-s {suffix} (regular plurals of nouns)
:: -en
Saanen goat {n} (white or cream-colored goat)
:: Saanenziege {f}
Saar {prop} (river in France and Germany)
:: Saar {f}
Saaremaa {prop} (island and county)
:: Saaremaa, Ösel
Saarland {prop} (state)
:: Saarland
Saarlander {n} (Demonym of Saarland)
:: Saarländer {m}, Saarländerin {f}
SaaS {n} (Software as a Service)
:: SaaS {f}
Sabaean {adj} (of or pertaining to Sabaean culture)
:: sabäisch
Sabaean {prop} (an extinct Semitic language)
:: Sabäisch {n}
Sabaean {n} (an individual of the ancient Sabaean people)
:: Sabäer {m}, Sabäerin {f}
Sabbatarian {n} (sixth-day Sabbatarian, Friday-keeper)
:: Sabbatarier {m}, Sabbatarierin {f}, Sabbatist {m}, Sabbatistin {f}
Sabbatarian {n} (seventh-day Sabbatarian, Sabbath-keeper, Saturday-keeper)
:: Sabbatarier {m}, Sabbatarierin {f}, Sabbatist {m}, Sabbatistin {f}
Sabbatarianism {n} (Sabbath observance, Sabbathkeeping)
:: Sabbatariertum {n}, Sabbatismus {m}
Sabbath {n} (Jewish Saturday)
:: Sabbat {m}, Schabbat {m}, Schabbes {m}
Sabbath {n} (Christian Sunday)
:: Sonntag {m}
Sabbath {n} (Muslim Friday)
:: Freitag {m}
Sabbath {n} (witches' Sabbath)
:: Hexensabbat {m}, Hexentanz {m}, Teufelstanz {m}
Sabbath-day {n} (Sabbath day, Sabbath-day, day of the Sabbath)
:: Sabbattag {m}, Sabbatstag {m}, Schabbattag {m}
sabbatical {adj} (relating to the Sabbath)
:: sabbatlich
sabbatical {n} (extended period of leave)
:: Sabbatjahr {n}, Sabbatical {n}, Langzeiturlaub {m}, Studienurlaub {m}
sabbatize {v} (to sanctify, keep or observe the Sabbath)
:: den Sabbat heiligen, den Sabbat heilig halten, den Sabbat einhalten, den Sabbat halten
Sabellian {prop} (language)
:: Sabellisch {n}
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre
saber-toothed tiger {n} (sabre-toothed tiger) SEE: sabre-toothed tiger
Sabian {n}
:: Sabäer {m}, Sabier {m}
Sabina {prop} (female given name)
:: Sabine
sable {n} (animal)
:: Zobel {m}
sable {n} (fur)
:: Zobel
sable {n} (heraldic colour)
:: Schwarz
sable {adj} (of black colour on a coat of arms)
:: schwarz
sablefish {n} (Anoplopoma fimbria)
:: Kohlenfisch {m}
sabotage {n} (deliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction)
:: Sabotage {f}
sabotage {n} (act with intent to injure)
:: Sabotage {f}
sabotage {v} (deliberate destruction to prevent success)
:: sabotieren
saboteur {n} (a person who intentionally causes the destruction of property)
:: Saboteur {m}
sabre {n} (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point)
:: Säbel {m}
sabre {n} (modern fencing sword modeled after the sabre)
:: Säbel
sabre-rattling {n} (display of military power as an implied threat)
:: Säbelrasseln {n}
sabre-rattling {n} (figuratively: any threat)
:: Säbelrasseln {n}
sabre saw {n} (portable electric jigsaw)
:: Säbelsäge {f}, Tigersäge {f}
sabre-toothed {adj} (having massive curved upper canine teeth)
:: Säbelzahn-
sabre-toothed tiger {n} (prehistoric cat)
:: Säbelzahntiger {m}, Säbelzahnkatze {f}
saccade {n} (rapid jerky movement of the eye)
:: Sakkade {f}
saccharification {n} (hydrolysis of soluble polysaccharides)
:: Verzuckerung {f}
saccharify {v} (convert soluble polysaccharides)
:: verzuckern
saccharin {n} (white crystalline powder)
:: Saccharin {n}
saccharine {adj} (excessively sweet)
:: süßlich
saccharine {adj} (ridiculously sentimental)
:: süßlich
sac fungus {n} (fungus of the phylum Ascomycota) SEE: ascomycete
Sachertorte {n} (type of chocolate torte)
:: Sachertorte {f}
sachet {n} (cheesecloth bag of herbs and/or spices)
:: Duftkissen {n}; Sachet {n}
sachet {n} (small, sealed packet)
:: Päckchen {n}; Portionspackung {f} (-beutel {m}, -tüte {f}); Probepackung {f} (-beutel {m}, -tüte {f})
sack {n} (bag for commodities or items)
:: Sack {m}, Papiersack {m}, Beutel {m}, Tüte {f}
sack {n} (amount that can be put in a sack)
:: Sack voll {m}, Sackvoll {m}
sack {n} (successful tackle of the quarterback)
:: Sack {m}
sack {v} (to plunder)
:: plündern
sack barrow {n} (two-wheeled vehicle used for moving sacks) SEE: hand truck
sackbut {n} (brass instrument)
:: Posaune, Barockposaune {f}, Renaissanceposaune {f}, Sackbut {n}
sackcloth {n} (cloth)
:: Sackleinen {n}
sacker {n} (someone who plunders)
:: Plünderer {m}
sack race {n} (type of children's game)
:: Sackhüpfen {n}
sack truck {n} (hand truck) SEE: hand truck
sacral {adj} ((anatomy) of the sacrum)
:: Kreuzbein-, sakral
sacral {adj} (sacred)
:: sakral
sacrament {n} (sacred act or ceremony)
:: Sakrament {n}
sacramental {n} (an object or action which spiritually aids its faithful users)
:: Sakramentale
sacred {adj} (made holy)
:: heilig
sacred baboon {n} (Papio hamadryas) SEE: hamadryas
sacred fir {n} (Abies religiosa)
:: Heilige Tanne {f}
sacrifice {v} (to offer as a gift to a deity)
:: opfern
sacrifice {v} (to give away something valuable in order to gain something else of value)
:: opfern
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed)
:: Opfer {n}
sacrificer {n} (someone who sacrifices)
:: Opferer {m}, Opfererin {f}, Opfernder {m}, Opfernde {f}, Opferpriester {m}, Opferpriesterin {f}
sacrificial anode {n} (piece of corrodible metal)
:: Opferanode {f}
sacrificial lamb {n} (lamb)
:: Opferlamm {n}
sacrilege {n} (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred)
:: Sakrileg {n}
sacrilegious {adj} (committing sacrilege)
:: gotteslästerlich
sacristan {n} (person who maintains the sacristy)
:: Küster {m}, Küsterin {f}
sacristy {n} (room in a church)
:: Sakristei {f}
sacrosanct {adj} (beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction; inviolable)
:: sakrosankt, unantastbar
sacrosanct {adj} (sacred, very holy)
:: sakrosankt, heilig, hochheilig
sacrosanctity {n} (quality of being sacrosanct)
:: Sakrosanktheit {f}, Hochheiligkeit {f}, Unantastbarkeit {f}
sacrosanctness {n} (property or quality of being sacrosanct)
:: Sakrosanktheit {f}, Hochheiligkeit {f}, Unantastbarkeit {f}
sacrum {n} (bone at the base of the spine)
:: Kreuzbein {n}
sad {adj} (of colours: dark, sombre, dull)
:: trist
sad {adj} (feeling sorrow)
:: traurig
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon
sadden {v} (make sad or unhappy)
:: betrüben
sadden {v} (become sad or unhappy)
:: traurig werden, betrüben
saddle {n} (seat on an animal)
:: Sattel {m}
saddle {n} (seat on a bicycle etc)
:: Sattel {m}
saddle {n} (cut of meat)
:: Rücken {m}
saddle {n} (low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hills)
:: Sattel {m}
saddle {v} (to put a saddle on)
:: satteln, besatteln
saddle {v} (to get into a saddle)
:: aufsatteln
saddle {v} (to burden)
:: (sich etw.) aufhalsen
saddlebag {n} (covered pouch)
:: Satteltasche {f}
saddlecloth {n} (blanket placed under a saddle)
:: Satteldecke {f}
saddlemaker {n} (saddler) SEE: saddler
saddle point {n} (geometry)
:: Sattelpunkt {m}
saddle point {n} (game theory)
:: Sattelpunkt {m}
saddler {n} (someone who makes and repairs saddles)
:: Sattler {m}, Sattelmacher {m}
saddle roof {n} (roof with gable at each end)
:: Satteldach {n}
saddle shoe {n} (shoe resembling an oxford)
:: Sattelschuh {m}
Sadducee {n} (member of an ancient Jewish sect)
:: Sadduzäer {m}, Sadduzäerin {f}
sadism {n} (psychology: the enjoyment of inflicting pain or humiliation)
:: Sadismus {m}
sadism {n}
:: Sadismus {m}
sadist {n} (one who derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others)
:: Sadist {m}, Sadistin {f}
sadistic {adj} (of a person)
:: sadistisch
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately
sadly {adv} (in a sad manner)
:: traurig, traurigerweise
sadness {n} (state/emotion)
:: Traurigkeit {f}
sadomasochism {n} (practices of sadism and masochism collectively)
:: Sadomasochismus {m}
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately
safari {n} (a trip into any undeveloped area)
:: Safari {f}
safari park {n} (zoo-like attraction)
:: Safaripark {m}
safe {adj} (not in danger)
:: sicher, gefahrlos
safe {adj} (free from risk)
:: sicher
safe {adj} (providing protection from danger)
:: sicher
safe {adj} (properly secured)
:: sicher
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping)
:: Tresor {m}, Safe {m}, Geldschrank {m}
safe and sound {adj} (having come to no harm)
:: wohlbehalten, ganz und heil, gesund und munter
safebreaker {n} (safecracker) SEE: safecracker
safe-conduct {n} (document)
:: freies Geleit {n}
safecracker {n} (translation one who practices safecracking)
:: Geldschrankknacker {m}
safeguard {n} (something that serves as a guard or protection; a defense)
:: Sicherung {f}, Schutz {m}
safehouse {n} (secure location)
:: konspirative Wohnung {f}
safe mode {n} ((computing) troubleshooting mode)
:: abgesicherter Modus {m}
safe room {n}
:: Panikraum {m}
safe sex {n} (sexual activity that minize risks)
:: safer Sex {m}, geschützter Sex {m}
safety {n} (condition or feeling of being safe)
:: Sicherheit {f}, Gefahrlosigkeit {f}
safety {n} (mechanism to prevent accidental firing)
:: Griffsicherung {f}
safety {n} (American football: instance of a player being sacked or tackled in the end zone)
:: Safety {m}
safety {n} (American football: defensive player)
:: Safety {m}
safety-conscious {adj} (aware of the need for safety)
:: sicherheitsbewusst
safety glass {n} (type of glass)
:: Sicherheitsglas {n}
safety glasses {n} (glasses for protecting the eyes)
:: Schutzbrille {f}
safety pin {n} (pin in the form of a clasp)
:: Sicherheitsnadel {f}
safety valve {n} (a relief valve set to open at a pressure below that at which a container would burst)
:: Sicherheitsventil {n}
safflorite {n} (mineral)
:: Safflorit {n}
safflower {n} (plant)
:: Färberdistel {f}
saffron {n} (plant)
:: Safran {m}
saffron {n} (spice)
:: Safran {m}
saffron {n} (dye)
:: Safran {m}
saffron {n} (colour)
:: Safranfarbe {f}, Safrangelb {n}
saffron {adj} (having an orange-yellow colour)
:: safrangelb, safranfarbig
saga {n} (Old Norse Icelandic prose)
:: Saga {f}
saga {n} (long epic story)
:: Sage {f}
sagacious {adj} (having or showing keen discernment)
:: klug, scharfsinnig, weise
sagacity {n} (quality of being sage)
:: Weisheit {f}
saganaki {n} (a Greek dish cooked in a frying pan, espescially a cheese appetizer)
:: Saganaki {m} {n}
sage {adj} (wise)
:: weise
sage {n} (wise person)
:: Weiser {m}, Weise {f}
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis)
:: Salbei {m}
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis used in cooking)
:: Salbei {m}
sage grouse {n} (Centrocercus urophasianus)
:: Beifußhuhn {n}
saggar {n}
:: Brennkapsel {f}
Sagitta {prop} (constellation)
:: Pfeil {m}
Sagittarius {prop} (constellation)
:: Schütze {m}
Sagittarius {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Schütze {m}
sago {n} (a powdered starch obtained from certain palms used as a food thickener)
:: Sago {m}
sago {n} (any of the palms from which sago is extracted)
:: Sago {m}
saguaro {n} (large cactus)
:: Saguaro {m}
Sahara {prop} (desert)
:: Sahara {f}
Sahel {prop} (A region in Africa)
:: Sahelzone {f}, Sahel {m}
Sahrawi {adj} (related to Western Sahara)
:: der Westsahara
Sahrawi {n} (a person from Western Sahara)
:: Sahraoui {m} {f}, Saharawi {m} {f}
said and done {adj} (agreed to and accomplished or finished)
:: gesagt getan
saiga {n} (antelope)
:: Saiga
sail {n} (a piece of fabric attached to a boat)
:: Segel {n}
sail {n} (a trip in a boat)
:: Törn {m}
sail {n} (the blade of a windmill)
:: Windmühlenflügel {m}
sail {v} (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat)
:: segeln
sail {v} (to move briskly and gracefully through the air)
:: segeln
sail {v} (to move briskly)
:: segeln
sailboat {n} (a boat propelled by a sail)
:: Kutter {m}, Segelboot {n}
sailcloth {n} (fabric)
:: Segeltuch {n}
sailing {adj} (travelling by ship)
:: segeln
sailing {n} (motion across water)
:: Segeln {n}
sailing ship {n} (type of ship)
:: Segelschiff {n}
sailmaker {n} (occupation)
:: Segelmacher {m}
sailor {n} (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman)
:: Matrose {m}, Matrosin {f}, Seemann {m}, Seefrau {f}, Seemännin {f}
sailoress {n} (female sailor)
:: Matrosin
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider
sainfoin {n} (perennial herbs)
:: Esparsette {f}
saint {n} (person proclaimed as saint)
:: Heiliger {m}, Heilige {f}
saint {n} ((figuratively) a person with positive qualities)
:: Heilige {f}
Saint {n} (title given to a saint)
:: Sankt {n}
Saint Andrew's cross {n} (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars)
:: Andreaskreuz {n}
Saint Barbara {prop} (saint)
:: die heilige Barbara {f}, Sankt Barbara, St. Barbara
Saint Bernard {n} (Saint Bernard breed of Dog)
:: Bernhardiner {m}, St. Bernhardshund
Saint-Denis {prop} (administrative capital of Réunion)
:: Saint-Denis {n}
Saint Gallen {prop} (A canton)
:: Sankt Gallen
Saint Gallen {prop} (A city)
:: Sankt Gallen
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places)
:: der heilige Georg {m}, Sankt Georg, St. Georg
Saint Helena {prop} (island in the Atlantic Ocean)
:: St. Helena {n}
Saint John's bread {n} (carob) SEE: carob
Saint Kitts and Nevis {prop} (a country in the Caribbean)
:: St. Kitts und Nevis
Saint Lawrence River {prop} (river)
:: Sankt-Lorenz-Strom
Saint Lucia {prop} (country in the Caribbean)
:: Saint Lucia {n}
Saint Lucian {n} (Someone from Saint Lucia or of Saint Lucian descent)
:: Lucianer {m}, Lucianerin {f}
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ)
:: die heilige Maria {f}, Sankt Maria {f}, St. Maria {f}
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines)
:: der heilige Nikolaus {m}, Sankt Nikolaus, St. Nikolaus
Saint Petersburg {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Sankt Petersburg {n}
Saint Pierre and Miquelon {prop} (overseas territory of France)
:: Sankt Pierre und Miquelon
saint's day {n} (saint's day)
:: Heiligenfest {n}
Saint Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day)
:: Valentinstag {m}
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines {prop} (country in the Caribbean)
:: St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
Saiph {prop} (a blue star in the constellation Orion)
:: Saiph
Saka {prop} (village in Estonia)
:: Sackhof {n}
Saka {prop} (village in Latvia)
:: Sackenhausen
sake {n}
:: Willen {m}
sake {n} (Japanese rice wine)
:: Sake {m}
saker {n} (falcon)
:: Sakerfalke {m}
Sakha {n} (Turkic language) SEE: Yakut
Sakhalin {prop} (island in Russia)
:: Sachalin {n}
Sakmarian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian period)
:: Sakmarium
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry
sakura {n} (blossom of the Japanese cherry tree, see also: cherry blossom)
:: Kirschblüte {f}, Sakura {f}
sakura {n} (cherry blossom) SEE: cherry blossom
sakura {n} (cherry tree) SEE: cherry tree
salaam {interj} (a Muslim greeting)
:: salem
salaam alaikum {interj} (peace be upon you )
:: as-salamu alaikum
salacious {adj} (promoting sexual desire or lust)
:: anzüglich, aufreizend, heiß, schlüpfrig
salacious {adj} (lascivious, bawdy, obscene, lewd)
:: lüstern, schmutzig
salad {n} (food)
:: Salat {m}
salad burnet {n} (Sanguisorba minor)
:: Pimpinelle {f}
salad dodger {n} (one who does not normally eat salad)
:: Salatverschmäher {m}
salad fork {n} (fork intended for use when eating salad)
:: Salatgabel {f}
salad spinner {n} (tool)
:: Salatschleuder {f}
Salafi {n} (adherent of Salafism)
:: Salafist {m}
Salafism {n} (a Sunni Islamic movement)
:: Salafismus {m}
salamander {n} (amphibian)
:: Salamander {m}
salamander {n} (mythical creature)
:: Salamander {m}
salamander {n} (metal utensil)
:: Salamander {m}
salamander {n} (small broiler)
:: Salamander {m}
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis
salami {n} (sausage)
:: Salami {f}
salami tactics {n} (piecemeal removal)
:: Salamitaktik {f}
salami technique {n} (reaching of a goal using small, consistent steps)
:: Salamitaktik {f}
sal ammoniac {n} (rare mineral)
:: Salmiak {m}
salary {n} (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis)
:: Gehalt {n}, Lohn {m}
salat {n} (Islamic prayer)
:: (islamisches) Pflichtgebet {n}; Salat {f}
sale {n} (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit)
:: Verkauf {m}
sale {n} (sale of goods at reduced prices)
:: Sonderangebote haben {p}, im Sonderangebot haben {n}, Angebote haben {p}, im Angebot haben {n}, especially Austria: Abverkauf {m}, clearance sale: Schlussverkauf {m}, Ausverkauf {m}
sale {n} (act of putting up for auction to the highest bidder)
:: Auktion {f}
saleable {adj} (suitable for sale)
:: verkäuflich
Salekhard {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Salechard {n}
Salerno {prop} (province)
:: Salerno
Salerno {prop} (city)
:: Salerno
salesman {n} (man whose job it is to sell things)
:: Verkäufer {m}
salesperson {n} (person who sells)
:: Verkäufer {m}, Verkäuferin {f}
sales pitch {n} (presentation to persuade a customer)
:: Verkaufstechnik {f}, Verkaufstaktik
sales slip {n} (receipt for a purchase)
:: Kassenzettel {m}
saleswoman {n} (woman whose occupation is to sell things)
:: Verkäuferin {f}
salience {n} (condition of being salient)
:: Hervorspringen {n}
salience {n} (highlight; perceptual prominence, or likelihood of being noticed)
:: perzeptuelle Prominenz {f}, Salienz {f}
salient {adj} (worthy of note)
:: hervorstechend, wesentlich
saline {n} (solution) SEE: saline solution
saline {adj} (salty)
:: salzhaltig
saline solution {n} (solution)
:: Kochsalzlösung {f}, Salzlösung {f}
saliva {n} (liquid secreted into the mouth)
:: Speichel {m}
salivary {adj} (of or pertaining to saliva)
:: Speichel-
salivary gland {n} (Any of exocrine glands producing saliva to break down carbohydrates in food enzymatically)
:: Speicheldrüse {f}
salivate {v} (to produce saliva)
:: speicheln, geifern, sabbern
salivate {v} (to show eager anticipation)
:: geifern, keifen
sally {n}
:: Weidengerte
sally {n} (sortie, see also: sortie)
:: Ausfall {m}, Versuch {m}
sally {n} (sudden rushing forth)
:: Ausfall {m}, Vorstürmen {n}, Anstürmen {n}, Hechten {n}, Ansturm {m}, Ausbruch {m}, Anfallen {n}
sally {n} (witty statement or quip)
:: geistreiche Bemerkung {f}, Stichelei {f}, Witzelei {f}, witziger Einfall {m}
sally {n} (excursion or side trip)
:: Ausflug {m}
sally {v} (to make a sudden attack )
:: einen Ausfall machen, herausstürmen, hinausstürmen, hervorbrechen, anstürmen, attackieren, stürmen, aufspringen
sally {v} (to set out on an excursion)
:: aufbrechen, sich aufmachen, aufmachen, losmachen, losgehen, sich auf den Weg machen
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow
salmon {n} (fish)
:: Lachs {m}
salmon {n} (colour)
:: lachsfarben, lachsfarbig, lachsrot, lachsrosa
salmon {adj} (colour)
:: lachsfarben
salmonberry {n} (fruit)
:: Pracht-Himbeere {f}, Lachsbeere {f}
salmonella {n} (any of several rod-shaped bacteria, of the genus Salmonella)
:: Salmonelle {f}
salmon ladder {n} (fish ladder built for salmon)
:: Lachstreppe {f}
salmon trout {n} (rainbow trout) SEE: rainbow trout
salo {n} (non-rendered pig fat)
:: Salo {n}
salon {n} (large room)
:: Salon {m}, Halle {f}, Saal {m}
salon {n}
:: Saal {m}
saloon {n} (sedan) SEE: sedan
salp {n} (free-swimming tunicate of the genus Salpa)
:: Salpe {f}
salpinx {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube
salt {adj}
:: salzig
salt {v} (to add salt to)
:: salzen
salt {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh
salt {n} (sodium chloride)
:: Salz {n}, Kochsalz {n}
salt {n} (compound of an acid and a base)
:: Salz {n}
saltbush {n} (plant of the genus Atriplex)
:: Melde {f}; Ancient: ἀτράφαξυς {f}
salt cellar {n} (container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table)
:: Salzfässchen {n}, Salzstreuer {m}
salt cod {n} (Cod that has been dried and salted)
:: Klippfisch {m}
salted {adj} (to which salt has been added)
:: gesalzen
saltfree {adj}
:: salzfrei
saltine {n} (salty cracker)
:: Cracker {m}
salting {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh
saltire {n} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross
salt lake {n} (body of water with a high concentration of salts)
:: Salzsee {m}
Salt Lake City {prop} (capital city of Utah, USA)
:: Salt Lake City
saltless {adj} (free of salt)
:: salzlos
salt lick {n} (block of salt)
:: Salzlecke {f}, Leckstein {m}
salt marsh {n} (marsh of saline water)
:: Salzmarsch {f}, Salzwiese {f}
salt mine {n} (mine)
:: Salzbergwerk {n}
salt of the earth {n} (a decent, dependable person)
:: Salz der Erde {n}
saltpetre {n} (sodium nitrate) SEE: sodium nitrate
saltpetre {n} (potassium nitrate) SEE: potassium nitrate
salt shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling)
:: Salzstreuer {m}, Salzfässchen {n}
saltspoon {n} (small spoon for salt)
:: Salzlöffel {m}
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine
salt water {n} (any water containing dissolved salt)
:: Salzwasser {n}
saltworks {n} (salt works)
:: Salzwerk {n}
salty {adj} (tasting of salt)
:: salzig
salty {adj} (containing salt)
:: salzhaltig
salty dog {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog
salubrious {adj} (promoting health)
:: bekömmlich, heilsam, zuträglich
salubrity {n} (The quality of being salubrious)
:: Heilsamkeit {f}
Saluki {n} (Saluki breed of dog)
:: Saluki {m}
salutation {n} (greeting)
:: Anrede {f}
salutation {n} (title)
:: Titel {m}
salute {n}
:: Salut {m}
salute {v}
:: salutieren
salutiferous {adj} (healthy or health-giving)
:: heilbringend
Salvadoran {n} (a person from El Salvador)
:: Salvadorianer {m}, Salvadorianerin {f}
Salvadoran {adj} (of or pertaining to El Salvador)
:: salvadorianisch
Salvadorian {n} (Salvadoran) SEE: Salvadoran
Salvadorian {adj} (Salvadoran) SEE: Salvadoran
salvage {n} (the rescue of a ship, its crew or its cargo from a hazardous situation)
:: Bergung {f}
salvage {v} (to rescue)
:: bergen, retten
salvage {v} (to put to use)
:: retten
salvageable {adj} (capable of being salvaged)
:: zu retten sein
salvation {n} (the process of being saved (religion))
:: Erlösung {f}, Rettung {f}
Salvation Army {prop} (Protestant Christian church and international charitable organization)
:: Heilsarmee {f}
Salvationist {n} (member of the Salvation Army)
:: Salutist {m}, Salutistin {f}, Heilssoldat {m} , Heilssoldatin {f}
Salvationist {adj} (relating to the activities or doctrines of the Salvation Army)
:: salutistisch
salve {n} (ointment, cream or balm)
:: Salbe {f}, Balsam {m}
salvo {n} (concentrated fire from pieces of artillery)
:: Salve {f}
salvo {n} (any volley, as in an argument or debate)
:: Salve {f}
salvo {n} (salute paid by a simultaneous firing of a number of cannons)
:: Salve {f}
Salzburg {prop} (city)
:: Salzburg {n}
Salzburg {prop} (modern Austrian state)
:: Salzburg {n}
Salzburgian {n} (person from Salzburg)
:: Salzburger
SAM {n} (surface-to-air missile)
:: FlaRak {f}
Samantha {prop} (female given name)
:: Samantha
samara {n} (winged indehiscent fruit of trees such as the ash, elm or maple)
:: Flügelnuss {f}
Samara {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Samara {n}
Samaria {prop} (Both city and part of ancient Palestine)
:: Samaria {n}, Samarien {n}
Samaritan {n} (a native or inhabitant of Samaria)
:: Samariter {m}, Samariterin {f}
samarium {n} (chemical element)
:: Samarium {n}
Samarkand {prop} (city in Uzbekistan)
:: Samarkand {n}
samba {n} (Brazilian ballroom dance)
:: Samba {m}
sambadrome {n} (exhibition place for samba schools in Brazil)
:: Sambódromo {n}, Sambodromo {n}
Sam Browne belt {n} (belt supported by a strap)
:: Koppel mit Schulterriemen, Koppeltragegestell
sambuca {n} (Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavoured with licorice)
:: Sambuca {m}
same {adj} (not different as regards self; identical)
:: selbe, derselbe
same {adj} (similar, alike)
:: gleich, derselbe
same {pron} (the identical thing)
:: derselbe
Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti {prop} (region of Georgia)
:: Mingrelien und Oberswanetien
sameness {n} (quality of being the same)
:: Gleichheit {f}, Gleichartigkeit {f}
sameness {n} (a tiring lack of variety)
:: Gleichförmigkeit {f}
same old story {n} (the repetition of an annoying occurrence)
:: die selbe Leier {f}
same sex {n} (the same gender to which one is referring)
:: gleiches Geschlecht {n}
same-sex {adj} (restricted to members of a single sex)
:: gleichen Geschlechts
same-sex {adj} (of or relating to homosexual men or women)
:: gleichgeschlechtlich
same-sex marriage {n} (gay marriage) SEE: gay marriage
same to you {phrase} (I wish to you what you have just wished to me)
:: ebenfalls, gleichfalls, auch so
samey {adj} (without variety)
:: irgendwie gleich, irgendwie ähnlich
Sami {n} (member of indigenous people of Lapland)
:: Sami {m}
Sami {prop} (any of the languages of the Sami)
:: Sami {n}
samizdat {n} (underground publishing)
:: Samisdat {m}, Samizdat {m}
Samland {prop} (peninsula which juts into the Baltic)
:: Samland {n}
samlaw {n} (pedicab) SEE: pedicab
Samnite {n} (a native of Samnium)
:: Samnit
Samnium {prop} (region of Italy)
:: Samnium {f}
Samoa {prop} (Independent State of Samoa)
:: Samoa
Samoan {n} (person)
:: Samoaner {m}, Samoanerin {f}
Samoan {adj} (of or pertaining to Samoa)
:: samoanisch
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia)
:: Samogitien {f}, Schamaiten {f}
Samogitian {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the region of Samogitia, or its people)
:: Schemaitisch, Žemaitisch
Samogitian {prop} (Baltic language spoken in Samogitia)
:: Schemaitisch, Žemaitisch
samogon {n} (moonshine) SEE: moonshine
Samos {prop} (an island belonging to the Sporades and a city)
:: Samos,
Samos {prop} (a prefecture in the eastern part of the Aegean)
:: Samos,
Samosata {prop} (city in Commagene)
:: Samosata
Samothrace {prop} (island)
:: Samothraki {n}, Samothrazien {n}
samovar {n} (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea)
:: Samowar {m}
Samoyedic {prop} (group of languages)
:: Samojedisch {n}, samojedische Sprachen {f-p}
sampan {n} (Chinese boat)
:: Sampan {m}, chinesisches Wohnboot {n}
samphire {n} (marsh samphire)
:: Queller {m}, Glasschmelz {m}
samphire {n} (rock samphire) SEE: rock samphire
sample {n} (part taken for inspection)
:: Probe {f}, Muster {n}
sample {n} (statistics)
:: Stichprobe {f}
sample {v} (to take or to test a sample or samples of)
:: probieren, kosten
sample {v} (signal processing: to reduce a continuous signal to a discrete signal)
:: abtasten
sampling {n} (measurement, at regular intervals, of the amplitude of a varying waveform in order to convert it to digital form)
:: Abtastung {f}
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge)
:: Samson (Catholic), Simson (Protestant)
Samtskhe-Javakheti {prop} (region of Georgia)
:: Samzche-Dschawachetien
Samuel {prop} (male given name)
:: Samuel
Samuel {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Samuel
Samuel {prop} (biblical person)
:: Samuel
samurai {n} (feudal Japanese warrior)
:: Samurai {m}
-san {suffix} (Ms) SEE: Ms
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs
-san {suffix} (Miss) SEE: Miss
Sana'a {prop} (capital of Yemen)
:: Sanaa
San Antonio {prop} (Texan city)
:: San Antonio
sanation {n} (act of healing or curing)
:: Heilung {f}
sanatorium {n} (institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence)
:: Sanatorium {n}, Sanatorien {p}
séance {n} (a ceremony where people try to communicate with the spirits)
:: Séance {f}
sanctifier {n} (one who sanctifies (makes holy))
:: Heiligmacher {m}, Heiligmacherin {f}
sanctify {v} (to make holy)
:: heiligen
sanctimonious {adj} (making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically)
:: frömmelnd, scheinheilig
sanction {n} (approval, by an authority, that makes something valid)
:: Billigung {f}, Sanktionierung {f}
sanction {n} (penalty, coercive measure)
:: Sanktion {f}
sanction {n} (stipulation specifying the above)
:: Sanktionierung {f}
sanction {v}
:: Sanktion
sanctity {n} (holiness) SEE: holiness
sanctuary {n} (place of safety or protection)
:: Zuflucht {f}, Herberge {f}
sanctuary {n} (state of being protected)
:: Asyl {n}
sanctuary city {n} (sanctuary city)
:: Zufluchtsstadt {f}
sanctum sanctorum {n} (Holy of Holies)
:: Allerheiligste {n}
sand {n} (finely ground rock)
:: Sand {m}
sand {n} (beach)
:: Sand {m} , Sandstrand {m}
sand {n} (colour)
:: Sand {n}, Sandfarbe {f}
sand {v} (to abrade with sand or sandpaper)
:: schleifen, schmirgeln
sand {v} (to cover with sand)
:: versanden ; mit Sand bedecken
sandal {n} (type of footwear)
:: Sandale {f}
sandal {n} (sandalwood) SEE: sandalwood
sandalwood {n} (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum)
:: Sandelholz {n}, Santelholz, Santalholz
sandalwood {n} (the aromatic heartwood of the trees of the genus Santalum)
:: Sandelholz {n}, Santelholz, Santalholz
sandbag {n} (a bag filled with sand)
:: Sandsack {n}
sandbank {n} (ridge of sand)
:: Sandbank {f}
sandbar {n} (ridge of sand)
:: Sandbank {f}
Sandbian {prop} (subdivision of the Ordovician period)
:: Sandbium
sandbox {n} (box with sand for children)
:: Sandkasten {m}, Sandkiste {f}
sandbox {n} (computing: isolated program execution area)
:: Sandbox {f}
sandbox {n} (wiki sandbox)
:: Spielwiese {f}
sandbox {n} (animal's litter box) SEE: litter box
sandcastle {n} (a sculpture made of sand and resembling a miniature castle)
:: Sandburg {f}
sand cat {n} (small wild cat)
:: Sandkatze {f}
sand down {v} (treat or polish with sandpaper)
:: schmirgeln, abschmirgeln
sand dune {n} (mound of windblown sand)
:: Wanderdüne {f}
sander {n} (machine for sanding)
:: Schleifmaschine {f}
sander {n} (device which spreads sand to improve traction)
:: Sandstreuer {m}
sanderling {n} (Calidris alba)
:: Sanderling {m}
sand flea {n} (crustacean of the family Talitridae)
:: Strandfloh {m}
sandfly {n} (fly of Lutzomyia or Phlebotomus)
:: Sandfliege {f}
sandgrouse {n} (birds in the family Pteroclididae)
:: Flughuhn {n}
sandhi {n} (phonological process)
:: Sandhi {n}
sandhill crane {n} (Grus canadensis)
:: Kanadakranich {m}
sandhopper {n} (sand flea) SEE: sand flea
sanding sheet {n} (sheet of sanding paper)
:: Schleifpapierbogen
sandman {n} (figure who brings good sleep and dreams)
:: Sandmann {m}, Sandmännchen {n}
sand martin {n} (bird)
:: Uferschwalbe {f}
sandpaper {n} (paper coated with abrasive material)
:: Schleifpapier {n}, Schmirgelpapier {n}, Sandpapier {n}
sandpaper {n} (a sheet)
:: Schleifpapierbogen
sandpaper {v} (to polish or grind a surface)
:: abschleifen, abschmirgeln
sandpiper {n} (bird of the family Scolopacidae)
:: Wasserläufer {m}, Strandläufer {m}
sandpit {n} (children's play area)
:: Sandkasten {m}
Sandra {prop} (female given name)
:: Sandra
sandstone {n} (sand/clay sedimentary rock)
:: Sandstein {m}
sandstorm {n} (strong wind carrying clouds of sand)
:: Sandsturm {m}
sandthorn {n} (Hippophae rhamnoides)
:: Sanddorn {m}
sandwich {n} (snack consisting of two slices of bread)
:: belegtes Brot {n}, Sandwich {n} {m}, Stulle {f}, Schnitte {f}
sandwich {v} (to place one item between two other, usually flat, items)
:: einklemmen, einzwängen
sandwich {n} (open sandwich) SEE: open sandwich
sandwich bar {n}
:: Sandwichladen {m}
sandwich cookie {n} (type of snack)
:: Doppelkeks {m}
Sandwich tern {n} (species of tern, Thalasseus sandvicensis)
:: Brandseeschwalbe {f}
sandwort {n} (any of several plants in the genera Arenaria)
:: Sandkraut {n}
sandy {adj} (covered with sand)
:: sandig
sandy {adj} (sand-coloured)
:: sandfarben
sane {adj} (mentally healthy)
:: vernünftig
sane {adj} (mentally sound; possessing a rational mind)
:: zurechnungsfähig, vernünftig
San Francisco {prop} (San Francisco, California city)
:: San Francisco {n}, San Franzisko
sangfroid {n} (composure, self-possession or imperturbability)
:: Gelassenheit {f}, Seelenruhe {f}, Kaltblütigkeit {f}
Sango {prop} (language)
:: Sango {n}
sangria {n} (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda)
:: Sangria {m} {f}
sanguinary {adj}
:: blutbefleckt, blutdürstig, mörderisch
sanguine {adj} (having the colour of blood; red)
:: blutrot
sanguinolent {adj} (containing or tinged with blood)
:: blutbefleckt, bluttriefend, blutig, blutbesudelt, blutbeschmiert
sanicle {n} (plant)
:: Sanikel {m}
sanitary napkin {n} (pad of cotton or other absorbent material)
:: Binde, Damenbinde {f}, Monatsbinde {f}
sanitary towel {n} (pad of cotton) SEE: sanitary napkin
sanitation {n} (the hygienic disposal or recycling of waste)
:: Kanalisation {f}, Abwasserentsorgung {f}, Abfallwirtschaft {f}
sanitize {v} (to free from microorganisms)
:: keimfrei machen, hygienisch machen
sanitize {v} (to filter text)
:: sanitizen
sanity {n} (the condition of being sane)
:: Verstand {m}, Zurechnungsfähigkeit {f}
sanity {n} (reasonable and rational behaviour)
:: Vernunft {f}, Vernünftigkeit {f}
San José {prop} (the capital of Costa Rica)
:: San José {n}
San José {prop} (A city in California, USA) SEE: San Jose
San Jose {prop} (a city in California, USA)
:: San Jose
San Marinese {adj}
:: san-marinesisch
San Marino {prop} (Republic of San Marino)
:: San Marino {n}
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without
sans-culottide {n} (any of the five or six days added at the end of Fructidor)
:: Sansculottide {f}
Sanskrit {n} (language)
:: Sanskrit {n}; sanskritisch
sans serif {adj} (without serifs)
:: serifenlos
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus
Santa Catarina {prop} (state in southern Brazil)
:: Santa Catarina {n}
Santa Claus {prop} (fictional figure)
:: Weihnachtsmann {m} (Christmas), Christkind {n} (Christmas; different figure with same role), Nikolaus {m} (6 December), Samichlaus {m}
Santa hat {n} (red and white hat associated with Santa Claus)
:: Weihnachtsmannmütze {f}
Santiago de Compostela {prop} (city)
:: Santiago de Compostela {n}
Santonian {prop} (subdivision of the Late Cretaceous epoch)
:: Santonium
Santorini {prop} (Greek island)
:: Santorin {n}
Santo Stefano di Cadore {prop} (town in Italy)
:: St. Stefan im Cadober
sap {n} (juice of plant)
:: Saft {m}
sap {n} (sapwood of a tree)
:: Mantelholz {n}, Splint {m}
sap {n} (slang: saphead)
:: Einfaltspinsel {m}, Heulsuse {f}, Simpel {m}
sap {v} (gradually weaken)
:: aufzehren, erschöpfen
sapling {n} (young tree)
:: junger Baum {m}, Setzling {m}, Steckling {m}, Schössling {m}, Jungbaum {m}, Fechser {m}
sapling {n} (youth)
:: grüner Junge {m}, Grünschnabel {m}, Jüngling {m}
Sappada {prop} (town in Italy)
:: Pladen, Bladen
sapper {n} (one who saps; combat engineer)
:: Sappeur {m}
sapphic {adj} (relating to lesbianism)
:: sapphisch
Sapphic {adj} (sapphic) SEE: sapphic
sapphire {n} (gem)
:: Saphir {m}
sapphism {n} (lesbianism)
:: Sapphismus
Sappho {prop} (Greek female name)
:: Sappho {f}
saprophyte {n} (organism that lives on dead organic matter)
:: Saprophyt {m}
sapsucker {n} (Sphyrapicus)
:: Saftlecker {m}
sapwood {n} (wood just under the bark)
:: Splintholz {n}
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah
sarabande {n} (a 16th century Spanish dance)
:: Sarabande
Saracen {n} (member of a nomadic people from the Sinai near the Roman province of Arabia in the early centuries CE)
:: Sarazene {m}
sarafan {n} (a traditional long, trapeze-shaped Russian pinafore worn by women and girls.)
:: Sarafan {m}
Sarah {prop} (the wife of Abraham)
:: Sara {f}, Sarah {f}
Sarah {prop} (given name from Hebrew)
:: Sara {f}, Sarah {f}
Sarajevo {prop} (city)
:: Sarajevo, Sarajewo
Saratov {prop} (city)
:: Saratow {n}
sarcasm {n} (derision, facetiousness)
:: Sarkasmus {m}
sarcastic {adj} (Containing sarcasm)
:: sarkastisch
sarcastic {adj} (Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm)
:: sarkastisch
sarcocol {n} (gum-resin from Astragalus fasciculifolius for wounds)
:: Fleischleim {m}
sarcoma {n} (type of malignant tumor)
:: Sarkom {n}
sarcomere {n} (contractile unit in a striated muscle's myofibril)
:: Sarkomer {n}
sarcophagus {n} (coffin)
:: Sarkophag {m}
sardine {n} (fish)
:: Sardine {f}
Sardinia {prop} (island of Italy)
:: Sardinien {n}
Sardinian {prop} (language)
:: Sardisch {n}
Sardinian {adj} (relating to Sardinia)
:: sardisch, sardinisch
Sardinian {n} (person from Sardinia)
:: Sarde {m}, Sardin {f}, Sardinier {m}, Sardinierin {f}
Sardis {prop} (ancient capital of Lydia in western Asia Minor)
:: Sardes {n}, Sardeis {n}
sardonic {adj} (scornfully mocking)
:: hämisch, mokant
sardonic {adj} (ironically humorous)
:: bitter, sarkastisch, sardonisch
sardonyx {n} (gemstone banded with red sard)
:: Sardonyx {m}
sargasso {n} (brown alga of the genus Sargassum)
:: Golftang {m}
Sargon {prop} (emperor)
:: Sargon {m}
sari {n} (cloth)
:: Sari {m}
sarin {n} (neurotoxin)
:: Sarin {n}
Sarkozy {prop} (surname)
:: Sarkozy
Sarmatism {n} (belief that the people of the Polish Commonwealth descended from the ancient Sarmatians)
:: Sarmatismus {m}
sarong {n} (garment made of printed cloth wrapped about the waist)
:: Sarong {m}
sarsaparilla {n} (vine of the genus Smilax)
:: Sarsaparille {f}, Sarsaparilla {f}, Stechwinde {f}
sartorius {n} (anatomy: a muscle)
:: Schneidermuskel {m}
sarus crane {n}
:: Saruskranich {m}
sash {n} (decorative length of cloth)
:: Schärpe {f}
sash {n} (opening part of a window)
:: Schiebeflügel {m}, Fensterflügel {m}, Schieberahmen {m}
Sasha {prop} (male given name)
:: Sascha {m}
Sasha {prop} (female given name)
:: Sascha {f}
sashay {v}
:: schwingen, tänzeln
sashimi {n} (dish of slices of raw fish or meat)
:: Sashimi {n}
sash window {n} (type of window)
:: Schiebefenster {n}
Saskatchewan {prop} (Province in western Canada)
:: Saskatchewan {n}
Saskatchewanian {n} (an inhabitant of Saskatchewan)
:: Saskatschewaner {m}, Saskatschewanerin {f}, Saskatchewaner {m}, Saskatchewanerin {f}
Saskatchewanian {adj} (of or relating to Saskatchewan)
:: saskatschewanisch, saskatchewanisch
Saskatonian {n} (native or inhabitant of Saskatoon)
:: Saskatooner {m}, Saskatoonerin {f}, Saskatuner {m} , Saskatunerin {f}
Saskatonian {adj} (of or relating to Saskatoon)
:: Saskatooner, Saskatuner , saskatoonisch, saskatunisch
Saskatoon {prop} (the largest city in Saskatchewan, Canada)
:: Saskatoon {n}, Saskatun {n}
sasquatch {n} (a hairy humanoid creature)
:: Sasquatch {m}
sassafras {n} (tree of the species Sassafras)
:: Sassafras {m}, Sassafrasbaum {m}, Fenchelholzbaum {m}, Nelkenzimtbaum {m}
sassafras {n} (dried bark of the sassafras tree)
:: Sassafrasrinde {f}
Sassanian {n} (member of the Sassanid Dynasty)
:: Sassanide {m}, Sassanidin {f}
sassy {adj} (bold and spirited, cheeky, impudent, saucy)
:: frech, keck, patzig, unverschämt
sassy {adj} (lively, vigorous)
:: lebendig, vital
Sat {n} (abbreviation of Saturday)
:: Sa.
Satan {prop} (the Devil)
:: (der) Satan {m}, Teufel {m}
Satan {n} (the Devil)
:: (ein) Satan {m}, Teufel {m}
satanic {adj} (relating to Satan)
:: satanisch
satanic {adj} (evil)
:: satanisch
satanic {adj} (relating to Satanism)
:: satanisch
satanical {adj} (satanic) SEE: satanic
Satanism {n} (devil worship)
:: Teufelsanbeterei {f}, Satanismus {m}
Satanism {n} (a religion founded by Anton Szandor LaVey)
:: Satanismus {m}
satay {n} (dish)
:: Satay, Saté
satchel {n} (bag or case with one or two shoulder straps)
:: Schultasche {f}; Ranzen {m}, Schulranzen {m}, Tornister {m}; Umhängetasche {f}
sate {v} (To satisfy; fill up)
:: sättigen
satellite {n} (attendant on an important person)
:: Begleiter {m}, Gefolgsmann {m}
satellite {n} (a body orbiting a larger one)
:: Trabant {m}, Begleiter {m}, Satellit {m}
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body)
:: Satellit {m}, Orbiter {m}, umkreisender Raumflugkörper {m}
satellite dish {n} (parabolic antenna)
:: Parabolantenne {f}, Satellitenschüssel {f}
satellite navigation system {n} (navigation system using artificial satellites as radio signal sources and position references)
:: Navigationsgerät {n}; Navigationssystem {n}; Satellitennavigationssystem {n}
satellite phone {n} (mobile telephone that connects to a satellite)
:: Satellitentelefon {n}
satellite town {n} (self-contained town near a metropolis)
:: Satellitenstadt {f}
Saterland Frisian {prop} (language)
:: Saterfriesisch {n}
Sathmar Swabian {n} (member of the German community in Sathmar)
:: Sathmarer Schwabe, Sathmarschwabe
Sathmar Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to this group or its lect)
:: sathmarschwäbisch
satiate {v} (satisfy)
:: sättigen
satiate {v} (satisfy to excess)
:: übersättigen
satiated {adj} (pleasantly full)
:: satt
satiation {n} (satiety) SEE: satiety
satiety {n} (state of being perfectly satiated)
:: Sattheit {f}, Sättigung {f}
satin {n} (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back)
:: Satin {m}, Satinstoff {m}, Satintuch {n}, Atlasstoff {m}, Atlastuch {n}, Atlasgewebe {n}
satire {n} (literary technique)
:: Satire {f}
satiric {adj} (satirical) SEE: satirical
satirical {adj} (of or pertaining to satire)
:: satirisch
satirist {n} (a person who writes satire)
:: Satiriker {m}, Satirikerin {f}
satirize {v} (make a satire)
:: satirisieren, verspotten, verhöhnen, lächerlich machen
Satis {prop} (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility)
:: Satis {f}
satisfaction {n} (fulfillment of a need or desire)
:: Befriedigung {f}
satisfaction {n} (pleasure obtained by such fulfillment)
:: Zufriedenheit {f}
satisfaction {n} (reparation for an injury or loss)
:: Satisfaktion {f}, Genugtuung {f}
satisfactory {adj} (adequate or sufficient)
:: befriedigend, zufriedenstellend
satisfied {adj} (in a state of satisfaction)
:: zufrieden, befriedigt
satisfy {v} (to meet needs, to fulfill)
:: befriedigen, zufriedenstellen
satisfy {v} (to satisfy) SEE: respond
satisfying {adj} (that satisfies)
:: befriedigend, zufriedenstellend
satrap {n} (governor of a Persian province)
:: Satrap {m}
satrapy {n} (territory governed by a satrap)
:: Satrapie {f}
satsuma {n} (seedless cultivar of tangerine)
:: Satsuma {f}
Satu Mare {prop} (city in Romania)
:: Sathmar, Satu Mare
saturate {v} (to become penetrated or soaked)
:: sättigen
saturate {v} (to cause a substance to become inert by chemical combination with all that it can hold)
:: sättigen
saturated {adj} (full; unable to hold or contain any more)
:: gesättigt, saturiert
saturated {adj}
:: gesättigt
saturation {n} (the act of saturating or the process of being saturated)
:: Sättigung {f}
saturation {n}
:: Sättigung {f}
Saturday {n} (day of the week)
:: Samstag {m}, Sonnabend {m}, Sabbat {m}, Satertag {m}
Saturn {prop} (planet)
:: Saturn {m}
Saturn {prop} (god)
:: Saturn {m}
saturnine {adj} (of a person: having a tendency to be cold, bitter, gloomy, etc.)
:: düster
saturnism {n} (lead poisoning) SEE: plumbism
satyr {n} (Greek mythology)
:: Satyr {m}
Sauber {prop} (surname)
:: Sauber
sauce {n} (liquid condiment)
:: Soße {f}, Sauce {f}
sauceboat {n} (boat-shaped pitcher for serving sauce or gravy) SEE: gravy boat
saucepan {n} (deep cooking vessel)
:: Kochtopf {m}, Topf {m}, Kasserolle {f}
saucer {n} (small dish)
:: Untertasse {f}
sauciness {n} (the property of being saucy)
:: Keckheit {f}, Kessheit {f}
saucy {adj} (similar to sauce)
:: soßenartig
saucy {adj} (impertinent or disrespectful)
:: keck, kess, frech
saucy {adj} (impudently bold)
:: schamlos, frech
saucy {adj} (mildly erotic)
:: gewagt
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia
Saudi {n} (person from Saudi Arabia)
:: Saudi-Araber {m}, Saudi-Araberin {f}
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia)
:: saudisch, saudi-arabisch
Saudi Arabia {prop} (country in the Middle East)
:: Saudi-Arabien {n}
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi
Sauer {prop} (river)
:: Sauer {f}
sauerbraten {n} (sauerbraten)
:: Sauerbraten {m}
sauerkraut {n} (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage)
:: Sauerkraut {n}, Sauerkohl {m}
sauerkraut soup {n} (sauerkraut soup)
:: Sauerkrautsuppe {f}
Sauk {prop} (the tribe)
:: Sauk, Sac
Saul {prop} (first king of Israel)
:: Saul
Saul {prop} (original name of Paul)
:: Saulus
Saulteaux {prop} (nation)
:: Saulteaux
sauna {n} (sauna room or house)
:: Sauna {f}
sauna {n} (act of using a sauna)
:: Saunieren
sauna {v} (to use a sauna)
:: saunieren
saunter {v} (stroll or walk at a leisurely pace)
:: müßig umherschlendern, bummeln (to saunter about)
saunter {n} (a leisurely walk or stroll)
:: Umherschlendern, gemächliche Wanderung; Schlendergang
saunterer {n} (one who saunters)
:: Müßiggänger(in), Pflastertreter(in)
saurian {n} (reptile of the suborder Sauria)
:: Saurier {m}
sausage {n} (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing)
:: Wurst {f}
sausage {n} (small, uncooked)
:: Würstchen {n}, Wurst {f}
sausage casing {n} (membrane into which filling of a sausage is stuffed)
:: Wursthülle {f}, Naturdarm {m} , Kunstdarm {m}
Sava {prop} (river)
:: Save {f}
savage {adj} (wild, not cultivated)
:: wild
savage {adj} (barbaric, not civilized)
:: wild, wüst, unbebaut
savage {adj} (fierce and ferocious)
:: unbändig, rasend, wütend
savage {adj} (brutal, vicious or merciless)
:: roh, barbarisch, grausam
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person)
:: Wilder {m}, roher Mensch {m}, Barbar {m}
savage {v} (to attack or assault someone or something ferociously or without restraint)
:: angreifen, anfallen, bestürmen, herfallen über
savage {v} (to criticise vehemently)
:: beleidigen
savage {v} (to attack with the teeth)
:: beißen, zerfleischen
savageness {n} (property of behaving savagely)
:: Wildheit, Roheit, Grausamkeit, Wut, Bissigkeit
savagery {n} (being savage)
:: Wildheit {f}
savanna {n} (tropical grassland with scattered trees)
:: Savanne {f}
savannah monitor {n} (Varanus exanthematicus)
:: Steppenwaran {m}
savant {n} (a person of learning)
:: Gelehrter {m}, Gelehrte {f}
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone)
:: retten
save {v} (theology: to redeem or protect someone from eternal damnation)
:: erretten
save {v} (to store for future use)
:: sichern, speichern
save {v} (computing: to write a file to a storage medium)
:: speichern
save {v} (to economize)
:: sparen
save {v} (to accumulate money)
:: sparen
save {v}
:: aufbewahren , speichern
Save {prop} (river in Africa)
:: Save {m}
Save {prop} (river in France)
:: Save {f}
saved by the bell {v} (rescued by a timely interruption)
:: vom Gong gerettet
save face {v} (preserve reputation)
:: das Gesicht wahren
save up {v} (accumulate money for a specific purpose)
:: zusammensparen
savin {n} (Juniperus sabina)
:: Stinkwacholder {m}
saving {n} (something that is saved)
:: Ersparnisse {f-p}
savings account {n} (account that yields a better interest than a current account)
:: Sparkonto {n}
savings bank {n} (financial institution)
:: Sparkasse {f}
savior {n} (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm)
:: Erlöser {m}, Erlöserin {f}, Retter {m}, Retterin {f}, Erretter {m}, Erretterin {f}
Savi's warbler {?} (Locustella luscinioides)
:: Rohrschwirl {m}
savoiardi {n} (small sponge cake) SEE: ladyfinger
savory {adj} (tasty, attractive to the palate)
:: schmackhaft, köstlich
savory {adj} (salty or non-sweet)
:: herzhaft
savory {n} (herb of genus Satureja)
:: Bohnenkraut {n}
savour {n} (the specific taste or smell of something)
:: Aroma {n}, Geschmack {m}
savour {v} (to possess a particular taste or smell, or a distinctive quality)
:: schmecken, riechen
savour {v} (to appreciate, enjoy or relish something)
:: genießen
Savoy {prop} (a historical region of western Europe)
:: Savoyen {n}
Savoy {n} (Savoy cabbage) SEE: Savoy cabbage
Savoy cabbage {n} (cultivar of cabbage)
:: Wirsing {m}
savvy {adj} (well-informed and perceptive)
:: clever, klug, schlau
savvy {v} ((informal) to understand)
:: kapieren, schnallen, verstehen
saw {n} (tool)
:: Säge {f}
saw {v} (cut with a saw)
:: sägen
saw {n} (saying or proverb)
:: Spruch {m}, Sprichwort {n}
saw {n} (sawtooth wave) SEE: sawtooth
sawbones {n} (surgeon)
:: Chirurg {m}
sawdust {n} (dust created by sawing)
:: Sägemehl {n}, Sägespäne {m}
sawfish {n} (ray with saw-shaped snout)
:: Sägefisch {m}, Sägerochen {m}
sawhorse {n} (a device used to temporarily raise and support pieces of material)
:: Sägebock {m}
sawm {n} (Islamic fasting)
:: Saum
sawmill {n} (machine, building or company)
:: Sägewerk {n}, Sägemühle {f}
sawtooth {n} (cutting bit of a saw)
:: Sägezahn {m}
sawtooth {n} (sawtooth wave) SEE: sawtooth wave
sawtooth wave {n} (function or waveform that ramps upwards and then sharply drops)
:: Sägezahnschwingung {f}
sawyer {n} (one who saws timber)
:: Säger {m}, Sägerin {f}
saxhorn {n} (a brass instrument)
:: Bügelhorn {n}, Saxhorn {n}
saxifrage {n} (plant)
:: Steinbrech {m}
Saxon {n} (member of Saxon tribe)
:: Sachse {m}
Saxon {n} (native or inhabitant of Saxony)
:: Sachse {m}, Sächsin {f}
Saxon {n} (2-point type)
:: Non Plus Ultra, Viertelpetit
Saxon {prop} (language of the Saxons)
:: Sächsisch {n}, Altsächsisch {n}
Saxon {adj} (of Saxons, Saxony or Saxon language)
:: sächsisch
Saxony {prop} (state)
:: Sachsen {n}
Saxony-Anhalt {prop} (state)
:: Sachsen-Anhalt {n}
saxophone {n} (a musical instrument of the woodwind family)
:: Saxofon {n}
saxophonist {n} (person who plays or practices with the saxophone)
:: Saxophonist {m}, Saxophonistin {f}
say {v} (to pronounce)
:: sagen
say {v} (to recite)
:: sagen, verrichten
say {v} (to communicate verbally or in writing)
:: sagen
say {v} (to have a common expression)
:: es heißt, man sagt
say {v} (imperative: let's say)
:: sagen wir
say {v}
:: sagen
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell
say goodbye {v} (wish someone farewell upon their leaving)
:: Abschied nehmen, sich verabschieden, Lebewohl sagen, auf Wiedersehen sagen
say grace {v} (say a prayer of thanks)
:: das Tischgebet sprechen
saying {n} (proverb or maxim)
:: Sprichwort {n}, Ausspruch {m}
sayonara {interj} (goodbye, adieu) SEE: farewell
sb {pron} (abbreviation of somebody in explanation)
:: jmd.
scab {n} (mange) SEE: mange
scab {n} (incrustation over a wound)
:: Schorf {m}; Kruste {f}
scab {n} (scabies) SEE: scabies
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker
scabbard {n} (the sheath of a sword)
:: Schwertscheide {f}, Scheide {f}
scabies {n} (an infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei)
:: Krätze {f}
scaffold {n} (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on)
:: Gerüst {n}
scaffold {n} (platform for executions)
:: Schafott {n}
scaffold {v} (set up scaffolding)
:: einrüsten
scaffolding {n} (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material)
:: Gerüst {n}
scaffold protein {n} (protein)
:: Gerüstprotein
scalability {n} (property of being scalable)
:: Skalierbarkeit {f}
scalable {adj} (capable of being climbed)
:: skalierbar
scalar function {n} (mathematical function)
:: skalare Funktion {f}
scalar product {n} (product of two vectors)
:: Skalarprodukt {n}
scald {v} (to burn with hot fluid)
:: verbrühen
scald {v} (to heat almost to boiling)
:: brühen
scald {n} (burn with hot liquid)
:: Verbrühung {f}
scale {n} (sequence for measurement)
:: Skala {f}
scale {n} (size or scope)
:: Ausmaß {n}
scale {n} (ratio of distances)
:: Maßstab {m}
scale {n} (series of notes)
:: Tonleiter {f}
scale {v} (to change size of)
:: skalieren
scale {v} (to climb)
:: besteigen, erklimmen
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals)
:: Schuppe {f}
scale {n} (flake of skin)
:: Schuppe {f}
scale {n} (scale mail)
:: Schuppenpanzer {m}
scale {v} (remove the scales of)
:: entschuppen
scale {v} (become scaly)
:: schuppen
scale {n} (dish of a balance)
:: Waagschale {f}
scale {n} (mathematics: base for a numeral system) SEE: radix
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales
scale {n} (limescale) SEE: limescale
scale insect {n} (small parasitic insect of superfamily Coccoidea)
:: Schildlaus {f}
scale model {n} (three-dimensional copy or representation of something)
:: Miniaturmodell
scalene {adj} (sides of different lengths)
:: ungleichseitig
scales {n} (device for weighing goods for sale)
:: Waage {f}
scale up {v} (increase proportionally)
:: proportional vergrößern, vergrößern
scale up {v} (change a process)
:: hochskalieren, auf + qualifier indicating large size + Maßstäbe + übertragen
scallion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion
scallop {n} (mollusc)
:: Jakobsmuschel {f}, Pilgermuschel {f}
scalloped {adj} (baked in layers...)
:: überbacken
scalp {n} (bed of shellfish) SEE: scaup
scalp {n} (top of the head)
:: Oberkopf {m}
scalp {n} (part of head where the hair grows)
:: Kopfhaut {f}
scalp {n} (part of the skin of the head of an enemy kept as a trophy)
:: Skalp {m}
scalpel {n} (small straight knife)
:: Skalpell {n}
scalper {n} (one who sells tickets unofficially)
:: Kartenschwarzhändler {m}
scaly {adj} (covered or abounding with scales)
:: schuppig
scaly anteater {n} (pangolin) SEE: pangolin
scam {n} (fraudulent deal)
:: Vorschussbetrug {m}, Trickdiebstahl {m}, Trickbetrug {m}
scam {v} (to defraud or embezzle)
:: betrügen
scamp {n} (rascal, swindler)
:: Gauner {m}
scamp {n} (mischievous youngster)
:: Schlingel {m}, Schlawiner {m}
scamp {v} (1. To skimp; to do something in a skimpy or slipshod fashion)
:: pfuschen
scan {v} (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner)
:: scannen, abtasten, einscannen
scan {v} (form a poetic metre)
:: skandieren
scan {n} (instance of scanning)
:: Abtastung {f}, Scan {m}
scan {n} (result or output of a scanning process)
:: Scan {m}
scandal {n} (incident that brings disgrace)
:: Skandal {m}
scandalous {adj} (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal)
:: skandalös
scandalous {adj} (malicious, defamatory)
:: skandalös
Scandinavia {prop} (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden)
:: Skandinavien {n}
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula
Scandinavian {n} (someone from Scandinavia)
:: Skandinavier {m}, Skandinavierin {f}
Scandinavian {adj} (of Scandinavia)
:: skandinavisch
Scandinavian Defence {n} (chess opening)
:: Skandinavische Verteidigung {f}
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia)
:: Skandinavien {n}
scandium {n} (chemical element)
:: Skandium {n}, Scandium {n}
scandium group {n} (group 3 of the periodic table)
:: Scandiumgruppe {f}
Scania {prop} (region of Sweden occupying the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian peninsula)
:: Schonen {n}
scanlation {n} (the process of scanlation)
:: Scanlation {f}
scanner {n} (device which scans documents)
:: Scanner {m}, Abtaster {m}
scanner {n}
:: Abtaster, Blattabtaster, Scanner {m}
scansion {v} (the rhythm or meter of a line or verse)
:: Skandierung
scant {adj} (very little)
:: spärlich, gering, dürftig, knapp, kaum
scanty {adj} (somewhat less than is needed in amplitude or extent)
:: dürftig, kärglich
scanty {adj}
:: knapp
scapegoat {n} (a goat imbued with the sins of the people)
:: Sündenbock {m}
scapegoat {n} (someone punished for someone else's error(s))
:: Sündenbock {m}, Prügelknabe
scapegoat {v} (to punish someone for the error of someone else)
:: zum Sündenbock machen
scapula {n} (large flat bone) SEE: shoulder blade
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff
scar {n} (permanent mark on the skin)
:: Narbe {f}
scarab {n} (Scarabaeus sacer)
:: Skarabäus {m}
scarab {n} (symbol)
:: Skarabäus {m}
scarce {adj}
:: spärlich
scarce copper {n} (butterfly)
:: Dukatenfalter {m}
scarcity {n} (the condition of something being scarce or deficient)
:: Mangel {m}, Knappheit {f}
scare {n} (minor fright)
:: Schreck {m}
scare {v} (to frighten)
:: erschrecken, beängstigen, ängstigen
scare campaign {n} (effort to make a large group of people afraid of someone or something)
:: Angstkampagne {f}
scarecrow {n} (an effigy made to scare the birds away)
:: Vogelscheuche {f}
scared {adj} (afraid, frightened)
:: erschrocken, bange, ängstlich
scaredy-cat {n} (a coward; a person who is easily frightened or high-strung and easily scared)
:: Angsthase {m}
scaremonger {n} (alarmist, see also: alarmist)
:: Panikmacher {m}, Angstmacher {m}
scaremongering {v}
:: Panikmache {f}
scare quote {n} (quotation mark used to provoke reaction)
:: ironisches Anführungszeichen {n}
scare up {v} (to frighten an animal)
:: aufscheuchen
scare up {v} (to find or get something difficult)
:: auftreiben, zusammenkriegen
scarf {n} (long garment worn around the neck)
:: Schal {m}
scarf {v} (eat very quickly)
:: verschlingen
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf
scarface {n}
:: Narbengesicht {n}
scarificator {n} (cupping glass)
:: Schröpfschnepper {m}, Schröpfschnäpper {m}, Schröpfeisen {n}
scarlatina {n} (scarlet fever) SEE: scarlet fever
scarlet {n} (colour)
:: Scharlachrot {n}, Scharlach {m}
scarlet {adj} (colour)
:: scharlachrot
scarlet {adj}
:: scharlach
scarlet eggplant {n} (species of fruiting plant)
:: äthiopische Eierfrucht {f}, afrikanische Eierfrucht {f}, afrikanische Aubergine {f}
scarlet fever {n} (streptococcal infection)
:: Scharlach {m}
scar tissue {n} (type of tissue formed in a place where an injury has healed)
:: Narbengewebe {n}
scar tissue {n} (long-term psychological consequences)
:: Narbe {f}
scary {adj} (causing, or able to cause, fright)
:: schrecklich, furchterregend, beängstigend
scathe {n} (harm; damage; injury; hurt; misfortune)
:: Schaden {m}
scathing {adj} (harshly or bitterly critical)
:: ätzend, bitter, bissig
scathing {adj} (harmful or painful)
:: bitter, grausam
scatology {n} (study or analysis of faeces)
:: Koprologie {f}, Skatologie {f}
scatology {n} (filthy epithet)
:: Fäkalsprache {f}
scatter {v} (to cause to separate)
:: zerstreuen
scatter {v} (to distribute loosely)
:: streuen
scatter {v} (to scatter) SEE: disperse
scatterbrain {n} (flighty, disorganized or forgetful person)
:: Wirrkopf {m}, Schussel {m}
scatterbrained {adj} (absent-minded) SEE: absent-minded
scattering {n} (physical process)
:: Streuung {f}, Zerstreuung {f}
scaup {n} (diving-duck)
:: Bergente {f}
scavenge {v} (to collect and remove refuse)
:: durchstöbern
scavenge {v} (to remove unwanted material)
:: reinigen
scavenger {n} (Someone who scavenges, especially one who searches through rubbish for food or useful things)
:: Abfalldurchstöberer {m}, Mülldurchstöberer {m}
scavenger {n} (animal feeding on decaying matter)
:: Aasfresser {m}
scavenger {n} (street sweeper)
:: Straßenkehrer {m}
scavenger {n} (substance to remove impurities)
:: Spülmittel {n}
scenario {n} (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work)
:: Szenario {n}, Szenarium {n} , Drehbuch {n}
scenario {n} (outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events)
:: Szenario {n}
scenario {n}
:: Drehbuch {n}
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage
scene {n} (the location of an event that attracts attention)
:: Szene {f}
scene {n} (landscape, scenery) SEE: scenery
scenery {n} (view, natural features, landscape)
:: Landschaft {f}
scenery {n} (stage backdrops, property and other items on a stage that give the impression of the location of the scene)
:: Kulisse {f}
scene-shifter {n} (stagehand) SEE: stagehand
scenester {n} (non-musician active in musical scene)
:: Fan {m}, Scene-Insider {m}, Anhänger {m}, Gefolge {p} {n}, Entourage {p} {f}, Anhängerschaft {p} {f}
scent {n} (distinctive odour or smell)
:: Geruch {m}, Duft {m}
scent {n} (perfume)
:: Parfüm {n}, Parfum {n}
scent {n} (figuratively: any traces that can be followed)
:: Fährte {f}
scent {n}
:: Geruch {m} , Duft {m} , Duftstoff {m}
scent {v} (to detect the scent of)
:: wittern
scent {v} (to impart an odour to)
:: parfümieren
scent hound {n} (hunting dog that tracks prey using its sense of smell)
:: Laufhund {m}
sceptre {n} (ornamental staff)
:: Zepter {n}
schadenfreude {n} (malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune)
:: Schadenfreude {f}
Schaerbeek {prop} (city in Belgium)
:: Schaerbeek {n}, Schaarbeek {n}
Schaffhausen {prop} (canton)
:: Schaffhausen
Schaffhausen {prop} (city)
:: Schaffhausen
schedule {n} (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur)
:: Termin {m}, Programm {n}, Zeitplan {m}
schedule {v} (to create a schedule)
:: planen
schedule {v} (to plan an activity at a specific date or time)
:: planen, ansetzen, festsetzen
scheelite {n} (mineral)
:: Scheelit {m}
Scheherazade {prop} (female given name)
:: Scheherazade {f}, Scheherezade {f}
Scheldt {prop} (river)
:: Schelde {f}
schema {n} (Formal description of the structure of a database)
:: Schema {n}
schema {n}
:: Schema {m}
schematic {adj} (represented simply)
:: schematisch, schemenhaft, vereinfacht, vereinfachend, grob
schematic {adj} (sketchy, incomplete)
:: schematisch, skizzenhaft, skizziert
schematic {adj} (relating to a schema)
:: schematisch
schematic {n} (A drawing or sketch showing how a system works at an abstract level)
:: Schema {n}
scheme {n} (a systematic plan of future action)
:: Programm {n}, Plan {m}, Projekt {n}
scheme {n} (orderly combination of related parts)
:: Schema {n}
scheme {n} (chart or diagram)
:: Übersicht {f}, Schema {n}, Bild {n}
scheme {n}
:: Schema {n}
scheme {v} (to contrive a plan)
:: etwas aushecken
scheming {adj} (tending to scheme)
:: intrigant
Schengen {prop} (city in Luxembourg)
:: Schengen {n}
Schengen Area {prop} (group of European countries)
:: Schengen-Raum {m}
scherzo {n} (music)
:: Scherzo {n}
Schiller {prop} (surname)
:: Schiller
schilling {n} (old currency of Austria)
:: Schilling {m}
Schio {prop} (town in Italy)
:: Schleit
schism {n} (split, division, separation, discord)
:: Zerwürfnis {n}, Spaltung {f}, Schisma {n}
schism {n} (division within a religious body)
:: Schisma {n}
schism {n} (split within Christianity)
:: Schisma {n}
schismatic {adj} (religion: of or pertaining to a schism)
:: schismatisch
schismatic {n} (religion: a person involved in a schism)
:: Schismatiker {m}, Schismatikerin {f}
schist {n} (crystalline foliated rock)
:: Glimmerschiefer {m}
schistosomiasis {n} (various diseases)
:: Schistosomiasis
schizo- {prefix} (split)
:: schizo-, Schizo-, schiz-, Schiz-
schizoid {adj} (characterized by social withdrawal and emotional coldness or flattened affectivity)
:: schizoid
schizoid personality disorder {n} (personality disorder)
:: schizoide Persönlichkeitsstörung
schizophrenia {n} (mental disorder)
:: Schizophrenie {f}
schizophrenia {n} (informal: condition in which disparate activities coexist)
:: Schizophrenie {f}
schizophrenic {adj} (of a person: afflicted with schizophrenia)
:: schizophren
schizophrenic {adj} (slang: behaving as if one has more than one personality)
:: schizophren
schizophrenic {n} (a person suffering from schizophrenia)
:: Schizophrener {m}, Schizophrene {f}
schizothymia {n} (temperament)
:: Schizothymie {f}
schizothymic {n} (someone with schizothymia)
:: Schizothymiker
schizotypal {adj} (pertaining to or displaying mild signs of schizophrenia)
:: schizotypische
schlager {n} (style)
:: Schlager {m}
schlager {n} (piece)
:: Schlager {m}
schlemiel {n} (clumsy person)
:: Schlemihl {m}
Schlemm's canal {n} (channel in the eye)
:: Schlemm-Kanal {m}
schlep {v} (To carry or drag)
:: (sich) schleppen
Schleswig-Holstein {prop} (state)
:: Schleswig-Holstein {n}
schlimazel {n} (a chronically unlucky person)
:: Pechvogel {m}
schlubby {adj} (unattractive or unkempt) SEE: unattractive
schmaltzy {adj} (Overly sentimental, emotional, maudlin or bathetic)
:: schmalzig, rührselig, larmoyant
Schmidt Island {prop} (island)
:: Schmidt-Insel
schmo {n} (schmuck) SEE: schmuck
schmuck {n} (jerk; unlikable, stupid, foolish, malicious, or unpleasant person)
:: Rindvieh {n}, Arsch {m}, Trottel {m}, Depp {m}, Dussel {m}, Mistvieh {n}, Mistkerl {m}, Miststück {n}, Scheißkerl {m}, Bastard {m}
schmuck {n} (deplorable, pitiful person)
:: Schlucker {m}, armer Schlucker {m}
Schnabel {prop} (German surname)
:: Schnabel
schnapps {n} (liquor)
:: Schnaps {m}
schönite {n} (double sulfate of potassium and magnesium)
:: Schönit {m}
schnitzel {n} (a meat dish)
:: (paniertes) Schnitzel {n}
schnozzle {n} (slang: human nose, especially large one)
:: Rüssel {m}, Riecher {m}
scholar {n} (a student; one who studies at school or college, typically having a scholarship)
:: Student {m}, Schüler {m}, Schülerin {f}, Studentin {f}
scholar {n} (specialist in a particular branch of knowledge)
:: Gelehrter {m}
scholar {n} (learned person)
:: Gelehrter {m}
scholarliness {n} (state or condition of being scholarly)
:: Gelehrtheit
scholarship {n} (study allowance)
:: Stipendium {n}
scholarship {n} (knowledge)
:: Gelehrsamkeit {f}
scholar's mate {n} (checkmate which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#)
:: Schäfermatt {n}, Schäferzug {m}, Schustermatt {n}
scholastic {n} (philosophy: member of scholasticism)
:: Scholastiker {m}, Scholastikerin {f}
scholastic {adj} (of or relating to school, academic)
:: akademisch
scholastic {adj} (of or relating to scholasticism)
:: scholastisch
scholastic {adj} (pedantic, formal)
:: scholastisch
scholasticism {n} (school of philosophy)
:: Scholastik {f}, Schulwissenschaft {f}
school {n} (a group of fish)
:: Schwarm {m}
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning)
:: Schule {f}
school {n} (college or university)
:: Universität {f}, Hochschule {f}
school {n} (a department/institute at a college or university)
:: Schule {f}, Fakultät
school {n} (an art movement)
:: Schule {f}
school {n} ((collectively) the followers of a particular doctrine)
:: Schule {f}
school {v} (to educate, teach, or train)
:: unterrichten , schulen
schoolbag {n} (satchel)
:: Schultasche {f}, Schulranzen {m}
schoolbook {n} (textbook used in school)
:: Schulbuch {n}
schoolboy {n} (young male student)
:: Schüler {m}, Schuljunge {m}
school bus {n} (transport for schoolchildren)
:: Schulbus {m}
schoolchild {n} (young person attending school or of an age to attend school)
:: Schulkind {n}, (boy, or unspecified sex) Schüler {m}, (girl) Schülerin {f}
school counselor {n} (school-oriented counselor)
:: Schulberater {m}, Schulberaterin {f}
schooldays {n} (period of one's life when one attends school)
:: Schulzeit {f}
schoolgirl {n} (girl attending school)
:: Schülerin {f}, Schulmädchen {n}
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher
schoolie {n} (school-leaver)
:: Absolvent {m}, Absolventin {f}, Abiturient {m}, Abiturientin {f}, Schulabgänger {m}, Schulabgängerin {f}
schooling {n} (institutional education)
:: Einschulung {f}
schoolmate {n} (person who attended school with the subject)
:: Schulkamerad {m} (Schulkameradin {f}), Mitschüler {m} (Mitschülerin {f})
school of hard knocks {n} (source of education by adverse experience)
:: Schule des Lebens {f}
school of thought {n} (opinion subscribed to by some connected or arbitrary group)
:: Schule {f}, wissenschaftliche Schule {f}
school shark {n} (Galeorhinus galeus)
:: Hundshai
school sores {n} (impetigo) SEE: impetigo
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher
school uniform {n} (uniform items to be worn by students in a school)
:: Schuluniform {f}
school year {n} (academic year of a school)
:: Schuljahr {n}
schooner {n} (sailing ship)
:: Schoner {m}
Schopenhauerian {adj} (of or relating to Arthur Schopenhauer)
:: schopenhauerisch
Schottky diode {n} (metal-semiconductor diode)
:: Schottky-Diode {f}
Schrödinger {prop} (surname)
:: Schrödinger {m} {f}
Schrödinger's cat {prop} (thought experiment)
:: Schrödingers Katze {f}
schwa {n} (indeterminate central vowel)
:: Schwa {n}
schwannoma {n} (schwannoma)
:: Schwannom {m}
Schwartz {prop} (surname)
:: Schwartz, Schwarz
sciatica {n} (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve)
:: Ischias {f} {m} {n}
sciatic nerve {n} (large nerve)
:: Ischiasnerv {m}
science {n} (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method)
:: Wissenschaft {f}
science {n} (particular discipline or branch of learning)
:: Wissenschaft {f}
science {n} (fact of knowing something)
:: Wissen {n}
science {n} (knowledge gained through study or practice)
:: Kenntnis {n}, Erfahrung {f}, Wissen {n}
science fiction {n} (fiction)
:: Science-Fiction {f}
science fiction {n} (technology which is not yet practical)
:: Science-Fiction {f}
scientia potentia est {proverb} (knowledge is power) SEE: knowledge is power
scientific {adj} (of or having to do with science)
:: wissenschaftlich
scientifically {adv} (using science or methods of science)
:: wissenschaftlich
scientifically {adv} (from a scientific perspective)
:: wissenschaftlich
scientificity {n} (quality or state of being scientific)
:: Wissenschaftlichkeit {f}
scientific method {n} (method of discovering knowledge)
:: wissenschaftliche Methode {f}
scientism {n} (belief)
:: Szientismus {m}
scientist {n} (one whose activities make use of the scientific method)
:: Wissenschaftler {m}, Wissenschaftlerin {f}, Wissenschafter {m}, Wissenschafterin {f}
Scientologist {n} (follower of Scientology)
:: Scientologe {m}, Scientologin {f}
Scillonian {n} (native of the Isles of Scilly, a Scilly Islander)
:: Scillonier {m}, Scillonierin {f}, Bewohner der Scilly-Inseln {m}, Bewohnerin der Scilly-Inseln {f}
Scillonian {adj} (of or relating to the Isles of Scilly)
:: scillonisch, scillonianisch
scimitar {n} (sword with curved blade)
:: Krummsäbel {m}, Scimitar {m}
scimitar-horned oryx {n} (Oryx dammah)
:: Säbelantilope {f}
scintilla {n} (small spark or flash)
:: Fünkchen {n}
scintilla {n} (small amount)
:: Spur {f}, Quäntchen {n}
scintillate {v} (to twinkle)
:: flackern, funkeln, szintillieren, flimmern, leuchten
scion {n} (descendant)
:: Nachkomme {m}, Nachkommin {f}, Nachfahr {m}, Nachfahre {m}, Nachfahrin {f}, Abkomme {m}, Abkommin {f}, Nachkömmling {m}, Abkömmling {m}, Spross {m}, Sprössling {m}
scion {n} (heir to a throne)
:: Thronfolgerin {f}, Thronfolger {m}, Prinz {m}, Prinzessin {f}
scion {n} ((detached) shoot or twig)
:: Spross {m}, Sprössling {m}, Ableger {m}, Pfropfreis {n}, Reis {n}, Steckling {m}
scission {n} (the act of division)
:: Spaltung {f}
scissor {n} (one blade on a pair of scissors)
:: Schere {f}
scissor binoculars {n} (stereoscopic periscopic binoculars)
:: Scherenfernrohr {n}
scissor door {n} (type of automobile door)
:: Scherentür {f}
scissors {n} (tool used for cutting)
:: Schere {f}
sclerosis {n} (abnormal hardening of body tissues)
:: Sklerose {f}
scoff {n} (derision; ridicule; mockery)
:: Spott {m}
scoff {v} (to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision)
:: spotten, spötteln
scoff {v} (to eat food quickly)
:: verschlingen
scold {v} (rebuke)
:: beschimpfen, schelten, tadeln, ausschimpfen
scoliosis {n} (condition in which there is abnormal lateral curvature of the spine)
:: Skoliose {f}
sconce {n} (light fixture on a wall)
:: Wandlampe {f}, Wandleuchte {f}, Wandleuchter {m}
scone {n} (pastry)
:: Teegebäck {n}
scoop {n} (any cup- or bowl-shaped object)
:: Schaufel {f}, Schippe {f}, Kelle {f}
scoop {n} (amount held by a scoop)
:: Kaffeelöffel {m} ; Kugel {f}
scoop {n} (news learned and reported before anyone else)
:: Exklusivmeldung {f}, Scoop {m}, Knüller {m}, Exklusivbericht {m}
scoop {n} (digging attachment on a front-end loader)
:: Schaufel {f}
scoop {n} (sweep, stroke, swoop)
:: Schlag {m}
scoop {v} (to lift, move, or collect with or as though with a scoop)
:: schaufeln, schöpfen
scoop up {v} (pick up by scooping)
:: aufschaufeln, zusammenschaufeln
scoopwheel {n}
:: Wurfrad {m}
scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle)
:: Tretroller {m}, Trittroller {m}
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter)
:: Motorroller {m}
scope {n} (breadth, depth or reach of a subject; a domain)
:: Umfang, Bereich {m}, Umgebung {m}, Rahmen {m}, Feld {n}, Raum {m}, Gebiet {n}, Ziel {n}, Spielraum {m}
scope {n} (scope of an identifier)
:: Gültigkeitsbereich {m}
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments)
:: -skop {n}
scope {n} (device used in aiming a projectile) SEE: telescopic sight
scops owl {n} (Otus scops)
:: Zwergohreule {f}
-scopy {suffix} (observation, viewing)
:: -skopie {f}
scorch {v} (to burn the surface of something so as to discolour it)
:: verbrennen
scorch {v} (to wither, parch or destroy something by heat or fire)
:: verbrennen
scorch {v} (to move at high speed)
:: rasen
scorched {adj} (dried, damaged, burnt by exposure to sunlight or heat)
:: verbrannt
scorched earth {n}
:: verbrannte Erde {f}
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike
score {n} (number of points earned)
:: Spielergebnis {n}, Spielstand {m}
score {n} (sheet music showing all parts)
:: Partitur {f}
score {v} (to cut a groove in a surface)
:: anritzen
score {v} (to earn points in a game)
:: treffen, erzielen, (einen Treffer) landen, (ein Tor) schießen, (einen Punkt) machen
scoreboard {n} (board that displays the score in a game of contest)
:: Anzeigetafel {f}
scorecard {n} (card allowing spectators to identify players and record progress)
:: Scorecard {f}
scorer {n} (one who scores)
:: Torschütze {m}
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many
scoria {n} (slag or dross) SEE: slag
scoria {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: slag
scorn {v} (to feel contempt or disdain for something or somebody)
:: verachten
scorn {v} (to reject, turn down)
:: verschmähen
scorn {v} (to scoff or express contempt)
:: verspotten
scorn {n} (contempt, disdain)
:: Verachtung {f}
scorned {adj} (hated, despised, or avoided)
:: verachtet, zurückgewiesen, abgewiesen, gemieden
scornful {adj} (showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous)
:: verächtlich
scornfully {adv} (in a scornful manner)
:: verachtend
Scorpio {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Skorpion {m}
Scorpio {prop} (constellation) SEE: Scorpius
scorpion {n} (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones)
:: Skorpion {m}
scorpionfish {n} (fish)
:: Skorpionsfisch {m}
scorpionfly {n} (any insect of the family Panorpidae)
:: Skorpionsfliege {f}
Scorpius {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Scorpio
Scorpius {prop} (constellation)
:: Skorpion {m}
scorzonera {n} (black salsify) SEE: black salsify
Scot {n} (a person born in or native to Scotland)
:: Schotte {m}, Schottin {f}
scotch {v} (To prevent (something) from being successful)
:: blockieren , verhindern , durchkreuzen
Scotch {n} (uncountable: whisky made in Scotland)
:: Scotch {m}
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow
Scotch tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape
Scotch whisky {n} (alcoholic drink)
:: Scotch Whisky {m}
scotfree {adv} (scot-free) SEE: scot-free
scot-free {adv} (free of scot; free of tax)
:: steuerfrei
scot-free {adv} (without consequences or penalties)
:: ungeschoren, ungestraft, staffrei
Scotland {prop} (country in northwest Europe to the north of England)
:: Schottland {n}
scotophobia {n} (fear of darkness)
:: Skotophobie {f}
Scots {n} (Lowland Scots language)
:: Niederschottisch {n}, niederschottische Sprache {f}, Schottisch {n}, schottische Sprache {f}
Scots {adj} (Scottish)
:: schottisch
Scots Gaelic {n} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic
Scotsman {n} (a man from Scotland)
:: Schotte {m}
Scotswoman {n} (a woman from Scotland)
:: Schottin {f}
Scottish {adj} (of a person)
:: schottisch
Scottish {adj} (of a thing or concept)
:: schottisch
Scottish {n} (the people of Scotland)
:: Schotten {m-p}
Scottish English {n} (dialect of English spoken in Scotland)
:: schottisches Englisch {n}
Scottish Gaelic {n} (The Gaelic language of Scotland)
:: Erse {n}, Ersisch {n}, Hochschottisch {n}, Schottisch-Gälisch {n}
scoundrel {n} (villain)
:: Schurke {m}, Gauner {m}
scour {v} (to clean, polish, or wash something by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously)
:: scheuern, reinigen, putzen, abbürsten, abreiben, ausscheuern, wegscheuern, blankscheuern, kratzen, wegkratzen, schrubben, fegen
scour {v} (to remove debris and dirt by purging)
:: spülen, durchspülen, wegspülen, abspülen, ausspülen
scour {n} (removal of sediment caused by swiftly moving water)
:: Auswaschen {n}, Ausspülen {n}, Erosion {f}
scour {n} (place scoured out by running water)
:: Auswaschung {f}, Erosionsfläche {f}, Ausspülung {f}, Kolk {m}
scour {v} (to search an area thoroughly)
:: absuchen, sondieren, abkämmen, durchkämmen, durchsuchen, durchforsten, durchstreifen
scourge {n} (persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble)
:: Plage, Geißel, Last {f}, Bürde {f}, Heimsuchung {f}, Pest {f}
scourge {n} (a whip often of leather)
:: Geißel, Peitsche {f}
scourge {v} (to strike with a scourge)
:: plagen, geißeln, heimsuchen, peitschen
scourging {n} (flogging) SEE: flogging
scout {n} (person sent out to gain and bring in tidings)
:: Kundschafter {m}, Kundschafterin {f}, Späher {m}, Späherin {f}
scout {n} (member of the scout movement)
:: Pfadfinder {m}, Pfadfinderin {f}
scout {v} (to explore a wide terrain)
:: aufklären, auskundschaften, ausspähen, beobachten, erkunden, spähen
scouting {n} (the Scouting movement)
:: Pfadfinderbewegung {f}
scowl {n} (wrinkling of the brows or face)
:: Stirnrunzeln {n}
scowl {v} (to wrinkle the brows)
:: die Stirn runzeln
scrabble {v} (to scribble) SEE: scribble
Scrabble {prop} (board game with interlocking words)
:: Scrabble
scraggly {adj}
:: wild, rau
scram {v} (go away)
:: abhauen, weggehen, verduften, abzischen, sich davonmachen, Reißaus nehmen, Land gewinnen, verschwinden
scramble {v} (to move hurriedly to a location using all limbs against a surface)
:: drängeln, krabbeln
scramble {v} (to proceed to a location or an objective in a disorderly manner)
:: drängeln
scramble {v} (to mix food ingredients in a mix to be cooked into a loose mass)
:: verrühren
scramble {v} (to process telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to an unauthorized listener)
:: verschlüsseln, chiffrieren
scramble {v} (to ascend rocky terrain as a leisure activity)
:: klettern, kraxeln
scramble {n} (a rush or hurry)
:: Gedrängel {n}
scrambled egg {n} (dish)
:: Rührei {n}
scrambling {v}
:: scrambling, kletternd
scrambling {n}
:: Scrambling {n}, Verwürfelung {f}
scrap {n} (small piece, fragment)
:: Stückchen {n}, Fetzen {m}
scrap {n} (leftover food)
:: Reste {m-p}, Speisereste {m}, Essensreste {m-p}
scrap {n} (discarded objects)
:: Altmaterial {n}, Altmetall {n}, Schrott {m}, Abfall {m}
scrap {v} (to discard)
:: wegwerfen, verschrotten
scrap {v} (to dispose at the scrapyard)
:: verschrotten, abwracken
scrape {v} (draw an object along while exerting pressure)
:: abkratzen, kratzen, schaben, scharren, schrammen
scraper {n} (an instrument by which anything is scraped)
:: Schaber {m}
scrapheap {n} (junkyard) SEE: junkyard
scrapheap {n} (pile of junk)
:: Schrotthaufen {m} , Müllhaufen {m}, Abfallhaufen {m}
scrapie {n} (A degenerative prion disease)
:: Traberkrankheit {f}, Scrapie
scrap paper {n} (used paper, to be reused for jotting notes)
:: Schmierblatt {n}
scrapyard {n} (a junkyard, a place where scrap is stored, discarded or resold)
:: Schrottplatz {m}
scratch {v} (to rub a surface with a sharp object)
:: kratzen
scratch {v} (to rub the skin with rough material)
:: kratzen
scratch {v} (To mark a surface with a sharp object)
:: zerkratzen, verkratzen
scratch {n} (disruption or mark on a surface)
:: Kratzer {m}
scratch card {n} (lottery ticket)
:: Rubbellos {n}
scratch out {v} (1. To remove something by scratching.)
:: löschen
scratch out {v} (2. To remove something which was written, by erasing or by putting a mark through it.)
