f {n}
:: See under F
F {letter} /ˈɛfˌfe/
:: letter: effe
fa {adv} /ˈfa/
:: ago
fa {m}
:: fa (musical note)
fa {m}
:: F (musical note or key)
fa agli altri quel che vorresti fosse fatto a te {proverb}
:: do unto others as you would have them do unto you
fabbisogno {m}
:: needs, requirements, demand
Fabbri {prop}
:: surname
fabbrica {f}
:: factory, plant
fabbricabile {adj}
:: manufacturable
fabbricabile {adj}
:: building (attributive)
fabbricabilità {f}
:: capability of being manufactured
fabbricabilità {f}
:: suitability for building
fabbrica di ceramiche {f}
:: pottery (factory)
fabbricante {v}
:: present participle of fabbricare
fabbricante {mf}
:: manufacturer
fabbricare {vt}
:: to make
fabbricare {vt}
:: to manufacture
fabbricare {vt}
:: to build, put up, make up
fabbricare {vt}
:: to fabricate
fabbricativo {adj}
:: building, construction (attributive)
fabbricato {m}
:: building, fabric
fabbricatore {m}
:: manufacturer, maker
fabbricatore {m}
:: builder, constructor
fabbricatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fabbricatore
fabbricazione {f} /fabbrikaˈtsjone/
:: making, manufacture, manufacturing
fabbricazione {f}
:: building
fabbricazione {f}
:: fabrication
fabbriceria {f}
:: board of trustees of a church etc
fabbrichetta {f}
:: Small factory
fabbriciere {m}
:: Member of a church council
fabbro {m} /ˈfabːro/
:: smith
fabbro ferraio {m}
:: blacksmith
Fabiana {prop}
:: given name, feminine form of Fabiano
fabianesimo {m}
:: Fabianism
fabianismo {m}
:: Fabianism
fabiano {adj}
:: fabian, Fabian
Fabiano {prop}
:: given name
Fabio {prop}
:: given name, derived from Latin Fabius
fabrianese {adj}
:: Of or from Fabriano
Fabriano {prop}
:: Fabriano (town)
Fabrizi {prop}
:: surname
Fabrizio {prop} /faˈbrit.tsjo/
:: given name
fabro {m} /ˈfabro/
:: alternative form of fabbro
fabulare {v} /fa.buˈla.re/
:: to converse, to talk
fabulazione {f}
:: romancing
faccenda {m}
:: task, labour (thing to do)
faccenda {m}
:: issue, matter, affair, business, thing
faccenda {m}
:: housework, household chores
faccendiera {f}
:: female equivalent of faccendiere
faccendiere {m}
:: wheeler-dealer, fixer
faccendone {m}
:: busy bee (busy person)
faccetta {f}
:: facet (of a gemstone)
faccettante {v}
:: present participle of faccettare
faccettare {vt}
:: To cut or facet
faccettatura {f}
:: faceting (of a gemstone)
facchinaggio {m}
:: porterage
facchinata {f}
:: drudgery, toil
facchino {m}
:: porter (person who carries luggage)
facchino {m}
:: roughness, indelicacy, or triviality
facchino {m}
:: the animal Dromia personata; sponge crab; sleepy crab
faccia {f} /ˈfatt͡ʃa/
:: face (of a person or an animal)
faccia {f}
:: countenance, expression, face
faccia {f}
:: side
faccia {f}
:: appearance, look
faccia {f}
:: face, side
faccia da culo {f}
:: asshole (impudent person)
faccia da incazzato {f}
:: face like thunder
faccia di bronzo {f}
:: A brazen-faced person
facciale {adj}
:: facial
facciale {adj}
:: face (attributive)
facciata {f}
:: front; frontage; facade, façade (of a building)
facciata {f}
:: side (of a record)
facciata {f}
:: exterior (appearance of a person)
faccia tosta {f}
:: cheek, nerve
faccia tosta {f}
:: brass
faccina {f}
:: diminutive of faccia; small face
faccina {f}
:: emoticon
faccino {m}
:: little face, small face, baby face
faccitergio {m} /fat.t͡ʃiˈtɛr.d͡ʒo/
:: synonym of capitergio
facente {adj}
:: industrious
facente {adj}
:: eager
facentecela {v}
:: present participle of farcela
facentesi {v}
:: present participle of farsi
facepalm {m}
:: facepalm
faceto {adj}
:: witty, humorous
faceto {adj}
:: facetious
facezia {f}
:: witty remark, witticism, joke
fachirismo {m}
:: fakirism
fachiro {m} /faˈki.ro/
:: fakir
faciale {adj}
:: alternative form of facciale
facil {adj}
:: apocopic form of facile
facile {adj} /ˈfaː.tʃi.le/
:: easy
facile {adj}
:: cosy
facile {adj}
:: effortless
facile come bere un bicchier d'acqua {adj}
:: Very easy; easy as falling off a log
facilissimo {adj}
:: superlative of facile
facilità {f}
:: easiness
facilità {f}
:: ease
facilità {f}
:: ability, aptitude
facilitante {v}
:: present participle of facilitare
facilitare {vt}
:: to facilitate
facilitare {vt}
:: to ease, help
facilitatore {m}
:: facilitator, enabler
facilitatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of facilitatore
facilitazione {f}
:: facilities
facilmente {adv}
:: easily
facilmente {adv}
:: probably
facilona {f}
:: female equivalent of facilone
facilone {adj}
:: slapdash
facilone {adj}
:: happy-go-lucky
facilone {m}
:: A slapdash or happy-go-lucky person
faciloneria {f}
:: A slapdash or happy-go-lucky attitude; carelessness
facinorosa {f}
:: female equivalent of facinoroso
facinorosamente {adv}
:: violently, turbulently, riotously
facinorosità {f}
:: violence, turbulence, unruliness
facinoroso {adj}
:: violent, turbulent, riotous
facinoroso {m}
:: rioter
facitore {m}
:: maker
facitore {m}
:: factor
facocero {m}
:: warthog (mammal)
facola {f}
:: facula
facoltà {f}
:: faculty
facoltà {f}
:: power, authority, licence, permission, right
facoltà {f}
:: (university) faculty, school
facoltativamente {adv}
:: optionally
facoltatività {f}
:: optionality
facoltativo {adj}
:: optional, facultative
facoltosamente {adv}
:: richly
facoltosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of facoltoso
facoltoso {adj}
:: wealthy, rich, well-off
facondia {f}
:: eloquence, fluency
facondo {adj}
:: eloquent, fluent
factotum {m}
:: An individual employed to do all sorts of duties
faentina {f}
:: faience, majolica
faentino {adj}
:: Of or from Faenza
faenza {f}
:: faience, majolica
Faenza {prop}
:: Faenza (town), noted for its majolica pottery
Fær Øer {prop}
:: The Faroe Islands, a Danish Atlantic overseas territory comprising a group of North Sea islands, between Scotland, Iceland and Norway
færoico {adj}
:: Faroese
faesite {f}
:: type of hardboard named after the Italian place Faé where it was first produced
faggeta {f}
:: alternative form of faggeto
faggeto {m}
:: beechwood (beech forest)
Faggiani {prop}
:: surname
faggina {f}
:: beech mast, beechnut
faggina {f}
:: fagin
faggio {m} /ˈfad.d͡ʒo/
:: beech
faggiola {f}
:: beech mast, beechnut
-fagia {suffix} /faˈd͡ʒi.a/
:: -phagy
fagiana {f} /faˈd͡ʒa.na/
:: female equivalent of fagiano
fagianaia {f} /fa.d͡ʒaˈna.ja/
:: pheasantry
fagianella {f}
:: little bustard (of genus Tetrax)
Fagiani {prop}
:: surname a variant of Faggiani
fagiano {m} /faˈd͡ʒa.no/
:: pheasant
fagiano comune {m}
:: common pheasant
fagiano di monte {m}
:: black grouse
fagico {adj}
:: phagic
fagiolaia {f}
:: female equivalent of fagiolaio
fagiolaio {m}
:: bean eater
fagiolata {f}
:: bean soup, bean stew
fagiolata {f}
:: bellyful of beans
fagioli all'uccelletto {n}
:: A Tuscan dish of baked beans in a tomato sauce flavored with sage
fagioliera {f}
:: A terra-cotta pot used for cooking beans
fagiolino {m}
:: French bean, green bean, string bean
fagiolo {m} /fa.ˈdʒɔ.lo/
:: bean
fagiolo corallo {m}
:: runner bean, scarlet runner bean, multiflora bean
fagiolone {m}
:: runner bean, scarlet runner bean
faglia {f}
:: fault
fagliato {adj}
:: faulted
fagnanese {adj}
:: Of or from Fagnano
Fagnano {prop}
:: A district of Gaggiano, historically part of Milan
-fago {suffix}
:: -phage (nouns)
-fago {suffix}
:: -phagous (adjectives)
fago- {prefix}
:: phago-
fago {m}
:: phage, bacteriophage
fagocita {m}
:: phagocyte
fagocitante {v}
:: present participle of fagocitare
fagocitare {vt}
:: To phagocytize
fagocitare {vt}
:: To absorb
fagocitario {adj}
:: phagocytic
fagocitazione {f}
:: swallowing up, engulfing
fagocitazione {f}
:: phagocytation
fagocito {m}
:: phagocyte
fagocitosi {f}
:: phagocytosis
fagolisosoma {m}
:: phagolysosome
fagopirismo {m}
:: fagopyrism
fagopiro {m}
:: buckwheat (of genus Fagopyrum)
fagosoma {m}
:: phagosome
fagottino {m}
:: pocket or pouch of puff pastry
fagottino {m}
:: tenoroon (tenor bassoon or, "tenoroon," is a member of the bassoon family of double reed woodwind instruments)
fagottista {mf}
:: bassoonist
fagotto {m} /faˈɡɔt.to/
:: bundle; sad sack
fagotto {m}
:: swag
fagotto {m}
:: bassoon
Fagotto {prop}
:: surname
FAI {prop}
:: acronym of Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano - a conservation fund
fai come se fossi a casa tua {phrase}
:: make yourself at home
fai come ti pare {interj}
:: # synonym of fai pure
faida {f}
:: feud, especially a continuing conflict between families (typical of the Camorra and Mafia)
fai da te {adj}
:: do-it-yourself, DIY
fai da te {m}
:: do it yourself, DIY
fai-da-te {adj}
:: alternative spelling of fai da te
fai-da-te {m}
:: alternative spelling of fai da te
Faido {prop}
:: Faido (small town)
faina {f}
:: The stone marten or beech marten (Martes foina)
fainesco {adj}
:: cunning, sly
fainesco {adj}
:: malicious
fai presto {interj}
:: hurry up
fai pure {interj}
:: do as you please, do as you like
fala {f}
:: a siege tower
falange {f}
:: phalanx
falange {f}
:: phalanx
falange {f}
:: army, horde
falange distale {f}
:: distal phalanx
falange intermedia {f}
:: intermediate phalanx, middle phalanx
falange media {f}
:: intermediate phalanx, middle phalanx
falange prossimale {f}
:: proximal phalanx
falangetta {f}
:: distal phalanx
falange ungueale {f}
:: distal phalanx
falanghina {f} /fa.lanˈɡi.na/
:: falanghina (grape and wine from Campania)
falangina {f}
:: intermediate phalanx, middle phalanx
falangismo {m}
:: Falangism
falangista {adj}
:: Falangist
falangista {mf}
:: Falangist
falansterio {m}
:: phalanstery
falansterio {m}
:: tenement (large, sprawling)
Falaride {prop}
:: Phalaris, tyrant of Agrigento
falaropo {m}
:: phalarope (bird of the genus Phalaropus)
falascià {mf}
:: Falasha
falasco {m}
:: sedge
falbo {adj} /ˈfal.bo/
:: sorrel, reddish brown
falcata {f}
:: stride (of a runner)
falcato {adj}
:: sickle-shaped; crescent-shaped; horned
falcatura {f}
:: crescent
falcatura {f}
:: curvature
falce {f}
:: scythe (larger tool than sickle); sickle (smaller tool than scythe)
falce {f}
:: crescent
falce e martello {f}
:: hammer and sickle
falcemia {f}
:: sickle-cell anemia / sickle-cell anaemia
falcetto {m}
:: sickle (smaller tool than scythe)
falchetta {f}
:: gunwale
falchetto {m}
:: a small or young falcon
falchetto {m}
:: falconet
falchetto {m}
:: a cool boy
falciante {v}
:: present participle of falciare
falciare {vt}
:: to mow, scythe, slash, harvest
falciare {vt}
:: to mow down, decimate, wipe out, claim
falciatore {m}
:: mower, reaper or harvester (person)
falciatrice {f}
:: reaper
falciatrice {f}
:: mower
falciatura {f}
:: reaping
falciatura {f}
:: mowing
falcidiante {v}
:: present participle of falcidiare
falcidiare {vt}
:: To cut or reduce
falcidiare {vt}
:: To massacre
falcidiare {vt}
:: To decimate
falciforme {adj}
:: falciform
falciola {f}
:: sickle
falcione {m}
:: falchion
falcione {m}
:: billhook
falcione {m}
:: a knife used to break up forage
falco {m}
:: hawk, falcon
falco {m}
:: fierce and astute person
falco {m}
:: warmonger, bellicist, hawk, war hawk
falco africano a coda lunga {m}
:: Variant of astore codalunga
falco coda rossa {m}
:: red-tailed hawk
falco della regina {m}
:: Eleonora's falcon
falco di palude {m}
:: marsh harrier, duck hawk
falconara {f}
:: falconry (place where hawks are kept or bred)
falcone {m}
:: falcon
Falcone {prop}
:: surname
Falcone {prop}
:: Falcone (small town)
Falcone {prop}
:: Giovanni Falcone, Italian judge and magistrate
falconeria {f}
:: falconry
falconetto {m}
:: falconet
falconiera {f}
:: embrasure
falconiere {m}
:: falconer
falconiforme {adj}
:: falconiform
falco pecchiaiolo {m}
:: honey buzzard, pern, common pern
falco pellegrino {m}
:: peregrine falcon
falco pescatore {m}
:: osprey
falco predatore {m}
:: squirrel hawk
falda {f}
:: layer, stratum
falda {f}
:: brim (of a hat)
falda {f}
:: tails (of a coat)
falda {f}
:: lower slope (of a mountain)
falda {f}
:: snowflake
faldale {m}
:: chimney flashing
faldato {adj}
:: stratified, layered
faldella {f}
:: carded cotton used for linings
faldistorio {m}
:: faldstool
faldone {m}
:: ring binder
faleceo {adj}
:: Phalaecean
falegname {m} /fa.leɲˈɲa.me/
:: carpenter, joiner
falegnameria {f}
:: carpentry
falegnameria {f}
:: A shop selling wooden objects
falena {f} /faˈlɛ.na/
:: moth
falera {f}
:: phalera
falerno {m}
:: Any of several varieties of wine from southern Italy
falesa {f}
:: cliff
falesia {f} /faˈlɛzja/
:: coastline with continuous cliffs
falesia {f}
:: climbing wall
Falier {prop}
:: surname
Falier {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
Falisci {prop}
:: An Italic people who live in what is now Lazio
falisco {adj}
:: Faliscan
falisco {m}
:: Faliscan (person)
falisco {m}
:: Faliscan (language)
falla {f}
:: a leak (from a wall or a ship's keel)
falla {f}
:: a reason or source of loss
falla {f}
:: to retreat on a front of a battle, allowing enemy penetration into one's territory
fallabile {adj}
:: fallacious
fallaccio {m}
:: An intentional or professional foul
fallace {adj}
:: misleading, deceptive
fallace {adj}
:: fallacious
fallacemente {adv}
:: misleadingly, deceptively
fallacemente {adv}
:: fallaciously
Fallaci {prop}
:: surname
Fallaci {prop}
:: Oriana Fallaci, Italian writer and journalist
fallacia {f}
:: fallacy
fallante {v}
:: present participle of fallare
fallantesi {v}
:: present participle of fallarsi
fallare {vt}
:: to make a mistake
fallare {vi}
:: to fail to germinate
fallare {vi}
:: to make a mistake
fallare {vi}
:: to commit a sin
fallare {vi}
:: to give inexact data
fallare {vi}
:: to be insufficient
fallarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fallare
fallarsi {v}
:: to undergo a manufacturing defect
fallato {adj}
:: defective
fallatosi {v}
:: past participle of fallarsi
fallente {v}
:: present participle of fallire
fallibile {adj}
:: fallible
fallibilismo {m}
:: fallibilism
fallibilità {f}
:: fallibility
fallico {adj}
:: phallic
fallimentare {adj}
:: bankrupt
fallimentarista {m}
:: Expert in bankruptcy
fallimento {m}
:: failure, flop
fallimento {m}
:: bankruptcy
fallire {vt}
:: to miss
fallire {vi}
:: to fail
fallire {vi}
:: to go bankrupt
fallire {vi}
:: to flop
fallita {f}
:: bankrupt
fallita {f}
:: failure
fallito {adj}
:: bankrupt
fallito {adj}
:: unsuccessful
fallito {m}
:: bankrupt
fallito {m}
:: failure (person)
fallo {m} /ˈfal.lo/
:: fault, error
fallo {m}
:: foul
fallo {m}
:: phallus
fallo {m}
:: Any member of the Phallus taxonomic genus
fallocentrico {adj}
:: phallocentric
fallocentrismo {m}
:: phallocentrism
fallocrate {m}
:: male chauvinist
fallocratico {adj}
:: phallocratic
fallocrazia {f}
:: phallocracy
falloidina {f}
:: phalloidin
falloppa {f}
:: alternative form of faloppa
Falloppio {prop}
:: surname
Falloppio {prop}
:: Gabriele Falloppio, Italian anatomist
fallosamente {adv}
:: whilst committing a foul
fallosità {f}
:: foul play, dirty play
falloso {adj}
:: foul, dirty
falò {m}
:: bonfire
faloppa {f}
:: A silkworm cocoon of poor quality due to the death of its larva
faloppa {f}
:: liar
fa lo stesso {interj}
:: it doesn't matter
falpalà {m}
:: flounce, furbelow
falpalà {m}
:: ruche, ruffle, ruching
falsachiglia {f}
:: false keel, keelson
falsamente {adv}
:: in a deceitful manner
falsamente {adv}
:: with the intention to deceive
falsante {v}
:: present participle of falsare
falsare {vt}
:: to alter, to distort
falsare {vt}
:: to falsify
falsariga {f}
:: lined or ruled paper placed underneath a line-less page
falsario {m}
:: forger, counterfeiter, falsifier
falsa sabina {f}
:: Phoenician juniper (Juniperus phoenicea)
falsatura {f}
:: insert (in clothing)
falsettista {m}
:: falsettist
falsetto {m}
:: falsetto (voice)
falsettone {m}
:: A type of falsetto singing in which the higher notes are sung using a modal voice register
falsificabile {adj}
:: falsifiable
falsificabilità {f}
:: falsifiability
falsificante {v}
:: present participle of falsificare
falsificante {adj}
:: falsifying
falsificare {vt}
:: to falsify, forge
falsificato {adj}
:: forged, falsified
falsificatore {m}
:: falsifier
falsificatore {m}
:: counterfeiter, forger, faker
falsificazione {f}
:: falsification
falsificazione {f}
:: forging
falsificazionismo {m}
:: falsificationism
falsissimo {adj}
:: superlative of falso
falsità {f}
:: falsity, falsehood, lie
falso {adj}
:: false
falso {adj}
:: sham
falso {m}
:: forgery
falso {m}
:: sham
falso amico {m}
:: false friend
falsobordone {m}
:: fauxbordon, fauxbourdon
falsopiano {m}
:: sloping ground that is apparently flat (in skiing)
falso prezzemolo {m}
:: synonym of cicuta minore
fama {f}
:: fame, renown
fama {f}
:: reputation, name
fama {f}
:: report, rumor
Famagosta {prop}
:: Famagosta (city)
fame {f} /ˈfaː.me/
:: hunger
famedio {m}
:: memorial chapel
famelicamente {adv}
:: ravenously
famelicità {f}
:: ravenousness, greed
famelico {adj}
:: ravenous
famigerato {adj}
:: notorious
famiglia {f} /faˈmiʎʎa/
:: family
famiglia {f}
:: household
famigliare {adj}
:: Variant of familiare
famigliare {mf}
:: Variant of familiare
famigliarità {f}
:: Variant of familiarità
famiglio {m} /faˈmiʎʎo/
:: servant
famigliola {f}
:: little family
famigliola {f}
:: Common name of several mushroom species, chiefly the honey mushroom (Armillaria mellea)
famigliola gialla {f}
:: sheathed woodtuft (Kuehneromyces mutabilis (synonym: Pholiota mutabilis))
familiare {adj}
:: family , domestic
familiare {adj}
:: familiar, well-known
familiare {adj}
:: familiar, confidential
familiare {adj}
:: friendly, informal
familiare {mf}
:: relative (member of the family)
familiare {f}
:: station wagon, estate car
familiarissimo {adj}
:: superlative of familiare
familiarità {f}
:: familiarity
familiarizzante {v}
:: present participle of familiarizzare
familiarizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of familiarizzarsi
familiarizzare {v}
:: to familiarize
familiarizzare {v}
:: to get to know or acquaint oneself (with)
familiarizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of familiarizzare
familiarizzarsi {vr}
:: to familiarize oneself (with)
familiarizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of familiarizzarsi
familiarizzazione {f}
:: familiarization
familiarmente {adv}
:: familiarly
familiarmente {adv}
:: confidently
familismo {m}
:: familism
familista {mf}
:: familist
familistico {adj}
:: family (attributive)
familistico {adj}
:: familistic
familonimo {m}
:: an anthroponym derived from the name of a family
famosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of famoso
famoso {adj}
:: famous, well-known, renowned
famoso {adj}
:: infamous, notorious
famulazione {f}
:: servitude, bondage
famulo {m} /ˈfa.mu.lo/
:: servant
fan {mf}
:: fan (admirer or follower)
fanale {m}
:: headlight, light (on a car)
fanale {m}
:: lamp (illuminating a street)
fanale {m}
:: beacon
fanaleria {f}
:: lights (especially the lighting system on a car)
fanalino {m}
:: light, small light
fanalino di coda {m}
:: taillight
fanalino di coda {m}
:: tail-end
fanalista {m}
:: lighthouse keeper
fanalista {m}
:: lamplighter
fanatica {f}
:: fanatic
fanaticamente {adv}
:: fanatically
fanatico {adj} /faˈna.ti.ko/
:: fanatical
fanatico {m}
:: fanatic
fanatismo {m}
:: fanaticism
fanatizzante {v}
:: present participle of fanatizzare
fanatizzare {vt}
:: to fanaticize
fancazzismo {m}
:: The art of lazing around, doing nothing (as a philosophy or lifestyle choice)
fancazzista {mf}
:: A person who lazes around all the time, doing nothing
fanciulla {f}
:: maiden
fanciullaccia {f}
:: love-in-a-mist (of the genus Nigella)
fanciullaggine {f}
:: childishness (childish behaviour)
fanciulla in pericolo {f}
:: damsel in distress (stereotype of a young woman in a dangerous situation)
fanciullata {f}
:: childishness (childish act)
fanciullescamente {adv}
:: childishly
fanciullesco {adj}
:: children's, childish
fanciullezza {f}
:: childhood
fanciullina {f}
:: diminutive of fanciulla
fanciullino {m}
:: diminutive of fanciullo
fanciullo {m}
:: boy, child
fanculo {interj}
:: fuck you!, fuck off!
fanculo {interj}
:: fuck
fandango {m} /fanˈdan.ɡo/
:: fandango
fandonia {f}
:: fib
fandonia {f}
:: nonsense, humbug, poppycock, malarkey
fandonia {f}
:: lie
fandonia {f}
:: yarn, tall story
fanello {m}
:: linnet
fanello nordico {m}
:: twite
fanerofita {f}
:: phanerophyte
fanerogama {f}
:: phanerogam
fanerogamico {adj}
:: phanerogamic
fanese {adj}
:: Of or from Fano
fanfaluca {f}
:: a bubble
fanfaluca {f}
:: nonsense, idle chatter
fanfaluca {f}
:: whim, fancy
fanfaluca {f}
:: (archaic) fragment of cinder rising from something that burns
fanfara {f}
:: fanfare
fanfara {f}
:: brass band
fanfaronata {f}
:: brag, fanfaronade
fanfarone {m}
:: braggart
fanfarone {m}
:: braggadocio
fanfarone {m}
:: bragger, boaster
fangaia {f}
:: muddy place
fangaia {f}
:: muddy road
fangatura {f}
:: mud bath
fanghiccio {m}
:: mire (soft or wet mud)
fanghiglia {f}
:: mire, mud
fango {m} /ˈfaŋɡo/
:: mud
fango {m}
:: sludge
fangosità {f}
:: muddiness
fangoso {adj}
:: muddy
fangoterapia {f}
:: mud bath treatment
fannia {f}
:: kind of fly (of genus Fannia)
fannulla {n}
:: good-for-nothing, idler, loafer
fannullaggine {f}
:: idleness, laziness
fannullona {f}
:: female equivalent of fannullone
fannullone {m}
:: augmentative of fannulla
Fano {prop}
:: Fano (coastal town)
Fano {prop}
:: surname, derived from the above town or others of a similar name
fanone {m}
:: fanon
fanone {m}
:: baleen, whalebone
FANS {n}
:: initialism of farmaci anti-infiammatori non steroidei
fanta- {prefix}
:: used to form terms relating to fiction or to fantasy
fantacalcio {m}
:: fantasy football
fantaccina {f}
:: infantrywoman
fantaccino {m}
:: infantryman
fantapolitica {f}
:: political fiction
fantapolitico {adj}
:: political fiction (attributive)
fantascientificamente {adv}
:: in the manner of science fiction
fantascientifico {adj}
:: science fiction (attributive)
fantascienza {f}
:: science fiction
fantasia {f} /fan.taˈsi.a/
:: imagination, fantasy, whim, fancy
fantasia {f}
:: pattern
fantasiosamente {adv}
:: fancifully, imaginatively
fantasiosità {f}
:: lively imagination
fantasioso {adj}
:: imaginative
fantasioso {adj}
:: fanciful, strange
fantasista {m}
:: striker
fantasma {m}
:: ghost, spectre
fantasma {m}
:: illusion
fantasmagoria {f}
:: phantasmagoria
fantasmagoricamente {adv}
:: phantasmagorically
fantasmagorico {adj}
:: phantasmagorical
fantasmatico {adj}
:: phantasmal, spectral, ghostly
fantasmino {m}
:: invisible sock
fantasticaggine {f}
:: daydream, reverie
fantasticamente {adv}
:: fantastically, fabulously
fantasticante {v}
:: present participle of fantasticare
fantasticare {v}
:: to daydream
fantasticare {v}
:: to fantasize
fantasticazione {f}
:: daydreaming, reverie
fantasticheria {f}
:: daydream, reverie
fantastico {adj} /fanˈtas.ti.ko/
:: fantastic (of or pertaining to fantasy)
fantastico {adj}
:: fabulous, imaginary, imaginative, fantastic
fantastico {adj}
:: fantastic, wonderful, great, terrific
fantastico {adj}
:: eccentric, outlandish
fantastico {adj}
:: A monster having body parts of different animals
fante {m}
:: jack
fante {m}
:: knave
fanteria {f}
:: infantry
fanteria di marina {f}
:: marine corps
fanteria di marina {f}
:: naval infantry
fantesca {f}
:: maid, domestic
fantina {f}
:: female equivalent of fantino
Fantini {prop}
:: surname
fantino {m}
:: jockey
fantocciata {f}
:: puppet show
fantoccio {m}
:: dummy
fantoccio {m}
:: puppet
fantoccio {m}
:: doll
fantoccio {m}
:: figurehead, front man
fantolino {m}
:: baby, young child
fantomatico {adj}
:: phantom
fantomatico {adj}
:: mythical
fantomatico {adj}
:: mysterious
Fantoni {prop}
:: surname
Fantozzi {prop}
:: surname
Fantozzi {m}
:: Ordinary, working-class Joe
fantozzianamente {adv}
:: awkwardly
fantozzianamente {adv}
:: tragicomically
fantozziano {adj}
:: awkward
fantozziano {adj}
:: tragicomical
Fanucci {prop}
:: surname
Fanucci {prop}
:: Fanucci Editore, Italian publishers
far {v}
:: apocopic form of fare
farabutta {f}
:: female equivalent of farabutto
farabutto {m}
:: crook, rogue
farad {m}
:: farad
faradico {adj}
:: faradic, faradaic
faradizzazione {f}
:: faradization
faraglione {m}
:: sea stack (high, steep, isolated rock detached from the cliffs of a nearby shore)
Faranda {prop}
:: surname
farandola {f}
:: farandole
faraona {f}
:: guinea fowl
faraone {m} /fa.raˈo.ne/
:: Pharaoh
faraone {m}
:: faro
faraonico {adj}
:: pharaonic
faraonico {adj}
:: colossal, magnificent, gigantic
far battere il cuore {v}
:: to make worry
far battere il cuore {v}
:: to make fall in love
far capriole {v}
:: alternative form of fare capriole
farcente {v}
:: present participle of farcire
farcia {f} /ˈfar.t͡ʃa/
:: stuffing
farcino {m}
:: farcy
farcire {vt} /farˈt͡ʃi.re/
:: to stuff, fill, farce
farcito {adj}
:: filled, stuffed
farcitura {f}
:: stuffing
fard {m}
:: blusher, rouge
far da battistrada {v}
:: (with a) to precede by guiding him or heralding his arrival
fardello {m}
:: bundle
fardello {m}
:: burden
far difetto {vt}
:: to lack
fardo {m}
:: A kind of sack used to transport coffee
fare {vt} /ˈfaː.re/
:: to do
fare {vt}
:: to make
fare {v}
:: to create
fare {v}
:: to bring about
fare {v}
:: (sometimes with da) to behave or act
fare {v}
:: to constitute
fare {v}
:: to numerically result in; to add up to
fare {v}
:: to formulate in the mind
fare {v}
:: to cause to be; to render
fare {v}
:: to compel
fare {v}
:: to force
fare {v}
:: to provoke
fare {vt}
:: to inflict on
fare {vt}
:: to cause or arouse
fare {vt}
:: to draw up or enter into
fare {vt}
:: to exit the body
fare {vt}
:: to have
fare {vt}
:: to produce a lot of
fare {vt}
:: to have
fare {vt}
:: to cost
fare {v}
:: (with a) to sell (for)
fare {vt}
:: to clean up
fare {vt}
:: to adress
fare {vt}
:: to organize or celebrate
fare {vt}
:: to stage
fare {v}
:: to produce or participate in
fare {v}
:: to interpret ; to act
fare {v}
:: (with a or in) (chiefly in the form fanno) to be planned or scheduled (at a certain time)
fare {vt}
:: to be subscribed to; to do regularly
fare {v}
:: to attend or be in
fare {v}
:: to practice
fare {vt}
:: to follow
fare {vt}
:: to visit
fare {vt}
:: to last
fare {vt}
:: to turn
fare {vt}
:: to gift
fare {vt}
:: to tell or indicate
fare {vt}
:: to do until
fare {vt}
:: to caricature
fare {vt}
:: to spend; to pass
fare {vt}
:: to live or lead
fare {vt}
:: to pronounce, judge, or evaluate
fare {vt}
:: (with che + subj.) to suppose or consider
fare {vt}
:: to gather
fare {vt}
:: to stock up on
fare {vt}
:: to work as
fare {vt}
:: to elect or nominate
fare {vt}
:: to score
fare {vt}
:: to make appear
fare {v}
:: to create impressions of
fare {vt}
:: (with inf.) to let
fare {vt}
:: (with or ) to strive or endeavor
fare {v}
:: to be suitable (for)
fare {v}
:: to play
fare {vi}
:: to be spent or to have gone by; to mark
fare {vi}
:: to be
fare {vi}
:: to have as an inflected form
fare {vi}
:: to go (say something or make a sound)
fare {vi}
:: to go (be expressed or composed)
fare {vi}
:: to be formed by a sequence
fare {vi}
:: (typically with or ) to be able to
fare {vi}
:: to take root
fare {vi}
:: to suffice
fare {m}
:: manner, way
farea {f}
:: pareas, a kind of legendary snake
fare acqua {v}
:: to make water, to leak
fare addormentare {v}
:: to lull into sleep
fare a fettine {v}
:: to salami-slice
fare affidamento {v}
:: to rely
fare affidamento {v}
:: to depend
fare alla romana {v}
:: to go Dutch, go halves
fare a meno {v}
:: to do without
fare a ruffa raffa {v}
:: To fight for possession of something
fare attenzione {v}
:: to look out; to stay aware; to beware
fare attenzione {v}
:: to pay attention, be careful
fare attenzione a quello che si dice {v}
:: to watch one's mouth
fare atto {v}
:: to manifest, show, display
fare baldoria {v}
:: to carouse
fare bancarotta {vi}
:: to go bankrupt
fare bella mostra {v}
:: to show off, exhibit, swagger
fare bella mostra {v}
:: (idiomatic)to cut a wide swath
fare buon viso a cattiva sorte {v}
:: synonym of ingoiare il rospo
fare capolino {v}
:: to peep (to look, especially while trying not to be seen or noticed)
fare capolino {vi}
:: to peep out, to show
fare capriole {vi}
:: to caper, to cavort
fare casino {v}
:: to mess around
fare caso {v}
:: to notice; to pay attention (to)
fare castelli in aria {v}
:: to build castles in the air
fare causa {v}
:: to file suit; to sue
fare cilecca {v}
:: to misfire
fare cilecca {v}
:: to fail, lose, disappoint
fare cilecca {v}
:: to be impotent
fare cilecca {v}
:: to fall on one's face
fare colpo {v}
:: to provoke a decidedly favorable impression of agreeableness or attraction; to arouse interest (in) ; to attract; to interest
fare come lo struzzo {v}
:: bury one's head in the sand
fare con comodo {v}
:: synonym of prendersela comoda
fare da paravento {v}
:: (with a) to cover up or paper over the mistakes or irregularities (of)
fare del proprio meglio {vi}
:: (also with per) to do one's best (to); to put one's best foot forward
fare dietrofront {v}
:: to about-face
fare di meno {v}
:: alternative form of fare a meno
fare di necessità virtù {v}
:: to make a virtue of necessity
fare di una mosca un elefante {v}
:: to make a mountain out of a molehill
fare finta {v}
:: to pretend
fare finta di niente {v}
:: synonym of fare come lo struzzo
fare finta di niente {v}
:: synonym of nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia
fare finta di nulla {v}
:: Variant of fare finta di niente
fare follie {v}
:: synonym of darsi alla pazza gioia
fare freddo {v}
:: to be cold (of the weather)
fare fuoco {vt}
:: To fire (to shoot a gun)
fare fuori {vt}
:: to bump off, to do in, to kill
fare fuori {vt}
:: to finish off
fare fuori {vt}
:: to gulp down
fare giacomo giacomo {v}
:: to tremble or shake
fare girare le palle {v}
:: alternative form of far girare le palle
fare giri di parole {v}
:: to beat around the bush
fare gli occhiacci {v}
:: to scowl
fare i conti {v}
:: to do the math
fare i conti {v}
:: to deal with, to come to terms with
fare il broncio {v}
:: to pout, sulk
fare il callo {v}
:: to get used
fare il callo {vi}
:: Become accustomed to something, to acclimate, to adjust
fare il finto tonto {v}
:: to play dumb
fare il gran passo {v}
:: to make a big step or an important decision
fare il gran passo {v}
:: to get married
fare il gran passo {v}
:: to die
fare il nanni {v}
:: To play the fool
fare il passo più lungo della gamba {v}
:: to bite off more than one can chew
fare il passo secondo la gamba {v}
:: to cut one's coat according to one's cloth
fare il pollice verso {v}
:: to thumb down, oppose, or condemn
fare il punto {v}
:: To take stock
fare il punto {v}
:: To take a fix, take a bearing
fare il suo corso {v}
:: to run one's course
fare il tifo {v}
:: to support a team or sportsman
fare il voltafaccia {v}
:: to about-face
fare il voltagabbana {v}
:: to about-face
fare impressione {v}
:: to stun; to amaze; to strike
fare ipotesi {v}
:: to speculate
fare l'abitudine {vi}
:: to get used (to something)
fare la cacca {v}
:: To poop; to defecate
fare la fronda {v}
:: to plot
fare la linguaccia {v}
:: to stick one's tongue out
fare l'amore {v}
:: to make love, snog, smooch, neck
fare la ninna nanna {v}
:: to lull into sleep
fare la paternale {v}
:: to talk like a Dutch uncle
fare la pelle {v}
:: to kill, assassinate
fare la pipì {v}
:: To pee; to urinate
fare largo {v}
:: to make way
fare la riverenza {v}
:: to bow (To bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
fare la riverenza {v}
:: to curtsey (to make a curtsey)(small bow of knees and lowered body, usually by a female)
fare la scarpetta {v}
:: to mop up the sauce from a plate of food with a piece of bread
fare la spola {v}
:: to shuttle
fare le aste {v}
:: to do a preparatory exercise in writing
fare le corna {v}
:: To make a sign, with the fist clenched and the index finger and little finger extended, to offensively indicate that a person is a cuckold, especially when directed towards someone; however, if the same sign is pointed downward in response to an unfortunate event, to the mentioning of such an event, or to the evil eye, it takes on an apotropaic meaning as a gesture meant to ward off bad luck
fare le veci {v}
:: to stand in for
fare l'impossibile {v}
:: to pull out all the stops
fare l'offeso {v}
:: to sulk
fare lo gnorri {v}
:: to play dumb
fare lo sgambetto {v}
:: to trip up (to cause to fall or stumble)
fare lo spogliarello {v}
:: to strip (to do a striptease)
fare man bassa {v}
:: to sack, plunder or loot
fare man bassa {v}
:: to gulp down
fare marcia indietro {v}
:: to back out (To reverse a vehicle or to withdraw from something one has promised to do)
fare orecchi da mercante {v}
:: turn a deaf ear
fare orecchi da mercante {v}
:: to refuse to listen or hear something
fare parte {v}
:: to be part (of)
fare passare {v}
:: synonym of fare strada
fare piazza pulita {v}
:: To make a clean sweep, to make mincemeat
fare piazza pulita {v}
:: to gulp down
fare posto {v}
:: to give way
fare presa {v}
:: alternative form of far presa
fare quadrato {v}
:: to close ranks
fare quattro passi {v}
:: to stroll
fare quattro passi {v}
:: to range, roam, rove, stray
fare quattro passi {v}
:: To wander on foot; to ramble idly or leisurely; to rove
