-m {suffix}
:: my (first-person singular, single possession)
m. {adj}
:: abbreviation of magyar
m {n}
:: m (the unit of length in the International System of Units)
m {letter}
:: letter: emm
M {letter}
:: letter: emm
-ma {suffix}
:: Added to a word to form a noun
ma {adv}
:: today
ma {n}
:: today
ma {n}
:: this …… (morning etc.), to-…… (as in “tonight”)
macedón {adj}
:: Macedonian (of or relating to Macedonia, its people or language)
macedón {n}
:: Macedonian (person)
macedón {n}
:: Macedonian (language)
Macedónia {prop}
:: former name of Észak-Macedónia
macesz {n}
:: matzo
machináció {n}
:: machination (a clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes; the act of machinating or plotting)
maci {n}
:: bear, bear cub
maci {n}
:: teddy bear
mackó {n}
:: bear, bear cub
mackó {n}
:: teddy bear
mackó {n}
:: safe, peter
mackós {n}
:: a peterman, yegg, safebreaker
macska {n}
:: cat
macskabagoly {n}
:: tawny owl (Strix aluco)
macskaeledel {n}
:: cat food
macskagyökér {n}
:: valerian (any plant of the genus Valeriana)
macskajaj {n}
:: hangover
macskakő {n}
:: cobblestone
macskaköröm {n}
:: curly quote (shaped opening or closing quotation mark)
macskaköröm {n}
:: ditto mark (the symbol " indicating that the word or figure above it is to be repeated)
macskamenta {n}
:: nepeta (any plant of the genus Nepeta of flowering plants)
Madagaszkár {prop}
:: Madagaszkár (country)
Madagaszkári Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of Madagascar (official name of Madagascar)
madám {n}
:: French governess
madám {n}
:: a woman who runs of brothel, a madam
madám {n}
:: midwife
madár {n}
:: bird, fowl
madaras {adj}
:: bird, with/of bird (of or related to birds)
madarász {n}
:: fowler
madarat lehetne fogatni {phrase}
:: to be happy as a lark, to walk on air
madárdal {n}
:: birdsong, birdcall (a musical sound made by a bird)
madárijesztő {n}
:: scarecrow
madártan {n}
:: ornithology
madártani {adj}
:: ornithological (of or relating to ornithology, the scientific study of birds)
madártanilag {adv}
:: ornithologically (in terms of ornithology)
madártávlat {n}
:: bird's-eye view
Madonna {prop}
:: Madonna (the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus)
Madrid {prop}
:: Madrid (capital city)
Madrid {prop}
:: Madrid (autonomous community)
Madrid {prop}
:: Madrid (province)
madrigál {n}
:: madrigal
madzag {n}
:: rope
madzsong {n}
:: mahjong (a Chinese game)
maffia {n}
:: mafia
mag {n}
:: seed, pip
mag {n}
:: kernel, core
maga {pron}
:: you (formal, singular)
maga {pron}
:: oneself, himself, herself, itself
magában {adv}
:: by oneself, on one's own, without any company
magában {adv}
:: on its own, without anything added
magabiztos {adj}
:: self-confident, self-assured
magabiztosan {adv}
:: confidently, assertively
magad {pron}
:: yourself (singular)
magáé {pron}
:: yours (that which belongs to you ― singular, formal)
magáé {pron}
:: his/her/its own (that which belongs to the given person himself/herself ― singular)
magáéi {pron}
:: yours (those which belong to you ― singular possessor, multiple possessions, formal)
magáéi {pron}
:: his/her own possessions (those which belong to himself or herself)
magafajta {adj}
:: like/such as him/her, like himself/herself
magam {pron}
:: myself
magán {adj}
:: private (only as first word in compound words)
magánhangzó {n}
:: vowel (sound)
magánhangzó-harmónia {n}
:: vowel harmony
magánhasználat {n}
:: private use
magániskola {n}
:: private school
magánmegállapodás {n}
:: private understanding
magánszemély {n}
:: private individual (not an official or a governmental person)
magántanár {n}
:: tutor, private teacher
magántulajdon {n}
:: private property (belongings owned by individuals)
magánügy {n}
:: private affair, private matter
magánvélemény {n}
:: private opinion, private judgement, personal belief, one's two cents
magány {n}
:: solitude
magánnyomozó {n}
:: private detective
magányos {adj}
:: desolate, uninhabited, deserted (devoid of inhabitants)
magányos {adj}
:: lonely, solitary (without companions)
magányosabb {adj}
:: comparative of magányos
magányosság {n}
:: loneliness (feeling of isolation)
magas {adj}
:: high, tall
magasabb {adj}
:: comparative of magas
magaslat {n}
:: height, elevation, rise, altitude, hill, high ground
magaslat {n}
:: top (generally superior, higher, more developed)
magaslik {vi}
:: to tower, stand out (to be very tall, taller than the surrounding)
magasröptű {adj}
:: lofty
magasröptűbb {adj}
:: comparative of magasröptű
magasság {n}
:: height, altitude
magasság {n}
:: altitude (the distance measured perpendicularly from a figure's vertex to the opposite side of the vertex)
magas sarkú {adj}
:: high-heeled
magas sarkú {n}
:: high heels
magasugrás {n}
:: high jump
magasztos {adj}
:: sublime
magasztosabb {adj}
:: comparative of magasztos
magatartás {n}
:: conduct, behavior (sometimes in the educational sense, implying expectations of good conduct)
magatartási {adj}
:: behavioural , behavioral
magatok {pron}
:: yourselves
magától {adv}
:: on one's own (without external assistance or influence)
magától {adv}
:: by itself (without the help of a human)
magától {adv}
:: on one's own, by itself, on one's own account/accord
magától értetődő {adj}
:: obvious, self-evident, self-explanatory, trivial
magáz {vt}
:: to address someone formally; to use the formal maga form
magazin {n}
:: magazine (periodical)
magazin {n}
:: roll film back, roll film holder (removable camera back on some medium-format cameras)
Magda {prop}
:: given name
Magdi {prop}
:: given name
Magdolna {prop}
:: given name
mágia {n}
:: magic (the use of rituals or actions, especially based on supernatural or occult knowledge)
mágikus {adj}
:: magical
máglya {n}
:: pyre
máglyahalál {n}
:: burning at the stake, burning to death, auto da fe
máglyarakás {n}
:: pyre
máglyarakás {n}
:: A traditional Hungarian bread pudding-like dessert made from stale bread, apples, apricot jam, warm vanilla sauce, and fluffy meringue
magma {n}
:: magma
magmakamra {n}
:: magma chamber
mágnás {n}
:: magnate
mágnes {n}
:: magnet
mágneses {adj}
:: magnetic
mágneses indukció {n}
:: (the measure of a) magnetic field
magnetofon {n}
:: tape recorder
magnézium {n}
:: magnesium (symbol: Mg)
magnézium-oxid {n}
:: magnesium oxide
magnitúdó {n}
:: magnitude (apparent brightness of a star)
magnitúdó {n}
:: magnitude (measure of the energy released by an earthquake)
magnó {n}
:: tape recorder
Magor {prop}
:: given name
magömlés {n}
:: ejaculation
magtár {n}
:: granary (storage facility for grain)
maguk {pron}
:: you (formal, plural), you all, you people, you folks
maguk {pron}
:: themselves
maguké {pron}
:: yours (that which belongs to you all ― plural, formal)
magukéi {pron}
:: yours (those which belong to you all ― plural possessor, multiple possessions, formal)
magukéi {pron}
:: their own possessions (those which belong to themselves)
magunk {pron}
:: ourselves
mágus {n}
:: magician
magzat {n}
:: embryo, fetus
magzatburok {n}
:: amniotic sac, amnion (the sac in which the fetus develops in mammals, reptiles and birds)
magyal {n}
:: holly (any of various shrubs or small trees, of the genus Ilex)
magyar {adj}
:: Hungarian, Magyar (of, from, or relating to Hungary, its people or its language)
magyar {n}
:: Hungarian (person)
magyar {n}
:: Hungarian (language)
magyar ábécé {n}
:: Hungarian alphabet
magyarán {adv}
:: squarely, straightforwardly, frankly, roundly (in plain English, without mincing words)
magyaráz {vt}
:: to explain
magyaráz {vt}
:: to talk too much (possibly annoyingly), to lecture (without being asked for it)
magyarázandó {adj}
:: to be explained
magyarázat {n}
:: explanation (the act or process of explaining)
magyarázható {adj}
:: explainable, explicable (can be explained)
magyarázó {adj}
:: explanatory
magyarázó {adj}
:: illative (inferential, as a type of coordination, when the consequence precedes the rationale in the sentence, connected by because or one of its synonyms)
magyarítás {n}
:: localisation, internationalisation of a computer program's interface and its text messages to the Hungarian language
magyar jelölés {n}
:: Hungarian notation
Magyar Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of Hungary
Magyaro. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Magyarország also Mo.
Magyarország {prop}
:: Magyarország (country)
magyarországi {adj}
:: Hungarian
magyaros {adj}
:: (characteristically) Hungarian (of meals: often understood as including paprika, onion, and/or sausage)
magyarosítás {n}
:: the act of making something more Hungarian, especially in a cultural sense
magyarosítás {n}
:: Magyarization, the assimilation process by which non-Hungarian nationals adopted the Hungarian culture and language
magyarság {n}
:: Hungarians, Magyars (the Hungarian people, nation)
magyarság {n}
:: Hungarian (language)
magyartanár {n}
:: teacher of Hungarian language and literature (for Hungarian students)
magyartanár {n}
:: teacher of Hungarian as a foreign language as well as Hungarian culture (for non-Hungarian students)
Magyar Távirati Iroda {prop}
:: a Hungarian news agency
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia {prop}
:: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (the most important and prestigious learned society of Hungary)
magyarul {adv}
:: in Hungarian, Hungarian
magyarul {adv}
:: to put it clearly, that is (without beating about the bush)
mahagóni {n}
:: mahogany
maharadzsa {n}
:: maharaja
maharáni {n}
:: maharani
Mahárástra {prop}
:: Mahárástra (state)
mai {adj}
:: of today, today's
máj. {n}
:: May
máj {n}
:: liver (a large organ in the body that stores and metabolizes nutrients, destroys toxins and produces bile)
máj {n}
:: hepatic
majd {adv}
:: sometime, later (at an indefinite point of time in the future)
majd {adv}
:: and then, afterwards, after (it)
majd {adv}
:: almost, nearly (as a shortened version of majdnem, majd is often written in this sense with a final apostrophe, although it is not officially endorsed)
majdan {adv}
:: some day, some time (in a distant future)
majdani {adj}
:: future, eventual, to come
majdhogynem {adv}
:: almost
majdnem {adv}
:: almost, nearly
májelégtelenség {n}
:: liver failure, hepatic insufficiency
májkapu {n}
:: hepatic portal
májkapugyűjtőér {n}
:: portal vein, hepatic portal vein (a short, wide vein that carries blood to the liver from the organs of the digestive system)
Majna {prop}
:: Majna (river)
majom {n}
:: ape, monkey
majomkenyérfa {n}
:: baobab (Adansonia digitata)
majonéz {n}
:: mayonnaise (a dressing made from raw egg yolks and oil)
major {n}
:: farm
majoránna {n}
:: marjoram (Origanum majorana)
majré {n}
:: fright
majrézik {vi}
:: to be afraid, to fear
Majs {prop}
:: Majs (village)
májú {adj}
:: -livered, with a …… liver (having some specific type of liver)
május {n}
:: May
májusi {adj}
:: May, in May, of May
mák {n}
:: poppy, poppyseed
mák {n}
:: fluke, a stroke of luck
makacs {adj}
:: stubborn (refusing to move or change one's opinion)
makacsabb {adj}
:: comparative of makacs
makacsabbul {adv}
:: comparative of makacsul
makacsul {adv}
:: stubbornly (in a stubborn manner)
Makaó {prop}
:: Makaó (city/and/special administrative region)
makedón {adj}
:: Macedonian (of or pertaining to Macedon, its people or language)
makedón {n}
:: Macedonian (person)
Makedónia {prop}
:: Macedonia, Macedon (ancient kingdom)
makett {n}
:: maquette
mákgubó {n}
:: poppy head
maki {n}
:: lemur
makimajom {n}
:: lemur
makk {n}
:: acorn (the fruit of the oak)
makk {n}
:: mast
makk {n}
:: glans penis
makk {n}
:: One of the four symbols used to mark the suits of Hungarian playing cards
makkegészséges {adj}
:: fit as a fiddle, sound as a bell (in excellent health)
makog {vi}
:: to gibber, chatter (to make chattering sounds)
makog {vit}
:: to gibber, prattle (to talk rapidly and unintelligibly or incoherently)
mákony {n}
:: opium
makramé {n}
:: macramé
makréla {n}
:: mackerel
makro- {prefix}
:: macro-
makro {n}
:: alternative form of makró
makró {n}
:: macro (human-friendly abbreviation of complex input to a computer program)
makró {n}
:: macrophotograph (extreme close-up photograph of very small subjects)
makrofág {n}
:: macrophage
makrofényképezés {n}
:: macrophotography (photography that is done up close)
makrofotó {n}
:: macrophotograph (extreme close-up photograph of very small subjects)
makrofotózás {n}
:: macrophotography (photography that is done up close)
makrogazdaság {n}
:: macroeconomy
makroobjektív {n}
:: macro lens (lens that allows a camera to focus at very close range)
makroökonómia {n}
:: macroeconomy
makula {n}
:: macula (an oval yellow spot near the center of the retina of the human eye)
makula {n}
:: spot, stain
makula {n}
:: fault, blemish (a blot on one’s character)
makulátlan {adj}
:: immaculate, flawless
makulátlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of makulátlan
malac {n}
:: pig, piglet (a young pig)
malac {n}
:: pig (a sloppy, dirty, improperly eating child; a foul-mouthed adult)
malac {n}
:: luck
malac {adj}
:: dirty
malac {adj}
:: dirty, naughty, obscene, foul-mouthed
malacpersely {n}
:: piggy bank
maláj {adj}
:: Malaysian (of or relating to Malaysia, its people or language)
maláj {n}
:: Malaysian (person)
maláj {n}
:: Malaysian (language)
Malajzia {prop}
:: Malajzia (country)
maláta {n}
:: malt
malátacukor {n}
:: malt sugar
Malawi {prop}
:: Malawi (country)
Maldív-szigetek {prop}
:: Maldív-szigetek (country)
málé {adj}
:: lumpish, loutish, clumsy
málé {adj}
:: doltish, dull, stupid
málé {n}
:: maize
málé {n}
:: polenta
málé {n}
:: dolt (a weak-willed, helpless, simple-minded person)
malgas {adj}
:: Malagasy, Madagascan (of or relating to Madagascar, its people or language)
malgas {n}
:: Malagasy (person)
malgas {n}
:: Malagasy (language)
Mali {prop}
:: Mali (country)
málna {n}
:: raspberry
malom {n}
:: mill
malom {n}
:: nine men's morris (board game)
Málta {prop}
:: Málta (country)
máltai {adj}
:: Maltese (of, or relating to Malta, its people or language)
máltai {n}
:: Maltese (person)
máltai {n}
:: Maltese (language)
Máltai Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of Malta
malter {n}
:: mortar (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water)
mama {n}
:: mom, mum
mama {n}
:: grandmom
mameluk {n}
:: mameluke
mamlasz {adj}
:: helpless, bumbling, foolish, doltish
mamlasz {n}
:: chucklehead, simpleton
mammográfia {n}
:: mammography
mammut {n}
:: superseded spelling of mamut The spelling was changed in 1984.