:: durchstreichen
scratchpad {n} (pad of paper)
:: Notizblock {m}, Schmierblock {m}
scratch paper {n} (paper used for preliminary work, considered ephemeral)
:: Schmierpapier {n}
scrawl {n} (irregular handwriting)
:: Gekritzel {n}
scrawl {v} (to write hastily or illegibly)
:: kritzeln, krakeln, dahin schmieren
scrawl {v} (to write in an irregular or illegible manner)
:: kritzeln
scrawny {adj} (Thin, malnourished and weak)
:: dürr
scream {n} (loud exclamation)
:: Schrei {m}
scream {v} (to make the sound of a scream)
:: schreien
screamer {n} (bird of family Anhimidae)
:: Wehrvogel
scream queen {n} (actress who appears in several horror movies)
:: Scream-Queen {f}
scree {n} (loose stony debris on a slope)
:: Schutt {m}, Geröll {n}
scree {n} (broken building material)
:: Schutt {m}
scree {n} (slope)
:: Talus {m}, Schutthalde {f}, Geröllhalde {f}
scree {v} (traverse scree downhill)
:: abfahren
screech {n} (high-pitched strident or piercing sound)
:: Kreischen {n}, Quietschen {n}
screech {n} (loud harsh sound)
:: Kreischen {n}, Aufschreien {n}
screech {v} (make a screech)
:: kreischen, quietschen
screech owl {n} (Megascops)
:: Kreischeule {f}
screech owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl
screed {n} (speech or piece of writing which contains angry and extended criticism, see also: diatribe; harangue)
:: Pamphlet {n}, Schmähschrift {f}, Tirade {f}
screed {n} (tool drawn over a wet layer to make it smooth and flat; machine that achieves this effect)
:: Abziehlatte {f}, Kartätsche {f}
screed {n} (smooth, flat layer of concrete, plaster, or similar material)
:: Estrich {m}
screen {n} (physical divider)
:: Schirm {m}, Paravent {m}, Sichtschutz {m}
screen {n} (material woven from fine wires)
:: Insektengitter {n}, Fliegengitter {n}
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device)
:: Bildschirm {m}
screen {n} (movie viewing area)
:: Leinwand {f}
screen {n}
:: Schirm
screencap {n} (screenshot) SEE: screenshot
screen capture {n} (picture or image captured from a computer screen; a screenshot)
:: Bildschirmfoto {n}
screencast {n} (digital recording)
:: Screencast {m}
screened cable {n} (cable with incorporated shield)
:: abgeschirmtes Kabel {n}
screenplay {n} (script for a movie or a television show)
:: Drehbuch {n}
screen printing {n} (printing method)
:: Siebdruck {m}
screensaver {n}
:: Bildschirmschoner {m}
screenshot {n} (image of computer screen output)
:: Screenshot {m}, Bildschirmfoto {n}, Bildschirmabzug {m} , Hardcopy {f}
screenshot {v} (take a screenshot)
:: Ein Bildschrimfoto machen
screenwriter {n} (one who writes for the screen)
:: Drehbuchautor {m}, Drehbuchautorin {f}, Drehbuchschreiber {m}, Drehbuchschreiberin {f}, Filmautor {m}, Filmautorin {f}, Filmszenarist {m}, Filmszenaristin {f}, Szenarist {m}, Szenaristin {f}
screw {n} (simple machine)
:: Schraube {f}
screw {n} (fastener)
:: Schraube {f}
screw {n} (ship’s propeller)
:: Schraube {f}, Schiffsschraube {f}
screw {n} (prison guard)
:: Wächter {m}, Aufpasser {m}, Wärter {m}, Gefängniswärter {m}
screw {n} (act of screwing)
:: Schrauben {n}, Einschrauben {n}, Anschrauben {n}, Festschrauben {n}, Verschrauben {n}
screw {v} (to connect or assemble pieces using a screw)
:: schrauben, anziehen, anschrauben, festschrauben, zusammenschrauben, verschrauben
screw {v} (to have sexual intercourse with)
:: ficken, vögeln, bumsen, rammeln
screw {v} (to cheat or treat unfairly)
:: betrügen, verarschen, reinlegen, hereinlegen
screw {v} (to apply pressure on)
:: unter Druck setzen, Druck ausüben
screw {v} (to contort)
:: krümmen, verziehen, verwinden, verdrehen, verzerren, winden, verkrümmen, deformieren
screw anchor {n} (a fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls) SEE: wall plug
screwball {n} (crazy person)
:: Spinner {f}, Verrückter {m}, Irrer {m}
screw cap {n} (cap of a bottle or jar which screws onto the threaded lip of the container)
:: Schraubverschluss {m} ; Schraubdeckel {m}
screwdriver {n} (tool)
:: Schraubenzieher {m}, Schraubendreher {m}, Schrauber {m}
screwdriver {n} (drink)
:: Screwdriver {m}, Wodka-Orange {m}
screw pine {n} (Pandanus spp.)
:: Schraubenbaum {m}, Schraubenpalme {f}
screw this {interj}
:: Scheiß drauf, schrauben sie das
screw thread {n} (helical ridge or groove)
:: Gewinde {n}, Gewindegang {m}
screw up {v} (to tighten or secure with screws)
:: zuschrauben, verschrauben
screw up {v} (to twist into a contorted state)
:: verziehen
screw up {v} (colloquial: to make a mess of; to ruin)
:: vermurksen, verpfuschen, verhunzen, verkorksen, ruinieren
screwup {n} (person who often makes substantial mistakes)
:: Versager {m}
scribble {v} (to write or draw carelessly and in a hurry)
:: schmieren, krakeln, kritzeln
scribbler {n} (one who scribbles; hasty or untalented writer)
:: Schreiberling {m}, Kritzler {m}, Kritzlerin {f}, Schmierer {m}, Schmiererin {f}, Skribent {m}, Skribentin {f}, Skribler {m}, Skriblerin {f}, Skritzler {m}, Skritzlerin {f}, Schmock {m}
scribbler {n} (untalented artist)
:: , Schmierer {m}, Schmiererin {f}
scribbling {n} (that which has been scribbled)
:: Geschmiere {n}, Gekrakel {n}, Gekritzel {n}
scribe {n} (one who writes; a draughtsman)
:: Schreiber {m}, Kopist {m}
scribe {n} (writer and doctor of the law)
:: Schriftgelehrter {m}
scribe {n} (steel drawing implement)
:: Reißnadel {f}
scribe {v} (to write)
:: schreiben
scrimmage {n} (practice game) SEE: exhibition game
script {n} (writing; written document)
:: Skript {n}, Skriptum {n}
script {n} (written characters, style of writing)
:: Handschrift {f}
script {n} ((law) an original instrument or document)
:: Urschrift {f}, Original {n}
script {n} (text of the dialogue and action for a drama)
:: Drehbuch {n}, Skript {n}
script {n} (procedure or program in computing)
:: Skript {n}
script {n} (a system of writing)
:: Schrift {f}
scripting language {n}
:: Skriptsprache {f}
script kiddie {n} (hacker who compromises files on others' computers)
:: Scriptkiddie {n}
scriptorium {n} (room set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts)
:: Skriptorium {n}
scripture {n} (any sacred writing or book)
:: Schrift {f}, heilige Schrift {f}
Scripture {prop} (Tanakh) SEE: Tanakh
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible
Scripture {prop} (Edda) SEE: Edda
scriptwriter {n} (screenwriter) SEE: screenwriter
scrivener {n} (professional writer)
:: Schreiber {m}
scrofula {n} (form of tuberculosis)
:: Skrofeln {f-p}, Skrofulose {f}
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt
scroll {n} (roll of paper or parchment)
:: Schriftrolle {f}, Rolle {f}, Buchrolle {f}
scroll {n} (ornament)
:: Volute {f}, Schnörkel {m}, Spirale {f}
scroll {n} (mark or flourish)
:: Schnörkel {m}, Kringel {m}, Schwung {m}
scroll {n} (end of a musical instrument)
:: Schnecke {m}
scroll {v} ((Computing) to change one's view of data on a computer's display)
:: scrollen
scroll bar {n} (graphical widget)
:: Bildlaufleiste {f}, Schiebebalken {m}, Scrollbalken {m}, Scrollleiste {f}
scrooge {n} (miserly person)
:: Geizhals {m}, Geizkragen {m}
scrotal {adj} (scrotal)
:: skrotal
scrotum {n} (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles)
:: Skrotum {n}, Hodensack {m}
scrounge {v} (To hunt about, especially for something of nominal value; to scavenge or glean)
:: abstauben, klauben, stibitzen
scrounge {v} (To obtain something of moderate or inconsequential value from another)
:: schnorren
scrounge {n} (scrounger) SEE: scrounger
scrounger {n} (one who scrounges)
:: Schnorrer {m}, Schmarotzer {m}, Nassauer {m}
scrub {n} (vegetation of inferior quality)
:: Gestrüpp {n}
scrub {v} (to rub hard)
:: scheuern, schrubben
scrub {n} (clothing worn in surgery)
:: Kasack {m}
scrub {n} (cancellation) SEE: cancellation
scruff {n} (scruff of the neck)
:: Schlafittchen {n}
scruffy {adj} (untidy in appearance)
:: vergammelt
scrum {n} (a tightly packed and disorderly crowd of people)
:: Gedränge {n}, Rummelei {f}, Getümmel {n}
scrum-half {n} (rugby player)
:: Gedrängehalb {m}
scrummage {n} (rugby formation of all forwards) SEE: scrum
scrumptious {adj} (delicious; delectable)
:: lecker
scrunch {v} (crumple)
:: knüllen, zerknüllen, zusammenknüllen, zerknautschen, zusammenknautschen
scrunchie {n} (small elasticated ring of fabric)
:: Haargummi {n}
scruple {n} (hesitation from the difficulty of determining what is right)
:: Skrupel {m}
scrupulous {adj} (meticulous)
:: sorgfältig, gründlich
scrupulous {adj} (having principles)
:: gewissenhaft
scrutinise {v} (scrutinize) SEE: scrutinize
scrutinize {v} (to examine with great care)
:: gründlich prüfen, hinterfragen, gewissenhaft überprüfen, ergründen, zerlegen, zerpflücken
scrutiny {n} (intense study)
:: genaue Untersuchung {f}, genaue Beobachtung {f}
scrutiny {n} (thorough inspection)
:: genaue Untersuchung {f}
scrutiny {n}
:: genaue Untersuchung , prüfender od. forschender Blick
scrutore {n} (escritoire) SEE: escritoire
scuba diving {n} (underwater swimming)
:: Tauchen {n}, Gerätetauchen {n}
scuffle {n} (rough, disorderly fight or struggle at close quarters)
:: Handgemenge {n}, Rauferei {f}
scuffle {v} (to fight or struggle confusedly at close quarters)
:: raufen, balgen
scuffle {v} (to walk with a shuffling gait)
:: schlurfen
scull {n} (small boat)
:: Skiff {m}
sculpin {n} (small fish of the family Cottidae)
:: Groppe {f}
sculpt {v} (be a sculptor)
:: bildhauerisch gestalten, bildhauerisch tätig sein, formen, meißeln
sculpted {adj} (well shaped)
:: geformt, skulptiert
sculptor {n} (a person who sculpts)
:: Skulpteur {m}, Bildhauer {m}, Bildhauerin {f}
Sculptor {prop} (constellation)
:: Bildhauer {m}
sculpture {n} (art of sculpting)
:: Bildhauerkunst {f}, Skulptur {f}
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting)
:: Skulptur {f}
scum {n} (layer of impurities)
:: Abschaum {m}; Schwimmschlamm {m}; Rand {m}
scum {n} (greenish water vegetation)
:: Algenteppich {m}; Entengrütze {f}
scum {n} (person or persons considered to be reprehensible)
:: Abschaum {m}
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom
scumbag {n} (despicable person)
:: Drecksack {m}, Dreckskerl {m}
scupper {n} (nautical: drainage hole)
:: Speigat {n}, Speigatt {n}
scurrilous {adj} (foul-mouthed)
:: ordinär, flegelhaft, pöbelhaft, niederträchtig, gemein
scurrilous {adj} (coarse, vulgar, abusive, or slanderous)
:: vulgär, obszön, ehrenrührig, verleumderisch, unflätig, zotig
scurrilous {adj} (gross, vulgar and evil)
:: bösartig, widerlich, übel
scurry {v} (to run away with quick light steps)
:: hasten, huschen, vorbeihuschen
scurry away {v} (to run away with quick light steps)
:: davonhasten, davonhuschen, hastig weglaufen
scurvy {n} (deficiency of vitamin C)
:: Skorbut {m}, Scharbock {m}
scurvy-grass {n} (Cochlearia)
:: Löffelkraut {n}
scut {n} (distasteful work; drudgery) SEE: drudgery
scut {n} (short, erect tail)
:: Blume {f}
scutch {v} (to strip off as the cuticle from the fibre)
:: schwingen
scutch {n} (implement used to separate the fibres of flax)
:: Flachsschwinge {f}, Hanfschwinge {f}
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass
scuttle {n} (a container like an open bucket)
:: Eimer {m}, Kohleneimer {m}, Kohlenschütte {f}
scuttle {n} (small hatch or opening in a boat)
:: Luke {f}, Bullauge {n}
scuttle {n} (hatch that provides access to the roof)
:: Luke {f}, Ausstiegsluke {f}, Lüftungsklappe {f}, Klappe {f}
scuttle {v} (To deliberately sink a ship (often by order of the captain))
:: versenken
scuttle {v} (To move hastily, to scurry)
:: flitzen, hoppeln, krabbeln, trippeln, wuseln, tippeln, eilen, davoneilen, flitzen, davonflitzen
Scutum {prop} (constellation)
:: Schild {m}
Scylla {prop} (personification of the rock)
:: Skylla {f}
scythe {n} (farm tool)
:: Sense {f}
scythe {v} (to cut with a scythe)
:: sensen, mähen
Scythian {n} (an inhabitant of Scythia)
:: Skythe {m}, Skythin {f}, Szythe {m}, Szythin {f}
Scythian {adj} (relating to Scythia or Scythians)
:: skythisch, szythisch
Sczedrzik {prop} (Szczedrzyk) SEE: Szczedrzyk
sea {n} (body of water)
:: Meer {n}, See {f}
sea anemone {n} (polyp)
:: Seeanemone {f}
sea angel {n} (Gymnosomata)
:: Ruderschnecke {f}
seabag {n} (duffel bag used by sailors or marines)
:: Seesack {m}
sea bass {n} (salt-water fish)
:: Wolfsbarsch
seabed {n} (floor or bottom of the sea or ocean)
:: Meeresboden {m}
seabird {n} (any bird that spends most of its time in coastal waters)
:: Seevogel {m}, Meeresvogel {m}
seaborgium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 106)
:: Seaborgium {n}
sea bream {n} (any of several species of marine fish)
:: Goldbrasse {f}
sea buckthorn {n} (shrub of the genus Hippophae)
:: Sanddorn
sea butterfly {n} (Thecosomata)
:: Seeschmetterling {m}
sea cow {n} (marine mammal of the order Sirenia)
:: Seekuh {f}
sea cucumber {n} (sea cucumber)
:: Seegurke {f}
seadog {n} (sailor accustomed to the sea)
:: Seebär {m}
sea eagle {n} (genus Haliaeetus)
:: Seeadler
sea eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor
seafarer {n} (one who travels by sea)
:: Seefahrer {m}
seafaring {adj} (fit to travel on the sea) SEE: seagoing
sea fennel {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire
seafloor spreading {n} (outward movement of the seafloor)
:: Ozeanbodenspreizung {f}
seafoam {n} (foam created by wave action - often washed up on to beaches)
:: Meeresschaum {m}
seafood {n} (fish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life)
:: Meeresfrüchte {p} {f}, Meeresfrucht {f}
seagoing {adj} (made for or used on the high seas)
:: seetüchtig
seagoing {adj} (fit for the high seas)
:: seetüchtig
seagrass {n} (grasslike marine plants)
:: Seegras {n}
seagull {n} (bird of the family Laridae)
:: Möwe {f}, Möwenvogel {m}
sea hare {n} (large marine gastropod mollusc)
:: Seehase {m}
sea holly {n} (Eryngium maritimum)
:: Stranddistel {f}
sea holly {n} (Eryngium)
:: Mannstreu {m}
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus
sea horse {n} (fish)
:: Seepferdchen {n}
sea krait {n} (snake)
:: Plattschwanz {m}
seal {n} (pinniped)
:: Robbe {f}, Seehund {m}
seal {n} (stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance)
:: Stempel {m}, Siegel {m}
seal {n} (design or insignia associated with organization or official role)
:: Siegel {n}, Petschaft {n}
seal {n} (something which will be visibly damaged when a covering or container is opened)
:: Siegel {?}
seal {n} (something designed to prevent leaking)
:: Dichtung {f}
seal {n} (tight closure)
:: Siegel {?}, Dichtung {f}
seal {v} (to close securely)
:: abdichten, dichten, versiegeln
seal {n} (chakra) SEE: chakra
sea lamprey {n} (animal)
:: Meerneunauge {n}
Sealand {prop} (the Principality of Sealand)
:: Seeland {n}, Fürstentum Seeland {n}
sealant {n} (material used to seal a surface so as to prevent passage of a fluid)
:: Dichtungsmittel {n}, Dichtstoff {m}
sealed {adj} (closed by a seal)
:: versiegelt
sealed {adj} (preventing entrance)
:: dicht
sea leopard {n} (Hydrurga leptonyx) SEE: leopard seal
sealer {n} (person who hunts seals)
:: Robbenjäger {m}
sea lettuce {n} (seaweed of genus Ulva)
:: Meersalat {m}
sea level {n} (nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured)
:: Meeresspiegel {m}
sealing {n} (hunting of seals)
:: Robbenjagd {f}
sea lion {n} (member of the Otariidae family)
:: Seelöwe {m}
seal ring {n} (signet ring) SEE: signet ring
seam {n} (folded back and stitched piece of fabric)
:: Saum {m}, Naht {f}
seam {n} (suture)
:: Naht {f}
seam {n} (thin stratum of mineral)
:: Flöz {n}, Schicht {f}
seaman {n} (naval rank)
:: Matrose {m}
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor
seamanship {n} (skill and knowledge used in handling a vessel)
:: Seemannskunst {f}, Seemannserfahrung {f}
seamless {adj} (Having no seams)
:: fugenlos, nahtfrei, nahtlos
seamless {adj} (Without interruption; coherent)
:: nahtlos, makellos
sea monster {n} (large, aggressive creature in the sea)
:: Seeungeheuer {n}, Meerungeheuer {n}
seamount {n} (underwater mountain)
:: Tiefseeberg {m}
seamster {n} (person who sews clothes)
:: Näher {m}
seamstress {n} (a woman who sews clothes professionally)
:: Näherin {f}, Weißnäherin {f}
Sea of Azov {prop} (sea)
:: Asowsches Meer {n}
Sea of Galilee {prop} (lake in northern Israel)
:: See Genezareth {m}, See von Galiläa {m}, Galiläisches Meer {n}
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia)
:: Japanisches Meer {n}
Sea of Okhotsk {prop} (sea)
:: Ochotskisches Meer {n}
sea onion {n} (Drimia maritima)
:: Meerzwiebel {f}
sea otter {n} (Enhydra lutris)
:: Seeotter {m}
sea-parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin
sea pen {n} (cnidarian in order Pennatulacea)
:: Seefeder {f}
seaplane {n} (an aircraft)
:: Wasserflugzeug {n}
seaplane carrier {n}
:: Flugzeugmutterschiff
seaplane tender {n} (tender)
:: Flugsicherungsschiff, Flugstützpunktschiff
seaport {n} (town or harbour for seagoing ships)
:: Seehafen {m}, Hafenstadt {f}, Binnenseehafen {m}
seapower {n} (naval military power)
:: Seemacht {f}
seaquake {n}
:: Seebeben {n}
sear {v} (To char, scorch, or burn the surface of something with a hot instrument)
:: ausbrennen, versengen, scharf anbraten, ausdörren, verbrennen, austrocknen, einbrennen
sear {n} (Part of a gun that retards the hammer until the trigger is pulled)
:: Abzugsstück {n}, Fangklinke {f}
search {v} (to search) SEE: look
search {n} (an attempt to find something)
:: Suche {f}
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something)
:: suchen, absuchen, durchsuchen
search {v} ((followed by "for") to look thoroughly)
:: suchen
searchable {adj} (capable of being searched)
:: durchsuchbar, suchbar
search box {n} (computing: A text box for the input of text to be searched for in a database, on the Internet, etc.)
:: Suchfeld {n}, Eingabefeld {n}, Textfeld {n}, Textbox {f}
search engine {n} (application that searches for data)
:: Suchmaschine {f}
search engine optimization {n} (improvement of a web site's ranking in search engines)
:: Suchmaschinenoptimierung {f}
searcher {n} (One who searches)
:: Suchender {m}
search party {n} (group of people who search for someone or something lost)
:: Suchmannschaft {f}
search tree {n} (tree data structure)
:: Suchbaum {m}
search warrant {n} (court order authorising the search of a place)
:: Durchsuchungsbefehl {m}
searocket {n} (Cakile)
:: Meersenf {m}
sea salt {n} (salt prepared by evaporating sea water)
:: Meersalz {n}
seascape {n} (piece of art that depicts the sea or shoreline)
:: Seestück {n}
sea serpent {n} (sea monster)
:: Seeschlange {f}
seashell {n} (shell)
:: Muschelschale {f}, Muschel {f}
seashore {n} (the coastal land bordering a sea or ocean)
:: Meeresküste {f}, Seeküste {f}, Küste {f}, Meeresufer {n}, Meeresstrand {m}
seasick {adj} (ill due to the motion of a ship at sea.)
:: seekrank
sea-sickness {n} (seasickness) SEE: seasickness
seasickness {n} (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship)
:: Seekrankheit {f}, Naupathie {f}
seaside resort {n} (coastal holiday resort)
:: Badeort {m}
season {n} (quarter of a year)
:: Jahreszeit {f}
season {n} (part of year with something special)
:: Saison {f}
season {n} (a group of episodes)
:: Staffel {f}
season {v} (to make fit for any use by time or habit)
:: anpassen, abhärten
season {v} (to prepare by drying or hardening)
:: trocknen
season {v} (to become mature)
:: altern
season {v} (to become dry and hard)
:: austrocknen
season {v} (to flavour food)
:: würzen
seasonably {adv} (at an opportune time)
:: zur rechten Zeit
seasonal {adj} (of, related to or reliant on a season)
:: jahreszeitlich, saisonal
seasoned {adj} (experienced)
:: erfahren, alterfahren, kampfgewohnt, fronterfahren , kampferprobt, altgedient, gestanden, reif
seasoning {n} (cooking ingredient)
:: Gewürz {n}, Würze {f}
season ticket {n} (ticket that is valid for all of the events in a series)
:: Saisonkarte {f}, Abonnement {n}
season ticket {n} (public-transit ticket for multiple rides)
:: Zeitkarte {f}
seat {n} (place in which to sit)
:: Sitz {m}, Sitzplatz {m}, Sitzgelegenheit {f}
seat {n} (piece of furniture)
:: Stuhl {m}, Sitzmöbel {n-p}, Gestühl {n} , Bestuhlung {f}
seat {n} (location of a governing body)
:: Sitz {m}
seat {n}
:: Sitzplatz {m}
seat belt {n} (restraining belt)
:: Sicherheitsgurt {m}
seat cushion {n} (something you can sit on)
:: Sitzkissen {m}
seating {n} (provision of chairs)
:: Bestuhlung {f}, Gestühl {n}, Sitzgelegenheiten {f-p}
seat of government {n} (the centre of authority to govern)
:: Regierungssitz {m}
seat reservation ticket {n} (ticket with guaranteed firm seating)
:: Platzkarte {f}
Seattle {prop} (city in Washington state, USA)
:: Seattle
sea turtle {n} (any turtle that inhabits oceans)
:: Meeresschildkröte {f}
sea urchin {n} (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea)
:: Seeigel {m}
seawall {n} (coastal defence)
:: Damm {m}, Deich {m}
seawater {n} (salt water of a sea or ocean)
:: Meerwasser {n}, Salzwasser {n}
seaweed {n} (marine plants and algae)
:: Algen {p}, Tang {m}, Seetang {m}
seaworthiness {n} (property of being fit to go to sea)
:: Seetüchtigkeit {f}
seaworthy {adj} (fit for the sea)
:: seetüchtig, seetauglich
sebaceous gland {n} (gland of skin secreting sebum)
:: Talgdrüse {f}
Sebastian {prop} (given name)
:: Sebastian
sebum {n} (thick oily substance)
:: Talg {m}
secant {n} (in geometry)
:: Sekante {f}
secede {v} (To split from or to withdraw from membership of a political union, an alliance or an organisation)
:: abspalten
secession {n} (The act of seceding)
:: Sezession {f}, Secession {f}, Abspaltung {f}
secessionism {n}
:: Sezessionismus {m}
secluded {adj} (in seclusion, isolated, remote)
:: abgeschieden, abgesondert, abgelegen (location), einsam (e.g. house)
seclusion {n} (The act of secluding, or the state of being secluded; a shutting out or keeping apart, or the state of being shut out)
:: Abgeschiedenheit {f}
second {adj} (second (numeral), see also: 2nd)
:: zweite
second {adj} (that comes after the first)
:: zweite
second {n} (manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards)
:: zweite Wahl {f}
second {n} (additional helping of food)
:: Nachschlag
second {n} (music: interval between two adjacent notes)
:: Sekunde {f}
second {n} (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time)
:: Sekunde {f}
second {n} (unit of angular measure)
:: Sekunde {f}
second {n} (short, indeterminate amount of time)
:: Sekunde {f}, Augenblick {m}, Moment {m}
second {v} (to assist, support, back)
:: unterstützen
second {v} (to agree as a second person)
:: beipflichten, sekundieren
second {n} (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant)
:: Sekundant {m}
secondary {adj} (succeeding first)
:: sekundär
secondary {n} (flight feather attached to the ulna)
:: Armschwinge {f}
secondary school {n} (school)
:: Mittelschule {f} , Oberschule {f}
secondary smoking {n} (passive smoking) SEE: passive smoking
secondary source {n} ((historiography) document that draws on primary sources)
:: Sekundärquelle {f}
second-class {adj} (inferior in quality or standing)
:: zweiter Klasse, zweitklassig
second-class object {n} (programming entity)
:: Second-Class-Objekt {n}
second coming {n} (the return of Jesus Christ)
:: Wiederkunft {f}
second-degree burn {n} (burn that blisters the skin)
:: Verbrennung zweiten Grades
second fiddle {n}
:: zweite Geige
Second French Empire {prop} (empire ruled by Napoleon III)
:: Zweites Kaiserreich {m}
second-growth forest {n} (forest which has been harvested and is regrowing)
:: Sekundärwald {m}
second-guess {v} (to vet or evaluate)
:: in Frage stellen, überdenken, überprüfen
second half {n} (period of play after half time)
:: zweite Halbzeit {f}
second-half {n} (second half) SEE: second half
second hand {n} (the hand or pointer that shows the number of seconds that have passed)
:: Sekundenzeiger {m}
second hand {adj} (secondhand) SEE: secondhand
secondhand {adj} (not new; previously owned and used by another)
:: gebraucht, Second-Hand, Secondhand-, aus zweiter Hand
secondhand {adj} (dealing in such merchandise)
:: Gebraucht-
secondhand {adj} (indirect, passive)
:: passiv, Passiv-, mittelbar , indirekt
secondhand embarrassment {n} (embarrassment felt for someone else: vicarious embarrassment) SEE: vicarious embarrassment
second-hand smoke {n} (smoke from cigarettes, that any person including non-smokers could breathe in)
:: Passivrauch {m}
second helping {n} (a second portion of the same thing (usually of food))
:: Nachschlag {m}
Second Intermediate Period {prop} (Egypt between the Middle and New Kingdoms)
:: Zweite Zwischenzeit {f}
second language {n} (language spoken other than the mother tongue)
:: Zweitsprache {f}
second last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate
second lieutenant {n} (the rank below a lieutenant)
:: Leutnant {m}
secondly {adv} (in the second place)
:: zweitens
secondment {n} (temporary transfer)
:: Abordnung
second of arc {n} (angle of an arc)
:: Bogensekunde {f}
second person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience)
:: zweite Person {f}
second-person plural {n} (the linguistic category referring to multiple people being addressed by the speaker of an utterance)
:: zweite Person Plural {f}
second-person singular {n}
:: zweite Person Singular
seconds {n} (second serving)
:: Nachschlag {m}
second to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate
second to none {n} (heroin) SEE: heroin
second wind {n} (renewed feeling of energy)
:: neuer Auftrieb {m}
Second World {prop} (countries aligned with the East during the Cold War)
:: Zweite Welt {f}
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II
secrecy {n} (concealment)
:: Geheimhaltung {f}
secrecy {n} (habit of keeping secrets)
:: Geheimniskrämerei {f}, Geheimnistuerei {f}
secret {n} (knowledge that is hidden)
:: Geheimnis {n}
secret {adj} (being or kept hidden.)
:: geheim
secret agent {n} (member of an intelligence agency whose identity or affiliation is kept confidential)
:: Geheimagent {m}, Geheimagentin {f}
secretariat {n} (the office or department of a government secretary)
:: Sekretariat {n}
secretary {n} (person keeping records and handling clerical work)
:: Sekretär {m}, Sekretärin {f}
secretary {n} (head of a department of government)
:: Staatssekretär {m}
secretary {n} (leading or managerial position in certain organizations)
:: Sekretär {m}
secretary {n} (type of desk)
:: Schreibsekretär {m}, Sekretär {m}
secretary {n} (sagittarius serpentarius)
:: Sekretär
secretary bird {n} (member of bird family)
:: Sekretär {m}
Secretary General {n} (chief administrator of an international body)
:: Generalsekretär {m}
Secretary of State {n} (government position)
:: Staatssekretär {m}, Staatssekretärin {f}
secrete {v} ((transitive) produce by secretion)
:: ausscheiden, aussondern, absondern, sezernieren
secretion {n} (act of secreting)
:: Sekretion {f}
secretive {adj} (having an inclination to secrecy)
:: verschlossen, heimlichtuerisch
secretiveness {n}
:: Geheimniskrämerei {f}, Geheimnistuerei {f}
secretly {adv} (in a secret manner)
:: heimlich, insgeheim
secret police {n} (police operating outside normal boundaries of law)
:: Geheimpolizei {f}
secret Santa {prop}
:: Wichteln {n}
secret Santa {n}
:: Wichtel {m}
secret service {n} (government organization)
:: Geheimdienst, Nachrichtendienst {m}
secret society {n} (organization)
:: Geheimbund {m}
sect {n} (religious movement)
:: Sekte {f}
sectarian {adj} (of, or relating to a sect)
:: sektiererisch, Sekten- (prefix)
sectarian {adj} (dogmatic or partisan)
:: parteiisch, dogmatisch
sectarian {adj} (parochial or narrow-minded)
:: engstirnig, beschränkt, eng, provinziell
sectarian {adj} (bigoted)
:: voreingenommen, eifernd, bigott, stur, engstirnig
sectarian {n} (member of a sect)
:: Sektenmitglied {n}, Angehöriger einer Sekte {m}, Sektenangehöriger {m}
sectarianism {n} (rigid adherence to a particular sect, party or denomination)
:: Sektierertum {n}
section {n} (cutting, part cut out)
:: Abschnitt {m}, Teil {n}, Stück {n}
section {n} (part, piece or subdivision of anything)
:: Sektion {f}
section {n} (part of a document)
:: Abschnitt {m}, Paragraf {m}
section sign {n} (typographical character marking sections)
:: Paragraphenzeichen {n}
sectish {adj} (sectarian) SEE: sectarian
sectoral {adj} (pertaining to a sector)
:: sektoral
secular {adj} (not specifically religious)
:: säkular, weltlich
secularism {n} (neutrality towards all religions)
:: Säkularismus {m}, Laizität {f}
secularist {n} (a person who believes in or supports secularism)
:: Säkularist {m}, Säkularistin {f}
secularization {n} (transformation of values from religious to non-religious)
:: Säkularisation {f}
secure {adj} (free from attack or danger; protected)
:: sicher, geschützt, beschützt
secure {adj} (free from the danger of theft; safe)
:: sicher, geschützt
secure {adj} (free from the risk of eavesdropping, interception or discovery; secret)
:: sicher
secure {adj} (free from anxiety or doubt; unafraid)
:: sicher
secure {adj} (Firm and not likely to fail; stable)
:: zuverlässig
secure {adj} (Free from the risk of financial loss; reliable)
:: sicher, zuverlässig
secure {v} (To make secure)
:: sichern, absichern
securely {adv} (in a secure manner)
:: sicher
securitization {n} (process of securitizing assets)
:: Verbriefung {f}
security {n} (condition of not being threatened)
:: Sicherheit {f}
security {n} (something that secures)
:: Sicherheit {f}, Schutz {m}
security {n} (organization or department responsible for providing security)
:: Sicherheitsdienst {m}
security {n} (something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation)
:: Sicherheit {f}
security {n} (finance: tradeable financial asset)
:: Wertpapier {m}
security {n} (finance: property temporarily relinquished)
:: Sicherheit {f}
security blanket {n} (blanket used to produce secure feeling)
:: Kuscheldecke {f}
Security Council {prop} (UN Security Council) SEE: UN Security Council
security deposit {n} (amount of money paid in advance as security)
:: Kaution {f}
security forces {n} (euphemism for army)
:: Sicherheitskräfte {p}
security guard {n} (person employed to provided security)
:: Sicherheitsbeamter {m}, Sicherheitsbediensteter {m}, Sicherheitsmann {m}
security hole {n} (security vulnerability in a computer system)
:: Sicherheitslücke {f}, Sicherheitsmangel {m}
security service {n} (government organisation)
:: Sicherheitsdienst {m}
security theater {n} (measures which provide a sense of security without providing security)
:: Sicherheitstheater {n}
sedan {n} (enclosed chair carried by porters)
:: Sänfte {f}
sedan {n} (style of automobile)
:: Limousine {f}
sedate {v} (to calm or put to sleep using a sedative drug)
:: sedieren
sedate {v} (to make tranquil)
:: ruhig stellen
sedative {n} (an agent or drug that sedates)
:: Beruhigungsmittel {n}
sedative {adj} (calming, soothing, inducing sleep, tranquilizing)
:: beruhigend, sedativ
sedentary {adj} (not moving, not migratory)
:: ortsgebunden
sedentary {adj} (not moving much; sitting around)
:: sitzend
sedevacantism {n} (belief that actual pope is not a true and legitimated one)
:: Sedisvakantismus {m}, Sedisvacantismus {m}
sedge {n} (any plant of the genus Carex)
:: Segge {f}, Riedgras {n}
sedge warbler {n} (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
:: Schilfrohrsänger {m}
sediment {n} (collection of small particles)
:: Sediment {n}, Satz {m}, Bodensatz {m}
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth)
:: Sedimentgestein {n}
sedimentation {n} (separation of a suspension of solid particles into a slurry)
:: Sedimentation {f}
sedimentology {n} (study of natural sediments)
:: Sedimentologie {f}
sedition {n} (incitement)
:: Aufwiegelung {f}, Verhetzung {f}, Volksverhetzung {f}
sedition {n} (insurrection or rebellion)
:: Aufruhr {m}
seditionary {n} (promoter of sedition)
:: Aufwiegler {m}, Unruhestifter {m}, Aufrührer {m}, Volksverführer {m}, Hetzredner {m}, Agitator {m}, Scharfmacher {m}, Demagoge {m}
seditious {adj} (of, related to, or involved in sedition)
:: rebellisch, widerspenstig, auf Krawall gebürstet
seduce {v} (to beguile or lure someone away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; to lead astray)
:: verführen
seduce {v} (to entice or induce someone to engage in a sexual relationship)
:: verführen, verleiten
seducer {n} (someone who seduces, especially a man who seduces a woman)
:: Verführer {m}
seduction {n} (act of seducing)
:: Verführung {f}
seductive {adj} (attractive, alluring, tempting)
:: verführerisch
seductress {n} (woman who seduces)
:: Verführerin {f}
sedulous {adj} (of a person: diligent in application or pursuit)
:: eifrig, emsig, gewissenhaft
see {v} (perceive with the eyes)
:: sehen, schauen
see {v} (understand)
:: verstehen
see {n} (diocese)
:: Bischofssitz {m}
see also {phrase} (a suggestion that other topics of study are related to a current topic)
:: siehe auch
seed {n} (fertilized grain)
:: Samen {m}, Saat {f}, Samenkorn {n}
seed {n} (amount of fertilized grain)
:: Samen {m}, Aussaat {f}, Saat {f}
seed {n} (precursor)
:: Saat {f}, Ursprung {m}
seed {n} (semen)
:: Samen {m}, Sperma {n}
seed {n} (offspring, descendants, progeny)
:: Samen {m}, Brut {f}
seed {v} (to plant or sow seeds)
:: säen, aussäen
seed {v} (assign a position to in a tournament)
:: klassifizieren
seedbed {n} (ground prepared for planting of seeds)
:: Saatbett {n}, Saatbeet {n}
seed crystal {n} (crystal from which a larger crystal is grown)
:: Impfkristall {m}
seedless {adj} (not having seeds)
:: kernlos
seedling {n} (young plant grown from seed)
:: Sämling {m}, Setzling {m}
seed money {n} (Money used to set up a new business venture.)
:: Startkapital {n}
seedpod {n} (pouch-like form on a plant) SEE: pod
seed potato {n} (a potato which is planted in the ground in order to grow a potato plant)
:: Saatkartoffel {f}
seedy {adj} (disreputable; run-down)
:: runtergekommen
seedy {adj} (untidy; unkempt)
:: schmuddelig, ungepflegt
seedy {adj} (infirm; gone to seed)
:: elend, schlecht
seedy {adj} (suffering effects of hangover)
:: verkatert, elend
seeing {n} (the action of the verb to see; eyesight)
:: Sehen {n}
seeing-eye dog {n} (seeing-eye dog) SEE: guide dog
seeing is believing {proverb} (you need to see something to believe it)
:: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte
seek {v} (to try to find)
:: suchen
seek and ye shall find {proverb} (one finds what one looks for)
:: suche und du wirst finden, wer suchet, der findet
seeker {n} (One who seeks)
:: Suchender {m}, Sucher {m}, Sucherin {f}
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look
seem {v} (to appear)
:: scheinen, dünken
seemingly {adv} (apparently) SEE: apparently
seemly {adj} (appropriate)
:: schicklich, anständig, gesittet, passend, vernünftig, korrekt, angebracht, angemessen
see Naples and die {proverb} (since nothing compares to the beauty of Naples, you can die after you've seen it)
:: Neapel sehen und sterben, siehe Neapel und stirb
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat
see off {v} (to accompany someone to a point of departure)
:: begleiten
seep {n} (to ooze through pores)
:: durchsickern
seer {n} (someone who foretells the future)
:: Seher {m}, Seherin {f}, Wahrsager {m}, Wahrsagerin {f}, Weissager {m}, Weissagerin {f}, Hellseher {m}, Hellseherin {f}, Visionär {m}, Visionärin {f}, Prophet {m}, Prophetin {f}
see reason {v} (see sense) SEE: see sense
see red {v} (to become angry)
:: rotsehen
see red {v} (to receive a red card)
:: Rot sehen
seesaw {n} (structure moving up and down, balanced in the middle)
:: Wippe {f}; Gigampfi {f}
seesaw {v} (to use a seesaw)
:: wippen
seesaw {v}
:: schaukeln
see sense {v}
:: zur Einsicht kommen
see stars {v} (experience flashing lights)
:: alle Sterne am Himmel leuchten sehen
seethe {v} (to boil (transitive verb))
:: kochen, sieden
seethe {v} (to boil vigorously (intransitive verb))
:: sieden
seethe {v} (to foam in an agitated manner, as if boiling)
:: schäumen, sprudeln
seethe {v} ((figuratively) to be in an agitated state of turmoil)
:: kochen
see the forest for the trees {v} (to be overwhelmed by detail to the point where it obscures the overall situation)
:: den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen
seething {adj} (angry, livid)
:: wütend
see through {v} (perceive visually through something transparent)
:: durchschauen
see through {v} (avoid being deceived)
:: durchschauen
see through {v} (to recognize someone's true motives)
:: durchblicken, durchschauen
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent
see-through {adj} (translucent) SEE: translucent
see ya {interj} (see you) SEE: see you
see you {phrase} (see you later)
:: bis bald, bis dann, tschüss, wir sehen uns
see you later {phrase} (goodbye)
:: auf Wiedersehen, bis später, tschüss, man sieht sich
see you soon {interj} (goodbye)
:: bis bald
see you tomorrow {phrase} (see you tomorrow)
:: bis morgen
segment {n} (length of some object)
:: Segment {n}
segment {v} (to divide into segments or sections)
:: segmentieren
segment {n} (line segment) SEE: line segment
segment {n} (circular segment) SEE: circular segment
segmentation {n} (the act or an instance of dividing into segments)
:: Segmentierung {f}
segmentation {n} (the state of being divided into segments)
:: Segmentierung {f}
Segorbe {prop} (municipality in Castellón, Spain)
:: Segorbe
segregation {n} (setting apart or separation)
:: Trennung {f}
segregation {n} (politics, public policy, see also: apartheid)
:: Rassentrennung {f} , Geschlechtertrennung {f}
segregation {n} (sociology, see also: apartheid)
:: Rassentrennung {f} , Geschlechtertrennung {f}
segue {v} (to move smoothly from one topic to another)
:: überleiten
segue {n} (an instance of segueing, a transition)
:: Übergang {m}
seine {n} (fishing net)
:: Ringwadennetz {n}, Schleppnetz {n}
Seine {prop} (river of northern France)
:: Seine {f}
seisin {n} ((historical) feudal right to possession)
:: Gewere {f}
seismic {adj} (related to, or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the Earth)
:: seismisch
seismograph {n} (instrument that detects and records earthquakes)
:: Seismograf {m}, Seismograph {m}
seismologic {adj} (relating to the field of seismology) SEE: seismological
seismological {adj} (Relating to seismology)
:: seismologisch
seismologist {n} (person who practices seismology)
:: Seismologe {m}, Seismologin {f}
seismology {n} (the study of the vibration of the Earth's interior)
:: Seismologie {f}
seismometer {n} (device used by seismologists to measure seismic waves)
:: Seismometer {n}
seitan {n} (wheat gluten)
:: Seitan {m} {n}
sei whale {n} (whale of the rorqual family)
:: Seiwal {m}
seiyuu {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor
seize {v} (grab)
:: ergreifen, fassen, greifen
seize {v} (take possession of (by force, law etc))
:: beschlagnahmen
seize the day {v} (enjoy the present)
:: nutze den Tag
seizure {n} (act of taking possession, as by force or right of law)
:: Beschlagnahme {f}
seizure {n} (sudden attack or convulsion)
:: Anfall {m}
seizure {n} (sudden onset of pain or emotion)
:: Anfall {m}
Sejm {prop} (the lower house of the Polish parliament)
:: Sejm {m}
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate
Sekhmet {prop} (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility)
:: Sachmet {f}
Selandian {prop} (subdivision of the Paleocene epoch)
:: Seelandium
Selangor {prop} (western Malaysian state)
:: Selangor
seldom {adv} (infrequently, rarely)
:: selten
select {v} (to choose one or more elements from a set)
:: auswählen
selectable {adj} (capable of being selected)
:: ansteuerbar, auswählbar, wählbar
selected {adj} (that have been selected or chosen)
:: augewählt, selektiert
selection {n} (process or act of selecting)
:: Anwahl {f}, Auswahl {f}, Wahl {f}, Aufruf {m}, Aussonderung {f}
selection {n} (something selected)
:: Auslese {f}, Auswahl {f}, Markierung {f}, Nominierung {f}, Sichtung {f} (talents)
selection {n} (variety of items taken from a larger collection)
:: Auslese {f}, Auswahl {f}, Markierung {f}, Nominierung {f}, Sichtung {f} (talents)
selection {n}
:: Auswahl , Selektion
selective {adj} (of or pertaining to the process of selection)
:: selektiv, auswählend, herausgreifend, ausgewählt, gezielt, punktuell
selective {adj} (of or relating to natural selection)
:: selektiv, Selektions-
selective {adj} (choosy, fussy or discriminating when selecting)
:: wählerisch
selective breeding {n} (artificial selection) SEE: artificial selection
selectivity {n} (the quality of being selective)
:: Selektivität {f}, Trennschärfe {f}
selectivity {n} (ability of a radio receiver to separate a desired frequency from others)
:: Trennschärfe {f}, Abstimmschärfe {f}, Empfindlichkeit {f}, Selektivität {f}
Selena {prop} (female given name)
:: Selina {f}, Celina {f}, Celine {f}
selenate {n} (any salt or ester of selenic acid)
:: Selenat {n}
selenide {n} (compound in which selenium serves as an anion)
:: Selenid {n}
selenite {n} (gypsum)
:: Selenit {m}, Marienglas {n}, Frauenglas {n}, Spiegelstein {m}
selenite {n} (from selenous acid)
:: Selenit {n}
Selenite {n} (inhabitant of the Moon) SEE: Lunarian
selenium {n} (chemical element)
:: Selen {n}
selenium hexafluoride {n} (SeF6)
:: Selenhexafluorid {n}
selenium yeast {n} (material that has selenium atoms incorporated into the amino acid methionine)
:: Selenhefe {f}
selenologist {n} (person skilled or involved in selenology)
:: Selenologe {m}, Selenologin {f}
selenology {n} (the study of the moon and several satellites)
:: Selenologie
selenophosphate {n} (anion)
:: Selenophosphat {n}
selenophosphate synthetase {n} (enzyme)
:: Selenphosphatsynthetase {f}
Seleucia {prop} (city)
:: Seleukia
Seleucid Empire {prop} (Greek-Macedonian empire formed from the eastern conquests of Alexander the Great)
:: Seleukidenreich {n}
Seleucus {prop} (Ancient Greek name)
:: Seleukos
self {n} (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness)
:: Selbst {n}
self- {prefix} (of, by, in or with oneself or itself)
:: selbst-, auto-
self-actualization {n} (psychological development)
:: Selbstverwirklichung {f}
self-actualize {v} (to achieve self-actualization)
:: sich selbst verwirklichen
self-adhesive {adj} (adhesive)
:: selbstklebend
self-adjoint {adj}
:: selbstadjungiert
self-assertive {adj} (determined to advance one's own personality or views)
:: selbstbestimmt; meinungsstark
self-assurance {n} (state or quality of being confident in oneself)
:: Selbstsicherheit {f}
self-assured {adj} (confident on one's abilities)
:: selbstsicher
self-awareness {n} (state of being self-aware)
:: Selbstbewusstsein {n}
selfbow {n}
:: Primitiv-Bogen
self-censorship {n} (act of censoring one's own work)
:: Selbstzensur {f}
self-confidence {n} (state of being self-confident)
:: Selbstvertrauen {n}
self-confidence {n} (measure of one's belief in one's own abilities)
:: Selbstvertrauen {n}
self-confident {adj} (confident in one's abilities)
:: selbstsicher
self-conscious {adj} (socially ill at ease)
:: gehemmt
self-consciousness {n} (awareness of the self as an entity)
:: Selbstbewusstsein {n}
self-consciousness {n} (shyness)
:: Befangenheit {f}, Gehemmtheit {f}, Verlegenheit {f}
self-contained {adj} (not requiring external or additional support)
:: autark, autonom, selbstständig
self-control {n} (ability to control one's desires and impulses)
:: Selbstkontrolle {f}, Selbstbeherrschung {f}
self-critical {adj} (capable of criticizing oneself)
:: selbstkritisch
self-criticism {n} (criticism of oneself)
:: Selbstkritik {f}
self-deception {n} (fooling oneself)
:: Selbstbetrug {m}
self-defense {n} (means of defending oneself from attack)
:: Selbstverteidigung {f}, Notwehr {f}
self-defense {n} ((law) Defense for oneself against violence)
:: Selbstverteidigung {f}, Notwehr {f}
self-denial {n} (action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others)
:: Selbstverleugnung {f}
self-denial {n} (refusal to recognize unpleasant realities)
:: Selbstverleugnung {f}
self-deportation {n} (act of deporting oneself)
:: freiwillige Ausreise {f}
self-deprecating {adj} (critical of oneself)
:: selbstironisch; selbstkritisch; selbsterniedrigend
self-deprecation {n} (disparaging view of oneself)
:: Selbstironie {f}; Selbstkritik {f}; Selbstherabsetzung {f}; Selbstzerfleischung {f} (colloquial)
self-deprecatory {adj} (self-deprecating) SEE: self-deprecating
self-destruction {n} (voluntary destruction of something by itself)
:: Selbstzerstörung {f}
self-destructive {adj} (that causes injury to oneself or harm to one's interests)
:: selbstzerstörerisch
self-determination {n} (political independence of a people)
:: Selbstbestimmung {f}
self-doubt {n} (doubting of one's own abilities)
:: Selbstzweifel {m}
self-effacing {adj}
:: bescheiden, zurückhaltend, still, schüchtern, sanftmütig, sanft, zaghaft, demütig
self-employed {adj} (working for oneself)
:: selbstständig, selbständig, freiberuflich, freischaffend
self-employment {n} (working for oneself)
:: Selbstständigkeit {f}, Selbständigkeit {f}
self-esteem {n} (confidence in one's own worth)
:: Selbstwertgefühl {n}, Selbstachtung {f}
self-evidence {n} (the quality of being self-evident)
:: Selbstverständlichkeit {f}
self-evident {adj} (obviously true)
:: selbstverständlich
self-explanatory {adj} (explaining itself)
:: selbsterklärend
self-fulfilling {adj} (describing a prediction that causes itself to occur as predicted)
:: selbsterfüllend {m}
self-fulfilling prophecy {n} (A prediction that, by being voiced, causes itself to come true)
:: selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung {f}
self-harm {n} (deliberate injuring of one's body)
:: Selbstverletzung {f}, Selbstverletzendes Verhalten {n}
self-hatred {n} (hatred of oneself)
:: Selbsthass {m}
selfheal {n} (plant of genus Prunella)
:: Brunelle {f}, Braunelle {f}
self-help {n} (bettering oneself without relying on the assistance of others)
:: Selbsthilfe {f}
selfie {n} (photographic self-portrait)
:: Selfie {n}
selfie stick {n} (extendable arm to hold a camera)
:: Selfie-Stange {f}, Selfie-Stab {m}, Selfiestick {m}
self-image {n} (way a person views themself)
:: Selbstbild {n}
self-immolation {n} (setting oneself on fire)
:: Selbstverbrennung {f}
self-indulgence {n} (excessive or immoderate indulgence of one's own personal desires and needs)
:: Maßlosigkeit {f}, Zügellosigkeit {f}
self-indulgent {adj} (exhibiting tendencies of self-indulgence)
:: maßlos, zügellos
self-interest {n} (personal interest)
:: Eigennutz {m}
selfish {adj} (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making)
:: egoistisch, selbstsüchtig
selfish {adj}
:: selbstsüchtig, egoistisch
selfishness {n} (quality of being selfish)
:: Egoismus {m}, Selbstsucht {f}
self-knowledge {n} (knowledge or insight into one's own nature and abilities)
:: Selbsterkenntnis {f}
self-learning {n} (learning done by oneself)
:: Selbststudium {n}
selfless {adj} (having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish)
:: selbstlos, uneigennützig
selflessness {n} (quality or state of being selfless)
:: Selbstlosigkeit {f}
self-love {n} (regard for oneself)
:: Selbstliebe {f}
self-made {adj} (made by oneself)
:: selbstgemacht
self-mastery {n} (conscious control of one's behavior)
:: Selbstbeherrschung {f}
self-medication {n} (medication of oneself without professional advice)
:: Selbstmedikation {f}
self-obsession {n} (preoccupation with self)
:: Selbstbesessenheit
self-pity {n} (feeling of pity for oneself)
:: Selbstmitleid {n}
self-plagiarism {n} (reuse of one's own words etc.)
:: Selbstplagiat {n}
self pollination {n} (self pollination) SEE: self-pollination
self-pollination {n} (Pollination of a flower by its own pollen)
:: Selbstbestäubung {f}
self-portrait {n} (portrait of the painter who painted it)
:: Selbstbildnis {n}, Selbstporträt {n}
self-praise {n} (praise of oneself)
:: Eigenlob {n}
self-preservation {n} (self-preservation)
:: Selbsterhaltung {f}
self-proclaimed {adj} (announced by oneself)
:: selbsternannt
self-quarantine {n} (isolation by avoiding physical contact with other individuals)
:: Selbstquarantäne {f}
self-reference {n} (act or process of referring to itself)
:: Selbstreferenz {f}, Selbstreferenzialität {f}
self-referential {adj} (that or who refers to itself or oneself)
:: selbstbezüglich, selbstreferenziell
self-referentiality {n} (quality of being self-referential)
:: Selbstbezüglichkeit {f}
self-regulation {n} (the regulation of one's own behavior)
:: Selbstregulation {f}
self-reliance {n} (independence)
:: Selbständigkeit {f}, Selbstständigkeit {f}
self-reliant {adj} (reliant upon oneself)
:: sich selbst vertrauend, auf sich selbst vertrauend, auf sich selbst verlassend, eigenständig
self-respect {n} (knowledge of one's own worth)
:: Selbstachtung {f}
self-righteous {adj} (piously self-assured and smugly moralistic)
:: selbstgerecht
self-righteousness {n} (confident in one's own righteousness, self-assured, smug)
:: Selbstgerechtigkeit {f}
self-sacrifice {n} (giving up of one's own benefit)
:: Selbstaufopferung {f}
selfsame {adj} (the very same)
:: derselbe {m}, dieselbe {f}, dasselbe {n}
self-satisfaction {n} (being excessively pleased with oneself)
:: Selbstzufriedenheit {f}
self-satisfaction {n} (contentment with one's own accomplishments or situation)
:: Selbstzufriedenheit {f}
self-satisfied {adj} (satisfied with oneself)
:: selbstzufrieden
self-service {n} (the practice of serving oneself)
:: Selbstbedienung {f}
self-serving {adj} (showing interest only in oneself)
:: selbstsüchtig, eigennützig, egoistisch
self-study {n} (study without the aid of a formal education institution)
:: Selbststudium {n}, Selbstunterricht {m}
self-styled {adj} (claimed by the recipient)
:: selbsternannt
self-sufficiency {n} (condition of being self-sufficient)
:: Selbstversorgung {f}, Nahrungsmittelselbstversorgung {f} , Nahrungsmittel-Selbstversorgung {f} , Autarkie {f}, Selbstgenügsamkeit {f}, Selbstständigkeit {f}, wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit {f}
self-tapping screw {n} (screw, with a hardened thread, that forms its own internal thread when driven into a relatively soft material)
:: Blechbohrschraube {f}
self-worth {n} (value one assigns to oneself)
:: Selbstwert {m}
Seljuk {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Seljuk dynasty)
:: seldschukisch
Seljuk {n} (A member of the Seljuk dynasty)
:: Seldschuke
selkie {n} (mythological creature)
:: Selkie
Selkup {n} (people)
:: Selkupen {m-p}
Selkup {prop} (language)
:: Selkupisch {n}
sell {v} (to agree to transfer goods or provide services)
:: verkaufen
sellable {adj} (saleable) SEE: saleable
sell-by date {n} (final date on which a product can be sold)
:: Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum {n}, MHD, Verfallsdatum {n}
seller {n} (someone who sells)
:: Verkäufer {m}, Verkäuferin {f}
selling price {n} (price at which an item is sold)
:: Verkaufspreis {m}, Abgabepreis {m}
sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape
Sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape
sell out {v} (sell all of a product)
:: ausverkaufen
sell short {v} (to underestimate the value of something) SEE: underestimate
semantic {adj} (of or relating to semantics or the meanings of words)
:: semantisch
semantically {adv} (in the manner of or referring to semantics)
:: semantisch
semantic field {n} (group of words relating to same subject)
:: semantisches Feld {n}, Bedeutungsfeld {n}
semantic loan {n}
:: Bedeutungsentlehnung {f}, Lehnbedeutung {f}
semantics {n} (science of the meaning of words)
:: Bedeutungslehre, Semantik {f}
semaphore {n} (mechanism used to restrict access to a shared function or device to a single process at a time)
:: Semaphor {m}
semasiological {adj} (of or pertaining to semasiology)
:: semasiologisch
semelfactive {adj} (of or relating to the semelfactive aspect)
:: semelfaktiv, punktuell
semelfactive {n} (semelfactive aspect)
:: Semelfaktiv {m}
semelfactive aspect {n} (grammar aspect)
:: Semelfaktiv {m}
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm
semen {n} (male reproductory fluid)
:: Samen {m}
semester {n} (half of school year)
:: Semester {n}, Halbjahr {n}
semi {n} (semi-detached house)
:: Doppelhaushälfte {f}
semi- {prefix} (half (prefix))
:: halb-; semi-
semiannual {adj} (half-yearly)
:: halbjährlich
semiarid {adj} (25 to 50 cm rainfall annually)
:: semiarid
semi-automatic {adj} (partially automatic)
:: halb automatisch, halbautomatisch
semi-automatic {adj} (of a firearm, loading the next shell but requiring the trigger to be squeezed for each shot)
:: halb automatisch, halbautomatisch
semi-automatic {n} (semi-automatic firearm)
:: halb automatische Schusswaffe {f}, halbautomatische Schusswaffe {f}
semi-automatic {n} (semi-automatic transmission)
:: Halbautomatik {f}
semibreve {n} (whole note)
:: ganze Note {f}
semicircle {n} (half of a circle)
:: Halbkreis {m}
semicolon {n} (punctuation mark ';')
:: Strichpunkt {m}, Semikolon {n}
semiconductor {n} (substance with electrical properties between conductor and insulator)
:: Halbleiter {m}
semiconsonant {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel
semi-deponent {n} (verb whose present system is normal but whose perfect system is deponent (or vice versa))
:: Semideponens {n}, Halbdeponens {n}
semi-detached {adj} (having one wall shared)
:: Doppel-
semi-detached {n} (house)
:: Doppelhaushälfte {f}, Doppelhaus {n}
semifinal {n} (competition)
:: Halbfinale {n}, Semifinale {n}
semifinalist {n} (person who competes in the semifinals)
:: Halbfinalist {m}, Halbfinalistin {f}
semifluid {adj} (having properties intermediate between liquids and solids)
:: halbflüssig
Semigallia {prop} (A region in southern Latvia)
:: Semgallen {?}
semigroup {n} (set for which a closed associative binary operation is defined)
:: Halbgruppe {f}
semiliquid {adj} (having properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid)
:: halbflüssig
semimajor axis {n} (Half of the major axis of a circle or ellipse)
:: Ellipsenhalbachse {f}, Halbachse {f} der Ellipse
semimembranosus {n} (The innermost muscle of the thigh)
:: Plattsehnenmuskel {m}
seminal {adj} (of or relating to seed or semen)
:: Saat-
seminal {adj} (creative or having the power to originate)
:: fruchtbar, produktiv
seminal {adj} (highly influential)
:: einflussreich, grundlegend, bahnbrechend
seminar {n} (class held for advanced studies)
:: Seminar {n}
seminar {n} (meeting held for the exchange of useful information)
:: Kolloquium {n}
seminarist {n} (student at a seminary)
:: Seminarist {m}
seminary {n} (theological school)
:: Seminar {n}, Priesterseminar {n}
Seminole {n}
:: Seminole {m}
seminoma {n} (form of testicular cancer)
:: Seminom {n}
seminomad {n} (seminomadic person)
:: Halbnomade {m}
seminomadic {adj} (partly nomadic)
:: halbnomadisch
seminude {adj} (half-naked) SEE: half-naked
semi-official {adj} (having some degree of official authority)
:: halboffiziell
semiotic {adj} (of or relating to semiotics or to semantics)
:: semiotisch
semiotician {n} (linguist specialized in semiotics)
:: Semiotik, Semiotiker
semiotics {n} (study of signs)
:: Semiotik {f}
semipalmated sandpiper {n} (Calidris pusilla)
:: Sandstrandläufer {m}
semipermeable {adj} (permeable to some things and not to others)
:: halbdurchlässig
semipornographic {adj} (partly pornographic)
:: halbpornografisch
semipostal {n} (type of stamp) SEE: semi-postal stamp
semi-postal stamp {n} (type of postage stamp)
:: Zuschlagmarke {f}
semiquaver {n} (music)
:: Sechzehntelnote {f}
semiquinone {n} (intermediate free radical)
:: Semichinon {n}
Semi-Saxon {prop}
:: Neuangelsächsisch {n}, Halbsächsich {n}
Semi-Saxon {adj}
:: neuangelsächsisch, halbsächsich
Semite {n} (descendant of any of these peoples)
:: Semit {m}, Semitin {f}
semitendinosus {n} (muscle in the thigh)
:: Halbsehnenmuskel {m}
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semitic subdivision of Afroasiatic languages)
:: semitisch, schemitisch
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semites)
:: semitisch
Semitics {n} (study of Semitic languages, cultures and peoples)
:: Semitistik {f}
Semitism {n} (Jewishness)
:: Semitismus {m}
semi-trailer {n} (trailer without a front axle and with wheels only at the trailing end)
:: Auflieger {m}, Sattelauflieger {m}
semi-trailer {n} (tractor-trailer or big rig)
:: Sattelzug {m}
semi-trailer truck {n} (18-wheeler)
:: Sattelzug {m}
semivowel {n} (sound in speech)
:: Halbvokal, Semivokal
semi-weekly {adv} (twice a week)
:: zweimal pro Woche, zweimal in der Woche
semla {n} (Swedish pastry eaten on Shrove Tuesday)
:: Semla {f}
semolina {n} (hard grains of flour left after milling)
:: Grieß {m}
semolina pudding {n} (dessert)
:: Grießbrei {m}
senary {n} (numeral system which uses six as the base)
:: Sechsersystem {n}
senate {n} (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems)
:: Senat {m}
Senate {prop} (legislative body)
:: Senat {m}
Senate {prop} (Roman senate)
:: Senat {m}
senator {n} (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate)
:: Senator {m}, Senatorin {f}
send {v} (make something go somewhere)
:: senden, schicken, verschicken
send back {v} (to return something to its origin)
:: zurückschicken
sender {n} (someone who sends)
:: Absender {m}, Absenderin {f}, Sender {m}, Senderin {f}
send for {v} (summon)
:: holen lassen, nach ... schicken
sendoff {n} (farewell party)
:: Abschiedsfeier {f}
send shivers down someone's spine {v} (terrify)
:: jemandem kalt den Rücken runterlaufen
send-up {n} (satirical imitation)
:: Parodie {f}
Seneca {n} (tribe)
:: Seneca
Senegal {prop} (Republic of Senegal)
:: Senegal
Senegalese {adj} (pertaining to Senegal)
:: senegalesisch
Senegalese {n} (person from Senegal)
:: Senegalese {m}, Senegalesin {f}
senescence {n} (biology: the state or process of aging)
:: Alterungsprozess {m}
senescent {adj} (growing old)
:: alternd
senescent {adj} (characteristic of old age)
:: Alters-
senile {adj} (exhibiting the deterioration in mind)
:: senil
senility {n} (the losing of memory and reason)
:: Senilität {f}
senior {adj} (older)
:: älter
senior {n} (an old person) SEE: senior citizen
senior captain {n} (army)
:: Stabshauptmann
senior citizen {n} (old person)
:: Senior {m}, Seniorin {f}
senior colonel {n} (military rank)
:: Oberführer
seniority {n} (time)
:: Anciennität {f}, Seniorität {f}
Senkaku Islands {prop} (islands)
:: Senkaku-Inseln {f-p}, Diaoyu-Inseln {f-p}, Diaoyutai-Inseln {f-p}
sennit {n} (braided cord)
:: Platting {m} {f} {n}
sensation {n} (physical feeling)
:: Gefühl {n}
sensation {n} (widespread excitement)
:: Sensation {f}
sensational {adj} (exceptionally great)
:: aufsehenerregend
sensationalism {n} (use of style and subject matter that is intentionally controversial, lurid, or attention-grabbing)
:: Sensationsmache {f}
sense {n} (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world)
:: Sinn {m}
sense {n} (conscious awareness)
:: Gefühl {n}, Sinn {m}
sense {n} (sound judgement)
:: Sinn {m}
sense {n} (meaning or reason)
:: Verstand {m}
sense {n} (natural ability)
:: Sinn
sense {n} (semantics term)
:: Sinn {m}, Bedeutung {f}
sense {v} (use biological senses)
:: wahrnehmen
sensei {n} (martial arts instructor)
:: Sensei {m}
sensei {n} (a Japanese teacher)
:: Sensei {m}
senseless {adj} (lacking meaning or purpose)
:: sinnlos
senselessness {n} (being senseless)
:: Sinnlosigkeit {f}
sense of humour {n} (quality of an individual to find certain things funny)
:: Sinn für Humor {m}
sense organ {n} (an organic sensor)
:: Sinnesorgan
sensibility {n}
:: Sensibilität, {f}
sensible {adj} (perceptible by the mind)
:: wahrnehmbar
sensible {adj} (easily perceived, appreciable)
:: spürbar
sensible {adj} (acting with or showing good judgement)
:: vernünftig
sensitive {adj} (responsive to stimuli)
:: empfindlich, sensibel
sensitive {adj} (easily offended)
:: empfindlich, sensibel
sensitive plant {n} (Mimosa pudica)
:: Schamhafte Sinnpflanze {f}, Schampflanze {f}
sensitivity {n} (the ability of an organism or organ to respond to external stimuli)
:: Empfindlichkeit
sensitivity {n} (the degree of response of a film etc. to light of a specified wavelength)
:: Empfindlichkeit {f}
sensitization {n} (process of making something sensitive)
:: Sensitivierung {f}
sensitize {v} (to make increasingly aware of)
:: sensibilisieren {n}
sensor {n} (device or organ that detects certain external stimuli)
:: Sensor {m}
sensorimotor {adj} (of or pertaining to both sensory and motor activity)
:: sensomotorisch
sensual {adj} (inducing pleasurable or erotic sensations)
:: sinnlich, lustvoll
sensuous {adj} (appealing to the senses)
:: sinnenfreudig, sinnlich, sinnenhaft
sensuous {adj} (relating to the senses; sensory)
:: sensorisch, Sinnes-, sinnlich
sent {v} (past participle of "to send")
:: gesendet
sentence {n} (decision of a jury)
:: Urteil {n}
sentence {n} (judicial order for punishment, conviction)
:: Verurteilung {f}, Schuldspruch {m}
sentence {n} (punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime)
:: Strafe {f}
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate)
:: Satz {m}
sentence {v} (declare a sentence on a convicted person)
:: verurteilen
sentencing range {n} (range of allowed punishments for a given crime)
:: Strafrahmen {m}
sentential {adj} (relating to a sentence)
:: satzwertig
sentience {n} (state or quality of being sentient)
:: Empfindungsvermögen {n}
sentiment {n} (feelings or emotions)
:: Gefühl {n}
sentimental {adj} (characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion)
:: sentimental, rührselig
sentimentality {n} (act of being sentimental)
:: Sentimentalität {f}, Schmalz {m}, Empfindsamkeit {f}, Gefühlsseligkeit {f}, Rührseligkeit {f}
sentimental value {n} (value of something from associated personal memories)
:: Liebhaberwert {m}
sentinel {n} (A sentry or guard)
:: Wache {f}, Wachposten {m}, Wächter {m}, Wächterin {f}
sentinel {n} (a unique phrase of characters)
:: Markierung {f}, Schlüsselwort {n}
sentinel {v} (To watch over something as a guard)
:: bewachen
sentinel event {n} (unusual event in a medical setting which results in death or serious physical injury)
:: Hinweissymbolfall
sentry {n} (guard)
:: Wache {f}, Wachposten {m}, Schildwache {f}
sentry-box {n} (booth for a sentry)
:: Schilderhaus {n}, Wachhäuschen {n}
Seoul {prop} (capital of South Korea)
:: Seoul {n}, Söul {n}, Soul {n}
sepal {n} (part of calyx)
:: Kelchblatt {n}, Sepalum {n}
separability {n} (property of being separable)
:: Trennbarkeit {f}, Separierbarkeit {f}
separable {adj} (able to be separated)
:: separabel, trennbar
separable prefix {n} (a prefix that can be detached from the verb)
:: trennbare Vorsilbe {f}
separate {adj} (apart from; not connected to)
:: einzeln, getrennt, separat
separate {adj} (followed by "from": not together with)
:: getrennt, separat
separate {v} (to disunite, disconnect)
:: trennen, scheiden, separieren
separate {v} (to cause to be separate)
:: separieren, unterscheiden, absondern
separate {v} (to divide itself)
:: sich trennen, auseinanderfallen
separated {adj} (detached; not connected or joined)
:: getrennt
separated {adj} (estranged; living apart but not divorced)
:: getrennt
separately {adv} (in a separate manner)
:: getrennt
separate the wheat from the chaff {v} (to select only that which is of value)
:: die Spreu vom Weizen trennen
separating {adj} ((zipper) capable of being completely detached)
:: teilbar
separation {n} (act of disuniting two or more things)
:: Trennung {f}
separation constant {n} (constant introduced after separation of variables)
:: Seperationskonstante {f}
separation of concerns {n} (programming: separating a computer program into distinct features)
:: Separation of Concerns {f}
separatism {n} (separatism)
:: Separatismus {m}
separatist {n} (political separatist)
:: Separatist {m}, Separatistin {f}
separatist {adj} (Advocating or seeking the separation of a country or territory)
:: separatistisch {m}
Sephardi {n} (a Jew of Iberian ancestry, whose native language was Ladino)
:: Sepharde {m}
Sephardic {adj} (relating to the culture of the Sephardi Jews)
:: sephardisch
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish
sepiolite {n} (a clay mineral, the formal name of meerschaum)
:: Sepiolith {m}
sepoy {n} (A native soldier of the East Indies)
:: Sepoy {m}
seppuku {n} (ritual suicide by disembowelment)
:: Seppuku {n}
sepsis {n} (serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed)
:: Sepsis {f}, Blutvergiftung {f}, Septikämie {f}
septagon {n} (polygon with seven sides and six angles)
:: Septagon {n}
septasyllabic {adj} (having seven syllables)
:: siebensilbig
September {prop} (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: September {m}, Scheiding {m}
septendecillion {num} (1054, see also: nonillion)
:: Nonillion {f}
septendecillion {num} (10102, see also: tretrigintillion)
:: Septendezillion
septenvigintillion {num} (1084, see also: quattuordecillion)
:: Quattuordezillion
septic {adj} (of or pertaining to sepsis)
:: septisch
septicemia {n} (disease caused by pathogens in the blood)
:: Blutvergiftung {f}, Sepsis {f}
septic tank {n} (slang: Yank) SEE: Yank
septic tank {n} (watertight treatment system for domestic sewage)
:: Klärgrube {f}
septillion {num} (a trillion trillion, 1024, see also: quadrillion)
:: Quadrillion {f}
septillion {num} (a billion quintillion, 1042, see also: tredecillion)
:: Septillion {f}
septuagenarian {n} (One who is between the age of 70 and 79)
:: Siebzigjährige {f}, Siebzigjähriger {m}
Septuagesima {n} (9th Sunday before Easter)
:: Septuagesima {f}
Septuagint {prop} (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek)
:: Septuaginta
septum {n} ((anatomy) wall separating two cavities)
:: Septum {n}
septum {n} ((mycology) partition separating the cells of a fungus)
:: Septum {n}, Septe {f}
septuple {v} (multiply by seven)
:: versiebenfachen
septuplet {n} (one of seven babies born at the same birth)
:: Siebenling {m}
septuplicate {v} (multiply by seven)
:: versiebenfachen
sepulchral {adj} (hollow and deep)
:: düster
sepulchre {n} (burial chamber)
:: Grabkammer {f}, Gruft {f}
sequel {n} (a narrative written after another narrative set in the same universe)
:: Folge {f}, Fortsetzung {f}
sequence {n} (set of things in a set order)
:: Reihenfolge {f}
sequence {n} (series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated)
:: Sequenz {f}
sequence {n} (in mathematics, an ordered list of objects)
:: Folge {f}
sequence {n} (series of shots that depict a single action or style)
:: Sequenz
sequencer {n} (device that activates components according to a preplanned sequence)
:: Sequenzer {m}
sequent {adj} (that comes after) SEE: subsequent
sequential continuity {n} (property of a function)
:: Folgenstetigkeit {f}
sequester {v} (to separate from all external influence)
:: absondern
sequester {v} (to separate in order to store)
:: abscheiden
sequester {n} (sequestration, separation)
:: Abscheidung, Abtrennung, Absonderung
sequester {n} (a person with whom two or more parties deposit the subject matter of the controversy)
:: Zwangsverwalter, Sequester
sequester {n} (a sequestrum)
:: Sequester
sequestrum {n} (a fragment of bone or other dead tissue)
:: Sequester
sequin {n} (Italian/Turkish coin)
:: Zechine {f}
sequin {n} (sparkling spangle used for decoration of ornate clothing:)
:: Paillette {f}, Flitterblättchen {n}
sequoia {n} (tree)
:: Mammutbaum {m}
Sequoyah {prop} (Inventor of the syllabary for writing Cherokee)
:: Sequoyah
serac {n} (sharp tower of ice)
:: Sérac {m}
seraglio {n}
:: Serail {n}
seraph {n} (highest order of angels)
:: Seraph {m}
Seraphina {prop} (female given name)
:: Seraphina
Serb {n} (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian)
:: Serbe {m}, Serbin {f}
Serb {adj} (of or pertaining to the Serbs or their culture)
:: serbisch
Serbia {prop} (a country in southeastern Europe)
:: Serbien {n}
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula)
:: Serbien und Montenegro
Serbian {n} (person from Serbia, see also: Serb)
:: Serbe {m}, Serbin {f}
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian)
:: Serbisch {n}
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians)
:: serbisch
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbian language)
:: serbisch
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb
Serbo-Croatian {n} (South Slavic language)
:: Serbokroatisch {n}
Serbo-Croatian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language)
:: serbokroatisch
Serbophobia {n}
:: Serbophobie {f}
sere {adj} (without moisture, see also: dry)
:: trocken, verwelkt, verdorrt, vertrocknet, welk
sere {n} (natural succession of animal or plant communities)
:: Folge-, Zwischen-, Folgestadium {n}, Zwischenstadium {n}
serenade {n} (love song)
:: Serenade {f}
serenade {n} (instrumental composition)
:: Serenade {f}, Ständchen {s}
serendipity {n} (unsought, unintended... and/or learning experience that happens by accident)
:: unerwartete Entdeckung {f}, überraschende Erfahrung {f}, überraschendes Erlebnis {n}, freudige Überraschung {f}, Zufallstreffer {m}, Serendipität {f}
serendipity {n} (a combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome)
:: glückliche Fügung {n}, wunderbares Geschehen {n}, unverhofftes Glück {n}, wunderbares Zusammentreffen {n}, überraschendes Ereignis {n}, glücklicher Zufall {m}, Zufallstreffer {m}, Serendipität {f}
serendipity {n}
:: Serendipität {f}, zufällige Entdeckung {f}
serene {adj} (peaceful, calm)
:: gelassen, ruhig
serenity {n} (state)
:: Gelassenheit {f}, Gleichmut {m}, Klarheit {f}, Heiterkeit {f},Abgeklärtheit {f}, Ausgeglichenheit {f},
serenity {n} (lack of agitation)
:: Ruhe {f}
serenity {n} (title given to a prince or other dignitary)
:: Durchlaucht
serf {n} (semifree peasant)
:: Leibeigener {m}
serfdom {n} (state of being a serf)
:: Leibeigenschaft {f}, Eigenbehörigkeit {f}
serfdom {n} (feudal system)
:: Leibeigenschaft {f}, Eigenbehörigkeit {f}
sergeant {n} (non-commissioned officer rank)
:: Stabsunteroffizier
sergeant major {n} (sergeant major)
:: Hauptfeldwebel {m}
Sergey {prop} (transliteration of Сергей)
:: Sergei {m}, Sergej {m}
Sergius {prop} (male given name)
:: Sergei {m}, Sergej {m}
serial {adj} (Having to do with or arranged in a series)
:: Serien-
serialize {v} (convert an object into a byte sequence that can be converted back)
:: serialisieren
serial killer {n} (person who commits multiple murders)
:: Serienmörder {m}, Serienkiller {m}
serial number {n} (unique number assigned to unit)
:: Seriennummer {f}, Serialnummer {f}
seric {adj} (made of silk) SEE: silken
sericulture {n} (rearing of silkworms for the production of silk)
:: Seidenbau {m}
Serie A {prop} (division)
:: Serie A {f}
series {n} (a number of things that follow on one after the other)
:: Serie {f}
series {n} (television or radio program)
:: Serie {f}, Fernsehserie {f}
series {n} (in analysis: sum of the terms of a sequence)
:: Reihe {f}
series finale {n} (the final episode of a television series)
:: Reihe Zusammenfassung
serif {n} (short line in a font)
:: Serife {f}
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing
serine {n} (nonessential amino acid; CH2OH.CH(NH2)COOH)
:: Serin {n}
serious {adj} (without humor or expression of happiness)
:: ernst, seriös
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play)
:: ernst, ernsthaft, schwerwiegend
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest)
:: ernsthaft
seriously {adv} (in a serious or literal manner)
:: ernst, ernsthaft
sermon {n} (religious discourse)
:: Predigt {f}
sermon {n} (speech of reproval)
:: Predigt {f}, Moralpredigt {f}, Strafpredigt {f}
Sermon on the Mount {prop} (public discourse given by Jesus)
:: Bergpredigt {f}
serotonin {n} (the compound 5-hydroxytryptamine)
:: Serotonin {n}
serous membrane {n} (thin membrane that secretes serum in body cavity)
:: Tunica serosa {f}
serow {n} (any of several species of Asian ungulates of the genus Capricornis)
:: Serau {m}
Serpens {prop} (large summer constellation of the northern sky)
:: Schlange {f}
serpent {n} (snake)
:: Schlange {f}, Wurm {m}
serpent {n} (musical instrument)
:: Serpent {m} {n}
Serpentarius {prop} (Ophiuchus) SEE: Ophiuchus
serpentine {adj} (having the form of a snake)
:: schlangenförmig
serpentine {adj} (curving in alternate directions, see also: sinuous)
:: gewunden, sich schlängelnd
serpentine {n} (mineral)
:: Schlangenstein {m}, Serpentin {m}
serpentinite {n} (metamorphic rock)
:: Serpentinit
serpentwood {n} (Rauwolfia serpentina)
:: Schlangenwurzel {f}
Serpukhovian {prop} (subdivision of the Carboniferous period)
:: Serpukhovium
serratus {n} (muscle)
:: Sägemuskel {m}
Serravallian {prop} (subdivision of the Miocene epoch)
:: Serravallium
serum {n} (yellowish fluid obtained from blood)
:: Serum {m}
serval {n} (medium-sized African wild cat)
:: Serval {m}
servant {n} (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation)
:: Diener {m}, Dienerin {f}, Lakai {m}, Kammerdiener {m}, Zofe {f}, Bediensteter {m}, Bediener {m}, Dienstbote {m}; Knecht {m}, Magd {f}
servant {n} (one who serves another, providing help in some manner)
:: Helfer {m}, Helferin {f}
serve {n} (sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play)
:: Angabe {f}
serve {v} (to work for)
:: dienen
serve {v} (to bring food to)
:: servieren
serve {v} (sports: to lead off with first delivery (of the ball))
:: aufschlagen, den Aufschlag haben
serve {v} (to be a servant)
:: dienen
serve {n} (AUS: portion of food) SEE: serving
server {n} (one who serves)
:: Diener {m}, Dienerin {f}
server {n} (preferred unisex term for a waitress or waiter)
:: Bedienung {f}, Kellner {m}, Kellnerin {f}
server {n} (computing: a program which provides services to other programs or users)
:: Server {m}
server {n} (computing: a computer dedicated to running server programs)
:: Server {m}
server {n}
:: Server {m}
serve someone right {v} (happen to someone who deserves it)
:: jemandem recht geschehen, verdient haben
serve someone right {v} (serves you right!)
