-'s {suffix}
:: Used to form the genitive of proper names
-'s {suffix}
:: Used to form the genitive of proper names under certain circumstances
-s- {interfix}
:: Genitival interfix used to link elements in some compounds
-s {suffix}
:: Used to form the genitive singular of most masculine nouns, neuter nouns, and proper nouns of all genders
-s {suffix}
:: used to form nouns from verb stems
-s {suffix}
:: Used to form the plurals of some nouns
-s {suffix}
:: Used to form the plurals of personal names, particularly family names
's {art}
:: contraction of das
's {pron}
:: contraction of es
s. {v}
:: abbreviation of siehe ("see ")
S. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Seite
S. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Süden
S {letter}
:: letter: es
S {noun}
:: abbreviation of Süd ; south
Sa. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Samstag , abbreviation of Sonnabend
Saal {m}
:: hall or large room
Saale {prop} {f}
:: Saale (river)
Saalkirche {f}
:: aisleless church , single -nave church which consists of a single room which is not divided into aisles by columns
Saanenziege {f}
:: Saanen goat
Saar {prop} {f}
:: Saar (river in France and Germany)
Saarbrücken {prop} {n}
:: Saarbrücken , the capital of Saarland
Saarland {prop} {n}
:: Saarland
saarländisch {adj}
:: Saarland (attributive)
Saat {f}
:: seed
Saat {f}
:: sowing
Saat {f}
:: crop
Saatbank {f}
:: seed bank , a place that stores seeds of various plants for long-time preservation
Saatkartoffel {f}
:: seed potato
Saatkorn {n}
:: seed corn
Saatkrähe {f}
:: rook (bird)
Saat-Wucherblume {f}
:: corn marigold , corn daisy (Glebionis segetum , syn. Chrysanthemum segetum )
Sabbat {m}
:: the Sabbath
Sabbat {m}
:: Sunday
Sabbatjahr {n}
:: sabbatical (year )
Sabbattag {m}
:: sabbath
sabbeln {v}
:: jabber , gab , rattle on , rabbit on (to talk a lot and quickly, or to talk nonsense)
sabbern {v}
:: to drivel , to drool
Säbel {m}
:: sabre
säbelbeinig {adj}
:: bow-legged
säbelförmig {adj}
:: sabrelike
Säbelrasseln {n}
:: sabre-rattling
Säbelschnäbler {m}
:: avocet (bird in the family Recurvirostridae )
Säbelschnäbler {m}
:: pied avocet (bird of the species Recurvirostra avosetta )
Säbelzahntiger {m}
:: sabre-toothed tiger
S-Abf {noun}
:: SysRq
Sabina {prop}
:: given name, a less popular form of Sabine
Sabine {prop}
:: given name
Sabotage {f}
:: sabotage
sabotieren {v}
:: to sabotage
Sabrina {prop}
:: given name borrowed from English, popular from the 1970s to the 1990s
Saccharid {n}
:: saccharide
Sacha {prop} {n}
:: Sakha
Sachalin {prop} {n}
:: Sakhalin (Russian island)
Sacharja {prop}
:: Zechariah
Sachbegriff {m}
:: subject heading
sachbezogen {adj}
:: relevant , pertinent
Sachbuch {n}
:: non-fiction (book )
sachdienlich {adj}
:: pertinent , relevant , helpful
Sache {f}
:: affair
Sache {f}
:: thing , object
Sache {f}
:: thing : corporeal object
Sache {f}
:: cause , action
Sache {f}
:: subject , matter , business
Sache {f}
:: kilometers per hour
Sachertorte {f}
:: Sacher torte (specific type of chocolate torte)
Sachet {n}
:: sachet (scented cloth bag)
Sachet {n}
:: sachet (sealed packet containing a single-use quantity of any material)
sachgemäß {adj}
:: adequate , proper
sachgerecht {adj}
:: proper , appropriate
Sachkenntnis {f}
:: expert knowledge
sachlich {adj}
:: objective , factual
sachlich {adv}
:: objectively , factually
sächlich {adj}
:: neuter
Sachlichkeit {f}
:: objectivity , factuality
Sachliteratur {f}
:: nonfiction
Sachschaden {m}
:: material damage
Sachse {m}
:: Saxon a person from Saxony
Sachse {m}
:: Saxon a member of the medieval tribe which Roman authors called Saxones
sächseln {v}
:: to speak or sound sächsisch (like one is from Saxony)
Sachsen {prop} {n}
:: Saxony
Sachsen-Anhalt {prop} {n}
:: Saxony-Anhalt
sachsen-anhaltinisch {adj}
:: Saxony-Anhalt (attributive)
sachsen-anhaltisch {adj}
:: synonym of sachsen-anhaltinisch
Sächsin {f}
:: Saxon (female) (a person from Saxony )
Sächsin {f}
:: Saxon (female) (a member of the medieval tribe which Roman authors called Saxones )
sächsisch {adj}
:: Saxon (of Saxons, Saxony or Saxon language)
Sächsisch {prop} {n}
:: Saxon , the language of the Saxons
sacht {adj}
:: gentle , soft
sacht {adv}
:: gently
sachte {adj}
:: alternative form of sacht
sachte {adv}
:: alternative form of sacht
Sachtler {prop}
:: surname
Sachverhalt {m}
:: circumstance , factual findings
Sachverstand {m}
:: expertise
sachverständig {adj}
:: expert
Sachverständige {f}
:: expert
Sachverständiger {m}
:: expert
Sachwalter {m}
:: advocate
Sachwalter {m}
:: custodian
Sack {m}
:: a sack ; a large bag (especially made of fabric )
Sack {m}
:: the sack ; short for Hodensack
Sack {m}
:: prick ; sod ; derogatory word for a man
sackartig {adj}
:: baggy
Säckchen {n}
:: Diminutive of Sack
sacken {v}
:: to bag
sacken {v}
:: to sink
Sackerl {n}
:: diminutive of Sack ; a little bag , shopping bag
sackförmig {adj}
:: saccular
Sackgasse {f}
:: dead-end street ; cul-de-sac
Sackgasse {f}
:: dead end (something that does not lead one to the intended result)
Sackgasse {f}
:: impasse (stagnation that one can only overcome by fundamentally changing one’s approach)
Sackgasse {f}
:: stalemate ; deadlock (stagnation that is due to an inability or unwillingness to reach a compromise)
Sackgesicht {n}
:: dickhead
Sackhüpfen {n}
:: sack race
Sackkarre {f}
:: hand truck
sackleinen {adj}
:: hessian
Sackratte {f}
:: crab louse
Sackratte {f}
:: man
Sadismus {m}
:: sadism
Sadist {m}
:: sadist
sadistisch {adj}
:: sadistic
Sadowski {prop} {mf}
:: surname
säen {vti}
:: to sow
Saenger {prop}
:: alternative form of Sänger
Säer {m}
:: agent noun of säen ; sower , seeder
Safari {f}
:: a safari
Safe {m} {n}
:: safe
Safflorit {n}
:: safflorite
Safran {m}
:: saffron
Saft {m}
:: juice
Saft {m}
:: sap
Saft {m}
:: fluid
Saft {m}
:: power ; electricity
Saft {m}
:: agility ; vitality ; power
Saft {m}
:: sperm
saften {vi}
:: to make juice
saften {vi}
:: to exude juice or another liquid
saften {vi}
:: to be or become full of sap
saften {vi}
:: to make inappropriate comments
saftig {adj}
:: juicy
saftiger {adj}
:: comparative of saftig
saftigsten {adj}
:: superlative of saftig
Saftpresse {f}
:: juicer
Sage {f}
:: saga , legend , myth , story , tale
Säge {f}
:: saw
Sägeblatt {n}
:: saw blade
sägeförmig {adj}
:: sawlike , serrated
Sägemehl {n}
:: sawdust
Sägemesser {n}
:: serrated knife
sagen {vt}
:: to say (to pronounce; communicate verbally)
sagen {vt}
:: to tell (to inform (someone) verbally)
sagen {vt}
:: to mean (to convey or signify)
sagen {v}
:: to speak up
sägen {vt}
:: to saw
sagenhaft {adj}
:: legendary , mythical : of or pertaining to a legend (myth ) or saga
sagenhaft {adj}
:: mythical : known only (or chiefly) through stories (and hence perhaps of dubious reality)
sagenhaft {adj}
:: incredibly large or great
sagenhaft {adj}
:: fabulous , terrific , awesome , incredible
sagenumwoben {adj}
:: legendary (myth-enshrouded)
Sager {m}
:: sayer
Sager {m}
:: remark ; comment
sägerau {adj}
:: roughly sawn
Sägespan {m}
:: woodshaving
sage und schreibe {phrase}
:: believe it or not
Sägewerk {n}
:: sawmill
Sägezahn {m}
:: saw tooth
sagittal {adj}
:: sagittal
sags {contraction}
:: contraction of sage es or sag es
sag schnell {phrase}
:: used to indicate that one is missing a word and to invite the collocutor to fill it in
sagts {contraction}
:: contraction of sagt es
Sahara {prop} {f}
:: Sahara (desert)
Sahel {prop} {m}
:: Sahel
Sahelzone {prop} {f}
:: Sahel
Sahne {f}
:: cream (milkfat)
Sahnebutter {f}
:: creamery butter
Sahnehäubchen {n}
:: icing on the cake
Sahnehaube {f}
:: cream topping
Sahnekännchen {n}
:: creamer (jug for holding cream)
sahnig {adj}
:: creamy
Saibling {m}
:: char (fish of the genus Salvelinus )
Saison {f}
:: season
saisonal {adj}
:: seasonal
Saite {f}
:: string (of a musical stringed instrument)
Saiteninstrument {n}
:: string instrument
Saitenspiel {n}
:: string music
Saitenspiel {n}
:: string instrument
Saitenspiel {n}
:: human emotions and feelings
Sake {m}
:: sake , saké
Sakko {n} {m}
:: sportcoat ; sports coat ; sports jacket
sakral {adj}
:: sacred , holy
sakral {adj}
:: sacral
sakralisieren {v}
:: to sacralize
Sakrament {n}
:: sacrament
Sakrileg {n}
:: sacrilege
Sakrilegium {n}
:: sacrilege
Sakristei {f}
:: sacristy (room in a church where sacred vessels, books, vestments, etc. are kept)
sakrosankt {adj}
:: sacrosanct
säkular {adj}
:: secular
Säkularismus {m}
:: secularism
säkularistisch {adj}
:: secularistic
-sal {suffix}
:: alternative form of -sel
Salafismus {m}
:: Salafism
Salafist {m}
:: Salafi , Salafist
salafistisch {adj}
:: Salafistic
Salamander {m}
:: salamander
Salami {f}
:: salami
Salamitaktik {f}
:: salami tactics , salami technique
Salär {n}
:: salary
Salat {m}
:: salad (mixed, usually cold dish)
Salat {m}
:: lettuce and related leaf vegetables
Salat {f} {n}
:: obligatory prayer ; salat
Salatbar {f}
:: salad bar
Salatbesteck {n}
:: salad servers
Salätchen {n}
:: diminutive of Salat
Salatgabel {f}
:: salad fork
Salatlöffel {m}
:: salad spoon
Salatmesser {n}
:: lettuce knife , salad knife
Salatschleuder {f}
:: salad spinner
Salatteller {m}
:: salad plate
Salbe {f}
:: ointment , salve
Salbei {m}
:: sage , salvia
salben {v}
:: to salve
salben {v}
:: to anoint
Salbung {f}
:: anointment
saldieren {v}
:: to determine an account balance
saldieren {v}
:: to settle , pay off
saldieren {v}
:: to confirm an invoice payment
Saldo {m}
:: balance (list of credits and debits)
Saldo {m}
:: bottom line (final balance)
Salem {prop} {n}
:: Salem (town)
Salem {prop} {n}
:: Salem (town)
Salerno {prop}
:: Salerno (city/and/province)
Salicylsäure {f}
:: salicylic acid
Saline {f}
:: salt pan (salt evaporation pond)
Sallat {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Salat
Sallingberg {prop} {n}
:: Sallingberg (municipality)
Salm {m}
:: salmon
Salmonelle {f}
:: salmonella
Salmonellose {f}
:: salmonellosis
Salome {prop} {f}
:: given name
Salomo {prop} {m}
:: Solomon (Biblical figure)
Salomonen {prop} {p}
:: Solomon Islands
Salomonenralle {f}
:: Woodford's rail
salomonisch {adj}
:: Solomonic (relating to Solomon)
salomonisch {adj}
:: Solomonic (of or from the Solomon Isles)
Salon {m}
:: lounge
Salon {m}
:: salon
Salon {m}
:: saloon
Salon {m}
:: living room
salonfähig {adj}
:: socially acceptable ; presentable
salopp {adj}
:: casual
salopp {adj}
:: sloppy
Salpeter {m}
:: niter , saltpeter ; nitre , saltpetre
Salpetererde {f}
:: nitrous earth
salpeterhaltig {adj}
:: nitrous (containing saltpeter or similar nitrate salts)
Salpetersäure {f}
:: nitric acid
Salpetersäureherstellung {f}
:: nitric acid production
salpetrig {adj}
:: nitrous
Salto {m}
:: somersault
Salurn {prop} {n}
:: Salurn (municipality)
Salut {m}
:: salute
salutieren {v}
:: to salute (make a gesture in honor of someone or something)
Salvadorianer {m}
:: Salvadorian
salvadorianisch {adj}
:: Salvadoran
Salvarsan {n}
:: salvarsan
Salve {f}
:: salvo
Salz {n}
:: salt , table salt
Salz {n}
:: salt , sal
salzarm {adj}
:: low -salt
salzartig {adj}
:: saltlike
salzartig {adj}
:: saline
Salzbergwerk {n}
:: salt mine
Salzbildung {f}
:: salt formation (reaction of an acid and a base)
Salzburg {prop}
:: Salzburg (city)
Salzburg {prop}
:: Salzburg (state)
salzburgerisch {adj}
:: alternative form of salzburgisch
salzburgisch {adj}
:: Salzburgian
Salz der Erde {n}
:: salt of the earth
salzen {vt}
:: to salt (something) for flavor; to season
salzen {vt}
:: to preserve (something) with salt
Salzfässchen {n}
:: saltcellar
salzfrei {adj}
:: saltfree
Salzgestein {n}
:: halite
Salzgitter {prop}
:: Salzgitter (independent city)
Salzgletscher {m}
:: salt glacier
Salzgurke {f}
:: (salted) gherkin (small cucumber)
salzhaltig {adj}
:: saline
salzhaltiger {adj}
:: comparative of salzhaltig
salzhaltigsten {adj}
:: superlative of salzhaltig
Salzhausen {prop}
:: Salzhausen (small town)
salzig {adj}
:: briny , salty
Salz in die Wunde streuen {v}
:: to rub salt in the wound
Salzkorn {n}
:: grain of salt
Salzkörnchen {n}
:: diminutive of Salzkorn
Salzlagerstätte {f}
:: salt deposit
Salzlake {f}
:: brine (for pickling food)
Salzlauge {f}
:: brine
Salzlöffel {m}
:: saltspoon
salzlos {adj}
:: saltless , saltfree
Salzlösung {f}
:: saline solution
Salzmine {f}
:: salt mine
Salzsäure {f}
:: hydrochloric acid
Salzschmelze {f}
:: molten salt (as used in electrolytic production of metals)
Salzsee {m}
:: salt lake
Salzsole {f}
:: brine
Salzstange {f}
:: pretzel stick
Salzstock {m}
:: salt dome
Salzstreuer {m}
:: salt shaker
Salzteig {m}
:: salt dough (a doughlike paste used to create three-dimensional relief maps )
salztolerant {adj}
:: salt -tolerant
Salzwasser {n}
:: salt water
Salzwasserfisch {m}
:: saltwater fish
Salzwiese {f}
:: salt marsh
-sam {suffix}
:: Used to form adjectives from verbs, nouns, and other adjectives; expressing similarity or the possession of a quality
-sam {suffix}
:: Used to form adjectives from verbs; expressing the ability to undergo some action
Sämann {m}
:: sower
Samantha {prop}
:: given name
Samarien {prop} {n}
:: Samaria
Samariter {m}
:: Good Samaritan (kind stranger)
Samariter {m}
:: paramedic
Samarium {n}
:: samarium
Samarkand {prop} {n}
:: Samarkand (city)
Samarskit {m}
:: samarskite
Samba {m}
:: samba (Latin-American (Brazilian) dance)
Sambatänzer {m}
:: samba dancer
Sambatänzerin {f}
:: female samba dancer
Sambia {prop} {n}
:: Sambia (country)
sambisch {adj}
:: Zambian
Same {m}
:: Sami man
Same {m}
:: alternative form of Samen
Samen {m}
:: seed , grain
Samen {m}
:: semen , sperm
Samen {m}
:: offspring
Samenbank {f}
:: sperm bank (place that stores sperm used for artificial insemination )
Samenerguss {m}
:: ejaculation (ejection of semen through the urethra)
Samenspender {m}
:: sperm donor
sämig {adj}
:: viscous as a result of cooking or the addition of flour or a similar thickening agent
sämiger {adj}
:: comparative of sämig
sämigsten {adj}
:: superlative of sämig
samisch {adj}
:: Sami
Samland {prop} {n}
:: Samland
Sämling {m}
:: seedling
Sammelbegriff {m}
:: collective noun
Sammelklage {f}
:: class action
sammeln {vt}
:: to gather ; to assemble ; to collect
sammeln {vr}
:: to congregate ; to assemble ; to meet
sammeln {vi}
:: to collect money
Sammeln {n}
:: collecting
Sammelname {m}
:: collective noun
sammelnd {adj}
:: collecting
Sammelsurium {n}
:: hodgepodge
Sammelwut {f}
:: collecting mania
Sammelzahlwort {n}
:: collective number
Sammet {n}
:: archaic form of Samt
Sammler {m}
:: agent noun of sammeln
Sammler {m}
:: collector
Sammler {m}
:: gatherer
Sammlerin {f}
:: feminine noun of Sammler
Sammlung {f}
:: collection
Sammlung {f}
:: raising
Sammlung {f}
:: gathering
Sammlung {f}
:: contemplation , concentration , composure
sammt {prep}
:: obsolete spelling of samt
Samoa {prop} {n}
:: Samoa
Samoaner {m}
:: Samoan (person)
Samoanerin {f}
:: female Samoan
samoanisch {adj}
:: Samoan
Samothrazien {prop} {n}
:: Samothrace
Samowar {m}
:: samovar
Samstag {m}
:: Saturday
Samstagabend {m}
:: Saturday evening
samstäglich {adj}
:: weekly on a Saturday
Samstagmittag {m}
:: Saturday noon
Samstagmorgen {m}
:: Saturday morning
Samstagnachmittag {m}
:: Saturday afternoon
samstags {adv}
:: every Saturday , on Saturdays
Samstagvormittag {m}
:: Saturday morning (time before noon)
Samsung {prop} {n}
:: Samsung (company)
Samsung {mf} {n}
:: Samsung (device produced by that company)
samt {prep}
:: together with
samt {adv}
:: only in samt und sonders
Samt {m}
:: velvet
Samtdecke {f}
:: velvet blanket , velvet cover
samten {adj}
:: velvet
Samtente {f}
:: velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca )
Samtgemeinde {f}
:: joint municipal association (an administrative division in Lower Saxony)
Samthandschuh {m}
:: velvet glove
samtig {adj}
:: velvety
sämtlich {adj}
:: all
sämtlich {adj}
:: complete
samt und sonders {adv}
:: the whole lot , each and every
samtweich {adj}
:: velvety (soft as velvet)
Samuel {prop}
:: Samuel (biblical figure)
Samuel {prop}
:: given name
Samurai {m}
:: samurai
san. {adj}
:: abbreviation of saniert
Sanatorium {n}
:: sanatorium , sanitorium , sanitarium
Sand {m}
:: sand (particles of rock)
Sandale {f}
:: sandal
Sandbank {f}
:: sandbank , shoal
Sandberg {m}
:: mountain of sand
Sandboden {m}
:: sandy ground
Sandbox {f}
:: sandbox
Sandburg {f}
:: sandcastle
Sanddorn {m}
:: sea buckthorn (shrub of the genus Hippophae )
Sanddorn {m}
:: sandthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
Sander {m}
:: sandur (outwash plain)
Sanderling {m}
:: sanderling (a small wading bird , Calidris alba )
sandfarben {adj}
:: sandy (color)
Sandfloh {m}
:: sandflea
Sandguss {m}
:: sand casting
sandig {adj}
:: sandy (covered with sand)
Sandkasten {m}
:: sandbox
Sandkatze {f}
:: sand cat
Sandkiste {f}
:: sandbox
Sandkorn {n}
:: grain of sand
Sandler {m}
:: A loser , a good-for-nothing
Sandler {m}
:: A vagrant , a tramp
Sandmann {m}
:: sandman
Sandmännchen {n}
:: diminutive of Sandmann
Sandpapier {n}
:: sandpaper
Sandra {prop}
:: given name
Sandro {prop}
:: given name, borrowed from the Italian pet form of Alessandro ( =Alexander )
Sandrocottus {prop} {m}
:: Chandragupta Maurya, the first Mauryan emperor reigning 321—297 BCE
Sandsack {m}
:: sandbag
Sandschicht {f}
:: sand layer , layer of sand
Sandstein {m}
:: sandstone
Sandstrand {m}
:: sand beach , sandy beach
Sandsturm {m}
:: sandstorm
Sanduhr {f}
:: hourglass , sandglass
Sandwich {n} {m}
:: sandwich (snack)
Sandwichtoaster {m}
:: pie iron
Sandwichverbindung {f}
:: sandwich compound
sanft {adj}
:: gentle
Sänfte {f}
:: softness
Sänfte {f}
:: litter
Sanftmut {f}
:: gentleness , meekness
sanftmütig {adj}
:: gentle , meek
Sang {m}
:: song , chant
Sänger {m}
:: agent noun of singen ; singer (person who sings, often regularly or professionally)
Sänger {m}
:: singer (male or of unspecified sex)
Sänger {prop}
:: surname
Sängerfest {n}
:: singing festival , song festival
Sangerhausen {prop}
:: Sangerhausen (town)
Sängerin {f}
:: singer (female), singeress , songstress
Sangria {mf}
:: sangria (alcoholic drink)
sanguinisch {adj}
:: sanguineous
sang- und klanglos {adj}
:: quietly , without any commotion
Sani {m}
:: Short for Sanitäter
sanieren {v}
:: to redevelop
sanieren {v}
:: to reconstruct
sanieren {v}
:: to rehabilitate
sanieren {v}
:: to cure
saniert {adj}
:: renovated , reconstructed , rehabilitated , redeveloped
Sanierung {f}
:: renovation , redevelopment , refurbishment
Sanierung {f}
:: rehabilitation , remediation (ecology )
Sanität {f}
:: military health care ; medical corps
Sanität {f}
:: ambulance
Sanitäter {m}
:: medic , ambulanceman , paramedic , EMT (male or of unspecified sex)
Sanitäterin {f}
:: medic , ambulancewoman , paramedic , EMT (female)
Sanitätsartikel {m}
:: medical supplies
Sanitätsauto {n}
:: ambulance
Sanitätsdienst {m}
:: medical corps
Sanitätsfahrzeug {n}
:: ambulance
Sanitätsoffizier {m}
:: medical officer
Sanitätstruppe {f}
:: medical corps
Sanitätswagen {m}
:: ambulance
Sanitätswesen {n}
:: medical service corps
Sanka {m}
:: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
Sankra {m}
:: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
Sankt {adj}
:: Saint : title given to a saint
Sanktion {f}
:: sanction , punishment
sanktionieren {v}
:: to give official approval to; to sanction
sanktionieren {v}
:: to penalize with sanctions; to sanction
Sankt Petersburg {prop} {n}
:: Sankt Petersburg (federal city)
San-Marinese {m}
:: person from San Marino ; San Marinese
san-marinesisch {adj}
:: San Marinese
San Marino {prop} {n}
:: San Marino (microstate)
San Marino {prop} {n}
:: San Marino (capital city)
Sanskrit {n}
:: The Sanskrit language
sanskritisch {adj}
:: Sanskrit
santomeisch {adj}
:: São Toméan
são-toméisch {adj}
:: synonym of santomeisch
São Tomé und Príncipe {prop} {n}
:: São Tomé and Príncipe
Saphir {m}
:: sapphire
saphirblau {adj}
:: sapphire (blue in colour)
saphiren {adj}
:: sapphire (attributive)
sapperlot {interj}
:: zounds !, swounds !, 'sdeath !, my word !
sapperlot {interj}
:: golly !, zowie !, goodness gracious !, good heavens !, gee whiz !, blast !, doggone !
sapphisch {adj}
:: Sapphic
sapphisch {adj}
:: sapphic
Sara {prop}
:: Sarah
Sara {prop}
:: given name, often also spelled Sarah
Sarabande {f}
:: sarabande
Sarah {prop} {f}
:: Sarah
Sarah {prop} {f}
:: given name
Saraiki {prop} {n}
:: Saraiki
Sarajevo {prop} {n}
:: Sarajevo (capital city)
Sarajevo {prop} {n}
:: Sarajevo (canton)
Sarajewo {prop} {n}
:: Sarajewo (capital city)
sarazenisch {adj}
:: Saracenic
Sarde {m}
:: Sardinian (man from Sardinia)
Sardelle {f}
:: anchovy
Sardelle {f}
:: combover
Sardin {f}
:: Sardinian (woman from Sardinia)
Sardine {f}
:: sardine
Sardinien {prop} {n}
:: Sardinien (region)
sardinisch {adj}
:: Sardinian
sardisch {adj}
:: Sardinian (related to Sardinia, the Sardinians or their language)
Sardisch {n}
:: Sardinian (the Sardinian language)
sardonisch {adj}
:: sardonic
Sardonyx {m}
:: sardonyx
Sarg {m}
:: coffin
Sargnagel {m}
:: nail in the coffin
Sarin {n}
:: sarin (neurotoxin)
Sarkasmus {m}
:: sarcasm
sarkastisch {adj}
:: sarcastic
Sarkophag {m}
:: sarcophagus
Sarleinsbach {prop} {n}
:: Sarleinsbach (municipality)
sasanidisch {adj}
:: Sassanian
Sascha {prop}
:: given name
Sashimi {n}
:: sashimi
Saskia {prop}
:: given name borrowed from Dutch in the 20th century
sassanidisch {adj}
:: alternative form of sasanidisch
Sasse {m}
:: inhabitant , owner or occupant of an abode
Sasse {f}
:: a low burrow in which hares rest and hide themselves
Satan {m}
:: Satan , the Devil
Satan {m}
:: a satan , a devil
Satanas {m}
:: alternative form of Satan
satanisch {adj}
:: satanic
Satanismus {m}
:: satanism
Satanist {m}
:: Satanist
Satansbraten {m}
:: rascal , brat , little devil
Satellit {m}
:: satellite
Saterfriesisch {prop} {n}
:: the Saterland Frisian language
sathmarschwäbisch {adj}
:: Sathmar Swabian
Satin {m}
:: satin
Satire {f}
:: satire
satirisch {adj}
:: satiric , satirical
Satis {prop} {f}
:: Satis
Satisfaktion {f}
:: satisfaction (vindication for a wrong suffered)
satisfaktionsfähig {adj}
:: acceptable as opponent in a duel
satisfaktionsfähig {adj}
:: on a par (evenly matched)
satisfaktionsfähigsten {adj}
:: superlative of satisfaktionsfähig
Satrap {m}
:: satrap (governor of a province in Ancient Persia )
satt {adj}
:: not hungry, satiated
satt {adj}
:: not willing to eat more food, full , done
satt {adj}
:: fed up
satt {adj}
:: full , ample
Satteins {prop} {n}
:: Satteins (municipality)
Sattel {m}
:: saddle
Sattelgurt {m}
:: girth , saddle girth , cinch
Sattelmacher {m}
:: saddler , saddlemaker
satteln {v}
:: to saddle
Sattelpunkt {m}
:: saddle point
Satteltasche {f}
:: saddlebag
satthaben {v}
:: to be sick /tired of
sättigen {v}
:: to satisfy , to gorge , to satiate
sättigen {v}
:: to saturate
Sättigung {f}
:: satiation
Sättigung {f}
:: colorfulness (perceived intensity of a specific color)
Sättigungsbeilage {f}
:: a starchy side dish , such as potatoes , noodles , or rice
Sättigungsdampfdruck {m}
:: saturation vapour pressure
Sattledt {prop} {n}
:: Sattledt (municipality)
Sattler {m}
:: saddler , saddlemaker
Saturn {prop} {m}
:: Saturn , a planet in the Solar System
Saturn {prop} {m}
:: Saturn , a Roman god
Satyr {m}
:: a satyr (half-man and half-goat being)
Satyr {m}
:: a very lecherous man
Satz {m}
:: sentence
Satz {m}
:: proposition , theorem
Satz {m}
:: set (matching collection of similar things)
Satz {m}
:: movement
Satz {m}
:: set
Satz {m}
:: jump , leap
Satz {m}
:: sediment , grounds (something that has precipitated from a liquid)
Satz {m}
:: typeset
Satzanfang {m}
:: beginning of a sentence
Satzaussage {f}
:: predicate
Satzbau {m}
:: syntax
Satzbauplan {m}
:: sentence structure
Satzbruch {m}
:: anacoluthon
Satz des Pythagoras {m}
:: Pythagorean theorem
Satz des Thales {m}
:: Thales's theorem
Satzende {n}
:: ending of a sentence
Satzgegenstand {m}
:: subject
satzinitial {adj}
:: at the beginning of a sentence
Satzlehre {m}
:: syntax
Satzlehre {m}
:: the rules of harmony and counterpoint
Satzmitte {f}
:: middle of a sentence
Satzung {f}
:: statute , bylaw , charter , a body of legal provisions defined by a corporation for itself
satzwertig {adj}
:: sentential
Satzzeichen {n}
:: punctuation mark
sau- {prefix}
:: Intensifies nouns and adjectives
sau- {prefix}
:: Creates disparaging or pejorative forms of nouns
Sau {f}
:: pig (male or female)
Sau {f}
:: sow , female pig
Sau {f}
:: a dislikable or unethical person
Saubär {m}
:: boar
sauber {adj}
:: clean
sauber {adj}
:: neat , tidy
sauber {adj}
:: pretty , cute
Sauber {prop}
:: surname
Sauberfrau {f}
:: feminine noun of Saubermann
Sauberfrau {f}
:: cleaning lady
Sauberkeit {f}
:: cleanliness
säuberlich {adj}
:: neat and tidy
saubermachen {v}
:: to clean
Saubermann {m}
:: "Mr. Clean " (Someone with a squeaky clean image or who cares about public morality.)
