ca {adv} (abbreviation of circa) SEE: ca.
ca. {adv} (abbreviation of circa)
:: cca
cab {n} (compartment)
:: kabina {f}
cab {n} (taxi) SEE: taxi
cabaret {n} (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub)
:: kabaret {m}
cabbage {n} (plant)
:: zelí {n}
cabbage {n} (leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable)
:: zelí {n}
cabin {n} (small dwelling, especially one made of logs)
:: srub {m}, chata {f}, chatrč {f}, chýše, salaš {f}, chaloupka {f}
cabin {n} (private room on a ship)
:: kajuta {f}
cabin {n} (interior of a boat)
:: kajuta {f}
cabinet {n} (group of ministers)
:: kabinet
cabin fever {n} (psychological condition)
:: ponorková nemoc {f}, ponorka {f}
cable {n} (large wire, rope)
:: lano {n}
cable {n} (assembly of wires for electricity)
:: kabel {m}
cable {n} (heavy rope or chain as used for mooring)
:: lano {n}
cable {n} (communications system with coaxial or fiber optic)
:: kabel {m}
cable {n} (TV broadcast over cable network)
:: kabelovka {f}
cable {n} (telegram)
:: telegram {m}
cable {n} (nautical unit of length)
:: kabel
cable television {n} (television received through coaxial cables)
:: kabelová televize {f}
caboose {n} (youngest child)
:: vejškrabek {m}, posledníček {m}, výškrabek {m}, podškrabek {m}
Cabo Verde {prop} (Cape Verde) SEE: Cape Verde
cabriolet {n} (an automobile with a retractable top)
:: kabriolet {m}
cabriolet {n} (a light carriage with a folding top, pulled by a single horse)
:: kabriolet {m}
cacao {n} (cacao tree)
:: kakaovník {m}
cacao {n} (cocoa bean)
:: kakaový bob {m}
cachalot {n} (sperm whale) SEE: sperm whale
cache {n} (computing: fast temporary storage for data)
:: mezipaměť {f}, vyrovnávací paměť {f}
cachexia {n} (systemic wasting of muscle tissue that accompanies a chronic disease)
:: cachexie {f}, kachexie {f}, kachektizace
cacoethes {n} (compulsion, mania)
:: posedlost, mánie
cacoethes {n} (disposition in a disease)
:: sklon k churavost
cactus {n} (member of the Cactaceae)
:: kaktus {m}
cadastral {adj} (of or relating to a cadastre)
:: katastrální
cadastre {n} (register)
:: katastr {m}
cadaver {n} (a dead body)
:: mrtvola {f}
cadaverine {n} (foul-smelling diamine)
:: kadaverin {m}
cadence {n} (music: chord progression)
:: závěr {m}, kadence {f}
cadmium {n} (chemical element)
:: kadmium {?}
cadre {n} (frame or framework)
:: rámec {m}, rám {m}
caecum {n} (blind pouch connected to the large intestine)
:: slepé střevo {n}
Caesar {prop} (ancient Roman family name)
:: Caesar {m}
Caesar {n} (a title of Roman emperors)
:: cézar {m}, Caesar {m}, césar {m}
Caesarea {prop} (any of the places called Caesarea)
:: Caesarea {f}
Caesarean section {n} (incision in the womb)
:: císařský řez {m}
Caesar salad {n} (Caesar salad)
:: salát Caesar {m}
Caesar's mushroom {n} (Amanita caesarea)
:: muchomůrka císařka {f}
caesium {n} (a metallic chemical element)
:: cesium {?}
café {n} (coffee shop)
:: kavárna {f}
cafe {n} (café) SEE: café
cafeteria {n} (restaurant)
:: jídelna {f}, bufet, menza
cafeteria {n} (dining area)
:: kantýna {f}
caffeine {n} (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants)
:: kofein {m}
cage {n} (enclosure)
:: klec {f}
caiman {n} (alligator relative)
:: kajman {m}
cairn {n} (landmark)
:: mužik
Cairo {prop} (capital of Egypt)
:: Káhira {f}
caisson {n} (architecture: coffer) SEE: coffer
cajole {v} (to encourage or persuade by effort)
:: obloudit {pf}, obluzovat {impf}, přemluvit {pf}, přesvědčit {pf}, přesvědčovat {impf}, přemlouvat {impf}
cake {n} (a sweet dessert)
:: dort {m}
cake {n} (a block of solid material)
:: deska {f}, blok {m}
cake {n} (a trivially easy task or responsibility) SEE: piece of cake
cake shop {n} (cake shop)
:: cukrárna {f}
calaboose {n} (prison) SEE: prison
calamari {n} (as mollusk) SEE: squid
calamint {n} (herb)
:: marulka {f}
calamity {n} (event resulting in great loss)
:: kalamita {f}
calamus {n} (fistula) SEE: fistula
calamus {n} (quill) SEE: quill
calamus {n} (sweet flag) SEE: sweet flag
calandra lark {n} (Melanocorypha calandra)
:: kalandra zpěvná
calcification {n} (the process of change into a stony or calcareous substance)
:: zvápenatění {n}, kalcifikace {f}
calcination {n} (the process of calcining)
:: kalcinace {f}
calcite {n} (calcium carbonate mineral)
:: vápenec {m}
calcium {n} (chemical element of atomic number 20)
:: vápník
calcium carbonate {n} (CaCO3)
:: uhličitan vápenatý {m}
calcium chloride {n} (calcium salt of hydrochloric acid)
:: chlorid vápenatý {m}
calculate {v} ((transitive) to determine the value or solution of sth.)
:: počítat {impf}, spočítat {pf}, vypočítat {pf}
calculate {v} ((intransitive) plan)
:: kalkulovat
calculation {n} (act or process of calculating)
:: výpočet {m}, propočet {m}, kalkulace {f}
calculation {n} (result of calculating)
:: výpočet {m}
calculator {n} (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations)
:: kalkulačka {f}, kalkulátor {m}, počítačka {f}
calculus {n} (formal mathematical system)
:: počet {m}
calculus {n} (differential calculus and integral calculus considered as a single subject)
:: počet
calculus of variations {n} (a form of calculus)
:: variační počet {m}
Calcutta {prop} (current name of the city) SEE: Kolkata
caldera {n} (geology: a large crater formed by a volcanic explosion)
:: kaldera {f}
calendar {n} (system by which time is divided)
:: kalendář {m}
calendar {n} (means to determine the date)
:: kalendář {m}
calendar {n} (list of planned events)
:: kalendář {m}
calends {n} (first day of a month of the Roman calendar)
:: kalendy {f-p}
calendula {n} (plant of Calendula)
:: měsíček {m}
calf {n} (young cow or bull)
:: tele {n}
calf {n} (anatomy: back of the leg below the knee)
:: lýtko {n}
calf bone {n} (smaller lower-leg bone)
:: lýtková kost {f}
Cali {prop} (California) SEE: California
calibrate {v} (to check or adjust by comparison with a standard)
:: kalibrovat
calibration {n} (act of calibrating)
:: kalibrace {f}
calibre {n} (Diameter of the bore of a firearm)
:: ráž
California {prop} (US state)
:: Kalifornie {f}
Californian {n} (an inhabitant of California)
:: Kaliforňan {m}
californium {n} (chemical element)
:: kalifornium
caliginous {adj} (dark, obscure) SEE: dark
calimocho {n} (cocktail)
:: houba
caliph {n} (political leader of the Muslim world)
:: kalif, chalífa
caliphate {n} (Islamic government)
:: kalifát {m}, chalífát {m}
Calixtine {n} (Utraquist) SEE: Utraquist
call {n} (telephone conversation)
:: hovor {m}
call {n} (cry or shout)
:: křik
call {n} (beckoning or summoning)
:: volání {n}
call {n} ((finance) contract to buy stock)
:: nákupní opce (právo nakoupit akcii za uvedenou cenu)
call {v} (to request, summon, or beckon)
:: volat {impf}, zavolat {pf}
call {v} (to cry or shout)
:: křičet
call {v} (to contact by telephone)
:: volat {impf}, zavolat {pf}, telefonovat, zatelefonovat {pf}
call {v} (to pay a social visit)
:: navštívit
call {v} (to name or refer to)
:: říkat
call an ambulance {phrase} (request to call an ambulance)
:: zavolejte sanitku
call a spade a spade {v} (to speak the truth)
:: nazvat věc pravým jménem (call it by its real name)
callee {n} (the person who is called by the caller)
:: volaný
caller {n} (the person who makes a telephone call)
:: volající
calligraphy {n} (art of writing with decorative strokes)
:: kaligrafie {f}
calling {n} (occupation)
:: povolání {n}
calling card {n} (printed card identifying the bearer) SEE: business card
calling name {n} (nickname) SEE: nickname
Calliope {prop} (the Muse of eloquence and epic)
:: Kalliopé {f}
call off {v} (to cancel)
:: odvolat
callous {adj} (emotionally hardened)
:: otrlý
callow {adj} (bald) SEE: bald
call the police {phrase} (call the police)
:: zavolejte policii
callus {n} (hardened part of the skin)
:: mozol {m}
calm {adj} (free from anger and anxiety)
:: klidný {m}
calm {adj} (free of noise and disturbance)
:: klidný {m}
calm {n} (condition of being unworried and free from anger)
:: klid {m}
calm {v} (to make calm)
:: uklidnit
calm {v} (to become calm)
:: uklidnit
calm before the storm {n} (peace before a disturbance or crisis)
:: ticho před bouří
calmly {adv} (in a calm manner)
:: klidně
calmness {n} (the state of being calm; tranquillity; silence)
:: klid {m}, pokoj {m}
calorie {n} (amount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1 °C)
:: kalorie {f}
calorimeter {n} (apparatus for measuring amount of heat)
:: kalorimetr {m}
calorimetry {n} (the scientific discipline)
:: kalorimetrie {f}
calque {n} (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language)
:: kalk {m}
calvous {adj} (lacking most or all of one's hair) SEE: bald
calyx {n} (the sepals of a flower)
:: kalich {m}
cam {n} (camera) SEE: camera
cam {n} (mechanical part)
:: vačka {f}
camber {n} (slight convexity of a surface)
:: sklon {m}
camber {n} (slope of a curved road)
:: sklon {m}
cambium {n} (membrane that covers bones) SEE: periosteum
Cambodia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia)
:: Kambodža {f}
Cambodian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cambodia, the Cambodian people, or the Khmer language)
:: kambodžský
Cambodian {n} (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent)
:: Kambodžan {m}, Kambodžanka {f}
Cambrian {prop} (the Cambrian geologic period)
:: kambrium {n}
Cambrian explosion {prop} (the rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla)
:: Kambrická exploze {f}
Cambrian symbol {n} (literary: vegetable emblematic of Wales) SEE: leek
cambric {n} (finely-woven fabric) SEE: batiste
camcorder {n} (electronic device)
:: videokamera {f}
camel {n} (beast of burden)
:: velbloud {m}
camellia {n} (plant)
:: kamélie {f}
camelopard {n} (giraffe) SEE: giraffe
camembert {n} (creamy cheese from France)
:: camembert {m}
camera {n} (still camera)
:: fotoaparát {m}, foťák {m}
camera {n} (movie camera)
:: kamera {f}
camera flash {n} (a device that produces a short flash of light) SEE: flash
cameraman {n} (somebody who operates a film or TV camera)
:: kameraman {m}
Cameroon {prop} (country in Central Africa)
:: Kamerun {m}
Cameroonian {adj} (pertaining to Cameroon)
:: kamerunský
Cameroonian {n} (person from Cameroon)
:: Kamerunec {m}, Kameruňan {m}
Camilla {prop} (female given name)
:: Kamila
camomile {n}
:: heřmánek {m}
camomile {n} (camomile tea) SEE: camomile tea
camomile tea {n} (beverage)
:: heřmánek {m}
camouflage {n} (disguise)
:: maska {f}, převlek {m}, převlečení {n}, předstírání {n}
camouflage {n} (act of disguising)
:: maskování {n}
camouflage {n} (military)
:: kamufláž {f}, maskování {n}, zamaskování {n}
camouflage {n} (pattern)
:: kamufláž {m}, maskování {n}
camouflage {n} (biology)
:: mimikry {n-p}
camouflage {n} (clothes)
:: maskáče {f-p}
camp {n} (outdoor place)
:: tábor {m}
camp {n} (organized event)
:: tábor {m}
camp {n} (base)
:: tábor {m}
camp {n} (group)
:: tábor {m}
camp {v} (to live in a tent)
:: tábořit, stanovat
camp {n} (style)
:: kýč {m}, nevkus {m}
camp {adj} (theatrical)
:: teatrální, afektovaný {m}, přemrštěný {m}
camp {adj} (ostentatiously effeminate)
:: zženštilý {m}
camp {adj} (tasteless)
:: nevkusný {m}
campaign {n} (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal)
:: tažení {n} , kampaň {f}
campanology {n} (study of bells)
:: kampanologie {f}
camphor {n} (white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone)
:: kafr {m}
campus {n} (grounds or property of a school, etc)
:: kampus {m}, areál {m}
camshaft {n} (a shaft fitted with cams)
:: vačkový hřídel
can {v} (to be able)
:: moci, umět
can {v} (may)
:: smět
can {n} (a more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids)
:: plechovka {f}
can {n} (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants)
:: konev {f}, konvice {f}, konvička {f}
can {n} (a tin-plate canister)
:: konzerva {f}
can {v} (to preserve)
:: konzervovat
can {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
Canaan {prop} (historic region)
:: Kanaán
Canaan {prop} (grandson of Noah)
:: Kenaan {m}, Kanán {m}
Canaan Dog {n} (Canaan Dog)
:: kanaánský pes {m}
Canada {prop} (country in North America)
:: Kanada {f}
Canada thistle {n} (corn thistle) SEE: corn thistle
Canadian {adj} (of or pertaining to Canada)
:: kanadský
Canadian {n} (person from Canada)
:: Kanaďan {m}, Kanaďanka {f}
canal {n} (artificial waterway)
:: kanál {m}, průplav {m}
canal {n} (a tubular channel within the body)
:: kanálek {m}
canapé {n} (a bite size slice open-faced sandwich)
:: jednohubka {f}
canard {n} (false or misleading report or story)
:: kachna {f}
canary {n} (bird from the Canary Islands)
:: kanár, kanárek {m}
canary {n} (colour)
:: kanárkově žlutá {f}
canasta {n} (card game)
:: kanasta {f}
cancan {n} (dance)
:: kankán {m}
cancel {v} (cross out)
:: škrtnout, škrtat
cancel {v} (invalidate, annul)
:: zrušit, stornovat
cancel {v} (offset, equalize)
:: vyrušit
cancel {v} (remove a common factor)
:: krátit
cancellable {adj} (which can be cancelled)
:: vypověditelný
cancellation {n} (act of cancelling)
:: zrušení {n}, storno {n}
cancer {n} (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation)
:: rakovina {f}
Cancer {prop} (constellation)
:: Rak {m}
Cancer {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Rak {m}
cancerogenic {adj} (carcinogenic) SEE: carcinogenic
cancerous {adj} (relating to or affected with cancer)
:: rakovinný
candela {n} (unit of luminous intensity)
:: kandela {f}
candelabrum {n} (candle holder)
:: svícen {m}
candid {adj} (impartial and free from prejudice)
:: přímý {m}, nestranný, upřímný {m}
candid {adj} (straightforward, open and sincere)
:: přímý {m}, otevřený {m}
candid {adj} (not posed or rehearsed)
:: upřímný {m}, nepřetvařující se, spontánní, přirozený {m}
candidacy {n} (state or act of being a candidate)
:: kandidatura {f}
candidate {n} (person running in an election)
:: kandidát {m}, kandidátka {f}
candidateship {n} (candidacy) SEE: candidacy
candidiasis {n} (fungal infection)
:: kandidóza {f}
candle {n} (a light source)
:: svíce {f}, svíčka {f}
candle holder {n} (candle holder) SEE: candlestick
Candlemas {n} (Christian feast)
:: Hromnice {f-p}
candle snuffer {n} (device made to extinguish a candle)
:: kratiknot, štipec
candlestick {n} (a holder with a socket or spike for a candle)
:: svícen {m}
candlewick {n} SEE: candle
candor {n} (sincere and open in speech, honesty in expression)
:: upřímnost {f}
candor {n} (impartiality)
:: nestrannost {f}, bezpředsudkovost {f}
candy {n} (piece of candy)
:: sladkost {f}, bonbón {m}
candy floss {n} (sweet)
:: cukrová vata {f}
candy store {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop
cane {n} (slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo)
:: třtina {f}
cane {n} (plant itself)
:: třtina {f}
cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick
cane {n} (sugar cane) SEE: sugar cane
canes {n} (genus Arundinaria)
:: rákosovec {m}
canine {n} (pointy tooth) SEE: canine tooth
canine tooth {n} (tooth)
:: špičák {m}
canister {n} (short range antipersonnel projectile) SEE: grapeshot
canister shot {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot
can I use your phone {phrase} (can I use your phone?)
:: směl bych použít váš telefon? {m}, směla bych použít váš telefon? {f}, mohu si od vás zavolat?
canna {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot
cannabis {n} (plant)
:: konopí {n}
cannabis {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana
cannibal {n} (an organism which eats others of its own species)
:: kanibal {m}, lidožrout {m} , lidojed {m}
cannibalism {n} (act of eating another of one's own species)
:: kanibalismus {m}
cannoli {n} (tube of fried pastry filled with ricotta)
:: cannolo {m}
cannon {n} (artillery piece)
:: dělo {n}
cannon {n} (large muzzle-loading artillery piece)
:: kanón {m}
cannon {n} (billiard shot)
:: karambol {m}
cannon {v} (billiards: to play carom shot)
:: zahrát karambol {pf}
cannoneer {n} (person who operates a piece of artillery, especially a cannon)
:: kanonýr {m}
cannon fodder {n} (military forces considered to be expendable)
:: kanónenfutr {m}
cannot {v} (cannot, see also: can; not)
:: nemoct
canny {adj} (pleasant, nice) SEE: pleasant
canny {adj} (frugal, thrifty) SEE: frugal
canoe {n} (small long and narrow boat)
:: kánoe {f}
canoeist {n} (person who travels by canoe)
:: kanoista {m}
canoer {n} (one who travels by canoe) SEE: canoeist
canola {n} (cultivar of rapeseed Brassica napus) SEE: colza
canon {n} (member of cathedral chapter)
:: kanovník {m}
canon {n} (piece of music)
:: kánon {m}
canonic {adj} (canonical) SEE: canonical
canonical {adj} (in canonical form)
:: kanonický
canonical form {n} ((linguistics) lemma or dictionary form) SEE: lemma
canonical form {n} (standard or normal presentation of a mathematical entity)
:: kanonický tvar {m}
can opener {n} (device used to open tin cans)
:: otvírák na konzervy {m}
can-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener
canopy {n} (high cover)
:: baldachýn
canopy {n} (overhanging or projecting roof structure)
:: markýza {f}
can't {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot
cantankerous {adj} (ill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby)
:: nevrlý {m}, hašteřivý {m}
canteen {n} (small cafeteria or snack bar)
:: jídelna {f}, kantýna {f}
Canterbury {prop} (cathedral city in England)
:: Canterbury {n}
Canticle of Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs
Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs
cantilever {n} (beam anchored at one end and projecting into space)
:: konzola {f}, krakorec {m}
canting arms {n}
:: mluvící znamení {m}
canton {n} (state of Switzerland)
:: kanton {m}
Cantonese {n} (language)
:: kantonština {f}
cantor {n} (singer)
:: kantor {m}, kantorka {f}
can't wait {v} (to eagerly anticipate)
:: těšit se
canvas {n} (a type of coarse cloth)
:: plátno {n}
canvas {n} (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint)
:: plátno {n}
canvass {v} (to campaign) SEE: campaign
canyon {n} (a valley cut in rock by a river)
:: kaňon {m}
can you help me {phrase} (can you help me?)
:: můžete mi pomoci?, můžeš mi pomoci?, můžeš mi pomoct?
caoutchouc {n} (natural rubber)
:: kaučuk {m}
cap {n} (head covering)
:: čepice {f}
capable {adj} (able and efficient)
:: schopný
capacitor {n} (electronic component)
:: kondenzátor {m}
cape {n} (headland)
:: mys {m}
cape gooseberry {n} (fruit)
:: mochyně peruánská {f}
Cape of Good Hope {prop} (a cape in southwestern South Africa)
:: mys Dobré naděje {m}
caper {n} (crime) SEE: crime
caper {n} (capercaillie) SEE: capercaillie
capercaillie {n} (bird of the genus Tetrao)
:: tetřev
capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus)
:: tetřev hlušec
Cape Town {prop} (legislative capital of South Africa)
:: Kapské Město {n}
Cape Verde {prop} (country in Western Africa)
:: Kapverdy {m-p}
Cape Verdean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cape Verde, its people or their language)
:: kapverdský
Cape Verdean {n} (a person from Cape Verde or of Cape Verdean descent)
:: Kapverďan {m}
capias {n} (arrest warrant) SEE: arrest warrant
capillary {n} (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins)
:: vlásečnice {f}, kapilára {f}
capital {n} (money and wealth)
:: kapitál
capital {n} (uppermost part of a column)
:: hlavice {f}
capital {n} (capital letter) SEE: capital letter
capital {n} (capital city) SEE: capital city
capital account {n} (economics def)
:: kapitálový účet {m}
capital adequacy {n}
:: kapitálová přiměřenost {f}
capital city {n} (city designated as seat of government)
:: hlavní město {n}
capitalism {n} (socio-economic system based on private property rights)
:: kapitalismus, kapitalizmus
capitalist {adj} (supporting or endorsing capitalism)
:: kapitalistický
capitalist {n} (owner of capital)
:: kapitalista {m}
capitalistic {adj} (of or pertaining to capitalism or to capitalists)
:: kapitalistický
capital letter {n} (letters A B C)
:: velké písmeno
capital market {n} (market)
:: kapitálový trh {m}
capital punishment {n} (punishment by death)
:: trest smrti {m}
capitol {n} (Capitoline temple of Jupiter) SEE: Capitol
capitol {n} (particular capitol buildings) SEE: Capitol
Capitol {prop} (legislative building in Washington, D.C.)
:: Kapitol {m}
capo {n} (capotasto) SEE: capotasto
capoeira {n} (the martial art developed in Brazil)
:: capoeira {f}
capon {n} (cockerel grown for food)
:: kapoun
capotasto {n} (device placed across the strings)
:: kapodastr {m}
Cappadocia {prop} (ancient region)
:: Kappadokie
Capricorn {prop} (constellation) SEE: Capricornus
Capricorn {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Kozoroh {m}
Capricornus {prop} (constellation)
:: Kozoroh {m}
Capricornus {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Capricorn
capsaicin {n} (chemical compound)
:: kapsaicin {m}
capsicum {n} (plant of the genus Capsicum (only terms covering capsicum in general apply, NOT species-specific))
:: paprika {f}
capsicum spray {n} (pepper spray) SEE: pepper spray
capsule {n} (weasel) SEE: weasel
capsule {n} (botany: seed-case)
:: tobolka {f}
capsule {n} (small container containing a dose of medicine)
:: kapsle {f}, tobolka {f}
captain {n} (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major)
:: kapitán {m}
captain {n} (a naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore or rear admiral)
:: námořní kapitán {m}
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of a sea-going vessel)
:: kapitán {m}
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of an airliner)
:: kapitán {m}
captain {n} (one of the athletes on a sports team designated to make decisions)
:: kapitán {m}
captee {n} (captive) SEE: captive
caption {n} (capture) SEE: capture
caption {n} (descriptive title or heading of (part of) a document)
:: titulek {m}
caption {n} (title or brief explanation attached to an illustration or cartoon)
:: popisek {m}
caption {n} (piece of text appearing on screen as part of a film or broadcast)
:: titulek {m}
caption {v} (to add captions to a text or illustration)
:: opatřit popiskem
caption {v} (to add captions to a film or broadcast)
:: opatřit titulky
captive {n} (a person who has been captured)
:: zajatec {m}
captive {n} (a person held prisoner)
:: zajatec {m}
captive {adj} (held prisoner)
:: zajatý
captivity {n} (captives) SEE: captive
captivity {n} (state of being captive)
:: zajetí {n}
captivity {n} (period of being captive)
:: zajetí {n}
capture {n} (act of capturing)
:: zajmutí {n}
capture {v} (take control of)
:: zajmout
capture {v} (store, record)
:: zachytit
capture {v} (reproduce convincingly)
:: zachytit
capture {v} (remove or take control of opponent’s piece)
:: vzít, zajmout
Capuchin {n} (a member of the Roman Catholic order)
:: kapucín {m}
capybara {n} (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
:: plavoun {m}, kapybara {f}
car {n} (automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver)
:: auto {n}, automobil {m}
car {n} (passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train, whether powered or not)
:: vagón {m}
car {n} (moving, load-carrying component of an elevator)
:: kabina {f}
car {n} (railway car, railroad carriage) SEE: carriage
carabiner {n} (metal link with a gate)
:: karabina {f}
caracal {n} (Caracal caracal)
:: karakal
Caracas {prop} (capital of Venezuela)
:: Caracas
carafe {n} (bottle for serving wine, water, or beverages)
:: karafa {f}
carambola {n} (fruit) SEE: star fruit
caramel {n} (confection)
:: karamel {m}
carapace {n} (hard protective covering)
:: štít {m}
carat {n} (weight)
:: karát {m}
carat {n} (measure of the purity of gold)
:: karát {m}
caravan {n} (convoy or procession)
:: karavana {f}
caravan {n} (vehicle)
:: karavan {m}
caravanserai {n} (an inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest)
:: karavansaraj
caravel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel)
:: karavela {f}
caraway {n} (plant)
:: kmín {m}
caraway {n} (seed/fruit)
:: kmín {m}
carbamazepine {n} (anticonvulsant drug used in the treatment of epilepsy)
:: karbamazepin {m}
carbamide {n} (urea (in organic chemistry))
:: karbamid {m}
carbine {n} (weapon similar to a rifle but much shorter in length)
:: karabina {f}
carbohydrate {n} (organic compounds such as sugar, starch or cellulose)
:: sacharid {m}
carbon {n} (chemical element)
:: uhlík {m}
carbon {n} (informal: a sheet of carbon paper)
:: kopírák {m}
carbon {n} (impure carbon (e.g., coal, charcoal))
:: uhlí {n}
carbonado {v} (to cut or hack) SEE: cut
carbonado {n} (meat or fish that has been scored and broiled)
:: karbanátek
carbonate {n} (any salt or ester of carbonic acid)
:: uhličitan {m}, karbonát {m}
carbonated {adj} (containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas (under pressure))
:: perlivý
carbonated water {n} (water containing carbon dioxide)
:: perlivá voda {f}
carbon copy {n} (a copy)
:: průklep {m}
carbon copy {n} (duplicate)
:: kopie {f}
carbon dioxide {n} (CO₂)
:: oxid uhličitý {m}
carbonic acid {n} (A weak unstable acid, H2CO3)
:: kyselina uhličitá {f}
Carboniferous {prop} (the geologic period)
:: karbon {m}
carbon monoxide {n} (chemical of the formula CO)
:: oxid uhelnatý {m}
carbon paper {n} (paper used to make carbon copies)
:: kopírovací papír {m}
carbon tetrachloride {n} (solvent)
:: tetrachlormetan {m}
carbonyl {n} (functional group -CO-)
:: karbonyl {m}
carboxyl {n} (carboxyl)
:: karboxyl {m}
carboxylic {adj} (of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group)
:: karboxylový
carboxylic acid {n} (organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group)
:: karboxylová kyselina {f}
carboy {n} (demijohn) SEE: demijohn
carburetor {n} (a device in an internal combustion engine)
:: karburátor {m}
carburettor {n} (motor car part) SEE: carburetor
carcass {n} (body of a dead animal)
:: zdechlina {f}, mrtvola {f}
carcass {n} (frame)
:: skelet {m}
carcass {n} (body of a dead human) SEE: corpse
Carchemish {prop} (city in Mesopotamia)
:: Karchemiš
carcinogen {n} (substance or agent that can cause cancer)
:: karcinogen {m}
carcinogenic {adj} (causing or tending to cause cancer)
:: karcinogenní
carcinoma {n} (type of tumor)
:: karcinom
card {n} (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.)
:: karta {f}
card {n} (playing card) SEE: playing card
card {n} (card game) SEE: card game
cardboard {n} (material resembling heavy paper)
:: karton {m}
card game {n} (any of very many games played with playing cards)
:: karetní hra {f}, karty {f-p}
cardia {n} (section of the esophagus that connects to the stomach)
:: kardie {f}, česlo {n}
cardiac {adj} (pertaining to the heart)
:: srdeční
cardiac muscle {n} (involuntary muscle)
:: srdeční sval {m}
cardigan {n} (type of sweater)
:: kardigan {m}
cardinal {n} (official of the Catholic Church)
:: kardinál {m}
cardinal {n} (mulled wine) SEE: mulled wine
cardinal {n} (cardinal numeral) SEE: cardinal numeral
cardinal direction {n} (principal compass direction) SEE: cardinal point
cardinality {n} ((set theory))
:: mohutnost {f}, kardinalita {f}
cardinal number {n} (number used to denote the size of a set)
:: kardinální číslo {n}
cardinal number {n} (cardinal numeral) SEE: cardinal numeral
cardinal numeral {n} (grammar: word used to represent a cardinal number)
:: základní číslovka {f}
cardinal point {n} (cardinal point)
:: světová strana {f}
cardio- {prefix} (pertaining to the heart)
:: kardio-
cardioid {n} (epicycloid with one cusp)
:: kardioida {f}
cardiological {adj} (of or pertaining to cardiology)
:: kardiologický
cardiologist {n} (physician)
:: kardiolog {m}
cardiology {n} (study of the structure of the heart)
:: kardiologie {f}
cardiomyocyte {n} (cardiac muscle cell)
:: kardiomyocyt {m}
cardiomyopathy {n} (deterioration of the myocardium)
:: kardiomyopatie
cardiopulmonary {adj} (Of, or pertaining to the heart and the lungs)
:: kardiopulmonální
cardiotoxicity {n} (the state or condition of being cardiotoxic)
:: kardiotoxicita {f}
cardiovascular {adj} (relating to the circulatory system)
:: kardiovaskulární
cardiovascular system {n} (circulatory system) SEE: circulatory system
carditis {n} (inflammation of the muscles of the heart)
:: karditida {f}
cards {n} (card game) SEE: card game
care {n} (close attention, concern or responsibility)
:: péče
care {n} (treatment of those in need)
:: péče {f}
care {v} (to be concerned about)
:: starat se, starat
care {v} (to look after)
:: pečovat, starat se
Care Bear {n} (fictional animal) SEE: Care Bears
Care Bears {prop} (fictional group of multi-colored bear characters)
:: Starostliví medvídci {m-p}
career {n} (one's calling in life; a person's occupation)
:: kariéra {f}
careerism {n} (priority given to one's career)
:: kariérismus {m}
careerist {n} (person who pursues his or her own career as his or her main aim)
:: kariérista {m}
carefree {adj} (worry free, light hearted, etc.)