:: geschieht dir recht!
serve time {v} (to be in prison) SEE: do time
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian
service {n} (act of being of assistance to someone)
:: Service {m}
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity)
:: Dienstleistung {f}
service {n} (computing: function provided by one program or machine for another)
:: Service {m}
service {n} (state of being subordinate or employed)
:: Dienst {m}
service {n} (the military)
:: Dienst {m}, Wehrdienst {m}
service {n} (set of dishes or utensils)
:: Service {n}
service {n} (sports: act of initially serving the ball)
:: Aufschlag {m}, Angabe {f}
service {n} (religious rite or ritual)
:: Gottesdienst {m}
service {v} (to serve)
:: bedienen
service {v} (to perform maintenance)
:: warten
service {n} (service tree) SEE: service tree
serviceberry {n} (plant)
:: Felsenbirne {f}
serviceberry {n} (berry)
:: Felsenbirne {f}
service economy {n} (a service oriented economy)
:: Dienstleistungsgesellschaft {f}
service lift {n} (a lift designed to carry goods)
:: Lastenaufzug {m}, Warenaufzug {m}, Warenlift {m}
service lift {n} (a lift used by staff)
:: Personalaufzug {m}, Personallift {m}
serviceman {n} (man who serves in the armed forces)
:: Militärangehöriger {m}
service-oriented architecture {n} (software architectural concept)
:: dienstorientierte Architektur {f}, serviceorientierte Architektur {f}
service provider {n} (company providing a service)
:: Dienstleister {m}
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station
service tree {n} (Sorbus domestica)
:: Speierling {m}, Sperberbaum {m}, Sporapfel {m}
service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) SEE: wild service tree
serviette {n} (napkin) SEE: napkin
servile {adj} (of or pertaining to a slave)
:: sklavisch
servile {adj} (submissive or slavish)
:: unterwürfig
servility {n} (condition of being servile)
:: Servilität {f}, Servilismus {m}, Speichelleckerei {f}
serving {n} (portion of food)
:: Portion {f}
serving suggestion {n} (suggestion for serving food)
:: Serviervorschlag {m}
servitude {n} (the state of being a slave)
:: Knechtschaft {f}
sesame {n} (plant)
:: Sesam {m}
sesame {n} (seed)
:: Sesam, Sesamsamen
sesame oil {n} (oil extracted from sesame seeds)
:: Sesamöl {n}, Sesamsamenöl {n}
Sesame Street {prop} (television show)
:: Sesamstraße
sesquicentenary {n} (a 150 year anniversary)
:: Hundertfünfzigjahrfeier {f}, hundertfünfzigjähriges Jubiläum {n}
sesquicentennial {adj} (of, or relating to a sesquicentenary)
:: hundertfünfzigjährig
sesquicentennial {n} (a 150th anniversary)
:: Hundertfünfzigjahrfeier {f}, hundertfünfzigjähriges Jubiläum {n}
sesquipedalian {n} (a long word)
:: ellenlanges Wort {n} schwülstiger Begriff {m} , Wortungetüm {n}
sesquipedalian {n} (person who uses long words)
:: Mensch der ellenlangen Worte {m}, Mensch mit Vorliebe für ellenlange Wörter {m} schwülstig daherredender Mensch {m}
sesquipedalian {adj} (of long words)
:: vielsilbig, schwülstig, ellenlang, der ellenlangen Wörter
sesquipedalian {adj} (given to the use of long words)
:: zu ellenlangen Worten neigend, sich umständlich ausdrückend, schwülstig daherredend
sesquisyllabic {adj} (consisting of a minor syllable plus a full syllable)
:: aus einer Hauptsilbe und einer vorangehenden Nebensilbe bestehend
sessile {adj} (zoology)
:: ortsfest, festgewachsen, festsitzend, sitzend, sessil
sessile {adj} (botany)
:: ungestielt, stiellos, sessil, sitzend
sessile oak {n} (deciduous tree)
:: Traubeneiche {f}
session {n} (period devoted to a particular activity)
:: Sitzung {f}
sesterce {n} (sestertius) SEE: sestertius
sestertius {n} (Roman coin)
:: Sesterz {m}, Sesterze {f}
set {v} (to put something down)
:: setzen, legen, stellen, aufstellen
set {v} (to determine)
:: festsetzen, festlegen, bestimmen, aufstellen
set {v} (to adjust)
:: stellen, einstellen, justieren
set {v} (to arrange with dishes and cutlery)
:: decken
set {v} (to introduce)
:: einführen, aufstellen
set {v} (to arrange type)
:: setzen
set {v} (to devise and assign work)
:: vergeben
set {v} (to solidify)
:: härten, aushärten, fest werden
set {v} (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon)
:: untergehen
set {n} (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television)
:: Gerät {n}
set {adj} (ready, prepared)
:: fertig, bereit
set {n} (matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables)
:: Satz {m}, Set {m}
set {n} (collection of various objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools)
:: Set {m}
set {n} (set theory: collection of objects)
:: Menge {f}
set {n} (group of people, usually meeting socially)
:: Gruppe {f}
set {n} (scenery for a film or play)
:: Set {m}
set {n} (in tennis)
:: Satz {m}
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit
set {n} (badger’s home) SEE: sett
set {n} (plural: set theory) SEE: set theory
Set {prop} (Egyptian god)
:: Seth {m}
set an example {v}
:: ein Exempel statuieren
setback {n} (adverse event, obstacle)
:: Rückschlag {n}, Hindernis {n}
set down {v} (to place on a surface)
:: hinsetzen, hinlegen, ablegen, absetzen
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start
set forth {v} (to state; to describe)
:: darlegen
set forth {v} (to present for consideration)
:: darlegen
set forth {v} (to begin a journey)
:: ausziehen
set free {v} (release, free, give freedom to)
:: frei machen
set function {n}
:: Mengenfunktion {f}
Seth {prop} (the third son of Adam and Eve)
:: Seth , Set
Seth {prop} (Egyptian god)
:: Seth {m}
set in motion {v} (trigger movement or progress)
:: in Bewegung setzen
set in stone {adj} (permanent)
:: in Stein gemeißelt
set off {v} (To offset) SEE: offset
set off {v} (To leave; begin a journey or trip)
:: abgehen
set off {v} (To cause to explode)
:: zünden, abbrennen
set-off {n} (extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors)
:: Aufrechnung {f}
set on fire {v} (cause to begin to burn)
:: anzünden, entzünden
set on fire {v} (arouse passionate feelings in)
:: entflammen
set out {v} (to leave)
:: sich aufmachen
set phrase {n} (idiomatic expression)
:: feststehende Redensart {f}, Floskel {f}
set point {n} (tennis)
:: Satzball {m}
setpoint {n} (command signal or value)
:: Sollwert {m}
set sail {v} (to embark on a voyage by boat)
:: abfahren
set screw {n} (screw with threads along the entire length and no head)
:: Gewindestift {m}, Madenschraube {f}, Wurmschraube {f}
set square {n} (flat triangular piece of plastic or other material used in technical drawing)
:: Geodreieck {n}, Geometrie-Dreieck {n}
sett {n} (home of a badger)
:: Dachsbau {m}
sett {n} (paving stone)
:: Pflasterstein
settee {n} (long seat)
:: Sitzbank {f}, Sofa {n}, Couch {f}
setter {n} (one who sets something)
:: Setzer {m}, Setzerin {f}
setter {n} (breed of dog)
:: Setter {m}, Vorstehhund {m}, Vorstehhündin {f}
set theory {n} (mathematical theory of sets)
:: Mengenlehre {f}, Mengentheorie {f}
set the table {v} (arrange plates, dishes, etc. in preparation for a meal)
:: den Tisch decken
set the Thames on fire {v} (to achieve something amazing)
:: die Welt aus den Angeln heben
setting {n} (time, place, circumstance)
:: Kontext {m}
setting {n} (placement of a control)
:: Einstellung {f}
setting {n} (music)
:: Vertonung {f}
setting {adj} (that disappears below the horizon)
:: untergehend
setting pole {n} (pole for pushing out boats, see also: gaff; hook; pike pole; boathook)
:: Staken {m}
settle {v} (to fix one's dwelling)
:: siedeln
settlement {n} (state)
:: Regelung {f}, Regulierung {f}, Erledigung {f}
settlement {n} (newly established colony)
:: Ansiedlung {f}, Siedlung {f}, Niederlassung {f}, Kolonie {f}
settlement {n} ((law) resolution)
:: Vergleich {m}
settlement agreement {n} (agreement)
:: Vergleich {m} ; Prozessvergleich {m}
settler {n} (someone who settles in a new location)
:: Siedler {m}, Ansiedler {m}, Kolonist {m}
settler {n} (someone who decides something, such as a dispute)
:: Schlichter {m}
set to music {v} (to adapt a literary work)
:: vertonen
set-top box {n} (device that connects some source of signal to a television set)
:: Set-Top-Box {f}
set up {v} (to ready something for use)
:: aufbauen, für den Einsatz vorbereiten, einrichten, installieren
setup {n} (Equipment designed for a particular purpose; an apparatus)
:: Einrichtung {f}, Vorrichtung {f}, Gerät {n}, Installation {f}
setup {n} (The fashion in which something is organized or arranged)
:: Einrichtung {f}, Anordnung {f}, Aufbau {m}
setup {n} (situation orchestrated to frame someone)
:: Inszenierung {f}, abgekartetes Spiel {n}, Falle {f}
setup {n} (computing: an installer)
:: Installationsprogramm {n}, Installer {m}
set upon {v} (to attack)
:: sich stürzen
Sevastopol {prop} (city)
:: Sewastopol {n}
sevdalinka {n} (genre of folk music)
:: Sevdalinka {f}
seven {num} (cardinal number 7)
:: sieben
seven {n} (the figure seven)
:: Sieben {f}
seven {n}
:: Sieben {f}
seven deadly sins {n} (the cardinal sins)
:: sieben Todsünden {f-p}
sevenfold {adv} (by a factor of seven (adverb))
:: siebenfach
seven hundred {num} (cardinal number 700)
:: siebenhundert
seven hundred and fifty {n} (the figure 750)
:: Siebenhundertfünfzig {f}
seven-league boots {n} (boots enabling great stride)
:: Siebenmeilenstiefel {m-p}
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week
seven o'clock {n} (the start of the eighth hour)
:: sieben Uhr
sevens {n} (rugby sevens) SEE: rugby sevens
Seven Sages {prop} (seven Ancient Greeks)
:: (die) sieben Weisen von Griechenland {m-p}
seven seals {n} (Christian concept)
:: Buch mit sieben Siegeln {n}
seven seas {n} (all of the Earths oceans)
:: sieben Meere
seventeen {num} (cardinal number)
:: siebzehn
seventeenth {adj} (ordinal number, see also: 17th)
:: siebzehnter
seventeenth {n} (one of seventeen equal parts of a whole)
:: siebzehnte {m}
seventh {adj} (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th)
:: siebente, siebte
seventh {n} (musical interval)
:: Septime {f}
Seventh-day Adventist {n} (member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church)
:: Siebenten-Tags-Adventist {m}, Siebenten-Tags-Adventistin {f}
seventh heaven {n} (state of great joy and satisfaction)
:: siebter Himmel, siebenter Himmel
seventhly {adv} (in the seventh place)
:: siebentens, siebtens
seventies {n} (the decade of the 1970s)
:: siebziger Jahre {n-p}, Siebziger {p}
seventieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number seventy (70))
:: siebzigste
seventieth {n} (the person or thing in the seventieth position)
:: Siebzigste
seventieth {n} (one of seventy equal parts of a whole)
:: Siebzigstel {n}
seventy {num} (cardinal number)
:: siebzig {f}
seventy-eight {num} (78)
:: achtundsiebzig
seventy-first {adj} (ordinal number 71st)
:: einundsiebzigste
seventy-five {num} (75)
:: fünfundsiebzig
seventy-four {num} (74)
:: vierundsiebzig
seventy-nine {num} (79)
:: neunundsiebzig
seventy-one {num} (71)
:: einundsiebzig
seventy-seven {num} (77)
:: siebenundsiebzig
seventy-six {num} (76)
:: sechsundsiebzig
seventysomething {n} (septuagenarian) SEE: septuagenarian
seventy-three {num} (73)
:: dreiundsiebzig
seventy-two {num} (72)
:: zweiundsiebzig
seven virtues {n} (seven heavenly virtues)
:: sieben Tugenden
sever {v} (to cut free)
:: abtrennen, durchtrennen, abbrechen, trennen
several {determiner} (consisting of a number more than two, but not very many)
:: mehrere, einige
several {determiner}
:: verschiedene, einige
severe {adj} (strict or harsh)
:: streng
severe acute respiratory syndrome {n} (form of pneumonia)
:: Schweres Akutes Atemwegssyndrom {n}
severely {adv} (in a severe manner)
:: streng
severity {n} (degree of something undesirable; badness)
:: Härte {f}, Stärke {f}, Gewichtung {f}
Seville {prop} (city in Andalusia, Spain)
:: Sevilla {n}
Seville orange {n} (Seville orange) SEE: bitter orange
Sevortyan {prop} (surname)
:: Sewortjan
sew {v} ((transitive) use a needle)
:: nähen
sew {v} ((intransitive) use a needle)
:: nähen
sewage {n} (suspension of water and waste)
:: Abwasser {n}
sewage fungus {n} (colony of bacteria, fungi and other species)
:: Abwasserpilz {m}
sewellel {n} (mountain beaver)
:: Stummelschwanzhörnchen {n}
sewer {n} (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage)
:: Kanalisation {f}; Ancient: γόργυρα {f}
sewer {n} (person who sews clothing)
:: Näher {m}, Näherin {f}
sewerage {n} (sewage) SEE: sewage
sewerage {n} (sewer system)
:: Kanalisation {f}, Abwassersystem {n}
sewing {n} (action of the verb to sew)
:: Nähen {n}
sewing machine {n} (device)
:: Nähmaschine {f}
sewing room {n} (room in a home)
:: Nähzimmer {n}
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse)
:: Sex {m}, Geschlechtsverkehr {m}
sex {n} (gender (female or male))
:: Geschlecht {n}
sex {v} (to determine the sex of)
:: das Geschlecht bestimmen , sexen
sex {v} (informal: to have sex with)
:: Sex haben
sexagenarian {adj} (in one's seventh decade)
:: sechzigjährig
sexagenarian {n} (a person who is between the ages of 60 and 69)
:: Sechziger {m}, Sechzigerin {f}, Sechzigjähriger {m}, 60-Jähriger {m}, Sechzigjährige {f}, 60-Jährige {f}
Sexagesima {n} (8th Sunday before Easter)
:: Sexagesima {f}
sexagesimal {adj} (based on the number sixty)
:: sexagesimal
sex appeal {n} (sexual attractiveness)
:: Sexappeal {m}, Sex-Appeal {m}
sex bomb {n} (someone highly sexy)
:: Sexbombe {f}
sex change {n} (change in sex)
:: Geschlechtsumwandlung {f}
sexdecillion {num} (1051)
:: Oktilliarde
sexdecillion {num} (1096, see also: untrigintillion)
:: Sexdezillion
sex drive {n} (tendency to engage in sexual activity)
:: sexuelle Begierde {f}, Sexualtrieb {m}, Geschlechtstrieb {m}
sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll {n} (indulgent and pleasurable activities)
:: Wein, Weib und Gesang
sex economy {n}
:: Sexualökonomie
sex education {n} (sex education)
:: Sexualkunde {f}
sexfoil {n} (shape)
:: Sechspass {m}
sex gland {n} (gland in which sex cells are produced) SEE: gonad
sexiness {n} (state or quality of being sexy)
:: Sexiness {f}; Sexyheit {f}
sexism {n} (gender discrimination or dislike)
:: Sexismus {m}
sexist {n} (a person who discriminates on grounds of sex)
:: Sexist {m}, Sexistin {f}
sex kitten {n} (sex kitten)
:: Betthäschen {n}, Sexbiene {f}, Sexpuppe {f}
sexless {adj} (not having gender)
:: geschlechtslos
sex life {n} (part of a person's life that is directly concerned with sexual activity)
:: Liebesleben {n}, Sex-Leben {n}
sexologist {n} (someone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality)
:: Sexologe {m}, Sexologin {f}, Sexualforscher {m}, Sexualforscherin {f}, Sexualwissenschaftler {m}, Sexualwissenschaftlerin {f}
sexology {n} (study of sex and sexuality)
:: Sexualwissenschaft {f}, Sexualforschung {f}, Sexologie {f}, Sexuologie {f}
sex organ {n} (organ used in sexual reproduction)
:: Geschlechtsorgan {n}
sex partner {n} (someone that one has sex with)
:: Sexualpartner {m}, Sexualpartnerin {f}
sexpert {n} (expert in sexology)
:: Sexperte {m}
sex position {n} (sex position)
:: Sexualpraktik {f}, Sexualposition {f}
sex ratio {n}
:: Geschlechterverteilung, Verhältnis Männer / Frauen {n}, Geschlechterverhältnis {n}, Geschlechtsverhältnis {n}, Sexualproportion {f}
sex shop {n} (shop that sells sexual merchandise)
:: Sexshop {m}
sex slave {n} (slave kept for the purpose of sexual exploitation)
:: Sexsklavin {f}
sex symbol {n} (person who embodies sexual ideals)
:: Sexsymbol {n}
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon
Sextans {prop} (dim spring constellation of the northern sky)
:: Sextant {m}
sextant {n} (navigational instrument)
:: Sextant {m}
sextet {n} (composition for six voices or instruments)
:: Sextett {n}
sextet {n} (group of six singers or instrumentalists)
:: Sextett {n}
sextillion {num} (a trillion billion, 1021, see also: trilliard)
:: Trilliarde
sextillion {num} (a million quintillion, 1036, see also: undecillion)
:: Sextillion
sexton {n} (church official)
:: Küster {m}, Küsterin {f}, Sigrist {m} , Sigristin {f}
sexton beetle {n} (A necrophore)
:: Aaskäfer {m}
sex tourism {n} (travel for sex)
:: Sextourismus {m}
sex toy {n} (sex aid)
:: Sexspielzeug {n}
sextuplet {n} (one of six born together)
:: Sechsling {m}
sexual {adj}
:: sexuell
sexual appetite {n} (sexual desire)
:: Wollust {f}
sexual harassment {n} (sexual harassment)
:: sexuelle Belästigung {f}
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction)
:: Geschlechtsverkehr {m}, Koitus {m}
sexual intercourse {n} (coitus) SEE: copulation
sexualism {n} (sexual prejudice or discrimination)
:: Sexismus {m}, Chauvinismus {m}
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation
sexuality {n} (that which is characterized or distinguished by sex)
:: Sexualität {f}
sexuality {n} (sexual activity)
:: Sexualität {f}
sexuality {n} (concern with or interest in sexual activity)
:: Sexualität {f}
sexuality {n} (sexual identity)
:: Geschlecht {n}, Geschlechtlichkeit {f}
sexuality {n}
:: Sexualität {f}
sexualization {n}
:: Sexualisierung {f}
sexually {adv} (in a sexual manner)
:: sexuell
sexually mature {adj} (able to reproduce)
:: geschlechtsreif
sexually transmitted disease {n} (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse) SEE: venereal disease
sexually transmitted disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact)
:: Geschlechtskrankheit {f}
sexual minority {n} (those outside mainstream sexual expression)
:: sexuelle Minderheit {f}
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation)
:: sexuelle Orientierung {f}, sexuelle Ausrichtung {f}
sexual partner {n} (person with whom someone has had sex) SEE: sex partner
sexual predator {n} (person seen as threatening for wanting sex)
:: sexuelles Raubtier {n}
sexual reproduction {n} (process whereby a new organism created by combining the genetic material of two organisms)
:: geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung {f}, sexuelle Fortpflanzung {f}
sexual selection {n} (type of natural selection)
:: sexuelle Selektion {f}, sexuelle Auswahl {f}
sexual slavery {n} (criminal activity)
:: Zwangsprostitution {f}
sexvigintillion {num} (1081)
:: Tredezilliarde
sex work {n} (job in which sex is involved)
:: Sexarbeit {f}
sex worker {n} (person who supplies sexual services for money)
:: Sexarbeiter {m}, Sexarbeiterin {f}
sexy {adj} (having sexual appeal)
:: sexy
sexy {adj} (slang: very attractive or appealing)
:: sexy
Seychelles {prop} (country in East Africa)
:: Seychellen
SEZ {n} (Special Economic Zone)
:: Sonderwirtschaftszone {f}
SH {n} (self-harm)
:: SVV {n}
SH {prop} (Schleswig-Holstein)
:: SH
shabbiness {n} (The property of being shabby.)
:: Schäbigkeit {f}
shabbos goy {n} (gentile servant)
:: Schabbes-Goj {m}
shabby {adj} (torn or worn; poor; mean; ragged)
:: schäbig
shabby {adj} (clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments)
:: schäbig
shabby {adj} (mean; paltry; despicable)
:: schäbig
shabrack {n} (saddlecloth of a cavalry horse)
:: Schabracke {f}
shack {n} (crude hut)
:: Hütte {f}, Bude {f}
shackle {n} (restraint fit over an appendage)
:: Handschellen, Fessel
shackle {n} (a U-shaped piece of metal)
:: Schäkel {m}
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble
shackles {n} (paired wrist or ankle restraints)
:: Handschellen
shack up {v} (to live together, especially when unmarried)
:: in wilder Ehe leben, zusammenziehen
shad {n} (fishes of the herring family)
:: Maifisch {m}
shadbush {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry
shadchen {n} ((Jewish) marriage broker, matchmaker)
:: Schadchen {m} {n}
shadda {n} (diacritic used in the Arabic script)
:: Schadda {n}, Taschdid {m}
shade {n} (darkness where light is blocked)
:: Schatten {m}
shade {n} (something that blocks light, particularly in a window)
:: Vorhang {m}
shade {n} (variety of color)
:: Farbton {m}
shade {v}
:: schattieren
shade horsetail {n} (Equisetum pratense)
:: Wiesen-Schachtelhalm {m}
shadoof {n} (device used to gather water)
:: Schaduff {m}
shadow {n} (dark image projected onto a surface)
:: Schatten {m}
shadow {v} (to block light or radio transmission)
:: beschatten
shadow {v} (to secretly track or follow another)
:: beschatten
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost
shadowban {v} (to ban a discussion board user without their knowledge)
:: mit einem Shadowban belegen, mit einem Schattenbann belegen
shadowban {n} (an instance of shadowbanning)
:: Shadowban {m}, Schattenbann {m}
shadowbox {n} (diorama) SEE: diorama
shadow-box {n} (diorama) SEE: diorama
shadowboxing {n} (form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent)
:: Schattenboxen {n}
shadow government {n} (government-in-waiting that is prepared to take control)
:: Schattenregierung {f}
shadowing {n} (speech shadowing)
:: Schattenlesen {n}
shadow play {n} (form of storytelling using opaque figures in front of an illuminated backdrop)
:: Schattenspiel {n}
shadow puppet {n} (puppet used in shadow play)
:: Schattenfigur {f}
shady {adj} (abounding in shades)
:: schattig
shady {adj} (causing shade)
:: schattenspendend, Schatten spendend
shady {adj} (overspread with shade)
:: schattig
shaft {n} (long narrow body of spear or arrow)
:: Schaft {m}
shaft {n} (main axis of a feather)
:: Schaft {m}
shaft {n} (long passage sunk into the earth)
:: Schacht {m}
shaft {n} (vertical passage housing a lift)
:: Schacht {m}
shaft {n} (ventilation or heating conduit)
:: Schacht {m}
shaft {n} (the shaft of the penis)
:: Schaft {m}
shaft furnace {n} (furnace)
:: Schachtofen {m}
shafthead frame {n} (structure supporting machinery above the entrance to an underground mineshaft) SEE: headframe
shag {n} (sea bird)
:: Krähenscharbe {f}
shag {v} (to have sexual intercourse with)
:: bumsen
shaggy {adj} (with long, thick, and uncombed hair, fur, or wool)
:: zottelig, zottig, zottelhaarig, struppig, strubbelig, zerzaust
shah {n} (king of Persia)
:: Schah {m}
shahada {n} (Islamic declaration of belief)
:: Schahada {f}
shahanshah {n} (title of the rulers of ancient Persia: “king of kings”, see also: king of kings)
:: Schahinschah {m}, Schahanschah {m}
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr
shake {v} (transitive: to cause to move)
:: schütteln, erschüttern
shake {v} (to move one's head from side to side)
:: schütteln
shake {v} (transitive: to disturb emotionally)
:: erschüttern
shake {v} (intransitive: to move from side to side)
:: schütteln
shake {v} (intransitive: to shake hands)
:: händeschütteln, schütteln
shake {n} (act of shaking)
:: Schütteln {n}
shake {n} (milkshake)
:: Milchshake {m}
shake {n} (building material: thin shingle)
:: Schindel {f}
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float
shake down {v} (cause something to fall down)
:: herunterschütteln
shake down {v} (to extort money using threats)
:: erpressen
shake down {v} (to search exhaustively)
:: durchsuchen, filzen
shakedown {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion
shakedown {n} (a thorough search)
:: Durchsuchung {f},, Razzia {f}
shakedown {n} (trial or test period)
:: Probebetrieb {m}, Versuchsbetrieb {m}, Testbetrieb {m}
shakedown {n} (an improvised bed)
:: Klappbett {n}, Gästebett {m}, Liege {f}
shakedown {adj} (that tests the performance)
:: test-, probe-
shake hands {v} (grasp another person's hands)
:: Hände schütteln
shake like a leaf {v} (to tremble)
:: wie Espenlaub zittern
shake off {v} (to remove by shaking)
:: abschütteln
shake off {v} (to lose someone)
:: abschütteln
shake one's head {v} (move one's head from side to side)
:: den Kopf schütteln
shake out {v} (to flap a piece of flexible material to remove dirt)
:: ausschütteln
shakeout {n} (event that causes marginal constituents to be eliminated)
:: Bereinigungsprozess {m}, Bereinigung {f}, Gesundschrumpfung {f}
Shakespearean sonnet {n} (type of sonnet)
:: Shakespeare-Sonett {n}, englishes Sonett {n}, elisabethanisches Sonett {n}
shake up {v} (to agitate by shaking)
:: schütteln, aufschütteln, aufrütteln, durcheinander wirbeln
shake up {v} (to upset or distress)
:: erschüttern, völlig durcheinanderbringen , aus der Fassung bringen, aus den Fugen bringen, umhauen
shake up {v} (to reorganize or reform)
:: von Grund auf ändern, tiefgreifend verändern, umkrempeln
shako {n} (military dress hat)
:: Tschako
shale {n} (sedimentary rock)
:: Tonschiefer {m}
shale gas {n} (natural gas)
:: Schiefergas {n}
shall {v} (indicating the simple future tense)
:: sollen
shallop {n}
:: Schaluppe {f}
shallot {n} (vegetable in the onion family, A. ascalonium or A. oschaninii)
:: Schalotte {f}
shallow {adj} (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide)
:: flach; seicht, untief
shallow {adj} (extending not far downward)
:: seicht
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters)
:: oberflächlich
shallow {adj} (lacking interest or substance)
:: oberflächlich
shallow {n} (shallow portion of an otherwise deep body of water)
:: Untiefe {f}
shallows {n} (shallow waters)
:: Untiefe {f}
shalom {interj} (transliteration of the Jewish greeting or farewell)
:: Schalom
sham {adj} (intended to deceive)
:: falsch, Schein-
sham {n} (fake, imitation)
:: Fälschung {f}, Imitat {n}
sham {n} (trickery, hoaxing)
:: Schwindel {m}, Mogelei {f}, Betrug {m}
sham {v} (to cheat or deceive)
:: sich verstellen
shaman {n} (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds)
:: Schamane {m}
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs)
:: Schamanismus {m}
shamateur {n} (shamateur)
:: Scheinamateur {m}, Scheinamateurin {f}, Staatsamateur {m} , Staatsamateurin {f}
shamateurism {n} (shamateurism)
:: Scheinamateurismus {m}, Staatsamateurismus {m}
shamble {v} (to walk while shuffling or dragging the feet)
:: schlurfen, schleichen, watscheln
shambles {n} (a scene of great disorder or ruin)
:: Durcheinander {n}, Tohuwabohu {n}, Schlachtfeld {n}, Trümmerhaufen {m}
shambles {n} (a great mess or clutter)
:: Durcheinander {n}, Chaos {n}, Scherbenhaufen {m}, Saustall {m}
shambles {n} (a scene of bloodshed, carnage or devastation)
:: Schlachtfeld {n}
shambles {n} (a slaughterhouse)
:: Schlachthaus {n}
shambles {n} ((archaic) a butcher's shop)
:: Fleischerei {f}, Fleischhauer {m}, Metzgerei {f}
shame {n} (uncomfortable or painful feeling)
:: Scham {f}
shame {n} (something to regret)
:: Schande {f}
shame {v} (to cause to feel shame)
:: beschämen
shamefaced {adj} (bashful or ashamed)
:: verlegen, verschämt
shameful {adj} (causing or meriting shame or disgrace)
:: schandbar, beschämend
shameless {adj} (having no shame)
:: schamlos, unverschämt
shaming {n} (the activity of shaming)
:: Beschämen {n}
sham marriage {n} (fake marriage)
:: Scheinehe {f}
shampoo {n} (product for washing the hair or other fibres)
:: Shampoo {n}, Schampu {n}, Schampon {n}, Schampun {n}, Haarwaschmittel {n}
shampoo {n} (instance of washing the hair with shampoo)
:: Haarwäsche {f}
shampoo {n} (humorous slang: champagne)
:: Schampus {m}
shampoo {v} (to wash hair with shampoo)
:: schamponieren
shampoo {v} (to wash (the hair, carpet, etc.) with shampoo)
:: schampunieren, schamponieren, shampoonieren, das Haar waschen, den Kopf waschen, den Teppich schampunieren
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover
shamrock {n} (trefoil leaf of any clover)
:: Kleeblatt {n}
shandy {n} (mixture of lemonade and beer)
:: Alsterwasser {n}, Radler {n}
shandy {n} (a serving of this mixture)
:: Alsterwasser {n}, Radler {n}
shanghai {v} (to force or trick into joining a ship)
:: schanghaien
Shang-hai {prop} (Shanghai) SEE: Shanghai
Shanghai {prop} (Chinese city as provincial-level municipality)
:: Schanghai {n}
shank {n} (lower part of the leg)
:: Unterschenkel {m}
shank {n} (meat from that part of animal)
:: Beinstück {m} Hachse {f}
shanty {n} (a sailor′s work song)
:: Shanty {n}
shantytown {n} (area containing a collection of shacks and shanties)
:: Informelle Siedlung, Marginalsiedlung, Barackenstadt, Elendsviertel, Slum
shape {n} (status or condition)
:: Zustand {m}, Form {f}
shape {n} (condition of personal health, especially muscular health)
:: Form {f}
shape {n} (appearance or outline)
:: Form {f}
shape {n} (figure)
:: Form {f}
shape {v} (to give something a shape)
:: formen
shaped {adj} (having a particular shape)
:: -förmig
shapelessness {n} (property of being shapeless)
:: Formlosigkeit {f}, Gestaltlosigkeit {f}, Unförmigkeit {f}
shaper {n} (A machine tool)
:: Stoßmaschine {f}
shapeshift {v} (change shape)
:: sich verwandeln
shapeshifter {n} (creature capable of changing its appearance) SEE: shape-shifter
shape-shifter {n} (a person who can transform)
:: Gestaltwandler {m}, Formwandler {m}
shape up {v} (to improve; correct one's bad habits)
:: sich entwickeln
sharaga {n} (sharashka) SEE: sharashka
sharashka {n} (a Soviet gulag R&D lab)
:: Scharaschka {f}
sharbat {n} (sherbet) SEE: sherbet
shard {n} (piece of glass or pottery)
:: Scherbe {f}
share {n} (portion of something)
:: Anteil {m}, Teil {m}
share {n} (financial instrument)
:: Aktie {f}
share {n} (computing: configuration enabling sharing of resources)
:: Freigabe {f}
share {v} (to give)
:: teilen
share {v} (to have in common)
:: teilen
share {v} (to divide and distribute)
:: teilen
share {n} (sharebone) SEE: pubis
share {n} (plowshare) SEE: plowshare
sharecropper {n} (a farmer paying rent with crops to the landowner)
:: Naturalpächter {m}, Halbpächter {m}, Teilpächter {m}
sharecropping {n} (system)
:: Naturalpacht {f}, Halbpacht {f}
shared {adj} (used multiply)
:: gemeinsam, geteilt, verteilt
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock)
:: Aktionär {m}
sharemarket {n} (stock market) SEE: stock market
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder
share taxi {n} (a vehicle for hire, taking passengers on a fixed or semi-fixed route without timetables)
:: Sammeltaxi {n}
shareware {n} (type of software)
:: Shareware {f}
shari'a {n} (Islamic religious law)
:: Scharia {f}
sharif {n} (traditional Arab tribal title given to those who serve as the protector of the tribe and all tribal assets)
:: Scherif {m}, Scharif {m}
sharing {n}
:: Aufteilung {f}, Teilung {f}
shark {n} (fish)
:: Hai {m}, Haifisch {m}
shark fin {n} (fin of a shark)
:: Haifischflosse {f}
shark fin soup {n} (soup made from shark fins)
:: Haifischflossensuppe {f}
sharp {adj} (able to cut easily)
:: scharf
sharp {adj} (intelligent)
:: scharfsinning
sharp {adj} (pointed, able to pierce easily)
:: spitz, scharf
sharp {adj} (of a note, played a semitone higher than usual)
:: -is
sharp {adj} (musically higher-pitched than desired)
:: hoch
sharp {adj} (having an intense, acrid flavour)
:: scharf
sharp {adj} (intense and sudden (of pain))
:: stechend
sharp {adj} (stylish or attractive)
:: scharf
sharp {n}
:: Erhöhungszeichen {n}
sharpen {v} (to make sharp)
:: schärfen , spitzen
sharpener {n} (device for making things sharp)
:: Spitzer {m}
sharpie {n} (felt-tipped marker pen) SEE: felt-tip pen
sharpness {n} (cutting ability of an edge)
:: Schärfe
sharpness {n} (of an image)
:: Schärfe {f}, Bildschärfe {f}
sharp s {n} (eszett) SEE: eszett
sharpshooter {n} (marksman)
:: Scharfschütze {m}, Scharfschützin {f}
sharp-tailed sandpiper {n} (Calidris acuminata)
:: Spitzschwanzstrandläufer {m}
sharp-witted {adj} (clever, keen of intellect, swift of thought)
:: scharfsinnig
shashiya {n} (a Maghrebi brimless cap with a tassel and straight sides.)
:: Schaschija {f}
shashlik {n} (skewered dish)
:: Schaschlik {m}
shatter {v} (to violently break something into pieces)
:: zum Zerspringen bringen, zerschmettern, zersplittern
shatter {v} (to smash, or break into tiny pieces)
:: zerspringen
shatter {n} (a fragment of anything shattered)
:: Splitter {m}, Stückchen {n}
shatter {n} (a (pine) needle)
:: Nadel {f}, Kiefernnadel {f}
shave {v} (to remove hair from)
:: rasieren
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face)
:: sich rasieren
shave {n} (an instance of shaving)
:: Rasur {f}
shaven {adj} (having been shaved)
:: rasiert
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber
shaver {n} (electric razor)
:: Rasierapparat {m}, Elektrorasierer {m}
shaving {n} (A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material)
:: Span {m}
shaving brush {n} (brush for applying shaving cream)
:: Rasierpinsel {m}
shaving cream {n} (a substance that is applied to the face to provide lubrication and avoid razor burn during shaving)
:: Rasierschaum {m}
shaving soap {n} (soap used with a shaving brush to create lather for shaving)
:: Rasierseife
shaw {n} (small wood)
:: Dickicht {n}
shawarma {n} (Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap)
:: Schawarma {f}
shawl {n} (a square piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders)
:: Schal {m}
shawm {n} (wind instrument)
:: Schalmei {f}
shchi {n} (a type of Russian soup)
:: Schtschi {f}
she {pron} (person)
:: sie, es
she {pron} (ship)
:: es , sie
she- {prefix} (the prefix she- for a female animal or a woman)
:: -in
shea {n} (tree)
:: Karitébaum {m}
shea butter {n} (fat extracted from the fruit of the shea tree)
:: Sheabutter
sheaf {n} (bundle of grain or straw)
:: Garbe {f}
sheaf {n} (any collection of things bound together; a bundle)
:: Bündel {n}
sheaf {n} (mathematical construct)
:: Garbe {f}
sheaf {n} (sheave) SEE: sheave
shear {v} (to cut)
:: abschneiden, schneiden, scheren
shear {v} (to remove the fleece from a sheep)
:: scheren
shear {n} (a force that produces a shearing strain)
:: Scherkraft {f}
shears {n} (tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges)
:: Schere {f}
shear stress {n} (component of stress)
:: Scherspannung {f}
shearwater {n} (seabird)
:: Sturmtaucher {m}
she-ass {n} (female ass, female donkey, jenny)
:: Eselin {f}
sheatfish {n} (fish of the genus Silurus)
:: Hecht
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom
sheath {n} (long case)
:: Futteral {n}, Hülle {f}
sheath {n} (insulating outer cover of an electrical cable)
:: Hülle {f}, Mantel {n}, Ummantelung {f}, Umhüllung {f}
sheath {n} (tight-fitting dress)
:: Etuikleid {n}
sheathe {v} (to put (something) into a sheath)
:: in die Scheide stecken, ummanteln
sheathe {v}
:: umhüllen
sheave {n} (wheel having a groove)
:: Scheibe {f}
Sheba {prop} (biblical kingdom)
:: Saba {n}
she-bear {n} (a female bear)
:: Bärin {f}
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate
she-cat {n} (female cat)
:: Kätzin {f}, Katze {f}
shed {v} (to part or divide)
:: teilen
shed {v} (to cast off, to let fall, be divested of)
:: abwerfen
shed {v} (to pour; to make flow)
:: vergießen
shed {v} (to allow to flow or fall)
:: vergießen
shed {v} (to radiate, cast, give off)
:: verströmen
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something)
:: Schuppen {m}, Schuppen im Hinterhof {m} (backyard shed)
shed {n} (poor quality automobile)
:: Karre {f}, Rostlaube {f}
she-devil {n} (bad-tempered woman)
:: Teufelin {f}, Teufelsweib {n}, Drachen {m}
she-devil {n} (female devil)
:: Teufelin {f}
sheen {n} (splendor; radiance; shininess)
:: Glanz {m}
sheep {n} (animal)
:: Schaf {n}
sheepdog {n} (dog used for herding sheep)
:: Schäferhund {m}, Schäferhündin {f}, Hirtenhund {m}, Hirtenhündin {f}
sheepfold {n} (enclosure)
:: Schafstall {m}, Schafhürde {f}
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd
sheepherder {n} (person herding sheep)
:: Schafhirt {m}, Schafhirte {m}, Schafhirtin {f}, Schäfer {m}
sheeple {n} (the sheeple, one of the sheeple)
:: Fähnchen im Wind {n}, Herdenmensch {m}, Jasager {m}, Mitläufer {m}, Schaf {n}, Schlafschaf {n}, Untertan {m}, Wellenreiter {m}
sheep liver fluke {n} (parasitic flatworm)
:: Großer Leberegel {m}
sheeppox {n} (contagious disease of sheep)
:: Schafpocken {p}
sheepskin {n} (skin of a sheep)
:: Schafspelz {m}, Schafpelz {m}, Schaffell {n}, Schafsfell {n}, Schafleder {n}, Schafsleder {n}
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure
sheer {adj} (very thin or transparent)
:: hauchdünn, transparent, durchsichtig
sheer {adj} ((used to emphasize))
:: bloß, schier, pur, rein
sheer {adj} (straight up and down; vertical; perpendicular)
:: steil, vertikal, senkrecht
sheet {n} (sheet of paper)
:: Blatt {n}, Bogen {m}
sheet {n} (flat metal pan for baking)
:: Blech {n}
sheet {n} (thin, flat layer of solid material)
:: Blatt {n}, Platte {f}, Lage {f}
sheet {n} (expanse of material on a surface)
:: Schicht {f}
sheet {n} (rope to adjust a sail)
:: Schot {f}
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet
sheet anchor {n} (nautical: a large, spare anchor)
:: Notanker {m}, Rettungsanker {m}
sheet bend {n} (knot)
:: Schotstek {m}
sheet lightning {n} (broad flash of lightning)
:: Wetterleuchten {n}
sheet metal {n} (Metal worked into a thin, flat sheet)
:: Blech {m}
sheet music {n} (hand-written or printed form of musical notation)
:: Noten {f}, Musiknoten {f}, Partitur {f}
sheet protector {n} (clear plastic sleeve for documents)
:: Schutzhülle {f}, Dokumentenschutzhülle {f}
sheet weaver {n} (any spider of the family Linyphiidae)
:: Baldachinspinne {f}
Sheffield {prop} (city)
:: Sheffield
Sheffield stand {n} (bike staple)
:: Fahrradbügel {m}
shegetz {n} (non-Jewish male)
:: Schegez {m}
she-goat {n} (female goat)
:: Ziege {f}, Geiß {f}, Zicke {f}, Zibbe {f}
sheik {n} (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe)
:: Scheich {m}
sheik {n} (Islamic religious clergy)
:: Scheich {m}
sheik {n} (Gulf countries: official title for members of the royal family)
:: Scheich {m}
Sheinwoodian {prop} (subdivision of the Silurian period)
:: Sheinwoodium
shekel {n} (ancient unit of weight)
:: Schekel {m}, Sekel {m}
shekel {n} (sheqel) SEE: sheqel
shelduck {n} (waterfowl)
:: Kasarka {m}
shelf {n} (structure)
:: Regal {n}
shelf {n} (reef, shoal, sandbar)
:: Schelf {m}
shelf life {n} (the length of time a product will last without deteriorating)
:: Lagerfähigkeit {f}, Lagerbeständigkeit {f}, Haltbarkeit {f}
shell {n} (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates)
:: Schale {f}
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg)
:: Schale {f}, Eierschale {f}
shell {n} (covering of a nut)
:: Schale {f}
shell {n} (casing of an artillery projectile)
:: Hülse {f}
shell {n} (hollow usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a mortar or a cannon)
:: Granate {f}
shell {n} (any hollow structure; framework, or exterior structure)
:: Hülle {f}
shell {n} (computing: general-purpose environment)
:: Shell {f}
shell {n} (chemistry: set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number)
:: Hülle {f}
shell {n}
:: Schale {f}
shell {n} (by extension, any mollusks having such a covering)
:: Schalentier {n} , Muschel {f}
shellac {n} (processed secretion of the lac insect)
:: Schellack {m}
shellac {v} (to coat with shellac)
:: lackieren
shellfish {n} (aquatic food that has a shell)
:: Schalentier {n}
shell game {n} (game which requires the bettor to guess under which of three small cups a pea-sized object has been placed)
:: Hütchenspiel {n}
shell shock {n} (psychiatric condition characterized by fatigue caused by battle)
:: Kriegszitterer
shelter {n} (a refuge or other protection)
:: Zuflucht {f}, Obdach {n}, Zufluchtsort {m}, Schutzraum {m}
shemagh {n} (headcloth)
:: Shemagh {n}, Palästinensertuch {n}
shemale {n} (a male-to-female transsexual or transgender person)
:: Shemale {f}
shenanigan {n} (singular of shenanigan) SEE: shenanigans
shenanigans {n} (mischievous play)
:: Ausfressereien {f-p}
shenanigans {n} (deceitful tricks)
:: Schummelei {f}, Pfuscherei {f}, Streiche {f}, Verarsche {f}
shepherd {n} (a person who tends sheep)
:: Hirt {m}, Hirte {m}, Schafhirt {m}, Schafhirte {m}, Schafhirtin {f}, Schäfer {m}, Schäferin {f}
shepherd {n} (someone who watches over or guides)
:: Hirt {m}, Hirte {m}, Hirtin {f}, Hüter {m}, Hüterin {f}
shepherdess {n} (female shepherd)
:: Hirtin {f}, Schäferin {f}, Schafhirtin {f}
shepherd's pie {n} (a kind of meat pie)
:: Shepherd's Pie {m}
shepherd's purse {n} (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
:: Hirtentäschel {n}, Hirtentäschelkraut {n}
sheqel {n} (currency unit in Israel)
:: Schekel {m}
sherbet {n} (frozen fruit juice)
:: Sorbet {n}, Scherbet {n}, Fruchteis {n}
sherbet {n} (powder)
:: Brausepulver {n}
Sheremetyevo {prop} (airport in Russia)
:: Scheremetjewo {n}
sheriff {n} (all meanings)
:: Sheriff {m}
Sherman {n} (army tank)
:: Sherman {m}, Sherman-Panzer {m}
Sherpa {n} (member of an ethnic group)
:: Sherpa {m}
Sherpa {prop} (language)
:: Sherpa
sherry {n} (fortified wine)
:: Sherry {m}
she's unconscious {phrase} (she's unconscious)
:: sie ist bewusstlos
she-tiger {n} (tigress) SEE: tigress
Shetland {prop} (Shetland Islands) SEE: Shetland Islands
Shetland Islands {prop} (group of islands)
:: Shetlandinseln, Shetland-Inseln
she-wolf {n} (female wolf)
:: Wölfin {f}
shh {interj} (requesting silence)
:: still, pst, pscht
Shi'a {n} (branch of Islam)
:: Shia {f}
Shi'a {n} (follower of Shi'a Islam)
:: Schiit {m}, Schiitin {f}
Shia Islam {prop} (denomination of Islam)
:: Schia {f}
shiatsu {n} (shiatsu)
:: Shiatsu {f}
shibboleth {n} (a word, especially seen as a test, to distinguish someone as belonging to a particular nation, class, profession etc)
:: Schibboleth {n}, Erkennungszeichen {n}, Chiffre {n}, Kennwort {n}, Schlüsselwort {n}
shibboleth {n} (a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth)
:: according to the particular context: abgedroschene Ansicht {f}, Klischee {n}, veraltete Konvention {f}, Plattitüde {f}, Parole {f}, Schlagwort {n}, Slogan {m}
Shida Kartli {prop} (region of Georgia)
:: Inner-kartlien
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet
shield {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse
shield {n} (armor)
:: Schild {m}
shield {n} (anything that protects or defends)
:: Schutz {m}
shield {v} (to protect, to defend)
:: beschützen
shield {n} (toilet seat) SEE: toilet seat
shield fern {n}
:: Schildfarn {m}
shieldmaiden {n} (virgin who had chosen to fight in battle)
:: Schildmaid
shield volcano {n} (volcano)
:: Schildvulkan {m}
shift {n} (type of women's undergarment) SEE: slip
shift {n} (change of workers)
:: Schicht {f}
shift {n} (act of shifting)
:: Verschiebung {f}, Verlagerung {f}, Verstellung {f}
shift {n} (gear mechanism in a motor vehicle)
:: Gangschaltung {f}, Schaltung {f}
shift {n} (button on a keyboard)
:: Umschalten, Shift, Shifttaste {f}, Umschalttaste {f}, Hochstelltaste {f}
shift {v} (to move from one place to another)
:: verschieben, verlagern, verstellen
shift {v} (to change gears)
:: umschalten
shift key {n} (key on a typewriter)
:: Umschalttaste {f}
shift key {n} (key on a personal computer or terminal keyboard)
:: Umschalttaste {f}
shiftwork {n} (rotating mode of work)
:: Schichtarbeit {f}
shifu {n} (martial arts instructor) SEE: sifu
shiitake {n} (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom)
:: Shiitake {m}
Shiite {n} (Shi'a) SEE: Shi'a
Shiite {adj} (of or pertaining to the Shi'a branch of Islam)
:: schiitisch
Shiite {adj} (of or pertaining to the Shiites)
:: schiitisch
shikimic acid {n} (shikimic acid)
:: Shikimisäure {f}
shiksa {n} (non-Jewish girl)
:: Schickse {f}, also: Schicks {f}, Schicksel {n}, {f}, Schicksl {n}, {f}
shilajit {n} (tar-like substance used in traditional medicine)
:: Mumijo {n}
shill {n} (a person paid to endorse a product favourably)
:: Anreißer {m}, Anreisser {m} , Anreißerin {f}, Anreisserin {f}
shill {n} (an accomplice at a confidence trick)
:: Lockvogel {m}, Gehilfe des Schaustellers {m}, Gehilfe des Hausierers {m}, Gehilfin des Schaustellers {m}, Gehilfin des Hausierers {m}
shill {v} (to promote or endorse in return for payment)
:: Ware anpreisen
shilling {n} (former coin)
:: Schilling {m}
shilling {n} (currency)
:: Schilling {m}
shim {n} (wedge)
:: Keil {m}
shim {n} (thin piece of material used for alignment or support)
:: Unterlage {f}, Abstandhalter {m}, Abstandsblech {n}, Unterlegscheibe {f}, Zwischenstück {n}, Klemmstück {n}, Distanzstück {n}, Futterblech {n}, Futterholz {n}, Ausgleichsblech, Ausgleichsstück {n}, Passstück {n}, Beilagscheibe {f}, Beilagescheibe {f}
shim {n} (small metal device to pick a lock)
:: Dietrich {m}
shim {n} (person characterised by male and female traits)
:: Transsexueller {m}, Transsexuelle {f}, Transe {f}
shimmer {v} (to shine with a veiled light; to gleam faintly; to glisten; to glimmer)
:: schimmern
shimmer {n} (faint or veiled and tremulous gleam or shining; a glimmer)
:: Schimmer {m}, Schimmern {n}
shimmy {n} (dance that was popular in the 1920s)
:: Shimmy {m}
shimmy {n} (abnormal vibration, especially in the wheels of a vehicle)
:: Flattern {n}
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson
shin {n} (front part of the leg below the knee)
:: Schienbein {n}, Tibia
shin {n} (Semitic letter)
:: Schin {n}
shinbone {n} (inner bone of the hind limb below the knee)
:: Schienbein {n}
shine {v} (to emit light)
:: leuchten, scheinen
shine {v} (to reflect light)
:: glänzen
shine {v} (to distinguish oneself)
:: glänzen, brillieren
shine {n} (brightness from a source of light)
:: Schein {m}
shine {n} (brightness from reflected light)
:: Glanz {m}
shine {n} (excellence in quality or appearance)
:: Brillanz {f}, Glanz {m}, Bravour {f}
shine {n}
:: Glanz {m}, Schein, {m}
shine {v} (to polish)
:: polieren, bohnern
shine {n} (slang: moonshine) SEE: moonshine
shine {n} (sunshine) SEE: sunshine
shine {n} (shoeshine) SEE: shoeshine
shiner {n} (black eye) SEE: black eye
shingle {n} (small, thin piece of building material)
:: Schindel {f}
shingle {v} (to cover with shingles (building material))
:: mit Schindeln decken
shingles {n} (herpes zoster)
:: Herpes Zoster, Gürtelrose {f}
shinkansen {n} (bullet train) SEE: bullet train
Shinto {prop} (religion)
:: Schintoismus {m}, Shintoismus {m} (Sintoismus)
Shintoism {prop} (Shinto) SEE: Shinto
shiny {adj} (reflecting light)
:: glänzend
shiny {adj} (emitting light)
:: leuchtend, funkelnd
shiny {adj} (excellent)
:: wunderbar
ship {n} (large water vessel)
:: Schiff {n}
ship {n} (vessel which travels through any medium other than land)
:: Schiff {n}
ship {v} (to send a parcel or container)
:: verschicken, versenden
ship {v} (to send by water-borne transport)
:: verschiffen
ship {v} (to pass from one person to another)
:: weitergeben
-ship {suffix} (Property or state of being)
:: -schaft
shipbuilder {n} (person)
:: Schiffbauer {m}
shipbuilding {n} (construction of ships)
:: Schiffbau {m}
ship of the desert {n}
:: Wüstenschiff {n}
shipping {n} (transportation of goods)
:: Schifffahrt {f}
shipping company {n} (company)
:: Reederei {f}, Schifffahrtsgesellschaft {f}, Schiffahrtsgesellschaft {f} , Schifffahrtsunternehmen {n}, Schiffahrtsunternehmen {n}
shipshape {adj} (meticulously neat and tidy)
:: picobello
ship-to-air {adj} (of a missile fired from a ship at an aircraft)
:: Schiff-Luft
ship-to-ground {adj} (of a missile fired from ship at a target on the ground)
:: Schiff-Boden
ship-to-ship {adj} (fired from a a ship to another ship)
:: Schiff-Schiff
shipworm {n} (Marine mollusc that bores through wood)
:: Schiffsbohrmuschel {f}, Schiffsbohrwurm {m}
shipwreck {n} (A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy.)
:: Schiffswrack {n}
shipwreck {n} (An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.)
:: Schiffbruch {m}
shipwrecked {adj} (stranded as a result of a shipwreck)
:: schiffbrüchig
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships)
:: Werft {f}
Shiraz {prop} (a city in southern Iran)
:: Schiraz {n}
Shiraz {n} (variety of black grape)
:: Syrah
shire {n} (former administrative area of Britain; a county)
:: Grafschaft {f}
shirk {v} (avoid a duty)
:: sich drücken, umgehen, meiden, ausweichen, aus dem Weg gehen, kneifen
shirker {n} (Someone who shirks)
:: Drückeberger {m}, Verpisser {m}
shirker {n} (Someone who is lazy)
:: Faulpelz {m}, Faulenzer {m}
shirt {n} (article of clothing)
:: Hemd {n}
shirtless {adj} (not wearing a shirt)
:: mit nacktem Oberkörper
shisha {n} (arabic water-pipe) SEE: hookah
shit {n}
:: Scheiße {f}, Kacke {f}
shit {n} (rubbish)
:: Scheiß {m}
shit {n} (nonsense, bullshit)
:: Scheiß {m}
shit {n} (nasty, despicable person)
:: Scheißkerl {m}, Drecksack {m}, Mistkerl {m}
shit {n} (not anything, nothing)
:: (einen) Scheiß {m}
shit {v}
:: scheißen, kacken
shit {v} (vulgar: to excrete (something) through the anus)
:: scheißen
shit {v} (vulgar: to be stricken with fear)
:: Schiss haben
shit {interj} (expression of worry, failure)
:: Scheiße!
shit ass {n} (shitass) SEE: shitass
shitass {n} (mean or rude person)
:: Scheißkerl {m}
shiteater {n} (a coprophagous animal (vulgar))
:: Scheissfresser {m}, Scheissfresserin {f}
shitfaced {adj} (very drunk)
:: sturzbesoffen, stinkbesoffen
shit-for-brains {adj} (Very stupid)
:: saublöd, blöd dumm
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life
shithead {n} (stupid or contemptible person)
:: Scheißkopf {m}, Scheisskopf {m} , Arschloch {n}, Arsch {m}, Scheißkerl {m}, Scheisskerl {m} , Scheißer {m}, Scheisser {m}
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole
shithole {n} (dirty or unpleasant place)
:: Drecksloch {n}
shithouse {n}
:: Scheißhaus {n}, Plumpsklo {n}
shithouse {adj} (Of poor quality) SEE: shitty
shit oneself {v} (vulgar slang: be very scared)
:: sich die Hosen vollscheißen
shit out of luck {adj} (In unfortunate circumstances)
:: im Arsch, am Arsch
shits {n} (vulgar slang for diarrhea)
:: Durchfall {m}, Dünnschiss {m}
shittah {n} (a type of tree and its wood)
:: Seyal-Akazie {f}
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high
shitty {adj} (unpleasant as shit)
:: beschissen, Scheiß-
shitty {adj} (Of such poor quality as to resemble shit)
:: Scheiß-, beschissen
shitwork {n} (work of low status or satisfaction)
:: Scheißarbeit {f} , Scheissarbeit {f}
shive {n} (wood fragment of the husk of flax or hemp)
:: Schäbe {f}
shiver {v} (to tremble or shake)
:: zittern
shiver {n} (the act or result of shivering)
:: Zittern {n}
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon
shnor {v} (beg or wheedle)
:: schnorren, betteln, erbetteln, abbetteln, abheucheln
shnorrer {n} (one who shnors)
:: Schnorrer {m}, Bettler {m}
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school
shoal {n} (sandbank)
:: Sandbank {f}
shock {n} (something surprising)
:: Schock {m}
shock {n} (electric shock)
:: Schlag {m}
shock {n}
:: Schock {m}
shock {v} (to cause to be emotionally shocked)
:: schockieren
shock {v} (to give an electric shock)
:: einen Stromstoß versetzen
shock {n} (arrangement of sheaves for drying) SEE: stook
shock absorber {n} (device to absorb shocks)
:: Stoßdämpfer {m}
shocked {adj} (surprised, startled, confused)
:: schockiert
shocking {adj} (inspiring shock; startling)
:: schrecklich, schockierend
shocking {adj} (extremely bad)
:: schrecklich
shock wave {n} (A powerful compression wave)
:: Stoßwelle {f}, Schockwelle {f}
shod {adj} (wearing shoes)
:: beschuht , beschlagen
shod {adj} (having tires equipped)
:: bereift
shoddy {adj} (of poor quality)
:: minderwertig, billig, schäbig, schlampig
shoddy {n} (low-grade cloth made from used wool or wool byproducts)
:: Reißwolle {f}
shoe {n} (protective covering for the foot)
:: Schuh {m}, Lackschuh {m}
shoe {n} (something resembling a shoe (e.g. brake shoe))
:: Schuh {m}
shoe {v} (to put horseshoes on a horse)
:: beschlagen, beschuhen
shoe {v}
:: beschuhen
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe
shoebill {n} (wading bird)
:: Schuhschnabel {m}
shoeblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner
shoebox {n} (box in which shoes are sold)
:: Schuhschachtel {f}, Schuhkarton {m}
shoehorn {n} (tool used to assist the foot)
:: Schuhanzieher {m}, Schuhlöffel {m}
shoehorn {v} (to use a shoehorn)
:: ein Schuhlöffel benutzen
shoehorn {v} (to exert great effort to insert or include something)
:: hineinzwängen, reinzwängen, reinquetschen
shoelace {n} (for fastening a shoe, see also: lace)
:: Schnürsenkel {m}, Schuhband {n}, Schnürband {n}, Senkel {m}, Litze {f}, Schnur {f}, Band {n}
shoemaker {n} (a person who makes shoes)
:: Schuhmacher {m}, Schuhmacherin {f}, Schuster {m}, Schusterin {f}
shoemaking {n} (shoemaking)
:: Schuhherstellung {f}, Schuhmacherei {f}, Schusterei {f}
shoe polish {n} (product used to make shoes shine)
:: Schuhcreme {f}, Schuhpasta {f}, Schuhpaste {f}, Schuhwichse {f}
shoeshine {n} (the act of polishing shoes)
:: Schuheputzen {n}, Schuhputzen {n}
shoeshine boy {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner
shoeshine girl {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner
shoeshiner {n} (person who shines shoes)
:: Schuhputzer {m}, Schuhputzerin {f}
shoe shop {n} (a shop that sells footwear and related items)
:: Schuhladen {m}
shoe size {n} (size of shoe)
:: Schuhgröße {f}
shoe store {n} (shoe shop) SEE: shoe shop
shoestring {n} (the string or lace used to secure the shoe to the foot; a shoelace) SEE: shoelace
shoe tree {n} (device to preserve the shape of a shoe)
:: Schuhspanner {m}
shoetree {n} (device to preserve the shape of a shoe) SEE: shoe tree
shofar {n} (ram’s-horn trumpet)
:: Schofar {m}, Schofarhorn {n}, Halljahrposaune {f}, Hallposaune {f}
shogi {n} (variant of chess)
:: Shōgi {n}
shogun {n} (supreme generalissimo of feudal Japan)
:: Shōgun {m}, Shogun {m}
shogunate {n} (shogunate, bakufu)
:: Shogunat {n}, Shōgunat {n}
shoo {v} (to induce someone to leave)
:: scheuchen, verscheuchen
shoo {interj} (go away)
:: husch!, weg
shoo {v} (usher) SEE: usher
shoot {v} (to fire a shot)
:: schießen
shoot {v} (to fire multiple shots)
:: schießen
shoot {v} (to hit with a shot)
:: anschießen, erschießen
shoot {n} (emerging stem and embryonic leaves of a new plant)
:: Ableger {m}
shoot {interj}
:: Mist! , verdammt! , Los! , leg los!
shoot down {v} (to cause to fall by shooting)
:: niederschießen, abschießen
shootdown {n} (shooting down of an aircraft)
:: Abschießen, Abschuss
shooter {n} (person)
:: Schütze {m}
shooter {n} (firearm)
:: Knarre {f}
shooter {n} (game)
:: Ballerspiel {n}
shooting {n} (instance of shooting)
:: Schießen {n}, Schießerei {f}
shooting gallery {n} (carnival game)
:: Schießbude {f}, Schiessbude {f}
shooting iron {n} (firearm)
:: Schießeisen {n}
shooting range {n} (a facility designed for firearms practice)
:: Schießplatz {m}, Schießstand {m}, Schießanlage {f}
shooting star {n} (meteor)
:: Sternschnuppe {f}
shoot oneself in the foot {v} (to act against one's own interest)
:: sich ins eigene Knie schießen
shoot one's mouth off {v} (make reckless or exaggerated statements)
:: aufschneiden
shootout {n} (decisive battle)
:: Schießerei {f}, Schusswechsel {m}
shoot the moon {v} (attain great heights)
:: durch die Decke gehen
shoot up {v} (To inject (a drug) intravenously)
:: schießen
shop {n} (establishment that sells goods)
:: Laden {m}, Geschäft {n}
shop {n} (workshop)
:: Werkstatt {f}
shop {v} (to visit shops)
:: einkaufen, shoppen
shop {v} (to digitally edit a picture or photograph) SEE: photoshop
shopaholic {n} (one who shops very frequently)
:: Kaufsüchtiger
shopaholic {n}
:: Kaufsüchtig: Kauf-purchace süchtig-addicted
shopaholism {n} (addiction)
:: Kaufsucht {f}
shop assistant {n} (shop employee)
:: Verkäufer {m}, Verkäuferin {f}
shopfloor {n} (productive area of a factory)
:: Produktionsstätte {f}, Fabrikhalle {f}
shopkeeper {n} (trader who sells goods in a shop)
:: Ladenbesitzer {m}, Ladenbesitzerin {f}, Ladeninhaber {m}, Ladeninhaberin {f}, Geschäftsinhaber {m}, Geschäftsinhaberin {f}, Händler {m}, Händlerin {f}, Krämer {m}, Krämerin {f}, Lädler {m} , Lädlerin {f}, Einzelhändler {m}
shoplift {v} (transitive: to steal something)
:: klauen, stehlen
shoplift {v} (intransitive: to steal)
:: Ladendiebstahl begehen
shoplifter {n} (one who steals from shops)
:: Ladendieb {m}
shoplifting {n} (action of the verb to shoplift)
:: Ladendiebstahl {m}
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop
shopper {n} (a person who shops)
:: Käufer {m}, Käuferin {f}
shopping {n} (activity of buying)
:: Einkaufen {n}, Einkauf {m}, Einkäufe {p} {m}, Shopping {n}
shopping {n} (things bought)
:: Einkäufe {m-p}
shopping bag {n} (strong bag for carrying purchases)
:: Einkaufsbeutel {m}, Einkaufstasche {f}
shopping basket {n} (basket for groceries and merchandise)
:: Einkaufskorb {m}, Warenkorb {m}
shopping cart {n} (conveyance used to carry items while shopping)
:: Einkaufswagen {m}, Karren {m}
shopping center {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre
shopping centre {n} (large retail outlet)
:: Einkaufszentrum {n}
shopping list {n} (list of items that need to be bought)
:: Einkaufsliste {f}, Einkaufszettel {m}
shopping mall {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre
shopping trolley {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart
shop talk {n} (discussion about one's trade)
:: Fachgespräch {n}
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop)
:: Schaufenster {n}
Shor {prop} (language)
:: Schorisch {n}
shore {n} (land adjoining a large body of water)
:: Ufer {n}
shore {v} (support) SEE: shore up
shore crab {n} (type of crab, Carcinus maenas)
:: Strandkrabbe {f}
shore up {v} (to reinforce (something at risk of failure))
:: abstützen, stützen, unterstützen, verstärken
shoring {n} (temporary bracing used to prevent collapse)
:: Abstützung {f}, Verbau {m}
short {adj} (having a small distance between ends or edges)
:: kurz
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height)
:: klein
short {adj} (having little duration)
:: kurz
short {adj} (constituting an abbreviation or shortened form)
:: kurz (für)
short {v} (transitive: to cause a short circuit)
:: kurzschließen
short {n} (short circuit) SEE: short circuit
short {n} (finance: short sale) SEE: short selling
short {n} (short film) SEE: short film
short-acting {adj} (having a pharmaceutical effect in the short term)
:: kurzwirksam
shortage {n} (lack or deficiency)
:: Mangel {m}, Knappheit {f}
short-billed dowitcher {n} (Limnodromus griseus)
:: Kleiner Schlammläufer {m}
shortbread {n} (biscuit)
:: Butterkeks {m}
short-chain {adj} (having a chain of fewer than about six carbon atoms)
:: kurzkettig
short circuit {n} (unintentional connection)
:: Kurzschluss {m}
shortcoming {n} (deficiency)
:: Schwäche {f}, Manko {n}
short corner {n} (field hockey: penalty corner)
:: kurze Ecke, Strafecke {f}
shortcrust pastry {n} (pastry without leavening agent)
:: Mürbeteig {m}
shortcut {n} (path)
:: Abkürzung
shortcut {n} (method)
:: Abkürzung {f}
shortcut {n} (symlink)
:: Verknüpfung, Shortcut {m}, Tastenkombination {f}
shortcut {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut
short-eared owl {n} (owl)
:: Sumpfohreule {f}
shorten {v} (to make shorter)
:: verkürzen
shorten {v} (to become shorter)
:: kürzer werden
shortening {n} (solid fat)
:: Shortening {n}
short film {n} (motion picture)
:: Kurzfilm {m}
shorthand {n} (rough and rapid method of writing)
:: Kurzschrift {f}, Stenografie {f}, Stenographie {f}
shorthand {n} (brief or shortened way of saying or doing something)
:: Stenogramm {n}
shorthand typist {n} (shorthand typist)
:: Stenotypist {m}, Stenotypistin {f}
shorthorn sculpin {n} (species of fish)
:: Seeskorpion {m}
short-legged {adj} (having short legs)
:: kurzbeinig
short list {n} (a list of selected candidates from which a final choice is made)
:: Shortlist {f}, engere Auswahl {f}
short-lived {adj} (not existent for very long)
:: kurzlebig
shortness {n} (The property of being short, of being small of stature or brief)
:: Kürze {f}
shortness of breath {n} (dyspnea)
:: Lufthunger, Atemlosigkeit, Atemnot, Dyspnoe {f}
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except
short order {adj} (prepared and served quickly)
:: in kurzer Zeit
short s {n} (the character s)
:: in fraktur: s; in antiqua: rundes s {n}, Rund-s {n}, kurzes s {n}
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short
shorts {n} (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees)
:: Shorts {p}, kurze Hose {f}
short sale {n} (sale of a security that one does not own, delivery obligation met by borrowing the security from another owner) SEE: short selling
short selling {n} (The practice of selling items or stock which one does not currently possess)
:: Leerverkauf {m}
short-sighted {adj} (myopic) SEE: myopic
short-sighted {adj} (lacking foresight)
:: kurzsichtig
short-sightedness {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness
short story {n} (work of fiction)
:: Kurzgeschichte {f}, Erzählung {f}, Novelle {f}
short-tailed parrot {n} (Graydidascalus brachyurus)
:: Kurzschwanzpapagei
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine
short-term {adj} (of the near or immediate future)
:: kurzfristig
short-term {adj} (of a short duration of time)
:: kurzzeitig
short-toed snake eagle {n} (Circaetus gallicus)
:: Schlangenadler {m}
shortwave {adj} (of radio waves)
:: kurzwellig
shortwave {n} (wave)
:: Kurzwelle {f}
Shoshone {prop} (Amerind people)
:: Shoshone
Shoshone {prop} (Amerind language)
:: Shoshone
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile)
:: Schuss {m}
shot {n} (launching of a ball or similar object toward a goal)
:: Wurf {m}
shot {n} (measure of alcohol)
:: Shot {m}
shot {n} (photography: single unbroken sequence of photographic exposures)
:: Aufnahme {f}
shot {n} (vaccination or injection)
:: Spritze {f}
Shota {prop} (male given name)
:: Schota
shot across the bow {n} (warning that negative consequences will be faced)
:: Schuss vor den Bug {m}
shot glass {n} (small glass)
:: Schnapsglas {n}, Pinnchen {n}
shotgun {n} (gun)
:: Flinte {f}, Schrotflinte {f}
shotgun {n} (front seat next to driver)
:: Beifahrersitz {m}
shotgun wedding {n} (wedding in which the bride is pregnant)
:: Mussehe {f}, Mussheirat {f}, Musshochzeit {f}; sie mussten heiraten
shot in the dark {n} (a guess)
:: Schuss ins Blaue {m}
shot put {n} (athletics event)
:: Kugelstoßen {n}
shot-putter {n} (athlete)
:: Kugelstoßer {m}, Kugelstoßerin {f}
should {v} (expressing obligation)
:: sollen, sollte, müsste
should {v} (expressing likelihood)
:: dürfen
should {v}
:: sollte
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso)
:: Schulter {f}
shoulder {v} (put (something) on one's shoulders)
:: schultern
shoulderbag {n} (bag worn on the shoulders)
:: Schultertasche {f}
shoulder blade {n} (bone)
:: Schulterblatt {n}
shoulder bone {n} (shoulder blade) SEE: shoulder blade
shoulder pole {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole
shout {n} (a loud burst of voice)
:: Schrei {m}
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry)
:: schreien
shout {v} (to utter with a shout)
:: schreien
shout {v} (to treat with shouts or clamor)
:: anschreien
shout {v} (to buy food or drinks for others)
:: spendieren, schmeißen
shout down {v} (to shout louder than someone in order to force through one's argument)
:: niederbrüllen
shout out {v} (to publicly greet or acknowledge a person, group, or organization)
:: lobend erwähnen, loben, mit einem Wort der Anerkennung erwähnen, einen Gruß übermitteln
shout out {v} (to speak when inappropriate)
:: rufen, herausrufen, dazwischenrufen, schreien, brüllen
shout out {n} (act of giving such an acknowledgement)
:: lobende Erwähnung {f}, Lob {n}, anerkennendes Wort {n}, Grußbotschaft {f}
shove {v} (push roughly)
:: schubsen, schieben, drängen
shove {n} (rough push)
:: Schubs {m}
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade
shovel {n} (tool for moving portions of material)
:: Schaufel {f}, Schüppe
shovel {v} (to move materials with a shovel)
:: schaufeln, schippen
shoveler {n} (duck in the genus Anas)
:: Löffelente {f}
show {v} (to display)
:: zeigen, darstellen
show {v} (to indicate (a fact) to be true)
:: zeigen
show {n} (entertainment)
:: Show {f}, Schau {f}
show {n} (demonstration)
:: Demonstration {f}, Schau {f}
show {n} (broadcast program(me))
:: Sendung {f}, Programm {n}
show {v} (to bestow; confer) SEE: bestow
show {v} (show up) SEE: show up
showboat {n} (showoff) SEE: showoff
showboat {n} (river steamer with theatre)
:: Theaterschiff {n}
show business {n} (entertainment industry)
:: Showbusiness {f}
showbusiness {n} (entertainment industry)
:: Showbusiness {f}
showcase {n} (a case for displaying merchandise or valuable items)
:: Vitrine {f}, Schaukasten {m}, Schaufenster {n}
showcase {n} (a setting for displaying something favorably)
:: Schaufenster {n}, Vitrine {f}
showcase {v} (to display, demonstrate, show, or present)
:: herausstellen, zur Schau stellen, vorführen, darbieten, demonstrieren, präsentieren
showdown {n} (the final battle between two nemeses, in which there can be but one victor)
:: Showdown {n}, entscheidender Machtkampf {m}
shower {n} (brief fall of rain)
:: Schauer {m}, Fälle {f}
shower {n} (device for bathing)
:: Dusche {f}, Brause {f}
shower {n} (instance of using of this device)
:: Dusche {f}, Brause {f}
shower {v} (to spray with)
:: besprühen, einsprühen
shower {v} (to bathe using a shower)
:: duschen
shower {v} (to bestow liberally)
:: überschütten mit
shower {n} (baby shower) SEE: baby shower
shower cap {n} (waterproof headgear worn in shower)
:: Duschhaube {f}
shower curtain {n} (waterproof curtain)
:: Duschvorhang {m}
shower gel {n} (gel shower soap)
:: Duschgel {n}
shower head {n} (part of a shower where the water comes out)
:: Duschkopf {m}
showerhead {n} (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather)
:: Duschkopf {m}
showing {n} (occasion)
:: Vorführung {f}
show jumping {n} (equestrian event in which a rider's horse is jumped over an array of obstacles)
:: Springreiten
showman {n} (person skilled in dramatic or entertaining presentation, see also: showwoman)
:: Schausteller {m}
showman {n} (person who produces or presents shows as a profession) SEE: impresario
show off {v} (to exhibit, to demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging)
:: angeben, aufschneiden, sich wichtigmachen, renommieren, sich aufblasen, wichtigtun
show-off {n} (one who shows off)
:: Angeber {m}
showoff {n} (person who attempts to demonstrate prowess or ability)
:: Angeber {m}
show of force {n}
:: Machtdemonstration {f}
show one's true colors {v} (to reveal how one really is)
:: Farbe bekennen, sein wahres Gesicht zeigen
showroom {n} (room for display of products)
:: Ausstellungsraum {m}, Showroom {f}
showstopper {n} (impediment to progress)
:: KO-Kriterium {n}, K.O.-Kriterium {n}, Ausschlusskriterium {n}
show trial {n} (trial held for appearance's sake)
:: Schauprozess {m}
show up {v} (to appear)
:: auftauchen, erscheinen
show up {v} (to expose)
:: sich zeigen
showwoman {n} (a female showperson)
:: Schaustellerin {f}
showy {adj} (for show)
:: protzig, auffällig, schreiend, grell
shrapnel {n} (artillery shell)
:: Schrapnell {n}
shrapnel {n} (fragments and debris thrown out by an exploding device)
:: Schrapnell {n}, Granatsplitter {m}
shrapnel {n} (loose change) SEE: loose change
shred {v} (to cut or tear into narrow pieces or strips)
:: zerkleinern, zerfetzen, schreddern
shredder {n} (machine)
:: Schredder {m}
shrew {n} (mouselike animal)
:: Spitzmaus {f}
shrew {n} (woman)
:: Megäre {f}
shrewd {adj} (showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters)
:: klug, clever, gewitzt
shrewd {adj} (artful, tricky or cunning)
:: schlau, listig, raffiniert
shrewd {adj} (streetwise)
:: pfiffig, gewieft, gerissen
shrewdly {adv} (in a shrewd manner)
:: geschickt
shriek {n} (a sharp, shrill outcry or scream)
:: Kreischen {n}
shriek {v} (to utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry)
:: kreischen
shriek {v} (to utter sharply and shrilly)
:: kreischen
shrift {n} (act of going to or hearing a religious confession)
:: Beichte {f}, Beichtablegung {f}, Beichtgang {m}
shrift {n} (confession to a priest)
:: Beichte {f}
shrift {n} (forgiveness given by a priest after confession)
:: Sündenerlass {m}, Sündenvergebung {f}, Absolution {f}
shrike {n} (Any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae)
:: Würger {m}
shrill {adj} (high-pitched and piercing)
:: schrill
shrill {adj} (sharp or keen to the senses)
:: scharf
shrimp {n} (decapod crustacean)
:: Garnele {f}, Schrimp {m}, Shrimp {m}
shrine {n} (a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect)
:: Heiligtum {n}; Schrein {m}; Grabkirche {f}; Heiligenkapelle {f}; Bildstock {m}; Wegekreuz {n}
shrine {n} (a case, box, or receptacle, especially one in which are deposited sacred relics)
:: Schrein {m}
shrink {v} (intransitive: to contract, to become smaller)
:: schrumpfen
shrink {v} (transitive: to cause something to shrink)
:: schrumpfen, abnehmen
shrink {v} (intransitive: to attempt to avoid an unwanted or intimidating duty)
:: sich drücken
shrink {v} (to move back because of fear or disgust)
:: scheuen
shrink {n} (psychiatrist or therapist (informal, belittling))
:: Seelenklempner {m}
shrithe {v} (to creep) SEE: creep
shrithe {v} (to go about, roam) SEE: roam
shrive {v} (confess) SEE: confess
shrive {v} (hear or receive a confession)
:: die Beichte abnehmen
shrive {v} (prescribe penance or absolution)
:: die Vergebung der Sünden gewähren, die Absolution erteilen, eine Buße auferlegen
shrivel {v} (become wrinkled)
:: schrumpeln, verschrumpeln
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom
shroom {n} (hallucinogenic fungus) SEE: magic mushroom
shroud {n} (dress for the dead)
:: Leichentuch {n}
shroud {n} (mast support)
:: Want {f} {n}
Shrovetide {n} (period of three days)
:: Fastnachtszeit {f}, Fastnacht {f}, Fasching {m}, Karneval {m}
Shrove Tuesday {n} (day before the beginning of Lent)
:: Faschingsdienstag {m}
shrub {n} (woody plant)
:: Busch {m}, Strauch {m}
shrubbery {n} (shrubs collectively)
:: Strauchwerk {n}, Gesträuch {n}
shrub celery {n} (the crisp thick leafstalk of the celery plant)
:: Bleichsellerie, Stangensellerie
shrug {n} (gesture)
:: Schulterzucken {n}, Achselzucken {n}
shrug {v} (to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty, lack of concern, etc.)
:: mit den Schultern zucken, mit den Achseln zucken
shrunk {v} (past participle of shrink)
:: geschrumpft
shtetl {n} (a Jewish village or small town)
:: Schtetl {n}, Stetl {n}
shtick {n} (characteristic trait)
:: Stück {n}, Nummer {f}
shtick {n} (gimmick)
:: Trick {m}, Masche {f}, Nummer {f}
shtum {adj} (silent; speechless; dumb)
:: stumm
shudder {n} (shivering tremor)
:: Schauder {m}
shudder {n} (moment of almost pleasurable fear; a frisson)
:: Schauder {m}
shudder {v} (to shake nervously, as if from fear)
:: schaudern
shudder {v} (to vibrate jerkily)
:: zittern
shuffle {n} (act of shuffling cards)
:: Mischen {n}, Mischeln {n} , Durchmischen {n}
shuffle {n} (instance of walking without lifting one's feet)
:: Schlurfen {n}
shuffle {v} (to put in a random order)
:: mischen, mischeln , durchmischen
shuffle {v} (to walk without picking up one's feet)
:: schlurfen
shufti {n} (glance) SEE: glance
shun {v} (to avoid)
:: aus dem Weg gehen, ausweichen, meiden, scheuen, vermeiden
shun {v} (to escape)
:: flüchten, ausweichen
shunt {v} (to move a train or carriages)
:: rangieren
shunt {v} ((obsolete) to turn aside or away)
:: verlagern
shunter {n} (a railway locomotive used for shunting)
:: Rangierlokomotive {f}
shut {v} ((transitive) to close)
:: schließen, zumachen
shut down {v} (to close, terminate, or end)
:: schließen, verschließen
shut down {v} (to turn off or stop)
:: herunterfahren
shutdown {n} (action of closing)
:: Herunterfahren {n}
shut one's eyes {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) SEE: turn a blind eye
shut one's trap {v} (shut up) SEE: shut up
shutter {n} (one who shuts or closes)
:: Verschließender {m}, Verschließer {m}
shutter {n} (protective panels over windows)
:: Fensterladen {m}; Rollladen
shutter {n} (part of a camera)
:: Verschluss {m}
shuttle {n} (part of a loom)
:: Weberschiff
shuttle {n} (transport service)
:: Pendelverkehr {m}, Shuttlebus {m}
shuttlecock {n} (badminton ball)
:: Federball {m}
shut up {v} (transitive: to stop (a person) from talking or (a person or thing) from making noise)
:: Mund stopfen, shut someone's trap: Maul stopfen
shut up {v} (intransitive: to stop talking or making noise)
:: den Mund halten
shut up {v} (imperative: "Shut up!", see also: hold one's tongue)
:: halt den Mund, halt dein Maul, halt die Fresse, halt die Klappe , halt's Maul, halt den Rand
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat
shy {adj} (easily frightened)
:: schüchtern, scheu
shy {adj} (reserved)
:: scheu, schüchternē
shy {adj} (embarrassed)
:: verlegen
shylock {n} (loan shark) SEE: loan shark
shyness {n} (quality of being shy)
:: Schüchternheit, Scheu {f}, Scheuheit {f}
Siam {prop} (the former name of Thailand)
:: Siam {n}
Siamese {adj} (Thai)
:: siamesisch
Siamese {prop} (Thai language)
:: Siamesisch {n}
Siamese {n} (Siamese cat)
:: Siamkatze {f}
Siamese {n} (Siam inhabitant)
:: Siamese {m}, Siamesin {f}
Siamese cat {n} (mammal)
:: Siamkatze {f}
Siamese fighting fish {n} (a freshwater fish)
:: Siamesischer Kampffisch
Siamese twin {n} (conjoined twin)
:: siamesischer Zwilling {m}
sib {n} (sibling) SEE: sibling
sib {n} (kindred) SEE: kin
sib {n} (kinsman) SEE: kinsman
Siberia {prop} (region of Russia)
:: Sibirien {n}
Siberian {adj} (from, of or pertaining to Siberia)
:: sibirisch
Siberian {n} (person)
:: Sibirier {m}, Sibirierin {f}
Siberian {n} (cat)
:: Sibirische Katze {f}
Siberian crane {n} (Grus leucogeranus)
:: Nonnenkranich {m}
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog)
:: sibirischer Husky {m}
Siberian jay {n} (Perisoreus infaustus)
:: Unglückshäher {m}
Siberian tiger {n} (Panthera tigris altaica)
:: Sibirischer Tiger {m}
sibilant {n} (phonetics: a hissing sound)
:: Zischlaut {m}, Sibilans {f}, Sibilant {m}
Sibiu {prop} (city)
:: Hermannstadt {f}
sibling {n} (person who shares same parents)
:: Geschwisterchen {n}, Geschwisterkind {n}, Bruder , Schwester , Geschwister {p}
sibyl {n} (a pagan female oracle)
:: Sibylle {f}
Sibyl {prop} (female given name)
:: Sibylle
sibylline {adj} (mysterious)
:: sibyllinisch
sic {adv} (thus, thus written)
:: sic, so
sic {v} (incite an attack by)
:: hetzen
siccity {n} (dryness) SEE: dryness
sich {n} (administrative and military centre for Cossacks)
:: Sitsch {f}
Sichuan tit {n} (Poecile weigoldicus)
:: Weidenmeise-songarus
Sicilian {adj} (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants)
:: sizilianisch
Sicilian {prop} (language)
:: Sizilianisch {n}
Sicilian {n} (person)
:: Sizilianer {m}, Sizilianerin {f}
Sicilian {n} (chess opening) SEE: Sicilian Defence
Sicilian Defence {prop} (chess opening)
:: Sizilianische Verteidigung {f}
Sicily {prop} (island)
:: Sizilien {n}
sick {adj} (having an urge to vomit)
:: übel
sick {adj} (tired (of), annoyed (by))
:: leid
sick {n} (vomit)
:: Kotze {f}
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up
sickbay {n} (a room or area for the treatment of the sick or injured)
:: Sanitätsbereich {m}, Sanitätszimmer {n}, Schiffshospital {n}, Krankenzimmer {n}
sickbed {n} (a bed used by a person who is sick)
:: Krankenbett {n}, Siechbett {n}, Siechenbett {n}
sickening {adj} (causing sickness or disgust)
:: ekelhaft, widerlich, abscheulich, ekelerregend, unerträglich, widerwärtig, scheußlich, krankmachend
sickhouse {n} (infirmary) SEE: infirmary
sickle {n} (agricultural implement)
:: Sichel {f}
sick leave {n} (a type of leave from work)
:: Arbeitsunfähigkeit {f}, Krankenstand {m}
sickle cell {n} (abnormal erythrocyte)
:: Sichelzelle {f}
sickle cell anaemia {n} (sickle cell anaemia) SEE: sickle-cell anemia
sickle-cell anaemia {n} (sickle-cell anaemia) SEE: sickle-cell anemia
sickle-cell anemia {n} (disease characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells)
:: Sichelzellenanämie {f}
sickle-cell disease {n} (sickle-cell disease) SEE: sickle-cell anemia
sickly {adj} (frequently ill)
:: kränklich, fehlbar, kränkelnd, siech, dahinsiechend
sickly {adj} (appearing ill)
:: (persons) depending on the context: blass, fahl, kränklich, unwohl; (plants) welk, ungesund, krankhaft, matt, abgeschlagen
sickly {adj} (weak, faint)
:: schwächlich, (smile) fahl, schwach, matt, blass, ungesund
sickly {adj} (overly sweet)
:: übersüß
sick man of Europe {prop} (Ottoman Empire)
:: kranker Mann am Bosporus {m}
sickness {n} (the quality or state of being sick or diseased; illness; disease or malady)
:: Krankheit {f}
sickness {n} (nausea; qualmishness; as, sickness of stomach)
:: Übelkeit {f}
sick pay {n} (money paid to an employee during his or her sick leave)
:: Krankengeld {n}, Lohnfortzahlung {f}
side {n} (bounding straight edge of an object)
:: Seite {f}
side {n} (flat surface of an object)
:: Seite {f}
side {n} (left or right half)
:: Seite {f}
side {n} (portion of the human torso generally covered by the arms)
:: Seite {f}
side {n} (surface of a sheet of paper)
:: Seite {f}
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel
side {n} (side dish) SEE: side dish
sideband {n} (band of frequencies on each side of the frequency of a carrier wave)
:: Seitenband {n}
sidebar {n} ((computing) information placed at the side of a webpage)
:: Seitenleiste {f}
sideboard {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns
sideboard {n} (furniture)
:: Anrichte {f}, Sideboard {n}, Büfett {n}
sideburn {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns
sideburns {n} (facial hair reaching from the top of the head down the side of the face to the side of the chin)
:: Koteletten {n-p}, Backenbart {m}
side by side {adv}
:: Seite an Seite
side-by-side {adj} (adjacent)
:: nebeneinander
side cap {n} (military cap)
:: Schiffchen {n}
sidecar {n} (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
:: Beiwagen {m}, Seitenwagen {m}
side dish {n} (serving of food meant as an accompanying dish)
:: Beilage {f}, Beigabe {f}
sidedish {n} (side dish) SEE: side dish
side effect {n} (unintended consequence of any action)
:: Nebenwirkung {f}, Nebeneffekt {m}
side effect {n} (medicine: an adverse effect)
:: Nebenwirkung {f}
side effect {n} (computing: a state change caused by a function call)
:: Nebeneffekt {m}, Seiteneffekt {m}
side entrance {n} (entrance to building through its side)
:: Seiteneingang {m}, Nebeneingang {m}
sidekick {n} (assistant)
:: Kumpan {m}, Kumpanin {f}
sidelock {n} (sidelock)
:: Schläfenlocker {f}, Seitenlocke {f}
side order {n} (accompaniment to main course) SEE: side dish
sideproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct
sidereal {adj} (of or relating to the stars)
:: siderisch, Stern-
sidereal {adj} (relating to a measurement of time relative to the position of the stars)
:: siderisch
sidereal day {n} (day of sidereal time)
:: siderischer Tag {m}, Sterntag {m}
sidereal time {n} (time measured by apparent motion of vernal equinox)
:: Sternzeit {f}
sidereal year {n} (orbital period)
:: siderisches Jahr {n}
siderite {n} (a mineral, iron(II) carbonate)
:: Siderit {m}
side-straddle hop {n} (jumping jack) SEE: jumping jack
side street {n} (side street)
:: Nebenstraße {f}, Seitenstraße {f}, Seitengasse {f}
side-striped jackal {n} (side-striped jackal)
:: Streifenschakal {m}
sidewalk {n} (paved footpath)
:: Bürgersteig {m}, Gehweg {m}, Gehsteig {m}, Trottoir {n}
sidewalk cafe {n} (an outdoor portion of a restaurant)
:: Straßencafé {n}, Strassencafé {n}
sideward {adj} (toward a side)
:: seitlich
sidewards {adj} (sideward) SEE: sideward
sidewards {adv} (sideward) SEE: sideward
sideways {adj} (moving or directed towards one side)
:: seitlich, Seiten-
sideways {adj} (positioned sideways)
:: seitlich
sideways {adj} (neither moving up nor moving down)
:: auf der Stelle tretend
sideways {adv} (with a side to the front)
:: seitlich
sideways {adv} (towards one side)
:: seitwärts, zu Seite
sideways {adv} (askance)
:: schräg, schief, seitwärts
sideways {adv} (neither upward nor downward)
:: auf der Stelle
sidewinder {n} (Snake Crotalus cerastes)
:: Seitenwinder-Klapperschlange {f}
siding {n} (material to cover the sides of a building)
:: Wandbekleidung {f}
siding {v} (siding with one party or another)
:: zu jemandem halten
siding {n} (side track)
:: Nebengleis {n}, Abstellgleis {n}
sidle {v} (to (cause something to) advance in a coy, furtive, or unobtrusive manner)
:: schleichen
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia)
:: Sidon, Zidon
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet
siege {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse
siege {n} (military blockade of settlement)
:: Belagerung {f}
siege {v} (besiege) SEE: besiege
siegecraft {n} (poliorcetics) SEE: poliorcetics
Sieg Heil {phrase} (Nazi greeting)
:: Sieg Heil
siemens {n} (derived unit of electrical conductance)
:: Siemens {n}
Sienese {n} (person)
:: Sienese {m}, Sienesin {f}
Sierra Leone {prop} (Republic of Sierra Leone)
:: Sierra Leone
Sierra Leonean {adj} (from or of Sierra Leone)
:: sierra-leonisch
siesta {n} (an afternoon nap)
:: Mittagsruhe {f}, Siesta {f}, Mittagsschlaf {m}
sieve {n} (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids)
:: Sieb {n}
sieve {v} (to strain, sift or sort using a sieve)
:: sieben, durchsieben
sieve of Eratosthenes {prop} (ancient algorithm)
:: Sieb des Eratosthenes {n}
sievert {n} (SI unit of radiation dose)
:: Sievert {n}
sift {v} (to sieve or strain (something))
:: sieben
sift {v} (to separate or scatter (things) as if by sieving)
:: sieben
sift {v} (to examine (something) carefully)
:: sichten, durchgehen
sifu {n} (martial arts instructor)
:: Shifu {m} {f}
sigh {v} (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it)
:: seufzen
sigh {n} (act of sighing)
:: Seufzen {n}, Seufzer {m}
sight {n} (something worth seeing)
:: Sehenswürdigkeit, Gesicht {n}
sight {n} (device used in aiming a firearm)
:: Visier {n}
sight {v} (visually register)
:: sehen
sight {v} (get sight of)
:: erblicken
sight {v} (take aim at)
:: anvisieren
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight
sighted {adj} (Not blind) SEE: seeing
sighthound {n} (sighthound)
:: Windhund {m}
sighting {n} (act of catching sight of something, especially something searched for)
:: Sichtung {f}
sight read {v} (to perform a musical piece while reading it for the first time)
:: vom Blatt spielen
sightseeing {n} (tourism)
:: Sightseeing {n}, Tourismus {m}, Besichtigen {n} von Sehenswürdigkeiten, Besichtigung {f} von Sehenswürdigkeiten
sight sing {v} (to sing a musical piece while reading it for the first time)
:: vom Blatt singen
sight translation {n} (act of translating a written text out loud)
:: Vom-Blatt-Übersetzung {f}, Stegreifübersetzung {f}
sigil {n} (seal, signature or signet)
:: Siegel {m}
sigil {n} (magical sign)
:: Sigill {n}, Sigillum {n}
sigillography {n} (study of seals and sigils)
:: Sphragistik {f}
sigma {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet)
:: Sigma {n}
sign {n} (visible indication)
:: Zeichen {n}, Anzeichen {n}
sign {n} (flat object bearing a message)
:: Schild {n}, Zeichen {n}
sign {n} (math: positive or negative polarity)
:: Vorzeichen {n}
sign {n} (linguistic unit in sign language)
:: Gebärde {f}
sign {n} (sign language in general, see also: )
:: Gebärdensprache {f}, Zeichensprache {f}
sign {n} (omen, see also: omen)
:: Zeichen {n}, Vorzeichen {n}
sign {n} (meaningful gesture)
:: Gebärde {f}, Zeichen {n}
sign {n} (any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols)
:: Zeichen {n}, Sonderzeichen {n}
sign {v} (to make (a document) official by writing one's signature)
:: unterzeichnen
sign {v} (to write one's signature on a document)
:: unterschreiben, unterschriften, unterzeichnen
sign {v} (to write one's signature somewhere)
:: unterschreiben, signieren
sign {v} (intransitive: to communicate using sign language)
:: gebärden
sign {v} (transitive: to communicate using sign language)
:: gebärden
signage {n} (signs taken collectively)
:: Beschilderung {f}
signal {n} (sign made to give notice)
:: Signal {n}
signal {n} (device to give indication)
:: Signal {m}
signal {v} (to indicate)
:: signalisieren
signal aspect {n}
:: Signalbild {n}
signal crayfish {n} (Pacifastacus leniusculus)
:: Signalkrebs {m}
signal indication {n}
:: Signalbegriff {n}
signatory {n} (one who signs or signed)
:: Unterzeichner {m}, Unterzeichnerin {f}, Unterzeichneter {m}, Unterzeichnete {f}
signature {n} (person’s autograph name)
:: Unterschrift {f}
signboard {n} (a board carrying a sign)
:: Schild {n}, Tafel {f}
signet ring {n} (signet ring)
:: Siegelring {m}
significance {n} (extent to which something matters)
:: Bedeutung {f}, Signifikanz {f}
significance {n} (meaning)
:: Bedeutung {f}
significant {adj} (having noticeable effect)
:: signifikant, bedeutend
significantly {adv} (in a significant manner: notably)
:: wesentlich, beträchtlich
significant other {n} (romantic partner, regardless of marital status)
:: Lebensgefährte {m}, Lebensgefährtin {f}
signified {n} (concept evoked by a sign)
:: Signifikat {n}
signifier {n} ((linguistics) the sound of spoken word or string of letters on a page that a person recognizes as a sign)
:: Signifikant {m}
signify {v} (to give something a meaning)
:: bedeuten
sign in {v} (log in) SEE: log in
sign language {n} (sign language)
:: Gebärdensprache {f}, Zeichensprache {f}
sign of life {n} (indication that someone is alive; vital sign)
:: Lebenszeichen {n}
sign of life {n} (indication that someone is present)
:: Lebenszeichen {n}
sign of the cross {n} (gesture)
:: Kreuzzeichen {n}; Bekreuzigung {f}
sign of the times {n} (symbol of an era)
:: Zeitzeichen {n}, Zeichen der Zeit {f-p}
sign over {v} (to transfer)
:: überschreiben
signpost {n} (post bearing a sign that gives information on directions)
:: Signalposten {m}, Wegweiser {m}, Signalpfosten {m}, Richtungsweiser {m}
signpost {v} (install signposts)
:: ausschildern
signum function {n} (function)
:: Signumfunktion {f}
sign up {v} (to add a name to the list of people who are participating in something)
:: anmelden
sign up {v} (to add one's own name to the list of people who are participating in something)
:: anmelden
sign up {v} (to agree to purchase some good or service)
:: abonnieren
Sigrid {prop} (female given name)
:: Sigrid
Sikh {n} (an adherent of Sikhism)
:: Sikh {m}
Sikh {adj} (relating to Sikhism)
:: sikhisch, Sikh-
Sikhism {prop} (religion)
:: Sikhismus {m}
silage {n} (fodder stored in a silo)
:: Silage {f}
silence {n} (lack of any sound)
:: Stille {f}, Schweigen {n}
silence {n} (right to not speak during arrest)
:: Schweigen {n}
silence {v} (to suppress criticism)
:: zum Schweigen bringen
silence {interj} (be silent)
:: Ruhe!