mámor {n}
:: stupor, dizziness, daze
mámor {n}
:: drunkenness, tipsiness, intoxication
mámor {n}
:: rapture, ecstasy
mámoros {adj}
:: intoxicated
mámoros {adj}
:: drunk
mámoros {adj}
:: rapturous, ecstatic
mámorosabb {adj}
:: comparative of mámoros
mamusz {n}
:: slipper (a low felt shoe that can be slipped on and off easily and is usually worn indoors)
mamut {n}
:: mammoth (Mammuthus)
mamuz {n}
:: spur
mán {adv}
:: alternative form of már
manapság {adv}
:: nowadays, these days, currently, at present, in this day and age (in the current era)
Manchester {prop}
:: Manchester (major city/and/metropolitan borough)
mancs {n}
:: paw
mandarin {n}
:: mandarin
mandarin {n}
:: Mandarin (language)
mandarin {n}
:: mandarin, mandarin orange (fruit)
mandarinréce {n}
:: mandarin duck (Aix galericulata, a perching duck that has a red bill, large white crescent above the eye and reddish face)
mandátum {n}
:: mandate (a commission given to a representative or government by the electorate; the duration of such commission)
mandátum {n}
:: mandate (a commission given to a member nation by the League of Nations between World War I and World War II to administer the government of a former Turkish or German territory; such trust territory)
Mandelbrot-halmaz {n}
:: Mandelbrot set
mandula {n}
:: almond
mandula {n}
:: tonsil (organ)
mandulagyulladás {n}
:: tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils)
mandulaolaj {n}
:: almond oil (an oil produced from almonds)
mandzsetta {n}
:: cuff (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist)
mandzsetta {n}
:: manchette (a special glove cover worn by sabre fencers, on their weapon hand)
mandzsetta {n}
:: cuff (an inflatable band placed around the upper arm during blood pressure measurement)
mandzsettagomb {n}
:: cufflink
mandzsettás {adj}
:: cuffed
mandzsu {adj}
:: Manchu (of, or relating to Manchuria, its people or language)
mandzsu {n}
:: Manchu (person)
mandzsu {n}
:: Manchu (language)
Mandzsúria {prop}
:: Manchuria
manézs {n}
:: circus ring
manézs {n}
:: riding-school, manège
mangán {n}
:: manganese (symbol: Mn)
mangó {n}
:: mango
mángold {n}
:: Swiss chard, chard
mángorló {n}
:: mangle
mángorol {vt}
:: to mangle (to press laundry between heated rollers)
mángorol {vt}
:: to calender (to press between rollers for the purpose of making smooth)
mani {n}
:: money
manicheus {adj}
:: Manichaean
manicheus {n}
:: Manichaean
manikűr {n}
:: manicurist
manikűr {n}
:: manicure
manikűrös {n}
:: manicurist
manipuláció {n}
:: manipulation (the management of some situation, especially for one’s own advantage)
manipuláció {n}
:: manipulation (the usage of psychological influence over a person or situation to gain an outcome)
manipuláció {n}
:: manipulation (operation or procedure done by hand)
manipulál {vt}
:: to manipulate (to move, arrange or operate something using the hands)
manipulál {vt}
:: to manipulate (to tamper with something for personal gain)
manipulál {vt}
:: to manipulate (to influence or manage individual or public opinion indirectly and shrewdly)
mankó {n}
:: crutch (a device to assist in motion)
mankó {n}
:: crutch (something that supports)
mankó {n}
:: deficit (shortage in the indicated funds, stock, or weight of goods)
manó {n}
:: goblin, imp, pixy
manöken {n}
:: model (a person, usually an attractive female, hired to show items or goods to the public)
manuális {adj}
:: manual (operated by means of the hands)
manus {n}
:: guy, man, bloke
mánus {n}
:: hand (pointer of an analog clock)
manzárd {n}
:: mansard, garret, attic
manzárdszoba {n}
:: garret
-mány {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the result of the action
manysi {adj}
:: Mansi
manysi {n}
:: Mansi (person)
manysi {n}
:: Mansi (language)
maoizmus {n}
:: Maoism
mar {vt}
:: to bite (of animals)
mar {vt}
:: to bite, to burn (of acid)
mar {n}
:: withers (the protruding part of a four-legged animal between the neck and the backbone)
már {adv}
:: already (prior to some time), yet (in some questions)
marad {vi}
:: to stay, remain (to remain in a particular place; to stay behind while others withdraw; to be left after others have been removed; to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off; to be left as not included or comprised)
marad {vi}
:: to remain (to continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity; to continue in a state of being)
maradandó {adj}
:: permanent, persistent, enduring
maradandó {n}
:: everlasting, durable (of a work of art or other creation: something that will last for a long time)
maradék {n}
:: leftover, remnant, remains, residue, remainder (that remains, that is still there)
maradék {n}
:: remainder
maradék {n}
:: offspring, descendant
maradéktalan {adj}
:: full
maradéktalanul {adv}
:: fully, entirely, to the full
maradvány {n}
:: residue
marakodik {vi}
:: to quarrel, squabble, fight
marakodik {vi}
:: to fight
marakszik {vi}
:: alternative form of marakodik
maraszt {vt}
:: to try to make someone stay (to try to persuade someone - such as a guest - not to leave)
maraton {n}
:: marathon
márc. {n}
:: Mar, Mar. (March)
Marcell {prop}
:: given name
Marci {prop}
:: given name
marcipán {n}
:: marzipan
március {n}
:: March
márciusi {adj}
:: March, in March, of March
marék {n}
:: hollow of the hand/palm
marék {n}
:: handful (the amount that can be held in one hand)
maréknyi {adj}
:: handful
margarin {n}
:: margarine
marginális {adj}
:: marginal
marginális {n}
:: side note (note or notation printed on the side margin of a book)
Margit {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Margaret
margó {n}
:: margin (edge of the paper that remains blank)
Margó {prop}
:: given name
marha {n}
:: cattle
marha {n}
:: beef (meat from a cow)
marha {n}
:: blockhead (a stupid person)
marha {n}
:: asset, valuables, riches (possession of relatively great value)
marhahús {n}
:: beef (meat)
marhaság {n}
:: nonsense, rubbish, hooey (something foolish)
marhasült {n}
:: roast beef
mari {adj}
:: Mari (of or relating to Mari El, its people or language)
mari {n}
:: Mari (person)
mari {n}
:: Mari (language)
Mari {prop}
:: given name
Mária {prop}
:: given name
Mária {prop}
:: Mary (the mother of Christ)
Máriakéménd {prop}
:: Máriakéménd (village)
marihuána {n}
:: marijuana
Marika {prop}
:: given name
marionett {n}
:: marionette (a string puppet)
marionett {n}
:: puppet (a person or a group who is easily influenced or controlled by another)
marionettbáb {n}
:: marionette puppet (a string puppet)
Maris {prop}
:: given name
máris {adv}
:: immediately
Mariska {prop}
:: given name
Márk {prop}
:: given name
márka {n}
:: brand, make (the symbolic identity, represented by a name and/or a logo, which indicates a certain product or service to the public, or a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished)
márka {n}
:: mark (any of various European monetary units, especially the base unit of currency of Germany and Finland until 2002, as well as the present currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
már késő van {phrase}
:: it is already late
marketing {n}
:: marketing
marketingosztály {n}
:: marketing department
márki {n}
:: marquis, marquess, margrave (hereditary prince)
markol {vt}
:: to grasp, grip
markolat {n}
:: hilt, grasp, grip (the handle of a sword or other weapon)
Markov-lánc {n}
:: Markov chain
már-már {adv}
:: very nearly, almost
maró {adj}
:: corrosive, corroding
maró {adj}
:: biting, cutting, scathing
maróbb {adj}
:: comparative of maró
maródi {adj}
:: valetudinarian, invalid
maródi {n}
:: valetudinarian, invalid (person)
maródi {n}
:: examination (inspection by a doctor)
marok {n}
:: hollow of the hand/palm
marok {n}
:: grip, hand (as the symbol of power, used in phrases with its inflected forms)
marok {n}
:: bundle (a fistful of wheat when harvesting with sickles or scythes; the bundles are tied into sheaves using straw)
maroken {n}
:: marocain
maroken {n}
:: morocco
Marokkó {prop}
:: Marokkó (country)
marokkói {adj}
:: Moroccan (relating to Morocco)
marokkói {n}
:: Moroccan (person from Morocco)
maroknyi {adj}
:: handful (amount held in hand)
Maros {prop}
:: Maros (river)
ma rossz idő van {phrase}
:: it is bad weather today
márpedig {adv}
:: however, but, surely, certainly, truly, yet, still, I'm telling you
Marrákes {prop}
:: Marrákes (city)
Mars {prop}
:: Mars (planet)
Mars {prop}
:: Mars (Roman god)
marsall {n}
:: marshal (a military officer of the highest rank in certain countries)
marsall {n}
:: marshal (a high-ranking court functionary)
Marshall-szigetek {prop}
:: Marshall-szigetek (country)
marsi {adj}
:: Martian (of Mars)
marslakó {n}
:: Martian#Noun (an inhabitant of the planet Mars)
Mars-lakó {n}
:: Martian#Noun (an inhabitant of the planet Mars)
márt {vt}
:: to immerse (in liquid), to douse, to dunk
Márta {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Martha
martalék {n}
:: booty, plunder
martalék {n}
:: prey, victim
martalóc {n}
:: marauder, freebooter
mártás {n}
:: sauce
mártír {n}
:: martyr
mártírom {n}
:: martyr
mártíromság {n}
:: martyrdom
Márton {prop}
:: given name
márvány {n}
:: marble
Marx {prop}
:: Karl Marx
marxi {adj}
:: Marxian
marxista {adj}
:: Marxist (following the ideals of Marxism)
marxista {n}
:: Marxist (one that believes in or follows the ideals of Marxism)
marxizmus {n}
:: Marxism
-más {suffix}
:: Added to a back vowel verb to form a noun
más {adj}
:: other, different
más {pron}
:: someone else, something else
más {n}
:: copy, replica
másabb {adj}
:: comparative of más
masamód {n}
:: a female hatter or fashion merchant
másfajta {adj}
:: another sort of, different kind of
másfél {num}
:: one and a half
másfelől {adv}
:: from another direction
másfelől {adv}
:: on the other side of someone or something
másfelől {adv}
:: then again, from another point of view, on the other hand
máshogy {adv}
:: otherwise, differently
máshogyan {adv}
:: otherwise, differently, in a different way
máshol {adv}
:: elsewhere (in or at some other place)
máshonnan {adv}
:: from elsewhere (from somewhere else, from another source or place)
máshova {adv}
:: elsewhere, somewhere else (to some other place)
máshová {adv}
:: alternative form of máshova
más idők, más emberek {proverb}
:: other days, other ways
másik {pron}
:: another
másik {pron}
:: the other
masina {n}
:: machine (a device that directs and controls energy, often in the form of movement or electricity)
masina {n}
:: locomotive, train
masina {n}
:: match (a device to make fire)
masíroz {vi}
:: to march
másként {adv}
:: otherwise, differently
másképp {adv}
:: otherwise, differently
másképpen {adv}
:: otherwise, differently
máskor {adv}
:: another time (at some other time)
más-más {pron}
:: different (when speaking about multiple things)
másnap {adv}
:: (the) next day
másnap {adv}
:: (the) following day
másnapos {adj}
:: hungover, hangoverish
másnaposabb {adj}
:: comparative of másnapos
másnaposság {n}
:: hangover
masni {n}
:: bow (type of knot with two loops)
másod {ordinal num}
:: second
másodfokú {adj}
:: second-degree
másodfokú egyenlet {n}
:: quadratic equation
másodfokú függvény {n}
:: quadratic function
második {num}
:: second
másodika {n}
:: the second (day of a month)
második világháború {n}
:: World War II
másodközlés {n}
:: republication
másodlagos {adj}
:: secondary
másodosztályú {adj}
:: second-class
másodperc {n}
:: second (unit of time)
másodpercenként {adv}
:: per second, every second
másodpercenkénti {adj}
:: per second (performing, occurring, or taking place every second)
másodperces {adj}
:: -second, of second
másodszor {adv}
:: second time, second
másol {vt}
:: to copy
másolás {n}
:: copying
másolat {n}
:: copy (result of copying; an identical duplication)
másrészt {adv}
:: on the other hand
mássalhangzó {n}
:: consonant (sound)
másutt {adv}
:: elsewhere
másvalaki {pron}
:: someone else (not the known person in question but someone else, an undefined person)
másvalami {pron}
:: something else (not the known object in question but something else, an undefined thing)
mászik {vt}
:: to climb
mászik {vi}
:: to crawl
maszk {n}
:: mask (that which disguises)
maszk {n}
:: mask (a cover or partial cover for the face for protection)
Maszkat {prop}
:: Maszkat (capital city)
maszlag {n}
:: thorn apple (Datura stramonium)
maszlag {n}
:: eyewash, bunkum, humbug
mászó {adj}
:: climbing
mászó {n}
:: climber (one who climbs)
masszázs {n}
:: massage
masszív {adj}
:: massive
masszívabb {adj}
:: comparative of masszív
maszturbáció {n}
:: masturbation
maszturbál {vi}
:: to masturbate
Máté {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Matthew
Máté {prop}
:: Matthew, the Gospel of Matthew
matek {n}
:: maths
matematika {n}
:: mathematics
matematikai {adj}
:: mathematical
matematikai modell {n}
:: mathematical model
matematikus {adj}
:: of or relating to mathematics
matematikus {n}
:: mathematician
materializmus {n}
:: materialism
mátka {n}
:: fiancée
matrac {n}
:: mattress
matrica {n}
:: sticker, decal (a design or picture produced in order to be transferred to another surface either permanently or temporarily)
matrica {n}
:: matrix
matrikula {n}
:: parish register
mátrix {n}
:: matrix
matróna {n}
:: matrona (in Ancient Rome, a wife of an honorable man)
matróna {n}
:: matron (an elderly lady)
matróna {n}
:: old woman
matróz {n}
:: sailor, seaman, mariner (a member of the crew of a vessel)
Matuzsálem {prop}
:: Methuselah
matuzsálemi {adj}
:: of or relating to Methuselah
matuzsálemibb {adj}
:: comparative of matuzsálemi
Mátyás {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Matthias
Matyi {prop}
:: given name
Matty {prop}
:: Matty (village)
Mauritánia {prop}
:: Mauritánia (country)
mauritániai {adj}
:: Mauritanian (of, from, or relating to Mauritania, its people or language)
mauritániai {n}
:: Mauritanian (a person from Mauritania or of Mauritanian descent)
Mauritániai Iszlám Köztársaság {prop}
:: Islamic Republic of Mauritania (official name of Mauritania)
Mauritius {prop}
:: Mauritius (country)
mauzóleum {n}
:: mausoleum (a large stately tomb or a building housing such a tomb)
mauzóleumi {adj}
:: mausoleum (of or relating to a mausoleum)
max. {n}
:: max, maximum
max. {adj}
:: max, maximal
Max {prop}
:: Max
maximális {adj}
:: maximal
maximálisan {adv}
:: maximally
máz {n}
:: glaze, varnish (the vitreous coating of pottery or porcelain)
máz {n}
:: icing, frosting, glaze (a smooth edible coating applied to food)
máz {n}
:: skin (used when the skin is injured due to a small accident)
máz {n}
:: veneer, varnish (an attractive appearance that covers or disguises true nature or feelings)
mázli {n}
:: fluke (a lucky or improbable occurrence, with the implication that the occurrence could not be repeated)
mázsa {n}
:: quintal
mázsál {vt}
:: to weigh
mazsorett {n}
:: majorette
-me {suffix}
:: Added to a word to form a noun
mecénás {n}
:: Maecenas, patron of art
mechanika {n}
:: mechanics
mechanikai {adj}
:: mechanical (related to mechanics)
mechanikus {adj}
:: mechanical (related to mechanics; done by machine)
mechanikus {adj}
:: automatic, perfunctory, thoughtless, instinctive (done out of habit or without conscious thought)
mechanikus {adj}
:: mechanical (routine, lacking spontaneity)
mechanikus {n}
:: mechanic (a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery)
mechanikusabban {adv}
:: comparative of mechanikusan
mechanikusan {adv}
:: mechanically
mechanizál {vt}
:: to mechanize
mechanizmus {n}
:: mechanism
Mecklenburg-Elő-Pomeránia {prop}
:: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (German state)
mécs {n}
:: lampion (a small oil lamp)
mécs {n}
:: bowl candle or candle tin
meccs {n}
:: match (sporting event)
mécses {n}
:: lampion (a small oil lamp)
mecset {n}
:: mosque
meddig {adv}
:: how far?
meddig {adv}
:: how long? (asking about the total duration or the end point, cf. -ig)
meddő {adj}
:: barren, sterile (unable to bear children)
meddő {adj}
:: barren (not producing vegetation)
meddő {n}
:: gangue (the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit)
meddőbb {adj}
:: comparative of meddő
medence {n}
:: basin
medence {n}
:: swimming pool (one particular pool, excluding the reception, changing rooms etc.)
medence {n}
:: pelvis
medencecsont {n}
:: hip bone (one of two roughly symmetrical skeleton parts, each composed of the fused iliac, ischial and pubic bones, that together form the sides of the pelvis)
meder {n}
:: bed, channel, course (a channel that a flowing body of water follows; e.g. the bottom earthen part of a river)
meder {n}
:: direction, characteristics
média {n}
:: media (television, newspapers, etc.)
média {n}
:: media (formats for presenting information)
medikus {n}
:: medic (a medical student)
medikusi {adj}
:: medical
meditáció {n}
:: meditation
meditál {vi}
:: to meditate
mediterrán {adj}
:: Mediterranean
Medusza {prop}
:: Medusa, one of the three gorgons
medúza {n}
:: jellyfish
medve {n}
:: bear (mammal)
medvebocs {n}
:: bear cub
medvecukor {n}
:: liquorice , licorice
meg- {prefix}
:: A verbal prefix with the following meanings:
meg- {prefix}
:: (original meaning, now rare) back, backwards
meg- {prefix}
:: It adds a perfective aspect to the verb in all tenses
meg- {prefix}
:: It expresses the beginning of an action (inchoative aspect)
meg- {prefix}
:: It sometimes changes the meaning of the verb
meg {conj}
:: and
meg {conj}
:: plus (sum of the previous one and the following one)
még {adv}
:: still, yet
még {adv}
:: (any/some) more (equivalent to több/többet or tovább in negations)
még {adv}
:: even
mega- {prefix}
:: mega- (in the International System of Units and other metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by one million (106.))
