pablum {n} (nourishment) SEE: nourishment
paca {n} (rodent of genus Cuniculus)
:: paka {f}
pace {n} (step: step)
:: krok {m}
pace {n} (speed)
:: tempo {n}
pace {v} (to walk to and fro)
:: chodzić tam i z powrotem
pacemaker {n} (medical implement)
:: rozrusznik serca {m}, rozrusznik {m}
Pacific {adj} (related to the Pacific Ocean)
:: pacyficzny
Pacific Northwest {prop} (region of North America)
:: Wybrzeże Północno-Zachodnie {n}
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water)
:: Ocean Spokojny {m}, Ocean Wielki {m}, Pacyfik {m}
pacifier {n} (for a baby)
:: smoczek {m}
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence)
:: pacyfizm {m}
pack {n} (bundle to be carried)
:: pakiet {m}, paczka {f}
pack {n} (full set of playing cards)
:: talia {f}
pack {n} (group of dogs)
:: stado {n}, sfora {f}
pack {n} (group of wolves) SEE: wolfpack
package {n} (something which is packed)
:: paczka {f}
package {n} (something consisting of components)
:: pakiet {m}
package {n} (computing: piece of software that it can be installed with a package manager)
:: pakiet {m}, paczka {f}
package store {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store
packaging {n} (the materials used to pack something)
:: opakowanie {n}
pack animal {n} (animal used to carry heavy items) SEE: beast of burden
packer {n} (person packing things)
:: pakowacz {m}, pakowaczka {f}
packet {n} (small pack)
:: paczka {f}
packet {n} (small fragment of data)
:: pakiet {m}
pact {n} (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant)
:: układ {m}, pakt {m}
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff
padawan {n} (any apprentice or student) SEE: apprentice
padded envelope {n} (a thick envelope)
:: koperta bąbelkowa {f}
paddleboat {n} (pedalo) SEE: pedalo
paddlefish {n} (fish of the family Polyodontidae)
:: wiosłonos {m}
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows)
:: ryżowym polu {m}
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy
pademelon {n} (species of Thylogale)
:: pademelon {m}
Padishah {n} (Padishah)
:: padyszach {m}
padlock {n} (type of lock)
:: kłódka {f}
Padua {prop} (city)
:: Padwa {f}
paean {n} (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph)
:: pean
paella {n} (Savory, cooked dish)
:: paella
pagan {adj} (relating to non main world religions)
:: pogański
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion)
:: poganin {m}, poganka {f}
paganism {n} (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity)
:: pogaństwo {n}
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book)
:: strona {f}, stronica {f}
page {n} (serving boy)
:: paź {m}
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page
pager {n} (device)
:: pager {m}
paginate {v} (to number the pages of a book or other document)
:: paginować
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves)
:: pagoda {f}
Paibian {prop} (subdivision of the Cambrian period)
:: Paib
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering)
:: ból {m}
painful {adj} (causing pain)
:: bolesny
painful {adj} (suffering with pain)
:: bolesny
painfully {adv} (in a painful manner)
:: boleśnie
pain in the arse {n} (pain in the ass) SEE: pain in the ass
pain in the ass {n} (something that causes discomfort)
:: wrzód na tyłku, wrzód na dupie
pain in the butt {n} (nuisance) SEE: pain in the ass
pain in the neck {n} (that which is annoying) SEE: pain in the ass
painkiller {n} (a drug that numbs the pain in the body)
:: środek przeciwbólowy {m}
painless {adj} (without pain or trouble)
:: bezbolesny
paint {n} (substance)
:: farba {f}
paint {v} (apply paint to)
:: malować {impf}, pomalować {pf}
paint {v} (practise the art of painting pictures)
:: malować {impf}, namalować {pf}
paintbrush {n} (thin brush)
:: pędzel {m}
painted dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
painted hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
painted wolf {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog
painter {n} (artist)
:: malarz {m}, malarka {f}
painter {n} (one who paints surfaces using a paintbrush)
:: malarz pokojowy {m}
painting {n} (an illustration or artwork using paint)
:: obraz {m}, malowidło {n}
painting {n} (the action of applying paint)
:: malowanie {n}
painting {n} (artistic application of paint)
:: malarstwo {n}
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles)
:: cyrkiel {m}
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of goggles {n} (goggles) SEE: goggles
pair of pincers {n} (pincers) SEE: pincers
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
pair of tongs {n} (tongs) SEE: tongs
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers
paisley {n} (motif)
:: paisley {m}
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
:: piżama {f}, pidżama {f}
pajamas {n} (loose-fitting trousers worn in the Far East)
:: piżama {f}, pidżama {f}
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia)
:: Pakistan {m-in}
Pakistani {n} (A person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent)
:: Pakistańczyk {m}, Pakistanka {f}
Pakistani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Pakistan, or its people)
:: pakistański {m}
palace {n} (large, lavish residence)
:: pałac {m}
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords)
:: pałac Westminsterski {m}
paladin {n} (heroic champion)
:: paladyn {m}
palaeoclimatology {n} (science)
:: paleoklimatologia {f}
Palaic {prop} (Indo-European language)
:: język palajski {m}
Palaic {adj} (of or pertaining to Palaic language or its speakers)
:: palajski {m}
palatable {adj} (pleasing to the taste)
:: dobry {m}, smaczny {m}
palate {n} (roof of the mouth)
:: podniebienie {n}
Palatine {prop} (hill of Rome)
:: Palatyn {m}
Palau {prop} (Republic of Palau)
:: Palau, Belau
pale {adj} (light in color)
:: blady
pale {v} (to become pale)
:: blednąć
pale {n} (wooden stake)
:: pal {m}, sztacheta {f}
pale {n} (heraldry: vertical band)
:: słup
paleness {n} (condition or degree of being pale or of lacking color)
:: bladość
Paleocene {adj} (of or pertaining to the Paleocene epoch)
:: paleoceński
Paleocene {prop} (geologic epoch)
:: paleocen {m-in}
paleochristian {adj} (relating to the early Christian church)
:: paleochrześcijański, wczesnochrześcijański
paleoclimatology {n} (palaeoclimatology) SEE: palaeoclimatology
Paleogene {adj} (of period from 65 to 23 million years ago)
:: paleogeński
Paleogene {prop} (Paleogene period)
:: paleogen {m-in}
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing)
:: paleografia
Paleolithic {n} (Old Stone Age)
:: paleolit {m}
paleontological {adj} (of or pertaining to paleontology)
:: paleontologiczny
paleontologist {n} (one who studies paleontology)
:: paleontolog {m}
paleontology {n} (study of prehistoric forms of life)
:: paleontologia {f}
Paleoproterozoic {prop} (era 2,500-1,600 Ma)
:: paleoproterozoik
Paleozoic {adj}
:: paleozoiczny
Paleozoic {prop} (Paleozoic era)
:: paleozoik {m-in}, era paleozoiczna {f}
Palestine {prop} (geographic region)
:: Palestyna {f}
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively)
:: Palestyna {f}
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British entity)
:: Palestyna {f}
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British Mandate)
:: Palestyna {f}
Palestine sunbird {n} (Bird)
:: nektarnik palestyński {m}
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people)
:: palestyński
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent)
:: Palestyńczyk {m}, Palestynka {f}
paletot {n} (A loose outer jacket, overcoat)
:: palto {n}
palette {n} (board)
:: paleta {f}
Pali {prop} (a Middle Indo-Aryan language)
:: pali {n}
palimpsest {n} (manuscript scraped clean for reuse)
:: palimpsest {m}
palindrome {n} (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards)
:: palindrom {m}
palisade {n} (wall of wooden stakes)
:: palisada {f}, częstokół {m}, ostrokół {m}
pall {n} (charge representing an archbishop's pallium)
:: rosocha {f}
palladium {n} (chemical element)
:: pallad {m}
Pallas's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus)
:: orlica {f}
pallium {n} (cerebral cortex) SEE: cerebral cortex
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand)
:: dłoń {f}
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree
Palma {prop} (city)
:: Palma de Mallorca {f}, Palma {f}
palm oil {n} (edible plant oil)
:: olej palmowy {m}
Palm Sunday {n} (Sunday before Easter)
:: Niedziela Palmowa {f}
palm syrup {n} (syrup made from sap of a palm tree)
:: miód palmowy {m-in}
palm tree {n} (tropical tree)
:: palma {f}
Palmyra {prop} (ancient city)
:: Palmyra {f}
Palmyrena {prop} (ancient country of which Palmyra was the capital)
:: Palmyrena {f}
Palmyrene {adj} (of, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena)
:: palmyreński
palpitation {n} (abnormal beating of the heart)
:: palpitacja {f}
paltry {adj} (trashy, trivial, of little value)
:: kiepski {m}
paltry {adj} (meager; worthless; pitiful; trifling)
:: marny {m}
Pamir {prop} (mountain range)
:: Pamir {m}
pamphlet {n} (booklet) SEE: booklet
Pamplona {prop} (city in Navarre of northern Spain)
:: Pamplona
pan {n} (loaf of bread)
:: bochen {m}
Pan {prop} (Greek god of nature)
:: Pan {m}
panacea {n} (remedy believed to cure all disease)
:: panaceum {n}
panacea {n} (something that will solve all problems)
:: panaceum {n}
panache {n} (ornamental helmet plume)
:: pióropusz {m}
panache {n} (flamboyant style or action)
:: polot {m}, rozmach {m}
Panama {prop} (country)
:: Panama {f}
Panama Canal {prop} (Canal)
:: Kanał Panamski {m}
Panamanian {n} (person from Panama)
:: Panamczyk {m}, Panamka {f}
Panamanian {n} (person from Panama City)
:: panamczyk {m}, panamka {f}
Panamanian {adj} (pertaining to Panama)
:: panamski
pan-Arabism {n} (movement)
:: panarabizm
panarchism {n} (advocacy of panarchy)
:: panarchizm
pancake {n} (thin batter cake)
:: naleśnik {m}
Pancake Day {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Tuesday {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday
Panchatantra {prop} (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose)
:: Pańćatantra
Panchen Lama {n} (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism)
:: panczenlama {m}
Pancras {prop} (saint)
:: Pankracy {m}
pancreas {n} (gland near the stomach)
:: trzustka {f}
pancreatitis {n} (inflammation of the pancreas)
:: zapalenie trzustki {n}
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda)
:: panda {f}
panda {n} (police car) SEE: police car
panda {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda
pandeiro {n} (a hand-held frame drum with a round wooden frame)
:: pandeiro {n}
pandeism {n} (belief in a god both pantheistic and deistic)
:: pandeizm {m}
pandeist {n} (one who believes in pandeism)
:: pandeista {m}, pandeistka {f}
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general
pandemic {adj} (epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion of the population)
:: pandemiczny
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population)
:: pandemia {f}
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp
Pandora {prop} (Character in Greek mythology)
:: Pandora {f}
Pandora {prop} (Asteroid)
:: Pandora {f}
Pandora's box {n} (a source of unforeseen trouble)
:: puszka Pandory
panel {n} (group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc)
:: panel {m}
panelling {n} (panels with which a surface is covered)
:: boazeria {f}, wykładzina {f}
panentheism {n} (a doctrine that the universe is within God)
:: panenteizm {m}
Panevėžys {prop} (city in Lithuania)
:: Poniewież {m}
panforte {n} (dense flat cake)
:: panforte {m}, piernik seneński {m}
Pangaea {prop} (supercontinent prior to Triassic)
:: Pangea {f}
panhandle {n} (any arm or projection suggestive of the handle of a pan)
:: cypel {m}, worek {m}
panic {n} (overpowering fright)
:: panika {f}
panic {v} (to feel overwhelming fear)
:: panikować
panicgrass {n} (grass of the genus Panicum)
:: proso {n}
panleukopenia {n} (distemper of cats)
:: panleukopenia kotów {f}, nosówka kotów {f}
panna cotta {n} (Italian dessert made from double cream)
:: panna cotta {f}
pannier {n} (hoop used to expand a woman's skirt to either side)
:: rogówka {f}
Pannonia {prop} (province of the Roman Empire)
:: Panonia {f}
panoply {n} (complete set of armour)
:: zbroja {f}
panorama {n} (unbroken view of an entire surrounding area)
:: panorama {f}
panorama {n} (picture representing a continuous scene)
:: panorama {f}
panpsychism {n} (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect)
:: panpsychizm {m}
pansexual {n} (someone who is attracted to all genders)
:: panseksualny
pansexuality {n} (sexual orientation)
:: panseksualizm {m}
pansexually {adv} (in an pansexual manner)
:: panseksualnie
Pan-Slavism {n} (movement)
:: panslawizm {m}
pansy {n} (plant)
:: bratek {m}
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants
pant {v} (to breathe quickly or in a labored manner)
:: dyszeć
pantagruelian {adj}
:: pantagrueliczny
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine)
:: panteizm {m}
pantheist {n} (person who believes in pantheism)
:: panteista {m}, panteistka {f}
pantheistic {adj} (pertaining to pantheism)
:: panteistyczny
pantheistical {adj} (pantheistic) SEE: pantheistic
pantheon {n} (a temple dedicated to all the gods)
:: panteon {m}
pantheon {n} (all the gods of a particular religion)
:: panteon {m}
pantheon {n} (a category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group)
:: panteon {m}
panther {n} (big cat with black fur)
:: pantera {f}
panther cap {n} (Amanita pantherina)
:: muchomor plamisty
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls)
:: figi {p}
pant leg {n} (either of the legs of a pair of pants)
:: nogawka {f}
pantograph {n} (rail transport: device that collects electric current from overhead lines)
:: pantograf {m}
pantry {n} (storage room)
:: spiżarnia {f}
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards)
:: spodnie {p}
pants {n} (undergarment covering the genitals)
:: majtki {p}, gacie {p}, gatki {p}
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties
pantyhose {n}
:: rajstopy {p}
Panzerfaust {n} (grenade launcher)
:: panzerfaust {m}, pancerfaust {m}
pap {n} (soft food)
:: papka {f}
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad
papakha {n} (type of hat)
:: papacha
papal {adj} (related to the pope or papacy)
:: papieski
papaya {n} (fruit)
:: papaja {f}, melonowiec {m}
paper {n} (sheet material)
:: papier {m}
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book)
:: artykuł {m}
paper {adj} (made of paper)
:: papierowy {m}
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper
paper {n} (wrapping paper) SEE: wrapping paper
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document
paper aeroplane {n} (toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper)
:: samolot papierowy
paper airplane {n} (paper aeroplane) SEE: paper aeroplane
paperback {n}
:: miękka okładka {f}
paperboard {n} (thick paper)
:: tektura {f}
paper clip {n} (paper clip)
:: spinacz {m}
paper mill {n} (factory)
:: papiernia {f}
paper towel {n} (sheet of absorbent paper)
:: ręcznik papierowy {m}
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object)
:: przycisk do papieru {m}
paperweight {n} (any object for this purpose)
:: przycisk do papieru {m}
paperweight {n} (slang: useless object)
:: złom {m}
papess {n} (female pope)
:: papieżyca {f}
papilla {n} (anatomical structure)
:: brodawka {f}
papissa {n} (female pope) SEE: papess
paprika {n} (ground spice)
:: papryka
paprikash {n} (paprika-based meat stew)
:: paprykarz {m}
Papuan {adj} (pertaining to Papua or Papua New Guinea)
:: papuaski, papuański
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania)
:: Papua-Nowa Gwinea {f}
papyrology {n} (the study of ancient texts written on papyrus)
:: papirologia {f}
papyrus {n} (plant in the sedge family)
:: papirus {m}
papyrus {n} (material made from this plant)
:: papirus {m}
papyrus {n} (scroll or document written on this material)
:: papirus {m}
parable {n} (short story illustrating a lesson)
:: przypowieść {f}, parabola {f}
parabola {n} (a conic section)
:: parabola {f}
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object)
:: spadochron {m}
paraclete {n} (advocate)
:: paraklet {m}
Paraclete {prop} (the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, especially in its role as comforter of the faithful)
:: Paraklet {m}
parade {n} (organized procession)
:: parada {f}
paradigm {n} (way of viewing reality)
:: paradygmat {m}
paradigm {n} (example serving as a model or pattern)
:: paradygmat {m}
paradigm {n} (linguistics: all forms which contain a common element)
:: paradygmat {m}
paradisaic {adj} (relating to paradise)
:: rajski
paradisaical {adj} (paradisaic) SEE: paradisaic
paradise {n} (heaven)
:: raj {m}, niebiosa {n-p}
paradise on earth {n} (ideal or idyllic place)
:: raj na Ziemi
paradisiac {adj} (of or like Paradise)
:: rajski
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true)
:: paradoks {m}
paradox {n} (in logic: a self-contradictory statement)
:: paradoks {m}
paradoxical {adj} (having self-contradicting properties)
:: paradoksalny {m}
paradoxically {adv} (in a paradoxical manner)
:: paradoksalnie
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene
paraffin {n} (alkane hydrocarbon)
:: parafina {f}, alkan {m}
paraffin {v} (treat with paraffin)
:: parafinować
paraffin {n} (paraffin wax) SEE: paraffin wax
paraffin wax {n} (paraffin wax)
:: parafina {f}
paragliding {n} (the sport of gliding with a paraglider)
:: paralotnia {f}
paragon {n} (model or pattern)
:: wzór {m}
paragraph {n} (passage in text)
:: akapit {m}
Paraguay {prop} (country in South America)
:: Paragwaj
Paraguayan {n} (person from Paraguay)
:: Paragwajczyk {m}, Paragwajka {f}
Paraguayan {adj} (pertaining to Paraguay)
:: paragwajski
parakeet {n} (various species of small parrots)
:: papużka {f}
parallactic {adj} (pertaining to parallax)
:: paralaktyczny
parallax {n}
:: paralaksa {f}
parallel {adj} (equally distant from one another at all points)
:: równoległy
parallel {adv} (with a parallel relationship)
:: równolegle
parallel {n} (line of latitude)
:: równoleżnik {m-in}
parallelepiped {n} (solid figure)
:: równoległościan {m}
parallelogram {n} (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length)
:: równoległobok {m}
paralyse {v} (paralyse) SEE: paralyze
paralysis {n} (loss of muscle control)
:: paraliż {m}, porażenie {n}
paralysis {n} (state of inability to act)
:: paraliż {m}, niemoc {f}
paralyze {v} (to afflict with paralysis)
:: paraliżować
paramagnetic {adj} (exhibiting paramagnetism)
:: paramagnetyczny {m}
paramagnetism {n} (tendency of dipoles)
:: paramagnetyzm {m}
Paramaribo {prop} (capital of Suriname)
:: Paramaribo {n}
paramecium {n} (organism)
:: pantofelek {m}
paramedic {n} (individual trained to stabilize people outside of hospital)
:: ratownik {m}, ratowniczka {f}, ratownik medyczny {m}, ratowniczka medyczna {f}
paramour {n} (illicit lover)
:: kochanek {m}, kochanka {f}
paranoia {n} (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution)
:: paranoja {f}
paranoia {n} (Extreme, irrational distrust of others)
:: paranoja {f}
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions)
:: schizofrenia paranoidalna {f}
parapet {n} (a low retaining wall)
:: murek {m}, gzyms {m}
parapet {n} (a fortification consisting of a wall)
:: parapet {m}, przedpiersie {n}
paraphimosis {n} (foreskin trapped behind the glans)
:: załupek
paraphrase {n} (restatement of a text)
:: parafraza {f}
parapsychological {adj} (of or pertaining to parapsychology)
:: parapsychologiczny {m}
parapsychology {n} (study of that which cannot yet be explained)
:: parapsychologia {f}
parasite {n} (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back)
:: pasożyt {m}, darmozjad {m}
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism)
:: pasożyt {m}
parasitic {adj} (pertaining to a biological or symbolic parasite)
:: pasożytniczy
parasitical {adj} (parasitic) SEE: parasitic
parasitic element {n} (circuit element or property that has a negative effect on the performance of the circuit)
:: element pasożytniczy {m}
parasitise {v} (parasitize) SEE: parasitize
parasitism {n} (interaction between two organisms)
:: pasożytnictwo {n}
parasitize {v} (live off a host)
:: pasożytować
parasol {n} (umbrella used as protection from the sun)
:: parasol
parasympathetic {adj} (relating to part of the autonomic nervous system)
:: przywspółczulny
parathyroid gland {n} (any one of four endocrine glands situated in the neck)
:: gruczoł przytarczyczny {m}, przytarczyca {f}
paravane {n} (device for cutting the moorings of mines)
:: parawan {m}
parazoan {n} ((zoology) any sponge)
:: nibytkankowiec {m}
parcel {n} (package wrapped for shipment)
:: paczka {f}, przesyłka {f}
parcel {n} (division of land bought and sold as a unit)
:: parcela {f}
parchment {n} (material)
:: pergamin {m}
parchment {n} (document)
:: pergamin {m}
pardon {n} (forgiveness for an offence)
:: przebaczenie {n}, wybaczenie {n}, darowanie {n}
pardon {n} (releasing order)
:: łaska {f}
pareidolia {n} (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar)
:: pareidolia {f}
paremiology {n} (the study of proverbs)
:: paremiologia {f}
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended)
:: rodzic {m-pr}
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( ))
:: nawias {m}
parenthesis {n} ((mathematics, logic) brackets used to clarify expressions by grouping terms affected by a common operator)
:: nawias {m}
parents {n} (one's parents)
:: rodzice {p}
paresthesia {n} (sensation of burning, prickling, itching, or tingling of the skin with no obvious cause)
:: parestezja {f}
paresthesis {n} (paresthesia) SEE: paresthesia
par excellence {adj} (being a quintessential example of a general type)
:: par excellence
Paris {prop} (capital of France)
:: Paryż {m}
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince)
:: Parys {m}
parish {n} (part of a diocese)
:: parafia {f}
parish {n} (members of the parish)
:: parafianin {m}, parafianka {f}
parish church {n} (church that serves as the religious centre of a parish)
:: kościół parafialny {m}
parishioner {n} (member of a parish)
:: parafianin {m}, parafianka {f}
Parisian {n} (someone from Paris)
:: paryżanin {m}, paryżanka {f}
Parisian {adj} (of Paris)
:: paryski
Paris syndrome {n} (psychological disorder)
:: syndrom paryski {m}
park {n} (ground for recreation)
:: park {m}
park {v} (bring to a halt)
:: parkować {impf}, zaparkować {pf}
parka {n} (long jacket)
:: parka {f}
parking {n} (action)
:: parkowanie {n}, zaparkowanie {n}
parking {n} (space)
:: parking {m}
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use)
:: parking {m}
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease)
:: choroba Parkinsona {f}
parkour {n} (athletic discipline)
:: parkour {m}
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members)
:: parlament {m}
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament
parliamentarian {n} (member of parliament)
:: parlamentarzysta {m}, parlamentarzystka {f}
parliamentary {adj} (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament)
:: parlamentarny
parlous {adj} (appalling, dire, terrible) SEE: appalling
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous
parmesan {n} (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma)
:: parmezan {m}
Parmesan {n} (parmesan) SEE: parmesan
parochial {adj} (pertaining to a parish)
:: parafialny
parochial {adj} (characterized by an unsophisticated focus on local concerns)
:: zaściankowy
parody {n} (expression making fun of something else)
:: parodia {f}
parody {v} (to make a parody of something)
:: parodiować
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb
paronychia {n} (infection under the cuticle) SEE: whitlow
paronym {n} (word that sounds like another word)
:: paronim {m}
paroxysm {n} (random or sudden outburst)
:: paroksyzm {m}
paroxysm {n} (sudden recurrence of a disease)
:: paroksyzm {m}
paroxytone {adj} (paroxytone)
:: paroksytoniczny {m}
parquet {n} (the part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle) SEE: stall
parrot {n} (kind of bird)
:: papuga {f}
parrot {n} (person who repeats what was said)
:: papuga {f}
parrot {v} (to repeat exactly without showing understanding)
:: papugować
parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin
parsimony {n} (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily)
:: skąpstwo {n}, oszędność {f}
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum)
:: pietruszka {f}
parsnip {n} (the plant Pastinaca sativa)
:: pasternak {m}
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa)
:: pasternak {m}
part {n} (math: factor) SEE: factor
part {n} (fraction of a whole)
:: część {f}
part {n} (group inside a larger group)
:: część {f}
part {n} (position or role, especially in a play)
:: rola {f}
part {n} (hair dividing line)
:: przedziałek {m}
part {v} (to divide in two)
:: podzielić {pf}
part {v} (to become divided in two or separated)
:: rodzielić {pf}
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial
part {adv} (partially) SEE: partially
partake {v} (to take part in an activity)
:: uczestniczyć
parthenogenesis {n} (reproduction from a single gamete without fertilisation)
:: partenogeneza {f}
Parthia {prop} ((historical) region)
:: Partia
Parthian {adj} (relating to Parthia)
:: partyjski
Parthian {n} (person)
:: Part {m}
partial {adj} (existing in part)
:: częściowy
partial {adj} (biased)
:: stronniczy, tendencyjny
partial derivative {n} (derivative with respect to one variable)
:: pochodna cząstkowa {f}
partial differential equation {n} (equation)
:: równanie różniczkowe cząstkowe {n}
partiality {n} (preference)
:: stronniczość {f}, tendencyjność {f}
partially {adv} (to a partial degree)
:: częściowo
participant {n} (one who participates)
:: uczestnik {m}, uczestniczka {f}
participate {v} (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself)
:: uczestniczyć {impf}, brać udział {impf}, wziąć udział {pf}
participation {n} (act of participating)
:: udział {m}, uczestnictwo {n}
participatory democracy {n} (Political system)
:: demokracja uczestnicząca {f}
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle
participle {n} (verb form)
:: imiesłów {m}
particle {n} (body with very small size)
:: cząstka {f}
particle {n} (elementary particle or subatomic particle)
:: cząstka {f}
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech)
:: partykuła {f}
particle accelerator {n} (a device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds)
:: akcelerator {m}
particle physics {n} (particle physics)
:: fizyka cząstek elementarnych, fizyka wielkich energii
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential
particularly {adv} (especially)
:: szczególnie
parting {n} (line dividing hair)
:: przedziałek {m}
partisan {n} (fervent supporter of a party)
:: zwolennik {m}, zwolenniczka {f}
partisan {adj} (serving as a commander or member of a body of detached light troops)
:: partyzancki {m}, bojowniczy {m}
partisan {n} (type of spear)
:: partyzana {f}, kapralski kij {m}
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla
partisanship {n} (partiality) SEE: partiality
partiture {n} (score (music)) SEE: score
partly {adv} (in part)
:: częściowo
partner {n} (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest)
:: partner {m}, partnerka {f}
partner {n} (a member of a business or law partnership)
:: partner {m}, partnerka {f}
partner {n} (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner)
:: partner {m}, partnerka {f}
partner {n} (dancing partner)
:: partner {m}, partnerka {f}
partner {n} (either member of a pair in a card game or sports team (1.4))
:: partner {m}, partnerka {f}
partner {v} (To make or be partner)
:: partnerować {impf}
partnership {n} (state of being associated with a partner)
:: partnerstwo {n}
partnership {n} (association of two or more people to conduct a business)
:: spółka partnerska {f}
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs)
:: część mowy {f}
partridge {n} (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
:: kuropatwa {f}
partridgeberry {n} (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry
parturition {n} (act of giving birth)
:: poród {m}
party {n} (law: particular side in a contract or legal action)
:: strona {f}
party {n} (social gathering)
:: impreza {f}, przyjęcie {n}
party {v} (to celebrate at a party)
:: imprezować
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party
party animal {n} (person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties)
:: imprezowicz {m}
party pooper {n} (one who dampens the fun of a group activity) SEE: spoilsport
par value {n} (face value) SEE: face value
parvenu {n} (a person who has risen, climbed up, or has been promoted to a higher social class)
:: parweniusz {m}, nowobogacki, nuworysz {m}, dorobkiewicz {m}
pas {n} (step)
:: pas {m}
pascal {n} (SI unit of pressure and stress)
:: paskal {m}
pasha {n} (title)
:: pasza {m}, pascha {m}, basza {m}
