-s- {interfix}
:: Interfix inserted in some compounds
-s {particle}
:: Used to form genitive/possessive phrases, attached to the last word in a noun phrase
så' {contraction}
:: contraction of så er
så {adv}
:: so
så {adv}
:: as
så {adv}
:: so, like that
så {adv}
:: then, next
så {adv}
:: then, consequently
så {conj}
:: so that
så {conj}
:: so
så {pron}
:: such, that
så {interj}
:: now, now, come
så {v}
:: sow
så at {conj}
:: so that
sabbatår {noun}
:: gap year
sabel {noun}
:: sabre, saber
Sabina {prop}
:: given name derived from Latin Sabina
Sabine {prop}
:: given name
sabotage {noun}
:: sabotage
Sabrina {prop}
:: given name recently borrowed from English
Sachsen {prop}
:: Saxony
sådan {adj}
:: such
sådan {adj}
:: like this, like that, like these, like those
sådan {adv}
:: like this, like that, in this way, in that way
sådan {adv}
:: so much
sådan {adv}
:: about, something like
sådan {adv}
:: sort of
sådan er livet {interj}
:: such is life
sadel {noun}
:: saddle
sadisme {noun}
:: sadism (enjoyment of inflicting pain)
sadist {noun}
:: sadist
sadistisk {adj}
:: sadistic
sæbe {noun}
:: soap
sæbe {v}
:: soap
sæbeopera {noun}
:: soap opera
sæbet {v}
:: past participle of sæbe
sæd {noun}
:: seed, semen, sperm
sæd {noun}
:: seed (fertilized grain)
sæd {noun}
:: custom
sædafgang {noun}
:: an ejaculation (of semen, specifically)
sædblære {noun}
:: seminal vesicle
sædcelle {noun}
:: sperm cell, spermatozoon
sæde {noun}
:: seat
sæde {noun}
:: seat
sæde {noun}
:: domicile
sæde {noun}
:: seat, buttocks
sædvane {noun}
:: custom, repeated and expected behaviour
sædvanlig {adj}
:: usual
sædvanligvis {adv}
:: usually
sæ'fø'li' {adv}
:: eye dialect of selvfølgelig
sæl {noun}
:: seal (Phocidae)
sælbestand {noun}
:: seal population
sælge {v}
:: to sell
sælger {noun}
:: seller (someone who sells)
sælger {noun}
:: salesman, salesperson
sælger {noun}
:: vendor
sælge sin krop {v}
:: to work as a prostitute
sælg ikke skindet, før bjørnen er skudt {proverb}
:: don't take succes or victory for granted by acting before an outcome
sænke {vt}
:: to lower, to reduce
sænke {vt}
:: to sink
sænke {vr}
:: to fall, descend
sær- {prefix}
:: extraordinary, special
sær- {prefix}
:: rare
sær- {prefix}
:: disjoint, separated
sær {adj}
:: odd, queer, peculiar, weird
sær {adj}
:: eccentric, dotty
særbehandling {noun}
:: special treatment
så er den ged barberet {phrase}
:: finish a task (succesfully)
særkende {noun}
:: distinguishing characteristic
særomvisning {noun}
:: special guidance (e.g. in a museum)
særordning {noun}
:: special arrangement
særpræg {noun}
:: distinguishing characteristic
særskrivning {noun}
:: the act of writing an expression as several words, i.e. with spaces
særskrivning {noun}
:: an expression thus written
særsproglig {adj}
:: particular to some language
særstatus {noun}
:: special status
særsyn {noun}
:: something that is rarely seen
særtilbud {noun}
:: special offer
særtilfælde {noun}
:: an exception to the rule, an extraordinary case
særtilfælde {noun}
:: a special case, a specific type of a more general phenomenon; a theorem that follows from a more general truth; a class of objects that is a subset of broader class etc
sæson {noun}
:: the time in which something is done
sået {v}
:: past participle of så
sæt {noun}
:: set
sæt {noun}
:: set
sæt {noun}
:: start
sæt ikke dit lys under en skæppe {proverb}
:: Don't purposely hide your talents
sætning {noun}
:: sentence
sætning {noun}
:: clause
sætning {noun}
:: set
sætning {noun}
:: theorem
sætning {noun}
:: power of a ship
sætning {noun}
:: composition
sætte {v}
:: to put, place, set
sætte {v}
:: to fix, stake
sætte {v}
:: to plant
sætte {v}
:: to suppose, posit
sætte ild til {vt}
:: set fire to, set on fire
safe word {n}
:: safeword
safir {noun}
:: sapphire
såfremt {conj}
:: if, provided that
saft {noun}
:: juice
saftig {adj}
:: juicy
saftig {adj}
:: succulent
saftig {adj}
:: sappy
sag {noun}
:: matter, business, affair, thing
sag {noun}
:: cause
sag {noun}
:: case, lawsuit
sag {noun}
:: file
sågar {adv}
:: even
sagfører {noun}
:: lawyer
sagn {noun}
:: legend, myth
sagn {noun}
:: uttering, saying
sagt {v}
:: past participle of sige
sagte {adj}
:: soft, gentle
sagte {adv}
:: softly, gently
sagtens {adv}
:: easily, with no difficulty
sagtne {v}
:: to decelerate
såkaldt {adj}
:: so-called
sakral {adj}
:: sacred
sakral {adj}
:: sacral
sakristi {noun}
:: sacristy (room in a church where sacred vessels, books, vestments, etc. are kept)
sakrosankt {adj}
:: sacrosanct
saks {noun}
:: pair of scissors
sakse {v}
:: to use a pair of scissors, clip
sakser {noun}
:: a Saxon
sakser {noun}
:: a Saxon
saksisk {adj}
:: Saxon
saksisk {adj}
:: Saxon
sal {noun}
:: hall, room
sal {noun}
:: floor
sål {noun}
:: sole (bottom of a shoe or boot, bottom of the foot)
salatfad {noun}
:: the Black Maria
salatfad {noun}
:: paddy wagon
salathoved {noun}
:: head of lettuce
salattern {noun}
:: feta cheese
sålbænk {noun}
:: sill
således {adv}
:: thus
salg {noun}
:: sale
salgsdirektør {noun}
:: chief commercial officer, CCO
salig {adj}
:: blessed
salig {adj}
:: blissful
salig {adj}
:: exhilarated
salig {adj}
:: dead
Sally {prop}
:: given name
salme {noun}
:: hymn
salme {noun}
:: psalm
salmebog {noun}
:: hymnal
Salomo {prop}
:: Solomon (Biblical figure)
salonfähig {adj}
:: salonfähig
salt {adj}
:: salty, salt
salt {noun}
:: salt
salte {v}
:: to salt
saltkaramel {noun}
:: salted caramel
salto {noun}
:: alternative form of saltomortale
saltomortale {noun}
:: somersault
saltsyre {noun}
:: hydrochloric acid (aqeuous solution of HCl)
salut {noun}
:: salute
salut {noun}
:: tirade (long, angry or violent speech)
salve {noun}
:: ointment (a thick viscous preparation for application to the skin, often containing medication)
salve {noun}
:: salvo
salve {noun}
:: volley
salve {noun}
:: burst
salve {noun}
:: tirade
salve {v}
:: anoint
salvet {v}
:: past participle of salve
sam- {prefix}
:: co-, con-
samarbejde {noun}
:: cooperation
samarbejde {noun}
:: collaboration
samarbejde {noun}
:: partnership
samarbejde {v}
:: cooperate
samarbejde {v}
:: collaborate
samarbejde {v}
:: work together
samarium {noun}
:: samarium
sambo {adj}
:: monoecious
sambo {noun}
:: roommate
samfund {noun}
:: society
samfund {noun}
:: society, community
samfund {noun}
:: social intercourse
samfundskritisk {adj}
:: critical of society or some aspect thereof; sociocritical; advocating for reform
samfundsmæssig {adj}
:: relating to society
samfundsskadelig {adj}
:: harmful to society
samfundsstøtte {noun}
:: A wealthy or powerful person, organization, etc., who is perceived to support or benefit a community
samkvem {n}
:: act of being together or associated
samkvem {n}
:: sexual intercourse
samle {v}
:: collect
samle {v}
:: gather
samle {v}
:: assemble
samle {v}
:: attract
samle {v}
:: accumulate, amass
samle {v}
:: unite, unify
samleje {noun}
:: coitus, insertion of penis into vagina
samleje {noun}
:: sex in general
samler {noun}
:: collector (a person that collects)
samler {noun}
:: gatherer, hunter-gatherer
samling {noun}
:: collection
samme {adj}
:: same
samme {adj}
:: equal
samme {adj}
:: said
sammenføje {v}
:: to join (together)
sammenføjning {noun}
:: joining, joint
sammenhæng {noun}
:: connection
sammenhæng {noun}
:: context
sammenhængende {adj}
:: coherent
sammenhængende {adj}
:: connected
sammenhørighed {noun}
:: affinity, fellowship, community feeling
sammenlæse {v}
:: to read otherwise separate texts in the hope of discovering new connections
sammenpresning {noun}
:: compression
sammensat funktion {noun}
:: composite function
sammenskrivning {noun}
:: the act of writing expressions as one word, i.e. without spaces
sammenskrivning {noun}
:: a word thus written
sammenstykke {v}
:: to piece together
sammensværgelse {noun}
:: conspiracy
sammensværgelsesteori {c}
:: conspiracy theory
Samsø {prop}
:: a Danish island in the Kattegat
samspil {noun}
:: interaction
samt {conj}
:: and, and also, plus, as well as
samt {conj}
:: med samt – together with
samtale {noun}
:: conversation, talk, discourse
samtale {noun}
:: dialog, dialogue
samtale {noun}
:: interview
samtale {noun}
:: call (telephone conversation)
samtale {v}
:: to converse (to engage in conversation)
samtidig {adj}
:: contemporary, from the same time
samtidig {adj}
:: simultaneous
samtidig {adj}
:: synchronous
samtidig {adv}
:: also, in addition, furthermore
samtidig {adv}
:: at the same time, simultaneously, on the other hand
samtidshistoriker {noun}
:: historian concerning themself with their own time
samtlige {adj}
:: all
samtykke {noun}
:: consent, approval
samtykke {v}
:: to consent, assent (to)
Samuel {prop}
:: Samuel (Biblical figure)
Samuel {prop}
:: given name
samvær {noun}
:: company
samvær {noun}
:: visitation
så'n {adv}
:: pronunciation spelling of sådan
sand {adj}
:: true
sand {noun}
:: sand (finely ground rock)
sandal {c}
:: a sandal
sanddru {adj}
:: truthful
sandelig {adv}
:: indeed, truly, in truth
sandhed {noun}
:: truth
sandhed med modifikationer {noun}
:: terminological inexactitude
sandhedsværdi {noun}
:: truth value
sandkasse {noun}
:: sandbox
sandpapir {noun}
:: sandpaper
Sandra {prop}
:: given name, short for Alexandra
sandsæk {noun}
:: a sandbag (bag filled with sand)
sandslot {noun}
:: sandcastle
sandsten {noun}
:: sandstone (sand/clay sedimentary rock)
sandstorm {noun}
:: sandstorm
sandsynlig {adj}
:: likely
sandsynlighedstæthed {noun}
:: probability density
sandsynlighedstæthedsfunktion {noun}
:: probability density function
sandsynligvis {adv}
:: likely
sandwichmand {noun}
:: sandwichman
sang {noun}
:: song
sang {noun}
:: singing
sanger {noun}
:: singer
sanger {noun}
:: poet, bard
sanger {noun}
:: minstrel
sanger {noun}
:: songbird, songster
sanger {noun}
:: warbler (Sylviidae)
Sanger {prop}
:: surname
sangerinde {noun}
:: female singer
sangfugl {noun}
:: songbird
sangfugl {noun}
:: a woman with a good singing voice
sangsvane {noun}
:: whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus)
sanitær {adj}
:: sanitary
Sankt {adj}
:: Saint: title given to a saint
sankthans {c}
:: Saint John's day, Midsummer day
sankthans {c}
:: Saint John's Eve, Midsummer
Sankt Hans {prop}
:: Saint John
sankthansaften {c}
:: Saint John's Eve, Midsummer
sankthansdag {c}
:: Saint John's day, Midsummer day
sanktion {noun}
:: sanction
Sankt Petersborg {prop}
:: Sankt Petersborg (federal city)
Sanne {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Susanne
sår {noun}
:: wound
sår {adj}
:: sore, worried, distressed
Sara {prop}
:: Sarah
Sara {prop}
:: given name, often also spelled Sarah
Sarah {prop}
:: given name
Sardinien {prop}
:: Sardinien (region)
sardisk {adj}
:: Sardinian
sardisk {n}
:: Sardinian language
såre {v}
:: to wound
såre {v}
:: to injure, hurt
såre {v}
:: to offend
såre {adv}
:: very
sarkasme {noun}
:: sarcasm (derision, facetiousness)
sarkofag {noun}
:: sarcophagus
Sascha {prop}
:: given name
såsom {conj}
:: such as (introducing an example)
sat {v}
:: past participle of sætte
satanisme {noun}
:: Satanism (devil worship)
satans {interj}
:: Used to express anger, irritation, disappointment, annoyance, contempt, etc. A swear word
satellitby {noun}
:: satellite town
satire {noun}
:: satire
sat sapienti {interj}
:: enough said
satse {v}
:: to take a risk
satse {v}
:: to gamble
satse {v}
:: to bet on something
Saturn {prop}
:: Saturn (planet)
Saudi-Arabien {prop}
:: Saudi Arabia
sav {noun}
:: a saw (cutting tool with a toothed blade)
Sava {prop}
:: Sava (river)
såvel som {adv}
:: as well as
savl {noun}
:: drool
savle {v}
:: to drool
savlet {v}
:: past participle of savle
savne {v}
:: miss (to feel the absence of someone or something)
savne {v}
:: want (to lack or to require something)
savsmuld {n} {c}
:: sawdust
savværk {noun}
:: sawmill (company that cuts wood)
savværk {noun}
:: the building(s) in which such a company cuts wood
scandium {noun}
:: scandium
scene {noun}
:: a stage (in a theatre)
scene {noun}
:: a scene (in a film or play)
scheisse {interj}
:: Exclamation of displeasure
scheiße {interj}
:: alternative spelling of scheisse
Schmeichel {prop}
:: surname
Schmidt {prop}
:: surname
Schou {prop}
:: surname
Schrödingerligning {noun}
:: Schrödinger equation
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte {noun}
:: Black Forest gâteau
Schweiz {prop} {n}
:: Switzerland
schweizer {noun}
:: Swiss
schweizer {noun}
:: gatekeeper of the royal palace of Copenhagen
schweizerfranc {noun}
:: Swiss franc
schweizerkniv {noun}
:: Swiss Army knife
schweizerost {noun}
:: Swiss cheese
schweizertysk {adj}
:: Swiss German (language)
scientolog {noun}
:: Scientologist
scientologi {noun}
:: Scientology
sclerose {noun}
:: sclerosis
score {noun}
:: A score, a number of points earned
score {v}
:: score a goal/point
score {v}
:: land (to acquire; to secure)
score {v}
:: steal
score {v}
:: persuade (someone) to have sex with oneself
scorende {v}
:: present participle of score
scorereplik {noun}
:: pick-up line
scoret {v}
:: past participle of score
