o {interj}
:: oh
o {letter}
:: The fifteenth letter of the Dutch alphabet
O {letter}
:: The fifteenth letter of the Dutch alphabet
O {adv}
:: abbreviation of oost; east
o.a. {adv}
:: abbreviation of onder andere
-oaat {suffix}
:: -oate
oase {f}
:: oasis
Obadja {prop} {m}
:: Obadiah
obductie {f}
:: autopsy
obductie {f}
:: autopsy requiring the express consent of relatives
ober {m}
:: waiter
oberin {f}
:: waitress
obesitas {f}
:: obesity, especially as a medical syndrome
object {n}
:: object, item
object {n}
:: object
objectief {adj}
:: objective, impartial
objectief {n}
:: goal, objective, target to be achieved
objectief {n}
:: objective, lens of microscope or binoculars closest to the object
objectiviteit {f}
:: objectivity
obligatie {f}
:: bond
obsceen {adj}
:: obscene
obscuur {adj}
:: obscure
obsederen {v}
:: to obsess, to be obsessed with
observatie {f}
:: observation
observatiepost {f}
:: An observation post, an observation station, a lookout
observatorium {n}
:: observatory (specialised facility for astronomical observations)
observeren {vti}
:: to observe, to watch
obsessie {f}
:: obsession
obsessief {adj}
:: obsessive
obsidionaal {adj}
:: obsidional
obstakel {n}
:: obstacle
obus {m}
:: An artillery shell, particularly one from the First World War
o.c. {adv}
:: initialism of opere citato (Latin for: "in the work which has already been cited")
Occitaans {adj}
:: Occitanian, related to Occitania or the Occitan language
Occitaans {prop} {n}
:: Occitan, a Romance language, at home in and eponymous of Languedoc
oceaan {m}
:: ocean
oceaanbodem {m}
:: ocean floor, seabed
oceaanwater {n}
:: oceanwater
Oceanië {prop} {n}
:: Oceania, a world region composed of many Southern hemisphere islands, including Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia and usually Australia
ocelot {m}
:: ocelot (mammal)
och {interj}
:: alas
ochtend {m}
:: morning
ochtendgrijs {n}
:: morning fog
ochtendhumeur {n}
:: A bad mood in the morning
ochtendjas {m}
:: dressing gown, bathrobe
ochtendjasje {noun}
:: diminutive of ochtendjas
ochtendkrieken {n}
:: Dawn, sunrise
ochtendschemering {f}
:: dawn, morning twilight
ochtendspits {mf}
:: morning rush hour
ochtendspitsuur {n}
:: morning rush hour
ochtendstond {f}
:: break of day
oct- {prefix}
:: oct-
octaaf {n} {f}
:: octave
octaaf {n} {f}
:: octave
octaan {n}
:: octane
octant {m}
:: octant
Octant {prop} {m}
:: Octans
octeen {n}
:: octene
octo- {prefix}
:: octo- (all meanings)
october {m}
:: superseded spelling of oktober
octopool {f}
:: octopole
octopoolterm {m}
:: octopole term
octopus {m}
:: octopus
octrooi {n}
:: patent
octyl {n}
:: octyl
octyn {n}
:: octyne
oculair {adj}
:: ocular (of the eye)
oculair {n}
:: eyepiece, ocular
odalisk {f}
:: an odalisque
ode {f}
:: ode (lyrical poem, usually in praise of something or someone)
odeklonje {n}
:: eye dialect of eau de cologne
odeur {f}
:: odor, smell
odo {m}
:: An African Surinamese proverb
odol {m}
:: A morning wood (erection upon waking up, nocturnal penile tumescence). acronym of ontzettend dikke ochtendlul
Odyssea {prop} {f}
:: obsolete form of Odyssee
Odyssee {prop} {f}
:: The Odyssey
oe. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Oudengels
oed {m}
:: oud (instrument)
oedeem {n}
:: oedema (swelling caused by extracellular bodily fluids in tissue)
Oedipuscomplex {n}
:: Oedipus complex
oef {interj}
:: oof
oefenen {vt}
:: to practice, train
oefening {f}
:: practice
oefening {f}
:: exercise (activity or problem to train a skill, e.g. exercises in educational material)
oefening baart kunst {proverb}
:: practice makes perfect
oefenvijand {m}
:: practice enemy
oefenwedstrijd {m}
:: warm-up match
Oeganda {prop} {n}
:: Uganda
Oegandees {m}
:: An Ugandan
Oegrisch {adj}
:: Ugric
oehoe {c}
:: eagle owl, especially the Eurasian eagle owl
oehoe {interj}
:: the sound an eagle owl makes
oehoeën {v}
:: to hoot (of owls)
oei {interj}
:: an expression of shock; wow, oh dear, oh my
Oeigoer {m}
:: Uyghur
Oeigoers {prop} {n}
:: Uyghur language
Oeigoers {adj}
:: Uyghur
oekaze {mf}
:: An ukase, absolutist edict decreed by a Russian czar or (later) emperor
oekaze {mf}
:: Any absolute order and/or arrogant proclamation
oekonomie {f}
:: household
Oekraïens {adj}
:: Ukrainian, relating to Ukraine and/or its Slavic people/culture
Oekraïens {n}
:: Ukrainian (language)
Oekraïne {prop} {n}
:: Ukraine
Oekraïner {m}
:: Ukrainian (a native or inhabitant of Ukraine)
oelama {noun}
:: ulema
oelama {noun}
:: Islamic religious specialists
oelama {noun}
:: the community of Islamic experts
oelewapper {m}
:: nincompoop, simpleton, numpty, fool
oemma {f}
:: the ummah
oemma {f}
:: an Islamic community
oen {m} {n}
:: A nincompoop, moron, dumb person
oen {m} {n}
:: A castrated donkey
oenemeloen {mf}
:: A dumb or silly person; an oaf, a doodoohead
oenologie {f}
:: oenology
oentje {noun}
:: diminutive of oen
oeps {interj}
:: oops (exclamation used to acknowledge a minor mistake)
oer- {prefix}
:: ur-, proto-: primordial, primeval, original
oer- {prefix}
:: very, intensely, extremely
oer {n}
:: ferrous ground, sand clotted by iron(III) oxide, bog iron ore
Oeraals {adj}
:: Uralic
Oeral-Altaïsch {adj}
:: Ural-Altaic
Oeralisch {adj}
:: Uralic
Oerbantoe {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Bantu
oerbos {n}
:: virgin forest, old-growth forest
oerbosch {n}
:: obsolete spelling of oerbos
oerbron {c}
:: original source
oercontinent {n}
:: primordial supercontinent
Oergermaans {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Germanic
Oergermaans {adj}
:: Proto-Germanic
oerhollands {adj}
:: extremely Dutch
oerhollands {adj}
:: traditionally Dutch
Oerindoeuropees {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Indo-European
Oerindoeuropees {adj}
:: Proto-Indo-European
Oerkeltisch {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Celtic
Oerkeltisch {adj}
:: Proto-Celtic
oerknal {m}
:: Big Bang
Oerknal {prop} {m}
:: alternative case form of oerknal
oerkreet {m}
:: primal scream
Oerle {prop} {n}
:: Oreye, a town in Belgium
oerlelijk {adj}
:: extremely ugly, hideous, fugly
oermens {m}
:: A prehistoric human, especially an apeman
oermens {m}
:: A primitive human, considered uncivilised
Oernoords {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Norse, Proto-Nordic (language)
Oernoords {adj}
:: Proto-Norse, Proto-Nordic
Oeroeralisch {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Uralic
Oeroeralisch {adj}
:: Proto-Uralic
oeros {m}
:: aurochs
oeroud {adj}
:: ancient
oersaai {adj}
:: incredibly boring, extremely dull
Oersemitisch {prop} {n}
:: Proto-Semitic
Oersemitisch {adj}
:: Proto-Semitic
Oerslavisch {prop} {n}
:: Common Slavic, Proto-Slavic
Oerslavisch {adj}
:: Common Slavic, Proto-Slavic
oersoep {f}
:: primordial soup, primordial sea
oersterk {adj}
:: extremely strong, very strong
oerstom {adj}
:: unusually dumb
oertaal {f}
:: proto-language
oertaal {f}
:: primordial language
oertekst {m}
:: original version of a text
oertekst {m}
:: ancient text
oervloed {m}
:: primordial waters, primordial deep
oerwoud {n}
:: jungle
oester {f}
:: oyster, mollusc of the family Ostreidae
Oeteldonk {prop} {n}
:: Nickname of 's-Hertogenbosch or Den Bosch during Carnival
oetlul {m}
:: dumbass, tool, nincompoop, dipshit
oeuvre {n}
:: oeuvre
oever {m}
:: bank (as in riverbank), shore (e.g. of a lake)
oeverloos {adj}
:: shoreless
oeverloos {adj}
:: continuing on and on without any progress or result; boundless
oeverloper {m}
:: common sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos
Oezbeek {m}
:: An Uzbek person
Oezbeeks {adj}
:: Relating, belonging to the Uzbek people, culture
Oezbeeks {adj}
:: Relating, in belonging to the Uzbek language
Oezbeeks {adj}
:: (informally) Relating, belonging to Uzbekistan
Oezbeeks {prop} {n}
:: The Uzbek language
Oezbekistan {prop} {n}
:: Uzbekistan
of {conj}
:: or
of {conj}
:: whether, if
of {conj}
:: either ... or
of {conj}
:: whether ... or
óf {conj}
:: (subordinating) whether, if
offensief {n}
:: offensive
offensief {adj}
:: offensive
offer {n}
:: sacrifice
offer {n}
:: victim
offeraar {m}
:: A sacrificer, one who offers a sacrifice
offeren {v}
:: to sacrifice
offeren {v}
:: to offer
Offerfeest {prop} {n}
:: An Islamic festival commemorating the prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail to Allah; Eid al-Adha
offerte {f}
:: quotation (naming of a price)
officiant {m}
:: officiant, officiating priest or other person holding a religious office
officiant {m}
:: officiating official
officieel {adj}
:: official
officieel {adv}
:: officially
officier {m}
:: officer
officier {m}
:: plantation overseer
officier {m}
:: official
officieus {adj}
:: unofficial
officieus {adj}
:: semi-official
ofra. {prop}
:: Oudfrans ≡ Old French (language)
ofschoon {conj}
:: although, albeit, even though
ofte {conj}
:: or
oftewel {conj}
:: or, also called
ofwel {conj}
:: or, or also, or just as well
ofwel {conj}
:: either ... or
of zo {interj}
:: or something, or so; indicates indifference to the exact details
ogen {v}
:: to look, to appear
ogen {vi}
:: to look intensely
ogen {vt}
:: to see, to view, to eye
ogenblik {n}
:: moment, blink of an eye (instant of time)
ogenblikkelijk {adv}
:: instantly, instantaneously
ogenschijnlijk {adj}
:: apparent
ogenschijnlijk {adv}
:: apparently
ogenwenk {m}
:: obsolete form of oogwenk
oger {m}
:: ogre
Oguzen {prop}
:: Oghuz, the Oghuz people
oh {interj}
:: oh
ohd. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Oudhoogduits
ohm {m}
:: ohm
o.i.d. {phrase}
:: initialism of of iets dergelijks
Oirschot {prop} {n}
:: Oirschot (village/and/municipality)
Oisterwijk {prop} {n}
:: Oisterwijk (village/and/municipality)
o jee {interj}
:: oh dear!, oh my!, dear me!
OK {f}
:: abbreviation of operatiekamer
okapi {m}
:: okapi
oke {interj}
:: OK, okay
oké {adj}
:: correct, acceptable, satisfactory
oké {adj}
:: good
oké {interj}
:: OK
oker {m}
:: ochre (mineral)
oker {n}
:: ochre (colour)
okerrood {adj}
:: ochre-red
okkernoot {noun}
:: Juglans regia; walnut
okra {m}
:: okra
oksel {m}
:: armpit
okselhaar {n}
:: armpit hair
okselhaartje {noun}
:: diminutive of okselhaar
okselmouw {f}
:: sleeveless shirt
oktober {m}
:: October
-ol {suffix}
:: -ol
Oldambt {prop} {n}
:: Oldambt (municipality)
Oldebroek {prop}
:: Oldebroek (village/and/municipality)
Oldenzaal {prop} {n}
:: Oldenzaal (town/and/municipality)
oldtimer {m}
:: A vintage car or other vehicle
olie {f}
:: oil
oliebaron {m}
:: oil baron
oliebol {m}
:: oliebol, a traditional Dutch and Belgian delicacy normally consumed on New Year's Eve or at funfairs
oliebol {m}
:: a dumbass, a stupid person
oliedom {adj}
:: extremely stupid (very unclever)
oliehoudend {adj}
:: oil-bearing
olielamp {f}
:: oil lamp
oliemolen {m}
:: An oil mill
oliën {v}
:: to oil, lubricate
olienoot {f}
:: A peanut
olie op het vuur gooien {v}
:: To worsen a conflict between people; to inflame an already tense situation, to add fuel to the fire
olie op het vuur gooien {v}
:: See: nl olie vuur gooien
olieraffinaderij {f}
:: oil refinery
olieramp {f}
:: oil spill
olieramp {f}
:: oil-related disaster
olieslager {m}
:: An oil miller, an oil crusher; one who presses oil from produce, often with a press or mill
oliestaat {m}
:: An oil state, a petrostate
oliestaat {m}
:: A state of the United States that is a major producer of oil
oliestaatje {noun}
:: diminutive of oliestaat
olieveld {n}
:: oil field
olieverf {f}
:: oil paint
olievlek {f} {m}
:: oil slick
oliewinning {f}
:: oil extraction, oil production
olifant {m}
:: elephant
olifantachtig {adj}
:: Belonging to the order Proboscidea
olifantachtig {adj}
:: Resembling an elephant
olifantachtige {m}
:: An animal of the order Proboscidea
olifantenpaadje {noun}
:: diminutive of olifantenpad
olifantenpad {n}
:: A trail used or made by elephants
olifantenpad {n}
:: A desire line
olifantsvogel {m}
:: elephant bird, member of the Aepyornithidae
oligarch {m}
:: An oligarch (member of an oligarchy)
oligarch {m}
:: A plutocrat, an oligarch, especially in relation to the former Eastern Bloc
oligarchie {f}
:: oligarchy
olijf {m}
:: olive (oily fruit)
olijf {m}
:: olive tree, Olea europaea
Olijfberg {prop} {m}
:: Mount of Olives
olijfboom {m}
:: An olive tree, Olea europaea
olijfboomcoalitie {f}
:: A coalition of social democrats, Christian democrats and greens
olijfboompje {noun}
:: diminutive of olijfboom
olijfgaard {m}
:: olive grove
olijfgroen {adj}
:: olive (a brownish green colour)
olijfgroen {n}
:: olive (colour)
olijfkleurig {adj}
:: olive (colour), greyish green
olijfolie {f}
:: olive oil
olijk {adj}
:: cheeky, cheerful
Ollie {prop}
:: A diminutive of the male given name Oliver
Ollie {prop}
:: A diminutive of the male given name Olivier
olm {m}
:: An elm, tree of the genus Ulmus
-ologie {suffix}
:: -ology
-oloog {suffix}
:: -ologist
Oltenië {prop} {f}
:: Oltenië (historical region)
olv {prep}
:: initialism of onder leiding van
OLV {prop}
:: initialism of Onze Lieve Vrouw
Olympiajol {f}
:: Olympiajolle, O-jolle
olympisch {adj}
:: Olympic
Olympische Spelen {prop} {p}
:: Olympic Games (sport event)
Olympische Winterspelen {prop} {p}
:: The Olympic Winter Games
o.m. {adv}
:: abbreviation of onder meer
om- {prefix}
:: Denotes that the action encloses or surrounds the object
om {prep}
:: around, about
om {prep}
:: at (a time)
om {adv}
:: around, about
om {adv}
:: around, over (to another state)
om {adv}
:: over, from an upright to a horizontal position (as in "fall over")
om {conj}
:: in order to; shortening of om te
om {adj}
:: convinced, persuaded
om {adj}
:: up; over; gone (time)
oma {f}
:: grandma, granny, nan
oma {f}
:: old woman
omafiets {f}
:: a Dutch roadster bicycle (a type of bicycle often seen in the Netherlands), often denoting a bicycle for ladies
omarmen {v}
:: to embrace, to put arms around
omarmen {v}
:: to embrace, to accept (a plan or a fact)
ombouw {m}
:: a conversion of a building so it can fulfil a different purpose; a reconstruction
ombouw {m}
:: a conversion of a machine or its settings so it can do something different; a changeover
ombouwen {vt}
:: to refashion, to convert, to remodel
ombouwen {vt}
:: to apply gender-affirming surgery to
ombouwen {vt}
:: to plough , to plow
ombouwen {vt}
:: to prepare agricultural land for cultivation
ombouwen {vt}
:: to wall, esp. to fortify by enclosing with a wall
ombrengen {v}
:: to kill
ombudsman {m}
:: ombudsman
ombudspersoon {m}
:: ombudsperson
ombudsvrouw {f}
:: ombudswoman
ombuiging {f}
:: the action of bending, of adding curvature
ombuiging {f}
:: the action or state of turning
ombuiging {f}
:: reversal
ombuiging {f}
:: budget cut
ombuiginkje {noun}
:: diminutive of ombuiging
omcirkelen {v}
:: to surround, to envelop
omdat {conj}
:: because
om de haverklap {adv}
:: frequently, regularly
om des keizers baard {prep}
:: Not for money; not seriously; indicating that there is no money or anything else at stake
omdijken {vt}
:: to completely surround with a dike
omdopen {vt}
:: to rename
omdopen {vt}
:: to repurpose, to convert
omdraaien {v}
:: to turn around
omdraaien {n}
:: turnover
omdraaiing {f}
:: turnover
omdrinken {vit}
:: to pass a vessel around and take a sip from it
omelet {f}
:: omelette
omerta {f}
:: omertà, wall of silence, code of silence
omfloersen {v}
:: to surround or to fill with mist or haze
omfloersen {v}
:: to muffle, dampen
omfloersen {v}
:: to conceal, disguise, cover
omgaan {v}
:: to go around
omgaan {v}
:: to pass
omgaan {v}
:: to handle, to cope, to deal
omgaan {v}
:: to associate socially
omgaan {vt}
:: to go around completely
omgang {m}
:: contact
omgang {m}
:: a procession
omgang {m}
:: gallery around a tower
omgang {m}
:: relationship (family, sexual etc...)
