i {letter}
:: letter
i {f}
:: Name of the letter I
i {conj}
:: obsolete spelling of y
I {letter}
:: The ninth letter of the Spanish alphabet
I {adj}
:: abbreviation of ilustre
-í {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating certain demonyms, especially from Arabic and Indo-Iranian countries and regions
-í {suffix}
:: First person preterite ending of regular -er and -ir verbs
-ia {suffix}
:: appears in feminine nouns, generally abstract, mostly inherited from Latin; -y
-ia {suffix}
:: forms placenames; -y; -ia
-ía {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the first-person singular imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs
-ía {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the third-person singular imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs
-ía {suffix}
:: forms nouns, from adjectives, denoting states, conditions and qualities; -ness; -ity; -y; -hood
-ía {suffix}
:: forms the names of medical conditions; -y; -ia
-ía {suffix}
:: forms the names of offices or jobs; -ship
Iacobescu {prop} {mf}
:: surname
-íais {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the second-person plural imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs
-íamos {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the first-person plural imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs
-ían {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs
-iano {suffix}
:: -ian (all instances)
-iar {suffix}
:: alternative form of -ear
-iar {suffix}
:: forms verbs from adjectives and nouns, equivalent to -ize
-ías {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the second-person singular imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs
-iatra {suffix}
:: a doctor
-iatría {suffix}
:: -iatry
-iatría {suffix}
:: -iatrics
iatrofobia {f}
:: iatrophobia
iatrogenia {f}
:: iatrogenesis
Ibáñez {prop}
:: surname
Ibarra {prop}
:: surname of Basque origin
Ibarra {prop}
:: Ibarra (city)
ibarreño {adj}
:: Of or from the city of Ibarra, Ecuador
ibarreño {m}
:: Someone from the city of Ibarra, Ecuador
Iberia {prop} {f}
:: Iberia (European peninsula, consisting of Portugal and Spain)
Iberia {prop} {f}
:: Iberia (Caucasian Iberia)
Iberia asiática {prop} {f}
:: Iberia asiática (ancient region)
Iberia caucásica {prop} {f}
:: Iberia caucásica (ancient region)
Iberia del Este {prop} {f}
:: Iberia del Este (ancient region)
ibérica {f}
:: feminine noun of ibérico
ibérico {adj}
:: Iberian (of, from or relating to Iberia)
ibérico {m}
:: Iberian (native of Iberia)
iberismo {m}
:: Pan-Iberism (an ideology supporting the union of Portugal and Spain into a single state)
ibero {adj}
:: alternative spelling of íbero
ibero {m}
:: alternative spelling of íbero
íbero {adj}
:: Iberian
íbero {m}
:: Iberian
Iberoamérica {prop} {f}
:: Latin America
iberoamericana {f}
:: feminine noun of iberoamericano
iberoamericano {adj}
:: Latin American
iberoamericano {m}
:: Latin American
iberorromana {f}
:: feminine noun of iberorromano
iberorromance {m}
:: Ibero-Romance
iberorromance {adj}
:: Ibero-Romance
iberorromano {adj}
:: Ibero-Romance
iberorromano {m}
:: Ibero-Romance person
ibex {m}
:: ibex
IBEX {prop} {m}
:: initialism of Índice Bursátil Español the main stock market index code for the Spanish stock market, the Bolsa de Madrid
ibeyi {m}
:: ibeyi
IBI {m}
:: acronym of impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles
íbice {m}
:: ibex (type of wild mountain goat)
ibicenco {adj}
:: Ibizan
ibídem {adv}
:: ibid. (in the same place)
ibis {m}
:: ibis
Ibiza {prop} {f}
:: Ibiza
-ible {suffix}
:: -ible
ibón {m}
:: small lake; tarn
IBSA {prop} {m}
:: IBSA (India, Brazil, and South Africa)
ibuprofeno {m}
:: ibuprofene
-ica {suffix}
:: feminine singular of -ico
Ica {prop}
:: Ica (region)
Ica {prop}
:: Ica (province)
Ica {prop}
:: Ica (city/provincial capital)
Ica {prop}
:: Ica (river)
icaridina {f}
:: icaridin
Ícaro {prop} {m}
:: Icarus (hero who escaped the labyrinth of Knossos flying with wings made with wax)
iceberg {m}
:: iceberg
-ichuela {suffix}
:: alternative form of -uela, used to form a pejorative diminutive: ugly little
icnita {f}
:: ichnite
icno- {prefix}
:: ichno-
icnofósil {m}
:: ichnofossil
icnogénero {m}
:: ichnogenus
icnología {f}
:: ichnology
icnológico {adj}
:: ichnological
icnotaxón {m}
:: ichnotaxon
-ico {suffix}
:: Added to nouns to form adjectives; -ic
-ico {suffix}
:: Usually derogatory diminutive suffix; added to nouns to form nouns; replaces standard Spanish suffix -ito
icónicamente {adv}
:: iconically
iconicidad {f}
:: iconicity
icónico {adj}
:: iconic
icono {m}
:: icon (a representation, especially as an object of religious devotion)
icono {m}
:: icon (a type of religious paining)
icono {m}
:: icon (a small picture that represents something)
icono {m}
:: icon (a word, character, or sign whose form is determined by the referent)
ícono {m}
:: alternative form of icono
iconoclasia {f}
:: iconoclasm
iconoclasta {adj}
:: iconoclastic
iconoclasta {mf}
:: iconoclast
iconoclastia {f}
:: iconoclasm
iconódulo {m}
:: iconodule
iconografía {f}
:: iconography
iconográficamente {adv}
:: iconographically
iconográfico {adj}
:: iconographic
iconología {f}
:: iconology
iconológico {adj}
:: iconological
iconostasio {m}
:: iconostasis
icor {m}
:: ichor (discharge from a sore)
icosaédrico {adj}
:: icosahedral
icosaedro {m}
:: icosahedron
icoságono {m}
:: icosagon
icositetraedro {m}
:: icositetrahedron
icpal {m}
:: icpal
ictericia {f}
:: jaundice
ictérico {adj}
:: jaundiced; afflicted with jaundice
ictérido {m}
:: icterid
íctico {adj}
:: ichthyic
ictícola {adj}
:: fish
ictiofauna {f}
:: fish life
ictióloga {f}
:: feminine noun of ictiólogo
ictiología {f}
:: ichthyology
ictiológico {adj}
:: ichthyological
ictiólogo {m}
:: ichthyologist
ictiosaurio {m}
:: ichthyosaur
ictiosis {f}
:: ichthyosis
ictus {m}
:: stroke, ictus
ida {f}
:: going
ida {f}
:: march
ida {f}
:: outward leg (of a journey)
-idad {suffix}
:: Form of -dad used generally for adjectives of three or more syllables; Comparable to English suffix -ity
Idaho {prop} {m}
:: Idaho (state)
idahoana {f}
:: feminine noun of idahoano
idahoano {adj}
:: Idahoan
idahoano {m}
:: Idahoan
ida y vuelta {m}
:: round trip
idea {f}
:: idea
ideación {f}
:: conception, idea
idea fija {f}
:: idée fixe
ideal {adj}
:: ideal
ideal {m}
:: ideal
idealidad {f}
:: idealness
idealismo {m}
:: idealism (an approach to philosophical enquiry)
idealista {adj}
:: idealistic
idealista {mf}
:: idealist
idealización {f}
:: idealization
idealizar {v}
:: to idealize, idealise
idealmente {adv}
:: ideally
idear {v}
:: to devise
ideario {m}
:: ideology
ideático {adj}
:: cranky, crazy (of someone with strange ideas or obsessions)
ídem {adv}
:: In the same way
ídem {interj}
:: Indicates the speaker agrees with a recently expressed sentiment; "Ditto"
ídem {pron}
:: The same; the same thing
idempotencia {f}
:: idempotence
idempotente {adj}
:: idempotent
idénticamente {adv}
:: identically
idéntico {adj}
:: identical
identidad {f}
:: identity
identidad de género {f}
:: gender identity
identificable {adj}
:: identifiable
identificación {f}
:: identification
identificado {adj}
:: identified
identificador {adj}
:: identifying
identificador {m}
:: identifier
identificar {v}
:: to identify, to pinpoint
identificarse {v}
:: reflexive of identificar
identificativo {adj}
:: identifying
identificatorio {adj}
:: identifying
identikit {m}
:: identikit, police sketch, composite sketch, facial composite
identitario {adj}
:: identity
ideo- {prefix}
:: ideo-
ideófono {m}
:: ideophone
ideográfico {adj}
:: ideographic
ideograma {m}
:: ideogram, ideograph
ideóloga {f}
:: female equivalent of ideólogo
ideología {f}
:: ideology
ideología de género {f}
:: gender ideology
ideológicamente {adv}
:: ideologically
ideológico {adj}
:: ideological, ideologic (of or pertaining to an ideology)
ideologización {f}
:: ideologization
ideologizador {adj}
:: ideologizer
ideologizar {v}
:: to ideologize
ideólogo {m}
:: ideologue
ideomorfo {m}
:: An cave painting consisting of symbols or abstract images
IDH {prop} {m}
:: initialism of Índice de desarrollo humano
idílico {adj}
:: idyllic
idilio {m}
:: idyll
idiófono {m}
:: idiophone
idiolecto {m}
:: idiolect
idioma {m}
:: language
idioma extranjero {m}
:: foreign language
idiomáticamente {adv}
:: linguistically
idiomáticamente {adv}
:: idiomatically
idiomático {adj}
:: idiomatic
idiomático {adj}
:: language
idiopático {adj}
:: idiopathic
idiosincrasia {f}
:: idiosyncrasy
idiosincrásico {adj}
:: idiosyncratic
idiosincrático {adj}
:: idiosyncratic
idiota {adj}
:: idiotic
idiota {mf}
:: idiot, moron, fool, dork, eejit
idiota {mf}
:: dick, jerk, schmuck, douchebag, asshole, ass, jackass, prick (i.e., a cocky or self-important individual without any foundation for it)
idiotez {f}
:: idiocy
idiotez {f}
:: bullshit (an idiotic statement or action)
idiótico {adj}
:: idiotic
idiotismo {m}
:: idiom
idiotismo {m}
:: ignorance
idiotización {f}
:: The turning into idiot
idiotizar {v}
:: to idiotize
ídisch {m}
:: alternative form of yidis
idish {m}
:: alternative spelling of yidis
ídish {m}
:: alternative form of yidis
ídishñol {m}
:: An informal language blending elements of Spanish and Yiddish
idista {mf}
:: Idist
-ido {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the masculine singular past participle of regular -ir and -er verbs
-ido {suffix}
:: -ide (member of a group of related compounds or elements)
-ido {suffix}
:: -id
ido {adj}
:: away with the fairies; absent-minded
ido {adj}
:: nuts; cuckoo; bonkers (crazy)
ido {m}
:: Ido (language)
ídola {f}
:: idol
idólatra {adj}
:: idolatrous
idolatrado {adj}
:: idolized, lionized
idolatrar {v}
:: to idolize
idolatría {f}
:: idolatry
idolátrico {adj}
:: idolatrous
ídolo {m}
:: idol
idolopeya {f}
:: idolopeia
idoneidad {f}
:: appropriateness, suitability
idóneo {adj}
:: suitable, fitting, ideal
-idor {suffix}
:: Form of -dor attached to -ir verb stems. Forms (usually agent) nouns and adjectives
-idora {suffix}
:: feminine noun of -idor
idos {mp}
:: rare form of idus
idosa {m}
:: idose
-idura {suffix}
:: Form of -dura used with -ir verbs to form nouns
iduronidasa {f}
:: iduronidase
idus {mp}
:: ides
-iego {suffix}
:: forms adjectives from nouns and verbs, often indicating a relation, belonging, or origin
-iego {suffix}
:: forms nouns, especially for people
-iendo {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the gerund of regular -er and -ir verbs
-iente {suffix}
:: alternative form of -ante
-iento {suffix}
:: forms adjectives from nouns and verbs, often condition or state
-iento {suffix}
:: forms adjectives, indicating similarity
-ieron {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the third-person plural indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs
IES {f}
:: initialism of instituto de educación secundaria
IFE {prop}
:: initialism of Instituto Federal Electoral; the Mexican body for controlling elections
-ificar {suffix}
:: -ify, -fy (suffix to form verbs with the meaning of to turn into, to transform into)
Ifigenia {prop} {f}
:: Iphigenia (Greek hero)
ifrit {m}
:: ifrit
igbo {adj}
:: Igbo
igbo {mf}
:: Igbo
igbo {m}
:: Igbo
iglesia {f}
:: church
Iglesias {prop}
:: surname
iglú {m}
:: igloo (inuit snow house)
ignaciano {adj}
:: Ignatian
Ignacio {prop} {m}
:: given name
ignaro {adj}
:: uninformed, ignorant
ígneo {adj}
:: igneous
ignición {f}
:: ignition
ignífluo {adj}
:: ignifluous
ignífugo {adj}
:: fireproof (something that protects against fire)
ignimbrita {f}
:: ignimbrite
ignominia {f}
:: ignominy
ignominiosamente {adv}
:: ignominiously
ignominioso {adj}
:: ignominious
ignorancia {f}
:: ignorance
ignorante {adj}
:: ignorant
ignorar {vt}
:: to not know; to be ignorant of
ignorar {vt}
:: to ignore, to disregard (to deliberately not pay attention to)
ignorarse {v}
:: reflexive of ignorar
ignosticismo {m}
:: ignosticism
ignoto {adj}
:: unknown
i griega {f}
:: Name of the letter y
igual {adj}
:: equal
igual {mf}
:: equal (a person or thing of equal status)
igual {m}
:: equals sign
igual {adv}
:: in the same way; just like
igual {adv}
:: regardless, anyway
igual {adv}
:: maybe
iguala {f}
:: retainer
igualación {f}
:: leveling
igualación {f}
:: equating
igualada {f}
:: equalizer
igualado {adj}
:: overly familiar, forward
igualado {adj}
:: extravagant, social climber, arriviste, said of people who (mistakenly) think they are rich
igualador {m}
:: equalizer; someone or something that equalizes
igualadora {f}
:: feminine noun of igualador
igualar {vt}
:: to make equal
igualdad {f}
:: equality
igualitariamente {adv}
:: equally
igualitario {adj}
:: egalitarian, equal
igualitarismo {m}
:: egalitarianism
igualitarista {adj}
:: egalitarianist
igualitarista {mf}
:: egalitarianist
igualito {adj}
:: diminutive of igual, exactly the same
igualmente {adv}
:: equally
igualmente {adv}
:: likewise
igualmente {interj}
:: likewise; the same to you
iguana {f}
:: iguana
iguanodonte {m}
:: iguanodont
iguasa {f}
:: whistling duck
Iguazú {prop}
:: Iguazu (river)
Iguazú {prop}
:: Iguazu (waterfalls)
ijada {f}
:: synonym of ijar, side
ijada {f}
:: flank (in animal anatomy)
ijada {f}
:: pain felt in the region between the ribcage and the hip
ijada {f}
:: synonym of atún de zorra
ijar {m}
:: flank, side, region between the ribcage and the hip in mammals
ijshidí {adj}
:: Ikhshidid
ijshidí {mf}
:: Ikhshidid
ikastola {f}
:: Basque-language school
ikurriña {f}
:: ikurriña
-il {suffix}
:: -ile (indicating relation or pertaining to)
ilación {f}
:: connection; link
Ilanes {prop}
:: A village in Zamora, Spain
i latina {f}
:: Name of the letter i
Ilave {prop}
:: Ilave (district)
Ilave {prop}
:: Ilave (city/district capital)
Ilda {prop} {f}
:: given name
ilegal {adj}
:: illegal, unlawful
ilegalidad {f}
:: illegality
ilegalismo {m}
:: illegalism
ilegalización {f}
:: illegalization, outlawing
ilegalizar {vt}
:: to illegalize/illegalise, outlaw
ilegalmente {adv}
:: illegally
ilegibilidad {f}
:: illegibility
ilegible {adj}
:: illegible
ilegítimamente {adv}
:: illegitimately
ilegitimar {v}
:: to ban; outlaw
ilegitimar {v}
:: to disallow
ilegitimidad {f}
:: illegitimacy
ilegítimo {adj}
:: illegitimate
ileo- {prefix}
:: ileo-
íleo {m}
:: ileus
ileocólico {adj}
:: ileocolic
íleon {m}
:: ileum
íleon {m}
:: ilium
ileostomía {f}
:: ileostomy
ilerdense {adj}
:: From Lérida
ilerdense {mf}
:: Someone from Lérida
ilergete {adj}
:: Ilergete
ilergete {mf}
:: Ilergete
ileso {adj}
:: unharmed
iletrada {f}
:: feminine noun of iletrado
iletrado {adj}
:: illiterate
iletrado {adj}
:: uneducated
iletrado {m}
:: illiterate person
iletrado {m}
:: uneducated person
iliaco {adj}
:: alternative form of ilíaco
ilíaco {adj}
:: iliac
Ilíada {prop} {f}
:: Iliad (ancient Greek epic poem about the Trojan War)
iliberal {adj}
:: illiberal
iliberalismo {m}
:: illiberalism
ilícitamente {adv}
:: illicitly
ilicitano {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Elche
ilicitano {m}
:: Someone from Elche
ilícito {adj}
:: illicit
ilicitud {f}
:: illegality, unlawfulness
ilimitadamente {adv}
:: in an unlimited way; without limit
ilimitado {adj}
:: unlimited, boundless
ilinoisiana {f}
:: feminine noun of ilinoisiano
ilinoisiano {adj}
:: Illinoisan
ilinoisiano {m}
:: Illinoisan
ilio- {prefix}
:: ilio-
iliohipogástrico {adj}
:: iliohypogastric
ilioinguinal {adj}
:: ilioinguinal
iliolumbar {adj}
:: iliolumbar
ilion {m}
:: ilium
iliotibial {adj}
:: iliotibial
iliquidez {f}
:: illiquidity
iliria {f}
:: feminine noun of ilirio
Iliria {prop} {f}
:: Illyria
ilirio {adj}
:: Illyrian
ilirio {m}
:: Illyrian (inhabitant of Illyria)
ilita {f}
:: illite
-illa {suffix}
:: Added to feminine nouns to denote a diminutive form
Illinois {prop} {m}
:: Illinois (state)
illita {f}
:: illite
-illo {suffix}
:: Added to masculine nouns to denote a diminutive form
illo {contraction}
:: contraction of chiquillo; often used as an interjection
ilmenita {f}
:: ilmenite
-ilo {suffix}
:: -yl
Ilo {prop}
:: Ilo (province)
ilocalizable {adj}
:: unreachable, unlocatable
ilocana {f}
:: feminine noun of ilocano
ilocano {adj}
:: Ilocano
ilocano {m}
:: Ilocano (language)
ilocano {m}
:: Ilocano (people)
ilocutivo {adj}
:: illocutive
ilógicamente {adv}
:: illogically
ilógico {adj}
:: illogical
ilongo {m}
:: Ilonggo
ilota {mf}
:: helot
ilu {f}
:: clipping of ilusión
iludir {v}
:: to deceive
iludir {v}
:: to mock, ridicule
iluminación {f}
:: lighting
iluminada {f}
:: feminine noun of iluminado
iluminado {adj}
:: lit, illuminated
iluminado {m}
:: lighting, illumination, light
iluminado {m}
:: visionary, seer, illuminist
iluminador {adj}
:: illuminating
iluminador {m}
:: light technician, illuminator
iluminancia {f}
:: illuminance
iluminar {v}
:: to illuminate
iluminismo {f}
:: illumination
Iluminismo {prop} {m}
:: Enlightenment
iluminista {mf}
:: member of the Enlightenment
iluro {m}
:: ylide
ilusamente {adv}
:: gullibly; credulously
ilusión {f}
:: illusion
ilusión {f}
:: hope, expectation
ilusión {f}
:: enthusiasm
ilusión {f}
:: wishful thinking
ilusionadamente {adv}
:: excitedly
ilusionado {adj}
:: eager (excited by desire)
ilusionante {adj}
:: exciting
ilusionar {v}
:: to excite
ilusionarse {v}
:: reflexive of ilusionar
ilusionismo {m}
:: illusionism
ilusionista {mf}
:: illusionist
ilusivo {adj}
:: illusive
iluso {adj}
:: gullible, deluded
iluso {m}
:: stooge, gullible person
iluso {m}
:: dreamer
ilusoriamente {adv}
:: ineffectively
ilusorio {adj}
:: illusory
ilustración {f}
:: illustration
Ilustración {prop} {f}
:: the Enlightenment (17th and 18th-century philosophical movement in European history)
ilustradísimo {adj}
:: superlative of ilustrado
ilustrado {adj}
:: enlightened, learned
ilustrado {m}
:: member of the Enlightenment
ilustrador {mf}
:: illustrator
ilustradora {f}
:: feminine noun of ilustrador
ilustrar {vt}
:: to illustrate
ilustrar {vt}
:: to enlighten, to educate
ilustrar {vp}
:: to learn
ilustrativo {adj}
:: illustrative
ilustre {adj}
:: illustrious
ilustrísimo {adj}
:: superlative of ilustre
im- {prefix}
:: a form of the prefix in-, used before b, m and p
imagen {f}
:: image
imagenología {f}
:: imageology
imagenológico {adj}
:: imaging
imagen por resonancia magnética {f}
:: magnetic resonance imaging (technique)
imagen real {f}
:: live action
imaginable {adj}
:: imaginable, cogitable
imaginación {f}
:: imagination
imaginador {adj}
:: imagining
imaginador {m}
:: imaginer
imaginadoresa {f}
:: feminine noun of imaginador
imaginal {adj}
:: imaginal
imaginar {v}
:: to imagine
imaginar {vr}
:: to imagine, to suppose
imaginariamente {adv}