fare quattro passi {v}
:: To go somewhere with ease
fare retromarcia {v}
:: to back out (to reverse a vehicle)
fare saltare la mosca al naso {v}
:: to annoy someone; to get on someone's nerves; toget up someone's nose
fare schifo {v}
:: to suck, stink
fare sciopero {vi}
:: synonym of scioperare
fare scorta {v}
:: synonym of mettere da parte
fare spallucce {vi}
:: to shrug
fare spicco {vi}
:: to stand out
fare strada {v}
:: to make way
fare strada {v}
:: to lead the way, to get ahead
fare testa o croce {v}
:: to flip a coin
fare testa o croce {v}
:: to toss a coin
faretra {f}
:: quiver (for arrows)
faretto {m}
:: diminutive of faro
faretto {m}
:: downlight
fare tutto il possibile {v}
:: to go all out
fare una cacata {v}
:: to take a crap
fare una figuraccia {vi}
:: to make a bad impression
fare una figuraccia {vi}
:: to make a fool of oneself
fare una pompa {vt}
:: to give a blowjob, give head, suck off
fare un baffo {v}
:: 'not worry about (sb)'
fare un baffo {v}
:: 'give a damn'
fare un baffo {v}
:: 'couldn't care less'
fare un buco nell'acqua {v}
:: To do something useless
fare un buco nell'acqua {v}
:: To fail in an enterprise
fare un giro {v}
:: to stroll
fare un giro {v}
:: to range, roam, rove, stray
fare un giro {v}
:: To wander on foot; to ramble idly or leisurely; to rove
fare un giro {v}
:: To go somewhere with ease
fare un lavoretto {v}
:: to turn tricks
fare un repulisti {v}
:: to have a cleanout (clean something thoroughly)
fare un servizietto {v}
:: synonym of fare un lavoretto
fare vedere {vt}
:: to show (to have somebody see something)
fare zuppetta {v}
:: to dunk (submerge in a liquid)
Farfa {prop}
:: Farfa (small river)
farfalla {f} /farˈfal.la/
:: butterfly
farfalla {f}
:: bow tie
farfalla {f}
:: pasta in the shape of butterflies or bow ties
farfalla {f}
:: the butterfly stroke
farfalla {f}
:: throttle valve, butterfly valve
farfallamento {m}
:: shimmy, wobbling (abnormal vibration)
farfallina {f}
:: Small butterfly
farfallina {f}
:: Type of small pasta in the form of a butterfly
farfallino {m}
:: bowtie
farfallista {mf}
:: swimmer using the butterfly stroke
farfallone {m}
:: augmentative of farfalla
farfallone {m}
:: philanderer
farfallone {m}
:: larger form of farfalle pasta
farfara {f}
:: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
farfaraccio {m}
:: butterbur (of genus Petasites)
Farfarello {prop}
:: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
farfaro {m}
:: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
far finta {v}
:: apocopic form of fare finta
far fretta {v}
:: to insist; to beg
far fronte a {v}
:: synonym of fronteggiare
farfugliamento {m}
:: splutter
farfugliante {v}
:: present participle of farfugliare
farfugliare {v}
:: to mumble, fumble, blunder or mutter
farfugliare {v}
:: to stammer
farfugliare {v}
:: to slur one's words
farfuglio {m}
:: stuttering
farfuglione {m}
:: mumbler, mutterer
far funzionare {v}
:: to make do
far fuoco {v}
:: to shoot or fire
far fuoco {v}
:: to mount an attack
far girare i coglioni {v}
:: to twist someone's balls, to annoy
far girare la testa {v}
:: to turn someone's head
far girare le palle {v}
:: to twist someone's balls, to annoy
farina {f}
:: flour, meal
Farina {prop}
:: Farina; surname
farinacciano {adj}
:: Relating to, or characteristic of the policies of Italian Fascist Roberto Farinacci
farinaccio {m} /fa.riˈnat.t͡ʃo/
:: Byproduct of the production of flour used for animal feed
farinaccio {m}
:: European white egg (Amanita ovoidea)
farinaccio {m}
:: white goosefoot (Chenopodium album)
farinaccio falso {m}
:: synonym of bubbolina
farinaceo {adj}
:: farinaceous
farinaceo {m}
:: starch (from various vegetable sources)
farina del proprio sacco {f}
:: entirely one's own work
farina di grano {f}
:: cornflour, cornmeal
farinaio {m}
:: flour store
farinata {f}
:: farinata (baked pancake somewhat similar to a pizza, made from chickpeas)
Farinata {prop}
:: The nickname of Manente degli Uberti
Farinelli {prop}
:: surname
Farinelli {prop}
:: Giuseppe Farinelli, Italian composer
farinello {m}
:: wheatmeal flour (partially refined flour)
farinevole {adj}
:: Made from flour
faringale {adj}
:: pharyngeal
faringe {f}
:: pharynx
faringeo {adj}
:: pharyngeal
faringite {f}
:: pharyngitis
faringo- {prefix}
:: pharyngo-
faringocele {m}
:: pharyngocele
faringodinia {f}
:: pharyngalgia, pharyngodynia
faringoesofageo {adj}
:: pharyngoesophageal
faringoiatria {f}
:: Branch of medicine that specializes in problems of the pharynx
faringologia {f}
:: pharyngology
faringomicosi {f}
:: pharyngomycosis
faringoplastica {f}
:: pharyngoplasty
faringoscopia {f}
:: pharyngoscopy
faringoscopio {m}
:: pharyngoscope
faringospasmo {m}
:: pharyngismus, pharyngospasm
faringotomia {f}
:: pharyngotomy
faringotonsillite {f}
:: pharyngotonsillitis
farinoso {adj}
:: floury
farinoso {adj}
:: that yields flour
farisaicamente {adv}
:: hypocritically, pharisaically
farisaico {adj}
:: pharisaic, pharisaical
farisaismo {m}
:: pharisaism, hypocrisy
farisea {f}
:: female equivalent of fariseo
fariseo {m} /fa.ri.ˈzɛ.o/
:: Pharisee
farista {mf}
:: lighthouse keeper
farla breve {v}
:: to hurry up or make it quick
farla corta {v}
:: synonym of farla breve
farla da padrone {v}
:: to boss around or lord over
farla finita {v}
:: to cut it out, stop it
farla franca {v}
:: to get away with something
farla grossa {v}
:: to make a mess
farla lunga {v}
:: to speak at length
far leva su {v}
:: to leverage
farlocco {m} /farˈlɔkko/
:: chump, sucker (gullible person)
farlocco {adj}
:: false
farlocco {adj}
:: false, stupid
farmaceutica {f}
:: pharmaceutics
farmaceuticamente {adv}
:: pharmaceutically
farmaceutico {adj}
:: pharmaceutical
farmacia {f} /far.maˈt͡ʃi.a/
:: pharmacy, chemist's, drugstore
farmacia {f}
:: apothecary
farmacista {mf}
:: pharmacist, druggist
farmaco- {prefix}
:: pharmaco-
farmaco {m}
:: medicine, medication, drug
farmacocinetica {f}
:: pharmacokinetics
farmacocinetico {adj}
:: pharmacokinetic
farmacodinamica {f}
:: pharmacodynamics
farmacodinamico {adj}
:: pharmacodynamic
farmacodipendente {adj}
:: drug-dependent
farmacodipendenza {f}
:: drug dependency
farmacogenomica {f}
:: pharmacogenomics
farmacologa {f}
:: pharmacologist (female)
farmacologia {f} /far.ma.ko.loˈd͡ʒi.a/
:: pharmacology
farmacologicamente {adv} /ˌfar.ma.ko.lo.d͡ʒi.kaˈmen.te/
:: pharmacologically
farmacologico {adj} /far.ma.koˈlɔ.d͡ʒi.ko/
:: pharmacological, pharmacologic
farmacologo {m}
:: pharmacologist
farmacopatologia {f}
:: pharmacopathology
farmacopea {f}
:: pharmacopoeia
farmacoprotesico {adj}
:: pharmacoprosthetic
farmacoriabilitativo {adj}
:: pharmacorehabilitative
farmacoterapeutico {adj}
:: pharmacotherapeutic
farmacoterapia {f}
:: pharmacotherapy
farmacovigilanza {f}
:: pharmacovigilance
farmagenomica {f}
:: pharmacogenomics
Farnace {prop}
:: Pharnaces
Farnese {prop}
:: surname
Farnese {prop}
:: A historic Italian noble family
farnesiano {adj}
:: Relating to the Farnese family (of renaissance Italy)
Farnesina {prop}
:: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
farneticamente {adv}
:: deliriously
farneticamento {m}
:: delirium, raving
farneticante {v}
:: present participle of farneticare
farneticante {adj}
:: raving
farneticare {vi}
:: to rave
farneticare {vi}
:: to talk nonsense
farneticare {vt}
:: to rant about
farneticazione {f}
:: raving, delirious speech
farnetico {adj}
:: raving
farnetico {adj}
:: delirious
farnetto {m} /farˈnet.to/
:: Hungarian oak (Quercus frainetto)
farnia {f}
:: pedunculate oak, English oak (Quercus robur)
faro {m}
:: lighthouse
faro {m}
:: headlight, headlamp
faroense {adj} /fa.ro.ˈɛn.se/
:: Faroese
faroense {mf}
:: Faroe Islander (person from the Faroe Islands)
faroese {adj} /fa.ro.ˈe.ze/
:: alternative form of faroense
faroese {mf}
:: alternative form of faroense
far parte {v}
:: to be part (of); be a member (of)
far pesare {vt}
:: (typically with a) to exaggerate one's own accomplishments or other people's shortcomings; to harp on; to rub it in; to make a big deal of
far presa {v}
:: to adhere (to); to attach (to)
far presa {v}
:: to leave a positive impression (on/to)
far quadrare i conti {v}
:: to eke out a living
far quadrare i conti {v}
:: to make ends meet
far quadrare i conti {v}
:: to get by
far quadrare i conti {v}
:: to make ends meet
farragine {f} /farˈra.dʒi.ne/
:: hodgepodge
farragine {f}
:: medley
farraginosamente {adv}
:: In a muddled or confused manner; confusedly
farraginosità {f}
:: muddle, confusion
farraginoso {adj}
:: muddled, chaotic
far ridere i polli {v}
:: to make a cat laugh
far ridere i polli {v}
:: to be a laughing stock
far ridere i polli {v}
:: to be ridiculous or hilarious
far rizzare i capelli {v}
:: to curl someone's hair, to frighten
far rizzare i capelli {v}
:: to make somebody's hair stand on end
farro {m}
:: emmer (Triticum dicoccum)
farro {m}
:: spelt (Triticum spelta)
farsa {f}
:: farce, masquerade
Farsaglia {prop}
:: Pharsalia
Farsala {prop}
:: Pharsalus
Farsalo {prop}
:: Pharsalus
farsela addosso {v}
:: to shit oneself
farsene una ragione {v}
:: to resign
farsene una ragione {v}
:: to give up
farsene una ragione {v}
:: to come to terms with
farsene una ragione {vti}
:: To submit passively; to give up as hopeless or inevitable
farsene una ragione {v}
:: to reach an agreement or settle a dispute
farsene una ragione {v}
:: To resolve a conflict with
farsene una ragione {v}
:: To accept or resign oneself to something emotionally painful
farsescamente {adv}
:: farcically
farsesco {adj}
:: farcical
farsetto {m}
:: doublet
farsetto {m}
:: jersey
farsi {v} /ˈfar.si/
:: reflexive of fare
farsi {v}
:: to become
farsi {v}
:: to make oneself
farsi {v}
:: to elaborate on in one's mind
farsi {v}
:: to form with
farsi {v}
:: to acquire or buy
farsi {v}
:: to eat or drink
farsi {v}
:: to smoke
farsi {v}
:: to move oneself
farsi {v}
:: (with a) to look out
farsi {v}
:: to let
farsi {v}
:: to compel or force
farsi {v}
:: to become an expert
farsi {v}
:: to exchange (between or among each other)
farsi {v}
:: to become
farsi {v}
:: to facilitate it's usage; to be easy (to use)
farsi {v}
:: to do (take drugs)
farsi {v}
:: to make, have (sexually)
farsi abbindolare {v}
:: to be taken in
farsi abbindolare {v}
:: to take in
farsi animo {v}
:: to be strong or brave
farsi avanti {v}
:: to advance
farsi avanti {v}
:: to come forward
farsi bella {v}
:: to dress up
far sì che {v}
:: (with subj.) to ensure that; to make sure that
farsi desiderare {vr}
:: play hard to get
farsi furbo {v}
:: To sense something suspicious, get wise
farsi furbo {v}
:: to smell a rat
farsi gli affari propri {vr}
:: to mind one's own business
farsi il culo {v}
:: to work someone's ass off
farsi il culo {v}
:: To work excessively or to the point of exhaustion
farsi il culo {v}
:: To work very hard or to excess
farsi in quattro {v}
:: to go out of the way
farsi in quattro {v}
:: to bend over backwards
farsi la barba {v}
:: To shave oneself (used exclusively for facial hair)
farsi largo {v}
:: reflexive of fare largo
farsi largo {v}
:: to break through a crowd
farsi largo {v}
:: to climb the social ladder; to get ahead
farsi le ossa {v}
:: cut one's teeth
farsi le ossa {v}
:: synonym of prendere dimestichezza
farsi le ossa {v}
:: synonym of imparare il mestiere
farsi male {vr}
:: to hurt
farsi prendere la mano {v}
:: See: it farsi prendere mano
farsi prendere la mano {v}
:: to get carried away (with)
farsi ridere dietro {phrase}
:: make a spectacle of oneself
farsi sentire {v}
:: to articulate and defend one's opinions clearly; to speak out
farsi sentire {v}
:: to have a substantial effect; to make itself felt
farsi sentire {v}
:: to check in; to communicate
farsi strada {v}
:: to make one's way (To move forward, usually toward a destination or goal, physically or conceptually)
farsi un mazzo {v}
:: to work one's ass off
farsi vivo {vi}
:: to show up; to make an appearance
farsi vivo {v}
:: to get in touch (with); to reach out (to)
far venire il latte alle ginocchia {v}
:: to chap someone's hide
far venire la mosca al naso {v}
:: to get up someone's nose, get under someone's skin
Far West {prop}
:: The western part of the United States
Far West {prop}
:: a state of lawlessness
fasatura {f}
:: phasing, timing
fascera {f}
:: mould for making cheese
fascetta {f}
:: Narrow band or strip
fascetta {f}
:: ribbon, strap (of a medal)
fascetta {f}
:: bandage
fascetta {f}
:: wrapper (for a newspaper)
fascetta pubblicitaria {f}
:: blurb (short description of a book etc)
fascettario {m}
:: mail wrapper or label
fascetto {m}
:: fascicle
fascia {f} /ˈfaʃ.ʃa/
:: strip, band
fascia {f}
:: bandage
fascia {f}
:: sash
fascia {f}
:: belt
fascia {f}
:: fess
fascia degli asteroidi {f}
:: synonym of cintura asteroidale
fasciame {m}
:: planking (wooden), plating (metal)
fasciante {v}
:: present participle of fasciare
fasciantesi {v}
:: present participle of fasciarsi
fasciare {vt}
:: to bind
fasciare {vt}
:: to bandage
fasciare {vt}
:: to tape up
fasciare {vt}
:: to put on a baby's nappy/diaper
fasciarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fasciare
fasciarsi {vr}
:: to bind or bandage a limb, etc
fasciato {adj}
:: bandaged
fasciato {adj}
:: barry
fasciatoio {m}
:: baby changing table
fasciatosi {v}
:: past participle of fasciarsi
fasciatura {f}
:: bandage
fasciatura {f}
:: bandaging
fascicolante {v}
:: present participle of fascicolare
fascicolare {adj}
:: fascicular
fascicolare {vt}
:: to bind together
fascicolare {vt}
:: to file
fascicolato {adj}
:: fasciculate
fascicolatrice {f}
:: sorter, collator (device)
fascicolazione {f}
:: fasciculation
fascicolo {m} /faʃ.ˈʃi.ko.lo/
:: booklet, pamphlet
fascicolo {m}
:: file, dossier
fascicolo {m}
:: instalment (of a publication)
fascina {f} /faʃˈʃina/
:: faggot (bundle of sticks)
fascina {f}
:: reap (bundle of grain)
fascinaia {f} /faʃ.ʃiˈna.ja/
:: woodpile
fascinaia {f}
:: feminine noun of fascinaio
fascinaio {m} /faʃ.ʃiˈna.jo/
:: A (male) person who collects and sells faggots
fascinata {f}
:: mattress
fascinazione {f}
:: enchantment
fascinazione {f}
:: fascination
fascino {m} /ˈfaʃ.ʃi.no/
:: charm, fascination, spiff
fascinosamente {adv}
:: charmingly
fascinoso {adj}
:: fascinating, charming
fascinoso {adj}
:: glamorous, stylish
fascio {m} /ˈfa.ʃo/
:: bundle (of wood)
fascio {m}
:: a group or association
fascio {m}
:: sheaf (of hay)
fascio {m}
:: bunch (of flowers)
fascio {m}
:: beam (of light)
fascio {m}
:: fasces (especially in plural)
fascio {m}
:: fascism
fascio {m}
:: a fascist
fascio {m}
:: sheaf
fascio {m}
:: fasciculus, bundle
fascio di nervi {n}
:: bundle of nerves
fascio littorio {m}
:: fasces (both in ancient Rome and in fascist Italy)
fascione {m}
:: band, banding
fascismo {m} /faʃˈʃi.zmo/
:: Fascism, fascism
fascista {adj} /faʃˈʃis.ta/
:: fascist
fascista {adj}
:: fascist
fascista {mf}
:: Fascist
fascista {mf}
:: fascist
fascistico {adj}
:: fascist
fascistissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fascista
fascistizzante {v}
:: present participle of fascistizzare
fascistizzare {vt}
:: to make fascist
fascistoide {adj}
:: fascistoid
fascite {f}
:: fasciitis
fase {f}
:: phase, stage, period, level, degree, step
fase {f}
:: stroke
fase {f}
:: line (the engine is in line / out of line - with reference to smooth working)
fase di luna calante {f}
:: old moon
fase di luna crescente {f}
:: young moon
fase lunare {m}
:: lunar phase
fase luteale {f}
:: luteal phase
fasianide {m}
:: phasianid (a partridge, or other pheasant-like gamebird)
fasometro {m}
:: phase meter or indicator
fasore {m}
:: phasor
Fassa {prop}
:: One of the principal mountain valleys in the Dolomites
fassamano {m}
:: lorgnette
fassano {adj}
:: Of or relating to the Val di Fassa (a valley in the Trentino-Alto Adige region) or its people
fassano {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of such valley
fastello {m}
:: bundle (of sticks etc)
fastidio {m}
:: trouble, bother, nuisance
fastidiosaggine {f}
:: annoyance, tiresomeness, tediousness
fastidiosamente {adv}
:: troublesomely, annoyingly
fastidiosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fastidioso
fastidiosissimo {adj}
:: very annoying
fastidiosissimo {adj}
:: very irritable
fastidiosità {f}
:: annoyance, tiresomeness, tediousness
fastidioso {adj}
:: annoying, tiresome, vexing
fastidioso {adj}
:: irritable, touchy
fastidioso {adj}
:: finicky, fussy, fastidious
fastigiato {adj}
:: fastigiate
fasto {m}
:: pomp, splendor, magnificence, richness
fastosamente {adv}
:: sumptuously, magnificently
fastosità {f}
:: pomp, magnificence, splendor, richness
fastoso {adj}
:: magnificent, sumptuous
fasullo {adj} /faˈzul.lo/
:: fake, sham
fasullo {adj}
:: false
fasullo {adj}
:: bogus, phoney
fata {f}
:: fairy
fatale {adj}
:: fatal
fatale {adj}
:: predestined, fated
fatale {adj}
:: irresistible (woman)
fatalismo {m}
:: fatalism
fatalista {mf}
:: fatalist
fatalisticamente {adv}
:: fatalistically
fatalistico {adj}
:: fatalistic
fatalità {f}
:: fate
fatalità {f}
:: fatality
fatalmente {adv}
:: fatally
fatalona {f}
:: femme fatale, vamp
fata madrina {f}
:: fairy godmother
fata morgana {f}
:: alternative spelling of fatamorgana
fatamorgana {f} /ˌfa.ta.morˈɡa.na/
:: fata morgana (form of mirage caused by temperature inversion)
fata Morgana {prop}
:: Morgan le Fay (half-sister of King Arthur)
fatato {adj}
:: enchanted, magic
fatica {f} /faˈti.ka/
:: effort, endeavour, work (physical or mental)
fatica {f}
:: difficulty
fatica {f}
:: labour, labor, toil, fatigue
fatica {f}
:: tiredness, exhaustion, weariness, fatigue
faticabile {adj}
:: fatigable
faticabilità {f}
:: fatigability
faticaccia {f}
:: A great effort; hard work; a pain
faticante {v}
:: present participle of faticare
faticare {vi}
:: to work hard; to toil
faticata {f}
:: hard work
faticata {f}
:: toil
fatico {adj} /ˈfa.ti.ko/
:: phatic
faticone {m} /fa.tiˈko.ne/
:: Someone who is very busy
faticone {m}
:: Someone pretending to be very busy
faticosamente {adv}
:: hardly, tiredly
faticosamente {adv}
:: with difficulty
faticosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of faticoso
faticosissimo {adj}
:: very tiring
faticosissimo {adj}
:: very laborious
faticosità {f}
:: laboriousness, hardiness, difficulty
faticoso {adj}
:: tiring, hard, demanding
faticoso {adj}
:: difficult, laboured, laborious
fatidicamente {adv}
:: fatefully
fatidico {adj}
:: fateful
fatina {f}
:: fairy or more properly a young or little fairy
fatiscente {adj}
:: crumbling, dilapidated, decaying
fatiscentemente {adv}
:: in a dilapidated manner
fatiscenza {f}
:: dilapidation, disrepair
fato {m} /ˈfaː.to/
:: fate, destiny
fatta {f}
:: type, kind
fatta {f}
:: droppings; animal excrement
fattaccio {m}
:: foul deed
fattaccio {m}
:: matters, business
fattacela {v}
:: past participle of farcela
fatta eccezione per {prep}
:: with the exception of; except, but
fattariello {m}
:: anecdote (especially one in the form of a fable)
fatterello {m} /fat.teˈrɛl.lo/
:: diminutive of fatto
fatterello {m}
:: minor matter
fatterello {m}
:: anecdote
fattevole {adj}
:: alternative form of fattibile
fattezze {p}
:: features
fattia {f}
:: charm, spell
fattibello {m}
:: rouge, makeup
fattibile {adj}
:: feasible, practicable, possible
fattibilità {f}
:: feasibility, practicability, viability
fattibilmente {adv}
:: feasibly
fatticità {f}
:: facticity
fatti fottere {interj}
:: get fucked
fatti fottere {interj}
:: go away, go to hell, get lost
fattispecie {f}
:: case, instance
fattitivo {adj}
:: factitive
fattivamente {adv}
:: actively
fattivamente {adv}
:: effectively
fattività {f}
:: effectiveness
fattività {f}
:: activeness
fattivo {adj}
:: active
fattivo {adj}
:: effective
fatto {adj} /ˈfät̚t̪o̞/
:: done, made
fatto {adj}
:: fit, right, made
fatto {adj}
:: grown
fatto {adj}
:: stoned, baked, high, wasted, stuffed
fatto {m}
:: fact, event, occurrence, matter, affair, business, action, story
fatto a mano {adj}
:: handmade
fatto compiuto {m}
:: fait accompli
fatto di cronaca {m}
:: news item
fattoide {m}
:: factoid
fatto in casa {adj}
:: homemade
fattona {f} /fatˈto.na/
:: feminine noun of fattone
fattone {m} /fatˈto.ne/
:: pothead (person who smokes marijuana)
fattore {m}
:: factor, element (contributor to a result)
fattore {m}
:: factor
fattore {m}
:: maker (creator)
fattore {m}
:: bailiff, steward, farmer, land agent (steward of an estate)
fattore di protezione solare {m}
:: sun protection factor
fattoressa {f}
:: female equivalent of fattore
Fattori {prop}
:: surname
Fattori {prop}
:: Giovanni Fattori, Italian painter
fattoria {f} /fat.toˈri.a/
:: farm
fattoriale {adj}
:: factorial
fattorino {m}
:: errand boy
fattorino {m}
:: office junior
fattorino {m}
:: bellboy, porter (in a hotel)
fattorino {m}
:: delivery boy
fattorizzabile {adj}
:: factorizable
fattorizzante {v}
:: present participle of fattorizzare
fattorizzare {vt}
:: to factorize
fattorizzazione {f}
:: factorization
fatto salvo {v}
:: save
fatto salvo {v}
:: Except; with the exception of
fattosi {v}
:: past participle of farsi
fatto su misura {adj}
:: custom-made, tailor-made, tailored, made-to-order, bespoke
fattrice {f}
:: brood female
fattrice {f}
:: brood mare, stud mare
fattuale {adj}
:: factual
fattualità {f}
:: factuality
fattualmente {adv}
:: factually
fattucchiera {f}
:: witch
fattucchiere {m}
:: wizard
fattucchiero {m}
:: wizard, sorcerer
fattura {f}
:: invoice, bill
fattura {f}
:: manufacture, make, workmanship, craftsmanship
fattura {f}
:: cut, model, design
fattura {f}
:: charm, spell
fatturabile {adj}
:: billable
fatturante {v}
:: present participle of fatturare
fatturare {vt}
:: to invoice, bill
fatturare {vt}
:: to account for
fatturato {m}
:: turnover (comercial)
fatturato {adj}
:: invoiced
fatturatrice {f}
:: invoicing or billing machine
fatturazione {f}
:: invoicing, billing
fatturista {mf}
:: invoice or accounts clerk
fatturo {adj} /fatˈtu.ro/
:: That is about to do or make
fatuamente {adv}
:: fatuously
fatuamente {adv}
:: superficially
fatuità {f}
:: fatuousness
fatuo {adj}
:: fatuous, vain
fatuo {adj}
:: superficial
fatwa {f} /ˈfa.twa/
:: fatwa (legal opinion issued by a mufti)
fauce {f}
:: jaw
fauce {f}
:: mouth (of a volcano etc)
Fauci {prop}
:: Fauci; surname
Faugno {prop}
:: surname
fauna {f}
:: fauna
faunesco {adj}
:: faunlike
faunistica {f}
:: The study of the fauna of a region
faunisticamente {adv}
:: faunally
faunistico {adj}
:: faunal
fauno {m}
:: faun
faustamente {adv}
:: happily
faustamente {adv}
:: propitiously
faustiano {adj}
:: Faustian
Faustiniano {prop}
:: given name
Faustino {prop}
:: given name
fausto {adj}
:: happy
fausto {adj}
:: propitious
fausto {m}
:: female menstrual cycle
Fausto {prop}
:: given name
fautore {m}
:: advocate, supporter
fautrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fautore
fauvismo {m}
:: fauvism
fava {f} /ˈfa.va/
:: fava bean, broad bean
fava {f}
:: cock
favagello {m}
:: lesser celandine (Ficaria verna, formerly Ranunculus ficaria)
favata {f}
:: A stew of fava beans, sausage, cabbage etc. from Sardinia
Favata {prop}
:: surname
favella {f} /faˈvɛl.la/
:: speech (ability)
favella {f}
:: speech, utterance
favella {f}
:: language, tongue
favellante {v}
:: present participle of favellare
favellare {vi} /fa.velˈla.re/
:: to speak or talk
favellare {vt}
:: to bespeak (to speak about; to tell of)
favellare {m}
:: parlance (way of talking)
favellatore {m} /fa.vel.laˈto.re/
:: (male) speaker, talker
favellatrice {f} /fa.vel.laˈtri.t͡ʃe/
:: feminine noun of favellatore; (female) speaker, talker
favellio {m}
:: murmuring
favellio {m}
:: chattering
faveto {m}
:: fava bean bed or patch
faveto {m}
:: fava bean field
favetta {f}
:: fava bean variety (Vicia faba var. equina Pers.)
favetta {f}
:: name of various dishes typical of Apulia
Favignana {prop}
:: Favignana
favignanese {adj}
:: Of or from Favignana
favilla {f}
:: spark
favilla {f}
:: glimmer
favino {m}
:: field bean (Vicia faba var. minor)
favismo {m}
:: favism
favo {m}
:: honeycomb (bee's)
favola {f}
:: fairy tale, fairy story
favola {f}
:: fable
favola {f}
:: shaggy-dog story
favolatore {m}
:: storyteller
favoleggiante {v}
:: present participle of favoleggiare
favoleggiare {vi}
:: to tell stories
favolello {m}
:: fabliau
favoletta {f}
:: Short fable or fairy tale etc
favolista {mf}
:: fabulist
favolistica {f}
:: fables (collectively)
favolistico {adj}
:: fable (attributive)
favolistico {adj}
:: fablelike
favolosamente {adv}
:: fabulously, incredibly, fantastically
favolosità {f}
:: fabulousness, fabulosity
favolosità {f}
:: wonderfulness
favoloso {adj}
:: fabulous, wonderful
favonio {m} /faˈvɔ.njo/
:: Zephyr, the west wind
favonio {m}
:: a south or west wind
favorabile {adj}
:: favourable
favore {m} /fa.ˈvo.re/
:: favour
favoreggiamento {m}
:: aiding and abetting
favoreggiante {v}
:: present participle of favoreggiare
favoreggiare {vt}
:: to favor / favour
favoreggiare {vt}
:: to aid and abet
favoreggiatore {m}
:: abettor, abetter
favoreggiatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of favoreggiatore
favorente {v}
:: present participle of favorire
favorente {adj}
:: favouring
favorevole {adj}
:: favourable
favorevole {adj}
:: in favour (of)
favorevole {adj}
:: favourable (to)
favorevolmente {adv}
:: favourably
favorire {vt}
:: to favour, to favor, to help, to aid, to support
favorire {vt}
:: to foster, to encourage, to promote, to favour
favorire {vt}
:: to give, to pass
favorisci {interj}
:: help yourself
favorisci {interj}
:: come in
favorita {f}
:: female equivalent of favorito
favoritamente {adv}
:: synonym of favorevolmente
favoritismo {m}
:: favouritism, favoritism
favoritissimo {adj}
:: superlative of favorito
favoritissimo {adj}
:: most favourite or preferred
favoritissimo {adj}
:: hot favourite
favorito {adj}
:: favourite
favorito {m}
:: favourite
favorito {m}
:: mollycoddle
favorito {m}
:: teacher's pet
faxante {v}
:: present participle of faxare
faxare {vt}
:: to fax
faxsimile {m}
:: alternative form of facsimile
fayalite {f}
:: fayalite
fazion {f}
:: apocopic form of fazione
fazione {f}
:: faction
faziosa {f}
:: female equivalent of fazioso
faziosamente {adv}
:: factiously
faziosità {f}
:: factiousness
fazioso {adj}
:: factious
fazioso {adj}
:: partisan
fazioso {m}
:: partisan
fazzolettino {m}
:: little handkerchief
fazzolettino {m}
:: paper handkerchief, tissue
fazzoletto {m} /fattsoˈletto/
:: handkerchief, square
fazzoletto {m}
:: neckerchief
FDP {m}
:: initialism of figlio di puttana
febbraietto {m}
:: February (considered as the shortest month)
febbraio {m} /febˈbra.jo/
:: February
febbraro {m}
:: obsolete form of febbraio
febbre {f} /ˈfɛbbre/
:: fever
febbre da cavallo {m}
:: a strong, raging fever
febbre dell'oro {f}
:: gold fever
febbre gialla {f}
:: yellow fever
febbre suina {f}
:: swine flu, swine influenza
febbriciattola {f}
:: slight fever
febbricitante {adj}
:: feverish
febbricola {f} /febˈbri.ko.la/
:: slight fever
febbrifugo {adj}
:: antipyretic, febrifugal
febbrifugo {m}
:: antipyretic, febrifuge
febbrile {adj}
:: feverish, febrile
febbrilità {f}
:: feverishness
febbrilmente {adv}
:: feverishly
febbrone {m}
:: high fever
Febe {prop}
:: Phoebe
Febe {prop}
:: given name
Febo {prop}
:: Phoebus
Febo {prop}
:: given name
fecale {adj}
:: fecal
fecalizzazione {f}
:: defecation
fecaloide {adj}
:: fecaloid
fecaloma {m}
:: fecaloma
feccia {f} /ˈfettʃa/
:: dregs
feccia {f}
:: trash
feccioso {adj}
:: dreggy, turbid, cloudy
feci {fp} /ˈfɛtʃi/
:: faeces/feces
fecola {f}
:: fecula, starch
fecola di patate {f}
:: potato starch
fecondabile {adj}
:: fertilizable
fecondabilità {f}
:: fecundability
fecondamente {adv}
:: fruitfully
fecondante {v}
:: present participle of fecondare
fecondare {vt}
:: To fertilize
fecondativo {adj}
:: fertility (attributive)
fecondato {adj}
:: fertilized
fecondatore {m}
:: fertilizer
fecondatore {adj}
:: fertilizing
fecondazione {f}
:: fertilization
fecondazione {f}
:: insemination
fecondazione artificiale {f}
:: artificial insemination
fecondazione in vitro {m}
:: in vitro fertilization
fecondità {f}
:: fertility
fecondo {adj}
:: fertile
fecondo {adj}
:: fruitful, fecund
fecondo {adj}
:: prolific
fedain {mf}
:: fedayee or fedayeen
fedare {vt} /feˈda.re/
:: to filthen, besmirch, make filthy
fedare {v}
:: to taint, corrupt
fede {f} /ˈfe.de/
:: faith, belief
fede {f}
:: creed, convictions
fede {f}
:: faith, loyalty
fede {f}
:: wedding ring
fedecommessario {adj}
:: Variant of fedecommissario
fedecommessario {m}
:: Variant of fedecommissario
fedecommesso {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to a trust (legal arrangement)
fedecommesso {m}
:: trust (legal arrangement set up by a donor or testator)
fedecommettente {v}
:: present participle of fedecommettere
fedecommettere {vt}
:: to leave money in trust
fedecommissario {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the beneficiary of a trust
fedecommissario {m}
:: The beneficiary of a trust
fededegno {adj} /fe.deˈdeɲ.ɲo/
:: credible, plausible
fedele {adj} /feˈde.le/
:: loyal, faithful, true, devoted
fedele {adj}
:: accurate, exact
fedele {mf}
:: believer, faithful, devotee
Fedele {prop}
:: given name
fedelissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fedele
fedelissimo {adj}
:: very loyal or faithful
fedelissimo {adj}
:: very accurate or exact
fedelissimo {m}
:: loyal or faithful friend
fedelissimo {m}
:: follower
fedelmente {adv} /fe.delˈmen.te/
:: faithfully, loyally
fedelmente {adv}
:: faithfully, accurately
fedeltà {f} /fe.delˈta/
:: loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, trustworthiness, allegiance
fedeltà {f}
:: accuracy, exactness
fede nuziale {f}
:: wedding ring
federa {f}
:: pillowcase
federale {adj} /fe.deˈra.le/
:: federal
federalismo {m} /fe.de.raˈlis.mo/
:: federalism
federalista {adj} /fe.de.raˈlis.ta/
:: federalist
federalista {mf}
:: federalist
federalistico {adj} /fe.de.raˈlis.ti.ko/
:: federalist
federalizzante {v}
:: present participle of federalizzare
federalizzare {v}
:: to federalize
federalizzazione {f}
:: federalization
federalmente {adv} /fe.de.ralˈmen.te/
:: federally
federante {v}
:: present participle of federare
federantesi {v}
:: present participle of federarsi
federare {v} /fe.deˈra.re/
:: To federate
federarsi {vr} /fe.deˈrar.si/
:: To federate
federativo {adj} /fe.de.raˈti.vo/
:: federative, federal
federato {adj} /fe.deˈra.to/
:: federate, federated
federatosi {v}
:: past participle of federarsi
federazione {f} /fe.de.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: federation
Federazione Russa {prop}
:: Russian Federation
Federica {prop}
:: given name
Federici {prop}
:: surname
federiciano {adj}
:: Frederick (attributive)
Federico {prop} /fe.deˈri.ko/
:: given name
Federico {prop}
:: surname
Federigo {prop} /fe.deˈri.ɡo/
:: given name, alternative form of Federico
fedifraga {f}
:: unfaithful woman
fedifrago {adj} /feˈdi.fra.ɡo/
:: unfaithful
fedifrago {adj}
:: faithless
fedifrago {m}
:: unfaithful person
fedina {f}
:: record (police etc)
fedo {adj} /ˈfɛ.do/
:: filthy, dirty
Fedone {prop}
:: Phaedo
Fedora {prop}
:: given name
Fedora {prop}
:: an operating system
Fedra {prop}
:: Phaedra
Fedrico {prop} /feˈdri.ko/
:: given name, alternative form of Federico
Fedro {prop}
:: Phaedrus
feederaggio {m}
:: transshipment (The shipment of goods via intermediate destinations)
feeling {m} /ˈfi.linɡ/
:: an intense and immediate current of likability that is established between two people; feeling
fegataccio {m}
:: (in plural) guts, courage
fegataccio {m}
:: daredevil
fegatella {f}
:: liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)
fegatello {m}
:: Roast pig's liver
fegatino {m}
:: liver (especially of chicken or small birds)
fegato {m} /ˈfeɡato/
:: liver (organ of human or animal; organ of animal used as food)
fegato {m}
:: courage
fegato {m}
:: guts, pluck
fegatoso {adj}
:: liverish
felce {f}
:: fern
felceta {f}
:: Alternative form of felceto
felceto {m}
:: ferny place
felceto {m}
:: fernery
feldmaresciallo {m} /ˌfɛld.ma.reʃˈʃal.lo/
:: general field marshal
feldmaresciallo {m}
:: field marshal
feldspatico {adj}
:: feldspathic
feldspato {m}
:: feldspar
feldspatoide {m}
:: feldspathoid
felibrismo {m}
:: Félibrige
felibro {m}
:: Félibre
felice {adj} /feˈli.t͡ʃe/
:: happy (contented)
felice {adj}
:: glad
felice {adj}
:: blessed, lucky
felice {adj}
:: An epithet given by monarchs to their states and subjects
felice {adj}
:: appropriate, apt, happy
felice {adj}
:: fertile, fruitful
Felice {prop}
:: given name
felice anno nuovo {phrase}
:: Happy New Year
felicemente {adv}
:: happily, gladly
felicemente {adv}
:: safely
Feliciano {prop}
:: given name
felicissimo {adj}
:: superlative of felice
Felicita {prop} /feˈli.tʃi.ta/
:: given name
felicità {f}
:: happiness
felicitante {v}
:: present participle of felicitare
felicitantesi {v}
:: present participle of felicitarsi
felicitare {vt}
:: to congratulate
felicitarsi {v}
:: reflexive of felicitare
felicitarsi {vr}
:: to congratulate
felicitarsi {vr}
:: to be glad, rejoice
felicitatosi {v}
:: past participle of felicitarsi
felicitazione {f}
:: congratulations
felicitazioni {interj}
:: felicitations!