scrolle {v}
:: scroll (change one's view on a screen)
se {v}
:: to see
se {v}
:: to see each other
seaborgium {noun}
:: seaborgium
se an {v}
:: to evaluate, size up
Sebastian {prop}
:: given name
seddel {noun}
:: a note, a small piece of paper with writing
seddel {noun}
:: a banknote, bill
se efter {v}
:: See: da se efter
se efter {v}
:: check
se efter {v}
:: take care of
se efter {v}
:: to search with the eyes, to look in the direction that one expects something to be
seer {noun}
:: viewer (someone who watches television)
seer {noun}
:: seer (someone who foretells the future)
se'fø'li' {adv}
:: eye dialect of selvfølgelig
segl {noun}
:: sickle (tool)
segl {noun}
:: seal
segregation {noun}
:: segregation (of cultures)
sej {adj}
:: cool
sejd {noun}
:: a particular kind of sorcery, witchcraft
sejd {noun}
:: magic potion
sejl {noun}
:: sail
sejle {v}
:: to sail (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat)
sejler {noun}
:: sailing ship
sejler {noun}
:: yachtsman
sejler {noun}
:: swift (bird)
sejlet {v}
:: past participle of sejle
sejlrede {adj}
:: ready to sail
sejlskib {noun}
:: sailing ship
sejltur {noun}
:: A sail, trip in a boat
sejr {noun}
:: victory
sejr {noun}
:: triumph
sejr {noun}
:: win
sejre {v}
:: to win
sejre {v}
:: to prevail, triumph
sejrrig {adj}
:: victorious
sejrrig {adj}
:: triumphant
sekant {noun}
:: secant
sekret {noun}
:: a secretion (secreted substance)
sekretariat {noun}
:: secretariat
seks {num}
:: six
sekser {noun}
:: six (the card rank between five and seven)
seksling {noun}
:: sextuplet
seksogfirs {num}
:: eighty-six
seksogfyrre {num}
:: forty-six
seksoghalvfems {num}
:: ninety-six
seksoghalvfjerds {num}
:: seventy-six
seksoghalvtreds {num}
:: fifty-six
seksogtredive {num}
:: thirty-six
seksogtredve {num}
:: thirty-six
seksogtres {num}
:: sixty-six
seksogtyve {num}
:: twenty-six
sekssproget {adj}
:: hexalingual
seksten {num}
:: sixteen
sekstende {adj}
:: sixteenth
seksti {num}
:: sixty
seksualitet {noun}
:: sexuality
seksuel {adj}
:: sexual
seksuel orientering {c}
:: sexual orientation
seksuelt overført sygdom {noun}
:: sexually transmitted disease (disease contracted through sexual contact)
seksuel ydelse {idiom}
:: sexual favour
sektor {noun}
:: sector
sekulær {adj}
:: secular
sekularisering {noun}
:: secularization
sekularisme {noun}
:: secularism
sekund {noun}
:: second (SI unit of time, unit of angular measure, short, indeterminate amount of time)
sekund {noun}
:: second
sekund {noun}
:: seconde
sekundærmængde {noun}
:: codomain
sekundmeter {noun}
:: metre per second, meter per second (US) (SI unit for measuring speed)
-sel {suffix}
:: Forms nouns from verbs with the sense of "the act of verbing", or a sense otherwise related to the act of verbing
selen {noun}
:: selenium
self. {adv}
:: abbreviation of selvfølgelig
self {adv}
:: abbreviation of selvfølgelig
selfie {noun}
:: selfie
Selma {prop}
:: given name
selskab {noun}
:: company, firm
selskab {noun}
:: social gathering
selskab {noun}
:: company, companionship
selv- {prefix}
:: See: da selv
selv- {prefix}
:: happening automatically, not requiring outside manipulation, self-, auto-
selv- {prefix}
:: Forming adverbs from ordinal numbers, with the sense "heading a group of n persons, especially one convened for offensive purposes"
selv {pron}
:: self, -self
selv {pron}
:: self, -self
selv {adv}
:: even
selv {noun}
:: self
selvafbrænding {noun}
:: self-immolation
selvanden {adv}
:: accompanied by exactly one person
selvantænde {v}
:: self-ignite, spontaneously combust
selvbeherskelse {noun}
:: self-restraint
selvbesmittelse {noun}
:: masturbation, self-pollution
selvbiografi {noun}
:: autobiography
selvdød {adj}
:: that has died of its own, i.e. not by predators
selve {adj}
:: very, itself, herself, himself
selvfed {adj}
:: smug
selvfedme {noun}
:: smugness
selvfølgelig {adj}
:: natural, inevitable
selvfølgelig {adv}
:: of course, naturally, sure
selvforskyldt {adj}
:: one's own fault; brought about by personal actions
selvforståelse {noun}
:: the way a person or a people understands itself
selvhad {noun}
:: self-hatred
selvhøjtidelig {adj}
:: taking oneself too seriously
selvhøjtidelighed {noun}
:: the quality of taking oneself too seriously
selvindlysende {adj}
:: self-evident, obvious
selvindlysende {adv}
:: self-evidently, obviously
selvironi {noun}
:: the ability to laugh at oneself; the quality of not taking oneself seriously
selvironisk {adj}
:: ironic towards the self
selviscenesættelse {noun}
:: the act of presenting oneself for the view of many, especially in an ostentatious manner
selvisk {adj}
:: selfish
selvlyd {noun}
:: vowel
selvlysende {adj}
:: luminous, phosphorescent
selvmål {noun}
:: own goal
selvmål {noun}
:: own goal
selvmedlidenhed {noun}
:: self-pity
selvmodsigelse {noun}
:: contradiction, statement that contradicts itself
selvmord {noun}
:: suicide
selvmordsangreb {noun}
:: suicide attack
selv om {conj}
:: although, even though, in spite of
selvom {conj}
:: alternative form of selv om
selvportræt {noun}
:: self-portrait (a portrait of an artist by the artist him/herself)
selvrespekt {noun}
:: self-respect
selvretfærdig {adj}
:: self-righteous
selvsagt {adv}
:: needless to say, of course
selvskab {noun}
:: misspelling of selskab
selvstændig {adj}
:: independent
selvstændig {adj}
:: entrepreneur
selvstændig {adv}
:: independently
selvstændighed {noun}
:: independence
selvstudium {noun}
:: self-study
selvstyre {noun}
:: self-rule
selvtægt {noun}
:: taking the law into one's own hands
selv tak {interj}
:: thank you as well
selvtilfreds {adj}
:: complacent, self-satisfied, smug
semester {noun}
:: semester (half of school year)
semifinale {noun}
:: semifinal
semikolon {noun}
:: a semicolon
semiotik {noun}
:: semiotics
semiotiker {noun}
:: semiotician
-sen {suffix}
:: -son; Forms patronymic surnames
sen {adj}
:: late
sen {adj}
:: belated, tardy
sen {adj}
:: slow
sende {v}
:: send
sender {noun}
:: transmitter
sender {noun}
:: radio station
sene {noun}
:: sinew, tendon
seneskedehindebetændelse {c}
:: tenosynovitis
seng {noun}
:: bed (a piece of furniture to sleep on)
seniorforsker {noun}
:: a senior researcher, an academic title for a researcher of comparable standing to an associate professor, ranking below research professor
senmoderne {adj}
:: late modern
senmodernitet {noun}
:: late modernity
sennep {noun}
:: mustard
Seoul {prop}
:: Seoul (capital)
seppuku {noun}
:: seppuku
september {c}
:: September (the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar), abbreviated sept.
septisk {adj}
:: septic
seraf {noun}
:: seraph (highest order of angels)
Serbien {prop}
:: Serbia
Serbien og Montenegro {prop}
:: Serbia and Montenegro
Serbien og Montenegro {prop}
:: See: da Serbien og Montenegro
serbisk {adj}
:: Serbian (pertaining to Serbia or Serbians)
serbokroatisk {noun}
:: Serbo-Croatian
serviet {c}
:: napkin
servitrice {noun}
:: waitress
ses {phrase}
:: abbreviation of vi ses
sesamolie {noun}
:: sesame oil
set {v}
:: past participle of se
Set {prop}
:: Set
se ud {v}
:: look, appear, seem
Severin {prop}
:: given name derived from Latin Severinus
Severine {prop}
:: given name, feminine form of Severin
sex {c}
:: Sexual intercourse, sex
sexakt {c}
:: sex act
sexappeal {noun}
:: sex appeal (sexual attractiveness)
sexet {adj}
:: sexy (having sexual appeal)
sexet {adj}
:: sexy (very attractive or appealing)
sexisme {noun}
:: sexism
sexliv {n}
:: sex life
sexologi {noun}
:: sexology
sexpartner {noun}
:: sexual partner
sexstilling {noun}
:: sex position
sfære {noun}
:: sphere
sfære {noun}
:: realm (sphere or influence)
sfd {symbol}
:: gcd (greatest common divisor)
sgu {adv}
:: An intensifier
sgu'tte {adv}
:: pronunciation spelling of sgu ikke
shampoo {noun}
:: shampoo
sharia {noun}
:: shari'a
shia {noun}
:: Shi'a (individual)
shiit {noun}
:: Shi'a, Shiite
shogun {noun}
:: shogun
si {noun}
:: sieve
si {noun}
:: strainer
si {noun}
:: colander
si {v}
:: sieve
si {v}
:: strain
si {v}
:: sift
siameser {noun}
:: Siamese person
siamesisk {adj}
:: Siamese
siamesisk {prop}
:: Siamese language
sibilant {noun}
:: sibilant
Sibirien {prop}
:: Sibirien (region)
Sicilien {prop}
:: Sicilien (island/and/region)
sidde {v}
:: to sit
sidde {v}
:: to be
sidde {v}
:: to fit
sidde {v}
:: to sit up
sidde lårene af {v}
:: to spend too much time with somebody
side {noun}
:: page
siden {adv}
:: since
siden {adv}
:: later (on), afterwards
siden {adv}
:: by and by
siden {conj}
:: since
siden {prep}
:: since
sideordning {noun}
:: equality, equal opportunity
sideordning {noun}
:: parataxis
siderisk {adj}
:: sidereal
siderisk år {phrase}
:: sidereal year (the orbital period of the Earth)
sidespor {noun}
:: tangent, unrelated matter
sidespor {noun}
:: place of stagnation, different from one's wish
sidespor {noun}
:: siding
sidespring {noun}
:: digression
sidespring {noun}
:: short extramarital affair
Sidsel {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Cecilie
sidst {adj}
:: last
sidste {adj}
:: last
sidste {adj}
:: latest
sidste {adj}
:: latter
sidste {adj}
:: past
sidste skrig {noun}
:: See: da sidste skrig
sidste skrig {noun}
:: the new black; the absolute newest in fashion
Sif {prop}
:: Sif
Sif {prop}
:: given name
sig {pron}
:: third-person pronoun
sige {v}
:: to say
sige {v}
:: to tell
sige {v}
:: to mean
sige {v}
:: to be said, to be told
sigende {adj}
:: eloquent, expressive, significant
sigende {n}
:: report
sige til {noun}
:: to inform, to let someone know
Sigfred {prop}
:: given name
signal {n}
:: a signal
signalpolitik {noun}
:: policy enacted to send a message
Signe {prop}
:: given name
signere {v}
:: to sign
signifikant {adj}
:: significant
sigøjner {noun}
:: Gypsy
Sigrid {prop}
:: given name
sigte {noun}
:: aim
sigte {noun}
:: sieve
sigte {v}
:: aim
Sigurd {prop}
:: Sigurd
Sigurd {prop}
:: given name of Old Norse origin
sikke {interj}
:: what
sikken {adj}
:: what (such)
sikken {adj}
:: what (such), how
sikker {adj}
:: safe, secure
sikker {adj}
:: sure, certain
sikkerhed {noun}
:: safety
sikkerhedsforanstaltning {noun}
:: safety measure
sikkerhedsliggørelse {noun}
:: securitization (act of presenting something as a security threat)
sikkerhedsvagt {noun}
:: security guard
sikker sex {noun}
:: protected sex, safe sex, safer sex, sexual activity in which the participants are protected against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, usually by using condoms
sikkert {adv}
:: probably
sikkert {adv}
:: no doubt
sikkert {adv}
:: steadily
sikkert {adv}
:: confidently
sikkert {adv}
:: surely, safely
sikre {v}
:: ensure
sikre {v}
:: guarantee
sikre {v}
:: secure
sikre {v}
:: protect
sikre {v}
:: safeguard
sikret {v}
:: past participle of sikre
sikring {noun}
:: fuse (device preventing overloading of a circuit)
sikring {noun}
:: safety catch, safety
sikring {noun}
:: protection, safeguarding, securing, fastening
Silas {prop}
:: Silas
Silas {prop}
:: given name, currently popular in Denmark
sild {noun}
:: herring
sild {noun}
:: a young, attractive woman
silde {adv}
:: late
sildehaj {noun}
:: porbeagle
sildig {adj}
:: late
silicium {noun}
:: silicon (element)
silikat {noun}
:: silicate
silikone {noun}
:: silicone (a class of inert compounds of silicon)
Sille {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Cecilie
Simon {prop}
:: Simon (biblical figure)
Simon {prop}
:: given name
Simone {prop}
:: given name of French origin
Simonsen {prop}
:: surname
simpelt hen {adv}
:: alternative spelling of simpelthen
simpelthen {adv}
:: simply
simplificeret kinesisk {n}
:: Simplified Chinese
simre {vi}
:: to simmer
simre {vi}
:: to simmer; to be angry without acting out
simulere {v}
:: feign, pretend, sham
simulere {v}
:: simulate
simultanoversættelse {noun}
:: simultaneous interpretation
sin {pron}
:: third-person {s} pronoun, meaning his/her/its (own)
sind {noun}
:: mind
sind {noun}
:: temper, disposition
sinde {noun}
:: only used in have i sinde
sin dertil indrettede {noun}
:: one's butt, in the context of sitting down
sindsro {noun}
:: peace of mind
sindssyg {adj}
:: insane (exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind; not sane)
sindssyg {adj}
:: insane (characterized by insanity or the utmost folly)
sindssyge {noun}
:: insanity
sine {pron}
:: plural of sin
Sine {prop}
:: given name
Sine {prop}
:: given name
sinecure {noun}
:: sinecure (a position that requires no work but still gives a payment)
singulær {adj}
:: singular, not invertible
singularis {noun}
:: singular
sinus {noun}
:: sine
sire {v}
:: adorn
sire {v}
:: endow with a favorable quality
sirene {noun}
:: siren
sirene {noun}
:: Siren
sirup {noun}
:: syrup
Sisse {prop}
:: given name
Sisyfos {prop}
:: Sisyphus
sisyfosarbejde {noun}
:: Sisyphean labor, Sisyphean task
sit {pron}
:: third-person {s} pronoun, meaning his/her/its (own)
sitre {v}
:: quiver, tremble (e.g. from emotion or cold)
situationsfornemmelse {noun}
:: the ability to sense what is and is not proper behaviour in some social situation
situationskomedie {c}