megad {vt}
:: to repay, to refund, to pay back
megad {vt}
:: to give, to supply something (to someone nak)
megadás {n}
:: grant (the act of granting; a bestowing or conferring; concession; allowance; permission)
megadás {n}
:: repayment, return
megadás {n}
:: surrender, capitulation
megadás {n}
:: resignation, submission, giving in
megadja magát {vr}
:: to surrender (to give oneself up into the power of another, to submit or give in)
megadott {adj}
:: given
megakadályoz {vt}
:: to prevent, to hinder, to interfere, to impede (to stop; to keep from happening)
megalakul {vi}
:: to be formed / established / founded
megalakulás {n}
:: foundation, formation
megalapozatlan {adj}
:: unfounded
megalapozott {adj}
:: founded, well-founded, having a basis, substantiated
megaláz {vt}
:: to humiliate
megalázó {adj}
:: humiliating
megalázóan {adv}
:: humiliatingly
megáld {vt}
:: to bless (to convey blessing on)
megáll {vi}
:: to stop, to come to a stop, to halt
megáll {vi}
:: to be able to stand (long enough for some purpose, despite internal or external difficulties)
megáll {vt}
:: to withstand, to endure (e.g. a test, a battle or an attack) <Próbát, harcot, támadást> végig kitartva, helytállva győzelmesen visel el; kiáll. Megállja a (tűz)próbát. Nincs, ki megállja szemét s hademésztő karja csapásit. (Vörösmarty Mihály) -->
megáll {vt}
:: to be able to help doing (something), to be able to stop oneself doing (something)
megállapít {vt}
:: to find, to establish, to ascertain
megállapít {vt}
:: to determine, to assess
megállapít {vt}
:: to set, to determine, to specify (e.g. prices)
megállapít {vt}
:: to state, to claim (based on thoughtful consideration)
megállapítás {n}
:: statement, determination, establishment, finding
megállapodás {n}
:: agreement
megállít {vt}
:: to stop something
megállíthatatlan {adj}
:: unstoppable
megállíthatatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of megállíthatatlan
megállíthatatlanul {adv}
:: unstoppably
megállja a helyét {v}
:: to hold one's own, to do well, to cope, to manage, to thrive (to demonstrate oneself to be capable)
megállja a sarat {v}
:: to hold one's ground, to cope with
megálló {n}
:: stop (place to get on and off line buses or trams)
megannyi {determiner}
:: many, so many
megapixel {n}
:: megapixel (unit of resolution of digital cameras equal to one million pixels)
megárt {vi}
:: to hurt, harm
megbán {vt}
:: to regret (to feel sorry about some past thing)
megbánás {n}
:: regret
megbánt {vt}
:: to offend someone
megbecstelenít {vt}
:: to rape
megbecsül {vt}
:: to esteem, appreciate, value (to highly prize someone or something)
megbecsül {vt}
:: to assess, appraise, estimate (to determine the monetary value of something)
megbecsül {vtr}
:: to behave properly, prove worthy of someone's confidence (to make every effort to do one's best, to be industrious and respectful at work)
megbeszél {vt}
:: to discuss something with someone ( vel)
megbeszél {vt}
:: to agree on something with someone ( vel)
megbeszélés {n}
:: talk, discussion, meeting (gathering for a purpose)
megbetegedés {n}
:: disease, sickness, case
megbíz {vt}
:: to entrust, charge, commission someone with some task ( val)
megbízás {n}
:: commission, assignment
megbízatású {adj}
:: of a named commission, mandate, charge, or assignment
megbízhatatlan {adj}
:: unreliable, untrustworthy
megbízhatatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of megbízhatatlan
megbízható {adj}
:: reliable (to be relied on)
megbízhatóan {adv}
:: dependably, trustworthily, reliably
megbízhatóbb {adj}
:: comparative of megbízható
megbízhatóság {n}
:: reliability, trustworthiness, dependability, trustfulness
megbízhatósági intervallum {n}
:: confidence interval
megbízik {vi}
:: to trust (someone or something ban)
megbízó {n}
:: client, commissioning party
megbízó {n}
:: principal (one who directs another to act on one′s behalf)
megbízott {adj}
:: acting, temporary (temporarily assuming the duties or authority of another person when they are unable to do their job)
megbízott {n}
:: agent, deputy, trustee, representative (someone entrusted to do the business of another)
megbízott {n}
:: contractor (a person hired to do a job on a business contract, as opposed to a permanent employee)
megbocsájt {vt}
:: alternative form of megbocsát
megbocsát {vt}
:: to forgive (someone nak, for something ért or t)
megbocsát {vi}
:: to forgive, excuse, sorry (said to introduce a polite apology, protest, reproach)
megbocsátás {n}
:: forgiveness, pardon
megbocsáthatatlan {adj}
:: unforgivable, inexcusable, unpardonable
megbocsáthatatlanság {n}
:: unforgivableness, inexcusableness, unpardonableness
megbocsátható {adj}
:: forgivable, excusable, pardonable
megbocsátó {adj}
:: forgiving
megbüntet {vt}
:: to punish, to penalize, to fine (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct)
megcsal {vt}
:: to cheat (to be unfaithful to one's spouse)
megcsinál {vt}
:: to do, to make, to prepare
megcsinál {vt}
:: to repair, to mend, to fix
megcsodál {vt}
:: to admire, to gaze at someone or something
megdorgál {vt}
:: to admonish (to warn or notify of a fault; to exhort)
megdöbben {vi}
:: to be appalled, be taken aback (to feel shocked, surprised, dismayed)
megdöglik {vi}
:: to die, to perish
megdöglik {vi}
:: to die
megdönt {vt}
:: to overthrow
megdönt {vt}
:: to beat, to break (record)
megduplázódik {vi}
:: to double
megegyezés {n}
:: agreement, contract, settlement
megegyezés {n}
:: entente (between countries)
megegyezik {vi}
:: to match, to be the same
megegyezik {vi}
:: to agree (to harmonize in opinion, statement, or action)
megegyező {adj}
:: identical, equivalent, concurrent
megéhezik {vi}
:: to get hungry
megél {vi}
:: to live on (followed by ból) (to have a particular amount of money for food and other necessities)
megél {vi}
:: to make a living, to depend on something (followed by ból) as a source of income
megél {vt}
:: to live through (to continue to live despite unfortunate or unfavorable circumstances)
megél {vt}
:: to continue to live until an event happens, to live long enough to experience a certain situation
megelégedés {n}
:: contentment
megelégedett {adj}
:: contented, satisfied
megelégedettebb {adj}
:: comparative of megelégedett
megelégedettség {n}
:: contentment
megelégedik {vi}
:: to be satisfied or content (with something val)
megélhetés {n}
:: living, livelihood, subsistence (financial means; a means of maintaining life)
megélhetési {adj}
:: of living, livelihood, subsistence
megelőz {vt}
:: to outstrip, leave behind, overtake, outrun, outdistance
megelőz {vt}
:: to precede, surpass, excel (to be better or have a better position than)
megelőz {vt}
:: to precede, come before (in order)
megelőz {vt}
:: to beat someone to the punch (to do before somebody else)
megelőz {vt}
:: to happen before, go before, to precede (in time)
megelőz {vt}
:: to avert, prevent, ward off, stave off
megelőzés {n}
:: prevention
megelőző {adj}
:: synonym of előző, preceding, previous
megelőző {adj}
:: preventive
megemlít {vt}
:: to mention, to speak of something
megenged {vt}
:: to allow, to permit
megenged {v}
:: (can) afford; see at megengedhet
megengedett {adj}
:: allowed
megengedettebb {adj}
:: comparative of megengedett
megengedtetik {vi}
:: to be allowed, be permitted
megérdemel {vt}
:: to deserve (to merit)
megérint {vt}
:: to touch (to make physical contact with)
megérint {vt}
:: to touch (to affect emotionally)
megérkezik {vi}
:: to arrive (to get to a certain place)
megerősít {vt}
:: to confirm, to reassure
megerősít {vt}
:: to reinforce, to strengthen, to beef up
megerősítés {n}
:: confirmation (verification that something has happened)
megerősödik {vi}
:: to strengthen (to grow strong or stronger)
megerőszakol {vt}
:: to rape (to force sexual intercourse)
megerőszakolás {n}
:: rape
megért {vt}
:: to understand (to impute meaning, character etc. that is not explicitly stated)
megértés {n}
:: understanding, comprehension, perception
megértés {n}
:: sympathy, goodwill
megértet {vt}
:: to make someone understand (something), to clarify, to illuminate, to bring home (the person or other creature supposed to understand something is expressed with val)
megértet {vr}
:: to make oneself understood (e.g. in a foreign language)
megeszik {vt}
:: to eat something, to eat up (to consume food completely)
megfagy {vi}
:: to freeze (liquid)
megfagy {vi}
:: to freeze to death (living being), to become frozen (body part)
megfázás {n}
:: cold (illness)
megfejt {vt}
:: to solve, to resolve (to find a solution to)
megfejt {vt}
:: to decode, to decipher, to break, to crack (a code)
megfejt {vt}
:: to find out, to unravel (a secret)
megfelel {vi}
:: to measure up, to suit
megfelel {vi}
:: to correspond to
megfelelő {adj}
:: appropriate, adequate, suitable
megfelelő {adj}
:: corresponding, matching
megfelelő {n}
:: equivalent
megfelelőbb {adj}
:: comparative of megfelelő
megfelelően {adv}
:: satisfactorily
megfelelően {adv}
:: according to
megfélemlít {vt}
:: to intimidate, terrify, terrorize
megfélemlítés {n}
:: intimidation
megfellebbez {vt}
:: to appeal
megfertőz {vt}
:: to infect
megfigyel {vt}
:: to watch, to observe
megfigyelés {n}
:: observation
megfigyelhető {adj}
:: observable, perceptible, noticeable
megfigyelő {adj}
:: observational, observing, of or relation to observation
megfigyelő {adj}
:: of or relating to surveillance, survey
megfigyelő {n}
:: observer, spectator, watcher (one who makes observations, monitors or takes notice)
megfigyelő {n}
:: observer (a person sent as a representative, to a meeting or other function to monitor but not to participate)
megfigyelő {n}
:: observer, lookout (a person on watch)
megfizet {vt}
:: to pay (to give money or other compensation to in exchange for goods or services)
megfizet {vi}
:: to pay for (to suffer consequences) (followed by ért)
megfizethetetlen {adj}
:: priceless, invaluable, exorbitant
megfog {vt}
:: to grab, to catch
megfogalmaz {vt}
:: to draft, to draw up, to compose
megfogalmaz {vt}
:: to formulate, to word (opinion)
megfogalmazás {n}
:: drafting, drawing up, wording, formulation, composing, composition, shaping, phrasing
megfoghatatlan {adj}
:: incomprehensible, inconceivable, unfathomable, inexplicable
megfoghatatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of megfoghatatlan
megfogja az isten lábát {v}
:: to hit it lucky, make a lucky strike, luck out, strike pay dirt, hit paydirt (to be very fortunate, extremely lucky)
megfojt {vt}
:: to asphyxiate, to choke, to drown, to scrag, to smother, to stifle, to strangle, to strangulate, to suffocate, to throttle
megfontol {vt}
:: to weigh, think over, ponder, consider (to think about seriously before making a decision)
megfordul {vi}
:: to turn round (to turn so as to be facing in the opposite direction)
megfoszt {vt}
:: to bereave, to deprive, to divest someone (of something től) (to dispossess someone of something such as a right, possessions, or privilege)
megfullad {vi}
:: to drown, to suffocate (to die from insufficient oxygen)
megfutamodik {vi}
:: to skedaddle
meggátol {vt}
:: to hinder, interfere, prevent, stem, impede someone (in doing something ban)
meggondol {vt}
:: to consider, deliberate (to think about seriously before making a decision)
meggondol {vr}
:: to change one's mind
meggondol {vt}
:: to change one's mind about (something)
meggondolatlan {adj}
:: hasty, thoughtless, inconsiderate
meggondolatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of meggondolatlan
meggondolt {adj}
:: thoughtful, serious, deliberate (having the quality of thinking things through seriously and carefully considering the probable consequences)
meggondolt {adj}
:: well-considered, deliberate (formed with deliberation; carefully considered; not sudden or rash)
meggondoltabb {adj}
:: comparative of meggondolt
meggondoltan {adv}
:: thoughtfully, prudently, deliberately
meggondoltság {n}
:: thoughtfulness, deliberateness, staidness, circumspection, circumspectness, prudence, carefulness (careful deliberation before action)
meghajol {vi}
:: to take a bow
meghajtó {n}
:: drive, driver
meghal {vi}
:: to die (to stop living)
meghalad {vt}
:: to exceed (to be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable), to go beyond
meghat {vt}
:: to touch, to move (to affect emotionally)
meghatalmazás {n}
:: authorization (formal sanction, permission or warrant)
meghatároz {vt}
:: to name, identify, define, specify
meghatározás {n}
:: determination, definition, identification
meghatározható {adj}
:: definable, determinable
meghatározó {adj}
:: identifying, determining, defining
meghatározott {adj}
:: specific, particular
megható {adj}
:: touching, moving
meghatóbb {adj}
:: comparative of megható
meghitt {adj}
:: cosy, intimate, familiar, snug
meghiúsít {vt}
:: to dash, foil, stymie, thwart, ruin, destroy (to prevent something that was hoped from being accomplished)
meghív {vt}
:: to invite
meghívás {n}
:: invitation (the act of inviting, the requesting of a person's company)
meghívás {n}
:: invitation (a document written or printed, or spoken words, conveying the message by which one is invited)
meghívó {adj}
:: inviting
meghívó {n}
:: invitation (document or spoken words conveying the message by which one is invited)
meghívó {n}
:: inviter (one who invites)
meghosszabbított {adj}
:: elongated
meghökkentően {adv}
:: astoundingly, dumbfoundingly, startlingly, surprisingly
meghűlés {n}
:: cold (illness)
megidéz {vt}
:: to summon (to order someone to appear in court)
megidéz {vt}
:: to summon up, to call, to conjure up (ghosts and spirits)
megígér {vt}
:: to promise (to commit to something or action)
megijed {vi}
:: to get frightened (by/of someone or something tól)
megindít {vt}
:: to start
megindít {vt}
:: to touch, to move (to affect emotionally)
megindító {adj}
:: touching, moving
megindítóbb {adj}
:: comparative of megindító
megint {adv}
:: again (having already happened before)
megint {vt}
:: to reprimand
megír {vt}
:: to write, to write down, to compose, to pen, to record
mégis {conj}
:: yet, still, but, however, nevertheless, all the same, notwithstanding, after all (introducing a positive statement in contrast with a negative antecedent; the opposite of mégsem)
mégis {conj}
:: redo (as an instruction; its literal meaning can be derived from mégis ezt szeretném “and yet I do want that”; “and yet this is what I want”)
mégiscsak {conj}
:: after all, and yet
megismer {vt}
:: to become acquainted or familiar with something, to get to know something
megismer {vt}
:: to recognize someone or something, to tell (to discern, notice, identify or distinguish)
megismer {vt}
:: to get to know someone, to make someone's acquaintance, to meet someone (to get acquainted with someone)
megismer {vt}
:: to find someone to have some trait (to discover that, to form the opinion that, with nak, normally based on meeting that person)
megismer {vt}
:: to have sexual relations with, to know
megismerés {n}
:: recognition, cognition, cognizance
megismerhetetlen {adj}
:: unknowable, unrecognizable
megismerszik {vi}
:: to be known by some characteristics
megismertet {vt}
:: to acquaint someone (with something val)
megismertetés {n}
:: familiarization
megismétel {vt}
:: to repeat (to do again)
megítélés {n}
:: judgment
megjátszik {vt}
:: to act, to play
megjátszik {vt}
:: to pretend, to feign
megjátszik {vt}
:: to back, to stake (to place a bet on)
megjavít {vt}
:: to improve, to improve upon, to better
megjavít {vt}
:: to repair, to fix
megjavít {vt}
:: to break
megjegyez {vt}
:: to note, to remark, to comment (to make a remark)
megjegyez {vt}
:: to memorize (to commit to memory)
megjegyzés {n}
:: remark
megjelenés {n}
:: appearance
megjelenési {adj}
:: of or relating to appearance, display
megjelenésű {adj}
:: of/in appearance, -looking
megjelenik {vi}
:: to appear
megjelenít {vt}
:: to display, to render, to show
megjelenítés {n}
:: display, displaying, show, rendering
megjelenő {adj}
:: appearing, visible, shown (that becomes visible)
megjelenő {adj}
:: published
megjelentet {vt}
:: to publish, to bring out, to issue (printed work for sale and distribution)
megjelentetés {n}
:: publishing (of book, CD, etc.)
megjelöl {vt}
:: to mark, to highlight, to label
megjelölés {n}
:: marking, notation, denotation
megjutalmaz {vt}
:: to reward
megkap {vt}
:: to receive (to take possession of)
megkaparint {vt}
:: to seize, snatch, grasp, lay hands on, take hold of (to obtain something by force and/or artifice)
megkárosít {vt}
:: to damage (to cause financial loss to someone)
megkér {vt}
:: to ask, to make a request, to ask someone to do something ( ra)
megkérdez {vt}
:: to ask someone ( t or tól) about something ( ról)
megkérdezett {n}
:: respondent (person who responds, those asked, surveyed, polled)
megkérdőjelez {vt}
:: to call into question, doubt, question
megkeres {vt}
:: to look for, to seek (to look for something until one finds it)
megkeres {vt}
:: to visit someone
megkeres {vt}
:: to approach (to make an official written request to authorities)
megkeres {vt}
:: to find, find out (to discover the cause, solution, implementation options of something, as by asking, investigating, or experimenting)
megkeres {vt}
:: to earn (to receive payment for work, here the payment is not less than a value of something)
megkezd {vt}
:: to begin, to start (to initiate or take the first step into something)
megkezdés {n}
:: opening, commencement, initiation, start (the beginning of an activity)
megkezdődik {vi}
:: to begin, start, commence
megkopaszt {vt}
:: to fleece (to con or trick someone out of money)
megkopaszt {vt}
:: to pluck (to remove feathers from a bird)
megkoronáz {vt}
:: to crown (to formally declare someone a king, queen, emperor, etc.)