silence camp {n} (any of the NKVD special camps)
:: Schweigelager
silence is golden {proverb} (proverb)
:: Schweigen ist Gold, Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold
silencer {n} (attachment)
:: Schalldämpfer {m}
silent {adj} (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet)
:: still, schweigen
silent {adj} (not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn)
:: schweigsam
silent {adj} (keeping at rest; inactive; calm; undisturbed)
:: still
silent {adj} (not pronounced; having no sound; quiescent)
:: stumm
silent {adj} (in silent mode, on silent, with the sound turned off)
:: lautlos, leise, stumm
silent {adj} (to refrain from speaking) SEE: be silent
silent as the grave {adj} (to say absolutely nothing)
:: wie ein Grab schweigen (be silent like a grave)
silent film {n} (film without sound)
:: Stummfilm {m}
silent treatment {n} (ignoring a particular individual)
:: jemanden mit Schweigen strafen
Silesia {prop} (region)
:: Schlesien {n}
Silesian {adj} (of or pertaining to Silesia)
:: schlesisch
Silesian {n} (inhabitant of Silesia)
:: Schlesier {m}, Schlesierin {f}
Silesian {prop} (Germanic language or dialect, see also: Silesian German; Lower Silesian)
:: Schlesisch {n}, schlesische Mundart {f}
Silesian {prop} (Slavic dialect)
:: Schlesisch {n}, Schlonsakisch {n}, Wasserpolnisch {n}, Wasserpolackisch {n}
Silesian German {n} (West Germanic language)
:: Schlesisch {n}
silhouette {n} (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color)
:: Silhouette {f}, Schattenriss {m}
silica gel {n} (granular form of silica)
:: Kieselgel {n}
silicate {n} (salt or mineral)
:: Silikat {n}
siliceous {adj} (relating to silica)
:: kieselhaltig, kieselartig, Kiesel-
silicic acid {n} (any of a range of hydrates of silica)
:: Kieselsäure {f}
silicon {n} (non-metallic element)
:: Silizium {n}, Silicium {n}
silicon dioxide {n} (SiO2)
:: Siliciumdioxid {n}, Siliziumdioxid {n}
silicone {n} (any of a class of inert compounds of silicon)
:: Silikon {n}
siliconize {v}
:: silikonieren, silikonisieren
siliconized {adj} (coated with silicone)
:: silikonisiert
Silicon Valley {prop} (nickname for region in San Francisco)
:: Silicon Valley {n}, Silizium-Tal {n}
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis)
:: Silikose {f}
silk {n} (fiber)
:: Seide {f}
silk {n} (fabric)
:: Seide {f}
silken {adj} (made of silk)
:: seiden
silken {adj} (having a texture like silk)
:: seiden
Silk Road {prop} (routes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa)
:: Seidenstraße {f}
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing
silkworm {n} (caterpillar)
:: Seidenspinner {m}, Seidenraupe {f}
silky {adj} (similar in texture or appearance to silk)
:: seidig, seidenweich
sill {n} (base of a window)
:: Fensterbank {f}, Sims {m} {n}
sill {n} (horizontal member bearing the upright portion of a frame)
:: Schwelle {f}
sill {n} (layer of igneous rock)
:: Lagergang {m}, Sill {m}
sillimanite {n} (mineral)
:: Sillimanit {m}
silliness {n} (that which is perceived as silly or frivolous)
:: Dummheit {f}, Albernheit {f}
silly {adj} (foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom)
:: doof, dumm
silly {adj} (playful, giggly)
:: albern
silly {n} (silly person)
:: Dummerchen {m}
silly goose {n} (silly person)
:: dumme Gans {f}
silly season {n} (period when news media tend to place increased emphasis on reporting bizarre stories)
:: Sommerloch {n}, Sauregurkenzeit {f}
silo {n} (vertical building for storing grain)
:: Silo {m}, Kornspeicher {m}
silo {n} (underground bunker)
:: Raketensilo {m} {n}
silovik {n} (former member of the security services and the military, any power structure (Russia))
:: Silowik {m}
silt {n} (fine earth deposited by water)
:: Schlamm {m}, Schlick {m}, Schluff {m}
silty {adj} (having a noticeable amount of silt)
:: verschlammt, schluffig
silver {n} (metal)
:: Silber {n}
silver {adj} (made from silver)
:: silbern
silver {adj} (having a color/colour like silver)
:: silbern, silberfarbig, silberfarben, silbrig
silver ball {n} (pinball) SEE: pinball
silverberry {n} (plant) SEE: oleaster
silver bullet {n} (solution perceived to have great effectiveness or bring miraculous results)
:: Königsweg {m}
silver carp {n} (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)
:: Silberkarpfen {m}
silver chloride {n} (silver salt of hydrochloric acid)
:: Silberchlorid
silver fir {n} (European silver fir Abies alba)
:: Weißtanne {f}
silver fir {n} (Pacific silver fir) SEE: Pacific silver fir
silverfish {n} (type of bristletail)
:: Silberfischchen {n}; Fischchen {n}, Silberfisch {m}; Zuckergast {m}
silver fox {n} (fox with pale yellow fur)
:: Silberfuchs {m}, Silberfüchsin {f}
silver goal {n} (first goal scored during the first half of extra time)
:: Silver Goal {n}
silver lining {n} (a good aspect of a mostly bad event)
:: Silberstreif {m}, Silberstreifen {m}, Lichtblick {m}, gute Seite {f}, positiver Aspekt {m}
silver medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, silver)
:: Silbermedaille {f}
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver
silver oxide {n} (chemical compound)
:: Silberoxid
silver paper {n} (aluminium foil)
:: Silberpapier {n}
silver plate {n} (thin layer of silver)
:: Silberbeschichtung {f}, Silberüberzug {m}
silver screen {n} (cinema screen)
:: Filmleinwand {f}, Kinoleinwand {f}
silverside {n} (fish of the families Atherinidae and Atherinopsidae)
:: Ährenfisch {m}
silversmith {n} (person who makes articles out of silver)
:: Silberschmied {m}, Silberschmiedin {f}, Gold- und Silberschmied {m}, Gold- und Silberschmiedin {f}
silver sulfide {n} (Ag2S)
:: Silbersulfid {n}
silverware {n} ((US) knives, forks and spoons)
:: Tafelsilber {n}, Essbesteck {n}
silver wedding {n} (anniversary celebration)
:: Silberhochzeit {f}, silberne Hochzeit {f}
silvery {adj} (resembling silver)
:: silbrig
silvery {adj} (clear and musical in tone)
:: silberhell, silbrig, silbern
silvery-cheeked antshrike {n} (Sakesphorus cristatus)
:: Silberwangen-Ameisenwürger {m}
Silvia {prop} (female given name)
:: Silvia, Sylvia
silviculture {n} (forestry)
:: Waldbau {m}, Forstwissenschaft {f}
Silvius {prop} (male given name)
:: Silvio {m}, Sylvio {m}
SIM card {n} (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data)
:: SIM-Karte {f}
Simferopol {prop} (city)
:: Simferopol {n}
similar {adj} (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable)
:: ähnlich, vergleichbar
similarity {n} (closeness of appearance)
:: Ähnlichkeit {f}
similarly {adv} (in a similar style or manner)
:: ähnlich
similarness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity
simile {n} (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another)
:: Vergleich {m}
simit {n} (ring-shaped bread roll)
:: Simit {m}, Sesamring {m}, Sesamkringel {m}
simmer {v} ((intransitive) to cook or undergo heating slowly)
:: sieden, köcheln
simmer {v} ((transitive) to cause to cook or undergo heating slowly)
:: sieden, köcheln
Simon {prop} (biblical characters)
:: Simon
Simon {prop} (male given name)
:: Simon
Simone {prop} (female given name)
:: Simone {f}
simony {n} (act of buying or selling spiritual things)
:: Simonie {f}, Ämterkauf {m}
simoom {n} (hot, dry wind)
:: Samum {m}
simper {v} (To smile in a frivolous manner)
:: verschmitzt lachen
simple {adj} (uncomplicated)
:: einfach, simpel
simple {adj} (simple-minded)
:: einfach, simpel
simpleness {n} (property of being simple)
:: Einfachheit {f}
simple past {n} (the simple past tense)
:: Präteritum {n}
simple pendulum {n}
:: einfaches Pendel {n}
simple present {n} (present tense)
:: Gegenwart
simple sentence {n} (sentence containing one independent clause and no dependent clause)
:: einfacher Satz {m}
simpleton {n} (simple-minded naive person lacking common sense)
:: Einfaltspinsel {m}, Simpel {m}, Naivling {m}, naiv
simplex {n} (an analogue in any dimension of the triangle or tetrahedron)
:: Simplex {n}
simplex {n} (a simple word)
:: Simplex {n}
simplicial {adj} (having to do with simplices)
:: simplizial
simplicity {n} (quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths)
:: Einfachheit {f}
simplification {n} (act of simplifying)
:: Vereinfachung {f}
Simplified Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using simplified characters)
:: vereinfachtes Chinesisch {n}
Simplified Chinese {prop} (simplified character(s))
:: Kurzzeichen {n}
simplify {v} (to make simpler)
:: vereinfachen
simplify {v} (to become simpler)
:: sich vereinfachen
simply {adv} (in a simple manner)
:: einfach
simulacrum {n} (image or representation)
:: Simulacrum {n}, Simulakrum {n}
simulacrum {n} (faint trace)
:: Scheinbild {n}
simulate {v} (to model, replicate, duplicate the behavior)
:: simulieren, nachahmen
simulation {n} (something which simulates)
:: Simulation {f}
simulation {n} (process of simulating)
:: Simulation {f}
simulation {n} (soccer: attempt of feigning a foul)
:: Schwalbe {f}
simulator {n} (machine or system)
:: Simulator {m}
simultaneity {n} (the quality or state of being simultaneous)
:: Gleichzeitigkeit {f}, Simultanität {f}
simultaneous {adj} (occurring at the same time)
:: gleichzeitig, simultan
simultaneously {adv} (occurring at the same time)
:: gleichzeitig
simultaneousness {n} (the quality or state of being simultaneous)
:: Gleichzeitigkeit {f}, Simultanität {f}
sin {n} (violation of religious law)
:: Sünde {f}
sin {n} (misdeed)
:: Sünde {f}
sin {v} (to commit a sin)
:: sündigen
Sinai {prop} (peninsula)
:: Sinai-Halbinsel {f}
Sinai {prop} (mountain)
:: Sinai {m}
since {adv} (from a specified time in the past)
:: seitdem, seither
since {prep} (from (time))
:: seit
since {conj} (from the time that)
:: seitdem
since {conj} (because)
:: weil, da
sincere {adj} (earnest)
:: aufrichtig
sincereness {n} (sincerity) SEE: sincerity
sincerity {n} (quality of being sincere)
:: Aufrichtigkeit {f}, Ehrlichkeit {f}
since when {adv} (from what time)
:: seit wann
Sindhi {prop} (language)
:: Sindhi {n}
sine {n} (trigonometric function)
:: Sinus {m}
sinecure {n} (a position that requires no work but still gives a payment)
:: Sinekure {f}
Sinemurian {n} (subdivision of the Jurassic period)
:: Sinemurium
sine qua non {n} (prerequisite)
:: absolute Notwendigkeit {f}, notwendige Bedingung {f}, unerlässliche Voraussetzung {f}, Conditio sine qua non {f}
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon
sinew {n} (muscular power, muscle; vigor, vigorous strength)
:: Sehne {f}
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil
sinful {adj} (constituting sin)
:: sündig
sing {v} (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice)
:: singen
sing along {v} (sing at the same time)
:: mitsingen
Singapore {prop} (Republic of Singapore)
:: Singapur {n}
Singaporean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Singapore)
:: singapurisch
Singaporean {n} (a person from Singapore)
:: Singapurer {m}, Singapurerin {f}
Singapore dollar {n} (official currency of Singapore)
:: Singapur-Dollar {m}
singe {v} (to burn slightly)
:: ansengen, versengen
singe {v} (to remove the hair from skin by passing over a flame)
:: absengen
singer {n} (person who sings)
:: Sänger {m}, Sängerchen {n} , Sängerlein {n}
singer {n} (female person who sings)
:: Sängerin {f}
Singer {prop} (surname)
:: Singer
singeress {n} (songstress) SEE: songstress
singer-songwriter {n} (singer-songwriter)
:: Singer-Songwriter {m}, Singer-Songwriterin {f}, Liedermacher {m}, Liedermacherin {f}
singing {n} (the act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing)
:: Singen {n}, Gesang {m}
singing voice {n} (quality of voice when singing)
:: Singstimme {f}
single {adj} (not accompanied by anything else)
:: einzeln, einzig, allein
single {adj} (not divided in parts)
:: einzig, einheitlich, vereint, gemeinsam
single {adj} (designed for the use of only one)
:: einzel
single {adj} (not married nor dating)
:: ledig, unverheiratet, alleinstehend, single, solo
single {n} (45 RPM vinyl record)
:: Single {f}
single {n} (popular song)
:: Single {f}, Singleauskopplung {f}
single {n} (one who is not married)
:: Alleinstehender {m}, Alleinstehende {f}, Solomann {m}, Solofrau {f}, Junggeselle {m}, Junggesellin {f}, Jungfrau {f}, Hagestolz {m}, Single {m}
single {n} (bill valued at $1)
:: Einer {m}
single {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket
single {v} (farming: to thin out) SEE: thin out
single bed {n} (bed for one person)
:: Einzelbett {n}
single-celled {adj} (consisting of one cell) SEE: unicellular
single-chain {adj} (having only a single chain of carbon atoms)
:: einkettig
single-click {n} (action or event of pushing mouse-button once)
:: Einzelklick {m}
single-handedly {adv} (alone; without assistance; by oneself)
:: eigenhändig
singlehood {n} (The state of being single)
:: Alleinleben {n}, Singledasein {n}, Singleleben {n}, Unverpartnertsein {n}
single-lens reflex {n} (a camera allowing one to view through the same lens used to take a photograph)
:: Spiegelreflexkamera {f}
single market {n} (a trade bloc)
:: Binnenmarkt {m}
single-minded {adj} (intensely focused)
:: unbeirrbar, zielstrebig, entschlossen
single-mindedness {n} (property)
:: Zielstrebigkeit {f}, Entschlossenheit {f}, Unbeirrbarkeit {f}
single mother {n} (a woman raising a child on her own)
:: alleinerziehende Mutter {f}
single out {v} (To select one from a group and treat differently)
:: auswählen, aussondern, gesondert behandeln
single parent {n} (only parent bringing up a child)
:: Alleinerziehender {m}, Alleinerziehende {f}
single responsibility principle {prop} (programming principle)
:: Eine-Verantwortlichkeit-Prinzip {n}, Single-Responsibility-Prinzip {n}
single room {n} (a hotel room with one single bed)
:: Einzelzimmer {n}
singlet {n} (sleeveless shirt)
:: Unterhemd {n}
single ticket {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket
singleton {n} (computing: class)
:: Singleton {n}
singleton {n} (math: set)
:: einelementige Menge {f}, Einermenge {f}
singleton pattern {n} (software: design pattern)
:: Singleton {n}
single transferable vote {n} (voting system)
:: übertragbare Einzelstimmgebung
singly even {adj} (singly even)
:: einzeln gerade
singular {adj} (being only one of larger population)
:: einzeln
singular {adj} (being the only one of a kind)
:: einzigartig
singular {adj} (distinguished by superiority)
:: einzigartig
singular {adj} (being out of the ordinary)
:: ungewöhnlich
singular {adj} (grammar: referring to only one thing)
:: singularisch
singular {adj} (linear algebra: of matrix: having no inverse)
:: singulär
singular {n} (grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing)
:: Einzahl {f}, Singular {m}, Singularis {m}
singulare tantum {n} (grammar, noun having the singular form only)
:: Singularetantum {n}, Singularwort {n}
singularity {n} (peculiar state or occurrence)
:: Eigenheit {f}
singularity {n} (point where infinite value is reached)
:: Singularität {f}
singularity {n} (mathematics: value for which a derivative does not exist)
:: Singularität {f}
singularity {n} (physics: point of infinite density)
:: Singularität {f}
singular value decomposition {n} (linear algebra: type of factorisation of a matrix)
:: Singulärwertzerlegung {f}
Sinhala {n} (language) SEE: Sinhalese
Sinhalese {adj} (of or pertaining to Sri Lanka)
:: singhalesisch
Sinhalese {n} (Sinhalese person)
:: Singhalese {m}, Singhalesin {f}
Sinhalese {n} (the language)
:: Singhalesisch {n}
sinicization {n} (process of sinicising)
:: Sinisierung {f}, Sinifizierung {f}, Chinesierung {f}, Chinesifizierung {f}
sinister {adj} (ominous)
:: sinister
sinister {adj} (evil)
:: böse, sinister
sinister {adj} (of the left)
:: sinister, links, linksseitig
sinister {adj} (heraldic "left")
:: linker {m}
sinistromanual {adj} (left-handed) SEE: left-handed
Sinitic {adj} (relating to the group of Chinese languages)
:: sinitisch, chinesisch
sink {v} (descend into liquid, etc)
:: sinken
sink {v} (push (something) into)
:: senken, versenken
sink {n} (basin)
:: Spüle {f}, Spülbecken {n}, Spülstein {m}; Waschbecken {n}, Lavabo {n}
sink {n} (wastewater drain)
:: Abfluss {m}
sink {n} (destination vertex)
:: Senke {f}
sink {n} (sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole
sinker {n} (weight used in fishing)
:: Bleigewicht {n}
sinkhole {n} (geology: hole formed in soluble rock)
:: Doline {f}, Senkloch {n}, Sinkloch {n}, Erdfall {m}, Schwinde {f}, Flussschwinde {f}, Schwalgloch {n}, Schluckloch {n}
sinkhole {n} (depressed area in which water collects)
:: Senkloch {n}, Sinkloch {n}, Ablauf {m}, Abfluss {m}
Sinkiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang
sinking ship {n} (something doomed)
:: sinkendes Schiff {n}
sinless {adj} (without sin)
:: sündenfrei, sündenlos
sinner {n} (person who has sinned)
:: Sünder {m}, Sünderin {f}
Sino- {prefix} (relating to China or Chinese)
:: sino-, Chinesisch-
sinoatrial node {n} (a group of cells)
:: Sinusknoten
Sinocentrism {n} (belief that China was literally the centre of the world)
:: Sinozentrismus {m}
sinologist {n} (a student, or expert in sinology)
:: Sinologe {m}, Sinologin {f}
sinology {n} (Chinese studies) SEE: Chinese studies
Sinophobia {n} (the fear of China or Chinese)
:: Sinophobie {f}
Sinophone {adj} (speaking Chinese)
:: chinesischsprachig
Sinophone {n} (a speaker of Chinese)
:: Chinesischsprachiger {m}, Chinesischsprachige {f}
Sinosphere {n} (regions in East Asia influenced by Chinese culture)
:: Sinosphäre {f}
Sino-Tibetan {adj} (related to Chinese and Tibetan)
:: sinotibetisch
sinter {v} (to compact and heat a powder to form a solid mass)
:: sintern
sintering {n} (A process in which the particles of a powder are welded together by pressure and heating to a temperature below its melting point)
:: Sintern {n}
sinuosity {n} (the property of being sinuous)
:: Windungen {f}
sinuous {adj} (having curves in alternate directions; meandering)
:: kurvenreich, gewunden
sinus {n} (pouch or cavity in any organ or tissue)
:: Sinus {m}, Nasennebenhöhle {f}
sinusitis {n} (inflammation)
:: Sinusitis {f}
sinusoid {n} (sine curve)
:: Sinuskurve {f}
sinusoid {n} (anatomy: channel for venous blood)
:: Sinusoid {n}
Sion {prop} (capital of Valais, a canton in Switzerland)
:: Sitten {n}
sip {v} (to drink slowly, small mouthfuls at a time)
:: nippen
siphon {n} (a bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other)
:: Heber {m}
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown)
:: Herr {m}, mein Herr {m} ("my lord")
siren {n} (nymph of Greek mythology)
:: Sirene {f}
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm)
:: Sirene {f}
Sirius {prop}
:: Sirius {m}
sirloin {n} (cut of beef)
:: (UK) Roastbeef {n}, (US) Rumpsteak {n}
sirocco {n} (wind)
:: Scirocco {m}, Schirokko {m}
sirtaki {n} (modern Greek folk dance)
:: Sirtaki {m}
sis {n} (sister)
:: Schwesterchen {n}
sisal {n} (fiber)
:: Sisal {m}
siskin {n} (small European finch) SEE: Eurasian siskin
sissy {n} (an effeminate boy or man)
:: Weichling {m}
sissy {n} (a timid, unassertive or cowardly person)
:: Jammerlappen {m}
sissy {n} (sister) SEE: sis
sister {n} (woman or girl having the same parents)
:: Schwester
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community)
:: Schwester, Nonne
sister {n} (senior nurse)
:: Schwester, Krankenschwester
sister {n} (any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt)
:: Schwester
sister {n} (form of address to a woman)
:: Schwester
sister {n} (attributively: of an entity that has a special relationship with another)
:: Schwester-, Partner-
sister {v} (strengthen by fastening a second beam alongside)
:: aufdoppeln, verstärken
sister city {n} (city in a relationship of cordiality)
:: Partnerstadt {f}
sisterhood {n} (state of being sisters)
:: Schwesterschaft {f}
sisterhood {n} (quality of being sisterly)
:: Schwesterschaft {f}
sisterhood {n} (religious society of women)
:: Schwesternschaft {f}, Frauenorden {m}
sister-in-law {n} (wife's sister)
:: Schwägerin {f}, Schwäherin {f}
sister-in-law {n} (husband's sister)
:: Schwägerin {f}, Schwäherin {f}
sister-in-law {n} (brother's wife)
:: Schwägerin {f}, Schwäherin {f}
sister-in-law {n} (wife's brother's wife)
:: Schwägerin {f}, Schwäherin {f}
sister-in-law {n} (husband's brother's wife)
:: Schwägerin {f}, Schwäherin {f}
sisterly {adj} (of or characteristic of a sister or sisters)
:: schwesterlich, geschwisterlich
sisterly {adv} (like a sister)
:: schwesterlich, geschwisterlich
sistership {n} (role or position of sister)
:: Schwesterschaft {f}
Sistine {adj} (of or pertaining to Pope Sixtus)
:: sixtinisch
Sisyphism {n} (infinite labor that produces nothing)
:: Sisyphusarbeit {f}
Sisyphus {prop} (figure)
:: Sisyphos {m}, Sisyphus {m}
sit {v} (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported)
:: sitzen
sit {v} (move oneself into such a position)
:: sich setzen, sich hinsetzen
sit {v} (of an object: occupy a given position permanently)
:: liegen
sit {v} (to be a member of a deliberative body)
:: sitzen, angehören
sitar {n} (musical instrument)
:: Sitar {f}
sit around {v} (sit idly)
:: herumsitzen, rumsitzen
sit back {v} (to recline while still in a seated position)
:: sich zurücklehnen
sit back {v} (to relax, to not exert oneself)
:: sich zurücklehnen
sit bone {n} (ischial tuberosity)
:: Sitzknochen {m}
sitcom {n} (situation comedy, see also: situation comedy)
:: Sitcom {f}
sit down {v} (to assume a sitting position from a standing position)
:: sich setzen
sit-down {adj} (to be done while sitting)
:: sitzend, im Sitzen, Sitz-
sit-down {n} (an act of sitting down, especially with other people)
:: Sitzpause, Beisammensein im Sitzen, Zusammensitzen , Zusammenkunft im Sitzen {f}
sit-down {n} (a sit-in)
:: Sitzstreik
site {n} (place where anything is fixed; situation; local position)
:: Standort {m}
site {n} (a website)
:: Webseite {f}, Website {f}, Webpräsenz {f}
site map {n} (webpage that lists the contents of a website)
:: Sitemap {f}
sit-in {n} (type of protest)
:: Sitzblockade {f}
Sitka spruce {n} (tree of the species Picea sitchensis)
:: Sitka-Fichte {f}
sitting {n} (a period during which one is seated for a specific purpose)
:: Sitzung {f}
sitting {n} (a legislative session)
:: Sitzung {f}
sitting {n} (incubation of eggs; the clutch of eggs under a brooding bird)
:: Brüten {n}, Gelege {n}
sitting room {n} (living room) SEE: living room
situated {adj} (located in a specific place)
:: gelegen
situation {n} (position vis-à-vis surroundings)
:: Lage {f}
situation {n} (location)
:: Lage {f}, Ort {m}, Platz {m}
situation {n} (one's status with regard to circumstances)
:: Lage {f}, Situation {f}, Zustand {m}
situation {n} (state of affairs)
:: Situation {f}
situation {n} (position of employment)
:: Stellung {f}
situation comedy {n} (episodic comedy television program, see also: sitcom)
:: Situationskomik {f}
situationism {n} (school of thought)
:: Situationismus, Personismus {m}
sit up {v} (to rise to a sitting position)
:: sich aufsetzen
sit-up {n} (exercise in which the abdominal muscles are contracted)
:: Rumpfbeuge {f}, Rumpfbeugen {n}, Rumpfheben {n}
six {num} (cardinal number)
:: sechs
six {n} (digit)
:: Sechs {f}
six {n}
:: Sechs {f}
six o'clock {n} (the start of the seventh hour)
:: sechs Uhr
six of one, half a dozen of the other {proverb} (two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent)
:: Jacke wie Hose ; gehüpft wie gesprungen ; ein und dasselbe ; einerlei
six pack {n} (set of six beverage cans)
:: Sechserpack {n}; Waschbrettbauch {m}, sex
six-pack {n} (set of six beverage cans)
:: Sechserpack {n}; Waschbrettbauch {m}
six perfections {n} (six virtues in Mahayana Buddhism)
:: sechs Tugenden, sechs Vollkommenheiten
six-sided {adj} (having six sides)
:: sechsseitig
sixteen {num} (cardinal number 16)
:: sechzehn
sixteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixteen, see also: 16th)
:: sechzehnte
sixteenth {n} (one of sixteen equal parts of a whole)
:: Sechzehntel {n}
sixteenthly {adv} (in the sixteenth place)
:: sechzehntens
sixteenth note {n} (sixteenth note) SEE: semiquaver
sixth {adj} (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th)
:: sechste
sixth {n} (person or thing in sixth place)
:: Sechster {m}
sixth {n} (one of six equal parts of a whole)
:: Sechstel {n}
sixth {n} (interval)
:: Sexte {f}
sixth form {n} (final two years of secondary schooling)
:: Oberstufe {f}, Sekundarstufe II
sixth sense {n} (extrasensory perception)
:: sechster Sinn {m}
sixties {n} (decade of the 1960s)
:: sechziger Jahre {n-p}, Sechziger {p}
sixtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixty)
:: sechzigste
sixtieth {n} (person or thing in the sixtieth position)
:: sechzigste
sixtieth {n} (one of sixty equal parts of a whole)
:: sechzigste
sixty {num} (cardinal number)
:: sechzig {f}
sixty-eight {num} (cardinal number)
:: achtundsechzig
sixty-first {adj} (ordinal number)
:: einundsechzigste
sixty-five {num} (cardinal number)
:: fünfundsechzig
sixty-four {num} (cardinal number)
:: vierundsechzig
sixty-nine {n} (cardinal number)
:: neunundsechzig
sixty-nine {n} (sex position)
:: Neunundsechzig {f}
sixty-one {num} (cardinal number)
:: einundsechzig
sixty-second {adj} (ordinal number)
:: zweiundsechzigste
sixty-seven {num} (cardinal number)
:: siebenundsechzig
sixty-six {num} (cardinal number)
:: sechsundsechzig
sixtysomething {n} (sexagenarian) SEE: sexagenarian
sixty-three {num} (cardinal number)
:: dreiundsechzig
sixty-two {num} (cardinal number)
:: zweiundsechzig
size {n} (dimensions or magnitude of a thing)
:: Größe {f}
size {n} (a specific set of dimensions for clothing)
:: Größe {f}, Kleidergröße {f}, Konfektionsgröße {f}
sizzle {v} (to make the sound of water hitting a hot surface)
:: zischen
sizzle {n} (the sound of water hitting a hot surface)
:: Zischen {n}
skald {n} (a Nordic poet of the Viking Age)
:: Skalde
skandha {n} (any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism)
:: skandha
skat {n} (1. A trick-taking card game for three players, popular in Germany)
:: Skat {m}, Skatspiel {n}
skat {n} (2. A widow of two cards in the game of skat)
:: Skat {m}
skate {n} (ice skate or roller skate)
:: Schlittschuh {m}, Rollschuh {m}
skate {n} (act of skateboarding)
:: Skateboardfahren {n}, Skateboarden {n}
skate {n} (act of skating or ice skating)
:: Schlittschuhlaufen {n}, Eislaufen {n}, Eislauf {m}
skate {v} (to move along a surface (ice or ground) using skates)
:: Schlittschuh laufen
skate {n} (fish of family Rajidae)
:: Rochen {m}
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels)
:: Skateboard {n}
skate on thin ice {v} (to be in potentially risky situation)
:: sich auf dünnem Eis bewegen
skater {n} (person who skates)
:: Schlittschuhläufer {m}, Schlittschuhläuferin {f}
skater {n} (ice hockey: player other than goaltender)
:: Feldspieler {m}
skater {n} (insect) SEE: water strider
skating {n} (action or sport)
:: Schlittschuhlaufen {n}, Skaten {n}, Eislaufen {n}
skating rink {n} (frozen surface for skating)
:: Eisbahn {f}
skating rink {n} (roller skating rink)
:: Rollschuhbahn {f}
skedaddle {v} (move or run away quickly)
:: abhauen, türmen
skeet {n} (form of trapshooting)
:: Skeet {n}
skeet {n} (ejaculation of semen)
:: Abspritzen {n}
skeet {v} (to ejaculate)
:: abspritzen
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito
skeg {n} (surfer) SEE: surfer
skeg {n} (rudder-supporting structure)
:: Scheg {n}
skein {n} (quantity of yarn)
:: Strang {m}
skein {n} (zoology: wild fowl in flight)
:: Schar {f}
skein {n} (winning streak) SEE: winning streak
skeletal {adj} (of, or relating to the skeleton)
:: skelettal, Skelett-, Knochen-, skelett-
skeleton {n} (system that provides support to an organism)
:: Skelett {n}, Gerippe {n}
skeleton {n} (very thin person)
:: Haut und Knochen
skeleton {n} (frame that provides support to a building)
:: Rohbau {m}
skeleton {n} (computing: client-helper procedure)
:: Skeleton {n}
skeleton {n} (type of tobogganing)
:: Skeleton {n}
skeleton in the closet {n} (shameful secret) SEE: skeleton in the cupboard
skeleton in the cupboard {n} (shameful secret)
:: eine Leiche im Keller {f}, Dreck am Stecken {m}
skeptic {n} (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims)
:: Skeptiker {m}, Skeptikerin {f}
skeptical {adj} (having, or expressing doubt)
:: skeptisch
skeptical {adj} (related to skepticism)
:: skeptisch
skepticism {n} (general disposition to doubt)
:: Skeptizismus {m}, Skepsis {f}
skerry {n} (small rocky island)
:: Schäre {f}
sketch {v} (to make a basic drawing)
:: entwerfen
sketch {v}
:: skizzieren
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing)
:: Skizze {f}
sketch {n} (brief musical, dramatic or literary work etc.)
:: Sketch {m}
sketch {n} (lookout) SEE: lookout
sketchbook {n} (book or pad with blank pages for sketching)
:: Skizzenbuch {n}
sketchy {adj} (Roughly or hastily laid out; intended for later refinement)
:: skizzenhaft
skew {adj} (neither parallel nor at right angles to a certain line)
:: schief, schräg, windschief
skewed {adj} (twisted at an angle)
:: verdreht, verzogen, abgeschrägt, schräg, schief
skewed {adj} (biased, distorted)
:: verzerrt, voreingenommen, gefärbt, parteiisch, unausgewogen, tendenziös, eingenommen, befangen
skewer {n} (pin used to secure food during cooking)
:: Spieß {m}, Spießchen {n}
skewer {v} (to impale on a skewer)
:: aufspießen
skew-Hermitian {adj} (skew-Hermitian)
:: schiefhermitesch
ski {n} (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow)
:: Ski {m}, Schi {m}
ski {v} (to move on skis)
:: Ski fahren, Ski laufen
ski boot {n} (specialized footwear used in skiing)
:: Skischuhe {m}, Skistiefel {m}
skid {n} (ski shaped runner or supporting surface as found on an aircraft)
:: Kufe {f}
skid {v} (to slide in an uncontrolled manner)
:: (weg-)rutschen, schleudern (in case of a car)
skid mark {n} (black mark left on a road surface from tires)
:: Bremsspur {f}
skidmark {n} (black mark left on a road surface from tires)
:: Bremsspur {f}
skidmark {n} (visible stain left on underpants)
:: Bremsspur {f}
skid row {n} (an especially dilapidated section of a city)
:: Armenviertel {n}, heruntergekommenes Viertel {n}
skier {n} (someone who practices skiing)
:: Skifahrer {m}, Skifahrerin {f}, Schifahrer {m}, Schifahrerin {f}, Schiläufer {m}, Schiläuferin {f}, Skiläufer {m}, Skiläuferin {f}
skiff {n} (Any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person)
:: Skiff {n}
skiing {n} (sport or activity)
:: Schifahren {n}, Skifahren {n}
ski jumper {n} (someone who competes in ski jumping)
:: Skispringer {m}, Skispringerin {f}
ski jumping {n} (a winter sport)
:: Skispringen {n}
skilful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) SEE: skillful
ski lift {n} (a device that transports skiers up a mountain)
:: Skilift {m}, Schilift {m}
skill {n} (capacity to do something well)
:: Fähigkeit {f}, Fertigkeit {f}, Geschicklichkeit {f}, Kunst {f}, Talent {n}, Kompetenz {f}
skilled {adj} (having or showing skill)
:: geschickt, gekonnt, gewandt
skilled {adj} (requiring special abilities or training)
:: fachlich ausgebildet, fachlich unterwiesen, fachlich trainiert
skilled {adj}
:: erfahren
skillet {n} (pan for frying)
:: Bratpfanne {f}
skillet {n} (dish or meal cooked in such a pan)
:: Pfannengericht {n}, Pfanne {f}
skillful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled)
:: geschickt, gewandt
skillfully {adv} (in a skillful manner)
:: geschickt
skill set {n} (set of skills)
:: Fähigkeiten {f-p}
skim {v} (throw an object so it bounces on water)
:: springen lassen; hüpfen lassen; flitschen, titschen; flippen, platteln; schiefern
skim {v} (ricochet)
:: abprallen
skim {v} (read quickly, skipping some detail)
:: überfliegen
skim {v} (scrape off; remove (something) from a surface)
:: abschöpfen, abstreichen
ski mask {n} (A warm cap shielding the neck and head)
:: Skimaske {f}
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense
skimble-skamble {adj} (confused, chaotic, disorderly) SEE: chaotic
skimmed milk {n} (skim milk) SEE: skim milk
skimmer {n} (spoon)
:: Schaumlöffel {m}, Schaumkelle {f}
skim milk {n} (milk with removed cream)
:: entrahmte Milch {f}, Magermilch {f}
skimp {v} (to slight; to do carelessly; to scamp)
:: nachlässig erledigen, schludern
skimp {v} (to make insufficient allowance for; to scant; to scrimp)
:: knausern
skimp {v} (to save; to be parsimonious or stingy)
:: knapp halten, knausern
skimpy {adj} (small or inadequate; not generous, or of a garment, very small, light, or revealing)
:: knapp, sparsam, spärlich, dürftig
skin {n} (outer protective of the body of a person or animal)
:: Haut {f}
skin {n} (image used as the background of graphical user interface)
:: Design {n}
skin {n}
:: Fell {n}
skin {v} (to injure the skin of)
:: aufschürfen
skin {v} (to remove the skin of)
:: häuten
skin and bones {n} (emaciated; very skinny)
:: Haut und Knochen (skin and bone); ein Strich in der Landschaft (a stroke in the landscape)
skin cancer {n} (malignant growth on the skin)
:: Hautkrebs {m}
skin color {n} (color of human skin)
:: Hautfarbe {f}, Teint {m}
skin color {n} (ethnicity)
:: Hautfarbe {f}
skin-deep {adj} (superficial)
:: oberflächlich
skinflint {n} (one who is excessively stingy or cautious with money)
:: Geizhals {m}, Geizkragen {m}, Knauser {m}, Knauserin {f}, Knicker {m}, Knickerin {f}, Pfennigfuchser {m}, Pfennigfuchserin {f}
skinhead {n} (member of skinhead subculture)
:: Skinhead {m}
skink {n} (lizard)
:: Skink {m}
skinless {adj} (not having skin)
:: hautlos
skinny {adj} (thin)
:: mager
skinny-dip {v} (swim in the nude)
:: nackt baden
skinny-dipper {n} (someone who swims in the nude)
:: Nacktbader {m}, Nacktbaderin {f}
skinny dipping {n} (swimming in the nude)
:: Nacktbaden {n}
skint {adj} (penniless, poor, impecunious, broke)
:: abgebrannt, blank
skintight {adj} (conforming tightly to the body)
:: hauteng
skip {v} (to move by hopping on alternate feet)
:: hüpfen, hopsen
skip {v} (to leap about lightly)
:: springen
skip {v} (to skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface)
:: springen, hüpfen
skip {v} (to omit or disregard intermediate items or stages)
:: weglassen, überspringen
skip {v} (not to attend)
:: schwänzen
skip {n} (leaping, jumping or skipping movement)
:: Hüpfer {m}, Hopser {m}, Sprung {m}
skip {n} (An open-topped rubbish bin)
:: Schuttcontainer {m}; Absetzmulde {f}
skip {v} (to jump rope) SEE: jump rope
ski pole {n} (a slender stick used by skiers)
:: Skistock {m}
skipper {n} (master of a ship)
:: Schiffer {m}, Kapitän {m}, Schiffskapitän {m}
skipper {n} (captain of sports team)
:: Kapitän {m}, Teamkapitän, Teamchef {m}, Mannschaftskapitän {m}
skipping rope {n} (rope for play or exercise)
:: Springseil {n}, Sprungseil {n}
skip rope {n} (rope used) SEE: skipping rope
skip rope {v} (to jump over a rope) SEE: jump rope
ski resort {n} (resort for skiers)
:: Skigebiet {n}, Skiort {m}
skirmish {n} (brief battle between small groups)
:: Scharmützel {n}, Geplänkel {n}
skirmish {n} (minor dispute)
:: Wortgeplänkel {n}
skirmisher {n} (soldier)
:: Scharmützler, Plänkler
skirret {n} (umbelliferous plant)
:: Zuckerwurzel {f}, Süßwurzel {f}
skirt {n} (clothing)
:: Rock {m}
skirt {n} (part of dress)
:: Rock {m}
skirt {n} (something resembling a skirt)
:: Rock {m}, Schurz {m}
skirt {n} (slang for woman)
:: Rock {m}, Weiberrock {m}
skirt {n} (border)
:: Saum {m}
skirt {v} (to be on or from the border of)
:: umgehen, umrunden
skirt {v}
:: säumen
skirt chaser {n} (man who seeks out female companionship)
:: Schürzenjäger {m}
skirting board {n} (panel between floor and interior wall)
:: Fußleiste {f}; Fußbodenleiste {f}; Scheuerleiste {f}
ski school {n} (place where skiing lessons are taught)
:: Skischule {f}
ski stick {n} (a slender stick used by skiers)
:: Skistock {m}
skit {n} (comedy)
:: Darbietung, Parodie {f}, Satire {f}, Seitenhieb {m}, Spott {m}
skit {v} (poke fun)
:: verspotten
ski track {n} (trail from/for skis)
:: Loipe {f}, Skipiste {f}, Piste {f}
skitrack {n} (ski track) SEE: ski track
skitter {v} (to move hurriedly)
:: huschen
skittish {adj} (easily scared)
:: scheu, schreckhaft
skittish {adj} (fickle)
:: launisch, unberechenbar
skive {v} (To slack off)
:: schwänzen
Skolt Sami {prop} (language)
:: Skoltsamisch
Skopje {prop} (capital of North Macedonia)
:: Skopje {n}
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia
skua {n} (predatory seabird of the family Stercorariidae)
:: Raubmöwe {f}, Skua {f}
skulduggerous {adj} (involving skulduggery) SEE: tricky
skulduggery {n} (devious device or trick)
:: Mauschelei {f}, Hinterlist {f}
skulk {v} (to conceal oneself; to hide)
:: sich verstecken
skull {n} (bones of the head: cranium and mandible)
:: Schädel {m}, Kranium {n}
skull {n} (death's-head, skull)
:: Totenkopf {m}
skull and crossbones {n} (symbol of death)
:: Totenkopf {m}
skullcap {n} (cap that covers the area from the forehead to just above the back of the neck)
:: Kippa {f}, Schädeldecke {f}, Scheitelkäppchen {n}
skullcap {n} (flowering plant)
:: Helmkraut {n}
skullcap {n} (the top part of the skull) SEE: calvaria
skunk {n} (animal)
:: Stinktier {n}, Skunk {m}
skunk {n} (skunkweed) SEE: marijuana
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point)
:: Himmel {m}
sky {n} (specific view, condition)
:: Luft {f}, Himmel {m}
sky {n} (heaven)
:: Luft {f}, Himmel {m}
sky blue {adj} (light blue, see also: dark blue; blue)
:: himmelblau, azurblau
sky blue {n} (colour)
:: Himmelblau {n}
sky burial {n} (funeral practice)
:: Himmelsbestattung {f}
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude
skydive {n} (an instance of skydiving)
:: Fallschirmsprung {m}
skydive {v} (be in freefall)
:: Fallschirm springen
skydiver {n} (someone who skydives)
:: Fallschirmspringer {m}, Fallschirmspringerin {f}
skydiving {n} (jumping out of an aircraft and freefalling)
:: Fallschirmspringen {n}, Skydiving {n}
sky-high {adj} (extremely tall)
:: himmelhoch
sky-high {adj} (excessive, exorbitant)
:: himmelhoch
skyhook {n} (imaginary hook suspended in the air)
:: Skyhook {m}
skyhook {n} (helicopter that lifts and transports heavy objects)
:: Skyhook {m}
skylark {n} (small brown passerine bird)
:: Feldlerche {f}, Feldlerchenmännchen {n}, Feldlerchenweibchen {n}, Lerche {f}, Lerchenmännchen {n}, Lerchenweibchen {n}
skylight {n} (opening in the roof)
:: Dachluke {f}, Dachfenster {n}, Dachflächenfenster {n}
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon
skyline {n} (silhouette against city or buildings)
:: Horizont {m}, Silhouette {f}, Skyline {f}
skype {v} (make a Skype telephone call)
:: skypen
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket
skyrocket {n} (type of firework)
:: Feuerwerksrakete {f}
skyrocket {v} (to increase suddenly and extremely)
:: emporschnellen, hochschnellen, explodieren
skyscraper {n} (tall building)
:: Wolkenkratzer {m}, Hochhaus {n}
skywards {adv} (In the direction of the sky)
:: himmelwärts
skywriter {n} (one who does skywriting)
:: Himmelsschreiber {m}, Himmelsschreiberin {f}
skywriting {n} (messages, left by leaving a trail of smoke from an airplane)
:: Himmelsschreiben {n} , Himmelsschrift {f}
slab {n} (flat piece of material)
:: Scheibe {f}, Platte {f}, Tafel {f}, Bodenelement {n}, Wandelement {n}
slab {n} (paving stone)
:: Fliese {f}, Platte {f}, Steinplatte {f}, Fliesenplatte {f}, Gehwegplatte {f}, Steinfliese {f}, Bodenplatte {f}, Bodenfliese {f}, Pflasterstein {m}
slabstone {n} (flagstone) SEE: flagstone
slack {n} (small coal, coal dust)
:: Schlacke {f}
slack {adj} (not tense)
:: schlaff
slack {adj} (weak)
:: schlaff
slack {adj} (not using due diligence or care)
:: trödelig, schlampig, schlampig, lasch
slack {v} (to procrastinate)
:: trödeln, bummeln, faulenzen, faul sein
slack {v} (to refuse to exert effort)
:: (anstrengende) Arbeit scheuen
slacken {v} (to make less taut) SEE: loosen
slacks {n} (Semi-formal trousers not part of a suit)
:: Slacks {p}
slag {n} (the impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore)
:: Schlacke {f}
slag {n} (the scoria of a volcano)
:: Schlacke {f}, Lava {f}
slag {n} (a woman (sometimes a man) who has loose morals relating to sex)
:: Schlampe {f}
slag {v} (to make slag)
:: verschlacken
slag {v} (to talk badly about someone; to denigrate someone)
:: herunterputzen
slag heap {n}
:: Schlackenhalde {f}, Abraumhalde {f}, Schlackehaufen {m}
slagless {adj} (free from slag)
:: schlackenlos
slaglessness {n} (quality of being free from slag)
:: Schlackenlosigkeit
slake {v} (To become less energetic)
:: nachlassen, ermüden
slake {v} (To slacken)
:: ermüden, entspannen, erschlaffen
slake {v} (To become less intense)
:: abschwächen, nachlassen
slake {v} (To satisfy thirst)
:: Durst stillen, Durst löschen, erlöschen, stillen, befriedigen
slake {v} (To cool with water)
:: abkühlen, kühlen
slaked lime {n} (calcium hydroxide, see also: calcium hydroxide)
:: Löschkalk {m}, Weißkalk {m}, Weißkalkhydrat {n}, Kalkhydrat {n}, Calciumhydroxid {n}, Sumpfkalk {m}
slalom {n} (sports)
:: Slalom {m}
slalom {n} (course used for the sport of slalom)
:: Slalom {m}
slalom {n} (race or competition)
:: Slalom {m}
slam {v} (to shut with sudden force and noise)
:: zuschlagen, zuknallen
slam {v} (to speak badly of)
:: ausschimpfen
slander {n} (false or unsupported spoken malicious statement)
:: (mündliche) Verleumdung {f}, Lästerung {f}
slander {v} (utter a slanderous statement about)
:: mündlich verleumden, mündlich verunglimpfen
slanderer {n} (One who slanders)
:: Verleumder {m}, Verleumderin {f}
slanderous {adj} (Both untrue and harmful to a reputation)
:: verleumderisch
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon
slang {n} (unconventional language )
:: Slang {m}, Jargon {m}, Umgangssprache {f}
slang {n} (cant) SEE: cant
slant {n} (typography: slash) SEE: slash
slant {n} (slope or incline)
:: Schräge {f}
slant {n} (bias)
:: einseitige Ausrichtung {f}
slant {n} (pejorative: person of Asian descent)
:: Schlitzauge {n}
slant {v} (to lean, slope or incline)
:: abschrägen, neigen
slant {v} (to bias or skew)
:: einseitig ausrichten
slanting {adj} (not perpendicular)
:: schräg
slap {n} (A blow dealt with the open hand)
:: Klaps {m}, Schlag {m}
slap {n} (Makeup, cosmetics.)
:: Makeup {n}, Schminke {f}
slap {v} (to give a slap)
:: klatschen, (leicht) schlagen, patschen, ohrfeigen
slapdash {adj} (done hastily)
:: schludrig, flüchtig, hopplahop, blindlings, oberflächlich, hudelig, schlampert, schlampig
slapdash {adv} (in a hasty or careless manner)
:: hopplahopp, schludrig, schlampig
slap in the face {n} (slap in the face or on the cheek)
:: Ohrfeige {f}, Backpfeife {f}
slapper {n} (prostitute)
:: Nutte {f}, Hure {f}
slapper {n} (female of loose morals)
:: Schlampe {f}
slash {n} (swift cut with a blade)
:: Hieb {m}
slash {n} (typography: / symbol)
:: Bruchstrich {m}, Schrägstrich {m}
slash {v} (to make a broad cut with an edged weapon)
:: aufschlitzen
slash and burn {n} (technique)
:: Brandrodung {f}, Schwenden {n}
slat {n} (thin, narrow strip)
:: Leiste {f}, Streifen {m}, Lamelle {f}
slate {n} (rock)
:: Schiefer {m}
slate {n} (bluish-grey colour, see also: slate blue; slate gray; blue-gray)
:: Schiefergrau {n}
slate {n} (sheet of slate for writing on)
:: Tafel {f}, Schiefertafel {f}
slate {n} (tile)
:: Dachschiefer {m}
slate {n} (artificial material resembling slate)
:: Kunstschiefer {m}, Faserzement {m}, Eternit {m} {n} (widely used trademark)
slate {n} (record of money owed)
:: Schuldentafel {f}, etwas anschreiben
slate {n} (list of candidates for an election)
:: Liste {f}, Kandidatenliste {f}
slate {adj} (bluish-grey/gray like slate, see also: slate blue; slate gray; blue-gray)
:: schiefergrau
slate {v} (criticise/criticize harshly)
:: verreissen
slate {v} (schedule)
:: ansetzen, planen
slate {v} (anticipate or strongly expect)
:: vorsehen, bestimmen
slater {n} (one who lays slate)
:: Schieferdecker {m}
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut
slaty-backed gull {n} (Larus schistisagus)
:: Kamtschatkamöwe {f}
slaughter {n} (killing of animals (also kosher and halal rituals))
:: Schlachtung {f}, rituelles Schlachten {n}, Schächten {n}, Schächtung {f}
slaughter {n} (killing of many people)
:: Schlachtung {f}, Schlächterei {f}, Gemetzel {n}, Metzelei {f}
slaughter {v} (to butcher animals, generally for food (also kosher and halal rituals))
:: schlachten, schächten
slaughter {v} (to massacre people in large numbers)
:: abschlachten
slaughter {v} (to kill in a particularly brutal manner)
:: abschlachten
slaughterer {n} (a person who slaughters)
:: Schlächter {m}, Schlächterin {f}
slaughterer {n} (a butcher)
:: Fleischer {m}, Fleischerin {f}, Schlachter {m}, Schlachterin {f}, Schlächter {m}, Schlächterin {f}, Metzger {m}, Metzgerin {f}, Fleischhacker {m}, Fleischhackerin {f}, Fleischhauer {m}, Fleischhauerin {f}, Metzler {m}, Metzlerin {f}, Knochenhauer {m}, Knochenhauerin {f}, Katzoff {m}
slaughterer {n} (a ritual slaughterer)
:: Schächter {m}, Schächterin {f}
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir
slaughterous {adj} (prone to slaughtering)
:: mörderisch
Slav {n} (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language)
:: Slawe {m}, Slawin {f}
slave {n} (person owned by another)
:: Sklave {m}, Sklavin {f}
slave {n} (person forced to work for another)
:: Sklave {m}, Sklavin {f}
slave {n} (submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who (consensually) submits to (sexually) serving)
:: Sklave {m}, Sklavin {f}
slave {n} (person forced to perform sexual acts; (nonconsensual) sex slave)
:: Sexsklave {m}, Sexsklavin {f}
slave {n} (device that is controlled by another device)
:: Slave {m}, Folgegerät {n}
slavedealing {n} (slave trade) SEE: slave trade
slave-girl {n} (female slave)
:: Sklavin {f}
slave-girl {n} (sex slave) SEE: sex slave
slaveholder {n} (someone who owns slaves)
:: Sklavenhalter {m}
slaveowner {n} (anyone that has control over another human being)
:: Sklavenbesitzer {m}, Sklavenbesitzerin {f}, Sklavenhalter {m}, Sklavenhalterin {f}
slaver {v} (to drool saliva)
:: sabbern
slaver {n} (a person engaged in the slave trade)
:: Sklavenhändler {m}, Sklavenhändlerin {f}, Sklavenhalter {m}, Sklavenhalterin {f}
slavery {n} (institution or practice of owning human beings)
:: Sklaverei {f}
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave)
:: Sklaverei {f}
slavery {n} (condition in which one is captivated or subjugated)
:: Sklaverei {f}
slave trade {n} (traffic in slaves)
:: Sklavenhandel {m}
Slavic {adj} (of the Slavs, their culture or languages)
:: slawisch
Slavic studies {n} (academic discipline)
:: Slawistik {f}
slavish {adj} (in the manner of a slave)
:: sklavisch
Slavism {n} (a Slavic idiom or phrase)
:: Slawismus {m}
Slavist {n} (specialist in the Slavic languages, literature or culture)
:: Slawist {m}, Slawistin {f}
Slavistics {n} (Slavic studies) SEE: Slavic studies
Slavo- {prefix} (Slavic)
:: Slawo-
Slavonia {prop} (region of Croatia)
:: Slawonien {n}, Slavonien {n}
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic
Slavonic studies {n} (Slavic studies) SEE: Slavic studies
Slavyansk {prop} (Slovyansk) SEE: Slovyansk
slaw {n} (coleslaw)
:: Krautsalat {m}
slay {v} (to kill, murder)
:: töten, umbringen, erschlagen
slayer {n} (one who slays)
:: Töter {m}, Abmurkser {m}
sleazy {adj} (Marked by low quality; inferior; inadequate)
:: mies
sleazy {adj} (Dishonorable; base; vulgar; raunchy)
:: vulgär, frivol, schäbig
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge
sledder {n} (person who rides a sled)
:: Rodler {m}, Rodlerin {f}
sledding {n} (act of sliding downhill on a sled)
:: Rodeln {n}
sled dog {n} (dog)
:: Schlittenhund {m}
sledge {n} (sledgehammer) SEE: sledgehammer
sledge {n} (sleigh or sled)
:: Schlitten {n}
sledgehammer {n} (kind of hammer)
:: Vorschlaghammer {m}
sleek {adj} (smooth)
:: glatt; seidig
sleek {adj} (not rough or harsh)
:: geschmeidig
sleek {adj}
:: glänzend
sleep {v} (to rest in state of reduced consciousness)
:: schlafen
sleep {v} (to accommodate)
:: unterbringen
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness)
:: Schlaf {m}
sleep {n} (informal: act or instance of sleeping)
:: Schlaf {m}, Schläfchen {n}, Nachtruhe {f}
sleep {n} (substance found in the corner of the eyes (gound), sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep, see also: )
:: Schlaf {m}, Schlaf in den Augen {m}, Schlafsand {m}, Augenbutter {f}, Augenschleim {m}, Matzel {f} , Groikerl {n} , Schlafkörnchen {n-p}, Augenpopel {m}
sleep apnea {n} (brief interruptions of breathing during sleep)
:: Schlafapnoe-Syndrom {n}
sleep a wink {v}
:: kein Auge zutun, kein Auge zumachen
sleep deprivation {n} (condition of forcibly being kept awake)
:: Schlafentzug {m}
sleep disorder {n} (medical disorder of sleep patterns)
:: Schlafstörung {f}
sleeper {n} (someone who sleeps)
:: Schläfer {m}
sleeper {n} (saboteur or terrorist waiting to be activated)
:: Schläfer {m}
sleeper {n} (type of pajamas that covers the whole body)
:: Strampelanzug {m}
sleeper {n} (railroad sleeping car) SEE: sleeping car
sleeper {n} (nurse shark) SEE: nurse shark
sleeper {v} (to mark a calf by cutting its ear) SEE: earmark
sleeper {n} (sedative) SEE: sedative
sleeper {n} (railroad tie) SEE: railroad tie
sleeper cell {n} (group of people who remain dormant in a community until activated)
:: Schläferzelle {f}
sleep in {v} (to sleep late)
:: ausschlafen , verschlafen
sleep-in {n} (an instance of sleeping in)
:: langer Schlaf {m}, langes Schlafen {n}
sleepiness {n} (property of being sleepy)
:: Schläfrigkeit {f}
sleeping {adj} (used for sleep; used to produce sleep)
:: Schlaf-
sleeping {n} (state or act of being asleep)
:: Schlaf {m}
sleeping {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag)
:: Schlafsack {m}
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale)
:: Dornröschen
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (main character in this story)
:: Dornröschen
sleeping car {n} (a railroad car with sleeping facilities for passengers travelling overnight.)
:: Schlafwagen {m}
sleeping pill {n} (a pill having a soporific effect)
:: Schlafmittel {n}, Schlaftablette {f}
sleeping sickness {n} (infectious disease)
:: Schlafkrankheit {f}
sleepless {adj} (absence of sleep)
:: schlaflos
sleeplessness {n} (property of being sleepless)
:: Schlaflosigkeit {f}
sleep like a log {v} (to sleep well, without disturbance)
:: schlafen wie ein Murmeltier, schlafen wie ein Stein
sleep on {v} (to postpone a decision at least overnight)
:: eine Nacht darüber schlafen
sleep over {v} (to sleep over)
:: übernachten, nächtigen
sleepover {n} (the act of spending the night as a guest in another's house)
:: Übernachtung {f}
sleep tight {interj} (good night)
:: schlaf gut (informal), schlafen Sie gut (formal)
sleepwalk {v} (somnambulate) SEE: somnambulate
sleepwalker {n} (somnambulist) SEE: somnambulist
sleepwalking {n} (act of walking while not conscious or aware of it, during sleep)
:: Schlafwandeln {n}, Somnambulismus {m}, Somnambulie {f}
sleepwear {n} (nightclothes) SEE: nightclothes
sleep with {v} (have sex with)
:: mit ... schlafen
sleepy {adj} (feeling the need for sleep)
:: schläfrig
sleepy {adj} (quiet; without bustle or activity)
:: verschlafen
sleepy head {n} (a sleepy person) SEE: sleepyhead
sleepyhead {n} (sleepy person)
:: Schlafmütze {f} , Schlafhaube {f}
sleet {n} (ice pellets)
:: Eiskorn {n}
sleet {n} (mixture of rain and snow)
:: Schneeregen {m}
sleet {n} (glaze ice formed by freezing rain)
:: Eisregen {m}
sleeve {n} (part of a garment that covers the arm)
:: Ärmel {m}
sleeve {n} (mechanical covering or lining)
:: Hülse
sleeve {n} (record cover)
:: Schallplattenhülle {f}
sleeveless {adj} (of a garment, having no sleeves)
:: ärmellos
sleigh {adj} (sly) SEE: sly
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge
sleight of hand {n} (skill)
:: Fingerfertigkeit {f}
sleight of hand {n} (performance)
:: Taschenspielertrick {m}
slender {adj} (thin)
:: schlank
slender-billed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus genei)
:: Dünnschnabelmöwe {f}
slender-horned gazelle {n} (Gazella leptoceros)
:: Dünengazelle {f}
sleuth {n} (bloodhound)
:: Bluthund {m}, Bluthündin {f}, Schweißhund {m}, Schweißhündin {f}, Schweisshund {m}, Schweisshündin {f}, Bloodhound {m}, Spürhund {m}
sleuth {n} (detective)
:: Schnüffler {m}, Spürnase {f}, Detektiv {m}
sleuth {v} (detective)
:: nachspüren, untersuchen, beschatten, schnüffeln
slew {n} (a large amount)
:: Menge {f}, Reihe {f}, ganze Reihe {f}
slice {n} (thin, broad piece cut off)
:: Brotscheibe {f}, Scheibe {f}, Anteil {m}, Teil {m}, Stück {n}
slice {n} (golf shot)
:: Slice {m}
slice {v} (to cut into slices)
:: schneiden, aufschneiden, hobeln, Schnitte anfertigen {f}, in Scheiben schneiden {p}
sliced bread {n} (bread that is sold sliced into pieces)
:: Schnittbrot {n}
slicer {n} (someone or -thing that slices)
:: Schneider {m}, Hobel {m}
slicer {n} (slicing cucumber) SEE: slicing cucumber
slicing cucumber {n} (cucumber grown to be eaten fresh)
:: Salatgurke {f}
slick {adj} (slippery due to a covering of liquid)
:: glitschig
slick {adj} (appearing expensive or sophisticated)
:: gekonnt
slick {adj} (superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy)
:: schlau
slick {adj} (extraordinarily great or special)
:: raffiniert, schlau
slick {n} (A covering of liquid, particularly oil)
:: Schlick {m}, Ölschlick {m}, Ölteppich {m}
slide {v} (to cause to move in contact with a surface)
:: gleiten
slide {v} (to move in continuous contact with a surface)
:: gleiten
slide {v} (to lose balance)
:: ausrutschen
slide {v} (to pass along smoothly)
:: rutschen
slide {n} (item of play equipment)
:: Rutsche {f}
slide {n} (rubble, earth and stones moving down)
:: Erdrutsch {m}
slide {n} (transparent image for projecting)
:: Dia {n}, Klarsichtfolie {f}
slide {n} (microscope slide)
:: Objektträger {m}
slide fastener {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener
slide projector {n} (a device that projects an enlarged image of a photographic slide onto a screen)
:: Diaprojektor {m}
slider {n} ((software, graphical user interface) a widget allowing the user to select a value or position)
:: Schieberegler {m}
slide rule {n} (analog calculator)
:: Rechenschieber {m}
slideshow {n} (presentation)
:: Tonbildschau {f}, Diashow {f}
slide tackle {n} (soccer tackle)
:: Grätsche {f}
sliding door {n} (door)
:: Schiebetür {f}
slight {adj} (small in amount, insignificant)
:: geringfügig, leicht, gering, unbedeutend, wenig, schlank, schwach
slight {v} (to treat with a lack of respect; to make light of)
:: vernachlässigen, kränken, zurücksetzen, beleidigen, abschätzig behandeln
slight {n} (act of slighting)
:: Geringschätzung {f}, Kränkung {f}, Herabschätzung {f}, Beleidigung {f}
slightly {adv} (to a small extent or degree)
:: ein wenig, leicht
Sligo {prop} (county)
:: Sligo
Sligo {prop} (town)
:: Sligo
slim {adj} (slender)
:: schlank, schmal, dünn, schmal
slime {n} (mucilaginous substance or mucus-like substance)
:: Schleim {m}
slimeball {n} (round lump made up of or coated with slime or a slime-like substance)
:: Schleimkugel {f}
slimeball {n} (mucus-coated lump of the parasitic larvae of a liver fluke)
:: Schleimball {m}
slimy {adj} (like slime; glutinous)
:: schleimig
slimy {adj} (underhanded)
:: schmierig, aalglatt, schleimig
sling {v} (to throw)
:: schleudern, schmeißen
sling {n} (instrument for throwing, see also: slingshot)
:: Schleuder {f}
sling {n} (bandage)
:: Armschlinge {f}, Armschlaufe {f}
sling {n} (a loop of cloth or a strap around the neck to carry a load)
:: Tragetuch
sling {n} (strap attached to a firearm)
:: Schulterriemen {m}
sling {n} (the act of hurling as with a sling)
:: Schleudern {n}
sling {n}
:: Schleuder {f} (Verified! See here: Schleuder)
slinger {n} (someone who slings or who uses a sling)
:: Schleuderer {m}
slingshot {n} (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling)
:: Schleuder {f}, Steinschleuder {f}, Zwille {f}
slip {n} (nautical: space for a ship to moor) SEE: berth
slip {n} (small piece of paper)
:: Stück Papier
slip {v} (to lose one's traction)
:: ausrutschen
slip {v} (to err)
:: irren, sich irren, Fehler machen
slip {v} (to pass)
:: reichen
slip {v} (to move quickly)
:: schlüpfen
slip {n} (women’s undergarment)
:: Unterkleid {n}
slip {n} (error)
:: Ausrutscher
slip away {v} (to leave a place without being noticed)
:: davonmachen
slip of the pen {n} (mistake in handwriting)
:: Schreibfehler {m}
slip of the tongue {n} (mistake in speech)
:: Versprecher {m}
slipped disc {n} (protruding vertebral disc)
:: Bandscheibenvorfall
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors)
:: Hausschuh {m}, Latschen {m}, Pantoffel {m}, Patschen {m}, Puschen {m}, Schlappen {m}, Schluffen {m}
slipper animalcule {n} (paramecium) SEE: paramecium
slipperiness {n} (property of being slippery)
:: Schlüpfrigkeit {f}
slipper-orchid {n} (lady's slipper) SEE: lady's slipper
slippery {adj} (of a surface)
:: rutschig, glitschig
slippery {adj} (evasive; difficult to pin down)
:: aalglatt
slippery as an eel {adj} (slippery)
:: aalglatt
slippery jack {n} (mushroom in genus Suillus)
:: Butterröhrling {m}, Butterpilz {m}
slippery slope {n} (argument that follows a chain of events to some conclusion)
:: Dammbruchargument {n}
slip road {n} (a segment of roadway that joins a motorway to ordinary roads)
:: Abfahrt {f}
slipshod {adj} (done poorly or too quickly)
:: schludrig, schlampig
slipstick {n} (slide rule) SEE: slide rule
slipstream {n} (the low pressure zone)
:: Sog {m}, Windschatten {m}
slip through the cracks {v} (to escape notice)
:: durch das Raster fallen
slip-up {n} (a (small) error or mistake)
:: kleines Missgeschick {n}, Ausrutscher {m}, Fehltritt {m}, Panne {f}
slipway {n} (sloping surface)
:: Helling {f}, Stapel {m}, Helge {m}, Helgen {m}
slit {n} (narrow cut or opening; a slot)
:: Nut {f}, Schlitz {m}, Spalt {m}
slit {n} (vulgar, slang: opening of the vagina)
:: Schlitz {m}, Schamritze {f}, Ritze {f}, Schamspalte {f}, Spalte {f}
slit {v} (cut a narrow opening)
:: schlitzen, aufschlitzen, zerschlitzen
slit {v} (split into strips)
:: trennen, auftrennen, teilen, zerteilen
sliver {n} (a long piece cut or rent off; a sharp, slender fragment)
:: Splitter {m}, kleiner Teil {m}, kleines Stück {n}, Spreißel {m}
sliver {n} (strand or slender roll of cotton or other fiber in a loose, untwisted state)
:: Band {n}, Faserband {n}
slivovitz {n} (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice)
:: Sliwowitz
slob {n} (lazy, slovenly person)
:: Dreckspatz {m}, Schmutzfink {m}
slobber {n} (Saliva or liquid running from one's mouth)
:: Sabber, Geifer
slobber {v} (To allow saliva or liquid to run from one's mouth)
:: sabbern, geifern
sloboda {n} (a kind of settlement in the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine)
:: Sloboda {f}
sloe {n} (fruit of Prunus spinosa)
:: Schlehe {f}
sloe {n} (tree of the genus Prunus bearing dark-purple fruit)
:: Schlehe {f}, Schlehdorn {m}
sloe {n} (tree Prunus spinosa) SEE: blackthorn
sloe gin {n} (liqueur)
:: Schlehenlikör {m}
slog {v} (to strike something with a heavy blow, especially a ball with a bat)
:: verprügeln
slogan {n} (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising)
:: Devise {f}, Losung {f}, Motto {n}, Parole {f}, Spruch {m}, Leitspruch {m}, Werbespruch {m}, Wahlspruch {m}, Schlachtruf {m}
sloop {n} (single-masted sailboat)
:: Slup {f}, Schaluppe {f}
slope {n} (area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward)
:: Steigung {f}, Hang {m}, Abhang {m}
slope {n} (degree to which a surface tends upward or downward)
:: Steigung {f} , Gefälle {n}
slope {n} (mathematics)
:: Steigung {f}
slope {n} (math: slope of the line tangent to a curve at a given point)
:: Steigung {f}, Ableitung {f}, Gradient {m}
slope {n} (offensive: person of East Asian descent)
:: Schlitzauge {n}, Schlitzi {m} {f}
sloppy {adj} (messy; not neat, elegant, or careful)
:: schlampig, salopp
sloppy seconds {n} (having sex after someone else)
:: Schlammreiter {m}
slosh {v} (of a liquid, to shift chaotically; to splash noisily)
:: platschen, schwappen
slot {n} (wooden bar for fastening door)
:: Türriegel {m}
slot {n} (narrow depression, perforation, or aperture)
:: Schlitz {m}, Nut {f}
slot {n} (the allocated time for an aircraft's departure or arrival at an airport's runway)
:: Startfenster {n}
sloth {n} (laziness)
:: Trägheit {f}, Faulheit {f}, Müßiggang {m}
sloth {n} (mammal)
:: Faultier {n}
sloth bear {n} (Melursus ursinus)
:: Lippenbär {m}
slothful {adj} (lazy, sluggish)
:: faul
slot machine {n} (vending machine) SEE: vending machine
slot machine {n} (any coin-operated machine)
:: Münzautomat {m}
slot machine {n} (gambling machine)
:: Spielautomat {m}
slouch hat {n} (broad-brimmed felt hat)
:: Schlapphut {m}
slough {n} (the skin shed by a snake or other reptile)
:: abgestreifte Haut
slough {n} (dead skin on a sore or ulcer)
:: Schorf {m}, Grind {m}
slough {v} (to shed (skin))
:: sich häuten, abwerfen
slough {v} (of skin, to be shed)
:: sich lösen
slough {v} (to commit truancy)
:: schwänzen
Slovak {adj} (of Slovakia or its language)
:: slowakisch
Slovak {n} (native of Slovakia)
:: Slowake {m}, Slowakin {f}
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia)
:: Slowakisch {n}
Slovak Cuvac {n} (Slovak Chuvach)
:: Slowakischer Tschuvatsch
Slovakia {prop} (Slovakia)
:: Slowakei {f}
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia)
:: Slowakische Republik {f}
Slovene {adj} (adjective)
:: slowenisch, windisch
Slovene {n} (a person)
:: Slowene {m}, Slowenin {f}, Windischer {m}, Windische {f}
Slovene {prop} (the language)
:: Slowenisch {n}, Windisch {n}
Slovenia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Slowenien {n}
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene
slovenly {adj} (having an untidy appearance; unkempt)
:: schluderig
slovenly {adj} (careless or negligent; sloppy)
:: schluderig, nachlässig, schlampig
Slovincian {n} (Slovincian (person))
:: Slowinze {m}, Slowinzin {f}, Slovinze {m}, Slovinzin {f}, Slowinzer {m}, Slowinzerin {f}, Slovinzer {m}, Slovinzerin {f}
Slovincian {prop} (extinct language of the Slovincian people)
:: Slowinzisch {n}, Slovinzisch {n}
Slovio {prop} (an artificial Slavic language)
:: Slovio {n}
Slovyansk {prop} (city)
:: Slowjansk
slow {adj} (not quick in motion)
:: langsam
slow {adj} (of reduced intellectual capacity)
:: dumm
slowcoach {n} (plodder) SEE: plodder
slow cooker {n} (kitchen appliance)
:: Schongarer {m}
slow down {v} (to reduce speed)
:: verlangsamen
slowly {adv} (at a slow pace)
:: langsam
slow match {n} (slow burning fuse)
:: Lunte {f}
slow motion {n} (film stretched in time)
:: Zeitlupe {f}
slowness {n} (quality of being slow)
:: Langsamkeit {f}, Trägheit {f}
slow news day {n} (day of nothing exciting to report)
:: Sauregurkenzeit; Sommerloch
slow on the uptake {adj} (slow to comprehend)
:: schwer von Kapee; begriffsstutzig, auf der Leitung stehen
slowpoke {n} (person who moves slowly)
:: Trödler {m}, Trödlerin {f}
slowworm {n} (Anguis fragilis)
:: Blindschleiche {f}, Haselwurm {m}, Hartwurm {m}
sludge {n} (generic term for separated solids)
:: Schlamm {m}, Matsch {m}
sludge {n} (residual material from a process)
:: Abwasserschlamm {m}
sluff {n} (slough) SEE: slough
sluff {v} (slough) SEE: slough
slug {n} (gastropod)
:: Nacktschnecke {f}
slug {n} (lazy person) SEE: sluggard
slugabed {n} (lazy person who lies in bed after the usual time for getting up)
:: Langschläfer {m}, Langschläferin {f}, Spätaufsteher {m}, Spätaufsteherin {f}
sluggard {n} (lazy or idle person)
:: Faulpelz {m}, Nichtstuer {m}
sluice {n} (passage for water)
:: Schleuse {f}, Schleusentor {n}, Siel {n}
sluice gate {n} (portal to allow passage of water)
:: Schleusentor {n}
slum {n} (dilapidated neighborhood)
:: Slum {m}
slumber {n} (a very light state of sleep)
:: Halbschlaf {m}, Schlummer {m}, Schläfchen {n}
slumber {v} (to be in a very light state of sleep)
:: schlummern, dösen
slumber {v} (to be inactive or negligent)
:: träumen
slumber party {n} (a sleepover)
:: Pyjamaparty {f}
slumdweller {n} (someone who lives in a slum)
:: Slumbewohner {m}
slump {v} (to collapse heavily)
:: absinken, zusammensacken, zusammenbrechen
slump {n} (helpless collapse)
:: Zusammenbruch {m}, Zusammenfall {m}, Kollaps {m}
slump {n} (measure of the fluidity of fresh concrete)
:: Ausbreitmaß {n}
slump {n} (a boggy place)
:: Morast {m}
slump {n} (noise made by anything falling into a soft, miry place)
:: Plumps {m}
slumping {adj}
:: plumpsend (collo.)
slumping {n}
:: Bergrutsch {m}, Erdrutsch {m}
slur {n} (insult or slight)
:: Verunglimpfung {f}, Beleidigung {f}
slur {n} (symbol indicating a legato passage)
:: Bindebogen {m}
slur {v} (to articulate poorly)
:: undeutlich reden
slurp {v} (eat or drink noisily)
:: schlürfen
Slurpee {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush
slurry {n} (agriculture: mixture of animal waste, other organic material and sometimes water used as fertilizer)
:: Jauche {f}
slush {n} (half-melted snow)
:: Schneematsch {m}
slush {n} (liquid mud or mire)
:: Matsch {m}
slush {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink)
:: Slush {n}, Slusheis {n}, Slush Eis {n}
slushie {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush
Slush Puppie {n} (slush) SEE: slush
slushy {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute
slut {n} (sexually promiscuous woman)
:: Schlampe {f}, Luder {n}, Flittchen {n}
slut {n} (untidy person)
:: Schlampe {f}, Schlonz {m}, Schlumpe {f}, Schluse {f}
slut {n} (bold, outspoken woman)
:: Wortführerin {f}, Großsprecherin {f}, Marktweib {n}
slut {n} (a female dog)
:: Hündin {f}
slut {n} (a maid)
:: Dienstmädchen {n}, Hausmädchen {n}, Magd {f}, Dienstmagd {f}, Mädchen {n}, Hausangestellte {f}
sluttery {n} (a slutty act)
:: Schlampigkeit {f}
sluttery {n} (sluttishness, whoredom)
:: Hurerei {f}
sluttery {n} (untidiness)
:: Schweinerei {f}, Hurerei {f}
slutty {adj} (Of or resembling a slut)
:: schlampig
sly {adj} (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily)
:: schlau, gerissen, listig, verschmitzt
sly as a fox {adj} (very sly)
:: schlau wie ein Fuchs
sly fox {n} (person artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily)
:: Schlitzohr {n}
slyly {adv} (in a sly manner)
:: verschmitzt, schlau
smack {n} (sailing vessel)
:: Schmack {f}
smack {v} (to strike a child as a form of discipline) SEE: spank
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse
small {adj} (not large)
:: klein, gering
small {adj} (young)
:: klein, jung
small arms {n} (weapon)
:: Kleinwaffe {f}
small caps {n} (font variant)
:: Kapitälchen {n-s} {n-p}
small change {n} (a minor or insignificant amount of money)
:: Kleingeld {n}
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
small fry {n} (things or people of little importance)
:: kleine Fische {m-p}
small hours {n} (very early morning)
:: frühe Morgenstunden {f-p}
small intestine {n} (upper part of the intestine)
:: Dünndarm {m}
smallish {adj} (somewhat small)
:: eher klein, ziemlich klein
small-minded {adj} (selfish; not mindful of the big picture)
:: kleingeistig
smallness {n} (state of being small)
:: Kleinheit {f}
small of the back {n} (lumbar region of the back)
:: Kreuz {n}
small pica {n}
:: Brevier, Rheinländer, Maintzer, Descendiain, Descendian
small potatoes {n} (small fry) SEE: small fry
smallpox {n} (disease)
:: Pocken {f-p}, Blattern {f-p}
small-scale {adj} (having a modest scope or extent)
:: kleinangelegt, klein angelegt
small talk {n} (idle conversation)
:: Alltagsgespräch {n}, Plauderei {f}, Smalltalk {m} {n}, Plaudern {n}
small town {n} (a small town)
:: Kleinstadt {f}
smalltown {adj} (small town) SEE: small town
small white {n} (Pieris rapae)
:: kleiner Kohlweißling {m}
small wonder {n} (unsurprising occurrence)
:: kein Wunder (dass ...)
smalt {n} (blue pigment)
:: Schmalte {f}
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald
smart {v} (to hurt or sting)
:: schmerzen
smart {adj} (exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books)
:: klug, intelligent, gescheit
smart aleck {n} (a wise guy)
:: Naseweis {m}
smart aleck {n} (a know-it-all)
:: Besserwisser {m}, Klugscheißer {m}, Neunmalkluger {m}
smart aleck {n} (a show off)
:: Angeber {m}, Aufschneider {m}, Wichtigtuer {m}, Großtuer {m}
smart ass {n} (one promoting his own personality, wishes or views) SEE: smartass
smartass {n} (one who is particularly insolent)
:: Klugscheißer {m}, Klugscheißerin {f}, Besserwisser {m}, Besserwisserin {f}, spitze Zunge {f}, boßhafte Zunge {f}, Lästermaul {n}
smart card {n} (plastic card that has information stored on a computer chip)
:: Smartcard {f}
smartphone {n} (electronic handheld device)
:: Smartphone {n}
smartwatch {n} (wristwatch)
:: Smartwatch {f}
smarty boots {n} (know-it-all) SEE: know-it-all
smarty pants {n} (know-it-all)
:: Schlaumeier {m}
smash {v} (to break violently)
:: zerschellen, zerschmettern, zertrümmern, zerbrechen
smash {v} (hit extremely hard)
:: zusammenschlagen, schmettern
smash hit {n} (something tremendously successful)
:: Bombenerfolg {m}
smatter {v} (intransitive: talk superficially)
:: labern , schwätzen, schwafeln
smatter {v} (to speak (a language) with spotty or superficial knowledge)
:: radebrechen
smattering {n} (superficial knowledge)
:: Halbwissen {n}, oberflächliche Kenntnis {f}, bruchstückhafte Kenntnis {f}, Vorkenntnis {f}, rudimentäre Kenntnis {f}
smattering {n} (small number)
:: Handvoll {f}, kleine Menge {f}, geringe Anzahl {f}
SMB {prop} (small to medium-sized business)
:: KMU {n}
Smíchov {prop} (district of Prague)
:: Smichow
smear {v} (to spread (a substance))
:: schmieren
smear {v} (to spread (a surface) with a substance)
:: beschmieren
smear {v} (to damage someone's reputation by slandering, making false accusations)
:: diffamieren, verleumden
smear {n} (Pap smear) SEE: Pap smear
smear campaign {n} (negative propaganda)
:: Hetzkampagne {f}, Schmutzkampagne {f}
smearer {n} (unskillful painter)
:: Pinseler {m}, Kleckser {m}, Schmierer {m}
smectite {n} (clay mineral)
:: Smektit {m}, Smectit {m}
smegma {n} (sebaceous secretion)
:: Smegma {n}
smell {n} (sensation)
:: Geruch {m}
smell {n} (sense of smell)
:: Geruchssinn {m}, Riechen {n}
smell {v} (sense with nose)
:: riechen
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of")
:: riechen, stinken (unpleasant smell)
smellable {adj} (that can be detected by smell)
:: riechbar
smell a rat {v} (to sense something suspicious)
:: spanisch vorkommen
smell-brain {n} (part of brain involved with smelling)
:: Riechhirn {n}
smell fishy {v}
:: spanisch vorkommen
smelling salt {n} (ammonium carbonate when used to restore consciousness)
:: Riechsalz {n}
smelly {adj} (having a bad smell)
:: stinkend
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye
smelt {n} (fish of the family Osmeridae)
:: Stint {m}
smelt {n}
:: schmelzen, verhütten
smelt {v} (to fuse two things into one)
:: verschmelzen
smelt {n} (production of metal, especially iron, from ore) SEE: smelting
smelter dust {n} (smoke or dust released during the refining of metals)
:: Hüttenrauch {m}
smelting {n} (process of melting or fusion, especially to extract a metal from its ore)
:: Schmelzen {n}
smetana {n} (type of soured cream)
:: Schmand {m}, Schmant {m}, Milchrahm {m}
smidgen {n} (very small amount)
:: Quäntchen {n}, Quentchen {n}
smilax {n} (plant genus Smilax)
:: Smilax, Stechwinden {p}
smile {n} (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice)
:: Lächeln {n}
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face)
:: lächeln
smiley {n} (representation of a smiling face)
:: Emoticon {n}, Smiley {n}
smiley {n} (emoticon) SEE: emoticon
smirch {v} (to dirty)
:: beschmutzen, verschmutzen
smite {v} (to hit)
:: schlagen
smite {v} (to strike down or kill with godly force)
:: schlagen
smith {n} (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith)
:: Schmied {m}, Schmiedin {f}
Smith {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalents of “smith”)
:: Schmidt, Schmied
Smith {prop} (most common surnames by language)
:: Müller, Schmidt
smithsonite {n} (mineral)
:: Smithsonit
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge
smitten {adj} (made irrationally enthusiastic)
:: verzaubert, verzückt, bezaubert, hingerissen, ergriffen, eingenommen, ergriffen, befallen, heimgesucht, geschlagen
smitten {adj} (in love)
:: verzaubert, hingerissen, verliebt, verknallt, verguckt
smocking {n} (embroidery technique in which the fabric is gathered and embroidered with decorative stitches)
:: Smokarbeit {f}
smock mill {n} (windmill with rotating cap)
:: Holländerwindmühle {f}
smog {n} (urban air pollution)
:: Smog {m}
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette)
:: rauchen
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually)
:: rauchen
smoke {v} (to give off smoke)
:: rauchen
smoke {v} (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke)
:: räuchern
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material)
:: Rauch {m}, Qualm {m}
smoke alarm {n} (smoke detector) SEE: smoke detector
smoke bomb {n} (firework)
:: Rauchbombe {f}
smoke bomb {n} (military: explosive device)
:: Rauchbombe {f}
smoked {adj} (of food, preserved by treatment with smoke)
:: geräuchert, geselcht
smoked beer {n} (kind of beer)
:: Rauchbier
smoke detector {n} (device)
:: Rauchmelder {m}
smoked meat {n} (smoked meat in general)
:: Rauchfleisch {n}
smoked salmon {n} (edible salmon that is cured by smoking)
:: Räucherlachs {m}
smoke-free {adj} (reserved for non-smokers)
:: rauchfrei
smoke grenade {n} (bomb that generates thick smoke)
:: Nebelgranate {f}
smokeless {adj} (without smoke)
:: rauchlos
smoke like a chimney {v} (to smoke tobacco frequently)
:: Rauchen wie ein Schlot
smoke out {v} (to drive out using smoke)
:: ausräuchern
smoke point {n} (temperature)
:: Rauchpunkt {m}
smoker {n} (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
:: Raucher {m}, Raucherin {f}
smoker {n} (apparatus for smoking food)
:: Räucherofen {m}
smoker {n} (bee smoker) SEE: bee smoker
smokescreen {n} (smoke used as a disguise, mask or cover)
:: Nebelwand {f}, Nebelvorhand {m}, Nebelschleier {m}, Deckmantel {m}, Rauchvorhang {m}
smokescreen {n} (anything used (metaphorically) to conceal or distract)
:: Vorwand {m}, Ablenkung {f}, Ablenkungsmanöver {n}, Tarnmanöver {n}, Vernebelung {f}, Deckmantel {m}
smokeshop {n} (tobacconist's) SEE: tobacconist's
smoke signal {n} (ancient method of communication)
:: Rauchzeichen {n}
smoke signal {n} (distress signal)
:: Rauchsignal {n}
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney
smoking {n} (smoking of tobacco)
:: Rauchen {n}
smoking room {n} (room designated for smokers)
:: Raucherzimmer {n}, Raucherraum {m}
smoko {n} (cigarette break)
:: Rauchpause {f}
smolder {v} (to burn with no flame and little smoke)
:: schwelen, glimmen
smolder {v}
:: glosen
smooch {n} ((informal) a kiss)
:: Schmatzer {m}, Küsschen {n}, Bussi , Busserl {n}
smooch {v} ((informal) to kiss)
:: knutschen
smooth {adj} (lacking friction, not rough)
:: glatt
smooth {adj} (without difficulty)
:: reibungslos, problemlos
smooth {adj} (bland; glib)
:: glatt
smooth {adj} (mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain)
:: glatt
smooth {v} (make smooth)
:: glätten
smooth {v} (statistics: capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise)
:: glätten
smooth as a baby's bottom {adj} (very smooth)
:: weich wie ein Babypopo
smooth breathing {n} (diacritic mark in Greek)
:: Spiritus lenis {m}
smoothen {v} (make smooth)
:: glätten
smoothie {n} (smooth-talker)
:: aalglatter Bursche {m}
smoothie {n} (drink)
:: Smoothie {m}
smoothness {n} (condition of being smooth)
:: Glätte {f}
smooth snake {n} (Coronella austriaca)
:: Schlingnatter {f}
smorgasbord {n} (Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes, see also: buffet)
:: Smörgåsbord {n}, skandinavisches Büfett {n}
smother {v} (to suffocate)
:: ersticken
smother {v} (to extinguish or deaden)
:: ersticken
smother {v} (to reduce to a low degree of vigor or activity)
:: dämpfen, unterdrücken
SMS {n} (a text message sent on a cell phone)
:: SMS {f} {n}, SMS-Nachricht {f}, Textnachricht {f}
smudge {n} (a blemish; a smear)
:: Fleck {m}
smudge {v} (to obscure by blurring)
:: verschmieren, verwischen
smudge {v} (to soil or smear with dirt)
:: verschmieren, verwischen
smug {adj} (irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied)
:: blasiert, eingebildet, selbstgefällig, süffisant, selbstzufrieden, dünkelhaft, arrogant, überheblich
smuggle {v} (to import or export, illicitly or by stealth, without paying lawful customs charges or duties)
:: schmuggeln
smuggle {v} (to bring in surreptitiously)
:: schmuggeln
smuggler {n} (One who smuggles things)
:: Schmuggler {m}, Schmugglerin {f}
smuggling {n} (an act of something being smuggled)
:: Schmuggel {m}
smugness {n} (state or quality of being smug)
:: Selbstgefälligkeit {f}
smurf {n} (fictional character)
:: Schlumpf {m}
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot
Smyrna {prop} (city)
:: Smyrna
snack {n} (a light meal)
:: Imbiss {m}, Happen {m}, Snack {m}, Jause {f}
snack {n} (an item of food eaten between meals)
:: Zwischenmahlzeit {f}
snack {v} (to eat a light meal)
:: jausnen
snack bar {n} (a small restaurant serving light meals)
:: Imbissstube {f}, Imbiss {m}
snafu {n}
:: chaotisch, Panne {f}, Chaos {n}
snag {n} (stump or base of a branch)
:: Aststumpf {m}, Aststummel {m}
snag {n} (tree fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable water)
:: Baumstumpf {m}
snag {n} (tooth projecting beyond the rest)
:: Zahnstumpf {m}
snag {n} (pulled thread or yarn)
:: Fadenzieher {m}
snag {n} (problem or difficulty)
:: Haken {m}, springender Punkt {m}
snag {v} (slang: to pick up)
:: sich schnappen, ergattern
snagging list {n} (list of construction problems) SEE: punch list
snail {n} (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell)
:: Schnecke {f} (any animal of the class Gastropoda, also without shell), Gehäuseschnecke {f}
snailfish {n} (marine fish)
:: Scheibenbauch {m}
snail mail {n} (postal mail)
:: Schneckenpost {f}, Snailmail {f} Snail-Mail {f}
snail's pace {n} (a very slow pace)
:: Schneckentempo {n}
snake {n} (legless reptile)
:: Schlange {f}, Wurm {m}
snake {v} (to move in a winding path)
:: winden, sich winden, schlängeln
snakebite {n} (the bite of a snake)
:: Schlangenbiss {m}
snakebite {n}
:: Schlangenbiß {m}
snake charmer {n} (snake charmer)
:: Schlangenbeschwörer {m}, Schlangenbeschwörerin {f}
snake charming {n} (snake charming)
:: Schlangenbeschwörung {f}
snake eagle {n} (bird of prey)
:: Schlangenadler {m}
snakefly {n} (insect of order Raphidioptera)
:: Kamelhalsfliege {f}
snake gourd {n} (plant or produce of Trichosanthes cucumerina)
:: Schlangengurke {f}, Schlangenkürbis {m}, Schlangenhaargurke {f}
snakehead {n} (fish)
:: Schlangenkopffisch {m}
snake oil {n} (fraudulent, ineffective potion or nostrum)
:: Quacksalberprodukt {n}
snap {n} (quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound)
:: Knacken {n}, Knallen {n}
snap {n} (attempt to seize, bite, attack, or grab)
:: Schnappen {n}, Zuschnappen {n}
snap {n} (act of of producing sound with fingers)
:: Schnippen {n}, Schnalzen {n}
snap {n} (fastening device)
:: Schnappverschluss {m}
snap {n} (informal: photograph)
:: Schnappschuss {m}
snap {n} (thin circular cookie or similar good)
:: Keks {m}
snap {n} (brisk, cold weather that passes quickly)
:: Brise {f}
snap {n} (very short period of time, or task)
:: Augenblick {m}
snap {n} (football: hike)
:: Snap {m}
snap {v} (to break apart suddenly or at once)
:: abbrechen
snap {v} (to give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise; to crack)
:: krachen
snap {v} (to attempt to seize with the teeth or bite)
:: zuschnappen
snap {v} (to attempt to seize with eagerness)
:: schnappen
snap {v} (to speak abruptly or sharply)
:: blaffen
snap {v} (to give way abruptly and loudly)
:: zerreißen
snap {v} (to suffer a mental breakdown)
:: durchdrehen, ausrasten , überschnappen
snap {v} (to flash or appear to flash as with light)
:: aufblitzen
snap {v} (to fit or fasten together with a snapping sound)
:: zusammenschnappen, zuschnappen
snap {v} (to snatch with or like with the teeth)
:: beißen, zuschnappen
snap {v} (to pull apart with a snapping sound)
:: abreißen
snap {v} (to say abruptly or sharply)
:: schnappen
snap {v} (to speak to abruptly or sharply; to treat snappishly)
:: schnappen
snap {v} (to close something using a snap as a fastener)
:: zuschanppen
snap {v} (to snap one's fingers)
:: schnipsen, schnalzen, schnippen
snap {v} (to take a photograph; to photograph)
:: knipsen, einen Schnappschuss machen
snap {v} (to pass the ball from the center to a back, to hike the ball)
:: zurückpassen
snap {v} (to misfire)
:: losgehen
snap bean {n} (unripe or green fruit pod of a bean plant) SEE: green bean
snapdragon {n} (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum)
:: Löwenmäulchen {n}, Löwenmäuler {n-p}
snap election {n} (election called before the regularly scheduled time)
:: vorgezogene Neuwahl {f}
snap fastener {n} (fastening mechanism)
:: Druckknopf {m}
snap one's fingers {v} (create a sound with one's fingers)
:: mit den Fingern schnippen
snappish {adj} (likely to snap or bite)
:: bissig
snappish {adj} (exhibiting irritation)
:: patzig, schnippisch
snapshot {n} (A photograph)
:: Schnappschuss {m}
snapshot {n} (A glimpse of something)
:: Momentaufnahme {f}
snapshot {v} (to take a snapshot of)
:: einen Schnappschuss machen von
snap up {v} (to buy quickly)
:: sich schnappen
snare {n} (trap)
:: Schlinge {f}, Falle {f}
snare drum {n} (tubular drum)
:: kleine Trommel {f}, Schnarrtrommel {f}, Snare {f}, Rührtrommel {f}
Snares penguin {n} (Penguin)
:: Snaresinselpinguin {m}
Snark {prop} (fantastical monster)
:: Schnark, Schnatz
snarky {adj} (sarcastic and irreverent)
:: bissig, spöttelnd, sarkastisch, beißend, maliziös, abfällig
snarl {n} (knot or complication of hair, thread, or the like, difficult to disentangle)
:: wirres Knäuel {n}
snarl {v} (To growl)
:: knurren
snarl {n} (act of snarling)
:: Fletschen {n}
snarling {n} (the act of producing a snarl)
:: knurrend
snatch {v} (to steal)
:: klauen, stehlen
snatch {n} (competitive weightlifting event)
:: Reißen {n}
snath {n} (shaft of a scythe)
:: Sensenwurf
snazziness {n} (Elegance in manner of dress)
:: Eleganz {f}
snazzy {adj} (elegantly dressed, stylish, flashy)
:: schick
sneak {n} (a cheat; con artist; trickster)
:: Duckmäuser {m}, Duckmäuserin {f}, Kriecher {m}, Kriecherin {f}
sneak {v} (to creep)
:: schleichen
sneak {v} (to take something stealthily)
:: stehlen
sneak {v} (to inform an authority about another's misdemeanours)
:: vernadern, verpetzen
sneaker {n} (one who sneaks)
:: Schleicher {m}, Schleicherin {f}
sneaker {n} (leisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers)
:: Turnschuhe {m-p}, Leinenschuhe {m-p}, Schnürschuhe {m-p}, Sneakers {m-p}, Sportschuhe {m-p}, Tennisschuhe {m-p},
sneakernet {n} (method of transferring a computer file from one computer to another by copying it to an external storage device, carrying the device to the other computer, and saving the file there)
:: Turnschuhnetzwerk {n}
sneak up {v} (to sneak up on)
:: sich anschleichen
sneaky {adj} (difficult to catch due to constantly outwitting the adversaries)
:: raffiniert
sneaky {adj} (dishonest; deceitful)
:: duckmäuserig, hinterhältig
sneer {v} (raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn)
:: grinsen
sneeze {v} (expel air as a reflex)
:: niesen
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing)
:: Niesen {n}
snell {n} (short line to attach a hook or lure to heavier line)
:: Mundschnur {f}
snicker {n} (stifled laugh)
:: Kichern {n}, Gekicher {n}
snicker {v} (to emit a snicker)
:: kichern
snide {adj} (nasty, sarcastic)
:: abfällig, verächtlich, herabsetzend, spöttisch
sniff {v} (to make a short audible inhalation)
:: schnüffeln, züngeln (for reptiles)
sniffle {v} (to make a whimpring sound when breathing)
:: schnüffeln
snifter {n} (pear-shaped glass)
:: Kognakglas {n}, Kognakschwenker {m}
snipe {n} (bird of the family Scolopacidae)
:: Schnepfe {f}
sniper {n} (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position)
:: Heckenschütze {m}, Heckenschützin {f}, Scharfschütze {m}, Scharfschützin {f}
sniper rifle {n} (long-range rifle)
:: Scharfschützengewehr {n}
snippet {n} (a tiny piece or part)
:: Stück {n}, Teil {n}, Schnipsel {m}
snitch {v} (steal)
:: klauen, stibitzen
snitch {v} (inform on)
:: petzen, verpetzen, verpfeifen
snitch {v} (contact or cooperate with the police)
:: Spitzeldienste verrichten, Spitzeldienste erledigen
snitch {n} (thief)
:: Dieb {m}, Langfinger {m}
snitch {n} (informer, usually one who betrays his group)
:: Spitzel {m}, Informant {m}
snivel {n}
:: schniefen
Sněžka {prop} (mountain)
:: Schneekoppe
snob {n} (person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes)
:: Snob {m}, Wichtigtuer {m}, Schnösel {m}, Schickimicki {m}
snobbery {n} (the property or trait of being a snob)
:: Snobismus {m}
snobbish {adj} (having the property of being a snob)
:: dünkelhaft, schnöselig, blasiert, großtuerisch, hochnäsig, bourgeois; snobistisch, versnobt
snobby {adj} (characteristic of a snob)
:: snobistisch, versnobt, Schickimicki
snood {n} (hairnet) SEE: hairnet
snood {n} (band or ribbon for keeping the hair in place)
:: Haarnetz {n}, Haarband {n}
snood {n} (short line to attach a fishhook to a line)
:: Mundschnur {f}
snood {n} (neckwarmer) SEE: neckwarmer
snooker {n} (cue sport)
:: Snooker
snoop {v} (to be devious and cunning so as not to be seen)
:: spionieren
snoop {v} (to secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others)
:: spionieren, schnüffeln
snoop {n} (the act of snooping)
:: Schnüffeln {n}
snoop {n} (one who snoops)
:: Schnüffler {m}, Schnüfflerin {f}
snoop {n} (a private detective)
:: Schnüffler {m}, Privatdetektiv {m}
snoop around {v} (to snoop)
:: herumspionieren, spionieren
Snoopy {prop} (pet beagle)
:: Snoopy
snoot {v} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle
snootful {n} (significant amount of ingested alcohol)
:: sternhagelvoll
snooty {adj} (pompous)
:: hochnäsig
snooze {v}
:: dösen, nicken, ein Nickerchen machen
snooze {n} (A period of sleep; a nap)
:: Schläfchen {n}, Nickerchen {n}
snore {v} (breathe during sleep with harsh noises)
:: schnarchen
snore {n} (act and noise of snoring)
:: Schnarchen {n}
snorer {n} (person who snores)
:: Schnarcher {m}, Schnarcherin {f}
snoring {n} (action or sound)
:: Schnarchen {n}
snoring rail {n} (bird)
:: Schnarchralle {f}
snorkel {n} (hollow tube used for breathing underwater)
:: Schnorchel {m}
snorkel {v} (use a snorkel)
:: schnorcheln
snort {n} (sound made by exhaling roughly through the nose)
:: Schnauben {n}
snort {v} (to exhale roughly through the nose)
:: schnupfen, schnauben
snort {v} (to inhale (usually a drug) through the nose)
:: schnupfen
snot {n} (mucus)
:: Rotz {m}, Rotze {f}, Schnodder {m}, Nasenschleim {m} (from nose only)
snot {n} (contemptible child)
:: Rotznase {f}
snottiness {n} (state or quality of being snotty)
:: Rotzigkeit {f}
snotty {adj} (dirtied with snot)
:: rotzig
snotty {adj} (ill-tempered, impertinent)
:: patzig, rotzig, rotznäsig
snout {n} (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast)
:: Schnauze {f}, Hundeschnauze {f}, Rüssel {m}, Schweinerüssel {m}
snout beetle {n} (a weevil)
:: Rüsselkäfer {m}
snout moth {n} (moth of the family Lasiocampidae) SEE: eggar
snow {n} (precipitation)
:: Schnee {m}
snow {n} (colour)
:: schneeweiß
snow {n} (TV noise)
:: Schnee {m}, Grieß {m}
snow {n} (cocaine)
:: Schnee {m}
snow {n} (collective precipitation)
:: Schneefall {m}
snow {v} (have snow fall from the sky)
:: schneien
snow angel {n} (design)
:: Schneeengel {m}
snowball {n} (ball of snow)
:: Schneeball {m}
snowball fight {n} (play fight)
:: Schneeballschlacht {f}
snowbank {n} (a heap of snow) SEE: snowdrift
snowbird {n} (dark-eyed junco)
:: Winterammer {f}, Junko {m}
snow-blind {adj} (blinded by abundance of reflected light)
:: schneeblind
snow blindness {n} (condition of the eyes caused by exposure to UV rays)
:: Schneeblindheit {f}
snowblower {n} (a device for clearing a path or road of snow)
:: Schneefräse {f}
snowboard {n} (board)
:: Snowboard {n}
snowboard {v} (to ride a snowboard)
:: snowboarden; snöben
snowboarder {n} (someone who snowboards)
:: Snowboarder {m}, Snowboarderin {f}; Snowboardfahrer {m}, Snowboardfahrerin {f}; Snöber {m}, Snöberin {f}
snowboarding {n} (the sport of sliding downhill on a snowboard)
:: Snowboarden {n}
snow bunting {n} (bird)
:: Schneeammer {f}
snow cannon {n} (machine that spurts out snow over pistes)
:: Schneekanone {f}
snowcat {n} (vehicle)
:: Pistenraupe {f}, Pistengerät {n}
snow chain {n} (a chain put on a wheel of a vehicle to give it more traction)
:: Schneekette {f}
snow cone {n} (crushed ice with flavoring)
:: Schneekegel {m}, rasiert Eis {n}
snowcone {n} (a frozen dessert)
:: Schneekegel {m}, rasiert Eis {n}
snow-covered {adj} (covered with snow)
:: schneebedeckt, verschneit
snow cream {n} (dessert made with milk or cream and snow)
:: Schneemilch
snow cream {n} (dessert made with cream, rosewater and sugar, which looks like snow)
:: Schneemilch
snowdrift {n} (bank of snow)
:: Schneewehe {f}, Schneeverwehung {f}
snowdrop {n} (plant)
:: Schneeglöckchen {n}
snowdropper {n} (one who steals clothing (especially women's underwear) from a clothesline)
:: Unterwäschedieb {m}, Unterwäschediebin {f}
snowed in {adj} (unable to get out of a place due to snow)
:: eingeschneit
snowfall {n} (instance of falling of snow)
:: Schneefall {m}
snowflake {n} (crystal)
:: Schneeflocke {f}
snowflake {n} (flower of the genus Leucojum)
:: Märzenbecher {m}
snowflake {n} (Plectrophenax nivalis) SEE: snow bunting
snow fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox
snow-free {adj} (not covered by snow)
:: schneefrei
snow globe {n} (decorative object)
:: Schneekugel {f}
snow goose {n} (Chen caerulescens)
:: Schneegans {f}
snowgun {n} (cannon that creates snow) SEE: snow cannon
snow in {v} (prevent from moving by a large snowfall)
:: einschneien
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia)
:: Schneeleopard {m}, Irbis {m}
snowless {adj} (without snow)
:: schneefrei, aper
snow load {n} (live load due to the weight of snow)
:: Schneelast {f}
snowmachine {n} (snowmobile) SEE: snowmobile
snowman {n} (figure made of snow)
:: Schneemann {m}
snowmobile {n} (vehicle)
:: Schneemobil {n}
snowmobiler {n} (snowmobile operator)
:: Schneemobilfahrer {m}, Schneemobilfahrerin {f}
snowmobilist {n} (snowmobiler) SEE: snowmobiler
snow pea {n} (cultivar of pea)
:: Kefe, Zuckerschote {f}
snow petrel {n} (small, pure white fulmarine petrel)
:: Schneesturmvogel {m}
snow plow {n} (vehicle)
:: Schneepflug {m}
snow plow {n} (in skiing)
:: Stemmbogen {m}, Pizzastück {n}
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice)
:: Schneekönigin {f}
snow sheep {n} (Ovis nivicola)
:: Schneeschaf {n}
snowshoe {n} (flat footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow)
:: Schneeschuh {m}
snow shovel {n} (a shovel designed specifically for the shovelling of snow)
:: Schneeschaufel {f}
snow shower {n} (snowfall leading to more snow than a flurry, but less than a snow storm)
:: Schneeschauer {m}
snowstorm {n} (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow)
:: Schneesturm {m}
snowthrower {n} (snowblower) SEE: snowblower
snow-white {adj} (as white as snow)
:: schneeweiß, schlohweiß
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen))
:: Schneewittchen {n}
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow-White and Rose-Red (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot))
:: Schneeweißchen {n}
snowy {adj} (white as snow) SEE: white as snow
snowy {adj} (snow-covered) SEE: snow-covered
snowy owl {n} (large white owl)
:: Schneeeule {f}, Schnee-Eule {f}
snub {n} (deliberate affront or slight)
:: Brüskierung {f}
snub {v} (to slight, ignore, behave coldly toward)
:: brüskieren, jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen
snub {v} (to turn down, dismiss)
:: ablehnen, abtun, ausschlagen
snubber {n} (device used to suppress transient forces)
:: Dämpfer {m}
snub nose {n} (a small stubby nose)
:: Stupsnase {f}
snub-nosed {adj} (having a small stubby nose)
:: stupsnasig
snuff {n} (fine-ground tobacco)
:: Schnupftabak {m}
snuffbox {n} (small box)
:: Schnupftabakdose {f}, Tabakdose {f}, Tabatiere {f}
snuffer {n} (candle snuffer) SEE: candle snuffer
snug {adj} (comfortable; cosy, cozy)
:: wohlig
snug {adj} (close fitting)
:: enganliegend ; passgenau
snug {n} (room in a pub)
:: Hinterraum {m}; gemütlicher Hinterraum {m}; gemütliche Ecke {f}; Separee {n}
snuggle {v} (to lie close to another person or thing, hugging or being cosy)
:: drücken, kuscheln, liebkosen
snugly {adv}
:: behaglich, gemütlich, mollig
so {n} (sol) SEE: sol
so {conj} (in order that)
:: damit, sodass, um ... zu
so {conj} (with the result that)
:: so
so {adv} (very)
:: so, sehr
so {adv} (to a particular extent)
:: so
so {adv} (in a particular manner)
:: so
so {adj} (true)
:: so
so {interj} (interjection used to introduce a new topic)
:: also
so {interj} (short for so what)
:: na und
soak {v} (to be saturated with liquid by being immersed in it)
:: durchnässen
soak {v} (to immerse in liquid to the point of saturation or thorough permeation)
:: tränken, einweichen
soak {v}
:: durchziehen
soak {n} (immersion in a liquid)
:: Einweichen {n}
soaked {adj} (drenched)
:: klatschnass, klitschnass, patschnass, pitschnass, pudelnass
soaked to the skin {adj}
:: nass bis auf die Knochen, völlig durchnässt, klatschnass
soaking wet {adj} (extremely wet)
:: klatschnass
so-and-so {n} (placeholder name)
:: der und der {m}, die und die {f}, das und das {n}
so-and-so {n} (anything generic)
:: so und so
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera
soap {n} (substance)
:: Seife {f}
soap {v} (apply soap in washing)
:: einseifen
soapbox {n} (soapbox car) SEE: soapbox car
soapbox car {n} (vehicle)
:: Seifenkiste {f}
soap bubble {n} (sphere of soap water)
:: Seifenblase {f}
soap dish {n} (a container for soap)
:: Seifenschale {f}
soapery {n} (factory making soap)
:: Seifenfabrik {f}
soapiness {n} (state or quality of being soapy)
:: Seifigkeit {f}
soapmaker {n} (maker of soap)
:: Seifensieder {m}
soapnut {n} (the drupe of Sapindus plants)
:: Waschnuss {f}
soap opera {n} (television serial)
:: Soap {f}, Seifenoper {f}
soapstone {n} (soft rock)
:: Speckstein {m}
soapwort {n} (herb)
:: Seifenkraut {n}
soapy {adj} (full of soap)
:: seifig
soar {v} (to fly aloft with little effort)
:: schweben
soar {v} (to mount upward on wings)
:: hochfliegen
soar {v} (to fly by means of a glider)
:: gleiten
soar {v} (to rise rapidly or high)
:: hochschnellen, aufstreben, hochragen
sob {n} (a cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath)
:: Schluchzen {n}, Schluchzer {m}
sob {v} (weep with convulsive gasps)
:: schluchzen
sob {v} (say (something) while sobbing)
:: schluchzen
sob {v}
:: schluchzen
SOB {n} (son of a bitch (abbreviation))
:: Huso {m}
soba {n} (Japanese buckwheat noodle)
:: Soba {n}
sobbing {n} (action of the verb "to sob")
:: Schluchzen {m}
so be it {phrase} (indication of acceptance)
:: so sei es, sei's drum
sober {adj} (not drunk)
:: nüchtern
sober {adj} (moderate)
:: nüchtern, besonnen, ernst
sober {adj} (dull)
:: gedeckt (of colours)
sober {v} (make or become sober)
:: ernüchtern
sober {v} (overcome intoxication)
:: ausnüchtern
sober up {v} (to become sober)
:: ernüchtern
sobriety {n} (quality or state of being sober)
:: Nüchternheit {f}, Ernsthaftigkeit {f} {f} , Gedecktheit {f}
sobriety {n} (quality or state of not being intoxicated)
:: Nüchternheit {f}
sobriquet {n} (familiar name for a person)
:: Beiname {m}, Spitzname {m}
sob story {n} (sad story)
:: Schnulze {f}, Schmachtfetzen {m}
socage {n} (medieval form of land tenure)
:: Frondienst {m}, Robath, Robot {f}
so-called {adj} (so named, but wrongly so)
:: sogenannt, sog.
