b. {prep}
:: abbreviation of bei
B {letter}
:: letter: be
B {n}
:: B-flat
BA {noun}
:: initialism of Berufsakademie
BA {noun}
:: initialism of Betriebsabrechnung
BA {noun}
:: initialism of Betriebsanleitung
BA {prop}
:: Bamberg (on a licence plate)
BA {prop}
:: initialism of Bosnien und Herzegowina
BA {prop}
:: initialism of w:de:British Airways
BA {prop}
:: initialism of w:de:Bundesagentur für Arbeit
BA {prop}
:: initialism of w:de:Bundesanstalt für Arbeit
Baart {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bart
baba {interj}
:: see you, so long
babbeln {v}
:: to blubber; blabber (talk incoherently)
babbeln {v}
:: to babble (to talk a lot)
Baby {n}
:: baby (infant)
Baby {n}
:: baby (term of endearment for a lover)
Babybauch {m}
:: baby bump (belly of a pregnant woman)
Babybauch {m}
:: a baby's belly
Babyboom {m}
:: baby boom
Babyboomer {m}
:: baby boomer
babyeierleicht {adj}
:: easy peasy
babyeinfach {adj}
:: very simple; very easy; easy peasy; for babies
Babyklappe {f}
:: baby hatch
Babykleidung {f}
:: baby clothes, babywear
babyleicht {adj}
:: easy peasy
Babylonien {prop} {n}
:: Babylonia
Babylonier {m}
:: A Babylonian
babylonisch {adj}
:: Babylonian
Babyöl {n}
:: baby oil
Babyschwimmen {n}
:: baby swimming
babysitten {v}
:: babysit (to watch or tend someone else's child for a period of time, often for money)
Babysitter {m}
:: babysitter
Babysitting {n}
:: babysitting
Babyspeck {m}
:: puppy fat
Babywanne {f}
:: baby bathtub (a small, usually plastic bathtub for a baby)
Babywanne {f}
:: carrycot (tub-like box with handles used to carry a baby)
Bacchanal {n}
:: bacchanalia
bacchantisch {adj}
:: Bacchanalian
Bach {m}
:: brook, stream
Bach {prop} {m}
:: surname
Bach {prop} {m}
:: Johann Sebastian Bach, a German organist and composer
Bach {prop} {n}
:: Bach (municipality)
BACH {prop}
:: The BACH motif
Bachchor {m}
:: Bach choir
Bach-Chor {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bachchor
Bache {m}
:: bacon
Bache {f}
:: A wild sow, female wild boar (the generic term is Wildschwein, the male boar Keiler, rarely Bacher)
Bächelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bach
Bachelor {m}
:: bachelor's degree
Bachelor {m}
:: bachelor graduate
Bachelorarbeit {f}
:: bachelor's thesis
Bachelorgrad {m}
:: bachelor's degree
Bachelorthesis {f}
:: bachelor's thesis
Bacher {m}
:: An inhabitant of Bach, Tyrol, Austria
Bachergebirge {prop} {n}
:: Pohorje, a mountain range in northern Slovenia
Bachforelle {f}
:: brook trout
Bachkantate {f}
:: Bach cantata
Bächlein {n}
:: diminutive of Bach
Bachmanning {prop} {n}
:: Bachmanning (municipality)
bachmutisch {adj}
:: of or pertaining to Bakhmut
Bachofen {prop}
:: surname, borne by Johann Jakob Bachofen
Bachstelze {f}
:: white wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Back {n}
:: forecastle (raised part of the upper deck)
Back {n}
:: a large wooden bowl in which the meal is served
Back {n}
:: a dining table used by the crew of a ship, often foldable
Back {m}
:: defender; back
Backaroma {n}
:: extract (e.g. of lemon) used in baking
Backblech {n}
:: baking tray (oven-proof tray)
backbord {adv}
:: portside
Backbord {n}
:: port
Bäckchen {n}
:: diminutive of Backe (little cheek)
Backe {f}
:: cheek (on the face)
Backe {f}
:: buttock, butt cheek
Backe {f}
:: jaw (of a tool)
backen {vti}
:: to bake; to roast
backen {vti}
:: to fry
backen {vti}
:: to fire
backen {vi}
:: to stick together; to cake
backen {vt}
:: to stick (something to something else)
Backenbart {m}
:: sideburns
Backenknochen {m}
:: cheekbone
Backenstreich {m}
:: slap
Backenzahn {m}
:: a molar (tooth)
Bäcker {m}
:: (professional) baker (male or unspecified sex)
Bäcker {m}
:: agent noun of backen
Bäckerdutzend {n}
:: baker's dozen
Bäckerei {f}
:: bakery, baker’s, bakehouse, bakeshop
Bäckerei {f}
:: biscuits, small pastry
Bäckerin {f}
:: baker (female)
Bäckermeister {m}
:: master baker
Bäckersdutzend {n}
:: A baker's dozen, 13
Backfisch {m}
:: a baked or fried fish, or a fish intended for baking or frying
Backfisch {m}
:: a teenage girl
Backfischroman {m}
:: A kind of 19th- and 20th-century novel aimed at adolescent girl readers
Backform {f}
:: baking tin / pan / piedish; cakepan
Backgammon {n}
:: backgammon
Backhaus {n}
:: bakehouse
Backhäuschen {n}
:: diminutive of Backhaus
Backhefe {f}
:: baker's yeast
Backofen {m}
:: oven
Backoffice {n}
:: back office
Backpfeife {f}
:: slap in the face
Backpfeifengesicht {n}
:: a slappable face, a face "in need of a slap"
Backpflaume {f}
:: prune
Backpulver {n}
:: A baking powder, dry leavening agent used in baking pastry etc
Backstein {m}
:: a brick used in masonry
Backsteingotik {f}
:: brick gothic
Backstube {f}
:: bakery
Backtick {m}
:: backtick
Backtriebmittel {n}
:: leavening agent, raising agent
Backup {n} {m}
:: backup
Backware {f}
:: pastries, baked goods
Backwerk {n}
:: pastry
Bad {n}
:: bath
Bad {n}
:: bathroom
Bad {n}
:: pool, baths
Bad {n}
:: (destination) spa; (health) resort
Bad Aiblinger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Aibling
Bad Breisiger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Breisig
Baddeleyit {m}
:: baddeleyite
Bad Driburger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Driburg
Bad Dürkheimer {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Dürkheim
Bad Dürrheimer {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Dürrheim
Badeanstalt {f}
:: bathhouse; public baths, swimming pool
Badeanzug {m}
:: swimsuit; bathing suit; bathing costume (garment worn for swimming, covering at least part of the torso)
Badebekleidung {f}
:: swimwear
Badegast {m}
:: bather, swimmer
Badegast {m}
:: visitor to a spa
Badehaus {n}
:: bathhouse
Badehose {f}
:: A pair of swimming trunks
Badekabine {f}
:: synonym of Ankleidekabine
Bademantel {m}
:: bathrobe , dressing gown
Bademeister {m}
:: bathkeeper, bath attendant, pool supervisor, swimming pool attendant, lifesaver (male or of unspecified sex)
baden {v}
:: to bathe
Baden {prop} {n}
:: Baden (various places with multiple hot springs, named using a former plural form of Bad (bath))
Baden {prop} {n}
:: Baden (municipality)
Baden {prop} {n}
:: Baden (spa town)
Baden {n}
:: "bathing"
Baden-Württemberg {prop} {n}
:: Baden-Württemberg
Baden-Württemberger {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Baden-Württemberg
Baden-Württemberger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Baden-Württemberg
baden-württembergisch {adj}
:: relating to Baden-Württemberg
Badeort {m}
:: spa
Badeort {m}
:: beach resort, seaside resort
Bader {m}
:: barber surgeon
Bäderkunde {f}
:: balneology
Badersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Badersdorf (municipality)
Badesalz {n}
:: bath salt
Badestrand {m}
:: bathing beach
Badeteich {m}
:: bathing pond
Badetuch {n}
:: bath towel
Badewanne {f}
:: bathtub
Badezimmer {n}
:: bathroom (a room in a private dwelling where people wash themselves, containing a shower and/or bathtub)
Bad Frankenhausener {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Frankenhausen
Bad Friedrichshaller {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Friedrichshall
Bad Harzburger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Harzburg
Badhaus {n}
:: bathhouse
Bad Honnefer {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Honnef
Badi {f}
:: lido (open-air swimming pool)
Bad Iburger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Iburg
badisch {adj}
:: Of or from Baden
Bad Kissinger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bad Kissingen
Badminton {n}
:: badminton
Baedeker {m}
:: Baedeker (travel guide)
baff {adj}
:: flabbergasted
Bafög {n}
:: German federal law concerning need-based financial aid for (university) students
Bafög {n}
:: colloquial name for money which is payed to poor (university) students by the German government
BAföG {noun}
:: German federal law concerning need-based financial aid for (university) students
BAföG {noun}
:: colloquial name for money which is payed to poor (university) students by the German government
Bafög-Schmarotzer {m}
:: parasitic student who collects need-based financial aid from the German federal government
Bagage {f}
:: rabble, lot
Bagage {f}
:: baggage
Bagatelle {f}
:: bagatelle
bagatellisieren {vt}
:: to belittle, minimise/minimize, trivialise/trivialize, play down, make light of, depreciate (to make or attempt to make something seem less important)
Bagdad {prop} {n}
:: Bagdad (capital city)
Bagel {m}
:: bagel (toroidal bread roll)
Bagger {m}
:: excavator (vehicle), digger (machinery)
baggern {v}
:: to excavate; to dredge
baggern {v}
:: to scoop
baggern {v}
:: to flirt; to try to seduce
Baguette {n} {f}
:: baguette
bah {interj}
:: an exclamation of disgust: yuck, etc
bäh {interj}
:: alternative form of bah
Bahaitum {n}
:: Bahá'í Faith
Bahamaer {m}
:: Bahamian (person)
bahamaisch {adj}
:: Bahamian (pertaining to the Bahamas)
Bahamas {prop} {p}
:: Bahamas (archipelago/and/country)
bähen {v}
:: to toast, to roast
bähen {v}
:: to heat, to warm
bähen {v}
:: to bleat
Bahn {f}
:: route, trail
Bahn {f}
:: rail transport
Bahn {f}
:: train, tram
Bahn {f}
:: lane
Bahn {f}
:: A large, wide sheet of material used for waterproofing roofs and other structures; waterproofing membrane
Bahn {f}
:: orbit
Bahn {prop}
:: Deutsche Bahn, or its predecessors
bahnbrechend {adj}
:: groundbreaking
Bahndrehimpuls {m}
:: angular momentum
bahnen {vr}
:: to channel
Bahnfahrer {m}
:: someone driving a train (as a driver)
Bahnfahrer {m}
:: someone riding a train (as a passenger)
Bahnfahrt {f}
:: train ride, train trip
Bahnhof {m}
:: train station
bahnhofsnah {adj}
:: near a railway station
Bahnhofsuhr {f}
:: station clock
Bahnlinie {f}
:: railroad line, railway line
Bahnmoment {n}
:: angular momentum
Bahnstation {f}
:: train station
Bahnsteig {m}
:: train platform
Bahnübergang {m}
:: level crossing
Bahr {prop}
:: surname
Bahrain {prop} {n}
:: Bahrain (country)
Bahrainer {m}
:: Bahraini (man from Bahrain)
Bahrainerin {f}
:: Bahraini (woman from Bahrain)
bahrainisch {adj}
:: Bahraini
Bahre {f}
:: bier
Bahre {f}
:: litter (A platform mounted on two shafts designed to be carried by two (or more) people to transport a third person)
Bahre {f}
:: stretcher
Bahrein {prop} {n}
:: alternative spelling of Bahrain
Bähring {prop}
:: surname
Bahuvrihi {n}
:: A bahuvrihi compound
Bai {f}
:: bay
Baier {m}
:: Bavarian; alternative form of Bayer
Baier {m}
:: Bavarian speaker
Baiern {prop}
:: obsolete form of Bayern
Baikalente {f}
:: Baikal teal (Anas formosa)
Baikalsee {prop} {m}
:: Baikal
Baileychlor {noun}
:: baileychlore
Bain-Marie {n}
:: bain-marie (pan containing hot water)
bairisch {adj}
:: relating to the Bavarian dialect(s) of the German language, which include the dialectal German spoken in Bavaria and Austria
bairisch {adj}
:: Bavarian, of or pertaining to Bavaria; alternative form of bayrisch
Baiser {n} {m}
:: meringue
Baisse {f}
:: bear market
Bajonett {n}
:: bayonet
Bajuware {m}
:: Bavarian (person from Bavaria)
Bake {f}
:: nautical traffic sign or buoy
Bake {f}
:: a kind of road sign(s), used in Germany e.g. at level crossings
Bakelit {n}
:: Bakelite
Bakkalaurea {f}
:: Female form of Bakkalaureus
Bakkalaureat {n}
:: lowest academical degree of universities and colleges; baccalaureate (Austria, United Kingdom, North America)
Bakkalaureat {n}
:: Final exams taken at the end of the secondary education in France
Bakkalaureus {m}
:: A man successfully reached the Bakkalaureat title
Bakkie {m}
:: bakkie
Bakschisch {n}
:: baksheesh (bribe or tip paid to speed up services in the Middle East an SW Asia)
Bakteriämie {f}
:: bacteraemia
Bakterie {f}
:: bacterium
bakteriell {adj}
:: bacterial
Bakterienkunde {f}
:: bacteriology (the scientific study of bacteria)
Bakterienstamm {m}
:: bacterial strain
bakterienverseucht {adj}
:: bakteria-contaminated
Bakteriologe {m}
:: bacteriologist
Bakteriologie {f}
:: bacteriology (the scientific study of bacteria)
bakteriologisch {adj}
:: bacteriological
bakteriolytisch {adj}
:: bacteriolytic
Bakteriophage {f}
:: bacteriophage
bakteriostatisch {adj}
:: bacteriostatic
Bakterium {n}
:: bacterium
bakterizid {adj}
:: bactericidal, antibacterial
Bakterizid {n}
:: bactericide, antibiotic
baktrisch {adj}
:: Bactrian (related to Bactria)
Baktrisch {n}
:: Bactrian (the Bactrian language)
Balalaika {f}
:: balalaika
Balance {f}
:: balance
balancieren {v}
:: to balance
Balanitis {f}
:: balanitis
bald {adv}
:: soon, near in time
bald {adv}
:: almost
Baldachin {m}
:: canopy, dais
Baldachinspinne {f}
:: sheet weaver, money spider
baldig {adj}
:: early
baldig {adj}
:: fast, speedy, quick
baldig {adj}
:: timely
baldmöglichst {adv}
:: as soon as possible
Baldramsdorf {prop} {n}
:: Baldramsdorf (municipality)
Baldrian {m}
:: valerian
Baldrs draumar {prop}
:: Baldrs draumar
Baldur {prop}
:: given name
Balearische Inseln {prop} {p}
:: Balearische Inseln (autonomous community/and/province)
Balg {m} {n}
:: brat (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
Balg {m}
:: hide
Balg {m}
:: (technical) bellows
Balg {m}
:: follicle
balgen {vr}
:: to scrap, to tussle, to scuffle
Balgerei {f}
:: scuffle, tussle, scrap
Balgfrucht {f}
:: follicle
balinesisch {adj}
:: Balinese
Balinesisch {n}
:: Balinese (the Balinese language)
Balise {f}
:: balise
Balitiger {m}
:: Bali tiger
Balkan {prop} {m}
:: Balkans, Balkan Peninsula
Balkanhalbinsel {prop} {f}
:: Balkan Peninsula
balkanisch {adj}
:: Balkan, Balkanian, Balkanic
balkanisch {adj}
:: backward, corrupt, chaotic
balkanisieren {v}
:: to Balkanize
balkanisiert {v}
:: past participle of balkanisieren
Balkanisierung {f}
:: Balkanization
Balkansprachbund {prop} {m}
:: Balkan sprachbund
Balken {m}
:: beam, crossbeam
Balken {m}
:: bar (long, narrow drawn or printed rectangle, cuboid or cylinder, especially as used in a bar code or a bar chart; informal unit of measure of signal strength for a wireless device such as a cell phone)
Balken {m}
:: beam (horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value)
Balken {m}
:: fess
Balkendiagramm {n}
:: bar chart, usually with horizontal bars
Balkenspiralgalaxie {f}
:: barred spiral galaxy
Balkenwaage {f}
:: steelyard balance
Balkon {m}
:: balcony (an accessible structure extending from a building, especially outside a window or overlooking a stage)
Balkonien {prop} {n}
:: one’s own balcony, referred to as if it were a vacation destination; the place where one spends one’s staycation
Ball {m}
:: ball (round or roundish object, most often used for games)
Ball {m}
:: bullet
Ball {m}
:: ball , prom
Ballade {f}
:: ballad
Ballast {m}
:: ballast
ballasten {v}
:: to ballast
Ballaststoff {m}
:: dietary fiber
Bällchen {n}
:: diminutive of Ball
ballen {v}
:: to agglomerate
ballen {v}
:: to bale
ballen {v}
:: to clench
ballen {v}
:: to gather
Ballen {m}
:: bale
Ballen {m}
:: ball, pad
Ballerina {f}
:: ballerina
Ballermann {m}
:: handgun
Ballermann {m}
:: footballer (soccer player)
Ballermann {m}
:: the beach restaurant Beach Club Six (formerly Balneario No. 6) in Palma
Ballermann {m}
:: that part of Palma de Majorca characterised by party tourism, typically frequented by German tourists, stereotypically associated with unrefined behaviour and liberal consumption of alcohol
Ballermann {m}
:: any beach vacation area that can be characterised in the above way
Ballermann {m}
:: an (unrefined) German tourist
ballern {v}
:: to bang (make a loud, dull sound)
ballern {v}
:: to shoot, particularly: to be trigger-happy
ballern {v}
:: to hammer (shoot hard)
Ballerspiel {n}
:: shooter, shoot 'em up
Ballett {n}
:: ballet
Ballettmeister {noun}
:: ballet master
Ballettmusik {noun}
:: ballet music
Ballettomane {noun}
:: balletomane
Ballettschule {noun}
:: ballet school
Balletttänzer {m}
:: ballet dancer
Ballett-Tänzer {m}
:: alternative spelling of Balletttänzer
Balletttänzerin {f}
:: (female) ballet dancer
Ballett-Tänzerin {f}
:: alternative spelling of Balletttänzerin
ballförmig {adj}
:: ball-shaped, spherical
Ballistik {f}
:: ballistics
ballistisch {adj}
:: ballistic
Ballkleid {n}
:: ball dress, ballgown
Ballkleidchen {n}
:: diminutive of Ballkleid
Ballon {m}
:: balloon
Ballsaal {m}
:: A ballroom, large space used for dancing
ballsicher {adj}
:: safe with the ball (is rarely tackled successfully)
Ballspiel {n}
:: ballgame
Ballung {f}
:: agglomeration
Ballung {f}
:: concentration
Ballung {f}
:: accumulation
Balmer-Serie {f}
:: Balmer series
Balneologie {f}
:: balneology
Balogh {prop}
:: surname
Balrog {m}
:: balrog
Balsam {m}
:: balsam, balm; ointment
Balte {m}
:: a Balt; a member of a Baltic people
Baltikum {prop}
:: the Baltic (Balticum)
baltisch {adj}
:: Baltic
balto- {prefix}
:: Balto-
baltoslawisch {adj}
:: Balto-Slavic
Baluster {m}
:: baluster
Balustrade {f}
:: balustrade (parapet with balusters)
Balz {f}
:: courtship display
Balz {f}
:: mating season
Balz {prop}
:: A diminutive of the male given name Balthasar
Balzarena {f}
:: lek
balzen {v}
:: to perform a courtship display
Balzer {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Balzers {prop} {n}
:: Balzers (municipality)
Bamberg {prop} {n}
:: Bamberg (independent city)
Bambus {m}
:: bamboo
Bambusameisenwürger {m}
:: bamboo antshrike
Bambuspflanze {f}
:: bamboo plant
Bambuswald {m}
:: a forest with bamboos; bamboo forest
Bammel {m}
:: fear
banal {adj}
:: banal
banaler {adj}
:: comparative of banal
banalisieren {v}
:: to banalize
Banalität {f}
:: banality
banalsten {adj}
:: superlative of banal
Banane {f}
:: banana (fruit)
Bananenmilch {f}
:: banana milk (milk into which bananas have been puréed)
Bananenrepublik {f}
:: banana republic
Bananensaft {m}
:: banana juice
Bananenschale {f}
:: banana peel, banana skin
bananig {adj}
:: bananalike
Banause {m}
:: banausic person
Band {n}
:: tape, ribbon
Band {n}
:: A ligament
Band {n}
:: band or tie holding items together
Band {n}
:: belt (conveyor belt, fan belt, etc.)
Band {n}
:: band of the spectrum
Band {n}
:: intimate bond to a person
Band {n}
:: dependence, social bond
Band {n}
:: shackle
Band {m}
:: A volume of a multi-volume set of books
Band {f}
:: A modern music band
Bandabstand {m}
:: bandgap
Bandage {f}
:: bandage
bandagieren {v}
:: to bandage
Bandagist {m}
:: a prosthetist
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} {n}
:: Bandar Seri Begawan (capital city)
Bandbreite {f}
:: bandwidth
Bändchen {n}
:: diminutive of Band
Bande {f}
:: gang (group of people united for some immoral or criminal objective)
Bande {f}
:: group, squad, band
Bande {f}
:: elevated boundary of a playing field; boards
Bändel {m} {n}
:: ribbon
Banderole {f}
:: label
Banderole {f}
:: revenue stamp
Bände sprechen {v}
:: to speak volumes, to say it all
bändigen {v}
:: to tame
Bandit {m}
:: bandit
Bandlaufwerk {n}
:: tape drive, streamer
Bändlein {n}
:: diminutive of Band
Bandlücke {f}
:: bandgap
Bandproduktion {f}
:: assembly line production
Bandrobbe {f}
:: ribbon seal
Bandsalat {m}
:: tape spaghetti
Bandscheibe {f}
:: spinal disc, intervertebral disc
Bandscheibenvorfall {m}
:: spinal disc herniation, slipped disc
Bandstruktur {f}
:: band structure (of electrons in a semiconductor)
Bandwurm {m}
:: tapeworm
Bandwurmgegenmittel {n}
:: tapeworm remedy / antidote
Bandwurmsatz {m}
:: run-on sentence
bang {adj}
:: scared, frightened, afraid, fearful
bangalisch {adj}
:: Bangladeshi
Bangbüxe {f}
:: coward; scaredy-cat
bange {adj}
:: alternative form of bang
Bange {f}
:: fear; fright; anxiety
bangen {v}
:: to feel dread or fear, especially for someone else without being able to do something about it
Bangigkeit {f}
:: a feeling of anxiety, especially when caused by an uncertain dread
Bangkok {prop} {n}
:: Bangkok (capital city)
Bangladesch {prop} {n}
:: Bangladesch (country)
Bangladescher {m}
:: Bangladeshi (person from Bangladesh or of Bangladeshi descent)
Bangladescherin {f}
:: Bangladeshi (female person from Bangladesh or of Bangladeshi descent)
bangladeschisch {adj}
:: Bangladeshi (of, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh)
Bangladesh {prop} {n}
:: nonstandard spelling of Bangladesch
bangsten {adj}
:: superlative of bang
Banja {f}
:: Russian banya
Banjo {n}
:: banjo
Bank {f}
:: bench (which people sit on); pew
Bank {f}
:: workbench (which things can be set down on)
Bank {f}
:: bank (collection of material in a body of water)
Bank {f}
:: substitutes' bench
Bank {f}
:: bank (financial institution)
Bank {f}
:: a facility for storage of a particular thing:
Bankangestellter {m}
:: bank employee; anyone who works at a bank
Bankautomat {m}
:: ATM, teller, automated teller machine
Banker {m}
:: banker (one who works in the banking industry)
Bankett {n}
:: banquet (meal)
Bankett {n}
:: verge (grassy area between road and sidewalk)
Bankgeheimnis {n}
:: bank secrecy, bank privacy
Bankhaus {n}
:: bank, banking house
Bankier {m}
:: The owner or a high-ranking officer of a bank (male or of unspecified sex)
Bankkaufmann {m}
:: banker, bank clerk (male or of unspecified sex)
Bankkonto {n}
:: bank account
Bankkunde {m}
:: bank customer
Bankleitzahl {f}
:: bank code, sort code
Banknote {f}
:: banknote (paper currency)
Bankomat {m}
:: synonym of Bankautomat
Bankraub {m}
:: bank robbery
Bankräuber {m}
:: bank robber (male or of unspecified sex)
bankrott {adj}
:: bankrupt
Bankrott {m}
:: bankruptcy
Bankschalter {m}
:: bank counter
Banküberfall {m}
:: bank raid, bank robbery, bank heist
Bankwesen {n}
:: banking, banking sector
Bankzinsenluder {n}
:: A politician who cares more about financial institutions than the people
Bann {m}
:: jurisdiction
Bann {m}
:: ban, proscription
Bann {m}
:: excommunication
Bann {m}
:: spell, enchantment, influence, magic, magical effect
Bann {m}
:: a regiment of Hitler Youth or the SS
Banne {prop} {m}
:: given name
bannen {vt}
:: to ostracize; to banish; to outlaw; to excommunicate
bannen {vt}
:: to immobilize or disarm (a spirit) by a spell
bannen {vt}
:: to avert; to banish; to drive off
bannen {vt}
:: to captivate; to fascinate
Banner {n}
:: banner
Bannfluch {m}
:: anathema
bannig {adj}
:: very, extraordinarily
Bannmeile {f}
:: area around a city governed by special trade laws
Bannmeile {f}
:: protective area around certain government buildings in Germany, especially the Bundestag, where demonstrations are illegal
Bannstrahl {m}
:: anathema
Bannstrahl {m}
:: thunderbolt
Banshee {f}
:: banshee (in Irish folklore, a female spirit)
bappen {v}
:: to stick
Baptismus {m}
:: the Baptist denomination
Baptist {prop} {m}
:: the Baptist (title of Saint John the Baptist)
Baptist {m}
:: Baptist (follower of the Baptist denomination)
Baptista {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Baptist
-bar {suffix}
:: -able, -ible
bar {adj}
:: bare
bar {adv}
:: in cash
bar {adv}
:: pure
bar {prep}
:: (+genitive) without
Bar. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Baryton
Bar {f}
:: bar (desk)
Bar {f}
:: night club (pub)
Bar {n}
:: bar (unit of pressure)
Bär {m}
:: bear (animal)
Bär {m}
:: bear (male with bear-like characteristics)
Bär {m}
:: large block or hammer for machining things or pile-driving
Bär {m}
:: boar
Baracke {f}
:: shack, barrack
Barbadier {m}
:: Barbadian
Barbadierin {f}
:: female Barbadian
barbadisch {adj}
:: Barbadian (of or relating to Barbados)
Barbados {prop} {n}
:: Barbados (island/and/country)
Barbar {m}
:: barbarian
Barbara {prop}
:: given name; very popular in the mid-twentieth century
Barbarei {f}
:: barbarity
Barbarei {f}
:: barbarism
barbarisch {adj}
:: barbaric, barbarian, barbarous
Barbe {f}
:: barbel (fish)
bärbeißig {adj}
:: grumpy, cranky, grouchy
Bärbel {prop}
:: given name
Barbian {prop} {n}
:: Barbian (municipality)
Barbie {noun}
:: surname
Barbier {m}
:: barber (male or of unspecified sex)
barbieren {v}
:: to cut (trim, barber) the beard, to shave
barbusig {adj}
:: (of a woman) topless, bare-breasted
Barcelona {prop} {n}
:: Barcelona (capital city)
Barceloner {m}
:: A Barcelonian (a native or inhabitant of Barcelona)
Barceloner {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Barcelona
Barchat {m}
:: obsolete form of Barchent
Barchend {m}
:: alternative form of Barchent
Barchent {m}
:: fustian, barracan, a kind of rough and dense cloth of linen and cotton
Barchet {m}
:: alternative form of Barchent
Barcode {m}
:: barcode
Barde {m}
:: bard, minstrel (male or of unspecified sex)
Bärendienst {m}
:: disservice; mistaken favour, poisoned chalice (something that is done with the intention to help, but turns out to be detrimental)
Bärendreck {m}
:: blackberry or dewberry
Bärendreck {m}
:: licorice
Bärenfell {n}
:: the fur of a bear, bearskin
Bärenfellmütze {f}
:: bearskin (cap)
Bärenfleisch {n}
:: bear meat
Bärenfleisch {n}
:: boar meat
Bärenhaut {f}
:: bear hide, skin
Bärenhunger {m}
:: ravenous hunger
Bärenklau {mf}
:: hogweed
bärenstark {adj}
:: strapping, strong as an ox, strong as a bear
bärenstark {adj}
:: terrific
Barentssee {prop} {f}
:: Barents Sea
barfuss {adv}
:: alternative spelling of barfuß
barfuß {adv}
:: barefoot
barfüssig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of barfüßig
barfüßig {adj}
:: barefooted, bare-footed, barefoot
Barfüssigkeit {f}
:: alternative spelling of Barfüßigkeit
Barfüßigkeit {f}
:: barefootedness
Bargeld {n}
:: cash (money in the form of notes/bills and coins)
bargeldlos {adj}
:: cashless
barhäuptig {adj}
:: bareheaded
Barhocker {m}
:: bar stool (a tall stool-like seat usually having a foot rest, commonly placed in bars)
Bärin {f}
:: female bear, she-bear
Barista {m}
:: barista
Barit {m}
:: alternative form of Baryt
Bariton {m}
:: baritone
Barium {n}
:: barium
Bariumcarbonat {n}
:: barium carbonate
Bariumchlorid {n}
:: barium chloride
Bariumoxid {n}
:: barium oxide
bariumperoxid {n}
:: barium peroxide
Bariumsulfat {n}
:: barium sulfate
Bariumtitanat {n}
:: barium titanate
Bark {f}
:: bark (three-masted vessel)
Barke {f}
:: (small) boat
Barkeeper {m}
:: barkeeper
Bärlauch {m}
:: ramsons
Barmann {m}
:: barman, bartender barkeeper (male or of unspecified sex) (one who tends a bar or pub)
barmherzig {adj}
:: merciful, compassionate
Barmherzigkeit {f}
:: mercy, compassion
Barmixer {m}
:: barkeeper
Barmixerin {f}
:: barkeeper woman
Bärnbach {prop} {n}
:: Bärnbach (municipality)
Bärnkopf {prop} {n}
:: Bärnkopf (municipality)
barock {adj}
:: baroque
Barock {m} {n}
:: Baroque (style)
Barockmaler {m}
:: baroque painter (artist of the Baroque Period)
Barockmusik {f}
:: Baroque music
Barockmusik {f}
:: a musical composition of the Baroque Period
Barockschloss {n}
:: Baroque castle, baroque palace
Barockschloß {n}
:: alternative spelling of Barockschloss
Barockschlösschen {n}
:: diminutive of Barockschloss
Barockstil {m}
:: Baroque style
Barometer {n}
:: barometer (instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure)
barometrisch {adj}
:: barometric
Baron {m}
:: baron
Baronesse {f}
:: baroness
Barrel {n}
:: barrel
Barren {m}
:: bar, ingot
Barren {m}
:: parallel bars
Barrette {f}
:: katepimeron; barrette
Barriere {f}
:: barrier
barrierefrei {adj}
:: barrier-free
barrierefrei {adj}
:: accessible (designed as to be usable by people with disabilities)
Barrierefreiheit {f}
:: accessibility
Barrikade {f}
:: barricade
barsch {adj}
:: harsh, unfriendly
Barsch {m}
:: perch (fish)
Barschaft {f}
:: cash
Barstuhl {m}
:: bar chair, bar stool (a tall chair-like seat usually having a foot rest, commonly placed in bars)
Bart {m}
:: beard
Bart {m}
:: bit; the part of a key which interacts with the lock
Bärtchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bart
Barte {f}
:: baleen (plates in the mouth of the baleen whale)
Barte {f}
:: axe or halberd
Barte {f}
:: axe
Bartender {m}
:: bartender
Bartenwal {m}
:: baleen whale
Barterl {n}
:: a bib
Bartgeier {m}
:: bearded vulture, lammergeier
Bartholomäberg {prop} {n}
:: Bartholomäberg (municipality)
Bartholomäus {prop}
:: Bartholomew (the Apostle)
Bartholomäus {prop}
:: Bartholomew (male given name)
Bärtierchen {n}
:: tardigrade, water bear
bärtig {adj}
:: bearded
Bartkauz {m}
:: great grey owl
Bärwinkel {m}
:: periwinkle
Bärwurz {f}
:: baldmoney, spignel (Meum athamanticum)
Baryon {n}
:: baryon
Baryt {m}
:: barite
Baryton {n}
:: baryton
Barzahlung {f}
:: cash payment
basal {adj}
:: basal
Basalebene {f}
:: basal plane (e.g. of graphite)
Basalt {m}
:: basalt
basalten {adj}
:: basaltic
Basaltgestein {n}
:: basalt rock
basalthaltig {adj}
:: basaltic
basaltisch {adj}
:: basaltic
Basar {m}
:: bazaar
Baschkire {m}
:: Bashkir (man of Bashkir origin)
Baschkirin {f}
:: Bashkir (woman of Bashkir origin)
baschkirisch {adj}
:: Bashkir (related to the Bashkirs, their culture or language)
Baschkirisch {prop} {n}
:: Bashkir (language)
Base {f}
:: A female cousin
Base {f}
:: paternal aunt
Base {f}
:: base (compound that will neutralize an acid)
Baseball {m}
:: baseball (ballgame)
Baseball {m}
:: baseball (ball)
Baseballschläger {m}
:: baseball bat
Basecap {n}
:: baseball cap
Basecap {f}
:: baseball cap
Basel {prop} {n}
:: Basel (city)
Baseler {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Basel
Basel-Landschaft {prop} {f}
:: Basel-Country, Basel-Landschaft
Basel-Stadt {prop} {f}
:: Basel-Stadt
BASF {prop}
:: initialism of Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik, a German soda company
Basics {p}
:: basics
basieren {v}
:: to base (on)
basieren {v}
:: to be based (on)
basiert {adj}
:: based
basiklin {adj}
:: tending to grow in basic soil
Basilekt {m}
:: basilect
Basilika {f}
:: basilica
Basilikum {n}
:: basil
Basilisk {m}
:: basilisk (mythical creature)
Basilisk {m}
:: basilisk, any reptile of genus Basiliscus
Basis {f}
:: basis (foundation, principle)
Basis {f}
:: base
Basis {f}
:: basis
basisch {adj}
:: basic, alkaline
Basisdaten {p}
:: basic data
Basiseinheit {f}
:: base unit
Basisklasse {f}
:: base class
Basismaterial {n}
:: base material
Basisreproduktionszahl {f}
:: basic reproduction number
Basiswissen {n}
:: basic knowledge
Basizität {f}
:: basicity
Baske {m}
:: Basque (male or of unspecified sex)
Baskenland {prop} {n}
:: Baskenland (autonomous community)
Baskenmütze {f}
:: beret
Basketball {m}
:: basketball
Basketballspieler {m}
:: basketball player (male or of unspecified sex)
Basketballspielerin {f}
:: basketball player (female)
Baskin {f}
:: Basque (member of a people)
baskisch {adj}
:: Basque; Relative to the Basque people or their language
Baskisch {n}
:: Basque (the Basque language)
Basler {m}
:: Basler (a native or inhabitant of Basel)
bass {adj}
:: greatly
Bass {m}
:: bass (low spectrum of sound)
Bass {m}
:: bass (singer; section of musical group)
Bass {m}
:: bass, double bass (stringed instrument)
Baß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bass
Baßbariton {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bassbariton
Basse {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Baßflöte {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bassflöte
Bassgeige {f}
:: double bass
Bassgeige {f}
:: cello
Baßgeige {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bassgeige
Bassgitarre {f}
:: bass guitar
Baßgitarre {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bassgitarre
Bassin {n}
:: basin, pool
Bassist {m}
:: bassist
basslastig {adj}
:: bass-heavy, bassy
Bassposaune {f}
:: bass trombone
Baßposaune {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bassposaune
Basssänger {m}
:: bass singer (male)
Baßsänger {m}
:: alternative spelling of Basssänger
Bassschlüssel {m}
:: bass clef
Baßschlüssel {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bassschlüssel
Bassstimme {f}
:: bass (pitch)
Bassstimme {f}
:: sheet music for bass
Baßstimme {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bassstimme
Basstölpel {m}
:: gannet (sea bird)
Baßtölpel {m}
:: alternative spelling of Basstölpel
Baßtuba {f}
:: alternative spelling of Basstuba
Bassum {prop} {n}
:: Bassum (town)
Bast {m}
:: bast
Bastard {m}
:: bastard (person born to unmarried parents; male or unspecified sex)
Bastard {m}
:: bastard; mongrel (person born to parents considered incongruous in class, race, etc.; male or unspecified sex)
Bastard {m}
:: crossbreed, hybrid, mongrel (male or of unspecified sex)
Bastardschildkröte {f}
:: Ridley sea turtle
Bastei {f}
:: bastion
basteln {v}
:: to do handicrafts
basteln {v}
:: to do DIY
basteln {v}
:: to tinker (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it)
basten {adj}
:: made of bast
bastfarben {adj}
:: bast-coloured
Bastian {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Sebastian. Cognate to the English name Bastian
Bastienne {prop}
:: given name, feminine noun of Bastian, diminutive of Sebastienne
Bastion {f}
:: bastion
Bastnäsit {n}
:: bastnäsite, bastnaesite
Bataillon {n}
:: battalion
Batik {f} {m}
:: batik
batiken {v}
:: to batik
batisten {adj}
:: batiste (attributive)
batten {v}
:: to be useful, to be of use, to help
Batterie {f}
:: battery
batteriebetrieben {adj}
:: battery-powered
Batzen {m}
:: batzen
Batzen {m}
:: lump
Batzen {m}
:: large sum of money
Bau {m}
:: building, construction
Bau {m}
:: building site, construction site
Bau {m}
:: burrow (of an animal)
Bau {m}
:: prison, jail
Bauanleitung {f}
:: construction manual
Bauarbeiten {fp}
:: construction works
Bauarbeiter {m}
:: construction worker, building worker, builder (male or of unspecified sex)
Bauarbeiterin {f}
:: construction worker, building worker, builder (female)
Bauart {noun}
:: design, layout (type of construction)
Baubeginn {m}
:: commencement / start of construction
Bauch {m}
:: abdomen, belly
Bauch {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bauchemie {f}
:: building chemistry
Bauchentscheidung {f}
:: gut reaction, very rare: gut decision
Bauchfett {n}
:: belly fat
Bauchfleck {m}
:: bellyflop
Bauchfleck {m}
:: A characteristic spot or fleck on the belly (of an animal)
Bauchflosse {f}
:: abdominal fin, pelvic fin, ventral fin
Bauchgefühl {n}
:: gut feeling
bauchig {adj}
:: bulbous
bauchig {adj}
:: bulging
Bauchklatscher {m}
:: belly flop
Bauchkrampf {m}
:: abdominal cramp
Bauchlandung {f}
:: belly landing
bäuchlings {adv}
:: lying on one’s belly; prostrate
Bauchnabel {m}
:: navel, bellybutton, umbilicus
Bauchnabelfussel {noun}
:: bellybutton fluff
bauchoben {adv} carcasses or cadavers and objects]
:: in a position with the belly or underside facing upwards; belly up/belly-up, upside down
Bauchplatscher {m}
:: alternative form of Bauchklatscher
bauchreden {vt}
:: to ventriloquize
Bauchredner {m}
:: ventriloquist
Bauchschmerz {m}
:: abdominal pain, bellyache, stomachache, tummyache
Bauchspeck {m}
:: bacon
Bauchspeichel {m}
:: pancreatic juice
Bauchspeicheldrüse {f}
:: pancreas
Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung {f}
:: pancreatitis
Bauchtanz {m}
:: belly dance
Baueinheit {f}
:: unit, assembly (especially part of a machine tool)
Bauelement {n}
:: device
Bauelement {n}
:: component, module
Bauelement {n}
:: part, element
bauen {v}
:: to build; to construct
bauen {v}
:: (drug-related) to roll a joint
bauen {v}
:: to rely
Bauer {m}
:: farmer, peasant, boor (male or of unspecified sex)
Bauer {m}
:: pawn
Bauer {m}
:: jack, knave
Bauer {prop}
:: surname
Bauer {n} {m}
:: birdcage
Bauer {m}
:: builder
Bäuerchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bauer
Bäuerchen {n}
:: the burp or slight vomit of a baby
Bäuerchen {n}
:: an instance of burping or vomiting by an adult
Bäuerin {f}
:: peasant or farmer (female)
Bäuerlein {n}
:: diminutive of Bauer
bäuerlich {adj}
:: rustic
Bauernfänger {m}
:: conman
Bauernfängerei {f}
:: con
Bauernfrühstück {n}
:: a dish made of fried potatoes, scrambled eggs and bacon
Bauernhaus {n}
:: farmhouse (farmer's residence)
Bauernhof {m}
:: A farm
Bauernkrieg {m}
:: peasant war
Bauernmalerei {f}
:: folk art, rustic painting, rural painting, naive painting
Bauernregel {f}
:: country saying
Bauernschaft {f}
:: a union of farmers, or a peasants' confederation, typically on a regional level
Bauernschaft {f}
:: the trade of farmers, and farmers as a group of the population
Bauernschaft {f}
:: an identified region, e.g. Farster Bauernschaft.