omgangstaal {f}
:: everyday speech, vernacular
omgekeerd {adj}
:: reverse, reversed
omgekeerd {adv}
:: vice versa
omgekeerde osmose {f}
:: The technique reverse osmosis
omgeven {v}
:: to surround
omgeving {f}
:: surroundings, area, environment, environs
omgeving {f}
:: social circle, environment
omhaal {m}
:: hustle, ceremony
omhaal {m}
:: verbiage, redundancy
omhaal {m}
:: bicycle kick
omhakken {vt}
:: to chop down, to fell
omheen {circump}
:: around
omheinen {vt}
:: to enclose
omheining {f}
:: a fence
omheining {f}
:: the placing of a fence
omhelzen {v}
:: to hug, embrace
omhelzing {f}
:: embrace, act of folding one's arms around someone (usually the torso)
om het leven komen {v}
:: to pass away
omhoog {adv}
:: upwards
omhoog {adv}
:: on high
omhooggevallen {adj}
:: having attained a high position without the necessary skills, capacities or knowledge; jumped-up
omhoogvallen {v}
:: quickly make career without merit; lit. 'to fall upwards'
omhullen {v}
:: to surround, to encase, to wrap
omhulsel {n}
:: shell, coating
omhulsel {n}
:: integument
omissie {f}
:: omission
omissie {f}
:: negligence
omitteren {v}
:: to omit, to delete
omitteren {v}
:: to disregard, to neglect
omkeer {m}
:: reversal
omkeer {m}
:: revulsion
omkeerbaar {adj}
:: reversible
omkeren {vti}
:: to turn around
omkeren {vt}
:: to reverse
omkeren {vt}
:: to turn upside down
omkering {f}
:: reversal
omkijken {vi}
:: to look back
omkijken {vi}
:: to look after
omkijken {vi}
:: to look around
omkleden {vr}
:: to get changed, to change clothes, to reclothe
omkleden {vt}
:: to surround with (something)
omkleden {v}
:: met reden(en) omkleed: reasoned, giving reason(s)
omklemmen {v}
:: to clasp
omkomen {v}
:: to perish
omkopen {vt}
:: to bribe, buy off
omkoping {f}
:: bribery, corruptly paying off illegitimate favors
omlaag {adv}
:: downwards
omleggen {vt}
:: to snuff, to off
omleiden {v}
:: To detour, to lead around, to send on a detour
omleiding {f}
:: detour, diversion
omloop {m}
:: circulation
omloop {m}
:: (usually in the diminutive) paronychia
omloopbaan {c}
:: orbit
omlooptijd {m}
:: orbital period
omlopen {vi}
:: To walk around, to make a detour
omlopen {vt}
:: To knock down or knock over by walking
ommekeer {m}
:: turnaround, reversal
Ommelanden {prop} {p}
:: The historically Frisian regions aroud the Low Saxon city Groningen during the late Middle Ages and early modern times
Ommen {prop} {n}
:: Ommen (town)
ommes {adv}
:: used for emphasis
ommetje {n}
:: A stroll, a short walk
ommuren {v}
:: to wall in
omnivoor {m}
:: omnivore, creature eating both plants and animals
omrekenen {v}
:: to convert (sense 6: to express a unit of measure in terms of another)
omrijden {vi}
:: To drive around, to make a detour
omrijden {vt}
:: To knock down or knock over by riding or driving
omringen {v}
:: to surround
omroep {m}
:: broadcaster
omroepen {v}
:: to broadcast, announce
omroeper {m}
:: announcer
omroepster {f}
:: female announcer
omschrijven {v}
:: to describe
omschrijven {v}
:: to transliterate
omschrijving {f}
:: description, definition
omsingelen {vt}
:: to surround, to envelop, to encircle
omsingeling {f}
:: encirclement, the act of surrounding
omsingelingsslag {m}
:: A battle of encirclement, an encirclement battle
omslaan {vt}
:: to turn over
omslaan {vi}
:: to turn, to change direction or disposition
omslaan {vt}
:: to knock over
omslaan {vi}
:: to turn over, to be knocked over, to flip
omslachtig {adj}
:: circuitous
omslag {m} {n}
:: cover (of a book)
omslag {m} {n}
:: sudden change, turnaround, reversal
omslag {m} {n}
:: pro rata tax
omslag {m} {n}
:: cuff on a trouser leg, turnup
omsluiten {v}
:: to enclose
omspinnen {vt}
:: to wrap around (with a thread)
omspringen {v}
:: to handle, to treat
omspringen {v}
:: to jump about, to hop around
omstaan {v}
:: to stand around
omstander {m}
:: bystander
omstandig {adj}
:: with too many details, unnecessarily elaborate
omstandigheid {f}
:: circumstance, condition
omstandigheidszin {m}
:: circumstantial clause/sentence
omstreden {adj}
:: controversial, contentious
omstreek {f}
:: The area surrounding a locale, the surroundings
omstreeks {adv}
:: around, circa
om te {particle}
:: to
om te {particle}
:: for the purpose of
om te beginnen {adv}
:: first of all, to begin with, for starters, for one
omtoveren {vt}
:: to transmogrify, to turn into using magic
omtoveren {vt}
:: to revamp
omtrek {m}
:: perimeter
omtrek {m}
:: circumference
omtrek {m}
:: outer line
omtrekken {vt}
:: to pull over, to make fall down
omtrekken {vt}
:: to demarcate, to mark the contours of an object
omtrekken {vt}
:: to pull around
omtrekken {vi}
:: to go around
omtrekken {vi}
:: to travel around
omtrekken {vt}
:: to surround, cover around
omtrekken {vt}
:: to demarcate
omtrent {prep}
:: concerning
omvallen {v}
:: to fall over, to topple
omvang {m}
:: dimension, size, extensiveness, volume, magnitude, scope
omvang {m}
:: ambitus of an instrument, vocal range
omvang {m}
:: girth, circumference, perimeter of a shape
omvangrijk {adj}
:: bulky, extensive
omvatten {v}
:: to envelop, encompass
omvatten {v}
:: to include
omvattend {adj}
:: comprehensive, inclusive
omver {adv}
:: In a way to cause something to be knocked over
omver {adv}
:: Having fallen over
omverwerpen {v}
:: to overthrow
omvliegen {vt}
:: to fly around
omvliegen {vi}
:: to turn around while flying
omvliegen {vt}
:: to surround while flying
omvoegsel {f}
:: circumfix
omvolking {f}
:: demographic replacement by exchanging one population for another
omvormen {v}
:: to transform, to reshape
omvormer {m}
:: convertor
omvorming {f}
:: transformation
omwaaien {v}
:: to blow over
omwallen {v}
:: to wall in, to surround with walls
omweg {m}
:: detour (route that is longer than necessary)
omwentelen {v}
:: to revolve
omwenteling {f}
:: revolution
omwentelingslichaam {n}
:: surface of revolution
omwikkelen {v}
:: to wrap up, to bandage
omwille {adv}
:: only used in omwille van
omwille van {prep}
:: for the sake of, for ...'s sake
omwinden {vt}
:: to wrap around
omwinden {vi}
:: to wrap around
omwoelen {vt}
:: to toss over, to spade over, to upturn, to rout
omwoelen {vt}
:: to rumple
omwoelen {vt}
:: to toss around, to spade around
om zeep helpen {vt}
:: to kill, to snuff, to rub out
omzeilen {v}
:: to get around
omzet {m}
:: revenue, turnover
omzetbelasting {f}
:: VAT, value-added tax
omzetten {v}
:: to turn, to flip
omzetten {v}
:: to convert
omzetten {v}
:: to cast (change the type of a variable)
omzetting {f}
:: conversion (the process of converting things from one state to another)
omzetting {f}
:: translation
omzichtig {adj}
:: cautious, discreet, prudent
omzichtigheid {f}
:: caution
omzien {vi}
:: to look back
omzien {vi}
:: to look after (to care for/about)
omzien {vi}
:: to look around
omzomen {v}
:: to change the hem of a piece of clothing
omzomen {v}
:: to border, skirt
omzwermen {vi}
:: to swarm around
omzwermen {vt}
:: to surround with a swarm or crowd
omzwerven {v}
:: to compass (go about or round entirely)
omzweven {vti}
:: to hover around
omzweven {vti}
:: to glide around
omzweven {vt}
:: to surround while hovering
omzweven {vt}
:: to surround while gliding
-on {suffix}
:: -one
-on {suffix}
:: -on
on- {prefix}
:: un-, in-
on- {prefix}
:: on, without
on {adv}
:: rarely used as shorthand for oneven (odd), the prefix on- means not (corresponds to English un-)
onaangenaam {adj}
:: not nice, unpleasant, unfriendly
onaangeroerd {adj}
:: pristine, unspoiled
onaangeroerd {adj}
:: untouched, (topic) undiscussed
onaangesproken {adj}
:: untapped
onaankomelijk {adj}
:: unreachable, impossible to reach or touch
onaantrekkelijk {adj}
:: unattractive, ugly
onaanvaardbaar {adj}
:: unacceptable
onaards {adj}
:: unnatural, unearthly
onachtzaam {adj}
:: inattentive, negligent
onachtzaamheid {f}
:: inattentiveness, carelessness
onafgewerkt {adj}
:: unfinished
onafhankelijk {adj}
:: independent
onafhankelijk {adj}
:: irrespective of
onafhankelijk {adv}
:: independently
onafhankelijkheid {f}
:: independence
onafhankelijkheidsstrijd {m}
:: struggle for independence
onafhankelijkheidsstrijder {m}
:: independence fighter
onafscheidelijk {adj}
:: inseparable, joined at the hip
onafwendbaar {adj}
:: ineluctable, inevitable, unavoidable (that cannot be prevented or avoided)
onager {m}
:: onager, Asiatic wild ass, Equus hemionus
onager {m}
:: onager (Roman torsion catapult)
onanie {f}
:: masturbation, onanism; usually referring to historical contexts where it's regarded as a dangerous pathology
onanisme {n}
:: onanism
onbalans {c}
:: imbalance, disequilibrium, instability
onbedaarlijk {adj}
:: irrepressible, uncontrollable
onbedaarlijk {adv}
:: irrepressibly, uncontrollably
onbedoeld {adj}
:: unintentional
onbedoeld {adv}
:: unintentionally
onbeduidend {adj}
:: (literally) insignificant
onbeduidend {adj}
:: minute (very small), marginal; unimportant
onbegaanbaar {adj}
:: impracticable, untraversable
onbegeleid {adj}
:: unaccompanied
onbegrensd {adj}
:: unlimited, boundless
onbegrijpelijk {adj}
:: unintelligible, incomprehensible
onbegrip {n}
:: incomprehension
onbehaaglijk {adj}
:: uncomfortable
onbehaaglijk {adv}
:: uncomfortably
onbeheerst {adj}
:: unrestrained
onbehoorlijk {adj}
:: unfitting, improper
onbekend {adj}
:: unknown
onbekend {adj}
:: anonymous
onbekende {m}
:: stranger, non-acquaintance, someone neither known nor trusted to the person of reference
onbekende {m}
:: (with the definite article: het onbekende) The unknown, what one is not familiar with
onbekwaam {adj}
:: unable, incapable, incompetent
onbelangrijk {adj}
:: unimportant
onbelastbaar {adj}
:: not taxable, exempt from taxation
onbeleefd {adj}
:: uncivil, rude
onbeleefd {adj}
:: cruel, callous
onbemand {adj}
:: unmanned
onbenul {n}
:: complete lack of understanding, insight or awareness
onbenul {mf}
:: someome who shows a complete lack of understanding, insight or awareness
onbenullig {adj}
:: unaware, stupid, clueless, lacking awareness
onbepaald {adj}
:: uncertain, indefinite
onbepaalde wijs {f}
:: infinitive (mode/mood)
onbepaald lidwoord {n}
:: indefinite article
onbeperkt {adj}
:: unrestricted, unlimited
onbereikbaar {adj}
:: unreachable, unattainable, unachievable
onberispelijk {adj}
:: irreprovable
onberispelijk {adv}
:: irreprovably
onbeschaafd {adj}
:: uncivilized
onbeschaamd {adj}
:: shameless, impudent
onbeschoft {adj}
:: not polite
onbeschrijfelijk {adj}
:: indescribable, unspeakable
onbestaanbaar {adj}
:: impossible, not able to exist
onbestaanbaar {adj}
:: impossible, untenable
onbestaanbaar {adj}
:: insufferable, intolerable, obnoxious
onbesuisd {adj}
:: rash, reckless
onbetaalbaar {adj}
:: unaffordable
onbetaalbaar {adj}
:: priceless
onbetaalbaar {adv}
:: unaffordably
onbetaalbaar {adv}
:: pricelessly
onbeteugelbaar {adj}
:: untameable, indomitable
onbeteugeld {adj}
:: unbridled
onbetrouwbaar {adj}
:: unreliable, untrustworthy
onbetwist {adj}
:: undisputed
onbetwist {adv}
:: undisputedly
onbevangen {adj}
:: uninhibited
onbevoegd {adj}
:: unqualified, unauthorised, not having permission
onbevreesd {adj}
:: fearless, unperturbed
onbevrucht {adj}
:: unfertilised
onbeweeglijk {adj}
:: stationary, immobile, motionless
onbeweeglijk {adj}
:: unshakeable, unwavering, steadfast
onbeweeglijkheid {f}
:: immovability
onbeweeglijkheid {f}
:: immobility
onbewogen {adj}
:: untroubled, unmoved
onbewogen {adv}
:: untroubledly
onbewoond {adj}
:: uninhabited
onbezield {adj}
:: uninspired, listless
onbezonnen {adj}
:: rash, careless, reckless
onbezonnen {adj}
:: not well considered
onbezonnenheid {f}
:: rashness, impetuosity
onbruik {n}
:: disuse
onbruikbaar {adj}
:: unusable, useless
onbruikbaarheid {f}
:: uselessness
onbuigzaam {adj}
:: inflexible, rigid
onbuigzaam {adj}
:: inflexible, unbending, unyielding, uncompromising, intransigent
onchristelijk {adj}
:: unchristian
oncologe {f}
:: female oncologist
oncologie {f}
:: oncology (study of cancer; therapy against cancer)
oncologisch {adj}
:: oncological
oncoloog {m}
:: An oncologist, physician specialised in oncology (cancers)
ondank {m}
:: ingratitude, lack of gratitude or even an inverse reward
ondankbaar {adj}
:: ungrateful, showing no gratitude
ondankbaar {adj}
:: thankless, yielding (little or) no thanks or reward; unproductive
ondank is 's werelds loon {proverb}
:: One often receives ingratitude or no recognition for one's accomplishments
ondanks {prep}
:: despite, in spite of
onde {f}
:: wave
ondeelbaar {adj}
:: indivisible
ondenkbaar {adj}
:: unthinkable
onder- {prefix}
:: Prepended to verbs; denotes that the action happens underneath, or downwards on the object. Similar to sub-, under-, lower
onder- {prefix}
:: Prepended to verbs, nouns and adjectives; denotes that the action or state takes place insufficiently
onder {adv}
:: under, downwards
onder {adv}
:: (to) under (implying motion)
onder {prep}
:: under, below, beneath, underneath
onder {prep}
:: among, including
onderaan {prep}
:: at the bottom of
onderaan {adv}
:: at the bottom
onderaannemer {m}
:: subcontractor
onderaanvoerder {m}
:: subcommander
onderaards {adj}
:: underground
onder andere {adv}
:: among other things
onderarm {m}
:: forearm, lower half of the arm, from elbow to hand
onderbaas {m}
:: a generic term referring to a person that acts on behalf of their superior in the event of the said superior's absence, such as an acting manager of a firm; a deputy, a lieutenant
onderbaas {m}
:: an underboss
onderbaas {m}
:: base of a pillar
onderbazin {f}
:: a generic term referring to a female person that acts on behalf of their superior in the event of the said superior's absence, such as an acting manager of a firm; a deputy, a lieutenant
onderbelasten {vt}
:: to underburden
onderbelasten {vt}
:: to undertax
onderbelichten {vt}
:: to underexpose
onderbelichten {vt}
:: to cover a topic insufficiently, to neglect a topic
onderbelichten {vt}
:: to underexpose
onderbelichten {vt}
:: to cover a topic insufficiently, to neglect a topic
onderbenutting {f}
:: underutilization, incomplete use (of e.g. a budget)
onderbetaald {adj}
:: underpaid
onderbetalen {vt}
:: to underpay
onderbewust {adj}
:: subconscious
onderbewustzijn {n}
:: subconsciousness
onderbouw {m}
:: the foundational part of a construction (e.g. a building) which serves to support that which has been built upon it; as in infrastructure
onderbouw {m}
:: the lower-level classes of a school, e.g. the 1st and 2nd grades of grammar school in the Netherlands, or the first few years of secondary school in both the Netherlands and Flanders
onderbouwen {v}
:: to support, to buttress
onderbouwen {v}
:: to substantiate (a claim)
onderbouwing {f}
:: argumentation, evidence, substantiation, basis (particularly of an opinion, allegation or accusation)
onderbreken {v}
:: to interrupt, disrupt, butt in
onderbreking {f}
:: interruption
onderbrengen {v}
:: to accommodate, lodge
onderbrengen {v}
:: to categorize
onderbroek {f}
:: a pair of undershorts, underpants or pants (underwear for any sex or gender), short or long johns which can be worn under trousers and directly on the skin of lower limbs and private parts
onderbroekenhumor {m}
:: toilet humour (vulgar or silly humour, mainly pertaining to sexuality and the secretional functions of the digestive system)
onderbroekenlol {m}
:: toilet humour (vulgar or silly humour, mainly pertaining to sexuality and the secretional functions of the digestive system)
onderbuik {m}
:: underbelly (the lower part of the abdominal cavity)
onderbuik {m}
:: vulnerable side, weak spot
onderbuik {m}
:: gut (seat of visceral and irrational emotions and urges)
onderbuikgevoel {n}
:: gut feeling, visceral feeling, often construed as prejudiced
onderbuur {m}
:: downstairs neighbour
onderdaan {m}
:: subject (i.e. a citizen in a monarchy)
onderdak {n}
:: lodging, shelter
onderdanig {adj}
:: pertaining to a ruler's subject
onderdanig {adj}
:: submissive, obedient in a servile manner
onderdeel {n}
:: component
onder de knie {adj}
:: learned, mastered, (having something) down
onder de loep nemen {vt}
:: to investigate, to take a closer look at, to examine
onder de pannen {adj}
:: having a roof above one's head, living somewhere
onder de pannen {adj}
:: secure and comfortable, especially in terms of lodgings and livelihood
onder de pannen {adj}
:: occupied, busy, not bored
onderdoen {vt}
:: to subjugate
onderdoen {vt}
:: to place underneath
onderdoen {vi}
:: to be inferior
onderdompelen {v}
:: to immerse
onderdoor {circump}
:: passing through below, going underneath
onderdoor {adv}
:: passing through below
onderdruk {m}
:: underpressure, deficiency in pressure
onderdrukken {v}
:: to oppress
onderdrukken {v}
:: to suppress
onderdrukker {m}
:: oppressor
onderdrukking {f}
:: oppression
onderdrukt {adj}
:: oppressed
onderduiken {v}
:: to submerge, to submerse
onderduiken {v}
:: to hide from authorities
onderduiker {m}
:: person in hiding
onder ede {adv}
:: under oath
ondereen {adv}
:: amongst ourselves or themselves
onderfamilie {f}
:: subfamily
onderfinancieren {vt}
:: to underfinance, to finance inadequately
ondergaan {v}
:: to undergo, endure
ondergaan {v}
:: to put up with
ondergaan {v}
:: To go down; to set
ondergang {m}
:: the setting (of the sun or moon)
ondergang {m}
:: downfall, ruination
ondergangsprofeet {m}
:: doomsayer
ondergangsprofetes {f}
:: female doomsayer
onder geen beding {adv}
:: under no circumstances, never ever, not for any reason
ondergeschikt {adj}
:: subordinate
ondergeschikte {noun}
:: subordinate
ondergeschikte {noun}
:: underling, minion
ondergistend {adj}
:: underfermented
ondergoed {n}
:: underwear
ondergraven {v}
:: to sap, wear off from underneath
ondergraven {v}
:: to subvert, undermine
ondergrens {f}
:: lower limit, lower border
ondergroei {m}
:: undergrowth (relatively short vegetation such as shrubs, when occurring alongside taller vegetation)
ondergrond {m}
:: underground, subsoil, subsurface, bottom
ondergrond {m}
:: ground, basis, foundation, groundwork
ondergrond {m}
:: compartment (mound beneath the shield in a coat of arms on which the supporters stand)
ondergronds {adj}
:: underground
ondergrondse {m}
:: underground, subway, metro
ondergrondse {m}
:: underground (resistance movement)
onderhand {adv}
:: gradually, bit by bit
onderhand {adv}
:: by now, by this time, by this point
onderhandelaar {m}
:: negotiator
onderhandelen {v}
:: to negotiate
onderhandeling {f}
:: negotiation
onderheien {vt}
:: to drive a pile underneath
onderheien {vt}
:: to support with driven piles
onder het kleed {prep}
:: under the rug, meaning to conceal something
onderhorig {adj}
:: subject, subservient, subordinate
onderhorige {noun}
:: subordinate
onderhorige {noun}
:: slave
onderhoud {n}
:: maintenance
onderhoud {n}
:: overhaul
onderhoud {n}
:: audience (formal meeting)
onderhoud {n}
:: basic needs
onderhouden {v}
:: to maintain
onderhouden {v}
:: to submerge, keep under
onderhoudsarm {adj}
:: requiring little maintenance, low-maintenance
onderhoudsbezoek {n}
:: maintenance visit
onderhoudsplicht {f}
:: the legal obligation of children to cover for the elderly care cost of their parents
onderhuren {vt}
:: to sublet, to sublease
onderhuren {vt}
:: to sublet or sublease in secret
onderin {prep}
:: at/in the bottom of
onderin {adv}
:: at/in the bottom
onderjurk {f}
:: A women's undergarment worn under a dress; a slip, a petticoat
onderjurkje {noun}
:: diminutive of onderjurk
onderkaak {f}
:: mandible, a lower jaw
onderkant {m}
:: bottom, underside
onderkennen {v}
:: to be aware of, to understand the importance of
onderkin {f}
:: double chin
onderkinnetje {noun}
:: diminutive of onderkin
onderklasse {f}
:: underclass
onderkoelen {vt}
:: to undercool
onderkoelen {vt}
:: to cause hypothermia
onderkoelen {vt}
:: to supercool
onderkoeling {f}
:: hypothermia
onderkoeling {f}
:: supercooling
onderkomen {n}
:: accommodation, lodging
onderkomen {n}
:: abode, dwelling (slightly dated term for residence)
onderkomentje {noun}
:: diminutive of onderkomen
onderkoning {m}
:: viceroy
onderkruipsel {n}
:: midget
onderlangs {adv}
:: passing below, along the bottom
onderlegger {m}
:: A place mat or coaster
onderlichaam {n}
:: lower body
onderliggend {adj}
:: underlying
onderlijf {n}
:: Lower body
onderlijnen {vt}
:: to underline, to underscore
onderlimiet {f}
:: lower limit, lower border
onderling {adj}
:: under each other
onderling {adj}
:: mutual, reciprocal
onderlip {m}
:: lower lip
onderlopen {v}
:: to become flooded
ondermaans {adj}
:: earthly
ondermaans {adj}
:: irreligious, profane
ondermaans {adj}
:: sublunar
onder meer {adv}
:: among others
ondermijnen {v}
:: to undermine, subvert, sap
onderminister {m}
:: undersecretary
ondernemen {v}
:: to undertake (an enterprise)
ondernemer {m}
:: agent noun of ondernemen; entrepreneur
onderneming {f}
:: venture, enterprise, concern
ondernemingsgeest {m}
:: spirit of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial mindset
onder ogen krijgen {vt}
:: to get sight of, to become able to view
onder ogen zien {vt}
:: to face, to confront or deal with (something difficult)
onderonsje {n}
:: A meet-up, a get-together, a tête-à-tête, an informal gathering
onderpand {n}
:: a pledge, a guarantee, a form of security
onderpresteren {vi}
:: to underperform, to underachieve
onderricht {n}
:: education, instruction, teaching
onderrichten {vt}
:: to teach, to educate
onderrichter {m}
:: instructor
onderrok {m}
:: A women's undergarment worn under a skirt; a slip, a petticoat
onderrokje {noun}
:: diminutive of onderrok
onderschatten {v}
:: to underestimate
onderschatting {f}
:: underestimate
onderscheid {n}
:: difference
onderscheiden {v}
:: to distinguish, to discriminate
onderscheiden {v}
:: to distinguish, discern
onderscheiden {v}
:: to treat with distinction
onderscheiden {v}
:: to decorate (with a medal)
onderscheiden {adj}
:: various, different
onderscheiden {adj}
:: diverse
onderscheiden {adj}
:: several
onderscheiding {f}
:: distinction
onderscheiding {f}
:: decoration
onderscheppen {vt}
:: to intercept (to gain possession of)
onderschikken {vt}
:: to suppress, to subjugate
onderschikken {vr}
:: to be subservient
onderschildering {f}
:: underpainting
onderschragen {vt}
:: to support (underneath)
onderschrijden {vt}
:: to stay in the boundary or limit
onderschrijden {vt}
:: to subceed, to not exceed
onderschrijven {v}
:: to affirm, to support (a point of view, argument, etc)
ondersneeuwen {v}
:: to become covered with snow
ondersneeuwen {v}
:: to snow under
ondersoort {f}
:: subspecies
onderspannen {vt}
:: to tighten, stress, or strain insufficiently
onderspannen {vt}
:: to subtend
onderspannen {adj}
:: strained or stressed insufficiently
onderspannen {adj}
:: emotionally dull or spiritless
onderst {adj}
:: lowermost
onderstaand {adj}
:: written/shown/mentioned below
ondersteboven {adv}
:: upside down
onderstel {n}
:: undercarriage, underframe, chassis (supporting framework onto which something is mounted, often to enable transport)
onderstellen {vt}
:: to assume, suppose
ondersteunen {v}
:: to support
ondersteuner {m}
:: One who lends support, such as a fan, accomplice or second (who agrees in addition)
ondersteuning {f}
:: support
onderstrepen {v}
:: to underline, underscore
onderstromen {vi}
:: to flood, engulf
onderstromen {vt}
:: to make a stream or current underneath
onder stroom {adv}
:: electrified, having voltage applied
onderstroom {m}
:: Undercurrent (literally and figuratively)
onderstuiven {vi}
:: to cover in dust
onderstuiven {vi}
:: to cover in dust
onderstutten {vt}
:: to support, to place support under
ondertekenen {vt}
:: to sign, to put a signature under
ondertitel {m}
:: caption
ondertitelen {v}
:: to caption, to subtitle
ondertiteling {f}
:: The subtitles to a video in a particular language ; sub
ondertrouwen {vr}
:: to undertake an engagement
ondertunnelen {vt}
:: to build a tunnel underneath
ondertussen {adv}
:: meanwhile, in the meantime
onderuit {adv}
:: out from underneath (something)
onderuit {adv}
:: losing support (of one's legs, etc.),
onderuit {interj}
:: timber!