:: imaginarily
imaginario {adj}
:: imaginary
imaginativamente {adv}
:: imaginatively
imaginativo {adj}
:: imaginative
imaginera {f}
:: feminine noun of imaginero
imaginería {f}
:: imagery
imaginero {m}
:: A painter or sculptor of religious images
imam {m}
:: imam
imán {m}
:: magnet
imán {m}
:: attraction, charm
imán {m}
:: imam
imanar {v}
:: alternative form of imantar
imanato {m}
:: area controlled by an imam
imán de chochetes {m}
:: pussy magnet
imantación {f}
:: magnetization
imantado {adj}
:: magnetized
imantar {v}
:: to make magnetic; to magnetize
IMAO {m}
:: initialism of inhibidor de la monoaminooxidasa (MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor))
imatinib {m}
:: imatinib
imbabureña {f}
:: feminine noun of imbabureño
imbabureño {adj}
:: Of or from Imbabura
imbabureño {m}
:: Someone from Imbabura
imbateable {adj}
:: unbeatable
imbatibilidad {f}
:: unbeatability
imbatible {adj}
:: unbeatable
imbatido {adj}
:: unbeaten
imbécil {adj}
:: dumb, having the properties of an imbecile
imbécil {mf}
:: imbecile, moron, dimwit, nitwit, sucker, dolt, shithead, nincompoop
imbécil {mf}
:: asshole, prick, jerk, dickhead, twit, twerp, schmuck
imbecilidad {f}
:: stupidity, imbecility
imbecilización {f}
:: idiotization
imbecilizar {v}
:: to idiotize
imberbe {adj}
:: beardless
imbiar {v}
:: obsolete spelling of enviar
imbornal {m}
:: scupper
imborrable {adj}
:: indelible, undeletable
imbricación {f}
:: overlap
imbricar {v}
:: to interlace, interweave, imbricate
ímbrice {f}
:: imbrex
imbuir {v}
:: to imbue
IMC {n}
:: initialism of índice de masa corporal
IME {f}
:: initialism of Industria Maquiladora de Exportación
Imelda {prop} {f}
:: given name, most common in the Philippines, Imelda Marcos, Imelda Concepcion, Imelda Papin
-imento {suffix}
:: alternative form of -mento
imida {f}
:: imide
imidazol {m}
:: imidazole
-imiento {suffix}
:: alternative form of -miento
imina {f}
:: imine
imitación {f}
:: imitation, mimicking, mimicry, emulation
imitación {f}
:: knockoff
imitación {f}
:: impression, impersonation
imitación {f}
:: fake, dummy, imitation
imitador {adj}
:: imitating
imitador {m}
:: imitator
imitador {m}
:: copycat, wannabe
imitador {m}
:: impersonator, impressionist
imitadora {f}
:: feminine noun of imitador
imitar {v}
:: to imitate, to mimic, to ape, to copy, to copycat, to impersonate, to simulate
imitativo {adj}
:: imitative
-imos {suffix}
:: suffix indicating the first-person plural present indicative of -ir verbs
-imos {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the first-person plural preterite indicative of -er and -ir verbs
impaciencia {f}
:: impatience
impacientar {vt}
:: to cause impatience
impacientar {vr}
:: to lose patience
impacientarse {v}
:: reflexive of impacientar
impaciente {adj}
:: impatient
impacientemente {adv}
:: impatiently
impactador {m}
:: impacter
impactante {adj}
:: that shocks, who shocks, shocking
impactar {vti}
:: to impact, to crash into
impactar {vt}
:: to affect, to impact (to move to emotion)
impacto {m}
:: impact, brunt
impacto {m}
:: hit (e.g., bullets, artillery)
impagable {adj}
:: unpayable, very expensive
impagable {adj}
:: priceless
impagado {adj}
:: unpaid
impagar {v}
:: to fail to pay
impago {m}
:: nonpayment
impajaritable {adj}
:: necessary, imperative
impajaritablemente {adv}
:: necessarily, imperatively
impala {mf}
:: impala
impalpable {adj}
:: impalpable
impar {adj}
:: odd
impar {m}
:: odd number
imparable {adj}
:: unstoppable
imparablemente {adv}
:: unstoppably
imparcial {adj}
:: impartial
imparcialidad {f}
:: impartiality
imparcialidad {f}
:: neutrality
imparcialidad {f}
:: fairness
imparcialmente {adv}
:: impartially
imparipinnado {adj}
:: imparipinnate
impartición {f}
:: teaching
impartidor {m}
:: imparter, provider
impartidora {f}
:: feminine noun of impartidor
impartir {v}
:: to impart
impartir {v}
:: to give (classes, lessons)
impartir {v}
:: to give, give out (orders)
impasable {adj}
:: unacceptable
impasable {adj}
:: intolerable
impase {m}
:: alternative spelling of impasse
impasibilidad {f}
:: impassivity
impasible {adj}
:: impassive, stolid, emotionless, unemotional
impasible {adj}
:: unmoved, unperturbed
impasiblemente {adv}
:: impassively, unemotionally
impasse {m}
:: impasse
impavidez {f}
:: fearlessness
impavidez {f}
:: cold-bloodedness
impávido {adj}
:: fearless
impeachment {m}
:: impeachment (political trial) (especially in reference to the political systems of English-speaking countries)
impecabilidad {f}
:: faultlessness, impeccability
impecable {adj}
:: impeccable
impecable {adj}
:: perfect
impecable {adj}
:: spotless
impecablemente {adv}
:: impeccably
impedancia {f}
:: impedance
impedimento {m}
:: obstacle
impedimento {m}
:: impediment
impedir {v}
:: to impede, hinder
impeler {v}
:: to propel
impender {v}
:: to spend or expend
impenetrabilidad {f}
:: impenetrability
impenetrable {adj}
:: impenetrable
impenitente {adj}
:: impenitent
impensable {adj}
:: unthinkable
impensadamente {adv}
:: unthinkingly
impensado {adj}
:: unthinkable
impensado {adj}
:: unthought
imperadora {f}
:: empress
imperante {adj}
:: dominant
imperante {adj}
:: prevailing
imperante {adj}
:: ruling
imperar {v}
:: to reign, to rule
imperar {v}
:: to prevail
imperar {v}
:: to be in command, to be emperor
imperativamente {adv}
:: imperatively
imperativo {adj}
:: imperative
imperativo {m}
:: imperative (necessity)
imperativo {m}
:: imperative
imperativo categórico {m}
:: categorical imperative
imperativo lexicalizado {m}
:: An imperative verb form that has its own lexical meaning, such as anda or mira por dónde to express surprise, or dale to express agreement
imperativo retrospectivo {m}
:: A kind of past imperative; equivalent to "you should've done" in English
imperceptible {adj}
:: imperceptible
imperceptiblemente {adv}
:: imperceptibly
imperdible {adj}
:: unmissable, not-to-miss
imperdible {m}
:: safety pin
imperdonable {adj}
:: unforgivable, unpardonable
imperdonablemente {adv}
:: unforgivably, unpardonably
imperecedero {adj}
:: long-lasting
imperecedero {adj}
:: undying, immortal
imperecedero {adj}
:: timeless
imperecedero {adj}
:: circumpolar
imperfección {f}
:: imperfection
imperfectamente {adv}
:: imperfectly
imperfectísimo {adj}
:: superlative of imperfecto
imperfectivo {m}
:: imperfective
imperfecto {adj}
:: imperfect
imperfecto de subjuntivo {m}
:: present imperfect
imperforado {adj}
:: unperforated
imperial {adj}
:: imperial
imperialismo {m}
:: imperialism
imperialista {adj}
:: imperialist
imperialista {mf}
:: imperialist
imperialmente {adv}
:: imperially
impericia {f}
:: lack of skill; unskillfulness
imperio {m}
:: empire
imperio {m}
:: imperium
Imperio bizantino {prop} {m}
:: Byzantine Empire (an ancient Greek-speaking empire of Eastern Europe)
Imperio celeste {prop} {m}
:: Celestial Empire (China)
imperio de la ley {m}
:: rule of law
Imperio medio {prop} {m}
:: Middle Kingdom (Egypt in the 12th and 13th dynasties)
Imperio mogol {prop} {m}
:: Mughal Empire
Imperio mongol {prop} {m}
:: Mongol Empire
Imperio otomano {prop} {m}
:: Ottoman Empire
Imperio romano {prop} {m}
:: Roman Empire
Imperio ruso {prop} {m}
:: Russian Empire (state)
imperiosamente {adv}
:: imperiously
imperioso {adj}
:: imperious
imperioso {adj}
:: ineluctable
impermanencia {f}
:: impermanence
impermeabilidad {f}
:: impermeability
impermeabilización {f}
:: impermeabilization, waterproof
impermeabilizante {m}
:: waterproofing
impermeabilizar {v}
:: to waterproof
impermeabilizar {v}
:: to make impenetrable
impermeable {adj}
:: impermeable, waterproof
impermeable {m}
:: raincoat
impersonal {adj}
:: impersonal (not representing a person)
impersonal {adj}
:: impersonal (not having a subject)
impersonalidad {f}
:: impersonality
impersonalizar {v}
:: to impersonalize
impersonalmente {adv}
:: impersonally
impertérrito {adj}
:: impassive
impertinencia {f}
:: infamy, intrusiveness
impertinente {adj}
:: impertinent, cheeky
impertinentemente {adv}
:: impertinently
imperturbabilidad {f}
:: imperturbability
imperturbable {adj}
:: imperturbable
imperturbablemente {adv}
:: imperturbably
impétigo {m}
:: impetigo
ímpeto {m}
:: alternative form of ímpetu
impetrar {v}
:: to beseech, adjure, beg
ímpetu {m}
:: impetus
ímpetu {m}
:: force
ímpetu {m}
:: energy; vigor
impetuosamente {adv}
:: impetuously
impetuosidad {f}
:: impetuosity
impetuoso {adj}
:: impetuous, rash, heady
impetuoso {adj}
:: spirited, lively, vehement
impíamente {adv}
:: impiously
impiedad {f}
:: impiety
impío {adj}
:: impious
impío {adj}
:: profane
impío {adj}
:: nonreligious
implacable {adj}
:: implacable, harsh, unrelenting
implacablemente {adv}
:: implacably
implantación {f}
:: implantation (the action or the result of implanting.)
implantar {v}
:: to implant
implantar {v}
:: to pass (a law)
implantarse {v}
:: to introduce oneself
implantarse {v}
:: to implant
implante {m}
:: implant
implantología {f}
:: implantology
implementación {f}
:: implementation
implementador {m}
:: implementer
implementar {v}
:: to implement
implemento {m}
:: implement
implemento {m}
:: appliance
implemento {m}
:: tool
implicación {f}
:: implication
implicado {adj}
:: implicated, involved
implicancia {f}
:: implication
implicar {v}
:: to imply, implicate
implicar {v}
:: to oppose, be contradictory
implicatura {f}
:: implicature
implícitamente {adv}
:: implicitly
implícito {adj}
:: implicit; tacit
imploración {f}
:: supplication
implorar {v}
:: to implore
implosión {f}
:: implosion
implosionar {vi}
:: to implode
implosivo {adj}
:: implosive
implume {adj}
:: featherless
impoluto {adj}
:: unpolluted; unspoiled; pure; untouched; spotless
impoluto {adj}
:: pure, virgin
imponderable {adj}
:: imponderable
imponencia {f}
:: impressiveness; wow factor
imponente {adj}
:: imposing, impressive
imponer {v}
:: to impose, impress
imponer {v}
:: to impose, enforce
imponer {v}
:: to enjoin
imponerse {v}
:: reflexive of imponer
imponibilidad {f}
:: taxability
imponible {adj}
:: taxable
impopular {adj}
:: unpopular
impopularidad {f}
:: unpopularity
importación {f}
:: importation
importación {f}
:: import
importador {adj}
:: importing
importador {m}
:: importer
importadora {f}
:: feminine noun of importador
importancia {f}
:: importance
importante {adj}
:: important
importantemente {adv}
:: importantly
importantísimo {adj}
:: superlative of importante
importar {v}
:: to matter, to be important, to mind, to care
importar {vt}
:: to import
importar una higa {v}
:: to mean absolutely nothing (to someone)
importar un comino {v}
:: to not give a hoot, to not give two hoots, to not give a damn, to not give a shit, to not give a fig
importar un huevo {v}
:: to mean absolutely nothing (to someone)
importe {m}
:: price, cost
importe {m}
:: sum
importunar {v}
:: to inconvenience
importunidad {f}
:: annoying behaviour or action
importunísimo {adj}
:: superlative of importuno
imposibilidad {f}
:: impossibility
imposibilitar {v}
:: to make impossible
imposible {adj}
:: impossible
imposible {adj}
:: unable
imposible {adj}
:: out of the question
imposiblemente {adv}
:: impossibly
imposición {f}
:: imposition
impositivo {adj}
:: taxation (attributive), tax (attributive)
impostación {f}
:: projection (of the voice)
impostado {adj}
:: fake, phony
impostar {v}
:: to project (the voice)
impostergable {adj}
:: that cannot be put off or delayed
impostergablemente {adv}
:: unmovably
impostor {m}
:: impostor
impostora {f}
:: feminine noun of impostor
impostura {f}
:: imposture
impostura {f}
:: slander
impotencia {f}
:: impotence / impotency
impotencia {f}
:: disability
impotencia {f}
:: powerlessness
impotente {adj}
:: impotent
impotente {adj}
:: impotent, powerless, helpless
impracticabilidad {f}
:: impracticality
impracticable {adj}
:: impracticable
impráctico {adj}
:: impractical
imprecación {f}
:: imprecation, curse
imprecar {v}
:: to imprecate, curse
imprecisamente {adv}
:: imprecisely
imprecisión {f}
:: imprecision
impreciso {adj}
:: imprecise, vague
impredecibilidad {f}
:: unpredictability
impredecible {adj}
:: unpredictable
impregnación {f}
:: impregnation
impregnar {v}
:: to impregnate
impremeditado {adj}
:: unpremeditated
imprenta {f}
:: printing (the technology)
imprenta {f}
:: printing press
imprenta {f}
:: printer (a factory where printing is done)
imprentero {adj}
:: printing
imprentero {m}
:: printer (person)
imprescindible {adj}
:: indispensable, essential, imperative, vital
imprescriptibilidad {f}
:: imprescriptibility
imprescriptible {adj}
:: imprescriptible
impresentable {adj}
:: unpresentable
impresentable {adj}
:: disgraceful
impresentable {adj}
:: inept
impresión {f}
:: impression
impresión {f}
:: print
impresión 3D {f}
:: 3D printing
impresionabilidad {f}
:: impressionability
impresionable {adj}
:: impressionable
impresionado {adj}
:: impressed
impresionante {adj}
:: impressive
impresionante {adj}
:: awesome, amazing
impresionante {adj}
:: stunning, breathtaking, striking (physical appearance, scenery)
impresionantemente {adv}
:: strikingly, notably, remarkably
impresionar {v}
:: to impress; to make an impression on
impresionismo {m}
:: impressionism
impresionista {adj}
:: impressionistic
impresionista {mf}
:: impressionist
impreso {adj}
:: printed
impresor {adj}
:: printing
impresor {m}
:: printer (person)
impresora {f}
:: printer
impresora 3D {f}
:: 3D printer
imprevisibilidad {f}
:: unpredictability
imprevisible {adj}
:: unforeseeable, unpredictable
imprevisiblemente {adv}
:: unpredictably
imprevisión {f}
:: improvidence
imprevistamente {adv}
:: unexpectedly
imprevisto {adj}
:: unforeseen, unexpected
imprevisto {m}
:: unforeseen event; contingency
imprimación {f}
:: priming (the first coating of a paint)
imprimación {f}
:: primer (a substance used to prepare a surface for painting)
imprimar {vt}
:: to prime (to apply a coat of primer paint to)
imprimátur {m}
:: imprimatur
imprimible {adj}
:: printable
imprimir {v}
:: to print
imprimirse {v}
:: reflexive of imprimir
improbabilidad {f}
:: improbability
improbable {adj}
:: improbable, unlikely
improbablemente {adv}
:: improbably
improbación {f}
:: disapproval
improbar {v}
:: to disapprove
improbidad {f}
:: dishonesty
ímprobo {adj}
:: dishonest, corrupt
ímprobo {adj}
:: strenuous
ímprobo {adj}
:: enormous (especially used to describe effort or workload)
improcedencia {f}
:: inappropriateness
improcedente {adj}
:: inappropriate
improcedentemente {adv}
:: inappropriately
improductividad {f}
:: unproductiveness
improductivo {adj}
:: unproductive
impronta {f}
:: mark, impression
impronunciable {adj}
:: unpronounceable
improperio {m}
:: insult, affront, diss
impropiamente {adv}
:: inappropriately
impropicio {adj}
:: unpropitious
impropiedad {f}
:: improperness
impropio {adj}
:: unseemly, improper
improponible {adj}
:: not proposable
improrrogable {adj}
:: unextendable
improvisación {f}
:: improvisation
improvisadamente {adv}
:: in an improvised manner
improvisado {adj}
:: improvised
improvisado {adj}
:: makeshift
improvisador {adj}
:: improvised; impro
improvisador {m}
:: improviser
improvisadora {f}
:: feminine noun of improvisador
improvisamente {adv}
:: off the cuff
improvisar {v}
:: to improvise (make something up as one goes on)
improvisto {adj}
:: unexpected
imprudencia {f}
:: imprudence
imprudente {adj}
:: imprudent, ill-advised
imprudentemente {adv}
:: imprudently
imprudentísimo {adj}
:: superlative of imprudente
impúber {adj}
:: prepubescent
impúber {mf}
:: prepubescent person
impudencia {f}
:: impudence
impudente {adj}
:: shameless
impúdicamente {adv}
:: shamelessly
impúdico {adj}
:: shameless, unembarrassed
impudor {m}
:: impudence
impuesto {m}
:: tax, levy (money paid to the government)
impuesto {m}
:: impost
impuesto a la venta de los bienes y servicios {m}
:: goods and services tax
impuesto al consumo {m}
:: excise tax, sales tax
impuesto de capitación {m}
:: poll tax
impuesto electoral {m}
:: poll tax
impuesto indirecto {m}
:: excise tax
impuesto por cabeza {m}
:: head tax
impuesto real {m}
:: property tax
impuesto real {m}
:: royal tax
impuesto sucesorio {m}
:: estate tax, inheritance tax
impugnable {adj}
:: impugnable
impugnación {f}
:: challenge
impugnador {adj}
:: contesting
impugnador {m}
:: contester
impugnadora {f}
:: feminine noun of impugnador
impugnar {v}
:: to contest
impugnar {v}
:: to contest
impulsador {adj}
:: boosting
impulsador {m}
:: booster
impulsar {v}
:: to impel, to propel
impulsar {v}
:: to push, to push for, to push forward, to drive, to propel, to force, to drive forward
impulsar {v}
:: to boost, to promote, to jump-start
impulsar {v}
:: to drive, to motivate, encourage, to impel
impulse {m}
:: push, shove
impulsión {f}
:: impulsion
impulsión {f}
:: impulse
impulsión {f}
:: drive
impulsivamente {adv}
:: impulsively
impulsividad {f}
:: impulsiveness
impulsivo {adj}
:: impulsive
impulso {m}
:: drive, urge
impulso {m}
:: impulse, pulse
impulso nervioso {m}
:: nerve impulse
impulsor {adj}
:: driving
impulsor {adj}
:: impulsive
impulsor {m}
:: impeller
impune {adj}
:: unpunished, scot-free
impunemente {adv}
:: with impunity, scot-free
impunidad {f}
:: impunity
impuntual {adj}
:: unpunctual
impuntualidad {f}
:: unpunctuality
impuramente {adv}
:: impurely
impureza {f}
:: impurity (the condition of being impure)
impureza {f}
:: impurity (a component or additive that renders something else impure)
impuridad {f}
:: impurity
impurificar {v}
:: to impurify; sully
impuro {adj}
:: impure
imputabilidad {f}
:: imputability, responsibility
imputable {adj}
:: attributable; imputable
imputación {f}
:: imputation
imputar {v}
:: to impute; to ascribe
imputar {v}
:: to accuse
IMSS {prop} {m}
:: initialism of Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Ímuris {prop}
:: Ímuris (municipality)
in- {prefix}
:: not (negation)
-ín {suffix}
:: A suffix to form the diminutives of nouns, often one already with a diminutive suffix
-ina {suffix}
:: -ine
-ina {suffix}
:: -in
-ina {suffix}
:: A diminutive suffix for feminine nouns or adjectives
inabarcable {adj}
:: boundless, infinite
inabordable {adj}
:: inaccessible, unapproachable
inacabable {adj}
:: endless, interminable
inacabablemente {adv}
:: endlessly
inacabado {adj}
:: unfinished
inaccesibilidad {f}
:: inaccessibility
inaccesible {adj}
:: inaccessible
inacción {f}
:: inaction
inacentuado {adj}
:: atonic, unstressed
inaceptable {adj}
:: unacceptable
inaceptablemente {adv}
:: unacceptably
inactivación {f}
:: inactivation
inactivar {v}
:: to inactivate
inactividad {f}
:: inactivity, idleness
inactivo {adj}
:: inactive
inactivo {adj}
:: down (a website, server, system, etc.)