säubern {v}
:: to clean , to cleanse
Säuberung {f}
:: purge , cleansing
saubillig {adj}
:: dirt cheap
Saubohne {f}
:: broad bean
Sauce {f}
:: synonym of Soße
Sauce hollandaise {f}
:: hollandaise sauce
Saudi-Araber {m}
:: Saudi Arabian (person from Saudi Arabia)
Saudi-Araberin {f}
:: female Saudi Arabian
Saudi-Arabien {prop} {n}
:: Saudi Arabia
saudi-arabisch {adj}
:: Saudi Arabian (pertaining to Saudi Arabia)
saudisch {adj}
:: Saudi , Saudi Arabian
sauer {adj}
:: sour ; acid ; acidic
sauer {adj}
:: upset ; annoyed ; angry
sauer {adj}
:: unpleasant
Sauerampfer {m}
:: sorrel (plant)
Sauerbraten {m}
:: sauerbraten
Sauerei {f}
:: synonym of Schweinerei
Sauerkirsche {f}
:: sour cherry , Prunus cerasus
Sauerkraut {n}
:: sauerkraut
Sauerland {prop} {n}
:: A hilly region in Westfalen , Germany
säuerlich {adj}
:: sourish
Sauerstoff {m}
:: oxygen
sauerstoffangereichert {adj}
:: oxygenated (oxygen enriched)
Sauerstoffanreicherung {f}
:: oxygenation (oxygen enrichment)
Sauerstoffanteil {m}
:: oxygen content
sauerstoffarm {adj}
:: anaerobic (having little oxygen)
Sauerstoffatom {n}
:: oxygen atom
Sauerstoffbar {f}
:: oxygen bar
Sauerstoffdifluorid {n}
:: oxygen difluoride
Sauerstoffdruck {m}
:: oxygen pressure
Sauerstoffflasche {f}
:: oxygen flask ; oxygen bottle ; oxygen tank
sauerstofffrei {adj}
:: oxygen -free
sauerstofffrei {adj}
:: anaerobic
Sauerstoffgehalt {m}
:: oxygen content
sauerstoffhaltig {adj}
:: oxygen -containing
Sauerstoffion {n}
:: oxygen ion
Sauerstoffisotop {n}
:: oxygen isotope
Sauerstoffkonzentration {f}
:: oxygen concentration
Sauerstoffkreislauf {m}
:: oxygen cycle
Sauerstofflanze {f}
:: oxygen lance
Sauerstofflasche {noun}
:: obsolete spelling of Sauerstoffflasche
Sauerstoffmangel {m}
:: hypoxia
Sauerstoffmangel {m}
:: anoxia
Sauerstoffmaske {f}
:: oxygen mask
Sauerstoffpartialdruck {m}
:: oxygen partial pressure
sauerstoffproduzierend {adj}
:: oxygen -producing
sauerstoffreich {adj}
:: oxygenated , oxygen -rich
Sauerstoffsäure {f}
:: oxyacid
Sauerstoffspur {f}
:: trace of oxygen
sauerstofftransportierend {adj}
:: oxygen -transporting
Sauerstoffverbindung {f}
:: oxygen compound
Sauerstoffversorgung {f}
:: oxygen supply
Sauerstoffzufuhr {f}
:: oxygen supply
Sauerteig {m}
:: sourdough
sauertöpfisch {adj}
:: grumpy , disgruntled
Säuerung {f}
:: acidification
saufen {vti}
:: to drink
saufen {vti}
:: to drink , especially in large quantities; to quaff ; to swig
saufen {vi}
:: to booze ; to consume alcohol excessively (in terms of quantity or frequency)
Säufer {m}
:: heavy drinker , boozer , alcoholic
Saufgelage {n}
:: batter , binge (An event where people gather specifically with the intention of consuming large quantities of alcohol, sometimes to the point of poisoning.)
saugefährlich {adj}
:: highly intensifier
saugen {vi}
:: to suck ; to create underpressure with a tube-like object such as one's mouth
saugen {vt}
:: to suck (something)
saugen {vt}
:: to download something
saugen {vt}
:: to vacuum
säugen {v}
:: to lactate
säugen {v}
:: to suckle , to give suck
Säuger {m}
:: mammal
Säugetier {n}
:: mammal
Saugfläche {f}
:: The labellum , the projecting mouthparts of a fly
Säugling {m}
:: baby , infant , newborn , suckling
Säuglingssterblichkeit {f}
:: infant mortality
Saugnapf {m}
:: suction cup
Saugroboter {m}
:: robovac
Saugrohr {n}
:: suction tube , sucker (pipe through which anything is drawn)
Saugrohr {n}
:: intake manifold
Saugwurm {m}
:: fluke (parasitic flatworm)
Sauhaufen {m}
:: mess
saukalt {adj}
:: very cold
Saukerl {m}
:: bastard
Säule {f}
:: column , pillar
Säulendiagramm {n}
:: bar chart , bar graph
säulenförmig {adj}
:: columnar
Säulenheiliger {m}
:: stylite
Säulenkopf {m}
:: capital (uppermost part of a column)
Saulus {prop}
:: Saul , the original name of Apostel Paul
Saum {m}
:: hem (sewn edge of a garment or cloth)
Saum {m}
:: edge
Saum {m}
:: burden of a pack animal
säumen {v}
:: To hem (put a hem on an article of clothing)
säumen {v}
:: To border ; to line ; to skirt
säumen {v}
:: To do something later than it could be done without a good reason
Saumfarn {m}
:: bracken (fern of genus Pteris )
säumig {adj}
:: belated (later in relation to the proper time)
säumig {adj}
:: careless
Säumnis {n} {f}
:: default
Säumnisgebühr {f}
:: late fee
saumselig {adj}
:: dilatory
saumselig {adj}
:: delinquent
Sauna {f}
:: sauna
saunen {vir}
:: to sauna (use a sauna)
saunieren {v}
:: to sauna
Säure {f}
:: acid
säurebeständig {adj}
:: acid-resistant
Säurebildner {m}
:: acidifier
säurefest {adj}
:: acid-resistant
säurefrei {adj}
:: acid-free
Sauregurkenzeit {f}
:: a period when there is little economic , political , and cultural activity, chiefly during the summer break; dog days
Sauregurkenzeit {f}
:: slow news day ; silly season
säurehaltig {adj}
:: acidic
Säurekonstante {f}
:: acid dissociation constant
säurelöslich {adj}
:: acid -soluble
saurer Regen {m}
:: acid rain (unusually acidic rain)
Säurestärke {f}
:: acid strength
Saurier {m}
:: saurian , reptile of the Sauria
Saurier {m}
:: dinosaur
Saus {m}
:: rush , noisy festivity
säuseln {v}
:: to rustle (to make a soft crackling sound)
säuseln {v}
:: to purr (to say something in a seductive manner)
sausen {v}
:: to rush
sausen {v}
:: to dash , to whizz
Sausewind {m}
:: strong wind
Saustall {m}
:: pigsty (shelter where pigs are kept)
Saustall {m}
:: pigsty (dirty or very untidy place)
Sautens {prop} {n}
:: Sautens (municipality)
sauteuer {adj}
:: very expensive
sautieren {v}
:: to sauté
Savanne {f}
:: savanna
Save {prop} {f}
:: Sava (river)
Save {prop} {f}
:: Save (river)
Save {prop} {m}
:: Save (river)
Sax. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Saxophon
Saxen {prop} {n}
:: Saxen (municipality)
Saxofon {n}
:: saxophone
Saxophon {n}
:: saxophone
Saxophonist {m}
:: saxophonist
Saxophonistin {f}
:: female saxophonist
SB {noun}
:: acronym of Selbstbedienung
S-Bahn {f}
:: suburban metro railway (usually overground), a fast local train
S-Bahn {f}
:: S-train
sbg. {adj}
:: abbreviation of siebenbürgisch
sbg.-sächs. {adj}
:: abbreviation of siebenbürgisch-sächsisch
S-Boot {n}
:: fast attack craft
Scandium {n}
:: scandium (a metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 21)
Scandiumbromid {n}
:: scandium bromide
Scandiumchlorid {n}
:: scandium chloride
Scandiumfluorid {n}
:: scandium fluoride
Scandiumgruppe {f}
:: scandium group
Scandiumiodid {n}
:: scandium iodide
Scandiumnitrat {n}
:: scandium nitrate
Scandiumoxid {n}
:: scandium oxide
Scandiumsulfat {n}
:: scandium sulfate
scannen {v}
:: to scan
Scanner {m}
:: scanner (device)
Scanner {m}
:: one who scans
-'sch {suffix}
:: A suffix attached to names to produce eponymous adjectives: -ean , -ian , 's
-sch {suffix}
:: A suffix attached to names to produce eponymous adjectives: -ean , -ian , 's
-sch {suffix}
:: A suffix attached to family names and other words identifying families or groups of people, to produce a female form, especially denoting a wife or mother
Schaan {prop}
:: The largest municipality in Liechtenstein
Schabbat {m}
:: Shabbat
Schabbath {m}
:: alternative spelling of Schabbat
Schabbes {m}
:: shabbes , shabbat
Schabe {f}
:: scabies
Schabe {f}
:: cockroach
schaben {vt}
:: to scrape ; to scratch ; to scour ; to chafe
schaben {vi}
:: to scrape
schaben {vr}
:: to scrape oneself; to scrub oneself
schaben {vr}
:: to shave oneself
Schabernack {m}
:: hoax , prank , shenanigans
schäbig {adj}
:: shabby , shoddy ; dilapidated
schäbig {adj}
:: sordid , sleazy , tawdry
schäbiger {adj}
:: comparative of schäbig
Schäbigkeit {f}
:: shabbiness ; unkemptness (the property of being shabby.)
Schäbigkeit {f}
:: meanness ; stinginess
schäbigsten {adj}
:: superlative of schäbig
Schablone {f}
:: template , pattern (a generic model from which other objects are based or derived)
schablonenhaft {adj}
:: like a template
schablonenhaft {adj}
:: stereotyped , clichéd
Schablonenmethode {f}
:: The template method
Schablonenmethode {f}
:: The template method pattern
Schabracke {f}
:: shabrack
Schabrackenschakal {m}
:: black-backed jackal
Schabrackentapir {m}
:: Asian tapir , Malayan tapir
Schach {n}
:: chess
Schach {n}
:: check ; a chess situation in which the king is directly threatened by enemy pieces
Schachbrett {n}
:: chessboard
Schachendorf {prop} {n}
:: Schachendorf (municipality)
Schacher {m}
:: haggling
Schacher {m}
:: horsetrading
schachern {v}
:: to haggle
Schachfigur {f}
:: chess piece (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess)
Schachfigur {f}
:: pawn
Schachgegner {m}
:: chess opponent
schachmatt {adj}
:: checkmated
schachmatt {interj}
:: checkmate (said when making the conclusive move in chess)
Schachmatt {n}
:: checkmate (said when making the conclusive move in chess)
Schachspiel {n}
:: chess
Schachspiel {n}
:: chess set
Schachspieler {m}
:: chess player
Schachspielerin {f}
:: female chess player
Schacht {m}
:: shaft , mineshaft (tunnel )
Schachtel {f}
:: A usually small square box , package or case
Schächtelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schachtel
Schachtelhalm {m}
:: horsetail (plant)
schachteln {vt}
:: to nest
Schachtelsatz {m}
:: complex multi-clause sentence
schächten {v}
:: to slaughter
Schachtofen {m}
:: shaft furnace
Schachuhr {f}
:: chess clock
Schachweltmeister {m}
:: world chess champion
Schachzug {m}
:: move
Schachzug {m}
:: move , strategem
schad {adj}
:: alternative form of schade
Schadchan {m}
:: alternative form of Schadchen
Schadchen {m} {n}
:: shadchen (Jewish marriage broker)
schade {adj}
:: a pity ; bummer ; unfortunate ; disappointing
schade {adj}
:: too good to waste
Schade {m}
:: alternative form of Schaden
Schädel {m}
:: skull
Schädel {m}
:: a headache , particularly one due to excessive drinking
Schädelbruch {m}
:: skull fracture
Schädeldecke {f}
:: skullcap
Schädelknochen {m}
:: cranium (cranial bone)
schaden {vi}
:: to damage ; to harm ; to hurt
Schaden {m}
:: damage ; harm
Schaden {m}
:: mental problem
Schadenersatz {m}
:: damages
Schadenfreude {f}
:: malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune ; schadenfreude ; gloating
schadenfroh {adj}
:: gloating
schadenfroh {adj}
:: maliciously gleeful in the downfall of others (i.e. one's enemies)
Schadensersatz {m}
:: damages
schädigen {v}
:: to damage , harm , hurt , injure
schädigend {adj}
:: damaging
schädigend {adj}
:: harmful
Schädigung {f}
:: harm , injury , damage
schädlich {adj}
:: harmful
schädlicher {adj}
:: comparative of schädlich
Schädlichkeit {f}
:: harmfulness
schädlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of schädlich
Schädling {m}
:: pest
Schädlingsbekämpfung {f}
:: pest control
Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel {n}
:: pesticide , biocide
Schadsoftware {f}
:: malware
Schadstoff {m}
:: pollutant , contaminant
schadstoffarm {adj}
:: low -pollutant
schadstofffrei {adj}
:: pollutant -free
Schaefer {prop}
:: alternative form of Schäfer
Schaf {n}
:: sheep
Schäfchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schaf
Schafehüten {n}
:: sheepherding , sheep tending
Schäfer {m}
:: shepherd
Schäfer {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schäferhund {m}
:: German shepherd (dog breed)
Schäferin {f}
:: shepherdess
Schäfermatt {n}
:: scholar's mate
Schaff {n}
:: container , tub , barrel
Schaff {n}
:: cabinet
schaffen {vt}
:: to create ; to produce ; to make ; to cause ; to establish
schaffen {vt}
:: to manage , to cope with
schaffen {vt}
:: to finish smth. successfully; to succeed with; to accomplish , achieve
schaffen {vt}
:: to convey ; to carry ; to take
schaffen {vi}
:: to work ; to busy oneself
Schäffern {prop} {n}
:: Schäffern (municipality)
Schaffhausen {prop}
:: Schaffhausen (canton)
Schaffhausen {prop}
:: Schaffhausen (capital city)
Schaffleisch {n}
:: mutton (the flesh of sheep (used as food))
Schaffner {m}
:: conductor (of a bus, tram, train etc)
Schaffnerin {f}
:: a female conductor
schaffnerlos {adj}
:: (of a tram, bus etc ) that operates without a conductor
Schaffung {f}
:: creation , generation , establishment , origin
Schafgarbe {f}
:: yarrow (any of several pungent Eurasian herbs, of the genus Achillea)
Schafherde {f}
:: flock of sheep , herd of sheep
Schafhirt {m}
:: alternative form of Schafhirte
Schafhirte {m}
:: shepherd
Schafott {n}
:: scaffold (for executing people)
Schafsnase {f}
:: dope (stupid person)
Schafsnase {f}
:: A variety of apple
Schafszucht {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schafzucht
-schaft {suffix}
:: -ship , -hood
Schaft {m}
:: shaft (pole )
Schaftrift {f}
:: sheep pasture , sheepwalk , sheep-run
Schaftrift {f}
:: sheep track
Schafzucht {f}
:: sheep farming , sheep husbandry (the raising and breeding of domestic sheep)
Schah {m}
:: shah (king of Persia)
Schahinschah {m}
:: shahanshah (title of Persian rulers)
Schakal {m}
:: jackal
Schäker {m}
:: joker
Schäker {m}
:: flirter
schäkern {v}
:: to banter
schäkern {v}
:: to dally
schäkern {v}
:: to flirt
schal {adj}
:: stale , flat , insipid
Schal {m}
:: scarf
Schal {m}
:: shawl
Schalchen {prop} {n}
:: Schalchen (municipality)
Schälchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schale
Schale {f}
:: peel ; husk ; shell (outer layer)
Schale {f}
:: shell ; scallop
Schale {f}
:: hoof
Schale {f}
:: dish (shallow container)
Schale {f}
:: bowl ; cup (roughly hemispherical container)
schälen {vt}
:: to peel ; to pare ; to husk ; to skin
schälen {vr}
:: to peel off
schalenförmig {adj}
:: dished (in the shape of a dish)
Schalenmodell {n}
:: shell model (of atomic structure)
Schalentier {n}
:: crustacean
Schalentier {n}
:: shellfish
Schalenwild {n}
:: hoofed game
Schäler {m}
:: peeler
Schalk {m}
:: joker ; rogue
schalkhaft {adj}
:: mischievous , roguish
Schall {m}
:: sound
Schalldämpfer {m}
:: silencer
Schalldämpfer {m}
:: muffler (part of exhaust pipe)
schalldicht {adj}
:: soundproof
Schalldichte {f}
:: sound density
schallen {vi}
:: to sound, ring (out)
Schallgeschwindigkeit {f}
:: speed of sound
Schallplatte {f}
:: (vinyl ) record , gramophone record
Schallwelle {f}
:: sound wave
Schalmei {f}
:: shawm
Schalmei {f}
:: a member of the shawm family
Schalotte {f}
:: shallot
Schaltbild {n}
:: circuit diagram , schematic
schalten {v}
:: to switch
Schalter {m}
:: agent noun of schalten
Schalter {m}
:: switch (device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow)
Schalter {m}
:: information window , ticket window , box office (staffed cabin)
Schalter {m}
:: a counter in a train station , bank , state office , or similar place where a cabin as above would normally be found (even if it happens not to be one)
Schaltfläche {f}
:: button
Schalthebel {m}
:: switch lever
Schalthebel {m}
:: gear shift
Schaltjahr {n}
:: leap year
Schaltkreis {m}
:: electric circuit , integrated circuit ("integrierter Schaltkreis")
Schaltplan {m}
:: circuit diagram , schematic
Schaltpult {n}
:: (slanted ) control panel
Schaltsekunde {f}
:: leap second
Schalttafel {f}
:: control panel , switchboard
Schalttag {m}
:: leap day
Schaltung {f}
:: circuit (electrical)
Schaltung {f}
:: wiring
Schaltung {f}
:: gearshift , gear change
Schaltung {f}
:: switching
schaltungsintern {adj}
:: in-circuit
Schaltwerk {n}
:: derailleur
Schaltwerk {n}
:: sequential logic circuit
Schaltzentrale {f}
:: switchboard
Schaltzentrale {f}
:: control centre
schalu {adj}
:: jealous
Schaluppe {f}
:: sloop
Scham {f}
:: shame (uncomfortable feeling at one's own impropriety or at the exposure of something private; but not in the sense of disgrace or being dishonored , for which Schande )
Scham {f}
:: bashfulness , prudishness , shamefacedness
Scham {f}
:: pubic region including the genitals
Scham {f}
:: vulva
Schamane {m}
:: shaman (male or of unspecified sex)
Schamanismus {m}
:: shamanism
Schamba {f}
:: shamba
Schambehaarung {f}
:: mons pubis
Schambein {n}
:: pubis
schämen {vr}
:: to be ashamed or embarrassed
Schamentzündung {f}
:: inflammation of the genitalia
Schamgefühl {n}
:: shame
Schamhaar {n}
:: pubic hair (collectively)
Schamhaar {n}
:: pubic hair (a single hair growing in the pubic region)
schamhaft {adj}
:: modest , bashful , coy
Schamhügel {m}
:: mons pubis
Schamlippe {f}
:: labium
schamlos {adj}
:: shameless (having no shame), indecent
schamlos {adj}
:: brazen (impudent, immodest, or shameless), barefaced
Schamlosigkeit {f}
:: shamelessness
Schamott {m}
:: alternative form of Schamotte
Schamotte {f}
:: grog , chamotte (ceramic raw material)
Schamröte {f}
:: blush
Schandblatt {n}
:: a badmouthing newspaper , a tabloid
Schande {f}
:: disgrace
schänden {v}
:: to desecrate ; to dishonour
schänden {v}
:: to violate ; to rape ; to ravish
Schandfleck {m}
:: A negative attribute that, annoyingly, destroys the otherwise good impression of something; blemish , flaw , defect
Schandfleck {m}
:: blemish , stain
Schandfleck {m}
:: eyesore
schändlich {adj}
:: shameful
schändlich {adj}
:: disgraceful
Schandmaul {n}
:: a badmouthing character , a snot
Schandorf {prop} {n}
:: Schandorf (municipality)
Schandpfahl {m}
:: pillory
Schändung {f}
:: desecration
Schändung {f}
:: rape
Schanghai {prop} {n}
:: Schanghai (direct-administered municipality/major port city)
schanghaien {v}
:: to shanghai
Schani {m}
:: waiter
Schani {m}
:: servant , henchman
Schani {m}
:: good friend
Schank {m}
:: verbal noun of schenken
Schank {m}
:: bar , tavern , pub
Schank {f}
:: alternative form of Schenke
Schänke {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schenke
Schanktisch {m}
:: bar (counter in a pub)
Schankwirt {m}
:: barkeeper
Schankwirtin {f}
:: barkeeper woman
Schanze {f}
:: entrenchment , redoubt
Schanze {f}
:: ski-jump
Schar {f}
:: troop
Schar {f}
:: family
Schar {f}
:: plough-share
Scharade {f}
:: charade
Scharbockskraut {n}
:: lesser celandine (a European perennial herb, Ficaria verna , formerly Ranunculus ficaria )
Schardenberg {prop} {n}
:: Schardenberg (municipality)
Schärding {prop} {n}
:: Schärding (municipality)
Schäre {f}
:: skerry (flat, rocky isle, especially in Scandinavia)
scharenweise {adv}
:: in droves
scharf {adj}
:: sharp ; able to cut (knife, edge)
scharf {adj}
:: sharp (criticism, perception, intellect)
scharf {adj}
:: sharp ; in focus (picture, script)
scharf {adj}
:: hot ; spicy ; pungent (taste)
scharf {adj}
:: hot ; sexy ; attractive
scharf {adj}
:: hot ; aroused ; horny
scharf {adj}
:: live (bomb or ammunition)
Schärfe {f}
:: sharpness
Schärfe {f}
:: spiciness , hotness
Schärfe {f}
:: pungency
schärfen {vt}
:: to sharpen
schärfen {vt}
:: to strengthen ; to sharpen
schärfer {adj}
:: comparative of scharf
scharfkantig {noun}
:: sharp-edged
Scharfmacher {m}
:: agitator , demagogue , rabble-rouser , seditionary
Scharfrichter {m}
:: an executioner , particularly for wet executions
Scharfschütze {m}
:: sniper
scharfsichtig {adj}
:: perceptive , discerning , sharp-eyed
Scharfsinn {m}
:: acumen , perspicacity
scharfsinnig {adj}
:: sharp-witted , astute
scharfzüngig {adj}
:: sharp-tongued
Scharia {f}
:: Shari'a (islamic religious law)
Scharlach {m}
:: scarlet fever
Scharlach {n} {m}
:: scarlet (colour)
scharlachen {adj}
:: Having scarlet fever
scharlachrot {adj}
:: scarlet (colour)
Scharlatan {m}
:: charlatan
Scharlatanerie {f}
:: charlatanry
Scharm {m}
:: alternative spelling of Charme
scharmant {adj}
:: alternative spelling of charmant
Scharmützel {n}
:: skirmish
Scharndorf {prop} {n}
:: Scharndorf (municipality)
Scharnier {n}
:: hinge
Scharnitz {prop} {n}
:: Scharnitz (municipality)
Scharnstein {prop} {n}
:: Scharnstein (municipality)
Schärpe {f}
:: sash
Scharping {prop}
:: surname
scharren {v}
:: to scrape
Scharrhans {m}
:: clodhopper
Scharte {f}
:: notch
Scharten {prop} {n}
:: Scharten (municipality)
schartig {adj}
:: jagged
schartig {adj}
:: notched
Schaschija {f}
:: shashiya
Schaschlik {m} {n}
:: shashlik
schassen {v}
:: to kick out
Schatten {m}
:: shade , shadow
Schattenboxen {n}
:: shadowboxing
Schattendasein {n}
:: shadowy existence
Schattendorf {prop} {n}
:: Schattendorf (municipality)
schattenhaft {adj}
:: shadowy , fuzzy , vague
Schattenmorelle {f}
:: morello cherry (fruit)
Schattenmorelle {f}
:: morello (tree)
Schattenregierung {f}
:: shadow government
Schattenseite {f}
:: shady side; dark side; underbelly
Schattenseite {f}
:: downside; drawback
Schattenspiel {n}
:: shadow play
Schattenwurf {m}
:: shadowing
Schattierung {f}
:: shade , hue
schattig {adj}
:: shady , shadowy
Schattwald {prop} {n}
:: Schattwald (municipality)
Schatulle {f}
:: casket
Schatz {m}
:: treasure
Schatz {m}
:: darling , sweetheart
Schätzchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schatz
Schätzchen {n}
:: darling , honey
schätzen {vt}
:: to estimate ; to guess ; to suppose ; to assume
schätzen {vt}
:: to evaluate ; to price ; to assess
schätzen {vt}
:: to esteem ; to appreciate ; to value
Schatzkarte {f}
:: treasure map
Schatzkiste {f}
:: treasure chest
Schatzmeister {m}
:: treasurer
schätzomativ {adj}
:: approximately
schätzomativ {adj}
:: estimated
Schatzsuche {f}
:: treasure hunt
Schätzung {f}
:: estimate , estimation , guess
Schätzung {f}
:: appraisal , assessment , valuation
schätzungsweise {adv}
:: approximately , roughly
Schätzwert {m}
:: valuation , appraisal
Schau {f}
:: show
Schaub {m}
:: A sheaf , especially of straw
Schaube {f}
:: A garment with wide sleeves similar to a cloak worn by men
Schäuble {prop}
:: surname
Schaubrot {n}
:: shewbread
Schaubühne {f}
:: theater
Schaubühne {f}
:: stage
Schauder {m}
:: shudder , shiver , creeps , frisson , grue
schauderhaft {adj}
:: horrible , ghastly , terrible , dreadful , awful , horrific
schaudern {vi}
:: to shudder
schaudern {vi}
:: to shiver , especially momentarily as when stepping out from a warm room into the cold
schaudern {vt}
:: to make shudder , to make shiver
schauen {v}
:: to look (at something)
schauen wie der Ochs vorm Berg {proverb}
:: to look completely baffled (literally, “to look like an ox standing in front of a hill”)
Schauer {m}
:: shower (brief period of precipitation; a quantity of something that has characteristics of a rain shower)
Schauer {m}
:: shudder , shiver , thrill
schauerlich {adj}
:: eerie , horrible
schauern {vi}
:: to shiver
Schaufel {f}
:: shovel
Schäufelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schaufel
schaufelförmig {adj}
:: shovel -shaped
schaufeln {v}
:: to shovel
Schaufenster {n}
:: a shop window
Schaufensterauslage {f}
:: (shop window) display
Schaufensterbummel {m}
:: window-shopping (browsing shops with no intention of buying)
Schaufensterpuppe {f}
:: (shop window) mannequin , dummy
Schaufensterscheibe {f}
:: shop window pane
Schauinsland {prop}
:: A mountain in the Black Forest
Schaukel {f}
:: swing (seat hanging on two lines)
Schaukel {f}
:: any swinging construction, including seesaws and similar devices
Schaukelbrett {n}
:: seat of a swing , plank of a seesaw
schaukeln {v}
:: to swing
Schaukelpferd {n}
:: rocking horse
Schaukelstuhl {m}
:: rocking chair
Schaulust {f}
:: love for sightseeing
Schaulust {f}
:: curiosity
schaulustig {adj}
:: gawping , curious
Schaulustige {f}
:: feminine noun of Schaulustiger
Schaulustiger {m}
:: rubberneck , onlooker
Schaum {m}
:: foam , lather , froth
Schaum {m}
:: head (beer)
Schaumbildung {f}
:: foaming , frothing
Schaumbläschen {n}
:: diminutive of Schaumblase
Schaumblase {f}
:: bubble of foam
Schaumburg {prop}
:: surname
schäumen {v}
:: to froth , to foam
schäumen {v}
:: to fume
Schaumgummi {n}
:: foam rubber
schaumig {adj}
:: frothy , foamy
Schaumkrone {f}
:: The head or foamy layer formed by bubbles rising from beer and other carbonated beverages
Schaumkunststoff {m}
:: plastic foam
Schaumstoff {m}
:: foam , sponge , foamed plastic
Schaumwein {m}
:: sparkling wine
Schauplatz {m}
:: scene , venue
schaurig {adj}
:: creepy , eery , ghoulish , bloodcurdling , gruesome , scary , spooky , horrid , spine-chilling , spine-tingling
schaurig {adv}
:: creepily , eerily , ghoulishly , etc
schauriger {adj}
:: comparative of schaurig
Schauspiel {n}
:: play (theatrical performance), drama
Schauspiel {n}
:: spectacle , sight
Schauspiel {n}
:: playhouse
Schauspieler {m}
:: actor (male or of unspecified sex)
Schauspielerei {f}
:: acting profession
Schauspielerei {f}
:: acting , playacting
Schauspielerin {f}
:: actress , actor (female)
schauspielerisch {adj}
:: histrionic ; acting (attributive)
schauspielern {v}
:: to work as an actor , to job as an actor
schauspielern {v}
:: to act , to playact
Schauwecker {prop}
:: surname
-'sche {suffix}
:: strong nominative feminine singular form of -'sch
-'sche {suffix}
:: strong accusative and nominative plural form of -'sch
-'sche {suffix}
:: weak nominative no and masculine singular form of -'sch
-'sche {suffix}
:: weak accusative no and feminine singular form of -'sch
-'sche {suffix}
:: mixed accusative and nominative feminine singular form of -'sch
-sche {suffix}
:: strong nominative feminine singular form of -sch
-sche {suffix}
:: strong accusative and nominative plural form of -sch
-sche {suffix}
:: weak nominative no and masculine singular form of -sch
-sche {suffix}
:: weak accusative no and feminine singular form of -sch
-sche {suffix}
:: mixed accusative and nominative feminine singular form of -sch
Scheck {m}
:: check , cheque
Scheckabschnitt {m}
:: check stub , check counterfoil
Schecke {m}
:: pinto
Schecke {m}
:: any animal with light and dark patches
scheckig {adj}
:: dappled
scheckiglachen {v}
:: to laugh one's head off
scheel {adj}
:: cross-eyed
scheel {adj}
:: squinting
scheel {adj}
:: with a crooked look; looking disdainfully or aggressively from the side
Scheele {prop}
:: surname
Scheele {prop}
:: Carl Wilhelm Scheele , German chemist
Scheelit {m}
:: scheelite
scheelsüchtig {adj}
:: resentful , jealous , envious
Scheer {prop} {n}
:: Scheer (town)
Scheffel {m}
:: bushel
scheffeln {v}
:: to accumulate
Scheherazade {prop} {f}
:: given name
Scheherazade {prop} {f}
:: Scheherazade (fictional character)
Scheherazade {f}
:: A female storyteller or narrator of fairy tales
Scheibbs {prop} {n}
:: Scheibbs (municipality)
Scheibchen {n}
:: diminutive of Scheibe (small slice )
scheibchenförmig {adj}
:: (small) disc -shaped
scheibchenweise {adv}
:: In small slices
scheibchenweise {adv}
:: little by little , bit by bit
scheibchenweise {adj}
:: piecemeal , piece-by-piece
Scheibe {f}
:: disc
Scheibe {f}
:: pane
Scheibe {f}
:: slice
Scheibe {f}
:: music album
Scheibe {f}
:: puck
Scheibe {prop}
:: surname
Scheibenbremse {f}
:: disc brake
scheibenförmig {adj}
:: disc -shaped , discoid
Scheibenwischer {m}
:: windshield wiper , windscreen wiper
Scheich {m}
:: sheik
Scheide {f}
:: sheath , scabbard
Scheide {f}
:: vagina
Scheidekunde {f}
:: chemistry
Scheidekunst {f}
:: chemistry
Scheidekunst {f}
:: chemical analysis
Scheidemünze {f}
:: divisional coin (coin whose metal value is less than its nominal value), small change
Scheidemünze {f}
:: token coin
scheiden {vt}
:: to separate
scheiden {vir}
:: to leave one another; to part ; to be separated ; to be divided
scheiden {vt}
:: to dissolve (a marriage); to divorce (a couple)
scheiden {vt}
:: to have (a marriage) dissolved
scheiden {vr}
:: to divorce (one's spouse); to get a divorce (from one's spouse)
scheidend {adj}
:: retiring ; resigning ; about to be replaced
Scheidenkrampf {m}
:: vaginismus
Scheidenpilz {m}
:: fungal vaginitis , vaginal thrush (candidiasis )
Scheideweg {m}
:: crossroads (decisive turning point)
Scheiding {prop} {m}
:: The month September , ninth of the Gregorian calendar
Scheidung {f}
:: divorce
schein- {prefix}
:: pseudo-
Schein {m}
:: shine , gleam , flash
Schein {m}
:: certificate , ticket
Schein {m}
:: bill , note
Schein {m}
:: semblance , appearance
Scheinanglizismus {m}
:: pseudo-anglicism
:: fallacious argument , incorrect argument
scheinbar {adv}
:: apparently (seemingly )
scheinbar {adj}
:: apparent , seeming
Scheinbuche {f}
:: southern beech , any tree or shrub of the genus Nothofagus
Scheinehe {f}
:: sham marriage
scheinen {v}
:: to shine ; to gleam
scheinen {v}
:: to seem ; to appear ; to look
Scheingericht {n}
:: kangaroo court
scheinheilig {adj}
:: sanctimonious (hypocritically pious)
Scheinhinrichtung {f}
:: mock execution
Scheinkorrelation {f}
:: spurious correlation
Scheinlogik {f}
:: sham logic , pseudo -logic , bogus logic
Scheinphilosophie {f}
:: pseudophilosophy
scheinselbstständig {adj}
:: ostensibly independent
Scheinsieg {m}
:: Pyrrhic victory
Scheintod {m}
:: a condition in which a living being is without consciousness or signs of life, and so appears dead
scheintot {adj}
:: appearing to be, but not dead , deceased
Scheinwerfer {m}
:: spotlight
Scheinwerfer {m}
:: headlight
Scheinwerfer {m}
:: headlamp
Scheinwerfer {m}
:: floodlight
Scheinwerfer {m}
:: searchlight
Scheiss {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Scheiß
scheiß- {prefix}
:: fucking , motherfucking , effing , bloody , shitty , crappy
Scheiß {m}
:: shit (feces)
Scheiß {m}
:: nonsense , bullshit , horseshit
Scheißdreck {m}
:: crap , shit
Scheißdreck {m}
:: nothing , jack shit , fuck all
scheisse {adj}
:: alternative spelling of scheiße
Scheisse {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Scheiße
scheiße {adj}
:: shit
Scheiße {f}
:: feces , shit
Scheiße {f}
:: something worthless, shit
Scheiße {f}
:: nothing , jack shit , fuck all
Scheiße bauen {v}
:: to screw up , to fuck up
Scheißeficker {m}
:: assfucker
Scheißefresser {m}
:: shiteater
scheißegal {adj}
:: totally unimportant
scheissen {v}
:: alternative spelling of scheißen
scheißen {v}
:: to shit
Scheißer {m}
:: fucker
Scheißerei {f}
:: Diarrhoea , the shits , the runs
Scheißewurst {f}
:: human feces with the approximate shape of a sausage
scheißfreundlich {adj}
:: falsely friendly
scheißgut {adj}
:: fucking good
Scheißhaufen {m}
:: turdpile
Scheißhaus {n}
:: shithouse , outhouse
Scheißhäuschen {n}
:: a small shithouse
Scheißhausfliege {f}
:: fly in an outhouse
Scheißhausfliege {f}
:: fly of the genus Calliphora , bluebottle
Scheißhausfliege {f}
:: very annoying person
Scheißhausfotze {f}
:: fucking cunt (swearword, usually used against women )
Scheißhäuslein {n}
:: diminutive of Scheißhaus
Scheißhausratte {f}
:: crazy and stupid person
Scheißkerl {m}
:: shithead , motherfucker
Scheißkind {n}
:: fucking child , bad child
Scheißtyp {m}
:: a person with a really bad character, literally "shit type"
Scheit {n}
:: log , billet , stick (of firewood)
Scheitel {m}
:: parting
Scheitel {m}
:: maximum , apex
Scheitelbein {n}
:: parietal bone
Scheitelpunkt {m}
:: apex , vertex , cusp , crest , peak
Scheiterhaufen {m}
:: stake (pile of stakes used for execution by burning)
Scheiterhaufen {m}
:: pyre
scheitern {v}
:: to fail
Scheitern {n}
:: collapse , breakup
Scheitern {n}
:: failure
Schelde {prop} {f}
:: The river Scheldt
Schellack {m}
:: shellac
Schelle {f}
:: clamp
Schelle {f}
:: small bell
Schelle {f}
:: a slap across the face
schellen {v}
:: to ring
Schellen {p}
:: bells , a suit in German playing cards and Swiss playing cards
Schellente {f}
:: common goldeneye
Schellfisch {m}
:: haddock (marine fish)
Schelm {m}
:: imp , rogue , prankster
schelmisch {adj}
:: roguish (Mischievous and playful.)