megkoronáz {vt}
:: to crown (to form the topmost or finishing part of, to complete)
megkoronázás {n}
:: coronation (the act of crowning a sovereign)
megkönnyebbül {vi}
:: to be relieved (from anxiety or mental distress)
megkönnyebbülés {n}
:: relief (the feeling associated with the removal of stress or discomfort)
megkönnyít {vt}
:: to ease, to facilitate (to make easy), unburden
megköszön {vt}
:: to thank somebody ( nak) for something ( t), to give thanks to somebody for something
megkövet {vt}
:: to solemnly ask for forgiveness
megkövet {vt}
:: to make amends (to somebody t)
megkövetel {vt}
:: to demand, to require, to call for, to necessitate, to exact
megkövez {vt}
:: to stone (to kill by pelting with stones)
megközelít {vt}
:: to approach (to come near to in place, time, character or value; to draw nearer to)
megközelítés {n}
:: approach
megközelíthető {adj}
:: approachable, accessible
megközelíthetőbb {adj}
:: comparative of megközelíthető
megközelítő {adj}
:: approximate
megközelítőbb {adj}
:: comparative of megközelítő
megközelítőleg {adv}
:: approximately (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount)
megküld {vt}
:: to send something as a delivery
megküld {vt}
:: to kick, throw or hit a ball with force
megkülönböztet {vt}
:: to distinguish
megkülönböztetés {n}
:: distinction, differentiation, discernment
megkülönböztetés {n}
:: discrimination (against)
megkülönböztethetetlen {adj}
:: indistinguishable
megkülönböztethetetlenebb {adj}
:: comparative of megkülönböztethetetlen
megkülönböztethetetlenség {n}
:: indistinguishability
megkülönböztethető {adj}
:: distinguishable (able or easily able to be distinguished)
meglát {vt}
:: to catch sight of
meglátogat {vt}
:: to visit someone, to call on someone
meglehetősen {adv}
:: quite, rather, fairly, considerably
meglep {vt}
:: to surprise (to cause someone to feel surprise)
meglepetés {n}
:: surprise (something not expected)
meglepett {adj}
:: surprised
meglepő {adj}
:: surprising
meglepőbb {adj}
:: comparative of meglepő
meglepőbben {adv}
:: comparative of meglepően
meglepődik {vi}
:: to be surprised/astonished
meglepően {adv}
:: surprisingly
meglevő {adj}
:: existing
meglévő {adj}
:: existing
megmacskásodik {vi}
:: to go numb
megmagyaráz {vt}
:: to explain
megmagyarázhatatlan {adj}
:: inexplicable, unexplainable (impossible to explain)
megmagyarázhatatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of megmagyarázhatatlan
megmarad {vi}
:: to stay
megmaradó {adj}
:: remaining
megment {vt}
:: to save (to help someone to survive)
megmérgez {vt}
:: to poison (to use poison to kill or paralyse)
még mindig {phrase}
:: still
megmond {vt}
:: to tell, to say something (to someone nak)
megmond {vt}
:: to tell on (a person), to tattle
megmos {vt}
:: to wash
megmozgat {vt}
:: to move
megmutat {vt}
:: to point out
megmutat {vt}
:: to reveal
megmutat {vt}
:: to show
megnehezít {vt}
:: to complicate, to make things more difficult or hard
megnevez {vt}
:: to name, to designate
megnevez {vt}
:: to specify, to identify
megnevezés {n}
:: name, appellation
megnevezés {n}
:: naming, specifying
megnéz {vt}
:: to take a look, to examine, to observe, to view, to see
megnő {vi}
:: to grow up
megnő {vi}
:: to grow
megnő {vi}
:: to increase
megnősül {vi}
:: to get married with a woman, to marry, to wed (to take a wife)
megnövekedett {adj}
:: increased, augmented
megnövekedik {vi}
:: to grow, to increase
megnyer {vt}
:: to win (to gain a prize by succeeding in competition or contest)
megnyer {vt}
:: to captivate (to attract someone's interest and attention)
megnyílik {vi}
:: to open
megnyilvánul {vi}
:: to express, manifest, show, reveal itself
megnyit {vt}
:: to open (to make a place available to someone)
megnyit {vt}
:: to inaugurate (to initiate something in a formal manner)
megnyit {vt}
:: to open (to load a file or a computer program into memory)
megnyitás {n}
:: opening (an act or instance of beginning)
megnyitó {n}
:: opening, inaugural (a formal beginning)
megnyom {vt}
:: to press (to apply pressure)
megnyugszik {vi}
:: to calm down
megnyugtat {vt}
:: to calm, to soothe, to ease, to reassure someone (about something felől)
megnyugtató {adj}
:: comforting, soothing, reassuring
megnyugtatóbb {adj}
:: comparative of megnyugtató
megnyújtott {adj}
:: elongated
megnyúz {vt}
:: to skin (to remove the skin of)
megold {vt}
:: to solve (to find an answer or solution)
megoldás {n}
:: solution (answer to a problem)
megoldási {adj}
:: of or relating to solution
megoldatlan {adj}
:: unsolved
megoldhatatlan {adj}
:: insolvable, insoluble, unsolvable (problem)
megoldható {adj}
:: solvable, resolvable
megoltalmaz {vt}
:: to protect, defend, shield
megoperál {vt}
:: to operate someone, to perform surgery
megoszt {vt}
:: to share something (with someone val)
megoszt {vt}
:: to divide (of a controversial issue that figuratively divides a group of people according to what opinion they have about the issue)
megöl {vt}
:: to kill (to put to death)
megöregszik {vi}
:: to grow old, to become old
megőriz {vt}
:: to preserve, to retain, to keep, to safeguard
megőrzés {n}
:: preservation, preserving, safekeeping, safeguarding, conservation, saving, keeping
mégpedig {conj}
:: namely, specifically
megpillant {vt}
:: to catch sight of
megpróbál {vt}
:: to try
megpróbáltatás {n}
:: trial, ordeal, tribulation, hardship, affliction (a painful or trying experience)
megragad {vt}
:: to seize, to grasp, to catch (to grip; to take hold, particularly with the hand)
megragad {vt}
:: to captivate (to attract and hold interest and attention of; charm)
megrak {vt}
:: to fill (with something val) until its full
megrak {vt}
:: to build up, to pile high (to get the fire going)
megrak {vt}
:: to beat, beat up someone (to give a beating to)
megrak {vt}
:: to beat (to win against; to defeat or overcome)
megráz {vt}
:: to shock, shake, jolt (to disturb emotionally)
megráz {vt}
:: to shock (to give an electric shock)
megráz {vt}
:: to shake (to cause something to move rapidly in opposite directions alternatingly)
megráz {vt}
:: to shake (to move one's head from side to side, especially to indicate a negative)
megrázó {adj}
:: shocking (emotionally)
megrázóbb {adj}
:: comparative of megrázó
megreformál {vt}
:: to reform
megrémül {vi}
:: to get frightened
megrendel {vt}
:: to order
megrendelés {n}
:: order, purchase order
megrendelhető {adj}
:: orderable (that may be ordered; obtained by placing an order)
megrendelő {n}
:: client, customer, orderer (a buyer or receiver of goods or services)
megrendezés {n}
:: organizing, staging
megrongál {vt}
:: to damage (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction)
megrövidül {vi}
:: to shorten, shrink (to become short, reduced)
megsegít {vt}
:: to help, aid, assist (to provide assistance to a person or group living in poverty)
megsegít {vt}
:: to help
mégsem {conj}
:: yet, still, but, however, nevertheless, all the same, notwithstanding, after all (all followed by negation in English; introducing a negative statement in contrast with an affirmative antecedent; the opposite of mégis)
mégsem {conj}
:: cancel, undo (as an instruction; its literal meaning can be derived from mégsem ezt szeretném “and yet I do not want that”)
megsemmisít {vt}
:: to annihilate
megsemmisít {vt}
:: to crush
megsemmisít {vt}
:: to annul
megsértés {n}
:: infringement, violation of the law, offence
megsérül {vi}
:: to become injured, to get hurt
megsérül {vi}
:: to become damaged
megsínyli {vt}
:: to suffer from something, to be hard hit by something (to be affected detrimentally because of it)
megszakít {vt}
:: to interrupt, to break, to break off, to disconnect, to break with
megszakítás {n}
:: interruption (the act of interrupting a process)
megszállás {n}
:: night (a night spent in a hotel or other accommodation)
megszállás {n}
:: occupation, invasion (military action)
megszállott {adj}
:: occupied (militarily subjugated)
megszállott {adj}
:: obsessed, possessed
megszállott {n}
:: fanatic
megszállottabb {adj}
:: comparative of megszállott
megszámlál {vt}
:: to count
megszámlálhatatlan {adj}
:: uncountable (so many that it is impossible to count)
megszámlálhatatlan {adj}
:: uncountable
megszámlálhatatlan {adj}
:: uncountable
megszámlálható {adj}
:: countable
megszámlálható {adj}
:: countable
megszámoz {vt}
:: to number (to label with numbers; to assign numbers to)
megszeg {vt}
:: to cut (to cut into a loaf of bread or similar food item for the first time or to cut it into two)
megszeg {vt}
:: to violate, break (to not adhere to)
megszegés {n}
:: contravention, infraction, infringement, violation (the act of contravening a rule, regulation, or law, or of not fulfilling an obligation, promise, or agreement)
megszégyenít {vt}
:: to shame, put to shame, reproach, disgrace, dishonor (to cause someone to feel shame)
megszégyenít {vt}
:: to outdo, beat, overshadow (to go beyond in expectation or performance)
megszentségtelenít {vt}
:: to desecrate, to profane, to make unholy
megszentségteleníthetetlen {adj}
:: unable to be desecrated
megszentségteleníthetetlenség {n}
:: the state or condition that something or someone is unable to be desecrated
megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedés {n}
:: inability to be desecrated multiple times
megszeppen {vi}
:: to get frightened, to get scared, to startle (to frighten suddenly and not seriously)
megszerez {vt}
:: to obtain, to acquire, to get
megszerezhető {adj}
:: obtainable
megszervez {vt}
:: to organise, to organize (to arrange in working order)
megszervezés {n}
:: organization (the act or process of organizing)
megszerzés {n}
:: acquisition, obtainment, getting, procurement
megszilárdít {vt}
:: to solidify (to make solid, convert into a solid body)
megszilárdít {vt}
:: to reinforce (to make stronger by additional material in order to carry increased load)
megszilárdít {vt}
:: to strengthen, stabilize (of prices, peace, order, economy, etc.)
megszilárdít {vt}
:: to stabilize, fortify (to impart strength or vigor to)
megszokott {adj}
:: usual
megszólal {vi}
:: to start speaking
megszólal {vi}
:: to ring
megszólamlik {vi}
:: to start speaking
megszületés {n}
:: birth
megszűnés {n}
:: stopping, cessation, termination
megszűnik {vi}
:: to cease, stop
megszüntet {vt}
:: to stop, to terminate, to discontinue, to cease, to abolish, to end
megszüntetés {n}
:: termination, stopping, cessation, liquidation, discontinuation
megtalál {vt}
:: to find (after searching)
megtalálható {adj}
:: can be found
megtámad {vt}
:: to attack, assail, assault, tackle
megtanul {vt}
:: to learn, to master
megtapsol {vt}
:: to applaud (to express approval by clapping)
megtárgyal {vt}
:: to negotiate, to discuss, to debate, to talk over
megtart {vt}
:: to keep
megtartás {n}
:: keeping, holding
megtartás {n}
:: observance, observation, observing
megtekint {vt}
:: to view, to inspect, to visit, to survey
megtekintés {n}
:: viewing, inspection, view, survey
megtekinthető {adj}
:: viewable
megtelik {vi}
:: to fill, to become full
megteremt {vt}
:: to create, to produce, to establish
megteremtés {n}
:: creation
megtermékenyítés {n}
:: fertilization, impregnation, insemination
megtérülés {n}
:: return, payback (financial gain from investment)
megtervez {vt}
:: to plan, to lay out, to design
megtestesít {vt}
:: to embody, to incarnate, to personify
megtestesülés {n}
:: incarnation
megtesz {vt}
:: to do
megtesz {vt}
:: to cover
megtetszik {vi}
:: to become fond of someone or something, to be taken by someone, to fall for someone, to take a fancy to
megtéveszt {vt}
:: to deceive, delude, pull the wool over someone's eyes
megtévesztés {n}
:: deceit, deception, fallacy
megtévesztő {adj}
:: misleading, deceptive, deceiving
megtilt {vt}
:: to forbid, to disallow
megtiszteltetés {n}
:: honor, privilege
megtizedel {vt}
:: to decimate
megtorlás {n}
:: retaliation, reprisal, retribution
megtorol {vt}
:: to retaliate
megtölt {vt}
:: to fill, fill up with something ( val)
megtölt {vt}
:: to stuff (some food) with a filling ( val)
megtölt {vt}
:: to load (a gun)
megtörténik {vi}
:: to occur, to take place
megtrágyáz {vt}
:: to fertilize, manure (to apply manure as fertilizer or soil improver)
megtud {vt}
:: to find out, to become aware of something, to know, to learn
megújhodás {n}
:: renewal, regeneration, revival, rebirth
megújhodik {vi}
:: to revive, to be renewed / regenerated
megújít {vt}
:: to renovate, to renew
megújul {vi}
:: to be renewed / refreshed / restored, to regenerate, to revive
megújulás {n}
:: renewal, regeneration, revival
megújuló {adj}
:: renewable
megújult {adj}
:: renewed
megun {vt}
:: to be bored with, to be fed up with, to be tired of, to lose patience with someone or something
megüt {vt}
:: to hit, to punch, to strike
megüt {vt}
:: to hurt oneself
megüti a guta {v}
:: to have a fit
megvakar {vt}
:: to scratch (to rub a surface with a sharp object)
megválaszol {vt}
:: to reply, answer
megválaszt {vt}
:: to choose
megválasztás {n}
:: election, selection, choice
megválasztott {adj}
:: elected, -elect
megválasztott elnök {n}
:: president-elect
megvalósít {vt}
:: to realize (to make real)
megvalósítás {n}
:: realization, implementation
megvalósítható {adj}
:: feasible (doable, possible)
megvalósul {vi}
:: to materialize
megvalósulás {n}
:: realization, materialization, fulfilment , fulfillment, fruition (the fulfillment of something worked for)
megváltás {n}
:: redemption, salvation
megváltozik {vi}
:: to change (to become different)
megváltoztat {vt}
:: to change (to make something into something different)
megváltoztatás {n}
:: change, alteration, modification
megvan {vi}
:: to exist, to be accessible (e.g. a copy of a book)
megvan {vi}
:: to be at hand, to have (the thing had is in the nominative case)
megvan {vi}
:: to be found
megvan {vi}
:: to have gotten/caught someone, gotcha
megvan {vi}
:: to be ready, to be done (with something: val)
megvan {vi}
:: to be over with something val
megvan {vi}
:: to have reached something, to have succeeded in achieving something
megvan {vi}
:: to be (doing) okay, all right, not too bad (in terms of health)
megvan {vi}
:: to get along, get on (well) with someone ( val)
megvan {vi}
:: to be at least as much/many and perhaps more (as a result of a division in mathematics or estimating the age of someone or something)
megvan {vi}
:: to manage, do without (the thing not really lacked: nélkül)
megvásárol {vt}
:: to buy, to purchase
megvásárolható {adj}
:: purchasable, buyable (available for purchase)
megvásárolható {adj}
:: venal (willing to take bribes)
megvéd {vt}
:: to protect
megver {vt}
:: to beat (to win against)
megvesz {vt}
:: to buy, to purchase
megvesz {vi}
:: alternative form of megvész
megveszteget {vt}
:: to bribe (to ask a person to do something in exchange for some type of reward or relief from potential trouble)
megvigasztal {vt}
:: to console
megvilágosodás {n}
:: enlightenment
megvilágosodik {vi}
:: to light up, to brighten up, to dawn
megvilágosodik {vi}
:: to clear up, to become clear
megvilágosodik {vi}
:: to become enlightened
megvitat {vt}
:: to debate, discuss
megvitatás {n}
:: discussion
megvizsgál {vt}
:: to examine, to audit, to inspect, to investigate, to scrutinize
megy {vi}
:: to go
megye {n}
:: county, shire (administrative region of a country)
megyei {adj}
:: county
megyeszékhely {n}
:: county seat (city in which the offices of county government are located)
meggy {n}
:: sour cherry
meggyaláz {vt}
:: to disgrace, to dishonour, to deface, to desecrate
meggyaláz {vt}
:: to violate, to ravish (to rape a woman)
meggyfa {n}
:: sour cherry tree (Prunus cerasus)
meggyilkol {vt}
:: to murder (to deliberately kill)
meggyógyít {vt}
:: to heal, cure
meggyökerezik {vi}
:: to take root
meggyőz {vt}
:: to convince, to persuade someone (of something ról), to talk over, to talk round, to talk around, to talk someone into something
meggyőző {adj}
:: convincing, persuasive, cogent
meggyőződés {n}
:: conviction, belief, certitude
meggyőződik {vi}
:: to make sure, check (something ról)
meggyőződik {v}
:: to be convinced about (something ról)
meggyújt {vt}
:: to light (to start a fire)
méh {n}
:: bee
méh {n}
:: womb, uterus
MÉH {prop}
:: a Hungarian recycling company
méhecske {n}
:: little bee
méhész {n}
:: beekeeper
méhészborz {n}
:: honey badger (Mellivora capensis)
méhészet {n}
:: beekeeping, apiculture
méhészet {n}
:: apiary (place where bees and their hives are kept)
méhészkedés {n}
:: beekeeping
méhészkedik {vi}
:: to keep bees (to work as a beekeeper)
méhkas {n}
:: beehive (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey)
méhkirálynő {n}
:: queen bee
méhlepény {n}
:: placenta (an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, thermo-regulation, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply)
meiózis {n}
:: meiosis
mek {interj}
:: bleat (the characteristic sound of a goat, can be used repetitively)
mekeg {vt}
:: to bleat (of a goat or in imitation thereof, to make its characteristic sound repetitively, see mek)
Mekka {prop}
:: Mekka (large city)
mekkora {pron}
:: how large? what size?
mekkora {pron}
:: how big? how old?
mekkora {pron}
:: what a big/huge ……!