:: situation comedy (sitcom)
siv {noun}
:: rush, any plant of several species of the genus Juncus
sive {v}
:: flow slowly or slowly leak
Sivertsen {prop}
:: surname
sivet {v}
:: past participle of sive
sjæl {noun}
:: soul
sjælden {adj}
:: rare, infrequent
sjælden {adj}
:: remarkable, exceptional
sjælden {adj}
:: scarce
sjælden {adv}
:: seldom, rarely, infrequently
Sjælland {prop} {n}
:: Zealand (the largest island of Denmark)
sjak {noun}
:: a crew; a small group of labourers (e.g. in construction work)
sjak {noun}
:: a group of friends
sjal {noun}
:: shawl
sjat {noun}
:: a small quantity of a liquid; a dash, a splash
sjette {num}
:: sixth
sjette sans {noun}
:: sixth sense
sjofel {adj}
:: dirty, smutty, bawdy, filthy
sjofel {adj}
:: beastly
sjofel {adj}
:: shabby
sjofert {noun}
:: a risqué joke
sjov {n} {c}
:: fun
sjov {adj}
:: funny
sjov {adj}
:: fun
sjover {c}
:: cur, rogue
sjover {c}
:: penis
sjover {c}
:: thing
sjovt {adv}
:: funnily
sjusket {adj}
:: sloppy (careless or imprecise)
sjusket {adj}
:: slovenly (untidy or unkempt in appearance)
-sk {suffix}
:: Forms adjectives from nouns with sense of pertaining to
-sk {suffix}
:: Forms adjectives appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions
-sk {suffix}
:: Forms adjectives describing a certain look or character
-skab {suffix}
:: -ship
skab {noun}
:: mange (skin disease)
skab {noun}
:: scab
skab {noun}
:: vermin
skab {noun}
:: cupboard, closet, cabinet
skab {noun}
:: wardrobe (cabinet in which clothes may be stored)
skab {noun}
:: locker
skab {noun}
:: safe (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping)
skabe {v}
:: to create, make
skabe {vr}
:: to fuss, make a scene
skabelon {noun}
:: template, pattern
skabelon {noun}
:: stencil
skabelon {noun}
:: shape
skabelse {noun}
:: creation
skabelse {noun}
:: creation
skaber {noun}
:: creator
skabning {noun}
:: creature
skabning {noun}
:: creation
skabs- {prefix}
:: closeted
skabsbøsse {noun}
:: closeted gay man
skabsjøde {noun}
:: a closeted Jew; a person who is Jewish but keeps it a secret
skabslesbisk {adj}
:: closeted lesbian
skade {noun}
:: damage, harm
skade {v}
:: to harm, damage
skade {v}
:: to hurt, injure
skade {noun}
:: skate (fish)
skade {noun}
:: magpie
skadefro {adj}
:: gleeful, malicious
skadefro {adv}
:: gleefully, maliciously
skadefryd {noun}
:: schadenfreude
skadelig {adj}
:: harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious
skadelig {adj}
:: pernicious
skadestue {noun}
:: emergency room, emergency department
skadet {v}
:: past participle of skade
skæbne {noun}
:: destiny
skæbne {noun}
:: fate
skæbne {noun}
:: lot
skæbne {noun}
:: fortune
skæbne {noun}
:: chance
skæbnefælle {noun}
:: someone bound to someone else by fate
skæbnesvanger {adj}
:: fateful
skæg {adj}
:: funny
skæg {noun}
:: beard, mustache, whiskers
skæg {noun}
:: fun ({n} or {c})
skæg for sig og snot for sig {proverb}
:: express a wish to separate less and more important subjects
skægget {adj}
:: bearded
skægstub {noun}
:: single strand of short facial hair
skæl {noun}
:: scale
skæl {noun}
:: scale
skæl {noun}
:: dandruff
skældsord {noun}
:: term of abuse, pejorative
skælm {noun}
:: joker, mischievous person
skælm {noun}
:: traitorous individual, criminal
skælmsk {adj}
:: mischievous, roguish, cheeky, playful
skænde {v}
:: defile
skænde {v}
:: rape
skænde {v}
:: deteriorate
skænderi {noun}
:: a fight, an argument; a heated exchange of opinions
skændig {adj}
:: disgraceful, scandalous, nefarious, outrageous
skænk {noun}
:: sideboard
skænk {noun}
:: bar counter
skænk {noun}
:: drink
skænk {noun}
:: gift
skænke {v}
:: to grant, bestow, give
skænke {v}
:: to pour
skær {noun}
:: gleam, glimmer, glow
skær {noun}
:: tinge
skær {noun}
:: tinge, touch
skær {noun}
:: rock, skerry
skær {noun}
:: danger
skær {noun}
:: cutting edge,
skær {noun}
:: plowshare
skær {noun}
:: saw wort
skær {adj}
:: clear, bright
skær {adj}
:: tender
skær {adj}
:: pure, spotless
skær {adj}
:: lean
skære {v}
:: cut
skære {v}
:: to shine
skærf {noun}
:: sash
skærgård {noun}
:: coastal archipelago
skærm {noun}
:: screen
skærm {noun}
:: screen, monitor
skærpe {v}
:: to sharpen, to make something sharp
skærpe {v}
:: to make stricter or harsher
skærpekød {n}
:: skerpikjøt, 6-9 month air-dried Faroese mutton
skærsild {noun}
:: Purgatory
skærtse {v}
:: joke, jest
skæv {adj}
:: oblique, slanting
skæv {adj}
:: wry, skew, cockeyed
skæv {adj}
:: lopsided, one-sided, distorted
skæv {adj}
:: unequal
skæv {adj}
:: stoned, high
skaffe {v}
:: to procure, to get
skaffe {v}
:: to serve up, eat
skaffedyr {noun}
:: provider
skafot {noun}
:: scaffold (elevated platform on which a criminal is executed)
skak {noun}
:: chess
skak {noun}
:: check
skakbrik {noun}
:: chessman, chess piece
skakmat {interj}
:: checkmate
skal {noun}
:: shell, valve
skal {noun}
:: skin, peel, rind
skal {noun}
:: skull
skål {interj}
:: cheers
skål {noun}
:: bowl, basin, cup
skål {noun}
:: bowlful
skål {noun}
:: scale
skål {noun}
:: toast, health
skalar {noun}
:: scalar (undirected quantity)
skalarfelt {noun}
:: scalar field
skalarprodukt {noun}
:: scalar product, dot product
skåle {v}
:: to toast
skalerbar {adj}
:: scalable
skalerbarhed {noun}
:: scalability (property of being scalable)
skålet {v}
:: past participle of skåle
skalkeskjul {noun}
:: screen
skalkeskjul {noun}
:: facade
skalle {noun}
:: headbutt
skalle {noun}
:: roach, Rutilus rutilus
skalle {v}
:: to peel
skalle {v}
:: to flake
skalte {v}
:: to rule, dispose
skalte og valte {v}
:: to treat as one likes
skalte ud {v}
:: to turn off
skam {noun}
:: shame
skam {noun}
:: disgrace, dishonor, dishonour
skam {noun}
:: pity (something regrettable)
skam {adv}
:: really, you know
skamfuld {adj}
:: shameful, worthy of shame
skamfuld {adj}
:: ashamed
skamme {vr}
:: to be ashamed
skamme {vt}
:: to convince someone into doing something by making them feel shame
skandale {noun}
:: scandal
skandaløs {adj}
:: scandalous
Skandinavien {prop}
:: Scandinavia; the countries of Denmark (excluding the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Norway and Sweden
skandium {noun}
:: obsolete spelling of scandium
skåne {v}
:: to spare
skåne {v}
:: to take care of, be careful of
Skåne {prop}
:: Scania (region of Sweden occupying the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian peninsula)
skåning {noun}
:: Scanian (a person from Scania)
skånsk {adj}
:: Scanian (of or relating to Scania, its dialect, or its people)
skare {noun}
:: a host, a crowd; a large number of people
skarpsindig {adj}
:: astute
skarpskytte {noun}
:: sharpshooter
skarpskytte {noun}
:: marksman
skarv {c}
:: shag, cormorant (a bird)
skarv {c}
:: great cormorant
skat {noun}
:: treasure
skat {noun}
:: term of address for loved one (significant other, close friend/relative etc.); honey, sweetie
skat {noun}
:: tax
skattefar {prop}
:: the tax-collecting organ in some jurisdiction, personified
skattekiste {noun}
:: treasure chest (a chest filled with treasure)
skattekort {noun}
:: treasure map
skattemæssig {adj}
:: relating to tax, taxation
skatter {noun}
:: alternative form of skat
skatteyder {noun}
:: taxpayer
-ske {suffix}
:: Denotes a woman occupied with an activity, especially a profession
ske {v}
:: be
ske {v}
:: happen, occur
ske {v}
:: take place
ske {v}
:: come about
ske {v}
:: be done, be made
ske {noun}
:: spoon
ske {noun}
:: ladle
ske {noun}
:: trowel
skede {noun}
:: sheath (scabbard, long case)
skede {noun}
:: vagina
skefuld {noun}
:: spoonful
skejs {noun}
:: money
skel {noun}
:: boundary, dividing line
skel {noun}
:: barrier
skel {noun}
:: distinction
skele {v}
:: to squint
skele {v}
:: (figuratively) have an eye to (e.g. one's own interest)
skelen {c}
:: squint
skelen {c}
:: (figuratively) interest
skelet i skabet {noun}
:: some shameful and/or criminal act done in the past that one wants to hide
skelne {v}
:: distinguish, discern
sket {v}
:: past participle of ske
skib {noun}
:: ship, boat, vessel
skib {noun}
:: nave, aisle
skibsvrag {noun}
:: shipwreck
skid {noun}
:: fart
skid {noun}
:: turd, shit
skid {noun}
:: a bit, damn
skide- {prefix}
:: very
skide {v}
:: to shit
skide {v}
:: to not give a shit
skide {adj}
:: bloody
skide {adv}
:: bloody
skideballe {c}
:: reprimand
skide på {v}
:: See: da skide på
skide på {v}
:: to disregard, to not care about, to not give a fuck about
skiderik {noun}
:: bastard, jerk
skidt {adj}
:: bad, mean
skidt {interj}
:: it is of no consequence, never mind
skidt {noun}
:: dirt
skidt {noun}
:: something undesirable; shit
skifte {noun}
:: change, changeover
skifte {noun}
:: distribution, partition
skifte {v}
:: to change
skifte {v}
:: to exchange, swap
skifte {v}
:: to distribute, divide, partition
skiftenøgle {noun}
:: adjustable spanner
skifter {interj}
:: over
skik følge eller land fly {proverb}
:: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
skikkelse {noun}
:: a form, figure, or representation, especially one that is poorly seen
skildpadde {noun}
:: turtle, tortoise
skille {vt}
:: to separate
skille {vi}
:: to separate, come apart
skille {vri}
:: to separate, divide
skille {vi}
:: to separate, get a divorce
skille af {vri}
:: to part with, get rid of
skille fårene fra bukkene {v}
:: part sheep from the bucks
skille fårene fra bukkene {v}
:: part the outstanding from the rest
skillelinje {noun}
:: a dividing line
skille ud {vt}
:: to sort out, separate
skille ud {vri}
:: to break away from
skille ud {vri}
:: to be different from
skilling {noun}
:: skilling (A Scandinavian monetary unit and coin up to the 19th century.)
skilling {noun}
:: small donation
skiløber {noun}
:: skier
skilt {noun}
:: sign
skilt {noun}
:: signpost, plate
skilte {v}
:: to show off, display
skin- {prefix}
:: pseudo-, false
skin {noun}
:: light, glare
skin {noun}
:: semblance
skinbarlig {adj}
:: clear, plain, pure, unvarnished (said of a truth or reality manifest to all)
skind {noun}
:: hide (of an animal)
skindød {adj}
:: appearing to be, but not being, dead
skindød {noun}
:: seeming, but false, death
skinger {adj}
:: shrill
skinhellig {adj}
:: sanctimonious, hypocritical
skinke {noun}
:: ham
skinne {noun}
:: rail
skinne {noun}
:: band
skinne {noun}
:: splint
skinne {noun}
:: rail (of a railway or tramway)
skinne {v}
:: shine
skinne {v}
:: gleam
skinne {v}
:: glimmer
skinneben {noun}
:: shin (front part of lower leg)
skinsyg {adj}
:: synonym of jaloux
skinsyge {noun}
:: synonym of jalousi
skive {noun}
:: slice, shive
skizofreni {noun}
:: schizophrenia (illness)
skjald {noun}
:: bard
skjald {noun}
:: skald
skjold {noun}
:: shield, buckler
skjold {noun}
:: shield, shell, carapace
skjold {noun}
:: blotch, discoloration
skjorte {noun}
:: shirt
skjul {noun}
:: cover, shelter
skjul {noun}
:: hiding place, hideout
skjule {v}
:: to hide, conceal
skjule {v}
:: to disguise
skjule {v}
:: to cover up
sko {noun}
:: shoe
sko {v}
:: shoe (to put horseshoes on a horse)
skod {noun}
:: stump, butt
skod {adj}
:: shoddy
skod {adj}
:: dumb (pointless or unintellectual)
skød {noun}
:: lap
skød {noun}
:: womb, uterus
skød {noun}
:: vagina
skød {noun}
:: bosom, protected place
skød {noun}
:: tail, skirt
skød {noun}
:: basque
skoddet {v}
:: past participle of skodde
skoddet {v}
:: dumb, shoddy
skøde {noun}
:: deed
skøde {noun}
:: sheet (line used to adjust the trim of a sail)
skødesløs {adj}
:: careless, not paying appropriate attention
skoet {v}
:: past participle of sko
skøge {noun}
:: whore
skohorn {noun}
:: shoehorn (tool used to help put a tight shoe on)
skøjte {noun}
:: skate, ice skate
skøjte {v}
:: skate
skøjte {v}
:: slide (fig.)
skøjtet {v}
:: past participle of skøjte
skole {noun}
:: school
skole {v}
:: school, train
skoleår {noun}
:: school year
skolebarn {noun}
:: schoolchild
skoledistrikt {noun}
:: school district
skoleelev {noun}
:: pupil
skolepige {noun}
:: schoolgirl
skolet {v}
:: past participle of skole
skoletaske {noun}
:: schoolbag
skomager {noun}
:: shoemaker
skøn {adj}
:: beautiful
skøn {adj}
:: lovely, great, fantastic
skøn {adj}
:: delicious
skøn {noun}
:: opinion, judgement, judgment
skøn {noun}
:: estimate
skøn {noun}
:: discretion
skønhed {c}
:: beauty (the quality of being beautiful)
skønhed {c}
:: a beauty ((especially) a beautiful woman)
skønhed kommer indefra {proverb}
:: beauty is only skin deep
skønhedssalon {c}
:: beauty salon, beauty parlor (US), beauty parlour (UK)
skønlitteratur {noun}
:: fiction, belles-lettres
skønne {vt}
:: to estimate, judge
skønne {vi}
:: to appreciate
skonnert {noun}
:: a schooner
skønsmæssig {adj}
:: based on a subjective assessment
skønt {conj}
:: although
Skopje {prop}
:: Skopje (capital city)
skør {adj}
:: insane
skør {adj}
:: crazy, mad
skør {adj}
:: brittle
skørbug {noun}
:: scurvy (deficiency of vitamin C)
skørhed {noun}
:: madness
skørhed {noun}
:: insanity
Skorpionen {prop}
:: Scorpio (an astrological sign)
skørt {noun}
:: skirt, kilt
Skotland {prop}
:: Scotland (country in northwest Europe to the north of England)
skotøj {n}
:: footwear (shoes, boots etc.)