Bauerntabak {m}
:: wild tobacco
Bauerntölpel {m}
:: clodhopper
Bauerntum {n}
:: peasantry
Bauerschaft {f}
:: a number of outlying farms that together constitute a community but without a village centre
Baufall {m}
:: ruins, rubble, wreckage, the debris of a fallen building
baufällig {adj}
:: dilapidated, ramshackle (buildings)
Bauform {f}
:: style
Baugenehmigung {f}
:: building permit
baugleich {adj}
:: identical in construction, identically constructed
Baugruppe {f}
:: assembly, subassembly, component, module
Bauhaus {prop} {n}
:: Bauhaus
Bauherr {m}
:: builder
Bauherr {m}
:: contractor or owner of a building project
Bauholz {n}
:: timber, lumber
Bauindustrie {f}
:: building / construction industry
Baujahr {n}
:: model year
Baujahr {n}
:: year of construction
Baukalk {m}
:: lime (when used as a building material)
Baukasten {m}
:: toy block; building block
Bauklotz {m}
:: building block
Baukunst {f}
:: architecture
baulich {adj}
:: structural
baulich {adj}
:: architectural
Baum {m}
:: tree
Baum {m}
:: boom
Baum {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Baum {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Baumann {prop}
:: surname
Baumarkt {m}
:: large hardware store, typically run by a chain, often including a garden and/or furniture department
baumartig {adj}
:: treelike, arborescent
Baumast {m}
:: bough of a tree, tree bough
Baumaterial {n}
:: building / construction material
Baumbast {m}
:: tree bast
Baumbestand {m}
:: tree population
baumbestanden {noun}
:: tree-covered
Baumblüte {f}
:: tree blossom
Baumblüte {f}
:: flowering season of trees
Bäumchen {n}
:: diminutive of Baum
baumeln {v}
:: to dangle
baumeln {v}
:: to relax
bäumen {vr}
:: to rear up
bäumen {vr}
:: to rebel
Baumfalke {m}
:: Eurasian hobby
Baumgarten {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Baumgartenberg {prop} {n}
:: Baumgartenberg (municipality)
Baumgartner {prop} {m}
:: surname
Baumgrenze {f}
:: treeline, timberline
Baumhaus {n}
:: tree house
Baumhöhle {f}
:: tree hole, tree hollow
Baumkirchen {prop} {n}
:: Baumkirchen (municipality)
Baumkrone {f}
:: treetop
Baumkronenpfad {m}
:: treetop walkway
Baumkuchen {m}
:: Baumkuchen (layered cake)
Baumkunde {f}
:: dendrology
baumlang {adj}
:: tall or lanky
Bäumlein {n}
:: diminutive of Baum
baumlos {adj}
:: treeless (without trees)
Baummarder {m}
:: pine marten; European pine marten
Baumralle {f}
:: New Guinea flightless rail
baumreich {adj}
:: wooded (having many trees), forested, arboreous (landscape)
Baumrinde {f}
:: bark (of tree)
Baumschule {f}
:: (tree) nursery
Baumstamm {m}
:: tree trunk, log (the main structural member of a tree)
Baumstumpf {m}
:: tree stump
Baumwipfel {m}
:: treetop
Baumwipfelpfad {m}
:: treetop walkway
Baumwolle {f}
:: cotton
Baumwolle {f}
:: cotton
baumwollen {adj}
:: cotton (attributive)
Baumwollhandschuh {m}
:: cotton glove
Baumwollhemd {n}
:: cotton shirt
Baumwolllaken {n}
:: cotton sheet
Baumwollmantel {m}
:: cotton coat
Baumwollsamt {m}
:: velveteen
Baumwollsocke {f}
:: cotton sock
Bauplan {m}
:: building plan
Bauplan {m}
:: bauplan
bäurisch {adj}
:: boorish
Bausch {m}
:: wad
Bausch {m}
:: pad
bauschen {v}
:: to billow
bauschig {adj}
:: billowing
bauschig {adj}
:: bulging, baggy, puffy
Bausoldat {m}
:: construction soldier (person who didn't bear arms but instead did construction work)
baußen {adv}
:: outside
Baustahl {m}
:: structural steel
Baustein {m}
:: brick
Baustein {m}
:: building block, module, component
Baustein {m}
:: device
Baustelle {f}
:: building site, construction site
baustellenbedingt {adj}
:: building site (attributive)
Baustil {m}
:: style
Baustoff {m}
:: building material
Baustoff {m}
:: nutrient
Bautechnik {f}
:: structural engineering
bautechnisch {adj}
:: constructional, related to structural engineering
Bauteil {n}
:: component, part, unit, element
Bautzen {prop} {n}
:: Bautzen (city)
Bauvorschrift {f}
:: building regulation
Bauwagen {m}
:: construction trailer
Bauweise {f}
:: design, construction
Bauwerk {n}
:: building, edifice
Bauwesen {n}
:: construction (trade of building)
Bauwirtschaft {f}
:: construction industry, building trade
Bauxit {m}
:: bauxite
Bauzeit {f}
:: building / construction time
Ba-Wü {prop}
:: abbreviation of Baden-Württemberg
Bayer {m}
:: Bavarian, inhabitant of Bavaria {m}
Bayer-Bezeichnung {f}
:: Bayer designation
bayerisch {adj}
:: alternative form of bayrisch
Bayerischer Wald {prop} {m}
:: Bavarian Forest
Bayern {prop} {n}
:: Bavaria
Bayern {prop} {n}
:: FC Bayern München, a football club from Bavaria
Bayreuth {prop} {n}
:: Bayreuth (independent city)
bayrisch {adj}
:: Bavarian (related to the Bundesland Bayern)
Bayxit {prop}
:: The (hypothetical) withdrawal of Bavaria from Germany
Bazi {m}
:: a clever or mischievous boy
Bazi {m}
:: a Bavarian
Bazillenträger {m}
:: germ carrier
Bazillus {m}
:: bacillus
Bazooka {f}
:: bazooka
Bazzit {m}
:: bazzite
Bck. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Becken
Bd. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Band vol.
B-dur {m}
:: B-flat major
be- {prefix}
:: Inseparable verbal prefix that signifies working on something or change of state
be- {prefix}
:: Inseparable verbal prefix that signifies touching the object
be- {prefix}
:: Inseparable verbal prefix that signifies discussing or mentioning the object
Be {noun}
:: Sakthi flat
beabsichtigen {v}
:: to intend
beabsichtigt {adj}
:: intended
Beachparty {f}
:: beach party
beachten {v}
:: To note, notice, observe
beachten {v}
:: To mind, heed
beachtenswert {adj}
:: noteworthy
beachtet {v}
:: past participle of beachten - observed, noted
beachtlich {adj}
:: considerable, noticeable, remarkable, substantial
Beachtung {f}
:: regard, heed, attention
Beachtung {f}
:: observance
Beachtung {f}
:: observation, notice
Beachvolleyball {noun}
:: beach volleyball
beamen {vti}
:: to beam (transmit matter or information via a high-tech wireless mechanism)
beamen {vti}
:: to project with a video projector
Beamer {m}
:: video projector
Beamte {f}
:: officer, public servant, civil servant (female)
beamten {v}
:: to provide a post to
Beamtendeutsch {prop} {n}
:: synonym of Amtsdeutsch
Beamter {m}
:: officer, civil servant, public servant (male or of unspecified sex)
beamtet {v}
:: past participle of beamten
Beamtin {f}
:: civil servant, public servant (female)
beängstigen {vt}
:: to worry
beängstigend {adj}
:: frightening
Beanie {f}
:: beanie (hat)
beanspruchen {vt}
:: claim (to demand ownership of something)
beanspruchen {vt}
:: require
beanspruchen {vt}
:: demand
beansprucht {adj}
:: stressed
beanstanden {v}
:: to query, complain about
Beanstandung {f}
:: complaint, objection
beantragen {v}
:: to apply for
beantragen {v}
:: to request, to propose
Beantrager {m}
:: applicant
beantragt {v}
:: past participle of beantragen
beantworten {v}
:: to answer (a question)
beantwortet {v}
:: past participle of beantworten
beantwortet {adj}
:: answered
bearb. {adj}
:: abbreviation of bearbeitet
bearb {adj}
:: alternative spelling of bearb.
bearbeitbar {adj}
:: editable
bearbeitbar {adj}
:: processable
Bearbeitbarkeit {f}
:: editability
Bearbeitbarkeit {f}
:: workability (of a metal etc)
bearbeiten {vt}
:: to edit
bearbeiten {vt}
:: to work on something
bearbeitet {v}
:: past participle of bearbeiten
Bearbeitung {f}
:: edit (a change to the text of a document)
Bearbeitung {f}
:: processing
Bearbeitung {f}
:: dressing
Bearbeitungsdauer {f}
:: preparation time
Bearbeitungsdauer {f}
:: processing time
Béarn {prop}
:: The Béarn region in the French Pyrenees
beatboxen {v}
:: to beatbox
Beate {prop}
:: given name derived from Latin Beata
beatmen {v}
:: to ventilate
beatmet {v}
:: past participle of beatmen
beatmet {adj}
:: ventilated
Beatmung {f}
:: artificial respiration, ventilation
Beatmungsgerät {n}
:: medical ventilator
Beatrice {prop}
:: given name, Italian and English form of Beatrix
Beatrix {prop}
:: given name
Beatrix {prop}
:: asteroid number 83
Beaufortsee {prop} {f}
:: Beaufort Sea
Beaufortskala {f}
:: Beaufort scale
beaufschlagt {v}
:: past participle of beaufschlagen - admitted; impinged
beaufsichtigen {v}
:: to supervise
Beaufsichtigung {f}
:: supervision
beauftragen {v}
:: To commission
beauftragen {v}
:: To instruct
beauftragen {v}
:: To hire, employ
beauftragt {v}
:: past participle of beauftragen
Beauftragte {f}
:: female commissioner
Beauftragter {m}
:: male commissioner
beäugen {v}
:: to eye
bebartet {adj}
:: bearded (wearing a beard = de: einen Bart tragend)
bebaubar {adj}
:: arable, cultivable
bebauen {vt}
:: to build a building in ; to develop
bebauen {vt}
:: to cultivate
bebaut {adj}
:: developed, built
Bebauung {f}
:: development, building, construction
Bebauung {f}
:: cultivation
Bebauungsplan {m}
:: development plan
Bebauungsplan {m}
:: zoning map
beben {v}
:: to shake, to quiver
Beben {n}
:: a quake, shaking or trembling
beblümt {adj}
:: flowery, flowered
bebrillt {adj}
:: bespectacled
Bebung {f}
:: trembling
Bebung {f}
:: vibrato, especially as produced on a clavichord
bebuscht {adj}
:: bushy, scrubby
bebust {adj}
:: bosomed
Becher {m}
:: a cylindrical or slightly conical drinking vessel without a stem, typically with no handle, beaker
Becher {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Becherchen {n}
:: diminutive of Becher
Becherglas {n}
:: A glass beaker, flat-bottomed vessel fit for liquids
Becherlein {n}
:: diminutive of Becher
bechern {v}
:: to booze, to tipple
-beck {suffix}
:: Placename suffix found in northern Germany
-beck {suffix}
:: Suffix of occupational surnames
Beck {m}
:: baker
Beck {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Beck {m}
:: The beak of a bird of prey
Becken {n}
:: basin, wide bowl
Becken {n}
:: a swimming pool or other artificial pool
Becken {n}
:: basin
Becken {n}
:: pelvis
Becken {n}
:: cymbal
Beckenbauer {prop}
:: surname
Beckenboden {m}
:: pelvic floor
Beckenbruch {m}
:: pelvic fracture
Becker {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Beckmann {prop}
:: surname
Beckmann {prop}
:: Ernst Otto Beckmann, German chemist
beckmesserisch {adj}
:: carping
beckmesserisch {adj}
:: pedantic
Becquerel {n}
:: becquerel (unit of radioactivity)
Bedacht {m}
:: care, consideration
bedächtig {adj}
:: deliberate
bedächtig {adj}
:: thoughtful, reflective
bedampft {v}
:: past participle of bedampfen
bedampft {adj}
:: metallized (covered by a thin film of evaporated metal)
bedanken {vr}
:: to thank
Bedarf {m}
:: need
Bedarf {m}
:: demand
Bedarfsaufstellung {f}
:: requirements list
Bedarfsgegenstand {m}
:: commodity
bedauerlich {adj}
:: regrettable
bedauerlicher {adj}
:: comparative of bedauerlich
bedauerlicherweise {adv}
:: regrettably
bedauerlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of bedauerlich
bedauern {v}
:: to regret
bedauern {v}
:: to pity
bedauernswert {adj}
:: pitiable, regrettable, deplorable, pathetic
bedecken {v}
:: to cover
bedecken {v}
:: to make mate
bedeckt {adj}
:: covered, coated, capped
bedeckt {adj}
:: overcast
Bedeckung {f}
:: cover
bedenken {v}
:: to consider, bethink
bedenken {v}
:: to keep in mind
Bedenken {n}
:: concern, objection
bedenkenlos {adj}
:: unscrupulous
bedenkenlos {adj}
:: thoughtless, unthinking
bedenkenlos {adj}
:: unhesitating, prompt
bedenkenswert {adj}
:: worth considering
bedenklich {adj}
:: serious, grave
bedenklich {adj}
:: questionable, dubious
Bedenkzeit {f}
:: time for consideration
bedeuten {v}
:: to mean, to signify, to represent, to denote
bedeuten {v}
:: to imply, to involve, to indicate, to spell, to betoken
bedeutend {adj}
:: significant, meaningful
bedeutender {adj}
:: comparative of bedeutend
bedeutsam {adj}
:: significant, momentous
Bedeutsamkeit {f}
:: significance, relevance
Bedeutung {f}
:: meaning, sense
Bedeutung {f}
:: meaning, significance, importance
Bedeutungsentlehnung {f}
:: semantic loaning (the result, a semantic loan, is Lehnbedeutung)
Bedeutungserklärung {f}
:: explanation of the meaning of a term; definition
Bedeutungserweiterung {f}
:: semantic widening
bedeutungsgleich {adj}
:: meaningful
bedeutungsgleich {adj}
:: synonymous
Bedeutungslehre {f}
:: semantics (study of the meaning of words)
bedeutungslos {adj}
:: meaningless, insignificant
bedeutungsloser {adj}
:: comparative of bedeutungslos
bedeutungslosesten {adj}
:: superlative of bedeutungslos
Bedeutungslosigkeit {f}
:: irrelevance, insignificance
bedeutungsschwanger {adj}
:: meaningful
bedeutungsschwer {adj}
:: portentous, pregnant (with meaning)
Bedeutungsübersicht {f}
:: overview of meanings
Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung {f}
:: generalization of meaning
Bedeutungsverengung {f}
:: semantic narrowing
bedeutungsvoll {adj}
:: meaningful
bedeutungsvoll {adj}
:: significant, important
bedeutungsvoll {adv}
:: meaningfully
bedeutungsvoller {adj}
:: comparative of bedeutungsvoll
bedeutungsvollsten {adj}
:: superlative of bedeutungsvoll
Bedeutungswandel {m}
:: semantic change
bedienen {vt}
:: to serve
bedienen {vt}
:: to operate
bedienen {vti}
:: to play a card according to the grouping of the first card of a trick; to follow suit
bedienen {vr}
:: to help oneself (to); to use
bedienstet {adj}
:: employed, on duty
Bedienstete {f}
:: female employee, staff
Bedienstete {f}
:: female servant
Bediensteter {m}
:: employee, staff
Bediensteter {m}
:: servant
Bedienung {f}
:: service
Bedienung {f}
:: waiter, waitress
Bedienung {f}
:: operation
bedingen {v}
:: to cause
bedingen {v}
:: to require, have as a prerequisite or condition
bedingt {v}
:: past participle of bedingen
bedingt {adj}
:: conditional, provisory
bedingt {adj}
:: conditioned, induced
Bedingung {f}
:: requirement, condition (prerequisite)
bedingungslos {adj}
:: unconditional
Bednarz {prop} {mf}
:: surname
bedonnert {adj}
:: angry, upset
bedonnert {adj}
:: crazy, mad
bedrängen {v}
:: To press hard; squeeze
Bedrängnis {n} {f}
:: hardship, distress
bedrohen {v}
:: to threaten, menace
bedrohlich {adj}
:: threatening
bedrohlicher {adj}
:: comparative of bedrohlich
bedrohlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of bedrohlich
bedroht {v}
:: past participle of bedrohen
bedroht {adj}
:: threatened
Bedrohung {f}
:: threat (indication of imminent danger)
bedröppelt {adj}
:: crestfallen
bedrucken {v}
:: to print on, to imprint
bedrücken {v}
:: to depress, to oppress
bedrücken {v}
:: to weigh down, to bear down
bedrücken {v}
:: to pinch
bedrückend {v}
:: present participle form of bedrücken
bedrückend {adj}
:: oppressive, burdensome
bedrückend {adj}
:: depressing, gloomy
bedruckt {adj}
:: printed on, imprinted
bedrückt {v}
:: past participle of bedrücken
bedrückt {v}
:: past participle of bedrücken
Bedrücktheit {f}
:: despondency
Beduine {m}
:: bedouin
bedünken {v}
:: to seem
bedürfen {v}
:: to require, need
Bedürfnis {n}
:: need
Bedürfnis {n}
:: desire
bedürftig {adj}
:: needy, poor, indigent
Bedürftigkeit {f}
:: neediness
beduseln {v}
:: to inebriate
Beefsteak {m}
:: beefsteak
beeidigen {v}
:: to formally verify
beeidigen {v}
:: to swear in
beeifern {vr}
:: to dedicate oneself
beeilen {vr}
:: to hurry, to hasten, to rush
beeilt {v}
:: past participle of beeilen
Beeilung {interj}
:: hurry up!
Beeilung {f}
:: hurry
beeindrucken {vt}
:: To impress, to impose
beeindruckend {adj}
:: impressive
beeindruckender {adj}
:: comparative of beeindruckend
beeindruckt {v}
:: past participle of beeindrucken
beeinflussbar {adj}
:: impressionable, influenceable, suggestible
beeinflussen {v}
:: to influence
beeinflusst {v}
:: past participle of beeinflussen
beeinflusst {adj}
:: influenced, governed
Beeinflussung {f}
:: interference, manipulation
Beeinflussung {f}
:: impact, influence
beeinträchtigen {v}
:: to impair, to mar, to tarnish
beeinträchtigend {adj}
:: impairing
beeinträchtigt {adj}
:: affected, impaired
Beeinträchtigung {f}
:: impairment
Beelzebub {m}
:: Beelzebub
Beelzebub {m}
:: demon, devil
beenden {v}
:: to finish, to complete
beenden {v}
:: to terminate
beenden {v}
:: to exit
beendet {v}
:: past participle of beenden
Beendigung {f}
:: cessation, termination, ending, conclusion
Beendigung {f}
:: completion
beengt {adj}
:: cramped
beengter {adj}
:: comparative of beengt
beengtesten {adj}
:: superlative of beengt
Beer {noun}
:: obsolete form of Beere
beerben {v}
:: to inherit
beerdigen {v}
:: to bury
beerdigen {v}
:: to deep six
Beerdigung {f}
:: burial
Beerdigung {f}
:: funeral
Beere {f}
:: berry
Beerenauslese {f}
:: Beerenauslese (lit.: selected harvest of berries). A (usually white) wine made from individually picked grapes which are fully ripe and even botrytized, i.e. affected by noble rot (Edelfäule). These grapes are purposefully harvested very late, so as to be extra sweet
Beerenauslese {f}
:: A quality category in German and Austrian wine classification. Among the different Prädikatswein categories the Beerenauslese is placed above Auslese and below Trockenbeerenauslese
Beerenobst {n}
:: soft fruit (berries)
beerentragend {adj}
:: Covered in berries
Beet {n}
:: bed (for plants)
Beete {f}
:: alternative form of Bete
Beethoven {prop} {mf}
:: Beethoven
befähigen {vt}
:: to enable, empower
befähigt {adj}
:: gifted, capable, suitable, competent, fit
Befähigung {f}
:: ability, competency
befahrbar {adj}
:: driveable, navigable, passable, open to traffic
befahren {adj}
:: vehicular
Befall {m}
:: infestation
befallen {v}
:: to affect
befallen {v}
:: to seize
befallen {v}
:: to infest
befangen {adj}
:: biased, prejudiced
befangen {adj}
:: bashful, shy, selfconscious
Befangenheit {f}
:: bias
befassen {vr}
:: To attend to, to deal with, to engage oneself in, to delve into
befassen {vt}
:: to give someone the task to deal with something
befassen {vt}
:: to touch
befehden {vr}
:: to feud
befehden {vt}
:: to feud with
Befehl {m}
:: command, order
Befehl {m}
:: command
befehlen {vt}
:: to command; to order (someone to do something)
befehlen {vi}
:: to give orders; to be in command
befehlen {v}
:: to entrust
befehligen {v}
:: to command
Befehlsform {f}
:: imperative
Befehlsgewalt {f}
:: command, authority to give orders
Befehlshaber {m}
:: commander
Befehlskette {f}
:: chain of command
befestigen {v}
:: To stick, fix, attach, pin, fasten, secure
befestigt {v}
:: past participle of befestigen
Befestigung {f}
:: fastening
Befestigungsanlage {f}
:: fortification, works to defend a place, fortress
befeuchten {v}
:: to moisten, wet
befeuern {v}
:: to fuel
befeuern {v}
:: to fire upon
befeuern {v}
:: to be lighted
Beffchen {n}
:: bands; preaching bands (a kind of neckwear worn chiefly by Protestant ministers)
befinden {vr}
:: to occupy a place; to be located; to be situated
befinden {vt}
:: to find, to consider
Befinden {n}
:: condition (health status of a patient), state of health
befindlich {adj}
:: located, situated
befindlich {adj}
:: Used with an adverbial as a paraphrase of the uncommon present participle seiend
Befindlichkeit {f}
:: state of mind
befleckbar {adj}
:: stainable
Befleckung {f}
:: defilement, maculation, spotting
befleißen {vr}
:: to endeavour, to make an effort
beflissen {adj}
:: zealous, keen
beflissen {adj}
:: studious
beflissen {adj}
:: obsequious
beflügeln {vt}
:: to inspire, to spur, to buoy, to stimulate
beflügelnd {adj}
:: inspiring, stimulating
beflügelt {v}
:: past participle of beflügeln
befolgen {v}
:: To observe, follow (orders etc); to comply with or abide by
befolgt {v}
:: past participle of befolgen
befördern {v}
:: to move; to convey; to transport; to carry
befördern {v}
:: to promote (an employee, soldier, etc.)
befördern {v}
:: to promote (a development)
Beförderung {f}
:: transportation
Beförderung {f}
:: promotion
Beförderungsfahrt {f}
:: transportation ride
Beförderungsmittel {n}
:: transport, means of transport
befotzt {adj}
:: sloppy
befotzt {adj}
:: crazy
befrackt {adj}
:: tailcoated
befragen {v}
:: to question, to interview, to interrogate
Befragung {f}
:: interrogation (act of interrogating or questioning)
befranst {adj}
:: fringed, befringed
befreien {v}
:: to free (make free), to liberate
befreit {adj}
:: freed from something, liberated
Befreiung {f}
:: liberation
Befreiung {f}
:: exemption
befrembden {v}
:: obsolete spelling of befremden
befremden {v}
:: to alienate
befremdend {adj}
:: disconcerting, strange, peculiar
befremdet {adj}
:: disconcerted
befremdlich {adj}
:: strange, surprising, disconcerting, disturbing
Befremdung {f}
:: disconcertment
befreunden {vr}
:: to become friends, to make friends
befreundet {adj}
:: friendly, friends
befreundet {v}
:: past participle of befreunden
befrieden {vt}
:: to pacify
befriedigen {vt}
:: to satisfy, to gratify, to please
befriedigen {vt}
:: to satisfy, meet (e.g. needs or requirements)
befriedigen {vr}
:: to masturbate
befriedigend {adj}
:: satisfying
befriedigend {adj}
:: the number grade 3 (on a scale from 1 to 6)
Befriedigung {f}
:: satisfaction
Befriedung {f}
:: pacification
befristet {adj}
:: temporary
befruchten {v}
:: to fertilise (US: fertilize)
Befruchtung {f}
:: fertilisation (UK), fertilization (US)
befugen {v}
:: to authorize
Befugnis {f}
:: permission, authorization
Befugnis {f}
:: legal authority, capacity, competence
befugt {adj}
:: authorized
Befüllung {f}
:: filling
Befüllung {f}
:: inflation
befummeln {v}
:: to feel up, to cop a feel
Befund {m}
:: findings, results
befürchten {vt}
:: to fear (something), be afraid of
befürchtet {adj}
:: feared, fearfully expected as a negative (unfortunate) possibility
befürchtet {v}
:: past participle of befürchten
Befürchtung {f}
:: apprehension, fear, misgiving
befürworten {v}
:: to endorse, to support, to back
Befürworter {m}
:: agent noun of befürworten; proponent, supporter
begabt {adj}
:: talented, gifted
begabter {adj}
:: comparative of begabt
Begabung {f}
:: talent, gift
begangen {v}
:: past participle of begehen
begeben {vr}
:: to go, make one's way, repair
begeben {vr}
:: to happen
begeben {v}
:: to issue
Begebenheit {f}
:: incident, event, occurrence
begegnen {vi}
:: to meet, to encounter, to come across
Begegnung {f}
:: encounter, meeting
Begegnungsstätte {f}
:: meeting center
begehbar {adj}
:: accessible, walk-in
begehen {vt}
:: To commit, perpetrate (a crime, an offense)
begehen {vt}
:: to walk, to walk on, to use
begehen {vt}
:: to visit, to inspect
Begehr {n} {m}
:: desire, wish
begehren {vt}
:: to desire
Begehren {n}
:: desire
begehrenswert {adj}
:: desirable, attractive
begehrlich {adj}
:: covetous
begehrt {v}
:: past participle of begehren
begehrt {adj}
:: coveted, desirable, popular, sought-after
Begehung {f}
:: commission
Begehung {f}
:: inspection
begeißelt {adj}
:: whipped, flagellated
begeistern {vt}
:: to fill with enthusiasm, enthuse
begeistern {vr}
:: to be enthusiastic, enthuse (about something: für + accusative)
begeistert {adj}
:: enthusiastic
begeistert {adj}
:: (with von) delighted (with)
begeisterter {adj}
:: comparative of begeistert
begeistertsten {adj}
:: superlative of begeistert
Begeisterung {f}
:: enthusiasm
begeisterungsfähig {adj}
:: enthusiastic
Begier {f}
:: desire
Begierde {f}
:: desire, craving
begierig {adj}
:: eager, avid
begieriger {adj}
:: comparative of begierig
begierigsten {adj}
:: superlative of begierig
begießen {v}
:: to pour water over
begießen {v}
:: to water (plants etc.)
begießen {v}
:: to baste
begießen {v}
:: to celebrate
Beginn {m}
:: start
beginnen {vi}
:: to begin; to commence; to be started
beginnen {vt}
:: to start something; to begin something
beginnenden {adj}
:: incipient
beglaubigen {v}
:: to authenticate
beglaubigen {v}
:: to accredit
Beglaubigung {f}
:: certification, certificate, accreditation, accrediting, verification, authentication, attestation, notarization
begleichen {v}
:: to pay, to balance
begleichen {v}
:: to settle
Begleichung {f}
:: payment, balancing
Begleichung {f}
:: settlement
begleiten {v}
:: to accompany
begleiten {v}
:: to conduct, escort
Begleiter {m}
:: companion
Begleiter {m}
:: escort
Begleiter {m}
:: accompanist
Begleiter {m}
:: article
Begleiterscheinung {f}
:: by-product, side effect
begleitet {v}
:: past participle of begleiten
Begleitfahrzeug {n}
:: escort vehicle
Begleitsymptom {n}
:: accompanying symptom, attendant symptom, secondary symptom
Begleitung {f}
:: Accompaniment. It implies the need to work with, rather than for people - to "get alongside" people and work in true partnership with them
Begleitung {f}
:: The act of enabling individuals and communities to become more included and active citizens
beglücken {v}
:: to make happy, to delight
beglückend {adj}
:: exhilarating, cheering, uplifting, blissful, delightful
beglückwünschen {v}
:: to congratulate
begnaden {vt}
:: to show mercy, to show grace
begnadet {adj}
:: gifted, talented
begnadigen {v}
:: to pardon
Begnadigung {f}
:: pardon
begnügen {vr}
:: to be content or satisfied (with), to content oneself (with)
begnügt {v}
:: past participle of begnügen
Begonie {f}
:: begonia
begonnen {v}
:: past participle of beginnen
begraben {v}
:: to bury
Begräbnis {n}
:: funeral, burial
Begräbnis {n}
:: place of burial
begrabschen {v}
:: alternative spelling of begrapschen
begrannt {adj}
:: bristled, bearded
begrapschen {vt}
:: to grope
begreifen {vt}
:: to grasp fully; to comprehend; to conceive, to fathom
begreifen {vt}
:: to understand intellectually
begreifen {vtr}
:: to consider (to be); to see (as)
begreiflicherweise {adv}
:: understandably
begrenzen {v}
:: to limit
begrenzt {adj}
:: confined, limited, restricted
begrenzt {adj}
:: narrow
Begrenzung {f}
:: margin, boundary, limit, border
Begrenzung {f}
:: demarcation
Begrenzung {f}
:: confinement
Begriff {m}
:: term, word
Begriff {m}
:: idea, conception, perception, understanding
Begriff {m}
:: concept
begriffen {v}
:: past participle of begreifen
Begriffsklärung {f}
:: disambiguation (language)
begriffsstutzig {adj}
:: dense, slow, simple, obtuse, stupid
begründen {v}
:: to make an argument for something, to justify, to give a reason
begründen {v}
:: to establish, to found
Begründer {m}
:: founder, originator
begründet {adj}
:: justified, well-founded
Begründung {f}
:: reason, rationale, grounds
Begründung {f}
:: explanation, justification
begrüssen {v}
:: alternative spelling of begrüßen
begrüßen {v}
:: to welcome
Begrüßer {m}
:: agent noun of begrüßen
begrüsst {v}
:: past participle of begrüssen
begrüßt {v}
:: past participle of begrüßen
Begrüßung {f}
:: greeting, salutation
begünstigen {v}
:: To favor / favour
begünstigen {v}
:: To aid and abet
begünstigt {v}
:: past participle of begünstigen - benefited
begünstigt {adj}
:: preferential
Begünstigung {f}
:: favoring / favouring
Begünstigung {f}
:: preferential treatment
Begünstigung {f}
:: nepotism
begutachten {v}
:: to examine, assess
Begutachtung {f}
:: assessment
begütert {adj}
:: affluent, wealthy
behaaren {vr}
:: to grow hair
behaart {adj}
:: hairy, having hair
behaarter {adj}
:: comparative of behaart
behaartesten {adj}
:: superlative of behaart
Behaarung {f}
:: hair
Behaarung {f}
:: fur
behaben {vr}
:: to behave
behäbig {adj}
:: phlegmatic, cumbersome
behäbig {adj}
:: portly
behäbig {adj}
:: stolid
behacken {vt}
:: to hoe
behacken {vt}
:: to chop, hack
behacken {vt}
:: to cheat, swindle
behagen {v}
:: to be to someone's liking
Behagen {n}
:: contentment, pleasure
behaglich {adj}
:: comfortable, cosy
behaglicher {adj}
:: comparative of behaglich
Behaglichkeit {f}
:: comfort, the state of being comfortable
behaglichsten {adj}
:: superlative of behaglich
behalten {v}
:: to keep
behalten {v}
:: to remember
Behalten {n}
:: retention
Behälter {m}
:: container (an item in which objects or materials can be stored or transported)
Behältnis {n}
:: container, vessel, vat
Behamberg {prop} {n}
:: Behamberg (municipality)
behämmert {adj}
:: stupid, silly, crazy
behänd {adj}
:: alternative form of behände
behände {adj}
:: agile, nimble
behandeln {v}
:: to treat (medicinally)
behandeln {v}
:: to treat (physically, psychologically)
behandeln {v}
:: to cover
behandelt {adj}
:: treated
behändigen {vt}
:: to hand over
behändigen {v}
:: to take, sieze
Behandlung {f}
:: (medical, physical, or psychological) treatment
Behandlungsfehler {m}
:: malpractice
behandschuht {adj}
:: gloved
beharren {v}
:: to persevere, to insist (auf on)
beharrlich {adj}
:: persistent, insistent
beharrlich {adj}
:: obstinate
Beharrlichkeit {f}
:: perseverance, insistence
beharrsam {adj}
:: persistent, insistent
beharrsam {adj}
:: obstinate
behauchen {v}
:: to aspirate
behauen {v}
:: to hew, to carve
behaupten {v}
:: to claim, maintain, assert
behaupten {vr}
:: to stand one's ground
behauptet {v}
:: past participle of behaupten
behauptet {adj}
:: asserted, alleged
Behauptung {f}
:: claim, assertion
Behausung {f}
:: dwelling, abode
Behaviorismus {m}
:: behaviorism
behavioristisch {adj}
:: behavioristic
behebbar {adj}
:: fixable
beheben {v}
:: to resolve, to fix
beheben {v}
:: to withdraw (money)
beheben {v}
:: to pick something up
Behebung {f}
:: remedy, correction
Behebung {f}
:: withdrawal, pickup
beheimaten {v}
:: to be or become home to somebody, something
beheimaten {v}
:: to give a person a (new) homeland/home; to make something homelike for someone
beheimaten {v}
:: to give an organism a (new) habitat; to re-establish, re-introduce a species
beheizbar {adj}
:: heatable
beheizen {v}
:: To heat
beheizt {adj}
:: heated
Beheizung {f}
:: heating
Behelf {m}
:: makeshift
Behelf {m}
:: remedy
Behelf {m}
:: substitute
behelfen {vr}
:: to make do, to manage, to get by
behelfsweise {adv}
:: As a makeshift replacement
behelligen {v}
:: to bother
behelmt {adj}
:: helmeted
behemdet {adj}
:: shirted
Behemot {m}
:: alternative spelling of Behemoth
Behemoth {m}
:: behemoth
behende {adj}
:: agile, nimble; quick
beherbergen {v}
:: to shelter, put up
beherrschbar {adj}
:: manageable, controllable
beherrschen {vt}
:: to master
beherrschen {vt}
:: to dominate
beherrschen {vr}
:: to restrain oneself
Beherrscher {m}
:: ruler
beherrscht {adj}
:: restrained, self-controlled
beherrscht {adj}
:: ruled, governed, dominated
Beherrschten {noun}
:: Inflected form of the nominalization of beherrscht: the ruled, the dominated
Beherrschung {f}
:: restraint
Beherrschung {f}
:: mastering, mastery
beherzigen {v}
:: to take to heart
beherzigen {v}
:: to heed
beherzt {adj}
:: brave, courageous
Beherztheit {f}
:: pluckiness, courage, spiritedness, dauntlessness, determination, stoutness
behilflich {adj}
:: of service, assistant, helpful
behilflicher {adj}
:: comparative of behilflich
behilflichsten {adj}
:: superlative of behilflich
behindern {v}
:: to hinder
behindert {adj}
:: disabled; handicapped
behindert {adj}
:: bad; messed up; unpleasant
behindertenfeindlich {adj}
:: that discriminates against the disabled
Behindertensport {n}
:: sport for the disabled
Behinderter {m}
:: disabled person
Behinderung {f}
:: handicap, disability
Behinderung {f}
:: hindrance, impediment
Behne {prop}
:: surname
beholfen {v}
:: past participle of behelfen
behorchen {v}
:: to eavesdrop
behorchen {v}
:: to auscultate
Behörde {f}
:: authority (govermental institution)
Behördenwillkür {f}
:: arbitrary authority (arbitrary decisions made by authorities, government agencies or individual officials)
behördlich {adj}
:: referring to a governmental office or authority; official, regulatory
behost {adj}
:: trousers-wearing
Behuf {m}
:: purpose, aim
behufen {v}
:: to behove
behufen {v}
:: to shoe
behufs {prep}
:: in order to
behuft {adj}
:: hoofed, ungulate
behüten {v}
:: to protect
Behuter {m}
:: dated form of Behüter
Behüter {m}
:: protector, shepherd
behütet {adj}
:: sheltered, protected
behütet {v}
:: past participle of behüten
behutsam {adj}
:: gentle, cautious
Behutsamkeit {f}
:: The attitude caution (careful/watchful attention)
bei- {prefix}
:: additionally
bei- {prefix}
:: for support, supportively
bei- {prefix}
:: in attendance
bei- {prefix}
:: temporally concurrent or physically present
bei- {prefix}
:: subordinate
bei- {prefix}
:: unwanted, secondary
bei {prep}
:: by; near
bei {prep}
:: at
bei {prep}
:: for; at; in
bei {prep}
:: with; on
bei {prep}
:: upon, at the time of
bei {prep}
:: in case of, in the event of
bei {prep}
:: during; while; during the existence of
bei {prep}
:: over; during
bei {prep}
:: care of
bei {prep}
:: with, to, towards
bei Adam und Eva anfangen {v}
:: to start from the very beginning
bei allem gebotenen Respekt {prep}
:: with all due respect
beibehalten {v}
:: To maintain, keep
beibehalten {v}
:: To retain
Beiblatt {n}
:: a supplement, a supplemental sheet
beibleiben {v}
:: to continue
beibringen {v}
:: to teach
beibringen {v}
:: to break (news, information) carefully to
beibringen {v}
:: to inflict on, inflict with
beibringen {v}
:: to bring, to provide as evidence
Beichte {f}
:: confession (sacramental disclosure of one's sins)
Beichte {f}
:: confession (disclosure of one's bad deeds)
beichten {v}
:: to confess
Beichtkind {n}
:: confessant
Beichtstuhl {m}
:: confessional
Beichtvater {m}
:: confessor (priest who accepts someone’s confession)
beidbeinig {adj}
:: with or (able to be) using both legs
beide {determiner}
:: both
beide {determiner}
:: (the) two
beide {pron}
:: both
beide {pron}
:: (the) two
Beide {pron}
:: alternative form of beide
beidemal {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beide Mal
Beidenhänder {m}
:: a two-handed sword or other weapon
beiderseitig {adj}
:: bilateral
beiderseitig {adj}
:: mutual
beiderseits {adv}
:: On both sides
beidfüßig {adj}
:: with or (able to be) using both feet
beidhändig {adj}
:: ambidextrous
beidhändig {adj}
:: with both hands
beidrehen {v}
:: to heave to
beidseitig {adj}
:: bilateral, mutual
beidseitig {adj}
:: on both sides
Beifahrer {m}
:: front passenger
Beifahrer {m}
:: driver's mate
Beifahrer {m}
:: codriver
Beifahrersitz {m}
:: passenger seat
Beifall {m}
:: applause
beifällig {adj}
:: approving
Beifallssturm {m}
:: ovation
Beifang {m}
:: bycatch
beifügen {v}
:: to attach, append, enclose
Beifuss {m}
:: alternative spelling of Beifuß
Beifuß {m}
:: mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris
Beigabe {f}
:: addition, accompaniment, adjunct
Beigabe {f}
:: side dish
beige {adj}
:: beige
Beige {f}
:: stack, pile
Beige {n}
:: beige (the color)
Beige {n}
:: beige thing
beigeben {v}
:: to add (esp. used in cooking instructions)
beigefarben {adj}
:: beige (in colour)
beigefügt {v}
:: past participle of beifügen
beigefügt {adj}
:: enclosed
beigefügt {adj}
:: attached, accompanying
beigegeben {adj}
:: added
beigelegt {v}
:: past participle of beilegen
beigemischt {v}
:: past participle of beimischen - admixed
beigen {vt}
:: to stack, pile up
Beigeschmack {m}
:: aftertaste
Beigeschmack {m}
:: undertone
beigesellen {vr}
:: to join
beigesetzt {v}
:: past participle of beisetzen - buried, interred
beigestanden {v}
:: past participle of beistehen
Beihilfe {f}
:: benefit, allowance, grant, subsidy
Beihilfe {f}
:: aiding, abetting
Beiklang {m}
:: connotation, undertone
beikommen {v}
:: to come here
beikommen {v}
:: to deal with
beikommen {v}
:: to come to mind
Beikraut {n}
:: synonym of Unkraut
Beil {n}
:: axe, hatchet
Beilage {f}
:: insert (promotional leaflet in a magazine or newspaper)
Beilage {f}
:: side dish
beiläufig {adj}
:: incidental
beiläufig {adj}
:: about, approximately
bei lebendigem Leib {prep}
:: alive
beilegen {v}
:: to enclose
beilegen {v}
:: to attach
beilegen {v}
:: to settle, to resolve
Beilegung {f}
:: settlement
Beilegung {f}
:: attribution
bei Leibe {prep}
:: under no circumstances
Beileid {n}
:: condolence
Beileid {n}
:: sympathy
beiliegen {v}
:: to accompany
beiliegen {v}
:: to have sex with
beiliegen {v}
:: to remain in a stable position despite the wind
beim {contraction}
:: contraction of bei dem: at the, by the, etc.
