G {letter}
:: The seventh letter of the German alphabet
Gaaden {prop} {n}
:: Gaaden (municipality)
Gaal {prop} {n}
:: Gaal (municipality)
Gabardine {noun}
:: gabardine (type of fabric)
Gabe {f}
:: gift, present, donation, alms
Gabe {f}
:: administration, dose (act of giving medication)
Gabel {f}
:: fork
Gabel {f}
:: pitchfork
Gabel {f}
:: prong
Gäbelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Gabel
Gabelfrühstück {m}
:: brunch
gabeln {v}
:: to fork (use a fork to move food to mouth)
gabeln {v}
:: to pitchfork (use a pitchfork to carry)
gabeln {v}
:: to fork; branch; branch out
Gabelreiterin {f}
:: witch
Gabelstapler {m}
:: forklift, lift truck (a small industrial vehicle)
Gabelung {f}
:: fork, bifurcation
Gabersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Gabersdorf (municipality)
Gabersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Wojbórz, Poland
Gabione {f}
:: gabion
Gablitz {prop} {n}
:: Gablitz (municipality)
Gabriel {prop}
:: Gabriel (Archangel)
Gabriel {prop}
:: given name
Gabriela {prop}
:: given name, a Latinate variant of Gabriele, feminine form of Gabriel
Gabriele {prop}
:: given name, feminine form of Gabriel
gab's {contraction}
:: gab es
Gabun {prop} {n}
:: Gabon
Gabuner {m}
:: Gabonese (A man from Gabon or of Gabonese descent)
Gabunerin {f}
:: Gabonese (A woman from Gabon or of Gabonese descent)
gabunisch {adj}
:: Gabonese (Of, from, or pertaining to Gabon or the Gabonese people)
gackern {v}
:: to cackle (to give the loud repetitive cry of a chicken; to laugh in a way reminiscent of this)
Gackern {n}
:: cluck
Gacrux {prop}
:: Gacrux
Gaden {m}
:: bungalow
Gaden {m}
:: room, chamber
Gadolinit {m}
:: gadolinite
Gadolinium {n}
:: gadolinium
Gaeltacht {f}
:: Gaeltacht
gaffen {v}
:: to stare at curiously, rubberneck
Gaffer {m}
:: agent noun of gaffen
Gaffer {m}
:: rubberneck, gawker, onlooker (undesired spectator of a scene of crime or accident)
Gaflei {prop} {?}
:: A village in Triesenberg, Liechtenstein
Gaflenz {prop} {n}
:: Gaflenz (municipality)
Gag {m}
:: gag (a joke or other mischievous prank)
gaga {adj}
:: gaga
gagausisch {adj}
:: Gagauz (related to Gagauzia, to the Gagauzians or to the Gagauz language)
Gagausisch {n}
:: Gagauz (the Gagauz language)
Gage {f}
:: fee
Gagel {m}
:: bog-myrtle
Gagelstrauch {m}
:: bog-myrtle
gähnen {v}
:: to yawn
Gaianer {m}
:: Gaian, Gaian Green
Gaimberg {prop} {n}
:: Gaimberg (municipality)
Gais {prop}
:: Gais (municipality)
Gais {prop}
:: Gais (municipality)
Gaißau {prop} {n}
:: Gaißau (municipality)
Gal. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Galerie
Gala {f}
:: gala
Galago {m}
:: galago, bushbaby
galaktisch {adj}
:: galactic
galant {adj}
:: gallant
galanter {adj}
:: comparative of galant
Galanterie {f}
:: gallantry
galantesten {adj}
:: superlative of galant
Galápagos-Pinguin {m}
:: Galápagos penguin
Galatien {prop} {n}
:: Galatia
Galaxie {f}
:: galaxy (huge gravitationally bound system of stars)
Galaxiengruppe {f}
:: galaxy group
Galaxienhaufen {m}
:: galaxy cluster
Galaxiensuperhaufen {m}
:: synonym of Superhaufen (super cluster)
Galaxis {f}
:: Galaxy (especially our Milky Way galaxy)
Galbanharz {n}
:: galbanum
Galeere {f}
:: galley (large vessel for war)
Galenit {m}
:: galena
Galerie {f}
:: gallery
Galerist {m}
:: gallerist
Galgant {m}
:: galangal
Galgen {m}
:: gallows
Galgenhumor {m}
:: gallows humor
Galgenvogel {m}
:: good-for-nothing
Galicien {prop} {n}
:: Galicien (autonomous community)
Galicien {prop} {n}
:: Galicia (region in Poland and the Ukraine)
Galicier {m}
:: Galician (a person from Galicia in Spain)
galicisch {adj}
:: Galician (of Galicia in Iberia)
Galicisch {n}
:: Galician (language)
Galiläa {prop} {n}
:: Galiläa (region)
Galionsfigur {f}
:: figurehead
Gälisch {n}
:: Gaelic
Galizien {prop} {n}
:: Galizien (region)
galizisch {adj}
:: Galician (of Galicia in Iberia)
Gallan {n}
:: gallane (gallium hydride)
Gallat {n}
:: gallate
Galle {f}
:: gall
Galle {f}
:: bile
Gallenblase {f}
:: gall bladder
Gallenblasenentzündung {f}
:: cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder
Gallenflüssigkeit {f}
:: bile (fluid)
Gallensäure {f}
:: bile acid
Gallenstein {m}
:: gallstone
Gallert {n}
:: gelatin
gallertartig {adj}
:: gelatinous
Gallerte {f}
:: alternative form of Gallert
gallertig {adj}
:: gelatinous
Gallien {prop} {n}
:: Gaul
Gallier {m}
:: Gaul (man (regardless of sex) from Gaul)
Gallierin {f}
:: Gaul (woman from Gaul)
gallig {adj}
:: acerbic, caustic
gallig {adj}
:: bitter, embittered
gallisch {adj}
:: Gaulish (of or pertaining to Gaul)
Gallisch {n}
:: Gaulish (the language of Gaul)
Gallit {n}
:: gallite
Gallium {n}
:: gallium
Galliumantimonid {n}
:: gallium antimonide
Galliumarsenid {n}
:: gallium arsenide
Galliumarsenidphosphid {n}
:: gallium arsenide phosphide
galliumhaltig {adj}
:: galliferous
Galliumhydroxid {n}
:: gallium hydroxide
Galliummineral {n}
:: gallium mineral
Galliumnitrid {n}
:: gallium nitride
galliumnitridbasiert {adj}
:: gallium nitride-based (semiconductor)
galliumorganisch {adj}
:: organogallium
Galliumphosphid {n}
:: gallium phosphide
galliumreich {adj}
:: gallium-rich
Gallmücke {f}
:: A midge belonging to the family Cecidomyiidae, the gall midges
Gallneukirchen {prop} {n}
:: Gallneukirchen (municipality)
Gallone {f}
:: gallon
galloromanisch {adj}
:: Gallo-Roman
gallorömisch {adj}
:: Gallo-Roman
Gallspach {prop} {n}
:: Gallspach (municipality)
Gallzein {prop} {n}
:: Gallzein (municipality)
Galmei {m}
:: calamine
Galopp {m}
:: gallop
galoppieren {v}
:: to gallop
Galosche {f}
:: overshoe, galoshe
Galtür {prop} {n}
:: Galtür (municipality)
Galvanik {f}
:: electroplating
Galvanikindustrie {f}
:: electroplating industry
galvanisch {adj}
:: galvanic
galvanisieren {vt}
:: to galvanize; to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means; to electroplate
galvanisiert {v}
:: past participle of galvanisieren
Galvanisierung {f}
:: galvanization
Galvanotechnik {f}
:: electroplating (science and technology of)
Gamasche {f}
:: spat, legwarmer
Gamasche {f}
:: fear, angst
Gambia {prop} {n}
:: Gambia (country)
gambisch {adj}
:: Gambian (of Gambia)
Gambit {n}
:: gambit, a form of opening a chess game
Gambrinismus {m}
:: beer addiction
gamen {vi}
:: to play a video game
Gaming {prop} {n}
:: Gaming (municipality)
Gamlitz {prop} {n}
:: Gamlitz (municipality)
Gamma {n}
:: gamma (Greek letter)
Gammastrahl {m}
:: gamma ray
Gammastrahlenenquelle {f}
:: gamma ray source
Gammastrahler {m}
:: gamma ray emitter
Gammastrahlung {f}
:: gamma radiation
Gammastrahlungsdetektor {m}
:: gamma ray detector
Gammelfleisch {n}
:: Spoiled meat
Gammelfleischparty {noun}
:: A party for people over the age of 30
gammelig {adj}
:: rotten, old
gammeln {v}
:: to become old; to rot
gammeln {v}
:: to bum around; to do nothing productive; to be idle; to live the life of a hobo
Gammler {m}
:: hobo, tramp, loafer, long-haired layabout, bum, slacker
Gampern {prop} {n}
:: Gampern (municipality)
Gämse {f}
:: chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
Gamut {m}
:: gamut (colour range available to a monitor or printer)
Ganache {f}
:: ganache (rich cream)
Ganasche {f}
:: lower jaw (of a horse)
Ganassi {prop}
:: Ganassi (surname)
Ganeff {m}
:: thief, fraudster, member of the criminal underworld
Gang {m}
:: motion, movement, progress
Gang {m}
:: way, an instance of walking
Gang {m}
:: hallway
Gang {m}
:: gear
Gang {m}
:: course
Gang {f}
:: gang (group of criminals, particularly in a North American context)
Gangart {f}
:: gait (way of walking)
gangbar {adj}
:: passable, accessible
gangbar {adj}
:: practicable, feasible
gängeln {v}
:: to make walk
gängeln {v}
:: to straitjacket
Gänger {m}
:: walker
Ganges {prop} {m}
:: Ganges (river in India and Bangladesh)
gängig {adj}
:: common
gängiger {adj}
:: comparative of gängig
gängigsten {adj}
:: superlative of gängig
Ganglion {n}
:: ganglion
Gangrän {n} {f}
:: gangrene (the necrosis or rotting of flesh)
Gangschaltung {f}
:: gear shift, gear change
Gangster {m}
:: gangster
gang und gäbe {adv}
:: to be commonplace
Ganja {n}
:: ganja, marijuana
Ganove {m}
:: thief, fraudster, member of the criminal underworld
Gans {f}
:: goose
Gänschen {n}
:: diminutive of Gans
Gänschen {n}
:: gosling
Gänseblümchen {n}
:: daisy
Gänsebraten {m}
:: roast goose
Gänsebrust {m}
:: goose breast
Gänsefuß {m}
:: foot of a goose
Gänsefuß {m}
:: goosefoot, pigweed (Chenopodium sp.)
Gänsefuß {m}
:: pes anserinus ("goose foot")
Gänsefüßchen {n}
:: quotation mark
Gänsehaut {f}
:: goose pimples, goose bumps, goose flesh
Gänseküken {n}
:: gosling
Gänseleber {f}
:: goose liver
Gänseleberpastete {f}
:: foie gras
Gänseleberwurst {f}
:: goose liverwurst, goose liver sausage
Gänseliesel {prop} {f} {n}
:: The Goose-Girl, a now-famous statue and fountain in Göttingen, Germany, affectionately called die meistgeküsste Jungfrau der Welt
Ganser {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Gänserich {m}
:: gander
Gänserndorf {prop} {n}
:: Gänserndorf (municipality)
Gänsesäger {m}
:: common merganser (Mergus merganser)
Gansfleisch {n}
:: goose bumps
Gänslein {n}
:: diminutive of Gans; little goose, gosling
Ganter {m}
:: gander (male goose)
gantz {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of ganz
ganz {adj}
:: entire; whole; complete
ganz {adj}
:: all
ganz {adj}
:: whole; intact
ganz {adj}
:: true; real
ganz {adj}
:: integer (of a number)
ganz {adv}
:: quite, rather
ganz {adv}
:: very
ganz {adv}
:: wholly, entirely, all
Gänze {f}
:: totality
Ganzes {n}
:: whole
ganze Zahl {f}
:: integer (noun)
Ganzheit {f}
:: totality
ganzheitlich {adj}
:: integral, integrated
ganzheitlich {adj}
:: wholistic
ganzjährig {adj}
:: perennial (all year)
gänzlich {adv}
:: completely, totally, altogether
gänzlich {adv}
:: fully
gänzlich {adj}
:: sheer, stark, outright
ganz Ohr sein {v}
:: to be all ears (to listen carefully or eagerly; to anticipate)
ganzseitig {adj}
:: full-page
ganztägig {adj}
:: all-day
ganztägig {adj}
:: full-time
Ganzzahl {f}
:: integer (noun)
ganzzahlig {adj}
:: integer
gar {adj}
:: cooked, done (of food such as meat or vegetables: ready for consumption)
gar {adv}
:: at all; even
gar {adv}
:: even; expressing a climax
gar {adv}
:: all
gar {adv}
:: very; quite; really
Garage {f}
:: garage (building used to store cars, tools, etc.)
Garage {f}
:: car park, parking garage (building, often with multiple storeys, for vehicles to park in)
Garagentor {n}
:: garage door
Garagenverkauf {m}
:: garage sale
Garant {m}
:: guarantor
Garantie {f}
:: guarantee
Garantie {f}
:: warranty
garantieren {v}
:: to guarantee
Garaus {m}
:: very end
Garaus {m}
:: downfall
Garbage Collector {m}
:: garbage collector
Garbe {f}
:: sheaf
Garbe {f}
:: garb
Garbe {f}
:: yarrow
Gardasee {prop} {m}
:: Lake Garda (Italian Lago di Garda or Benaco)
Garde {f}
:: guard
Garderobe {f}
:: coatrack, hallstand (piece of furniture on which clothes may be hung)
Garderobe {f}
:: cloakroom (room in a public building where clothes may be stored)
Garderobe {f}
:: dressing room (room in a theatre where actors change costume)
Garderobe {f}
:: wardrobe (department in charge of clothing for theatre or cinema productions)
Garderobe {f}
:: wardrobe (collection of clothing, such as those owned by one person)
Gardine {f}
:: thin, translucid (often partly transparent) curtain covering a window
Gardinenpredigt {f}
:: reprehension of the husband by his wife
garen {vt}
:: cook (prepare (food) for eating)
garen {vi}
:: cook (become ready for eating)
gären {vi}
:: to ferment
gären {vi}
:: to be agitated; to seethe
gargantuesk {adj}
:: gargantuan (chiefly of appetite, food portions, body girth)
Gargazon {prop} {n}
:: Gargazon (municipality)
Gärling {m}
:: dough glob during bulk fermentation
Gärling {m}
:: obsolete form of Herling
Garn {n}
:: yarn
Garn {n}
:: net
Garnele {f}
:: shrimp (decapod crustacean)
gar nicht {adv}
:: not at all
gar nicht {adv}
:: not one bit
gar nicht {adv}
:: no way
gar nicht {adv}
:: never
gar nicht {adv}
:: in no manner
garnieren {v}
:: to garnish
Garnierung {f}
:: garnish
Garnison {f}
:: garrison
Garnisonsstadt {f}
:: garrison town
Garnisonstadt {f}
:: garrison town
Garnitur {f}
:: set
Garsten {prop} {n}
:: Garsten (municipality)
garstig {adj}
:: rude, nasty, beastly
Gart.ant. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Gartenanteil
Gärtchen {n}
:: diminutive of Garten
Garten {m}
:: garden, yard (grounds at the front or back of a house)
Garten {m}
:: garden (outdoor area containing one or more types of plants, usually plants grown for food or ornamental purposes)
Garten {m}
:: orchard (garden or an area of land for the cultivation of fruit or nut trees)
Gartenanteil {m}
:: share of garden
Garten Eden {prop} {m}
:: Garden of Eden
Gartenhaus {n}
:: summer house, garden shed
Gartenhäuschen {n}
:: diminutive of Gartenhaus
Gartenmelde {f}
:: the plant species Atriplex hortensis, garden orache
Gartenrotschwanz {m}
:: the common redstart (a bird in the flycatcher family, Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
Gartenstadt {f}
:: garden city
Gartentisch {m}
:: garden table
Gartenzwerg {m}
:: garden gnome
Gärtner {m}
:: gardener (male or of unspecified sex)
Gärtnerei {f}
:: nursery
Gärtnerei {f}
:: gardening
Gärtnerin {f}
:: gardener (female)
Gartow {prop}
:: Gartow (town)
Gärung {f}
:: fermentation
Gas {n}
:: gas (matter in a physical state between liquid and plasma)
Gasballon {m}
:: gas balloon
Gasbeleuchtung {f}
:: gas lighting
gasbetrieben {adj}
:: gas-operated, gas-powered
Gaschromatografie {f}
:: gas chromatography
Gaschromatographie {f}
:: gas chromatography
Gaschurn {prop} {n}
:: Gaschurn (municipality)
gasdicht {adj}
:: gastight
Gasen {prop} {n}
:: Gasen (municipality)
Gasen {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Gasentladung {f}
:: gas discharge
Gasentladungslampe {f}
:: glow discharge lamp (gas discharge lamp)
Gasentladungsröhre {f}
:: (gas) discharge tube
Gasflasche {f}
:: gas cylinder
Gasform {f}
:: gaseous form
gasförmig {adj}
:: gaseous (relating to, or existing as, gas)
gasförmig {adj}
:: gassy
Gas geben {v}
:: to accelerate a car; to step on the gas
Gas geben {v}
:: to drive very fast
Gasgemisch {n}
:: gas mixture
gashaltig {adj}
:: gaseous
gasig {adj}
:: fluid, gaseous
Gaskammer {f}
:: gas chamber
Gaskraftwerk {n}
:: gas-fired power station
Gasleitung {f}
:: gas main (large gas pipe)
Gasmaske {f}
:: gas mask
Gasmolekül {n}
:: gas molecule
Gasmule {noun}
:: Gasmoulos
Gaspedal {n}
:: throttle; accelerator; accelerator pedal
Gasphase {f}
:: gas phase
Gasplanet {m}
:: gas giant
Gaspoltshofen {prop} {n}
:: Gaspoltshofen (municipality)
Gässchen {n}
:: diminutive of Gasse; small, narrow lane
Gasse {f}
:: lane
Gasse {f}
:: alley
Gassi {noun}
:: A walk for a dog; walkies
Gassigehen {n}
:: Dog walking; walkies
Gasstrom {m}
:: stream of gas
Gast {m}
:: guest
Gastank {m}
:: gas tank
Gastarbeiter {m}
:: guest worker, migrant worker, foreign worker (male or of unspecified sex)
Gästehaus {n}
:: guesthouse
Gasterei {f}
:: banquet, feast, where many guests come to be served food
Gästerei {f}
:: alternative form of Gasterei
Gastern {prop} {n}
:: Gastern (municipality)
Gästezimmer {n}
:: guest room
gastfrei {adj}
:: hospitable
gastfreundlich {adj}
:: hospitable
Gastfreundlichkeit {f}
:: hospitality (act or service)
Gastfreundschaft {f}
:: hospitality
Gastgeber {m}
:: host (a person who allows a guest, particularly into the host's home)
Gasthaus {n}
:: restaurant, inn
Gasthof {m}
:: inn, pub, guesthouse
Gastlichkeit {f}
:: hospitality, conviviality
Gastmahl {n}
:: feast, regale
gastral {adj}
:: gastric
gastrisch {adj}
:: gastric
Gastritis {f}
:: gastritis
gastro- {prefix}
:: gastro-
gastroenterisch {adj}
:: gastroenteric, gastrointestinal
gastrointestinal {adj}
:: gastrointestinal
Gastronomie {f}
:: gastronomy
Gaststätte {f}
:: restaurant
Gasturbine {f}
:: gas turbine
Gasuhr {f}
:: gas meter
Gaswerk {n}
:: gasworks
Gaswolke {f}
:: gas cloud
Gaszähler {m}
:: gas meter (device which measures the amount of gas supplied to a property)
Gaszentrifuge {f}
:: gas centrifuge
-gate {suffix}
:: -gate (forms names of scandals)
Gate {n}
:: airport gate
Gate {f}
:: men's long underwear
gäten {v}
:: alternative form of jäten
Gateway {n}
:: gateway
Gatt {n}
:: eyelet; hole for a rope or hook
Gatt {prop} {n}
:: alternative spelling of GATT
Gatte {m}
:: husband
Gatte {m}
:: male spouse
Gatter {n}
:: gate
Gatter {n}
:: grating
Gatter {n}
:: fence
Gattin {f}
:: married woman, wife; female form of Gatte
Gattung {f}
:: genus
Gattung {f}
:: voice, gender (of verbs)
Gattung {f}
:: genre
Gattungsname {m}
:: common noun
Gattungsname {m}
:: generic name
gattungsspezifisch {adj}
:: genus-specific
gattungsspezifisch {adj}
:: genre-specific
gattungstypisch {adj}
:: genus-typical
Gattungszahlwort {n}
:: variative numeral
Gau {m}
:: shire; district
Gau {m}
:: an administrative unit of the Third Reich
Gau {m}
:: an accident, a calamity
GAU {m}
:: initialism of größter anzunehmender Unfall: the worst possible accident considered for controlling, engineering, or planning when designing something such as a nuclear or industrial plant
GAU {m}
:: worst case scenario
Gaube {f}
:: dormer; dormer-window (roofed projection from a sloping roof with a window at the front)
Gaubitsch {prop} {n}
:: Gaubitsch (municipality)
Gaucho {m}
:: gaucho
Gaudium {n}
:: delight
Gaugraf {m}
:: count of a shire or district, local judge
Gaugräfin {f}
:: feminine noun of Gaugraf
Gaukelei {f}
:: jugglery, buffoonery
Gaukelei {f}
:: pretense, sham, trickery
gaukeln {v}
:: to perform magic
Gaukler {m}
:: juggler, legerdemainist
Gaul {m}
:: horse
Gaul {m}
:: hack, nag (bad, old or incapable horse)
Gauleiter {m}
:: A leader of a local branch of the NSDAP (more commonly known as the Nazi Party) or the head of a Reichsgau (an administrative division of the German state until 1945)
Gaullismus {m}
:: Gaullism
Gaum {m}
:: alternative form of Gaumen
Gaumen {m}
:: palate (roof of the mouth)
Gaumen {m}
:: the sense of taste
Gaumen {m}
:: oral cavity
Gaumenlaut {m}
:: palatal
Gaumenmandel {f}
:: palatine tonsil
Gaumensegel {n}
:: velum
Gaumensegellaut {m}
:: velar
Gaumenspalte {f}
:: palatoschisis, cleft palate
Gauner {m}
:: crook, racketeer (one who commits crimes)
Gauner {m}
:: sly, cunning person
Gaunerei {f}
:: swindle
gaunern {v}
:: to cheat, swindle
Gaunersprache {f}
:: cant (secret language)
Gaußsch {adj}
:: Gaussian
Gauß-Verteilung {f}
:: Gaussian distribution
Gaweinstal {prop} {n}
:: Gaweinstal (municipality)
gay {adj}
:: gay
Gayer {prop}
:: surname
Gazastreifen {prop} {m}
:: Gaza (region), Gaza Strip
Gaze {f}
:: gauze
Gazelle {f}
:: gazelle
GDI {prop} {f}
:: initialism of (Sammlung der) griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften
ge- {prefix}
:: Forms collective nouns, almost always neuter gender. Whenever possible, the root vowel is modified as well: Ader/Geäder, Ast/Geäst, Berg/Gebirge, Busch/Gebüsch, Rippe/Gerippe, Stein/Gestein, Strauch/Gesträuch, Wasser/Gewässer, Wolke/Gewölk
ge- {prefix}
:: Forms action nouns, usually with a sense of repetition or continuation. All of these nouns are neuter and have no plural. For example: ächzen/Geächze, heulen/Geheule/Geheul, reden/Gerede, seufzen/Geseufze
ge- {prefix}
:: Forms nomina rei actae, verbal nouns that refer to the patient of the action, always of neuter gender. For example: schenken/Geschenk, legen/Gelege, prägen/Gepräge
ge- {prefix}
:: Forms past participles in combination with a suffix -en or -(e)t: schlafen/geschlafen, denken/gedacht, retten/gerettet. Nouns are frequently made from the past participle
ge- {prefix}
:: Forms verbs with terminative aktionsart: geleiten, genießen, gebären, gelangen, gereuen, geziemen, geruhen, genesen. This is hardly productive after Early New High German and outside of dialects
geachtet {adj}
:: esteemed, respected
geachtet {v}
:: past participle of achten
geächzt {v}
:: past participle of ächzen
geadelt {v}
:: past participle of adeln
Geäder {n}
:: venation
Geäder {n}
:: veins
Geäfter {n}
:: dewclaw of a hoofed animal such as a deer or wild boar
gealtert {v}
:: past participle of altern
geändert {adj}
:: changed
geängstigt {v}
:: past participle of ängstigen
geartet {adj}
:: natured
Geäse {n}
:: pasture, fodder or feeding ground for deer
Geäse {n}
:: deer's mouth, muzzle, snout
Geäst {n}
:: boughs, branches
geätzt {v}
:: past participle of ätzen - etched
geäussert {v}
:: past participle of äussern
geäußert {adj}
:: expressed
geb. {adj}
:: geboren, geborener, geborene: née (signifies maiden name of a woman), born
geb. {adj}
:: gebunden: bound, married
Gebäck {n}
:: pastry (food group)
gebacken {v}
:: past participle of backen
gebackt {v}
:: past participle of backen
gebaggert {v}
:: past participle of baggern
Gebälk {n}
:: entablature
gebalkt {adj}
:: fess-having
geballert {v}
:: past participle of ballern
gebändert {adj}
:: banded, striped
gebannt {v}
:: past participle of bannen
gebappt {v}
:: past participle of bappen
Gebärde {f}
:: any gesture of the body
Gebärde {f}
:: a gesture used in sign language
gebärden {vi}
:: to sign
gebärden {vr}
:: to behave
Gebärdensprache {f}
:: sign language
Gebaren {n}
:: behaviour / behavior
gebären {vi}
:: to give birth; referring to labour, or to labour and pregnancy as a whole
gebären {vt}
:: to give birth to; to bear
gebärfähig {adj}
:: prolific (capable of bearing children)
gebärfreudig {adj}
:: giving birth to many children
Gebärfreudigkeit {f}
:: The characteristic of giving birth to many children
Gebärmutter {f}
:: womb, uterus
Gebärmutterschleimhaut {f}
:: endometrium
Gebäu {n}
:: building, edifice, structure
Gebäude {n}
:: building, edifice, structure
Gebäudeinstallation {f}
:: electrical wiring (in a building)
gebaut {v}
:: past participle of bauen
gebeamt {v}
:: past participle of beamen
gebellt {v}
:: past participle of bellen
geben {vt}
:: To give; to hand
geben {vt}
:: To present; to put
geben {vt}
:: there to be (there is; there are); indicates that something exists
geben {vt}
:: To result in
gebenedeit {adj}
:: blessed
gebenedeit {v}
:: past participle of benedeien
Geber {m}
:: giver, donor, grantor (male or of unspecified sex)
Geber {m}
:: encoder (device)
Gebet {n}
:: prayer
Gebetsmühle {f}
:: prayer wheel
gebetsmühlenartig {adj}
:: mantralike, prayerlike, monotonous
Gebetsteppich {m}
:: prayer rug, prayer mat
gebettet {v}
:: past participle of betten
gebeugt {adj}
:: bent
gebeutelt {adj}
:: plagued, ridden
Gebiet {n}
:: area
Gebiet {n}
:: territory
Gebiet {n}
:: a set with certain properties:
Gebiet {n}
:: a (non-empty) open and connected set
Gebiet {n}
:: an open set
gebieten {vt}
:: to demand
gebieten {vt}
:: to command
Gebieter {m}
:: arbiter, commander, ruler, master, lord (male or of unspecified sex)
Gebietshoheit {f}
:: territorial sovereignty, territorial jurisdiction
Gebilde {n}
:: construction, formation, structure
Gebilde {n}
:: shape, pattern, figure
gebildet {adj}
:: educated
gebildet {adj}
:: erudite, literate
gebildet {adj}
:: intellectual, cultured
gebilligt {v}
:: past participle of billigen
Gebinde {n}
:: package, bundle
Gebinde {n}
:: wreath
Gebirge {n}
:: a group of mountains, mountain range, mountains
Gebirge {n}
:: geographical area containing mountains
gebirgig {adj}
:: mountainous
gebirgsbildend {adj}
:: orogenic (mountain-building)
Gebirgsdorf {n}
:: mountain village
Gebirgswels {m}
:: Sisoridae, a family of catfish
Gebiss {n}
:: set of teeth
Gebiss {n}
:: dentures
Gebiss {n}
:: bit (for a horse)
geblafft {v}
:: past participle of blaffen
geblakt {v}
:: past participle of blaken
Gebläse {n}
:: ventilator
geblaut {v}
:: past participle of blauen
geblieben {v}
:: past participle of bleiben
geblinkt {v}
:: past participle of blinken
Geblüt {n}
:: blood
Geblüt {n}
:: bloodline, heritage
gebölkt {v}
:: past participle of bölken
gebollert {v}
:: past participle of bollern
Geboltskirchen {prop} {n}
:: Geboltskirchen (municipality)
geboren {v}
:: past participle of gebären
geboren werden {v}
:: to be born
geborgen {adj}
:: safe, secure, protected and hidden away from dangers
Geborgenheit {f}
:: The state of having a sense of security and well-being
geborsten {v}
:: past participle of bersten
geboßt {v}
:: past participle of boßen
Gebot {n}
:: command, commandment
Gebot {n}
:: bid, bidding
gebracht {v}
:: past participle of bringen
gebracht {adj}
:: brought, carried
Gebrammel {n}
:: a frequentation of the action denoted by the verb brammeln
gebrannt {adj}
:: burnt
gebrannt {adj}
:: fired (e.g. in a kiln)
gebrannt {adj}
:: distilled
gebraten {adj}
:: roast, fried
Gebrauch {m}
:: use, usage
Gebrauch {m}
:: application
gebrauchen {v}
:: to use
gebräuchlich {adj}
:: common, customary, usual, in use
Gebrauchsanweisung {f}
:: instruction sheet, directions for use, operating manual
gebrauchsfähig {adj}
:: usable, serviceable, working
Gebrauchsfähigkeit {f}
:: usability, serviceability
gebrauchsfertig {adj}
:: off-the-shelf, ready to use
gebrauchsfertiger {adj}
:: comparative of gebrauchsfertig
gebrauchsfertigsten {adj}
:: superlative of gebrauchsfertig
Gebrauchsfreundlichkeit {f}
:: useability
Gebrauchsgegenstand {m}
:: utility item, object of utility, utensil, implement
Gebrauchsmusik {f}
:: "utility music" (music composed for a specific, identifiable purpose, not just for its own sake)
gebraucht {adj}
:: used
gebraucht {adj}
:: secondhand
Gebrauchtwagen {m}
:: used car, second-hand vehicle
Gebrauchtwagenhändler {m}
:: trader, merchant
Gebrauchtware {f}
:: second-hand goods
gebraust {v}
:: past participle of brausen
gebrechen {v}
:: to lack
Gebrechen {n}
:: disability, infirmity (lasting physical damage)
Gebrechen {n}
:: damage, a technical bug
gebrechlich {adj}
:: rickety, infirm, fragile
Gebrechlichkeit {f}
:: infirmity
Gebresten {n}
:: disability, infirmity (lasting physical damage)
gebresthaft {adj}
:: sickly (having the appearance of sickness)