inadaptable {adj}
:: inadaptable
inadaptación {f}
:: inadaptation
inadaptado {m}
:: misfit
inadaptado {adj}
:: maladjusted, not fitting
inadecuación {f}
:: inadequacy
inadecuadamente {adv}
:: inadequately
inadecuado {adj}
:: inadequate
inadmisibilidad {f}
:: inadmissibility
inadmisible {adj}
:: inadmissible, impermissible
inadmisible {adj}
:: unacceptable, unconscionable, inadmissible
inadmitir {v}
:: to hastily turn down; quickly reject; toss out
inadvertencia {f}
:: inadvertence
inadvertencia {f}
:: oversight
inadvertible {adj}
:: unnoticed
inadvertidamente {adv}
:: inadvertently
inadvertido {adj}
:: unnoticed
inafectabilidad {f}
:: The inability to be moved; immovability
inagotable {adj}
:: inexhaustible
inaguantable {adj}
:: unbearable, intolerable
INAH {prop} {m}
:: initialism of Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History)
inajenable {adj}
:: nontransferable
inajenable {adj}
:: inalienable
Iñaki {prop} {m}
:: given name
inalámbricamente {adv}
:: wirelessly
inalámbrico {adj}
:: wireless
inalámbrico {adj}
:: cordless
inalcanzable {adj}
:: unreachable; unattainable
inalcanzado {adj}
:: unattained, unachieved
inalienable {adj}
:: inalienable
inalterabilidad {f}
:: unalterability
inalterable {adj}
:: inalterable, unchangeable
inalterablemente {adv}
:: unalterably
inalterado {adj}
:: unaltered
inambú {m}
:: tinamou
inamistoso {adj}
:: unfriendly
inamovible {adj}
:: fixed, stationary
inamovilidad {f}
:: immobility
inane {adj}
:: inane; pointless
inanición {f}
:: starvation, inanition
inanidad {f}
:: inanity
inanimado {adj}
:: inanimate
inapagable {adj}
:: inextinguishable
inapelable {adj}
:: unappealable
inapelablemente {adv}
:: unmistakably
inapetencia {f}
:: lack of hunger, lack of appetite
inapetencia {f}
:: loss of appetite
inapetente {adj}
:: not hungry, without appetite
inaplazable {adj}
:: urgent
inaplicabilidad {f}
:: inapplicableness
inaplicable {adj}
:: inapplicable
inaplicación {f}
:: inapplication
inapreciable {adj}
:: unappreciable, unnoticeable
inapropiadamente {adv}
:: inappropriately, improperly
inapropiado {adj}
:: inappropriate, unsuitable
inaprovechable {adj}
:: unable to be taken advantage of
inapto {adj}
:: inept
inarmonía {f}
:: inharmonicity
inarmonicidad {f}
:: inharmonicity
inarmónico {adj}
:: inharmonic
inarticuladas {adj}
:: feminine plural of inarticulado
inarticulado {adj}
:: inarticulate
inarticulados {adj}
:: masculine plural of inarticulado
inasequible {adj}
:: unaffordable
inasequible {adj}
:: unapproachable
inasible {adj}
:: unattainable, unseizable
inasistencia {f}
:: absence (failure to attend)
inasistencia {f}
:: neglect
inasumible {adj}
:: unacceptable
inatacable {adj}
:: unattackable, unassailable
inatajable {adj}
:: unstoppable
inatención {f}
:: inattention
inatrapable {adj}
:: uncatchable
inaudible {adj}
:: inaudible
inaudito {adj}
:: unheard-of, unprecedented
inaudito {adj}
:: outrageous
inauguración {f}
:: inauguration
inaugurador {adj}
:: inauguration
inaugurador {m}
:: inaugurator
inauguradora {f}
:: feminine noun of inaugurador
inaugural {adj}
:: inaugural
inaugurar {v}
:: to inaugurate
inbox {m}
:: inbox
inca {mf}
:: Inca
incaico {adj}
:: Incan
incalculable {adj}
:: incalculable
incalculablemente {adv}
:: incalculably
incalificable {adj}
:: unspeakable, indescribable
incambiado {adj}
:: unchanged
incanato {m}
:: the Inca period; the age of the Inca Empire
incandescencia {f}
:: incandescence
incandescente {adj}
:: incandescent
incansable {adj}
:: tireless, untiring, indefatigable, unflagging, inexhaustible, unwearied
incansable {adj}
:: unremitting, relentless
incansablemente {adv}
:: tirelessly, untiringly
incantable {adj}
:: unsingable
incantación {f}
:: incantation
incapacidad {f}
:: inability, incapability
incapacidad {f}
:: disability, handicap
incapacitación {f}
:: incapacitation
incapacitante {adj}
:: incapacitating
incapacitar {v}
:: to incapacitate
incapaz {adj}
:: incapable, unable
incardinación {f}
:: incardination
incardinar {v}
:: to include
incario {m}
:: Inca period
incasable {adj}
:: unmarriageable
incásico {adj}
:: Incan
incautación {f}
:: confiscation, seizure, seizing, impoundment, impounding
incautamente {adv}
:: incautiously
incautar {v}
:: to confiscate, impound
incautar {v}
:: to seize, commandeer
incautar {vr}
:: to seize
incauto {adj}
:: dupe, gullible, unwary, naive
incauto {adj}
:: careless
incauto {m}
:: gullible or unwary person
incendiar {v}
:: to set fire to
incendiaria {f}
:: feminine noun of incendiario
incendiario {adj}
:: incendiary, inflammatory
incendiario {m}
:: incendiary, arsonist
incendiarse {v}
:: reflexive of incendiar
incendio {m}
:: fire (especially burning buildings or forests)
incendio {m}
:: blaze
incendio {m}
:: outburst
incendio forestal {m}
:: wildfire (fire that affects an wildland area)
incensación {f}
:: incensation
incensar {v}
:: to incense
incensario {m}
:: censer
incentivación {f}
:: incentivizing
incentivar {v}
:: to foster, provide incentive
incentivo {m}
:: incentive, stimulus
incerteza {f}
:: uncertainty
incertidumbre {f}
:: uncertainty
incesable {adj}
:: unstoppable
incesablemente {adv}
:: incessantly
incesante {adj}
:: incessant; ceaseless
incesantemente {adv}
:: incessantly, ceaselessly
incesto {m}
:: incest
incestuoso {adj}
:: incestuous
incha {m}
:: a soccer fan or sometimes a hooligan
incidencia {f}
:: repercussion, impact, effect
incidencia {f}
:: incident, happening
incidental {adj}
:: incidental (existing by chance)
incidentalmente {adv}
:: incidentally
incidentar {v}
:: to show
incidentar {v}
:: (Dominican Republic, law) "to invoke a fact or omission during a trial that has effects on the case"
incidente {m}
:: incident
incidir {vi}
:: to have influence or affect on, to have bearing on
incidir {v}
:: to enter into, to incur
incidir {v}
:: to err
incidir {v}
:: to make an incision
incienso {m}
:: incense
incienso {m}
:: Myrocarpus frondosus, a tree from the Fabaceae family
inciertamente {adv}
:: uncertainly
incierto {adj}
:: uncertain
incineración {f}
:: incineration
incinerador {m}
:: incinerator
incineradora {f}
:: incinerator
incinerar {v}
:: to incinerate
incipiente {adj}
:: beginning
incipientemente {adv}
:: in the beginning; at first
incircunciso {adj}
:: uncircumcised
incisión {f}
:: incision, cut
incisional {adj}
:: incisional
incisivo {adj}
:: incisive
incisivo {m}
:: incisor
inciso {adj}
:: concise, curt
inciso {m}
:: aside (parenthetical remark)
incitación {f}
:: arousal
incitación {f}
:: seduction
incitación {f}
:: incitement, incitation
incitador {m}
:: inciter, agitator (one who incites)
incitador {adj}
:: inciting (who or which incites)
incitadora {f}
:: feminine noun of incitador
incitante {adj}
:: inciting, provoking
incitar {vt}
:: to incite, to provoke
incivil {adj}
:: uncivil; impolite
incivilidad {f}
:: incivility
incivilizado {adj}
:: uncivilized
incivismo {m}
:: incivility
inclasificable {adj}
:: unclassifiable (that one cannot classify)
inclaudicable {adj}
:: unyielding; unfailing
inclemencia {f}
:: inclemency
inclemente {adj}
:: inclement, rough (of weather)
inclemente {adj}
:: merciless, severe
inclinación {f}
:: incline
inclinación {f}
:: inclination
inclinar {vt}
:: to tilt
inclinarse {vr}
:: to bow down
ínclito {adj}
:: illustrious, famous
incluido {adj}
:: included, supplied
incluir {v}
:: to include, to enclose, to contain
inclusa {f}
:: orphanage
inclusión {f}
:: inclusion
inclusivamente {adv}
:: inclusively
inclusive {adv}
:: including, even
inclusividad {f}
:: inclusivity
inclusivo {adj}
:: inclusive
incluso {adj}
:: enclosed, included
incluso {adv}
:: even
incluso {adv}
:: including
incluyente {adj}
:: inclusive
incoación {f}
:: Start, or commencement, or initiation
incoar {v}
:: to start, commence
incobrable {adj}
:: bounced (of a check refused by a bank)
incobrable {adj}
:: uncollectible (of debt)
incogible {m}
:: base hit
incógnita {f}
:: unknown quantity
incógnita {f}
:: mystery, hidden motive
incógnito {adj}
:: incognito, anonymous, unknown (with a hidden or unknown identity)
incoherencia {f}
:: incoherence
incoherente {adj}
:: incoherent
incoherentemente {adv}
:: incoherently
íncola {mf}
:: inhabitant, resident, dweller
incoloro {adj}
:: colourless
incólume {adj}
:: unhurt, unscathed
incombinable {adj}
:: incombinable
incombustible {adj}
:: Not capable of catching fire and burning; not flammable
incomestible {adj}
:: inedible
incomible {adj}
:: inedible
incómodamente {adv}
:: uncomfortably
incomodar {v}
:: to bother; to annoy; to vex
incomodar {v}
:: to cause discomfort to someone, make uncomfortable
incomodar {v}
:: to inconvenience
incomodar {vr}
:: to feel uncomfortable
incomodidad {f}
:: incommodiousness, inconvenience, discomfort
incomodísimo {adj}
:: superlative of incómodo
incómodo {adj}
:: uncomfortable
incómodo {adj}
:: awkward
incomparable {adj}
:: uncomparable
incomparablemente {adv}
:: incomparably
incomparecencia {f}
:: no-show, failure to appear
incompatibilidad {f}
:: incompatibility
incompatible {adj}
:: incompatible
incompetencia {f}
:: incompetence
incompetente {adj}
:: incompetent
incompletamente {adv}
:: incompletely
incompletitud {f}
:: incompleteness
incompleto {adj}
:: incomplete, unfinished
incomprendido {adj}
:: misunderstood
incomprensible {adj}
:: incomprehensible
incomprensiblemente {adv}
:: incomprehensibly
incomprensión {f}
:: incomprehension
incompresible {adj}
:: incompressible
incomprobable {adj}
:: unprovable, unverifiable
incomún {adj}
:: uncommon
incomunicación {f}
:: isolation
incomunicación {f}
:: solitary confinement
incomunicación {f}
:: lack of communication
incomunicado {adj}
:: Of a prisoner, incommunicado; not permitted to communicate with anyone by speech or writing. Often used substantively.
incomunicar {vt}
:: to isolate, deny communication
inconcebible {adj}
:: inconceivable, unthinkable
inconcebiblemente {adv}
:: inconceivably
inconceptualizable {adj}
:: inconceptualizable
inconciliable {adj}
:: irreconcilable
inconcluso {adj}
:: unfinished
inconcluyente {adj}
:: inconclusive
inconcreción {f}
:: lack of concretion
inconcreto {adj}
:: imprecise, unspecific
inconcuso {adj}
:: indisputable, inarguable
incondicionado {adj}
:: unconditional
incondicional {adj}
:: unconditional
incondicionalidad {f}
:: unconditional loyalty
incondicionalmente {adv}
:: wholeheartedly, unconditionally, unreservedly, unquestioningly
inconducente {adj}
:: unconducive, ineffectual (not likely to produce an outcome)
inconducta {f}
:: misconduct
inconexo {adj}
:: unconnected
inconexo {adj}
:: disconnected
inconexo {adj}
:: disjointed, random
inconfesable {adj}
:: shameful
inconfesado {adj}
:: unconfessed
inconfeso {adj}
:: not having confessed
inconfirmable {adj}
:: unconfirmable
inconformarse {vr}
:: to rebel; to go against the grain
inconforme {adj}
:: rebellious, nonconformist
inconforme {mf}
:: nonconformist
inconformidad {f}
:: nonconformity
inconformismo {m}
:: nonconformism, nonconformity
inconformista {mf}
:: nonconformist
inconfundible {adj}
:: unmistakable
inconfundiblemente {adv}
:: unmistakably
incongruencia {f}
:: incongruence
incongruente {adj}
:: incongruous
inconmensurabilidad {f}
:: immeasurability
inconmensurable {adj}
:: immeasurable
inconmensurablemente {adv}
:: immeasurably
inconmovible {adj}
:: unmoveable
inconmutable {adj}
:: incommutable
inconquistable {adj}
:: unconquerable
inconsciencia {f}
:: unconsciousness
inconsciente {adj}
:: unconscious
inconsciente colectivo {m}
:: collective unconscious
inconscientemente {adv}
:: unconsciously, subconsciously
inconsecuencia {f}
:: inconsistence
inconsecuente {adj}
:: inconsistent
inconsideradamente {adv}
:: inconsiderately; without consideration
inconsiderado {adj}
:: inconsiderate
inconsistencia {f}
:: inconsistency
inconsistente {adj}
:: inconsistent
inconsolable {adj}
:: inconsolable
inconspicuamente {adv}
:: inconspicuously
inconstancia {f}
:: inconstance
inconstante {adj}
:: inconstant; changeable
inconstitucional {adj}
:: unconstitutional
inconstitucionalidad {f}
:: unconstitutionality
inconstitucionalmente {adv}
:: unconstitutionally
inconstruible {adj}
:: unsuitable for building
inconsultamente {adv}
:: rashly; heedlessly
inconsulto {adj}
:: rash, impetuous
inconsútil {adj}
:: seamless, one-piece (having no seams)
incontable {adj}
:: uncountable
incontaminado {adj}
:: unpolluted, uncontaminated
incontenible {adj}
:: unstoppable, uncontrollable
inconteniblemente {adv}
:: in a manner that is not capable of being contained
incontestable {adj}
:: incontestable
incontestablemente {adv}
:: indisputably
incontinencia {f}
:: incontinence
incontinente {adj}
:: incontinente
incontinenti {adv}
:: at once; straight away
incontrastable {adj}
:: uncontrastable
incontrolable {adj}
:: uncontrollable
incontrolablemente {adv}
:: uncontrollably
incontrolado {adj}
:: uncontrolled
incontrovertible {adj}
:: undisputable
incontrovertiblemente {adv}
:: undeniably
inconveniencia {f}
:: inconvenience
inconveniente {adj}
:: inconvenient
inconveniente {m}
:: problem, trouble
inconveniente {m}
:: drawback (disadvantage)
inconvertibilidad {f}
:: inconvertibility
incordiante {adj}
:: annoying
incordiante {mf}
:: one who is annoying
incordiar {v}
:: to bug, pester, tick off
incordio {m}
:: pest; pain in the neck
incorporación {f}
:: incorporation
incorporar {v}
:: to incorporate
incorporar {v}
:: to fold, stir gently
incorporar {v}
:: to stand up
incorporarse {v}
:: reflexive of incorporar
incorpóreo {adj}
:: incorporeal (having no material form or physical substance)
incorrección {f}
:: mistake, error
incorrección {f}
:: faux pas
incorrectamente {adv}
:: incorrectly
incorrecto {adj}
:: wrong, incorrect
incorregible {adj}
:: incorrigible
incorregible {adj}
:: uncorrectable
incorregiblemente {adv}
:: incorrigibly
incorruptibilidad {f}
:: incorruptibility
incorruptible {adj}
:: incorruptible
incorrupto {adj}
:: incorruptible
incosteable {adj}
:: unaffordable
increado {adj}
:: uncreated
incrédulamente {adv}
:: incredulously
incredulidad {f}
:: incredulity
incrédulo {adj}
:: incredulous, disbelieving
increíble {adj}
:: incredible, unbelievable
increíblemente {adv}
:: incredibly
incremental {adj}
:: incremental
incrementalmente {adv}
:: incrementally
incrementar {v}
:: to increment
incrementarse {v}
:: reflexive of incrementar
incremento {m}
:: increment
incremento {m}
:: accrual
increpación {f}
:: earful; dressing-down
increpar {v}
:: to rebuke, to chastise
incretina {f}
:: incretin
incriminación {f}
:: incrimination
incriminador {adj}
:: incriminating
incriminar {vt}
:: to incriminate
incriminatorio {adj}
:: incriminatory, incriminating
incruento {adj}
:: bloodless
incrustación {f}
:: inlay
incrustar {v}
:: to embed, encrust
incrustración {f}
:: incrustation
incruzable {adj}
:: uncrossable
incuadrable {adj}
:: Impossible to put together
incuantificable {adj}
:: unquantifiable
incubación {f}
:: incubation
incubador {adj}
:: incubating
incubadora {f}
:: incubator
incubar {v}
:: to incubate
íncubo {m}
:: incubus
incuestionable {adj}
:: unquestionable
incuestionablemente {adv}
:: unquestionably
inculcación {f}
:: inculcation
inculcar {vt}
:: to instill, inculcate (in), drum (review to establish memorization)
inculpación {f}
:: accusation, charge
inculpar {vt}
:: to accuse
inculpar {vt}
:: to incriminate
inculpar {vp}
:: to incriminate yourself, to confess
inculpatorio {adj}
:: inculpatory
inculto {adj}
:: uncultivated
inculto {adj}
:: uncivilized
inculto {adj}
:: ignorant
incultura {f}
:: lack of culture, ignorance
incultura {f}
:: barbarity
inculturación {f}
:: inculturation
incumbencia {f}
:: duty, responsibility, incumbency
incumbente {mf}
:: incumbent (current holder of an office)
incumbir {v}
:: to be incumbent
incumbir {v}
:: to correspond to, to have to do with
incumplible {adj}
:: unreachable, unattainable
incumplido {adj}
:: unfulfilled
incumplidor {m}
:: deadbeat, disappointer
incumplidora {f}
:: deadbeat, disappointer
incumplimiento {m}
:: nonfulfillment, noncompliance
incumplimiento de contrato {m}
:: breach of contract
incumplir {v}
:: to fail to complete
incumplir {v}
:: to disobey (rules)
incunable {m}
:: incunable, incunabulum
incurable {adj}
:: incurable
incuria {f}
:: negligence
incurrir {v}
:: to incur
incurrir en falsedad {v}
:: to misrepresent
incursión {f}
:: raid; incursion
incursionar {v}
:: to stage a raid on
incurso {adj}
:: involved
incursor {m}
:: raider
incursora {f}
:: feminine noun of incursor
incurvación {f}
:: incurvation
incurvo {adj}
:: inwardly curving
indagación {f}
:: investigation
indagador {adj}
:: investigating, inquiring
indagador {m}
:: investigator, inquirer, examiner, interrogator
indagadora {f}
:: feminine noun of indagador
indagar {vt}
:: to investigate
indagatorio {adj}
:: investigatory
indebidamente {adv}
:: unlawfully
indebidamente {adv}
:: unduly, unjustly
indebido {adj}
:: undue, unowed
indebido {adj}
:: illicit
indecencia {f}
:: indecency
indecente {adj}
:: indecent, obscene
indecentemente {adv}
:: indecently
indecible {adj}
:: unspeakable, ineffable
indecidible {adj}
:: undecidable
indecisión {f}
:: indecision, quandary
indeciso {adj}
:: indecisive, irresolute, wavering, uncertain, hesitant
indeciso {adj}
:: undecided, unsettled, unresolved
indeclinable {adj}
:: indeclinable
indeclinable {adj}
:: unavoidable
indecoro {m}
:: indecorum
indecorosamente {adv}
:: indecorously
indecoroso {adj}
:: indecorous, improper
indefectible {adj}
:: unswerving, resolute
indefectiblemente {adv}
:: inevitably
indefendible {adj}
:: undefendable
indefensión {f}
:: lack of defence, helplessness
indefenso {adj}
:: helpless, defenseless
indefinible {adj}
:: undefinable
indefinición {f}
:: lack of definition
indefinición {f}
:: vagueness
indefinidamente {adv}
:: indefinitely
indefinido {adj}
:: indefinite (without limits)
indefinido {adj}
:: undefined (lacking a definition)
indefinido {adj}
:: undefined (that does not have a meaning)
indefinido {adj}
:: indefinite; undecided; uncertain
indefinido {adj}
:: indefinite (which specifies an undetermined object)
indeformable {adj}
:: undeformable
indehiscente {adj}
:: dehiscent
indeleble {adj}
:: indelible
indeleblemente {adv}
:: indelibly, permanently
indelegable {adj}
:: not delegable
indelicadeza {f}
:: tactlessness
indemne {adj}
:: unhurt, unscathed
indemnidad {f}
:: indemnity
indemnización {f}
:: indemnity
indemnizar {v}
:: to indemnify
indemnizatorio {adj}
:: compensatory
indemostrable {adj}
:: Not demonstrable
indentación {f}
:: indentation
indepe {f}
:: independentist
indepedentismo {m}
:: independentism
independencia {f}
:: independence
independencia lineal {f}
:: linear independence
independentismo {m}
:: independentism
independentista {adj}
:: that desires independence
independentista {mf}
:: independentist
independiente {adj}
:: independent (not contingent or depending on something else)
independiente {adj}
:: independent, autonomous
independientemente {adv}
:: independently
independientemente {adv}
:: regardless of, irrespective of(+ de)
independientóloga {f}
:: independentologist
independientólogo {m}
:: independentologist
independización {f}
:: independence
independizar {v}
:: to make independent
independizar {vr}
:: to become independent
independizarse {v}
:: to become independent
inderogable {adj}
:: nonrevocable
indescifrable {adj}
:: illegible
indescriptible {adj}
:: indescribable
indescriptiblemente {adv}
:: undescribably
indeseable {adj}
:: undesirable
indeseado {adj}
:: unwanted, unwelcome, unbidden
indesligable {adj}
:: inseparable
indesmayable {adj}
:: unflagging, indefatigable, unfaltering
indestronable {adj}
:: undeposable
indestructibilidad {f}
:: indestructibility
indestructible {adj}
:: indestructible
indetectable {adj}
:: undetectable
indetenible {adj}
:: unstoppable
indeterminable {adj}
:: indeterminable
indeterminación {f}
:: indetermination, indeterminacy
indeterminado {adj}
:: indeterminate
indeterminismo {m}
:: indeterminism
indexación {f}
:: indexing
indexado {adj}
:: indexed
indexar {v}
:: to index
india {f}
:: feminine noun of indio
India {prop} {f}
:: India
indiada {f}
:: Group of Indians
indiana {f}
:: printed calico
Indiana {prop} {f}
:: Indiana (state)
Indianápolis {prop} {f}
:: Indianápolis (capital city)
indianés {adj}
:: Indianian
indianés {m}
:: Indianian, Hoosier
indianesa {f}
:: feminine noun of indianés
indianista {mf}
:: Indianist
indianización {f}
:: Indianization
indiano {adj}
:: Indian
indiano {adj}
:: having returned to Europe from the Americas very wealthy
indiano {m}
:: Indian; American Indian
indiano {m}
:: someone who returned to Europe from the Americas very wealthy
Indias {fp}
:: Indies
indicación {f}
:: indication
indicación {f}
:: directions
indicado {adj}
:: appropriate
indicado {adj}
:: suitable
indicado {adj}
:: indicated
indicador {adj}
:: indicating, signaling
indicador {m}
:: indicator
indicador {m}
:: indicator, trafficator
indicar {v}
:: to indicate, to bespeak
indicativo {adj}
:: indicative (serving as a sign of something)
indicativo {adj}
:: indicative (relating or belonging to the indicative mood)
indicativo {m}
:: indicative (verbal mood used for ordinary factual or objective statements)
indicator {m}
:: honeyguide
indicatriz {f}
:: indicatrix
índice {m}
:: index
indiciar {v}
:: to index
indiciariamente {adv}
:: in a way connected to indices
indiciario {adj}
:: circumstantial