:: bezstarostný {m}, lehkomyslný
careful {adj} (cautious)
:: opatrný
careful {adj} (meticulous)
:: pečlivý
carefully {adv} (in a careful manner)
:: opatrně
carefulness {n} (state of being careful)
:: opatrnost {f}
caregiver {n} (carer) SEE: carer
care killed the cat {proverb} (curiosity killed the cat) SEE: curiosity killed the cat
careless {adj} (not giving sufficient attention or thought)
:: lehkomyslný, nedbalý, lhostejný
careless {adj} (not concerned or worried) SEE: carefree
carelessly {adv} (in a careless manner)
:: nedbale, lehkomyslně
carelessness {n} (lack of care)
:: lehkomyslnost, nedbalost {f}
carer {n} (someone who regularly looks after another person)
:: pečovatel {m}, pečovatelka {f}
caress {v} (touch or kiss lovingly)
:: laskat {impf}, hladit {impf}, pohladit {pf}
careworn {adj} (haggard) SEE: haggard
carfare {n} (the passenger fare charged for riding on a streetcar or bus)
:: jízdné {n}
cargo {n} (freight carried by a ship)
:: náklad {m}
Caribbean {adj} (pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies)
:: karibský {m}
Caribbean {prop}
:: Karibik {m}
Caribbean {prop} (countries)
:: Karibik {m}
Caribbean Sea {prop} (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere)
:: Karibské moře {n}
caricature {n} (pictorial representation of someone for comic effect)
:: karikatura {f}
caricature {n} (grotesque misrepresentation)
:: karikatura {f}
caricature {v} (represent in exaggerated manner)
:: karikovat
caricaturist {n} (person who draws caricatures)
:: karikaturista {m}
caries {n} (progressive destruction of bone or tooth by decay)
:: kaz {m}, zubní kaz {m}
Carinthia {prop} (state of Austria)
:: Korutany {p}, Korutansko {n}
carious {adj} (decayed, rotten) SEE: rotten
Carl {prop} (male given names cognate to Carl) SEE: Charles
carmaker {n} (company)
:: automobilka {f}
Carmelite {n} (member of a certain Catholic religious order)
:: karmelitán {m}
carmine {n} (purplish-red pigment)
:: karmín {m}
carnage {n} (death and destruction)
:: masakr {m}, krveprolití {n}, řež {f}
carnation {n} (plant)
:: karafiát {m}, hvozdík {m}
carnation {n} (flower)
:: karafiát {m}
carnival {n} (festive occasion marked by parades)
:: karneval {m}
carnivore {n} (meat-eating animal)
:: masožravec {m}
carnivore {n} (mammal of the order Carnivora)
:: šelmy {f-p}
carnivorous {adj} (Of, or relating to carnivores, or the taxonomic order Carnivora)
:: masožravý {m}
carnivorous {adj} (Predatory or flesh-eating)
:: masožravý
carny {n} (a person who works in a carnival)
:: kolotočář {m}
carol {n} (religious or secular song sung at Christmastime)
:: koleda {f}
Carolina chickadee {n} (Poecile carolinensis)
:: sýkora karolinská
Carolina wren {n} (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
:: střízlík karolinský {m}
Caroline {prop} (female given name)
:: Karolína
Caroline Islands {prop} (an archipelago off the coast of New Guinea)
:: Karolíny
Carolingian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Frankish dynasty)
:: karolinský
Carolingian {n} (member of a Frankish noble family)
:: Karlovec {m}
Carolinian {adj} (Carolingian) SEE: Carolingian
carom billiards {n} (family of billiards games)
:: karambol {m}
caron {n} (háček diacritic) SEE: háček
carousel {n} (merry-go-round) SEE: merry-go-round
carp {n} (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae)
:: kapr {m}
carpal tunnel syndrome {n} (repetitive stress injury)
:: syndrom karpálního tunelu
car park {n} (outdoor parking area) SEE: parking lot
Carpathians {prop} (mountainous system in Central Europe)
:: Karpaty {p}
carpel {n} (structural unit of a pistil)
:: pestík {m}
carpenter {n} (carpentry person)
:: tesař {m}, truhlář {m}
carpet {n} (a fabric used as a floor covering)
:: koberec {m}
carpet bugle {n} (plant of the genus Ajuga) SEE: bugle
carpet shark {n} (ferret) SEE: ferret
carpool {n} (arrangement)
:: spolujízda
carrack {n} (ship)
:: karaka {f}
carrageen {n} (Irish moss) SEE: Irish moss
carriage {n} (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power)
:: kočár {m}
carriage {n} (railroad car)
:: vagón {m}
carriage {n} (manner of standing or walking)
:: postoj {m}
carriage {n} (part of typewriter)
:: vozík {m}
carrier {n} (person or object that carries someone or something else)
:: nosič {m}
carrier {n} (company in the business of shipping freight)
:: dopravce {m}
carrier {n} (signal modulated to transmit information)
:: nosný signál {m}
carrier {n} (person or organism that has inherited a trait or disease but displays no symptoms)
:: bacilonosič {m}
carrier wave {n} (wave that can be modulated to transmit signals)
:: nosná vlna {f}, nosný signál
carrion {n} (dead flesh; carcasses)
:: mršina {f}, zdechlina {f}
carrion crow {n} (Corvus corone)
:: vrána černá {f}
carrot {n} (Daucus carota ssp. sativus)
:: mrkev {f}
carrot and stick {n} (simultaneous rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior)
:: cukr a bič
carry {v} (to carry) SEE: bear
carry {v} (to transport by lifting)
:: nosit, nést, vozit, vézt
carry coals to Newcastle {v} (do something unneeded or redundant)
:: nosit dříví do lesa (carry wood into the forest), nosit sovy do Atén (carry owls to Athens)
carry out {v} (to carry out) SEE: fulfill
cart {n} (small, open, wheeled vehicle, see also: wagon)
:: vůz {m}, vozík {m}
carte de visite {n} (business card) SEE: business card
cartel {n} (group of businesses or nations that collude to fix prices)
:: kartel {m}
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to Descartes)
:: karteziánský {m}
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to coordinates based on orthogonal axes)
:: kartézský
Cartesian product {n} (set of possible pairs)
:: kartézský součin {m}
Carthage {prop} (ancient city in North Africa)
:: Kartágo {n}
Carthaginian {adj} (of or pertaining to Carthage)
:: kartaginský
Carthaginian {n} (person from Carthage)
:: Kartaginec {m}
cartilage {n} (dense connective tissue)
:: chrupavka {f}
cartilaginous {adj} (comprising cartilage)
:: chrupavčitý {m}
cartilaginous fish {n} (cartilaginous fish)
:: paryba {f}
cartographer {n} (one who makes maps or charts)
:: kartograf {m}
cartographic {adj} (of or pertaining to the making of maps)
:: kartografický
cartographical {adj} (cartographic) SEE: cartographic
cartography {n} (creation of charts and maps)
:: kartografie {f}
cartoon {n} (satire of public figures)
:: karikatura {f}
cartouche {n} (in architecture)
:: kartuše {f}, kartuš
cartouche {n} (hieroglyphs)
:: kartuše {f}, kartuš
cartridge {n} (firearms package)
:: náboj {m}
cartridge {n} (vessel which contains the ink for a computer printer)
:: kazeta {f}
cartulary {n} (document collection )
:: kopiář
cartwheel {n} (gymnastic maneuver)
:: hvězda {f}
carve {v} (to shape to sculptural effect)
:: vyřezávat
carvel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) SEE: caravel
car wash {n} (place at which a car is washed, often mechanically)
:: mycí linka {f}
caryatid {n} (a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element)
:: karyatida {f}
Casablanca {prop} (city)
:: Casablanca {f}
case {n} (actual event, situation, or fact)
:: případ {m}
case {n} (instance or event as a topic of study)
:: případ {m}
case {n} (legal proceeding)
:: případ {m}, kauza
case {n} (box containing a number of identical items of manufacture)
:: bedna {f}
case {n} (piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus)
:: pouzdro {n}
case {n} (piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic)
:: vitrina {f}
case {n} (grammatical case) SEE: grammatical case
case dependent {adj} (case sensitive) SEE: case sensitive
case fatality rate {n} (ratio of number of fatalities to number of disease cases)
:: smrtnost {f}, letalita {f}
casein {n} (protein)
:: kasein {m}
case sensitive {adj} (distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters)
:: závisející na velikosti písmen
case study {n} (research performed in detail on a single case)
:: případová studie {f}
cash {n} (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
:: hotovost {f}, hotové peníze {m-p}, peníze {m-p}
cash dispenser {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
cashew {n} (tree)
:: kešu oříšek {m}
cashew {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut
cashew nut {n} (the seed of the cashew tree)
:: kešu {m}
cashier {n} (one who works at a till or receives payments)
:: pokladní {?}
cashier {n} (person in charge of the cash of a business or bank)
:: pokladní {?}
cash in {v} (to die) SEE: die
cash machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
cash on delivery {n} (transaction)
:: dobírka {f}
cashpoint {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine
cash register {n} (machine)
:: pokladna {f}
Casimir {prop} (male given name)
:: Kazimír {m}
casino {n} (public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling)
:: kasino {n}
casket {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin
Caspar {prop} (male given name)
:: Kašpar {m}
Caspian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Caspian Sea or the region around it.)
:: kaspický
Caspian gull {n} (Larus cachinnans)
:: racek bělohlavý {m}
Caspian Sea {prop} (landlocked sea)
:: Kaspické moře {n}
Caspian tit {n} (Poecile hyrcanus)
:: sýkora íránská {f}
cassava {n}
:: maniok
casserole {n} (glass or earthenware dish)
:: kastrol {m}
cassette {n} (small flat case containing magnetic tape)
:: kazeta {f}
cassiterite {n} (mineral)
:: cínovec {m}, kasiterit {m}
cassock {n} (item of clerical clothing)
:: sutana {f}
cassowary {n} (a large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius)
:: kasuár {m}
cast {v} (to make by pouring into a mould)
:: lít, odlít
cast {v} (to assign a role in a play or performance)
:: obsadit {pf}, obsazovat {impf}
cast {n} (object made in a mould)
:: odlitek {m}
cast {n} (medicine: supportive and immobilising device)
:: sádra {f}, sádrový obvaz
castanet {n} (a single handheld percussion instrument)
:: kastaněty {f-p}
castanets {n} (a percussion instrument) SEE: castanet
castaway {n} (nautical: shipwrecked sailor)
:: trosečník {m}
caste {n} (hereditary social class)
:: kasta {f}
Castile {prop} (medieval Iberian kingdom)
:: Kastilie {f}
Castile {prop} (central Spain)
:: Kastilie {f}
Castile and León {prop} (autonomous community of Spain)
:: Kastilie a León
Castile soap {n} (type of soap)
:: kastilské mýdlo {n}, olivové mýdlo {n}
Castilian {prop} (Spanish) SEE: Spanish
cast iron {n} (hard, brittle alloy of iron, carbon, silicon)
:: litina {f}
castle {n} (fortified building)
:: hrad {m}, zámek {m}
castle {v} (chess)
:: rochovat, provést rošádu
castle {n} (chess piece) SEE: rook
castle in the air {n} (desire, idea, or plan unlikely to ever be realized)
:: vzdušné zámky {m-p}
castling {n} (move in chess)
:: rošáda {f}
cast pearls before swine {v} (cast pearls before swine)
:: házet perly sviním
castrate {v} (remove the testicles of)
:: kastrovat
castration {n} (act of removing the testicles)
:: kastrace {f}
casual {adj} (happening by chance)
:: náhodný
casual {adj} (coming without regularity; occasional or incidental)
:: občasný, příležitostný
casual {n} (a worker who is only working for a company occasionally)
:: brigádník {m}
casualty {n} (person)
:: oběť {f}
casuistics {n} (casuistry) SEE: casuistry
casuistry {n} (process)
:: kazuistika
cat {n} (spiteful woman) SEE: bitch
cat {n} (type of fish) SEE: catfish
cat {n} (cat-o'-nine-tails) SEE: cat-o'-nine-tails
cat {n} (domestic species)
:: kočka {f}, kocour {m}
cat {n} (member of the family Felidae)
:: šelma kočkovitá {f}
catabolism {n} (destructive metabolism)
:: katabolismus {m}
cataclysm {n} (sudden, violent event)
:: kataklyzma {f}
catacomb {n} (underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves)
:: katakomby {f-p}
catafalque {n} (platform to display or convey a coffin)
:: katafalk {m}
Catalan {n} (person from Catalonia)
:: Katalánec {m}
Catalan {prop} (language of Catalonia)
:: katalánština
Catalan {adj} (Of or pertaining to Catalonia)
:: katalánský
catalepsy {n} (catalepsy)
:: katalepsie {f}
catalogue {n} (a systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.)
:: katalog {m}
catalogue {n} (a complete list of items)
:: soupis {m}
catalogue {n} (a list of all the publications in a library)
:: katalog {m}
Catalonia {prop} (autonomous community in Spain)
:: Katalánsko {n}, Katalánie {f}
Catalonian {adj} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan
Catalonian {n} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan
catalysis {n} (chemistry: the increase of the rate of a chemical reaction induced by a catalyst)
:: katalýza {f}
catalyst {n} (substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process)
:: katalyzátor {m}
catalyst {n} (someone or something that helps or encourages progress or change)
:: katalyzátor {m}
catalyst {n} (catalytic converter) SEE: catalytic converter
catalytic {adj} (of, or relating to catalysts)
:: katalytický
catalytic converter {n} (a chamber which oxidises carbon dioxide from exhaust gases)
:: katalyzátor {m}
catamaran {n} (twin-hulled boat)
:: katamaran {m}
cat and mouse {n} (two keeping check on one another)
:: na kočku a myš, hra na kočku a na myš, na kočku a na myš, hra na kočku a myš
cataphoresis {n}
:: kataforéza {f}
cataplexy {n} (abrupt loss of muscle tone)
:: kataplexie {f}
catapult {n} (slingshot) SEE: slingshot
catapult {n} (device for launching large objects)
:: katapult {m}
catapult {v} (to fire a missile from a catapult)
:: katapultovat
cataract {n} (waterfall)
:: katarakt {m}, stupňovaný vodopád {m}
cataract {n} (opacity of the lens in the eye)
:: šedý zákal {m}, katarakta {f}
catastrophe {n} (any large and disastrous event of great significance)
:: katastrofa {f}
catastrophe {n} (disaster beyond expectations)
:: katastrofa {f}
catastrophe {n} (Ancient Greek tragedies: the solution of the plot)
:: katastrofa {f}
catastrophe {n} (mathematics: type of bifurcation)
:: katastrofa {f}
catastrophic {adj} (of or pertaining to a catastrophe)
:: katastrofický
catastrophic {adj} (disastrous; ruinous)
:: katastrofický
catatonia {n} (severe psychiatric condition)
:: katatonie {f}
catatonic {adj} (of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia)
:: katatonický, katatonní
catch {v} (to capture or snare)
:: chytat {impf}, chytit {pf}
catch {v} (to intercept an object in the air etc.)
:: chytit, chytnout
catch {v} (to perceive and understand)
:: zachytit
catch {v} (to seize an opportunity)
:: chytit, chytnout
catch {v} (to reach in time to leave)
:: chytit, chytnout
catch {v} (to engage, stick, or grasp)
:: chytit se, chytnout se
Catch-22 {n} (difficult situation)
:: Hlava 22, Hlava XXII
catchment area {n} (area from which water drains) SEE: drainage basin
catchphrase {n} (a group of words)
:: hláška {f}
catchpole {n} (sheriff's officer)
:: dráb {m}, biřic {m}
catch up {v}
:: dohnat
catchy {adj} (instantly appealing and memorable)
:: chytlavý
catechine {n} (chemical substance)
:: katechin {m}
catechism {n} (book summarizing the principles of Christianity)
:: katechismus {m}, katechizmus {m}
catechist {n}
:: katecheta {m}
categorical {adj} (absolute; having no exception)
:: kategorický
categorical imperative {n} (fundamental ethical principle)
:: kategorický imperativ {m}
categorical variable {n} (nominal variable) SEE: nominal variable
categorization {n} (the process of sorting or arranging things into categories or classes)
:: kategorizace {f}, třídění {n}, klasifikace {f}
categorize {v} (to assign a category)
:: kategorizovat
category {n} (group)
:: kategorie {f}
category {n} (collection in math)
:: kategorie {f}
category theory {n} (branch of mathematics)
:: teorie kategorií {f}
caterpillar {n} (larva of a butterfly)
:: housenka {f}
catfish {n} (type of fish, see also: sheatfish)
:: sumec {m}
Cathar {n} (a member of Christian sect)
:: katar {m}
catharsis {n} (a therapeutic technique to relieve tension)
:: katarze {f}
cathedral {n} (principal church of a bishop's diocese)
:: katedrála {f}
Catherine {prop} (female given name)
:: Kateřina {f}
catheter {n} (small tube inserted into a body cavity)
:: cévka {f}, katétr
cathetus {n} (either of the sides of a right triangle other than its hypotenuse)
:: odvěsna {f}
cathode {n} (electrode through which current flows outward)
:: katoda {f}
Catholic {adj} (of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from the Orthodox church)
:: katolický
Catholic {adj} (of the Roman Catholic church)
:: katolický {m}
Catholic {n} (member of a Catholic church)
:: katolík {m}, katolička {f}
Catholic Church {n} (24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome)
:: Katolická církev {f}
Catholicism {n} (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church)
:: katolicismus {m}, katolictví {n}
catholicity {n} (Catholicism) SEE: Catholicism
cation {n} (a positively charged ion)
:: kationt {m}
catkin {n} (botany: a type of inflorescence)
:: jehněda {f}
catmint {n} (catnip) SEE: catnip
catnip {n} (specific species which causes intoxication among cats)
:: šanta kočičí
catoblepas {n} (mythological creature)
:: catoblephas
cat-o'-nine-tails {n} (whip)
:: důtky {f-p}
cat's ear {n}
:: prasetník {m}
cat's eye {n} (cymophane) SEE: cymophane
catshit {n} (Feline feces)
:: kočičinec {m}
cattail {n} (any of several perennial herbs of the genus Typha)
:: orobinec {m}
cattle {n} (domesticated bovine animals)
:: skot {m}, dobytek {m}
cattle {n} (livestock)
:: dobytek {m}
cattle {n} (pejorative: people who resemble cattle in behavior or destiny)
:: dobytek {m}
catwalk {n} (narrow elevated stage on which models parade)
:: molo {n}
Caucasian {adj} (pertaining to the Caucasus region or people)
:: kavkazský
Caucasian {n} (native of the Caucasus region)
:: Kavkazan {m}
Caucasian {n} (member of Caucasian race)
:: běloch {m}, europoid {m}
Caucasian zelkova {n} (species of tree)
:: zelkova habrolistá {f}
Caucasus {prop} (a mountain range)
:: Kavkaz {m}
Caucasus {prop} (geographic region)
:: Kavkaz {m}
Cauchy distribution {n} (probability distribution)
:: Cauchyho rozdělení {n}
cauldron {n} (large bowl-shaped pot)
:: kotel {m}
cauliflower {n} (vegetable)
:: květák {m}, karfiól {m}
cauliflower {n} (edible head of a cauliflower plant)
:: květák {m}, karfiól {m}
caulis {n} (a leafy herbaceous stem)
:: lodyha {f}
causal {adj} (of, relating to or being a cause of something)
:: příčinný, kauzální
causalgia {n} (intense burning pain)
:: kausalgie {f}
causalism {n} (social system)
:: kauzalismus {m}
causality {n} (agency of cause)
:: příčinnost {f}
causate {v} (cause) SEE: cause
causation {n} (causality) SEE: causality
cause {n} (source or reason of an event or action)
:: příčina {f}, důvod {m}
cause {v} (to set off an event or action)
:: způsobit {pf}, zapříčinit {pf}, způsobovat {impf}, zapříčinovat {impf}
cause and effect {n} (causality) SEE: causality
causeway {n} (raised roadway)
:: násep {m}, násyp
caustic {adj} (capable of destroying organic tissue)
:: žíravý {m}
caustic {adj} (severe; satirical; sharp)
:: sžíravý {m}
caustic {n} (substance which burns, corrodes or destroys organic tissue)
:: žíravina {f}
caustic {n} (caustic soda) SEE: caustic soda
caustic soda {n} (sodium hydroxide)
:: louh sodný {m}
caution - slippery when wet {phrase} (warning against slippery floor)
:: pozor, kluzká podlaha
cautious {adj} (careful)
:: opatrný {m}
cautiously {adv} (in a cautious manner)
:: opatrně
cavalier {adj} (not caring enough about something important)
:: nonšalantní
cavalier {adj} (supercilious, haughty, disdainful)
:: pyšný, přezíravý
cavalry {n} (military service that fights with riding horses)
:: jezdectvo {n}, kavalérie {f}
cavalryman {n} (a soldier in the cavalry)
:: kavalerista {m}
cave {n} (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground)
:: jeskyně {f}
caveat {n} (warning)
:: varování
caveat {n} (qualification or exemption)
:: upozornění
caveman {n} (early humans or related species)
:: jeskynní muž {m}
caviar {n} (roe of the sturgeon or other large fish (black caviar))
:: kaviár {m}
cavity {n} (hole or hollow depression)
:: dutina {f}
cavity {n} (hollow area within the body)
:: dutina {f}
cavy {n} (guinea pig) SEE: guinea pig
caw {v} (to make the cry of a crow, rook, or raven)
:: krákat
caw {interj} (the cry of a crow)
:: krá
CD player {n} (CD player)
:: CD přehrávač {m}
CE {prop} (Common/Current/Christian Era)
:: n. l.
cease {v} (intransitive)
:: skončit
cease {v} (transitive)
:: přestat, ukončit, skončit, zastavit
cease-fire {n} (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose)
:: příměří {n}
Cecilia {prop} (female given name)
:: Cecílie {f}
cedar {n} (coniferous tree in genus Cedrus)
:: cedr {m}
cedar {n} (aromatic wood)
:: cedr {m}
cedilla {n} (mark placed under the letter c)
:: cedilla {f}
ceftriaxone {n} (synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic)
:: ceftriaxon {m}
cefuroxime {n} (second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic)
:: cefuroxim {m}
ceil {n} (ceiling) SEE: ceiling
ceiling {n} (upper limit of room)
:: strop {m}
ceiling {n} (smallest integer)
:: horní celá část {f}
celandine {n} (greater celandine)
:: vlaštovičník větší {m}
celebrate {v} (honour by rites, ceremonies, etc.)
:: slavit
celebration {n} (social gathering for entertainment and fun)
:: oslava {f}
celery {n} (herb)
:: celer {m}
celestial {adj} (relating to heaven (religious))
:: nebeský
celestial {adj} (relating to sky)
:: nebeský
celestial body {n} (natural object beyond Earth's atmosphere)
:: nebeské těleso {n}
celestial equator {n} (great circle)
:: nebeský rovník {m}
celestial sphere {n} (abstract sphere of infinite radius)
:: nebeská sféra {f}
celibacy {n} (state of being unmarried)
:: svobodný stav, celibát {m}, (without women): bezženství, celibát {m}
celibacy {n} (abstaining from sexual relations)
:: celibát {m}
celibate {adj} (unmarried)
:: svobodný {m}, celibátní, žijící v celibátu, (woman without husband): nevdaná, (man without wife): neženatý {m}
celibate {n} (person who is not married)
:: osoba žijící v celibátu
cell {n} (component of an electrical battery)
:: článek {m}
cell {n} (room in a prison for containing inmates)
:: cela {f}
cell {n} (room in a monastery for sleeping one person)
:: cela {f}
cell {n} (small group of people forming part of a larger organization)
:: buňka {f}
cell {n} (basic unit of a living organism)
:: buňka {f}
cell {n} (biological cavity)
:: buňka {f}
cell {n} (region of radio reception that is a part of a larger radio network)
:: buňka {f}
cellar {n} (underground space)
:: sklep {m}
cellarage {n} (space or storerooms of a cellar)
:: sklepení {n}
cellist {n} (person who plays the cello)
:: violoncellista {m}
cell nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) SEE: nucleus
cello {n} (musical instrument)
:: violoncello {n}
cellophane {n} (the transparent plastic film)
:: celofán {m}
cell phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone
cellular {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone
cellular {adj} (of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells)
:: buněčný
cellular phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone
cellulose {n} (the polysaccharide cellulose)
:: celulóza {f}
cell wall {n} (thick layer around cells of plants, fungi, and algae)
:: buněčná stěna {f}
Celt {prop} (ancient)
:: Kelt {m}
Celtiberian {prop} (language)
:: keltiberština {f}
Celtic {prop} (branch of languages)
:: keltština {f}
Celtic {adj} (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts)
:: keltský
Celtic studies {n} (academic discipline)
:: keltistika {f}
Celtology {n} (Celtic studies) SEE: Celtic studies
cembalo {n} (cembalo) SEE: harpsichord
cembra {n} (Pinus cembra) SEE: Swiss pine
cement {n} (a powdered substance)
:: cement {m}
cement {n} (the paste-like substance)
:: cement {m}
cement mixer {n} (device to make concrete)
:: míchačka {f}
cemetery {n} (a place where the dead are buried) SEE: graveyard
-cene {suffix} (suffix indicating a geologic period)
:: -cén {m}
cenotaph {n} (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere)
:: kenotaf {m}
Cenozoic {prop} (geological epoch)
:: třetihory {f-p}, kenozoikum {n}, terciér {m}
censer {n} (religious ornamental container for burning incense)
:: kadidelnice {f}
censor {n} (Ancient Roman magistrate)
:: censor {m}, cenzor {m}
censor {n} (official responsible for removal of objectionable material or sensitive content)
:: cenzor
censor {v} (to review for, and if necessary to remove or suppress, objectionable content)
:: cenzurovat
censorship {n} (use of state or group power to control freedom of expression)
:: cenzura {f}
censurer {n} (censor) SEE: censor
census {n} (official count of members of a population)
:: sčítání lidu {n}
cent {n} (subunit of currency in US and elsewhere)
:: cent
centaur {n} (mythical half-man, half-horse)
:: kentaur {m}
centaur {n} (astronomy)
:: Kentaur {m}, souhvězdí Kentaura {n}
centenarian {n} (one who is at least 100 years old)
:: stoletý {m}, stoletá {f}
centenary {adj} (of, or pertaining to, or completing a period of 100 years)
:: stoletý
centenier {n} (centurion) SEE: centurion
centennial {n} (100th anniversary)
:: sté výročí
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle)
:: střed {m}, centrum {n}
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere)
:: střed {m}
center {n} (point on a line midway between the ends)
:: střed {m}
center {n} (place where a function or activity occurs)
:: středisko {n}, centrum {n}
center {n} (topic of particular importance)
:: střed
center {n} (in basketball)
:: pivot
center {n} (in ice hockey)
:: střední útočník {m}, centr {m}
center {n} (soccer: pass into the center of the pitch)
:: centr {m}
center {n} (in rugby)
:: tříčtvrtka {m}
center of gravity {n} (point, near or within a body, at which the object's mass can be assumed to be concentrated)
:: těžiště {n}
centi- {prefix} (10-2)
:: centi-
centilitre {n} (1/100 of a litre)
:: centilitr {m}
centimetre {n} (one-hundredth of a metre)
:: centimetr {m}
centipede {n} (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda)
:: stonožka {f}
central {adj} (being in the centre)
:: ústřední, centrální
central {adj} (having or containing the centre of something)
:: centrální
Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa)
:: Středoafrická republika {f}
Central America {prop} (part of North America)
:: Střední Amerika {f}
Central Asia {prop} (smaller area of Central Asia)
:: Střední Asie {f}
Central Asian {adj} (of Central Asia)
:: středoasijský
central bank {n} (the principal monetary authority of a polity)
:: centrální banka {f}
Central Europe {prop} (geographical region in the center of Europe)
:: střední Evropa {f}
Central European {adj} (Central European)
:: středoevropský
Central European {n} (Central European person)
:: Středoevropan {m}
central heating {n} (heating system)
:: ústřední topení {n}
centralise {v} (centralise) SEE: centralize
centralism {n} (system that centralizes)
:: centralismus {m}
centralization {n} (the act or process of centralizing)
:: centralizace {f}
centralize {v} (to move power to a single, central authority)
:: centralizovat
central limit theorem {n} (the theorem)
:: centrální limitní věta {f}
central nervous system {n} (that part of the nervous system comprising the brain, brainstem and spinal cord)
:: centrální nervová soustava {f}
centre {n} (center) SEE: center
centre {v} (center) SEE: center
centre of mass {n} (point where the mass can be considered concentrated)
:: těžiště {n}
centrifugal {adj} (tending, or causing, to recede from the center)
:: odstředivý {m}
centrifugal force {n} (force)
:: odstředivá síla {f}
centrifuge {n} (device for separation of substances)
:: odstředivka {f}
centrifuge {v} (to rotate something in a centrifuge in order to separate its constituents)
:: odstředit
centripetal {adj} (directed or moving towards a centre)
:: dostředivý {m}
centripetal force {n} (the force on a rotating or orbiting body in the direction of the centre of rotation)
:: dostředivá síla {f}
centroacinar {adj} (of a type of spindle-shaped cell in the exocrine pancreas)
:: centroacinózní
centromere {n} (region of a eukaryotic chromosome)
:: centromera {f}
centurion {n} (commander of a century of soldiers)
:: centurio {m}
century {n} (100 years)
:: století {n}
cep {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini
cepe {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini
cephalalgia {n} (headache) SEE: headache
cephalopod {n} (mollusc)
:: hlavonožec {m}
Cephas {prop} (male given name)
:: Kéfas {m}
ceramic {adj} (of or pertaining to ceramic as material)
:: keramický
ceramic {n} (material)
:: keramika {f}
Cerberus {prop} (mythological three-headed dog)
:: Kerberos {m}
cere {n} (cere)
:: ozobí {n}
cereal {n} (type of grass)
:: obilnina {f}
cereal {n} (grains of such a grass)
:: obilí {n}
cerebellum {n} (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates)
:: mozeček {m}
cerebral {adj} (of, or relating to the brain)
:: cerebrální, mozkový
cerebral {adj} (intellectual)
:: intelektuální
cerebral cortex {n} (layer of the brain)
:: mozková kůra {f}
cerebral hemisphere {n} (region of the brain)
:: mozková hemisféra {f}, hemisféra {f}
cerebral palsy {n} (group of non-contagious conditions)
:: dětská mozková obrna {f}, mozková obrna {f}
cerebrospinal {adj} (Of, or pertaining to brain or spine)
:: mozkomíšní
cerebrospinal fluid {n} (clear bodily fluid)
:: mozkomíšní mok {m}
cerebrum {n} (upper part of the brain)
:: koncový mozek {m}
ceremonial {adj} (of, relating to, or used in a ceremony)
:: obřadný {m}
ceremony {n} (ritual with religious significance)
:: obřad {m}
Cerenkov radiation {n} (light emitted by the Cerenkov effect)
:: Čerenkovovo záření
Ceres {prop} (Roman goddess)
:: Ceres {f}
Ceres {prop} (dwarf planet)
:: Ceres {f}
cerium {n} (chemical element)
:: cér {m}, cer {m}
certain {adj} (sure, positive, not doubting)
:: jistý {m}
certain {adj} (not specifically named, indeterminate, indefinite)
:: nějaký
certain {determiner} (having been determined but not specified)
:: jistý {m}, určitý {m}
certainly {adv} (without doubt, surely)
:: určitě, nepochybně, jistě
certainly {adv} (emphatic affirmative answer)
:: určitě, nepochybně, jistě, zajisté
certainty {n} (state of being certain)
:: jistota {f}
certificate {n} (document containing a certified statement)
:: certifikát {m}, osvědčení {n}
certificate of deposit {n} (type of time-deposit account)
:: depozitní certifikát {m}
certification {n} (act of certifying)
:: certifikace {f}
cerumen {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax
cervical {adj} (of the neck)
:: krční
cervical {adj}
:: krční
cervical cancer {n} (cancer of the cervix)
:: karcinom děložního hrdla {m}, karcinom děložního čípku {m}
cervicitis {n} (inflammation of the cervix)
:: cervicitida {f}
cervix {n} (neck) SEE: neck
cervix {n} (neck-like part) SEE: neck
cervix {n} (lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina)
:: děložní čípek {m}
cesarean section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section
cesspool {n} (place for sewage)
:: žumpa {f}
c'est la vie {phrase} (such is life) SEE: such is life
cetacean {n} (an animal belonging to the order Cetacea)
:: kytovec {m}
cetirizine {n} (metabolite of hydroxyzine)
:: cetirizin {m}
Cetti's warbler {n} (Cetti's warbler)
:: cetie {f}
cevapcici {n} (Balkan dish)
:: čevapčiči {n}
Ceylon {prop}
:: Cejlon {m}
Ceylonese {adj} (of Ceylon)
:: cejlonský
Ceylonese {n} (native of Ceylon)
:: Cejloňan {m}
cf. {v} (compare)
:: srov.