Pashto {n} (official language of Afghanistan)
:: paszto {n}
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto
Pashtun {adj} (of or relating to the Pashtuns)
:: pasztuński
Pashtun {n} (Pashtun person)
:: Pasztun {m}, Pasztunka {f}
Pashtunwali {prop} (Pashtun tribal code of conduct)
:: pasztunwali
paska {n} (paskha) SEE: paskha
paskha {n} (Easter dessert)
:: pascha {f}
pass {v} (move or be moved from one place to another)
:: podawać {impf}, podać {pf}
pass {v} (die)
:: umrzeć {impf}, umierać {impf}, umrzeć {pf}, odejść {pf}, odchodzić {impf}, zdychać {impf} , zdechnąć {pf}
pass {n} (movement of a tool over something, or something over a tool)
:: przebieg {m}
pass {n} (document granting permission to pass or to go and come)
:: przepustka {f}
pass {n} (password) SEE: password
passé {adj} (dated; out of style; old-fashioned)
:: passé
passageway {n} (covered walkway)
:: przejście {n}
Passarge {prop} (river in eastern Europe)
:: Pasłęka
pass away {v} (to die (euphemistic))
:: odejść
passcode {n} (string of characters used for authentication on a digital device)
:: hasło {n}, kod dostępu {m}
pass down {v} (to hand over)
:: przekazać
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle)
:: pasażer {m}, pasażerka {f}
passenger pigeon {n} (an extinct bird of the species Ectopistes migratorius)
:: gołąb wędrowny
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by)
:: przechodzień {m}
pass gas {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind
passion {n} (any great emotion)
:: pasja {f}
passion {n} (fervor, determination)
:: pasja {f}
passion {n} (object of passionate love or strong interest)
:: pasja {f}
passion {n} (suffering of Jesus)
:: pasja {f}, męka {f}
passionate {adj} (fired with intense feeling)
:: namiętny
passionflower {n} (plant of the genus Passiflora)
:: męczennica {f}
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit)
:: marakuja {f}
Passionist {n} (member of a Roman Catholic institute with emphasis on the Passion)
:: pasjonista {m}, pasjonistka {f}
passive {n} (passive voice) SEE: passive voice
passive {adj} (not active, but acted upon)
:: bierny {m}
passive {adj} (taking no action)
:: bierny {m}
passive {adj} (grammar: being in the passive voice)
:: bierny {m}
passive {n} (form of verb)
:: strona bierna {f}
passively {adv} (in a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action)
:: biernie, pasywnie
passive voice {n} (grammatical term)
:: strona bierna {f}
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die
pass out {v} (to faint)
:: stracić przytomność
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival)
:: Pascha {f}
passport {n} (official document)
:: paszport {m}
pass wind {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind
password {n} (word used to gain admittance)
:: hasło {n}, parol {m}
password {n} (computing: string of characters known only to a user)
:: hasło {n}
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago
past {n} (period of time that has already happened)
:: przeszłość {f}
past {n} ((grammar) past tense)
:: czas przeszły
past {adj} (having already happened; in the past)
:: przeszły, ubiegły, miniony
pasta {n} (dough)
:: makaron {m}
pasta e fagioli {n} (soup made with pasta and beans)
:: makaron z fasolą {m}
paste {v} (to insert a piece of text)
:: wklejać
pastern {n} (area on a horse's leg)
:: pęcina {f}
pasteurisation {n} (treatment of perishable food)
:: pasteryzacja {f}
pasteurise {v} (pasteurize) SEE: pasteurize
pasteurize {v} (to heat food in order to kill harmful organisms)
:: pasteryzować {impf}
pastiche {n} (work that imitates the work of a previous artist)
:: pastisz {m}
pastime {n} (that which amuses)
:: rozrywka
pastirma {n} (highly seasoned, air-dried cured beef)
:: pasturma {f}
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd
pastor {n} (a minister or priest)
:: pastor {m}
pastor {n} (main priest serving a parish)
:: proboszcz {m}
pastoral {adj} (of or pertaining to shepherds)
:: pasterski
pastoral {adj} (relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church)
:: duszpasterski, pasterski, pastoralny
pastoral {n} (letter of the house of bishops)
:: list pasterski {m}
past participle {n} (past participle)
:: imiesłów czasu przeszłego {m}
past perfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense
pastry {n} (food group)
:: pieczywo cukiernicze {n}, wypiek {m}
pastry bag {n} (bag used to pipe cakes with icing)
:: rękaw cukierniczy {m}, kornet {m}
pastry chef {n} (baker of pastry products)
:: cukiernik {m}
pastrymaker {n} (baker of pastry products) SEE: pastry chef
past tense {n} (grammatical form)
:: czas przeszły {m}
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze
pasture {n} (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
:: pastwisko {n}
pasture {v} (to herd animals into a pasture)
:: paść
Patagonia {prop} (geographical region)
:: Patagonia {f}
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool
patch {n} (piece of cloth used to repair a garment)
:: łata {f}, łatka {f}
patch {v} (mend by sewing on cloth)
:: łatać {impf}, załatać {pf}
patch file {n} (patch) SEE: patch
patella {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap
paten {n} (plate for the host during Eucharist)
:: patena {f}
patent {n} (declaration issued by a government to an inventor)
:: patent {m}
patent {v} (successfully register an invention with a government agency; to secure a letter patent)
:: opatentować
patent {adj} (explicit and obvious)
:: oczywisty {m}
patent {n} (patent leather) SEE: patent leather
patent leather {n} (glossy leather)
:: skóra lakierowana {f}
patent troll {n} (company, person, etc., that owns and enforces patents in an aggressive and opportunistic manner)
:: troll patentowy
paternal {adj} (of or pertaining to one's father)
:: ojcowski
paternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's father)
:: ciotka ojczysta {f} , stryjenka {f}
paternal grandfather {n} (one's father's father)
:: dziadek po mieczu {m}, dziadek ojczysty {m}
paternal uncle {n} (brother of one's father)
:: stryj {m}, stryjek {m}, wuj {m}, wujek {m}
paternity {n} (fatherhood) SEE: fatherhood
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary
path {n} (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians)
:: ścieżka {f}
path {n} (computing: a specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure)
:: ścieżka {f}
pathetic {adj} (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion)
:: żałosne {n}, żałosny
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt)
:: żałosny
path of least resistance {n}
:: linia najmniejszego oporu {f}
pathogen {n} (an organism or substance that causes disease)
:: patogen
pathogenic {adj} (able to cause disease)
:: chorobotwórczy
pathologic {adj} (pathological) SEE: pathological
pathological {adj} (pertaining to pathology)
:: patologiczny, zwyrodniały
pathology {n} (branch of medicine)
:: patologia {f}
pathology {n} (abnormality)
:: patologia {f}
patience {n} (quality of being patient)
:: cierpliwość {f}
patience {n} (game that can be played by one person)
:: pasjans {m}
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting)
:: cierpliwy
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor)
:: pacjent {m}, pacjentka {f}
patiently {adv} (in a patient manner)
:: cierpliwie
patina {n} (colour or incrustation which age and wear give to objects)
:: patyna {f}
patio {n} (a paved outside area, adjoining a house, used for dining or recreation)
:: weranda {f}
patio {n} (an inner courtyard typical of traditional Spanish houses)
:: patio {n}
patissier {n} (pastry chef) SEE: pastry chef
patriarch {n} (male leader)
:: patriarcha {m}
patriarchy {n} (social system)
:: patriarchat {m}
patriarchy {n} (power structure)
:: patriarchat {m}
patriarchy {n} (dominance of men in social or cultural systems)
:: patriarchat {m}
patricide {n} (murder of one's father)
:: ojcobójstwo {n}
patricide {n} (murderer of own father)
:: ojcobójca {m}, ojcobójczyni {f}
Patrick {prop} (given name)
:: Patryk {m}
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country)
:: patriota {m}
patriotic {adj} (inspired by patriotism)
:: patriotyczny
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country)
:: patriotyzm {m}
patristics {n} (patristics)
:: patrystyka {f}
patrology {n} (the study of the Church Fathers)
:: patrologia {f}
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending
patron saint {n} (saint from whom a specific group claims special protection or prayer)
:: święty patron {m}
pattern {n} (motif or decoration)
:: wzór {m}, deseń {m}
patty {n} (a portion of ground meat or vegetarian equivalent)
:: kotlet mielony {m}, hamburger {m}
paucity {n} (fewness in number; a small number)
:: niedostatek {m}
Paul {prop} (the Apostle)
:: Paweł {m}
Paul {prop} (male given name)
:: Paweł
Paula {prop} (female given name)
:: Paulina {f}
Paulson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Paul")
:: Pawelowicz
pauper {n} (one who is extremely poor)
:: biedak {m}, nędzarz {m}, ubogi {m}, żebrak {m}
pause {v} (to interrupt something)
:: pauza, przerwa
pause {n} (temporary stop or rest)
:: pauza, przerwa {f}
pavement {n} (footpath)
:: chodnik {m}
pavement {n} (surface of road)
:: nawierzchnia drogi {f}
Pavia {prop} (province)
:: Pawia {f}
Pavia {prop} (capital)
:: Pawia {f}
pavilion {n} (structure erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc)
:: pawilon {m}
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna
Pavo {prop} (constellation of the southern sky)
:: Paw {m}
pavonine {adj} (of or pertaining to the genus Pavo)
:: pawi {m}
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal)
:: łapa {f}
pawa {n} (edible univalve mollusc)
:: słuchotka {f}, ucho morskie {n}
pawl {n} (pawl)
:: zapadka {f}
pawn {n} (chess piece)
:: pion {m}, pionek {m}
pawn {n} (someone who is being manipulated)
:: pionek {m}
pawnshop {n} (business premises of a pawnbroker)
:: lombard {m}
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services)
:: płacić {impf}, zapłacić {pf}
pay {n} (money given in return for work)
:: płaca {f}, pensja {f}
pay attention {v} (to be attentive)
:: zwracać uwagę
payday {n} (day on which an employee's salary is paid)
:: dzień wypłaty {m}
payday loan {n} (loan)
:: chwilówka {f}
payess {n} (sidelocks worn by Hasidic and Orthodox male Jews) SEE: payot
payment {n} (the act of paying)
:: zapłata {f}, wypłata {f}, opłata {f}
pay off {v} (to become worthwhile; to produce a net benefit)
:: opłacać się {impf}, opłacić się {pf}
pay off {v} (to pay back; to repay)
:: opłacać {impf}, opłacić {pf}
pay-off {n} (a bribe)
:: łapówka {f}
payot {n} (sidelocks worn by Hasidic and Orthodox male Jews (payess, payot))
:: pejs {m-in}
payphone {n} (a public telephone)
:: telefon samoinkasujący {m}, automat telefoniczny {m}
payroll {n} (list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each)
:: lista płac {f}
paysheet {n} (document) SEE: payroll
pea {n} (plant)
:: groch {m}
pea {n} (edible seed)
:: groch {m}
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence)
:: spokój {m-in}, pokój {m-in} , mir
peace {n} (state of mind)
:: spokój {m-in}
peace {n} (harmony; lack of conflict in personal relations)
:: pokój {m-in}
peace {n} (state of being free from war)
:: pokój {m-in}
peaceful {adj} (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil)
:: pokojowy
peaceful {adj} (motionless and calm; placid)
:: spokojny
peacefully {adv} (in a peaceful manner)
:: spokojnie
peacekeeper {n} (member of a military force charged with peacekeeping duties)
:: stróż bezpieczeństwa {m}
peace of mind {n} (absence of mental stress)
:: spokój umysłu {m}
peace out {v} (to pass out) SEE: pass out
peacetime {n} (period of peace)
:: okres pokoju {m}
peach {n} (tree)
:: brzoskwinia {f}
peach {n} (fruit)
:: brzoskwinia {f}
peach blossom {n} (flower)
:: kwiat brzoskwini {m}
peach blossom {n} (moth)
:: plamówka malinówka {f}, odrzyca malinówka {f}
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo)
:: paw {m}
peafowl {n} (pheasant of the genera Pavo or Afropavo)
:: paw {m}
peahen {n} (female of peafowl)
:: pawica {f}
peak {n} (mountain top)
:: szczyt {m}, wierzchołek {m}, wierch {m}
peak hour {n} (rush hour) SEE: rush hour
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut)
:: orzech ziemny, orzech arachidowy {m}, fistaszek {m}
peanut butter {n} (spread made from ground peanuts)
:: masło orzechowe {n}
pear {n} (fruit)
:: gruszka {f}
pear {n} (tree)
:: grusza {f}
pearl {n} (light-colored tern) SEE: tern
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks)
:: perła {f}
pearl {n} (figuratively: something precious)
:: perła {f}
pearl {n} (fringe or border) SEE: fringe
pearl {n} (brill) SEE: brill
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher
Pearl Harbor {prop} (a harbor on Oahu)
:: Pearl Harbor {m}
pearl necklace {n} (necklace made of pearls)
:: sznur pereł {m}, perłowy naszyjnik {m}
pearl of wisdom {n} (succinct, insightful saying, piece of advice, or moral precept)
:: perły mądrości
pearly antshrike {n} (passerine bird)
:: chronka perlista
pear tree {n} (a tree of the genus Pyrus)
:: grusza {f}
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class)
:: chłop {m}, chłopka {f}
peasantry {n} (impoverished rural farm workers)
:: chłopstwo {n}
peat {n} (soil)
:: torf {m}
pebble {n} (stone)
:: kamyk {m}
pebble {n} (rock fragment between 4 and 64 millimetres in diameter)
:: otoczak {m}
Pecheneg {n} (member of a Turkic people)
:: Pieczynieg {m}
peck {v} (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar)
:: dziobać {impf}
peck {n} (short kiss)
:: cmoknięcie {n}
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker
peckerwood {n} (white, especially ignorant or rustic) SEE: redneck
peckish {adj} (mildly hungry)
:: głodnawy
pectoral {adj} (of or pertaining to the breast or chest)
:: piersiowy
pectoral sandpiper {n} (Calidris melanotos)
:: biegus arktyczny {m}
peculiar {adj} (out of the ordinary)
:: osobliwy
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian
pedagogic {adj} (pedagogical) SEE: pedagogical
pedagogical {adj} (of, or relating to pedagogy)
:: pedagogiczny {m}
pedagogical {adj} (haughty and formal)
:: wyniosły {m}
pedagogue {n} (a teacher)
:: pedagog {m}, pedagog {f}
pedagogy {n} (profession of teaching)
:: pedagogika
pedal {n} (lever operated by one's foot)
:: pedał {m}
pedal {v} (to operate a pedal)
:: pedałować
pedal {adj} (of or relating to the foot)
:: nożny
pedalo {n} (small boat propelled by pedals)
:: rower wodny {m}
peddle {v} (to spread or cause to spread)
:: rozpowszechniać
peddler {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer
pederasty {n} (pederasty)
:: efebofilia {f}, pederastia {f}
pederasty {n} (archaic: homosexual anal sex) SEE: sodomy
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like)
:: piedestał {m}
pedestrian {adj} (of or intended for pedestrians)
:: pieszy {m}, dla pieszych
pedestrian {adj} (ordinary)
:: przyziemny {m}
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle)
:: pieszy {m}
pediatrician {n} (physician who specialises in pediatrics)
:: pediatra {m}
pedicel {n} (stalk of an individual flower)
:: szypułka {f}
pedigree {n} (chart of ancestors)
:: rodowód {m}
pediment {n} (architectural element)
:: fronton {m}, przyczółek {m}
pedipalp {n} (appendage)
:: szczękonóżka {f}
pedometer {n} (device)
:: krokomierz {m}
pedophile {n} (an adult who is sexually attracted to children)
:: pedofil {m}
pedophilia {n} (sexual feeling or desire by adults towards children)
:: pedofilia {f}
pedophilic {adj} (of, relating to, or pertaining to pedophilia)
:: pedofilski
pee {n}
:: siusiu, siki {p}
pee {v}
:: sikać, siusiać {impf}
pee {n} (name of the letter P, p)
:: pe {n}
peel {n} (spadelike implement for removing loaves from an oven)
:: łopata {f}, lofer {m}
peeler {n} (kitchen utensil)
:: obieraczka {f}
peen {n} (end of the head of a hammer opposite the main hammering end)
:: rąb {m}
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee
peephole {n} (hole)
:: wizjer {m}, judasz {m}
peer {n} (someone or something of equal level)
:: rówieśnik {m} , rówieśniczka {f}
peer {n} (noble)
:: par
pegasus {n} (winged horse)
:: pegaz {m}
Pegasus {prop} (mythical winged horse)
:: Pegaz {m}
Pegasus {prop} (constellation)
:: Pegaz {m}
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing
peignoir {n} (a long outer garment for women)
:: peniuar {m}
pejorative {adj} (disparaging, belittling or derogatory)
:: pejoratywny {m}
pekan {n} (fisher) SEE: fisher
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing
Peking duck {n} (dish consisting of duck and pancake)
:: kaczka po pekińsku {f}
Pekingese {n} (dog)
:: pekińczyk {m}
Peking willow {n} (Salix babylonica) SEE: weeping willow
pelargonium {n} (flower of the genus Pelargonium)
:: pelargonia {f}
peled {n} (Coregonus peled)
:: peluga {f}
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae)
:: pelikan
pellet {n} (A small, compressed, hard chunk of matter)
:: granulka {f}
pellet {n} (A lead projectile used as ammunition in rifled air guns)
:: śrut {m}
pelmeni {n} (Russian dumplings)
:: pielmeni {m-p}, pierogi {m-p}
Peloponnese {prop} (region of Greece)
:: Peloponez {m}
peloton {n} (main group of riders in a cycling race)
:: peleton {m}
pelt {n} (skin of a beast with the hair on)
:: skóra {f}
pelt {n} (human skin, see also: skin)
:: skóra {f}
pelvic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pelvis; as, pelvic cellulitis)
:: miednicowy
pelvis {n} (bone)
:: miednica {f}
pemmican {n} (food mixture)
:: pemikan {m}
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing
pen {n} (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals)
:: wybieg {m}
pen {n} (writing tool)
:: pióro {n}, długopis {m-in}
pen {v} (to write)
:: pisać
pen {n} (female swan)
:: łabędzica {f}
penalty {n} (legal sentence)
:: kara {f}
penalty {n} (punishment for violating rules of procedure)
:: kara {f}
penalty {n} (penalty kick) SEE: penalty kick
penalty area {n} (area on a soccer pitch)
:: pole karne {n}
penalty box {n} (penalty area) SEE: penalty area
penalty goal {n} (goal scored from a penalty)
:: gol z rzutu karnego {m}, gol zdobyty z rzutu karnego {m}, gol strzelony z rzutu karnego {m}, bramka z rzutu karnego {f}, bramka zdobyta z rzutu karnego {f}, bramka strzelona z rzutu karnego {f}
penalty kick {n} ((soccer) a form of direct free kick)
:: rzut karny {m}
penalty shootout {n} (a series of penalty kicks)
:: seria rzutów karnych {f}
penance {n} (voluntary self-imposed punishment)
:: pokuta {f}
penchant {n} (taste, liking, or inclination (for))
:: skłonność {f}
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument)
:: ołówek {m-in}
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case
pencil case {n} (object purposed to contain stationery)
:: piórnik {m}
pencil crayon {n} (pencil crayon) SEE: colored pencil
pencil pusher {n} (one who does office work)
:: gryzipiórek {m} (pen chomper)
pencil sharpener {n} (device used to sharpen pencils)
:: temperówka {f}
pendant {n} (a piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck)
:: wisiorek, wisior, brelok
pen drive {n} (flash drive) SEE: flash drive
penduline tit {n} (bird)
:: remizy
pendulum {n} (body suspended from a fixed support)
:: wahadło {n}
penetrate {v} (enter into)
:: przenikać {impf}
penfriend {n} (person with whom one exchanges letters) SEE: pen pal
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird)
:: pingwin {m}, bezlotek {m}
peniaphobia {n} (fear of poverty and/or poor people)
:: peniafobia {f}
penicillin {n} (penicillin)
:: penicylina {f}
penile duplication {n} (diphallia) SEE: diphallia
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water)
:: półwysep {m}
peninsular {adj} (of or connected with a peninsula)
:: półwyspowy
penis {n}
:: penis {m}, członek {m}, kutas {m}, prącie {n}
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member
penis envy {n} (unconscious desire)
:: zazdrość o członek
penknife {n} (small pocketknife)
:: scyzoryk {m}
pen name {n} (writer's pseudonym)
:: pseudonim {m} literacki
pennant {n} (flag on ship to represent special condition)
:: proporzec {m}
penniless {adj} (utterly without money)
:: bez grosza przy duszy
pennon {n} (a thin triangular flag or streamer)
:: proporzec {m}
Pennsylvania {prop} (US state)
:: Pensylwania {f}
Pennsylvanian {n} (resident of Pennsylvania)
:: Pensylwańczyk {m-pr}, Pensylwanka {f}
Pennsylvanian {n} (geology: Pennsylvanian epoch)
:: pensylwan {m-in}
Pennsylvanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Pennsylvania)
:: pensylwański
Pennsylvanian {adj} (geology: of a Pennsylvanian epoch)
:: pensylwański
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent
penny bun {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini
penny farthing {n} (bicycle)
:: bicykl {m}
penny for your thoughts {phrase} (inquiry into the thoughts)
:: grosik za twoje myśli
pen pal {n} (friend with whom one communicates using letters)
:: przyjaciel korespondencyjny {m}, przyjaciółka korespondencyjna {f}
pen-pusher {n} (person who performs routine office work) SEE: pencil pusher
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services)
:: emerytura {f}, renta {f}
pensioner {n} (someone who lives on a pension)
:: emeryt {m}, emerytka {f}
pensioner {n} (someone at typical age for a pensioner) SEE: senior citizen
pentachloride {n} (pentachloride)
:: pentachlorek {m}
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles)
:: pięciokąt {m}
Pentagon {prop} (headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense)
:: Pentagon {m}
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star)
:: pentagram {m}, gwiazda pitagorejska {f}
pentalogy {n} (series of five related works of art)
:: pentalogia {f}
Pentateuch {prop} (first five books of the Bible)
:: Pentateuch {m}, Pięcioksiąg {m}
pentathlon {n} (modern pentathlon)
:: pięciobój
pentatomic {adj} (having five atoms in each molecule)
:: pięcioatomowy {m}
pentatonic scale {n} (scale having five notes)
:: skala pentatoniczna {f}
Pentecost {prop} (Jewish festival)
:: Szawuot {n}, Święto Tygodni {n}, Zielone Świątki {n-p}, Pięćdziesiątnica {f}
Pentecost {prop} (Christian festival)
:: Zesłanie Ducha Świętego {n}, Zielone Świątki {p}, Pięćdziesiątnica {f}
Pentecostalism {n} (Christian religious movement)
:: pentekostalizm {m}
penultimate {adj} (next-to-last in a sequence)
:: przedostatni
penumbra {n} (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse)
:: półcień {m}
peony {n} (Paeonia genus of flowering plants)
:: piwonia {f}, peonia {f}
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons)
:: ludzie {p}
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)
:: naród {m}, lud {m}
people {n} (a group of persons regarded as being employees etc.)
:: ludzie {p}, naród {m}
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family)
:: ogół {m}
people {n} (the mass of community as distinguished from a special class)
:: lud {m}
peopleless {adj} (having no people)
:: bezludny
people's {adj} (of, from, or controlled by the common people)
:: ludowy, narodowy
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria)
:: Algierska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna {f}
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen {prop} (South Yemen)
:: Ludowo-Demokratyczna Republika Jemenu
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments)
:: republika ludowa
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China)
:: Chińska Republika Ludowa {f}
pep {n} (energy and enthusiasm)
:: energia {f}, wigor {m}
pepper {n} (plant)
:: pieprz {m}
pepper {n} (spice)
:: pieprz {m}
pepper {n} (fruit of the capsicum)
:: papryka {f}, papryka ostra {f}, chili {n}
pepper {v} (add pepper to)
:: pieprzyć
peppered {adj} (speckled) SEE: speckled
pepper mill {n} (a small handheld grinder)
:: młynek do pieprzu
peppermint {n} (herb)
:: mięta pieprzowa {f}
pepper pot {n} (container)
:: pieprzniczka
pepper shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold pepper and facilitate sprinkling it)
:: pieprzniczka {f}
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent)
:: gaz pieprzowy
pepperwort {n} (plant in the genus Lepidium)
:: pieprzyca
Pepsi {prop} (the brand of drink)
:: pepsi {f}
Pepsi {n} (a portion of Pepsi)
:: pepsi {f}
peptide {n} (class of organic compounds)
:: peptyd {m}
perambulate {v} (roam, stroll)
:: przechadzać się {impf}
perambulator {n} (pram) SEE: pram
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred)
:: procent {m-in}
percentage {n} (part of a whole)
:: procent {m}
percentage {n} (share of the profits)
:: procent {m}
percentage {n} (informal: advantage)
:: korzyść {f}
perception {n} (conscious understanding of something)
:: percepcja, postrzeganie, spostrzeganie
perception {n} (acuity) SEE: acuity
perch {n} (fish of the genus Perca)
:: okoń {m}
perch {n} (rod used by bird)
:: grzęda {f}, żerdź {f}
percolate {v} ((transitive) pass a liquid through a porous substance)
:: przesączyć, przesączyć
percussion {n} (music: section of percussion instruments)
:: perkusja {f}
percussion cap {n} (metal cap on muzzleloading firearms)
:: kapiszon
percussion instrument {n} (type of instrument)
:: instrument perkusyjny {m}
percussionist {n} (musician)
:: perkusista {m}
perdition {n} (eternal damnation)
:: wieczne potępienie {n}
perdition {n} (hell)
:: piekło {n}
peregrine falcon {n} (Falco peregrinus)
:: sokół wędrowny {m}
peremptory {adj} ((law) Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal)
:: bezapelacyjny, kategoryczny
peremptory {adj} (Positive in opinion or judgment; decided, dogmatic)
:: dogmatyczny, zdecydowany
peremptory {adj} (imperious, dictatorial)
:: despotyczny, dyktatorski, władczy
perennial {adj} ((of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years)
:: wieloletni {m}
perennial {adj} (enduring; lasting; timeless)
:: odwieczny {m}
perennial {adj} (recurrent; appearing or recurring again and again)
:: częsty, powracający, powtarzający się {m}
perennial {n} (perennial plant)
:: bylina {f}, roślina wieloletnia {f}
perestroika {prop} (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s)
:: pieriestrojka {f}, pierestrojka {f}
perfect {adj} (fitting its definition precisely)
:: doskonały
perfect {adj} (having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose)
:: doskonały
perfect {adj} (excellent and delightful in all respects)
:: idealny {m}, doskonały {m}, perfekcyjny {m}
perfect {adj} (grammar: of a tense or verb form: representing a completed action)
:: dokonany
perfection {n} (being perfect)
:: doskonałość {f}, perfekcja {f}
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection)
:: perfekcjonizm {m}
perfectionist {n} (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect)
:: perfekcjonista {m}, perfekcjonistka {f}
perfectionist {adj} (inclined or related to perfectionism)
:: perfekcjonistyczny
perfectionistic {adj} (perfectionist) SEE: perfectionist
perfectitude {n} (perfection) SEE: perfection
perfective {adj} (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect)
:: dokonany
perfective aspect {n} (grammatical term)
:: aspekt dokonany {m}
perfectly {adv} (with perfection)
:: doskonale
perforator {n} (hole punch) SEE: hole punch
perforce {adv} (by force)
:: siłą rzeczy, z konieczności
perform {v} (to do something)
:: wykonać
perform {v} (to do something in front of an audience)
:: wykonać
performance anxiety {n} (anxiety about performing in front of an audience) SEE: stage fright
perfume {n} (pleasant smell)
:: woń {f}, zapach {m}
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell)
:: perfumy {p}
perfume {v} (to apply perfume to)
:: perfumować
perfumery {n} (shop selling perfumes)
:: perfumeria {f}
perfunctory {adj} (performed out of routine, with little care)
:: pobieżny, powierzchowny
pergola {n} (framework)
:: pergola
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty)
:: może, podobno
perianth {n} (sterile parts of a flower)
:: okwiat {m}
pericarp {n} (outermost layer of a ripe fruit or ovary)
:: owocnia {f}
Pericles {prop} (Greek politician)
:: Perykles {m}
pericope {n} (passage of religious Scripture)
:: perykopa {f}
pericycle {n} (cylinder of plant tissue)
:: okolnica {f}, perycykl {m}, perykambium {n}
perigon {n} (round angle) SEE: round angle
perigone {n} (perianth) SEE: perianth
perihelion {n} (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the Sun)
:: peryhelium {n}
peril {n} (a situation of serious danger)
:: niebezpieczeństwo {n}
peril {n} (something that causes, contains, or presents danger)
:: zagrożenie {n}
perilous {adj} (dangerous, full of peril)
:: niebezpieczny {m}
perimeter {n} (sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object)
:: obwód {m}
perinatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the time around birth)
:: okołoporodowy
perineum {n} (anatomical term)
:: krocze {n}
period {n} (a length of time)
:: okres {m}
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity)
:: okres {m}
period {n} (punctation mark “.”)