indicio {m}
:: clue, hint
indicio {m}
:: sign
indicio {m}
:: evidence
índico {adj}
:: Indian, East Indian
índico {adj}
:: related to the Indian Ocean
Índico {prop} {m}
:: Short form of Océano Índico, the Indian Ocean
indie {mf}
:: indie (style)
indie {mf}
:: indie (person who follows the indie style)
indiferencia {f}
:: indifference
indiferencia {f}
:: apathy
indiferenciado {adj}
:: homogenous; non-differing
indiferente {adj}
:: indifferent
indiferentemente {adv}
:: indifferently
indiferentemente {adv}
:: indistinctly
indiferentismo {m}
:: indifferentism
indígena {adj}
:: indigenous
indígena {mf}
:: indigenous person, native
indigencia {f}
:: indigence
indigenismo {m}
:: A movement to rectify past and current wrongs against indigenous minorities
indigenista {adj}
:: indigenist
indigenista {mf}
:: indigenist
indigente {adj}
:: indigent, needy (extremely poor)
indigente {mf}
:: pauper; indigent (one who is extremely poor)
indigerible {adj}
:: indigestible
indigestar {v}
:: to give or cause indigestion
indigestar {vr}
:: to get indigestion
indigestible {adj}
:: indigestible
indigestión {f}
:: indigestion
indigesto {adj}
:: indigestible
indigesto {adj}
:: disordered, confused, unarranged
indignación {f}
:: indignation
indignadísimo {adj}
:: superlative of indignado
indignado {m}
:: someone protesting the bankster occupation of the European Union
indignamente {adv}
:: indignantly
indignante {adj}
:: outrageous, egregious, shocking
indignar {v}
:: to outrage
indignidad {f}
:: indignity
indigno {adj}
:: unworthy (lacking value or merit)
índigo {m}
:: indigo
índigo {m}
:: indigo plant
indio {adj}
:: Indian (from India)
indio {adj}
:: Indian, Native American
indio {adj}
:: Spanish colonial racial term for a member of the native Austronesian peoples of the Philippines
indio {m}
:: a native of India
indio {m}
:: a Native American
indio {m}
:: historical a Filipino
indio {m}
:: indium
indio viejo {m}
:: A pre-Columbian corn-based broth from Nicaragua, made with
indirección {f}
:: indirection
indirecta {f}
:: hint
indirecta {f}
:: insinuation, innuendo
indirectamente {adv}
:: indirectly
indirecto {adj}
:: indirect, roundabout
indirecto {adj}
:: vicarious
indiscernible {adj}
:: indiscernible
indisciplina {f}
:: indiscipline
indisciplinado {adj}
:: undisciplined
indiscreción {f}
:: indiscretion
indiscretamente {adv}
:: indiscreetly
indiscreto {adj}
:: indiscreet
indiscriminadamente {adv}
:: indiscriminantly
indiscriminado {adj}
:: indiscriminate
indiscutible {adj}
:: indisputable; unquestionable
indiscutiblemente {adv}
:: undisputably
indiscutido {adj}
:: undiscussed
indisimulable {adj}
:: undisguisable, unmistakable
indisimuladamente {adv}
:: uncunningly, unslyly
indisimulado {adj}
:: undisguised
indisociable {adj}
:: inseparable
indisolubilidad {f}
:: indissolubility
indisoluble {adj}
:: indissoluble
indisoluble {adj}
:: binding, unbreakable
indisolublemente {adv}
:: insolubly
indisolublemente {adv}
:: indissolubly
indispensable {adj}
:: indispensable
indispensablemente {adv}
:: indispensably
indisponer {v}
:: to cause to become indisposed
indisponer {v}
:: to upset, to alienate
indisponibilidad {f}
:: inability
indisponible {adj}
:: unavailable
indisposición {f}
:: indisposition
indispuesto {adj}
:: indisposed, unwell, under the weather
indisputable {adj}
:: indisputable
indisputablemente {adv}
:: indisputably
indisputado {adj}
:: undisputed
indistinguible {adj}
:: indistinguishable
indistintamente {adv}
:: indistinctly, interchangeably
indistinto {adj}
:: indistinct
individuación {f}
:: individuation (in general)
individuación {f}
:: individuation
individual {adj}
:: individual
individual {adj}
:: case-by-case
individual {adj}
:: one-on-one (e.g., relationship or bond)
individual {adj}
:: one-man (e.g., a one-man show)
individual {adj}
:: personal, individualized
individual {m}
:: place mat
individualidad {f}
:: individuality, selfhood
individualismo {m}
:: individualism
individualista {adj}
:: individualistic
individualista {mf}
:: individualist
individualisto {adj}
:: individualistic
individualización {f}
:: individualization
individualizar {v}
:: to individualise
individualmente {adv}
:: individually
individuo {adj}
:: indivisible
individuo {adj}
:: individual
individuo {m}
:: individual
indivisibilidad {f}
:: indivisibility
indivisible {adj}
:: indivisible
indiviso {adj}
:: undivided
indización {f}
:: indexing
indizar {vt}
:: to index
Indo {prop} {m}
:: Indus
indo-ario {m}
:: Indo-Aryan
indoario {adj}
:: Indo-Aryan
indoblegable {adj}
:: unyielding
Indochina {prop} {f}
:: Indochina (region)
indochino {adj}
:: Indochinese
indócil {adj}
:: undocile
indocumentada {f}
:: feminine noun of indocumentado
indocumentado {adj}
:: undocumented
indocumentado {m}
:: An undocumented person
indoeuropea {f}
:: feminine noun of indoeuropeo
indoeuropeo {adj}
:: Indoeuropean
indoeuropeo {m}
:: Indoeuropean
indogriego {adj}
:: Indo-Greek
indol {m}
:: indole
indolacético {adj}
:: indoleacetic
indolbutírico {adj}
:: indolebutyric
índole {f}
:: type
índole {f}
:: nature, character
indolencia {f}
:: indolence
indolente {adj}
:: indolent, lazy
indolente {adj}
:: indifferent
indolentemente {adv}
:: indolently
indólico {adj}
:: indolic
indóloga {f}
:: feminine noun of indólogo
indólogo {m}
:: Indologist
indoloro {adj}
:: painless
indomable {adj}
:: indomitable
indomeñable {adj}
:: untamable; wild
indometacina {m}
:: indomethacin
indómito {adj}
:: untamed
indómito {adj}
:: wild
indómito {adj}
:: indomitable
indonés {adj}
:: alternative spelling of indonesio
indonés {m}
:: alternative spelling of indonesio
indonesia {f}
:: feminine noun of indonesio
Indonesia {prop} {f}
:: Indonesia
indonesio {adj}
:: Indonesian
indonesio {m}
:: Indonesian
indopaquistani {adj}
:: Indo-Pakistani
índor {adj}
:: indoor, indoors
índor {m}
:: indoor football, five-a-side
indosarraceno {adj}
:: Indo-Saracenic
indostánico {adj}
:: Hindustani
indostánico {m}
:: Hindustani (language)
indostano {adj}
:: Hindustani
indostano {adj}
:: Hindu
indostano {m}
:: Hindu
Indra {prop} {m}
:: Indra
indubitable {adj}
:: indubitable
indubitablemente {adv}
:: undoubtedly
indubitado {adj}
:: doubtless
inducción {f}
:: induction
inducible {adj}
:: inducible
inducido {m}
:: armature (in a dynamo)
inducir {v}
:: to lead
inducir {v}
:: to induce
inductancia {f}
:: inductance
inductivamente {adv}
:: inductively
inductivo {adj}
:: inductive
inductor {adj}
:: inducing
inductor {m}
:: inductor
inductores {n}
:: plural of inductor
indudable {adj}
:: indubitable, undoubtable
indudablemente {adv}
:: indubitably, undoubtedly
Induense {prop} {m}
:: Induan
indulgencia {f}
:: indulgence
indulgente {adj}
:: indulgent (prone to indulge)
indultar {v}
:: to pardon (grant an official pardon for a crime)
indultar {v}
:: To release a bull back into the wild after a fight, due to its excellent performance
indulto {m}
:: pardoning
indulto {m}
:: the release of the bull back into the wild, after a great performance
indumentaria {f}
:: clothing
indumentario {adj}
:: clothing
indumento {m}
:: clothing, garb, outfit
induración {f}
:: induration
indusio {m}
:: indusium
industria {f}
:: industry (the tendency to work persistently)
industria {f}
:: industry (businesses of the same type)
industria {f}
:: industry (businesses that produce goods)
industrial {adj}
:: industrial
industria ligera {f}
:: light industry
industrialismo {m}
:: industrialism
industrialista {mf}
:: industrialist
industrialización {f}
:: industrialization
industrializador {adj}
:: industrializing
industrializar {v}
:: to industrialize
industrialmente {adv}
:: industrially
industriar {v}
:: to teach; to instruct
industriar {vr}
:: to get by; sort things out oneself
industriosamente {adv}
:: industriously
industrioso {adj}
:: industrious
inecuación {f}
:: inequation
inédito {adj}
:: not published
inédito {adj}
:: new, unseen
inefable {adj}
:: ineffable (beyond expression)
inefablemente {adv}
:: ineffably
inefectividad {f}
:: ineffectiveness
inefectivo {adj}
:: ineffective
ineficacia {f}
:: inefficiency
ineficaz {adj}
:: ineffective
ineficiencia {f}
:: inefficiency
ineficiente {adj}
:: inefficient
ineficientemente {adv}
:: inefficiently
inejecución {f}
:: inexecution
inejecutar {v}
:: to unexecute; undo the act of executing (various meanings)
inelástico {adj}
:: inelastic
inelegante {adj}
:: inelegant
inelegibilidad {f}
:: ineligibility
inelegible {adj}
:: ineligible
inelipse {f}
:: inellipse
ineluctable {adj}
:: ineluctable
ineluctablemente {adv}
:: unequivocally
ineludible {adj}
:: unavoidable
ineludible {adj}
:: unmissable
ineludiblemente {adv}
:: unavoidably
inembargabilidad {f}
:: unseizable; untouchable
inembargable {adj}
:: unseizable; untouchable
inenarrable {adj}
:: unspeakable, inenarrable
inencontrable {adj}
:: unfindable
inentendible {adj}
:: incomprehensible
ineptitud {m}
:: ineptitude
inepto {adj}
:: inept
inequidad {f}
:: inequity
inequitativo {adj}
:: inequitable
inequívocamente {adv}
:: unequivocally, unambiguously
inequívoco {adj}
:: unambiguous
inequívoco {adj}
:: unmistakable
inercia {f}
:: inertia (the property of a body that resists change to its uniform motion)
inercial {adj}
:: inertial
inercia química {f}
:: Chemical inertness. unreactive
inergativo {adj}
:: unergative
inerme {adj}
:: unarmed, defenceless, helpless
inerradicable {adj}
:: ineradicable
inerte {adj}
:: inert
inerte {adj}
:: inactive, sluggish
inervación {f}
:: innervation (the nervous influence necessary for the functioning of various organs)
inervar {v}
:: to innervate
Inés {prop} {f}
:: given name
Inés {prop} {f}
:: The letter I in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
inescapable {adj}
:: inescapable
inescrupulosamente {adv}
:: unscrupulously
inescrupulosidad {f}
:: unscrupulousness
inescrupuloso {adj}
:: unscrupulous
inescrutable {adj}
:: inscrutable
Inesita {prop} {f}
:: diminutive of Inés
Inesita {prop} {f}
:: given name
inesivo {adj}
:: inessive
inespecífico {adj}
:: unspecific
inesperadamente {adv}
:: unexpectedly
inesperado {adj}
:: unexpected
inestabilidad {f}
:: instability
inestable {adj}
:: unstable
inestimable {adj}
:: priceless, invaluable
inevitabilidad {f}
:: inevitability
inevitable {adj}
:: inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable (unable to be avoided)
inevitablemente {adv}
:: inevitably, unavoidably, inexorably
inexactitud {f}
:: inaccuracy, inexactitude
inexacto {adj}
:: inaccurate, inexact, imprecise
inexcusabilidad {f}
:: inexcusability
inexcusable {adj}
:: unavoidable
inexcusable {adj}
:: inexcusable
inexcusablemente {adv}
:: inexcusably
inexequible {adj}
:: undoable (impossible to do)
inexistencia {f}
:: inexistence
inexistente {adj}
:: nonexistent
inexorabilidad {f}
:: inexorability
inexorable {adj}
:: inexorable
inexorablemente {adv}
:: inexorably
inexperiencia {f}
:: inexperience
inexperta {f}
:: feminine noun of inexperto
inexperto {adj}
:: inexperienced
inexperto {m}
:: inexperienced person
inexpiable {adj}
:: unforgivable
inexplicable {adj}
:: inexplicable, unexplainable
inexplicablemente {adv}
:: inexplicably, unaccountably
inexplicado {adj}
:: unexplained
inexplorado {adj}
:: unexplored
inexportabilidad {f}
:: unexportability
inexportable {adj}
:: non-exportable
inexpresable {adj}
:: inexpressible
inexpresividad {f}
:: inexpressiveness
inexpresivo {adj}
:: inexpressive
inexpugnabilidad {f}
:: unassailableness
inexpugnable {adj}
:: unassailable, inexpugnable
inexpulsable {adj}
:: unremovable
inextinguible {adj}
:: inextinguishable
inextraditable {adj}
:: not extraditable
inextricable {adj}
:: inextricable
inextricablemente {adv}
:: inextricably
inf. {adj}
:: abbreviation of inferior
infalibilidad {f}
:: infallibility
infalible {adj}
:: infallible
infaliblemente {adv}
:: infallibly
infaltable {adj}
:: unmissable
infamante {adj}
:: ignominious, shameful
infamar {v}
:: to defame
infame {adj}
:: awful, dreadful
infame {adj}
:: infamous, vile, wicked
infamemente {adv}
:: infamously
infamia {f}
:: infamy
infancia {f}
:: childhood (period of human development from birth until puberty)
infancia {f}
:: infancy
infanta {f}
:: princess
infantado {m}
:: A system of inheritance used in medieval Spain to bequeath power and/or property to a count or monarch's only daughter
infantazgo {m}
:: synonym of infantado
infante {m}
:: infant
infante {m}
:: infante
infante {m}
:: foot soldier, infantryman
Infante {prop}
:: surname
infante de marina {mf}
:: marine (member of the Marines)
infantería {f}
:: infantry
infanticida {n}
:: infanticidal
infanticida {mf}
:: infanticide (person)
infanticidio {m}
:: infanticide (act)
infantil {adj}
:: childish
infantil {adj}
:: immature
infantilidad {f}
:: infantility
infantilismo {m}
:: infantilism
infantilización {f}
:: infantilization
infantilizar {v}
:: to infantilize
infantilmente {adv}
:: childishly
infantiloide {adj}
:: childish, infantile
infanzón {m}
:: low-ranking noble
infanzona {f}
:: feminine noun of infanzón
infartante {adj}
:: heart-stopping; nail-biting
infartarse {v}
:: to suffer a heart attack
infarto {m}
:: heart attack, myocardial infarction
infarto {m}
:: infarct (in general)
infatigable {adj}
:: indefatigable, tireless, untiring, unflagging
infatigablemente {adv}
:: indefatigably, tirelessly
infatuación {f}
:: infatuation
infatuar {vtp}
:: to infatuate
infausto {adj}
:: doomed, ill-fated
infección {f}
:: infection
infeccionar {v}
:: to infect
infección del tracto urinario {f}
:: urinary tract infection
infeccioso {adj}
:: infectious
infectado {adj}
:: infected
infectante {adj}
:: infecting; infective
infectar {vt}
:: to infect (to bring into contact with a substance that causes illness)
infectarse {v}
:: reflexive of infectar
infectividad {f}
:: infectivity
infectivo {adj}
:: infective
infectocontagioso {adj}
:: infectious, contagious
infectólga {f}
:: feminine noun of infectólgo
infectóloga {f}
:: feminine noun of infectólogo
infectología {f}
:: infectiology, infectology
infectólogo {m}
:: infectious disease specialist
infecundidad {f}
:: infertility
infecundo {adj}
:: infertile, barren
infelice {adj}
:: unhappy
infelicidad {f}
:: unhappiness
infelicidad {f}
:: misfortune
infelicísimo {adj}
:: superlative of infeliz
infeliz {adj}
:: unhappy
infeliz {adj}
:: unfortunate
infelizmente {adv}
:: unfortunately, sadly
inferencia {f}
:: inference
inferencial {adj}
:: inferential
inferior {adj}
:: inferior (of lower quality)
inferior {adj}
:: inferior (of lower rank)
inferior {adj}
:: inferior (below)
inferioridad {f}
:: inferiority
inferiormente {adv}
:: inferiorly
inferir {v}
:: to infer
infernal {adj}
:: infernal, hellish (of or relating to hell)
infernal {adj}
:: infernal, hellish (diabolical, fiendish)
infernal {adj}
:: infernal, hellish, hellacious, hell of (very annoying, damned)
infero- {prefix}
:: infero-
ínfero {adj}
:: inferior (said of an ovary)
inferolateral {adj}
:: inferolateral
inferomedial {adj}
:: inferomedial
infértil {adj}
:: infertile, sterile
infertilidad {f}
:: infertility
infestación {f}
:: infestation
infestar {v}
:: to infest
infeudación {f}
:: infeudation
infibulación {f}
:: infibulation
inficionar {vt}
:: to infect
infidelidad {f}
:: unfaithfulness
infidencia {f}
:: breach of trust
infidencia {f}
:: lack of trust
infiel {adj}
:: unfaithful
infield {m}
:: infield
infielder {m}
:: infielder
infielmente {adv}
:: unfaithfully
infiernillo {m}
:: camping or portable stove
infiernillo {m}
:: diminutive of infierno
infierno {m}
:: hell
infijo {m}
:: infix
infijo {adj}
:: infixed
infiltración {f}
:: infiltration
infiltrante {adj}
:: infiltrating
infiltrar {v}
:: to infiltrate
infiltrarse {v}
:: reflexive of infiltrar
ínfimo {adj}
:: very low, very small
ínfimo {adj}
:: dirt cheap
infinidad {f}
:: infinity
infinitamente {adv}
:: infinitely
infinitesimal {adj}
:: infinitesimal
infinitesimalmente {adv}
:: infinitesimally
infinitivo {m}
:: infinitive
infinito {adj}
:: infinite
infinito {adj}
:: boundless, unlimited, unbounded, immeasurable
infinito {adj}
:: endless, countless
infinito {adj}
:: immensely; hugely; infinitely; big-time
infinito {m}
:: infinity
infinitud {f}
:: infinitude
inflable {adj}
:: inflatable, blow-up
inflable {m}
:: bouncy castle
inflación {f}
:: inflation (expansion or increase in size)
inflacionar {v}
:: to inflate
inflacionario {adj}
:: inflationary
inflacionista {adj}
:: inflationary
inflamabilidad {f}
:: inflammability
inflamable {adj}
:: inflammable, flammable
inflamación {f}
:: inflammation
inflamar {vt}
:: to inflame
inflamar {vt}
:: to ignite
inflamatorio {adj}
:: inflammatory
inflar {v}
:: to inflate
inflatón {m}
:: inflaton
inflexibilidad {f}
:: inflexibility
inflexible {adj}
:: inflexible
inflexiblemente {adv}
:: inflexibly
inflexión {f}
:: inflection (a turning away from a straight course)
inflexión {f}
:: inflection (a change in the tone of voice)
inflicción {f}
:: infliction
infligir {v}
:: to inflict
infliximab {m}
:: infliximab
inflorescencia {f}
:: inflorescence
influencer {mf}
:: influencer
influencia {f}
:: influence
influencia {f}
:: leverage
influenciable {adj}
:: easily influenced or persuaded
influenciador {m}
:: influencer
influenciadora {f}
:: feminine noun of influenciador
influencial {adj}
:: influential
influenciar {v}
:: to influence
influenciar {v}
:: to sway
influente {adj}
:: alternative form of influyente
influenza {f}
:: influenza
influir {v}
:: to influence
influir {v}
:: to have influence on
influjo {m}
:: influx (inward flow)
influjo {m}
:: sway, influence
influyente {adj}
:: influential
influyentismo {m}
:: cronyism
info {f}
:: info
infocomercial {m}
:: infommercial
infoentretenimiento {m}
:: infotainment
infografía {f}
:: infographics
infográfico {adj}
:: infographic
infografista {mf}
:: graphic designer
infoguerra {f}
:: infowar
infolio {m}
:: folio book
infomediario {adj}
:: infomediary
infomercial {m}
:: infomercial
inforestal {adj}
:: nonforest
información {f}
:: information
información {f}
:: data
informacional {adj}
:: information
informado {adj}
:: informed, aware of
informador {m}
:: informer
informadora {f}
:: informer
informal {adj}
:: informal
informalidad {f}
:: informality
informalismo {m}
:: informalism (an art movement based on abstract tendencies)
informalista {adj}
:: Informalist
informalista {mf}
:: Informalist
informalizar {v}
:: to informalize
informalmente {adv}
:: informally
informante {mf}
:: informant, telltale
informar {vt}
:: to inform
informar {vr}
:: to find out, see informarse
informarse {v}
:: reflexive of informar; To find out
informática {f}
:: computer science, informatics, information technology
informática {f}
:: feminine noun of informático, a female computer scientist
informático {adj}
:: informatic
informático {m}
:: computer scientist
informativamente {adv}
:: informatively
informativo {adj}
:: informative
informatización {f}
:: computerization
informatizar {v}
:: to computerize
informe {m}
:: report
informe {adj}
:: shapeless, formless
informe {adj}
:: misshapen
infortunadamente {adv}
:: unfortunately; regrettably
infortunado {adj}
:: unfortunate, wretched
infortunio {m}
:: misfortune
infortunio {m}
:: adversity
infra- {prefix}
:: infra-
infracaudal {adj}
:: subcaudal
infracción {f}
:: infraction, infringement, violation
infraccionar {v}
:: to fine
infraclase {f}
:: infraclass
infractor {adj}
:: infracting, offending
infractor {m}
:: infractor
infractora {f}
:: feminine noun of infractor
infradiano {adj}
:: infradian
infraespecífico {adj}
:: infraspecific
infraespinoso {m}
:: infraspinatus
infraestructura {f}
:: infrastructure
infraestructural {adj}
:: infrastructural
infraexplotar {v}
:: to underexploit
infrafilo {m}
:: infraphylum
infrafinanciación {f}
:: underfunding
in fraganti {adv}
:: red-handed, in flagrante delicto
infraganti {adv}
:: alternative spelling of in fraganti
infraglenoideo {adj}
:: infraglenoid
infrahumano {adj}
:: infrahuman
infralabial {adj}
:: infralabial
inframundo {m}
:: underworld
infrangible {adj}
:: unbreakable, infrangible
infranqueable {adj}
:: insurmountable, impassable (of obstacles)
infranqueable {adj}
:: unenterable (of doors)
infranqueable {adj}
:: impassable (of roads)
infraorbital {adj}
:: infraorbital
infraorbitario {adj}
:: infraorbital
infraorden {m}
:: infraorder
infrarrealismo {m}
:: infrarealism
infrarrealista {mf}
:: Member of, or related to the literary movement of infrarealism
infrarrepresentado {adj}
:: underrepresented
infrarrojo {adj}
:: infrared
infrarrojo cercano {m}
:: near infrared
infrarrotuliano {adj}
:: infrapatellar
infrascripto {adj}
:: undersigned
infrascrito {adj}
:: undersigned
infrascrito {m}
:: undersigned
infrasónico {adj}
:: infrasonic
infrasonido {m}
:: infrasound
infratemporal {adj}
:: infratemporal
infrautilización {f}
:: underutilization
infrautilizar {v}
:: to underutilize, underuse
infravaloración {f}
:: undervaluation
infravalorar {v}
:: to undervalue
infravivienda {f}
:: slum (area with substandard housing)
infrecuente {adj}
:: infrequent
infrecuentemente {adv}
:: rarely; infrequently
infringir {v}
:: to infringe
infructuosamente {adv}
:: fruitlessly
infructuosidad {f}
:: ineffectiveness
infructuoso {adj}
:: fruitless
infructuoso {adj}
:: unfruitful
infrutescencia {f}
:: infructescence
ínfula {f}
:: ribbon on a mitre (hat)
ínfula {f}
:: vanity
infumable {adj}
:: pulp (in the style of pulp magazines)