beim Barte des Propheten {phrase}
:: pledge to tell the truth
beim besten Willen {idiom}
:: with the best will in the world
beimengen {v}
:: to add, mix in
Beimengung {f}
:: addition, admixture
Beimischung {f}
:: admixture
Beimischung {f}
:: addition
Bein {n}
:: leg of a person, animal, or object; generally including the feet, but sometimes, in a more specific sense, excluding them
Bein {n}
:: bone
beinah {adv}
:: alternative form of beinahe
beinahe {adv}
:: almost; nearly
Beiname {m}
:: epithet, sobriquet, byname
beinamputiert {adj}
:: having lost a leg due to an amputation
Beinbruch {m}
:: fracture of the leg
Beinchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bein
Beine bis zum Boden {np}
:: long and attractive legs (usually in a woman)
beinfarben {adj}
:: ivory in colour
Beinfreiheit {f}
:: legroom
beinhalten {v}
:: To contain
beinhalten {v}
:: To comprise
beinhalten {v}
:: To include
beinhaltet {v}
:: past participle of beinhalten
beinhart {adj}
:: tough, hard (as bone)
Beinhaus {n}
:: ossuary, building for storing bones
Beinkleid {n}
:: pants, trousers
beinlos {adj}
:: legless
Beinpresse {f}
:: leg press
Beinprothese {f}
:: artificial / prosthetic leg
Beinstellen {n}
:: tripping
Beinwell {m}
:: comfrey
beipflichten {vt}
:: to endorse
Beiprodukt {n}
:: synonym of Nebenprodukt
Beirat {m}
:: advisory council
Beirath {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beirat
beirren {v}
:: to confuse, to mislead
Beirut {prop} {n}
:: Beirut (capital city)
Beiruter {m}
:: Beiruti
Beiruter {adj}
:: Beiruti
Beiruterin {f}
:: female equivalent of Beiruter
beisammen {adv}
:: together
Beisammensein {n}
:: get-together
Beisasse {m}
:: resident alien
Beischlaf {m}
:: sexual intercourse
Beischluss {m}
:: inclusion, attachment, annex
Beisein {n}
:: presence
beiseite {adv}
:: alternative form of zur Seite
beiseite {adv}
:: away; out of one’s way; aside
beiseite {adv}
:: aside (to a place where one can talk in confidence)
beiseitegelegt {v}
:: past participle of beiseitelegen
beiseitegelegt {adj}
:: set aside
beiseitegelegt {adj}
:: stored, saved
beiseitelassen {vt}
:: to leave aside
beiseitelegen {vt}
:: to put aside, set aside
beiseitelegen {vt}
:: to store, save
beiseiteschieben {v}
:: to ignore, brush aside
beisetzen {vt}
:: to bury
beisetzen {vt}
:: to add
Beisetzung {f}
:: burial
bei sich sein {v}
:: for non-idiomatic uses see bei, sein
bei sich sein {v}
:: to have come to; to be calm or conscious (especially after having fainted or been in shock or rage)
Beispiel {n}
:: example
beispielhaft {adj}
:: exemplary
beispiellos {adj}
:: unprecedented; unheard-of (never having occurred, or having occurred only once and never again)
beispielsweise {adv}
:: for example
beispringen {v}
:: to come to assistance
beissen {v}
:: alternative spelling of beißen
beißen {vti}
:: to bite
beißen {vti}
:: to sting; to burn; to be sharp; to be spicy
beißen {vr}
:: to clash; to jar
Beißer {m}
:: biter: snappy, bitey animal, especially a dog
Beißer {m}
:: tooth
Beißer {m}
:: crowbar
Beißreflex {m}
:: bite reflex
Beißreflex {m}
:: bite reflex
Beißreflex {m}
:: bite reflex
Beistand {m}
:: assistance, aid, support
Beistand {m}
:: counsel
beistehen {v}
:: to assist
beistellen {v}
:: to make available
Beistelltisch {m}
:: side table, occasional table
beisteuern {v}
:: to contribute
beistimmen {v}
:: to agree with
Beistrich {m}
:: comma
Beitel {m}
:: chisel (a tool for caving wood, etc.)
Beitrag {m}
:: contribution (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole)
Beitrag {m}
:: fee, dues (membership in a club or union)
Beitrag {m}
:: article
beitragen {vi}
:: to contribute to (to give something, that is or becomes part of a larger whole)
beitreten {vi}
:: to join (to become a member of)
beitretend {adj}
:: acceding, joining
Beitritt {m}
:: joining
Beiwagen {m}
:: sidecar
beiwohnen {vi}
:: to attend; to be present at (some gathering or event)
beiwohnen {vi}
:: to sleep with; to cohabit; to have sexual intercourse with (a woman)
Beiwort {n}
:: adjective
Beiwort {n}
:: adverb
Beiwort {n}
:: epithet (term used to characterize a person or thing)
Beiz {f}
:: pub, bar
Beize {f}
:: mordant
Beize {f}
:: marinade
beizeiten {adv}
:: early
beizeiten {adv}
:: in good time
Beizmittel {n}
:: mordant
Beizmittel {n}
:: marinade
bejagen {v}
:: to hunt, to hunt after
Bejagung {f}
:: hunting
bejahen {v}
:: to affirm, approve; answer something in the affirmative
bejahrt {adj}
:: old, elderly
bejaht {v}
:: past participle of bejahen
Bejahung {f}
:: yes, affirmation
bejubeln {vt}
:: to cheer
bejubelt {v}
:: past participle of bejubeln
bekämpfen {vt}
:: to fight (against something)
bekämpft {adj}
:: combated
Bekämpfung {f}
:: combat, fight, battle
Bekandtnuß {f} {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Bekenntnis
bekannt {adj}
:: known, familiar
Bekannte {f}
:: an acquaintance, a friend
bekannter {adj}
:: comparative of bekannt
Bekannter {m}
:: an acquaintance, a friend
bekanntesten {adj}
:: superlative of bekannt
Bekanntgabe {f}
:: announcement, notification, publication
bekanntgeben {v}
:: to announce, to make public
bekanntgegeben {adj}
:: announced
Bekanntheit {f}
:: fame
Bekanntheit {f}
:: celebrity
bekanntheitsfördernd {adj}
:: promoting fame or familiarity
bekanntlich {adv}
:: publicly / openly (known)
bekanntmachen {v}
:: to make public
Bekanntmachung {f}
:: publication, the making public (of something)
Bekanntmachung {f}
:: announcement, disclosure
Bekanntschaft {f}
:: acquaintance
bekehren {v}
:: to convert
Bekehrung {f}
:: conversion
Bekeimung {f}
:: seeding
bekennen {v}
:: to confess
bekennen {vr}
:: to plead
Bekenntnis {n}
:: confession
bekifft {adj}
:: stoned, baked (high on cannabis)
beklagen {vt}
:: to pity, to lament
beklagen {vr}
:: to complain (über about)
beklagenswert {adj}
:: deplorable
beklagenswert {adj}
:: pitiable
Beklagte {f}
:: female equivalent of Beklagter
bekleiden {v}
:: to dress
bekleiden {v}
:: to hold
Bekleidung {f}
:: clothing; garb
beklemmen {vt}
:: to oppress
beklommen {adj}
:: anxious, uneasy, apprehensive
Beklommenheit {f}
:: trepidation
bekloppt {adj}
:: nutty, nuts, crazy, mad, daft, wacky, dopey, foolish, jerky, dorky, barmy, batty, bats, loony, loco, hare-brained, bananas, off one's hinges, out of one's mind
beknackt {adj}
:: daft, idiotic
beknackt {adv}
:: like an idiot
beknien {v}
:: to urgently beg
bekommen {vt}
:: to receive; to get
bekommen {vt}
:: to catch
bekommen {vi}
:: to agree with (someone); to sit well with (someone)
bekömmlich {adj}
:: digestible
bekömmlich {adj}
:: wholesome
bekoten {v}
:: to soil with feces
bekräftigen {v}
:: To confirm, corroborate
bekräftigt {v}
:: past participle of bekräftigen
bekräftigt {adj}
:: confirmed, corroborated
bekrallt {adj}
:: clawed (having claws)
bekränzen {v}
:: to wreath, to garland
bekreuzen {vr}
:: to make the sign of the cross
bekreuzen {vt}
:: to bless with the sign of the cross
bekreuzigen {vr}
:: to cross oneself
bekreuzigen {vt}
:: to becross, to make the sign of the cross over someone or something
bekriegen {vt}
:: battle (to assail in battle; to fight)
bekümmern {vt}
:: to trouble
bekunden {v}
:: To prove, show, evince
bekunden {v}
:: To state, express, testify
bekundet {v}
:: past participle of bekunden
belächeln {v}
:: to smile condescendingly at (someone or something)
belächelt {v}
:: past participle of belächeln
beladen {v}
:: to load
beladen {adj}
:: loaded, laden, weighed down
Belag {m}
:: surface (of a road)
Belag {m}
:: covering, topping
Belag {m}
:: fur (on the tongue)
Belag {m}
:: lining
Belagerer {m}
:: besieger
belagern {v}
:: to besiege
Belagerung {f}
:: siege (military blockade of settlement)
Belagerungszustand {m}
:: state of siege
belämmern {vt}
:: to annoy
belämmert {adj}
:: perplexed; in a sudden state of confusion (e.g. through a lack of concentration, or shock)
belämmert {adj}
:: intimidated, discouraged, disheartened
belämmert {adj}
:: stupid, silly, crazy (interchangeable with behämmert)
Belanda Hitam {prop}
:: African KNIL soldiers
Belang {m}
:: relevance, importance, significance
belangen {vt}
:: to concern, to touch a matter
belangen {vt}
:: to prosecute, to take recourse to
belanglos {adj}
:: trivial
Belanglosigkeit {f}
:: irrelevancy
belangvoll {adj}
:: relevant, significant
Belarusisch {prop} {n}
:: Belarusian language
Belarusse {m}
:: Belarusian (man from Belarus)
Belarussin {f}
:: Belarusian (woman from Belarus or of Belarusian descent)
belarussisch {adj}
:: Belarusian (pertaining to Belarus)
belassen {v}
:: to leave something as it is
belastbar {adj}
:: resilient, reliable
belastbar {adj}
:: loadable
belasten {v}
:: to burden
belasten {v}
:: to incriminate
belasten {v}
:: to debit, to charge
belastend {adj}
:: burdening
belastend {adj}
:: incriminating, inculpatory
belastender {adj}
:: comparative of belastend
belastet {adj}
:: loaded, burdened, charged
belästigen {v}
:: to molest, to harass
belästigt {v}
:: past participle of belästigen
Belästigung {f}
:: harassment
Belastung {f}
:: load, weight, pressure, strain
Belastung {f}
:: burden
Belastungsstörung {f}
:: stress disorder
Belaubung {f}
:: foliage
belauern {v}
:: to spy on, to watch secretly
belaufen {adj}
:: walked on
belaufen {v}
:: to walk on
belaufen {v}
:: To amount (to); to tot up
belaufen {v}
:: To account for
belauschen {v}
:: to overhear, to eavesdrop on
Belche {f}
:: coot
Belchen {prop}
:: A peak in the Black Forest
Belchental {prop} {?}
:: Bełchatów
beleben {v}
:: to liven up
beleben {v}
:: to animate
belebt {adj}
:: enlivened, having life, animated, busy
belebt {adj}
:: animate
belebter {adj}
:: comparative of belebt
belebtesten {adj}
:: superlative of belebt
Belebung {f}
:: increase
Belebung {f}
:: revival, resuscitation
Belebung {f}
:: encouragement, stimulation
Beleg {m}
:: evidence; piece of evidence (particularly in the context of science)
Beleg {m}
:: receipt; voucher; record
Beleg {m}
:: reference
belegbar {adj}
:: evidential, documented
belegen {v}
:: to document, back, substantiate
belegen {v}
:: to occupy
Belegexemplar {n}
:: specimen copy, authors's copy
Belegschaft {f}
:: workforce, labour force
Belegschaft {f}
:: staff, personnel
belegt {v}
:: past participle of belegen
belehnen {v}
:: to enfeoff
belehnen {v}
:: to lend
belehren {v}
:: to inform
belehren {v}
:: to correct
belehrend {adj}
:: instructive, cautionary
belehrend {adj}
:: didactic
beleibt {adj}
:: a polite synonym for overweight
beleibter {adj}
:: comparative of beleibt
beleibtesten {adj}
:: superlative of beleibt
beleidigen {v}
:: To offend
beleidigend {v}
:: past participle of beleidigen; offending, offensive
beleidigt {adj}
:: offended, insulted, annoyed, aggrieved, sulky
beleidigt {adv}
:: sulkily
beleidigte Leberwurst {f}
:: Someone who is offended; a sorehead. (Literal meaning: "insulted liver sausage".)
Beleidigung {f}
:: insult (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude)
beleihen {vt}
:: to pawn
belemmert {adj}
:: alternative spelling of belämmert
belesen {adj}
:: well-read
belesener {adj}
:: comparative of belesen
belesensten {adj}
:: superlative of belesen
Beletage {f}
:: piano nobile
beleuchten {vt}
:: to light, to illuminate
beleuchten {vt}
:: to highlight
Beleuchtung {f}
:: lighting, illumination
Beleuchtungskörper {m}
:: light fixture, luminaire; lamp
beleumdet {adj}
:: alternative form of beleumundet
beleumundet {adj}
:: Having a specified reputation
belfern {v}
:: to bark
Belgien {prop} {n}
:: Belgien (country)
belgienweit {adj}
:: Belgium-wide; in all of Belgium
Belgier {m}
:: Belgian (man from Belgium)
Belgierin {f}
:: Belgian (woman from Belgium)
belgisch {adj}
:: Belgian (related to Belgium or to the Belgians)
Belgrad {prop} {n}
:: Belgrad (capital city)
Belgrader {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Belgrade
Belgrader {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Belgrade
Belichtung {f}
:: exposure
Belichtung {f}
:: illumination (exposure to light)
Belichtungsmesser {m}
:: light meter, exposure meter
Belieben {n}
:: discretion
Belieben {n}
:: pleasure
beliebig {adj}
:: any, whichever
beliebig {adj}
:: arbitrary, random
beliebt {adj}
:: popular
beliebt {adj}
:: admired
beliebter {adj}
:: comparative of beliebt
beliebtesten {adj}
:: superlative of beliebt
beliefern {v}
:: to supply (a place/person mit with)
beliehen {v}
:: past participle of beleihen
Belize {prop} {n}
:: Belize (country)
Belizer {m}
:: Belizean (person from Belize)
Belizerin {f}
:: Belizean (female person from Belize)
belizisch {adj}
:: Belizean (pertaining to Belize)
bellen {vi}
:: to bark:
bellen {v}
:: like a canine
bellen {v}
:: in a rude, loud human voice
Bellen {m}
:: bark, barking (of a dog)
Belletristik {f}
:: fiction, belles-lettres
bellizistisch {adj}
:: bellicist, bellicistic
belobigen {v}
:: to commend
belohnen {v}
:: to reward
Belohnung {f}
:: reward
Belorussland {prop} {n}
:: Belarus
Belt {m}
:: strait
belüften {v}
:: To ventilate
belüften {v}
:: To fan
belüften {v}
:: To air
belüftet {v}
:: past participle of belüften
Belüftung {f}
:: ventilation
Belüftung {f}
:: airing
Beluga {f}
:: beluga whale, white whale
belügen {vt}
:: to lie to, to tell someone a lie, to tell someone lies
belustigen {v}
:: to poke fun
belustigen {v}
:: to amuse
bemächtigen {vr}
:: to seize hold (+ genitive)
bemähnt {adj}
:: Having a (long) mane
bemalen {v}
:: to paint (to add paint to)
bemängeln {v}
:: to criticize, to find fault with
bemannt {adj}
:: manned
bemänteln {v}
:: to disguise, cover up
bemerkbar {adj}
:: noticeable, perceptible
bemerken {v}
:: to notice
bemerken {v}
:: to remark
bemerkenswert {adj}
:: remarkable, noteworthy
Bemerkung {f}
:: remark
bemitleiden {vt}
:: to pity
bemitleidenswert {adj}
:: pathetic (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion)
bemittelt {adj}
:: well-off, well-to-do
bemoost {adj}
:: mossy
bemühen {vr}
:: to make an effort
bemühen {vr}
:: to trouble oneself (with)
Bemühen {n}
:: effort
Bemühen {n}
:: attempt, endeavor
bemüht {v}
:: past participle of bemühen
Bemühung {f}
:: effort; endeavor
bemuttern {v}
:: to mother
bemützt {adj}
:: capped (wearing a cap)
Ben {prop} {m}
:: given name, short for Benjamin
benachbart {adj}
:: neighboring, adjacent, adjoining
benachrichtigen {v}
:: to notify
Benachrichtigung {f}
:: notification
benachteiligen {v}
:: to disadvantage
benachteiligt {adj}
:: disadvantaged
benachteiligt {adj}
:: handicapped, underprivileged
benagen {vt}
:: to gnaw at
benannt {v}
:: past participle of benennen
Bender {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bendern {prop} {n}
:: A village in Gamprin, Liechtenstein
benebeln {v}
:: to stupefy
benedeien {v}
:: to bless
Benedict {prop} {m}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Benedikt
Benedikt {prop} {m}
:: given name
Benediktiner {m}
:: Benedictine (monk)
Benediktiner {m}
:: Benedictine (liqueur)
Benediktinerorden {m}
:: Benedictine order (religious group)
Benefaktiv {m}
:: benefactive case
benehmen {vr}
:: to behave
Benehmen {n}
:: behavior, demeanor, manners, conduct
beneiden {v}
:: to envy
beneiden {v}
:: to begrudge someone something
beneidenswert {adj}
:: enviable
benennen {v}
:: to name, to denominate, to designate
Benennung {f}
:: naming, denomination
benetzbar {adj}
:: wettable
Benetzbarkeit {f}
:: wettability
benetzen {v}
:: to moisten; to wet (a surface)
benetzt {v}
:: past participle of benetzen
Benetzung {f}
:: wetting (of a surface)
Bengalfuchs {m}
:: Bengal fox
bengalisch {adj}
:: Bengali, Bangladeshi
Bengalisch {n}
:: language mainly spoken in Bangladesh; Bengali
Bengalkatze {f}
:: leopard cat , a small wild cat of Southeast Asia
Bengel {m}
:: a club wielded as a weapon
Bengel {m}
:: a young rascal
Bengel {m}
:: a knave, a boy
benigne {adj}
:: benign
Benimm {m}
:: conduct, behavior
Benin {prop} {n}
:: Benin (country)
Beniner {m}
:: Beninese (man from Benin)
Beninerin {f}
:: Beninese (woman from Benin)
beninisch {adj}
:: Beninese (of, from, or pertaining to Benin)
Benjamin {prop} {m}
:: Benjamin (Biblical figure)
Benjamin {prop} {m}
:: given name
Benjamin {m}
:: youngest child
Benkmann {prop}
:: surname
Benno {prop}
:: given name
benommen {adj}
:: dazed; numb
benommen {v}
:: past participle of benehmen
Benommenheit {f}
:: light-headedness
Benommenheit {f}
:: dizziness
benötigen {v}
:: to need, to require
benötigt {v}
:: past participle of benötigen
benthal {adj}
:: benthic
benthisch {adj}
:: benthic
benutzbar {adj}
:: usable
Benutzbarkeit {f}
:: useability
benutzen {v}
:: to use (employ, apply)
benützen {v}
:: alternative form of benutzen
Benutzer {m}
:: user
benutzerdefiniert {adj}
:: user-defined
benutzerfreundlich {adj}
:: user-friendly
benutzerfreundlicher {adj}
:: comparative of benutzerfreundlich
Benutzerfreundlichkeit {f}
:: user-friendliness, usability
Benutzerin {f}
:: a female user
Benutzerkonto {n}
:: user account
Benutzername {m}
:: username
Benutzeroberfläche {f}
:: graphical user interface
Benutzerschnittstelle {f}
:: user interface
benutzt {v}
:: past participle of benutzen; used
benützt {v}
:: past participle of benützen
Benutzung {f}
:: use
Benz {m}
:: Short form of Mercedes-Benz; a Merc
Benzin {n}
:: petrol, gasoline
benzinbetrieben {adj}
:: petrol-powered
Benziner {m}
:: a car with a gasoline engine (petrol engine)
Benziner {m}
:: a gasoline engine (petrol engine)
Benzinkanister {m}
:: fuel jerrycan
Benzinkanister {m}
:: gasoline can
Benzinmotor {m}
:: gasoline engine (US), petrol engine (UK)
Benzintank {m}
:: petrol tank / gas tank
Benzinuhr {f}
:: fuel gauge
Benzo {n}
:: benzodiazepine, benzo
Benzoid {noun}
:: benzenoid
benzoider {adj}
:: benzenoid
Benzol {n}
:: benzene
Benzolring {m}
:: benzene ring
beobachtbar {adj}
:: observable
beobachtbar {adj}
:: noticeable
beobachten {v}
:: to watch, to observe
Beobachter {m}
:: observer
Beobachtung {f}
:: monitoring; surveillance; supervision
Beobachtung {f}
:: observation
Beobachtung {f}
:: sighting
Beobachtungsliste {f}
:: watchlist
Beobachtungsstand {m}
:: observation post
beordern {v}
:: to order (a soldier) to come and/or present himself
beordern {v}
:: to order (a reservist) to present himself for active service
beordern {v}
:: to order (somebody) to go somewhere or assume some position
beordern {v}
:: to order (somebody) to do something
bepelzt {adj}
:: furred (having or wearing fur)
bepflanzen {v}
:: to plant (supply with plants)
bepflanzt {v}
:: past participle of bepflanzen
bepissen {v}
:: to piss on, to bepiss
bepissen {vr}
:: to piss one's pants laughing, to laugh one's ass off
bepisst {v}
:: past participle of bepissen
bequatschen {v}
:: to talk about, discuss
bequatschen {v}
:: to talk into, coax
bequem {adj}
:: comfortable, convenient
bequem {adj}
:: relaxed, easy (avoiding difficulties, effort, work)
bequem {adj}
:: suitable, fit
bequemben {v}
:: obsolete spelling of bequemen
bequembt {v}
:: past participle of bequemben
bequemen {vr}
:: to decide to something, with displeasure
bequemen {vr}
:: to suit oneself
bequemen {vr}
:: to adapt oneself
bequemen {vr}
:: to give in
bequemer {adj}
:: comparative of bequem
Bequemlichkeit {f}
:: comfort
bequemsten {adj}
:: superlative of bequem
berappeln {vr}
:: to rally (recover after a period of weakness, said e.g. of ill people or sports teams)
beraten {vir}
:: to discuss
beraten {vt}
:: to advise
beratend {adj}
:: advisory
Berater {m}
:: agent noun of beraten; advisor, consultant
Beratung {f}
:: discussion
Beratung {f}
:: consultation
Beratung {f}
:: advice
beratungsresistent {adj}
:: resistant to advice
Beratungsstelle {f}
:: advice centre
berauben {vt}
:: to rob, to steal from
Beraubung {f}
:: robbery
berauschen {v}
:: to intoxicate, to inebriate
berauschend {adj}
:: intoxicating
berauscht {adj}
:: intoxicated
berauschter {adj}
:: comparative of berauscht
berauschtesten {adj}
:: superlative of berauscht
Berauschung {f}
:: intoxication
Berber {m}
:: Berber person
Berber {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Berberaffe {m}
:: Barbary macaque
Berberlöwe {m}
:: Barbary lion, Atlas lion or Nubian lion , a subspecies of lion
berechenbar {adj}
:: calculable
berechenbar {adj}
:: predictable
berechenbarer {adj}
:: comparative of berechenbar
berechnen {v}
:: to calculate
berechnen {v}
:: to compute
berechnend {adj}
:: calculating, diplomatic
Berechnung {f}
:: calculation
Berechnung {f}
:: computation
berechtigen {v}
:: to entitle
berechtigen {v}
:: to authorize
berechtigt {adj}
:: entitled, eligible
berechtigt {adj}
:: authorized
berechtigt {adj}
:: justified
Berechtigung {f}
:: entitlement, right
Berechtigung {f}
:: warrant
Berechtigung {f}
:: (computing) permission
bereden {v}
:: to discuss, to talk over
bereden {v}
:: to persuade
beredet {v}
:: past participle of bereden
beredsam {adj}
:: eloquent, talkative
Beredsamkeit {f}
:: eloquence
beredt {adj}
:: eloquent
beredt {adj}
:: meaningful
beredt {adj}
:: expressive
Beredung {f}
:: discussion
beregnen {v}
:: to water
Bereich {m}
:: area, realm, range, scope
Bereich {m}
:: course of study or domain of knowledge or practice; field
Bereich {m}
:: region
bereichern {v}
:: to enrich
bereift {adj}
:: equipped with tires
bereinigen {v}
:: To settle
bereinigen {v}
:: To rectify
bereinigen {v}
:: To revise, adjust
bereinigt {v}
:: past participle of bereinigen
bereinigt {adj}
:: adjusted
bereinigt {adj}
:: revised
bereinigt {adj}
:: settled
bereisen {vt}
:: to travel to
bereit {adj}
:: ready
bereiten {v}
:: to prepare, to make
bereiten {v}
:: to give, to cause
bereiterklären {vr}
:: to agree
bereitgestanden {v}
:: past participle of bereitstehen
bereitgestellt {v}
:: past participle of bereitstellen
bereitgestellt {adj}
:: provided
bereitgestellt {adj}
:: earmarked
bereitgestellt {adj}
:: appropriated
bereithalten {v}
:: to keep on hand, to have ready
bereits {adv}
:: already
Bereitschaft {f}
:: willingness
Bereitschaft {f}
:: standby
Bereitschaft {f}
:: duty, guard, on call service, emergency service (standby shift for the purpose of providing emergency services, such as hospital, pharmacy, IT)
Bereitschaftsarzt {m}
:: on-call doctor
Bereitschaftspotential {n}
:: Bereitschaftspotential
bereitstehen {v}
:: To be available or ready
bereitstellen {v}
:: to provide, to supply
Bereitstellung {f}
:: provision
bereitwillig {adj}
:: willing, eager
bereitwillig {adv}
:: willingly, readily, gladly
Berend {prop}
:: given name
bereuen {v}
:: to regret, to rue
Berg {m}
:: a mountain, hill
Berg {prop} {mf}
:: surname, as of the composer Alban Berg
Berg {prop} {n}
:: a place name, listed as follows:
Berg {prop} {n}
:: a former duchy and later grand duchy in Westphalia (Germany)
Berg {prop} {n}
:: Berg (municipality)
Berg {prop} {n}
:: any of three municipalities in Bavaria, Germany
Berg {prop} {n}
:: any of three municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Berg {prop} {n}
:: any of two municipalities in Switzerland
Berg {prop} {n}
:: Berg (municipality)
bergab {adv}
:: downhill
Bergahorn {m}
:: sycamore
Bergakademie {f}
:: mining academy
bergamaskisch {adj}
:: Bergamask
Bergamotte {f}
:: bergamot
bergan {adv}
:: uphill
Bergarbeiter {m}
:: miner
bergauf {adv}
:: uphill
Bergbau {m}
:: mining
Bergbau {m}
:: mining industry
Bergbussard {m}
:: mountain buzzard (Buteo oreophilus)
bergen {vt}
:: to save (someone); to rescue
bergen {vt}
:: to salvage; to recover
bergen {vt}
:: to conceal; shelter; to contain
bergen {vt}
:: to take in (a sail); to shorten (a sail)
Bergen {prop} {n}
:: Bergen (city)
Bergen {prop} {n}
:: Bergen (town)
Bergen {prop} {n}
:: The Belgian city Mons, in the former countship Hennegau (and modern Hainaut province)
Bergen {prop} {n}
:: Bergen (port city)
Bergen auf Rügen {prop}
:: Bergen auf Rügen (town)
Bergente {f}
:: greater scaup (Aythya marila)
Bergente {f}
:: scaup
Bergentrückung {f}
:: mountain rapture
Bergfink {m}
:: brambling
Bergfrau {f}
:: female miner, female digger
Bergfrau {f}
:: mythological wild woman who lives in the mountains
Bergführer {m}
:: mountain guide (person)
Berggipfel {m}
:: mountain peak, mountain top, summit of a mountain
Berghang {m}
:: mountainside, mountain slope
bergig {adj}
:: mountainous
Bergkarabach {prop} {n}
:: Nagorno-Karabakh
Bergkiefer {f}
:: mountain pine
Bergkristall {m}
:: rock crystal
Bergland {n}
:: an area with many mountains; mountainous country or mountainous region
Bergland {prop} {n}
:: Bergland (municipality)
Bergmann {m}
:: miner, digger, pitman (male or of unspecified sex)
Bergmann {prop}
:: surname
bergmännisch {adj}
:: mining (attributive)
bergmännisch {adj}
:: miner's
Bergmolch {m}
:: alpine newt, Ichthyosaura alpestris, Mesotriton alpestris
Bergpredigt {prop} {f}
:: The Sermon on the Mount
Bergrücken {m}
:: ridge, mountain ridge
Bergschuh {m}
:: mountain shoe
Bergslagit {m}
:: bergslagite
Bergspitze {f}
:: peak of mountain
Bergsteigen {n}
:: mountaineering, mountain climbing
Bergsteiger {m}
:: mountaineer, mountain climber, climber
Bergstiefel {m}
:: mountain boot
Bergstrasse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bergstraße
Bergstraße {f}
:: mountain road
Bergsturz {m}
:: rockslide
Bergtal {n}
:: mountain valley
Bergtapir {m}
:: mountain tapir
Bergtürken {f}
:: offensive term refering to Albanians
Bergtürken {f}
:: translation of Turkish term Dağ Türkleri (mountain turks), an offensive term refering to Kurds
Bergung {f}
:: recovering
Bergung {f}
:: salvaging
Bergwerk {n}
:: mine, colliery, pit
Bergwerksschacht {m}
:: mineshaft
Bergwiese {f}
:: upland meadow, mountain pasture, alpine meadow, alpine pasture
Bergzebra {n}
:: mountain zebra, (Equus zebra)
Bericht {m}
:: report
berichten {v}
:: to report
Berichterstatter {m}
:: rapporteur (male or of unspecified sex)
Berichterstatter {m}
:: reporter (male or of unspecified sex)
Berichterstatterin {f}
:: rapporteur (male or of unspecified sex)
Berichterstatterin {f}
:: reporter (female)
Berichterstattung {f}
:: reporting, reportage
Berichterstattung {f}
:: the result of reporting; coverage, reportage
berichtigen {v}
:: to correct
Berichtigung {f}
:: correction (act of correcting)
berichtspflichtig {adj}
:: reportable (that must be reported to the authorities)
Berichtswesen {n}
:: reporting
berindet {adj}
:: crusted
Bering {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Beringmeer {prop} {n}
:: Bering Sea
Beringsee {prop} {f}
:: Bering Sea
beringt {adj}
:: ringed, beringed
beritten {adj}
:: mounted
Berkan {m}
:: alternative form of Barchent
Berkelium {n}
:: berkelium
Berl. {prop} {n}
:: abbreviation of Berlin
Berlin {prop} {n}
:: Berlin (caplc)
Berlin {prop} {n}
:: Berlin (federal government of Germany)
Berlin {prop} {n}
:: Berlin (state)
Berliner {m}
:: a Berliner (native or inhabitant of Berlin)
Berliner {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Berlin
Berliner {m}
:: Berliner (pastry similar to a doughnut, with a sweet filling)
Berliner Ballen {m}
:: synonym of Berliner
Berliner Blau {n}
:: Prussian blue
Berlinerin {f}
:: Berliner (female person from Berlin)
berlinerisch {adj}
:: of, from or relating to Berlin
Berliner Mauer {prop} {f}
:: Berlin Wall
berlinern {v}
:: to speak German with a Berlin accent
Berliner Schnauze {f}
:: verbal humour or attitude of the inhabitants of the city of Berlin, characterized as being outspoken, lacking politeness and using coarse humour
Berliner Schnauze {f}
:: slang used in the German dialect or colloquial speech of Berlin
berlinfern {adj}
:: remote from Berlin
berlinisch {adj}
:: of, from or relating to Berlin
berlinnah {adj}
:: near Berlin
Bermuda {prop} {n}
:: Bermuda
Bermudas {p}
:: Bermuda shorts
Bern {prop} {n}
:: Bern (capital city)
Bern {prop} {n}
:: Bern (canton)
Bernadette {prop} {f}
:: given name
Bernd {prop}
:: given name shortened from Bernhard
Berndorf {prop} {n}
:: Berndorf (municipality)
Berndt {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Bernd
Berner {m}
:: Bernese
Berner {adj}
:: Bernese
Bernhard {prop}
:: given name
Bernhard {prop}
:: surname derived from the given name
Bernhardiner {m}
:: Saint Bernard (dog)
Bernhardsthal {prop} {n}
:: Bernhardsthal (municipality)
Bernhardt {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Bernhard
Bernhardt {prop}
:: surname derived from the given name
Bernhart {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Bernhard
Bernhart {prop}
:: surname derived from the given name
Bernstein {m}
:: amber
Bernstein {prop} {n}
:: Bernstein (municipality)
Bernstein {prop} {n}
:: A town in Pomerania, now Pełczyce, Poland
Bernstein {prop} {n}
:: surname
bernsteinen {adj}
:: amber
bernsteinfarben {adj}
:: amber (attributive or coloured)
Bernsteinsäure {f}
:: succinic acid
Berserker {m}
:: berserk, berserker
bersten {vi}
:: to burst
berstig {adj}
:: broken
berstig {adj}
:: uncool
Bert {prop}
:: given name
Berta {prop} {f}
:: given name
Berta {symbol}
:: The letter B in the German and Austrian spelling alphabets
Bertelsmann {prop}
:: surname
Bertha {prop} {f}
:: given name
Berthold {prop} {m}
:: given name
Bertram {prop}
:: given name
Bertram {prop}
:: surname
Bertram {m}
:: pellitory of Spain (Anacyclus pyrethrum)
Bertrandit {m}
:: bertrandite
berüchtigt {adj}
:: infamous, notorious
berücken {v}
:: to ensnare
berücken {v}
:: to captivate
berückend {adj}
:: breathtaking, attractive, bewitching, charming, captivating, fascinating, irresistible
berücksichtigen {v}
:: To consider, regard, take into account or consideration
berücksichtigt {v}
:: past participle of berücksichtigen - considered
Berücksichtigung {f}
:: consideration, provision, allowance
Beruf {m}
:: occupation, profession, trade, job, career
Beruf {m}
:: vocation
berufen {adj}
:: appointed
berufen {adj}
:: called
berufen {v}
:: to appoint
berufen {v}
:: to invoke
beruflich {adj}
:: professional
beruflich {adv}
:: professionally
Berufsbezeichnung {f}
:: job title
Berufskrankheit {f}
:: occupational disease
berufsmäßig {adj}
:: professional
Berufsmusiker {m}
:: professional musician (male or of unspecified sex)
Berufspolitiker {m}
:: professional politician
Berufsschule {f}
:: vocational school
Berufsstand {m}
:: profession
berufstätig {adj}
:: employed
berufsunfähig {adj}
:: unfit for work (due to illness, accident etc)
Berufsverbot {n}
:: an order of "professional disqualification" under German law which disqualifies the recipient from engaging in certain professions
Berufung {f}
:: appointment
Berufung {f}
:: vocation
Berufung {f}
:: appeal
Berufungsgericht {n}
:: appeals court
beruhen {v}
:: To consist
beruhen {v}
:: To depend
beruhen {v}
:: To be based (on)
beruhend {adj}
:: based (on)
beruhigen {v}
:: to calm, to quiet
beruhigend {adj}
:: calming, soothing, reassuring, comforting
beruhigt {v}
:: past participle of beruhigen
Beruhigung {f}
:: reassurance, calming
Beruhigung {f}
:: sedation, pacification
Beruhigungsmittel {n}
:: sedative
berühmt {adj}
:: famous, well-known, renowned, celebrated, noted
berühmt-berüchtigt {adj}
:: infamous, dubiously famous
berühmter {adj}
:: comparative of berühmt
berühmtesten {adj}
:: superlative of berühmt
Berühmtheit {f}
:: celebrity
Berühmtheit {f}
:: celebrity
berühren {v}
:: to touch
Berührung {f}
:: contact (an act of touching physically)
Berührungsangst {f}
:: haphephobia (a rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched)
Berührungsangst {f}
:: scruple, demur, qualm, aversion, reservation, inhibition (the fear of getting in contact with a person or topic)
Berührungsbildschirm {m}
:: touch screen
berührungslos {adj}
:: contactless
beruht {v}
:: past participle of beruhen
berüscht {adj}
:: ruffled, ruched
berußen {v}
:: to smut
berußt {v}
:: past participle of berußen
Berwang {prop} {n}
:: Berwang (municipality)
Beryll {m}
:: beryl
Beryllat {n}
:: beryllate
beryllhaltig {adj}
:: berylliferous
Berylliose {f}
:: berylliosis
Beryllium {n}
:: beryllium; the chemical element and alkaline earth metal with the atomic number 4
Berylliumacetat {n}
:: beryllium acetate
Berylliumcarbid {n}
:: beryllium carbide
Berylliumchlorid {n}
:: beryllium chloride
Berylliumerz {n}
:: beryllium ore
Berylliumfluorid {n}
:: beryllium fluoride
berylliumhaltig {adj}
:: berylliferous
Berylliumhydrid {n}
:: beryllium hydride
Berylliumhydroxid {n}
:: beryllium hydroxide
Berylliumkupfer {n}
:: beryllium copper alloy
Berylliummetall {n}
:: beryllium metal
Berylliumnitrid {n}
:: beryllium nitride
Berylliumoxid {n}
:: beryllium oxide
Berylliumsalz {n}
:: beryllium salt
Berylliumsulfat {n}
:: beryllium sulfate
Berylliumtellurid {n}
:: beryllium telluride
Berylliumverbindung {f}
:: beryllium compound
Beryter {m}
:: Berytian
Beryter {adj}
:: Berytian
berytisch {adj}
:: Berytian
Berytus {prop}
:: Berytus
bes. {adv}
:: especially (esp.)