mekkora {pron}
:: how cool, how awesome
Mekong {prop}
:: Mekong (river)
melankolikus {adj}
:: melancholic
melankolikusan {adv}
:: melancholically
melankolikusság {n}
:: melancholiness (the quality of being melancholy)
meleg {adj}
:: warm (having a temperature slightly higher than usual, but still pleasant)
meleg {adj}
:: warm (of clothing or animal fur, thick enough to insulate the body against cold temperatures)
meleg {adj}
:: hot (the direct opposite of cold when there are no further gradations)
meleg {adj}
:: heartfelt, cordial, warm (exhibiting friendliness)
meleg {adj}
:: warm (having a color closer to the red-orange-yellow part of the visible color spectrum)
meleg {adj}
:: gay (possessing sexual attraction towards members of the same gender, or relating to gay culture)
meleg {adj}
:: difficult, tight, close (of a situation, coming close to resulting in harm)
meleg {adj}
:: warm (very close to finding or guessing something in a game)
meleg {n}
:: warm weather
meleg {n}
:: the sensation of heat, especially to the point of discomfort, in melege van ’s/he is hot’ (s/he feels hot)
meleg {n}
:: a homosexual person
melegágy {n}
:: hotbed
melegebb {adj}
:: comparative of meleg
melegedik {vi}
:: to warm (to become warmer)
melegház {n}
:: greenhouse (building in which plants are grown faster than outside)
melegházi {adj}
:: greenhouse
melegít {vt}
:: to heat, heat up, warm (to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space)
melegít {vt}
:: to keep warm
melegít {vt}
:: to warm up (to do gentle exercise, stretching etc., in order to prepare the body for more vigorous exercise)
melegítés {n}
:: warming, heating
melegítési {adj}
:: heating, heat
melegítő {adj}
:: heating
melegítő {n}
:: tracksuit
melegítő {n}
:: electric blanket
melegítő {n}
:: electric heater, dish warmer
melegítőfelső {n}
:: sweatshirt
melegítőnadrág {n}
:: sweatpants, tracksuit bottoms, jogging bottoms, track pants
melegszik {vi}
:: alternative form of melegedik
meleg vagyok {phrase}
:: I'm gay
Melinda {prop}
:: given name
melír {n}
:: highlight (a strand or spot of hair dyed a different color than the rest)
melíroz {vt}
:: to highlight (to create highlights in hair)
melírozás {n}
:: hair highlighting
mell {n}
:: breast
mell {n}
:: chest
mell {n}
:: thoracic
mell {n}
:: breaststroke
mellbimbó {n}
:: nipple
mellbőség {n}
:: bust measurement, chest measurement
mellcsont {n}
:: breastbone, sternum (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest, connecting the collarbone and the top ribs)
mellé- {prefix}
:: next to one side of someone or something
mellé- {prefix}
:: aside, off, mis-, missing the target
mellé {postp}
:: next to (onto the side of, expressing the end point of motion)
mellé {pron}
:: synonym of melléje
mellébeszél {vi}
:: to prevaricate, to talk beside the point (to speak by concealing the point on purpose)
melléje {pron}
:: besides someone or something, next to him/her/it (to his/her/its side)
mellék {n}
:: region, area, neighborhood
mellék {n}
:: extension
mellék {n}
:: supplementary, secondary, collateral, by-
mellékcselekmény {n}
:: subplot
mellékel {vt}
:: to attach, enclose
mellékelt {adj}
:: attached
mellékes {adj}
:: irrelevant, beside the point
mellékes {adj}
:: extra, supplementary
mellékfolyó {n}
:: tributary (river that flows into a larger river or other body of water)
mellékhatás {n}
:: side effect
mellékjel {n}
:: diacritical mark (symbol used with a letter to indicate a different pronunciation, stress, tone, or meaning)
melléklet {n}
:: attachment, enclosure
melléklet {n}
:: supplement, insert
melléklet {n}
:: annex, appendix
melléknév {n}
:: adjective
melléknévi {adj}
:: adjectival
melléknévi igenév {n}
:: participle
mellékpajzsmirigy {n}
:: parathyroid gland (any one of four endocrine glands situated in the neck, usually within a thyroid gland, which produce parathyroid hormone)
mellékszereplő {n}
:: supporting actor, supporting actress
mellékszereplő {n}
:: bit player (an actor who has a minor role in a production)
mellékszereplő {n}
:: bit player (an insignificant or unimportant person in a particular situation)
mellékszög {n}
:: supplementary angle
melléktermék {n}
:: byproduct
mellékutca {n}
:: side street
mellékvese {n}
:: adrenal gland, suprarenal gland (in mammals, either of a pair of complex endocrine glands, situated above each kidney, secreting hormones which control the heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism)
mellékvesekéreg {n}
:: adrenal cortex (the outer portion of the adrenal glands that produces hormones essential to homeostasis)
mellény {n}
:: waistcoat, vest
mellérendel {vt}
:: to coordinate, conjoin
mellérendelő {adj}
:: coordinating
mellesleg {adv}
:: by the way
mellett {postp}
:: by, beside (by the side of, next to something)
mellette {pron}
:: by, near, beside someone or something, close, next to someone or something
mellette {pron}
:: in favor of, in favour of (for; in support of; approving, supporting)
melletti {adj}
:: adjacent, by, next to, beside, near, against
mellhártya {n}
:: pleura
mellhártya {n}
:: pleural
mellhártyagyulladás {n}
:: pleuritis
mellhártyaüreg {n}
:: pleural cavity (the part of the thoracic cavity that surrounds the lungs and is enclosed by the pleurae)
mellkas {n}
:: chest, thorax
mellkasi {adj}
:: thoracic, chest
mellkasú {adj}
:: -chested, with a …… chest (having a specific kind of chest)
mellől {postp}
:: from, from next to, from beside
mellőle {pron}
:: from him/her/it
mellső {adj}
:: fore- (of limbs)
melltartó {n}
:: brassiere, bra
mellúszás {n}
:: breaststroke
mellű {adj}
:: -breasted, -chested (having a specific kind of breast or chest)
mellüreg {n}
:: thoracic cavity, chest cavity (a chamber located within the upper human torso (and other animal bodies) which contains the heart and lungs)
mellvezeték {n}
:: thoracic duct
meló {n}
:: work
melódia {n}
:: melody (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase)
Melpomené {prop}
:: Melpomene (the Muse of tragedy)
mélt {v}
:: to be proper
méltán {adv}
:: deservedly, rightly
méltányol {vt}
:: to appreciate (to be grateful for something)
méltányos {adj}
:: fair, equal
méltányosság {n}
:: fairness, equality
méltánytalan {adj}
:: unfair
méltatlan {adj}
:: unworthy, undeserving
méltatlan {adj}
:: unmerited, undeserved
méltatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of méltatlan
méltó {adj}
:: worthy, deserving
méltóan {adv}
:: worthy of, deserving (preceded by a word suffixed with ra or hoz)
méltóan {adv}
:: accordingly, like
méltóbb {adj}
:: comparative of méltó
méltóság {n}
:: dignity
méltóság {n}
:: dignitary
méltóságteljes {adj}
:: dignified, stately, majestic
méltóságteljesebb {adj}
:: comparative of méltóságteljes
mely {determiner}
:: which
mely {pron}
:: which, that
mély {adj}
:: deep (having its bottom far down)
mély {n}
:: the deep (the deep part of a lake, sea, etc.)
mélyebb {adj}
:: comparative of mély
mélyebben {adv}
:: comparative of mélyen
mélyen {adv}
:: deeply, profoundly
mélyeszt {vt}
:: to sink (to push teeth, nails into something)
mélyeszt {vt}
:: to put, tuck, thrust, slide (to place somewhere safe or hidden, into the depths of something)
mélyeszt {vt}
:: to gaze, look (to stare intently, to fix one's eyes into something)
mélyhegedű {n}
:: viola (musical instrument)
melyik {pron}
:: which? what?
melly {n}
:: alternative form of mell
melly {pron}
:: obsolete form of mely
mélynyomor {n}
:: extreme poverty, destitution (condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs)
mélypont {n}
:: nadir
mélység {n}
:: depth, deepness, profundity
mélység {n}
:: precipice, abyss
mélységélesség {n}
:: depth of field (the distance in front of and behind the subject that appears to be in focus)
mélyszegénység {n}
:: rock-bottom poverty, destitution (an extreme state of poverty, in which a person is almost completely lacking in resources or means of support)
mélytengeri {adj}
:: deep-sea
mém {n}
:: meme (unit of cultural information)
membrán {n}
:: membrane (a mechanical, thin, flat flexible part that can deform or vibrate when excited by an external force)
membrán {n}
:: membrane (a flexible enclosing or separating tissue forming a plane or film and separating two environments (usually in a plant or animal))
membránfehérje {n}
:: membrane protein (a protein that is associated with a biological membrane)
memoár {n}
:: memoir
memória {n}
:: memory (ability to recall)
memória {n}
:: memory
memóriakártya {n}
:: memory card
memorizál {vt}
:: to memorize
mén {n}
:: stallion (male horse)
mendelévium {n}
:: mendelevium (chemical element)
mendemonda {n}
:: hearsay, scuttlebutt, gossip, rumor, idle chatter (information that was heard by one person about another that cannot be adequately substantiated)
menedék {n}
:: refuge, shelter, cover, asylum, resort, haven
menedékhely {n}
:: refuge, haven, shelter
menedzser {n}
:: manager
menedzsment {n}
:: management
menekszik {v}
:: alternative form of menekül
menekül {vi}
:: to flee, fly, run away, escape
menekülés {n}
:: flight, fleeing, escape
menekült {n}
:: refugee (person seeking political asylum)
menés {n}
:: verbal noun of megy, going (the act of going)
ménes {n}
:: herd of horses (in general) or a stud farm (of selectively bred horses)
ménes {n}
:: a single horse
menet {adv}
:: on the way
menet {n}
:: march, procession
menet {n}
:: course
menet {n}
:: working, motion
menet {n}
:: round
menet {n}
:: thread (helical ridge or groove, as on a screw)
menetel {vi}
:: to march
menetel {n}
:: going, proceeding, progressing, advancing (mostly used in compounds and phrases)
menetrend {n}
:: timetable, schedule
menettérti {adj}
:: return
menettérti jegy {n}
:: return ticket (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again)
mennél {adv}
:: alternative form of minél
menóra {n}
:: menorah (a seven-branched candelabrum, a symbol of Judaism)
menő {adj}
:: cool (in fashion, considered popular)
menstruáció {n}
:: menstruation
ment {vt}
:: to rescue, to save
ment {adj}
:: exempt
menta {n}
:: mint (any plant in the genus Mentha in the family Lamiaceae)
mentális {adj}
:: mental
mentálisan {adv}
:: mentally
mente {n}
:: leaving from somewhere
mente {n}
:: going somewhere
mente {n}
:: the course, progress of something
mente {n}
:: the immediate neighborhood of a river, riverbank area
mente {n}
:: short (Hungarian) fur coat
mentében {postp}
:: along
mentében {adv}
:: on the way, as he/she/it went
mentelmi jog {n}
:: parliamentary immunity, legislative immunity
menten {adv}
:: at once, on the spot, immediately
mentén {postp}
:: along
mentes {adj}
:: free of, exempt from, devoid of (completely without), -less (free from something: tól)
mentes {adj}
:: synonym of szénsavmentes, still, noncarbonated, not effervescent, not sparkling, without gas
mentés {n}
:: rescue
mentés {n}
:: saving
mentett {adj}
:: saved
menti {adj}
:: (situated) along something
mentő {adj}
:: rescuing
mentő {n}
:: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
mentőautó {n}
:: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
mentőcsónak {n}
:: lifeboat
mentőöv {n}
:: life belt, lifebelt
mentség {n}
:: plea, excuse, justification
menü {n}
:: menu
menüpont {n}
:: menu item
menüszalag {n}
:: ribbon (a toolbar that incorporates tabs and menus)
menza {n}
:: refectory, canteen, cafeteria (a school dining location)
meny {n}
:: daughter-in-law
-mény {suffix}
:: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the result of the action
menyasszony {n}
:: fiancée (a woman who is engaged to be married)
menyasszony {n}
:: bride (a woman who is going to marry or who has just been married)
menyasszonyi {adj}
:: bridal
menyasszonyi ruha {n}
:: wedding dress, wedding gown, bridal gown
menyét {n}
:: weasel
Menyhért {prop}
:: given name
Menyhért {prop}
:: Melchior (one of the Magi according to medieval Christian legend)
menny {n}
:: heaven
mennydörgés {n}
:: thunder (the sound caused by the discharge of atmospheric electrical charge)
mennyei {adj}
:: heavenly
mennyeibb {adj}
:: comparative of mennyei
mennyezet {n}
:: ceiling
mennyi {pron}
:: how much?
mennyi az idő {phrase}
:: what time is it?
mennyibe kerül {phrase}
:: how much does it cost?
mennyire {adv}
:: to what extent, how much, how
mennyiség {n}
:: quantity (a fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement)
mennyiségi {adj}
:: quantitative
mennyiségileg {adv}
:: quantitatively
mennyiségű {adj}
:: amount of
mennyország {n}
:: heaven, Kingdom of Heaven
mennyország {n}
:: paradise, happiness, bliss
mer {v}
:: to dare (to have the courage to do something)
mer {vt}
:: to ladle (to get some liquid or grainy substance out of somewhere by turning in a bowl-shaped object and let it fill)
mér {vt}
:: to measure, gauge, weigh, clock, time (measure in the broadest sense)
mér {vt}
:: to strike or deal (a blow), to inflict or mete out (a punishment)
mér {adv}
:: eye dialect of mért
mérce {n}
:: measure, scale, gauge
mérce {n}
:: standard, yardstick, benchmark, touchstone, criterion
mered {vi}
:: to stand out, to project, to jut out (upwards or in some other direction)
mered {vi}
:: to stare, to gaze, to look fixedly
meredek {adj}
:: steep
meredekebb {adj}
:: comparative of meredek
méreg {n}
:: poison, venom, toxin
méreg {n}
:: anger, wrath
méregtan {n}
:: toxicology
méregtelen {adj}
:: poisonless
méregtelenít {vt}
:: to detoxicate, detoxify
méregtelenítés {n}
:: detoxication, detoxification
mereng {vi}
:: ponder, ruminate, muse, daydream (to be lost in thought/reverie for a length of time)
merénylet {n}
:: attack, criminal attempt, outrage
merénylő {n}
:: assailant
mérés {n}
:: measurement (act of measuring)
merész {adj}
:: brave, bold, daring, valiant, gutsy (surprisingly courageous)
merész {adj}
:: bold, daring (strikingly unusual, novel, unconventional, imaginative)
merész {adj}
:: daring, risqué, immodest, provocative
merészel {vt}
:: to dare
merészen {adv}
:: boldly, daringly, gallantly
merészség {n}
:: boldness, audacity
merészségű {adj}
:: (of) boldness
méret {n}
:: size (dimensions or magnitude of a thing)
méret {vt}
:: to have someone measure something
méretű {adj}
:: -sized, -size (having a named size)
merev {adj}
:: rigid (stiff)
merevebb {adj}
:: comparative of merev
merevlemez {n}
:: hard drive, hard disk, hard disk drive
merevség {n}
:: rigidity, stiffness
mérföld {n}
:: mile (1609.33 m, 1.6 km)
mérföldes {adj}
:: mile-…, x miles long/wide …
mérföldkő {n}
:: milestone
mérges {adj}
:: poisonous, venomous
mérges {adj}
:: inflamed (tumor, pimple, boil)
mérges {adj}
:: angry, mad
mérgesebb {adj}
:: comparative of mérges
mérgesen {adv}
:: angrily, wrathfully
mérgesít {v}
:: to anger/infuriate someone ( t)
mérgesít {v}
:: to annoy someone ( t)
mérget vehet rá {v}
:: to (be able to) bet the farm, bet one's bottom dollar, bet one's boots, take to the bank (to be absolutely sure about it, to have no doubt about something)
mérgez {vt}
:: to poison
mérgezés {n}
:: poisoning
mérgezett {adj}
:: poisoned
mérgezettebb {adj}
:: comparative of mérgezett
mérgező {adj}
:: toxic, poisonous
mérgezőbb {adj}
:: comparative of mérgező
mérhetetlen {adj}
:: immense, immeasurable (huge, gigantic, very large)
mérhetetlenebb {adj}
:: comparative of mérhetetlen
mérhetetlenül {adv}
:: immeasurably
mérhető {adj}
:: measurable
mérhetőbb {adj}
:: comparative of mérhető
merisztéma {n}
:: meristem
Mérk {prop}
:: Mérk (village)
mérkőzés {n}
:: match (a competitive sporting event)
Merkúr {prop}
:: Mercury (Roman god)
Merkúr {prop}
:: Mercury (planet)
mérleg {n}
:: scales
mérleg {n}
:: balance (in accounting)
Mérleg {prop}
:: Libra
mérlegel {vt}
:: to weigh (to determine the weight of an object)
mérlegel {vt}
:: to weigh, to ponder (to consider carefully)
mérleghinta {n}
:: seesaw, teeter-totter
mérnök {n}
:: engineer (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering)
mérnöki {adj}
:: engineering
merő {adj}
:: fixed, tight, tense, taut
merő {adj}
:: mere, pure, downright, complete, sheer
merő {adv}
:: downright, completely, utterly, purely, merely
mérő {adj}
:: measuring
mérő {n}
:: meter (a device that measures things)
mérő {n}
:: measurer (one who, or that which, measures)
mérő {n}
:: an old Hungarian unit of fluid measure for grain-like substances; its value was about 62.5 liters, varying by region
merőkanál {n}
:: ladle (a deep-bowled spoon with a long handle)
merőleges {adj}
:: orthogonal, perpendicular
mérőszalag {n}
:: tape measure, measuring tape (a graduated ribbon of cloth, plastic or metal used for measuring lengths)
merre {adv}
:: where? which way? in which direction?
merre {adv}
:: where? (at which place?)
merről {adv}
:: from where? from which way? from which direction?