infumable {adj}
:: garbage, trash
infuncional {adj}
:: unfunctional
infundadamente {adv}
:: unfoundedly
infundado {adj}
:: unfounded
infundíbulo {m}
:: infundibulum
infundibulopelviano {adj}
:: infundibulopelvic
infundio {m}
:: lie (especially malicious), canard
infundir {v}
:: to instill (especially a feeling)
infusión {f}
:: tea (infusion made from herbs)
infusión {f}
:: infusion
infusionar {v}
:: to infuse
infusor {m}
:: infusor, infuser
infusorio {m}
:: infusoria
-ing {suffix}
:: Used to form verbal nouns from verbs
inge {mf}
:: engineer
ingeniar {vt}
:: to devise, invent
ingeniera {f}
:: feminine noun of ingeniero
ingeniería {f}
:: engineering
ingeniería eléctrica {f}
:: electrical engineering
ingeniería genética {f}
:: genetic engineering
ingenieril {adj}
:: engineering
ingeniero {m}
:: engineer
ingenio {m}
:: genius
ingenio {m}
:: mind
ingenio azucarero {m}
:: sugar mill
ingeniosamente {adv}
:: ingeniously
ingeniosidad {f}
:: ingenuity, cleverness
ingeniosidad {f}
:: a clever idea
ingeniosísimo {adj}
:: superlative of ingenioso
ingenioso {adj}
:: ingenious, artful, nifty
ingénito {adj}
:: innate, inborn
ingente {adj}
:: great, considerable, enormous
ingenua {f}
:: ingénue, ingenue
ingenua {f}
:: naif (girl or woman)
ingenuamente {adv}
:: naively, ingenuously
ingenuidad {f}
:: naivety
ingenuo {adj}
:: naive, ingenuous, candid, innocent
ingenuo {adj}
:: falsely naive, pretending to be naive
ingenuo {m}
:: naif
ingerir {v}
:: to ingest
ingesta {f}
:: diet
ingestión {f}
:: ingestion
Inglaterra {prop} {f}
:: England
ingle {f}
:: groin
inglés {adj}
:: English
inglés {m}
:: Englishman
inglés {m}
:: The English language
inglesa {f}
:: Englishwoman
inglés americano {m}
:: American English
inglés antiguo {m}
:: Old English
inglés británico {m}
:: British English
inglés estadounidense {m}
:: American English
inglés medio {m}
:: Middle English
-ingo {suffix}
:: A diminutive suffix
ingobernabilidad {f}
:: ungovernableness
ingobernable {adj}
:: ungovernable
ingobernable {adj}
:: unmanageable
ingrata {f}
:: feminine noun of ingrato
ingratamente {adv}
:: ungratefully
ingratamente {adv}
:: thanklessly
ingratitud {f}
:: ingratitude
ingrato {adj}
:: thankless
ingrato {adj}
:: ungrateful
ingrato {m}
:: ingrate
ingrávidamente {adv}
:: weightlessly
ingravidez {f}
:: weightlessness, zero gravity
ingravidez {f}
:: lightness
ingrávido {adj}
:: light, weightless
ingrediente {m}
:: ingredient (one of the substances present in a mixture, especially food)
ingresante {adj}
:: incoming; entering
ingresante {mf}
:: incomer; entrant
ingresar {v}
:: to join
ingresar {v}
:: to enter
ingresar {v}
:: to put
ingresar {v}
:: to commit someone to a medical institution
ingresión {f}
:: ingression
ingreso {m}
:: entrance, ingress
ingreso {m}
:: income
ingreso {m}
:: deposit
inguinal {adj}
:: inguinal
ingurgitación {f}
:: ingurgitation
ingurgitar {v}
:: to ingurgitate; swallow
ingusetia {f}
:: feminine noun of ingusetio
Ingusetia {prop} {f}
:: alternative form of Ingushetia
ingusetio {adj}
:: Ingush
ingusetio {m}
:: Ingush
Ingushetia {prop} {f}
:: Ingushetia
inhábil {adj}
:: unskillful; unskilled
inhábil {adj}
:: clumsy
inhábil {adj}
:: non-working
inhabilidad {f}
:: incompetence
inhabilitación {f}
:: disqualification
inhabilitamiento {m}
:: disqualification
inhabilitante {adj}
:: disqualifying
inhabilitar {v}
:: to disqualify
inhabitabilidad {f}
:: inhabitability
inhabitable {adj}
:: uninhabitable
inhabitado {adj}
:: uninhabited
inhabitual {adj}
:: unusual
inhalación {f}
:: inhalation
inhalador {m}
:: inhalator
inhalar {v}
:: to inhale
inhalatorio {adj}
:: inhaling
inhalatorio {adj}
:: inhalator
inherencia {f}
:: inherency
inherente {adj}
:: inherent
inherentemente {adv}
:: inherently
inhibición {f}
:: inhibition
inhibidor {m}
:: inhibitor
inhibidora {f}
:: feminine noun of inhibidor
inhibina {f}
:: inhibin
inhibir {v}
:: to inhibit
inhibitoria {f}
:: a resolution by which a court reclaims competence against another
inhibitorio {adj}
:: inhibitive
inhiesto {adj}
:: alternative spelling of enhiesto
inhomogeneidad {f}
:: dishomogeneity
inhospitalidad {f}
:: inhospitableness
inhóspito {adj}
:: inhospitable (not offering shelter)
inhumación {f}
:: inhumation
inhumanamente {adv}
:: inhumanely
inhumanidad {f}
:: inhumanity
inhumano {adj}
:: inhuman
inhumar {vt}
:: to bury, to inter
iniciación {f}
:: initiation
iniciado {adj}
:: initiate
iniciador {m}
:: initiator, starter
iniciador {m}
:: primer (molecule required for replication of DNA)
iniciadora {f}
:: starter
inicial {adj}
:: initial
inicial {f}
:: initial (first letter of a name or word)
inicialista {mf}
:: first baseman
inicialización {f}
:: initialization
inicializar {v}
:: to initialize
inicializar {v}
:: to start up
inicialmente {adv}
:: initially
iniciante {mf}
:: beginner, novice
iniciar {vt}
:: to begin; initiate
iniciarse {v}
:: reflexive of iniciar
iniciar sesión {v}
:: to log in, log on, sign in, or sign on
iniciático {adj}
:: initiatory
iniciativa {f}
:: initiative
iniciativo {adj}
:: initiatory
iniciativo {m}
:: initiative
inicio {m}
:: start, initiation
inicio {m}
:: home (software term)
inicuamente {adv}
:: iniquitously; nefariously
inicuo {adj}
:: iniquitous, nefarious
Iniesta {prop}
:: A Spanish surname
Íñigo {prop} {m}
:: given name
inigualable {adj}
:: matchless, unsurpassable
inigualablemente {adv}
:: unbeatably
inigualado {adj}
:: unequalled; unrivalled
Íñiguez {prop}
:: surname
inimaginable {adj}
:: unimaginable
inimaginablemente {adv}
:: unimaginably
inimitable {adj}
:: inimitable
inimitablemente {adv}
:: inimitably
inimputabilidad {f}
:: unimputability
inimputable {adj}
:: unimputable
ininflamable {adj}
:: nonflammable
ininteligencia {f}
:: unintelligence
ininteligente {adj}
:: unintelligent
ininteligentemente {adv}
:: unintelligently
ininteligible {adj}
:: unintelligible
inintencionadamente {adv}
:: unintentionally
inintencionado {adj}
:: unintended, unintentional
ininterrumpidamente {adv}
:: uninterruptedly
ininterrumpido {adj}
:: uninterrupted
iniquidad {f}
:: iniquity, injustice
injeniería {f}
:: engineering
injerencia {f}
:: interference, meddling
injerencismo {m}
:: interference; meddling
injerencista {adj}
:: interfering
injerir {v}
:: meddle, interfere
injerir {v}
:: to insert a graft upon
injerirse {vr}
:: to interfere in
injertación {f}
:: synonym of injerto
injertar {v}
:: to graft
injerto {m}
:: grafting
injerto {m}
:: graft
injudicialmente {adv}
:: not judicially
injuria {f}
:: injury (violation of character), defamation
injuriador {adj}
:: offending; committing (a crime)
injuriador {m}
:: offender
injuriadora {f}
:: feminine noun of injuriador
injuriante {adj}
:: insulting
injuriar {v}
:: to insult
injurioso {adj}
:: injurious, harmful
injurioso {adj}
:: offensive, offending
injurioso {adj}
:: slanderous, vituperative
injustamente {adv}
:: unjustly, unfairly
injusticia {f}
:: injustice
injustificable {adj}
:: unjustifiable
injustificadamente {adv}
:: unjustifiably
injustificadamente {adv}
:: unreasonably
injustificado {adj}
:: undue, unjustified, unwarranted
injusto {adj}
:: unfair
inka {mf}
:: alternative spelling of inca
inkaico {adj}
:: alternative spelling of incaico
inkásico {adj}
:: alternative spelling of incásico
Inma {prop} {f}
:: given name
Inmaculada {prop} {f}
:: given name
inmaculadamente {adv}
:: immaculately
inmaculado {adj}
:: immaculate, spotless
inmadurez {f}
:: immaturity
inmaduro {adj}
:: unripe
inmaduro {adj}
:: immature
inmanejable {adj}
:: intractable, uncontrollable
inmanencia {f}
:: immanence
inmanente {adj}
:: immanent, inherent (naturally part of something)
inmarcesible {adj}
:: unfading, enduring
inmarchitable {adj}
:: unfading, enduring
inmaterial {adj}
:: immaterial
inmaterialidad {f}
:: immateriality
inmatriculación {f}
:: registration
inmatricular {v}
:: to register
inmediación {f}
:: immediacy
inmediación {f}
:: proximity
inmediación {f}
:: surrounding areas
in medias res {adv}
:: in medias res
in medias res {adj}
:: in medias res
inmediatamente {adv}
:: immediately
inmediatez {f}
:: immediacy
inmediatismo {m}
:: immediatism
inmediatista {mf}
:: immediatist
inmediato {adj}
:: immediate
inmejorable {adj}
:: unbeatable
inmemorable {adj}
:: immemorable
inmemorial {adj}
:: immemorial
inmensamente {adv}
:: immensely, hugely
inmensidad {f}
:: immensity
inmenso {adj}
:: immense
inmenso {adj}
:: giant, huge
inmensurable {adj}
:: immeasurable
inmerecidamente {adv}
:: undeservedly
inmerecido {adj}
:: unmerited
inmersión {f}
:: immersion
inmersivo {adj}
:: immersive
inmerso {adj}
:: immersed
inmerso {adj}
:: submerged
inmigración {f}
:: immigration
inmigrante {adj}
:: immigrant
inmigrante {mf}
:: immigrant
inmigrantista {adj}
:: immigrant, pro-immigrant
inmigrar {v}
:: to immigrate
inmigratorio {adj}
:: Of or relating to immigration
inminencia {f}
:: imminence
inminente {adj}
:: imminent
inminentemente {adv}
:: imminently
inmiscible {adj}
:: unmixable
inmiscuirse {v}
:: to interfere
inmisericorde {adj}
:: merciless, savage
inmisericordemente {adv}
:: mercilessly
inmobiliaria {f}
:: real-estate agency
inmobiliario {adj}
:: real-estate (related to real estate)
inmobilismo {m}
:: inertia, immobility
inmoderado {adj}
:: immoderate
inmodestia {f}
:: immodesty
inmodificable {adj}
:: unmodifiable
inmolación {f}
:: immolation
inmolador {adj}
:: sacrificial; immolating
inmolar {v}
:: to immolate
inmoral {adj}
:: immoral
inmoralidad {f}
:: immorality
inmoralismo {m}
:: immoralism
inmoralmente {adv}
:: immorally
inmortal {adj}
:: immortal
inmortal {mf}
:: immortal
inmortalidad {f}
:: immortality
inmortalización {f}
:: immortalization
inmortalizador {adj}
:: immortalising
inmortalizar {v}
:: to immortalize
inmortalmente {adv}
:: immortally
inmotivado {adj}
:: unmotivated
inmovible {adj}
:: immovable
inmóvil {adj}
:: motionless, immobile, unmoving, still, stationary, static
inmóvil {adj}
:: frozen (in reference to a person or creature)
inmóvil {adj}
:: becalmed (e.g. a becalmed ship)
inmóvil {adj}
:: immovable, unmoved
inmovilidad {f}
:: immobility
inmovilismo {m}
:: immobilism
inmovilista {adj}
:: stagnant, unchanging
inmovilización {f}
:: immobilization
inmovilizador {m}
:: immobilizer
inmovilizar {vt}
:: to immobilize
inmueble {m}
:: property, estate, building
inmundicia {f}
:: filth, dirt
inmundo {adj}
:: filthy (dirty)
inmune {adj}
:: immune (exempt from)
inmune {adj}
:: immune (protected by inoculation)
inmune {adj}
:: immune (not vulnerable)
inmunidad {f}
:: immunity
inmunitario {adj}
:: immune (relating to immunity)
inmunización {f}
:: immunization
inmunizar {v}
:: to immunize
inmuno- {prefix}
:: immuno-
inmunobiológico {adj}
:: immunobiological
inmunocitoquímico {adj}
:: immunocytochemical
inmunocompetente {adj}
:: immunocompetent
inmunocomplejo {m}
:: immunocomplex
inmunocomprometido {adj}
:: immunocompromised
inmunodeficiencia {f}
:: immunodeficiency
inmunodepresor {adj}
:: immunodepressive
inmunodepresor {m}
:: immunodepressant
inmunodeprimido {adj}
:: immunodepressed
inmunodeprimido {m}
:: an immunodepressed person
inmunofluorescencia {f}
:: immunofluorescence
inmunogenicidad {f}
:: immunogenicity
inmunógeno {f}
:: antigen, immunogen
inmunoglobulina {f}
:: immunoglobulin
inmunohistoquímica {f}
:: immunohistochemistry
inmunohistoquímico {adj}
:: immunohistochemical
inmunóloga {f}
:: feminine noun of inmunólogo
inmunología {f}
:: immunology
inmunológicamente {adv}
:: immunologically
inmunológico {adj}
:: immunological
inmunólogo {m}
:: immunologist
inmunomodulación {f}
:: immunomodulation
inmunosupresión {f}
:: immunosuppression
inmunosupresor {adj}
:: immunosuppressant
inmunosupresor {m}
:: immunosuppressant
inmunoterapia {f}
:: immunotherapy
inmunotransferencia {f}
:: immunoblot, or western blot analysis
inmutabilidad {f}
:: immutability
inmutable {adj}
:: immutable
inmutar {v}
:: to alter
inmutarse {v}
:: reflexive of inmutar
inmutarse {v}
:: to become disturbed, turn pale
inmutarse {v}
:: to bat an eyelid
innatamente {adv}
:: innately
innatismo {m}
:: innatism
innato {adj}
:: innate, inborn
innavegable {adj}
:: unnavigable
innecesariamente {adv}
:: unnecessarily
innecesario {adj}
:: unnecessary
innegable {adj}
:: undeniable
innegablemente {adv}
:: undeniably
innegociable {adj}
:: non-negotiable
inning {m}
:: inning
innivación {f}
:: snowmaking, snow production
innivación artificial {f}
:: artificial snowmaking
innoble {adj}
:: ignoble
innombrable {adj}
:: unmentionable
innombrado {adj}
:: unnamed
innominado {adj}
:: unnamed, nameless, innominate
innovación {f}
:: innovation
innovador {adj}
:: innovative (characterized by the creation of new ideas or inventions)
innovador {m}
:: innovator
innovadora {f}
:: female innovator
innovar {v}
:: to innovate
innovativo {adj}
:: innovative (characterized by the creation of new ideas or inventions)
innumerable {adj}
:: innumerable
innúmero {adj}
:: countless, numberless
-ino {suffix}
:: -ine
-ino {suffix}
:: -yne
-ino {suffix}
:: A diminutive suffix for masculine nouns or adjectives
-iño {suffix}
:: A suffix to make diminutives of nouns and adjectives
inobediencia {f}
:: disobedience
inobediente {adj}
:: disobedient
inobjetable {adj}
:: indisputable
inobjetablemente {adv}
:: unobjectably
inobservable {adj}
:: unobservable
inobservancia {f}
:: violation
inobservar {v}
:: to fail to observe
inocencia {f}
:: innocence
Inocencio {prop} {m}
:: given name
Inocencio {prop} {m}
:: surname from the given name
inocentada {f}
:: practical joke, prank
inocentada {f}
:: April fool (practical joke played on Día de los Inocentes or April Fools' Day)
inocente {adj}
:: innocent
inocente {mf}
:: innocent person
inocentemente {adv}
:: innocently
inocentísimo {adj}
:: superlative of inocente
inocentón {adj}
:: gullible
inocentón {m}
:: one who is gullible
iñocer {v}
:: to forgive
inocuidad {f}
:: innocuity, innocuousness, harmlessness
inoculación {f}
:: inoculation
inocular {v}
:: to inoculate
inóculo {m}
:: inoculum
inocultable {adj}
:: unhidable
inocultablemente {adv}
:: in such a way that can't be hidden
inocuo {adj}
:: harmless
inocuo {adj}
:: innoxious
inodoro {adj}
:: odorless
inodoro {m}
:: toilet
inofensivamente {adv}
:: harmlessly
inofensivo {adj}
:: harmless, innocuous
inofensivo {adj}
:: inoffensive (not causing annoyance or anger)
inoficiosidad {f}
:: uselessness; pointlessness
inolvidable {adj}
:: unforgettable
inoperable {adj}
:: inoperable
inoperable {adj}
:: inoperative
inoperancia {f}
:: uselessness, ineffectiveness
inoperante {adj}
:: inoperative
inoperante {adj}
:: ineffective
inoperatividad {f}
:: inoperativeness
inoperativo {adj}
:: inoperative
inopia {f}
:: indigence, poverty
inopinadamente {adv}
:: unexpectedly
inopinado {adj}
:: unwanted; unbidden; surprise
inoportunamente {adv}
:: inopportunely; at the wrong time
inoportunidad {f}
:: inconvenience
inoportunidad {f}
:: bad timing, untimeliness
inoportuno {adj}
:: inopportune
inorgánico {adj}
:: inorganic
inosilicato {m}
:: inosilicate
inosinato {m}
:: inosinate
inositol {m}
:: inositol
inotrópico {adj}
:: inotropic
inoxidable {adj}
:: inoxidizable
inquebrantable {adj}
:: unwavering, unshakeable, unbreakable, unswerving, unflinching, unfailing, unshaken, unfaltering, unyielding, steadfast, uncompromising, indomitable, unbroken, abiding, firm
inquebrantablemente {adv}
:: resolutely, unswervingly
inquerible {adj}
:: unlovable; unlikable
inquietante {adj}
:: worrying
inquietantemente {adv}
:: worryingly
inquietar {v}
:: to upset
inquietarse {v}
:: reflexive of inquietar
inquietísimo {adj}
:: superlative of inquieto
inquieto {adj}
:: restless, agitated, unquiet, cross
inquieto {adj}
:: anxious, worried
inquietud {f}
:: inquietude, restlessness
inquilina {f}
:: feminine noun of inquilino
inquilinaje {m}
:: tenancy
inquilinaje {m}
:: The system of tenant farming, especially during the colonial era
inquilinato {m}
:: the condition of being a tenant
inquilinato {m}
:: rent (paid by a tenant)
inquilino {m}
:: tenant, renter, lessee
inquilino {m}
:: tenant farmer
inquina {f}
:: ill will
inquinar {v}
:: to infect
inquinar {v}
:: to stain
inquirir {v}
:: to inquire
inquirir {v}
:: to investigate
inquisición {f}
:: inquiry, investigation
inquisición {f}
:: Inquisition
Inquisición {prop} {f}
:: Inquisition
inquisidor {adj}
:: inquisitory
inquisidor {m}
:: inquisitor
inquisidora {f}
:: feminine noun of inquisidor
inquisitivamente {adv}
:: inquisitively
inquisitivo {adj}
:: inquisitive
inquisitorial {adj}
:: inquisitorial
inquisitorio {adj}
:: inquisitorial
inri {m}
:: only used in the phrase para más inri
insaciable {adj}
:: insatiable
insaciablemente {adv}
:: insatiably
insaculación {f}
:: sortition
insalubre {adj}
:: unhealthy, insanitary, unsanitary, insalubrious
insalubridad {f}
:: insalubrity
insalvable {adj}
:: insurmountable
insanablemente {adv}
:: uncurably
insanamente {adv}
:: insanely, madly
insania {f}
:: insanity
insano {adj}
:: unhealthy
insano {adj}
:: insane
insatisfacción {f}
:: dissatisfaction
insatisfactorio {adj}
:: unsatisfactory
insatisfecho {adj}
:: unsatisfied; dissatisfied
insaturación {f}
:: insaturation
insaturado {adj}
:: unsaturated
inscribible {adj}
:: unregisterable
inscribir {vt}
:: to inscribe
inscribirse {v}
:: (reflexive of inscribir) to sign up, to enroll
inscripción {f}
:: inscription
inscripción {f}
:: registration, signup
inscriptor {m}
:: inscriber
insectario {m}
:: insectarium, insectary
insecticida {f}
:: insecticide
insectillo {m}
:: diminutive of insecto
insectívoro {adj}
:: insectivorous
insectívoro {m}
:: insectivore
insecto {m}
:: insect
insecto hoja {m}
:: leaf insect
insectoide {m}
:: insectoid
insecto palo {m}
:: stick insect
inseguridad {f}
:: insecurity
inseguridad {f}
:: uncertainty
inseguro {adj}
:: unsure, uncertain
inseguro {adj}
:: unsafe
inseguro {adj}
:: insecure (lacking self-confidence)
inselberg {m}
:: monadnock
inseminable {adj}
:: inseminable
inseminación {f}
:: insemination
inseminar {v}
:: to inseminate
insensatamente {adv}
:: senselessly; unsensibly
insensatez {f}
:: insensitivity
insensato {adj}
:: senseless, crazy, foolish, insensate
insensibilidad {f}
:: insensitivity, callousness, cold-heartedness, insensibility, insensitiveness, numbness
insensibilizar {v}
:: to desensitize
insensible {adj}
:: insensible, insensitive, callous, cold, tactless
insensiblemente {adv}
:: insensitively
inseparabilidad {f}
:: inseparability
inseparable {adj}
:: inseparable
inseparable {m}
:: lovebird
inseparablemente {adv}
:: inseparably
insepulto {adj}
:: unburied
insercción {f}
:: insertion
inserción {f}
:: insertion
insercionitis {f}
:: insertionitis; tenoperiostitis
insertar {vt}
:: to insert
inserto {adj}
:: inserted
inservible {adj}
:: useless, good for nothing, unserviceable
insesgado {adj}
:: unbiased
inshalá {interj}
:: inshallah, God willing
insidiar {v}
:: to set a trap
insidiosamente {adv}
:: insidiously
insidioso {adj}
:: insidious
insigne {adj}
:: distinguished, illustrious
insignia {f}
:: badge, insignia
insignificancia {f}
:: insignificance
insignificante {adj}
:: insignificant
insignificante {adj}
:: paltry, negligible, trivial, trifling, petty
insignificantemente {adv}
:: insignificantly
insincero {adj}
:: insincere
insinuación {f}
:: hint
insinuación {f}
:: insinuation
insinuación {f}
:: innuendo
insinuante {adj}
:: insinuating, suggestive
insinuar {v}
:: insinuate
insinuar {v}
:: hint
insípidamente {adv}
:: insipidly
insipidez {f}
:: tastelessness
insipidez {f}
:: insipidity, insipidness, tastelessness, vapidity, blandness
insipidez {f}
:: tameness
insípido {adj}
:: tasteless, flavorless
insípido {adj}
:: insipid, vapid, bland, dull, ho hum
insipiente {adj}
:: ignorant
insipiente {adj}
:: fool
insistencia {f}
:: insistence
insistente {adj}
:: insistent
insistentemente {adv}
:: insistently
insistir {v}
:: to insist
insobornable {adj}
:: incorruptible, pure
insociabilidad {f}
:: unsociability
insolación {f}
:: insolation, sunshine
insolación {f}
:: sunstroke
insolencia {f}
:: insolence
insolentar {vt}
:: To make someone insolent
insolente {adj}
:: insolent, impudent, impertinent
insolentemente {adv}
:: insolently
insolentísimo {adj}
:: superlative of insolente
insolidaridad {f}
:: non-solidarity
insolidario {adj}
:: lacking solidarity
insólitamente {adv}
:: unusually
insólito {adj}
:: unusual, weird, strange
insolubilidad {f}
:: insolubility
insoluble {adj}
:: insoluble
insoluble {adj}
:: unsolvable
insolvencia {f}
:: insolvency
insolvente {adj}
:: insolvent
insomne {adj}
:: insomniac
insomne {adj}
:: sleepless
insomne {mf}
:: insomniac
insomnio {m}
:: insomnia (sleeping disorder)
insondable {adj}
:: abysmal; deep
insonorización {f}
:: soundproofing
insonorizar {v}
:: to soundproof
insonoro {adj}
:: soundless
insoportable {adj}
:: unbearable, insufferable, insupportable, unendurable, intolerable
insoportablemente {adv}
:: unsupportably, untenably
insoslayable {adj}
:: unavoidable
insospechable {adj}
:: unpredictable, unforeseeable
insospechadamente {adv}
:: surprisingly, unexpectedly
insospechado {adj}
:: unsuspected
insostenibilidad {f}
:: unsustainability
insostenible {adj}
:: unsustainable
inspección {f}
:: inspection
inspeccionar {vt}
:: to inspect
inspector {m}
:: inspector
inspectora {f}
:: feminine noun of inspector
inspectoría {f}
:: inspectorate
inspiración {f}
:: inspiration
inspiracional {adj}
:: inspirational