:: kropka {f}
period {interj} (and nothing else)
:: i kropka!
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation
periodic {adj} (having repeated cycles)
:: okresowy {m}
periodic {adj} (occurring at regular intervals)
:: okresowy {m}
periodical {n} (publication that appears at fixed intervals)
:: periodyk {m}, czasopismo {n}
periodically {adv} (intermittently) SEE: intermittently
periodically {adv} (in a regular, periodic manner)
:: okresowo
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements)
:: układ okresowy {m}, układ okresowy pierwiastków {m}
periodontium {n}
:: przyzębie
Perioikoi {n} (ancient inhabitant of Laconia)
:: periojkowie {m-p}
periosteum {n} (membrane surrounding a bone)
:: okostna {f}
peripatetic {adj} (walking about; itinerant)
:: wędrowny {m}
peripatetic {n} (one who walks about; a pedestrian; an itinerant)
:: perypatetyk {m}, wędrowiec {m}
peripheral {n} (computing device) SEE: peripheral device
peripheral device {n} (device that is outside the computer's system unit)
:: urządzenie peryferyjne {n}
periphery {n} (outside boundary, parts or surface)
:: obrzeże {n}, kraniec {m}, skraj {m}, peryferie {f-p}, kresy {m-p}, pogranicze {n}
periphyton {n}
:: peryfiton
perish {v} (to die, to pass away, see also: die)
:: ginąć {impf}, zginąć {pf}
peristalsis {n} (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract)
:: perystaltyka {f}
periwinkle {n} (plant)
:: barwinek {m}
perjury {n} (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath)
:: krzywoprzysięstwo {n}
Perm {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Perm {m}
permaculture {n} (agriculture that renews natural resources and enriches local ecosystems)
:: permakultura {f}
permafrost {n} (permanently frozen ground)
:: wieczna zmarzlina {f}
permanence {n} (the state of being permanent)
:: permanencja {f}
permanent {adj} (without end)
:: stały
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent
permeable {adj} (that absorbs or allows the passage of fluids)
:: przemakalny
Permian {adj} (pertaining to the Perm region and its inhabitants)
:: permski
Permian {adj} (pertaining to the Permic languages)
:: permski
Permian {adj} (pertaining to the Permian period)
:: permski
Permian {prop} (Permian period)
:: perm {m-in}
Permic {prop} (group of Finnic languages)
:: języki permskie {p}
permille {n} (per thousand)
:: promil {m}
permission {n} (authorisation)
:: pozwolenie {n}, dozwolenie {n}
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen)
:: pozwalać {impf}, pozwolić {pf}
permit {n} (an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal)
:: przepustka {f}, pozwolenie {n}
pern {n} (honey buzzard) SEE: honey buzzard
pernicious {adj} (causing much harm)
:: groźny {m}, szkodliwy, zgubny {m}
pernicious {adj} (causing death or injury)
:: zgubny
peroxide {n} (chemical compound with two oxygen atoms)
:: nadtlenek {m}
peroxide {n} (hydrogen peroxide) SEE: hydrogen peroxide
perpendicular {adj} (at or forming a right angle to)
:: prostopadły
perpendicular {n} (line or plane)
:: prostopadła {f}
perpendicularly {adv} (in a perpendicular manner)
:: prostopadle
perpetrator {n} (one who perpetrates)
:: sprawca {m}, winowajca {m}
perpetual {adj} (lasting forever)
:: wieczny {m}
perplexed {adj} (confused or puzzled)
:: zakłopotany {m}, zmieszany {m}
per se {adv} (by itself)
:: per se, sam z siebie
persecution {n} (the act of persecuting)
:: prześladowanie {n}
Persephone {prop} (Greek goddess)
:: Persefona {f}
Perseus {prop} (mythical Greek warrior)
:: Perseusz {m}
Perseus {prop} (constellation)
:: Perseusz {m}
perseverance {n} (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence)
:: wytrwałość
persevere {v} (persist steadfastly)
:: wytrwać {pf}, dotrwać {pf}
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran
Persia {prop} (region of ancient Iran)
:: Persja {f}
Persian {n} (the Persian language)
:: perski {m}
Persian {n} (person from Persia)
:: Pers {m}
Persian {n} (Persian cat)
:: pers {m}
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia)
:: perski
Persian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Persian people)
:: perski
Persian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Persian language)
:: perski {m}
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula)
:: Zatoka Perska {f}
persimmon {n} (fruit)
:: persymona {f}, hurma {f}
persimmon {n} (tree)
:: hurma {f}
persistent {adj} (refusing to give up)
:: uporczywy, bezustanny, ciągły, wytrwały
persistent {adj} (insistently repetitive)
:: bezustanny, uporczywy
persistent {adj} (indefinitely continuous)
:: ciągły, nieustanny
persistent {adj} (computing: existing after the execution of the program)
:: trwały
person {n} (individual)
:: osoba {f}, persona {f}
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man)
:: istota ludzka {f}, człowiek {m-pr}
person {n} (science fiction: sentient or socially intelligent being)
:: indywidualność {f}, osobowość {f}
person {n} (someone who likes or has an affinity for a specified thing)
:: zwolennik {m-pr}, miłośnik {m-pr}
person {n} (the physical body seen as distinct from the mind)
:: postać {f}
person {n} (any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts)
:: osobowość {f}
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category)
:: osoba {f}
personable {adj} (having pleasing appearance or manner)
:: przyjazny {m}, sympatyczny {m}, przyjemny {m}
personage {n} (a famous or important person)
:: persona {f}
personal {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular person)
:: osobisty, personalny
personal {adj} (grammar: denoting person)
:: osobowy
personal computer {n} (small computer for use by one person at a time, see also: PC)
:: PC, pecet {m}, komputer osobisty {m}
personal data {n}
:: dane osobowe {p}, personalia {f-p}
personality {n} (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people)
:: osobowość {f}
personality disorder {n} (class of mental disorders)
:: zaburzenie osobowości {n}
personally {adv} (in a personal manner)
:: osobiście
personally {adv} (concerning oneself)
:: osobiście
personal pronoun {n} (part of speech)
:: zaimek osobowy {m-in}
personal property {n} (any property that is movable)
:: ruchomość {f}
personal trainer {n} (someone employed to help another with their fitness)
:: trener personalny {m}, trener osobisty {m}
personification {n} (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea)
:: uosobienie {n}, personifikacja {f}, wcielenie {n}
personification {n} (literary device)
:: personifikacja {f}, uosobienie {n}
personification {n} (artistic representation of an abstract quality as a human)
:: uosobienie {n}
personnel {n} (employees, office staff)
:: personel {m}, kadra {f}
persons {n} (More than one person; considered individually)
:: osoby {p}
perspicacious {adj} (showing keen insight)
:: wnikliwy {m}, przenikliwy
perspicacious {adj} (Able to physically see clearly)
:: bystry {m}
perspicacity {n} (Acute discernment or understanding; insight)
:: przenikliwość
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat
pertain {v} (to belong)
:: należeć
pertain {v} (to relate, to refer)
:: odnosić się
Perth {prop} (city in Scotland)
:: Perth {n}
Perth {prop} (city in Western Australia)
:: Perth {n}
pertinacious {adj} (holding tenaciously to an opinion or purpose)
:: niezachwiany
pertinaciously {adv} (in a stubbornly resolute manner)
:: nieustępliwie
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough
Peru {prop} (country in South America)
:: Peru {n}
peruke {n} (wig)
:: peruka
Peruvian {n} (person from Peru)
:: Peruwiańczyk {m}, Peruwianka {f}
Peruvian {adj} (pertaining to Peru)
:: peruwiański
Peruvian slaty antshrike {n} (bird)
:: chronka zmienna
pervasive {adj} (manifested throughout)
:: wszechobecny {m}, wszechogarniający {m}
pervert {n} (sexually perverted person)
:: zboczeniec {m} , dewiant {m}
pervert {v} (to take the wrong course)
:: zboczyć
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover
pescetarianism {n} (dietary choice)
:: pescowegetarianizm {m}
Peshawar {prop} (capital of North West Frontier Province, Pakistan)
:: Peszawar {m}
pessimist {n} (someone who habitually expects the worst outcome)
:: pesymista {m}, pesymistka {f}
pessimistic {adj} (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness)
:: pesymistyczny
pest {n} (plague)
:: plaga {f}, zaraza {f}, epidemia {f}
pest {n} (destructive insect)
:: szkodnik {m}, insekt {m}
pesticide {n} (substance used to kill or repress the activities of pests)
:: pestycyd {m}
pestilence {n} (any highly contagious epidemic disease)
:: zaraza
pestle {n} (instrument used with a mortar to grind things)
:: tłuczek {m}
pesto {n} (an Italian sauce especially for pasta)
:: pesto {n}
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion)
:: zwierzę domowe {n}
pet {v} (fondle (an animal))
:: głaskać
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower)
:: płatek {m}, płatek korony {m}
petasus {n} (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans)
:: petasos
Peter {prop} (male given name)
:: Piotr
Peter {prop} (the Apostle)
:: Piotr {m}
Peter {prop} (one of the epistles of Peter)
:: List Piotra {f}
peterman {n} (safecracker) SEE: safecracker
peter out {v} (to diminish)
:: zanikać {impf}
Peterson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Peter")
:: Pietrowicz
Petey {prop} (diminutive of Peter)
:: Piotrek, Piotruś, Piotruś
petiole {n} (stalk of a leaf)
:: ogonek liścia {m}
petition {n} (formal, written request made to an official person)
:: petycja {f}
Petrarchan sonnet {n} (type of sonnet)
:: sonet włoski {m}, sonet Petrarki {m}
Petrarchism {n} (Petrarch's literary style)
:: petrarkizm {m}
petrification {n} (process of replacing the organic residues with insoluble salts)
:: petryfikacja {f}
Petrine {adj} (Of or pertaining to people named Peter, particularly Saint Peter)
:: Piotrowy
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil
petroliferous {adj} (containing or yielding petroleum)
:: roponośny
petrol pump {n} (device at a petrol station that dispenses petrol) SEE: gas pump
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station
petrol tank {n} (petrol tank) SEE: gas tank
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Pietropawłowsk Kamczacki {m}
Petrovich {prop} (Russian patronymic)
:: Pietrowicz {m}
Petrozavodsk {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Pietrozawodsk {m}
pet shop {n} (shop)
:: sklep zoologiczny {m}
petticoat {n} (woman's undergarment worn under a skirt)
:: halka {f}
petting {n} (kissing, stroking, etc., in a sexual manner)
:: petting {m}
petty {adj} (little, trifling, or inconsiderable, as a petty fault)
:: nieistotny {m}, drobny {m}, błahy {m}
petty bourgeoisie {n} (social class)
:: drobnomieszczaństwo {n}
pew {n} (long bench in a church)
:: ławka {f}
pew {interj} (expression of disgust in response to an unpleasant odor)
:: fuj
pewter {n} (alloy of tin, copper and antimony)
:: pewter {m}, cynołów {m}
peyote {n} (cactus)
:: pejotl {m}
phablet {n} (electronic handheld device)
:: fablet
Phaistos {prop} (ancient Minoan city in southern Crete)
:: Fajstos {m}
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx
phalange {n} (political movement)
:: falanga {f}
phalanx {n} (ancient Greek military unit)
:: falanga {f}
phalanx {n} (finger or toe bone)
:: paliczek {m}
phaleristics {n} (the study of orders, fraternity, and award items)
:: falerystyka
phallic {adj} (having to do with the penis)
:: falliczny
phallocentrism {n} (Focus on the phallus or on a male point of view.)
:: fallocentryzm
phallocracy {n} (government by men)
:: fallokracja {f}
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis
phallus {n} (the penis or its representation)
:: fallus {m}
Phanariote {adj} (inhabitant of Fener)
:: fanariota {m}
Phanerozoic {adj} (relating to the Phanerozoic eon)
:: fanerozoiczny
Phanerozoic {prop} (geologic eon)
:: fanerozoik {m-in}
phantasmagoria {n} (a dreamlike state)
:: fantasmagoria {f}
phantom {n} (something having no physical reality)
:: fantom {m}
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)
:: faraon {m}
pharaonic {adj} (of or pertaining to a pharaoh)
:: faraoński
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs)
:: aptekarz {m}, aptekarka {f}
pharmacist {n} (one who studies pharmacy)
:: farmaceuta {m}, farmaceutka {f}
pharmacologic {adj} (pharmacological) SEE: pharmacological
pharmacological {adj} (of or having to do with pharmacology)
:: farmakologiczny
pharmacology {n} (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals)
:: farmakologia {f}
pharmacotherapy {n} (use of pharmaceuticals to treat disease)
:: farmakoterapia
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed)
:: apteka {f}
Pharsalia {prop} (poem by Lucan)
:: Farsalia {f}
pharynx {n} (part of alimentary canal)
:: gardło {n}
phase {n} (distinguishable part of a sequence)
:: faza {f}
phase modulation {n} (form of modulation)
:: modulacja fazy {f}
phase-shift keying {n} (form of phase modulation)
:: kluczowanie fazy {n}, modulacja PSK {f}
phasmid {n} (an insect)
:: straszyk {m}, patyczak {m}
phasor {n} (A plotted line that represents the amplitude and phase of a sinusoidally varying quantity such as an alternating current.)
:: wskaz {m}
pheasant {n} (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food)
:: bażant
pheasant's eye {n} (flowering plant of the genus Adonis)
:: miłek {m}
phenol {n} (caustic compound derived from benzene)
:: fenol {m}
phenol {n} (any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring)
:: fenol {m}
phenology {n} (study of the effect of climate)
:: fenologia {f}
phenolphthalein {n} (pH indicator)
:: fenoloftaleina {f}
phenomenal {adj} (remarkable)
:: fenomenalny, niezwykły
phenomenology {n} (philosophy based on intuitive experience of phenomena)
:: fenomenologia {f}
phenomenon {n} (observable fact or occurrence)
:: fenomen {m}, zjawisko {n}
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event)
:: fenomen {m}, zjawisko {n}
phenylalanine {n} (amino acid; C9H11NO2)
:: fenyloalanina {f}
pheromone {n} (chemical)
:: feromon {m}
phew {interj} (Used to show relief, fatigue, or surprise)
:: uff
phial {n} (glass vessel) SEE: vial
Philadelphia {prop} (largest city in Pennsylvania)
:: Filadelfia {f}
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover
philanderer {n} (fickle lover)
:: flirciarz, kobieciarz
philanthropist {n} (person who loves mankind)
:: filantrop {m}, filantropka {f}
philanthropy {n} (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind)
:: filantropia {f}
philately {n} (stamp collecting)
:: filatelistyka {f}
philately {n} (the study of postage stamps, postal routes, postal history, etc.)
:: filatelistyka {f}
-phile {suffix} (Forming nouns and adjectives denoting "friend")
:: -fil {m}
Philemon {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: List do Filemona
Philemon {prop} (male given name)
:: Filemon
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship
Philip {prop} (biblical persons)
:: Filip {m}
Philip {prop} (male given name)
:: Filip {m}
Philippians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: List do Filipian
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines)
:: małpożer {m}
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines)
:: Filipiny {p}
Philippine Sea {prop} (sea)
:: Morze Filipińskie {n}
philistine {n} (Philistine) SEE: Philistine
philistine {adj} (lacking in appreciation for art or culture)
:: filisterski {m}
Philistine {n} (person from Philistia)
:: Filistyn {m}
Philistine {n} (person lacking appreciation of culture)
:: filister {m}
Philistine {adj} (of or pertaining to the Philistines)
:: filistyński {m}
Philistine {adj} (philistine) SEE: philistine
philistinism {n} (philistinism)
:: mieszczaństwo {n}
philological {adj} (pertaining to the history of literature)
:: filologiczny
philologist {n} (person who engages in philology)
:: filolog {m} {f}, filolożka {f}
philology {n} (historical linguistics)
:: filologia {f}
philosopher {n} (person devoted to studying philosophy)
:: filozofka {f}, filozof {m}, mędrzec {m}
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone)
:: kamień filozoficzny {m}
philosophical {adj} (of or pertaining to philosophy)
:: filozoficzny
philosophically {adv} (in a philosophical manner)
:: filozoficznie
philosophy {n} (academic discipline)
:: filozofia {f}
philtrum {n} (shallow groove running down the centre of the outer surface of the upper lip)
:: rynienka podnosowa {f}
phimosis {n} (contraction of the foreskin)
:: stulejka {f}
phishing {n} (malicious act)
:: wyłudzanie danych {n}
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages)
:: śluz {m}, flegma {f}
phlegm {n}
:: orosienie {n}
phlegmatic {adj} (not easily excited to action)
:: flegmatyczny {m}
phloem {n} (vascular tissue)
:: łyko {n}
phlogiston {n} (hypothetical fiery principle)
:: flogiston {m}
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox)
:: floks {m}, płomyk {m}
-phobia {suffix} (used to form nouns meaning fear)
:: -fobia
-phobia {suffix} (used to form nouns meaning hate)
:: -fobia
-phobia {suffix}
:: -fobia
phobia {n} (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety)
:: fobia {f}
Phobos {prop} (mythology)
:: Fobos {m}
phocomelia {n} (phocomelia)
:: fokomelia {f}
Phoenicia {prop} (land of the Phoenicians)
:: Fenicja {f}
Phoenician {adj} (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia)
:: fenicki
Phoenician {prop} (Semitic language spoken by the inhabitants of Phoenicia)
:: fenicki {m}
Phoenician {n} (inhabitant of Phoenicia)
:: Fenicjanin {m}, Fenicjanka {f}
phoenix {n} (mythological bird)
:: feniks {m-an}
Phoenix {prop} (mythical firebird)
:: Feniks {m}
Phoenix {prop} (constellation)
:: Feniks {m}
Phoenix {prop} (capital city of Arizona, United States)
:: Phoenix
phone {v} (to call (someone) on the telephone)
:: dzwonić, telefonować
phone {n} (speech segment)
:: głoska {f}
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone
phone booth {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth
phone call {n} (telephone call) SEE: telephone call
phoneme {n} (indivisible unit of sound)
:: fonem {m}
phonemic {adj} (relating to phonemes)
:: fonemiczny {m}
phonendoscope {n} (a form of stethoscope used in auscultation)
:: fonendoskop {m}
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number
phone sex {n} (erotic or sexual telephone conversation between two or more people)
:: seks przez telefon {m}
phonetic {adj} (relating to sounds of spoken language)
:: fonetyczny {m}
phonetic {adj} (linguistics: relating to phones)
:: fonetyczny {m}
phonetician {n} (person who specializes in phonetics)
:: fonetyk {m}, fonetyczka {f}
phonetics {n} (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols)
:: fonetyka {f}
phoniatrics {n}
:: foniatria {f}
phonics {n} (phonetics) SEE: phonetics
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record
phonology {n} (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages)
:: fonologia {f}
phonon {n} (quantum of acoustic energy)
:: fonon {m}
phononic {adj} (relating to the study of phonons)
:: fononowy {m}, fononiczny {m}
phosphate {n} (any salt or ester of phosphoric acid)
:: fosforan {m}
phosphor {n} (compound exhibiting phosphorescence)
:: luminofor {m}
phosphorescence {n} (emission of light without heat)
:: fosforescencja {f}
phosphorescent {adj} (emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away)
:: fosforescencyjny
phosphoric acid {n} (the colourless liquid; H3PO4)
:: kwas fosforowy {m}
phosphorous acid {n} (H3PO3)
:: kwas fosfonowy {m}
phosphorus {n} (element)
:: fosfor {m}
phosphorylation {n} (the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor)
:: fosforylacja {f}
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph
photoconductivity {n} (an increase in the electrical conductivity of a material as a result of incident electromagnetic radiation)
:: fotoprzewodnictwo {n}
photocopier {n} (machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates)
:: kserokopiarka {f}, fotokopiarka {f}, kserograf {m}, ksero {n}
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier)
:: ksero {n}, kserokopia {f}
photocopy {v} (to make a copy using a photocopier)
:: kserować {impf}, skserować {pf}
photogenic {adj} (looking good when photographed)
:: fotogeniczny {m}
photograph {n} (picture)
:: zdjęcie {n}, fotografia {f}, fotka {f}
photograph {v} (to take a photograph)
:: fotografować {impf}, sfotografować {pf}, uwieczniać {impf}, uwiecznić {pf}
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs)
:: fotograf {m}
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photographs)
:: fotograficzny
photographic {adj} (of or pertaining to photography)
:: fotograficzny
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces)
:: fotografia {f}
photolysis {n} (chemical reaction)
:: fotoliza {f}
photomontage {n} (composite image)
:: fotomontaż {m}
photon {n} (quantum of light)
:: foton {m}
photonic {adj} (relating to photons)
:: fotonowy {m}, fotoniczny {m}
photonics {n} (science and technology of generating and controlling photons)
:: fotonika {f}
photophobia {n} (excessive sensitivity to light)
:: światłowstręt {m}
photosensitive {adj} (sensitive to light)
:: światłoczuły
photoshop {n} (to digitally edit a picture)
:: fotoszopować, photoshopować
photoshopped {adj} (digitally edited or altered)
:: sfotoszopowane, sphotoshopowane
photosphere {n} (A visible surface layer of a star)
:: fotosfera
photosynthesis {n} (biological process)
:: fotosynteza {f}
phototherapy {n} (medical therapy using light)
:: fototerapia {f}, światłolecznictwo {n}
phototransistor {n} (semiconductor)
:: fototranzystor {m}
phrase {n} (short written or spoken expression)
:: zdanie {n}, fraza {f}, wyrażenie {n}
phrase {n} (grammar: group of two or more words that express an idea but do not form a complete sentence)
:: wypowiedzenie {n}
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary)
:: rozmówki {f-p}
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book
phrenology {n} (the discredited "science" or pseudo-science of phrenology)
:: frenologia {f}
Phrygia {prop} (ancient kingdom)
:: Frygia {f}
Phrygian {adj} (of or relating to Phrygia, its people or their culture)
:: frygijski {m}
Phrygian {n} (native or inhabitant of Phrygia)
:: Frygijczyk {m}, Frygijka {f}
Phrygian {prop} (language)
:: frygijski {m}
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward)
:: czapka frygijska {f}, czapka wolności {f}
phthisis {n} (phthisis)
:: suchoty {f-p}
phylogenetics {n} (study of organism relationships)
:: filogeneza {f}
physalis {n} (plant of the genus Physalis)
:: miechunka {f}
physical {adj} (having to do with the material world; tangible)
:: fizyczny {m}
physical {adj} (having to do with physics)
:: fizyczny {m}
physical {adj} (having to do with the body; corporeal)
:: fizyczny {m}
physical culture {n} (bodybuilding) SEE: bodybuilding
physical education {n} (curriculum component)
:: wychowanie fizyczne {n}, w-f {m}
physically {adv} (in a physical manner)
:: fizycznie
physician {n} (medical doctor)
:: lekarz {m}, lekarka {f}, doktor {m}, medyk {m}
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics)
:: fizyk {m} {f}
physics {n} (branch of science)
:: fizyka {f}
physiography {n} (subfield of geography)
:: fizjografia {f}
physiotherapeutic {adj} (of or relating to physiotherapy)
:: fizjoterapeutyczny
physiotherapist {n} (therapist who treats physical injury or dysfunction, usually with exercise)
:: fizjoterapeuta {m}, fizjoterapeutka {f}
phytochemical {adj} (pertraining to chemistry of plants)
:: fitochemiczny {m}
phytochemistry {n} (the scientific study of the chemicals found in plants)
:: fitochemia {f}
phytoestrogen {n} (compound)
:: fitoestrogen {m}
phytopathology {n} (study of plant diseases)
:: fitopatologia {f}
phytosterol {n}
:: fitosterol
pi {n} (letter of Greek alphabet)
:: pi {n}
pi {n} (irrational mathematical constant)
:: pi {n}
Piacenzian {prop} (subdivision of the Pliocene epoch)
:: piacent {m-in}
piaffe {v} (movement in dressage)
:: piaff {m}
pianist {n} (piano player)
:: pianista {m}, pianistka {f}
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument)
:: pianino {n}, fortepian {m}
piano nobile {n} (floor)
:: piano nobile {n}
Piarist {n} (member of the Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools)
:: pijar {m}
Picardy {prop} (region of France)
:: Pikardia {f}
picaresque {adj} (of or pertaining to rogues)
:: awanturniczy, łotrzykowski
picaresque {n} (picaresque novel)
:: powieść łotrzykowska {f}
picayune {n} (Something of very little value) SEE: trifle
piccolo {n} (musical instrument)
:: pikolo {n}, piccolo {n}, flet piccolo {m}
pièce de résistance {n} (masterpiece)
:: gwóźdź programu {m}
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose
pick {n} (pickaxe)
:: kilof {m}, oskard {m}, czekan {m}
pick {n} (tool to open a lock)
:: wytrych {m}
pick {n} (choice)
:: wybór {m}, prawo wyboru {n}, możliwość wyboru {f}, kandydat {m}
pick {n} (basketball: screen)
:: zasłona {f}
pick {v} (to grasp and pull with fingers)
:: dłubać {impf}, grzebać {impf}, gmerać {impf}
pick {v} (to remove a fruit or plant for consumption)
:: zrywać {impf}, zbierać {impf}
pick {v} (to decide between options)
:: wybrać {pf}, wybierać {impf}
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum
pickaxe {n} (heavy iron tool)