mérsékel {vt}
:: to moderate
mérsékel {vt}
:: to tone down (voice)
mérsékel {vt}
:: to reduce (price)
mérsékelt {adj}
:: temperate (moderate; not excessive heat, climate)
mérsékelt {adj}
:: moderate, sober (person)
mérsékelt {adj}
:: moderate, reasonable (price)
mérsékelt {adj}
:: moderate
mérsékeltebb {adj}
:: comparative of mérsékelt
mérsékeltebben {adv}
:: comparative of mérsékelten
mérsékelt égöv {n}
:: temperate zone
mérsékelten {adv}
:: moderately
mérséklet {n}
:: moderation, restraint
mersz {n}
:: synonym of bátorság
mert {conj}
:: because
mért {adj}
:: measured
mért {adv}
:: alternative form of miért
mértan {n}
:: geometry (branch of mathematics)
mértani {adj}
:: geometric, geometrical (of or relating to geometry)
mértani közép {n}
:: geometric mean
mértani sorozat {n}
:: geometric progression
mérték {n}
:: measure
mértékű {adj}
:: of, or relating to capacity, size, measurement, rate, degree
mérten {postp}
:: in comparison with ( hoz)
mérten {postp}
:: in proportion to, according to ( hoz)
merthogy {conj}
:: because, as
merül {vi}
:: to dive
m-es {adj}
:: abbreviation of méteres
mese {n}
:: fairy tale, tale, fable
mese {n}
:: fabrication, tall story, lie, yarn
mesebeli {adj}
:: fabled, fictitious, mythical (known only in fables)
mesebeli {adj}
:: legendary, fabulous, fablelike, fairy-tale (of the nature of a fairy tale; as if from a fairy tale)
mese habbal {n}
:: malarkey, nonsense (foolish talk or statement that cannot be believed)
mesekönyv {n}
:: storybook (a book of fairy tales, especially for children)
mesél {vt}
:: to tell a story ( t) to someone ( nak)
mesél {v}
:: to tell, narrate, recount
mesél {v}
:: to spin a yarn, tell a tall story (to lie)
meseország {n}
:: fairyland
meseszép {adj}
:: fabulous, beautiful
mester {n}
:: master
mesterképzés {n}
:: graduate program, master's program
mesterképzés {n}
:: vocational training (a training in a craft toward becoming a master craftsman while going through the apprentice-journeyman-master phases)
mesterlövész {n}
:: sniper, marksman, markswoman, sharpshooter, bersagliere (a person highly skilled at hitting targets, as with a firearm)
mestermű {n}
:: masterpiece, masterwork, chef d'œuvre
mesterség {n}
:: craft, profession
mesterséges {adj}
:: artificial, manmade
mesterségesebb {adj}
:: comparative of mesterséges
mesterségesen {adv}
:: artificially
mesterséges intelligencia {n}
:: artificial intelligence
mesüge {adj}
:: crazy
mész {n}
:: lime (stone), chalk
mészárlás {n}
:: massacre
mészárol {v}
:: to slaughter, to massacre
mészáros {n}
:: butcher
mészárszék {n}
:: butcher shop, butcher's
mészárszék {n}
:: slaughterhouse
mészkő {n}
:: limestone (abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments)
messze {adj}
:: far (distant from something; used with tól)
messzebb {adj}
:: comparative of messze
messzeség {n}
:: distance (a remote point in space)
messzi {adj}
:: distant, far-off, faraway
messzi {adv}
:: far, far away (distant from something)
messzi {n}
:: distance, a distant place
messzire {adv}
:: far, far away
messziről {adv}
:: from afar, from a great distance
mesztéláb {adv}
:: barefoot
meta- {prefix}
:: meta-
meta {adj}
:: meta (self-referential)
méta {n}
:: A traditional Hungarian ball game played outdoors with bats between a batting and a fielding team, somewhat similar to baseball
metafizikus {adj}
:: metaphysical
metafizikus {n}
:: metaphysician
metál {adj}
:: metallic
metál {n}
:: metal
metán {n}
:: methane
metanol {n}
:: methanol
metanyelv {n}
:: metalanguage (any language or vocabulary of specialized terms used to describe or analyze a language or linguistic process)
metél {v}
:: to chop up (small), mince
metélőhagyma {n}
:: chive (Allium schoenoprasum)
métely {n}
:: fluke, trematode (a parasitic flatworm of the Trematoda class)
métely {n}
:: rot (animal disease)
métely {n}
:: corruption, infection, contagion
meteor {n}
:: meteor (a fast-moving streak of light in the night sky caused by the entry of extraterrestrial matter into the earth's atmosphere)
meteorológia {n}
:: meteorology
meteorológiai {adj}
:: meteorological
méter {n}
:: meter (unit of measure, 100 cm)
méteres {adj}
:: -meter, meters, -metre, metres
metodista {n}
:: Methodist
metró {n}
:: metro (underground railway)
metsz {vt}
:: to cut, to incise
metsz {vt}
:: to prune (a plant, such as a tree)
metsz {vt}
:: to intersect, to cross
metszés {n}
:: cut, cutting, incision
metszés {n}
:: pruning (a removal of excess material from a tree or shrub)
metszés {n}
:: engraving (the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface, by cutting grooves into it)
metszés {n}
:: shape, line (the way certain parts of someone's face is constructed)
metszés {n}
:: intersection
metsző {adj}
:: pruning, cutting
metsző {adj}
:: bitter, harsh, piercing, stinging
metsző {adj}
:: incisive, sharp, biting, sarcastic (having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument)
metsző {n}
:: cutter, pruner (a person who prunes or a tool used in pruning)
metszőfog {n}
:: incisor (one of the front teeth of mammals)
Mexikó {prop}
:: Mexikó (country)
mexikói {adj}
:: Mexican (of, or relating to Mexico and its people)
mexikói {n}
:: Mexican (person)
Mexikói Egyesült Államok {prop}
:: United Mexican States
Mexikóváros {prop}
:: Mexikóváros (capital city)
mez {n}
:: guise
mez {n}
:: dress (for athletes)
méz {n}
:: honey
mézédes {adj}
:: honey-sweet, sweet as honey
mezei {adj}
:: field-, meadow-
mezei {adj}
:: country, rural, rustic
mezei csiperke {n}
:: field mushroom, meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris)
mezei pacsirta {n}
:: skylark, Eurasian skylark, common skylark, Eurasian lark, European skylark, Northern skylark (Alauda arvensis)
mézel {vi}
:: to gather honey
mézel {vt}
:: to sweeten with honey
mézelő {adj}
:: melliferous, honey-bearing
mézelő {adj}
:: mellific, honey-making
mézes {adj}
:: honeyed
mézesebb {adj}
:: comparative of mézes
mézeshetek {n}
:: honeymoon (period of time immediately following a marriage)
mezítláb {adv}
:: barefoot (wearing nothing on the feet)
mezítlábas {adj}
:: barefoot, barefooted
Mezopotámia {prop}
:: Mesopotamia (region in Southwest Asia spanning from the rivers Euphrates and Tigris)
mezopotámiai {adj}
:: Mesopotamian (of or pertaining to Mesopotamia)
mező {n}
:: field (land area free of woodland, cities and towns; open country)
mező {n}
:: field (section in a form which is supposed to be filled with data)
mező {n}
:: square, space (cell on a board where a piece can be moved)
mező {n}
:: field (physical phenomenon that pervades a region)
mező {n}
:: field (the background of the shield)
mezőgazda {n}
:: agriculturist, farmer, agronomist
mezőgazdaság {n}
:: agriculture
mezőgazdasági {adj}
:: agricultural (of or relating to agriculture)
mezőgazdasági {adj}
:: agricultural, agrarian, rural, farming
mezőgazdász {n}
:: agronomist
Mezőkövesd {prop}
:: Mezőkövesd (town)
mezőny {n}
:: field (in sports)
meztelen {adj}
:: naked (not wearing any clothes)
meztelen csiga {n}
:: slug (any of many terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks, having no shell)
meztelenebb {adj}
:: comparative of meztelen
meztelenség {n}
:: nudity
mézsör {n}
:: mead (alcoholic drink)
MHz {n}
:: abbreviation of megahertz
mi {pron}
:: we
mi {interj}
:: how …!, what (a) …!
mi {pron}
:: what?
mi {pron}
:: something, anything, nothing
mi {n}
:: mi (a syllable used in solfège to represent the third note of a major scale)
mialánk {pron}
:: synonym of alánk
mialatt {adv}
:: while
mialattunk {pron}
:: synonym of alattunk
mialólunk {pron}
:: synonym of alólunk
miáltal {adv}
:: as a consequence, consequently
miáltalunk {pron}
:: synonym of általunk
Mianmar {prop}
:: Mianmar (country)
miatt {postp}
:: because of, owing to, on account of, for
miatt {postp}
:: for, for the sake of
miatta {pron}
:: because of him / her / it
miau {interj}
:: meow (cry of a cat)
mibelénk {pron}
:: synonym of belénk
mibelőlünk {pron}
:: synonym of belőlünk
mibennünk {pron}
:: synonym of bennünk
Michelangelo {prop}
:: Michelangelo (Italian artist)
Michigan-tó {prop}
:: Lake Michigan
Microsoft {prop}
:: Microsoft
micsoda {pron}
:: what?
micsoda {pron}
:: what sort?
micsoda {pron}
:: what a... !
micsoda {n}
:: whatsit
micsoda {n}
:: sexual organ
mieink {pron}
:: ours (those which belong to us)
miéink {pron}
:: alternative spelling of mieink
mielébünk {pron}
:: synonym of elébünk
mielénk {pron}
:: synonym of elénk
mielőbb {adv}
:: as soon as possible
mielőbbi {adj}
:: quick, rapid, speedy, the earliest possible
mielőlünk {pron}
:: synonym of előlünk
mielőtt {adv}
:: before
mielőttünk {pron}
:: synonym of előttünk
mienk {pron}
:: alternative spelling of miénk
miénk {pron}
:: ours (that which belongs to us)
miérettünk {pron}
:: synonym of érettünk
miért {adv}
:: why
miértünk {pron}
:: synonym of értünk
miféle {pron}
:: what sort?
mifelénk {pron}
:: synonym of felénk
mifelettünk {pron}
:: synonym of felettünk
mifelőlünk {pron}
:: synonym of felőlünk
mifölöttünk {pron}
:: synonym of fölöttünk
míg {adv}
:: as long as, while
míg {adv}
:: till, until
mígnem {conj}
:: until, till (until finally)
migráció {n}
:: migration (an instance of moving to live in another place for a while)
migráció {n}
:: migration (seasonal moving for birds)
migrén {n}
:: migraine (a severe, disabling headache)
Mihály {prop}
:: given name
mihelyest {conj}
:: as soon as (at the moment when; immediately after)
mihelyettünk {pron}
:: synonym of helyettünk
mihelyst {conj}
:: as soon as (at the moment when; immediately after)
mihelyt {conj}
:: as soon as (at the moment when; immediately after)
mihozzánk {pron}
:: synonym of hozzánk
miirántunk {pron}
:: synonym of irántunk
mi járatban vagy {phrase}
:: What brings you here? What are you doing here? What are you up to (here)? What is your business/errand/mission (here)? Why have you come here? What wind blows you here?
mikádó {n}
:: mikado
Mikeás {prop}
:: Micah (biblical character)
miként {adv}
:: how?
miként {adv}
:: as
miként {n}
:: method, manner
miképpen {adv}
:: how? in what way? in what manner?
miképpen {adv}
:: as
Miki {prop}
:: given name
Miki egér {prop}
:: Mickey Mouse (the most famous Disney cartoon character, an anthropomorphic mouse)
Mikike {prop}
:: given name
Miklós {prop}
:: given name. Cognate to Nicholas
Miklóska {prop}
:: given name
mikor {adv}
:: when? at what time?
mikor {adv}
:: alternative form of amikor
miköröttünk {pron}
:: synonym of köröttünk
miközben {conj}
:: while, whilst
miközöttünk {pron}
:: synonym of közöttünk
mikro- {prefix}
:: micro- (very small)
mikró {n}
:: microwave oven
mikrofilm {n}
:: microfilm (continuous roll of film containing photographs of documents at a greatly reduced size)
mikrofon {n}
:: microphone
mikrofonállvány {n}
:: microphone stand (a free-standing mount for a microphone)
mikrofonláz {n}
:: stage fright (a state of nervousness about performing some action in front of a group of people)
mikrofonpróba {n}
:: soundcheck (the act or process of testing the microphone and sound system before performance)
mikrohullámú sütő {n}
:: microwave oven
mikrométer {n}
:: micrometer (an SI unit of measure, the length of one millionth of a meter; symbol: µm)
mikrométer {n}
:: micrometer (a device used to measure distance very precisely but within a limited range, especially depth, thickness, and diameter)
Mikronézia {prop}
:: Micronesia (a subregion of Oceania)
Mikronézia {prop}
:: Micronesia (country)
Mikronéziai Szövetségi Államok {prop}
:: Mikronéziai Szövetségi Államok (country)
mikroprocesszor {n}
:: microprocessor
mikrorajon {n}
:: microdistrict
mikrosörfőzde {n}
:: microbrewery
mikroszkóp {n}
:: microscope
mikroszkopikus {adj}
:: microscopic
Miksa {prop}
:: given name
Mikszáth {prop}
:: Kálmán Mikszáth, Hungarian novelist, journalist, and politician
Mikulás {prop}
:: Santa Claus (a modern mythological figure)
Milánó {prop}
:: Milánó (city/and/province/regional capital)
milícia {n}
:: militia
militarizál {vt}
:: to militarize
millenáris {adj}
:: millenary
millenniumi {adj}
:: of or relating to millennium, a period of time consisting of one thousand years
milli- {prefix}
:: milli-
milliárd {num}
:: A milliard, 109 (in the short scale, a billion)
milliárdos {adj}
:: of or in the magnitude of a billion
milliárdos {n}
:: billionaire
milligramm {n}
:: milligram
milliliter {n}
:: millilitre (a unit of volume)
milliméter {n}
:: millimetre (UK), millimeter (US)
millió {num}
:: a million, 106
milliomos {n}
:: millionaire
milliomosnő {n}
:: millionairess
Milos {prop}
:: given name
mily {pron}
:: what?, what kind of?, what like?
mily {pron}
:: how ...!
milyen {pron}
:: what?, what kind of?
milyen {pron}
:: what … like?
milyen {pron}
:: to what extent?, how?, how much?
milyen {pron}
:: what (a) …!
mímel {vt}
:: to pretend
mímel {vt}
:: to imitate someone or something
mimellénk {pron}
:: synonym of mellénk
mimellettünk {pron}
:: synonym of mellettünk
mimellőlünk {pron}
:: synonym of mellőlünk
mimiattunk {pron}
:: synonym of miattunk
mimögénk {pron}
:: synonym of mögénk
mimögöttünk {pron}
:: synonym of mögöttünk
mimögülünk {pron}
:: synonym of mögülünk
minálunk {pron}
:: synonym of nálunk
minap {adv}
:: alternative form of a minap
minaret {n}
:: minaret
mind {pron}
:: all of it, all of them, each of them (grammatically singular)
mind {adv}
:: with everyone, all (usually of persons)
mind {adv}
:: increasingly (used with comparative form)
mind {adv}
:: (up) until…, up to… (used with ig; not (until) sooner than a given point in time)
mind {conj}
:: both... and..., as well as
mindaddig {adv}
:: up until, up to then, thus far, until that time
mindamellett {conj}
:: nevertheless, notwithstanding, besides, however (in spite of what preceded)
mindannyi {pron}
:: all of them
mindannyian {adv}
:: all (of us/you/them)
mindannyiónk {adv}
:: all of us
mindannyiuk {adv}
:: all of them
mindannyiunk {adv}
:: all of us
mindaz {pron}
:: all, all that, all those
mindazon {determiner}
:: all
mindazonáltal {conj}
:: nevertheless (in spite of what preceded)
mindeddig {adv}
:: hitherto, as yet, thus far, so far
mindegy {adj}
:: irrelevant, unimportant, all the same (to someone: nek)
mindegy {adj}
:: I don't care, I don't mind…, no matter (… whether / who / where / how etc.)
mindegy {interj}
:: whatever, anyway, never mind, forget it, it doesn't matter
mindegyik {determiner}
:: each, every
mindegyik {pron}
:: all
mindegyiketek {adv}
:: all of you (plural)
mindegyikőnk {adv}
:: all of us
mindegyiktek {adv}
:: all of you (plural)
mindegyikük {adv}
:: all of them
mindegyikünk {adv}
:: all of us
minden {determiner}
:: every (used with the noun in singular)
minden {pron}
:: all, everything
minden {pron}
:: thing (referring to numerous items together, possibly the totality of the set)
minden {adv}
:: synonym of mindnyájan or mindannyian
mindenáron {adv}
:: at all costs, by any means, by hook or by crook, no matter what (under all and any circumstances)
minden egyes {phrase}
:: each, each and every, every single
mindenekelőtt {adv}
:: above all, first of all (before everything else)
mindenesetre {adv}
:: anyway, in any case, in any event, by all means, at any rate, certainly
mindenestül {adv}
:: bag and baggage, completely, entirely (of a person: with all one's belongings, relatives; of an object: with all its components)
mindenfajta {adj}
:: of all kinds/sorts, all sorts of
mindenfelé {adv}
:: everywhere (in every direction or at every place)
mindenféle {adj}
:: all sorts of, various
mindenféleképpen {adv}
:: alternative form of mindenképpen
minden hájjal megkent {adj}
:: wily, cunning, shrewd, crafty, full of tricks
mindenható {adj}
:: omnipotent, almighty, all-powerful
mindenhol {adv}
:: everywhere
minden jog fenntartva {phrase}
:: all rights reserved (copyright notice formula)
minden jó, ha a vége jó {proverb}
:: all's well that ends well
minden jó, ha jó a vége {proverb}
:: alternative form of minden jó, ha a vége jó
mindenképpen {adv}
:: by all means, at all costs, in any event, no matter what, definitely, certainly, come what may, whatever happens, either way
mindenképpen {adv}
:: anyway, regardless, though
minden kezdet nehéz {proverb}
:: It is always difficult when one starts something new
mindenki {pron}
:: everybody, everyone
mindenkor {adv}
:: always, at all times, at any time
mindenkori {adj}
:: current, prevailing, existing, … of the time, … that be (whoever happens to be that person at that given moment; whatever it is at that time)
minden követ megmozgat {v}
:: to leave no stone unturned, to pull every string (to use every means, method, and connection in attaining an end)
minden lében kanál {n}
:: nosey parker, busybody, meddler (see also poke one's nose into)
mindennap {adv}
:: every day, daily
mindennap {n}
:: everyday (the ordinary or routine day, daily life, day to day life)
mindennapi {adj}
:: everyday
mindennapos {adj}
:: common, commonplace, everyday, ordinary
mindennapos {adj}
:: daily, quotidian
mindennemű {adj}
:: of any and all sorts or kinds (whatsoever)
mindennemű {adj}
:: sundry, various, diverse
minden rosszban van valami jó {proverb}
:: every cloud has a silver lining
mindenség {n}
:: universe, world
mindenség {n}
:: whole caboodle, whole shebang, whole enchilada
minden út Rómába vezet {proverb}
:: all roads lead to Rome
mindenütt {adv}
:: everywhere
mindenütt jó, de legjobb otthon {proverb}
:: there's no place like home
minden viccnek a fele igaz {phrase}
:: there's a grain of truth in every joke
mindez {pron}
:: all this
mindhárom {num}
:: all three
mindig {adv}
:: always
mindig tanul az ember {proverb}
:: live and learn (there is always a lesson in life)
mindinkább {adv}
:: increasingly, more and more
mindjárt {adv}
:: instantly, in an instant, immediately, forthwith, at once, promptly, right away
mindkét {num}
:: both
mindketten {adv}
:: both (both of us/you/them, we/you/they both)
mindkettő {num}
:: both
mindkettőjük {num}
:: they both, both of them
mindkettőnk {num}
:: we both, both of us
mindkettőtök {num}
:: you both, both of you
mindmáig {adv}
:: till now, until today, up to the present day
mind-mind {adv}
:: all, equally, alike
mindnyájan {adv}
:: all, all of us, all of them, we all, they all
mindnyájatok {adv}
:: all of you
mindnyájuk {adv}
:: all of them
mindnyájunk {adv}
:: all of us
mindörökké {adv}
:: forever
mindössze {adv}
:: altogether, all told, no more than, all in all
mindvégig {adv}
:: all along, for the entire time
minek {adv}
:: what for (for what purpose or reason)
minekünk {pron}
:: synonym of nekünk
minékünk {pron}
:: synonym of nékünk
minél {adv}
:: as much as possible, as …… as possible (followed by a comparative adjective or adverb)
minél {adv}
:: the ……-er the ……-er, the more/less …… the more/less ……
mineralógia {n}
:: mineralogy
mini {adj}
:: small, tiny
mini {n}
:: miniskirt
miniatűr {n}
:: miniature
miniatűr {n}
:: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
miniatűrfestő {n}
:: miniaturist (artist who paints miniature figures or scenes)
miniatűrkép {n}
:: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
minimálbér {n}
:: minimum wage
minimális {adj}
:: minimal (the smallest possible amount, quantity or degree)
minimálisabb {adj}
:: comparative of minimális
minimálisan {adv}
:: minimally
ministrál {vi}
:: to act as an altar server
ministráns {n}
:: altar server (layperson, often a child or adolescent, who assists a member of the clergy during a Christian liturgy)
miniszoknya {n}
:: miniskirt
miniszter {n}
:: minister, secretary (politician who heads a ministry)
miniszterelnök {n}
:: prime minister, head of government
miniszteri {adj}
:: ministerial
minisztérium {n}
:: ministry (government department; the building itself; all the employees working there)
minisztérium {n}
:: ministry (the complete body of government ministers)
minisztériumi {adj}
:: ministerial (related to a governmental ministry)
mink {pron}
:: alternative form of mi
minket {pron}
:: us (as the direct object of a verb)
Minótaurosz {prop}
:: Minotaur (a minotaur who dwelled in the labyrinth in Crete)
minő {pron}
:: what? what kind of?