schelmisch {adj}
:: deceitful
Schelte {f}
:: scolding
schelten {vt}
:: to scold (someone); to rebuke ; to chide
schelten {vi}
:: to scold
Scheltwort {n}
:: invective
Schema {n}
:: schema
Schema F {n}
:: cookie-cutter approach , by the book
schematisch {adj}
:: schematic , diagrammatic
schematisch {adj}
:: mechanical
schematisieren {v}
:: to schematize
Schembeis {m} {n}
:: jail , prison
Schemel {m}
:: stool
Schemen {m}
:: an indistinct shape or shadow ; a silhouette in the dark, in mist , etc
Schemen {m}
:: a sight of whose reality one is uncertain; an illusion , spectre , phantom
schemenhaft {adj}
:: shadowy
Schenk {m}
:: cupbearer
Schenke {f}
:: pub
Schenkel {m}
:: shank (lower part of leg)
Schenkel {m}
:: thigh (upper part of leg)
schenken {v}
:: to pour from a vessel, to serve
schenken {v}
:: to give as a present , to gift
Schenkenfelden {prop} {n}
:: Schenkenfelden (municipality)
Schenker {m}
:: agent noun of schenken : donor , benefactor , giver
Schenna {prop} {n}
:: Schenna (municipality)
schepp {adj}
:: alternative form of schief
scheppern {vi}
:: to rattle
Scherbe {f}
:: shard , sherd , fragment
scherbeln {v}
:: to dance playfully, joyously
scherbeln {v}
:: to sound impure , rough
Scherbengericht {n}
:: ostracism
Scherbenhaufen {m}
:: shambles , ruins
Scherbenkobalt {n}
:: arsenic
Scherbrett {n}
:: otter board , otter door , trawl door (Any of the rectangular boards which are used to keep the mouth of a trawl net open.)
Schere {f}
:: a pair of scissors , shears
Schere {f}
:: a pair of pincers (on a crab )
Schere {f}
:: a gap , especially a widening one
scheren {vtt}
:: to shear (sheep)
scheren {vtt}
:: to clip ; to prune (a hedge)
scheren {vtt}
:: to cut ; to trim (hair, especially beardhair)
scheren {vtt}
:: to bother (someone); to trouble (someone)
scheren {vrt}
:: to care (about something); to mind (something)
scheren {vi}
:: to go into a certain direction
scheren {vt}
:: to shear , to apply a shearing transformation to (displacing each point of a geometric figure in fixed direction by an amount proportional to its signed distance, thus preserving the area of the figure.)
scheren {vr}
:: to scram ; to beat it (often as wegscheren )
scheren {vt}
:: to bother (someone); to trouble (someone)
scheren {vr}
:: to care (about something); to mind (something)
Scherenfernrohr {n}
:: A pair of scissor binoculars ; a pair of adjustable stereoscopic binoculars consisting of two short periscopes
Scherenschnitt {n}
:: a scissor - or shear -cut
Scherenschnitt {n}
:: the art of scherenschnitte (papercutting)
Scherenschnitt {n}
:: an artwork produced by scherenschnitte
Schererei {f}
:: hassle , trouble
Scherflein {n}
:: widow's mite , i.e. a small donation or contribution , esp. of monetary kind
Scherge {m}
:: henchman
Scherkraft {f}
:: shear force , shearing force
Schermesser {m}
:: razor
Schermodul {m}
:: shear modulus
Scherspannung {f}
:: shear stress
Scherung {f}
:: shear
Scherung {f}
:: shear , shear mapping , shearing , transvection
Scherung {f}
:: clipping , shaving
Scherwinkel {m}
:: shearing angle
Scherz {m}
:: joke
Scherz {m}
:: frolic
scherzen {vi}
:: to joke ; to jest ; to frolic
scherzhaft {adj}
:: jocular (humorous, amusing, joking)
Scherzo {n}
:: scherzo (piece of music played in a playful manner)
scheu {adj}
:: shy (reserved)
scheu {adj}
:: shy , skittish , startlish (easily frightened)
Scheu {f}
:: shyness
scheuchen {v}
:: to shoo , shoo away , drive away
Scheuel {m}
:: abhorrence
scheuen {vt}
:: to shrink from; shun
scheuen {vr}
:: to be afraid of, shrink from (+ vor )
Scheuer {f}
:: barn
scheuern {vt}
:: to scrub ; to scour
scheuern {vti}
:: to chafe
Scheuklappe {f}
:: blinder , blinker
Scheune {f}
:: barn
Scheusal {n}
:: monster
Scheusal {n}
:: beast
scheußlich {adj}
:: hideous , atrocious , abominable
schH {noun}
:: German Schutzhund . English Protection dog . The name and abbreviation for Schutzhund titles awarded by the SV and other German Shepherd Dog organizations. Equivalent to VPG which is offered by other working dog organizations
Schi {m}
:: alternative spelling of Ski
schiach {adj}
:: alternative form of schiech
Schibboleth {n}
:: shibboleth
Schicht {f}
:: layer
Schicht {f}
:: sheet
Schicht {f}
:: shift
Schicht {f}
:: stint
Schichtdicke {f}
:: thickness (of a slice or layer)
schichten {v}
:: To layer , stratify , laminate
Schichtstruktur {f}
:: layered structure
Schichtung {f}
:: stratification
Schichtung {f}
:: lamination , layering
schichtweise {adv}
:: in layers , layer by layer
schichtweise {adj}
:: layered , stratified , layer by layer
schick {adj}
:: elegant , dressy
Schick {m}
:: chic
schicken {vt}
:: to send
schicken {vr}
:: to hurry (rare)
schicken {vr}
:: to be decent, to be appropriate
schicker {adj}
:: tipsy , mildly drunk
Schickeria {f}
:: in crowd
Schicklgruber {prop}
:: surname ( The original surname of Adolf Hitler's father.)
schicklich {adj}
:: appropriate , proper
Schicksal {n}
:: destiny , fate
schicksalhaft {adj}
:: fateful
schicksalhafter {adj}
:: comparative of schicksalhaft
schicksalhaftesten {adj}
:: superlative of schicksalhaft
schicksalsergeben {adj}
:: fatalistic
schicksalsergebener {adj}
:: comparative of schicksalsergeben
schicksalsergebensten {adj}
:: superlative of schicksalsergeben
Schicksalsgöttin {f}
:: goddess of fate
Schicksalsschlag {m}
:: blow ; (personal ) calamity (an unfortunate, life-changing occurence)
Schicksalstag {m}
:: a fateful day , a day of destiny
Schicksalstag {prop} {m}
:: the November 9 in German history, the date of several key events in German history , including the replacement of the monarchy with the Weimar Republic , Kristallnacht, and the fall of the Berlin Wall
schicksalsträchtig {adj}
:: fateful
Schickse {f}
:: shiksa (non-Jewish woman)
Schickse {f}
:: woman
Schiebedach {n}
:: sunroof
Schiebedach {n}
:: sliding roof
schieben {vt}
:: to push ; to shove
schieben {vt}
:: to slide ; to slip ; to put
schieben {vi}
:: to push
schieben {vti}
:: to traffic (something); to profiteer ; to racketeer
Schiebetür {f}
:: sliding door
schiech {adj}
:: ugly
schiech {adj}
:: angry
Schied {m}
:: asp
Schiedsrichter {m}
:: judge , referee , umpire
Schiedsrichterin {f}
:: judge
Schiedsspruch {m}
:: award
schief {adj}
:: skew , oblique , askew , leaning , slanting , aslant , inclined (neither parallel nor perpendicular)
schief {adj}
:: slopy , sloping (characterised by a slope or slopes)
schief {adj}
:: crooked , awry (set at an angle; not vertical or square)
schief {adj}
:: lopsided (not even or balanced; not the same on one side as on the other)
schief {adj}
:: wry (turned away, contorted)
schief {adj}
:: distorted (misshapen; brought out of shape)
schief {adj}
:: worn (damaged and shabby as a result of much use)
schief {adj}
:: inappropriate (not suitable for the situation, time, or place)
schief {adv}
:: crookedly , at an angle
schief {adv}
:: lopsidedly
schief {adv}
:: askance (sideways; obliquely)
schief {adv}
:: badly , wrong (in a way that isn't right)
Schiefer {m}
:: shale , slate
Schiefer {m}
:: small splinter (sharp piece of wood, etc.)
schiefergrau {adj}
:: slate -gray
Schiefergrauer Ameisenwürger {m}
:: plain-winged antshrike
Schiefergrauer Würgerling {m}
:: bicoloured antvireo (Dysithamnus occidentalis)
schiefern {vr}
:: to shatter
schiefern {v}
:: to skip (a stone over water)
Schiefertafel {f}
:: slate , chalkboard , blackboard (usually a portable chalkboard, like one a student might have to personally use at school or the kind of chalkboards that hang outside of restaurants to feature their specials)
Schiefer Turm von Pisa {prop} {m}
:: Leaning Tower of Pisa (famous bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa)
schiefgehen {v}
:: to go wrong
schieflachen {vr}
:: to crack up
Schieflage {f}
:: imbalance
schiefliegen {v}
:: to be wrong
Schiege {f}
:: a shoat , a geep : a sheep -goat hybrid
schielen {v}
:: to squint
schielen {v}
:: to leer
Schienbein {n}
:: shinbone
Schiene {f}
:: a staff on which something moves
Schiene {f}
:: rail
Schiene {f}
:: rack
Schiene {f}
:: a staff or long construction that holds things together
Schiene {f}
:: orthotics ; splint
Schiene {f}
:: frame ; skid
Schiene {f}
:: busbar
schienen {vt}
:: to splint
Schienenersatzverkehr {m}
:: rail replacement bus service
Schienenersatzverkehr {m}
:: bus replacement service
Schienenfahrzeug {n}
:: rolling stock
Schienenwolf {m}
:: railroad plow
schier {adj}
:: next , adjacent , immediate , soon , sudden
schier {adv}
:: soon , nearly , almost
schier {adj}
:: pure , clear , bright , sheer
schier {adj}
:: without bones, fat, or tendons
Schierling {m}
:: hemlock
Schießbefehl {m}
:: order to shoot
schiessen {v}
:: alternative spelling of schießen
schießen {vti}
:: to shoot ; to fire
schießen {v}
:: to kick ; to shoot
schießen {v}
:: to shoot
schießen {v}
:: to shoot up
schießen {vi}
:: to dart ; to shoot ; to rush ; to gush
Schießerei {f}
:: shootout , gunfight
Schießgewehr {n}
:: gun
Schießpulver {n}
:: gunpowder
Schießscharte {f}
:: arrow slit , embrasure , loophole
Schießstand {m}
:: shooting range
Schießwesen {n}
:: gunnery - the science of operating guns
schießwütig {adj}
:: trigger-happy (having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly)
Schiff {n}
:: ship
Schiff {n}
:: nave
Schiffahrt {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Schifffahrt
schiffbar {adj}
:: navigable
Schiffbarkeit {f}
:: navigability
Schiffbarkeitsgrenze {f}
:: head of navigation
Schiffbau {m}
:: shipbuilding
Schiffbruch {m}
:: shipwreck (event)
schiffbrüchig {adj}
:: shipwrecked
Schiffbrüchige {f}
:: castaway
Schiffbrüchiger {m}
:: castaway
Schiffchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schiff
Schiffchen {n}
:: side cap
schiffen {v}
:: to sail
schiffen {v}
:: to urinate
Schiffer {m}
:: sailor ; skipper (one who navigates a ship or boat, or works on it, especially in inland navigation)
Schifffahrt {f}
:: water transportation , water transport
Schiff-Fahrt {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schifffahrt
Schifflein {n}
:: diminutive of Schiff
Schiff-Luft {adj}
:: surface-to-air
Schiffmann {prop}
:: surname
Schiffsdeck {n}
:: deck , deck of a ship
Schiffshebewerk {n}
:: boat lift
Schiffsheck {n}
:: a ship 's stern
Schiffskatastrophe {f}
:: ship disaster
Schiffskörper {m}
:: hull
Schiffsrumpf {m}
:: hull
Schiffsrumpf {m}
:: hulk
Schiffstaufe {f}
:: ship christening
Schiffsunglück {n}
:: shipwreck , shipping accident , ship collision , boating accident
Schiffsverkehr {m}
:: shipping , shipping traffic
Schiffswrack {n}
:: shipwreck (vessel)
schiften {v}
:: to jibe , gybe (shift a fore-and-aft sail from one side of a sailing vessel to the other)
Schiitentum {n}
:: Shia Islam
schiitisch {adj}
:: Shiite
Schikane {f}
:: bullying , harassment
Schikane {f}
:: chicane
schikanieren {v}
:: to bully , to harass
schikanös {adj}
:: bullying , harassing
Schikoree {mf}
:: alternative spelling of Chicorée
Schild {m} {n}
:: shield , buckler
Schild {n}
:: sign , plate
Schild {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schildbürger {m}
:: fool
Schildbürgerstreich {m}
:: folly ; foolish act
Schildchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schild
Schildchen {n}
:: label ; tag ; generally applicable, but used especially of the sewn-in tags in clothes
Schildchen {n}
:: scutellum
Schilddrüse {f}
:: thyroid , thyroid gland
Schilddrüsenhormon {n}
:: thyroid hormone
Schilddrüsenunterfunktion {f}
:: hypothyroidism
schildern {v}
:: to depict , narrate
Schilderung {f}
:: description , portrayal , depiction
Schilderung {f}
:: narrative
Schilderwald {m}
:: "forest of signs"
schildförmig {adj}
:: scutate , scutiform (shield-shaped)
Schildknappe {m}
:: squire
Schildknappe {m}
:: shield bearer
Schildknorpel {m}
:: thyroid cartilage
Schildkrebs {m}
:: tadpole shrimp (Triops )
Schildkröte {f}
:: turtle , tortoise
Schildlaus {f}
:: scale (insect)
Schildorn {prop} {n}
:: Schildorn (municipality)
Schildpatt {n}
:: tortoiseshell
Schildwache {f}
:: sentinel
Schilf {n}
:: reed
Schilf {n}
:: (area overgrown with) reeds
schilfen {adj}
:: made from reeds
schilfleinen {adj}
:: made of reeds
Schilfmeer {prop} {n}
:: Red Sea
Schill {m}
:: zander (Sander lucioperca )
Schiller {prop} {mf}
:: surname
schillern {v}
:: to shimmer , to glisten
Schilling {m}
:: schilling (Austrian pre-Euro currency)
Schilling {m}
:: shilling
Schimäre {f}
:: chimera (creature of the imagination)
schimärisch {adj}
:: chimerical
Schimmel {m}
:: mould , mold
Schimmel {m}
:: mildew
Schimmel {m}
:: a grey or white horse
Schimmelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schimmel
schimmelig {adj}
:: moldy , mouldy
Schimmelkäse {m}
:: cheese with mold ; blue cheese , etc
schimmeln {v}
:: to mold ; become mouldy
Schimmelpilz {m}
:: mold , mildew (fungal)
Schimmelpimmel {m}
:: dick , idiot , asshole
Schimmer {m}
:: gleam , glimmer
Schimmer {m}
:: clue
schimmern {v}
:: to glimmer , to shimmer
schimmernd {adj}
:: shimmering , gleaming , lustrous , iridescent
schimmlig {adj}
:: mouldy
Schimpanse {m}
:: chimpanzee
schimpfen {v}
:: to tell off , scold
Schimpfname {n}
:: offensive nickname , offensive name , term of abuse
Schimpfwort {n}
:: swear word
Schinakel {n}
:: small rowboat
Schinakel {n}
:: wide, well-worn shoes
Schindel {f}
:: shingle
schinden {vt}
:: to mistreat , maltreat
schinden {vr}
:: to make an effort , to toil
schinden {vt}
:: to achieve or obtain something; to make the most of a situation
schinden {vt}
:: to skin
schinden {vt}
:: to excorticate
Schinder {m}
:: anyone and anything that performs actions of schinden
Schinder {m}
:: someone who professionally strips the hides of dead animals , knacker
Schinder {m}
:: spokeshave
Schinderei {f}
:: oppression
Schinderei {f}
:: slog , drudgery
Schindlerjude {m}
:: A Jew saved by Oskar Schindler
Schindluder {n}
:: carrion
Schinken {m}
:: ham , pork from the hindquarter
Schinken {m}
:: hams, buttocks
schintoistisch {adj}
:: Shinto , Shintoist (attributive)
Schippe {f}
:: shovel
Schippe {f}
:: used as a typical property of manual labourers
Schippe {f}
:: spade
schippen {v}
:: to shovel
Schipper {m}
:: alternative form of Schiffer
schippern {v}
:: to go by ship , to sail (usually slowly )
schirch {adj}
:: alternative form of schiech
Schiri {m}
:: colloquial short form of Schiedsrichter ; ref , ump
Schirm {m}
:: screen (clipping of Bildschirm )
Schirm {m}
:: umbrella
schirmen {v}
:: to shield
schirmen {v}
:: to screen or protect
schirmförmig {adj}
:: umbrella -shaped
Schirmfrau {f}
:: female patron
Schirmherr {m}
:: patron
Schirmherrschaft {f}
:: patronage , auspices
Schischa {f}
:: alternative spelling of Shisha
Schisma {n}
:: schism
Schismatiker {m}
:: schismatic (male or of unspecified sex) (a person involved in a schism )
Schismatikerin {f}
:: female schismatic (a female person involved in a schism )
schismatisch {adj}
:: schismatic (related to a schism )
schismogen {adj}
:: schismogenic
Schiss {m}
:: shitting , defecation
Schiss {m}
:: shit , feces
Schiss {m}
:: fear
Schiß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Schiss
Schisser {m}
:: coward
Schitte {interj}
:: shit
schizophren {adj}
:: schizophrenic
schizophren {adj}
:: contradictory
Schizophrenie {f}
:: schizophrenia
Schkipetar {m}
:: Albanian (person from Albania)
schlabbern {v}
:: to slurp
Schlacht {f}
:: battle
schlachten {v}
:: to slaughter (kill livestock; kill people brutally)
Schlachter {m}
:: butcher (male or of unspecified sex)
Schlachter {m}
:: someone who works in a slaughterhouse (male or of unspecified sex)
Schlächter {m}
:: slaughterer ; butcher (affective term for a killer) (male or of unspecified sex)
Schlächter {m}
:: someone who works at a slaughterhouse (male or of unspecified sex)
Schlachtfeld {n}
:: battlefield
Schlachthaus {n}
:: slaughterhouse
Schlachthof {m}
:: slaughterhouse
Schlachtordnung {f}
:: order of battle
Schlachtplan {m}
:: battleplan
Schlachtschiff {n}
:: battleship
Schlachtung {f}
:: slaughter
Schlacke {f}
:: slag , dross , scoria
Schlacke {f}
:: cinders , clinker
Schlacke {f}
:: sediment , dregs , scum
Schlacke {f}
:: metabolic residue in body tissue or digestive system
Schlacke {f}
:: rectum
Schlacke {prop} {n}
:: FC Schalke 04 (football club of Gelsenkirchen, Ruhrgebiet)
Schlackenlosigkeit {f}
:: slaglessness, the quality of being free of slag
Schlackenlosigkeit {f}
:: immaculateness , spotlessness , the quality of being free of any undesired elements or contents
Schladming {prop} {n}
:: Schladming (municipality)
Schlaf {m}
:: sleep
Schlaf {m}
:: temple
Schlafanzug {m}
:: pyjamas (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
Schläfchen {n}
:: nap , sleep ((countable) act or instance of sleeping)
Schläfe {f}
:: temple (region of skull)
schlafen {v}
:: to sleep
schlafen {v}
:: to sleep on something; to wait and think before making a decision
schlafen {v}
:: to sleep with ; to have sex
Schläfenbein {n}
:: temporal bone
Schlafenszeit {f}
:: bedtime
Schlafentzug {m}
:: sleep deprivation
Schläfer {m}
:: sleeper
schlaff {adj}
:: slack , limp
schlaff {adj}
:: weak , weary
Schlafgänger {m}
:: short-term lodger , boarder
Schlafgemach {n}
:: bedroom
Schlafittchen {n}
:: something on somebody’s back by which they are grabbed in order to push or pull them: the collar , the hem of the jacket, the scruff of the neck
Schlafkrankheit {f}
:: sleeping sickness
Schlaflied {n}
:: lullaby (soothing song to lull children to sleep)
schlaflos {adj}
:: sleepless
Schlaflosigkeit {f}
:: sleeplessness , insomnia
Schlafmittel {n}
:: soporific , hypnotic , sleeping pill
Schlafmohn {m}
:: opium poppy (Papaver somniferum )
Schlafmütze {f}
:: nightcap
Schlafmütze {f}
:: slowcoach , sleepyhead
schlafmützig {adj}
:: dozy
schläfrig {adj}
:: sleepy
schläfriger {adj}
:: comparative of schläfrig
Schläfrigkeit {f}
:: sleepiness
schläfrigsten {adj}
:: superlative of schläfrig
Schlafrock {m}
:: pyjamas
Schlafrock {m}
:: nightgown
Schlafsaal {m}
:: dormitory
Schlafsack {m}
:: sleeping bag (padded or insulated bag)
Schlafstadt {f}
:: bedroom town , bedroom community
Schlafstörung {f}
:: sleep disorder
Schlaftablette {f}
:: sleeping pill (a pill having a soporific effect)
Schlaftrunk {m}
:: sleeping draught
schlaftrunken {adj}
:: drowsy
schlaftrunken {adv}
:: drowsily
schlafwandeln {v}
:: to sleepwalk
Schlafwandeln {n}
:: sleepwalking
Schlafwandler {m}
:: sleepwalker
Schlafzimmer {n}
:: bedroom
Schlafzustand {m}
:: dormancy , dormant state , sleeping state
Schlag {m}
:: blow , hit
Schlag {m}
:: beat (pulse on the beat level)
Schlagabtausch {m}
:: exchange of blows
Schlagabtausch {m}
:: fierce exchange , verbal exchange
Schlagader {f}
:: artery
Schlaganfall {m}
:: apoplexy , stroke
schlagartig {adj}
:: abrupt
schlagartig {adv}
:: abruptly
Schlagbaum {m}
:: barrier (structure that bars passage)
Schlägel {m}
:: mallet , maul
Schlägel {m}
:: drumstick
schlagen {vt}
:: to beat ; to hit ; to knock ; to strike ; to punch ; to hammer ; to pound
schlagen {vt}
:: to beat ; to win against; to defeat
schlagen {vi}
:: to beat ; to strike repeatedly; to pound
schlagen {vt}
:: to beat ; to whip ; to mix food in a rapid aerating fashion
schlagen {v}
:: to chime
schlagen {vr}
:: to fight
Schlager {m}
:: schlager (European music genre)
Schlager {m}
:: hit (music or entertainment success)
Schläger {m}
:: agent noun of schlagen
Schläger {m}
:: brawler
Schläger {m}
:: bat , racquet , stick
Schläger {m}
:: A kind of duelling -sword
Schlägerei {f}
:: fight ; brawl
Schlägerkopf {m}
:: hosel , clubhead
schlagfertig {adj}
:: quick-witted , glib , witty , witted (able to quickly give witty or humorous answers)
Schlaginstrument {n}
:: percussion instrument
Schlagloch {n}
:: pothole , road hole
Schlagmann {m}
:: stroke (the rower who is nearest to the stern of the boat)
Schlagobers {n}
:: whipped cream
Schlagring {m}
:: brass knuckles
Schlagsahne {f}
:: whipped cream
Schlagsahne {f}
:: semen
Schlagschrauber {m}
:: impact screwdriver
Schlagstock {m}
:: baton , truncheon , nightstick , bat , club
Schlagwerk {n}
:: striking mechanism (in a clock )
Schlagwerk {n}
:: percussion
Schlagwort {n}
:: buzzword , catchphrase (word drawn from or imitative of technical jargon)
Schlagzähigkeit {f}
:: impact resistance
Schlagzeile {f}
:: headline
schlagzeilen {v}
:: to headline
schlagzeilenträchtig {adj}
:: headline -grabbing
Schlagzeug {n}
:: drum set , drum kit , percussion (musical instrument)
Schlagzeuger {m}
:: drummer
schlahen {v}
:: hit , beat , strike
schlahn {v}
:: alternative form of schlagen
schlaksig {adj}
:: lanky , gangling
Schlamassel {m} {n}
:: trouble , difficult situation , misfortune
Schlamm {m}
:: mud
Schlamm {m}
:: sludge , ooze
schlammartig {adj}
:: muddy
schlammartig {adj}
:: sludgy
schlammig {adj}
:: muddy , miry , boggy
Schlammlawine {f}
:: mudslide
Schlammschicht {f}
:: mud layer , layer of mud
Schlammschlacht {f}
:: mudslinging
Schlampe {f}
:: unclean or lazy woman
Schlampe {f}
:: sexually promiscuous woman , slut , bitch
Schlampenficker {m}
:: slutfucker
Schlampenfotze {f}
:: vulva of a slut (body part )
Schlampenfotze {f}
:: cunt , slut (swearword used against women )
Schlampensau {f}
:: slut (swearword used against women )
Schlamperei {f}
:: sloppiness , untidiness
schlampig {adj}
:: sloppy
schlampig {adj}
:: slutty
schlampiger {adj}
:: comparative of schlampig
Schlampigkeit {f}
:: slutty act
schlampigsten {adj}
:: superlative of schlampig
Schland {n}
:: Germany
Schlanders {prop} {n}
:: Schlanders (municipality)
Schlange {f}
:: snake
Schlange {f}
:: line (of people waiting), queue
Schlange {f}
:: penis
Schlange {f}
:: a treacherous woman
schlängeln {vr}
:: to snake
schlangenförmig {adj}
:: serpentine
Schlangengrube {f}
:: snake pit
Schlangengurke {f}
:: mundane cucumber , long Cucumis sativus
Schlangengurke {f}
:: snake cucumber , Cucumis melo var. flexuosus
Schlangengurke {f}
:: snake gourd , Trichosanthes cucumerina
Schlangenstein {m}
:: serpentine
Schlange stehen {v}
:: to stand in line , to queue
schlank {adj}
:: slim
Schlankheit {f}
:: slimness
schlapp {adj}
:: weak , weary
schlapp {adj}
:: slack , flabby , limp
Schlappe {f}
:: defeat
Schlappe {f}
:: flop
Schlappe {f}
:: slap
Schlappen {m}
:: A slipper
Schlapphut {m}
:: slouch hat
Schlapphut {m}
:: spy
schlapplachen {vr}
:: to crack up
schlapp machen {v}
:: alternative form of schlappmachen
schlappmachen {v}
:: to wilt
Schlappschwanz {m}
:: a weakling ; a quitter ; a limpdick
Schlaraffe {m}
:: idler , loafer
Schlaraffenland {n}
:: Cockaigne
Schlatt {prop} {n}
:: surname
Schlatt {prop} {n}
:: Schlatt (municipality)
schlau {adj}
:: clever
Schlaube {f}
:: The husk or shell of nuts and similar fruits
Schlauberger {m}
:: smart person (typically used in an ironical way )
Schlauch {m}
:: hose ; tube (flexible pipe)
Schlauch {m}
:: waterskin ; wineskin (flexible container for liquids)
Schlauch {m}
:: potbelly ; paunch (protruding belly)
Schlauchboot {n}
:: inflatable boat , rubber boat
schlauchen {vt}
:: to wear out
schlauchen {vt}
:: to lead through a hose
schlauchen {v}
:: to live off
schlauchförmig {adj}
:: tubular
Schlauchpilz {m}
:: ascomycete
Schlauchsocke {f}
:: tube sock
schlauerweise {adv}
:: cleverly , cunningly
Schlaufe {f}
:: loop , strap
Schlaukopf {m}
:: egghead
Schlaumeier {m}
:: sly fox , cunning person
Schlawiner {m}
:: rascal , scamp (playful, impish youngster)
Schlawiner {m}
:: clever or cunning person
schlecht {adj}
:: bad , evil , wicked (the opposite of good; immoral)
schlecht {adj}
:: bad (unskilled; of limited ability)
schlecht {adj}
:: bad (unhealthy, unwell)
schlecht {adj}
:: bad (of poor physical appearance)
schlecht {adj}
:: bad , off (spoiled, rotten, overripe)
schlecht {adj}
:: dirty (dishonourable)
schlecht {adv}
:: badly , poorly , not well (in a bad or poor manner)
schlecht {adv}
:: with difficulty , not easily
schlechter {adv}
:: worse
schlechter {adj}
:: comparative of schlecht
schlechterdings {adv}
:: absolutely , virtually , utterly
schlechtes Gewissen {noun}
:: bad conscience, guilty conscience
schlecht gelaunt {adj}
:: sullen , sulky (having ill temper)
schlechthin {adv}
:: absolutely
schlechthin {adv}
:: as such
Schlechtigkeit {f}
:: badness , depravity
schlechtmachen {v}
:: to badmouth
schlechtreden {v}
:: to badmouth
schlecht und recht {adj}
:: with great difficulty , barely