:: kilof {m}, oskard {m}, czekan {m}
picket {n} (stake driven into the ground)
:: sztacheta {f}
pickle {n} (preserved cucumber)
:: ogórek kiszony, ogórek w occie {m}
pickled {adj} (preserved by pickling)
:: kiszony
pickling {v} (present participle of pickle)
:: kiszenie {n}, marynowanie {n}, peklowanie {n}
pick one's nose {v} (insert a finger into one's nostril)
:: dłubać w nosie
pickpocket {n} (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby)
:: kieszonkowiec {m}
pick up {v} (to lift; to grasp and raise)
:: podnieść, podnosić
pick up {v} (to collect an object, especially in passing)
:: odebrać
pick up {v} (to collect a passenger)
:: odebrać
pick up {v} (to learn, to grasp; to begin to understand)
:: zrozumieć
pick up {v} (to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes)
:: podrywać
pick up {v} (to answer (a telephone), see pick up the phone)
:: odebrać
pick up {n} (pickup) SEE: pickup
pickup {n} (pickup truck) SEE: pickup truck
pickup {n} (electronic device)
:: przetwornik {m}, przystawka {f}
pickup {n} (flirtation, courting)
:: podryw {m}
pickup {n} (item collected in a video game)
:: znajdźka {f}
pickup {n} (act of answering a telephone)
:: odebranie {n}
pickup {n} (material filmed after the fact to augment main footage)
:: dokrętka {f}
pickup {n} (act of collecting and taking away, usually in a vehicle)
:: odbiór {m}
pick up the phone {v} (to pick up the receiver of a telephone to answer a call)
:: odebrać telefon {pf}
pickup truck {n} (truck with an open cargo bed)
:: pikap {m}, pick-up {m}, półciężarówka {f}
picnic {n} (a meal eaten outdoors)
:: piknik {m}
picric acid {n} (picric acid)
:: kwas pikrynowy {m}
Pict {n} (member of an ancient people of northern and central Scotland)
:: Pikt {m}
Pictish {adj} (pertaining to the Picts)
:: piktyjski
pictogram {n} (picture that represents a word or an idea)
:: piktogram {m}
Pictor {prop} (constellation)
:: Malarz {m}
pictorial {n} (magazine)
:: ilustrowany magazyn {m}
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc)
:: obraz {m-in}
picture {n} (photograph)
:: zdjęcie {n}, fotografia {f}
picture {n} (informal: cinema)
:: kino {n}
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting
picture book {n} (a book for young children with illustrations)
:: książka obrazkowa {f}
picturesque {adj} (resembling a picture or painting)
:: malowniczy
Pi Day {prop} (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi))
:: Dzień Liczby Pi {m}
pidgin {n} (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers)
:: pidżyn {m}, język pidżynowy {m}
pie {n} (type of pastry)
:: ciasto {n}
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza
piece {n} (part of a larger whole)
:: kawałek {m}, część {f}, element {m}
piece {n} (single item belonging to a class of similar items)
:: sztuka {f}
piece {n} (chess: figure other than pawn; similar counter in other games)
:: pionek {m}
piece {n} (small coin)
:: moneta {f}
piece {n} (artistic creation)
:: dzieło {n}, praca {f}, utwór {m} , sztuka {f}
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier
piecemeal {adj} (Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time)
:: fragmentaryczny {m}, wyrywkowy {m}
piecemeal {adv} (piece by piece)
:: po trochu, po kawałku
piecemeal {adv} (into pieces or parts)
:: na kawałki
piece of cake {n} (simple or easy job)
:: bułka z masłem
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment
piece of furniture {n} (item of furniture)
:: mebel {m}
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis
pied {adj} (decorated or colored in blotches)
:: pstry {m}
Piedmont {prop} (region)
:: Piemont {m}
Piedmontese {adj} (of, from, or relating to Piedmont)
:: piemoncki
Piedmontese {n} (inhabitant)
:: Piemontczyk {m}, Piemontka {f}
Piedmontese {prop} (language)
:: piemoncki {m}, język piemoncki {m}
pied-à-terre {n} (smaller secondary lodging)
:: stancja {f}
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk
pie iron {n} (device for making sandwiches)
:: tostownica, opiekacz {m}
Piekary {prop} (numerous places in Poland)
:: Piekary {p}
Piemontese {prop} (language) SEE: Piedmontese
piemontite {n} (mineral)
:: piemontyt {m}
pier {n} (raised platform built from the shore out over water)
:: pomost {m}, molo {n}, przystań {f}
pier {n} (similar structure used to provide entertainment)
:: molo {n}
pier {n} (structure used to accommodate ships)
:: pirs {m}
pier {n} (structure supporting the junction between two spans of a bridge)
:: filar {m}
pier {n} (rectangular pillar, or similar structure, that supports an arch, wall or roof)
:: filar {m}
pierogi {n} (dumpling)
:: pierogi {m-p}
piety {n} (reverence and devotion to God)
:: pobożność {f}, bogobojność {f}
piffle {v} (to act or speak in a futile, ineffective, or nonsensical manner)
:: mówić bzdury, zachowywać się głupio
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus)
:: świnia {f}
pig {n} (derogatory slang for police officer)
:: pies {m}
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae)
:: gołąb {m}
pigeonhole principle {n} (combinatorial theorem)
:: zasada szufladkowa (Dirichleta) {f}
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in)
:: (pig-shaped) świnka-skarbonka {f}, skarbonka {f}
pig in a poke {n} (something whose true value is concealed or unknown)
:: kot w worku {m}
pig iron {n} (type of crude iron)
:: surówka {f}
piglet {n} (young pig)
:: prosiak {m}, prosię {n}, browek {m}
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet
pigment {n} (any color in plant or animal cells)
:: pigment {m-in}
pigment {n} (dry colorant)
:: pigment {m-in}
pigment {v} (add color or pigment)
:: pigmentować
pigpen {n} (pigsty) SEE: pigsty
pigsty {n} (enclosure where pigs are kept)
:: chlew {m}
pigsty {n} (dirty or very untidy place)
:: chlew {m}
pigtail {n} (braided plait of hair)
:: warkoczyk {m}
Pijin {prop} (language)
:: neosalomoński {m}
pika {n} (furry mammal of the family Ochotonidae)
:: szczekuszkowate {p}
pike {n} (fish of the genus Esox)
:: szczupak {m}
pike-perch {n} (zander) SEE: zander
pike pole {n} (tool, see also: setting pole; gaff; hook)
:: bosak {m}
pilaf {n} (dish)
:: pilaw {m}
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
Pilate {prop} (Pontius Pilate)
:: Piłat {m}
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pile {n} (funeral pile) SEE: pyre
pile {n} (nap of a cloth) SEE: nap
pile {n} (heap)
:: stos {m}, sterta {f}
pile {n} (obsolete: reverse of a coin) SEE: tails
pile driver {n} (machine for forcing a pile into the ground)
:: kafar {m}
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy
pileous {adj} (of, pertaining to, or consisting of hair)
:: włosowy
piles {n} (plural of pile) SEE: pile
pile-up {n} (pile of crashed cars)
:: karambol {m}
pileus {n} (the cap of a mushroom)
:: kapelusz {m}
pileus {n} (felt hat worn in ancient Rome and Greece)
:: pilos {m}
pilfer {v} (to steal in small quantities)
:: podkradać
pilgarlic {n} (bald-headed person) SEE: egghead
pilgrim {n} (traveler, especially to religious sites)
:: pielgrzym {m}, pątnik {m}
pilgrimage {n} (religious journey, or one to a sacred place)
:: pielgrzymka {f}
pill {n} (small object for swallowing)
:: pigułka {f}, tabletka {f}
pillage {v} (loot or plunder by force)
:: plądrować {impf}
pillar {n} (large post, often used as supporting architecture)
:: filar {m}
pillion {n} (second saddle on a motorcycle)
:: tylne siodełko {n}
pillory {n} (framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation)
:: dyby {p}, gąsior {m}
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed)
:: poduszka {f}
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft)
:: pilot {m}
pilot {v} (to control an aircraft or watercraft)
:: pilotować
pilot {v} (to guide through coastal waters)
:: pilotować
pilot whale {n} (either of two species of whale)
:: grindwal {m}
Pilsen {prop} (city in the Czech Republic)
:: Pilzno {n}
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor)
:: alfons {m}, sutener {m}
pimpernel {n} (plant of genus Anagallis)
:: kurzyślad {m}
pimping {n} (practise of procuring prostitutes)
:: sutenerstwo {n}, stręczycielstwo {n}
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin)
:: pryszcz {m-in}, krosta {f}
pin {n} (needle without an eye, used for fastening)
:: szpilka {f}
pin {n} (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts)
:: zawleczka {f}
pin {n} (slender object specially designed for use in bowling)
:: kręgiel {m}
pin {n} (any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector)
:: styk {m}
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch
pinata {n} (candy-filled container that is hit with a stick)
:: piniata {f}
pince-nez {n} (type of eyeglasses)
:: binokle {m-p}
pincers {n} (gripping tool)
:: kleszcze {p}
pinch {v} (to squeeze a small amount of skin)
:: szczypać {impf}, uszczypnąć {pf}
pinch {n} (action of squeezing a small amount of skin)
:: szczypanie {n}, szczypnięcie {n}
pinch {n} (small amount of powder)
:: szczypta {f}
pincushion {n} (device designed to have sewing pins and needles stuck into it)
:: poduszeczka {f}
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus)
:: sosna {f}
pine {n} (wood of pine tree)
:: sosna {n}
pine {n} (painful longing)
:: tęsknota {f}
pine {v} (to languish, to droop)
:: marnieć, oklapnąć, stracić werwę/animusz, słabnąć
pine {v} (to long for sufferingly)
:: usychać z tęsknoty, umierać z tęsknoty
pine {v} (to grieve or mourn for)
:: opłakiwać, obchodzić żałobę
pine {v} (to inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict)
:: znęcać się
pineal gland {n} (small endocrine gland)
:: szyszynka {f}
pineapple {n} (plant)
:: ananas {m}
pineapple {n} (fruit)
:: ananas {m}
pine needle {n} (leaf of a pine tree)
:: igła sosnowa {f}
pine nut {n} (edible seeds of evergreen pine)
:: orzeszek piniowy {m}
pinery {n} (pinewood) SEE: pinewood
pinesap {n} (Monotropa hypopitys)
:: korzeniówka {f}
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine
pinewood {n} (wood of the pine)
:: sośnina {f}
pinewood {n} (forest or grove of pines)
:: bór {m-in}, las sosnowy {m-in}
pingo {n} (flexible pole with a load suspended from each end) SEE: carrying pole
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis
pink {n} (flower)
:: goździk
pink {n} (pale red colour)
:: róż {m-in}
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white)
:: różowy
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear)
:: małżowina uszna {f}, ucho zewnętrzne {n}
Pinocchian {adj} (of or relating to Pinocchio)
:: pinokiowski
Pinocchio {prop} (protagonist)
:: Pinokio {m}
Pinocchio {prop} (fairy tale)
:: Pinokio {m}
pinocytosis {n} (a form of endocytosis)
:: pinocytoza {f}
Pinsk {prop} (city in Belarus)
:: Pińsk
pinwheel {n} (fake flower for children)
:: wiatraczek {m}
pinworm {n} (worms)
:: owsica {f}
pion {n} (particle)
:: pion {m}
piñon {n} (pine nut) SEE: pine nut
pioneer {n} (one who goes before)
:: pionier {m}
pioneer {n} (soldier)
:: pionier {m}
pioneer {n} (member of a child organization in the Soviet bloc)
:: pionier {m}
pioneer species {n} (pioneer species)
:: gatunek pionierski {m}
pious {adj} (of or pertaining to piety)
:: pobożny, nabożny, bogobojny, zbożny
pipe {n} (organ pipe)
:: piszczałka {f}
pipe {n} (rigid tube)
:: rura {f}
pipe {n} (type of pasta)
:: rurki {f-p}
pipe {n} (computing: mechanism that enables one program to communicate with another)
:: potok {m}
pipe {n} (the character <nowiki>)
:: kreska pionowa {f}
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe
pipe dream {n} (near impossibility)
:: mrzonka {f}
pipeline {n} (conduit made of pipes)
:: rurociąg {m}
piper {n} (baby pigeon) SEE: squab
piper {n} (bagpiper) SEE: bagpiper
pipette {n} (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
:: pipeta {f}
piping hot {adj} (very hot)
:: wrzący {m}
pipit {n} (passerine bird from the genus Anthus)
:: świergotek {m}
piracy {n} (robbery at sea)
:: piractwo {n}
piracy {n} (unauthorized duplication)
:: piractwo {n}
Piraeus {prop} (city)
:: Pireus
Pirandellian {adj} (characteristic of the works of Luigi Pirandello)
:: pirandellowski
piranha {n} (South American fish)
:: pirania {f}
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea)
:: pirat {m}, korsarz {m}
pirate {n} (one who breaks intellectual property laws)
:: pirat {m}
pirate {v} (make and/or sell an illegal copy)
:: piracić {impf}, piratować
pirate {adj} (illegal imitated or reproduced)
:: piracki {m}
pirouette {n} (whirling or turning on the toes)
:: piruet {m}
pirouette {v} (to perform a pirouette)
:: zakręcić piruet
pirozhki {n} (small pastries)
:: pirożki {p}
pirozhok {n} (pirozhki) SEE: pirozhki
Pisa {prop} (city in Italy)
:: Piza {f}
pisanka {n} (decorated egg) SEE: pysanka
piscatory {adj} (of, about, or pertaining to the act of fishing)
:: rybacki
Pisces {prop} (constellation)
:: Ryby {p}
Pisces {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Ryby {f-p}
piscine {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fish; ichthyic)
:: rybi
Piscis Austrinus {prop} (constellation)
:: Południowa Ryba {f}
piscivore {n} (fish eater)
:: rybojad {m}
piscivorous {adj} (fish)
:: rybożerny {m}
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant
piss {n} (urine)
:: siki {p}
piss {v}
:: sikać, szczać
pissed as a newt {adj} (drunk to the point of incapacity; inebriated)
:: zalany w trupa, zalany w sztok {pf}, nawalony jak szpadel, nawalony jak stodoła, pijany jak świnia, nawalony jak Messerschmitt
pissed off {adj} (annoyed, upset, angry)
:: wkurwiony {m}, wkurzony {m}
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
piss oneself {v} (vulgar slang: wet oneself)
:: zeszczać się, poszczać się
piss oneself {v} (vulgar slang: be very scared)
:: zeszczać się (ze strachu), poszczać się (ze strachu)
piss oneself {v} (vulgar slang: laugh uncontrollably)
:: zeszczać się (ze śmiechu), poszczać się (ze śmiechu)
pistachio {n} (fruit)
:: pistacja {f}
pistil {n} (a discrete unit in the center of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit)
:: słupek {m}
pistol {n} (handgun)
:: pistolet {m}
piston {n} (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder)
:: tłok {m}
piston ring {n} (ring around a piston)
:: pierścień tłokowy {m}
pit {n} (hole in the ground)
:: dół {m-in}, jama {f}
pit {n} (the stone of a drupaceous fruit)
:: pestka {f}
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit
pita {n} (bread pouch used for making sandwiches)
:: pita {f}
pitaya {n} (dragon fruit) SEE: dragon fruit
pitch {n} (sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees)
:: żywica {f}
pitch {n} (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar)
:: smoła {f}
pitch {n} (throw, toss or cast from the hand)
:: rzut {m}
pitch {n} (act of pitching a baseball)
:: rzut {m}
pitch {n} (field on which cricket, soccer, rugby or field hockey is played)
:: pole {n} (do krykieta), boisko {n} (do rugby)
pitch {n} (angle at which an object sits)
:: kąt {m}
pitch {v} (to throw)
:: rzucać / rzucić
pitch {v} (to assemble or erect (a tent))
:: złożyć, rozbić (only about a tent)
pitch {n} (the perceived frequency of a sound or note)
:: wysokość dźwięku {f}
pitch accent {n} (phonology)
:: akcent toniczny {m}
pitcher {n} (A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids)
:: dzban {m}
pitcher plant {n} (plant of the genus Sarracenia)
:: kapturnica {f}
pitcher plant {n} (plant of the genus Nepenthes)
:: dzbanecznik {m}
pitchfork {n} (farm tool with tines)
:: widły {f-p}
pith {n} (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees)
:: miękisz {m}
pith {n} (albedo) SEE: albedo
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord
pithy {adj} (Concise and meaningful)
:: zwięzły
pithy {adj}
:: trafny, zwięzły
pitiful {adv} (so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it)
:: żałosny
pitiless {adj} (having no pity)
:: bezlitosny, niemiłosierny
pitman {n} (one who works in a pit)
:: górnik {m}
pitta bread {n} (flat bread made from wheat flour) SEE: pita
pittance {n} (small allowance of food and drink; a scanty meal)
:: resztki {f-p}, ostatki {f-p}
pituitary {n} (pituitary gland)
:: przysadka {f}
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland)
:: przysadka mózgowa {f}
pity {n} (feeling of sympathy)
:: współczucie {n}, litość {f}
pity {n} (something regrettable)
:: szkoda {n}
pity {interj} (what a pity) SEE: what a pity
pivot {n} (that on which something turns)
:: sworzeń {m}, trzpień {m}, rdzeń {m}
pivotal {adj} (being of crucial importance; central, key)
:: kluczowe {n}
pixel {n} (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory)
:: piksel
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish)
:: pizza
pizza parlor {n} (pizzeria) SEE: pizzeria
pizzeria {n} (outlet that primarily sells pizza)
:: pizzeria {f}
place {n} (location, position)
:: miejsce
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square)
:: plac {m}
placebo {n} (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment)
:: placebo {n}
placebo effect {n} (tendency for a substance to exhibit results due to belief of the recipient)
:: efekt placebo {m}
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta)
:: łożysko {n}
place of decimals {n} (position of digit to the right of the decimal point) SEE: decimal place
placid {adj} (calm and quiet; peaceful)
:: łagodny {m}, spokojny {m}
plagiarism {n} (copying of someone's ideas)
:: plagiat {m}
plagiarism {n} (act of plagiarizing or something plagiarized)
:: plagiat {m}
plagiarist {n} (one who plagiarizes)
:: plagiator {m}, plagiatorka {f}
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague")
:: dżuma {f}
plague {n} (widespread affliction, calamity)
:: mangina {f}
plaice {n}
:: gładzica {f}
plaid {n} (piece of clothing)
:: pled {m}
plain {adj} (ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation)
:: prosty, zwykły, zwyczajny
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
:: równina {f}
plain text {n} (unencrypted text) SEE: cleartext
plaintiff {n} (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant)
:: powód {m}, powódka {f}
plain-winged antshrike {n} (bird)
:: chronka czarnoglowa
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid
plan {n} (technical drawing)
:: schemat {m}
plan {n} (set of intended actions)
:: plan {m}
plan {n} (2-dimensional drawing from above)
:: plan {m}
plan {v} (to design)
:: projektować
plan {v} (to create a plan for)
:: planować
plan {v} (to intend)
:: planować
plan B {n} (alternative solution)
:: plan B {m}
Planck's constant {n} (constant)
:: stała Plancka {f}
plane {adj} (of a surface: flat or level.)
:: płaski, równy, poziomy
plane {n} (level or flat surface)
:: równia {f}
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
:: płaszczyzna {f}
plane {n} (level of existence)
:: wymiar {m-in}, poziom {m-in}
plane {n} (a tool)
:: hebel {m}, strug {m}
plane {v} (to smooth with a plane)
:: heblować, strugać
plane {n} (airplane)
:: samolot {m}
plane {v} (to glide)
:: szybować
plane {n} (deciduous tree)
:: platan {m}
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky)
:: planeta {f}
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun)
:: planeta {f}
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star)
:: planeta {f}
planetarium {n} (museum which displays images of space)
:: planetarium {n}
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity)
:: mgławica planetarna {m}
planetary system {n} (a group of various non-stellar objects orbiting a star or star system)
:: układ planetarny {m}, system planetarny {m}
planetoid {n} (any of several larger astral bodies)
:: planetoida {f}
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane
planetree {n} (sycamore) SEE: sycamore
planimeter {n} (measuring device)
:: planimetr {m}
planimetry {n} (measurement of distances, angles and areas)
:: planimetria {f}
plank {n} (long, broad and thick piece of timber)
:: deska {f}
plankton {n} (generic term for all the organisms that float in the sea)
:: plankton {m-in}
planned economy {n} (economy in which government directly manages)
:: gospodarka planowa {f}, gospodarka nakazowo-rozdzielcza {f}
planning permission {n} (legal permission granted by a government authority to construct on one's land, or to change the use of the land)
:: projekt budowlany
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis)
:: roślina {f}
plant {n} (a small or herbaceous organism, rather than a tree)
:: roślina zielna {f}
plant {n} (organism of the kingdom Plantae)
:: roślina {f}
plant {n} (ecology: multicellular eukaryote that includes chloroplasts in its cells)
:: roślina {f}
plant {v} (place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)
:: sadzić {impf}, zasadzić {pf}
plantain {n} (small plant)
:: babka {f}
plantain {n} (fruit)
:: banan zwyczajny, banan właściwy, banan rajski, pizang, figa rajska, figa błogosławiona, muza
plantaris {n} (muscle from the knee to the heel)
:: mięsień podeszwowy {m}
plantation {n} (large farm)
:: plantacja {f}
plaque {n} (flat, thin piece of clay, ivory, metal, etc., used for ornament)
:: płyta {f}, tablica {f}
plasma {n} (high energy state of matter)
:: plazma {f}
plasma {n} (component of blood)
:: osocze {n}, plazma {f}
plasmon {n} (quanta of waves)
:: plazmon {m}
plaster {n} (healing paste)
:: gips {m}
plaster {n} (mixture for coating)
:: gips {m}, tynk {m}
plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid
plasterer {n} (a person who plasters walls)
:: tynkarz {m}
plasterwork {n} (work in plaster)
:: otynkowanie {n}
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer)
:: plastyk {m}
plastic art {n} (three-dimensional art form)
:: sztuka plastyczna {f}
plasticine {n} (modeling clay)
:: plastelina {f}
plasticity {n} (property of a solid body)
:: plastyczność {f}
plasticizer {n} (substance added for pliability in plastics)
:: plastifikator {m}, zmiękczacz {m}
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid
plat {n} (plot of land) SEE: lot
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot
plate {n} (flat dish)
:: talerz {m}
plate {n} (vehicle license plate)
:: tablica rejestracyjna {f}
plate {n} (VIN plate)
:: tabliczka znamionowa {f}
plateau {n} (level expanse)
:: plateau {n}, płaskowyż {m}
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers)
:: platforma {f}, peron {m}
platform game {n} (A video game characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles)
:: gra platformowa {f}, platformówka {f}
platinum {n} (metal)
:: platyna {f}
platinum {adj} (musical recording)
:: platynowy {m}, platynowa {f}
Plato {prop} (Greek philosopher)
:: Platon {m}
platometer {n} (planimeter) SEE: planimeter
platonic {adj} (not sexual in nature)
:: platoniczny
platonic love {n} (intimate but non-sexual affection)
:: miłość platoniczna
platoon {n} (unit of 30-40 soldiers)
:: pluton {m}
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
:: dziobak {m}
plausible {adj} (likely, acceptable)
:: do przyjęcia
plausible {adj} (worthy of being applauded)
:: chwalebny {m}, godny pochwały {m}
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun)
:: grać {impf}, bawić się {impf}
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun)
:: grać na {impf}, muzykować na {impf}
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense, not affecting a noun))
:: grać
play {v} (act in a performance)
:: grać, występować
play {v} (participate in (a sport or game))
:: grać w
play {v} (use a device to hear (a recording))
:: grać, odtwarzać, puścić
play {n} (playful activity)
:: zabawa {f}
play {n} (individual's performance in a sport)
:: gra {f}
play {n} (literary composition intended to be represented)
:: sztuka
play {n} (theatrical performance)
:: sztuka {f}
play {n} (area of free movement for a part of a mechanism) SEE: backlash
playability {n} (property of being playable)
:: grywalność {f}
playability {n} (overall quality of a gameplay)
:: grywalność {f}
playboy {n} (man who devotes himself to pleasure)
:: playboy {m}
play by ear {v} (play music guided by one's musical ear)
:: grać ze słuchu
play down {v} (play down) SEE: downplay
player {n} (one who plays any game or sport)
:: gracz {m}, zawodnik {m}
player {n} (dramatic actor)
:: aktor {m}, aktorka {f}
player {n} (one who plays a musical instrument)
:: muzyk {m}
player {n} (electronic device)
:: odtwarzacz {m}
player {n} (software application)
:: odtwarzacz {m}
playful {adj} (funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome)
:: żartobliwy
playground {n} (large open space to play on, usually for children)
:: plac zabaw {m}
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card)
:: karta {f}, karta do gry {f}
play it safe {v} (take a cautious, risk-free approach)
:: zagrać bezpiecznie
playlist {n} (computing)
:: lista odtwarzania {f}, playlista {f}
PlayStation {n} (series of video game consoles)
:: PlayStation {m}
play truant {v} (be absent from school without permission)
:: wagarować
play with fire {v} (put oneself in a precarious situation)
:: bawić się zapałkami, igrać z ogniem {impf}
playwright {n} (writer of plays for the theatre)
:: dramaturg {m}, dramatopisarz {m}
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright
plaza {n} (a towns' public square)
:: plac {m}
pleach {v} (to unite by interweaving)
:: pleść
pleach {n} (act or result of interweaving)
:: plecenie
pleach {n} (hedge or lattice created by interweaving the branches of shrubs, trees, etc.)