C-flat {n} (a tone one semitone lower than a C, denoted C♭)
:: ces
cha-cha {n} (ballroom dance)
:: čača {f}
cha-cha-cha {n} (cha-cha) SEE: cha-cha
Chad {prop} (country)
:: Čad {m}
Chadian {adj} (pertaining to Chad)
:: čadský
Chadian {n} (person from Chad)
:: Čaďan {m}
chador {n} (a loose robe worn by Muslim women)
:: čádor {m}
chaff {n} (inedible parts of grain plant)
:: pleva {f}
chaffinch {n} (bird)
:: pěnkava {f}
Chagas' disease {n} (form of trypanosomiasis prevalent in South America)
:: Chagasova choroba {f}
chagrin {n} (distress from failure; vexation or mortification)
:: zármutek {m}
chagrin {v} (bother or vex; to mortify)
:: zklamat, zarmoutit
chain {n} (series of interconnected rings or links)
:: řetěz {m}
chain {n} (series of interconnected things)
:: řetěz {m}, řetězec {m}, zřetězení {n} (fig.)
chain {n} (series of stores or businesses with the same brand name)
:: řetězec {m}
chain {n} (number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule)
:: řetězec {m}
chain mail {n} (a flexible defensive armor)
:: kroužkové brnění {n}, kroužková zbroj {f}
chain reaction {n} (type of nuclear reaction)
:: řetězová reakce {f}
chain reaction {n} (series of events)
:: řetězová reakce {f}
chainring {n} (large forward ring on a bicycle)
:: převodník {m}, tác {m}
chainsaw {n} (saw with a power-driven chain)
:: řetězová pila {f}
chair {n} (furniture)
:: židle {f}
chair {n} (chairperson) SEE: chairperson
chair conformation {n} (chemical conformation)
:: židličková konformace {f}
chairman {n} (person presiding over a meeting)
:: předseda {m}
chairperson {n} (a person who presides over a meeting, a board)
:: předseda {m}, předsedkyně {f}
chairwoman {n} (female chairperson)
:: předsedkyně {f}
chaise longue {n} (reclining chair with a long seat)
:: šezlong {m}, dlouhé křeslo {n}
chakra {n} (spiritual energy nexuses)
:: čakra {f}
chalcedony {n} (form of fine-grained quartz)
:: chalcedon
Chaldea {prop} (region in the southern portion of Babylonia)
:: Chaldea {f}
Chaldean {adj} (of ancient Babylonia) SEE: Babylonian
Chaldean {adj} (of Chaldea)
:: chaldejský
Chaldean {n} (native of Chaldea)
:: Chaldejec {m}
Chaldean {prop} (language)
:: chaldejština {f}
chalet {n} (wooden house)
:: chata {f}
chalk {n} (a soft, white, powdery limestone)
:: křída {f}
chalk {n} (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard)
:: křída {f}
chalkboard {n} (slate board for writing on with chalk)
:: tabule {f}
chalk up to {v} (idiomatic: to attribute something to something)
:: přisoudit {pf}, přičíst {pf} co čemu
challenge {n} (that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not)
:: výzva {f}
challenge {n} (difficult task)
:: výzva {f}
challenge {v} (to dare someone)
:: vyzvat
Cham {prop} (town in Germany)
:: Kouba
chamber {n} (legislative body)
:: komora {f}
chamber {n} (enclosed space similar to a room)
:: komora {f}
chamber {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
chambermaid {n} (a maid who handles the chores in a bedroom)
:: pokojská {f}
chamber music {n} (chamber music)
:: komorní hudba {f}
chamber pot {n} (a container used for urination and defecation, see also: urinal; chemical toilet)
:: nočník {m}
chameleon {n} (reptile)
:: chameleon {m}, chameleón {m}
chamfron {n} (armor)
:: šafron {m}
chamois {n} (A goat-like antelope)
:: kamzík {m}
champ {v} (to bite or chew)
:: chroustat
champagne {n} (sparkling white wine produced in Champagne)
:: šampaňské {n}
champagne {n} (any sparkling white wine)
:: šumivé víno {n}, šampaňské {n}
champagne {n} (glass of champagne)
:: šampaňské {n}
Champagne {n} (champagne) SEE: champagne
champian {n} (field of inquiry or study) SEE: field
champian {n} (flat expanse of land) SEE: plain
champian {n} (species of landscape) SEE: plain
champian {n} (level open countryside) SEE: plain
champian {n} (battlefield) SEE: battlefield
champignon {n} (Agaricus bisporus)
:: pečárka dvouvýtrusná {f}, žampion dvouvýtrusný {m}
champion {n} (someone who has been winner in a contest)
:: mistr {m}, přeborník {m}, šampión {m}
championship {n} (competition to determine a champion)
:: mistrovství {n}
chance {n} (an opportunity or possibility)
:: šance {f}, příležitost {f}
chance {n} (random occurrence)
:: náhoda {f}
chance {n} (probability of something happening)
:: šance {f}, pravděpodobnost {f}
chance {v} (to discover by chance)
:: narazit
chancel {n} (space around the altar in a church)
:: kněžiště {n}, presbytář {m}
chancellor {n} (senior secretary or official with administrative or legal duties, sometimes in charge of some area of government)
:: kancléř {m}
chancellor {n} (head of government in some German-speaking countries)
:: kancléř {m}
chandelier {n} (branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling)
:: lustr {m}
chandler {n} (person who makes or sells candles)
:: svíčkař {m}
change {v} (to become something different)
:: měnit se
change {v} (to make something into something different)
:: změnit, proměnit
change {v} (to replace)
:: vyměnit
change {v} (to replace one's own clothing)
:: převléknout
change {n} (the process of becoming different)
:: změna {f}
change {n} (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination)
:: drobné
change {n} (a replacement)
:: náhrada {f}, záměna {f}
change hands {v} (to become the property of someone else.)
:: změnit majitele
changing room {n} (room in gym etc.)
:: šatna {f}
Chang Jiang {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze
channel {n} (physical confine of a river or slough)
:: koryto {n}
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television)
:: kanál {m}
chanoyu {n} (tea ceremony) SEE: tea ceremony
chanson {n} (French song)
:: šanson {m}
chansonnier {n} (singer of chansons)
:: šansoniér {m}
chanterelle {n} (Cantharellus cibarius)
:: liška obecná {f}
chaos theory {n} (chaos theory)
:: teorie chaosu {f}
chaotic {adj} (filled with chaos)
:: chaotický
chaotic {adj} (extremely disorganized or in disarray)
:: chaotický
chapel {n} (place of worship)
:: kaple {f}
chaperon {n} (an adult who accompanies unmarried men or women) SEE: chaperone
chaperone {n} (older person who accompanies younger people to ensure good behaviour)
:: garde {n}, gardedáma {f}
chaplain {n} (member of a religious body)
:: kaplan {m}
Chaplinesque {adj} (resembling Charlie Chaplin)
:: chaplinovský
chapter {n} (section in a book)
:: kapitola {f}, hlava {f}
character {n} (being in a story)
:: postava {f}
character {n} (distinguishing feature)
:: znak {m}
character {n} (symbol for a sound or a word)
:: znak {m}
character {n} ((computing) basic element in a text string)
:: znak {m}
characteristic {adj} (being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing)
:: charakteristický {m}
characteristic {n} (distinguishing feature)
:: charakteristika {f}, vlastnost {f}
characterization {n} (act or process of characterizing)
:: charakterizace {f}
characterize {v} (to determine the characteristics of)
:: charakterizovat
charade {n} (party game) SEE: charades
charades {n} (game)
:: šarády {f-p}
charbonnier {n} (charbonnier, Tricholoma portentosum)
:: čirůvka havelka {f}
charcoal {n} (substance)
:: dřevěné uhlí {n}
charcoal {n} (stick used for drawing)
:: uhel {m}
charcoal drawing {n} (charcoal drawing) SEE: charcoal
charcuterie {n} (cured meat, ready to be eaten)
:: uzenina {f}, uzeniny {f-p}, uzenářství {n}
chard {n} (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla)
:: mangold
chargé d'affaires {n} (diplomat)
:: chargé d'affaires {m}
charge {n} (military: ground attack)
:: zteč {f}, výpad {m}
charge {n} (accusation)
:: obvinění {n}
charge {n} (electric charge)
:: náboj {m}
charge {v} (to assign a duty to)
:: pověřit
charge {v} (to formally accuse of a crime)
:: obvinit {pf}
charge {v} (to cause to take on an electric charge)
:: nabít
chargecard {n} (credit card) SEE: credit card
charger {n} (a device that charges or recharges)
:: nabíječka {f}
chariot {n} (vehicle used in warfare)
:: válečný vůz {m}, vůz {m}
charioteer {n} (person who drives a chariot)
:: vozataj {m}
charismatic {adj} (of, related to, or having charisma)
:: charismatický
charitable {adj} (pertaining to charity)
:: dobročinný {m}
charitable {adj} (having a purpose or character of a charity)
:: dobročinný {m}
charitable organization {n} (organization)
:: charitativní organizace {f}
charity {n} (providing of goods or money)
:: dobročinnost {f}
charity {n} (organization)
:: charita {f}
charlatan {n} (malicious trickster)
:: šarlatán {m}
charlatanism {n} (charlatanry) SEE: charlatanry
charlatanry {n} (state of being a charlatan)
:: šarlatánství {n}
Charles {prop} (given name)
:: Karel {m}
Charles's law {prop} (physical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure)
:: Charlesův zákon {m}
Charleston {n} (dance)
:: charleston {m}
Charlie {prop} (diminutive of Charles or its translations in other languages)
:: Kája
Charlotte {prop} (female given name)
:: Šarlota
charm {n} (quality of inspiring delight or admiration)
:: půvab {m}
charming {adj} (pleasant, charismatic)
:: okouzlující {m}
Charon {prop} (a moon of Pluto)
:: Charon {m-in}
Charon {prop} (the ferryman of Hades)
:: Charón {m-an}, Charon {m-an}
chart {n} (map) SEE: map
chart {n} (graph) SEE: graph
chart {n} (table) SEE: table
chart {n} (non-narrative presentation of data)
:: graf {m}
chart {n} (diagram) SEE: diagram
charter {n} (document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges)
:: charta {f}
charter member {n} (original member of an organization) SEE: founding member
Chartism {prop} (a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century)
:: chartisté
chary {adj} (not disposed to give freely) SEE: frugal
chary {adj} (excessively particular or fussy about details) SEE: fastidious
Charybdis {prop} (Greek mythological monster)
:: Charybda {f}
chase {n} (hunt) SEE: hunt
chase {v} (to hunt) SEE: hunt
chase {n} (action of the verb "to chase")
:: honba {f}, stíhání {n}
chase {v} (to pursue, to follow at speed)
:: honit, hnát; pronásledovat
chasm {n} (gap)
:: propast {f}
chasm {n} (difference of opinion)
:: rozkol {m}, nesoulad {m}
chasma {n} (aurora) SEE: aurora
chassis {n} (base frame of motor vehicle)
:: podvozek {m}, šasi {n}
chaste {adj} (modest) SEE: modest
chaste {adj} (abstaining from sexual intercourse)
:: cudný
chaste {adj} (celibate) SEE: celibate
chaste {adj} (innocent) SEE: innocent
chaste {adj} (austere) SEE: austere
chastely {adv} (in a chaste manner)
:: cudně
chasten {v} (discipline) SEE: discipline
chastity {n} (abstaining from sexual activity)
:: cudnost {f}
chastity belt {n} (belt-like garment)
:: pás cudnosti {m}
chastushka {n} (Russian or Ukrainian folk poem)
:: častuška {f}
chat {v} (be engaged in informal conversation)
:: povídat {impf}, povídat si {impf}
chat {n} (exchange of text or voice messages in real time)
:: chat {m}
chatty {adj} (chatting a lot or fond of chatting)
:: povídavý, upovídaný
chauffeur {n} (a person employed to drive a motor car)
:: šofér {m}, řidič {m}
chauvinism {n} (excessive patriotism)
:: šovinismus {m}, šovinizmus {m}
chauvinism {n} (unwarranted bias)
:: šovinismus {m}, šovinizmus {m}
chauvinist {adj} (pertaining to chauvinism)
:: šovinistický {m}
chauvinist {n} (chauvinist person)
:: šovinista {m}
chavender {n} (chub) SEE: chub
cheap {adj} (low and/or reduced in price)
:: levný
cheat {v} (violate rules to gain advantage)
:: podvádět
cheat {v} (being unfaithful)
:: podvádět, být nevěrný
cheater {n} (cheat) SEE: cheat
cheat sheet {n} (sheet of paper used to assist on a test)
:: tahák {m}
Cheboksary {prop} (city)
:: Čeboksary {p}
Chebyshev's inequality {prop} (theorem)
:: Čebyševova nerovnost {f}
Chechen {prop} (language)
:: čečenština {f}
Chechen {adj} (of or relating to the Chechen people)
:: čečenský {m}
Chechens {prop} (ethnic group)
:: Čečenec {m}, Čečenci
Chechnya {prop} (republic of Russia)
:: Čečensko {n}
check {v} (to clash or interfere) SEE: clash
check {n} (chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece)
:: šach {m}
check {n} (inspection or examination)
:: kontrola {f}, zkouška {f}
check {n} (mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator)
:: křížek {m}, odškrtnutí {n}
check {n} (bill, particularly at a restaurant)
:: účet {m}
check {v} (to inspect, examine)
:: prověřit
check {v} (to mark with a checkmark)
:: zaškrtnout
check {v} (to control, limit, or halt)
:: kontrolovat, ovládat
check {v} (to verify or compare with a source of information)
:: kontrolovat, zkontrolovat
check {n} (bank order) SEE: cheque
check {v} (to chide, rebuke, or reprove) SEE: chide
checkbook {n} (chequebook) SEE: chequebook
checkbox {n} ((graphical user interface): a feature on a webpage that can be marked or not)
:: zaškrtávací pole {n}
checkered {adj} (divided into squares)
:: kostkovaný, kárový
checkers {n} (draughts) SEE: draughts
checking account {n} (current account) SEE: current account
checkmate {interj} (said when making the conclusive move in chess)
:: mat, šach mat {m}
checkmate {n} (conclusive victory in a game of chess)
:: mat {m}
checkmate {n} (losing situation with no escape)
:: matová situace {f}
checkmate {v} (to put an opponent into checkmate)
:: matovat, dát mat
checkpoint {n} (point along a road or on a frontier)
:: přechod {m}
checksum {n} (number serving to detect error)
:: kontrolní součet {m}
check up {v} (to verify through examination)
:: zkontrolovat
check valve {n} (type of a valve)
:: zpětný ventil {m}
cheddar {n} (cheese)
:: čedar {m}
cheek {n} (part of face)
:: líčko {n}
cheek {n} (colloquial: buttock)
:: půlka {f}
cheekbone {n} (bone)
:: lícní kost {f}
cheeky {adj} (impudent; impertinent)
:: drzý {m}, nestydatý {m}
cheerful {adj} (happy)
:: radostný {m}, šťastný {m}
cheerfulness {n} (the state of being cheerful; joy)
:: veselost {f}, radost {f}, štěstí {n}
cheerio {interj} (translations to be checked: exclamation used when greeting as well as when parting)
:: servus, ahoj, čau
cheerleader {n} (person (usually female) who encourages applause)
:: roztleskávačka {f}
cheers {interj} (toast when drinking)
:: na zdraví
cheer up {v} (to become happy)
:: pookřát, vzmužit se
cheer up {v} (to make someone happy)
:: povzbudit
cheer up {interj} (an encouragement)
:: hlavu vzhůru!
cheese {n} (dairy product)
:: sýr {m}
cheese {n} (countable: any particular variety of cheese)
:: sýr {m}
cheese {n} (slang: money)
:: chechtáky {p}, prachy, love
cheese {interj} (said while being photographed)
:: sýr
cheesy {adj} (overdramatic, clichéd)
:: kýčovitý {m}
cheetah {n} (Acinonyx jubatus)
:: gepard {m}
chef {n} (head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant)
:: šéfkuchař {m}
chelicera {n} (chelicera)
:: klepítko {n}, chelicera {f}
Chelyabinsk {prop} (city)
:: Čeljabinsk {m}
chemical {adj} (relating to chemistry)
:: chemický
chemical {n} (any specific element or chemical compound)
:: chemikálie
chemical bond {n} (any of binding forces)
:: chemická vazba {f}
chemical element {n} (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction)
:: chemický prvek {m}
chemical engineering {n} (branch of engineering that deals with the process plants)
:: chemické inženýrství {n}
chemically {adv} (using a chemical reaction, process or operation)
:: chemicky
chemical property {n} (any of a material's properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction)
:: chemická vlastnost {f}
chemical reaction {n} (process in which chemical substances are changed into others)
:: chemická reakce {f}
chemist {n} (person working in chemistry)
:: chemik {m}
chemist {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
chemist {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist
chemistry {n} (branch of natural science)
:: chemie {f}
chemistry {n} (application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance)
:: chemie
chemist's {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy
Chemnitz {prop} (city in Saxony)
:: Saská Kamenice {f}
chemotherapeutic {adj} (of or having to do with chemotherapy)
:: chemoterapeutický
chemotherapy {n} (chemical treatment to kill or halt cancer)
:: chemoterapie {f}
cheque {n} (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity)
:: šek {m}
chequebook {n} (folder containing cheques)
:: šeková knížka {f}
Cherkessk {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Čerkesk {m}
Chernigov {prop} (Chernihiv) SEE: Chernihiv
Chernihiv {prop} (city)
:: Černihov {m}
Chernobyl {n} (city in Ukraine)
:: Černobyl {m}
chernozem {n} (black-coloured soil containing a high percentage of humus)
:: černozem {f}
Cherokee {n} (individual member of this people)
:: Čerokí {m}, Čerokéz {m}
cherry {n} (fruit)
:: třešně {f-p}
cherry {n} (tree)
:: třešeň {f}
cherry {n} (color)
:: višňová
cherry {adj} (flavour)
:: třešňový {m}
cherry {adj} (colour)
:: višňová {f}
cherry tree {n} (tree of subgenus Cerasus)
:: třešeň {f}
cherub {n} ((biblical) winged creature attending on God)
:: cherubín {m}
cherub {n} (person seen as being particularly angelic or innocent)
:: andílek {m}
chervil {n} (spice)
:: kerblík {m}
Cheshire cat {prop} (fictional grinning cat)
:: kočka Šklíba {f}
chess {n} (two-player board game)
:: šachy {m-p}
chessboard {n} (square board used in the game of chess)
:: šachovnice {f}
chessman {n} (chess piece) SEE: chess piece
chess piece {n} (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess)
:: šachová figurka {f}
chesspiece {n} (chessman) SEE: chess piece
chess player {n} (a person who plays chess)
:: šachista {m}, šachistka {f}
chest {n} (strong box)
:: truhla {f}
chest {n} (thorax)
:: hruď {f}
chest {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin
chestnut {n} (nut of the chestnut tree)
:: kaštan {m}
chestnut {n} (reddish-brown colour)
:: kaštanově hnědá {f}
chestnut-backed chickadee {n} (Poecile rufescens)
:: ] {f}
chest of drawers {n} (furniture for the storage of clothes)
:: komoda {f}
chevin {n} (chub) SEE: chub
chevron {n} (heraldry: wide inverted V)
:: krokev {m}
chevron {n} (diacritical mark) SEE: háček
chevy {v} (to chase or hunt) SEE: chase
chew {v} (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing)
:: žvýkat
chewing gum {n} (flavoured preparation for chewing)
:: žvýkačka {f}
Cheyenne {n} (member of the Cheyenne people)
:: Čejen {m}
chi {n} (Greek letter)
:: chí
chia {n} (Salvia hispanica)
:: šalvěj hispánská {f}
chia {n} (Salvia columbariae)
:: šalvěj {f}
Chiang-hsi {prop} (Jiangxi) SEE: Jiangxi
chiaroscuro {n} (artistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts)
:: šerosvit {m}
chia seed {n} (seed)
:: chia semínka {n-p}
Chiba {prop} (a city of Japan)
:: Čiba
Chicago {prop} (large US city)
:: Chicago {n}
chicane {n} (a temporary barrier or serpentine curve)
:: šikana {f}
chicane {n} (chicanery)
:: podvod {m}, trik {m}, podvrh {m}
chicanery {n} (deception by use of trickery)
:: podvod {m}, podvrh {m}
chick {n} (young bird)
:: kuře {n}, ptáče {n}
chick {n} (young chicken)
:: kuře {n}
chick {n} (young woman)
:: kočka {f}
chickadee {n} (songbird)
:: sýkora {f}, sýkorka {f}
chicken {n} (bird)
:: slepice {f}, kur {m}, kuře {n}
chicken {n} (meat)
:: kuře {f}
chicken {n} (coward)
:: zbabělec {m}, posera {m}
chicken {n} (young, attractive, slim man) SEE: twink
chicken coop {n} (small building for poultry) SEE: henhouse
chicken pox {n} (childhood disease)
:: plané neštovice {f-p}
chickpea {n} (plant)
:: cizrna {f}
chickpea {n} (seed)
:: cizrna {f}
chickweed {n} (herb)
:: ptačinec {m}
chicory {n} (common chicory (Cichorium intybus))
:: čekanka {f}, čekanka obecná {f}
chicory {n} (coffee substitute)
:: cikorka {f}
chide {v} (loudly admonish)
:: vyhubovat, vynadat {pf}
chief {n} (leader of group, etc.)
:: náčelník {m}, šéf {m}
chief {n} (head of an organization)
:: náčelník {m} (fire chief), šéf {m}
chief {n} (heraldic term)
:: hlava štítu {f}
chief {adj} (primary; principal)
:: hlavní
chief executive officer {n} (highest-ranking corporate officer)
:: výkonný ředitel {m}
chiefly {adv} (mainly or principally, almost entirely)
:: hlavně
chief of state {n} (the titular head of a nation) SEE: head of state
chieftain {n} (A leader of a clan or tribe)
:: náčelník {m}
chiffchaff {n} (Phylloscopus collybita)
:: budníček menší {m}
chignon {n} (roll or twist of hair worn at the nape of the neck; a bun)
:: drdol {m}
Chihuahua {n} (breed of dog)
:: čivava {f}
Chișinău {prop} (capital city and a municipality of Moldova)
:: Kišiněv {m}
child {n} (a female or male child, a daughter or son)
:: dítě {n}
child {n} (a minor)
:: dítě {n}
child {n} ((computing) object which has a subservient or derivative role relative to another object)
:: dcera {f}
child {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth
childbirth {n} (act of giving birth)
:: porod {m}
child-fucker {n} (contemptible person) SEE: motherfucker
child-fucker {n} (one who engages in sex with a child) SEE: pedophile
childhood {n} (time when one is a child)
:: dětství {n}
childish {adj} (behaving immaturely)
:: dětinský
childless {adj} (not having any children)
:: bezdětný {m}
childminder {n} (person who looks after other people's children)
:: paní {f} na hlídání {n} dětí {f-p}
child porn {n} (child pornography) SEE: child pornography
child pornography {n} (pornographic materials depicting minors)
:: dětská pornografie {f}
children's home {n} (public institution for care of children, see also: orphanage)
:: dětský domov {m}
Chile {prop} (country in South America)
:: Chile {n}
Chilean {adj} (pertaining to Chile)
:: chilský
Chilean {n} (person from Chile)
:: Chilan {m}
Chi-lin {prop} (Jilin) SEE: Jilin
chili pepper {n} (fruit)
:: chilli paprička {f}
chillingly {adv} (in a chilling manner)
:: mrazivě
chills {n} (medical symptom)
:: zimnice {f}
chilly {adj} (cold enough to cause discomfort)
:: sychravý
chimera {n} (flame-spewing monster, see also: Chimera)
:: Chiméra
chimera {n} (foolish thought, product of the imagination)
:: chiméra
chimera {n} (organism with genetically distinct cells from two or more zygotes)
:: chiméra
Chimera {prop} (mythical monster)
:: Chiméra {f}
chimney {n} (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue)
:: komín {m}
chimney {n} (glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp)
:: cylindr {m}
chimney {n} (UK: smokestack of a steam locomotive)
:: komín {m}
chimney sweep {n} (occupation)
:: kominík {m}
chimpanzee {n} (ape)
:: šimpanz {m}
chin {n} (bottom of a face)
:: brada {f}
China {prop} (country in east Asia)
:: Čína {f}
China aster {n} (Callistephus chinensis)
:: astra čínská
Chinatown {n} (a Chinese district outside China)
:: čínská čtvrť {f}
chinchilla {n} (rodent)
:: činčila {f}
Chinese {prop} (any language spoken in China, see also: Literary Chinese; Mandarin; Cantonese; Wu; Min Nan)
:: čínština {f}
Chinese {prop} (writing system of Chinese)
:: čínština {f}
Chinese {n} (the people of China)
:: Číňané {m-p}
Chinese {n} (person born in China)
:: Číňan {m}, Číňanka {f}
Chinese {n} (Chinese food or meal)
:: čína {f}
Chinese {adj} (relating to China)
:: čínský
Chinese {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin
Chinese cabbage {n} (any East Asian leafy vegetable)
:: čínské zelí {n}
Chinese Crested Dog {n} (Chinese Crested Dog)
:: čínský chocholatý pes {m}
Chinese grapefruit {n} (pomelo) SEE: pomelo
Chinese jump rope {n} (to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise)
:: skákání gumy
Chinese lantern {n} (paper lantern)
:: lampion {m}, lampión {m}
Chinese parsley {n} (coriander) SEE: coriander
Chinese river dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji
Chinese studies {n} (study of China)
:: sinologie {f}
Chinese whispers {n} (game)
:: tichá pošta {f}, telefon {m}
Chinese white dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji
Ch'ing-hai {prop} (Qinghai) SEE: Qinghai
chin-up {n} (an exercise done for strengthening the arms and back) SEE: pull-up
chip {n} (integrated circuit)
:: chip {m}, čip {m}
chipper {adj} (exhibiting a lively optimism)
:: čiperný
chirality {n} (handedness in chemistry, physic and mathematics)
:: chiralita {f}
Chiron {prop} (mythology)
:: Cheirón {m}
chiropractor {n} (chiropractor)
:: chiropraktik {m}
chiropterologist {n} (one who studies bats)
:: chiropterolog {m}, chiropteroložka {f}
chisel {v} (to cheat) SEE: cheat
chisel {n} (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal)
:: dláto {n}, sekáč {m}, majzlík {m}
chi-square distribution {n} (probability distribution)
:: chí-kvadrát rozdělení {n}
Chita {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Čita {f}
chit-chat {n} (gossip; mindless banter)
:: tlachání {n}
chit-chat {v} (to engage in small talk)
:: tlachat, bavit se, kecat
chitin {n} (polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, found in arthropod and fungi)
:: chitin {m}
chivalrous {adj} (of a man: honourable)
:: rytířský {m}
chivalrous {adj} (involving chivalry)
:: rytířský {m}
chivalry {n} (ethical code)
:: rytířství {n}
chivalry {n} (Courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women)
:: galantnost {f}
chive {n} (plant)
:: pažitka {f}, šnytlík {m}
chive {n} (chives: herb)
:: pažitka {f}
chivvy {v} (to coerce) SEE: coerce
chlorate {n} (any salt of chloric acid)
:: chlorečnan {m}, chlorát {m}
chloric acid {n} (HClO3)
:: kyselina chlorečná {f}
chloride {n} (any salt of hydrochloric acid)
:: chlorid {m}
chlorination {n} (chlorination)
:: chlorace {f}
chlorine {n} (chemical element)
:: chlór {m}
chlorine dioxide {n} (gas ClO2)
:: oxid chloričitý {m}
chloro- {prefix} (chemistry: containing chlorine)
:: chloro-
chloroform {n} ((chemistry) an anesthetic)
:: chloroform {m}
chloroma {n} (myeloid sarcoma)
:: chlorom {m}
chlorophyll {n} (green pigment)
:: chlorofyl {m}
chocolate {n} (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans)
:: čokoláda {f}
chocolate {adj} (made of or containing chocolate)
:: čokoládový {m}
chocolate {adj} (colour)
:: čokoládový {m}
chocolate egg {n} (Easter treat) SEE: Easter egg
chocolate milk {n} (milk drink flavored with chocolate)
:: čokoládové mléko
choice {n} (option or decision)
:: volba {f}, výběr {m}
choice {n} (selection or preference)
:: volba {f}, možnost {f}
choir {n} (singing group)
:: sbor {m}, chór {m}
choir {n} (part of a church for choir assembly)
:: kruchta {f}, kůr {m}
choke {v} (be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe)
:: dusit se
choke {v} (prevent someone from breathing by strangling them)
:: škrtit
choke {n} (control on a carburetor)
:: sytič
choke {n} (constriction at a shotgun barrel)
:: snížené
choking {n} (obstruction of the flow of air into the lungs)
:: dušení {n}
cholecyst {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder
cholecystectomy {n} (surgical procedure)
:: cholecystektomie {f}
cholecystoduodenostomy {n} (anastomosis of gallbladder and duodenum)
:: cholecystoduodenostomie
cholent {n} (meat stew)
:: šoulet {m}
cholera {n} (infectious disease)
:: cholera {f}
cholestasis {n} (suppressed flow of bile)
:: cholestáza {f}
cholesterol {n} (an essential component of mammalian cell membranes)
:: cholesterol {m}
choline {n} (organic chemistry: a compound)
:: cholin {m}
cholinergic {adj} (of, pertaining to, activated by, producing or having the same function as acetylcholine)
:: cholinergní
Chomolungma {prop} (Mount Everest)
:: Čomolungma {f}
Chomoutov {prop} (part of Olomouc)
:: Chomoutov {m}
Chomoutov {prop} (part of Olomouc (used attributively))
:: chomoutovský
chondrosarcoma {n} (type of cancer)
:: chondrosarkom {m}
Chongqing {prop} (a municipality in western China)
:: Čchung-čching
choose {v} (to choose) SEE: take
choose {v} (to pick)
:: volit {impf}, zvolit {pf}, vybírat {impf}, vybrat {pf}
choose {v} (to elect)
:: volit, zvolit, vyvolit
choose {v} (to decide to act in a certain way)
:: zvolit si {pf}, rozhodnout se {pf}
choosy {adj} (taking care when choosing that what is chosen best suits one's tastes, desires or requirements)
:: vybíravý {m}
chop-chop {interj}
:: honem
chopper {n} (helicopter (formal translations)) SEE: helicopter
chopper {n} (axe/ax) SEE: axe
chopping board {n} (a sturdy board, upon which one chops and prepares food)
:: kuchyňské prkénko {n}, krájecí deska {f}
chopstick {n} (single eating utensil)
:: jídelní hůlka {f}
choral {n} (chorale) SEE: chorale
chorale {n} (hymn tune)
:: chorál {m}
chorale {n} (chorus)
:: sbor {m}
chord {n} (combination of three or more notes)
:: akord {m}
chord {n} (straight line)
:: tětiva {f}
chordate {n} (a member of the phylum Chordata)
:: strunatec {m}
chorea {n} (an Ancient Greek circular dance)
:: tanec svatého Víta {m}
chorea {n} (disease of the nervous system)
:: tanec svatého Víta {m}
choreographer {n} (person who choreographs)
:: choreograf {m}
choreographist {n} (choreographist) SEE: choreographer
choreography {n} (art)
:: choreografie {f}
choreography {n} (representation)
:: choreografie {f}
choreography {n} (notation)
:: choreografie {f}
chorus {n} (repeated part of a song)
:: refrén {m}
Chorzów {prop} (city on the Rawa in southern Poland)
:: Chořov
chotki {n} (prayer rope)
:: čotky
chough {n} (bird of Pyrrhocorax)
:: kavče {n}
chrism {n} (mixture of oil and balm)
:: křižmo {n}
Christ {prop} (title for Jesus of Nazareth)
:: Kristus {m}
Christadelphian {n} (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination)
:: kristadelfián {m}
Christadelphian {adj} (pertaining to the Christadelphians)
:: kristadelfiánský {m}
Christ child {prop} (Child Jesus)
:: Ježíšek
christen {v} (to perform the religious act of baptism)
:: pokřtít {pf}, křtít {impf}
Christian {n} (member of the Christian religion)
:: křesťan {m}, křesťanka {f}
Christian {prop} (male given name)
:: Kristián
Christian {adj} (of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians)
:: křesťanský
Christian Democratic {adj} (of or pertaining to Christian Democracy or Christian Democrats)
:: křesťanskodemokratický
Christianity {prop} (monotheistic religion)
:: křesťanství {n}
Christian name {n} (first name at Christian baptism)
:: křestní jméno {n}
Christian name {n} (any forename) SEE: forename
Christina {prop} (female given name)
:: Kristína {f}
Christine {prop} (female name) SEE: Christina
Christmas {prop} (Christian holiday)
:: Boží hod {m}, Vánoce {p}
Christmas carol {n} (hymn whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas)
:: vánoční koleda {f}
Christmas Day {n} (the 25th of December)
:: první svátek vánoční {m}
Christmas Eve {prop} (evening before Christmas Day)
:: Štědrý večer {m}
Christmas Eve {prop} (day before Christmas Day)
:: Štědrý den {m}
Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia)
:: Vánoční ostrov {m}
Christmas season {n} (Advent) SEE: Advent
Christmas tree {n} (tree used during the Christmas holiday season)
:: vánoční stromeček {m}
Christopher {prop} (a male given name)
:: Kryštof {m}
chromatic {adj} (characterised by hue)
:: chromatický
chromatid {n} (Either of the two strands of a chromosome that separate during mitosis)
:: chromatida {f}
chromium {n} (chemical element)
:: chrom {m}
chromosome {n} (structure in the cell nucleus)
:: chromozom {m}
chronic {adj} (that continues over an extended period of time)
:: chronický
chronic {adj} (medical: prolonged or slow to heal)
:: chronický {m}
chronic fatigue syndrome {n} (medical condition)
:: chronický únavový syndrom {m}
chronicle {n} (a written account)
:: kronika {f}
chronicler {n} (person who writes a chronicle)
:: kronikář {m}
Chronicles {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Chronická {f-p}
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease {n} (group of pulmonary diseases)
:: chronická obstrukční plicní nemoc {f}
chrono- {prefix} (relation to time)
:: chrono-
chronologic {adj} (chronological) SEE: chronological
chronological {adj} (in order of time from the earliest to the latest)
:: chronologický
chronologist {n} (a person skilled in chronology)
:: chronolog {m}
chronology {n} (determining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history))
:: chronologie {f}
chronology {n} (arrangement into chronological order)
:: chronologie {f}
chronometer {n} (device for measuring time)
:: chronometr {m}
chronoscope {n} (chronometer) SEE: chronometer
chrysalis {n} (the pupa of a butterfly or moth)
:: kukla {f}
chrysanthemum {n} (flower)
:: chryzantéma {f}
chub {n} (Leuciscus cephalus)
:: jelec tloušť {m}, kleně {n}
Chudskoye {prop} (a lake between Russia and Estonia)
:: Čudské jezero {n}
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukchi Peninsula, see also: Chukchi Peninsula)
:: Čukotka {f}
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, see also: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)
:: Čukotka {f}
Ch'ung-ch'ing {prop} (Chongqing) SEE: Chongqing
chunk {n} (a part of something)
:: kus {m}, kousek {m}
chunter {v} (speak in a soft, indistinct manner, mutter)
:: mrmlat
chunter {v} (grumble, complain)
:: mrmlat
chur {interj} (voicing of thanks) SEE: thanks
chur {interj} (parting salutation) SEE: bye
church {n} (house of worship)
:: kostel {m}, chrám {m}, cerkev {f}
church {n} (a religious organization)
:: církev {f}
church {n} (worship service)