inspirador {adj}
:: inspiring
inspirador {m}
:: inspirer (person who inspires)
inspirante {adj}
:: inspiring
inspirar {v}
:: to inspire
inspirar {v}
:: to inhale
inspiratorio {adj}
:: inspiratory
instabilidad {f}
:: instability
instalable {adj}
:: installable
instalación {f}
:: installation (process)
instalación {f}
:: production plant
instalación {f}
:: facilities
instalador {m}
:: installer, fitter (person)
instalador {m}
:: installer
instaladora {f}
:: installer (person)
instalar {vt}
:: to install
instalar {vp}
:: to settle, to ensconce
instalar {vr}
:: to be installed
instalarse {v}
:: reflexive of instalar
instancia {f}
:: request
instancia {f}
:: institution
instancia {f}
:: level of court
instancia {f}
:: instance
instanciación {f}
:: instantiation
instanciar {v}
:: to instantiate
instantánea {f}
:: snapshot; photo
instantáneamente {adv}
:: instantaneously
instantaneidad {f}
:: instantaneity
instantáneo {adj}
:: instantaneous
instántaneo {adj}
:: brief
instántaneo {adj}
:: instantaneous
instante {m}
:: moment
instantón {m}
:: instanton
instar {vi}
:: to urge (press someone to do something soon)
instar {vt}
:: to insist (repeat a plea)
instauración {f}
:: establishment (act of establishing)
instaurador {m}
:: establisher
instauradora {f}
:: feminine noun of instaurador
instaurar {v}
:: to establish
insti {m}
:: school (secondary school)
instigación {f}
:: instigation
instigador {adj}
:: instigative
instigador {m}
:: instigator
instigadora {f}
:: feminine noun of instigador
instigar {v}
:: to instigate, incite, urge
instilación {f}
:: instillation
instilar {v}
:: to instill
instilar {v}
:: to trickle
instintivamente {adv}
:: instinctively, intuitively
instintivo {adj}
:: instinctive
instinto {m}
:: instinct
instinto {m}
:: gut, gut feeling
institución {f}
:: institution
institucional {adj}
:: institutional
institucionalidad {f}
:: institutionality
institucionalismo {m}
:: institutionalism
institucionalista {mf}
:: institutionalist
institucionalización {f}
:: institutionalization
institucionalizar {v}
:: to institutionalize (to establish as a normal practice)
institucionalmente {adv}
:: institutionally
institucionista {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Institución Libre de Enseñanza
institucionista {mf}
:: A member of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza
instituir {vt}
:: to found, to institute, to establish
instituto {m}
:: institute
instituto {m}
:: secondary school, senior school
institutriz {f}
:: governess
instrospección {f}
:: introspection
instrucción {f}
:: instruction
instrucción {f}
:: an investigation by a criminal court in order to collect factual evidence directed towards pressing charges against a suspect or reaching a nolle prosequi indictment
instruccional {adj}
:: instructive
instructivo {adj}
:: instructive
instructor {m}
:: instructor, teacher
instructora {f}
:: feminine noun of instructor
instruir {v}
:: to instruct
instruir {v}
:: to inform
instruir {v}
:: to educate, school
instruir {v}
:: to investigate in the course of a criminal proceeding
instrumentación {f}
:: instrumentation
instrumental {adj}
:: instrumental
instrumentalista {mf}
:: instrumentalist
instrumentalización {f}
:: instrumentalisation/instrumentalization
instrumentalizar {v}
:: to instrumentalize
instrumentalizar {v}
:: to use, make use of, utilise
instrumentalizar {v}
:: to exploit
instrumentalmente {adv}
:: instrumentally
instrumentar {v}
:: to orchestrate
instrumentista {mf}
:: instrumentalist
instrumento {m}
:: instrument (device)
instrumento {m}
:: (musical) instrument
instrumento {m}
:: tool, means
instrumento {m}
:: instrument
instrumento {m}
:: tool (a term for the penis)
instrumento de viento {m}
:: wind instrument
insubordinación {f}
:: insubordination
insubordinado {adj}
:: insubordinate
insubordinar {v}
:: to make insubordinate; to incite to rebellion
insubordinar {vr}
:: to rebel; rise up
insubsanable {adj}
:: irreparable
insubsanable {adj}
:: inexcusable
insubsistente {adj}
:: nonextant
insubsistente {adj}
:: groundless
insubstancial {adj}
:: insubstantial
insuficiencia {f}
:: deficiency
insuficiencia {f}
:: failure (of an organ)
insuficiente {adj}
:: insufficient
insuficientemente {adv}
:: insufficiently
insuflación {f}
:: insufflation
insuflar {v}
:: to blow in air
insuflar {v}
:: to breathe life into
insufrible {adj}
:: insufferable
insufriblemente {adv}
:: unbearably
ínsula {f}
:: alternative form of isla
insulación {f}
:: insulation
insular {adj}
:: insular
insular {mf}
:: islander
insularidad {f}
:: insularity
insularismo {m}
:: insularism
insulina {f}
:: insulin
insulínico {adj}
:: insulin
insulsez {f}
:: tastelessness
insulso {adj}
:: insipid, bland
insulso {adj}
:: ungracious
insulso {adj}
:: dull, boring
insultante {adj}
:: insulting
insultantemente {adv}
:: insultingly
insultar {vt}
:: to insult, offend
insulto {m}
:: insult
insumergible {adj}
:: unsinkable
insumir {v}
:: to devote (time)
insumisión {f}
:: refusal of military service
insumisión {f}
:: revolt, mutiny
insumiso {adj}
:: rebellious, rebelling
insumiso {m}
:: objector
insumo {m}
:: supplies, materials
insumos {mp}
:: consumer goods, consumables
insumos {mp}
:: supplies
insuperable {adj}
:: insuperable
insurgencia {f}
:: insurgency
insurgente {mf}
:: insurgent, rebel
insurgente {adj}
:: insurgent, rebellious
insurrección {f}
:: insurrection; rebellion
insurreccional {adj}
:: insurrectional, insurrectionary
insurreccionalismo {m}
:: insurrectionism
insurreccionar {vt}
:: to incite or cause to rebel
insurrecto {adj}
:: rebel; rebellious
insurrecto {m}
:: rebel
insustancial {adj}
:: insubstantial, flimsy
insustancialidad {f}
:: insubstantiality
insustentable {adj}
:: unsustainable
insustituible {adj}
:: irreplaceable, unsubstitutable
int. {adj}
:: abbreviation of interior
intachable {adj}
:: perfect, faultless, non-failing
intacto {adj}
:: intact
intaglio {m}
:: intaglio
intangibilidad {f}
:: intangibility
intangible {adj}
:: intangible
integérrimo {adj}
:: superlative of íntegro
integrabilidad {f}
:: integrability
integrable {adj}
:: integrable
integración {f}
:: integration
integracionista {adj}
:: integrationist
integrador {m}
:: integrative, conciliatory
integradora {f}
:: feminine noun of integrador
integral {adj}
:: integral
integral {adj}
:: whole
integral {adj}
:: brown (rice)
integral {adj}
:: wholegrain
integral {f}
:: integral
integralidad {f}
:: integrality
integralismo {m}
:: fundamentalism
integralista {mf}
:: integralist
integralmente {adv}
:: fully, integrally
íntegramente {adv}
:: entirely
íntegramente {adv}
:: with integrity
integrante {mf}
:: member
integrante {adj}
:: integral
integrar {v}
:: to integrate, to embed, to incorporate, to include
integrar {v}
:: to make up, to compose
integrar {v}
:: to mainstream
integrar {vr}
:: to join (+ a or en) (i.e. to become part of a greater whole)
integrar {vr}
:: to fit in (+ a or en if there is an object)
integrarse {v}
:: reflexive of integrar
integrasa {f}
:: integrase
integrativo {adj}
:: supplementary
integridad {f}
:: integrity
integrina {f}
:: integrin
integrismo {m}
:: fundamentalism
integrista {adj}
:: fundamental
íntegro {adj}
:: complete
íntegro {adj}
:: having integrity
íntegro {m}
:: Integer (number)
integumentario {adj}
:: integumentary
integumento {m}
:: integument
intelección {f}
:: understanding; comprehension
intelecto {m}
:: intellect; faculty of knowing, reasoning, and understanding in general (uncountable)
intelecto {m}
:: intellect; of a person in particular (countable)
intelectual {adj}
:: intellectual
intelectualidad {f}
:: intellectuality
intelectualidad {f}
:: intelligentsia
intelectualismo {m}
:: intellectualism
intelectualista {mf}
:: intellectualist
intelectualización {f}
:: intellectualization
intelectualmente {adv}
:: intellectually
inteligencia {f}
:: intelligence
inteligencia artificial {f}
:: artificial intelligence
inteligencia emocional {f}
:: emotional intelligence
inteligente {adj}
:: intelligent, clever
inteligentemente {adv}
:: intelligently
inteligentísimo {adj}
:: superlative of inteligente
inteligibilidad {f}
:: intelligibility
inteligible {adj}
:: intelligible
inteligiblemente {adv}
:: intelligibly
inteligir {v}
:: to understand
intemperancia {f}
:: intemperance
intemperante {adj}
:: intemperate
intemperie {f}
:: outdoors, open air
intempestivamente {adv}
:: inopportunely, untimely
intempestividad {f}
:: intempestivity
intempestivo {adj}
:: untimely
intemporal {adj}
:: timeless, eternal
intemporalidad {f}
:: timelessness
intención {f}
:: intention
intencionadamente {adv}
:: intentionally
intencionado {adj}
:: intentional
intencional {adj}
:: intentional
intencionalidad {f}
:: intentionality, intention
intencionalmente {adv}
:: intentionally
intendencia {f}
:: management, administration
intendenta {f}
:: intendant
intendente {mf}
:: comparable to a superintendent
intender {v}
:: to understand
intensamente {adv}
:: intensely; acutely
intensidad {f}
:: intensity
intensificación {f}
:: intensification
intensificador {m}
:: intensifier
intensificar {v}
:: to intensify
intensión {f}
:: understanding
intensión {f}
:: intension
intensísimo {adj}
:: superlative of intenso
intensivamente {adv}
:: intensively
intensivista {mf}
:: intensivist
intensivo {adj}
:: intensive
intenso {adj}
:: intense, strong
intenso {adj}
:: intensive
intentar {v}
:: to try, to attempt; especially: to strain or put forth effort in so doing
intento {m}
:: attempt
intentona {f}
:: attempt
inter- {prefix}
:: inter-
ínter {m}
:: curate
interacción {f}
:: interaction (the situation or occurrence in which two or more objects or events act upon one another to produce a new effect)
interaccional {adj}
:: interactional
interaccionar {v}
:: to interact
interacción débil {f}
:: weak interaction
interacción electromagnética {f}
:: electromagnetic interaction
interacción fuerte {f}
:: strong interaction
interacción fundamental {f}
:: fundamental interaction
interacción gravitatoria {f}
:: gravitational interaction
interaccionismo {m}
:: interactionism
interacción nuclear débil {f}
:: weak nuclear interaction
interacción nuclear fuerte {f}
:: strong nuclear interaction
interactivamente {adv}
:: interactively
interactividad {f}
:: interactivity
interactivo {adj}
:: interactive
interactuación {f}
:: interaction
interactuante {adj}
:: interacting
interactuar {v}
:: to interact
interadministrativo {adj}
:: inter-administration
interagencial {adj}
:: interagency
interalemán {adj}
:: inner German
inter alia {adv}
:: inter alia
interaliado {adj}
:: interallied
interamericano {adj}
:: Interamerican (between countries of the Americas)
interandino {adj}
:: between or in the Andes
interanual {adj}
:: year-to-year
interanualmente {adv}
:: interannually
interatómico {adj}
:: interatomic
interbalneario {adj}
:: between seaside resorts
interbancario {adj}
:: interbank
interbarrial {adj}
:: inter-neighbourhood
interbibliotecario {adj}
:: interlibrary
interbloque {m}
:: coalition
interbrigadista {adj}
:: interbrigade
intercalación {f}
:: intercalation
intercaladamente {adv}
:: alternatingly
intercalar {v}
:: to intersperse, to intercut
intercalar {v}
:: to insert, to interject, to sandwich
intercalar {v}
:: to intercalate
intercalar {adj}
:: intercalated
intercambiabilidad {f}
:: interchangeableness
intercambiable {adj}
:: interchangeable, exchangeable
intercambiador {adj}
:: that interchanges
intercambiador {m}
:: terminal (transport facility)
intercambiador {m}
:: interchange; interchange station
intercambiador de calor {m}
:: heat exchanger
intercambiar {vt}
:: to interchange, to exchange
intercambio {m}
:: exchange
intercambio {m}
:: interchange
intercambio de idiomas {m}
:: language exchange
intercameral {adj}
:: intercameral
intercantonal {adj}
:: Between cantons
interceder {vi}
:: to intercede
intercelular {adj}
:: intercellular
intercepción {f}
:: interception
intercepción {f}
:: tapping
interceptación {f}
:: interception
interceptador {m}
:: interceptor
interceptar {vt}
:: to intercept
interceptar {vt}
:: to block, interrupt
interceptor {m}
:: interceptor
intercesión {f}
:: intercession
intercesor {adj}
:: mediating
interclasista {adj}
:: interclass
interclub {adj}
:: interclub
intercolegial {adj}
:: intercollegiate
intercolumnio {m}
:: intercolumnation
intercomarcal {adj}
:: between different comarcas
intercompañía {adj}
:: intercompany
intercomprensión {f}
:: intercomprehension
intercomunal {adj}
:: inter-commune
intercomunicación {f}
:: intercommunication
intercomunicado {adj}
:: intercommunicated
intercomunicador {m}
:: intercom, talkback, doorphone
intercomunicarse {v}
:: to intercommunicate
interconectado {adj}
:: interconnected
interconectar {v}
:: to interconnect
interconectividad {f}
:: interconnectedness
interconexión {f}
:: interconnection
interconfesional {adj}
:: interdenominational
interconsulta {f}
:: consult
intercontinental {adj}
:: intercontinental
interconversión {f}
:: interconversion
interconvertir {v}
:: to interconvert
intercooler {m}
:: intercooler
intercoreano {adj}
:: Between North Korea and South Korea
intercostal {adj}
:: intercostal
intercostal {m}
:: intercostal
intercostal externo {m}
:: external intercostal
intercostal interno {m}
:: internal intercostal
intercostobraquial {adj}
:: intercostobrachial
intercraneal {adj}
:: intercranial
intercrecimiento {m}
:: intergrowth
intercrisis {adj}
:: inter-crisis
intercross {m}
:: lacrosse
intercultural {adj}
:: intercultural
interculturalidad {f}
:: interculturality
interculturalismo {m}
:: interculturalism
intercuneiforme {adj}
:: intercuneiform
interdecir {v}
:: to interdict
interdenominacional {adj}
:: interdenominational
interdental {adj}
:: interdental
interdepartamental {adj}
:: interdepartmental
interdependencia {f}
:: interdependence
interdependiente {adj}
:: interdependent
interdependista {mf}
:: interdependist
interdiario {adj}
:: every-other-day
interdicción {f}
:: interdiction
interdicto {adj}
:: banned; prohibited
interdicto {m}
:: ban, prohibition
interdigestivo {adj}
:: interdigestive
interdigital {adj}
:: interdigital
interdimensional {adj}
:: interdimensional
interdiocesano {adj}
:: interdiocesan / inter-diocesan
interdisciplina {f}
:: interdiscipline
interdisciplinar {adj}
:: interdisciplinary
interdisciplinaridad {f}
:: interdisciplinarity
interdisciplinariedad {f}
:: interdisciplinarity
interdisciplinario {adj}
:: interdisciplinary
interés {m}
:: interest (a fraction of the amount of what was borrowed)
interés {m}
:: interest (attention that is given to something or someone)
interés {m}
:: interest (an involvement or stake in an undertaking)
interesadamente {adv}
:: interestedly
interesadísimo {adj}
:: superlative of interesado
interesado {adj}
:: interested
interesado {adj}
:: acquisitive, grabby
interesado {adj}
:: opportunistic
interesante {adj}
:: interesting
interesantemente {adv}
:: interestingly
interesantísimo {adj}
:: superlative of interesante
interesar {v}
:: to interest
interesarse {v}
:: reflexive of interesar To be interested
interescapular {adj}
:: interscapular
interescolar {adj}
:: interschool
interescuadra {adj}
:: intersquad
interespecífico {adj}
:: interspecific
interestadial {adj}
:: interstadial
interestatal {adj}
:: interstate
interestelar {adj}
:: interstellar (between or among stars)
interétnico {adj}
:: interethnic
interfacial {adj}
:: interfacial
interfalángico {adj}
:: interphalangeal
interfamiliar {adj}
:: interfamilial
interfase {adj}
:: interphase
interfase {f}
:: interphase
interfaz {f}
:: interface (the point of interconnection between two entities)
interferencia {f}
:: interference
interferiado {m}
:: long weekend
interferir {v}
:: to interfere
interferograma {m}
:: interferogram
interferometría {f}
:: interferometry
interferométrico {adj}
:: interferometric
interferómetro {m}
:: interferometer
interferón {m}
:: interferon
interfertilidad {f}
:: interfertility
interfijo {m}
:: interfix
interfilial {adj}
:: interclub
interfluvio {m}
:: interfluve
interfoliar {v}
:: to interleave
interfon {m}
:: intercom
intergaláctico {adj}
:: intergalactic (occurring between galaxies)
intergeneracional {adj}
:: intergenerational
intergeneracionalmente {adv}
:: intergenerationally
intergenérico {adj}
:: intergeneric
intergénero {adj}
:: intergender
interglacial {adj}
:: interglacial
interglaciar {adj}
:: interglacial
intergradación {f}
:: intergradation
intergradar {v}
:: to intergrade
intergrupal {adj}
:: intergroup
intergrupo {adj}
:: intergroup
intergubernamental {adj}
:: intergovernmental
interhalógeno {m}
:: interhalogen
interhemisférico {adj}
:: interhemispheric
interhumano {adj}
:: interhuman
interimperialista {adj}
:: interimperialist (between two or more states (etc.) that are imperialist)
interín {m}
:: alternative spelling of ínterin
ínterin {m}
:: interim
interina {f}
:: feminine noun of interino
interinamente {adv}
:: temporarily
interinato {m}
:: internship
interindividual {adj}
:: interindividual
interinidad {f}
:: temporariness
interino {adj}
:: acting, temporary, substitute
interino {m}
:: A temp: a temporary clerk
interinstitucional {adj}
:: interinstitutional
interinsular {adj}
:: interisland
interior {adj}
:: inner, interior
interior {m}
:: interior
interior {m}
:: male underwear, underpants
interior de la República {m}
:: the national territories outside of the capital territory or city
interioridad {f}
:: state of being on the inside
interiorismo {m}
:: interior design
interiorista {mf}
:: interior designer
interiorización {f}
:: interiorizing
interiorizar {v}
:: to internalize, take to heart, embrace
interiormente {adv}
:: internally
interiormente {adv}
:: inwardly
interista {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Inter, the Italian football club based in Milan
interista {mf}
:: An Inter player or supporter
interjección {f}
:: interjection
interjuego {m}
:: interplay
interjurisdiccional {adj}
:: interjurisdictional
Interlaken {prop} {m}
:: Interlaken
interleucina {f}
:: interleukin
interliga {adj}
:: interleague
interlínea {f}
:: line feed
interlingua {f}
:: Interlingua
interlingüe {adj}
:: translingual
interlobular {adj}
:: interlobular
interlobulillar {adj}
:: interlobulillar
interlocal {adj}
:: interlocal
interlocución {f}
:: interlocution
interlocutar {v}
:: to contact; communicate
interlocutor {m}
:: interlocutor
interlocutor {m}
:: negotiator
interlocutora {f}
:: feminine noun of interlocutor
interlocutoria {f}
:: interlocutory process
interludio {m}
:: interlude
intermareal {adj}
:: intertidal
intermediación {f}
:: intermediation
intermediador {adj}
:: intermediating
intermediador {m}
:: intermediator
intermediar {vi}
:: to intermediate
intermediaria {f}
:: feminine noun of intermediario
intermediario {adj}
:: intermediating
intermediario {m}
:: intermediary
intermediario {m}
:: middleman
intermedio {adj}
:: intermediate
intermedio {m}
:: interval, intermission
intermedista {mf}
:: second baseman
intermembrana {adj}
:: intermembrane
intermensual {adj}
:: month-over-month, MoM
intermesentérico {adj}
:: intermesenteric
intermezclar {v}
:: to intermix, intermingle
interminable {adj}
:: unending, interminable
interminablemente {adv}
:: interminably
interministerial {adj}
:: interministerial
intermisión {f}
:: intermission
intermitencia {f}
:: intermittence
intermitente {adj}
:: intermittent
intermitente {m}
:: indicator, trafficator, turn signal
intermitentemente {adv}
:: intermittently
intermodal {adj}
:: intermodal
intermodalidad {f}
:: intermodality
intermodulación {f}
:: intermodulation
intermolecular {adj}
:: intermolecular
intermontano {adj}
:: intermountain
intermunicipal {adj}
:: intermunicipal
intermuscular {adj}
:: intermuscular
internación {f}
:: internment
internacional {adj}
:: international
Internacional {prop} {f}
:: Internationale
internacionalidad {f}
:: internationality
internacionalismo {m}
:: internationalism
internacionalista {adj}
:: internationalist
internacionalista {mf}
:: internationalist
internacionalización {f}
:: internationalization
internacionalizar {v}
:: to internationalize
internacionalmente {adv}
:: internationally
internado {m}
:: boarding school
internalismo {m}
:: internalism
internalización {f}
:: internalization
internalizar {v}
:: to internalize
internamente {adv}
:: inside, within, internally
internamiento {m}
:: internment
internar {vt}
:: to send into (especially the interior of a country or region)
internar {vt}
:: to commit or confine inside a place or institution
internar {vi}
:: to intern; to work as an intern
internar {vr}
:: to immerse oneself in (e.g. a topic of study)
internar {vr}
:: to enter (especially surreptitiously)
internarse {v}
:: reflexive of internar
internauta {mf}
:: netizen (Internet user)
internerval {adj}
:: interneural
internet {mf}
:: internet
interneurona {f}
:: interneurone
internismo {m}
:: internism
internista {mf}
:: internist
interno {adj}
:: internal
interno {m}
:: patient
interno {m}
:: prisoner
internodio {m}
:: internode
internodo {m}
:: internode
internudo {m}
:: internode
interoceánico {adj}
:: interoceanic
interoperabilidad {f}
:: interoperability
interoperable {adj}
:: interoperable
interoperar {v}
:: interoperate
interoperatividad {f}
:: interoperability
interóseo {adj}
:: interosseous
interpalestino {adj}
:: inter-Palestine
interparlamentario {adj}