felide {m}
:: feline (member of the cat family)
Felidi {prop}
:: Felidae
felinamente {adv}
:: in a feline or catlike manner
felino {m}
:: feline
felino {adj}
:: feline
felino {adj}
:: catlike
Feliziano {prop}
:: alternative form of Feliciano
fellah {m} /felˈla/
:: fellah
fellatio {f}
:: oral sex in which the penis of one of the participants is orally stimulated
fellazione {f}
:: fellation
fellema {m}
:: phellem, cork
felliniano {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Federico Fellini and his works
felloderma {m}
:: phelloderm
fellodermico {adj}
:: phellodermal
fellogeno {m}
:: phellogen, cork cambrium
fellone {m} /felˈlo.ne/
:: traitor, felon
fellone {m}
:: scoundrel, villain
fellonescamente {adv}
:: traitorously, treacherously, feloniously
fellonesco {adj}
:: traitorous, treacherous, felonious
fellonia {f}
:: felony
fellonia {f}
:: treachery
felloplastica {f}
:: phelloplastics
felpa {f}
:: plush, fleece
felpa {f}
:: sweatshirt
felpato {adj}
:: brushed
felpato {adj}
:: fleecy, nappy
felpato {adj}
:: stealthy (footsteps etc)
felpato {m}
:: Brushed material
felsineo {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the city of Bologna
felsineo {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Bologna Football Club
feltrabile {adj}
:: That can be felted
feltrabilità {f}
:: felting property
feltraio {m}
:: felter
feltrante {v}
:: present participle of feltrare
feltrantesi {v}
:: present participle of feltrarsi
feltrare {vt}
:: To felt
feltrarsi {vr}
:: To felt
feltratosi {v}
:: past participle of feltrarsi
feltratura {f}
:: felting
feltrazione {f}
:: felting (of wool)
feltrazione {f}
:: fiber felting (of paper)
feltrazione {f}
:: Variant of filtrazione
feltresco {adj}
:: Of or from Montefeltro
feltrino {adj}
:: Of or from Feltre
feltro {m}
:: felt
feltro {m}
:: tomentum
feltroso {adj}
:: felt (attributive)
feltroso {adj}
:: woolly
feluca {f}
:: felucca (watercraft)
feluca {f}
:: cocked hat
felze {m}
:: The cabin of a gondola
femicidio {m}
:: alternative form of femminicidio
femmicidio {m}
:: alternative form of femminicidio
femmina {f}
:: female
femminella {f}
:: wimp
femminella {f}
:: sissy, pansy
femminella {f}
:: brace
femminella {f}
:: sprout or bud of a vine
femminello {m}
:: A variety of lemon from southern Italy
femmineo {adj}
:: feminine
femmineo {adj}
:: womanish, effeminate
femminicidio {m}
:: femicide
femminiello {m}
:: androgyne
femminiello {m}
:: third gender person
femminiello {m}
:: transsexual person
femminile {adj}
:: female
femminile {adj}
:: feminine
femminile {adj}
:: womanish, womanly
femminilismo {m}
:: feminism
femminilità {f}
:: womanliness, womanhood, femininity
femminilizzante {v}
:: present participle of femminilizzare
femminilizzare {vt}
:: to feminize
femminilizzazione {f}
:: feminization
femminilmente {adv}
:: In a feminine or womanly manner
femminino {adj}
:: feminine, womanly
femminismo {m}
:: feminism
femminista {mf}
:: feminist
femministico {adj}
:: feminist
femminuccia {f} /fem.miˈnut.t͡ʃa/
:: diminutive of femmina
femminuccia {f}
:: little girl
femminuccia {f}
:: female baby
femminuccia {f}
:: a weak, cowardly person
femorale {adj}
:: femoral
femore {m}
:: femur, thighbone
femto- {prefix}
:: femto-
femtochimica {f}
:: femtochemistry
femtogrammo {m}
:: femtogram / femtogramme
femtolitro {m}
:: femtolitre / femtoliter
femtometrico {adj}
:: femtometric
femtometro {m}
:: femtometre / femtometer
femtosecondo {m}
:: femtosecond
fenacetina {f}
:: phenacetin
fenachistoscopio {m}
:: phenakistoscope / phenakistiscope
fenacite {f}
:: phenacite
fenantrene {m}
:: phenanthrene
fenantrolina {f}
:: phenanthroline
fenato {m}
:: phenate
fenazina {f}
:: phenazine
fendente {v}
:: present participle of fendere
fendente {m}
:: cut, slash (with a sword)
fendentesi {v}
:: present participle of fendersi
fendere {vt} /ˈfɛndere/
:: to cut through, pass through
fendere {vt}
:: to split, cleave, rend, slit
fendere {vt}
:: to plough, furrow
fendersi {v}
:: reflexive of fendere
fendersi {v}
:: to split, cleave
fendibile {adj}
:: sliceable
fendinebbia {m}
:: fog lamp (on a car)
fendiolo {m}
:: synonym of benzendiolo
fenditoio {m}
:: grafting knife
fenditura {f}
:: crack
fenditura {f}
:: cleft
fenditura {f}
:: slit
fenestrato {adj}
:: fenestrate
fenestratura {f}
:: opening, slit (in a wall etc)
fenestrazione {f}
:: fenestration
fenetica {f}
:: phenetics
fenetico {adj}
:: phenetic
feniano {m}
:: Fenian
fenicato {adj}
:: phenolic
fenice {f} /feˈnitʃe/
:: phoenix
fenichetonuria {f}
:: phenylketonuria
Fenici {prop}
:: Phoenicia
Fenicia {prop}
:: Phoenicia
fenicio {adj} /feˈni.t͡ʃo/
:: Phoenician
fenicio {m}
:: Phoenician
fenico {adj}
:: phenolic, carbolic
fenicottero {m} /fe.niˈkɔt.te.ro/
:: flamingo
fenicottero maggiore {m}
:: greater flamingo
fenicottero rosso {m}
:: Caribbean flamingo
fenilacetico {adj}
:: phenylacetic
fenilalanina {f}
:: phenylalanine
fenilchetonuria {f}
:: phenylketonuria
fenile {m}
:: phenyl
feniletere {m}
:: phenyl ether
fenilico {adj}
:: phenyl (attributive)
fenilidrazone {m}
:: phenylhydrazone
fenitoina {f}
:: phenytoin
fennec {m}
:: fennec
feno- {prefix}
:: pheno-
feno {m}
:: fennel
feno {m}
:: queer, poof, nancy boy
fenocristallo {m}
:: phenocryst
fenolato {m}
:: phenolate
fenolato {adj}
:: phenolated
fenolftaleina {f}
:: phenolphthalein
fenolico {adj}
:: phenolic
fenolo {m}
:: A phenol (member of chemical class)
fenologia {f}
:: phenology
fenologico {adj}
:: phenological
fenomenale {adj}
:: phenomenal
fenomenalismo {m}
:: phenomenalism
fenomenalità {f}
:: phenomenality
fenomenicità {f}
:: phenomenality
fenomenico {adj}
:: phenomenal
fenomenismo {m}
:: phenomenalism
fenomeno {m} /feˈnɔ.me.no/
:: phenomenon (all meanings)
fenomeno di Raynaud {m}
:: Raynaud's phenomenon
fenomenologa {f}
:: female equivalent of fenomenologo
fenomenologia {f}
:: phenomenology
fenomenologicamente {adv}
:: phenomenologically
fenomenologico {adj}
:: phenomenological
fenomenologo {m}
:: phenomenologist
fenoplasto {m}
:: phenoplast
fenossido {m}
:: phenoxide
fenotipico {adj}
:: phenotypic
fenotipo {m}
:: phenotype
fentanile {m}
:: fentanyl
feocromocitoma {m}
:: pheochromocytoma / phaeochromocytoma
feoficee {fp}
:: brown algae (of class Phaeophyceae)
feofita {f}
:: brown alga (of class Phaeophyceae)
feomelanina {f}
:: pheomelanin
feone {m}
:: pheon
feoplasto {m}
:: pheoplast
ferace {adj}
:: feracious, fruitful
feracità {f}
:: fruitfulness, fertility
ferale {adj}
:: funereal
ferale {adj}
:: sad, tragic
Ferdinando {prop}
:: given name
ferente {v} /feˈrɛn.te/
:: present participle of ferire
ferente {adj}
:: That wounds or injuries: wounding, injurying
ferentesi {v}
:: present participle of ferirsi
Ferentino {prop}
:: Ferentino (small town)
feretro {m}
:: coffin
feria {f}
:: holiday , vacation
feriale {adj}
:: weekday (attributive)
feribile {adj}
:: hurtable
feriente {v} /feˈrjɛn.te/
:: obsolete form of ferente, present participle of ferire
feriente {adj}
:: obsolete form of ferente
ferimento {m}
:: wounding (often a stabbing or a shooting)
ferinamente {adv}
:: wildly, ferally
ferinità {f}
:: wildness, ferity
ferino {adj}
:: wild, feral
ferire {vt}
:: to wound, to injure, to hurt
ferirsi {vr}
:: to hurt oneself, to wound oneself
ferita {f}
:: injury
ferita {f}
:: wound
ferita {f}
:: A wounded or injured person
ferità {f}
:: ferity
ferito {m}
:: a wounded or injured person
feritoia {f}
:: loophole
feritoia {f}
:: slit, slot
feritore {m}
:: wounder, injurer
feritosi {v}
:: past participle of ferirsi
feritrice {f}
:: female equivalent of feritore
ferma {f}
:: service, draft
fermacalzoni {m}
:: bicycle clip
fermacampione {m}
:: split pin, cotter pin
fermacapelli {m}
:: hair slide, barrette
fermacarro {m}
:: buffer (railway)
fermacarro {m}
:: bumper / fender (car)
fermacarte {m}
:: paperweight
fermacravatta {m}
:: tiepin
fermaglio {m}
:: clasp
fermaglio {m}
:: paper clip
fermaglio {m}
:: metal stud or leather lace that joins and tightens the covers of a book
fermaglio {m}
:: hair clip or clasp; barrette
fermalibri {m}
:: bookend
fermamente {adv}
:: firmly
fermanello {m}
:: guard ring
fermano {adj}
:: Of or from Fermo
fermantesi {v}
:: present participle of fermarsi
fermapiedi {m}
:: toe clip (on a bicycle)
fermaporta {m} /fer.maˈpɔr.ta/
:: doorstop
fermare {vt}
:: to stop
fermare {vt}
:: to arrest
fermare {vt}
:: to hold, stay
fermare {vt}
:: to shut down
fermarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fermare
fermarsi {vr}
:: to stop, halt
fermascambi {m}
:: point lock, switch lock (railways)
fermata {f} /ferˈmata/
:: fermata (the holding of a note)
fermata {f}
:: stop (place where passengers get on and off)
fermata d'autobus {f}
:: bus stop
fermatosi {v}
:: past participle of fermarsi
fermatrecce {m}
:: hair tie
fermauscio {m} /fer.maˈuʃ.ʃo/
:: synonym of fermaporta
fermentabile {adj}
:: fermentable
fermentante {v}
:: present participle of fermentare
fermentare {vti}
:: To ferment
fermentativo {adj}
:: fermentative
fermentatore {m}
:: fermentor, fermenter (vessel)
fermentazione {f}
:: fermentation
fermentescibile {adj}
:: fermentable
fermentescibilità {f}
:: Fermentability. Property of being fermentable
fermentiero {adj}
:: fermentation (attributive), ferment (attributive)
fermentiero {m}
:: fermentor
fermento {m}
:: ferment (all senses)
fermento {m}
:: yeast
fermezza {f}
:: steadiness, firmness
Fermi {prop}
:: surname
fermio {m} /ˈfer.mjo/
:: fermium
fermione {m}
:: fermion
fermionico {adj}
:: fermionic
fermissimo {adj}
:: superlative of ferm
fermissimo {adj}
:: very firm, very resolute
fermissimo {adj}
:: very still
fermo {m} /ˈfermo/
:: device for holding, restraining, or turning off; latch, catch, stopper, shut-off
fermo {m}
:: an action to cancel the validity of a credit instrument, such a cheque; a stop-payment order
fermo {adj}
:: still
fermo {adj}
:: firm
Fermo {prop}
:: Fermo (town/and/province)
Fermo {prop}
:: given name
fermoposta {m}
:: poste restante
feroce {adj}
:: ferocious
feroce {adj}
:: fierce, cruel
feroce {adj}
:: savage, vicious
ferocemente {adv}
:: ferociously
ferocemente {adv}
:: fiercely, cruelly
ferocemente {adv}
:: savagely
ferocia {f}
:: ferocity
ferocissimo {adj} /fe.roˈt͡ʃis.si.mo/
:: superlative of feroce
ferocissimo {adj}
:: very ferocious
ferocissimo {adj}
:: very cruel, very fierce
ferocità {f}
:: ferocity
ferocità {f}
:: cruelty
ferodo {m}
:: brake lining
feroese {adj} /fe.ro.ˈe.ze/
:: alternative form of faroense
feroese {mf}
:: alternative form of faroense
feroico {m} /feˈrɔi̯.ko/
:: Faroese (language)
feromonale {adj}
:: pheromonal
ferormone {m}
:: alternative form of feromone
Ferrabosco {prop}
:: surname
ferracavallo {m}
:: farrier
ferracavallo {m}
:: blacksmith (who makes horseshoes)
Ferragamo {prop}
:: surname
Ferragamo {prop}
:: Salvatore Ferragamo, Italian designer
ferraglia {f}
:: scrap iron
Ferragni {prop}
:: surname
ferragostano {adj}
:: Relating to, or characteristic of, the Italian August bank holiday
ferragosto {m}
:: August bank holiday (15th August)
ferraio {adj}
:: that works with iron
ferraiolo {m}
:: ferraiolo (kind of cape)
ferraiolo {m}
:: An iron worker, especially one who makes the iron reinforcmant rods
ferrame {m}
:: ironwork
ferramenta {f} /fer.raˈmen.ta/
:: hardware
ferramenta {f}
:: ironmongery, ironmonger
ferramenta {m}
:: ironmonger's (shop)
ferrante {v}
:: present participle of ferrare
Ferrante {prop}
:: given name
Ferrante {prop}
:: surname
Ferrara {prop}
:: Ferrara (province)
Ferrara {prop}
:: Ferrara (city)
Ferrara {prop}
:: surname
ferrare {vt}
:: to shoe
ferrare {vt}
:: to hoop
ferrarese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Ferrara or its inhabitants
ferrarese {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Ferrara
Ferrari {prop}
:: An Italian patronymic surname derived from Ferraro
Ferrari {prop}
:: An Italian motor car manufacturer
Ferraris {prop}
:: surname
Ferraris {prop}
:: Galileo Ferraris, Italian physicist
ferrarista {mf}
:: a Ferrari owner
ferrarista {mf}
:: a Scuderia Ferrari driver or fan
Ferraro {prop}
:: An Italian occupational surname derived from ferraio (a smith)
ferrata {f}
:: ellipsis of via ferrata
Ferrata {prop}
:: surname
ferrato {adj}
:: railway / railroad (attributive)
ferrato {adj}
:: skilled
ferrato {adj}
:: shod, roughshod (of a horse)
ferratore {m}
:: alternative form of fabbro ferraio
ferratura {f}
:: shoeing (of horses)
ferratura {f}
:: horseshoes
Ferrazzi {prop}
:: surname
ferreamente {adv}
:: firmly
ferreo {adj} /ˈfɛrːeo/
:: made from iron; iron (attributive)
ferreo {adj}
:: resistant, robust
ferreo {adj}
:: inflexible, rigid, rigorous
Ferretti {prop}
:: surname
ferrettizzazione {f}
:: ferritization
ferretto {m}
:: A piece of iron
ferretto {m}
:: underwire (of a bra)
ferretto {m}
:: red soil, rich in iron oxides
ferri- {prefix}
:: ferri-
ferrico {adj}
:: ferric
ferriera {f}
:: ironworks
ferrifero {adj}
:: ferriferous
ferrigno {adj} /ferˈriɲ.ɲo/
:: that resembles or contains iron; iron (attributive)
ferrigno {adj}
:: oppressively or menacingly strong; iron
ferrile {adj}
:: ferryl
ferrimagnetico {adj}
:: ferrimagnetic
ferrimagnetismo {m}
:: ferrimagnetism
ferrista {mf}
:: nurse in an operating theatre or similar
ferrite {f}
:: ferrite (class of iron oxides)
ferritina {f}
:: ferritin
ferrivecchio {m}
:: scrap-metal dealer; rag and bone man
ferro- {prefix}
:: ferro-
ferro- {prefix}
:: Forms terms relating to railways
ferro {m} /ˈfɛrro/
:: iron (metal, tool made of iron)
ferrobatterio {m}
:: iron bacterium
ferro battuto {m}
:: wrought iron
ferrocarenziale {adj}
:: iron-deficiency (attributive)
ferrocemento {m}
:: ferrocement
ferrochelatasi {f}
:: ferrochelatase
ferrochina {f}
:: A form of bitter aperitif containing iron citrate
ferrocianidrico {adj}
:: ferrocyanic
ferrocianuro {m}
:: ferrocyanide
ferrocromo {m}
:: ferrochromium
ferro da calza {m}
:: knitting needle
ferro da maglia {m}
:: knitting needle
ferro da stiro {m}
:: (appliance for pressing clothes) iron, flatiron
ferro di cavallo {m}
:: (the U-shaped metallic shoe of a horse) horseshoe, shoe
ferro di cavallo {m}
:: horseshoe bat
ferroelettricità {f}
:: ferroelectricity
ferroelettrico {adj}
:: ferroelectric
ferrofilotranviario {adj}
:: public transport (attributive)
ferrolega {f}
:: iron alloy
ferromagnetico {adj}
:: ferromagnetic
ferromagnetismo {m}
:: ferromagnetism
ferromodellismo {m}
:: model railway construction or collecting
ferromodellista {mf}
:: model railway hobbyist
ferropentacarbonile {m}
:: iron carbonyl, iron pentacarbonyl
ferro per marchiare {m}
:: branding iron (A piece of metal bent into a distinctive shape, heated and used to brand livestock)
ferroportina {f}
:: ferroportin
ferroprussiato {m}
:: ferroprussiate, ferrocyanide
ferroso {adj}
:: ferrous (all senses)
ferrossidasi {m}
:: ferroxidase
ferrotipia {f}
:: ferrotype (process)
ferrotipo {m}
:: ferrotype
ferrotranviario {adj}
:: public transport (attributive)
ferrotranviere {m}
:: public transport employee
ferrovecchio {m}
:: scrap merchant
ferrovia {f} /fer.roˈvi.a/
:: railway
ferrovia a cremagliera {f}
:: rack railway
ferroviaria {f}
:: railway police (properly "polizia ferroviaria")
ferroviario {adj}
:: railway , train , railroad
ferroviere {m}
:: railwayman
Ferrucci {prop}
:: Ferrucci (surname)
Ferruccio {prop}
:: given name
ferrugine {m}
:: ferric sulfate (when used as a mordant)
ferrugine {m}
:: rust
ferruginosità {f}
:: ferruginous quality
ferruginoso {adj}
:: ferruginous
ferruminatorio {adj}
:: only in cannello ferruminatorio
fertile {adj}
:: fertile
fertilemente {adv}
:: fertilely
fertilità {f}
:: fertility
fertilità {f}
:: fruitfulness
fertilizzante {v}
:: present participle of fertilizzare
fertilizzante {adj}
:: fertilizing
fertilizzante {m}
:: fertilizer
fertilizzare {v}
:: to fertilize
fertilizzazione {f}
:: fertilization (all senses)
fertilmente {adv}
:: fertilely
fertirrigazione {f}
:: fertigation
ferulico {adj}
:: ferulic
fervente {adj}
:: fervent, ardent
fervente {v}
:: present participle of fervere
ferventemente {adv}
:: fervently, ardently
ferventissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fervente
fervere {vi} /ˈfɛr.ve.re/
:: to be scorching
fervere {vi}
:: to seethe
fervere {vi}
:: to be intense or violent
fervidamente {adv}
:: fervently, fervidly, ardently
fervidissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fervido
fervido {adj}
:: fervid, fervent, ardent
fervore {m}
:: fervour, ardour
fervorino {m}
:: exhortation
fervorino {m}
:: talking-to, telling-off
fervorosamente {adv}
:: fervently, fervidly, passionately, ardently
fervoroso {adj}
:: ardent, fervid, fervent, passionate
ferza {f}
:: scourge, lash
ferzo {m}
:: sailcloth
fesa {f}
:: rump of veal or beef
fescennino {adj} /feʃ.ʃenˈni.no/
:: Fescennine
fessa {f}
:: pussy
fessacchiotto {m} /fes.sakˈkjɔt.to/
:: diminutive of fesso: little fool
fesseria {f}
:: nonsense
fesseria {f}
:: trifle
fessino {m}
:: placket
fesso {m} /ˈfes.so/
:: twit, idiot
fesso {adj}
:: silly
fesso {adj}
:: idiotic
fesso {adj}
:: ruptured, cracked
fessosi {v}
:: past participle of fendersi
fessura {f}
:: crack, split, fissure, chink, slit, gap, crevice
fessura {f}
:: slot (for a coin)
fessura {f}
:: fissure
fessurante {v}
:: present participle of fessurarsi
fessurantesi {v}
:: present participle of fessurarsi
fessurarsi {vr}
:: To crack, split or cleave
fessurato {adj}
:: cracked, fissured
fessuratosi {v}
:: past participle of fessurarsi
fessurazione {f}
:: fissure
festa {f} /ˈfɛs.ta/
:: feast
festa {f}
:: holiday (civil)
festa {f}
:: holidays , vacation
festa {f}
:: fair (often in combination)
festa di addio al celibato {f}
:: bachelor party, stag night
festa di addio al nubilato {f}
:: hen party, bachelorette party, hen night
festa di compleanno {f}
:: birthday party
festaiolo {adj} /fe.sta.ˈjɔ.lo/
:: festive
festaiolo {adj}
:: party (attributive)
festaiolo {m}
:: merrymaker, partygoer, binger
festaiolo {m}
:: party animal
festante {adj}
:: jubilant
festante {adj}
:: festive, joyful
festeggiamento {m}
:: celebration
festeggiamento {m}
:: treat
festeggiante {v}
:: present participle of festeggiare
festeggiare {vt} /fes.tedˈd͡ʒa.re/
:: to celebrate
festeggiato {m}
:: birthday boy or -girl (person whose birthday it is)
festevolmente {adv}
:: merrily
festicciola {f}
:: A party, especially a small one
festinazione {f}
:: festination
festino {m}
:: party (festive)
festival {m} /ˈfɛstival/
:: festival
festival {m}
:: worker's festival
festività {f}
:: festivity, holiday, feast, merrymaking
festivo {adj}
:: holiday , Sunday
festivo {adj}
:: festive
festivo {m}
:: (official) holiday; Sunday
festonante {v}
:: present participle of festonare
festonare {v}
:: to festoon
festonato {adj}
:: festooned
festonato {adj}
:: scalloped
festone {m}
:: festoon, streamer, paper chain
festone {m}
:: scallop, scollop (ornamental feature)
festosamente {adv}
:: merrily, joyfully
festosità {f}
:: festiveness, festivity, joyfulness
festoso {adj}
:: festive, merry, joyful, joyous
festoso {adj}
:: playful
festuca {f} /fesˈtu.ka/
:: straw
fetale {adj}
:: fetal, foetal
fetazione {f}
:: fetation
fetecchia {f}
:: flatulence
fetecchia {f}
:: crap (rubbish)
fetente {adj}
:: fetid, stinking
fetente {adj}
:: disgusting
fetente {mf}
:: stinker
fetente {mf}
:: rotter
feticcio {m}
:: fetish
feticidio {m}
:: feticide
feticismo {m}
:: fetishism
feticista {adj}
:: fetishistic, fetishist (attributive)
feticista {mf}
:: fetishist
feticisticamente {adv}
:: fetishistically
feticistico {adj}
:: fetishistic
feticizzazione {f}
:: fetishization
fetidamente {adv}
:: fetidly
fetido {adj}
:: fetid, stinking
fetidume {m}
:: rotting matter
fetidume {m}
:: stench, stink
feto {m}
:: fetus
fetologia {f}
:: foetology / fetology
fetologo {m}
:: fetologist / foetologist
fetonte {m}
:: tropicbird
Fetonte {prop}
:: Phaeton
fetonte beccorosso {m}
:: red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus)
fetonte codarossa {m}
:: red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda)
fetoplacentare {adj}
:: fetoplacental
fetore {m}
:: stench, stink
fetoscopia {f}
:: fetoscopy
fetotossico {adj}
:: fetotoxic
fetta {f} /ˈfet.ta/
:: slice (of meat, cake, etc)
fetta {f}
:: piece
fetta biscottata {f}
:: rusk
fettina {f}
:: escalope (thin slice of meat for cooking)
fettone {m}
:: frog (organ on the bottom of a horse’s hoof)
fettone {m}
:: big foot
fettuccia {f} /fetˈtut.t͡ʃa/
:: tape
fettuccia {f}
:: ribbon
fettuccia {f}
:: wide form of fettuccine pasta
fettuccina {f}
:: A form of tagliatella
fettuccine Alfredo {n}
:: fettuccine pasta served with a sauce containing cream, parmigiano, nutmeg and pepper
fettuccine alla papalina {n}
:: A typical dish of Rome and surroundings. In this case fettuccine is synonym of tagliatelle while papalina is the papal headwear zucchetto in honor of pope Pius XII to whom the recipe was dedicated
fettuccine alla papalina {n}
:: Variant of spaghetti alla carbonara
fettunta {f} /fetˈtun.ta/
:: synonym of bruschetta
feudale {adj}
:: feudal
feudalesimo {m}
:: feudalism
feudalistico {adj}
:: feudalistic
feudalità {f}
:: feudality
feudalità {f}
:: feudatories
feudalizzante {v}
:: present participle of feudalizzare
feudalizzare {v}
:: to feudalise
feudalizzazione {f}
:: feudalization
feudalmente {adv}
:: feudally
feudataria {f}
:: female equivalent of feudatario
feudatario {m}
:: feudatory, vassal, feoffee
feudo {m}
:: feud, fiefdom, fief
feudo {m}
:: domain, stronghold
feuilleton {m} /føjˈton/
:: serialized novel
feuilleton {m}
:: soap opera
FFSS {prop}
:: alternative spelling of FS
Fg. {n}
:: abbreviation of fagotto
fiaba {f}
:: fable
fiaba {f}
:: fairy tale, fairy story
fiabescamente {adv}
:: in the manner of a fairy tale
fiabesco {adj}
:: fairy-tale (attributive)
fiabesco {adj}
:: fabulous
fiabistica {f}
:: fairy tales (collectively)
fiacca {f} /ˈfjak.ka/
:: tiredness
fiacca {f}
:: laziness
fiacca {f}
:: sluggishness
fiaccabile {adj}
:: That can be wearied
fiaccamente {adv}
:: listlessly, sluggishly
fiaccamente {adv}
:: tiredly
fiaccante {v}
:: present participle of fiaccare
fiaccantesi {v}
:: present participle of fiaccarsi
fiaccare {vt} /fjakˈka.re/
:: To weary, exhaust or weaken
fiaccarsi {vr}
:: To wear oneself out or weaken
fiaccatosi {v}
:: past participle of fiaccarsi
fiaccatura {f}
:: bruising on a horse due to rubbing of the harness or saddle
fiaccheraio {m}
:: cab / taxi driver
fiacchezza {f}
:: tiredness, weariness
fiacchezza {f}
:: laziness
fiacchezza {f}
:: sluggishness
fiacco {adj} /ˈfjak.ko/
:: tired, weary
fiacco {adj}
:: weak, listless
fiacco {adj}
:: bland
fiaccola {f}
:: torch (flaming sort)
fiaccola olimpica {f}
:: Olympic torch
fiaccolata {f}
:: torchlight procession
fiadone {m}
:: A type of raviolo, from around Abruzzo, typically eaten at Easter
fiala {f}
:: phial
fiale {m} /ˈfja.le/
:: honeycomb
Fïalte {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Efialte
fiamma {f} /ˈfjam.ma/
:: flame (fire also figurative, lover)
fiamma {f}
:: pennant, pennon (nautical)
fiamma {f}
:: flash (military)
fiamma {m}
:: A worker who cuts metal using a cutting torch
fiammante {adj}
:: flaming (colour)
fiammare {v} /fjamˈma.re/
:: to flame, blaze
fiammata {f} /fjamˈma.ta/
:: flare-up, blaze, burst of flames, flare
fiammato {adj}
:: shot (silk or other fabric)
fiammeggiante {adj}
:: flaming
fiammeggiante {adj}
:: blazing
fiammeggiante {adj}
:: flashing
fiammeggiar {v}
:: apocopic form of fiammeggiare
fiammeggiare {v}
:: to blaze
fiammeggiare {v}
:: to flambé
fiammeggiare {v}
:: to flash
fiammeggiare {v}
:: to gleam
Fiamme Gialle {prop}
:: The Guardia di Finanza - semi-military police countering economic crime, smuggling etc
fiammella {f}
:: diminutive of fiamma
fiammella {f}
:: small flame
fiammella {f}
:: light
fiammelle {n}
:: A type flame-shaped pasta
fiammiferaia {f}
:: female equivalent of fiammiferaio
fiammiferaio {m}
:: match seller
fiammiferaio {m}
:: matchmaker
fiammifero {m} /fjamˈmifero/
:: match (device to make fire)
fiammingo {adj}
:: Flemish
fiammingo {m}
:: Fleming, Flemish person
fiammingo {m}
:: Flemish (language)
fiammista {m} /fjamˈmis.ta/
:: A worker who cuts metal using a cutting torch
fiancata {f}
:: flank, side
fiancata {f}
:: broadside
fiancheggiamento {m}
:: support, backing
fiancheggiamento {m}
:: the act of fianchettoing
fiancheggiante {v}
:: present participle of fiancheggiare
fiancheggiare {v}
:: to flank; to line; to be or run alongside
fiancheggiare {v}
:: to support or back
fiancheggiare {v}
:: to flank
fiancheggiare {v}
:: to fianchetto
fiancheggiatore {m}
:: supporter, abettor
fiancheggiatrice {f}
:: supporter, abettor
fianchetto {m} /fjaŋˈkɛtto/
:: fianchetto
fianchetto {m}
:: body panel
fianco {m}
:: flank
fianco {m}
:: haunch
fiandra {f}
:: damask linen
Fiandra {prop}
:: Flanders
Fiandre {prop}
:: Fiandre (region)
fiano {m} /ˈfja.no/
:: A grape variety from Campania
fiano {m}
:: A delicate white wine made from these grapes
fiasca {f}
:: flask
fiascaio {m}
:: Person who makes or sells glass flasks
fiaschetta {f}
:: hip flask
fiaschetta {f}
:: powder flask
fiaschetteria {f}
:: A retail wine shop
fiaschetto {m}
:: A small bottle, typically containing smelling salts
fiaschetto {m}
:: A hint (small, barely detectable amount)
fiasco {m} /ˈfjäs̪ːko/
:: flask
fiasco {m}
:: fiasco
fiasco {m}
:: flagon
fiasco {m}
:: debacle, failure
fiata {f} /ˈfjata/
:: time, instance, occasion
fiatante {v}
:: present participle of fiatare
fiatare {vi}
:: To breathe
fiatella {f}
:: halitosis
fiato {m}
:: breath
fiatola {f} /ˈfja.to.la/
:: synonym of lampuga
fiatone {m}
:: heavy breathing; panting
fiavo {m} /ˈfja.vo/
:: honeycomb
fibbia {f}
:: buckle, clasp
Fibonacci {prop}
:: surname
Fibonacci {prop}
:: Leonardo Fibonacci, Italian mathematician
fibra {f}
:: fiber, fibre (all senses)
fibra alimentare {f}
:: dietary fiber
fibra dietetica {f}
:: dietary fiber
fibra di vetro {f}
:: fibreglass / fiberglass
fibra naturale {f}
:: natural fiber
fibra ottica {f}
:: optical fiber
fibra sintetica {f}
:: synthetic fiber
fibrato {m} /fiˈbrato/
:: fiber bundle
fibrato {adj}
:: fibrous
Fibreno {prop}
:: Fibreno (small river)
fibrilla {f}
:: fibril
fibrillante {v}
:: present participle of fibrillare
fibrillare {adj}
:: fibrillary
fibrillare {vi}
:: To fibrillate
fibrillazione {f}
:: fibrillation
fibrillazione {f}
:: agitation, nerves
fibrillazione atriale {f}
:: atrial fibrillation
fibrillazione ventricolare {f}
:: ventricular fibrillation
fibrina {f}
:: fibrin
fibrinogeno {m}
:: fibrinogen
fibrinoide {adj}
:: fibrinoid
fibrinolisi {f}
:: fibrinolysis
fibrinolitico {adj}
:: fibrinolytic
fibrinoso {adj}
:: fibrinous
fibro- {prefix}
:: fibro-
fibroblastico {adj} /fi.broˈblas.ti.ko/
:: Characterized by a preponderance of crystals with a fibrous surface
fibroblastico {adj}
:: fibroblastic (of or relating to fibroblasts)
fibroblasto {m}
:: fibroblast
fibrocellula {f}
:: muscle fiber / muscle fibre
fibrocemento {m}
:: fibre cement, fibrocement (containing asbestos etc.)
fibrocistico {adj}
:: fibrocystic
fibrocito {m}
:: fibrocyte
fibroelastico {adj} /fi.bro.eˈlas.ti.ko/
:: fibroelastic
fibroide {adj}
:: fibroid
fibroina {f}
:: fibroin
fibrolamellare {adj}
:: fibrolamellar
fibroma {m}
:: fibroma
fibromatoso {adj}
:: fibromatous
fibromialgia {f}
:: fibromyalgia
fibronectina {f}
:: fibronectin
fibroplastico {adj} /fi.broˈplas.ti.ko/
:: fibroplastic
fibrosarcoma {m}
:: fibrosarcoma
fibroscopio {m}
:: fiberscope
fibrosi {f}
:: fibrosis
fibrosi cistica {f}
:: cystic fibrosis
fibrosità {f}
:: fibrosity
fibrosità {f}
:: stringiness
fibroso {adj}
:: fibrous
fibroso {adj}
:: stringy (of meat)
fibrotico {adj}
:: fibrotic
fibrovascolare {adj}
:: fibrovascular
fibroxantoma {f}
:: fibroxanthoma
fibula {f}
:: fibula, calf bone
fica {f}
:: pussy
fica {f}
:: sexually attractive woman
fica {f}
:: fig (fresh fruit)
ficaia {f}
:: fig tree, or a plantation of fig trees
ficarazzese {adj}
:: Of or from Ficarazzi
ficarazzese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Ficarazzi
ficata {f}
:: Clever stunt
ficata {f}
:: dog's bollocks (plural only)
ficata {f}
:: wicked (che figata!)