minőség {n}
:: quality (level of excellence)
minőség {n}
:: capacity (the social role assumed in a given situation)
minőségbiztosítás {n}
:: quality assurance
minőségbiztosítási {adj}
:: quality assurance
minőségellenőrzés {n}
:: quality control
minőségi {adj}
:: qualitative, quality
minőségileg {adv}
:: qualitatively
minőségű {adj}
:: of or relating to quality
minősít {vt}
:: to classify, rate, qualify, grade, rank, label
minősítés {n}
:: classification
minősítés {n}
:: qualification
minősítés {n}
:: stylistic labeling, label
minősített {adj}
:: certified, qualified
minősített többség {n}
:: qualified majority, supermajority (a majority in a vote that reaches a preset threshold value larger than 50%)
minősül {vi}
:: to be qualified as, constitute
Minszk {prop}
:: Minszk (capital city)
mint {conj}
:: than
mint {conj}
:: as …… as
mint {conj}
:: like
mint {conj}
:: as
mint {conj}
:: as
minta {n}
:: sample (also in the statistical sense), specimen
minta {n}
:: pattern, design (a specific arrangement of shapes)
minta {n}
:: model, paragon
mintagazdaság {n}
:: model farm
mint a pinty {adv}
:: easily, quickly, smoothly, perfectly (used when an action is done with ease and speed)
mintáz {vt}
:: to model, shape (to form into a particular shape)
mintáz {vt}
:: to pattern (to apply a design as decoration on a fabric)
mintegy {adv}
:: about, around, approximately, or so, some, something like
mintegy {adv}
:: as if, so to speak, as it were
mint elefánt a porcelánboltban {adj}
:: like a bull in a china shop
mint elefánt a porcelánüzletben {adj}
:: synonym of mint elefánt a porcelánboltban
mintha {conj}
:: as if, as though
minthogy {conj}
:: as, because
mintsem {conj}
:: than
mínusz {adv}
:: minus
mínusz {n}
:: minus sign (symbol used to denote subtraction and negative numbers)
mióta {adv}
:: since when?
mióta {adv}
:: how long?
mióta {conj}
:: since (from the time that)
mirajtunk {pron}
:: synonym of rajtunk
miránk {pron}
:: synonym of ránk
mire {pron}
:: for what (purpose)?
mire {adv}
:: whereupon (after which, in consequence)
mire {adv}
:: by the time, when
mireánk {pron}
:: synonym of reánk
mirelit {adj}
:: frozen (food, especially vegetables)
mirha {n}
:: myrrh (dried sap of the myrrha tree)
mirigy {n}
:: gland
mirólunk {pron}
:: synonym of rólunk
mise {n}
:: mass
Misi {prop}
:: given name
Miskolc {prop}
:: Miskolc (city)
miskolci {adj}
:: of, from, or relating to Miskolc
mispóche {n}
:: a large family; kindred
miszerint {adv}
:: according to which, namely
miszerint {adv}
:: that
miszerintünk {pron}
:: synonym of szerintünk
misszió {n}
:: mission (ambition or purpose)
misszió {n}
:: mission (diplomatic representation abroad)
misszió {n}
:: mission (a set of tasks that fulfills a purpose or duty; an assignment set by an employer)
misszió {n}
:: mission (religious evangelism)
misszió {n}
:: mission (a settlement or building serving as a base for missionary work)
misszió {n}
:: mission (an infrequent gathering of religious believers in a parish, usually part of a larger regional event with a central theme)
misszionárius {n}
:: missionary (a person who travels attempting to spread a religion or a creed)
misszionárius póz {n}
:: missionary position
missziós {adj}
:: missionary, mission
missziós {n}
:: missionary (a person who travels attempting to spread a religion or a creed)
misztérium {n}
:: mystery (something secret or unexplainable; an unknown)
misztérium {n}
:: mystery play (a medieval dramatic performance depicting events from Christian scriptures, especially events from the life of Jesus Christ)
misztérium {n}
:: mysteries (a secret religious celebration, admission to which was usually through initiation)
misztérium {n}
:: mystery (a religious truth not understandable by the application of human reason alone, without divine aid)
misztifikál {vt}
:: to mystify, confuse, bewilder
misztifikál {vt}
:: to mystify (to make mysterious)
misztika {n}
:: mysticism
misztikus {adj}
:: mystic, mystical (of or relating to mystics, mysticism or occult mysteries)
misztikus {adj}
:: mystic, mysterious, arcane, obscure, enigmatic
misztikus {n}
:: mystic (someone who practices mysticism)
misztikusabb {adj}
:: comparative of misztikus
misztikusan {adv}
:: mystically, mysteriously
misztikusság {n}
:: mysticalness (the quality of being mystical)
misztrál {n}
:: mistral
mit {pron}
:: why
mitikus {adj}
:: mythical
mitokondrium {n}
:: mitochondrion (respiratory organelle)
mitológia {n}
:: mythology (collection and study of myths)
mitológiai {adj}
:: mythological
mítosz {n}
:: myth (sacred narrative)
mítosz {n}
:: myth (false, exaggerated or idealized account of events)
mitózis {n}
:: mitosis (the division of a cell nucleus in which the genome is copied and separated into two identical halves; it is normally followed by cell division)
mitőlünk {pron}
:: synonym of tőlünk
mitra {n}
:: mitre
mi újság {phrase}
:: what's up? what's new? what's going on? what's happening?
miután {conj}
:: after, when
mivel {conj}
:: as (because)
mível {v}
:: alternative form of művel
mivelhogy {conj}
:: because, as, since
mivelünk {pron}
:: synonym of velünk
mivélünk {pron}
:: synonym of vélünk
mizantróp {adj}
:: misanthropic (hating or disliking mankind)
mizantróp {n}
:: misanthrope, misanthropist, manhater (one who hates mankind)
mizantrópabb {adj}
:: comparative of mizantróp
mizu {contraction}
:: wassup?
Mk {prop}
:: abbreviation of Márk
Mo. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Magyarország also Magyaro.
mobil {n}
:: cell phone
mobiltelefon {n}
:: mobile, mobile phone, cell phone (portable, wireless telephone capable of changing antenna connections during travel)
mocsár {n}
:: marsh, swamp
mocsár {n}
:: gutter, sink
mocsaras {adj}
:: marshy (of or resembling a marsh; boggy)
mocsarasabb {adj}
:: comparative of mocsaras
mocskos {adj}
:: dirty, filthy, unclean
mocskosabb {adj}
:: comparative of mocskos
mocsok {n}
:: dirt, filth, squalor
mocsok {n}
:: stain (a blemish on one's character or reputation)
mocsok {n}
:: bastard (a contemptible person)
mód {n}
:: way (manner, method)
mód {n}
:: mood
mód {n}
:: resources, means (indicating wealth)
modalitás {n}
:: modality
módbeli segédige {n}
:: modal auxiliary
modell {n}
:: model
modellkedik {vi}
:: to model (to be a model)
modem {n}
:: modem
moderál {vt}
:: to moderate (to cause to be less extreme)
moderál {vr}
:: to control oneself
moderál {vt}
:: to moderate (to preside over a meeting, discussion)
moderátor {n}
:: moderator (the chair or president of a meeting, etc.)
moderátor {n}
:: moderator (a substance used to decrease the speed of fast neutrons in a nuclear reactor)
moderátor {n}
:: moderator (a mechanical arrangement for regulating motion in a machine)
moderátori {adj}
:: of or relating to a moderator
modern {adj}
:: modern
modernebb {adj}
:: comparative of modern
modernizáció {n}
:: modernization
modernizál {vt}
:: to modernize
módi {n}
:: fashion
módjával {adv}
:: moderately
modor {n}
:: manners
modor {n}
:: good manners
modor {n}
:: manner, style (following the style of a particular person, e.g. an author, or that of a people)
modor {n}
:: tone, language, tenor, note
modortalan {adj}
:: ill-mannered
modortalanabb {adj}
:: comparative of modortalan
módos {adj}
:: well-to-do, wealthy
módosabb {adj}
:: comparative of módos
módosít {vt}
:: to modify
módosítás {n}
:: modification
módosító {adj}
:: modifying
módosító {n}
:: modifier, qualifier
módosítójel {n}
:: accidental (the sharp, flat, double sharp, double flat or natural sign occurring before a particular note)
módosított {adj}
:: modified, changed, revised
módosul {vi}
:: to change, alter (to become different)
módra {postp}
:: like, as, in the style or manner of
módra {postp}
:: a la, style
módszer {n}
:: method (process by which a task is completed)
módszertan {n}
:: methodology
módszertani {adj}
:: methodological
módú {adj}
:: of or relating to grammatical mood
módú {adj}
:: of or relating to resources, means, wealth
modul {n}
:: module (an interchangeable component of a system with a well-defined interface to the other components)
modul {n}
:: module (a section of a program; a subroutine or group of subroutines)
modul {n}
:: module (a standard unit of measure)
modulháló {n}
:: modular grid (grid system that helps in structuring the content of a page layout)
modulus {n}
:: modulus
mogorva {adj}
:: morose, gruff, sullen, grouchy (unfriendly and bad-tempered)
mogorvább {adj}
:: comparative of mogorva
mogul {n}
:: Mughal, Moghul (a member of the Mughal dynasty)
mogul {n}
:: mogul (a rich and powerful person)
mogyi {n}
:: hazelnut, peanut
mogyoró {n}
:: hazelnut, filbert (Corylus)
mogyoró {n}
:: peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
mogyoróhagyma {n}
:: shallot (Allium ascalonium)
mogyoróvaj {n}
:: peanut butter
moha {n}
:: moss (any of various small, green, seedless plants growing on the ground or on the surfaces of trees, stones, etc.)
Mohamed {prop}
:: Muhammad
mohamedán {adj}
:: Muslim, Islamic, Mohammedan
mohamedán {n}
:: Muslim (a person who is a follower and believer of Islam)
mohar {n}
:: alternative form of muhar
mohár {n}
:: bride price (a sum of money or other valuables paid by a bridegroom or on his behalf to the family of the bride)
mohazöld {adj}
:: moss green
mohó {adj}
:: greedy
mohóbb {adj}
:: comparative of mohó
mohóbban {adv}
:: comparative of mohón
mohón {adv}
:: eagerly, greedily, covetously
mohóság {n}
:: eagerness, greed, greediness, voraciousness
móka {n}
:: fun
mokány {adj}
:: sturdy (of small build but thick-set and hardy)
mokány {adj}
:: plucky, spunky (proud, decisive, but somewhat crude)
mokányabb {adj}
:: comparative of mokány
mókás {adj}
:: funny, witty, jocular
mókásabb {adj}
:: comparative of mókás
mókásan {adv}
:: comically, funnily (in a funny or amusing manner)
mokaszin {n}
:: moccasin (footwear)
mókus {n}
:: squirrel
mókuskerék {n}
:: hamster wheel, squirrel cage (a circular cage for a hamster, squirrel or other small rodent, which rotates vertically as the animal runs at the bottom)
mókuskerék {n}
:: hamster wheel, squirrel cage, rat race (a monotonous, repetitive, unfulfilling activity, especially one in which no progress is achieved)
mól {n}
:: mole (base unit of amount of substance)
Moldva {prop}
:: Moldva (major river)
molekula {n}
:: molecule
molekuláris {adj}
:: molecular (relating to, or consisting of, or produced by molecules)
molekulárisabb {adj}
:: comparative of molekuláris
molesztál {vt}
:: to molest, disturb, annoy
molesztál {vt}
:: to molest (to sexually harass)
molett {adj}
:: plump, chubby (having a full and rounded shape)
molettebb {adj}
:: comparative of molett
molibdén {n}
:: molybdenum (symbol: Mo)
moll {adj}
:: minor
moll {n}
:: minor (scale or key)
molnár {n}
:: miller
molnárfecske {n}
:: house martin (Delichon urbicum)
móló {n}
:: mole, jetty (a massive structure, usually of stone, used as a pier, breakwater or junction between places separated by water)
moly {n}
:: moth (a usually nocturnal insect of the order Lepidoptera, distinguished from butterflies by feather-like antennae)
Monaco {prop}
:: Monaco (country)
monarchia {n}
:: monarchy
Moncsi {prop}
:: given name
mond {vt}
:: to say
mond {vt}
:: to tell
monda {n}
:: legend, saga, myth (a story set in the historical past containing both plausible and mythical elements)
mondanivaló {n}
:: message (an underlying theme or conclusion)
mondanivaló {n}
:: something to say
mondás {n}
:: phrase, saying (short written or spoken expression)
mondat {n}
:: sentence
mondat {vt}
:: to have someone ( val) say something
mondatrész {n}
:: clause element (predicate, subject, object, adverbial, or attribute)
mondatszó {n}
:: sentence substitute, sentence word, interjection (a word, usually an adverb, that is used as a sentence, such as yes, no, certainly)
mondhatni {adv}
:: practically, so to speak
mondóka {n}
:: say, talk, story, tale (what one has to say)
mondóka {n}
:: nursery rhyme
monetáris {adj}
:: monetary
mongol {adj}
:: Mongolian (of or relating to Mongolia, its people or language)
mongol {n}
:: Mongolian (person)
mongol {n}
:: Mongolian (language)
Mongólia {prop}
:: Mongólia (country)
mongúz {n}
:: mongoose (a small carnivore of the family Herpesidae)
Móni {prop}
:: given name
Mónika {prop}
:: given name
monitor {n}
:: monitor (a device similar to a television set used as to give a graphical display of the output from a computer)
monogámia {n}
:: monogamy
monopólium {n}
:: monopoly
monostor {n}
:: monastery
monoszexualitás {n}
:: monosexuality
monoteizmus {n}
:: monotheism
monoton függvény {n}
:: monotonic function
monszun {n}
:: monsoon
montázs {n}
:: montage
Montenegró {prop}
:: Montenegró (country)
montíroz {vt}
:: to mount, assemble, set up
montíroz {vt}
:: to montage
monumentális {adj}
:: monumental (large, grand and imposing)
monumentálisabb {adj}
:: comparative of monumentális
mony {n}
:: egg
mony {n}
:: testicle
mór {adj}
:: Moorish (of or relating to the Moors or their culture)
mór {n}
:: Moor
Mór {prop}
:: given name
Mór {prop}
:: Mór (village)
morál {n}
:: moral
morális {adj}
:: moral
morálisabb {adj}
:: comparative of morális
morálisabban {adv}
:: comparative of morálisan
morálisan {adv}
:: morally
moralizál {vi}
:: to moralize
moratórium {n}
:: moratorium (an authorized time delay in the completion of something)
mord {adj}
:: grim
móres {n}
:: righteousness
morféma {n}
:: morpheme (smallest linguistic unit)
morfin {n}
:: morphine
Móric {prop}
:: given name
mormota {n}
:: marmot (any of the large squirrels in the genus Marmota)
mormota {n}
:: sleepyhead (a person who sleeps heavily and long)
Morpheusz {prop}
:: Morpheus (the god and personification of dreams)
morzsa {n}
:: crumb
morzsolódik {vi}
:: to crumble
mos {vt}
:: to wash something
mos {vt}
:: to brush (teeth)
mosakodás {n}
:: wash, washing (of oneself)
mosakodás {n}
:: ablution
mosakodik {vir}
:: to wash oneself
mosakszik {vir}
:: alternative form of mosakodik
mosás {n}
:: washing
mosatlan {adj}
:: unwashed
mosatlan {n}
:: dishes (tableware that is to be washed after being used to prepare, serve and eat a meal)
mosdik {vir}
:: to wash oneself
mosdó {adj}
:: wash-, toilet
mosdó {n}
:: sink, basin, washbasin
mosdó {n}
:: bathroom (a room containing a shower and/or bathtub, possibly a toilet as well)
mosdó {n}
:: washroom, restroom (a toilet, especially at a public place, inside the establishment)
mosdóállvány {n}
:: washstand
mosható {adj}
:: washable (capable of being washed without being damaged)
moslék {n}
:: swill (a mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs)
mosnivaló {n}
:: dirty laundry, clothes that need washing
mosó {adj}
:: washing
mosó {adj}
:: washable
mosó {adj}
:: wash-, washing-, scrubbing-
mosó {n}
:: washer (person)
mosoda {n}
:: laundry, cleaners, dry cleaner’s
mosoda {n}
:: laundromat, launderette (especially if specified with the adjective önkiszolgáló (self-service))
mosogat {vt}
:: to do the dishes
mosogató {n}
:: dishwasher (person)
mosogató {n}
:: sink (for washing dishes)
mosogatógép {n}
:: dishwasher (machine)
mosógép {n}
:: washing machine
mosoly {n}
:: smile
mosolygás {n}
:: smile
mosolyog {vit}
:: to smile (at or about something n) (to have a smile on one's face)
mosolytalan {adj}
:: unsmiling
mosolytalanabb {adj}
:: comparative of mosolytalan
mosómedve {n}
:: raccoon (mammal, Procyon lotor)
mosónő {n}
:: laundress, washerwoman
mossa kezeit {v}
:: to wash one's hands of (to absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame for, to refuse to have any further involvement with; the matter in question can be expressed with kapcsán or ügyében, among others)
most {adv}
:: now
mostan {adv}
:: now
mostanában {adv}
:: lately, of late
mostanában {adv}
:: nowadays
mostanáig {adv}
:: by now, until now, up to now, so far
mostani {adj}
:: current, present, today's
mostani {n}
:: people living now, in the present
mostanig {adv}
:: by now, until now
mostanra {adv}
:: for now, by now
mostanság {adv}
:: nowadays, these days
mostantól {adv}
:: from now on
mostoha {adj}
:: step- (parent, child, or sibling)
mostoha {adj}
:: hostile, harsh, cruel, adverse (circumstances), hard (fate), ill (luck)
mostoha {n}
:: stepmother
mostohaanya {n}
:: stepmother
mostohaapa {n}
:: stepfather (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father)
mostohább {adj}
:: comparative of mostoha
moszkitó {n}
:: mosquito
Moszkva {prop}
:: Moszkva (federal city/capital)
Moszkva {prop}
:: Moszkva (oblast)
moszkvai {adj}
:: Of, from, or pertaining to Moszkva
moszkvai {n}
:: A person from Moszkva
moszlim {adj}
:: Muslim, relating to believers of Islam
moszlim {n}
:: Muslim (person)
motiváció {n}
:: motivation
motivál {vt}
:: to motivate
motívum {n}
:: motive (that which incites to action)
motívum {n}
:: motif (recurring or dominant element or theme)
motor {n}
:: engine, motor
motorbicikli {n}
:: motorcycle
motorcsónak {n}
:: motorboat
motorháztető {n}
:: hood , bonnet , cowl, cowling (the hinged cover over the engine of a motor vehicle)
motorkerékpár {n}
:: motorcycle (open-seated motor-powered vehicle with two wheels)
mottó {n}
:: motto
motyog {vt}
:: to mumble, mutter (to speak unintelligibly or inaudibly, indistinctly or with a low voice)
mousse {n}
:: mousse (dessert)
mozaik {n}
:: mosaic (a piece of artwork created by placing colored squares in a pattern so as to create a picture)
mozaikcsalád {n}
:: blended family (a stepfamily in which both new mates have one or more living children from prior partners)
mozaikszó {n}
:: acronym
Mozambik {prop}
:: Mozambik (country)
mozambiki {adj}
:: Mozambican (of, from, or relating to Mozambique, its people or language)
mozambiki {n}
:: Mozambican (a person from Mozambique or of Mozambican descent)
Mozambiki Köztársaság {prop}
:: Republic of Mozambique (the official name of Mozambique)
Mozart {prop}
:: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart {prop}
:: Leopold Mozart
mozdít {vt}
:: to move something
mozdíthatatlan {adj}
:: unmovable, immovable, fixed (incapable of being physically moved)
mozdíthatatlanság {n}
:: immovability (the state of being physically immovable)
mozdony {n}
:: locomotive (the power unit of a train that pulls the coaches or wagons)
mozdul {vi}
:: to move, budge
mozdulat {n}
:: movement, move, gesture, motion
mozdulatlan {adj}
:: motionless, still, static
mozdulatlanabb {adj}
:: comparative of mozdulatlan
mozdulatlanság {n}
:: immobility, standstill
mozdulatlanul {adv}
:: still, stock still (without motion)
Mózes {prop}
:: Moses (Biblical figure)
Mózes {prop}
:: given name
mózeskosár {n}
:: bassinet (a newborn baby's bed, typically made of woven reeds or straw)
mozgalmas {adj}
:: eventful, hectic, busy (characterized by a lot of activity or things happening)
mozgalmasabb {adj}
:: comparative of mozgalmas
mozgalmasság {n}
:: eventfulness, busyness, action
mozgalom {n}
:: movement (trend in various fields or social categories)
mozgás {n}
:: movement (physical motion between points in space)
mozgás {n}
:: exercise (activity intended to improve health and physical fitness)
mozgás {n}
:: get moving!, keep moving!, get a move on!, hurry up!