skotsk {adj}
:: Scottish, Scotch, Scots (of or from Scotland)
skotskternet {adj}
:: plaid, tartan (having a pattern or colors which resemble a Scottish tartan)
skotte {noun}
:: Scot, Scotsman, Scotswoman
skotte {noun}
:: Scottish terrier
skotte {v}
:: steal a glance
skottet {v}
:: past participle of skotte
skov {noun}
:: forest
skov {noun}
:: forest
Skov {prop}
:: surname
skovjordbær {noun}
:: wild strawberry
skovtur {noun}
:: picnic (social gathering), not necessarily in a forest
skrædder {noun}
:: tailor (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession)
skrædderlærling {noun}
:: apprentice tailor
skræddermester {noun}
:: master tailor
skræk {noun}
:: fear
skræk {noun}
:: terror
skræk {noun}
:: fright, scare
skræk {noun}
:: alarm
skrække {v}
:: frighten, scare
skrækkelig {adj}
:: terrible, awful
skrækkelig {adv}
:: terribly
skræl {noun}
:: peel, skin (the outer protective layer of fruit or vegetables)
skrælling {noun}
:: weakling, wimp, runt
skrælling {noun}
:: Skraeling
skræmme {v}
:: frighten
skræv {noun}
:: crotch
skrald {noun}
:: garbage, rubbish
skrald {noun}
:: something worthless
skralde {v}
:: to scavenge for food in dumpsters
skraldebil {noun}
:: garbage truck
skraldepose {noun}
:: garbage bag
skråle {v}
:: to bellow, to yell loudly (with connotations of disregard)
skråle {v}
:: to sing loudly and without care (for the execution of the singing and for the surrounding world)
skråne {v}
:: to slope
skråning {noun}
:: slope; a sloping area
skrap {adj}
:: restrictive
skrap {adj}
:: tough or merciless
skrap {adj}
:: heartless
skrap {adj}
:: skilled
skrap {adj}
:: powerful
skråstreg {noun}
:: slash
skred {noun}
:: slide, slip, slip
skred {noun}
:: landslide, landslip, avalanche
skrevet {v}
:: past participle of skrive
skride {v}
:: to skid
skride {v}
:: to leave
skridt {noun}
:: step, footstep, pace
skridt {noun}
:: crotch, crutch, groin
skridt {noun}
:: measure, move
skridtbeskytter {noun}
:: jockstrap
skridtbind {noun}
:: jockstrap
skrift {noun}
:: writing
skrift {noun}
:: writing, hand
skrift {noun}
:: script, font
skrift {noun}
:: scripture
skrift {noun}
:: publication, pamphlet, treatise
skriftform {noun}
:: writing system, script (system of symbols used to encode natural language)
skriftlig {adj}
:: textual, written
skriftligt {adv}
:: in writing
skriftrulle {noun}
:: scroll (rolled-up document)
skrig {noun}
:: scream
skrige {v}
:: scream
skrin {noun}
:: case, box
skrin {noun}
:: chest
skriv {noun}
:: writing, text
skrive {v}
:: to write
skrive af {v}
:: to copy manually
skrivebord {n}
:: a desk
skrivebordslampe {noun}
:: desklamp
skrivelse {noun}
:: letter
skrivemaskine {noun}
:: typewriter
skrivende {v}
:: present participle of skrive
skrue bissen på {v}
:: be tough
skruenøgle {noun}
:: adjustable spanner
skruetrækker {c}
:: screwdriver
skruk {adj}
:: broody; having a desire to procreate
skrup- {prefix}
:: very
skrupelløs {adj}
:: unscrupulous
skrupforelsket {adj}
:: very in love
skrupforkælet {adj}
:: spoiled rotten, very spoiled
skrupforkert {adj}
:: very wrong
skrupforvirret {adj}
:: thoroughly confused
skrupgrine {v}
:: laugh vigorously
skruphamrende {adv}
:: extremely
skrupskør {adj}
:: stark raving mad, very insane
skrupsulten {adj}
:: very hungry
skruptosset {adj}
:: stark raving mad, very insane
Skt. {adj}
:: abbreviation of Sankt St
sku' {v}
:: eye dialect of skulle
skub {noun}
:: push
skubbe {v}
:: push
skubbe {v}
:: shove
skubbe {v}
:: thrust
skud {noun}
:: shot (launching of a projectile)
skud {noun}
:: shoot (the emerging stem and embryonic leaves of a new plant)
skudår {noun}
:: leap year
skue {v}
:: to see, behold
skue {noun}
:: sight, spectacle
skue {noun}
:: livestock show (shortened form of dyrskue)
skueproces {noun}
:: show trial (a trial held for appearance's sake)
skuespil {noun}
:: play (theatrical performance)
skuespiller {noun}
:: actor
skuespillerinde {noun}
:: actress
skuffe {noun}
:: drawer
skuffe {v}
:: to disappoint
skuffejern {noun}
:: hoe
skuffejern {noun}
:: male cock tease/clit tease; man who encourages the expectation of sex but does not fulfill it
skuffelse {noun}
:: disappointment
sku ikke hunden på hårene {proverb}
:: don't judge a book by its cover
skulde {v}
:: obsolete spelling of skulle
skulder {noun}
:: shoulder
skulderblad {noun}
:: shoulder blade
skuldertræk {noun}
:: shrug (gesture)
skule {v}
:: scowl, have an angry expression
skulle {v}
:: should
skulle {v}
:: must
skulle {v}
:: have to
skulle bruge {v}
:: See: da skulle bruge
skulle bruge {v}
:: need
skulle du spørge fra nogen {interj}
:: that's none of your business
skulle ikke løbe mange gange rundt om min seng {v}
:: to be sexually desired by me
skulptør {noun}
:: sculptor
skulptur {noun}
:: sculpture (work of art)
skulptur {noun}
:: sculpture (art)
skum {noun}
:: foam, froth
skum {noun}
:: foam
skumbad {noun}
:: bubble bath
skumme {v}
:: to foam, froth
skumme {v}
:: to lather
skumme {v}
:: to skim
skummel {adj}
:: Having a dubious nature; shady, seedy
skummetmælk {noun}
:: skimmed milk, skim milk
skumring {noun}
:: nightfall, twilight, dusk, gloaming
skurk {noun}
:: villain, baddie
skvatte {v}
:: trip, fall
sky {adj}
:: shy
sky {noun}
:: cloud
sky {noun}
:: gravy, stock (a kind of soup)
sky {noun}
:: jelly (made of gravy)
sky {noun}
:: aspic
sky {v}
:: To shun
skyde {v}
:: to shoot
skyde {v}
:: to push, to shove
skyde ind {v}
:: shoot into something
skyde ind {v}
:: add money
skyde ind {v}
:: inject into
skyde ind {v}
:: say something in a conversation
skyde ind {v}
:: start a race by firing a gun
skydevåben {n}
:: A firearm
skygge {noun}
:: shadow
skygge {noun}
:: shade
skygge {v}
:: to block the light, casting something into darkness
skygge {v}
:: to block someone's line of vision
skygge {v}
:: to shadow, to covertly follow
skyld {noun}
:: blame, guilt
skyld {noun}
:: fault
skyld {noun}
:: sake
skyld {noun}
:: debt
skylde {v}
:: to owe
skyldende {v}
:: present participle of skylde
skyldes {v}
:: be due to, be caused by
skyldig {adj}
:: guilty
skyldig {adj}
:: owed
skyldig {adj}
:: due
skyle {v}
:: obsolete spelling of skjule
skyllemiddel {noun}
:: fabric softener
skynde {vt}
:: to rush, hurry
skynde {vr}
:: to hurry
skyskraber {noun}
:: skyscraper
skyter {noun}
:: Scyth, Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia)
skyts {noun}
:: guns, artillery
skyts {noun}
:: artillery
skytte {noun}
:: marksman
skytte {noun}
:: shooter
skytte {noun}
:: gamekeeper
skytte {noun}
:: rifleman
skytte {noun}
:: Sagittarius (someone with a Sagittarius star sign)
skytte {noun}
:: shuttle
Skytten {prop}
:: Sagittarius (an astrological sign)
slå {noun}
:: bolt
slå {v}
:: to beat, hit, knock
slå {v}
:: to mow
slå {v}
:: to strike, defeat
slå {v}
:: to fight - see slås
slæb {noun}
:: hard work
slæb {noun}
:: train of a dress
slæb {noun}
:: trail rope
slæbe {v}
:: to drag, lug
slæber {noun}
:: tugboat
slæber {noun}
:: goods train, slow train
slæber {noun}
:: slipper
slædefart {c}
:: sleigh ride
slægt {noun}
:: family
slægt {noun}
:: lineage, stock
slægt {noun}
:: generation
slægt {noun}
:: genus
slægtled {noun}
:: generation
slægtning {noun}
:: relative, relation
slående {adj}
:: striking
slående {adj}
:: convincing
slået {v}
:: past participle of slå
slæt {noun}
:: beat
slæt {noun}
:: harvest of grass or hay
slag {noun}
:: hit, punch
slag {noun}
:: beat
slag {noun}
:: battle
slag {noun}
:: game
slagen {adj}
:: defeated
slagen {adj}
:: depressed
slagen {adj}
:: in the expression den slagne vej (the beaten path)
slagord {noun}
:: a slogan, a catchphrase, especially a political one
slag på tasken {n}
:: estimate
slags {adj}
:: kind of, sort of
slagskib {noun}
:: battleship (large warship)
slagsmål {noun}
:: fight, row, argument
slagte {v}
:: to slaughter
slagte {v}
:: to criticise harshly, to pan
slagter {noun}
:: butcher
slagtilfælde {noun}
:: stroke (interruption in brain activity)
slang {noun}
:: Language outside of conventional usage, slang
slange {noun}
:: A snake, a serpent
slange {noun}
:: A tube, a hose
slange {noun}
:: A spiteful woman, a cat
slange {vr}
:: To snake, to slither
slangeagtig {adj}
:: snakelike
slangebestand {noun}
:: snake population
slangeham {noun}
:: snakeskin
slangekrølle {noun}
:: hair that is long and coiled
Slangen {prop}
:: Serpens
Slangens {prop}
:: genitive of Slangen
slanget {v}
:: past participle of slange
slanget {noun}
:: definite singular of slang
slå op {v}
:: to break up (discontinue a romantic affair)
slå op {v}
:: to look up (seek information about in e.g. an encyclopedia, database, dictionary)
slap {adj}
:: loose
slap {adj}
:: limp
slap {adj}
:: slack
slap {adj}
:: weak (muscles)
slap {adj}
:: flaccid
slap {adj}
:: lax
slås {v}
:: to fight
slå to fluer med et smæk {proverb}
:: kill two birds with one stone
slatten {adj}
:: soft and lax; flaccid
slave {noun}
:: slave
slave {v}
:: slave
slavearbejde {noun}
:: slave labour
slaver {c}
:: Slav
slaveri {noun}
:: slavery
slavet {v}
:: past participle of slave
slavisk {adj}
:: Slavic
slavisk {adj}
:: slavish
Slavonien {prop}
:: Slavonia
slem {adj}
:: bad, ill-behaved, mean
slem {adj}
:: serious in a bad way, grievous
slesk {adj}
:: wheedling, insinuating, smarmy
slesk {adj}
:: oily, obsequious
slesk {adj}
:: fawning
slesk {adv}
:: insinuatingly
slesk {adv}
:: obsequiously
Slesvig-Holsten {prop}
:: Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
slet {adj}
:: bad
slet {adj}
:: evil
slet {adj}
:: plain
slet {adv}
:: at all
slet {adv}
:: simply - in the phrase slet og ret (simply)
slet {adv}
:: quite - in the phrase ikke slet så (not quite as)
slet ikke {adv}
:: not at all
sletikke {adv}
:: alternative form of slet ikke
slet og ret {adj}
:: plain, ordinary
slet og ret {adv}
:: simply
slette {noun}
:: a plain
slette {v}
:: to delete
slette {v}
:: to eradicate
slette {v}
:: to annul
slibe {v}
:: sharpen, grind
slibe {v}
:: (glass) cut
slibe {v}
:: (marble) polish
sliber {noun}
:: grinder
sliber {noun}
:: grinding machine
slide {v}
:: labour; work hard
slide {v}
:: chafe
slig {adj}
:: such
slik {noun}
:: candy, sweet
slik {noun}
:: the act of licking
slik {c}
:: a little amount of money
slik {noun}
:: silt
slikke {v}
:: to lick
slikkelap {noun}
:: a thin piece of e.g. latex, used in oral sex (anilingus and cunnilingus) to prevent transmission of STDs
slikkende {v}
:: present participle of slikke
slikkepind {noun}
:: lollipop
slikkepot {noun}
:: lickpot, forefinger
slikke røv {v}
:: See: da slikke røv
slikke røv {v}
:: suck up, sycophantize
slim {c} {n}
:: slime
slim {c} {n}
:: mucus
slippe {vt}
:: to let go, release, drop
slippe {vi}
:: to get out, get away, get off
slippe {noun}
:: alley
slips {noun}
:: necktie
slipsedyr {noun}
:: bureaucrat, civil servant
slof {noun}
:: roommate
sløjfe {noun}
:: bow (type of knot with two loops)
sløjfe {noun}
:: loop
sløjfe {v}
:: to demolish
sløjfe {v}
:: to leave out, omit
sløjfe {v}
:: to discontinue, abolish
sløjfet {v}
:: past participle of sløjfe
slør {noun}
:: veil
slot {noun}
:: castle, palace, manor house
sløv {adj}
:: blunt, dull
sløv {adj}
:: dull
sløv {adj}
:: listless, sluggish, torpid, lethargic, apathetic
sløv {adj}
:: drowsy
Slovakiet {prop}
:: Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
slovakisk {adj}
:: Slovak (relating to Slovakia, the Slovak people, culture, or language)
Slovenien {prop}
:: Slovenien (country)
slovensk {adj}
:: Slovenian (pertaining to Slovenia, the Slovene people, culture, or language)
sløv padde {noun}
:: a lazy, sluggish or dull (slow of understanding) person
slowmotion {c}
:: slow motion (film stretched in time)
slud {n}
:: sleet (mixture of rain and snow)
sludder {noun}
:: talk (conversation)
sludder {noun}
:: chat (informal conversation)
sludder {noun}
:: nonsense, rubbish
sludder {noun}
:: drivel, guff
sluge {v}
:: to swallow, devour
sluge en kamel {phrase}
:: accept a change or amend (to a proposal)
sluge en kamel {phrase}
:: to agree to something one would not have if one had fully understood the implications from the beginning
slugt {noun}
:: ravine, gorge
slukke {v}
:: put out (extinguish)
slukke {v}
:: turn off (to power down)
slukke {v}
:: switch off (to turn a switch to the "off" position in order to stop or disable a device)
slukket {v}
:: past participle of slukke
slurk {noun}
:: gulp, swallow (amount swallowed)
slurk {noun}
:: sip (small mouthful of drink)
slurk {noun}
:: pull, swig, draught ( amount of liquid that is drunk in one swallow)
slurk {noun}
:: slurp (mouthful of liquid)
slut {adj}
:: over
slut {adj}
:: finished
slut {interj}
:: over and out, out (ending a conversation)
slut {noun}
:: end
slutning {noun}
:: end, finale
slutning {noun}
:: conclusion (a decision reached after careful thought)
slutning {noun}
:: ending
slutspurt {noun}
:: final sprint
slutspurt {noun}
:: run-up
slutte {v}
:: to end, to finale
slutte {v}
:: to conclude
sluttende {v}
:: present participle of slutte
slutte sig til {vt}
:: join
små- {prefix}
:: slightly
små- {prefix}
:: casually, distractedly
små {adj}
:: nearly, just under, something under
småbarn {noun}
:: baby, infant
småbarn {noun}
:: toddler (young human child)
småbarn {noun}
:: kindergartener, preschooler
småborgerskab {noun}
:: petite bourgeoisie
smædeskrift {noun}
:: a slanderous text
smærte {noun}
:: obsolete spelling of smerte
smærtelig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of smertelig
smag {noun}
:: taste (sensory stimuli)
smag {noun}
:: taste (set of preferences)
smage {v}
:: to taste
små gryder har også ører {proverb}
:: beware, the children also listen
smagsprøve {c}
:: sample to test something before bying it (often concerning food)
smagssans {noun}
:: the faculty of taste; the ability to perceive taste
smagsstof {noun}
:: something that conveys taste to a comestible, whether synthetic or naturally occurring
smagt {v}
:: past participle of smage
småkage {noun}
:: cookie (flat cake)
småkage {noun}
:: biscuit (cookie)
smal {adj}
:: narrow, thin
smal {adj}
:: slim, slender
smålig {adj}
:: petty
smålig {adj}
:: stingy
smålig {adj}
:: fussy
smålig {adj}
:: carping, captious
smalltalk {noun}
:: small talk (idle conversation)
smaragd {noun}
:: emerald
smart {adj}
:: well thought-out, neat
smart {adj}
:: snazzy, fashionable, dapper
småting {noun}
:: trifles (things of little importance or worth)
småting {noun}
:: small things, bits and pieces, dribs and drabs
smed {noun}
:: smith (craftsperson who works metal)
Smed {prop}
:: surname
smede {v}
:: to forge (metal)
smede mens jernet er varmt {proverb}
:: strike while the iron is hot
smegma {noun}
:: smegma
smeltevarme {noun}
:: latent heat of fusion (energy released or absorbed during freezing or melting, respectively)
smerte {noun}
:: pain
smerte {noun}
:: suffering
smerte {noun}
:: grief
smerte {v}
:: pain
smerte {v}
:: grieve
smerte {v}
:: ache
smertefri {adj}
:: pain-free, painless
smertefuld {adj}
:: painful
smertelig {adj}
:: painful
smide {v}
:: to throw
smide barnet ud med badevandet {v}
:: throw the baby out with the bathwater
smide ud {v}
:: throw out, discard
smidig {adj}
:: supple, lithe
smidig {adj}
:: plastic, soft
smidig {adj}
:: flexible, elastic
smidig {adj}
:: adroit
smil {noun}
:: smile
smile {v}
:: to smile
smilende {v}
:: present participle of smile
smilet {v}
:: past participle of smile
smiley {noun}
:: smiley (representation of a smiling face)
smiley {noun}
:: emoticon, smiley (characters that represent an emotion)
Smilla {prop}
:: given name of modern usage
sminke {noun}
:: makeup
sminkedukke {noun}
:: a woman who is deemed to wear too much makeup
smitte {noun}
:: infection
smitte {v}
:: to infect
smøg {noun}
:: cigarette, smoke
smoking {noun}
:: black tie, dinner jacket, tuxedo
smølf {noun}
:: smurf
smør {n}
:: butter
smøre {v}
:: to lubricate
smøre {v}
:: to butter (e.g. bread) with butter or a similar substance
smøre {noun}
:: lengthy, boring and/or incoherent explanation or presentation
smørelse {c}
:: lubricant
smørelse {c}
:: (informal) bribe
smørelse {c}
:: spread (something applied to bread or the like); typically butter
smørepålæg {noun}
:: spread; a pålæg that is meant to be spread
smørrebrød {noun}
:: bread
smørtenor {noun}
:: a smooth sort of tenor
sms {noun}
:: text message sent by a cell phone
sms'e {vt}
:: to send a/as text message (to ...)