so-called {adj} (so named)
:: sogenannt
soccer {n} (game)
:: Fußball {m}
soccer ball {n} (ball that is designed for use in the sport of soccer)
:: Fußball {m}
soccer field {n} (a playing field on which the game of soccer is played)
:: Fußballplatz {m}, Fußballfeld {n}
soccer mom {n} (overly ambitious mother)
:: Eislaufmutti
soccer player {n} (one who plays soccer)
:: Fußballspieler {m}
Sochi {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Sotschi {n}
sociable {adj} (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial)
:: gesellig
sociable lapwing {n} (Vanellus gregarius)
:: Steppenkiebitz {m}
sociable plover {n} (Vanellus gregarius) SEE: sociable lapwing
social {adj} (extroverted or outgoing)
:: kontaktfreudig, gesellig
social {adj} (relating to society)
:: sozial, Sozial-, gesellschaftlich
social climber {n} (one who tries to improve his or her social position)
:: Karrierist {m}
social contract {n} (agreement or contract)
:: Gesellschaftsvertrag {m}
social Darwinism {n} (theory)
:: Sozialdarwinismus {m}
social democracy {n} (moderate left-wing political philosophy)
:: Sozialdemokratie {f}
social democrat {n} (supporter of social democracy)
:: Sozialdemokrat {m}, Sozialdemokratin {f}
social democratic {adj} (of or pertaining to social democracy)
:: sozialdemokratisch
social distancing {n} (practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases)
:: soziale Distanzierung {f}, Social Distancing {n}, räumliche Distanzierung {f}, räumliche Trennung {f},
social group {n} (collection of humans or animals)
:: soziale Gruppe {f}
social housing {n} (affordable housing provided by public authorities or non-profit organizations)
:: Sozialwohnungen {f-p}, Sozialwohnung {f}, sozialer Wohnungsbau {m}
socialism {n} (political philosophy of social and economic equality)
:: Sozialismus {m}
socialism {n} (group of socialist political philosophies)
:: Sozialismus {m}
socialism {n} (intermediate phase of social development)
:: Sozialismus {m}
socialist {adj} (of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism)
:: sozialistisch
socialist {n} (one who practices or advocates socialism)
:: Sozialist {m}, Sozialistin {f}
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia {prop} (Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992)
:: Sozialistische Föderative Republik Jugoslawien {f}
socialistic {adj} (relating to socialism)
:: sozialistisch
socialist realism {n} (art style)
:: sozialistischer Realismus {m}
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam)
:: Sozialistische Republik Vietnam {f}
socialite {n} (person of prominence and influence)
:: Gesellschaftsdame {f}, Salonlöwe {m}
socialization {n} (sociology: the process of learning one’s culture)
:: Sozialisation {f}
socialize {v} (to interact with others)
:: gesellig sein
social justice warrior {n} (online activist who zealously promotes social justice causes)
:: Gutmensch
social media {n} (interactive forms of media)
:: soziale Medien {p} {n}
social murder {n} (systemic causation of premature death)
:: sozialer Mord {m}
social network {n} (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet)
:: Sozialnetzwerk {n}
social psychology {n} (study)
:: Sozialpsychologie {f}
social science {n} (branch of science)
:: Sozialwissenschaft {f}
social security {n} (system)
:: soziale Sicherheit {f}, Sozialversicherung
social security number {n} (corresponding number in other countries)
:: Sozialversicherungsnummer {f}
social studies {n} (study of various subjects)
:: Gemeinschaftskunde {f}
social work {n} (any of several professions concerned with providing social services)
:: soziale Arbeit {f}
social worker {n} (person whose profession is social work)
:: Sozialarbeiter {m}, Sozialarbeiterin {f}
societal {adj} (societal)
:: gesellschaftlich
society {n} (group of people sharing culture)
:: Gesellschaft {f}
society {n} (group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest)
:: Gesellschaft {f}
society {n} (people of one’s country or community as a whole)
:: Gesellschaft {f}
society {n} (high society) SEE: high society
Society of Jesus {prop} (Roman Catholic order)
:: Jesuiten {m-p}, Gesellschaft Jesu {f}
Socinian {n} (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination)
:: Sozinianer {m}, Sozinianerin {f}
Socinian {adj} (pertaining to the Socinians)
:: sozinianisch {m}
sociobiology {n} (science that applies the principles of evolutionary biology to the study of social behaviour)
:: Soziobiologie {f}
sociogram {n} (graphic representation of the structure of interpersonal relations in a group situation)
:: Soziogramm {n}
sociolect {n} (variant of language used by a social group)
:: Soziolekt {m}
sociolinguistic {adj} (pertaining to sociolinguistics)
:: soziolinguistisch
sociolinguistics {n} (the study of social and cultural effects on language)
:: Soziolinguistik {f}
sociological {adj} (of or pertaining to sociology)
:: soziologisch
sociologically {adv} (sociologically)
:: soziologisch
sociologist {n} (scientist studying the field of sociology)
:: Soziologe {m}, Soziologin {f}
sociology {n} (study of society, human social interactions, etc.)
:: Soziologie {f}, Gesellschaftskunde {f}
sociopath {n} (person with antisocial personality disorder)
:: Soziopath {m}, Soziopathin {f}
sociopathy {n} (personality disorder)
:: Soziopathie {f}
sociopolitical {adj} (socio-political) SEE: socio-political
socio-political {adj} (of or pertaining to a combination of social and political factors)
:: sozialpolitisch
sock {n} (covering for the foot)
:: Socke {f}
sock {n} (sock puppet) SEE: sock puppet
socket {n} (mechanical opening)
:: Steckdose {f}, Buchse {f}, Fassung {f} (light bulb), Sockel {m} (chip)
socket wrench {n} (A type of wrench)
:: Ratsche {f}
sockeye {n} (a type of fish)
:: Rotlachs {m}
sock puppet {n} (simple puppet made from a sock)
:: Sockenpuppe {f}
sock puppet {n} (second account created by a user in an online community)
:: Sockenpuppe {f}
Socrates {prop} (Greek philosopher)
:: Sokrates {m}
Socratic {adj} (characteristic of the philosopher Socrates)
:: sokratisch
Socratic {n} (follower of Socrates)
:: Sokratiker {m}
Socratic method {prop}
:: sokratische Methode {f}, Mäeutik {f}, Maieutik {f}
soda {n} (sodium carbonate)
:: Soda {f}
soda {n} (carbonated water)
:: Sprudel {m}, saurer Sprudel {m}, Soda {f}, Sprudelwasser {n}
soda {n} (sweet, carbonated drink)
:: Limonade {f}, Brause {f}, süßer Sprudel {m}
sodalite {n} (mineral)
:: Sodalith {m}
sodality {n} (companionship) SEE: companionship
soda pop {n} (sweetened, carbonated beverage)
:: Erfrischungsgetränk {n}
soda water {n} (water with carbon dioxide)
:: Sodawasser {n}, Sprudelwasser {n}, Sprudel {m}
sodium {n} (reactive metal)
:: Natrium {n}
sodium acetate trihydrate {n}
:: Natrium acetate-3-wasser
sodium benzoate {n} (the sodium salt of benzoic acid)
:: Natriumbenzoat
sodium bicarbonate {n} (salt of sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid)
:: Natriumbicarbonat {n}, Natriumbikarbonat, Natriumhydrogencarbonat {n}, Natriumhydrogenkarbonat {n}
sodium bicarbonate {n} (used as a raising agent)
:: Natron {n}
sodium bisulfite {n} (the compound NaHSO3)
:: Natriumbisulfit {n}, Natriumhydrogensulfit {n}
sodium bromide {n} (sodium salt of hydrobromic acid)
:: Natriumbromid
sodium carbonate {n} (Na2CO3)
:: Natriumcarbonat {n}, Natriumkarbonat {n}
sodium channel {n} (system of proteins that transports sodium ions through cell membranes)
:: Natriumkanal {m}
sodium chlorate {n} (NaClO3)
:: Natriumchlorat
sodium chloride {n} (chemical term for table salt; NaCl)
:: Natriumchlorid {n}
sodium cyanide {n} (inorganic compound)
:: Natriumcyanid
sodium hydrogen carbonate {n} (NaHCO3) SEE: sodium bicarbonate
sodium hydrogen phosphate {n} (acid sodium salt of phosphoric acid)
:: Dinatriumhydrogenphosphat {n}
sodium hydroxide {n} (caustic alkali)
:: Natriumhydroxid {n}
sodium lamp {n} (sodium vapor lamp) SEE: sodium vapor lamp
sodium nitrate {n} (sodium salt of nitric acid)
:: Natriumnitrat {n}, Salpeter, Natronsalpeter {m}, Chilesalpeter {m}
sodium sulfate {n} (Na2SO4)
:: Natriumsulfat {n}
sodium sulfide {n} (Na2S)
:: Natriumsulfid {n}
sodium thiosulfate {n} (inorganic compound used in iodometry, photographic processing, gold extraction, etc.)
:: Natriumthiosulfat {n}, Fixiersalz {n}
sodium vapor lamp {n} (type of street lamp)
:: Natriumdampflampe {f}
sod off {v} (go away)
:: Leine ziehen
Sodom {prop} (city in the Middle East)
:: Sodom {n}
sodomise {v} (to perform anal sex)
:: sodomisieren
sodomite {n} (one who practices sodomy)
:: Sodomit {m}
sodomy {n} (sex held to be unnatural)
:: Sodomie {f} (bestiality)
sodomy {n} (anal sex, see also: anal sex)
:: Analverkehr {m}, Sodomie {f}
sofa {n} (upholstered seat)
:: Sofa {n}, Couch {f}
sofa-bed {n} (sofa that unfolds into a bed)
:: Schlafsofa {n}
so far {adv} (until now; previously; yet)
:: bislang, bisher, bis jetzt
so far so good {proverb} (up to this point, all is OK)
:: so weit, so gut
soffit {n} (visible underside of an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, staircase, vault or any other architectural element)
:: Soffitte {f}
Sofia {prop} (the capital city of Bulgaria)
:: Sofia
Sofian {adj} (from Sofia)
:: Sofioter
Sofian {n} (someone from Sofia)
:: Sofioter {m}, Sofioterin {f}
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish
soft {adj} (giving way under pressure)
:: weich
soft {adj} (of a cloth)
:: weich
soft {adj} (gentle)
:: sanft
soft {adj} (of a sound)
:: leise
soft {adj} (lacking strength or resolve)
:: weich
soft as a baby's bottom {adj} (extremely soft)
:: sanft wie ein Babypopo
softball {n} (game)
:: Softball {m}
soft-boiled {adj} (of an egg)
:: weichgekocht
soft cheese {n} (A standard type of infirm and little-ripened cheese)
:: Weichkäse {f}
soft drink {n} (sweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage)
:: Erfrischungsgetränk {n}, Limonade {f}, Brause {f}, Sprudel {m}, Sprudelsaft {m}
softener {n} (water softener) SEE: water softener
softener {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener
softhearted {adj} (gentle)
:: weichherzig
soft hyphen {n} (a generally invisible text character marking a point where hyphenation can occur without forcing a line break in an inconvenient place if the text is later reflowed)
:: weiches Trennzeichen {n}, bedingter Trennstrich {m}, weicher Trennstrich {m}, bedingtes Trennzeichen {n}
softness {n} (the quality of being soft)
:: Weichheit {f}
soft palate {n} (tissue)
:: weicher Gaumen {m}
soft-pedal {v} (to damp)
:: herunterspielen
soft power {n} (political influence that is extended by means of diplomacy, international assistance, cultural exchanges, etc.)
:: Soft Power {f}, weiche Macht {f}
soft roe {n} (milt) SEE: milt
soft serve {n} (frozen dessert)
:: Softeis {n}
soft-shell turtle {n} (Any turtle of the family Trionychidae)
:: Weichschildkröte {f}
soft sign {n} (Cyrillic letter Ь/ь)
:: weiches Zeichen {n}, Weichheitszeichen {n}
soft skill {n} (personal skill that is usually interpersonal, non-specialized, and difficult to quantify)
:: soziale Kompetenz {f}, Soft Skills {p}
soft-spoken {adj} (having a pleasant, gentle, mild manner of speech; speaking gently or quietly)
:: mit sanfter und leiser Stimme , der leisen Töne , ruhig sprechend, leise sprechend
soft spot {n} (fontanelle) SEE: fontanelle
soft spot {n} (sentimental fondness or affection)
:: Faible {n}, Schwäche {f}
soft spot {n} (point of vulnerability)
:: Schwachstelle {f}
software {n} (encoded computer instructions)
:: Software {f}
software architecture {n} (Translations)
:: Softwarearchitektur {f}, Software-Architektur {f}
software configuration management {n} (controlling and tracking changes made to software files)
:: Software-Configuration-Management {n}, Softwarekonfigurationsmanagement {n}
software engineering {n} (subfield of engineering concerned with the development, operation, and maintenance of software)
:: Softwaretechnik {f}
software framework {n} (abstraction used in software development)
:: Framework {n}, Programmiergerüst {n}
soft water {n} (water with a low concentration of dissolved minerals)
:: weiches Wasser {n}
softwood {n} (wood from any conifer)
:: Nadelholz {n}
softwood {n} (commercial timber from any conifer)
:: Nadelholz {n}
softwood {n} (tree that yields the timber)
:: Nadelgewächs {n}, Nadelholzgewächs {n}, Nadelholz {n}
softwood {n} (commercial timber in general)
:: Holz {n}, Bauholz {n}
softwood {n}
:: Weichholz {n}
Sogdian {adj} (of or relating to Sogdiana)
:: sogdisch
Sogdian {prop} (the Sogdian language)
:: Sogdisch {n}
Sogdiana {prop} (an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization)
:: Sogdien
so help me God {phrase} (phrase used as a promise that an action will be carried out)
:: so wahr mir Gott helfe
soil {n} (mixture of sand and organic material)
:: Erde {f}, Grund {m}
soil {n} (mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants)
:: Boden {m}
soil {v} (to make dirty)
:: verschmutzen, beschmutzen
soil fertility {n} (ability of a soil to sustain plant growth)
:: Bodenfruchtbarkeit {f}
soiree {n} (formal evening party)
:: Soiree {f}
sojourn {n} (A short stay somewhere)
:: Aufenthalt {m}
sojourn {n} (A temporary residence)
:: Unterkunft {f}, Obdach {n}, Übernachtungsmöglichkeit {f}
sojourn {v} (Stay temporarily)
:: sich aufhalten, verweilen, weilen, residieren
sol {n} (type of colloid)
:: Sol {n}
solace {n} (consolation)
:: Trost {m}
solace {n} (source of comfort)
:: Trost {m}
solace {v} (to give solace to)
:: trösten
solanine {n} (poisonous glycoalkaloid found in many species of nightshade)
:: Solanin {n}
solar {adj} (of or pertaining to the sun)
:: solar, Sonnen-
solar calendar {n} (a calendar based on the movement of the Earth around the Sun)
:: Sonnenkalender {m}
solar cell {n} (semiconductor device)
:: Solarzelle {f}
solar corona {n} (upper atmosphere of the sun)
:: Sonnenkorona {f}
solar day {n} (time for a planet to rotate once relative to the sun)
:: Sonnentag {m}, Solartag {m}
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun)
:: Sonnenfinsternis {f}
solar energy {n} (energy from the sun)
:: Sonnenenergie {f}, Solarenergie {f}
solar flare {n} (violent explosion)
:: Sonneneruption {f}, chromosphärische Eruption {f}
Solarian {n} (inhabitant of the Sun)
:: Sonnenbewohner {m}, Sonnenbewohnerin {f}
solarium {n} (establishment where one can rent sunbeds)
:: Solarium {n}
solar mass {n} (unit)
:: Sonnenmasse {f}
solar oil {n}
:: Solaröl {n}
solar panel {n} (array of connected solar cells)
:: Solarmodul {n}, Sonnenkollektor {m}, Photovoltaikmodul {n}
solar plexus {n} (a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach)
:: Solarplexus {m}, Sonnengeflecht {n}
solar radiation {n} (all the electromagnetic radiation and subatomic particles radiated from the sun)
:: Sonnenstrahlung {f}
solar sail {n} (a sail-like structure on a spacecraft)
:: Sonnensegel {n}, Solarsegel {n}
solar system {n} (any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star)
:: Sonnensystem {n}
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System
Solar System {prop} (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it)
:: Sonnensystem {n}
solar thermal collector {n}
:: Sonnenkollektor
solar wind {n} (outflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space)
:: Sonnenwind {m}
solder {n} (any of various alloys that are used to join small pieces of metal together)
:: Lötmetall {n}, Lot {n}, Lötdraht {m}, Lötzinn {n}
solder {v} (to join with solder)
:: löten
soldering {n} (method of joining two metallic surfaces by melting an alloy between them)
:: Löten {n}, Lötung {f}, Verlötung {f}
soldering iron {n} (tool)
:: Lötkolben {m}
soldier {n} (member of an army)
:: Soldat {m}, Soldatin {f}
soldier {n} (someone who fights or toils well)
:: Kämpfer {m}
soldier fly {n} (insect)
:: Waffenfliege {f}
soldiery {n} (soldiers considered as a group)
:: Soldaten {m-p}, Soldatinnen {f-p}
soldiery {n} (the profession or skill of being a soldier)
:: Heeresdienst {m}, Kriegsdienst {m}, Präsensdienst {m}, Wehrdienst {m}
sold out {adj} (completely sold)
:: ausverkauft
sold-out {adj} (having been entirely sold)
:: ausverkauft
sole {adj} (only)
:: einzig
sole {adj} (unmarried; widowed)
:: ledig, unverheiratet, alleinstehend
sole {n} (bottom of the foot)
:: Fußsohle {f}
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot)
:: Sohle {f}
sole {n} (fish)
:: Seezunge {f}
sole {v} (put a sole on (a shoe or boot))
:: besohlen
solecism {n} (error in the use of language)
:: Solözismus {m}, Sprachschnitzer {m}, Sprachsünde {f}
solely {adv} (exclusively)
:: nur, einzig und allein, ausschließlich, exklusiv, allein, alleinig
solemn {adj} (deeply serious and somber)
:: ernst
solemn {adj} (performed with great ceremony)
:: feierlich
solemnity {n} (feast day of the highest rank)
:: Hochfest {n}
solemnness {n} (solemnity) SEE: solemnity
solenodon {n} (small nocturnal insectivorous mammal with long snout and venomous saliva)
:: Schlitzrüssler {m}
solenoid {n} (solenoid)
:: Spule {f}, Magnetspule {f}
soleus {n} (muscle)
:: Schollenmuskel {m}
solfatara {n} (area of volcanic activity giving off sulfurous steam)
:: Solfatare {f}
solicit {v} (to persistently endeavor)
:: anfordern, bedrängen, erbitten, nachsuchen
solicit {v} (to woo; to court)
:: werben, den Hof machen
solicit {v} (to persuade or incite)
:: anstiften, beschwatzen, überreden
solicit {v} (to disturb or trouble; to harass)
:: belästigen, stören
solicitor {n}
:: Solicitor {m}, Rechtsanwalt {m}, der nicht vor höheren Gerichten auftritt
solicitous {adj} (eager to obtain something)
:: beflissen, dienstbeflissen, sorgsam
solicitous {adj} (anxious or concerned)
:: besorgt, fürsorglich
solid {adj} (in the solid state)
:: fest
solid {adj} (large, massive)
:: fest, massiv
solid {adj} (lacking holes or hollows)
:: kompakt
solid {adj} (extremely filling)
:: deftig
solid {adj} (strong, unyielding (as of foundations etc))
:: solide, robust
solid {adj} (lacking errors or inconsistencies)
:: bündig
solid {adj} (typography: written as one word)
:: zusammengeschrieben
solid {adj} (of one color)
:: einfarbig
solid {n} (chemistry: fundamental state of matter)
:: Festkörper {m}, Feststoff {m}
solid {n} (geometry: three-dimensional object)
:: Körper {m}
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy)
:: Solidarität {f}
solidarity {n} (psychological or material support)
:: Solidarität {f}, Unterstützung {f}
solidify {v} (transitive: to make solid; convert into a solid body)
:: erstarren
solidity {n} (the state or quality of being solid)
:: Festigkeit {f}
solid rocket {n} (rocket engine)
:: Feststoffraketentriebwerk {n}, Feststoffraketenantrieb {m}
solid rocket {n} (rocket)
:: Feststoffrakete {f}
solidus {n} (slash) SEE: slash
solidus {n} (Roman gold coin)
:: Solidus {m}
solifugid {n} (camel spider) SEE: camel spider
soliloquy {n} (act of a character speaking to himself)
:: Selbstgespräch {n}
soliloquy {n} (speech or written discourse in this form)
:: Selbstgespräch {n}, Monolog {m}
solipede {n} (mammal with a single hoof on each foot)
:: Einhufer {m}
solipsism {n} (theory)
:: Solipsismus {m}
solipsism {n} (self-absorption)
:: Selbstbezogenheit {f}, Ichbezogenheit {f}, Selbstzentriertheit {f}, Selbstsucht {f}, Egoismus {m}
solipsist {adj}
:: solipsistisch
solipsist {n}
:: Solipsist {m}
solipsistic {adj} (solipsistic)
:: solipsistisch
solipsistic {adj} (self-centered, selfish)
:: selbstbezogen
solitaire {n} (person who lives alone) SEE: solitary
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience
solitaire {n} (Peg solitaire)
:: Solitär {m}
solitariness {n} (state or quality of being solitary)
:: Einsamkeit {f}, Einsiedlerdasein {n}
solitary {n} (one who lives alone)
:: Einsiedler {m}, Einsiedlerin {f}
solitary {adj} (living alone or being by oneself)
:: alleinstehend, einsiedlerisch
solitary {adj} (performed, passed, or endured alone)
:: einsam
solitary {adj} (not much visited or frequented; remote from society)
:: abgeschieden, verlassen
solitary {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement
solitary confinement {n} (forced isolation)
:: Isolationshaft {f}
solitary sandpiper {n} (Tringa solitaria)
:: Einsamer Wasserläufer {m}
soliton {n} (self-reinforcing travelling wave)
:: Soliton {n}
solitude {n} (state of being alone)
:: Einsamkeit {f}, Alleinsein {n}
solo {n} (piece of music for one)
:: Solo {n}
solo {n} (job or performance done by one person)
:: Solo {n}
solo {n} (card game)
:: Solo {n}
solo {adj} (without a companion or instructor)
:: einzeln
solo {adj} (of a musical solo)
:: solo
solo {v} (to perform a solo)
:: ein Solo spielen
solo {v} (to perform something in the absence of anyone else)
:: allein machen
soloist {n} (a person who performs a solo)
:: Solist {m}, Solistin {f}
Solomon {prop} (king of Israel)
:: Salomo {m}, Salomon {m}, Solomon {m}
Solomon Islands {prop} (A country in Melanesia)
:: Salomonen
Solomon's seal {n} (plant of genus Polygonatum)
:: Weißwurz {f}, Salomonissiegel {n}
solonchak {n} (soil type)
:: Solontschak {m}
so long {interj} (informal: goodbye)
:: bis bald
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as
Solothurn {prop} (canton)
:: Solothurn
Solothurn {prop} (city)
:: Solothurn
solstice {n} (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun)
:: Sonnenwende {f}
solstitial {adj} (pertaining to a solstice)
:: Sonnenwend-, Sonnwend-
solstitial {adj} (occurring on a solstice)
:: Sonnenwend-, Sonnwend-
solubility {n} (the condition of being soluble)
:: Löslichkeit {f}
solubility product {n} (product of the individual solubilities of the cation and anion of a salt)
:: Löslichkeitsprodukt {n}
soluble {adj} (able to be dissolved)
:: löslich
soluble {adj} (able to be solved or explained)
:: lösbar
solution {n} (liquid mixture)
:: Lösung {f}
solution {n} (an act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.)
:: Lösung {f}
solution {n} (answer to a problem (mathematics))
:: Lösung {f}
solvable {adj} (capable of being solved)
:: lösbar
solvable {adj} (capable of being dissolved)
:: löslich
solve {v} (to find an answer or solution)
:: lösen
solvency {n} (ability to pay debts)
:: Solvenz {f}, Zahlungsfähigkeit {f}
solvent {n} (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute)
:: Lösemittel {n}, Lösungsmittel {n}
solvent {adj} (able to pay all debts)
:: solvent, zahlungsfähig, liquid, flüssig
solyanka {n} (a thick, spicy and sour soup in Russian and Ukrainian cuisine)
:: Soljanka {f}
Somali {n} (a language)
:: Somali {n}, Somalisch {n}
Somali {n} (a person from Somalia or of Somali descent)
:: Somali {m} {f}, Somalier {m}, Somalierin {f}
Somali {adj} (pertaining to Somalia)
:: somalisch
Somalia {prop} (country in the Horn of Africa)
:: Somalia {n}
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali
Somaliland {prop} (unrecognized state)
:: Somaliland {n}
somatic {adj} (relating to the body of an organism)
:: somatisch
somatic symptom disorder {n} (Physical symptoms that cannot be explained by a general medical condition)
:: Somatoforme Störung
somatization {n} (generation of physical symptoms for a psychiatric disorder)
:: Somatisierung {f}
somatoform disorder {n} (psychiatric disorder in which physical symptoms are experienced, for which no apparent physical cause can be found)
:: Somatoforme Störung
sombre {adj} (dark; gloomy, dimly lit)
:: dunkel, düster, finster, trübe
sombre {adj} (dull or dark in colour)
:: matt, stumpf, dunkel, finster, dunkel, trüb, trübe
sombre {adj} (melancholy; dismal)
:: verhalten, trübe, freudlos, traurig, düster, finster, schwermütig
sombre {adj} (grave)
:: ernst, schwerwiegend
sombrero {n} (hat)
:: Sombrero
sombre tit {n} (Poecile lugubris)
:: Trauermeise {f}
some {pron} (certain number)
:: einige, manche
some {pron} (indefinite quantity or number)
:: ein paar, einige {p}, einige {p}
some {pron} (indefinite amount, part)
:: etwas
some {determiner} (certain proportion of)
:: einige, manche
some {determiner} (unspecified quantity or number of)
:: einige, welche, ein paar
some {determiner} (unspecified amount of)
:: etwas
some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown)
:: irgendein
some {determiner} (considerable quantity or number of)
:: einige, etliche
some {adv} (approximately, roughly)
:: ungefähr, etwa, um
somebody {pron} (some unspecified person)
:: jemand; einer; wer
someday {adv} (sometime; at some time in the future)
:: eines Tages, irgendwann
somehow {adv} (in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated)
:: irgendwie
someone {pron} (some person)
:: jemand, einer
someone else {pron} (some other person)
:: jemand anders, jemand anderes
somersault {n} (the act of going head over heels)
:: Salto {m}, Überschlag {m}, Kopsibolter {m}, Purzelbaum {m}
something {pron} (unspecified object)
:: etwas
something {pron} (a small quantity)
:: klein
something {pron} (talent that is hard to pin down)
:: Etwas {n}, etwas
something else {n} (exceptional, out of the ordinary, unusual)
:: etwas anderes
something is rotten in the state of Denmark {phrase} (Hamlet quotation, used in other contexts to mean "something is not right")
:: etwas ist faul im Staate Dänemark
some time {n} (a period of some length)
:: geraume Zeit
sometime {adj} (occasional) SEE: occasional
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes
sometime {adv} (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future)
:: irgendwann
sometimes {adv} (on certain occasions, but not always)
:: manchmal
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something
somewhat {adv} (limited extent)
:: etwas, einigermaßen
somewhen {adv} (at some time; indefinitely; some time or other, sometime)
:: irgendwann
somewhere {adv} (in some place)
:: irgendwo
somewhere {adv} (to some place)
:: irgendwohin
somewhere else {adv} (in or at some other place)
:: woanders, anderswo
somewhere else {adv} (to some other place)
:: woanders, anderswo
somewhither {adv} (to some place) SEE: somewhere
sommelier {n} (wine steward / stewardess, wine waiter / waitress)
:: Weinkellner {m}, Weinkellnerin {f}, Sommelier {m}, Sommelière {f}
somnambulate {v} (to walk while sleeping)
:: schlafwandeln
somnambulation {n} (sleepwalking) SEE: sleepwalking
somnambulism {n} (sleepwalking)
:: Schlafwandeln {n}, Somnambulismus {m}, Somnambulie {f}
somnambulist {n} (a sleepwalker)
:: Schlafwandler {m}
somnolence {n} (a state of drowsiness or sleepiness)
:: Somnolenz {f}, Schläfrigkeit {f}
somnolent {adj} (drowsy)
:: schläfrig
somnolent {adj} (soporific)
:: einschläfernd
so much {adj} (to such a quantity or degree)
:: soviel
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents)
:: Sohn {m}
son {n} (an adopted son)
:: Adoptivsohn {m}
son {n}
:: Sohn {m}
sonar {n} (device)
:: Sonar {n}
sonata {n} (a musical composition for one or a few instruments)
:: Sonate {f}
sonata form {n} (a form of classical music)
:: Sonatensatzform {f}
sonatina {n} (piece resembling a sonata but shorter or simpler)
:: Sonatine {f}
song {n} (music with words)
:: Lied {n}, Gesang {m}, Song {m}
song {n}
:: Gesang {m}
song {n} (sound of a bird) SEE: birdsong
songbird {n} (bird)
:: Singvogel {m}
songbook {n} (book)
:: Liederbuch {n}
Song of Solomon {prop} (book of the Bible) SEE: Song of Songs
Song of Songs {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Hoheslied {n}, Hohelied
song sparrow {n} (Melospiza melodia)
:: Singammer {f}
songster {n} (man who sings songs)
:: Sänger {m}
songstress {n} (a female singer)
:: Sängerin {f}
songthaew {n} (share taxi made from a pickup truck)
:: Songtaeo {m}
song thrush {n} (song thrush)
:: Singdrossel {f}, Drossel {f}
songwriter {n} (someone who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs)
:: Songwriter {m}, Liedermacher {m}
sonic {adj} (of or relating to sound)
:: Schall-, akustisch
sonic boom {n} (the audible effect of a shock wave in the air)
:: Überschallknall {m}
son-in-law {n} (son-in-law)
:: Schwiegersohn {m}, Tochtermann {m} , Eidam {m}
sonless {adj}
:: söhnelos
sonnet {n} (verse form consisting of fourteen lines)
:: Sonett {n}
sonny {n} (a familiar form of address for a boy)
:: mein Junge {m}, Kleiner {m}, Söhnchen {m} {n}
sonny {n} (pejorative form of address)
:: Freundchen {n}
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person)
:: Hurensohn {m}, Scheißkerl, Dreckskerl {m}
son of a whore {n} (objectionable person)
:: Hurensohn {m}, Dirnensohn {m}
Son of God {prop}
:: Sohn Gottes {m}
Son of Man {prop} (Jesus Christ)
:: Menschensohn {m}, des Menschen Sohn {m}
sonogram {n} (a medical image produced by ultrasound echo)
:: Sonografie {f}
sonometer {n} (audiometer) SEE: audiometer
sonorant {n} (speech sound)
:: Sonorant {m}; Klanglaut {m}
sonship {n} (sonship)
:: Sohnschaft {f}
Sonya {prop} (female given name)
:: Sonja {f}
soon {adv} (within a short time)
:: bald
sooner {adv} (rather)
:: eher, lieber
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually)
:: früher oder später
Sooretama slaty antshrike {n} (bird)
:: Sooretama-Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
soot {n} (fine black or dull brown particles)
:: Ruß {m}, Swiss spelling: Russ {m}
soothe {v} (to calm or placate)
:: besänftigen, beruhigen
soothe {v} (to ease or relieve pain)
:: lindern
soothing {adj} (Giving relief)
:: erleichternd, lindernd
soothing {adj} (Freeing from fear or anxiety)
:: beruhigend
soothsayer {n} (one who predicts the future)
:: Seher {m}, Seherin {f}, Wahrsager {m}, Wahrsagerin {f}
soothsayer {n} (mantis or rearhorse) SEE: mantis
sooty {adj} (soiled with soot)
:: rußig
sooty {v} (to blacken or make dirty with soot)
:: rußen
sop {n} (gravy) SEE: gravy
São Paulo {prop} (city and state)
:: São Paulo, Sankt Paulus
Sophia {prop} (female given name)
:: Sophia
sophism {n} (flawed argument superficially correct in its reasoning, usually designed to deceive)
:: Sophismus {m}
sophist {n} (ancient teacher of rhetoric, etc.)
:: Sophist {m}, Sophistin {f}
sophist {n} (one who is captious, fallacious, or deceptive in argument)
:: Sophist {m}
sophisticated {adj} (having obtained worldly experience)
:: erfahren, weltgewandt, kultiviert
sophisticated {adj} (complicated, especially of technology)
:: hochentwickelt, raffiniert, ausgeklügelt
sophisticated {adj} (appealing to the tastes of an intellectual)
:: raffiniert
sophisticated {adj}
:: mondän
sophistication {n} (cultivated intellectual worldliness; savoir-faire)
:: Kultiviertheit {f}
sophistication {n} (deceptive logic; sophistry)
:: Raffinesse {f}
sophistication {n} (complexity)
:: Raffinesse {f}, Komplexheit {f}, Ausgereiftheit {m}, Sophistikation {f}, Hochentwicklung {f}
sophistication {n}
:: Kultiviertheit {f}, Raffinesse {f}, Verfeinerung {f}
Sophocles {prop} (Greek dramatic poet)
:: Sophokles {m}
sophomore {adj} (second in a series)
:: zweiter, Nachfolger-
sophomore {n} (second-year student)
:: Student im zweiten Jahr {m}; Drittsemester {m}; Viertsemester {m}
sophrology {n} (technique to reduce stress and promote well-being)
:: Sophrologie {f}
sopor {n} (1. An unnaturally deep sleep.)
:: Sopor {m}
soporific {n} (sleep inducing agent)
:: Schlafmittel {n}
soporific {adj} (tending to induce sleep)
:: einschläfernd
sopping {adj} (completely wet to the point of dripping)
:: tropfnass, triefnass
soprano {n} (pitch)
:: Sopran {m}
soprano {n}
:: Sopran {m}
soprano saxophone {n} (saxophone smaller than alto)
:: sopransaxophon
Sopron {prop} (city in Hungary)
:: Ödenburg
sora {n} (Porzana carolina)
:: Carolinasumpfhuhn {n}
sorb {n} (wild service tree) SEE: wild service tree
Sorb {n} (member of a Slavic people)
:: Sorbe {m}, Sorbin {f}
sorbent {n} (substance that can enable sorption)
:: Sorptionsmittel {n}
sorbet {n} (frozen fruit juice)
:: Sorbet {n}
Sorbian {prop} (language)
:: Sorbisch {n}
Sorbian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Sorbs or to the Sorbian language)
:: sorbisch, wendisch
sorcerer {n} (magician/wizard drawing upon natural powers)
:: Zauberer {m}
sorceress {n} (female wizard)
:: Zaubererin {f}, Zaubrerin {f}, Zauberin {f}, Magierin {f}, Hexenmeisterin {f}
sorcery {n} (magical power)
:: Zauberei {f}, Hexerei {f}
sordid {adj} (dirty or squalid)
:: dreckig, schäbig, schmutzig
sordid {adj} (morally degrading)
:: schmutzig, schäbig
sordid {adj} (grasping)
:: geizig
sore {adj} (causing pain)
:: wund, weh, schlimm, entzündet
sore {adj} (sensitive; tender)
:: empfindlich
sore {adj} (dire, distressing)
:: verzweifelt, händeringend
sore {adj} (annoyed) SEE: annoyed
sorehead {n} (offended person)
:: beleidigte Leberwurst
sore loser {n} (one who is easily angered by losing)
:: schlechter Verlierer
soreness {n} (being sore)
:: Schmerz {m}, Wundsein {n}
sore throat {n} (symptom)
:: Halsschmerz {m}, Halsschmerzen {m-p}, Halsentzündung {f}, Halsweh {n}
sorghum {n} (cereal)
:: Sorghum {n}, Durra {f}, Sorghumhirse {f}
sororal {adj} (of or pertaining to a sister)
:: schwesterlich
sororal nephew {n} (sister’s son)
:: Schwestersohn {m} , Schwesterssohn {m}
sororal niece {n} (sister’s daughter)
:: Schwestertochter {f} , Schwesterstochter {f}
sororicide {n} (killing of ones sister)
:: Schwestermord {m}
sorority {n} (social organization of female students at a college or university)
:: Verbindung von College-Studentinnen {f}, Schwesternschaft {f}
sorority {n}
:: Schwesterlichkeit {f}
sororize {v} (To hold fellowship like sisters)
:: sororisieren, verschwistern
sorption {n} (process of either absorption or adsorption)
:: Sorption {f}
sorrel {n} (plant)
:: Ampfer {m}, Sauerampfer {m}
sorrel {n} (colour)
:: Fuchs {m}
Sorrento {prop} (town in the province of Naples)
:: Sorrent {n}
sorrow {n} (unhappiness)
:: Kummer {m}, Traurigkeit {f}, Trauer {f}, Sorge {f}, Kümmernis {f}, Leiden {n}, Gram {m}
sorrowful {adj} (full of sorrow)
:: betrübt, kummervoll, sorgenvoll, traurig
sorry {adj} (regretful for an action or grieved)
:: es tut mir leid , Entschuldigung, sorry
sorry {adj} (poor, regrettable)
:: beklagenswert, armselig, traurig
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow)
:: Entschuldigung, sorry; entschuldigen Sie bitte, verzeihen Sie bitte, es tut mir leid, ich bitte um Entschuldigung, Verzeihung
sorry {interj} (request to repeat)
:: wie bitte?, bitte?, wie?
sorry I'm late {phrase} (sorry I'm late)
:: entschuldigen Sie bitte, dass ich mich verspätet habe
sorry, we don't accept credit cards {phrase} (sorry, we don't accept credit cards)
:: Entschuldigung, wir akzeptieren keine Kreditkarten
sort {n} (type)
:: Art {f}, Sorte {f}
sort {n} ((typography) metal type)
:: Letter {f}
sort {v} (separate according to certain criteria)
:: sortieren
sort {v} (arrange in order)
:: sortieren
sortie {n} (an attack made by troops from a besieged position) SEE: sally
sort of {adv} (in a way etc.)
:: irgendwie
sort out {v} (to clarify)
:: klären
sort out {v} (to arrange)
:: bewerkstelligen, organisieren, arrangieren
sort out {v} (to fix problem)
:: erledigen, lösen, beheben
sort out {v} (to organise or separate into groups)
:: sortieren
sort out {v} (to separate from the remainder of a group)
:: aussortieren, trennen
sort out {v} (slang: to attack physically)
:: helfen, zeigen
sort out {v} (to provide (somebody) with a necessity)
:: besorgen
so-so {adj} (neither good nor bad)
:: so lala
so-so {adv} (neither well nor poorly)
:: soso, so la la, so lala
soteriological {adj} (pertaining to soteriology)
:: soteriologisch
soteriology {n} (the study of salvation)
:: Soteriologie {f}
so that {conj} (in order to)
:: damit, sodass
Sotho {prop} (Sotho language)
:: Sesotho {n}, Südliches Sotho {n}, Süd-Sotho {n}
sotolon {n} (sotolon)
:: Sotolon
São Toméan {adj} (Of, or pertaining to, São Tomé and Principe or its peoples)
:: santomeisch
São Tomé and Príncipe {prop} (Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe)
:: São Tomé und Príncipe {n}
so to speak {adv} (in a manner of speaking)
:: sozusagen, in gewisser Weise, gleichsam, gewissermaßen
soufflé {n} (baked dish)
:: Auflauf {m}, Soufflé {n}
sought-after {adj} (sought-after) SEE: in demand
soul {n} (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death)
:: Seele {f}
soul {n} (soul music)
:: Soul
soul {n} (person, especially as one among many)
:: Seele {f}
soulless {adj} (as if without a soul)
:: seelenlos
soulmate {n} (Someone with whom one has a special connection)
:: Seelenverwandter {m}, Seelenverwandte {f}
soul music {n} (music genre)
:: Soul
soul patch {n} (narrow beard)
:: Soul Patch
sound {adj} (healthy)
:: gesund
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear)
:: Klang {m}, Schall {m}, Laut {m}
sound {n} (vibration capable of causing this)
:: Schall {m}
sound {n}
:: Schall {m}, Klang {m}, Geräusch {n}, Ton {m}, Laut {m}
sound {v} (to produce a sound)
:: klingen, erklingen, lauten
sound {v} (to convey an impression by one's sound)
:: klingen
sound {v} (to pronounce)
:: aussprechen
sound {n} (long narrow inlet)
:: Sund
sound {n} (to probe)
:: sondieren
sound {n} (a probe)
:: Sonde {f}
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish
sound {adj} (sound asleep) SEE: sound asleep
sound {n} (air bladder) SEE: swim bladder
sound as a bell {adj} (in excellent condition)
:: gesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser
sound asleep {adj} (sleeping still and silently)
:: fest schlafend, tief schlafend
sound barrier {n} (drag and other effects of approaching the speed of sound)
:: Schallmauer {f}
sound barrier {n} (noise-reducing structure)
:: Lärmschutzwand {f}, Lärmschutzwall {m}
sound box {n} (resonant chamber of a stringed musical instrument)
:: Resonanzkörper {m}
sound card {n} (a computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds)
:: Soundkarte {f}
sound change {n} (language change that affects pronunciation)
:: Lautwandel {m}
sounding {n} (test made with a probe)
:: Sondierung {f}
sound law {n} (rule that describes historical sound change in a language)
:: Lautgesetz {n}
soundless {adj} (without sound)
:: lautlos, geräuschlos
soundlessly {adv} (soundlessly)
:: lautlos, tonlos, geräuschlos
soundlessness {n} (state or condition of being without sound)
:: Lautlosigkeit {f}, Geräuschlosigkeit {f}
soundly {adv} (in a thorough manner)
:: gründlich, ordentlich
sound post {n} (wooden rod inside a musical instrument)
:: Stimmstock {m}
soundproof {adj} (describing something that does not allow sound through)
:: schalldicht
soundproof {v} (make resistant to sound)
:: schallisolieren, schalldicht machen
soundproofing {n} (Something that prevents sound from traveling through it)
:: Schallisolation {f}
soundproofing {n} (The act of installing material to dampen sound)
:: Schallisolation {f}
soundscape {n} (virtual/emotional environment created using sound)
:: Klanglandschaft
soundscape {n} (electroacoustic musical composition)
:: Klanggemälde {n}; soundscape
sound system {n} (electronic system that produces sound)
:: Soundsystem {n}
soundtrack {n} (a narrow strip running down a movie film that carries the recorded sound in synchronization with the pictures)
:: Tonspur {f}
soundtrack {n} (the sound (especially the music) component of a movie)
:: Soundtrack {m}
sound truck {n} (vehicle equipped with loudspeakers)
:: Lautsprecherwagen {m}
sound wave {n} (longitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material)
:: Schallwelle {f}
soup {n} (dish)
:: Suppe {f}
soup {n} (unfortunate situation)
:: Suppe {f}
soup bowl {n} (a deep bowl, designed for serving soup)
:: Suppenteller {m}
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited
soup kitchen {n} (place set up to provide basic food as a charity or in time of disaster)
:: Suppenküche {f}
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion
soupçon {n} (very small amount) SEE: modicum
soup spoon {n} (spoon for eating soup) SEE: soupspoon
soupspoon {n} (spoon for eating soup)
:: Suppenlöffel {m}, Esslöffel {m}, Löffel {m}
soup up {v} (modify higher performance than the specifications)
:: frisieren, tunen, aufmotzen
souq {n} (a street market in the Arabic-speaking countries)
:: Souq {m}
sour {adj} (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste)
:: sauer
sour {adj} (made rancid by fermentation, etc.)
:: sauer, sauer vergoren, gesäuert
sour {adj} (tasting or smelling rancid)
:: sauer, ranzig
sour {adj} (peevish or bad-tempered)
:: sauer, angesäuert, angesäuert
sour {adj} ((of soil) excessively acidic and thus infertile)
:: sauer
sour {n} (the sensation of a sour taste)
:: Säure {f}
sour {n} (a drink made with whiskey, lemon or lime juice and sugar)
:: Whiskey Sauer {m}
sour {v} (to become sour)
:: säuern, versäuern, sauer vergären
source {n} (person, place or thing)
:: Quelle {f}, Ursprung {m}
source {n} (spring etc.)
:: Quelle {f}
source {n} (informant)
:: Quelle {f}
source {v} (to obtain or procure; used especially of a business resource)
:: belegen, beziehen
source {n} ((computing) source code) SEE: source code
source code {n} (human-readable instructions in a programming language)
:: Kode {m}, Quellcode {m}, Quellkode {m}, Quelltext {m}
source configuration management {n} (computing: management of changes to files)
:: Quellkodekonfigurationsmanagement {n}
source language {n} (language from which a translation is done)
:: Ausgangssprache {f}, Quellsprache {f}
source text {n} (original text to be translated)
:: Ausgangstext {m}
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus)
:: Sauerkirsche {f}, Weichsel {f}
sour cherry {n} (fruit)
:: Sauerkirsche {f}, Weichsel {f}
sour cream {n} (cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium)
:: saure Sahne {f}, Sauerrahm {m}, Schmand {m}
sourdough {n} (dough)
:: Sauerteig {m}
sour grapes {n} (acid grapes)
:: saure Traube {f}, unreife Traube {f}, Herling {m}
sourish {adj} (somewhat sour)
:: säuerlich
soursop {n} (tree)
:: Guanabana {f}, Guanábana {f}, Sauersack {m}, Stachelannone {f}
soursop {n} (fruit)
:: Stachelannone {f}
sousaphone {n} (brass instrument)
:: Sousafon {n}, Sousaphon {n}
soutane {n} (a long gown)
:: Soutane {f}, Sutane {f}
south {n} (compass point)
:: Süden {m}
south {adj} (of or pertaining to the south)
:: südlich, süd-
south {adv} (of wind: from the south)
:: süd-
south {adv} (in an adverse direction or trend)
:: den Bach runter, auf dem absteigen Ast
South Africa {prop} (country)
:: Südafrika {n}
South African {n} (person)
:: Südafrikaner {m}, Südafrikanerin {f}
South African {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to South Africa)
:: südafrikanisch
South African Defence Force {prop} (apartheid-era South African military)
:: Südafrikanische Verteidigungskräfte
South African English {n} (English dialect of South Africa)
:: Südafrikanisches Englisch
South America {prop} (continent that is the southern part of the Americas)
:: Südamerika {n}
South American {adj} (relating to South America)
:: südamerikanisch
South American {n} (South American person)
:: Südamerikaner {m}, Südamerikanerin {f}
South American sea lion {n} (animal)
:: Mähnenrobbe {f}, Südamerikanischer Seelöwe {m}
Southampton {prop} (city)
:: Southampton
South Asia {prop} (South Asia)
:: Südasien {n}
South Australia {prop} (state of Australia)
:: South Australia {n}
southbound {adv} (toward the south)
:: nach Süden, Richtung Süden
southbound {adj} (travelling south)
:: nach Süden, Richtung Süden
South Carolina {prop} (US state)
:: Südkarolina, South Carolina
South Caucasus {prop} (region of southwest Asia)
:: Transkaukasien {n}
South China Sea {prop} (Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines)
:: Südchinesisches Meer {n}
South Dakota {prop} (state of the USA)
:: South Dakota, Süddakota
southeast {n} (compass point)
:: Südosten {m}
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia)
:: Südostasien {n}
Southeast Asian {adj} (of Southeast Asia)
:: südostasiatisch
southeastern {adj} (southeastern) SEE: south-eastern
south-eastern {adj} (relating to the south-east)
:: südöstlich
Southeast Europe {prop} (southeastern part of Europe)
:: Südosteuropa {n}
southern {adj} (of the south)
:: südlich
southern {adj} (of or pertaining to a southern region)
:: südlich, südländisch
southern beech {n} (Nothofagus)
:: Scheinbuche {f}
Southern Cross {prop} (constellation)
:: Kreuz des Südens {n}
southerner {n} (someone from the south of a region)
:: Südländer {m}, Südländerin, Bewohner des Südens {m}, Bewohnerin des Südens {f}
Southerner {n} (someone from the area that once formed the CSA)
:: Südstaatler {m}, Südstaatlerin {f}
Southerner {n} (someone from the south of a region) SEE: southerner
Southern Europe {prop} (Southern Europe)
:: Südeuropa {n}
Southern European {adj} (Southern European)
:: südeuropäisch
Southern European {n} (Southern European person)
:: Südeuropäer {m}, Südeuropäerin {f}
Southern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the south of its equator)
:: Südhalbkugel {f}
southernmost {adj} (farthest south)
:: südlichster {m}
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica)
:: Südlicher Ozean {m}, Antarktik {f}, Südpolarmeer {n}
Southern Sesotho {prop} (Sotho) SEE: Sotho
southernwood {n} (Artemisia abrotanum)
:: Eberraute {f}
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands {prop} (territory)
:: Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln
South Island {prop} (one of the two major islands making up New Zealand)
:: Südinsel {f}
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia)
:: Südkorea {n}, Republik Korea {f}
South Korean {n} (person from or descended from South Korea)
:: Südkoreaner {m}, Südkoreanerin {f}
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea)
:: südkoreanisch
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia)
:: Südossetien {n}
southpaw {n} (informal: one who is left-handed)
:: Linkshänder {m}, Linkshänderin {f}
South Picene {prop} (extinct Italic language)
:: Südpikenisch
south pole {n} (the southernmost point on a celestial body)
:: Südpol {m}
south pole {n} (negative magnetic pole)
:: Südpol {m}
South Pole {prop} (the southernmost point on Earth)
:: Südpol {m}
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean
South Sea {prop} (region of Pacific Ocean)
:: Südsee {f}
South Slavic {prop}
:: Südslawisch {n}
South Slavic {adj} (of or relating to South Slavic or the South Slavs)
:: südslawisch
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa)
:: Südsudan {m}
South Sudanese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of South Sudan or the South Sudanese people)
:: südsudanesisch
South Sudanese {n} (A person from South Sudan or of South Sudanese descent)
:: Südsudanese {m}, Südsudanesin {f}
South Tyrol {prop} (German-speaking region of northern Italy)
:: Südtirol {n}
South Vietnam {prop} (former Asian country)
:: Südvietnam {n}
southward {adv} (towards the south)
:: südwärts
southwest {n} (compass point)
:: Südwesten {m}
South West Africa {prop} (former province of South Africa)
:: Südwestafrika {n}
southwester {n} (waterproof hat) SEE: sou'wester
South Yemen {prop} (country)
:: Südjemen
souvenir {n} (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location)
:: Andenken {n}, Reisemitbringsel {n}, Souvenir {n}, Erinnerungsstück {n}, Mitbringsel {n}
sou'wester {n} (waterproof hat)
:: Südwester {m}
sovereign {adj} (exercising power of rule)
:: souverän
sovereign {n} (monarch)
:: Souverän
sovereign state {n} (completely independent state)
:: souveräner Staat
sovereigntist {n} (supporter of political independence for Quebec)
:: Souveränist {m}, Souveränistin {f}
sovereigntist {n} (supporter of sovereignism)
:: Souveränist {m}, Souveränistin {f}
sovereignty {n} (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.)
:: Souveränität {f}, Hoheit {f}, Eigenständigkeit {f}, Landeshoheit {f}, Eigenstaatlichkeit {f}, Hoheitsgewalt {f}, Oberhoheit {f}
sovereignty {n} (of ruler or God: supreme authority over all things)
:: Souveränität {f}, Oberherrschaft {f}, höchste Gewalt {f}
sovereignty {n} (of self: the liberty to decide one's thoughts and actions)
:: Souveränität {f}, Eigenständigkeit {f}, Selbstbestimmung {f}
soviet {n} (council)
:: Sowjet {m}
soviet {adj} (relating to the Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet
Soviet {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet
Soviet {n} (citizen)
:: Sowjetbürger {m}, Sowjetbürgerin {f}
Soviet {adj} (pertaining to the Soviet Union or its republics)
:: sowjetisch, Sowjet-
Sovietology {n} (the field of study of the Soviet Union)
:: Sowjetologie {f}
Soviet republic {n} (republic)
:: Sowjetrepublik {f}
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) SEE: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union in the early stages)
:: Sowjetrussland {n}
Soviet Socialist Republic {prop} (any of the republics belonging to the former Soviet Union, see also: SSR)
:: Sowjetrepublik
Soviet Union {prop} (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR)
:: Sowjetunion {f}
sovkhoz {n} (soviet state farm)
:: Sowchos {m}
sovnarkhoz {n} (a regional economic council of the Soviet Union (historical))
:: Sownarchos {m}
sovok {n} (Soviet Union, disparagingly)
:: Sowdepien {n}
sow {n} (female pig)
:: Sau {f}, Mutterschwein {n}
sow {v} (disperse seeds)
:: säen
sower {n} (one who or that which sows)
:: Säer {m}, Säerin {f}
so what {interj} (reply of indifference)
:: na und?
sow one's wild oats {v} (to spend a period of one's youth behaving irresponsibly)
:: sich die Hörner abstoßen
sow the wind, reap the whirlwind {proverb} (every decision has consequences; a person's actions will come back to them)
:: wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten
soy {n} (soy beans)
:: Soja {n}, Sojabohnen {f-p}
soy {n} (soy sauce) SEE: soy sauce
soya bean {n} (soybean) SEE: soybean
soybean {n} (plant)
:: Sojabohne {f}
soybean {n} (seed)
:: Sojabohne {f}
soy milk {n} (beverage made from soybeans)
:: Sojamilch {f}
soy sauce {n} (a condiment and ingredient made from fermented soybeans)
:: Sojasoße {f}
Soyuz {n} (a Soviet/Russian spacecraft)
:: Sojus {f} (rarely {m}, {n})
spa {n} (spa)
:: Bad {n}, Spa {m} {n}
space {n} (while) SEE: while
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions)
:: Raum {m}, Platz {m}
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets)
:: Weltraum {m}, All {n}, Weltall {n}
space {n} (personal freedom)
:: Freiraum {m}
space {n} (bounded or specific physical extent)
:: Platz {m}
space {n} (gap between written characters, lines etc.)
:: Leerzeichen {n}, Leerstelle {f}
space {n} (a gap, an empty place)
:: Freiraum
space {n} (piece of type used to separate words)
:: Leerschritt {m}, Zwischenraum {m}
space {n} (mathematics: generalized construct or set)
:: Raum {m}
space age {n} (current historical period which started with the launch of the Sputnik)
:: Weltraumzeitalter {n}
space alien {n} (an extraterrestrial being)
:: Außerirdischer {m}, Außerirdische {f}
space bar {n} (key)
:: Leertaste {f}
space blanket {n} (blanket)
:: Rettungsdecke {f}
space capsule {n} (vehicle or compartment designed to transport people in space and during reentry)
:: Raumkapsel {f}
spacecraft {n}
:: Raumfahrzeug {n}, Weltraumfahrzeug {n}, Weltraumflugkörper {m}
space debris {n} (objects in orbit without useful purpose)
:: Weltraumschrott {m}, Weltraummüll {m}
space flight {n} (flight into, from, or through space)
:: Raumfahrt {f}
space flight {n} (voyage in space)
:: Raumfahrt {f}
space frame {n} (a three-dimensional truss, often of steel, forming a rigid, stable structure)
:: Raumfachwerk
space heater {n} (heating appliance)
:: Heizlüfter {m}
space junk {n} (space debris) SEE: space debris
spacelike {adj} (having the properties of space)
:: raumartig
spacelike {adj} (physics, of the interval between two events in spacetime)
:: raumartig
spacelike {adj} (mathematics, of a four-vector)
:: raumartig
spaceman {n} (astronaut)
:: Raumfahrer {m}, Weltraumfahrer {m}, Astronaut {m}, Kosmonaut {m}, Taikonaut {m}, Spationaut {m}
space mission {n} (journey into space)
:: Weltraummission {f}
spaceport {n} (a site for launching spacecraft)
:: Weltraumbahnhof {m}, Kosmodrom {m}
space probe {n} (unmanned space vehicle designed to voyage beyond Earth's orbit)
:: Raumsonde {f}
space race {n} (competition between nations in the field of space exploration)
:: Wettlauf ins All {m}
space satellite {n} (vehicle designed to orbit the Earth)
:: Satellit {m}
space science {n} (discipline)
:: Raumfahrtwissenschaft {f}, Raumforschung {f}
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space)
:: Raumschiff {n}; Raumfahrzeug {n}
space shuttle {n} (vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly btw Earth and outer space)
:: Space Shuttle {n}, Raumfähre {f}, Weltraumfähre {f}
space sickness {n} (motion sickness caused by the weightlessness of space flight)
:: Raumkrankheit {f}
space station {n} (crewed artificial satellite)
:: Raumstation {f}, Weltraumstation {f}
space suit {n} (system of clothing worn by astronauts when in space)
:: Raumanzug {m}
space-time {n} (spacetime) SEE: spacetime
spacetime {n} (four dimensional continuum)
:: Raumzeit {f}
space tourism {n} (form of tourism)
:: Weltraumtourismus {m}
space travel {n} (travel through space in order to visit and explore other worlds)
:: Raumfahrt {f}
space vehicle {n}
:: Flugkörper {m}, Raumfahrzeug {n}, Weltraumfahrzeug {n}
spacewoman {n} (a female astronaut)
:: Raumfahrerin {f}, Weltraumfahrerin {f}, Astronautin {f}, Kosmonautin {f}
spacious {adj} (having much space; roomy)
:: geräumig
spacious {adj} (large in expanse)
:: weiträumig
spade {n} (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging)
:: Spaten
spade {n} (one of the black suits in a deck of cards)
:: Pik
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade
spades {n} (suit of playing cards)
:: Pik {n}, Pique {n}
spadix {n} (fleshy spike)
:: Kolben {m}
spaghetti {n} (informally: any type of pasta) SEE: pasta
spaghetti {n} (pasta)
:: Spaghetti {f-p}, Spagetti {f-p}
spaghetti {n} (electrical insulating tubing)
:: Isolationsschlauch {m}
spaghetti western {n} (western film produced in Europe by an Italian company)
:: Italo-Western {m}, Italowestern {m}, Spaghetti-Western {m}, Spaghettiwestern {m}, Euro-Western {m}, Eurowestern {m}
spagyric {adj}
:: spagirisch
Spain {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Spanien {n}
spam {n} (unsolicited bulk electronic messages)
:: Spam {m}, unerwünschte elektronische Massenpost {f}
spam {n} (tinned meat)
:: Frühstücksfleisch {n}
spam {v} (intransitive)
:: spammen
spamdexing {n} (deliberately manipulating search engines)
:: Suchmaschinen-Spamming, Index-Spamming
spammer {n} (someone who sends spam)
:: Spammer {m}
spandex {n} (synthetic fibre)
:: Elastan {n}
spangle {n} (a small sparkling particle sewn on cloth as a decoration)
:: Flitter {m}, Glanzplättchen {n}, Paillette {f}, Flitterblättchen {n}
spangled kookaburra {n} (Dacelo tyro)
:: Aruliest {m}
Spaniard {n} (somebody from Spain)
:: Spanier {m}, Spanierin {f}
spaniel {n} (dog)
:: Spaniel {m}
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to Spain)
:: spanisch
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain)
:: spanisch
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Spanish language)
:: spanisch
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas)
:: Spanisch {n}
Spanish {n} (people of Spain, collectively)
:: Spanier {p}
Spanish Armada {prop} (The fleet of warships sent by Philip II of Spain)
:: Spanische Armada {f}
Spanish chestnut {n} (tree)
:: Kastanienbaum {m}
Spanish chestnut {n} (fruit)
:: Kastanie {f}, Esskastanie {f}
Spanish influenza {n} (influenza pandemic)
:: Spanische Grippe {f}
Spanish Netherlands {prop} (country)
:: Spanische Niederlande {p}
Spanish Road {n} (historical route used for military supply and trade, between northern Italy and the Low Countries)
:: Spanische Straße {f}
Spanish Water Dog {n} (Spanish Water Dog)
:: Spanischer Wasserhund {m}
spank {v} (to smack or slap a person's buttocks, with the bare hand or other object.)
:: auf das Gesäß schlagen, den Hintern versohlen
spank {n} (an instance of spanking; a smack or slap)
:: Klaps {m}
spanking {n} (form of physical punishment)
:: Haue {f}
spanner {n} (hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts)
:: Schraubenschlüssel {m}, Schlüssel {m}
spanner barb {n} (fish)
:: Schwarzbandfleckbarbe
span of control {n} (number of subordinates)
:: Leitungsspanne {f}, Führungsspanne {f}, Lenkungsspanne {f}
spar {n} (nautical: linear object used as a mast, sprit, yard, boom, pole or gaff)
:: Spiere {f}, Rundholz {n}
spar {n} (any crystal with readily discernible faces)
:: Spat {m}
spar {n} (rafter of a roof) SEE: rafter
spare {adj} (lean, meager)
:: schlank
spare {v} (to save (money) for reserve)
:: sparen
spare part {n} (component kept in reserve)
:: Ersatzteil {n}
sparerib {n} (cut of meat including the rib bones)
:: Schälrippchen {n}, Rippchen {n}, Leiterchen {n}
spare the rod and spoil the child {proverb} (if one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility)
:: wer mit der Rute spart, verzieht das Kind, wer sein Kind liebt, der schlägt es
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time
spare tire {n} (extra tire) SEE: spare tyre
spare tire {n} (fat around midsection) SEE: spare tyre
spare tyre {n} (extra tyre)
:: Reserverad {n}, Ersatzrad {n}, Ersatzreifen {m}, Reservereifen {m}
spare tyre {n} (fat around midsection)
:: Rettungsring {m}
spare wheel {n} (extra wheel) SEE: spare tyre
spark {n} (particle of glowing matter)
:: Funke {m}
sparkle {n} (brilliance)
:: Funkeln {m}, Glitzern {m}
sparkle {v} (to emit sparks)
:: funkeln
sparkler {n} (hand-held firework)
:: Wunderkerze {f}, bengalisches Feuer {n}
sparkler {n} (tiger beetle) SEE: tiger beetle
sparkling water {n} (a form of carbonated water) SEE: soda water
sparkling wine {n} (effervescent wine)
:: Schaumwein {m}, Sekt {m}
spark plug {n} (part of an internal combustion engine)
:: Zündkerze {f}
spark testing {n} (A method of determining classification of ferrous materials.)