:: bohoslužba {f}, mše {f}
churchical {adj} (pertaining to or characteristic of church) SEE: ecclesiastical
Churchillian {adj} (of pertaining to Churchill)
:: Churchillův
Church of England {prop} (established Christian church in England)
:: Anglikánská církev {f}
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints {prop} (major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement)
:: Církev Ježíše Krista Svatých posledních dnů
Church of Scotland {prop} (national Presbyterian church of Scotland)
:: Skotská církev {m}
church service {n} (communal worship)
:: bohoslužba {f}
churn {v} (agitate rapidly)
:: stloukat {impf}, stlouci {pf}
churn {v} (figuratively: produce excessive motion)
:: rozvířit {pf}, rozčeřit {pf}
churn out {v} (to produce a large quantity of something rapidly and easily)
:: sekat jako Baťa cvičky {impf}, dělat jako na běžícím pásu
chutney {n} (condiment)
:: čatní {n}
chutzpah {n} (nearly arrogant courage)
:: voprsklost {f}, chucpe, drzost {f}
Chuvashia {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Čuvašsko {n}
chyluria {n} (medical condition)
:: chylurie {f}
chyme {n} (partly digested food passed from the stomach to the duodenum)
:: trávenina {f}
ciao {interj} (hello) SEE: hello
ciao {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye
cicada {n} (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera)
:: cikáda {f}
cicatrice {n} (scar) SEE: scar
cicatrix {n} (scar that remains after the development of new tissue) SEE: scar
cider {n} (alcoholic beverage)
:: jablečný mošt {m}
cider {n} (non-alcoholic still beverage)
:: jablečný mošt {m}
cider {n} (non-alcoholic sparkling beverage)
:: jablečný mošt {m}
Cieszyn {prop} (city in Poland)
:: Těšín {m}
cigar {n} (tobacco product)
:: doutník {m}
cigarette {n} (cigarette)
:: cigareta {f}
cigarette lighter {n} (lighter) SEE: lighter
cilantro {n} (leaves of the coriander plant)
:: koriandr {m}
ciliary {adj} (of or pertaining to eyelashes)
:: ciliární
ciliary muscle {n} (muscle)
:: ciliární sval {m}
cilium {n} (hairlike organelle projecting from eukaryotic cell)
:: řasinka {f}, brva {f}
cimbalom {n} (type of concert hammered dulcimer)
:: cimbál {m}
cinch {n} (something that is very easy to do)
:: hračka {f}
cinder {n} (ember) SEE: ember
cinder {n} (partially or mostly burnt material)
:: oharek {m}
Cinderella {prop} (fairy tale)
:: Popelka {f}
Cinderella {prop} (main character in this fairy tale)
:: Popelka {f}
cinema {n} (movie) SEE: movie
cinema {n} (a film/movie theatre)
:: kino {n}
cinereous {adj} (colour)
:: popelavý
cinnamon {n} (Cinnamomum verum)
:: skořicovník {m}
cinnamon {n} (spice)
:: skořice {f}
cipher {n} (obsolete: zero) SEE: zero
cipher {n} (numeric character)
:: číslice {f}, cifra {f}
cipher {n} (method for concealing the meaning of text)
:: šifra {f}
cipher {n} (cryptographic system)
:: šifra {f}
circa {prep} (approximately, about)
:: přibližně, cirka
Circassian {prop} (language)
:: čerkezština {f}
Circassian {n} (a native or inhabitant of Circassia)
:: čerkes {m}, čerkesové {m-p}
circle {n} (geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center)
:: kruh {m}, kružnice {f}
circle {n} (geometry: set of all points in a plane within a radius)
:: kruh {m}
circle {n} (specific group of persons)
:: kruh {m}
circle {n} (bagginess of skin under eyes)
:: kruhy pod očima {m-p}
circle {v} (travel in circles)
:: kroužit
circle {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit
circle {n} (traffic circle or roundabout) SEE: traffic circle
circular {adj} (in the shape of, or moving in a circle)
:: kulatý
circular arc {n} (continuous section of the circumference of a circle)
:: kruhový oblouk {m}
circular definition {n} (definition)
:: definice kruhem {f}
circular saw {n} (a power saw with a circular cutting blade)
:: kotoučová pila {f}
circular segment {n} (circular segment)
:: úseč {f}
circulate {v} (to move in circles)
:: obíhat
circulate {v} (to spread or disseminate)
:: šířit
circulation {n} (act of moving in a circle)
:: cirkulace {f}
circulatory {adj} (of or pertaining to a circulation)
:: oběhový
circulatory system {n} (parts of an animal body)
:: oběhová soustava {f}
circumcise {v} (to remove the foreskin from the penis)
:: obřezat {pf}, obřezávat {impf}
circumcise {v} (to remove the clitoris or labia)
:: obřezat
circumcision {n} (removal of foreskin from penis)
:: obřízka {f}
circumcision {n} (female circumcision) SEE: female circumcision
circumference {n} (line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional object)
:: obvod {m}
circumference {n} (length of such line)
:: obvod {m}
circumfix {n} (affix with both a pre- and sufixing part)
:: cirkumfix {m}
circumflex {n} (circumflex accent)
:: stříška {f}, vokáň
circumnavigate {v} (to sail completely around something)
:: obeplout
circumnavigate {v} (to circumvent or bypass)
:: obejít
circumscribe {v} (to draw a line around; encircle)
:: obmalovat, obkroužit
circumscribe {v} (to limit narrowly; restrict)
:: ohraničit, omezit
circumscribe {v} (to draw a circle, sphere, or higher-dimensional ball)
:: opsat
circumscription {n} (electoral district) SEE: electoral district
circumspect {adj} (carefully aware of all circumstances)
:: obezřetný {m}
circumspection {n} (attention to all the facts and circumstances)
:: obezřetnost {f}
circumstance {n} (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event)
:: okolnost {f}
circus {n} (company that travels)
:: cirkus {m}
cirque {n} (something in the shape of a circle) SEE: circle
cirque {n} (curved depression in a mountainside)
:: kar {m}
cirrhosis {n} (chronic disease of the liver)
:: cirhóza {f}
cirrus {n} (tendril)
:: úponek {m}
cirrus {n} (cloud)
:: řasa {f}
CIS {prop} (Commonwealth of Independent States)
:: SNS
Cisleithania {prop} (areas of Austria-Hungary to the west of the River Leitha)
:: Předlitavsko {n}, Cislajtánie {f}
cissoid {n} (cissoid)
:: kisoida {f}
Cistercian {n} (member of the Cistercian Order)
:: cisterciák {m}
cis-trans isomerism {n} (a form of geometric isomerism)
:: cis-trans izomerie {f}
cisvestism {n} (wearing of clothing of different profession or status)
:: cisvestitismus {m}
citadel {n} (a strong fortress that sits high above a city)
:: citadela {f}
citadel {n} (a stronghold or fortified place)
:: citadela {f}
citation {n} (the passage or words quoted; quotation)
:: citát {m}
citation {n}
:: citace {f}
cite {v} (quote) SEE: quote
cite {n} (citation) SEE: citation
citizen {n} (legal member of a state)
:: občan {m}, občanka {f}
citizenry {n} (the group of all citizens)
:: občanstvo {n}
citizenship {n} (state of being a citizen)
:: občanství {n}
citrate {n} (salt or ester of citric acid)
:: citran {m}, citrát {m}
citric acid {n} (2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, C6H8O7)
:: kyselina citrónová {f}
citron {n} (fruit)
:: cedrát {m}
citrus {n} (fruit) SEE: citrus fruit
citrus fruit {n} (fruit of genus Citrus)
:: citrusové ovoce {n}
city {n} (large settlement)
:: město {n}, velkoměsto {n}
city council {n} (town/city governing body)
:: městská rada {f}
city hall {n} (building)
:: radnice {f}
city hall {n} (government)
:: radnice {f}, magistrát {m}
city slicker {n} (one accustomed to urban living)
:: měšťák {m}
civet {n} (cat-like animal)
:: cibetka {f}
civic {adj} (Having to do with a city or the people who live there)
:: městský, občanský
civil {adj} (related to people and government office as opposed to military or religion)
:: civilní
civil {adj} (behaving in a reasonable or polite manner)
:: civilizovaný, slušný, kulturní , vychovaný
civil code {n} (a systematic collection of laws between private parties)
:: občanský zákoník {m}
civil disobedience {n} (active and non-violent refusal to obey)
:: občanská neposlušnost {f}
civil engineering {n} (technical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones)
:: stavební inženýrství {n}
civilization {n} (organized culture)
:: civilizace {f}
civilized {adj} (having a highly developed society or culture)
:: civilizovaný
civil law {n} (body of law dealing with private relations)
:: občanské právo {n}
civil partnership {n} (arrangement for same-sex couples)
:: registrované partnerství {n}
civil rights {n} (rights deserved by all people under all circumstances)
:: občanská práva {n-p}
civil society {n} (institutions, voluntary organizations and corporate bodies)
:: občanská společnost {f}
civil war {n} (war between factions within a single country)
:: občanská válka {f}
Civil War {prop} (civil war) SEE: civil war
clade {n} (group)
:: klad {m}
claim {n} (demand of ownership)
:: nárok {m}
claim {n} (new statement of truth made about something)
:: tvrzení {n}
claim {n} (demand of ownership for previously unowned land)
:: zábor {m}
claim {v} (to state a new fact)
:: tvrdit
claimant {n} (party who initiates a lawsuit) SEE: plaintiff
Claire {prop} (female given name) SEE: Clara
clairvoyance {n} (the power to perceive objects that are not accessible to the senses)
:: jasnovidnost {f}, jasnovidectví {n}
clairvoyant {adj} (of, or relating to clairvoyance)
:: jasnovidecký
clairvoyant {adj} (able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses)
:: jasnovidný
clairvoyant {adj} (able to foresee the future)
:: jasnozřivý
clairvoyant {n} (person able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses)
:: jasnovidec {m}
clairvoyant {n} (person able to foresee the future)
:: jasnovidec {m}
clam {n} (mollusc, see also: mollusc; oyster; mussel)
:: škeble {f}
clamor {n} (great outcry or vociferation)
:: řev {m}, křik {m}, vřava {f}
clamor {n} (loud and continued noise)
:: hluk {m}
clamor {n} (continued public expression, often of dissatisfaction; popular outcry)
:: křik {m}
clamp {n} (woodworking tool)
:: svěrka {f}
clamp {v} (to fasten in place or together)
:: připevnit
clan {n} (group having common ancestor)
:: klan {m}, rod {m}
clan {n} (group of players who habitually play on the same team in multiplayer games)
:: klan {m}
clandestine {adj} (done or kept in secret)
:: utajovaný {m}, utajený {m}, tajný {m}
clap {v} (To strike the palms of the hands together)
:: tleskat
clap {v} (To applaud by clapping the hands)
:: tleskat
clapboard {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard
clapper {n} (the tongue of a bell)
:: srdce zvonu, srdce
clapper {n} (rattle)
:: řehtačka {f}
clapper board {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard
clapperboard {n} (device used in film)
:: klapka {f}
claptrap {n} (empty verbiage or nonsense)
:: cancy {m-p}
Clara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of the name Clara)
:: Klára
Clare {n} (Clara) SEE: Clara
clarify {v} (to make clear)
:: objasnit, vyjasnit
clarinet {n} (woodwind musical instrument)
:: klarinet {m}
clarinetist {n} (musician)
:: klarinetista {m}
clarity {n} (the state or measure of being clear)
:: jasnost {f}
clash {n} (skirmish)
:: střet {m}
clasp {v} (take hold of; grab tightly)
:: sevřít
class {n} (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes)
:: třída {f}
class {n} (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.)
:: třída {f}
class {n} (division of society into classes)
:: třída {f}
class {n} (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher)
:: třída {f}
class {n} (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation)
:: třída {f}
class {n} (taxonomy: classification below Phylum and above Order)
:: třída {f}
class {n} (object-oriented programming: set of objects possibly differing in state but not behavior)
:: třída {f}
class diagram {n} (type of static structure diagram)
:: diagram tříd {m}
classic {adj} (exemplary of a particular style)
:: klasický {m}
classic {adj} (exhibiting timeless quality)
:: klasický {m}
classical {adj} (literature etc)
:: klasický
classical antiquity {prop} (the Greco-Roman period of history)
:: antika {f}
Classical Arabic {prop} (Classical Arabic)
:: klasická arabština {f}
classicism {n} (classical traditions of the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome)
:: klasicismus {m}
classification {n} (act of forming into classes)
:: klasifikace {f}
classified {n} (classified advertisement) SEE: classified advertisement
classified ad {n} (classified advertisement) SEE: classified advertisement
classified advertisement {n} (newspaper or website advertisements under categories)
:: inzerát {m}
classifier {n} (someone who classifies)
:: klasifikátor {m}
classify {v} (identify or divide into classes)
:: klasifikovat
classless {adj} (not divided into societal or economic groups)
:: beztřídní
classmate {n} (student who is in the same class at school)
:: spolužák {m}
classroom {n} (room in a school)
:: třída {f}
class warfare {n}
:: třídní boj {m}
Claudia {prop} (female given name)
:: Klaudie
claustrophobia {n} (fear of closed, tight places)
:: klaustrofobie {f}
clavicle {n} (collar bone)
:: klíční kost {f}
clavis {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary
claw {n} (curved horny nail)
:: dráp {m}
claw {v} (scratch or tear at)
:: drápat {impf}
claw {v} (to use claws to seize, to grip)
:: drapnout
claw {v} (use claws to climb)
:: drápat se
clay {n} (mineral substance)
:: jíl {m}, hlína {f}
clean {adj} (not dirty)
:: čistý {m}
clean {v} ((transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object)
:: čistit {impf}, vyčistit {pf}
clean {v} ((transitive) to tidy up)
:: uklidit
clean {v} ((intransitive) to make things clean)
:: uklízet
clean {adj} (empty) SEE: empty
cleaner {n} (person who cleans)
:: uklízeč {m}, uklízečka {f}
cleanliness {n} (the property of being cleanly)
:: čistota {f}, čistost {f}
cleanly {adj} (being habitually clean)
:: čistotný {m}
cleanness {n} (state of being clean)
:: čistota {f}, čistost {f}
cleanse {v} (to clean, purify)
:: očistit se
cleanse {v} (to spiritually purify)
:: očistit se
cleanser {n} (detergent) SEE: detergent
clean up {v} (to make an area or a thing clean)
:: vyčistit
clear {adj} (distinct) SEE: distinct
clear {adj} (transparent in colour)
:: čirý
clear {adj} (without clouds)
:: jasný
clear {adj} (free of ambiguity or doubt)
:: jasný
clear {adj} (free of guilt or suspicion)
:: čistý
clear {adj} (meteorology: less than 1/8 obscured by clouds)
:: jasný
clear {adv} (not near or touching something)
:: mimo
clear {v}
:: vyčistit
clear {v} (to become clear or freed from obstructions)
:: vyčistit se
clear {v} (to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify)
:: vyjasnit
clear {v} (to remove from suspicion)
:: očistit
clear {v} (computing: reset; return to zero)
:: vymazat {pf}
clear cut {adj} (straightforward)
:: jasný
clearing {n} (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
:: mýtina {f}, paseka {f}
clearly {adv} (in a clear manner)
:: jasně
clear one's throat {v} (forcibly expulsing air from one's lungs)
:: odkašlat si {pf}, odkašlávat si {impf}
cleavage {n} (the act of cleaving or the state of being cleft)
:: rozpolcení {n}, rozdělení {n}
cleavage {n} (separation between breasts)
:: rýha mezi ňadry {f}
cleavage {n} (chemistry: splitting of a large molecule)
:: štěpení {n}
cleavage {n} (mineralogy: tendency of a crystal to split)
:: štěpnost {f}
cleave {v} (transitive to split or sever)
:: proříznout {pf}, rozetnout {pf}, rozříznout {pf}
cleave {v} (intransitive to split)
:: rozetnout {pf}
cleaver {n} (a squarish knife used for hacking)
:: sekáček {m}
clef {n} (musical symbol)
:: klíč {m}
Clement {prop} (male given name)
:: Klement {m}
clench {v} (to squeeze)
:: sevřít
Cleopatra {prop} (a given name of women in the Ptolemy dynasty)
:: Kleopatra {f}
clergy {n} (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services)
:: duchovenstvo {n}
clergyman {n} (ordained (male) Christian minister, male member of the clergy)
:: duchovní {m}
clerical {adj} (of or relating to clerks or their work)
:: úřednický
clerical {adj} (of or relating to the clergy)
:: kněžský
clerical collar {n} (collar worn by clergy)
:: kolárek {m}
clerk {n} (one working with records etc.)
:: úředník
clever {adj} (mentally quick or sharp)
:: chytrý
cleverly {adv} (intelligently directed to a purpose)
:: chytře
cleverness {n} (being clever, mentally sharp)
:: chytrost {f}
clew {n} (clue) SEE: clue
cliché {n} (overused phrase or expression)
:: klišé {n}
cliche {n} (cliché) SEE: cliché
click {v} (transitive: operate so as to make click)
:: cvaknout {pf}
click {v} (transitive: press and release (button on a mouse))
:: kliknout {pf}, klepnout
click {v} (intransitive: emit a click)
:: cvaknout {pf}
click {v} (intransitive: click the left button of a mouse)
:: kliknout
click {v} (intransitive: make sense suddenly)
:: dojít
click {v} (intransitive: get on well at a first meeting)
:: sednout si
client {n} (a customer or receiver of services)
:: klient {m}, zákazník {m}
client {n} (person who receives help or advice from a professional person)
:: klient
clientele {n} (body of clients who frequent an establishment)
:: klientela {f}
clientelism {n} (a political system based on personal relations rather than personal merits)
:: klientelismus {m}
cliff {n} (a (near) vertical rock face)
:: útes {m}
climate {n} (long-term atmospheric conditions)
:: podnebí {n}, klima {n}
climate {n} (context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation)
:: klima {n}
climate change {n} (changes in the Earth's climate)
:: klimatické změny
climatologist {n} (scholar of climatology)
:: klimatolog {m}
climatology {n} (science)
:: klimatologie {f}
climax {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) SEE: orgasm
climb {v} (to ascend, to go up)
:: růst
climb {v} (to mount, to move upwards on)
:: lozit {impf}, lézt {impf}
clinic {n} (medical facility)
:: klinika {f}
clinical examination {n} (physical examination) SEE: physical examination
clinical psychology {n} (branch of psychology)
:: klinická psychologie
clinker {n} (fetters) SEE: fetter
Clio {prop} (the Muse of history and heroic poetry)
:: Kleió {f}
clip {v} (to cut, especially with scissors or shears as opposed to a knife etc)
:: stříhat
clipboard {n} (physical object)
:: podložka se sponou
clipboard {n} (in computing: buffer for temporary storage)
:: schránka {f}
clipper {n} (fast sailing ship)
:: klipr
clique {n} (small, exclusive group)
:: klika {f}
clique {n} (subgraph)
:: klika {f}
clitellum {n} (glandular swelling)
:: opasek {m}
clitic {n} (morpheme attached to another word)
:: příklonka {f}
clitoris {n} (elongated erectile organ)
:: poštěváček {m}, klitoris {m}
cloaca {n} (anatomical feature of birds etc)
:: kloaka {f}
cloak {n} (cape)
:: plášť {m}
cloak {n} (blanket-like covering, often metaphorical)
:: plášť {m}
cloakroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
cloakroom {n} (room for coats)
:: šatna {f}
clobber {n} ((computing) To overwrite or override, often unintentionally.)
:: přepsat
clock {n} (instrument to measure or keep track of time)
:: hodiny {f-p}
clock face {n} (the surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands)
:: ciferník {m}, číselník {m}
clockwise {adv} (in a circular fashion in the same direction as the hands of an analogue clock)
:: po směru hodinových ručiček
clockwisely {adv} (clockwise) SEE: clockwise
clod {n} (lump of something, especially of earth or clay)
:: hrouda {f}
clod {n} (stupid person)
:: blb {m}, hňup
clog {n} (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel)
:: dřevák {m}
clog {v} (to block or slow passage through)
:: ucpat
clogged {adj} (having an obstructed flow)
:: ucpaný {m}
cloister {n} (place devoted to religious seclusion)
:: klášter {m}
cloistral {adj} (of, pertaining to, or living in a cloister)
:: klášterní {m}
clone {v} (create a clone)
:: klonovat
close {v} (obstruct (an opening))
:: zavřít {pf}
close {v} (move (a door))
:: zavřít {pf}
close {adj} (at a little distance)
:: blízký {m}
close {adj} (intimate)
:: blízký {m}
closed {adj} (not open)
:: zavřený
closed {adj} (not operating or conducting trade)
:: zavřený
closed {adj} (in mathematics, such that its image under the specified operation is contained in it)
:: uzavřený {m}
closed {adj} (lacking a free variable)
:: uzavřený {m}
closed-end fund {n} (collective investment)
:: uzavřený fond {m}
closed interval {n}
:: uzavřený interval {m}
close-hauled {adj} (close to the wind)
:: ostře proti větru
closemouthed {adj} (reticent, secretive or uncommunicative)
:: tichý
closeness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity
closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
closet {n} (furniture)
:: skříň
closure {n} (event signifying an ending)
:: uzavření {n}, uzavírka {f}
closure {n} (mathematical set)
:: uzávěr {m}
cloth {n} (woven fabric)
:: látka {f}, tkanina {f}, plátno {n}, sukno {n}
clothes {n} (apparel)
:: oblečení {n}, šaty {p}
clothes moth {n} (insect)
:: mol šatní {m}
clothes peg {n} (an object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline)
:: kolíček na prádlo {m}
clothespin {n} (a clip or fastener) SEE: clothes peg
clothing {n} (clothes)
:: oblečení {n}
cloud {v} (to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight)
:: zatemnit se
cloud {v} (to make obscure (e.g. to cloud the issue))
:: zatemnit
cloud {n} (visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air)
:: mrak {m}, oblak {m}
cloud {n} (mass of dust, steam or smoke)
:: mrak {m}, oblak {m}
cloud {n} (anything which makes things foggy or gloomy)
:: mrak {m}
cloudberry {n} (species)
:: ostružiník moruška
cloudberry {n} (fruit)
:: ostružiník moruška {m}
cloudburst {n} (sudden heavy rainstorm)
:: průtrž mračen, liják
cloud-cuckoo-land {n} (imaginary place with unrealistic or silly people)
:: Mrakoptakohrad {m} , Kocourkov {m}
cloudy {adj} (covered with or characterised by clouds)
:: oblačný, zamračený
clout {v} (hit, especially with the fist)
:: uhodit
clove {n} (spice)
:: hřebíček {m}
clove {n} (constitutive bulb of garlic)
:: stroužek {m}
clove pink {n} (carnation) SEE: carnation
clover {n} (plant in genus Trifolium)
:: jetel {m}
clown {n} (performance artist working in a circus)
:: klaun {m}
cloze {n}
:: doplňovací test
club {n} (weapon)
:: kyj {m}, klacek {m}, obušek {m}
club {n} (association of members)
:: klub {m}, spolek {m}
club {n} (nightclub)
:: klub {m}
club {n} (playing card symbol, ♣)
:: kříž {m}
club {n} (hitting implement)
:: hůl {f}
clubhouse {n} (a building used by a club)
:: klubovna {f}
clubs {n} (plural of club) SEE: club
clubs {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)
:: kříže {m-p}
club together {v} (contribute money jointly with others)
:: skládat se {impf}, složit se {pf}
clue {n} (information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusion)
:: klíč {m}, vodítko {n}, nápověda {f}
clueless {adj} (lacking knowledge or understanding)
:: bezradný {m}
Cluj-Napoca {prop} (city in Romania)
:: Kluž {f}
clumsy {adj} (awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous)
:: nemotorný, neohrabaný
clumsy {adj} (not elegant or well-planned)
:: nevhodný
clumsy {adj} (awkward or inefficient in use or construction)
:: nešikovný
clunker {n} (decrepit motor car)
:: kraksna {f}
cluster {n} (group or bunch of something)
:: shluk {m}
cluster {n} (a bunch of grapes)
:: hrozen {m}
cluster {n} (group of galaxies or stars)
:: kupa {f}
cluster {n} (group of consonants)
:: shluk {m}
cluster {n} (significant subset within a population)
:: shluk {m}
cluster analysis {n} (classification of objects)
:: shluková analýza {f}
clutch {n} (A device to interrupt power transmission)
:: spojka {f}
clutch {n} (The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission)
:: spojka {f}
cluttering {n} (a speech disorder characterized by fast, jerky, or irregular speech, which often sounds like stuttering)
:: breptavost, tumultus
c'mere {contraction} (come) SEE: come
c'mere {contraction} (here) SEE: here
cnidarian {n} (any of various invertebrate animals that belong to the phylum Cnidaria)
:: žahavec {m}
co- {prefix} (together, mutually, jointly)
:: spolu-
coach {n} (wheeled vehicle drawn by horse power)
:: kočár {m}
coach {n} (trainer)
:: trenér {m}, trenérka {f}, kouč {m}
coach {v} (sports: train)
:: trénovat
coach driver {n} (driver of a horse-drawn coach)
:: kočí {m}
coachman {n} (male coach driver) SEE: coach driver
coachwoman {n} (female coach driver) SEE: coach driver
coachwork {n} (body of a motor vehicle)
:: karosérie {f}
coadjutor {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant
coal {n} (uncountable: carbon rock)
:: uhlí {n}
coalesce {v} (to join into a single mass)
:: sloučit se, spojit se
coalesce {v} (to form from different elements)
:: sloučit se, spojit se
coalescence {n} (act of coalescing)
:: hromadění {f}
coalition {n} (group of organizations)
:: koalice {f}
coal tit {n} (coal tit)
:: sýkora uhelníček {f}
coarctation {n} (stenosis) SEE: stenosis
coarse {adj} (containing large particles)
:: hrubý, drsný
coarse {adj} (of inferior quality)
:: hrubý
coarse {adj} (not refined)
:: hrubý
coarsely {adv} (in a coarse manner)
:: hrubě
coast {n} (edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay)
:: pobřeží {n}, břeh {m}
coaster {n} (piece of material used to protect the surface of a table)
:: tácek {m}, podtácek {m}, podložka {f}
coat {n} (outer garment covering the upper torso and arms)
:: kabát {m}
coat {n} (covering of material, such as paint)
:: nátěr {m}
coat hanger {n} (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc)
:: ramínko {n}
coat of arms {n} (hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon)
:: erb {m}, znak {m}
coat rack {n} (rack for holding coats)
:: věšák {m}
coatrack {n} (coat rack) SEE: coat rack
coat-rack {n} (coat rack) SEE: coat rack
coauthor {n} (author who collaborate with another to write something)
:: spoluautor {m}, spoluautorka {f}
coax {v} (persuade gradually)
:: přemluvit {pf}, přemlouvat {impf}, přesvědčit {pf}, přesvědčovat {impf}
coax {v} (manipulate carefully into position)
:: zmanipulovat {pf}
coaxial {adj} (having a common central axis)
:: souosý, koaxiální
cob {n} (gull) SEE: gull
cobalt {n} (chemical element)
:: kobalt {m}
cobble {v} (to use cobblestones for paving)
:: dláždit
cobbler {n} (person who makes and repairs shoes)
:: švec {m}
cobra {n} (venomous snake)
:: kobra {f}
cobweb {n} (a spider’s web) SEE: spiderweb
coca {n} (the dried leaf of a South American shrub (Erythroxylon coca))
:: kokainovník pravý
Coca-Cola {n} (Coke) SEE: Coke
Coca-Cola {prop} (particular carbonated soft drink)
:: Coca-Cola {f}
cocaine {n} (the narcotic)
:: kokain {m}
coccyx {n} ((anatomy) final fused vertebrae)
:: kostrč {f}
cochlea {n} (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear)
:: hlemýžď {m}
cock {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick
cock {n} (any male bird)
:: kohout {m}
cock {n} (slang: stupid person)
:: kokot {m}
cock {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) SEE: rooster
cockade {n} (a rosette worn in a hat as an office or party badge)
:: kokarda {f}
cock-a-doodle-doo {interj} (cry of the rooster)
:: kikirikí, kykyryký
cockatiel {n} (a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest)
:: korela
cockatoo {n} (a bird)
:: kakadu {m}
cockblocker {n} (one who cockblocks)
:: kazišuk {m}, křen {m}
cockchafer {n} (beetle of genus Melolontha)
:: chroust {m}, chroust obecný {m}
cockcrow {n} (dawn)
:: kuropění {n}
cockerel {n} (young male chicken)
:: kohoutek {m}
cockeyed {adj} (absurd, silly, or stupid) SEE: absurd
cockeyed {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk
cockeyed {adj} (crooked, askew) SEE: crooked
cockeyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward) SEE: cross-eyed
cockle {n} (wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle
cockle {n} (corncockle) SEE: corncockle
cocklebur {n} (any of the coarse composite weeds of the genus Xanthium, with a prickly fruit)
:: řepeň {f}
cockpit {n} (space for pilot and crew in an aircraft)
:: kokpit {m}
cockroach {n} (type of insect)
:: šváb {m}
cockscomb {n} (fleshy red crest of a rooster)
:: hřebínek {m}
cocksfoot {n} (Dactylis)
:: srha {f}
cocksucker {n} (a fellator)
:: kuřbuřt {m}
cocktail {n} (alcoholic beverage)
:: koktejl {m}
cocoa {n} (partially fermented seeds of cacao tree)
:: kakaové boby {m-p}
cocoa {n} (hot drink)
:: kakao {n}
cocoa {n} (cup/mug of this drink)
:: kakao {n}
cocoa {n} (powder) SEE: cocoa powder
cocoa powder {n} (powder from cocoa solids)
:: kakao {n}
coconut {n} (fruit of coco palm)
:: kokos {m}, kokosový ořech {m}
coconut {n} (coconut palm) SEE: coconut palm
coconut milk {n} (the liquid from inside the seed of the coconut)
:: kokosové mléko {n}
coconut palm {n} (Cocos nucifera)
:: kokosovník {m}, kokosová palma {f}
cocoon {n} (protective case)
:: kukla {f}, kokon {m}
cod {n} (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
:: treska {f}
coddle {v} (to treat gently or with great care)
:: rozmazlovat
code {n} (body of law)
:: zákoník {m}
code {n} (system of principles, rules or regulations)
:: kodex {m}
code {n} (set of rules for converting information)
:: kód {m}
code {n} (cryptographic system)
:: kód {m}
code {n} (source code) SEE: source code
codec {n} (A device or program capable of performing transformations on a data stream or signal)
:: kodek {m}
codfish {n} (cod) SEE: cod
codification {n} (the process of precisely formulating a statement, as a code of laws)
:: kodifikace {f}
codify {v} (to reduce to a code)
:: kodifikovat
codomain {n} (target set of a function)
:: obor hodnot {m}
coeducation {n} (education of both male and female students in the same institution)
:: koedukace {f}, společné vzdělávání chlapců a dívek, společné vzdělávání obou pohlaví
coefficient {n} (algebraic constant)
:: koeficient {m}, součinitel {m}
coefficient of friction {n} (ratio)
:: součinitel tření {m}, koeficient tření {m}
coeliac disease {n} (auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten)
:: celiakie {f}
coenzyme {n} (small molecule that is necessary for the functioning of an enzyme)
:: koenzym {m}
coerce {v} (to use force, threat, or intimidation in attempt to compel one to act against their will)
:: donutit
coercion {n} (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person)
:: donucení {n}
coetaneous {adj} (contemporary) SEE: contemporary
coeval {n} (somebody of the same age)
:: vrstevník {m}
coevolution {n} (evolution featuring mutual adaptation)
:: koevoluce {f}
coexist {v} (Exist contemporaneously)
:: koexistovat
coexistence {n} (two or more things existing together)
:: spolubytí {n}, koexistence {f}
coffee {n} (beverage)
:: káva {f}
coffee {n} (plant)
:: kávovník {m}
coffee bar {n} (establishment that sells coffee) SEE: café
coffee grinder {n} (a device for pulverizing or powdering coffee beans)
:: mlýnek na kávu {m}, kafemlejnek {m}
coffee grounds {n} (sediment)
:: sedlina {f}, lógr {m}
coffeehouse {n} (café) SEE: café
coffeemaker {n} (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee)
:: kávovar {m}
coffee shop {n} (café) SEE: café
coffer {n} (strongbox)
:: kasa {f}, pokladna {f}
coffer {n} (architecture: ornamental sunken panel)
:: kazeta {f}
coffer {n} (supply or store of money)
:: kasa {f}
coffin {n} (box in which a dead person is buried)
:: rakev {f}
Coffin Texts {prop} (ancient Egyptian funerary texts)
:: Texty rakví
cog {n} (tooth on a gear)
:: zub {m}
cog {n} (gear; a cogwheel)
:: ozubené kolo {n}
cog {n} (unimportant individual)
:: nula {m}
cog {n} (type of ship)
:: koga {f}
cogeneration {n} (simultaneous or serial production of heat and electricity from the same source)
:: kogenerace {f}
cogitable {adj} (conceivable) SEE: conceivable
cognac {n} (type of brandy)
:: koňak {m}
cognitive {adj} (relating to mental functions)
:: kognitivní
cognitive psychology {n} (branch of psychology)
:: kognitivní psychologie
cognitive science {n} (multidisciplinary study of mind and behavior)
:: kognitivní věda {f}
cognitive therapy {n} (form of psychotherapy)
:: kognitivní terapie
cognoscente {n} (someone possessing specialized knowledge in a particular field)
:: expert {m}, znalec {m}
cog wheel {n} (gear wheel) SEE: gear wheel
cogwheel {n} (gear wheel) SEE: gear wheel
coherence {n} (quality of cohering; of being coherent)
:: soudržnost {f}
coherence {n} (having the same wavelength and phase)
:: koherence {f}
coherent {adj} (sticking together)
:: soudržný
coherent {adj} (orderly, logical and consistent)
:: souvislý, ucelený
coherent {adj} (of waves having the same direction, wavelength and phase)
:: koherentní
cohesive {adj} (having cohesion)
:: soudržný
cohort {n} (accomplice) SEE: accomplice
cohort {n} (group of people supporting the same thing or person)
:: kohorta {f}
cohort {n} (division of Roman legion)
:: kohorta {f}
cohort {n} (associate) SEE: associate
cohort {n} (colleague) SEE: colleague
coiffure {n} (hairstyle) SEE: hairstyle
coil {n} (something wound)
:: spirála
coil {n} (electrical)
:: cívka {f}
coil {n} (intra-uterine contraceptive device) SEE: intrauterine device
Coimbra {prop} (city and municipality in Coimbra, Portugal)
:: Coimbra
coin {n} ((currency) a piece of currency)
:: mince {f}
coin {v} (to create coins)
:: razit