smug- {prefix}
:: secretly
smug {noun}
:: in secret, hidden
smugdrikke {v}
:: to drink (alcohol) without anyone noticing
smugdrikkeri {noun}
:: act of drinking (alcohol) without anyone noticing
smugkig {noun}
:: peek
smugkigge {v}
:: peek
smuglæse {v}
:: to read covertly, secretly
smuk {adj}
:: beautiful, handsome, good-looking
smuk {adj}
:: fine
smuk {adj}
:: noble
smule {noun}
:: a little bit of something (especially, but far from exclusively, of food)
smyge {v}
:: to sneak, move stealthily
smyge {v}
:: relieve oneself of responsibility or something weighing down or troubling
smyge {noun}
:: cigaret
smykke {noun}
:: a piece of jewellery
smykke {noun}
:: trinket
smykke {noun}
:: ornament
smykke {v}
:: decorate
smykke {v}
:: ornament
smykke {v}
:: adorn
snabel {noun}
:: trunk (extended nasal organ of an elephant)
snabel-a {noun}
:: at sign (@)
snabela {noun}
:: alternative spelling of snabel-a
snæver {adj}
:: narrow
snæver {adj}
:: tight, close-fitting
snæver {adj}
:: close, intimate
snæversynet {adj}
:: narrow-minded, bigoted
snakke {v}
:: talk, speak
snakke {v}
:: chatter (talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk)
snakke {v}
:: prattle (to talk incessantly; to babble)
snakke {v}
:: chat (to be engaged in informal conversation)
snakkesalig {adj}
:: talkative, chatty
snakke trusserne af {v}
:: persuade a woman to sexual activity
snaksom {adj}
:: talkative, chatty
snaldret {adj}
:: drunk
snalret {adj}
:: alternative form of snaldret
snarere {adv}
:: rather, more accurately, more like
snarlig {adj}
:: occurring soon
snart {adv}
:: soon
snart {adv}
:: shortly
snart {adv}
:: presently
snave {v}
:: make out
snavset {adj}
:: dirty
snavset {adj}
:: filthy
snavset {adj}
:: grubby
snavset {adj}
:: soiled
snavset {adj}
:: dingy
snavset {adj}
:: grimy
snavset {v}
:: past participle of snavse
sne {noun}
:: snow
sne {v}
:: to snow
snebold {noun}
:: snowball (ball of snow; something that grows rapidly out of control)
snedker {noun}
:: joiner (maker of wooden furniture)
snedkermester {noun}
:: master carpenter; joiner
sneet {v}
:: past participle of sne
snefald {noun}
:: snowfall
snegl {noun}
:: snail
snegl {noun}
:: slug
snegl {noun}
:: cochlea
snegl {noun}
:: Archimedes screw
snegl {noun}
:: twist (coiled pastry)
Snehvide {prop}
:: Snow White
snemand {noun}
:: snowman
snerpe {noun}
:: prude
snerpet {adj}
:: prudish
snes {noun}
:: score (twenty)
snescooter {c}
:: snowmobile (vehicle)
snestorm {noun}
:: snowstorm
snestorm {noun}
:: blizzard
sneugle {noun}
:: snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus, Nyctea scandiaca
snigmorder {noun}
:: assassin, someone who kills an important person surreptitiously
snigskytte {noun}
:: sniper, someone shooting from a concealed position
snigtyv {noun}
:: sneak thief
sniksnak {c}
:: nonsense, rubbish
sniksnak {c}
:: fiddlesticks!, nonsense! (expression of disbelief or disdain)
sno {v}
:: to twine, coil (around something)
sno {v}
:: to curl, to twist
snobbe {noun}
:: snob
snobbe {v}
:: to be snobbish
snobbe {v}
:: to suck up
snobbe nedad {v}
:: to pander to the lowest common denominator; to appeal to lowbrow tastes
snobbet {adj}
:: snobbish
snog {noun}
:: grass snake (Natrix natrix)
snor {noun}
:: twine; a strong thread
snørebånd {n}
:: lace (cord used to tie a shoe or garment)
snorke {v}
:: to snore
snot- {prefix}
:: very
snot {n}
:: snot (nasal mucus) (informal in English, not in Danish)
snotdum {adj}
:: very stupid
snotforkælet {adj}
:: very spoiled, spoiled rotten
snotforvirret {adj}
:: very confused
snotunge {noun}
:: brat, child
snuble {v}
:: to stumble
snusket {adj}
:: sleazy
snut {noun}
:: Term of endearment
snyde {v}
:: to cheat
snyde {v}
:: in the expression snyde næse (to blow one's nose)
snydepels {noun}
:: cheater, swindler
snyder {noun}
:: cheat, cheater
so {noun}
:: sow (female pig)
so {noun}
:: slut
sø {noun}
:: lake
sø {noun}
:: sea
sober {adj}
:: sober (in character; moderate; realistic; serious)
social {adj}
:: social
social {adj}
:: sociable
socialdemokrat {noun}
:: a social democrat
socialdemokrati {noun}
:: a social democracy
socialisme {noun}
:: socialism
socialist {noun}
:: socialist
sociolekt {noun}
:: sociolect
sociologi {noun}
:: sociology
socioøkonomisk {adj}
:: socio-economic
sod {noun}
:: soot
sød {adj}
:: sweet
sød {adj}
:: sweet
sød {adj}
:: sweet, nice
sød {adj}
:: pretty, cute
sød {c}
:: whole milk
sodavand {noun}
:: soda pop, fizzy drink, soft drink
sodavand {noun}
:: soda pop, fizzy drink, soft drink
søde {v}
:: sweeten
sødestof {noun}
:: sweetener
sødet {v}
:: past participle of søde
sødladen {adj}
:: sweet of disposition, especially when excessively so
sødmælk {noun}
:: whole milk
sødygtig {adj}
:: seaworthy
sofa {noun}
:: sofa, couch, divan, settee
sofavælger {noun}
:: nonvoter, armchair voter
Sofia {prop}
:: Sofia (capital city)
Sofia {prop}
:: given name
Sofie {prop}
:: given name
Sofus {prop}
:: given name
søgbar {adj}
:: searchable
søge {vi}
:: to search, look
søge {vt}
:: to seek, to look for
søge {v}
:: to apply for
søge {v}
:: to apply for
søge {v}
:: to try, to strive, to seek
søgemaskine {noun}
:: search engine
søge om {v}
:: to apply for
søgeresultat {noun}
:: A search result, a result found when using a search engine
søgt {v}
:: past participle of søge
søgt {adj}
:: far-fetched, affected (simulated)
søgt {adj}
:: popular, well patronized
søhelt {noun}
:: naval hero
sojaolie {noun}
:: soybean oil
søjle {noun}
:: a pillar; a vertical beam supporting a roof
søjle {noun}
:: by extension, any formation in or approximating the shape of a vertical cylinder
sok {noun}
:: sock
Sokrates {prop}
:: Socrates
sokratisk {adj}
:: Socratic
sol {noun}
:: sun
sol {noun}
:: sol (solution)
sol {noun}
:: sol (note)
solbad {noun}
:: sunbath
solbade {v}
:: to sunbathe
solbadende {v}
:: present participle of solbade
solbader {noun}
:: sunbather
solbær {noun}
:: blackcurrant
soldat {noun}
:: soldier
soldug {noun}
:: sundew (a group of insectivorous plants)
søle {c} {n}
:: mud
søle {c} {n}
:: slush
søle {v}
:: dirty, defile
søle {v}
:: spatter
solen {prop}
:: Sun (the star at the center of our solar system)
Solen {prop}
:: alternative form of solen
sølet {v}
:: past participle of søle
solgt som stanglakrids {adj}
:: screwed, fucked, in trouble
solid {adj}
:: solid, robust
solid {adj}
:: strong
solid {adj}
:: substantial
solid {adj}
:: reliable
solmasse {noun}
:: solar mass
solnedgang {noun}
:: sunset
solopgang {noun}
:: sunrise
solsikke {noun}
:: sunflower
solsikkeolie {noun}
:: sunflower oil
solskin {noun}
:: sunshine
solskin {noun}
:: sunlight
solskoldning {noun}
:: sunburn
solsort {noun}
:: blackbird
solsystem {noun}
:: solar system (any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star)
soludbrud {n}
:: solar flare
sølv {noun}
:: silver (metal)
sølvbryllup {noun}
:: silver wedding
sølvbryllup {noun}
:: silver jubilee
Solveig {prop}
:: given name
Solvej {prop}
:: given name
Solvejg {prop}
:: given name
solvens {noun}
:: solvency (ability to pay debts)
sølver {noun}
:: alternative form of sølv
sølvgrå {adj}
:: silver-grey
sølvhvid {adj}
:: silver-white
solvind {noun}
:: solar wind
sølvnitrat {noun}
:: silver nitrate
sølvpapir {n}
:: paper with a layer of metal on one side (e.g. wrapping paper for candy, etc.)
sølvpapir {n}
:: tinfoil, aluminium foil, silver paper
sølvpapirshat {noun}
:: tinfoil hat (with the same connotations of being something that conspiracy theorists wear)
-som {suffix}
:: -some (characterized by some specific condition or quality)
som {conj}
:: as, like
som {conj}
:: as
som {conj}
:: such as
som {conj}
:: as
som {conj}
:: as, because
som {conj}
:: how
som {pron}
:: who, which, that
søm {noun}
:: seam
søm {noun}
:: nail
sømand {noun}
:: male sailor
som bekendt {adv}
:: as is known
som en brækket arm {adv}
:: badly
som en fisk i vandet {phrase}
:: to be in your right element
som man råber i skoven får man svar {proverb}
:: what goes around comes around
sømme {v}
:: to nail
sømme {v}
:: to hem
sømme {vr}
:: to be proper, befit
sømme {vi}
:: to befit
sommer {noun}
:: summer (hottest season)
sommerfugl {noun}
:: butterfly
som om {conj}
:: as if
som om {interj}
:: as if
som regel {phrase}
:: as a rule, usually
som sådan {adv}
:: per se, in and of itself
som sagt {adv}
:: as I have previously said
søn {noun}
:: son
sonate {noun}
:: sonata
søndag {noun}
:: Sunday
sonde {noun}
:: probe
sonde {noun}
:: medical device to feed a person directly into the stomach
sondere {v}
:: probe
sondere {v}
:: sound
sondere {v}
:: explore
Søndergaard {prop}
:: surname
sondre {v}
:: distinguish, discern
søndre {v}
:: to destroy, break
søndre {adj}
:: southern
sonet {noun}
:: sonnet
Sonja {prop}
:: given name, a pet form of Sophia, cognate to English Sonya
sønnike {noun}
:: Term of address for one's son, or by extension for a boy or young man
Sonny {prop}
:: given name borrowed from English in the mid-twentieth century
søpapegøje {noun}
:: puffin
Sophia {prop}
:: given name
Sophie {prop}
:: given name
Sophus {prop} {c}
:: given name
søren {adv}
:: Intensifier
Søren {prop}
:: given name traditionally popular in Denmark
Sørensen {prop}
:: surname
sorg {noun}
:: sorrow, grief
sørge {v}
:: to grieve, mourn, lament
sørge {v}
:: in the expression sørge for: to take care of, look after, make sure
sørgelig {adj}
:: sad, evoking sadness
sorgfri {adj}
:: carefree
sorgløs {adj}
:: carefree, free of worry
sørgmodig {adj}
:: sad, melancholic
Sørine {prop}
:: given name, a feminine form of Søren
sørøver {noun}
:: pirate (a criminal who plunders at sea), sea rover
sort {adj}
:: black (absorbing most light)
sort {adj}
:: under the table; done in secret so as to avoid taxation
sort {adv}
:: under the table; secretly, so as to avoid taxation
sort {noun}
:: sort, kind
sort {noun}
:: quality
sort {noun}
:: brand
sort {noun}
:: cultivar
sort arbejde {noun}
:: work that is not reported to the appropriate authorities, and consequently not taxed
Sortehavet {prop}
:: Black Sea
sorte penge {noun}
:: money that is transferred secretly, so as to avoid taxation
sortering {noun}
:: sorting, categorizing, ordering
sorteringsalgoritme {noun}
:: sorting algorithm
sorteringsmaskine {noun}
:: sorting machine; a machine used for sorting
sort får {noun}
:: black sheep, outcast
sort får {noun}
:: See: da sort får
sortklædt {adj}
:: dressed in black, in black
sortladen {adj}
:: very dark, almost black
sort marked {noun}
:: black market
søs {c}
:: sis, shortened form of søster ("sister")
Søs {prop}
:: given name
søskende {p}
:: siblings (brothers and sisters)
søster {noun}
:: sister (woman or girl having the same parents)
søsterprojekt {noun}
:: sister project
søstjerne {noun}
:: starfish
søstjerne {noun}
:: the act of lying prone and being passively receptive during sex
søstjerne {noun}
:: a person who does the above
søsyg {adj}
:: seasick
sot {noun}
:: disease
søtunge {noun}
:: sole (maritime flatfish species)
South Carolina {prop}
:: South Carolina (state)
South Carolinas {prop}
:: genitive of South Carolina
South Dakota {prop}
:: South Dakota (state)
South Dakotas {prop}
:: genitive of South Dakota
sove {v}
:: sleep
sove ind {v}
:: die calmly and painlessly
sove over sig {adv}
:: sleep too long
sovepose {noun}
:: sleeping bag
sover {noun}
:: sleeper
sovet {v}
:: past participle of sove
soveværelse {n}
:: a bedroom
Sovjetunionen {prop}
:: Soviet Union
søvn {noun}
:: sleep
søvn {noun}
:: gound (mucus that accumulates by the eyes during sleep)
søvndrukken {adj}
:: sleep-drunk (sluggish as a consequence of having recently awoken)
søvngænger {noun}
:: somnambulist, sleepwalker
søvngængeri {n}
:: somnambulism, sleepwalking
søvnig {adj}
:: sleepy
søvnløs {adj}
:: sleepless
sovs {noun}
:: sauce
spå {v}
:: to predict, forecast, foretell, prophesy
spådom {noun}
:: prophecy
spådom {noun}
:: prediction
spadsere {v}
:: to stroll
spadsere {v}
:: to walk
spædbarn {noun}
:: An infant, a baby
spæk {noun}
:: blubber
spæk {noun}
:: fat
spækhøker {noun}
:: grocer
spækhugger {noun}
:: orca, killer whale, Orcinus orca
spække {v}
:: to lard
spække {v}
:: to lard, garnish
spænde ben {v}
:: to cause someone to trip by putting a foot in front of where they are walking
spænding {noun}
:: excitement
spænding {noun}
:: stress (force causing deformation)
spændingsforskel {noun}
:: potential difference
spændt {adj}
:: excited
spæne {v}
:: sprint, run very quickly
spærre {n} {c}
:: barrier
spærre {n} {c}
:: lock
spærre {v}
:: bar
spærre {v}
:: block
spærre {v}
:: obstruct
spærre {v}
:: close
spærre {v}
:: cancel, freeze
spætte {noun}
:: woodpecker
spalte {noun}
:: crack
spalte {noun}
:: crevice
spalte {v}
:: to split
spalte {v}
:: to decompose
spaltet {v}
:: past participle of spalte
spam {noun}
:: Spam
spåmand {noun}
:: male fortuneteller
spamme {v}
:: To send spam, to spam
spammende {v}
:: present participle of spamme
spammer {noun}
:: Someone who sends spam, a spammer
spammet {v}
:: past participle of spamme
spand {noun}
:: bucket, pail
spand {noun}
:: bucketful, pailful
spand {noun}
:: crate, banger, jalopy (an old, worn-out car)
spand {noun}
:: team, pair, yoke (working animals attached to work together)
spand {noun}
:: span
Spanien {prop}
:: Spanien (country)
spanier {noun}
:: Person from Spain
spånplade {noun}
:: chipboard, particle board
spansk {adj}
:: Spanish; of, or pertaining to the Spanish language or Spain
spansk {n}
:: Spanish; the Spanish language; the language as an area of study
spansk vandhund {c}
:: Spanish Water Dog
spar {noun}
:: spade (one of the black suits in a deck of cards)
spare {noun}
:: spare (the act of knocking down all remaining pins in second ball of a frame)
spare {v}
:: save
spare {v}
:: spare
spare {v}
:: economize
spare {v}
:: save up
sparegris {c}
:: a piggy bank
spark {noun}
:: kick
Sparta {prop}
:: Sparta
spartaner {noun}
:: Spartan
spartansk {adj}
:: spartan
spartansk {adj}
:: Spartan
sparto {noun}
:: sige sparto til – beat (to win against)
spas {noun}
:: joke, jest
spasser {noun}
:: spastic
spastiker {noun}
:: spastic
spastiker {noun}
:: idiot, retard; stupid and/or disliked person
spat {noun}
:: spavin (disease of horses characterized by a bony swelling developed on the hock as the result of inflammation of the bones)
spat {noun}
:: få spat – get annoyed or angry
spatel {c}
:: spatula
spatel {c}
:: filling knife/stopping knife
spatel {c}
:: scraper
spatel {c}
:: putty knife
specifik varmekapacitet {noun}
:: specific heat capacity
spedalsk {adj}
:: leprous
spedalskhed {noun}
:: leprosy
spegepølse {noun}
:: salami
spejder {noun}
:: scout (person sent out to gain and bring in tidings, member of the scout movement, one who identifies promising talent)
spejl {noun}
:: mirror
spejlæg {noun}
:: fried egg
spejle {v}
:: to reflect
spejle {v}
:: to mirror, reflect