gebresthaftesten {adj}
:: superlative of gebresthaft
gebrochen {adj}
:: broken
gebrochen {adj}
:: fractional
gebrochen {adj}
:: blackletter
gebrochen {v}
:: past participle of brechen
gebröselt {v}
:: past participle of bröseln
gebrowst {v}
:: past participle of browsen
Gebrüder {mp}
:: brothers, brethren
gebrüht {v}
:: past participle of brühen
Gebrüll {n}
:: roaring, shouting
Gebrumm {n}
:: growling, humming
gebuchtet {adj}
:: bayed (having bays)
gebuckelt {adj}
:: humpbacked, hunchbacked
gebückt {v}
:: past participle of bücken
gebuddelt {v}
:: past participle of buddeln
Gebühr {f}
:: fee
Gebühr {prop} {mf}
:: surname
gebühren {v}
:: to belong to, to be due to
gebühren {vr}
:: to be proper
gebührend {adj}
:: befitting, worthy
gebührenfrei {adj}
:: free of charge
gebührenpflichtig {adj}
:: chargeable (subject to a charge / toll)
gebührlich {adj}
:: appropriate, proper, due
gebumst {v}
:: past participle of bumsen
Gebund {n}
:: bundle
gebunden {adj}
:: bound, constrained to something
gebunden {adj}
:: committed; married or in a fixed relationship
gebunden {adj}
:: legato
gebunden {adj}
:: fretted
gebundene Rotation {f}
:: tidal locking
Geburt {f}
:: birth
Geburtenkontrolle {f}
:: birth control
Geburtenrate {f}
:: birthrate
Geburth {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Geburt
gebürtig {adj}
:: native
Geburtsdatum {n}
:: date of birth
Geburtshelfer {m}
:: midwife (male), accoucheur, obstetrician
Geburtshelferin {f}
:: midwife (accoucheuse), obstetrician (female)
Geburtshilfe {f}
:: obstetrics (care of women during and after pregnancy)
Geburtsjahr {n}
:: year of birth
Geburtsname {m}
:: name at birth, maiden name
Geburtsort {m}
:: birthplace, place of birth
Geburtsrecht {n}
:: birthright
Geburtstag {m}
:: birthday
Geburtstagsfeier {f}
:: birthday party
Geburtstagsgeschenk {n}
:: birthday present (a present given to someone to celebrate their birthday)
Geburtstagskarte {f}
:: birthday card (a greeting card for someone's birthday)
Geburtstagskind {n}
:: birthday boy or -girl, person whose birthday it is
Geburtsurkunde {f}
:: birth certificate
Gebüsch {n}
:: brush (vegetation, generally larger than grass but smaller than trees)
gebüßt {v}
:: past participle of büßen
gebützt {v}
:: past participle of bützen
gechillt {adj}
:: chill
gechillt {v}
:: past participle of chillen
Geck {m}
:: dandy, coxcomb, poser (vain, narcisstic man)
gecken {v}
:: to act like a dandy
Gecko {m}
:: gecko
gecremt {v}
:: past participle of cremen
gecrèmt {v}
:: past participle of crèmen
gedacht {v}
:: past participle of denken
gedacht {v}
:: past participle of gedenken
Gedächtnis {n}
:: memory (ability to recall)
Gedächtnis {n}
:: remembrance
Gedächtnisprotokoll {n}
:: minutes written from memory
gedämmt {v}
:: past participle of dämmen
gedampft {v}
:: past participle of dampfen
Gedanke {m}
:: thought
Gedankenblitz {m}
:: sudden inspiration, brainwave, flash of insight
Gedankenexperiment {n}
:: gedankenexperiment, a thought experiment
Gedankengang {m}
:: reasoning; train of thought
Gedankengut {n}
:: mindset, philosophy
gedankenlos {adj}
:: thoughtless, unthinking
Gedankenlosigkeit {f}
:: thoughtlessness (lack of thought)
Gedankenspiel {n}
:: intellectual game
Gedankenstrich {m}
:: dash (typographic symbol)
Gedankenübertragung {f}
:: telepathy
gedankenverloren {adj}
:: absent-minded
gedankenverloren {adj}
:: distracted
Gedankenwelt {f}
:: thought-world, world of ideas
gedanklich {adj}
:: mental
Gedärm {n}
:: the whole of an organism's intestines, guts, insides
gedauert {v}
:: past participle of dauern
Gedeck {n}
:: place setting; cover (a person’s setting of cutlery etc. at a set table)
gedeckt {adj}
:: covered
gedeckt {adj}
:: sober
gedeckt {v}
:: past participle of decken
gedehnt {adj}
:: stretched
gedehnt {v}
:: past participle of dehnen
gedeihen {vi}
:: to thrive; to flourish; to prosper
gedeihlich {adj}
:: profitable, productive
gedenken {v}
:: to remember, commemorate
gedenken {v}
:: to intend
Gedenken {n}
:: remembrance
Gedenkstätte {f}
:: memorial
Gedenktag {m}
:: remembrance day
Gedersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Gedersdorf (municipality)
gedeucht {v}
:: past participle of dünken
Gedicht {n}
:: poem
gedichtet {v}
:: past participle of dichten
gediegen {adj}
:: pure, unadulterated, sterling, solid, native
gediegen {adj}
:: solid, high-quality, well-made
gediegen {adj}
:: solid, reliable, good
gediegen {adj}
:: odd, strange, peculiar, weird
Gedöns {n}
:: fuss, ado, hullabaloo
Gedöns {n}
:: stuff, junk
gedoppelt {v}
:: past participle of doppeln
gedöst {v}
:: past participle of dösen
Gedränge {n}
:: crowd
Gedränge {n}
:: hustle
Gedränge {n}
:: jostle
Gedränge {n}
:: pushing and shoving
gedriftet {v}
:: past participle of driften
gedrillt {v}
:: past participle of drillen
gedröhnt {v}
:: past participle of dröhnen
gedrungen {adj}
:: stubby, squat
gedrungen {v}
:: past participle of dringen
geduckmäusert {v}
:: past participle of duckmäusern
geduftet {v}
:: past participle of duften
Geduld {f}
:: patience
Geduld {prop} {mf}
:: surname
geduldig {adj}
:: patient (ability or willingness to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering)
geduldiger {adj}
:: comparative of geduldig
geduldigsten {adj}
:: superlative of geduldig
Geduld ist eine Tugend {proverb}
:: patience is a virtue
Geduldsspiel {n}
:: puzzle, waiting game
Geduldsspiel {n}
:: test of patience
gedümpelt {v}
:: past participle of dümpeln
gedünstet {v}
:: past participle of dünsten
gedurft {v}
:: past participle of dürfen
geduscht {v}
:: past participle of duschen
geeggt {v}
:: past participle of eggen
geehrt {v}
:: past participle of ehren
geeicht {v}
:: past participle of eichen
geeignet {adj}
:: suitable, appropriate
geeignet {adj}
:: convenient
geeigneter {adj}
:: comparative of geeignet
geeignetsten {adj}
:: superlative of geeignet
geeinigt {v}
:: past participle of einigen
geeist {v}
:: past participle of eisen
Geek {m}
:: geek
geentert {v}
:: past participle of entern
geerntet {v}
:: past participle of ernten
Geest {f}
:: geest (a somewhat elevated landscape in a plain with sandy grounds and frequent heaths)
Gefahr {f}
:: danger
Gefahr {f}
:: threat
gefährden {vt}
:: to endanger, compromise
Gefährdung {f}
:: threat, hazard, danger
gefahren {v}
:: past participle of fahren
Gefahrenhinweis {m}
:: safety notice / warning
gefahrenreich {adj}
:: dangerous
Gefahrensymbol {n}
:: hazard symbol / icon / sign
Gefahrgut {n}
:: hazardous material, dangerous goods
gefährlich {adj}
:: dangerous
gefährlicher {adj}
:: comparative of gefährlich
gefährliches Halbwissen {n}
:: a degree of superficial knowledge that becomes dangerous or deceptive because it has one trust one’s own amateurish judgment
Gefährlichkeit {f}
:: dangerousness
gefährlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of gefährlich
gefahrlos {adj}
:: safe
gefahrlos {adj}
:: harmless
Gefahrstoff {m}
:: hazardous substance
Gefahrstoffkennzeichnung {f}
:: hazardous-substance directive / warning
Gefahrstoffverordnung {f}
:: An ordinance concerning hazardous substances
Gefährt {n}
:: vehicle
Gefährte {m}
:: companion (male or of unspecified sex)
Gefährtin {f}
:: companion (female, or sexless but feminine), friend (female, or sexless but feminine)
gefahrvoll {adj}
:: dangerous, hazardous
Gefälle {n}
:: downwards slope
Gefälle {n}
:: gradient
gefallen {vi}
:: to please; to appeal to
gefallen {v}
:: past participle of fallen
gefallen {v}
:: past participle of gefallen
gefallen {adj}
:: fallen, dropped
Gefallen {m}
:: favor, favour
gefallener Engel {m}
:: fallen angel (angel who was exiled from heaven)
gefällig {adj}
:: pleasing, pleasant
gefällig {adj}
:: accommodating
Gefälligkeit {f}
:: favor
Gefälligkeit {f}
:: obligingness
gefälligst {adv}
:: will you?
gefälligst {adv}
:: kindly
gefällt {v}
:: past participle of fällen
gefällt {adj}
:: precipitated
gefällt {adj}
:: felled (tree)
gefälscht {adj}
:: counterfeit, forged
gefalzt {v}
:: past participle of falzen
gefangen {adj}
:: caught
gefangen {adj}
:: imprisoned
gefangen {adj}
:: trapped
gefangen {v}
:: past participle of fangen
Gefangenenlager {n}
:: prison camp
Gefangenenwärter {m}
:: prison warder, prison guard, turnkey (male or of unspecified sex)
Gefangenenwärter {m}
:: guard in a (makeshift) prison camp (male or of unspecified sex)
Gefangener {m}
:: prisoner, captive, detainee, prison inmate, incarceree (male or of unspecified sex)
Gefangenschaft {f}
:: imprisonment, captivity
Gefangensein-Syndrom {n}
:: synonym of Locked-in-Syndrom
Gefängnis {n}
:: (building) prison, jail
Gefängnis {n}
:: (sentence) prison
Gefängnisstrafe {f}
:: prison sentence, imprisonment
Gefängniswärter {m}
:: prison officer, prison guard, prison warder (warder), turnkey (male or of unspecified sex)
Gefängniswärterin {f}
:: (female) prison warder
Gefängniszelle {f}
:: prison cell
gefärbt {adj}
:: dyed
gefärbt {adj}
:: coloured
Gefäss {n}
:: alternative spelling of Gefäß
Gefäß {n}
:: vessel
Gefäß {n}
:: container, jar, pot
Gefäßentzündung {f}
:: vasculitis
Gefäßfunktion {f}
:: vascular function
Gefäßpflanze {f}
:: vascular plant
gefasst {adj}
:: cool, with composure
gefaßt {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of gefasst
Gefäßwand {f}
:: vascular wall
Gefäßwand {f}
:: vessel wall
gefast {v}
:: past participle of fasen
Gefecht {n}
:: fight, military encounter, skirmish
Gefechtskopf {m}
:: warhead
Gefechtsmarsch {m}
:: a training march under combat conditions, thus with a rifle, tactical gear, and usually a full rucksack, generally through mixed terrain (thus combined with a Geländemarsch), and with the obligation to support and, if need be, carry exhausted or injured comrades; distinct from an Orientierungsmarsch inasmuch as the marching route is signposted
gefeiert {adj}
:: celebrated, acclaimed
gefeiert {v}
:: past participle of feiern
gefeit {v}
:: past participle of feien
gefensterlt {v}
:: past participle of fensterln
gefertigt {adj}
:: wrought, manufactured
gefesselt {adj}
:: tied up, shackled, fettered
gefesselt {adj}
:: fascinated
gefesselt {v}
:: past participle of fesseln
gefesselter {adj}
:: comparative of gefesselt
gefesseltsten {adj}
:: superlative of gefesselt
gefestet {v}
:: past participle of festen
gefestigt {v}
:: past participle of festigen
gefeuert {v}
:: past participle of feuern
gefickt {v}
:: past participle of ficken
Gefieder {n}
:: plumage
gefiedert {adj}
:: feathered, plumed
gefiedert {adj}
:: pinnate
Gefilde {n}
:: fields
gefiltert {adj}
:: filtered
gefilzt {v}
:: past participle of filzen
gefinkelt {adj}
:: cunning
gefistet {v}
:: past participle of fisten
gefizt {adj}
:: clever
geflackert {v}
:: past participle of flackern
geflattert {v}
:: past participle of flattern
Geflecht {n}
:: mesh, netting
Geflecht {n}
:: network
gefleckt {adj}
:: mottled, pied
gefleckt {adj}
:: pinto
Gefleckter Leierfisch {m}
:: spotted dragonet
Geflecktheit {f}
:: mottledness, spottiness
geflenst {v}
:: past participle of flensen
gefleucht {v}
:: past participle of fleuchen
geflickt {v}
:: past participle of flicken
geflirrt {v}
:: past participle of flirren
geflissentlich {adj}
:: deliberate, intentional
geflissentlich {adj}
:: assiduous, studious, diligent
geflitzt {v}
:: past participle of flitzen
geflochten {v}
:: past participle of flechten
geflohen {v}
:: past participle of fliehen
geflötet {v}
:: past participle of flöten
geflüchtet {v}
:: past participle of flüchten
Geflügel {n}
:: poultry, meat from birds
Geflügel {n}
:: poultry, birds raised for their meat
Geflügelpest {f}
:: avian influenza
geflügelt {adj}
:: winged
geflügelt {adj}
:: alate
geflügeltes Wort {n}
:: winged word (a well known quotation, often a witticism)
Geflügelzucht {f}
:: poultry farming (the raising of domesticated birds)
geflunkert {v}
:: past participle of flunkern
gefluppt {v}
:: past participle of fluppen
Geflüster {n}
:: a murmur, whispering
geflutet {v}
:: past participle of fluten
geflutscht {v}
:: past participle of flutschen
gefodert {v}
:: past participle of fodern
geföhnt {v}
:: past participle of föhnen
Gefolge {n}
:: retinue, entourage
gefolgert {v}
:: past participle of folgern
Gefolgschaft {f}
:: following
Gefolgschaft {f}
:: loyalty
Gefolgsmann {m}
:: liegeman
gefönt {v}
:: past participle of fönen
gefoppt {v}
:: past participle of foppen
gefordert {adj}
:: claimed
gefordert {adj}
:: postulated
gefordert {adj}
:: stipulated
gefördert {adj}
:: promoted, sponsored, funded
geformt {v}
:: past participle of formen
geforscht {v}
:: past participle of forschen
gefotzt {v}
:: past participle of fotzen
gefoult {v}
:: past participle of foulen
gefragt {v}
:: past participle of fragen "asked"
gefragt {adj}
:: in demand; requested; asked for
gefräßig {adj}
:: voracious, gluttonous
Gefreiter {m}
:: lance corporal (military rank)
Gefrierbeutel {m}
:: freezer bag
Gefrierbrand {m}
:: freezer burn
gefrieren {vi}
:: to freeze (to become solid due to low temperature)
gefriergetrocknet {adj}
:: freeze-dried
Gefrierpunkt {m}
:: freezing point
Gefrierschrank {m}
:: freezer (container or room keeping things frozen)
Gefriertrocknung {f}
:: freeze-drying
Gefriertrocknungsvorgang {m}
:: freeze-drying process
Gefriertruhe {f}
:: chest freezer
gefroren {adj}
:: frozen
Gefüge {n}
:: arrangement, structure, framework
gefügig {adj}
:: amenable
Gefühl {n}
:: feeling
Gefühl {n}
:: sense of something. (für etwas)
gefühllos {adj}
:: callous, insensitive
gefühllos {adj}
:: numb
gefühllos {adj}
:: impassive
gefühlsarm {adj}
:: emotionless
gefühlsbetont {adj}
:: emotive
gefühlsbetont {adj}
:: sensitive (to other's feelings)
gefühlsblind {adj}
:: alexithymic
Gefühlsduselei {f}
:: mawkishness, maudlinness
Gefühlsmensch {m}
:: sentimentalist
Gefühlsregung {f}
:: emotion
gefühlsselig {adj}
:: sentimental, maudlin
Gefühlszustand {m}
:: emotional state
gefühlvoll {adj}
:: sentimental, soulful
gefühlvoll {adj}
:: empathetic
geführt {adj}
:: guided, conducted
geführt {adj}
:: managed, administered
gefüllt {adj}
:: stuffed, filled
gefunden {adj}
:: found, located
gefunden {adj}
:: encountered
gefunzt {v}
:: past participle of funzen
gefurcht {adj}
:: striated; furrowed, grooved
Gefurchter Dickmaulrüssler {m}
:: vine weevil
gefurzt {v}
:: past participle of furzen
gefuttert {v}
:: past participle of futtern
Gegacker {n}
:: cackle, cluck
gegammelt {v}
:: past participle of gammeln
gegangen {v}
:: past participle of gehen
gegäten {v}
:: past participle of gäten; synonym of gegätet
gegätet {v}
:: past participle of gäten
gegeben {adj}
:: given
gegeben {adj}
:: preexisting
gegeben {adj}
:: factual
gegebenenfalls {adv}
:: possibly; if circumstances require; where applicable
Gegebenheit {f}
:: condition, situation
Gegebenheit {f}
:: fact, datum
gegeifert {v}
:: past participle of geifern
gegeizt {v}
:: past participle of geizen
gegen- {prefix}
:: against, contrary to, contra-
gegen {prep}
:: against
Gegenanzeige {f}
:: contraindication
Gegenargument {n}
:: counterargument
gegenbeschuldigen {v}
:: to recriminate
gegenbeschuldigt {v}
:: past participle of gegenbeschuldigen
Gegenbeschuldigung {f}
:: recrimination
Gegenbeweis {m}
:: counterevidence
gegenchecken {vt}
:: to countercheck, recheck, double-check
Gegend {f}
:: region
gegeneinander {adv}
:: against each other / one another
gegeneinander ausspielen {v}
:: to play off against each other
Gegenfrage {f}
:: counterquestion
Gegengeschenk {n}
:: reciprocal present
Gegengewicht {n}
:: counterbalance
gegengezeichnet {v}
:: past participle of gegenzeichnen
Gegengift {n}
:: antidote
gegengleich {adj}
:: Diametrically opposed, the mirror image to something else
gegengleich {adj}
:: Travelling at the same speed in the opposite direction to something else
gegengleich {adv}
:: In a way that is exactly opposed to or the mirror image of another action
Gegengruß {m}
:: greeting or salute in return
Gegenion {n}
:: counterion
gegenläufig {adj}
:: opposite, contrary, reverse
gegenläufig {adj}
:: contrarotating
Gegenleistung {f}
:: return, return service, quid pro quo
Gegenmaßnahme {f}
:: countermeasure
Gegenmaßnahme {f}
:: counteraction
Gegenmittel {n}
:: remedy, antidote
Gegenpapst {m}
:: antipope
Gegenpart {m}
:: a literary figure that contrasts with another; a part or role opposite another actor
Gegenpart {m}
:: counterpart
Gegenpart {m}
:: the opposite party in a lawsuit
Gegenpol {m}
:: antipole
Gegenrichtung {f}
:: opposite direction
Gegensatz {m}
:: opposition, antagonism
Gegensatz {m}
:: opposite
Gegensatz {m}
:: conflict, contradiction
Gegenschlag {m}
:: counterstrike
gegenseitig {adj}
:: mutual, reciprocal
gegenseitig {adj}
:: opposite
Gegenseitigkeit {f}
:: reciprocity
Gegensinn {m}
:: opposite meaning
Gegensinn {m}
:: opposite direction
gegensinnig {adj}
:: In the opposite direction
Gegenspieler {m}
:: opponent
Gegenspieler {m}
:: adversary, antagonist
Gegenstand {m}
:: object, item, thing, article
gegenständlich {adj}
:: objective, concrete, representational
gegenständlicher {adj}
:: comparative of gegenständlich
gegenstandslos {adj}
:: insubstantial
gegenstandslos {adj}
:: lapsed, obsolete, void
Gegenstandswort {n}
:: noun
Gegenstandswort {n}
:: concrete noun
Gegenstück {n}
:: counterpart
Gegenteil {n}
:: opposite (contrary thing)
gegenteilig {adj}
:: contrary, opposite, converse
gegenüber {prep}
:: opposite
gegenüber {prep}
:: to, toward, towards
gegenüber {prep}
:: compared to
gegenüber {prep}
:: vis-à-vis, in dealings with, in dealing with, towards
gegenüber {adv}
:: on the opposite side
Gegenüber {n}
:: counterpart
Gegenüber {n}
:: opponent
Gegenüber {n}
:: the other; the partner in a conversion; someone who is face to face with you
gegenübergestanden {v}
:: past participle of gegenüberstehen
gegenübergestellt {v}
:: past participle of gegenüberstellen
gegenübergestellt {adj}
:: contrasted
gegenübergestellt {adj}
:: opposed
gegenübergestellt {adj}
:: confronted
gegenüberliegend {adj}
:: opposite, lying (being situated) opposite (of something)
gegenüberstehen {v}
:: To face, confront
gegenüberstellen {v}
:: To contrast
gegenüberstellen {v}
:: To oppose
gegenüberstellen {v}
:: To confront
Gegenüberstellung {f}
:: comparison
Gegenüberstellung {f}
:: policy lineup; identity parade
Gegenwart {f}
:: the present
Gegenwart {f}
:: presence (of someone/something)
gegenwärtig {adj}
:: current, contemporary, present, existing
Gegenwärtigkeit {f}
:: presence
Gegenwärtigkeit {f}
:: topicality, currentness, up-to-dateness
gegenwartsbezogen {adj}
:: contemporary, topical
Gegenwartsbezogenheit {f}
:: topicality
Gegenwartssprache {f}
:: contemporary language
Gegenwind {m}
:: headwind
Gegenwort {n}
:: antonym; opposite
gegenzeichnen {v}
:: to countersign
Gegenzeichnung {f}
:: countersign, countersignature
Gegenzeichnung {f}
:: countersigning
Gegenzug {m}
:: countermove
Gegenzug {m}
:: exchange, trade
gegerbt {v}
:: past participle of gerben
gegessen {v}
:: past participle of essen
gegibbelt {v}
:: past participle of gibbeln
gegiebelt {adj}
:: gabled (having gables)
gegiert {v}
:: past participle of gieren
geglaubt {v}
:: past participle of glauben
geglitten {v}
:: past participle of gleiten
geglotzt {v}
:: past participle of glotzen
geglückt {v}
:: past participle of glücken
geglüht {v}
:: past participle of glühen
geglüht {adj}
:: annealed
geglupscht {v}
:: past participle of glupschen
Gegner {m}
:: adversary, opponent
Gegnerin {f}
:: adversary, opponent (sexless, or female)
gegnerisch {adj}
:: antagonistic, hostile
gegnerisch {adj}
:: adverse
Gegnerschaft {f}
:: opposition
Gegnerschaft {f}
:: hostility
gegoren {v}
:: past participle of gären
gegossen {adj}
:: cast, moulded
gegossen {adj}
:: poured
gegrabbelt {v}
:: past participle of grabbeln
gegrämt {v}
:: past participle of grämen
gegrapscht {v}
:: past participle of grapschen
gegrast {v}
:: past participle of grasen
gegraust {v}
:: past participle of grausen
gegrient {v}
:: past participle of grienen
Gegröle {n}
:: caterwauling
gegrollt {v}
:: past participle of grollen
gegrölt {v}
:: past participle of grölen
gegrübelt {v}
:: past participle of grübeln
gegründet {v}
:: past participle of gründen
gegründet {adj}
:: founded, established
geguckt {v}
:: past participle of gucken
gehaart {v}
:: past participle of haaren
Gehabe {n}
:: affectation, posturing
Gehabstand {m}
:: walking distance; the distance of a comfortable walk
gehabt {v}
:: past participle of haben
Gehacktes {n}
:: minced meat
gehakt {v}
:: past participle of haken
gehallt {v}
:: past participle of hallen
Gehalt {n}
:: salary
Gehalt {m}
:: content
gehalten {v}
:: past participle of halten
Gehaltscheck {m}
:: Paycheck
Gehaltserhöhung {f}
:: salary increase
Gehaltsliste {f}
:: payroll
Gehaltsverrechner {m}
:: payroll manager
Gehaltsverrechnerin {f}
:: payroll manager (female)
Gehaltsvorstellung {f}
:: salary requirement, salary expectation
gehampelt {v}
:: past participle of hampeln
gehandhabt {v}
:: past participle of handhaben
gehandhabt {adj}
:: wielded
gehandhabt {adj}
:: handled
gehandhabt {adj}
:: managed
gehängt {v}
:: past participle of hängen
gehängt {adj}
:: hung
gehängt {adj}
:: hanged
geharnischt {adj}
:: harnessed, wearing a harness (medieval armour)
geharnt {v}
:: past participle of harnen
gehärtet {v}
:: past participle of härten
gehärtet {adj}
:: hardened, annealed
gehärtet {adj}
:: hydrogenated (fat)
gehascht {v}
:: past participle of haschen
gehässig {adj}
:: spiteful, hateful, mean
gehasst {adj}
:: hated
gehastet {v}
:: past participle of hasten
gehauen {v}
:: past participle of hauen
gehäuft {v}
:: past participle of häufen
gehäuft {adj}
:: cumulative
gehäuft {adj}
:: heaped, piled, massed
Gehäuse {n}
:: casing, case
Gehäuse {n}
:: shell
Gehäuse {n}
:: housing
Gehäuseschnecke {f}
:: snail
gehäusetragend {adj}
:: shell-bearing
gehaust {v}
:: past participle of hausen
gehaut {adj}
:: scheming, shifty, sly, cunning
gehaut {adj}
:: sexually experienced
gehechelt {v}
:: past participle of hecheln
geheckt {v}
:: past participle of hecken
geheftet {v}
:: past participle of heften
Gehege {n}
:: enclosure (fenced-in area for keeping animals)
gehegt {v}
:: past participle of hegen
gehehlt {v}
:: past participle of hehlen
geheilt {v}
:: past participle of heilen
geheim {adj}
:: secret
Geheimagent {m}
:: secret agent (male or of unspecified sex)
Geheimbund {m}
:: secret society
Geheimcode {m}
:: secret code, cipher
Geheimdienst {m}
:: literally 'secret service', intelligence agency, secret agency, intelligence service
geheimer {adj}
:: comparative of geheim
Geheimfavorit {m}
:: outsider, secret tip (a contestant who is not among the general favourites, but is given a chance of winning, e.g. by an expert)
Geheimgesellschaft {f}
:: secret society
Geheimhaltung {f}
:: secrecy
Geheimnis {n}
:: secret
geheimnisvoll {adj}
:: mysterious
geheimnisvoll {adj}
:: cryptic, arcane
geheimnisvoll {adj}
:: secretive
Geheimrat {m}
:: privy councillor, Geheimrat, the title of the highest officials of a German royal or principal court, and also of very eminent professors in some German universities
Geheimratsecken {noun}
:: a form of slight or beginning male pattern baldness where the hairline has receded on the temples and the sides of the forehead, but less so in the middle
Geheimschrift {f}
:: cypher (secret font)
geheimsten {adj}
:: superlative of geheim
Geheimtipp {m}
:: insider tip
geheischt {v}
:: past participle of heischen
Geheiß {n}
:: behest; request; demand
geheißen {v}
:: past participle of heißen
geheizt {v}
:: past participle of heizen
geheizt {adj}
:: heated
gehellt {v}
:: past participle of hellen
gehemmt {adj}
:: inhibited
gehemmt {adj}
:: self-conscious
gehen {vi}
:: to go, to walk
gehen {vi}
:: to leave
gehen {vi}
:: to leave, to take off (areoplane, train)
gehen {vi}
:: to be going; to be alright; indicates how the dative object fares
gehen {vi}
:: to be possible
gehen {vi}
:: to work, to function (of a machine, method or the like)
gehen {vi}
:: to last, to go for, to go on, to be in progress
gehen {vi}
:: to be (on)
gehen {vi}
:: to approach; to be going (on some one)
Gehen {n}
:: "going"
gehenkelt {adj}
:: handled (having one or more handles)
gehenkt {v}
:: past participle of henken
geherrscht {v}
:: past participle of herrschen
geheuer {adj}
:: pleasant, comfortable
geheuer {adj}
:: sure
Geheul {n}
:: howling
geheylt {v}
:: past participle of heylen
geheyßen {v}
:: past participle of heyßen
Gehilfe {m}
:: a man who has passed a Gehilfenprüfung
Gehilfe {m}
:: male assistant, male associate, male aide, male adjunct
Gehilfe {m}
:: male abettor, male criminal associate
Gehilfenschaft {f}
:: abetment
Gehilfin {f}
:: woman who has passed a Gehilfenprüfung
Gehilfin {f}
:: female assistant, female associate, female aide, female adjunct
Gehilfin {f}
:: female abettor, female criminal associate
gehinkt {v}
:: past participle of hinken
Gehirn {n}
:: brain
Gehirnchen {n}
:: diminutive of Gehirn
Gehirnentzündung {f}
:: encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
Gehirnerschütterung {f}
:: concussion
Gehirnfunktion {f}
:: brain function
Gehirnlein {n}
:: diminutive of Gehirn
Gehirnschädigung {f}
:: brain damage
Gehirnwäsche {f}
:: brain-washing
Gehirnwelle {f}
:: brainwave
Gehirnzelle {f}
:: brain cell
gehisst {v}
:: past participle of hissen
gehl {adj}
:: alternative form of gelb: yellow
Gehminute {f}
:: a minute by foot; the distance a person walks in a minute
gehn {v}
:: alternative form of gehen
geh nur {interj}
:: Used to express aggressive disbelief
gehobelt {v}
:: past participle of hobeln
gehoben {adj}
:: elevated
gehoben {adj}
:: lofty
gehoben {adj}
:: upscale
gehobener {adj}
:: comparative of gehoben
gehobensten {adj}
:: superlative of gehoben
Gehöft {n}
:: farm, farmstead, of any size, but especially a small one
Gehöfte {n}
:: alternative form of Gehöft
gehökert {v}
:: past participle of hökern
Gehölz {n}