coin {v} (to make up or invent, and establish)
:: razit
coinage {n} (currency) SEE: currency
coinage {n} (neologism) SEE: neologism
coincidence {n} (of objects, property of being coincident)
:: koincidence {f}
coincidence {n} (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not)
:: náhoda {f}, koincidence {f}
coitus {n} (sexual interaction, see also: sexual intercourse)
:: soulož {f}, koitus {m}
coitus interruptus {n} (sexual intercourse interrupted by withdrawal of the penis)
:: přerušovaná soulož {f}
coke {n} (coal product)
:: koks {m}
coke {n} (Coke) SEE: Coke
Coke {n} (Coca-Cola)
:: kola {f}
cola {n} (drink)
:: kola {f}
cola {n} (plant or nut) SEE: kola
colander {n} (a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta)
:: cedník {m}, řešeto {n}
colchicine {n} (alkaloid)
:: kolchicin
cold {adj} (having a low temperature)
:: studený, chladný
cold {adj} (unfriendly)
:: chladný, nepřátelský
cold {n} (low temperature)
:: zima {f}, chlad {m}
cold {n} (illness)
:: nachlazení {n}
cold as ice {adj} (very cold)
:: chladný jako led
cold-blooded {adj} (lacking emotion or compunction)
:: chladnokrevný
cold fish {n} (heartless individual)
:: suchar {m}
cold fusion {n} (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion)
:: studená fúze {f}
cold war {n} (a period of hostile relations)
:: studená válka {f}
Cold War {prop} (a period of history from 1945–1991)
:: studená válka {f}
cole {n} (cabbage) SEE: cabbage
colic {n} (abdominal pain)
:: kolika {f}
colitis {n} (inflammation of the colon)
:: kolitida {f}
collaborate {v} (to work together on a piece of work)
:: spolupracovat
collaborate {v} (to cooperate treasonably)
:: kolaborovat
collaboration {n} (act of collaborating)
:: spolupráce {f}
collaboration {n} (treasonous cooperation)
:: kolaborace {f}
collaborationist {n} (one who collaborates) SEE: collaborator
collaborator {n} (person who works with others towards a common goal)
:: spolupracovník {m}
collaborator {n} (person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy)
:: kolaborant {m}
collage {n} (picture made by sticking other pictures onto a surface)
:: koláž {f}
collagen {n} (glycoprotein that forms elongated fibers)
:: kolagen {m}
collagenase {n} (enzyme that breaks the peptide bonds in collagen)
:: kolagenáza {f}
collagenous {adj} (of, pertaining to, or resembling collagen)
:: kolagenní
collapse {v} (to fall down suddenly; to cave in)
:: spadnout, zhroutit se
collar {n} (fabric garment part fitting around throat)
:: límec {m}
collar {n} (device for restraining animal)
:: obojek {m}
collar {n} (part of harness)
:: chomout {m}
collar {v} (to arrest) SEE: arrest
collarbone {n} (clavicle) SEE: clavicle
collared dove {n} (collared dove)
:: hrdlička zahradní {f}
collared peccary {n} (mammal)
:: pekari páskovaný
collared pratincole {n} (Glareola pratincola)
:: ouhorlík stepní {m}
collateral {n} (security or guarantee)
:: kolaterál {m}, zajištění {n}, zástava {f}
colleague {n} (fellow member of a profession)
:: kolega {m}, kolegyně {f}
collect {v} (to gather together)
:: sbírat {impf}, sebrat {pf}, shromažďovat {impf}, shromáždit {pf}
collect {v} (to get from someone)
:: vybírat
collect {v} (to accumulate items for a hobby)
:: sbírat
collecting {n} (hobby)
:: sběratelství {n}
collection {n} (set of items)
:: sbírka {f}
collection {n} (activity of collecting)
:: sběr {m}, sbírání {n}
collective numeral {n} (a numeral, which signifies that several persons or things are taken definitely and unitedly together)
:: souborová číslovka {f}
Collective Security Treaty Organisation {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance)
:: Organizace Smlouvy o kolektivní bezpečnosti {f}
collective unconscious {n} (experience of human species)
:: kolektivní nevědomí {n}
collectivist {adj} (of or pertaining to collectivism)
:: kolektivistický
collectivist {n} (advocate of collectivism)
:: kolektivista {m}
collectivization {n} (the act of collectivizing)
:: kolektivizace {f}
collector {n} (person or thing that collects)
:: sběratel {m}
collector {n} (person who is employed to collect payments)
:: výběrčí {m}
collegial {adj} (of or relating to a college or its students; collegiate)
:: kolejní
collegial {adj} (adhering to the ethos, standards and conduct that govern behavior among colleagues)
:: kolegiální
collide {v} (to impact directly, especially if violent)
:: srazit se
collier {n} (person)
:: uhlíř {m}
colliery {n} (underground coal mine)
:: uhelný důl {m}
collinear {adj} (on the same straight line)
:: kolineární
collinearity {n} (the condition of being collinear)
:: kolinearita {f}
collision {n} (collision) SEE: wreck
collision {n} (instance of colliding)
:: srážka {f}
collocation {n} (grouping of words that commonly occur together)
:: kolokace {f}
colloquial {adj} (of oral communication language)
:: hovorový
colloquially {adv} (in a colloquial manner)
:: hovorově
colloquium {n} (academic meeting)
:: kolokvium {n}
colloquy {n} (conversation, dialogue)
:: disputace
collusion {n} (conspiracy)
:: koluze {f}
colocynth {n} (plant or fruit of the Citrullus colocynthis)
:: kolokvinta obecná {f}
cologne {n} (eau de Cologne)
:: kolínská voda {f}
Cologne {prop} (city in Germany)
:: Kolín nad Rýnem {m}
Colombia {prop} (country in South America)
:: Kolumbie {f}
Colombian {n} (A person from Colombia)
:: Kolumbijec {m}
Colombian {adj} (pertaining to Colombia)
:: kolumbijský
Colombo {prop} (capital of Sri Lanka)
:: Kolombo {n}
colon {n} (punctuation mark)
:: dvojtečka {f}
colon {n} (the last part of the digestive system)
:: tračník {m}
colonel {n} (commissioned office in the armed services)
:: plukovník {m}
colonial {adj} (of or pertaining to a colony)
:: koloniální
colonialism {n} (colonial domination policy)
:: kolonialismus
colonization {n} (process of establishing a colony)
:: kolonizace {f}
colony {n} (region or governmental unit)
:: kolonie {f}
colophony {n} (rosin) SEE: rosin
color {n} (spectral composition of visible light)
:: barva
color {n} (particular set of the visible spectrum)
:: barva
color {n} (hue as opposed to achromatic colors)
:: odstín
color {n} (human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity)
:: barva
color {n} (any of the standard dark tinctures used in a coat of arms)
:: barva
color {n} (standard or banner (colors))
:: vlajka
color {v} (give something color)
:: obarvit
color {v} (become red through increased blood flow)
:: zardít se, začervenat se
Colorado {prop} (US state)
:: Colorado {n}
Colorado beetle {n} (beetle)
:: mandelinka bramborová {f}
color blindness {n} (condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired)
:: barvoslepost {f}
colorful {adj} (possessing prominent and varied colors)
:: barevný, pestrý
colorimetry {n} (science of measuring colours and assigning them numeric values)
:: kolorimetrie {f}
coloring book {n} (a type of book)
:: omalovánky {f-p}
colossal {adj} (extremely large)
:: kolosální
Colosseum {prop} (ancient stadium in Rome)
:: Koloseum {n}
Colossians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Koloským
colossus {n} (a statue of gigantic size)
:: kolos {m}
colossus {n} (any creature or thing of gigantic size)
:: kolos {m}
Colossus of Rhodes {prop} (the statue of Helios)
:: Rhódský kolos {m}
colostrum {n} (a form of milk)
:: mlezivo {n}, kolostrum {n}
colourable {adj} (that can be coloured)
:: obarvitelný {m}
colourless {adj} (having no colour)
:: bezbarvý
colt {n} (young male horse)
:: hříbě {n}
coltsfoot {n} (Tussilago farfara)
:: podběl {m}
columbine {n} (any plant of the genus Aquilegia)
:: orlíček
column {n} (upright supporting member)
:: sloup {m}
column {n} (vertical line of entries in a table)
:: sloupec {m}
column {n} (newspaper column)
:: sloupek {m}
columnist {n} (regular writer of a column)
:: sloupkař {m}
colza {n} (cabbage variety)
:: řepka olejka {f}
coma {n} (Deep sleep)
:: bezvědomí {n}, kóma {n}
Comanche {n} (member of the Comanche people)
:: Komanč {m}
comb {n} (toothed implement for grooming the hair)
:: hřeben {m}
comb {n} (fleshy growth on the top of the head of some birds and reptiles)
:: hřebínek {m}
comb {v} (to groom the hair with a toothed implement)
:: česat
comb {v} (to search thoroughly as if raking over an area with a comb)
:: pročesat, pročesávat
comb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) SEE: honeycomb
combat {n} (a battle; a fight)
:: boj {m}
combat {v} (to fight; to struggle for victory)
:: bojovat
combination {n} (one or more elements selected without regard of the order)
:: kombinace {f}
combinatorics {n} (a branch of mathematics)
:: kombinatorika {f}
combine {v} (bring two or more things or activities together)
:: kombinovat
combine {n} (joint enterprise for a business purpose)
:: kombinát {m}
combine {n} (industrial conglomeration in the Soviet bloc)
:: kombinát {m}
combine {n} (combination) SEE: combination
combine {n} (combine harvester) SEE: combine harvester
combine driver {n} (one who drives a combine)
:: kombajnér {m}, kombajnista {m}
combine harvester {n} (combine)
:: kombajn {m}
comb one's hair {v} (to straighten one's hair with a comb)
:: česat se {impf}, učesat se {pf}
combover {n} (A manner of combing hair to conceal a bald spot)
:: přehazovačka {f}
combust {v} (be consumed by fire) SEE: burn
combustibility {n} (quality or state of being combustible)
:: hořlavost {f}
combustible {adj} (capable of burning)
:: hořlavý
combustion {n} (the act or process of burning)
:: spalování {n}
combustion chamber {n} (space in a heat engine)
:: spalovací komora {f}
come {v} (to move nearer)
:: přicházet {impf}, přijít {pf}; přijíždět {impf}, přijet {pf}
come {v} (to arrive, to appear)
:: přijít
come {v} (to have a relative position in a sequence)
:: předejít
come {v} (to orgasm)
:: udělat se
come back {v} ((intransitive) To return to a place)
:: vrátit se
come by {v} (to pass or visit (intrans.))
:: stavit se
Comecon {prop} (Comecon)
comedian {n} (entertainer)
:: komik {m}, komediant {m}
come down {v} (graduate) SEE: graduate
comedy {n} (dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone)
:: komedie {f}, veselohra {f}
come in {v} (to enter) SEE: enter
come on {interj} (expression of encouragement)
:: do toho
comestible {adj} (suitable to be eaten; edible)
:: jedlý, poživatelný
comestible {n} (anything that can be eaten; food)
:: jídlo {n}, poživatina {f}
comet {n} (a celestial body, generally with a tail)
:: kometa {f}
come to light {v} (become known)
:: projevit se
come to terms with {v} (accept or resign oneself to something emotionally painful)
:: vyrovnat se
comeuppance {n} (an outcome which is justly deserved)
:: spravedlivý trest
come what may {adv} (idiomatic)
:: ať se děje co se děje, buď jak buď
comfort {n} (contentment, ease)
:: pohodlí {n}
comfort {n} (consolation)
:: pohodlí {n}
comfort {v} (console) SEE: console
comfortable {adj} (amply sufficient)
:: pohodlný {m}
comfortable {adj} (providing physical comfort and ease)
:: pohodlný {m}
comfortable {adj} (in a state of comfort)
:: v pohodlí
comforter {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier
comics {n} (artistic medium)
:: komiks {m}
comics {n} (collection of comic strips)
:: komiks {m}
comic strip {n} (series of illustrations)
:: komiks {m}, kreslený seriál {m}
coming {n} (act of arriving; an arrival)
:: příchod {m}
Comintern {prop} (international association of Communist parties)
:: Kominterna
comitology {n} (art of resolving issues by committees)
:: komitologie {f}
comma {n} (punctuation mark ',')
:: čárka {f}
command {n} (order)
:: příkaz {m}, rozkaz {m}, povel {m}
command {v} (to order)
:: přikázat, nařídit, rozkázat
command {v} (to hold, to control)
:: ovládat
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization)
:: velitel {m}
commander {n} (a naval officer whose rank is above that of a lieutenant commander and below that of captain)
:: fregatní kapitán {m}, komandér {m}
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction over a group of persons)
:: velitel {m}
command line {n} (text prompt)
:: příkazový řádek {m}, příkazová řádka {f}
commandment {n} (a command or edict)
:: přikázání {n}
commando {n} (small fighting force)
:: komando {n}
commendation {n} (act of commending; praise)
:: chvála
commensurable {adj} (able to be measured using a common standard)
:: souměřitelný {m}
commensurable {adj} (divisible by same number)
:: soudělný {m}
comment {v} (to comment) SEE: observe
comment {n} (spoken remark)
:: komentář {m}
comment {n} (programming: remark not affecting behavior)
:: komentář {m}
comment {v} (to remark)
:: komentovat
comment {v} (programming: to insert comments)
:: komentovat
commentator {n} (person who comments)
:: komentátor {m}
comment out {v} (disable a section of source code)
:: zakomentovat {pf}
commerce {n} (large scale trade)
:: obchod {m}
commercial {n} (advertisement in a common media format)
:: reklama {f}
commercial {adj} (of or pertaining to commerce)
:: obchodní, komerční
commercial at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign
commercially {adv} (in a commercial manner)
:: komerčně
commie {n} (communist) SEE: communist
commie {n} (communist (pejorative))
:: komouš {m}
commission {n} (body of officials)
:: komise {f}
commission {n} (fee charged)
:: provize {f}
commissioner {n} (member of a commission)
:: komisař {m}
commit {v} (to do (something bad); to perpetrate)
:: spáchat
commit {v} (to join a contest)
:: zapsat
commit {v} (to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger)
:: zapsat
commit {n} ((computing) making changes in the current database transaction permanent, visible and accessible to all users with the right access)
:: commit {m}
commit adultery {v} (commit adultery)
:: cizoložit
commit suicide {v} (to kill oneself)
:: spáchat sebevraždu {pf}
committee {n} (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose)
:: výbor {m}, komise {f}
committee {n} (guardian) SEE: guardian
commo {n} (communist) SEE: communist
commo {n} (communication) SEE: communication
commo {n} (commie) SEE: commie
commodity {n} (anything movable traded)
:: zboží {n}, produkt {m}
commodity {n} (primary product as object of trade)
:: zboží {n}
commodity market {n} (market where raw or primary products are exchanged)
:: komoditní trh {m}
commodore {n} (a naval officer)
:: komodor {m}
common {adj} (mutual)
:: společný {m}
common {adj} (usual)
:: běžný {m}, obvyklý {m}
common {adj} (found in large numbers or in a large quantity)
:: běžný
common {adj} (ordinary)
:: obyčejný
common bean {n} (plant)
:: fazol {m}
common blackbird {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: blackbird
common carp {n} (species of carp)
:: kapr obecný {m}
common chickweed {n} (herb)
:: žabinec {m}, ptačinec žabinec {m}
common cockchafer {n} (Melolontha melolontha)
:: chroust obecný {m}
common cold {n} (mild infection)
:: nachlazení {n}
Common Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic
common goldeneye {n} (medium sized sea duck)
:: hohol severní {m}
common greenshank {n} (Tringa nebularia)
:: vodouš šedý {m}
common gull {n} (Larus canus)
:: racek bouřní
common kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus)
:: poštolka obecná {f}
commonly {adv} (as a rule; usually)
:: běžně
common murre {n} (Uria aalge)
:: alkoun úzkozobý {m}
common name {n} (a name by which a species is known to the general public)
:: obecné jméno
common noun {n} (noun that denotes any member or all members of a class)
:: obecné jméno {n}
common redshank {n} (Tringa totanus)
:: vodouš rudonohý {m}
common redstart {n} (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
:: rehek zahradní {m}
common rock thrush {n} (Monticola saxatilis)
:: skalník
common sandpiper {n} (Actitis hypoleucos)
:: pisík obecný {m}
common scoter {n} (Melanitta nigra)
:: turpan černý {m}
common sense {n} (ordinary understanding)
:: zdravý rozum {m}, selský rozum {m}
common shrew {n} (Sorex araneus)
:: rejsek obecný
Common Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) SEE: Proto-Slavic
Common Slavic {prop}
:: praslovanský jazyk {m}
common snipe {n} (the species Gallinago gallinago)
:: bekasina otavní {f}
common swift {n} (Apus apus)
:: rorýs obecný {m}
Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (alliance of former Soviet republics)
:: Společenství nezávislých států {n}, SNS {n}
common year {n} (year that is not a leap year)
:: nepřestupný rok {m}
communicable {adj} (able to be transmitted between people or species)
:: přenosný
communicate {v} (to express or convey ideas, either through verbal or nonverbal means)
:: komunikovat
communication {n} (concept of exchanging information)
:: dorozumívání {n}, komunikace {f}
communicative {adj} (eager to communicate)
:: komunikativní
communicator {n} (one who communicates)
:: komunikátor {m}
communism {n} (philosophy)
:: komunismus {m}
communist {adj} (of or relating to communism)
:: komunistický
communist {n} (person who follows a communist philosophy)
:: komunista {f}
Communist {n} (communist) SEE: communist
Communist {adj} (communist) SEE: communist
community {n} (group sharing a common understanding)
:: společenství {n}, komunita {f}
community {n} (residential or religious collective)
:: komunita {f}
community {n} (condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common)
:: spolunáležitost {f}
commutative {adj} (mathematics: such that order of operands does not affect result)
:: komutativní {m}
commutative {adj} (algebra: having a commutative operation)
:: komutativní {m}
Comoran {adj} (Comorian) SEE: Comorian
Comoran {n} (Comorian) SEE: Comorian
comorbidity {n} (presence of one or more disorders)
:: komorbidita {f}
Comorian {n} (person)
:: Komořan {m}
Comorian {adj} (pertaining to the Comoros)
:: komorský
Comoros {prop} (country in Eastern Africa)
:: Komory {m-p}
compact {adj} (closely packed)
:: kompaktní
compact {n} (small, slim folding case, often holding a mirror)
:: pudřenka {f}
companion {n} (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company)
:: společník {m}
company {n} (in legal context, a corporation)
:: společnost {f}, podnik {m}
company {n} (group of individuals with a common purpose)
:: společnost
company {n} (social visitors)
:: společnost {f}
company {n} (military unit)
:: rota {f}
comparable {adj} (similar) SEE: similar
comparable {adj} (able to be compared)
:: srovnatelný {m}
comparative {n} (grammatical construction)
:: druhý stupeň {m}, komparativ {m}
comparative {n} (word in comparative form)
:: komparativ {m}
comparative advantage {n} (the ability to produce a particular good at a lower relative opportunity cost than another producer)
:: komparativní výhoda {f}
comparative anatomy {n} (the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of organisms)
:: srovnávací anatomie {f}
comparative degree {n} ((grammar)) SEE: comparative
compare {v} (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another)
:: porovnávat {impf}, porovnat {pf}, srovnávat {impf}, srovnat {pf}
compare {v} (to form the three degrees of comparison of)
:: stupňovat
compare {v} (to be similar)
:: být srovnatelný
comparison {n} (act of comparing or the state of being compared)
:: porovnání {n}
comparison {n} (evaluation of the similarities and differences of two (or more) things)
:: porovnání {n}
comparison {n} (ability of adjectives and adverbs to form three degrees)
:: stupňování {n}
compartment {n} (chamber)
:: oddělení {n}, kupé {n}
compass {n} (instrument to determine cardinal directions)
:: kompas {m}, buzola {f}
compass {n} (range of notes of a musical instrument or voice)
:: rozsah {m}
compass {n} (area)
:: oblast {f}
compass {n} (scope)
:: rozsah {m}
compass {n} (pair of compasses) SEE: pair of compasses
compassion {n} (deep awareness of the suffering of another)
:: soustrast {f}, soucit {m}
compassionate {adj} (having, feeling or showing compassion)
:: soucitný
compatibility {n} (capability to exist without mutual interference)
:: kompatibilita {f}
compatible {adj} (capable of easy interaction)
:: slučitelný, kompatibilní
compatriot {n} (somebody from one's own country)
:: krajan {m}
compel {v} (overpower)
:: podrobit {pf}, podrobovat {impf}
compel {v} (force, constrain or coerce)
:: nutit
compel {v} (exact by force)
:: přinutit {pf}, přinucovat {impf}, vynutit {pf}, vynucovat {impf}
compete {v} (to contend)
:: soutěžit, konkurovat
competent {adj} (law: having jurisdiction or authority)
:: příslušný
competition {n} (action of competing)
:: soupeření, konkurování, konkurence
competition {n} (contest for a prize or award)
:: soutěž {f}
competitive {adj} (of or pertaining to competition)
:: soutěžní, konkurenční
competitive {adj} (inclined to compete)
:: soutěživý {m}
competitive advantage {n} (thing placing a subject above the competition)
:: konkurenční výhoda {f}
competitiveness {n} (state of being competitive)
:: soutěživost {f}
competitor {n} (participant in a competition)
:: soutěžící {m}
compilation {n} (translation of source code into object code by a compiler)
:: překlad {m}
compilator {n} (compiler) SEE: compiler
compile {v} (produce executable)
:: přeložit, kompilovat
compiler {n} (computer program)
:: překladač {m}
complacency {n} (feeling)
:: samolibost {f}, sebeuspokojení {n}, uspokojení {n}
complain {v} (to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment)
:: stěžovat si
complain {v} (to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge)
:: podat stížnost {f}
complaint {n} (grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining)
:: stížnost {f}
complaint {n} (criminal law: preliminary charge or accusation made by one person against another)
:: žaloba {f}
complaint {n} (bodily disorder or disease; the symptom of such a disorder)
:: nemoc {f}, příznak nemoci {m}, symptom {m}
complement {n} (set theory: relative complement)
:: doplněk {m}
complement {n} (word or group of words completing the predicate, identified with the subject or object)
:: doplněk {m}
complement {v} (to complete)
:: doplnit
complete {v} (to finish)
:: dokončit
complete {adj} (with everything included)
:: úplný {m}, plný
complete graph {n} (graph)
:: úplný graf {m}
complete lattice {n} (partially ordered set)
:: úplný svaz {m}
completely {adv} (in a complete manner)
:: zcela, úplně
completeness {n} (state or condition of being complete)
:: úplnost {f}
complex {adj} (not simple or straightforward)
:: komplikovaný
complex {adj} (in mathematics)
:: komplexní
complex {n} (psychologically based dislike or fear)
:: komplex {m}
complex {n} (problem) SEE: problem
complexion {n} (appearance of the skin on the face)
:: pleť {f}, pokožka {f}, barva pleti {f}
complexity {n} (The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement)
:: složitost {f}
complex number {n} (number of the form a + bi)
:: komplexní číslo {n}
compliant {adj} (compatible with or following guidelines)
:: vhodný
complicate {v} (to combine intricately)
:: komplikovat
complicated {adj} (difficult or convoluted)
:: komplikovaný
complicatedness {n} (state or quality of being complicated)
:: složitost {f}, komplikovanost {f}
compliment {n} (expression of praise, congratulation or respect)
:: poklona {f}, kompliment {m}
component {n} (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity)
:: součástka {f}
compose {v} (to make something by merging parts)
:: sestavit {pf}
compose {v} (to make up the whole; to constitute)
:: dát dohromady {pf}
compose {v} (to comprise)
:: obsahovat {impf}, obsáhnout {pf}
compose {v} (to construct by mental labor; to think up)
:: složit, vytvořit {pf}
compose {v} (to calm oneself down)
:: uklidnit se {pf}, zklidnit se {pf}
compose {v} (to arrange the elements of a picture)
:: sestavit {pf}, naaranžovat {pf}
composer {n} (one who composes music)
:: skladatel {m}
composite number {n} (number that is the product of two natural numbers other than itself and 1)
:: složené číslo {n}
composition {n} (synthesis as opposed to analysis) SEE: synthesis
composition {n} (essay) SEE: essay
composition {n} (general makeup of something)
:: složení
composition {n} (work of music, literature or art)
:: skladba {f}
composition {n} (printing: typesetting) SEE: typesetting
compositor {n} (typesetter) SEE: typesetter
compost {n} (decayed remains of organic matter)
:: kompost {m}
compost {v} (to produce compost)
:: kompostovat
compote {n} (fruit dessert)
:: kompot {m}
compound {adj} (composed of elements)
:: složený {m}
compound {n} (chemistry: substance made by chemical combination of elements)
:: sloučenina {f}
compound {n} (linguistics: word formed by combining other words) SEE: compound word
compound interest {n} (interest calculated on principal plus any unpaid interest)
:: složené úročení {n}
compound word {n} (word composed of others)
:: složenina {f}
comprador {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary
comprehend {v} (to cover)
:: zahrnovat {impf}, obsahovat {impf}
comprehend {v} (to understand)
:: rozumět {impf}
comprehensibility {n} (The property of being understandable)
:: srozumitelnost {f}
comprehensible {adj} (able to be comprehended)
:: srozumitelný
comprehension {n} (thorough understanding)
:: porozumění {n}, pochopení {n}, chápání {n}
comprehensive {adj} (broadly or completely covering)
:: obsáhlý
compress {v} (to encode digital information into less bits)
:: komprimovat
compress {n} (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds)
:: kompres {m}
compression {n} (the act of compressing)
:: stlačení {n}, komprese {f}
compressor {n} (device that produces pressure)
:: kompresor {m}
comprise {v} (be made up of)
:: skládat se
comprise {v} (include)
:: obsahovat, zahrnovat {impf}
comprise {v} (compose)
:: tvořit {impf} (celek)
compromise {n} (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions)
:: kompromis {m}
compulsion {n} (irrational need to perform some action)
:: nutkání {n}
compulsive {adj} (uncontrolled or reactive and unconscious)
:: nutkavý
compulsory {adj} (mandatory)
:: povinný {m}
compunction {n} (pricking of conscience)
:: výčitky svědomí {?}, lítost {?}
compute {v} (to reckon or calculate)
:: počítat, sčítat
compute {v} (to make sense) SEE: make sense
computed tomography {n} (form of radiography which uses computer software)
:: počítačová tomografie {f}, výpočetní tomografie {f}
computer {n} (device)
:: počítač {m}
computer {n} (person)
:: sčítač {m}
computer game {n} (electronic game)
:: počítačová hra {f}
computer literacy {n} (ability to operate a computer)
:: počítačová gramotnost {f}
computer program {n} (software)
:: počítačový program {m}
computer science {n} (study of computers and their architecture)
:: informatika {f}
computer security {n} (branch of computer science)
:: počítačová bezpečnost {f}
computer vision {n} (science and technology)
:: počítačové vidění {n}
computing {n} (calculation) SEE: calculation
comrade {n} (mate, companion, or associate)
:: kamarád {m}
comrade {n} (fellow socialist or communist)
:: soudruh {m}, soudružka {f}
comrade {n} (title used in leftist circles)
:: soudruh {m}, soudružka {f}
con {n} (disadvantage of something)
:: proti {n}, zápor {m}
con artist {n} (scam operator, conman)
:: podvodník {m}
conative {adj} (of a striving action)
:: konativní
concatenation {n} (series of links united)
:: konkatenace {f}, spojení {n}, zřetězení {n}
concave {adj} (curved inward)
:: konkávní
concavely {adv} (in a concave manner)
:: konkávně
concaveness {n} (the state of being concave)
:: konkávnost {f}
concavity {n} (the state of being concave)
:: konkávnost {f}
conceal {v} (to hide something)
:: skrýt {pf}, skrývat {impf}, ukrýt {pf}, ukrývat {impf}, schovat {pf}, schovávat {impf}, zakrýt {pf}, zakrývat {impf}
concealment {n} (The practice of keeping secrets)
:: zatajování {m}, zamlčení {m}
concealment {n} (the condition of being hidden or concealed)
:: úkryt {m}, utajení {m}, maskování {m}
concealment {n} ((military) protection from observation or surveillance)
:: maskování {m}
concede {v} (to admit to be true)
:: připustit
conceit {n} (overly high self-esteem)
:: namyšlenost {f}, nafoukanost {f}
conceivability {n} (the characteristic of being conceivable; the ability to be conceived, believed, or understood)
:: myslitelnost {f}
conceivable {adj} (capable of being conceived or imagined; possible; credible; thinkable)
:: myslitelný, možný, představitelný
conceivableness {n} (the state or quality of being conceivable)
:: myslitelnost {f}
conceive {v} (to develop an idea)
:: koncipovat, vymyslet, formulovat
conceive {v} (to understand someone)
:: pochopit, chápat {impf}
conceive {v} (to become pregnant)
:: počít, otěhotnět {pf}
concentrate {v} (bring to, or direct toward, a common center)
:: soustředit
concentrate {v} (increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore)
:: koncentrovat
concentrate {v} (approach or meet in a common center)
:: soustředit se
concentrate {n} (A substance that is in a condensed form)
:: koncentrát {m}
concentrated {adj} (not dilute)
:: koncentrovaný
concentration {n} (act or process of concentrating)
:: koncentrace {f}
concentration {n} (act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid)
:: koncentrace {f}
concentration camp {n} (camp where large numbers of persons are detained)
:: koncentrační tábor {m}, koncentrák {m}
concentric {adj} (having a common center)
:: soustředný {m}
concentricity {n} (condition of being concentric)
:: soustřednost {f}, koncentricita {f}
concept {n} (something understood and retained in the mind)
:: pojem {m}
concept album {n} (album)
:: konceptuální album {n}
conception {n} (initiation of an embryonic animal life)
:: početí {n}
concept map {n} (diagram)
:: pojmová mapa {f}
conceptually {adv} (in a conceptual manner)
:: koncepčně
concern {n} (business, firm or enterprise; a company)
:: podnik {m}
concern {v} (to make somebody worried)
:: trápit, znepokojovat
concert {n} (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part)
:: koncert {m}
concertina {n} (the musical instrument)
:: koncertina {f}
concession {n} (admission of defeat)
:: ústupek {m}
conchoid {n} (any of a certain family of curves)
:: konchoida {f}
conciliatoriness {n} (state or quality of being conciliatory)
:: smířlivost {f}
conciliatory {adj} (willing to conciliate)
:: smířlivý {m}
concise {adj} (brief and precise)
:: stručný
conciseness {n} (property of being concise)
:: stručnost {f}
conclude {v} (to come to a final decision)
:: dojít k závěru
conclusion {n} (decision, judgment)
:: závěr {m}
conclusion {n} (of a syllogism)
:: závěr {m}
conclusive {adj} (decisive)
:: průkazný
concomitant {adj} (following as a consequence)
:: doprovodný {m}
concord {n} ((grammar) Agreement of words with one another) SEE: agreement
concordance {n} (agreement) SEE: agreement
concrete {adj} (not abstract)
:: konkrétní
concrete {adj} (made of concrete)
:: betonový {m}
concrete {n} (building material)
:: beton {m}
concrete {v} (cover with concrete)
:: betonovat {impf}, zabetonovat {pf}
concrete mixer {n} (cement mixer) SEE: cement mixer
concubinage {n} (the state of cohabitating while not married)
:: konkubinát {m}, souložnictví {n}
concubine {n} (a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife)
:: konkubína {f}
concubine {n} (mistress) SEE: mistress
concubine {n} (slave-girl) SEE: slave-girl
concupiscent {adj} (amorous, lustful)
:: smyslý
concurrency {n} (the property or an instance of being concurrent)
:: souběžnost {f}
concurrent {adj} (happening at the same time; simultaneous)
:: souběžný {m}
condemn {v} (to confer eternal divine punishment upon)
:: proklít {pf}, proklínat {impf}
condensed milk {n} (milk that has been reduced to syrup)
:: kondenzované mléko {n}
condenser {n} (capacitor) SEE: capacitor
condescending {adj} (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude)
:: blahosklonný {m}
condescendingly {adv} (In a condescending manner)
:: blahosklonně
condition {n} (logical clause or phrase)
:: podmínka {f}
condition {n} (health status of a patient)
:: stav, kondice {f}
condition {n} (state of an object)
:: stav {m}
conditional {adj} (limited by a condition)
:: podmíněný
conditional mood {n} (conditional) SEE: conditional
conditional sentence {n} (probation) SEE: probation
conditional sentence {n} (grammar: type of sentence)
:: kondicionál {m}, podmínková věta {f}
conditioner {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener
condom {n} (flexible sleeve worn on the penis)
:: kondom {m}, prezervativ {m}
condominium {n} (joint sovereignty over a territory)
:: kondominium {n}
condor {n} (California condor)
:: kondor {m}
condor {n} (Andean condor)
:: kondor {m}
conducive {adj} (tending to contribute to, encourage, or bring about some result)
:: přínosné
conduct {n} (act or method of controlling or directing)
:: provádění {n}
conduct {n} (skillful guidance or management; generalship)
:: vedení {n}, řízení {n}, správa {f}
conduct {n} (manner of guiding or carrying oneself)
:: chování {n}
conduct {n} (plot of a literary work)
:: děj {m}, zápletka {f}
conduct {v} (music: to direct)
:: dirigovat
conduct {v} (act as a conductor (of heat, electricity, etc.))