onderuitgave {f}
:: underspend
onderuithalen {v}
:: to upend, to undo
onderuitputting {f}
:: Incomplete use of budgeted funds
ondervangen {vt}
:: to forestall, to prevent
ondervangen {vt}
:: to intercept
onderverdelen {v}
:: to subdivide
onderverdeling {f}
:: subdivision
onderverhuren {vt}
:: to sublet, to sublease
onderverzekerd {adj}
:: underinsured (having insufficient insurance)
ondervinden {v}
:: to experience
ondervoeden {vt}
:: to underfeed
ondervoorzitter {m}
:: A dignitary ranking below the voorzitter (president or chairman), and if their is/are one/more also below the vice-voorzitter(s)
ondervragen {vt}
:: to interrogate, to question
ondervrager {mf}
:: interrogator
ondervraging {f}
:: questioning, interrogation
onderwaarderen {v}
:: to underappreciate
onderwaarderen {v}
:: to underestimate, to undervalue
onderwaterzicht {n}
:: underwater vision, usually referring to vision conditions due to water quality
onderweg {adv}
:: en route, on the way
onderwereld {f}
:: netherworld, underworld
onderwereld {f}
:: organized crime, underworld
onderwereldgod {m}
:: god of the underworld (deity ruling the realm of the dead)
onderwereldgodin {f}
:: goddess of the underworld (goddess ruling and presiding over the realm of the dead)
onderwerelds {adj}
:: underworldly, pertaining to the underworld
onderwerelds {adj}
:: subterranean
onderwerp {n}
:: subject, topic
onderwerp {n}
:: subject (of a sentence)
onderwerpen {v}
:: to subject
onderwerping {f}
:: submission; subjection; subjugation
onderwijl {adv}
:: in the meantime
onderwijs {n}
:: education
onderwijskundig {adj}
:: educational
onderwijzen {vt}
:: to teach, to educate
onderwijzer {m}
:: teacher
onderwijzeres {f}
:: A female teacher (female person who teaches)
onderwijzing {f}
:: teaching
onderworpenheid {f}
:: submissiveness, servility
onderzeeboot {m}
:: submarine
onderzeeboot {m}
:: submarine that can remain submerged for long periods
onderzeebootdienst {f}
:: section of a navy specialised in operating with submarines, submarine service
onderzeebootman {m}
:: male submariner, male sailor on a submarine
onderzeebootmoederschip {n}
:: submarine mothership (ship functioning as a base for submarines)
onderzeebootvloot {f}
:: A submarine fleet, e.g. the submarine division of a navy
onderzeedienst {f}
:: section of a navy specialised in operating with submarines, submarine service
onderzeeër {m}
:: submarine (submersible boat)
onderzees {adj}
:: submarine, undersea
onderzeevloot {f}
:: A submarine fleet, e.g. the submarine division of a navy
onderzetter {m}
:: A coaster, a beer mat
onderzetter {m}
:: A trivet
onderzijde {f}
:: underside, bottom
onderzoek {n}
:: research, experiment, study, trial, test, survey
onderzoek {n}
:: investigation, inquiry, examination, survey
onderzoeken {v}
:: to investigate
onderzoeken {v}
:: to (do) research
onderzoeker {m}
:: researcher
onderzoeksjournalist {m}
:: investigative reporter, investigative journalist
onderzoeksmethode {f}
:: research method
onderzoeksstation {n}
:: research station
onderzoekstafel {f}
:: examination table
onderzoekstafeltje {noun}
:: diminutive of onderzoekstafel
onderzoeksteam {n}
:: research team
onderzoekster {f}
:: female researcher
onderzouten {vt}
:: to salt insufficiently, to put less salt in/on
ondeugd {f}
:: A vice (bad habit)
ondeugd {f}
:: A naughty person
ondeugdelijk {adj}
:: defective, inferior, unsound
ondeugend {adj}
:: bad-natured, vicious
ondeugend {adj}
:: mischievous, naughty
ondeugend {adj}
:: (fond of) teasing
ondicht {n}
:: prose
ondicht {n}
:: work of prose
ondiep {adj}
:: shallow
ondier {n}
:: A vermin, a nasty or unwanted beast; a monster
ondiertje {noun}
:: diminutive of ondier
onding {n}
:: stupid, detestable thing
ondode {m}
:: undead
ondoordacht {adj}
:: thoughtless, rash, not thought through
ondoordringbaar {adj}
:: impenetrable, inaccessible, impregnable, unassailable
ondoorzichtig {adj}
:: opaque
ondoorzichtigheid {f}
:: opaqueness
ondrinkbaar {adj}
:: undrinkable
ondubbelzinnig {adj}
:: unambiguous
onduidelijk {adj}
:: unclear
onduidelijk {adj}
:: confusing
onduidelijk {adj}
:: vague, hazy
onecht {adj}
:: extramarital
onecht {adj}
:: inauthentic, fraudulent, false
oneens {adj}
:: (Only as het oneens zijn) not of the same opinion
oneer {f} {m}
:: shame, dishonour
oneerbiedig {adj}
:: disrespectful, irreverent, unceremonious
oneerlijk {adj}
:: dishonest
oneerlijk {adj}
:: unfair, unjust
oneerlijkheid {f}
:: dishonesty
oneerlijkheid {f}
:: unfairness, unjustness
oneffen {adj}
:: uneven
oneffenheid {f}
:: unevenness
oneigenlijk {adj}
:: figurative
oneigenlijk {adj}
:: improper
oneindig {adj}
:: infinite, boundless, endless, unlimited
oneindigheid {f}
:: infinity
onen {v}
:: to yean
onenig {adj}
:: discordant, unharmonious
onenigheid {f}
:: disagreement, quarrel, friction
onervaren {adj}
:: inexperienced, green
onervarenheid {f}
:: inexperience
onethisch {adj}
:: unethical
oneven {adj}
:: odd, uneven
onfalsifieerbaarheid {f}
:: unfalsifiability
onfatsoenlijk {adj}
:: indecent, improper
onfatsoenlijk {adj}
:: obscene, vulgar
onfeilbaar {adj}
:: infallible
onfeilbaarheid {f}
:: infallibility
onfrank. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Oudnederfrankisch
ongans {n}
:: disease of sheep caused by liver fluke
ongeacht {prep}
:: regardless of
ongebluste kalk {m}
:: quicklime, caustic lime (calcium oxide)
ongebruikelijk {adj}
:: unusual
ongecodeerd {adj}
:: unencoded, unencrypted
ongecontroleerd {adj}
:: uncontrolled
ongedaan {adj}
:: undone
ongedaan maken {v}
:: to undo
ongedeeld {adj}
:: undivided
ongedeerd {adj}
:: unharmed, unhurt, unscathed
ongedekt {adj}
:: uncovered, not protected against attacks or the elements
ongedekt {adj}
:: uncovered, not wearing headwear
ongedekt {adj}
:: naked, not clothed
ongedekt {adj}
:: uncovered, not having been covered by a male animal
ongedekt {adj}
:: unsecured
ongedekt {adj}
:: unchecked, being in an open syllable
ongedekt {adj}
:: not covered by a tablecloth
ongedierte {n}
:: vermin, pests, harmful or undesirable animals
ongedierte {n}
:: undesirable people
ongediertebestrijding {f}
:: pest control (activity of exterminating pests)
ongediertebestrijding {f}
:: pest control service, pest control agency
ongeduld {n}
:: impatience
ongeduldig {adj}
:: impatient
ongedwongen {adj}
:: unforced, free
ongedwongen {adj}
:: not unnatural, spontaneous, easy
ongedwongenheid {f}
:: unforcedness
ongefundeerd {adj}
:: unfounded, baseless
ongegrond {adj}
:: specious (seemingly well-reasoned, but fallacious)
ongegrond {adj}
:: unfounded, groundless, baseless
ongegrond {adj}
:: gratuitous
ongehinderd {adj}
:: unimpeded, unhindered, unobstructed
ongehoord {adj}
:: unheard-of
ongehoord {adj}
:: shameful, reprehensible
ongehoord {adj}
:: terrible, excessive
ongehoorzaam {adj}
:: disobedient
ongehoorzaamheid {f}
:: disobedience
ongehuwd {adj}
:: unmarried, single, having no spouse
ongekend {adj}
:: unprecedented, unknown
ongekend {adj}
:: immense, enormous
ongekoperd {adj}
:: not coppered, without a cover, paint, coat or other fit with or like copper or brassware
ongeldig {adj}
:: invalid, void
ongelegen {adj}
:: untimely, inopportune
ongeletterd {adj}
:: illiterate
ongeletterde {mf}
:: an illiterate
ongelezen {adj}
:: unread
ongelijk {adj}
:: unequal, different
ongelijk {adj}
:: uneven, rough, bumpy
ongelijk {n}
:: wrongness
ongelijkheid {f}
:: inequality
ongelijkmatig {adj}
:: uneven
ongelijkmatig {adv}
:: unevenly
ongelikte beer {m}
:: rude, unsympathetic person; churl, boor
ongelofelijk {adj}
:: alternative form of ongelooflijk
ongeloof {n}
:: Disbelief
ongelooflijk {adj}
:: unbelievable
ongeloofwaardig {adj}
:: unbelievable, not credible
ongelovig {adj}
:: unbelieving
ongelovige {mf}
:: A non-believer
ongelovige {mf}
:: An infidel
ongeluk {n}
:: unhappiness, misery
ongeluk {n}
:: accident
ongeluk {n}
:: bad luck, misfortune
ongelukkig {adj}
:: unfortunate
ongelukkig {adj}
:: unhappy
ongeluksbrenger {m}
:: jinx, Jonas, bringer of bad luck
ongeluksvogel {m}
:: A human jinx, unlucky person, who seems to attract bad luck
ongemak {n}
:: inconvenience
ongemak {n}
:: unease, discomfort
ongemak {n}
:: flaw, defect
ongemakkelijk {adj}
:: uncomfortable
ongemakkelijk {adj}
:: inconvenient
ongemakkelijk {adj}
:: uneasy, difficult
ongemout {adj}
:: unmalted
ongenaakbaar {adj}
:: unapproachable, inaccessible
ongenaakbaar {adj}
:: distant, detached, aloof
ongenaakbaarheid {f}
:: inaccessibility
ongenaakbaarheid {f}
:: aloofness, detachedness
ongenadig {adj}
:: merciless, ruthless
ongeneeslijk {adj}
:: incurable, untreatable
ongenoegen {n}
:: chagrin (distress from failure; vexation or mortification)
ongenoegen {n}
:: dysphoria (state of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed)
ongenoegen {n}
:: disdain (feeling of contempt or scorn)
ongenood {adj}
:: unwelcome, uninvited
ongenood {adj}
:: uncoerced, unforced
ongeoorloofd {adj}
:: forbidden
ongeoorloofd {adj}
:: unauthorized
ongeregeldheid {f}
:: state of being unregulated (not organised by rules)
ongeregeldheid {f}
:: public disturbance
ongeremd {adj}
:: wild, unrestrained
ongerept {adj}
:: pristine
ongerijmd {adj}
:: absurd
ongerijmd {adj}
:: not rhymed
ongerijmdheid {f}
:: absurdity
ongerust {adj}
:: worried
ongeschikt {adj}
:: unsuitable
ongeschikt {adj}
:: unfriendly
ongeschoren {adj}
:: unshaved
ongeschreven {adj}
:: unwritten
ongesteld {adj}
:: menstruating
ongesteld {adj}
:: somewhat ill
ongesteld {adj}
:: in poor condition, bad
ongestoord {adj}
:: undisturbed
ongetrouwd {adj}
:: unmarried, not joined by marriage; may mean 'living in sin'
ongetrouwd {adj}
:: unwed, single, having no spouse; often taken for widowed
ongetwijfeld {adv}
:: undoubtedly, surely
ongevaarlijk {adj}
:: harmless
ongeval {n}
:: accident
ongeveer {adv}
:: about, roughly, approximately
ongevoelig {adj}
:: insensitive, crass, callous
ongewassen {adj}
:: unwashed (not having been washed)
ongewenst {adj}
:: undesirable
ongewerveld {adj}
:: invertebrate
ongewijzigd {adj}
:: unaltered
ongewis {adj}
:: unsure, uncertain
ongewisse {n}
:: uncertainty
ongewoon {adj}
:: unusual
ongezien {adj}
:: unseen
ongodist {mf}
:: atheist
ongodisterij {mf}
:: atheism
ongrondwettelijk {adj}
:: unconstitutional
ongrondwettig {adj}
:: unconstitutional
ongunstig {adj}
:: unfavourable
onhaalbaarheid {f}
:: Unfeasibility
onhandelbaar {adj}
:: intractable, uncontrollable
onhandig {adj}
:: clumsy, maladroit
onhandig {adj}
:: inconvenient
onhebbelijk {adj}
:: rude, showing bad manners
onheil {n}
:: misfortune, disaster
onheilig {adj}
:: not holy; unholy
onheilspellend {adj}
:: ominous
onheimelijk {adj}
:: eerie, creepy
onheimelijk {adj}
:: unfamiliar, uncommon
onheimelijk {adj}
:: hostile
onheimelijk {adj}
:: not secretly, not covertly
onhelder {adj}
:: unclear (lacking conceptual clarity)
onhelder {adj}
:: unclear (not transparent)
onherbergzaam {adj}
:: inhospitable
onherbergzaamheid {f}
:: Inclemency, particularly of a landscape
onherkenbaar {adj}
:: unrecognizable
onherstelbaar {adj}
:: irreparable
onherstelbaar {adj}
:: irredeemable
onheus {adj}
:: spiteful, unreasonable, rude
onhoorbaar {adj}
:: inaudible
onhoudbaar {adj}
:: untenable
onjuist {adj}
:: incorrect
onjuistheid {f}
:: mistake, error
onkerkelijk {adj}
:: not affiliated to a church or any other religious denomination; unchurched
onkost {m}
:: expense, especially a personal expense that can be reimbursed
onkreukbaar {adj}
:: incorruptible
onkruid {n}
:: weeds; weed, unwanted plant
onkruiddoder {m}
:: A herbicide (agent for destroying unwanted plantlife)
onkruidverdelger {m}
:: A herbicide (agent for destroying unwanted plantlife)
onkuisheid {f}
:: unchastity
onkunde {f}
:: ignorance (lack of knowledge)
onkwetsbaar {adj}
:: invulnerable
onlangs {adv}
:: recently
onleengoed {n}
:: An estate which is held as an allodium, not enfeoffed
onleesbaar {adj}
:: unreadable, illegible
onleesbaarheid {f}
:: unreadability, illegibility
onlogisch {adj}
:: illogical
onlogisch {adj}
:: impractical, strange
onlosmakelijk {adj}
:: indissoluble
onmacht {f}
:: powerlessness, the state of lacking power
onmacht {f}
:: unconsciousness, the state of lacking consciousness, awareness, etc. or an instance thereof
onmachtig {adj}
:: powerless, lacking (sufficient) power
onmachtig {adj}
:: incapable, lacking capability, knowledge or command
onmachtig {adj}
:: unconscious
onmannelijk {adj}
:: unmanly
onmeunig {adv}
:: incredibly
onmiddellijk {adj}
:: immediate, instant
onmiddellijk {adv}
:: immediately, instantly
onmin {f}
:: conflict, disagreement, falling out
onmisbaar {adj}
:: indispensable
onmiskenbaar {adj}
:: unmistakable
onmodieus {adj}
:: outmoded, unfashionable
onmogelijk {adj}
:: impossible
onnauwkeurigheid {f}
:: inaccuracy
Onno {prop} {m}
:: given name
onnodig {adj}
:: unnecessary, not needed
onnozel {adj}
:: innocent
onnozel {adj}
:: naive, gullible
onnozel {adj}
:: silly, goofy
onnozel {adj}
:: dumb, stupid
onnozel {adj}
:: senseless, out of one's mind
onnozelheid {f}
:: silliness
onnozelheid {f}
:: gullibility
onnozelheid {f}
:: futility, petty sum or amount
onnut {adj}
:: useless
:: onomastics
onomatopee {f}
:: onomatopoeia, a word which imitates a sound
onomkeerbaar {adj}
:: irreversible
onomstotelijk {adj}
:: undisputable, indisputable
onomstotelijk {adv}
:: indisputably
onomstreden {adj}
:: undisputed
onomwonden {adj}
:: frank, clear, plain, direct, unequivocal
ononderbroken {adj}
:: uninterrupted
onontbeerlijk {adj}
:: essential
onontgonnen {adj}
:: undeveloped, uncultivated
onoorbaar {adj}
:: indecent, improper
onopgeleid {adj}
:: uneducated (not having a (formal) education)
onophoudelijk {adj}
:: continuous, unceasing
onophoudend {adj}
:: continuous, unceasing
onophoudend {adv}
:: continuously, ceaselessly
onoplettend {adj}
:: inattentive
onoplettendheid {f}
:: inattentiveness
onopvallend {adj}
:: inconspicuous, subtle
onopzettelijk {adj}
:: accidental, inadvertent, unintentional
onopzettelijk {adv}
:: accidentally, inadvertently, unintentionally
onorthodox {adj}
:: unorthodox, unconventional (outside of the box, thinking outside of the box)
onoverbrugbaar {adj}
:: unbridgable / unbridgeable
onovergankelijk {adj}
:: intransitive
onovergankelijk werkwoord {n}
:: An intransitive verb, action verb not taking a direct object
onovertroffen {adj}
:: unsurpassed
onoverwinnelijk {adj}
:: invincible
onpaar {adj}
:: uneven, odd (not divisible by two)
onpartijdig {adj}
:: not being affiliated to a stakeholder, impartial, unpartisan
onpartijdig {adj}
:: impartial, unbiased, treating all parties, rivals or disputants equally
onpartijdig {adj}
:: not tainted by partiality or prejudice
onpasselijk {adj}
:: having the tendency to vomit; vomit inducing
onpasselijk {adj}
:: nauseous
onpasselijkheid {f}
:: The tendency to vomit, nausea, also used figuratively
onpersoonlijk {adj}
:: impersonal
onplezierig {adj}
:: unpleasant
onpraktisch {adj}
:: impractical
onraad {n}
:: danger
onrecht {n}
:: injustice
onrecht {adj}
:: incorrect, wrong
onrechtstreeks {adj}
:: indirect (BE)
onrechtstreeks {adv}
:: indirectly
onrechtvaardigheid {f}
:: injustice (state or instance of being unjust or unfair)
onregelmatig {adj}
:: irregular, unusual, not according to some norm
onregelmatig {adj}
:: odd, strange
onregelmatigheid {f}
:: irregularity, oddity
onregelmatigheid {f}
:: error, fault, abuse
onrein {adj}
:: unclean
onrust {f} {m}
:: unrest (state of agitation)
onrust {f} {m}
:: unrest, upheaval (agitated situation)
onrust {f} {m}
:: balance wheel
onrustig {adj}
:: restless, agitated, unsettled
onrustig {adj}
:: unruly, rebellious
onruststoker {m}
:: agitator, troublemaker
ons {pron}
:: us (objective form of wij or we)
ons {determiner}
:: our
ons {n}
:: metric ounce (100 grams)
onsamenhangend {adj}
:: disconnected
onsamenhangend {adj}
:: garbled, nonsensical
onschadelijk {adj}
:: harmless
onscheidbaar {adj}
:: inseparable
onschendbaar {adj}
:: inviolable
onschendbaar {adj}
:: immune (from prosecution)
onscherp {adj}
:: unsharp, out of focus, hazy
onschuldig {adj}
:: Innocent
onsmakelijk {adj}
:: distasteful, unsavoury
onsmakelijk {adj}
:: distasteful, unsavoury
onsterfelijk {adj}
:: immortal, not susceptible to death
onsterfelijk {adj}
:: unforgettable, lasting; spectacular
onsterfelijkheid {f}
:: immortality
onstuimig {adj}
:: stormy
onstuimig {adj}
:: rambunctious, impetuous
onszelf {pron}
:: (optional) ourselves
ont- {prefix}
:: un-, de-; forms verbs meaning to negate, remove or separate
ont- {prefix}
:: Forms inchoative verbs, indicating that a process is beginning
ontaard {adj}
:: degenerate
ontaarde kunst {f}
:: degenerate art, typically referring to the designation of modern art in Nazi ideology
ontaarden {v}
:: to degenerate
ontaarden {v}
:: to corrupt
ontaarding {f}
:: degeneracy, deterioration
ontaarding {f}
:: degeneracy
ontbeerlijk {adj}
:: dispensable, expendable
ontbeerlijk {adj}
:: lacking
ontberen {vt}
:: to lack (to not have)
ontberen {vi}
:: to lack (to be missing, to be absent)
ontbering {f}
:: hardship, ordeal, adversity (difficult event or timespan)
ontbering {f}
:: deprivation, hardship (state of want)
ontbieden {vt}
:: To summon, send for someone
ontbieden {vt}
:: To notify, tell, inform
ontbieden {vt}
:: To order, tell what to do
ontbijt {n}
:: breakfast
ontbijten {vi}
:: to breakfast, have breakfast
ontbijtkoek {m}
:: A type of spiced cake without succade commonly consumed in the Low Countries
ontbinden {vt}
:: to unbind
ontbinden {vt}
:: to dissolve, break up
ontbinden {vi}
:: to decompose
ontbinding {f}
:: Decomposition (e.g. of organic matter or in mathematics)
ontbinding {f}
:: Dissolution (e.g. of a legal entity)
ontbladeren {v}
:: to remove the leaves from a plant, to exfoliate
ontbloten {v}
:: To bare, render naked
ontbloten {v}
:: To strip bare an object
ontbloten {v}
:: (in ontbloten van) To rid of, deprive of
ontboezemen {v}
:: to unbosom, to tell one's troubles
ontboezeming {f}
:: effusion, outpouring, outburst, ebullition
ontbossen {vt}
:: to deforest
ontbossing {f}
:: deforestation
ontbramen {vt}
:: to deburr
ontbranden {v}
:: to ignite, flare up, take fire
ontbreken {v}
:: to be missing
ontbreken {n}
:: absence, lack
ontcijferen {v}
:: to decipher, figure out
ontdarmen {vt}
:: to disembowel
ontdekken {v}
:: to discover
ontdekking {f}
:: discovery
ontdekkingsreiziger {m}
:: explorer (especially during the Age of Exploration)
ontdoen {v}
:: to doff (to remove or take off, especially of clothing)
ontdoen {v}
:: to disabuse (free of a misconception)
ontdoen {v}
:: to undo (to reverse)
ontdooien {vt}
:: to thaw, to defrost
ontdubbelen {v}
:: to split off, to duplicate
ontdubbelen {v}
:: to degeminate
ontdubbelen {v}
:: to undo duplication, to remove duplications
ontduiken {v}
:: to evade
ontduiking {f}
:: evasion
ontegenzeggelijk {adj}
:: indisputable, undeniable, incontrovertible
onteigenen {v}
:: to expropriate, to exercise an act of eminent domain/compulsory purchase/resumption
ontelbaar {adj}
:: uncountable, which cannot be counted, expressed numerically
ontelbaar {adj}
:: innumerable, of very great number
ont- -en {circumfix}
:: Forms transitive verbs from nouns, meaning "to remove (noun) from, to rid of (noun), to de-(noun)"
onterecht {adj}
:: unreasonable, unjust, unfair
onterecht {adj}
:: incorrect, wrong
onteren {vt}
:: to dishonor
onteren {vt}
:: to rape, to violate sexually
onterven {vt}
:: to disinherit, to disown
onterving {f}
:: disinheritance, disowning
ontevreden {adj}
:: dissatisfied
ontevredenheid {f}
:: dissatisfaction
ontfermen {vr}
:: to take pity
ontfutselen {v}
:: to take away, to take from (especially furtively)
ontgaan {vt}
:: to escape, elude
ontgassen {v}
:: to degas
ontgelden {vt}
:: to pay for, to suffer for
ontgeven {vt}
:: to decline, to refuse
ontgeven {vr}
:: to give up, to abandon
ontgiften {vt}
:: to detoxify
ontginnen {vt}
:: to develop into agricultural land
ontginnen {vt}
:: to remove the topsoil from
ontginnen {vt}
:: to excavate, to extract from the earth
ontginnen {vt}
:: to begin, to commence
ontginning {f}
:: development into agricultural land; a tract of land being developed
ontginning {f}
:: excavation of mines; a tract of land being excavated
ontglijden {vi}
:: to slip away
ontglijden {vi}
:: to become lost
ontglijden {vi}
:: to get away, to escape
ontglimmen {vi}
:: to start to shine
ontglippen {v}
:: to slip away
ontglippen {v}
:: to escape, evade, get away
ontgloeien {vi}
:: to start to glow
ontgoochelen {v}
:: to disillusion
ontgraten {vt}
:: to bone, to remove fishbones
ontgraven {vt}
:: to excavate, to unearth
ontgrendelen {vt}
:: to unbolt, to unlock
ontgroeien {v}
:: to outgrow, to become too mature for
ontgroenen {v}
:: to become less green, to lose its green colour
ontgroenen {v}
:: (of a society) to have a decreasing young population
ontgroenen {vt}
:: to haze
ontgroening {f}
:: the relative decline of younger age cohorts in a society due to low birth numbers and/or emigration of young people
ontgroening {f}
:: hazing
onthaal {n}
:: welcome
onthaalmoeder {f}
:: a woman who minds others' children in her own home; a kind of female childminder
onthaalpagina {f}
:: page for receiving visitors
onthaalpagina {f}
:: main page
onthaasten {vi}
:: to slow down
onthaasten {vi}
:: to relax
onthalen {v}
:: to welcome hospitably, to regale
onthalzen {vt}
:: to behead, to decapitate
ontharden {vt}
:: to soften, to make less hard
ontharden {vt}
:: to untemper
ontharen {v}
:: to remove the hair from, to depilate
ontharing {f}
:: hair removal, depilation
ontharingsmiddel {n}
:: depilatory
ontheemd {adj}
:: displaced, deprived of a home
ontheemde {noun}
:: displaced person
ontheffen {v}
:: to exonerate (free from an obligation, responsibility or task)
ontheffen {v}
:: to absolve
ontheffen {v}
:: to exempt or to make an exemption
ontheffing {f}
:: exemption
ontheiligen {v}
:: to desanctify
ontheiligen {v}
:: to desecrate
onthemen {vt}
:: to displace, deprive of a home
onthoofden {v}
:: To behead, decapitate, notably as capital punishment
onthoofden {v}
:: To remove the leadership, the brains etc. (from ...)