:: a small wood, copse
Gehölz {n}
:: brush, underbrush
Gehölz {n}
:: woody plants
gehont {adj}
:: honed
gehonter {adj}
:: comparative of gehont
gehontesten {adj}
:: superlative of gehont
gehoppelt {v}
:: past participle of hoppeln
gehopst {v}
:: past participle of hopsen
Gehör {n}
:: hearing (sense or faculty of perceiving and interpreting sound)
Gehör {n}
:: attention; being heard; being listened to
gehorchen {v}
:: to obey
gehorchen {v}
:: to listen to reason, hearken
gehorchend {adj}
:: obedient
gehorcht {v}
:: past participle of horchen
gehören {v}
:: to belong to, be the property of
gehören {v}
:: to be a prerequisite for; to be a characteristic of
gehören {v}
:: to belong to, be a part of
gehören {vr}
:: to be proper
gehören {v}
:: ought to be
gehörend {adj}
:: pertaining, belonging, appertaining
Gehörgang {noun}
:: ear canal
gehörig {adj}
:: proper
gehörig {adj}
:: belonging to
gehörig {adv}
:: awfully, a lot
gehörlos {adj}
:: deaf (not hearing)
Gehörn {n}
:: horns
gehörnt {adj}
:: horned
gehorsam {adj}
:: obedient
Gehorsam {m}
:: obedience
gehorsamer {adj}
:: comparative of gehorsam
Gehorsamkeit {f}
:: dutifulness, obedience
gehorsamsten {adj}
:: superlative of gehorsam
Gehorsamsverweigerung {f}
:: insubordination
Gehörsinn {m}
:: aural sense, sense of hearing
gehört {v}
:: past participle of hören
gehört {v}
:: past participle of gehören
gehortet {v}
:: past participle of horten
gehren {v}
:: to mitre
Gehrock {m}
:: frock coat
Gehrung {f}
:: mitre
Gehschule {f}
:: physical therapy institution for patients with prostheses
Gehschule {f}
:: playpen for toddlers
Gehsteig {m}
:: sidewalk
geht's {contraction}
:: geht es
gehts {contraction}
:: alternative spelling of geht's
gehüllt {v}
:: past participle of hüllen
gehumpelt {v}
:: past participle of humpeln
gehuscht {v}
:: past participle of huschen
Gehweg {m}
:: sidewalk (paved footpath)
geiaht {v}
:: past participle of iahen
Geier {m}
:: vulture
Geiersberg {prop} {n}
:: Geiersberg (municipality)
Geifer {m}
:: slobber
geifern {v}
:: to salivate
geifern {v}
:: to revile
Geige {f}
:: violin, fiddle
Geigenbauer {m}
:: violin maker
Geigenbogen {m}
:: violin bow
Geigenkasten {m}
:: violin case
Geigenspiel {n}
:: violin playing
Geigenspieler {m}
:: violin player, violinist (male or of unspecified sex)
Geigenspielerin {f}
:: violin player, violinist (female)
Geiger {m}
:: fiddler, violinist
Geigerzähler {m}
:: Geiger counter
geil {adj}
:: salacious; lustful; horny
geil {adj}
:: keen on; bent on
geil {adj}
:: great; cool; awesome
geil {adj}
:: sexy; hot
geil {adj}
:: growing abundantly
geiler {adj}
:: comparative of geil
Geilheit {f}
:: horniness
geilo {adj}
:: cool, awesome
geilsten {adj}
:: superlative of geil
Geinberg {prop} {n}
:: Geinberg (municipality)
Geisel {f}
:: hostage
Geisel {m}
:: hostage
Geisel {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Geiselnahme {f}
:: taking of hostages
Geiselnehmer {m}
:: hostage-taker, kidnapper, captor
Geiser {m}
:: alternative form of Geysir
Geisha {f}
:: geisha
Geiss {f}
:: alternative spelling of Geiß
Geiß {f}
:: goat (species)
Geiß {f}
:: she-goat
Geiß {f}
:: female roe deer
Geissblatt {n}
:: alternative spelling of Geißblatt
Geißblatt {n}
:: honeysuckle (Lonicera)
Geißblatt {n}
:: collective noun for any species of the genus Lonicera; honeysuckles
Geissblattgewächs {n}
:: alternative spelling of Geißblattgewächs
Geißblattgewächs {n}
:: any plant of the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae)
Geißblattgewächs {n}
:: collective noun for plants of the family Caprifoliaceae
Geissbock {m}
:: alternative spelling of Geißbock
Geißbock {m}
:: billy goat, he-goat
Geissel {f}
:: alternative spelling of Geißel
Geißel {f}
:: scourge (source of persistent trouble)
Geißel {f}
:: scourge (whip, often of leather)
Geißel {f}
:: flagellum
Geißlein {n}
:: diminutive of Geiß
Geist {m}
:: spirit
Geist {m}
:: the Holy Spirit; Holy Ghost
Geist {m}
:: essence
Geist {m}
:: mind
Geist {m}
:: wit
Geist {m}
:: ghost; spook
Geist {m}
:: spook
Geist {m}
:: an alcoholic drink; a spirit
Geister {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Geisterbahn {f}
:: ghost train
Geisterfahrer {m}
:: a wrong-way driver, ghost driver (one who drives in the direction opposite to that prescribed for the given lane)
geisterhaft {adj}
:: ghostly, spectral, unearthly
Geisterschiff {n}
:: ghost ship
Geisterspiel {n}
:: game without any spectators
Geisterstadt {f}
:: ghost town
Geisterstunde {f}
:: witching hour
Geisterzug {m}
:: ghost train
Geisterzug {m}
:: alternative carnival parade in Cologne, Germany
geistesabwesend {adj}
:: distracted; not concentrated; absent-minded
Geistesgegenwart {f}
:: presence of mind
geisteskrank {adj}
:: insane, mentally ill
Geisteswissenschaft {f}
:: humanities, liberal arts, Geisteswissenschaften
Geisteswissenschaft {f}
:: an individual humanities subject
Geisteswissenschaftler {m}
:: humanities scholar, liberal arts scholar
Geisteswissenschaftlerin {f}
:: humanities scholar, liberal arts scholar (female)
geisteswissenschaftlich {adj}
:: humanities (attributive)
Geisteszustand {m}
:: state of mind (psychological state)
geistig {adj}
:: mental
geistig {adj}
:: intellectual
geistig {adj}
:: spiritual
geistiges Eigentum {n}
:: intellectual property
Geistigkeit {f}
:: spirituality
geistlich {adj}
:: spiritual (of or pertaining to God or a church)
Geistliche {f}
:: priest (female)
Geistlicher {m}
:: priest, clergyman, cleric
Geistlichkeit {f}
:: clergy
geistreich {adj}
:: witty
Geiz {m}
:: meanness, miserliness, stinginess
geizen {v}
:: to be miserly, to be stingy
geizen {v}
:: to be sparing
Geizhals {m}
:: miser, skinflint
geizig {adj}
:: ungenerous; stingy; cheap; mean (greedy to keep one’s own for oneself; unwilling to share)
geizig {adj}
:: miserly; niggardly; closefisted (unwilling to spend one’s money; excessively economical)
geiziger {adj}
:: comparative of geizig
geizigsten {adj}
:: superlative of geizig
Geizkragen {m}
:: miser, skinflint
gejährt {v}
:: past participle of jähren
gejappt {v}
:: past participle of jappen
gejapst {v}
:: past participle of japsen
Gejauchze {n}
:: (loud, ongoing) cheering, rejoicing, exulting
gejettet {v}
:: past participle of jetten
gejobbt {v}
:: past participle of jobben
gejobbt {adj}
:: working, employed
gejubelt {v}
:: past participle of jubeln
Gejuchz {n}
:: obsolete form of Gejauchze
Gejuchze {n}
:: alternative form of Gejauchze
gekabbelt {v}
:: past participle of kabbeln
gekäbbelt {v}
:: past participle of käbbeln
gekachelt {v}
:: past participle of kacheln
gekalkt {v}
:: past participle of kalken
gekantet {v}
:: past participle of kanten
gekantet {adj}
:: canted
gekauft {v}
:: past participle of kaufen
Gekeife {n}
:: nagging
gekeimt {v}
:: past participle of keimen
gekennzeichnet {v}
:: past participle of kennzeichnen
gekennzeichnet {adj}
:: marked, denoted, characterized
gekettet {adj}
:: chained
Gekicke {n}
:: a boring or inept way of playing football (soccer), usually by both teams
gekickt {v}
:: past participle of kicken
gekippt {v}
:: past participle of kippen
geklafft {v}
:: past participle of klaffen
geklammert {v}
:: past participle of klammern
Geklapper {n}
:: rattling, rattle, clattering, clatter
geklaut {v}
:: past participle of klauen
gekloppt {v}
:: past participle of kloppen
geknallt {v}
:: past participle of knallen
geknickt {v}
:: past participle of knicken
gekniet {v}
:: past participle of knien
gekniffen {v}
:: past participle of kneifen
geknittert {v}
:: past participle of knittern
gekokelt {v}
:: past participle of kokeln
gekollert {v}
:: past participle of kollern
gekommen {v}
:: past participle of kommen
gekonnt {adj}
:: masterful, skilful
gekonnt {adv}
:: masterfully, skilfully
geköpert {adj}
:: twilled
gekoppelt {v}
:: past participle of koppeln
gekoppelt {adj}
:: coupled, linked
gekoren {v}
:: past participle of kiesen
gekost {v}
:: past participle of kosen
Gekrächze {n}
:: croaking, cawing
gekränkelt {v}
:: past participle of kränkeln
gekrault {v}
:: past participle of kraulen
Gekreische {n}
:: screaming, shrieking
Gekreische {n}
:: screeching
gekreißt {v}
:: past participle of kreißen
gekremt {v}
:: past participle of kremen
gekrischen {v}
:: past participle of kreischen
gekröpft {adj}
:: cranked
Gekröse {n}
:: mesentery and similar structural membranes or ligaments in the abdomen
gekrost {v}
:: past participle of krosen
gekröst {v}
:: past participle of krösen
gekrümmt {v}
:: past participle of krümmen
gekrümmt {adj}
:: curved, bent, crooked, contorted
gekuckt {v}
:: past participle of kucken
gekugelt {v}
:: past participle of kugeln
gekühlt {adj}
:: chilled, refrigerated
gekühlt {adj}
:: cooled
gekullert {v}
:: past participle of kullern
gekürt {v}
:: past participle of küren
gekürzt {adj}
:: abridged
geküsst {v}
:: past participle of küssen
gel {adj}
:: alternative spelling of gehl, alternative form of gelb
Gel {n}
:: gel
Gelaber {n}
:: drivel (senseless talk)
Gelächter {n}
:: laughter, laughing
Gelächter {n}
:: object of ridicule
geladen {v}
:: past participle of laden
geladen {adj}
:: charged, loaded, laden
geladen {adj}
:: angry
Gelage {n}
:: carousal
gelagert {v}
:: past participle of lagern
gelähmt {v}
:: past participle of lähmen
gelaicht {v}
:: past participle of laichen
gelammt {v}
:: past participle of lammen
Gelände {n}
:: area, terrain
geländegängig {adj}
:: off-road, cross-country
Geländemarsch {m}
:: a training march through mixed terrain, in tactical gear and usually with a full rucksack; distinct from a Gefechtsmarsch inasmuch as there is no obligation to carry exhausted or injured comrades and no rifles are typically carried
Geländer {n}
:: any long construction for people to hold on to or prevent them from falling down: railing, guardrail, handrail, banister, balustrade, parapet
Geländewagen {m}
:: off-roader
gelangen {v}
:: to get to a place
gelangweilt {adj}
:: bored
gelangweilt {v}
:: past participle of langweilen
gelärmt {v}
:: past participle of lärmen
Gelass {n}
:: small chamber
Gelaß {n}
:: alternative spelling of Gelass
gelassen {adj}
:: calm
Gelassenheit {f}
:: serenity, calm, tranquillity, repose
Gelassenheit {f}
:: poise, equanimity
gelastet {v}
:: past participle of lasten
Gelatine {f}
:: gelatine
gelatinös {adj}
:: gelatinous
gelaufen {v}
:: past participle of laufen
geläufig {adj}
:: common
geläufig {adj}
:: familiar
geläufig {adj}
:: current, prevalent
gelaunt {adj}
:: (in combination) humoured, tempered (in a specified mood)
gelauscht {v}
:: past participle of lauschen
Geläut {n}
:: peal
gelautet {v}
:: past participle of lauten
geläutet {v}
:: past participle of läuten
gelb {adj}
:: yellow
gelb {adj}
:: pertaining to the FDP (a libertarian and market-economy promoting political party in Germany)
gelb {adj}
:: blond
Gelb {n}
:: yellow
Gelb {n}
:: (short for: Eigelb) yolk
Gelbaugenpinguin {m}
:: yellow-eyed penguin
Gelbbleierz {n}
:: yellow galena
gelbbraun {adj}
:: tawny, buff (yellow-brown)
gelbe Karte {f}
:: yellow card
gelber {adj}
:: comparative of gelb
gelbe Rübe {f}
:: carrot
Gelbes {n}
:: yellow (colour)
Gelbe Seiten {fp}
:: yellow pages
Gelbes Meer {prop} {n}
:: a ocean between China and Korea; Yellow Sea
Gelbfärbung {f}
:: yellowing
gelbgrau {adj}
:: yellow-grey
gelbgrün {adj}
:: yellow-green
Gelbgrün {n}
:: yellow-green
gelbgrünlich {adj}
:: yellowish-green, greenish-yellow
gelblich {adj}
:: yellowish
gelbrot {adj}
:: yellow-red
gelb-rote Karte {f}
:: second yellow card; indirect red card (card signifying the dismissal of a player who has already been booked and would receive another yellow card)
gelbsten {adj}
:: superlative of gelb
Gelbstoff {m}
:: A yellow pigment, especially a xanthophyll
Gelbstoff {m}
:: Gelbstoff, the optically measurable component of dissolved organic matter in water, which primarily occurs naturally from tannin released from decaying detritus
Gelbsucht {f}
:: jaundice, icterus
gelbsüchtig {adj}
:: jaundiced
Gelbton {m}
:: yellow shade / tone
gelb vor Neid {adj}
:: green with envy
Geld {n}
:: money
Geldanlage {f}
:: investment
Geldautomat {m}
:: ATM, automated teller machine
Geldbetrag {m}
:: amount (of money)
Geldbeutel {m}
:: wallet, purse
Geldbörse {f}
:: wallet, purse
Geldbuße {f}
:: fine
Geldgeber {m}
:: financial backer, sponsor, funder
Geldgeber {m}
:: (financial) donor (male or of unspecified sex)
geldgeil {adj}
:: avaricious
Geldgier {f}
:: greed for money
geldgierig {adj}
:: greedy for money
Geldhochzeit {f}
:: a wedding where one partner marries the other for money
Geldhochzeit {f}
:: a wedding where the couple ask their guests to give them money instead of presents
geldhungrig {adj}
:: avaricious
Geldkatze {f}
:: money belt
Geldmittel {n}
:: financial means
Geldpolitik {f}
:: monetary policy
geldpolitisch {adj}
:: monetary policy (attributive)
Geldsack {m}
:: moneybag, notably rich person; especially a spoiled or arrogant one
Geldschein {m}
:: banknote, bill
Geldscheinbündel {n}
:: bankroll (A roll of banknotes)
Geldschrank {m}
:: safe (box, usually made of metal, in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping)
Geld stinkt nicht {proverb}
:: The value of money is not affected by the business it comes from, even from the most unpleasant one
Geldstrafe {f}
:: fine (payment for breaking the law)
Geldstück {n}
:: coin (piece of currency)
Geldsumme {f}
:: sum of money
Geldumlauf {m}
:: money supply
Geldumlauf {m}
:: currency, cash cycle, cash flow, cycle of money, circulation of money, monetary circulation
Geldwäsche {f}
:: money laundering
Geldwäscher {m}
:: money launderer
Geldwäscherei {f}
:: money laundering
Geldwechsler {m}
:: money changer (male or of unspecified sex)
Geldwechsler {m}
:: change machine that changes (or exchanges) money
geldwert {adj}
:: pecuniary, financial, monetary
Geld wie Heu haben {v}
:: to be rolling in dough
geleckt {adj}
:: spruced up
geleckt {adj}
:: licked
geleckt {v}
:: past participle of lecken
Gelee {n} {m}
:: jelly
Gelege {n}
:: eggs, clutch of eggs, sitting
gelegen {adj}
:: situated
gelegen {adj}
:: convenient
gelegen {v}
:: past participle of liegen
Gelegenheit {f}
:: opportunity, chance, instance, occasion
Gelegenheit {f}
:: facility (facilities), accommodation
Gelegenheitsarbeit {f}
:: odd job, casual work
Gelegenheitsarbeiter {m}
:: odd job worker, casual worker, odd job man
Gelegenheitsbildung {f}
:: nonce word, ad-hoc formation
gelegentlich {adj}
:: occasional
gelegentlich {adv}
:: occasionally
Gelehrsamkeit {f}
:: erudition; learnedness
gelehrt {adj}
:: learned, scholarly
Gelehrte {f}
:: female scholar, savant, pundit, woman of letters, academic
Gelehrter {m}
:: scholar, savant, pundit, man of letters, academic (male or of unspecified sex)
geleimt {v}
:: past participle of leimen
Geleise {n}
:: alternative form of Gleis
geleistet {v}
:: past participle of leisten
Geleit {n}
:: escort
geleiten {v}
:: to escort; convoy
Geleitschutz {m}
:: convoy protection, escort protection
Geleitwort {n}
:: introduction, foreword, preamble
Geleitzug {m}
:: convoy
Gelenk {n}
:: joint
gelenkig {adj}
:: supple, lithe
gelenkig {adj}
:: nimble, agile
Gelenkschmerz {m}
:: anthralgia, joint pain
geler {adj}
:: comparative of gel
gelernt {adj}
:: skilled, trained
gelernt {adj}
:: learnt / learned
Gelichter {n}
:: kind, genus
Gelichter {n}
:: throng, mob, vulgus, who follows
geliebt {v}
:: past participle of lieben
geliebt {adj}
:: loved
Geliebte {f}
:: female lover; romantic partner; now usually implying an affair, otherwise somewhat poetic
Geliebter {m}
:: lover; romantic partner; now usually implying an affair, otherwise somewhat poetic
gelieren {v}
:: to gelatinize / gelatinise
gelikt {v}
:: past participle of liken
gelind {adj}
:: alternative form of gelinde
gelinde {adj}
:: mild, soft
gelinde gesagt {interj}
:: to say the least
Gelindigkeit {f}
:: leniency
gelingen {vi}
:: to succeed
Gelinger {prop}
:: surname
gelinkt {v}
:: past participle of linken
gelinst {v}
:: past participle of linsen
gelispelt {v}
:: past participle of lispeln
gell {adj}
:: shrill
gell {adv}
:: right?; is it?; is it not?
gellen {vi}
:: To emit a clear, penetrating sound
gellen {vi}
:: To be shaken by a sound; reverberate
geloben {v}
:: to vow (to make a vow)
Gelöbnis {n}
:: a ceremony where oaths or vows are taken
Gelöbnis {n}
:: a ceremony where conscripted recruits are sworn in, distinct from the swearing-in of regular soldiers, which is called Vereidigung (since 2011, conscript service is voluntary, but it is still distinguished from regular voluntary service)
Gelöbnis {n}
:: oath; vow
gelockt {v}
:: past participle of locken
gelogen {v}
:: past participle of lügen
gelogen {adj}
:: untrue; having been lied about
gelöscht {adj}
:: deleted, erased, blanked
gelöscht {adj}
:: extinguished, quenched
gelöst {adj}
:: solved, resolved
gelöst {adj}
:: relaxed
gelöst {adj}
:: detached, disengaged
gelöst {adj}
:: undone (knot)
Gelse {f}
:: mosquito
Gelsenkirchen {prop} {n}
:: Gelsenkirchen (city)
Gelsenkirchener {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Gelsenkirchen
Gelsenkirchener {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Gelsenkirchen
gelten {vi}
:: to be valid; to count; to hold true
gelten {vi}
:: to be effective; to be in force
gelten {vt}
:: to be worth
gelten {vi}
:: to be for/of (+ dative)
gelten {vi}
:: to be regarded (as something); to pass (for something)
gelten {v}
:: to be necessary
gelten {vi}
:: to pass; to go; (Often translated with lassen as a unit into allow, endure, permit, accept, etc.)
geltend {adj}
:: applicable
geltend {adj}
:: valid
geltend {adj}
:: current
geltend {adj}
:: effective
geltend machen {vt}
:: to assert, to enforce, to put forward
geltend machen {vr}
:: to show, to make itself felt
Geltung {f}
:: importance
Geltung {f}
:: prestige
geltungssüchtig {adj}
:: craving recognition or admiration
Gelübde {n}
:: oath; vow (solemn promise to act in a specified manner)
gelungen {adj}
:: successful, well done
gelungen {adj}
:: odd, strange in a funny way
gelyncht {v}
:: past participle of lynchen
gemach {interj}
:: slowly!, easy!
Gemach {n}
:: chamber (especially of a palace)
gemächlich {adj}
:: leisurely/taking one's time, gentle, steady
Gemächlichkeit {f}
:: leisureliness
gemacht {v}
:: past participle of machen
Gemächt {n}
:: genitalia
Gemächt {n}
:: husband and wife
Gemächt {n}
:: agreement
Gemächt {n}
:: testament
Gemächt {n}
:: morning gift
Gemächt {n}
:: riot
Gemächt {n}
:: ornament
Gemächt {n}
:: magic
Gemächt {n}
:: work
Gemahl {m}
:: spouse; husband
Gemahlin {f}
:: feminine noun of Gemahl; married woman, wife, spouse - only used for others' wives in formal settings
Gemahlin {f}
:: Queen, consort, wife of a monarch
gemahnt {v}
:: past participle of mahnen
gemäht {adj}
:: mown
gemailt {v}
:: past participle of mailen
Gemälde {n}
:: painting
gemalmt {v}
:: past participle of malmen
gemalt {v}
:: past participle of malen
gemampft {v}
:: past participle of mampfen
Gemar {prop} {n}
:: Guémar (a commune in the Haut-Rhin department of Alsace)
gemartert {v}
:: past participle of martern
gemäss {adj}
:: alternative spelling of gemäß
gemäss {prep}
:: alternative spelling of gemäß
gemäß {adj}
:: corresponding to; matching to
gemäß {prep}
:: according to, in accordance with
gemäßigt {adj}
:: moderate
gemäßigte Zone {f}
:: temperate zone
gemästet {v}
:: past participle of mästen
gemauert {v}
:: past participle of mauern
gemehrt {v}
:: past participle of mehren
gemein {adj}
:: mean, base, nasty, cruel, wicked, vile, vicious, ugly, rotten, awful
gemein {adj}
:: common
gemein {adv}
:: wicked, beastly, awfully, awful
Gemeinde {f}
:: municipality
Gemeinde {f}
:: parish
Gemeinde {f}
:: church, congregation, assembly
Gemeinde {f}
:: community
Gemeindebackhaus {n}
:: communal oven
Gemeindehaus {n}
:: church hall, parish hall
Gemeindehaus {n}
:: community center, community hall
Gemeindehaus {n}
:: town hall
Gemeinderat {m}
:: A local authority in Germany, Austria or Switzerland
Gemeindeverwaltung {f}
:: municipal administration
Gemeindezentrum {n}
:: parish centre (building owned by a parish or religious community providing space for communal activities, adminstration, etc.)
Gemeindezentrum {n}
:: community centre (similar building owned by a town or city)
Gemeine Fichte {f}
:: Norway spruce (any tree of the species Picea abies)
gemeiner {adj}
:: comparative of gemein
gemeinfasslich {adj}
:: universally comprehensible; exoteric
gemeinfrei {adj}
:: public domain, uncopyrighted
Gemeinfreiheit {f}
:: public domain
gemeingefährlich {adj}
:: dangerous to everyone
gemeingermanisch {adj}
:: Common Germanic
Gemeingut {n}
:: common good
Gemeinheit {f}
:: meanness, nastiness, baseness
Gemeinheit {f}
:: dirty trick, raw deal
gemeinhin {adv}
:: commonly
gemeinnützig {adj}
:: charitable
gemeinnützig {adj}
:: not-for-profit
Gemeinplatz {m}
:: commonplace, truism
gemeinsam {adj}
:: common, mutual, shared
gemeinsam {adv}
:: together, jointly
gemeinsame Sache machen {v}
:: to make common cause
Gemeinsamkeit {f}
:: common ground
Gemeinsamkeit {f}
:: commonality, commonness, similarity, thing in common, common feature, shared characteristic
Gemeinschaft {f}
:: community, collective
gemeinschaftlich {adj}
:: common, shared, mutual
gemeinschaftsbildend {adj}
:: building community
Gemeinschaftsgefühl {n}
:: gemeinschaftsgefuhl
Gemeinschaftsraum {m}
:: common room
Gemeinschaftswanne {f}
:: synonym of Whirlpool
gemeinslawisch {adj}
:: Common Slavic
gemeint {adj}
:: intended
Gemeinwesen {n}
:: community; polity
Gemeinwohl {n}
:: common good
gemeistert {v}
:: past participle of meistern
gemeldet {adj}
:: registered
gemelkt {v}
:: past participle of melken
Gemenge {n}
:: mixture
Gemengelage {f}
:: entanglement, mixture
Gemengsel {n}
:: mixture
gemessen {adj}
:: measured
Gemetzel {n}
:: butchery; slaughter (of people)
gemimt {v}
:: past participle of mimen
Gemination {f}
:: gemination
gemindert {v}
:: past participle of mindern
Gemisch {n}
:: mixture
Gemisch {n}
:: composite
Gemisch {n}
:: miscellany
gemischt {adj}
:: mixed, blended
gemischt {adj}
:: hybrid
gemischt {adj}
:: assorted
gemischt {adj}
:: composite
gemischte Deklination {f}
:: mixed declension
gemischte Deklination {f}
:: A type of declension that adjectives use after ein, kein, and possessive determiners
gemischte Deklination {f}
:: A type of noun declension with -en in the plural, but -s, -es, -ens in the genitive singular
gemischte Deklination {f}
:: A subclass of the third declension of nouns and adjectives
gemixt {v}
:: past participle of mixen
gemobbt {v}
:: past participle of mobben
gemolken {v}
:: past participle of melken
gemöppert {v}
:: past participle of möppern
Gemse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Gämse
gemufft {v}
:: past participle of muffen
gemuht {v}
:: past participle of muhen
gemunkelt {v}
:: past participle of munkeln
Gemurmel {n}
:: murmur
Gemurmel {n}
:: mutter
Gemüse {n}
:: vegetable; vegetables (kinds of plants)
Gemüse {n}
:: a seasoned vegetable-based side dish, such as a relish (not necessarily pickled and not usually in the form of a paste)
Gemüsebrühe {f}
:: vegetable broth/stock
Gemüsegabel {f}
:: vegetable fork
Gemüsegarten {m}
:: vegetable garden
Gemüsegeschäft {n}
:: greengrocery, a greengrocer's shop
Gemüsehändler {m}
:: greengrocer
Gemüsehändlerin {f}
:: female greengrocer
Gemüsehandlung {f}
:: greengrocery, a greengrocer's store
Gemüsekonserven {fp}
:: tinned / canned vegetables
Gemüseladen {m}
:: greengrocery, a greengrocer's shop
Gemüselöffel {m}
:: vegetable spoon
Gemüsemesser {n}
:: vegetable knife
Gemüseplatte {f}
:: vegetable platter
Gemüsesuppe {f}
:: vegetable soup
gemusst {v}
:: past participle of müssen
Gemüt {n}
:: feeling; heart; soul; mind
gemütlich {adj}
:: cosy, gemütlich
gemütlicher {adj}
:: comparative of gemütlich
Gemütlichkeit {f}
:: cosiness
gemütlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of gemütlich
gemutmaßt {v}
:: past participle of mutmaßen
Gemütslage {f}
:: mood, emotional situation
Gemütszustand {m}
:: state of mind, emotional state
-gen {suffix}
:: used to make diminutives
-gen {suffix}
:: A producer of something
-gen {suffix}
:: producing something
gen {prep}
:: in the direction; to; towards (a place or time)
Gen {n}
:: gene
genaht {v}
:: past participle of nahen
genannt {adj}
:: called, mentioned, named
genant {adj}
:: embarrassing
genau {adj}
:: exact
genau {adv}
:: just, exactly
genau dann, wenn {conj}
:: if and only if
genau genommen {adv}
:: strictly speaking
Genauigkeit {f}
:: accuracy
genauso {adv}
:: just as, just the same
genauso gut {adv}
:: as well
genausogut {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of genauso gut
Gendarm {m}
:: gendarme
Gendarmerie {f}
:: gendarmerie
Gender {n}
:: gender, especially as a social category
Genderismus {m}
:: "gender mainstreaming"; views and actions that recognize and attempt to redress sexism
Genderismus {m}
:: a genderism, a gendered or gender-stereotyped behavior, activity or statement
gendern {v}
:: to use gender-inclusive or gender-neutral language (in or upon a text, a language, etc)
genderqueer {adj}
:: genderqueer
Gendersternchen {noun}
:: an asterisk inserted to mark a word as gender-neutral; for example, in Professor*in ("professor of unspecified gender")
Genealoge {m}
:: genealogist
Genealogie {f}
:: genealogy
Genealogin {f}
:: feminine noun of Genealoge, a female genealogist
genealogisch {adj}
:: genealogical
genehm {adj}
:: convenient
genehmigen {v}
:: to permit, to sanction, to approve
Genehmigung {f}
:: permit
genehmigungsfähig {adj}
:: authorized
genehmigungsfrei {adj}
:: Not subject to authorization or approval
genehmigungspflichtig {adj}
:: requiring authorization
geneigt {adj}
:: inclined
geneigt {v}
:: past participle of neigen
general- {prefix}
:: general (Including or involving every part or member of a given or implied entity, whole etc.)