:: vést
conduction {n} (conveying of heat or electricity through material)
:: vedení {n}
conductor {n} (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble)
:: dirigent {m}
conductor {n} (person who takes tickets on public transportation)
:: průvodčí {m}
conductor {n} (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound)
:: vodič {m}
condyloma {n} (wart or similar growth in the genital area)
:: kondylom {m}
cone {n} (surface of revolution)
:: kužel {m}
cone {n} (solid of revolution)
:: kužel {m}
cone {n} (anything shaped like a cone)
:: kužel {m}
cone {n} (fruit of conifers)
:: šiška {f}
cone {n} (photosensitive cell in retina)
:: čípek {m}
cone {n} (ice-cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone
cone {n} (traffic cone) SEE: traffic cone
coneflower {n} (Echinacea)
:: třapatka {f}
confectioner {n} (a manufacturer of or dealer in confections)
:: cukrář {m}
confectioner's {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop
confectioners' sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar
confectioners sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar
confectionery {n} (shop where confectionery is sold) SEE: sweetshop
confederacy {n} (a decentralized state made up of sovereign units) SEE: confederation
confederation {n} (union or alliance of states)
:: konfederace {f}
confer {v} (bestow)
:: propůjčit {pf}, udělit
confer {v} (discuss, consult)
:: jednat, hovořit, radit se {impf}
confer {v} (conduce)
:: vést {impf} diskusi
conference {n} (a meeting of people)
:: konference {f}
confess {v} (to disclose everything to a Catholic priest)
:: zpovídat se
confessedly {adv} (admittedly) SEE: admittedly
confession {n} (open admittance)
:: vyznání {n}, přiznání {n}
confession {n} (disclosure of one's sins to a priest)
:: zpověď {f}
confessional {n} (a small room where confession is performed)
:: zpovědnice {f}
confessor {n} (one who confesses faith in Christianity)
:: vyznavač
confessor {n} (priest who hears confession)
:: zpovědník {m}
confidant {n} (person in whom one can confide)
:: důvěrník {m}
confidence {n} (self-assurance)
:: sebevědomí {n}
confidence {n} (expression or feeling of certainty)
:: jistota {f}
confidence {n} (quality of trusting)
:: důvěra {f}
confidence {n} (information held in secret)
:: důvěrnost {f}, tajemství {n}
confidence interval {n} (a particular kind of interval estimate of a population parameter)
:: interval spolehlivosti {m}
confident {adj} (being very sure of or positive about something)
:: jistý {m}
confident {adj} (self-confident) SEE: self-confident
confidential {adj} (meant to be kept secret within a certain circle)
:: důvěrný {m}
confidentiality {n} (something told in confidence) SEE: secret
configuration {n} (arrangement of electrons)
:: konfigurace {f}
confine {v} (incarcerate) SEE: incarcerate
confine {v} (to restrict; to keep within bounds)
:: poutat, omezovat, tísnit, omezit {pf}
confine {v} (arrest) SEE: arrest
confine {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison
confine {v} (detain) SEE: detain
confinement {n} (state of being confined)
:: zajetí {n}
confirm {v} (to confer the confirmation)
:: biřmovat
confirm {v} (to assure)
:: potvrdit
confirmation {n} (indicator)
:: potvrzení {n}
confirmation {n} (verification)
:: potvrzení {n}
confirmation {n} (Christian ceremony or sacrament)
:: biřmování {n}
confiscate {v} (take possession of by authority)
:: zabavit
confiscation {n} (the act or process of confiscating an item from public use; expropriation)
:: konfiskace {f}
conflagration {n} (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire)
:: požár {m}
conflate {v} (fuse into a single entity)
:: sjednotit {pf}, smíchat {pf}, propojit {pf}
conflict {n} (clash or disagreement)
:: střet {m}, konflikt {m}
conflict of interest {n} (conflicting interests in position of trust)
:: střet zájmů {m}
confluence {n} (point where two rivers or streams meet)
:: soutok {m}
conformism {n} (willingness to conform)
:: konformismus {m}
conformist {n} (someone who conforms)
:: konformista {m}
confound {v} (to confuse)
:: zamlžit {pf}, mást {impf}
confound {v} (to make something worse)
:: zhoršit {pf}
confrontational {adj} (Pertaining to a confrontation; characterized by, or given to initiating hostile encounter; in-your-face)
:: konfrontační
Confucian {adj} (of, pertaining to, or conforming to the teachings of Confucius)
:: konfuciánský
Confucian {n} (one who follows the teachings of Confucius)
:: konfucián {m}
Confucianist {adj} (Confucian) SEE: Confucian
Confucianist {n} (Confucian) SEE: Confucian
Confucius {prop} (Chinese philosopher)
:: Konfucius {m}
confuse {v} (to puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder somebody)
:: zmást
confuse {v} (to mix up / muddle up one thing with another; to mistake one thing for another)
:: splést, zaměnit
confuse {v} (to rout) SEE: rout
confused {adj} (chaotic, jumbled or muddled)
:: zmatený {m}
confusing {adj} (difficult to understand)
:: matoucí
confusion {n} (lack of clarity or order)
:: zmatek {m}
congenial {adj} (friendly)
:: přátelský
congenital {adj} (present since birth)
:: vrozený {m}
congestion {n} (accumulation, buildup)
:: nahromadění {n}, zahlcení {n}
congestion {n} (excess of traffic)
:: zácpa {f}
conglomerate {n} (rock consisting of gravel or pebbles embedded in a matrix)
:: slepenec {m}
conglutinate {v} (glue together)
:: slepit, slepovat
Congo {prop} (country with Brazzaville as capital)
:: Kongo
Congo {prop} (country with Kinshasa as capital)
:: Kongo
Congo {prop} (river)
:: Kongo
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo
Congolese {n} (person from either of the Congos)
:: Konžan {m}
Congolese {adj} (people or language of Republic of Congo)
:: konžský
Congolese {adj} (people or language of Democratic Republic of Congo)
:: konžský
congratulate {v} (to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for)
:: blahopřát {impf}, gratulovat {impf}
congratulation {n} (act of congratulating)
:: gratulace {f}, blahopřání {n}
congratulations {interj} (expressing approbation)
:: gratuluji
congress {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse
congress {n} (legislative body)
:: kongres {m}
congress {n} (conference)
:: kongres {m}, sjezd {m}
congressman {n} (member of congress)
:: kongresman {m}
congresswoman {n} (female member of congress)
:: kongresmanka {f}
congruence {n} (number theory, relation indicating two numbers give the same remainder when divided by some number)
:: kongruence {f}
congruent {adj} (with difference divisible by modulus)
:: kongruentní
conical {adj} (of or relating to a cone)
:: kuželový, kónický
conical {adj} (cone-shaped)
:: kuželový, kónický
conic section {n} (Any of the four distinct shapes that are the intersections of a cone with a plane)
:: kuželosečka {f}
conifer {n} (plant)
:: jehličnan {m}
coniferous {adj} (of a conifer)
:: jehličnatý
conium {n} (Conium) SEE: hemlock
conjecture {n} (unproven statement; guess)
:: dohad {m}
conjugal {adj} (of, or relating to marriage, or the relationship of spouses)
:: manželský
conjugate {v} (to inflect (a verb) for each person)
:: časovat {impf}
conjugation {n} (fusion of organisms)
:: konjugace {f}
conjugation {n} (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs)
:: časování {n}
conjugation {n} (act of conjugating a verb)
:: časování {n}
conjunction {n} (grammar: word used to join words or phrases)
:: spojka {f}
conjunction {n} (astronomy: alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth)
:: konjunkce
conjunction {n} (logic: proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the and operator)
:: konjunkce {f}
conjunctiva {n} (membrane)
:: spojivka {f}
conjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood
conjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood
conjunctivitis {n} (inflammation)
:: zánět spojivek {m}
conjuncture {n} (combination of events or circumstances)
:: shoda okolností {f}
conk {n} (slang: a nose) SEE: schnozzle
connect {v} (to join two or more pieces)
:: spojit
connect {v} (to join an electrical or telephone line)
:: připojit
connectedness {n} (state or quality of being connected)
:: propojenost {f}, propojitelnost {f}
Connecticut {prop} (a state of the United States of America)
:: Connecticut {m}
connecting rod {n} (rod that transmits power or motion)
:: ojnice {f}
connection {n} (act of connecting)
:: spojení {n}
connection {n} (established communications or transportation link)
:: spojení {n}
connections {n} (people with whom one is acquainted who can offer help and influence)
:: konexe {f}
connective tissue {n} (type of tissue)
:: pojivová tkáň {f}
connector {n} (mating pair of devices)
:: konektor {m}
connector {n} (line connecting two shapes)
:: spojnice {f}
connexion {n} (connection) SEE: connection
conniption {n} (fit of anger or panic)
:: záchvat {m}
conniption {n} (fit of laughing)
:: záchvat {m}
connoisseur {n} (specialist whose opinion is valued)
:: znalec {m}
connotation {n} (suggested or implied meaning)
:: konotace {f}
conquer {v} (defeat in combat)
:: dobýt
conquer {v} (overcome abstract obstacle)
:: zdolat
conqueror {n} (someone who conquers)
:: dobyvatel {m}
conquest {n} (victory gained through combat; the subjugation of an enemy)
:: dobytí {n}
Conrad {prop} (given name)
:: Konrád {m}
conrod {n} (Abbreviation of connecting rod)
:: ojnice {f}
conscience {n} (moral sense)
:: svědomí {n}
conscientious {adj} (thorough, careful, or vigilant)
:: svědomitý
conscientiousness {n} (state or characteristic of being conscientious)
:: svědomitost {f}
conscious {adj} (alert, awake)
:: při vědomí
conscious {adj} (aware of or alert to, sensitive to)
:: vědomý
consciously {adv} (in a conscious manner; knowingly, volitionally)
:: vědomě
consciousness {n} (awareness)
:: vědomí {n}, uvědomění {n}
conscript {n} (Draftee)
:: branec {m}
conscription {n} (involuntary labor, especially military service)
:: odvod {m}
consecrate {v} (declare holy, or make holy by some procedure)
:: zasvětit
consecution {n} (sequence) SEE: sequence
consecution {n} (succession) SEE: succession
consecutio temporum {n} (sequence of tenses)
:: časová souslednost {f}
consecutively {adv} (in a consecutive manner)
:: konsekutivně
consensual {adj} (With consensus)
:: konsenzuální
consensus {n} (general agreement)
:: shoda {f}, souhlas {m}, konsenzus {m}
consent {v} (to express willingness)
:: souhlasit
consent {n} (voluntary agreement)
:: souhlas {m}
consequence {n} (that which follows something on which it depends)
:: důsledek {m}, následek {m}
consequence {n} (result of actions, especially unpleasant)
:: následek {m}
consequently {adv} (subsequently) SEE: subsequently
consequently {adv} (as a result or consequence)
:: následně, potažmo
conservation {n} (The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting)
:: zachování {n}, konzervace
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement)
:: konzervatismus {m}
conservative {adj} (tending to resist change)
:: konzervativní
conservative {adj} (cautious) SEE: cautious
conservativism {n} (conservatism) SEE: conservatism
consider {v} (think about seriously)
:: zvažovat, uvažovat
consider {v} (think of doing)
:: zvažovat
considerable {adj} (worth considering)
:: značný
considerably {adv} (significantly)
:: značně
considerate {adj} (thoughtful)
:: ohleduplný {m}
consideration {n} (process of considering)
:: úvaha {f}
consignee {n} (The person to whom a shipment is to be delivered)
:: příjemce {m}, adresát {m}
consigner {n} (party that provides merchandise for consignment sale)
:: odesílatel {m}
consignment {n} (A collection of goods to be sent, in transit or having been sent)
:: zásilka {f}
consist {v} (to be composed (of))
:: skládat se
consist {n} (sequence of railroad carriages or cars that form a unit)
:: souprava {f}
consistent {adj} (not logically contradictory)
:: konzistentní, bezesporný {m}
consist in {v} (have the thing mentioned as only or most important part)
:: spočívat
consolation {n} (act of consoling)
:: útěcha {f}
consolation {n} (prize for the loser)
:: cena útěchy
consolation prize {n} (award given to persons or groups of people who do not win)
:: cena útěchy {f}
console {v} (to comfort)
:: utěšit
consolidate {v} (to combine into a single unit; to group together or join)
:: sjednotit, sloučit
consolidate {v} (to make stronger or more solid)
:: upevnit, posílit
consolidated {adj} (including financial data of the parent and all subsidiary companies)
:: konsolidovaný {m}
consolidation {n} (the act or process of consolidating)
:: konsolidace {f}, sjednocení {n}, zpevnění {n}, sloučení {n}, vystužení
consolidation {n} (the combination of several actions into one)
:: propojení {n}
consolidation {n} (solidification into a firm dense mass (med.))
:: ztuhnutí {n}, zkostnatění {n}
consonant {n} (sound)
:: souhláska {f}
consonant {n} (letter)
:: souhláska {f}
consonantal {adj} (of, relating to, or functioning as a consonant)
:: souhláskový
consortium {n} (association or combination of businesses)
:: konsorcium {n}
conspicuous {adj} (obvious or easy to notice)
:: nápadný
conspicuous {adj} (noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive)
:: nápadný
conspiracy {n} (act of working in secret to obtain some goal)
:: spiknutí {n}
conspiracy theory {n} (hypothetical speculation)
:: konspirační teorie {f}, spiklenecká teorie {f}, teorie spiknutí {f}
conspirator {n} (person who is part of a conspiracy)
:: spiklenec {m}
constable {n} (police officer rank)
:: konstábl {m}
constabulary {n} (police force)
:: policejní sbor {m}
constant {n} (identifier that is bound to an invariant value)
:: konstanta {f}
Constantine {prop} (male given name)
:: Konstantin
Constantinople {prop} (Constantinople)
:: Konstantinopol
constellation {n} (formation of stars perceived as figure)
:: souhvězdí {n}
constellation {n} (modern astronomy: any of 88 officially recognized regions)
:: souhvězdí {n}
constellation {n} (astrology: configuration of planets)
:: konstelace {f}
constellation {n} (wide, seemingly unlimited assortment)
:: plejáda {f}
consternation {n} (amazement or horror; terror, combined with amazement; dismay)
:: konsternace {f}
constipation {n} (state of bowels)
:: zácpa {f}
constituency {n} (voters within such a district) SEE: electorate
constituent {n} (part, or component of a whole)
:: složka {f}
constitute {v} (to cause to stand; to establish; to enact)
:: ustavit
constitute {v} (to make up; to compose; to form)
:: tvořit
constitution {n} (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions)
:: ústava {f}
constitution {n} (legal document describing such a formal system)
:: ústava {f}
constitutional {adj} (relating to the constitution)
:: ústavní
constitutional {adj} (conforming to the constitution)
:: ústavní
constitutional monarchy {n} (monarchy limited by laws and a constitution)
:: konstituční monarchie {f}
constrict {v} (to narrow)
:: zúžit
constriction {n} (the act of narrowing)
:: zúžení {n}
construct {v} (build or form by assembling parts)
:: konstruovat, sestavit
construct {v} (draw (a geometric figure))
:: sestrojit
construction {n} (process of constructing)
:: stavba {f}
construction {n} (trade of building)
:: stavebnictví {n}
construction {n} (structure)
:: konstrukce {f}
construction site {n} (place where something is being constructed)
:: staveniště {n}
construction worker {n} (employee working at a construction site)
:: stavební dělník {m}
constructive criticism {n} (criticism)
:: konstruktivní kritika {f}
constructiveness {n} (creativity) SEE: creativity
constructor {n} (one who constructs)
:: konstruktér {m}
constructor {n} (in object oriented programming: code that creates objects)
:: konstruktor {m}
construe {v} (to translate) SEE: translate
consul {n} (official who protects the interests of citizens)
:: konzul {m}
consular {adj} (pertaining to a consul)
:: konzulární, konzulský
consulate {n} (the residency of a consul)
:: konzulát {m}
consultant {n} (person or party that is consulted)
:: konzultant {m}
consume {v} (use up)
:: spotřebovat
consumer {n} (person purchasing goods)
:: spotřebitel {m}
consumer price index {n} (statistical estimate of the level of prices)
:: index spotřebitelských cen {m}
consumption {n} (the act of consuming something)
:: spotřeba {f}, zničení {n}
consumption {n} (the amount consumed)
:: spotřeba {f}
consumption {n} (wasting-away of the human body through disease)
:: úbytě {f-p}
consumption {n} (pulmonary tuberculosis) SEE: pulmonary tuberculosis
contact {n} (an act of touching physically)
:: kontakt {m}, dotek {m}
contact {n} (an establishment of communication)
:: kontakt {?}, spojení {?}
contact {n} (colloquial: a contact lens, see also: contact lens)
:: čočka {f}
contact {v} (touch physically)
:: dotýkat se {impf}
contact {v} (establish communication with)
:: kontaktovat
contact lens {n} (thin lens placed directly on the eye)
:: kontaktní čočka {f}
contacts {n} (Plural form of contact) SEE: contact
contagion {n} (transmission of a contagious disease)
:: nákaza {f}
contagious {adj} (of a disease, easily transmitted to others)
:: nakažlivý {m}
contagious {adj} (of a fashion, laughter, etc, easily passed on to others)
:: nakažlivý {m}
contagiousness {n} (state or condition of being contagious)
:: nakažlivost {f}
contain {v} (to contain) SEE: hold
contain {v} (To hold inside)
:: obsahovat
container {n} (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods)
:: kontejner {m}
contaminate {v} (To introduce impurities or foreign matter)
:: znečistit, kontaminovat
contamination {n} (The act or process of contaminating)
:: znečištění {n}, kontaminace {f}
contamination {n} (A grammatical blend)
:: kontaminace {f}
contemplation {n} (The act of the mind in considering with attention; continued attention of the mind to a particular subject; meditation; musing; study)
:: rozjímání {n}
contemplation {n} (Holy meditation)
:: meditace {f}
contemporary {adj} (from the same time period)
:: současný
contemporary {adj} (modern)
:: současný, moderní
contemporary {n} (someone living at the same time)
:: současník {m}, současnice {f}
contempt {n} (a feeling or attitude)
:: opovržení {n}, despekt {m}, pohrdání {n}, přezírání {n}
contempt {n} (a state of being despised or dishonored)
:: opovržení {n}, ponížení {n}
contemptible {adj} (deserving contempt)
:: opovrženíhodný
contemptuous {adj} (showing contempt)
:: pohrdavý {m}
contend {v} (strive in opposition)
:: zápasit {impf}, bojovat {impf}, rvát se {impf}
contend {v} (struggle)
:: snažit se {impf}, namáhat se {impf}, probíjet se {impf}
contend {v} (strive in debate)
:: tvrdit {impf}
content {adj} (satisfied)
:: spokojený
content {n} (that which is contained)
:: obsah {m}
content {n} (subject matter)
:: podstata {f}
contented {adj} (satisfied) SEE: satisfied
contention {n} (contest, strife, struggle)
:: soutěž {f}, soupeření {n}, soutěžení {n}
contention {n} (point maintained in an argument)
:: tvrzení {n}, názor {m}, přesvědčení {n}
contentious {adj} (marked by controversy)
:: sporný {m}
contents {n} (that which is contained)
:: obsah {m}
contents {n} (table of contents) SEE: table of contents
contest {n} (competition, see also: competition)
:: soutěž {f}
contest {n} (combat) SEE: combat
contested {adj} (controversial) SEE: controversial
context {n} (text in which a word appears)
:: kontext
context-free grammar {n} (formal grammar)
:: bezkontextová gramatika {f}
contextual {adj} (depending on context)
:: kontextový, související
continent {n} (each of main land-masses on earth's surface)
:: kontinent {m}, světadíl {m}
continental {adj} (of or relating to a continent or continents)
:: kontinentální, pevninský
continental {adj} (in the main part of a country or region, as opposed to on one of its islands)
:: kontinentální, pevninský
continental {adj} (characteristic of the style of continental Europe)
:: kontinentální
continental drift {n} (continental drift)
:: kontinentální drift {m}
continental quilt {n} (duvet) SEE: duvet
continental shelf {n} (the area of sea around a land mass)
:: kontinentální šelf {m}
contingency plan {n} (alternative plan)
:: pohotovostní plán {m}, záložní plán {m}
continuation {n} (act or state of continuing)
:: pokračování {n}
continue {v} (transitive: proceed)
:: pokračovat
continue {v} (intransitive: resume)
:: pokračovat
continuity {n} (lack of interruption)
:: spojitost {f}
continuity {n} (notion in mathematics)
:: spojitost {f}
continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)
:: nepřetržitý, kontinuální
continuous {adj} (in mathematical analysis)
:: spojitý
continuous function {n} (function whose value changes only slightly when its input changes slightly)
:: spojitá funkce {f}
continuous variable {n} (variable)
:: spojitá veličina {f}
continuum {n} (continuous extent)
:: kontinuum {n}
contort {v} (To twist in a violent manner)
:: zkroutit {pf}
contour line {n} (line on a map)
:: vrstevnice {f}
contraband {n} (goods which are prohibited from being traded, smuggled goods)
:: kontraband {m}
contrabass {n} (double bass) SEE: double bass
contrabassoon {n} (contrabassoon)
:: kontrafagot
contraception {n} (use of a device or procedure)
:: antikoncepce {f}
contraceptive {n} (means by which impregnating a woman can be prevented)
:: antikoncepce {f}
contract {n} (agreement that is legally binding)
:: smlouva {f}, kontrakt {m}
contract {v} (intransitive: draw together; shorten; lessen)
:: zkrátit {pf}, kontrahovat {impf}
contract {v} (transitive: enter into a contract with)
:: kontrahovat, podepsat kontrakt, uzavřít kontrakt
contract {v} (gain or acquire (an illness))
:: nakazit se {pf}, získat {pf} , onemocnět {pf}
contract bridge {n} (card game)
:: bridž {m}
contraction {n} (phonetics: loss of sounds from within a word) SEE: syncope
contract killer {n} (person who kills for money) SEE: hitman
contractor {n} (A person or company that performs specific tasks like electrical or plumbing work in construction projects)
:: subdodavatel {m}
contradiction {n} (statement that contradicts itself)
:: rozpor {m}, spor {m}
contradiction {n} (proposition that is false for all values of its variables)
:: kontradikce {f}
contradiction in terms {n} (expression in which components contradict one another)
:: protimluv {m}
contradictory {adj} (that contradicts something)
:: protichůdný, protikladný
contradictory {adj} (that is itself a contradiction)
:: protiřečící si
contradictory {adj} (that is diametrically opposed to something)
:: protikladný
contradictory {adj} (mutually exclusive)
:: neslučitelný
contradictory {adj} (tending to contradict, contrarious)
:: odporující
contraindication {n} (factor or symptom)
:: kontraindikace {f}
contraposition {n} (logical statement)
:: obměna {f}
contrariwise {adv} (on the other hand) SEE: on the other hand
contrary to {prep} (despite) SEE: despite
contrast {n} (difference between two objects, people or concepts)
:: protiklad {m}
contrast {v} (to set in opposition in order to show the difference or differences between)
:: kontrastovat
contribute {v} (to give something, that is or becomes part of a larger whole)
:: přispět
contribution {n} (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole)
:: příspěvek {m}
contribution {n} (an amount of money given toward something)
:: příspěvek {m}
contribution {n} (the act of contributing)
:: přispění {n}
contrite {adj} (sincerely penitent)
:: kajícný
contrition {n} (The state of being contrite; sincere penitence or remorse)
:: kajícnost {f}
control {v} (to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of)
:: řídit, ovládat
control {n} (authority)
:: kontrola, nadvláda, správa
control {n}
:: ovládání {n} (method and means)
control character {n} (computing character)
:: řídící znak {m}
controlled vocabulary {n} (carefully selected set of terms)
:: řízený slovník {m}
controller {n} (mechanism that controls or regulates the operation of a machine)
:: řadič {m}
control panel {n} (surface with controls)
:: řídící panel {m}
control theory {n} (branch of engineering and mathematics)
:: teorie řízení {n}
control tower {n} (airport control tower)
:: řídicí věž {f}
controversial {adj} (arousing controversy)
:: kontroverzní, sporný
controversy {n} (debate, discussion of opposing opinions)
:: kontroverze {f}
conundrum {n} (difficult question or riddle)
:: hádanka {f}, rébus {m}, hlavolam {m}
conundrum {n} (difficult choice or decision)
:: dilema {n}
conurbation {n} (an extended collection of urban communities; urban sprawl)
:: konurbace {f}
convalescence {n} (gradual healing)
:: rekonvalescence {f}
convenience {n} (quality of being suitable, useful or convenient)
:: pohodlí {n}
convenience store {n} (a small retail store)
:: večerka {f}
convenient {adj} (of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient)
:: pohodlný
conveniently {adv} (in a convenient manner)
:: pohodlně, jako na objednávku
convent {n} (building)
:: klášter {m}
convention {n} (meeting or a gathering)
:: sjezd {m}
convention {n} (generally accepted principle, method or behaviour)
:: konvence {f}
convention {n} (treaty)
:: úmluva {f}, konvence {f}
converge {v} (to approach each other)
:: konvergovat {impf}, sbližovat {impf}, sblížit {pf}
converge {v} (to have a limit)
:: konvergovat {impf}
convergence {n} (the act of converging)
:: konvergence {f}, sbližování {n}, přibližování {n}
convergence {n} (the process of approaching some limiting value)
:: konvergence {f}
convergent {adj} (that converges or focuses)
:: konvergentní, sbíhavý, konvergující
conversation {n} (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people)
:: konverzace {f}, rozhovor {m}
converse {v} (to engage in conversation)
:: konverzovat, rozmlouvat, hovořit
conversely {adv} (with a reversed relationship)
:: naopak
conversely {adv} (from another point of view) SEE: on the other hand
convert {v} (exchange for (something) of equal value)
:: převést
convert {v} (express (a quantity) in alternative units)
:: převést
converter {n} (a person or thing that converts)
:: konvertor {m}, převodník {m}
convex {adj} (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle)
:: konvexní
convexly {adv} (in a convex manner)
:: konvexně
convexness {n} (the state or quality of being convex)
:: konvexnost {f}
convey {v} (to carry)
:: dopravit, přepravit
convey {v} (to communicate)
:: sdělit
convey {v} (to transfer legal rights)
:: převést
conveyor {n} (A mechanical arrangement for transporting material or objects)
:: přepravník, dopravník
conveyor belt {n} (continuous band moved to transport objects)
:: dopravní pás {m}
convict {v} (to find guilty)
:: odsoudit, usvědčit
convict {n} (person convicted of a crime)
:: odsouzený {m}
convict {n} (person deported to a penal colony)
:: odsouzený {m}, mukl
conviction {n} (firmly held belief)
:: přesvědčení {n}
conviction {n} (judgement of guilt)
:: odsouzení {n}, usvědčení {n}
convince {v} (to make someone believe, or feel sure about something)
:: přesvědčit
convinced {adj} (in a state of believing, especially from evidence)
:: přesvědčený
convincing {adj} (effective as proof or evidence)
:: přesvědčivý
convoluted {adj} (having numerous overlapping coils or folds)
:: propletený, zamotaný
convoluted {adj} (complex)
:: komplikovaný, složitý
convoy {n} (merchant ships sailing in company under the protection of naval vessels)
:: konvoj {m}
convoy {n} (group of vehicles traveling together for safety, especially one with an escort)
:: konvoj
coo {n} (murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon)
:: vrkot {m}
coo {v} (to make a soft murmuring sound)
:: vrkat
coo {v} (to speak in an admiring fashion)
:: vrkat
cook {n} (person who prepares food)
:: kuchař {m}, kuchařka {f}
cook {v} (to prepare (food) for eating)
:: vařit {impf}
cook {v} (to prepare food)
:: vařit
cook {v} (to become ready for eating)
:: uvařit se {pf}
cookbook {n} (book of cooking recipes)
:: kuchařka {f}
cooker {n} (appliance or utensil for cooking)
:: vařič {m}, sporák {m}
cookie {n} (bun) SEE: bun
cookie {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit)
:: sušenka {f}
cooking {n} (the process of preparing food by using heat)
:: vaření {n}
cooking {n} (the style or genre of food preparation; cookery; cuisine)
:: kuchyně {f}, kuchařství {n}
Cook Islands {prop} (self-governing country in Oceania)
:: Cookovy ostrovy {m-p}
cookstove {n} (a stove used for cooking)
:: sporák {m}
cool {adj} (having a slightly low temperature)
:: chladný
cool {adj} (colloquial: in fashion)
:: skvělý
cool {adj} (colloquial: all right, acceptable)
:: v pořádku, ok
cool {v} (cool down) SEE: cool down
cool down {v} (to become cooler (temperature))
:: vychladnout {pf}, chladnout {impf}
coolie {n} (unskilled Asian worker)
:: kuli {m}
cooling {n} (refrigeration)
:: chlazení {n}
cooling glasses {n} (sunglasses) SEE: sunglasses
cool off {v} (to reduce in temperature, activity or temper)
:: zchladit
coop {n} (enclosure for birds)
:: kurník {m}
cooper {n} (craftsman)
:: bednář {m}
cooperate {v} (to work together)
:: spolupracovat {impf}
cooperation {n} (act of cooperating or being cooperative)
:: spolupráce {f}
cooperative {n} (type of company)
:: družstvo {n}
coordinate {n} ((mathematics, cartography) A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure․)
:: souřadnice {f}
coordinate {v} (to synchronize)
:: koordinovat
coordinate system {n} (method of representing points in a space)
:: soustava souřadnic {f}
coordination {n} (the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect)
:: koordinace {f}
coordinator {n} (One who coordinates)
:: koordinátor {m}
coot {n} (bird)
:: lyska {f}
cootie {n} (louse) SEE: louse
cootie catcher {n} (origami shape with hidden messages in the folds)
:: nebe-peklo-ráj {m}
cooze {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina
cop {n} (police officer)
:: polda {m}, policajt {m}, bachař {m}
COPD {n} (disease)
Copenhagen {prop} (capital of Denmark)
:: Kodaň {f}
Copenhagener {n} (someone from Copenhagen)
:: Kodaňan {m}
copernicium {n} (chemical element)
:: kopernicium
Copernicus {prop} (surname of Nicolaus Copernicus)
:: Koperník {m}
copier {n} (machine)
:: kopírka {f}
copper {n} (chemical element Cu)
:: měď {f}
copper {n} (colour of copper)
:: měděná {f}
copper {n} (copper coin)
:: měďák {m}
copper {adj} (made of copper)
:: měděný
copper {adj} (having the colour of copper)
:: měděný
copperas {n} (iron(II) sulfate) SEE: iron(II) sulfate
copper beech {n} (type of beech)
:: buk červený
coppern {adj} (made of copper) SEE: copper
coppersmith {n} (person)
:: mědikovec
coppice {n} (grove of small growth)
:: mlází {n}, houština {f}, podrost {m}
coppice {v} (manage a wooded area as a coppice)
:: prořezat, prořezávat
copra {n} (dried kernel of coconut)
:: kopra {f}
coprime {adj} ((of two or more positive integers) having no factors in common)
:: nesoudělný
coprocessor {n} (an additional microprocessor)
:: koprocesor {m}
coprolalia {n} (uncontrolled use of obscenity)
:: koprolálie {f}
coprophilia {n} (marked interest in excrement; the use of feces for sexual excitement)