ficazza {f}
:: A type of Sicilian salami made from tuna
ficcanasante {v}
:: present participle of ficcanasare
ficcanasare {vi}
:: To nose around or pry; To poke one's nose into
ficcanaso {m} /fik.ka.ˈna.zo/
:: busybody
ficcanaso {m}
:: nosey parker
ficcanaso {m}
:: snooper
ficcanaso {m}
:: rubberneck, rubbernecker
ficcante {v}
:: present participle of ficcare
ficcantesi {v}
:: present participle of ficcarsi
ficcar {v}
:: apocopic form of ficcare
ficcare {v}
:: to put something into something else
ficcare {v}
:: to thrust or drive
ficcarsi {vr}
:: to get to
ficcarsi {vr}
:: to get into (a situation)
ficcatosi {v}
:: past participle of ficcarsi
fiche {f}
:: chip (gambling)
fichereto {m}
:: fig orchard
ficheto {m}
:: fig orchard
fichetto {m}
:: dandy, flop
fichissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fico
fichtiano {adj}
:: Fichtean
ficina {f}
:: ficain
Ficino {prop}
:: surname
Ficino {prop}
:: Marsilio Ficino, Italian philosopher, astrologer etc
-ficio {suffix} /ˈfi.t͡ʃo/
:: alternative form of -ificio
fico- {prefix}
:: phyco-
fico {adj}
:: great, cool (admirable)
fico {m}
:: fig (fresh fruit and tree)
fico {m}
:: cool guy, bit of alright
ficobilina {f}
:: phycobilin
ficocianina {f}
:: phycocyanin
ficodindia {m}
:: prickly pear
fico d'India {m}
:: prickly pear
ficoeritrina {f}
:: phycoerythrin
ficologia {f}
:: phycology
ficologia {f}
:: algology
ficologo {m}
:: phycologist
fico secco {m}
:: dried fig
ficosecco {m}
:: fico secco
fida {f} /ˈfi.da/
:: A tax on cultivated land
fida {f}
:: synonym of affida
fida {f}
:: safe-conduct
fidantesi {v}
:: present participle of fidarsi
fidanza {f} /fiˈdan.t͡sa/
:: trust, faith
fidanza {f}
:: safe-conduct
fidanzamento {m} /fi.dan.t͡saˈmen.to/
:: engagement, betrothal
fidanzante {v}
:: present participle of fidanzare
fidanzantesi {v}
:: present participle of fidanzarsi
fidanzare {v} /fi.danˈt͡sa.re/
:: to affiance, to promise, to betroth
fidanzare {v}
:: to assure
fidanzarsi {vr} /fi.danˈt͡sar.si/
:: to get engaged
fidanzata {f} /fi.danˈt͡sa.ta/
:: fiancée
fidanzatina {f}
:: female equivalent of fidanzatino
fidanzatino {m}
:: young boyfriend
fidanzatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fidanzato
fidanzato {adj} /fi.danˈt͡sa.to/
:: engaged
fidanzato {m}
:: fiancé
fidanzato {m}
:: boyfriend
fidanzato {m}
:: engaged couple
fidanzatosi {v}
:: past participle of fidanzarsi
fidare {vt} /fiˈda.re/
:: to entrust something to someone; see affidare
fidare {vt}
:: to give something on credit, rent (something) out
fidare {vi}
:: to have faith
fidarsi {v} /fiˈdar.si/
:: reflexive of fidare
fidarsi {v}
:: to trust
fidarsi {v}
:: to rely (on)
fidatamente {adv} /fi.da.taˈmen.te/
:: confidently (with trust or faith in the outcome)
fidatezza {f}
:: trustworthiness
fidatezza {f}
:: reliability
fidatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fidato
fidato {adj} /fiˈda.to/
:: trusted; trustworthy
fidatosi {v}
:: past participle of fidarsi
fidecommessario {m}
:: trustee
fidecommesso {m}
:: trust (financial)
fidecommettente {v}
:: present participle of fidecommettere
fidecommettere {v}
:: alternative form of fedecommettere
fidecommissario {adj}
:: alternative form of fedecommissario
fidecommissario {m}
:: alternative form of fedecommissario
fideismo {m} /fiˈde̯is.mo/
:: fideism
fideista {adj} /fiˈde̯is.ta/
:: fideistic
fideista {mf}
:: fideist
fideisticamente {adv} /fi.de̯is.ti.kaˈmen.te/
:: fideistically
fideistico {adj} /fiˈde̯is.ti.ko/
:: fideistic
fideiussione {f} /fi.de.jusˈsjo.ne/
:: suretyship
fideiussore {m} /fi.de.jusˈso.re/
:: surety
fideiussorio {adj} /fi.de.jusˈsɔ.rjo/
:: related to or having the character of a suretyship
fidejussione {f}
:: obsolete spelling of fideiussione
fidejussore {m}
:: alternative form of fideiussore
fidele {adj} /fiˈde.le/
:: alternative form of fedele
fidele {mf}
:: alternative form of fedele
fidelità {f} /fi.de.liˈta/
:: fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness
fidelizzante {v}
:: present participle of fidelizzare
fidelizzare {v} /fi.de.lidˈd͡za.re/
:: to loyalize
fidelizzazione {f} /fi.de.lid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: loyalization
fidente {adj}
:: trusting, confiding (in)
fidente {adj}
:: confident (of)
fidente {adj}
:: relying (on)
fidentino {adj}
:: Of, or from, Fidenza
fidentino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Fidenza
Fidenza {prop} /fiˈdɛn.t͡sa/
:: Fidenza (town)
Fidia {prop}
:: Phidias
fidiaco {adj}
:: Phidian
fidicina {f} /fiˈdi.t͡ʃi.na/
:: feminine noun of fidicine
fidicine {m} /fiˈdi.t͡ʃi.ne/
:: lyrist, citharist
fido {adj} /ˈfi.do/
:: faithful, loyal
fido {m}
:: A credit concession
fiducia {f} /fiˈdu.t͡ʃa/
:: trust, faith
fiducia {f}
:: confidence
fiducia {f}
:: credit
fiduciale {adj}
:: fiducial
fiduciale {adj}
:: fiduciary
fiduciante {mf} /fi.duˈt͡ʃan.te/
:: settlor
fiduciaria {f} /fi.duˈt͡ʃa.rja/
:: A fiduciary company
fiduciaria {f}
:: feminine noun of fiduciario
fiduciario {adj} /fi.duˈt͡ʃa.rjo/
:: fiduciary
fiduciario {m}
:: fiduciary
fiduciosamente {adv} /fi.du.t͡ʃo.zaˈmen.te/
:: trustfully, trustingly
fiducioso {adj} /fi.duˈt͡ʃo.zo/
:: trusting
fiducioso {adj}
:: confident
fiele {m}
:: gall
Fiemme {prop}
:: One of the principal mountain valleys in the Dolomites
fiemmese {adj}
:: Of or relating to the Val di Fiemme (a valley in the Trentino-Alto Adige region) or its people
fiemmese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of such valley
fienagione {f}
:: haymaking (act or season)
fienaia {f}
:: hayloft
fienaia {f}
:: barn
fienaio {adj}
:: hay (attributive)
fienarola {f}
:: bluegrass (plant)
fienatrice {f}
:: mower, reaper or harvester (machine)
fienatrice {f}
:: haymaker
fienile {m}
:: hayloft
fienile {m}
:: barn
fieno {m} /ˈfjɛ.no/
:: hay
fienoso {adj}
:: haylike
fiera {f}
:: fair, exhibition
fiera {f}
:: trade show, trade fair
fiera {f}
:: wild animal
fieramente {adv}
:: proudly
Fieramosca {prop}
:: surname
Fieramosca {prop}
:: An ancient Italian family, most noted for Ettore Fieramosca
fierezza {f}
:: pride
fierezza {f}
:: haughtiness
fierezza {f}
:: boldness, daring
Fieri {prop}
:: Fieri; surname
fierissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fiero
fieristico {adj}
:: trade fair, trade show, fair, exhibition
fierità {f}
:: fierceness
fiero {adj} /ˈfjɛ.ro/
:: fierce, specifically:
fiero {adj}
:: cruel, merciless
fiero {adj}
:: fiercely hostile
fiero {adj}
:: frightening, intimidating
fiero {adj}
:: frightening, ghastly, horrible
fiero {adj}
:: savage, violent
fiero {adj}
:: furious, raging
fiero {adj}
:: intense, vehement
fiero {adj}
:: audacious, bold, daring
fiero {adj}
:: proud
fiesolano {adj}
:: Of, or from, Fiesole
fiesolano {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Fiesole
Fiesole {prop} /ˈfjɛ.zo.le/
:: Fiesole (small town) near Florence
fievole {adj} /ˈfjɛ.vo.le/
:: dim (of light)
fievole {adj}
:: weak (of sound)
fievolezza {f}
:: weakness
fievolezza {f}
:: dimness
fievolmente {adv}
:: feebly, faintly, weakly
fifa {f}
:: fear
fifona {f}
:: female equivalent of fifone
fifone {m}
:: coward
figa {f}
:: alternative form of fica
figaggine {f}
:: a characteristic of or a trend set by a cool kid, influencer, etc
figaro {m}
:: barber
figaro {m}
:: A bolero (short jacket)
figata {f}
:: Variant of ficata
figgente {v}
:: present participle of figgere
figgere {vt}
:: to sink, to tap
figgere {vt}
:: to dedicate
fighetto {m}
:: alternative form of fichetto
fighissimo {adj}
:: superlative of figo
Figi {prop}
:: Fiji
figiana {f}
:: Fijian (female)
figiano {adj}
:: Fijian
figiano {m}
:: Fijian
figiano {m}
:: the Fijian language
figlia {f} /ˈfiʎ.ʎa/
:: daughter
figlia {f}
:: girl
figlia d'arte {f}
:: An artist or someone in the entertainment business who was born by artist parents or within a family of artists
figlia d'arte {f}
:: Someone with the same occupation as their parents or family
figlia di puttana {f}
:: daughter of a whore
figlia di puttana {f}
:: bitch
figliante {v}
:: present participle of figliare
figliare {vt}
:: to breed, to give birth, to bring forth, to litter
figliastra {f}
:: stepdaughter
figliastro {m}
:: stepchild
figliastro {m}
:: stepson
figlia unica {f}
:: female equivalent of figlio unico
figliazione {f}
:: filiation
figlicidio {m}
:: filicide
Figline Valdarno {prop}
:: Figline Valdarno (town)
figlio {m} /ˈfiʎ.ʎo/
:: child (of unspecified sex, in relation to their parents)
figlio {m}
:: son
figlioccia {f}
:: goddaughter
figlioccio {m}
:: godchild
figlioccio {m}
:: godson
figlio d'arte {m}
:: An artist or someone in the entertainment business who was born by artist parents or within a family of artists
figlio d'arte {m}
:: Someone with the same occupation as their parents or family
Figlio dell'Uomo {prop}
:: Son of Man
Figlio di Dio {prop}
:: Son of God
figlio di puttana {m}
:: son of a whore; son of a bitch, motherfucker, arsehole /asshole , bastard
figliol {m}
:: apocopic form of figliolo
figliol {f}
:: apocopic form of figliola
figliola {f} /fiʎˈʎɔla/
:: daughter
figliolanza {f}
:: offspring
figlioletta {f}
:: little daughter
figlioletto {m}
:: little child
figlioletto {m}
:: little son
figliolo {m} /fiʎˈʎɔːlo/
:: son
figliolo {m}
:: sonny
figlio unico {m}
:: male only child
figliuol {m}
:: apocopic form of figliuolo
figliuola {f}
:: female equivalent of figliuolo
figliuolo {m} /fiʎˈʎwɔːlo/
:: alternative form of figliolo
figo {adj}
:: synonym of fico; great, cool, bit of alright
figona {n}
:: synonym of bel bocconcino
figona {n}
:: synonym of gnocca
figulinaio {m}
:: potter, especially one who makes figurines
figura {f}
:: figure (all senses)
figura {f}
:: illustration
figura {f}
:: character
figura {f}
:: impression, showing
figura {f}
:: court, coat, face
figurabile {adj}
:: imaginable
figuraccia {f}
:: A bad impression
figuraccia {f}
:: blunder, fluff, boob, gaffe
figura di merito {f}
:: figure of merit
figurale {adj}
:: figural
figurale {adj}
:: symbolic
figuralmente {adv}
:: figuratively
figuralmente {adv}
:: symbolically
figurante {v}
:: present participle of figurare
figurante {m}
:: extra, bit player, walk-on (in a film, play, TV show etc.)
figurantesi {v}
:: present participle of figurarsi
figurare {vi}
:: to appear or figure
figurare {vt}
:: to picture something
figura retorica {f}
:: figure of speech
figurarsi {vr}
:: To imagine
figurarsi {v}
:: don't mention it, de nada
figurarsi {v}
:: expression of dismissal or disbelief
figuratamente {adv}
:: figuratively
figurativamente {adv}
:: figuratively
figurativismo {m}
:: figurative art
figuratività {f}
:: figurativeness
figurativo {adj}
:: figurative
figurativo {adj}
:: notional
figurato {adj}
:: figurative
figurato {adj}
:: illustrated
figuratosi {v}
:: past participle of figurarsi
figurazione {f}
:: representation, depiction
figurazione {f}
:: walk-on
figurina {f}
:: figurine
figurina {f}
:: picture card, trading card (collectable, from cigarettes etc)
figurinista {mf}
:: couturier; dress designer
figurino {m}
:: fashion sketch or plate
figurino {m}
:: dandy, flop
figuro {m}
:: a shady or suspicious person
figurona {f}
:: A woman giving an excellent impression; bella figura
figurone {m}
:: A man giving an excellent impression; bella figura
fil {m}
:: apocopic form of filo
-fila {suffix}
:: feminine noun of -filo
fila {f}
:: line, rank
fila {f}
:: row, course (a row of bricks or blocks)
fila {f}
:: queue , line
filabile {adj}
:: ductile (able to be drawn into wire)
filacanevo {m}
:: rope and/or string made from hemp fibres
filaccia {f}
:: thrum (short piece of rope)
filaccia {f}
:: rope yarn
filaccia {f}
:: lint
filaccicoso {adj}
:: stringy (meat etc.)
filaccicoso {adj}
:: filamentous, filamentary
filaccio {m}
:: frayed, or poor-quality cable
filaccioso {adj}
:: stringy, sinewy, tough
Filadelfia {prop}
:: Filadelfia (large city)
Filadelfia {prop}
:: Filadelfia (town/and/municipality)
filadelfo {m}
:: mock orange - plant
filagna {f}
:: A standard-sized slab of marble
fila indiana {f}
:: single file (line or queue one person wide)
filamento {m}
:: filament
filamentoso {adj}
:: filamentous, filamentary
filamentoso {adj}
:: stringy (food)
filamina {f}
:: filamin
filanca {f} /fiˈlan.ka/
:: A synthetic stretch material, used especially on shoes
filanca {f}
:: nylon (stockings)
filanda {f}
:: spinning mill, especially for silk
filandaia {f} /fi.lanˈda.ja/
:: A worker at a spinning mill
filandiere {m}
:: spinning mill owner or company
filandina {f}
:: spinner
filandra {f}
:: spinning or weaving waste
filangè {f}
:: sliver, thin strip (typically of vegetable)
Filangieri {prop}
:: surname
Filangieri {prop}
:: An old Italian noble family
filante {v}
:: present participle of filare
filante {adj}
:: streaming
filantropa {f}
:: female equivalent of filantropo
filantropia {f}
:: philanthropy
filantropicamente {adv}
:: philanthropically
filantropico {adj}
:: philanthropic
filantropismo {m}
:: philanthropism
filantropo {m}
:: philanthropist
filare {vt}
:: to spin
filare {vt}
:: to draw
filare {vt}
:: to pay out
filare {vt}
:: to trail
filare {vi}
:: to run; to leave
filare {vt}
:: to flirt
filare {m}
:: row, line, file, especially of trees or vines
filaria {f}
:: filaria
filariasi {f}
:: filariasis
filarino {m}
:: boyfriend
filarino {m}
:: crush, puppy love
filariosi {f}
:: filariasis
filarmonica {f}
:: music society
filarmonico {adj}
:: philharmonic
filarsela {v}
:: to clear out or slip away (leave quickly)
filastrocca {f} /fi.lasˈtrɔk.ka/
:: nursery rhyme
filastrocca {f}
:: rigmarole
filatelia {f}
:: philately
filatelica {f}
:: female equivalent of filatelico
filatelicamente {adv}
:: philatelically
filatelico {adj}
:: philatelic
filatelico {m}
:: philatelist
filatelista {mf}
:: philatelist, stamp collector
filatelista {mf}
:: stamp dealer
filaticcio {m}
:: filoselle, floss silk
filato {adj}
:: spun
filato {adj}
:: continuous, uninterrupted
filato {m}
:: yarn, thread
filatoio {m}
:: spinning machine
filatoio {m}
:: spinning wheel
filatore {m}
:: spinner (person who spins yarn)
filatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of filatore
filatrice {f}
:: spinning machine
filatterio {m}
:: phylactery
filatura {f}
:: spinning (of thread)
filatura {f}
:: spinning mill (factory)
fil di ferro {m}
:: alternative form of fildiferro
fildiferro {m}
:: iron wire
file {m}
:: file
fileggiare {vi}
:: to luff (shake)
fileggiare {vi}
:: to position flush with the surface of an aircraft
filellenico {adj}
:: philhellenic
filellenismo {m}
:: philhellenism
filelleno {m}
:: philhellene, philhellenist
Filemone {prop}
:: Philemon
filettante {v}
:: present participle of filettare
filettare {vt}
:: To thread
filettatore {m}
:: threader (person)
filettatrice {f}
:: threader (machine that cuts threads)
filettatura {f}
:: screw thread, fillet
filettatura {f}
:: braid, edging (of clothing)
filetto {m}
:: thread or braid
filetto {m}
:: fillet (of fish or meat)
filetto {m}
:: tic-tac-toe
Filezio {prop}
:: Philoetius
-filia {suffix}
:: -philia
-filia {suffix}
:: -phily
filiale {adj}
:: filial
filiale {f}
:: branch (of a company)
filiale {f}
:: subsidiary (of a company)
filiazione {f}
:: filiation
filiazione {f}
:: derivation, origin
filiazione {f}
:: a mass of ice calved from an iceberg
Filiberto {prop}
:: given name
filibustiere {m} /fi.li.busˈtjɛ.re/
:: pirate, corsair, filibuster
filibustiere {m}
:: adventurer
filibustiere {m}
:: rascal
filice {adj} /fiˈli.t͡ʃe/
:: obsolete form of felice
Filicudi {prop}
:: One of the Lipari Islands, in the Tyrrhenian Sea
filiera {f}
:: chain, supply chain, productive chain
filiera {f}
:: sector, business
filiera {f}
:: A die, a tap (device for cutting)
filiforme {adj}
:: threadlike, filiform
filiforme {adj}
:: spindly
filigrana {f}
:: filigree
filigrana {f}
:: watermark
filigranato {adj}
:: filigreed
filigranato {adj}
:: watermarked (paper)
filipendula {f}
:: dropwort
Filippa {prop}
:: given name
Filippelli {prop}
:: surname
Filippesi {prop}
:: Philippians
Filippi {prop}
:: Philippi
filippica {f}
:: invective
filippica {f}
:: tirade
filippica {f}
:: philippic
Filippiche {prop}
:: Philippics
filippina {f}
:: Filipina
Filippine {prop}
:: Philippines
Filippini {prop}
:: surname
filippino {adj}
:: Filipino
filippino {adj}
:: Philippine
filippino {m}
:: Filipino
filippino {m}
:: the Filipino language
Filippo {prop}
:: given name
Filippo {prop}
:: Philip
Filippopoli {prop}
:: obsolete form of Plovdiv
filisteismo {m}
:: Philistinism
filisteo {adj} /fi.li.ˈstɛ.o/
:: philistine
filisteo {adj}
:: Philistine
filisteo {m}
:: philistine
filisteo {m}
:: Philistine
Fillide {prop}
:: Phyllis
Fillide {prop}
:: given name
fillio {m}
:: leaf insect, walking leaf (of family Phylliidae)
fillirea {f}
:: mock privet
fillo {m} /ˈfil.lo/
:: phyllon
fillochinone {m}
:: phylloquinone
fillodio {m}
:: phyllode
fillofago {adj}
:: phyllophagous (eats shoots and leaves)
fillosilicato {m}
:: phyllosilicate
fillossera {f}
:: phylloxera
fillotassi {f}
:: phyllotaxis / phyllotaxy
fillotassi {f}
:: The arrangement of leaves on a stem, or the mathematical principles governing such arrangement
fillumenistica {f}
:: phillumeny
film {m}
:: film, movie
filmabile {adj}
:: filmable
filmante {v}
:: present participle of filmare
filmare {vt}
:: to film, shoot
filmato {m}
:: clip
filmico {adj}
:: film (attributive), of the movies, motion-picture
filmina {f}
:: film strip
filmino {m}
:: A short film
filmistico {adj}
:: film, cinema (attributive)
filmografia {f}
:: filmography
filmografico {adj}
:: filmographic
filmologia {f}
:: filmology
-filo {suffix}
:: -phile
filo- {prefix}
:: phyllo- (leaf)
filo- {prefix}
:: phylo- (race etc)
filo- {prefix}
:: philo- (affinity); pro-; -phile
filo- {prefix}
:: cable (attributive)
filo {m}
:: thread (for sewing, etc)
filo {m}
:: yarn
filo {m}
:: string (cord)
filo {m}
:: cable, wire, flex
filo {m}
:: blade (of grass, etc)
filo {m}
:: grain (of wood)
filo {m}
:: threads, strands
filo {m}
:: trickle (of water)
filo {m}
:: breath (of air)
filo {m}
:: wisp (of smoke)
filo {m}
:: edge (of blade)
filo {m}
:: ray (of light)
filo {m}
:: glimmer (of hope)
filo {m}
:: phylum (a rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class)
filoamericano {adj}
:: pro-American
filo a piombo {m}
:: plumb line , plummet
filoarabo {adj}
:: pro-Arab
filobus {m}
:: trolley bus
filocapitalistico {adj}
:: pro-capitalistic
filoccidentale {adj}
:: pro-Western
filocinese {adj}
:: pro-Chinese (especially pro-communist or Maoist)
filocomunismo {m}
:: pro-communism (communist sympathising)
filocomunista {mf}
:: communist sympathizer
filocomunista {adj}
:: pro-communist
filo conduttore {m}
:: common thread
filo conduttore {m}
:: main theme
filo d'acqua {m}
:: A thin trickle of water
filo dell'acqua {m}
:: A stream or current of water
filo del ragionamento {m}
:: train of thought
filodendro {m}
:: philodendron
filo d'erba {m}
:: blade of grass
filodiffusione {f}
:: rediffusion (radio via cable)
filodiffusore {m}
:: rediffusion receiver
filodrammatica {f}
:: amateur dramatic society
filodrammatico {adj}
:: amateur dramatics (attributive)
filodrammatico {m}
:: amateur actor
filoegizia {adj}
:: pro-Egypt
filoestense {adj}
:: pro-Este
filoeuropeo {adj}
:: pro-European
filofascista {adj}
:: In favour of fascism
filofascista {mf}
:: A supporter of fascism
filofobia {f}
:: philophobia
filofrancese {adj}
:: francophile
Filogamo {prop}
:: surname
filogenesi {f}
:: phylogenetics
filogeneticamente {adv}
:: phylogenetically
filogenetico {adj}
:: phylogenetic
filogovernativo {adj}
:: pro-government
filoimperiale {adj}
:: pro-empire; pro-imperialism
filo interdentale {m}
:: dental floss, floss
filoisraeliano {adj}
:: pro-Israeli
filoisraeliano {m}
:: pro-Israeli person
filologia {f}
:: philology
filologicamente {adv}
:: philologically
filologico {adj}
:: philological
filologo {m}
:: philologist
filomacedone {adj}
:: pro-Macedonian
filomafioso {adj}
:: Favourable to, or supporting the Mafia
filomazziniano {adj}
:: pro-Mazzini
Filomena {prop}
:: given name
filo metallico {m}
:: wire
filonazista {adj}
:: pro-Nazi
filoncino {m}
:: diminutive of filone
filoncino {m}
:: breadstick, French stick
filone {m}
:: seam, lode (thin stratum of coal or mineral)
filone {m}
:: thalweg
filone {m}
:: cultural tradition, genre
filone {m}
:: Vienna loaf
filoniano {adj}
:: lode, seam (attributive)
filonucleare {adj}
:: pro-nuclear
filooccidentale {adj}
:: pro-Western
filoorientale {adj}
:: pro-Eastern
filopalestinese {adj}
:: Favourable to the Palestinian cause
filopapale {adj}
:: pro-papal; pro-Pope
filopersiano {adj}
:: pro-Persian
filopode {m}
:: filopodium
filorientale {adj}
:: pro-Eastern
filorusso {adj}
:: pro-Russian
filorusso {m}
:: pro-Russian person
filoso {adj}
:: stringy
filosocialista {adj}
:: pro-socialist
filosofa {f} /fiˈlɔː.zo.fa/
:: female equivalent of filosofo
filosofale {adj} /fi.lo.zoˈfa.le/
:: philosophical
filosofale {adj}
:: philosopher
filosofante {v}
:: present participle of filosofare
filosofare {v} /fi.lo.zoˈfa.re/
:: to philosophize
filosofare {v}
:: To pose as a philosopher
filosofastra {f}
:: female equivalent of filosofastro
filosofastro {m} /fi.lo.zoˈfas.tro/
:: pejorative of filosofo: philosophaster, pseudo-philosopher
filosofeggiante {v}
:: present participle of filosofeggiare
filosofeggiare {vi} /fi.lo.zo.fedˈd͡ʒa.re/
:: To pose as a philosopher
filosofema {m}
:: philosopheme
filosoferia {f} /fi.lo.zo.feˈri.a/
:: A tendency towards philosophizing ostentatiously
filosoferia {f}
:: An abstruse reasoning or statement, made to appear profound
filosofesco {adj} /fi.lo.zoˈfes.ko/
:: philosopher
filosofessa {f} /fi.lo.zoˈfes.sa/
:: A female philosopher
filosofessa {f}
:: An obnoxious woman
filosofia {f}
:: philosophy
filosofia {f}
:: small pica: 11-point type
filosoficamente {adv}
:: philosophically
filosofico {adj}
:: philosophical
filosofismo {m}
:: philosophism
filosofo {m} /fiˈlɔ.zo.fo/
:: philosopher
filosovietico {adj}
:: pro-Soviet
filospartano {adj}
:: pro-Spartan
filo spinato {m}
:: barbed wire
filossera {f}
:: phylloxera
filostatunitense {adj}
:: pro-American
Filostrato {prop}
:: Philostratus
Filottete {prop}
:: Philoctetes
filotto {m}
:: A shot that knocks down a whole row of pins
filotto {m}
:: An unbroken sequence of wins
filovia {f}
:: trolley bus (vehicle or line)
filoviario {adj}
:: trolley bus (attributive)
filtrabile {adj}
:: filterable
filtrabilità {f}
:: filterability
filtraggio {m}
:: filtration
filtraggio {m}
:: clearance
filtrante {adj}
:: filter
filtrante {adj}
:: filtrate
filtrare {vit}
:: to filter, screen, strain
filtrato {m}
:: filtrate
filtratore {m}
:: filter feeder
filtrazione {f}
:: filtration
filtrazione {f}
:: filtering, screening
filtro {m} /ˈfil.tro/
:: filter
filtro {m}
:: potion, especially a love potion
filtropressa {m}
:: filter press
filuferru {m}
:: A type of grappa from Sardinia
filugello {m}
:: silkworm
filza {f}
:: string (especially a series of things)
filza {f}
:: running stitch
Filzi {prop}
:: surname
Filzi {prop}
:: Fabio Filzi, Italian patriot
fimbrina {f}
:: fimbrin
fimicolo {adj}
:: fimicolous
fimo {m} /ˈfi.mo/
:: dung, ordure
fimosi {f}
:: phimosis
fin {f}
:: apocopic form of fine
final {adj}
:: apocopic form of finale
final {m}
:: apocopic form of finale
finale {adj} /fiˈna.le/
:: final, ending
finale {m}
:: end, ending, conclusion
finale {m}
:: finale
finale {m}
:: finish (sensations a wine leaves on the palate after degustation)
finale {f}
:: final, finals
finale {f}
:: last round, final trial
finale {f}
:: termination, ending, final clause
Finale Ligure {prop}
:: Finale Ligure (town)
finalese {adj}
:: of or from Finale Ligure
finalese {mf}
:: native or inhabitant of Finale Ligure
finalese {m}
:: dialect spoken in that place
finalina {f}
:: playoff (for third place or bronze medal)
finalismo {m}
:: finalism
finalissima {f}
:: final
finalissima {f}
:: grand final
finalista {mf}
:: finalist
finalistico {adj}
:: finalist (attributive)
finalistico {adj}
:: finalistic
finalità {f}
:: finality
finalità {f}
:: aim, purpose
finalizzante {v}
:: present participle of finalizzare
finalizzare {v}
:: to finalize
finalizzare {v}
:: to direct, aim (e.g. one's efforts) at
finalizzazione {f}
:: finalization
finalmente {adv}
:: at last
finalmente {adv}
:: in the end, lastly, finally
finalmente {interj}
:: at last!; at long last!
finanche {adv}
:: even
financo {adv}
:: even though, even if, although, even, also
financo {adv}
:: alternative form of finanche
finanza {f}
:: finance
finanza pubblica {f}
:: public finance
finanziabile {adj}
:: That can be financed
finanziabile {adj}
:: payable by instalments
finanziabilità {f}
:: financeability
finanziabilità {f}
:: Property of being payable by instalments
finanziamento {m}
:: financing
finanziamento {m}
:: funds
finanziante {v}
:: present participle of finanziare
finanziare {vt}
:: to finance, fund, back, sponsor
finanziaria {f}
:: investment company, finance company
finanziariamente {adv}
:: financially
finanziario {adj}
:: financial
finanziarsi {vr}
:: To finance (one's own project)
finanziatore {adj}
:: backing (financial)
finanziatore {m}
:: backer (financial)
finanziera {f}
:: frock coat
finanziere {m}
:: financier
finanziere {m}
:: customs officer
finca {f}
:: column (in a table or register)
finché {conj}
:: as long as
finché non {conj}
:: until
fin dall'inizio {adv}
:: all along
fin d'ora {adv}
:: already, yet
fine {adj}
:: thin
fine {adj}
:: fine
fine {adj}
:: refined
fine {f}
:: end
fine {m}
:: aim, purpose, end
Fineas {prop}
:: Phinehas
finecorsa {m}
:: end of the line (of a transport route)
finegranulante {adj}
:: fine-grained
finemente {adv}
:: finely
finemente {adv}
:: minutely
finemente {adv}
:: precisely
finentela {v}
:: present participle of finirla
fine settimana {m} /fi.ne.set.tiˈma.na/
:: weekend
finesettimana {m}
:: alternative form of fine settimana
finestra {f} /fiˈnɛː.st̪ra/
:: window
finestrato {adj}
:: windowed
finestratura {f}
:: glazing, windows
finestrella {f}
:: small window
finestrella {f}
:: box
finestrina {f}
:: small window
finestrino {m}
:: (of a car, train, plane, etc.) window
finestrino {m}
:: small window
finestrone {m}
:: big window, large window
Finetti {prop}
:: surname
finezza {f}
:: fineness
finezza {f}
:: thinness
finezza {f}
:: sharpness
finezza {f}
:: keenness
finezza {f}
:: shrewdness
finezza {f}
:: subtleness
finezza {f}
:: refinement
finferla {f}
:: chanterelle, golden chanterelle, girolle (Cantharellus cibarius)
finferlo {m}
:: chanterelle, golden chanterelle, girolle (Cantharellus cibarius)
fingente {v}
:: present participle of fingere
fingentesi {v}
:: present participle of fingersi
fingere {vt} /ˈfin.d͡ʒe.re/
:: to pretend or feign
fingere {vt}
:: (with or ) to pretend, imagine, or suppose (that)
fingere {vt}
:: to shape or model
fingere {vi}
:: to dissemble
fingersi {v} /ˈfin.d͡ʒer.si/
:: reflexive of fingere
fingersi {v}
:: to pretend to be
finiano {adj}
:: Of or relating to Gianfranco Fini or to his policies
finiano {m}
:: A follower of Gianfranco Fini, or an advocate of his policies
finibile {adj}
:: That can be finished; finishable
finimento {m}
:: finishing
finimento {m}
:: finishing touch
finimento {m}
:: harness (for a horse)
finimondo {m}
:: The end of the world
finimondo {m}
:: pandemonium, rumpus, ructions
finire {vt}
:: to finish
finire {vi}
:: to finish, to end
finire in merda {v}
:: to come to nought, come to nothing, go to shit, die in the ass
finire in pasto ai pesci {v}
:: to sleep with the fishes
finire per oggi {v}
:: to call it a day
finissaggio {m}
:: finishing (operation)
finissaggio {m}
:: finish
finissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fino
finitala {v}
:: past participle of finirla
finitamente {adv}
:: finitely
finitezza {f}
:: finiteness
finitezza {f}
:: completion
finitimo {adj}
:: neighbouring
finito {adj}
:: finished
finito {adj}
:: finite
finitrice {f}
:: finishing machine
finitudine {f}
:: finitude
finitura {f}
:: finish
finitura {f}
:: finishing touch
finizione {f}
:: finishing
finlandese {adj} /fin.lanˈde.ze/
:: Finnish
finlandese {mf}
:: Finnish
finlandese {m}
:: The Finnish language
Finlandia {prop}
:: Finland
finlandizzante {v}
:: present participle of finlandizzare
finlandizzare {vt}
:: to Finnicize
finlandizzazione {f}
:: Finlandization
finnico {adj}
:: Finnic
finno {adj} /ˈfin.no/
:: Of or pertaining to the Finns
finno {m}
:: Finn
fino {prep}
:: till, until, as far as
fino {adj}
:: thin, fine
fino a {prep}
:: up to (no more than)
fino a {prep}
:: till, until, to (time)
fino a {prep}
:: to, as far as, up to (location)
fino all'ultimo {adv}
:: to the last, to the end
fino all'ultimo {adv}
:: till the last minute
finocchiaccio {m}
:: giant fennel, common giant fennel
finocchiella {f}
:: sweet cicely
finocchietto {m}
:: wild fennel
finocchino {m}
:: fennel seed
finocchino {m}
:: A kind of cookies flavoured with fennel seeds
finocchio {m}
:: fennel
finocchio {m}
:: queer, poof, nancyboy, faggot
finocchio {m}
:: bungler (incompetent or worthless person)
finocchiona {f}
:: A kind of salami flavored with fennel seeds, traditionally produced in Tuscany
finocchione {m}
:: A variety of sweet fennel typical of Bologna
fino in fondo {prep}
:: to the end
fino in fondo {prep}
:: fully, deeply, through and through, all the way
finor {adv}
:: apocopic form of finora
finora {adv}
:: so far, till now, up to now, yet
Finotto {prop}
:: surname
finta {f}
:: affectation, simulation
finta {f}
:: feint, dummy
fintaggine {f}
:: duplicity, falseness
fintamente {adv}
:: falsely
fintamente {adv}
:: artificially
fintante {v}
:: present participle of fintare
fintanto {conj}
:: Variant of fintantoché or finché
fintantoché {conj} /fintantoˈke/
:: as long as
fintantoché {conj}
:: until
fintantoché {adv}
:: as long as
fintantoché {adv}
:: until
fintantochè {conj}
:: alternative form of fintantoché
finta pelle {f}
:: synonym of similpelle
fintare {vt}
:: To dummy
fintare {vi}
:: To feint
finto {adj}
:: false; fake; intended to mislead or distract
finto {adj}
:: insincere; feigned
finto {adj}
:: hypocritical
finto {adj}
:: artificial
finto {adj}
:: imitation (attributive)
finto {m}
:: hypocrite
fintosi {v}
:: past participle of fingersi
Finzi {prop}
:: surname
finzione {f}
:: pretense; excuse; sham
finzione {f}
:: fiction
fio {m}
:: retribution
fio {m}
:: penalty
fiocamente {adv}
:: faintly,weakly
fiocamente {adv}
:: dimly (lighting)
fioccante {v}
:: present participle of fioccare
fioccare {vi}
:: to snow
fioccare {vi}
:: to shower, shower down or rain down
fiocchetto {m}
:: tassel
fiocco {m} /ˈfjɔk.ko/
:: bow, ribbon, knot
fiocco {m}
:: flock, tuft
fiocco {m}
:: flake, snowflake
fiocco {m}
:: flake
fiocco {m}
:: jib (triangular staysail set forward of the foremast)
fiocco {m}
:: drifter (a very light sail used when no wind available)
fiocco di neve {m}
:: snowflake (crystal of snow)
fioccoso {adj}
:: Resembling a flake or flock (wool)
fiocina {f}
:: harpoon
fiocina {f}
:: spear
fiocinante {v}
:: present participle of fiocinare
fiocinare {vt}
:: to harpoon
fiocinare {vt}
:: to spear
fiocinata {f}
:: A blow or strike with a harpoon
fiocinatore {m}
:: harpooner
fiocine {m}
:: grape skin
fiociniere {m}
:: harpooner
fioco {adj}
:: hoarse, feeble, weak, faint
fioco {adj}
:: dim, wan
fionchetto {m} /fjonˈket.to/
:: synonym of mignattino
fionco {m} /ˈfjon.ko/
:: synonym of rondine di mare
fionco {m}
:: synonym of gavina
fionco {m}
:: halyard
fionda {f}
:: sling, slingshot, catapult, shanghai
fiondante {v}
:: present participle of fiondare
fiondantesi {v}
:: present participle of fiondarsi
fiondare {vt}
:: To catapult or hurl
fiondarsi {vr}
:: To fling oneself, to rush
fiondatosi {v}
:: past participle of fiondarsi
Fionia {prop}
:: Funen (Danish island)
fior {n}
:: apocopic form of fiore
Fiora {prop}
:: Fiora (river)
fioraccio {m}
:: A floral motif used on pottery in parts of the Abruzzo
fioraia {f}
:: female equivalent of fioraio
fioraio {m}
:: florist, flower seller
fiorale {adj}
:: flower (attributive)
fiorale {adj}
:: floral
fiorame {m}
:: floral pattern
fiorato {adj}
:: flowered, floral, flowery
Fioravanti {prop}
:: surname
fiordalisato {adj}
:: Decorated with fleurs-de-lis
fiordaliso {m}
:: cornflower, bachelor's button
fior di latte {m}
:: mozzarella (made from cow's milk, rather than that of water buffalo)
fior di latte {m}
:: milk ice-cream
fiordilatte {n}
:: alternative spelling of fior di latte
fiordo {m} /ˈfjɔr.do/
:: fjord
fiore {m}
:: flower, bloom, blossom
fiore {m}
:: surface
fiore {m}
:: {p} clubs
Fiore {prop}
:: given name
Fiore {prop}
:: given name
fiore all'occhiello {m}
:: alternative form of punta di diamante
fiore d'arancio {m}
:: An orange blossom
Fiorella {prop}
:: given name
fiorellino {m}
:: floret
fiorellino {m}
:: (rare) small flower in general
Fiorello {prop}
:: given name
fiorente {v}
:: present participle of fiorire
fiorente {adj}
:: thriving, flourishing
fiorente {adj}
:: blooming
fiorentemente {adv}
:: flourishingly
fiorentina {f} /fjo.renˈti.na/
:: female equivalent of fiorentino
fiorentina {f}
:: T-bone steak
fiorentina {f}
:: separating funnel
fiorentineggiante {v}
:: present participle of fiorentineggiare
fiorentineggiare {vi}
:: To affect a Florentine manner or speech
fiorentineria {f}
:: Florentine speech, especially such an affected speech
fiorentinismo {m}
:: A Florentine idiom
fiorentinità {f}
:: Property of being Florentine; Florentineness
fiorentino {adj} /fjo.renˈti.no/
:: Florentine
fiorentino {m}
:: Florentine
fiorentissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fiorente
Fiorenza {prop} /fjoˈrɛn.tsa/
:: given name, feminine of Fiorenzo
Fiorenza {prop}
:: obsolete form of Firenze
Fiorenzo {prop} /fjoˈrɛn.tso/
:: given name, masculine of Fiorenza
fioretta {f}
:: flowers of wine; flor
fioretta {f}
:: mould
fiorettante {v}
:: present participle of fiorettare
fiorettare {vt}
:: To embellish
fiorettatura {f}
:: flourish
fiorettatura {f}
:: flowery embellishment (of speech)
fiorettista {mf}
:: foil fencer
fioretto {m}
:: Ssall, devotional sacrifice
fioretto {m}
:: good deed
fioretto {m}
:: foil
fioretto {m}
:: drilling bit
fior fiore {n}
:: the best, the crème de la crème
fiorgalletto {m}
:: yellow vetch (Lathyrus aphaca)
fioricoltore {m}
:: Variant of floricoltore
fioricoltura {f}
:: Variant of floricoltura
fioriera {f}
:: flower box
fioriera {f}
:: flower bowl
fiorifero {adj}
:: floriferous
fiorile {m} /fjoˈri.le/
:: Floréal (the eighth month of the French Republican Calendar)
Fiorina {prop}
:: given name
fiorino {m}
:: fiorino or florin
fiorino {m}
:: forint
fiorire {vi}
:: to flower, to bloom, to blossom, to effloresce
fiorire {vi}
:: to flourish
fiorista {mf}
:: florist
fioristico {adj}
:: flowers and plants (attributive)
fioritamente {adv}
:: floridly
fiorito {adj}
:: in flower, flowering, in bloom, in blossom, full of flowers
fiorito {adj}
:: flowered
fiorito {adj}
:: (ornate) florid, flowery
fioritura {f} /fjoriˈtura/
:: blooming, flowering, blossoming, inflorescence
fioritura {f}
:: the time of the year in which a particular flower species blooms
fioritura {f}
:: staining, marking, especially of mold
fioritura {f}
:: floweriness, eloquence
fioritura {f}
:: embellishment
fiorone {m}
:: augmentative of fiore
fiorone {m}
:: early fig
fiorone {m}
:: fleuron
fiorrancino {m}
:: firecrest
fiorrancio {m}
:: pot marigold (genus Calendula)
Fiorucci {prop}
:: surname
Fiorucci {prop}
:: Elio Fiorucci, Italian designer
fiosso {m}
:: arch (of the foot)
fiosso {m}
:: shank or waist (of a shoe)
fiottare {v}
:: to gurgle
fiotto {m}
:: gush, spurt, flood
fire {v} /ˈfi.re/
:: to be
Firenze {prop} /fiˈrɛn.t͡se/
:: Firenze (capital city)
Firenze {prop}
:: Firenze (metropolitan city)
Firenze {prop}
:: The letter F in the Italian phonetic alphabet
firma {f}
:: signature
firmamento {m}
:: firmament
firmante {v}
:: present participle of firmare
firmare {vt}
:: to sign (a document etc.)