General {m}
:: general (officer in any general rank)
General {m}
:: general (officer in a specific general rank, usually the highest)
General {m}
:: general (head of an order)
Generaladmiral {m}
:: general admiral (a rank between admiral and grand admiral in the Nazi German navy)
Generalbass {m}
:: basso continuo, continuo
Generalbaß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Generalbass
Generalbundesanwalt {m}
:: Public Prosecutor General
Generalgouverneur {m}
:: governor-general
generalisieren {v}
:: to generalize
Generalisierung {f}
:: generalization
Generalissimus {m}
:: generalissimo
Generalität {f}
:: generality
Generalität {f}
:: generals
Generalleutnant {m}
:: lieutenant general
Generalmobilmachung {f}
:: full mobilization
Generaloberst {m}
:: colonel general
Generalprobe {f}
:: dress rehearsal
Generalprobe {f}
:: final rehearsal
Generalschlüssel {m}
:: master key (a key that opens a set of several locks)
Generalsekretär {m}
:: general secretary, secretary general, first secretary
Generalstab {m}
:: general staff
Generalstreik {m}
:: general strike
Generation {f}
:: generation
Generationenkonflikt {m}
:: generational conflict
generativ {adj}
:: generative
Generator {m}
:: generator (electrical machine)
generell {adj}
:: general
generell {adv}
:: generally
generieren {v}
:: to generate
generiert {adj}
:: generated
Generierung {f}
:: generation, creation
generisch {adj}
:: generic (all senses)
generös {adj}
:: generous
Generosität {f}
:: generosity (the trait of being willing to give your money and/or time)
genesen {vi}
:: to recover; to recuperate
Genesis {f}
:: genesis
Genesis {prop} {f}
:: Genesis, the first book of the Bible
Genesung {f}
:: recovery
Genetik {noun}
:: genetics (branch of biology)
Genetiker {m}
:: geneticist
Genetikerin {f}
:: female geneticist
genetisch {adj}
:: genetic
Genf {prop} {n}
:: Genf (major city)
Genf {prop} {n}
:: Genf (canton)
Genfer {m}
:: Genevan
Genfer Konvention {prop} {f}
:: Geneva Convention (international treaty)
Genfersee {prop} {m}
:: Lake Geneva
genial {adj}
:: genius, ingenious, genial (in the sense of genius)
genial {adj}
:: excellent
genialisch {adj}
:: obsolete form of genial
Genick {n}
:: back of the neck, nape
Genickschuss {m}
:: shot in the nape, an execution-style shot in the neck at the base of the skull
Genie {n}
:: genius
Genie {n}
:: military engineers (unit)
genieren {vr}
:: to be ashamed
genieren {vr}
:: to be embarrassed
genieren {vt}
:: to embarrass
genießbar {adj}
:: palatable
geniessen {v}
:: alternative spelling of genießen
genießen {vt}
:: to enjoy (an experience); to relish; to savor
genießen {vt}
:: to have (food or beverage), to eat, to drink
genießen {v}
:: to receive; to have
Genießer {m}
:: agent noun of genießen
Genießer {m}
:: savourer
Genießer {m}
:: epicure, gourmet
Geniestreich {m}
:: stroke of genius
Genist {n}
:: nest
genistet {v}
:: past participle of nisten
genital {adj}
:: genital
Genitiv {m}
:: the genitive case
genitivisch {adj}
:: genitive (of or pertaining to the genitive)
Genitivus {m}
:: genitive, genitive case
Genius {m}
:: genius (extraordinary mental capacity)
Genius {m}
:: a genius (a person with genius)
Genius {m}
:: guardian spirit, genius
Genkinit {m}
:: genkinite
Genmais {m}
:: genetically manipulated maize/corn plants
genmanipuliert {adj}
:: genetically manipulated, genetically modified
geno- {prefix}
:: geno-
Genom {n}
:: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
genommen {v}
:: past participle of nehmen
genormt {v}
:: past participle of normen
genormt {adj}
:: standardized
Genosse {m}
:: partner in something, mate
Genosse {m}
:: comrade, fellow socialist or communist
Genosse {m}
:: a member of the SPD, the German social democratic party
Genossenschaft {f}
:: cooperative
genossenschaftlich {adj}
:: cooperative
Genotyp {m}
:: genotype
genotypisch {adj}
:: genotypic, genotypical
Genoveva {prop}
:: given name. Made popular by a 17th century romance of Genoveva of Brabant, but rare today
Genozid {m} {n}
:: genocide
Genre {n}
:: genre
Genschere {f}
:: gene scissors, gene shears
Gent {prop} {n}
:: Gent (city)
Gentechnik {f}
:: genetic engineering
gentechnikfrei {adj}
:: GM-free
gentechnisch {adj}
:: genetic engineering (attributive)
Gentest {m}
:: genetic test
gentil {adj}
:: nice, amiable
Gentleman {m}
:: gentleman (well-mannered, charming man)
Gentrifikation {f}
:: gentrification
Gentrifizierung {f}
:: gentrification
Genua {prop}
:: Genua (capital city)
Genua {prop}
:: Genua (metropolitan city)
genueser {adj}
:: Genoese; alternative form of Genueser
genuesisch {adj}
:: Genoese
genug {determiner}
:: enough, sufficient, an adequate number or amount of
genug {pron}
:: enough, an adequate number or amount
genug {adv}
:: enough, sufficiently, in an adequate way
genug {interj}
:: enough!
Genüge {f} {n}
:: sufficiency; a sufficient amount
genügen {vit}
:: to suffice, to do enough, to be enough
genügend {adj}
:: sufficient, ample
genügend {adj}
:: satisfactory
genügend {adj}
:: D (grade)
genügsam {adj}
:: frugal, austere
genügsam {adj}
:: modest , contented
Genügsamkeit {f}
:: frugality, austerity
Genügsamkeit {f}
:: modesty , contentment
genügt {v}
:: past participle of genügen
genugtun {v}
:: to satisfy
Genugtuung {f}
:: satisfaction
Genugtuung {f}
:: compensation
Genugtuung {f}
:: pain and suffering money
genuin {adj}
:: native
genuin {adj}
:: genuine
genuin {adv}
:: genuinely
genung {determiner}
:: alternative form of genug
genung {pron}
:: alternative form of genug
genung {adv}
:: alternative form of genug
Genus {n}
:: gender (of substantives, pronouns etc.)
Genus {n}
:: voice, gender (of verbs)
genuschelt {v}
:: past participle of nuscheln
Genuss {m}
:: enjoyment, pleasure
Genuss {m}
:: consumption (of food, drink)
Genuß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Genuss
genüsslich {adj}
:: pleasurable
Genussmittel {n}
:: a foodstuff or beverage consumed mainly for enjoyment, such as alcohol, coffee, chocolade, spices, usually also including tobacco and comparable non-mind-altering substances for smoking, chewing, etc
genusssüchtig {adj}
:: hedonistic
genutzt {adj}
:: occupied
genutzt {adj}
:: used, utilized
genützt {v}
:: past participle of nützen
geo- {prefix}
:: geo- (global, pertaining to the Earth, pertaining to geography)
Geochemie {f}
:: geochemistry
geochemisch {adj}
:: geochemical
Geodäsie {f}
:: geodesy
Geodäte {f}
:: geodesic
geodätisch {adj}
:: geodesic, geodetic, geodetical
Geodreieck {n}
:: set square (90-45-45 triangle with an integrated protractor made of clear plastic)
geodynamisch {adj}
:: geodynamic
Geograf {m}
:: geographer (male or of unspecified sex)
Geografie {f}
:: geography
geografisch {adj}
:: geographical
geografisch {adv}
:: geographically
Geograph {m}
:: geographer (male or of unspecified sex)
Geographie {f}
:: alternative spelling of Geografie
geographisch {adj}
:: alternative spelling of geografisch
Geologe {m}
:: geologist (person skilled at geology)
Geologie {f}
:: geology
Geologin {f}
:: (female) geologist
geologisch {adj}
:: geologic, geological
Geometrie {f}
:: geometry
geometrisch {adj}
:: geometric
geometrischer Körper {m}
:: solid shape, solid figure (a polyhedrum, a cylinder, a cone etc.)
geomorphologisch {adj}
:: geomorphologic
Geophysik {f}
:: geophysics (branch of earth science)
Geopolitik {f}
:: geopolitics
geopolitisch {adj}
:: geopolitical
geordnet {adj}
:: orderly
geordnet {adj}
:: well-ordered
Georg {prop}
:: given name
Georgia {prop} {n}
:: Georgia (state)
Georgien {prop} {n}
:: Georgia (country in Eurasia)
Georgier {m}
:: Georgian (man from the country of Georgia)
Georgierin {f}
:: Georgian (woman from the country of Georgia)
georgisch {adj}
:: Georgian (relating to the country Georgia, to its people or to its language)
Georgisch {n}
:: Georgian (the language of the country of Georgia)
Georgisch {n}
:: Georgian (the alphabet of this language)
geortet {v}
:: past participle of orten
geortet {adj}
:: located
Geosphäre {f}
:: geosphere
geostationär {adj}
:: geostationary
geostrategisch {adj}
:: geostrategic
geoutet {v}
:: past participle of outen
Geowissenschaften {p}
:: geoscience, earth science
geowissenschaftlich {adj}
:: geoscientific
geozentrisch {adj}
:: geocentric
Gepäck {n}
:: luggage, baggage
Gepäckträger {m}
:: luggage carrier, rack
gepanzert {adj}
:: armored
Gepard {m}
:: cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
geparkt {v}
:: past participle of parken
gepeinigt {v}
:: past participle of peinigen
gepennt {v}
:: past participle of pennen
geperlt {adj}
:: beaded, pearled
gepfeffert {adj}
:: peppery, spicy
gepfeffert {adj}
:: exorbitant, expensive
gepflegt {adj}
:: neat, trim
gepflegt {v}
:: past participle of pflegen
gepickt {v}
:: past participle of picken
Geplänkel {n}
:: a minor or harmless fight
Geplänkel {n}
:: skirmish; brouhaha
Geplänkel {n}
:: banter; repartee; jocundity
geplant {adj}
:: proposed, scheduled, planned
Geplapper {n}
:: babbler; blabbermouth
Geplärre {n}
:: blaring
Geplärre {n}
:: wailing
Geplauder {n}
:: small talk, chatter
gepoppt {v}
:: past participle of poppen
geprägt {adj}
:: coined, embossed
geprägt {adj}
:: shaped, formed, molded, characterized
gepresst {v}
:: past participle of pressen
gepresst {adj}
:: pressed, constrained
gepresst {adj}
:: huddled
gepriesen {v}
:: past participle of preisen
geprostet {v}
:: past participle of prosten
geprustet {v}
:: past participle of prusten
gepuddelt {v}
:: past participle of puddeln
gepuffert {v}
:: past participle of puffern
gepuffert {adj}
:: buffered
gepunktet {adj}
:: dotted
gepunktete Linie {f}
:: dotted line
Ger {m}
:: spear
Gera {prop}
:: Gera (independent city)
gerade {adj}
:: even
gerade {adv}
:: now, at the moment
gerade {adv}
:: just, a short while ago
gerade {adv}
:: just, only, not more than
gerade {adv}
:: exactly
gerade {adv}
:: expresses the continuous aspect
gerade {adj}
:: straight
Gerade {f}
:: line (infinite one-dimensional figure)
geradeaus {adv}
:: straight (in a forward direction)
geradebiegen {vt}
:: to straighten
geradebiegen {vt}
:: to fix, make right
gerädert {adj}
:: knackered, whacked (very tired)
gerades r {n}
:: straight or regular r (as contrasted with rundes r (r rotunda))
geradestehen {v}
:: to take responsibility
gerade Zahl {f}
:: even number
geradezu {adv}
:: downright
geradezu {adv}
:: almost
geradkettig {adj}
:: straight-chain
geradlinig {adj}
:: rectilinear, straight, direct
Geraffel {n}
:: stuff, junk, scrap
geragt {v}
:: past participle of ragen
Gerald {prop} {m}
:: given name
Gerangel {n}
:: tussle, skirmish
Gerangel {n}
:: wrangling, jockeying
Geranie {f}
:: geranium, Pelargonium
gerannt {v}
:: past participle of rennen
Geras {prop} {n}
:: Geras (municipality)
Gerät {n}
:: device, tool, appliance, machine
Gerät {n}
:: equipment, tools
Gerät {n}
:: contents, furniture
geraten {vi}
:: to turn out, succeed
geraten {vi}
:: to thrive
geraten {vi}
:: to come (across, by); to fall (upon)
geraten {vi}
:: to get (into); to fall (into); to come (to); to fly (into)
geraten {adj}
:: advisable
geraten {adj}
:: guessed; solved
geräteübergreifend {adj}
:: cross-device (working across multiple devices)
gerathen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of geraten
Gerätschaft {f}
:: tool, appliance
Gerätschaft {f}
:: equipment
gerätselt {v}
:: past participle of rätseln
geraubt {v}
:: past participle of rauben
geräuchert {adj}
:: smoked
geraucht {v}
:: past participle of rauchen
geraum {adj}
:: containing much space, considerable (large in amount)
geraum {adj}
:: lasting some time
geräumig {adj}
:: spacious, roomy
geräumt {adj}
:: vacated, cleared, evacuated, depleted
geräumt {adj}
:: ploughed
Geräusch {n}
:: noise, sound
geräuscharm {adj}
:: quiet, low-noise
Geräuschemacher {m}
:: foley artist, sound effects technician (male or of unspecified sex)
geräuschlos {adj}
:: silent
geräuschlos {adv}
:: silently, without a sound
geräuschvoll {adj}
:: noisy
geräuschvoll {adv}
:: noisily
gerben {v}
:: to tan (prepare hide)
gerben {v}
:: to beat, spank, tan
gerben {v}
:: to fuck (have sexual intercourse with)
gerben {v}
:: to crush and decorticate grains
Gerber {m}
:: tanner
Gerberei {f}
:: tannery
Gerd {prop}
:: given name, a contraction of Gerhard
Gerda {prop}
:: given name
Gerdes {prop}
:: surname
gerecht {adj}
:: just, fair
gerecht {v}
:: past participle of rechen
gerechterweise {adv}
:: justly, rightfully
gerechtfertigt {adj}
:: justified
Gerechtigkeit {f}
:: justice
Gerede {n}
:: gossip, gossiping
Gerede {n}
:: chatter, babble
geregelt {adj}
:: regulated
geregelt {v}
:: past participle of regeln
gereimt {v}
:: past participle of reimen
gereinigt {adj}
:: purified, refined
Gereiztheit {f}
:: irritation (medical)
Gerersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Gerersdorf (municipality)
Geretsberg {prop} {n}
:: Geretsberg (municipality)
gerettet {v}
:: past participle of retten
gereuen {v}
:: to repent, regret
Gerhard {prop}
:: given name
Gerhardt {prop} {m}
:: given name
Gerhardt {prop} {mf}
:: surname derived from the given name Gerhard
Gericht {n}
:: court (of justice)
Gericht {n}
:: judgement
Gericht {n}
:: dish (type of prepared food)
gerichtlich {adj}
:: judicial
Gerichtsbarkeit {f}
:: jurisdiction
Gerichtsbarkeit {f}
:: judicial role
Gerichtsdokument {n}
:: court document
Gerichtsentscheidung {f}
:: court decision
Gerichtshof {m}
:: law court; court of justice
Gerichtsmedizin {f}
:: medical jurisprudence
gerichtsmedizinisch {adj}
:: coroner (attributive)
Gerichtssaal {m}
:: courtroom
Gerichtsschöffe {m}
:: a lay judge
Gerichtsurkunde {f}
:: writ
Gerichtsurteil {n}
:: judgment, court decision, court ruling
Gerichtsverfahren {n}
:: legal process, legal proceedings, trial, lawsuit
Gerichtsverhandlung {f}
:: trial
Gerichtsvollzieher {m}
:: bailiff, huissier de justice
Gerichtswesen {n}
:: judiciary
Gericke {prop}
:: surname
geriehen {v}
:: past participle of reihen
gerieren {vr}
:: to behave in a certain way
geriffelt {v}
:: past participle of riffeln
gering {adj}
:: little, low
Gering {prop} {n}
:: Gering (municipality)
geringer {adj}
:: comparative of gering
geringfügig {adj}
:: minor, slight, marginal, negligible, insignificant
geringfügig {adv}
:: marginally, slightly
gering schätzen {v}
:: alternative spelling of geringschätzen
geringschätzen {vt}
:: to despise, disdain, hold in contempt, attach little value to
Geringschätzung {f}
:: contemptuousness
Geringverdiener {m}
:: low-income person
gerinnen {v}
:: to coagulate (become congealed)
Gerinnsel {n}
:: blood clot
Gerinnung {f}
:: clotting, coagulation
Gerinnung {f}
:: curdling (of milk)
Gerippe {n}
:: skeleton (system of bones)
Gerippe {n}
:: framework
Gerippe {n}
:: airframe
gerissen {adj}
:: cunning
gerissen {v}
:: past participle of reißen
Gerissenheit {f}
:: cunning
Gerlind {prop}
:: given name
Gerlinde {prop}
:: given name, notably of the mother of Hartmut in German mythology
Gerlos {prop} {n}
:: Gerlos (municipality)
Gerlosberg {prop} {n}
:: Gerlosberg (municipality)
germ. {adj}
:: abbreviation of germanisch
Germ {n} {f}
:: yeast
German {n}
:: germane
Germanat {n}
:: germanate
Germane {m}
:: German (male or of unspecified sex) (member of an Germanic tribe)
Germanentum {n}
:: the culture, history, religion, and traditions of the Germanic peoples
Germanien {prop} {n}
:: Germania
Germanin {f}
:: Teuton (female) (member an (ancient) Germanic tribe)
germanisch {adj}
:: Germanic
Germanisch {prop} {n}
:: Germanic (early language)
germanisieren {v}
:: to Germanize
germanisieren {v}
:: to confiscate Jewish property and make it the property of a German
Germanismus {m}
:: Germanism
Germanist {m}
:: An expert in German studies. (male or of unspecified sex)
Germanist {m}
:: A student of German studies. (male or of unspecified sex)
Germanistik {f}
:: German studies (German language, literature, and culture)
Germanistik {f}
:: Germanic studies (Germanic languages, literatures, and cultures)
germanistisch {adj}
:: Germanist (attributive)
Germanit {n}
:: germanite
Germanium {n}
:: germanium
Germaniumdioxid {n}
:: germanium dioxide
Germaniumerz {n}
:: germanium ore
germaniumhaltig {adj}
:: germaniferous
Germaniumhydrid {n}
:: germanium hydride, germane
Germaniumoxid {n}
:: germanium oxide
Germaniumsulfid {n}
:: germanium sulfide
Germaniumtetrachlorid {n}
:: germanium tetrachloride
Germund {prop}
:: given name
gern {adv}
:: willingly; gladly; with pleasure; usually expressed verbally in English, with like, enjoy, etc
gern {adv}
:: much; a lot
gern {adv}
:: easily; often
gerne {adv}
:: alternative form of gern.
Gernegroß {m}
:: a wannabe
gern geschehen {phrase}
:: You're welcome: a response to an expression of thanks
gern geschehen {phrase}
:: It's a pleasure
gernhaben {v}
:: to be fond of, to like
Gerold {prop}
:: given name
Geröll {m}
:: boulder
gerollt {v}
:: past participle of rollen
geronnen {v}
:: past participle of rinnen
Gerontokratie {f}
:: gerontocracy (government by elders)
Gerontologie {f}
:: gerontology
geröstet {v}
:: past participle of rösten - roasted, parched, toasted, burnt
gerötet {v}
:: past participle of röten
gerötet {adj}
:: flushed, reddened
Gersdorffit {m}
:: gersdorffite
Gerste {f}
:: barley
Gerstenkorn {n}
:: barleycorn
Gerstenkorn {n}
:: stye (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid)
Gert {prop}
:: given name derived from Gerhard
Gerte {f}
:: crop (implement)
gertenschlank {adj}
:: willowy, slender, svelte
Gertraud {prop}
:: given name
Gertrud {prop}
:: given name
Geruch {m}
:: smell, odour
geruchfrei {adj}
:: odorless
geruchlich {adj}
:: olfactory
geruchlos {adj}
:: odourless / odorless
geruchlos {adj}
:: unscented
geruchsempfindlich {adj}
:: sensitive to smell
geruchsfrei {adj}
:: odourless
geruchslos {adj}
:: odourless
geruchsneutral {adj}
:: unscented
Geruchsschwellenwert {m}
:: odour detection threshold
Geruchssinn {m}
:: smell (sense of)
Geruchssinn {m}
:: olfaction
geruchsspezifisch {adj}
:: odour-specific
Geruchsstoff {m}
:: odorant (fragrant substance)
geruchsunempfindlich {adj}
:: insensitive to smell
Geruchsunempfindlichkeit {f}
:: insensitivity to smell
Gerücht {n}
:: rumour, rumor
Gerüchteküche {f}
:: rumor mill, rumour mill
geruchtilgend {adj}
:: deodorant
gerückt {v}
:: past participle of rücken
geruhen {v}
:: to deign, condescend
geruhsam {adj}
:: sedate, leisurely
geruhsam {adj}
:: peaceful, quiet
Gerümpel {n}
:: junk, litter, trash, rubbish
gerundet {v}
:: past participle of runden
Gerundium {n}
:: gerund
Gerundivum {n}
:: gerundive
gerußt {v}
:: past participle of rußen
Gerüst {n}
:: scaffold, scaffolding
Gerwald {prop}
:: given name
Ges {noun}
:: G-flat
gesagt {v}
:: past participle of sagen
gesagt, getan {phrase}
:: no sooner said than done
Gesalbte {m}
:: anointed
gesalzen {adj}
:: salted
gesammt {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of gesamt
Gesammtgebiet {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Gesamtgebiet
gesamt {adj}
:: total, whole, entire, overall, big
Gesamtbild {n}
:: big picture
Gesamtbild {n}
:: general impression
gesamtdeutsch {adj}
:: relating to Germany as a whole, including all territories that are viewed as forming part of it
gesamtdeutsch {adj}
:: including the contemporary territories of the Federal Republic of Germany (that is both the former West Germany and East Germany)
gesamtdeutsch {adj}
:: including the territories of the German Reich as of 1937
gesamtdeutsch {adj}
:: including all continuous areas of German-speaking majority in Europe (though often without Switzerland)
Gesamtdeutschland {prop} {n}
:: Germany as a whole
Gesamtdrehimpuls {m}
:: total angular momentum
Gesamtgebiet {n}
:: entire area
Gesamtgehalt {n}
:: total content
Gesamtgröße {f}
:: total size
Gesamtheit {f}
:: wholeness, totality, entirety
Gesamtherstellung {f}
:: total production
Gesamtjahr {n}
:: full year
Gesamtkunstwerk {n}
:: Gesamtkunstwerk (artistic creation that encompasses music, theatre and the visual arts)
Gesamtkunstwerk {n}
:: a dazzling or flashy personality, particularly one who wears extraordinary clothes, piercings, tattoos, etc
Gesamtkunstwerk {n}
:: a place, scene, or idea, often seemingly chaotic, which is implied to have an underlying beauty
Gesamtlage {f}
:: overall situation
Gesamtmasse {f}
:: total / overall mass
Gesamtmenge {f}
:: total (amount, quantity)
Gesamtmenge {f}
:: aggregate
Gesamtproduktion {f}
:: total production
Gesamtproduktion {f}
:: overall productivity
Gesamtschule {f}
:: comprehensive school
Gesamtstickstoffgehalt {m}
:: total nitrogen content (as a measure of protein content)
Gesamtsystem {n}
:: total or overall system
Gesamtverband {m}
:: association (organization)
Gesamtzahl {f}
:: total number
Gesamtzusammenhang {m}
:: overall context
gesandt {v}
:: past participle of senden
Gesandte {f}
:: female envoy
Gesandter {m}
:: envoy
Gesandtschaft {f}
:: embassy
Gesang {m}
:: (the result of) singing, vocals
Gesang {m}
:: section of an epic poem; canto
Gesangbuch {n}
:: songbook
Gesangbuch {n}
:: hymnbook; hymnal
Gesangslehrer {m}
:: singing teacher, voice teacher (not a singing coach or vocal coach, called Stimmtrainer or Vocal Coach)
Gesangsverbot {n}
:: a ban on singing; an interdiction to sing
Gesangsverein {m}
:: choral society
Gesäss {n}
:: alternative spelling of Gesäß
Gesäß {n}
:: backside, buttocks
Gesäßbacke {f}
:: buttcheek
gesättigt {adj}
:: saturated
gesättigter {adj}
:: comparative of gesättigt
gesättigtsten {adj}
:: superlative of gesättigt
Gesatz {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Gesetz
gesaugt {v}
:: past participle of saugen
gesaugt {adj}
:: sucked
gesaugt {adj}
:: vacuumed
Gesäusel {n}
:: whispering, rustling
gesäuselt {v}
:: past participle of säuseln
geschädigt {v}
:: past participle of schädigen
geschädigt {adj}
:: damaged, impaired, marred
geschafft {adj}
:: exhausted
geschafft {v}
:: past participle of schaffen
Geschäft {n}
:: shop; store
Geschäft {n}
:: business
Geschäft {n}
:: business activity
Geschäft {n}
:: transaction
geschäften {v}
:: to deal; to trade (to do business with)
geschäftig {adj}
:: busy, bustling, industrious
Geschäftigkeit {f}
:: eager activity, bustle
geschäftlich {adj}
:: business
Geschäftsablauf {m}
:: business; course of business
Geschäftsbedingung {f}
:: conditions of trading
Geschäftsbedingung {f}
:: terms of business
Geschäftsbereich {m}
:: business area / scope
Geschäftsbereich {m}
:: portfolio (political)
Geschäftsfrau {f}
:: businesswoman
geschäftsführend {adj}
:: acting
geschäftsführend {adj}
:: executive, managing
Geschäftsführer {m}
:: managing director (male or of unspecified sex)
Geschäftsführung {f}
:: management (of a company)
Geschäftsgang {m}
:: business; course of business
Geschäftsjahr {n}
:: financial year
Geschäftsmann {m}
:: businessman
Geschäftsmodell {n}
:: business model
Geschäftsreise {f}
:: business trip (travel for business purposes)
Geschäftssinn {m}
:: business savvy, business sense, business acumen
Geschäftsstrategie {f}
:: business strategy
Geschäftstätigkeit {f}
:: business activity / operations
Geschäftsträger {m}
:: chargé d'affaires
Geschäftsträgerin {f}
:: chargée d'affaires
geschäftstüchtig {adj}
:: businesslike, enterprising
Geschäftsviertel {n}
:: business district, commercial district, shopping area
Geschäftsvorfall {m}
:: business transaction
geschämt {v}
:: past participle of schämen
geschätzt {adj}
:: appreciated, treasured, valued
gescheckt {adj}
:: spotted
gescheckt {adj}
:: checkered
gescheckt {adj}
:: patchy
geschehen {vi}
:: to occur; to happen
geschehen {v}
:: to happen (to someone); to serve (someone)
Geschehen {n}
:: events, happenings
Geschehen {n}
:: that is happening, that was happening
geschehen ist geschehen {phrase}
:: no use crying over spilt milk
geschehen ist geschehen {phrase}
:: what's done is done
gescheid {adj}
:: alternative form of gescheit
gescheit {adj}
:: clever, brainy, intelligent
gescheitert {adj}
:: failed, aborted, unsuccessful, abortive
Geschenk {n}
:: present, gift
Geschenk des Himmels {noun}
:: godsend, gift from the gods, gift from the heavens
geschenkt {interj}
:: forget it; forget about it; that’s not so problematic; that’s one thing; that’s not the worst part
geschert {v}
:: past participle of scheren
Geschichte {f}
:: history
Geschichte {f}
:: story
Geschichtenbuch {n}
:: storybook
Geschichtenerzähler {m}
:: storyteller
geschichtet {v}
:: past participle of schichten - layered, laminated, stratified
geschichtlich {adj}
:: historical
Geschichtsbuch {n}
:: history book
Geschichtsfälschung {f}
:: falsification of history
geschichtslos {adj}
:: unhistorical, ahistorical
Geschichtsquelle {f}
:: historical source
Geschichtsschreiber {m}
:: historian
geschichtsträchtig {adj}
:: historic (having a significant history)
Geschichtswissenschaft {f}
:: history (branch of knowledge that studies the past)
Geschick {n}
:: destiny, fate
Geschick {n}
:: the political and economic situation or development; living conditions
Geschick {n}
:: deftness, skill, ability
Geschick {n}
:: order
Geschicklichkeit {f}
:: dexterity (skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands)
geschickt {adj}
:: adept, habile, skillful, clever
geschickt {adv}
:: adeptly, skillfully
geschieden {adj}
:: divorced
Geschirr {n}
:: dishware
Geschirr {n}
:: yoke
Geschirrspüler {m}
:: dishwasher
Geschirrspüler {m}
:: dishwasher
Geschirrspülmaschine {f}
:: dishwasher
Geschirrtuch {n}
:: dish towel; tea towel (cloth principally used to dry dishes with, but also sometimes surfaces etc.)