:: plecionka
plead {v} (to beg)
:: błagać
pleasant {adj} (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner)
:: przyjemny {m}
pleasantly {adv} (in a pleasant manner)
:: miło
please {v} (to make happy or satisfy)
:: uszczęśliwiać, zadowalać
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request)
:: proszę
please {adv} (expression of annoyance or impatience)
:: błagam, błagam cię, proszę cię
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody)
:: miło mi Pana poznać, miło mi Panią poznać, miło mi cię poznać, miło mi Państwa poznać, miło mi was poznać
please help me {phrase} (please help me)
:: proszę pomóż mi
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt)
:: proszę, podaj sól
please repeat after me {phrase} (phrase)
:: proszę powtarzać za mną
please say that again {phrase} (please say that again)
:: Przepraszam, mógłby pan powtórzyć? Przepraszam, mogłaby pani powtórzyć? Mógłbyś powtórzyć? Mogłabyś powtórzyć?
please sit down {phrase} (please sit down)
:: proszę usiąść
please speak more slowly {phrase} (please speak more slowly)
:: proszę mówić wolniej
please turn left {phrase} (please turn left)
:: proszę skręcić w lewo
please turn right {phrase} (please turn right)
:: proszę skręcić w prawo
pleasing {adj} (giving pleasure)
:: przyjemny, miły
pleasing fungus beetle {n} (beetle of the family Erotylidae)
:: zadrzewkowate
pleasurable {adj} (that gives pleasure)
:: przyjemny
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased)
:: przyjemność {f}
plebe {n} (plebs) SEE: plebs
plebiscite {n} (A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty)
:: plebiscyt {m}
plebs {n} (The common people)
:: plebs {m}
plectrum {n} (music: small piece for plucking strings)
:: plektron {m}, kostka {f}
pledge {v} (to make a solemn promise)
:: obiecać
pledge {v} (to deposit something as a security; to pawn)
:: złożyć zastaw
pledge {n} (solemn promise)
:: obietnica {f}
pledge {n} (security to payment)
:: depozyt {m}, kaucja {f}, zastaw {m}
Pleiades {prop} (Greek mythology)
:: Plejady
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy)
:: Plejady
Pleistocene {adj} (of the Pleistocene epoch)
:: plejstoceński
Pleistocene {prop} ((geology) the Pleistocene epoch)
:: plejstocen {m-in}
plenary {adj} (fully attended)
:: plenarny, walny
plenipotentiary {n} (person invested with supreme authority)
:: pełnomocnik {m}, ambasador {m}
plenipotentiary {adj} (invested with full power)
:: pełnomocny {m}
plenipotentiary {adj} (of or relating to a plenipotentiary)
:: pełnomocny {m}
pleonasm {n} (redundancy in wording)
:: pleonazm
pleonasm {n} (phrase involving pleonasm)
:: pleonazm {m}
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant
pleonastic {adj} (of, or relating to pleonasm)
:: pleonastyczny, pleonazmiczny
pleophony {n} (disyllabic reflex in East Slavic languages)
:: pełnogłos {m}
pleura {n} (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax)
:: opłucna {f}
pliable {adj} (easily bent or formed)
:: giętki, gibki
plicate {adj} (folded)
:: składany
plicate {v} (biology: to fold)
:: składać
Pliensbachian {prop} (a subdivision of the Jurassic period)
:: pliensbach {m-in}
pliers {n} (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand)
:: cęgi {p}, cążki {p}, kombinerki {p}, szczypce {p}
plight {n} (unfortunate situation)
:: kłopoty {p}, tarapaty {p}
Pliny {prop} (Roman praenomen)
:: Pliniusz {m}
Pliocene {adj} (of the Pliocene epoch)
:: plioceński
Pliocene {prop} (geology, the Pliocene epoch)
:: pliocen {m-in}
plonk {n} (cheap or inferior wine)
:: sikacz {m}
plot {n} (course of a story)
:: fabuła {f}, sjużet {m}
plot {n} (area of land used for building on or planting on)
:: działka {f}
plot {n} (graph or diagram)
:: wykres {m}
plot {n} (secret plan to achieve an end)
:: spisek {m}
plotter {n} (person)
:: spiskowiec {m}, intrygant {m}
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground)
:: pług {m}
plough {n} (alternative name for Ursa Major)
:: Wielka Niedźwiedzica {f}
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting)
:: orać {impf}
Plough {prop} (brightest seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major) SEE: Big Dipper
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
plover {n} (wading bird of the family Charadriidae)
:: siewka {f}
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough
plower {n} (one who plows)
:: oracz {m}
plowman {n} (male plower)
:: oracz {m}
plowshare {n} (cutting edge of a plow)
:: lemiesz {m}
ploy {n} (strategy, tactic)
:: chwyt {m}
pluck {v} (to pull something sharply; to pull something out)
:: wyszarpnąć, zbierać {impf}, zebrać {pf}
pluck {v} (music: to gently play a single string)
:: brzdęknąć
pluck {v} (to remove feathers from a bird)
:: skubać {impf}, oskubać {pf}
pluck {v} (to rob, steal forcibly)
:: rabować {impf}, obrabować {pf}, grabić {impf}, ograbić {pf}
pluck {n} (offal from the trunk of an animal)
:: podroby {p}
pluck {n} (nerve, fortitude, persistence)
:: hart ducha {m}, odwaga {f}
plucky {adj} (having or showing pluck)
:: dzielny
plug {n} (electric connecting device)
:: wtyczka {f}
plug {n} (hole filler)
:: zatyczka {f}
plug-in {n} (computer add-on)
:: plugin {m}, wtyczka {f}
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica)
:: śliwka {f}
plum {n} (tree)
:: śliwa {f}
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin
plumage {n} (collection of feathers covering a bird’s body)
:: pierze {n}
plumbago {n} (leadwort)
:: ołownica {f}
plumber {n} (one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage)
:: hydraulik {m}
plumber's helper {n} (plunger) SEE: plunger
plumbism {n} (lead poisoning)
:: ołowica {f}
plumb line {n} (plummet) SEE: plummet
plum blossom {n} (the blossom of the Prunus mume)
:: kwiat śliwy {m}
plummet {n} (lead on a line, plumb bob, plummet line)
:: ciężarek {m}, pion {m}
plummet {v} (to drop swiftly, in a direct manner; to fall quickly)
:: gwałtownie spadać {impf}, runąć {pf}
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum
plunder {v} (to take all the goods of, by force (as in war) (transitive))
:: łupić {impf}, złupić {pf}, grabić {impf}, ograbić {pf}, zagrabić {pf}, obłupić {pf}, plądrować {impf}, splądrować {pf}, rabować {impf}, zrabować {pf}, obrabować {pf}
plunger {n} (device for removing blockages by suction)
:: przepychacz
pluperfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense
pluperfect tense {n} (tense)
:: czas zaprzeszły {m}
plural {adj} (more than one)
:: mnogi
plural {n} (word in plural form)
:: liczba mnoga {f}
pluralist {n} (advocate of pluralism)
:: pluralista {m}
pluralistic {adj} (characteristic of pluralism)
:: pluralistyczny
pluriennial {adj} (lasting a few years)
:: wieloletni
plus {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign
plus {prep} (arithmetic: sum)
:: plus, dodać
plus {n} (useful addition)
:: plus {m}
plush {n} (textile fabric)
:: plusz {m}
plush {n} (toy) SEE: plush toy
plush toy {n} (soft toy with a plush covering)
:: pluszowa zabawka {f}
plus sign {n} (mathematical symbol)
:: plus {m}
Plutarch {prop} (Greek historian)
:: Plutarch
Pluto {prop} (god)
:: Pluton {m}
Pluto {prop} (Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet)
:: Pluton {m}
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy)
:: plutokracja {f}
plutocracy {n} (controlling class of the wealthy)
:: plutokracja {f}
plutonium {n} (chemical element)
:: pluton {m}
Pluviôse {prop} (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: pluviôse {m}
ply {n} (layer of material)
:: warstwa {f}
plywood {n} (construction material)
:: sklejka {f}, dykta {f}
pneumatic {adj} (of or relating to air or other gases)
:: pneumatyczny {m}
pneumatic {adj} (of or relating to pneumatics)
:: pneumatyczny {m}
pneumatic {adj} (powered by, or filled with compressed air)
:: pneumatyczny {m}
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer
pneumo- {prefix} (relating to the lungs)
:: pneumo-
pneumoconiosis {n} (disease of the lungs)
:: pylica płuc {f}
pneumology {n} (the study of the respiratory system and organs)
:: pneumonologia {f}
pneumonia {n} (inflammation of the lungs)
:: zapalenie płuc {n}
Po {prop} (longest river in Italy)
:: Pad {m}
poacher {n} (a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally)
:: kłusownik {m}
poaching {n} (trespassing in search of game)
:: kłusownictwo {n}
PO box {n} (box hired as a collection point for mail) SEE: post office box
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing)
:: kieszeń {f}
pocket {adj} (of a size suitable for putting into a pocket)
:: kieszonkowy
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook
pocket flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) SEE: hip flask
pocketknife {n} (small knife whose blades or tools can fold in its handle)
:: scyzoryk {m}
pocket money {n} (money given to a child)
:: kieszonkowe {n}
pococurante {adj} (apathetic)
:: obojętny, niedbały
-pod {suffix} (related to or resembling a foot)
:: -nóg
podcast {n} (podcast)
:: podcast {m}
Podgorica {prop} (capital city of Montenegro)
:: Podgorica {f}
Podhale {prop} (Poland's southernmost region)
:: Podhale {n}
podium {n} (platform)
:: podium {n}
podium {n} (stand used to hold notes when speaking publicly)
:: mównica {f}
podium {n} (sports: steepled platform)
:: podium {n}
podium {n} (sports: result amongst the best three)
:: podium {n}
Podolia {prop}
:: Podole {n}
Podunk {prop} (mythical small town of no importance)
:: Pcim Dolny {m} , Pipidówka {f}
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse)
:: wiersz {m}, poemat {m}
poem {n} (piece of writing in the tradition of poetry)
:: poezja {f}, wiersz {f}
poem {n} (piece of poetic writing)
:: poemat {m}, wiersz {m}
poet {n} (person who writes poems)
:: poeta {m}, poetka {f}
poetaster {n} (unskilled poet)
:: wierszokleta {m}
poetess {n} (female poet)
:: poetka {f}
poetic {adj} (relating to poetry)
:: poetycki
poetically {adv} (in a poetic manner)
:: poetycko
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse)
:: poezja {f}
pogrom {n} (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews)
:: pogrom {m}
poignant {adj} (sharp-pointed; keen)
:: ostry {m}
poignant {adj} (neat; eloquent; applicable; relevant)
:: cięty
poignant {adj} (evoking strong mental sensation)
:: wzruszający
poignant {adj} (piquant; pungent)
:: ostry
poignant {adj} (incisive; penetrating)
:: ostry {m}
poikilothermic {adj} (capable of maintaining constant body temperature)
:: zmiennocieplny
poinsettia {n} (plant)
:: poinsecja {f}, gwiazda betlejemska {f}, wilczomlecz nadobny {m}, wilczomlecz piękny {m}, poinsecja nadobna {f}
point {n} (particular moment in an event or occurrence)
:: chwila {f}, moment {m-in}
point {n} (opinion which adds to the discussion)
:: punkt widzenia {m-in}, racja {f}
point {n} (location or place)
:: punkt {m-in}
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object)
:: punkt {m-in}, kropka {f}
point {n} (unit of scoring in a game or competition)
:: punkt
point {n} (arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.))
:: przecinek {m-in}
point {n} (sharp tip)
:: czubek {m-in}, ostrze {n}, szpic {m-in}
point {n} (peninsula)
:: cypel {m-in}
point {v} (to extend finger)
:: wskazywać {impf}, wskazać {pf}
point {v} (direct)
:: kierować
point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice
pointer {n} (anything that points or is used for pointing)
:: wskaźnik {m}
pointer {n} (needle of a timepiece or measuring device)
:: wskazówka {f}
pointer {n} (hunting dog)
:: wyżeł {m}
pointer {n} (computer programming: variable that stores the address of another variable)
:: wskaźnik {m}
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor
pointless {adj} (having no purpose)
:: bezsensowny {m}, bez sensu
point of view {n} (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint)
:: punkt widzenia {m}
point of view {n} (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
:: punkt widzenia
point out {v} (identify with a bodily gesture)
:: wskazać, wskazywać
point out {v} (tell, remind, indicate to someone)
:: zwracać uwagę / zwrócić uwagę, przypomnieć
pointsman {n} (a man in charge of railroad points or switches)
:: zwrotniczy {m}
pointy {adj} (pointed in shape)
:: spiczasty, szpiczasty
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism)
:: trucizna {f}, jad {m-in}
poison {v} (to use poison to kill or paralyse)
:: truć {impf}, zatruwać, otruć {pf}
poisoned chalice {n} (something initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful)
:: niedźwiedzia przysługa {f}
poisoner {n} (person who poisons something or someone)
:: truciciel {m}, trucicielka {f}
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock
poisoning {n} (state of being poisoned)
:: zatrucie {n}
poisonous {adj} (containing sufficient poison to be dangerous)
:: trujący
poke {v} (to jab with an object such as a finger or a stick)
:: dźgnąć
poker {n} (metal rod for poking)
:: pogrzebacz {m}, ożóg {m}
poker {n} (card game)
:: poker {m}
poky {adj} (small and cramped)
:: ciasny {m}
Polabian {prop} (West Slavic language)
:: język połabski {m}
Polack {n} (derogatory: Polish person)
:: polaczek {m}
Poland {prop} (European country)
:: Polska {f}
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
polar {adj} (relating to a geographic pole)
:: polarny
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus)
:: niedźwiedź polarny {m}, niedźwiedź biały {m}
polar cap {n} (high-latitude region covered by ice)
:: polarna czapa lodowa
polar circle {n} (either of the two parallels of the Earth)
:: koło podbiegunowe {n}, krąg polarny {m}
Polaris {prop} (star)
:: Gwiazda Polarna, Polaris
polar willow {n} (Salix polaris)
:: wierzba polarna {f}
pole {n} (long and slender object for construction or support)
:: pręt {m}, drąg {m}
pole {n} (type of fishing rod)
:: wędzisko {n}
pole {n} (unit of length)
:: pręt {m}
pole {n} (extreme of an axis)
:: biegun {m}
pole {n} (magnetic point)
:: biegun {m}
pole {n} (contact on an electrical device)
:: biegun {m}
pole {n} (isolated point of a meromorphic function (complex analysis))
:: biegun {m}
Pole {n} (person from Poland)
:: Polak {m}, Polka {f}
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius)
:: tchórz {m}
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk
polemic {n} (argument or controversy)
:: polemika {f}
polemology {n} (study of human conflict and war)
:: polemologia {f}
pole star {n} (the star)
:: Gwiazda Polarna {f}
pole vault {n} (jumping event where an athlete vaults over a high bar with the aid of a pole)
:: skok o tyczce {m}
pole vaulter {n} (athlete who competes in the pole vault)
:: tyczkarz {m}, tyczkarka {f}
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law)
:: policja {f}
police car {n} (automobile used by a police officer)
:: radiowóz {m}
police dog {n} (trained dog for police work)
:: pies policyjny {m}
policeman {n} (a member of a police force)
:: policjant {m}
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency)
:: policjant {m}, policjantka {f}
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police)
:: państwo policyjne {n}
police station {n} (building of police force)
:: komenda policji {f}, komisariat policji {m}, komisariat {m}
policewoman {n} (a female police officer)
:: policjantka {f}
policy {n} (principle of conduct)
:: polityka {f}
policy {n} (law: insurance document)
:: polisa {f}
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance
policymaker {n} (one involved in the formulation of policies)
:: decydent
poliomyelitis {n} (infection by the poliovirus)
:: choroba Heinego-Medina {f}, polio {n}, ostre nagminne porażenie dziecięce {n}, heinemedina {f}
polis {n} (a city or city-state)
:: polis {n}
polish {n} (substance used to polish)
:: pasta do polerowania {f}
polish {n} (cleanliness; smoothness; shininess)
:: połysk {m}
polish {v} (make a surface smooth or shiny)
:: polerować, wygładzać
polish {v} (to refine; improve imperfections from)
:: szlifować {impf}
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language)
:: polski
Polish {n} (the language of Poland)
:: język polski {m-in}, polszczyzna {f}
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth {prop} (confederation of Poland and Lithuania)
:: Rzeczpospolita {f}, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów {f}
Polishness {n} (quality of being Polish)
:: polskość {f}
Polish notation {n} (notation for arithmetic formulae)
:: Notacja polska {f}
Polish People's Republic {prop} (former country)
:: Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa {f}
Polish plait {n} (medical condition)
:: kołtun {m}
Polish studies {n} (academic discipline)
:: polonistyka {f}, filologia polska {f}
politburo {n} (the governing Communist council)
:: Biuro Polityczne {n}, politbiuro {n}
polite {adj} (well-mannered)
:: uprzejmy, grzeczny
political {adj} (concerning or relating to politics)
:: polityczny
political correctness {n} (being politically correct)
:: poprawność polityczna {f}
politically correct {adj} (avoiding offense, selectively)
:: poprawny politycznie
political party {n} (political organization)
:: partia {f}
political prisoner {n} (person)
:: więzień polityczny
political science {n} (study of politics)
:: politologia {f}
politician {n} (one engaged in politics)
:: polityk {m}, polityczka {f}
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government)
:: polityka {f}
politology {n} (political science) SEE: political science
polka {n} (dance)
:: polka {f}
polka {n} (music for this dance)
:: polka {f}
polka dot {n} (uniform round dots forming a pattern on fabric)
:: grochy {m-p}
poll {n} (an election or a survey of a particular group)
:: ankieta {f}
pollen {n} (fine granular substance produced in flowers)
:: pyłek {m}
polling station {n} (place where voters go to cast their ballot)
:: lokal wyborczy {m}
pollute {v} (to make something harmful)
:: skazić
pollution {n} (the contamination of the environment by harmful substances)
:: zanieczyszczenie {n}
pollution {n} (something that pollutes; pollutant)
:: zanieczyszczenie {n}
pollution {n} (desecration) SEE: desecration
polnoglasie {n} (disyllabic reflex in East Slavic languages) SEE: pleophony
polo {n} (polo shirt) SEE: polo shirt
polo {n} (ball game)
:: polo {n}
polonaise {n} (dance)
:: polonez {m}
polonaise {n} (music for this dance)
:: polonez {m}
Polonism {n} (word or phrase characteristic of the Polish language)
:: polonizm {m}
polonium {n} (chemical element)
:: polon {m}
Polonization {n} (Polonization)
:: polonizacja {f}, spolszczenie {n}
Polonize {v} (to make Polish)
:: polonizować {impf}, spolonizować {pf}, polszczyć {impf}, spolszczyć {pf}, spolszczać {impf}
polo shirt {n} (casual, usually short-sleeved, shirt with a protruding collar)
:: koszulka polo {f}
Poltava {prop} (city)
:: Połtawa {f}
poltergeist {n} (a disruptive ghost)
:: poltergeist
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly
poltroon {n} (an ignoble or arrant coward)
:: tchórz
poly- {prefix} (many)
:: poli-
polyamory {n} (practices involving relationships with multiple partners)
:: poliamoria
polyandry {n} (plurality of husbands at the same time)
:: poliandria {f}
polychete {n} (annelids of the class Polychaeta)
:: wieloszczet {m}
polychrome {adj}
:: polichromia {f}
polyclinic {n} (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated)
:: poliklinika {f}, przychodnia {f}
polyester {n} (polymer)
:: poliester {m}
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene)
:: polietylen {m}
polygamist {n} (one who practices polygamy)
:: poligamista {m}
polygamy {n} (the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time)
:: poligamia {f}, wielożeństwo {n}
polygamy {n} (zoology: the state or habit of having more than one mate)
:: poligamia {f}
polygamy {n} (polygyny) SEE: polygyny
polyglot {adj} (Versed in, or speaking, many languages)
:: wielojęzyczny, wielojęzykowy, różnojęzyczny, różnojęzykowy, kilkujęzyczny, kilkujęzykowy
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages)
:: poliglota {m-pr}
polyglot {n} (publication containing several versions of the same)
:: poliglota {f}
polygon {n} (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
:: wielokąt {m-in}, wielobok {m-in}
polygonum {n} (any plant in the genus Polygonum)
:: rdest
polygynous {adj} (plurality of wives at the same time)
:: poligynia {f}
polygyny {n} (plurality of wives at the same time)
:: poligynia {f}
polyhedral {adj} ((geometry) having multiple planar faces or facets)
:: wielościenny
polyhedron {n} (geometry: solid figure)
:: wielościan {m}
polymath {n} (person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge)
:: człowiek renesansu {m}, encyklopedysta {m}, uczony {m}, polihistor {m}, polimat {m}
polymer {n} (molecule)
:: polimer {m}
polymeride {n} (polymer) SEE: polymer
polymorphism {n} (ability to assume different forms or shapes)
:: polimorfizm {m}
polymorphism {n} (biology: coexistence of two or more distinct forms independent of sex)
:: polimorfizm {m}
polymorphism {n} (computer science: feature of object-oriented programming)
:: polimorfizm {m}
polymorphism {n} (crystallography: ability of a material to exist in more than one form)
:: polimorfizm {m}
Polynesia {prop} (part of Oceania)
:: Polinezja {f}
Polynesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia)
:: polinezyjski {m}
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia)
:: Polinezyjczyk {m}, Polinezyjka {f}
polynomial {n} (algebraic expression)
:: wielomian {m}
polynomial {adj} (in algebra)
:: wielomianowy {m}
polynya {n} (area of open water surrounded by sea ice)
:: połynia {f}, płoń {f}
polyphonic {adj} (of or relating to polyphony)
:: polifoniczny
polypody {n} (any fern of the genus Polypodium)
:: paprotka {f}
polypropylene {n} (resin)
:: polipropylen {m}
polyptych {n} (a work consisting of multiple painted or carved panels joined together)
:: poliptyk {m}
polysaccharide {n} (complex carbohydrate)
:: polisacharyd {m}
polysemic {adj} (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings)
:: polisemiczny, wieloznaczny
polysemous {adj} (having multiple meanings)
:: polisemiczny {m}, wieloznaczny {m}
polysemy {n} (ability to have multiple meanings)
:: polisemia {f}, wieloznaczność {f}
polysomy {n}
:: polisomia {f}
polyspast {n} (machine consisting of many pulleys) SEE: block and tackle
polysyllabic {adj} (having more than one syllable)
:: wielosylabowy
polysynthetic {adj} (polysynthetic)
:: polisyntetyczny
polytechnic {n} (educational institute)
:: politechnika {f}
polytheism {n} (belief in the existence of multiple gods)
:: politeizm {m-in}, wielobóstwo {n}
polytheist {n} (believer in polytheism)
:: politeista {m}
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene
polytope {n} (geometric shape)
:: wielotop {m}
polyuria {n} (production of an abnormally large amount of urine)
:: poliuria {f}, wielomocz {m}
pomade {n} (greasy substance)
:: pomada {f}, brylantyna {f}, fiksatuar {m}
pomegranate {n} (shrub/tree)
:: granatowiec {m}
pomegranate {n} (fruit)
:: granat {m}
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit
pomelo {n} (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis)
:: pomarańcza olbrzymia {f}, pomelo {n}
Pomerania {prop} (region of Europe on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea)
:: Pomorze {n}
Pomeranian {prop} (Kashubian) SEE: Kashubian
Pomeranian {adj} (of, or relative to Pomerania)
:: pomorski {m}
pommel {n} (knob forming the finial of a turret or pavilion) SEE: finial
pommel horse {n} (gymnastic apparatus)
:: kozioł {m}, koń {m}
Pompeii {prop} (a historical city)
:: Pompeje {f-p}
pompon {n} (puff or ball as for decoration for cheerleading)
:: pompon {m}
poncho {n} (simple garment of cloth)
:: ponczo {n}, poncho {n}
poncy {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay
pond {n} (small lake)
:: staw {m-in}
ponder {v} (to think deeply)
:: dumać, rozważać, rozmyślać {impf}, namyślać się {impf}
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense
pond-skater {n} (any of various predatory insects) SEE: water strider
pondweed {n} (plant of the genus Potamogeton)
:: rdestnica {f}
pons {n} (part of the brain)
:: most {m}
pontificate {n} (state of a pontifex)
:: pontyfikat {m}
pontoon bridge {n} (a temporary bridge built over floating pontoons)
:: most pontonowy {m}
Pontus {prop} (a region on the southern coast of the Black Sea)
:: Pont {m}
pony {n} (small horse)
:: kuc {m}
poo {n}
:: kupa {f}, gówno {n} , kał {m}
poo {v}
:: załatwiać się, robić kupę
pooch {n} (mongrel)
:: kundel {m}
pood {n} (Russian unit of mass)
:: pud {m}
poodle {n} (any of various breeds of poodle)
:: pudel {m}
poof {v} (to vanish)
:: znikać
poof {n} (A male homosexual.)
:: pedał {m}, pedzio {m}
Pooh {prop} (short for Winnie the Pooh)
:: Puchatek {m}
Poohsticks {prop} (game)
:: misie-patysie {p}
pool {n} (body of water)
:: basen {m}
pool {n} (small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle)
:: kałuża {f}
pool {v} (to put together)
:: zsumować
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool
poop {v} (to poop) SEE: poo
poop {n} (feces) SEE: poo
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern
poop {v} (to break wind) SEE: break wind
poop deck {n} (stern deck on top of the cabin(s))
:: achterdek {m}
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money)
:: biedny, ubogi
poor {adj} (of low quality)
:: nędzny {m}
poor {adj} (used to express pity)
:: biedny {m}
poor {n} (those with no possessions)
:: biedacy {p}, nędznicy {p}
poor as a church mouse {adj} (very poor)
:: ubogi jak mysz kościelna, biedny jak mysz kościelna
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating)
:: popcorn {m}, prażona kukurydza {f}
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church)
:: papież {m}
pope {n} (Russian Orthodox priest)
:: pop {m}
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope)
:: papamobile {n}
popess {n} (female pope) SEE: papess
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus)
:: topola {f}
popliteus {n} (area behind the knee)
:: mięsień podkolanowy {m}
pop music {n} (music intended for or accepted by a wide audience)
:: pop-music {f}, muzyka pop {f}
poppy {n} (plant)
:: mak {m}
poppy {n} (colour)
:: szkarłat {m}
poppycock {n} (nonsense)
:: bzdury {f-p}
poppyhead {n} (head of a poppy)
:: makówka {f}, makowica {f}
poppyseed {n} (the seed of the poppy)
:: mak {m}
pop someone's cherry {v} (deflower) SEE: deflower
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population
popular {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people)
:: powszechny
popular {adj} (aimed at the general public)
:: popularny
popular {adj} (liked by many people)
:: popularny
popularity {n} (the quality or state of being popular)
:: popularność {f}
popularizer {n} (one who popularizes something)
:: popularyzator {m}
popular science {n} (of, or having to do with popular science)
:: popularnonaukowy
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)
:: ludność {f}
population density {n} (average number of people per area)
:: gęstość zaludnienia {f}
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy)
:: populizm {m}
populous {adj} (having a large population)
:: ludny
pop-up {n} (advertisement that pops up when one accesses an Internet page)
:: wyskakujące okienko {n}
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic)
:: porcelana {f}
porcelain {n} (items (esp. dishware or objets d'art) made of porcelain)
:: porcelana {f}
porch {n} (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building)
:: przedsionek {m}, ganek {m}
porcine {adj} (of or pertaining to the pig)
:: świński, wieprzowy
porcini {n} (mushroom, Boletus edulis)
:: borowik szlachetny {m}, borowik {m}, prawdziwek {m}
porcupine {n} (large rodent)
:: jeżozwierz {m}
pore {n} (a tiny opening in the skin)
:: por {m}
pork {n} (meat of a pig)
:: wieprzowina {f}
pork loin {n} (cut of pig meat)
:: schab
pork rind {n} (food made from pork skin)
:: skwarki {p}
pork scratching {n} (pork rind) SEE: pork rind
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography
pornocracy {prop} (period of the papacy known as the saeculum obscurum)
:: Pornokracja {f}
pornocracy {n} (government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons)
:: pornokracja {f}
pornographer {n} (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography)
:: pornograf {m}
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity)
:: pornograficzny
pornography {n} (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent)
:: pornografia {f}
Poroshenko {prop} (Ukrainian surname)
:: Poroszenko {m} {f}
porosity {n} (state of being porous)
:: porowatość {f}
porosity {n} (measure of how porous a material is)
:: porowatość {f}
porpoise {n} (cetacean)
:: morświn {m}
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal)
:: owsianka {f}
porridge {n} (slang: prison sentence)
:: odsiadka {f}
Porsche {n} (car of this brand)
:: porsche {n}
port {n} (dock or harbour)
:: port {m-in}
port {n} (left-hand side of a vessel when facing the front)
:: lewa burta {f}, bakburta {f}
port {adj} (of or relating to port, the left-hand side of a vessel)
:: lewoburtowy
port {n} (computing: logical or physical construct into and from which data are transferred)
:: port {m-in}
port {v} (computing: to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform)
:: konwertować {impf}
port {n} (fortified wine)
:: porto {n}, portwajn {m-in}
port {n} (entryway, portal) SEE: portal
port {n} (port city) SEE: port city
portable {adj} (able to be carried or moved)
:: przenośny
portable {adj} (running on multiple systems)
:: przenośny
portable toilet {n} (portable toilet, see also: toilet)
:: przenośna toaleta {f}, toi-toi {m}
portal {n} (grandiose entrance)
:: portal {m}
portal {n} (entry point)
:: portal {m}
portal {n} (website)
:: portal {m}
portal {n} (vein)
:: żyła wrotna
portal vein {n} (particular vein)
:: żyła wrotna
porta-potty {n} (portable toilet) SEE: portable toilet
port city {n} (city built around a port)
:: miasto portowe {n}
portcullis {n} (gate in the form of a grating)
:: brona {f}
portentous {adj} (ominous; portending evil)
:: złowieszczy {m}
portentously {adv} (in an ominous manner)
:: złowieszczo
portentously {adv} (in a pompous manner)
:: pompatycznie
porter {n} (person who carries luggage)
:: tragarz {m}, bagażowy {m}
porter {n} ((Ireland) another name for stout) SEE: stout
portfolio {n} (case)
:: portfolio {n}
porthole {n} (circular window)
:: bulaj {m}
portico {n} (small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building)
:: portyk {m}
portion {n} (allocated amount)
:: porcja {f}
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry
Port Louis {prop} (The capital of Mauritius)
:: Port Louis {n}
portmanteau {n} (case)
:: waliza {f}
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words)
:: zbitka słowna {f}, zbitka wyrazowa {f}, skrzyżowanie wyrazów {n}, kontaminacja {f}
port of call {n} (any port being visited by a ship)
:: port pośredni {m}
portrait {n} (painting of a person)
:: portret {m}
portrait {n} (an accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc.)