schlecken {v}
:: to lick , to lap
Schlecker {m}
:: sweet tooth
Schlecker {m}
:: lollipop
schleckig {adj}
:: appetising
Schleckzeug {n}
:: sweets
Schleedorf {prop} {n}
:: Schleedorf (municipality)
Schlegel {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Schlägel
Schlegel {prop}
:: surname for a smith or for a strong man
Schlehe {f}
:: sloe , blackthorn (fruit and tree)
schleichen {vi}
:: to move in a quiet and inconspicuous manner, hence often slowly and/or ducked : to crawl , to sneak , to steal , to prowl , to creep , to slither (of a snake)
schleichen {vr}
:: to go somewhere in the above manner
schleichen {vi}
:: to move slowly (especially in a car)
schleichen {vr}
:: to slink away; to leave meekly or sheepishly
Schleichwerbung {f}
:: subliminal advertising
Schleichwerbung {f}
:: product placement
Schleie {f}
:: tench (Tinca tinca )
Schleier {m}
:: veil
Schleier {m}
:: haze , mist
Schleiereule {f}
:: barn owl
Schleiereule {f}
:: a woman wearing a veil , usually an Islamic niqab
schleierhaft {adj}
:: cryptic , enigmatic
Schleifchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schleife
Schleife {f}
:: a simple sled used in agriculture to pull forward something, drag
Schleife {f}
:: loop , ribbon , tie
schleifen {v}
:: to whet , to move across a surface abrasively
schleifen {v}
:: to drag , to pull along the ground
schleifen {v}
:: to drag , to make people accompany oneself to a place they don't want to be
schleifen {v}
:: to slight a castle or fortress, to raze its walls to the ground
Schleifmittel {n}
:: abrasive
Schleifpapier {n}
:: abrasive paper
Schleifring {m}
:: abrasive ring
Schleifscheibe {f}
:: abrasive disc
Schleifstaub {m}
:: abrasive dust
Schleifstein {m}
:: whetstone , sharpening stone
Schleifstein {m}
:: grindstone
Schleim {m}
:: slime
Schleim {m}
:: mucus
schleimen {v}
:: to slime
schleimen {v}
:: to smarm , to fawn on
Schleimhaut {f}
:: mucous membrane , mucosa
schleimig {adj}
:: slimy
schleimig {adj}
:: mucous , mucoid
schleimig {adj}
:: obsequiously friendly ; also smarmy , slick , but implying obsequiousness more than falseness
schleimiger {adj}
:: comparative of schleimig
schleißen {v}
:: to tear , to split , to peel
Schleißheim {prop} {n}
:: Schleißheim (municipality)
schleißig {adj}
:: unkempt
Schlemihl {m}
:: schlemiel
schlemmen {vi}
:: to debauch , feast
Schlemper {prop}
:: surname
schlendern {vi}
:: to stroll
Schlendrian {m}
:: inefficiency , sloppiness
Schleppe {f}
:: train
schleppen {vt}
:: to tow ; to haul ; to drag
schleppen {vt}
:: to carry (something heavy); to hump
Schlepper {m}
:: agent noun of schleppen
Schlepper {m}
:: criminal individual who organises human trafficking or people smuggling
Schlepper {m}
:: tugboat (boat used to pull barges or to help maneuver larger vessels)
Schlepper {m}
:: platter lift (system for pulling skiers uphill, along the surface of the slope)
Schlepptau {n}
:: towrope
Schlepptau {n}
:: drag rope
Schlepptop {m} {n}
:: laptop
Schlesien {prop} {n}
:: Silesia (region)
Schlesier {m}
:: Silesian
schlesisch {adj}
:: Silesian
Schlesisch {n}
:: Silesian (Lower Silesian , Silesian German )
Schleswiger {m}
:: A person from Schleswig . (male or of unspecified sex)
Schleswig-Holstein {prop} {n}
:: Schleswig-Holstein
schleswig-holsteinisch {adj}
:: Of or from Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holsteinische Frage {prop} {f}
:: the Schleswig-Holstein Question
Schleuder {f}
:: sling , slingshot
Schleuder {f}
:: catapult
Schleuderer {m}
:: slinger
schleuderförmig {adj}
:: slingshot -shaped , Y -shaped
Schleudergang {m}
:: spin cycle
schleudern {vt}
:: to hurl ; to fling ; to sling
schleudern {vt}
:: to centrifuge ; to spin
schleudern {vi}
:: to skid
Schleuderpreis {m}
:: giveaway price
Schleudersitz {m}
:: ejection seat ; ejector seat
Schleudertrauma {n}
:: whiplash
schleunig {adj}
:: speedy , quick , rapid , prompt
schleunigst {adv}
:: straight away
Schleuse {f}
:: sluice
Schleuse {f}
:: lock (water transport)
schleusen {vt}
:: to bring something through a sluice
schleusen {vt}
:: to smuggle
Schleuser {m}
:: agent noun of schleusen
Schleuser {m}
:: smuggler of people across borders
Schleuser {m}
:: human trafficker
Schleuserin {f}
:: smuggler (female) of people across borders
Schleuserin {f}
:: human trafficker (female)
Schlich {m}
:: trick
Schlich {m}
:: schlich
Schlich {m}
:: slitch , mud
schlicht {adj}
:: plain , simple , artless , natural
schlichten {v}
:: to settle , to mediate
schlichten {v}
:: to smoothen
schlichten {v}
:: to pile up
Schlichter {m}
:: agent noun of schlichten ; arbiter , mediator
Schlichtheit {f}
:: simplicity
Schlichtung {f}
:: mediation
schlichtweg {adv}
:: simply
Schlick {m}
:: silt (very fine kind of mud found at the ground and shore of some waters)
schliddern {v}
:: to slide
schliefbar {adj}
:: just wide enough to crawl through
schliefen {v}
:: synonym of schlüpfen
Schlieffen {prop}
:: surname
schliefig {adj}
:: doughy
Schlieper {prop}
:: surname
Schlierbach {prop} {n}
:: Schlierbach (municipality)
Schlierbach {prop} {n}
:: Schlierbach (municipality)
Schlierbach {prop} {n}
:: Schlierbach (municipality)
Schlierbach {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Upper Alsace
schließbar {adj}
:: closable , lockable
schliessen {v}
:: alternative spelling of schließen
schließen {vti}
:: to shut ; to close ; to shut down
schließen {vti}
:: to lock
schließen {vti}
:: to conclude ; to end ; to close
schließen {vt}
:: to come to (an agreement); to enter into (a relationship); to reach (a settlement)
schließen {vti}
:: to gather ; to conclude ; to come to realize
Schließfach {n}
:: safe-deposit box , locker , lockbox
Schließfach {n}
:: post office box
schliesslich {adv}
:: alternative spelling of schließlich
schließlich {adv}
:: in the end , finally , eventually
schließlich {adv}
:: after all
Schließung {f}
:: closure (all senses)
Schließung {f}
:: conclusion
schlimm {adj}
:: bad , terrible , serious , dire , horrible , awful
schlimm {adv}
:: badly , severely
Schlimmbesserung {f}
:: alternative form of Verschlimmbesserung
schlimmer {adv}
:: worse
schlimmstenfalls {adv}
:: at worst
Schlinge {f}
:: loop ; noose
Schlinge {f}
:: snare (trap using a loop)
Schlinge {f}
:: sling (bandage for the arm)
Schlinge {f}
:: sling (instrument for throwing)
Schlingel {m}
:: scamp
schlingen {vt}
:: to wind
schlingen {vt}
:: to loop , tie , knot
schlingen {vr}
:: to wind , coil
schlingen {vr}
:: to creep , twine
schlingen {v}
:: to gobble , bolt
schlingern {v}
:: to skid , to swerve , to fishtail , to roll (move in uncontrolled manner shaking from side to side)
schlingern {v}
:: to lurch
Schlingpflanze {f}
:: twiner ; bine
Schlins {prop} {n}
:: Schlins (municipality)
Schlips {m}
:: necktie
Schlipsträger {m}
:: suit
Schlitten {m}
:: sled ; sledge ; sleigh (any vehicle moving over snow or ice on parallel skids)
Schlittenfahrt {f}
:: sleigh ride
schlittern {vi}
:: to slide
Schlitters {prop} {n}
:: Schlitters (municipality)
Schlittschuh {m}
:: ice skate
Schlittschuhlaufen {n}
:: ice skating
Schlittschuhläufer {m}
:: ice skater
Schlitz {m}
:: slit , slash
Schlitz {m}
:: groove
Schlitzauge {n}
:: almond -shaped eye ; Mongoloid eye; Asian eye
Schlitzauge {n}
:: Chink ; gook ; slanteye (East Asian person)
schlitzäugig {adj}
:: having almond -shaped eyes; having Mongoloid eyes; slant-eyed ; slit -eyed
schlitzen {v}
:: to slit
Schlitzohr {n}
:: sly fox
Schlitzrüssler {m}
:: solenodon
Schlögl {prop}
:: surname
schlohweiß {adj}
:: snow-white
Schloss {n}
:: lock
Schloss {n}
:: castle (château , palace , not fortified)
Schloß {n}
:: archaic spelling of Schloss
Schlösschen {n}
:: diminutive of Schloss
Schlosser {m}
:: locksmith (male or of unspecified sex)
Schlosser {m}
:: fitter , metalworker (male or of unspecified sex)
Schlosserei {f}
:: locksmith's shop
Schlosserei {f}
:: fitters shop , metalworking shop
schlossern {v}
:: to do the job of a metalworker or fitter
Schlosskirche {f}
:: castle church
Schlot {m}
:: chimney (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue; smokestack of a steam locomotive; narrow cleft in a rock face)
Schlucht {f}
:: canyon , chasm , gorge , ravine
schluchzen {v}
:: to sob
Schluck {m}
:: draught
Schluck {m}
:: sip
Schluckauf {m}
:: hiccup
Schlückchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schluck
schlucken {vti}
:: to swallow
schlucken {vi}
:: to gulp (swallow one's spittle out of fear etc.)
schlucken {vt}
:: to gobble up (annex, e.g. another company)
schlucken {vt}
:: to swallow ; to accept ; to put up with
Schluckluder {n}
:: woman who has oral sex with a man and swallows his semen
Schluckspecht {m}
:: boozehound , drunk
schluderig {adj}
:: sloppy
schludern {v}
:: to skimp
Schluderns {prop}
:: Schluderns (municipality)
Schluff {m}
:: silt (fine earth deposited by water)
Schluffen {m}
:: house or bedroom slipper (shoe)
Schlummer {m}
:: slumber
schlummern {vi}
:: to sleep lightly or briefly; to doze ; to slumber
Schlumpf {m}
:: smurf
Schlumpf {m}
:: hoodie , hooded sweatshirt
Schlumpf {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schlund {m}
:: throat , maw
Schlupf {m}
:: slip
Schlupf {m}
:: slip , slippage
Schlupf {m}
:: hatch
schlüpfen {v}
:: to slip (move quickly)
schlüpfen {v}
:: to hatch
Schlüpfer {m}
:: briefs , panties
Schlupfloch {n}
:: bolthole
Schlupfloch {n}
:: loophole
schlüpfrig {adj}
:: slippery , slick , greasy , slimy
schlüpfrig {adj}
:: slippery , tricky , unstable , changeable
schlüpfrig {adj}
:: risqué , salacious , scabrous
Schlupfwinkel {m}
:: nook , corner
Schlupfwinkel {m}
:: hideout , lair
schlurfen {v}
:: to shuffle (walk without picking up one’s feet)
Schlurfen {n}
:: shuffle
schlürfen {vti}
:: to slurp ; to sip loudly
Schluss {m}
:: end , ending
Schluss {m}
:: conclusion
Schluß {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Schluss
Schlussantrag {m}
:: concluding opinion / final remarks and request for judgement (of a case)
Schlussbemerkung {f}
:: concluding remark , closing statement
Schlüssel {m}
:: a key
Schlüssel {m}
:: a bunch of keys; grammatically singular, used instead of Schlüsselbund , especially with possessive determiner
Schlüssel {m}
:: Short for certain compounds, such as Schraubenschlüssel (screw-wrench) or Notenschlüssel (clef)
Schlüsselbein {n}
:: collar-bone ; clavicle
Schlüsselbund {m} {n}
:: A number or set of keys , usually held together by a keyring ; a keychain
Schlüsselchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schlüssel
Schlüsseldienst {m}
:: locksmith service
schlüsselfertig {adj}
:: turnkey
Schlüsselgewalt {f}
:: Power of the Keys
Schlüsselgewalt {f}
:: the ability of a spouse to represent the other in household matters
Schlüsselkind {n}
:: latchkey kid , latchkey child
Schlüsselklirren {n}
:: clanking of keys
Schlüsselloch {n}
:: keyhole
Schlüsselring {m}
:: keyring
Schlüsselrolle {f}
:: key / pivotal role
Schlüsselwort {n}
:: keyword
schlussendlich {adv}
:: finally , ultimately
Schlussfolge {f}
:: conclusion , logical consequence
schlussfolgern {v}
:: to conclude
Schlussfolgerung {f}
:: conclusion
Schlussfolgerung {f}
:: implication
schlüssig {adj}
:: conclusive
Schlussleuchte {f}
:: taillight
Schluss machen {v}
:: to break up
Schluss machen {v}
:: to be finished
Schluss machen {v}
:: to end it all , to commit suicide
Schlusspfiff {m}
:: final whistle
Schlusspointe {f}
:: final point , final turn , final highlight
Schlusspunkt {m}
:: full stop
Schlusspunkt {m}
:: end of a process , conclusion
Schlussstein {m}
:: keystone
Schlussstrich {m}
:: horizontal rule
Schlussstrich {m}
:: double bar line
Schlussverkauf {m}
:: end-of-season sale
Schlusswort {noun}
:: closing address ; final words
Schmach {f}
:: disgrace
schmachten {v}
:: to languish
schmachten {v}
:: to pine
schmächtig {adj}
:: lanky
Schmackes {m}
:: power , force , vigour , especially when hitting or moving something heavy
schmackhaft {adj}
:: tasty
schmafu {adj}
:: shabby , shameful
Schmäh {m}
:: joke
Schmäh {m}
:: humour
schmähen {v}
:: To revile ; mock ; verbally abuse
schmähen {v}
:: To blaspheme
schmählich {adj}
:: shameful , ignominious , dishonorable
Schmähschrift {f}
:: lampoon
schmähstad {adj}
:: speechless
schmal {adj}
:: narrow
schmal {adj}
:: small , slender
schmalbrüstig {adj}
:: narrow-chested
schmälern {v}
:: to reduce , to diminish
Schmalhans {m}
:: someone who is miserly and avaricious
Schmalkalden {prop} {n}
:: Schmalkalden (city)
schmallippig {adj}
:: tight-lipped
Schmalspur {noun}
:: A narrow gauge . Some tramways and historic trains run on it
Schmalspurwichser {m}
:: fucker , wanker
Schmaltz {prop} {n}
:: alternative spelling of Schmalz
Schmalz {n} {m}
:: grease ; lard
Schmalz {n} {m}
:: schmaltz (something cheesy or excessively sentimental , e.g. music)
Schmalz {prop} {mf}
:: surname famously held by:
Schmalz {prop} {mf}
:: Valentin Schmalz (1572–1622), German Socinian theologian
schmalzig {adj}
:: schmaltzy
Schmand {m}
:: thick , fermented (soured ) cream ; smetana , sour cream (with a high fat content)
Schmant {m}
:: alternative form of Schmand
schmarotzen {v}
:: to sponge , to freeload
schmarotzen {v}
:: to be parasitic
Schmarotzer {m}
:: parasite
Schmarotzer {m}
:: freeloader , sponger (male or of unspecified sex)
Schmarrn {m}
:: A dish of chopped or shredded baked goods ; especially Kaiserschmarrn (shredded pancake dessert)
Schmarrn {m}
:: rubbish , nonsense
Schmatz {m}
:: smacker , smackeroo , a loud kiss
schmatzen {vi}
:: to smack , to chomp (to make smacking or squelching sounds, especially while chewing ; to eat noisily)
schmatzen {vi}
:: to chat (to be engaged in informal conversation)
Schmauch {m}
:: dense smoke
schmauchen {v}
:: to puff away at
Schmauchspur {f}
:: gunshot residue
Schmaus {m}
:: feast of food
schmausen {v}
:: to feast
schmecken {v}
:: to taste
schmecken {v}
:: to enjoy
schmeckend {adj}
:: tasting
schmeckend {adj}
:: smacking
Schmeichelei {f}
:: flattery
schmeichelhaft {adj}
:: flattering
schmeicheln {vi}
:: to flatter
schmeißen {vti}
:: to throw ; to fling ; to hurl ; etc. Often used figuratively
schmeißen {vt}
:: to drop accidentally
schmeißen {vt}
:: to manage ; to organize ; to run
schmeißen {vt}
:: to flub a scene, to corpse
schmeißen {vt}
:: to pay for a round of drinks
Schmeissfliege {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schmeißfliege
Schmeißfliege {f}
:: an insect of the family Calliphoridae : the blowfly
Schmelz {m}
:: enamel
Schmelz {m}
:: glaze , lustre
Schmelzbad {n}
:: molten metal in a crucible
Schmelze {f}
:: melt
schmelzen {vi}
:: to melt ; to liquefy
schmelzen {vi}
:: to dwindle ; to melt away
schmelzen {vt}
:: to melt ; to liquefy
schmelzen {vt}
:: to smelt ; to fuse
Schmelzen {n}
:: melting
schmelzend {adj}
:: melting
schmelzend {adj}
:: mellifluous
schmelzend {adj}
:: languorous
Schmelzflocken {p}
:: finely ground rolled oats / oatmeal that almost dissolves ("melts") in milk and is eaten as or added on top of breakfast cereal
Schmelzflocken {p}
:: dandruff
Schmelzfluss {m}
:: molten mass ; flux
Schmelzflusselektrolyse {f}
:: fused -salt electrolysis
schmelzflüssig {adj}
:: molten
Schmelzkäse {m}
:: processed cheese
Schmelzofen {m}
:: A furnace , specifically to smelt metals, a smelter
Schmelzprozess {m}
:: melting process
Schmelzpunkt {m}
:: melting point
Schmelzpunkterniedrigung {f}
:: depression of the melting point
Schmelzsicherung {f}
:: fuse (electrical safety device)
Schmelztemperatur {f}
:: melting temperature
Schmelztiegel {m}
:: melting pot
Schmelztopf {m}
:: melting pot
Schmelzwärme {f}
:: heat of fusion
Schmer {m} {n}
:: fat
Schmerbauch {m}
:: potbelly
Schmerle {f}
:: loach ; a fish in the suborder Cobitoidea (order Cypriniformes )
Schmerz {m}
:: physical pain, ache (practically, as a sensation )
Schmerz {m}
:: physical pain (theoretically, as a bodily mechanism or function)
Schmerz {m}
:: emotional pain, sorrow , heartache
schmerzarm {adj}
:: causing little pain
schmerzempfindlich {adj}
:: sensitive to pain
schmerzen {v}
:: to cause pain , to be painful , to ache or hurt
Schmerzensgeld {n}
:: damages for pain and suffering
schmerzenvoll {adj}
:: alternative form of schmerzvoll
schmerzfrei {adj}
:: painless
schmerzhaft {adj}
:: painful (causing physical or emotional pain)
schmerzlich {adj}
:: painful , cruel
schmerzlos {adj}
:: painless
Schmerzmittel {n}
:: painkiller
Schmerztablette {f}
:: painkiller tablet , pain pill
schmerzverzerrt {adj}
:: distorted or contorted with pain
schmerzvoll {adj}
:: painful
Schmetten {m}
:: cream
Schmetterball {m}
:: smash
Schmetterball {m}
:: dunk shot
Schmetterling {m}
:: butterfly
Schmetterling {m}
:: any insect of the order Lepidoptera , i.e. a butterfly or moth
Schmetterling {m}
:: butterfly (kind of stroke)
Schmetterlinge im Bauch haben {v}
:: to have butterflies in one's stomach (be in love or happy)
Schmetterlingsblütler {m}
:: a plant of the Faboideae subfamily
Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch {m}
:: ram cichlid , Mikrogeophagus ramirezi , a species of freshwater fish
Schmetterlingsfisch {m}
:: a butterfly fish of the cichlid Pantodontidae family
Schmetterlingsfisch {m}
:: a butterfly fish of the Chaetodontinae subfamily
Schmetterlingsraupe {f}
:: butterfly caterpillar
schmettern {v}
:: to smash
Schmid {prop}
:: surname
Schmidt {prop}
:: surname, equivalent to Smith in English
Schmied {m}
:: smith (male or of unspecified sex)
Schmied {m}
:: blacksmith , forger (male or of unspecified sex)
Schmied {prop}
:: surname, more often spelled Schmidt or Schmitt
schmiedbar {adj}
:: malleable
Schmiede {f}
:: forge (workshop), smithy
Schmiedeeisen {n}
:: wrought iron
schmiedeeisern {adj}
:: wrought-iron
Schmiedekunst {f}
:: blacksmithing
schmieden {vt}
:: to forge
schmieden {vt}
:: to devise
Schmiedin {f}
:: female smith
Schmiedin {f}
:: female blacksmith
schmiegen {vr}
:: to nestle up
Schmier {f}
:: lubrication
Schmier {f}
:: fuzz , pigs , etc. (police)
Schmierblatt {n}
:: sheet of scratch paper
Schmiere {f}
:: grease
Schmiere {f}
:: goo , gunk
Schmiere {f}
:: smear
Schmiere {f}
:: cream , ointment
schmieren {v}
:: to smear
schmieren {v}
:: to butter (bread)
schmieren {v}
:: to grease , oil , lubricate
schmieren {v}
:: to bribe
schmieren {v}
:: to scribble , to scrawl
schmieren {v}
:: to deface (with writing or imagery)
Schmierer {m}
:: dauber (unskilled painter)
Schmierer {m}
:: one who defaces with offensive writing or painting; a vandal
Schmierer {m}
:: one who writes (articles, essays, etc.) quickly and carelessly
Schmierer {m}
:: scrawler , scribbler
Schmierer {m}
:: unauthorized study material (e.g. SparkNotes)
Schmierfett {n}
:: grease
Schmiergeld {n}
:: lubrication payment , bribe
schmierig {adj}
:: smudgy , mucky (covered with sticky dirt or fat residue)
schmierig {adj}
:: overtly polite , but with an underlying arrogance and possessiveness ; oleaginous ; unctuous ; smarmy
Schmiermittel {n}
:: lubricant
Schmieröl {n}
:: lubricating oil
Schmierpapier {n}
:: scratch paper
Schmierstoff {m}
:: lubricant
Schmierzettel {m}
:: slip of scratch paper
Schminke {f}
:: make-up
schminken {v}
:: to put on make-up , to put on lipstick , to make one's face
schminken {v}
:: to paint one's face
schmirgeln {v}
:: to emery , to sand (abrade with sand or sandpaper)
Schmirgelpapier {n}
:: sandpaper (paper coated with abrasive material)
Schmirn {prop} {n}
:: Schmirn (municipality)
Schmitt {prop}
:: surname
Schmitz {prop}
:: surname
Schmöker {m}
:: book , tome (especially popular, gripping novels)
schmökern {v}
:: to read leisurely, to delve into a book or magazine
schmollen {v}
:: to sulk , to pout
Schmorbraten {m}
:: pot roast , braised meat
schmoren {v}
:: to braise
Schmu {m}
:: trick , cheat , fraud , corruption (in a clement tone)
schmuck {adj}
:: pretty , spruce
Schmuck {m}
:: jewelry
Schmuck {m}
:: ornament , decoration
schmücken {vt}
:: to adorn , to decorate
schmucker {adj}
:: comparative of schmuck
Schmuckgegenstand {m}
:: item of jewelry , piece of jewelry, trinket
Schmuckhandel {m}
:: jewellery trade
Schmuckindustrie {f}
:: jewellery industry
Schmuckkästchen {n}
:: jewel box , jewel case , casket
Schmuckstein {m}
:: ornamental stone , gemstone
schmucksten {adj}
:: superlative of schmuck
Schmuckstück {n}
:: jewellery
Schmuckwaren {fp}
:: jewellery (as merchandise)
schmuddelig {adj}
:: smudgy (soiled, especially with fat residue)
schmuddelig {adj}
:: wet and cold
schmuddelig {adj}
:: mucky , pornographic
Schmuddelkind {n}
:: pariah
Schmuggel {m}
:: smuggling
schmuggeln {v}
:: to smuggle
Schmuggler {m}
:: smuggler
schmulen {v}
:: to peek
schmunzeln {v}
:: to smile in an amused and contented way
schmurgeln {v}
:: to be fried or baked slowly, making a sizzling sound
schmusen {v}
:: to smooch
schmusen {v}
:: to cuddle
schmusen {v}
:: to fondle
Schmutz {m}
:: dirt
Schmutzian {m}
:: slob ; dirty pig
Schmutzian {m}
:: miser , skinflint
schmutzig {adj}
:: dirty , filthy , grimy
schmutzig {adj}
:: shameless , obscene
schmutzige Wäsche waschen {v}
:: to air dirty laundry
Schnabel {prop}
:: surname
Schnabel {m}
:: beak , bill , pecker
Schnabel {m}
:: mouth of a person
Schnabel {m}
:: spout
schnabelförmig {adj}
:: beaked
Schnabelkerf {m}
:: bug (insect of the order Hemiptera )
Schnabeltier {n}
:: platypus , Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Schnabelwal {m}
:: beaked whale
Schnäblein {n}
:: diminutive of Schnabel
schnabulieren {v}
:: to eat heartily; to indulge
schnabuliert {v}
:: past participle of schnabulieren
Schnack {m}
:: chat ; saying
schnacken {v}
:: to talk , to speak
Schnake {f}
:: cranefly (Any of various large flies of the family Tipulidae )
Schnalle {f}
:: anything that fastens and secures the position of something, clasp , frequently:
Schnalle {f}
:: clasp on vestments , item fastened to a garment not without decorative functions , like or particularly a buckle of a belt
Schnalle {f}
:: door handle
Schnalle {f}
:: clamp connection
Schnalle {f}
:: vulva of a wolf or fox
Schnalle {f}
:: woman
Schnalle {f}
:: harlot , hooker , strumpet
Schnalle {f}
:: femoid , baggage , member of the other sex
schnallen {v}
:: to fasten with a clasp
schnallen {v}
:: to grasp , to comprehend
Schnals {prop}
:: Schnals (municipality)
schnalzen {v}
:: To click (one's tongue)
schnalzen {v}
:: To snap one's fingers
schnalzend {adj}
:: clicking , snapping
Schnalzlaut {m}
:: click
Schnappatmung {f}
:: Agonal respiration
Schnäppchen {n}
:: a bargain ; a cheap thing yet in good quality; something luckily seized/caught (see schnappen )
Schnäppchenladen {m}
:: bargain shop , five-and-dime
schnappen {v}
:: to snap (with one’s mouth)
schnappen {v}
:: to catch ; to seize
schnappen {v}
:: to nab (a criminal)
Schnapphahn {m}
:: highwayman
Schnappschuss {m}
:: snapshot
Schnappschuß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Schnappschuss
Schnaps {m}
:: spirit , booze , hard liquor
Schnapsdrossel {f}
:: boozehound
Schnapsidee {f}
:: An impractical idea which seems brilliant when one is drunk
Schnapsleiche {f}
:: extremely drunken person
schnarchen {v}
:: to snore
Schnarchralle {f}
:: snoring rail
schnarren {v}
:: to utter a croaky sound , to snar , to snarl , to squawk
schnattern {v}
:: to cackle
schnattern {v}
:: to quack
Schnatz {m}
:: chignon , topknot
schnatzen {v}
:: to tie one's hair onto the crown of the head
schnauben {vi}
:: to snort , to pant (to breathe loudly)
schnaufen {v}
:: to snort , to pant (to breathe loudly)
schnaufen {v}
:: to breathe (in general)
Schnaufer {m}
:: gasp ; audible breath
Schnaufer {m}
:: immature boy
schnäukig {adj}
:: choosy about food
Schnauze {f}
:: snout ; muzzle
Schnauze {interj}
:: shut up !
schnauzen {v}
:: to bark
schnäuzen {v}
:: to blow one's nose (to expel mucus from nose)
Schnauzer {m}
:: alternative form of Schnäuzer
Schnäuzer {m}
:: moustache
Schnecke {f}
:: snail , slug
Schnecke {f}
:: An attractive woman ; chick
Schnecke {f}
:: The cochlea in the inner ear
Schnecke {f}
:: A screw or worm thread
Schnecke {f}
:: scroll (the carved wooden spiral at the end of a stringed instrument's fingerboard)
Schnecke {f}
:: pastry in the form of a snail
schneckenartig {adj}
:: helical (snail-like)
Schneckenhaus {n}
:: snailshell
Schneckenpost {f}
:: snail mail
Schneckentempo {n}
:: snail's pace
Schnee {m}
:: snow
Schnee {m}
:: snow (static on TV set etc.)