firmataria {f}
:: female equivalent of firmatario
firmatario {m}
:: signatory
Firmino {prop}
:: given name
firnificazione {f}
:: firnification
fisarmonica {f}
:: accordion
fisarmonicista {mf}
:: accordionist
fiscale {adj}
:: fiscal
fiscale {adj}
:: tax
fiscale {adj}
:: punctilious
fiscaleggiante {v}
:: present participle of fiscaleggiare
fiscaleggiare {vi}
:: to be very rigorous, exacting or oppressive
fiscalismo {m}
:: fiscalism
fiscalismo {m}
:: oppressive taxation
fiscalismo {m}
:: excessive rigour or strictness
fiscalista {mf}
:: tax consultant
fiscalità {f}
:: The tax system
fiscalità {f}
:: fiscality
fiscalità {f}
:: punctiliousness
fiscalizzante {v}
:: present participle of fiscalizzare
fiscalizzare {v}
:: to tax
fiscalizzazione {f}
:: taxation involving transfer to the inland revenue
fiscalmente {adv}
:: fiscally
fiscalmente {adv}
:: strictly, by the book, rigorously
fiscella {f}
:: A conical wicker basket used to drain fresh ricotta
Fischetti {prop}
:: surname
fischiabile {adj}
:: That can be whistled
fischiante {v}
:: present participle of fischiare
fischiare {vti}
:: to whistle
fischiare {vti}
:: to hiss or boo
fischiare {vti}
:: to sing (of birds)
fischiata {f}
:: whistling
fischiata {f}
:: whistle
fischiatina {f}
:: whistle
fischiatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fischiato
fischiatore {m}
:: whistler
fischiatore {m}
:: catcaller
fischiatore {adj}
:: whistling
fischiatore {adj}
:: hissing (of a snake)
fischiettabile {adj}
:: That can be whistled
fischiettante {v}
:: present participle of fischiettare
fischiettare {vti}
:: to whistle
fischiettio {m}
:: whistling (continuous)
fischietto {m}
:: whistle (instrument)
fischio {m}
:: whistle (sound)
fischione {m}
:: widgeon
fisciù {m}
:: fichu
fisco {m}
:: fisc; exchequer; national treasury; public treasury
fisco {m}
:: taxation or the revenue obtained by taxation
fisco {m}
:: Inland Revenue , Internal Revenue Service (government department with responsibility for collecting taxation)
fisco {m}
:: tax inspector, taxman (more properly: ispettore del fisco)
fisco {m}
:: Financial Blockchain Shenzhen Consortium
fisetere {m}
:: sperm whale
fisiatra {f}
:: physiatrist
fisiatria {f}
:: physiatrics
fisiatrico {adj}
:: physiatrical
fisica {f} /ˈfizika/
:: physics
fisica {f}
:: female equivalent of fisico
fisica classica {f}
:: classical physics
fisica delle particelle {f}
:: particle physics
fisicalismo {m}
:: physicalism
fisicalista {mf}
:: physicalist
fisicamente {adv} /fi.zi.kaˈmen.te/
:: physically
fisica moderna {f}
:: modern physics
fisica quantistica {f}
:: alternative form of meccanica quantistica
fisica teorica {f}
:: theoretical physics
fisicato {adj}
:: having a good physique
fisicato {adj}
:: muscular
fisicità {f}
:: physicality
fisicità {f}
:: corporeality
fisico {adj} /ˈfi.zi.ko/
:: physical
fisico {m}
:: physicist
fisico {m}
:: physician
fisico {m}
:: physique
fìsico {adj}
:: physical
fìsico {m}
:: physique
fìsico {m}
:: physicist (male) (Feminine: fisica)
fisicochimico {adj}
:: physicochemical
fisicomeccanico {adj}
:: physicomechanical
fisicoteologia {adj} /fi.zi.ko.teo̯.loˈd͡ʒia̯/
:: physicotheology
fisicoteologico {adj} /fi.zi.ko.teo̯ˈlɔ.d͡ʒi.ko/
:: physicotheological
fisima {f} /ˈfi.zi.ma/
:: fixation
fisio- {prefix}
:: physio-
fisiocinesiterapia {f}
:: physiokinesitherapy
fisiocinesiterapista {mf}
:: physiokinesitherapist
fisiocrate {mf}
:: physiocrat
fisiocratico {adj}
:: physiocratic
fisiocrazia {f}
:: physiocracy
fisiognomica {f}
:: physiognomy
fisiognomico {adj}
:: physiognomic, physiognomical
fisiognomo {m}
:: physiognomist
fisiognomonia {f}
:: physiognomy
fisiognomonico {adj}
:: physiognomic, physiognomical
fisiognosia {f}
:: physiognosis
fisiografia {f}
:: physiography
fisiografico {adj}
:: physiographic
fisiologa {f}
:: female equivalent of fisiologo
fisiologia {f}
:: physiology
fisiologicamente {adv}
:: physiologically
fisiologico {adj}
:: physiological
fisiologo {m}
:: physiologist
fisionomia {f}
:: physiognomy
fisionomia {f}
:: face, aspect
fisionomicamente {adv}
:: physiognomically
fisionomico {adj}
:: physiognomic, physiognomical
fisionomista {mf}
:: a person with a good memory for faces
fisiopatologia {f}
:: physiopathology
fisiopatologico {adj}
:: physiopathological
fisiopatologo {m}
:: physiopathologist
fisiopsicologia {f}
:: psychophysiology
fisioterapia {f}
:: physiotherapy
fisioterapico {adj}
:: physiotherapy (attributive)
fisioterapista {mf}
:: physiotherapist
fisisorbimento {m}
:: physisorption
fiso {adj}
:: alternative form of fisso
fiso {adv}
:: fixedly, intently
fisonomia {f}
:: alternative spelling of fisionomia
fisostigmina {f}
:: physostigmine
fissa {f}
:: obsession
fissabile {adj}
:: fixable
fissaggio {m}
:: fixing (photographic)
fissaggio {m}
:: drying (of paint)
fissamaiuscole {m}
:: shift lock, caps lock
fissamente {adv}
:: fixedly
fissante {v}
:: present participle of fissare
fissante {adj}
:: fastening, fixing (attributive)
fissantesi {v}
:: present participle of fissarsi
fissare {v}
:: to fasten, fix, secure
fissare {v}
:: to put in order
fissare {v}
:: to stare at, look fixedly
fissare {v}
:: to obsess
fissare {v}
:: to fix, arrange, set, sort out
fissare {v}
:: to book or reserve
fissare {v}
:: to process a fabric in such a way as to preserve its coloration
fissare {v}
:: to fix (render a photographic impression)
fissare {v}
:: to begin the histological process of fixing
fissare {v}
:: to fix (convert into a stable form)
fissarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fissare
fissarsi {v}
:: to be fixed
fissarsi {v}
:: to stare
fissarsi {v}
:: to obsess
fissarsi {v}
:: to ground; to consolidate
fissarsi {v}
:: (with in or a) to settle, to settle down
fissata {f}
:: A woman with a fixation or obsession
fissativo {adj}
:: fixative, fixing
fissativo {m}
:: fixative
fissato {adj}
:: fixed
fissato {adj}
:: set, agreed, bent
fissato {m}
:: A person with a fixation or obsession
fissatore {m}
:: fixative
fissatore {m}
:: fixer
fissatore {m}
:: setting lotion (for the hair)
fissatosi {v}
:: past participle of fissarsi
fissazione {f}
:: fixation (all meanings)
fissazione {f}
:: obsession
fissazione {f}
:: bee in one's bonnet
fissazione {f}
:: one-track mind
fissile {adj}
:: fissile
fissile {adj}
:: fissile, fissionable
fissile {adj}
:: fissile
fissilità {f}
:: fissility
fissionabile {adj}
:: fissionable
fissionabilità {f}
:: fissionability
fissionante {v}
:: present participle of fissionare
fissionare {v}
:: To fission
fissione {f}
:: fission
fissione atomica {f}
:: atomic fission
fissione nucleare {f}
:: nuclear fission
fissíparo {adj}
:: fissiparous
fissipede {m}
:: fissiped
fissismo {m}
:: fixism
fissità {f}
:: fixedness
fissità {f}
:: steadiness
fisso {adj}
:: fixed
fisso {adj}
:: regular, stable, steady
fisso {adv}
:: fixedly, intently
fisso {m}
:: fixed salary, fixed pay, fixed allowance
fisso {m}
:: home phone
fist bump {m}
:: fist bump
fistione {m}
:: pochard
fistola {f}
:: fistula
fistolizzazione {f}
:: fistulization
fistolo {m}
:: devil
fistolo {m}
:: malignant spirit
fistoloso {adj}
:: fistulous
fist pump {m}
:: fist pump
-fita {suffix}
:: -phyte
-fitico {suffix}
:: -phytic
-fito {suffix}
:: -phyte
-fito {suffix}
:: -phytic
fito- {prefix}
:: phyto-
fitoalimurgia {f}
:: the study of plants, especially wild herbs, for nutritional or alimentary purposes
fitobiologia {f}
:: phytobiology
fitocenosi {f}
:: phytocoenosis
fitochimica {f}
:: phytochemistry
fitoclima {m}
:: phytoclimate
fitoclimatico {adj}
:: phytoclimatic
fitocosmesi {f}
:: botanical (cosmetic made from plant material)
fitodepurazione {f}
:: The purification of water by use of aquatic plants
fitoestrogeno {m}
:: phytoestrogen
fitofagia {f}
:: phytophagy
fitofago {m}
:: phytophage, herbivore
fitofago {adj}
:: phytophagous, herbivorous
fitofarmaceutico {adj}
:: phytopharmaceutical, phytopharmacological
fitofarmacia {f}
:: phytopharmacology
fitofarmaco {m}
:: pesticide
fitofarmaco {m}
:: Any drug of vegetable origin
fitofenologia {f}
:: phytophenology
fitogenesi {f}
:: phytogenesis
fitogenetica {f}
:: phytogenesis, phytogeny
fitogenetico {adj}
:: phytogenetic
fitogenico {adj}
:: phytogenic
fitogeografia {f}
:: phytogeography
fitogeografo {m}
:: phytogeographer
fitogeologia {f}
:: phytogeology
fitografia {f}
:: phytography
fitografico {adj}
:: phytographic
fitoiatria {f}
:: plant pathology
fitoiatrico {adj}
:: Of or relating to plant pathology
fitolacca {f}
:: pokeweed (genus Phytolacca)
fitologia {f}
:: phytology
fitomenadione {m}
:: phytomenadione
fitomorfico {adj}
:: phytomorphic
fitomorfo {adj}
:: phytomorphic
fitonimo {m}
:: phytonym
fitopaleontologia {f}
:: phytopaleontology
fitoparassitologia {f}
:: phytoparasitology
fitopatia {f}
:: plant disease
fitopatogeno {adj}
:: plant pathogenic
fitopatogeno {m}
:: plant pathogen
fitopatologa {f}
:: female equivalent of fitopatologo
fitopatologia {f}
:: phytopathology
fitopatologico {adj}
:: phytopathological
fitopatologo {m}
:: phytopathologist
fitoplancton {m}
:: phytoplankton
fitormone {m}
:: phytohormone, plant hormone
fitosanitario {adj}
:: phytosanitary
fitosociologia {f}
:: phytosociology
fitosociologico {adj}
:: phytosociological
fitosterina {f}
:: synonym of fitosterolo
fitosterolo {m}
:: phytosterol
fitoterapia {f}
:: phytotherapy
fitoterapico {adj}
:: phytotherapy (attributive)
fitotomia {f}
:: phytotomy
fitotossicità {f}
:: phytotoxicity
fitotossico {adj}
:: phytotoxic
fitotrone {m}
:: phytotron
fitta {f}
:: sharp pain
fittabile {mf}
:: tenant
fittamente {adv}
:: thickly, densely
fittavola {f}
:: female equivalent of fittavolo
fittavolo {m}
:: tenant farmer
fittezza {f}
:: thickness, density, denseness
fittile {adj}
:: fictile
fittile {adj}
:: clay (attributive)
Fittipaldi {prop}
:: Fittipaldi; surname
fittissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fitto
fittiziamente {adv}
:: fictitiously
fittizio {adj}
:: fictitious
fitto {adj}
:: thick
fitto {adj}
:: dense
fitto {adj}
:: heavy
fitto {adv}
:: hard (rain etc)
fitto {m}
:: heart, depth (of a forest etc)
fitto {m}
:: rent (variant of affitto)
fittonante {adj}
:: taproot (attributive)
fittone {m}
:: taproot
fiumana {f} /fjuˈma.na/
:: torrent (river in flood)
fiumana {f}
:: flood
fiumana {f}
:: crowd
fiumana {f}
:: feminine noun of fiumano
fiumano {adj} /fjuˈma.no/
:: river (attributive)
fiumano {adj}
:: Of or relating to the Croatian city of Rijeka or its people; Rijekan
fiumano {m}
:: A Rijekan, a native or inhabitant of Rijeka
fiumara {f}
:: torrent
fiumara {f}
:: flood (of moving water)
fiume {m} /ˈfju.me/
:: river
Fiume {prop} /ˈfju.me/
:: Fiume (city)
Fiume Azzurro {prop}
:: Fiume Azzurro (river)
Fiume Giallo {prop}
:: The river Huang He, that flows in China
Fiumicino {prop}
:: Fiumicino (large town)
Fiumicino {prop}
:: The principal international airport of Rome
fiutabile {adj}
:: sniffable
fiutante {v}
:: present participle of fiutare
fiutare {vt}
:: to smell or sniff
fiutare {vt}
:: to scent
fiuto {m}
:: smell (the sense of smell)
fiuto {m}
:: nose (intuition)
:: initialism of fertilizzazione in vitro con embryo transfer
Fl. {n}
:: abbreviation of flauto
flabellato {adj}
:: flabellate
flabelliforme {adj}
:: flabelliform
flabello {m}
:: flabellum
flabello {m}
:: flabellum (large fan used for religious ceremonies)
flaccidamente {adv}
:: flabbily, flaccidly
flaccidezza {f}
:: flabbiness, flaccidity
flaccidità {f}
:: flabbiness, flaccidity
flaccido {adj}
:: flabby
flaccido {adj}
:: slack
flaccido {adj}
:: flaccid
flaconcino {m}
:: vial (small bottle)
flacone {m}
:: small bottle, especially for perfume, cosmetic product, or pharmaceutical material
flagellamento {m}
:: flagellation
flagellamento {m}
:: scourging, whipping
flagellamento {m}
:: lashing
flagellante {v}
:: present participle of flagellare
flagellante {adj}
:: flagellant
flagellante {mf}
:: flagellant
flagellare {v}
:: to whip, flog or scourge
flagellato {m}
:: flagellate
flagellatore {m}
:: flogger (one who flogs or whips)
flagellatore {m}
:: castigator
flagellatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of flagellatore
flagellazione {f}
:: whipping, scourging, flogging, flagellation
flagellina {f}
:: flagellin
flagello {m}
:: scourge
flagello {m}
:: bane
flaggante {v}
:: present participle of flaggare
flaggare {vt}
:: to flag
flagioletto {m}
:: flageolet
flagrante {adj}
:: flagrant
flagrante {adj}
:: red-handed
flagrantemente {adv}
:: flagrantly
flagranza {f}
:: flagrancy
Flaiano {prop}
:: surname
flambante {v}
:: present participle of flambare
flambare {v}
:: To flambé
flambazione {f}
:: flaming (sterilization in a flame)
flamberga {f}
:: flamberge (flame-bladed sword)
Flaminia {prop}
:: given name
Flaminio {prop}
:: given name
flanella {f}
:: flannel
flangia {f}
:: flange
flangiante {v}
:: present participle of flangiare
flangiare {v}
:: to flange
flano {m}
:: flong
flappeggio {m}
:: flapping hinge (on a helicopter rotor assembly)
flato {m}
:: flatus
flato {m}
:: fart
flato {m}
:: burp
flato {m}
:: flatulence
flatulente {adj}
:: flatulent, gassy
flatulento {adj}
:: flatulent
flatulenza {f}
:: flatulence
flaubertiano {adj} /flo.berˈtja.no/
:: Flaubertian (relating to Gustave Flaubert)
flautare {v}
:: to flute (play the flute)
flautato {adj}
:: flutelike
flautino {m}
:: small flute
flautino {m}
:: piccolo
flautista {mf}
:: flautist
flauto {m}
:: flute
flauto {m}
:: recorder
flauto di Pan {m}
:: pan flute, panpipes
flauto dolce {m}
:: recorder
flauto iperbasso {m}
:: hyperbass flute
flauto traverso {m}
:: Western concert flute, transverse flute
flavedine {f} /flaˈvɛ.di.ne/
:: alternative form of flavedo
flavedo {f} /flaˈvɛ.do/
:: flavedo
flavedo {f}
:: synonym of clorosi
flavescente {adj} /fla.veʃˈʃɛn.te/
:: yellowing (turning yellow or golden)
Flavia {prop}
:: given name of Latin origin
flavina {f}
:: flavin
flavio {adj}
:: Flavian
Flavio {prop}
:: given name
flavismo {m} /flaˈvis.mo/
:: A hereditary anomaly in animals, consisting in a yellowish color of the skin, hair or feathers
flavizie {f} /flaˈvit.t͡sje/
:: blondness
flavo {adj} /ˈfla.vo/
:: yellow, blond
flavone {m}
:: flavone
flavonoide {m}
:: flavonoid
flavonolo {m}
:: flavonol
flavoproteina {f}
:: flavoprotein
flavoxantina {f} /fla.vok.sanˈti.na/
:: flavoxanthin
flebile {adj} /ˈflɛ.bi.le/
:: feeble, faint
flebilmente {adv}
:: feebly
flebite {f}
:: phlebitis
flebo- {prefix}
:: phlebo-
flebo {f}
:: drip (intravenous)
fleboclisi {f}
:: drip (intravenous)
flebografia {f}
:: phlebography
flebologia {f}
:: phlebology
flebologo {m}
:: phlebologist
fleborragia {f}
:: phleborrhagia
flebotomia {f}
:: phlebotomy
flebotomo {m}
:: phlebotomist
flebotomo {m}
:: lancet
flebotomo {m}
:: sandfly (genus Phlebotomus)
flebotrombosi {f}
:: phlebothrombosis
Flegetonta {prop}
:: Phlegethon
Flegetonte {prop}
:: Phlegethon
Flegias {prop}
:: Phlegyas
Flegïàs {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Flegias
Flegra {prop}
:: Phlegra
flegreo {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the volcanic areas of Campania to the west of Naples
Flegreo {adj}
:: Phlegraean
flemma {f}
:: phlegm
flemma {f}
:: one of the four humors
flemma {f}
:: watery distillation
flemma {f}
:: calmness of temperament
flemma {f}
:: viscid mucus
flemmaticamente {adv}
:: phlegmatically
flemmaticità {f}
:: phlegmatic character
flemmatico {adj}
:: phlegmatic
flemmatizzante {v}
:: present participle of flemmatizzare
flemmatizzare {vt}
:: to phlegmatize
flemmatizzato {adj}
:: phlegmatized
flemmone {m}
:: phlegmon
flemmonoso {adj}
:: phlegmonous
fleo {m}
:: timothy, catstail
flerovio {m}
:: flerovium
flessibile {adj}
:: flexible, pliable, pliant
flessibile {adj}
:: adaptable
flessibile {m}
:: hose
flessibilità {f}
:: flexibility
flessibilmente {adv}
:: flexibly
flessile {adj}
:: flexile, flexible, pliant
flessimetro {m}
:: deflectometer
Flessinga {prop}
:: Flessinga (city)
flessionale {adj}
:: inflectional
flessione {f}
:: bending
flessione {f}
:: bend (any of several gymnastic movements)
flessione {f}
:: slight fall or drop
flessione {f}
:: inflection
flessione {f}
:: push-up
flessivo {adj}
:: inflected, inflectional
flesso {adj}
:: inflected, declined
flesso {m}
:: point of inflection
flessografia {f}
:: flexography
flessometro {m}
:: flexometer
flessometro {m}
:: tape measure
flessore {m}
:: flexor (muscle)
flessore {adj}
:: flexor (attributive)
flessosi {v}
:: past participle of flettersi
flessuosamente {adv}
:: supply
flessuosamente {adv}
:: gracefully
flessuosità {f}
:: suppleness
flessuosità {f}
:: grace, gracefulness
flessuoso {adj}
:: supple
flessuoso {adj}
:: graceful, flowing
flessura {f}
:: flexure
fleto {m} /ˈflɛ.to/
:: crying, weeping, lamentation
flettente {v}
:: present participle of flettere
flettentesi {v}
:: present participle of flettersi
flettere {vt}
:: to bend, bow
flettere {vt}
:: to submit, master
flettere {vt}
:: to decline, inflect
flettersi {v}
:: reflexive of flettere
flettersi {vr}
:: to bend, bow, sag
flettersi {vr}
:: to inflect
flicorno {m}
:: flugelhorn
flippante {v}
:: present participle of flippare
flippare {vti}
:: To play a pinball machine
flippare {vti}
:: To get high (on drugs)
flippato {adj}
:: high (slang: stoned)
flipper {m}
:: pinball (game and machine)
flirtare {vi}
:: to flirt
flittena {f}
:: water blister
F.lli {mp}
:: abbreviation of fratelli
floccaggio {m}
:: flocking
flocco {m}
:: alternative form of fiocco
flocculante {v}
:: present participle of flocculare
flocculante {adj}
:: flocculating
flocculare {vi}
:: To flocculate
flocculazione {f}
:: flocculation
floema {m}
:: phloem
flogistico {adj}
:: phlogistic
flogisto {m}
:: phlogiston
flogopite {f}
:: phlogopite
flogosi {f}
:: inflammation, phlogosis
floppy disk {m}
:: floppy disk
flora {f}
:: flora
Flora {prop}
:: the goddess of flowers, Flora
Flora {prop}
:: given name
flora batterica {f}
:: bacterial flora
floreale {adj} /flo.reˈa.le/
:: floral
floreale {m}
:: synonym of fiorile
Floriano {prop}
:: given name
floribunda {m}
:: floribunda (rose cultivar)
floricolo {adj}
:: flower growing (attributive)
floricolo {adj}
:: flower (attributive)
floricoltore {m}
:: flower grower
floricoltura {f}
:: flower-growing, floriculture
floricultore {m}
:: alternative form of floricoltore
floricultura {f}
:: alternative form of floricoltura
Florida {prop} /ˈflɔ.ri.da/
:: Florida (state)
Florida {prop}
:: Florida (peninsula)
floridamente {adv}
:: flourishingly, prosperously
floridezza {f}
:: prosperity, floridness
floridissimo {adj}
:: superlative of florido
floridità {f}
:: prosperity, floridness
florido {adj}
:: thriving, flourishing, blooming, healthy, florid
florilegio {m} /flo.riˈlɛ.d͡ʒo/
:: anthology, florilegium
florilegio {m}
:: An assortment of things
florilegio {m}
:: anthology; gathering, group (of things or people with a negative connotation)
Florio {prop}
:: surname
floristica {f}
:: floristics
floristico {adj}
:: floristic
floriterapia {f}
:: flower therapy
floroglucinolo {m}
:: phloroglucinol
florovivaismo {m}
:: nursery gardening
florovivaista {mf}
:: nursery gardener
florovivaistico {adj}
:: nursery gardening (attributive)
floscezza {f}
:: limpness, floppiness
floscezza {f}
:: flaccidity
flosciamente {adv}
:: floppily, softly
flosciamente {adv}
:: flabbily, flaccidly
floscio {adj} /ˈflɔʃ.ʃo/
:: floppy, soft
floscio {adj}
:: flabby, flaccid
floscio {adj}
:: weak
flosculo {m}
:: floret
flotta {f}
:: fleet
flottaggio {m}
:: taxiing (of an aircraft)
flottaggio {m}
:: flotation
flottante {v}
:: present participle of flottare
flottante {adj}
:: floating, afloat
flottare {v}
:: to float (all senses)
flottare {v}
:: to separate minerals using flotation
flottazione {f}
:: floatation
flottiglia {f}
:: fleet, flotilla
flottilla {f}
:: fleet, flotilla
flou {adj}
:: blurred (image)
flou {adj}
:: flowing (clothes)
flou {m}
:: blurred cinematic effect
flox {m}
:: phlox
fluente {adj}
:: fluent
fluente {adj}
:: flowing
fluente {adj}
:: glib
fluente {v}
:: present participle of fluire
fluidica {f}
:: fluidics
fluidico {adj}
:: fluidic
fluidificante {v}
:: present participle of fluidificare
fluidificante {adj}
:: fluidifying (that make something fluid)
fluidificante {adj}
:: Who moves forward to support an attack
fluidificare {vt}
:: to fluidify (make fluid)
fluidificare {vi}
:: to move forward to support an attack
fluidificazione {f}
:: fluidification, fluidifying
fluidissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fluido
fluidità {f}
:: fluidity
fluidità {f}
:: fluency (of style)
fluidizzante {v}
:: present participle of fluidizzare
fluidizzare {vt}
:: to fluidize
fluidizzazione {f}
:: fluidization
fluido {adj}
:: fluid
fluido {m}
:: fluid
fluidodinamica {f}
:: fluid dynamics, hydrodynamics
fluidodinamico {adj}
:: fluid dynamics (attributive)
fluire {vii} /fluˈire/
:: to flow, flush
fluitante {v}
:: present participle of fluitare
fluitare {vi}
:: To float or raft
fluitazione {f}
:: floating, rafting; flotation
Flumendosa {prop}
:: Flumendosa (river)
fluorannite {f}
:: fluorannite
fluorantene {m}
:: fluoranthene
fluorapatite {f}
:: fluorapatite
fluorapofillite {f}
:: apophyllite, fluorapophyllite
fluorcafite {f}
:: fluorcaphite
fluoresceina {f}
:: fluorescein
fluorescente {adj}
:: fluorescent
fluorescenza {f}
:: fluorescence
fluorico {adj}
:: fluoric
fluoridrico {adj}
:: hydrofluoric
fluorite {f}
:: fluorite
fluorizzante {v}
:: present participle of fluorizzare
fluorizzare {vt}
:: to fluoridate
fluorizzazione {f}
:: fluoridation
fluoro {m} /fluˈɔ.ro/
:: fluorine
fluoroapatite {f}
:: fluorapatite
fluorocarburo {m}
:: fluorocarbon
fluorochinolone {m}
:: fluoroquinolone
fluorocromo {m}
:: fluorochrome
fluorofibra {f}
:: fluorofiber / fluorofibre
fluoroforo {m}
:: fluorophore
fluorofosfato {m}
:: fluorophosphate
fluoroidruro {m}
:: fluorohydride
fluorometano {m}
:: fluoromethane
fluoroscopia {f}
:: fluoroscopy
fluoroscopio {m}
:: fluoroscope
fluorosi {f}
:: fluorosis
fluorotantalato {m}
:: fluorotantalate
fluorurante {v}
:: present participle of fluorurare
fluorurare {vt}
:: To fluorinate
fluorurato {adj}
:: fluorinated
fluorurazione {f}
:: fluorination
fluoruro {m} /flwoˈruro/
:: fluoride
fluoruro ceroso {m}
:: cerium fluoride
fluoruro d'ammonio {m}
:: ammonium fluoride
fluoruro di alluminio {m}
:: aluminium fluoride
fluoruro di bario {m}
:: barium fluoride
fluoruro di calcio {m}
:: calcium fluoride
fluoruro di gadolinio {m}
:: gadolinium fluoride
fluoruro di idrogeno {m}
:: hydrogen fluoride
fluoruro di itterbio {m}
:: yterbium fluoride
fluoruro di kripton {m}
:: krypton fluoride
fluoruro di magnesio {m}
:: magnesium fluoride
fluoruro di neodimio {m}
:: neodymium fluoride
fluoruro di piombo {m}
:: lead fluoride
fluoruro di potassio {m}
:: potassium fluoride
fluoruro di sodio {m}
:: sodium fluoride
fluoruro di uranio {m}
:: uranium fluoride
fluorvesuvianite {f}
:: fluorvesuvianite
fluosilicato {m}
:: fluosilicate
fluosilicico {adj}
:: fluosilicic, fluorosilicic
fluoxetina {f}
:: fluoxetine
flussaggio {m}
:: flushing (removal of contaminants from a surface using a flow of liquid)
flussante {m}
:: flux (in metallurgy)
flussibile {adj}
:: flowing
flussibile {adj}
:: fleeting, temporary
flussimetro {m}
:: flowmeter
flussione {f} /flusˈsjone/
:: fluxion
flussione {f}
:: Excessive flow of blood or other bodily fluid
flussione {f}
:: synonym of iridociclite
flusso {m}
:: flow
flusso {m}
:: flux
flusso del sangue {m}
:: bloodstream
flussometro {m}
:: flowmeter
flussometro {m}
:: fluxmeter
flusso piroclastico {m}
:: pyroclastic flow
flusso sanguigno {m}
:: bloodstream
flute {m} /flut/
:: flute (type of glass)
flûte {mf} /flyt/
:: flute (type of glass)
fluttino {m} /flutˈti.no/
:: flute (type of glass)
flutto {m}
:: wave (in the sea)
flutto {m}
:: The sea
fluttuante {v}
:: present participle of fluttuare
fluttuante {adj}
:: fluctuating
fluttuare {vi}
:: to rise and fall
fluttuare {vi}
:: to flutter
fluttuare {vi}
:: to fluctuate
fluttuazione {f}
:: fluctuation
fluttuoso {adj}
:: stormy (of sea)
fluviale {adj}
:: riverine, fluvial
fluviale {adj}
:: copious, flowing
fluvioglaciale {adj}
:: fluvioglacial
fluviografico {adj}
:: fluviographic
fluviografo {m}
:: fluviograph
fluviometro {m}
:: fluviometer
Fo {prop}
:: surname
Fo {prop}
:: Dario Fo, Italian comedian, actor, songwriter, winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature
Foa {prop}
:: Foa
Foa {prop}
:: surname
Foa {prop}
:: alternative form of Foà
Foà {prop}
:: surname
Foà {prop}
:: Arnoldo Foà, Italian actor and film director
foberismo {m} /fo.beˈris.mo/
:: The behaviour by which some insects put on a frightening appearance for attack or defense purposes
-fobia {suffix} /foˈbi.a/
:: -phobia
fobia {f} /foˈbia̯/
:: phobia
fobico {adj}
:: phobic
fobico {m}
:: phobic (person)
-fobo {suffix}
:: -phobe
-fobo {suffix}
:: -phobic
Fobo {prop} /ˈfɔ.bo/
:: alternative form of Fobos - Phobos (god of fear, a son of the god Ares)
fobofobia {f}
:: phobophobia
Fobos {prop} /ˈfɔ.bos/
:: Phobos (god of fear, a son of the god Ares)
Fobos {prop}
:: Phobos (satellite of Mars)
foca {f} /ˈfɔ.ka/
:: seal
focaccia {f}
:: focaccia
focaccia {f}
:: a type of cake
focaccina {f}
:: scone, muffin (or similar)
focaia {adj}
:: flint (attributive)
focaio {adj}
:: only in pietra focaia
focale {adj}
:: focal
focalità {f}
:: The property of being in focus
focalità {f}
:: centrality, priority
focalità {f}
:: foci
focalizzante {v}
:: present participle of focalizzare
focalizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of focalizzarsi
focalizzare {vt}
:: to put something into focus, or into perspective
focalizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of focalizzare
focalizzarsi {v}
:: to concentrate (on)
focalizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of focalizzarsi
focalizzazione {f}
:: focusing
focalizzazione {f}
:: focus
foca monaca {f}
:: monk seal
focara {f}
:: A beacon in the form of a pyre
Focara {prop}
:: A fictional mountain in the Divine Comedy
focatico {m}
:: hearth tax
focato {adj}
:: tawny, tan
focatura {f}
:: tawny or tan markings
foce {f}
:: mouth (of a river)
Focea {prop}
:: Phocaea
focena {f}
:: porpoise
focese {adj}
:: Phocaean
focheggiante {v}
:: present participle of focheggiare
focheggiare {vt}
:: to focus (an optical instrument)
focherello {m} /fo.keˈrɛl.lo/
:: A small fire; alternative form of fuocherello
fochiera {f}
:: sealer (vessel)
fochista {m}
:: Person who tends the fire on a steam engine; stoker or fireman
Focide {prop}
:: Phocis
focile {m}
:: flintlock (rifle)
focolaio {m}
:: focus
focolaio {m}
:: centre (of infection)
focolaio {m}
:: hotbed, breeding ground, flash point
focolaio {m}
:: outbreak (epidemic)
focolare {m}
:: hearth, fireplace
focolare {m}
:: home
focolare {m}
:: firebox
focolarino {m}
:: A member or follower of the Movimento dei Focolari
focomelia {f}
:: phocomelia, phocomely
focomelico {adj}
:: phocomelia (attributive)
focometro {m}
:: focometer, focimeter (optical device)
focone {m}
:: touch hole
Foconi {prop}
:: surname
focosamente {adv}
:: fierily, ardently, passionately
focosità {f}
:: fieriness, passion, ardour
focoso {adj}
:: fiery, ardent, passionate
focoso {adj}
:: mettlesome
focus {m} /ˈfɔkus/
:: focus (all senses)
fodera {f}
:: lining (of clothes)
fodera {f}
:: dust jacket
fodera {f}
:: cover (for furniture)
foderame {m}
:: lining (materials)
foderante {v}
:: present participle of foderare
foderare {vt}
:: to line
foderare {vt}
:: to cover
foderatura {f}
:: lining (clothing)
foderatura {f}
:: covering
foderina {f}
:: dust jacket, dust cover
fodero {m} /ˈfɔ.de.ro/
:: scabbard
fodero {m}
:: sheath
fodero {m}
:: holster
fodro {m}
:: forage (demand for fodder)
foga {f}
:: enthusiasm
Fogazzaro {prop}
:: surname
Fogazzaro {prop}
:: Antonio Fogazzaro, Italian writer
foggia {f}
:: shape
foggia {f}
:: style
foggia {f}
:: livery
Foggia {prop} /ˈfɔd.d͡ʒa/
:: Foggia (province)
Foggia {prop}
:: Foggia (city)
foggiante {v}
:: present participle of foggiare
foggiare {vt}
:: To shape or mould
foggiatura {f}
:: moulding
foglia {f} /ˈfɔʎʎa/
:: leaf
Foglia {prop}
:: Foglia (river)
fogliaceo {adj}
:: foliaceous
foglia di fico {f}
:: fig leaf (all senses)
foglia d'oro {f}
:: gold leaf
fogliame {m}
:: foliage, leafage, leaves
fogliante {m}
:: Feuillant
foglia oro {f}
:: gold leaf
fogliare {adj}
:: leaf (attributive)
fogliato {adj}
:: sheeted, laminated
fogliazione {f}
:: foliation
fogliazione {f}
:: Variant of foliazione
foglicolo {m}
:: alternative form of follicolo
foglietta {f}
:: half-litre
foglietto {m}
:: A small piece of paper, a slip, a leaflet
foglietto {m}
:: omasum
foglifero {adj}
:: leaf-bearing
foglio {m} /ˈfɔʎ.ʎo/
:: (rectangular piece of paper; a thin, flat layer of another material) sheet
fogliolina {f}
:: diminutive of foglia
fogliolina {f}
:: leaflet (segment of a compound leaf)
foglioso {adj}
:: leafy, foliose
fogna {f}
:: sewer
fogna {f}
:: cesspit
fogna {f}
:: hovel, pigsty
fogna {f}
:: greedy pig
fognaiolo {m}
:: sewage worker
fognaiuolo {m}
:: alternative form of fognaiolo
fognante {v}
:: present participle of fognare
fognante {adj}
:: draining
fognante {adj}
:: drainage, sewerage (attributive)
fognare {vt} /foɲˈɲa.re/
:: To provide with a drainage or sewerage system
fognario {adj}
:: sewer (attributive)
fognatura {f}
:: sewage
fogno {m} /ˈfoɲ.ɲo/
:: Violent wind with sleet, typical of the Apennines
fogo {m} /ˈfo.ɡo/
:: suffocation
fogo {m}
:: A sense of suffocation
fohn {m}
:: Variant of föhn
föhn {m}
:: foehn
föhn {m}
:: hair dryer
foia {f}
:: rut, heat (in animals)
foia {f}
:: lust (in people)
foiba {f}
:: foiba
foiolo {m}
:: honeycomb tripe
foiolo {m}
:: omasum
fola {f} /ˈfɔːla/
:: fairy tale
fola {f}
:: fib
folade {f}
:: pholas (of genus Pholas)
folaga {f}
:: coot, bald coot or Eurasian coot
folata {f} /foˈlata/
:: gust of wind, windflaw
folata {f}
:: flurry, shower (of rain, fog, bullets, etc.)