:: Funkenprobe
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Passeridae)
:: Sperling {m}, Spatz {m}
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow
sparrow hawk {n} (Falco sparverius) SEE: American kestrel
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk
sparse {adj} (having widely spaced intervals)
:: spärlich
sparse {adj} (not dense; meager)
:: spärlich, dünn
sparsity {n} (the property of being sparse)
:: Seltenheit; matrices: Dünnbesetztheit
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece)
:: Sparta {n}
Spartacus {prop} (Thracian name)
:: Spartacus {m}
spartan {adj} (austere, lacking luxury)
:: spartanisch
Spartan {adj} (spartan) SEE: spartan
spasm {n} (contraction of a muscle)
:: Krampf {m}, Muskelkrampf {m}, Spasmus {m}
spasm {n} (a sudden and temporary burst of energy, activity, or emotion)
:: Anfall {m}
spastic {adj} (of, relating to, or affected by spasm)
:: spastisch
spastic {adj} (of or relating to spastic paralysis)
:: spastisch
spasticity {n} (state, quality or property)
:: Spastizität {f}
spat {n} (covering worn over a shoe)
:: Gamasche {f}, Überschuh {m}
spat {n} (automotive: piece of bodywork)
:: Kotflügel {m}
spat {n} (quarrel)
:: Wortwechsel {m}, Zank {m}, Streit {m}, Auseinandersetzung {f}
spat {v} (to quarrel)
:: zanken, streiten, sich fetzen
spat {v} (to strike with spattering sound)
:: prasseln
spatial {adj} (pertaining to space)
:: räumlich, Raum-
spatial component {n} (either of the first, second or third components of a four-vector)
:: räumliche Koordinate
spatter {v} (to splash with small droplets)
:: bespritzen
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting)
:: Pfannenwender {m}
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for scraping bowls)
:: Teigspatel {m}, Teigschaber {m}
spatula {n} (palette knife)
:: Spachtelmesser {n}
spatula {n} (thin hand tool for handling chemicals or other materials)
:: Spatel {m}
spawn {v} (to produce or deposit (eggs) in water)
:: ablaichen, laichen
spawn {v} (to generate, bring into being, especially non-mammalian beings in very large numbers)
:: erzeugen, hervorbringen
spawn {v} (to bring forth in general)
:: erzeugen
spawn {v} (to deposit (numerous) eggs in water)
:: laichen
spawn {v} (to reproduce, especially in large numbers)
:: (sich wie Karnickel) sich vermehren
spawn {v} (to appear spontaneously in a game at a certain point and time)
:: spawnen
spawn {n} (the numerous eggs of an aquatic organism)
:: Laich {m}, Fischlaich {m}, Froschlaich {m}
spawn {n} (mushroom mycelium prepared for (aided) propagation)
:: Myzelfäden {m-p}
spawn {n} (any germ or seed, even a figurative source; offspring)
:: Ausgeburt, Ausgeburt des Teufels {f}
spawner {n} (female fish)
:: Rogener {m}, Rogner {m}, Rogenfisch {m}
spay {v} (remove the ovaries)
:: sterilisieren, Eierstöcke entfernen
spaz {n} (stupid person)
:: Spasti {m}
spaz {v} (have a tantrum)
:: ausrasten, ausflippen, einen Anfall kriegen
speak {v} (to communicate with one's voice using words)
:: sprechen, reden
speak {v} (to be able to communicate in a language)
:: sprechen
speaker {n} (one who speaks)
:: Sprecher {m}, Sprecherin {f}
speaker {n} (loudspeaker)
:: Lautsprecher {m}
speaker {n} (politics: the chair or presiding officer)
:: Vorsitzender {m}, Vorsitzende {f}, Nationalratspräsident {m} , Nationalratspräsidentin {f} , Bundestagspräsident {m} , Bundestagspräsidentin {f} , Parlamentspräsident {m}, Parlamentspräsidentin {f}, Präsident des Unterhauses {m}, Präsidentin des Unterhauses {f}, Präsident des Oberhauses {m}, Präsidentin des Oberhauses {f}
speaker {n} (one who makes a speech to an audience)
:: Referent {m}, Referentin {f}
speakerphone {n} (telephone with a microphone and loudspeaker separate from those in the handset)
:: Freisprechtelefon {n}, Freisprechgerät {n}, Freisprechanlage {f}, Freisprecheinrichtung {f}
speakerphone {n} (loudspeaker on a telephone that broadcasts the sound)
:: Lautsprechtelefon {n}, Lautsprechertelefon {n}
speak for oneself {v} (to have obvious meaning)
:: für sich selbst sprechen
speaking {adj} (used in speaking)
:: Sprech-, Sprach-
speaking {adj} (having the ability of speech)
:: Sprech-, -sprachig, -sprechend, sprechend, Rede-, rede-
speaking {n} (the act of speaking)
:: Sprechen {n}
speaking {adj} (eloquent) SEE: eloquent
speaking in tongues {n} (speaking in tongues; glossolalia)
:: Zungenreden {n}, Zungenrede {f}, Glossolalie {f}, Glottolalie {f}, Glossolalieren {n}
speaking with tongues {n} (speaking in tongues) SEE: speaking in tongues
speak in tongues {v} (speak in a language unknown to the speaker)
:: in fremden Zungen sprechen, in Sprachen reden, in fremden Sprachen reden, Sprachenrede praktizieren, Zungenrede praktizieren, Zungenreden praktizieren, glossolalieren
speak of the devil {phrase} (expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive)
:: wenn man vom Teufel spricht, dann kommt er
speak one's conscience {v} (speak one's mind) SEE: speak one's mind
speak one's mind {v} (to state one's thoughts honestly or frankly)
:: offen seine Meinung sagen
speak out {v} (assert or promote one's opinion; to make one's thoughts known)
:: sich ausdrücken
speak up {v} (to talk more loudly or plainly)
:: lauter sprechen, den Mund aufmachen
speak up {v} (to make oneself or one's opinions known)
:: einsetzen , eintreten, den Mund aufmachen , sagen
speak volumes {v} (to convey significant information beyond what is explicit)
:: Bände sprechen, viel besagen
spear {n} (long stick with a sharp tip)
:: Speer {m}
spear {n}
:: Fischspeer
spear carrier {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on
spearcaster {n} (athlete who throws spears) SEE: javelin thrower
spearfisher {n} (one who fishes with a spear)
:: Speerfischer {m}, Speerfischerin {f}
spearfishing {n}
:: Speerfischen {n}
spearhead {n} (the pointed head, or end, of a spear)
:: Speerspitze {f}, Lanzenspitze {f}, Stoßkeil {m}
spearhead {n} (one who leads or initiates an activity)
:: Kopf {m}, Spitze {f}, Vorkämpfer {m}, Speerspitze {f}, Offensivspieler {m}, Bahnbrecher {m}
spearhead {n} (the leading military unit in an attack)
:: Angriffsspitze {f}, Sturmspitze {f}, Vorausabteilung {f}, -spitze {f}
spearhead {v} (to drive or campaign ardently)
:: anführen, führen, vorausgehen
spearmint {n} (Mentha spicata)
:: grüne Minze {f}
spearthrower {n} (atlatl) SEE: atlatl
special {adj} (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality)
:: speziell, Spezial-, ungewöhnlich, Sonder-, besondere
special {adj} (of particular interest or value; certain; dear; beloved; favored)
:: speziell, Spezial-, Sonder-, bestimmt, Lieblings-
special {n} (A reduction in consumer cost (usually for a limited time) for items or services rendered)
:: Sonderangebot
special {n} ((TV, radio) Unsual or exceptional episode of a series)
:: Sondersendung
special education {n} (educational services designed for students with learning difficulties)
:: Sonderpädagogik {f}
specialist {n} (expert)
:: Spezialist {m}, Fachmann {m}, Experte {m}
specialist {n} (physician)
:: Facharzt {m}
specialization {n} (act or process of specializing)
:: Spezialisierung {f}
specialization {n} (biology: adaptation)
:: Spezialisierung {f}
specialize {v} (to mention specially; to particularize)
:: spezialisieren
specially {adv} ((proscribed) extremely) SEE: extremely
specially {adv} (for a special purpose)
:: speziell
specially {adv} ((proscribed) in particular) SEE: in particular
special relativity {n} (physics theory)
:: Spezielle Relativitätstheorie {f}, spezielle Relativitätstheorie {f}
specialty {n} (that in which one specializes)
:: Spezialität {f}
speciation {n} (chemistry)
:: Speziierung {f}
species {n} (group of plants or animals having similar appearance)
:: Art {f}
species {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification)
:: Art {f}, Spezies {f}, Species {f}
species {n}
:: Art {f}, Spezies {f}
speciesism {n}
:: Speziesismus {m}
speciesist {n} (proponent)
:: Speziesist {m}, Speziesistin {f}
speciesist {adj} (of or relating to speciesism)
:: speziesistisch
species name {n} (species name (binomen))
:: Artname {m}
specific {adj}
:: spezifisch
specifically {adv} (for a specific purpose or reason)
:: extra
specification {n} (explicit set of requirements)
:: Spezifikation {f}
specific epithet {n} ((taxonomy) second word in the scientific name of a species)
:: Artbeiname {m}, Artname {m} , Artzusatz {m} , Artepitheton {n}/Art-Epitheton {n}, spezifisches Epitheton {n}, Speciesbeiname {m}, Speciesname {m}
specific gravity {n} (ratio of the mass of a substance to that of an equal volume of water)
:: spezifisches Gewicht {n}
specific heat {n}
:: spezifische Wärme {f}
specificity {n} (the state of being specific rather than general)
:: Spezifik {f}
specificness {n} (specificity) SEE: specificity
specify {v} (to state explicitly, in detail, or as a condition)
:: spezifizieren
specimen {n} (example)
:: Exemplar {n}, Muster {n}
specimen {n} (sample)
:: Spezimen {n}, Probe {f}
specimen signature {n} (sample signature kept by an organization to verify their other signatures)
:: Zeichnungsmuster {n}, Musterunterschrift {f}, Musterzeichnungserklärung {f}
specious {adj} (seemingly well-reasoned, but fallacious)
:: vordergründig, fadenscheinig, unfundiert, leer
specious {adj} (with appearance intended to generate a favorable response)
:: Schein-, vorgeschoben, fadenscheinig
speciousness {n} (state or quality of being specious)
:: Vordergründigkeit {f}, Fadenscheinigkeit {f}, Unfundiertheit {f}, Hohlheit {f}
speck {n} (tiny spot)
:: Fleck {m}
speckle {n} (small spot)
:: Fleck {m}, Sprenkel {m}
speckled {adj} (marked with dots)
:: gesprenkelt
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles
spectacle {n} (something exciting or extraordinary)
:: Spektakel {n}, Schauspiel {n}
spectacled {adj} (wearing spectacles) SEE: bespectacled
spectacled bear {n} (Tremarctos ornatus)
:: Brillenbär {m}
spectacles {n} (a pair of lenses set in a frame)
:: Brille {f}
spectacles {n} (plural of spectacle) SEE: spectacle
spectacular {adj} (amazing or worthy of special attention)
:: spektakulär
spectator {n} (observer)
:: Zuschauer {m}, Zuschauerin {f}, Schaulustiger {m}
specter {n} (ghostly apparition)
:: Gespenst {n}, Spuk {m}
specter {n} (mental image)
:: Schreckgespenst {n}, Spuk {m}
spectral {adj} (of a spectrum)
:: spektral, Spektral-
spectral class {n} (a classification of stars)
:: Spektralklasse {f}
spectral line {n} (line on spectrogram)
:: Spektrallinie {f}
spectrometer {n} (instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances)
:: Spektrometer {n}
spectrometric {adj} (of or pertaining to spectrometry)
:: spektrometrisch
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis)
:: Spektroskop {n}
spectroscopy {n} (scientific study of spectra)
:: Spektroskopie {f}
spectrum {n} (range of colors)
:: Spektrum {n}
spectrum {n} (chemistry: a pattern of absorption or emission of radiation)
:: Spektrum {n}
spectrum {n}
:: Spektrum {n}
speculate {v} (to meditate)
:: spekulieren, Vermutungen anstellen
speculate {v} (to make an inference based on inconclusive evidence)
:: vermuten
speculate {v} (to make a risky trade)
:: spekulieren
speculation {n} (judgment or conclusion reached by speculating)
:: Spekulation {f}
speculation {n} (business, finance: investment involving higher-than-normal risk)
:: Spekulation {f}
speculative {adj} (characterized by speculation; based on guessing or unfounded opinions)
:: spekulativ
speculative fiction {n} (class of fiction involving fantastic, supernatural or futuristic elements)
:: Fantastik {f}, Phantastik {f}
speculator {n} (one who speculates; as in investing)
:: Spekulant {m}, Spekulantin {f}
speculum {n} (patch of colour found on the wings of ducks and some other birds)
:: Flügelspiegel {m}
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect
speech {n} (vocal communication)
:: Sprache {f}
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking)
:: Rede {f}, Ansprache {f}
speech act {n} (act carried out by speech)
:: Sprechakt {m}
speech balloon {n} (speech balloon) SEE: speech bubble
speech bubble {n} (rounded outline representing speech in a cartoon)
:: Sprechblase {f}
speech community {n} (group of people sharing a language or way of speaking)
:: Sprachgemeinschaft {f}
Speech from the Throne {n} (ceremonial event)
:: Thronrede {f}
speech is silver, silence is golden {proverb} (proverb)
:: Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold
speechless {adj} (not speaking; not knowing what to say)
:: sprachlos, fassungslos, stumm
speechlessness {n} (state of being speechless)
:: Sprachlosigkeit {f}, Stummheit {f}
speechreading {n} (lipreading) SEE: lipreading
speech recognition {n} (voice recognition) SEE: voice recognition
speechwriter {n} (someone who writes speeches for others, especially as a profession)
:: Redenschreiber {m}, Redenschreiberin {f}
speed {n} (luck, success, prosperity) SEE: luck
speed {n} (rapidity)
:: Schnelligkeit {f}
speed {n} (rate of motion)
:: Schnelligkeit {f}, Geschwindigkeit {f}
speed {n} (photographic sensitivity to light)
:: Filmempfindlichkeit {f}
speed {n} (slang: amphetamine)
:: Speed {n}, Pep {n}
speed {v} (to go fast)
:: rasen
speedboat {n} (fast boat)
:: Motorboot {n}
speedboat {n} (racing boat)
:: Rennboot {n}
speed bump {n} (transverse ridge in the road)
:: Bodenschwelle {f} , Bremsschwelle {f} , Fahrbahnschwelle {f} ; Hubbel {m}, Verkehrshubbel {m}
speed dating {n} (organized event in which prospective romantic partners meet each other through a series of short one-to-one meetings)
:: Speed-Dating {n}
speed dial {n} (function)
:: Kurzwahl {f}
speeding {n} (driving faster than the legal speed limit)
:: Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung {f}
speed limit {n} (maximum speed permitted)
:: Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung {f}, Tempolimit {n}, Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung {f}
speed of light {n} (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum)
:: Lichtgeschwindigkeit {f}
speed of sound {n} (speed at which sound is propagated)
:: Schallgeschwindigkeit {f}
speedometer {n} (a device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle)
:: Geschwindigkeitsmesser {m}, Tachometer {m}, Tacho {m}
speedometer {n} (such a device incorporating an odometer)
:: Tachometer {m}
speedrun {n} (completing a video game as fast as possible)
:: Speedrun {m}
speed skating {n} (The sport of racing around an oval course on ice skates)
:: Eisschnelllauf {m}
speedup {n} (an amount of decrease in time taken)
:: Beschleunigung {f}
speedwell {n} (plant)
:: Ehrenpreis {m}
speedy {adj} (characterized by rapid or swift motion)
:: schnell
speleologist {n} (person who studies caves)
:: Höhlenforscher, Speläologe {m}, Höhlenforscherin {f}, Speläologin {f}
speleology {n} (scientific study of caves)
:: Speläologie, Speleologie, Höhlenforschung, Höhlenkunde
speleothem {n} (secondary mineral, deposited in a cave by the action of water)
:: Speläothem
spell {n} (magical incantation)
:: Zauberspruch {m}, Zauberformel {f}, Zauberwort {n}
spell {n} (magical effect of such incantation)
:: Zauber {m}
spell {v} (put under the influence of a spell)
:: verzaubern
spell {v} (to write or say the letters that form a word)
:: schreiben ; buchstabieren
spell {v} (to compose a word)
:: bilden, ergeben
spell {v} (to indicate that some future event will occur)
:: bedeuten, vorhersagen
spell {v} (figuratively, to clarify)
:: klarmachen, entziffern, auf gut Deutsch gesagt
spell {v} (to work in place of someone)
:: abwechseln, vertreten
spell {n} (indefinite period of time)
:: kurze Periode {f}, Weile {f}, Weilchen {n}, Zeitdauer {f}
spellbound {adj} (fascinated by something; entranced as if by a spell)
:: gebannt, bezaubert
spell checker {n} (software application)
:: Rechtschreibprüfung {f}, Rechtschreibkorrekturprogramm {n}, Rechtschreibprogramm {n}
speller {n} (person who spells)
:: Buchstabierer {m}, Buchstabiererin {f}
speller {n} (book used to learn to spell properly)
:: Fibel {f}
speller {n} (spell checker)
:: Rechtschreibprüfung {f}
spelling {n} (the practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography)
:: Orthografie {f}, Orthographie {f}; Rechtschreibung {f}
spelling {n} (a specific spelling of a word)
:: Orthografie {f}, Orthographie {f}; Rechtschreibung {f}
spelling bee {n} (spelling contest or competition)
:: Buchstabierwettbewerb {m}, Rechtschreibwettbewerb {m}
spelling pronunciation {n} (spelling pronunciation)
:: buchstabengetreue Aussprache {f}, Buchstabenaussprache {f}, Schriftaussprache {f}
spelt {n} (a type of wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta)
:: Dinkel {m}, Spelz {m}
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave
spelunking {n} (exploring underground caverns)
:: Höhlenwandern {n}
Spencer {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalent of “spencer”)
:: Speiser
spend {v} (to pay out)
:: ausgeben, spendieren
spend {v} (to consume, to use up (time))
:: verbringen
spend {v}
:: ausgeben, verbringen
spending power {n} (available income)
:: Kaufkraft {f}
spending spree {n} (series of purchases)
:: Kaufrausch {m}
spendthrift {adj} (improvident, profligate, or wasteful)
:: verschwenderisch
spendthrift {n} (someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully)
:: Verschwender {m}, Verschwenderin {f}, Prasser {m}, Prasserin {f}
spend time {v} (dedicate time to an activity)
:: Zeit verbringen
sperm {n} (cell)
:: Spermium {n}, Samenzelle {f}
sperm {n} (semen (fluid))
:: Sperma {n}
spermaceti {n} (wax obtained from the head of sperm whale)
:: Walrat {m}
spermatozoon {n} (reproductive cell of the male)
:: Spermium {n}, Samenzelle
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt
sperm bank {n} (place where sperm is stored)
:: Samenbank {f}
sperm donor {n} (man who donates sperm)
:: Samenspender {m}
sperm whale {n} (sperm whale)
:: Pottwal {m}
spessartine {n} (a type of garnet)
:: Spessartin {m}
Spetsnaz {n} (post-Soviet special forces)
:: Speznas {f-p}
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit
spew {v} (to vomit)
:: erbrechen, kotzen
spew {n} (ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate
Speyer {prop} (a city in Germany)
:: Speyer
SPG {n} (self-propelled gun)
:: StuK (Sturmkanone)
sphalerite {n} (mineral)
:: Sphalerit {m}, Zinkblende {f}
sphene {n} (titanite) SEE: titanite
spheral {adj} (spherical) SEE: spherical
sphere {n} (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object)
:: Kugel {f}
sphere {n} (spherical physical object)
:: Kugel {f}
sphere {n} (region in which something or someone is active)
:: Sphäre {f}, Bereich {m}
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere
sphere of influence {n} (area influenced by something)
:: Einflussbereich {m}, Einflussphäre {f}
sphere packing {n} (mathematics: arranging of non-overlapping spheres in space)
:: Kugelpackung {f}
spherical {adj} (shaped like a sphere)
:: kugelförmig, sphärisch, kugelig
spherical {adj} (of or relating to a sphere or spheres)
:: kugelförmig
sphericity {n} (quality of being spherical)
:: Kugelförmigkeit {f}
sphericity {n} (ratio of particle surface area to sphere surface area)
:: Sphärizität {f}
spherosome {n} (plant organelle)
:: Oleosom
sphincter {n} (band of muscle)
:: Schließmuskel {m}, Sphinkter {m}
sphinx {n} (mythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal)
:: Sphinx {f}
sphinx {n} (person who keeps his/her thoughts and intentions secret)
:: Sphinx {f}
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter
sphinx {n} (Mandrillus sphinx) SEE: mandrill
Sphinx {prop} (large monument in Egypt)
:: Sphinx {f}
sphinx moth {n} (hawk moth) SEE: hawk moth
sphragistics {n} (Study of seals)
:: Shpragistik {f}
sphygmomanometer {n} (device to measure blood pressure)
:: Blutdruckmessgerät {n}
Sphynx {n} (cat)
:: Sphynx {f}, Sphinx {f}
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet
spice {n} (plant matter used to season or flavour food)
:: Würze {f}, Gewürz {n}
spice {n} (any variety of spice)
:: Gewürz {n}
spice {v} (to add spice or spices to)
:: würzen
spice up {v} (To make something more exotic, fun or extravagant)
:: aufpeppen
spick-and-span {adj} (clean, spotless)
:: blitzblank, picobello
spicy {adj} (containing spice)
:: würzig, gewürzt, pikant
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent)
:: scharf (hot), würzig (herbal)
spider {n} (arthropod)
:: Spinne {f}
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider)
:: Spinnennetz {n}, Spinnwebe {f}, Spinnengewebe {n}, Spinngewebe {n}
spiderwort {n} (plant)
:: Dreimasterblume {f}
Spidey-sense {n} (intuitive feeling, usually of something being dangerous or risky)
:: Spinnensinn {m}
spiel {n} (A lengthy and extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade)
:: langes Gerede {n}, Schwafelei {f}, Geschwafel {n}
Spielberg {prop} (city)
:: Spielberg
Spielberg {prop} (surname)
:: Spielberg
spiffy {adj} (dapper, fine or neat)
:: schick
spignel {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap
spigot {n} (the plug of a faucet or cock)
:: Zapfhahn {m}
spike {n} (very large nail)
:: Nagel {m}, Spitze {f}
spike {n} (anything resembling such a nail in shape)
:: Spitze {f}, Stachel {m}
spike {n} (ear of grain)
:: Ähre {f}, Getreideähre {f}
spike {n} (botany: kind of inflorescence)
:: Ähre {m}
spike addition {n} (technique in analytical chemistry)
:: Standard-Addition {f}
spikenard {n}
:: indische Narde {f}; Narde {f}
spiky {adj} (having spikes)
:: stachlig, stachelig
spill {v} (transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out)
:: verschütten, schütten
spill {v} (intransitive: to spread out or fall out)
:: sich ergießen
spillikins {n} (a game of skill)
:: Mikado {m}
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit
spill the beans {v} (to reveal a secret; to disclose)
:: ausplaudern
spin {v} (to turn around quickly)
:: rotieren, schleudern
spin {v} (to make yarn)
:: spinnen
spin {v} (to present a bias)
:: schönreden, positiv darstellen, beschönigen
spin {v}
:: drehen, spinnen
spin {n} (physics: quantum angular momentum)
:: Spin {m}
spin {n} (favourable comment or interpretation)
:: Zurechtlegung {f}, Beschönigung {f}, Schönfärberei {f}, passende Auslegung {f}
spin {n} (rotation of a ball in motion)
:: Drall {m}
spin {n} (flight condition)
:: Trudeln {n}
spin {n} (brief trip)
:: Spritztour {f}
spina bifida {n} (birth defect)
:: Spina bifida {f}
spinach {n} (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea)
:: Spinat {m}
spinal canal {n} (canal containing the spinal cord and spinal meninges)
:: Spinalkanal {m}
spinal column {n} (spinal column) SEE: vertebral column
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue)
:: Rückenmark
spinal nerve {n} (nerve)
:: Spinalnerv {m}
spinal tap {n} (colloquial terms for lumbar puncture)
:: Lumbalpunktion {f}
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly
spindle {n} (rod in spinning and winding thread)
:: Spindel {f}
spindle {n} (rod which turns, or on which something turns round)
:: Spindel {f}
spindle {n} (rotary axis of a machine tool or power tool)
:: Spindel
spindle {n} (trees of the genus Euonymus)
:: Spindelstrauch {m}
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle
spindly {adj} (slender and of weak appearance)
:: dürr
spin doctor {n} (person hired to improve public image)
:: Imageberater {m}, Schönredner {m} , Tatsachenbeschöniger {m}, PR-Berater {m}
spindrift {n} (sea spray)
:: Gischt {f}
spine {n} (backbone)
:: Rückgrat {n}, Wirbelsäule {f}
spine {n} (bound edge of a book)
:: Rücken {m}
spine {n} (rigid, pointed surface protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant)
:: Stachel {m}, Dorn {m}
spine {n} (metaphor for courage or assertiveness)
:: Rückgrat {n}
spinel {n} (any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium)
:: Spinell
spinelessness {n} (state or quality of being spineless (not having a spine))
:: Rückgratlosigkeit {f} , Willenlosigkeit {f}
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine
spinet {n} (short, compact harpsichord)
:: Spinett {n}
spinner {n} (Someone or something who spins)
:: Spinner {m}, Spinnerin {f}
spinner {n} (computing: Input control for entering a number with accompanying arrowed buttons)
:: Spinner {m}
spinner dolphin {n} (species of dolphin)
:: Spinnerdelfin {m}
spinning jenny {n} (early spinning machine)
:: Feinspinnmaschine {f}, Jenny-Maschine {f}
spinning mule {n} (machine that spins thread from fibres)
:: Spinning Mule
spinning top {n} (a toy)
:: Kreisel {m}
spinning wheel {n} (device for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle)
:: Spinnrad {n}
spin-off {n} (offshoot) SEE: offshoot
spin-off {n} (by-product) SEE: by-product
spin-off {n} (fictional work)
:: Ableger {m}
spin-off {n} (formation of a subsidiary, the company so formed)
:: Ableger {m}, Spin-off {n} {m}
spinous process {n} (bony process of a vertebra that projects posteriorly from the neural arch)
:: Dornfortsatz {m}
spinster {n} (unmarried woman)
:: alte Jungfer {f}, Junggesellin {f}, unverheiratetes Fräulein {n}, unverheiratete Frau {f}
spin the bottle {n} (game)
:: Flaschendrehen
spintronics {n} (type of information storage and handling)
:: Spintronik {f}
spiny anteater {n} (common name for echidna) SEE: echidna
spiny dogfish {n} (Squalus acanthias)
:: Dornhai {m}
spiny lobster {n} (crustacean of the family Palinuridae)
:: Languste {f}
spiny-tailed lizard {n} (any lizard of the genus Uromastyx)
:: Dornschwanzagame {f}
spiracle {n} (opening used for breathing)
:: Atemloch {n}
spiracle {n} (blowhole)
:: Atemloch {n}
spiral {n} (geometry)
:: Spirale {f}
spiral staircase {n} (type of staircase)
:: Wendeltreppe {f}
spiral worm {n} (wad hook) SEE: wad hook
spire {n} (tapering architectural structure)
:: Turmspitze {f}, Turmhelm {m}
spirit {n} (soul)
:: Geist {m}, Seele {f}
spirit {n} (supernatural being)
:: Geist {m}
spirit {n} (alcohol)
:: Schnaps {m}, Sprit {m}, Alkohol {m}
spiritism {n} (spiritualism) SEE: spiritualism
spiritism {n} (Spiritism) SEE: Spiritism
Spiritism {prop} (philosophical doctrine)
:: Spiritismus {m}
spirit level {n} (spirit level)
:: Wasserwaage {f}
spiritual {adj} (of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul)
:: geistig
spiritualism {n} (the philosophic doctrine, opposing materialism)
:: Spiritualismus {m}
spiritualism {n} (the belief that the dead communicate with the living through mediums)
:: Spiritismus {m}
spiritualist {n} (one who communicates with the dead)
:: Spiritualist {m}, Spiritualistin {f}
spiritualist {adj} (pertaining to spiritualism)
:: spiritualistisch
spirituality {n} (concern for what is unseen and intangible)
:: Geistigkeit {f}, Spiritualität {f}
spiritus asper {n} (Ancient Greek diacritical mark) SEE: rough breathing
spiritus lenis {n} (Greek diacritical mark) SEE: smooth breathing
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig
spit {n} (thin rod on which meat is skewered for cooking)
:: Spieß {m}
spit {n} (generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsula)
:: Nehrung {f}, Landzunge {f}
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.)
:: spucken
spit {n} (saliva)
:: Speichel {m}, Spucke {f}
spitchcock {n} (eel prepared by spitchcocking)
:: Brataal
spite {n} (ill-will or hatred toward another; a desire to vex or injure)
:: Boshaftigkeit {f}, Gehässigkeit {f}
spite {v} (to treat maliciously)
:: trotzen
spiteful {adj} (filled with spite)
:: gehässig, boshaft
spitefulness {n} (state or quality of being spiteful)
:: Gehässigkeit {f}, Boshaftigkeit {f}, Bosheit {f}
spitefulness {n} (result or product of being spiteful)
:: Boshaftigkeit {f}, Gehässigkeit {f}, Niederträchtigkeit {f}, Gemeinheit {f}, Niedertracht {f}, Bosheit {f}
spit it out {v} (to overcome reluctance to say something particular or to speak in general)
:: spuck's aus
spit roast {n} (cooking technique)
:: Spießgrillen {n}
Spitsbergen {prop} (island)
:: Spitzbergen {n}; West-Spitzbergen {n}
spitting image {n} (the exact likeness of someone)
:: Ebenbild {n}
spitting spider {n} (spider from the family Scytodidae)
:: Speispinne {f}, Leimschleuderspinne {f}
spittle {n} (spit, usually frothy)
:: Spucke {f}
spittoon {n} (receptacle for spit)
:: Spucknapf {m}
spit wad {n} (A wad of spittle spat by someone)
:: Spucke {f}
spitz {n} (Any of several Nordic breeds of dog such as the Pomeranian or Samoyed)
:: Spitz {m}
splash {n} (the sound made by an object hitting a liquid)
:: Spritzen
splash {v} (to hit or agitate liquid)
:: plätschern, platschen
splash down {n}
:: Wasserung {f}
splay {v} (To spread (out))
:: spreizen
splay {v} (To turn on one side; to render oblique; to slope or slant, as the side of a door, window, etc.)
:: ausschrägen
splay {n} (A slope or bevel)
:: Abkantung {f}, Abschrägung {n}
splay {v} (To dislocate, as a shoulder bone) SEE: dislocate
spleen {n} (organ)
:: Milz {f}
spleen {n} (mood)
:: Groll {m}, Trübsinn {m}
spleenwort {n} (a type of fern)
:: Streifenfarn {m}
splendid {adj} (possessing or displaying splendor)
:: glänzend
splendid {adj} (showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous)
:: prächtig
splendid {adj} (illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated)
:: hervorragend
splendor {n} (magnificent appearance)
:: Pracht {f}
splenectomy {n} (surgical removal of the spleen)
:: Splenektomie {f}
splenetic {adj} (related to the spleen)
:: splenisch, Milz-
splenomegaly {n} (enlargement of the spleen)
:: Splenomegalie {f}
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry
splice {n} (junction or joining of ropes)
:: Verbindung {f}
splice {v} (to unite ropes by interweaving the strands)
:: spleißen
spliff {n} (a marijuana cigarette)
:: Joint {m}
spline {n} (flexible strip)
:: Straklatte {f}
spline {n} (smooth mathematical curve)
:: Spline, Polynomzug {m}
splint {n} (immobilizing device)
:: Schiene, Gipsschiene
splinter {n} (fragment of material)
:: Splitter {m}, Schiefer {m}, Spreißel {m}
splinter {n} (group)
:: Splittergruppe {f}
splinter {v} (to come apart into splinters)
:: zersplittern
splinter {v} (to cause to break apart into splinters)
:: zersplittern
splinter group {n} (group of members of a political party or of a similar organisation who have decided to create their own organisation)
:: Splittergruppe {f}
split {adj} (divided)
:: spalten
split {n} (crack, longitudinal fissure)
:: Riss {m}, Spalt {m}
split {n} (breach, division)
:: Spaltung {f}
split {n} (manoeuvre, acrobatic feat)
:: spagat {m}
split {v} (divide along a more or less straight line)
:: spalten
split {v} (share out)
:: verteilen, aufteilen
split {v} (leave)
:: abhauen
split {v} (separate)
:: trennen
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach
Split {prop} (port city in Croatia)
:: Split {n}
split end {n} (hair which has split at the end)
:: Spliss {m}
split hairs {n} (tedious details)
:: Haarspalterei {f}
split hairs {v} (to consider fine details)
:: Haarspalterei betreiben, Haare spalten
split infinitive {n} (an infinitive with one or more modifiers inserted between the to and the verb)
:: getrennter Infinitiv
split pea {n} (dried, peeled, and split seeds of the pea)
:: Schälerbse {f}
splits {n} (manoeuvre, acrobatic feat)
:: Spagat {m}
split-second {n} (a brief moment)
:: Sekundenbruchteile {m-p}
splitting field {n} ((Galois theory, of a polynomial) smallest field containing all roots)
:: Zerfällungskörper {m}
splurge {v} (to flow or move in rush)
:: ergießen
splurge {v} (to spend lavishly or extravagantly)
:: prassen, verprassen
splurge {n} (extravagant or ostentatious display)
:: Protzen {n}, Protzerei {f}, Angeberei {f}, Protz {m}
splurge {n} (extravagant indulgence)
:: verschwenderisches Ausgeben {n}, Prassen {n}, Geldverjubeln {n}
splutter {v} (to speak hurriedly and confusedly)
:: stottern
spodumene {n} (a pyroxene mineral, lithium aluminum inosilicate)
:: Spodumen {m}
spoil {v} (strip)
:: plündern
spoil {v} (ruin)
:: ruinieren, verderben
spoil {v} (to coddle or pamper)
:: verwöhnen
spoil {v} (become sour or rancid, to decay)
:: verderben, schlecht werden
spoil {v} (reveal the ending)
:: den Spaß verderben
spoil {n} (plunder taken from an enemy or victim)
:: Beute {f}
spoil {n} (material moved)
:: Abraum {m}, Schotter {m}, Aushub {m}
spoiled {adj} (of food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible)
:: verdorben
spoiled {adj} ((of a person, usually a child) having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering)
:: verwöhnt, verzogen
spoiler {n} (document, review or comment that discloses)
:: Spoiler {m}
spoiler {n} (automobiles: device to reduce lift and increase downforce)
:: Spoiler {m}
spoils {n} (that which is taken from another by violence)
:: Beute {f}
spoils of war {n} (profits extracted as the result of winning a war)
:: Kriegsbeute {f}, Siegesbeute {f}
spoilsport {adj} (someone who puts an end to harmless fun)
:: Spielverderber {m}, Spielverderberin {f}, Spaßverderber {m}, Spaßverderberin {f}, Spaßbremse {f}
spoilt {adj} (of food: rendered unusable or inedible)
:: verdorben
spoilt {adj} (of a child)
:: verwöhnt, verzogen
spoke {n} (part of a wheel)
:: Speiche {f}
spoken {adj} (concerning speech)
:: gesprochen
spokeshave {n} (woodworking tool)
:: Schweifhobel {m}, Schabhobel {m}, Schinder {m}
spokesman {n} (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people)
:: Sprecher {m}, Sprecherin {f}, Wortführer {m}, Wortführerin {f}
spokesmodel {n} (person)
:: Gesicht der Kampagne {n}, Gesicht der Marke {n}
spokesperson {n} (person who acts as the voice of a group of people)
:: Sprecher {m}, Sprecherin {f}, Wortführer {m}, Wortführerin {f}
spoliation {n} (destruction of evidence)
:: Beweisvereitelung {f}
spondee {n} (word of two syllables)
:: Spondeus {m}
spondyle {n} (joint of the backbone) SEE: vertebra
sponge {n} (marine invertebrate)
:: Schwamm {m}
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing)
:: Schwamm {m}
sponge {n} (slang: person who takes advantage of the generosity of others)
:: Schnorrer {m}
sponge {v} (to take advantage of others)
:: schnorren
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure)
:: Biskuit {n}, Biskuitkuchen {m}, Biskuitmasse {f}
sponge cloth {n}
:: Schwammtuch {n}
sponger {n} (one who sponges)
:: Schnorrer {m}
spongy {adj} (absorbent, squishy, porous)
:: schwammartig, schwammig
sponsor {n} (person or organisation with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect))
:: Sponsor {m}, Sponsorin {f}
sponsor {n} (One that pays all or part of the cost of an event)
:: Sponsor {m}
sponsor {v} (to be a sponsor for)
:: sponsern
spontaneity {n} (the quality of being spontaneous)
:: Spontaneität {f}, Spontanität {f}
spontaneity {n} (spontaneous behaviour)
:: Laune {f}
spontaneous {adj} (random) SEE: random
spontaneous {adj} (self generated; happening without any apparent external cause)
:: spontan
spontaneous {adj} (done by one's own free choice, or without planning)
:: spontan
spontaneously {adv} (in a spontaneous manner)
:: spontan
spook {n} (spirit returning to haunt a place)
:: Gespenst {n}
spook {n}
:: Gespenst, Phantom, Geist, Spuk
spooky {adj} (eerie; suggestive of ghosts)
:: gespenstisch, geisterhaft, spukhaft
spooky action at a distance {n}
:: spukhafte Fernwirkung {f}
spool {n} (spindle)
:: Spule {f}
spoon {n} (scooped utensil for eating (or serving))
:: Löffel {m}
spoon {v} (to flirt) SEE: flirt
spoon {n} (measure that will fit into a spoon) SEE: spoonful
spoonbill {n} (bird)
:: Löffler {m}
spoonbill {n} (paddlefish) SEE: paddlefish
spoonful {n} (amount a spoon will hold)
:: Löffelvoll {m}
spoon lure {n} (oblong, concave lure)
:: Blinker {m}
spoonwort {n} (scurvy-grass) SEE: scurvy-grass
spoor {n} (trail left by an animal)
:: Fußspur {f}
sporadic {adj} (rare and scattered in occurrence)
:: sporadisch
sporadically {adv} (In an occasional, infrequent, or irregular manner)
:: sporadisch
spore {n} (reproductive particle)
:: Spore {f}
spork {n} (eating utensil)
:: Göffel {m}
sporophyte {n} (plant which produces spores by meiosis in order to produce gametophytes)
:: Sporophyt {m}
sporran {n} (pouch worn with kilt)
:: Sporran
sport {n} (any athletic activity that uses physical skills)
:: Sport {m}
sport {n} (person who exhibits either good or bad sportsmanship)
:: Sportsmann {m}, Sportsfrau {f}
sport {v} (amuse oneself)
:: spielen, sich vergnügen, herumtollen
sport {v} (mock or tease)
:: herumspielen, Spott treiben
sport {v} (display, have as feature)
:: tragen, präsentieren, zur Schau stellen, angeben mit, protzen mit
sporting {adj} (pertaining to sports)
:: sportiv
sportive {adj} (gay, frolicsome, merry) SEE: merry
sportive {adj} (playful, coltish) SEE: playful
sportive {adj} (good at sport) SEE: sporty
sports bra {n} (bra worn when playing various sports)
:: Sport-BH {m}
sports car {n} (automobile designed for high speed)
:: Sportwagen {m}
sports center {n}
:: Sportzentrum {n}
sports field {n} (flat area for sports)
:: Spielfeld {n}, Sportplatz {m}
sports ground {n} (a stadium or piece of land used for sport)
:: Sportplatz {m}
sports jacket {n} (tailored jacket that is not part of a suit)
:: Sakko {n} or {m}
sportsman {n} (male athlete)
:: (männlicher) Sportler {m}
sportsmanlike {adj} (good sportsmanship)
:: sportlich
sportsmanship {n}
:: Fairness {f}
sports medicine {n} (branch of medicine)
:: Sportmedizin {f}
sportsperson {n}
:: Sportler {m}, Sportlerin {f}
sportswear {n} (casual clothing for sport or excercise)
:: Sportbekleidung {f}
sportswoman {n} (woman who engages in sports)
:: Sportlerin {f}
sport utility vehicle {n} (vehicle)
:: Geländelimousine {f}, Sport Utility Vehicle {n}
sporty {adj} (favourable to sports)
:: sportlich
sporty {adj} (flashy in appearance)
:: sportlich
spot {n} (a round or irregular patch of a different color)
:: Fleck {m}, Punkt {m}
spot {n} (stain)
:: Fleck {m}
spot {n} (pimple, pustule)
:: Pickel {m}, Pustel {f}
spot {n} (small amount)
:: Bisschen {n}
spot {n} (location or area)
:: Stelle {f}, Ort {m}
spot {n} (a brief advertisement)
:: Werbespot {m}
spot {v} (see, pick out, notice or identify)
:: entdecken
spot-backed antshrike {n} (bird)
:: Perlenmantel-Ameisenwürger {m}
spot check {n} (a cursory inspection or examination or the inspection or examination of a sample of something)
:: Stichprobenkontrolle {f}
spot check {v} (to inspect or examine)
:: stichprobenartig kontrollieren
spotless starling {n} (Sturnus unicolor)
:: Einfarbstar {m}
spotlight {n} (a bright lamp, especially one used to illuminate the center of attention on a stage)
:: Scheinwerfer {m}
spotlight {n} (the circle of light shed by a spotlight)
:: Scheinwerferlicht {n}, Schlaglicht {n}
spotted {adj} (discoloured by spots; stained)
:: befleckt
spotted {adj} (characterized by spots)
:: gesprenkelt
spotted bowerbird {n} (bowerbird)
:: Fleckenlaubenvogel
spotted dragonet {n} (Callionymus maculatus)
:: Gefleckter Leierfisch
spotted flycatcher {n} (bird)
:: Grauschnäpper {m}
spotted nutcracker {n} (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
:: Tannenhäher {m}
spotted redshank {n} (Tringa erythropus)
:: Dunkler Wasserläufer {m}
spotted sandpiper {n} (Actitis macularius)
:: Drosseluferläufer {m}
spotty {adj} (having spots)
:: fleckig, gefleckt
spotty {adj} (of inconsistent quality)
:: durchwachsen
spot-winged antshrike {n} (Pygiptila stellaris)
:: Fleckenflügel-Ameisenwürger {m}
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife
spouse {n} (person in a marriage or marital relationship)
:: Gatte {m}, Gattin {f}, Ehepartner {m}, Ehepartnerin {f}
spouse {v} (to get married to) SEE: espouse
spout {n} (a tube through which liquid is poured or discharged)
:: Tülle {f}, Ausguss {m}, Schnabel {m}, Auslauf {m}, Schnaupe, Schnauze {f}, Auslaufrohr {n}, Ausgießer {m}, Wasserspeier {m}, Ausgusstülle {f}, Ausgießtülle {f}
spout {n} (a stream of liquid)
:: Ausfluss {m}, Auslauf {m}, Fluss {m}, Strom {m}, Flüssigkeitsstrom {m}, Fontäne {f}
spout {n} (the mixture of air and water thrown up from the blowhole of a whale)
:: Blas {m}
spout {v} (to gush forth in a stream)
:: speien, spritzen, herausspritzen
spout {v} (to speak tediously and at length)
:: palavern, quatschen, von sich geben
sprachbund {n} (group of languages sharing areal features primarily due to language contact)
:: Sprachbund {m}
Sprachgefühl {n} (the instinctive or intuitive grasp of a language)
:: Sprachgefühl {n}
Sprachraum {n} (geographical region where a language is spoken)
:: Sprachraum {m}
sprain {v} (to weaken a joint, ligament, or muscle)
:: verstauchen
sprain {n} (act or result of spraining)
:: Verstauchung {f}
sprat {n} (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus)
:: Sprotte {f}
Spratly Islands {prop} (islands)
:: Spratly-Inseln {f-p}
sprawl {v} (to sit with limbs spread out)
:: ausspreizen, grätschen
sprawl {v} (to spread out in disorderly fashion)
:: sich ausbreiten
sprawl {n} (haphazard growth)
:: Wuchern {n}, Ausufern {n}
spray {n} (fine, gentle, dispersed mist of liquid)
:: Spray {m}, Sprühnebel {m}
spray {n} (small branch of flowers or berries)
:: Reisig {n}, Blütenstand {m}
spray {n} (commercial product)
:: Spray {m}
spray {v} (to project a liquid in a disperse manner)
:: versprühen, zerstäuben
spray can {n} (pressurized canister) SEE: aerosol can
spray gun {n} (paint sprayer)
:: Sprühpistole {f}
sprayhood {n} (companionway cover) SEE: dodger
spread {v} (to stretch out, expand)
:: verteilen
spread {v} (to extend, stretch out (limbs etc))
:: spreizen
spread {v} (to disperse, scatter)
:: ausstreuen, verbreiten
spread {v} (to smear, distribute in a thin layer)
:: auftragen, beschmieren, bestreichen
spread {v} ((transitive) to disseminate, make known or present)
:: verbreiten, ausbreiten
spread {v} ((intransitive) to take up a larger area, expand)
:: ausbreiten
spread {n} (food designed to be spread)
:: Aufstrich {m}, Brotaufstrich
spreadable {adj} (spreadable)
:: streichbar
spread like wildfire {v} (spread or disseminate rapidly or uncontrollably)
:: sich wie ein Lauffeuer verbreiten
spreadsheet {n} (sheet of paper)
:: Kalkulationstabelle {f}
spreadsheet {n} (computer simulation)
:: Tabellenkalkulation {f}, Kalkulationstabelle {f}
spread the word {v} (tell a lot of people)
:: weitersagen, weiterverbreiten
spree {n} (a merry frolic)
:: Spaß {m}
Spree {prop} (river in Germany)
:: Spree {f}
Spreewald {prop} (forested wetland in Lower Lusatia)
:: Spreewald {m}
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates)
:: Frühling {m}, Frühjahr {n}, / Lenz {m}, Frühlingszeit {f}, Frühjahrszeit {f}
spring {n} (water springing from the ground)
:: Quelle {f}
spring {n} (device made of flexible material)
:: Sprungfeder {f}, Feder {f}
spring {n}
:: Festmacherleine {f}
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot
spring {n} (cluster of trees) SEE: grove
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning
spring {n} (spring tide) SEE: spring tide
spring {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide
spring {n} (elasticity) SEE: elasticity
springald {n} (ancient military engine)
:: Rutte {f}
spring balance {n} (a device for measuring weight or force by the elasticity of a spiral spring)
:: Federwaage {f}
springboard {n} (flexible diving board)
:: Sprungbrett {n}
springboard {n} (platform on springs used in gymnastics)
:: Sprungbrett {n}
springboard {n} (figuratively: anything that launches or provides impulse)
:: Sprungbrett {n}
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning at the end of winter)
:: Frühjahrsputz {m}
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning of anything)
:: Großreinemachen {n}
spring constant {n} (characteristic of a spring)
:: Federkonstante {f}
springed {adj} (having springs)
:: gefedert
spring equinox {n} (vernal equinox) SEE: vernal equinox
Spring Festival {n} (Chinese New Year) SEE: Chinese New Year
Springfield {prop} (Any of several towns)
:: Springfield
spring onion {n} (Allium fistulosum)
:: Frühlingszwiebel {f}, Lauchzwiebel {f}, Winterzwiebel {f}
spring roll {n} (shredded vegetables wrapped in a pancake)
:: Frühlingsrolle {f}
spring tide {n} (tide which occurs when the moon is new or full)
:: Springflut {f}, Springtide
spring to life {v} (start to exist)
:: entspringen
spring to mind {v} (appear in one's thoughts)
:: in den Sinn kommen
springwater {n} (water originating from a spring)
:: Quellwasser {n}
springy {adj} (capable of returning to its original form)
:: elastisch
sprinkle {v} (to cause to fall in fine drops)
:: sprühen
sprinkle {v} (to cover an object)
:: besprühen
sprinkle {n} (A light rain shower)
:: Nieselregen
sprinkler {n} (irrigation device)
:: Sprinkler {m}, Sprinkleranlage {f}
sprinkler {n} (fire sprinkler)
:: Feuerlöschanlage {f}
sprinkles {n} (small candy or sugar pieces as decoration)
:: Schokostreusel {m}
sprint {n} (short race at top speed)
:: Kurzstreckenlauf {m}, Sprint {m}
sprint {n} (burst of speed or activity)
:: Spurt {m}
sprint {v} (To run etc at top speed for a short period)
:: spurten
sprinting {n} (the action of the verb to sprint)
:: schnelles Rennen {n}, schnelles Laufen {n}, Sprinten {n}
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker
sprite {n} (a spirit; a soul; a shade; also, an apparition)
:: Geist {m}, Erscheinung {f}, Seele {f}
sprite {n} (an elf; a fairy; a goblin)
:: Kobold {m}, Elf {m}, Elfe {m} {f}, Elfin {f}
sprite {n} (a two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene)
:: Sprite {m}
sprite {n} (electrical discharges that occur high above the cumulonimbus cloud of an active thunderstorm)
:: Kobold {m}
spritz {n} (sprinkling or spray of liquid)
:: Spritzer {m}, Schuss {m}
spritz {v} (to spray, sprinkle, or squirt lightly)
:: sprühen, spritzen
sprocket {n} (toothed wheel)
:: Kettenrad {n}, Ritzel {n}
sprocket {n} (extension of roof)
:: Aufschiebling {m}, Eselsohr {n}
sprout {n} (new growth on a plant)
:: Spross {m}, Sprössling {m}
sprout {n} (child)
:: Sprössling {m}, Spross {m}
sprout {v} (to grow, to germinate)
:: sprießen, keimen
sprout {v}
:: keimen
sprout {n} (Brussels sprout) SEE: Brussels sprout
spruce {n} (tree from the genus Picea)
:: Fichte {f}
spruce {n} (wood of a spruce)
:: Fichtenholz {n}
sprue {n} (Material that cools in the feed channels to a mold)
:: Anguss {m}
spud {n} (a tool used for digging out weeds)
:: Jätmesser {n}, kleine Knolle {f}, Kartoffel {f}, Lotkrampe {f}
spunk {n} (courage; spirit; mettle; determination)
:: Courage {f}, Mumm {m}
spunk {n} (slang: attractive male)
:: heißer Typ {m}
spunk {n} (slang: semen)
:: Soße {f}, Wichse {f}, Saft {m}
spur {n} (implement for prodding a horse)
:: Sporn {m}
spur {n} (anything that inspires or motivates)
:: Ansporn
spur {v} (to prod)
:: die Sporen geben
spur {v} (to urge or encourage to action)
:: anspornen
spur {v} (to put spurs on)
:: mit Sporen versehen
spur cell {n} (spiny cell)
:: Akanthozyt
spurdog {n} (spiny dogfish) SEE: spiny dogfish
spurge {n} (any plant of the genus Euphorbia)
:: Wolfsmilch {f}
spurious {adj} (false)
:: unecht
spurn {v} (to reject disdainfully)
:: verschmähen, abweisen, verachten
spurn {v} (to reject by pushing away with the foot)
:: treten, mit Füßen treten
spurn {v} (to waste; fail to make the most of)
:: vertun, vergeben
spurn {n} (an act of spurning; a scornful rejection)
:: Verschmähen {n}, Verschmähung {f}
spurn {n} (a kick)
:: Tritt {m}
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur
spurt {v} (to gush)
:: spritzen, zischen, schießen
spurt {n} (brief gush)
:: Spritze {f}
spurt {v} (to make strong effort)
:: spurten, sprinten, sich sputen
sputnik {n} (a Soviet robotic space satellite)
:: Sputnik {m}
sputter {v} (to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva; to utter words hastily and indistinctly)
:: mit feuchter Aussprache sprechen
spy {n} (person who secretly watches)
:: Spion {m}, Spionin {f}
spy {v} (to act as a spy)
:: ausspionieren
spy {v} (to spot at a distance)
:: erspähen
spyglass {n} (portable telescope)
:: Fernglas {n}
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars
spying {n} (espionage) SEE: espionage
spy on {v} (to watch secretly or covertly; to surveil)
:: ausspionieren
spyplane {n} (military aircraft used for surveillance)
:: Spionageflugzeug {n}
spy ring {n} (spy network)
:: Spionagering {m}
spyware {n} (program)
:: Spyware {?}
SQL {n} (SQL (Structured Query Language))
:: SQL {n}
squab {n} (baby pigeon)
:: Jungtaube {f}, ungefiederte Jungtaube {f}, Taubenküken {n}, Taubenbaby {n}
squab {n} (meat of a young pigeon or dove)
:: Täubchen {n}, Täubchenfleisch {n}
squabble {n} (minor fight or argument)
:: Rangelei {f}, Gerangel {n}, Disput {m}
squabble {v} (participate in a minor fight or argument)
:: sich kabbeln, (sich) zanken
squacco {n} (Ardeola ralloides)
:: Rallenreiher {m}
squad {n} (small group of people organized for a purpose)
:: Gruppe {f}
squad {n} (sports team)
:: Mannschaft {f}
squadron {n} (army: body of cavalry)
:: Schwadron {f}
squadron {n} (navy: detachment of vessels)
:: Geschwader {n}
squadron {n} (air force: tactical unit of at least two flights)
:: Staffel {f}, Geschwader {n}
squalene {n} (triterpene hydrocarbon)
:: Squalen {m}
squall {n} (squall line, multicell line or part of a squall line) SEE: squall line
squall line {n} (line of thunderstorms)
:: Schlechtwetterfront {f}
squalor {n} (squalidness)
:: Schmutz, Elend {n}, Vernachlässigung {f}, Ärmlichkeit {f}, Dreck {m}, Verschmutzung {f}, Unreinheit {f}, Verderbtheit {f}, Verkommenheit {f}
squamous {adj} (scaly)
:: schuppig, geschuppt
squander {v} (to waste)
:: verschwenden, vergeuden, verprassen
square {n} (type of polygon)
:: Quadrat {n}
square {n} (open space in a town)
:: Platz {m}
square {n} (cell in a grid)
:: Feld {n}, Schachfeld {n}
square {n} (second power)
:: Quadrat {n}
square {n} (slang: socially conventional person)
:: Spießer {m}
square {n} (the # symbol on a telephone)
:: Doppelkreuz {n}
square {n}
:: Anschlagwinkel {m}, Zeichenschiene {f}
square {adj} (shaped like a square)
:: quadratisch
square {adj} (forming a right angle)
:: rechtwinklig
square {adj} (used in the names of units)
:: Quadrat-
square {adj} (socially conventional)
:: spießig
square {adj}
:: : anständig; : spießig
square {v} (math: to multiply by itself)
:: quadrieren
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair
square bracket {n} (symbol )
:: eckige Klammer {f}
square centimeter {n} (unit of area)
:: Quadratzentimeter {m}
squared {adj} (raised to the second power)
:: zum Quadrat, Quadrat
square foot {n} (unit of area equal to that of a square of one foot each side)
:: Quadratfuß {m}
square kilometer {n} (square kilometre) SEE: square kilometre
square kilometre {n} (standard unit of area)
:: Quadratkilometer {m}
square metre {n} (standard unit of area)
:: Quadratmeter {m}
square mile {n} (unit of area)
:: Quadratmeile {f}
square root {n} (number)
:: Quadratwurzel {f}
square sail {n} (sail set athwartships in a yard)
:: Rahsegel {n}
square wave {n} (function or waveform that alternates regularly and instantaneously between two levels)
:: Rechteckschwingung {f}, Rechtecksignal {n}
squash {n} (the sport)
:: Squash {n}
squash {v} (to compress)
:: zusammendrücken
squash {n} (plant and its fruit of the genus Cucurbita)
:: Kürbis {m}
squash {n} (soft drink) SEE: cordial
squash player {n} (competitor in the sport of squash)
:: Squashspieler {m}, Squasher {m}
squat {n} (position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet)
:: Hocke {f}
squat {n} (weightlifting: exercise)
:: Kniebeuge {f}
squat {n} (building occupied without permission)
:: besetztes Haus
squat {v} (to bend at the knees)
:: hocken
squat {v} (to occupy without permission)
:: besetzen
squatter {n} (one occupying a place without permission)
:: Hausbesetzer {m}, Hausbesetzerin {f}, Landbesetzer {m}, illegaler Siedler {m}
squatting {n} (occupation of a building/land without permission of owner)
:: Hausbesetzung {f}
squat toilet {n} (toilet which is operated by squatting)
:: Hocktoilette {f}, Hockklo {n}
squawk {n} (shrill noise)
:: Krächzen {n}, Kreischen {n}, Schreien {n}
squawk {v} (to make a squawking noise)
:: krächzen, kreischen
squeak {n} (short, high-pitched sound)
:: Gequieke {n}, Gequietsche {n}, Knarren {n}, Piepsen {n}, Quietschen {n}
squeak {v} (emit sound)
:: knarren, piepsen {n}, quietschen
squeaky {adj} (producing a high-pitched sound or squeak)
:: quietschend
squeaky clean {adj} (very clean)
:: blitzsauber
squeaky clean {adj} (beyond reproach)
:: makellos
squeal {n} (a high-pitched sound)
:: Schrei {m}, Kreischen {n}
squeal {v} (to scream a high-pitched squeal)
:: kreischen
squeal {v} (to rat on someone)
:: singen , petzen
squeal like a stuck pig {v} (to utter loud squeals)
:: schreien wie am Spieß
squeamish {adj} (easily bothered or upset; tending to be nauseous or nervous)
:: empfindlich, zimperlich
squeamishness {n} (quality of being squeamish)
:: Zimperlichkeit {f}
squeegee {n} (tool used for cleaning glass)
:: Abzieher {m}
squeegee mop {n} (squeezable sponge mop)
:: Schwammwischer Multimop
squeeze {v} (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once)
:: drücken, klemmen, pressen, quetschen
squeeze {v} (to fit into a tight place)
:: quetschen, zwängen
squeeze {n} (difficult position)
:: Klemme {f}
squeeze {n} (caving: traversal of a narrow passage)
:: Engpass {m}
squeeze {n}
:: Druck {m}, Engpass {m}, Klemme {f}, Knappheit {f}, Quetsche {f}
squeezebox {n} (accordion, concertina)
:: Quetsche {f}, Quetschkasten {m}, Quetschkommode {f}
squeeze out {v} (used other than as an idiom, to squeeze out)
:: Zeit herausschlagen, ausquetschen
squeeze out {v} (to obtain a difficult victory in a competition)
:: herausschlagen , heraushauen
squelch {v} (to make a sucking, splashing noise)
:: matschen
squib {n} (small firework)
:: Knallfrosch {m}
squib {n} (device used to ignite a rocket)
:: Zündschnur {f}
squid {n} (sea animal)
:: Kalmar {m}, Tintenfisch {m}
squiggle {n} (an illegible scrawl)
:: Gekritzel {n}
squiggle {v} (to write (something) illegibly)
:: kritzeln
squiggly {adj} (Not straight; wavy)
:: schnörkelig, verschnörkelt
squill {n} (plant of the genus Scilla)
:: Blaustern {m}
squinch {n} (structure between walls to transition to circular)
:: Trompe {f}
squint {v} (to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight)
:: blinzeln
squint {v} (to look or glance sideways)
:: schielen
squint {v} (to look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions)
:: schielen
squint {n} (expression in which the eyes are partly closed)
:: Schielen {n}
squint {n} (look of eyes which are turned in different directions, like in strabismus)
:: Strabismus {m}, Schielen {n}
squire {n} (armor-bearer who attended a knight)
:: Schildknappe {m}, Knappe {m}, Edelknecht {m}
squire {n} (title of dignity)
:: Kavalier {m}
squire {n} (male attendant)
:: Galan {m}
squirm {v} (twist one’s body with snakelike motion)
:: sich winden
squirrel {n} (rodent)
:: Eichhörnchen {n}, Hörnchen {n}, Eichhorn {n}; Regional German: Eichkatze {f}, Eichkätzchen {n}, Eichkater {m}, Eichhase {m}
squirrel monkey {n} (Saimiri)
:: Totenkopfäffchen {n}
squirt {v} (to be ejected, in a rapid stream)
:: spritzen
squirt gun {n} (a toy gun used to shoot water)
:: Wasserpistole {f}
squirting cucumber {n} (Ecballium elaterium)
:: Spritzgurke {f}, Eselsgurke {f}, Eselskürbis {m}
squish {v} (To squeeze, compress, or crush)
:: quetschen, zermatschen, zerquetschen
squishiness {n} (State or quality)
:: Nachgiebigkeit {f}, Schwabbeligkeit {f}
squishy {adj} ((of an object or substance) yielding easily to pressure; very soft; especially, soft and wet, as mud)
:: weichlich, nachgebend, watschig , pratschig, matschig, schwabbelig
Srebrenica {prop} (Bosnian town)
:: Srebrenica
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte {prop} (the administrative capital of Sri Lanka)
:: Sri Jayawardenepura
Sri Lanka {prop} (a country in South Asia)
:: Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan {n} (a person from Sri Lanka or of Sri Lankan descent)
:: Sri-Lanker {m}, Sri-Lankerin {f}
Sri Lankan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Sri Lanka or to the Sri Lankan people)
:: sri-lankisch
Srinagar {prop} (summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, India)
:: Srinagar {n}
S-shaped {adj} (shaped like the letter S)
:: s-förmig
st {n} (street)
:: Str.
st {n} (saint)
:: St.
-st {suffix} (first)
:: -st- (e.g. 1ste = erste)
s.t. {conj} (such that)
:: so dass
St. {n} (abbreviation of Street)
:: Str.
St. {n} (abbreviation of Saint) SEE: St
St {n} (abbreviation of Saint)
:: St., Sct.
stab {n} (act of stabbing)
:: Stich {m}
stab {n} (wound made by stabbing)
:: Stichwunde {f}
stab {v} (To pierce or wound with pointed object)
:: stechen, erstechen, niederstechen
stabbing {n} (in incident in which a person is stabbed)
:: Messerstecherei {f}
stability {n} (condition of being stable)
:: Stabilität {f}
stability {n} (tendency to recover from perturbations)
:: Stabilität {f}
stabilization {n} (process of stabilizing)
:: Stabilisierung {f}
stabilize {v} (to make stable)
:: stabilisieren
stabilize {v} (to become stable)
:: sich stabilisieren
stabilizer {n} (substance added to something in order to stabilize it)
:: Stabilisator {m}
stab in the back {v} (To betray somebody)
:: in den Rücken fallen
stable {n} (building for animals with hoofs)
:: Stall {m}, Pferdestall {m}
stable {n} (building for horses)
:: Stall {m}, Pferdestall {m}, Rennstall {m}
stable {n} (stable for oxen, cows, cattle)
:: Ochsenstall {m}, Kuhstall {m}
stable {v} (put or keep in a stable)
:: stallen
stable {adj} (relatively unchanging)
:: stabil, dauerhaft
stable boy {n} (boy or young man who attends in a stable)
:: Stalljunge {m}, Stallknecht {m}
stable fly {n} (stable fly)
:: Wadenstecher
stableman {n} (person employed to take care of horses in a stable)
:: Stallknecht {m}
stablemaster {n} (person in charge of stable)
:: Stallmeister {m}
stabling {n} (stable)
:: Stallung {f}
stably {adv} (in a stable manner)
:: stabil
stack {n} (a pile of identical objects)
:: Stapel {m}
stack {n} (computing: data structure)
:: Stapelspeicher {m}
stack {v} (To place objects or material in the form of a stack)
:: stapeln
stadium {n} (venue where sporting events are held)
:: Stadion {n}
stadium {n} (Greek measure of length)
:: Stadion {n}
stadtholder {n} (chief magistrate of the Dutch Republic)
:: Statthalter {m}
staff {n} (long, straight, thick rod or stick)
:: Stab {m}
staff {n} (music: series of horizontal lines)
:: Notenlinien {f-p}
staff {n} (employees of a business)
:: Belegschaft {f}, Personal {n}, Stab {m}, Mitarbeiter {m-p}
staff {n} (commanding officers)
:: Stab {m}
staffer {n} (member of a staff)
:: Mitarbeiter {m}
staffroom {n} (room)
:: Lehrerzimmer
stag {n} (social event for a groom) SEE: bachelor party
stag {n} (adult male deer)
:: Hirsch {m}, Hirschbock {m}, Rothirsch {m}
stag {n} (colt or filly)
:: Fohlen {n}
stag {n} (romping girl)
:: wilde Hummel {f}
stag {n} (one who applies for shares with a view to sell immediately at a premium)
:: Konzertzeichner {m}
stag {n} (Eurasian wren)
:: Zaunkönig {m}
stag beetle {n} (large beetle in Lucanidae)
:: Hirschkäfer {m}
stag-beetle {n} (a large black beetle with a pair of strong mandibles)
:: Hirschkäfer {m}
stag do {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party
stage {n} (phase)
:: Stufe {f}
stage {n} (in theatre)
:: Bühne {f}, Brettl
stage {v} (to produce on a stage)
:: inszenieren
stage {v} (to demonstrate in a deceptive manner)
:: inszenieren
stage-coach {n} (horse-drawn coach to transport passengers and mail)
:: Postkutsche {f}
stagecraft {n} (skills of the theater)
:: Bühnenkunst {f}, schauspielerisches Handwerk {n}, schauspielerisches Können {n}
stage direction {n} (instruction given to an actor)
:: Bühnenanweisung {f}
stage diving {n} (practice of jumping from the stage on the raised hands of the audience)
:: Stagediving {n}
stage fright {n} (state of nervousness about performing)
:: Lampenfieber {n}, Rampenfieber {n}
stagehand {n} (person working behind the scenes in a theatre)
:: Bühnenhelfer {m}, Bühnenhelferin {f}
stage screw {n} (a screw with a handle)
:: Bühnenschraube {f}, Theaterschraube {f}, Theater-Schraube {f}
stagflation {n} (inflation accompanied by stagnant growth)
:: Stagflation {f}
stagger {n} (an unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing)
:: Schwanken {n}, Wanken {n}
stagger {v} (to move to one side and the other, as if about to fall, in standing or walking)
:: wackeln, wanken, taumeln
stagger {v} (to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion)
:: torkeln
stagger {v} (to begin to doubt and waver in purposes)
:: zweifeln, wanken
staggered {adj} (astonished) SEE: astonished
staging {n} (theater: performance of a play)
:: Aufführung {f}, Inszenierung {f}, Regie {f}
stagnate {v} (to cease activity)
:: stagnieren
stagnation {n} (inactivity)
:: Stagnation {f}, Stagnierung {f}
stagnation {n}
:: Stagnation {f}
stag party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party
stag's-horn clubmoss {n} (Lycopodium clavatum)
:: Keulen-Bärlapp {m}
staid {adj}
:: gesetzt, seriös
stain {n} (discoloured spot or area)
:: Fleck {m}
stain {n} (blemish on one's character or reputation)
:: Schandfleck {m}
stain {n}
:: Fleck
stain {v} (to taint or tarnish someone's character or reputation)
:: beflecken
stain {v} (to coat a surface with a stain)
:: beizen
stained {adj} (having a stain)
:: befleckt
stained glass {n} (coloured glass)
:: Farbglas {n}
stainless {n} (stainless steel) SEE: stainless steel
stainless {adj} (describing an alloy that is resistant to corrosion and discoloration)
:: rostfrei
stainless steel {n} (corrosion-free alloy)
:: Edelstahl {m}
stair {n} (single step)
:: Stufe {f}, Treppenstufe {f}
stair {n} (series of steps)
:: Treppe {f}
staircase {n} (stairway)
:: Treppe {f}
staircase wit {n} (thinking of an idea too late) SEE: l'esprit de l'escalier
stairs {n} (contiguous set of steps)
:: Treppe {f}
stairway {n} (set of steps allowing one to walk up or down comfortably)
:: Treppe {f}
stairwell {n} (a shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase)
:: Treppenhaus {n}
stake {n} (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.)
:: Pfahl {m}, Pflock {m}
stake {n} (timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned)
:: Marterpfahl {m}, Scheiterhaufen {m}
stake {n} (share or interest in a business)
:: Anteil {m}
stake {n} (wager or pledge)
:: Einsatz {m}, Poule {f}
stake {n} (Mormonism: territorial division)
:: Pfahl {m}
stake {v}
:: anpflocken, anbinden, hochbinden, pfählen
stake a claim {v} (lay claim) SEE: lay claim
stakeholder {n} (bet holder)
:: Wetteinsatzverwalter {m}
stakeholder {n} (escrow agent)
:: Treuhänder {m}
stakeholder {n} (interpleader)
:: Zwischenklage
stakeholder {n} (person or organisation with a legitimate interest)
:: Stakeholder {m}
stake out {v} (to mark off the limits by stakes)
:: abstecken
Stakhanovism {n} (institution)
:: Stachanowismus {m}
Stakhanovite {n} ((USSR) an extremely productive or hard-working worker, see also: )
:: Stachanower {m}, Stachanowerin {f}
stalactite {n} (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave)
:: Stalaktit {m}
stalagmite {n} (mineral deposit)
:: Stalagmit {m}
stale {adj} (having lost its freshness)
:: abgestanden, schal, altbacken , fade
stale {adj} (no longer new or interesting)
:: veraltet, abgedroschen (joke)
stalemate {n} (chess term)
:: Patt {n}, Pattstellung {f}
stalemate {n} (blocked situation without personal loss)
:: Stillstand {m}, Stocken {n}, verfahrene Lage {f}, festgefahrene Lage {f}, Pattsituation {f}, Sackgasse {f}
Stalin {prop} (Stalin)
:: Stalin {m}
Stalingrad {prop} (former name of Volgograd)
:: Stalingrad
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin)
:: Stalinismus {m}
Stalinist {adj} (of or relating to Stalinism)
:: stalinistisch
Stalinist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism)
:: Stalinist {m}, Stalinistin {f}
stalk {n} (stem or main axis of a plant)
:: Strunk {m}, Stiel {m}, Stängel {m}
stalk {n} (one of the two upright pieces of a ladder)
:: Holm {m}
stalk {v} (to approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer)
:: sich anpirschen, sich anschleichen, sich heranschleichen
stalk {v} (to (try to) follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassment)
:: stalken, nachstellen, nachschleichen, heimsuchen, belästigen
stalk {v} (to walk haughtily)
:: stolzieren, einherstolzieren, staksen, stelzen, staken, steifbeinig gehen
stalk {n} (petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant) SEE: petiole
stalker {n} (a person who stalks game)
:: Pirschjäger {m}
stalker {n} (a person who secretly follows someone, sometimes with unlawful intentions)
:: Stalker {m}, Verfolger {m}
stalking {n} (crime of following or harassing)
:: Stalking {n}, Nachstellung {f}
stall {n} (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed)
:: Stall {m}
stall {n} (small open-fronted shop)
:: Stand {m}, Bude {f}
stall {n} (very small room used for a shower)
:: Kabine {f}, Duschkabine {f}
stall {n} (aeronautics: loss of lift)
:: Überziehen {n}, Strömungsabriss {m}
stall {v} (To fatten)
:: mästen
stall {v} (To exceed the critical angle of attack, resulting in total loss of lift)
:: überziehen
stallion {n} (uncastrated male horse)
:: Hengst {m}, Pferdehengst, Pferdemännchen {n}
stallion {n} (male horse kept primarily as a stud)
:: Deckhengst {m}, Zuchthengst {m}, Schälhengst {m}, Schellhengst {m}, Beschäler {m}
stallion {n} (very virile, sexually-inclined man)
:: Zuchthengst {m}
stalwart {adj} (firmly or solidly built)
:: kräftig, robust, handfest, unerschütterlich
stalwart {adj} (courageous)
:: tapfer, unentwegt, tüchtig, unerschütterlich, standhaft
stalwart {n} (one who firmly supports a cause)
:: Standhafter {m}, unerschütterlicher Anhänger {m}
stamen {n} (A flower part that produces pollen)
:: Staubblatt {n}, Stamen {n}
stamina {n} (power of sustained exertion)
:: Ausdauer {f}, Durchhaltevermögen {n}
stammer {v} (to stutter)
:: stammeln, stottern
stammer {n} (involuntary repetition of sounds in speech)
:: Stottern {n}
stammerer {n} (stutterer) SEE: stutterer
stammering {n} (act of stammering)
:: Gestotter {n}
stammtisch {n}
:: Stammtisch {m}
stamp {n} (indentation or imprint made by stamping)
:: Stempel {m}
stamp {n} (device for stamping designs)
:: Stempel {m}
stamp {v} (to give an official marking to)
:: stempeln
stamp {v} (to apply postage stamps to)
:: freimachen
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp
stamp collecting {n} (stamp hobby) SEE: philately
stamp duty {n} (tax on certain documents)
:: Stempelsteuer {f}
stampede {n} (any sudden flight or dispersion)
:: Stampede {f}
stampede {n} (an intensive movement of a crowd)
:: Massenpanik {f}, Stampede {f}
stamp hinge {n} (gummed strip of paper for mounting stamps on album)
:: Briefmarkenfalz {m}
stamping ground {n} (place one likes to go)
:: Lieblingsaufenthalt {m}, Lieblingsort {m}, Lieblingsplatz {m}, Lieblingsstelle {f}
stamp out {v} (to extinguish by stamping)
:: ausstanzen, austrampeln
stamp out {v} (to get rid of)
:: ausmerzen, ausrotten
stamp pad {n} (porous pad)
:: Stempelkissen {n}
stance {n} (manner, pose, or posture in which one stands)
:: Einstellung {f}, Positur {f}
stance {n} (opinion or point of view)
:: Haltung {f}, Einstellung {f}, Verhältnis {n}, Standpunkt {m}, point de vue {m}
stanchion {n} (vertical pole, post or support)
:: Pfosten {m}, Stütze {f}, Pfeiler {m}, Ständer {m}, Strebe {f}, Haltestange {f}, Runge {f}, Wagenrunge {f}, Standrohr {n}
stanchion {n} (confinement)
:: Gitterstab {m}, Gitterstangen {f-p}, Stand {m}
stand {v} (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
:: stehen
stand {v} (to rise to one’s feet)
:: aufstehen
stand {v} (to remain motionless)
:: stehen
stand {v} (to undergo; withstand; hold up)
:: bestehen, durchstehen
stand {v} (to tolerate)
:: ausstehen, aushalten, ertragen
stand {v} (to place in an upright or standing position)
:: stellen, abstellen, hinstellen, aufstellen
stand {v} (to seek election)
:: kandidieren
stand {n} (resolute, unwavering position)
:: Standpunkt {m}
stand {n} (device to hold something upright or aloft)
:: Ständer {m}, Stativ {n}
stand {n} (platform on which a witness testifies in court)
:: Zeugenstand {m}
stand {n} (small building or booth)
:: Stand {m}, Kiosk {m}
stand {n} (grandstand) SEE: grandstand
standard {adj} (falling within an accepted range)
:: üblich, standardmäßig
standard {n} (level of quality)
:: Standard {m}
standard {n} (something used as a measure)
:: Standard {m}
standard {n} (a flag or ensign)
:: Banner {n}, Standarte {m}
standard candle {n}
:: Standardkerze {f}
standard deviation {n} (statistical measure)
:: Standardabweichung {f}
standard dialect {n} (variety of language regarded as most "correct", widely accepted, or neutral, see also: standard language)
:: Standarddialekt {m}
Standard English {prop} (the form of the English language widely accepted as the usual correct form)
:: Standardenglisch {n}
Standard German {n} (Standard High German language) SEE: High German
standardise {v} (to establish a standard)
:: standardisieren
standardise {v} (to make to conform to a standard)
:: standardisieren
standardization {n} (process of complying with a standard)
:: Standardisierung {f}
standardization {n} (process of establishing a standard)
:: Standardisierung {f}
standardize {v} (standardise) SEE: standardise
standardized {adj} (designed or constructed in a standard manner)
:: standardisiert
standard lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole)
:: Stehlampe {f}
standard language {n} (standard variety)
:: Standardsprache {f}, Ausbausprache {f}, Schriftsprache {f} (especially written), Einheitssprache {f}, Hochsprache {f}, Gemeinsprache {f}, Literatursprache {f}
standardly {adv} (in a standard way)
:: standardmäßig
Standard Model {prop} (theory)
:: Standardmodell {n}
standard of living {n} (relative measure of quality of life)
:: Lebensstandard {m}
standard poodle {n} (a big poodle)
:: Großpudel {m}
standard variety {n} (variety of language regarded as most "correct", widely accepted, or neutral, see also: standard language)
:: Standardvarietät {f}
stand back {v} (maintain a safe distance)
:: zurückbleiben
stand by {v}
:: stehen Sie bereit, bereitstehen
standby {n} (state of readiness without immediate involvement)
:: Bereitschaft {f}
standby {n} (something that is standard, well-tested, or frequently used)
:: verlässliche und bewährte Sache {f}
standby {v} (to wait briefly)
:: dranbleiben, kurz warten, abwarten, in Wartestellung bleiben
stand corrected {v}
:: sich berichtigen müssen, sich eines Besseren belehren lassen müssen, falsch gelegen haben, etwas zurücknehmen müssen
stand for {v} (to advocate or support)
:: einsetzen , eintreten , unterstützen
stand in {n} (a substitute)
:: Double {n}, Ersatz {m}, Lichtdouble {n}, Springer {m}, Springerin {f}
stand in {v} (to substitute for)
:: Ersatzmann sein , Ersatzfrau sein , für jemanden die Vertretung haben, den Platz übernehmen
stand-in {n} (person who stands in for an actor during shooting setup)
:: Double {n}, Ersatz {m}, Lichtdouble {n} ; : Springer {m}, Springerin {f}
stand in for {v} (replace)
:: sich ersetzen
standing {adj} (upright)
:: vertikal
standing {adj} (permanent)
:: ständig
standing {adj} (water)
:: aufgestaut
standing {n} (position in society)
:: Stellung {f}, Ansehen {n}, Reputation {f}, Leumund {m}, Ruf {m}
standing {n} (duration)
:: Dauer {f}
standing {n} (the act of a person who stands, or a place where someone stands)
:: Stehen {n}, Stehplatz {m}
standing {n} (the position of a team in a league or of a player in a list)
:: Platz {m}, Tabellenplatz {m}, Listenplatz {m}, Position {f}, Tabellenposition {f}
standing army {n} (professional permanent army)
:: stehendes Heer {n}
standing on one's head {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down
standing order {n} (Regular transfer of fixed sum between bank accounts)
:: Dauerauftrag {m}
standing ovation {n} (enthusiastic applause)
:: stehende Ovation {f}, Stehapplaus {m}, Stehbeifall {m}
standings {n} (sports ranking) SEE: league table
standing wave {n} (a wave form which occurs in a limited, fixed medium)
:: stehende Welle {f}, Stehwelle {f}
stand in someone's shoes {v} (to be in situation of somebody else)
:: an j-s Stelle sein, an j-s Stelle stehen, Wenn ich du wäre (und ähnlich), (in negative sentences - with not want to:) in j-s Haut stecken
stand on end {v} (of hair - to stand erect, bristle, especially from fear)
:: zu Berge stehen
stand on one's own two feet {v} (idiomatic: to be independent)
:: auf eigenen Beinen stehen
stand out {v} (be obvious in contrast to one's surroundings)
:: herausragen
standpoint {n} (point of view)
:: Standpunkt {m}, Sichtweise {f}
St. Andrew's Cross {prop} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross
standstill {n} (complete immobility)
:: Stillstand {m}
stand up {v} (rise from a sitting position)
:: aufstehen
stand up {v} (bring something up and set it into a standing position)
:: aufstellen
stand up {v} (to avoid a prearranged meeting)
:: sitzen lassen, versetzen
stand-up bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass
stanene {n}
:: Stanen
Stanislaus {prop} (male given name- the standard or most popular form)
:: Stanislaus
stanitsa {n} (a Cossack village)
:: Staniza {f}
Stanley knife {n} (utility knife) SEE: utility knife
stannite {n} (a mineral, a sulfide of copper, iron, and tin)
:: Stannit {m}
stanza {n} (a unit of a poem)
:: Strophe {f}
stapes {n} (bone in the middle ear)
:: Steigbügel {m}
staple {n} (basic or essential supply)
:: Ausgangsmaterial {n}, Grundversorgung {f}
staple {n} (basic food)
:: Grundnahrungsmittel {n}
staple {n} (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper)
:: Heftklammer {f}
staple gun {n} (device for driving staples)
:: Tacker {m}
stapler {n} (device which binds together paper)
:: Hefter {m}, Heftgerät {n}, Heftapparat {m}, Heftmaschine {f}, Tacker {m}
star {n} (luminous celestial body)
:: Stern {m}, Gestirn {n}, Sonne {f}
star {n} (celebrity)
:: Prominenter {m}, Prominente {f}, Promi {m}, Star {m}
star {n} (asterisk)
:: Sternchen {n}
star anise {n} (a plant, Illicium verum)
:: Sternanis {m}
starboard {n} (right hand side of a vessel)
:: Steuerbord {n}
starch {n} (substance)
:: Stärke {f}
starch {n} (carbohydrates)
:: Stärke {f}
starch {n} (stiff manner)
:: Steifheit {f}
starch {n} (laundry stiffener)
:: Wäschestärke {f}, Wäschesteife {f}
starch {v} (apply laundry starch)
:: stärken
star chart {n} (star chart)
:: Sternkarte {f}
star cluster {n} (group of stars)
:: Sternhaufen {m}
star-crossed {adj} (ill-fated by destiny)
:: unsternbedroht
starcruiser {n}
:: Sternenkreuzer {m}, Kreuzer {m}
stardom {n} (fame or celebrity)
:: Ruhm
stardust {n} (particles)
:: kosmischer Staub {m}
stardust {n} (dated: distant cluster of stars)
:: Sternenstaub {m}
stare {v} (to look fixedly)
:: starren, anstarren
stare at the wall {v} (to be bored and idle)
:: an die Wand starren
stare down {v} (overcome of make uncomfortable by staring intently)
:: niederstarren
starets {n} (an elder of a monastery in the Russian Orthodox Church who functions as an adviser and teacher)
:: Starez {m}
starfish {n} (various echinoderms)
:: Seestern {m}
star fruit {n} (fruit)
:: Sternfrucht {f}
stargate {n}
:: Sternentor {n}
stark {adj} (severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather))
:: streng
stark {adj} (stiff, rigid)
:: steif
stark {adj} (complete, absolute, full)
:: völlig, ganz, total
stark {adv} (starkly; entirely, absolutely)
:: völlig, total
starkers {adj} (completely nude)
:: splitternackt
starless {adj} (without visible stars)
:: sternenlos
starlet {adj} (young promising actress)
:: Starlet {n}
starlight {n} (light emitted from stars other than the Sun)
:: Sternenlicht {n}
starling {n} (bird)
:: Star {m}
starling {n} (pilings)
:: Eisbrecher {m}
star-of-Bethlehem {n} (plant of the genus Ornithogalum)
:: Milchstern {m}
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew)
:: Stern von Betlehem {m}, Dreikönigsstern {m}, Weihnachtsstern {m}
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism)
:: Davidstern {m}
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star
starry {adj} (having stars visible)
:: sternenklar, gestirnt, bestirnt
starry {adj} (shaped like a star)
:: sternförmig
Stars and Stripes {n} (flag of the USA)
:: Sternenbanner
starship {n} (a spacecraft capable of traveling to other stars)
:: Sternenschiff {n}
Star-Spangled Banner {prop} (a nickname for the national flag of the U.S.)
:: Sternenbanner
Star-Spangled Banner {prop} (the national anthem of the United States)
:: Sternenbesetzte Banner
star-struck {adj} (fascinated or obsessed by fame or celebrities)
:: promigeil
start {n} (beginning of an activity)
:: Beginn {m}, Anfang {m}
start {n} (sudden involuntary movement)
:: Ruck {m}
start {n} (beginning point of a race)
:: Start {m}
start {v} (to set in motion)
:: anfangen, streuen , gründen, starten
start {v} (to begin)
:: anfangen, beginnen, starten
start {v} (to initiate operation of a vehicle or machine)
:: starten, anlassen
start {v} (of an activity, to begin)
:: beginnen
start {v} (to jerk suddenly in surprise)
:: zusammenfahren, zusammenzucken
start {v} (to awaken suddenly)
:: auffahren, aufschrecken
start {v} (to break away, to come loose)
:: sich lösen
start {v}
:: starten , anfangen, zusammenzucken
start {n} (initial advantage over somebody else) SEE: head start
starter {n} (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine)
:: Anlasser {m}, Starter {m}
starter {n} (first course of a meal)
:: Vorspeise {f}, Vorgericht {n}
starter motor {n} (starter motor) SEE: starter
starter pistol {n} (handgun to start races)
:: Startpistole {f}
starting point {n} (place where a journey starts)
:: Ausgangspunkt {m}
starting point {n} (first steps when commencing an activity)
:: Ausgangspunkt {m}
startle {v} (to move or be excited on feeling alarm)
:: aufschrecken, scheuen
startle {v} (to excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension)
:: erschrecken
startled {adj} (frightened)
:: erschrocken
startling {adj} (likely to startle)
:: überraschend, alarmierend, erschreckend, erstaunlich, schockierend, bestürzend
Start Menu {prop} (menu)
:: Startmenü {n}
Star Trek {prop} (the franchise)
:: Star Trek {m}
start up {v} (to rise suddenly)
:: auftauchen
starvation {n} (condition)
:: Verhungern {n}, Hunger {m}
starve {v} (to die because of lack of food)
:: verhungern, Hungers sterben
starve {v} (to deprive of nourishment)
:: verhungern lassen, aushungern
Star Wars {prop} (Saga)
:: Krieg der Sterne
Star Wars {prop} (Strategic Defense Initiative)
:: Krieg der Sterne
stash {n} (collection)
:: geheimes Lager {n}
stash {v} (store away for later use)
:: bunkern, verstecken
Stasi {n} (East German Ministry for State Security)
:: Stasi {f}
state {n} (any sovereign polity)
:: Staat {m}
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy)
:: Staat {m}, Land {n}, Bundesland {n}
state {n} (a condition)
:: Zustand {m}
state {n} (computing: the stable condition of a processor during a particular clock cycle)
:: Zustand {m}
state {n} (math: an element of the range of random variables)
:: Zustand {m}
state {v} (declare to be a fact)
:: erklären
state {v} (make known)
:: darlegen, nennen
state capital {n} (capital city of a state)
:: Landeshauptstadt {f}
state capitalism {n} (form of capitalism)
:: Staatskapitalismus {m}
statecraft {n} (statesmanship) SEE: statesmanship
stateful {adj} (computer: that supports different states)
:: zustandsorientiert
statefunction {n} (wavefunction) SEE: wavefunction
statehood {n} (property of being a state)
:: Staatlichkeit {f}
stateless {adj} ((computer science) without remembering state)
:: zustandlos
stateless {adj} ((law) without a state or nationality)
:: heimatlos, staatenlos
statelessness {n} (property of being stateless)
:: Staatenlosigkeit {f}
statelike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a state)
:: staatähnlich
stately {adj} (worthy of respect)
:: stattlich
state machine {n} (formalism for describing computation)
:: Zustandsmaschine {f}, endlicher Automat {m}
statement {n} (declaration or remark)
:: Aussage {f}, Angabe {f}
statement {n} (presentation of opinion or position)
:: Stellungnahme {f}, Bekundung {f}, Erklärung {f}
statement {n} (finance: document that summarizes financial activity)
:: Auszug {m}, Kontoauszug {m}
statement {n} (computing: instruction in a computer program)
:: Anweisung {f}
statement {n}
:: Behauptung {f}, Erklärung {f}
state of affairs {n} (specific situation)
:: Sachlage {f}, Lage {f}, Zustand {m}
state of emergency {n} (unusually difficult or dangerous situation)
:: Notstand {m}
state of emergency {n} (governmental decree)
:: Notstandsbeschluss {m}, Notstandsdekret {m}
state of emergency {n} (status quo)
:: Ausnahmezustand {m}
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name))
:: Staat Israel {m}
State of Japan {prop} (de facto official name of Japan, see also: Japan)
:: Staat Japan
state of matter {n} (different phases of matter)
:: Aggregatzustand {m}
state of mind {n} (psychological state)
:: Geisteszustand {m}
State of Qatar {prop} (Official name of Qatar.)
:: Staat Katar {m}
state of siege {n} (military state of emergency)
:: Belagerungszustand {m}
state of the art {adj} (at the highest level of development)
:: modernst
state of the art {n} (highest level of development)
:: aktuelle Technik {f}, Stand der Technik {m}
State of the Union {prop} (annual address given by the US president)
:: State of the Union Address {f}, Ansprache zur Lage der Union {f}
state-owned {adj} (owned by the government)
:: staatlich
state pattern {n} (behavioural design pattern)
:: Zustand {m}
stater {n} (a coin of ancient Greece)
:: Stater {m}
state religion {n} (religious body or creed officially endorsed by the state)
:: Staatsreligion {f}, offizielle Religion {f}
state secret {n} (restricted information of national importance)
:: Staatsgeheimnis {n}
stateside {adj} (in or of the United States)
:: US-, in den Staaten, in den USA, von den Vereinigten Staaten, der Vereinigten Staaten
stateside {adv} (in or to the United States)
:: in den Staaten, in die Staaten
statesman {n} (man who is a leader in national or international affairs)
:: Staatsmann {m}
statesmanlike {adj} (like a statesman)
:: staatsmännisch
statesmanship {n} (craft or skill or being a statesman)
:: Staatskunst {f}
state visit {n} (formal visit)
:: Staatsbesuch {m}
statically-typed {adj}
:: statisch typisiert
statically-typed language {n}
:: statisch typisierte Sprache {f}
static class {n} (programming: a class that cannot be instantiated)
:: statische Klasse {f}
static electricity {n} (electrostatics) SEE: electrostatics
static electricity {n} (an electric charge)
:: statische Elektrizität {f}
static language {n}
:: statische Sprache {f}
statics {n} (branch of mechanics)
:: Statik {f}
static typing {n} (in programming: type checking at compile time)
:: statische Typisierung {f}
station {n} (place where a vehicle may stop)
:: Bahnhof {m}, Station {f}
station {v} (put in place to perform a task)
:: postieren
station {v} (put in place to perform military duty)
:: stationieren
station {n} (Australia: very large livestock farm) SEE: ranch
stationary bicycle {n} (exercise bicycle) SEE: exercise bicycle
stationary distribution {n} (a row vector)
:: stationäre Verteilung {f}
stationary wave {n} (standing wave) SEE: standing wave
stationery {n} (writing materials)
:: Büromaterial {n}, Schreibwaren {f-p}
station house {n} (2. An area headquarters for police.)
:: Polizeirevier {n}, Polizeiposten {m}
stationing {n} (the putting in a place to perform military duty)
:: Stationierung {f}
stationmaster {n} (the person in charge of a railroad station)
:: Bahnhofsvorsteher {m}, Bahnhofsvorstand {m}
station wagon {n} (body style for cars)
:: Kombi {m}
statism {n} (belief in the importance of the power of the state over an individual)
:: Etatismus {m}
statist {adj} (related to statism)
:: etatistisch
statist {n} (statistician) SEE: statistician
statistic {adj} (statistical) SEE: statistical
statistical {adj} (of or pertaining to statistics)
:: statistisch
statistician {n} (person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics)
:: Statistiker {m}, Statistikerin {f}
statistician {n} (mathematician specialized in statistics)
:: Statistiker {m}
statistics {n} (mathematical science)
:: Statistik {f}
statistics {n} (collection of measurements)
:: Statistik {f}
statolith {n} (amyloplast involved in graviperception)
:: Statolith {m}
statue {n} (three-dimensional work of art)
:: Statue {f}, Standbild {n}
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait
Statue of Liberty {prop} (large statue in New York harbor)
:: Freiheitsstatue {f}
statuesque {adj} (Like a statue)
:: statuengleich, statuenhaft, wie eine Statue
statuesque {adj} (Elegantly tall and graceful)
:: stattlich
statuette {n} (a small statue)
:: Statuette {f}
stature {n} (a person or animal's natural height when standing upright)
:: Körper(grösse {f} Statur {f}
stature {n}
:: Statur {f}
status {n} (person’s position or standing)
:: Status {m}
status {n} (prestige or high standing)
:: Ansehen {n}
status {n} (situation or state of affairs)
:: Stand {m}, Status {m}
status quo {n} (the state of things)
:: Status quo {m}, Ausgangslage {f}, Ausgangszustand {m}
status symbol {n} (visible possession that is a sign of one's personal wealth or social status)
:: Statussymbol {n}, Statusobjekt {n}
statute {n} (written law as laid down by the legislature)
:: Statut {n}
statute {n} (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law)
:: Statut {n}
statute law {n} (a law enacted by a legislative body)
:: Gesetzesrecht {n}
statute of limitations {n} (law that sets a time limit after some legal action may not take place)
:: Verjährung {f}
statutory {adj} (relating to a statute)
:: satzungsmäßig; satzungsgemäß; statutarisch; statutar (e.g. Statutarstadt)
staunch {adj} (loyal, trustworthy, reliable)
:: loyal
stauropegion {n} (translation gloss)
:: Stauropegia
Stavanger {prop} (city in Norway)
:: Stavanger
stave {n} (narrow strip, a part of a vessel)
:: Daube {f}
stave {n} (bar)
:: Sprosse {f}
stave {n} (metrical portion; stanza; staff)
:: Strophe {f}, Vers {m}
stave {n} (parallel lines to write music on)
:: Notenlinien {f-p}, Notensystem {n}
stave church {n} (wooden church of a medieval type)
:: Stabkirche {f}
stave off {v} (prevent something from happening)
:: verhindern, abwehren, abwenden
stave-rhyme {n} (kind of rhyme)
:: Stabreim {m}
stave-rhyme {v} (to exhibit this kind of rhyme)
:: stabreimen
stavesacre {n} (perennial plant)
:: Stephanskraut {n}
Stavropol {prop} (city)
:: Stawropol {n}
stay {v} (to remain in a particular place)
:: sich aufhalten, bleiben
stay {v} (to continue to have a particular quality)
:: bleiben
stay {v} (to postpone)
:: aufschieben; vertagen, aussetzen
stay {n} (residence, sojourn)
:: Aufenthalt {n}
stay {n} (corset) SEE: corset
stay at home {n} (person who prefers to stay at home) SEE: homebody
stay behind {v} (to remain where one is, whilst others leave)
:: zurückbleiben
stay behind {v} (to remain in a classroom or school at the end of teaching, especially to receive punishment)
:: nachsitzen
staycation {n} (vacation spent at or close to home)
:: Urlaub in/auf Balkonien {m}
stay put {v} (to remain in one fixed place)
:: sich nicht vom Fleck rühren
stay up {v} (remain awake)
:: aufbleiben, durchmachen
St. Bartholomew's Day massacre {prop} (massacre)
:: Bartholomäusnacht
stød {n} (a phenomenon of most Danish accents)
:: Stoßton {m}, Stoßlaut {m}
stead {n} (A farmhouse and associated buildings)
:: Stadt {f}
steadfast {adj} (fixed or unchanging; steady)
:: unentwegt
steady {adj} (smooth and not bumpy or with obstructions)
:: stetig
steady {adj} (regular and even)
:: stetig
steady {v} (to stabilize)
:: stabilisieren
steak {n} (slice of beef)
:: Steak {n}, Beefsteak {n}, Lendenschnitte {f}, Schnitte {f}
steak {n} (slice of meat of other animals)
:: Steak {n}
steak knife {n} (knife with a sharp blade)
:: Steakmesser {n}
steal {v} (to illegally take possession of)
:: stehlen, entwenden, klauen , mopsen
steal {v} (to get or effect surreptitiously or artfully)
:: stehlen
steal {v} (to draw attention)
:: stehlen, rauben
steal {n} (merchandise available at a very attractive price)
:: Schnäppchen {n}
steal {n} (the act of stealing)
:: Diebstahl {m}, Raub {m}
steal away {v} (leave secretively)
:: (sich) davonschleichen, (sich) wegschleichen, sich davonstehlen
stealth {n} (attribute or characteristic of acting in secrecy)
:: Heimlichkeit {f}
stealth bomber {n} (a military aircraft invisible to radar)
:: Tarnkappenbomber
steal the show {v} (be the best performer)
:: die Schau stehlen, alle an die Wand spielen
stealth fighter {n} (military aircraft that is invisible to radar)
:: Tarnkappenflugzeug {n}, Stealthflugzeug {n}
stealthily {adv} (in a stealthy manner)
:: heimlich, verstohlen
stealthy {adj} (characterized by or resembling stealth or secrecy)
:: geheim, heimlich, verstohlen
steam {n} (water vapor)
:: Wasserdampf {m}, Dampf {m}
steam {n} (pressurized water vapor)
:: Dampf {m}
steam {n} (internal energy)
:: Kraft {f}, Energie {f}
steam {v} (cooking: to cook with steam)
:: dämpfen, dünsten
steam {n} (steam-powered vehicle) SEE: steamer
steamboat {n} (vessel powered by steam)
:: Dampfschiff {n}, Dampfer {m}
steam boiler {n} (boiler to produce steam)
:: Dampfkessel {m}
steam engine {n} (piston engine driven by steam)
:: Dampfmaschine {f}
steam engine {n} (any steam-driven heat engine)
:: Dampfmaschine {f}
steam engine {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive
steamer {n} (vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam)
:: Dampfer {m}
steamer {n} (cooking appliance)
:: Dampfkochtopf {m}, Dampftopf {m}
steamer {n} (steamboat or steamship)
:: Dampfer {m}, Dampfschiff {n}
steamer duck {n} (bird of the genus Tachyeres)
:: Dampschiffente {f}
steaming {n} (action of steam on something)
:: Dämpfen {n}
steaming {adj} (giving off steam)
:: dampfend
steam locomotive {n} (locomotive powered by steam)
:: Dampflokomotive {f}, Dampflok {f}
steampunk {n} (subgenre of speculative science fiction)
:: Steampunk {n}
steam reforming {n} (production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide from water and methane)
:: Dampfreformierung {f}
steamroller {n} (steam-powered road roller)
:: Dampfwalze {f}
steamship {n} (vessel propelled by steam)
:: Dampfschiff {n}, Dampfer {m}
steam shovel {n}
:: Dampfschaufel {f}, Dampfbagger {m}
steam train {n} (type of train)
:: Dampfzug {m}
steam turbine {n} (system through which steam is passed)
:: Dampfturbine {f}
steamy {adj} (full of steam)
:: dampfend
stearin {n} (the triglyceride of stearic acid)
:: Stearin {n}
steatopygia {n} (the presence of excessive amount of fat in the buttocks)
:: Steatopygie {f}, Fettsteiß {m}, Hottentottenarsch {m}
steatorrhea {n} (the presence of excessive amount of fat in the feces)
:: Steatorhö {f}
steed {n} (stallion)
:: Ross (see also Stute )
steel {n} (metal produced from iron)
:: Stahl {m}
steel {adj} (made of steel)
:: stählern
steel mill {n} (steel mill) SEE: steelworks
steel wool {n} (fine threads of steel)
:: Stahlwolle {f}
steelworker {n} (a person employed to manufacture or shape steel)
:: Stahlarbeiter {m}
steelworks {n} (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped)
:: Stahlwerk {n}, Stahlhütte {f}
steelyard {n} (steelyard balance)
:: Laufgewichtswaage {f}, römische Schnellwaage {f}
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive
steep {adj} (near-vertical)
:: steil
steep {v} (to soak an item in liquid)
:: eintauchen, einweichen
steep {v} (to make tea/coffee)
:: ziehen lassen (tea)
steep {n} (liquid)
:: Lauge {f}
steeple {n} (spire) SEE: spire
steeple {n} (a tall tower, often on a church)
:: Kirchturm {m}
steeplejack {n} (person whose job involves climbing tall structures in order to make repairs)
:: Höhenarbeiter {m}
steer {v} (intransitive: to guide the course)
:: steuern
steer {v} (transitive: to guide the course of)
:: steuern
steer {n} (castrated male of cattle)
:: Ochse {m}, Mastochse {m} (one raised for beef)
steering {n} (related to controlling direction)
:: Lenkung {f}
steering column {n} (column in a vehicle)
:: Lenksäule {f}
steering group {n} (A committee that arranges the schedule of business for a legislative assembly or other organization)
:: Lenkungsgruppe, Steuerungsgruppe
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control)
:: Lenkrad {n}, Steuer {n}, Steuerrad {n}, Volant {n}
steganography {n} (steganography)
:: Steganographie {f}
stegosaur {n} (dinosaur)
:: Stegosaurier {m}
stein {n} (a beer mug)
:: Bierkrug {m}, Bierglas {n}, Bierseidel {n}, Seidel {n}, Maßkrug {m}, Maß {f}, Steinkrug {m}, Humpen {m}
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele
stele {n} ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument)
:: Stele {f}
stellar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars)
:: stellar, Stern-
stellar {adj} (exceptional; wonderful)
:: brillant, ausgezeichnet
stellar wind {n} (equivalent of solar wind)
:: Sternwind {m}
St. Elmo's fire {n} (electrical discharge)
:: Elmsfeuer
stem {n} (stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors)
:: Geschlecht {n}, Stamm {m}, Herkunft {f}
stem {n} (branch of a family)
:: Zweig {m}, Seitenlinie {f}
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant)
:: Stamm {m}, Sprossachse {f}
stem {n} (slender supporting member for an individual part of a plant)
:: Stängel {m}, Stiel {m}, Halm {m}, Strunk {m}
stem {n} (narrow supporting structure on certain man-made objects)
:: Stiel {m}, Holm {m}
stem {n} (linguistics: main part of a word)
:: Wortstamm {m}, Stamm {m}
stem {n} (music: vertical stroke of a symbol representing a note in written music)
:: Notenhals {m}
stem {n} (nautical: forward vertical extension of the keel)
:: Vordersteven {m}, Vorsteven {m}, Steven {m}
stem {n} (Component on a bicycle that connects the handlebars to the bicycle fork)
:: Vorbau {m}
stem {n}
:: Stiel {m}
stem {v} (to remove the stem from)
:: entstielen
stem {v} (to be caused or derived)
:: kommen von, herrühren von, sich begründen auf, seine Ursache haben in, verursacht werden
stem {v} (to descend in a family line)
:: stammen, abstammen, herstammen
stem {v} (to stop, hinder)
:: aufhalten, hemmen, entgegenstemmen, eindämmen, stillen, gegen etwas ankämpfen
stem {v} (skiing: to point the skis inward)
:: im Schneepflug fahren, ausstemmen
STEM {n} (acronym of science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
stem cell {n} (primal undifferentiated cell)
:: Stammzelle {f}
stemware {n} (drinking glasses that have a stem)
:: Stielgläser {n-p}
stench {n} (a strong foul smell, a stink)
:: Gestank {m}
stencil {n} (utensil)
:: Schablone {f}
Stendhalian {adj} (pertaining to, or in the style of Stendhal)
:: stendhalisch
steno {n} (stenographer) SEE: stenographer
stenographer {n} (someone skilled in the transcription of speech)
:: Stenograph {m}, Stenographin {f}, Stenograf {m}, Stenografin {f}
stenography {n} (the practice of transcribing speech, usually using shorthand)
:: Stenographie {f}, Kurzschrift {f}
stenosis {n} (abnormal narrowing or stricture in a blood vessel or other tubular organ)
:: Stenose {f}
stentorian {adj} (of a voice suitable for giving speeches to large crowds)
:: stentorisch
step- {prefix} (prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative)
:: stief-
step {n} (pace)
:: Schritt {m}
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder)
:: Stufe {f}, Sprosse {f}
step {n} (manner of walking)
:: Schritt {m}
step {n} (proceeding; measure; action; act)
:: Schritt {m}
step {v} (intransitive: to move the foot in walking)
:: treten, schreiten
step {v} (intransitive: to go on foot; especially, to walk a little distance)
:: treten, schreiten
step {v} (intransitive, figuratively: to move mentally)
:: treten
stepbrother {n} (son of one's stepfather or stepmother)
:: Stiefbruder {m}
step by step {adv} (gradually)
:: nach und nach, Schritt für Schritt, schrittweise
step-by-step {adj} (in detail)
:: in Einzelschritten
stepchair {n} (chair with steps)
:: Leiterstuhl {m}, Treppenstuhl {m}
stepchild {n} (the child of one's spouse from his or her previous partner)
:: Stiefkind {n}
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself)
:: Stieftochter {f}
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father)
:: Stiefvater {m}, Stiefelternteil {m} {n}
stepgrandchild {n} (stepchild of one's own child or child of one's stepchild)
:: Stiefenkelkind {n}, Stiefenkel {m}
stepgranddaughter {n} (daughter of one's stepchild or stepdaughter of one's child)
:: Stiefenkelin {f}, Stiefenkeltochter {f}
stepgrandfather {n} (stepfather of one's parent and husband of one's grandmother, and not one's biological grandfather)
:: Stiefgroßvater {m}
stepgrandmother {n} (stepmother of one's parent and wife of one's grandfather)
:: Stiefgroßmutter {f}
stepgrandson {n} (son of one's stepchild or stepson of one's child)
:: Stiefenkel {m}, Stiefenkelsohn {m}
Stephanie {prop} (female given name)
:: Stephanie {f}
Stephen {prop} (biblical martyr)
:: Stephanus
Stephen {prop} (male given name)
:: Stefan, Stephan, Steffen
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act
step in {v} (To act as a replacement or substitute.)