mozgástan {n}
:: kinematics
mozgástér {n}
:: leeway, room for manoeuvre , room for maneuver , elbow room, scope for action, latitude
mozgat {vt}
:: to move (to change the place of a piece)
mozgékony {adj}
:: mobile, agile (quick in physical movement)
mozgékony {adj}
:: active (capable of acting quickly, skillfully)
mozgó {adj}
:: moving, mobile
mozgókép {n}
:: motion picture, movie
mozgóképszínház {n}
:: cinema, movie theater
mozgólépcső {n}
:: escalator (mechanical device)
mozgósít {vt}
:: to mobilize (to make ready for action)
mozgószabály {n}
:: mobility rule (a rule for compound modifiers in Hungarian orthography, comparable to inserting a hyphen between elements of a phrase in English if the whole phrase serves as the modifier of a subsequent noun, e.g. in “one-way street”)
mozi {n}
:: cinema, movie theater
mozicsillag {n}
:: movie star
mozifilm {n}
:: movie, feature film
mozivászon {n}
:: movie screen
mozog {vi}
:: to move
mozsár {n}
:: mortar (a hollow vessel used to pound, crush, rub, grind or mix ingredients with a pestle)
mozsár {n}
:: mortar (fire weapon)
Möbius-szalag {n}
:: Möbius strip
mögé {postp}
:: behind, to behind
mögé {pron}
:: synonym of mögéje
mögéje {adv}
:: (to) behind him/her/it
mögött {postp}
:: behind
mögötte {pron}
:: behind him/her/it
mögötti {adj}
:: behind
mögül {postp}
:: from behind somebody or something
mögüle {pron}
:: from behind him/her/it
mp {n}
:: abbreviation of másodperc
MP3-lejátszó {n}
:: MP3 player (an electronic device for playing digital audio files in the MP3 format)
Mrd {num}
:: abbreviation of milliárd
MSZP {prop}
:: A social democratic political party in Hungary
MTA {prop}
:: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
MTI {prop}
:: initialism of Magyar Távirati Iroda
MTK {prop}
:: initialism of Magyar Testgyakorlók Köre
mú {interj}
:: moo (the characteristic sound made by a cow)
mú {n}
:: moo (sound of a cow)
mudi {n}
:: Mudi (Hungarian herding dog)
muff {n}
:: muff (handwarmer)
muff {n}
:: vagina
muff {n}
:: woman
mufti {n}
:: mufti (Muslim scholar)
muhar {n}
:: Any of a group of various types of grass of genus Setaria
mulandó {adj}
:: fleeting, short-lived, transitory, ephemeral
mulandóbb {adj}
:: comparative of mulandó
mulaszt {vt}
:: to miss (opportunity)
mulaszt {vt}
:: to skip (class), neglect (duty)
mulaszt {vt}
:: to stop (pain)
mulasztás {n}
:: omission, neglect (the act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do)
mulasztás {n}
:: absence (failure to be present where one is expected, especially from school classes)
mulat {v}
:: to have fun, to be amused, to enjoy oneself
mulatság {n}
:: fun, merrymaking (joyful festivities)
múlékony {adj}
:: fleeting, ephemeral, transient, short-lived, deciduous (lasting for a short period of time)
múlik {vi}
:: to pass, to go by, to elapse
múlik {vi}
:: to be past
múlik {vi}
:: to become less and less prominent
múlik {vi}
:: to subside, to stop gradually
múlik {vi}
:: to depend on, to be up to someone, to be a question/matter of something ( on)
múlt {adj}
:: past
múlt {adj}
:: last (with weeks, months, years, and larger time units)
múlt {n}
:: past
múltán {postp}
:: after
multi- {prefix}
:: multi-
multi {n}
:: multinational (a multinational company)
múlt idő {n}
:: past tense
multifunkcionális {adj}
:: multifunctional
multikulturális {adj}
:: multicultural
multimédia {n}
:: multimedia
multimilliomos {adj}
:: multimillionaire
multimilliomos {n}
:: multimillionaire
multinacionális {adj}
:: multinational
múltkor {adv}
:: recently, the other day, last time, not long ago
múlva {postp}
:: after a given amount of time, in ..
mulya {adj}
:: simple, foolish, doltish
mulya {n}
:: simpleton, dolt
mulyább {adj}
:: comparative of mulya
múmia {n}
:: mummy (an embalmed corpse wrapped in linen bandages for burial, especially as practised by the ancient Egyptians)
múmia {n}
:: skinny, emaciated person (skin and bones, wrinkly)
mumus {n}
:: bugbear, bogeyman, bugaboo (an imaginary creature meant to inspire fear in children)
mumus {n}
:: hobgoblin (a person or object that appears frightful or formidable)
muníció {n}
:: ammunition, munition
munka {n}
:: work, job
munka {n}
:: work
munka {n}
:: work (literary, artistic, or intellectual production)
munkaadó {n}
:: employer
munkaalkalom {n}
:: opening, job opportunity (an opportunity to become employed and earn money)
munkaasztal {n}
:: workbench
munkabér {n}
:: wage, salary
munkabeszüntetés {n}
:: strike (work stoppage)
munkacsoport {n}
:: workgroup (group of workers)
Munkácsy {prop}
:: Mihály Munkácsy, Hungarian painter
munkaerő {n}
:: workforce
munkaerőpiac {n}
:: labor market
munkagép {n}
:: machine (a devide driven by animals or people that produces valuable work for a human)
munkahely {n}
:: workplace (place where someone works)
munkahelyi {adj}
:: occupational, workplace, work, business, office
munkaidő {n}
:: working time, work hours, working hours
munkakör {n}
:: occupation, job, scope of one's duties, field of work
munkálat {n}
:: work, operation (a longer, more complex work process)
munkáltató {n}
:: employer
munkáltatói {adj}
:: employer, employer's, of employer (of or relating to employer(s))
munkanap {n}
:: workday (that part of a day in which work is done)
munkanap {n}
:: workday (any of the days of a week on which work is done)
munkanélküli {n}
:: unemployed (person)
munkanélküliség {n}
:: unemployment (joblessness)
munkaruha {n}
:: workwear, working clothes, work clothes, overall, coverall (clothes made of strong fabric, designed to be worn while working, especially in a physically demanding job)
munkás {adj}
:: industrious
munkás {n}
:: labourer, worker
munkáscsalád {n}
:: working-class family, blue-collar family
munkásember {n}
:: workman, worker, workingman
munkásosztály {n}
:: working class
munkásság {n}
:: labour (workers in general; the working class)
munkásság {n}
:: (life) work, contribution (literary, artistic, or professional accomplishment of someone's life)
munkaszünet {n}
:: holiday, rest
munkaszüneti {adj}
:: of holiday, rest
munkaszüneti nap {n}
:: public holiday, bank holiday (a weekday on which most businesses are closed and granted to workers as a national holiday)
munkatárs {n}
:: coworker
munkatárs {n}
:: worker, contributor
munkavállalás {n}
:: job, work, working
munkavállalási {adj}
:: of or relating to jobs and work
munkavállalási engedély {n}
:: work permit
munkavállaló {n}
:: employee, worker
munkavállalói {adj}
:: employee
munkavédelem {n}
:: labour protection, occupational safety
munkavédelmi {adj}
:: safety, protective (of or relating to occupational safety of employees)
munkavégzés {n}
:: work, workmanship (the manner, style and quality of carrying out one's work)
munkaviszony {n}
:: employment
Murmanszk {prop}
:: Murmanszk (oblast)
Murmanszk {prop}
:: Murmanszk (city), on the Arctic Ocean
murok {n}
:: Daucus (a genus of herbaceous plants of the family Apiaceae)
murok {n}
:: carrot
musical {n}
:: musical (a show or film which involves singing, dancing and musical numbers)
muslica {n}
:: fruit fly, vinegar fly
must {n}
:: must (sweet fresh grape juice that has not fermented yet)
mustár {n}
:: mustard
mustárgáz {n}
:: mustard gas
mustársárga {adj}
:: mustard (of a dark yellow colour)
muszáj {n}
:: must, have to, be obliged to
muszáj {n}
:: necessity, constraint, pressure
muszkli {n}
:: muscle, biceps
muszlim {adj}
:: Muslim (relating to believers of Islam)
muszlim {n}
:: Muslim (person)
muszlim vagyok {phrase}
:: I'm a Muslim
muszlin {n}
:: muslin
mutáció {n}
:: mutation
mutáns {adj}
:: mutant
mutáns {n}
:: mutant
mutat {vt}
:: to show, indicate, signal, read (to present or carry information on him/her/itself)
mutatkozik {vi}
:: to show oneself, to appear (somewhere, intentionally)
mutatkozik {vi}
:: to reveal oneself, show one's face as ( nak)
mutatkozik {vi}
:: to present itself, to look somehow ( nak)
mutató {adj}
:: showing, pointing
mutató {adj}
:: demonstrative
mutató {n}
:: needle, pointer (in an instrument)
mutató {n}
:: hand (of a watch)
mutató {n}
:: index
mutató {n}
:: sample
mutató névmás {n}
:: demonstrative pronoun
mutatóujj {n}
:: index, index finger, forefinger
mutatvány {n}
:: spectacle, show
mutatvány {n}
:: sleight of hand (performance of magic tricks)
mutatvány {n}
:: sample, specimen, extract (e.g. from a book)
múzeum {n}
:: museum (building or institution)
múzeumi {adj}
:: museum (of, from, or relating to a museum)
muzulmán {adj}
:: Muslim (of, or relating to believers of Islam; this term is considered nonstandard by its Hungarian-speaking believers)
muzulmán {n}
:: Muslim (person)
muzulmán vagyok {phrase}
:: nonstandard form of muszlim vagyok
múzsa {n}
:: Muse (one of the nine Ancient Greek deities of the arts)
múzsa {n}
:: muse (source of inspiration)
Múzsa {prop}
:: given name
muzsik {n}
:: muzhik, mujik
muzsika {n}
:: music
muzsikál {v}
:: to make music (play on a musical instrument)
muzsikus {n}
:: musician
mű- {prefix}
:: artificial, man-made, false, mock (not genuine)
mű- {prefix}
:: technical, professional
mű- {prefix}
:: artistic, (sometimes) historic (related to a product of human creativity)
mű- {prefix}
:: literary (created by a known author, as opposed to being folk-derived)
mű {adj}
:: artificial
mű {n}
:: work, accomplishment (the result or product of some purposeful activity)
mű {n}
:: opus, work (a work of art by a particular artist or craftsman)
mű {n}
:: works, public utility company (as in gázművek, vízművek, villamos művek or elektromos művek)
mű {n}
:: mű- as a first element of compound words, in several meanings
mű {n}
:: mu (the Greek letter μ)
műalkotás {n}
:: work of art (a product of the fine arts; a painting, sculpture etc.)
műanyag {n}
:: plastic
műasztalos {n}
:: cabinetmaker
műballada {n}
:: literary ballad (a ballad written by a known poet, as opposed to a folk ballad)
műbarát {n}
:: Maecenas (a patron of arts, usually also a collector of works of art)
műbíráló {n}
:: art critic (a person who is specialized in analyzing, interpreting and evaluating art)
műbőr {n}
:: leatherette, fake-leather, imitation leather (a type of fabric, often plastic, made to imitate the appearance of leather)
műbútor {n}
:: furniture (of fine craftsmanship), cabinetwork
műbútorasztalos {n}
:: cabinetmaker
műcsarnok {n}
:: art gallery
műegyetem {n}
:: technical university
műemlék {n}
:: monument
műemlékvédelem {n}
:: historic preservation , heritage preservation, heritage conservation (an endeavor that seeks to preserve, conserve and protect buildings, objects, landscapes or other artifacts of historical significance)
műértő {n}
:: connoisseur
müezzin {n}
:: muezzin
műfaj {n}
:: genre (a stylistic category of literature and music)
műfog {n}
:: false tooth (an artificial tooth)
műfordítás {n}
:: translation of literary works such as poems, novels, essays, etc
műfordító {n}
:: translator of literary works such as poems, novels, essays, etc
műhely {n}
:: workshop, shop
műhold {n}
:: satellite
műholdas {adj}
:: satellite
műjég {n}
:: artificial ice (mechanically frozen ice)
műjég {n}
:: ice rink, ice skating rink, skating rink (short for műjégpálya)
műkedvelő {adj}
:: amateur (non-professional), hobbyist
műkedvelő {n}
:: amateur (non-professional), hobbyist
Mükéné {prop}
:: Mükéné (ancient city)
műkereskedő {n}
:: art dealer (a person who buys and sells works of art)
műkorcsolyázás {n}
:: figure skating
műkő {n}
:: artificial stone (a type of synthetic stone product for artistic uses, building construction, civil engineering work, and industrial uses such as grindstones)
működés {n}
:: functioning, operation
működésbe hoz {vt}
:: to put into operation, to actuate, to activate
működési {adj}
:: operational
működik {vi}
:: to function (to carry on a function)
működik {vi}
:: to work, to officiate, to pursue a career
működő {adj}
:: functioning, operating
működőképes {adj}
:: operable, functional, operational (in good working order)
működtet {vt}
:: to operate, run something
működtetés {n}
:: operation (the act or process of operating something)
műkönny {n}
:: crocodile tear (tear shed insincerely, in a false display of sorrow or some other emotion)
műkönny {n}
:: artificial tear (lubricant eyedrops used to treat dryness and irritation)
műköröm {n}
:: artificial nail (extension placed over a fingernail as a fashion accessory)
München {prop}
:: München (caplc)
müncheni {adj}
:: Of, from, or pertaining to München
müncheni {n}
:: A person from München
műpók {n}
:: plastic/rubber spider, spider toy
műpunci {n}
:: fleshlight
műselyem {n}
:: rayon (a manufactured fiber made from regenerated cellulose fiber imitating the feel and texture of silk)
műsor {n}
:: program (of an event or performance, the sequence and entirety of its items)
műsor {n}
:: program (performance of a show on stage or some other broadcast on the radio or on television)
műsorra tűz {vt}
:: to bill (to add a new program to the schedule of the theater, movie theater, sport events, etc.)
műsorvezető {n}
:: anchor, anchorman, anchorwoman, broadcaster, host, presenter
műszak {n}
:: shift (change of workers)
műszaki {adj}
:: technical
műszaki {n}
:: MOT
műszakilag {adv}
:: technically
műszaki vizsga {n}
:: MOT, roadworthiness test (an annual test of cars)
műszempilla {n}
:: false eyelash
műszer {n}
:: instrument, device, tool
műszerész {n}
:: mechanic, technician
műszerfal {n}
:: dashboard (a panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes controls)
műszív {n}
:: artificial heart (a device that replaces the heart)
műt {vt}
:: to operate (to perform a surgery on)
műtét {n}
:: surgery, operation
műtéti {adj}
:: surgical, operative
műtő {n}
:: surgeon
műtő {n}
:: operating room
műtrágya {n}
:: fertilizer , fertiliser (a material of synthetic origin that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants)
műút {n}
:: highway (a main road)
művel {vt}
:: to farm, till (to work or cultivate or plough soil; to prepare for growing vegetation and crops)
művel {vt}
:: to educate
művel {vt}
:: to do (to carry out something harmful, inappropriate, undesirable)
művelet {n}
:: action
művelet {n}
:: operation
műveleti jel {n}
:: operator
műveletlen {adj}
:: uneducated, uncultured
műveletlen {adj}
:: uncultivated
műveletlenebb {adj}
:: comparative of műveletlen
művelhető {adj}
:: arable (suitable for cultivation)
művelhetőbb {adj}
:: comparative of művelhető
művelt {adj}
:: educated, cultured, cultivated
műveltebb {adj}
:: comparative of művelt
műveltség {n}
:: education
műveltség {n}
:: civilization
műveltségi {adj}
:: of or relating to knowledge
műveltségű {adj}
:: of some kind education or educational background
művész {n}
:: artist
művészet {n}
:: art (the conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the senses and emotions)
művészeti {adj}
:: artistic, of art
művészettörténet {n}
:: art history
művészi {adj}
:: artistic
művészibb {adj}
:: comparative of művészi
művésznő {n}
:: female artist
müzli {n}
:: muesli