onthoofding {f}
:: decapitation, beheading
onthouden {vt}
:: to keep in mind, to remember
onthouden {v}
:: to carry
onthouden {vt}
:: to retain, to withhold
onthouden {vt}
:: to deny
onthouden {vr}
:: to abstain
onthouding {f}
:: abstinence (the act or practice of abstaining)
onthullen {v}
:: to reveal, to uncover
onthulling {f}
:: disclosure, revelation, exposure
onthulling {f}
:: unveiling
onthutsen {v}
:: to dismay, to stun
onthutst {adj}
:: abashed, confounded
ontij {n}
:: found in the idiomatic phrase bij nacht en ontij
ontkalken {vt}
:: to descale
ontkalken {vt}
:: to decalcify
ontkennen {v}
:: to deny (to assert to be false)
ontkenning {f}
:: denial
ontkenning {f}
:: negation
ontkenningsfase {f}
:: stage of denial
ontkentenis {f}
:: denial of a charge, claim or fact in a legal setting
ontketenen {v}
:: to unchain, unshackle
ontkiemen {vi}
:: to germinate
ontkleden {vt}
:: To undress, disrobe someone or something
ontkleden {v}
:: The reflexive form zich ontkleden is used as an intransitive form: To undress oneself, get naked
ontkleden {vt}
:: To 'dismantle' something by removing a cover
ontkleden {vt}
:: To (lay) bare, disclose, unveil, reveal
ontkleden {v}
:: The reflexive form zich ontkleden van ... is used as an intransitive form: To rid oneself, dispose (of ...)
ontklerikalisering {f}
:: declericalization
ontkleuren {vt}
:: to decolorize, to remove color
ontkleuren {vi}
:: to lose color
ontknopen {vt}
:: to unbutton
ontkolen {vt}
:: to decarbonize, to remove carbon
ontkomen {v}
:: to escape
ontkoppelen {v}
:: to uncouple
ontkoppelen {v}
:: to declutch
ontkoppelen {v}
:: to unmount
ontkrachten {v}
:: to diminish the force or strength of, to take the edge off
ontkrachten {v}
:: to refute
ontkroezen {vt}
:: to uncurl, to straighten
ontkrullen {vt}
:: to uncurl, to straighten
ontkurken {vt}
:: To uncork (a bottle etc.); hence, to open (for use, notably drinking)
ontladen {v}
:: to discharge (electricity)
ontladen {v}
:: to relax, to release (stress)
ontlading {f}
:: electrical discharge
ontlading {f}
:: relaxation, release of stress
ontlasten {vt}
:: to unburden, to relieve (a load)
ontlasten {vt}
:: to relieve (from a duty)
ontlasten {vr}
:: to relieve oneself, to move one's bowel
ontlasting {f}
:: bowel movement
ontlaten {vt}
:: to let go off, to release
ontlaten {vt}
:: to anneal, to soften
ontlaten {vr}
:: to say unintentionally
ontleden {v}
:: to dismember, to analyze
ontleden {v}
:: to parse
ontleden {v}
:: to dissect
ontleden {v}
:: to break down
ontleding {f}
:: analysis
ontleding {f}
:: parsing
ontleedkunde {f}
:: anatomy (study of organic structure)
ontlenen {v}
:: to borrow, to derive
ontleren {vt}
:: to unlearn
ontleren {vt}
:: to break with a habit
ontlijken {vt}
:: to no longer resemble, to not appear as before
ontlijken {vt}
:: to remove the bolt rope from a sail
ontlokken {v}
:: to elicit
ontlopen {v}
:: to outrun, evade
ontluchten {vt}
:: to deaerate, to remove air
ontluiken {v}
:: to bud, to sprout
ontluisteren {vt}
:: to tarnish, remove lustre
ontluizen {v}
:: to delouse
ontmaagden {vt}
:: To deflower, get past virginity
ontmaken {vt}
:: to unmake, undo, break apart
ontmaken {vt}
:: to disinherit, to disown
ontmannen {vt}
:: to emasculate, to castrate (a man or male animal)
ontmantelen {v}
:: to dismantle
ontmanteling {f}
:: dismantling
ontmaskeren {v}
:: to unmask, to expose, to reveal
ontmelken {vt}
:: to milk, to extract milk
ontmelken {vt}
:: to remove milk from
ontmengen {vt}
:: to demix, to dissociate, to separate
ontmenselijken {vt}
:: to dehumanize
ontmijden {vt}
:: to avoid
ontmijnen {vt}
:: to demine, to remove mines
ontmijnen {vt}
:: to avoid a conflict
ontmoedigen {v}
:: discourage (to take away or reduce the willingness)
ontmoeten {v}
:: to meet
ontmoeten {v}
:: to encounter, come across
ontmoeting {f}
:: a meeting (an encounter between people - not an event or gathering of business people)
ontmunten {vt}
:: to remelt coins
ontmunten {vt}
:: to demonetize, to remove coins from circulation
ontmythologiseren {v}
:: to demythologise
ontmythologiseren {v}
:: to demystify
ontmythologisering {f}
:: demythologisation
ontnemen {v}
:: to take from, to deprive of
ontnuchteren {vi}
:: to become sober
ontnuchteren {vt}
:: to sober up
ontnuchteren {vt}
:: to disillusion
ontoereikend {adj}
:: insufficient, inadequate, unsatisfactory
ontoerekenbaar {adj}
:: unaccountable, insane, non compos mentis
ontoerekeningsvatbaar {adj}
:: unaccountable, insane, non compos mentis
ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid {f}
:: the state of being unaccountable, insane, non compos mentis
ontologie {f}
:: ontology (the metaphysical study of being)
ontpakken {vt}
:: to unpack
ontpitten {vt}
:: to stone, to remove the seed(s) from
ontploffen {vi}
:: to explode
ontploffing {f}
:: explosion
ontplooien {v}
:: to unfold, to unfurl
ontplooien {v}
:: to develop, to evolve
ontplooien {v}
:: to expand
ontpolderen {vt}
:: to undo poldering, to return an area of ground to water
ontpoppen {vr}
:: to moult, to shed
ontpoppen {vr}
:: to reveal, to expose
ontpoppen {vr}
:: to develop into, to emerge as
ontraadselen {vt}
:: to solve, unriddle
ontraden {v}
:: to advise or counsel against
ontrafelen {v}
:: to untie, unravel
ontrafeling {f}
:: unraveling
ontregelen {v}
:: to disrupt
ontrijgen {vt}
:: to unimpale, to unspit
ontrijzen {v}
:: to arise, to rise up, begin to rise
ontrijzen {v}
:: to appear, to occur, to emerge
ontroerd {adj}
:: moved, touched emotionally
ontroeren {v}
:: to move, to cause to become emotional
ontroerend {adj}
:: moving, touching, stirring emotion/sympathy
ontroering {f}
:: emotion
ontrollen {vt}
:: to unroll
ontronden {vt}
:: to unround
ontronden {vt}
:: to unround, to delabialize
ontroostbaar {adj}
:: inconsolable
ontrouw {f}
:: infidelity
ontrouw {adj}
:: unfaithful
ontruimen {v}
:: to clear, evacuate
ontruiming {f}
:: evacuation
ontruiming {f}
:: expulsion
ontrusten {vt}
:: to disturb
ontschieten {vi}
:: to slip away
ontschieten {vi}
:: to forget
ontschieten {vi}
:: to say unintentionally, to have a slip of the tongue
ontschieten {vi}
:: to ignite, to kindle (of passion or love)
ontschuilen {vt}
:: to escape by hiding
ontsieren {v}
:: to make ugly, to uglify, to mar the appearance (of something)
ontslaan {v}
:: to discharge, to let go, to free of one's duties
ontslaan {v}
:: to fire, to sack (terminate the employment of)
ontslag {n}
:: discharge
ontslag {n}
:: resignation
ontslagrecht {n}
:: dismissal law, termination law
ontslapen {vi}
:: to die, to pass away
ontslippen {v}
:: to slip away, slide away
ontslippen {v}
:: to escape, evade, get away
ontsluieren {v}
:: To physically unveil, reveal
ontsluieren {v}
:: To disclose, render public
ontsluipen {vt}
:: to sneak away, to escape by sneaking
ontsluiten {v}
:: to unlock, to open up
ontsmetten {vt}
:: to disinfect
ontsmetting {f}
:: disinfection, decontamination
ontsmettingsmiddel {n}
:: disinfectant, antiseptic (antiseptic agent)
ontsnappen {v}
:: to escape
ontsnapping {f}
:: escape (act of leaving)
ontsnappingssnelheid {f}
:: escape velocity
ontspannen {v}
:: to relax
ontspannen {adj}
:: relaxed
ontspanning {f}
:: diversion, recreation
ontspinnen {vr}
:: to occur, to arise
ontspinnen {vr}
:: to develop, to turn into
ontspinnen {vt}
:: to remove spiders
ontsporen {vi}
:: to derail
ontspringen {v}
:: to spring, arise - start to exist
ontspringen {v}
:: to jump away from
ontspruiten {v}
:: spring (start to exist)
ontstaan {v}
:: to arise, to come into being
ontstaan {n}
:: start, beginning; arising, origination
ontsteken {v}
:: to kindle
ontsteken {v}
:: to turn on (a light)
ontsteken {v}
:: to inflame (to put in a state of inflammation)
ontsteker {m}
:: a detonator
ontsteking {f}
:: inflammation
ontsteking {f}
:: ignition
ontstekingssysteem {n}
:: ignition system
ontstelen {vt}
:: to deprive
ontstelen {vt}
:: to steal
ontstelen {vt}
:: to remove a stalk from fruit
ontstellen {v}
:: to affright, to appal
ontsteltenis {f}
:: confusion, shock, consternation
ontsteltenis {f}
:: horror, terror
ontstemmen {v}
:: to go out of tune
ontstemmen {v}
:: to displease
ontstichten {vt}
:: to be annoyed by
ontstichten {vt}
:: to take offense with
ontstijgen {vt}
:: to rise above, to transcend
ontstijgen {vt}
:: to exceed
ontstoppen {vt}
:: to unstop, to unclog
ontstoren {vt}
:: to suppress interference
ontstoren {vt}
:: to suppress noise
ontstrijden {vt}
:: to challenge, to dispute
ontstrijden {vt}
:: to take away violently, to plunder
onttakelen {vt}
:: to dismantle, to strip
ontteken {vt}
:: to detick
onttijgen {vti}
:: to pull away
onttijgen {vi}
:: to escape, to go away
onttoveren {vt}
:: to disenchant, to remove magic
onttoveren {vt}
:: to disenchant, the process of cultural rationalization and devaluation of religion
onttrekken {v}
:: to withdraw
onttrekken {v}
:: to abstract (i.e. extract by means of distillation)
onttronen {vt}
:: to dethrone
onttuigen {vt}
:: to unrig
ontucht {f}
:: sexual immorality, fornication, sexual abuse
ontucht {f}
:: lack of discipline
ontvallen {vi}
:: to slip out, to say something unintended
ontvallen {vi}
:: to become lost
ontvallen {vi}
:: to die
ontvangen {vt}
:: to receive
ontvanger {m}
:: receiver, recipient
ontvanger {m}
:: radio receiver
ontvangst {f}
:: reception, welcome
ontvangst {f}
:: acknowledgement
ontvangst {f}
:: reception of a transmitted signal such as radio or television
ontvangstbewijs {m}
:: receipt
ontvankelijk {adj}
:: receptive, open-minded (ready to receive new ideas or concepts)
ontvankelijk {adj}
:: impressionable, amenable (easily influenced)
ontvankelijkheid {f}
:: receptivity
ontvaren {vi}
:: to escape, flee
ontvaren {vi}
:: to sail away, to escape by sailing
ontvechten {vt}
:: to escape by fighting
ontvechten {vt}
:: to take away by fighting, to obtain by fighting
ontveinzen {vt}
:: to conceal by feigning
ontveinzen {vt}
:: to feign ignorance
ontvellen {vt}
:: to flay, to remove skin
ontvetten {vt}
:: to degrease, to ungrease
ontvlambaar {adj}
:: inflammable
ontvlammen {vi}
:: to begin to catch flames
ontvlammen {vi}
:: to inflame
ontvlechten {vt}
:: to unbraid, to disentangle
ontvlechten {vt}
:: to break up a cooperation, to undo a merger
ontvlechting {f}
:: unbraiding, disentanglement
ontvlechtingsprocedure {f} {m}
:: "disentanglement procedure": formal term to describe the procedure to end long term cooperation between companies or to undo a merger
ontvlekken {vt}
:: to unstain, despeckle, remove stains
ontvlieden {vi}
:: to flee, to avoid
ontvliegen {v}
:: to fly away, to escape by flying
ontvlooien {vt}
:: to deflea
ontvluchten {v}
:: to flee
ontvoerder {m}
:: An abductor, a kidnapper (person who kidnaps someone)
ontvoeren {v}
:: to kidnap, to abduct (to seize and detain a person unlawfully)
ontvoering {f}
:: kidnapping, abduction (act of carrying off of a human being)
ontvolken {vt}
:: to depopulate
ontvonken {vi}
:: to ignite, begin to burn
ontvonken {vi}
:: begin to spark
ontvoogden {vt}
:: to emancipate a minor from a guardian
ontvoogden {vt}
:: to undo guardianship
ontvoogding {f}
:: emancipation
ontvouwen {v}
:: to unfold
ontvouwen {v}
:: to explain
ontvouwing {f}
:: unfolding
ontvreemden {v}
:: to steal
ontvrienden {vt}
:: to unfriend (to remove as a friend, e.g. from a friend list, on social media)
ontvriezen {vt}
:: to unfreeze, to defrost, to thaw
ontwaaien {v}
:: to blow away, to be taken away by the wind
ontwaaien {v}
:: to prepare the body of a deceased person for a funeral
ontwaken {v}
:: to wake up, to awaken
ontwapenen {vt}
:: to disarm, to take weapons from
ontwapenen {vt}
:: to disarm emotionally
ontwaren {vt}
:: to discern, perceive
ontwarren {v}
:: to untangle, to disentangle
ontwassen {vi}
:: to outgrow, to become too mature for
ontwateren {v}
:: to drain
ontweiden {v}
:: to disembowel
ontweien {v}
:: to disembowel
ontweldigen {v}
:: to take away by force, to plunder
ontwellen {vi}
:: to well, to spring
ontwellen {vi}
:: to start to flow
ontwennen {v}
:: to unlearn, wean, correct (a bad habit)
ontwerp {n}
:: design, plan, draft
ontwerpen {v}
:: to design; to plan
ontwerper {m}
:: designer
ontwijden {vt}
:: to desanctify
ontwijken {v}
:: dodge, avoid
ontwijking {f}
:: evasion
ontwikkelaar {m}
:: developer
ontwikkelen {v}
:: to develop
ontwikkeling {f}
:: development
ontwikkelingsbiologie {f}
:: developmental biology
ontwikkelingsland {n}
:: developing country
ontwikkelingsvoorsprong {m}
:: An advantage in mental development; comparable to the English term gifted (children), but this is a noun rather than adjective
ontwinden {vt}
:: to unwind
ontwinden {vi}
:: to relax, to settle down
ontwinnen {vt}
:: to acquire from
ontwinnen {vt}
:: to extract from
ontwoekeren {vt}
:: to undo the effects of usury, more specifically of a woekerpolis
ontwoekeren {vt}
:: to gain something through great effort
ontwoekeren {vt}
:: to remove overgrowth
ontwormen {vt}
:: to deworm, to remove worms
ontworstelen {v}
:: to untangle, wrestle free from
ontwortelen {v}
:: to uproot, deracinate
ontwrichten {v}
:: to dislocate
ontwrichten {v}
:: to disorganize, to paralyze
ontwringen {vt}
:: to wring or squeeze out
ontwringen {vt}
:: to accomplish something with much effort
ontwringen {vt}
:: to take with violence
ontwringen {vr}
:: to escape by twisting or struggling
ontzadelen {vt}
:: to unsaddle, to remove the saddle from
ontzag {n}
:: awe, reverence
ontzaglijk {adj}
:: enormous, immense, awe-inspiring
ontzanden {vt}
:: to remove sediment
ontzegelen {vt}
:: to unseal
ontzeggen {v}
:: to deny, to keep from having
ontzeilen {vt}
:: to escape by sailing
ontzeilen {vt}
:: to remove the sails from
ontzenuwen {vt}
:: to remove a nerve
ontzenuwen {vt}
:: to unnerve, whittle down
ontzenuwen {vt}
:: to refute or disprove an argument sufficiently
ontzetten {vt}
:: to shock, to horrify
ontzetten {vt}
:: to discharge, to release from function or service
ontzetten {vt}
:: to relieve a town or fortress from a siege
ontzettend {adj}
:: appalling
ontzettend {adv}
:: appallingly
ontzettend {adv}
:: incredibly
ontzield {adj}
:: dead
ontzielen {vt}
:: to kill
ontzielen {vt}
:: to remove inspiration
ontzielen {vt}
:: to remove the soul from
ontzien {v}
:: to spare
ontzilten {v}
:: to desalinate
ontzinken {vi}
:: to sink away
ontzinken {vt}
:: to cause to sink
ontzinken {vt}
:: to remove zinc
ontzinnen {vi}
:: to lose one's senses, to become mad
ontzorgen {vt}
:: to unburden, to take away concern
ontzouten {vt}
:: to desalt, to desalinate
ontzuigen {v}
:: To suck away, to remove by means of sucking
ontzuigen {v}
:: To suck out
ontzuilen {vi}
:: to depillarize, to remove pillars as a form of societal organisation
ontzuiling {f}
:: depillarisation, the decline of pillars as a form of societal organisation
ontzuren {vt}
:: to remove acid, to deacidify
ontzwavelen {vt}
:: to desulfurize, to remove sulfur
ontzwellen {vi}
:: to unswell, to cease from swelling
ontzwellen {vi}
:: to shrink, to shrivel
ontzwellen {vi}
:: to emerge from swelling or surging
ontzwemmen {vt}
:: to escape by swimming, to swim away from
ontzwerven {vt}
:: to wander away from
onuitblusbaar {adj}
:: inextinguishable
onuitrekbaar {adj}
:: nonstretchable
onuitroeibaar {adj}
:: ineradicable
onuitspreekbaar {adj}
:: unpronounceable
onuitstaanbaar {adj}
:: unbearable, intolerable
onuitvoerbaar {adj}
:: impossible to put into practice, impracticable
onuitwisbaar {adj}
:: indelible
onus {m}
:: burden
onusje {noun}
:: diminutive of onus
onvatbaar {adj}
:: unsusceptible, insusceptible, unreceptive, impervious
onveilig {adj}
:: unsafe
onveiligheid {f}
:: insecurity
onveranderbaar {adj}
:: unchangable, immutable
onveranderlijk {adj}
:: invariable, immutable
onveranderlijk {adj}
:: constant, unchanging
onverbeterlijk {adj}
:: incorrigible
onverbeterlijk {adj}
:: irreparable, not mendable
onverbeterlijk {adj}
:: unsurpassable, beyond improvement
onverbiddelijk {adj}
:: inexorable
onverbiddelijk {adj}
:: unforgiving
onverbiddelijk {adj}
:: peremptory
onverbloemd {adj}
:: frank, clear, plain, direct, unequivocal
onverbogen {adj}
:: uninflected
onverdeelbaar {adj}
:: indivisible
onverdienstelijk {adj}
:: undeserving, unworthy
onverdraaglijk {adj}
:: unbearable, unendurable
onverdraagzaam {adj}
:: intolerant
onverdraagzaamheid {f}
:: intolerance
onverdroten {adj}
:: enthusiastic, eager, upbeat
onverdroten {adj}
:: assiduous, sedulous
onverenigbaar {adj}
:: incompatible
onvergeeflijk {adj}
:: unforgivable
onvergelijkbaar {adj}
:: incomparable
onverhoeds {adv}
:: unexpectedly, suddenly
onverhoeds {adj}
:: unexpected, sudden
onverholen {adj}
:: overt
onverhoopt {adj}
:: unexpected
onverhoopt {adv}
:: unexpectedly
onverhuld {adj}
:: unconcealed, unequivocal, blatant
onverjaardag {m}
:: unbirthday
onverklaarbaar {adj}
:: inexplicable, unexplainable