folato {m}
:: folate
folcire {vt}
:: To support
folclore {m}
:: folklore
folclorico {adj}
:: folklore (attributive)
folclorismo {m}
:: folklore (or its study)
folclorista {mf}
:: folklorist
folcloristicamente {adv}
:: in the manner of folklore; folkloristically
folcloristico {adj}
:: folklore (attributive)
Folco {prop}
:: given name
Foletti {prop}
:: surname
folgorante {v}
:: present participle of folgorare
folgorante {adj}
:: dazzling
folgorante {adj}
:: withering (look etc)
folgorante {adj}
:: violent
folgorante {adj}
:: sudden
folgorare {vt} /fol.ɡoˈra.re/
:: To strike (down) (especially with lightning)
folgorare {vi}
:: To shine; to flash
folgorazione {f}
:: electric shock, electrocution
folgorazione {f}
:: brainwave
folgore {f} /ˈfol.ɡo.re/
:: thunderbolt
folgoreggiante {v}
:: present participle of folgoreggiare
folgoreggiare {vi}
:: to blaze
folgorite {f}
:: fulgurite
foliazione {f}
:: foliation (of a book)
folico {adj}
:: folic
folignate {adj}
:: Of, or from, Foligno
folignate {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Foligno
Foligno {prop}
:: Foligno (town)
folklorico {adj}
:: alternative form of folclorico
folkloristico {adj}
:: alternative form of folcloristico
folla {f} /ˈfɔl.la/
:: crowd; mob
folla {f}
:: multitude, host
follante {v}
:: present participle of follare
follare {vt}
:: to full (cloth)
follare {vt}
:: to press or tread (grapes)
follatoio {m}
:: grape (wine) press
follatore {m}
:: fuller (person)
follatore {m}
:: treader (of grapes)
follatrice {f}
:: fulling machine
follatura {f}
:: fulling
follatura {f}
:: treading (of grapes), pressing
folle {m}
:: bellows
folle {adj}
:: mad; insane
folle {adj}
:: idle
folle {mf}
:: madman; madwoman
folle {mf}
:: neutral
folle {m}
:: follis (bronze coin)
folleggiamento {m}
:: frolicking
folleggiante {v}
:: present participle of folleggiare
folleggiare {vi}
:: to frolic; to paint the town red
follemente {adv}
:: madly, crazily
folletto {m} /foˈlːetːo/
:: elf (imp, goblin, fairy; esp : a supernatural being who is a survival in popular form of an ancient Etruscan or Roman deity)
follia {f}
:: madness, insanity, craziness, rampage, spree
follia {f}
:: folly, foolishness, absurdity
follia {f}
:: fool's errand
follia omicida {f}
:: alternative form of furia omicida
follicolare {adj}
:: follicular
follicolina {f}
:: folliculin, oestrone
follicolite {f}
:: folliculitis
follicolo {m} /fol.ˈli.ko.lo/
:: follicle
Folliero {prop}
:: surname
follone {m}
:: fulling mill
Folo {prop}
:: Pholus
foltamente {adv}
:: thickly, closely, densely
foltezza {f}
:: thickness, denseness
foltissimo {adj}
:: superlative of folto
folto {adj}
:: dense, thick
folto {adj}
:: bushy
folto {m}
:: thick (of a fight etc)
Fomalhaut {prop}
:: Fomalhaut
fomentante {v}
:: present participle of fomentare
fomentare {vt}
:: To instigate, foment or stir up
fomentatore {m}
:: inciter, agitator, abettor
fomentatrice {f}
:: inciter, agitator, abettor
fomentazione {f}
:: fomentation, agitation
fomento {m}
:: poultice
fomento {m}
:: trouble, foment
fomite {m}
:: incitement
fomite {m}
:: cause, source
fon {m}
:: hairdryer, blowdryer
fonante {v}
:: present participle of fonare
fonare {vt}
:: to blow-dry
fonatorio {adj}
:: phonatory
fonazione {f}
:: phonation
fonda {f} /ˈfon.da/
:: anchorage
fondaccio {m}
:: (in plural) dregs, lees
fondaccio {m}
:: goods left unsold
fondaco {m}
:: A trading factory, a warehouse
fondale {m}
:: bottom (of the sea, or a lake)
fondale {m}
:: backdrop (in a theatre)
fondamenta {fp}
:: foundations
fondamenta {f}
:: (especially in plural) foundation
fondamentale {adj}
:: fundamental, basic, essential
fondamentale {adj}
:: momentous, critical
fondamentale {m}
:: fundamental
fondamentalismo {m}
:: fundamentalism (all senses)
fondamentalista {adj}
:: fundamentalist
fondamentalista {mf}
:: fundamentalist
fondamentalistico {adj}
:: fundamentalist
fondamentalmente {adv}
:: basically, essentially, fundamentally
fondamento {m}
:: fundamental
fondamento {m}
:: foundation, basis
fondamento {m}
:: foundations, groundwork
fondante {adj}
:: basic, fundamental
fondantesi {v}
:: present participle of fondarsi
fondare {vt}
:: to found, establish, constitute, start, set up, build
fondare {vt}
:: to found, base, ground
fondarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fondare
fondarsi {vr}
:: to base oneself on
fondarsi {vr}
:: to rely on
fondarsi {vr}
:: to be founded on, be based on
fondatamente {adv}
:: soundly, validly
fondatamente {adv}
:: with good reason
fondatezza {f}
:: soundness, sturdiness
fondativo {adj}
:: founding
fondato {adj}
:: founded, established
fondato {adj}
:: sound, valid (well-founded)
fondato {adj}
:: reliable
fondatore {m}
:: founder
fondatosi {v}
:: past participle of fondarsi
fondatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fondatore
fondazionale {adj}
:: foundational
fondazione {f}
:: foundation (all senses)
fondello {m}
:: lining on the seat of trousers
fondente {adj}
:: dark, plain (chocolate)
fondente {adj}
:: fondant (sugar)
fondente {v}
:: present participle of fondere
fondentesi {v}
:: present participle of fondersi
fondere {vt} /ˈfon.de.re/
:: to fuse, smelt
fondere {vt}
:: to melt, thaw
fondere {vt}
:: to cast
fondere {vt}
:: to merge, blend
fonderia {f}
:: foundry
fondersi {v}
:: reflexive of fondere
fondersi {v}
:: to melt, fuse
fondersi {v}
:: to merge, combine, fuse, amalgamate, unite
fondersi {v}
:: to blend in
fondiario {adj}
:: land (attributive)
fondibile {adj}
:: fusible, meltable
fondiglio {m}
:: dregs, lees
fondiglio {m}
:: sediment
fondiglio {m}
:: grounds (of coffee)
fondina {f}
:: soup plate (or similar)
fondina {f}
:: holster (for a gun)
fondista {mf}
:: long-distance runner
fonditore {m}
:: caster, founder (foundry worker)
fonditrice {f}
:: type casting machine
fondo {adj} /ˈfon.do/
:: deep
fondo {m}
:: bottom
fondo {m}
:: fund
fondo {m}
:: background
fondo {m}
:: estate, farm
fondo {m}
:: cross-country running
fondo {m}
:: seat
fondocampo {m}
:: end zone
fondocampo {m}
:: backcourt
fondolago {m} /fon.doˈla.ɡo/
:: lakebed
Fondo monetario internazionale {prop}
:: International Monetary Fund
fondo pensione {m}
:: pension fund
fondoschiena {m}
:: backside, seat
fondotinta {m}
:: foundation (cosmetic)
fondovalle {m}
:: the bottom of a valley
fonduta {f}
:: a fondue, associated with Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, made from fontina cheese
fondutina {f}
:: A small amount of fondue served as an accompaniment
fonema {m} /foˈnɛ.ma/
:: phoneme
fonematica {f}
:: phonemics
fonematico {adj}
:: phonemic
fonematizzazione {f}
:: phonemicization
fonemica {f}
:: phonemics
fonemico {adj} /foˈnɛ.mi.ko/
:: phonemic
fonendoscopio {m}
:: phonendoscope, stethoscope
fonetica {f}
:: phonetics
foneticamente {adv}
:: phonetically
fonetico {adj}
:: phonetic
fonetismo {m}
:: phonetism
fonetista {mf}
:: phonetician
-fonia {suffix}
:: -phony
fonia {f}
:: telephony
foniatra {mf}
:: phoniatrician
foniatria {f}
:: phoniatrics
foniatrico {adj}
:: phoniatric
foniatrico {adj}
:: speech therapy (attributive)
fonicamente {adv}
:: phonically
fonico {adj}
:: phonic
fonico {adj}
:: audio
-fono {suffix}
:: -phone
fono- {prefix}
:: phono-
fono {m}
:: phone (linguistics)
fonoassorbente {adj}
:: sound-absorbent
fonoassorbimento {m}
:: phonoabsorption (absorption of sound)
fonocardiografia {f}
:: phonocardiography
fonocardiografo {m}
:: phonocardiograph
fonocardiogramma {m}
:: phonocardiogram
fonocassetta {f}
:: audio cassette
fonofobia {f}
:: phonophobia
fonogenico {adj}
:: phonogenic
fonogeno {m}
:: pickup (electronic)
fonografia {f}
:: sound recording
fonograficamente {adv} /fo.no.ɡra.fi.kaˈmen.te/
:: phonographically
fonografico {adj} /fo.noˈɡra.fi.ko/
:: phonographic
fonografo {m} /foˈnɔ.ɡra.fo/
:: phonograph (cylinder player)
fonografo {m}
:: record player, phonograph , gramophone
fonografo a fessura {m}
:: synonym of mangiadischi
fonogramma {m}
:: phonogram
fonogramma {m}
:: An official document transmitted via telephone
fonoisolamento {m}
:: sound insulation; soundproofing
fonoisolante {adj}
:: soundproof
fonolite {f}
:: phonolite
fonologia {f} /fonoloˈd͡ʒia/
:: phonology
fonologicament {adv}
:: phonologically
fonologicamente {adv}
:: phonologically
fonologico {adj}
:: phonological
fonologista {mf}
:: phonologist
fonologizzare {vt}
:: to phonologize
fonologizzazione {f}
:: phonologization
fonologo {m}
:: phonologist
fonometria {f}
:: phonometry
fonometro {m}
:: phonometer
fonomontaggio {m}
:: Edited series of sound recordings
fonone {m}
:: phonon
fonoregistratore {m}
:: audio recorder, especially a tape recorder
fonoregistrazione {f}
:: audio recording
fonoriproduttore {m} /ˌfɔ.no.ri.pro.dutˈto.re/
:: A device for the reproduction of recorded sounds
fonoriproduttore {m}
:: synonym of altoparlante
fonoriproduzione {f}
:: playback
fonorivelatore {m}
:: pickup
fonoscopio {m}
:: phonoscope
fonosemantica {f} /fo.no.seˈman.ti.ka/
:: phonosemantics (sound symbolism)
fonosemantico {adj} /fo.no.seˈman.ti.ko/
:: phonosemantic
fonosimbolico {adj}
:: onomatopoeic
fonosimbolo {m} /fo.noˈsim.bo.lo/
:: A vocal sound that evokes a meaning by means of phonic values
fonosintassi {f}
:: phonotactics
fonosintattico {adj}
:: phonotactic
fonotassi {f}
:: synonym of fonosintassi
fonoteca {f}
:: sound or record archive or library
fonovaligia {f}
:: portable record player
fontana {f}
:: fountain
fontana {f}
:: source, spring
Fontana di Trevi {prop}
:: Trevi Fountain a fountain in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy, designed by Italian architect Nicola Salvi
fontanazzo {m}
:: outflow (hydrological)
fontanella {f}
:: fontanelle, fontanel
fontanella {f}
:: fountain, drinking fountain, nasone
fontaniere {m}
:: fountain engineer or attendant
fontaniere {m}
:: plumber
fontanile {m}
:: trough (drinking)
fonte {f} /ˈfon.te/
:: spring (of water)
fonte {f}
:: source or fount
fonte {m}
:: font (baptismal)
Fonte {prop}
:: Fonte (small town)
fonte battesimale {m} /ˈfon.te.bat.te.ziˈma.le/
:: baptismal font
fonte d'energia {f}
:: alternative form of fonte di energia
fonte di energia {f}
:: energy source
fonte energetica {f}
:: energy source
fontina {f}
:: fontina
fontinella {f}
:: fontinella
footing {m}
:: jogging
forabile {adj}
:: That can be pierced or drilled, perforable
foracchiabile {adj}
:: riddlable, prickable
foracchiante {v}
:: present participle of foracchiare
foracchiare {v} /fo.rakˈkja.re/
:: to riddle
foracchiare {v}
:: to prick (all over)
foracchiato {adj} /fo.rakˈkja.to/
:: full of holes, riddled
foracchiatura {f} /fo.rak.kjaˈtu.ra/
:: riddling
foracchiatura {f}
:: perforations
foracchiatura {f}
:: pricking
foraggero {adj}
:: forage (attributive), fodder (attributive)
foraggiamento {m}
:: foraging, feeding (of animals)
foraggiante {v}
:: present participle of foraggiare
foraggiare {vt}
:: To forage or feed (animals)
foraggiare {v}
:: To finance, to bankroll, to subsidize
foraggicoltura {f}
:: The tending of grassland for animal grazing
foraggiere {m}
:: forager (especially a soldier who foraged for the army)
foraggiero {m}
:: alternative form of foraggero
foraggio {m}
:: forage, fodder
forame {m}
:: foramen
foraminifero {m}
:: foraminifer
foraneo {adj}
:: Located outside of a city
foraneo {adj}
:: offshore
foraneo {adj}
:: far off
forania {f}
:: dean, vicar forane
forante {v}
:: present participle of forare
forantesi {v}
:: present participle of forarsi
forapaglia {m}
:: sedge warbler
forapaglie {m}
:: sedge warbler
forare {vt}
:: to pierce, puncture
forare {vt}
:: to punch a hole in
forarsi {v}
:: reflexive of forare
forarsi {v}
:: to be pierced or punctured
forasacco {m}
:: brome
forassite {f}
:: conduit (flexible corrugated tube typically entering a building at street level)
forastico {adj}
:: wild, rustic
forastico {adj}
:: timid and unsociable
forato {adj}
:: pierced
forato {adj}
:: punctured
foratoio {m}
:: punch (device for punching holes)
foratosi {v}
:: past participle of forarsi
foratura {f}
:: flat tyre
forbente {v}
:: present participle of forbire
forbice {f}
:: scissor
forbici {p} /ˈfɔrbitʃi/
:: scissors
forbici {p}
:: shears
forbiciaia {f}
:: female equivalent of forbiciaio
forbiciaio {m}
:: scissor maker
forbiciaio {m}
:: scissor seller
forbiciata {f}
:: snip, cut
forbicina {f}
:: earwig
forbire {vt}
:: to clean
forbire {vt}
:: to polish
forbitamente {adv}
:: elegantly
forbitamente {adv}
:: with polish
forbitezza {f}
:: polish, refinement, elegance
forbito {adj}
:: polished (style)
forbolo {m}
:: phorbol
forca {f} /ˈfor.ka/
:: fork (instrument used in agriculture and gardening)
forca {f}
:: pitchfork
forca {f}
:: gallows, hanging tree
forcaiolo {m}
:: reactionary (person)
forcata {f}
:: forkful (agricultural)
forcella {f}
:: fork
forcella {f}
:: wishbone
forcella {f}
:: cradle (rest for the receiver of a telephone)
forcella {f}
:: hairpin
forchetta {f} /forˈket.ta/
:: fork (item of cutlery)
forchetta {f}
:: frog (organ on the bottom of a horse’s hoof)
forchettata {f}
:: forkful (of food)
forchettina {f}
:: Small fork (often with only two tines)
forchetto {m}
:: forked stick
forchettone {m}
:: carving fork
forchiaio {m}
:: spork
forcina {f}
:: hairpin
forcipe {m}
:: forceps
Forco {prop}
:: Phorcys
forcola {f}
:: fork
forcola {f}
:: oarlock
forconata {f}
:: thrust with a fork
forconata {f}
:: forkful
forcone {m}
:: pitchfork, fork
forcuto {adj}
:: forked
fordiano {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Henry Ford and to Fordism
fordiano {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the film director John Ford and its works
fordismo {m}
:: Fordism
fordista {adj}
:: Fordist, Fordistic
Fordongianus {prop}
:: Fordongianus (town)
forellino {m}
:: small hole
forense {adj}
:: legal
forense {adj}
:: forensic
foresta {f} /foˈrɛs.ta/
:: forest
forestale {adj}
:: forest (attributive)
foresta pluviale {f}
:: rainforest
forestare {vt}
:: To reforest
forestazione {f}
:: forestation
foresteria {f}
:: guest room (in an institution)
forestiera {f}
:: female equivalent of forestiero
forestieria {f}
:: Variant of foresteria
forestierismo {m}
:: loanword, foreign word, borrowing
forestierismo {m}
:: foreignism (fondness for foreign cultures)
forestiero {m}
:: stranger
forestiero {m}
:: foreigner
forestiero {adj}
:: foreign
forestierume {m}
:: foreigners, strangers (as a crowd)
forestierume {m}
:: foreign customs (with negative connotations)
forfait {m}
:: lump sum, flat rate
forfecchia {f}
:: earwig (Forficula auricularia)
forfetario {adj}
:: lump sum (attributive)
forfetizzazione {f}
:: forfeiting
forfettariamente {adv}
:: at a flat-rate
forfettariamente {adv}
:: for a lump sum
forfettario {adj}
:: flat-rate, lump sum
forfettizzante {v}
:: present participle of forfettizzare
forfettizzare {vt}
:: To fix a stable price for
forfettizzazione {f}
:: forfeiting
forficula {f}
:: earwig
forfora {f}
:: dandruff
forforaceo {adj}
:: scurfy
forforoso {adj}
:: dandruffy
forgia {f} /ˈfɔr.d͡ʒa/
:: forge (furnace)
forgiabile {adj}
:: forgeable
forgiabilità {f}
:: Property of being forgeable
forgiante {v}
:: present participle of forgiare
forgiare {vt}
:: to forge (beat into shape)
forgiare {vt}
:: to shape, fashion
forgiatore {m}
:: forger (who works in a forge)
forgiatrice {f}
:: forging machine
forgiatura {f}
:: forging
foriero {adj}
:: heralding, announcing, harbingering
foriero {m}
:: harbinger
Forli {prop}
:: alternative form of Forlì, Forli (capital city)
Forlì {prop}
:: Forlì (capital city)
Forlì-Cesena {prop}
:: Forlì-Cesena
Forlimpopoli {prop}
:: Forlimpopoli (town)
forlivese {adj}
:: forlivian
forlivese {mf}
:: Forlivian
forma {f}
:: form
forma {f}
:: shape
forma {f}
:: mould
formabile {adj}
:: mouldable, formable, shapable
formaggera {f}
:: alternative spelling of formaggiera
formaggetta {f}
:: truck (on a mast)
formaggiaia {f}
:: female equivalent of formaggiaio
formaggiaio {m}
:: cheesemaker
formaggiaio {m}
:: cheesemonger
formaggiera {f}
:: a small dish to hold freshly-grated Parmesan cheese
formaggino {m}
:: wedge of processed cheese (individually wrapped)
formaggio {m} /for.ˈmad.dʒo/
:: cheese
formaggio caprino {m}
:: goat's cheese, goat cheese
formaggio cremoso {m}
:: cream cheese
formaggio di capra {m}
:: goat's cheese, goat cheese
formaggio di fossa {m}
:: A type of sheep cheese produced in Romagna and matured underground; a pit cheese
formaggio fuso {m}
:: processed cheese
formaggio grattugiato {m}
:: grated cheese
formaggio spalmabile {m}
:: cheese spread
formaggio spalmabile {m}
:: cream cheese
formaldeide {f}
:: formaldehyde
formale {adj}
:: formal
formalina {f}
:: formalin
forma lineare {f}
:: alternative form of funzionale lineare
formalismo {m}
:: formalism
formalista {adj}
:: formalist
formalista {mf}
:: formalist
formalistico {adj}
:: formalistic
formalità {f}
:: formality
formalità {f}
:: formalities
formalizzante {v}
:: present participle of formalizzare
formalizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of formalizzarsi
formalizzare {vt}
:: to formalize
formalizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of formalizzare
formalizzarsi {vr}
:: to be too formal
formalizzarsi {vr}
:: to take offence
formalizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of formalizzarsi
formalizzazione {f}
:: formalization
formalmente {adv}
:: formally
formante {adj}
:: formed
formante {adj}
:: trained
formante {f}
:: formant
formantesi {v}
:: present participle of formarsi
formare {vt}
:: to form, create, shape, make, mould
formare {vt}
:: to form, establish, set up, create, make up
formare {vt}
:: to train, educate
formarsi {v}
:: reflexive of formare
formarsi {v}
:: to take shape
formarsi {v}
:: to develop
formatività {f}
:: formativeness
formativo {adj}
:: formative
formato {adj}
:: mature, fully developed, fully grown
formato {m}
:: size, measure, dimension
formato {m}
:: format
formatore {m}
:: educator, teacher
formatore {adj}
:: formative
formatosi {v}
:: past participle of formarsi
formatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of formatore
formattante {v}
:: present participle of formattare
formattare {vt}
:: To format
formattato {adj}
:: formatted
formattatore {m}
:: formatter
formattazione {f}
:: formatting, disk formatting
formatura {f}
:: moulding
formatura {f}
:: forming
formatura {f}
:: modelling
formazione {f}
:: formation, group
formazione {f}
:: education, training
formazione {f}
:: team
-forme {suffix}
:: -shaped, -form, -like
formella {f}
:: tile
Formello {prop}
:: Formello (small town)
Formentera {prop}
:: Formentera
formentino {adj}
:: wheaten
Formia {prop}
:: Formia (town)
formiano {adj}
:: Of or from Formia
formiato {m}
:: formate
formica {f} /forˈmi.ka/
:: ant
formica {f} /ˈfɔr.mi.ka/
:: Formica (plastic laminated material)
formica bulldog {f}
:: bull ant (Myrmecia)
formica gigante d'Australia {f}
:: giant bulldog ant (Myrmecia brevinoda)
formicaio {m} /for.miˈka.jo/
:: anthill
formicaio {m}
:: ants' nest
formicaio {m}
:: Any place full of activity, or in which people are very busy; beehive
formicaio {m}
:: onychomycosis
formicaleone {m}
:: ant lion (of family Myrmeleontidae)
formichetta {f} /for.miˈket.ta/
:: diminutive of formica; small ant
formichiere {m}
:: anteater, pangolin
formichina {f} /for.miˈki.na/
:: diminutive of formica; little ant
formico {adj} /ˈfɔr.mi.ko/
:: formic
formicola {f} /forˈmi.ko.la/
:: alternative form of formica
formicolamento {m} /for.mi.ko.laˈmen.to/
:: synonym of formicolio
formicolante {v}
:: present participle of formicolare
formicolare {vi} /for.mi.koˈla.re/
:: to swarm (with)
formicolare {vi}
:: to be crawling (with)
formicolare {vi}
:: to tingle (with), to have a sensation of pins and needles
formicolio {m} /for.mi.koˈlio̯/
:: tingling, prickling (sensation)
formicolio {m}
:: pins and needles
formidabile {adj}
:: fantastic, extraordinary, terrific, impressive
formidabile {adj}
:: formidable
formidabilmente {adv}
:: extraordinarily, fantastically
formilante {v}
:: present participle of formilare
formilare {vt}
:: to formylate
formilazione {f}
:: formylation
formile {m}
:: formyl
formina {f}
:: mould (for forming things into a shape)
formissima {f}
:: only in in formissima
formosità {f}
:: shapeliness
formosità {f}
:: (in plural) curves
formoso {adj}
:: shapely, curvaceous
formula {f} /ˈfɔrmula/
:: formula
formulabile {adj}
:: formulable
formula di prostaferesi {f}
:: trigonometric sum-to-product identity (trigonometric addition formula)
formulare {vt}
:: To formulate or phrase
formulario {m}
:: form (to be filled in)
formulatore {m}
:: formulator
Formula Uno {prop}
:: Formula One
formulazione {f}
:: formulation
fornace {f}
:: kiln, furnace
fornaciaio {m}
:: Owner or operator of a brick kiln or other furnace
Fornaciari {prop}
:: surname
Fornaciari {prop}
:: Adelmo Fornaciari, Italian singer
fornaia {f}
:: female equivalent of fornaio
fornaio {m}
:: baker
fornaretto {m}
:: Young baker
fornelletto {m}
:: stove
fornello {m}
:: stove (camping)
fornello {m}
:: burner
fornello {m}
:: hotplate, ring (on a cooker)
fornente {v}
:: present participle of fornire
fornentesi {v}
:: present participle of fornirsi
forneria {f}
:: bakery
fornetto {m}
:: Small oven
fornibile {adj}
:: That can be supplied; suppliable
fornicante {v}
:: present participle of fornicare
fornicare {vi}
:: to fornicate, copulate
fornicatore {m}
:: fornicator
fornicatore {m}
:: adulterer
fornicatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fornicatore
fornicazione {f}
:: fornication
fornice {m} /ˈfɔr.ni.t͡ʃe/
:: arch, vault
fornice {m}
:: fornix
fornimento {m}
:: hilt (of a sword)
fornire {vt}
:: to supply, to provide, to furnish, to give, to yield
fornire {vt}
:: to equip
fornirsi {vr}
:: To provide oneself (with)
fornitissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fornito
fornito {adj}
:: stocked (of a shop etc, usually in combination)
fornitore {adj}
:: supplying a specified material
fornitore {m}
:: supplier
fornitore {m}
:: purveyor
fornitosi {v}
:: past participle of fornirsi
fornitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fornitore
fornitura {f}
:: supply (in plural: supplies)
forno {m} /ˈforno/
:: oven
forno {m}
:: bakery
forno a microonde {m}
:: microwave oven
-foro {suffix}
:: -phore
foro {m} /ˈfɔ.ro/
:: forum (square or marketplace used for public business and commerce)
foro {m}
:: court
foro {m}
:: hole
foro {m}
:: foramen
foroptero {m}
:: phoropter
forosetta {f}
:: country lass
forra {f}
:: ravine, gorge
forse {adv}
:: maybe, perhaps, possibly, may, might
forse {m}
:: doubt
forsempronese {adj}
:: Of, or from, Fossombrone
forsempronese {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Fossombrone
forsennatamente {adv}
:: madly, furiously, frantically
forsennato {adj}
:: mad, lunatic
forsennato {m}
:: madman, lunatic
forsizia {f}
:: forsythia
forsterite {f}
:: forsterite
forte {m} /ˈfɔrte/
:: fort, fortress
forte {adj}
:: strong
forte {adj}
:: stressed
Fortebraccio {prop}
:: Fortinbras
fortemente {adv}
:: strongly
fortemente {adv}
:: brightly
fortepianista {mf}
:: fortepianist
fortepiano {m}
:: fortepiano
forte possibile {adj}
:: As loud as possible
forteto {m}
:: shrubbery
fortezza {f}
:: fortress
fortezza {f}
:: gore (triangular piece of fabric stitched on the edge of a sail)
forticcio {adj} /forˈtit.t͡ʃo/
:: Having a fairly sour taste
forticcio {m}
:: A fairly sour taste
fortificabile {adj}
:: That can be fortified
fortificante {v}
:: present participle of fortificare
fortificare {vt}
:: to fortify, strengthen
fortificarsi {vi}
:: reflexive of fortificare
fortificarsi {vi}
:: to take shelter in a fortification
fortificarsi {vi}
:: to become physically or spiritually stronger; to be strengthened
fortificatorio {adj}
:: fortification, strengthening (attributive)
fortificazione {f}
:: fortification
fortigno {adj} /forˈtiɲ.ɲo/
:: Having a fairly sour taste
fortigno {adj}
:: pungent (having a strong smell)
fortilizio {m} /for.tiˈlit.tsjo/
:: a small fortress; a fortalice, fort
fortino {m}
:: fort
fortissimamente {adv}
:: very loudly
fortissimamente {adv}
:: very strongly, brightly or severely
fortissimo {adj} /forˈtis.si.mo/
:: superlative of forte
fortissimo {adj}
:: Very loud
fortissimo {adj}
:: Very strong, bright, tough or severe
fortissimo {adv}
:: superlative of forte
fortore {m}
:: sourness
Fortore {prop}
:: Fortore (river)
fortuitamente {adv}
:: by chance, accidentally, fortuitously
fortuito {adj}
:: accidental, chance , fortuitous, casual
fortuna {f} /forˈt̪uː.na/
:: luck
fortuna {f}
:: fortune
fortunale {m}
:: A heavy storm at sea
fortunale {m}
:: storm surge
fortunatamente {adv}
:: luckily, fortunately
fortunatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fortunato
fortunato {adj} /fortuˈnato/
:: lucky, fortunate
fortunato {interj}
:: nice to meet you, pleased to meet you
Fortunato {prop}
:: given name
fortunello {m}
:: lucky devil!
fortunosamente {adv}
:: eventfully
fortunoso {adj}
:: serendipitous
fortunoso {adj}
:: eventful
forum {m} /ˈfɔ.rum/
:: forum (all meanings)
foruncolo {m}
:: boil
foruncolo {m}
:: pock, pimple, zit
foruncolosi {f}
:: furunculosis
foruncoloso {adj}
:: pimply, pimpled
forviante {v}
:: present participle of forviare
forviare {v}
:: alternative form of fuorviare
forwardante {v}
:: present participle of forwardare
forwardare {vt}
:: To forward
forza {f} /ˈfɔr.t͡sa/
:: force
forza {f}
:: strength
forza {interj}
:: cheer up!
forza {interj}
:: come on!
forza {interj}
:: hurry up!
forza {interj}
:: get a move on, get moving!
Forza {prop}
:: surname
forza aerea {f}
:: air force
forzabile {adj}
:: forceable
forza bruta {f}
:: brute force
forza fondamentale {f}
:: alternative form of interazione fondamentale
forzaglia {f}
:: canvas interlining
Forza Italia {prop}
:: A former centre-right political party whose leader was Silvio Berlusconi
forza lavoro {f}
:: manpower, labor force, work force
forzamento {m}
:: forcing
forza motrice {f}
:: motive power
forzante {v}
:: present participle of forzare
forzantesi {v}
:: present participle of forzarsi
forza pubblica {f}
:: police
forza pubblica {f}
:: civil force
forzare {vt}
:: to force
forzare {vt}
:: to press
forzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of forzare
forzarsi {v}
:: to force oneself
forzatamente {adv}
:: forcedly, unnaturally (laughing etc)
forzato {adj}
:: forced
forzato {adj}
:: artificial (situation)
forzato {m}
:: convict
forzatosi {v}
:: past participle of forzarsi
forzatura {f}
:: unnatural or tendentious interpretation, statement, etc.; stretch
forzatura {f}
:: practice to anticipate the flowering or fruiting of plants
forzatura {f}
:: forcing
forze armate {fp}
:: armed forces
forze dell'ordine {f}
:: law enforcement
forziere {m}
:: strong box, coffer
forziere {m}
:: treasure chest
forzista {adj}
:: of or pertaining to Forza Italia, an Italian political party
forzista {mf}
:: a member or supporter of Forza Italia
forzosamente {adv}
:: compulsorily, obligatorily
forzoso {adj}
:: compulsory, forced, obligatory
forzuto {adj}
:: big and strong
fosbury {m}
:: Fosbury flop
foscamente {adv}
:: gloomily
foscamente {adv}
:: sullenly
Foscari {prop}
:: surname
Foscari {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
foschia {f} /foˈskia/
:: mist, fog
fosco {adj}
:: dark, murky
fosco {adj}
:: dull, overcast
fosco {adj}
:: gloomy; sad
fosfatante {v}
:: present participle of fosfatare
fosfatare {vt}
:: To phosphate
fosfatasi {f}
:: phosphatase
fosfatazione {f}
:: phosphatization
fosfatemia {f}
:: phosphatemia
fosfaticizzazione {f}
:: phosphatization
fosfatico {adj}
:: phosphatic
fosfatidilcolina {f}
:: phosphatidylcholine
fosfatidiletanolammina {f}
:: phosphatidylethanolamine
fosfatidilinositolo {m}
:: phosphatidylinositol
fosfatidilserina {f}
:: phosphatidylserine
fosfatizzazione {f}
:: phosphatization
fosfato {m}
:: phosphate
fosfato di ammonio {m}
:: ammonium phosphate
fosfato di calcio {m}
:: calcium phosphate
fosfato di magnesio {m}
:: magnesium phosphate
fosfato di potassio {m}
:: potassium phosphate
fosfato di sodio {m}
:: sodium phosphate
fosfaturia {f}
:: phosphaturia
fosfaturico {adj}
:: phosphaturic
fosfene {m}
:: phosphene
fosfene {m}
:: phosphorine
fosfina {f}
:: phosphine
fosfito {m}
:: phosphite
fosfo- {prefix}
:: phospho-
fosfocreatina {f}
:: phosphocreatine
fosfodiesterasi {f}
:: phosphodiesterase
fosfodiestere {m}
:: phosphodiester
fosfodiesterico {adj}
:: phosphodiester
fosfofruttochinasi {f}
:: phosphofructokinase
fosfoglicerato {m}
:: phosphoglycerate
fosfogliceride {m}
:: phosphoglyceride
fosfoglucomutasi {f}
:: phosphoglucomutase
fosfogluconato {m}
:: phosphogluconate
fosfoglucosio {m}
:: glucose phosphate
fosfolipasi {f}
:: phospholipase
fosfolipide {m}
:: phospholipid
fosfolipidico {adj}
:: phospholipidic
fosfomolibdato {m}
:: phosphomolybdate
fosfomolibdico {adj}
:: phosphomolybdic
fosfonato {m}
:: phosphonate
fosfonico {adj}
:: phosphonic
fosfonitrile {m}
:: phosphonitrile
fosfopiruvato {m}
:: phosphopyruvate
fosfoproteina {f}
:: phosphoprotein
fosforante {v}
:: present participle of fosforare
fosforare {vt}
:: to phosphorate
fosforato {adj}
:: phosphorated
fosforeo {adj}
:: phosphorus (attributive), phosphoreal
fosforeo {adj}
:: phosphorescent
fosforescente {adj}
:: phosphorescent
fosforescenza {f}
:: phosphorescence
fosforibosil {m}
:: phosphoribosyl
fosforico {adj}
:: phosphoric
fosforilante {v}
:: present participle of fosforilare
fosforilante {adj}
:: phosphorylating
fosforilare {vt}
:: to phosphorylate
fosforilasi {f}
:: phosphorylase
fosforilato {adj}
:: phosphorylated
fosforilazione {f}
:: phosphorylation
fosforismo {m}
:: phosphorism
fosforite {f}
:: phosphorite
fosforo {m} /ˈfɔs.fo.ro/
:: phosphorus
fosforolitico {adj}
:: phosphorolytic
fosforoso {adj}
:: phosphorous
fosfotirosina {f}
:: phosphotyrosine
fosfotransferasi {f}
:: phosphotransferase
fosfuro {m}
:: phosphide
fosfuro di indio {m}
:: indium phosphide
fosfuro di sodio {m}
:: sodium phosphide
fosfuro di zinco {m}
:: zinc phosphide
fosgene {m}
:: phosgene
fossa {f}
:: pit, hole
fossa {f}
:: grave
fossa {f}
:: fossa
fossa {f}
:: trough (depression between waves or ridges)
fossa comune {f}
:: mass grave
fossa del leone {f}
:: lion's den
fossato {m}
:: ditch
fossato {m}
:: moat
fossetta {f}
:: dimple
fossetto {m}
:: ditch
fossile {adj}
:: fossil
fossile {m}
:: fossil
fossilifero {adj}
:: fossiliferous
fossilizzante {v}
:: present participle of fossilizzare
fossilizzare {v}
:: to fossilise/fossilize
fossilizzazione {f}
:: fossilization
fosso {m}
:: ditch
fosso {m}
:: moat
Fossò {prop}
:: Fossò (small town)
Fossombrone {prop}
:: Fossombrone (town)
fotbalino {m}
:: table football
fotico {adj}
:: photic
fotina {f}
:: small picture, thumbnail
fotina {f}
:: pic
fotino {m}
:: gaugino
foto- {prefix}
:: photo-
foto {f}
:: photo, snap
fotoacustico {adj}
:: photoacoustic
fotoallergia {f}
:: photoallergy
fotoamatore {m}
:: amateur photographer
fotoamatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fotoamatore
fotoassorbente {adj}
:: photoabsorbent
fotoautotrofo {m}
:: photoautotroph
fotobatteria {f}
:: A group of connected photocells
fotobiologia {f}
:: photobiology
fotobioreattore {m}
:: photobioreactor
fotoblastico {adj} /fo.toˈblas.ti.ko/
:: photoblastic
fotocalcografia {f}
:: photoengraving
fotocalcografo {m}
:: photoengraver
fotocamera {f}
:: camera (device for taking photographs)
fotocamera digitale {f}
:: digital camera
fotocatalisi {f}
:: photocatalysis
fotocatodo {m}
:: photocathode
fotocellula {f}
:: photoelectric cell
fotoceramica {f}
:: photoceramic
fotocettore {adj}
:: photoreceptive (variant of fotorecettore)
fotocettore {m}
:: photoreceptor (variant of fotorecettore)
fotochemioterapia {f}
:: photochemotherapy, photodynamic therapy
fotocheratite {f}
:: photokeratitis
fotochimica {f}
:: photochemistry
fotochimico {adj}
:: photochemical
fotocoagulazione {f}
:: photocoagulation
fotocolor {m}
:: colour photography
fotocolor {m}
:: colour photograph
fotocolore {m}
:: colour photography
fotocolore {m}
:: colour photograph
fotocomando {m} /fo.to.koˈman.do/
:: A control based on photoelectric sensors
fotocomponente {v}
:: present participle of fotocomporre
fotocomporre {vt}
:: To photocompose
fotocompositore {m}
:: photocompositor
fotocompositrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fotocompositore
fotocompositrice {f}
:: photocompositor (device)
fotocomposizione {m}
:: photocomposition
fotoconduttività {f}
:: photoconductivity
fotoconduttivo {adj}
:: photoconductive
fotoconduttore {m}
:: photoconductor
fotoconduzione {f}
:: photoconduction
fotocopia {f}
:: a photocopy, a xerox
fotocopiabile {adj}
:: photocopiable
fotocopiante {v}
:: present participle of fotocopiare
fotocopiare {vt}
:: to photocopy, xerox
fotocopiato {adj}
:: photocopied, xeroxed
fotocopiatore {m}
:: photocopier
fotocopiatrice {f}
:: photocopier
fotocopiatura {f}
:: photocopying
fotocromatico {adj}
:: photochromic
fotocromia {f}
:: photochromism
fotocronaca {f}
:: photoreportage, photojournalism
fotocronista {mf}
:: photoreporter, photojournalist
fotodattiloscopico {adj}
:: photodactyloscopic (relating to the photographic analysis of fingerprints)
fotodegradabile {adj}
:: photodegradable
fotodegradazione {f}
:: photodegradation
fotodermatite {f}
:: photodermatitis
fotodermatosi {f}
:: photodermatosis
fotodinamica {f}
:: photographic representation of a body in flight (part of the Futurist art movement)
fotodinamico {adj}
:: photodynamic
fotodiodo {m}
:: photodiode
fotodisintegrazione {f}
:: photodisintegration
fotoduplicazione {f}
:: photoduplication
fotoelasticità {f}
:: photoelasticity
fotoelastico {adj} /fɔ.to.eˈlas.ti.ko/
:: photoelastic
fotoelettricità {f}
:: photoelectricity
fotoelettrico {adj}
:: photoelectric
fotoelettrone {m}
:: photoelectron
fotoelettronica {f}
:: photoelectronics
fotoelettronico {adj}
:: photoelectronic
fotoeliografia {f}
:: photoheliography
fotoeliografo {m}
