexual reproduction
Ivett {prop}
:: given name
ívhíd {n}
:: arch bridge
ivó {adj}
:: drinking (consuming water or other beverages)
ivó {n}
:: drinker (one who regularly drinks alcohol)
ivó {n}
:: saloon (a business, such as an inn or tavern, or more specifically, a room within that business, where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed)
ivókút {n}
:: drinking fountain, water fountain (a device in a public place that provides water to drink)
ivor {n}
:: ivory
ivóvíz {n}
:: drinking water (water for humans)
ívű {adj}
:: -arching, -arched, -arced, of … range, of … scope, -ranging
íz {n}
:: taste, flavor
íz {n}
:: flavor, overtone, a particular feel of something
íz {n}
:: joy, appeal, allure, (getting) the hang of something (enjoyment or attraction possibly offered by something and/or the skill of doing something properly and successfully)
íz {n}
:: jam (a liquid and homogeneous type, especially in commercial usage)
íz {n}
:: joint, limb, segment
íz {n}
:: time, instance, occurrence
Iza {prop}
:: given name
Izabella {prop}
:: given name
-izál {suffix}
:: -ize, -ise (forms verbs from naturalized foreign nouns)
izé {n}
:: thing (denoting a vague thing, or something whose name is forgotten by the speaker)
izé {n}
:: sexual organ
ízelítő {n}
:: sample (a small piece of food for tasting)
ízelítő {n}
:: taste, foretaste (a small amount of experience with something that gives a sense of its quality as a whole)
izgalmas {adj}
:: exciting
izgalmasabb {adj}
:: comparative of izgalmas
izgalom {n}
:: excitement, thrill
izgalom {n}
:: anxiety, agitation
izgat {vt}
:: to excite, upset (to make someone anxious, worried)
izgat {vt}
:: to excite, stimulate (physically)
izgat {vt}
:: to provoke, incite, stir up (a large body of people)
izgatószer {n}
:: stimulant
izgatott {adj}
:: excited (having great enthusiasm)
izgi {adj}
:: exciting
izgul {vi}
:: to worry, fuss, fret, have butterflies in one's stomach, be nervous/anxious, sweat
Izland {prop}
:: Izland (island/and/country)
izlandi {adj}
:: Icelandic (of or pertaining to Iceland, its people or language)
izlandi {n}
:: Icelander (person)
izlandi {n}
:: Icelandic (language)
izlandi juhászkutya {n}
:: Icelandic Sheepdog (a spitz herding dog bred in Iceland)
Izlandi Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of Iceland
ízlel {vt}
:: to taste
ízlés {n}
:: taste (set of preferences)
ízlések és pofonok {phrase}
:: there's no accounting for taste, to each his own, different strokes for different folks, one man's meat is another man's poison
ízletes {adj}
:: tasty
ízletesebb {adj}
:: comparative of ízletes
ízlik {vi}
:: to taste good, be to one's taste
izmos {adj}
:: muscular
izmosabb {adj}
:: comparative of izmos
izmú {adj}
:: -muscled, with …… muscles (having some specific type of muscles)
-izmus {suffix}
:: -ism
izobután {n}
:: isobutane
izolacionizmus {n}
:: isolationism
izolált {adj}
:: isolated
izom {n}
:: muscle
izometrikus {adj}
:: isometric
izometrikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of izometrikus
izomláz {n}
:: muscle soreness, muscle fever
izomsejt {n}
:: myocyte, muscle cell
izomzat {n}
:: musculature
izoprén {n}
:: isoprene
izosztázia {n}
:: isostasy
izotóp {n}
:: isotope
Izrael {prop}
:: Izrael (country)
izraeli {adj}
:: Israeli
izraelita {adj}
:: Jewish, Judaistic (following Judaism)
izraelita {n}
:: Israelite (especially: a member of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and a descendant of Jacob)
íztelen {adj}
:: tasteless (having no flavour)
íztelenebb {adj}
:: comparative of íztelen
ízű {adj}
:: flavored, with a specific taste or flavor
ízül {vi}
:: to articulate, to join, to be attached by a joint, to form a joint with something
ízület {n}
:: joint, articulation (any part of the body where two bones join)
ízületi {adj}
:: joint , articular (of, at, or relating to the joints of the body)
ízületi gyulladás {n}
:: arthritis (inflammation of a joint)
izzad {vit}
:: to sweat (to emit sweat)
izzadékony {adj}
:: sweaty (having a tendency to sweat)
izzadmány {n}
:: exudate (any fluid that filters from the circulatory system into lesions or areas of inflammation)
izzadság {n}
:: perspiration (a saline fluid secreted by the sweat glands)
izzadt {adj}
:: sweaty (covered in sweat)
izzadtabb {adj}
:: comparative of izzadt
izzaszt {vi}
:: to make someone sweat / perspire
izzik {vi}
:: to glow
izzó {adj}
:: glowing, burning
izzó {adj}
:: ardent, fervent, passionate
izzó {n}
:: light bulb, bulb
izzóbb {adj}
:: comparative of izzó
izzólámpa {n}
:: incandescent lamp