onverkoopbaar {adj}
:: unsaleable, unsellable
onverlaat {m}
:: thug, reprobate, vandal
onvermijdelijk {adj}
:: inevitable
onvermoeibaar {adj}
:: tireless
onvermoeid {adj}
:: indefatigable
onvermogen {n}
:: incapacity, inability
onverrichter zake {phrase}
:: Without having done what one intended, without having done what one set out to do
onverrichterzake {adv}
:: alternative form of onverrichter zake
onverschillig {adj}
:: indifferent
onverschilligheid {f}
:: indifference
onverschrokken {adj}
:: unwavering, stout-hearted
onverslaanbaar {adj}
:: unbeatable, invincible
onverstandig {adj}
:: unwise, insensible
onverstoorbaar {adj}
:: unflappable
onvertaalbaar {adj}
:: untranslatable
onverteerbaar {adj}
:: indigestible, stodgy
onvervaard {adj}
:: fearless, bold
onvervangbaar {adj}
:: irreplacable
onverwacht {adj}
:: unexpected
onverwacht {adv}
:: unexpectedly
onverwachts {adv}
:: unexpectedly
onverzadigbaar {adj}
:: unquenchable, unsatisfiable
onverzettelijk {adj}
:: tenacious, intransigent, obdurate
onverzettelijkheid {f}
:: tenacity, intransigence, obduracy
onverzorgd {adj}
:: slovenly, unkempt (having an untidy appearance)
onvindbaar {adj}
:: impossible to find, untraceable
onvoldoende {adj}
:: insufficient, not enough
onvoldoende {m}
:: failing grade
onvoltooibaar {adj}
:: incompletable
onvoltooid {adj}
:: unfinished
onvoltooid {adj}
:: imperfect
onvoltooid deelwoord {n}
:: imperfect participle, also present participle
onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd {m}
:: present imperfect tense
onvoltooid tegenwoordige toekomende tijd {m}
:: simple (present) future tense
onvoltooid toekomende tijd {m}
:: future imperfect tense
onvoltooid verleden tijd {m}
:: present imperfect tense
onvoltooid verleden toekomende tijd {m}
:: present conditional
onvolwassen {adj}
:: immature (not having reached adulthood or maturity)
onvolwassen {adj}
:: immature (behaving childishly)
onvoorbereid {adj}
:: unprepared
onvoorbereid {adj}
:: cold (unprepared)
onvoordelig {adj}
:: unfavorable (US); unfavourable (UK)
onvoorspelbaar {adj}
:: unpredictable
onvoorspelbaarheid {f}
:: unpredictability
onvoorwaardelijk {adj}
:: unconditional
onvoorzichtig {adj}
:: careless
onvoorzichtigheid {f}
:: imprudence, carelessness, lack of attention
onvrede {f}
:: displeasure
onvrede {f}
:: quarrel
onvriendelijk {adj}
:: unfriendly
onvrouwelijk {adj}
:: unwomanly
onvruchtbaar {adj}
:: infertile, sterile, barren
onvruchtbaarheid {f}
:: infertility, barrenness
onwaar {adj}
:: untrue (not factual, objectively wrong)
onwaardig {adj}
:: unworthy
onwaarheid {f}
:: falsehood
onwaarschijnlijk {adj}
:: unbelievable, improbable, implausible, unlikely
onweer {n}
:: thunderstorm
onweersbeestje {n}
:: thrips, thunderbug
onweerstaanbaar {adj}
:: irresistible
onwel {adj}
:: sick, unhealthy
onwelvoeglijk {adj}
:: inappropriate (as in cursing)
onwelvoeglijk {adj}
:: undesired
onwennig {adj}
:: unaccustomed, not used to the situation
onwennig {adj}
:: strange and uneasy, due to being unaccustomed
onweren {v}
:: to have a thunderstorm in progress
onwerkelijk {adj}
:: unreal, fake, illusory
onwerkelijk {adj}
:: surreal
onwetend {adj}
:: unaware, ignorant, unknowing nescient
onwetendheid {f}
:: ignorance
onwettelijk {adj}
:: unlawful
onwettelijkheid {f}
:: unlawfulness, illegality
onwettig {adj}
:: unlawful, illegal
onwettig {adj}
:: illegitimate
onwettigheid {f}
:: unlawfulness, illegality
onwil {m}
:: unwillingness
onwillekeurig {adj}
:: involuntary, indeliberate, reflexive
on.ww. {noun}
:: abbreviation of onovergankelijk werkwoord
onz. {adj}
:: abbreviation of onzijdig
onzalig {adj}
:: unblessed; profane
onzalig {adj}
:: very bad, unfortunate
onzedelijk {adj}
:: immoral
onzedelijkheid {f}
:: immorality
onzeker {adj}
:: uncertain
onzeker {adj}
:: insecure
onzekerheid {f}
:: uncertainty
onzekerheid {f}
:: insecurity
onzer {pron}
:: ours
Onzevader {n}
:: Lord's Prayer
onzichtbaar {adj}
:: invisible (not visible)
onzichtbaarheid {f}
:: invisibility, state of not being visible
onzichtbaarheid {f}
:: something that is invisible
onzijdig {adj}
:: neutral
onzijdig {adj}
:: neuter
onzin {m}
:: nonsense
onzinnig {adj}
:: nonsensical
onzinnig {adj}
:: foolish
onzorgvuldig {adj}
:: careless
onzorgvuldigheid {f}
:: carelessness
onzuiver {adj}
:: impure, mixed
onzuiverheid {f}
:: impurity
oöcyt {m}
:: oocyte (cell that develops into egg or ovum)
ooft {n}
:: tree fruit
ooft {n}
:: fruit in general
ooftbouw {m}
:: cultivation of fruit that grows on fruit trees
ooftwijn {m}
:: wine made from fruits that on trees
oog {n}
:: eye
oog {n}
:: pip (of dice)
oog {n}
:: eye (of a needle)
oog {n}
:: eye (of a peacock's tail)
oog {n}
:: eye (of a storm)
oog {n}
:: sight, vision, gaze
oogappel {m}
:: apple of someone's eye (someone or something dear)
oogappel {m}
:: the circular central area of the human eye formed by the iris together with the pupil
oogappel {m}
:: the pupil of the human eye
oogappel {m}
:: eyeball
oogarts {m}
:: ophthalmologist
oogbal {m}
:: eyeball
oogbol {m}
:: eyeball
oogbrauw {f}
:: eyelash
oogbrauw {f}
:: eyelid
oogbrauw {f}
:: eyebrow
ooggetuige {m}
:: eyewitness
oogglas {n}
:: monocle
oogheelkunde {f}
:: ophthalmology
oogheelkundig {adj}
:: ophthalmological
oogholte {f}
:: eye socket
oog in oog {phrase}
:: face to face
oogkas {f}
:: eye socket
ooglap {m}
:: eye patch
ooglid {n}
:: eyelid
oogmerk {n}
:: aim, goal
oog om oog, tand om tand {phrase}
:: eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; eye for an eye (penal principle of retributing damage caused in the same kind)
oogopslag {m}
:: A glance
oogpotlood {n}
:: eyeliner pencil
oogring {m}
:: eyering
oogschaduw {f}
:: eyeshadow
oogst {f} {m}
:: harvest
oogsten {v}
:: to harvest
oogstmuis {f}
:: harvest mouse, Micromys minutus
oogwenk {m}
:: eyewink
oogwenk {m}
:: short moment, eyewink
oogwit {n}
:: sclera
ooi {f}
:: ewe
ooibos {n}
:: A riparian forest
ooievaar {m}
:: A stork, bird of the family Ciconiidae
ooievaar {m}
:: A white stork, Ciconia ciconia
ooievaarsdorp {n}
:: A place where breeding pairs of tame storks are kept to increase or maintain population levels
ooit {adv}
:: sometime (in the future)
ooit {adv}
:: ever
ooit {adv}
:: once (in the past)
ooit nog {adv}
:: ever again
ook {adv}
:: also, too, moreover
ook {adv}
:: either
ook {adv}
:: -ever
ook {adv}
:: particle for emphasis
ook al {conj}
:: even though, despite that
oölogie {f}
:: oology
-oom {suffix}
:: -ome: a mass of something
oom {m}
:: uncle
oompje {noun}
:: diminutive of oom
oomzegger {m}
:: nephew, especially in relation to an uncle
oomzegster {f}
:: niece, especially in relation to an uncle
oor- {prefix}
:: A prefix with a variety of meanings, but originally meaning "out" or "original"
oor {n}
:: ear
oor {n}
:: handle (of cup, mug)
Oorbeek {prop} {n}
:: Oorbeek, a village in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant
Oorbeek {prop} {n}
:: Orbais, a village in the Belgian province of Walloon Brabant
oorbel {f} {m}
:: earring (piece of pierced ear jewelry of any type)
oord {n}
:: place
oord {n}
:: region
Oord {prop}
:: surname
oordeel {n}
:: opinion, judgement (conclusion of an act of deciding)
oordeel {n}
:: judgment, verdict, decision, sentence (legal conclusion in a court of law)
oordelen {v}
:: to judge
oordop {m}
:: earplug (hearing protection)
oordop {m}
:: ear bud (small earphone)
oordopje {noun}
:: diminutive of oordop
oorkonde {f}
:: (medieval) charter
oorkondenhypothese {f}
:: documentary hypothesis
oorkussen {n}
:: pillow
oorkussen {n}
:: earpad, pad used in headphones
oorlam {n} {m}
:: An alcoholic draught, usually jenever
oorlam {n} {m}
:: A long-time resident in the Dutch East Indies
oorlam {n} {m}
:: An experienced sailor
oorlel {f}
:: earlobe
oorlof {m}
:: furlough
oorlof {m}
:: permission
oorlof {m}
:: vacation
oorlof {interj}
:: farewell, goodbye
oorlog {m}
:: war
oorlogen {vi}
:: to wage war
oorlogsbodem {m}
:: warship
oorlogscensuur {f}
:: wartime censorship
oorlogscorrespondent {m}
:: A war correspondent
oorlogsfeit {n}
:: wartime action, act of war
oorlogsgebied {n}
:: A war zone
oorlogsgevangene {mf}
:: prisoner of war
oorlogsgeweld {n}
:: war violence
oorlogshandeling {f}
:: wartime action, act of war
oorlogsheld {m}
:: war hero
oorlogskreet {m}
:: war cry
oorlogsmachine {f}
:: war machine (warfare depicted as machinery)
oorlogsmachine {f}
:: A military machine, such as an engine of war
oorlogsmisdaad {f}
:: war crime
oorlogsmisdadiger {m}
:: war criminal
oorlogsmisdrijf {n}
:: war crime
oorlogsmonument {n}
:: war memorial
oorlogsschatting {f}
:: A tribute or reparations imposed on the loser of a war or battle
oorlogsschip {n}
:: warship, combat ship
oorlogstrom {f}
:: war drum
oorlogsverf {f}
:: war paint
oorlogsverklaring {f}
:: declaration of war
oorlogsverleden {n}
:: wartime past, past relating to a war
oorlogsverslaggever {m}
:: war correspondent
oorlogsveteraan {m}
:: war veteran (someone who has fought in a war)
oorlogszuchtig {adj}
:: militant, belligerent
oorlogszuchtigheid {f}
:: belligerence
oorlogvoerend {adj}
:: belligerent
oorlogvoering {f}
:: warfare
oorlogzucht {f}
:: belligerence, eagerness for war
oorloven {vt}
:: to allow, to permit
oormerk {n}
:: earmark
oormerk {n}
:: aim, goal
oormerken {vt}
:: to tag (an animal's ear)
oormerken {vt}
:: to designate in funding
oormerken {vt}
:: to typify, to be characteristic of
oormijt {f}
:: ear mite, Otodectes cynotis
oorring {m}
:: ring-shaped earring
oorrob {m}
:: eared seal, otary; any member of the family Otariidae
oorschelp {f}
:: An auricle, a pinna
oorsmeer {n}
:: Ear wax
oorsmeerklier {f}
:: ceruminous gland
oorsprong {m}
:: origin
oorspronkelijk {adj}
:: original
oorspronkelijk {adj}
:: pristine
oortje {noun}
:: earpiece (small speaker placed in the ear)
oorveeg {f} {m}
:: A box on the ear, cuff on the ear
oorvegen {vt}
:: To box someone's ear(s), administer at least one cuff on the ear
oorvijg {f}
:: A box, cuff on the ear, a painful smack on the side of the face with a flat hand
oorworm {m}
:: earwig (multipede insect)
oorzaak {mf}
:: cause
oorzakelijkheid {f}
:: causality
oost {adv}
:: east
oost {adv}
:: eastwards
Oost-Duitsland {prop} {n}
:: East Germany, either the DDR or the portion of Germany formerly belonging to the DDR
Oostelbos {prop}
:: surname
oostelijk {adj}
:: eastern
oostelijke zandvos {m}
:: pale fox (Vulpes pallida)
oosten {n}
:: east (cardinal direction)
Oosten {n}
:: superseded spelling of oosten
Oosten {n}
:: The Orient, Oriental countries and cultures, the East, the Eastern world
Oostende {prop}
:: Oostende (city)
Oostenrijk {prop} {n}
:: Oostenrijk (country)
Oostenrijker {m}
:: Austrian, member and/or descendant of the people of Austria
ooster- {prefix}
:: eastern
oosterbuur {m}
:: neighbour to the East
oosterbuur {m}
:: the Germans, Germany (the country the Netherlands border in the East)
oosterling {m}
:: easterner, someone living in, coming from or associated with the east of the world, a country etc
oosters {adj}
:: easterly, oriental
Oostfries {prop} {n}
:: The East Frisian language (Frisian language)
Oostfries {adj}
:: East Frisian
Oostfries {m}
:: An East Frisian person
Oostfriesland {prop} {n}
:: East Frisia
oostfront {n}
:: east front, eastern front
Oost Gelre {prop}
:: Oost Gelre (municipality)
Oost-Germaans {adj}
:: East Germanic
oostgrens {f}
:: eastern border
Oostkerk {prop} {n}
:: Oisquercq, a village in Belgium
oostkust {f} {m}
:: East coast (not necessarily of the United States)
Oost-Slavisch {adj}
:: East Slavic
Ooststellingwerf {prop}
:: Ooststellingwerf (municipality)
Oost-Timor {prop}
:: Oost-Timor (country)
Oostvaarder {m}
:: A merchant ship that sailed on the Baltic
Oost-Vlaams {adj}
:: East Flemish, from or relating to East Flanders, a Belgian province, in the eastern part of the historic countship of Flanders
Oost-Vlaams {adj}
:: in or relating to the East Flemish dialects
Oost-Vlaams {prop} {n}
:: East Flemish, a (rather artificial, by analogy with West-Vlaams) group of Flemish dialects of the Dutch language in the eastern part of the historic countship of Flanders (now in Belgium and, further south/west, France)
Oost-Vlaanderen {prop} {n}
:: East Flanders, a province of Belgium
Oost-Vlieland {prop} {n}
:: Oost-Vlieland (A <<village>> on <<isl/Vlieland>>.)
oostwaarts {adv}
:: eastwards
oostwaarts {adj}
:: eastward, easterly
oost west, thuis best {proverb}
:: there's no place like home
Oostzee {prop} {f}
:: Baltic Sea
Oostzeefins {adj}
:: Baltic-Finnic
ooswaarts {adv}
:: eastwards
-oot {suffix}
:: -ote, a suffix used to indicate people living in certain areas
ootmoed {m}
:: meekness, humility
ootmoedig {adj}
:: meek, humble
ootmoedigheid {f}
:: meekness, humility
op- {prefix}
:: up-
op {adv}
:: up
op {adv}
:: onto, up onto
op {adv}
:: Used in separative verbs meaning “to go away” with rude connotations
op {prep}
:: on, upon
op {prep}
:: bar, except Used to form ordinal numbers in relation to a superlative quality. The number that is used is 1 lower than in the English translation
op {adj}
:: up, awake, out of bed
op {adj}
:: up, all gone, no more, finished
opa {m}
:: granddad, grandpa, pops
opaak {adj}
:: opaque, hindering light to pass through; dark, murky
opaak {adj}
:: intransparant, unclear, confusing
opaal {n}
:: opal (a mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity)
opaal {m}
:: opal, a stone made of the above mineral
op af {circump}
:: at, in the direction of, towards, approaching
opalen {adj}
:: of or pertaining to opal
opaline {f}
:: opal glass, opaline (type of opaque translucent glass)
opaline {adj}
:: opaline, made of opal glass
opbellen {v}
:: to call (up) (to contact by telephone)
opbergen {vt}
:: to store, to stash away, to pack away, to stow away
opbeuren {vt}
:: to lift up, to raise
opbeuren {vt}
:: to cheer up, to comfort
opbiechten {v}
:: to confess, own up
opbiepen {vt}
:: To beep (someone), call by beeper
opblaasboot {m}
:: inflatable boat
opblaasgitaar {f}
:: inflatable guitar
opblaaskrokodil {m}
:: inflatable crocodile (pool or beach toy)
opblaaspop {c}
:: inflatable doll
opblazen {v}
:: to blow up, to inflate, to upblow
opblazen {v}
:: to explode, to set off
opblijven {vi}
:: to stay up, to remain awake
opbloeien {v}
:: to flourish
opbod {n}
:: A higher bid at an auction
opbokken {vi}
:: to get lost, to go away
opbouw {m}
:: structure
opbouw {m}
:: construction
opbouw {m}
:: fin, sail (dorsal tower of a submarine)
opbouwen {v}
:: to build, to build up
opbouwen {v}
:: to increase, to phase in
opbrengen {v}
:: to yield, to produce
opbrengen {v}
:: to afford the energy or capacity for
opbrengst {f}
:: proceeds (gross revenue)
opbruisen {vi}
:: to effervesce, to bubble up, to froth, to fizz
opcentiem {m}
:: (generally in the plural: opcentiemen) An addition of 1 percent to a tax, which is imposed by another public authority, e.g. by way of municipal or provincial supplement to the Belgian income tax
opdagen {vi}
:: to show up, to appear
opdagen {vt}
:: to summon, to subpoena
opdat {conj}
:: so that
op de been {adv}
:: standing; upright
op de been {adv}
:: up; awake; having got up
op de bonnefooi {adv}
:: without a plan, in a improvised fashion
op de hak nemen {v}
:: to make fun of
op de hoogte brengen {v}
:: to inform
op de klippen gelopen zijn {v}
:: to be on the rocks, be stranded
op de kop tikken {v}
:: to buy something (at a favorable price)
opdelen {v}
:: to divvy up, subdivide
opdeling {f}
:: subdivision
opdeling {f}
:: partition
opdeling {f}
:: distribution
op de loop gaan {v}
:: to take flight, to run away
op den duur {adv}
:: in the long run
op de pof gaan {v}
:: to go away without leave, to desert
op de pof leven {v}
:: to live on credit (in order to live beyond one's means)
op de tenen trappen {v}
:: to offend
op de tocht staan {v}
:: To be at stake; to be at risk; to be jeopardised
op de valreep {prep}
:: At the last moment, at the last minute
op de valreep staan {v}
:: to be about to leave or end
op de zenuwen werken {v}
:: to get on someone's nerves
op die fiets {phrase}
:: See: nl op die fiets
op die fiets {phrase}
:: Affirms that the speaker has understood an explanation
opdienen {v}
:: to serve (food)
opdiepen {vt}
:: to disclose, to bring to light
opdiepen {vt}
:: to raise, to bring up, to dig up
opdoeken {v}
:: to shut down
opdoemen {v}
:: to appear out of nowhere
opdoen {v}
:: to acquire
opdoffen {v}
:: to dress up
opdoffen {v}
:: to pretty up
opdonder {m}
:: wallop
opdonder {m}
:: a person of small stature, a pipsqueak
opdonderen {vi}
:: to get lost, beat it
opdracht {f}
:: task, an action that one is required to do
opdracht {f}
:: commission, something that has been commissioned
opdracht {f}
:: order, request
opdracht {f}
:: dedication (handwritten, by author)
opdracht {f}
:: transfer (of possessions, etc.)