:: photoheliograph
fotoemettitore {m}
:: photoemitter
fotoemissione {f}
:: photoemission
fotofermentazione {f}
:: photofermentation
fotofinish {m}
:: photo finish
fotofissione {f}
:: photofission
fotofit {m}
:: photofit
fotofobia {f}
:: photophobia
fotofobico {adj}
:: photophobic
fotofobo {adj}
:: photophobic
fotoforesi {f}
:: photophoresis
fotoforo {m}
:: photophore
fotogeneratore {adj}
:: photoelectric, photovoltaic
fotogenesi {f}
:: bioluminescence
fotogenetico {adj}
:: bioluminescent
fotogenia {f} /fo.to.d͡ʒeˈnia̯/
:: synonym of fotogenicità
fotogenicamente {adv}
:: photogenically
fotogenicità {f} /fo.to.d͡ʒe.ni.t͡ʃiˈta/
:: photogenicity
fotogenico {adj} /fo.toˈd͡ʒɛ.ni.ko/
:: photogenic
fotogeno {adj}
:: photogenic (producing, or produced by light)
fotogeologia {f}
:: photogeology
fotogiornale {m}
:: newspaper mostly devoted to photographs
fotogiornalista {mf}
:: photojournalist
fotografa {f}
:: female equivalent of fotografo
fotografabile {adj}
:: photographable
fotografare {vt}
:: to photograph
fotografato {adj}
:: photographed
fotografia {f}
:: photography
fotografia {f}
:: photograph, photo and also, with the same meaning: picture, snapshot, snap
fotograficamente {adv}
:: photographically
fotografico {adj}
:: photographic, photograph (attribute), photo (attribute)
fotografo {m} /foˈtɔɡ.ra.fo/
:: photographer (male)
fotogramma {m}
:: frame (single image of a film)
fotogrammetria {f}
:: photogrammetry
fotogrammetrico {adj}
:: photogrammetric
fotogrammetrista {mf}
:: photogrammetrist
fotoincisione {f}
:: photoengraving
fotoincisore {m}
:: photoengraver
fotointerprete {mf}
:: photointerpreter
fotoionizzazione {f}
:: photoionization
fotokit {m}
:: photofit
fotolaboratorio {m}
:: photographic laboratory
fotoliasi {f}
:: photolyase
fotolibro {m}
:: photobook
fotolisi {f}
:: photolysis
fotolitico {adj}
:: photolytic
fotolitista {mf}
:: photo-retoucher (person who retouches photographs prior to reproduction)
fotolito {m}
:: photolyte
fotolitografia {f}
:: photolithography
fotolitograficamente {adv}
:: photolithographically
fotolitografico {adj}
:: photolithographic
fotolitografo {m}
:: photolithographer
fotoluminescenza {f}
:: photoluminescence
fotomeccanica {f}
:: photomechanics
fotomeccanicamente {adv}
:: photomechanically
fotomeccanico {adj}
:: photomechanical
fotometria {f}
:: photometry
fotometricamente {adv}
:: photometrically
fotometrico {adj}
:: photometric
fotometro {m}
:: photometer
fotometro {m}
:: exposure meter
fotomicrografia {f}
:: photomicrography
fotomicroscopia {f}
:: photomicroscopy
fotomitragliatrice {f}
:: gun camera
fotomodella {f}
:: female equivalent of fotomodello
fotomodello {m}
:: photographic model (person, male)
fotomoltiplicatore {m}
:: photomultiplier
fotomontaggio {m}
:: photomontage
fotone {m}
:: photon
fotonica {f}
:: photonics
fotonico {adj}
:: photonic
fotonucleare {adj}
:: photonuclear
fotoperiodismo {m}
:: photoperiodism
fotoperiodo {m}
:: photoperiod
fotopolimerizzante {adj}
:: photopolymerizing
fotopolimerizzazione {f}
:: photopolymerization
fotopolimero {m}
:: photopolymer
fotoproduzione {f}
:: photoproduction
fotoracconto {m}
:: story told via photographs
fotoracconto {m}
:: photojournalism
fotorealistico {adj}
:: photorealistic
fotoreazione {f}
:: photoreaction
fotorecettore {adj}
:: photoreceptive
fotorecettore {m}
:: photoreceptor
fotorecezione {f}
:: photoreception
fotoreportage {m}
:: photojournalism
fotoreporter {mf}
:: press photographer
fotoresistenza {f}
:: photoresistance, photoconductivity
fotoriproduzione {f}
:: photoreproduction
fotoritocco {m}
:: retouching (photographic)
fotoromanzo {m}
:: photo story (comic strip story told using photographs)
fotosafari {m}
:: photographic safari
fotosensibile {adj}
:: photosensitive
fotosensibilità {f}
:: photosensitivity
fotosensibilizzazione {f}
:: photosensitization
fotoserigrafia {f}
:: photoserigraphy
fotoservizio {m}
:: photojournalism
fotosfera {f}
:: photosphere
fotosferico {adj}
:: photospheric
fotosintesi {f}
:: photosynthesis
fotosinteticamente {adv}
:: photosynthetically
fotosintetico {adj}
:: photosynthetic
fotosistema {m}
:: photosystem
fotostaticamente {adv}
:: photostatically
fotostatico {adj}
:: photostatic
fotostoria {f}
:: photostory
fotostoria {f}
:: (instance of) photojournalism
fotosub {mf}
:: underwater photographer
fototassi {n}
:: phototaxis
fototattismo {m}
:: phototaxis
fototeca {f}
:: photographic archive or library
fototelegrafia {f}
:: phototelegraphy
fototelegraficamente {adv}
:: phototelegraphically
fototelegrafico {adj}
:: phototelegraphic
fototeodolite {m}
:: phototheodolite
fototerapia {f}
:: phototherapy
fototerapico {adj}
:: phototherapeutic
fototermolisi {f}
:: photothermolysis
fototessera {f}
:: photograph, on a card, used as proof of identity
fototipia {f}
:: phototypy
fototipista {mf}
:: phototypist
fototipo {m}
:: phototype
fototipografia {f}
:: phototypography
fototransistor {m}
:: phototransistor
fototransistore {m}
:: phototransistor
fototrappola {f}
:: infrared camera that is activated when it detects movement, used for surveillance purposes or to record animal behavior
fototrofico {adj}
:: phototrophic
fototropico {adj}
:: phototropic
fototropismo {m}
:: phototropism
fototubo {m}
:: phototube
fotovoltaico {adj}
:: photovoltaic
fotozincografia {f}
:: photozincography
fotozincograficamente {adv}
:: photozincographically
fotozincografico {adj}
:: photozincographic
fottente {v}
:: present participle of fottere
fottentesi {v}
:: present participle of fottersi
fottere {vt} /ˈfot.te.re/
:: to fuck, screw
fottere {vt}
:: to pinch, swipe, steal
fottere {vt}
:: to dupe, trick, con; to fuck over
fottersene {v}
:: To not care about; to not give a fuck about
fottersi {v}
:: reflexive of fottere
fottersi {vr}
:: to be indifferent; to not give a fuck
fottersi {vr}
:: to fuck oneself
fottio {m}
:: a fuckload - (a large number or amount) (of); loads, stacks, lots
fottivento {m} /fot.tiˈvɛn.to/
:: synonym of gheppio
fottivento {m}
:: synonym of falco cuculo
fottivento {m}
:: synonym of succiacapre
fottivento {m}
:: synonym of mignattino
fottutamente {adv}
:: bloody, fucking
fottutissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fottuto
fottuto {adj}
:: bloody, fucking
fottutosi {v}
:: past participle of fottersi
foulard {m}
:: foulard
foularino {m}
:: little scarf
fovea {f}
:: fovea
foveale {adj}
:: foveal
Fozio {prop}
:: given name
f·p {adj}
:: forte the first time and piano the second time
fp {adj}
:: abbreviation of forte piano
fra {prep}
:: between
fra {prep}
:: among
fra {prep}
:: in (expression of time)
fra {m}
:: bro, brother
fra breve {adv}
:: soon, shortly
frac {m}
:: morning dress, tailcoat, white tie and tails
fra capo e collo {adv}
:: Variant of tra capo e collo
fracassante {v}
:: present participle of fracassare
fracassantesi {v}
:: present participle of fracassarsi
fracassare {vt}
:: To smash or shatter
fracassarsi {vr}
:: To smash, shatter or crash
fracassatosi {v}
:: past participle of fracassarsi
fracasso {m} /fr̺äˈkäs̪ːo/
:: din, hullabaloo
fracasso {m}
:: crash
fracasso {m}
:: fracas
fracassone {m}
:: clumsy or noisy person
fracassone {m}
:: bull in a china shop
fracassosamente {adv}
:: noisily
fracassoso {adj}
:: noisy
fracchiata {f}
:: A type of polenta made from ground beans
Fracci {prop}
:: surname
Fracci {prop}
:: Carla Fracci, Italian ballet dancer
fracco {m}
:: heaps, loads, lots (of)
fracido {adj}
:: soaked, drenched
fracosta {f}
:: steak (of meat)
fradicio {adj}
:: soaked, soaking, sopping, drenched
fradicio {adj}
:: legless, sodden (very drunk)
fradiciume {m}
:: bog (or other very wet place or thing)
fradiciume {m}
:: rottenness
fragile {adj} /ˈfra.d͡ʒi.le/
:: fragile
fragilissimo {adj}
:: superlative of fragile
fragilissimo {adj}
:: very fragile, very brittle, very delicate
fragilissimo {adj}
:: very weak, very faint
fragilità {f}
:: fragility
fragilità {f}
:: delicacy
fragilità {f}
:: brittleness
fragilmente {adv}
:: weakly
fraglia {f}
:: guild, corporation
fragmoplasto {m}
:: phragmoplast
fragno {m} /ˈfraɲ.ɲo/
:: Macedonian oak (Quercus trojana)
fragola {f} /ˈfra.ɡo.la/
:: strawberry
fragola {m}
:: strawberry
fragola {adj}
:: strawberry
fragola di bosco {f}
:: wild strawberry, wood strawberry
fragolaia {f}
:: strawberry field, strawberry bed
fragolaia {f}
:: female equivalent of fragolaio
fragolaio {m}
:: strawberry seller
fragoleto {m}
:: strawberry field, strawberry bed
fragolicoltura {f}
:: strawberry growing
fragolina {f}
:: small strawberry
fragolina {f}
:: wild strawberry, wood strawberry
fragolina di bosco {f}
:: wild strawberry, wood strawberry
fragolino {m}
:: a strawberry-flavoured red wine
fragolino {m}
:: common pandora (fish)
fragore {m}
:: roar
fragore {m}
:: rumble
fragorosamente {adv}
:: noisily, loudly
fragoroso {adj}
:: deafening (very loud)
fragoroso {adj}
:: resounding, thunderous
fragrante {adj}
:: fragrant
fragranza {f}
:: fragrance
fraile {adj} /ˈfrai̯.le/
:: obsolete form of frale
fraima {f}
:: That period of autumn in which the fish enters the sea from the lagoon of Venice
fraina {f}
:: buckwheat
fraintendente {v}
:: present participle of fraintendere
fraintendentesi {v}
:: present participle of fraintendersi
fraintendere {vt} /ˌfra.inˈtɛn.de.re/
:: to misunderstand; to misapprehend
fraintendersi {vr}
:: To misunderstand (one another)
fraintendimento {m}
:: misunderstanding
fraintesosi {v}
:: past participle of fraintendersi
frale {adj} /ˈfra.le/
:: frail
frale {m}
:: The human body
fralezza {f}
:: frailty
fra l'incudine ed il martello {interj}
:: caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
framea {f}
:: javelin as used by the Germani
framettente {v}
:: present participle of framettere
framettere {vt}
:: Variant of frammettere
framezzo {adv}
:: in between
framezzo {prep}
:: among
frammassone {m}
:: Freemason
frammassoneria {f}
:: Freemasonry
frammentante {v}
:: present participle of frammentare
frammentantesi {v}
:: present participle of frammentarsi
frammentare {vt}
:: To fragment or shard
frammentariamente {adv}
:: fragmentarily
frammentarietà {f}
:: A lack of unity; fragmentation
frammentarietà {f}
:: sketchiness
frammentario {adj}
:: fragmentary, fragmented, bitty, scrappy, patched
frammentarsi {vr}
:: To fragment or shard
frammentato {adj}
:: fragmented
frammentatosi {v}
:: past participle of frammentarsi
frammentazione {f}
:: fragmentation
frammentismo {m}
:: fragmentism
frammento {m}
:: fragment, snippet, bit
frammento {m}
:: passage, extract (of a text)
frammento di Okazaki {m} /framˌmen.to di o.kadˈdza.ki/
:: Okazaki fragment
frammessosi {v}
:: past participle of frammettersi
frammettente {v}
:: present participle of frammettere
frammettentesi {v}
:: present participle of frammettersi
frammettere {vt}
:: to interpose, insert (between)
frammettersi {v}
:: reflexive of frammettere
frammettersi {vr}
:: to interpose oneself
frammettersi {vr}
:: to interfere, meddle
frammezzante {v}
:: present participle of frammezzare
frammezzare {vt}
:: to intersperse
frammezzo {adv}
:: in between
frammezzo {prep}
:: among
frammischiante {v}
:: present participle of frammischiare
frammischiantesi {v}
:: present participle of frammischiarsi
frammischiare {vt}
:: to mix, intermingle
frammischiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of frammischiare
frammischiarsi {v}
:: to mingle
frammischiatosi {v}
:: past participle of frammischiarsi
frammisto {adj}
:: mixed
frana {f}
:: landslide, landslip
frana {f}
:: a downfall of a stack of objects
frana {f}
:: a downfall; collapse; ruin
franabile {adj}
:: That can be subject to landslide
franamento {m}
:: slipping, sliding
franamento {m}
:: landslip, landslide
franamento {m}
:: collapse
franante {v}
:: present participle of franare
franare {vi}
:: To slide, slide down, collapse or fall
francamente {adv}
:: frankly
franca tiratrice {f}
:: female equivalent of franco tiratore
francesca {f} /franˈt͡ʃes.ka/
:: francisca (throwing axe)
francesca {f}
:: feminine noun of francesco: Frenchwoman
Francesca {prop} /franˈtʃe.ska/
:: given name
francescanamente {adv}
:: according to the teachings of Saint Francis of Assisi
francescanesimo {m}
:: Franciscanism (Franciscan spirit)
francescano {adj}
:: Franciscan
francescano {m}
:: Franciscan
Franceschi {prop}
:: surname
francesco {adj} /franˈt͡ʃes.ko/
:: French
francesco {m}
:: Frenchman, French
Francesco {prop} /franˈt͡ʃes.ko/
:: given name
francese {adj}
:: French
francese {m}
:: French language
francese {mf}
:: Frenchman, Frenchwoman, French person
francese antico {m}
:: Old French language
franceseggiante {v}
:: present participle of franceseggiare
franceseggiare {v}
:: to Frenchify
francese medio {m}
:: Middle French language
francesina {f}
:: lace-up shoe(s)
francesismo {m}
:: Gallicism
francesismo {m}
:: French (language)
francesista {mf}
:: student of French
francesistica {f}
:: French studies
francesizzante {v}
:: present participle of francesizzare
francesizzare {vt}
:: to Frenchify
francesizzazione {f}
:: Frenchification
franchezza {f}
:: frankness
Franchi {prop}
:: Franks (Germanic people who inhabited France etc)
franchigia {f}
:: exemption
franchigia {f}
:: franchise
franchigia {f}
:: shore leave
franchincenso {m}
:: frankincense
franchismo {m}
:: Francoism
franchista {adj}
:: Franco (attributive)
franchista {mf}
:: Francoist
Franchitti {prop}
:: Franchitti (surname)
Franchitti {prop}
:: Franchitti (hamlet)
Francia {prop}
:: France
Franciacorta {prop}
:: Franciacorta (historic region)
Franciacorta {prop}
:: Any of several high-quality red wines and white wines made in this region
franciano {m}
:: Francien
francigeno {adj}
:: Frankish
francigeno {adj}
:: French
francio {m} /ˈfrantʃo/
:: francium
franciosa {f} /franˈt͡ʃo.za/
:: feminine noun of francioso; French (female person from France)
francioso {adj} /franˈt͡ʃo.zo/
:: French
francioso {m}
:: French (male person from France)
francioso {m}
:: French (language)
francisca {f} /franˈt͡ʃis.ka/
:: alternative form of francesca
franco- {prefix}
:: Franco- (relating to France, the French or the Franks)
franco- {prefix}
:: free from duty
franco {adj}
:: frank, candid
franco {adj}
:: free (of duty)
franco {adj}
:: Frankish
franco {adv}
:: frankly
franco {m}
:: Frank (Frankish person)
franco {m}
:: franc (money)
Franco {prop}
:: given name
francobollo {adj}
:: miniature (attributive, i.e. postage-stamp size)
francobollo {m}
:: postage stamp, stamp
franco-canadese {adj}
:: French Canadian
franco-canadese {mf}
:: French Canadian
franco-canadese {m}
:: Canadian French (language)
francocentrico {adj}
:: francocentric / Francocentric
francocrazia {f}
:: Frankokratia
francofilia {f}
:: francophilia
francofilo {m}
:: francophile
francofobia {f}
:: francophobia
francofobo {m}
:: francophobe
francofono {m}
:: francophone
francofono {adj}
:: francophone
Francoforte {prop}
:: Francoforte (largest city)
Francoforte {prop}
:: Francoforte (sizable town)
francolino {m}
:: francolin
francolino di monte {m}
:: hazel grouse
francone {adj}
:: Franconian
francone {m}
:: Franconian (language)
franco-normanno {adj}
:: Norman French
francoprovenzale {adj}
:: Franco-Provençal
francoprovenzale {m}
:: Franco-Provençal
franco tiratore {m}
:: sniper
frangente {m}
:: breaker (wave)
frangente {m}
:: reef
frangente {m}
:: difficult situation or circumstance
frangente {v}
:: present participle of frangere
frangere {v}
:: to break (into pieces)
frangere {v}
:: to press or crush (olives)
frangetta {f}
:: fringe, bangs
frangia {f}
:: fringe, forelock, bang
frangia {f}
:: ruche, ruching, ruffle
frangiante {v}
:: present participle of frangiare
frangiare {v}
:: to fringe
frangiatura {f}
:: fringing
frangiatura {f}
:: fringes (plural)
frangibiade {m}
:: grinder
frangibile {adj}
:: breakable, frangible, fragile
frangibilità {f}
:: frangibility, fragility
frangifiamme {m}
:: flame arrester or trap
frangiflutti {m}
:: breakwater
frangiflutti {m}
:: bulwark
frangiflutti {m}
:: groyne, groin (us)
frangimare {m}
:: breakwater; groyne / groin
frangionde {m}
:: breakwater
frangitore {m}
:: olive press
frangitura {f}
:: olive crushing or pressing
frangivento {m}
:: windbreak
frangizolle {m}
:: harrow
fra noi {adv}
:: confidentially, between ourselves
franosità {f}
:: slope instability
franoso {adj}
:: unstable (of land liable to landslide etc)
Franscini {prop}
:: surname
Franscini {prop}
:: Stefano Franscini, Swiss politician
frantoio {m}
:: press for agricultural products, especially an olive press
frantoio {m}
:: crusher
frantoio {m}
:: oil mill
frantoista {mf}
:: crusher, breaker (person)
frantumante {v}
:: present participle of frantumare
frantumare {vt}
:: To break, smash or shatter
frantumarsi {vr}
:: To break, smash or shatter
frantumatore {m}
:: crusher, breaker (machine)
frantumatrice {f}
:: crusher (machine)
frantumazione {f}
:: breaking, crushing, shattering
frantume {m}
:: smithereen; a fragment of anything shattered
Franzese {prop}
:: surname
fra poco {adv}
:: Variant of tra poco
frappa {f} /ˈfrap.pa/
:: A curl of tape used as a decoration
frappa {f}
:: type of dessert in the form of fritters dusted with sugar, eaten during Carnival time; similar to angel wings
frappa {f}
:: ruche, ruching, ruffle
frappante {v}
:: present participle of frappare
frappare {v}
:: To break into little pieces
frappare {v}
:: To break into little pieces
frappé {m}
:: milkshake
frappè {m}
:: milkshake
frappè {m}
:: frappé
frapponente {v}
:: present participle of frapporre
frapponentesi {v}
:: present participle of frapporsi
frapporre {vt}
:: To place something in the way (as an obstacle)
frapporsi {v}
:: to intervene or arise
frapporsi {v}
:: to interfere with or come between
frapposizione {f}
:: interference (placing obstacles)
frappostosi {v}
:: past participle of frapporsi
frasale {adj}
:: phrasal
frasario {m}
:: vocabulary
frasario {m}
:: phrasebook
frasca {f}
:: bough, branch
frasca {f}
:: symbol of instability, vanity, or blitheness
frasca {f}
:: caprice, whim
frasca {f}
:: frivolous woman
frasca {f}
:: frill (superfluous ornament)
frascame {m}
:: foliage, (leafy) branches
frascati {m}
:: Frascati (wine)
Frascati {prop}
:: Frascati (town)
frascato {m}
:: bower, arbour
frascheggiante {v}
:: present participle of frascheggiare
frascheggiare {vi}
:: to rustle (make soft noise)
frascheria {f}
:: trinket
frascheria {f}
:: trifle
fraschetta {f}
:: twig
fraschetta {f}
:: coquette, flirt
frasconaia {f}
:: thicket
frase {f} /fra.ze/
:: sentence
frase {f}
:: phrase, clause
frase {f}
:: expression, phrase
frase {f}
:: phrase
frase fatta {f}
:: set phrase, stock phrase
fraseggiante {v}
:: present participle of fraseggiare
fraseggiare {vt}
:: to phrase (all senses)
fraseggiare {vi}
:: to be wordy
fraseggiare {m}
:: phrasing
fraseggiato {adj}
:: phrased
fraseggiatore {adj}
:: Overly wordy
fraseggio {m}
:: phrasing
fraseologia {f}
:: phraseology
fraseologico {adj}
:: phraseological
frassilonga {f} /fras.siˈlon.ɡa/
:: feminine noun of frassilongo
frassilongo {adj} /fras.siˈlon.ɡo/
:: Of or pertaining to the municipality of Frassilongo
frassilongo {m}
:: A native or an inhabitant of Frassilongo
frassinella {f}
:: gas plant, burning bush (Dictamnus albus)
frassinella {f}
:: manna ash (tree, Fraxinus ornus)
frassinello {m}
:: fraxinella, dittany (of the genus Dictamnus)
frassineto {m}
:: common ash wood, European ash wood (forest)
frassineto {m}
:: ash wood (forest)
frassino {m} /ˈfras.si.no/
:: common ash, European ash, ash (tree, Fraxinus excelsior)
frassino {m}
:: ash (tree of the genus Fraxinus)
frassino {m}
:: ash (wood of those trees)
frassino comune {m}
:: common ash, European ash (tree, Fraxinus excelsior)
frassino da manna {m}
:: manna ash (tree, Fraxinus ornus)
frassino maggiore {m}
:: common ash, European ash (tree, Fraxinus excelsior)
frassino meridionale {m}
:: narrow-leafed ash (tree, Fraxinus angustifolia)
frassino ossifillo {m}
:: narrow-leafed ash (tree, Fraxinus angustifolia)
frastagliamento {m}
:: cutting, intersection, indentation
frastagliante {v}
:: present participle of frastagliare
frastagliare {vt}
:: to jag or indent
frastagliare {vt}
:: to deceive
frastagliare {vt}
:: to stammer
frastagliarsi {v}
:: reflexive of frastagliare
frastagliarsi {v}
:: to appear in irregular or jagged shapes; to be jagged or indented
frastagliato {adj}
:: indented, jagged, ragged
frastagliato {adj}
:: ornated with intricate intagli
frastagliato {adj}
:: overworked; overly ornate; arabesque
frastagliato {adj}
:: having lacinae
frastagliato {adj}
:: cut or engraved in a pattern resembling the foliage or leaves of the Acanthus plant
frastagliatura {f}
:: indentation, jaggedness
frastaglio {m}
:: an intaglio made using a pattern of protruding and receding lines
frastaglio {m}
:: a group of artificial ornaments
frastornamento {m}
:: bewilderment, confusion
frastornante {v}
:: present participle of frastornare
frastornare {vt}
:: to daze
frastornare {vt}
:: to befuddle
frastornato {adj}
:: dazed
frastornato {adj}
:: befuddled
frastuono {m}
:: noise, din
frate {m}
:: monk, friar
frate {m}
:: brother (appellative, poetic)
fratel {m}
:: apocopic form of fratello
fratellanza {f}
:: brotherhood
fratellanza {f}
:: fraternity
fratellastro {m}
:: stepbrother
fratellevolmente {adv}
:: brotherly
Fratelli d'Italia {prop}
:: The Italian national anthem, more properly known as Inno di Mameli or Il Canto degli Italiani
fratellino {m}
:: A younger brother
fratello {m} /fraˈt̪ɛllo/
:: brother, sibling
fratello {m}
:: brother (member of a religious community or church)
fratello di latte {m}
:: foster brother
fratellone {m}
:: brother, friar
fratellone {m}
:: Member of a brotherhood
fraternale {adj}
:: fraternal
fraternamente {adv}
:: Like brothers; fraternally
fraternità {f}
:: fraternity, brotherhood
fraternizzante {v}
:: present participle of fraternizzare
fraternizzare {vi}
:: to fraternize
fraternizzazione {f}
:: fraternization
fraterno {adj}
:: fraternal, brotherly
fratesco {adj}
:: monkish, monklike
fraticello {m} /fra.tiˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/
:: diminutive of frate: young monk
fraticello {m}
:: A member of a Franciscan order of monks from the 15th century
fraticello {m}
:: little tern
fratina {f}
:: refectory table
fratina {f}
:: short pageboy (haircut)
fratria {f}
:: phratry
fratricida {adj}
:: fratricidal
fratricida {mf}
:: fratricide
fratricidio {m}
:: fratricide
fratta {f} /ˈfrat.ta/
:: thicket
frattaglia {f}
:: offal
frattaglia {f}
:: entrails
frattaglie {fp}
:: offal
frattaglie {fp}
:: giblets
frattaglie {fp}
:: entrails, guts
frattale {adj}
:: fragmented, episodic
frattale {adj}
:: fractal
frattale {m}
:: fractal
Frattaminore {prop}
:: Frattaminore (district), once called "Pomigliano d'Atella"
frattanto {adv} /fratˈtanto/
:: meanwhile
frattanto {adv}
:: in the meantime
frattazzo {m}
:: float (type of trowel)
frattempo {m}
:: meantime
fratto {adj}
:: fractional
fratto {adj}
:: divided by (in arithmetic)
frattura {f}
:: fracture, break
frattura {f}
:: fracture
frattura {f}
:: split
fratturabile {adj}
:: fracturable, breakable
fratturante {v}
:: present participle of fratturare
fratturare {v}
:: to fracture or break
fratturazione {f}
:: fracturing
fratturazione idraulica {n}
:: hydraulic fracturing, fracking
fraudolentemente {adv}
:: fraudulently
fraudolento {adj}
:: fraudulent
fraudolenza {f}
:: fraudulence, fraud
frazionabile {adj} /fra.t͡si.oˈna.bi.le/
:: divisible
frazionabilità {f} /fra.t͡si.o.na.bi.liˈta/
:: divisibility
frazionale {adj}
:: fractional
frazionamento {m}
:: division
frazionamento {m}
:: fractionation
frazionante {v}
:: present participle of frazionare
frazionantesi {v}
:: present participle of frazionarsi
frazionare {v}
:: to divide or split up
frazionare {v}
:: to fractionate
frazionario {adj}
:: fractional
frazionarsi {vr}
:: To split
frazionato {adj}
:: fractionated; split, divided
frazionatosi {v}
:: past participle of frazionarsi
frazione {f} /fratˈtsjo.ne/
:: fraction (all senses)
frazione {f}
:: hamlet
frazione {f}
:: relay
frazione continua {f}
:: continued fraction
frazione continua finita {f}
:: finite continued fraction
frazione continua generalizzata {f}
:: generalized continued fraction
frazione continua infinita {f}
:: infinite continued fraction
frazionismo {m}
:: fractionalism
frazionista {mf}
:: relay runner
frazionista {mf}
:: relay swimmer
frazionistico {adj}
:: splinter (group)
frazzo {m}
:: The stink of food that's beginning to go off
freatico {adj}
:: phreatic
freatologia {f}
:: phreatology (geology of groundwater)
freccetta {f}
:: dart
freccetta {f}
:: darts (game)
freccetta {f}
:: arrow, little arrow (graphic symbol)
freccetta {f}
:: flechette
freccia {f}
:: arrow (projectile)
freccia {f}
:: arrow (symbol)
freccia {f}
:: indicator, blinker, trafficator
Freccia {prop} /ˈfret.t͡ʃa/
:: The Sagitta constellation
frecciata {f}
:: shot, parting shot, barb, cutting remark
frecciatina {f}
:: dig (cutting remark)
frecciatore {m}
:: archer, bowman
freddamente {adv}
:: coldly
freddante {v}
:: present participle of freddare
freddantesi {v}
:: present participle of freddarsi
freddare {v}
:: to cool
freddare {v}
:: to put a damper on
freddare {v}
:: to cut down, gun down or do in (kill)
freddarsi {vr}
:: To cool
freddatosi {v}
:: past participle of freddarsi
freddezza {f}
:: coldness, coolness (all senses)
freddiccio {adj} /fredˈdit.t͡ʃo/
:: Rather cold
freddiccio {m}
:: A condition of rather low temperature
freddino {adj}
:: coldish
freddissimo {adj}
:: superlative of freddo
freddo {adj} /ˈfreddo/
:: cold
freddo {m}
:: the cold
freddo {m}
:: chill
freddolosamente {adv}
:: feeling the cold
freddoloso {adj}
:: chilly
freddura {f}
:: witticism, quip, pun
freddurista {mf}
:: wag, smart aleck
Frederico {prop} /fre.deˈri.ko/
:: given name, alternative form of Federico
Frediano {prop}
:: given name
fregagione {f}
:: massage, rub down
fregamento {m}
:: rubbing
fregante {v}
:: present participle of fregare
fregantesi {v}
:: present participle of fregarsi
fregare {v}
:: to rub
fregare {v}
:: to polish
fregare {v}
:: to cheat
fregare {v}
:: to pinch, nick or knock off
fregare {v}
:: to swipe (to steal or snatch)
fregarola {f}
:: minnow
fregarolo {m}
:: minnow
fregarsene {v}
:: to care (about)
fregarsi {vr}
:: to rub oneself
fregarsi {vr}
:: to harm oneself
fregarsi {vr}
:: to filch
fregata {f}
:: rub, polish
fregata {f}
:: rip-off
fregata {f}
:: frigate
fregato {adj}
:: swindled, taken in, ripped off
fregatosi {v}
:: past participle of fregarsi
fregatura {f}
:: rip-off
fregiante {v}
:: present participle of fregiare
fregiantesi {v}
:: present participle of fregiarsi
fregiare {vt} /freˈd͡ʒare/
:: to adorn, embellish
fregiare {vt}
:: to give
fregiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fregiare
fregiarsi {vr}
:: (with con) to be adorned or embellished (with)
fregiarsi {vr}
:: (with di) to be proud (of)
fregiatosi {v}
:: past participle of fregiarsi
fregio {m}
:: frieze
fregna {f}
:: cunt
fregna {f}
:: nonsense, crap
fregnaccia {f}
:: fib, lie
fregnaccia {f}
:: nonsense, rubbish
fregnaccia {f}
:: hassle
fregnacciaro {m}
:: liar
fregnone {m}
:: chump (stupid person)
frego {m}
:: line, mark
fregola {f}
:: heat, rutting
fregola {f}
:: spawning
fregola {f}
:: excitement, libido, arousal, horniness
fregola {n}
:: A small ball shaped handmade pasta from hard wheat semolina blending well with delicate and light soups, from Sardinia
fregola {n}
:: synonym of fregula (Sardinian dialect)
fregola {n}
:: synonym of sa fregola (Sardinian dialect)
fregolatoio {m}
:: spawning-ground
fregolo {m}
:: spawn
fregolotta {f}
:: A type of cake from Veneto somewhat similar to an English crumble topping
fregula {f}
:: alternative form of fregola
Freir {prop}
:: Freyr
freisa {n}
:: A red wine from Piemonte
FRELIMO {prop}
:: alternative case form of Frelimo
fremebondo {adj}
:: quivering, trembling
fremebondo {adj}
:: shivering
fremente {v}
:: present participle of fremere
fremere {vi}
:: to shake, tremble
fremito {m}
:: shudder, shiver, frisson
fremito {m}
:: tremble
frenabile {adj}
:: restrainable, controllable
frenaggio {m}
:: braking
frenaggio {m}
:: braking system, brakes
frenamento {m}
:: braking
frenante {v}
:: present participle of frenare
frenante {adj}
:: braking
frenantesi {v}
:: present participle of frenarsi
frenare {vti}
:: to brake
frenare {vt}
:: to check, to hold back, to curb, to brake, to control, to backpedal, to harness
frenarsi {v}
:: reflexive of frenare
frenarsi {vr}
:: to control oneself, restrain oneself
frenastenia {f}
:: mental deficiency
frenastenico {adj}
:: mentally deficient
frenasterzo {m}
:: steering system, steering damper
frenata {f}
:: The action of braking
frenatore {adj}
:: braking
frenatore {m}
:: brakesman
frenatosi {v}
:: past participle of frenarsi
frenatura {f}
:: braking
frenello {m}
:: frenulum
frenello {m}
:: a bracket of rope or leather that secures an oar in a rowlock
frenello {m}
:: halyard
frenesia {f} /fre.neˈzi.a/
:: frenzy
freneticamente {adv}
:: frenetically
frenetico {adj}
:: frenetic
freniatria {f}
:: psychiatry
frenico {adj}
:: phrenic
freno- {prefix}
:: phreno-
freno {m}
:: brake
freno {m}
:: check, curb, control, restraint
freno {m}
:: bit
freno a disco {m}
:: disc brake
freno a mano {m}
:: handbrake
freno a tamburo {m}
:: drum brake
freno d'emergenza {m}
:: Variant of freno di emergenza
freno di emergenza {m}
:: emergency brake
freno di parcheggio {m}
:: handbrake, parking brake
frenologia {f}
:: phrenology
frenologico {adj}
:: phrenological
frenologo {m}
:: phrenologist
freno-motore {m}
:: engine brake
frenopatia {f}
:: mental illness
frenotomia {f}
:: frenotomy
frenulo {m}
:: frenum, frenulum
frequentabile {adj}
:: respectable
frequentabile {adj}
:: That can be frequented
frequentante {v}
:: present participle of frequentare
frequentantesi {v}
:: present participle of frequentarsi
frequentare {vt}
:: to frequent, to go regularly to, to patronize
frequentare {vt}
:: to attend
frequentare {vt}
:: to hang out with
frequentare {vt}
:: to practice regularly or religiously
frequentare {vt}
:: to read or study often
frequentare {vt}
:: to use frequently
frequentare {vi}
:: (with in or con) to often find oneself (in or among)
frequentarsi {v}
:: reflexive of frequentare
frequentarsi {v}
:: to hang out (with)
frequentarsi {v}
:: to regularly meet up (with)
frequentarsi {v}
:: to date (have a steady relationship with)
frequentatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of frequentato
frequentativo {adj}
:: frequentative
frequentato {adj}
:: busy
frequentatore {m}
:: frequenter, denizen
frequentatosi {v}
:: past participle of frequentarsi
frequentatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of frequentatore
frequentazione {f}
:: frequenting
frequente {adj}
:: frequent
frequentemente {adv}
:: frequently, often
frequentissimo {adj}
:: superlative of frequente
frequenza {f}
:: frequency
frequenza {f}
:: rate
frequenza {f}
:: attendance
frequenziale {adj}
:: frequency (attributive)
frequenzimetro {m}
:: frequency counter
fresa {f}
:: milling cutter (engineering)
fresalesatrice {f}
:: milling machine
fresante {v}
:: present participle of fresare
fresare {vt}
:: To mill (engineering)
fresatore {m}
:: miller, millwright
fresatrice {f}
:: milling machine
fresatura {f}
:: milling
frescaccia {f}
:: nonsense
frescante {mf}
:: fresco painter
freschezza {f} /ˈfreˈ.skettsa/
:: freshness
freschissimo {adj} /fresˈkis.si.mo/
:: superlative of fresco
freschissimo {adj}
:: very fresh
freschissimo {adj}
:: very cool
freschista {mf}
:: fresco painter
fresco {adj} /ˈfreː.sko/
:: fresh
fresco {adj}
:: cool
fresco {adj}
:: wet, fresh (of paint)
fresco {m}
:: coolness, freshness, cool
fresco {m}
:: light wool material
fresco {m}
:: cooler (prison)
Frescobaldi {prop}
:: surname
Frescobaldi {prop}
:: A noble family from Florence
frescone {m}
:: moron (stupid person)
frescura {f}
:: cool (time of day)
frescura {f}
:: coolness
fresella {f}
:: alternative form of frisella
fresia {f}
:: freesia
fretta {f}
:: hurry, haste, rush
frettante {v}
:: present participle of frettare
frettare {vt}
:: to scrub
frettazzo {m}
:: scrubber, scrubbing brush
frette {f}
:: fret
frettolosamente {adv}
:: hastily, hurriedly
frettolosità {f}
:: hastiness
frettoloso {adj}
:: hasty, rushed, hurried
freudianamente {adv}
:: Freudianly
freudiano {adj} /froiˈdjaːno/
:: Freudian
freudiano {m}
:: Freudian
freudismo {m}
:: Freudianism
friabile {adj}
:: friable, crumbly
friabilità {f}
:: friableness, friability
friariello {m}
:: turnip greens (the inflorescence, leaves and stems of any of several brassicas, used as food)
Friborgo {prop}
:: Fribourg
fribourgeoise {adj}
:: Fribourg (attributive)
Friburgo {prop}
:: Friburgo (canton)
Friburgo {prop}
:: Friburgo (capital city)
fricassea {f}
:: fricassee
fricativa {f} /fri.kaˈti.va/
:: fricative
fricativo {adj} /fri.kaˈti.vo/
:: fricative
fricazione {f}
:: frication
fricchettone {m}
:: freak
fridericiano {adj}
:: alternative form of federiciano
friendzonante {v}
:: present participle of friendzonare
friendzonare {vt} /ˌfrɛn.dzoˈna.re/
:: to friend zone
friend zone {f}
:: friend zone
friendzone {f} /ˈfrɛn.dzon/
:: friend zone
Frigg {prop}
:: Frigg
friggente {v}
:: present participle of friggere
friggere {vt}
:: to fry
friggere {vi}
:: to sizzle
friggibile {adj}
:: fryable
friggitello {m}
:: friggitello (sweet Italian pepper)
friggitore {m}
:: (food) fryer
friggitoria {f}
:: shop selling fried food
friggitoria {f}
:: fish and chips shop
friggitrice {f}
:: deep fryer
Frigia {prop}
:: Phrygia
frigidario {m}
:: frigidarium
frigidità {f}
:: frigidity
frigido {adj}
:: frigid
frigio {adj}
:: Phrygian (all senses)
frignanese {adj}
:: Of or from Frignano
Frignano {prop}
:: Frignano (small town)
frignante {v}
:: present participle of frignare
frignare {vi}
:: to whimper, whine
frigno {m}
:: whine
frignone {m}
:: whiner, sniveller