Bes {prop} {m}
:: Bes
besagen {v}
:: to mean, to signify
besagt {v}
:: past participle of besagen - said, implied
besagt {adj}
:: implied
besagt {adj}
:: aforesaid
besamen {v}
:: to fertilize, to impregnate
Besan {m}
:: mizzen, mizzensail
Besan {m}
:: mizzen, mizzenmast
besänftigen {v}
:: to appease, to soothe
Besanmast {m}
:: mizzenmast
Besansegel {n}
:: mizzensail
Besatz {m}
:: edging, trimming, lining
Besatzer {m}
:: occupant, occupier (male or of unspecified sex) (someone who occupies a country)
Besatzung {f}
:: crew (group of people operating a ship, plane, or large facility)
Besatzung {f}
:: occupation (of a country)
Besatzung {f}
:: occupational troops, occupational forces
Besatzungsarmee {f}
:: occupying army (army that occupies a land)
Besatzungsmacht {f}
:: occupying power
Besatzungsmitglied {n}
:: crew member
besaufen {vr}
:: to get drunk
Besäufnis {n}
:: drinking binge
beschädigen {v}
:: to damage
beschaffen {v}
:: To purchase or procure
beschaffen {v}
:: To obtain or acquire
Beschaffenheit {f}
:: state, condition, property
beschafft {v}
:: past participle of beschaffen
Beschaffung {f}
:: purchase, acquisition
Beschaffung {f}
:: obtaining, procurement
Beschaffungskriminalität {f}
:: drug-related crime
beschäftigen {vr}
:: to keep oneself busy (mit with)
beschäftigen {v}
:: to concern oneself
beschäftigt {adj}
:: busy (engaged in an activity; doing a great deal)
beschäftigt {adj}
:: employed
Beschäftigte {f}
:: female employee
beschäftigter {adj}
:: comparative of beschäftigt
Beschäftigter {m}
:: nominalization of beschäftigter: employee
beschäftigtsten {adj}
:: superlative of beschäftigt
Beschäftigung {f}
:: occupation (activity or task with which one occupies oneself)
beschäftigungslos {adj}
:: unemployed
beschallen {v}
:: To make reverberating sound such as with loudspeakers in a large room or open space
beschallen {v}
:: to treat or diagnose with ultrasound
beschämen {v}
:: to embarrass; to humiliate; to shame
beschämend {adj}
:: shameful
beschämt {adj}
:: ashamed
beschatten {v}
:: to shadow
beschaulich {adj}
:: contemplative, pensive, reflective
Bescheid {m}
:: notification, information
bescheiden {adj}
:: modest, humble
bescheiden {adj}
:: crappy
bescheiden {v}
:: to notify, to inform
bescheiden {v}
:: to admit
Bescheidenheit {f}
:: modesty
Bescheidenheit ist eine Zier, doch weiter kommt man ohne ihr {proverb}
:: Being modest and humble is a morally commendable approach in life, but it is not usually the most productive in terms of personal success
Bescheid geben {v}
:: to let somebody know
Bescheid sagen {v}
:: to let somebody know
Bescheid wissen {v}
:: to know
bescheinigen {v}
:: to attest
bescheinigen {v}
:: to certify
Bescheinigung {f}
:: certificate, certification, attestation, credentials
bescheißen {v}
:: to deceive somebody, to bullshit somebody
bescheren {v}
:: To give, bestow, present
bescheren {v}
:: To allot
beschert {v}
:: past participle of bescheren
Bescherung {f}
:: handing out of presents
Bescherung {f}
:: a (nice) mess
bescheuert {adj}
:: idiotic (very foolish; stupid; nonsensical)
beschichten {v}
:: To coat, cover
beschichten {v}
:: To face, laminate
beschichtet {v}
:: past participle of beschichten
beschichtet {adj}
:: coated
beschichtet {adj}
:: laminated
Beschichtung {f}
:: coating (process)
Beschichtung {f}
:: lamination
Beschichtungsmaterial {n}
:: coating material
beschicken {v}
:: to load
beschicken {v}
:: to do, finish
beschickert {adj}
:: drunken
beschiessen {v}
:: alternative spelling of beschießen
beschießen {v}
:: To bombard
Beschilderung {f}
:: signage (signs collectively)
Beschilderung {f}
:: the act of adding signs (to a street, packaging, etc.)
beschilft {adj}
:: reedy (covered in reeds)
beschimpfen {vt}
:: to insult, swear at, call names, call a liar (etc.), abuse
beschimpft {v}
:: past participle of beschimpfen
Beschimpfung {f}
:: name-calling, slander
beschirmen {vt}
:: to protect, to shield
beschirmen {vt}
:: to stretch out forming a screen
beschirmen {vt}
:: to put on a lampshade
beschirmen {vt}
:: to guard, to look after, to sentinel
beschirmt {v}
:: past participle of beschirmen
Beschiss {m}
:: deceit
Beschiß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Beschiss
beschissen {adj}
:: shitty
beschissener {adj}
:: comparative of beschissen
beschlafen {v}
:: to sleep with
beschlafen {v}
:: to sleep on (a matter)
Beschlag {m}
:: fitting, mounting
Beschlag {m}
:: horseshoe
Beschlag {m}
:: mist
beschlagen {v}
:: to coat with condensation, fog up, steam up
beschlagen {v}
:: to mount
beschlagen {v}
:: to fit with nails, studs, clasps, etc
beschlagen {v}
:: to put horseshoes on a horse
beschlagen {v}
:: to furl (a sail)
beschlagen {v}
:: to stamp, flatten
beschlagen {v}
:: to grow moldy or tarnished
beschlagen {adj}
:: coated with condensation, fogged up, steamed up
beschlagen {adj}
:: tarnished
Beschlagnahme {f}
:: verbal noun of in Beschlag nehmen, seizure
beschlagnahmen {v}
:: to seize, to confiscate, to impound by the power of law
beschlagnahmt {v}
:: past participle of beschlagnahmen
beschleunigen {v}
:: to accelerate
Beschleuniger {m}
:: catalyst, activator, accelerant
Beschleuniger {m}
:: accelerator
Beschleunigung {f}
:: acceleration
Beschleunigungsmesser {m}
:: accelerometer
Beschleunigungssensor {m}
:: accelerometer
beschließen {v}
:: to conclude, end; to terminate
beschließen {v}
:: to resolve, decide, determine
beschlossen {adj}
:: decided, agreed
Beschluss {m}
:: decision (choice, judgement)
Beschluß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Beschluss
beschlussfähig {adj}
:: resolute
beschlußfähig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beschlussfähig
beschlußunfähig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beschlussunfähig
beschmieren {v}
:: to spread, smear
beschmieren {v}
:: to cover in graffiti
beschmutzen {v}
:: to make dirty, stain (also figurative)
Beschmutzer {m}
:: agent noun of beschmutzen
Beschmutzer {m}
:: one who stains something or makes something dirty
beschmutzt {v}
:: past participle of beschmutzen
beschneiden {v}
:: to circumcise
beschneiden {v}
:: to trim; to prune
Beschneidung {f}
:: circumcision
Beschneidung {f}
:: trimming
beschnitten {adj}
:: circumcised
beschnuppern {vt}
:: to sniff, to examine by smell
beschönigen {v}
:: to whitewash
beschönigend {adj}
:: euphemistic
Beschöniger {m}
:: whitewasher
beschönigt {v}
:: past participle of beschönigen
Beschönigung {f}
:: embellishment
beschossen {v}
:: past participle of beschießen
beschottern {v}
:: to gravel, to ballast
beschränken {v}
:: to limit; to restrict
beschränkt {adj}
:: limited, restricted, confined
beschränkt {adj}
:: narrow-minded
beschränkt {adj}
:: bounded
Beschränktheit {f}
:: limitedness, narrowness
Beschränktheit {f}
:: boundedness
Beschränkung {f}
:: restriction
beschreiben {vt}
:: to describe
beschreiben {vt}
:: to describe
beschreiben {vt}
:: to write on
beschreiben {vt}
:: to write (record data) to
Beschreibung {f}
:: description
Beschreibungswort {n}
:: describing word, adjective
beschreiten {v}
:: to tread, to pursue
beschrieben {adj}
:: described, delineated
beschriften {v}
:: to label
beschriftet {v}
:: past participle of beschriften
Beschriftung {f}
:: label
Beschriftung {f}
:: caption
beschritten {v}
:: past participle of beschreiten
beschritten {adj}
:: pursued
beschuldigen {v}
:: to accuse, to blame
beschuldigt {adj}
:: incriminated
Beschuldigung {f}
:: accusation, allegation, charge
beschulen {v}
:: to provide with (schools and) school lessons
beschulen {v}
:: to give somebody school lessons
beschürzt {adj}
:: aproned (wearing an apron)
Beschuss {m}
:: bombardment, fire
beschusshemmend {adj}
:: bulletproof
beschützen {v}
:: to protect
Beschützer {m}
:: protector
beschützt {v}
:: past participle of beschützen
beschwägern {v}
:: to become brothers-in-law
beschwatzen {v}
:: to coax, cajole
beschweigen {v}
:: to not talk about
Beschwerde {f}
:: complaint (a grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining)
Beschwerdebrief {m}
:: complaint letter
beschwerdefrei {adj}
:: complaint-free
beschwerdenfrei {adj}
:: alternative form of beschwerdefrei
beschweren {vr}
:: to complain
beschweren {vt}
:: to weight, to weight down
beschwerlich {adj}
:: onerous, burdensome
beschwerlicher {adj}
:: comparative of beschwerlich
Beschwerlichkeit {f}
:: onerosity
Beschwerlichkeit {f}
:: burden
beschwerlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of beschwerlich
beschwert {v}
:: past participle of beschweren
beschwichtigen {v}
:: to assuage; to conciliate; to pacify
beschwindeln {vt}
:: to swindle
beschwipst {adj}
:: tipsy
beschwören {vt}
:: to conjure
beschwören {vt}
:: to swear to (something)
beschwören {vt}
:: to evoke, to summon
Beschwörung {f}
:: evocation
beseelen {v}
:: to animate, to inspire
besehen {vtr}
:: to look at
beseitigen {v}
:: to dispose of (get rid of something), remove, eliminate
beseitigen {v}
:: to eliminate (kill)
Beseitigung {f}
:: disposal, elimination, removal
Besen {m}
:: broom
Besenbinder {m}
:: broom maker
Besenchen {n}
:: diminutive of Besen
Besenginster {m}
:: common broom, Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius)
besenrein {adj}
:: swept-out
Besenreiser {p}
:: spider veins
Besenschrank {m}
:: broom closet, broom cupboard
Besenstiel {m}
:: broomstick (the handle of a broom)
besessen {adj}
:: obsessed
besessen {adj}
:: possessed
besessen {v}
:: past participle of besitzen
besessener {adj}
:: comparative of besessen
Besessenheit {f}
:: obsession
Besessenheit {f}
:: possession
besessensten {adj}
:: superlative of besessen
besetzen {v}
:: to occupy
besetzen {v}
:: to cast (choose someone for a performing part)
Besetzer {m}
:: occupant, occupier
Besetzer {m}
:: squatter
Besetzerin {f}
:: a female occupant
besetzt {adj}
:: occupied
Besetzung {f}
:: occupation; invasion (of a country)
Besetzung {f}
:: squat (occupation of a building without permission)
Besetzung {f}
:: cast; casting
Besetzungsinversion {f}
:: population inversion
besichern {v}
:: to collateralize
Besichtigbarkeit {f}
:: visitability
besichtigen {v}
:: to visit (a city, tourist site, monument etc.)
besichtigen {v}
:: to have a look around; to view (a property)
besichtigt {v}
:: past participle of besichtigen
Besichtigung {f}
:: inspection
Besichtigung {f}
:: viewing
Besichtigung {f}
:: sightseeing
besiedelt {v}
:: past participle of besiedeln
besiedelt {adj}
:: populated, settled
Besiedelung {f}
:: settlement
Besiedelung {f}
:: colonization
besiegen {vt}
:: to defeat (to overcome in battle or contest)
besiegt {adj}
:: defeated
besinnen {vr}
:: to reflect; to think
besinnen {vr}
:: to remember
besinnlich {adj}
:: contemplative, thoughtful
Besinnung {f}
:: consciousness
Besinnung {f}
:: reflexion
besinnungslos {adj}
:: unconscious
Besinnungslosigkeit {f}
:: unconsciousness (not being awake and aware)
Besitz {m}
:: ownership
Besitz {m}
:: possession
besitzen {v}
:: to own, to possess
besitzen {v}
:: to have
Besitzer {m}
:: agent noun of besitzen; owner (one who owns)
besitzergreifend {adj}
:: possessive
Besitzerin {f}
:: female owner (one who owns)
besitzlos {adj}
:: poor
Besitzstand {m}
:: acquis communautaire
Besitzstand {m}
:: acquired rights/entitlements
Besitzstandswahrung {f}
:: maintenance of existing rights/entitlements
Besitzstandswahrung {f}
:: grandfathering
besoffen {adj}
:: drunk
besoffener {adj}
:: comparative of besoffen
besoffensten {adj}
:: superlative of besoffen
besohlen {v}
:: to sole
besolden {v}
:: to pay a salary to
Besoldung {f}
:: salary
besondere {adj}
:: special, particular, extraordinary
Besonderheit {f}
:: (notable) feature
besonders {adv}
:: especially, particularly
besonders {adv}
:: exceptionally
besonnen {adj}
:: prudent, cautious, calm, circumspect
besonnen {v}
:: past participle of besinnen
Besonnenheit {f}
:: prudence, caution, circumspection, calmness, levelheadedness
besorgen {vt}
:: to deal, to manage, to procure
besorgen {vt}
:: to get, to obtain
besorgen {v}
:: to give it to someone, to satisfy carnally
besorgen {vt}
:: to be afraid of, to worry about
Besorgnis {f}
:: worry, concern, anxiety
besorgniserregend {adj}
:: alarming, worrying, worrisome
besorgt {adj}
:: worried (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen)
Besorgung {f}
:: errand
bespaßen {v}
:: to entertain
bespeien {vt}
:: to spit on
bespielbar {adj}
:: playable
bespitzeln {vt}
:: to spy on
bespötteln {vt}
:: to make fun of
besprechen {v}
:: to discuss (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic)
Besprechung {f}
:: meeting, discussion, (gathering among business people to discuss their business)
Besprechung {f}
:: Review
besprengen {v}
:: to sprinkle, to spray
besprenkeln {vt}
:: to speckle
besprochen {v}
:: past participle of besprechen
besprühen {vt}
:: to shower
besprüht {v}
:: past participle of besprühen - sprayed
bespucken {v}
:: to spit
bespülen {vt}
:: to bathe
bessarabiendeutsch {adj}
:: Bessarabia German; belonging or pertaining to the Bessarabia Germans
Bessarabiendeutscher {m}
:: a (male) Bessarabia German, a German native or inhabitant of Bessarabia, or a descendant of one
besser {adj}
:: comparative of gut; better
bessere Hälfte {f}
:: better half (spouse or lover)
besser ein schreckliches Ende, als ein Schrecken ohne Ende {proverb}
:: However painful, dealing resolutely with a problematic situation is preferable to allowing it to go on indefinitely
besser ein Spatz in der Hand als eine Taube auf dem Dach {proverb}
:: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
bessern {v}
:: to improve, to better
besser spät als nie {phrase}
:: better late than never
besserstellen {v}
:: to make better off
besser stumm als dumm {phrase}
:: In certain situations, it is smarter to not express one's opinions, lest one appear idiotic
Besserung {f}
:: amelioration
Besserung {f}
:: improvement
Besserwisser {m}
:: know-it-all, wiseguy, wiseacre, smart aleck
besserwisserisch {adj}
:: like a know-it-all
Bestand {m}
:: stock, inventory
Bestand {m}
:: portfolio
Bestand {m}
:: population
Bestand {m}
:: durable existence, persistence; duration; continuance
bestanden {adj}
:: covered in plants; overgrown
bestanden {adj}
:: of advanced age; elderly
beständig {adj}
:: constant, stable, steady, abiding, enduring
beständig {adj}
:: resistant
beständiger {adj}
:: comparative of beständig
Beständigkeit {f}
:: resistance
Beständigkeit {f}
:: stability, constancy
Beständigkeit {f}
:: reliability
beständigsten {adj}
:: superlative of beständig
Bestandserhaltung {f}
:: preservation (chiefly the conservation and restoration of collections housed in museums, libraries or archives)
Bestandteil {m}
:: component, element
Bestandteil {m}
:: ingredient
bestätigen {v}
:: to confirm, corroborate
Bestätigung {f}
:: acknowledgment, affirmation, confirmation
bestatten {v}
:: to bury
Bestatter {m}
:: agent noun of bestatten; mortician, undertaker (male or of unspecified sex)
Bestatterin {f}
:: mortician, undertaker (female)
Bestattung {f}
:: funeral (ceremony in honour of a deceased person)
Bestattungsart {f}
:: (method of) burial
Bestattungswagen {m}
:: hearse
bestäuben {v}
:: to pollinate
bestäuben {v}
:: to sprinkle
Bestäubung {noun}
:: (botany) pollination
bestaunen {v}
:: to marvel at
bestbezahlt {adj}
:: highest-paid
bestechen {v}
:: to bribe
bestechen {v}
:: to win over
bestechlich {adj}
:: corruptible
bestechlicher {adj}
:: comparative of bestechlich
Bestechlichkeit {f}
:: corruptibility
Bestechung {f}
:: bribery
Bestechung {f}
:: corruption
Bestechungsgeld {n}
:: bribe
Bestechungsversuch {m}
:: attempted bribery
Besteck {n}
:: cutlery
Besteck {n}
:: silverware
Besteck {n}
:: set of instruments
Besteck {n}
:: position of a ship
bestehen {vt}
:: to succeed, to pass (an exam)
bestehen {vi}
:: to consist (aus (of))
bestehen {vi}
:: to exist
bestehen {vi}
:: to insist (auf (on))
bestehend {adj}
:: existing, established
bestehlen {vt}
:: to steal from, to rob
besteigen {vt}
:: to ascend, to climb, to mount (a kerb etc)
besteigen {vt}
:: to board, get on, to mount (a plane, train etc.)
besteigen {vt}
:: to fuck, to mate with, to mount (birds, bees, etc.)
Besteigung {f}
:: ascent
bestellen {vt}
:: to order to come, to summon
bestellen {vti}
:: to demand delivery, to order (e.g. food)
bestellen {vti}
:: to reserve (e.g. a table, hotel room)
bestellen {vt}
:: to convey (a message, greetings)
bestellen {vt}
:: to cultivate, till
Bestellnummer {f}
:: Order number or code, such as in a product catalog
bestellt {v}
:: past participle of bestellen
Bestellung {f}
:: order, request for a product
bestenfalls {adv}
:: at best
bester Freund des Menschen {noun}
:: man's best friend
besternährt {adj}
:: best-nourished
bestes Wissen und Gewissen {phrase}
:: the best of one's knowledge; good faith; roughly combining the senses of both English idioms, namely that one does or says something in the honest conviction of its correctness but under the condition of the fallibility of one’s knowledge and competences
besteuern {v}
:: to tax
Besteuerung {f}
:: taxation
bestialisch {adj}
:: atrocious
Bestialität {f}
:: bestiality
besticken {v}
:: to embroider
bestickt {v}
:: past participle of besticken
Bestickung {f}
:: embroidering
Bestie {f}
:: beast
bestiefelt {adj}
:: booted (wearing boots)
bestiegen {v}
:: past participle of besteigen
bestimmbar {adj}
:: determinable, ascertainable
bestimmbar {adj}
:: definable, allocatable, assignable
bestimmen {v}
:: to determine
bestimmt {adj}
:: certain
bestimmt {adj}
:: determined
bestimmt {adj}
:: definite
bestimmt {adv}
:: certainly, definitely
bestimmter Artikel {m}
:: definite article
Bestimmtheit {f}
:: resolution
Bestimmung {f}
:: determination (act of determining or measuring)
Bestimmung {f}
:: destination (intended purpose)
Bestimmung {f}
:: appointment, designation
Bestimmung {f}
:: regulation
Bestimmung {f}
:: modifier; attribute (of a noun); complement (of a verb)
Bestimmung {f}
:: provision (clause in a statute providing for a particular matter; a specific rule that arises from the lexical content of a statute)
Bestimmungsgrenze {f}
:: limit (in analysis)
Bestimmungsort {m}
:: destination
Bestimmungswort {n}
:: determiner (e.g. in grammar an adjective can be referred to as Bestimmungswort of the noun and the adverb as Bestimmungswort of the verb)
Bestimmungswort {n}
:: determinans or modifier in a compound (e.g. Bestimmung is the determinans of Bestimmungswort)
bestirnt {adj}
:: starry
Best.-Nr. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Bestellnummer
bestochen {v}
:: past participle of bestechen
bestoßen {v}
:: to scuff
Bestoßung {f}
:: numbers and density of livestock grazing in agriculture
Best Practice {f}
:: best practice
bestrafen {v}
:: to punish
Bestrafung {f}
:: punishment
bestrahlen {v}
:: to irradiate
bestrahlt {v}
:: past participle of bestrahlen
bestrahlt {adj}
:: irradiated, radiated
Bestrahlung {f}
:: irradiation, exposure
Bestrahlungsstärke {f}
:: irradiance
bestreben {vr}
:: to endeavor, to be eager
Bestreben {n}
:: endeavor
bestrebt {v}
:: past participle of bestreben
Bestrebung {f}
:: attempt, effort
Bestrebung {f}
:: aspiration
bestreichen {vt}
:: to smear
bestreitbar {adj}
:: controvertible, arguable
bestreiten {v}
:: to deny (assert to be false)
bestreiten {v}
:: to dispute, contest, controvert (oppose a proposition or call it into question by argument or assertion)
bestreuen {v}
:: To sprinkle
bestreut {v}
:: past participle of bestreuen
bestrickend {adj}
:: beguiling, bewitching, enchanting, engaging
bestritten {adj}
:: controversial
bestrumpft {adj}
:: stockinged (wearing stockings)
Bestseller {m}
:: bestseller
Bestsellerautor {m}
:: bestselling author
Bestsellerliste {f}
:: list of bestsellers
bestücken {v}
:: to equip
bestücken {v}
:: to populate
bestuhlen {v}
:: to furnish with chairs
bestürmen {v}
:: to assail
bestürmen {v}
:: to charge
bestürzen {v}
:: to devastate, to dismay, to upset, to shock
Bestürzung {f}
:: dismay, consternation
bestusst {adj}
:: crazy
Bestwig {prop}
:: A municipality in Hochsauerland, North Rhine-Westphalia
Besuch {m}
:: visit, call
Besuch {m}
:: visitor or visitors (singular only)
besuchen {vt}
:: to visit, to see
besuchen {vt}
:: to attend
Besucher {m}
:: visitor
Besucher {m}
:: patron
Besucher {m}
:: The visitor design pattern
Besucherin {f}
:: feminine noun of Besucher
Besucherzimmer {n}
:: visitors' room
besucht {v}
:: past participle of besuchen
besudeln {v}
:: to sully
Beta {n}
:: beta (Greek letter)
betagt {adj}
:: aged, elderly
Betain {n}
:: betaine
betakeln {v}
:: to rig
betakeln {v}
:: to cheat, deceive
Betalain {noun}
:: betalain
betanken {vt}
:: to fuel
Betastrahl {m}
:: beta ray (ray of beta particles)
betastrahlend {adj}
:: beta-radiant (emitting beta rays)
Betastrahlenquelle {f}
:: source of beta radiation
Betastrahler {m}
:: beta emitter
Betastrahlung {f}
:: beta radiation
betätigen {v}
:: to operate
betätigt {v}
:: past participle of betätigen
Betätigung {f}
:: activity (the state of being active)
Betätigung {f}
:: service
Betätigung {f}
:: operation
betatschen {vt}
:: paw, feel up
betäuben {v}
:: To numb; daze; stupefy
Betäubung {f}
:: narcosis, anesthesia (local or general anesthesia), any state of numbness or reduced consciousness caused by outside influence
Betäubung {f}
:: narcosis, anesthesia, the act of causing such a state
Betäubung {f}
:: narcotic, anesthetic, the substance used to induce such a state
Betäubung {f}
:: emotional numbness, a state of apathy or shock
Betäubung {f}
:: physical numbness in general
Betäubungsmittel {n}
:: anaesthetic; narcotic
Betäubungsmittel {n}
:: controlled substance; drug (of any kind, including e.g. cocaine, heroin, etc.)
Beta-Version {f}
:: beta version
Betazerfall {m}
:: beta decay
Bete {f}
:: beet
Beteigeuze {prop}
:: Betelgeuse
beteilig {v}
:: past participle of beteiligen
beteiligen {vt}
:: to let someone take part in something
beteiligen {vr}
:: participate
beteiligt {v}
:: past participle of beteiligen
beteiligt {adj}
:: involved, concerned, participating
Beteiligte {m}
:: participant
Beteiligter {m}
:: participant
Beteiligung {f}
:: participation (act of participating)
beten {v}
:: to pray
betend {adj}
:: praying
beteuern {v}
:: to assert, affirm, aver, asseverate
beteuert {v}
:: past participle of beteuern
Bethanien {prop} {n}
:: Bethany
Bethe {prop}
:: surname
Bethlehem {prop}
:: Bethlehem (city)
Bethlehemitischer Kindermord {m}
:: Massacre of the Innocents
Betlehem {prop} {n}
:: Betlehem (city)
Beton {m}
:: concrete
betonen {v}
:: to emphasize
betonen {v}
:: to stress
betonieren {v}
:: concrete (cover with concrete)
Betonierer {m}
:: concrete finisher
Betonklotz {m}
:: concrete block
Betonkonstruktion {f}
:: concrete construction
Betonmauer {f}
:: concrete wall
Betonmischer {m}
:: concrete mixer
Betonplatte {f}
:: concrete slab
Betonsperre {f}
:: concrete barrier
Betonsträsschen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Betonsträßchen
Betonsträßchen {n}
:: diminutive of Betonstraße
Betonstrasse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Betonstraße
Betonstraße {f}
:: concrete road (a road constructed of concrete)
betont {adj}
:: emphasized
betont {v}
:: past participle of betonen
Betonung {f}
:: emphasis
Betonung {f}
:: accent, stress
Betonungszeichen {n}
:: accent, stress mark
Betonwüste {f}
:: concrete desert
Betonzusatzstoff {m}
:: concrete additive
betören {v}
:: to bewitch
Betörung {f}
:: infatuation
Betracht {m}
:: consideration
betrachten {v}
:: to look (at)
betrachten {v}
:: to look, to consider (at)
betrachten {v}
:: to regard, to consider, look upon (something)
Betrachter {m}
:: beholder, observer, viewer
betrachtet {v}
:: past participle of betrachten
betrachtet {adj}
:: considered, regarded
beträchtlich {adj}
:: substantial, considerable
Betrachtung {f}
:: contemplation
Betrachtung {f}
:: viewing
Betrachtungshorizont {m}
:: time horizon, planning horizon
Betrachtungshorizont {m}
:: evaluation horizon, observation period
Betrag {m}
:: amount, sum
Betrag {m}
:: the magnitude or length of a vector
betragen {vt}
:: to amount to, to be
betragen {vr}
:: to behave
betrauern {v}
:: to bemourn, to bewail
Betreff {m}
:: subject, reference (of e-mails and letters)
betreffen {v}
:: to concern
betreffen {v}
:: to affect
betreffen {v}
:: to catch
betreffend {adj}
:: regarding, pertaining, concerning
betreffend {adj}
:: concerned (postpositive)
betreffend {prep}
:: regarding, concerning, with respect to
betreffs {prep}
:: regarding, concerning, in reference to
betreiben {vt}
:: to run, to operate (a business, an engine, etc.)
Betreiber {m}
:: operator
betresst {adj}
:: plaited, braided, tressed
betreten {v}
:: to enter
betreten {adj}
:: embarrassed
Betreten {n}
:: entry
Betreten {n}
:: access
betreuen {v}
:: to look after; to take care
Betreuer {m}
:: guardian, caretaker
Betreuer {m}
:: carer, helper, nurse
betreut {v}
:: past participle of betreuen
Betreuung {f}
:: care
Betreuung {f}
:: tutelage, guardianship
Betrieb {m}
:: operating or running a technical device, application or process, in other words planful activity under the exploitation of tools, connections and/or manpower with an inherent direction towards an economic result, industry, operation, verbal noun of betreiben
Betrieb {m}
:: the organizational unit of a company wherewith the entrepreneur pursues a work-technical purpose thus, works
betrieben {v}
:: past participle of betreiben
betrieben {adj}
:: operated
betrieblich {adj}
:: operational
betrieblich {adj}
:: business (attributive)
betriebsam {adj}
:: busy, industrious
Betriebsamkeit {f}
:: industriousness
Betriebsamkeit {f}
:: bustle
Betriebsanleitung {f}
:: operating instruction
betriebsbedingt {adj}
:: operational (related to the operation of a machine, a business, etc.)
betriebsbedingte Kündigung {f}
:: redundancy (dismissal of an employee because there is not enough work for them)
Betriebsbedingung {f}
:: (especially in plural) operating condition(s)
betriebsbereit {adj}
:: operational
Betriebsergebnis {n}
:: operating income / profit
betriebsfremd {adj}
:: non-company (of a different company / organization)
Betriebsleitung {f}
:: management, plant management
Betriebsmeister {m}
:: plant foreman
Betriebsrat {m}
:: works council
betriebsratsverseucht {adj}
:: works council (attributive)
Betriebssystem {n}
:: operating system
Betriebssystemkern {m}
:: kernel
betriebssystemübergreifend {adj}
:: cross-platform, cross-OS
Betriebstemperatur {f}
:: operating temperature (of a device)
Betriebstemperaturspanne {f}
:: operating temperature range
Betriebsvereinbarung {f}
:: a contract about the operation of a railway by a concessionary
Betriebsvereinbarung {f}
:: works agreement
Betriebsversammlung {f}
:: works meeting
Betriebswirtschaft {f}
:: business economics
betriebswirtschaftlich {adj}
:: economic (concerning the economy)
Betriebswirtschaftslehre {f}
:: business administration
betrinken {vr}
:: to get drunk (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol); to bedrink oneself
betroffen {adj}
:: shocked
betroffen {adj}
:: affected, concerned
Betroffener {m}
:: person affected by something
Betroffener {m}
:: victim
Betroffenheit {f}
:: consternation, dismay, shock
betrüben {v}
:: to sadden (make sad or unhappy)
betrüblich {adj}
:: sad, unfortunate
betrüblicherweise {adv}
:: unfortunately
Betrübnis {f}
:: sadness, grief
betrübt {adj}
:: saddened
betrübt {v}
:: past participle of betrüben
Betrug {m}
:: fraud
Betrug {m}
:: deception, deceit
Betrug {m}
:: cheating
betrügen {vt}
:: to deceive (usually deliberately)
betrügen {vti}
:: to defraud; to perform an act of fraud against; to swindle
betrügen {vti}
:: to betray (sexually or romantically); to cheat on
betrügen {vi}
:: to cheat
Betrüger {m}
:: agent noun of betrügen; fraud (person)
Betrügerei {f}
:: cheating; swindling
Betrügerin {f}
:: fraud
betrügerisch {adj}
:: fraudulent
betrüglich {adj}
:: fraudulent
betrugsanfällig {adj}
:: fraudulent, deceitful
betrunken {adj}
:: drunk, inebriated
betrunkener {adj}
:: comparative of betrunken
Betrunkenheit {f}
:: drunkenness, inebriation, intoxication
betrunkensten {adj}
:: superlative of betrunken
Bett {n}
:: bed (piece of furniture, usually flat and soft, for resting or sleeping on; one's place of sleep or rest)
Bett {n}
:: bed (bottom of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, lake, or river)
Bettbezug {m}
:: duvet cover
Bettchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bett
Bettdecke {f}
:: a covering that warms the body during sleep; especially a duvet (being the commonest in German-speaking Europe), but also a blanket, coverlet, quilt, etc
Bettdecke {f}
:: bedspread
Bettdecke {f}
:: bed sheet
Bette {n}
:: alternative form of Bett
Bettelei {f}
:: begging, panhandling
betteln {v}
:: to beg
Bettelorden {m}
:: mendicant order (religious group)
Bettelruf {m}
:: begging call (a sound made by young birds to get food from their parents)
Bettelstab {m}
:: beggar's staff
betten {v}
:: to bed (place in a bed)
Bettenburg {f}
:: giant hotel; over-developed resort
Bettendorf {prop}
:: Any of several towns and cities in Germany, Luxembourg and the United States
Bettendorf {prop}
:: surname
Bettendorfsch {adj}
:: Bettendorf (attributive)
bettfertig {adj}
:: sleepy
Bettgenosse {m}
:: bedfellow
Bettgeschichte {f}
:: love affair, fling
Bettina {prop} {f}
:: given name used in Germany since the eighteenth century, originally short form of Elisabettina, an Italian diminutive of Elizabeth
bettlägerig {adj}
:: bedridden
Bettlägerigkeit {f}
:: bedriddenness
bettlägrig {adj}
:: bed-ridden
Bettlaken {n}
:: bedsheet
Bettlein {n}
:: diminutive of Bett
Bettler {m}
:: beggar
Bettler fasten selten {proverb}
:: "beggars rarely have to fast"
Bettlerin {f}
:: female beggar
Betttuch {n}
:: bed sheet
Bettung {f}
:: ballast
Bettwanze {f}
:: bedbug
Bettwäsche {f}
:: bedding, bedclothes, bedlinen
Bettzeug {n}
:: bedclothes, bedding
betucht {adj}
:: well off
betüdeln {vt}
:: to condescend, to patronise, to treat as less than adult
betulich {adj}
:: fussy, (excessively) caring
betulich {adj}
:: sedate
betulicher {adj}
:: comparative of betulich
betulichsten {adj}
:: superlative of betulich
betupfen {vt}
:: to dab
beugbar {adj}
:: inflectable (of a word, capable of being inflected)
Beuge {f}
:: bend
beugen {vt}
:: to bend something, to bow something
beugen {vr}
:: to bend; to bend over; to bow
beugen {vr}
:: to give in to; to cease to resist or disagree
beugen {vt}
:: to inflect; to decline, conjugate, etc
Beugewinkel {m}
:: flexion angle
Beugewinkel {m}
:: working angle, joint angle
Beugfall {m}
:: case
Beugung {f}
:: flexion
Beugung {f}
:: diffraction
Beugung {f}
:: inflection
Beugungswinkel {m}
:: diffraction angle
Beule {f}
:: swelling
Beule {f}
:: bump
beulen {v}
:: to become swelled
Beulenpest {f}
:: bubonic plague
beunruhigen {vt}
:: to worry, to trouble, to alarm
Beunruhigung {f}
:: anxiety, worry, concern
Beuren {prop}
:: Beuren; surname
Beuren {prop}
:: A placename
Beuren {prop}
:: Beuren (municipality)
Beuren {prop}
:: Beuren (municipality)
Beuren {prop}
:: Beuren (municipality)
beurkunden {vt}
:: to certify, register
beurlauben {vt}
:: to give leave
beurteilen {vt}
:: to form an opinion on, to judge
Beurteilung {f}
:: judgement, assessment
Beuschel {n}
:: food made from offal (especially the lungs and heart)
Beuschel {n}
:: lung
Beuschel {n}
:: human entrails
Beute {f}
:: booty; spoils; haul (something robbed)
Beute {f}
:: prey; quarry (that which is hunted by animals or people)
Beute {f}
:: hive, beehive (artificial structure for housing honeybees, excluding the swarm and its combs)
Beutegreifer {m}
:: predator (an animal that hunts other animals)
Beutegut {n}
:: loot, looted good
Beutekunst {f}
:: looted art
Beutel {m}
:: a small to medium-sized bag, usually of fabric
Beutel {m}
:: pouch (bag with a drawstring)
Beutel {m}
:: pouch (body part of a marsupial)
Beutelmarder {m}
:: quoll (carnivorous marsupial of the genus Dasyurus)
Beutelratte {f}
:: opossum
Beutelsäuger {m}
:: marsupial
Beutelteufel {m}
:: Tasmanian devil
Beuteltier {n}
:: marsupial
Beutelwolf {m}
:: thylacine
Beutler {m}
:: marsupial
bevölkern {v}
:: to populate
Bevölkerung {f}
:: population
Bevölkerungsdichte {f}
:: population density
Bevölkerungspyramide {f}
:: population pyramid, age-gender-pyramid
bevölkerungsreich {adj}
:: populous
Bevölkerungsschicht {f}
:: social stratum
Bevölkerungszahl {f}
:: population (number of people in a land)
bevollmächtigen {v}
:: to authorize
bevollmächtigen {v}
:: to give power of attorney
Bevollmächtigte {f}
:: plenipotentiary
Bevollmächtigter {m}
:: plenipotentiary
Bevollmächtigter {m}
:: attorney-in-fact, agent, proxy
Bevollmächtigung {f}
:: authorization, authority
Bevollmächtigung {f}
:: power of attorney
Bevollmächtigung {f}
:: empowerment
bevor {conj}
:: before
bevorgestanden {v}
:: past participle of bevorstehen
bevorstehen {v}
:: To be imminent
bevorstehen {v}
:: To approach
bevorstehen {v}
:: To impend
bevorstehend {adj}
:: imminent, impending
bevorstehend {adj}
:: approaching, upcoming, forthcoming
bevorstehend {adj}
:: pending
bevorzugen {v}
:: to favor, to prefer
bevorzugt {adj}
:: preferred, preferential, preferable
bevorzugt {adj}
:: privileged
bewachen {v}
:: to guard
Bewachung {f}
:: custody
bewaffnen {v}
:: to arm (to supply with weapons)
bewaffnet {adj}
:: armed
Bewaffnung {f}
:: arms; armament
bewahren {v}
:: to keep, to preserve (to maintain the condition of)
bewahrheiten {vr}
:: to prove true
bewahrheiten {vr}
:: to come true
bewahrt {v}
:: past participle of bewahren
bewährt {adj}
:: established, reliable
bewährt {adj}
:: proven, tried and tested
Bewährung {f}
:: parole
Bewährungsstrafe {f}
:: suspended sentence
bewaldet {adj}
:: forested, tree-covered, wooded
bewältigen {vt}
:: to handle, to cope with
Bewältigung {f}
:: coping, handling, mastering
bewandert {adj}
:: knowledgeable, skilled, adept
bewässern {v}
:: to water
Bewässerung {f}
:: irrigation
Bewässrung {noun}
:: alternative form of Bewässerung
bewegen {vt}
:: to persuade; to prompt (someone to do something); to make (someone do something); to induce; to get (someone to do something)
bewegen {vtr}
:: to move; to stir
bewegend {adj}
:: moving, affecting, stirring
Beweggrund {m}
:: motive
beweglich {adj}
:: nimble, agile
beweglich {adj}
:: versatile
beweglich {adj}
:: moveable, flexible, mobile
beweglicher {adj}
:: comparative of beweglich
beweglicher Feiertag {m}
:: moveable feast
Beweglichkeit {f}
:: agility
Beweglichkeit {f}
:: versatility
beweglichsten {adj}
:: superlative of beweglich
bewegt {v}
:: past participle of bewegen
bewegt {adj}
:: agitated
bewegt {adj}
:: choppy, rough (sea)
bewegt {adj}
:: moved, touched
Bewegung {f}
:: motion
Bewegung {f}
:: move (step made in the execution of a plan or goal; a change in strategy)
Bewegung {f}
:: movement
Bewegung {interj}
:: get a move on, hurry up, let's go
Bewegung 2. Juni {prop} {f}
:: Movement 2 June
bewegungslos {adj}
:: motionless, still, stock-still
Bewegungsspiele {noun}
:: movement games
Bewegungsstörung {f}
:: disruption of movement, disturbance of movement, interruption of movement
Bewegungsstörung {f}
:: movement disorder
bewegungsunfähig {adj}
:: paralyzed (incapable of movement)
bewehren {v}
:: to armor, to reinforce
bewehren {v}
:: to arm, to fortify
bewehrt {v}
:: past participle of bewehren
beweihräuchern {vt}
:: to incense
beweihräuchern {vt}
:: to adulate
beweinen {v}
:: to mourn, bewail
Beweis {m}
:: proof
beweisbar {adj}
:: provable
Beweisbarkeit {f}
:: provability
beweisen {v}
:: to prove
Beweisführung {f}
:: argumentation
Beweisführung {f}
:: evidence
Beweislast {f}
:: burden of proof, onus, onus probandi
Beweisstück {n}
:: piece of evidence
Beweisvereitelung {f}
:: spoliation
bewenden {v}
:: to put (a matter) to rest
bewerben {vr}
:: to apply (submit oneself as a candidate)
bewerben {vr}
:: to try to win (a favour); to court
bewerben {vt}
:: to advertise
Bewerber {m}
:: applicant (one who applies)
Bewerberin {f}
:: A female applicant
Bewerbung {f}
:: application (for a job or position), candidature
Bewerbung {f}
:: promotion (of a product, etc.)