:: interparliamentary
interparroquial {adj}
:: interparochial
interpartidista {adj}
:: interparty
interpeciolar {adj}
:: interpetiolar
interpeduncular {adj}
:: interpeduncular
interpelación {f}
:: interpellation, questioning
interpelar {v}
:: to question
interpelatorio {adj}
:: interpellation
interpenetración {f}
:: interpenetration
interpersonal {adj}
:: interpersonal
interplaca {adj}
:: interplate
interplanetario {adj}
:: interplanetary
interpolación {f}
:: interpolation
interpolador {adj}
:: interpolating
interpolador {m}
:: interpolator
interpoladora {f}
:: feminine noun of interpolador
interpolar {v}
:: to interpolate
interponer {v}
:: to interpose
interponer {v}
:: to file , lodge
interponer {vr}
:: to intervene
interponer {vr}
:: to come (between), to stand (between), to stand (in the way of), to get in the way of (+ en, entre or en el camino de)
interponerse {v}
:: reflexive of interponer
interposición {f}
:: interjection
interposición {f}
:: lodging, filing (of a complaint, motion)
interpósita persona {f}
:: third party, intermediary
interpretable {adj}
:: interpretable
interpretación {f}
:: interpretation
interpretación {f}
:: interpreting (i.e. oral translating)
interpretación {f}
:: performance, rendition, acting, portrayal (film, theatre)
interpretación {f}
:: acting (profession)
interpretación {f}
:: reading, construction (i.e. interpretation of a text or action)
interpretador {adj}
:: someone who interprets
interpretador {m}
:: translator
interpretar {v}
:: to interpret, explain, decipher
interpretar {v}
:: to interpret, translate orally
interpretar {v}
:: act a part
interpretar {v}
:: to perform
interpretarse {v}
:: reflexive of interpretar
interpretativamente {adv}
:: interpretively
interpretativo {adj}
:: interpretative
intérprete {mf}
:: interpreter (one who interprets speech in another language)
intérprete {mf}
:: performer
interprofesional {adj}
:: interprofessional
interpromocional {adj}
:: inter-promotional
interproveedor {m}
:: integrated supplier
interprovincial {adj}
:: interprovincial
interpuesto {adj}
:: filed, lodged
interracial {adj}
:: interracial
interred {f}
:: Internet
interregional {adj}
:: interregional
interregno {m}
:: interregnum (period of time between the end of a sovereign’s reign and the accession of another sovereign)
interrelación {f}
:: interrelation
interrelacionar {v}
:: to interrelate
interreligioso {adj}
:: interreligious
interrevolucionario {adj}
:: inter-revolution
interrogación {f}
:: interrogation
interrogador {adj}
:: questioning, interrogating
interrogador {m}
:: interrogator (one who interrogates)
interrogadora {f}
:: feminine noun of interrogador
interrogante {adj}
:: questioning
interrogante {mf}
:: interrogator (person)
interrogante {mf}
:: question mark (punctuation)
interrogante {mf}
:: question mark (doubt)
interrogante {mf}
:: question, query
interrogar {vt}
:: to interrogate
interrogativamente {adv}
:: interrogatively
interrogativo {adj}
:: interrogative
interrogatorio {m}
:: an interrogation; a questioning or inquiry
interrumpibilidad {f}
:: interruptibility
interrumpidamente {adv}
:: interruptedly
interrumpidor {adj}
:: interrupting
interrumpidor {m}
:: interruptor
interrumpir {v}
:: to interrupt, to barge in, to disrupt, to disturb, to intrude, to cut in, to break in, to butt in
interrumpir {v}
:: to discontinue, suspend
interrumpir {v}
:: to cut short
interrumpir {v}
:: to break, to break off, to halt, to cease
interrumpir {v}
:: to stop (e.g., medication, treatment)
interrumpir {v}
:: to cut off, to block
interrumpir {v}
:: to heckle
interrumpirse {v}
:: reflexive of interrumpir
interrupción {f}
:: interruption
interrupto {adj}
:: interrupted
interruptor {adj}
:: interrupting
interruptor {m}
:: switch, light switch
intersecar {v}
:: to intersect
intersección {f}
:: intersection
intersección {f}
:: crossroads
interseccional {adj}
:: intersectional
interseccionalidad {f}
:: intersectionality
intersectar {v}
:: obsolete spelling of intersecar
intersectorial {adj}
:: intersector
intersectorialidad {f}
:: intersectoriality
intersexuado {adj}
:: intersex
intersexual {adj}
:: intersexual
intersexualidad {f}
:: intersexuality
intersindical {adj}
:: intersyndical
intersticial {adj}
:: interstitial
intersticio {m}
:: interstice
intersubjetividad {f}
:: intersubjectivity
intersubjetivo {adj}
:: intersubjective
intertalámico {adj}
:: interthalamic
intertanto {m}
:: meantime
intertemporal {adj}
:: intertemporal
interterritorial {adj}
:: interterritorial
intertextual {adj}
:: intertextual
intertextualidad {f}
:: intertextuality
intertítulos {mp}
:: intertitles
intertribal {adj}
:: intertribal
intertrimestral {adj}
:: quarterly, quarter-on-quarter
intertropical {adj}
:: intertropical
intertubercular {adj}
:: intertubercular
interuniversitario {adj}
:: interuniversity
interurbano {adj}
:: intercity
interurbano {adj}
:: trunk, long-distance (phone call)
interválico {adj}
:: intervallic
intervalo {m}
:: interval, gap, break
intervalo {m}
:: interval
intervalo {m}
:: interval
intervalo {m}
:: recess
intervalo {m}
:: intermission
intervalo de confianza {m}
:: confidence interval
intervención {f}
:: intervention
intervencional {adj}
:: interventional
intervencionismo {m}
:: interventionism
intervencionista {adj}
:: interventionist
intervencionista {mf}
:: interventionist
intervenir {v}
:: to intervene
intervenir {v}
:: to participate
interventor {m}
:: comptroller
interventora {f}
:: feminine noun of interventor
interventoría {f}
:: supervision
interventoría {f}
:: inventory
interventricular {adj}
:: interventricular
intervertebral {adj}
:: intervertebral
interviniente {mf}
:: participant
interviú {mf}
:: interview
intervocálico {adj}
:: intervocalic
interzonal {adj}
:: interzonal
intestar {vi}
:: to fit in; to fit with
intestinal {adj}
:: intestinal
intestinalmente {adv}
:: intestinally
intestino {adj}
:: internal, internecine
intestino {m}
:: intestine
intestino ciego {m}
:: cecum
intestino delgado {m}
:: small intestine
intestino grueso {m}
:: large intestine
Inti {prop} {m}
:: The Inca God of the Sun
intifada {f}
:: intifada (insurrection by Palestinians against Israel)
intimación {f}
:: announcement, notification
íntimamente {adv}
:: intimately
intimar {v}
:: to inform
intimar {v}
:: to get close, to grow close
intimidación {f}
:: intimidation
intimidación {f}
:: bullying
intimidad {f}
:: privacy
intimidad {f}
:: intimacy
intimidador {adj}
:: intimidating
intimidador {m}
:: intimidator (one who intimidates)
intimidadora {f}
:: feminine noun of intimidador
intimidante {adj}
:: intimidating
intimidantemente {adv}
:: intimidatingly
intimidar {vt}
:: to intimidate, to frighten
intimidar {vt}
:: to bully
intimidatoriamente {adv}
:: intimidatingly
intimidatorio {adj}
:: intimidating
intimismo {m}
:: intimism
intimista {mf}
:: intimist
íntimo {adj}
:: intimate
íntimo {adj}
:: private
íntimo {adj}
:: familiar, cosy
íntimo {adj}
:: close
intitulación {f}
:: entitlement
intitulación {f}
:: title; heading
intitular {v}
:: to title (give a title to a work)
intocabilidad {f}
:: untouchability
intocable {adj}
:: untouchable
intocable {mf}
:: untouchable
intocado {adj}
:: untouched; intact
intolerable {adj}
:: intolerable
intolerablemente {adv}
:: intolerably
intolerancia {f}
:: intolerance (the state of being intolerant)
intolerancia {f}
:: intolerance (extreme sensitivity to a food or drug)
intolerante {adj}
:: intolerant
intoxicación {f}
:: intoxication
intoxicante {adj}
:: intoxicating
intoxicar {v}
:: to intoxicate
intra- {prefix}
:: intra-
intrabloque {adj}
:: From inside a bloc
intrabucal {adj}
:: intraoral
intracelular {adj}
:: intracellular
intracelularmente {adv}
:: intracellularly
intracitoplasmático {adj}
:: intracytoplasmic
intracraneal {adj}
:: intracranial
intradérmico {adj}
:: intradermic
intradía {adj}
:: intraday
intradós {m}
:: intrados
intraducible {adj}
:: untranslatable, untranslateable
intraeclesial {adj}
:: interchurch
intraepitelial {adj}
:: intraepithelial
intraespecífico {adj}
:: intraspecific
intraeuropeo {adj}
:: intra-European
intrafamiliar {adj}
:: intrafamilial
intragable {adj}
:: unbearable
intragable {adj}
:: unacceptable
intrahepático {adj}
:: intrahepatic
intrahistoria {f}
:: personal history
intrahospitalario {adj}
:: intrahospital
intralaminar {adj}
:: intralaminar
intramolecular {adj}
:: intramolecular
intramural {adj}
:: intramural
intramuros {adv}
:: within the city walls
intramuscular {adj}
:: intramuscular
intranasal {adj}
:: intranasal
intranet {f}
:: intranet
intranquilidad {f}
:: instability, unrest
intranquilizar {v}
:: to make uneasy, restless, worry
intranquilizar {v}
:: to disquiet, preoccupy
intranquilizar {vr}
:: to get restless, uneasy
intranquilizarse {vr}
:: to get restless, uneasy
intranquilo {adj}
:: restless
intransable {adj}
:: non-negotiable
intransferible {adj}
:: nontransferable
intransferiblemente {adv}
:: untransferably
intransigencia {f}
:: intransigence
intransigente {adj}
:: intransigent
intransitable {adj}
:: impassable
intransitado {adj}
:: untrodden; unvisited
intransitivamente {adv}
:: intransitively
intransitivo {adj}
:: intransitive (not taking a direct object)
intransmisible {adj}
:: nontransmissible
intranuclear {adj}
:: intranuclear
intraocular {adj}
:: intraocular
intraoperatorio {adj}
:: intraoperative
intraóseo {adj}
:: intraosseous
intraperitoneal {adj}
:: intraperitoneal
intrapersonal {adj}
:: intrapersonal
intraplaca {adj}
:: interplate
intrarregional {adj}
:: intraregional
intrascendencia {f}
:: unimportance; insignificance
intrascendente {adj}
:: unimportant; insignificant
intratabilidad {f}
:: untreatability
intratabilidad {f}
:: intractability, intractableness
intratable {adj}
:: untreatable
intratable {adj}
:: intractable, ornery, cross-grained, unsociable
intratecal {adj}
:: intrathecal
intratorácico {adj}
:: intrathoracic
intrauterino {adj}
:: intrauterine
intravenoso {adj}
:: intravenous
intraventricular {adj}
:: intraventricular
intrazona {adj}
:: from within a zone
intrépidamente {adv}
:: intrepidly
intrepidez {f}
:: intrepidity
intrépido {adj}
:: fearless
intrépido {adj}
:: bold
intrépido {adj}
:: adventurous
intricar {v}
:: alternative form of intrincar
intriga {f}
:: intrigue
intrigado {adj}
:: intrigued
intrigante {adj}
:: intriguing
intrigante {adj}
:: scheming
intrigante {mf}
:: schemer
intrigante {mf}
:: intriguer
intrigar {v}
:: to intrigue
intriguilla {f}
:: diminutive of intriga
intrincadamente {adv}
:: intricately
intrincado {v}
:: intricate; tricky, confusing or complicated
intrincar {vt}
:: to confuse, tangle, complicate
intríngulis {m}
:: hidden intention
intríngulis {m}
:: trickiness; difficulty
intrínsecamente {adv}
:: intrinsically
intrínseco {adj}
:: intrinsic (inherent, intimate)
intrínsicamente {adv}
:: alternative form of intrínsecamente
intro {f}
:: intro
introducción {f}
:: introduction
introducción {f}
:: opening (of series)
introducir {v}
:: to insert
introducir {v}
:: to bring in
introducirse {v}
:: reflexive of introducir
introductor {adj}
:: introducing
introductor {m}
:: introducer
introductora {f}
:: feminine noun of introductor
introductorio {adj}
:: introductory
introgresión {f}
:: introgression
introito {m}
:: introit
intromisión {f}
:: meddling, intrusion, interference
intrón {m}
:: intron
intrónico {adj}
:: intronic
introspección {f}
:: introspection
introspectivamente {adv}
:: introspectively
introspectivo {adj}
:: introspective
introversión {f}
:: introversion
introvertido {adj}
:: introverted
introvertido {m}
:: introvert
introyección {f}
:: introjection
intrusar {vt}
:: to intrude, nosey-about, trespass
intrusión {f}
:: intrusion
intrusión {f}
:: encroachment
intrusismo {m}
:: intrusion
intrusista {mf}
:: infiltrator
intrusivo {adj}
:: intrusive
intruso {adj}
:: intrusive
intruso {m}
:: intruder
intruso {m}
:: gatecrasher
intruso {m}
:: nosy, busy body
intubación {f}
:: intubation
intubado {adj}
:: connected with tubes, intubated
intubar {v}
:: to intubate (connect with tubes)
intuición {f}
:: intuition
intuicionismo {m}
:: intuitionism
intuicionista {adj}
:: intuitionistic
intuicionista {mf}
:: intuitionist
intuir {v}
:: to know intuitively
intuitivamente {adv}
:: intuitively, by intuition
intuitivo {adj}
:: intuitive
inubicable {adj}
:: unreachable; out of reach
inuit {adj}
:: Inuit
inuit {mf}
:: Inuit
inuit {mf}
:: Inuktitut
inulina {f}
:: inulin
inundable {adj}
:: flooded, flood
inundable {m}
:: floodplain
inundación {f}
:: inundation, flood, flooding
inundado {adj}
:: flooded, inundated
inundar {v}
:: to inundate
inundarse {v}
:: reflexive of inundar
iñupiaq {m}
:: Inupiaq
inusitadamente {adv}
:: unusually, uncharacteristically
inusitado {adj}
:: unusual, out of the ordinary
inusual {adj}
:: unusual
inusualmente {adv}
:: unusually
inútil {adj}
:: useless
inútil {adj}
:: pointless
inútil {m}
:: a useless, hopeless person; idler, loafer
inutilidad {f}
:: uselessness
inutilizable {adj}
:: unusable
inutilización {f}
:: uselessness
inutilizar {v}
:: to disable
inutilizar {v}
:: to make unusable
inutilizar {v}
:: to void
inutilizar {v}
:: to spoil
inútilmente {adv}
:: uselessly
inútilmente {adv}
:: in vain
invadir {v}
:: to invade
invaginación {f}
:: intussusception
invaginación {f}
:: invagination
invaginar {v}
:: to invaginate
invalidación {f}
:: invalidation
invalidante {adj}
:: disabling, incapacitating
invalidar {v}
:: to invalidate
invalidez {f}
:: invalidity
invalidez {f}
:: handicap
inválido {adj}
:: invalid
inválido {adj}
:: void
invalorable {adj}
:: invaluable
invaluable {adj}
:: invaluable, priceless
invariabilidad {f}
:: invariability
invariable {adj}
:: invariable
invariablemente {adv}
:: invariably
invariancia {f}
:: invariance
invariante {f}
:: invariant
invasión {f}
:: invasion
invasión {f}
:: trespass
invasividad {f}
:: invasiveness
invasivo {adj}
:: invasive
invasor {adj}
:: invasive
invasor {m}
:: invader
invasora {f}
:: feminine noun of invasor
invectiva {adj}
:: invective. Insulting, abusive, or highly critical language
invencibilidad {f}
:: invincibility
invencible {adj}
:: invincible
invenciblemente {adv}
:: unbeatably
invención {f}
:: invention (something invented)
invención {f}
:: invention (the act of inventing)
invención {f}
:: fiction
invenir {v}
:: to find, discover
inventado {adj}
:: invented
inventar {v}
:: to invent
inventar {v}
:: to feign
inventariar {v}
:: to inventory
inventario {m}
:: inventory
inventarse {v}
:: reflexive of inventar
inventiva {f}
:: inventiveness
inventivo {adj}
:: inventive
invento {m}
:: invention
invento {m}
:: leash
inventor {m}
:: inventor (one who invents things)
inventora {f}
:: feminine noun of inventor
inventriz {f}
:: inventor, inventress
invernación {f}
:: hibernation
invernáculo {m}
:: greenhouse
invernada {f}
:: winter
invernada {f}
:: wintering, winter stay
invernadero {m}
:: greenhouse
invernal {adj}
:: winter (attributive)
invernante {adj}
:: wintering
invernar {v}
:: to hibernate, to winter
invernizo {adj}
:: wintry
inverosímil {adj}
:: incredible
inverosímil {adj}
:: implausible
inverosimilitud {f}
:: incredibility; implausibility
inversamente {adv}
:: inversely
inversión {f}
:: investment
inversión {f}
:: inversion
inversionista {mf}
:: investor
inverso {adj}
:: inverted, reverse
inverso {adj}
:: opposite
inversor {m}
:: investor
inversora {f}
:: feminine noun of inversor
invertebrado {adj}
:: invertebrate (lacking backbone)
invertebrado {m}
:: invertebrate (animal without backbone)
invertible {adj}
:: invertible
invertido {adj}
:: gay, bent (homosexual)
invertido {m}
:: gay, bender
invertir {v}
:: to invert
invertir {v}
:: to invest
investidura {f}
:: investiture, inauguration
investigación {f}
:: research
investigación {f}
:: investigation
investigado {adj}
:: investigated
investigador {adj}
:: researching, investigating
investigador {m}
:: researcher, investigator
investigadora {f}
:: feminine noun of investigador
investigador privado {m}
:: private investigator
investigar {v}
:: to research
investigar {v}
:: to investigate
investigativo {adj}
:: investigative
investir {v}
:: to invest (to commit money or effort)
investir {v}
:: to invest (to ceremonially install someone in some office)
inveterado {adj}
:: inveterate
inviabilidad {f}
:: inviability
inviabilizar {v}
:: to render inviable
inviable {adj}
:: inviable
inviable {adj}
:: unfeasible, unworkable
inviar {v}
:: obsolete form of enviar
invictísimo {adj}
:: superlative of invicto
invicto {adj}
:: invincible, unbeatable
invicto {adj}
:: unbeaten, undefeated
invidente {adj}
:: blind
invidente {mf}
:: blind person
invidia {f}
:: obsolete spelling of envidia
inviernito {m}
:: diminutive of invierno
invierno {m}
:: winter
invierno nuclear {m}
:: nuclear winter
inviolabilidad {f}
:: inviolability
inviolabilidad {f}
:: immunity
inviolable {adj}
:: inviolable
inviolablemente {adv}
:: inviolably
inviolado {adj}
:: inviolate; untarnished
invisibilidad {f}
:: invisibility
invisibilización {f}
:: ability to make something disappear
invisibilizar {v}
:: to make invisible, to hide
invisible {adj}
:: invisible
invisiblemente {adv}
:: invisibly
invitación {f}
:: invitation
invitacional {adj}
:: invitational
invitada {f}
:: feminine noun of invitado
invitado {adj}
:: invited
invitado {m}
:: guest, invitee
invitado {m}
:: houseguest
invitador {m}
:: inviter
invitadora {f}
:: feminine noun of invitador
invita la casa {phrase}
:: on the house
invitar {v}
:: to invite
invitar {v}
:: to be on, to assume or take responsibility for paying
in vitro {adj}
:: in vitro (in an artificial environment, outside the living organism)
invivible {adj}
:: unhospitable
invocación {f}
:: invocation
invocador {adj}
:: invocational; invocative
invocador {m}
:: invoker; summoner
invocadora {f}
:: feminine noun of invocador
invocar {v}
:: to invoke
involución {f}
:: regression
involucionar {v}
:: to involve, devolve
involucionismo {m}
:: involutionism
involucración {f}
:: involvement
involucrado {adj}
:: involved
involucral {adj}
:: involucral
involucramiento {m}
:: involving, taking part, meddling
involucrar {vt}
:: to involve
involucrar {vr}
:: to meddle
involucrarse {v}
:: reflexive of involucrar
involucro {m}
:: involucre
involuntariamente {adv}
:: involuntarily
involuntariedad {f}
:: involuntariness
involuntario {adj}
:: involuntary, unintentional
involutivo {adj}
:: reactionary, conservative
invulnerabilidad {f}
:: invulnerability
invulnerable {adj}
:: invulnerable
inyección {f}
:: injection
inyectable {adj}
:: injectable
inyectable {m}
:: injectable
inyectadora {f}
:: syringe
inyectar {v}
:: to inject
inyectarse {v}
:: reflexive of inyectar
inyectivo {adj}
:: injective
inyector {m}
:: injector
inyector {m}
:: nozzle
inyera {f}
:: injera
-io {suffix}
:: -ium
-ió {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the third-person singular indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs
-ío {suffix}
:: A suffix forming abstract nouns and adjectives
Ío {prop} {f}
:: Io (large moon of Jupiter)
Ío {prop} {f}
:: Io (priestess of Hera)
iodo {m}
:: alternative spelling of yodo
iodopsina {f}
:: photopsin, iodopsin
ion {m}
:: ion (atom bearing an electrical charge)
ión {m}
:: ion
iónico {adj}
:: ionic
ionización {f}
:: ionization
ionizante {adj}
:: ionising
ionizar {v}
:: to ionize
ionosfera {f}
:: ionosphere
ionosférico {adj}
:: ionospheric
ionotrópico {adj}
:: ionotropic
iota {f}
:: iota (Greek letter)
iotización {f}
:: iotation
Iowa {prop} {f}
:: Iowa (state)
iowana {f}
:: feminine noun of iowano
iowano {adj}
:: Iowan
iowano {m}
:: Iowan
ióyana {m}
:: yojana
iperita {f}
:: mustard gas
iPhone {m}
:: iPhone
ippon {m}
:: ippon
ipsativo {adj}
:: ipsative
ípsilon {f}
:: upsilon; the Greek letter Υ, υ
iqueña {f}
:: feminine noun of iqueño
iqueño {adj}
:: Of or from Ica
iqueño {m}
:: Someone from Ica
Iquique {prop}
:: Iquique (province)
Iquique {prop}
:: Iquique (city)
iquiqueña {f}
:: feminine noun of iquiqueño
iquiqueño {adj}
:: of or from Iquique
iquiqueño {m}
:: Someone from Iquique
iquiteña {f}
:: feminine noun of iquiteño
iquiteño {adj}
:: of or from Iquitos
iquiteño {m}
:: Someone from Iquitos
Iquitos {prop}
:: Iquitos (city)
-ir {suffix}
:: A verb ending for infinitives
ir {vi}
:: to go (away from speaker and listener)
ir {vi}
:: to come (towards or with the listener)
ir {v}
:: (with a followed by the infinitive) to be going to (near future), to go
ir {vr}
:: to go away, to leave, to be off (see irse)
ira {f}
:: anger, ire, wrath, rage
ir a buscar {v}
:: to go get, to fetch
ir a buscar {v}
:: to go look for, to go find
iracundia {f}
:: irritability
iracundo {adj}
:: short-tempered
iracundo {adj}
:: angry; anger-filled
Irak {prop} {m}
:: Iraq
iraki {n}
:: Iraqi
iraki {adj}
:: Iraqi
ir al ajo del asunto {v}
:: to cut to the chase, get to the point
ir al bulto {v}
:: (of the bull) to charge straight at the bullfighter
ir al grano {v}
:: to cut to the chase, to get to the point, to get down to business, to get down to brass tacks, to get to it
ir al tajo {v}
:: to get down to work
ir a más {v}
:: to go up; rise
ir a más {v}
:: to get out of control
Irán {prop} {m}
:: Iran
iraní {adj}
:: Iranian
iraní {mf}
:: Iranian
iraniana {f}
:: feminine noun of iraniano
iraniano {adj}
:: Iranian, Irani
iraniano {m}
:: Iranian, Irani
iranio {adj}
:: Iranian
ir a parar {v}
:: to end up (in/at...)