Schnee {m}
:: cocaine
Schneeball {m}
:: snowball
Schneeball {m}
:: viburnum , any shrub of the genus Viburnum
Schneeball {m}
:: especially: Viburnum opulus , a shrub native to Europe; snowball bush , European cranberry
Schneeballschlacht {f}
:: snowball fight
Schneeballsystem {n}
:: pyramid scheme
schneebedeckt {adj}
:: snow -covered
Schneebesen {m}
:: whisk (kitchen utensil)
schneeblind {adj}
:: snowblind
Schneeblindheit {f}
:: snow blindness , photokeratitis
Schneeeule {f}
:: snowy owl
Schnee-Eule {f}
:: alternative form of Schneeeule
Schneefall {m}
:: snowfall
Schneeflöckchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schneeflocke
Schneeflocke {f}
:: snowflake (crystal)
schneefrei {adj}
:: snow-free
Schneegans {f}
:: snow goose
Schneegans {f}
:: ninny , silly goose
Schneegestöber {n}
:: flurry of snow
Schneeglöckchen {n}
:: snowdrop (plant)
Schneehuhn {n}
:: ptarmigan
schneeig {adj}
:: snowy
Schneekanone {f}
:: snow cannon , snowgun
Schneekette {f}
:: snow chain
Schneekugel {f}
:: snow globe
Schneemann {m}
:: snowman
Schneemobil {n}
:: snowmobile
Schneepflug {m}
:: snow plow , snow plough
Schneepflug {m}
:: snowplow
Schneeräumer {m}
:: snow plow , snow plough
Schneeregen {m}
:: sleet
schneereich {adj}
:: snowy
Schneereifen {m}
:: snow tire , snow tyre
Schneeschaf {n}
:: snow sheep , ˈOvis nivicola ˈ
Schneeschauer {m}
:: snow shower
Schneeschaufel {f}
:: snow shovel
Schneeschmelze {f}
:: thaw
Schneeschuh {m}
:: snowshoe
schneesicher {adj}
:: snow -assured (of a winter sports location)
Schneesturm {m}
:: snowstorm , blizzard
Schnee von gestern {noun}
:: water under the bridge
schneeweiß {adj}
:: snow-white , white as snow , pure white
Schneewittchen {prop} {n}
:: Snow White (a German folktale)
Schneewittchen {prop} {n}
:: Snow White (the main character of this tale)
Schneewittchen {n}
:: a girl or woman with black or dark brown hair and pale skin
Schneeziege {f}
:: mountain goat
Schnegel {m}
:: slug , snail
Schnegel {m}
:: keelback slug (any of various slugs of the family Limacidae )
schneidbar {adj}
:: cuttable
schneidbarer {adj}
:: comparative of schneidbar
schneidbarsten {adj}
:: superlative of schneidbar
Schneidbrenner {m}
:: blowtorch (for cutting metal)
Schneidbrett {n}
:: chopping board , cutting board
Schneide {f}
:: sharp edge
Schneidemesser {n}
:: any kind of knife
schneiden {vt}
:: to cut ; to carve ; to slice
schneiden {vt}
:: to pare ; to clip ; to mow ; to prune ; to trim
schneiden {vt}
:: to cut (someone) off; to cut in on (someone)
schneiden {vt}
:: to edit
schneiden {vtr}
:: to intersect
schneiden {vr}
:: to cut (oneself)
schneiden {vr}
:: to delude (oneself); to become mistaken
schneiden {v}
:: to avoid somebody (to cut someone)
Schneider {m}
:: agent noun of schneiden
Schneider {m}
:: cutter (a person or device that cuts)
Schneider {m}
:: tailor (male or of unspecified sex)
Schneider {m}
:: cranefly
Schneider {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schneiderin {f}
:: female tailor
Schneiderkreide {f}
:: tailor's chalk (chalk-like material used for marking alterations on fabric)
Schneiderlein {n}
:: diminutive of Schneider
Schneidersitz {m}
:: sitting tailor-fashion (cross-legged seating position)
Schneidezahn {m}
:: incisor
schneidig {adj}
:: dashing
schneidiger {adj}
:: comparative of schneidig
schneidigsten {adj}
:: superlative of schneidig
Schneidwerkzeug {n}
:: cutter ; edged / cutting tool
schneien {v}
:: to snow
Schneise {f}
:: a path cut into a location
Schneise {f}
:: aisle , swath , swathe
Schneise {f}
:: firebreak
Schneise {f}
:: corridor
Schneise {f}
:: snare , sling , animal trap
schnell {adj}
:: quick , fast
schnell {adv}
:: quickly
schnell {adv}
:: again ; quick ; used after a question to imply that one ought to know the answer
Schnellboot {n}
:: fast attack craft
Schnelle {f}
:: speed , velocity
schnelle Nummer {f}
:: quickie
schneller {adj}
:: comparative of schnell
Schnellfeuergewehr {n}
:: automatic rifle , assault rifle
Schnellfickerhose {f}
:: A pair of trousers with press studs on the sides, such as the adibreak model that was fashionable in the late 1990s
Schnelligkeit {f}
:: speed
Schnellkochtopf {m}
:: pressure cooker
Schnellkurs {m}
:: crash course
schnelllebig {adj}
:: fast-moving
Schnellrestaurant {n}
:: fast-food restaurant
Schnellspanner {m}
:: quick release skewer , quick release clamp
schnellstmöglich {adj}
:: as soon as possible
schnellwachsend {adj}
:: fast -growing
Schnellzug {m}
:: express train
Schnepfau {prop} {n}
:: Schnepfau (municipality)
Schnepfe {f}
:: snipe (bird of the family Scolopacidae )
Schnepfe {f}
:: woodcock
Schnepfe {f}
:: unpleasant, unlikable woman
schneuzen {v}
:: obsolete spelling of schnäuzen
schneyden {v}
:: obsolete spelling of schneiden
schnibbeln {v}
:: alternative form of schnippeln
Schnickschnack {m}
:: bric-a-brac , knick-knack
Schnickschnack {m}
:: empty talk, chatter
Schnick Schnack Schnuck {n}
:: Rock Paper Scissors (game)
Schniedel {m}
:: willy (the penis)
schniegeln {v}
:: to spruce up
schnieke {adj}
:: very elegant , chic
schnieke {adj}
:: great
Schnifis {prop} {n}
:: Schnifis (municipality)
schnippeln {v}
:: to chop ; to cut into small pieces (e.g. vegetables)
schnippen {v}
:: to snap one's fingers
schnippen {v}
:: to strike with a finger
schnippisch {adj}
:: snappish (speaking in an irritable or angry way)
Schnipsel {m}
:: scrap (small piece of paper, etc.)
Schnipsel {n}
:: excerpt (small piece of text, audio, video, etc.)
Schnitt {m}
:: cut
Schnittbrot {n}
:: sliced bread
Schnittchen {n}
:: canapé , open sandwich
Schnittchen {n}
:: looker , catch , hottie (sexually attractive person)
Schnitte {f}
:: slice (of bread)
Schnitter {m}
:: reaper
Schnitter {m}
:: Grim Reaper
Schnittfläche {f}
:: intersection
Schnittfläche {f}
:: interface
Schnittkante {f}
:: cutting edge
Schnittkäse {m}
:: semihard / semisoft cheese
Schnittlauch {m}
:: chive
Schnittlauch {m}
:: chives
Schnittstelle {f}
:: interface
Schnittstelle {f}
:: interface
Schnittstellenbeschreibungssprache {f}
:: Interface description language
Schnittstellendefinitionssprache {f}
:: synonym of Schnittstellenbeschreibungssprache
Schnittstellentrennungsprinzip {prop} {n}
:: interface segregation principle
Schnitz {m}
:: piece , slice , segment
Schnitzel {m} {n}
:: scrap (small piece of paper, etc.)
Schnitzel {n}
:: cutlet (slice of filet meat)
Schnitzeljagd {f}
:: paperchase , hare and hounds
schnitzen {v}
:: to carve
Schnitzer {m}
:: carver
Schnitzer {m}
:: blunder
Schnitzerei {f}
:: carving
Schnitzwerk {n}
:: carving
schnöd {adj}
:: alternative form of schnöde
Schnodder {m}
:: snot
Schnodderdeutsch {n}
:: style of German with random neologisms, jargon and colloquialisms
schnodderig {adj}
:: brash , rude
schnoddrig {adj}
:: alternative form of schnodderig
schnöde {adj}
:: despicable , vile
schnöden {v}
:: to scoff
Schnorchel {m}
:: snorkel (underwater breathing tube)
Schnorchel {m}
:: submarine snorkel , snort
schnorcheln {v}
:: to snorkel
Schnörkel {m}
:: curlicue
Schnörkel {m}
:: embellishment
schnörkellos {adj}
:: simple , unfussy
Schnörkellosigkeit {f}
:: the state of being without frills ; straightforwardness
schnorren {v}
:: to scrounge , sponge , cadge
Schnorrer {m}
:: freeloader
Schnösel {m}
:: snob
Schnuckel {m}
:: darling , sweetheart , baby
schnüffeln {vi}
:: to sniff
schnüffeln {vi}
:: to nose ; to snoop , to sniff out (information)
schnüffeln {v}
:: to sniff , to huff
Schnüffelstaat {m}
:: surveillance state
Schnüffler {m}
:: sniffer , snuffler , snoop , snooper , nosey parker ; bloodhound , dick , shamus , peeper , private eye , sleuth (private detective ) (male or of unspecified sex)
schnullen {vt}
:: to suck
Schnuller {m}
:: pacifier , dummy
Schnullerbeißer {m}
:: somebody that likes to drink sperm out of a condom . (a paraphilia )
schnupfen {v}
:: to snort
Schnupfen {m}
:: nasal congestion
Schnupfen {m}
:: cold (illness)
Schnupftabak {m}
:: snuff
schnuppe {adj}
:: worthless , unimportant
Schnuppe {f}
:: snuff (burnt remains of a wick)
Schnuppe {f}
:: clipping of Sternschnuppe ; shooting star
Schnuppen {m}
:: alternative form of Schnupfen
schnuppern {v}
:: to smell , to nose , to sniff
Schnur {f}
:: cord , string
Schnur {f}
:: cable (electronic wire)
Schnur {f}
:: daughter-in-law
Schnürband {n}
:: lace
Schnürchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schnur
schnüren {v}
:: to lace
schnurgerade {adj}
:: dead straight , straightway
schnurlos {adj}
:: cordless
Schnurrbart {m}
:: moustache
schnurrbärtig {adj}
:: mustachioed
schnurren {v}
:: to purr
schnurren {v}
:: to produce a "healthy" sound (by an engine or mechanism, e.g. a well-maintained chain on a bicycle)
Schnurren {n}
:: purr
Schnurren {n}
:: a hum : the sound made by the smooth running of a mechanical system, like a well-maintained chain of a running bicycle
Schnurrhaar {n}
:: whisker (of a cat or other animal)
Schnürsenkel {m}
:: shoelace
schnurstracks {adv}
:: straightway , straight , directly (going somewhere immediately and on the shortest way possible)
schnurz {adj}
:: entirely unimportant
Schnute {f}
:: pout ; pouting mouth; moue (way of pushing out or twisting one’s lips, made e.g. when being annoyed, pondering, posing for a photo, dancing, etc.)
Schnute {f}
:: mouth (in general)
Schoah {prop} {f}
:: the Shoah
Schober {m}
:: stack
Schock {m}
:: shock (mental or medical condition)
Schock {n}
:: A unitless measure indicating sixty (as in five dozens , or three scores )
Schock {n}
:: Such a measure indicating twenty or forty
Schöckchen {m}
:: diminutive of Schock
schocken {v}
:: to shock
schocken {v}
:: to rock (to thrill, to be very favorable)
schockieren {v}
:: to shock
Schockzustand {m}
:: state of shock
schofel {adj}
:: paltry
schofelig {adj}
:: vile , despicable
schofelig {adj}
:: petty , stingy
Schöffe {m}
:: a lay judge , an assistant judge
Schöffe {m}
:: a deputy mayor
Schofför {m}
:: alternative spelling of Chauffeur
Schofförin {f}
:: alternative spelling of Chauffeurin
schoflig {adj}
:: alternative form of schofelig
Schokokuss {m}
:: Chocolate-coated marshmallow treat
Schokolade {f}
:: chocolate (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans)
Schokolade {f}
:: cocoa drink
schokoladen {adj}
:: chocolate (attributive)
Schokoladenfabrik {f}
:: chocolate factory
Schokoladenkuchen {m}
:: chocolate cake
Schokoladenpudding {m}
:: chocolate pudding
schokoladig {adj}
:: chocolaty , chocolatey
schokolieren {v}
:: to coat or cover with chocolate
Schokopudding {m}
:: chocolate pudding
Schokoriegel {m}
:: chocolate bar , candy bar
Scholastik {f}
:: scholasticism
Schollach {prop} {n}
:: Schollach (municipality)
Scholle {f}
:: clod
Scholle {f}
:: floe
Scholle {f}
:: plaice
Schöllkraut {n}
:: greater celandine (Chelidonium majus )
Scholtz {prop}
:: surname
Scholz {prop}
:: surname
Schomburgk-Ralle {f}
:: ocellated crake
schomma {adv}
:: alternative spelling of schon mal
schon {adv}
:: already (happening rather early, continuing rather long)
schon {adv}
:: previously , before (at some time in the past; but not : before a certain event)
schon {adv}
:: expresses that an action has been completed; already ; yet
schon {adv}
:: expresses a weighing of arguments, contrast between two statements, partial agreement, concession; admittedly ; sure(ly) ; definitely ; indeed
schon {adv}
:: really (as an intensifier)
schön {adj}
:: beautiful , lovely , pretty , handsome
schön {adj}
:: good , great , splendid
schön {adj}
:: nice , pleasant
schön {adv}
:: well , beautifully
schön {adv}
:: really
schön {adv}
:: nicely
Schönbach {prop} {n}
:: Schönbach (municipality)
Schönbach {prop} {n}
:: Schönbach (municipality)
Schönbach {prop} {n}
:: Schönbach (municipality)
Schöne {f}
:: beauty , the quality of being beautiful
schonen {v}
:: to spare
Schonen {prop} {n}
:: Scania
schönen {v}
:: to massage ; to manipulate (data or a document) to make it more presentable, easier to work with, or to falsify it
schonend {adj}
:: gentle , mild
schonend {adj}
:: considerate
schonend {adj}
:: indulgent
Schoner {m}
:: A covering or device which something is protected by
Schoner {m}
:: schooner
schöner {adj}
:: comparative of schön
Schönes {n}
:: nominalization of schönes : Something beautiful
schönfärben {v}
:: to whitewash , to window-dress
schöngefärbt {v}
:: past participle of schönfärben
Schöngeist {m}
:: aesthete , belletrist (someone who cultivates a high sensitivity to beauty, particularly in the arts)
schöngeistig {adj}
:: belletristic
Schönheit {f}
:: beauty , beautifulness
Schönheitsfehler {m}
:: blemish
Schönheitsschlaf {m}
:: beauty sleep , beauty rest
Schönit {m}
:: schönite
Schönlein {prop}
:: surname
Schönling {m}
:: pretty boy
schon mal {adv}
:: ever ; before ; already
schon mal {adv}
:: once in a while ; at times ; incidentally
schon mal {adv}
:: used for emphasis
schonmal {adv}
:: alternative form of schon mal
schönreden {vt}
:: to embellish , to sugarcoat
Schönredner {m}
:: clap speaker , rhetorician , spin doctor
Schönschrift {f}
:: style of handwriting with (almost) perfectly formed letters
Schönschrift {f}
:: elegant style of handwriting , calligraphy
Schönschrift {f}
:: calligraphic font
schöntun {v}
:: to flatter
Schonung {f}
:: care , rest , treatment with care
Schonung {f}
:: young forest plantation
Schonungslosigkeit {f}
:: ruthlessness
Schönwetter {n}
:: good weather
Schönwetterfreund {m}
:: fair-weather friend
Schönwies {prop} {n}
:: Schönwies (municipality)
Schonzeit {f}
:: closed season , close season
Schooß {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Schoß
Schopf {m}
:: tuft (of hair )
Schopf {m}
:: wisp (of hair)
Schopf {m}
:: crown (feathers sticking up at the back of a bird's head)
Schopf {m}
:: bunch of leaves
Schopf {m}
:: the long hair on a horse 's forehead
Schopf {m}
:: shed , outbuilding
Schopf {m}
:: weather -proof roof
schöpfen {v}
:: to create
schöpfen {v}
:: to draw (water or air, for example), scoop up
schöpfen {v}
:: to derive
Schöpfer {m}
:: creator
Schöpfer {m}
:: Creator
Schöpfer {m}
:: ladle (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle)
Schöpfergott {m}
:: creator god
schöpferisch {adj}
:: creative
Schöpfkelle {f}
:: ladle (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle)
Schöpflöffel {m}
:: dipper , ladle
Schopfpinguin {m}
:: crested penguin
Schöpfung {f}
:: creation
Schöpfung {f}
:: creation
Schöpfungsgeschichte {f}
:: creation narrative
Schöpfungshöhe {f}
:: the threshold of originality , the measure of individual creativity and originality in intellectual work which determines if it may be copyrighted
Schöpfungstag {m}
:: one of the seven days of creation
Schoppen {m}
:: (liquid measure, historically and regionally different, usually 0.4 - 0.5 liter)
Schoppen {m}
:: pint , glass of beer , glass of wine
Schoppernau {prop} {n}
:: Schoppernau (municipality)
Schöps {m}
:: castrated ram
Schöps {m}
:: mutton
Schöps {m}
:: idiot ; moron
Schorf {m}
:: scab (incrustation over a wound)
Schorf {m}
:: various kinds of scab-like skin disesases or conditions, such as scabies , scurf , dandruff
Schorf {m}
:: scab
schorfig {adj}
:: scabby , scaly
Schörl {m}
:: schorl
Schornstein {m}
:: chimney
Schornsteinfeger {m}
:: chimney sweep
Schornsteinfegerin {f}
:: female chimney sweep
Schose {f}
:: alternative spelling of Chose
Schoss {m}
:: alternative spelling of Schoß
Schoß {m}
:: lap (area between the waist and knees of a seated person)
Schoß {m}
:: womb
Schoß {m}
:: fold
schossfest {adj}
:: resistant to bolting
Schoßhund {m}
:: lap dog
Schössling {m}
:: shoot
Schote {f}
:: pod ; hull ; husk
Schote {f}
:: alternative form of Schot
Schote {f}
:: a humorous story; an anecdote
schotenförmig {adj}
:: podlike
Schott {n}
:: bulkhead , baffle
Schott {n}
:: gates , borders , limits
Schotte {m}
:: Scot , Scotsman (male)
Schotter {m}
:: gravel
Schottergarten {m}
:: gravel garden (a garden completely surfaced with gravel)
schottern {v}
:: to gravel
Schottersträsschen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Schottersträßchen
Schottersträßchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schotterstraße
Schotterstrasse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schotterstraße
Schotterstraße {f}
:: gravel road (a road surfaced with gravel)
Schottin {f}
:: female Scot , Scotswoman
schottisch {adj}
:: Scottish
Schottisch-Gälisch {noun}
:: Scottish Gaelic (the Gaelic language of Scotland)
Schottland {prop} {n}
:: Scotland
Schottwien {prop} {n}
:: Schottwien (municipality)
schraffieren {v}
:: to crosshatch (shade an area)
schräg {adj}
:: oblique ; slanted (neither parallel nor at a right angle to some implied line)
schräg {adj}
:: strange ; weird ; awkward
Schrägbeziehung {f}
:: diagonal relationship (of elements in the periodic table)
Schrägdach {n}
:: sloping roof
Schrägschrift {f}
:: italics
Schrägseilbrücke {f}
:: cable-stayed bridge
Schrägstreifen {m}
:: diagonal stripe
Schrägstreifen {m}
:: slanted stripe
Schrägstrich {m}
:: slash (symbol)
Schramme {f}
:: graze ; scratch
schrammen {v}
:: to scratch , scrape
Schrank {m}
:: cabinet (storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall), or :
Schrank {m}
:: cupboard (cabinet, often built into a wall, with shelves intended for storage)
Schrank {m}
:: wardrobe , closet (cupboard or cabinet designed for storing clothes)
Schrank {m}
:: bookcase (piece of furniture for the storage and display of books)
Schrank {m}
:: locker (storage compartment with a lock)
Schranke {f}
:: gate (barrier that can be pulled or moved up to allow passage)
Schranke {f}
:: a level crossing with such a gate
Schranke {f}
:: some other kind of barrier or limit
Schrankpapier {n}
:: lining paper , shelf paper
Schrapnell {n}
:: shrapnel
schrappen {v}
:: to scrape
Schrattenbach {prop} {n}
:: Schrattenbach (municipality)
Schrattenberg {prop} {n}
:: Schrattenberg (municipality)
Schrattenthal {prop} {n}
:: Schrattenthal (municipality)
Schräubchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schraube
Schraube {f}
:: screw
Schraube {f}
:: most iconically, a screw in the sense of a fluted fastener
Schraube {f}
:: a propeller advancing by helical movement
Schraube {f}
:: the simple machine called screw
Schraube {f}
:: the abstracted form things may acquire called helix
Schraube {f}
:: a spiral movement, a spin around the longitudinal axis
Schraube {f}
:: a spiral movement around the longitudinal axis formalized in athletics
schrauben {vt}
:: to screw
schrauben {vt}
:: to design or move in a helical movement
schrauben {vt}
:: to put the screws on, to screw
schrauben {vt}
:: to jibe , to jeer
Schraubendreher {m}
:: screwdriver (tool)
Schraubenmutter {f}
:: nut
Schraubenschlüssel {m}
:: spanner ; wrench
Schraubensicherung {f}
:: bolt locking mechanism
Schraubenzieher {m}
:: screwdriver
Schraubklemme {f}
:: screw terminal
Schraubklemme {f}
:: spring clip
Schraubschlüssel {m}
:: alternative form of Schraubenschlüssel
Schraubstock {m}
:: vise , vice
Schraubverschluss {m}
:: screw cap
Schraubzwinge {f}
:: clamp (tool)
Schrebergarten {m}
:: allotment (parcel of land where townspeople can grow vegetables or practice gardening as a leisure activity)
Schreck {m}
:: fright
Schrecke {f}
:: locust , grasshopper
schrecken {vt}
:: to frighten , to scare
schrecken {vt}
:: to intimidate or discourage , to deter
schrecken {vi}
:: to wake or become alert with a start or scare
Schrecken {m}
:: fright
Schrecken {m}
:: terror
schreckenerregend {adj}
:: frightening , terrifying
schreckensblass {adj}
:: pale because of fear
Schreckensherrschaft {f}
:: reign of terror
Schreckensherrscher {m}
:: ruler who uses terror to govern; tyrant
schreckhaft {adj}
:: jumpy
schrecklich {adj}
:: awful , terrible , horrible
schrecklich {adv}
:: awfully , terribly
schrecklicher {adj}
:: comparative of schrecklich
Schrecklichkeit {f}
:: awfulness , horror , horribleness , terribleness , frightfulness
schrecklichsten {adj}
:: superlative of schrecklich
Schreckschuß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Schreckschuss
Schrecksekunde {f}
:: moment of shock
Schredder {m}
:: shredder (machine)
Schrei {m}
:: shout , cry , scream
Schrei {m}
:: cry
Schrei {m}
:: craze
Schreibe {f}
:: writing
Schreibe {f}
:: (writing) style
schreiben {vt}
:: to write , write out (to form the letters, words or symbols of)
schreiben {vt}
:: to spell , spell out (to write or say the letters that form a word or part of a word)
schreiben {vi}
:: to write (to form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate)
schreiben {vi}
:: to write , work (on) (to be an author)
schreiben {vi}
:: to write (to) (to send written information, communication)
schreiben {vr}
:: to write (to use for writing)
schreiben {vr}
:: to write (to exchange correspondence)
schreiben {vr}
:: to be spelled
schreiben {vr}
:: to spell one's name
Schreiben {n}
:: writing , letter
Schreiber {m}
:: writer , author , scribe , scrivener (male or of unspecified sex)
Schreiber {m}
:: clerk (male or of unspecified sex)
Schreiber {m}
:: pen
Schreiber {m}
:: recorder , -graph (apparatus , device , instrument )
Schreiber {prop} {mf}
:: surname
schreibfaul {adj}
:: lazy in writing letters (or in replying to them)
Schreibfeder {f}
:: quill (pen)
Schreibfeder {f}
:: nib
schreibgeschützt {adj}
:: read-only
Schreibmaschine {f}
:: typewriter
Schreibpapier {n}
:: writing paper
Schreibschrift {f}
:: cursive ; script (a font for handwriting, typically but not necessarily with letters joined together)
Schreibsekretär {m}
:: bureau , secretary
Schreibtisch {m}
:: desk (table, frame, or case for the use of writers and readers)
Schreibtischfläche {f}
:: desktop
Schreibtischlampe {f}
:: desk lamp
Schreibtischtäter {m}
:: a mastermind ; a person who arranges for (orchestrates ) the commission of a crime without directly committing it
Schreibtischtäter {m}
:: an official who commands or authorizes by law some action which would otherwise be a crime; one who exploits their authority to allow another person to commit a crime
Schreibübung {f}
:: writing exercise
Schreibung {f}
:: writing , printing
Schreibung {f}
:: spelling
schreibungsabhängig {adj}
:: case sensitive
schreibungsunabhängig {adj}
:: case insensitive
Schreibweise {f}
:: spelling
Schreibweise {f}
:: notation
Schreibweise {f}
:: (writing) style
schreien {vti}
:: to shout ; to yell ; to cry ; to scream ; to howl
Schrein {m}
:: a wooden case or box ; a cupboard (in general)
Schrein {m}
:: an ornate case, typically but not necessarily wooden, to hold valuable things, especially relics
Schrein {m}
:: a sanctuary , especially non-Christian, dedicated to some saint or deity
Schreiner {m}
:: joiner (maker of wooden furniture)
Schreinerei {f}
:: joinery
schreiten {vi}
:: to stride ; to step , to proceed
Schreivogel {m}
:: suboscine (any of the passerine birds of suborder Tyranni )
Schrems {prop} {n}
:: Schrems (municipality)
Schrifft {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Schrift
Schrift {f}
:: font
Schrift {f}
:: writing (work of an author)
Schrift {f}
:: hand , handwriting (characteristic writing of a particular person)
Schrift {f}
:: script (system of writing)
Schriftart {f}
:: typeface
Schriftart {f}
:: font , font type
Schriftart {f}
:: script (handwriting style)
Schriftbild {n}
:: typeface
schriftdeutsch {adj}
:: written Standard German
schriftdeutsch {adj}
:: Standard German
Schriftdeutsch {prop} {n}
:: written Standard German (the standard variety of the German language which is used when writing)
Schriftdeutsch {prop} {n}
:: Standard German
Schriftgelehrte {f}
:: female scribe
Schriftgelehrter {m}
:: scribe
Schriftgrösse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schriftgröße
Schriftgröße {f}
:: font size , type size
Schriftleiter {m}
:: editor
Schriftleitung {f}
:: editing , editorial department , editorship
schriftlich {adj}
:: written
schriftlos {adj}
:: unlettered
Schriftrolle {f}
:: scroll
Schriftsprache {f}
:: written language
Schriftsprache {f}
:: standard language
schriftsprachlich {adj}
:: literary (of language)
schriftsprachlich {adj}
:: standard (of language)
Schriftsteller {m}
:: author , writer
Schriftstellerin {f}
:: authoress (female writer)
schriftstellerisch {adj}
:: literary
Schriftstück {n}
:: document
Schriftstück {n}
:: writ
Schrifttum {n}
:: literature
Schriftzeichen {n}
:: character (of writing)
Schriftzug {m}
:: logo
Schriftzug {m}
:: legend (inscription)
schrill {adj}
:: shrill
schrillen {v}
:: to shrill
Schritt {m}
:: step , footstep , a single instance of walking
Schritt {m}
:: the horse gait called walk
Schritt {m}
:: crotch , the area between the human legs close to the genitals or comprising them
Schritt {m}
:: any of several obsolete linear measures about as long as a man steps (a pace ), that is about 70–80 cm
Schritt {m}
:: any imaginary measure that is likened in its partitioning to the distance traveled by a leg moving forward in its single footsteps
Schritt {m}
:: step , the part of a measure in the sense of an action one takes
Schritt {m}
:: ellipsis of Schrittgeschwindigkeit
Schrittchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schritt
Schrittfehler {m}
:: travelling , traveling (violation committed by taking more steps than allowed while holding the ball)
Schritt für Schritt {adv}
:: step by step
Schrittgeschwindigkeit {f}
:: walking pace
Schrittgeschwindigkeit {f}
:: symbol rate
Schritttempo {n}
:: walking pace
Schritt-Tempo {n}
:: alternative spelling of Schritttempo
schrittweise {adv}
:: step-by-step , step by step
Schröcken {prop} {n}
:: Schröcken (municipality)
Schröder {prop} {n}
:: surname
Schrödingergleichung {f}
:: Schrödinger equation
Schrödingers Katze {noun}
:: Schrödinger's cat
Schrofen {m}
:: steep, rocky cliff
schroff {adj}
:: steep
schroff {adj}
:: gruff , bluff , harsh , rugged , brusque
Schroffheit {f}
:: gruffness , brusqueness
Schroll {prop}
:: surname
schröpfen {vt}
:: to bleed , cup
schröpfen {vt}
:: to bleed , fleece , milk (To take large amounts of money often by using tricks.)