Bewerbungsgespräch {n}
:: a job interview
bewerfen {vt}
:: to throw
bewerkstelligen {v}
:: to bring about, realize
bewerkstelligt {v}
:: past participle of bewerkstelligen
bewerten {v}
:: to evaluate, assess
Bewertung {f}
:: evaluation
Bewertung {f}
:: assessment (act of assessing a tax)
Bewertung {f}
:: appraisal (estimate of value, as for sale, assessment, or taxation; valuation)
bewiesen {adj}
:: proved, proven
bewilligen {v}
:: to grant, to concede, to allow, to approve
Bewilligung {f}
:: approval, used in a legal sense
bewillkommnen {vt}
:: to welcome
Bewirckung {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Bewirkung
bewirken {v}
:: to bring about (to cause to take place)
bewirkt {v}
:: past participle of bewirken
bewirkt {adj}
:: effected
bewirkt {adj}
:: operated
bewirkt {adj}
:: effectuated
bewirten {v}
:: to treat, to feast, to regale, to entertain
bewirten {v}
:: to cultivate land, farm land
bewirtschaften {v}
:: administer, manage
Bewirtung {f}
:: catering
bewittert {adj}
:: weathered
bewogen {v}
:: past participle of bewegen
bewohnbar {adj}
:: habitable, inhabitable
bewohnen {vt}
:: to inhabit, to occupy
Bewohner {m}
:: agent noun of bewohnen; inhabitant (someone who lives in a place)
bewohnt {v}
:: past participle of bewohnen
bewölken {vr}
:: to cloud up
bewölkt {adj}
:: cloudy (covered with or characterised by clouds)
Bewölkung {f}
:: cloudiness
Bewölkung {f}
:: cloud cover
Bewuchs {m}
:: growth (vegetative ground-cover)
bewundern {vt}
:: to admire
bewundern {vr}
:: to admire oneself (e.g. in a mirror); to preen oneself (look at oneself lengthily, perhaps making minor adaptions)
bewundernswert {adj}
:: admirable
bewundernswerter {adj}
:: comparative of bewundernswert
bewundernswürdig {adj}
:: admirable, impressive
bewundert {adj}
:: admired
bewundert {v}
:: past participle of bewundern
Bewunderung {f}
:: admiration
bewunderungswürdig {adj}
:: alternative form of bewundernswürdig
bewusst {adj}
:: conscious
bewusst {adj}
:: intentional
bewußt {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of bewusst
bewusster {adj}
:: comparative of bewusst
bewusstesten {adj}
:: superlative of bewusst
bewusstlos {adj}
:: unconscious (not conscious, not awake)
Bewusstlosigkeit {f}
:: unconsciousness, insensibility
Bewusstsein {n}
:: consciousness, awareness
Bewußtsein {n}
:: alternative spelling of Bewusstsein
Bewusstseinsstörung {f}
:: unconsciousness (disturbance of consciousness)
Bewusstseinsverlust {m}
:: loss of consciousness
Bewusstseinszustand {m}
:: state of consciousness, conscious state
bey- {prefix}
:: obsolete spelling of bei-
bey {prep}
:: obsolete spelling of bei
beybehalten {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beibehalten
Beyblatt {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Beiblatt
beybringen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beibringen
Beychte {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beichte
beychten {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beichten
Beychtvater {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beichtvater
beyde {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of beide
beydemal {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beide Mal
Beydenhänder {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beidenhänder
beyderseyts {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beiderseits
beydhändig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beidhändig
beydseytig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beidseitig
Beyfall {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beifall
beyfällig {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beifällig
Beyfallssturm {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beifallssturm
Beyfang {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beifang
beyfügen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beifügen
Beyfuß {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beifuß
Beygabe {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beigabe
beygeben {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beigeben
beygefügt {v}
:: past participle of beyfügen
beygefügt {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beigefügt
beygegeben {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beigegeben
Beyhilfe {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beihilfe
Beyl {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Beil
Beylage {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beilage
beylegen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beilegen
Beylegung {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beilegung
Beyleyd {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Beileid
beym {contraction}
:: obsolete spelling of beim
Beymengung {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beimengung
Beymischung {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Beimischung
Beyn {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Bein
beynah {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beinahe
beynahe {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beinahe
Beyname {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beiname
Beyrath {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beirat
beysammen {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beisammen
Beyseyn {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Beisein
beyseyte {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beiseite
Beyspiel {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Beispiel
beyspiellos {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of beispiellos
beyspringen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beispringen
beyssen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beißen
beyßen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beißen
Beystand {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beistand
beystehen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beistehen
Beystrich {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beistrich
Beytel {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beitel
Beytrag {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beitrag
beytragen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beitragen
beytreten {v}
:: obsolete spelling of beitreten
Beytritt {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beitritt
Beywagen {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Beiwagen
Beywort {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Beiwort
beyzeyten {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of beizeiten
bez. {conj}
:: abbreviation of beziehungsweise
bezahlbar {adj}
:: payable
bezahlbar {adj}
:: affordable
bezahlen {v}
:: to pay
Bezahlschranke {f}
:: paywall
Bezahlung {f}
:: payment
bezähmen {vt}
:: to tame
bezastert {adj}
:: wealthy
Bezau {prop} {n}
:: Bezau (municipality)
bezaubern {v}
:: to enchant, to fascinate
bezaubernd {adj}
:: adorable, enchanting, glamorous
bezaubert {adj}
:: enchanted
bezaubert {v}
:: past participle of bezaubern
Bezauberung {f}
:: enchantment
bezeichnen {v}
:: to name (give a name to), call, designate
bezeichnen {v}
:: to identify, indicate
bezeichnen {vr}
:: to describe oneself, to identify (als as)
bezeichnend {adj}
:: characteristic, significant, typical, symptomatic
bezeichnenderweise {adv}
:: characteristically, significantly
bezeichnet {adj}
:: denoted, designated
Bezeichnung {f}
:: designation, denomination, name, term
Bezeichnung {f}
:: denotation, representation
bezeugen {v}
:: to witness, to testify
bezeugt {v}
:: past participle of bezeugen
Bezeugung {f}
:: testimony, attestation
Bezeugung {f}
:: expression, declaration
bezichtigen {vt}
:: to accuse
beziehen {v}
:: to move in
beziehen {v}
:: to cover, to upholster
beziehen {vr}
:: to refer (to), to relate (to)
Beziehung {f}
:: relation, relationship, connection (zu with)
Beziehungskiste {f}
:: relationship, couple
beziehungslos {adj}
:: unrelated, unconnected
beziehungslos {adj}
:: inconsequential
beziehungsunfähig {adj}
:: single (not in a personal relationship)
beziehungsweise {conj}
:: or, also
beziehungsweise {conj}
:: or rather; more precisely
beziehungsweise {conj}
:: and…respectively
beziffern {v}
:: To estimate
beziffern {vr}
:: To number
beziffert {v}
:: past participle of beziffern
beziffert {adj}
:: estimated
Bezirk {m}
:: district
Bezirksausschuss {m}
:: district committee
Bezirksausschuß {noun}
:: alternative form of Bezirksausschuss
Bezirksregierung {f}
:: district government, district council
bezirzen {v}
:: to bewitch, charm
Bezoid {prop}
:: surname
bezopft {adj}
:: pigtailed, ponytailed
Bezug {m}
:: reference
Bezug {m}
:: cover (e.g. of a cushion or couch)
Bezug {m}
:: salary (of a civil servant)
Bezug {m}
:: subscription
bezüglich {prep}
:: regarding, with respect to
bezugnehmend {adj}
:: respective
bezugsf. {adj}
:: abbreviation of bezugsfertig
bezugsfertig {adj}
:: ready for occupancy
Bezugspunkt {m}
:: datum
Bezugspunkt {m}
:: benchmark
Bezugspunkt {m}
:: reference point
Bezugswort {n}
:: antecedent
bezw. {adv}
:: abbreviation of beziehungsweise
bezwecken {v}
:: to intend
bezweifeln {vt}
:: to doubt
bezwingen {v}
:: to overcome
bezwingen {v}
:: to defeat
Bf. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Bahnhof
BfR {prop}
:: Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment)
BGA {noun}
:: initialism of Blutgasanalyse
BGB {prop}
:: initialism of Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch
BGS {m}
:: initialism of Bundesgrenzschutz
BH {m}
:: bra (women’s undergarment)
Bhf. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Bahnhof
Bhutan {prop} {n}
:: Bhutan (country)
Bhutaner {m}
:: Bhutanese person
Bhutanerin {f}
:: Bhutanese woman
bhutanisch {adj}
:: Bhutanese (pertaining to Bhutan, its people or its language)
bi- {prefix}
:: bi-
bi {adj}
:: bi
Bianca {prop}
:: given name recently borrowed from Italian
Bianka {prop}
:: given name
Biathlon {n}
:: biathlon
Biathlon {m}
:: biathlon competition
Bib {f}
:: short for Bibliothek (“library”, especially in a university)
bibbern {v}
:: to shiver
bibbern {v}
:: to jitter
Bibel {f}
:: Bible, bible
bibelfest {adj}
:: well-versed in the Bible; who knows his/her Bible (well)
Bibelforscher {m}
:: scientist, expert or specialist in the field of Bible research (male or of unspecified sex)
Bibelforscher {m}
:: preacher, who quotes too many Biblical sayings in his sermons
Bibelforscher {m}
:: member of the sect called “Ernste Bibelforscher”
Bibelforscher {m}
:: Jehovah′s Witness
Bibelvers {m}
:: bible verse
Biber {m}
:: beaver
Biber {prop}
:: surname More common in the form Bieber
Biberbach {prop} {n}
:: Biberbach (municipality)
Biberbach {prop} {n}
:: Biberbach (municipality)
Biberwier {prop} {n}
:: Biberwier (municipality)
bibl. {adj}
:: abbreviation of biblisch
Bibliographie {f}
:: bibliography
bibliophil {adj}
:: bibliophile
Bibliophilie {f}
:: bibliophilia
bibliophob {adj}
:: bibliophobic
Bibliothek {f}
:: library
Bibliothekar {m}
:: librarian (male or of unspecified sex)
Bibliothekarin {f}
:: librarian (female)
biblisch {adj}
:: biblical (of, or relating to, the Bible)
Bicarbonat {n}
:: bicarbonate
Bidenhänder {m}
:: A two-handed sword such as a claymore
biderb {adj}
:: alternative form of bieder
Bidet {n}
:: bidet
bidirektional {adj}
:: bidirectional
Bieber {prop}
:: surname
bieder {adj}
:: honest, respectable, upright, trustworthy
bieder {adj}
:: (to stick simple-mindedly to society's norms) naive, simple-minded, guileless, ingenuous, oafish
bieder {adj}
:: (to stick narrow-mindedly to society's norms, to be intent on being respectable) narrow-minded, bourgeois, petty bourgeois, petit bourgeois, hypocritical
bieder {adj}
:: (of clothes, hairstyles, etc.) conventional, stale, conservative, drab, stodgy, prude, puritanical
Biedermannsdorf {prop} {n}
:: Biedermannsdorf (municipality)
biegen {vt}
:: to bend something (to form something into a curve)
biegen {vr}
:: to bend; to be bent (to form oneself or be formed into a curve)
biegen {vi}
:: to turn; to round a corner; to drive into a street; always requires some adverbial of location with it; otherwise use abbiegen
biegsam {adj}
:: flexible, supple
Biegung {f}
:: bend; curve
Biegung {f}
:: inflection
Biegungswinkel {m}
:: bend angle, angle of bend
Bielefeld {prop} {n}
:: Bielefeld (city)
Bienchen {n}
:: diminutive of Biene
Biene {f}
:: bee
Biene {f}
:: cute, sexy woman
Bienenbestand {m}
:: bee population
Bienenelfe {f}
:: bee hummingbird
Bienenhaus {n}
:: apiary, bee yard
Bienenhäuschen {n}
:: diminutive of Bienenhaus
Bienenkönigin {f}
:: A queen bee, reproductive female bee
Bienenkorb {m}
:: A beehive, man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey and/or as crop pollinators
Bienenstachel {m}
:: a bee's stinger
Bienenstich {m}
:: bee sting
Bienenstock {m}
:: hive, beehive (artificial structure for housing bees, including the swarm and its combs)
Bienenwabe {f}
:: honeycomb (structure of cells made by bees)
Bienenwachs {n}
:: beeswax
Bienenzucht {f}
:: beekeeping
Bienenzüchter {m}
:: beekeeper (male or of unspecified sex)
Bienewitz {prop}
:: surname
bienn {adj}
:: biennial
Bier {n}
:: beer (alcoholic drink fermented from starch material; a serving of this beverage)
Bier {n}
:: business, beeswax (personal affairs)
Bierbauch {m}
:: potbelly
Bierchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bier
Bierdeckel {m}
:: beer mat, coaster
Bierdose {f}
:: beer can
Bierdusche {f}
:: someone dumping a beer on someone's head
biereifrig {adj}
:: overly eager
bieren {v}
:: drinking beer
bierernst {adj}
:: very serious; deadly
Bierflasche {f}
:: beer bottle
Biergarten {m}
:: beer garden
Bierglas {n}
:: beer glass, beer mug
Bierhefe {f}
:: (brewer's) yeast; barm
Bierhumpen {noun}
:: beer mug, stein
Bierkasten {m}
:: beer case, beer crate
Bierkrug {m}
:: stein; beer stein; (ornamental) beer mug
bierselig {adj}
:: beery (tipsy by drinking beer)
Biertisch {m}
:: beer table, as used, e.g., in beer tents
Bierwurst {f}
:: A smoked, seasoned Brühwurst sausage originally from Bavaria, with a garlicky flavor and dark red color
Bierzelt {n}
:: beer tent
Biest {n}
:: beast
Biest {n}
:: someone who behaves in an antisocial manner
Biest {m}
:: beestings (first milk of a cow after giving birth)
Biestmilch {f}
:: colostrum of a cow ((the first milk a cow produces after giving birth)
bieten {vt}
:: to offer; to present
bieten {vti}
:: to bid; to offer to pay a certain price
bieten {vr}
:: to arise; to occur
Bifurkation {f}
:: bifurcation
Bigamie {f}
:: bigamy (the state of having two (legal or illegal) spouses simultaneously)
Bigamist {m}
:: bigamist
Big Ben {prop} {m}
:: Big Ben (the hour bell in London)
Big Ben {prop} {m}
:: Big Ben (the clocktower itself)
Big Mac {m}
:: alternative form of Big Mäc
Big Mäc {m}
:: Big Mac
bigott {adj}
:: hypocritical; sanctimonious
bigott {adj}
:: narrow-minded; bigoted; usually implying religious intolerance and pettiness but less associated with racism than the contemporary English word
Bigotterie {f}
:: sanctimony; hypocrisy
Bigotterie {f}
:: narrow-mindedness; bigotry; but less associated with racism than the contemporary English word
Bihänder {m}
:: two-handed sword, greatsword
bijektiv {adj}
:: bijective; onto and one-to-one
Bijou {m} {n}
:: jewel; piece of jewelry
Bikini {prop}
:: Bikini atoll
Bikini {m}
:: A bikini, scanty two-piece bathing suit, named after the above island
bilabial {adj}
:: bilabial
Bilabial {m}
:: bilabial
Bilanz {f}
:: balance sheet, balance
Bilanz {f}
:: result
bilanziell {adj}
:: financial (on a balance sheet)
bilateral {adj}
:: bilateral
bilateralsymmetrisch {adj}
:: bilaterally symmetric
Bilch {m}
:: dormouse
Bild ↑ {noun}
:: PgUp
Bild ↓ {noun}
:: PgDn
Bild {n}
:: image; picture; painting; photo (optical representation of something)
Bild {n}
:: image (idea or mental concept of something)
Bild {n}
:: image
Bildauflösung {f}
:: image resolution
Bildbestandteil {m}
:: picture / image element / component
Bildchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bild
Bildein {prop} {n}
:: Bildein (municipality)
bilden {vt}
:: to form, to train
bilden {vr}
:: to educate oneself
bildend {adj}
:: formative, shaping
Bilderbuch {n}
:: picture book
Bildergalerie {f}
:: picture gallery
Bildergeschichte {f}
:: comic
bilderreich {adj}
:: figurative, graphical, picturesque
Bilderschrift {f}
:: pictographic writing system
Bildersturm {m}
:: iconoclasm
Bilderstürmer {m}
:: iconoclast
Bilderstürmerei {f}
:: iconoclasm
bilderstürmerisch {adj}
:: iconoclastic
bildgebend {adj}
:: imaging (attributive)
Bildgebung {f}
:: imaging
bildgewaltig {adj}
:: pictorial (filled with images)
Bildgrösse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bildgröße
Bildgröße {f}
:: image size
bildhaft {adj}
:: pictorial, graphic, iconic
Bildhauer {m}
:: sculptor (male or of unspecified sex) (occupation)
Bildhauer {m}
:: Sculptor (constellation)
Bildhauerei {f}
:: sculpture
Bildhauerin {f}
:: sculptor (female)
Bildhauerkunst {f}
:: sculpture
bildhübsch {adj}
:: pretty as a picture, gorgeous
bildlich {adj}
:: pictorial, graphic, visual
bildlich {adj}
:: figurative, not literal, metaphorical
bildlich {adv}
:: pictorially
bildlich {adv}
:: figuratively
Bildnis {m}
:: image, portrait
Bildpunkt {m}
:: pixel
Bildschirm {m}
:: screen
Bildschirm {m}
:: monitor
Bildschirm {m}
:: display
Bildschirmabzug {m}
:: the screen shot showing the current screen image
Bildschirmformat {n}
:: screen aspect ratio
Bildschirmfoto {n}
:: screenshot
bildschön {adj}
:: very beautiful; classically beautiful; pretty as a picture
Bildschrimmaske {f}
:: a mask displaying all the widgets
Bildstein {prop} {n}
:: surname
Bildstein {prop} {n}
:: Bildstein (municipality)
Bildteppich {m}
:: tapestry
Bildung {f}
:: cultivation, refinement, education, culture
Bildung {f}
:: formation, creation
Bildungsbürger {m}
:: educated citizen
Bildungseinrichtung {f}
:: education institution, educational establishment, educational institute, training facility
Bildungselement {n}
:: formant
bildungsfern {adj}
:: uneducated
Bildungsministerium {n}
:: education ministry
bildungspolitisch {adj}
:: Relating to educational policy
Bildungsroman {m}
:: A bildungsroman, a novel of personal maturation
Bildungssprache {f}
:: a dialect or register of language used in education or training
bildungssprachlich {adj}
:: erudite
Bildungswesen {n}
:: education, education sector, education system
Bildunterschrift {f}
:: caption of a picture
Bildvorschau {f}
:: preview image, thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
Bildwörterbuch {n}
:: picture dictionary, visual dictionary
bilinear {adj}
:: bilinear
bilingual {adj}
:: bilingual
Bilingualismus {m}
:: bilingualism (condition of being bilingual)
Bilirubin {n}
:: bilirubin
Biliverdin {n}
:: biliverdin
Billard {n}
:: billiards
Billet {n}
:: alternative spelling of Billett
Billeteur {m}
:: usher
Billeteur {m}
:: conductor (of a train, bus, etc.)
Billett {n}
:: ticket (for a train, plane or other means of transportation)
Billett {n}
:: ticket (for a concert, show, etc.)
Billett {n}
:: driving licence
Billett {n}
:: a brief piece of writing; a short informal letter; billet
Billett {n}
:: correspondance card, greeting card
Billiard {n}
:: billiards
Billiarde {f}
:: quadrillion (1015)
billiardste {ordinal num}
:: quadrillionth
billig {adj}
:: appropriate, meet, fair
billig {adj}
:: cheap (low-priced)
billig {adj}
:: cheap (of low quality, mediocre)
billigen {v}
:: to approve, to accept
billiger {adj}
:: comparative of billig
Billigheimer {m}
:: cheapjack (someone selling cheap goods or offering cheap services)
Billigkeit {f}
:: equity
Billigkeit {f}
:: fairness
Billigkeit {f}
:: cheapness
Billiglohn {m}
:: low wage
billigsten {adj}
:: superlative of billig
Billigung {f}
:: approval, acceptance
Billion {num}
:: A long scale billion, 1012; a short scale trillion
Billionär {m}
:: literally billionaire, but due to different counting systems the meaning is actually trillionaire
billionste {ordinal num}
:: trillionth
billionstel {adj}
:: trillionth
billiontel {adj}
:: alternative form of billionstel
Biltong {n}
:: biltong
bimaxillär {adj}
:: bimaxillary
Bimbes {m} {n}
:: money
Bimbo {m}
:: nigger (dark-skinned person, especially from Africa)
Bimbo {m}
:: servant; someone who does unpleasant works for another
Bimetall {n}
:: bimetal
Bimetallmünze {f}
:: bimetallic coin
Bimmelbahn {f}
:: A small train or tram equipped with a bell
Bimmelbahn {f}
:: A trackless train
bimmeln {v}
:: to jingle; to chime (make the sound of a small bell)
Bims {m}
:: pumice
bimsen {v}
:: to pumice
bimsen {v}
:: to study, cram
bimsen {v}
:: to drill
bimsen {v}
:: to beat up
bimsen {v}
:: to have sex (with)
binär {adj}
:: binary
binärkompatibel {adj}
:: binary-compatible
Binärkompatibilität {f}
:: binary compatibility, binary code compatibility
binational {adj}
:: binational
binaural {adj}
:: binaural
Binde {f}
:: bandage
Binde {f}
:: sanitary napkin, menstrual pad, maxi pad (Damenbinde)
Bindegewebe {n}
:: connective tissue
Bindeglied {n}
:: connecting part, joiner, copula, link
Bindehaut {f}
:: conjunctiva
Bindehautentzündung {f}
:: pinkeye
Bindehemmer {m}
Bindelaut {m}
:: offglide
Bindemittel {n}
:: binder, thickener
Bindemittel {n}
:: cement
binden {vt}
:: to tie up; to fasten; to bind together
binden {vt}
:: to knot
binden {vi}
:: to congeal; to thicken; to set; to bond
binden {vr}
:: to become involved; to commit (oneself)
Bindenameisenwürger {m}
:: barred antshrike
bindend {adj}
:: binding, obligatory
bindend {adj}
:: stringent
bindend {adj}
:: definite, firm
Binder {m}
:: girder, tie
Binder {m}
:: binder
Binder {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bindestrich {m}
:: hyphen (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split)
Bindevokal {m}
:: vocalic interfix
Bindevokal {m}
:: thematic vowel
Bindewort {n}
:: conjunction
Bindfaden {m}
:: thread, cord
Bindfäden regnen {v}
:: To rain cats and dogs, rain heavily or copiously (literally to rain yarn)
bindig {adj}
:: cohesive
Bindung {f}
:: commitment, obligation
Bindung {f}
:: bond, attachment
Bindungsabstand {m}
:: bond length
Bindungsdissoziationsenergie {f}
:: bond dissociation energy
Bindungsenergie {f}
:: binding energy
Bindungskraft {f}
:: binding force
Bindungskraft {f}
:: bond force, bonding force, linkage force
Bindungskraft {f}
:: bonding force
Bindungskraft {f}
:: conclusive effect
Bindungslänge {f}
:: bond length
Bindungsorbital {n}
:: bonding orbital
Bindungsordnung {f}
:: bond order
Bindungspartner {m}
:: binding partner
Bindungsstelle {f}
:: binding site
Bindungstypus {m}
:: bond type
Bindungsvermögen {n}
:: binding capacity
Bindungswinkel {m}
:: bond angle
Bingelkraut {n}
:: mercury (Mercurialis gen. et spp.)
bingen {v}
:: to binge
bingewatchen {v}
:: to binge-watch
Bingo {n}
:: bingo (game)
Binkel {m}
:: a bundle
Binkel {m}
:: an affectionate term for a child
binnen- {prefix}
:: inner, internal, inland
binnen {prep}
:: within (a time span)
binnendeutsch {adj}
:: German, i.e. limited to Germany, as opposed to Swiss or Austrian
Binnenflexion {f}
:: internal inflection
Binnengrenze {f}
:: internal border
Binnen-I {n}
:: word-internal capital I
Binnenland {n}
:: inland
Binnenländer {m}
:: inlander
Binnenländerin {f}
:: feminine noun of Binnenländer
binnenländisch {adj}
:: inland
Binnenmajuskel {f}
:: camel case
Binnenreim {m}
:: internal rhyme
Binnenschiffahrt {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Binnenschifffahrt
Binnenschifffahrt {f}
:: inland water transportation, inland water transport
Binnenwirtschaft {f}
:: domestic economy
Binnewies {prop}
:: surname
Binom {n}
:: binomial
Binomialkoeffizient {m}
:: binomial coefficient
bins {contraction}
:: contraction of bin es
Binse {f}
:: bent (grass)
Binse {f}
:: state of failure, wreckedness, almost exclusively in the following construction:
Binsenwahrheit {f}
:: truism
Binsenweisheit {f}
:: truism
bio- {prefix}
:: life
bio- {prefix}
:: organically produced, or otherwise environmentally friendly
Bio. {num}
:: abbreviation of Billion or Billionen
Bio {noun}
:: short for Biologie
Bio {adj}
:: short for biologisch
bioakkumulativ {adj}
:: bioaccumulative
Bioalkohol {m}
:: bioalcohol, bioethanol
bioanorganische Chemie {f}
:: bioinorganic chemistry
Biobauer {m}
:: a farmer that practices ecologically sustainable agriculture
Biochemie {f}
:: biochemistry
biochemisch {adj}
:: biochemical
biodeutsch {adj}
:: non-immigrant-background German
Biodiesel {m}
:: biodiesel
Biodiversität {f}
:: biodiversity
Bioelektrizität {f}
:: bioelectricity
Biogas {n}
:: biogas
biogen {adj}
:: biogenic
Biogenese {f}
:: biogenesis
Biogeochemie {f}
:: biogeochemistry
biogeochemisch {adj}
:: biogeochemical
Biograf {m}
:: biographer (male or of unspecified sex)
Biografie {f}
:: biography
biografisch {adj}
:: biographical
Biograph {m}
:: alternative spelling of Biograf
Biographie {f}
:: alternative spelling of Biografie
biographisch {adj}
:: alternative form of biografisch
Bioinformatik {f}
:: bioinformatics
Biokraftstoff {m}
:: biofuel
Biokunststoff {m}
:: bioplastics
Bioladen {m}
:: health food store, store stelling organic food
Biologe {m}
:: biologist (male or of unspecified sex)
Biologie {f}
:: biology
Biologin {f}
:: biologist (female)
biologisch {adj}
:: biological (of biology)
biologisch {adj}
:: organic (of food or food products)
Biologismus {m}
:: biologism, biological determinism
biologistisch {adj}
:: biologistic, relating to biological determinism
Biolumineszenz {f}
:: bioluminescence
Biom {n}
:: biome
Biomasse {f}
:: biomass
Biomaterial {n}
:: biomaterial
Biometrie {f}
:: biometrics
biometrisch {adj}
:: biometric
Biomolekül {n}
:: biomolecule
Bioorganik {f}
:: bioorganic chemistry
bioorganisch {adj}
:: bioorganic
bioorganische Chemie {f}
:: bioorganic chemistry
Biophilie {f}
:: biophilia
Biophysik {f}
:: biophysics
biophysikalisch {adj}
:: biophysical
biophysikalische Chemie {f}
:: biophysical chemistry
Biopsie {f}
:: biopsy
Biosensor {m}
:: biosensor
Biosphäre {f}
:: biosphere
Biosprit {m}
:: biofuel
biostratigrafisch {adj}
:: biostratigraphic
biostratigraphisch {adj}
:: alternative spelling of biostratigrafisch
Biosynthese {f}
:: biosynthesis
Biotechnologie {f}
:: biotechnology (the application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences)
Bioterrorismus {m}
:: bioterrorism
Biotin {n}
:: biotin
biotisch {adj}
:: biotic
Biotit {m}
:: biotite
Biotop {n}
:: biotope (geographical area)
bioverfügbar {adj}
:: bioavailable
Bioverfügbarkeit {f}
:: bioavailability
bipartit {adj}
:: bipartite
Biphenyl {n}
:: biphenyl
bipolar {adj}
:: bipolar
Bipolartransistor {m}
:: bipolar junction transistor
Bipyridin {n}
:: bipyridine
Bireme {f}
:: bireme, an ancient galley having two banks of oars, one above the other
Birgit {prop} {f}
:: given name of Swedish origin
Birgitz {prop} {n}
:: Birgitz (municipality)
Birke {f}
:: birch
Birke {prop} {mf}
:: surname
birken {adj}
:: birchen
Birkfeld {prop} {n}
:: Birkfeld (municipality)
Birkhäuser {prop}
:: surname
Birkhuhn {n}
:: black grouse
Birkner {prop}
:: surname
Birma {prop} {n}
:: Burma (Southeast Asian country)
birmanisch {adj}
:: Burmese
Birmanisch {prop} {n}
:: Burmese (language)
Birnbaum {m}
:: pear tree
Birne {f}
:: pear
Birne {f}
:: lightbulb
Birne {f}
:: head, bonce, noggin
birnenförmig {adj}
:: pear-shaped
Birx {prop}
:: Birx; Birx (municipality)
bis {conj}
:: until
bis {conj}
:: to
bis {prep}
:: until, to, through
bis {prep}
:: by
bis {prep}
:: to; all the way to
Bis {?}
:: B-sharp
Bisam {m}
:: musk
Bisam {m}
:: muskrat pelt
Bisamberg {prop} {n}
:: Bisamberg (municipality)
Bisamratte {f}
:: muskrat
bis auf Weiteres {adv}
:: until further notice
bis bald {interj}
:: see you soon
Bischkek {n}
:: Bishkek
Bischof {m}
:: bishop (male or of unspecified sex)
Bischöfin {f}
:: bishop (female)
Bischofit {m}
:: bischofite
bischöflich {adj}
:: episcopal
Bischofshofen {prop} {n}
:: Bischofshofen (municipality)
Bischofssitz {m}
:: see (diocese)
Bischofsstab {m}
:: bishop's crook, crozier
Bischofstetten {prop} {n}
:: Bischofstetten (municipality)
bis dann {interj}
:: see you then
bis dato {prep}
:: hitherto
Bisexualität {f}
:: bisexuality
bisexuell {adj}
:: bisexual
bisher {adv}
:: so far, until now, as yet
bisherig {adj}
:: previous, so far
Bishnupriya Manipuri {noun}
:: Bishnupriya Manipuri
bis in die Puppen {prep}
:: late into the night
bis jetzt {adv}
:: so far (until now; previously; yet)
bis jetzt {adv}
:: to date (until now; until present time)
Biskuit {n} {m}
:: sponge cake
bislang {adv}
:: so far, until now
Bismut {n}
:: bismuth
Bison {m} {n}
:: bison (Bison bison)
Bisphosphonat {n}
:: bisphosphonate
Biss {m}
:: bite (instance or way of biting; wound from biting)
biß {conj}
:: obsolete spelling of bis
biß {prep}
:: obsolete spelling of bis
Biß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Biss
bisschen {adv}
:: (a) bit; (a) little
bisschen {adv}
:: (not a) bit
Bisschen {n}
:: diminutive of Biss
bißchen {adv}
:: alternative spelling of bisschen
Bißchen {n}
:: diminutive of Biß
Bissen {m}
:: morsel; mouthful; a bite of food
Bissen {prop} {n}
:: Bissen (town)
bissfest {adj}
:: al dente
bissig {adj}
:: snappy, snappish, biting
bissig {adj}
:: acrimonious
bissig {adj}
:: vicious, scathing
Bisslein {n}
:: diminutive of Biss
Bißlein {n}
:: diminutive of Biß
bis später {interj}
:: see you later
bißweilen {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of bisweilen
bißweylen {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of bisweilen
bistabil {adj}
:: bistable
bist du gläubig {phrase}
:: are you religious
biste {contraction}
:: bist + du; you're
Bistro {n}
:: bistro
bists {contraction}
:: contraction of bist es
Bistum {n}
:: bishopric
bisweilen {adv}
:: sometimes, occasionally, from time to time, now and then
bisweylen {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of bisweilen
bis zu {prep}
:: until, up to
bis zum Geht-nicht-mehr {prep}
:: ad nauseam
bis zur Vergasung {prep}
:: ad nauseam
Bit {n}
:: bit (eighth of a dollar)
Bit {n}
:: bit (binary digit)
Bit {n}
:: bit (smallest unit of storage)
Bit {n}
:: bit (datum that may take on one of exactly two values)
Bitburger {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Bitburg
Bitburger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bitburg
Bitcoin {mf}
:: bitcoin
Bithynien {prop} {n}
:: Bithynia
Bittbrief {m}
:: request letter; petition
bitte {adv}
:: please, if you please (used to make a polite request or affirm an offer)
bitte {interj}
:: you're welcome (acknowledgement of thanks)
bitte {interj}
:: excuse me, sorry (request to repeat information)
bitte {interj}
:: here you are (when handing something over to someone)
bitte {interj}
:: OK then, well then, all right (indication of mock acquiescence to someone's apparent demanding attitude)
Bitte {f}
:: request
bitten {vti}
:: to ask, to beg, to plead, to request
bitter {adj}
:: bitter
bitter {adv}
:: bitterly
Bitter {m}
:: bitters
bitterarm {adj}
:: very poor
bitterböse {adj}
:: malicious, bitchy
bitterer {adj}
:: comparative of bitter
bitterkalt {adj}
:: bitterly cold
Bitterkeit {f}
:: bitterness (the quality of having a bitter taste)
Bitterkeit {f}
:: bitterness, acrimony (the quality of feeling bitter)
bitterlich {adj}
:: slightly bitter
bitterlich {adj}
:: bitter
bitterlich {adv}
:: bitterly
bitterlich {adv}
:: terribly, extremely
Bitterling {m}
:: bitterling (fish)
Bitterling {m}
:: bitter bolete
Bitterorange {f}
:: bitter orange
Bittersalz {n}
:: epsomite
Bittersalz {n}
:: Epsom salts
Bitterschokolade {f}
:: dark chocolate
Bitterspat {m}
:: magnesite, bitter spar
bittersten {adj}
:: superlative of bitter
bittersüß {adj}
:: bittersweet
Bittersüß {m}
:: bittersweet; bittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
bitte schön {interj}
:: don't mention it, not at all, you're welcome
bitte schön {interj}
:: (commonly said when offering or returning something; usually not translated into English) would you like?, here you are, thank you
Bittgebet {n}
:: supplication
Bittsteller {m}
:: supplicant
Bitumen {n}
:: bitumen
bituminös {adj}
:: bituminous
bitweise {adj}
:: bitwise
bitweise {adv}
:: bitwise
bivalent {adj}
:: bivalent
Biwak {n}
:: bivouac (temporary encampment under the open sky or in small tents)
biwakieren {v}
:: to bivouac
Biwaksack {m}
:: bivouac sack, bivouac bag
bizarr {adj}
:: bizarre
bizarrer {adj}
:: comparative of bizarr
bizarrsten {adj}
:: superlative of bizarr
Bizau {prop} {n}
:: Bizau (municipality)
bizyklisch {adj}
:: bicyclic
Bj. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Baujahr
Björn {prop}
:: given name borrowed from Swedish in the 1930s
BKA {n}
:: initialism of Bundeskriminalamt
BKA {n}
:: initialism of Bundeskanzleramt
Bkl. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Bassklarinette
BKS {n}
:: Initialism for Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch
blach {adj}
:: alternative form of flach
Blache {f}
:: tarpaulin
Blackbox {f}
:: black box; flight recorder
Blackfacing {n}
:: blackface
blad {adj}
:: fat
blaffen {v}
:: to bark briefly
blaffen {v}
:: to speak or shout in an aggressive, rude manner
Blag {n}
:: child, kid (up to circa 14 years)
Blage {f}
:: alternative form of Blag
blähen {vtr}
:: synonym of aufblähen
blähen {vi}
:: to cause flatulation
Blähsucht {f}
:: flatulence (state of having gas in digestive system)
Blähton {m}
:: expanded clay (lightweight aggregate made by heating clay)
Blähung {f}
:: bulge, inflation
Blähung {f}
:: flatulence
blaken {v}
:: to burn turbulently or with a lot of smoke and smut (like a dying candle)
blakig {adj}
:: sooty, smoky
blamabel {adj}
:: embarrassing, disgraceful
Blamage {f}
:: public disgrace; loss of face (but usually milder)
blamieren {vt}
:: to embarrass
blamieren {vr}
:: to disgrace oneself
blanchieren {v}
:: to blanche
bland {adj}
:: bland
blank {adj}
:: bright
blank {adj}
:: spotlessly clean; shining; polished
blank {adj}
:: bare; naked; uncovered
blank {adj}
:: pure; sheer
blank {adj}
:: broke; out of money
blank {adj}
:: being a player’s last one of a respective grouping of cards (which means that the card is unprotected when the player must follow suit in trick-taking games)
Blankoscheck {m}
:: blank cheque
blankpoliert {adj}
:: polished (intensely cleaned)
blankziehen {v}
:: to draw
blankziehen {v}
:: to completely undress
Bläschen {n}
:: blister
Bläschen {n}
:: vesicle
Bläschen {n}
:: cyst
Blase {f}
:: bubble
Blase {f}
:: blister
Blase {f}
:: bladder
Blasebalg {m}
:: bellows
blasen {vti}
:: to blow
blasen {vt}
:: to play (a wind instrument)
blasen {v}
:: to fellate, to perform oral sex
Blasenbildung {f}
:: blistering
Blasenentzündung {f}
:: cystitis
Blasenkrebs {m}
:: bladder cancer
Blasform {f}
:: blow mould
blasiert {adj}
:: smug; supercilious; complacent; nonchalant (arrogantly self-involved, lacking respect for and interest in others)
blasig {adj}
:: blistered
blasig {adj}
:: aerated
Blasinstrument {n}
:: wind instrument
Blasinstrumentenbauer {m}
:: wind instrument maker
Blasinstrumentenhersteller {m}
:: manufacturer of wind instruments
Blaskapelle {f}
:: wind ensemble
Blasloch {n}
:: blowhole
Blasmusik {f}
:: The music played by brass bands
Blasphemie {f}
:: blasphemy
Blasphemiker {m}
:: blasphemist
blass {adj}
:: pale
blaß {adj}
:: alternative spelling of blass
Blässe {f}
:: paleness
Blässe {f}
:: pallor
blassen {v}
:: alternative spelling of blaßen
blassgelb {adj}
:: pale yellow
blassgrün {adj}
:: pale green
Blässhuhn {n}
:: coot (waterfowl)
blasslila {adj}
:: pale lilac, purple, violet
Blasslila {n}
:: pale lilac, purple, violet
Blatt {n}
:: leaf (green and flat organ of a plant)
Blatt {n}
:: petal (one of the parts of the whorl of a flower)
Blatt {n}
:: sheet, piece of paper (piece of paper (usually rectangular) that has not been cut, torn, or folded out of shape)
Blatt {n}
:: sheet (full sheet of paper in a newspaper or similar periodical, representing four pages)
Blatt {n}
:: hand, cards (set of cards held by a player)
Blatt {n}
:: paper, newspaper (publication containing news and other articles)
Blatt {n}
:: magazine (a printed and published informative periodical)
Blatt {n}
:: blade (flat functional end of an oar, rudder, propeller, etc.)