opdracht {f}
:: A swelling, a rash
opdrachtgever {m}
:: A commissioner, one who commissions an action
opdrachtregel {m}
:: command line
opdragen {v}
:: to assign a duty to, to charge with
opdraven {v}
:: (with moeten or laten) to appear after being summoned
opdraven {v}
:: (with komen) to turn up (by one's own will)
opdringen {v}
:: to push someone; to forcibly make someone accept something
opdrinken {v}
:: to drink up, to finish one's drink
opduiken {v}
:: to appear, to emerge, to turn up, to show up (usually suddenly after being hidden or absent for some time)
opduiken {v}
:: (from water) to bring up, to bring to the surface
opduiken {v}
:: (from earth) to unearth, to dig up
opeen- {prefix}
:: up-, stronger than op-
opeen {adv}
:: on top of each other
op een drafje {prep}
:: easily
op een drafje {prep}
:: quickly and not very thoroughly
op een haar na {adv}
:: only just, very nearly
opeenhopen {v}
:: to pile up, accumulate
opeenhoping {f}
:: accumulation, pile
op een kluitje {prep}
:: packed together, close to each other
op een na {prep}
:: second (e.g. "second best", "second last", "second largest")
opeens {adv}
:: suddenly, all of a sudden
op een voetstuk staan {vi}
:: to be conceited
op een voetstuk staan {v}
:: See: nl op een voetstuk staan
opeenvolgend {adj}
:: successive, consecutive
opeisen {v}
:: to claim, demand
op elk potje past een deksel {proverb}
:: every Jack has his Jill
open {adj}
:: open, not closed
open {adj}
:: open for business
open {adj}
:: open, receptive
openbaar {adj}
:: public
openbaar {adj}
:: non-affiliated (e.g. neither Catholic, Protestant, nor socialist)
openbaarheid {f}
:: openness, transparence, publicity
openbaarheid {f}
:: the public sphere, the public eye
openbaar vervoer {n}
:: public transit
openbaren {v}
:: to reveal
openbaring {f}
:: Revelation (dramatic disclosure)
Openbaring {prop} {f}
:: The Bible Book of Revelation
openbarsten {v}
:: to burst open
openbloeien {v}
:: bloom
openbloeien {v}
:: flower (to put forth blooms)
openbreken {v}
:: to break open
openbreken {vt}
:: to break open
opendoen {v}
:: to open
opendraaien {vt}
:: to open by turning
opendraaien {vt}
:: to open up
openduwen {vt}
:: to push open
openen {vt}
:: to open
opengaan {vi}
:: to open
open haard {m}
:: fireplace
openhalen {v}
:: to gash, to slice open
openheid {f}
:: openness
open huwelijk {n}
:: open marriage
opening {f}
:: opening, gap
opening {f}
:: the act or process of being opened
openingsceremonie {f}
:: opening ceremony
openlijk {adv}
:: openly
openlucht {c}
:: outdoor
openmaken {vt}
:: to open
op en neer {adv}
:: up and down
open rug {f}
:: spina bifida
open ruggetje {noun}
:: diminutive of open rug
opensperren {v}
:: to open wide
openwerken {vt}
:: to open with effort
openwerken {vt}
:: to make a hole or opening
open zee {f}
:: open sea
openzetten {vt}
:: to open up (windows, doors etc.),
openzetten {vt}
:: to open in such away that it stays open
openzwaaien {v}
:: to swing open
opera {f}
:: opera
operacomponist {m}
:: opera composer
operacomponiste {f}
:: female opera composer
operagebouw {n}
:: opera building, opera house
operahuis {n}
:: opera building, opera house
operatie {f}
:: operation
operatie {f}
:: operation, procedure, surgery
operatiekamer {f}
:: operating theatre, operating room (room where surgical procedures are performed)
operatiekamertje {noun}
:: diminutive of operatiekamer
operazanger {m}
:: An opera singer, a person who sings opera
operazangeres {f}
:: A female opera singer, a woman who sings opera
opereren {v}
:: to operate
operette {f}
:: operetta, comic opera (light-hearted opera with spoken sections)
opeten {vt}
:: to eat up, to devour
opfleuren {vi}
:: to cheer up
opfleuren {vt}
:: to cheer up
opflikkeren {vi}
:: to fuck off, bugger off
opfokken {vt}
:: to excite, wind up, stir up
opfokken {vt}
:: to raise, to breed
opfrissen {vt}
:: to freshen up, to wash up
opgaan {v}
:: to go up, ascend
opgaan {v}
:: to be a candidate, to make an attempt, to make a bid (for a test, prize etc.), to be tested
opgaan {v}
:: to hold true, to apply, to be significant
opgaan {v}
:: to blend in, to be lost (in a crowd, surroundings etc.)
opgaan {v}
:: to be lost (in an activity, so as to lose track of time, one's surroundings, etc.)
opgang {m}
:: rising of a heavenly body (such as the sun or moon)
opgang {m}
:: rising (of a country's or a person's power)
opgang {m}
:: staircase
opgang {m}
:: path leading upwards
opgave {f}
:: task, assignment
opgeilen {vt}
:: to make horny
opgelaten {adj}
:: embarrassed, not at ease
Opgeldenaken {prop} {n}
:: Jodoigne-Souveraine, a village in Belgium
opgescheept {adj}
:: suffering
opgestoken {v}
:: past participle of opsteken
opgetogen {adj}
:: ecstatic, excited
opgeven {v}
:: to give up
opgeven {v}
:: to relinquish
opgeven {v}
:: to report, let know
opgewassen zijn {v}
:: to be strong enough
opgewassen zijn {v}
:: to be able to withstand or take on
opgewekt {adj}
:: cheerful
opgewonden {adj}
:: excited
opgewonden {adj}
:: agitated
opgooien {v}
:: to throw upwards
opgraven {vt}
:: to dig up, to excavate, to disinter
opgraving {f}
:: excavation, dig
opgraving {f}
:: disinterment, exhumation
opgroeien {v}
:: to grow up, to spend childhood
ophaalbrug {f}
:: drawbridge
ophaalbrug {f}
:: Specifically, a type of drawbridge that uses a counterweight above the bridge deck to reduce the amount of power required to open
ophalen {v}
:: to haul up
ophalen {v}
:: to collect
op handen zijn {v}
:: To be close at hand; to be imminent
ophangen {vt}
:: to hang up (to append or suspend)
ophangen {vt}
:: to hang, to execute by hanging
ophangen {vit}
:: to hang up (a telephone), to end a telephone conversation
ophef {m}
:: uproar
opheffen {v}
:: to lift up
opheffen {v}
:: to disband, discontinue, suspend
opheffing {f}
:: abolition; abolishment
opheffing {f}
:: abrogation
ophelderen {v}
:: to clarify, to clear up
opheldering {f}
:: clarification
ophemelen {v}
:: to extol, to laud, to praise into the heavens
op het eerste gezicht {adv}
:: at first sight
op het matje roepen {v}
:: to call on the carpet
op het punt staan {v}
:: to be about (to)
ophitsen {vt}
:: to egg on, to stir up, to provoke, to incite
ophoepelen {vi}
:: to get lost, to go away, to piss off
ophoesten {v}
:: to cough up, to expectorate
ophogen {v}
:: to raise, make higher
ophokken {vt}
:: to bring inside, to stable
ophokplicht {f}
:: requirement to keep any livestock or pets indoors, as a reverse quarantine to prevent contamination fe. in case of epidemics
op hol {adv}
:: runaway, out of control; mainly used with the verb slaan ('rapidly become') and applied to creatures, machines and even a processus
ophopen {v}
:: to amass, heap up
ophouden {vi}
:: to finish, end (to come to an end)
ophouden {vi}
:: to cease, stop
ophouden {vt}
:: to hold up, to hinder
ophouden {vt}
:: to uphold, keep up, maintain
opiaat {n}
:: opiate (drug, hormone or other substance derived from or related to opium)
opinie {f}
:: opinion
opiniepeiling {f}
:: opinion poll, methodic attempt to quantify public opinion
opiniestuk {n}
:: An opinion piece
opiniestukje {noun}
:: diminutive of opiniestuk
opium {n} {m}
:: opium
opiumhol {n}
:: opium den
opiumpapaver {f}
:: A n opium poppy, Papaver somniferum; in particular a cultivar cultivated for opium
opiumschuiver {m}
:: An opium smoker
opjutten {v}
:: to urge, to rouse
opkalefateren {v}
:: To improve
opkalefateren {v}
:: To patch up
opkankeren {vi}
:: to fuck off, bugger off
op kantoor {adv}
:: at the office
opkijken {v}
:: To look (in an) up(ward manner); to lift one's eyes
opkijken {v}
:: (used with 'naar ...': to ...) To admire, respect, look up to someone in a higher position
opkikkeren {vt}
:: to cheer up
opklapbed {n}
:: fold-up bed, Murphy bed
opklapbedje {noun}
:: diminutive of opklapbed
opklaren {vt}
:: To (make) clear(er), clarify
opklaren {vt}
:: To fix, solve (especially a riddle etc.)
opklaren {vi}
:: To become clear(er), to clear up
opklaren {vt}
:: To (become) clear(er), clear up physically
opklaren {vi}
:: To clear up, to look, to feel etc. bright(er) etc
opklaren {vr}
:: To clear (up) oneself in either sense
opklimmen {v}
:: to climb up
opklimmen {v}
:: to become greater, to become larger
opknappen {vt}
:: to overhaul, to renovate, to refurbish
opknappen {vt}
:: to take care of (a job or task)
opknappen {vi}
:: to get better, to recuperate, to cheer up
opknappen {vt}
:: to trounce
opknopen {vt}
:: to hang, to string up (to execute by hanging)
opknopen {vt}
:: to tie up
opkomen {v}
:: to come up, to rise
opkomen {v}
:: to come on (i.e. a stage)
op komst {adj}
:: coming, approaching, on the way
opkomst {f}
:: rise (of the sun or moon)
opkomst {f}
:: turnout, attendance
opkrikken {v}
:: to lift with a jack
opkrikken {v}
:: to improve, to better
oplaaien {v}
:: to blaze up
opladen {v}
:: to charge, recharge
oplader {m}
:: charger, a device that charges or recharges
oplage {c}
:: the number of printed copies of a book
oplage {c}
:: circulation
op laste van {prep}
:: on account of (i.e. being accused of)
oplawaai {m}
:: A sounding blow, punch, whack, as with a fist
oplawaai {m}
:: A hard hit, bad blow, inadversity such as a setback
opleggen {v}
:: to put on
opleggen {v}
:: to impose
opleiden {v}
:: to lead up
opleiden {v}
:: to bring up, educate
opleiden {v}
:: to coach, train
opleiding {f}
:: education, training, instruction
opleidingsschip {n}
:: (naval) training ship
opletten {v}
:: to pay attention
oplettendheid {f}
:: Attentiveness
opleuken {vt}
:: to embellish, to decorate, to make more stylish
opleven {v}
:: to revive
opleveren {v}
:: to produce
opleveren {v}
:: to result
oplichten {vi}
:: to light up
oplichten {vt}
:: to lift up
oplichten {vt}
:: to scam, to swindle
oplichter {m}
:: imposter, fraud
oplichter {m}
:: con-artist
oplichterij {f}
:: swindle, scam
oplichting {f}
:: fraud, scam
oplichtster {f}
:: female imposter, fraud
oplichtster {f}
:: female con-artist
oploop {m}
:: A more or less spontaneous gathering at some location, often implying protest or a riotous atmosphere
oplopen {v}
:: to incur, to receive (an injury)
oplopen {v}
:: to contract (a disease)
oplopen {v}
:: to increase
oplosbaar {adj}
:: solvent
oploskoffie {f} {m}
:: instant coffee, soluble coffee
oplosmiddel {n}
:: solvent
oplossen {v}
:: to dissolve
oplossen {vt}
:: to solve
oplossing {f}
:: solution (e.g. to a mathematical problem)
oplossing {f}
:: solution
opluchten {v}
:: to relieve, to reassure from worries
opluchting {f}
:: relief
opmaak {c}
:: layout
opmaak {c}
:: markup
opmachtigen {v}
:: to empower
opmaken {vt}
:: to use up (e.g. money) or eat up (all that's left to eat)
opmaken {vt}
:: to finish, conclude
opmaken {vt}
:: to make (a bed)
opmaken {vt}
:: to put make-up on
opmaken {vt}
:: to format, to apply styling to
opmaken {vt}
:: to conclude, to infer
opmars {mf}
:: advance, march
opmerkelijk {adj}
:: remarkable
opmerkelijk {adv}
:: remarkably
opmerken {v}
:: to remark, notice
opmerking {f}
:: remark, observation
opnaaien {v}
:: rile up, provoke, excite
opnaaien {v}
:: To connect pieces by sewing them together
opname {f}
:: The act of absorbing or assimilating, uptake, absorption
opname {f}
:: A recording, a record, something that has been recorded
opname {f}
:: The act of recording
opname {f}
:: The act of including, adopting or assimilating
opname {f}
:: An intake, admission
opname {f}
:: The department or office in a medical facility (such a hospital) dealing with the admission of patients
opnamestudio {m}
:: A recording studio
opneemkop {m}
:: recording head for writing to a storage medium
opnemen {vt}
:: to pick up, to raise
opnemen {vti}
:: to pick up or answer (the phone or horn)
opnemen {vt}
:: to take in, to admit, to reserve a spot for
opnemen {vt}
:: to record
opnemen {vt}
:: to snap (a photo), shoot (a film)
opnemen {vt}
:: to eyeball, to look at
opnemen {vt}
:: to observe or measure (result)
opnemen {vt}
:: to begin, to initiate
opnieuw {adv}
:: again
opnoemen {v}
:: recite, name one by one, as from a list
opoe {f}
:: granny, grandmother
opoe {f}
:: old woman
opofferen {vt}
:: to sacrifice
oponthoud {n}
:: delay, relent
op orde {adj}
:: in order, orderly, tidy
opossum {m}
:: opossum, marsupial of the family Didelphidae
op pad {prep}
:: en route; on the way
oppakken {v}
:: to pick up
oppakken {v}
:: to take up, to take into consideration, to do something with
oppakken {v}
:: to arrest (take into police custody)
oppas {c}
:: babysitter
oppassen {v}
:: to watch out, beware
oppassen {v}
:: to babysit, take care, nurse
opper- {prefix}
:: highest, uppermost, supreme
opper- {prefix}
:: most
opperarm {m}
:: upper arm
opperbest {adj}
:: top-notch
opperbevel {n}
:: supreme command
opperbevelhebber {m}
:: commander in chief, supreme commander
opperduivel {m}
:: devil (demon in charge)
opperen {v}
:: to cock hay, form hay-cocks
opperen {v}
:: to suggest
opperen {v}
:: to bring stones, mortar etc. to the masons
oppergod {m}
:: A chief god
oppergod {m}
:: The highest authority, top dog, supreme champion etc
opperhoofd {n}
:: A tribal chief, a chieftain
opperhoofd {n}
:: A pope
opperhoofd {n}
:: A leader of a colony
opperhoofd {n}
:: A military commander
opperhoofd {n}
:: A captain
opperhoofd {n}
:: A leader of any group
opperhuid {f} {m}
:: epidermis
opperklasse {f}
:: upper class
oppermachtig {adj}
:: sovereign, supreme
opperman {n}
:: hodman
opperrabbi {m}
:: chief rabbi
opperrabbijn {m}
:: chief rabbi
opperste {adj}
:: highest
opperste {adj}
:: uttermost, paramount
oppervlak {n}
:: surface
oppervlakkig {adj}
:: shallow, superficial
oppervlakte {f}
:: area
oppervlakte {f}
:: surface
oppervlaktelading {f}
:: surface charge
oppervlakteladingsdichtheid {f}
:: surface charge density
oppervlaktespanning {f}
:: surface tension
oppervlaktestroom {m}
:: surface current
oppervlaktestroomdichtheid {f}
:: surface current density
oppervlaktevloot {f}
:: surface fleet (non-submarine portion of a fleet)
oppervlaktewater {n}
:: surface water
opperwezen {n}
:: Supreme being
oppeuzelen {v}
:: to eat something in its entirety, especially with small bites or nibbles
oppikken {v}
:: to pick up, glean
oppoetsen {v}
:: to polish
opposant {m}
:: opponent
oppositie {f}
:: parliamentary opposition (non-government factions in parliament)
oppositie {f}
:: opposition, resistance
oppositieleider {m}
:: leader of the opposition
oppositieleidster {f}
:: Female leader of the opposition
oppositielid {m}
:: A member of the (notably political) opposition
oppotten {vt}
:: to store or put in pots, to pot
oppotten {vt}
:: to stockpile, to store, to hoard
op prijs stellen {vt}
:: to appreciate (be grateful for)
opprimeren {v}
:: to oppress
opprimeren {v}
:: to suppress, to stifle
opraken {vi}
:: to run out
oprapen {v}
:: to pick up from the ground or floor
oprecht {adj}
:: sincere
oprechtheid {f}
:: sincerity
oprichten {v}
:: to rear, lift up
oprichten {v}
:: to establish, to found
oprichter {m}
:: founder
oprichting {f}
:: establishment, founding
oprijlaan {f}
:: driveway
oprijzen {v}
:: to arise, to rise up
oprit {m}
:: driveway
oproep {m}
:: appeal, entreaty
oproep {m}
:: a call-up
oproepen {v}
:: to call, invoke
oproepen {v}
:: to appeal to
oproer {n} {m}
:: uproar, riot
oproer {n} {m}
:: tumult, upheaval
oproerig {adj}
:: seditious, rebellious
oproerpolitie {f}
:: riot police
oprollen {v}
:: to roll up
oprollen {v}
:: to arrest, to capture (a group of criminals for example)
oprotten {vi}
:: to fuck off, get lost, go to hell
opruien {vt}
:: To agitate or incite others to do something bad; to stir up trouble
opruiing {f}
:: insurrection, rebellion
opruiing {f}
:: sedition, incitement
opruimen {vt}
:: To clean (something) up,
opruimen {vi}
:: To tidy up, get in order
opruimen {vt}
:: To clear away, eliminate, get rid of
opruimingsuitverkoop {m}
:: clearance sale (discounted sale of stock of which one wants to be rid)
opruimplicht {f}
:: A requirement to dispose of excrement produced by an animal one own, usually in relation to dogs or horses
oprukken {v}
:: to march, advance
opscharen {v}
:: get
opschepen {v}
:: to saddle (someone with), to land (someone with)
opscheplepel {m}
:: ladle
opscheppen {vti}
:: to serve up (food) from cooking utensils into crockery used for eating, to scoop (food) onto one's or someone else's plate or other vessel
opscheppen {vi}
:: to brag, to boast
opschepper {m}
:: boaster, braggart
opscheren {vt}
:: to shave the hair on the back and/or sides of the head to a short length, leaving the hair on the crown of the head to be longer
opschieten {v}
:: to hasten, hurry
opschieten {v}
:: to make progress, make headway
opschieten {v}
:: to get along
opschonen {vt}
:: to cleanse, to clean up
opschorten {v}
:: to postpone, suspend
opschrift {n}
:: superscription, caption
opschrijven {v}
:: to write down
opschrikken {v}
:: to be startled
opschudden {v}
:: to cause turmoil, to shake up
opschudding {f}
:: commotion, turmoil
opslaan {v}
:: to save, to store (a file, page)
opslaan {v}
:: to increase (e.g. of prices)
opslag {m}
:: storage
opslag {m}
:: raise (in wages)
op slot {prep}
:: locked, secured by a lock
opsluiten {v}
:: to lock in
opsluiten {v}
:: to lock up, imprison, incarcerate
opsmijten {v}
:: rile up
opsmuk {m}
:: decoration, ornament
opsnuiven {v}
:: to inhale through the nose
opsodemieteren {vi}
:: to fuck off, get lost, go to hell
opsommen {v}
:: to enumerate, to sum up
opsomming {f}
:: enumeration
opsomming {f}
:: list
opsomming {f}
:: sum Note: opsomming will typically translate to the verb sum, not the noun, the noun sum will typically translate to som
opsouperen {v}
:: to use up (allowance, quota, etc.)