:: ersetzen
step into the breach {v}
:: in die Bresche springen
step ladder {n} (ladder with steps or treads instead of rungs)
:: Stufenleiter {f}, Stehleiter {f}, Trittleiter {f}, Leitertritt {m}, Tritt {m}, Bockleiter {f}
stepmother {n} (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother)
:: Stiefmutter {f}, Stiefelternteil {m} {n}
stepparent {n} (stepfather or stepmother)
:: Stiefvater {m}, Stiefmutter {f}
steppe {n} (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia)
:: Steppe {f}
steppe {n} (vast cold, dry grass-plains)
:: Steppe {f}
stepping stone {n} (stone used to cross something)
:: Trittstein {m}
stepping stone {n} (something used as a way to progress)
:: Sprungbrett {n}
step pyramid {n}
:: Stufenpyramide {f}
stepsister {n} (daughter from the previous marriage of a stepparent)
:: Stiefschwester {f}
stepson {n} (son of one's spouse and not of oneself)
:: Stiefsohn {m}
step stool {n} (step stool)
:: Trittschemel {m}
step-up {n} (leg-stemming lift)
:: Treppensteigen {n}, Treppensteiger {m}, Aufsteiger {m}
stepwise {adj} (one step or stage at a time; gradual)
:: schrittweise
stepwise {adv} (one step or stage at a time)
:: schrittweise
steradian {n} (derived unit of solid angle)
:: Steradiant {n}, Raumwinkel {m}
stereochemistry {n} (chemistry involving the spatial arrangement of atoms)
:: Stereochemie {f}
stereolithography {n} (means of prototyping)
:: Stereolithographie {f}
stereometry {n} (science of measuring solids)
:: Stereometrie {f}
stereotomy {n} (cutting or dissection of solids)
:: Stereotomie
stereotype {n} (conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image)
:: Stereotyp {m}, Klischee {n}, Rollenklischee {n}
stereotype {n} (printing plate)
:: Stereotypie {f}
stereotype {n} (extensibility mechanism of UML)
:: Stereotyp {n}
sterile {adj} (unable to reproduce)
:: unfruchtbar
sterile {adj} (germless)
:: steril
sterility {n} (state of being sterile)
:: Sterilität {f}
sterilizable {adj} (able to be sterilized)
:: sterilisierbar
sterilization {n} (process of treating something to kill microorganisms)
:: Sterilisierung {f}, Sterilisation {f}
sterilization {n} (procedure to permanently prevent an organism from reproducing)
:: Sterilisation {f}
sterilization {n} (instance of a sterilization procedure)
:: Sterilisation {f}
sterilization {n} (monetary policy operation used to offset a foreign exchange intervention)
:: Sterilisation {f}
sterilize {v} (disable ability to procreate)
:: sterilisieren
sterilize {v} ((biology) to destroy all spores or germs)
:: sterilisieren, entkeimen
sterlet {n} (species of sturgeon)
:: Stör {m}
sterling silver {n} (silver alloy)
:: Sterlingsilber {n}
stern {adj} (having a hardness and severity of nature or manner)
:: streng, hart, bitter, unnachgiebig, ernst, unnachsichtig, gestreng
stern {adj} (grim and forbidding in appearance)
:: düster, unfreundlich, abweisend, abschreckend
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel)
:: Heck {n}, Schiffshinterteil {n}, Hinterschiff {n}
stern {n} (black tern) SEE: black tern
sternness {n} (state or quality of being stern)
:: Strenge {f}, Härte {f}, Ernst {m}, Strengheit {f}, Gestrengigkeit {f}
sternotomy {n} (incision)
:: Sternotomie {f}
sternpost {n} (timber or bar at the stern of a vessel)
:: Achtersteven {m}, Hintersteven {m}
sternum {n} (breastbone) SEE: breastbone
steroid {n} (class of organic compounds)
:: Steroid {n}
stertorous {adj} (Sounding like snoring)
:: röchelnd
stertorously {adv} (with heavy breathing, as if snoring)
:: röchelnd
stethoscope {n} (medical instrument)
:: Stethoskop {n}
Stettin {prop} (Szczecin) SEE: Szczecin
stevedore {n} (dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo)
:: Hafenarbeiter {m}
steven {n} (command) SEE: command
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice
Steven {prop} (male given name) SEE: Stephen
stevia {n} (any species of genus Stevia)
:: Stevia {f}, Süßkraut {n}, Süßblatt {n}, Honigkraut {n}
stew {n} (dish)
:: Eintopf {m}, Brei {m}
stew {v} (to cook (food))
:: schmoren, dünsten, dämpfen
steward {n} (any administrator of the property or affairs of another)
:: Verwalter {m}
steward {n} (flight attendant) SEE: flight attendant
stewardess {n} (female flight attendant)
:: Flugbegleiterin {f}, Stewardess {f}, Stewardeß {f}
stewardship {n} (office of a steward)
:: Stewardamt {n}
St. George's Day {prop} (saint's day of Saint George)
:: Georgstag {m}, Georgitag {m}
St. George's mushroom {n} (a species of mushroom)
:: Maipilz {m}
sth {pron} (abbreviation of something in explanation)
:: etw.
sthg {pron} (sth) SEE: sth
stick {n} (twig or small branch)
:: Stock {m}
stick {n} (long piece of wood)
:: Stab {m}, Knüppel {m}
stick {n} (cylindrical piece (of chalk, wax etc))
:: Stock {m}
stick {n} (cane or walking stick)
:: Stock
stick {n} (hockey stick)
:: Hockeyschläger {m}
stick {n} (gearstick, stickshift)
:: Schaltknüppel {m}
stick {v} (to glue; to adhere (transitive))
:: kleben
stick {v} (to become attached, to adhere (intransitive))
:: kleben, anheften
stick {v} (to jam)
:: steckenbleiben, stocken
stick {v} (to remain loyal or firm)
:: dabeibleiben
stick {v} (to press into with a sharp point)
:: stecken, stechen
stick {v} (to tolerate, endure, stick with) SEE: stick with
sticker {n} (adhesive label or decal)
:: Aufkleber {m}, Sticker {m}
sticker {n} (price tag) SEE: price tag
stick figure {n} (simple line drawing)
:: Strichmännchen {n}
sticking plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid
stick insect {n} (insects of the order Phasmida)
:: Gespenstschrecke {f}
stickleback {n} (fish of the family Gasterosteidae)
:: Stichling {m}
stickler {n} (someone who insistently advocates for something)
:: Pedant, Verfechter {m}
stickman {n} (simple drawing of a man)
:: Strichmännchen {n}
stick note {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note
stick out {v} (to protrude; to extend beyond)
:: abstehen, herausragen, herausstechen, herausstehen, hervorstechen, hervorstehen
stick out {v} (to be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive)
:: sich auszeichnen, sich abheben
stick out like a sore thumb {v} (be very noticeably different)
:: auffallen wie ein bunter Hund
stickpin {n} (pin to hold necktie) SEE: tie clip
stick plaster {n} (sticking plaster) SEE: band-aid
stick with {v} (remain close to)
:: bei (jemand) bleiben
sticky {adj} (able or likely to stick)
:: stickig, klebrig
stickybeak {n} (nosy person)
:: Schnüffler {m}
sticky fingers {n} (petty thief)
:: Langfinger {m}
sticky note {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note
sticky rice {n} (glutinous rice) SEE: glutinous rice
sticky tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape
stiction {n} (static friction)
:: Haftreibung {f}
stiff {adj} (of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible)
:: steif, starr
stiff {adj} (of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed)
:: steif
stiff {adj} (of muscles, or parts of the body)
:: steif
stiff {n} (slang: cadaver, dead person)
:: Steifer {m}
stiff {n} (US: person who leaves without paying the bill)
:: Zechpreller {m}
stiff {v} (to fail to pay money one owes)
:: prellen
stiffen {v} (to make stiff)
:: aussteifen, versteifen, verstärken, ertüchtigen, aufdoppeln
stiffen {v} (to become stiff)
:: versteifen
stiff neck {n} (discomfort or pain when trying to turn or move the neck)
:: Genickstarre {f}, Nackensteifheit {f}
stiffness {n} (rigidity)
:: Erstarrung {f}, Starre {f}, Steife {f}, Steifigkeit {f}, Steifheit {f}
stiffness {n}
:: Steifheit
stifle {v} (to interrupt or cut off)
:: unterbrechen
stifle {v} (to repress, keep in or hold back)
:: unterdrücken
stifle {v} (to smother or suffocate)
:: erdrücken, ersticken
stifle {v} (to die of suffocation)
:: ersticken
stigma {n} (mark of infamy)
:: Stigma {n}
stigma {n} (scar or birthmark)
:: Mal {n}, Muttermal {n}
stigma {n} (part of the pistil)
:: Narbe {f}
Stigmata {prop} (Stigmata)
:: Stigmata {n-p}
stigmatization {n} (process or act of stigmatizing)
:: Stigmatisierung {f}, Brandmarkung {f}
stigmatization {n} (production of stigmata upon the body)
:: Stigmatisation {f}
stigmatize {v} (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious)
:: stigmatisieren, brandmarken
stigmatized {adj} (marked with stigma)
:: stigmatisiert, gebrandmarkt
stilbene {n} (either isomer of 1,2-diphenylethylene)
:: Stilben {n}
stile {n}
:: Zauntritt {m}
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl
stiletto {n} (rapier) SEE: rapier
stiletto {n} (stabbing weapon)
:: Stilett {n}, Dolchmesser {n}
stiletto {n} (woman's shoe with a tall, slender heel)
:: Pfennigabsatz {m}, Bleistiftabsatz {m}, Stöckelabsatz {m}
still {adj} (not moving, calm)
:: still
still {adv} (up to a time, as in the preceding time)
:: noch
still {adv} (to an even greater degree)
:: noch
still {adv} (nevertheless)
:: doch, trotzdem, dennoch
still {n}
:: Stille {f} , Standfoto {n}
still {n} (a device for distilling liquids)
:: Destillierapparat {m}, Destillierkolben {m}
still {n}
:: Destillierapparat {m}
still {n} (building where liquor is distilled) SEE: distillery
stillbirth {n} (birth of a dead fetus)
:: Totgeburt {f}
stillborn {adj} (dead at birth)
:: totgeboren
still life {n} (work of art)
:: Stillleben {n}
stillness {n}
:: Stille {f}
still water {n} (water without carbonation)
:: stilles Wasser {n}
still waters run deep {proverb} (a person's calm appearance may be misleading)
:: stille Wasser sind tief
stilt {n} (walking pole)
:: Stelze {f}
stilt {n} (pillar)
:: Stelze {f}
stilt {n} (bird)
:: Stelzenläufer {m}
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch
stilted {adj} (stiff and artificially formal)
:: gestelzt
stilt sandpiper {n} (Calidris himantopus)
:: Bindenstrandläufer {m}
stimulant {n} (substance acting to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body)
:: Stimulans {n}
stimulate {v} (to encourage into action)
:: stimulieren
stimulate {v} (to arouse an organism to functional activity)
:: stimulieren
stimulation {n} (pushing or goading toward action)
:: Stimulation {f}, Anregung {f}
stimulus {n} (anything that may have an impact or influence on a system)
:: Auslöseimpuls {m}
stimulus {n} (in physiology: something external that elicits or influences a physiological or psychological activity or response)
:: Stimulus {m}
stimulus {n} (in psychology: anything effectively impinging upon any of the sensory apparatuses of a living organism)
:: Stimulus {m}
stimulus {n} (anything that induces a person to take action)
:: Auslöseimpuls {m}
sting {n} (bump on skin after having been stung)
:: Stich {m}
sting {n} (bite or sting (by an insect))
:: Stich {m}, Biss {m}, Insektenstich {m}, Insektenbiss {m}, Bienenstich {m}, Wespenstich, Skorpionstich {m}
sting {n} (police operation)
:: verdeckte Operation {f}
sting {v} (to hurt)
:: stechen
sting {v} (of an insect: to bite)
:: stechen, beißen
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger
stinger {n} (pointed portion of an insect)
:: Stachel {m}
stinginess {n} (lack of generosity)
:: Geiz {m}
stingray {n} (venomous ray of the orders Rajiformes and Myliobatiformes)
:: Stachelrochen {m}
stingy {adj} (unwilling to spend or give)
:: geizig, knauserig, knausrig, gierig
stingy {adj} (able to sting)
:: stechend
stink {v} (have a strong bad smell)
:: stinken, riechen, müffeln
stink {v} (informal: be greatly inferior)
:: stinken
stink {v} (give an impression of dishonesty or untruth)
:: stinken
stink {n} (strong bad smell)
:: Gestank {m}
stinkbird {n} (hoatzin) SEE: hoatzin
stinkbomb {n} (device that produces unpleasant smells)
:: Stinkbombe {f}
stinker {n} (person who stinks)
:: Stinker {m}, Stinkerin {f}
stinkhorn {n} (fungus)
:: Stinkmorchel {f}
stinking {adj} (bad smell)
:: stinkig
stink to high heaven {v} (to have a very strong and unpleasant smell)
:: stinkt zum Himmel
stink to high heaven {v} (to be highly ethically dubious)
:: stinkt zum Himmel
stinky {adj} (having a strong, unpleasant smell)
:: stinkend, stinkig
stint {v} (to be sparing or mean)
:: geizen
stint {n} (wading bird of the genus Calidris)
:: Strandläufer {m}
stipend {n} (fixed payment)
:: Besoldung {f}, Gehalt {n}, Stipendium {n}
stipple {n} (the use of small dots that give the appearance of shading)
:: Tüpfelung {f}, Punktierung {f}, Kornrasterung {f}, Sprenkelung {f}
stipple {v} (to use small dots to give the appearance of shading to)
:: tüpfeln, sprenkeln
stipulate {v} (to require as a condition of a contract or agreement)
:: stipulieren
stipulate {v} (to specify, promise or guarantee something in an agreement)
:: vereinbaren
stipulate {v} (to acknowledge the truth of)
:: anerkennen
stipulation {n} (something that is stated or stipulated as a condition of an agreement)
:: Abmachung {f}, Ausbedingung {f}, Bestimmung {f}, Maßgabe {f}, Übereinkunft {f}, Vereinbarung {f}
stipule {n} (basal appendage)
:: Nebenblatt {n}
stir {v} (to change the place of in any manner; to move)
:: bewegen
stir {v} (to disturb the relative position of the particles of)
:: rühren
stir {v} (to agitate the contents of)
:: umrühren
stir {v} (to bring into debate; to agitate; to moot)
:: hervorrufen
stir {v} (to incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite)
:: anstacheln
stir {v} (to move; to change one’s position)
:: (sich) bewegen
stir {v} (to be in motion)
:: (sich) regen
stir {v} (to become the object of notice; to be on foot)
:: auffallen
stir {n} (The act or result of stirring)
:: Erregung
stir {n} (Public disturbance or commotion)
:: Aufruhr
stir {n} (Agitation of thoughts; conflicting passions)
:: Erregung
stir-fry {v} (fry something quickly in hot oil)
:: anbraten; unter ständigem Rühren anbraten; pfannenrühren
stir-fry {n} (dish)
:: Pfannengericht {n}; -pfanne; Geschnetzeltes {n}
Stirling engine {n} (type of heat engine)
:: Stirlingmotor {m}
stirring {adj} (invigorating, inspiring)
:: ergreifend, bewegend, aufwühlend
stirrup {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes
stirrup {n} (footrest used by riders)
:: Steigbügel {m}
stirrup bone {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes
stir up {v} (to cause (trouble etc))
:: entfachen
stishovite {n} (high-pressure polymorph of quartz)
:: Stishovit {m}
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew
stitch {n} (single pass of the needle in sewing)
:: Stich {m}
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in sewing)
:: Stich {m}
stitch {n} (an intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage)
:: Seitenstechen {n}
stitch {n} (single turn of the thread in knitting)
:: Masche {f}
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in knitting)
:: Strickmuster {n}
stitch {n} (local sharp pain)
:: Stechen {n}
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow
stitch-up {n} (an act designed to maliciously or dishonestly incriminate someone)
:: Falle {f}, abgekartetes Spiel {n}, üble Inszenierung {f}
stitch-up {n} (something arranged deceitfully and in secret)
:: interne Vereinbarung {f}, inszeniertes Theater {n}, inszeniertes Schmierenstück {n}
stitchwort {n} (Stellaria holostea)
:: Hühnerdarm {m}, große Sternmiere {f}
St John's wort {n} (any plant of the genus Hypericum)
:: Johanniskraut {n}
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine
stochastic {adj} (random)
:: stochastisch
stochastic differential equation {n} (type of differential equation)
:: stochastische Differentialgleichung {f}
stochastic process {n} (a function mapping to set of random variables)
:: stochastischer Prozess {m}, Zufallsprozeß {m}
stochastics {n} (branch of statistics)
:: Stochastik {f}
stock {n} (store of goods for sale)
:: Vorrat {m}
stock {n} (supply of anything ready for use)
:: Vorrat {m}, Fundus {m}
stock {n} (farm animals)
:: Vieh {n}
stock {n} (finance: capital raised by a company)
:: Aktie {f}
stock {n} (broth)
:: Brühe {f}
stock {n} (part of gun, see also: butt)
:: Kolben {m}, Gewehrkolben {m}
stock {adj} (normally available for purchase)
:: vorrätig, verfügbar
stock {n} (rolling stock) SEE: rolling stock
stockade {n} (an enclosure protected by a wall of wooden posts)
:: Einfriedung aus Palisaden {f}, Palisadeneinfriedung {f}, Palisadenmauer {f}, Palisade {f}
stockbroker {n} (person who buys and sells shares)
:: Aktienhändler {m}, Broker {m}, Börsenmakler {m}
stock character {n} (fictional character based on a recognizable stereotype)
:: Typus {m}
stock cube {n} (bouillon cube) SEE: bouillon cube
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas)
:: Hohltaube {f}
stocked {adj} (having been replenished with stock)
:: bevorratet, gefüllt, ausgestattet
stock exchange {n} (building and the associated organization)
:: Börse {f}, Wertpapierbörse {f}, Aktienbörse {f}, Effektenbörse {f}
stockfish {n} (cured fish)
:: Stockfisch {m}
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder
Stockholm {prop} (capital of Sweden)
:: Stockholm {n}
Stockholmer {n} (someone from Stockholm)
:: Stockholmer {m}, Stockholmerin {f}
Stockholmer {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Stockholm)
:: Stockholmer
Stockholm syndrome {n} (psychological condition)
:: Stockholm-Syndrom {n}
stocking {n} (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock))
:: Strumpf {m}
stocking cap {n} (knitted woolen cap) SEE: beanie
stock market {n} (market for the trading of company stock)
:: Aktienmarkt {m}
stock market {n}
:: Börse {f}
stock market crash {n} (sudden dramatic decline of stock prices)
:: Börsenkrach {m}
stock market index {n} (weighted average of prices)
:: Aktienindex {m}
stock pigeon {n} (pigeon)
:: Hohltaube {f}
stockpile {n} (supply for future use)
:: Vorrat {m}, Lager {n}, Lagerhalde {f}
stockpile {v} (accumulate a stockpile)
:: horten, hamstern
stock ticker {n} (device, used primarily in the 20th century)
:: Börsenticker {m}
stock ticker {n} (any device or display showing price and volumes of stock trades)
:: Börsenticker {m}
stock ticker symbol {n} (series of letters)
:: Tickersymbol {n}
stock up {v} (acquire or increase stock)
:: eindecken
stockyard {n}
:: Viehhof {m}
stoic {n} (proponent of a school of thought)
:: Stoiker {m}
stoic {n} (a person indifferent to pleasure or pain)
:: Stoiker {m}
stoic {adj} (of or relating to the Stoics)
:: stoisch
stoic {adj} (not affected by pain or distress)
:: stoisch, geduldig, gelassen, ruhig
stoic {adj} (not displaying any external signs of being affected by pain)
:: stoisch, geduldig, gelassen
stoically {adv} (in a manner that endures pain and hardship without outwardly showing suffering)
:: stoisch
stoically {adv} (in a manner consistent with the philosophy of stoicism)
:: stoisch
stoichiometric {adj} (of, or relating to stoichiometry)
:: stöchiometrisch
stoichiometry {n} (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions)
:: Stöchiometrie {f}
stoicism {n} (school of philosophy)
:: Stoizismus {m}
stoke {v} (to poke, pierce)
:: stochen, schüren
stoke {v} (to feed, stir up)
:: stochen, schüren
stoked {adj} (feeling exited)
:: aus dem Häuschen, aufgeregt
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker
stoker {n} (person who stokes)
:: Heizer {m}
stole {n} (ecclesiastical garment)
:: Stola {f}
stole {n} (scarf-like garment)
:: Stola {f}
stolen {adj} (that has been stolen)
:: gestohlen
stolid {adj} (having or revealing little emotion or sensibility)
:: schwerfällig, ungerührt, stoisch, phlegmatisch, stur
stollen {n} (a traditional German cake eaten at Christmas time)
:: Stollen {m}, Christstollen {m}, Weihnachtsstollen {m}
stolperstein {n} (small, cobblestone-sized memorial for an individual victim of Nazism)
:: Stolperstein {m}
stomach {n} (digestive organ)
:: Magen {m}
stomach {n} (belly)
:: Bauch {m}
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite
stomach {n} (pride, haughtiness) SEE: haughtiness
stomachache {n} (pain in the abdomen)
:: Bauchschmerzen {m-p}, Magenschmerzen {m-p}, Magendrücken {n}, Magenweh {n}, Leibschmerzen {m-p}
stomach acid {n} (gastric acid) SEE: gastric acid
stomatology {n} (study of the mouth)
:: Stomatologie {f}
stomp {v} (trample heavily on something or someone)
:: stampfen, zerstampfen, trampeln
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt
stomping ground {n} (stamping ground) SEE: stamping ground
stone {n} (substance)
:: Stein {m}
stone {n} (small piece of stone)
:: Stein {m}
stone {n} (gem stone)
:: Edelstein {m}, Schmuckstein {m}
stone {n} (centre of some fruits)
:: Kern {m}
stone {n} (medical: hard, stone-like deposit)
:: Stein {m}
stone {n} (piece of hard material used in board games)
:: Stein {m}
stone {v} (To pelt with stones)
:: steinigen
stone {v} (to intoxicate, especially with narcotics)
:: sich berauschen
stone {adj} (constructed of stone)
:: steinern
stone {adj} (having the appearance of stone)
:: steinern
Stone {prop} (surname meaning "stone")
:: Stein
stone-age {adj} (belonging in the Stone Age)
:: steinzeitlich
Stone Age {prop} (prehistoric period)
:: Steinzeit {f}
stonechat {n} (bird)
:: Schwarzkehlchen {n}
stone-cold {adj} (completely cold)
:: eiskalt
stone-cold {adj} (without emotion)
:: eiskalt
stonecrop {n} (Sedum)
:: Fetthenne {f}, Mauerpfeffer {m}
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk
stoned {adj} (high on drugs)
:: bekifft, zu , breit
stone dead {adj} (unquestionably dead)
:: mausetot
stone deaf {adj} (utterly deaf)
:: stocktaub
stonefly {n} (insect)
:: Steinfliege
stone fruit {n} (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit)
:: Steinfrucht {f}, Steinobst {n}
stonehard {adj} (hard as stone)
:: steinhart
Stonehenge {prop} (ancient group of standing stones in England)
:: Stonehenge {n}
stone marten {n} (Martes foina) SEE: beech marten
stonemason {n} (one who works in stone)
:: Steinmetz {m}, Steinmetzin {f}, Steinhauer {m}
stonen {adj} (Made of stone)
:: steinen, steinern
stone paper {n} (type of paper)
:: Steinpapier {n}
stone pine {n} (a species of pine native to southern Europe, Pinus pinea)
:: Pinie {f}
stoner {n} (a habitual user of cannabis)
:: Kiffer
stone's throw {n} (short distance)
:: Steinwurf {m}, Katzensprung {m} (cat's jump)
stone wall {n} (wall made from stone)
:: Steinmauer {f}, Steinwand {f}
stonewall {n} (obstruction) SEE: obstruction
stonewall {v} (to obstruct) SEE: obstruct
stonewall {v} (to refuse to answer or cooperate)
:: abblocken
stonewall {n} (alternative form of stone wall) SEE: stone wall
stoneware {n} (type of pottery)
:: Steinzeug {n}, Feinsteinzeug {n}
stoning {n} (lapidation) SEE: lapidation
stony {adj} (broke) SEE: broke
stony {adj} (containing stones)
:: steinern
stooge {n} (dupe)
:: Handlanger {m}, Handlangerin {f}, Strohmann {m}, Strohfrau {f}, Marionette {f}, Jasager {m}, Hiwi {m}
stooge {n} (secret informant for police)
:: Spitzel {m}, Polizeispitzel {m}
stooge {n} (straight man) SEE: straight man
stook {n} (pile or bundle)
:: Docke {f}
stook {v} (to make stooks)
:: docken
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet
stool {n} (footstool) SEE: footstool
stool {n} (a seat)
:: Hocker {m}
stool {n}
:: Stuhl {m}, Stuhlgang {m}, Exkrement {n}, Exkret {n}, Kot {m}
stool {n} (commode) SEE: commode
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot
stoop {n} (small porch)
:: Treppeneingang {m}
stoop {v} (to bend the upper part of the body forward and downward)
:: sich bücken, sich beugen
stoop {v} (to lower oneself; to demean or do something below one's status, standards, or morals)
:: sich erniedrigen, sich herabwürdigen
stoop {v} (to swoop down on its prey)
:: sich stürzen
stop {v} (to cease moving)
:: anhalten, stehen bleiben, stoppen
stop {v} (to not continue)
:: aufhören
stop {v} (to cause to cease moving)
:: anhalten, stoppen, aufhalten
stop {v} (to cause to come to an end)
:: stoppen, beenden
stop {v} (to close an opening)
:: stopfen
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport)
:: Haltestelle {f}, Busstopp {m}
stop {n} (interruption of travel)
:: Stopp {m}
stop {n} (device to block a moving object)
:: Stopper {m}
stop {n} (punctuation symbol)
:: Punkt {m}
stop {n} (music: knob or pin to regulate the flow of air in an organ)
:: Register {n}
stop {n} (tennis: very short shot)
:: Stoppball {m}
stop {v} (to punctuate) SEE: punctuate
stop {n} (consonant sound) SEE: plosive
stop at nothing {v} (take any measures to do something)
:: hör vor nichts auf
stopcock {n} (valve, tap or faucet)
:: Absperrhahn {m}
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light
stopover {n} (interruption in a journey)
:: Zwischenstop {m}, Zwischenlandung {f}, Aufenthalt {m}, Zwischenhalt {m}
stop sign {n} (traffic sign)
:: Stoppschild {n}
stop the car {phrase} (stop the car)
:: halten Sie den Wagen an
stopwatch {n} (timepiece)
:: Stoppuhr {f}
storage {n} (act or state)
:: Lagerung {f}, Speicherung {f}
storage {n} (place)
:: Lager {n}
storage {n} (computing)
:: Speicher {m}
storage power station {n} (power station that generates a store of power)
:: Speicherkraftwerk {n}
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop
store {n} (place where items may be kept)
:: Lager {n}, Speicher {m}
store {n} (supply held in storage)
:: Vorrat {m}, Lagerbestand {m}
store {v} (keep (something) while not in use)
:: lagern
store {v} (computing: write (something) into memory or registers)
:: speichern
store {v} (remain in good condition while stored)
:: sich halten
store brand {n} (a brand specific to a retail chain)
:: Eigenmarke {f}, Hausmarke {f}
storehouse {n} (building for keeping goods of any kind)
:: Lagerhaus {n}, Lager {n}
storeman {n} (warehouseman) SEE: warehouseman
storeroom {n} (room used for storage)
:: Lager {n}, Lagerraum {m}, Abstellraum {m}
storey {n} (floor, level)
:: Stock {m}, Stockwerk {n}, Geschoss {n}, Etage {f}
stork {n} (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae)
:: Storch {m}, Adebar {m}
storksbill {n} (plant of the genus Erodium)
:: Reiherschnabel {m}
storm {n} (disturbed state of the atmosphere)
:: Sturm {m}
storm {n}
:: Sturm {m}
storm {v} (to assault)
:: stürmen
storm cellar {n} (underground structure)
:: Sturmkeller {m}
storm in a teacup {n} (tempest in a teapot) SEE: tempest in a teapot
storm petrel {n} (any of several small seabirds, of the family Hydrobatidae)
:: Sturmschwalbe {n}
stormproof {adj} (capable of resisting a storm)
:: sturmfest, sturmsicher
storm surge {n} (unusual rise in sea level)
:: Sturmflut {f}
stormtossed {adj} (tossed by the wind in a storm)
:: sturmgepeitscht
stormtrooper {n} (a member of the Nazi Sturmabteilung)
:: SA-Mann {m}
stormy {adj} (of or pertaining to storms; strong winds, rough seas, heavy rain etc.)
:: stürmisch
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie
story {n} (account of events)
:: Erzählung {f}, Geschichte {f}
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey
storybook {n} (a book containing stories, especially children's stories)
:: Geschichtenbuch {n}
storyteller {n} (person who relates stories to an audience)
:: Geschichtenerzähler {m}, Geschichtenerzählerin {f}
stout {adj} (obstinate) SEE: obstinate
stout {adj} (materially strong)
:: stabil, fest, robust
stoutness {n} (a state or quality of being stout)
:: Beherztheit {f}
stove {n} (heater)
:: Ofen {m}
stove {n} (device for heating food)
:: Herd {m}, Kochherd {m}
stove {n} (heated greenhouse) SEE: hothouse
stovepipe hat {n} (stovepipe hat) SEE: top hat
stow {v} (to put something away in a compact and tidy manner)
:: verstauen
stow {v} (to put something away to store it in a space-saving manner and over long time)
:: verstauen
stow away {v} (to stow or secure aloof in a safe place)
:: abstauen, verstauen
stowaway {n} (person who hides on a ship, train, etc.)
:: blinder Passagier {m}
strabismus {n} (defect of vision)
:: Strabismus
stracciatella {n} (an Italian soup made from a mixture of cheese and egg in a broth)
:: Stracciatella {f}
stracciatella {n} (an Italian ice cream with chocolate shavings)
:: Stracciatella {n}
straddle {v} (to sit or stand with a leg on each side of something)
:: grätschen, spreizen, breitbeinig stehen, mit gespreizten Beinen stehen, rittlings sitzen
straddle {v} (to be on both sides of something)
:: überspannen, überbrücken, überdecken, abdecken, überspreizen, sich über beide Seiten erstrecken
straddle {v} (to consider or favor two apparently opposite sides)
:: vermitteln, ausweichen, zwischen zwei Seiten schwanken
straddle {v} (to form a disorderly sprawl)
:: sich verteilen, streuen, sich zerstreuen, sich ausbreiten
straddle {n} (posture)
:: Grätsche {f}, Spreize {f}
Stradivarius {n} (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family)
:: Stradivari {f}, Stradivarius {f}
straggle {v} (to stray from the road)
:: abweichen, abschweifen
straggle {v} (to wander about)
:: umherwandern, herumwandern, wandern, herumstreifen, umherstreifen
straggle {v} (to spread at irregular intervals)
:: abspreizen, ausstrecken, herausstehen, wuchern, sich zerstreuen
straggler {n} (one who straggles or departs from the direct or proper course)
:: Nachzügler {m}, Nachzüglerin {f}, Versprengter {m}, Versprengte {f}, Bummler {m}
straggler {n} (one who falls behind the rest)
:: Nachzügler {m}, Nachzüglerin {f}
straggler {n} (one who rambles without any settled direction)
:: Bummler {m}
straggler {n} (a roving vagabond)
:: Landstreicher {m}, Landstreicherin {f}, Vagabund {m}
straight {adj} (not crooked or bent)
:: gerade
straight {adj} (direct, truthful, frank)
:: aufrecht, aufrichtig, offen, ungeschminkt, direkt
straight {adj} (as it should be)
:: rechtschaffen, ordentlich, so wie es sich gehört
straight {adj} (undiluted)
:: unverdünnt, rein, pur
straight {adj} (conventional)
:: gewöhnlich, normal, konventionell
straight {adj} (heterosexual)
:: hetero
straight {adv} (in a forward direction)
:: geradeaus
straight {n} (five cards in sequence)
:: Straße {f}
straight {n} (heterosexual) SEE: heterosexual
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away
straight-chain {adj}
:: geradkettig
straightedge {n} (tool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines)
:: Richtscheit {n}, Richtlineal {n}
straighten out {v} (make straight)
:: richten, gerade biegen, gerade richten, glätten, entzerren, ausbeulen
straighten out {v} (correct or rectify)
:: in Ordnung bringen, korrigieren, ausbügeln
straighten out {v} (eliminate confusion)
:: klarstellen
straighten out {v} (stop doing something wrong)
:: auf den rechten Weg kommen
straighten out {v} (tidy, neaten, or organize)
:: aufräumen
straight flush {n} (poker hand)
:: Straight Flush {m}
straightforward {adj} (not deviating; honest; frank)
:: aufrichtig, einfach, offen
straightforward {adj} (presenting few difficulties, easy)
:: einfach
straight from the horse's mouth {adv} (firsthand)
:: aus erster Hand
straight from the horse's mouth {adj} (from the source)
:: aus erster Hand
straight-laced {adj} (having narrow views on moral matters)
:: sittenstreng, züchtig, puritanisch
straight line {n} (line with no curvature)
:: Gerade {f}
straight man {n} (supporting comic)
:: Stichwortgeber {m}, Stichwortgeberin {f}
straight talk {n} (honest speaking)
:: Klartext
strain {n} (race, lineage, pedigree)
:: Sorte {f}, Rasse {f}, Abstammung {f}, Stamm {m}, Geschlecht {n}
strain {n} (hereditary character, quality, or disposition)
:: Veranlagung {f}, Disposition {f}, Charakterzug {m}, Zug {m}
strain {n} (tendency or disposition)
:: Tendenz {f}, Disposition {f}, Hang {m}, Neigung {f}, Zug {m}
strain {n} (breed or race)
:: Stamm {m}, Erregerstamm {m}, Züchtung {f}, Sorte {f}, Rasse {f}, Form {f}
strain {n} (kind or sort)
:: Art {f}, Form {f}
strain {v} (to stretch too far)
:: überdehnen, überstrecken, überanspruchen, dehnen, reißen, verrenken, recken, strapazieren, überspannen, überanstrengen, angreifen, zerren
strain {v} (to apply a force)
:: beanspruchen, belasten, ziehen, anstrengen, anspannen, drücken, strapazieren, spannen
strain {v} (to separate)
:: durchsieben, filtern, sieben, abscheiden, seihen, abseihen, passieren
strain {n} (act of straining, or the state of being strained)
:: Belastung {f}, Spannung {f}, Inanspruchnahme {f}, Beanspruchung {f}, Dehnung {f}, Stress {m}, Strapaze {f}, Anspannung {f}, Druck {m}
strain {n} (violent effort, excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles.)
:: Kraftaufwand {m}, Anspannung {f}, Anstrengung {f}
strain {n} (injury resulting from violent effort)
:: Überdehnung {f}, Verdehnung {f}, Krampf {m}, Überanstrengung {f}, Verrenkung {f}, Zerrung {f}
strain {n} (engineering: measure of object deformation)
:: Verformung {f}, Dehnung {f}, Deformation {f}
S-train {n} (hybrid, rapid urban railway)
:: S-Bahn {f}, Schnellbahn {f}
strainer {n} (utensil)
:: Sieb {n}; Durchschlag {m}
strait {n} (narrow channel of water)
:: Meerenge {f}, Enge {f}, Straße {f}
straitjacket {n} (a jacket-like garment)
:: Zwangsjacke {f}
strait-laced {adj} (straight-laced) SEE: straight-laced
Strait of Dover {prop} (strait in the English Channel)
:: Straße von Dover {f}
Strait of Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar)
:: Straße von Gibraltar {f}, Meerenge von Gibraltar {f}
Strait of Hormuz {prop} (strait)
:: Straße von Hormus {f}
Strait of Kerch {prop} (strait)
:: Straße von Kertsch {f}
Strait of Magellan {prop} (Strait of Magellan)
:: Magellanstraße {f}
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy)
:: Straße von Messina {f}
Strait of Sicily {prop} (strait between Sicily and Tunisia)
:: Straße von Sizilien {f}
strand {n} (beach)
:: Strand {m}
strand {n} (short string)
:: Strang {m}
strand {n} (strand of hair)
:: Strähne {f}
strand {n} (a nucleotide chain)
:: Strang {m}
strandflat {n} (coastal landform)
:: Strandflate, Strandplatte
strange {adj} (not normal)
:: seltsam, sonderbar, komisch, verwunderlich
strange {adj} (not yet part of one’s experience)
:: fremd
strange {adj} (in quantum mechanics)
:: seltsam
strange {adj} (belonging to another country, foreign)
:: ausländisch, fremd
stranger {n} (person whom one does not know)
:: Fremder {m}, Fremde {f}, Fremdling {m}, Fremdlingin {f}
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner)
:: Fremder {m}, Fremde {f}, Ausländer {m}, Ausländerin {f}, Fremdling {m}
stranger {n} (newcomer)
:: Fremder {m}, Fremde {f}, Neuling {m}
strangle {v} (to kill someone by strangulation)
:: strangulieren, erwürgen
stranglehold {n} (grip or control so strong as to stifle or cut off)
:: Würgegriff {m}
strangler {n} (someone who strangles)
:: Würger {m}, Würgerin {f}
strangles {n} (disease of horses)
:: Druse {f}
strangury {n} (painful, frequent need to urinate)
:: Blasenkrampf {m}
strap {n} (a long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like)
:: Riemen {m}
strap {n} (a piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for sharpening a razor; a strop)
:: Streichriemen {m}
strap {n} (a shoulder strap)
:: Achselklappe {f}, Schulterklappe {f} , Schultergurt {m} , Trageriemen {m}
strappado {n} (form of torture)
:: Strappado, Pendel
Strasbourg {prop} (city in France)
:: Straßburg {n}
Strasserism {n} (political philosophy of Otto Strasser)
:: Strasserimus {m}
stratagem {n} (tactic)
:: Kriegslist {f}, Strategem {n} , Stratagem {n}
strategic {adj} (of or pertaining to strategy)
:: strategisch
strategical {adj} (strategic) SEE: strategic
strategically {adv} (in a strategic manner)
:: strategisch
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars
strategist {n} (one who devises strategies)
:: Stratege {m}
strategy {n} (science and art of military command)
:: Strategie {f}
strategy {n} (plan of action)
:: Strategie {f}
strategy {n} (techniques in politics or business)
:: Strategie {f}
strategy game {n} (game in which players' decision-making skills have a high significance)
:: Strategiespiel {n}
strategy pattern {n} (creational design pattern where algorithms can be selected at runtime)
:: Strategie {f}
stratification {n} (process leading to formation of layers)
:: Schichtung {f}, Schichtbildung {f}, Schichtenbildung {f}, Stratifizierung {f}, Lagerung {f}, Ablagerung {f}, Bänderung {f}, Aufschichtung {f}
stratification {n} (vertical layering of vegetation)
:: Stratifikation {f}
stratification {n} (categorization of people)
:: Hierarchisierung {f}
stratified {adj} (arranged in a sequence of layers)
:: geschichtet, Schicht-
stratified {adj} (having a class structure)
:: selektiv, klassenselektiv, klassistisch
stratify {v} (to separate out into distinct layers)
:: (in Schichten) aufschlüsseln
stratosphere {n} (region of the uppermost atmosphere)
:: Stratosphäre {f}
stratovolcano {n} (volcano)
:: Schichtvulkan {m}, Stratovulkan {m}
stratum {n} (layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout)
:: Bank {f}
Strauss {prop} (surname)
:: Strauß {m} {f}
straw {n} (a dried stalk of a cereal plant)
:: Halm {m}, Strohhalm {m}
straw {n} (dried stalks considered collectively)
:: Stroh {n}
straw {n} (colour)
:: strohfarben, strohgelb
straw {adj} (made of straw)
:: Stroh-
straw {adj} (of a pale, yellowish beige colour)
:: strohfarben, strohblond
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw
strawberry {n} (fruit)
:: Erdbeere {f}
strawberry {n} (plant)
:: Erdbeere {f}
strawberry {adj} (flavour)
:: Erdbeer-, erdbeerig
strawberry mark {n}
:: rötliches Muttermal {n}, Blutschwamm {m}
strawberry tree {n} (the European plant Arbutus unedo)
:: westlicher Erdbeerbaum {m}, Erdbeerbaum {m}
strawberry tree {n} (the American plant Arbutus menziesii)
:: amerikanischer Erdbeerbaum {m}, Erdbeerbaum {m}
strawen {adj} (Made of straw)
:: strohen
straw hat {n} (type of hat)
:: Strohhut {m}
straw man {n} (doll or scarecrow)
:: Strohpuppe {f}
straw man {n} (person of lesser importance)
:: Strohmann {m}
straw poll {n} (unofficial survey of opinion)
:: Meinungsumfrage {f}, Umfrage {f}, Meinungsbild {n}, Probeumfrage {f}, Probeabstimmung {f}
straw wine {n} (wine)
:: Strohwein
stray {n} (domestic animal at large or lost)
:: Streuner {m}
stray {v} (to wander from a direct course)
:: irren, streunen
stray {v} (to wander from company or from proper limits)
:: sich verlaufen, verloren gehen
stray {v} (figuratively: to err)
:: sich irren
stray {adj} (having gone astray)
:: streunend
stray {adj} (in the wrong place)
:: verirrt
strayed {adj} (having lost one's way) SEE: stray
streak {n} (irregular line)
:: Schliere {f}
streak {n} (species of moth)
:: Später Ginsterspanner {m}
streak {v} (to have or obtain streaks)
:: schlieren
streak {v} (to run naked in public)
:: flitzen
streak-backed antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus insignis)
:: Tepui-Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
streaked {adj}
:: durchzogen, gesträhnt, gestreift
streaker {n} (one who runs naked through a public place)
:: Blitzer {m}, Flitzer {m}, Flitzerin {f}
stream {n} (small river)
:: Bach {m}
stream {n} (any steady flow or succession of material)
:: Strom {m}
stream {n} (computing: source or repository of data)
:: Datenstrom {m}
stream {v} (to flow)
:: strömen
stream {v} (Internet: to push continuous data)
:: streamen
stream cipher {n}
:: Stromverschlüsselung {f}
streaming {n} (computing)
:: Streaming
streamlet {n} (small stream)
:: Bächlein {n}
street {n} (paved part of road in a village or a town)
:: Straße {f}
street art {n} (visual art created in public space)
:: Streetart {f}, Straßenkunst {f}
street artist {n} (someone who produces art in public spaces)
:: Straßenkünstler {m}, Straßenkünstlerin {f}
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram
street child {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin
streetcleaner {n} (person) SEE: street sweeper
streetfighter {n} (person who fights in the streets)
:: Straßenkämpfer {m}, Straßenkämpferin {f}
street furniture {n} (objects installed on a street)
:: Stadtmöbel {n}
street lamp {n} (Streetlight)
:: Straßenlampe {f}
streetlight {n} (lamps set along a street)
:: Straßenbeleuchtung {f}, Straßenlaterne {f}, Straßenlampe {f}
street map {n} (map showing the streets in a city or district)
:: Stadtplan {m}
street organ {n} (mechanically played street organ)
:: Drehorgel {f}, Leierkasten {m}
street performer {n} (artist who performs in a public place)
:: Straßenkünstler {m}
street racing {n} (Motorsport held on public roads)
:: Straßenlaufen
streetscape {n} (visual elements of a street that give it character)
:: Straßenbild {n}
streetseller {n} (person who sells things in the street)
:: Straßenverkäufer {m}, Straßenverkäuferin {f}
street shoes {n} (ordinary shoes worn during everyday life)
:: Alltagsschuhe {f} {p}
street shoes {n} (shoes worn outdoors)
:: Straßenschuhe {f} {p}
street sign {n} (sign showing the name of a street)
:: Straßenschild {n}, Straßennamensschild {n}
street-smart {adj} (having practical knowledge)
:: bauernschlau
street sweeper {n} (person employed to sweep streets, etc.)
:: Straßenkehrer {m}, Straßenfeger {m}
street sweeper {n} (machine used to sweep streets)
:: Kehrmaschine {f}
street urchin {n} (child living, or spending most of their time, in the streets)
:: Straßenkind {n} , Straßenjunge {m}
streetwalker {n} (prostitute who looks for clients on the streets)
:: Strichmädchen {n}, Bordsteinschwalbe {f}
Streisand effect {n} (phenomenon)
:: Streisand-Effekt {m}
strength {n} (quality of being strong)
:: Stärke {f}, Kraft {f}, Festigkeit {f}, Mumm {m}
strength {n} (intensity of a force or power)
:: Kraft {f}, Stärke {f}
strength {n} (strongest part of something)
:: Stärke {f}
strength {n} (positive attribute)
:: Stärke {f}, Festigkeit {f}
strengthen {v} (to make strong or stronger)
:: verstärken, stärken
strengthen {v} (to animate)
:: bestärken, stärken
strengthen {v} (to augment)
:: verstärken
strengthen {v} (to grow strong or stronger)
:: stärker werden
strenuous {adj} (requiring great exertion)
:: anstrengend
strep throat {n} (throat infection)
:: Streptokokken-Tonsillitis {f}, Streptokokken-Mandelentzündung {f}
streptococcus {n} (bacterium)
:: Streptokokken
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent
stress {n} ((physics) internal force across a boundary per area )
:: Spannung {f}
stress {n} (emotional pressure)
:: Stress {m}
stress {n} (when speaking)
:: Betonung {f}
stress {n} (on a point in an argument)
:: Betonung {f}
stress {v} (to apply force to, causing strain)
:: beanspruchen
stress {v} (to apply emotional pressure to)
:: stressen
stress {v} (to emphasise (a syllable))
:: betonen
stress {v} (to emphasise (words in speaking))
:: betonen
stress {v} (to emphasise (a point))
:: betonen
stressed {adj} (stressed-out)
:: gestresst, strapaziert
stressed {adj} (having a stress or accent)
:: betont
stressful {adj} (irritating; causing stress)
:: stressig
stretch {v} (lengthen by pulling)
:: strecken, dehnen, langziehen
stretch {v} (lengthen when pulled)
:: sich dehnen, ausleiern, sich strecken
stretch {v} (pull tight)
:: ziehen, überziehen, straffen
stretch {v} (get more than expected from a limited resource)
:: strecken, ausnutzen, beanspruchen, ausdehnen, verlängern
stretch {v} (be inaccurate by exaggeration)
:: erweitern, überziehen
stretch {v} (extend one’s limbs or body in order to stretch the muscles)
:: dehnen, recken, strecken, stretchen
stretch {v} (extend between limits)
:: spannen, reichen
stretch {n} (act of stretching)
:: Strecken {n}, Dehnen {n}, Untertreibung {f}, Übertreibung {f}
stretch {n} (ability to lengthen when pulled)
:: Elastizität {f}, Dehnbarkeit {f}, Dehnung {f}
stretch {n} (thought which diverts from logic)
:: weit hergeholt
stretch {n} (segment of a journey or route)
:: Strecke {f}, Abschnitt {m}, Stück {n}
stretch {n} (addressing for a tall person)
:: Langer {m}
stretcher {n} (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person)
:: Trage {f}, Tragbahre {f}, Bahre {f}
stretcher {n}
:: Rahmen {m} , Spanner {m}
stretch mark {n} (stripes on the surface of the skin)
:: Dehnungsstreifen {m}
stretch one's legs {v} (to walk about, especially after prolonged time sitting or lying down)
:: sich die Beine vertreten
stretch the truth {v} (idioms: to exaggerate)
:: mit der Wahrheit großzügig umgehen
Streuselkuchen {n} (cake of German origin)
:: Streuselkuchen
strew {v} (to distribute objects or pieces of something)
:: streuen
strewn {v} (past participle of to strew)
:: übersät, gestreut, bestreut
stria {n} (stretch mark)
:: Dehnungsstreifen {m}, Dehnungsnarbe {f}
striated muscle {n} (muscle tissue that appears striped under the microscope)
:: quergestreifte Muskulatur {f}
striation {n} (action of marking with a stria)
:: Streifen {n}
striation {n} (result of being marked with a stria)
:: Streifung {f}
stricken {adj} (Struck by something)
:: ergriffen, heimgesucht, betroffen, verwundet, gedrückt
strict {adj} (governed or governing by exact rules)
:: streng
strict {adj} (severe in discipline)
:: streng
strictly speaking {adv}
:: streng genommen
stricto sensu {phrase} (in the strict sense)
:: im engeren Sinne (i. e. S.); stricto sensu
stride {v} (to walk with long steps)
:: schreiten
strident {adj} (loud, piercing)
:: gellend
strife {n} (violent conflict)
:: Streit {m}
strigil {n} (grooming tool)
:: Strigilis {f}, Strigil {n}
strike {v} (to delete)
:: streichen
strike {v} (to hit)
:: schlagen
strike {v} (to manufacture by stamping)
:: prägen
strike {v} (to stop working to achieve better working conditions)
:: streiken
strike {v} (to impress, seem, appear)
:: scheinen
strike {v} (nautical: to surrender)
:: die Fahne streichen
strike {n} (in baseball)
:: Strike {m}
strike {n} (in bowling)
:: Strike {m}
strike {n} (work stoppage)
:: Streik {m}
strike {n} (physical blow)
:: Schlag {m}
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker)
:: Streikbrecher {m}
strike out {v} (to draw a line through a text) SEE: cross out
striker {n} (baseball: batter) SEE: batter
striker {n} (individual who is on strike)
:: Streikender {m}, Streikende {f}
striker {n} (player on a team of soccer)
:: Stürmer {m}, Stürmerin {f}
strike through {v} (to obliterate by drawing a line over) SEE: cross out
strikethrough {n} (line)
:: Durchstreichen {n}
strike up {v} (to start something, e. g. relationship)
:: schließen
strike while the iron is hot {v} (act on an opportunity promptly)
:: man muss das Eisen schmieden, solange es heiß ist
striking {adj} (of that which makes a strong impression)
:: auffällig
string {n} (long, thin structure made from twisted threads)
:: Schnur {f}, Saite {f}
string {n} (computing: sequence of characters)
:: Zeichenkette {f}, String {m}
string {n} (string of a musical instrument)
:: Saite {f}
string {n} (physics: subject of study in string theory)
:: String {m}
string {v} (put on a string)
:: auffädeln, einfädeln
string {n} (stringed instrument) SEE: stringed instrument
string along {v} (to keep somebody falsely believing that one has certain intentions)
:: hinhalten {f}, falsche Hoffnungen machen
string bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass
stringed instrument {n} (type of musical instrument)
:: Saiteninstrument {n}
stringent {adj} (making strict requirements)
:: stringent
stringer {n} (one who threads, strings)
:: Saitenaufzieher {m}, Besaiter {m}
stringer {n} (one who strings someone along)
:: Führer {m}
stringer {n} (horizontal timber or piece)
:: Pfette {f}, Holm {m}, Längsbalken {m}, Tragbalken {m}, Streckbalken {m}, Stützbalken {m}, Strebe {f}, Treppenwange {f}
stringer {n} (freelance correspondant)
:: freier Mitarbeiter {m}
stringer {n} (wooden strip on a surfboard)
:: Holm {m}
string instrument {n} (musical instrument that produces sound by strings) SEE: stringed instrument
string instrumentalist {n} (string instrumentalist) SEE: string player
string out {v} (to extend on or as if by strings, wires etc.)
:: ausdehnen, ausspannen
string out {v} (to prolong or extend in an unnecessary, contrived or time-filling manner)
:: ausdehnen, hinausziehen
string player {n} (string instrument player)
:: Streicher {m}, Streicherin {f}
string quartet {n} (group of four string players)
:: Streichquartett {n}
string quartet {n} (composition for four string players)
:: Streichquartett {n}
string theory {n} (candidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles)
:: Stringtheorie {f}, Superstringtheorie {f}
strip {n} (long, thin piece of land or material)
:: Streifen {m}
strip {v} (to remove or take away)
:: wegnehmen
strip {v} (to take off clothing)
:: ausziehen
strip {v} (to do a striptease)
:: strippen
strip club {n} (establishment offering striptease or other erotic dancing)
:: Gogo-Bar {f}, Strip-Club {m}
stripe {n} (long straight region of a colour)
:: Streifen {m}
stripe-breasted tit {n} (Melaniparus fasciiventer)
:: Schwarzbrustmeise {f}, Schwarzbrust-Rußmeise {f}
striped {adj} (having stripes, decorated or marked with bands differing in color)
:: gestreift
striped hyena {n} (Hyaena hyaena)
:: Streifenhyäne {f}
striped shield bug {n} (shield bug with black and red stripes)
:: Streifenwanze {f}
stripling {n} (male adolescent)
:: Jüngling {m}
stripper {n} (one who removes their clothing in a sexually provocative manner)
:: Stripper {m}, Stripperin {f}, Stripteasetänzer {m}, Stripteasetänzerin {f}, Striptease-Tänzer {m}, Striptease-Tänzerin {f}, Nackttänzer {m}, Nackttänzerin {f}, exotischer Tänzer {m}, exotische Tänzerin {f}
striptease {n} (arousing act)
:: Striptease {m} {n}
stripy {adj} (striped) SEE: striped
strive {v} (to try to achieve)
:: streben, sich bemühen, sich anstrengen, ringen um, sich einsetzen für
strive {v} (to struggle in opposition)
:: ≈ against ringen mit, sich einsetzen gegen
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals)
:: Stroboskop {n}
stroganoff {n} (dish of sautéed pieces of beef)
:: Bœuf Stroganoff {m}, Bœuf Stroganow
stroke {n} (blow)
:: Schlag {m}, Hieb {m}
stroke {n} (- golf: single act of striking the ball)
:: Schlag {m}
stroke {n} (- tennis: single act of striking the ball)
:: Schlag {m}
stroke {n} (- rowing: movement of an oar or paddle through water)
:: Schlag {m}
stroke {n} (- thrust of piston)
:: Hub {m}
stroke {n} (- act of striking with a weapon)
:: Streich {m}
stroke {n} (line drawn with a writing implement)
:: Strich {m}, Zug {m} , Federstrich {m}
stroke {n} (- stroke of a Chinese character)
:: Strich {m}
stroke {n} (streak made with a brush)
:: Strich {m}
stroke {n} (time when a clock strikes)
:: Schlag {m}
stroke {n} (particular style of swimming, single movement in that style)
:: Schlag {m}, Zug {m}
stroke {n} (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted)
:: Schlaganfall {m}, Hirninfarkt {m}, Hirnschlag {m}, Apoplexie {f}, Apoplex {m}, Schlagerl {n}
stroke {n} (rower who is nearest to the stern of the boat)
:: Schlagmann {m}
stroke {v} (to move one's hand or an object over the surface of)
:: streicheln, streichen
stroke {n} (- slash) SEE: slash
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite
stroke {n} (throb or beat of the heart) SEE: heartbeat
stroke {n} (- strikethrough) SEE: strikethrough
stroke of genius {n} (sudden mental insight that solves a problem)
:: Geniestreich {m}
stroke volume {n} (volume of blood pumped from a ventricle of the heart in one beat)
:: Schlagvolumen {n}
stroll {n} (wandering on foot)
:: Spaziergang {m}, Bummel {m}
stroll {v} (wander on foot)
:: spazieren gehen, bummeln, schlendern
stroller {n} (seat on wheels used to transport babies)
:: Kinderwagen {m}, Buggy {m} {n}
strong {adj} (capable of producing great physical force)
:: stark, kräftig
strong {adj} (capable of withstanding great physical force)
:: stark
strong {adj}
:: stark , kräftig
strong as an ox {adj} (very strong and powerful)
:: stark wie ein Ochse
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe
strong declension {n} (type of declension in Germanic language)
:: starke Deklination {f}
stronghold {n} (place built to withstand attack)
:: Festung {f}
stronghold {n} (place of domination, or refuge or survival)
:: Hochburg {f}
strongly {adv} (in a strong or powerful manner)
:: stark
strongly-typed {adj}
:: stark typisiert
strong-minded {adj} (having a vigorous, independent will)
:: willensstark
strong point {n} (excellent characteristic or ability) SEE: forte
strong suit {n} (field in which one is quite capable)
:: starke Seite {f}, Stärke {f}
strong verb {n} (verb type)
:: starkes Verb {n}, starkes Verbum; ablautendes Verb, ablautendes Verbum, ablautendes Zeitwort
strong-willed {adj} (having a vigorous, independent will)
:: willensstark
strontianite {n} (a mineral, strontium carbonate)
:: Strontianit {m}
strontium {n} (chemical element)
:: Strontium {n}
stroopwafel {n} (Dutch waffle made from two thin wafers)
:: Sirupwaffel {f}, Stroopwafel {f} ; Honigwaffel {f}
strop {n} (strap)
:: Riemen {m}
strophic {adj} (using or containing strophes)
:: strophisch
structural {adj} (of, relating to, or having structure)
:: konstruktiv
structural {adj} (used in building)
:: baulich
structural formula {n} (chemistry)
:: Strukturformel {f}
structural science {n}
:: Strukturwissenschaft {f}
structure {n} (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts)
:: Struktur {f}
structure {n} (overall form or organization of something)
:: Struktur {f}
structure {n} ((computing) several pieces of data treated as a unit)
:: Struktur {f}, Datenstruktur {f}
structure {v} ((transitive) to give structure to; to arrange)
:: strukturieren
structured {adj} (having structure; organized)
:: strukturiert
strudel {n} (layered pastry)
:: Strudel {m}
struggle {n} (strife, effort)
:: Kampf {m}
struggle {v} (to strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight)
:: sich durchbeißen, sich schwer tun
strum {v} (play a stringed instrument)
:: schrammeln
strumpet {n} (A prostitute)
:: Hure {f}, Dirne {f}
strut {n} (protuberance, air pressure)
:: Protuberanz {f}, Luftdruck {m}
strut {v} (to swell; protuberate)
:: sich aufblähen
strut {v} (to stand or walk stiffly)
:: stolzieren, sich aufplustern, herumstolzieren
strut {v} (to walk proudly or haughtily)
:: stolzieren, paradieren
strut {v} (to protrude; cause to bulge)
:: hervorstehen, vorstehen, ausbeulen, herausstehen
strut {n} (proud step or walk)
:: Stolzieren {n}, Stratzen {n}
strut {n} (a support rod)
:: Strebe {f}
strychnine {n} (very toxic, colourless, crystalline alkaloid)
:: Strychnin {n}
St. Stephen's Day {prop} (Christian holiday commemorating Saint Stephen)
:: Stephanitag {m}, Stefanitag {m}, Stephanstag {m}, Stefanstag {m}, Stephanustag {m}
stub {n} (something cut short, blunted, or stunted)
:: Stummel {m}; Stumpf {m}
stub {n} (a piece of certain paper items, designed to be torn off and kept for record or identification purposes)
:: Abreißzettel {m}
stub {n} (computing: a placeholder procedure)
:: Stub {m}, Stutzen {m}
stub {n} ((wikis) page providing minimal information)
:: Abriss {m}
stub {v} (to remove most of a tree, bush, or other rooted plant by cutting it close to the ground)
:: roden
stub {v} (to remove a plant by pulling it out by the roots)
:: ausroden
stub {v} (to jam, hit, or bump, especially a toe)
:: stoßen
stubble {n} (short, coarse hair)
:: Stoppel {f}, Bartstoppel {f} ; Stoppeln {f-p}, Bartstoppeln {f-p}, Dreitagebart {m}
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest)
:: Stoppel {f} ; Stoppeln {f-p}
stubborn {adj} (refusing to move or change one's opinion)
:: stur, dickköpfig
stubborn as a mule {adj} (extremely stubborn)
:: störrisch wie ein Maultier
stubbornness {n} (state of being stubborn)
:: Sturheit {f}
stubby {adj} (like a stub)
:: stummlig, stummelartig
stucco {n} (a plaster that is used to coat interior or exterior wall)
:: Putz {m}, Wandputz {m}, Putzmörtel {m}
stucco {n} (work made of stucco; stuccowork)
:: Stuck {m}, Stuckarbeit {f}, Stuckatur {f}
stuck {adj} (trapped and unable to move)
:: eingeklemmt, festgeklemmt
stuck {adj} (unable to progress)
:: festgefahren, festgesetzt
stuck up {adj} (snobbish, conceited)
:: eingebildet
stud {n} (male animal kept for breeding)
:: Deckhengst {m}, Schälhengst {m}, Schellhengst {m}, Beschäler {m}, Beschälhengst {m}, Zuchthengst {m}, Gestüthengst {m}, Gestütpferd {n}, Decktier {n}
stud {n} (female animal kept for breeding)
:: Zuchtstute {f}
stud {n} (animal breeding place)
:: Stuterei {f}, Gestüt {n}, Stall {m}
stud {n} (small object protruding from something)
:: Spike {m}, Stollen {m}, Stift {m}, Niete {f}, Stutzen {m}, Zapfen {m}, Nippel {m}, Knauf {m}, Bolzen {m}, Stehbolzen {m}, Noppe {f}, Stollen {m}, Buckel {m}
stud {n} (small round earring)
:: Ohrstecker {m}, Nasenstecker {m}, Piercing {n}
stud {n} (vertical post)
:: Ständer {m}, Stiel {m}, Stütze {f}, Pfosten {m}, Holzständer {m}, Holzstütze {f}
stud {n} (short rod or pin)
:: Bolzen {m}, Stehbolzen {m}, Tragbolzen {m}, Stift {m}, Stutzen {m}, Bundbolzen {m}, Stiftschraube {f}, Gewindebolzen {m}, Radbolzen {m}, Achsbolzen {m}
student {n} (person who studies a subject)
:: Student {m}, Studentin {f}; Lernender {m} Lernende {f}
student {n} (person enrolled at a school, university or other education institution)
:: Lernender {m}, Lernende {f}
student {n} (person enrolled at a university)
:: Student {m}, Studentin {f}; Studierender {m}, Studierende {f}; Hochschüler {m}, Hochschülerin {f}
student {n} (schoolchild, pupil, person attending school) SEE: schoolchild
student body {n} (student body (body of students or pupils))
:: Schülerschaft {f}, Studentenschaft {f} , Studierendenschaft {f}
studies {n} (academic field of study)
:: Untersuchung {f}
studio {n} (artist’s or photographer’s workshop)
:: Atelier {n}, Studio {n}
studio {n} (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made)
:: Studio {n}
studio {n} (studio flat/apartment)
:: Studio {n}
studious {adj} (given to thought, contemplation, etc)
:: besonnen
studious {adj} (given to study, reading, etc)
:: fleißig, lernbegierig
studiously {adv} (in a manner given to thought, contemplation, etc.)
:: besonnen
studiously {adv} (deliberately, intentionally, keenly)
:: geflissentlich
studs {n} (winter tires)
:: Spikereifen {m}, Reifen mit Spikes {m}
study {v} (to revise/review materials)
:: lernen
study {v} (to take a course)
:: studieren
study {v} (to acquire knowledge)
:: studieren, lernen, erforschen
study {v} (to look at minutely)
:: studieren
study {n} (mental effort to acquire knowledge)
:: Studium {n}
study {n} (room)
:: Arbeitszimmer {n}
study {n} (artwork)
:: Studie {f}
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination
study {n} (music: piece for special practice) SEE: etude
studying {n} (the action of the verb to study)
:: Studium {n}, Forschung {f} (research)
stuff {n} (miscellaneous items; things)
:: Sachen {p}, Kram {m}, Zeug {n}, Ding {n}
stuff {n} (the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object)
:: Stoff {m}
stuff {n} (substitution for trivial details)
:: Kram {m}
stuff {n}
:: Material {n}, Stoff {m}, Zeug {n}
stuff {v} (to fill by crowding into)
:: ausstopfen, füllen (food)
stuff {v} (to preserve a dead animal)
:: ausstopfen
stuffed {adj} (with material)
:: ausgestopft
stuffed {adj} (with food)
:: faschiert, gefüllt
stuffed animal {n} (soft toy in the form of an animal)
:: Plüschtier {n}, Stofftier {n}, Kuscheltier {n}, Schmusetier {n}
stuffed shirt {n} (one who is overly-officious)
:: Wichtigtuer {m}, Wichtigmacher {m}
stuffing {n} (matter used to stuff hollow objects)
:: Füllmaterial {n}, Füllung {f}
stuffing {n} (food items used to stuff another)
:: Füllung {f}
stuffy {adj} (poorly ventilated)
:: stickig, verstopfte
stultify {v} (to cause to appear foolish)
:: lächerlich machen
stumble {n} (a fall or trip)
:: Stolpern {n}, Fehltritt {m}
stumble {n} (an error or blunder)
:: Fehler {m}, Schnitzer {m}, Ausrutscher {m}, Patzer {m}
stumble {v} (to trip or fall)
:: stolpern
stumble {v} (to walk clumsily)
:: staksen
stumble upon {v} (to come across by accident; to discover by accident)
:: stolper
stumbling block {n} (hindrance)
:: Stolperstein {m}
stumbling-block {n} (stumbling block) SEE: stumbling block
stump {n} (remains of something that has been cut off)
:: Stumpf {m}
stump {v} (to baffle or confuse)
:: ratlos sein, verblüfft sein, mit seiner Weisheit am Ende sein
stun {v} (to incapacitate)
:: betäuben
stun {v} (to shock or surprise)
:: verblüffen
stun gun {n} (weapon intended to immobilize)
:: Elektroschocker {m}
stunned {adj} (unable to act or respond)
:: fassungslos, sprachlos, betäubt, verblüfft, baff
stunning {adj} (having an effect that stuns)
:: betäubend
stunning {adj} (exceptionally beautiful or attractive)
:: atemberaubend, umwerfend, hinreißend, betörend
stunning {adj} (amazing; wonderfully good)
:: atemberaubend, herrlich, überwältigend, beeindruckend, toll, fantastisch, verblüffend
stunningness {n} (quality of being stunning)
:: Umwerfendheit {f}, Hinreißendheit {f}
stunt {n} (dangerous feat)
:: Stunt {m}
stunt {v} (to check or hinder the growth or development)
:: verkümmern
stunted {adj} (prevented from growing or developing)
:: verkümmert, unterentwickelt, verkrüppelt, gehemmt, kleinwüchsig
stunted {adj} (of low height for age)
:: kleinwüchsig, zwergwüchsig, unterentwickelt
stunting {n} (chronic malnutrition)
:: Verkümmerung {f}
stuntman {n} (one who performs stunts)
:: Stuntman {m}
stupa {n} (Buddhist monument)
:: Stupa {m} {f}
stupefaction {n} (the state of dismay; shock)
:: Benommenheit {f}, Schock {m}, Betäubung {f}, Bestürzung {f}
stupefied {adj} (Experiencing stupefaction)
:: bestürzt, entsetzt, geschockt, betäubt
stupefy {v} (dull the senses or capacity to think)
:: betäuben
stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence)
:: dumm, doof, blöd
stupid {n} (A stupid person; a person lacking in intelligence)
:: Dummkopf {m}
stupidity {n} (property of being stupid)
:: Dummheit {f}
stupidity {n} (act that is stupid)
:: Dummheit {f}
stupor {n} (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility)
:: Sopor, Topor
sturdy {adj} (of firm build)
:: robust
sturdy {adj} (solid in structure or person)
:: stabil
sturgeon {n} (fish of family Acipenseridae)
:: Stör {m}
Sturmabteilung {prop} (Nazi paramilitary division)
:: Sturmabteilung {f}
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer
stutter {n} (speech disorder)
:: Stottern {n}
stutterer {n} (one who stutters)
:: Stotterer {m}, Stottrer {m}, Stotterin {f}, Stottrerin {f}, Stammler {m}, Stammlerin {f}
stuttering {n} (a speech disorder)
:: Stottern {n}
Stuttgart {prop} (a city in Germany)
:: Stuttgart {n}
St. Vitus' dance {n} (Sydenham's chorea)
:: Veitstanz {m}
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder
sty {v} (to rise up) SEE: ascend
stye {n} (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid)
:: Hordeolum {n}, Gerstenkorn {n}
style {n} (sharp stick for writing) SEE: stylus
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon
style {n} (stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower)
:: Griffel {m}
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art)
:: Stil {m}
stylesheet {n} (a document issued by a publisher informing authors how to style their works for publication)
:: Formatvorlage {f}, Stilvorlage {f}, Stilblatt {n}
stylesheet {n} (Internet: a document consisting of markup that describes the layout and presentation to be used when displaying other documents)
:: Formatvorlage {f}, Stilvorlage {f}, Stilblatt {n}, Stylesheet {f}
style sheet language {n}
:: Stylesheet-Sprache {f}
stylish {adj} (having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress)
:: stilvoll, elegant, stylisch
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer
stylistics {n} (study of literary style)
:: Stilistik {f}
stylite {n} (Christian ascetic cloistered atop a pillar)
:: Säulenheiliger {m}, Stylit {m}
stylization {n} (designing in accordance with a style)
:: Stilisierung {m}
stylization {n} (simplified representation)
:: Schematisierung {f}, Schematisieren {n}, Abstrahieren {n}
stylus {n} (tool for writing on clay tablets)
:: Schreibgriffel {m}, Schreibspitze {f}
stylus {n} (phonograph needle)
:: Saphir {m}, Grammofonnadel {f}
stylus {n} (pen for writing on touch-sensitive screen)
:: Eingabestift {m}, Stylus {m}
stymie {v} (to thwart or stump)
:: lahmlegen
styptic pencil {n} (short medicated stick used to stop bleeding)
:: Alaunstift {m}, Blutstillstift {m}, blutstillender Stift {m}, blutstillender Rasierstift {m}, Rasierstift {m}
Styria {prop} (Austrian state)
:: Steiermark {f}
Styrian {adj} (of, from or relating to Styria)
:: steirisch
styrofoam {n} (polymer)
:: Styropor {n}, Polystyrol {n}
Styx {prop} (river of the underworld)
:: Styx
suave {adj} (charming, confident and elegant)
:: mild
sub {n} (submarine, see also: submarine)
:: U-Boot {n}, Atom-U-Boot {n}
sub {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate
sub- {prefix} (under, beneath)
:: unter-, sub-
sub {n} (subaltern) SEE: subaltern
sub {n} (computing: subroutine) SEE: subroutine
sub {n} (subcontractor) SEE: subcontractor
subaltern {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate
subaltern {adj} (of a lower rank of position)
:: Subaltern {m}, Subalternoffizier {m}
subaquatic {adj} (underwater)
:: subaquatisch
subarachnoid space {n} (space between the arachnoid mater)
:: Subarachnoidalraum {m}
subarctic {adj} (of, relating to, or characteristic of the subarctic)
:: subarktisch
subatomic {adj} (relating to particles that are smaller than an atom)
:: subatomar
subcarrier {n} (separate radio signal)
:: Hilfsträger {m}
subcategory {n} (more narrow category)
:: Unterkategorie
subchronic {adj} (That repeats over a relatively short period)
:: subchronisch
subclass {n} (taxonomy)
:: Unterklasse {f}, Subklasse {f}
subclass {n} (computing)
:: Kindklasse {f}, Subklasse {f}, Unterklasse {f}
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness)
:: unterbewusst
subconscious {n} (that part of mind that is not consciously perceived)
:: Unterbewusstsein {n}
subconsciously {adv} (below the level of conscious awareness)
:: unterbewusst
subconsciousness {n} (state of being subconscious)
:: Unterbewusstsein {n}
subcontinent {n} (large landmass)
:: Subkontinent {m}
subcontractor {n} (contractor hired by contractor)
:: Subunternehmer {m}
subculture {n} (portion of a culture distinguished by its customs or other features)
:: Subkultur {f}
subcutaneous {adj} (pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin)
:: subkutan
subdeacon {n} (cleric below a deacon)
:: Subdiakon {m}
subdirectory {n} (directory located inside another directory)
:: Unterverzeichnis {n}
subdue {v} (to overcome, quieten, bring under control)
:: unter Kontrolle bringen, unterwerfen
subdue {v} (to bring (a country) under control by force)
:: unterwerfen
subdued {adj} (Conquered; overpowered; crushed; submissive; mild)
:: gedämpft, bedrückt, gehorsam, kleinlaut, matt, verhalten, besiegt, niedergeschlagen, still, unterdrückt, unterwarfen, zurückhaltend
subdued {adj} (Not glaring in color; soft in tone)
:: dezent, mild, sanft, weich, gedeckt, leise, matt, unterdrückt
suberin {n} (waxy material found in the cell wall of corky plants)
:: Suberin {n}
subfamily {n} (taxonomic category)
:: Unterfamilie {f}, Subfamilie {f}
subfebrile {adj} (slightly raised above normal, but not febrile)
:: subfebril
subfolder {n} (folder within another folder)
:: Unterordner {m}
subfund {n}
:: Teilfonds {m}
subgenus {n} (subdivision of a genus)
:: Untergattung {f}
subgoal {n} (A lesser goal that forms part of a greater goal)
:: Teilziel {n}
subgroup {n} (group within a larger group)
:: Untergruppe {f}
subgroup {n} ((group theory): group within a larger group)
:: Untergruppe {f}
subharmonic {adj} (physics: having a frequency that is a fraction of a fundamental frequency)
:: subharmonisch
subharmonic {n} (physics: a frequency that is a fraction of a fundamental frequency)
:: Unterton {m}
subheadline {n} (smaller, secondary headline)
:: Unterzeile {f}
subhuman {n} (untermensch)
:: Untermensch {m}
subitize {v} (to judge (the number of objects in a group))
:: simultanerfassen
subject {adj} (placed under the power of another)
:: untertan
subject {n} (in grammar)
:: Satzgegenstand {m}, Subjekt {n}
subject {n} (main topic)
:: Thema {n}, Gegenstand {m}, Sache {f}, Sujet {n}, Betreff {m} (email)
subject {n} (particular area of study)
:: Fach {n}, Schulfach {n}, Unterrichtsfach {n}, Studienfach {n}, Lehrfach {n}
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy)
:: Untertan {m}, Untertanin {f}
subject {n} (person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority)
:: Untertan {m}, Untertanin {f}
subject {v} (to cause to undergo)
:: unterwerfen (haben)
subjection {n} (act of bringing under control)
:: Unterwerfung {f}
subjective case {n} (grammatical case)
:: Subjektfall
subjectivity {n} (state of being subjective)
:: Subjektivität {f}
subjectivize {v} (to make subjective)
:: subjektivieren
subjugate {v} (to forcibly impose obedience or servitude)
:: unterjochen, unterwerfen
subjugation {n} (act of subjugating)
:: Unterwerfung {f}
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood)
:: Konjunktiv {m}
subkind {n}
:: Abart {f}
sublease {n} (a lease on something made by someone who already leases it)
:: Untervermietung {f}
sublease {v} (to lease something that is already leased)
:: untervermieten
sublicense {n} (license granted by a licensee to a third party, under the authority of the license originally granted by a licensor to the licensee)
:: Unterlizenz {f}
sublicense {v} (to grant a sublicense)
:: unterlizenzieren
sublimate {v} (to change from solid to gas)
:: sublimieren
sublimate {v} (psychoanalysis)
:: sublimieren
sublimation {n} (phase transition)
:: Sublimierung {f}, Sublimation {f}
sublimation {n} (transformation of an impulse)
:: Sublimierung {f}, Sublimation {f}
sublime {v} (to sublimate)
:: sublimieren
sublime {adj} (noble and majestic)
:: hehr, erhaben, nobel, sublim
sublime {adj} (impressive and awe-inspiring)
:: grandios, vortrefflich
sublime {n} (something sublime)
:: Erhabene {n}
Sublime Porte {prop} (Ottoman imperial government)
:: Hohe Pforte {f}
subliminal {adj} (below the threshold of conscious perception)
:: unterbewusst, unterschwellig, subtil
subliminal message {n} (message under normal perception)
:: unterschwellige Werbung
submachine gun {n} (short range machine gun)
:: Maschinenpistole {f}
submarine {adj} (undersea)
:: submarin, unterseeisch, untermeerisch
submarine {n} (undersea boat)
:: Unterseeboot {n}, U-Boot {n}, Unterwasserboot {n}, Tauchboot {n}
submarine sandwich {n} (sub) SEE: sub
submenu {n} (secondary menu available through another menu)
:: Untermenü {n}
submerge {v} (to immerse (intransitive))
:: abtauchen
submerge {v} (to immerse (transitive))
:: untertauchen
submersion {n}
:: Submersion {f}
submission {n} (the act of yielding)
:: Versand {m}, Unterwerfung {f}
submissive {adj} (meekly obedient or passive)
:: submissiv, unterwürfig, demütig, fügsam, gefügig, gehorsam
submissiveness {n} (the property of being submissive)
:: Unterwürfigkeit {f}
submit {v} (yield or give way to another)
:: sich fügen
submit {v} (enter or put forward something for approval, consideration, marking etc.)
:: vorlegen, einreichen
subnet {n} (portion of a network which shares a network address in which each component is identified by a subnet number)
:: Subnetz {n}
suboptimal {adj} (less than optimal)
:: suboptimal
suborbital {adj} (not reaching orbit)
:: suborbital
subordinate {adj} (placed in a lower class, rank, or position)
:: untergeordnet, nachgeordnet
subordinate {adj} (submissive to or controlled by authority)
:: untergeordnet, nachgeordnet
subordinate {n} (one who is subordinate)
:: Untergebene {m}, Befehlsempfänger {m}
subordinate clause {n} (a clause that cannot stand alone)
:: Nebensatz {m}
subordinated {v}
:: untergeordnet
subordinating conjunction {n} (a word establishing the nature of a subordinate clause)
:: unterordnendes Bindewort {n}, unterordnende Konjunktion {f}, subordinierende Konjunktion {f}, Subjunktion {f}
suboxide {n} (oxide containing a small proportion of oxygen)
:: Suboxid {n}
subpage {n} (a web page that is subordinate to another)
:: Unterseite {f}
subparagraph {n} (part of a longer paragraph that can be considered alone)
:: Unterabsatz {m}
subpoena {n} (writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony)
:: Zwangsvorladung {f}, Vorladung {f}, Auskunftsanordnung {f}
subpoena {v} (to summon with a subpoena)
:: zwangsvorladen
subpolar {adj} (situated below the poles)
:: subpolar
subproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct
subquestion {n} (subquestion)
:: Teilfrage {f}
subrogation {n} (the substitution of a different person in place of a creditor or claimant)
:: Surrogation {f}
subroutine {n} (a section of code)
:: Funktion {f}, Subroutine {f}, Unterroutine {f}, Prozedur {f}
subscribe {v} (to sign up to receive a publication)
:: abonnieren
subscriber {n} (a person who subscribes to a publication or a service)
:: Abonnent {m}, Abonnentin {f}, Bezieher {m}, Bezieherin {f}
Subscriber Identity Module {n} (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user)
:: SIM-Karte
subscript {n} (a type of lettering form)
:: Subskript {n}, Tiefstellung {f}, tiefgestelltes Zeichen {n}, tiefgestelltes Druckzeichen {n}, tiefstehendes Zeichen {n}
subscription {n} (access to a resource for a period of time)
:: Abonnement {n}, Bezug {m}, Subskription {f}, Zugang {m}
subscription {n} (the formal acceptance of something, especially when verified with a signature)
:: Zeichnung {f}
subscription {n} (the signing of one's name)
:: Unterzeichnung {f}, Unterzeichnen {n}, Unterschreiben {n}
subsection {n} (Defined part of a section)
:: Unterabschnitt {m}, Unterabteilung {f}, Untersektion {f}, Teilstrecke {f} , Streckenteil {m}
subsequent {adj} (following in time)
:: anschließend, später, darauffolgend, folgend
subsequent {adj} (following in order of place)
:: folgend
subsequently {adv} (subsequently)
:: anschließend, danach, darauffolgend, daraufhin, hierauf, nachher, nachträglich, darauf folgend, im Anschluss, in der Folge, in der Folgezeit
subservience {n} (state of being subservient)
:: Unterwürfigkeit {f}, Untertänigkeit {f}, Dienlichkeit {f}, Servilität {f}
subset {n} (set whose elements are within another given set)
:: Untermenge {f}, Teilmenge {f}
subside {v} (to sink or fall to the bottom; to settle, as lees)
:: einsinken
subside {v} (to fall into a state of calm; to settle down; to become tranquil; to abate)
:: abklingen, nachlassen, abschwellen
subsidence {n} (sinking of ground due to underground excavation, seismic activity or groundwater depletion)
:: Absenkung {f}, Setzung {f}, Versenkung {f}
subsidiary {adj} (auxiliary or supplemental)
:: ergänzend
subsidiary {adj} (secondary or subordinate)
:: Tochter-, subsidiär
subsidiary {n} (company owned by a parent company or a holding company)
:: Tochterunternehmen {n}, Tochtergesellschaft {f}, Zweigunternehmen {n}, Zweigniederlassung {f}
subsidize {v} (assist by granting a subsidy)
:: subventionieren
subsidy {n} (financial support)
:: Subvention {f}, Unterstützung {f}, Subsidium {n}
subsistence {n} (means of support)
:: Auskommen {n}, Lebensunterhalt {m}
subsistent {adj} (inherent) SEE: inherent
subsoil {n} (layer of earth below topsoil)
:: Unterboden {m}
subspecies {n} (rank in the classification of organisms)
:: Unterart {f}, Rasse {f}, Subspezies {f}
substance {n} (physical matter; material, see also: matter)
:: Substanz {f}, Stoff {m}
substance {n} (essential part)
:: Substanz {f}
substance {n} (material possessions)
:: Substanz {f}
substance {n} (drugs)
:: Substanz {f}
substance {n} (theology: hypostasis) SEE: hypostasis
substance abuse {n} (overindulgence in a drug)
:: Drogenmissbrauch {m}
substantial {adj} (large in size, quantity or value)
:: wesentlich
substantial {adj} (most important; essential)
:: wesentlich, essenziell, substanziell
substantial {adj}
:: wesentlich
substantially {adv} (in a strong substantial manner; considerably)
:: beträchtlich, erheblich, substanziell, wesentlich
substantially {adv} (to a great extent; in essence; essentially)
:: im Grunde {m}, im Kern {m}
substantia nigra {n} (brain structure)
:: Substantia nigra {f}
substantiate {v} (to authenticate or corroborate)
:: beglaubigen, bestätigen, substantiieren, untermauern
substantiate {v} (to record in documents)
:: bekräftigen, verwirklichen
substantival {adj} (grammar)
:: hauptwörtlich, substantivisch
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun
substantive {adj} (substantival) SEE: substantival
substantivisation {n} (nominalization) SEE: nominalization
substantivise {v} (convert into or use as a noun)
:: substantivieren
substation {n} (electrical substation)
:: Unterwerk {n}, Umspannwerk {n}
substituent {n} (chemistry)
:: Substituent {m}
substitute {v} (to use in place of something else)
:: ersetzen
substitute {n} (replacement or stand-in)
:: Ersatz {m}
substitute {n} (player who is available to replace another)
:: Ersatzspieler {m}, Austauschspieler {m}, Auswechselspieler {m}
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace
substitutes' bench {n} (the bench on which substitutes sit)
:: Ersatzbank {f}
substitution {n} (substitute) SEE: substitute
substitution {n} (the act of substituting or the state of being substituted)
:: Ersatz {m}, Ersetzen {n}
substitution {n} (the replacement of an atom, or group of atoms, in a compound, with another)
:: Substitution {f}, Substituierung {f}
substrate {n} (an indigenous language)
:: Substratsprache {f}, Substrat {n}
subsume {v} (to place under another as belonging to it)
:: einordnen, fassen, klassifizieren, subsumieren, zusammenfassen
subsume {v} (to consider an occurrence as part of a principle or rule)
:: verbinden, vereinigen
sub-system {n} (group of related components)
:: Untersystem {n}
subtenancy {n} (the state of being a subtenant, of having sublet)
:: Untermiete {f}
subtenant {n} (one who sublets)
:: Untermieter {m}, Untermieterin {f}
subtend {v} (to extend or stretch opposite something, often to delimit an angle)
:: sich erstrecken gegenüber von, gegenüberliegen, abschneiden, begrenzen
subterfuge {n} (indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; blind)
:: Täuschung {f}, Trick {m}
subterfuge {n} (deception)
:: Täuschung {f}
subterfuge {n}
:: Täuschung, List, Trick
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground)
:: unterirdisch
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean
subtitle {n} (heading below a title)
:: Untertitel {m}
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films)
:: Untertitel {m}
subtitling {n}
:: Untertitelung {f}, Hinzufügung von Untertiteln {f}, Untertiteln {n}
subtle {adj} (hard to grasp)
:: fast unmerklich, haarfein, dezent, feinsinnig, subtil
subtle {adj} (cleverly contrived)
:: scharfsinnig, ausgetüftelt, schlau
subtle {adj} (cunning, skillful)
:: spitzfindig, raffiniert
subtle {adj}
:: subtil
subtleness {n} (property of being subtle)
:: Hintergründigkeit {f}, Subtilität {f}
subtlety {n} (quality or act of being subtle)
:: Geschicklichkeit {f}, Feinheit {f}, Feinsinn {m}, Feinsinnigkeit {f}, Raffinesse {f}, Raffiniertheit {f}, Scharfsinn {m}, Scharfsinnigkeit {f}, Subtilität {f}, Zartheit {f}
subtotal {n} (the total for a part of a list of numbers being summed)
:: Zwischensumme {f}
subtract {v} (to remove or reduce)
:: subtrahieren, abziehen
subtraction {n} (process)
:: Subtraktion {f}, Abziehen {n}, Abziehung {f}, Subtrahierung {f}, Subtrahieren {n}, Abzug {m}
subtrahend {n} (A number or quantity to be subtracted from another)
:: Subtrahend {m}
subtropical {adj} (further from the equator than the tropical regions)
:: subtropisch
subtropics {n} (the region between the tropics and the temperate latitudes of the world)
:: Subtropen {p}
suburb {n} (area on the periphery of a city or large town)
:: Vorstadt {f}, Vorort {m}
suburb {n} (Australian, New Zealand English: any subdivision of a conurbation)
:: Vorstadt {f}, Vorort {m}
suburban {adj} (relating to outskirts of a city)
:: vorstädtisch, Vorort-
suburbanite {n} (someone who dwells in suburbia)
:: Vorstädter {m}, Vorstädterin {f}
suburbanize {v} (To make suburban; to convert or adapt to a suburb.)