Blatt {n}
:: blade (sharp cutting edge of a saw or other tool)
Blatt {n}
:: thin plate; foil (very thin sheet of metal)
Blattachsel {f}
:: axil; axilla (angle or point of divergence)
Blättchen {n}
:: a small leaf (plant, paper)
Blättchen {n}
:: cigarette paper, used to roll cigarettes or joints
Blatter {f}
:: dated
Blatter {f}
:: pox
Blatter {prop}
:: surname
Blättermagen {m}
:: omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
blättern {v}
:: to browse
Blätterpilz {m}
:: agaric
Blätterteig {m}
:: puff pastry (light, flaky pastry)
Blätterwald {m}
:: the print media (newspapers and political magazines)
Blattgewebe {n}
:: leaf tissue
Blattgold {n}
:: gold leaf (beaten gold)
Blattgrün {n}
:: chlorophyll
Blattgrund {m}
:: leafbase
Blattlaus {f}
:: aphid
Blättlein {n}
:: diminutive of Blatt
Blattoberfläche {f}
:: leaf surface
blättrig {adj}
:: flaky, flaking
blättrig {adj}
:: leafed (having a specified form of leaf)
Blattscheide {f}
:: leaf sheath
Blattschuß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Blattschuss
Blattspinat {m}
:: leaf spinach
Blattspreite {f}
:: leaf blade, lamina
Blattstiel {m}
:: petiole, leafstalk
blau {adj}
:: blue
blau {adj}
:: drunk
Blau {n}
:: the colour blue (as a whole)
Blau {n}
:: a particular tone of blue
Blau {n}
:: azure; blue in heraldry
Blau {n}
:: a vast blue area, especially:
Blau {n}
:: the sky
Blau {n}
:: the sea
Blaualge {f}
:: blue-green alga
blauäugig {adj}
:: blue-eyed
blauäugig {adj}
:: innocent; naive, starry-eyed
Blaubart {prop}
:: Bluebeard
Blaubart {m}
:: Bluebeard
Blaubeere {f}
:: blueberry
blaublütig {adj}
:: blue-blooded, aristocratic
Blaubussard {m}
:: Chilean eagle, Black-chested buzzard-eagle
Blaue {f}
:: (a/the) (female) blue one
Bläue {f}
:: blueness
blauen {v}
:: to turn blue
Blaue Nachzügler {m}
:: blue straggler
blauer {adj}
:: comparative of blau
Blauer {m}
:: blue person or thing
Blauer {m}
:: policeman
Blauer {m}
:: hundred mark bill
Blauer {m}
:: thousand schilling bill
Blauer {m}
:: member or supporter of the Freedom Party of Austria
blaues Auge {n}
:: black eye
Blaufichte {f}
:: blue spruce (any tree of the species Picea pungens)
Blauflügelige Ödlandschrecke {f}
:: blue-winged grasshopper
Blaufränkisch {m}
:: a red wine grape variety
blaugrau {adj}
:: blue-grey, slate blue
blaugrün {adj}
:: blue-green, cyan, glaucous
Blaukehlchen {n}
:: the bluethroat (a bird in the flycatcher family, Luscinia svecica)
Blaukohl {m}
:: red cabbage
Blaukreuz {n}
:: Blue Cross
bläulich {adj}
:: bluish
Blaulicht {n}
:: emergency light
blau machen {v}
:: To (illegally) stop working for one day
blaumachen {v}
:: to skive
Blaumeise {f}
:: blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Blaumerle {f}
:: blue rock thrush (a thrush-like flycatcher, Monticola solitarius)
Blaupause {f}
:: blueprint
blaurot {adj}
:: blue-red, purple
Blausäure {f}
:: hydrocyanic acid, prussic acid, HCN
Blauschild {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Blauschimmel {m}
:: blue mold
Blauschimmelkäse {m}
:: blue cheese
blauschwarz {adj}
:: blue-black
Blaustein {prop} {n}
:: Blaustein (town)
blausten {adj}
:: superlative of blau
Blaustrumpf {m}
:: bluestocking
blaustrümpfig {adj}
:: bluestockinged, emancipated
blauviolett {adj}
:: blue-violet
Blauwal {m}
:: blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
blaw {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of blau
Blaxploitation {f}
:: blaxploitation (film genre)
Blech {n}
:: sheet (of metal)
Blech {n}
:: Brass, a collective term for all brass instruments, or all brass players, etc
Blechblasinstrument {n}
:: brass instrument
Blechbüchse {f}
:: tin (container)
Blechdach {n}
:: tin roof
Blechdose {f}
:: tin (container)
blechern {adj}
:: tinny, metallic- or hollow-sounding
Blechflöte {f}
:: tin whistle
Blechhütte {f}
:: shack
Blechkasten {m}
:: metal box
Blechkuchen {m}
:: sheet cake, tray bake
Blechlawine {f}
:: a slowly advancing, long, solid line of vehicles due to dense traffic or forced flow; river of metal, stream of cars
Blechmedaille {f}
:: a nonexistent prize for finishing in fourth place (as opposed to the actual gold, silver and bronze medals for finishing first, second, and third)
Blech reden {v}
:: To talk nonsense
Blechteil {n}
:: sheet metal part
blecken {v}
:: to bare
Blei {n}
:: lead (chemical element - Pb, atomic number 82)
Bleibe {f}
:: abode
bleiben {vi}
:: to remain (to continue to be)
bleiben {vi}
:: to keep (on); to continue
bleiben {vi}
:: to stay; to remain in a place
bleiben {vi}
:: to be; to be stuck; implying tardiness
bleiben {vi}
:: to be left for someone
bleiben {vi}
:: to stick with; to stay with
bleibend {adj}
:: permanent, lasting, abiding
bleibend {adj}
:: steady
Bleiburg {prop} {n}
:: Bleiburg (municipality)
Bleicarbonat {n}
:: lead carbonate
bleich {adj}
:: pale, pallid
Bleiche {f}
:: bleaching
Bleiche {f}
:: bleach
Bleiche {f}
:: pallor
bleichen {vt}
:: to bleach
bleichen {vi}
:: to fade, to lose colour
bleichend {adj}
:: bleaching
Bleichmittel {n}
:: bleach
Bleichmittel {n}
:: whitener
Bleichromat {n}
:: lead chromate
bleichrot {adj}
:: pale red
Bleichstoff {m}
:: bleach, bleaching agent
bleichsüchtig {adj}
:: pallid, anaemic, chlorotic
bleiern {adj}
:: leaden (made of the metal lead)
bleiern {adj}
:: heavy
bleiern {adj}
:: depressing
Bleierz {n}
:: galena (or other lead ore)
bleifarben {adj}
:: leaden
bleifrei {adj}
:: lead-free
Bleifuß {m}
:: leadfoot
Bleigehalt {m}
:: lead content
Bleigewinnung {f}
:: lead production
Bleigießen {n}
:: molybdomancy (lead pouring)
Bleiglanz {m}
:: galena, galenite
Bleiglas {n}
:: lead glass, lead crystal
bleigrau {adj}
:: leaden (in colour)
bleihaltig {adj}
:: plumbiferous
Bleikammerverfahren {n}
:: lead chamber process
Bleikathode {f}
:: lead cathode
Bleilegierung {f}
:: lead alloy
Bleioxid {n}
:: lead oxide
Bleiplatte {f}
:: lead plate
bleischwer {adj}
:: leaden (in weight or density)
Bleistift {m}
:: pencil (writing utensil with a graphite shaft)
Bleistiftanspitzer {m}
:: pencil sharpener
Bleistiftkasten {m}
:: pencil box
Bleistiftmine {f}
:: pencil lead
Bleistiftspitzer {m}
:: pencil sharpener
Bleistiftzeichnung {f}
:: pencil drawing
Bleisulfat {n}
:: lead sulfate
Bleisulfid {n}
:: lead sulfide
Bleivergiftung {f}
:: lead poisoning
Blende {f}
:: sun visor; also called Sonnenblende)
Blende {f}
:: diaphragm (in photography)
Blende {f}
:: translucent sulfide mineral
blenden {vti}
:: to dazzle; to blind (confuse someone’s sight by means of excessive brightness)
blenden {vi}
:: to show off; to pose (try to make an impression on someone by behaving affectedly and/or overstating one’s achievements)
blenden {vt}
:: to blind (punish someone by making them blind)
blendend {adj}
:: brilliant, splendid, terrific, superb
Blender {m}
:: a show-off; a poseur (one who behaves affectedly and overstates their achievements in order to make an impression)
Blendgranate {f}
:: flashbang
Blendling {m}
:: mongrel
Blendwerk {n}
:: illusion
Blessur {f}
:: injury, wound
bleu {adj}
:: light blue
Blick {m}
:: glance, look
Blick {m}
:: view
blicken {v}
:: to look (at something)
Blickfeld {n}
:: field of vision
Blickkontakt {m}
:: eye contact
Blicksilber {n}
:: regulus (of a precious metal mixture)
Blickwinkel {m}
:: perspective
Blickwinkel {m}
:: angle, point of view
blind {adj}
:: blind
blind {adj}
:: cloudy
Blinddarm {m}
:: appendix
Blinddarm {m}
:: caecum
Blinddarmentzündung {f}
:: appendicitis
Blinde {f}
:: blind woman
Blindenhund {m}
:: guide dog; seeing-eye dog
Blindenmarkt {prop} {n}
:: Blindenmarkt (municipality)
blinder {adj}
:: comparative of blind
Blinder {m}
:: blind person
blinder Passagier {m}
:: See: de blind Passagier
blinder Passagier {m}
:: stowaway
blindesten {adj}
:: superlative of blind
Blindgänger {m}
:: unexploded ordnance
Blindgänger {m}
:: bungler
Blindgänger {m}
:: fuckup
Blindgänger {m}
:: conscientious objector
Blindgänger {m}
:: braggart
Blindgänger {m}
:: bachelor
Blindgänger {m}
:: instance of anorgasmia
Blindgänger {m}
:: impotent man
Blindgänger {m}
:: adulterer
Blindheit {f}
:: blindness (condition of being blind)
blindlings {adv}
:: blindly, hastily, pell-mell
Blindschach {n}
:: blindfold chess
Blindschleiche {f}
:: slowworm, blindworm
Blindstudie {f}
:: blind experiment, blinded experiment
blind vor Wut sein {v}
:: to be blind with rage
Blindwut {f}
:: blind rage; fury so intense that it precludes higher thought
blinken {v}
:: to blink (flash on and off)
blinken {v}
:: to indicate (signal that one intends to turn left or right)
Blinker {m}
:: indicator, blinker, turn signal, direction indicator
Blinker {m}
:: spoon lure
blinzeln {v}
:: to squint
blinzeln {v}
:: to blink
Blissenbach {prop}
:: A German surname with several clusters of use, the densest being in the Rhineland. Spread to France and USA. Most likely derived from a village and/or creek name Blissenbach in the Bergish Land
Blissenbach {prop}
:: Originally the name of a German village, now merely an isolated street on a hill top outside the municipality of Kürten in the Bergish Land, east of Cologne
Blissenbach {prop}
:: Proper name of a brook or creek near Kürten in the Bergish Land east of Cologne in Germany
Blitz {m}
:: (weather) lightning
Blitz {m}
:: (optical) flash
Blitzableiter {m}
:: arrester, lightning arrester, lightning conductor, lightning rod
blitzartig {adj}
:: like lightning
blitzartig {adv}
:: in a flash
blitzblank {adj}
:: shiny, spick and span
blitzdingsen {v}
:: to erase someone's memories of a specific event
Blitzeis {n}
:: A coating of ice, caused by a downpour of freezing rain, that forms rapidly on exposed surfaces; black ice
blitzen {vi}
:: to lighten
blitzen {vi}
:: to flash
blitzen {vi}
:: to sparkle
blitzen {vt}
:: to flash
blitzgescheit {adj}
:: Very clever; quick on the uptake
Blitzkrieg {m}
:: blitzkrieg
Blitzlampe {f}
:: flash (technique), flashbulb
Blitzlicht {n}
:: flash, flashlight
Blitzlicht {n}
:: flashlight, photoflash
Blitzlicht {n}
:: flashbulb
Blitzlichtpulver {n}
:: flash powder
Blitzmeldung {f}
:: newsflash
blitzsauber {adj}
:: squeaky clean
Blitzschlag {m}
:: lightning strike
Blitzschlag {m}
:: thunderbolt
blitzschnell {adj}
:: superfast, quick as a flash
Blitzsieg {m}
:: quick victory
Blk. {m}
:: abbreviation of Balkon
Bloch {m}
:: log (trunk of a felled tree, cleared of branches)
Bloch {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Block {m}
:: bloc
Block {m}
:: block (thick, roughly cuboid object, e.g. cake of soap, block of ice, wood, etc.)
Block {m}
:: block (large building or group of such)
Block {m}
:: pad (of paper)
Blockade {f}
:: blockade
Blockbuchstabe {m}
:: block capital, block letter
Blockbuster {m}
:: blockbuster (film or book that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales)
blocken {v}
:: to block
Blockflöte {f}
:: recorder (woodwind instrument)
Blockhaus {n}
:: log cabin (a small house made from logs)
blockieren {vt}
:: to block
blockieren {vt}
:: to lock
blockierend {adj}
:: blocking
Blockierung {m}
:: obstruction, blockage
Blockierung {m}
:: deadlock
Blockschrift {f}
:: block letters (capital letters written by hand)
Blockschrift {f}
:: print (printed characters written by hand)
blöd {adj}
:: stupid, dim-witted
blöde {adj}
:: alternative form of blöd
blödeln {v}
:: to talk nonsense
blöderweise {adv}
:: stupidly, unfortunately
Blödit {m}
:: blödite
Blödmann {m}
:: dumbass
Blödsinn {m}
:: rubbish, nonsense; bunkum, bunk
blödsinnig {adj}
:: stupid, idiotic, feeble-minded
blödsinnigerweise {adv}
:: idiotically
Blog {n} {m}
:: blog
Blogger {m}
:: blogger (male or of unspecified sex)
blöken {v}
:: to bleat, to baa (make the sound of sheep and some other animals)
blond {adj}
:: blond; fair; unlike English, not commonly used of anything other than hair (except beer, see hereunder)
blond {adj}
:: bright; not brown or yeasty
blond {adj}
:: stupid; naive
blondieren {v}
:: to dye blond
blondiert {v}
:: past participle of blondieren
Blondine {f}
:: blonde (a blonde woman)
Blondschopf {m}
:: blond hair
Blondschopf {m}
:: person with blond hair; blonde
Blons {prop} {n}
:: Blons (municipality)
bloss {adj}
:: alternative spelling of bloß
bloss {adv}
:: alternative spelling of bloß
bloß {adj}
:: mere, sole
bloß {adj}
:: bare, uncovered, nude
bloß {adv}
:: merely, only
Blöße {f}
:: nudity
bloßstellen {vt}
:: to expose, to embarrass
Blötsch {mf}
:: bump, dent (especially on a car)
blubbern {v}
:: to bubble (to rise up in bubbles)
blubbern {v}
:: to blab; blabber
Bludenz {prop} {n}
:: Bludenz (municipality)
Bludesch {prop} {n}
:: Bludesch (municipality)
Blues {m}
:: blues (musical form)
Bluff {m}
:: bluff
bluffen {v}
:: to bluff
blühen {v}
:: to blossom or bloom
blühen {v}
:: to thrive or flourish
Blühen {n}
:: blossoming, blooming
Bluhm {prop}
:: surname
Blumberg {prop} {n}
:: Blumberg (town)
Blümchen {n}
:: diminutive of Blume
Blümchenkaffee {m}
:: weak coffee
Blümchensex {m}
:: vanilla sex
Blume {f}
:: flower, blossom (colorful, conspicuous reproductive structure(s) of an angiosperm)
Blume {f}
:: plant, houseplant (plant that is grown indoors in places such as a house or office for decorative purposes)
Blume {f}
:: efflorescence (formation of a powdery surface on crystals)
Blume {f}
:: flower (symbol representing a flower)
Blume {f}
:: tail, scut (short, erect tail of a hare)
Blume {f}
:: nose, bouquet (scent of a particular wine)
Blume {f}
:: head (foam that forms on top of beer)
Blumenbach {prop}
:: surname
Blumenbeet {n}
:: flowerbed
Blumenbinse {f}
:: pod grass, any plant of the genus Scheuchzeria
Blumenfeld {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Blumenhändler {m}
:: florist (male or of unspecified sex)
Blumenhändlerin {f}
:: female florist
Blumenkasten {m}
:: window box, flower box, planter box
Blumenkohl {m}
:: cauliflower
Blumenkopf {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Blumenladen {m}
:: flower shop, florist's
Blumenmuster {n}
:: floral pattern
Blumenpflückverbot {n}
:: a prohibition against picking flowers
Blumenstrauß {m}
:: bouquet (bunch of flowers)
Blumensträußchen {n}
:: diminutive of Blumenstrauß
Blumenthal {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Blumentopf {m}
:: flowerpot
Blumenuhr {f}
:: floral clock
Blumenverkäufer {m}
:: flower seller
Blumenverkäufer {m}
:: florist
Blumenverkäuferin {f}
:: flower seller, flowergirl (a female person who sells flowers)
Blumenverkäuferin {f}
:: florist (female)
Blumenwasser {n}
:: flower water
blümerant {adj}
:: queasy
blümeranter {adj}
:: comparative of blümerant
blümerantesten {adj}
:: superlative of blümerant
blumig {adj}
:: flowery
blumiger {adj}
:: comparative of blumig
blün {adj}
:: bleen, grue
Blunt {m}
:: blunt (marijuana cigar)
Blunze {f}
:: blutwurst
Blunze {f}
:: a stupid woman
Bluse {f}
:: blouse
Bluse {f}
:: any of the holes of the billiards table, pocket
Blut {n}
:: blood
blutähnlich {adj}
:: bloodlike, hematoid
blutähnlicher {adj}
:: comparative of blutähnlich
blutähnlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of blutähnlich
blutarm {adj}
:: anaemic, bloodless
Blutarmut {f}
:: anemia
Blutbad {n}
:: bloodbath
Blutbank {f}
:: blood bank
blutbeschmiert {adj}
:: bloodstained
Blutbildung {f}
:: hematopoiesis, sanguification
Blutdruck {m}
:: blood pressure
blutdruckerhöhend {adj}
:: blood pressure-elevating; hypertensive
blutdrucksenkend {adj}
:: blood pressure-lowering; hypotensive
Blutdrucksenkung {f}
:: hypotension
Blüte {f}
:: blossom
Blüte {f}
:: florescence
Blüte {f}
:: counterfeit banknote
Blutegel {m}
:: leech
bluten {v}
:: to bleed
Blütenachse {m}
:: receptacle, receptaculum
Blütenblatt {n}
:: petal
Blütenblatt {n}
:: all components of a blossom, including the sepals etc
Blütenblättchen {n}
:: diminutive of Blütenblatt
Blütenboden {m}
:: receptacle, receptaculum
Blütenkorb {m}
:: flower head, anthodium (The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into an involucrate head.)
Blütenlese {f}
:: anthology, reader
Blütenstand {m}
:: inflorescence
Blütenstängel {m}
:: pedicel
Blütenstaub {m}
:: pollen
Blütenstiel {m}
:: pedicel
Blutentnahme {f}
:: blood-taking (the taking of a blood sample)
blütenweiß {adj}
:: lily-white
Bluter {m}
:: haemophiliac, bleeder (patient suffering from haemophilia)
Bluterguss {m}
:: bruise
Bluterguß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bluterguss
Blütezeit {f}
:: blossoming time, budding time; florescence (of flowers and other plants)
Blütezeit {f}
:: heyday, prime (someone's youth or most productive years of life)
Blütezeit {f}
:: golden age (of a civilization, country or other social group)
Blutfarbstoff {m}
:: blood pigment (such as haemoglobin)
Blutfehde {f}
:: blood feud
Blutfleck {m}
:: bloodstain
Blutgang {m}
:: flow of blood, discharge of blood
Blutgang {m}
:: menstrual discharge, hemorrhoids, piles, hemorrhage
Blutgang {prop}
:: The legendary sword of Háma
Blutgasanalyse {f}
:: blood gas analysis
Blutgefäß {n}
:: blood vessel
Blutgefäßsystem {n}
:: circulatory system, vascular system
Blutgeld {n}
:: blood money
Blutgerinnsel {n}
:: blood clot
Blutgerinnung {f}
:: blood clotting / coagulation
blutgetränkt {adj}
:: bloodsoaked
Blutgrätsche {f}
:: a slide tackle at high speed that is directed right at the other player’s legs, usually deliberately so
Blutgruppe {f}
:: A blood type, genetic blood classification
Blutharnen {n}
:: Urinating with blood inside the urine
Bluthochdruck {m}
:: hypertension, high blood pressure
Bluthund {m}
:: bloodhound
blutig {adj}
:: bloody, bleeding and/or covered in blood
blutig {adj}
:: violent, with bloodshed
blutig {adj}
:: rare (cooked very lightly)
blutiger {adj}
:: comparative of blutig
blutigsten {adj}
:: superlative of blutig
Blut ist dicker als Wasser {proverb}
:: blood is thicker than water
blutjung {adj}
:: Very young
Blutkörperchen {n}
:: blood cell, blood corpuscle
Blutkrebs {m}
:: leukemia
Blutkreislauf {m}
:: bloodstream
Blutkreislauf {m}
:: circulation (of the blood)
Blutlache {f}
:: pool of blood
Blutlaugensalz {n}
:: Either of potassium ferricyanide or potassium ferrocyanide
Blut lecken {v}
:: to taste blood
blutleer {adj}
:: bloodless
blutleer {adj}
:: lifeless; boring
blutleerer {adj}
:: comparative of blutleer
blutleersten {adj}
:: superlative of blutleer
Blutmangel {m}
:: lack of blood
Blutmond {m}
:: blood moon
Blutorange {f}
:: blood orange (type of orange)
Blutplasma {n}
:: blood plasma
Blutplättchen {n}
:: platelet
Blutprobe {f}
:: blood sample (an amount of blood taken for blood tests)
Blutprobe {f}
:: blood test (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood)
Blutrache {f}
:: blood vengeance (the act of taking revenge on behalf of a killed person)
Bluträcher {n}
:: blood avenger; avenger of blood (one who takes revenge on behalf of a killed person, as in a blood feud)
blutrot {adj}
:: very red, deep red, blood red
blutrot {adj}
:: crimson (colour)
Blutrot {n}
:: very red, deep red
Blutrot {n}
:: crimson (colour)
blutrünstig {adj}
:: bloodthirsty (eager for bloodshed)
blutrünstig {adj}
:: bloodthirsty (involving a lot of bloodshed that is caused by people or animals)
blutrünstig {adj}
:: gory; bloodthirsty (relishing in the depiction of bloodshed)
blutrünstiger {adj}
:: comparative of blutrünstig
blutrünstigsten {adj}
:: superlative of blutrünstig
Blutsbruder {m}
:: blood brother (person bound to another by ceremonial mingling of blood)
Blutsbrüderschaft {f}
:: blood brother-hood
Blutschande {f}
:: incest
Blutschande {f}
:: sexual relations between people of “Aryan” race and “inferior” races, particularly Jews
Blutschuld {f}
:: bloodguilt
Blutspender {m}
:: blood donor
Blutspenderin {f}
:: A female blood donor
Blutsturz {m}
:: hemoptysis
Blutsverwandtschaft {f}
:: consanguinity
blutt {adj}
:: naked, bare
blutt {adj}
:: hairless
blutt {adj}
:: bankrupt
Bluttat {f}
:: bloody deed
Bluttransfusion {f}
:: transfusion, blood transfusion (the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another)
Blut und Boden {noun}
:: Blood and Soil
Blut und Wasser schwitzen {v}
:: to sweat bullets
Blutung {f}
:: bleeding (the flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel)
Blutvergießen {n}
:: bloodletting, bloodshed
Blutvergiftung {f}
:: A blood poisoning
Blutvergiftung {f}
:: The disease septicemia, caused by pathogenic organisms in the bloodstream, characterised by chills and fever
blutwenig {adj}
:: very little
Blutwurst {f}
:: blood sausage, black pudding
Blutzeuge {m}
:: martyr
Blutzoll {m}
:: death toll
Blutzucker {m}
:: blood sugar
Blutzuckerspiegel {m}
:: blood sugar level
BLZ {f}
:: initialism of Bankleitzahl
BMVIT {prop}
:: initialism of Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology in Austria)
BMW {prop}
:: BMW initialism of Bayerische Motoren-Werke
BND {prop}
:: initialism of Bundesnachrichtendienst, Federal Intelligence Service, the foreign intelligence agency of the German government
BND {prop}
:: initialism of Bund Neudeutschland, a catholic youth movement founded by Jesuits in Germany after World War I
BNE {n}
:: initialism of Bruttonationaleinkommen
Bö {f}
:: gust, squall
Boa {f}
:: boa
boah {interj}
:: An expression of annoyance or exasperation
boah {interj}
:: An expression of marvel or surprise
Bobierrit {m}
:: bobierrite
Böblingen {prop} {n}
:: Böblingen (town)
Bocher {m}
:: young man who has not yet reached adulthood; youngling, youngster, youth
Bocher {m}
:: Jewish young man who has not yet reached adulthood; Jewish youngling, Jewish youngster, Jewish youth, young Jew
Bocher {m}
:: rabbinical student
Bocher {m}
:: student
Bocher {m}
:: poor Jewish student
Bocher {m}
:: Jewish (male) teacher
Bocher {m}
:: rabbi of the village
Bocher {m}
:: experienced police officer
Bocher {m}
:: police officer who is well versed in thieves and their “Gaunersprache” (≈ thieves' argot)
Bocher {m}
:: Jewish bridegroom
Bocher {m}
:: clumsy, inept, simple-minded person
Bochum {prop} {n}
:: Bochum (city)
Bock {m}
:: he-goat
Bock {m}
:: buck (male of a variety of other animals)
Bock {m}
:: apparatus used for performing jumps; similar to a vaulting horse but shorter
Bock {n}
:: bock beer
Bock {m}
:: desire, interest to do something; construed with haben, kriegen, or machen + auf
Bock {m}
:: fun, pleasure; construed with machen without auf
Bockbier {n}
:: bock beer
Bockerl {n}
:: pinecone
Bockerl {n}
:: jack jumper (ski with a small seat bolted on)
Bockerl {n}
:: turkey
Bockfließ {prop} {n}
:: Bockfließ (municipality)
bockig {adj}
:: stubborn
bockig {adj}
:: defiant
Bockkäfer {m}
:: longhorn beetle
Bockmist {m}
:: bullshit
Bocksbeutel {m}
:: A wine bottle used with respect to certain German wines, with a distinctive rounded body
Bocksdorf {prop} {n}
:: Bocksdorf (municipality)
Bocksdorf {prop} {n}
:: Ceru-Băcăinți, Romania
Bocksdorn {m}
:: boxthorn, any plant of the genus Lycium
Bockshorn {n}
:: horn of a buck
Bockshornklee {m}
:: fenugreek
Bockspringen {n}
:: leapfrog
Bockwurst {f}
:: a sausage made from ground veal flavoured with parsley and chives
Bockwürstchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bockwurst
Bodden {m}
:: shallow bay
Boden {m}
:: ground, soil
Boden {m}
:: sea bottom (typically called Meeresboden)
Boden {m}
:: any defined type of soil
Boden {m}
:: floor
Boden {m}
:: attic, garret, loft
Boden {m}
:: flooring, floor cover (often used in this sense in compound nouns: Teppichboden, Parkettboden)
Bodenart {f}
:: soil type
Bodenbakterium {n}
:: soil bacterium
Bodenbearbeitung {f}
:: tillage, cultivation
Bodenfarbe {f}
:: floor color
Bodenfarbe {f}
:: floor paint
Bodenfrost {m}
:: temperatures below 0°C measured directly over the ground, rather than at the standard measuring height (which is at least 1.25 metres, in Germany officially 2 metres)
Bodengüte {f}
:: soil quality
bodenlang {adj}
:: floor-length
Bodenlebewesen {n}
:: soil organism
bodenlos {adj}
:: bottomless
bodennah {adj}
:: near-ground
Bodennähe {f}
:: ground proximity
Bodennebel {m}
:: ground fog
Boden null {m}
:: ground zero
Bodennullpunkt {m}
:: ground zero
Bodenrente {f}
:: ground rent
Bodensatz {m}
:: sediment
Bodenschatz {m}
:: mineral resource
Bodensee {prop} {m}
:: Lake Constance
Bodensee {prop} {m}
:: Bodensee (municipality)
bodenständig {adj}
:: down-home, down-to-earth
Bodenständigkeit {f}
:: down-to-earthness
Bodenübung {f}
:: floor exercise
Bodenverdichtung {f}
:: soil compaction
Bodenvereisung {f}
:: ground freezing
Bodenzapfen {m}
:: stalagmite
Bodo {prop} {m}
:: given name, Bodo
Body {m}
:: bodysuit; leotard (skin-tight, one-piece garment)
Bodybuilder {m}
:: bodybuilder
Bodybuilderin {f}
:: feminine noun of Bodybuilder
Bodybuilding {n}
:: bodybuilding
Bodyguard {m}
:: bodyguard
Böe {f}
:: alternative form of Bö
Boehm {prop}
:: alternative form of Böhm
Bofist {m}
:: alternative form of Bovist
Bogatyr {m}
:: bogatyr
Bogdania {prop} {f}
:: obsolete form of Bogdanien
Bogdanien {prop} {n}
:: Bogdania
Bogen {m}
:: bow (weapon)
Bogen {m}
:: bow (for playing stringed instruments)
Bogen {m}
:: arch
Bogen {m}
:: curve, arc
Bogen {m}
:: sheet (of paper)
Bogenbündel {n}
:: arcuate fasciculus (bundle of axons forming part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus)
Bogenfenster {n}
:: arched window
bogenförmig {adj}
:: arched, curved
bogenförmig {adj}
:: bent, crooked
Bogenlinie {f}
:: curved line
Bogenschiessen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Bogenschießen
Bogenschießen {n}
:: The practice and discipline archery
Bogenschuss {m}
:: bowshot
Bogenschuß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Bogenschuss
Bogenschütze {m}
:: An archer, who shoots arrows from a bow
bogomilisch {adj}
:: Bogomil (attributive)
Bogotá {prop} {n}
:: Bogotá (capital city)
Bogue {prop}
:: An important strait in the Pearl River Delta between Guangzhou and the South China Sea
Bohei {n} {m}
:: fuss
Böheimkirchen {prop} {n}
:: Böheimkirchen (municipality)
Bohème {f}
:: bohemian society
Bohemien {m}
:: bohemian (an artist, or friend of artists, leading an unconventional and hedonistic lifestyle)
Bohemien {prop} {n}
:: alternative form of Böhmen
Bohemistik {f}
:: Czech studies (academic study of Czech language and literature)
Bohle {f}
:: thick plank
Böhm {prop}
:: surname
Böhme {m}
:: Bohemian (inhabitant of Bohemia)
Böhmen {prop} {n}
:: Bohemia
böhmisch {adj}
:: bohemian
böhmisch {adj}
:: Bohemian, Czech
Böhmisch {prop} {n}
:: Czech; the language spoken in the Czech Republic and, depending on definition, Slovakia
Böhmisch {prop} {n}
:: Bohemian; the dialects of the Czech language spoken in Bohemia
Böhmische {noun}
:: the Czech language, Czech
böhmisches Dorf {n}
:: something strange or unintelligible; double Dutch; all Greek
Bohne {f}
:: bean
bohnenförmig {adj}
:: bean-shaped
Bohnen in den Ohren haben {phrase}
:: to turn a deaf ear
Bohnenkraut {n}
:: savory (the herb; the leaves of the plant used as a flavouring)
Bohnensalat {m}
:: bean salad
Bohnenstange {f}
:: beanpole; a thin pole for supporting bean vines
Bohnenstange {f}
:: beanpole; a tall, thin person
Bohnensuppe {f}
:: bean soup
bohnern {v}
:: to polish with wax
bohnern {v}
:: to scrub
bohren {v}
:: to bore, to drill
bohren {v}
:: to pry (keep asking)
Bohren {n}
:: drilling, boring
Bohrer {m}
:: agent noun of bohren
Bohrer {m}
:: drill (tool)
Bohrfliege {f}
:: A fly belonging to the family Tephritidae, a fruit fly
Bohrinsel {f}
:: oil platform
Bohrium {n}
:: bohrium
Bohrkern {m}
:: drill core
Bohrmaschine {f}
:: drill (tool)
bohrsch {adj}
:: Bohr (attributive)
Bohrturm {m}
:: drilling rig
Bohrung {f}
:: bore (the result of drilling, e.g a hole)
Bohrung {f}
:: drilling, boring
böig {adj}
:: gusty
böiger {adj}
:: comparative of böig
Boiler {m}
:: (tank-type) water heater
Boje {f}
:: buoy
Bokmål {n}
:: Bokmål (One of the two major written standards of Norwegian)
BOKU {prop} {f}
:: abbreviation of Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
-bold {suffix}
:: Pejorative agent suffix
Bolid {m}
:: bolide
Bolide {m}
:: alternative form of Bolid
bolivarisch {adj}
:: Bolivarian
Bolivianer {m}
:: Bolivian, person from Bolivia
Bolivianerin {f}
:: female Bolivian, female person from Bolivia
bolivianisch {adj}
:: Bolivian
Bolivien {prop} {n}
:: Bolivien (country)
Bolivien-Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
:: Bolivian slaty antshrike
bölken {v}
:: to bawl; to bellow; to roar
bölken {v}
:: to shout in a coarse manner; to bluster; to rumble
Bolle {f}
:: bulb, tuber
Bollenhut {m}
:: Bollenhut
Böller {m}
:: firecracker, firework
bollern {v}
:: to thud (make the sound of a dull impact)
Bollerwagen {m}
:: wagon, handcart
Bollinger {prop}
:: surname
Bollwerk {n}
:: bulwark, rampart, stronghold, fortress, bastion
Bolschewismus {m}
:: Bolshevism
Bolschewismus {m}
:: Soviet communism
Bolschewist {m}
:: Bolshevist (male or of unspecified sex)
Bolschewist {m}
:: supporter of Soviet communism
bolschewistisch {adj}
:: Bolshevik
Boltzmann-Konstante {f}
:: Boltzmann constant
Bolzen {m}
:: bolt
Bolzen {m}
:: bolt
Bolzen {m}
:: penis
Bolzenschneider {m}
:: bolt cutter
Bolzenschuß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bolzenschuss
Bolzplatz {m}
:: A soccer field that does not have standard dimensions and is usually located on a public ground for use by children
Bombardement {n}
:: bombardment
bombardieren {v}
:: to bomb
bombardieren {v}
:: to bombard
Bombardierung {f}
:: bombing
bombastisch {adj}
:: bombastic
bombastischer {adj}
:: comparative of bombastisch
Bombe {f}
:: a bomb (explosive device)
Bombe {f}
:: a bombe, a bomb-shaped (cylindrical, spherical or semipsherical) dessert (e.g. a chocolate-covered confectionery like a Liegnitzer Bombe, Schwedenbombe or Schömberger Zwölf-Apostel-Bombe)
Bombe {f}
:: a bombe of molded ice cream
Bombenerfolg {m}
:: smash hit
Bombenleger {m}
:: a person who secretly sets a bomb and leaves; thus with a narrower sense than English “bomber”, which includes e.g. suicide bombers
Bombenleger {m}
:: a person of markedly Muslim, particularly Salafi, appearance
Bombenmantel {m}
:: bomb casing
bombensicher {adj}
:: bombproof
bombensicher {adj}
:: dead certain
Bombenwetter {n}
:: clear, sunny weather
Bomber {m}
:: bomber (aircraft designed to drop bombs)
Bomberjacke {f}
:: bomber jacket
bombig {adj}
:: wicked (very good)
Bommel {mf}
:: bobble (on a cap)
Bon {m}
:: voucher, coupon
Bon {m}
:: receipt
Bön {noun}
:: Bon
Bonapartemöwe {f}
:: Bonaparte's gull, Chroicocephalus philadelphia
bonapartistisch {adj}
:: Bonapartist
Bonbon {n} {m}
:: hard candy
Bonbon {n} {m}
:: sweet, candy in general
bonfortionös {adj}
:: extraordinary, fantastic, excellent, exquisite, wonderful
Bönhase {m}
:: cat; roof rabbit
Bönhase {m}
:: A skilled manual worker or craftsperson who works illegally, originally without the concession of the respective guild
Bönhase {m}
:: botcher; bungler (incompetent worker)
Bonität {f}
:: creditworthiness
Bonität {f}
:: (good) quality
Bonmot {n}
:: witticism; a witty (i.e. clever and funny) saying; bon mot (but not implying a riposte)
Bonn {prop} {n}
:: Bonn (city)
Bonner {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Bonn
Bonner {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Bonn
Bonobo {m}
:: bonobo
Bonsai {m}
:: bonsai
Bonus {m}
:: bonus
Bonvivant {m}
:: bon vivant
Bonze {m}
:: bonze (Buddhist priest in Japan)
Bonze {m}
:: self-interested dignitary
Bonze {m}
:: capitalist; leading figure of the propertied class
Bonze {m}
:: rich person; bigwig
Boofke {m}
:: fool, idiot
Bookmark {f}
:: bookmark
boolesch {adj}
:: Boolean
Boole'sch {adj}
:: Boolean
Boolesch {adj}
:: Boolean
boomen {v}
:: to boom
Boot {n}
:: boat
booten {v}
:: to boot
Bootes {prop} {m}
:: Boötes (a constellation)
bootfähig {adj}
:: bootable
Bootsbauer {m}
:: boat maker, boat builder
Bootsektor {m}
:: boot sector
Bootsflüchtling {m}
:: boat person (A member of the refuguee group known as "boat people".)