geschlagen {v}
:: past participle of schlagen
Geschlecht {n}
:: sex; gender
Geschlecht {n}
:: gender
Geschlecht {n}
:: sex organ
Geschlecht {n}
:: genus, type, race
Geschlecht {n}
:: lineage, generation, family
Geschlecht {n}
:: dynasty, house
Geschlechterforschung {f}
:: gender studies
geschlechtlich {adj}
:: sexual
Geschlechtsdrüse {f}
:: gonad (sex gland such as a testicle or ovary)
Geschlechtsidentität {f}
:: gender identity
Geschlechtsidentitätsstörung {f}
:: gender identity disorder, GID
Geschlechtskrankheit {f}
:: sexually transmitted disease
geschlechtslos {adj}
:: sexless
geschlechtslos {adj}
:: asexual
geschlechtsneutral {adj}
:: androgynous
geschlechtsneutral {adj}
:: gender-neutral, unisex
Geschlechtsorgan {n}
:: sex organ (organ used in sexual reproduction)
geschlechtsreif {adj}
:: sexually mature
Geschlechtsumwandlung {f}
:: sex change
geschlechtsuntypisch {adj}
:: gender-atypical
Geschlechtsverkehr {m}
:: sexual intercourse
Geschlechtswort {n}
:: article
geschleckt {v}
:: past participle of schlecken
geschleimt {v}
:: past participle of schleimen
geschlichtet {v}
:: past participle of schlichten
geschlossen {adj}
:: shut; closed; locked
geschlossen {adj}
:: private, non-public
geschlossen {adj}
:: cohesive; solidary
geschlossener Fonds {m}
:: closed-end fund
geschlungen {v}
:: past participle of schlingen
Geschmack {m}
:: taste
Geschmack {m}
:: flavour
Geschmack {m}
:: smell, odor
Geschmäckle {n}
:: A hint of impropriety; fishiness
geschmäcklerisch {adj}
:: pretentiously faddish, arrogantly contemptuous of tastes other than one’s own
geschmacklich {adj}
:: tasty, flavoursome
geschmacklos {adj}
:: tasteless (all senses)
Geschmacklosigkeit {f}
:: tastelessness
geschmacksneutral {adj}
:: tasteless (having a neutral taste)
Geschmacksrichtung {f}
:: flavour
Geschmacksrichtung {f}
:: taste
Geschmackssinn {m}
:: gustatory sense, sense of taste
Geschmacksstoff {m}
:: flavouring
Geschmacksstörung {f}
:: dysgeusia
Geschmacksverstärker {m}
:: flavour enhancer (a substance added to a food product to enhance its taste)
geschmackvoll {adj}
:: tasteful
Geschmeide {n}
:: jewelry
geschmeidig {adj}
:: smooth
geschmeidig {adj}
:: flexible
Geschmeidigkeit {f}
:: pliability,suppleness,
Geschmeiß {n}
:: vermin
geschmolzen {adj}
:: molten
geschmolzen {adj}
:: melted, liquefied
geschmückt {v}
:: past participle of schmücken
Geschnatter {n}
:: quacking
geschnaubt {v}
:: past participle of schnauben
geschnauft {v}
:: past participle of schnaufen
geschneit {v}
:: past participle of schneien
geschnoben {v}
:: past participle of schnauben
gescholten {v}
:: past participle of schelten
Geschöpf {n}
:: creature
geschoren {v}
:: past participle of scheren
Geschoss {n}
:: projectile
Geschoss {n}
:: storey, floor (e.g. 2nd floor)
Geschoß {m}
:: alternative form of Geschoss
geschreckt {v}
:: past participle of schrecken
Geschrei {n}
:: yelling, hue, clamor
Geschreie {n}
:: yelling, hue, clamor
geschrieben {v}
:: past participle of schreiben
geschrieen {v}
:: past participle of schreien
geschrien {v}
:: past participle of schreien
geschürft {v}
:: past participle of schürfen
geschürft {adj}
:: dug (up)
geschüttet {v}
:: past participle of schütten
Geschütz {n}
:: gun, cannon
geschützt {adj}
:: protected, sheltered
geschützt {adj}
:: immune
geschwächt {v}
:: past participle of schwächen
Geschwader {n}
:: squadron
Geschwader {n}
:: air squadron
Geschwader {n}
:: wing
Geschwader {n}
:: group
Geschwafel {n}
:: nonsense, gibberish: speech or writing that is meaningless, or pointless and vague
geschwärt {v}
:: past participle of schwären
Geschwätz {n}
:: twaddle, nonsense
Geschwätz {n}
:: gossip
geschwätzig {adj}
:: garrulous; gabby
geschweift {adj}
:: curved, cambered
geschweifte Klammer {f}
:: curly bracket
geschweige {conj}
:: let alone; used after a negative or limiting clause to introduce another that applies even less
geschweige {conj}
:: (rare) let alone; used after an affirmative clause to introduce another that applies even more
geschweige denn {conj}
:: let alone
geschweißt {adj}
:: welded
geschwind {adj}
:: quick, swift
Geschwindigkeit {f}
:: speed, pace, tempo, velocity, rate
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung {f}
:: speed limit
Geschwindigkeitsgrenze {f}
:: speed limit
Geschwindigkeitsmesser {m}
:: speedometer, tachometer, velocimeter
geschwirrt {v}
:: past participle of schwirren
Geschwister {n}
:: sibling
Geschwisterkind {n}
:: sibling
Geschwisterkind {n}
:: niece, nephew
Geschwisterkind {n}
:: cousin
geschwollen {v}
:: past participle of schwellen
geschwollen {adj}
:: swollen, puffy, turgid
geschwollen {adj}
:: sententious, orotund, bombastic, pompous
Geschwollenheit {f}
:: puffiness, bloatedness, turgidity
Geschwollenheit {f}
:: theatricality, turgidity
geschworen {v}
:: past participle of schwören
Geschworene {f}
:: jury
Geschwuchtel {n}
:: faggotry; gayness; behaviour associated with that of male homosexuals, such as lack of valour
Geschwulst {n}
:: tumor
geschwunden {v}
:: past participle of schwinden
geschwungen {v}
:: past participle of schwingen
Geschwür {n}
:: abscess, ulcer
gesehen {v}
:: past participle of sehen
Gesell {m}
:: alternative form of Geselle
Geselle {m}
:: journeyman
Geselle {m}
:: associate
Geselle {m}
:: fellow (of the guild)
gesellig {adj}
:: social, sociable, convivial
Geselligkeit {f}
:: conviviality, sociability
Gesellschaft {f}
:: society, community
Gesellschaft {f}
:: company
Gesellschafter {m}
:: business associate, partner
Gesellschafter {m}
:: shareholder
gesellschaftlich {adj}
:: social
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung {f}
:: limited liability company
gesellschaftskritisch {adj}
:: sociocritical; critical of society or some aspect thereof; political; advancing for reform
Gesellschaftsspiel {n}
:: parlour game
gesendet {v}
:: past participle of senden
gesessen {v}
:: past participle of sitzen
Gesetz {n}
:: law, act, bill, statute
Gesetzbuch {n}
:: code
Gesetzentwurf {m}
:: bill (parliamentary)
Gesetzesbrecher {m}
:: literally 'law breaker', criminal, felon
Gesetzeshüter {m}
:: law enforcement officer
gesetzestreu {adj}
:: law-abiding
Gesetzesübertretung {f}
:: legal offence, infringement of the law, breach of law
gesetzeswidrig {adj}
:: unlawful
Gesetzeswidrigkeit {f}
:: unlawfulness
Gesetzgeber {m}
:: legislator
Gesetzgebung {f}
:: legislation (act of legislating)
gesetzlich {adj}
:: lawful, legal, legitimate
gesetzliche Zahlungsmittel {n}
:: legal tender
Gesetz von Demeter {prop} {n}
:: Law of Demeter
gesetzwidrig {adj}
:: unlawful
Gesetzwidrigkeit {f}
:: unlawfulness
gesichert {v}
:: past participle of sichern
Gesicht {n}
:: the face
Gesicht {n}
:: a facial expression, a look
Gesicht {n}
:: outward appearance, reputation
Gesicht {n}
:: sight, vision; the ability to see
Gesicht {n}
:: a vision, sight; something extraordinary or supernatural that is seen
Gesicht {n}
:: phenomenon
Gesichtchen {n}
:: diminutive of Gesicht
Gesichtlein {n}
:: diminutive of Gesicht
Gesichtsausdruck {m}
:: facial expression
Gesichtserker {m}
:: nose
Gesichtsfarbe {f}
:: complexion
Gesichtskreis {m}
:: field of vision, visual field
Gesichtskreis {m}
:: horizon
Gesichtskreis {m}
:: knowledge, horizon
Gesichtspunkt {m}
:: standpoint, aspect, view
Gesichtspunkt {m}
:: point of view
Gesichtsschleier {m}
:: niqab
Gesichtsschleier {m}
:: facial disc
Gesichtsverletzung {f}
:: facial injury, facial trauma
Gesichtszug {m}
:: facial feature
gesiezt {v}
:: past participle of siezen
Gesims {n}
:: cornice
Gesims {n}
:: moulding
Gesinde {n}
:: hands, farmhands, (domestic) servants, domestics, the menial staff
Gesindel {n}
:: riffraff, lower class
Gesine {prop} {f}
:: given name
gesinnt {adj}
:: having a particular intention
Gesinnung {f}
:: mentality, attitude
gesinnungsethisch {adj}
:: pertaining to the ethic of ultimate ends
gesintert {adj}
:: sintered
gesittet {adj}
:: civilized, well-mannered, cultivated
Gesittung {f}
:: civilized behaviour
gesogen {v}
:: past participle of saugen
gesollt {v}
:: past participle of sollen
gesondert {v}
:: past participle of sondern
gesondert {adj}
:: separate, separated
gesondert {adv}
:: separately
gesonnen {v}
:: past participle of sinnen
gesotten {v}
:: past participle of sieden
gespalten {adj}
:: per pale
Gespan {m}
:: assistant, worker, comrade
Gespan {m}
:: Hungarian count
Gespann {n}
:: team (of yoked animals)
Gespann {n}
:: a group of close partners, especially a pair of two
Gespann {n}
:: horse and cart, horse and carriage; oxcart
Gespann {n}
:: a caravan of connected vehicles
Gespann {n}
:: a lath framework
Gespann {m}
:: alternative form of Gespan
gespannt {adj}
:: curious, excited
gespannt {adj}
:: tense
Gespanntheit {f}
:: curiosity, excitement
Gespanntheit {f}
:: tenseness
gespeichert {adj}
:: stored, saved
gespeist {v}
:: past participle of speisen
Gespenst {n}
:: ghost, spectre
Gespenstergeschichte {f}
:: ghost story
gespenstisch {adj}
:: ghastly, spooky, ghostly
Gespenstschrecke {f}
:: stick insect
gesperrt {v}
:: past participle of sperren
gespieen {v}
:: past participle of speien
gespien {v}
:: past participle of speien
Gespinst {n}
:: spun yarn
Gespinst {n}
:: web, tissue, cocoon
gespottet {v}
:: past participle of spotten
Gespräch {n}
:: conversation, chat
gesprächig {adj}
:: talkative
Gesprächspartikel {m}
:: interjection, a particle without an actual meaning, which is used in a conversation
Gesprächspartner {m}
:: interlocutor, collocutor (male or of unspecified sex) (A person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation)
Gesprächsthema {n}
:: topic (of a conversation)
gesprenkelt {adj}
:: spotted, flecked, sprinkled
gesprenkelt {v}
:: past participle of sprenkeln
gesprochen {v}
:: past participle of sprechen
gesprudelt {v}
:: past participle of sprudeln
gesprungen {v}
:: past participle of springen
gespukt {v}
:: past participle of spuken
Gespür {n}
:: intuition
gespürt {v}
:: past participle of spüren
gespurtet {v}
:: past participle of spurten
Gest {mf}
:: yeast
Gestade {n}
:: bank, shore
Gestalt {f}
:: shape, form
Gestalt {f}
:: image of some person
Gestalt {f}
:: figure, character (person)
gestalten {v}
:: to form, to shape, to create, to arrange
Gestalter {m}
:: agent noun of gestalten
Gestalter {m}
:: one who forms, shapes, creates or arranges something
gestalterisch {adj}
:: artistic, pertaining to composition
gestaltet {adj}
:: featured
gestaltet {adj}
:: shaped, designed, arranged
Gestaltetes {n}
:: nominalization of gestaltetes: Something formed, shaped, designed or arranged
Gestaltung {f}
:: design, styling, arrangement
gestanden {v}
:: past participle of stehen
gestanden {v}
:: past participle of gestehen
geständig {adj}
:: confessing; self-confessed, self-acknowledged
Geständnis {n}
:: confession (open admittance of having done something)
Gestank {m}
:: stench, stink, fetidness
Gestapo {prop} {f}
:: Gestapo
gestatten {vt}
:: to allow
Gestatter {m}
:: agent noun of gestatten
Gestattung {f}
:: permission, authorization
gestaubsaugt {v}
:: past participle of staubsaugen
gestaunt {v}
:: past participle of staunen
gestaut {v}
:: past participle of stauen
Geste {f}
:: gesture
gestehen {v}
:: to confess
gesteigert {adj}
:: increased
Gestein {n}
:: rock (material)
gesteinsbildend {adj}
:: petrogenetic
Gesteinsprobe {f}
:: rock sample
Gestell {n}
:: frame, chassis
Gestell {n}
:: rack, stand
Gestell {n}
:: trestle
gestellt {adj}
:: staged; contrived; faked
gestern {adv}
:: yesterday
Gestern {n}
:: yesterday (the recent past)
gesteuert {adj}
:: controlled, steered, guided
gestiefelt {adj}
:: booted (wearing boots)
gestiegen {adj}
:: risen
gestielt {adj}
:: handled (having a handle)
gestielt {adj}
:: stemmed, stalked (having a stem/stalk)
gestiert {v}
:: past participle of stieren
gestikulieren {v}
:: to gesticulate
gestikuliert {v}
:: past participle of gestikulieren
Gestirn {n}
:: constellation
Gestirn {n}
:: star
Gestirn {n}
:: heavenly body
gestirnt {adj}
:: starry
Gestöber {n}
:: flurry
gestohlen {v}
:: past participle of stehlen
Gestöhn {n}
:: groaning
gestorben {adj}
:: deceased (no longer alive)
gestört {adj}
:: disturbed
Gestotter {n}
:: stuttering
gestr. {v}
:: abbreviation of gestrichen
gestr. {adj}
:: abbreviation of gestrig
Gesträuch {n}
:: shrubbery
gestreift {adj}
:: striped
gestreikt {v}
:: past participle of streiken
gestresst {adj}
:: stressed
gestresster {adj}
:: comparative of gestresst
gestresstesten {adj}
:: superlative of gestresst
gestrig {adj}
:: of yesterday, yesterday's
geströmt {v}
:: past participle of strömen
Gestrüpp {n}
:: brushwood
Gestühl {n}
:: seating
gestundet {v}
:: past participle of stunden
gestürzt {v}
:: past participle of stürzen
Gestüt {n}
:: stud farm
gestützt {v}
:: past participle of stützen
Gesuch {n}
:: application
Gesuch {n}
:: petition
Gesuch {n}
:: request
gesund {adj}
:: healthy (enjoying health)
gesund {adj}
:: healthy (conducive to health)
gesünder {adj}
:: comparative of gesund
gesunder Geist in gesundem Körper {proverb}
:: A healthy mind in a healthy body
gesunder Menschenverstand {m}
:: common sense
gesündesten {adj}
:: superlative of gesund
Gesundheit {f}
:: health (state of being in good physical condition and free from illness)
Gesundheit {f}
:: health; soundness; strength; stability (state of being in good condition)
Gesundheit {interj}
:: bless you; gesundheit (response to someone’s sneezing)
gesundheitlich {adj}
:: health (attributive)
gesundheitlich {adj}
:: sanitary, hygienic
Gesundheitsapostel {m}
:: health freak
gesundheitsgefährdend {adj}
:: hazardous to health
Gesundheitsgefährdung {f}
:: a health hazard
Gesundheitsministerium {n}
:: health ministry
Gesundheitspolitik {f}
:: health policy
gesundheitspolitisch {adj}
:: health policy (attributive)
Gesundheitsreform {f}
:: healthcare reform
Gesundheitsschaden {m}
:: damage to health
gesundheitsschädigend {adj}
:: harmful to health
gesundheitsschädlich {adj}
:: unhealthy, harmful, deleterious (to health)
Gesundheitsschutz {m}
:: health protection
Gesundheitssystem {n}
:: health care
Gesundheitswesen {n}
:: healthcare, healthcare sector, health system
Gesundheitswesen {n}
:: health service
Gesundheitszustand {m}
:: health; state of health
gesundschrumpfen {vtr}
:: to downsize, to rightsize
gesund und munter {adj}
:: alive and kicking
Gesundung {f}
:: recovery
gesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser {adj}
:: as sound as a bell
gesungen {v}
:: past participle of singen
gesurrt {v}
:: past participle of surren
ge- -t {circumfix}
:: Forms past participles of weak verbs: machen/gemacht, sagen/gesagt
getan {v}
:: past participle of tun
getarnt {adj}
:: camouflaged, masked, concealed, in disguise
getätigt {v}
:: past participle of tätigen
geteert {v}
:: past participle of teeren
geteilt {adj}
:: shared, split
geteilt {adj}
:: divided
geteilt {adj}
:: per fess
geten {v}
:: alternative form of jäten
getextet {v}
:: past participle of texten
Getier {n}
:: beasts, animals
getigert {adj}
:: striped
getilgt {v}
:: past participle of tilgen
getitelt {v}
:: past participle of titeln
getitelt {v}
:: furnish with subtitles
getoppt {v}
:: past participle of toppen
Getöse {n}
:: din, racket
getötet {v}
:: past participle of töten
getrabt {v}
:: past participle of traben
Getrampel {n}
:: tramping
Getränk {n}
:: drink, beverage (liquid for consumption)
Getränkekiste {f}
:: bottle crate
getrauen {vr}
:: to dare
Getreide {n}
:: cereal; corn; grain (type of plant and its fruit)
Getreide {n}
:: a particular kind of cereal
Getreidetrocknung {f}
:: grain drying
getrennt {adj}
:: separate, apart
getrennt {adv}
:: separately
Getrete {n}
:: an instance of continued or collective kicking (striking with the foot)
Getrete {n}
:: a way of playing football (soccer) that involves many slide tackles and fouls; a match characterised by such rough or unfair play
getreu {adj}
:: accurate, faithful, true to
getreu {prep}
:: true to
getreuer {adj}
:: comparative of getreu
getreusten {adj}
:: superlative of getreu
Getriebe {n}
:: gear, gears, transmission
Getriebe {n}
:: entirety of the actions of a group
Getriebegehäuse {n}
:: gearbox
Getriebeglocke {f}
:: bell housing, bellhousing
getriebelos {adj}
:: gearless
Getriebewelle {f}
:: driveshaft
getrocknet {adj}
:: dried, desiccated, dehydrated
getrompetet {v}
:: past participle of trompeten
getröpfelt {v}
:: past participle of tröpfeln
getropft {v}
:: past participle of tropfen
getrost {adj}
:: confident
getrübt {v}
:: past participle of trüben
getrübt {adj}
:: clouded, hazy
getrübt {adj}
:: embittered
getrunken {v}
:: past participle of trinken
Getter {m}
:: getter
Gettermetall {n}
:: getter metal
Getto {n}
:: ghetto
Getue {n}
:: fuss
Getue {n}
:: ado
Getümmel {n}
:: tumult, commotion
Geusenwort {n}
:: reappropriated pejorative
Gevatter {m}
:: godfather
Geviert {n}
:: square
Gevögel {n}
:: birds
Gewächs {n}
:: plant
gewachsen {v}
:: past participle of wachsen
gewachsen {adj}
:: grown; sprouted; evolved
Gewächshaus {n}
:: greenhouse, hothouse, forcing house
gewachst {v}
:: past participle of wachsen
gewagt {adj}
:: daring
gewählt {adj}
:: chosen, elected
gewählt {adj}
:: choice
gewählt {adj}
:: refined, elegant
Gewähr {f}
:: guarantee, warranty
gewahren {vt}
:: to become aware of
gewähren {v}
:: to grant, to allow
gewährleisten {v}
:: to guarantee
gewährleistet {v}
:: past participle of gewährleisten - guaranteed, warranted, ensured
Gewährleistung {f}
:: guarantee
Gewahrsam {m}
:: effective control on a physical object, possessio naturalis
Gewahrsam {m}
:: safekeeping, custody of a person, a measure to avert danger (a Gefahrenabwehrmaßnahme)
Gewahrsam {m}
:: the place where safekeeping of a person is realized
gewahrt {v}
:: past participle of wahren
gewährt {v}
:: past participle of währen
Gewährung {f}
:: grant, granting
gewallfahrt {v}
:: past participle of wallfahren
gewallfahrtet {v}
:: past participle of wallfahrten
gewalmt {adj}
:: hipped
Gewalt {f}
:: strong or violent force
Gewalt {f}
:: violence
Gewalt {f}
:: physical control or power
Gewalt {f}
:: authority; legally established control or power
gewaltbereit {adj}
:: prone to violence; violent (inclined and likely to act violently, especially of groups, but also individuals)
gewaltfrei {adj}
:: nonviolent
Gewaltfreiheit {f}
:: nonviolence
gewaltig {adj}
:: enormous, huge
gewaltig {adj}
:: massive, mighty
gewaltlos {adj}
:: non-violent
Gewaltlosigkeit {f}
:: nonviolence
Gewaltmonopol {n}
:: Monopoly on violence
gewaltsam {adj}
:: violent, forcible
Gewalttäter {m}
:: violent criminal
Gewalttäterin {f}
:: feminine noun of Gewalttäter
gewalttätig {adj}
:: violent
gewalttätiger {adj}
:: comparative of gewalttätig
Gewalttätigkeit {f}
:: violence
gewalttätigsten {adj}
:: superlative of gewalttätig
gewaltverherrlichend {adj}
:: glorifying violence, advocating violence
Gewaltverherrlichung {f}
:: glorified violence
Gewand {n}
:: garment
gewandert {v}
:: past participle of wandern
Gewandhaus {n}
:: cloth hall
gewandt {adj}
:: dexterous, versatile, skilled, smart
gewandt {adj}
:: eloquent
gewandt {adv}
:: dexterously, deftly, nimbly
Gewandtheit {f}
:: nimbleness, agility, dexterity, skill, skilfulness, versatility
Gewandtheit {f}
:: eloquence
gewankt {v}
:: past participle of wanken
gewappnet {v}
:: past participle of wappnen
gewärmt {v}
:: past participle of wärmen
gewärtigen {v}
:: to expect
gewärtigt {v}
:: past participle of gewärtigen
Gewäsch {n}
:: drivel, twaddle, claptrap
gewaschen {v}
:: past participle of waschen - washed, laundered
Gewässer {n}
:: body of water, waterbody, water (significant accumulation of water covering the Earth)
gewassert {v}
:: past participle of wassern
gewatet {v}
:: past participle of waten
gewatschelt {v}
:: past participle of watscheln
Gewebe {n}
:: fabric (woven fabric), cloth, tissue, stuff, weave, mesh (e.g. wire mesh)
Gewebe {n}
:: tissue
Gewebe {n}
:: web (spider's web)
Gewebestoff {m}
:: fabric
gewebt {v}
:: past participle of weben
Gewehr {n}
:: rifle
Gewehrkolben {m}
:: butt of a rifle
Gewehrkugel {f}
:: bullet (projectile fired from a gun)
Gewehrschuss {m}
:: gunshot, rifle shot
Gewehrschuß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Gewehrschuss
gewehrt {v}
:: past participle of wehren
geweidet {v}
:: past participle of weiden
Geweih {n}
:: antler, horns
geweiht {v}
:: past participle of weihen
geweint {v}
:: past participle of weinen
geweissagt {v}
:: past participle of weissagen
geweißt {v}
:: past participle of weißen
gewelkt {v}
:: past participle of welken
gewellt {v}
:: past participle of wellen
gewellt {adj}
:: corrugated
gewellt {adj}
:: wavy, curly
gewellt {adj}
:: undulating
Gewerbe {n}
:: business, commercial enterprise, industry, trade
gewerblich {adj}
:: commercial, industrial
gewerbsmäßig {adj}
:: professional
Gewerk {n}
:: trade, craft
Gewerk {n}
:: the provided result of a locatio conductio operis
Gewerke {m}
:: mining shareholder
Gewerkschaft {f}
:: labor union, trade union
Gewerkschafter {m}
:: unionist, trade unionist
Gewerkschaftler {m}
:: unionist, trade unionist
gewertet {v}
:: past participle of werten
Gewese {n}
:: fuss (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something)
gewesen {v}
:: past participle of sein - been
gewest {v}
:: past participle of sein - been
gewichen {v}
:: past participle of weichen
gewichst {v}
:: past participle of wichsen
Gewicht {n}
:: weight
Gewichtheben {n}
:: weightlifting
Gewichtheber {m}
:: weightlifter
gewichtig {adj}
:: weighty
gewichtig {adj}
:: influential
Gewichtsanteil {m}
:: proportion by weight
Gewichtseinheit {f}
:: unit of weight
Gewichtsprozent {n}
:: percentage by weight
Gewichtsreduktion {f}
:: weight loss
Gewichtsreduzierung {f}
:: weight reduction
Gewichtsverlust {m}
:: weight loss
Gewichtszunahme {f}
:: weight gain
gewieft {adj}
:: cunning
gewiegt {v}
:: past participle of wiegen
Gewieher {n}
:: whinnying
gewillkürt {adj}
:: selected
gewillt {adj}
:: willing
Gewimmel {n}
:: bustle, swarm
Gewinde {n}
:: thread (helical ridge or groove, as on a screw)
Gewindestift {m}
:: set screw (A screw with threads the entire length and no head.)
gewinkelt {adj}
:: angled (bent at an angle)
Gewinn {m}
:: profit
Gewinn {m}
:: gain
Gewinn {m}
:: winnings
Gewinn {m}
:: yield
Gewinn {m}
:: prize
gewinnbar {adj}
:: winnable
gewinnbringend {adj}
:: profitable
gewinnen {vi}
:: to win; to be victorious
gewinnen {vt}
:: to win something; to gain
gewinnen {vt}
:: to win over; to persuade
gewinnen {vt}
:: to win or extract a resource
Gewinner {m}
:: agent noun of gewinnen; winner
Gewinnler {m}
:: profiteer
Gewinnspiel {n}
:: contest, raffle, quiz, tombola, sweepstake, competition, lottery
gewinnsüchtig {adj}
:: mercenary
gewinnsüchtig {adj}
:: profiteering
Gewinnung {f}
:: production
Gewinnung {f}
:: extraction
Gewinnung {f}
:: reclamation
Gewinnwarnung {f}
:: profit warning
gewirbelt {v}
:: past participle of wirbeln
Gewirk {n}
:: structure
Gewirk {n}
:: fabric made by a knitting machine
Gewirk {n}
:: the structure of the honeycombs in a hive
Gewirr {n}
:: tangle, snarl
Gewirr {n}
:: confusion, jumble
gewirrt {v}
:: past participle of wirren
gewiss {adj}
:: certain
gewiss {adv}
:: certainly, indeed
gewiß {adj}
:: alternative spelling of gewiss
gewiß {adv}
:: alternative spelling of gewiss
Gewissen {n}
:: conscience (moral sense or faculty)
gewissenhaft {adj}
:: conscientious, scrupulous, meticulous
gewissenhaft {adj}
:: pedantic
Gewissenhaftigkeit {f}
:: conscientiousness
Gewissensbiss {m}
:: pang of conscience
gewisser {adj}
:: comparative of gewiss
gewissermaßen {adv}
:: in a way
gewissesten {adj}
:: superlative of gewiss
Gewissheit {f}
:: certainty
Gewißheit {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Gewissheit
Gewitter {n}
:: thunderstorm, lightning storm
gewittern {v}
:: to thunder and rain/snow
gewitzigt {adj}
:: wiser (as a result of negative experience)
gewitzt {adj}
:: shrewd, smart, cunning
gewoben {v}
:: past participle of weben
Gewoge {n}
:: waving, fluctuation, billowing
gewogen {v}
:: past participle of wiegen
gewöhnen {v}
:: to get used to; to accustom oneself to; to adapt to
Gewohnheit {f}
:: habit
gewohnheitsmäßig {adj}
:: habitual, customary
Gewohnheitsrecht {n}
:: customary right
gewohnheitsrechtlich {adj}
:: customary
Gewohnheitstier {n}
:: creature of habit
gewöhnlich {adj}
:: usual, normal, ordinary
gewöhnlich {adv}
:: usually
gewöhnlicherweise {adv}
:: usually, normally, generally
gewohnt {adj}
:: usual, customary
gewohnt {adj}
:: familiar, accustomed
gewohnt {adj}
:: wont
gewohnt {v}
:: past participle of wohnen
gewöhnt {v}
:: past participle of gewöhnen
gewohntermaßen {adv}
:: as usual
Gewöhnung {f}
:: habituation, addiction
gewöhnungsbedürftig {adj}
:: requiring getting used to
Gewölbe {n}
:: vault
Gewölk {n}
:: cloud mass
gewollt {adj}
:: deliberate; intentional; intended
gewollt {adj}
:: contrived; unnatural; awkward; cheesy
gewonnen {v}
:: past participle of gewinnen
gewonnen {adj}
:: gained, won
gewonnen {adj}
:: obtained, acquired
gewonnen {adj}
:: recovered
geworden {adj}
:: become, got
geworden {adj}
:: grown
geworden {adj}
:: incarnate
Gewühl {n}
:: crowd (unordered crowd)
Gewühl {n}
:: turmoil
gewunden {adj}
:: winding, tortuous
gewünscht {adj}
:: desired, wanted
gewünscht {adj}
:: requested
Gewürm {n}
:: vermin
gewurschtelt {v}
:: past participle of wurschteln
gewurstelt {v}
:: past participle of wursteln
Gewürz {n}
:: spice, condiment, seasoning
Gewürzgurke {f}
:: gherkin
Gewürzhändler {m}
:: spice dealer, spice merchant
Gewürzkraut {n}
:: seasoning herb
Gewürzmühle {f}
:: spice grinder
Gewürznelke {f}
:: clove
Gewürzpflanze {f}
:: spice plant
Gewürztraminer {prop}
:: Gewürztraminer (An aromatic grape variety, used in white wines, performing best in cooler areas.)