:: portret {m}
portraitist {n} (one who makes portraits)
:: portrecista {m}, portrecistka {f}
portray {v} (to paint or draw the likeness of)
:: portretować
portray {v} (figuratively: to describe in words)
:: portretować, opisywać
Portugal {prop} (country)
:: Portugalia {f}
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal)
:: portugalski
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal)
:: Portugalczyk {m-pr}, Portugalka {f}
Portuguese {n} (the language)
:: portugalski
Portuguese man-of-war {n} (Physalia physalis)
:: aretuza {f}, bąbelnica bąbelcowa {f}, żeglarz portugalski {m}
Portugueseness {n} (quality)
:: portugalskość {f}
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal)
:: Republika Portugalska {f}
Portuguese Water Dog {n} (Portuguese Water Dog)
:: portugalski pies wodny {m}, portugalski pies dowodny {m}
port wine {n} (A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal)
:: portwajn {m}
portyanki {n} (footwrap) SEE: footwrap
pose {v} (assume or maintain a pose)
:: pozować {impf}
Poseidon {prop} (the god of the sea)
:: Posejdon {m}
posh {adj} (associated with the upper classes)
:: luksusowy
position {n} (place, location)
:: pozycja {f}, położenie {n}
position {n} (status or rank)
:: pozycja {f}, miejsce {n}
position {n} (post of employment)
:: stanowisko {n}, posada {f}
position {n} (stand)
:: stanowisko {n}
position {n} (posture)
:: pozycja {f}
position {n} (place on a playing field)
:: pozycja {f}
positional notation {n} (a notation for numbers)
:: system pozycyjny {m}
positive {adj} (mathematics: greater than zero)
:: dodatni {m}
positive {adj} (chemistry: electropositive) SEE: electropositive
positive degree {n} (that state of an adjective or adverb indicating simple quality, without comparison)
:: stopień równy {m}
positron {n} (positron)
:: pozyton {m}
possess {v} (to have; to have ownership of)
:: posiadać {impf}
possess {v} (to take control of someone's body or mind)
:: opętać {pf}
possession {n} (something that is owned)
:: dobytek {m}, własność {f}
possession {n} (ownership; taking, holding, keeping something as one's own)
:: posiadanie {n}
possession {n} (a territory under the rule of another country)
:: posiadłość {f}
possession {n} (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon)
:: opętanie {n}
possessive {adj} (grammar: indicating possession)
:: dzierżawczy
possessive pronoun {n} (pronoun which expresses possession)
:: zaimek dzierżawczy {m-in}
possibility {n} (quality of being possible)
:: możliwość {f}
possible {adj} (able but not certain to happen)
:: możliwy
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum
post {n} (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground)
:: słup {m}
post {v} (to hang a notice in a conspicuous manner)
:: wywiesić, afiszować
post {v} (to send to an electronic forum)
:: publikować {impf}, opublikować {pf}, postować {impf}
post {n} (method of delivering mail)
:: poczta {f}
post {n} (individual message in a forum)
:: post {m}, wypowiedź {f}, wiadomość {f}, wpis {m}
post {v} (to send mail)
:: wysłać {pf}, wysyłać {impf}
post {n} (appointed position in an organization)
:: posada {f}
postage {n} (charge)
:: porto {n}
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid)
:: znaczek pocztowy {m}, znaczek {m}
postal {adj} (relating to mail)
:: pocztowy
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode
postalveolar {adj} (articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge)
:: zadziąsłowy {m}, postalweolarny {m}
postalveolar {n} (any sound articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge)
:: spółgłoska zadziąsłowa {f}, spółgłoska postalweolarna {f}
postbellum {adj} (of the period following a war)
:: powojenny
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope)
:: karta pocztowa {f}, pocztówka {f}
postcode {n} (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address)
:: kod pocztowy {m}
poster {n} (picture intended to be attached to a wall)
:: plakat {m}, afisz {m}
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard)
:: plakat {m}, afisz {m}
posterior chamber {n} (space between iris and lens)
:: komora tylna oka {f}
posterity {n} (all the future generations)
:: potomstwo {n}
posthumous {adj} (taking place after one's death)
:: pośmiertny {m}
posthumous {adj} (in reference to a work, published after the author's death)
:: pośmiertny {m}
posthumously {adv} (after death)
:: pośmiertnie
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman
postmodernism {n} (a style of art, literature, etc)
:: postmodernizm {m}
postmodernist {adj} (postmodern)
:: postmodernistyczny
postmodernist {n} (follower of postmodernism)
:: postmodernista {m}, postmodernistka {f}
postmodernity {n} (the state or condition of being postmodern)
:: ponowoczesność {f}
post mortem {adv} (occurring after death)
:: pośmiertny
postnatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the period immediately after birth)
:: poporodowy, połogowy
post office {n} (place)
:: poczta {f}
post office box {n} (box hired as collection point for mail)
:: skrytka pocztowa {f}
postpartum {adj} (after giving birth)
:: poporodowy
postpone {v} (to delay or put off an event)
:: odroczyć {pf}, odraczać {impf}, odłożyć {pf}, odkładać {impf}
postposition {n} ((grammar) words that come after the noun)
:: poimek {m}
postscript {n} (addendum to a letter)
:: dopisek {m}, post scriptum {n}
postscriptum {n} (something written afterward)
:: post scriptum {n}, postscriptum {n}
post-Soviet {adj} (after the dissolution of the Soviet Union)
:: poradziecki, postsowiecki
posttraumatic {adj} (after, or as a result of, a trauma)
:: pourazowy
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation)
:: zespół stresu pourazowego {m}
post-war {adj} (pertaining to a period following the end of a war)
:: powojenny {m}
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.)
:: garnek {m}
pot {n} (money wagered)
:: pula {f}
pot {n} (trap for crabs and other seafood)
:: więcierz {m}, wereżka {f}
pot {n} (marijuana)
:: marihuana {m}, zioło {n}, trawa {f}
pot {n} (crucible) SEE: crucible
potable {adj} (good for drinking, see also: drinkable)
:: pitny
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage
potash {n} (pot ash)
:: potaż {m}
potash {n} (potassium carbonate etc)
:: potaż {m}
potassium {n} (the chemical element)
:: potas {m}
potassium hydroxide {n} (potassium hydroxide)
:: wodorotlenek potasu {m}
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable)
:: ziemniak {m}, kartofel {m}, pyra {f}
potato beetle {n} (Colorado beetle) SEE: Colorado beetle
potato chip {n} (potato crisp) SEE: potato crisp
potato crisp {n} (thin fried slice of potato)
:: czips {m}
potato masher {n} (utensil for mashing potatoes)
:: tłuczek do ziemniaków {m}
potato pancake {n} (potato pancake)
:: placek ziemniaczany {m}
potato salad {n} (salad made from chopped boiled potatoes)
:: sałatka ziemniaczana {f}
potayto, potahto {interj} (to suggest a distinction without a difference) SEE: tomayto, tomahto
pot calling the kettle black {n} (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser)
:: przyganiał kocioł garnkowi (the cauldron scorned the pot)
poteen {n} (illegally produced Irish whiskey)
:: poitín
potency {n} (strength)
:: potencja {f}
potency {n} (power)
:: potencja {f}
potency {n} (ability or capacity to perform)
:: potencja {f}
potentate {n} (a powerful leader)
:: potentat {m}, magnat {m}
potential {n} (currently unrealized ability)
:: potencjał {m}
potential {n} (energy of a unit electrical charge)
:: potencjał {m}
potential {adj} (existing in possibility)
:: potencjalny {m}
potentially {adv} (in a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way)
:: potencjalnie
potentiometer {n} (user-adjustable variable resistor)
:: potencjometr
pothole {n} (a hole in a road)
:: wybój {m}
potion {n} (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical)
:: mikstura {f}, napój leczniczy {m} , napój magiczny {m}
potlatch {n} (ceremony amongst certain indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest)
:: potlacz
potluck {n} (shared meal consisting of whatever guests have brought) SEE: potlatch
Potsdam {prop} (city)
:: Poczdam {m}
potter {n} (one who makes pots and ceramic wares)
:: garncarz {m}, garncarka {f}
potter's wheel {n} (machine used by a potter)
:: koło garncarskie {m}
pottery {n} (fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed)
:: ceramika {f}
pottery {n} (practise or craft of making pottery)
:: garncarstwo {n}
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
potty {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse
potty {adj} (insane) SEE: insane
potty {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine
potty {n} (children's chamberpot)
:: nocnik {m}
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
pouch {n} (small bag)
:: sakiewka {f}, sakwa {f} , saszetka {f}
poultry {n} (domestic fowl)
:: drób {m}
poultry {n} (fowl meat)
:: drób {m}
pound {n} (unit of mass (16 ounces avoirdupois))
:: funt {m-in}
pound {n} (unit of currency)
:: funt {m}
pound {v} (to strike hard repeatedly)
:: walić {impf}, walnąć {pf}
pound {v} (to beat strongly or throb)
:: walić {impf}
pound {v} (slang: to penetrate sexually, with vigour)
:: walić {impf}
pound {n} (US: symbol #) SEE: hash
pound sign {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash
pound sterling {n} (currency of the UK)
:: funt szterling {m}
pour {v} (to cause to flow in a stream)
:: lać {impf}
pour down the drain {v} (to waste prior work)
:: wyrzucać w błoto {impf}, wyrzucić w błoto {pf}
pour gasoline on the fire {v} (add fuel to the fire) SEE: add fuel to the fire
pour out {v} (distribute or spread (something), as if it were a liquid)
:: wylewać, wylać, wysypać
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy)
:: Nizina Padańska {f}
poverty {n} (quality or state of being poor)
:: bieda {f}, ubóstwo {n}
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance)
:: proszek {m}, puder {m} , zasypka {f}. przysypka {f}
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder
powdered sugar {n} (very finely ground sugar used in icings, etc)
:: cukier puder {m}
powder keg {n} (barrel of gun powder)
:: beczka prochu {f}
powder keg {n} (volatile situation)
:: beczka prochu {f}
power {n} (capability or influence)
:: władza {f}, moc {f}, możność {f}
power {n} (control, particularly legal or political)
:: władza {f}
power {n} (influential nation, company etc.)
:: mocarstwo {n}, potęga {f}
power {n} (physical force or strength)
:: siła {f}
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply)
:: zasilanie {n}
power {n} (physics: measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy)
:: moc {f}
power {n} (maths: product of equal factors)
:: potęga {f}
power {v} (to provide power for)
:: zasilać
power {n} (set theory: cardinality) SEE: cardinality
power {n} (power) SEE: potency
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence)
:: mocny, potężny
power inverter {n} (a device that converts DC electricity into AC)
:: falownik {m}, inwerter {m}, przetwornica {f}
powerless {adj} (lacking sufficient power or strength)
:: bezsilny
power of attorney {n} (authorisation)
:: pełnomocnictwo {n}, upoważnienie {n}
power of attorney {n} (document)
:: pełnomocnictwo {n}
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station
power point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket
power set {n} (set of all subsets of a set)
:: zbiór potęgowy {m}
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced)
:: elektrownia {f}
powers that be {n} (holders of power)
:: grupa trzymająca władzę {f}
power supply {n} (part of apparatus)
:: zasilacz {m}
power tool {n} (tool powered by an electric motor)
:: elektronarzędzie {n}
pox {n} (syphilis) SEE: syphilis
Poznań {prop} (Poznan) SEE: Poznan
Poznan {prop} (city in Poland)
:: Poznań {m}
practical {adj} (based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis)
:: praktyczny {m}
practical {adj} (being likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation)
:: praktyczny {m}
practicality {n} (state of being practical or feasible)
:: praktyczność {f}
practical joke {n} (something done for amusement to the detriment of someone else)
:: figiel {m}, psikus {m}
practically {adv} (In practice, in effect)
:: praktycznie
practically {adv} (almost completely)
:: niemal, prawie że
practice {n} (repetition of an activity to improve skill)
:: praktyka {f}, ćwiczenie {n}
practice {n} (an ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession)
:: praktyka {f}
practice {n} (customary action, habit, or behaviour)
:: nawyk {m}
practice {n} (actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory)
:: praktyka {f}
practice makes perfect {proverb} (if one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it)
:: ćwiczenie czyni mistrza, trening czyni mistrza
practicum {n} (college course)
:: praktyka studencka {f}, praktyka {f}
practise {v} (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill)
:: ćwiczyć
practise {v} (to perform or execute a craft or skill)
:: ćwiczyć
practise {v} (to perform or observe in a habitual fashion)
:: praktykować
practise {v} (to pursue (a career, especially law, fine art or medicine))
:: praktykować, zajmować się
praetor {n} (Roman administrative official)
:: pretor {m}
Praetorian {n} (member of that force)
:: pretorianin {m}
Pragian {prop} (a subdivision of the Devonian period)
:: Prag
pragmatic {adj} (practical)
:: pragmatyczny
pragmatics {n} (study of the use of the language in a social context)
:: pragmatyka {f}
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic)
:: Praga
Praguer {n} (A native or resident of Prague)
:: prażanin {m}, prażanka {f}
Prairial {prop} (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar)
:: prairial {m}
prairie dog {n} (burrowing rodent)
:: nieświszczuk {m}, piesek preriowy {m}
praise {n} (commendation; favorable representation in words)
:: pochwała {f}
praise {v} (to give praise to)
:: chwalić {impf}, pochwalić {pf}
praline {n} (confection)
:: pralina {f}
pram {n} (perambulator)
:: wózek {m}, wózek dziecięcy {m}
Prancer {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus)
:: Pyszałek {m}
Prangli {prop} (island)
:: Prangli
prank {n} (practical joke or mischievous trick)
:: figiel, kawał {m}
prankster {n} (one who performs pranks)
:: psotnik {m}, figlarz {m}, kawalarz {m}, dowcipniś {m}
praseodymium {n} (chemical element)
:: prazeodym {m}
pratincole {n}
:: żwirowiec {m}
prattle {v} (to talk incessantly; to babble)
:: paplać
prawn {n} (large shrimp)
:: krewetka {f}
pray {v} (to petition a higher being)
:: modlić się {impf}
pray {v} (to beg humbly for aid)
:: błagać {impf}
pray {v} (to talk to God)
:: modlić się {impf}
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God)
:: modlitwa {f}, modły {f-p}
prayer {n} (the act of praying)
:: modlitwa {f}, modły {f-p}
prayer {n} (the specific words or methods used for praying)
:: modlitwa {f}
prayer {n} (a meeting held for the express purpose of praying)
:: modlitwa {f}, modły {f-p}
prayer {n} (a request; a petition)
:: pragnienie {n}
prayer beads {n} (string of beads, see also: rosary)
:: różaniec {m}, subha {f}, tasbih {m}
prayer book {n} (book)
:: modlitewnik {m}
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family)
:: modliszka {f}
pre- {prefix} (before)
:: przed
preach {v} (proclaim by public discourse)
:: głosić {impf}, kazać {impf}
preacher {n} (one who preaches)
:: kaznodzieja {m}
preach to the choir {v} (speaking to those that already believe)
:: wyważać otwarte drzwi
preach to the converted {v} (preach to the choir) SEE: preach to the choir
preamble {n} (short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute)
:: preambuła {f}
preaspiration {n} (period of voiceless breathing)
:: przydech {m}
precariously {adv} (in a precarious manner)
:: niepewnie
precede {v} (go before, go in front of)
:: poprzedzać
precedent {n} (past act used as example)
:: precedens {m}
precedent {n} (leading case which is cited to justify a judgment)
:: precedens {m}
preceding {adj} (foregoing; occurring before or in front of something else)
:: poprzedzający
precession {n} (physics term)
:: precesja {f}
precession {n} (astronomical term)
:: precesja {f}
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very
precious {adj} (of high value or worth)
:: cenny, drogocenny, drogi
precious metal {n} (metallic element with high economic value)
:: kruszec {m}, metal szlachetny {m}
precipice {n} (very steep cliff)
:: przepaść {f}
precipitation {n} (weather: water falling from the atmosphere)
:: opad atmosferyczny {m}
precise {adj} (exact)
:: dokładny, precyzyjny
precise {v} (exact)
:: precyzować
precisely {adv} (in a precise manner)
:: precyzyjnie, dokładnie
preclude {v} (rule out)
:: wykluczyć, wykluczać
precognition {n} (knowledge of something that is to occur in the future)
:: prekognicja {f}
preconception {n} (prejudice) SEE: prejudice
precursor {n} (forerunner, predecessor)
:: prekursor {m}
precursor {n} (chemical compound)
:: prekursor {m}
predation {n} (the preying of one animal on others)
:: drapieżnictwo {n}
predator {n} (animal or organism that hunts)
:: drapieżnik {m}
Père David's tit {n} (Poecile davidi)
:: sikora cynamonowa {f}
predecessor {n} (one who precedes)
:: poprzednik {m}, poprzedniczka {f}
predecessor {n} (model or type which precedes)
:: poprzednik {m}
predicament {n} (an unfortunate or trying position or condition)
:: kłopotliwa sytuacja {f}
predicate {n} ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject)
:: orzeczenie {n}
predicate {n} ((logic) a term of a statement, where the statement may be true or false)
:: predykat {m}, funkcja zdaniowa {f}
predicative {n} (element of the predicate of a sentence which supplements the subject or object by means of the verb)
:: orzecznik {m}
predict {v} (to state, or make something known in advance)
:: przewidywać, przewidzieć
predictability {n} (The characteristic of being predictable)
:: przewidywalność {f}
predictable {adj} (able to be predicted)
:: przewidywalny
prediction {n} (a statement about the future)
:: przepowiednia {f}, prognoza {f}, przewidywanie {n}
predisposition {n} (the state of being predisposed)
:: predyspozycja {f}
predominant {adj} (common or widespread; prevalent)
:: przeważający
predominant {adj} (significant or important; dominant)
:: dominujący
predominate {adj} (predominant) SEE: predominant
preeclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy)
:: preeklampsja {f}, stan przedrzucawkowy {f}
pre-ejaculate {n} (pre-ejaculate)
:: preejakulat {m}
preemie {n} (Premature baby)
:: wcześniak {m}
preemption {n} (computing: temporary interruption of a process)
:: wywłaszczenie {n}
preface {n} (introduction before the main text)
:: wstęp {m}, przedmowa {f}
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect)
:: prefektura
prefer {v} (to favor)
:: woleć
preferable {adj} (Better than some other option)
:: lepszy {m}, odpowiedniejszy {m}, bardziej odpowiedni {m}
preferably {adv} (in preference)
:: najchętniej
preferences {n} (user-specified settings of parameters in computer software)
:: preferencje
prefix {n} (morpheme at the beginning of a word)
:: przedrostek {m}, prefiks {m}
pregnancy {n} (condition)
:: brzemienność {f}, ciąża {f}
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body)
:: ciężarny
prehensile {adj} (able to take hold of objects)
:: chwytny {m}
prehistoric {adj} (of relating to the epoch before written record)
:: prehistoryczny
prehistory {n} (era before written records)
:: prehistoria {f}
prehistory {n} (study of events and conditions before written records)
:: prehistoria {f}
prehistory {n} (history of events leaving up to something)
:: prehistoria {f}
preimage {n} (set of all elements that map into a given subset of the codomain of a function)
:: przeciwobraz {m}
prejudge {v} (form a judgement in advance)
:: przesądzać {impf}, przesądzić {pf}
prejudice {n} (adverse judgement formed beforehand)
:: uprzedzenie {n}
prejudiced {adj} (having prejudices)
:: uprzedzony, uprzedzone {p}
prelate {n} (clergyman)
:: prałat {m}
preliminary {adj} (in preparation for the main matter)
:: wstępny {m}
premarital {adj} (before one’s marriage)
:: przedmałżeński {m}
premature {adj} (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity)
:: przedwczesny
premature birth {n} (childbirth occurring earlier than 37 completed weeks of gestation)
:: wcześniactwo {n}
prematurely {adv} (in a premature manner)
:: przedwcześnie
premenstrual {adj} (occurring in the time period during the menstrual cycle)
:: przedmiesiączkowy {m}
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister
premiere {n} (first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment)
:: premiera {f}
première {n} (premiere) SEE: premiere
premise {n} (either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced)
:: przesłanka {f}
premise {n} (piece of real estate)
:: parcela {f}, nieruchomość {f}
premium {n} (a prize or award)
:: nagroda {f}
premium {n} (a bonus paid in addition to normal payments)
:: premia {f}
premium {n} (the amount to be paid for an insurance policy)
:: składka {f}
premolar {n} (tooth)
:: przedtrzonowiec {m}
premonition {n} (strong intuition)
:: przeczucie {n}
prenatal {adj} (being or happening before birth)
:: prenatalny, przedporodowy {m}
prenup {n} (prenuptial agreement) SEE: prenuptial agreement
prenuptial agreement {n} (document stating legal claims upon a divorce)
:: intercyza {f}
preoccupied {adj} (concerned with something else, distracted)
:: zatroskany, zaniepokojony, zafrapowany, zamyślony, zmartwiony
preorder {v} (to order in advance)
:: preorderować
preorder {n} (binary relation)
:: praporządek {m}
Prešov {prop} (City in Slovakia)
:: Preszów {m}
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework
prep {n} (preparation) SEE: preparation
prepaid {adj} (paid for in advance)
:: przedpłacony
preparation {n} (substance)
:: preparat {m}
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose)
:: przygotować {pf}, przygotowywać {impf}
prepayment {n} (payment in advance)
:: przedpłata {f}
prepone {v} (to reschedule to an earlier time)
:: przesunąć na wcześniejszy termin {pf}, przyspieszyć {pf}
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by")
:: przyimek {m}
prepositional article {n} (contraction of a preposition and an article)
:: przyimek ściągnięty {m}
prepositional phrase {n} (phrase containing both a preposition and its complement)
:: wyrażenie przyimkowe {n}
prepuce {n} (foreskin of certain animals) SEE: sheath
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin
prequel {n} (in a series of works, an installment that is set chronologically before its predecessor)
:: prequel {m}
prerequisite {n} (Something that must be gained in order to gain something else)
:: warunek wstępny {m}
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right
presbyopia {n} (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects)
:: starczowzroczność {f}
presbyter {n} (priest in various churches)
:: prezbiter {m}, kapłan {m}
Presbyterian {adj} (relating to the Presbyterian Church)
:: prezbiteriański
Presbyterian {n} (person belonging to the Presbyterian Church)
:: prezbiterianin {m}, prezbiterianka {f}
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism)
:: prezbiterianizm {m}
presbytery {n} (chancel) SEE: chancel
presbytery {n} (a body of church elders)
:: prezbiterium {n}
prescribe {v} (to order a drug or medical device)
:: przepisywać {impf}, ordynować {impf}
prescribe {v} (to specify as a required procedure or ritual)
:: zarządzać {impf}, nakazywać {impf}, dyktować {impf}, ustanawiać {impf}, ordynować {impf}
prescription {n} (the act of prescribing a rule or law)
:: normotwórstwo {n}, rozporządzanie {n}, rozporządzenie {n}
prescription {n} (extinctive or liberative prescription)
:: przedawnienie {n}
prescription {n} (usucapion, acquisitive prescription)
:: zasiedzenie {n}
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine)
:: recepta {f}
prescription {n} (the act or practice of laying down norms of language usage)
:: preskrypcja {f}, kodyfikacja normatywna {f}, kodyfikacja preskryptywna {f}
prescription {n} (prescriptive pronouncement)
:: preskrypcja {f}, zalecenie preskryptywne {n}
prescription {n} (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result)
:: recepta {f}, przepis {m-in}
prescriptive {adj} (of or pertaining to prescribing or enjoining, especially an action or behavior based on a norm or standard)
:: preskryptywny, dyrektywalny
prescriptivism {n} (prescribing idealistic language norms)
:: preskryptywizm {m}, normatywizm {m}
presence {n} (fact or condition of being present)
:: obecność {f}
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense
present {adj} (pertaining to the current time)
:: obecny
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity)
:: obecny
present {n} (current time)
:: teraźniejszość {f}
present {v} (bring into the presence of)
:: prezentować, przedstawiać
present {v} (give (someone) as gift or award)
:: wręczać
presentation {n} (presenting to an audience)
:: prezentacja {f}
presentiment {n} (a premonition; a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen)
:: przeczucie {n}
presently {adv} (before long, soon (in the near future))
:: niebawem
present perfect continuous {n} (tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing at the present time)
:: czas teraźniejszy dokonany ciągły {m}
present tense {n} (form of language)
:: czas teraźniejszy {m}
preservative {n} (any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve)
:: konserwant {m}, środek konserwujący {m}
preservative {adj} (tending to preserve)
:: zapobiegawczy
preserve {n} (sweet spread)
:: przetwór {m}
preserve {v} (to protect)
:: zachować
preside {v} (to act as a president or chairperson)
:: prezydować {impf}, przewodniczyć {impf}
presidency {n} (office or role of president)
:: prezydentura {f}
presidency {n} (time during which one is president)
:: przewodnictwo {n}, prezydentura {f}
president {n} (the head of state of a republic)
:: prezydent {m-pr} {f}, prezydentka {f}
president {n} (the primary leader of a corporation)
:: prezes {m}, przewodniczący {m}, dyrektor {m}, rektor {m}
presidential {adj} (pertaining to a president or presidency)
:: prezydencki
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House
pre-Socratic {adj} (related to the pre-Socratic philosophers)
:: przedsokratejski
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear
press {n} (device used to apply pressure)
:: prasa {f}
press {n} (printed media)
:: prasa {f}
press {n} (printing machine)
:: prasa drukarska {f}
press {v} (to smooth cloth with an iron)
:: prasować {impf}, uprasować {pf}
Pressburg {prop} (Bratislava) SEE: Bratislava
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media)
:: konferencja prasowa {f}
presstitute {n} (a person or media entity reporting news in such a biased manner)
:: dziennikurwa {f}, presstytutka {f}
pressure {n} (a pressing; force applied to a surface)
:: nacisk {m}
pressure {n} (mental strain)
:: nacisk {m}
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area)
:: ciśnienie {n}
pressure cooker {n} (cooking vessel)
:: szybkowar {m}
pressure gauge {n} (gauge for measuring pressure)
:: ciśnieniomierz {m}
prestidigitator {n} (who performs feats of prestidigitation)
:: prestidigitator {m}
prestige {n} (dignity, status, or esteem)
:: prestiż {m}
prestigious {adj} (of high prestige)
:: prestiżowy {m}
presumably {adv} (able to be sensibly presumed)
:: przypuszczalnie
presume {v} (to assume to be true, suppose)
:: przypuszczać
presumed {adj} (appearing to be the most probable)
:: domniemany {m}, przypuszczalny {m}
presumedly {adv} (presumably) SEE: presumably
presumptively {adv} (as is presumed to be the case) SEE: presumably
presumptuous {adj} (going beyond what is proper)
:: bezczelny {m}, zarozumiały
pretend {v} (to allege falsely)
:: udawać
pretender {n} (claimant to a throne)
:: pretendent {m}
preterite {adj} (showing an action at a determined moment in the past)
:: przeszły {m}
preterite {n} (preterite tense; simple past)
:: czas przeszły {m}
pretext {n} (false, contrived or assumed purpose)
:: wymówka {f}, pretekst {m}
prettily {adv} (in a pretty manner)
:: ładnie
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive)
:: ładny
pretty {adv} (somewhat)
:: całkiem
pretzel {n} (toasted bread or cracker in the shape of a knot)
:: precel
prevention {n} (The act of preventing or hindering)
:: prewencja {f}, zapobieganie {n}
prevention is better than cure {proverb} (It is better to prevent the creation of a problem than to have to deal with it afterwards.)