Bootshaken {m}
:: boathook, setting pole
Bor {n}
:: boron
Boracit {m}
:: boracite
Boran {n}
:: borane
Borat {n}
:: borate
Boratmine {f}
:: borate mine
Boratom {n}
:: boron atom
Borax {n}
:: borax
Boraxperle {f}
:: borax bead test
Borazin {n}
:: borazine
Borazol {n}
:: borazine
Borcarbid {n}
:: boron carbide
Bord {n}
:: shelf (board fixed to the wall)
Bord {n}
:: bordure
Bord {m}
:: board (of ship)
Börde {f}
:: fertile plain (usually one within the North European Plain)
bordeauxfarben {adj}
:: Bordeaux-coloured, claret
Bordell {n}
:: bordello, brothel
Bordstein {m}
:: kerb, curb (raised edge on the pavement / sidewalk)
Bordsteinschwalbe {f}
:: alley cat, streetwalker (female)
Bordüre {f}
:: border, trim, edging
boreal {adj}
:: boreal
Börek {m}
:: börek, burek, boereg
Borg {m}
:: barrow (castrated boar)
Börge {prop} {m}
:: given name
borgen {v}
:: to borrow
borgen {v}
:: to lend
Borgruppe {f}
:: boron group (of the periodic table)
Borhydrid {n}
:: borohydride
Borid {n}
:: boride
Borieren {n}
:: boriding
Borke {f}
:: bark (on a tree)
Borkenkäfer {m}
:: bark beetle
Born {m}
:: well, spring (water source)
Borneo-Goldkatze {f}
:: bay cat
borniert {adj}
:: narrow-minded
bornierter {adj}
:: comparative of borniert
Bornit {m}
:: bornite
Bornitrid {n}
:: boron nitride
Boronsäure {f}
:: boronic acid
Borosilikat {n}
:: borosilicate
Borosilikatglas {n}
:: borosilicate glass
Boroxin {n}
:: boroxine
Borreliose {noun}
:: borreliosis; Lyme disease
Borsäure {f}
:: boric acid
Borschtsch {m}
:: borscht (beetroot soup)
Börse {f}
:: stock market, stock exchange, bourse
Börse {f}
:: wallet, purse
Börsenaufsicht {prop} {f}
:: The German Securities and Exchange Commission
Börsencrash {m}
:: stock market crash
Börsengang {m}
:: initial public offering, IPO
börsengehandelt {adj}
:: traded (on the Stock Exchange)
Börsenkrach {m}
:: stock market crash
börsennotiert {adj}
:: listed (on the Stock Exchange)
Börsianer {m}
:: stockbroker
Borste {f}
:: bristle
borstig {adj}
:: bristly
Borte {f}
:: border, edging
Borte {f}
:: braid
Bortrichlorid {n}
:: boron trichloride
Bortrioxid {n}
:: boron trioxide
Borussia {prop} {f}
:: Borussia (kingdom)
Borussia {prop} {f}
:: Borussia (national personification of Prussia)
Borussia {prop} {f}
:: short for Borussia Mönchengladbach, football club in Germany
Borussia {prop} {f}
:: short for Borussia Dortmund, football club in Germany
Borverbindung {f}
:: boron compound
Borwasserstoff {m}
:: boron hydride, borane
Borwasserstoffverbindung {f}
:: boron-hydrogen compound; borane
bös {adj}
:: alternative form of böse
bös {adv}
:: alternative form of böse
bösartig {adj}
:: malicious; vicious; malevolent
bösartig {adj}
:: pernicious; virulent
bösartig {adj}
:: malignant
Bosch {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bosch {prop} {mf}
:: Carl Bosch - German chemist
Bosch {prop} {mf}
:: Hieronymus Bosch - Dutch painter
Bosch {prop} {mf}
:: Robert Bosch GmbH - German company
Böschung {f}
:: embankment
Böschung {f}
:: vegetation, scrubs, bushes along a road
Böschungsbereich {m}
:: slope area, embankment area
böse {adj}
:: evil; malicious; wicked
böse {adj}
:: bad; naughty
böse {adj}
:: angry
böse {adv}
:: nastily, evilly
Böse {n}
:: evil, malice, wickedness
Böse {n}
:: anger
böser {adj}
:: comparative of böse
Bösewicht {m}
:: villain
boshaft {adj}
:: malicious
boshafter {adj}
:: comparative of boshaft
Boshaftigkeit {f}
:: malice, maliciousness
Bosheit {f}
:: malice, spite, wickedness
Boskoop {m}
:: Belle de Boskoop (apple cultivar)
Boskop {m}
:: alternative spelling of Boskoop
Bosnien {prop} {n}
:: Bosnia
Bosnien-Herzegowina {prop} {n} {f}
:: alternative form of Bosnien und Herzegowina
Bosnien und Herzegowina {prop}
:: Bosnien und Herzegowina (country)
Bosnier {m}
:: Bosnian (citizen or belonging to one of the minorities there)
Bosnierin {f}
:: Female Bosnian (citizen or belonging to one of the minorities there)
bosnisch {adj}
:: Bosnian (related to Bosnia or the Bosnian language)
Bosnisch {n}
:: Bosnian (the Bosnian language)
bosnisch-herzegowinisch {adj}
:: Bosnian and Herzegovinan
Boson {n}
:: boson
Bosporus {prop} {m}
:: Bosphorus
Boss {m}
:: boss (person in charge, supervisor)
Boss {m}
:: boss
Bosse {f}
:: bossage
bosseln {v}
:: to do petty work, to tinker
boßeln {v}
:: to play skittles or ninepins
boßeln {v}
:: to play the ballgame of Boßeln, a form of road bowling in which a predetermined distance of several kilometres must be covered with a minimum number of throws
boßen {vt}
:: to thrash
böswillig {adj}
:: malevolent
böswillig {adj}
:: malicious
böswillig {adj}
:: malignent
Bot {m}
:: bot
Botanik {f}
:: botany
Botaniker {m}
:: botanist (a person engaged in botany)
Botanikerin {f}
:: botanist (a woman engaged in botany)
botanisch {adj}
:: botanical, botanic
Bötchen {n}
:: diminutive of Boot
Bote {m}
:: messenger (male or of unspecified sex)
Bote {m}
:: postman, letter carrier
Bote {m}
:: apostle
Botenlohn {m}
:: a messenger's fee
Botenstoff {m}
:: semiochemical
Botokude {m}
:: Botocudo
Botokude {m}
:: uncivilized, bad-mannered person
botrytisiert {adj}
:: botrytized
Botschaft {f}
:: message
Botschaft {f}
:: news, tidings
Botschaft {f}
:: embassy
Botschafter {m}
:: ambassador, emissary, head of mission; messenger (male or of unspecified sex)
Botschafterin {f}
:: ambassador, emissary or messenger (female)
Botsuana {prop} {n}
:: Botsuana (country)
botsuanisch {adj}
:: Botswanan (pertaining to Botswana)
Böttcher {m}
:: cooper
Böttcher {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bottich {m}
:: tub, vat (fairly large, open vessel)
Bottrop {prop} {n}
:: Bottrop (city)
Botulismus {m}
:: botulism
Bouillon {f}
:: bouillon
Boulevard {m}
:: boulevard
Boulevardpresse {f}
:: yellow press
Bouquet {n}
:: bouquet
bourgeois {adj}
:: bourgeois
bourgeois {adj}
:: snobbish, elitist (in the context of the upper middle class)
bourgeoiser {adj}
:: comparative of bourgeois
bourgeoisesten {adj}
:: superlative of bourgeois
Bourgeoisie {f}
:: bourgeoisie, middle class
Bourrée {f}
:: bourrée
boustrophedon {adj}
:: alternative form of bustrophedon; boustrophedon
Boutique {f}
:: boutique
Bovist {m}
:: puffball
Bowdenzug {m}
:: Bowden cable
Bowieit {m}
:: bowieite
Bowle {f}
:: punch (beverage)
Bowlingkugel {f}
:: bowling ball
Box {f}
:: box (rectangular container); but not as widely used as in English, perhaps commonest for plastic boxes
Box {f}
:: loudspeaker (box-like encasing containing one or more loudspeaker devices)
Box {f}
:: a stall for a horse (compartment in a stable); not used for a horsebox, which is Pferdeanhänger
Box {f}
:: pit (area for refueling and repairing)
boxen {v}
:: to box (strike with the fists)
Boxen {n}
:: (sports) boxing
Boxer {m}
:: boxer
Boxerin {f}
:: boxer (female)
Boxershorts {f}
:: boxer shorts (men's underwear)
Boxhandschuh {m}
:: boxing glove
Boxkampf {m}
:: boxing match
Boykott {m}
:: boycott
boykottieren {v}
:: to boycott
Bozen {prop} {n}
:: Bozen (provincial capital)
Br. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Bratsche
BR {m}
:: Betriebsrat (works council)
BR {prop}
:: Brandenburg (a federal state near to Berlin)
BR {prop}
:: Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting)
brach {adj}
:: fallow
Brache {f}
:: fallow
Brachet {prop} {m}
:: June (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar)
brachial {adj}
:: fierce, violent, brute, unscrupulous (force, methods, attacks etc.)
brachial {adj}
:: brachial (pertaining to the arm)
brachliegen {v}
:: to be fallow, empty, unused
Brachse {f}
:: alternative form of Brasse
Brachsen {m}
:: alternative form of Brasse
Brachylogie {f}
:: brachylogy
brackig {adj}
:: brackish (“salty” and/or “distasteful”)
Brackwasser {n}
:: brackish water (“salty” or “distasteful”)
brägeln {v}
:: to sizzle, to fry in oil
Brägen {m}
:: alternative form of Bregen
Brahmane {m}
:: Brahmin
Brahms {prop}
:: surname, notably of Johannes Brahms, a 19th century German composer
Brailleschrift {f}
:: Braille (system of writing using raised dots)
brainstormen {v}
:: to brainstorm
bramarbasieren {vi}
:: to brag
Bräme {f}
:: fur trimming
brammeln {v}
:: to utter displeasure in a dull fashion, to grumble, to harumph
Branche {f}
:: sector, industry, trade
Branchenbuch {n}
:: business directory
Brand {m}
:: fire, blaze (destructive occurrence)
Brand {m}
:: hell
Brand {m}
:: distillation, brandy
Brand {m}
:: strong thirst
Brand {m} {n} {f}
:: brand
Brand {prop} {n}
:: Brand (municipality)
Brand {prop} {n}
:: Brand (municipality)
brandaktuell {adj}
:: breaking, very topical
Brandanschlag {m}
:: arson attack
Brandbeschleuniger {m}
:: fire accelerant
Brandbombe {f}
:: firebomb, incendiary
Brandbrief {m}
:: urgent letter to an organisation or (figure of) authority asserting an emergency situation
Brandeisen {n}
:: branding iron
branden {v}
:: to surge, to break (the sea or sea waves)
Brandenburg {prop} {n}
:: Brandenburg (state) (Land Brandenburg)
Brandenburg {prop} {n}
:: Brandenburg (province) (historical: Mark Brandenburg, Provinz Brandenburg)
Brandenburg {prop} {n}
:: Brandenburg (town) (Stadt Brandenburg an der Havel)
Brandenburg an der Havel {prop} {n}
:: Brandenburg an der Havel (independent city)
Brandenburger {m}
:: Brandenburger (native or inhabitant of Brandenburg)
Brandenburger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Brandenburg
Brandenburger Tor {prop} {n}
:: Brandenburg Gate (18th-century neoclassical monument in Berlin)
brandenburgisch {adj}
:: Brandenburg (attributive)
Brandflasche {f}
:: Molotov cocktail
brandfördernd {adj}
:: oxidizing / oxidising
brandgefährlich {adj}
:: fire hazard (attributive)
Brandholz {n}
:: firewood
brandmarken {v}
:: to brand, stigmatize
Brandmauer {f}
:: firewall
Brandmunition {m}
:: incendiary ammunition
brandneu {adj}
:: brand new
Brandopfer {n}
:: victim of a fire
Brandopfer {n}
:: burnt offering
Brandrodung {f}
:: slash and burn
Brandsatz {m}
:: incendiary agent
Brandsatz {m}
:: incendiary material
Brandsatz {m}
:: incendiary composition
Brandschatz {m}
:: the exaction of tribute from a city under the threat of setting fire to it; sum paid by a city in wartime to avoid looting and pillaging (Grimm: exactio tributi sub incendii comminatione)
brandschatzen {v}
:: to extort under threat of arson
brandschatzen {v}
:: to set fire to
Brandschatzung {m}
:: the exaction of tribute from a city under the threat of setting fire to it
Brandschatzung {m}
:: looting and pillaging
Brandstifter {m}
:: arsonist (person committing arson)
Brandstiftung {f}
:: arson
Brandt {prop}
:: surname
Brandteigkrapferl {n}
:: cream puff
Brandung {f}
:: surf, breakers (Waves that break.)
Brandungswelle {f}
:: breaking wave, surf wave
Brandwaffe {f}
:: incendiary (device)
Brandwand {f}
:: firewall
Brandwunde {f}
:: burn, burn mark
Brandzeichen {n}
:: brand (mark made by burning)
Branntkalk {m}
:: quicklime
Branntwein {m}
:: brandy, eau de vie (drink made from distilled wine)
Branntwein {m}
:: spirit, booze, hard liquor (any distilled alcohol drink)
Branzoll {prop} {n}
:: Branzoll (municipality)
bräsig {adj}
:: inflexible
Brasília {prop} {n}
:: Brasília (municipality/capital city)
Brasilianer {m}
:: person from Brazil, Brazilian
Brasilianerin {f}
:: female person from Brazil
brasilianisch {adj}
:: Brazilian
Brasilien {prop} {n}
:: Brasilien (country)
Brasse {f}
:: carp bream (a fish)
Brasse {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Brat {n}
:: synonym of Brät
Brät {n}
:: ground meat, especially pork and especially as is used in the making of sausage (often with the addition of salt, spices and water)
Bratapfel {m}
:: baked apple
bräteln {v}
:: to lightly fry over a weak fire
bräteln {v}
:: to grill
braten {vti}
:: to pan-fry
braten {vti}
:: to roast; to grill; to broil
Braten {m}
:: a roast (big portion of meat, usually cooked in the oven)
Braten {n}
:: roasting
Bratengabel {f}
:: carving fork
Braten in der Röhre {m}
:: bun in the oven (a child in the womb)
Bratensoße {f}
:: gravy
Brathähnchen {n}
:: roast chicken
Brathering {m}
:: fried herring
Bratkartoffeln {p}
:: fried potatoes; potatoes (usually cooked) cut into slices and roasted in a pan, roughly similar to home fries, cottage fries or hash browns
Bratling {m}
:: gardenburger, veggie burger
Brätling {m}
:: weeping milk cap (Lactifluus volemus)
Bratpfanne {f}
:: frying pan, skillet
Bratsche {f}
:: viola
bratschen {v}
:: to play a viola
Bratschenschlüssel {m}
:: viola clef
Bratschgeige {f}
:: synonym of Bratsche
Bratwurst {f}
:: a sausage which has been or is suited to be fried or grilled; a bratwurst
Bratwurst {f}
:: a smoked sausage, made of raw Brät, which is eaten cold or cooked in water
Bratwürstchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bratwurst
Bratwürstlein {n}
:: diminutive of Bratwurst
Bratze {f}
:: forepaw of an animal (e. g. wild ones like lion and bear, but also of tamed ones like dog and cat)
Bratze {f}
:: misshapen, unattractive hand of a human
Bratze {f}
:: (very) unattractive woman
Brauch {m}
:: custom
brauchbar {adj}
:: useful, handy
brauchbar {adj}
:: usable
brauchbar {adj}
:: quite good, decent (not bad)
brauchbar {adj}
:: practicable, working
brauchbar {adj}
:: sound
brauchbar {adv}
:: quite well
brauchen {v}
:: to need, to be in need of
brauchen {v}
:: to need to, to have to (in negation or with the adverb nur (just, only))
Brauchtum {n}
:: the whole of a region’s or social group’s popular customs, especially its festivals and rituals
Brauchtum {n}
:: the whole of a region’s or social group’s traditional culture, including its music, clothing, etc
Braue {f}
:: eyebrow
brauen {v}
:: to brew
Brauer {m}
:: brewer (male or of unspecified sex)
Brauer {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bräuer {prop}
:: surname
Brauerei {f}
:: brewery
Brauhaus {n}
:: brewery
Brauhefe {f}
:: brewer's yeast
Braumeister {m}
:: brewmaster
braun {adj}
:: brown
braun {adj}
:: tan (skin, due to sun exposure)
braun {adj}
:: of the Nazi party and organisations (due to the brown SA uniform)
braun {adj}
:: of the political right, especially the far right
Braun {n}
:: brown (color)
Braun {prop}
:: surname Cognate with English Brown
Braunalge {f}
:: brown alga
Braunbär {m}
:: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
Braunbleierz {n}
:: brown pyromorphite
Bräune {f}
:: tan
Bräune {f}
:: quinsy; croup
Brauneisenstein {m}
:: limonite (so-called brown hematite)
bräunen {vi}
:: to suntan, to become tan in color
bräunen {vt}
:: to cause someone to suntan, to cause to become tan in color, to brown (something in hot fat or oil)
Brauner {m}
:: brown horse
Brauner {m}
:: coffee with cream or milk
Braunerz {n}
:: limonite
Braunflügel-Ameisenwürger {m}
:: mouse-colored antshrike
braun gebrannt {adj}
:: alternative form of braungebrannt
braungebrannt {adj}
:: tanned, suntanned, bronzed
braungelb {adj}
:: brownish yellow, buff
braungrau {adj}
:: brownish grey
Braunhemd {n}
:: Brownshirt, a member of the Nazi organization SA
Braunit {m}
:: braunite
Braunkalk {m}
:: ankerite
Braunkehlchen {n}
:: the whinchat (a bird in the flycatcher family, Saxicola rubetra)
Braunkohl {m}
:: borecole, kale
Braunkohle {f}
:: lignite, brown coal
bräunlich {adj}
:: brownish
Braunralle {f}
:: Rouget's rail
braunrot {adj}
:: A reddish-brown color; maroon
Braunschild {prop} {mf}
:: surname
braunschwarz {adj}
:: very dark, blackish brown
Braunschweig {prop} {n}
:: Braunschweig, Brunswick (city in Germany)
Braunschweiger {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Braunschweig
Braunschweiger {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Braunschweig
Braunstein {m}
:: pyrolusite
Bräunung {f}
:: browning, tanning
Bräunung {f}
:: tan
Bräunungsprozess {m}
:: tanning process
Bräunungsprozess {m}
:: roasting process
Bräunungsprozeß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bräunungsprozess
braunviolett {adj}
:: brown-violet (in colour)
braunweiß {adj}
:: brown (in some areas) and white (in others)
Brause {f}
:: fizzy pop, soda pop
Brause {f}
:: shower, shower bath, douche, spray
Brause {f}
:: rose (of a watering can or shower head)
Brause {f}
:: effervescence
Brause {f}
:: fermentation
brausen {v}
:: to make dissonant noise; roar, as done by wind or water
brausen {v}
:: to drive fast; race
brausen {v}
:: to shower
Braut {f}
:: bride; a woman taking part in a marriage
Braut {f}
:: a broad; a woman or girl
Brautente {f}
:: wood duck
Brautgeld {n}
:: bride price (a payment, known in some cultures, by the bridegroom to the bride )
Brautgeld {n}
:: mahr (a bride price prescribed by Islamic law)
Bräutigam {m}
:: bridegroom (a man with regard to his wedding)
Brautkleid {n}
:: A bridal gown, wedding dress as worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony
Brautlauf {m}
:: wedding
Brautschatz {m}
:: dowry
Brautwerbung {f}
:: courtship
brav {adj}
:: excellent
brav {adj}
:: honest, upright
brav {adj}
:: good, well-behaved
braver {adj}
:: comparative of brav
Bravour {f}
:: bravery
Bravour {f}
:: brilliance
bravourös {adj}
:: brave
bravourös {adj}
:: brilliant
bravsten {adj}
:: superlative of brav
Bravur {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bravour
bravurös {adj}
:: alternative spelling of bravourös
BRD {prop} {f}
:: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, the Federal Republic of Germany
Break {n}
:: break
Break {n}
:: break
Brecheisen {n}
:: crowbar
brechen {vt}
:: to break
brechen {vt}
:: to refract
brechen {vti}
:: to vomit
brechen {vt}
:: to fold
brechen {vi}
:: to become broken; to break; to fracture
Brecher {m}
:: breaker
Brechmittel {n}
:: emetic
Brechnuss {f}
:: strychnine tree (nux vomica (Strychnos nux-vomica, syn. Strychnos vomica, Strychnos spireana), a deciduous tree native to southeast Asia, a member of family Loganiaceae
Brechnuss {f}
:: Jatropha curcas, a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, that is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America
Brechreiz {m}
:: nausea
brechreizerregend {adj}
:: emetic
Brecht {prop}
:: surname
Brechung {f}
:: refraction (bending of any wave)
Brechung {f}
:: vowel breaking
Brechungsindex {m}
:: refractive index
Brechweinstein {m}
:: tartar emetic
Brechwurzel {f}
:: ipecac
Brechzahl {f}
:: refractive index
Bredouille {f}
:: quandary, jam, pickle (dilemma, a difficult decision or choice)
Bregen {m}
:: animal brain
Bregenwurst {f}
:: a traditional sausage, which used to include brain, common chiefly in northern Germany
Bregenz {prop} {n}
:: Bregenz (municipality)
Brei {m}
:: mash; mush; porridge; any semisolid food
Brei {m}
:: milk pudding with chewable pieces in it, such as rice pudding, semolina pudding, etc
breiig {adj}
:: mushy, mashy
breit {adj}
:: broad, wide
breit {adj}
:: wide
breit {adj}
:: drunk or high on marijuana; stoned
Breitbildschirm {m}
:: widescreen, widescreen display (TV screen, computer monitor)
Breite {f}
:: breadth, width
Breite {f}
:: latitude
Breite {prop} {mf}
:: surname
breite Brust {f}
:: a wide chest
breite Brust {f}
:: self-confidence; being sure of victory
breiten {vt}
:: to spread
breiten {vr}
:: to extend, to stretch
Breitenau {prop} {n}
:: Breitenau (municipality)
Breitenau {prop} {n}
:: Breitenau (municipality)
Breitenau {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Lower Alsace
Breitengrad {m}
:: latitude
Breitensport {m}
:: volkssport (non-competitive sporting activities for groups of people)
Breitenwang {prop} {n}
:: Breitenwang (municipality)
Breitmaulnashorn {n}
:: white rhinoceros
Breitschnauzen-Halbmaki {m}
:: greater bamboo lemur, Prolemur simus
breitschulterig {adj}
:: broad-shouldered
breitschultrig {adj}
:: alternative form of breitschulterig
Bremen {prop} {n}
:: Bremen (capital city)
Bremen {prop} {n}
:: Bremen (state)
Bremer {adj}
:: pertaining to Bremen
Bremer {m}
:: Bremer (person)
Bremerhaven {prop} {n}
:: Bremerhaven (district-free city in north-western Germany)
Bremsbelag {m}
:: brake pad
bremsbereit {adj}
:: ready to brake
Bremse {f}
:: brake, device for causing deceleration
Bremse {f}
:: any kind of clamp that restricts movement
Bremse {f}
:: in particular, a twitch wherewith particularly in veterinary medicine body parts of a beast (face, testicles etc.) are pinched to perform surgical or similar operations
Bremse {f}
:: horsefly, breezefly, gadfly (fly of the family Tabanidae)
bremsen {v}
:: to brake, slow down, decelerate
Bremshebel {m}
:: brake lever
Bremskraft {f}
:: brakeforce
Bremsrakete {f}
:: retrorocket
Bremsscheibe {f}
:: brake disc / disk
Bremsschuh {m}
:: break block (a transportable device used to slow down or stop moving railway cars)
Bremsschuh {m}
:: chock, wheel chock, scotch
Bremsschuh {m}
:: hindrance
Bremsstrahlung {f}
:: bremsstrahlung
brennbar {adj}
:: flammable / inflammable, combustible
brennbarer {adj}
:: comparative of brennbar
Brennbarkeit {f}
:: combustibility, inflammability
brennbarsten {adj}
:: superlative of brennbar
Brennelement {n}
:: fuel element (assembly of fuel rods in a nuclear reactor)
brennen {vi}
:: to burn; to light on fire
brennen {vi}
:: to burn; to be on fire
brennen {vi}
:: to have a strong affection for; to be affectionate
brennen {vi}
:: to be lit, to be on (of a light or lamp)
brennen {vi}
:: to irritate; to induce pain or another pianful sensation; to bite; to sting
brennen {vi}
:: to smart; to sting
brennen {vt}
:: to fire; to bake; to kiln
brennen {vt}
:: to distil
brennen {vt}
:: to burn; to archive data on a storage medium. (such as CDs, DVDs, etc.)
brennen {vi}
:: to emit heat
brennen {v}
:: to roast
brennen {v}
:: to bream (clean a ship etc. by fire and scraping)
Brennen {n}
:: stinging
Brennen {n}
:: burning
Brennen {n}
:: cauterization
brennend {adj}
:: blazing, flaming, burning
Brenner {m}
:: burner
Brenner {m}
:: distiller
Brenner {prop} {n}
:: Brennero, a municipality in South Tyrol
Brennessel {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Brennnessel
brennheiß {adj}
:: Very hot
Brennholz {n}
:: firewood
Brennmaterial {n}
:: fuel (solid combustible material)
Brennnessel {f}
:: nettle (stinging herb of genus Urtica)
Brennnessel {f}
:: stinging nettle, Urtica dioica
Brennofen {m}
:: a kiln, an industrial furnace, especially used for firing pottery
Brennpunkt {m}
:: focal point
Brennschluß {m}
:: Brennschluss
Brennschneid {n}
:: thermal cutting
Brennschneiden {n}
:: flame cutting (especially using oxyacetylene)
Brennstab {m}
:: fuel rod
Brennstoff {m}
:: fuel
Brennstoffzelle {f}
:: fuel cell
Brennstoffzellentechnik {f}
:: fuel cell technology
Brennstoffzellenverband {m}
:: fuel cell association
Brennsuppe {f}
:: flour soup
Brennweite {f}
:: focal length (distance)
brenzlig {adj}
:: to smell combusted or burnt materials
brenzlig {adj}
:: ticklish, sensible, unsettling
brenzliger {adj}
:: comparative of brenzlig
Brenztraubensäure {f}
:: pyruvic acid
Bresche {f}
:: breach (gap or opening made by breaking or battering)
Breschnew {prop}
:: Brezhnev, a Russian name
Breslau {prop} {n}
:: Breslau (city)
bresthaft {adj}
:: disabled, crippled, maimed
Bretagne {prop} {f}
:: Brittany (region of North West France)
Bretone {m}
:: Breton
bretonisch {adj}
:: Breton (related to Brittany or to the Breton language)
Bretonisch {prop} {n}
:: Breton (the language)
Brett {n}
:: board
Brettchen {n}
:: diminutive of Brett
brettern {adj}
:: Made of wooden boards
brettern {v}
:: to drive fast
brettleben {adj}
:: Completely flat
Brettlein {n}
:: diminutive of Brett
Brettspiel {n}
:: board game
Bretzel {f}
:: alternative form of Brezel
Breuer {prop}
:: surname
Breve {n}
:: breve (semicircular diacritical mark)
Brevier {n}
:: breviary
Brevier {n}
:: Divine Office
Brevier {n}
:: anthology, selection
Brevier {n}
:: guide
Brexit {m}
:: Brexit
Breydenbach {prop}
:: Former name of Breidenstein
Breze {f}
:: pretzel
Brezel {f} {n}
:: pretzel
Brezen {f}
:: alternative form of Breze
Brezn {f}
:: alternative form of Breze
Bridge {n}
:: bridge (card game)
Brief {m}
:: letter (written message)
briefadelig {adj}
:: ennobled by letters patent
Briefbeschwerer {m}
:: paperweight
Briefbombe {f}
:: letter bomb
Brieffreund {m}
:: pen pal, penfriend (male or of unspecified sex)
Brieffreundin {f}
:: pen pal, penfriend (female person with whom one communicates using letters)
Briefgeheimnis {n}
:: secrecy of correspondence
Briefkasten {m}
:: mailbox, letterbox
Briefkastenfirma {f}
:: shell company
Briefkopf {m}
:: letterhead
Briefmarke {f}
:: postage stamp
Briefmarkensammlung {f}
:: stamp collection, collection of postage stamps
Brieföffner {m}
:: letter opener (knifelike device)
Briefpapier {n}
:: writing paper
Briefstreicher {m}
:: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder
Brieftasche {f}
:: wallet, purse
Brieftaube {f}
:: a homing pigeon (racing pigeon, homer) is a breed or variety of domestic pigeon with a strong homing instinct that is used as a message courier or in the sport of pigeon racing
Brieftaubenzüchter {m}
:: homing pigeon breeder, homer breeder
Brieftaubenzüchterin {f}
:: (female) homing pigeon breeder, (female) homer breeder
Briefträger {m}
:: mailman, postman, postie, letter carrier, mail carrier, mailperson (male or of unspecified sex)
Briefumschlag {m}
:: envelope (for a letter)
Brief und Siegel {noun}
:: a guarantee
Briefwaage {f}
:: letter balance
Briefwechsel {m}
:: exchange of letters, communication
Briefwechsel {m}
:: a collection letters exchanged between two people
Briefzusteller {m}
:: mailman, postman, postie, mail carrier, letter carrier, mailperson (male or of unspecified sex)
Brigade {f}
:: brigade, military unit
Brigade {f}
:: the smallest work-group in an industrial plant
Brigadeführer {m}
:: paramilitary rank of the nazi SA and SS, corresponds to brigadier general. Literally translates to "Brigade Leader". Next in rank to Gruppenführer, rank below is Oberführer
Brigitte {prop}
:: given name
Brikett {n}
:: briquet
brillant {adj}
:: brilliant
Brillant {m}
:: brilliant
Brillant {noun}
:: A small size of type, standardized as 3 point
brillanten {adj}
:: made of brilliants
Brillanz {f}
:: brilliance
Brillanz {f}
:: color intensity
Brille {f}
:: (pair of) glasses, spectacles (frames bearing two lenses worn in front of the eyes to correct vision)
Brille {f}
:: (pair of) goggles (protective eyewear set in a flexible frame to fit snugly against the face)
Brille {f}
:: (toilet) seat (hinged, contoured seat with a hole in the middle, of a toilet)
Brille {f}
:: (medical) nasal canulla for oxygen (clear plastic tubes for the delivery of oxygen to the nose)
Brillenetui {n}
:: spectacles case, glasses case
Brillengestell {n}
:: spectacles frame
Brillenpinguin {m}
:: African penguin
Brillenschlange {f}
:: spectacled cobra
Brillenschlange {f}
:: somebody wearing glasses
Brillenschötchen {n}
:: buckler mustard, any plant of the genus Biscutella
Brillenträgerin {f}
:: glasses-wearing woman
brillieren {v}
:: to shine
Brilon {prop} {n}
:: Brilon (town)
Brimborium {n}
:: fuss
Brimsen {m}
:: bryndza
bringen {vt}
:: to bring; to fetch
bringen {vt}
:: to take; to convey
bringen {vt}
:: to lead; to cause; to bear
bringen {vt}
:: to acquire; to take possession of
Bringer {m}
:: bringer, bearer
Bringer {m}
:: hit, success
Bringschuld {f}
:: obligation to bring debt payment to the creditor
Bringschuld {f}
:: obligation to accomplish something
brinnen {vi}
:: to burn
Brioche {f}
:: brioche
brisant {adj}
:: controversial
brisant {adj}
:: volatile
brisant {adj}
:: explosive
brisanter {adj}
:: comparative of brisant
Brisanz {f}
:: brisance
Brisanz {f}
:: explosiveness
Brise {f}
:: breeze
Britanniametall {n}
:: Britannia metal
Britannien {prop} {n}
:: Britain
Britannien {prop} {n}
:: Brittania
britannisch {adj}
:: British, Britannic, Brythonic
Brite {m}
:: Briton (inhabitant of Great Britain)
Britin {f}
:: (female) Briton; British woman
britisch {adj}
:: British
Britisch-Kolumbien {prop} {n}
:: British Columbia
Britisch Kurzhaar {prop} {f}
:: British Shorthair
Britta {prop} {f}
:: given name of Swedish origin
Broccoli {m}
:: broccoli
Bröckchen {n}
:: diminutive of Brocken
bröckeln {v}
:: to crumble
brocken {v}
:: to break
brocken {v}
:: to pick
Brocken {m}
:: piece (part of a larger whole)
Brocken {prop} {m}
:: the Brocken, Blocksberg (a mountain in the Harz mountain range, Germany)
Brockengespenst {n}
:: Brocken spectre
Bröcklein {n}
:: diminutive of Brocken
Brod {n}
:: alternative spelling of Brot
brodeln {v}
:: to seethe, to bubble, to wallop
Brodem {m}
:: vapor
Brodem {m}
:: strong smell
-broich {suffix}
:: Placename suffix found in the Rhineland, chiefly the northern parts
Broiler {m}
:: broiler (chicken suitable for broiling)
Brokat {m}
:: brocade
brokaten {adj}
:: brocaded
Brokkoli {m}
:: broccoli
Brom {n}
:: bromine
Bromalkan {n}
:: bromoalkane, alkyl bromide
Bromalken {n}
:: bromoalkene
Bromaromat {m}
:: bromo-aromatic compound
Bromat {n}
:: bromate
Bromatom {n}
:: bromine atom
Brombeere {f}
:: blackberry, bramble
Bromberg {prop} {n}
:: Bromberg (municipality)
Bromberg {prop} {n}
:: Bydgoszcz, Poland
Bromchlorid {n}
:: bromine chloride
Bromcyan {n}
:: cyanogen bromide
Bromdampf {m}
:: bromine vapour
Bromfluorid {n}
:: bromine fluoride
Bromgewinnung {f}
:: bromine production
bromhaltig {adj}
:: containing bromine
Bromid {n}
:: bromide
Bromidion {n}
:: bromide ion
Bromidlösung {f}
:: bromide solution
Bromidquell {m}
:: source of bromide
bromieren {v}
:: To brominate
bromiert {v}
:: past participle of bromieren
bromiert {adj}
:: brominated
bromig {adj}
:: bromous
Brompentafluorid {n}
:: bromine pentafluoride
Bromsäure {f}
:: bromic acid
Bromthymolblau {noun}
:: bromothymol blue
Bromtrifluorid {n}
:: bromine trifluoride
Bromverbindung {f}
:: bromine compound
Bromwasserstoff {m}
:: hydrogen bromide
Bromwasserstoffsäure {n}
:: hydrobromic acid
bronchial {adj}
:: bronchial
Bronchie {f}
:: bronchus
Bronchitis {f}
:: bronchitis
Bronze {f}
:: bronze
bronzefarben {adj}
:: bronze in colour
bronzefarbig {adj}
:: bronze-colored
Bronzefund {m}
:: bronze find
Bronzemedaille {f}
:: bronze medal
bronzen {adj}
:: bronze, bronzen
Bronzezeit {f}
:: Bronze Age
Brosame {f}
:: crumb
Brosche {f}
:: brooch
broschiert {adj}
:: bound in paper (as a brochure)
Broschüre {f}
:: brochure
Brösel {m} {n}
:: crumb
Brösel {prop} {n}
:: Brzice, Czechia
bröselig {adj}
:: crumbly
bröseln {vi}
:: to crumble (of food)
bröseln {vi}
:: to crumble, fall apart, to disintegrate
bröseln {vt}
:: to crumble, to render into crumbs
Brot {n}
:: bread
Brot {n}
:: loaf of bread
Brot {n}
:: slice of bread; sandwich
Brot {n}
:: livelihood, subsistence
Brotbackautomat {m}
:: bread maker
Brotbäcker {m}
:: baker (of mainly bread), bread-baker (male or of unspecified sex)
Brotbäckerin {f}
:: baker (of mainly bread), bread-baker (female)
Brotberuf {m}
:: bread-and-butter job, main job (often opposed to more creative, but unprofitable work)
Brotbrechen {n}
:: "breaking of the bread"; i.e. Holy Communion
Brötchen {n}
:: a bun, bread roll
Brötchentüte {f}
:: bread roll bag (a small paper bag)
Broterwerb {m}
:: breadwinning
Broterwerber {m}
:: breadwinner
Brothändler {n}
:: bread dealer
Brothändlerin {f}
:: female bread dealer
Brotherr {m}
:: employer (male or of unspecified sex)
Brotkasten {m}
:: bread box, breadbin
Brotkasten {m}
:: a nickname for the C64 home computer
Brotkorb {m}
:: bread bin, breadbasket
brotlos {adj}
:: breadless
brotlos {adj}
:: inviable, unsustainable, unable to sustain oneself
Brotmesser {n}
:: bread knife
Brotschnitte {f}
:: slice of bread
Brotschrift {f}
:: A font that is used for typesetting body text
Brotsuppe {f}
:: bread soup
Brownie {m}
:: brownie (small rich chocolate cake)
browsen {v}
:: to browse
Browser {m}
:: A browser program
brr {interj}
:: brr (exclamation of cold)
brr {interj}
:: an exclamation of disgust or aversion
Bruch {m}
:: break
Bruch {m}
:: fracture, rupture
Bruch {m}
:: breach
Bruch {m}
:: fraction
Bruch {m}
:: schism
Bruch {m} {n}
:: A wetland; marsh; moist meadow (usually kinds fit for pastoral use, rather than actual bogs or swamps)
Bruchbude {f}
:: shack, rundown hut
Bruchfläche {f}
:: fracture plane / fracture surface
brüchig {adj}
:: brittle, fragile
Brüchigkeit {f}
:: fragility / brittleness
Bruchlandung {f}
:: crash landing
Bruchrechnung {f}
:: calculation with fractions, fraction arithmetic
Bruchstrich {m}
:: slash
Bruchstrich {m}
:: fraction slash; fraction bar
Bruchstück {n}
:: fragment
Bruchstück {n}
:: shard, splinter
Bruchstück {n}
:: snippet
bruchstückhaft {adj}
:: fragmentary
Bruchteil {m}
:: fraction
Bruchteil {m}
:: fragment
Bruchteil {m}
:: moiety
Bruchwasserläufer {m}
:: wood sandpiper (bird of the species Tringa glareola)
Bruchzähigkeit {f}
:: fracture toughness
Bruchzahl {f}
:: fraction
Brucit {m}
:: brucite
Brücke {f}
:: bridge
Brücke {f}
:: The bridge pattern
Brücke {f}
:: pons (in the brain, "bridging" the brain stem with the rest of the brain)
Brückengerüst {n}
:: (dental) bridge framework
Brückenkopf {m}
:: bridgehead
Brückentag {m}
:: a day which, if taken off work, results in a long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred
Bruckmann {prop}
:: surname
Bruckner {prop}
:: surname
Bruckneudorf {prop} {n}
:: Bruckneudorf (municipality)
Bruder {m}
:: brother
Bruder {m}
:: Brother
Brüderchen {n}
:: little brother
Brüderlein {n}
:: diminutive of Bruder
brüderlich {adj}
:: brotherly, fraternal
brüderlicher {adj}
:: comparative of brüderlich
Brüderlichkeit {f}
:: brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity
brüderlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of brüderlich
Brudermord {m}
:: fratricide, killing of a brother
Brudermörder {m}
:: fratricide
Bruderschaft {f}
:: fraternity (association of men who consider each other as brethren)
Bruderschaft {f}
:: alternative form of Brüderschaft
Brüderschaft {f}
:: brotherhood (the state of being brothers or considering each other as brethren)
Brüderschaft {f}
:: alternative form of Bruderschaft
Brüderschaft {f}
:: A drink, usually alcoholic, shared (usually between men) to seal a friendship and mark the change from the use of the plural Sie second-person pronoun to the familiar du pronoun
Brühe {f}
:: broth
brühen {vt}
:: to blanch, pour seething water over
brühen {vt}
:: to brew, put a pot on
Brühwürfel {m}
:: stock cube (vegetable, meat or seasonings in a cube shape)
Brüllaffe {m}
:: howler monkey, a primate of the Alouatta genus
brüllen {vti}
:: to shout, roar
Brüller {m}
:: joke, punchline
Brüllwürfel {m}
:: bad quality speakers
Brumm {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Brummbär {m}
:: curmudgeon
brummen {v}
:: to growl
brummen {v}
:: to hum
brummen {v}
:: to boom
Brummen {n}
:: mutter
Brummer {m}
:: a big insect, especially a bluebottle
Brummer {m}
:: a big lorry
Brummer {m}
:: an obese man
Brummer {m}
:: an attractive woman
Brummer {m}
:: a whopper, a ginormous thing
Brummer {m}
:: a choir-singer with growling or droning voice
Brummer {m}
:: a comic or doltish person
brummig {adj}
:: grumpy, disgruntled
Brunch {m}
:: brunch
Bruneck {prop} {n}
:: Bruneck (municipality)
Brunei {prop} {n}
:: Brunei
Brunei Darussalam {prop} {n}
:: Brunei Darussalam
Bruneier {m}
:: Bruneian (person from Brunei)
Bruneierin {f}
:: Bruneian (female person from Brunei)
bruneiisch {adj}
:: Bruneian (pertaining to Brunei)
brünett {adj}
:: brunette (of a woman having brown hair)
Brünette {f}
:: brunette (a girl or woman with brown hair)
Brunft {f}
:: heat, rut (sexual excitement of animals)
Brunftschrei {m}
:: rutting (mating) call
Brunhild {prop}
:: given name
Brünhild {prop}
:: given name
Brunhilde {prop}
:: given name, notably of a queen in German history and mythology
Brünhilde {prop}
:: given name
brünieren {v}
:: To burnish
brünieren {v}
:: To blue (steel)
brüniert {v}
:: past participle of brünieren
Brünierung {f}
:: burnishing
Brünierung {f}
:: bluing (of steel)
Brünn {prop}
:: Brünn (<<capital>> of the <<r/South Moravian Region>>, <<c/Czech Republic>>, and second-largest <<city>> in the <<c/Czech Republic>>)
Brünnchen {n}
:: diminutive of Brunnen
Brunnen {m}
:: well
Brunnenkresse {f}
:: watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
Brunnenthal {prop} {n}
:: Brunnenthal (municipality)
Brunnenwasser {n}
:: well water
Brünnlein {n}
:: diminutive of Brunnen
Bruno {prop}
:: given name
Bruns {prop}
:: surname
Brunst {f}
:: heat, rut (sexual excitement of animals)
Brunst {f}
:: sexual arousal of humans
Brunstatt {prop} {n}
:: Brunstatt
brünstig {adj}
:: in heat, on heat
brünstig {adj}
:: ardent, fervent
brüsk {adj}
:: brusque
brüskieren {v}
:: to affront
Brüskierung {f}
:: affront
Brüssel {prop} {n}
:: Brüssel (capital city)
Brüsseler {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Brussels
Brüsseler {adj}
:: From, of, or pertaining to Brussels
Brüßler {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Brüssler
Brüßler {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of Brüssler
Brüßlerin {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Brüssler
Brust {f}
:: chest
Brust {f}
:: breast (of a woman); side of the chest (of a man)
Brustannahme {f}
:: the act of chesting down the ball
Brustbehaarung {f}
:: chest hair
Brustbein {n}
:: sternum, breastbone
Brustbügeln {n}
:: breast ironing
Brüstchen {n}
:: diminutive of Brust
Brustdrüse {f}
:: mammary gland of a breast
brüsten {vr}
:: to boast, to brag
Brustkorb {m}
:: ribcage
Brustkrebs {m}
:: breast cancer
Brustpresse {f}
:: chest press
Brust schwimmen {v}
:: to breaststroke
Bruststern {m}
:: breast star (decoration, medal)
Brusttasche {f}
:: breast pocket, chest pocket
Brüstung {f}
:: parapet; balustrade (kind of railing, usually of stone and often solid rather than in the form of a fence)
Brustwarze {f}
:: nipple, teat
brut {adj}
:: brut
Brut {f}
:: brood
Brut {f}
:: offspring, spawn
brutal {adj}
:: brutal
brutaler {adj}
:: comparative of brutal
Brutalität {f}
:: brutality
brutalsten {adj}
:: superlative of brutal
Brutblatt {n}
:: Kalanchoe daigremontiana (syn. Bryophyllum daigremontianum), a plant of subgenus Kalanchoe subg. Bryophyllum of genus Kalanchoe
brüten {v}
:: to brood
Brüter {m}
:: breeder
Brutkasten {m}
:: incubator (medical apparatus in which weak infants are supported)
Brutkasten {m}
:: incubator (apparatus in which eggs are brooded)
Brutparasit {m}
:: brood parasite
Brutparasitismus {m}
:: brood parasitism
Brutreaktor {m}
:: breeder (type of nuclear reactor)
brutto {adv}
:: gross
Bruttoinlandsprodukt {n}
:: gross domestic product
Bruttonationaleinkommen {n}
:: gross national income
Bruttoreaktion {f}
:: overall reaction
Bruttosozialprodukt {n}
:: gross national product
brutzeln {v}
:: to fry
brutzeln {v}
:: to sizzle, to frizzle, to splutter
BRV {prop} {f}
:: initialism of Bismarcksche Reichsverfassung
BS {noun}
:: Bausoldat
B-Seite {f}
:: B-side
Bsp. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Beispiel
BSP {noun}
:: Abbreviation of Bruttosozialprodukt
bspw. {adv}
:: abbreviation of beispielsweise
Btb. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Basstuba
Bub {m}
:: alternative form of Bube
Bübchen {m}
:: diminutive of Bube
Bübchen {m}
:: little boy
Bübchen {m}
:: a rogue; a naughty or cheeky boy
Bübchen {m}
:: Used as a pejorative and threatening address for a man: buddy, mate, sunshine
Bube {m}
:: knave; jack (playing card)
Bube {m}
:: boy; lad
Bube {m}
:: rogue; villain; naughty boy
Bubikopf {m}
:: bob (of hair)
Bübin {f}
:: feminine noun of Bube
Bübin {f}
:: harlot
Büblein {n}
:: diminutive of Bube
Buch {n}
:: book (collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge; long work fit for publication)
Buch {n}
:: books (accounting records)
Buch {n}
:: omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
Buch {prop} {n}
:: Buch (municipality)
Buch {prop} {n}
:: Buch (municipality)
Buch {prop} {n}
:: either of two municipalities in the Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Buchautor {m}
:: book author
Buchbach {prop} {n}
:: Buchbach (municipality)
Buchbach {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Upper Bavaria, Germany
buchbar {adj}
:: bookable
Buchbinder {m}
:: bookbinder
Buchbinderei {f}
:: bookbinding
Buchdruck {n}
:: letterpress
Buchdrucker {m}
:: a person that prints books, typographer
Buchdrucker {m}
:: the European spruce bark beetle, typographer (Ips typographus)
Buche {f}
:: a beech ; the common tree
Buche {f}
:: beech; the wood of the tree
Buchecker {f}
:: beechnut
Büchelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Buch
buchen {adj}
:: beechen
buchen {v}
:: to book
Buchen {prop} {n}
:: Buchen (municipality)
Buchenholz {n}
:: beech, beechwood (The wood of the beech tree.)