Gewürztraminer {prop}
:: Gewürztraminer (A white wine made from this grape)
gewuschelt {v}
:: past participle of wuscheln
gewusst {v}
:: past participle of wissen
gewußt {v}
:: obsolete spelling of gewusst
Geyer {prop}
:: Geyer (town)
Geysir {m}
:: geyser
gezackt {v}
:: past participle of zacken
Gezähe {n}
:: Gezähe; miner's toolset
Gezanke {n}
:: bickering
gezankt {v}
:: past participle of zanken
gezecht {v}
:: past participle of zechen
gezehrt {v}
:: past participle of zehren
gezeichnet {adj}
:: drawn
gezeichnet {adj}
:: subscribed
Gezeit {f}
:: tide
Gezeiten {p}
:: tides (periodic change of the sea level)
Gezelt {n}
:: tent
Gezeter {n}
:: clamor, hue and cry
Gezeter {n}
:: nagging
gezettelt {v}
:: past participle of zetteln
geziehen {v}
:: past participle of zeihen
gezielt {adj}
:: aimed, targetted
geziemen {vr}
:: to beseem, to be appropriate
gezirpt {v}
:: past participle of zirpen
gezoomt {v}
:: past participle of zoomen
Gezücht {n}
:: brood
gezupft {v}
:: past participle of zupfen
gezuppt {v}
:: past participle of zuppen
gezürnt {v}
:: past participle of zürnen
gezwirnt {v}
:: past participle of zwirnen
Gföhl {prop} {n}
:: Gföhl (municipality)
GG {noun}
:: initialism of Großes Gewächs
ggf. {adv}
:: abbreviation of gegebenenfalls
ggT {m}
:: abbreviation of größter gemeinsamer Teiler
ggü. {prep}
:: abbreviation of gegenüber
GH {m}
:: initialism of Gerichtshof
Ghana {prop} {n}
:: Ghana (country)
Ghanaer {m}
:: Ghanaian (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent; male or unspecified sex)
Ghanaerin {f}
:: Ghanaian (woman from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent)
ghanaisch {adj}
:: Ghanaian (of, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people)
Ghetto {n}
:: alternative spelling of Getto
Ghostwriter {m}
:: ghostwriter
Ghusl {n}
:: ghusl (washing required after major ritual impurity)
Ghusl {n}
:: ghusl (state of purity achieved by this)
gibbeln {v}
:: to giggle (to laugh in a silly or hysterical way)
Gibbon {m}
:: gibbon
Gibibyte {n}
:: gibibyte (230 bytes)
Gibraltar {prop} {n}
:: Gibraltar
gibraltarisch {adj}
:: Gibraltarian
gibt es hier einen Lebensmittelladen {phrase}
:: is there a grocery store nearby?
gibt's {contraction}
:: contraction of gibt es
gibts {contraction}
:: alternative form of gibt's
Gicht {f}
:: gout
Giebel {m}
:: gable
Gier {f}
:: greed
Gier {prop} {mf}
:: surname
gieren {v}
:: to desire greedily, to lust for
gieren {v}
:: to open one’s jaws so as to snap
gieren {v}
:: to yaw
gierig {adj}
:: greedy
gierig {adj}
:: eager
gierigsten {adj}
:: superlative of gierig
Gieß {prop}
:: surname
gießbar {adj}
:: pourable
giessen {v}
:: alternative spelling of gießen
gießen {vt}
:: to pour; usually only of liquids, especially of large quantities
gießen {vt}
:: to pour; to cast; to found (shape molten metal or glass by pouring)
gießen {vt}
:: to water
gießen {vi}
:: to pour down; to rain strongly
Gießen {prop} {n}
:: Gießen (town)
Gießerei {f}
:: foundry
Gießkanne {f}
:: watering can (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants)
Gießpfanne {f}
:: (foundry) ladle
Gießverfahren {n}
:: casting (process)
GIF {n}
:: GIF
Gift {n}
:: poison; toxin; venom
Gift {f}
:: gift; something given
giftfrei {adj}
:: poison-free
Giftgas {n}
:: poison gas
giftgrün {adj}
:: intense, bright green (in colour), bilious green
gifthaltig {adj}
:: poisoned, poisonous
gifthältig {adj}
:: alternative form of gifthaltig
giftig {adj}
:: poisonous
giftig {adv}
:: venomously
Giftigkeit {f}
:: vitriol, venom
Giftigkeit {f}
:: toxicity
Giftigkeit {f}
:: virulence
Giftmord {m}
:: poisoning (form of murder)
Giftmörder {m}
:: poisoner
Giftpflanze {f}
:: poisonous plant
Giftschlange {f}
:: venomous snake
Giftschrank {m}
:: poison cabinet (or place where undesirable things can be locked away)
Giftspritze {f}
:: lethal injection
Giftstachel {m}
:: sting
Giftwirkung {f}
:: toxic effect
Giftzahn {m}
:: fang (animal tooth used to inject venom)
Gig {m}
:: gig (performing engagement by a musical group, usually used when referring to events with small audience and contemporary music such as rock or punk)
giga- {prefix}
:: giga-
Gigabyte {n}
:: gigabyte (one billion bytes)
Gigant {m}
:: behemoth
Gigant {m}
:: mammoth
gigantisch {adj}
:: gigantic
gigantischer {adj}
:: comparative of gigantisch
gigantischsten {adj}
:: superlative of gigantisch
Gigantismus {m}
:: gigantism
gigantomanisch {adj}
:: gigantomaniac
Gigapascal {m}
:: gigapascal
Gigawatt {n}
:: gigawatt
gigerlhaft {adj}
:: dandified
Gila-Krustenechse {f}
:: Gila monster
Gilbert {prop}
:: given name
Gilbhart {m}
:: October
Gilde {f}
:: guild of merchants
Gilde {f}
:: some group of prestigious people
gilden {v}
:: to count; to be valid
Gimpel {m}
:: bullfinch
Gin {m}
:: gin (liquor made from juniper berries)
Gina {prop}
:: given name, short form of Regina
Gingivitis {f}
:: gingivitis
gings {contraction}
:: contraction of ging es
Ginkgo {m}
:: ginkgo (tree)
Ginko {m}
:: alternative spelling of Ginkgo
Ginster {m}
:: broom , especially
Ginster {m}
:: Genista
Ginster {m}
:: Cytisus
Ginster {m}
:: gorse (Ulex)
Gipfel {m}
:: peak, pinnacle
Gipfel {m}
:: summit
Gipfeli {n}
:: synonym of Croissant
gipfeln {v}
:: to culminate
Gipfeltreffen {n}
:: summit
Gips {m}
:: gypsum
Gips {m}
:: short for Gipsverband
Gipsverband {m}
:: cast
Giraffe {f}
:: giraffe (animal)
Giraffe {prop} {f}
:: The constellation Camelopardalis
Girant {m}
:: endorser
Girl {n}
:: girl; young woman; usually implying physical attractiveness, often in the context of show or entertainment
Girlande {f}
:: festoon (ornament)
Girlitz {m}
:: serin
Girokonto {n}
:: checking account
Girondist {m}
:: Girondist (member of a radical political group during the French Revolution)
Girondistin {f}
:: female Girondist (member of a radical political group during the French Revolution)
Gis {n}
:: G-sharp
Gischt {m}
:: The frothy foam on sea waves
Gischt {m}
:: Other kinds of foam or froth that form on liquids, such as on beer or boiling water
Gisela {prop}
:: given name
Gitarre {f}
:: guitar
Gitarrenbauer {m}
:: luthier, guitar maker
Gitarrenklang {m}
:: guitar sound
Gitarrenkonzert {n}
:: guitar concert (musical event)
Gitarrenkonzert {n}
:: guitar concerto (musical composition)
Gitarrenspiel {n}
:: guitar playing, guitar play
Gitarrenspieler {m}
:: guitarist
Gitarrenspielerin {f}
:: guitarist (female person playing or performing on the guitar)
Gitarrespielen {n}
:: guitar playing
Gitarrist {m}
:: guitarist
Gitarristin {f}
:: guitarist (female person playing or performing on the guitar)
Gitschtal {prop} {n}
:: Gitschtal (municipality)
Gitter {n}
:: lattice, grid, mesh (of metal)
Gitter {n}
:: grating, bars
Gitterdefekt {m}
:: lattice defect (in a crystal)
Gitterenergie {f}
:: lattice energy
Gitterkonstante {f}
:: lattice constant
Gitterparameter {m}
:: lattice parameter, lattice constant
Gitterstruktur {f}
:: lattice structure (especially of a crystal)
Givebox {f}
:: A box in a public place in which people can put unwanted objects for other people to take; a dropbox
Gizeh {prop} {n}
:: Giza (place in Egypt)
GJ {noun}
:: GJ, the prefix of catalog entries in the Gliese star catalog, for the Gliese-Jahreiß expansion
GJ {noun}
:: prefix for any catalogued in the Gliese star catalog
Glace {f}
:: ice cream
Gladiator {m}
:: gladiator
Gladiole {f}
:: gladiolus, sword lily (plant of the genus Gladiolus)
glamourös {adj}
:: glamorous
Glanegg {prop} {n}
:: Glanegg (municipality)
Glanz {m}
:: gleam, sparkle, glitter
Glanz {m}
:: splendor, glory
glänzen {v}
:: to shine, gleam, sparkle, glisten
glänzen {v}
:: to be good
glänzend {adj}
:: shiny, glossy
glänzend {adj}
:: lustrous, gleaming
glanzhell {adj}
:: bright and clear (especially of white wine)
Glarus {prop} {n}
:: Glarus
Glas {n}
:: glass
Glas {n}
:: glass
Glas {n}
:: jar (made of glass)
Glas {n}
:: glass
Glas {n}
:: time stamp for half an hour
Glasampulle {f}
:: glass ampule
glasartig {adj}
:: glassy
glasartig {adj}
:: vitreous
Glasauge {n}
:: glass eye
Glasblasen {n}
:: glassblowing
Glasbläser {m}
:: glassblower
Glasbläserei {f}
:: glassblowing
Glasbläserei {f}
:: glassblowing workshop
Glasbläserin {f}
:: female glassblower
Gläschen {n}
:: diminutive of Glas
Glasdeckel {m}
:: glass lid
Gläserklirren {n}
:: clinking of glasses, tinkling of glasses
gläsern {adj}
:: glass, glassen, glazen
gläsern {adj}
:: glassy, vitreous
Glasfaser {f}
:: fiberglass, glass fibre used in fibre optics
Glasflasche {f}
:: glass bottle
Glasgefäß {n}
:: glass vessel, glassware (a vessel made of glass)
Glasgerät {n}
:: glassware
Glasharmonika {f}
:: glass harmonica
Glashaus {n}
:: glasshouse
Glasherstellung {f}
:: glass production / manufacture
glasieren {v}
:: to glaze
glasig {adj}
:: glassy, transparent
Glasindustrie {f}
:: glass industry
glasklar {adj}
:: crystal clear, limpid
Glaskolben {m}
:: flask (glass vessel (piston-shaped))
Glaskörper {m}
:: vitreous humour, vitreous body
Glaskugel {f}
:: marble (small glass ball)
Glaskugel {f}
:: glass sphere (spherical object made from glass; a bauble, etc.)
Glaskugel {f}
:: crystal ball (large glass ball)
Gläslein {n}
:: diminutive of Glas
Glasmacher {m}
:: glassmaker (male or of unspecified sex)
Glasmacherin {f}
:: glassmaker (female)
Glasnost {f}
:: glasnost
Glasnudel {f}
:: glass noodle, cellophane noodle
Glasplatte {f}
:: glass plate
Glasröhre {f}
:: glass tube
Glasscheibe {f}
:: pane (sheet of glass); windowpane
Glasspiegel {m}
:: glass mirror
Glasur {f}
:: glaze, icing
Glasware {f}
:: glassware
glatt {adj}
:: without roughness or unevenness: smooth; sleek, slick; clean (of a shave or cut); straight (of hair)
glatt {adj}
:: slippery (from e.g. ice, but not from grease)
glatt {adj}
:: clear, unequivocal
glatt {adj}
:: smooth (having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain)
glattbügeln {v}
:: to iron out
Glätte {f}
:: smoothness
Glatteis {n}
:: black ice
Glätteisen {n}
:: straightener (for hair)
Glätteisen {n}
:: iron (for pressing clothes)
Glatten {prop} {n}
:: Glatten (town)
glätten {v}
:: to smooth
glätten {v}
:: to unwrinkle
glattflächig {adj}
:: smooth-surfaced, smooth
glattrasiert {adj}
:: clean-shaven
glattstellen {v}
:: to balance
glattzüngig {adj}
:: flattering
Glatze {f}
:: baldness, bald head
Glatze {f}
:: skinhead
Glatzkopf {m}
:: baldie
glatzköpfig {adj}
:: bald
Glaube {m}
:: faith; belief
glauben {v}
:: to believe (to think someone/something exists = an + acc.; to think something someone says is correct = dat.)
glauben {v}
:: to think
Glauben {m}
:: alternative form of Glaube
Glaubensartikel {m}
:: article of faith
Glaubensbekenntnis {m}
:: creed; statement of faith
Glaubensbote {m}
:: missionary, evangelizer
Glaubensbruder {m}
:: brother in faith, (male) co-religionist
Glaubensgemeinschaft {f}
:: denomination, confession
glauben Sie an Gott {phrase}
:: do you believe in God
Glaubensschwester {f}
:: sister in faith; (female) co-religionist
glaubhaft {adj}
:: believable
Glaubhaftigkeit {f}
:: plausibility, believability, trustworthiness
gläubig {adj}
:: devout
gläubiger {adj}
:: comparative of gläubig
Gläubiger {m}
:: creditor (a person to whom a debt is owed)
Gläubiger {m}
:: believer
glaublich {adj}
:: probable, likely
glaubst du an Gott {phrase}
:: do you believe in God?
glaubwürdig {adj}
:: credible
Glaubwürdigkeit {f}
:: credibility, believability
glauk {adj}
:: velvety, frosted
Glaukophan {m}
:: glaucophane
glawben {v}
:: obsolete spelling of glauben
glazial {adj}
:: glacial
Glazialzeit {f}
:: ice age
glazifluvial {adj}
:: glacifluvial
Glaziologie {f}
:: glaciology
-gleich {suffix}
:: -like (having some of the characteristics of)
-gleich {suffix}
:: equal in regard to
gleich {adj}
:: equal
gleich {adj}
:: same; very similar
gleich {adj}
:: same; identical
gleich {adv}
:: alike
gleich {adv}
:: in a moment
gleich {adv}
:: at once, at a time, simultaneously
gleich {adv}
:: now
gleichalterig {adj}
:: coeval
gleichaltrig {adj}
:: alternative form of gleichalterig
gleichartig {adj}
:: kindred, similar, comparable
gleichartig {adj}
:: homogenous
gleichbedeutend {adj}
:: synonymous
gleichbehandeln {v}
:: to treat equally
gleichberechtigt {adj}
:: Having equal rights
Gleichberechtigung {f}
:: equality (equal rights or status)
Gleiche {n}
:: The same (thing, etc.)
Gleiche {f}
:: Topping out
gleichen {v}
:: to be like (something); to equal (something); to resemble
gleichen {vr}
:: to be alike
gleichermaßen {adv}
:: equally
gleicherweise {adv}
:: likewise
gleichfalls {adv}
:: likewise
gleichfarbig {adj}
:: of the same colour
gleichförmig {adj}
:: uniform, steady, homogeneous
Gleichförmigkeit {f}
:: uniformity, homogeneity
gleichgeschlechtlich {adj}
:: same-sex
Gleichgewicht {n}
:: equilibrium
Gleichgewicht {n}
:: balance, poise
Gleichgewichtsreaktion {f}
:: equilibrium reaction
Gleichgewichtszustand {m}
:: state of equilibrium, equilibrium state
gleichgültig {adj}
:: indifferent
gleichgültig {adj}
:: unimportant
Gleichgültigkeit {f}
:: indifference
Gleichheit {f}
:: equality (fact of being equal)
Gleichheitsrecht {n}
:: equal rights
Gleichheitszeichen {n}
:: equal sign, equals sign, equality sign
gleichkommen {v}
:: to amount to
gleichlautend {adj}
:: identical
gleichmachen {vt}
:: to level
Gleichmaß {m}
:: equal measure
gleichmäßig {adj}
:: consistent
gleichmäßig {adj}
:: uniform, even, regular
Gleichmut {mf}
:: equanimity
gleichmütig {adj}
:: equanimous
gleichnamig {adj}
:: homonymous
gleichnamig {adj}
:: eponymous
Gleichnis {n}
:: simile
Gleichnis {n}
:: parable
Gleichrichter {m}
:: rectifier
gleichsam {adv}
:: as it were; so to speak
gleichsam {adv}
:: equally; likewise
gleichschalten {vt}
:: to synchronise
gleichschalten {vt}
:: to force into Gleichschaltung
gleichschalten {vt}
:: to subjugate (someone)’s thought and action to the policies and worldview of the ruling class
Gleichschaltung {f}
:: synchronisation, bringing into line; Gleichschaltung
gleichschenklig {adj}
:: isosceles
gleichsehen {v}
:: to look like
gleichseitig {adj}
:: equilateral
gleichsetzen {v}
:: to equate
Gleichspannung {f}
:: DC voltage
gleichstellen {v}
:: to make equal
Gleichstellung {f}
:: equality (equal rights or status)
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte {f}
:: female commissioner for equality; woman charged with ensuring that people are treated equally (especially, one charged with ensuring that men and women are treated equally)
Gleichstellungsbeauftragter {m}
:: male commissioner for equality; man charged with ensuring that people are treated equally (especially, one charged with ensuring that men and women are treated equally)
Gleichstrom {m}
:: direct current
gleichtönig {adj}
:: unisonoric, producing the same tones regardless of whether the instrument is being expanded or compressed
gleichtun {v}
:: to do the same, to follow suit
Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern {proverb}
:: birds of a feather flock together
Gleichung {f}
:: equation, equality
gleichursprünglich {adj}
:: equiprimordial, coöriginal
Gleichverteilung {f}
:: even distribution
Gleichverteilung {f}
:: uniform distribution
gleichwertig {adj}
:: (not normally comparable) equivalent, equal
gleichwertig {adj}
:: tantamount
Gleichwertigkeit {f}
:: equivalence
gleichwie {conj}
:: just like, just as
gleichwohl {adv}
:: nevertheless
gleichzeitig {adj}
:: simultaneous, concurrent, coincident, concomitant
gleichzeitig {adv}
:: simultaneously
Gleichzeitigkeit {f}
:: simultaneity
gleichziehen {v}
:: to catch up
Gleinstätten {prop} {n}
:: Gleinstätten (municipality)
Gleis {n}
:: railway (track on which trains run)
Gleis {n}
:: (individual) track
Gleisdorf {prop} {n}
:: Gleisdorf (municipality)
Gleisner {m}
:: hypocrite (male or of unspecified sex) (person practising hypocrisy)
gleißen {v}
:: to gleam, glisten
Gleitbeutler {m}
:: petaurid
gleiten {vi}
:: to glide; to float; to move effortlessly
gleiten {vi}
:: to slide; to slip; to transition smoothly
Gleithörnchen {n}
:: flying squirrel
Gleitkomma {n}
:: floating point
Gleitkommazahl {f}
:: floating-point number
Gleitlager {n}
:: plain / simple / friction bearing
Gleitlaut {m}
:: offglide
Gleitschirmfliegen {n}
:: paragliding (the sport of gliding with a paraglider)
Gleitsichtbrille {f}
:: varifocals
Gleitzeit {f}
:: flexitime
Gleiwitz {prop} {f}
:: Gliwice
Glencheck {m}
:: Glenurquhart
Gletscher {m}
:: glacier
Gletschereis {n}
:: glacier ice
Gletscherspalte {f}
:: crevasse
glibberig {adj}
:: slimy, glutinous
Glied {n}
:: member
Glied {n}
:: limb, joint
Glied {n}
:: term
Glied {n}
:: link (in a chain)
Glied {n}
:: penis, member
Gliederfüßer {m}
:: arthropod
gliedern {v}
:: to structure, to organize
gliedern {v}
:: to divide
Gliederreissen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Gliederreißen
Gliederreißen {n}
:: rheumatism
Gliederschmerz {m}
:: rheumatism, pain in the limbs
Gliederung {f}
:: classification
Gliederung {f}
:: outline
Gliederung {f}
:: structure
Gliederungseditor {m}
:: outliner
Gliedmaße {f}
:: limb
Gliedstaat {m}
:: A member state of a federal government
glimmen {v}
:: to shine
glimmen {v}
:: to glow
Glimmen {n}
:: glow
Glimmentladung {f}
:: glow discharge
Glimmer {m}
:: mica
Glimmlampe {f}
:: glowlamp
Glimpf {m}
:: leniency
glimpflich {adj}
:: mild, gentle
glimpflich {adj}
:: lenient
Glinzendorf {prop} {n}
:: Glinzendorf (municipality)
Gliom {n}
:: glioma
glitschig {adj}
:: slippery, slick, greasy, slimy, squidgy
Glitzer {m}
:: spangle
glitzern {v}
:: to glitter, sparkle
global {adj}
:: global (worldwide)
globale Erwärmung {f}
:: global warming
globale Variable {f}
:: global variable
globalisieren {v}
:: to globalize, to globalise
Globalisierung {f}
:: globalisation, globalization
Globalisierungsfalle {f}
:: Pitfall of globalisation
Globasnitz {prop} {n}
:: Globasnitz (municipality)
Globin {n}
:: globin
Globulin {n}
:: globulin
Globus {m}
:: globe
Glöckchen {n}
:: diminutive of Glocke
Glocke {f}
:: bell (percussive instrument)
Glockenblume {f}
:: bellflower, Campanula
glockenförmig {adj}
:: bell-shaped
Glockengießer {m}
:: bell founder (person who makes bells in a foundry)
Glockenguss {m}
:: bell casting
Glockenguß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Glockenguss
glockenhell {adj}
:: (of a sound) bright and clear (like a bell)
Glockenschwengel {m}
:: tongue, clapper (of a bell)
Glockenspiel {n}
:: a mechanical construction which plays at certain times, or on demand, melodies with bells, often with figures that are moved during the play
Glockenspiel {n}
:: glockenspiel (musical instrument)
Glockenstube {f}
:: belfry
Glockenturm {m}
:: bell tower
Glöckner {m}
:: bell-ringer; campanologist
Glödnitz {prop} {n}
:: Glödnitz (municipality)
Gloggnitz {prop} {n}
:: Gloggnitz (municipality)
glorifizieren {v}
:: to glorify
Glorifizierung {f}
:: glorification
glorreich {adj}
:: glorious
glorreich {adj}
:: illustrious
Glosche {f}
:: cloche, dome-shaped tableware covering
glosen {v}
:: to smoulder, to smolder
Glossar {n}
:: glossary
Glossierung {f}
:: gloss (brief explanatory note or translation)
glottal {adj}
:: glottal
Glottal {m}
:: glottal
glottalisieren {v}
:: to glottalize
Glottis {f}
:: glottis
Glotze {f}
:: television
glotzen {v}
:: to stare, gape, gawk, goggle (eyes)
Glucinium {n}
:: glucinium
gluck {interj}
:: glug (onomatopoeia for pouring or swallowing a liquid)
Glück {n}
:: happiness; joy; bliss (state or emotion)
Glück {n}
:: luck; chance (positive coincidence)
Glucke {f}
:: brooding hen; hen with chicks
Glucke {f}
:: overprotective mother
Glucke {f}
:: eggar (moth of the family Lasiocampidae)
Glucke {f}
:: cauliflower mushroom (mushroom of the genus Sparassis)
glucken {v}
:: to cluck
glucken {v}
:: to brood
glucken {v}
:: to sit around
glücken {v}
:: to succeed
Glück im Unglück {n}
:: blessing in disguise
glücklich {adj}
:: happy; both momentarily and generally in life
glücklich {adj}
:: lucky; fortunate
glückliche Fügung {f}
:: serendipity
glücklicher {adj}
:: comparative of glücklich
glücklicherweise {adv}
:: fortunately; luckily
Glücklichkeit {f}
:: happiness
glücklichsten {adj}
:: superlative of glücklich
glücklos {adj}
:: luckless
glückloser {adj}
:: comparative of glücklos
glücklosesten {adj}
:: superlative of glücklos
Glücksbringer {m}
:: lucky charm, talisman, amulet
glückselig {adj}
:: blissful
glückselig {adj}
:: beatific
Glückseligkeit {f}
:: beatitude
Glückseligkeit {f}
:: bliss
glucksen {vi}
:: to chortle, chuckle
Glücksfall {m}
:: godsend, fluke (a stroke of luck, a lucky or improbable occurrence)
Glücksgefühl {n}
:: feeling of happiness, euphoria
Glücksgriff {m}
:: good / wise choice; lucky find
Glückshaut {f}
:: caul
Glückskeks {m}
:: fortune cookie
Glückskind {n}
:: lucky person
Glückspilz {m}
:: lucky devil
Glücksrad {n}
:: Fortune's wheel
Glücksrad {n}
:: The German incarnation of the American game show Wheel of Fortune
Glücksritter {m}
:: adventurer, fortune-hunter
Glücksritter {m}
:: man with a position in the social world
Glücksritter {m}
:: soldier of fortune, mercenary
Glücksspiel {n}
:: game of chance
Glücksspiel {n}
:: gamble
Glücksspieler {m}
:: gambler
Glücksspielerin {f}
:: female gambler
Glückstadt {prop}
:: Glückstadt (town)
Glückstag {m}
:: lucky day
Glückwunsch {m}
:: congratulation
Gluconat {n}
:: gluconate
Gluconeogenese {f}
:: gluconeogenesis
Glucose {f}
:: alternative form of Glukose
Glühbirne {f}
:: light bulb (lamp consisting of a glass bulb with a heated filament, or similar lighting article)
glühen {v}
:: to glow
Glühen {n}
:: glow
Glühen {n}
:: incandescence
glühend {adj}
:: glowing, light-emitting, bright-hot
glühend {adj}
:: fervent
Glühfaden {m}
:: filament (in an electric lamp)
Glühlampe {f}
:: incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp
Glühlampenwendel {f}
:: filament (of a light bulb)
Glühröhrchen {n}
:: ignition tube
Glühröhrchenprobe {f}
:: ignition tube test
Glühstrumpf {m}
:: gas mantle
Glühwein {m}
:: mulled wine
Glühwendel {f}
:: filament (in an incandescent light bulb)
Glühwurm {m}
:: glowworm, firefly
Glühwürmchen {n}
:: glowworm, firefly
Glukose {f}
:: glucose
Glumse {f}
:: quark cheese
Gluon {n}
:: gluon
glupschen {v}
:: to look with big eyes; to eye
Glurns {prop}
:: Glurns (municipality)
Glut {f}
:: great heat from (or as if from) something that glows
Glut {f}
:: embers, a quantity of glowing coals
Glutamat {n}
:: glutamate
Glutaminsäure {f}
:: glutamic acid
Glutathion {n}
:: glutathione
Glutathionperoxidase {f}
:: glutathione peroxidase
Gluten {n}
:: gluten
glutenfrei {adj}
:: gluten-free (containing no gluten)
glutrot {adj}
:: dark red (in colour)
Glycerid {n}
:: glyceride
Glycerin {n}
:: glycerine
Glycin {n}
:: glycine (amino acid)
Glycolipid {n}
:: glycolipid
Glycolsäure {n}
:: glycolic acid
Glycosyltransferase {f}
:: glycosyltransferase
Glykogen {n}
:: glycogen
Glykogensynthasekinase {f}
:: glycogen synthase kinase
Glykolsäure {f}
:: glycolic acid
Glykolyse {f}
:: glycolysis
Glyphosat {n}
:: glyphosate
GmbH {noun}
:: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Gmunden {prop} {n}
:: Gmunden (municipality)
GN8 {phrase}
:: abbreviation of gute Nacht
Gnad' {noun}
:: contraction of Gnade
Gnade {f}
:: mercy
Gnade {f}
:: grace
Gnade {f}
:: graciousness
Gnade {f}
:: pardon
gnaden {v}
:: to have mercy on somebody
Gnadendorf {prop} {n}
:: Gnadendorf (municipality)
gnadenlos {adj}
:: merciless
Gnadenschuss {m}
:: coup de grace
Gnadenschuß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Gnadenschuss
Gnadenstoß {m}
:: coup de grâce
Gnadenwald {prop} {n}
:: Gnadenwald (municipality)
gnädig {adj}
:: gracious
gnädig {adj}
:: propitious
gnädig {adj}
:: merciful
Gnas {prop} {n}
:: Gnas (municipality)
Gnat {f}
:: Gnat (jet fighter aircraft)
Gneis {m}
:: gneiss
Gnesau {prop} {n}
:: Gnesau (municipality)
Gnitze {f}
:: biting midge
Gnom {m}
:: gnome, goblin, dwarf
Gnoseologie {f}
:: epistemology
Gnosis {f}
:: gnosis
Gnostiker {m}
:: Gnostic, a believer in Gnosticism
Gnostikerin {f}
:: Gnostic, a believer in Gnosticism
gnostisch {adj}
:: Gnostic, related to Gnosticism
Gnostizismus {m}
:: Gnosticism
Gnu {n}
:: gnu
Go {n}
:: go (board game)
Goalmann {m}
:: goalkeeper
Gobi {f}
:: a desert in China and Mongolia; Gobi
Goch {prop} {n}
:: Goch (municipality)
Gödel {prop}
:: surname
Goethe {prop}
:: surname, notably of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Goethesch {adj}
:: Goethean
Goethit {m}
:: goethite
Göffel {m}
:: spork; foon (eating utensil)
Göfis {prop} {n}
:: Göfis (municipality)
Gogel {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Gogel {f}
:: alternative form of Kogel
Goi {m}
:: A goy, gentile in the Jewish sense of ethnic non-Jew
goidelisch {adj}
:: Goidelic
Goj {m}
:: alternative form of Goi
Gold {n}
:: gold (chemical element, Au)
goldartig {adj}
:: golden
Goldbarren {m}
:: bullion (gold bars)
Goldberg {prop} {n}
:: Goldberg (municipality)
Goldbergbau {m}
:: gold mining
Goldbergbau {m}
:: gold-mining industry
Goldbergwerk {n}
:: gold mine
Goldblat {prop}
:: surname
Goldblättchen {n}
:: diminutive of Goldblatt
Goldblech {n}
:: sheet gold, gold foil
Goldbulle {f}
:: golden bull (decree issued by an emperor)
Golddistel {f}
:: golden thistle (Scolymus gen. et spp.)