spejle {v}
:: to fry, make a fried egg
spejlet {v}
:: past participle of spejle
spektakel {noun}
:: noise, din
spektakel {noun}
:: disturbances
spektakelmager {noun}
:: troublemaker
spekter {n}
:: spectrum
spektrofotometri {noun}
:: spectrophotometry
spektrum {n}
:: spectrum
spekulativ {adj}
:: speculative
spelt {noun}
:: spelt (a type of wheat, Triticum spelta)
spermatozo {noun}
:: spermatozoon, sperm cell
sperme {v}
:: to ejaculate semen
spgsm. {noun}
:: abbreviation of spørgsmål
spidde {v}
:: to pierce, to spear
spidde {v}
:: to impale
spidde {v}
:: to skewer
spiddet {v}
:: past participle of spidde
spids {adj}
:: pointed, sharp
spids {adj}
:: tapering
spids {adj}
:: pinched
spids {adj}
:: tart
spids {adj}
:: acute
spids {noun}
:: point
spids {noun}
:: tip, head, nib
spids {noun}
:: top
spids {noun}
:: spike
spids {noun}
:: prong, tine
spids {noun}
:: spitz
spids {noun}
:: apex
spids {noun}
:: cusp
spidsborger {noun}
:: philistine
spidsmus {noun}
:: shrew (small mammal in the family Soricidae)
spids vinkel {noun}
:: acute angle
spil {n}
:: A game
spil {n}
:: A box of equipment and such used for a game
spil {n}
:: A specific part of a game, such as a round or level
spil {n}
:: Conditions or limits of a game
spil {n}
:: A sport
spil {n}
:: An instance resulting in the play of a sport, such as a result of who won or lost
spil {n}
:: The act of playing music, singing
spil {n}
:: Parts of a body being used in a fast manner
spil {n}
:: A reflex, often a seizure
spil {n}
:: A theatrical performance featuring actors, a play
spil {n}
:: An actor's improvisation
spil {n}
:: indefinite plural of spil
spil {n}
:: A winch
spild {noun}
:: waste
spild {noun}
:: refuse
spilde {v}
:: to spill
spildt {v}
:: past participle of spilde
spile {v}
:: To dilate
spilet {v}
:: past participle of spile
spilfigur {noun}
:: A figure, especially a character, appearing in a game
spilkarakter {noun}
:: A character appearing in a game
spille {v}
:: to play
spille {v}
:: to gamble, play a game
spille {vi}
:: to move quickly
spille {vi}
:: to flicker, sparkle
spille {noun}
:: music player
spille den af {vi}
:: to beat one's meat, to masturbate with a penis
spille den af på {vt}
:: to give a handjob to
spilleliste {noun}
:: a playlist, a list of songs
spillende {v}
:: present participle of spille
spille pik {v}
:: jerk off (masturbate by stroking one's penis)
spiller {noun}
:: player (one who plays any game)
spiller {noun}
:: gambler
spiller {noun}
:: gamer
spiller {noun}
:: player (dramatic actor)
spiller {noun}
:: player (who plays on a musical instrument)
spiller {noun}
:: an act of masturbation
spinde {v n c p}
:: to spin (to make yarn)
spinde {v n c p}
:: to purr (of a cat, to make a vibrating sound in its throat)
spinde {v}
:: to spin (to turn around quickly)
spinde {v}
:: fishing with a spinner
spindelvæv {noun}
:: cobweb, spiderweb
spindoktor {noun}
:: spindoctor
spinkel {adj}
:: slight
spinkel {adj}
:: slender
spinkel {adj}
:: delicate
spinkel {adj}
:: frail
spinkel {adj}
:: flimsy
spinkel {adj}
:: slim
spionage {noun}
:: espionage, spying
spir {n}
:: a spire
spirituskørsel {noun}
:: drunk driving
spise {noun}
:: food
spise {noun}
:: dish
spise {v}
:: to eat
spiseæble {noun}
:: eating apple
spisebord {noun}
:: dining table
spiseforstyrrelse {c}
:: an eating disorder
spiserør {noun}
:: esophagus
spiseske {noun}
:: tablespoon
spiseske {noun}
:: tablespoonful
spiseskefuld {c}
:: tablespoonful
spisestue {noun}
:: dining room
spis lige brød til {phrase}
:: take it easy and slow down before overreacting
spis lige brød til {phrase}
:: lower expectations to fit reality
spist {v}
:: past participle of spise
spjætte {v}
:: to twitch, to jerk, to jump
spjættet {v}
:: past participle of spjætte
splejse {v}
:: to splice
splejset {adj}
:: weedy (small and weak)
splitte {v}
:: divide, break up, split
splitte {v}
:: scatter, disperse
splitte mine bramsejl {interj}
:: Generic exclamation associated with pirate stereotypes
splitte mine bramsejl {adv}
:: Intensifier associated with pirate stereotypes
splittergal {adj}
:: stark raving mad, utterly disturbed
splitternøgen {adj}
:: stark naked (completely unclothed)
splittet {v}
:: past participle of splitte
spøg {noun}
:: joke, jest
spøge {v}
:: to joke, jest
spøge {v}
:: to haunt, ghost
spøgelse {noun}
:: ghost
spøgelsesbilist {noun}
:: wrong-way driver, ghost driver
spøgt {v}
:: past participle of spøge
spondæ {noun}
:: spondee
spondæisk {adj}
:: spondaic
sponsere {v}
:: misspelling of sponsorere
sponsor {noun}
:: sponsor
spontanitet {noun}
:: spontaneity, quality of being spontaneous
spor {noun}
:: track
spor {noun}
:: trail
spor {noun}
:: scent
spor {noun}
:: trace
spor {noun}
:: vestige
spor {noun}
:: mark
spor {noun}
:: clue, lead
spor {noun}
:: rut
spor {noun}
:: lane
sporadisk {adj}
:: sporadic
spore {noun}
:: spore (reproductive particle)
spore {noun}
:: spore (resistant particle produced by bacterium or protist)
spore {noun}
:: spur (a rigid implement, often roughly y-shaped, that is fixed to one's heel for purpose of prodding a horse)
spore {noun}
:: spur (anything that inspires or motivates, as a spur does to a horse)
spore {noun}
:: spur (an appendage or spike pointing rearward, near the foot, for instance that of a rooster)
spore {v}
:: spur (to prod)
spore {v}
:: spur (to urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object; to incite; to stimulate; to instigate; to impel; to drive)
spore {v}
:: trace (to follow the trail of)
spore {v}
:: scent (to detect the scent of)
spore {v}
:: feel, notice, perceive
spørge {v}
:: to ask, inquire
spørgeundersøgelse {noun}
:: survey, poll (examination of the opinions of a group)
spørgsel {noun}
:: question, demand
spørgsmål {noun}
:: question
spørgsmålstegn {n}
:: question mark
sporløst {adv}
:: without (a) trace (forsvinde sporløst - disappear / vanish without trace)
sportsserie {noun}
:: A sports series, a series about or having to do with sports
sporvogn {c}
:: a tram, or streetcar (US)
spot {noun}
:: mockery, ridicule
spot {b}
:: spotlight
spot {b}
:: spot
spotte {v}
:: to mock, deride
spotte {v}
:: to spot; to notice
spotte {v}
:: to spot; to assist in weightlifting
sprække {noun}
:: crack
sprække {noun}
:: crevice, cleft, fissure
sprække {noun}
:: chink
sprække {noun}
:: slit, slot
sprække {v}
:: crack
sprænge {vt}
:: to blow up, to cause to explode
sprænge {vt}
:: to forcefully break through
sprænge {vi}
:: to burst, explode
sprængstof {noun}
:: explosive
sprede {vt}
:: to spread
spredning {noun}
:: dispersion; the degree to which the elements of a set deviates from its mean
spredning {noun}
:: standard deviation
spredt {adj}
:: scattered
spring {noun}
:: spring, jump, vault, leap
springe {v}
:: jump, leap, spring
springe {v}
:: run, spurt
springe {v}
:: burst, explode, go off
springer {noun}
:: knight
springer {noun}
:: jumper
springer {noun}
:: dolphin
springe ud {v}
:: See: da springe ud
springe ud {v}
:: to bloom, to unfurl petals
springe ud {v}
:: to come out of the closet
springhalt {adj}
:: A lameness or injury in pigs or other domestic animals, causing the animal to avoid standing on a diseased leg and to move by jumping
springvand {noun}
:: fountain
sprinte {v}
:: sprint, run very quickly
sprit {noun}
:: spirits
sprit {noun}
:: hand gel
spritbilist {noun}
:: drink-driver
sprød {adj}
:: brittle, crispy
sprog {noun}
:: language
sprogkyndig {adj}
:: skilled and knowledgeable in the way of languages
sproglig {adj}
:: of or pertaining to language
sproglyd {noun}
:: phone
sprogrenser {noun}
:: linguistic purist
sprogspil {noun}
:: language game
sprogvidenskab {noun}
:: linguistics
sprøjte {c}
:: a device with a pressure chamber and a narrow opening for squirting or drawing fluid; syringe, squirt
sprøjte {c}
:: newspaper
sprøjte {vt}
:: to squirt, spout, spurt (eject from a narrow opening, as from a syringe, spout, hose, etc.)
sprøjte {vi}
:: to squirt, spout, spurt (be thus ejected)
sprøjte {vt}
:: to squirt, spout or spurt liquid on or over (something); bespurt
sprut {noun}
:: booze, alcoholic beverages
spsk. {noun}
:: abbreviation of spiseske
spsk {noun}
:: alternative form of spsk.
spskf. {noun}
:: alternative form of spsk.
spule {v}
:: to hose down; to wash by directing a strong stream of water towards
spurt {noun}
:: spurt (any sudden but not prolonged action)
spurte {v}
:: to spurt, sprint
spurv {noun}
:: sparrow
spyd {noun}
:: spear
spyt {n}
:: spit
spytkirtel {c}
:: salivary gland
spytte {v}
:: to spit
sq {adv}
:: alternative form of sgu
squashspiller {c}
:: squash player
stå {v}
:: to stand
stå {v}
:: to be, appear
stå {noun}
:: standstill, halt
stå af i Roskilde {v}
:: get out at Haymarket, get off at Redfern (practice coitus interruptus)
stab {noun}
:: staff
stabil {adj}
:: steady (regular and even)
stabil {adj}
:: stable (relatively unchanging)
stabil {adj}
:: constant (steady)
stabil {adj}
:: settled
stabilisator {noun}
:: stabiliser
stad {noun}
:: town, city
stadieveksling {noun}
:: consonant gradation
stadig {adj}
:: constant
stadig {adj}
:: settled
stadig {adj}
:: continuous
stadig {adj}
:: incessant
stadig {adj}
:: continual
stadig {adj}
:: steady
stadig {adv}
:: constantly
stadig {adv}
:: continuously
stadig {adv}
:: continually
stadig {adv}
:: still
stadion {n}
:: a stadium (sporting venue)
stådreng {noun}
:: hard-on
stædig {adj}
:: stubborn (refusing to move or change one's opinion)
stædighed {noun}
:: stubbornness
stække {v}
:: clip (the wings of a bird)
stække {v}
:: limit
stående {adj}
:: standing
stående {adj}
:: permanent, constant
stængel {noun}
:: stem, stalk
stænket {adj}
:: drunk
stær {noun}
:: starling (a songbird, in particular Sturnus vulgaris)
stærk {adj}
:: stark, strong
stærkt verbum {n}
:: strong verb
stået {v}
:: past participle of stå
stævnemøde {noun}
:: date (meeting with a lover or potential lover)
stå for {v}
:: be responsible for
stå for {v}
:: be an abbreviation of, stand for
stå for {v}
:: represent, advocate, support (some value)
stå for {v}
:: to resist, especially something that is either tempting or charming
stå for {v}
:: survive, weather, stand up to (some ordeal)
ståhej {n} {c}
:: fuss
ståhej {n} {c}
:: noise, hullabaloo
stå i mange år {v}
:: to exist during many years
stå inde for {v}
:: vouch for
stak {noun}
:: stack
stakåndet {adj}
:: short of breath
stakkel {noun}
:: poor thing; person for whom pity is due
stakkels {adj}
:: poor, pitiful
stakket {adj}
:: brief, short-lived
stål {noun}
:: steel (metal alloy)
stål {noun}
:: tool
stald {noun}
:: stable (building for keeping animals)
stalinisme {noun}
:: Stalinism
stalinsk {adj}
:: Stalinian
ståltråd {noun}
:: steel wire
stam- {prefix}
:: something that other things come or are derived from
stam- {prefix}
:: denoting people that are always present; that are a firm element of a group etc
stam- {prefix}
:: something that someone uses regularly
stamcelle {noun}
:: stem cell
stamfunktion {noun}
:: antiderivative
stamme {noun}
:: trunk, log (of a tree)
stamme {noun}
:: stem
stamme {noun}
:: tribe
stamme {noun}
:: stock
stamme {noun}
:: strain
stamme {noun}
:: nucleus
stammen {c}
:: stuttering, stammering
stand {noun}
:: position, social status, station
stand {noun}
:: class, rank
stand {noun}
:: occupation, trade, profession
stand {noun}
:: estate
stand {noun}
:: stand
stand {noun}
:: stand
stand {noun}
:: condition, repair
standard {noun}
:: standard
standardafvigelse {noun}
:: standard deviation
standart {noun}
:: standard (a flag or ensign)
stande {v}
:: to stand, be
standpunkt {noun}
:: attitude, point of view, stand, standpoint
standpunkt {noun}
:: proficiency, level of attainment
standse {vt}
:: to stop, halt
standse {vi}
:: to stop
stang- {prefix}
:: very
stang {noun}
:: bar
stang {noun}
:: rod
stang {noun}
:: pole
stang {noun}
:: crossbar
stang bacardi {adj}
:: very drunk
stangspring {noun}
:: pole vault
stangstiv {adj}
:: very drunk
staniol {noun}
:: misspelling of stanniol
stank {noun}
:: stench
stå op {v}
:: to get up, to leave a place one has been sleeping
stå op {v}
:: to appear above the horizon
stå op {v}
:: to rise from the dead
stå op {v}
:: to stand, to be in a standing position
stå på mål for {v}
:: to act as goalkeeper for
stå på mål for {v}
:: take responsibility for
ståpik {noun}
:: hard-on
start {noun}
:: start
startbane {c}
:: runway (strip for aircraft landing and takeoff)
starter {noun}
:: starter
startkomma {noun}
:: a comma preceding a subordinate clause
starut {noun}
:: chap, fellow
ståsted {noun}
:: a place to stand
ståsted {noun}
:: standpoint
stat {noun}
:: A state (polity)
statelig {adj}
:: stately, imposing
statelig {adj}
:: dignified
station {noun}
:: station
station {noun}
:: station
station {noun}
:: station
stationsby {noun}
:: town on the railway line
stativ {noun}
:: a stand, tripod, rack, frame
stativ {adj}
:: stative
stativ {noun}
:: stative
statsminister {c}
:: a prime minister (in a Westminster-style democracy, the chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
statsministerembede {noun}
:: prime ministers office
statsoverhoved {noun}
:: head of state
statue {noun}
:: statue
statussymbol {n}
:: status symbol
stavkirke {noun}
:: stave church
stavnsbånd {noun}
:: stavnsbånd
sted- {prefix}
:: step-
sted {noun}
:: place
sted {noun}
:: spot
sted {noun}
:: passage, text
sted {noun}
:: homestead
sted {noun}
:: stead
stedbarn {noun}
:: stepchild
stedfar {noun}
:: stepfather
stedmor {noun}
:: stepmother
stedord {noun}
:: pronoun
stedprøve {noun}
:: a test which is taken at a specific place (as opposed to a take-home exam)
stedvektor {noun}
:: position vector
Steen {prop}
:: given name
Steen {prop}
:: surname
Stefan {prop}
:: given name
Stefanus {prop}
:: Stephen, the protomartyr
Steffen {prop}
:: given name
Steffensen {prop}
:: surname
steg {noun}
:: joint
steg {noun}
:: roast
steg {noun}
:: roast meat, roast dinner
steg {noun}
:: attractive person
stege {v}
:: to roast
stege {v}
:: to braise
stege {v}
:: to fry
stege {v}
:: to grill
stege {v}
:: to broil
stegepande {noun}
:: frying pan
stel {noun}
:: chassis, skeleton, frame
stel {noun}
:: a collection of crockery with a shared theme or colour scheme
Stella {prop}
:: given name
stemme {noun}
:: voice (sound uttered by the mouth, especially that uttered by human beings in speech or song)
stemme {noun}
:: vote
stemme {v}
:: voice
stemme {v}
:: tune
stemme {v}
:: vote
stemme {v}
:: stem
stemme {v}
:: chisel
stemme med fødderne {v}
:: to leave something (especially a group) that one does not like
stemmet {v}
:: past participle of stemme
stemt {adj}
:: voiced
stemt {adj}
:: in tune
stemt {v}
:: past participle of stemme
sten- {prefix}
:: very
sten {noun}
:: stone
Sten {prop}
:: given name
Stenbukken {prop}
:: Capricorn (an astrological sign)