Schrot {m} {n}
:: crushed grain
Schrot {m} {n}
:: small-shot
Schrotflinte {f}
:: shotgun
Schrotkugel {f}
:: shot (metal bead)
Schrott {m}
:: scrap ; junk (discarded material, especially metal)
Schrottanleihe {f}
:: junk bond
schrotten {vt}
:: to wreck , to make into scrap
schrottreif {adj}
:: ready to be scrapped
Schrottwichteln {n}
:: a variation of secret Santa where people give away presents they received but don't actually want, e.g. after Christmas
Schrottwichteln {n}
:: a variation of secret Santa where people try to give the most trashy gifts possible
Schrottwichteln {n}
:: white elephant gift exchange
Schrulle {f}
:: quirk
Schrulle {f}
:: quirky old woman
schrullig {adj}
:: whimsical , quirky
schrumpeln {v}
:: to shrivel (e.g. skin)
schrumpfen {vi}
:: to shrink
schrumpfen {vt}
:: to shrink
Schrumpfkopf {m}
:: shrunken head
Schrumpfschlauch {m}
:: heat shrink tube
Schrumpfung {f}
:: shrinkage , contraction , diminution
schrundig {adj}
:: chapped
schrundig {adj}
:: cracked , cleft
Schruns {prop} {n}
:: Schruns (municipality)
Schtetl {n}
:: shtetl
Schtschi {m}
:: shchi
Schub {m}
:: thrust
Schub {m}
:: phase
Schub {m}
:: drive
Schub {m}
:: batch
Schub {m}
:: push , shove
Schuber {m}
:: slipcase
Schuber {m}
:: locking device , bolt , bar
Schubert {prop} {mf}
:: surname, notably of the Austrian composer Franz Schubert
Schubkarre {f}
:: wheelbarrow
Schubkarren {m}
:: alternative form of Schubkarre
Schubkraft {f}
:: thrust
Schublade {f}
:: drawer (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing)
Schubladendenken {n}
:: stereotyped thinking
Schubs {m}
:: shove (an instance of shoving)
schubsen {v}
:: to shove (push roughly)
schüchtern {adj}
:: shy
Schüchternheit {noun}
:: shyness
Schuft {m}
:: scoundrel , villain
schuften {v}
:: to drudge , toil
schuftig {adj}
:: wretched , despicable
Schuh {m}
:: shoe
Schuhanzieher {m}
:: shoehorn
Schuhband {n}
:: shoelace
Schühchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schuh
Schuhcreme {f}
:: shoe polish
Schuhcrème {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schuhcreme
Schuhgrösse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schuhgröße
Schuhgröße {f}
:: shoe size
Schuhkarton {noun}
:: shoebox
Schuhkrem {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schuhcreme
Schuhkreme {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schuhcreme
Schühlein {n}
:: diminutive of Schuh
Schuhlöffel {m}
:: shoehorn
Schuhmacher {m}
:: shoemaker ; cobbler (male or of unspecified sex)
Schuhmacher {prop}
:: surname
Schuhschnabel {m}
:: shoebill
Schuhsohle {f}
:: sole
Schuhspanner {m}
:: shoe tree (to hold or stretch a shoe )
Schuhspitze {f}
:: toe of a shoe
Schuhware {f}
:: footwear
Schuhwerk {n}
:: footwear
Schulabgang {m}
:: departure from school
Schularbeit {f}
:: homework
Schularbeit {f}
:: classwork
schulautonom {adj}
:: (of a school ) autonomous
Schulbibliothek {f}
:: school library
Schulbuch {n}
:: textbook
Schulbücherei {f}
:: school library
schulbuchmäßig {adj}
:: textbook (attributive)
Schulbuchverlag {m}
:: textbook publisher
Schulbus {m}
:: school bus
Schuld {f}
:: debt
Schuld {f}
:: fault
Schuld {f}
:: guilt
Schuld {f}
:: blame , responsibility
schuldbewusst {adj}
:: guilty , conscious of guilt
Schuldeingeständnis {n}
:: admission of guilt
Schuldeingeständnis {n}
:: confession of guilt
Schuldeingeständnis {n}
:: mea culpa
Schuldeingeständnis {n}
:: guilty plea
schulden {vt}
:: to owe
schulden {v}
:: to be due to
Schuldenberg {m}
:: mountain of debt
Schuldenerlass {m}
:: debt relief
schuldenfrei {adj}
:: debtless
Schuldenschnitt {m}
:: debt relief
Schuldgefühl {n}
:: guilt ; feeling of guilt; guilt pang
schuldgeplagt {adj}
:: guilt -ridden
Schuldherr {m}
:: creditor
schuldig {adj}
:: guilty , culpable , in debt
Schuldiger {m}
:: culprit
Schuldiger {m}
:: culprit
Schuldkult {m}
:: "guilt culture"; derogatory term for the German Culture of Remembrance
Schuldner {m}
:: debtor (a person or firm that owes money)
Schuldopfer {n}
:: guilt offering
Schuldschein {m}
:: A security similar to a bond in which a private placement is effected by a debt assignment rather than a promissory note
schuld sein {v}
:: to be at fault
Schuldsumme {f}
:: amount of debt
Schuldvertrag {m}
:: debt contract
Schule {f}
:: school (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning (especially before university); department/institute at a college or university; art movement; followers of a particular doctrine)
Schule {f}
:: school , shoal (of fish)
Schule {f}
:: pod (group of whales or similar mammals)
Schule {f}
:: a synagogue
Schuleingang {m}
:: entrance of a school building
schulen {v}
:: to school
Schüler {m}
:: pupil , student , schoolboy or schoolgirl
Schüler {m}
:: disciple
Schülerin {f}
:: a female pupil , student or schoolgirl
Schülerin {f}
:: a female disciple
schulfrei {adj}
:: free of teaching / lessons
Schulgebrauch {m}
:: school use
Schulhof {m}
:: schoolyard
schulisch {adj}
:: scholarly
Schuljahr {n}
:: school year
Schulkind {n}
:: schoolchild
Schulleiter {m}
:: rector , principal (headmaster of an educational institution)
Schulleiterin {f}
:: A female director (principal , head , headmistress)
Schüller {prop}
:: surname
Schulmedizin {f}
:: academic medicine (as opposed to alternative medicine)
Schulnote {f}
:: mark , grade (score obtained at school )
Schulpflicht {f}
:: compulsory education
Schultasche {f}
:: schoolbag , bookbag , satchel
Schulte {prop}
:: surname
Schulter {f}
:: shoulder
Schulterblatt {n}
:: shoulder blade
Schulterflecken-Ameisenwürger {m}
:: band-tailed antshrike
Schulterhalfter {n} {f}
:: shoulder holster
Schulterklappe {f}
:: epaulette , shoulderboard , shoulder board
schultern {vt}
:: to shoulder (to carry something on one's shoulders)
Schulterschluss {noun}
:: shoulder-to-shoulder
Schulterstück {n}
:: epaulet , epaulette , shoulderboard , shoulder board
Schultertasche {f}
:: shoulderbag
Schulterzucken {n}
:: shrug
Schultheiß {m}
:: mayor
Schultüte {f}
:: A paper cone full of gifts that is given on the first day of school in Germany and nearby places in Central Europe
Schultz {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schuluhr {f}
:: school clock
Schulwart {m}
:: caretaker (of a school)
Schulwesen {n}
:: school system , school sector , education sector
Schulz {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schulze {m}
:: village headman , sheriff
Schulze {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schulzeit {f}
:: schooldays
Schulzeugnis {n}
:: report card
Schumacher {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schumann {prop} {mf}
:: surname, notably of the German composer Robert Schumann
Schummelei {f}
:: cheating
schummeln {vi}
:: to cheat (especially in games, but also in business, school, etc.)
Schummelzettel {m}
:: cheat sheet (a sheet of paper used to assist on a test)
schummrig {adj}
:: dim (poorly lit)
Schund {m}
:: trash , rubbish
schunkeln {v}
:: to swing
Schupo {f}
:: contraction of Schutzpolizei
Schüppchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schuppe
Schuppe {f}
:: scale (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals)
Schuppe {f}
:: piece of dandruff ; and in the plural: dandruff
Schüppe {f}
:: alternative form of Schippe
Schüppel {m}
:: bunch , bundle
Schüppel {m}
:: crowd , flock
schuppen {vt}
:: to scale (a fish)
schuppen {vr}
:: to peel
schuppen {v}
:: to shove , to push , to hustle
Schuppen {m}
:: shed
schuppenförmig {adj}
:: scaly , imbricate , squamous
Schuppentier {n}
:: pangolin
schuppig {adj}
:: scaly
Schur {f}
:: shearing , clipping
Schur {f}
:: clipping ; mowing ; trimming
schüren {v}
:: to poke , stoke (to poke a fire to remove ash or promote burning )
schüren {v}
:: to stoke , stir up
schürfen {v}
:: To prospect
schürfen {v}
:: To dig up
schürfen {v}
:: To graze (rub or scratch)
Schurke {m}
:: villain , scoundrel
Schurkenstaat {m}
:: rogue state
schurren {v}
:: to scrape
Schurwolle {f}
:: virgin wool
schurwollen {adj}
:: made from virgin wool
Schurz {m}
:: apron
Schürzchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schürze
Schürze {f}
:: apron
Schürzenjäger {m}
:: philanderer (habitual seducer of women), skirt chaser
Schuss {m}
:: shot
Schuss {m}
:: mild craziness
Schuss {m}
:: (sexually) attractive person , usually female
Schuss {m}
:: a narcotic injection
Schuss {m}
:: a straight run downhill
Schuß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Schuss
schussbereit {adj}
:: ready to shoot or take a photograph
Schussel {m}
:: scatterbrain
Schussel {m}
:: butterfingers
Schüssel {f}
:: bowl , platter
Schüssel {f}
:: basin
Schüssel {f}
:: clipping of Satellitenschüssel
Schüsselchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schüssel
schusselig {adj}
:: scatty , scatterbrained
schussfertig {adj}
:: synonym of schussbereit
schussfest {adj}
:: bulletproof
schusslig {adj}
:: alternative form of schusselig
schusssicher {adj}
:: bulletproof
Schuss vor den Bug {m}
:: shot across the bow
Schusswaffe {f}
:: firearm
Schußwaffe {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Schusswaffe
Schusswechsel {m}
:: exchange of fire
Schußwechsel {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Schusswechsel
Schuster {m}
:: shoemaker , cobbler (male or unspecified sex)
Schuster {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten {proverb}
:: cobbler, keep to your last
Schusterjunge {m}
:: A cobbler 's son , a shoemaker 's son
Schusterjunge {m}
:: A cobbler's apprentice , a shoemaker 's apprentice
Schusterjunge {m}
:: A rye bread roll , rye roll , rye bun
Schusterjunge {m}
:: An orphan , an orphaned word , an orphaned line
Schusterjunge {m}
:: A special, traditional costume worn at the Cologne Carnival (German: Kölner Karneval )
Schutt {m}
:: rubbish , rubble
Schuttcontainer {m}
:: skip (large container for construction waste)
Schüttelfrost {m}
:: chills
schütteln {vt}
:: to shake
Schüttelreim {m}
:: A combination of rhyme and spoonerism ; poetic lines in which the last few syllables are the same except for some exchanged sounds
Schütteltanz {m}
:: any dance that is largely based on shaking movements, chiefly of the upper part of the body, for example the Ethiopian eskista or the Harlem shake
schütten {v}
:: to pour ; of both liquids and solids
schütten {v}
:: to rain heavily
schütter {adj}
:: sparse , scanty , thin
Schutt und Asche {f}
:: rubble , ruins
Schüttung {f}
:: bed (area filled and levelled)
Schüttung {f}
:: embankment
Schutz {m}
:: protection
Schütz {n}
:: contactor
Schutzbehauptung {f}
:: false assertion , defensive lie, lie to cover oneself, self-serving declaration, attempt to justify one's behavior
Schutzblech {n}
:: fender , mudguard
Schütze {m}
:: shooter
Schütze {m}
:: archer , bowman
Schütze {m}
:: rifleman
Schütze {m}
:: Sagittarius
schützen {vt}
:: to defend ; to protect ; to shelter ; to guard
schützen {vt}
:: to cover
schützen {vr}
:: to protect oneself
schützend {adj}
:: protective , defending
Schützenfest {n}
:: Schützenfest
Schützenfisch {m}
:: archerfish , specifically banded archerfish
Schutzengel {m}
:: guardian angel
Schützengraben {m}
:: trench
Schützenpanzer {noun}
:: infantry fighting vehicle (IFV)
schützenswert {adj}
:: worth protecting
Schutzgas {n}
:: inert gas (in welding etc)
Schutzgasatmosphäre {f}
:: protective atmosphere
Schutzgebiet {n}
:: protectorate , dependency
Schutzgebiet {n}
:: sanctuary , reserve
Schutzgeld {n}
:: protection money
Schutzgelderpressung {f}
:: protection racket
Schutzgott {m}
:: tutelary deity
Schutzgruppe {f}
:: protecting group
Schutzhaft {f}
:: protective custody
Schutzheilige {m}
:: patron saint
Schutzheiliger {m}
:: patron saint
Schutzhelm {m}
:: hard hat
Schutzhülle {f}
:: protective cover
Schützit {m}
:: synonym of Coelestin : celestine
Schutzkleidung {m}
:: protective clothing
Schützling {m}
:: protégé (e )
schutzlos {adj}
:: defenseless
Schutzmann {m}
:: a man who protects, outdated for policeman
Schutzmaske {f}
:: protective mask
Schutzmaßnahme {f}
:: safeguard , precaution (safety measure)
Schutzpolizei {f}
:: "Protection police"; name used for various police branches in the Federal Republic of Germany , Nazi Germany and the Weimar Republic
Schutzschicht {f}
:: protective layer / coating
Schutzschild {m}
:: shield
Schutzschirm {m}
:: shield , protective screen , protective umbrella
Schutzstaffel {f}
:: Schutzstaffel , Schusta
Schutzstaffel {f}
:: Schutzstaffel , SS
Schutzumschlag {m}
:: dust jacket
Schutzwall {m}
:: a protecting wall
Schutzwirkung {f}
:: protective effect
Schutzzoll {m}
:: protective tariff
Schwa {n}
:: schwa (mid central vowel sound)
Schwa {n}
:: shva (one of the nikud (Hebrew vowel signs))
Schwabach {prop}
:: Schwabach (independent city)
Schwabber {m}
:: scrubber , mop , swab , wherewith parts of the ship are wiped
Schwabber {m}
:: epaulette
Schwabe {m}
:: a (male) Swabian (person)
Schwabe {m}
:: any (male) German
schwäbeln {vt}
:: to speak in Swabian
Schwaben {prop} {n}
:: Swabia
Schwabenstreich {m}
:: foolish act
Schwabenstreich {m}
:: daring , intelligent act
Schwäbin {f}
:: a female Swabian (person)
Schwäbin {f}
:: any female German
schwäbisch {adj}
:: Swabian , of or pertaining to Swabia
Schwäbisch {prop} {n}
:: the Swabian lect
schwach {adj}
:: weak
Schwäche {f}
:: weakness
schwache Deklination {f}
:: weak declension
Schwächegefühl {n}
:: feeling of weakness
schwache Kernkraft {f}
:: weak nuclear force
schwächeln {v}
:: to weaken slightly
schwächen {vt}
:: to weaken
schwächer {adj}
:: comparative of schwach
schwaches Verb {n}
:: weak verb
schwache Wechselwirkung {f}
:: weak interaction
Schwächezustand {m}
:: state of weakness
Schwachheit {f}
:: weakness , frailty , fatigue
Schwachkopf {m}
:: idiot , jerk
schwachköpfig {adj}
:: idiotic
schwächlich {adj}
:: frail , sickly
schwächlicher {adj}
:: comparative of schwächlich
schwächlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of schwächlich
Schwächling {m}
:: weakling
Schwachmat {m}
:: weakling , moron , chicken (weak, shy, cowardly, stupid or incompetent person)
Schwachmatikus {m}
:: weakling
schwachsichtig {adj}
:: weak -sighted , dim-sighted , visually impaired
Schwachsinn {m}
:: nonsense
Schwachsinn {m}
:: mental retardation
schwachsinnig {adj}
:: halfwitted , feeble-minded , moronic
Schwachstelle {f}
:: weakness , weak point
Schwachstelle {f}
:: vulnerability
schwächsten {adj}
:: superlative of schwach
Schwächung {f}
:: weakening , attenuation
Schwächung {f}
:: impairment , enfeeblement
Schwächung {f}
:: lenition
Schwade {mf}
:: swath , windrow (row of cut grain or hay; both cut out herbage and the left empty space)
Schwade {mf}
:: waft , cloud , plume
Schwaden {m}
:: alternative form of Schwade
Schwadorf {prop} {n}
:: Schwadorf (municipality)
Schwadron {f}
:: squadron (the smallest unit of the cavalry )
schwadronieren {v}
:: To talk in a voluminous and excited manner; to rant or ramble
schwafeln {v}
:: to waffle
Schwager {m}
:: brother-in-law
Schwager {m}
:: in-law ; a fairly distant relative by marriage
Schwägerin {f}
:: sister-in-law
Schwägerin {f}
:: in-law ; a fairly distant relative by marriage
Schwägerschaft {f}
:: sibling -in-law relationship
Schwägerschaft {f}
:: affinity (family relationship through marriage)
Schwäher {m}
:: brother-in-law
Schwäher {m}
:: father-in-law
Schwalbe {f}
:: swallow , martin (small, migratory bird of the Hirundinidae family)
Schwalbe {f}
:: dive (deliberate fall, simulated foul)
Schwalbe {f}
:: Schwalbe (WWII Messerschmitt Me-262 jet fighter)
Schwalbenschwanz {m}
:: swallowtail (tail of a swallow)
Schwalbenschwanz {m}
:: swallowtail (butterfly of the family Papilionidae )
Schwalbenschwanz {m}
:: dovetail (type of joint where adjoining boards are fastened by interlocking fan-shaped cutouts)
Schwalbenschwanzzinne {f}
:: notched merlon
Schwalch {m}
:: fume , vapour
Schwalch {m}
:: the opening of the smelting furnace wherethrough the flame hits the metal
Schwall {m}
:: flood
Schwamm {m}
:: sponge
Schwamm {m}
:: fungus , mushroom , toadstool
Schwamm {m}
:: morbid growth
Schwamm {m}
:: dry rot
schwammartig {adj}
:: spongy (having the structure of a sponge)
Schwammerl {n}
:: mushroom
schwammig {adj}
:: pulpy , spongy
schwammig {adj}
:: imprecise
Schwampel {f}
:: A coalition in the German parliament consisting of the CDU , FDP , and the Green Party
Schwan {m}
:: swan (male or of unspecified sex)
Schwan {m}
:: the constellation Cygnus
Schwanberg {prop} {n}
:: Schwanberg (municipality)
schwanen {v}
:: to suspect , to dread
Schwanengesang {m}
:: swan song (a final performance)
Schwanenhals {m}
:: swan neck
Schwanenhals {m}
:: gooseneck
Schwanenhalsmikrofon {n}
:: gooseneck microphone
Schwanenjunges {n}
:: cygnet
Schwanenstadt {prop} {n}
:: Schwanenstadt (municipality)
Schwanenteich {m}
:: swannery , swan lake
Schwang {m}
:: swing
Schwang {m}
:: fashion
schwanger {adj}
:: pregnant (of humans)
schwanger {adj}
:: pregnant , gravid (of animals)
schwanger {adj}
:: full of, laden with
Schwangere {f}
:: expectant mother (pregnant woman)
schwängern {v}
:: to impregnate (to cause to become pregnant)
Schwangerschaft {f}
:: pregnancy
Schwangerschaftsabbruch {m}
:: induced abortion
Schwangerschaftstest {m}
:: pregnancy test
Schwänin {f}
:: pen , swan (female)
schwank {adj}
:: flexible , fluctuating
Schwank {m}
:: drollery , prank
Schwank {m}
:: short, funny tale
schwanken {vi}
:: to fluctuate ; to waver
schwanken {vi}
:: to shake ; to rock ; to sway
schwanken {vi}
:: to stagger
schwankend {adj}
:: unsteady , unstable , wobbly , wobbling , fluctuating , floating , swaying , tottering
schwankend {adj}
:: changing , varying , variable
schwankend {adj}
:: indecisive , unsteady , wavering , fluctuating , being in doubt
schwankend {adj}
:: fluctuating , varying , volatile
Schwankung {f}
:: fluctuation
Schwanz {m}
:: A tail
Schwanz {m}
:: a cock , a penis
Schwanz {m}
:: A prick
Schwänzchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schwanz
schwänzeln {v}
:: to wag , wiggle
Schwänzeltanz {m}
:: waggle dance (of bees)
schwänzen {v}
:: to skip (school, work, etc., without permission); to truant ; to play hooky (US ); to wag (British slang ); to skive
schwanzgesteuert {adj}
:: cock -driven (obsessed with sex)
Schwanzlutscher {m}
:: cocksucker
Schwanzlutscherin {f}
:: fellatrix
Schwanzstück {n}
:: top sirloin (cut of beef near the tail)
Schwanzvergleich {m}
:: dick-measuring contest (literally and figuratively)
Schwanzwort {n}
:: initial clipping ; apheresis
Schwäre {f}
:: ulcer
schwären {vi}
:: to fester , to suppurate , to ulcerate and to hurt
Schwarm {m}
:: swarm of insects ; flock of birds ; school of fish
Schwarm {m}
:: crush ; beloved ; object of one’s (unfulfilled) love
schwärmen {v}
:: to swarm ; to fly in swarms or flocks
schwärmen {v}
:: to romanticize ; be given to romantic or mystic thoughts
schwärmen {v}
:: to adore ; fancy (to be romantically attracted by someone, often without making advances)
schwärmen {v}
:: to gush ; to rave about; to be enthusiastic about
schwärmen {v}
:: to praise highly; extol
Schwärmer {m}
:: agent noun of schwärmen ; enthusiast , zealot , extremist , sentimentalist , dreamer , visionary
Schwärmer {m}
:: hawkmoth , sphinx moth , Sphingidae
Schwärmer {m}
:: serpent , jumping jack
Schwärmerei {f}
:: enthusiasm , rapture , fanaticism , ecstasy
Schwärmerin {f}
:: female enthusiast , zealot , extremist , sentimentalist , dreamer , visionary
schwärmerisch {adj}
:: enthusiastic
schwärmerisch {adj}
:: infatuated
Schwarte {f}
:: pork rind
Schwartz {prop}
:: surname A spelling variant of Schwarz (black)
schwarz {adj}
:: black , reflecting little or no light
schwarz {adj}
:: illegal
schwarz {adj}
:: black , having a high amount of melanin in an organ , e.g. the skin
schwarz {adj}
:: pertaining to the CDU or CSU (large center-right Christian Democratic parties, whose associated colour is black)
schwarz {adj}
:: without milk
schwarz {adj}
:: pertaining to Goth music or culture (called schwarze Szene (black scene ) in German)
Schwarz {n}
:: black (colour)
Schwarz {n}
:: sable ; black in heraldry
Schwarz {prop}
:: surname Spelling variant: Schwartz
Schwarzach {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzach (municipality)
Schwarzach {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzach (municipality)
Schwarzach {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzach (municipality)
Schwarzafrika {prop} {n}
:: sub-Saharan Africa
Schwarzarbeit {f}
:: illicit work
schwarzarbeiten {vi}
:: to moonlight (work illicitly)
Schwarzarbeiter {m}
:: illicit or illegal worker , clandestine worker , undocumented worker , moonlighter ,
Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfungsgesetz {n}
:: Control of Unreported Employment Act
schwarzäugig {adj}
:: black -eyed
Schwarzautal {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzautal (municipality)
Schwarzbau {m}
:: Illegally constructed building
Schwarzbier {n}
:: black beer
schwarzbraun {adj}
:: very dark, blackish brown
schwarzbrennen {v}
:: to moonshine
Schwarzbrot {n}
:: a synonym of Graubrot
Schwarzbrot {n}
:: a synonym of Pumpernickel
schwarzbunt {adj}
:: having a black and white (splotchy) hide; piebald
Schwarzdrossel {f}
:: blackbird (Turdus merula )
Schwarze {f}
:: black woman
Schwärze {f}
:: blackness , darkness , swarthiness
Schwärze {f}
:: blacking
Schwärze {f}
:: blackening
Schwärze {f}
:: black
Schwärze {f}
:: printer's ink
Schwärze {f}
:: baseness , wickedness , atrociousness , heinousness
schwarze Johannisbeere {f}
:: blackcurrant
schwarze Liste {f}
:: blacklist
schwärzen {vt}
:: to blacken
Schwarzenau {prop} {n}
:: surname
Schwarzenau {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzenau (municipality)
Schwarzenau {prop} {n}
:: Czerniejewo , Poland
Schwarzenbach {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzenbach (municipality)
Schwarzenbach {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzenbach (municipality)
Schwarzenbach {prop} {n}
:: Černava , Czechia
Schwarzenbach {prop} {n}
:: Črna na Koroškem , Slovenia
Schwarzenberg {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzenberg (municipality)
Schwarzenberg {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzenberg (town)
Schwarzenberg {prop} {n}
:: Schwarzenberg (municipality)
Schwarzenberg {prop} {n}
:: Montenegro
Schwarzenegger {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schwarzer {m}
:: A black object or being
Schwarzer {m}
:: A black person, a person of naturally dark skin
schwärzer {adj}
:: comparative of schwarz
Schwarzer Block {prop} {m}
:: black bloc
Schwarzerde {f}
:: chernozem , black earth
Schwarzerdegebiet {n}
:: area where there is chernozem /black earth
Schwarzerden {prop}
:: Schwarzerden , a municipality in the district of Bad Kreuznach in Germany
schwarzer Kaffee {m}
:: black coffee
Schwarzer Peter {m}
:: old maid
Schwarzer Peter {m}
:: Black Peter
Schwarzer Peter {m}
:: buck , blame , responsibility , scapegoating , finger-pointing
Schwarzes Brett {n}
:: bulletin board
Schwarzes im Auge {n}
:: the pupil
Schwarzes im Auge {n}
:: the not white parts of the eye ; the pupil and the iris
schwarzes Loch {n}
:: black hole
Schwarzes Loch {n}
:: alternative case form of schwarzes Loch
Schwarzes Meer {prop} {n}
:: Black Sea
schwarzes Schaf {n}
:: black sheep
schwarze Suppenschildkröte {f}
:: black turtle , Chelonia agassizii
Schwarze Szene {f}
:: literally "black scene", dark culture , the combined subcultures of gothic , darkwave , neofolk , industrial , electro , BDSM /fetish , metal and medieval
schwarzfahren {v}
:: to use transportation without a valid fare
schwarzfahren {v}
:: to drive without a valid license
Schwarzfahrer {m}
:: fare dodger (one who uses public transportation without buying a ticket)
schwarzfeldrig {adj}
:: dark-square, pertaining to or situated on a dark square
Schwarzfußkatze {f}
:: black-footed cat
schwarz-gelb {adj}
:: pertaining to a coalition between the CDU/CSU (a large center right christian democratic party in Germany) and the FDP (a liberal and market-economy promoting political party in Germany)
Schwarzgeld {n}
:: dirty money , black money , illicit earnings
Schwarzgesicht-Ameisenwürger {m}
:: black-crested antshrike
schwarzgrau {adj}
:: very dark , blackish grey
Schwarzgrau {n}
:: very dark , blackish gray
Schwarzgrauer Ameisenwürger {m}
:: blackish-gray antshrike
schwarz-grün {adj}
:: pertaining to a coalition between the CDU/CSU (a large center right christian democratic party in Germany) and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (the largest environmental party in Germany)
schwarzhaarig {adj}
:: black-haired
Schwarzhandel {m}
:: black-marketing
Schwarzhandgibbon {m}
:: agile gibbon , black-handed gibbon (Hylobates agilis )
Schwarzkehl-Ameisenwürger {m}
:: black-throated antshrike
Schwarzkehlchen {n}
:: the European stonechat (a bird in the flycatcher family, Saxicola rubicola)
Schwarzkiefer {f}
:: European black pine , Austrian pine (any tree of the species Pinus nigra )
Schwarzkittel {m}
:: wild boar
Schwarzkittel {m}
:: catholic priest
Schwarzkittel {m}
:: referee
Schwarzkopf {m}
:: somebody with black hair
Schwarzkopf {m}
:: wog , mud (dark-haired foreigner, chiefly of North African, Middle Eastern, or Central Asian decent)
Schwarzkopf {m}
:: the songbird Sylvia atricapilla (Eurasian blackcap )
Schwarzkopf {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schwarzköpfchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schwarzkopf
Schwarzkupfer {n}
:: black copper
schwärzlich {adj}
:: blackish
Schwarzmarkt {m}
:: black market
Schwarzmasken-Ameisenwürger {m}
:: tufted antshrike
Schwarzmündige Bänderschnecke {f}
:: grove snail
Schwarzpulver {n}
:: black powder
schwarz-rot {adj}
:: pertaining to a coalition between the CDU/CSU (a large center right christian democratic party in Germany) and the SPD (a large social democratic party in Germany)
schwarzrotgolden {adj}
:: black , red , and gold , like the German flag
Schwarzschild {prop} {mf}
:: surname
schwarzsehen {v}
:: to be pessimistic
schwarzsehen {v}
:: to watch television without paying one's license
Schwarzseher {m}
:: pessimist
Schwarzseher {m}
:: someone who watches television without paying their television licence
Schwarzseherei {f}
:: defeatism , pessimism
Schwarzseherin {f}
:: feminine noun of Schwarzseher
Schwarzspecht {m}
:: black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius )
Schwärzung {f}
:: density
Schwärzung {f}
:: blackness
Schwärzung {f}
:: redacting (replacing text with black areas)
Schwarzwald {prop} {m}
:: Schwarzwald (mountainous region)
Schwarzwälder Kirsch {noun}
:: synonym of Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte {f}
:: Black Forest cake , Black Forest gâteau
Schwarzwasser {n}
:: blackwater , waste water containing toilet remains
schwarzweiß {adj}
:: black-and-white
schwarzweiß {adj}
:: black-and-white
Schwarzweißbild {n}
:: black-and-white image , black-and-white photo
Schwarzweißdenken {n}
:: black-and-white thinking
Schwarzweißfilm {m}
:: black-and-white movie
Schwarzweißfilm {m}
:: black-and-white film
Schwarzweißfotografie {f}
:: black-and-white photography
Schwarzweißfotografie {f}
:: black-and-white photo
Schwarzweißmalerei {f}
:: painting everything in black and white
Schwarzwurzel {f}
:: black salsify (Scorzonera hispanica)
schwatt {adj}
:: alternative form of schwarz ; particularly of a person: black-haired ; black-skinned
Schwatz {m}
:: chat
Schwätzchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schwatz
schwatzen {v}
:: to babble , waffle , prattle
schwätzen {v}
:: to babble (to talk much)
Schwätzer {m}
:: windbag , babbler , prattler
Schwätzerin {f}
:: feminine noun of Schwätzer
schwatzhaft {adj}
:: talkative , garrulous , chatty
schwätzicht {adj}
:: babbling , shattering
Schwaz {prop}
:: Schwaz (city)
Schwazer {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Schwaz
Schwazer {prop}
:: surname
Schwebeablaut {m}
:: floating ablaut , schwebeablaut (metathesis of the root vowel and a neighboring consonant, primarily in PIE)
Schwebebalken {m}
:: balance beam
schweben {v}
:: to hover , to float
schweben {v}
:: to soar
Schwebezustand {m}
:: limbo , state of suspense
Schwebfliege {f}
:: hover-fly , flower-fly
Schwechat {prop} {n}
:: Schwechat (municipality)
Schwechat {prop} {f}
:: Schwechat (river)
schwed. {adj}
:: abbreviation of schwedisch
Schwede {m}
:: Swede (Swedish person) (male or of unspecified sex)
Schweden {prop} {n}
:: Sweden
Schwedentrunk {m}
:: a torture method consisting of forcibly pouring liquid into the victim's mouth
Schwedentrunk {m}
:: The drink used in the torture
Schwedin {f}
:: feminine noun of Schwede
schwedisch {adj}
:: Swedish
Schwedisch {prop} {n}
:: Swedish (language)
schwedische Gardinen {idiom}
:: bars (jail , prison , imprisonment ; literally: “Swedish curtains”), as in behind bars
Schwedt {prop}
:: surname
Schwefel {m}
:: sulfur (chemical element, S, atomic number 16)
Schwefel {m}
:: brimstone
schwefelähnlich {adj}
:: sulfury / sulphury (similar to sulfur)
schwefelarm {adj}
:: low -sulfur , low-sulphur
Schwefelbakterie {f}
:: sulfur bacterium
Schwefelblüte {f}
:: flowers of sulfur
Schwefeldampf {m}
:: sulfur vapour / fumes
Schwefeldichlorid {n}
:: sulfur dichloride
Schwefeldifluorid {n}
:: sulfur difluoride
Schwefeldioxid {n}
:: sulfur dioxide
Schwefelentfernung {f}
:: sulfur removal (from petroleum etc)
schwefelgelb {adj}
:: sulfur yellow
Schwefelhalogenid {n}
:: sulfur halide
schwefelhaltig {adj}
:: sulphurous / sulfurous (containing sulfur)
Schwefelhexafluorid {n}
:: sulfur hexafluoride
Schwefelkohlenstoff {m}
:: sulphuretted carbon (carbon disulfide )
Schwefelkreislauf {m}
:: sulfur cycle
Schwefellagerstätte {f}
:: sulfur deposit
Schwefelmonoxid {n}
:: sulfur monoxide
schwefelorganisch {adj}
:: organosulfur
Schwefeloxid {n}
:: sulfur oxide
schwefelreich {adj}
:: sulfur -rich
schwefelsauer {adj}
:: sulfuric
Schwefelsäure {f}
:: sulfuric acid
Schwefelsäurefabrik {f}
:: sulfuric acid plant
Schwefelsäureherstellung {f}
:: sulfuric acid production
schwefelsauren {adj}
:: sulfated / sulphated
Schwefeltetrachlorid {n}
:: sulfur tetrachloride
Schwefeltetrafluorid {n}
:: sulfur tetrafluoride
Schwefeltrioxid {n}
:: sulfur trioxide
Schwefelung {f}
:: sulfurization
Schwefelverbindung {f}
:: sulfur compound
Schwefelwasserstoff {m}
:: hydrogen sulfide
schweflig {adj}
:: sulfurous
schweflige Säure {f}
:: sulfurous acid (the weak acid, H2 SO3 )
Schweif {m}
:: tail (of animal, comet)
schweifen {v}
:: to wander , to rove
schweifen {v}
:: to curve
Schweigegeld {n}
:: hush money
Schweigeminute {f}
:: moment of silence
schweigen {vi}
:: to be silent ; to keep quiet
schweigen {vi}
:: to stop talking ; to shut up
Schweigen {n}
:: silence (the lack of any sound)
Schweigepflicht {f}
:: vow of silence
Schweigepflicht {f}
:: confidentiality requirement
Schweiger {m}
:: man of few words (someone who rarely speaks)
Schweiggers {prop} {n}
:: Schweiggers (municipality)
schweigsam {adj}
:: silent (not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn)
Schwein {n}
:: swine , pig
Schwein {n}
:: A dirty , or contemptible person
Schwein {n}
:: luck , good fortune
Schweinbär {m}
:: boar
Schweinchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schwein , piggy
schweinchenrosa {adj}
:: piggy -pink
Schweinebraten {m}
:: roast pork
Schweinefilet {n}
:: pork fillet , pork tenderloin
Schweinefleisch {n}
:: pork
Schweinegrippe {f}
:: swine flu , H1N1 (influenza caused by orthomyxoviruses)
Schweinehirt {m}
:: alternative form of Schweinehirte
Schweinehirte {m}
:: swineherd , hogherd
Schweinehund {m}
:: a term of offense, literally pig -dog ; bastard
Schweinehund {m}
:: The working dog of a swine -herd
schweinekalt {adj}
:: very cold
Schweinepriester {m}
:: son of a bitch
Schweinerei {f}
:: mess , nastiness , smutty business
Schweinerei {f}
:: smut , filth , dirtiness
schweinern {adj}
:: pork (attributive)
Schweinestall {m}
:: pigsty
schweineteuer {adj}
:: very expensive
Schweinezucht {f}
:: pig farming (the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock)
Schweinfurt {prop}
:: Schweinfurt (independent city)
Schweinfurter {m}
:: Native or resident of Schweinfurt
Schwein haben {v}
:: To be lucky
Schweinhund {m}
:: alternative form of Schweinehund
schweinisch {adj}
:: filthy , dirty (sexual)
schweinisch {adj}
:: like a pig
Schweinkram {m}
:: smut
Schweinshaxe {f}
:: pork knuckle
Schweinswal {m}
:: porpoise
Schweiß {m}
:: sweat
Schweiß {m}
:: blood of the game
Schweißausbruch {m}
:: sweating fit , (profuse) perspiration
schweißbar {adj}
:: weldable
Schweißbarkeit {f}
:: weldability
Schweißdrüse {f}
:: sweat gland
Schweißelektrode {f}
:: welding electrode
schweißen {v}
:: to weld
schweißen {v}
:: to sweat
schweißen {v}
:: to bleed
Schweißen {n}
:: welding
Schweißhund {m}
:: sleuth , bloodhound
Schweißnaht {f}
:: weld
Schweißstelle {m}
:: weld (welded joint)
Schweißtechnik {m}
:: welding technology
schweißüberströmt {adj}
:: sweaty (literally "overflowing with sweat")
Schweißverfahren {n}
:: welding process / technique
Schweitzer {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schweiz {prop} {f}
:: Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
Schweizer {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Switzerland
Schweizer {m}
:: Swiss person
Schweizer {m}
:: Swiss Guard
Schweizer {m}
:: milker , person who milks cows
Schweizer {m}
:: (Catholic ) sacristan
Schweizer {m}
:: doorman
Schweizer {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Schweizerdeutsch {n}
:: Swiss German
Schweizerin {f}
:: female Swiss
schweizerisch {adj}
:: Swiss
schweizweit {adj}
:: Swiss -wide (throughout Switzerland)
schwelen {v}
:: to smoulder
schwelgen {vt}
:: to eat or drink greedily
schwelgen {vi}
:: to revel in, indulge in
Schwelle {f}
:: threshold
Schwelle {f}
:: railroad tie , railway sleeper
schwellen {vi}
:: to swell up; to bulge
Schwellenland {n}
:: newly -industrialized country ; emerging economy
Schwellenpflug {m}
:: railroad plow
Schwellenreißer {m}
:: railroad plough
Schwellenwert {m}
:: threshold , threshold value (of detection, or of a stimulus)
Schwellung {f}
:: swelling
Schwemme {f}
:: glut
Schwemme {f}
:: a part of a beer hall with room for a large number of guests
Schwendau {prop} {n}
:: Schwendau (municipality)
Schwengel {m}
:: (bell) clapper
Schwengel {m}
:: mentula
Schwenk {m}
:: pan , tilt
Schwenk {m}
:: swing , swivel , wheel (movement)
Schwenkbügel {m}
:: swivelling handle
schwenken {vt}
:: to wave ; to brandish
schwenken {vt}
:: to swivel (a lamp etc.)