Buchenland {prop} {n}
:: Bukovina
buchenlanddeutsch {adj}
:: Bukovina German; of or pertaining to the Bukovina Germans or their dialect
Buchenlaub {n}
:: beech leaves (leaves of the beech tree)
Buchenwald {m}
:: beech forest, beechwood forest
Buchenwald {prop} {n}
:: Buchenwald
Bücherbrett {n}
:: bookshelf
Bücherei {f}
:: library
Bücherregal {n}
:: bookcase, bookshelf (piece of furniture for the storage and display of books)
Bücherschrank {m}
:: bookcase
Bücherverbrennung {f}
:: book burning
Bücherverschlinger {m}
:: binge reader
Bücherwurm {m}
:: bookworm (insect)
Bücherwurm {m}
:: bookworm (person)
Buchfink {m}
:: chaffinch
Buchhalter {m}
:: accountant, bookkeeper
Buchhalterin {f}
:: a female accountant
buchhalterisch {adj}
:: accounting (attributive)
Buchhaltung {f}
:: accounting, bookkeeping
Buchhandel {m}
:: book trade; publishing business
Buchhändler {m}
:: bookseller
Buchhändlerin {f}
:: female bookseller
Buchhandlung {f}
:: bookstore, bookshop
Buchkapitel {n}
:: book chapter
Buchkirchen {prop} {n}
:: Buchkirchen (municipality)
Buchladen {m}
:: bookstore, bookshop
Büchlein {n}
:: diminutive of Buch
Buchlunge {f}
:: book lung
Buchmacher {m}
:: bookmaker; bookie (male or of unspecified sex)
Buchmagen {m}
:: omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
Buchmalerei {f}
:: book painting, illumination (Adornment of books and manuscripts with colored illustrations.)
Buchmesse {f}
:: book fair, the most famous one in the world being the annual, international Frankfurter Buchmesse at Frankfurt
Buch mit sieben Siegeln {phrase}
:: (book with) seven seals (Christian concept)
Buch mit sieben Siegeln {phrase}
:: something considered very hard to understand
Büchner {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Buchs {m}
:: boxwood
Buchs {prop} {?}
:: One of three municipalities in Switzerland
Buchsbaum {m}
:: boxwood
Buchse {f}
:: (electric) socket
Büchse {f}
:: box, can
Büchse {f}
:: rifle
Büchse der Pandora {f}
:: Pandora's box
Büchsenlicht {n}
:: hunting light (light that is sufficient for hunting)
Büchslein {n}
:: diminutive of Büchse
Buchstabe {m}
:: letter (of the alphabet)
Buchstabe {m}
:: letter (a division unit of a piece of law marked by letters)
buchstabengetreu {adj}
:: literal
Buchstabenkurzwort {n}
:: acronym
Buchstabensalat {m}
:: alphabetical puzzle, alphabetical jumble, jumble of letters, letter salad
Buchstabenschrift {f}
:: alphabetical writing system
Buchstabensuppe {f}
:: alphabet soup
Buchstabenwort {n}
:: acronym
buchstabieren {vt}
:: to spell (name the letters of a word)
buchstabiert {v}
:: past participle of buchstabieren
buchstäblich {adj}
:: literal
buchstäblich {adv}
:: literally
Buchstütze {f}
:: bookend
Bucht {f}
:: bay; gulf; bight
Bucht {f}
:: niche, especially one that is wide rather than deep; a slight recess
Buchtel {f}
:: Buchtel, a type of pastries
Buchtitel {n}
:: book title
Buchung {f}
:: A booking, notably:
Buchung {f}
:: accounting entry
Buchung {f}
:: reservation for a service, such as an accommodation or performance
Buchungskreis {m}
:: company code / accounting area
Buchverkäufer {m}
:: bookseller
Buchverkäuferin {f}
:: bookseller (female)
Buchvorstellung {f}
:: book presentation
Buchweizen {m}
:: buckwheat
Buchweizenmehl {n}
:: buckwheat flour
Buckel {m}
:: boss
Buckel {m}
:: hump
Buckelfliege {f}
:: A fly belonging to family Phoridae, the scuttle flies
Buckelkopfbuntbarsch {m}
:: lionhead cichlid
Buckelwal {m}
:: humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
bücken {vr}
:: to bend down, to stoop
bucklig {adj}
:: humped, humpbacked
bucklig {adj}
:: bumpy
Bückling {m}
:: red herring (smoke-cured herring)
Bückling {m}
:: bow
Bückling {m}
:: bootlicker; coward
Bückware {f}
:: under-the-counter goods
Budapest {prop} {n}
:: Budapest (capital city)
Budapester {m}
:: Budapester (Native or inhabitant of Budapest)
Budapester {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Budapest
Büdchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bude
Büdchen {n}
:: a kiosk, especially one that sells through a window
Buddel {f}
:: bottle
buddeln {v}
:: to dig (most often with one’s hands or paws)
Buddelschiff {n}
:: ship in a bottle
Buddha {m}
:: buddha
Buddhismus {m}
:: buddhism
Buddhist {m}
:: Buddhist (male or of unspecified sex)
buddhistisch {adj}
:: Buddhist (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism)
Bude {f}
:: booth, stall
Bude {f}
:: kiosk
Bude {f}
:: shack, hut
Bude {f}
:: apartment
Bude {f}
:: goal
Budget {n}
:: budget
budgetieren {vi}
:: to budget (create a budget for a city, business, etc.)
budgetieren {vt}
:: to budget (provide funds for a budget)
Buenos Aires {prop} {n}
:: Buenos Aires (capital city)
Buenos Aires {prop} {n}
:: Buenos Aires (province)
Büfett {n}
:: alternative spelling of Buffet
Büffel {m}
:: buffalo
Büffel {m}
:: coarse cloth
Büffel {m}
:: lout, clod
Büffel {m}
:: an armored recovery vehicle Bergepanzer Büffel
Büffelfleisch {n}
:: buffalo meat
Büffelherde {f}
:: herd of buffalo
Büffeljagd {f}
:: buffalo hunt, buffalo hunting
Büffelkäse {m}
:: buffalo cheese
büffeln {v}
:: to swot, cram (study with effort)
Buffet {n}
:: buffet
Buffet {n}
:: sideboard, buffet
Bug {m}
:: bow, prow (of a ship)
Bug {m}
:: nose (of an aircraft)
Bug {m}
:: shoulder joint (of an animal)
Bug {m}
:: joist, joint (in woodwork)
Buganker {m}
:: bower anchor
Bügel {m}
:: bow
Bügel {m}
:: handle, hanger
Bügel {m}
:: stirrup
Bügel {m}
:: iron (for ironing)
Bügelbrett {n}
:: ironing board
Bügeleisen {n}
:: iron
Bügelhorn {n}
:: saxhorn
bügeln {v}
:: to iron
Bügelverschluss {m}
:: swing top
Bügelverschluß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Bügelverschluss
Buggy {m}
:: a foldable pushchair or stroller
Buggy {m}
:: buggy (small open motor vehicle)
bugsieren {v}
:: to tow a ship
bugsieren {v}
:: to put something in a place; to move something
bugsiert {v}
:: past participle of bugsieren
Bugspriet {m} {n}
:: bowsprit
buh {interj}
:: boo
Bühel {m}
:: hill
buhen {vi}
:: to boo
Buhfrau {f}
:: feminine noun of Buhmann
Bühl {m}
:: alternative form of Bühel
Bühl {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Buhle {f}
:: beloved, darling
Buhle {m}
:: beloved, darling
buhlen {vi}
:: to court
buhlen {vi}
:: to have an affair
Buhler {m}
:: synonym of Buhle
Bühler {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bühler {prop} {n}
:: Bühler (municipality)
Buhmann {m}
:: scapegoat
Buhne {f}
:: groyne; breakwater (dam extending perpendicularly into the sea to protect the shore)
Bühne {f}
:: a stage
Bühne {f}
:: a scaffolding
Bühnemann {prop}
:: surname
Bühnenautor {m}
:: playwright
Bühnenmusik {f}
:: stage music
Bühnenmusik {f}
:: incidental music
Bühnenreißer {m}
:: A play that arouses admiration or suspense of an audience
Bühnenvorhang {m}
:: stage curtain
-bühren {suffix}
:: alternative spelling of -büren
Buhruf {m}
:: boo
Bukarest {prop}
:: Bukarest (capital city)
Bukephalos {prop}
:: Bucephalus
Bukett {n}
:: alternative form of Bouquet
bukolisch {adj}
:: bucolic
Bukowina {prop} {f}
:: Bukovina
bukowinadeutsch {adj}
:: synonym of buchenlanddeutsch
Bulette {f}
:: a meatball
Bulgare {m}
:: Bulgarian (native of Bulgaria)
Bulgarien {prop} {n}
:: Bulgarien (country)
Bulgarin {f}
:: female equivalent of Bulgare
bulgarisch {adj}
:: Bulgarian (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language)
Bulgarisch {prop} {n}
:: Bulgarian (language)
Bulimie {f}
:: bulimia
Bulimielernen {n}
:: the practice of cramming information to "regurgitate" it during a test without retaining any of it
Bulimiker {m}
:: bulimic
Bullauge {n}
:: porthole
Bulldogge {f}
:: bulldog
Bulle {m}
:: bull (male cattle)
Bulle {m}
:: bull (strong or stout man)
Bulle {m}
:: police officer, cop, pig
Bulle {f}
:: Bull (papal decree)
Bullenschwein {n}
:: pig (police officer)
Bulletin {n}
:: bulletin
Bullette {f}
:: a female cop
Bullette {f}
:: a Berlin citizen
bullig {adj}
:: brawny
bullös {adj}
:: bubblelike
Bumerang {m} {n}
:: boomerang
bumfest {adj}
:: very firm or solid
Bummel {m}
:: stroll (often in town)
Bummelbahn {f}
:: A slow local train
bummeln {v}
:: to slack, to dawdle
bummeln {v}
:: to stroll, to ramble
Bummler {m}
:: stroller
Bummler {m}
:: laggard
Bummler {m}
:: idler, loafer
bumsen {v}
:: to thud
bumsen {v}
:: to have sex
bumsfidel {adj}
:: jolly, chirpy
Bund {m}
:: alliance
Bund {m}
:: covenant
Bund {m}
:: a fret (of a guitar)
Bund {m}
:: waistband
Bund {n}
:: a bunch
Bund {m}
:: confederation of German states
Bund {m}
:: the German army, Bundeswehr
Bündchen {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Bünde {prop} {n}
:: Bünde (town)
Bündel {n}
:: bundle
Bündelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bündel
bündeln {v}
:: to bundle
Bundesamt {n}
:: federal office
Bundesanstalt {f}
:: federal institution / agency
Bundesanwaltschaft {f}
:: federal prosecutor
Bundesaußenminister {m}
:: federal foreign minister
Bundesbahn {f}
:: federal / state railway
Bundesbank {f}
:: Deutsche Bundesbank
Bundesbürger {m}
:: citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany (male or of unspecified sex)
bundesdeutsch {adj}
:: of or pertaining to the Federal Republic of Germany, especially
bundesdeutsch {adj}
:: as distinct from other German-speaking countries and territories
bundesdeutsch {adj}
:: as distinct from older states existing in the same territory, e.g. the GDR
Bundesdorf {n}
:: the city of Bonn, former capital of (West) Germany, labelled the “federal village” due to its provincial character and, originally, quite small size
Bundesfinanzminister {m}
:: federal / state finance minister
Bundesgebiet {n}
:: federal territory
Bundesgenosse {m}
:: ally
Bundesgerichtshof {m}
:: federal court
Bundesgrenzschutz {m}
:: Bundesgrenzschutz (Federal Border Guard, obsolete name of the Bundespolizei)
Bundesheer {prop} {n}
:: the army portion of the Bundeswehr, the nation army of Germany
Bundesheer {prop} {n}
:: the national army of Austria
Bundesinnenminister {m}
:: federal minister of the interior
Bundesinstitut {n}
:: Federal Institute
Bundeskanzler {m}
:: federal chancellor (male or of unspecified sex) (head of the German federal government)
Bundeskanzleramt {n}
:: chancellery, especially:
Bundeskanzleramt {n}
:: the Chancellery of Germany
Bundeskanzleramt {n}
:: the Chancellery of Austria
Bundeskanzlerin {f}
:: federal chancellor (female) (head of the German federal government)
Bundeskriminalamt {n}
:: federal office of criminal investigations
Bundeslade {f}
:: the Ark of the Covenant
Bundesland {n}
:: federal state
Bundesland {n}
:: One of the 16 federal states of Germany
Bundesland {n}
:: One of the 9 federal states of Austria
Bundesliga {f}
:: A league in which clubs from the entire country participate
Bundesminister {m}
:: (male) federal minister
Bundesministerin {f}
:: feminine noun of Bundesminister
Bundesministerium {n}
:: federal ministry
bundespolitisch {adj}
:: federal policy (attributive)
Bundespolizei {f}
:: federal police
Bundespräsident {m}
:: president (especially of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Bundesrat {m}
:: A federal council, especially: the federal council of the Federal Republic of Germany, of Austria, of Switzerland, or of the German Empire
Bundesrath {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Bundesrat
Bundesregierung {f}
:: federal government
Bundesrepublik {f}
:: federal republic
Bundesrepublik {prop} {f}
:: Federal Republic of Germany
Bundesrepublik Deutschland {prop} {f}
:: Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
Bundesstaat {m}
:: A state which consists of multiple relatively autonomous substates; a federal state, a federation
Bundesstaat {m}
:: A state which is a relatively autonomous part of a larger state; a state which is part of a federation
Bundesstrasse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Bundesstraße
Bundesstraße {f}
:: federal highway; major highway
Bundesstraße {f}
:: a national highway in Germany or Austria
Bundestag {m}
:: federal/state parliament
Bundestagswahl {f}
:: federal election
Bundestrainer {m}
:: national / state coach / trainer
Bundestrojaner {m}
:: "federal Trojan", a Trojan horse and spyware program that is used by the German government to fetch data from computers of suspects in criminal investigation
bundesunmittelbar {adj}
:: direct to the highest level of a federal state
Bundesverband {m}
:: federal association
Bundesverfassungsgericht {n}
:: federal constitutional court
Bundesverkehrsminister {m}
:: federal minister of transportation
Bundesversammlung {f}
:: A federal assembly, especially: the Federal Assembly of the Federal Republic of Germany, of the Republic of Austria, or of the Swiss Confederation
Bundeswehr {prop} {f}
:: the national army of the Federal Republic of Germany
bundesweit {adj}
:: nationwide
Bundeswirtschaftsminister {m}
:: federal minister of the economy
bündig {adj}
:: flush (smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out)
bündig {adj}
:: succinct (short and to the point)
Bündner {m}
:: alliance member
Bündner {adj}
:: from, of, or relating to Grisons
Bündner {m}
:: a person from or living in Grisons
Bündnerromanisch {prop} {n}
:: synonym of Rätoromanisch
Bündnis {n}
:: alliance, confederation
bündnisfrei {adj}
:: nonaligned
bundrein {adj}
:: Having the frets placed exactly right so that each note is in tune
Bundschuh {m}
:: historic type of leather shoe, worn by German peasants in the middle ages
Bungalow {m}
:: bungalow (in German mainly used for bungalows with a flat roof)
Bungeespringen {n}
:: bungee jumping
Bunker {m}
:: bunker (hardened shelter)
Bunker {m}
:: bunker (obstacle on a golf course)
bunkerbrechend {adj}
:: bunker-busting
Bunkeröl {n}
:: bunker oil, bunker fuel
Bunsenbrenner {m}
:: Bunsen burner
Bunsenbrennerflamme {f}
:: Bunsen burner flame
bunt {adj}
:: mixed, varied, heterogeneous
bunt {adj}
:: multi-colored; colorful; variegated
Buntbarsch {m}
:: cichlid
buntfarben {adj}
:: multicoloured
buntfarbig {adj}
:: colourful, multicoloured
Buntgrad {m}
:: color intensity
Buntheit {f}
:: colorfulness, color intensity
Buntheit {f}
:: variety
Buntheitsgrad {m}
:: color intensity
Buntkupferkies {m}
:: bornit
Buntspecht {m}
:: great spotted woodpecker
Buntstift {m}
:: colored pencil
Buntstiftkasten {m}
:: color pencil box (made of wood or metal)
Buntwaschmittel {n}
:: laundry detergent without bleach, especially for colored textiles
bünzlig {adj}
:: boring, square (socially conventional)
Bürde {f}
:: burden
Bürden {prop} {n}
:: Bürden (small town); Burden
Bure {m}
:: Boer
-büren {suffix}
:: place name suffix found in northern Germany
Burenhäutl {n}
:: see Burenwurst
Burenwurst {f}
:: The most popular kind of sausage sold at food stalls in Vienna
Bürette {f}
:: burette
Burg {f}
:: castle, fortification
burgähnlich {adj}
:: castlelike
Burgau {prop} {n}
:: Burgau (municipality)
Burgau {prop} {n}
:: Burgau (municipality)
Bürge {m}
:: surety (person)
bürgen {v}
:: to vouch
Burgenland {prop} {n}
:: Burgenland (state)
burgenländisch {adj}
:: Of or from Burgenland
Burger {m}
:: A burger; a hamburger, cheeseburger, or similar American-style sandwich
Bürger {m}
:: citizen, inhabitant, resident; legally recognized inhabitant of a city or state
Bürger {m}
:: bourgeois, burgher, member of the middle class
Bürger {m}
:: burgher, freeman, usually richer and/or more influential than a peasant/worker but poorer and/or less influential than a nobleman
Bürgerhaus {n}
:: a public building used for civic events
Bürgerhaus {n}
:: manor house, mansion
Bürgerin {f}
:: A female Bürger
Bürgerinitiative {f}
:: citizen action group
Bürgerkrieg {m}
:: civil war
bürgerlich {adj}
:: civic, civil
bürgerlich {adj}
:: bourgeois, middle-class
bürgerlich {adj}
:: untitled (not of aristocratic descent)
bürgerlich {adj}
:: plain, good home
bürgerlich {adj}
:: centre-right, conservative, non-socialist
Bürgermeister {m}
:: mayor (male or of unspecified sex) (leader of a city)
Bürgermeisterin {f}
:: mayor (female), mayoress (leader of a city)
Bürgerrecht {n}
:: citizenship
Bürgerrecht {n}
:: civil rights
Bürgerrechtler {m}
:: civil rights activist
Bürgerrechtsbewegung {f}
:: civil rights movement
Bürgerschaft {f}
:: citizenry (the entirety of all citizens)
Bürgerschaft {f}
:: the municipal parliament of one of a number of northern German cities, including Hamburg and Bremen, where these parliaments also serve as state parliaments (in the case of Bremen including additional delegates from Bremerhaven for this latter purpose)
Bürgersinn {m}
:: public spirit
Bürgersteig {m}
:: sidewalk
Bürgertum {n}
:: middle class
Bürgerwehr {f}
:: civic guard, civic guards, home guard, home guards, militia
Bürgerwehr {f}
:: vigilante
Burgfrieden {m}
:: ceasefire
Burggraf {m}
:: a male burgrave (a military governor or commander of a castle, fortress or medieval fortified town, especially within the Holy Roman Empire)
Burggraf {m}
:: similar to a French chatelain or Late Middle English castellan
Burggräfin {f}
:: wife of a burgrave (a castellan or a military commander of a royal or episcopal castle)
Burgkirchen {prop} {n}
:: Burgkirchen (municipality)
Bürgschaft {f}
:: suretyship
Bürgschaft {f}
:: guarantee
Burgstall {prop} {n}
:: Burgstall (municipality)
Burgstall {prop} {n}
:: Burgstall (municipality)
Burgund {prop} {n}
:: Burgundy (region)
Burgundisch {n}
:: Burgundian (the old Burgundian language)
Burin {f}
:: female Boer
Burka {f}
:: burka (garment, worn by Muslim women, that covers the entire body)
Burka {f}
:: burka (cloak, especially of felt or karakul, worn by men of the Caucasus region)
Burkane {f}
:: carrot
Burke {f}
:: a glass container
Burke {f}
:: a burka, a coat or veil worn by peoples in the Caucasus region
Burkhard {prop}
:: given name
Burkhard {prop}
:: surname derived from the given name
Burkhardt {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Burkhard
Burkhardt {prop}
:: surname derived from the given name
Burkhart {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Burkhard
Burkhart {prop}
:: surname derived from the given name
Burkina Faso {prop} {n}
:: Burkina Faso (country)
burkinisch {adj}
:: Burkinabe
burlesk {adj}
:: burlesque
Burleske {f}
:: burlesque
burmesisch {adj}
:: Burmese
Burmesisch {prop} {n}
:: Burmese (language)
Büro {n}
:: office (building)
Büro {n}
:: office (room)
Bürogebäude {n}
:: office building
Bürohengst {m}
:: pencil pusher (one who does routine office work)
Büroklammer {f}
:: paper clip
Bürokrat {m}
:: bureaucrat
Bürokratie {f}
:: bureaucracy
bürokratisch {adj}
:: bureaucratic
bürokratischer {adj}
:: comparative of bürokratisch
Bürolandschaft {f}
:: Office landscape
Bürostuhl {m}
:: office chair (desk chair used in an office)
Burrito {n}
:: burrito
Bürs {prop}
:: Bürs (municipality)
Bürschchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bursche
Bursche {m}
:: boy, young man
Bursche {m}
:: student
burschenschaftlich {adj}
:: bursarial
burschikos {adj}
:: casual, informal
burschikos {adj}
:: tomboyish
Bürserberg {prop} {n}
:: Bürserberg (municipality)
Bürstchen {n}
:: diminutive of Bürste
Bürste {f}
:: brush
bürsten {vt}
:: to scrub; to clean a surface with a brush
bürsten {vt}
:: to brush (hair)
bürsten {vt}
:: to brush someone’s hair
bürsten {vr}
:: to brush one’s own hair
bürsten {vt}
:: to fuck, have sex with
Bürstenschnitt {m}
:: crew cut
bürstig {adj}
:: alternative form of borstig
Burundi {prop} {n}
:: Burundi
burundisch {adj}
:: Burundian (pertaining to Burundi)
Bürzel {m}
:: rump, hindquarter of a bird
Bürzel {m}
:: tail (of a bear, badger, boar)
Bus {m}
:: a bus (public transport)
Bus {m}
:: a bus (on a computer mainboard)
Busbahnhof {m}
:: central bus station
Busch {m}
:: bushes, brush, scrub, copse (densely vegetated area with mainly smaller plants and some trees)
Busch {m}
:: bush, shrub (individual plant)
Busch {m}
:: no man's land; a remote, rural area
Busch {prop}
:: surname
Buschbohne {f}
:: bush bean, dwarf bean
Büschel {n}
:: bunch
Büschel {n}
:: tuft
büschelförmig {adj}
:: fasciculate
Büschelohrmaki {m}
:: hairy-eared dwarf lemur
Buschfunk {m}
:: bush telegraph, gossip network, grapevine
buschig {noun}
:: bushy
buschig {noun}
:: brushy
Buschwerk {n}
:: thicket
Buschwindröschen {n}
:: wood anemone, Anemone nemorosa
Busen {m}
:: bosom
Busen {m}
:: bight (area of sea)
Busenfreund {m}
:: bosom friend
Busfahrer {m}
:: bus driver (male or of unspecified sex)
Busfahrerin {f}
:: bus driver (female)
Busfahrkarte {f}
:: bus pass, bus ticket
Busfahrt {f}
:: bus ride
Busfahrt {f}
:: coach journey
Bushaltestelle {f}
:: bus stop
busig {adj}
:: busty, bosomy
Buslinie {f}
:: bus route, bus line
Busmastering {n}
:: bus mastering
Bus-Mastering {n}
:: alternative form of Busmastering
Bussard {m}
:: buzzard (genus Buteo)
Busse {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Busse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Buße
Buße {f}
:: penance
Buße {f}
:: fine
büssen {v}
:: alternative spelling of büßen
büßen {vt}
:: to pay for, to make amends for
büßen {vi}
:: to repent, to do penance
büßen {vt}
:: to fine
Busserl {n}
:: kiss
Bußgeld {n}
:: fine
Bussi {n}
:: kiss; peck on the cheek
Bußsakrament {n}
:: confession
Büste {f}
:: bust (sculptural portrayal of a person′s head and shoulders)
Büste {f}
:: bust (the breast and upper thorax of a woman)
Büste {f}
:: (tailor′s, dressmaker′s) dummy
Büste {prop} {n}
:: name of a village that is an incorporated part of the town of Bismarck, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Büstenhalter {m}
:: brassiere
bustrophedon {adj}
:: boustrophedonic
Butadien {n}
:: butadiene
Butan {n}
:: butane (the organic compound)
Butanol {n}
:: butanol
butch {adj}
:: butch
Butike {f}
:: rare spelling of Boutique
Butler {m}
:: A butler, chief male servant, majordomo
Butler {prop}
:: surname
Butt {m}
:: European flounder (Platichthys flesus)
Butt {m}
:: lefteye flounder (fish of the family Bothidae)
Butt {m}
:: turbot (fish of the family Scophthalmidae)
Bütt {f}
:: alternative form of Bütte, used especially in the sense “lectern for a carnival comedian”; see the main lemma.
Bütte {f}
:: tub, vat, barrel (open vessel, often large and made of wood)
Bütte {f}
:: a lectern for a comedic speaker in a carnival event, originally and still usually in the form of a wooden barrel
Bütte {f}
:: a wide vessel used in papermaking
Büttel {m}
:: a court officer, usher or messenger
Büttel {m}
:: a policeman
Büttel {m}
:: someone relegated to performing menial service
Büttel {prop} {n}
:: Büttel (municipality)
Butter {f} {m}
:: butter
Butter bei die Fische {f}
:: talking turkey, cutting to the chase (request for honesty, frankness, and straightforwardness)
Butter bei die Fische {f}
:: rolling up one's sleeves, getting down to brass tacks (request for honest effort, extra effort, all or nothing)
Butterbirne {f}
:: butter pear
Butterbirne {f}
:: pear with soft texture
Butterblümchen {n}
:: diminutive of Butterblume
Butterblume {f}
:: buttercup
Butterbrot {n}
:: A slice of bread topped with butter and often other toppings; an open sandwich
Butterdose {f}
:: butter dish
Butterfass {n}
:: a butter-churn, vessel for churning butter
buttergelb {adj}
:: butter-yellow (in colour)
butterig {adj}
:: buttery
Butterkäse {m}
:: Mild, full-fat cheese
Bütterken {n}
:: bread and butter, open sandwich
Buttermesser {n}
:: butter knife
Buttermilch {f}
:: buttermilk (traditional buttermilk)
buttern {vi}
:: to churn butter
buttern {vi}
:: to develop into butter
buttern {vt}
:: to butter
buttern {vt}
:: to add butter
Butterpilz {m}
:: slippery jack (a species of mushroom, Suillus luteus)
Butterröhrling {m}
:: slippery jack (a species of mushroom, Suillus luteus)
Buttersäure {f}
:: butyric acid
Buttersoße {f}
:: butter sauce
butterweich {adj}
:: butter-soft
butterweich {adj}
:: gentle
Button {m}
:: button
Button {m}
:: badge, button (badge worn on clothes)
buttrig {adj}
:: alternative form of butterig
Butyl {n}
:: butyl
Butylalkohol {m}
:: butyl alcohol
Butylgruppe {f}
:: butyl group
Butyllithium {n}
:: butyllithium
Butz {m}
:: apple core
Butz {m}
:: goblin
Butzemann {m}
:: bogeyman
butzen {v}
:: alternative form of putzen
Butzen {m}
:: apple core
Butzen {m}
:: bulging, thickening in glass
bützen {v}
:: to kiss (most often in the context of Rhenish carnival)
Buvette {f}
:: small outdoor bar
Bux {f}
:: alternative form of Buxe
Buxe {f}
:: trousers (UK); pants (US)
Buxtehude {prop} {n}
:: Buxtehude (city)
Buxtehude {prop} {n}
:: placeholder for a remote, distant, or boring place
BVG {prop}
:: initialism of Bundesversorgungsgesetz
BVG {prop}
:: initialism of Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft
BVG {prop}
:: initialism of Berufliche Vorsorge-Gesetz
BWL {f}
:: initialism of Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Bypass {m}
:: bypass
Byte {n}
:: A byte, small binary data unit
byzantinisch {adj}
:: Byzantine (of or pertaining to Byzantium)
byzantinistisch {adj}
:: Byzantine
Byzanz {prop} {n}
:: Byzantium; Byzantine Empire
bzgl. {prep}
:: abbreviation of bezüglich
bzw. {adv}
:: or; also
bzw. {adv}
:: or rather; more precisely; i.e.
bzw. {adv}
:: and…respectively