stendød {adj}
:: stone dead (unquestionably dead)
stenrig {adj}
:: very rich
stensikker {adj}
:: quite certain
Stephan {prop}
:: given name, an alternative spelling is Stefan
Stephanie {prop}
:: given name of French origin
steppe {c}
:: steppe (large treeless grass plain)
steril {adj}
:: sterile
sterilisere {v}
:: to sterilize
Steven {prop}
:: given name borrowed from English or Dutch
sti {noun}
:: path
sti {noun}
:: track
sti {noun}
:: sty
stift {noun}
:: a diocese (a church unit led by a bishop), a bishopric
stift {noun}
:: a replacable graphite core for a pencil or propelling pencil
stiftblyant {noun}
:: mechanical pencil
Stig {prop}
:: given name
stige {noun}
:: ladder
stige {v}
:: rise
stige {v}
:: ascend
stige {v}
:: increase
stige op {v}
:: rise
stigma {noun}
:: stigma
stikke {v n c p}
:: stick
stikke {v n c p}
:: put
stikke {v n c p}
:: thrust
stikke {v n c p}
:: shove
stikke {v n c p}
:: slip
stikke {v n c p}
:: hand, bung
stikke {v n c p}
:: prick
stikke {v n c p}
:: prod, poke
stikke {v n c p}
:: stab
stikke {v n c p}
:: sting, bite
stikke {v n c p}
:: engrave
stikke {v n c p}
:: stitch, quilt
stikke {v n c p}
:: beat (do better than)
stikke {v n c p}
:: run, bolt, pop, nip
stikke {v n c p}
:: inform against, squeal, rat on
stikke fingeren i jorden {phrase}
:: to assess the opinions of others (before acting)
stikkelsbær {noun}
:: gooseberry (fruit)
stikkelsbær {noun}
:: gooseberry (plant Ribes uva-crispa)
stikker {noun}
:: An informer, a snitch
stikkontakt {noun}
:: a socket, power outlet
stiknarkoman {noun}
:: a drug addict who injects their drug into their veins
stikprøve {noun}
:: spot test
stikprøve {noun}
:: random sample
stikprøve {noun}
:: spot check
stil {noun}
:: style
stil {noun}
:: manner
stil {noun}
:: essay, paper
stilhed {noun}
:: stillness, quiet, quietness, hush
stilhed {noun}
:: calm
stilhed {noun}
:: silence
stilig {adj}
:: stylish
stilig {adj}
:: correct
stille {adj}
:: still
stille {adj}
:: quiet
stille {adj}
:: calm
stille {adj}
:: silent
stille {adv}
:: still, quietly, silently
stille {n}
:: calm
stille {v}
:: to put, place, stand
stille {v}
:: to set
stille {v}
:: to muster, turn up
stille {v}
:: to report
stille {v}
:: to supply, furnish
stille {v}
:: to satisfy
stille {v}
:: to quench, slake
stille {v}
:: to allay, alleviate
stilleleg {noun}
:: game where the goal is to be silent the longest
stille træskoene {v}
:: die
stilling {noun}
:: position
stilling {noun}
:: post (position in employment)
stime {noun}
:: school of fish
Stine {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Christine or Kristine
stinkdyr {noun}
:: skunk
stipendium {noun}
:: scholarship (study allowance)
stipendium {noun}
:: grant
stipendium {noun}
:: bursary
stirre {v}
:: stare
stirre {v}
:: glare
stirre {v}
:: glower
stirre {v}
:: gaze
stirre sig blind på {vr}
:: to stare at something so long that one loses sight of what is important
stiv {adj}
:: stiff
stiv {adj}
:: rigid
stiv {adj}
:: drunk
stiv {adj}
:: having an erect penis
stiver {noun}
:: brace, shore, prop
stiver {noun}
:: stanchion, pillar
stiver {noun}
:: rib, spoke
stiver {noun}
:: strut
stiverik {noun}
:: hard-on
stivert {noun}
:: hard-on
stivne {v}
:: to stiffen, to become stiff
stjæle {v}
:: to steal
stjæler {noun}
:: thief
stjærne {noun}
:: obsolete spelling of stjerne
stjålen {adj}
:: stealthy
stjerne {noun}
:: star
stjerne {noun}
:: star, celebrity
stjerne {noun}
:: star
stjerne {noun}
:: star
stjernekaster {noun}
:: sparkler (a hand-held firework that emits sparks)
stjerneskud {noun}
:: A shooting star
stk. {noun}
:: abbreviation of styk or stykke
støbe {v}
:: to cast, pour
støbejern {noun}
:: cast iron
støber {noun}
:: founder
Stockholm {prop}
:: Stockholm (capital city)
stød {noun}
:: push
stød {noun}
:: thrust, stab
stød {noun}
:: blow, punch
stød {noun}
:: shock
stød {noun}
:: jolt, bump
stød {noun}
:: gust
stød {noun}
:: blast
stød {noun}
:: stump (remains of a tree that has been cut off)
stød {noun}
:: clean and jerk
stød {noun}
:: stød
stodder {c}
:: douchebag, motherfucker
stodder {c}
:: vagabond
stodder {c}
:: rogue
støde {v}
:: affront
støde {v}
:: jar
støde {v}
:: pique
støde {v}
:: meet
støde {v}
:: push
støde {v}
:: poke
stødt {adj}
:: ground
stødt {adj}
:: bruised
stødt {adj}
:: offended
stødtand {noun}
:: tusk (pointed tooth)
stof {noun}
:: cloth, fabric
stof {noun}
:: substance
stof {noun}
:: matter
stof {noun}
:: drug
stof {noun}
:: subject matter, material
stofafhængig {adj}
:: addicted to drugs
stofafhængighed {noun}
:: the quality of being addicted to drugs
stofbevarelse {noun}
:: conservation of matter
stoffri {adj}
:: drugfree, clean; not having used recreational drugs
stofkonstant {noun}
:: material constant; constant associated with a specific substance, especially if it is determined empirically rather than derived mathematically from first principles
stoflig {adj}
:: material, concrete; of sensory reality
stofmængde {noun}
:: amount of substance
stofmængdekoncentration {noun}
:: molarity
stofmisbrug {noun}
:: drug abuse
stofmisbruger {noun}
:: drug addict
stofskifte {noun}
:: metabolism
stof til eftertanke {noun}
:: food for thought
støj {noun}
:: noise (various sounds, usually unwanted)
støj {noun}
:: noise
støjbergsk {adj}
:: in the style of Inger Støjberg
støje {v}
:: be noisy, make noise
støjet {v}
:: past participle of støje
stok {noun}
:: cane
stok {noun}
:: stalk, stem (e.g. on broccoli)
stokastisk {adj}
:: stochastic
støkiometri {noun}
:: stoichiometry
stol {noun}
:: chair
stole {v}
:: Only used with på: see stole på
stole på {v}
:: rely on
stole på {v}
:: depend on, count on
stoler på {v}
:: present tense of stole på
stolet {v}
:: past participle of stole
stolt {adj}
:: proud
stønne {v}
:: groan
stønne {v}
:: moan
stønne {v}
:: pant
stopmæt {adj}
:: very full, full up (with regards to eating
stoppe {vt}
:: to stop, halt
stoppe {vi}
:: to stop
stoppe {v}
:: to cram
stor {adj}
:: large
stor {adj}
:: great; magnificent; important
stor {adj}
:: capital, upper case
stor {adj}
:: fat
stor {adj}
:: old
stør {noun}
:: sturgeon
Storbritannien {prop}
:: Great Britain
storby {noun}
:: big city
storcirkel {noun}
:: great circle
storcirkelbue {noun}
:: great-circle arc
storebror {noun}
:: an elder brother
Store Hvededag {prop}
:: synonym of Store Bededag
storesøster {noun}
:: an elder sister
storetå {noun}
:: big toe
storhed {noun}
:: greatness (the quality of being great)
storhed {noun}
:: Someone perceived as great
storhjerne {noun}
:: cerebrum
stork {noun}
:: stork
storm {noun}
:: storm
Storm {prop}
:: surname
Storm {prop}
:: given name
stormfugl {noun}
:: petrel (Procellariiformes)
storm i et glas vand {noun}
:: tempest in a teapot
stormsvale {noun}
:: storm petrel (Hydrobatidae)
storpolitik {noun}
:: international or global politics
størrelse {noun}
:: size
størrelse {noun}
:: dimensions {p}
størrelse {noun}
:: height
størrelse {noun}
:: extent
størrelse {noun}
:: volume
størrelse {noun}
:: magnitude
størrelse {noun}
:: class
størrelse {noun}
:: area
størrelse {noun}
:: amount
størrelse {noun}
:: quantity
størrelse {noun}
:: entity
storsind {noun}
:: magnanimity
storsindet {adj}
:: magnanimous
største fælles divisor {noun}
:: greatest common divisor
stort set {adv}
:: pretty much
stort spring {noun}
:: long distance
støt {adj}
:: steady
støt {adv}
:: steady, without being interrupted
støv {noun}
:: dust
støve {v}
:: to raise dust
støve {v}
:: to search
støvet {adj}
:: dusty (covered with dust)
støvet {v}
:: past participle of støve
støvsuger {noun}
:: vacuum cleaner
stovt {adj}
:: hardy, stalwart
strå {noun}
:: straw
strådød {noun}
:: death from natural causes rather than violence
stræbe {v}
:: to aim, aspire, strive
stræben {c}
:: endeavour, ambition
stræber {noun}
:: pushy person
stræber {noun}
:: climber
stræde {noun}
:: narrow street, lane, alley
stræde {noun}
:: strait
strække {vt}
:: to stretch
strække {vi}
:: to be sufficient
strække {vr}
:: to stretch
strække {vr}
:: to stretch out, spread
straf {noun}
:: punishment, penalty
strafarbejde {noun}
:: forced labor for punitive reasons
straffe {v}
:: punish
straffelov {noun}
:: a criminal code
strafferet {noun}
:: criminal law
straffespark {noun}
:: penalty kick
straframme {noun}
:: a specification of the minimum and maximum punishment incurred by a given crime; a sentencing range
straks {adv}
:: at once, immediately, straight away, right away, instantly
straks {adv}
:: presently, shortly
straks {conj}
:: as soon as
strakt {v}
:: past participle of strække
stram {adj}
:: tight, taut
stram {adj}
:: strict, stringent
stram {adj}
:: stiff, severe, forbidding, acid, sour
stram {adj}
:: pungent, acrid
stråmand {noun}
:: straw man (in organized crime)
stråmand {noun}
:: straw man
stramme {v}
:: tighten, make tight or stringent
strand {noun}
:: beach
strand {noun}
:: shore, seashore
strand {noun}
:: seaside
strande {v}
:: to run aground, to strand, to be stranded, to be beached
strande {v}
:: to founder
strande {v}
:: to be shipwrecked, to be cast away
strande {v}
:: to fail, to go wrong, to miscarry
strandet {v}
:: past participle of strande
stra's {adv}
:: pronunciation spelling of straks
strategi {noun}
:: a strategy
stratosfære {noun}
:: stratosphere (region of the uppermost atmosphere)
strax {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of straks
strax {conj}
:: obsolete spelling of straks
streg {noun}
:: line, rule
streg {noun}
:: stroke
streg {noun}
:: dash
streg {noun}
:: streak
streg {noun}
:: the style of a sketch artist
streg {noun}
:: trick, prank
strejf {noun}
:: gleam, ray
strejf {noun}
:: brush (act of brushing)
strejf {noun}
:: tinge, touch (a small amount)
strejf {noun}
:: wander, roaming (an instance of travelling with no preset route)
strejfe {v}
:: wander
strejfe {v}
:: stray
strejfe {v}
:: brush
strejke {noun}
:: strike
strejke {v}
:: to strike, to refuse to work
streng {adj}
:: strict, tight, stringent
streng {adj}
:: hard, severe, rigorous
streng {adj}
:: stiff
streng {adj}
:: stern
streng {adj}
:: austere
streng {noun}
:: string
streng {noun}
:: strand
stress {c} {n}
:: stress
stresse {v}
:: (transitively) to stress, put under stress
stresse {v}
:: (intransitively) to be under stress, be busy
strid {adj}
:: rough
strid {adj}
:: rapid
strid {adj}
:: stiff
strid {adj}
:: stubborn
strid {noun}
:: dispute
strid {noun}
:: quarrel
strid {noun}
:: conflict
strid {noun}
:: row
strid {noun}
:: strife
strid {noun}
:: fight
strid {noun}
:: struggle
stridbar {adj}
:: aggressive, belligerent, pugnacious
stridbar {adj}
:: argumentative, contentious, quarrelsome
stride {v}
:: to fight, struggle
stride {v}
:: (passive) to dispute, quarrel, fight
-stridig {suffix}
:: in conflict with
stridsmand {noun}
:: warrior
strikke {v}
:: knit
strikkepind {noun}
:: knitting needle
strisser {noun}
:: cop, police officer
strø {noun}
:: joist
strø {v}
:: sprinkle
strø {v}
:: scatter, strew
strofe {noun}
:: stanza
strøg {noun}
:: a stroke, the act of moving something over a surface
strøg {noun}
:: a shopping district, usually a street
strøg {noun}
:: a stretch of land
strøm {noun}
:: current
strøm {noun}
:: flow, stream, spate
strøm {noun}
:: energy
Strøm {prop}
:: surname
strømer {noun}
:: cop, police officer
strømme {v}
:: stream
strømme {v}
:: pour
strømme {v}
:: flow
strømme {v}
:: flock, crowd
strømpe {c}
:: stocking
strømstyrke {noun}
:: electrical current, as quantity (charge transmitted per unit time)
strontium {n}
:: strontium
strop {noun}
:: strap
strop {noun}
:: loop
strop {noun}
:: hanger
strube {noun}
:: throat
strubehoved {noun}
:: larynx
struds {noun}
:: ostrich (Struthio camelus)
stryge {v}
:: to stroke, to gently caress
stryge {v}
:: to iron (cloth); to pass an iron over
strygebræt {n}
:: ironing board
strygejern {noun}
:: iron (thing for taking out creases)
stud {noun}
:: bullock, steer
stud {noun}
:: boor, oaf
student {noun}
:: a person who has graduated from gymnasium
student {noun}
:: student
studentereksamen {noun}
:: graduation from upper secondary school, "gymnasium"
studere {v}
:: to study, learn
studerende {c}
:: student
studium {n}
:: a study
studse {v}
:: wonder
studse {v}
:: in sport when a ball rebounds off of something
stue {noun}
:: living room
stue {noun}
:: room
stue {noun}
:: first floor, ground floor
stuearrest {noun}
:: confinement to stay inside, being grounded
stuepige {noun}
:: maid, housemaid, housegirl
stuepige {noun}
:: chambermaid
stueren {adj}
:: housebroken
stueren {adj}
:: acceptable in mainstream culture, respectable
stum {adj}
:: mute, not possessing the ability of speech
stum {adj}
:: temporarily unable to speak due to strong emotion
stum {adj}
:: not involving speech
stump {adj}
:: blunt
stump {adj}
:: obtuse
stump {noun}
:: stump, piece
stump genstand {noun}
:: blunt instrument
stump vinkel {noun}
:: obtuse angle
stund {c}
:: while
stundom {adv}
:: sometimes, every once in a while
stupid {adj}
:: oafish
stupid {adj}
:: stupid (lacking in intelligence)
stuve {v}
:: to stow, pack
stuve {vti}
:: to dam
stuve {v}
:: to stew
styg {adj}
:: bad
styg {adj}
:: ugly
styg {adj}
:: disgusting
stykke {noun}
:: piece
stykke {noun}
:: piece
stykke {v}
:: to divide into pieces
stykke sammen {v}
:: to piece together
stykke ud {v}
:: to parcel out
styr {noun}
:: handlebar(s)
styrbord {noun}
:: starboard (right hand side of a vessel)
styrbord {adv}
:: toward the starboard side
styre {noun}
:: government, regime
styre {noun}
:: rule
styre {noun}
:: management
styre {vi}
:: to steer (to guide the course of)
styre {v}
:: to head
styre {v}
:: to govern, to rule
styre {v}
:: to manage
styre {v}
:: to control
styresystem {noun}
:: operating system
styrke {noun}
:: strength
styrke {v}
:: strengthen, invigorate
styrmand {noun}
:: cox, coxswain, mate (on a ship)
subjekt {noun}
:: subject
subjektivitet {noun}
:: subjectivity
subjektsprædikat {noun}
:: subject complement
subkontinent {noun}
:: subcontinent
subkutan {adj}
:: subcutaneous
sublim {adj}
:: sublime
sublimere {v}
:: to sublimate, to sublime
submarin {adj}
:: submarine
substans {noun}
:: substance
substantiv {noun}
:: A noun; a common noun
substantiv {noun}
:: A noun; a common or a proper noun
substituere {v}
:: to substitute
subtil {adj}
:: subtle
subtrahere {v}
:: subtract
subtraktion {noun}
:: subtraction
subversiv {adj}
:: subversive
succes {noun}
:: success (achievement of one's aim or goal)
sudaner {noun}
:: Sudanese
sudanesisk {adj}
:: Sudanese
sudoku {noun}
:: sudoku
suffiks {noun}
:: suffix
suge {v}
:: to suck
sugekolbe {noun}
:: Büchner flask
suggerere {v}
:: to suggest
sukker {noun}
:: sugar (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink)
sukker {noun}
:: sugar (a generic term for sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc.)