Golddistel {f}
:: common carline thistle (Carlina vulgaris)
Golddraht {m}
:: gold wire
golden {adj}
:: golden; gold (made of gold)
golden {adj}
:: golden (gold-coloured)
goldene Hochzeit {f}
:: golden wedding
Goldene Hochzeit {f}
:: alternative form of goldene Hochzeit
Goldener Schnitt {prop} {m}
:: golden ratio
Goldene Zahl {prop} {f}
:: the irrational number phi of the golden ratio / golden section (sectio aurea)
Goldene Zahl {prop} {f}
:: golden number (numerus aureus)
Golden Goal {n}
:: golden goal
Goldesel {m}
:: cash cow
Goldfaden {m}
:: gold thread
Goldfarb {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Goldfarbe {f}
:: gilt, gilding
goldfarben {adj}
:: golden (gold-coloured)
goldfarbig {adj}
:: golden (gold-coloured)
Goldfisch {m}
:: goldfish, Carassius auratus
goldgelb {adj}
:: golden-yellow (in colour)
Goldgewinnung {f}
:: gold production / recovery
goldglänzend {adj}
:: shining like gold
Goldgräber {m}
:: gold digger
Goldgräberstimmung {f}
:: gold rush mood
Goldgrube {f}
:: gold mine
Goldgrube {f}
:: gold mine, bonanza, money-spinner (very profitable economic venture)
goldgrün {adj}
:: golden-green
Goldhähnchen {n}
:: goldcrest
goldhaltig {adj}
:: auriferous
goldhältig {adj}
:: alternative form of goldhaltig
Goldhamster {m}
:: golden hamster
Goldhochzeit {f}
:: alternative form of Goldene Hochzeit
goldig {adj}
:: golden (color)
goldig {adj}
:: cute
goldiger {adj}
:: comparative of goldig
goldigsten {adj}
:: superlative of goldig
Goldkopf {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Goldkopflöwenäffchen {n}
:: golden-headed lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysomelas
Goldlack {m}
:: common wallflower (Erysimum cheiri)
Goldlagerstätte {f}
:: gold deposit
Goldlegierung {f}
:: gold alloy
Goldlöffelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Goldlöffel
Goldmedaille {f}
:: gold medal
Goldmine {f}
:: goldmine
Goldmünze {f}
:: gold (coin)
Goldrausch {m}
:: gold rush
goldrichtig {adj}
:: spot-on
goldrot {adj}
:: golden-red
Goldrute {f}
:: goldenrod
Goldschakal {m}
:: golden jackal
Goldschmidt {prop}
:: surname
Goldschmied {m}
:: goldsmith
Goldschmiedin {f}
:: feminine noun of Goldschmied
Goldschnabelralle {f}
:: paint-billed crake
Goldschopfpinguin {m}
:: macaroni penguin
Goldschraube {f}
:: gold screw
Goldspecht {m}
:: northern flicker
Goldstandard {m}
:: gold standard
Goldstein {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Goldwörth {prop} {n}
:: Goldwörth (municipality)
Golem {f}
:: golem (creature from clay)
Golf {m}
:: bay, gulf
Golf {n}
:: golf
Golf {m}
:: Volkswagen Golf, the most popular car in Germany throughout the 1980s and 1990s
Golfball {m}
:: a golf ball
golfen {v}
:: to play golf
Golfer {m}
:: golfer
Golferin {f}
:: female golfer
Golfklub {m}
:: golf club (organization)
Golfkrieg {prop} {m}
:: Gulf War (one of several wars fought in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s)
Golfkriegssyndrom {n}
:: Gulf War syndrome
Golfplatz {m}
:: golf course
Golfschläger {m}
:: golf club (equipment)
Golfspieler {m}
:: golfer
Golfspielerin {f}
:: female golfer
Golfstaat {m}
:: Gulf State
Golfstrom {m}
:: Gulf Stream
Golftang {m}
:: sargasso (brown alga of the genus Sargassum)
Golf von Alaska {prop} {m}
:: Gulf of Alaska
Golf von Bengalen {prop} {m}
:: Bay of Bengal
Golf von Biskaya {prop} {m}
:: Bay of Biscay
Golf von Guinea {prop} {m}
:: Gulf of Guinea
Golf von Kalifornien {prop} {m}
:: Gulf of California, Sea of Cortez
Golf von Mexiko {prop} {m}
:: Gulf of Mexico
Goliath {prop} {m}
:: Goliath
Göllersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Göllersdorf (municipality)
Gollum {m}
:: Gollum
Gols {prop}
:: Gols (municipality)
Göming {prop} {n}
:: Göming (municipality)
Gonade {f}
:: gonad (sex gland such as a testicle or ovary)
Gondel {f}
:: gondola
Gondellied {n}
:: barcarole
Gondwana {prop} {n}
:: Gondwana (southern supercontinent)
gönnen {v}
:: to allow
gönnen {v}
:: to afford
gönnen {vr}
:: to indulge oneself, to treat oneself
gönnen {v}
:: to be happy for someone because of their happiness
Gönnen {n}
:: the state of granting
Gönner {m}
:: patron, benefactor, backer, favorer, sponsor (male or of unspecified sex)
gönnerhaft {adj}
:: condescending, patronizing
Gönnerschaft {f}
:: patronage
Gönnung {f}
:: indulging
googeln {v}
:: to google
Google {prop} {n}
:: Google (search engine)
Googol {n}
:: googol
Göppingen {prop} {n}
:: A town near Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Gör {n}
:: alternative form of Göre
Gorbatschow {prop} {mf}
:: Gorbachev, a Russian name; referring especially to Michail Gorbatschow (Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet head of state) and Wodka Gorbatschow, Germany's leading vodka brand
Gordischer Knoten {m}
:: Gordian knot
Göre {f}
:: cheeky young child
Göriach {prop} {n}
:: Göriach (municipality)
Gorilla {m}
:: gorilla
Gorleben {prop}
:: A small town in the Gartow region of Lüchow-Dannenberg
Görlitz {prop} {n}
:: Görlitz
Goropismus {m}
:: goropism
Görz {prop} {n}
:: Görz (town)
Gosau {prop} {n}
:: Gosau (municipality)
Gosch {f}
:: alternative form of Gosche
Gösch {f}
:: flag on the bow of a ship
Gösch {f}
:: little flag in the corner of a flag (such as the Union Jack within the flag of Australia)
Gosche {f}
:: mouth
Goschen {f}
:: alternative form of Gosche
Goscherl {n}
:: mouth
Goscherl {n}
:: clipping of Froschgoscherl
goschert {adj}
:: cheeky
Gose {f}
:: gose (beer)
Goslar {prop}
:: Goslar (town)
Gosse {f}
:: gutter (most often as a symbol for alcoholism, homelessness, and/or other social hardships)
Gössel {n}
:: gosling
Gössendorf {prop} {n}
:: Gössendorf (municipality)
Gote {m}
:: Goth (male or of unspecified sex) (a person belonging to the Gothic people)
Gotik {prop} {f}
:: the gothic epoch in architecture
Gotin {f}
:: Goth (female) (a woman or girl belonging to the Gothic people)
gotisch {adj}
:: Gothic
Gotisch {n}
:: Gothic (the Gothic language)
Gotisch {f}
:: Gothic script (the Gothic typeface)
gotische Schrift {f}
:: Gothic alphabet
gotische Schrift {f}
:: blackletter
Gott {m}
:: god
Gott {prop} {m}
:: God
GOtt {prop} {m}
:: alternative case form of Gott
Götterbild {n}
:: idol
Götterdämmerung {f}
:: twilight of the gods, Götterdämmerung
Götterdienst {m}
:: polytheistic worship
Göttergatte {m}
:: husband
gottergeben {adj}
:: resigned (out of duty)
Götterspeise {f}
:: ambrosia
Götterspeise {f}
:: jelly, jello
Gottesacker {m}
:: graveyard, God's acre
Gottesanbeterin {f}
:: mantis, praying mantis
Gottesbeweis {m}
:: proof of the existence of God
Gottesdienst {m}
:: worship (religious ceremony)
Gottesdienst {m}
:: divine service, church service, religious service
Gottesfurcht {f}
:: fear of God
gottesfürchtig {adj}
:: god-fearing
Gottesgebärerin {prop} {f}
:: Mother of God (the Virgin Mary)
Gottesgnadentum {n}
:: divine right of kings
Gotteshaus {n}
:: place of worship, house of God
Gotteslamm {prop} {m}
:: Lamb of God
gotteslästerlich {adj}
:: blasphemous, sacrilegious
Gotteslästerung {f}
:: blasphemy
Gottesleugner {m}
:: atheist
Gottesleugnung {f}
:: atheism
gottesmillionisch {adj}
:: extremely, very
Gottesmord {m}
:: deicide
Gottesmutter {prop} {f}
:: Mother of God (the Virgin Mary)
Gottesurteil {n}
:: ordeal (trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test)
Gottfried {prop}
:: given name
gottfroh {adj}
:: Very happy
gottgefällig {adj}
:: godly
gottgegeben {adj}
:: God-given
gottgleich {adj}
:: godlike
Gott hab ihn selig {phrase}
:: God rest his soul; God have mercy on his soul (blessing used when mentioning a beloved deceased male person)
Gott hab sie selig {phrase}
:: God rest her soul; God have mercy on her soul (blessing used when mentioning a beloved deceased female person)
Gott hab sie selig {phrase}
:: God rest their souls; God have mercy on their souls (blessing used when mentioning several beloved deceased people)
Gotthard {prop}
:: given name
Gotthard {prop}
:: surname, more often spelled Gotthardt
Gotthardt {prop}
:: surname
Gottheit {f}
:: deity (essential nature of a god, divinity)
Gottheit {f}
:: The state of being a god; divinity
Gotthelf {prop} {m}
:: surname
Götti {m}
:: godfather
Gott im Himmel {interj}
:: good heavens, oh my God
Göttin {f}
:: goddess
Göttingen {prop} {n}
:: Göttingen (independent city)
Gottklasse {f}
:: God class
göttlich {adj}
:: divine, godly
göttlicher {adj}
:: comparative of göttlich
göttliche Vorsehung {f}
:: Divine Providence
Göttlichkeit {f}
:: godliness, divinity
göttlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of göttlich
Gottlieb {prop} {m}
:: given name
Gottlieb {prop} {m}
:: surname
gottlos {adj}
:: godless; atheist; not professing faith in God
gottlos {adj}
:: evil; ungodly; diabolic; reprobate
Gottlosigkeit {f}
:: wickedness
Gottlosigkeit {f}
:: godlessness
Gott mit uns {phrase}
:: "God is with us"
Gottobjekt {n}
:: synonym of God object
gottsch. {adj}
:: abbreviation of gottscheerisch
Gottschalk {prop} {m}
:: given name
Gottschalk {prop} {mf}
:: surname
gottscheerisch {adj}
:: Gottscheerish; of or pertaining to the Gottscheers or their Germanic lect
Gottseibeiuns {m}
:: the Devil; Satan
gottseidank {adv}
:: alternative spelling of Gott sei Dank
Gott sei Dank {adv}
:: fortunately; luckily
Gott sei Dank {interj}
:: thank goodness; thank God
Gottseligkeit {f}
:: piety, godliness
Gottvater {m}
:: God the Father, as the first person of Trinity
gottverdammt {adj}
:: goddamned
gottverdammt {interj}
:: goddamn
gottverlassen {adj}
:: godforsaken
Götze {m}
:: idol
Götze {m}
:: any image; a mask, a mummer
Götze {m}
:: fool
Götze {prop}
:: surname
Götzendämmerung {f}
:: twilight of the idols
Götzendiener {m}
:: idolator
Götzendienst {m}
:: idolatry
Götzens {prop} {n}
:: Götzens (municipality)
Götzis {prop} {n}
:: Götzis (municipality)
Gouache {f}
:: gouache
Gouda {m}
:: A type of cheese
Gouda {prop}
:: Gouda (city)
Gourmet {m}
:: gourmet
goutieren {v}
:: to appreciate
goutieren {v}
:: to approve
Gouvernante {f}
:: governess
Gouverneur {m}
:: governor (male or of unspecified sex)
GPS {n}
:: GPS
G-Punkt {m}
:: G-spot (sensitive, erogenous zone on the vagina)
gr. {adj}
:: abbreviation of griechisch
Grab {n}
:: grave
Grab {n}
:: tomb
Grabbeigabe {f}
:: funerary object (grave goods)
Grabbelkiste {f}
:: box of spare parts
grabbeln {v}
:: to grab
Grabbeltisch {m}
:: bargain bin
graben {vti}
:: to dig
graben {vtir}
:: to burrow
Graben {m}
:: ditch
Graben {m}
:: trench
Graben {m}
:: graben
Grabenkampf {m}
:: trench warfare
Graber {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Gräber {m}
:: digger (someone or something that digs)
Grabern {prop} {n}
:: Grabern (municipality)
Grabeskirche {prop} {f}
:: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Grabesritter {m}
:: Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
Grabhügel {m}
:: tumulus, burial mound, grave mound
Grablicht {n}
:: grave lantern
Grabmal {n}
:: tomb
Grabrede {f}
:: eulogy
Grabstein {m}
:: gravestone, tombstone
Grabtuch {n}
:: shroud
Gracht {f}
:: canal within a city (with residential buildings on either side)
Grachtenrundfahrt {f}
:: touristic boat tour along the city canals (as operated in many Dutch cities)
grad {adv}
:: alternative form of gerade
Grad {m}
:: degree
Grad Celsius {m}
:: degree Celsius
Gradient {m}
:: gradient
gradlinig {adj}
:: alternative form of geradlinig
graduell {adj}
:: gradual (proceeding by steps or small degrees)
-graf {suffix}
:: alternative form of -graph
Graf {m}
:: count (member of German nobility)
Graf {m}
:: earl (a British or Irish nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquess)
Graf {prop}
:: surname
Graf {m}
:: alternative spelling of Graph (smallest unit in a text)
Grafem {n}
:: rare spelling of Graphem
Grafenegg {prop} {n}
:: Grafenegg (municipality)
Grafenschachen {prop} {n}
:: Grafenschachen (municipality)
Grafenschlag {prop} {n}
:: Grafenschlag (municipality)
Grafenwörth {prop} {n}
:: Grafenwörth (municipality)
Graffiti {n}
:: graffiti
Graffito {n} {m}
:: graffito
-grafie {suffix}
:: alternative form of -graphie
Grafik {f}
:: graph
Grafik {f}
:: chart, diagram, graphic
Grafikkarte {f}
:: video card
Gräfin {f}
:: countess
-grafisch {suffix}
:: -graphic
grafisch {adj}
:: graphic, graphical
grafische Benutzeroberfläche {f}
:: graphical user interface
Grafit {m}
:: alternative form of Graphit
grafithaltig {adj}
:: graphitic
gräflich {adj}
:: comital, of or pertaining to a count or an earl
gräflich {adj}
:: belonging to a count or earl
gräflich {adv}
:: lordly, like a count or earl
Grafschaft {f}
:: county (land ruled by a count or countess)
Grahambrot {n}
:: Graham bread
Graka {f}
:: graphics card
Gral {m}
:: grail
Gral {m}
:: clipping of Heiliger Gral (Holy Grail)
Gralla {prop} {n}
:: Gralla (municipality)
gram {adj}
:: angry
Gram {m}
:: grief
Gramastetten {prop} {n}
:: Gramastetten (municipality)
grämen {vt}
:: to trouble; to worry; to make unhappy
grämen {vr}
:: to feel sorrow; to worry; to be unhappy
Gramm {n}
:: gram (unit of mass)
Grammatik {f}
:: grammar
grammatikalisch {adj}
:: grammatical
grammatikalisieren {v}
:: to grammaticalize
Grammatikalisierung {f}
:: grammaticalization
Grammatiker {m}
:: grammarian
grammatisch {adj}
:: grammatical
grammatischer Wechsel {m}
:: Verner alternation
Gramm-Molekül {n}
:: gram molecule, mole
gramvoll {adj}
:: sorrowful
Grän {prop} {n}
:: Grän (municipality)
Granat {m}
:: The common shrimp, Crangon crangon
Granat {m}
:: garnet
Granatapfel {m}
:: pomegranate
Granate {f}
:: a grenade (weapon)
granatenvoll {adj}
:: Completely drunk
Grande {m}
:: grandee (person of high rank)
grandios {adj}
:: grandiose
Granit {m}
:: granite
graniten {adj}
:: granite
Granne {f}
:: awn
Granne {f}
:: the bristly tip of the husks of grasses, cereals, and grains
Granne {f}
:: stiff hair protruding from the fur or outer coat of mammals
Grant {m}
:: resentment
grantig {adj}
:: grumpy, angry
Granulat {n}
:: granule
Granulat {n}
:: pellet
Granulat {n}
:: granulate
Gränze {f}
:: alternative form of Grenze
Grapefrucht {f}
:: grapefruit
Grapefruit {f}
:: grapefruit
Grapefruitlöffel {m}
:: grapefruit spoon
Grapefruitsaft {m}
:: grapefruit juice
-graph {suffix}
:: -graph
Graph {m}
:: graph
Graph {n}
:: a symbol as the smallest unit in a text which has not yet been classified as a grapheme
Graphem {n}
:: grapheme
graphematisch {adj}
:: graphemic
Graphemik {f}
:: graphemics
Graphentheorie {f}
:: graph theory
-graphie {suffix}
:: -graphy
-graphisch {suffix}
:: -graphic
graphisch {adj}
:: alternative spelling of grafisch
Graphit {m}
:: graphite
graphitartig {adj}
:: graphite-like
graphitfarben {adj}
:: graphite-grey (in colour)
graphitfarben {adj}
:: charcoal grey
Graphitfluorid {n}
:: graphite fluoride
graphithaltig {adj}
:: graphitic
graphitieren {v}
:: To graphitize
Graphitieren {n}
:: graphitization
graphitiert {v}
:: past participle of graphitieren
Graphitrohr {n}
:: graphite tube / furnace
Graphitrohrofen {m}
:: graphite tube furnace
Graphitrohrtechnik {f}
:: graphite furnace technique/technology
Grappa {m}
:: grappa
grapschen {vt}
:: to grab
grapschen {vt}
:: to grab hold
grapschen {vi}
:: to make a grab for sth
grapschen {vt}
:: to grope (touch closely and sexually)
Gras {n}
:: grass (plant)
Gras {n}
:: weed, marijuana
grasbewachsen {adj}
:: grassy (overgrown with grass)
Grasdach {n}
:: grass roof, sod roof, turf roof
grasen {v}
:: to graze
grasgrün {adj}
:: grass-green
Grashüpfer {m}
:: grasshopper
Grasmücke {f}
:: warbler
grassieren {v}
:: to rampant, rage
grässlich {adj}
:: ghastly, horrific
Grassteppe {f}
:: grass steppe, grassland
Grat {m}
:: ridge
Grat {m}
:: edge
Gräte {f}
:: fishbone
grätig {adj}
:: bony (especially of fish)
grätig {adj}
:: grumpy (in a bad mood)
gratis {adv}
:: free, without charge
Gratkorn {prop} {n}
:: Gratkorn (municipality)
Grätsche {f}
:: straddle jump
Grätsche {f}
:: slide tackle
Gratulation {f}
:: congratulation
gratulieren {vi}
:: to congratulate
Gratwanderung {f}
:: walking along mountain ridges
Gratwanderung {f}
:: tightrope walking
grau {adj}
:: grey, gray
Grau {n}
:: grey (color)
graublau {adj}
:: grey-blue, powder blue
graubraun {noun}
:: greyish-brown, nutria
Graubrot {n}
:: greyish sourdough bread, usually with a rye content
Graubruststrandläufer {m}
:: pectoral sandpiper (bird of the species Calidris melanotos)
Graubünden {prop} {n}
:: Graubünden (canton)
graue Eminenz {f}
:: éminence grise
Graue Eminenz {f}
:: alternative case form of graue Eminenz
Gräuel {m}
:: horror, atrocity
Gräuel {m}
:: aversion, anathema
Gräueltat {f}
:: atrocity
grauen {v}
:: to cause terror
grauen {vr}
:: to be terrified
grauen {vi}
:: to break
grauen {v}
:: to become grey
Grauen {n}
:: horror
grauenhaft {adj}
:: gruesome, atrocious
grauenhaft {adv}
:: horrifically, horrendously
grauenvoll {adj}
:: awful, gruesome, terrible, horrifying
grauenvoll {adv}
:: cruelly, horribly, ghastly
graufarben {adj}
:: grey (in colour)
Graugans {f}
:: greylag goose (Anser anser)
Graugans {f}
:: wild goose
graugelb {adj}
:: grey-yellow
Graukatze {f}
:: Chinese desert cat, Chinese mountain cat
Graukehlralle {f}
:: Madagascar wood rail
gräulich {adj}
:: grayish
gräulich {adj}
:: horrible, ghoulish
Graumennigvogel {m}
:: ashy minivet
Graupe {f}
:: pearl barley; hulled wheat
Graupel {f} {m}
:: graupel; soft hail
Gräuplein {n}
:: diminutive of Graupe
Graureiher {m}
:: grey heron
Graus {m}
:: horror
grausam {adj}
:: cruel; heartless; atrocious; callous
grausam {adj}
:: horrible; gruesome; savage
grausam {adv}
:: cruelly, brutally, ferociously
Grausamkeit {f}
:: cruelty
Grausamkeit {f}
:: savageness
Grauschnäpper {m}
:: the spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
grauschwarz {adj}
:: grayish black
Grauschwarz {n}
:: grayish black
grausen {v}
:: to cause to feel dread
grausen {vr}
:: to feel dread
Grausen {n}
:: horror
grausig {adj}
:: gruesome
grausig {adv}
:: gruesomely, grisly, horribly
grauviolett {adj}
:: grey-violet (colour)
Grauweiss {n}
:: alternative spelling of Grauweiß
grauweiß {adj}
:: grayish white
Grauweiß {n}
:: grayish white (color)
Grauzone {f}
:: gray area or twilight zone
Graveur {m}
:: engraver
gravieren {v}
:: to engrave
gravierend {adj}
:: grave, serious
Gravimetrie {f}
:: gravimetry (gravimetric analysis)
gravimetrisch {adj}
:: gravimetric
Gravis {m}
:: grave accent
Gravitas {f}
:: seriousness, gravitas
Gravitation {f}
:: gravitation
Gravitationsfeld {n}
:: gravitational field
Gravitationskonstante {f}
:: gravitational constant
Gravitationswechselwirkung {f}
:: gravitational interaction
Gravitationswelle {f}
:: gravitational wave
gravitätisch {adj}
:: grave, solemn, dignified
gravitativ {adj}
:: gravitational
Graviton {n}
:: graviton
graw {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of grau
Graz {prop}
:: Graz (city/state capital)
Grazer {m}
:: a Grazer (native or inhabitant of Graz)
Grazer {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Graz
grazil {adj}
:: graceful, delicate
graziler {adj}
:: comparative of grazil
grazilsten {adj}
:: superlative of grazil
graziös {adj}
:: graceful
gräzistisch {adj}
:: of or relating to Gräzistik
Gräzität {f}
:: the character of the Ancient Greek language, customs, or culture; Hellenism
Gräzität {f}
:: the Greek language
grch. {adj}
:: abbreviation of griechisch
Grd. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Grundstück
grds. {adj}
:: abbreviation of grundsätzlich
Grdst. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Grundstück
Greenockit {m}
:: greenockite
Gregor {prop}
:: given name
gregorianisch {adj}
:: Gregorian
Greif {m}
:: griffin
Greif {m}
:: griffin
greifbar {adj}
:: palpable, tangible
greifen {vt}
:: to grab; to grasp; to grip (something)
greifen {vt}
:: to grab; to seize; to snatch (in an aggressive way)
greifen {vi}
:: to reach; to grab
greifen {vt}
:: to capture (someone)
greifen {vt}
:: to strike
greifen {vi}
:: to take hold; to bite
Greifenburg {prop} {n}
:: Greifenburg (municipality)
Greifswald {prop} {n}
:: Greifswald (town)
Greifvogel {m}
:: a bird of the order Falconiformes
Greifvogel {m}
:: a bird of the newly created order Accipitriformes
Grein {prop} {n}
:: surname
Grein {prop} {n}
:: Grein (municipality)
Greinbach {prop} {n}
:: Greinbach (municipality)
greinen {v}
:: to whine, to moan
greis {adj}
:: aged, very old, especially when decrepit or senile
greis {adj}
:: grey (also generally implying very old age, not usually of people in their 40s or 50s)
Greis {m}
:: (very) old man (in the plural gender-free)
greisenhaft {adj}
:: senile
Greisenhaftigkeit {f}
:: senility
Greisin {f}
:: very old woman
greislich {adj}
:: repulsive, disgusting
Greißlerei {f}
:: grocery
Greiz {prop} {n}
:: Greiz (municipality)
grell {adj}
:: (of light) glaring, lurid
grell {adj}
:: (of colour) loud, garish
grell {adj}
:: shrill
grellfarben {adj}
:: lurid (in colour)
Gremium {n}
:: body (often political)
Gremium {n}
:: committee
Gremium {n}
:: panel
Grenada {prop} {n}
:: Grenada (island/and/country)
Grenader {m}
:: Grenadian
Grenaderin {f}
:: female Grenadian
grenadisch {adj}
:: Grenadian
grenzdebil {adj}
:: stupid (somewhat retarded)
Grenze {f}
:: border
Grenze {f}
:: limit
Grenze {f}
:: frontier
grenzen {v}
:: to border
grenzenlos {adj}
:: boundless, limitless
Grenzfall {m}
:: borderline case
Grenzfläche {f}
:: interface
Grenzfläche {f}
:: boundary
Grenzfluss {m}
:: a river that forms a border; border river
Grenzland {n}
:: borderland, frontier
grenznah {adj}
:: border (attributive)
Grenzschließung {f}
:: border closure
Grenzschutz {m}
:: border guard
Grenzstein {m}
:: boundary stone, border stone, landmark
Grenzübergang {m}
:: Checkpoint
Grenzwert {m}
:: limit
grenzwertig {adj}
:: borderline, marginal
Gresse {prop} {n}
:: Gresse (municipality)
Gressenich {prop}
:: A locality in the Stolberg district of Aachen
Gressenicher {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Gressenich
Gresten {prop} {n}
:: Gresten (municipality)
Gretchen {prop} {n}
:: A pet form of Margarete
Gretchenfrage {f}
:: A question as to the addressee's religiosity or belief in God
Gretchenfrage {f}
:: Any question going directly to the core of an issue
Gretchenfrage {f}
:: A crucial question that usually has a difficult or unpleasant answer
Grete {prop}
:: given name derived from Margarete
Gretel {prop} {n} {f}
:: given name, a pet form of Margarete
Gretel {prop} {n} {f}
:: Gretel, the girl in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel (original German name: Hänsel und Gretel (Hänsel und Grethel))
Grethe {prop} {f}
:: given name derived from Margarethe (Margarete)
Greuel {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Gräuel
greulich {adj}
:: dated spelling of gräulich
Grevyzebra {n}
:: Grévy's zebra
Greyerzer {m}
:: Gruyère
Grhzm. {n}
:: abbreviation of Großherzogtum
Grhzt. {n}
:: abbreviation of Großherzogtum
griawig {adj}
:: lively, merry
griawig {adj}
:: terrible
griawig {adj}
:: peaceful
Griebe {f}
:: greaves, crackling
Griebenschmalz {n}
:: lard that contains gribenes/crackling
griech. {adj}
:: abbreviation of griechisch
Grieche {m}
:: a Greek (person)
Griechenland {prop} {n}
:: Greece
Griechin {f}
:: Greek (female inhabitant, etc., of Greece)
griechisch {adj}
:: Grecian, Greek; from or related to Greece
Griechisch {n}
:: Greek language
Griechisch {n}
:: Greek alphabet
Griechische {n}
:: alternative form of Griechisch
griechische Minuskelschrift {f}
:: Greek minuscule script
griechisch-katholisch {adj}
:: Greek Catholic
griechisch-orthodox {adj}
:: Greek Orthodox
Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche {prop}
:: Greek Orthodox Church
griechisch-römisch {adj}
:: Greco-Roman
griechisch-römisch {adj}
:: Greek Catholic
griechisch-uniert {adj}
:: synonym of griechisch-katholisch
grienen {v}
:: to grin; to smirk (often maliciously)
gries {adj}
:: grey, greyish (chiefly of hair and weather)
Griesgram {m}
:: grumpy, ill-tempered person
griesgrämig {adj}
:: grouchy
Grieskirchen {prop} {n}
:: Grieskirchen (municipality)
Griess {m}
:: alternative spelling of Grieß
Grieß {m}
:: semolina
Griezmann {prop}
:: surname
Griff {m}
:: grip
Griff {m}
:: handle
Griffbrett {n}
:: fingerboard
Griffel {m}
:: stylus, pen, slate pencil; an antiquated writing tool, used in ancient times, prior to the appearance of blackboards
Griffel {m}
:: style
Griffel {m}
:: fingers, mitts
Griffen {prop} {n}
:: Griffen (municipality)
grifffest {adj}
:: touch-dry
griffig {adj}
:: firm, non-slip
Grill {m}
:: grill
Grille {f}
:: cricket (insect of the family Gryllidae)
Grille {f}
:: hobby
grillen {v}
:: to grill
grillieren {v}
:: to grill
Grimaldiit {m}
:: grimaldiite
Grimasse {f}
:: grimace, gurn
Grimassen schneiden {v}
:: to grimace, to pull faces
Grimm {m}
:: wrath, rage
Grimm {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Grimmdarm {m}
:: colon (digestive system)
Grimmenstein {prop} {n}
:: Grimmenstein (municipality)
grimmig {adj}
:: grim, fierce, ferocious
grimmig {adj}
:: grumpy (facial expression)
Grimmsch {adj}
:: Grimmian
Grind {m}
:: scab
Grind {m}
:: head
grindig {adj}
:: scabby, impetiginous
Grindwal {m}
:: pilot whale, Globicephala melas
Grins {prop}
:: Grins (municipality)
Grinsekatze {prop} {f}
:: the Cheshire cat
grinsen {v}
:: to grin
Grinsen {n}
:: grin
Grinzens {prop} {n}
:: Grinzens (municipality)
Grippe {f}
:: flu; influenza; grippe
grippeähnlich {adj}
:: fluelike
Grippesymptom {n}
:: flu symptom
Grippevirus {m} {n}
:: flu virus
grippoid {adj}
:: flulike
grippös {adj}
:: flulike
Grips {m}
:: wit; intellect; understanding; nous
Grisperl {n}
:: a skinny, weak person
griveliert {adj}
:: white mottled with grey
Grizzlybär {m}
:: grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
grob {adj}
:: coarse, rough
grob {adj}
:: uncouth, rude, crude
grobgemahlen {adj}
:: coarsely-ground
Grobian {m}
:: brute
grobianisch {adj}
:: crude, rough
grobkörnig {adj}
:: coarse ground, grainy
Grobkörnigkeit {f}
:: coarseness
Gröbming {prop} {n}
:: Gröbming (municipality)
grobporig {adj}
:: Having large pores
grobschlächtig {adj}
:: uncouth
Grödig {prop} {n}
:: Grödig (municipality)
Gröfaz {m}
:: Adolf Hitler
Grog {m}
:: grog
Grogram {noun}
:: grogram (a strong fabric; a mixture of silk and wool or mohair)
grölen {v}
:: to bawl; to bellow; to chant
Groll {prop} {n}
:: surname
Groll {m}
:: grudge
grollen {vt}
:: to grumble, to thunder
grollen {vt}
:: to be angry
Grönland {prop} {n}
:: Greenland
Grönländer {m}
:: Greenlander (man from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent)
Grönländerin {f}
:: Greenlander (woman from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent)
grönländisch {adj}
:: Greenlandic, Greenlandish (related to Greenland, its people or its language)
Grönländisch {prop} {n}
:: Greenlandic, Greenlandish (language)
Groove {n}
:: the sense of propulsive rhythmic feel, groove
groovig {adj}
:: (music style) groovy
Groppe {f}
:: sculpin, European bullhead
Gros {n}
:: A gross, 144
Groschen {m}
:: groschen; any of a number of (chiefly obsolete) coins with a related name
Groschen {m}
:: grosz (unit of currency in Poland, 1/100 of a zloty)
Groschen {m}
:: former unit of currency, worth 1/100 of a schilling
Groschen {m}
:: an unofficial name for a coin worth 1/10 of a main currency
Groschen {m}
:: a 10-pfennig coin
Groschen {m}
:: a 10-cent coin
Groschen {m}
:: any comparable coin in another currency
gross {adj}
:: alternative spelling of groß
Gross {n}
:: alternative spelling of Gros
Gross {prop}
:: surname
groß {adj}
:: big, large, large-scale
groß {adj}
:: great, grand
groß {adj}
:: tall
Groß {n}
:: alternative spelling of Gros
Groß {prop}
:: surname
Großadmiral {m}
:: admiral of the fleet, grand admiral (the highest possible naval rank in some historical German-speaking navies)
Großarl {prop} {n}
:: Großarl (municipality)
grossartig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of großartig
großartig {adj}
:: great, superb, grand, awesome, terrific, magnificent, wonderful, excellent, brilliant, splendid, tremendous
großartig {adv}
:: magnificently, greatly
großartig {interj}
:: great!