:: koprofilie {f}
copse {n} (thicket of small trees or shrubs)
:: remízek
Coptic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Copts, Coptic Orthodox Church or to the Coptic language)
:: koptský, koptický
Coptic {n} (language)
:: koptština {f}
copula {n} (grammar: linking kind of word)
:: spona {f}
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: cover
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with someone, something) SEE: mount
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: make love
copulate {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) SEE: bed
copulation {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse
copy {n} (result of copying)
:: kopie {f}, rozmnoženina {f}
copy {v} (produce something identical)
:: kopírovat
copy {v} (imitate)
:: kopírovat
copy {n} (writing paper of a particular size) SEE: bastard
copybook {n} (student's exercise book) SEE: exercise book
copyright {n} (right to publish)
:: autorské právo {n}, copyright {m}
copywriter {n} (person who writes advertising copy)
:: copywriter {m}
coquette {n} (flirtatious woman)
:: koketa
coral {n} (substance)
:: korál {m}
coral {n} (colony)
:: korál {m}
coral {n} (colour)
:: korálová {f}
coral reef {n} (mound or hummock of coral)
:: korálový útes {m}
coral snake {n} (snake)
:: korálovec {m}
cor anglais {n} (woodwind instrument)
:: anglický roh {m}
corbito {n} (type of ship)
:: korbita {f}
cord {n} (length of twisted strands)
:: provaz {m}, šňůra {f}
cord {n} (wires surrounded by a coating, used to supply electricity)
:: šňůra {f}
Cordelier {n} (Franciscan) SEE: Franciscan
cordierite {n} (a cyclosilicate)
:: cordierit {m}
corduroy {n} (heavy fabric with vertical ribs)
:: manšestr {m}
core {n} (central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds)
:: jaderník {m}, ohryzek {m}
core {n} (heart of a thing)
:: jádro {n}
core {n} (center or inner part)
:: jádro {n}
core {n} (most important part of a thing)
:: jádro {n}, podstata {f}
core {n} (one of severals parts in a computer processor)
:: jádro {n}
core {n} (hollow cylindrical piece of cardboard)
:: dutinka {f}
Corfu {prop} (island)
:: Korfu
coriander {n} (Coriandrum sativum plant)
:: koriandr {m}
Corinth {prop} (city in Greece)
:: Korint {m}
Corinthian {adj} (of or relating to Corinth)
:: korintský
Corinthian {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of Corinth)
:: Korinťan {m}
Corinthians {prop} (book in the Bible)
:: Korintským
Coriolis force {n} (apparent force due to the rotation of the earth)
:: Coriolisova síla {f}
corium {n} (material from a nuclear meltdown)
:: korium {n}
cork {n} (bark of the cork oak)
:: korek {m}
cork {n} (bottle stopper)
:: zátka {f}, špunt {m}
cork {n} (cork oak) SEE: cork oak
cork oak {n} (a type of evergreen oak tree, Quercus suber)
:: dub korkový {m}
corkscrew {n} (implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork)
:: vývrtka {f}
corm {n} (underground stem of a plant)
:: hlíza {f}
cormorant {n} (seabird)
:: kormorán {m}
corn {n} (grain crop of species Zea mays) SEE: maize
corn {n} (type of callus)
:: kuří oko {n}
corncockle {n} (plant of the genus Agrostemma)
:: koukol {m}
corncrake {n} (the bird Crex crex)
:: chřástal polní {m}
cornea {n} (layer forming the front of the eye)
:: rohovka {f}
corneal {adj} (of or pertaining to the cornea)
:: rohovkový, korneální
Cornelia {prop} (female given name)
:: Kornélie {f}
corner {n} (point where two converging lines meet) SEE: angle
corner {n} (space in the angle between converging lines or walls)
:: kout {m}, roh {m}
corner {n} (intersection of two streets)
:: roh {m}
corner {n} (football: corner kick) SEE: corner kick
corner flag {n} (flag marking the corner of a playing field)
:: rohový vlajka {f}
corner kick {n} (in soccer)
:: rohový kop {m}
corner shop {n} (small retail store) SEE: convenience store
cornerstone {n} (ceremonial stone)
:: základní kámen
cornet {n} (musical instrument)
:: kornet {m}
cornett {n} (wind instrument)
:: cink {m}
cornetto {n} (cornett) SEE: cornett
corn flakes {n} (breakfast cereal)
:: kukuřičné lupínky {p}
cornflower {n} (Centaurea cyanus)
:: chrpa {f}
cornice {n} (horizontal architectural element)
:: římsa {f} , ozdobná lišta
cornigerous {adj} (horned) SEE: horned
Cornish {adj} (of Cornwall)
:: kornský
Cornish {prop} (A Celtic language)
:: kornština {f}
corn on the cob {n} (cooked ears of corn)
:: vařená kukuřice {f}
corn poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas)
:: vlčí mák {m}
corn salad {n} (a plant)
:: polníček {m}
corn thistle {n} (Cirsium arvense)
:: oset {m}
cornucopia {n} (mythical horn endlessly overflowing with food and drink)
:: roh hojnosti {m}
cornucopia {n} (abundance or plentiful supply)
:: přehršel {f}, přehršle {f}, spousta {f}, habaděj {n}
corolla {n} (whorl of a flower)
:: koruna {f}
corollary {n} (proposition which follows easily)
:: důsledek {m}
coronary {adj} (encircling something)
:: koronární, věnčitý
coronary artery {n} (artery)
:: věnčitá tepna {f}
coronation {n} (the act or solemnity of crowning)
:: korunovace {f}
coronavirus {n} (member of the family Coronaviridae)
:: koronavirus
coroner {n} (who presides over an inquest)
:: koroner {m}
corporal {n} (military rank)
:: desátník {m}, kaprál {m}
corporal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily
corporal punishment {n} (form of punishment achieved by inflicting blows to the offender's body)
:: tělesný trest {m}
corporate {adj} (of, or relating to a corporation)
:: korporátní, podnikový, firemní
corporation {n} (public limited company)
:: akciová společnost {f}
corporeal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily
corps {n} (battlefield formation)
:: sbor {m}
corpse {n} (dead body)
:: mrtvola {f}, mrtvý {m}
corpus {n} (body) SEE: body
corpus {n} (linguistics: collection of writings)
:: korpus {m}
corpus callosum {n} (Band of nerves connecting hemispheres)
:: mozkový trámec {m}
corpuscle {n} (A minute particle)
:: částečka {f}, částice {f}, korpuskule {f}
corpus delicti {n} (the evidence)
:: předmět doličný {m}, corpus delicti {m}
correct {adj} (free from error)
:: správný
correct {adj} (with good manners)
:: slušný, korektní
correct {v} (To make something become right that was previously wrong)
:: opravit
correction {n} (substitution for an error or mistake)
:: oprava {f}
correctly {adv} (in a correct manner)
:: správně
correctness {n} (freedom from error)
:: správnost {f}
correlation {n} (measure of relationship)
:: korelace {f}
correlation coefficient {n} (any of the several measures)
:: korelační koeficient {m}
correspond {v} (to be equivalent or similar)
:: odpovídat
correspondent {adj} (corresponding) SEE: corresponding
corresponding {adj} (that have a similar relationship)
:: odpovídající
corridor {n} (narrow hall or passage)
:: chodba {f}
corridor {n} (tract of land)
:: koridor {m}
corridor {n} (airspace)
:: koridor {m}
corrigendum {n} (list of errors in a printed work) SEE: errata
corrosion {n} (Erosion by chemical action)
:: koroze {f}
corrosive {adj} (destroying texture or substance of a body)
:: žíravý {m}
corrosive {n} (substance harming living tissue or damaging material)
:: žíravina {f}
corrugated {adj} (bent into regular curved folds or grooves)
:: zvlněný {m}
corrupt {adj} (in a depraved state)
:: zkažený, zkorumpovaný
corrupt {adj} (with lots of errors in it)
:: porušený
corrupt {v} (to change from good to bad)
:: zkazit, narušit
corruption {n} (the act of impairing integrity)
:: poškození {n}
corruption {n} (seeking bribes)
:: corupce {f}
corruption {n}
:: korupce {f}
corsair {n} (privateersman or pirate)
:: korzár {m}
corselet {n} (thorax) SEE: thorax
corset {n} (woman's garment)
:: korzet {m}
Corsica {prop} (island in the Mediterranean)
:: Korsika {f}
Corsican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Corsica)
:: korsický
Corsican {n} (person from Corsica or of Corsican descent)
:: Korsičan {m}, Korsičanka {f}
Corsican {prop} (language)
:: korsičtina {f}
cortex {n} (outer layer of an internal organ or body structure)
:: kůra {f}
corticosteroid {n} (corticosteroid)
:: kortikosteroid {m}
cortisol {n} (the steroid hormone hydrocortisone)
:: kortizol {m}
cortisone {n} (corticosteroid hormone)
:: kortizon {m}
corundum {n} (mineral)
:: korund {m}
corvee {n} (unpaid labor required by a feudal lord)
:: robota {f}
corvette {n} (warship of 17th-18th century)
:: korveta {f}
corvette {n} (modern warship)
:: korveta {f}
cos {conj} (because) SEE: because
cosecant {n} (reciprocal of the sine function)
:: kosekans {m}
cosine {n} (trigonometric function)
:: kosinus {m}
cosmetic {adj} (external or superficial)
:: kosmetický
cosmetic {n} (any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin)
:: kosmetika
cosmetics {n} (preparations to change or enhance the beauty)
:: kosmetika {f}, šminky {p}
cosmetologist {n} (person who advises people on cosmetics and other beauty treatments)
:: kosmetolog {m}
cosmic {adj} (of or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe)
:: kosmický, vesmírný
cosmodrome {n} (a site for launching spacecraft)
:: kosmodrom {m}
cosmogony {n} (the study of the origin of the universe)
:: kosmogonie {f}
cosmological {adj} (of or pertaining to cosmology, or to the overall structure of the universe)
:: kosmologický {m}
cosmologist {n} (person who studies cosmology)
:: kosmolog {m}
cosmology {n} (study of the physical universe)
:: kosmologie {f}
cosmonaut {n} (an astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one, see also: astronaut)
:: kosmonaut {m}
cosmonautics {n} (astronautics (Russian context), see also: astronautics)
:: kosmonautika {f}
cosmopolitan {n} (cosmopolite) SEE: cosmopolite
cosmopolitanism {n} (idea that all humanity belongs to a single community)
:: světoobčanství {n}, kosmopolitismus {m}
cosmopolite {n} (cosmopolitan person)
:: světoobčan {m}, kosmopolita {m}
cosmos {n} (the universe)
:: vesmír {m}, kosmos {m}
Cossack {n} (member of a population)
:: kozák {m}, kozáčka {f}
Cossack {n} (member of a Cossack military unit)
:: kozák {m}
cost {v} (to incur a charge, a price)
:: stát
cost {n} (amount of money spent for a purpose)
:: náklad {m}
cost {n} (negative consequence or loss)
:: cena {f}
costa {n} (rib) SEE: rib
costal {adj} (pertaining to a rib)
:: žeberní, kostální
Costa Rica {prop} (country)
:: Kostarika {f}
Costa Rican {n} (person from Costa Rica)
:: Kostaričan {m}
Costa Rican {adj} (pertaining to Costa Rica)
:: kostarický
costume {n} (dress of a particular country, period or people)
:: kostým {m}, oblek {m}
costume {n} (disguise)
:: kostým {m}
cosy {adj} (affording comfort and warmth)
:: pohodlný, útulný
cotangent {n} (trigonometric function)
:: kotangens {m}
coterie {n} (exclusive group) SEE: clique
coterie {n} (circle of associates)
:: spolek {m}, kruh {m}
coterminous {adj} (adjoining)
:: sousední
cottage cheese {n} (cheese curd product)
:: tvaroh {m}
Cottbus {prop} (city in Germany)
:: Chotěbuz {m}
cotton {n} (any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium)
:: bavlna {f}
cotton {n} (fiber)
:: bavlna {f}
cotton {n} (fabric)
:: bavlna
cotton {adj} (made of cotton)
:: bavlněný
cotton {v} (get on with) SEE: get on with
cotton candy {n} (cotton candy) SEE: candy floss
cotton swab {n} (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod)
:: vatová tyčinka {f}, tyčinka do uší {f}, uchošťour {m}
cotton wool {n} (absorbent cotton)
:: vata {f}
coua {n} (bird of the genus Coua)
:: kukalka
couch {n} (furniture for seating of more than one person)
:: pohovka {f}, gauč {m}
couch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass
couch grass {n} (species of grass)
:: pýr {m}
couch potato {n} (person)
:: pecivál {m}
cougar {n} (Puma concolor)
:: puma {f}
cough {v} (push air from the lungs)
:: kašlat {impf}
cough {v} (make a noise like a cough)
:: kašlat {impf}
cough {n} (expulsion of air from the lungs)
:: kašel {m}
cough {n} (condition)
:: kašel
cough up {v} (to pay money)
:: vyklopit, vysolit, navalit
could I see the menu, please {phrase} (said to ask for a menu)
:: mohu vidět menu, prosím, můžu se podívat na jídelní lístek, prosím
coulisse {n} (side scene)
:: boční kulisa {f}
coulomb {n} (unit of electrical charge)
:: coulomb {m}
council {n} (committee that leads or governs)
:: rada {f}
councillor {n} (member of a city council)
:: rádce {m}
counsel {n} (consultation)
:: porada {f}, konzultace {f}
counsel {n} (advice)
:: rada {f}
counsel {n} (deliberate purpose)
:: záměr {m}
counsel {n} (lawyer)
:: advokát {m}, advokátka {f}
counsel {v} (to give advice, especially professional advice)
:: radit {impf}, poradit {pf}
counsel {v} (to recommend)
:: doporučit {pf}, doporučovat {impf}
counseling {n} (assistance)
:: poradenství {n}
count {v} (to enumerate or determine number)
:: počítat {impf}
count {v} (to be of significance; to matter)
:: počítat s
count {n} (the result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set)
:: počet {n}
count {n} (a countdown)
:: odpočet {n}
count {n} (ruler of a county (male))
:: hrabě {n}
countability {n} (quality of being countable)
:: spočetnost {f}
countable {adj} (capable of being counted, having a quantity)
:: spočitatelný
countable {adj} (math: having a bijection with a subset of the natural numbers)
:: spočetný
countable {adj} (grammar: freely used with numbers and the definite article)
:: počitatelný {m}
countable set {n} (set that is countable)
:: spočetná množina {f}
countably {adv} (in mathematics)
:: spočetně
countdown {n} (a count backward to the time of some event)
:: odpočítávání {n}
countenance {n} (face)
:: výraz {m}
countenance {v} (tolerate, support, sanction)
:: podporovat
counter {n} (one who counts)
:: počtář {m}
counter {n} (computing: variable etc. for keeping count)
:: čítač {m}
counterargument {n} (an argument that is opposed to another argument)
:: protiargument {m}
counterbalance {n} (weight balancing an opposite one)
:: protizávaží {n}, protiváha {f}
counterbalance {v} (to apply weight in order to balance)
:: vyvážit
counterclockwise {adj} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise
counterculture {n} (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture, especially to western culture)
:: kontrakultura {f}
counterexample {n} (instance of the falsity)
:: protipříklad {m}
counterfeit {n} (counterfeiter) SEE: counterfeiter
counterfeiter {n} (a person who counterfeits)
:: penězokaz {m}
counterfoil {n} (the part of a cheque that is retained in the chequebook as a record)
:: útržek {m}
counterpart {n} (law: duplicate of a legal document)
:: stejnopis {m}
counterpart {n} (something that resembles something else)
:: protějšek {m}
counterpart {n} (one which has corresponding functions or characteristics)
:: protějšek {m}
counterparty {n} (other party to a financial transaction)
:: protistrana {f}
counterpoise {n} (a weight sufficient to balance another) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {n} (an equal power or force acting in opposition) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {n} (the relation of two weights or forces which balance each other; equilibrium) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {v} (to act against with equal weight; to equal in weight) SEE: counterbalance
counterpoise {v} (to act against with equal power; to balance) SEE: counterbalance
counterproductive {adj} (more of a hindrance than a help)
:: kontraproduktivní {m}
Counter-Reformation {prop} (period of Roman Catholic revival that aimed to combat the Reformation)
:: protireformace {f}
counterrevolution {n} (revolution to reverse effects of previous revolution)
:: kontrarevoluce {f}
counterrevolutionary {n} (person who opposes a revolution)
:: kontrarevolucionář {m}
countess {n} (wife of a count or earl)
:: hraběnka {f}
countless {adj} (too many to count, innumerable)
:: nesčetný, nesčíslný
country {n} (region of land)
:: země
country {n} (nation state)
:: země, stát
country {n} (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city)
:: venkov
countryman {n} (somebody from a certain country)
:: rodák {m}
countryman {n} (somebody from one's own country)
:: krajan {m}
countryman {n} (country dweller)
:: krajan {m}
county {n} (land ruled by a count or countess)
:: hrabství {n}
county {n} (administrative region of various countries)
:: okres {n}
coup {n} (coup d'état) SEE: coup d'état
coup d'état {n} (sudden overthrow of a government)
:: puč {m}, převrat {m}
couple {n} (two partners)
:: pár {m}
couple {n} (two of the same kind considered together)
:: pár
couple {n} (a small number of)
:: pár {m}
coupling {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse
coupon {n} (interest payment made or due on a bond)
:: kupón {m}
coupon {n} (section of a ticket giving the holder some entitlement)
:: kupón {m}, lístek {m}, poukaz {m}
courage {n} (quality of a confident character)
:: odvaha {f}, kuráž {f}, statečnost {f}
courageous {adj} (brave) SEE: brave
courageous {adj} (of an action, that requires courage)
:: odvážný
courgette {n} (a small marrow/squash)
:: cuketa {f}
Courland {prop} (region in western Latvia)
:: Kuronsko {n}
course {n} (learning program)
:: kurz {m}
course {n} (stage of a meal)
:: chod {m}
course {n} (nautical: direction of movement of a vessel)
:: kurz {m}
course {n}
:: průběh {m}
courser {n} (bird)
:: běhulík
court {n} (enclosed space; a courtyard)
:: dvůr {m}, nádvoří {n}
court {n} (residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary)
:: dvůr {m}
court {n} (collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority)
:: dvůr {m}
court {n} (hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered)
:: soud {m}
court {n} (persons officially assembled under authority of law)
:: soud {m}
court {n} (tribunal established for the administration of justice)
:: soud {m}
court {n} (session of a judicial assembly)
:: soud {m}, stání {n}
court {n} (place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games)
:: kurt {m}, dvorec {m}
court {v} (to attempt to win over)
:: dvořit se
courteous {adj} (showing regard for others)
:: zdvořilý, slušný
courtesan {n} (high-status prostitute)
:: kurtizána {f}
courtier {n} (attendant at a royal court)
:: dvořan {m}
court jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court)
:: šašek {m}
court of law {n} (court presided over by a judge)
:: soud {m}
court order {n} (a written command issued by a judge)
:: soudní příkaz {m}
courtroom {n} (room where a judge presides)
:: soudní síň {f}
courtship {n} (act of wooing in love)
:: dvoření {n}, námluvy {f-p}, namlouvání {n}
courtyard {n} (unroofed walled area)
:: nádvoří {n}
couscous {n} (pasta of North African origin)
:: kuskus {m}
cousin {n} (nephew or niece of a parent)
:: bratranec {m}, sestřenice {f}
covalent {adj} (containing or characterized by a covalent bond)
:: kovalentní
covalent bond {n} (bond in which atoms are connected by shared pairs of electrons)
:: kovalentní vazba {f}
covariance {n} (statistical measure)
:: kovariance {f}
covenant {n} (binding agreement)
:: dohoda {f}
cover {n} (lid)
:: víko
cover {n} (setting at a restaurant table)
:: příbor (stolní)
cover {v} (to conceal or protect)
:: krýt, přikrýt
cover {n} (music: rerecording of a previously recorded song) SEE: cover version
coverage {n} (amount by which covered)
:: pokrytí {n}
covering letter {n} (cover letter) SEE: cover letter
cover letter {n} (letter to introduce a document)
:: průvodní dopis {m}, motivační dopis {m}
cover song {n} (cover version) SEE: cover version
covert {n} (disguise) SEE: disguise
covertly {adv} (secretly) SEE: secretly
cover-up {n} (attempt to conceal or disguise a wrongdoing or a mistake)
:: ututlat {pf}
cover version {n} (rerecording of a song)
:: coververze {f}
cow {n} (female domesticated ox or other bovine)
:: kráva {f}
cow {n} (any domestic bovine regardless of sex or age)
:: tur {f}, skot {m}
cow {n} (female of various species of mammal)
:: kráva {f}
cow {n} (derogatory: despicable woman)
:: kráva {f}
cowabunga {interj} (expression of joy) SEE: yes
coward {n} (a person who lacks courage)
:: zbabělec {m}, posera {m}
cowardice {n} (the lack of courage)
:: zbabělost {f}
cowardly {adj} (showing cowardice)
:: zbabělý {m}
cowbane {n} (plant of the genus Cicuta)
:: rozpuk jízlivý {m}
cowboy {n} (person who tends cattle)
:: kovboj {m}
cower {v} (to crouch in fear)
:: krčit se
cowl {n} (monk's hood or robe)
:: kápě {f}
cowmilk {n} (cow's milk) SEE: cow's milk
cowper {n} (cooper) SEE: cooper
Cowper's fluid {n} (pre-ejaculate) SEE: pre-ejaculate
Cowper's fluid {n} (Cowper's fluid)
:: Cowperova tekutina {f}
cowrie {n} (any member of the genus Cypraea)
:: kauri
cowshed {n} (place for cows)
:: kravín {m}, chlév {m}
cowslip {n} (Primula veris)
:: prvosenka jarní {f}, petrklíč {m}
cow's milk {n} (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow)
:: kravské mléko
coxswain {n} (crew member who helms a boat)
:: kormidelník {m}
coxswain {n} (a crew member in a rowing team who gives the rhythm)
:: kormidelník {m}
coyote {n} (canine)
:: kojot {m}
coypu {n} (Myocastor coypus)
:: nutrie {f}
CR {prop} (Czech Republic)
:: ČR
crab {n} (crustacean)
:: krab {m}
crab-eating fox {n} (Cerdocyon thous)
:: maikong {m}
crab louse {n} (insect)
:: veš muňka {f}, filcka {f}
crab stick {n} (processed seafood)
:: krabí tyčinky
crack {n} (thin space opened in a previously solid material)
:: trhlina {f}, prasklina {f}, puklina {f}
crack {n} (narrow opening)
:: škvíra {f}, mezírka {f}, štěrbina {f}
crack {n} (sharply humorous comment)
:: vtip {m}, vtípek {m}, fórek {m}
crack {n} (sharp sound made when solid material breaks)
:: prasknutí {n}, křupnutí {n}, rupnutí {n}
crack {n} (attempt at something) SEE: try
cracker {n} (northern pintail) SEE: northern pintail
crack of dawn {n} (sunrise) SEE: sunrise
crack of dawn {n} (crack of dawn) SEE: daybreak
Cracovian {adj} (of or from Cracow)
:: krakovský
Cracovian {n} (person from Kraków)
:: Krakovan {m}
Cracow {prop} (city)
:: Krakov {m}
cradle {n} (oscillating bed for a baby)
:: kolébka {f}
cradle song {n} (lullaby) SEE: lullaby
craft {n} (skilled practice of practical occupation)
:: řemeslo {n}
craft {n} (vehicle designed for navigation)
:: plavidlo {n}
craft {n} (device; means; art) SEE: device
craft {n} (strength; power; might; force) SEE: strength
craftiness {n} (skill in deception, slyness)
:: úskočnost {f}
craftsman {n} (male artisan)
:: řemeslník {m}
crag {n} (a rocky outcrop)
:: útes {m}, převis {m}
Cramer's rule {n} (the explicit formula)
:: Cramerovo pravidlo {n}
cramp {n} (painful contraction of a muscle)
:: křeč {f}
cramp {n} (clamp for carpentry or masonry) SEE: clamp
crampon {n} (attachment to a shoe used for climbing or walking on ice)
:: mačka
cranberry {n} (shrub)
:: brusinka {f}
cranberry {n} (berry)
:: brusinka {f}
cranberry juice {n} (the unfermented juice of squeezed cranberries)
:: brusinkový džus {m}
crane {n} (bird)
:: jeřáb {m}
crane {n} (machinery)
:: jeřáb {m}
cranial {adj} (of or relating to the cranium, or to the skull)
:: lebeční
cranial nerve {n} (nerve)
:: hlavový nerv {m}, mozkový nerv {m}
cranial orbit {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket
craniosynostosis {n} (medical condition)
:: kraniosynostóza {f}
cranium {n} (skull) SEE: skull
cranium {n} ((anatomy) braincase or neurocranium)
:: mozkovna {f}
crank {n} (a bent piece of an axle or shaft, or an arm attached to the end of a shaft or wheel, used to impart a rotation)
:: klika {f}
crank {n} (methamphetamine) SEE: methamphetamine
crankshaft {n} (rotating shaft that drives a crank)
:: kliková hřídel {f}
crap {n} (feces)
:: hovno {n}
crate {n} (box or basket)
:: bedna {f}
crater {n} (astronomy: hemispherical pit)
:: kráter {m}
crater {n} (geology: opening of a volcano)
:: kráter {m}
crater {n} (pit left by an explosion)
:: kráter {m}
Crater {prop} (a constellation)
:: Pohár {m}
craving {n} (strong desire; yearning)
:: choutky {f-p}
crawdad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crawfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crawl {v} (to move along the ground)
:: plazit se, lézt
crawl {v} (to move slowly)
:: plazit se, lézt
crawl {v} (to act in a servile manner)
:: plazit se
crawldad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crawler {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant
crawlfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish
crayfish {n} (freshwater crustacean resembling lobster)
:: rak {m}
crayon {n} (colored chalk or wax)
:: pastelka {f}, barevná tužka, krajon {m}
crazy {adj} (insane, demented)
:: šílený, pominutý, trhlý, potrhlý, zbavený rozumu, ztřeštěný, bláznivý
crazy {adj}
:: šílený, pominutý, trhlý, potrhlý, zbavený rozumu, ztřeštěný, bláznivý
crèche {n} (nativity scene) SEE: nativity scene
cream {n} (oily part of milk)
:: smetana {f}
cream {n} (colour)
:: krémová
cream {n} (the best part)
:: smetánka {f}
cream {n} (product to apply to the skin)
:: krém {m}
cream {adj} (colour)
:: krémový
cream-colored courser {n} (Cursorius cursor)
:: běhulík plavý {m}
cream of wheat {n} (semolina pudding) SEE: semolina pudding
cream puff {n} (hollow pastry filled with cream or custard)
:: větrník {m}
crease {n} (mark made by folding)
:: rýha {f}, vráska {f}, záhyb {m}
crease {n} (lacrosse: circle around the goal)
:: brankoviště {n}
crease {n} (ice hockey, handball: goal crease)
:: brankoviště {n}
crease {v} (to make a crease in)
:: udělat záhyb, mnout
create {v} (to put into existence)
:: tvořit {impf}, vytvořit {pf}, udělat {pf}
creatine {n} (an amino acid)
:: kreatin {m}
creation {n} (something created such as an invention or artwork)
:: výtvor {m}
creation {n} (act of creation)
:: tvoření {n}, vytvoření {n}, vytváření {n}
creation {n} ((Biblical) all which exists)
:: stvoření {n}
creationary {adj} (of or relating to creation)
:: kreační {m}
creationism {n} (any creationary theory or belief system)
:: kreacionismus {m}, kreacionalismus {m}
creative {adj} (having the ability to create)
:: tvořivý
creative {adj} (original, expressive, and imaginative)
:: tvořivý
creative accounting {n} (unorthodox accounting)
:: kreativní účetnictví
creativity {n} (quality or ability to create or invent something)
:: tvořivost {f}
creator {n} (one who creates)
:: tvůrce {m}, stvořitel {m}
creature {n} (living being)
:: tvor {m}, stvoření {n}
credential {n} (document of authority)
:: pověření {n}
credibility {n} (reputation impacting one's ability to be believed)
:: důvěryhodnost {f}
credit {v} (to add to an account)
:: připsat
credit card {n} (card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services)
:: kreditní karta {f}
credit default swap {n} (contract)
:: swap úvěrového selhání {m}
credit institution {n}
:: úvěrová instituce {f}
credit note {n} (a monetary instrument issued by a seller)
:: dobropis {m}
creditor {n} (a person to whom a debt is owed)
:: věřitel {m}
credit risk {n} (type of risk)
:: kreditní riziko {n}
credulity {n} (gullibility) SEE: gullibility
Cree {prop} (Algonquian language spoken by this people)
:: kríjština {f}
creed {n} (that which is believed)
:: vyznání {n}
creed {n} (reading or statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents)
:: krédo {n}
creek {n} (stream of water)
:: potok {m}
Creek {prop} (language)
:: Kríkština
creep {v} (to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground) SEE: crawl
creeper {n} (treecreeper) SEE: treecreeper
creeping thistle {n} (corn thistle) SEE: corn thistle
cremation {n} (burning)
:: kremace {f}
crematorium {n} (place where dead bodies are cremated)
:: krematorium {n}
crematory {n} (crematorium) SEE: crematorium
crenellate {v} (to indent; to notch) SEE: indent
creodont {n} (member of Creodonta)
:: prašelma {m} {f}
crepitate {v} (to crackle)
:: praskat
crescendo {n} (music: instruction to play gradually more loudly)
:: crescendo {n}
crescent {n} (figure of the moon)
:: půlměsíc {m}
crescent {adj} (marked by an increase)
:: vzrůstající
crest {n} (heraldic bearing)
:: klenot {m}
crested lark {n} (small lark)
:: chocholouš obecný {m}
crested tit {n} (bird of the tit family)
:: sýkora parukářka {f}
crestfallen {adj} (sad because of a recent disappointment)
:: sklíčený {m}, skleslý
Cretaceous {prop} (geologic period within the Mesozoic)
:: křída {f}
Cretan {adj} (relating to Crete)
:: krétský
Cretan {n} (inhabitant)
:: Kréťan {m}
Crete {prop} (island)
:: Kréta {f}
cretin {n} (person who fails to develop due to congenital hypothyroidism)
:: kretén {m}
cretinism {n} (disease of severely stunted physical and mental growth)
:: kretenismus {m}
cretinous {adj} (very stupid)
:: kreténský
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease {n} (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
:: Creutzfeldt-Jakobova nemoc {f}
crew {n} (group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment)
:: obsluha {f}, posádka {f}
crew {n} (non-officer nautical personnel)
:: posádka {f}
crew {n} (group of people working on common task)
:: pracovní skupina {f}
crew {n} (arts: non-actor members of a theatrical stage production)
:: kulisáci {m-p}, technici {m-p}
crew {n} (informal: group of friends or associates)
:: banda {f}
crew {n} (member of a crew)
:: člen {m} posádky {f}
crib {n} (a baby’s bed with high sides)
:: postýlka {f}
crib {n} (a feeding trough for animals)
:: jesle {n-p}
crib {n} (notes concealed by a student to aid him/her in test or examination)
:: tahák {m}
crib {n} (nativity scene) SEE: nativity scene
crib note {n} (concealed reminder) SEE: cheat sheet
crib sheet {n} (cheat sheet) SEE: cheat sheet
cricket {n} (insect)
:: cvrček {m}
cricket {n} (game)
:: kriket {m}
cricothyrotomy {n} (incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane)
:: koniotomie {f}
crime {n} (specific act committed in violation of the law)
:: zločin {m}, trestný čin {m}
crime {n} (practice or habit of committing crimes)
:: zločinnost {f}
Crimea {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula)
:: Krym {m}
crime against humanity {n} (a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against a body of people)
:: zločin proti lidskosti {m}
Crimean {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea
Crimean {adj} (referring to the Crimea region)
:: krymský
Crimean {prop} (Crimean peninsula) SEE: Crimean peninsula
Crimean peninsula {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimea)
:: Krymský poloostrov {m}
Crimean Tatar {n} (Crimean Tatar (a Turkic language))
:: krymská tatarština {f}
crime doesn't pay {proverb} (if you a commit a crime you will most likely be punished for it)
:: zločin se nevyplácí
crime scene {n} (location of a crime)
:: místo činu {n}
criminal {adj} (being against the law)
:: zločinný, trestný
criminal {adj} (of or relating to crime)
:: zločinný {m}
criminal {n} (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law)
:: zločinec {m}
criminal law {n} (area of law)
:: trestní právo {n}
criminal offence {n} (crime) SEE: crime
criminal procedure {n} (legal process)
:: trestní řízení {n}
criminological {adj} (of or pertaining to criminology)
:: kriminologický