sukker {noun}
:: sugar (any of various small carbohydrates that are used by organisms to store energy)
sukkervand {noun}
:: sugar water (water sweetened with sugar)
sulfat {noun}
:: sulfate
sulfur {noun}
:: sulphur
sult {noun}
:: hunger (need for food)
sult {noun}
:: starvation
sultan {noun}
:: sultan (ruler)
sultanat {noun}
:: sultanate (state ruled by a sultan)
sulte {vi}
:: to hunger, starve
sultedød {noun}
:: death by starvation
sulten {adj}
:: Hungry, wanting to eat
sulten {adj}
:: Greatly desiring something
sulten {c}
:: definite singular of sult
sump {noun}
:: swamp
sumpbæver {noun}
:: coypu, nutria
sund {noun}
:: a sound, strait
sund {adj}
:: healthy, wholesome
sunde {v}
:: (reflexively) collect oneself
sund fornuft {noun}
:: common sense
sundhedsmæssig {adj}
:: relating to health
Sune {prop}
:: given name
sunni {noun}
:: Sunni (individual)
super- {prefix}
:: very
super {adj}
:: terrific
super {adv}
:: very
superhelt {noun}
:: superhero
superledende {adj}
:: superconductive
superleder {noun}
:: superconductor
supermagt {noun}
:: superpower
supermarked {noun}
:: a supermarket
superorganisme {c}
:: superorganism
superskurk {noun}
:: supervillain
suppe {noun}
:: soup
suppe {noun}
:: broth
suppedas {s}
:: unpleasant or unlucky situation
supplere {v}
:: supplement (to provide or make a supplement to something)
supplere {v}
:: complement (to provide what the partner lacks and lack what the partner provides)
sur {noun}
:: whirr (a sibilant buzz or vibration from insect wings)
sur {adj}
:: sour (having an acid, sharp or tangy taste)
sur {adj}
:: acidic
sur {adj}
:: spoiled
sur {adj}
:: surly, cross, annoyed, sulky, sore
sur {adj}
:: unpleasant
sura {noun}
:: sura
surdej {noun}
:: sourdough
surhedsregulator {noun}
:: acidity regulator
surjektiv {adj}
:: surjective
surmule {v}
:: sulk (to express ill humor or offense by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn)
surmule {v}
:: pout (push out one’s lips)
surstof {noun}
:: oxygen
surströmming {c}
:: surströmming (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring)
sus {noun}
:: whistling, singing
sus {noun}
:: whisper, soughing
sus {noun}
:: whizz
sus {noun}
:: rush
Susan {prop}
:: given name borrowed from English
Susanna {prop}
:: given name, a less common form of Susanne
Susanna {prop}
:: Susanna
Susanne {prop}
:: given name
sushi {noun}
:: sushi
suspekt {adj}
:: suspicious
suspensorium {noun}
:: jockstrap, suspensory bandage
Sussi {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Susanne
Sussie {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Susanne
sut {noun}
:: an instance of sucking
sut {noun}
:: teat, nipple (artificial nipple)
sut {noun}
:: comforter, dummy, pacifier (a rubber or plastic device imitating a nipple)
sut {noun}
:: slipper (low shoe usually worn indoors)
sut {noun}
:: drunk, soak, sot
sutte {v}
:: to suck
sutte af {vt}
:: to perform fellatio on, to suck off
sutter {noun}
:: blowjob
suveræn {adj}
:: sovereign
suveræn {adj}
:: extraordinary
suverænitetsafgivelse {noun}
:: a willing dispension of sovereignty
svække {v}
:: to weaken
svække {v}
:: to impair
svækling {noun}
:: weakling (weak)
svælg {noun}
:: throat
svælg {noun}
:: large crack in the ground or seabed
svælg {noun}
:: great distance, difference or discrepancy, for example between people, opinions or living conditions
svær {noun}
:: rind
svær {noun}
:: crackling
svær {adj}
:: difficult, hard, stiff, tough
svær {adj}
:: heavy, massive, solid
svær {adj}
:: severe
svær {adj}
:: portly, stout
sværd {noun}
:: sword
sværddrager {noun}
:: swordbearer
sværddrager {noun}
:: swordtail (one of many species of Xiphophorus)
sværdfisk {noun}
:: swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
svære {v}
:: obsolete spelling of sværge
sværge {v}
:: to swear
sværm {noun}
:: swarm (large number of insects)
sværm {noun}
:: crowd, swarm (a mass of people or animals in turmoil)
svag {adj}
:: weak; lacking in force or ability
svagt verbum {n}
:: weak verb
sval {adj}
:: cool
svale {noun}
:: swallow (bird)
svamp {noun}
:: sponge
svamp {noun}
:: fungus
svamp {noun}
:: mushroom, toadstool
svamp {noun}
:: dry rot
svamp {noun}
:: fungal infection, mycotic infection
svampignon {noun}
:: misspelling of champignon
svane {noun}
:: swan
svaneham {noun}
:: a magical swan disguise
svanesang {noun}
:: swan song (a final performance)
svanger {adj}
:: pregnant
svangerskab {noun}
:: pregnancy
svans {noun}
:: faggot, fag (gay man perceived as unmanly)
svans {noun}
:: penis
svans {noun}
:: tail
svar {noun}
:: answer
svar {noun}
:: reply
svar {noun}
:: response
svar {noun}
:: retort, repartee
svar {adj}
:: sore, dire
svare {v}
:: to answer, reply, respond
svare {v}
:: to retort
svare {v}
:: to respond, counter
svare {v}
:: to correspond
svare {v}
:: to pay
svarperson {noun}
:: respondent (one who replies to a questionnaire)
svastika {noun}
:: swastika
sved {noun}
:: sweat
svede {v}
:: sweat
sveder {noun}
:: detention after school
svedig {adj}
:: sweaty
Svejts {prop}
:: obsolete form of Schweiz
svejtser {noun}
:: obsolete form of schweizer
svejtserfranc {noun}
:: obsolete form of schweizerfranc
svejtserkniv {noun}
:: obsolete form of schweizerkniv
svejtserost {noun}
:: obsolete form of schweizerost
svejtsertysk {adj}
:: obsolete form of schweizertysk
svend {noun}
:: an apprentice or trainee; particularly in skilled trades. From Old Norse sveinn (boy, servant)
Svend {prop}
:: given name
svendborgenser {noun}
:: inhabitant of Svendborg
Svendborg Sund {prop}
:: the strait separating Funen and Tåsinge
Svendsen {prop}
:: surname
svensk {adj}
:: Swedish
svensk {n}
:: the Swedish language
svensken {prop}
:: The Swedish people, or, particularly, the Swedish military, taken as a unit
svensker {noun}
:: Swede; a person from Sweden or of Swedish descent
svensknøgle {noun}
:: adjustable spanner
Sverige {prop} {n}
:: Sweden
Sverrig {prop} {n}
:: Sweden
svide {v c}
:: to scorch, singe, burn
svide {v}
:: to smart, sting
svie {noun}
:: smart, sting
svie {v}
:: to smart, sting
sviger- {prefix}
:: -in-law
sviger {noun}
:: traitor, faithless individual
svigerdatter {noun}
:: daughter-in-law
svigerfamilie {noun}
:: in-laws (one's spouse's family)
svigerfar {noun}
:: father-in-law
svigerinde {noun}
:: sister-in-law
svigermor {noun}
:: mother-in-law
svigersøn {noun}
:: son-in-law
svigte {v}
:: to fail, to let down
svin {noun}
:: hog, pig, swine
svin {noun}
:: swine
svind {noun}
:: shrinkage (loss of commodities)
svinde {v c}
:: to dwindle, wane
svindle {v}
:: to swindle
svinekød {noun}
:: pork
svineri {noun}
:: dirty trick, shabby trick
svineri {noun}
:: swine farm
svine til {v}
:: heavily criticise
svip {noun}
:: flick, swish
svip {noun}
:: short trip (sviptur)
svip {noun}
:: madness, anger (få svip)
svire {v}
:: booze
sviret {v}
:: past participle of svire
svirre {v}
:: to whirr
svirre {v}
:: to buzz
svirre {v}
:: to whiz
svirret {v}
:: past participle of svirre
svøb {noun}
:: blanket, shawl
svøb {noun}
:: swaddling-clothes
svøbe {noun}
:: scourge
svøbe {noun}
:: scourge
svøbe {v}
:: to wrap
svøbe {v}
:: to swaddle
svoger {noun}
:: brother-in-law
svømme {v}
:: swim (move through water)
svømme {v}
:: float
svoren {adj}
:: sworn, convinced
svovl {b}
:: sulphur
svulme {v}
:: to swell
sy {v}
:: sew
sy {v}
:: stitch
syd {noun}
:: The south
sydafrikaner {noun}
:: a South African
sydafrikansk {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to South Africa
Sydamerika {prop}
:: South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas)
Syd Carolina {prop}
:: alternative form of South Carolina
Syd-Carolina {prop}
:: alternative form of South Carolina
Syd Carolinas {prop}
:: genitive of Syd Carolina
Syd-Carolinas {prop}
:: genitive of Syd-Carolina
syde {v}
:: sizzle
syde {v}
:: fizz
syde {v}
:: seethe
sydet {v}
:: past participle of syde
Sydkorea {prop}
:: Sydkorea (country)
sydkyst {noun}
:: southern seaboard
sydlig nattergal {noun}
:: nightingale, common nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos
sydøst {noun}
:: The southeast
sydøst {adv}
:: Towards the southeast, southeastwards
sydvest {noun}
:: The southwest
sydvest {noun}
:: cape ann, southwester, sou'wester (an oilskin cap whose brim is longer in back than in front, designed to repel wind and rain)
sydvest {adv}
:: Toward the southwest, southwestern
syer {noun}
:: sewer
syerske {noun}
:: seamstress
syerske {noun}
:: dressmaker
syerske {noun}
:: machinist
syfilis {c}
:: syphilis (a sexually transmitted disease)
syfilitiker {noun}
:: syphilitic (one infected with syphilis)
syfilitisk {adj}
:: syphilitic
syg {adj}
:: sick, ill
syg {adj}
:: diseased
syg {adj}
:: wicked
sygdom {noun}
:: illness, disease, ailment
sygdomsfri {adj}
:: disease-free
syge {noun}
:: disease
sygehus {noun}
:: hospital
sygelig {adj}
:: pathological
sygelig {adj}
:: sickly, prone to sickness
sygeliggøre {v}
:: pathologize
sygeplejerske {noun}
:: nurse (of either gender)
syg i roen {adj}
:: insane
sygt {adv}
:: very
syl {noun}
:: awl
syllogisme {noun}
:: syllogism
sylte {noun}
:: head cheese, brawn
sylte {noun}
:: head cheese, brawn
syltetøj {noun}
:: jam
Sylvia {prop}
:: given name
symbol {noun}
:: symbol
symbolpolitik {noun}
:: policies effectuated for symbolic reasons, to send a message
symfoni {noun}
:: symphony
symfoniorkester {noun}
:: symphony orchestra
symmetri {noun}
:: symmetry
symmetrisk {adj}
:: symmetric, symmetrical
sympatisk {adj}
:: sympathetic, inspring like
symptom {noun}
:: symptom
syn {noun}
:: vision, faculty of sight
syn {noun}
:: a way of perceiving something
syn {noun}
:: vision (mystical event)
synagoge {noun}
:: synagogue
synapse {noun}
:: synapse
synd {noun}
:: sin
synd {noun}
:: pity, shame, sorrow
synde {v}
:: sin, commit sin
synder {noun}
:: sinner
synderlig {adv}
:: particularly
syndflod {noun}
:: the Flood
syndflod {noun}
:: a deluge, flood
syndig {adj}
:: sinful
syndig {adj}
:: awful
syndrom {noun}
:: syndrome (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours)
syne {v}
:: to inspect
syne {v}
:: to examine, appraise
syne {vi}
:: to look, appear
syne {vi}
:: be visible
synes {v}
:: to think
synes {v}
:: to seem, appear
synes {v}
:: to look
synes {v}
:: to like , see synes om
synes om {v}
:: like (enjoy, be pleased by)
syn for sagen {adv}
:: getting something confirmed
synge {v}
:: sing (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice)
synke {vi c}
:: to sink, go down
synke {vi c}
:: to decline, fall
synke {vt c}
:: to swallow
synlig {adj}
:: visible
synlig {adj}
:: noticeable
synlig {adj}
:: conspicuous
synliggjort {v}
:: past participle of synliggøre
synliggøre {v}
:: visualize, make visible
synliggørelse {noun}
:: visibility, making visible
synonym {adj}
:: synonymous
synonym {noun}
:: synonym
synonymi {noun}
:: synonymy
synonymordbog {noun}
:: thesaurus, synonymicon
syn's {v}
:: eye dialect of synes
synsforstyrrelse {noun}
:: eyesight disorder
synsk {adj}
:: psychic, clairvoyant
synsmæssig {adj}
:: visual, relating to the look of something
synsnerve {noun}
:: optic nerve
synspunkt {noun}
:: point of view
synssans {noun}
:: eyesight
syntaks {noun}
:: syntax
syntaks {noun}
:: syntax
syntese {noun}
:: a synthesis
-syre {suffix}
:: -oic acid
syre {noun}
:: acid (generally understood to be a Brønsted-Lowry acid)
syre {noun}
:: (of food) The state of being sour
syregruppe {noun}
:: carboxyl
syren {noun}
:: lilac (flower)
syrer {noun}
:: Syrian
syreregn {noun}
:: acid rain
Syrien {prop}
:: Syria
syrienskriger {noun}
:: a foreign fighter in the Syrian civil war
syrisk {adj}
:: Syrian
system {noun}
:: system
systematik {noun}
:: system, method
systematisere {v}
:: to systematise, or systematize
systematisk {adj}
:: systematic
systemisk {adj}
:: systemic
sytten {num}
:: seventeen
syv {num}
:: seven
syvende {num}
:: seventh
syver {noun}
:: seven (the card rank between six and eight)
syvling {noun}
:: septuplet
syvogfirs {num}
:: eighty-seven
syvogfyrre {num}
:: forty-seven
syvoghalvfems {num}
:: ninety-seven
syvoghalvfjerds {num}
:: seventy-seven
syvoghalvtreds {num}
:: fifty-seven
syvogtredive {num}
:: thirty-seven
syvogtredve {num}
:: thirty-seven
syvogtres {num}
:: sixty-seven
syvogtyve {num}
:: twenty-seven
syvsproget {adj}
:: heptalingual
syvti {num}
:: seventy