Großartigkeit {f}
:: greatness, magnificence
großäugig {adj}
:: big-eyed, wide-eyed
Großbauer {m}
:: big farmer
Grossbritannien {prop} {n}
:: alternative spelling of Großbritannien
Großbritannien {prop} {n}
:: Great Britain
Großbritannien {prop} {n}
:: United Kingdom
großbritannisch {adj}
:: British
Großbuchstabe {m}
:: capital letter; capital
großbürgerlich {adj}
:: middle class
Großdemo {f}
:: clipping of Großdemonstration
Großdemonstration {f}
:: mass demonstration, mass street protest
großdeutsch {adj}
:: greater German (referring to Germany plus Austria etc)
Großdeutschland {prop} {n}
:: Greater Germany
Großdietmanns {prop} {n}
:: Großdietmanns (municipality)
Großdruckbuchstabe {m}
:: printed character in uppercase
Große {f}
:: feminine noun of Großer
Grösse {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Größe
Grösse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Größe
Größe {f}
:: size
Größe {f}
:: greatness
Größe {f}
:: quantity
Großebersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Großebersdorf (municipality)
große Herzvene {f}
:: great cardiac vein
große Liebe {f}
:: for non-idiomatic uses see groß and Liebe
große Liebe {f}
:: the love of one’s life; the one great love or romance (an idealised form of romantic love, often thought to happen at most once in a lifetime)
große Liebe {f}
:: first love (a person’s most fundamental interest)
Großeltern {p}
:: grandparents
Großengersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Großengersdorf (municipality)
Grössenordnung {f}
:: alternative spelling of Größenordnung
Größenordnung {f}
:: order of magnitude
großenteils {adv}
:: to a large part
Grössenwahn {f}
:: alternative spelling of Größenwahn
Größenwahn {m}
:: megalomania
größenwahnsinnig {adj}
:: megalomaniacal
Größenwahnsinnige {f}
:: female megalomaniac
Größenwahnsinniger {m}
:: megalomaniac
größenwahnsinnigsten {adj}
:: superlative of größenwahnsinnig
Großer {m}
:: great
Großer {m}
:: adult
größer {adj}
:: comparative of groß
Großer Bär {prop} {m}
:: Ursa Major
Großer Bruder {prop} {m}
:: Big Brother
Großer Münsterländer {m}
:: Large Münsterländer
Großer Osten {prop} {m}
:: Grand Est
Großer Wagen {prop} {m}
:: the Plough, the Big Dipper (asterism in the constellation Ursa Major)
große Sache {f}
:: big deal
Großes Gewächs {n}
:: Großes Gewächs (The highest category on the quality scale of dry wines in German VDP wine classification)
große Töne spucken {v}
:: to brag, boast
große Unreinheit {f}
:: the state of major ritual impurity, which results chiefly from ejaculation, sexual penetration, and menstruation
große Waschung {f}
:: ghusl (washing required after major ritual impurity)
Großfamilie {f}
:: extended family
großflächig {adj}
:: widespread, extensive, large-scale
Großflughafen {m}
:: major airport
Großfrüchtige Moosbeere {f}
:: cranberry
Großfürst {m}
:: The ruler's title grand prince (sometimes incorrectly rendered as grand duke, a lower rank)
großgewachsen {adj}
:: tall
Großgöttfritz {prop} {n}
:: Großgöttfritz (municipality)
Großhandel {m}
:: wholesale
Grosshändler {m}
:: alternative spelling of Großhändler
Großhändler {m}
:: wholesaler (male or unspecified sex)
Grosshändlerin {prop} {n}
:: alternative spelling of Großhändlerin
Großhändlerin {f}
:: wholesaler (female)
Großharras {prop} {n}
:: Großharras (municipality)
großherzig {adj}
:: big-hearted, magnanimous
Grossherzigkeit {f}
:: alternative spelling of Großherzigkeit
Großherzigkeit {f}
:: large-heartedness, magnanimity
Großherzog {m}
:: grand duke
Großherzogtum {n}
:: A grand duchy, the princely territory of a grand duke
Großhirnrinde {f}
:: cerebral cortex
Großhofen {prop} {n}
:: Großhofen (municipality)
Großhöflein {prop} {n}
:: Großhöflein (municipality)
großjährig {adj}
:: of age, of legal age
großkalibrig {adj}
:: large-caliber
Großkatze {f}
:: big cat
Großkirchen {prop}
:: Großkirchen (city)
Großkirchheim {prop} {n}
:: Großkirchheim (municipality)
Großklein {prop} {n}
:: Großklein (municipality)
großkopfig {adj}
:: big-headed
Großkopf-Ringelnatter {f}
:: large-headed water snake
großkotzig {adj}
:: Exaggeratedly generous
Großkrut {prop} {n}
:: Großkrut (municipality)
Großmacht {f}
:: great power
großmächtig {adj}
:: mighty
Großmärtyrer {m}
:: great martyr
Großmärtyrerin {f}
:: great martyress; female equivalent of Großmärtyrer
Großmaul {n}
:: big mouth, loudmouth
Großmeister {m}
:: Grand Master
Großmeister {m}
:: grandmaster
Großmeister {m}
:: Grandmaster
Großmürbisch {prop} {n}
:: Großmürbisch (municipality)
Großmut {f}
:: magnanimity
grossmütig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of großmütig
großmütig {adj}
:: magnanimous; gracious
Grossmütigkeit {f}
:: alternative spelling of Großmütigkeit
Großmütigkeit {f}
:: magnanimity
Großmutter {f}
:: grandmother
Großmutter {f}
:: old woman, elderly woman, old lady
großmütterlich {adj}
:: grandmotherly
Großoffensive {f}
:: major offensive
Großonkel {m}
:: great-uncle
Großpetersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Großpetersdorf (municipality)
Großpudel {m}
:: a standard poodle between 45 and 62 cm
Großraming {prop} {n}
:: Großraming (municipality)
Großraum {m}
:: wider area; metropolitan area
Großraumbüro {n}
:: open-plan office
großräumig {adj}
:: spacious
Großrazzia {f}
:: a large police raid
Großrechner {m}
:: mainframe
Großriedenthal {prop} {n}
:: Großriedenthal (municipality)
Großrußbach {prop} {n}
:: Großrußbach (municipality)
Großrussisch {prop} {n}
:: the Great Russian (Russian) language
Großschönau {prop} {n}
:: Großschönau (municipality)
Großschönau {prop} {n}
:: Großschönau (municipality)
großschreiben {v}
:: to capitalize
großschreiben {v}
:: to hold as important
Großschreibung {f}
:: capitalization
großspurig {adj}
:: arrogant, cocky
Grossstadt {f}
:: alternative spelling of Großstadt
Großstadt {f}
:: large city, big city, major city (in Germany used for cities with a population greater than 100,000)
Großstädter {m}
:: inhabitant of a large city
großstädtisch {adj}
:: metropolitan, urban
Großsteinbach {prop} {n}
:: Großsteinbach (municipality)
großtechnisch {adv}
:: commercially, industrially
großtechnisch {adj}
:: commercial, industrial
Großteil {m}
:: major part, majority
großteils {adv}
:: largely
größten {adj}
:: superlative of groß
größtenteils {adv}
:: largely, mostly
größter gemeinsamer Teiler {m}
:: greatest common divisor
größtmöglich {adj}
:: maximal, maximum, greatest possible
Grossular {m}
:: grossular
Grossvater {m}
:: alternative spelling of Großvater
Großvater {m}
:: grandfather
großväterlich {adj}
:: grandfatherly
Großverbraucher {m}
:: large-scale consumer
Großversuch {m}
:: large-scale test
Großvieheinheit {f}
:: livestock unit (a conversion key used to compare different farm animals on the basis of their live weight)
Großwarasdorf {prop} {n}
:: Großwarasdorf (municipality)
Großweikersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Großweikersdorf (municipality)
Großwild {n}
:: big game
Großwilfersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Großwilfersdorf (municipality)
großziehen {v}
:: to raise (a child); to rear (an animal etc.)
grosszügig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of großzügig
großzügig {adj}
:: generous
großzügig {adv}
:: generously
Grosszügigkeit {f}
:: alternative spelling of Großzügigkeit
Großzügigkeit {f}
:: generosity
grotesk {adj}
:: grotesque; bizarre; zany; farcical
Grotte {f}
:: grotto
grottenhässlich {adj}
:: ugly; unaesthetic
grottenschlecht {adj}
:: terrible, dire
grottig {adj}
:: bad, unpleasant
grrr {interj}
:: grr; grrr
Gr.Tr. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Große Trommel
Grübchen {n}
:: diminutive of Grube
Grübchen {n}
:: dimple (dent in the cheek that becomes visible especially when one smiles)
Grube {f}
:: pit
Grube {f}
:: mine
Grube {prop} {n}
:: Grube (municipality)
grübeln {v}
:: to brood
grübeln {v}
:: to ponder
grübeln {v}
:: to ruminate
grübeln {v}
:: to muse
Grubenhaus {noun}
:: pithouse
Grubenunglück {n}
:: mining accident
grüblerisch {adj}
:: broody
Gruft {f}
:: burial vault, tomb
Grufti {m}
:: old man
Grufti {m}
:: a member of the goth subculture
Grumbeere {f}
:: potato
grummeln {v}
:: to grumble (make a low sound, as of a discontent person, an empty stomach, a distant thunderstorm)
Grummet {n}
:: aftergrass, aftermath; the grass of the second and further mowings in the year of a hayfield having a higher fructan content due to stress and higher protein content due to shorter growth
Grummet {m}
:: grommet (a thrice-ringed strand)
grün {adj}
:: green (in colour)
grün {adj}
:: unripe
grün {adj}
:: inexperienced, young
grün {adj}
:: ecological, environment-friendly
grün {adj}
:: pertaining to a green party, such as Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in Germany
Grün {n}
:: green (color)
Grün {n}
:: vert; green in heraldry
Grün {n}
:: leaves, a suit in German playing cards
Grünalge {f}
:: green alga
Grünbach {prop} {n}
:: Grünbach (municipality)
Grünbach {prop} {n}
:: Grünbach (municipality)
grünblau {adj}
:: green-blue, blue-green; synonym of blaugrün
Grünburg {prop} {n}
:: Grünburg (municipality)
grund- {prefix}
:: basic, fundamental, elementary
Grund {m}
:: ground, land (usually in its capacity of being someone’s property)
Grund {m}
:: bottom (of a container or a body of water)
Grund {m}
:: reason; motive
Grundabsicht {f}
:: basic intent
grundbar {adj}
:: taxable, allodial
Grundbedeutung {f}
:: basic meaning
Grundbegriff {m}
:: fundamental principle, basic concept, basic idea
Grundbesitz {m}
:: owned piece of land; real estate
Grundbesitzer {m}
:: landowner
Grundbestandteil {m}
:: basic element, fundamental component
Grundbirne {f}
:: potato
Grundbuch {n}
:: property register, land register, cadastre, cadaster (property register)
Grundeinkommen {n}
:: basic income
Grundel {m}
:: goby; a fish in the order Gobiiformes
Grundel {m}
:: a fish in the family Gobiidae
Grundel {m}
:: one of different kinds of fish in the order Cypriniformes, especially those called Schmerlen (Cobitoidea) and Gründlinge (Gobio)
Gründelente {f}
:: dabbling duck (a duck that feeds by dabbling, duck in the subfamily Anatinae)
gründeln {v}
:: to feed by reaching with the head to the bottom of a body of water
gründen {v}
:: to build
gründen {v}
:: to establish
gründen {v}
:: to found
gründen {v}
:: to institute
gründen {v}
:: to plant
Gründer {m}
:: founder
Gründervater {m}
:: founding father
grundfalsch {adj}
:: Completely wrong
Grundfeste {f}
:: foundation
Grundform {f}
:: base form
Grundform {f}
:: infinitive
Grundfrequenz {f}
:: fundamental / base frequency
Grundgebirge {n}
:: basement (mass of rock underlying sedimentary cover)
Grundgerüst {n}
:: scaffold, scaffolding
Grundgesetz {n}
:: constitution (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions)
grundgütig {adj}
:: Fundamentally good
Grundherr {m}
:: feudal lord
Grundierung {f}
:: primer, undercoat (paint)
Grundkenntnis {f}
:: basic knowledge
Grundlage {f}
:: foundation
Grundlage {f}
:: basis
Grundlage {f}
:: groundwork
Grundlagenforschung {f}
:: basic research
grundlegend {adj}
:: fundamental, basic
Grundlegung {f}
:: founding, grounding
Grundlegung {f}
:: foundation, groundwork, first or foundational principles
gründlich {adj}
:: thorough, in-depth
gründlich {adv}
:: thoroughly, completely
gründlicher {adj}
:: comparative of gründlich
gründlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of gründlich
Gründling {m}
:: A fish of the genus Gobio, especially the gudgeon (Gobio gobio)
grundlos {adj}
:: without solid ground or floor
grundlos {adj}
:: unfounded, groundless
Grundmaterial {n}
:: raw material
Grundnahrungsmittel {n}
:: basic food or drink; staple; a substance that is central to a given society's sustentation (e.g. bread, beer, fish, etc.)
Gründonnerstag {prop} {m}
:: Maundy Thursday
Grundplatte {f}
:: baseplate
Grundrasse {noun}
:: source race
Grundrecht {n}
:: basic right
Grundrente {f}
:: ground rent
Grundriss {m}
:: floor plan
Grundriss {m}
:: outline
Grundsatz {m}
:: principle, tenet
grundsätzlich {adj}
:: fundamental
grundsätzlich {adj}
:: in principle
grundsätzlich {adv}
:: completely
grundsätzlich {adv}
:: in principle
grundsätzlich {adv}
:: absolutely
Grundschema {n}
:: basic pattern or structure
Grundschule {f}
:: elementary school, primary school
Grundsprache {f}
:: proto-language
Grundsprache {f}
:: basic language, the basics of a language
grundständig {adj}
:: basal
grundständig {adj}
:: basic, introductory
Grundstein {m}
:: cornerstone, foundation stone
Grundstoff {m}
:: raw material
Grundstoff {m}
:: precursor
Grundstruktur {f}
:: basic structure
Grundstück {n}
:: land, parcel, real estate
Grundton {m}
:: basic color, ground color
Grundton {m}
:: fundamental tone, root
Grundton {m}
:: keynote, tonic
Grundtyp {m}
:: basic type
Gründung {f}
:: foundation (act of founding)
Gründungsprivileg {n}
:: foundation privilege, foundation charter
Gründungsurkunde {f}
:: charter
Grundversorgung {f}
:: primary care
Grundwasser {n}
:: groundwater (water existing beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers)
Grundwasserkontamination {f}
:: groundwater contamination
Grundwort {n}
:: primary word (usually the last element in a German compound word)
Grundzahl {f}
:: cardinal number
Grundzustand {m}
:: ground state
Grüne {f}
:: greenness
Grüne {f}
:: female green (member of an environmentalist party), female environmentalist
Grüne Meerkatze {f}
:: green monkey
grünen {vi}
:: To be green; to become green
Grüner {m}
:: green (member of an environmentalist party; supporter of green politics), environmentalist
Grüner {m}
:: the German green party, 'Bündnis 90/Die Grünen'
Grüner Knollenblätterpilz {m}
:: death cap (Amanita phalloides)
Grünes {n}
:: nominalization of grünes: Something green
Grünfutter {n}
:: green fodder
Grünfutterversorgung {f}
:: supply of green fodder
grüngelb {adj}
:: green-yellow, yellow-green; synonym of gelbgrün
Grünin {f}
:: a member of a Green party, usually female
Grünkern {m}
:: dried unripe grains of spelt
Grünkohl {m}
:: kale (Brassica oleracea convar. acephala var. sabellica)
Grünkohl {m}
:: short for Grünkohleintopf (kale stew), a popular winter dish, traditional especially in northern Germany, eaten with potatoes and sausage
Grünkraut {prop} {n}
:: Grünkraut (town)
grünlich {adj}
:: greenish
grünlichgelb {adj}
:: greenish-yellow
Grünling {m}
:: Agaricus virescens
Grünling {m}
:: Chloris chloris
Grünling {m}
:: greenhorn, novice
Grünling {m}
:: an unburnt brick or other object in ceramics
Grünschenkel {m}
:: greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
Grünschild {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Grünschnabel {m}
:: greenhorn
grünschnäblig {adj}
:: green (inexperienced)
grünschwarz {adj}
:: green-black
Grünspan {m}
:: copper acetate, Cuprum aceticum
Grünspan {m}
:: verdigris
Grünspecht {m}
:: green woodpecker
grünstichig {adj}
:: greenish
grün vor Neid {adj}
:: green with envy
Grünwald {prop}
:: A town near Munich in Bavaria, Germany
grunzen {v}
:: to grunt
Grunzen {n}
:: grunt
Grunzer {m}
:: grunt (sound)
Grunzer {m}
:: grunt (fish)
Grunzochse {m}
:: yak (Asian bovine)
Grunzschwein {n}
:: swine, pig
Grunzschwein {n}
:: filthy human person
Grüppchen {n}
:: diminutive of Gruppe
Gruppe {f}
:: group
gruppendynamisch {adj}
:: Relating to group dynamics
Gruppennachbar {m}
:: group neighbour (in the periodic table)
Gruppensex {m}
:: group sex
Gruppentheorie {f}
:: group theory (the mathematical theory of groups)
Gruppenvergewaltigung {f}
:: gang rape
gruppenweise {adv}
:: in groups
Gruppenzwang {m}
:: peer pressure
gruppieren {v}
:: to arrange
Gruppierung {f}
:: arrangement
Gruppierung {f}
:: group
Grüsch {n}
:: bran
gruselig {adj}
:: creepy
gruseln {v}
:: to provoke fear, horror, to horripilate
gruseln {vr}
:: to feel fear, horror
Grusien {prop} {n}
:: Georgia (country)
Grusinien {prop} {n}
:: Georgia (country in Eurasia)
gruslig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of gruselig
Gruss {m}
:: alternative spelling of Gruß
Gruß {m}
:: greeting
Gruß {m}
:: compliment
Gruß {m}
:: salute
Grüßaugust {m}
:: receptionist
Grüßaugust {m}
:: powerless official
grüß dich {interj}
:: Hello, hi
grüssen {v}
:: alternative spelling of grüßen
grüßen {v}
:: to greet
grüßen lassen {v}
:: to send one's regards, say hello
grüß Gott {interj}
:: Hello
grußlos {adj}
:: Without a greeting
Grut {n}
:: gruit (herbal mixture used in some beers, particularly before the spread of hops)
Grütze {f}
:: a food of coarsely ground cereal grains: groat(s)
Grütze {f}
:: coarse "grains" or bits of fruit, or a dish made from these
Grütze {f}
:: brains, shrewdness, prudence
Grütze {f}
:: intellectual poverty, brainlet, retardation
Grütze {f}
:: rhubarb rhubarb, humbug, aesthetical tripe
Gruyter {prop}
:: surname
Gscheidwaschl {m}
:: know-all
gschert {adj}
:: alternative form of geschert
Gschnitz {prop} {n}
:: Gschnitz (municipality)
Gsiberger {n}
:: person from Vorarlberg
Gsies {prop}
:: Gsies (municipality)
Gspusi {n}
:: (semi-secret) romantic relationship, affair
Gspusi {n}
:: lover
GSZ {prop}
:: initialism of Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Stammzellforschung
GTA {prop} {n}
:: GTA; Grand Theft Auto (series of video games)
G-tt {prop} {m}
:: euphemistic form of Gott
Guacamole {f}
:: guacamole
Guadeloupe {prop} {n}
:: Guadeloupe
Guadeloupe {prop} {n}
:: Guadeloupe
Guanin {n}
:: guanine
Guano {m}
:: guano
Guasch {f}
:: alternative spelling of Gouache
Guatemala {prop} {n}
:: Guatemala (country)
Guatemalteke {m}
:: Guatemalan (man from Guatemala)
Guatemaltekin {f}
:: Guatemalan (woman from Guatemala)
guatemaltekisch {adj}
:: Guatemalan (of, from, or pertaining to Guatemala or its people)
gucken {v}
:: to look, to direct one's gaze at something
gucken {v}
:: to watch, to direct one's gaze at something for some time
gucken {v}
:: to look, to have a certain facial expression
Gudrun {prop}
:: given name
Gudscharati {prop} {n}
:: Gujarati
Guenther {prop}
:: alternative spelling of Günter
Guerilla {m}
:: guerrilla
Guerilla {m}
:: guerrilla warfare
Guffel {m}
:: (slang) a (marijuana) joint
Gugel {f}
:: alternative form of Kogel
Gugelhupf {m}
:: Gugelhupf, a type of cake
Guillotine {f}
:: guillotine
Guinea {prop} {n}
:: Guinea (country)
Guinea-Bissau {prop} {n}
:: Guinea-Bissau (country)
guinea-bissauisch {adj}
:: Of or from Guinea-Bissau
Guinee {f}
:: guinea (British gold coin)
Guineer {m}
:: Guinean
guineisch {adj}
:: Guinean
Gulag {m}
:: gulag
Gulasch {n}
:: goulash
Gulaschkanone {f}
:: field kitchen; a trailer that provides food to army troops
Gulden {m}
:: guilder (currency of the Netherlands until 2001)
Gulden {m}
:: florin; guilder (mediaeval and early modern coin)
gülden {adj}
:: alternative form of golden
Gülle {f}
:: liquid manure
Gült {f}
:: alternative form of Gülte
Gülte {f}
:: real estate interest paid in money or produce
Gülte {f}
:: tax or interested paid by a farmer to a landowner in the system of manorialism
Gülte {f}
:: a specific type of a mortgage note
gültig {adj}
:: valid, validated, legal
gültig {adj}
:: available
Gültigkeit {f}
:: validity
Gültigkeitsbereich {m}
:: scope
Gummi {n} {m}
:: rubber, gum
Gummi {n} {m}
:: rubber band, elastic band
Gummi {n} {m}
:: condom, rubber
Gummiadler {m}
:: roast chicken
Gummiband {n}
:: rubber band
Gummibär {m}
:: gummy bear
Gummibärchen {n}
:: gummy bear
Gummibaum {m}
:: rubber fig, rubber tree, rubber plant, Ficus elastica
Gummiindustrie {f}
:: rubber industry
Gummiknüppel {m}
:: A (rubber) truncheon
Gummiknüppel {m}
:: A nightstick
Gummireifen {m}
:: rubber tire, rubber tyre
Gummistiefel {m}
:: rubber boot
Gummizelle {f}
:: padded cell, rubber room
gummös {adj}
:: gummatous
Gumpoldskirchen {prop} {n}
:: Gumpoldskirchen (municipality)
Gunda {prop}
:: given name
Gundelrebe {f}
:: ground-ivy, plant of the genus Glechoma, Glechoma hederacea
Gundula {prop}
:: given name, a diminutive form of Gunda
Günselsdorf {prop} {n}
:: Günselsdorf (municipality)
Gunskirchen {prop} {n}
:: Gunskirchen (municipality)
Gunst {f}
:: favor
Gunstgewerbe {n}
:: prostitution
günstig {adj}
:: favourable
günstig {adj}
:: convenient
günstig {adj}
:: good value, cheap
Günstling {m}
:: protégé
Günstlingswirtschaft {f}
:: favouritism, cronyism
Gunter {prop}
:: given name
Gunter {prop}
:: surname
Günter {prop} {m}
:: given name, an alternative spelling of Günther
Guntersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Guntersdorf (municipality)
Gunther {prop}
:: given name
Günther {prop}
:: given name. Popular in Germany from the 1920s to the 1940s
Günther {prop}
:: surname
Guntramsdorf {prop} {n}
:: Guntramsdorf (municipality)
Guppy {m}
:: guppy
Gurgel {f}
:: gullet, throat
gurgeln {v}
:: to gargle
gurgeln {v}
:: to gurgle
Gurke {f}
:: cucumber, gherkin
gurren {v}
:: to make a low sound
gurren {v}
:: to coo
gurren {v}
:: to cluck
Gurt {m}
:: strap; belt (tough band, used for purposes other than being worn around the waist)
Gürtel {m}
:: belt (band worn around the waist)
Gürtel {m}
:: belt; strip (e.g. of villages around a city, etc.)
Gürtellinie {f}
:: beltline
Gürtelrose {f}
:: shingles (herpes zoster)
Gürtelschlaufe {f}
:: belt loop
Gürteltier {n}
:: armadillo
Gurten {prop} {n}
:: Gurten (municipality)
gürten {v}
:: to gird
Guru {m}
:: guru, spiritual leader
GUS {prop}
:: initialism of Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten
Gusche {f}
:: alternative form of Gosche
Guss {m}
:: casting
Guss {m}
:: downpour
Guß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Guss
Gusseisen {n}
:: cast iron
gusseisern {adj}
:: cast-iron
Güssing {prop} {n}
:: Güssing (municipality)
Gusslegierung {f}
:: casting alloy
Gussstück {n}
:: casting, moulding
Gussteil {n}
:: casting (piece of cast metal)
gustativ {adj}
:: taste (attributive), gustatory
gustatorisch {adj}
:: gustatory
Gustav {prop}
:: given name of Swedish origin
gustieren {vt}
:: to appreciate, enjoy
gustieren {vt}
:: to try; to taste
gustiert {v}
:: past participle of gustieren
gustiös {adj}
:: appetizing
gut {adj}
:: good (acting in the interest of what is beneficial, ethical, or moral)
gut {adj}
:: good (effective; useful)
gut {adj}
:: good (fortunate)
gut {adj}
:: good (having a particularly pleasant taste)
gut {adj}
:: all right, fair, proper (satisfactory)
gut {adj}
:: good (full; entire; at least as much as)
gut {adv}
:: well (accurately, competently, satisfactorily)
gut {adv}
:: a little more than
gut {interj}
:: okay, all right, now then
Gut {n}
:: commodity, property, possession, good
Gut {n}
:: a large farmstead, estate related to agriculture
Gutachten {n}
:: opinion (report) of an expert with regard to a specific matter
Gutachter {m}
:: expert witness
Gutachter {m}
:: surveyor, assessor
gutachterlich {adj}
:: expert
gutachtlich {adj}
:: expert
gutartig {adj}
:: benign
gutartig {adj}
:: good-natured
Gutau {prop} {n}
:: Gutau (municipality)
gutaussehend {adj}
:: good-looking, handsome, attractive
gutbesucht {adj}
:: well-attended, well-frequented or visited
gut Ding will Weile haben {proverb}
:: good things are worth patience
Gutdünken {n}
:: discretion (freedom to make independent decisions)
gut durch {adj}
:: well done
Güte {f}
:: goodness
Güte {f}
:: (good) quality
gute Besserung {phrase}
:: Get well soon, a phrase indicating hope that the listener recovers from physical illness
Gutedel {prop}
:: Chasselas (A variety of wine grape, grown in Switzerland, France, Germany, Portugal, Hungary, Romania and New Zealand.)
Gutedel {prop}
:: Chasselas (A wine made from these grapes)
guten Abend {interj}
:: good evening
gute Nacht {interj}
:: good night
Gutenachtgeschichte {f}
:: bedtime story
guten Appetit {interj}
:: bon appétit
Gutenberg {prop}
:: surname
Gutenberg {prop}
:: A placename
Gutenberg {prop}
:: A locale in Germany
Gutenberg {prop}
:: Gutenberg (municipality), named after the castle and village
Gutenberg {prop}
:: A castle, formerly named Weitersheim, renamed when it was renovated in the 12th century to the modern name, in the modern eponymous municipality
Gutenberg {prop}
:: A village, formerly named Weitersheim, renamed after the castle in the 15th century, in the modern eponymous municipality
Gutenberg {prop}
:: A castle in Liechtenstein
Gutenberg {prop}
:: Gutenberg (village); former name of Gutenberg an der Raabklamm
Gutenbrunn {prop} {n}
:: Gutenbrunn (municipality)
guten Morgen {interj}
:: good morning (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
guten Rutsch {phrase}
:: happy New Year
Gutenstein {prop} {n}
:: Gutenstein (municipality)
guten Tag {interj}
:: hello, good day, good afternoon (greeting said when meeting or acknowledging someone)
Güterbahnhof {m}
:: goods station, freight station
guter Dinge {phrase}
:: in good spirits
Gütergemeinschaft {f}
:: public ownership
Gütergemeinschaft {f}
:: universal community of property
guter Glaube {m}
:: good faith
guterhalten {adj}
:: well-preserved
Guter Heinrich {m}
:: Good King Henry, Lincolnshire spinach (perennial plant)
guter Hoffnung {adv}
:: hopeful, confident
guter Hoffnung {adv}
:: pregnant
guter Hoffnung sein {v}
:: to be pregnant
Gütersloh {prop} {n}
:: Gütersloh (city/administrative center)
Güterverkehr {m}
:: freight traffic
Güterwagen {m}
:: boxcar (US), goods van, box van (UK)
Gutes {n}
:: nominalization of gutes: Something good
gutes Geld schlechtem hinterherwerfen {v}
:: to throw good money after bad
Gütesiegel {n}
:: certification mark
gutgehen {v}
:: to go well, to be fine
gutgelaunt {adj}
:: in a good mood
gutgläubig {adj}
:: credulous, gullible, naive
Guthaben {n}
:: balance
gutheißen {v}
:: to approve
gutherzig {adj}
:: kindhearted
Guthier {prop}
:: surname, whose origins come from French Huguenots fleeing France. Probable original name was: Gouthier, Germanified by dropping the 'o'
gütig {adj}
:: kind, gracious, benign, benevolent
Gütigkeit {f}
:: goodness, kindness
gütlich {adj}
:: amicable
gutmachen {vt}
:: to right
gutmachen {vt}
:: to make up for
gutmachen {vt}
:: to gain as profit
gutmeinender {adj}
:: well-meaning
Gutmensch {m}
:: do-gooder; person who has a naive and unreflected conviction of their own moral superiority
Gutmensch {m}
:: someone overly concerned with political correctness and related matters; a social justice warrior
gutmüthig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of gutmütig
gutmütig {adj}
:: bonhomous
gutmütig {adj}
:: docile
gutmütig {adj}
:: indulgent
gut Nacht {interj}
:: alternative form of gute Nacht
Gutschein {m}
:: voucher, gift certificate
Gutschein {m}
:: coupon
Gutschein {m}
:: rain check
gutschreiben {v}
:: to credit
Gutsherr {m}
:: landowner
gut situiert {adj}
:: alternative form of gutsituiert
gutsituiert {adj}
:: well-to-do, wealthy
gutsitzend {adj}
:: snug, well-fitting
Guttaring {prop} {n}
:: Guttaring (municipality)
Güttenbach {prop} {n}
:: Güttenbach (municipality)
guttun {vi}
:: to do good
guttural {adj}
:: guttural
gutunterrichtet {adj}
:: well-informed
gutverdienend {adj}
:: well-paid
gutwillig {adj}
:: well-meaning, benevolent
Gutzeit {prop}
:: surname
Guyana {prop} {n}
:: Guyana (country)
guyanisch {adj}
:: Guyanese
gw {noun}
:: abbreviation of Glückwunsch
Gymnasium {n}
:: grammar school (UK), prep school (US) (a school used to prepare students for university)
Gymnastik {f}
:: gymnastics
gymnastisch {adj}
:: gymnastic
Gynäkologe {m}
:: gynecologist (male or of unspecified sex)
Gynäkologie {f}
:: gynecology (no plural)
Gynäkologie {f}
:: the gynecology department of a hospital (plural possible)
Gynäkologin {f}
:: gynecologist (female)
gynäkologisch {adj}
:: gynecological
gynandrisch {adj}
:: gynandrous
gynozentrisch {adj}
:: gynocentric
gyromagnetisch {adj}
:: gyromagnetic
Gyros {n}
:: gyro, gyros (Greek dish of meat cut from a gyrating roasting spit)
Gyros {n}
:: a sandwich filled with such meat and, usually, vegetables and sauce
Gyroskop {n}
:: gyroscope
gyroskopisch {adj}
:: gyroscopic