schwenken {vti}
:: to pan (a camera)
schwenken {vt}
:: to flip food in a pan
schwenken {vi}
:: to swing
schwer {adj}
:: heavy , weighty
schwer {adj}
:: difficult , hard
schwer {adj}
:: serious
schwer {adj}
:: indigestible
Schwere {f}
:: heaviness
Schwere {f}
:: severity
schwerelos {adj}
:: weightless
Schwerelosigkeit {f}
:: weightlessness
schwere Not {interj}
:: alternative form of Schwerenot
Schwerenot {interj}
:: A curse; an expression of aggravation or displeasure
schwerer {adj}
:: comparative of schwer
schwerfallen {v}
:: to be difficult
schwerfällig {adj}
:: sluggish , clumsy , unwieldy
Schwergewicht {n}
:: heavyweight
schwerhörig {adj}
:: hard of hearing
Schwerhörigkeit {f}
:: hardness of hearing , hearing loss , deafness
Schwerin {prop} {n}
:: Schwerin (independent city)
Schwerindustrie {f}
:: heavy industry
Schwerkraft {f}
:: gravitation , gravity
schwerkrank {adj}
:: very sick ; very ill
schwerkriegsbeschädigt {adj}
:: Severely war -injured
schwerkriegsbeschädigt {adj}
:: Heavily war -damaged
schwerlich {adv}
:: hardly
schwerlöslich {adj}
:: slightly soluble (soluble with difficulty)
Schwerlöslichkeit {f}
:: slight solubility
schwerlötig {adj}
:: weighty , serious
Schwermetall {n}
:: heavy metal (metal)
schwermetallfrei {adj}
:: free of heavy metals
Schwermetallion {n}
:: heavy metal ion
Schwermut {f}
:: melancholy
schwermütig {adj}
:: melancholic
Schweröl {n}
:: heavy (fuel) oil
Schwerpunkt {m}
:: center of mass
Schwerpunkt {m}
:: center of gravity
Schwerpunkt {m}
:: main point
schwerpunktmässig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of schwerpunktmäßig
schwerpunktmäßig {adj}
:: concentrating on main points
schwerpunktmäßig {adj}
:: predominantly
schwerreich {adj}
:: Very wealthy
Schwerspat {m}
:: barite / baryte
Schwerstbehinderter {noun}
:: severely disabled person
schwerste {adj}
:: superlative of schwer
Schwerstverletzter {noun}
:: very critically injured person
Schwert {n}
:: sword
Schwert {n}
:: blade (of a chainsaw etc.)
Schwert {n}
:: dorsal fin (of certain kinds of whales )
Schwert {n}
:: sword
Schwertberg {prop} {n}
:: Schwertberg (municipality)
Schwertel {m} {n}
:: gladiolus (plant)
Schwertel {m} {n}
:: iris (plant)
Schwertfisch {m}
:: swordfish
schwertförmig {adj}
:: sword -shaped
Schwertkampf {m}
:: swordplay
Schwertlilie {f}
:: iris
Schwertliliengewächs {n}
:: any plant of the family Iridaceae
Schwertliliengewächs {n}
:: collective noun for plants of the family Iridaceae
Schwertmage {m}
:: somebody related through males ; relation on the spear side
Schwertmannit {m}
:: schwertmannite
Schwertscheide {f}
:: scabbard (sheath of a sword)
Schwertschlucken {n}
:: sword swallowing
Schwertschlucker {m}
:: sword swallower
schwertun {vr}
:: to struggle
Schwertwal {m}
:: killer whale
Schwerwasser {n}
:: heavy water
Schwerwasserreaktor {m}
:: heavy water reactor
schwerwiegend {adj}
:: grave , severe
Schwester {f}
:: sister
Schwester {f}
:: nurse ; by extension used to refer to any medical staff that is not a doctor (usually, but not necessarily, confined to female staff)
Schwester {f}
:: nurse ; used as a title of address for nurses
Schwester {f}
:: sister ; nun ; used particularly, but not only, as a title of address
Schwesterchen {n}
:: diminutive of Schwester ; little sister
Schwestergruppe {f}
:: sister group or sibling group, a clade 's closest relative
Schwesterherz {n}
:: sister , sis
Schwesterlein {n}
:: diminutive of Schwester
schwesterlich {adj}
:: sisterly , sororal
Schwestermodell {n}
:: a model that has the same basis as another
Schwestersprache {f}
:: sister language
schwieger- {prefix}
:: -in-law
Schwieger {f}
:: mother-in-law
Schwiegereltern {p}
:: parents-in-law
Schwiegerelternteil {n}
:: parent-in-law
Schwiegermutter {f}
:: mother-in-law
Schwiegerschwager {m}
:: alternative form of Schwippschwager
Schwiegerschwägerin {f}
:: alternative form of Schwippschwägerin
Schwiegersohn {m}
:: son-in-law
Schwiegertochter {f}
:: daughter-in-law
Schwiegervater {m}
:: father-in-law
Schwiele {f}
:: callus
schwielig {adj}
:: callous
schwielig {adj}
:: difficult
schwierig {adj}
:: difficult , hard , challenging , tough
schwierig {adj}
:: difficult , prickly
schwieriger {adj}
:: comparative of schwierig
Schwierigkeit {f}
:: difficulty , problem
Schwierigkeit {f}
:: trouble , difficulty , hardships , complications (NOTE: when in the plural , this word can retain a singular English abstract meaning)
schwierigsten {adj}
:: superlative of schwierig
Schwimmbad {n}
:: public pool , public swimming pool , baths , swimming bath
Schwimmbecken {n}
:: swimming pool
schwimmen {vi}
:: to swim
schwimmen {vi}
:: to float
schwimmen {vi}
:: to be flooded
Schwimmen {n}
:: swim , the act of swimming
Schwimmer {m}
:: agent noun of schwimmen
Schwimmer {m}
:: float
Schwimmer {m}
:: swimmer
schwimmfähig {adj}
:: buoyant , floatable
Schwimmflügel {m}
:: armband , water wing
Schwimmhalle {f}
:: indoor swimming pool
Schwimmhose {f}
:: A pair of swimming trunks
Schwimmmeister {noun}
:: swimming pool attendant , swimming supervisor
Schwimm-Meister {m}
:: alternative form of Schwimmmeister
Schwindel {m}
:: swindle
Schwindel {m}
:: dizziness , vertigo
Schwindelei {f}
:: swindling
schwindelerregend {adj}
:: dizzying
schwindelfrei {adj}
:: unafraid of heights
schwindelig {adj}
:: dizzy (having a sensation of turning around)
schwindeln {vi}
:: to tell harmless lies
schwindeln {vi}
:: to make harmless trickeries
schwinden {vi}
:: to dwindle (to decrease, shrink, vanish)
schwindend {adj}
:: dwindling , waning , shrinking , declining
Schwindler {m}
:: agent noun of schwindeln ;
Schwindler {m}
:: cheater , fibber (telling mostly harmless lies)
Schwindler {m}
:: swindler , deceiver , fraud
Schwindsucht {f}
:: tuberculosis , consumption
schwindsüchtig {adj}
:: tubercular , consumptive
Schwinge {f}
:: huge wing
schwingen {vtr}
:: to swing
schwingen {vt}
:: to wave ; to brandish
schwingen {vi}
:: to vibrate
schwingen {vi}
:: to oscillate
schwingen {vi}
:: to swing
Schwingen {n}
:: vibration , oscillation
Schwingen {n}
:: wrestling
Schwingen {f}
:: (pair of) wings
Schwinger {m}
:: haltere
Schwinglaut {m}
:: trill
Schwingtür {f}
:: swing door
Schwingung {f}
:: oscillation
Schwingung {f}
:: vibration , undulation
Schwingungsdämpfung {f}
:: vibration damping
Schwingungszustand {m}
:: oscillation state
Schwippschwager {m}
:: co-brother-in-law : the brother-in-law of one's spouse; that is, the husband of one's sister-in-law (one's spouse's sister's husband), or, the brother of one spouse in relation to the siblings of the other spouse
Schwippschwager {m}
:: co-brother-in-law : the brother of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law; that is, one's sibling's spouse's brother (one's sister's husband's brother or one's brother's wife's brother)
Schwippschwägerin {f}
:: co-sister-in-law : the siter-in-law of one's spouse; that is, the wife of one's brother-in-law (one's spouse's brother's wife), or, the sister of one spouse in relation to the siblings of the other spouse
Schwippschwägerin {f}
:: the sister of one's sister-in-law or brother-in-law; that is, one's sibling's spouse's sister (one's brother's wife's sister or one's sister's husband's sister)
schwirren {v}
:: to buzz
schwirren {v}
:: to whirr
schwirren {v}
:: to twang
schwirren {v}
:: to whiz
schwirren {v}
:: to whirl around (in one's head )
Schwirrgerät {n}
:: bullroarer
Schwirrholz {n}
:: bullroarer
Schwirrvogel {m}
:: hummingbird
schwitzen {vti}
:: to sweat ; to perspire (of living beings)
schwitzen {vi}
:: to give off water (of things)
schwitzen {vi}
:: to think hard; to work hard (on a mental task)
schwitzen {vi}
:: to be in fear ; to worry
Schwitzen {n}
:: sweating
Schwitzkasten {m}
:: headlock
Schwoich {prop} {n}
:: Schwoich (municipality)
schwojen {vt}
:: to sway while anchored
schwören {vit}
:: to swear ; to take an oath
schwören {vi}
:: to swear by ; to be convinced of; to like
Schwuchtel {f}
:: male homosexual ; faggot , fairy , fruit , poof , queen
schwul {adj}
:: homosexual , gay (of males)
schwul {adj}
:: having effeminate or flamboyant qualities; fruity , queer , swishy
schwül {adj}
:: sultry , close , oppressive , muggy
schwulenfeindlich {adj}
:: homophobic , anti-gay
Schwuler {m}
:: gay man, homosexual (male or of unspecified sex)
Schwulst {m}
:: showiness , pretention , grandiosity , bombast
schwulstig {noun}
:: swollen , puffy , bloated (as a result of an illness, infection, injury, etc.)
schwulstig {noun}
:: pompous
schwülstig {adj}
:: pompous
schwülstig {adj}
:: bombastic , grandiloquent
schwülstig {adj}
:: swollen
Schwung {m}
:: momentum
Schwung {m}
:: swing
Schwungrad {n}
:: flywheel
schwungvoll {adj}
:: jaunty , lively
Schwur {m}
:: oath
Schwurgericht {n}
:: court (with a jury)
Schwyz {prop}
:: Schwyz (town), the capital of the canton of Schwyz
Schwyz {prop}
:: Schwyz (canton)
Schwyz {prop}
:: alternative form of Schweiz
Science-fiction {f}
:: alternative spelling of Science-Fiction
Sciencefiction {f}
:: alternative spelling of Science-Fiction
Science-Fiction {f}
:: science fiction
Sciencefiction-Buch {n}
:: alternative spelling of Science-Fiction-Buch or Sciencefictionbuch
Science-Fiction-Buch {n}
:: science fiction book
Science-Fiction-Literatur {f}
:: science fiction
Scientologie {f}
:: Scientology
Scientology {prop} {f} {n}
:: Church of Scientology
Scoop {m}
:: scoop
Scooter {m}
:: bumper car
Scooter {m}
:: scooter
Scratchen {n}
:: scratching
Screencast {m}
:: screencast
Sczedrzik {prop}
:: Sczedrzik (village)
s. d. {phrase}
:: siehe dies , siehe dieses (which see, q.v. )
s. d. {phrase}
:: siehe dort (see there)
s.d. {phrase}
:: nonstandard spelling of s. d.
Sd. {adj}
:: abbreviation of sonder-
Sd.Kfz. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Sonderkraftfahrzeug
Seaborgium {n}
:: seaborgium
Séance {f}
:: séance
Sebastian {prop}
:: given name
Sebastienne {prop}
:: given name, feminine noun of Sebastian
Secharja {prop}
:: Zachariah
sechs {num}
:: six (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 6; or describing a set with six elements )
Sechs {f}
:: six
Sechs {f}
:: A failing grade in a class or course at school. The grades range from 1 (best) to 6 (worst)
sechsarmig {adj}
:: six -armed
Sechseck {n}
:: hexagon
sechseckig {adj}
:: hexagonal , having six corners
Sechseckpyramide {f}
:: hexagonal pyramid
Sechseck-Pyramide {f}
:: alternative spelling of Sechseckpyramide
Sechseckszahl {f}
:: hexagonal number
Sechser {m}
:: something with a number, value or size of six
Sechserpack {n}
:: six-pack
Sechserpackung {f}
:: six pack
sechsfach {adj}
:: sixfold
sechsfach {adj}
:: sextuple
sechsflächig {adj}
:: hexahedral
Sechsflächner {m}
:: hexahedron
sechsflüglig {adj}
:: six -winged , hexapterous
sechsfüssig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of sechsfüßig
sechsfüßig {adj}
:: six-footed, hexapedal
Sechsfüssigkeit {f}
:: alternative spelling of Sechsfüßigkeit
Sechsfüßigkeit {f}
:: hexapedal configuration
Sechsfüßigkeit {f}
:: condition of being a hexapod
sechshundert {num}
:: six hundred
sechshundertjährig {adj}
:: six -hundred -year
sechshundertjährig {adj}
:: six -hundred-year-old
sechsköpfig {adj}
:: six -headed
sechsköpfig {adj}
:: six people (attributive)
sechsmal {adv}
:: six times
sechsminütig {adj}
:: six -minute
sechsmonatig {adj}
:: six -month (attributive)
sechsmonatlich {adj}
:: six -monthly (occurring once every six months)
sechsprozentig {adj}
:: six -percent
Sechsring {m}
:: six -membered ring
Sechsring {m}
:: hexagon
sechsseitig {adj}
:: six -page
sechsseitig {adj}
:: having six sides
sechssilbig {adj}
:: hexasyllabic
sechsstellig {adj}
:: six-figure
sechsstrahlig {adj}
:: six -(jet)-engine
sechsstündig {adj}
:: six -hour
sechstägig {adj}
:: six -day , lasting six days
sechste {ordinal num}
:: sixth
sechstel {adj}
:: sixth
Sechstel {n}
:: sixth (fraction)
sechster Fall {m}
:: ablative (case )
sechster Sinn {m}
:: sixth sense
sechsthäufigste {adj}
:: sixth most common / abundant
sechsundachtzig {num}
:: eighty-six (86)
sechsundachtzigste {ordinal num}
:: eighty-sixth
sechsunddreissig {num}
:: alternative spelling of sechsunddreißig
sechsunddreißig {num}
:: thirty-six (36)
sechsunddreißigste {ordinal num}
:: thirty-six
sechsundfünfzig {num}
:: fifty-six (56)
sechsundfünfzigste {ordinal num}
:: fifty-sixth
sechsundneunzig {num}
:: ninety-six (96)
sechsundneunzigste {ordinal num}
:: ninety-sixth
sechsundsechzig {num}
:: sixty-six (66)
sechsundsechzigste {ordinal num}
:: sixty-sixth
sechsundsiebzig {num}
:: seventy-six (76)
sechsundsiebzigste {ordinal num}
:: seventy-sixth
sechsundvierzig {num}
:: forty-six
sechsundvierzigste {ordinal num}
:: forty-sixth
sechsundzwanzig {num}
:: twenty-six
sechsundzwanzigste {ordinal num}
:: twenty-second
sechswertig {adj}
:: hexavalent
sechswöchig {adj}
:: six -week
Sechszylinder {m}
:: an engine with six cylinders; six-cylinder engine
Sechszylinder {m}
:: a car with a six-cylinder engine
sechzehn {num}
:: sixteen
Sechzehneck {n}
:: hexadecagon
sechzehneckig {adj}
:: hexadecagonal
sechzehnfach {adj}
:: sixteenfold
sechzehnhundert {num}
:: sixteen hundred
sechzehnjährig {adj}
:: sixteen -year
sechzehnminütig {adj}
:: sixteen -minute
sechzehntägig {adj}
:: sixteen -day , lasting sixteen days
sechzehnte {ordinal num}
:: sixteenth
sechzehnwöchig {adj}
:: sixteen -week
sechzig {num}
:: sixty
Sechzig {f}
:: sixty (number)
Sechzigeck {n}
:: hexacontagon
sechzigeckig {adj}
:: with 60 vertices (usually of a hexacontagon )
sechzigjährig {adj}
:: sixty-year-old , sixty -year (attributive)
sechzigminütig {adj}
:: sixty -minute
sechzigmonatig {adj}
:: sixty -month ; lasting sixty months (attributive)
sechzigprozentig {adj}
:: sixty -percent
sechzigste {ordinal num}
:: sixtieth
Sechzigstel {n} {m}
:: sixtieth (fraction, part)
sechzigstündig {adj}
:: sixty -hour
sechzigtägig {adj}
:: sixty -day , lasting sixty days
sechzigwöchig {adj}
:: sixty -week
Seckau {prop} {n}
:: Seckau (municipality)
Second-Class-Objekt {n}
:: second-class object
SED {prop} {f}
:: the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands , the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (often known in English as the East German Communist Party , the main political party in the German Democratic Republic from 1946 until 1989)
Sedantag {m}
:: semi-official holiday of the German Empire , celebrating the German victory at the 1870 Battle of Sedan, celebrated September 2nd
sedezimal {adj}
:: synonym of hexadezimal
sedieren {v}
:: to sedate (tranquilize)
Sediment {n}
:: sediment
Sedimentgestein {n}
:: sedimentary rock
sedimentieren {v}
:: To sediment
sedimentiert {v}
:: past participle of sedimentieren
Sedimentschicht {f}
:: layer of sediment
Sedisvakantismus {m}
:: sedevacantism
See {m}
:: lake
See {f}
:: sea , ocean
See {f}
:: sea , sea condition , swell
See {prop} {n}
:: See (municipality)
Seeadler {m}
:: white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla )
Seeadler {m}
:: sea eagle
Seeanemone {f}
:: sea anemone
Seebeben {n}
:: seaquake
Seebenstein {prop} {n}
:: Seebenstein (municipality)
Seebestattung {f}
:: burial at sea
Seefahrer {m}
:: seafarer
Seefahrervolk {n}
:: seafaring people
Seehafen {m}
:: seaport (A town or harbour with facilities for seagoing ships to dock and take on or discharge cargo.)
Seeham {prop} {n}
:: Seeham (municipality)
Seehase {m}
:: lumpsucker (scorpaeniform fish)
Seehase {m}
:: sea hare
Seehecht {m}
:: hake (fish)
Seehofer {prop}
:: surname
Seehund {m}
:: seal , especially the common seal or harbor seal , (Phoca vitulina , a type of pinniped , mammal living in the ocean)
Seeigel {m}
:: sea urchin
Seekiefer {f}
:: maritime pine (Pinus pinaster)
Seekiefer {f}
:: Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)
seeklar {adj}
:: seaworthy and ready to put to sea
seekrank {adj}
:: seasick
Seekrankheit {f}
:: seasickness
Seekuh {f}
:: sea cow , sirenian
Seekuh {f}
:: hippopotamus
Seelachs {m}
:: lit. "sea salmon" / "sea lox", a term invented by the fishing industry to enhance sales of the fish Köhler "pollock ", Pollachius virens , which is not a salmon at all
Seeland {prop} {n}
:: Zealand (Danish island)
Seeland {prop} {n}
:: Zeeland , Zealand (Dutch province)
Seeland {prop} {n}
:: Sealand (Principality of Sealand)
Seele {f}
:: soul
Seele {f}
:: mind , spirit
Seele {f}
:: human being , soul
Seele {f}
:: bore (of a gun )
Seele {f}
:: swim bladder
Seele {f}
:: core (of an electric cable )
Seele {f}
:: inhabitant (of a municipality)
Seelenfrieden {m}
:: peace of mind
Seelengrösse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Seelengröße
Seelengröße {f}
:: magnanimity
Seelenklempner {m}
:: psychotherapist , shrink
seelenlos {adj}
:: soulless
seelenruhig {adj}
:: calm , placid
Seelentröster {m}
:: comforter (a person who provides mental or emotional support to another)
Seelentröster {m}
:: stiffener , pick-me-up , bracer (as schnapps )
Seelentröster {m}
:: security blanket , woobie (including teddy bears, etc.)
Seelentröster {m}
:: soulmate
Seelentröster {m}
:: comfort food
Seelenverkäufer {m}
:: seller of souls
Seelenverkäufer {m}
:: an unseaworthy boat or ship ; a ship which is unsafe , dangerous to pilot (a floating coffin )
Seelenverwandte {f}
:: female soulmate
Seelenverwandter {m}
:: male soulmate
seelenvoll {adj}
:: soulful
Seelenwanderung {f}
:: reincarnation
seelisch {adj}
:: mental , psychological
Seelöwe {m}
:: sea lion
Seemacht {f}
:: naval power
Seemann {m}
:: sailor (worker on a ship)
Seemann {m}
:: seaman
Seemannsgarn {n}
:: yarn
seemannssprachlich {adj}
:: seaman 's language (attributive)
Seemeile {f}
:: nautical mile (unit of measure equal to 1852 meters)
Seenot {f}
:: distress at sea
Seeotter {m}
:: sea otter (Enhydra lutris )
Seepferdchen {n}
:: sea horse
Seeräuber {m}
:: pirate
Seeräuberei {f}
:: piracy
Seerose {f}
:: water lily
Seerose {f}
:: sea anemone
Seerosenteich {m}
:: water lily pond
Seescheide {f}
:: sea squirt
Seeschiff {n}
:: seagoing vessel
Seeschifffahrt {f}
:: maritime shipping
Seeschlange {f}
:: sea snake
Seeschlange {f}
:: sea serpent
seeschwäbisch {adj}
:: Swabian from Lake Constance
Seeschwalbe {f}
:: tern
seeseitig {adj}
:: outlying (facing the sea)
Seeskorpion {m}
:: shorthorn sculpin , short-spined sea scorpion , bull-rout , father-lasher , (Myoxocephalus scorpius )
Seestern {m}
:: starfish
Seestück {n}
:: seascape (piece of art that depicts the sea or shoreline)
Seetang {m}
:: seaweed
Seetang {m}
:: kelp
Seetaucher {m}
:: loon (bird of order Gaviiformes )
Seeteufel {m}
:: sea-devil , allmouth , monkfish , anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius )
seetüchtig {adj}
:: seaworthy
Seetüchtigkeit {f}
:: seaworthiness
Seeübung {f}
:: maritime exercise
Seeungeheuer {n}
:: sea monster
Seeungeheuer {n}
:: lake monster
Seewald {prop} {n}
:: Seewald (town)
seewärtig {adj}
:: seaward (toward the sea)
seewärts {adv}
:: seaward
Seewasser {n}
:: lake water
Seewasser {n}
:: seawater
Seeweg {m}
:: seaway
Seewolf {m}
:: wolffish
Seezunge {f}
:: sole (fish)
Segel {n}
:: sail
Segelboot {n}
:: sailboat
Segelflugzeug {n}
:: glider
segeln {v}
:: to sail
Segelschiff {n}
:: sailing ship
Segeltuch {n}
:: canvas
Segen {m}
:: blessing
segensreich {adj}
:: beneficient , beneficial
Segler {m}
:: sailor
Segler {m}
:: sailing ship
Segler {m}
:: swift (bird)
Segment {n}
:: segment
segmentieren {v}
:: to segment
Segmentierung {f}
:: segmentation
segnen {vt}
:: to bless
Segner {m}
:: agent noun of segnen ; blesser
sehbar {adj}
:: visible
sehen {vi}
:: to see ; to have sight
sehen {vt}
:: to see (something); to perceive by vision
sehen {vti}
:: to realize ; to notice ; to see ; to find out
sehen {vt}
:: to meet (somebody); to meet up; to see ; but not in the sense of “pay a visit to”, nor as a euphemism for having a romantic or sexual relation
sehen {vi}
:: to look at; to watch ; the construction with nach often implies a turning of the head; other prepositions can be used depending on the context
sehen {vi}
:: to check on ; to look after ; to see to
sehen {vi}
:: to decide spontaneously and/or by personal preference; to wait and see
Sehen {n}
:: "seeing "
sehenswert {adj}
:: worth seeing
sehenswürdig {adj}
:: worth seeing
Sehenswürdigkeit {f}
:: something worth seeing, a sight , tourist attraction
Seher {m}
:: seer (one who fortells the future)
seherisch {adj}
:: visionary
sehn {v}
:: alternative form of sehen
Sehne {f}
:: sinew (in the anatomical or general "string, cord" sense)
sehnen {vr}
:: to long (for)
sehnig {adj}
:: sinewy ; stringy (full of long fibres and hence difficult to chew)
sehnig {adj}
:: wiry (thin and slender, but tough, such that one can see sinews and muscle fibres under the skin)
sehnlich {adj}
:: eager , ardent , fervent
sehnlich {adj}
:: devout
Sehnsucht {f}
:: yearning , longing ; pining
sehnsüchtig {adj}
:: longing , wishful
sehnsüchtig {adv}
:: longingly , wishfully
sehr {adv}
:: very
sehr {adv}
:: a lot , much
Sehsinn {m}
:: sense of sight
Sehstäbchen {n}
:: rod (of the retina )
Sehvermögen {n}
:: sight
Seibersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Seibersdorf (municipality)
Seibersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Zebrzydowice , Poland
Seiche {f}
:: urine , piss
Seiche {f}
:: bullshit , nonsense , twaddle
seichen {v}
:: to urinate
seicht {adj}
:: shallow (of water only)
seicht {adj}
:: simple , light , having little depth (e.g. of a book)
Seide {f}
:: silk
Seide {f}
:: Any of several parasitic vines , of the genus Cuscuta , having small white flowers but no leaves
Seidel {n}
:: tankard
Seidelbast {m}
:: daphne (Daphne gen. et spp.)