opsouperen {v}
:: to waste, to run out of (money, etc.)
opsouperen {v}
:: to squander
opspannen {v}
:: to tense (make or become tense)
opspatten {vi}
:: to disperse and be projected in droplets; to spatter, to splash, to scatter
opsporen {v}
:: to trace, identify
opsporing {f}
:: detection, identification, tracing
opsporing {f}
:: espial
opspraak {f} {m}
:: discredit
opspringen {v}
:: jump up (propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne)
opspringen {v}
:: bounce (upward)
opstaan {vi}
:: to stand up
opstaan {vi}
:: to get up, to rise
opstaan {vi}
:: to be on, to be cooking
opstaan {vi}
:: to be on, to be playing (music)
opstal {m}
:: edifice (building, monument or constructed fencing)
opstand {m}
:: rebellion, insurrection
opstandeling {m}
:: insurgent, rebel
opstandig {adj}
:: rebellious
opstandigheid {f}
:: rebelliousness
opstanding {f}
:: resurrection
opstandingskracht {f} {m}
:: resurrection power
op stang jagen {vt}
:: make angry; rile
opstap {c}
:: step, rung
opstap {c}
:: stepping stone (as a way to progress)
opstapelen {vt}
:: to pile up, heap
opstapelen {vr}
:: to accumulate, pile up
opstappen {v}
:: to go away, resign
opstappen {v}
:: to depart (as in "step away")
opstappen {v}
:: to board (as in "step (up) into" or "step on board")
opstarten {v}
:: to start up
opstarten {v}
:: to boot, to launch
opsteken {v}
:: to learn
opsteken {v}
:: to set something on fire, to light
opsteken {v}
:: to raise an object
opsteken {v}
:: (a natural event) to begin to occur
opstel {n}
:: An essay (short written composition), especially as a writing exercises in school
opstellen {v}
:: to arrange, line up
opstellen {v}
:: to formulate
Opsterland {prop}
:: Opsterland (municipality)
op sterven na dood {adj}
:: moribund, almost obsolete
opstijgen {vi}
:: to ascend, to rise
opstijgen {vi}
:: to take off
opstoot {m}
:: uproar, riot, brawl (unruly gathering of people with altercations)
opstoot {m}
:: outbreak, outburst (rapid development of a disease or symptoms)
opstoot {m}
:: uppercut
opstopping {f}
:: traffic jam
opsturen {v}
:: to send, to post, to ship
optatief {m}
:: the optative mood or a word therein
optativus {m}
:: the optative mood or a word therein
optekenen {v}
:: to note down, record
optellen {v}
:: to add
optelling {f}
:: A sum, addition, made or to be made
optelling {f}
:: The arithmetic process of adding numbers
optie {f}
:: option
optie {f}
:: option
optiebeurs {c}
:: options exchange
optiefen {v}
:: alternative spelling of optyfen
optillen {v}
:: to lift up
optimaal {adj}
:: optimal
optimaat {m}
:: optimate (member of the ruling class and their faction in ancient Rome)
optimalisatie {f}
:: optimisation
optimaliseren {v}
:: to optimise (UK), optimize (US)
optimisme {n}
:: optimism
optimist {m}
:: optimist
optimistisch {adj}
:: optimistic
optimistisch {adv}
:: optimistically
optisch {adj}
:: optic, optical
optocht {m}
:: parade
op touw zetten {v}
:: to initiate, to launch
op touw zetten {v}
:: to engineer, to frame
optreden {v}
:: to act, perform (for others to view)
optreden {v}
:: to appear, to occur
optreden {n}
:: a performance (theatrical or otherwise)
optreden {n}
:: behaviour, manner, conduct
optreden {n}
:: an action (een militair optreden)
optrek {m}
:: An abode, a residence
optrekje {noun}
:: diminutive of optrek
optrekken {v}
:: to pull up
optrekken {v}
:: to rise up (against)
optrekken {v}
:: to accelerate
optrekken {v}
:: to build
optrekstang {f}
:: pull-up bar
optrommelen {v}
:: to rally, to drum up
optronisch {adj}
:: optronic, optoelectronic
optuigen {vt}
:: to rig, to set up
optuigen {vt}
:: to tack (up)
optuigen {vr}
:: to dress, to get dressed
optuigen {vt}
:: to decorate
optyfen {vi}
:: to fuck off
opvallen {v}
:: To attract attention (of ...)
opvallend {adj}
:: striking, notable
opvang {m}
:: caretaking, sheltering
opvang {m}
:: shelter, care centre
opvangen {v}
:: to catch
opvanghuis {n}
:: A shelter, a building where people or animals who are threatened, victimised or homeless are (temporarily) housed
opvarende {mf}
:: person on board of a ship, covering both crew and passengers
opvatten {v}
:: to interpret
opvatten {v}
:: to take (with hands)
opvatting {f}
:: concept, idea
opvatting {f}
:: opinion, view
opvijzelen {vt}
:: to windlass, to raise with a winch or windlass
opvijzelen {vt}
:: to crank up, to raise, to improve
opvissen {v}
:: to fish up
opvliegend {adj}
:: cranky, irascible
opvoeden {v}
:: to raise, to bring up (a child)
opvoeding {f}
:: upbringing, education (upbringing in home rather than school education)
opvoedkunde {f}
:: pedagogy
opvoedkundig {adj}
:: educational, pedagogic
opvoeren {vt}
:: to perform (e.g. a play or opera)
opvoeren {vt}
:: to soup up, to tune up
opvoeren {vt}
:: to increase, to intensify
opvoeren {vt}
:: to raise, to lift up
opvoeren {vt}
:: to exalt, to elate
opvoering {f}
:: performance (e.g. of a play, opera, or concert)
opvolgen {v}
:: to succeed (come after)
opvolgen {v}
:: to follow
opvolger {m}
:: successor
opvolging {f}
:: succession
op volgorde {adv}
:: in order, in sequence
opvolgster {m}
:: female successor
op voorhand {adv}
:: in advance, beforehand
opvreten {vt}
:: to eat up something in a savage manner
opvreten {vt}
:: to corrode
op vrije voeten {prep}
:: free, at large
opvullen {v}
:: to fill up
opwaarderen {v}
:: to revalue, increase in value
opwaarderen {v}
:: to top up (to extend the credit of something)
opwaarts {adj}
:: upward
opwaarts {adv}
:: upwards
opwaartse kracht {f}
:: buoyancy
opwaartse kracht {f}
:: lift
opwachten {v}
:: to waylay (to lie in wait for and attack from ambush)
opwarmen {v}
:: to warm up
opwekken {v}
:: to generate
opwekken {v}
:: to excite, stimulate
opwekking {f}
:: worship song
opwekking {f}
:: revival, awakening
opwekking {f}
:: generation (e.g. of electric power)
opwelling {f}
:: whim, impulse
opwelling {f}
:: upwelling, gush
op wieltjes {prep}
:: See: nl op wieltjes
op wieltjes {prep}
:: nominally belonging to a religion or denomination but nonpracticing
opwind {m}
:: updraft, updraught, lift
opwinden {vt}
:: To wind, to wind up; e.g. to tighten a clockwork mechanism
opwinden {vt}
:: To agitate, to excite
opwinden {vr}
:: To get agitated, to get excited, to become aggravated
opwindend {adj}
:: exciting, thrilling, exhilarating
opwinding {f}
:: agitation, trepidation
opzadelen {v}
:: to saddle up
opzadelen {v}
:: burden with, force (a problem) on
opzeggen {v}
:: to end a contract
opzeggen {v}
:: to recite something from memory
opzet {m}
:: design, plan (concept)
opzet {n}
:: intention, intent
opzettelijk {adj}
:: deliberate, intentional
opzettelijk {adv}
:: deliberately, intentionally
opzetten {v}
:: to set up, to install
opzetten {v}
:: to put on
opzetten {v}
:: to stuff (an animal)
op zich {adv}
:: in itself
opzicht {n}
:: supervision
opzicht {n}
:: relation, regard
opzichter {mf}
:: overseer, supervisor
opzichtig {adj}
:: pretentious, tawdry
opzien baren {v}
:: to draw attention
opzienbarend {adj}
:: sensational, spectacular, remarkable
opzij {adv}
:: aside, to the side
op zijn elfendertigst {adv}
:: slow and steady, not rushed, taking one's time
op zijn klompen aanvoelen {vt}
:: to easily understand, realise (come to the realisation that) or anticipate
op zijn nek krijgen {v}
:: be bothered with
op zijn paasbest {prep}
:: in one's Sunday best, in a very tidy or decent manner
op zijn plaats {adj}
:: appropriate, fitting, in order
op zijn strepen staan {v}
:: not give in; insist (possibly by using own's authority)
op zijn tenen getrapt {adj}
:: (predicative) offended
op zoek {adv}
:: (usually with naar) searching for, in search for
opzoeken {v}
:: to visit
opzoeken {v}
:: to seek, look for
opzoeken {v}
:: to look up (e.g. in a directory)
opzoomeren {v}
:: to increase the quality of life and social cohesion in a residential street, especially in poorer areas, through communally organized initiatives such as social events and beautification projects
opzouten {vt}
:: to salt up, to pickle
opzouten {vt}
:: to bottle up, to hold in, to not express
opzouten {vi}
:: to get lost, to go away, to piss off
opzwellen {v}
:: to swell
opzwepen {vt}
:: to urge or chase on with a whip
opzwepen {vt}
:: to excite, to whip up
oraal {adj}
:: oral
oraal {adv}
:: orally
orakel {n}
:: oracle
orakel {n}
:: prophetic message, typically formulated in vague terms
orakel {n}
:: shrine dedicated to a deity where such messages are given
orakel {n}
:: person who formulates such messages
orang-baar {m}
:: greenhorn, newbie, particularly a recent arrival in the Dutch East Indies
orang-oetan {m}
:: orangutan
orang-oetang {m}
:: alternative form of orang-oetan
oranje {adj}
:: orange
oranje {n}
:: the color orange
Oranje {m}
:: a member of the Dutch royal family
Oranje {prop} {n}
:: the house of Orange, Orange-Nassau
Oranje {prop} {n}
:: Orange, a principality in France, historically one of the primary fiefs of the house of Orange-Nassau
Oranje {prop} {n}
:: a national sports team of the Netherlands, especially the soccer team
oranje-blanje-bleu {prop} {n}
:: the Prince's Flag
Oranjeklant {m}
:: A fervent supporter of the House of Orange-Nassau
oranjekoek {m}
:: A pastry of Frisian origin containing candied orange snippets and almond paste, with pink fondant and often whipped cream on the top
Oranjeleeuwin {f}
:: a member of the women's national soccer team of the Netherlands
Oranjevrouw {f}
:: a member of a women's national sports team of the Netherlands
oratorium {n}
:: An oratorio, a religiously-themed semi-operatic form of music
oratorium {n}
:: A prayer room or small chapel
orbánisme {n}
:: the authoritarian ideology of Viktor Orbán
orbitaal {adj}
:: orbital, concerning a circulating object's orbit
orbitaal {adj}
:: orbital, of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole))
orbitaal {c}
:: orbital
orchidee {f}
:: orchid, flowering plant of the family Orchidaceae
orde {f}
:: order
orde {f}
:: state of being ordered, arranged, in line with rules
orde {f}
:: group, society
orde {f}
:: taxonomic rank
Orde Baru {prop} {f}
:: Orde Baru, the political regime in Indonesia under Suharto
Orde Lama {prop} {f}
:: Orde Lama, the political order in Indonesia under Sukarno
ordelijk {adj}
:: neat, in order
ordenen {vt}
:: to bring into order, to tidy
ordening {f}
:: tidying up, bringing in order
ordentelijk {adj}
:: orderly
order {mf} {n}
:: order (command)
order {mf} {n}
:: order (request for product or service)
orderidder {m}
:: A knight belonging to a chivalric order, especially one belonging to a Christian mediaeval military order
ordner {m}
:: A binder, a hard-cover folder
oreade {f}
:: oread
oregano {m}
:: oregano (spice)
oregano {m}
:: oregano, Origanum vulgare
orenmaffia {f} {m}
:: "mind mob": expression used for therapists that claim diseases originate from psychical causes; the Dutch expression tussen de oren, literary "between the ears", suggests a mental cause of illness
orgaan {n}
:: organ (part of an organism)
orgaan {n}
:: mouthpiece, a spokesperson or medium aligned with an organisation
orgaan {n}
:: organ (musical instrument)
orgaandier {n}
:: eumetazoan, any member of the subkingdom Eumetazoa
orgaandonor {m}
:: An organ donor
organel {n}
:: organelle (a membrane bound compartment found within cells)
organisatie {f}
:: An organization (institution)
organisatie {f}
:: Organisation, the way or degree that something is organised
organisatorisch {adj}
:: organizational
organisatorisch {adv}
:: organizationally
organisch {adj}
:: organic
organisch {adv}
:: organically
organiseren {v}
:: to organise (UK); organize (US)
organisme {n}
:: organism
organist {m}
:: organ player, organist
organoleptisch {adj}
:: organoleptic
orgasme {n}
:: orgasm
orgastisch {adj}
:: orgasmic
orgel {n}
:: organ
orgelaar {m}
:: organ player, organist
orgelen {vi}
:: To play the organ
orgelpijp {f}
:: An organ pipe
orgelpijpcactus {m}
:: organ pipe cactus (Stenocereus thurberi, syn. Glandulicereus thurberi)
orgelpijpje {noun}
:: diminutive of orgelpijp
Oriental {m}
:: An Oriental lily
oriëntatie {f}
:: orientation
origineel {adj}
:: original
orinoco-appel {m}
:: cocona fruit
Orion {prop} {m}
:: Orion
Orionnevel {prop} {f}
:: Orion Nebula
ork {m}
:: killer whale, Orcinus orca
ork {m}
:: orc
orka {m}
:: killer whale, orca, Orcinus orca
orkaan {m} {n}
:: hurricane
orkaan {m} {n}
:: An uncontrollable/destructive force
orkaan {m} {n}
:: Something moving extremely fast
orkaanseizoen {n}
:: hurricane season
orkest {n}
:: orchestra
orkin {f}
:: female orc
orogenese {f}
:: orogenesis, orogeny
orth. {adj}
:: abbreviation of orthodox
ortho {c}
:: clipping of orthodontist, orthodontiste
orthodontie {f}
:: orthodontics, orthodontia
orthodontisch {adj}
:: orthodontic
orthodontist {m}
:: orthodontist
orthodontistisch {adj}
:: orthodontic
orthodox {adj}
:: orthodox
orthodox {adj}
:: conforming to conventional norms in opinion or practice
orthodox {adj}
:: staying close to established customs, not particularly innovative
orthogonaal {adj}
:: orthogonal
orthomoleculair {adj}
:: orthomolecular
orthonormaal {adj}
:: orthonormal
os. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Oudsaksisch
os {m}
:: ox
oscillatie {f}
:: oscillation
oscilleren {v}
:: to oscillate
-ose {suffix}
:: -ose
-ose {suffix}
:: -osis
OSF {prop} {f}
:: initialism of Onafhankelijke SenaatsFractie; a Dutch political alliance of local parties that only contest elections for the senate (Eerste Kamer) under this name
Oslo {prop} {n}
:: Oslo (county/and/municipality/capital city)
Osm. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Osmaans
Osm. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Ottomaans
Osmaans {adj}
:: Ottoman
osmium {n}
:: osmium
Oss {prop} {n}
:: Oss (city/and/municipality)
Ossenhoeder {prop} {m}
:: Boötes
ossenhuid {f}
:: oxhide
ossenkar {c}
:: oxcart
ossenstaartsoep {f}
:: oxtail soup
ossenwagen {m}
:: oxcart
Ossetisch {prop} {n}
:: Ossetian; language spoken in Ossetia
osso {c}
:: house
osteoporose {f}
:: osteoporosis
O.Tk.T. {noun}
:: abbreviation of onvoltooid toekomende tijd
otofoto {m}
:: selfie
o.t.t. {noun}
:: abbreviation of onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd
Ottawa {prop} {n}
:: Ottawa (city)
otter {m}
:: otter
otteren {vi}
:: to work hard, to be busy
Ottomaans {adj}
:: alternative form of Osmaans
o.t.t.t. {noun}
:: initialism of onvoltooid tegenwoordige toekomende tijd
oubliëtte {f}
:: a dungeon only accessible by a trapdoor at the top; an oubliette
oubollig {adv}
:: old-fashioned, dated, anachronistic
oud- {prefix}
:: ex-
oud {adj}
:: old
Oude IJsselstreek {prop}
:: Oude IJsselstreek (municipality)
oudejaarsavond {m}
:: New Year's Eve
oude koeien uit de sloot halen {vi}
:: to bring up long forgotten unpleasant subjects
Oudemolen {prop}
:: A town in Drenthe
Oudemolen {prop}
:: A town in North Brabant
Oudengels {prop} {n}
:: Old English, Anglo-Saxon (language)
Oudengels {adj}
:: Old English
oud en nieuw {prop} {n}
:: alternative case form of Oud en Nieuw
Oud en Nieuw {prop} {n}
:: The celebrations around New Year's Eve and New Year's Day
ouder {m}
:: parent, father or mother; by extension a substitute caregiver
ouderdom {m}
:: (old) age, annosity
oudere {noun}
:: elderly person, senior citizen
ouderenzorg {f}
:: eldercare, care for elderly people
ouderlijk {adj}
:: parental
ouderling {m}
:: elder (officer of the church)
ouderloos {adj}
:: parentless, without any parent
ouderpaar {n}
:: A parent couple, the two parents of a child
ouderplicht {f}
:: parental duty
ouderschap {n}
:: parenthood
ouderschapsverlof {n}
:: parental leave
ouderwets {adj}
:: old-fashioned
Oude Testament {prop} {n}
:: the Old Testament, in any Christian canon
Oude Wereld {prop} {f}
:: Old World
Oudfrankisch {adj}
:: Old Frankish, Old Franconian
Oudfrankisch {prop} {n}
:: The Old Frankish language
Oudfrans {prop} {n}
:: Old French
Oudfrans {adj}
:: Old French
Oudfries {prop} {n}
:: Old Frisian
Oudfries {adj}
:: Old Frisian
oudgast {m}
:: a longtimer, a long-time resident of Dutch background in the Dutch East Indies
oudgediende {m}
:: veteran
oudgediende {m}
:: old-timer
Oudgrieks {prop} {n}
:: Ancient Greek (language)
Oudgrieks {adj}
:: Ancient Greek
oudheid {f}
:: antiquity
oudheid {f}
:: object from antiquity
oudheidkunde {f}
:: archaeology
Oudhoogduits {prop} {n}
:: Old High German
Oudhoogduits {adj}
:: Old High German
Oudiers {prop} {n}
:: Old Irish
Oudiers {adj}
:: Old Irish
Oudindisch {prop} {n}
:: Sanskrit
Oudindisch {adj}
:: Sanskrit
Oudindisch {adj}
:: Pertaining to ancient India
oudje {noun}
:: diminutive of ouwe
Oudkerkslavisch {prop} {n}
:: Old Church Slavonic
oudleerling {m}
:: former pupil or student
Oudleusen {prop} {n}
:: Oudleusen (village)
Oudnederduits {prop} {n}
:: Old Low German, Old Saxon
Oudnederduits {adj}
:: Old Low German, Old Saxon
Oudnederfrankisch {prop} {n}
:: Old Low Franconian
Oudnederlands {prop} {n}
:: Old Dutch
Oudnederlands {adj}
:: Old Dutch
Oudnoords {prop} {n}
:: Old Norse
Oudnoords {adj}
:: Old Norse
Oudnoors {n}
:: Old Norwegian
Oudnoors {n}
:: alternative form of Oudnoords
Oudnoors {adj}
:: Old Norwegian
Oudnoors {adj}
:: alternative form of Oudnoords
oudoom {m}
:: A great-uncle, brother of one's grandparent, uncle of one's parent
oudoom {m}
:: Any old man, gramps
Oudoostnoords {prop} {n}
:: Old East Norse
Oudoostnoords {adj}
:: Old East Norse
Oudoostslavisch {prop} {n}
:: Old East Slavic
Oudoostslavisch {adj}
:: Old East Slavic
oudpapier {n}
:: wastepaper
Oudrussisch {prop} {n}
:: Old Russian, Old East Slavic (language)
Oudrussisch {adj}
:: Old Russian, Old East Slavic
Oudsaksisch {adj}
:: Old Saxon
Oudsaksisch {prop} {n}
:: The Old Saxon language
oudsher {adv}
:: traditionally
oudste beroep ter wereld {n}
:: the world's oldest profession
oud-strijder {m}
:: veteran
oudtante {f}
:: A great-aunt, sister of one’s grandparent, aunt of one’s parent
oudtestamenticus {m}
:: Old Testament scholar, Hebrew Bible scholar
oudtijds {adv}
:: in the past, in the days of old
Oudwestnoords {prop} {n}
:: Old West Norse
Oudwestnoords {adj}
:: Old West Norse
Ourthe {noun}
:: Belgian river, flowing through Wallonia to the river Meuse
ouvreuse {f}
:: usherette
ouwe {m}
:: man, mate
ouwe {m}
:: father, old man
ouwehoeren {v}
:: to banter, to chitchat, to bullshit
ouwel {m}
:: unleavened wafer
ouwel {m}
:: host
ouzo {c}
:: ouzo
ovaal {adj}
:: oval
ovaal {n}
:: oval, shape like an egg or ellipse
ovatie {f}
:: ovation
oven {m}
:: oven, furnace
Oven {prop} {m}
:: Fornax
ovenfriet {c}
:: chips/fries to prepare in an oven rather than deep-frying
ovenhandschoen {f}
:: oven glove, pot mitt
ovenplaat {f}
:: baking tray
ovenvers {adj}
:: oven-fresh; fresh out of the oven
ovenwant {f}
:: oven glove, pot mitt
over- {prefix}
:: Prepended to verbs; denotes that action takes place over the object
over- {prefix}
:: Prepended to verbs, nouns and adjectives; denotes that the action or state takes place excessively
over {adv}
:: over, above
over {adv}
:: over (implying motion)
over {adv}
:: remaining, left over
over {adv}
:: passing by, going away
over {adv}
:: Denotes an imitative action, again, once again,
over {prep}
:: over
over {prep}
:: about, concerning
overacteren {vi}
:: to overact, to overplay
overaftelbaar {adj}
:: uncountable