criminology {n} (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour)
:: kriminologie {f}
crimson {n} (deep, slightly bluish red)
:: karmínový
crimson {v} (blush) SEE: blush
crimson tide {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation
cringe {v} (To shrink or recoil, as in fear, disgust or embarrassment)
:: schoulit se {pf}
cringeworthy {adj} (that causes one to cringe)
:: hrozně nepříjemný {m}
cringy {adj} (cringeworthy) SEE: cringeworthy
cripple {n} (person who has severe impairment in physical abilities)
:: mrzák {m}
crisis {n} (crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point)
:: rozhodující okamžik {m}
crisis {n} (unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs)
:: krize {f}
crisis {n} (sudden change in the course of a disease)
:: krize {f}
crisis {n} (traumatic or stressful change in a person's life)
:: krize {f}
crisis {n} (point in a drama at which a conflict reaches a peak before being resolved)
:: krize {f}
crispbread {n} (Nordic-style flat dry bread)
:: knäckebrot {m}
crisscross {adv} (crossing one another)
:: křížem
criterion {n} (standard for comparison and judgment)
:: kritérium {n}, kriterium {n}
critic {n} (specialist in judging works of art)
:: kritik {m}
critical {adj} (inclined to find fault)
:: kritický {m}
critical {adj} (of the point where a reaction becomes self-sustaining)
:: kritický {m}
critically {adv} (in a critical manner, with criticism)
:: kriticky
critical mass {n} (amount of fissile material needed to a nuclear chain reaction)
:: kritické množství {n}
critical point {n} (in thermodynamics)
:: kritický bod {m}
critical rationalism {n} (philosophical doctrine)
:: kritický racionalismus {m}
critical thinking {n} (application of logical principles)
:: kritické myšlení {n}
criticism {n} (act of criticising)
:: kritika {f}
criticizable {adj} (able to be criticized)
:: kritizovatelný {m}
criticize {v} (to find fault)
:: kritizovat
critique {n} (essay in which another piece of work is criticised, reviewed)
:: kritika {f}
critter {n} (a creature)
:: tvor {m}, stvoření {n}
crème brûlée {n} (dessert)
:: crème brûlée {m}
croak {n} (the harsh cry of various birds, particularly the raven or crow) SEE: caw
croak {v} (of a raven, to make its cry) SEE: caw
croak {v} (of a frog, to make its cry)
:: kvákat
Croat {n} (language) SEE: Croatian
Croatia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Chorvatsko {n}
Croatian {adj} (of or pertaining to Croatia)
:: chorvatský
Croatian {n} (person of Croatia)
:: Chorvat {m}, Chorvatka {f}, Charvát {m}, Charvátka {f}
Croatian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian)
:: chorvatština {f}, charvátština {f}
Croatian Sheepdog {n} (Croatian Sheepdog)
:: chorvatský ovčák {m}
crochet {n} (needlework)
:: háčkování {n}
crochet {v} (to make needlework using a hooked needle)
:: háčkovat {impf}
crochetwork {n} (crochet) SEE: crochet
crockery {n} (plates, dishes and other eating and serving tableware)
:: nádobí {n}
crocket {n} ((architecture) any of a series of hook-shaped decorative floral elements used in Gothic architecture)
:: krab {m}
crocodile {n} (reptile)
:: krokodýl {m}
crocodile tear {n} (tear shed falsely)
:: krokodýlí slza {f}
crocodile tear {n} (display of tears that is forced or false)
:: krokodýlí slzy {f-p}
crocus {n} (plant of genus Crocus)
:: krokus {m}, šafrán {m}
croft {n} (cave or cavern) SEE: cave
croft {n} (underground chamber) SEE: crypt
Crohn's disease {n} (chronic inflammatory disease)
:: Crohnova choroba {f}
croissant {n} (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent)
:: croissant {m}
Cro-Magnon {n} (earliest known form of modern human, in Europe)
:: kromaňonec {m}
cromlech {n} (Welsh dolmen or underground tomb)
:: kromlech {m}
cromolyn {n} (chemical substance)
:: kromolyn {m}
crone {n} (old woman)
:: bába {f}
crone {n} (ugly evil-looking or frightening old woman; a hag)
:: babizna {f}
Cronus {prop} (youngest of the twelve Titans)
:: Kronos {m}
crooked {adj} (having one or more bends or angles)
:: zkroucený {m}, křivý {m}, zdeformovaný {m}
crooked {adj} (figurative: dishonest, illegal)
:: pokřivený {m}, zdeformovaný, nečestný {m}
crop {n} (natural production for a specific year)
:: úroda {f}
crop {n} (act of cropping)
:: ořez {m}
crop {n} (part of bird's or animal’s alimentary tract)
:: vole {n}
crop {v} (remove outer parts of (a photograph or image))
:: ořezat
crop rotation {n} (farming practice)
:: střídání plodin {n}
croquet {n} (croquette) SEE: croquette
croquette {n} (food)
:: kroketa {f}
crosier {n} (staff of a bishop or abbot)
:: berla {f}, berle {f}, biskupská berla {f}
cross {n} (geometrical figure)
:: kříž {m}
cross {n} (in heraldry)
:: kříž {m}
cross {n} (biology: animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization)
:: kříženec {m}
cross {v} (go from one side of something to the other)
:: přecházet, přejet
cross {prep} (across) SEE: across
crossbar {n} (top of the goal structure)
:: břevno {n}
crossbar {n} (top tube of a bicycle frame)
:: štangle {f}
crossbill {n} (finch of the genus Loxia)
:: křivka
cross-border {adj} (taking place across a border)
:: přeshraniční
crossbow {n} (mechanised weapon based on the bow)
:: kuše {f}
crossbreed {n} (organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds) SEE: hybrid
crossbreed {v} (hybridize)
:: křížit {impf}, zkřížit {pf}
cross-country skiing {n} (winter sport)
:: běžkování {n}
cross-country skiing {n} (leisure activity)
:: běžkování {n}
crosscut {n} (shortcut) SEE: shortcut
cross-eyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward)
:: šilhavý
crossfire {n} (lines of fire)
:: křížová palba {f}
crosshatch {n} (pattern of crossing lines)
:: šrafování {n}
crosshatch {v} (to mark or fill with a crosshatch pattern)
:: šrafovat, vyšrafovat
crossing {n} (volume formed by the intersection of chancel, nave and transepts in a cruciform church)
:: křížení {n}
cross one's fingers {v} (do this or a similar gesture to wish for good luck)
:: držet palce
cross product {n} (vector product) SEE: vector product
crossroad {n} (crossroads) SEE: crossroads
crossroads {n} (intersection)
:: rozcestí {n}, křižovatka {f}
crossroads {n} (decisive turning point)
:: rozcestí {n}, křižovatka {f}
cross section {n} (section formed by a plane cutting through an object)
:: příčný řez {m}
cross swords {v} (to fight with someone) SEE: duel
cross the line {v} (overstep a boundary)
:: zajít příliš daleko
cross-tie {n} (sleeper) SEE: railroad tie
crosswalk {n} (place where pedestrians can cross a street)
:: přechod pro chodce {m}
crosswise {adv} (transversely)
:: křížem, napříč
crossword {n} (word puzzle)
:: křížovka {f}
crossword puzzle {n} (crossword) SEE: crossword
crotch {n} (area of a person’s body)
:: rozkrok {m}
crotchety {adj} (cranky, disagreeable or stubborn)
:: vrtošivý
croup {v} (to croak) SEE: croak
croupier {n} (person who collects bets and pays out winnings at a gambling table)
:: krupiér {m}
crow {n} (any bird of the genus Corvus)
:: vrána {f}
crow {n} (bar of iron)
:: páčidlo {n}, sochor {m}
crow {n} (cry of the rooster)
:: kokrhání {n}, zakokrhání {n}
crow {v} (to make the sound of a rooster)
:: kokrhat {impf}, zakokrhat {pf}
crowbar {n} (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart)
:: páčidlo {n}, pajsr {m}, pajcr {m}
crowd {n} (group of people)
:: dav {m}
crowded {adj} (containing too many of something)
:: přecpaný, nabitý, přeplněný
crowfoot {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup
crown {n} (royal headdress)
:: koruna {f}
crown {n} (representation of such a headdress)
:: koruna {f}
crown {n} (wreath or band for the head)
:: koruna {f}
crown {n} (imperial or regal power)
:: koruna {f}
crown {n} (topmost part of the head)
:: temeno {n}
crown {n} (any currency issued by the crown)
:: koruna {f}
crown {n} (dentistry: prosthetic covering for a tooth)
:: korunka {f}
crown {v} (to formally declare one a king or emperor)
:: korunovat
crown cap {n} (type of bottle cap)
:: korunkový uzávěr {m}
crown cork {n} (crown cap) SEE: crown cap
crowning {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation
crown jewels {n} (jewelry)
:: korunovační klenoty {m-p}
crownment {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation
crown prince {n} (next king)
:: korunní princ {m}
crown prince {n} (next emperor)
:: korunní princ {m}
crêpe de Chine {n} (fabric)
:: krepdešín {m}
crucial {adj} (extremely important)
:: rozhodující, kritický
crucian {n} (species of freshwater game fish) SEE: crucian carp
crucian carp {n} (Carassius carassius)
:: karas
crucible {n} (cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment)
:: žíhací kelímek {m}, tavicí kelímek {m}, tyglík {m}
crucible {n} (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted)
:: tyglík {m}, žíhací kelímek {m}, tavicí kelímek {m}
cruciferous {adj} (of, or relating to the crucifer plants)
:: košťálový {m}
crucifix {n} (object)
:: krucifix, kříž {m}
crucifixion {n} (execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross)
:: ukřižování {n}
crucify {v} (to execute a person by nailing to a crucifix)
:: ukřižovat
crude {adj} (being in a natural state)
:: surový syrový
crude {adj} (characterized by simplicity)
:: prostý
crude {adj} (lacking concealing elements)
:: zřejmý, evidentní, jasný
crude {adj} (lacking tact or taste)
:: neomalený
crude {adj} (immature or unripe (see immature or unripe))
:: nedozrálý {m}, nezralý {m}
cruel {adj} (that intentionally causes pain and suffering)
:: krutý {m}
cruelty {n} (indifference to suffering)
:: krutost {f}
cruelty {n} (positive pleasure in inflicting suffering)
:: krutost {f}
cruelty {n} (cruel act)
:: krutost {f}
cruise {n} (sea voyage)
:: plavba {f}, výlet lodí {m}
cruiser {n} (class of warships)
:: křižník {m}
cruise ship {n} (passenger ship)
:: výletní loď
crumb {n} (small piece of biscuit, cake, etc)
:: drobek {m}
crumb {n} ((figurative) small amount)
:: drobek {m}
crumb {n} (soft internal portion of bread)
:: střída {m}, střídka {m}
crumble {v} (to fall apart)
:: drobit se, drolit se
crumble {v} (to render into crumbs)
:: drobit, drolit
crumple {v} (to rumple)
:: mačkat, muchlat, krčit, mnout {impf}
crumple {v} (to become wrinkled)
:: mačkat se
crumple {v} (to collapse)
:: hroutit se
crunch {v} (to crush something with a noisy crackling sound)
:: chroustat
crusade {n} (military expedition)
:: křížová výprava {f}, kruciáta {f}
crusade {n} (grand concerted effort)
:: křížová výprava {f}
Crusade {n} (campaigns by Christian forces to the Holy Land)
:: křižová výprava {f}, kruciáta {f}
crusader {n} (fighter in the medieval crusades)
:: křižák {m}
crush {v} (to press or bruise between two hard bodies)
:: drtit
crush {v} (to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding)
:: drtit
crush {v} (to overwhelm by pressure or weight)
:: drtit
crush {v} (to oppress or burden grievously)
:: drtit
crush {v} (to overcome completely)
:: rozdrtit
crush {v} (to be or become broken down or in)
:: rozbít se
crushed {adj} (pulverised)
:: drcený {m}, rozdrcený {m}
crushed {adj} (saddened)
:: zdrcený {m}
crust {n} (any solid, hard surface layer)
:: kůra {f}
crust {n} (outer layer of bread)
:: kůrka {f}
crust {n} (outermost layer of a planet)
:: kůra {f}
crustacean {n} (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea)
:: korýš {m}
crutch {n} (crotch) SEE: crotch
crutch {n} (device to assist in motion as a cane)
:: berle {f}
crux {n} ((heraldry) cross on a coat of arms) SEE: cross
crux {n} (central or essential point)
:: podstata {f}
cry {v} (intransitive: to weep)
:: plakat {impf}, brečet {impf}
cry {v} (intransitive: to shout, scream, yell)
:: křičet {impf}
cry {n} (shedding of tears)
:: pláč {m}, brečení {n}
cry foul {v} (resent) SEE: resent
crying {n} (Action of the verb cry)
:: pláč {m}
cryolite {n} (mineral)
:: kryolit {m}
cry one's eyes out {v} (to moan) SEE: moan
cryotherapy {n} (use of low temperatures in medical therapy)
:: kryoterapie {f}
cry out {v} (to shout in a loud voice due to pain, fear, or unhappiness)
:: zakřičet
cry over spilt milk {v} (to worry about unfortunate events which have already happened)
:: plakat nad rozlitým mlékem
cryovolcano {n} (cryovolcano)
:: kryovulkanismus
crypt {n} (undergound vault)
:: krypta {f}
crypto- {prefix}
:: krypto-
cryptocommunist {n} (a secretly communist person)
:: kryptokomunista {m}
cryptocracy {n} (a form of government)
:: kryptokracie {f}
cryptocurrency {n} (type of digital currency)
:: kryptoměna {f}
cryptodepression {n} (portion of a lake which lies below sea level)
:: kryptodeprese
cryptography {n} (discipline concerned with communication security)
:: kryptografie {f}
cryptovirus {n} (malware)
:: kryptovirus {m}, šifrovací virus {m}
crystal {n} (array of atoms)
:: krystal {m}
crystal {n} (mineral)
:: křišťál {m}
crystal {n} (glassware)
:: křišťál {m}
crystal ball {n} (globe used to foretell the future)
:: křišťálová koule, věštecká koule
crystal clear {adj} (completely clear and understood)
:: nad slunce jasný
crystalize {v} (crystallize) SEE: crystallize
crystal lattice {n} (geometric arrangement)
:: krystalová mřížka {f}
crystallization {n} (the act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal)
:: krystalizace {f}
crystallize {v} (to assume a crystalline form)
:: krystalizovat
crystallography {n} (the science of determining the arrangement of atoms in solids)
:: krystalografie {f}
csardas {n} (Hungarian folk dance)
:: čardáš {m}
C-section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section
C-sharp {n} (C♯ - a musical note)
:: cis
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (the Ivory Coast)
:: Pobřeží slonoviny {n}
Ctesiphon {prop} (ancient ruined city)
:: Ktésifón
cub {n} (the young of certain animals)
:: mládě {n}
Cuba {prop} (country and largest island in Caribbean)
:: Kuba {f}
Cuban {n} (a person from Cuba)
:: Kubánec {m}
Cuban {adj} (of or pertaining to Cuba)
:: kubánský
cube {n} (geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces)
:: krychle {f}
cube {n} (object more or less in the form of a cube)
:: kostka {f}
cube {n} (arithmetic: number raised to the third power)
:: třetí mocnina {f}
cube root {n} (number)
:: třetí odmocnina {f}
cubic {adj} (in the name of units of volume)
:: krychlový, kubický
cubic {adj} (of a polynomial of third degree)
:: kubický
cubic centimetre {n} (a unit of volume)
:: kubický centimetr {m}, krychlový centimetr {m}
cubic equation {n} (polynomial equation)
:: kubická rovnice {f}
cubicle {n} (a small separate part or one of the compartments of a room)
:: kóje {f}
cubicle {n} (a small enclosure at a swimming pool etc. used to provide personal privacy when changing)
:: kabina {f}
cubicle {n} (a small enclosure in a public toilet for individual use)
:: kabina {f}
cubic meter {n} (cubic metre) SEE: cubic metre
cubic metre {n} (unit of volume)
:: metr krychlový {m}
cubism {n} (An artistic movement characterized by the depiction of natural forms as geometric structures of planes)
:: kubismus {m}
cubit {n} (anatomy: ulna) SEE: ulna
cubit {n} (unit of length)
:: loket {m}
cuboid {n} (rectangular parallelepiped)
:: kvádr {m}
cuckold {n} (man married to an unfaithful wife)
:: paroháč {m}
cuckoo {n} (the bird)
:: kukačka {f}
cuckoo clock {n} (clock)
:: kukačkové hodiny
cucumber {n} (plant)
:: okurka {f}
cucumber {n} (edible fruit)
:: okurka {f}
cuddle {v} (embrace, lie together snugly)
:: mazlit se, tulit se {impf}, přitulit se {pf}
cudgel {n} (a short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon)
:: kyj {m}
cudgel one's brain {v} (rack one's brain) SEE: rack one's brain
cue {n} (action or event that is a signal to do something)
:: podnět {m}, signál {m}, narážka {f}
cue {n} (name of the letter Q, q)
:: kvé
cue {n} (straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in games such as billiards, snooker, and pool)
:: tágo {n}
cuff {n} (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist)
:: manžeta {f}
cuff {v} (to handcuff) SEE: handcuff
cufflink {n} (button used to hold a sleeve cuff together)
:: manžetový knoflík
cuirass {n} (piece of defensive armor, covering the body from the neck to the girdle)
:: kyrys
cuisine {n} (characteristic style of preparing food)
:: kuchyně {f}
cuisine {n} (culinary art) SEE: culinary art
cul-de-sac {n} (blind alley) SEE: dead end
culinary {adj} (relating to the practice of cookery or the activity of cooking)
:: kuchařský {m}, kulinářský {m}, kuchyňský {m}
culinary art {n} (cuisine) SEE: cuisine
culinary art {n} (art of cooking)
:: kuchařství {n}
culprit {n} (culprit)
:: viník {m}
cult {n} (a sect)
:: kult {m}
cult {adj} (enjoyed by a small, loyal group)
:: kultovní
cultivate {v} (grow plants, notably crops)
:: obdělávat
cultural {adj} (pertaining to culture)
:: kulturní
culture {n} (arts, customs and habits)
:: kultura {f}
culture {v} (to maintain in an environment suitable for growth)
:: kultivovat
culture medium {n} (liquid or gel, containing nutrients)
:: živná půda {f}
culture shock {n} (state of anxious confusion)
:: kulturní šok {m}
culver {n} (culverin) SEE: culverin
culver {n} (Columba palumbus) SEE: wood pigeon
culverin {n} (handgun)
:: kulverina {f}
culvert {n} (channel for draining water)
:: propustek {m}
cum {n} (slang: semen)
:: mrdka {f}
cum {v} (slang: have an orgasm; ejaculate)
:: stříkat, udělat se
Cuman {n} (member of the Cuman people)
:: Plavec {m}
cumin {n} (plant Cuminum cyminum)
:: římský kmín {m}
cumin {n} (its seed used as spice)
:: římský kmín {m}
cumulative {adj} (incorporating all data up to the present)
:: kumulativní
cuneiform {n} (ancient writing system)
:: klínové písmo {n}
cunning {adj} (sly)
:: prohnaný, mazaný, vychytralý
cunning {adj} (skillful)
:: šikovný, obratný
cunning {adj} (cute)
:: rozkošný, milý, sladký
cunning folk {n} (professional or semi-professional practitioner of magic)
:: vědmák
cunt {n} (genitalia)
:: píča {f}, kunda {f}, pizda {f}
cunt {n} (unpleasant or objectionable person)
:: píča {f}, kunda {f}
cup {n} (drinking vessel)
:: šálek {m}, hrnek {m}
cup {n} (trophy)
:: pohár {m}
cup {n} (contest)
:: pohár {m}
cup {n} (part of bra)
:: košíček {m}
cup {n} (suction cup) SEE: suction cup
cupbearer {n} (one who ceremonially fills and hands out the cups in which a drink is served)
:: číšnice {f}, číšník {m}, šenk {m}
cupboard {n} (enclosed storage)
:: skříň {f}
cupidity {n} (extreme greed, especially for wealth)
:: chamtivost {f}
cupola {n} (architecture: dome-shaped ornamental structure)
:: kopule {f}
curaçao {n} (liqueur)
:: Curaçao likér
curable {adj} (capable of being cured)
:: vyléčitelný
curator {n} (person who manages, administers or organizes a collection)
:: kurátor {m}
curb {n} (concrete along the edge of a road) SEE: kerb
curb {n} (something that checks or restrains)
:: omezení {n}
curb {n} (raised margin along the edge)
:: obrubník {m}
curb {n} (a riding or driving bit for a horse)
:: uzda {f}, udidlo {n}
curd cheese {n} (cottage cheese) SEE: cottage cheese
cure {n} (method, device or medication that restores good health)
:: léčba {f}, lék {m}
cure {v} (to restore to health)
:: léčit, uzdravit, vyléčit
cure-all {n} (panacea)
:: všelék {m}
curer {n} (healer) SEE: healer
curfew {n} (a regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time)
:: zákaz vycházení {m}
curiosity {n} (inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore)
:: zvědavost {f}
curiosity {n} (unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest)
:: kuriozita {f}
curiosity killed the cat {proverb} (undue curiosity is dangerous)
:: nebuď zvědavej, budeš brzo starej
curious {adj} (tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate, see also: inquisitive)
:: zvědavý
curious {adj} (leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual)
:: zvláštní, podivný
curiously {adv} (inquisitively)
:: zvědavě
curiously {adv} (oddly)
:: zvláštně, podivně
curium {n} (chemical element)
:: curium {n}
curl {n} (lock of curling hair)
:: kudrna {f}, kučera {f}, kadeř {f}
curl {n} (vector field denoting rotationality of a given vector field)
:: rotace {f}
curl {n} (mathematics: vector operator)
:: rotace {f}
curlew {n} (migratory wading bird)
:: koliha {f}
curlew sandpiper {n} (Calidris ferruginea)
:: jespák křivozobý {m}
curling tongs {n} (heated tongs for curling or waving the hair)
:: kulma {f}
curly {adj} (having curls)
:: kudrnatý, vlnitý
curly {n} (a person or animal with curly hair)
:: kudrnáč {m}
curly bracket {n} (either of the two characters: “{” and “}”)
:: složená závorka {f}
curmudgeon {n} (an ill-tempered stubborn person)
:: bručoun {m}, mrzout {m}
currant {n} (fruit of the genus Ribes)
:: rybíz {m}
currant {n} (bush)
:: rybíz {m}
currency {n} (money or other item used to facilitate transactions)
:: měna {f}, valuta {f}
currency risk {n} (form of risk)
:: kurzové riziko {n}, měnové riziko {n}
current {n}
:: proud {m}
current {n} (time rate of flow of electric charge)
:: proud {m}
current {adj} (existing or occurring at the moment)
:: současný {m}
current {adj} (generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)
:: aktuální
current account {n} (checking account)
:: běžný účet {m}
currently {adv} (at this moment)
:: momentálně
curriculum {n} (set of courses and coursework)
:: studijní program {m}
curriculum vitae {n} (written account of one's education, accomplishments, etc.)
:: životopis {m}
curry {n} (dish)
:: kari {n}, karí {n}
curry {n} (sauce or relish)
:: kari {n}
curry {n} (curry powder) SEE: curry powder
curry powder {n} (mixture of spices)
:: kari {n}, karí {n}
curse {n} (supernatural detriment)
:: kletba {f}, prokletí {n}
curse {n} (vulgar epithet)
:: nadávka {f}
curse {v} (to place a curse upon)
:: proklínat {impf}, proklít {pf}
curse {v} (to utter a vulgar curse)
:: klít, nadávat
curse like a pagan {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper
curse word {n} (vulgarity) SEE: swear word
cursory {adj} (hasty, superficial, careless)
:: zběžný
curtail {v} (shorten or abridge)
:: zkrátit
curtail {v} (limit or restrict)
:: omezit
curtain {n} (piece of cloth covering a window)
:: závěs {m}, záclona {f}
curtain {n} (piece of cloth in a theater)
:: opona {f}
curve {n} (gentle bend)
:: ohyb
curve {n} (geometry: one-dimensional figure)
:: křivka {f}
curve {adj} (crooked) SEE: crooked
curvy {adj} (buxom) SEE: buxom
cushion {n} (soft material in cloth bag)
:: polštářek {m}, poduška {f}
cushion {n} (absorbent or protective item)
:: polštář {m}, nárazník {m}
cushion {n} (in cue sports)
:: mantinel {m}
cushion {v} (provide cushion)
:: vypoltářovat
cushion {v} (absorb impact)
:: ztlumit, zmírnit
cusp {n} (sharp point or pointed end)
:: hrot {m}, špička {f}
cusp {n} (important moment when a decision is made)
:: okamžik zlomu {m}, kritický okamžik {m}
cusp {n} (point of a curve where it has no tangent)
:: bod zlomu
cusp {n} (in dentistry)
:: zubní hrbolek {m}
cuspidor {n} (spittoon) SEE: spittoon
custard {n} (sauce)
:: pudink {m}
custard apple {n} (any of several tropical fruits in the genus Annona)
:: láhevník {m}
custody {n} (state of being imprisoned or detained)
:: vazba {f}
custody {n} (Franciscan administrative unit)
:: kustodie {f}
custom {n} (frequent repetition of the same act)
:: obyčej {m}, zvyk {m}
custom {n} (the customary toll, tax, or tribute)
:: clo {n}
custom {adj} (custom-made)
:: zákaznický {m}, na míru, na zakázku, nestandardní {m}, přizpůsobený {m}, uživatelský {m}
customer {n} (one who purchases or receives a product or service)
:: klient {m}, zákazník {m}
custom house {n} (official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit)
:: celnice {f}
customization {n} (act of customizing)
:: přizpůsobení {n}
customize {v} (alter according to preferences)
:: přizpůsobit {pf}
custom-made {adj} (custom-made)
:: zákaznický, na míru, na zakázku, nestandardní, přizpůsobený
customs {n} (custom house) SEE: custom house
customs officer {n} (officer)
:: celník {m}
custos {n} (superior of a custody)
:: kustos {m}
cut {v} (to perform an incision)
:: řezat {impf}, tít {impf}
cut {v} (to divide with a sharp instrument)
:: přeříznout {pf}
cut {v} (to separate from prior association)
:: oddělit, rozdělit
cut {n} (act of cutting)
:: řez, říznutí
cut {n} (act of dividing a deck of playing cards)
:: snímání
cut {n} (skein of yarn) SEE: skein
cut {n} (haircut) SEE: haircut
cut {n} (common workhorse) SEE: gelding
cutaneous {adj} (of, or relating to the skin)
:: kožní
cut down {v} (bring down a tree)
:: pokácet
cute {adj} (having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals)
:: roztomilý {m}
cuticle {n} (outermost layer of skin of vertebrates) SEE: epidermis
cutlass {n} (machete) SEE: machete
cutler {n} (One whose business is making or dealing in cutlery)
:: nožíř {m}
cutlery {n} (eating and serving utensils)
:: příbor {m}
cutlet {n} (slice of meat)
:: řízek {m}
cutlet {n} (meat chop)
:: kotleta {f}
cutter {n} (single-masted sailing ship type)
:: kutr {m}
cut the Gordian knot {v}
:: rozetnout gordický uzel
cutting {n} (open passage dug for a canal, railway, or road)
:: zářez {m}
cutting board {n} (chopping board) SEE: chopping board
cutting edge {n} (sharp edge of the blade)
:: ostří {n}
cutting edge {n} (forefront, or position of greatest advancement in some field)
:: čelo {n}
cuttlefish {n} (any of various squidlike mollusks)
:: sépie {f}
CV {n} (curriculum vitae)
:: sívíčko {n}
cyan {n} (a colour between blue and green)
:: cyan {m}
cyan {adj} (of the colour cyan)
:: azurový {m}
cyanide {n} (chemistry: any compound containing the CN group)
:: kyanid {m}
cyanide {n} (hydrogen cyanide) SEE: hydrogen cyanide
cyanide {n} (potassium cyanide) SEE: potassium cyanide
cyanobacterium {n} (prokaryotic microorganism of phylum Cyanobacteria)
:: sinice {f}
cyanosis {n} (discolouration of the skin)
:: cyanóza {f}
cyber- {prefix} (the Internet or cyberspace)
:: kyber-
cyberattack {n} (an attack over a computer network)
:: kyberútok {m}
cyberbullying {n} (bullying online)
:: kyberšikana {f}
cybernetic {adj} (relating to the mathematical study of control)
:: kybernetický {m}
cyberneticist {n} (person who studies cybernetics)
:: kybernetik {m}
cybernetics {n} (science of communication and control)
:: kybernetika {f}
cyberpunk {n} (sci-fi subgenre)
:: kyberpunk {m}
cybersecurity {n} (security against electronic attacks such as cyberwarfare)
:: kyberbezpečnost {f}
cybersex {n} (virtual sexual encounter)
:: kybersex {m}
cyberspace {n} (world of information)
:: kyberprostor {m}
cyberterrorism {n} (terrorism on the Internet)
:: kyberterorismus {m}
cyborg {n} (person who is part machine)
:: kyborg {m}
Cyclades {prop} (island chain)
:: Kyklady {m-p}
cyclamen {n} (A type of plant)
:: brambořík {m}
cycle {n} (series of works of art)
:: cyklus {m}
cycle {n} (graph theory: closed walk or path)
:: cyklus {m}
cycle {n} (imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens) SEE: celestial sphere
cycle lane {n} (part of road designated for cyclists) SEE: bicycle lane
cycle of fifths {n} (music theory: sequence of bass notes)
:: kvintový kruh {m}
cycle path {n} (path segregated for bicycles) SEE: bicycle path
cycle rickshaw {n} (bicycle rickshaw)
:: rikša {f}
cyclic {adj} (characterized by, or moving in cycles)
:: cyklický
cycling {n} (The sport of riding and racing bicycles)
:: cyklistika {f}
cyclist {n} (person who rides a cycle)
:: cyklista {m}
cyclohexane {n} (alicyclic hydrocarbon, C6H12)
:: cyklohexan {m}
cycloid {n} (geometry: locus of a point on the circumference of a rolling circle)
:: cykloida {f}
cyclone {n} (rotating system of winds)
:: cyklón {m}
cyclone {n} (low pressure system)
:: cyklóna {f}
cyclopentadiene {n} (cyclopentadiene)
:: cyklopentadien {m}
cyclops {n} (giant of mythology)
:: kyklop {m}
cyclothymia {n} (chronic mental disturbance characterized by mood swings and depression)
:: cyklotymie {f}
Cygnus {prop} (constellation)
:: Labuť {f}
cylinder {n} (geometry: surface)
:: válcová plocha {f}, válec {m}
cylinder {n} (geometry: solid)
:: válec {m}
cylinder {n} (any cylindrical object)
:: válec {m}
cylinder {n} (cavity or chamber)
:: válec {m}
cylindrical {adj} (shaped like a cylinder)
:: válcový, válcovitý
cymbal {n} (concave plate of brass or bronze that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck)
:: činel {m}
cymophane {n} (gemstone mineral)
:: kočičí oko
cynic {n} (A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness)
:: cynik {m}
cynic {n} (A person whose outlook is scornfully negative)
:: cynik {m}
cynical {adj} (of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness)
:: cynický
cynically {adv} (in a cynical manner)
:: cynicky
cynicism {n} (skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude)
:: cynismus {m}
cynologist {n} (one concerned with dogs)
:: kynolog {m}
cynology {n} (study of dogs)
:: kynologie {f}
cypress {n} (an evergreen coniferous tree)
:: cypřiš {m}
Cypriot {n} (Person from Cyprus)
:: Kypřan {m}
Cypriot {adj} (Of, from or relating to Cyprus)
:: kyperský
Cyprus {prop} (country)
:: Kypr {m}
Cyrillic {prop} (a script or alphabet)
:: cyrilice {f}
cyst {n} (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ)
:: cysta {f}
cysteine {n} (nonessential amino acid)
:: cystein {m}
cystic fibrosis {n} (medical condition)
:: cystická fibróza {f}
cystinosis {n} (disorder caused by abnormal metabolism of cystine)
:: cystinóza {f}
cystitis {n} (inflammation of the urinary bladder)
:: cystitida {f}
-cyte {suffix} (cell names and classifications)
:: -cyt {m}
cytologist {n} (biologist who studies cells)
:: cytolog {m}
cytology {n} (biology: the study of cells)
:: cytologie {f}
cytometry {n}
:: cytometrie {f}
cytoplasm {n} (contents of a cell excluding the nucleus)
:: cytoplazma {f}
cytoplasmic {adj} (of or pertaining to cytoplasm)
:: cytoplasmatický
cytosine {n}
:: cytosin {m}
cytostatic {adj} (tending to inhibit cell growth and multiplication)
:: cytostatický
cytostatic {n} (substance)
:: cytostatikum {n}
Czech {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language)
:: český
Czech {n} (person)
:: Čech {m}, Češka {f}
Czech {n} (language)
:: čeština {f}
Czechia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Česko {n}
Czechness {n} (state or quality of being Czech)
:: češství {n}
Czechoslovak {n} (inhabitant)
:: Čechoslovák {m}
Czechoslovak {adj} (pertaining to)
:: československý
Czechoslovakia {prop} (former country in Central Europe)
:: Československo {n}
Czecho-Slovakia {prop} (dated form of Czechoslovakia)
:: Česko-Slovensko {n}
Czechoslovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Czechoslovakia)
:: československý
Czechoslovakian {n} (person from Czechoslovakia)
:: Čechoslovák {m}
Czech Republic {prop} (country in Central Europe)
:: Česká republika {f}, Česko {n}
Czech studies {n} (academic study of the Czech language, etc.)
:: bohemistika {f}
Częstochowa {prop} (city in Poland)
:: Čenstochová {f}
Černovír {prop} (quarter of Olomouc)
:: Černovír {m}
Černovír {prop} (quarter of Ústí nad Orlicí)
:: Černovír {m}
České Budějovice {prop} (city in the Czech republic)
:: České Budějovice {p}