:: lepiej zapobiegać niż leczyć
preview {n} (foretaste of something)
:: przedsmak {m}
preview {n} (advance showing of a film, exhibition etc.)
:: prapremiera {f}
preview {n} (something seen in advance)
:: podgląd {m}
previous {adj} (prior)
:: poprzedni, ubiegły
previous {adj} (premature)
:: przedwczesny
previously {adv} (at an earlier time)
:: poprzednio
pre-war {adj} (Before a war)
:: przedwojenny {m}
prey {n} (booty, anything taken by force)
:: zdobycz {f}
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals)
:: żer {m}, zdobycz {f}, pastwa {f}
Prey Nokor {prop} (Saigon) SEE: Saigon
Priabonian {prop} (subdivision of the Eocene epoch)
:: Priabon
priapism {n} (medical condition)
:: priapizm {m}, ciągotka {f}
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something)
:: cena {f}
price {n} (cost of an action or deed)
:: cena {f}
price {v} (determine or put a price on something)
:: wycenić
priceless {adj} (so precious as not to be sold at any price)
:: bezcenny {m}
price list {n} (list of items with prices)
:: cennik {m}
price tag {n} (the tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price)
:: etykieta {f}, metka {f}
prick {n} (feeling of being pierced or punctured)
:: ukłucie {n}
prick {n} ((slang) a penis)
:: chuj
prickle {n} (A small, sharp pointed object, such as a thorn)
:: kolec {m}
pride {n} (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.)
:: pycha {f}
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one)
:: duma
pride comes before a fall {proverb} (Translations)
:: pycha poprzedza upadek
prie-dieu {n} (a piece of furniture on which someone can pray)
:: klęcznik {m}
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson))
:: ksiądz {m} , kapłan {m}, klecha {m} , duchowny {m}, prezbiter {m}
priestess {n} (woman with religious duties)
:: kapłanka {f}
priesthood {n} (role or office)
:: kapłaństwo {n}
priesthood {n} (clergy)
:: duchowieństwo {n}
prima donna {n} (opera singer)
:: primadonna {f}
primary school {n} (first formal, obligatory school)
:: szkoła podstawowa {f}, podstawówka {f}
primate {n} (mammal)
:: naczelny {m}
primatologist {n} (scientist whose speciality is primatology)
:: prymatolog {m}
primatology {n} (branch of zoology)
:: prymatologia {f}
prime {adj} (first in time, order, or sequence)
:: pierwszy
prime {adj} (first in excellence, quality, or value)
:: pierwszy
prime {adj} (mathematics: having no factors except itself and unity)
:: pierwsza {f}
prime {adj} (first in importance, degree, or rank)
:: pierwszy
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
:: premier {m}
prime number {n} (natural number)
:: liczba pierwsza {f}
primer {n} (children's book introducing basic literacy)
:: elementarz {m}
primer {n} (introductory textbook)
:: elementarz {m}
prime time {n} (block of television programming)
:: prime time {m}
primeval forest {n} (large forest unaffected by humans)
:: puszcza {f}
primitive {adj} (one of the adjectival senses)
:: prymitywny {m}
primitivism {n} (artistic mouvement)
:: prymitywizm {m}
primogeniture {n} (state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents)
:: pierworództwo {n}
primogeniture {n} (exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest child)
:: primogenitura {f}, pierworództwo {n}, pierworodztwo {n}
primordial {adj} (earliest)
:: pierwotny {m}, początkowy
primordium {n} (first stage of development of an organ)
:: zawiązek {m}
Primorsky Krai {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Kraj Nadmorski {m}
primrose {n} (plant of the genus Primula)
:: pierwiosnek {m}, prymula {f}
primrose {n} (flower of a primrose)
:: pierwiosnek {m}
primrose {n} (plant of the genus Oenothera) SEE: evening primrose
primula {n} (plant of Primula)
:: prymula {f}
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality)
:: książę {m}, kniaź
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch)
:: książę {m}
Prince Charming {n} (romantically ideal man)
:: książę z bajki {m}
Prince Edward Island {prop} (Province in eastern Canada)
:: Wyspa Księcia Edwarda {f}
princely {adj} (relating to a prince)
:: książęcy {m}
princely {adj} (befitting to a prince)
:: książęcy {m}
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title)
:: książę Walii {m}
princess {n} (female member of royal family)
:: księżniczka {f}
princess {n} (female monarch, or wife of a ruler)
:: księżna {f}
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle
principal {adj} (primary, main)
:: główny, podstawowy
principal {n} (money originally invested or loaned)
:: kapitał
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school)
:: dyrektor {m}, dyrektorka {f}
principality {n} (region)
:: księstwo {n}
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality
principle {n} (fundamental assumption)
:: zasada {f}, reguła {f}
principle {n} (rule to solve a problem)
:: zasada {f}, reguła {f}
principle {n} (moral rule or aspect)
:: zasada {f}
principle {n} (rule of nature)
:: prawo {n}, zasada {f}
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine)
:: drukować {impf}
print {v} (to write clearly)
:: pisać drukowanymi literami {impf}
print {n}
:: druk {m}
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint
printable {adj} (worthy or capable of being printed)
:: drukowalny {m}
printed circuit board {n} (board holding chips etc.)
:: obwód drukowany {m}
printer {n} (operator of a printing press)
:: drukarz {m}
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images)
:: drukarka {f}
printing {n} (the process or business of producing printed material, see also: typography)
:: drukarstwo {n}, druk {m}
printing house {n} (commercial company)
:: drukarnia {f}
printing press {n} (machine for printing)
:: maszyna drukarska {f}
printshop {n} (printing house) SEE: printing house
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former
prior {n} (a high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than an abbot)
:: przeor {m}
prior {adv} (previously) SEE: previously
priority {n} (item's relative importance)
:: priorytet {m}
priority {n} (goal of a person or an organisation)
:: priorytet {m}
priory {n} (monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress)
:: klasztor {m}
Pripyat {prop} (river flowing through Ukraine and Belarus)
:: Prypeć {f}
Pripyat {prop} (abandoned city in Ukraine)
:: Prypeć
prism {n} (geometry: polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape)
:: graniastosłup {m}
prism {n} (block used to split or reflect light)
:: pryzmat {m}
prismatoid {n} (polyhedron)
:: pryzmatoid {m}
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes)
:: więzienie {n}, pierdel {m}
prison {n} (confinement in a prison)
:: więzienie {n}
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison
prison cell {n} (room to which a prisoner is confined)
:: cela {f}
prisoner {n} (person incarcerated in a prison)
:: więzień {m}
prisoner {n} (figurative: any person held against his or her will)
:: jeniec {m}
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy)
:: jeniec wojenny {m-pr}
Pristina {prop} (city)
:: Prisztina {f}
pristine {adj} (unspoiled)
:: dziewiczy, nietknięty
pristine {adj} (pertaining to the earliest state of something)
:: pierwotny
privacy {n} (state of being private)
:: prywatność {f}
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group)
:: prywatny
private {adj} (not accessible by the public)
:: prywatny {m}
private {n} (soldier)
:: szeregowy {m}
private international law {n} (law)
:: prawo prywatne międzynarodowe {n}
private law {n} (area of law)
:: prawo prywatneo
private parts {n} (genitals or sex organs) SEE: genitalia
privatization {n} (transfer from the government to private ownership)
:: prywatyzacja {f}
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello
privet {n} (Any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum)
:: ligustr {m}
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor)
:: przywilej {m}
privileged {adj} (having special privileges)
:: uprzywilejowany, elitarny, wyróżniony
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet
privy {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse
privy {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine
prizewinner {n} (winner of a prize)
:: laureat {m}, laureatka {f}
Pärnu {prop} (city in Estonia)
:: Parnawa {f}
pro {n} (advantage of something)
:: za {n}
pro {prep} (in favor of)
:: za
pro- {prefix} (prefix meaning supporting or favouring)
:: pro-
pro- {prefix} (prefix)
:: przed-
proabortionist {n} (one who supports or defends the practice and/or legality of abortion)
:: aborcjonista {m}, aborcjonistka {f}
probability {n} (state of being probable; likelihood)
:: prawdopodobieństwo {n}
probability {n} (mathematical probability)
:: prawdopodobieństwo {n}
probability measure {n} (measure on probability space)
:: miara probabilistyczna {f}
probability space {n} (notion in probability theory)
:: przestrzeń probabilistyczna {f}
probability theory {n} (study of probability)
:: rachunek prawdopodobieństwa {m}
probable {adj} (likely to be true)
:: prawdopodobny
probably {adv} (in all likelihood)
:: prawdopodobnie, przypuszczalnie
probation {n} (period of conditional employment or engagement)
:: staż {m}, okres próbny {m}
probity {n} (integrity)
:: uczciwość {f}
problem {n} (difficulty)
:: problem {m}, kłopot {m}
problem {n} (schoolwork exercise)
:: zadanie {n}
problematic {adj} (posing a problem)
:: problematyczny
problematical {adj} (problematic) SEE: problematic
proboscis {n} (slang: a nose) SEE: schnozzle
procedure {n} (method for performing a task)
:: procedura {f}
procedure {n} (series of small tasks to accomplish an end)
:: procedura {f}
procedure {n} (steps taken in a legal proceeding)
:: procedura {f}
procedure {n} (computing: subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task)
:: procedura {f}
procedure mask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask
process {n} (series of events to produce a result)
:: proces {m}
processed cheese {n} (any of several types of natural cheese)
:: ser topiony {m}
processing {n} (act of taking something through a set of prescribed procedures)
:: obróbka {f}
processor {n} (microprocessor)
:: procesor {m}
pro-choicer {n} (person with pro-choice views, or who advocates such policies)
:: aborcjonista {m}, aborcjonistka {f}
proclamation {n} (a statement which is proclaimed)
:: proklamacja {f}, odezwa {f}
proclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the following word)
:: proklityka {f}
procrastination {n} (act of postponing, delaying or putting off)
:: zwłoka {f}
procreate {v} (to procreate) SEE: beget
procreation {n} (the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring)
:: prokreacja {f}
proctologist {n} (expert in proctology)
:: proktolog {m}
procure {v}
:: wystarać się, sprokurować
procurement {n} (purchasing department of a company)
:: zaopatrzenie {n}
procurement {n} (act of procuring or obtaining)
:: zaopatrzenie {n}
prodigal {adj} (wastefully extravagant)
:: marnotrawny, rozrzutny
prodigal {n} (prodigal) SEE: spendthrift
prodigal son {n} (one who returns)
:: syn marnotrawny {m}
produce {v} (to make or manufacture)
:: wytwarzać, produkować
produce {n} (offspring) SEE: offspring
producer {n} (in economics)
:: producent {m}, wytwórca {m}
product {n} (commodity for sale)
:: produkt {m-in}
product {n} (amount created by a process)
:: produkcja {f}
product {n} (consequence of efforts)
:: wynik {m-in}, efekt {m-in}
product {n} (result of chemical reaction)
:: produkt {m-in}
product {n} (multiplication result)
:: iloczyn {m-in}
production {n} (the act of producing)
:: wytwarzanie {n}, produkcja {f}
product placement {n} (a form of advertising)
:: lokowanie produktu {n}
pro-European {adj} (supporting European peoples or integration)
:: proeuropejski
profane {adj} (Treating sacred matters with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity)
:: bluźnierczy
profane {adj} (taking the name of God in vain)
:: bluźnierczy
profanity {n} (obscene, lewd or abusive language)
:: przekleństwo {n}, wulgaryzm {m}
profession {n} (occupation)
:: zawód {m}, fach {m}
professional {n} (person who earns their living from a specified activity)
:: zawodowiec {m}, profesjonalista {m}
professional {n} (expert)
:: profesjonalista {m}, zawodowiec {m}
professional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession)
:: profesjonalny
professionalism {n} (status or methods of a professional)
:: profesjonalizm
professionally {adv} (in a professional manner)
:: profesjonalnie
professor {n} (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university)
:: profesor {m}
profile {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation
profit {n} (benefit)
:: zysk {m}
profit {n} (total income or cash flow minus expenditures)
:: przychód {m}
profitability {n} (The quality or state of being profitable)
:: rentowność {f}, opłacalność {f}
profitable {adj} (producing profit)
:: dochodowy, korzystny
profit margin {n} (ratio of income to sales)
:: marża {f}
pro forma {adj} (for the sake of form only)
:: pro forma
profound {adj} (intellectually deep)
:: głęboki
profoundly {adv} (deeply) SEE: deeply
profusion {n} (abundance)
:: obfitość {f}
progenitor {n} (founder) SEE: founder
progenitor {n} (any of a person's direct ancestors)
:: przodek
progenitor {n} (a predecessor of something)
:: poprzednik
progenitor {n} (someone who originates something)
:: prekursor, pomysłodawca
progeny {n} (offspring)
:: potomstwo {n}, potomek {m}
prognosis {n} (forecast of the future course of a disease)
:: prognoza {f}
prognosis {n} (forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation)
:: prognoza {f}
program {n} (set of structured activities)
:: program {m}
program {n} (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity)
:: program {m}
program {n} (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television)
:: audycja {f}, program {m}
program {n} (software application)
:: program {m}
program {v} (to enter a program or other instructions into a computer)
:: programować
programmable {adj} (capable of being programmed)
:: programowalny
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs)
:: programista {m}, programistka {f}
programmer {n} (a device that installs a software program into some other machine)
:: programator {m}
programming {n} (act of writing a computer program)
:: programowanie {n}
programming {n} (brain-washing) SEE: brain-washing
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols)
:: język programowania {m}
program trading {n} (programmed trading)
:: handel wysokich częstotliwości {m}, handel wysokiej częstotliwości {m}
progress {n} (movement or advancement through a series of events, or points in time)
:: postęp {m}
progress {n} (advancement to a more developed state)
:: postęp {m}
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards)
:: postęp {m}
progression {n} (mathematical sequence)
:: ciąg {m}, postęp
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous
prohibit {v} (to proscribe officially)
:: zakazywać {impf}, zakazać {pf}
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden
prohibition {n} (law that prohibits something)
:: zakaz {m}
Prohibition {prop} (period)
:: prohibicja {f}
project {n} (planned endeavor)
:: projekt {m-in}
project {v} (to extend beyond a surface)
:: wystawać {impf}
project {v} (to cast (image, shadow))
:: rzucać {impf}, rzucić {pf}
project {v} (to extend outward)
:: wyciągać {impf}, wyciągnąć {pf}
project {v} (to make plans for; forecast)
:: przewidywać {impf}, planować {impf}
projectile {n} (object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon)
:: pocisk
projection {n} (something which projects)
:: występ {m}
projection {n} (action of projecting, throwing or propelling something)
:: rzucanie {n}
projection {n} (display of an image by a projector)
:: wyświetlenie {n}, projekcja {f}
projection {n} (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation)
:: przewidywanie {n}, prognoza {f}
projection {n} (psychology: belief that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself)
:: projekcja {f}
projection {n} (photography: image cast by a translucent object)
:: odwzorowanie {n}, projekcja {f}
projection {n} (geometry: image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions)
:: rzut {m}, projekcja {f}
projection {n} (mathematics: transformation extracting a fragment of an object)
:: rzut {m}, projekcja {f}
project management {n} (discipline of organizing and managing project resources)
:: zarządzanie projektami {n}
projector {n} (optical device)
:: rzutnik {m}, projektor {m}
prokaryote {n} (organism characterized by absence of nucleus)
:: prokariont {m}
prokaryotic {adj} (of cells, lacking a nucleus)
:: prokariotyczny
proletariat {n} (working class or lower class)
:: proletariat {m-in}
proletariat {n} (wage-earners collectively)
:: proletariat {m-in}
proletariat {n} (lowest class of citizens in Rome)
:: proletariat {m-in}
pro-lifer {n} (person with pro-life views)
:: antyaborcjonista {m-pr}, zygotarianin {m-pr}
proliferation {n} (the process by which an organism produces others of its kind)
:: rozprzestrzenienie {n}
proline {n} (nonessential amino acid; C5H9NO2)
:: prolina {f}
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long
prolocutrix {n} (female prolocutor) SEE: spokeswoman
promenade {n} (place to walk)
:: promenada {f}
promenade {v} (to walk)
:: przechadzać się, spacerować
Prometheus {prop} (Greek mythological figure)
:: Prometeusz {m}
promethium {n} (chemical element)
:: promet {m}
prominence {n} (relative height)
:: wzniesienie {n}
promiscuous {adj} (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
:: rozwiązły, rozpustny
promiscuous {adj} (being in a mode in which a NIC gathers all network traffic)
:: nasłuchujący
promise {n} (vow)
:: obietnica {f}
promise {v} (to commit to something)
:: obiecać {impf}
Promised Land {prop} (land promised by God)
:: Ziemia Obiecana {f}
Promised Land {n} (place which one eagerly seeks)
:: ziemia obiecana {f}
promise the moon {v}
:: obiecywać złote góry
promissory note {n} (document saying that someone owes a specific amount of money)
:: weksel własny {m}
promote {v} (raise someone to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank)
:: awansować
promote {v} (advocate or urge on behalf of something)
:: promować
promotor {n} (A material that accelerates the action of a catalyst)
:: promotor {m}, promotorka {f}
prompt {adj} (quick)
:: prędkie {n}
prompt {n} (a reminder or cue)
:: podpowiedź {f}
prompt {n} (a computer prompt)
:: monit {m}
prompter {n} (person in a theater)
:: sufler {m}, suflerka {f}
pronaos {n} (the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple)
:: pronaos {m}
prone {adj} (predisposed)
:: skłonny
prong {n} (thin, pointed, projecting part)
:: szpica {f}, grot {m}, kolec {m}, ząb {m}
pronghorn {n} (North American mammal)
:: widłoróg amerykański {m}
pronoia {n} (imperial grant)
:: pronoja {f}
pronotum {n} (dorsal plate of the prothorax in insects)
:: przedplecze {n}
pronoun {n} (type of noun)
:: zaimek {m}
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say
pronounce {v} (to declare officially)
:: oznajmić
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate)
:: wymawiać {impf}, wymówić {pf}
pronouncing dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) SEE: pronunciation dictionary
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word)
:: wymowa {f}
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced)
:: wymowa {f}
pronunciation dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words)
:: słownik wymowy {m}
proof {v} (proofread) SEE: proofread
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth)
:: dowód {m}
-proof {suffix} (denoting an impervious quality)
:: -odporny
proof by contradiction {n} (proof of a statement adduced by deriving a contradiction from the statement's negation)
:: dowód nie wprost {m}, sprowadzenie do absurdu
proofread {v} (to check for errors in spelling and grammar)
:: robić korektę, poprawiać
proofreader {n} (person who proofreads)
:: korektor {m}
proofreader {n} (person whose occupation is to proofread)
:: korektor {m}
prop {n} (object placed against or under another, to support it)
:: podpora {f}, podpórka {f}, oparcie {n}, podstawka {f}, stojak {n}, ostoja {f}
prop {n} (item placed on a stage to create a scene)
:: rekwizyt {m}
propaganda {n} (concerted set of messages)
:: propaganda {f}
propaganda of the deed {n} (a provocative act of political violence intended to inspire imitators and foment an anarchist revolt)
:: propaganda czynem {f}
propagandist {n} (Person who disseminates propaganda)
:: propagandysta {m}, propagandystka {f}, propagandzista {m}, propagandzistka {f}
propane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8)
:: propan {m}
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel)
:: śmigło {n}, śruba {f}
propelling pencil {n} (mechanical pencil) SEE: mechanical pencil
propensity {n} (tendency)
:: skłonność {f}
proper {adj} (fit, suitable)
:: właściwy {m}
proper {adj} (following the established standards of behavior or manners)
:: właściwy {m}
proper {adj} (in the very strictest sense of the word)
:: właściwy, jako taki
proper fraction {n} (arithmetic: a vulgar fraction)
:: ułamek właściwy {m}
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity)
:: nazwa własna {f}
property {n} (something owned)
:: własność {f}
property {n} (piece of real estate)
:: posesja {f}, posiadłość {f}
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing)
:: posiadanie {n}, własność {f}, prawo własności {n}
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept)
:: własność {f}, właściwość {f}, cecha {f}
property {n} (an attribute characteristic of a class of objects)
:: wyróżnik {m}
property tax {n} (tax based on the value of property)
:: podatek od nieruchomości
prophase {n} (the first stage of mitosis)
:: profaza {f}
prophase {n} (the first stage of meiosis)
:: profaza {f}
prophecy {n} (prediction)
:: proroctwo {n}, przepowiednia {f}
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration)
:: prorok {m}, prorokini {f}
prophet {n} (one who foretells the future)
:: prorok {m}, prorokini {f}
prophetess {n} (female prophet)
:: prorokini {f}
prophylactic {adj} (Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect, especially disease)
:: profilaktyczny {m}
propiska {n} (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR)
:: zameldowanie {n}, propiska {f}
propolis {n} (glue-like substance)
:: kit pszczeli {m}, propolis {m}
proponency {n} (advocacy) SEE: advocacy
proportion {n} (quantity that is part of the whole)
:: proporcja {f}, odsetek {m}
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size
proposal {n} (that which is proposed)
:: propozycja {f}
propose {v} (to suggest a plan or course of action)
:: proponować {impf}, zaproponować {pf}
propose {v} (to ask for one's hand in marriage)
:: oświadczać się {impf}, oświadczyć się {pf}
propose {v} (to intend)
:: zamierzać {impf}
proposition {n} (uncountable: act of offering for consideration)
:: propozycja {f}
proposition {n} (idea or plan offered)
:: propozycja {f}
proposition {n} (math: assertion which can be considered true or false)
:: zdanie {n}
proposition {n} (an assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be a theorem)
:: stwierdzenie {n}
propositional calculus {n} (propositional logic) SEE: propositional logic
propositional logic {n} (formal deductive system)
:: rachunek zdań {m}
proprietary {adj} (relating to property or ownership)
:: własnościowy
proprietary {adj} (of or relating to the quality of being an owner)
:: własnościowy
pro-Russian {adj} (supportive of Russian or Russians)
:: prorosyjski
prosaic {adj} (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose)
:: prozaiczny
prosaically {adv} (in a prosaic manner)
:: prozaicznie
prosaicness {n} (characteristic)
:: prozaiczność {f}
prosaist {n} (prose writer)
:: prozaik
pros and cons {n} (for and against)
:: za i przeciw {p}, plusy i minusy {p}
proscenium {n} (modern theatre: stage area between the curtain and the orchestra)
:: proscenium {n}, przedscenie {n}
proscenium {n} (ancient theatre: stage area immediately in front of the scene building)
:: proscenium
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry)
:: proza {f}
prosecutor {n} (prosecuting attorney)
:: prokurator {m}
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution)
:: prokurator {m} {f}
proselyte {n} (one who has converted to a religion)
:: prozelita {m}, neofita {m}
proselytism {n} (proselytizing or being a proselyte)
:: prozelityzm {m}
prosody {n} (linguistics: study of rhythm and other attributes in speech)
:: prozodia {f}
prosody {n} (poetry: study of poetic meter etc)
:: prozodia {f}
proso millet {n} (P. miliaceum)
:: proso zwyczajne {n}
prosopagnosia {n} (disorder of face perception)
:: prozopagnozja {f}
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships)
:: prozopografia
prosopopoeia {n} (Personifying a person or object.)