overal {adv}
:: everywhere, anywhere
overal {adv}
:: all over, throughout (present all over a place)
overal {m}
:: overall
overbeladen {vt}
:: to overcharge
overbeladen {vt}
:: to burden, to encumber excessively
overbeladen {vt}
:: to pack, to pile excessively
overbelasten {vt}
:: to overburden, to weigh down
overbelasten {vt}
:: to overtax
overbelichten {vt}
:: to overexpose
Overbetuwe {prop}
:: Overbetuwe (municipality)
overbevolken {vt}
:: to overpopulate
overbieden {v}
:: to offer more than, to outbid
overbieden {v}
:: bid again (make over)
overblijfsel {n}
:: remainder, vestige, remnant
overblijven {vi}
:: to remain
overblijven {vi}
:: to spend lunch at school
overbluffen {vt}
:: to overwhelm, to overawe
overbluffen {vi}
:: to overbluff, to bluff excessively
overbodig {adj}
:: superfluous, redundant
overbodigheid {f}
:: redundancy, excessiveness
overboord {adv}
:: overboard
overbrengen {v}
:: to convey, to transfer, to transmit
overbruggen {vt}
:: to bridge, to span
overbruggen {vt}
:: to connect, to attach
overbruggen {vt}
:: to overcome
overcompenseren {vt}
:: to overcompensate
overdaad {f}
:: excess
overdadig {adj}
:: excessive
overdag {adv}
:: by day, during daytime, in the daytime
over de brug komen {v}
:: to pay up ; to hand over, to transfer, to deliver
over de brug komen {v}
:: See: nl over de brug komen
overdekken {v}
:: to cover
over de kling jagen {v}
:: to kill
over de kling jagen {v}
:: to tease, to rib, to chivvy, give someone a hard time
overdenken {v}
:: to ruminate, to cogitate, to reflect upon
overdoen {vt}
:: to do over, to do again
overdoen {vt}
:: to transfer, to sell
overdoen {vt}
:: to cover with a layer of paint
overdoen {vt}
:: to overdo, to tire out
overdoen {vt}
:: to dominate, to subjugate
overdonderen {vt}
:: to overwhelm, to overawe
overdonderen {vt}
:: to confuse, to mystify
overdood {adv}
:: near-dead, as if dead
overdood liggen {phrase}
:: breathing one's last
overdood liggen {phrase}
:: being extremely tired
overdosis {f}
:: overdose
overdraagbaar {adj}
:: transmissable, transmittable
overdraagbaar {adj}
:: contagious
overdraagbaarheid {f}
:: the capability of being transmitted
overdracht {f}
:: transfer
overdracht {f}
:: transference
overdrachtelijk {adj}
:: figurative, metaphorical
overdrachtelijk {adj}
:: transitive
overdragen {v}
:: to convey, hand over, transfer (note: this can be either voluntary, as of some property, or involuntary, as of a contagious disease)
overdreven {adj}
:: excessive, exaggerated
overdrijven {v}
:: to exaggerate, to overstate
overdrijven {v}
:: to float over
overduidelijk {adj}
:: obvious
overduidelijk {adv}
:: obviously
overeen {adv}
:: equal, matching (often used with komen...met)
overeenkomen {v}
:: to agree
overeenkomen {v}
:: (~ met) to correspond to
overeenkomst {f}
:: similarity
overeenkomst {f}
:: agreement
overeenkomst {f}
:: contract
overeenkomstig {adj}
:: corresponding
overeenkomstig {prep}
:: in agreement with
overeenstemmen {vi}
:: To (be) match(ed), fit, go together, or even equal
overeenstemmen {vi}
:: To agree, concord
overeenstemmen {vt}
:: To tune (especially instruments), accord
overeenstemmen {vi}
:: To be tuned (especially instruments), accorded
overeenstemming {f}
:: agreement (state whereby several parties share a view or opinion)
overeind {adv}
:: standing
overeind {adv}
:: into a standing state
over en weer {phrase}
:: mutually; from both sides
overerfbaar {adj}
:: heritable
overerven {vt}
:: to inherit
overerving {f}
:: inheritance
overeten {v}
:: To overeat
overgaan {vt}
:: to turn into
overgaan {vi}
:: to move up
overgaan {vt}
:: switch, shift (from one thing or status to another)
overgaan {vt}
:: pass on to, bequeath (transfer ownership to another)
overgaan {vi}
:: to get over, cross, pass (a hurdle)
overgaan {vi}
:: to get over, pass (to recover from or forget a previous unwanted experience/illness and move on)
overgaan {vi}
:: to ring, go off (produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound, like a telephone or buzzer)
overgalmen {vt}
:: to echo louder than, to drown out
overgalmen {vt}
:: to echo across
overgang {m}
:: transition
overgang {m}
:: crossing, place where one crosses
overgang {m}
:: menopause
overgangsmetaal {n}
:: transition metal
overgankelijk {adj}
:: transitive
overgankelijk werkwoord {n}
:: transitive verb, a verb that is accompanied by a direct object
overgave {f}
:: surrender
overgave {f}
:: abandon, enthusiasm; passion, devotion
overgeleverd {adj}
:: handed down
overgeloof {n}
:: superstition
overgeven {vt}
:: to hand over, to give over
overgeven {vr}
:: to surrender, to give oneself up
overgeven {vi}
:: to vomit
overgevoelig {adj}
:: oversensitive
overgevoelig {adj}
:: allergic
overgevoeligheid {f}
:: oversensitivity
overgevoeligheid {f}
:: allergy
overgewicht {n}
:: An overweight, weight in excess of the measured, prescribed ... amount; especially applied to produce being traded or to an individual's bodyweight
overgewicht {n}
:: The medical condition obesity
overgieten {v}
:: to decant, to pour (from one vessel to another)
overgieten {v}
:: to cover (with a liquid)
overgooien {v}
:: to throw over, throw from one place to another
overgooien {v}
:: to throw again
overgroeien {vt}
:: to overgrow
overgroeien {vt}
:: to become completely covered by overgrowth
overgroot- {prefix}
:: great-grand-
overgrootmoeder {f}
:: great-grandmother
overgrootouder {m}
:: great-grandparent
overgrootvader {m}
:: great-grandfather
overhaal {m}
:: overland boat ramp
overhaast {adv}
:: abruptly; in a precipitous manner
overhaasten {vt}
:: to rush, hurry
overhaasten {vt}
:: to rouse
overhalen {v}
:: to persuade, convince
overhandigen {v}
:: to hand (give, pass or transmit with the hand)
overheen {circump}
:: across, over
overheersen {v}
:: To dominate
overheersing {f}
:: domination
overheid {f}
:: public offices, government agencies
overheidsgeld {n}
:: government money
overheidsingrijpen {n}
:: government intervention, state intervention
overheidssector {m}
:: government sector
overheidssubsidie {f}
:: government subsidy
overhemd {n}
:: shirt
over het hoofd zien {v}
:: See: nl over het hoofd zien
over het hoofd zien {v}
:: to overlook, to not notice something (especially intentionally)
over het paard getild zijn {v}
:: to be arrogant due to excessive praise
overhoop {adv}
:: upside down
overhoop {adv}
:: at odds
overhoren {vt}
:: to question, to interrogate
overhoren {vt}
:: to examine orally
overhoring {f}
:: oral exam, oral test
overhouden {vt}
:: to leave over, to save, to keep
overhuiven {vt}
:: to create a canopy over
overig {adj}
:: remaining
overigens {adv}
:: besides
overijlen {vt}
:: to overhaste
Overijssel {prop} {n}
:: Overijssel, a province of The Netherlands
overjaars {adj}
:: over a year old, of over a year
overjagen {v}
:: to hunt / chase across
overjagen {v}
:: to hunt / chase again
overjagen {v}
:: to hunt / chase excessively
overjagen {v}
:: to tire out
overjas {m}
:: An overcoat
overjasje {noun}
:: diminutive of overjas
overkant {m}
:: The other side, the opposite side, the far side
overkappen {vt}
:: to cover with a roof
overkijken {v}
:: to look over, to look across
overkijken {v}
:: to look again
overkijken {v}
:: to look over, to look across
overkijken {v}
:: to look attentively
overklassen {vt}
:: to outclass
overklinken {vt}
:: to sound louder than, to drown out
overklinken {vi}
:: to sound again, to resound
overklinken {vt}
:: to sound across
overklokken {v}
:: to overclock
overkluizen {vt}
:: to overarch, to create a vault over
overkoepelen {v}
:: to form an association with a common purpose or an umbrella organization
overkoken {vi}
:: to boil over
overkomen {v}
:: to come across, seem
overkomen {v}
:: to come by, visit
overkomen {v}
:: to happen, befall
overlaatst {adv}
:: recently
overladen {v}
:: to load goods from one vehicle to another, to transfer goods
overladen {v}
:: to load excessively, to pile up
overladen {v}
:: to make/ become overladen
overladen {v}
:: to feature excessively
overlangs {prep}
:: longitudinal
overlappen {vt}
:: to overlap
overlappen {vr}
:: to overlap
overlast {m}
:: nuisance, bother
overlast {m}
:: excessive burden
overlasten {vt}
:: to overburden, to burden excessively
overlasten {vt}
:: to bother, to annoy
overleden {adj}
:: deceased
overledene {mf}
:: A deceased person
overleg {n}
:: talk, discussion
overleggen {v}
:: to talk over, discuss
overleggen {v}
:: to show, display
overleggen {v}
:: to preview
overleven {v}
:: to survive
overleven {n}
:: survival
overleveren {v}
:: to hand down
overlevering {f}
:: (a piece of) oral tradition, lore/folklore: a story that is handed down, whose veracity is stronger than that of a legend
overlezen {vt}
:: to read again
overlezen {vt}
:: to read over, to read through
overlezen {vt}
:: to read a formula, prayer or spell out loud
overlezen {vt}
:: to read over, to read through
overlezen {vt}
:: to misread, to not notice while reading
overlijden {vi}
:: to die
overlijden {n}
:: death, passing away
overlijdensakte {f}
:: death certificate
overlijdensdatum {m}
:: date of death
overlommeren {vt}
:: to overshadow, to adumbrate
overloop {m}
:: transition
overloop {m}
:: a landing, corridor between rooms on the upper floor of a house
overloop {m}
:: overflow, outlet for excess matter
overloop {m}
:: spillover, excess matter that has overflowed
overlopen {v}
:: to overflow
overlopen {v}
:: to defect
overlopen {v}
:: to run through
overloper {m}
:: traitor, defector
overmacht {f}
:: superior authority or power
overmacht {f}
:: overpowering military force, military supremacy
overmacht {f}
:: force majeure
overmaken {v}
:: to make over
overmaken {v}
:: to transfer (e.g. an amount from one bank to another)
overmannen {vt}
:: to overpower, to overwhelm
overmatig {adj}
:: excessive
overmeesteren {v}
:: to overpower, overmaster
overmeestering {f}
:: Act or instance of overpowering, subjugation
over mijn lijk {adv}
:: over my dead body
overmoed {m}
:: overconfidence, hubris, recklessness
overmoedig {adj}
:: overconfident, too courageous or brave, reckless
overmorgen {adv}
:: overmorrow, the day after tomorrow
overmorgenochtend {adv}
:: At the morning of the day after tomorrow
overnachten {v}
:: to stay overnight, spend the night
overname {f} {m}
:: takeover
overnemen {v}
:: to take over
overnieuw {adv}
:: again
overnoemen {vt}
:: to rename
overpeinzen {vt}
:: to ponder, to contemplate
overplaatsen {v}
:: to transfer
overpraten {vt}
:: to talk excessively
overpraten {vt}
:: to drown out by talking
overprikkelen {vt}
:: to overstimulate
overreageren {vi}
:: to overreact, overrespond
overreden {v}
:: to convince, persuade
overrijden {v}
:: to run over
overrijden {v}
:: to drive over
overroepen {vt}
:: to shout louder than
overroepen {vt}
:: to excessively shout
overrompelen {v}
:: to overwhelm
overrompeling {f}
:: the act of catching off guard with/through sheer force or numbers; an overwhelming
overrulen {v}
:: to overrule
overrulen {v}
:: to override
overschaduwen {vt}
:: to overshadow, to adumbrate
overschaduwen {vt}
:: to outshine
overschakelen {v}
:: to switch over
overschatten {v}
:: to overestimate
overschatting {f}
:: overestimate
overschilderen {v}
:: to paint again, to repaint
overschilderen {v}
:: to paint over, to overdye
overschitteren {vt}
:: to outshine
overschot {n}
:: remains
overschot {n}
:: surplus
overschouwen {vt}
:: to oversee, watch over
overschreeuwen {vt}
:: to shout or scream louder than
overschreeuwen {vt}
:: to excessively shout or scream
overschrijden {v}
:: to cross - cross over, step across
overschrijden {v}
:: to overrun
overschrijden {v}
:: to exceed, to surpass
overschrijven {v}
:: to write again
overschrijven {v}
:: to copy, transcribe
overschrijven {v}
:: to transfer a sum of money
overschrijven {v}
:: to overwrite
overschrijving {f}
:: A remittance, payment by transfer to another (bank) account
overschrijving {f}
:: The document (form, slip) by which such transfer is effectuated
oversekst {adj}
:: hypersexual, having a mind in the gutter (considered excessively preoccupied with sex)
overslaan {v}
:: to reduce the frequency of
overslaan {v}
:: to skip, to omit from a sequence
overslaan {v}
:: to arc (electrical discharge)
overslaan {v}
:: to jump species
overslaan {v}
:: to transfer (cargo)
overslaan {v}
:: to suddenly change register
overslapen {vr}
:: to oversleep
oversnijden {vt}
:: to cut again
oversnijden {vt}
:: to cut over, to cut across
oversnijden {vt}
:: to cut through
oversnijden {vt}
:: to cut excessively, to cut more than necessary
overspannen {v}
:: to overstress, to overstrain
overspannen {v}
:: to span (of a structure)
overspannen {adj}
:: overstrained, overstressed
overspannen {adj}
:: emotionally exhausted
overspannenheid {f}
:: emotional exhaustion
overspanning {f}
:: span of a structure
overspanning {f}
:: overvoltage
overspel {n}
:: adultery
overspelen {v}
:: to play again, to replay
overspelen {v}
:: to pass a ball to another player
overspelen {v}
:: to overplay, to overact
overspelig {adj}
:: adulterous
overspoelen {vt}
:: to engulf, to flood, to wash over
overspuiten {vt}
:: to spray again
overspuiten {vt}
:: to spray over, to spray across
overspuiten {vt}
:: to overspray
overspuiten {vt}
:: to spray over, to spray across
overstand {m}
:: an amount which is outstanding, a remaining debt
overstappen {v}
:: to transfer (to a diffferent bus or train)
overstappen {v}
:: to change (subject, brand name, opinion, etc.)
overste {m}
:: senior (boss)
overste {m}
:: abbot, prior
overste {m}
:: lieutenant colonel
oversteek {m}
:: crossing
oversteken {vti}
:: to cross, to traverse
overstelpen {v}
:: to shower, overwhelm
overstemmen {vi}
:: to vote again, to revote
overstemmen {vt}
:: to outvote
overstemmen {vt}
:: to drown out, to overwhelm with sound
oversterfte {f}
:: excess mortality
Oversticht {prop} {n}
:: The territory of Sticht that lies to the northeast of the IJssel, largely corresponding to modern-day Overijssel and Drenthe
overstijgen {v}
:: to exceed, surpass
overstijging {f}
:: transcendence
overstralen {vt}
:: to beam over
overstralen {vt}
:: to outshine
overstromen {v}
:: to overflow
overstromen {v}
:: to flood
overstroming {f}
:: a flood
overstuur {adj}
:: emotionally affected
overtekenen {vt}
:: to draw again, to redraw
overtekenen {vt}
:: to redraw / copy an existing drawing
overtekenen {vt}
:: to draw over
overtekenen {vt}
:: to oversubscribe
overtekenen {vt}
:: to register, enroll or apply for a higher amount
overtijgen {vt}
:: to pull over
overtijgen {vt}
:: to cover up
overtollig {adj}
:: waste, superfluous
overtoom {m}
:: overland boat ramp
overtreden {v}
:: to break, transgress, to violate
overtreder {m}
:: Someone who breaks a law or rule
overtreding {f}
:: transgression, violation
overtreding {f}
:: misdemeanor
overtreding {f}
:: foul
overtreffen {v}
:: to outdo, surpass
overtreffende trap {m}
:: superlative degree
overtrekken {vt}
:: to pull again
overtrekken {vt}
:: to trace / copy an existing drawing
overtrekken {vi}
:: To exceed the critical angle of attack, resulting in total loss of lift
overtrekken {vt}
:: to exaggerate
overtrekken {vt}
:: to upholster, to cover with a fabric
overtroeven {vt}
:: to surpass
overtroeven {vt}
:: to overturn
overtroeven {vt}
:: to overtrump
overtuigen {v}
:: to convince, persuade
overtuiger {m}
:: persuader (one who persuades)
overtuiging {f}
:: persuasion
overtuiging {f}
:: belief, opinion
overtuiginkje {noun}
:: diminutive of overtuiging
overuitgave {f}
:: overspend
overval {m}
:: robbery, hold-up
overvallen {v}
:: to raid
overvallen {v}
:: to take by surprise
overvaller {m}
:: robber, raider
overvaren {v}
:: to sail across
overvaren {v}
:: to sail again
overvaren {v}
:: to crash into another vessel by sailing
oververhit {adj}
:: overheated
oververhitten {v}
:: to overheat
oververzadiging {f}
:: supersaturation
oververzekerd {adj}
:: overinsured (having excessive insurance)
overvleugelen {v}
:: to outstrip
overvliegen {v}
:: to fly over
overvliegen {v}
:: to fly in, to bring in by aircraft
overvliegen {v}
:: to pass from one department or level to the next
overvloed {m}
:: abundance
overvloedig {adj}
:: abundant
overvoeden {vt}
:: to overfeed
overvoeren {vt}
:: to transfer
overvoeren {vt}
:: to overfeed
overvoeren {vt}
:: to excessively stimulate or burden
overvoeren {vt}
:: to import in excess, so that demand is over-saturated
overvol {adj}
:: overfull
overvol {adj}
:: stuffed (having eaten too much)
overvol {adj}
:: overcrowded, congested
overvragen {vt}
:: to ask too much, to ask more than reasonable
overvragen {v}
:: to ask again
overvreten {v}
:: To overeat
overweg {m}
:: level crossing
overweg {adv}
:: get on with, get along with, be friendly with
overwegen {v}
:: to consider (think about doing)
overwegend {adv}
:: mostly, mainly
overweging {f}
:: consideration, contemplation
overweging {f}
:: contemplative message
overweldigen {v}
:: to overwhelm, overpower
overwelven {v}
:: to overarch
overwerk {n}
:: work done in overtime, overwork
overwerken {vi}
:: to work overtime
overwerken {vt}
:: to rework, to work on (something) that has already been done
overwerken {vr}
:: to overwork, to get overworked
overwicht {n}
:: dominance, prevalence, ascendancy
overwinnaar {m}
:: victor, triumphator
overwinnen {v}
:: defeat, crush, overcome
overwinnen {v}
:: conquer, vanquish
overwinnen {v}
:: surmount, get over
overwinning {f}
:: victory, triumph
overwinning {f}
:: individual win, as in a contest
overwinningsnederlaag {f}
:: a victory that resembles a defeat
overwinteren {v}
:: to overwinter (to spend the winter)
overwintering {f}
:: The act or instance of spending the winter, overwintering
overwoekeren {vt}
:: to overgrow, to grow over other things
overwoekeren {vt}
:: to cause something to become overgrown
overzees {adj}
:: overseas
overzeilen {v}
:: to sail across
overzeilen {v}
:: to sail again
overzeilen {v}
:: to crash into another vessel by sailing
overzetten {v}
:: to ferry (to move someone/something from one place to another in general, or over water in particular)
overzetten {v}
:: to transfer
overzetten {v}
:: to translate
overzetting {f}
:: transaction
overzetting {f}
:: translation
overzicht {n}
:: synopsis, outline
overzicht {n}
:: survey, overview of the entire situation
overzichtelijk {adj}
:: Conveniently and comprehensibly organized; not cluttered; not complicated
overzien {v}
:: to oversee, to have a view of
overzijde {f}
:: The other side; the opposite side
overzouten {vt}
:: to salt excessively, to oversalt
overzouten {vt}
:: to put salt over
overzouten {vi}
:: to salt again
o.v.t. {noun}
:: abbreviation of onvoltooid verleden tijd
O.V.Tk.T. {noun}
:: abbreviation of onvoltooid verleden toekomende tijd
o.v.t.t. {noun}
:: abbreviation of onvoltooid verleden toekomende tijd
ovulatie {f}
:: ovulation
o.v.v. {abbr}
:: (abbreviation) onder vermelding van
ov.ww. {noun}
:: abbreviation of overgankelijk werkwoord
oxidatie {f}
:: oxidation
oxide {n}
:: oxide
oxideren {v}
:: to oxidize
-oxy {suffix}
:: -oxy
oxyde {n}
:: superseded spelling of oxide
oxyderen {v}
:: superseded spelling of oxideren
oxytocine {f}
:: oxytocin
ozon {m} {n}
:: ozone
ozongat {n}
:: ozone hole
ozonlaag {f} {m}
:: ozone layer