:: eingemeinden
subvention {n} (subsidy) SEE: subsidy
subversion {n} (act of subverting or the condition of being subverted)
:: Subversion {f}
subversion {n} (systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within)
:: Subversion {f}
subversive {adj} (intending to subvert)
:: subversiv
subvert {v} (to overthrow)
:: stürzen, umstoßen
subvert {v} (to pervert the mind)
:: korrumpieren, zerrütten
subvert {v} (to upturn convention by undermining it)
:: untergraben, unterlaufen
subvertisement {n} (piece of subvertising) SEE: subvert
subway {n} (underground railway)
:: U-Bahn {f}, Metro {f}, Untergrundbahn {f}
subway {n} (train of underground railway)
:: U-Bahn {f}, Untergrundbahn {f}
subway {n} (underground walkway)
:: Unterführung {f}
subwoofer {n} (a woofer dedicated to the reproduction of low-pitched audio frequencies)
:: Subwoofer {m}
succade {n} (candied citrus peel)
:: Zitronat {n}, Citronat {n}, Orangeat {n}, Sukkade {f}, Succade {f}, Aranzini {p}
succeed {v} (To follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the place of)
:: nachfolgen
succeed {v} (To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful)
:: erfolgreich sein, Erfolg haben, gelingen, geraten
succeed {v} (To fall heir to; to inherit)
:: nachfolgen
success {n} (achievement of one's aim or goal)
:: Erfolg {m}
successful {adj} (resulting in success)
:: erfolgreich
successfully {adv} (in a successful manner)
:: erfolgreich
succession {n} (sequence arranged in order)
:: Abfolge
succession {n} (passing of royal power)
:: Thronfolge
successive {adj} (in a series)
:: aufeinanderfolgende, aufeinander folgend
successively {adv} (in a serial manner)
:: sukzessive, nacheinander, hintereinander
success metric {n} (a measurement of success)
:: Erfolgskriterium {n}
successor {n} (person or thing that immediately follows another)
:: Nachfolger {m}, Nachfolgerin {f}
successor {n} (next heir in order or succession)
:: Nachfolger {m}, Nachfolgerin {f}
successor {n} (person who inherits a title or office)
:: Nachfolger {m}, Nachfolgerin {f}
success story {n} (successful person or thing)
:: Erfolgsgeschichte {f}, Erfolgsstory {f}, Erfolgsmodell {f}
succinct {adj} (brief and to the point)
:: bündig, knapp, kurz, lapidar, prägnant
succinct {adj} (compressed into a tiny area)
:: kompakt
succinic acid {n} (colourless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, (CH2COOH)2)
:: Bernsteinsäure {f}
succour {n} (aid, assistance, or relief given to one in distress)
:: Beistand {m}, Hilfe {f}, Unterstützung {f}
succour {v} (to give aid, assistance, or help)
:: beistehen, unterstützen, zu Hilfe kommen
succuba {n} (a female demon or fiend) SEE: succubus
succubus {n} (female demon)
:: Sukkubus {m}
succulent {adj} (juicy or lush)
:: saftig
succulent {adj} (botany: having fleshy leaves or other tissues that store water)
:: sukkulent
succulent {n} (a succulent plant)
:: Sukkulente {f}, Fettpflanze {f}
succumb {v} (to yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire)
:: erliegen, nachgeben
succumb {v} (to give up, or give in)
:: unterwerfen, nachgeben, sich ergeben
succumb {v} (to die)
:: sterben, erliegen
succumb {v} (to overwhelm)
:: überwältigen, unterwerfen
Suceava {prop} (city)
:: Suczawa, Sedschopff, Sotschen
such {determiner} (used to make a comparison with something implied by context)
:: solch, derartig, so ein
such-and-such {n} (generic placeholder)
:: dies und das
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example
such as {prep} (like)
:: wie
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune)
:: so ist das Leben
suchlike {adj} (of the same or similar kind)
:: derartig
suck {v} (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc))
:: saugen
suck {v} (to put the mouth or lips to a breast... to draw in milk)
:: saugen
suck {v} (to work the lips and tongue on)
:: lutschen
suck {v} (colloquial: term of general disparagement)
:: mies sein, zum Kotzen sein, Scheiße sein
suck {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant
sucker {n} (someone or something that sucks)
:: Sauger {m}, Saugerin {f}
sucker {n} (organ)
:: Sauger {m}
sucker {n} (a stem growing up from the roots of a plant)
:: Wurzelschössling {m}, Wurzelbrut {f}, Wurzelspross {m}, Wurzeltrieb {m}
sucker {n} (a pipe through which anything is drawn)
:: Saugrohr {n}, Absaugrohr {n}
sucker {n} (a parasite)
:: Blutsauger {m}, Saftsauger {m}
sucker {n} (a hard drinker; a soaker)
:: Säufer {m}
sucker {n} (one who is easily fooled)
:: Volltrottel {m}, Naivling {m}, Depp {m}, Blödmann {m}, Dummkopf
sucker {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop
sucking {n} (act of sucking)
:: Saugen {n}
suckle {v} (to give suck to)
:: stillen
suckle {v} (to nurse; to suck)
:: säugen
suckling {n} (infant that is still breastfeeding)
:: Säugling {m}
suckling {n} (young mammal which isn't weaned yet)
:: Milchkalb {n} , Spanferkel {n}
suckling pig {n}
:: Spanferkel {n}, Milchferkel {n}
suck off {v} (to give a blowjob)
:: blasen, lutschen
suck up {v} (to absorb fluid)
:: aufsaugen
sucrose {n} (a disaccharide)
:: Saccharose {f}
suction {n} (the process of creating an imbalance in pressure to draw matter from one place to another)
:: Saugwirkung {f}
suction {v} (process)
:: lutschen
suction cup {n} (cup using suction as an adhesive)
:: Saugnapf {m}, Sauger {m}
suctorian {n} (protist of the Suctoria)
:: Suktorie {f}
Sudan {prop} (Republic of Sudan)
:: Sudan {m}
Sudanese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, the Sudanese people or the Sudanese language)
:: sudanesisch
Sudanese {n} (person from Sudan or of Sudanese descent)
:: Sudanese {m}, Sudanesin {f}
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise
sudden {adj} (happening quickly and with little or no warning)
:: plötzlich, jäh
sudden death {n} (instantaneous death)
:: plötzlicher Tod {m}
sudden infant death syndrome {n} (medical syndrome)
:: Kindstod {m}
suddenly {adv} (happening quickly and with little or no warning)
:: plötzlich
Sudeten {adj} (of or pertaining to Sudeten)
:: sudetisch
Sudeten {prop} (series of mountains)
:: Sudeten {p}
Sudetenland {prop} (region in Czechia)
:: Sudetenland {n}, Sudetengebiet {n}, Sudetendeutschland {n},
sudoku {n} (a puzzle using numbers)
:: Sudoku {n}
sudorific {adj} (in a state of perspiration) SEE: sweaty
suds {n} (lather, foam)
:: Seifenlauge, Schaum
sue {v} (to file a legal action)
:: verklagen, klagen
Suebi {n} (group of Germanic tribes)
:: Sueben {m-p}
suede {n} (type of leather)
:: Wildleder {n}, Veloursleder {n}
suet {n} (fat)
:: Flomenschmalz {m}
Suez Canal {prop} (canal)
:: Sueskanal {m}, Suezkanal {m}
Suez Canal Zone {prop} (historical territory)
:: Sues-Kanal-Zone
suffer {v} (undergo hardship)
:: leiden
suffer {v} (feel pain)
:: leiden
suffer {v} (become worse)
:: erleiden
sufferer {n} (one who suffers)
:: Leider {m}
suffer from {v} (have a disease or condition)
:: leiden
suffering {adj} (experiencing pain)
:: leidend
suffering {n} (condition)
:: Leiden {n}
suffete {n} (a magistrate of ancient Carthage)
:: Sufet {m}
suffice {v} (be enough, sufficient, adequate)
:: ausreichen, genügen, genug sein
suffice {v} (satisfy)
:: zufriedenstellen, befriedigen
suffice {v} (furnish)
:: ausstatten
sufficient {adj} (adequate to wants)
:: ausreichend, genügend, hinreichend
sufficient {adj}
:: genügend, ausreichend
sufficient condition {n} (logical statement)
:: hinreichende Bedingung {f}, hinreichendes Kriterium {n}
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof {proverb} (the present provides enough to worry about)
:: Es ist genug, dass ein jeglicher Tag seine eigene Plage habe
suffix {n} (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning)
:: Suffix {n} (Suffixum {n}, Affix {n} , Affixum {n}), Postfix {n}, Nachsilbe {f}, Anhängsilbe {f}
suffix {v} (append (something) to the end of something else)
:: suffigieren , mit einem Suffix versehen
suffixation {n} (addition of a suffix)
:: Suffigieren {n}, Suffigierung {f}, Suffixation {f}
suffocate {v} ((intransitive) to die due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body)
:: ersticken
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to cause someone to suffer severely reduced oxygen supply to his body)
:: ersticken, würgen
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to kill someone by depriving him of a sufficient oxygen intake)
:: ersticken
suffocation {n} (asphyxia)
:: Erstickung {f}
suffrage {n} (the right to vote)
:: Stimmrecht {n}, Wahlrecht {n}
suffragette {n} (female supporter of women's right to vote)
:: Suffragette {f}
suffragist {n} (suffragette) SEE: suffragette
suffragist {n} (person who promotes suffrage)
:: Stimmrechtler {m}, Stimmrechtlerin {f}
suffuse {v} (to spread through or over something, especially as a liquid, colour or light)
:: überziehen, bedecken, durchfluten, erfüllen
suffuse {v} (to spread through or over in the manner of a liquid)
:: durchziehen, überziehen, bedecken
suffusion {n} (the act of pouring a liquid over or soaking something)
:: Überziehen {n}, Durchziehen {n}, Durchtränken {n}, Benetzen {n}, Bedecken {n}, Durchfluten {n}, Erfüllen {n}
suffusion {n} (coat, coating, film, plating)
:: Überzug {m}, Beschichtung {f}, Film {m}, Hülle {f}
suffusion {n} (the state of being wet)
:: Tränkung {f}, Durchtränkung {f}, Durchnässung {f}, Benetzung {f}
Sufism {n} (Islamic mysticism)
:: Sufismus {m}
sugar {v} (to add sugar to, to sweeten)
:: zuckern
sugar {v} (to make something seem less unpleasant)
:: versüßen
sugar {interj} (minced oath)
:: Scheibenkleister {m}, Scheibenhonig {m}
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink)
:: Zucker {m}
sugar {n} (any of a series of carbohydrates used by organisms to store energy)
:: Zucker {m}
sugar {n} (generic term for sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc)
:: Zucker {m}
sugar apple {n} (sweetsop)
:: Zimtapfel, Rahmapfel, Süßsack
sugar beet {n} (type of beet)
:: Zuckerrübe {f}
sugar bowl {n} (small receptacle for serving sugar on a table)
:: Zuckerschale {f}
sugar cane {n} (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar)
:: Zuckerrohr {n}
sugarcoat {v} (give a falsely pleasant appearance)
:: beschönigen, schönreden
sugared {adj} (containing sugar)
:: gezuckert
sugarfree {adj} (sugar-free) SEE: sugar-free
sugar-free {adj} (not containing sugar)
:: zuckerfrei
sugar glider {n} (Petaurus breviceps)
:: Kurzkopfgleitbeutler {m}
sugar-loaf {n} (conical block of sugar)
:: Zuckerhut {m}, Zuckerstock {m}
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro)
:: Zuckerhut {m}
sugar mama {n} (Older woman who spends money on a younger person for romantic or sexual purposes.)
:: Sugar Mama {f}
sugar maple {n} (Acer saccharum)
:: Zuckerahorn {m}
sugar phosphate {n} (phosphate ester of a sugar)
:: Zuckerphosphat {n}
sugar spoon {n} (type of spoon)
:: Zuckerlöffel {m}
sugar substitute {n} (food additives)
:: Zuckeraustauschstoff {m}
sugar-sweet {adj} (sweet like sugar)
:: zuckersüß
sugary {adj} (covered with or containing a large amount of sugar)
:: zuckerhaltig
suggest {v} (to ask for without demanding)
:: vorschlagen
suggest {v} (to recommend)
:: vorschlagen
suggestible {adj} (susceptible to influence)
:: suggestibel, beeinflussbar
suggestion {n} (something suggested)
:: Vorschlag {m}
suggestion {n} ((psychology) something implied)
:: Suggestion {f}
suggestive {adj} (tending to suggest)
:: suggestiv
suggillation {n} (livor mortis) SEE: livor mortis
suicidal {adj} (pertaining to suicide)
:: Suizid-, Selbstmord-, suizidal, selbstmörderisch
suicidal {adj} (likely to commit, or to attempt to commit, suicide)
:: suizidgefährdet
suicidal {adj} (extremely reckless)
:: selbstmörderisch
suicidality {n} (tendency to commit suicide)
:: Suizidalität {f}, Selbstmordneigung {f}, Selbstmordtendenz {f}
suicide {n} (instance of killing oneself)
:: Suizid {m} {n}, Freitod {m} , Selbstmord {m}
suicide {n} (person who has killed himself/herself, is killing (is attempting/has attempted to kill) himself/herself)
:: Selbstmörder {m}, Selbstmörderin {f}, Suizidant {m}, Suizidant {f}, Suizident {m}, Suizidentin {f}
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide
suicide attack {n} (suicide attack)
:: Selbstmordanschlag {m}
suicide belt {n} ( belt with explosives, worn by suicide bombers)
:: Sprengstoffgürtel {m}
suicide bomber {n} (one who carries explosives)
:: Selbstmordattentäter {m}, Selbstmordattentäterin {f}
suicide door {n} (car door hinged towards the rear)
:: Selbstmördertür {f}
suicide note {n} (message left by a suicide)
:: Abschiedsbrief {m}
suicide tourist {n} (suicide tourist)
:: Selbstmord-Tourist {m}
suicide vest {n} (vest with explosives, worn by suicide bombers)
:: Sprengstoffweste {f}
suit {n} (set of clothes)
:: Anzug {m}
suit {n} (slang: person who wears matching jacket and trousers)
:: Anzugträger {m}
suit {n} (card games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems)
:: Farbe {f}
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for)
:: passen
suit {v} (to agree, accord, be fitted to)
:: passen
suit {n} (pursuit of love interest) SEE: courtship
suit {n} (attempt to gain an end by legal process) SEE: lawsuit
suit {n} (pursuit, chase) SEE: pursuit
suit {n} (company of attendants or followers) SEE: retinue
suitability {n} (quality of being suitable)
:: Eignung {f}, Brauchbarkeit {f}
suitable {adj} (appropriate to a certain occasion)
:: geeignet, passend
suitcase {n} (large piece of luggage)
:: Koffer {m}; Reisetasche {f}
suite {n} (group of connected rooms)
:: Suite {f}
suite {n} (musical form pre-dating the sonata)
:: Suite {f}
suite {n} (selection of music from a larger work)
:: Suite {f}
suit of armour {n}
:: Harnisch {m}, Plattenpanzer {m}, Ritterrüstung {m}
suit oneself {v} (do whatever you want)
:: wie du willst, ganz wie du willst
suitor {n} (wooer)
:: Freier {m}, Liebeswerber {m}
Sukhumi {prop} (capital city)
:: Suchumi {n}, Sochumi {n}
Sukkot {prop} (Jewish festival)
:: Laubhüttenfest {n}
sukun {n} (Diacritic used to mark the absence of a vowel)
:: Sukun {n}
Sulawesi {prop} (island)
:: Sulawesi {n}
sulfide {n} (any compound of sulfur and a metal or electropositive element or group)
:: Sulfid {n}
sulfite {n} (salt of sulfurous acid)
:: Sulfit {n}
sulfone {n} (organic compound)
:: Sulfon {n}
sulfosalt {n} (a type of complex sulfide mineral with a metal and semimetal)
:: Sulfosalz {n}
sulfur {n} (element)
:: Schwefel {m}, Sulfur {n}
sulfurate {v} (chemistry)
:: schwefeln
sulfur dioxide {n} (the compound SO2)
:: Schwefeldioxid {n}
sulfur hexafluoride {n} (gaseous compound)
:: Schwefelhexafluorid {n}
sulfuric {adj} (relating to sulfur)
:: Schwefel- {m}
sulfuric acid {n} (H2SO4)
:: Schwefelsäure {f}
sulfurization {n} (treatment with sulfur)
:: Schwefelung {f}
sulfurize {v} (to treat with sulfur)
:: schwefeln
sulfur mustard {n} (mustard gas) SEE: mustard gas
sulfurous acid {n} (the weak acid, H2SO3)
:: schweflige Säure {f}
sulfur trioxide {n} (the compound SO3)
:: Schwefeltrioxid {n}
sulk {v} (to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn)
:: schmollen
sulky {adj} (gloomy)
:: schmollend, verdrossen
sullen {adj} (sulky) SEE: sulky
sullen {adj} (having a brooding ill temper)
:: mürrisch, schlecht gelaunt, sauer, missmutig, übellaunig, unfreundlich, verdrießlich, grämlich, unzufrieden
sullen {adj} (dismal)
:: düster, traurig, finster, trostlos, trübselig, fade, trüb, kläglich, trübe, miserabel, jämmerlich, trist, trübsinnig, kläglich, griesgrämig
sullen {adj} (sluggish)
:: träge, lahm, zäh
sullenness {n} (state or quality of beeing sullen)
:: Verdrossenheit {f}, Verdruss {m}, Überdruss {m}
sully {v} (to soil or stain)
:: besudeln, schmutzig machen
sully {v} (to corrupt or damage)
:: besudeln
sulphuric acid {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid
sulphurous acid {n} (sulphurous acid) SEE: sulfurous acid
sultan {n} (ruler)
:: Sultan {m}
sultana {n} (female relative of a sultan)
:: Sultana {f}
sultanate {n} (state ruled by a sultan)
:: Sultanat {n}
sultan tit {n} (Melanochlora sultanea)
:: Sultansmeise {f}
sultry {adj} (hot and humid)
:: schwül
sultry {adj} (very hot and dry)
:: drückend
sum {n} (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation)
:: Summe {f}
sum {n} (quantity of money)
:: Summe {f}
sum {v} (to add together)
:: summieren
sum {v} (give a summary of) SEE: summarize
sum {n} (summary) SEE: summary
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit
sumac {n} (shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.)
:: Sumach {m}, Rhus
sumac {n} (sour spice)
:: Sumak {m}
Sumatra {prop} (the largest island of Indonesia)
:: Sumatra {n}
Sumatran rhinoceros {n} (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)
:: Sumatra-Nashorn {n}
Sumatran tiger {n} (Sumatran tiger)
:: Sumatra-Tiger {m}
Sumerian {adj} (pertaining to Sumer)
:: sumerisch
Sumerian {n} (person)
:: Sumerer
Sumerian {prop} (language)
:: Sumerisch
Sumerology {n} (the study of the ancient Sumerian civilisation)
:: Sumerologie {f}
summa cum laude {adv} (with highest praise)
:: mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg
summand {n} (term of addition)
:: Summand {m}
summarize {v} (to prepare a summary)
:: zusammenfassen
summarize {v} (to give a capitulation of salient facts; to recapitulate or review)
:: zusammenfassen
summary {adj} (concise)
:: zusammenfassend
summary {n} (condensed presentation)
:: Zusammenfassung {f}
summer {n} (hottest season)
:: Sommer {m}, Sommerzeit {f}
summer camp {n} (institution devoted to housing and entertaining children)
:: Ferienlager {n}
summerlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of summer.)
:: sommerlich
summer school {n} (academic sessions held in the summer)
:: Sommerakademie {f}
summer solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined toward the sun)
:: Sommersonnenwende {f}
summer time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time
summertime {n} (the period or season of summer)
:: Sommerzeit {f}, Sommer {m}
summer tire {n} (type of tire)
:: Sommerreifen {m}
Summer Triangle {prop} (asterism)
:: Sommerdreieck {n}
summery {adj} (relating to the summer)
:: sommerlich, Sommer-
summery {adj} (of weather, typical of summer)
:: sommerlich
summit {n} (peak, top of mountain)
:: Gipfel {m}
summit {n} (gathering of leaders)
:: Gipfeltreffen {n}, Gipfel {m}
summon {v} (to call people together)
:: zusammenrufen
summon {v} (to ask someone to come)
:: herbeirufen, beschwören
summon {v} (law: to order someone to appear in court)
:: vorladen
summon {v} (to rouse oneself to exert a skill)
:: zusammennehmen
summon {v} (to call a resource by magic)
:: beschwören
summons {n} (call to do something, especially to come)
:: Aufforderung {f}
summons {n} (notice summoning someone to appear in court)
:: Vorladung {f}
sumo {n} (form of wrestling)
:: Sumo {n}
sump {n} (hollow or pit)
:: Sumpf {m}, Grube {f}
sump {n} (lowest part of a mineshaft)
:: Schachtsumpf {m}
sump {n} (crankcase)
:: Ölsumpf {m}
sumptuous {adj} (magnificent, luxurious, splendid)
:: prächtig, prunkvoll, prachtvoll, reichhaltig, üppig, schwelgerisch, kostspielig, aufwändig
sum up {v} (sum up) SEE: summarize
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun)
:: (die) Sonne {f}
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system)
:: Sonne {f}
sun {n}
:: Sonne {f}
Sun {prop} (star)
:: Sonne {f}
Sun {n} (Sunday)
:: So., Son., Sonnt.
sunbath {n} (period of tanning)
:: Sonnenbad {n}
sunbathe {v} (to expose one's body to the sun)
:: sonnenbaden
sunbather {n} (person who basks in the sun to get a tan)
:: Sonnenbader {m}, Sonnenbaderin {f}
sunbathing {n} (act of lying in the sun)
:: Sonnenbaden {n}
sunbeam {n} (narrow, intense ray of sunlight)
:: Sonnenstrahl {m}
sun bear {n} (Helarctos malayanus)
:: Malaienbär {m}, Sonnenbär {m}
sunbed {n} (tanning device) SEE: tanning bed
sunburn {n} (burn)
:: Sonnenbrand {m}
sunburn {v} (to receive a sunburn)
:: Sonnenbrand bekommen
sunburnt {adj} (having a sunburn; having been burned by the sun's rays)
:: sonnenverbrannt
sundae {n} (dessert)
:: Eisbecher {m}
Sundaland {prop} (biogeographical region of Southeastern Asia)
:: Sunda, Sundaland
Sunda Strait {prop} (strait between Java and Sumatra)
:: Sundastraße {f}
Sunday {n} (day of the week)
:: Sonntag {m}
Sunday {adv} (on Sunday)
:: sonntags
Sunday best {n} (person's finest clothing)
:: Sonntagsstaat
Sunday driver {n} (one who drives slowly)
:: Sonntagsfahrer {m}
Sundays {adv} (every Sunday)
:: sonntags
Sunday school {n} (religious school providing education on Sundays)
:: Sonntagsschule {f}
sundeck {n} (area used for sunbathing)
:: Sonnendeck {n} ; Sonnenterrasse {f}
sunderling {adv} (separately) SEE: separately
sundew {n} (group of insectivorous plants)
:: Sonnentau {m}
sundial {n} (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow)
:: Sonnenuhr {f}
sun dog {n} (spot)
:: Nebensonne
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset
sun-drenched {adj}
:: sonnendurchflutet
sunfish {n} (fish of the family Molidae)
:: Mondfisch {m}
sunflower {n} (flower)
:: Sonnenblume {f}
sunflower oil {n} (vegetable oil)
:: Sonnenblumenöl {n}
sunflower seed {n}
:: Sonnenblumenkerne
sunglasses {n} (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun)
:: Sonnenbrille {f}
sungrebe {n} (Heliornis fulica)
:: Zwergbinsenralle {f}
sunhat {n} (a hat to protect from the sun)
:: Sonnenhut {m}
sunk cost {n} (already incurred costs)
:: versunkene Kosten {p}
sunken featured building {n} (pithouse) SEE: pithouse
Sun King {prop}
:: Sonnenkönig {m}
sun letter {n} (sun letter)
:: Sonnenbuchstabe {m}
sunlight {n} (electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun)
:: Sonnenlicht {n}
sunlight {n} (brightness, hope, a positive outlook)
:: Licht {n}
sunlounger {n}
:: Liegestuhl {m}
sunnah {n} (Muhammad's way of life)
:: Sunna {f}
Sunni {adj} (related to the Sunni branch of Islam)
:: sunnitisch
Sunni {n} (follower of the Sunni branch of Islam)
:: Sunnite {m}, Sunnit {m}, Sunnit {m}
Sunnite {n} (Sunni) SEE: Sunni
sunny {adj} (weather, day)
:: sonnig, heiter
sunny side up {adv} (type of fried egg)
:: Setzei, Spiegelei {n}
sun protection factor {n} (an indication of how long a sunscreen remains effective)
:: Lichtschutzfaktor {m}
sunray {n} (sunbeam) SEE: sunbeam
sunrise {n} (time of day)
:: Sonnenaufgang {m}
sunrise {n} (sky changing color)
:: Sonnenaufgang {m}
sunroof {n} (opening in a vehicle roof)
:: Schiebedach {n}
sunscreen {n} (cream that protects the skin from the sun)
:: Sonnencreme {f}, Sonnenkreme {f}, Sonnenschutzcreme {f}
sunset {n} (time of day)
:: Sonnenuntergang {m}
sunset {n} (changes in color of sky at sunset)
:: Sonnenuntergang {m}
sunset {n} (final period of life)
:: Lebensabend {m}
sunshade {n} (something to keep the sun off)
:: Sonnenschirm {m}, Sonnenblende {f}
sunshine {n} (direct rays of the sun)
:: Sonnenschein {m}
sunshine {n} (location on which the sun's rays fall)
:: Sonnenschein {m}
sun shower {n} (rain shower)
:: Sonnenregen {m}
sunspot {n} (region on the sun's surface)
:: Sonnenfleck {m}
sunstroke {n} (heatstroke caused by an excessive exposure to the sun's rays)
:: Sonnenstich {m}
suntan {n} (darkened coloration of the skin)
:: Bräune {f}, Sonnenbräune {f}
suntanned {adj} (having a suntan) SEE: tanned
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise
sun worshipper {n} (worshipper of the Sun)
:: Sonnenanbeter {m}; Sonnenverehrer {m}
sun worshipper {n} (sunbather)
:: Sonnenanbeter {m}
super {adj} (better than usual)
:: super
super- {prefix} (above, over, or upon)
:: über-
super- {prefix} ((fiction) relating to superheroes)
:: über, super-
superacid {n} (medium having very high acidity)
:: Supersäure {f}
superannuated {adj} (obsolete, antiquated)
:: veraltet
superannuated {adj} (retired or discarded due to age)
:: pensioniert, veraltet
superatom {n} (a cluster of atoms which seems to exhibit some of the properties of elemental atoms)
:: Superatom {n}
superb {adj} (of the highest quality; exceptionally good)
:: großartig {m}
superbly {adv} (excellently)
:: hervorragend, großartig
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious {adj} (supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)
:: supercalifragilisticexpialigetisch, superkalifragilistisch expiallegorisch
supercategory {n}
:: Oberkategorie
supercell {n} (severe thunderstorm)
:: Superzelle {f}
supercharge {v}
:: überladen
supercilious {adj} (showing contemptuous indifference)
:: arrogant, hochmütig, hochnäsig, anmaßend, herablassend
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow
superclass {n} (class that passes attributes and methods)
:: Überklasse {f}
supercluster {n} (astronomy: extended group of galaxy clusters)
:: Superhaufen {m}
supercomputer {n} (computer that has great processing power)
:: Supercomputer {m}, Superrechner {m}
superconducting {adj} (exhibiting superconductivity)
:: supraleitend
superconductive {adj} (exhibiting or relating to superconductivity)
:: supraleitend
superconductivity {n} (property of a material whereby it has no resistance)
:: Supraleitung {f}
superconductor {n} (a substance)
:: Supraleiter {m}
supercontinent {n} (very large continent in the Earth's past)
:: Superkontinent {m}
super-duper {adj} (truly great)
:: superduper
super-Earth {n} (extrasolar planet several times larger than Earth)
:: Supererde {f}
superego {n} (part of the mind)
:: Über-Ich {n}
superessive case {n} (case used to indicate location on an object)
:: Superessiv {m}
superfamily {n} (taxonomic category)
:: Überfamilie {f}
superficial {adj} (shallow, lacking substance)
:: oberflächlich
superficiality {n} (property of being superficial)
:: Oberflächlichkeit {f}
superficially {adv} (in a superficial manner)
:: oberflächlich
superfluid {adj} (exhibiting superfluidity)
:: suprafluid
superfluidity {n} (frictionless flow of a fluid)
:: Suprafluidität {f}
superfluous {adj} (excess of what is sufficient)
:: überflüssig
superfood {n} (food supposed to confer remarkable health benefits)
:: Super-Lebensmittel {n}, Supernahrungsmittel {n}
supergiant {n} (very large star)
:: Überriese {m}, Supergigant {m}
superglue {n} (very strong glue)
:: Sekundenkleber {m}
supergravity {n} (field theory)
:: Supergravitation {f}
superhabitable planet {n} (hypothetical type of exoplanet)
:: superhabitabler Planet {m}
superheating {n} (1. The heating of a substance above a temperature at which a change of state normally occurs.)
:: Überhitzung {f}
superhero {n} (a fictional crime-fighting character with superpowers)
:: Superheld {m}
superheroine {n} (a female superhero)
:: Superheldin {f}
super high frequency {n} (frequency area from 3 GHz through 30 GHz)
:: Zentimeterwellenbereich {m}
superhighway {n} (US An expressway especially one designed for high speeds)
:: Autobahn
superhuman {adj} (beyond what is possible for a human being)
:: übermenschlich
superimpose {v} (to place an object over another object)
:: überlagern, darüberlegen, darübersetzen, überblenden, vorblenden, daraufsetzen, einblenden, einkopieren, aufsetzen, auflegen, über etwas setzen, auf etwas setzen, über etwas legen, über etwas setzen
superintend {v}
:: aufsehen
superintendent {n} (a person who is authorized to supervise, direct or administer something)
:: Leiter {m}
superior {adj} (higher in rank or quality)
:: höher, höherstehend, übergeordnet
superior {n} (person of higher rank)
:: Vorgesetzter {m}, Vorgesetzte {f}
superiority {n} (the state of being superior)
:: Überlegenheit {f}
superjumbo {n} (Airbus A380)
:: Superjumbo
superlative {n} (highest degree of something)
:: Superlativ {m}, Höchststufe {f}, Meiststufe
superlative {n} (form of adjective expressing "most")
:: Superlativ {m}
superlative {adj} (exceptionally good)
:: höchst, hervorragend
superlative degree {n} ((grammar))
:: Superlativ {n}
supermajority {n} (qualified majority) SEE: qualified majority
superman {n} (übermensch)
:: Übermensch {m}
superman {n} (person of extraordinary or superhuman powers)
:: Supermann {m}
Superman {prop} (a fictional character with superhuman powers)
:: Superman {m}
supermarket {n} (store)
:: Supermarkt {m}
supermodel {n} (famous fashion model)
:: Supermodel {f}
supermoon {n} (a full moon or new moon, when the Earth–Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range)
:: Supermond {m}
supernal {adj} (pertaining to heaven or to the sky)
:: himmlisch, überirdisch
supernal {adj} (exalted, exquisite, superlative)
:: überzogen, exaltiert
supernatural {adj} (above nature)
:: übernatürlich
supernatural {adj}
:: übernatürlich
supernova {n} (exploding star)
:: Supernova {f}
supernumerary {n} (extra or walk-on in a play or movie) SEE: walk-on
superordinate {adj} (greater in degree, rank or position)
:: übergeordnet
superpose {v} (to place an object on top of another object)
:: überlagern, überdecken, superponieren, überblenden, vorblenden, daraufsetzen, aufsetzen, auflegen, über etwas setzen, auf etwas setzen, über etwas legen, über etwas setzen
superposition principle {n} (The principle that a linear combination of two or more solutions of an equation is itself a solution)
:: Superpositionsprinzip {n}
superpower {n} (sovereign state)
:: Supermacht {f}
superpower {n} (fictional extraordinary ability)
:: Superkraft {f}
supersaturation {n} (condition of a solution)
:: Übersättigung
superscript {n} (a type of lettering form)
:: Superskript {n}, Hochstellung {f}, hochgestelltes Zeichen {n}, hochgestelltes Druckzeichen {n}, Exponent {m}, Hochzahl {f}, hochstehendes Zeichen {n}
supersede {v} (set aside)
:: aufheben
supersede {v} (take the place of)
:: ablösen, ersetzen, den Platz einnehmen von
supersede {v} (displace in favour of another)
:: verdrängen
superset {n} (set containing all elements of another set)
:: Übermenge {f}, Obermenge {f}
supersonic {adj} (ultrasonic) SEE: ultrasonic
supersonic {adj} (greater than the speed of sound)
:: Überschall
superspreader {n} (someone responsible for spreading an infection to many other people)
:: Superverbreiter {m}, Superverbreiterin {f}
superstar {n} (very famous person)
:: Superstar {m}
super star cluster {n} (young, massive, dense star cluster)
:: Supersternhaufen {m}
superstition {n} (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way)
:: Aberglaube {m}
superstitious {adj} (susceptible to superstitions)
:: abergläubisch
superstructure {n} (nautical: structure above deck)
:: Aufbauten
supersymmetry {n} (theory that attempts to unify the fundamental physical forces)
:: Supersymmetrie {f}
supervillain {n} (a fictional criminal or evil-doer with superpowers)
:: Schurke {m}, Superschurke {m}
supervise {v} (to oversee or direct)
:: beaufsichtigen
supervision {n} (the act or instance of supervising)
:: Aufsicht {f}, Beaufsichtigung {f}
supervisor {n} (a person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group etc.)
:: Aufseher, Vorgesetzter {m}
supervisory board {n} (group)
:: Aufsichtsrat {m}
superwoman {n} (exceptional woman)
:: Superfrau {f}
supine {adj} (lying on its back)
:: in Rückenlage
supine {n} (verbal noun)
:: Lagewort {n}, Supinum {n}
supper {n} (food before going to bed)
:: Nachtessen {n}, Nachtimbiss {m}, Abendessen {n}
supper {n} (dinner at night)
:: Abendessen {n}
supper {v} (to eat dinner)
:: abendessen
supplant {v} (to take the place of, to replace)
:: verdrängen, ersetzen, ausstechen
supple {adj} (pliant, easy to bend)
:: geschmeidig
supplement {n} (extension to a document or publication)
:: Nachtrag {m}; Anhang {m}; Supplement {n}, Supplementband {m}
supplementary {adj} (additional)
:: zusätzlich
supplementary angles {n} (pair of angles)
:: Nebenwinkel {m}
suppletion {n} ((grammar) the use of an unrelated word or phrase to supply inflected forms otherwise lacking)
:: Suppletion {f}, Suppletivismus {m}
suppletive {adj} (which supplies an etymologically unrelated word with forms, or which is used as one of its forms)
:: suppletivisch
supplicate {v} (beg, beseech)
:: anflehen, ersuchen
supplicate {v} (address in prayer)
:: bitten
supplication {n} (an act of supplicating)
:: Flehen {n}, Bitte {f}
supplier {n} (one who supplies, a provider)
:: Lieferant {m}
supply {v} (to provide, make available for use)
:: zur Verfügung stellen, bereitstellen, liefern, versorgen mit (to supply someone with something)
supply {v} (to furnish or equip with)
:: liefern, ausrüsten
supply {v} (to compensate for, make up for a deficiency of)
:: liefern
supply {v} (to act as a substitute)
:: vertreten
supply {n} (act of supplying)
:: Versorgung {n}, Angebot {n}
supply {n} (amount supplied)
:: Versorgung {f}
supply {n} (provisions)
:: Vorrat {m}
supply and demand {n} (economic model of pricing)
:: Angebot und Nachfrage
supply chain {n} (system of organisations, people, etc.)
:: Lieferkette {f}
supply-side economics {n} (branch of economics)
:: Angebotspolitik {f}
supply vessel {n} (ship used to transport supplies)
:: Versorgungsschiff {n}
support {v} (to keep from falling)
:: unterstützen, stützen, halten, tragen
support {v} (to provide help regarding something sold)
:: Support bieten, betreuen, unterstützen
support {v} (to back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid)
:: unterstützen
support {v} (to help, particularly financially)
:: unterstützen
support {v} (to be designed for compatibility with)
:: unterstützen, kompatibel sein
support {n} (something which supports)
:: Stütze {f}, Unterstützung {f}, Abstützung {f}, Halterung {f}
support {n} (financial or other help)
:: Unterstützung {f}, Hilfe {f}
support {n} (answers and resolution of problems)
:: Unterstützung {f}, Kundendienst {m}, Service {m}, Auskunft {f}, Hilfe {f}, Betreuung {f}
support {n} (set of points where the function is not zero)
:: Träger {m}
support {n} (support of structures)
:: Lager {n}
supported {adj} (helped or aided)
:: unterstützt
supported {adj} (having supporters)
:: abgestützt
supporter {n} (Person who supports, an adherent)
:: Unterstützer {m}, Anhänger {m}
supporter {n} (animal or figure that supports a shield in a coat of arms)
:: Schildhalter
support group {n} (group that supports each other)
:: Selbsthilfegruppe {f}
supportive {adj} (providing support)
:: unterstützend, stützend, förderlich
suppose {v} (conclude; believe)
:: annehmen, vermuten, vermeinen
suppose {v} (theorize; hypothesize)
:: vermuten, annehmen, unterstellen
supposed {adj} (presumed to be true, but without proof)
:: vermeintlich
supposedly {adv} (as a matter of supposition)
:: angeblich
supposition {n} (assumption)
:: Annahme {f}
suppository {n} (medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity)
:: Zäpfchen {n}
suppress {v} (to put an end to)
:: unterdrücken
suppress {v} (to hold in place, to keep low)
:: unterdrücken
suppression order {n} (gag order) SEE: gag order
suppurate {v} (form or discharge pus)
:: eitern
supramolecule {n} (organized system of molecules)
:: Supramolekül {n}
supranational {adj} (of greater than national scope)
:: übernational
supremacy {n} (quality of being supreme)
:: Vorherrschaft {f}
supreme {adj} (dominant)
:: höchster, oberster
supreme being {n} (deity with power over all things)
:: Höchstes Wesen
supreme court {n} (court of law representing the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction)
:: oberster Gerichtshof {m}
Supreme Leader {n} (head of state of Iran)
:: Oberster Rechtsgelehrter {m}
supremely {adv} (to the highest degree)
:: äußerst
Supreme Soviet {prop} (Soviet parliament)
:: Oberster Sowjet {m}
supremum {n} (element of a set greater than or equal to all members of a given subset)
:: Supremum {n}
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an)
:: Sure {f}
surcharge {n} (addition of extra charge)
:: Aufpreis {m}
surcharge {v} (to apply a surcharge)
:: mit einem Aufpreis versehen
surcingle {n}
:: Obergurt {m}
sure {adj} (certain, reliable)
:: sicher, stichhaltig, hieb- und stichfest, wasserdicht
sure {adj} (certain in one's knowledge or belief)
:: sicher
sure {interj} (of course)
:: sicher
surely {adv} (certainly, undoubtedly)
:: sicherlich
surely {adv}
:: sicherlich
sure thing {interj} ((informal) a reply to thank you)
:: gern geschehen
sure thing {interj} (an affirmative reply; yes; certainly)
:: na klar
sure thing {n} ((US) that which is certain)
:: sichere Sache {f}
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty
surety {n} (law: promise to pay on behalf of another)
:: Bürgschaft {f}
surety {n} (law: one who undertakes such promise)
:: Bürge {m}
suretyship {n} (agreement)
:: Bürgschaft {f}
surf {n} (waves that break)
:: Brandung {f}
surf {v} (to ride a wave)
:: wellenreiten, surfen
surf {v} (to browse the Internet)
:: surfen
surface {n} (up-side of a flat object)
:: Oberfläche {f}
surface {v} (to rise to the surface)
:: auftauchen
surface {v} (for information to become known)
:: publik werden, ans Licht kommen
surface energy {n} (interfacial energy) SEE: interfacial energy
surface layer {n} (all senses)
:: Oberflächenschicht {f}
surface tension {n} (the effect on the surface of a liquid)
:: Oberflächenspannung {f}
surface-to-air {adj} (fired from the ground)
:: Boden-Luft
surface-to-air missile {n} (missile)
:: Flugabwehrrakete {f}, Fliegerabwehrrakete {f}, Boden-Luft-Rakete {f}
surface-to-surface {adj}
:: Boden-Boden
surface-to-surface missile {n} (missile)
:: Boden-Boden-Rakete {f}
surfactant {n} (surface active agent)
:: Tensid {n}
surf and turf {n}
:: Surf and Turf {n}
surfboard {n} (a shaped waterproof plank used to surf on waves)
:: Surfbrett {n}, Wellenreiterbrett {n}
surfeit {v} (to feed someone to excess)
:: überfüttern, vollstopfen
surfeit {v} (to overeat or feed to excess)
:: sich überfressen
surfer {n} (person who rides a surfboard)
:: Wellenreiter {m}
surficial {adj} (pertaining to the surface)
:: oberflächlich
surfing {n} (sport)
:: Wellenreiten {n}, Surfen {n}
surf riding {n} (surfing) SEE: surfing
surge {n} (sudden transient rush or flood)
:: Aufwallung {f}, Schwall {m}, Welle {f}, Woge {f}; Überspannung {f}, Spannungsstoß {m}
surge {n} ((nautical) swell of the sea)
:: Brandung {f}
surge {v} (to rush, flood, or increase suddenly)
:: steil ansteigen
surgeon {n} (doctor who performs surgery)
:: Chirurg {m}, Chirurgin {f}, Wundarzt {m} , Wundärztin {f}
surgeonfish {n} (any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Acanthuridae)
:: Doktorfisch {m}
surgery {n} (procedure involving major incisions)
:: Chirurgie {f}, Operation {f}
surgery {n} (medical specialty)
:: Chirurgie {f}
surgery {n} (room or department where surgery is performed)
:: Operationssaal {m}
surgery {n} (doctor's consulting room)
:: Ordinationsraum {m}
surgical {adj} (of or relating to surgery)
:: chirurgisch
surgical {adj} (precise or very accurate)
:: chirurgisch
surgically {adv} (relating surgery)
:: chirurgisch
surgical mask {n} (mask worn to catch bacteria)
:: Mundschutz {m}, Schutzmaske {f}
Suriname {prop} (country)
:: Surinam {n}, Suriname {n}
Surinamese {n} (person from Suriname)
:: Surinamer {m}, Surinamerin {f}
Surinamese {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Suriname)
:: surinamisch
surjection {n} (function that is a many-to-one mapping)
:: Surjektion {f}
surly {adj} (irritated, bad-tempered, unfriendly)
:: mürrisch, unwirsch, missmutig, verdrießlich, griesgrämig, grämlich, ruppig, knurrig, barsch, unfreundlich, übellaunig, bärbeißig
surly {adj} (threatening, menacing, gloomy)
:: grob, düster, rau, bedrohlich, drohend, traurig, bedrückend, finster, trübselig, trübsinnig, bedrückend
surly {adj} ((obsolete) lordly, arrogant, supercilious)
:: überheblich, arrogant, hochmütig, hochnäsig, herablassend, anmaßend, gebieterisch
surmise {n} (thought, imagination, or conjecture, which may be based upon feeble or scanty evidence)
:: Vermutung {f}, Mutmaßung {f}
surmise {v} (to imagine or suspect)
:: vermuten, mutmaßen
surmount {v} (to get over; to overcome)
:: überwinden
surmountable {adj} (able to be surmounted or overcome; defeatable)
:: überwindbar, überspringbar, passierbar
surname {n} (name that indicates family)
:: Nachname {m}, Familienname {m}
surpass {v} (to exceed)
:: übersteigen, übertreffen
surplice {n} (liturgical vestment)
:: Chorhemd {m}, Chorrock {m}, Superpelliceum {n}
surplus {n} (excess, overplus)
:: Überschuss {m}, Rest {m}
surplus value {n}
:: Mehrwert {m}
surprise {n} (something not expected)
:: Überraschung {f}
surprise {n} (attributively: that is unexpected)
:: Überraschungs-
surprise {n} (feeling that something unexpected has happened)
:: Überraschung {f}
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise)
:: überraschen
surprise {v} (do something to (a person) that they are not expecting, as a surprise)
:: überraschen
surprised {adj} (caused to feel surprise)
:: überrascht
surprise party {n} (type of party)
:: Überraschungsparty {f}, Überraschungsfeier {f}
surprising {adj} (that is or are a surprise)
:: überraschend, verwunderlich, erstaunlich
surprisingly {adv} (in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual)
:: überraschend
surreal {adj} (having the intense reality of a dream)
:: surreal
surrealism {n} (artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy)
:: Surrealismus
surrealist {adj} (of, or relating to surrealism)
:: surrealistisch
surrealist {n} (surrealist artist)
:: Surrealist {m}
surrealistic {adj} (surreal)
:: surrealistisch
surrender {v} (intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another)
:: kapitulieren, sich ergeben
surrender {v}
:: sich ergeben, übergeben, ausliefern, abtreten, auf etwas verzichten, aufgeben, kapitulieren
surrender {n} (an act of surrendering)
:: Kapitulation {f}, Ergebung {f}, Ergeben {n}, Aufgeben {n}, Aufgabe {f}
surrender {n} (the yielding or delivery of a possession in response to a demand)
:: Übergeben {n}, Übergabe {f}, Aushändigung {f}
surreptitious {adj} (stealthy, furtive, well hidden, covert)
:: heimlich, verdeckt
surreptitiously {adv} (in a surreptitious manner)
:: heimlich
surrogacy {n} (surrogate motherhood)
:: Leihmutterschaft {f}, Tragemutterschaft {f}, Ersatzmutterschaft {f}
surrogate {n} (substitute)
:: Ersatz-, Stellvertreter {m}, Stellvertreterin {f}
surrogate {n} (person or animal that acts as a substitute for another)
:: Ersatz {m}, Substitut {n}
surrogate {n} (surrogate key)
:: Surrogat {n}, Surrogatschlüssel {m}
surrogate {n}
:: Ersatz {m}
surrogate mother {n} (woman who gives birth to a child not her own)
:: Leihmutter {f}, Ersatzmutter {f}
surround {v} (to encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions)
:: umgeben, umringen
surround {v} (to enclose to prevent escape)
:: umzingeln, umringen
surround {v} (surround, fence in) SEE: enclose
surrounding {n} (outlying area)
:: Umgebung {f}
surrounding {adj} (which surrounds something)
:: umliegend
surroundings {n} (area surrounding someone or something)
:: Umgebung {f}
surströmming {n} (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring)
:: Surströmming {m}
surveil {v} (To keep someone or something under surveillance)
:: überwachen
surveillance {n} (observation of individuals or groups of individuals)
:: Überwachung {f}
surveillance camera {n} (CCTV camera)
:: Überwachungskamera {f}
survey {n} (an examination of the opinions of a group)
:: Umfrage {f}
survey {n} (an examination)
:: Untersuchung {f}
surveying {n} (science of accurately determining the position of points)
:: Vermessung {f}
surveyor {n} (person occupied with the process of determining positions on the Earth's surface)
:: Vermesser {m}, Vermesserin {f}
surveyor {n} (person inspecting something)
:: Gutachter {m}
survival {n} (continued existence or life)
:: Überleben {n}
survival {n} (persistent custom or belief)
:: Relikt {n}, Überbleibsel {n}, Überlebsel {n}, Überrest {m}
survival of the fittest {n} (natural selection)
:: Überleben der Bestangepassten {n}
survive {v} (person: continue to live)
:: überleben
survive {v} (object, concept: continue to exist)
:: überleben
survive {v} (live longer than)
:: überleben
survivor {n} (one who survives)
:: Überlebender {m}, Überlebende {f}
survivor {n} (person who is able to endure hardship)
:: Überlebenskünstler {m}, harter Knochen {m}
Surzhyk {prop} (language)
:: Surschyk {n}
Susa {prop} (capital)
:: Susa {n}
Susan {prop} (female given name)
:: Susanne
Susanna {prop} (female given name) SEE: Susan
Susanna {prop} (biblical character)
:: Susanna {f}
susceptibility {n} (the condition of being susceptible)
:: Anfälligkeit {f}
susceptibility {n} (emotional sensitivity)
:: Empfänglichkeit {f}
susceptibility {n} (electric susceptibility)
:: Suszeptibilität {f}
susceptible {adj} (likely to be affected by)
:: anfällig, beeindruckbar, empfänglich, empfindlich, suszeptible, störempfindlich
susceptible {adj} (especially sensitive)
:: empfindlich
sushi {n} (Japanese dish)
:: Sushi {n}
suslik {n} (Spermophilus or Citellus)
:: Ziesel {m}
suspect {v} (imagine or suppose to be true, without proof)
:: vermuten
suspect {v} (distrust, have doubts about)
:: misstrauen
suspect {v} (believe to be guilty)
:: verdächtigen
suspect {v} (have suspicion)
:: einen Verdacht haben
suspect {n} (person suspected of something)
:: Verdächtiger {m}, Verdächtige {f}
suspect {adj} (viewed with suspicion)
:: verdächtig
suspend {v} (To halt temporarily)
:: suspendieren
suspend {v} (To hang freely)
:: aufhängen
suspend {v} (To discontinue or interrupt a function, task, position, or event)
:: aufheben, aussetzen, aufschieben
suspended animation {n} (temporary cessation of breathing resembling death)
:: Scheintod {m}
suspended cymbal {n} (cymbal that is suspended horizontally)
:: hängendes Becken {n}
suspended sentence {n} (type of sentence)
:: Bewährungsstrafe {f}
suspender {n} (an item used hold up trousers)
:: Hosenträger {m}
suspender belt {n} (suspender belt)
:: Strumpfgürtel {m}
suspenders {n} (trouser supporter) SEE: suspender
suspenders {n} (stocking supporter) SEE: garter
suspense {n} (condition of being suspended)
:: Hängen {n}
suspense {n} (pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement)
:: Spannung {f}
suspense {n} (unpleasant emotion of anxiety or apprehension)
:: Spannung {f}, Anspannung {f}
suspenseful {adj} (inducing suspense)
:: spannend
suspension {n} (act of suspending or state of being suspended)
:: Aussetzung {f}
suspension {n} (temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation)
:: Aussetzung {f}
suspension {n} (state of a solid when mixed with, but not dissolved in a fluid)
:: Suspension {f}
suspension {n} (act of keeping a person listening in doubt and expectation)
:: Spannung {f}
suspension {n} (vehicle: system of springs and shock absorbers connected to the wheels in an automobile)
:: Aufhängung {f}, Federung {f}
suspension bridge {n} (bridge where the deck or roadway is suspended from cables)
:: Hängebrücke {f}
suspicion {n} (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong)
:: Verdacht {m}, Argwohn {m}
suspicion {n} (condition of being suspected)
:: Verdacht {m}
suspicion {n} (uncertainty, doubt)
:: Verdacht {m}, Argwohn {m}
suspicion {n} (slight indication)
:: Verdacht {m}
suspicion {n} (imagining without evidence)
:: Verdächtigung {f}
suspicious {adj} (arousing suspicion)
:: verdächtig
suspicious {adj} (distrustful)
:: misstrauisch
suspicious {adj} (expressing suspicion)
:: misstrauisch
suspiciously {adv} (In a manner suggesting suspicion)
:: verdächtig
suspiciously {adv} (in a manner suggesting guilt)
:: verdächtig
suspiciously {adv} (to a degree that makes one suspect something)
:: argwöhnisch
suss out {v} (to work out, to determine)
:: auskundschaften
sustain {v} (to maintain something)
:: unterhalten, aufrechterhalten
sustain {v} (to provide for or nourish something)
:: versorgen, unterhalten
sustainability {n} (ability to sustain something)
:: Zukunftsfähigkeit {f}
sustainability {n} (ecological sense)
:: Nachhaltigkeit {f}
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained)
:: nachhaltig
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained: environmental term)
:: nachhaltig
sustainable development {n} (development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity)
:: nachhaltige Entwicklung {f}
sustenance {n} (something that provides support or nourishment)
:: Nahrung {f}, Verpflegung {f}
susurrus {n} (whispering or rustling sound)
:: Säuseln {n}
Sutekh {prop} (Egyptian God) SEE: Set
sutler {n} (a person who follows an army, selling provisions)
:: Marketender {m}, Marketenderin {f}
sutra {n} (a rule or thesis in Sanskrit grammar or Hindu law or philosophy)
:: Sutra {n}
sutra {n} (a scriptural narrative)
:: Sutra {n}
suture {n} (seam)
:: Naht {f}
suture {n} (thread)
:: Faden {m}
suture {v} (to sew up or join by means of a suture)
:: nähen, vernähen
SUV {n} (sport utility vehicle)
:: SUV {m} {n}
Suva {prop} (capital of Fiji)
:: Suva {n}
Suvalkija {prop} (Suvalkija)
:: Sudauen
suzerain {n} (dominant nation or state)
:: Oberherr {m}, Oberstaat {m}, Suzerän {m}
suzerain {n} (feudal landowner)
:: Lehnsherr {m}
suzerainty {n} (relation between a superior state and a subservient state)
:: Oberhoheit {f}, Oberherrschaft {f}, Suzeränität {f}
Svalbard {prop} (islands north east of Greenland)
:: Spitzbergen {n} ; Svalbard {n}
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands {prop} (two distinct dependencies of Norway)
:: Svalbard und Jan Mayen
svarabhakti {n} (epenthesis of a vowel)
:: Svarabhakti {f} {n}, Swarabhakti {f} {n}
Svatý Kopeček {prop} (part of Olomouc)
:: Svatý Kopeček {m}, Heiligenberg {m}
svengali {n} (One who manipulates or controls another as by some mesmeric or sinister influence; especially a coach, mentor or industry mogul.)
:: Manipulator {m}, Strippenzieher {m}, Drahtzieher {m}, Puppenspieler {m}, Graue Eminenz {f}, Königsmacher {m}
swab {n} (A sample taken with a swab)
:: Abstrich {m}
Swabia {prop} (historical region of Germany)
:: Schwaben {n}, Schwabenland {n}
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) SEE: Swabish
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) SEE: Swabish
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) SEE: Swabish
Swabian {prop} (dialect) SEE: Swabish
Swabian {n} (person) SEE: Swabish
Swabian Turkey {prop} (region)
:: Schwäbische Türkei
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia)
:: schwäbisch
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians)
:: schwäbisch
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect)
:: schwäbisch
Swabish {prop} (dialect)
:: Schwäbisch {n}
Swabish {n} (person)
:: Schwabe {m}, Schwäbin {f}
swaddle {v} (to bind a baby)
:: wickeln
Swadesh list {n} (lists of vocabulary)
:: Swadesh-Liste {f}
swag {v} (burglar's or thief's booty; a boodle)
:: Sore {f}, Diebesgut {n}, Beute {f}
swag {v} (handouts, freebies, or giveaways)
:: Werbegeschenk {n}
swag {v} ((slang) style; a fashionable appearance or manner)
:: Swag {m}
swage {n} (tool used by blacksmiths and other metalworkers for cold shaping of a metal item)
:: Gesenk {n}, Formgesenk {n}, Stanze {f}, Form {f}, Matrize {f}, Schmiedegesenk {n}, Formwerkzeug {n}, Stempel {m}
swage {v} (to bend or shape through use of a swage)
:: stauchen, pressen, stanzen, sicken, kneten, prägen, tiefziehen, gesenkschmieden, gesenkformen, rundhämmern, gesenkdrücken, fassonschmieden, verjüngen
swagger {v} (to walk with a swaying motion)
:: stolzieren
swagger {v} (to act in a pompous manner)
:: großtun, schwadronieren
swagger {v} (to boast or brag noisily)
:: angeben, prahlen, aufschneiden
swagger {n} (confidence, pride)
:: Selbstbewusstsein {n}, Stolz {m}
swagger {n} (bold or arrogant strut)
:: Stolzieren {n}
swagger {n} (prideful boasting or bragging)
:: Angeberei {f}, Prahlerei {f}, Großtuerei {f}
swaggerer {n} (one who swaggers)
:: Prahler {m}, Angeber {m}, Großtuer {m}
swagman {n} (itinerant worker)
:: Wanderarbeiter {m}, Tagelöhner
Swahili {n} (language)
:: Suaheli {n}, Swahili {n}
Swainson's hawk {n} (Buteo swainsoni)
:: Präriebussard {m}
swallow {v} (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach)
:: schlucken
swallow {v} (to take in, to consume)
:: verschlucken
swallow {v} (to believe or accept)
:: schlucken, akzeptieren
swallow {v} (to put up with; to bear patiently or without retaliation)
:: schlucken, abfinden mit , hinnehmem, ertragen, aushalten
swallow {n} (bird)
:: Schwalbe {f}
swallowtail {n} (tailcoat)
:: Frack {m}
swallow up {v} (completely enclose or envelop)
:: verschlucken, verschlingen
swamp {n} (type of wetland)
:: Sumpf {m}, Moor {n}
swamp {v} (overwhelm)
:: überfluten, überschwemmen
swampy {adj} (wet like a swamp)
:: sumpfig
swan {n} (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus)
:: Schwan {m}, Schwänin {f}
swanherd {n} (person who tends, herds, takes care of swans)
:: Schwanenwärter {m}, Schwanenwärterin {f}, Schwanenhirt {m}, Schwanenhirte {m}, Schwanenhirtin {f}
swanling {n} (baby swan, young swan) SEE: cygnet
swan song {n} (a final performance)
:: Schwanengesang {m}
swap {v} (exchange or give (something) in exchange for)
:: tauschen, austauschen, vertauschen, wechseln
swap {n} (exchange)
:: Tausch {m}, Tauschgeschäft {n}
swap {n} (finance: derivative)
:: Swap {m}
swap in {v}
:: einlagern
swarf {n} (waste chips or shavings)
:: Späne {m-p}
swarf {n} (a particular chip or shaving)
:: Span {m}
swarm {n} (large number of insects)
:: Schwarm {m}
swarm {n} (a mass of people or animals in turmoil)
:: Schwarm {m}
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark
swarthy {adj} (dark-skinned) SEE: dark-skinned
swashbuckling {adj} (adventurous)
:: aufschneiderisch, prahlerisch, verwegen, bramarbasierend, abenteuerlich, draufgängerisch
swastika {n} (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle)
:: Swastika {f}, Hakenkreuz {n}
swat {v} (to beat off, as insects; to bat, strike, or hit)
:: schlagen, klatschen, totschlagen, zerquetschen
swat {n} (a hard stroke, hit or blow, e.g., as part of a spanking)
:: Schlag {m}
swath {n} (The track cut out by a scythe in mowing)
:: Schneise {f}, Schwade {m} {f}, Schwaden {m}, Strich {m}
swathe {n} (bandage)
:: Verband {m}, Bandage {f}
swathe {v} (bandage)
:: einwickeln, einhüllen, umwickeln
swathe {n} (swath) SEE: swath
sway {n} (Influence, weight, or authority that inclines to one side)
:: Einfluss {m}, Beeinflussung {f}, Macht {f}
sway {n} (Rule; dominion; control)
:: Beherrschung {f}
sway {v} (to move or swing from side to side; or backward and forward; to rock)
:: schaukeln, sich wiegen, schwanken
sway {v} (to move or wield with the hand)
:: schwingen, schwenken
sway {v} (to influence or direct by power and authority)
:: beeinflussen, beherrschen
sway {v} (to cause to incline or swing to one side, or backward and forward)
:: beeinflussen
Swazi {n} (person from Swaziland)
:: Swasi {m} {f}
Swazi {prop} (Bantu language)
:: Siswati {n}
Swazi {adj} (pertaining to Swaziland)
:: swasiländisch
Swaziland {prop} (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini)
:: Swasiland
swear {v} (to take an oath)
:: schwören
swear {v} (to curse, to use offensive language)
:: schimpfen, fluchen
swear like a pagan {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper
swear like a sailor {v} (swear very rudely) SEE: swear like a trooper
swear like a trooper {v}
:: fluchen wie ein Kesselflicker (like a tinker), fluchen wie ein Bierkutscher (like a drayman), fluchen wie ein Seemann (like a sailor)
swear word {n} (impolite or offensive taboo word)
:: Schimpfwort {n}, Fluch {m}, Kraftausdruck {m}, Schimpfwort {n}
sweat {n} (fluid that exits the body through pores)
:: Schweiß {m}, Schwitze {f}
sweat {v} (to emit sweat)
:: schwitzen
sweat {v} (informal: to worry)
:: sich sorgen
sweat {v} (to emit in the manner of sweat)
:: schwitzen
sweat {v} (transitive: to cook slowly without browning)
:: anschwitzen
sweater {n} (knitted jacket worn by athletes before or after exercise)
:: Sweatshirt {n}
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth)
:: Pullover {m}
sweat gland {n} (exocrine gland)
:: Schweißdrüse {f}
sweating {n} (bodily process)
:: Schwitzen
sweat like a pig {v} (sweat profusely)
:: wie ein Schwein schwitzen
sweat lodge {n} (structure)
:: Schwitzhütte {f}
sweat lodge {n} (ceremony or ritual)
:: Schwitzhüttenritual {n}
sweatpants {n} (cotton trousers)
:: Jogginghose {f}
sweatshirt {n} (loose shirt)
:: Sweatshirt {n}
sweatshop {n} (factory)
:: Sweatshop {m}, Ausbeutungsbetrieb {m}
sweatsuit {n} (two-piece garment worn during exercise)
:: Sportanzug
sweaty {adj} (covered in sweat)
:: verschwitzt
sweaty {adj} (likely to cause one to sweat)
:: schweißtreibend
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip
swede {n} (yellow root of Brassica napus) SEE: rutabaga
swede {n} (plant) SEE: rutabaga
Swede {n} (person from Sweden or of Swedish descent)
:: Schwede {m}, Schwedin {f}
Swede {n} (member of the ancient North Germanic tribe)
:: Svear {p}
Sweden {prop} (Scandinavian country)
:: Schweden {n}
Swedenborgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Emanuel Swedenborg)
:: swedenborgianisch, schwedenborgianisch
Swedenborgian {n} (a religious follower of Emanuel Swedenborg)
:: Swedenborgianer {m}, Swedenborgianerin {f}, Schwedenborgianer {m} , Schwedenborgianerin {f}
Swedenborgianism {n} (Christian denomination influenced by Swedenborg)
:: Swedenborgianismus {m}, Schwedenborgianismus {m}
Swedish {prop} (language)
:: Schwedisch {n}
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to Sweden)
:: schwedisch
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swedish language)
:: schwedisch
Swedish massage {n} (style of massage)
:: schwedische Massage {f}
Swedish turnip {n} (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) SEE: rutabaga
Swedophone {adj} (Swedish-speaking)
:: schwedischsprachig
Swedophone {n} (speaker of Swedish)
:: Schwedischsprecher {m}
sweep {v} (to clean using a broom or brush)
:: fegen, kehren
sweep {n} (single action of sweeping)
:: Schwung {m}, einmaliges Drüberfegen {n}
sweep {n} (type of lottery)
:: Gewinnspiel {n}, Tippspiel {n}
sweep {n} (chimney sweep) SEE: chimney sweep
sweeping {n} (The activity of sweeping.)
:: Fegen, Kehren
sweepings {n} (material that is swept up)
:: das Zusammengefegte, der Kehricht
sweep something under the rug {v} (to conceal a problem expediently)
:: unter den Teppich kehren
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant taste)
:: süß, lecker
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar)
:: süß
sweet {adj} (containing a sweetening ingredient)
:: zuckerhaltig, gezuckert
sweet {adj} (of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar)
:: lieblich
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant smell)
:: wohlriechend, duftend, Duft-
sweet {adj} (having a pleasing disposition)
:: süß, herzig, lieblich, liebenswürdig
sweet {adj} (having a helpful disposition)
:: nett
sweet {adj}
:: süß
sweet {n} (sugary confection)
:: Süßigkeit {f}, Bonbon {m} {n}
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert
sweet {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart
sweet {n} (basic taste sensation induced by sugar) SEE: sweetness
sweet-and-sour {adj} (between sweet and sour taste)
:: süßsauer
sweet-and-sour sauce {n} (sauce in Chinese cuisine that is both sugary and tart)
:: süßsauer Soße {f}
sweetbread {n} (pancreas or thymus gland of an animal as food)
:: Kalbsbries {n}, Kalbsmilch {f}
sweetbread {n}
:: Milken
sweet cherry {n} (Prunus avium) SEE: wild cherry
sweet chestnut {n} (nut)
:: Marone {f}
sweet clover {n} (Melilotus)
:: Steinklee {m}, Honigklee {m}
sweet corn {n} (corn suitable for eating by humans)
:: Zuckermais {m}
sweet dreams {phrase} (sweet dreams)
:: süße Träume, träum schön
sweeten {v} (to make sweet to the taste)
:: süßen
sweeten {v} (to make more attractive; said of offers in negotiations)
:: versüßen
sweeten {v} (to become sweet)
:: süß werden
sweetener {n} (food additive)
:: Süßstoff {m}
sweeten the pot {v} (to make a living)
:: das macht den Kohl nicht fett
sweet flag {n} (Acorus calamus)
:: Kalmus {m}, Deutscher Zitwer {m}, Deutscher Ingwer {m}
sweet gum {n} (tree)
:: Amberbäume
sweetheart {n} (darling) SEE: darling
sweetheart {n} (a person very much liked or loved by someone)
:: Liebchen {n}, Liebling {m}, Schatz {m}, Liebster {m}, Liebste {f}
sweetish {adj} (somewhat sweet)
:: süßlich
sweetleaf {n} (plant of the genus Stevia) SEE: stevia
sweetly {adv} (in a sweet or pleasant manner)
:: süß
sweetmeat {n} (sweet delicacy)
:: Süßigkeiten, Süßwaren, Süßspeisen
sweetness {n} (condition of being sweet or sugary)
:: Süßigkeit {f}
sweetness {n} (pleasant disposition)
:: Süßigkeit {f}
sweetness {n}
:: Süße {f}
sweet pea {n} (flowering plant)
:: Wicke {f}
sweet pepper {n} (fruit) SEE: bell pepper
sweet potato {n} (yam) SEE: yam
sweet potato {n} (ocarina) SEE: ocarina
sweet potato {n} (vine)
:: Süßkartoffel {f}, Batate {f}
sweet potato {n} (tuber)
:: Süßkartoffel {f}
sweets {n} (confectionery, candy)
:: Süßigkeiten {f-p}, Bonbons {m-p}, Schleckzeug {n}
sweetshop {n} (shop selling predominantly confectionery)
:: Konditorei {f}, Süßwarengeschäft {n}, Süßwarengeschäft {n}, Süßwarenladen {m}
sweetsop {n} (sugar apple) SEE: sugar apple
sweet spot {n} (place which is optimum for a certain action to occur)
:: Sweet Spot, Sweetspot, Sweet Area
sweet-tempered {adj}
:: gutmütig
sweet tooth {n} (someone with a liking for sweet foods)
:: Naschkatze {f}, Schlecker {m}, Schleckerin {f}
sweetwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water
sweet william {n} (Dianthus barbatus)
:: Bartnelke {f}
sweet woodruff {n} (Asperula odorata)
:: Waldmeister {m}
swell {v} (intransitive: to become bigger, especially due to being engorged)
:: schwellen
swell {n} (series of waves, lasting after the wind has ceased)
:: Dünung {f}, Schwell {m}
swell {adj} (excellent, see also: excellent)
:: klasse
swelling {n} (the state of being swollen)
:: Anschwellen {n}, Anschwellung {f}
swelling {n} (anything swollen)
:: Schwellung {f}
sweltering {adj} (hot and humid)
:: drückend heiß, glühend heiß, verschmachtend
swerve {v} (to turn aside or deviate to avoid impact)
:: ausweichen
swerve {v}
:: abschweifen
swidden {n} (area cleared and burnt for cultivation)
:: Brandfeld {n}, Schwende {f}
swift {adj} (fast; quick)
:: schnell
swift {n} (bird)
:: Segler {m}
swiftly {adv} (quickly)
:: schnell, flink, behände
swiftness {n} (state of being swift) SEE: quickness
swig {n} (a drink)
:: Schluck {m}, Zug {m}
swill {n} (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps)
:: Futtersuppe {f}, Spültrank {m}, Kaspel {f}, Schweinefutter {n}
swill {n} (any disgusting or distasteful liquid)
:: Brühe {f}, Gesöff {n}, Jauche {f}, Fusel {m}
swill {n} (anything disgusting or worthless)
:: Schund {m}
swill {n} (large quantity of liquid drunk at one swallow)
:: Zug {m}, großer Schluck {m}
swim {v} (move through water)
:: schwimmen
swim {n} (act or instance of swimming)
:: Schwimmen {n}
swim bladder {n} (fish organ)
:: Fischblase {f}
swim cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers)
:: Bademütze {f}, Badehaube {f}, Schwimmhaube, Schwimmkappe {f}, Badekappe {f}
swim lane {n} (division of a swimming pool)
:: Schwimmbahn {m}
swimmer {n} (one who swims)
:: Schwimmer {m}, Schwimmerin {f}
swimming {n} (human activity of moving oneself through water)
:: Schwimmen {n}
swimming costume {n} (garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit
swimmingly {adv} (with a gliding motion suggesting swimming)
:: fließend
swimmingly {adv} (in a very favourable manner)
:: einwandfrei, glänzend, glatt, wie am Schnürchen, wie geschmiert
swimming pool {n} (pool for swimming)
:: Schwimmbecken {n}, Pool {m}, Freibad {n}
swimming pool {n} (indoor facility for swimming)
:: Schwimmbad {n}, Hallenbad {n}
swimming trunks {n} (a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing)
:: Badehose {f}, Schwimmhose {f}
swimmist {n} (swimmer) SEE: swimmer
swimsuit {n} (garment worn for swimming)
:: Badebekleidung {f}
swimsuit {n}
:: Badeanzug {m}, Schwimmanzug {m}
swimwear {n} (clothing for swimming) SEE: swimsuit
swindle {v} (to defraud someone)
:: betrügen , beschwindeln , erschwindeln
swindle {v} (to obtain money or property by fraudulent or deceitful methods)
:: schwindeln
swindle {n} (an instance of swindling)
:: Schwindel {m}
swindler {n} (person who swindles, cheats or defrauds)
:: Schwindler {m}, Schwindlerin {f}, Gauner {m}, Gaunerin {f}, Betrüger {m}, Betrügerin {f}
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig
swine {n} (contemptible person)
:: Schwein {n}
swine fever {n} (pathology)
:: klassische Schweinepest {f}
swine flu {n} (influenza caused by orthomyxoviruses)
:: Schweinegrippe {f}
swineherd {n} (person who herds and tends swine, keeper of swine/pigs)
:: Schweinehirt {m}, Schweinehirte {m}, Schweinehirtin {f}, Schweinehüter {m}, Schweinehüterin {f}
swine influenza {n} (swine flu) SEE: swine flu
swing {v} (to rotate about an off-centre fixed point)
:: schwingen, schaukeln, schwanken
swing {v} (to ride on a swing)
:: schaukeln
swing {v} (to hang on gallows)
:: baumeln
swing {v} (music: to produce a bouncy, uneven rhythm)
:: schwingen
swing {v}
:: schwingen
swing {n} (hanging seat)
:: Schaukel {f}, Hutsche {f}
swing {n} (music style)
:: Swing {m}
swingboat {n} (fairground ride)
:: Schiffschaukel {f}
swing by {v}
:: vorbeischauen
swing door {n} (door)
:: Pendeltür {f}, Schwingtür {f}, Flügeltür {f}
swinger {n} (person who practices swinging)
:: Swinger {m}, Swingerin {f}
swinging {n} (sexual practice)
:: Swingen {n}
swipe {v} (to snatch)
:: klauen, stibitzen
swipe {v} (to slide through a reader)
:: einlesen, durchziehen
swipe {v} (to interact with a touch screen)
:: wischen
swirl {n} (whirling eddy)
:: Wirbel {m}
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Switzerland)
:: schweizerisch, schweizländisch, Schweizer
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swiss people)
:: schweizerisch
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Swiss language(s) or Swiss dialect(s))
:: schweizerisch
Swiss {n} (Swiss person)
:: Schweizer {m}, Schweizerin {f}
Swiss Army knife {n} (type of pocket knife)
:: Schweizer Messer {n}, Schweizer Offiziersmesser {n}, Schweizer Taschenmesser {n}
Swiss chard {n} (chard) SEE: chard
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland)
:: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Swiss franc {n} (currency of Switzerland)
:: Schweizer Franken {m}, Stutz {m}
Swiss German {n} (Alemannic German spoken in Switzerland)
:: Schweizerdeutsch {n}
Swiss German {adj}
:: deutschschweizerisch; schweizerdeutsch
Swiss pine {n} (Pinus cembra)
:: Zirbelkiefer {f}
Swiss roll {n} (type of sponge cake roll)
:: Biskuitroulade {f}, Roulade {f}
Swiss Standard German {prop} (German language used in Switzerland)
:: Schweizerhochdeutsch, Schriftdeutsch
switch {n} (device to turn electric current on and off)
:: Schalter {m}
switch {n} (movable section of railroad track)
:: Weiche {f}
switch {n} (thin rod used as a whip)
:: Spießrute {f}
switch {n} (networking device)
:: Switch {m}, Verteiler {m}, Netzwerkweiche {f}
switch {v} (to exchange)
:: tauschen, austauschen
switch {v} (to change (something) to the specified state using a switch)
:: schalten
switch {v} (to change places or tasks)
:: wechseln
switchblade {n} (a folding knife with a blade which opens automatically (under spring pressure) when a button is pressed)
:: Springmesser {n}
switchboard {n} (electronic panel used to direct telephone calls)
:: Klappenschrank {m}
switchboard {n} (electronic device)
:: Schaltschrank {m}
switchgrass {n} (Panicum virgatum)
:: Rutenhirse {f}
switching function {n}
:: Boolesche Funktion {f}, logische Funktion {f}
switch off {v} (turn switch to off position)
:: abschalten, ausschalten
switch on {v} (to turn a switch to the "on" position)
:: anschalten, einschalten
Switzerland {prop} (sovereign country)
:: Schweiz {f}
swivel {n} (piece to permit rotation)
:: Wirbel {m}
swivel chair {n}
:: Drehstuhl {m}
swole {adj} (upset) SEE: upset
swole {adj} (of the penis: erect; of a person: with an erection of the penis) SEE: erect
swole {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) SEE: muscular
swollen {adj} (distended)
:: angeschwollen
swoon {n} (infatuation) SEE: infatuation
swoon {n} (a faint)
:: Ohnmacht {f}
swoon {v} (to faint)
:: ohnmächtig werden, in Ohnmacht fallen
swoop {v} (to fly downwards suddenly)
:: herabschießen, herabstürzen
swoop {v} (to move swiftly, as if with a sweeping movement)
:: stürzen
swoop {n} (an instance, or the act of suddenly plunging downwards)
:: Sturzflug {m}
swoosh {v} (to move with rushing or swirling sound)
:: zischen, sausen
sword {n} (weapon)
:: Schwert {n}
sword {n} (one who handles a sword)
:: Schwertkämpfer
swordbearer {n} (one who bears or carries a sword)
:: Schwertbrüder
swordfighting {n} (swordplay) SEE: swordplay
swordfish {n} (Xiphias gladius)
:: Schwertfisch {m}
swordman {n} (swordsman) SEE: swordsman
sword of Damocles {n} (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune)
:: Damoklesschwert {n}
swordplay {n} (fighting with a sword)
:: Schwertkampf {m}, Fechten {n}
swordsman {n} (a person skilled at using swords)
:: Fechter {m}
swordsmanship {n} (the skill of using a sword)
:: Schwertkunst {f}
swordsmith {n} (a maker of swords)
:: Schwertschmied {m}, Schwertfeger {m}
sword swallower {n} (person who swallows swords)
:: Schwertschlucker {m}, Schwertschluckerin {f}
swordswoman {n} (a woman skilled at using swords)
:: Fechterin {f}
sworn virgin {n} (person who has a masculine third-gender role in the Balkans)
:: geschworene Jungfrau {f}, Schwurjungfrau {f}
swot {v} (study hard)
:: büffeln, pauken
swot {n} (one who swots)
:: Büffler {m}
swot {n} (vigorous study)
:: Büffeln {n}, Pauken {n}
sybarite {n} (person devoted to pleasure and luxury)
:: Schlemmer {m}
Sybil {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sibyl
sycamore {n} (Platanus)
:: Platane {f}
sycamore {n} (Ficus sycomorus)
:: Maulbeer-Feige {f}
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus)
:: Bergahorn {m}
sycophant {n} (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person.)
:: Kriecher {m}, Schmeichler {m}, Speichellecker {m}, Schleimer {m}
sycophantic {adj} (obsequious, flattering, toadying)
:: kriecherisch, unterwürfig
Sydney {prop} (in Australia)
:: Sydney {n}
Sydney {prop} (in Nova Scotia)
:: Sydney
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite
syenite {n} (igneous rock composed of feldspar and hornblende)
:: Syenit {m}
Sykes's warbler {n} (Iduna rama)
:: Steppenspötter {m}
Syktyvkar {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Syktywkar {n}
syllabary {n} (system)
:: Silbenschrift {f}
syllabic {adj} (of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable)
:: Silben-, silbenweise
syllabic {adj} (in linguistics)
:: Silben-
syllabic abbreviation {n}
:: Silbenkurzwort {n}, Silbenwort {n}
syllabification {n} (division of a word into syllables)
:: Worttrennung {f}, Silbentrennung {f}
syllable {n} (unit of speech)
:: Silbe {f}
syllabus {n} (summary of topics)
:: Lehrplan {m}, Studienprogramm {n}, Lehrprogramm {n}, Syllabus {m}
syllepsis {n} (figure of speech)
:: Syllepse {f}, Syllepsis {f}
syllogism {n} (inference from premises)
:: Syllogismus {m}
sylph {n} (The elemental being of air)
:: Sylphe {f}, Luftgeist {m}
sylph {n} (A slender girl)
:: Sylphide {f}
Sylt {prop} (German island)
:: Sylt
sylvite {n} (saline evaporite)
:: Sylvin {m}
symbiogenesis {n} (merging of organisms to form a new organism)
:: Symbiogenese {f}
symbiont {n} (organism in a symbiotic relationship)
:: Symbiont {m}
symbiosis {n} (relationship of mutual benefit)
:: Symbiose {f}
symbiote {n} (symbiont) SEE: symbiont
symbol {n} (character or glyph)
:: Symbol {n}, Zeichen {n}
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another)
:: Symbol {n}
symbol {v} (symbolize) SEE: symbolize
symbolic {adj} (pertaining to a symbol)
:: symbolisch
symbolic {adj} (implicitly referring to another thing)
:: symbolisch, symbolträchtig
symbolically {adv} (in a symbolic manner)
:: symbolisch
symbolize {v} (To be symbolic of; to represent)
:: symbolisieren
symbology {n} (study of symbols)
:: Symbologie {f}
symmetric {adj} (symmetrical) SEE: symmetrical
symmetrical {adj} (exhibiting symmetry)
:: symmetrisch
symmetry {n} (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis)
:: Symmetrie {f}
sympathetic {adj} (of, related to, showing, or characterized by sympathy)
:: mitfühlend
sympathize {v} (to show sympathy)
:: mitfühlen
sympathy {n} (feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another)
:: Mitleid {n}, Mitgefühl {n}
sympathy {n} (ability to share the feelings of another; empathy)
:: Sympathie {f}
sympathy {n} (mutual relationship)
:: Sympathie {f}
sympatric {adj} (occurring in the same territory)
:: sympatrische
symphonic {adj} (characteristic of a symphony)
:: sinfonisch
symphonic poem {n} (piece of music based on something non-musical)
:: Tondichtung {f}, sinfonische Dichtung {f}
symphony {n} (piece of orchestral music)
:: Sinfonie {f}, Symphonie {f}
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music)
:: Philharmoniker {m-p}, Philharmonie {f}, Sinfonieorchester {n}
sympodium {n} (a pattern of branching, similar to dichotomous branching)
:: Sympodium, Scheinachse, scheinbare Hauptachse {f}
symposium {n} (conference)
:: Fachtagung {f}
symptom {n} (figuratively: indicator of something)
:: Symptom {n}
synaesthesia {n} (neurological or psychological phenomenon)
:: Synästhesie {f}
synaesthetic {adj} (pertaining to synaesthesia or a person experiencing it)
:: synästhetisch
synagogal {adj} (of or pertaining to a synagogue)
:: synagogal, Synagogal-, Synagogen-
synagogical {adj} (of or pertaining to a synagogue)
:: synagogal, Synagogal-, Synagogen-
synagogue {n} (Jewish place of worship)
:: Synagoge {f}, Schule {f}
synagogue {n} (Jewish congregation)
:: Synagoge {f}
synapse {n} (junction between neurons)
:: Synapse {f}
synaptic {adj} (junction between the terminal of a neuron and another cell)
:: synaptische
sync {v} (synchronize) SEE: synchronize
sync {n} (synchronization) SEE: synchronization
synchronic {adj} (relating to the study of a language at only one point in its history)
:: synchron
synchronicity {n} (the state of being synchronous or simultaneous)
:: Synchronizität {f}
synchronicity {n} (Jungian psychology: coincidences that seem to be meaningfully related)
:: Synchronizität {f}
synchronisation {n} (synchronisation) SEE: synchronization
synchronised skating {n} (figure skating in a team)
:: Synchroneiskunstlauf {m}
synchronised swimming {n} (swimming event)
:: Synchronschwimmen {n}
synchronism {n} (synchronicity) SEE: synchronicity
synchronization {n} (the state or property of being synchronized)
:: Synchronisierung {f}
synchronize {v} (cause two events to have coordinated timing)
:: synchronisieren
synchronized skating {n} (figure skating in a team)
:: Synchroneiskunstlauf {m}
synchronized swimmer {n} (someone who practices synchronized swimming)
:: Synchronschwimmer {m}, Synchronschwimmerin {f}
synchronized swimming {n} (swimming event)
:: Synchronschwimmen {n}
synchronous {adj} (at the same time)
:: synchron
synchrony {n} (synchronicity) SEE: synchronicity
synchrotron {n} (form of cyclotron)
:: Synchrotron {n}
synclinal {n} (synclinal fold)
:: Synklinale {f}
syncline {n} (concave upward fold) SEE: synclinal
syncope {n} (loss of consciousness)
:: Synkope {f}
syncope {n} (absence of a sound)
:: Synkope {f}
syncope {n} (missed beat or off-beat stress)
:: Synkope {f}
syncretic {adj} (combining disparate elements)
:: synkretistisch
syncretism {n} (fusion of different systems or beliefs)
:: Synkretismus {m}
syncretism {n} (fusion of different inflexional forms)
:: Synkretismus {m}
syncretist {n} (one who attempts syncretism)
:: Synkretist {m}, Synkretistin {f}
syndesmosis {n} (movable articulation)
:: Syndesmose
syndicate {n} (group of individuals or companies)
:: Syndikat {n}
syndication {n} (act of syndicating)
:: Verkauf von Inhalt {f} , Weitergabe von medialen Inhalten {f}, Weiterverbreitung von medialen Inhalten {f}, simultane Verbreitung von Inhalten , Syndikation {f}
syndrome {n} (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours)
:: Syndrom {n}
synecdoche {n} (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole)
:: Synekdoche {f}
synecdochical {adj}
:: synekdochisch
synergetic {adj} (synergistic)
:: synergetisch
synergistic {adj} (synergistic)
:: synergetisch
synergy {n} (behavior of a system that cannot be predicted by the behavior of its parts)
:: Synergie {f}
synergy {n} (pharmacology: interaction between drugs)
:: Synergie {f}
synergy {n} (benefits from combining different groups, people, objects or processes)
:: Synergie {f}, Zusammenwirken {n}, gegenseitige Verstärkung {f}
synergy {n}
:: Synergie {f}
syngas {n} (synthesis gas) SEE: synthesis gas
synod {n} (ecclesiastic council or meeting)
:: Synode {f}
synonym {n} (word with same meaning as another)
:: Synonym {n}, Synonymum {n}, Gleichwort {n}, bedeutungsgleiches Wort {n}
synonymous {adj} (having an identical meaning)
:: bedeutungsgleich, gleichbedeutend, synonym, synonymisch
synonymous {adj} (having a similar meaning)
:: bedeutungsähnlich, sinnverwandt, synonym
synonymous {adj} (of, or being a synonym)
:: synonym
synonymy {n} (quality of being synonymous)
:: Synonymie {f}
synopsis {n} (brief summary)
:: Synopse {f}, Übersicht {f}, Zusammenfassung {f}
synsemantic {adj}
:: synsemantisch
syntactic {adj} (of, related to or connected with syntax)
:: syntaktisch
syntactic salt {n}
:: syntaktisches Salz {n}
syntactic sugar {n}
:: syntaktischer Zucker {m}
syntagma {n} (syntactic arrangement)
:: Syntagma {n}
syntagma {n} (semiotic arrangement)
:: Syntagma {n}
syntagmatarchy {n} (square formation of 256 soldiers) SEE: syntagma
syntax {n} (set of rules that govern how words are combined)
:: Syntax {f}, Satzbau {m}
syntax {n} (formal rules of a computer language)
:: Syntax {f}
syntax {n} (study of the structure of phrases and sentences)
:: Satzlehre {f}, Syntax {f}
syntax highlighting {n} (highlighting of source code)
:: Sytax-Highlighting {n}, Syntaxhervorhebung {f}
syntaxis {n} (syntax) SEE: syntax
synthesis {n} (formation of something complex or coherent)
:: Synthese {f}
synthesis {n} (chemistry: reaction of elements or compounds)
:: Synthese {f}
synthesis {n}
:: Synthese {f}
synthesis gas {n} (gas obtained by heating coal and steam)
:: Synthesegas {n}
synthesize {v} (To produce a substance by chemical synthesis)
:: synthetisieren
synthesize {v} (To be produced a by chemical synthesis)
:: synthetisieren
synthesizer {n} (music: an electronic keyboard instrument)
:: Synthesizer {m}
synthetic {adj}
:: synthetisch
syphilis {n} (sexual disease caused by Treponema pallidum)
:: Syphilis {f}
syphilitic {adj} (relating to syphilis)
:: syphilitisch, syphiliskrank
Syracuse {prop} (province Sicily)
:: Syrakus
Syracuse {prop} (city and port in the province of Syracuse)
:: Syrakus
Syracuse {prop} (city in New York state)
:: Syracuse, Syrakus
Syria {prop} (country in the Middle East)
:: Syrien {n}
Syriac {prop} (language)
:: Syrisch {n}
Syrian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Syria, the Syrian people or the Syrian language)
:: syrisch
Syrian {n} (a person from Syria or of Syrian descent)
:: Syrer {m}, Syrerin {f}, Syrier {m}, Syrierin {f}
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria)
:: Arabische Republik Syrien {f}
Syriarch {n} (chief priest in the Roman province of Syria)
:: Syriarch {m}
Syriarchate {n} (office of a Syriarch)
:: Syriarchat
syringe {n} (hypodermic syringe)
:: Spritze {f}
syrinx {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes
syrup {n} (thick liquid that has a high sugar content)
:: Sirup {m}
sysadmin {n} (systems administrator)
:: Systemadministrator {m}
sysop {n}
:: Sysop {m}, SysOp {m}
system {n} (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members)
:: System {n}, Ordnung {f}, Verbund {m}
system architecture {n} (Translations)
:: Systemarchitektur {f}
systematic {adj} (of, relating to, or being a system)
:: System-
systematic {adj} (carried out using a planned, ordered procedure)
:: systematisch
systematic {adj} (methodical, regular and orderly)
:: systematisch
systematic {adj} (of, or relating to taxonomic classification)
:: systematisch
systematically {adv} (in an organized manner)
:: systematisch
systematics {n} (the systematic classification of organisms)
:: Systematik {f}
systematization {n} (act of systematizing)
:: Systematisierung {f}
systematize {v} (to arrange into a systematic order)
:: systematisieren
systemic circulation {n} (part of blood circulation)
:: großer Blutkreislauf {m}, systemischer Kreislauf {m}, Körperkreislauf {m}
systemic lupus erythematosus {n} (systemic autoimmune disease)
:: Lupus erythematodes {m}
system of equations {n} (set of equations)
:: Gleichungssystem {n}
systems analysis {n} (analysis of systems)
:: Systemanalyse {f}
systems analysis {n} (range of techniques)
:: Systemanalyse {f}
systems engineering {n} (interdisciplinary field of engineering)
:: Systems Engineering {n}
systole {n} (contraction of the heart)
:: Systole {f}
syzygy {n} (astronomical conjunction)
:: Syzygie {f}, Syzygium {n}
Szczecin {prop} (city in Poland)
:: Stettin {n}
Szczedrzyk {prop} (village)
:: Sczedrzik {n}, Hitlersee
Szeged {prop} (city in Hungary)
:: Szeged {n}, Szegedin {n}, Segedin {n}
Székely {n} (member of a subgroup of the Hungarian people)
:: Szekler {m}
Székely Land {prop} (historic and ethnographic area in Romania)
:: Szeklerland
Székesfehérvár {prop} (city in Hungary)
:: Székesfehérvár {n}, Stuhlweißenburg {n}
Szlachta {prop} (nobility of Poland, and Lithuania)
:: Szlachta {f}