:: prozopopeja {f}
prospect {n} (potential things that may come to pass, usually favorable)
:: perspektywa {f}
prospect {v} (to search as for gold)
:: poszukiwać
prospector {n} (person)
:: poszukiwacz {m}
prosperity {n} (condition of being prosperous)
:: dobrobyt {m}
prostate {n} (prostate gland)
:: prostata {f}
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part)
:: proteza {f}
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis
prosthetic {adj} (artificial)
:: protetyczny
prosthetist {n} (a person who makes or fits prosthetic devices)
:: protetyk {m}
prosthodontics {n} (restoration or replacement of damaged or missing teeth)
:: protetyka stomatologiczna {f}
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit)
:: prostytutka {f}, męska prostytutka {m}, kurwa {f}
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit)
:: prostytucja {f}
prostokvasha {n} (soured milk)
:: zsiadłe mleko {n}, skwaszone mleko {n}, kwaśne mleko {n}
protactinium {n} (chemical element)
:: protaktyn {m}
protagonist {n} (main character)
:: protagonista {m}, protagonistka {f}
protean {adj} (exceedingly variable)
:: zmienny {m}
protect {v} (to keep safe)
:: chronić
protection {n} (process of keeping sthg safe)
:: ochrona {f}
protectionism {n} (A policy of protecting the domestic producers of a product by imposing tariffs, quotas or other barriers on imports)
:: protekcjonizm {m}
protectionist {adj}
:: protekcjonistyczny
protectionistic {adj} (protectionist) SEE: protectionist
protein {n} (biochemistry: complex molecule)
:: białko {n}, proteina {f}
protein {n} (class of food)
:: białko {n}
pro tem {adv} (temporarily)
:: ad hoc, doraźnie
Proterozoic {prop} (eon 2,500-541 Ma)
:: proterozoik {m}
protest {v} (to make a strong objection)
:: protestować {impf}, zaprotestować {pf}
protest {n} (formal objection)
:: protest {m}
protest {n} (collective gesture of disapproval: demonstration)
:: protest {m}, demonstracja {f}
Protestant {n} (someone who is a member of such a denomination)
:: protestant {m}, protestantka {f}
Protestant {adj} (pertaining to these denominatons)
:: protestancki
Protestantism {n} (faith)
:: protestantyzm {m}
protester {n} (person who protests)
:: protestujący {m}, protestująca {f}
prothorax {n} (the anterior part of the insect thorax)
:: przedtułów {m}, przedtułowie {n}
protist {n} (eukaryotic unicellular organisms)
:: protista
protium {n} (lightest isotope of hydrogen)
:: prot {m}
protocol {n} (rule, guideline etc which guides diplomatic behaviour)
:: protokół {m}
protocol {n} (diplomatic document)
:: protokół {m}
protocol {n} (computing)
:: protokół {m}
Proto-Germanic {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language)
:: pragermański
Proto-Indo-European {prop} (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages)
:: praindoeuropejski {m}
Proto-Indo-European {n} (person who spoke the Proto-Indo-European language)
:: Praindoeuropejczyk
Proto-Indo-European {adj} (pertaining to the Proto-Indo-European language, or the people who spoke it, see also: Indo-European)
:: praindoeuropejski {m}
Proto-Indo-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Indo-European) SEE: Proto-Indo-European
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language)
:: prajęzyk {m}
protologism {n} (a newly coined word or phrase defined in the hope that it will become common)
:: protologizm {m}
protolysis {n}
:: protoliza {f}
proton {n} (positively charged nucleon)
:: proton {m}
protoplanet {n} (astronomical object)
:: protoplaneta {f}
Proto-Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic)
:: język prasłowiański {m}, prasłowiańszczyzna {f}
Proto-Slavic {adj} (of or pertaining to Proto-Slavic language or people who spoke it)
:: prasłowiański
protostome {n} (animal in which the mouth is derived from the embryonic blastophore)
:: pragębowiec {m}
prototype {n} (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects)
:: prototyp {m}
protozoal {adj} (protozoan) SEE: protozoan
protozoan {n} (any of a diverse group of eukaryotes)
:: pierwotniak {m}
protracted {adj} (Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.)
:: przeciągły
protractor {n} (a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles)
:: kątomierz {m}
proud {adj} (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied)
:: dumny {m}
proud {adj} (having a too high opinion of oneself; arrogant, supercilious)
:: dumny {m}, wyniosły {m}, zarozumiały
proud as a peacock {adj} (extremely proud)
:: dumny jak paw
proudly {adv} (in a proud manner)
:: dumnie
Proustian {adj} (reminiscent of Marcel Proust or his works)
:: proustowski
prove {v} (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for)
:: dowodzić, udowadniać
proven {adj}
:: dowiedziony {m}, sprawdzony {m}
Provençal {prop} (language spoken in Provence)
:: prowansalski
Provence {prop} (region in France)
:: Prowansja {f}
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur {prop} (region of France)
:: Prowansja-Alpy-Lazurowe Wybrzeże {f}
prove oneself {v} (to demonstrate one's own worth)
:: wykazać się {pf}
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth)
:: przysłowie {n}
Proverbs {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Księga Przysłów {f}
provide {v} (to give what is needed or desired)
:: dostarczać, dostarczyć
providence {n} (careful guardianship exercised by a deity)
:: opatrzność {f}
provident {adj} (demonstrating consideration for the future)
:: przezorny {m}
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level)
:: prowincja {f}
provincialism {n} (linguistics: word or locution characteristic of a region or district, see also: regionalism)
:: prowincjonalizm {m}
provision {n} (item of goods or supplies obtained for future use)
:: zaopatrzenie {n}, prowiant {m}
provision {n} (money set aside)
:: zabezpieczenie {n}
provision {v} (to supply with provisions)
:: zaopatrywać
provisional {adj} (temporary)
:: tymczasowy
Provo {prop} (city in Utah)
:: Provo
provocateur {n} (one who engages in provocative behavior)
:: prowokator {m}
provocation {n} (act of provoking)
:: prowokacja {f}
provocative {adj} (tending to provoke strong negative feeling)
:: prowokacyjny
provoke {v} (to cause to become angry)
:: prowokować, podjudzać {impf}, drażnić {impf}
provost {n} (equivalent of mayor in some Scottish cities)
:: prowost {m}
provost {n} (highest position in a monastery below an abbot)
:: prepozyt {m}
prow {n} (fore part of a vessel; bow)
:: dziób {m}
prowl {v} (To be on the lookout for some prey)
:: grasować
proxenetism {n} (procuring) SEE: pimping
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately
proximity {n} (closeness; the state of being near as in space, time, or relationship)
:: bliskość {f}
proxy {n} ((software) An interface for a service)
:: pośrednik {m}
proxy server {n} (hardware server)
:: serwer pośredniczący {m}, serwer-pośrednik {m}
præstige {n} (Archaic spelling of prestige) SEE: prestige
prude {n} (A person who is or tries to be excessively proper)
:: świętoszek {m}, świętoszka {f}
prudence {n} (The quality or state of being prudent)
:: roztropność {f}, przezorność {f}
Prudence {prop} (female given name)
:: Prudencja {f}
prudent {adj} (sagacious in adapting means to ends)
:: przezorny
prudent {adj} (practically wise, judicious, shrewd)
:: roztropny
prudery {n} (condition of being prudish; prudishness)
:: pruderia {f}, pruderyjność {f}
prudery {n} (prudish behaviour)
:: pruderia {f}, pruderyjność {f}
prudish {adj} (exaggeratedly proper)
:: pruderyjny
prudishness {n} (condition of being prudish; prudery)
:: pruderia {f}, pruderyjność {f}
Prudnik {prop} (city in southern Poland)
:: Prudnik
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum
prune {v} (dried plum)
:: suszona śliwka {f}
pruning shears {n} (a tool)
:: sekator
Prussia {prop} (geographical area)
:: Prusy {p}
Prussia {prop} (former Baltic country)
:: Prusy {p}
Prussia {prop} (former German province)
:: Prusy {p}
Prussian {adj} (of Prussia)
:: pruski
Prussian {prop} (language)
:: pruski
Przemyśl {prop} (a city in south-eastern Poland)
:: Przemyśl {m}
Przewalski's horse {n} (Equus ferus przewalskii)
:: koń Przewalskiego {m}
PS {n} (addendum to a letter)
:: PS
psalm {n} (sacred song)
:: psalm {m}
psalm {n} (a hymn collected into one book of the Old Testament)
:: psalm {m}
psalmodic {adj} (relating to psalmody)
:: psalmodyczny
psalmody {n} (singing of psalms)
:: psalmodia {f}
Psalms {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Księga Psalmów {f}
psalter {n} (The Book of Psalms)
:: psałterz {m}
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum
pseudo- {prefix} (not genuine)
:: pseudo-, niby-
pseudocode {n} (description of a computer programming algorithm)
:: pseudokod {m}
pseudocroup {n} (croup) SEE: croup
pseudoephedrine {n} (sympathomimetic alkaloid)
:: pseudoefedryna {f}
pseudonym {n} (fictitious name)
:: pseudonim {m-in}
pseudopod {n} (temporary projection)
:: nibynóżka {f}
pseudorandom {adj} (appearing to be random)
:: pseudolosowy
pseudoscience {n} (purported science)
:: pseudonauka
pseudoscorpion {n} (arachnid)
:: zaleszczotek {m}
pseudoword {n} (unit)
:: logatom {m}
pshaw {interj} (indicating disapproval, scoffery, irritation, impatience or disbelief)
:: też coś, co takiego
psi {n} (Greek letter)
:: psi {n}
Pskov {prop} (a city in Russia)
:: Psków {m}
Pskovian {adj} (of or pertaining to Pskov)
:: Pskowski {m}, Pskowscy {m-p}, Pskowska {f}, Pskowskie {f-p}, Pskowsko {n}
psoriasis {n} (facial skin disease)
:: łuszczyca {f}
psyche {n} (the human soul, mind, or spirit)
:: psychika {f}
psychiatric {adj} (of, or relating to, psychiatry)
:: psychiatryczny
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital
psychiatrist {n} (doctor specializing in psychiatry)
:: psychiatra {m}
psychiatry {n} (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders)
:: psychiatria {f}
psychic {n} (a person who contacts the dead)
:: medium {n}
psychic {adj} (relating to the abilities of a psychic)
:: psychiczny, metapsychiczny, mediumiczny, mediumistyczny
psychical {adj} (pertaining to the mind; mental)
:: psychiczny {m}
psychical {adj} (pertaining to the animal nature of man)
:: psychiczny {m}
psychical {adj} (outside the realm of the physical)
:: psychiczny {m}
psychically {adv} (in a psychical or psychic manner)
:: psychicznie
psychoactive {adj} (pharmacology: affecting the mind or mental processes)
:: psychoaktywny {m}
psychoanalysis {n} (family of psychological theories)
:: psychoanaliza {f}
psychoanalyst {n} (practitioner)
:: psychoanalityk {m} {f}, psychoanalityczka {f}
psychoanalyze {v} (practice psychoanalysis)
:: psychoanalizować {impf}
psychokinesis {n} (movement inanimate objects by the use of psychic power)
:: psychokineza {f}
psychological {adj} (of or pertaining to psychology)
:: psychologiczny {m}
psychologically {adv} (in a psychological manner)
:: psychologicznie
psychologist {n} (expert in the field of psychology)
:: psycholog {m} {f}, psycholożka {f}
psychology {n} (study of the human mind)
:: psychologia {f}
psychometry {n} (paranormal ability)
:: psychometria
psychopath {n} (person with a personality disorder)
:: psychopata {m}, psychopatka {f}
psychopathic {adj} (relating to a psychopath)
:: psychopatyczny
psychopathology {n} (study of mental illness)
:: psychopatologia {f}
psychopathy {n} (personality disorder)
:: psychopatia {f}
psychophysical {adj} (of or pertaining to psychophysics)
:: psychofizyczny {m}
psychophysical {adj} (psychosomatic)
:: psychosomatyczny {m}
psychophysically {adv} (in a psychophysical way)
:: psychofizycznie {m}
psychophysics {n} (a branch of psychology)
:: psychofizyka {f}
psychopomp {n} (entity who assists souls)
:: psychopomp {m}
psychosis {n} (mental disorder)
:: psychoza {f}
psychosomatics {n} (psychosomatic medicine)
:: psychosomatyka {f}
psychotherapeutic {adj} (of or pertaining to psychotherapy)
:: psychoterapeutyczny
psychotherapeutically {adv} (by means of, or with regard to psychotherapy)
:: psychoterapeutycznie
psychotherapist {n} (who practices psychotherapy)
:: psychoterapeuta {m}, psychoterapeutka {f}
psychotherapy {n} (treatment of those with mental illness)
:: psychoterapia {f}
pâté {n} (finely-ground paste of meat, fish or vegetables)
:: pasztet {m}
ptarmigan {n} (a small grouse, Lagopus)
:: pardwa {f}
pterosaur {n} (extinct flying reptile)
:: pterozaur {m}
Ptolemy {prop} (name of Greek origin)
:: Ptolemeusz {m}
ptomaine {n} (any of various amines formed by putrefactive bacteria)
:: ptomaina {f}, jad trupi {m}
ptooey {interj} (sound of spitting)
:: tfu!
P U {interj} (response to an unpleasant scent)
:: fu, fuj, fe
pub {n} (public house)
:: knajpa {f}, gospoda {f}, piwiarnia {f}
puberty {n} (age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction)
:: dojrzewanie płciowe {n}, pokwitanie {c}, okres dojrzewania {m}
pubic hair {n} (collectively)
:: owłosienie łonowe {p}
pubic louse {n} (crab louse) SEE: crab louse
pubic symphysis {n} (joint)
:: spojenie łonowe {n}
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole)
:: publiczny
public {n} (people in general)
:: społeczeństwo {n}, publika {f}
public domain {n} (realm of intellectual property)
:: własność publiczna {f}, domena publiczna {f}
public holiday {n} (national or regional holiday from work on a specific day)
:: święto {n}
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub
publicist {n} (a journalist who focusses on politics)
:: publicysta {m}, publicystka {f}
public law {n} (law)
:: prawo publiczne
publicly {adv} (in an open and public manner)
:: publicznie
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict
public servant {n} (civil servant) SEE: civil servant
publish {v} (to issue a medium (e.g. publication))
:: publikować {impf}, opublikować {pf}
publish {v} (to issue something (usually printed work) for sale and distribution)
:: wydawać {impf}, wydać {pf}
publishing house {n} (company that produces books)
:: wydawnictwo {n}
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck
pucker {n} (A fold or wrinkle)
:: zmarszczka {f}
pudding {n} (sausage made primarily from blood)
:: kaszanka {f}
pudding {n} (boiled or steamed cake or dessert)
:: pudding {m}
pudding {n} (dessert similar to custard or mousse, containing a starchy thickening agent)
:: budyń {m}
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert
puddle {n} (a small pool of water)
:: kałuża {f}
puddle {v} (collection of ideas)
:: mętlik {m}
puerile {adj}
:: infantylny {m}, dziecinny {m}
puerperium {n} (period of time following childbirth)
:: połóg {m}
Puerto Rico {prop} (Caribbean Commonwealth)
:: Portoryko {n}, Puerto Rico {n}
puff {v} (pant) SEE: pant
puff {n} (homosexual) SEE: poof
puffball {n} (fungi)
:: kurzawka {f}
puffer {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish
pufferfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish
pufferfish {n} (a delicacy popular in Japan)
:: najeżka {f}
puffin {n} (Fratercula arctica)
:: maskonur {m}
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry)
:: ciasto francuskie {n}
pug {n} (small dog)
:: mops {m}
Puglian {adj} (Apulian) SEE: Apulian
pugnacious {adj} (aggressive, belligerent)
:: wojowniczy, awanturniczy {m}
puissant {adj} (powerful, mighty)
:: potężny {m}
puke {n} (vomit)
:: rzygi {p}, rzygowina {f}
puke {v} (to vomit)
:: rzygać
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf
pulchritudinous {adj} (having great physical beauty)
:: urodziwy {m-p}
pull {v} (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one)
:: ciągnąć {impf}, pociągnąć {pf}
pull an all-nighter {v} (work throughout the night)
:: zarwać noc
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken
pull off {v} (To turn off a road)
:: zjechać
pull oneself together {v} (to become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused)
:: brać się w garść
pull one's socks up {v} (start making an effort; to renew or redouble one's efforts)
:: zakasać rękawy
pull out of one's ass {v} (fabricate a claim with no factual basis or evidence)
:: wyciągnąć z dupy {pf}, wziąć z dupy {pf}, brać z dupy {impf}
pullover {n} (sweater)
:: sweter {m}, pulower {m}
pull someone's leg {v} (to tease someone)
:: nabrać kogoś
pull strings {v} (to control behind the scenes)
:: pociągać za sznurki
pull the wool over someone's eyes {v} (to deceive someone)
:: mydlić oczy
pullulate {v} (to multiply rapidly)
:: mnożyć się, plenić się
pullulate {v} (to germinate)
:: kiełkować, zakiełkować
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs)
:: płucny
pulmonologist {n} (a physician who specializes in pulmonology)
:: pulmonolog {m} {f}
pulmonology {n} (the branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract)
:: pulmonologia {f}
pulp {n} (center of a fruit)
:: miąższ {m}
pulp {n} (center of a tooth)
:: miazga {f}
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church)
:: ambona {f}, kazalnica {f}
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star)
:: pulsar {m}
pulse {n} (regular beat caused by the heart)
:: puls
pulse oximeter {n} (device used to monitor oxygen)
:: pulsoksymetr {m}
pulse oximetry {n} (method of monitoring of the oxygenation of hemoglobin)
:: pulsoksymetria {f}
puma {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar
pumice {n} (pumice)
:: pumeks {m}
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas)
:: pompa {f}
pumpkin {n} (plant)
:: dynia {f}
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant)
:: dynia {f}
pumpkin {n} (color)
:: dyniowy
pumpkin pie {n} (pie made from the flesh of pumpkins)
:: tarta dyniowa {f}
pun {n} (joke or type of wordplay)
:: gra słów {f}, kalambur {m}
punch {n} (hit or strike with one's fist)
:: cios {m}
punch {n} (power, strength, energy)
:: kop
punch {n} (device for creating holes in thin material)
:: dziurkacz {m}
punch {n} (hole or opening created with a punch)
:: dziurka {f}, otwór {m}
punch {v} (to mark a ticket)
:: skasować {pf}
punch {n} (beverage)
:: poncz {m}
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching)
:: worek bokserski {m}, worek treningowy {m}
punching bag {n} (object of abuse)
:: worek treningowy {m}
punch line {n} (final part of a joke)
:: puenta {f}
punctual {adj} (prompt)
:: punktualny
punctuality {n} (state of being punctual)
:: punktualność {f}
punctually {adv} (in a punctual manner)
:: punktualnie
punctuate {v} (emphasize, stress) SEE: emphasize
punctuation {n} (set of symbols)
:: interpunkcja {f}, przestankowanie {n}
punctuation mark {n} (symbol used in writing)
:: znak interpunkcyjny {m}
pundit {n}
:: uczony {m}, znawca {m}
Punic {adj} (Carthaginian) SEE: Carthaginian
punish {v} (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct)
:: karać {impf}, ukarać {pf}
punishable {adj} (appropriate for punishment)
:: karalny
punishment {n} (the act of punishing)
:: karanie {n}
punishment {n} (penalty for wrongdoing)
:: kara {f}, kaźń {f}
punishment {n} (harsh treatment or experience)
:: wycisk {m}
punitive {adj} (punishing)
:: karny
Punjab {prop} (geographical region in South Asia)
:: Pendżab {m}
Punjabi {adj} (of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language)
:: pendżabski {m}
Punjabi {n} (language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan)
:: pańdżabi {n}
Punjabi {n} (resident of or immigrant from the Punjab)
:: Pendżabczyk {m}, Pendżabka {f}
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute
punnet {n} (small receptacle)
:: łubianka {f}
punter {n} (One who gambles; a speculator)
:: gracz {m}, graczka {f}
puny {adj} (of inferior size)
:: wątły
pup {v} (to give birth to pups)
:: szczenić się
pupa {n} (insect)
:: poczwarka {f}
pupil {n} (learner)
:: uczeń {m}, uczennica {f}
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)
:: źrenica {f}
puppet {n} (movable model of a person or animal)
:: pacynka {f} (in glove form), marionetka {f} (moved with strings)
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll
puppeteer {n} (person who uses a puppet)
:: lalkarz {m}
Puppis {prop} (constellation)
:: Rufa {f}
puppy {n} (young dog)
:: szczeniak {m}, szczenię {n}
puppyish {adj} (With the qualities of a puppy)
:: szczenięcy
puppy mill {n} (farm that breeds dogs)
:: pseudohodowla {f}
purchase {n} (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something for money)
:: kupno {n}, zakup {m}
purchaser {n} (one who purchases)
:: nabywca {m}, nabywczyni {f}
purchasing power parity {n} (long-term equilibrium)
:: parytet siły nabywczej {f}
pure {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections)
:: czysty
pure {adj} (free of foreign material or pollutants)
:: czysty {m}
pure as the driven snow {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections)
:: czysty jak łza
puree {n} (food that has been ground into a thick liquid)
:: purée
purely imaginary number {n} (imaginary number) SEE: imaginary number
purgatory {n} (situation causing suffering)
:: katusze {p} {f-p}, męka {f}
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death)
:: czyściec {m}
purge {n} (forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc.)
:: czystka {f}
purification {n} (act of purifying)
:: oczyszczenie {n}
purificator {n} (napkin)
:: puryfikaterz {m}
purine {n} (organic heterocyclic base)
:: puryna {f}
purism {n} (insistence on the traditionally correct way)
:: puryzm {m}
purist {adj} (pertaining to purism)
:: purystyczny
purist {n} (advocate of purism)
:: purysta {m}
puristic {adj} (purist) SEE: purist
Puritanism {n} (practices of the Puritans)
:: purytanizm {m}
purlin {n} (longitudinal structural member of a roof)
:: płatew {m}
purple {n} (colour)
:: purpura, fiolet
purple {adj} (colour)
:: purpurowy, fioletowy
purple coral {n} (mushroom)
:: goździeniec purpurowy
purple heron {n} (Ardea purpurea)
:: czapla purpurowa {f}
purple rice {n} (black rice) SEE: black rice
purplish {adj} (somewhat purple in colour/color)
:: fioletowawy
purpose {n} (target)
:: cel
purpose {n} (intention)
:: intencja {f}
purpose {n} (determination)
:: zamiar
purpose {n} (subject of discourse)
:: temat, zagadnienie
purpose {n} (reason for doing something)
:: powód
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose
purposely {adv} (on purpose; intentionally)
:: celowo
purpure {adj} (in blazon, of the colour purple)
:: purpurowy
purr {v} (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat)
:: mruczeć {impf}
purr {n} (vibrating sound made by a cat when contented)
:: mruczenie {n}
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money)
:: portmonetka {f}
purse {n} (small bag for carrying personal items)
:: torebka {f}
pursuant {adj} (in conformance to, or in agreement with)
:: zgodnie z, stosownie do
pursuant {adv} (accordingly, consequently)
:: zgodnie z, stosownie do
pursue {v} (to follow urgently)
:: ścigać
pursuit {n} (act of pursuing)
:: pościg {m}
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection)
:: ropa {f}
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan
push {v} (to apply a force to something so that it moves away)
:: pchać {impf}, pchnąć {pf}, popchnąć {pf}
push {v} (to continually attempt to persuade into a particular action)
:: pchać, popychać
pushchair {n} (stroller) SEE: stroller
pushing up daisies {adj} ((euphemism) dead)
:: wąchać kwiatki od spodu
Pushkin {prop} (Russian surname)
:: Puszkin {m}
pushpin {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter
pushup {n} (push-up) SEE: push-up
push-up {n} (exercise performed by resting on one's toes and hands and pushing one's weight off the floor)
:: pompek, pompka {m}
pushy {adj} (Aggressively ambitious; overly assertive, bold or determined)
:: nachalny, napastliwy
Puss in Boots {prop} (fairy tale)
:: Kot w butach {m}
pussy {n} (informal: affectionate term for a cat)
:: kiciuś {m}, kicia {f}
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia)
:: cipa {f}, pizda {f}, cipsko {n}
pussy {adj} (containing pus)
:: ropny
pussy-cat {n} (affectionate term for a cat)
:: kicia, kiciuś, kotek, koteczek
pussy eating {n} (cunnilingus)
:: lizanie cipy {n} , lizanie pizdy {n} , mineta {f}
pussywhipped {adj} (submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner)
:: pod pantoflem
put {v} (to place something somewhere)
:: kłaść, postawić {pf}, umieścić {pf}, jebnąć {pf} , pierdolnąć {pf} , stawiać {impf}
putative {adj} (commonly believed or deemed to be the case)
:: domniemany
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison
put down roots {v} (to become settled)
:: zapuścić korzenie {pf}, zapuszczać korzenie {impf}
Putin {prop} (surname)
:: Putin
put off {v} (to delay)
:: przełożyć, odłożyć
put on {v} (to don clothing)
:: wkładać {impf}, włożyć {pf}
put on airs {v} (become haughty, assume a haughty manner)
:: puszyć się jak paw
put out {v} (extinguish)
:: wygaszać
put out {v} (consent to sex)
:: dawać {impf}, dać {pf}
put out of one's misery {v} (informal: to euthanize)
:: skrócić męki
put out to pasture {v} (to make someone retire)
:: pójść w odstawkę {pf}
putsch {n} (a coup; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government)
:: pucz {m}
put to death {v} (to kill as punishment) SEE: execute
put together {v} (create, assemble or build)
:: składać {impf}, złożyć {pf}
put to sleep {v} (to cause someone to sleep)
:: usypiać {impf}, uśpić {pf}
put to sleep {v} (to kill an animal)
:: usypiać {impf}, uśpić {pf}
put to sleep {v} (to give an anesthetic)
:: usypiać {impf}, uśpić {pf}
put two and two together {v} (figure out)
:: dodać dwa do dwóch
putty {n} (a form of cement)
:: kit {m}
put up {v} (to place in a high location)
:: podnosić, podnieść
put words in someone's mouth {v} (say or imply that someone has said a thing)
:: wkładać w usta {impf}
puukko {n} (type of sharp, pointed knife of Nordic heritage)
:: finka {f}
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword
puzzle {n} (game for one person)
:: łamigłówka {f}
puzzle {n} (riddle)
:: zagadka {f}, rebus {m}
puzzle {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle
pylon {n} (a tower like structure used to support high voltage electricity cables)
:: słup wysokiego napięcia {m}
pylon {n} (obelisk) SEE: obelisk
pylon {n} (traffic cone) SEE: traffic cone
pylorus {n} (opening between the stomach and duodenum)
:: odźwiernik {m}
Pyongyang {prop} (capital of North Korea)
:: Pjongjang {m}, Phenian {m}
pyorrhœa {n} (pyorrhea) SEE: pyorrhea
pyorrhea {n} (discharge of pus)
:: ropotok {m}
pyorrhoea {n} (pyorrhea) SEE: pyorrhea
pyramid {n} (ancient construction)
:: piramida {f}
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base)
:: ostrosłup {m}, piramida {f}
pyramidal {adj} (pyramid-shaped)
:: piramidalny
pyre {n} (funeral pile)
:: stos pogrzebowy {m}
Pyrenean {adj} (of or pertaining to the Pyrenees)
:: pirenejski
Pyrenees {prop} (the mountain range separating Spain from France)
:: Pireneje {p}
pyrite {n} (mineral iron disulfide)
:: piryt {m}
pyroclastic flow {n} (pyroclastic flow)
:: lawina piroklastyczna {f}
pyrogenic {adj} (producing or produced by heat)
:: pirogeniczny, pirogenny
pyrogenic {adj} (of minerals formed at high temperatures)
:: pirogeniczny
pyrogenically {adv} (in a pyrogenic manner)
:: pirogennie, pirogenicznie
pyrogenicity {n} (condition or extent of being pyrogenic)
:: pirogenność, pirogeniczność
pyroligneous acid {n} (dark liquid)
:: ocet drzewny {m}
pyromania {n} (disorder)
:: piromania {f}
pyromaniac {n} (one who is obsessed with fire)
:: piroman {m}, piromanka {f}
pyrosis {n} (burning sensation due to reflux)
:: zgaga {f}
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework
pyrotechnics {n} (art and technology of fireworks)
:: pirotechnika {f}
pyrrhic {adj} (Of or characterized by pyrrhics)
:: pyrrusowy
Pyrrhic victory {n} (a costly victory)
:: pyrrusowe zwycięstwo {n}
pysanka {n} (Easter egg decorated with intricate designs)
:: pisanka {f}
Pythagoras {prop} (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher)
:: Pitagoras
Pythagorean trigonometric identity {n} (statement that sum of squares of sine and cosine equals one)
:: jedynka trygonometryczna {f}
python {n} (constricting snake)
:: pyton {m}
Python {prop} (Greek mythology)
:: Pyton {m}
Python {prop} (A programming language)
:: Python {m}
pyuria {n} (the presence of pus in the urine)
:: ropomocz {m}
pyx {n} (nautical: box for compass) SEE: binnacle
pyxidium {n} (a seed capsule in the form of a box)
:: torebka {f}
pyxis {n} (botany: capsule for seeds) SEE: pyxidium
Pyxis {prop} (constellation)
:: Kompas {m}