frigo- {prefix}
:: Forms terms relating to refrigeration
frigo {m}
:: fridge, refrigerator
frigobar {m}
:: minibar
frigocongelatore {m}
:: fridge-freezer
frigoconservazione {f}
:: refrigeration (especially of food)
frigorifero {adj} /friɡoˈrifero/
:: refrigerating, refrigerator , freezing
frigorifero {m}
:: refrigerator, fridge
frigorigeno {adj}
:: frigorific
frigorista {m}
:: refrigeration engineer
frimaio {m} /friˈma.jo/
:: Frimaire (the third month of the French Republican Calendar)
Frine {prop}
:: Phryne
frinente {v}
:: present participle of frinire
fringuello {m}
:: chaffinch
fringuello {m}
:: finch
fringuello alpino {m}
:: snowfinch, properly the white-winged snowfinch
frinire {vi} /friˈni.re/
:: To chirp
frinosoma {f}
:: horned lizard (of genus Phrynosoma)
frisa {f}
:: synonym of frisella
frisata {f}
:: gunwale, gunnel
friscello {m}
:: flour dust
frisella {f}
:: A snack food in the form of a bread roll that has been cut in half and baked again
Frisia {prop}
:: Frisia (province)
Frisinga {prop}
:: Frisinga (town/non-city capital)
Frisona {f}
:: Friesian (breed of cattle)
frisone {mf}
:: West Frisian (language, or native or inhabitant of Frisia)
frisone {adj}
:: West Frisian
Frisone {prop}
:: The islands of Friesland
frisone occidentale {m}
:: West Frisian (language, dialect)
Frisso {prop}
:: Phrixus
fritillaria {f}
:: fritillary
frittata {f}
:: frittata
frittatina {f}
:: a mini frittata, composed of pasta, ham, peas, and béchamel sauce with a coating of batter. (streetfood in Naples)
frittella {f}
:: fritter
frittella {f}
:: flapjack
frittella {f}
:: grease strain
frittelloso {adj}
:: Covered in grease strains
fritto {adj}
:: fried
fritto {m}
:: fried food, fry
frittola {f}
:: A type of Sicilian street food made from poor-quality meat
frittola {f}
:: synonym of frittella
fritto misto {m} /ˌfrit.to ˈmi.sto/
:: a mixture of deep-fried food, either meat or seafood
fritto misto {m}
:: mixed bag
fritto misto di mare {m}
:: a deep-fried mixture of seafood in batter
frittura {f}
:: frying
frittura {f}
:: fried food
friulana {f}
:: feminine noun of friulano
friulanista {adj}
:: Relating to the unification of Friuli with Veneto
friulanità {f}
:: The condition of being Friulian
friulano {adj}
:: Friulian, of or pertaining to Friuli
friulano {m}
:: A Friulian, a native or inhabitant of Friuli
friulano {m}
:: Friulian, the language of Friuli
Friuli {prop} /friˈ-u.li/
:: Friuli
Friuli-Venezia Giulia {prop} /friˈuli veˈnɛtt͡sja ˈd͡ʒulja/
:: Friuli-Venezia Giulia (region)
frivolamente {adv}
:: frivolously
frivoleggiante {v}
:: present participle of frivoleggiare
frivoleggiare {vi}
:: to talk or behave frivolously
frivolezza {f}
:: frivolity
frivolmente {adv}
:: frivolously
frivolo {adj}
:: frivolous
frizionale {adj}
:: frictional
frizionante {v}
:: present participle of frizionare
frizionantesi {v}
:: present participle of frizionarsi
frizionare {vt}
:: to rub, to massage
frizionarsi {vr}
:: To rub or massage part of one's body
frizionatosi {v}
:: past participle of frizionarsi
frizione {f}
:: rubbing
frizione {f}
:: massage
frizione {f}
:: lotion (that is rubbed in)
frizione {f}
:: friction
frizione {f}
:: clutch (of a car)
frizzante {v} /fridˈd͡zan.te/
:: present participle of frizzare
frizzante {adj}
:: fizzy, sparkling
frizzante {adj}
:: effervescent, bubbly
frizzantino {m}
:: sparkle (of wine)
frizzantino {m}
:: (a glass of) sparkling white wine
frizzare {vi}
:: To sparkle, to fizz, to fizzle
frizzare {vi}
:: To sting or smart
frizzio {m}
:: a continuous fizzing sound
frizzo {m}
:: witticism
frocio {adj} /ˈfrɔt͡ʃo/
:: queer
frocio {m}
:: queer, faggot , poof
frodabile {adj}
:: That can be defrauded
frodante {v}
:: present participle of frodare
frodare {vt}
:: to defraud, to swindle, to cheat, to deceive
frodatore {m}
:: defrauder, swindler
frodatrice {f}
:: defrauder, swindler (female)
frode {f} /ˈfrɔ.de/
:: A fraud, a deceit, a cheat, an adulteration
frodo {m}
:: poaching (taking game or fish illegally)
frodolento {adj}
:: fraudulent (Variant of: fraudolento)
Frodolfo {prop}
:: Frodolfo (small river)
frogia {f} /ˈfrɔ.d͡ʒa/
:: Each of the fleshy tips on an equid's nose
frogia {f}
:: nostril (of an equid)
frogia {f}
:: nostril (of a human)
frolla {f}
:: synonym of pasta frolla
frollante {v}
:: present participle of frollare
frollantesi {v}
:: present participle of frollarsi
frollare {vit}
:: to become high, to age
frollarsi {v}
:: reflexive of frollare
frollarsi {v}
:: to become high
frollatosi {v}
:: past participle of frollarsi
frollatura {f}
:: hanging (of game, to mature)
frollino {m}
:: shortbread
frollo {adj}
:: high (of meat)
frollo {adj}
:: short, shortcrust (of pastry)
fromba {f} /ˈfrom.ba/
:: obsolete form of frombola
frombola {f} /ˈfrom.bo.la/
:: sling (weapon)
frombola {f}
:: pebble
fromboliere {m}
:: slinger (person armed with a sling)
fronda {f}
:: frond (leafy branch)
fronda {f}
:: rebellion
frondaio {m} /fronˈda.jo/
:: A heap of leafy twigs on the ground
frondeggiante {v}
:: present participle of frondeggiare
frondeggiante {adj}
:: Covered in foliage; leafy
frondeggiare {vi}
:: to be covered in foliage
frondista {mf}
:: rebel
frondosità {f}
:: leafiness
frondoso {adj}
:: leafy
frontale {adj} /fron.ˈta.le/
:: frontal
frontale {adj}
:: head-on
frontale {m}
:: head-on collision
frontale {m}
:: front part
frontale {m}
:: frontal, frontal bone
frontale {m}
:: frontalis, frontalis muscle
frontaliere {adj}
:: border (attributive)
frontaliere {m}
:: A person who lives by a border, especially one who crosses the border daily to work
frontaliero {adj}
:: border, frontier (attributive)
frontaliero {adj}
:: cross-border
frontalino {m}
:: riser (vertical part of a stair)
frontalino {m}
:: cover (removable, of a mobile phone)
frontalità {adv}
:: frontality
frontalmente {adv}
:: frontally
frontalmente {adv}
:: head-on
fronte {f} /ˈfron.t̪e/
:: forehead, brow
fronte {f}
:: the two initial quatrains of an Italian sonnet
fronte {m}
:: squall line, front
fronte {m}
:: front
fronte {m}
:: opposite
fronte caldo {m}
:: warm front
fronte di temporali {m}
:: squall line
fronte freddo {m}
:: cold front
fronteggiante {v}
:: present participle of fronteggiare
fronteggiante {adj}
:: facing
fronteggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of fronteggiarsi
fronteggiare {vt}
:: To face, to cope with, to handle, to meet
fronteggiarsi {vr}
:: To face each other
fronteggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of fronteggiarsi
fronte meteorologico {m}
:: weather front
fronte occluso {m}
:: occluded front
frontespizio {m}
:: frontispiece, title page
fronte stazionario {m}
:: stationary front
frontiera {f}
:: frontier, border
frontino {m}
:: toupee
frontismo {m}
:: left-wing politics, especially a coalition between Socialists and Communists
frontista {mf}
:: A member of a political front
frontone {m}
:: pediment
frontotemporale {adj}
:: frontotemporal
fronza {f}
:: frond
fronza {f}
:: the first green leaves of a grain
fronzolo {m}
:: frill (superfluous ornament)
fronzolo {m}
:: excessive refinement; ampullosity
fronzuto {adj}
:: leafy
Frosinone {prop}
:: Frosinone (town/and/province)
frosone {m}
:: hawfinch
frotta {f}
:: crowd
frotta {f}
:: hundreds, droves
frottola {f}
:: a lie or fib
frottola {f}
:: frottola
fruciandolo {m} /fruˈt͡ʃan.do.lo/
:: synonym of spazzatoio
fruente {v}
:: present participle of fruire
frugale {adj}
:: frugal
frugalità {f}
:: frugality
frugalmente {adv}
:: frugally
frugante {v}
:: present participle of frugare
frugare {vt}
:: to search, fumble
frugare {vi}
:: to search or rummage around (in)
frugivora {f}
:: female equivalent of frugivoro
frugivoro {adj}
:: frugivorous
frugivoro {m}
:: frugivore
frugoletto {m}
:: A small, delightful child
frugoletto {m}
:: imp
frugolo {m}
:: little devil, mischievous child
frugolo {m}
:: imp
frugolo {adj}
:: lively and restless
fruibile {adj}
:: enjoyable
fruibile {adj}
:: useable, available
fruibilità {f}
:: usability, availability
fruire {v}
:: to enjoy
fruire {v}
:: to have the use (of), make use (of), or take advantage (of)
fruitore {m}
:: user, consumer (person towards whom something is aimed or intended)
fruizione {f}
:: fruition, use, enjoyment
fruizione {f}
:: account
frullante {v}
:: present participle of frullare
frullare {vt}
:: to blend or to purée
frullare {vt}
:: to liquidize
frullare {vi}
:: to flutter or whir
frullato {m}
:: milkshake, fruit smoothie (or similar drink)
frullatore {m}
:: blender, liquidizer
frullino {m}
:: string trimmer
frullino {m}
:: jacksnipe
frullio {m}
:: flutter (of wings)
frullone {m}
:: sifter
frumentaceo {adj}
:: frumentaceous
frumentario {adj}
:: wheat, grain (attributive)
frumentazione {f}
:: frumentation
frumento {m}
:: grain (especially wheat)
frumentone {m}
:: maize
frusciante {adj}
:: swishing
frusciante {v}
:: present participle of frusciare
frusciare {vi}
:: To rustle
fruscio {m} /fruʃ.ˈʃi.o/
:: rustling (sound)
frusinate {adj}
:: of, pertaining to, or from Frosinone
frusinate {mf}
:: native or inhabitant of Frosinone
frusone {m}
:: grosbeak, hawfinch
frusta {f} /ˈfrus.ta/
:: whip
frusta {f}
:: whisk
frusta {f}
:: strap
frustante {v}
:: present participle of frustare
frustare {vt} /frusˈta.re/
:: to whip
frustare {vt}
:: to whisk
frustare {v}
:: to wear out
frustata {f}
:: lash
frustato {adj}
:: whipped
frustato {adj}
:: whisked
frustino {m}
:: riding crop
frusto {adj} /ˈfrus.to/
:: past participle of frustare
frusto {adj}
:: threadbare, worn out
frusto {adj}
:: outworn, worn out
frusto {m}
:: A piece or scrap (of food)
frustolo {m}
:: fragment
frustolo {m}
:: frustule
frustra {adv} /ˈfrus.tra/
:: in vain, uselessly
frustraneità {f} /frus.tra.nei̯ˈta/
:: vainness, uselessness, futility
frustraneo {adj} /frusˈtra.ne̯o/
:: vain, useless, futile
frustrante {v} /frusˈtran.te/
:: present participle of frustrare
frustrante {adj}
:: frustrating
frustrare {vt} /frusˈtra.re/
:: to frustrate
frustrata {f}
:: frustrated woman
frustrato {adj} /frusˈtra.to/
:: frustrated
frustrato {m}
:: A frustrated person
frustrazione {f} /frus.tratˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: frustration
frutice {m} /ˈfru.ti.t͡ʃe/
:: shrub
fruticeto {m}
:: shrubbery
fruticoso {adj}
:: fruticose
fruticoso {adj}
:: covered by shrubs (of a land)
frutta {f} /ˈfrut.ta/
:: fruit
frutta a guscio {f}
:: nuts still in their shells (especially walnuts, almonds etc)
frutta candita {f}
:: candied fruit
fruttaiolo {m}
:: fruiterer
fruttaiolo {m}
:: greengrocer
fruttante {v}
:: present participle of fruttare
fruttare {vt}
:: to yield
fruttare {vi}
:: to fruit
fruttare {vi}
:: to give a return on an investment
fruttariano {m}
:: fruitarian
frutta secca {f}
:: nuts still in their shells (especially walnuts, almonds etc)
fruttato {adj}
:: fruity
frutteria {f}
:: A fruiterer's shop or stall
frutteto {m}
:: orchard
frutticolo {adj}
:: fruit (attributive)
frutticoltore {m}
:: fruit grower
frutticoltura {f}
:: fruit growing
fruttidoro {m} /frut.tiˈdɔ.ro/
:: Fructidor (the twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar)
fruttiera {f}
:: A fruit dish
fruttifero {adj}
:: that produces fruit (a plant/tree)
fruttifero {adj}
:: fertile (soil, ground)
fruttifero {adj}
:: useful
fruttifero {adj}
:: profitable
fruttificante {v}
:: present participle of fruttificare
fruttificare {vi}
:: to bear fruit
fruttificazione {f}
:: fruiting, fruitification
fruttivendola {f}
:: female equivalent of fruttivendolo
fruttivendolo {m}
:: fruiterer
fruttivoro {adj}
:: Variant of frugivoro
frutto {m} /ˈfru.tːo/
:: fruit
frutto {m}
:: fruit
frutto {m}
:: fruit , harvest
frutto {m}
:: fruit
fruttochinasi {f}
:: fructokinase
frutto con nocciolo {m}
:: stonefruit
frutto di bosco {m}
:: Any of several fruits normally associated with undergrowth, especially blackberry, redcurrant, blackcurrant, bilberry and raspberry
frutto di bosco {m}
:: The flavour of any of several foodstuffs made from the berries of such fruits; fruits of the forest
frutto di mare {m}
:: seafood
fruttofuranosio {m}
:: fructofuranose
fruttopiranosio {m}
:: fructopyranose
fruttosio {m}
:: fructose
fruttosofilo {adj}
:: fructophilic
fruttosuria {f}
:: fructosuria
fruttuosamente {adv}
:: fruitfully
fruttuosità {f}
:: fruitfulness
fruttuoso {adj}
:: fruitful
fruttuoso {adj}
:: profitable
FS {prop}
:: initialism of Ferrovie dello Stato
ftalato {m}
:: phthalate
ftaleina {f}
:: phthalein
ftalico {adj}
:: phthalic
ftanite {f}
:: chert, phthanite
ftiriasi {f}
:: phthiriasis
fu {adj}
:: deceased, late
fuchsite {f}
:: fuchsite
fucilante {v}
:: present participle of fucilare
fucilare {vt}
:: to shoot
fucilata {f}
:: gunshot, especially from a rifle
fucilazione {f}
:: shooting, execution by firing squad
fucile {m} /fuˈt͡ʃi.le/
:: gun, rifle
fucile a canne mozze {m}
:: sawn-off shotgun
fucile a pompa {m}
:: pump action shotgun
fucile da cecchino {m}
:: synonym of fucile di precisione
fucile d'assalto {m}
:: assault rifle
fucile di precisione {m}
:: sniper rifle (literally “accuracy rifle”)
fucileria {f}
:: fusillade
fuciliere {m}
:: fusilier
fucina {f}
:: forge
fucina {f}
:: hotbed, breeding ground
fucinante {v}
:: present participle of fucinare
fucinare {vt}
:: To forge (metal)
fucinatore {m}
:: forger (of metal, person)
fucinatura {f}
:: forging (of metal)
fuco {m}
:: drone (male bee)
fucoidano {m}
:: fucoidan
fucosio {m}
:: fucose
fucsia {f}
:: fuchsia
fucsina {f}
:: fuchsine, rosaniline
fuegina {f}
:: feminine noun of fuegino
fuegino {adj} /fweˈdʒi.no/
:: Of or from Tierra del Fuego; Fuegian
fuegino {m}
:: Someone from Tierra del Fuego; Fuegian
fuetto {m}
:: A small whip used in horse racings
fuetto {m}
:: A small cable used to support or fasten a sail.
fuffa {f}
:: fluff (something inconsequential), froth (unimportant talk), hot air (empty talk), waffle (pretentious phrasing); a flimsy, insubstantial speech or work
fuffa {f}
:: unesthetic little wad of wool that forms on wool clothes
fuga {f}
:: flight, escape
fuga {f}
:: leak, leakage
fuga {f}
:: fugue
fuga {f}
:: breakaway, break
fugace {adj}
:: fleeting
fugacemente {adv}
:: fleetingly, transiently
fugacità {f}
:: fugacity
fugante {v}
:: present participle of fugare
fugare {vt}
:: To dispel or drive away
fugassa {f}
:: either of two varieties of focaccia, either from Genoa or from Venice
fuggente {v}
:: present participle of fuggire
fuggevole {adj}
:: fleeting
fuggevolezza {f}
:: transience
fuggevolmente {adv}
:: fleetingly
fuggiasca {f}
:: female equivalent of fuggiasco
fuggiasco {adj} /fudˈd͡ʒasko/
:: runaway, fugitive
fuggiasco {m}
:: fugitive, deserter
fuggifuggi {m}
:: stampede, runaway
fuggir {v}
:: apocopic form of fuggire
fuggire {vit} /fudˈdʒire/
:: to escape, run away, scurry away
fuggire a gambe levate {v}
:: to escape, fly, flee, run away
fuggire a gambe levate {v}
:: to run head over heels
fuggitiva {f}
:: female equivalent of fuggitivo
fuggitivo {adj}
:: fleeing, escaping
fuggitivo {adj}
:: fleeting
fuggitivo {m}
:: runaway, fugitive
fuggitivo {m}
:: deserter
fuitina {f}
:: elopement
fulano {adj}
:: Fula (attributive)
fulcro {m}
:: fulcrum
fulcro {m}
:: pivot, crux, core, thrust
fulcro {m}
:: the haustoria or other attacking organ of a parasitic plant
fulgente {v}
:: present participle of fulgere
Fulgenzio {prop}
:: given name
fulgere {vi} /ˈful.d͡ʒe.re/
:: to shine, sparkle, glitter, flash
fulgidamente {adv}
:: brilliantly, brightly, resplendently, refulgently
fulgidezza {f}
:: refulgence
fulgidità {f}
:: refulgence
fulgido {adj} /ˈful.d͡ʒi.do/
:: bright, shining
fulgore {m} /fulˈɡo.re/
:: splendour
fulgore {m}
:: brightness
fuliggine {f}
:: soot
fuligginoso {adj}
:: sooty
full {m}
:: full house, boat
fullerene {m}
:: fullerene
fulmaro {m}
:: fulmar
fulmicotone {m}
:: gun cotton
fulminante {v}
:: present participle of fulminare
fulminante {adj}
:: fulminating
fulminante {adj}
:: blazing
fulminantesi {v}
:: present participle of fulminarsi
fulminare {vt}
:: to strike by lightning
fulminare {vt}
:: to freeze or paralyze by looking at them
fulminare {vt}
:: to electrocute
fulminare {vt}
:: to strike violently and with precision
fulminare {vi}
:: (to) there be lightning
fulminare {vi}
:: to move quickly and forcefully
fulminarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fulminare
fulminarsi {v}
:: to burn out
fulminato {m}
:: fulminate
fulminatosi {v}
:: past participle of fulminarsi
fulminazione {f}
:: striking, lightning strike
fulminazione {f}
:: electric shock, electrocution
fulmine {m} /ˈful.mi.ne/
:: lightning
fulmineamente {adv}
:: quick as a flash; quick as lightning
fulmineità {f}
:: suddenness
fulmineo {adj}
:: sudden, lightning
fulmineo {adj}
:: rapid, meteoric
fulminico {adj}
:: fulminic
fulminio {m}
:: continuous flashing (in the sky)
fulminoso {adj}
:: lightning
Fulvio {prop}
:: given name
fulvo {adj}
:: tawny
fumabile {adj}
:: smokable
fumacchio {m}
:: plume of smoke
fumacchio {m}
:: fumarole
fumaiolo {m}
:: chimney (of a factory)
fumaiolo {m}
:: smokestack
fumaiolo {m}
:: funnel (of a ship)
fumante {adj}
:: smoking
fumante {adj}
:: steaming
fumantesi {v}
:: present participle of fumarsi
fumantino {adj}
:: irritable, testy, peckish, crotchety
fumarasi {f}
:: fumarase
fumarato {m}
:: fumarate
fumare {vit}
:: to smoke
fumare {vi}
:: to emit vapor or steam
fumare {vi}
:: (with di or da) to give in (to)
fumare {vt}
:: to create or exhale
fumare {vt}
:: to arouse or provoke
fumare il calumet della pace {v}
:: to smoke the pipe of peace
fumarico {adj}
:: fumaric
fumario {adj}
:: smoke (attributive)
fumarola {f} /fu.ma.ˈrɔ.la/
:: fumarole (opening in the ground that emits gases)
fumarola {f}
:: smoker (hydrothermal vent on the seabed)
fumarsi {v}
:: reflexive of fumare
fumarsi {v}
:: to squander
fumata {f}
:: smoking
fumata {f}
:: a smoke
fumatina {f}
:: smoke
fumatore {m}
:: smoker
fumatosi {v}
:: past participle of fumarsi
fumatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of fumatore
fumé {adj}
:: smoky gray (colour)
fumea {f}
:: (dense) smoke
fumeggiante {v}
:: present participle of fumeggiare
fumeggiare {vi}
:: to (give off) smoke
fumeggiare {vi}
:: to fume
fumeria {f}
:: opium den
fumetteria {f}
:: A shop that sells comics
fumettista {mf}
:: cartoonist
fumettistico {adj}
:: comic strip (attributive)
fumetto {m} /fu.ˈmet.to/
:: comics, comic strip, cartoon
fumetto {m}
:: speech bubble, balloon
fumetto {m}
:: liqueur containing aniseed
fumetto {m}
:: broth, fumet
fumettone {m}
:: Something stupid or not true to life
fumido {adj}
:: smoky, smouldering
fumido {adj}
:: steamy, foggy
fumifero {adj}
:: producing smoke; smoky
fumigante {v}
:: present participle of fumigare
fumigare {v}
:: to fumigate
fumigare {v}
:: to smoke (of a candle, lamp etc)
fumigatore {m}
:: fumigator
fumigazione {f}
:: fumigation
fumista {mf}
:: stove maker or repairer
fumisteria {f}
:: bombast
fumivoro {adj}
:: smoke-consuming; fumivorous
fummifero {adj}
:: alternative spelling of fumifero
fumo {m}
:: smoke
fumo {m}
:: smudge
fumo {m}
:: hashish
fumogeno {adj}
:: smoke (attributive)
fumogeno {m}
:: smoke bomb
fumoir {m}
:: smoking room (room reserved for smokers)
fumosamente {adv}
:: vaguely
fumosità {f}
:: smokiness
fumosità {f}
:: smoke
fumosità {f}
:: vagueness
fumoso {adj}
:: smoky
fumoso {adj}
:: producing or full of vapor
fumoso {adj}
:: woolly, muddled, vague
funaia {f}
:: female equivalent of funaio
funaio {m}
:: ropemaker
funaio {m}
:: rope seller
funaiolo {m}
:: ropemaker
funambolesco {adj}
:: funambulatory
funambolesco {adj}
:: acrobatic
funambolico {adj}
:: acrobatic
funambolismo {m}
:: tightrope walking
funambolismo {m}
:: acrobatics
funambolo {m}
:: tightrope walker
funame {m} /fuˈna.me/
:: An assortment of different kinds of ropes
fune {f} /ˈfu.ne/
:: rope; cable
funebre {adj}
:: funeral (attributive)
funebre {adj}
:: funereal, mournful
funebre {adj}
:: gloomy
fune da ormeggio {f}
:: hawser
funerale {adj} /fu.neˈra.le/
:: Of or pertaining to a deceased and his/her funeral; funeral, funereal
funerale {m}
:: funeral
funeralone {m} /fu.ne.raˈlo.ne/
:: augmentative of funerale: a pompous funeral
funerante {adj} /fu.neˈran.te/
:: only used in chiesa funerante
funerario {adj} /fu.neˈra.rjo/
:: funeral
funeratizio {adj} /fu.ne.raˈtit.t͡sjo/
:: Of or pertaining to funerals and their organization
funere {m} /ˈfu.ne.re/
:: bloodshed, carnage, slaughter
funereamente {adv}
:: funereally, mournfully
funereo {adj} /fuˈnɛ.reo̯/
:: funereal, mournful
funereo {adj}
:: funeral
funestante {v}
:: present participle of funestare
funestare {vt}
:: to devastate, ravage, lay waste
funestare {vt}
:: to distress, sadden, grieve
funesto {adj}
:: fatal
funesto {adj}
:: disastrous
funesto {adj}
:: gloomy, dismal
fungaia {f}
:: mushroom bed
fungente {v}
:: present participle of fungere
fungere {vit} /ˈfun.d͡ʒe.re/
:: to act (as) or (in place) of another
funghente {v}
:: present participle of funghire
fungheto {m}
:: mushroom bed
funghetto {m}
:: A petit four (or similar) in the form of a mushroom
funghi- {prefix}
:: Variant of fungi-
funghicolo {adj}
:: mushroom growing (attributive)
funghicolo {adj}
:: fungicolous
funghicoltore {m}
:: mushroom grower
funghicoltura {f}
:: mushroom growing
funghicultore {m}
:: alternative form of funghicoltore
funghicultura {f}
:: alternative form of funghicoltura
funghire {vi}
:: To grow mouldy
fungi- {prefix}
:: fungi-
fungibile {adj} /funˈd͡ʒi.bi.le/
:: fungible
fungibile {adj}
:: interchangeable
fungibilità {f}
:: fungibility
fungicida {adj}
:: fungicidal
fungicida {m}
:: fungicide
fungicolo {adj}
:: alternative form of funghicolo
fungiforme {adj}
:: mushroom-shaped, fungiform
fungino {adj}
:: fungal
fungistatico {adj}
:: fungistatic
fungivoro {adj}
:: fungivorous
fungo {m}
:: mushroom, fungus, toadstool
fungo delle case {m}
:: The fungus Serpula lacrymans
fungoide {adj}
:: fungoid
fungone {m}
:: A big mushroom
fungosità {f}
:: fungosity
fungoso {adj}
:: fungous
funicella {f}
:: cord, string
funicolare {f}
:: funicular railway
funicolite {f}
:: funiculitis
funicolo {m} /fu.ˈni.ko.lo/
:: funiculus
funicolo ombelicale {m}
:: umbilical cord
funicolo spermatico {m}
:: spermatic cord
funivia {f}
:: cable car, cable way
funtore {m} /funˈtore/
:: functor
funzionale {adj}
:: functional
funzionale lineare {m}
:: linear functional, convector, linear form, one-form
funzionalismo {m}
:: functionalism
funzionalista {mf}
:: functionalist
funzionalistico {adj}
:: functionalist
funzionalità {f}
:: functionality
funzionalizzato {adj}
:: functionalized
funzionalizzazione {f}
:: functionalization
funzionalmente {adv}
:: functionally
funzionamento {m}
:: working, operation, functioning
funzionante {v}
:: present participle of funzionare
funzionante {adj}
:: functioning
funzionare {v}
:: to work, to function
funzionaria {f}
:: female equivalent of funzionario
funzionario {m}
:: official
funzionario {m}
:: employee
funzione {f} /funˈtsjone/
:: function
funzione {f}
:: office, position
funzione {f}
:: function
funzione {f}
:: service
funzione {f}
:: service
funzione additiva {f}
:: additive function
funzione algebrica {f}
:: algebraic function
funzione analitica {f}
:: analytic function
funzione antiolomorfa {f}
:: antiholomorphic function
funzione aritmetica {f}
:: arithmetic function
funzione armonica {f}
:: harmonic function
funzione booleana {f}
:: Boolean function
funzione circolare {f}
:: circular function
funzione esponenziale {f}
:: exponential function
funzione inversa {f}
:: inverse function
funzione iperbolica {f}
:: hyperbolic function
funzione lagrangiana {f}
:: Lagrangian function
funzione monotona {f}
:: monotonic function, monotone function
funzione periodica {f}
:: periodic function
funzione trigonometrica {f}
:: trigonometric function
funzione trigonometrica inversa {f}
:: inverse trigonometric function
fuocherello {m} /fwo.keˈrɛl.lo/
:: diminutive of fuoco: a small fire
fuochista {m}
:: fireman, stoker
fuoco {m} /ˈfwɔko/
:: fire
fuoco {m}
:: focus
fuoco {m}
:: hearth
fuoco {m}
:: pothole (on top of a stove)
fuoco amico {m}
:: friendly fire
fuoco artificiale {m}
:: firework
fuoco a volontà {phrase}
:: fire at will!
fuoco d'artificio {m}
:: firework
fuoco di paglia {m}
:: flash in the pan
fuoco fatuo {m}
:: will o' the wisp
fuor {adv} /fwɔr/
:: apocopic form of fuori
fuor {adv}
:: apocopic form of furono
fuorché {conj}
:: except, but, apart from, save
fuorché {prep}
:: except, but, apart from, save
fuori- {prefix}
:: Forms terms meaning outside of, or beyond something
fuori {adv} /ˈfwɔ.ri/
:: out, outside
fuori {adv}
:: outdoors
fuori {prep}
:: out, outside
fuoribordo {adj}
:: outboard
fuoribordo {m}
:: outboard motor
fuoriborsa {adj}
:: over-the-counter
fuoribusta {adj}
:: undeclared (payment)
fuoricampo {adj}
:: offscreen (in film)
fuoriclasse {adj}
:: unrivalled, unequalled
fuoriclasse {mf}
:: champion, ace
fuoriclasse {mf}
:: a cut above
fuoriclasse {mf}
:: Superior to the norm
fuori controllo {adv}
:: out of hand
fuoricorso {adj}
:: No longer in circulation (currency)
fuoricorso {adj}
:: dropped-out (of a university course)
fuori da gangheri {adj}
:: off the rails
fuori dai coglioni {interj}
:: synonym of fuori dai piedi
fuori dai piedi {interj}
:: scram!
fuori dal cilindro {interj}
:: out of thin air
fuori dalle palle {interj}
:: synonym of fuori dai coglioni
fuori dall'ordinario {adj}
:: weird, bizarre, odd, out of the ordinary, strange
fuori di qui {interj}
:: get away!
fuori di sé {phrase}
:: beside oneself
fuori di testa {adj}
:: mad, fool, insane, crazy, mentally deranged
fuori di testa {adj}
:: one brick short of a full load
fuori di testa {n}
:: goof, goofball
fuori fase {adj}
:: out of kilter, out of sorts
fuori fase {adj}
:: out of phase, out of synch
fuori fase {adj}
:: off one's feed, under the weather (rather unwell)
fuorigioco {adv}
:: offside
fuorigioco {m}
:: offside
fuorilegge {mf}
:: outlaw
fuorilegge {mf}
:: rebel, nonconformist
fuori luogo {adj}
:: out of place, inappropriate
fuori luogo {adj}
:: out of one's element, out of one's depth
fuori mano {adj}
:: alternative form of fuorimano
fuorimano {adj}
:: out of the way, off the beaten track, distant, faraway
fuorimisura {adj}
:: excessive
fuorimisura {adj}
:: wide (football, cricket etc)
fuorionda {m}
:: A conversation between celebrities, recorded without their knowledge while waiting in a TV studio, and then broadcast
fuoripagina {m}
:: A newspaper article published on a page other than is normal for the subject matter
fuoripasto {adv}
:: between meals
fuoripista {m}
:: off-piste skiing
fuoripista {m}
:: runout
fuoriposto {adj}
:: out of place
fuoriprogramma {m}
:: unscheduled programme or event
fuoriprogramma {adj}
:: extra
fuoriprogramma {adj}
:: unscheduled
fuori ruolo {adj}
:: temporary
fuoriscalmo {m}
:: outrigger
fuorisede {adj}
:: off-site; out of the office
fuoriserie {adj}
:: custom-built
fuoriserie {f}
:: custom-built car
fuori servizio {adj}
:: out of service
fuoristrada {m}
:: off-road vehicle; off-roader
fuoriuscente {v}
:: present participle of fuoriuscire
fuoriuscire {vi}
:: (with da) to leak, come out, pour, escape, or spill
fuoriuscita {f}
:: leakage, seepage. escape
fuoriuscita {f}
:: female equivalent of fuoriuscito
fuoriuscito {m}
:: a political exile
fuoruscita {f}
:: alternative form of fuoriuscita
fuoruscitismo {m}
:: The policy of sending antifascists into exile in France
fuorviante {v}
:: present participle of fuorviare
fuorviante {adj}
:: misleading, deceptive
fuorviare {vt}
:: To lead astray, lead someone down the garden path
fuorviare {vi}
:: To go astray
furace {adj} /fuˈra.t͡ʃe/
:: thieving (inclined to steal)
furanico {adj}
:: furanic
furano {m}
:: furan
furanosio {m}
:: furanose
furare {v} /fuˈra.re/
:: to steal
furare {v}
:: to kidnap
furare {v}
:: to take away
furastico {adj}
:: alternative form of forastico
furbacchiona {f}
:: female equivalent of furbacchione
furbacchione {m}
:: smart aleck
furbacchioneria {f}
:: cunning wile
furbacchiotto {m}
:: cunning person (wily old fox)
furbamente {adv}
:: cunningly, craftily, shiftily
furbastra {f}
:: female equivalent of furbastro
furbastro {m}
:: crafty devil
furbata {f}
:: act of slyness or cunning
furberia {f}
:: cunning, slyness
furbescamente {adv}
:: cunningly, slyly, craftily
furbesco {adj}
:: cunning, sly, crafty
furbetto {adj}
:: naughty, mischievous
furbetto {m}
:: naughty person
furbissimo {adj}
:: superlative of furbo
furbizia {f}
:: cunning, cleverness
furbo {adj}
:: astute, cunning, sly, wily, crafty (skillful and able in getting some advantage, often using some trick and against rules or other people's benefit)
furbo {m}
:: smart individual with vicious and tricky intent.
furbone {m}
:: sly or cunning person; fox
furente {adj} /fuˈrɛn.te/
:: furious
furere {v} /ˈfu.re.re/
:: to rave, rage
fureria {f}
:: administrative office of a military company
furetta {f}
:: she-ferret
furetto {m}
:: ferret
furfantaggine {f}
:: roguery, knavery
furfantaglia {f}
:: A group of villains, scoundrels etc
furfante {m}
:: rascal, scoundrel
furfantello {m}
:: (playful) rogue
furfanteria {f}
:: roguery
furfantesco {adj}
:: scoundrelly, knavish, roguish
furfantino {adj}
:: rascally
furfuraceo {adj}
:: Variant of forforaceo
furfurale {m}
:: furfural
furfurolo {m}
:: furfural
furgonato {m}
:: van (vehicle)
furgoncino {m}
:: Small van
furgone {m}
:: van (delivery vehicle)
furgone {m}
:: hearse
furgone {m}
:: removal van
furgone ambulante {m}
:: food truck
furgonista {mf}
:: van driver
furia {f} /ˈfu.rja/
:: fury, anger, rage
furia {f}
:: hurry, rush
furia {f}
:: rampage
Furia {prop}
:: Fury
furia omicida {f}
:: killing spree
furibondo {adj}
:: furious, enraged, irate, seething, wrathful
furiere {m}
:: quartermaster
furiere {m}
:: paymaster
furiosamente {adv}
:: furiously
furioso {adj}
:: furious
furlana {f}
:: furlana (dance)
furlano {adj}
:: Friulian
furlano {m}
:: Friulian (native or inhabitant)
furlano {m}
:: Friulian (language)
furo {m} /ˈfu.ro/
:: thief
furo {adj}
:: thievish, dishonest
furore {m}
:: fury, violence
furore {m}
:: frenzy
furore {m}
:: excitement
furoreggiante {v}
:: present participle of furoreggiare
furoreggiare {vi}
:: to be very fashionable or successful; to be all the rage
furtarello {m}
:: petty theft
furtivamente {adv}
:: furtively
furtivamente {adv}
:: on the sly
furtività {f}
:: stealth
furtivo {adj}
:: stolen, related to a theft
furtivo {adj}
:: thievish, furtive, stealthy
furtivo {adj}
:: sly
furto {m} /ˈfur.to/
:: theft
furto {m}
:: plagiarism
furto {m}
:: stolen goods
Furud {prop}
:: A star in Canis Major
fusa {f}
:: quasihemidemisemiquaver, semihemidemisemiquaver (hundred twenty-eighth note)
fusaggine {f}
:: spindle (tree, Euonymus europaeus)
fusaiola {f}
:: fusarole
Fusani {prop}
:: surname
fusata {f}
:: spindle
fusata {f}
:: spindleful
fuscello {m}
:: twig
fusciacca {f}
:: sash
Fuseli {prop}
:: surname
fusellato {adj}
:: fusiform (spindle-shaped)
fusello {m}
:: spindle
fusello {m}
:: bobbin
fusello {m}
:: thigh of poultry, drumstick (chicken leg, chicken thigh)
fusello {m}
:: (especially in plural) alternative form of fusillo
fuselol {m}
:: fusel oil
fusibile {adj}
:: fusible, meltable
fusibile {m}
:: fuse (electrical)
fusibilità {f}
:: fusibility
fusiforme {adj}
:: fusiform
fusillo {m}
:: short spiral pasta; fusilli
fusillo {m}
:: a dish of fusilli
fusilloni {n}
:: A type of large size fusilli
fusione {f}
:: fusion
fusione {f}
:: melting
fusione {f}
:: merging, blending
fusione {f}
:: merger, amalgamation (commercial)
fusione fredda {f}
:: cold fusion
fusione nucleare {f}
:: nuclear fusion
fusione termonucleare {f}
:: thermonuclear fusion
fusionismo {m}
:: fusionism (in politics)
fusionista {mf}
:: fusionist
fuso {adj}
:: melted
fuso {adj}
:: cast
fuso {adj}
:: worn-out
fuso {m}
:: spindle
fuso {m}
:: fusil
fusoliera {f}
:: fuselage
fuso orario {m}
:: time zone
fusorio {adj}
:: smelting, foundry (attributive)
fusosi {v}
:: past participle of fondersi
fustagno {m}
:: fustian
fustaia {f}
:: high forest
fustella {f}
:: punch, hollow punch (cutting device)
fustella {f}
:: A tab on packaging for medicine, torn off by the pharmacist to get a refund
fustellante {v}
:: present participle of fustellare
fustellare {vt}
:: To punch
fustellatrice {f}
:: punching machine
fustellatrice {f}
:: die cutter
fustellatura {f}
:: punching
fustigante {v}
:: present participle of fustigare
fustigare {vt}
:: to flog
fustigare {vt}
:: to censure, castigate, denounce
fustigatore {m}
:: flogger, castigator, critic
fustigatrice {f}
:: (female) flogger, castigator, critic
fustigazione {f}
:: flogging, beating
fustino {m}
:: tub or box of detergent
fusto {m} /ˈfus.to/
:: trunk (of a tree)
fusto {m}
:: stem (of plant)
fusto {m}
:: shaft (of a column)
fusto {m}
:: trunk, torso
fusto {m}
:: hunk, he-man (attractive muscular boy or man)
fusto {m}
:: cask, keg, barrel (container for liquids)
futile {adj} /ˈfu.ti.le/
:: futile, frivolous, worthless
futilità {f}
:: futility
futilmente {adv}
:: trivially
futilmente {adv}
:: uselessly
futuniano {adj}
:: Futunan / Futunian
futura sposa {f}
:: bride-to-be
futuribile {adj} /fu.tuˈri.bi.le/
:: futurable (capable of existing or occurring in the future)
futuribile {m}
:: A contingent, conditioned future
futuribile {mf}
:: synonym of futurologo
futuribilità {f}
:: feasibility (in the future)
futurismo {m}
:: futurism
futurista {adj}
:: futuristic, futurist
futurista {mf}
:: futurist, futurologist
futuristico {adj}
:: futuristic
futuro {adj}
:: future
futuro {adj}
:: soon-to-be
futuro {m}
:: the future
futuro {m}
:: the future tense
futuro anteriore {m}
:: The future perfect tense
futurologa {f} /fu.tuˈrɔ.lo.ɡa/
:: female equivalent of futurologo: futurologist
futurologia {f}
:: futurology
futurologico {adj}
:: futurological
futurologo {m} /fu.tuˈrɔ.lo.ɡo/
:: futurologist
futuro progressivo {m}
:: indicative future continuous tense
futuro semplice {m}
:: The future tense