Iraq {prop} {m}
:: alternative spelling of Irak
iraqui {n}
:: Iraqi
iraqui {adj}
:: Iraqi
iraquí {adj}
:: Iraqi
iraquí {mf}
:: Iraqi
ir a saco {v}
:: to go all out
irascibilidad {f}
:: irascibility
irascible {adj}
:: irascible
ir con la verdad por delante {v}
:: to speak the truth; to be totally honest
ir de compras {v}
:: to shop, to go shopping
ir de copas {v}
:: to go out for drinks; to go out drinking
ir de cuerpo {v}
:: To move one's bowels
ir de estrella {v}
:: to want to be the centre of attention; show off
ir de la mano {v}
:: to go hand in hand, to go hand-in-hand, to go together
ir de picos pardos {v}
:: alternative form of irse de picos pardos
ir de putas {v}
:: to go whoring; to go to a brothel
-iré {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the first-person singular future indicative of -ir verbs
-iréis {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the second-person plural future indicative of -ir verbs
Irene {prop} {f}
:: given name
Ireneo {prop} {m}
:: given name
ires {particle}
:: only used in ires y venires
ires y venires {mp}
:: comings and goings
iridácea {f}
:: Any plant in the Iridaceae family
iridio {m}
:: iridium
iridiscencia {f}
:: iridescence
iridiscente {adj}
:: iridescent
iridoide {m}
:: iridoid
iridología {f}
:: iridology
iris {m}
:: iris
Iris {prop}
:: given name
irisación {f}
:: irisation
irisado {adj}
:: rainbowlike, rainbow-colored
irisado {adj}
:: iridescent
irisar {v}
:: To be iridescent
irlanda {f}
:: A fabric of Irish wool
Irlanda {prop} {f}
:: Irlanda (country)
Irlanda del Norte {prop} {f}
:: Northern Ireland (one of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom)
irlandés {adj}
:: Irish (from or native to Ireland)
irlandés {adj}
:: Irish (pertaining to Ireland)
irlandés {m}
:: Irishman
irlandés {m}
:: the Irish language
irlandesa {f}
:: feminine noun of irlandés; Irishwoman
irlandés antiguo {m}
:: Old Irish
iro {m}
:: A Mohawk hairstyle
ironía {f}
:: irony
ironías de la vida {adv}
:: ironically
irónicamente {adv}
:: ironically; with irony
irónico {adj}
:: ironic
ironizar {v}
:: to speak with irony
iroqués {m}
:: Iroquois (a person belonging to an Iroquois tribe of North America)
iroqués {m}
:: Iroquois (any of the Iroquois languages)
iroqués {adj}
:: of or relating to the Iroquois people
iroqués {adj}
:: of or relating to the Iroquois languages
ir para largo {v}
:: to have a long time to go; to go on for a long time
IRPF {m}
:: initialism of Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas a personal income tax in Spain
ir por lana y volver trasquilado {v}
:: to backfire
ir por lana y volver trasquilado {v}
:: hoist by one's own petard
ir por lana y volver trasquilado {v}
:: to get more than one bargained for
ir por la vida {v}
:: to behave; go through life
ir por los cerros de Úbeda {v}
:: to beat around the bush (delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant)
ir preso {v}
:: To go to jail
ir que chuta {v}
:: To be more than enough
irracional {adj}
:: irrational, absurd
irracionalidad {f}
:: irrationality
irracionalismo {m}
:: irrationalism
irracionalista {adj}
:: irrationalist
irracionalmente {adv}
:: irrationally
irradiación {f}
:: irradiation
irradiancia {f}
:: irradiance
irradiar {v}
:: to irradiate
irrastreable {adj}
:: untraceable
irrazonable {adj}
:: unreasonable
irrazonablemente {adv}
:: unreasonably
irreal {adj}
:: unreal
irreal {adj}
:: fantastic
irrealidad {f}
:: unreality
irrealizable {adj}
:: unrealizable
irrealmente {adv}
:: unreally
irrebatible {adj}
:: irrefutable
irrebatible {adj}
:: unbeatable
irreconciliable {adj}
:: irreconcilable
irreconocible {adj}
:: unrecognizable
irrecuperable {adj}
:: irrecuperable
irrecusable {adj}
:: irrecusable, unquestionable
irredentismo {m}
:: irredentism
irredentista {mf}
:: irredentist
irredento {adj}
:: irredeemable
irredimible {adj}
:: irredeemable
irreductibilidad {f}
:: irreducibility
irreductible {adj}
:: irrepressible, unstopped
irreductiblemente {adv}
:: irreducibly
irreemplazable {adj}
:: irreplaceable
irreflexión {f}
:: lack of reflection or forethought
irreflexivamente {adv}
:: impetuously
irreflexivo {adj}
:: impetuous
irreformable {adj}
:: irreformable, unreformable
irrefrenable {adj}
:: unrestricted, unrestrained, unstoppable
irrefutable {adj}
:: irrefutable
irrefutablemente {adv}
:: irrefutably
irregular {adj}
:: irregular, uneven, erratic, haphazard
irregular {adj}
:: patchy, spotty, jagged, ragged
irregular {adj}
:: fitful
irregular {adj}
:: (of a verb etc.) irregular
irregularidad {f}
:: irregularity
irregularmente {adv}
:: irregularly
irrelevancia {f}
:: irrelevance
irrelevante {adj}
:: irrelevant, unimportant, moot
irreligión {f}
:: irreligion
irreligiosidad {f}
:: irreligiousness
irreligioso {adj}
:: irreligious
irremediable {adj}
:: irremediable
irremediablemente {adv}
:: irremediably
irremisible {adj}
:: irremissible. unpardonable
irremisiblemente {adv}
:: irremissibly
irremplazable {adj}
:: irreplaceable
irrenunciabilidad {f}
:: The state of not being renounceable
irrenunciable {adj}
:: unmissable
irreparabilidad {f}
:: irreparability
irreparable {adj}
:: irreparable
irreparablemente {adv}
:: irreparably
irrepetible {adj}
:: extraordinary, unrepeatable
irreprensible {adj}
:: irreprochable
irreprimible {adj}
:: irrepressible
irreprochable {adj}
:: irreproachable
irreproducible {adj}
:: irreproducible
irresistible {adj}
:: irresistible
irresistiblemente {adv}
:: irresistibly
irresoluble {adj}
:: irresoluble
irresolución {f}
:: irresolution
irresoluto {adj}
:: indecisive
irrespectivamente {adv}
:: irrespectively
irrespetar {v}
:: to disrespect
irrespeto {m}
:: disrespect
irrespetuosamente {adv}
:: disrespectfully
irrespetuoso {adj}
:: disrespectful
irrespirable {adj}
:: irrespirable
irresponsabilidad {f}
:: irresponsibility
irresponsable {adj}
:: irresponsible
irresponsablemente {adv}
:: irresponsibly, carelessly
irrestrictamente {adv}
:: freely, without restrictions
irrestricto {adj}
:: limitless, unrestricted
irresuelto {adj}
:: unresolved
irretroactividad {f}
:: irretroactivity
irreverencia {f}
:: irreverence
irreverente {adj}
:: irreverent
irreverentemente {adv}
:: irreverently
irreversibilidad {f}
:: irreversibility
irreversible {adj}
:: irreversible (not able to be reversed)
irreversiblemente {adv}
:: irreversibly
irrevocable {adj}
:: irrevocable
irrevocablemente {adv}
:: irrevocably
irrigación {f}
:: irrigation
irrigación {f}
:: circulation (of blood)
irrigador {m}
:: sprinkler
irrigar {v}
:: to irrigate
irrintzi {m}
:: A type of shout, historically used by Basque peasants to communicate over long distances
irrisión {f}
:: jibe; taunt
irrisión {f}
:: laughing stock; butt of the joke
irrisoriamente {adv}
:: paltrily
irrisorio {adj}
:: paltry
irrisorio {adj}
:: mild
irritabilidad {f}
:: irritability
irritable {adj}
:: irritable, cranky, testy, tetchy, prickly, snappy, snarky, irritated
irritablemente {adv}
:: irritably, touchily
irritación {f}
:: annoyance; irritation
irritadamente {adv}
:: angrily; furiously
irritadísimo {adj}
:: superlative of irritado
irritado {adj}
:: angry; mad; furious
irritante {adj}
:: abrasive, irritating
irritante {m}
:: irritant
irritantemente {adv}
:: irritatingly
irritar {v}
:: to irritate
irritar {v}
:: to excite
írrito {adj}
:: invalid
irrogar {v}
:: to cause harm or danger
irrompible {adj}
:: unbreakable
irrotacional {adj}
:: irrotational
irrumpir {v}
:: to burst into
irrupción {f}
:: irruption, break-in
irse {v}
:: to go away, to leave, to depart, to go (when the destination is not essential; when something or someone is going somewhere else)
irse {v}
:: to leak out (with liquids and gasses), to boil away, to go flat (gas in drinks)
irse {v}
:: to overflow
irse {v}
:: to go out (lights)
irse {v}
:: to finish, to wear out, to disappear (e.g. money, paint, pains, mechanical parts)
irse {v}
:: to die
irse {v}
:: to break wind (i.e., fart // ())
irse {v}
:: to wet/soil oneself (i.e., urinate // () or defecate // () in one's pants // ())
irse {v}
:: to come, to cum (i.e., ejaculate // () or orgasm // ())
irse a hacer puñetas {v}
:: to piss off; to go fuck oneself
irse al garete {v}
:: Refering to a boat, that due to having lost the anchors or some other failure, it is driven by the force of the wind, the sea or the current
irse al garete {v}
:: to go bad, to spoil
irse a pique {v}
:: To sink
irse a pique {v}
:: To collapse; to go to pot
irse de la lengua {v}
:: let the cat out of the bag (reveal a secret)
irse de las manos {v}
:: to get out of hand
irse de picos pardos {v}
:: to go out on a bender; paint the town red
irse de picos pardos {v}
:: to go out whoring
irse de pinta {v}
:: to play hookey
irse de rositas {v}
:: to get away with it; get away scot-free; get off scot-free (to escape punishment for doing something or avoid doing some work)
irse el santo al cielo {v}
:: To forget what one was going to say
irse la olla {v}
:: to go haywire
irse la pinza {v}
:: to go nuts, go bonkers, lose the plot
irse por la tangente {v}
:: go off on a tangent
irse por los cerros de Úbeda {v}
:: to beat around the bush (delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant)
irse por los cerros de Úbeda {v}
:: to fly off at a tangent
ir tirando {v}
:: to get by, to survive, to manage
iruindarra {adj}
:: Of or from Pamplona
iruindarra {mf}
:: Someone from Pamplona
Irulegui {prop} {f}
:: surname
irundarra {adj}
:: Of or from Irun
irundarra {mf}
:: Someone from Irun
irunés {adj}
:: Of or from Irún
irunés {m}
:: Someone from Irún
irunesa {f}
:: feminine noun of irunés
isa {f}
:: a dance and singing style of the Canary Islands
Isa {prop} {f}
:: given name
Isaac {prop}
:: Isaac (Biblical figure)
Isaac {prop}
:: given name
Isabel {prop} {f}
:: given name
Isabel {prop} {f}
:: Elizabeth
isabelino {adj}
:: Elizabethan (pertaining to Elizabeth I of England)
Isaí {prop} {m}
:: Jesse
Isaías {prop} {m}
:: Isaiah (book of the Bible and the Tanakh)
Isaías {prop} {m}
:: Isaiah (a prophet, author of the Book of Isaiah)
Isaías {prop} {m}
:: given name
isapre {f}
:: health centre
isaura {f}
:: feminine noun of isauro
isauro {adj}
:: Isaurian
isauro {m}
:: Isaurian
isentrópico {adj}
:: isentropic
Isernia {prop}
:: Isernia (town/and/province)
Isfahán {prop}
:: Isfahán (city)
Ishii {prop}
:: surname
Ishikawa {prop}
:: surname
Isidoro {prop} {m}
:: given name
isidreño {adj}
:: Of or from San Isidro, Cabuyao
isidreño {m}
:: Someone from San Isidro, Cabuyao
Isidro {prop} {m}
:: given name
-ísima {suffix}
:: feminine equivalent of -ísimo
-ísimo {suffix}
:: Added to adjectives to form the absolute superlative
-ísimo {suffix}
:: Added to adverbs to form the superlative
Isis {prop} {f}
:: (Egyptian mythology) Isis
isla {f}
:: island (area of land surrounded by water)
isla {f}
:: block (group of urban lots of property)
isla de la Reunión {prop} {f}
:: Réunion (island in the Indian Ocean to the west of Mauritius and to the east of Madagascar)
Isla de Navidad {prop} {f}
:: Christmas Island (non self-governing territory of Australia)
isla de Pascua {prop} {f}
:: Easter Island
isla de Wight {prop} {f}
:: the Isle of Wight
islam {m}
:: Islam
Islamabad {prop}
:: Islamabad (capital city)
islámico {adj}
:: Islamic
islamismo {m}
:: Islamism
islamista {mf}
:: Islamist
islamización {f}
:: Islamization
islamizar {vt}
:: to Islamize/Islamise, Islamicize
islamófoba {f}
:: feminine noun of islamófobo
islamofobia {f}
:: Islamophobia
islamofóbica {f}
:: feminine noun of islamofóbico
islamofóbico {adj}
:: islamophobic
islamofóbico {m}
:: islamophobe
islamófobo {adj}
:: Islamophobic
islamófobo {m}
:: Islamophobe
islandés {adj}
:: Icelandic (from or native to Iceland)
islandés {adj}
:: Icelandic (pertaining to Iceland)
islandés {m}
:: Icelander
islandés {m}
:: the Icelandic language
Islandia {prop} {f}
:: Islandia (country)
islándico {adj}
:: Icelandic (from or native to Iceland)
islándico {adj}
:: Icelandic (pertaining to Iceland)
Isla Norfolk {prop} {f}
:: Norfolk Island
Isla Norte {prop} {f}
:: North Island, New Zealand
Isla Príncipe Eduardo {prop} {f}
:: Isla Príncipe Eduardo (province)
Isla Príncipe Eduardo {prop} {f}
:: an island in the subantarctic Indian Ocean, part of the Prince Edward Islands
Islas Aleutianas {prop} {fp}
:: Aleutian Islands (archipelago)
islas Anglonormandas {prop} {fp}
:: Channel Islands
Islas Baleares {prop} {fp}
:: Islas Baleares (autonomous community/and/province/and/island)
Islas Británicas {prop} {fp}
:: British Isles (a group of islands off the northwest coast of mainland Europe)
Islas Caimán {prop} {fp}
:: Cayman Islands
Islas Canarias {prop} {fp}
:: Islas Canarias (autonomous community/and/island)
Islas Cook {prop} {fp}
:: Cook Islands
islas del Canal {prop} {fp}
:: Channel Islands
Islas Feroe {prop} {fp}
:: Faroe Islands (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland)
islas Galápagos {prop} {fp}
:: Galápagos Islands
Islas Heard y McDonald {prop} {f}
:: Heard Island and McDonald Islands (uninhabited islands of Australia)
Islas Jónicas {prop} {fp}
:: Ionian Islands (a group of islands in the Ionian Sea)
Islas Kuriles {prop} {fp}
:: Kuril Islands (group of islands)
islas Malvinas {prop} {f}
:: Falkland Islands
Islas Marianas del Norte {prop} {fp}
:: Northern Mariana Islands (archipelago)
Islas Marshall {prop} {fp}
:: Marshall Islands
Islas Salomón {prop} {fp}
:: Solomon Islands
islas Shetland {prop} {fp}
:: Shetland Islands; Shetlands
islas Turcas y Caicos {prop} {fp}
:: Turks and Caicos Islands
Isla Sur {prop} {f}
:: South Island, New Zealand
Islas Vírgenes {prop} {fp}
:: Virgin Islands (archipelago)
Islas Vírgenes Británicas {prop} {fp}
:: British Virgin Islands
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos {prop} {fp}
:: United States Virgin Islands (a US overseas territory in the Caribbean)
Islay {prop}
:: Islay (province)
isleña {f}
:: feminine noun of isleño
isleño {adj}
:: insular (of, relating to, or from an island)
isleño {m}
:: islander
isleño {m}
:: a person of Canarian Islander descent
islera {f}
:: feminine noun of islero
islero {m}
:: islander
isleta {f}
:: refuge island; pedestrian island
isletera {f}
:: feminine noun of isletero
isletero {adj}
:: Of or from La Isleta
isletero {m}
:: Someone from La Isleta
islita {f}
:: diminutive of isla
islote {m}
:: islet
Isma {prop} {m}
:: given name
Ismael {prop} {m}
:: Ishmael
Ismael {prop} {m}
:: given name
ismaelita {mf}
:: Ishmaelite
ismailí {adj}
:: Isma'ili
ismailí {mf}
:: Isma'ili
-ismo {suffix}
:: -ism
ismo {m}
:: ism
iso- {prefix}
:: iso-
isoaloxazina {f}
:: isoalloxazine
isobara {f}
:: isobar
isobutano {m}
:: methylpropane
isocianato {m}
:: isocyanate
isocitrato {m}
:: isocitrate
isocítrico {adj}
:: isocitric
isocromosoma {m}
:: isochromosome
isodecágono {m}
:: icosagon
isoeléctrico {adj}
:: isoelectric
isoenzima {f}
:: isoenzyme
isoespín {m}
:: isospin
isoestructural {adj}
:: isostructural
isoflavona {m}
:: isoflavone
isoflavonoide {m}
:: isoflavonoid
isoforma {f}
:: isoform
isoglosa {f}
:: isogloss
isogonal {adj}
:: isogonal
isógono {adj}
:: isogonal (having equal angles)
isohieta {f}
:: isohyet
isoleucina {f}
:: isoleucine
isolínea {f}
:: isoline
isolobal {adj}
:: isolobal
isologotipo {m}
:: logotype
isomaltasa {f}
:: isomaltase
isomaltosa {f}
:: isomaltose
isomerasa {f}
:: isomerase
isomería {f}
:: isomerism
isomerización {f}
:: isomerization
isómero {m}
:: isomer
isometría {f}
:: isometry
isométrico {adj}
:: isometric
isomórfico {adj}
:: isomorphic
isomorfismo {m}
:: isomorphism
isomorfo {adj}
:: isomorphic, isomorphous
isonomía {f}
:: isonomy
isópodo {m}
:: isopod
isopreno {m}
:: isoprene
isoprenoide {m}
:: isoprenoid
isopropil {m}
:: isopropyl
isopropilbenceno {m}
:: isopropylbenzene
isopropílico {adj}
:: isopropyl
isopropilo {m}
:: isopropyl
isopropóxido {m}
:: isopropoxide
isóptero {m}
:: isopteran
isósceles {adj}
:: isosceles
isoseño {adj}
:: Izoceño; Chané
isoseño {m}
:: Izoceño; Chané
isospín {m}
:: isospin
isostático {adj}
:: isostatic
isoterma {f}
:: isotherm
isotérmico {adj}
:: isothermic
isotipo {m}
:: isotype
isotónico {adj}
:: isotonic
isótono {m}
:: isotone
isotópicamente {adv}
:: isotopically
isotópico {adj}
:: isotopic
isótopo {m}
:: isotope
isotrasplante {m}
:: isotransplant
isotretinoína {f}
:: isotretinoin
isotropía {f}
:: isotropy
isotrópico {adj}
:: isotropic
isozima {f}
:: isoenzyme
Ispahán {prop} {m}
:: Isfahan
isquemia {f}
:: ischemia
isquémico {adj}
:: ischemic
isquiático {adj}
:: ischial
isquio- {prefix}
:: ischio-
isquio {m}
:: hamstring
isquiocavernoso {adj}
:: ischiocavernosal
isquiopubiano {adj}
:: ischiopubic
isquiotibial {m}
:: hamstring
Isra {prop} {m}
:: given name
Israel {prop} {m}
:: Israel
Israel {prop} {m}
:: Jacob
Israel {prop} {m}
:: given name
israelí {adj}
:: Israeli (person)
israelí {adj}
:: Israeli (of or describing the country of Israel)
israelí {mf}
:: Israeli (person from Israel or of Israeli descent)
israelita {adj}
:: Israelite
israelita {m}
:: Israelite
ISRS {m}
:: initialism of inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina (SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor))
Issachâr {prop} {m}
:: Issachar (Biblical character and tribe)
-ista {suffix}
:: -ista; one who follows a principle. Example: optimista (optimist)
-ista {suffix}
:: Indicates one that practices a profession of the noun stem; Example: periódico (newspaper) periodista (journalist)
-ista {suffix}
:: One who holds certain values: mujerista (feminist)
-iste {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the second-person singular indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs
-isteis {suffix}
:: Suffix indicating the second-person plural indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs
-ístico {suffix}
:: -istic
istmeña {f}
:: feminine noun of istmeño
istmeño {adj}
:: Of or from an isthmus
istmeño {adj}
:: Panamanian
istmeño {m}
:: Someone from an isthmus
istmeño {m}
:: Panamanian
istmo {m}
:: isthmus (narrow strip of land)
istmo {m}
:: isthmus (a narrow part connecting two structures)
Istria {prop} {f}
:: Istria (peninsula in the Adriatic)
it. {n}
:: abbreviation of italiano
-ita {suffix}
:: Substituted for "a" at the end of feminine words and names to denote a diminutive form
-ita {suffix}
:: -ite (suffix for a rock, mineral, or fossil)
Ítaca {prop} {f}
:: Ithaca
itacate {m}
:: food provisions, rations
itacate {m}
:: suitcase
Itahisa {prop} {f}
:: given name from the Canary Islands
ítala {f}
:: feminine noun of ítalo
Italia {prop} {f}
:: Italy
italiana {f}
:: feminine noun of italiano
italianidad {f}
:: Italianness
italianísimo {adj}
:: superlative of italiano
italianismo {m}
:: Italianism
italianización {f}
:: Italianization
italianizante {adj}
:: Italianate
italianizar {v}
:: to Italianize
italiano {adj}
:: Italian (from or native to Italy)
italiano {adj}
:: Italian (pertaining to Italy)
italiano {m}
:: an Italian
italiano {m}
:: hot dog
italiano {m}
:: the Italian language
itálica {f}
:: italic (typeface whose letters slant to the right)
itálico {adj}
:: Italic
ítalo- {prefix}
:: Italo-; italo-
ítalo {adj}
:: Italian
ítalo {m}
:: Italian
italoamericano {adj}
:: Italo-American
italoamericano {m}
:: Italo-American
italoargentino {m}
:: alternative form of ítaloargentino
italoargentino {adj}
:: alternative form of ítaloargentino
ítaloargentino {adj}
:: Italo-Argentine
ítaloargentino {m}
:: Italo-Argentine
ítalo-español {adj}
:: Italo-Spanish
italófono {m}
:: Italophone
ítalo-francés {adj}
:: Italo-French
itañol {m}
:: A mix of Italian and Spanish
itapuense {adj}
:: Of or from the department of Itapúa Department, Paraguay
itapuense {mf}
:: An inhabitant of the department of Itapúa Department, Paraguay
ítem {m}
:: item (distinct physical object)
iterable {adj}
:: iterable
iteración {f}
:: iteration
iterador {adj}
:: iterating
iterador {m}
:: iterator
iteradora {f}
:: feminine noun of iterador
iterar {vt}
:: to repeat, to iterate
iterativamente {adv}
:: iteratively
iterativo {adj}
:: repeating, repetitive
iterativo {adj}
:: iterative
iterbio {m}
:: ytterbium
itinerancia {f}
:: roaming
itinerante {adj}
:: itinerant, travelling
itinerar {v}
:: to travel; to roam; to be on the road
itinerario {m}
:: itinerary
itinerario {m}
:: schedule
-itis {suffix}
:: -itis (suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation, itself often caused by an infection)
-itis {suffix}
:: -itis (used to form the names of various fictitious afflictions or diseases)
-ito {suffix}
:: Forms diminutives of nouns
-ito {suffix}
:: Forms names of minerals
-ito {suffix}
:: Forms the name of an salt derived from an acid (similar to -ate in English)
itonama {m}
:: Itonama (language of Bolivia)
itraconazol {m}
:: itraconazole
itrio {m}
:: yttrium
ITU {f}
:: initialism of infección del tracto urinario
-itud {suffix}
:: -itude, state of, used to form a noun from an adjective
Iturralde {prop}
:: surname of Basque origin
ITV {m}
:: acronym of Inspección Técnica de Vehículos
itzá {adj}
:: Itza
itzá {mf}
:: Itza
itzá {m}
:: Itza (language)
Itzcóatl {prop} {m}
:: Itzcoatl (the name of the 4th ruler of Tenochtitlan)
IU {prop} {f}
:: initialism of Izquierda Unida
iuspositivismo {m}
:: legal positivism
IVA {m}
:: acronym of impuesto de valor añadido
IVA {m}
:: acronym of impuesto sobre el valor agregado
Iván {prop} {m}
:: given name
Ivánovo {prop} {m}
:: Ivánovo (city)
ivermectina {f}
:: ivermectin
-ivo {suffix}
:: -ive
iwán {m}
:: iwan
ixil {adj}
:: Ixil
ixil {mf}
:: Ixil
Ixión {prop} {m}
:: Ixion (king of Lapiths)
Ixión {prop} {m}
:: Ixion (a Kuiper Belt object)
Ixmiquilpan {prop}
:: Ixmiquilpan (city)
Ixmiquilpan {prop}
:: Ixmiquilpan (municipality)
-iza {suffix}
:: feminine singular of -izo
Izabal {prop}
:: Izabal (department)
-ización {suffix}
:: -ization
izalqueña {f}
:: feminine noun of izalqueño
izalqueño {adj}
:: Of or from the municipality of Izalco in El Salvador
izalqueño {m}
:: An inhabitant of the municipality of Izalco in El Salvador
izamiento {m}
:: raising (of a flag, sail)
-izar {suffix}
:: -ise/-ize
izar {vt}
:: to hoist
-izo {suffix}
:: Forms adjectives from other adjectives, nouns, and verbs usually denoting propensity or likeness
izote {m}
:: A species of yucca, Yucca aloifolia, native to Mexico and Central America
izq. {adj}
:: abbreviation of izquierdo, izquierda
izq {f}
:: abbreviation of izquierda
izq {adj}
:: abbreviation of izquierdo
izquierda {f}
:: left (side, direction)
izquierda {f}
:: left
izquierdazo {m}
:: punch with the left
izquierdazo {m}
:: left-handed
izquierdismo {m}
:: leftism
izquierdista {adj}
:: left-wing, leftish (of political ideologies: favoring political and social equality)
izquierdista {mf}
:: left-winger, leftist (a person who belongs to the political left; a member of the left wing of a party or group)
izquierdo {adj}
:: left; on the left side or toward the left; the opposite of right
izquierdo {adj}
:: left-handed
izquierdo {adj}
:: crooked
Izquierdo {prop} {mf}
:: surname
izquierdoso {adj}
:: left-wing
izquierdoso {m}
:: left-winger, leftie
Iztaccíhuatl {prop} {m}
:: Iztaccíhuatl