seiden {adj}
:: silken
Seidenfaden {m}
:: silk thread
Seidenfaden {m}
:: silk filament
Seidenhemd {n}
:: silk shirt
Seidenraupe {f}
:: silkworm
Seidenreiher {m}
:: little egret (bird of the species Egretta garzetta )
Seidenschwanz {m}
:: waxwing (songbird of genus Bombycilla )
Seidenschwanz {m}
:: Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)
Seidenstrasse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Seidenstraße
Seidenstraße {prop} {f}
:: Silk Road
Seidenstrumpf {m}
:: silk stocking
seidig {adj}
:: silky
Seidler {prop}
:: surname
seids {contraction}
:: contraction of seid es
Seifart {prop}
:: surname
Seife {f}
:: soap (substance)
Seife {f}
:: a piece of soap
Seife {f}
:: a particular sort of soap
Seifenbläschen {n}
:: diminutive of Seifenblase
Seifenblase {f}
:: bubble , soap bubble
Seifenblase {f}
:: dream , hope , illusion (vanishing into thin air)
Seifenkraut {n}
:: soapwort , any plant of the genus Saponaria
Seifenlagerstätte {f}
:: placer deposit
Seifenoper {f}
:: soap opera
Seifert {prop} {m}
:: surname, derived from Siegfried
seifig {adj}
:: soapy (taste of soap)
seiger {adj}
:: vertical , perpendicular
seihen {v}
:: to filter , to sift , to strain
Seiher {m}
:: colander
Seil {n}
:: rope , line , cord
Seilbahn {f}
:: cable car , aerial tramway , gondola lift , ropeway conveyor
Seiler {m}
:: ropemaker
Seiltanz {m}
:: tightrope walking
Seiltänzer {m}
:: tightrope walker
Seiltänzerin {f}
:: female tightrope walker
Seim {m}
:: syrup
seimig {adj}
:: viscous ; flowing only slowly
seimiger {adj}
:: comparative of seimig
seimigsten {adj}
:: superlative of seimig
sein {v}
:: to be
sein {v}
:: to feel , (to experience a condition)
sein {v}
:: forms the present perfect and past perfect tense of certain intransitive verbs
sein {vi}
:: to exist ; there to be ; to be alive
sein {vi}
:: to have the next turn (in a game, in a queue, etc.)
sein {vi}
:: to be "it "; to be the tagger in a game of tag
sein {determiner}
:: his
sein {determiner}
:: its
sein {determiner}
:: one's
Sein {n}
:: existence (the state of being, existing, or occurring)
sein Damaskus erleben {v}
:: to find one's road to Damascus
seine Claims abstecken {v}
:: to stake out one's claims
Seinemetropole {f}
:: the metropolis on the River Seine : Paris
seinen Augen nicht trauen {v}
:: to not believe one's eyes
seinen Hut nehmen {v}
:: to resign ; to quit (literally: "to take one's hat")
seinen Mann stehen {v}
:: To stand one's ground
seinen Segen zu etwas geben {v}
:: to give one's blessing to
seinen Senf dazugeben {v}
:: to add one's two cents (literally: "to add one's mustard")
seine Pappenheimer kennen {v}
:: to know who one's dealing with
seiner {pron}
:: his (substantival possessive)
seinerseits {adv}
:: from him ; on his behalf; as for him
seinerzeit {adv}
:: then , at the time
seinerzeit {adv}
:: in due time
seinesgleichen {pron}
:: the likes of him
seinesgleichen {pron}
:: the likes of it
Seinestadt {f}
:: the city on the River Seine : Paris
seinetwegen {adv}
:: because of him, for his sake
seinetwegen {adv}
:: as far as he is concerned (he doesn't mind if ); for all he cares
seinige {pron}
:: of his
sein Licht unter den Scheffel stellen {v}
:: to hide one's light under a bushel
seins {pron}
:: alternative form of seines
Seinsstufung {f}
:: gradation of different ways of being or existence
Seinsweise {f}
:: dasein
sein wahres Gesicht zeigen {v}
:: to show one's true colors
seismisch {adj}
:: seismic
Seismograf {m}
:: seismograph
seismografisch {adj}
:: alternative form of seismographisch
Seismogramm {n}
:: seismogram
Seismograph {m}
:: alternative spelling of Seismograf
seismographisch {adj}
:: seismographic
Seismologie {f}
:: seismology
seismologisch {adj}
:: seismologic , seismological
Seismometer {n}
:: seismometer
seit {conj}
:: since
seit {prep}
:: since
seit {prep}
:: for
Seitan {m}
:: seitan , wheat gluten
seitdem {conj}
:: since , ever since
seitdem {conj}
:: since that
seitdem {adv}
:: since
seitdem {adv}
:: since then, since that time
Seite {f}
:: a side ; a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape
Seite {f}
:: a face , side , surface of any three-dimensional object
Seite {f}
:: a page ; a single leaf of any manuscript or book
Seite {f}
:: a side ; one of the two surfaces of a sheet of paper
Seite {f}
:: one side or half of something or someone
Seite {f}
:: a certain aspect of a concept
Seite {f}
:: a side , faction or group of competitors in a war , game , conflict or any other competitive situation in opposite to their opponents
Seite {f}
:: the face of a coin or dice
Seite {f}
:: a site , a website on the internet
Seiteneffekt {m}
:: side effect
Seiteneingang {m}
:: side entrance
Seitenfläche {f}
:: side , face (of a geometric figure)
Seitenhieb {m}
:: sideswipe
Seitenhieb {m}
:: skit
Seitenhieb {m}
:: potshot
Seitenhölgen {n}
:: side hole, Jesus's side wound, object of religious admiration for early Moravians
Seitenlaut {m}
:: lateral
Seitenlinie {f}
:: sideline , touchline
Seitenlinie {f}
:: collateral line , branch (family descent)
Seitenlinie {f}
:: branch line
Seitensprung {m}
:: affair , (instance of) infidelity : temporary, often sexual relationship with someone other than one's partner
Seitensprung {m}
:: jump or hop to the side
Seitenstetten {prop} {n}
:: Seitenstetten (municipality)
Seitenstreifen {m}
:: verge , road verge
Seitenstreifen {m}
:: shoulder
seitenverkehrt {adj}
:: mirror-inverted
Seitenwagen {m}
:: sidecar
Seitenwinderklapperschlange {f}
:: alternative spelling of Seitenwinder-Klapperschlange
Seitenwinder-Klapperschlange {f}
:: sidewinder
seither {adv}
:: since then
seitherig {adj}
:: hitherto
seitlich {adj}
:: lateral
seitlich {adj}
:: sideways
seitlich {adv}
:: laterally
seitlich {adv}
:: sideways
seitlich {adv}
:: edgewise
seitlich {adv}
:: edgeways
-seits {suffix}
:: on the side of, from the side of
seitwärtig {adj}
:: sideward (toward a side)
seitwärts {adv}
:: sideward
sekkant {adj}
:: obnoxious , annoying
Sekret {n}
:: secretion (substance that has been secreted)
Sekretär {m}
:: secretary (male or unspecified sex)
Sekretär {m}
:: bureau , secretary
Sekretariat {n}
:: a central office in any business or institution (or a department thereof), responsible for correspondence , making appointments , and general administrative support
Sekretariat {n}
:: secretariat
Sekretärin {f}
:: female secretary
Sekretion {f}
:: secretion
Sekt {m}
:: sparkling wine
Sekte {f}
:: cult (religious or ideological group practicing strict internal control and/or dissociation from society)
Sekte {f}
:: sect (religious subgroup)
Sektion {f}
:: section
Sektor {m}
:: sector
sektoral {adj}
:: sectoral
Sekundant {m}
:: second (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant)
sekundär {adj}
:: secondary
sekundär {adj}
:: subsidiary
Sekundärkunststoff {m}
:: plastic scrap ; recycled plastic
Sekundärlagerstätte {f}
:: secondary deposit
Sekundärmineral {n}
:: secondary mineral
Sekunde {f}
:: A unit of time; a second
Sekunde {f}
:: A unit of angular measurement; a second
Sekunde {f}
:: An interval of 1 (kleine Sekunde ) or 2 (große Sekunde ) halftones
Sekundenbruchteil {m}
:: split-second (fraction of a second)
sekundengenau {adj}
:: accurate to the second
Sekundenkleber {m}
:: instant adhesive ; superglue
sekundenlang {adj}
:: lasting for seconds , secondslong
Sekundenschlaf {m}
:: microsleep due to fatigue especially while driving
sekundenschnell {adj}
:: within seconds
Sekundenschnelle {f}
:: velocity of passing seconds
Sekundenzeiger {m}
:: second hand
sekundieren {v}
:: to second
sekündlich {adj}
:: second -by-second
-sel {suffix}
:: Creates nouns from verbs
Selan {n}
:: selane
selbander {adv}
:: two together
selber {pron}
:: self , oneself , myself , himself , herself , itself , ourselves , yourselves , themselves
selber {pron}
:: alone , on one's own , by oneself
selber {pron}
:: the same
selbig {pron}
:: the same
selbst {particle}
:: personally , by oneself
selbst {adv}
:: even
Selbst {n}
:: the self
Selbstachtung {f}
:: self-esteem
selbständig {adj}
:: independent
Selbständigkeit {f}
:: autonomy , independence
Selbständigkeit {f}
:: self-reliance
Selbständigkeit {f}
:: self-employment
Selbstanzeige {f}
:: A report to the authorities about a breach of law committed by oneself, especially to the tax authorities about a false or incomplete tax return
Selbstaufopferung {f}
:: self-sacrifice
Selbstauslöser {noun}
:: self-timer
Selbstbedienung {f}
:: self-service
Selbstbefriedigung {f}
:: masturbation
Selbstbeherrschung {f}
:: self-control , composure
selbstbestimmt {adj}
:: self-determined
Selbstbestimmung {f}
:: self-determination
Selbstbestimmungsrecht {n}
:: right to self-determination
Selbstbetrug {m}
:: self-deception
selbstbewusst {adj}
:: self-confident , self-assured
selbstbewußt {adj}
:: alternative spelling of selbstbewusst
Selbstbewusstsein {n}
:: aplomb , self-assurance , self-confidence
Selbstbewusstsein {n}
:: self-awareness
Selbstbewußtsein {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Selbstbewusstsein
Selbstbezogenheit {f}
:: egocentricity
selbstbezüglich {adj}
:: self-referential
Selbstbild {n}
:: self-image
Selbstdarstellung {f}
:: self-portrait
Selbstdarstellung {f}
:: self-representation
Selbstdisziplin {f}
:: self-discipline
Selbstentfremdung {f}
:: self -alienation , self-estrangement
selbstentzündlich {adj}
:: self- igniting
Selbstentzündung {f}
:: autoignition
Selbstentzündungstemperatur {f}
:: autoignition temperature
selbsterfüllend {adj}
:: self -fulfilling
selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung {f}
:: self-fulfilling prophecy
Selbsterhaltung {f}
:: self-preservation
selbsterklärend {adj}
:: self-explanatory
Selbstfahrer {m}
:: a person who drives his or her own vehicle , rather than being driven by a chauffeur
Selbstfahrer {m}
:: an elevator that is operated by the passengers themselves, without the need for an elevator operator
Selbstfahrer {m}
:: any vehicle that a physically disabled person can operate without assistance
Selbstfahrer {m}
:: an automobile
selbstgebaut {adj}
:: homemade ; self -built
selbstgefällig {adj}
:: complacent
selbstgefälliger {adj}
:: comparative of selbstgefällig
selbstgefälligsten {adj}
:: superlative of selbstgefällig
selbstgemacht {adj}
:: self-made
selbstgemacht {adj}
:: homemade
Selbstgenügsamkeit {f}
:: self-sufficiency
selbstgerecht {adj}
:: self-righteous
Selbstgerechtigkeit {f}
:: self-righteousness
Selbstgespräch {n}
:: soliloquy
Selbsthass {m}
:: self-hatred
Selbstheirat {f}
:: Marriage to oneself
Selbstheirat {f}
:: Marriage within one's family or social group
selbstherrlich {adj}
:: self -opinionated ; autocratic , high-handed
selbstironisch {adj}
:: self-deprecating (inclined to joke at one’s own expense, about one’s own faults)
selbstisch {adj}
:: selfish
Selbstjustiz {f}
:: vigilantism
selbstklebend {adj}
:: self-adhesive
Selbstkontrolle {f}
:: self-control
Selbstkontrolle {f}
:: self -inspection
selbstkritisch {adj}
:: self-critical
Selbstlaut {m}
:: vowel
Selbstliebe {f}
:: self-love
selbstlos {adj}
:: selfless
Selbstmord {m}
:: suicide
Selbstmordanschlag {m}
:: suicide attack
Selbstmordattentat {n}
:: suicide attack
Selbstmordattentäter {m}
:: suicide attacker ; suicide bomber
Selbstmordattentäterin {f}
:: female suicide attacker , suicide bomber
Selbstmord aus Angst vor dem Tod {m}
:: a hazardous and foredoomed course of action taken by someone who finds themself in a slowly but continuously deteriorating position
Selbstmörder {m}
:: one who commits suicide ; a suicide; suicide victim (male or of unspecified sex)
selbstmörderisch {adj}
:: suicidal
Selbstoptimierung {f}
:: self -optimization
Selbstporträt {n}
:: self-portrait
Selbstreferenz {f}
:: self-reference
selbstsicher {adj}
:: self-confident
Selbstsicherheit {f}
:: self-assurance
selbstständig {adj}
:: independent
selbstständig {adj}
:: self-employed
Selbststudium {n}
:: self-study
Selbstsucht {f}
:: selfishness , self-interest , egoism
selbstsüchtig {adj}
:: selfish
selbsttätig {adj}
:: automatic
selbsttragend {adj}
:: self-standing
selbsttragend {adj}
:: financially independent
Selbstverkleinerung {f}
:: self -dwarfing
Selbstverletzung {f}
:: self-injury
Selbstverleugnung {f}
:: self-denial
selbstverliebt {adj}
:: narcissistic
selbstverständlich {adj}
:: natural , self-evident
selbstverständlich {adj}
:: granted
selbstverständlich {adv}
:: naturally
Selbstverständlichkeit {f}
:: naturalness , obviousness ; matter of course
Selbstversuch {m}
:: self -experimentation
Selbstverteidigung {f}
:: self-defense , self-defence
Selbstvertrauen {n}
:: self-confidence
Selbstverwirklichung {f}
:: self-actualization
Selbstverzwergung {f}
:: self -dwarfing
Selbstwahrnehmung {f}
:: introspection ; self-awareness
Selbstwertgefühl {n}
:: self-esteem
Selbstzensur {f}
:: self-censorship
selbstzerstörerisch {adj}
:: self-destructive
Selbstzerstörung {f}
:: self-destruction
Selbstzerstörung {f}
:: self-destruct
selbstzufrieden {adj}
:: self-satisfied
Selbstzweck {m}
:: end in itself
selchen {v}
:: to smoke or cure (meat )
Selektion {f}
:: selection
Selektion {f}
:: screening (of candidates etc)
selektionistisch {adj}
:: selectionist
selektiv {adj}
:: selective
Selektivität {f}
:: selectivity
Selen {n}
:: selenium
Selenat {n}
:: selenate
Selenatom {n}
:: selenium atom
Selendefizit {n}
:: selenium deficiency
Selendioxid {n}
:: selenium dioxide
Selendisulfid {n}
:: selenium disulfide
Selengehalt {m}
:: selenium content
selenhaltig {adj}
:: seleniferous
Selenhefe {f}
:: selenium yeast
Selenhexafluorid {n}
:: selenium hexafluoride
Selenid {n}
:: selenide
selenig {adj}
:: selenious , selenous
Selenit {n}
:: selenite
Selenit {m}
:: Selenite , Lunarian (inhabitant of the moon)
Selenit {m}
:: selenite
Selenmangel {m}
:: selenium deficiency
Selenmangelkrankheit {f}
:: selenium deficiency disease
Selenmineral {n}
:: selenium mineral
Selenmonoxid {n}
:: selenium monoxide
Selenocystein {n}
:: selenocysteine
Selenol {n}
:: selenol
Selenologe {m}
:: selenologist (male)
Selenologie {f}
:: selenology
Selenologin {f}
:: selenologist (female)
Selenomethionin {n}
:: selenomethionine
Selenon {n}
:: selenone
Selenophosphat {n}
:: selenophosphate
Selenophosphatase {f}
:: selenophosphatase
Selenoprotein {n}
:: selenoprotein
Selenose {f}
:: selenosis
Selenoxid {n}
:: selenium oxide
Selenphosphatsynthetase {f}
:: selenophosphate synthetase
Selenquelle {f}
:: source of selenium
selenreich {adj}
:: selenium -rich
Selensalz {n}
:: selenium salt
Selensäure {f}
:: selenic acid
Selensulfid {n}
:: selenosulfide
Selensupplementierung {f}
:: selenium (dietary) supplementation
Selentrioxid {n}
:: selenium trioxide
Selenunterversorgung {f}
:: selenium (dietary) deficiency
Selenverbindung {f}
:: selenium compound
Selenwasserstoff {m}
:: hydrogen selenide
Selfie {n}
:: selfie
Selfiestick {m}
:: selfie stick
selig {adj}
:: very or deeply happy ; overjoyed
selig {adj}
:: expressing such happiness; beatific
selig {adj}
:: unworried ; unanxious ; tranquil
selig {adj}
:: having been granted the eternal happiness of heaven
selig {adj}
:: blessed (having been beatified )
selig {adj}
:: short for Gott hab ihn selig or Gott hab sie selig
Seligkeit {f}
:: salvation
Seligkeit {f}
:: beatitude
seligmachen {v}
:: to bless , beatify
seligsprechen {v}
:: to beatify (declare someone a blessed , thereby allowing their veneration )
Seligsprechung {f}
:: beatification
Selina {prop}
:: given name
Sellait {m}
:: sellaite
Sellerie {f}
:: celery (herb)
Sellrain {prop} {n}
:: Sellrain (municipality)
selten {adj}
:: rare , infrequent
selten {adj}
:: unusual , curious
selten {adv}
:: seldom ; rarely
selten {adv}
:: unusually ; extremely
Seltenerde {f}
:: rare earth
Seltenerdmagnet {m}
:: rare earth magnet
Seltenerdmetall {n}
:: rare earth metal
Seltenheit {f}
:: rarity
Seltenheit {f}
:: scarcity
Seltenheit {f}
:: curiosity
seltsam {adj}
:: strange , odd
seltsamerweise {adv}
:: strangely enough , curiously enough , oddly enough
Seltsamkeit {f}
:: oddity , strangeness
Selz {prop}
:: Seltz (Alsace)
Selzthal {prop} {n}
:: Selzthal (municipality)
Semantik {f}
:: semantics (study of the meaning of words)
Semantik {f}
:: semantics (meaning of an individual word)
semantisch {adj}
:: semantic
semantisch {adv}
:: semantically
Semaphor {m}
:: semaphore
semasiologisch {adj}
:: semasiological
Semester {n}
:: semester
semesterbegleitend {adj}
:: semesterly (during a semester)
Semikolon {n}
:: semicolon (a punctuation mark); used differently in German than in English
Seminar {n}
:: seminar (small-group university class similar to a school lesson)
Seminar {n}
:: department (subdivision of a faculty )
Seminar {n}
:: seminary (school for clergy)
Semiotik {f}
:: semiotics (study of signs)
semiotisch {adj}
:: semiotic (of or relating to semiotics or to semantics)
semitisch {adj}
:: Semitic
Semitistik {f}
:: Semitics
Semmel {f}
:: bread roll
Semmelbrödchen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Semmelbrötchen
Semmelbrötchen {n}
:: bun , roll
Semmelknödel {m}
:: bread dumpling
Semmering {prop} {n}
:: Semmering (municipality)
Semriach {prop} {n}
:: Semriach (municipality)
Semsteranschrift {f}
:: term-time address, the address of a student while engaged in a period of study set by an educational institution. Students may live away from home while at university in e.g. a hall of residence on or near campus, or they may live at home during term time, at the same address where they would live during holidays
Senat {m}
:: senate
Senator {m}
:: senator (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate)
Senatsverwaltung {f}
:: senate department
Sendbrief {m}
:: open letter
Sendegerät {n}
:: transmitter
Sendemast {m}
:: broadcast mast
senden {vti}
:: to broadcast ; to transmit
senden {vt}
:: to send
Sender {prop}
:: surname from a German municipality of Senden or pet form of Alexander
Sender {m}
:: agent noun of senden
Sender {m}
:: sender
Sender {m}
:: broadcaster
Sender {m}
:: transmitter
Sendereihe {f}
:: series , serial (especially on TV / radio)
Sendling {m}
:: sendling
Sendung {f}
:: delivery
Sendung {f}
:: program (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television)
Sendung {f}
:: transmission , broadcasting (broadcast of a radio or television programme)
Sendung {f}
:: motivation , mission
Senegal {prop} {m} {n}
:: Senegal (country)
Senegal {prop} {m}
:: Senegal (river)
Senegalesin {f}
:: female Senegalese
senegalesisch {adj}
:: Senegalese
Senf {m}
:: mustard
Senfgas {n}
:: mustard gas , sulfur mustard
Senflöffel {m}
:: mustard spoon
Senföl {n}
:: mustard oil
Senfsoße {f}
:: mustard sauce
Senftenbach {prop} {n}
:: Senftenbach (municipality)
Senftenberg {prop} {n}
:: Senftenberg (municipality)
Senftenberg {prop} {n}
:: Senftenberg (municipality)
sengen {v}
:: to singe
senil {adj}
:: senile
Senilität {f}
:: senility
Senior {m}
:: father , senior , the elder (older of two close male relatives, especially with the same name)
Senior {m}
:: senior citizen , elderly person , older adult
Senior {m}
:: adult
Seniorenheim {n}
:: retirement home , home for the aged
seniorentauglich {adj}
:: suitable for the elderly
Senkblei {n}
:: a mass of lead on a string used by masons to build straight walls
Senkbohrung {f}
:: countersink
Senkel {m}
:: lace
senken {v}
:: to lower
Senkkasten {m}
:: caisson
senkrecht {adj}
:: vertical (perpendicular to some roughly horizontal line, e.g. the surface of the earth)
Senkung {f}
:: dip , reduction , lowering , drop , fall , descent
Senkung {f}
:: prolapse
Senkung {f}
:: crustal shortening
Senkung {f}
:: backing
Senkung {f}
:: thesis
Sennes {m}
:: Alexandrian senna (Senna alexandrina)
Sensation {f}
:: sensation
sensationell {adj}
:: sensational
sensationslüstern {adj}
:: attention -seeking
Sensationsmache {f}
:: sensationalism
Sense {f}
:: scythe
Sensenmann {m}
:: The Grim Reaper
sensibel {adj}
:: sensitive
Sensibelchen {n}
:: extremely sensitive person
Sensibilität {f}
:: sensibility
sensitiv {adj}
:: sensitive
Sensitivierung {f}
:: sensitization
Sensitivität {f}
:: sensitivity
Sensor {m}
:: sensor
sensuell {adj}
:: sensual , erotic
Sentenz {f}
:: saying , maxim , aphorism
sentimental {adj}
:: sentimental
sentimentalisch {adj}
:: sentimental , emotional
Sentimentalität {f}
:: sentimentality
Seoul {prop} {n}
:: Seoul (capital city)
separat {adj}
:: detached , discrete , separate
Separation {f}
:: separation
Separatismus {m}
:: separatism
Separatist {m}
:: separatist
separatistisch {adj}
:: separatist
Separee {n}
:: private room (room accessible only to those who have reserved it)
Separee {n}
:: snug (freely accessible room which is somewhat secluded from the rest of the establishment)
Séparée {n}
:: alternative spelling of Separee
separieren {v}
:: to separate (divide (a thing) into separate parts)
sephardisch {adj}
:: Sephardic
Sepiolith {m}
:: sepiolite
Sepp {prop} {m}
:: given name
Sepp {m}
:: A Bavarian
Seppuku {f}
:: seppuku , hara-kiri
Sepsis {f}
:: sepsis
September {m}
:: September
septiert {adj}
:: septate
Septillion {num}
:: A long scale septillion , 1042 ; a short scale tredecillion
septillionste {ordinal num}
:: tredecillionth
Septime {f}
:: An interval of 10 (kleine Septime ) or 11 (große Septime ) halftones
septisch {adj}
:: septic
Septuaginta {prop} {f}
:: Septuagint (Ancient Greek Bible translation)
sequentiell {adj}
:: alternative form of sequenziell
Sequenz {f}
:: sequence (series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated)
sequenziell {adj}
:: sequential
Sequester {m}
:: sequester (a person entrusted by the authorities to deposit the subject matter of a controversy between two or more parties)
Sequester {m} {n}
:: sequestration (the process of temporarily removing property from the possession of its owner to hold it as security against legal claims)
Sequester {m} {n}
:: sequestrum (a fragment of bone or other dead tissue)
Sequestrierung {f}
:: sequestration (capture/accumulation and storage of specific materials)
Sequestrierung {f}
:: sequestration , seizure (the act and process of removing property from the possession of its owner to hold it as security against legal claims)
Seraph {m}
:: seraph (highest order of angels)
Seraphina {prop}
:: given name
Seraphine {prop}
:: given name
seraphisch {adj}
:: seraphic
Serbe {m}
:: A (male) person of Serb descent
Serbien {prop} {n}
:: Serbia
Serbien und Montenegro {prop} {n}
:: Serbia and Montenegro
Serbin {f}
:: Serb (person of Serb descent)
serbisch {adj}
:: Serbian , Serb (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians)
Serbisch {n}
:: the Serbian language
serbisch-montenegrinisch {adj}
:: Of or from Serbia and Montenegro
serbokroatisch {adj}
:: Serbo-Croatian (related to the language, in all three senses of the proper noun Serbo-Croatian )
Serbokroatisch {prop} {n}
:: Serbo-Croatian (language)
Serenade {f}
:: serenade (love song; instrumental composition)
Serfaus {prop} {n}
:: Serfaus (municipality)
Sergej {prop} {m}
:: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Серге́й .
serialisieren {v}
:: to serialize
Serialisierung {f}
:: serialisation
Serialnummer {f}
:: serial number (unique number assigned to unit)
Serie {f}
:: series (a number of things that follow on one after the other)
seriell {adj}
:: serial
Serienausstattung {f}
:: standard equipment
serienmässig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of serienmäßig
serienmäßig {adj}
:: standard
Serienmörder {m}
:: serial killer
Serienmörderin {f}
:: serial killer (female)
Seriennummer {f}
:: serial number
Serienproduktion {f}
:: batch / serial production
serienreif {adj}
:: ready for serial production
serifenlos {adj}
:: sans serif
Serin {n}
:: serine (nonessential amino acid; CH2 OH.CH(NH2 )COOH)
seriös {adj}
:: dignified , solemn
seriös {adj}
:: respectable ; substantial
seriös {adj}
:: respectable , reputable
seriös {adj}
:: serious ; (which is) to be taken seriously
seriöser {adj}
:: comparative of seriös
seriösesten {adj}
:: superlative of seriös
Seriosität {f}
:: respectability , seriousness , reliability
Sermon {m}
:: a long, tedious speech
Sermon {m}
:: sermon (religious discourse)
Sernf {prop} {m}
:: river in Glarus Süd, Switzerland
serotonerg {adj}
:: serotonergic
Serotonin {n}
:: serotonin
serpens {adj}
:: serpentlike
Serpentin {m}
:: serpentine
Serpentine {f}
:: serpentine mountain road
Serpentinenstraße {f}
:: serpentine mountain road
Serpentinit {m}
:: serpentinite
Serum {n}
:: serum
Serumspiegel {m}
:: serum level
Serval {m}
:: serval (Leptailurus serval )
Server {m}
:: server (a computer or software that provides services to other programs or users)
Serverlandschaft {f}
:: server infrastructure
Serverzugriff {m}
:: server access
Server-Zugriff {m}
:: alternative form of Serverzugriff (server access )
Service {m}
:: service (e.g. in a restaurant )
Service {n}
:: service , set
serviceorientierte Architektur {f}
:: service-oriented architecture
Servicewüste {f}
:: A place lacking acceptable customer service
servieren {v}
:: To serve (food); to wait (at table)
Servierplatte {f}
:: platter , serving dish
Serviervorschlag {noun}
:: serving suggestion
Serviette {f}
:: napkin
Serviettenring {m}
:: napkin ring
Servilität {f}
:: subservience
Servilität {f}
:: servility
Servomotor {m}
:: servomotor
servus {interj}
:: hello , hi
servus {interj}
:: goodbye , bye , farewell
servus {interj}
:: cheers
Sesam {m}
:: sesame
Sesam, öffne dich {phrase}
:: open sesame !
Sessel {m}
:: armchair , easy chair (comfortable chair with supports for the arms or elbows)
Sessel {m}
:: chair (any item of furniture used for sitting by one person)
Sesselfurzer {m}
:: pencil pusher
Sesselkonformation {f}
:: chair conformation
sesshaft {adj}
:: settled , resident , sedentary (living in one place; not nomadic)
seßhaft {adj}
:: alternative spelling of sesshaft
Sesshaftigkeit {f}
:: sedentism , sedentariness
Sesterz {m} {n}
:: sestertius (Roman coin)
Sesterze {f}
:: synonym of Sesterz
Set {n}
:: place mat
Set {prop} {m}
:: Set
Set {prop} {m}
:: Seth
Set-Top-Box {f}
:: set-top box
setzen {vt}
:: to set ; to put
setzen {vr}
:: to sit down
setzen {vr}
:: to settle
Setzling {m}
:: seedling
Seuche {f}
:: a disease , usually infectious , that is seen as dangerous and destructive (be it to people, animals, or plants)
Seuche {f}
:: an epidemic of such a disease
Seuche {f}
:: bad luck , especially as a streak
Seuche {f}
:: something highly repulsive or unpleasant
seufz {interj}
:: alas
seufzen {vi}
:: to sigh (to exhale audibly, usually accompanied by a deep, nasal sound of the voice)
Seufzer {m}
:: sigh ; an instance of sighing
Seufzer {m}
:: a sigher ; one who sighs
SEV {noun}
:: abbreviation of Schienenersatzverkehr
Severin {prop}
:: given name derived from Latin Severinus
Sevilla {prop} {n}
:: Sevilla (capital city)
Sex {m}
:: sex (sexual intercourse)
Sex {m}
:: sexuality
Sex {m}
:: sex appeal
Sexaffäre {f}
:: sexual affair
sexagesimal {adj}
:: sexagesimal, based on the number sixty
Sexagesimalsystem {n}
:: sexagesimal , sexagenary , base 60
Sexappeal {m}
:: sex appeal
sexbesessen {adj}
:: oversexed (obsessed with sex)
sexeln {v}
:: To be sexually active , that is, to participate in some sexual activity
Sex haben {v}
:: have sex (take part in a sexual act)
Sexismus {m}
:: sexism
Sexist {m}
:: sexist
sexistisch {adj}
:: sexist
Sexmonster {n}
:: sex offender
Sexmonster {n}
:: someone with considerable sexual prowess or a large sex drive
Sexperte {m}
:: sexpert
Sexpertin {f}
:: female sexpert
Sexshop {n}
:: sex shop (a shop that sells sex toys, erotic lingerie, pornography etc)
Sexspiel {n}
:: sex game
Sexspielzeug {n}
:: sex toy
Sexsymbol {n}
:: sex symbol (person with sexual ideals)
Sexta {f}
:: the first class of Gymnasium
Sexta {f}
:: the sixth class of Gymnasium
Sextant {m}
:: sextant
Sexte {f}
:: An interval of 8 (kleine Sexte ) or 9 (große Sexte ) halftones
Sexten {prop} {n}
:: Sexten (municipality)
Sextillion {num}
:: A long scale sextillion , 1036 ; a short scale undecillion
sextillionste {ordinal num}
:: undecillionth
Sextourismus {m}
:: sex tourism
sexual {adj}
:: sexual
Sexualisierung {f}
:: sexualization
Sexualität {f}
:: sexuality
Sexualkunde {f}
:: sex education
Sexualmörder {m}
:: sex murderer
sexuell {adj}
:: sexual
sexuell {adv}
:: sexually
sexuelle Orientierung {f}
:: sexual orientation
Sexus {m}
:: sex
Sexus {m}
:: natural gender
sexy {adj}
:: sexy
Seyal-Akazie {f}
:: shittah
Seychellen {prop} {p}
:: Seychelles
seychellisch {adj}
:: Seychellois
seyn {v}
:: obsolete spelling of sein
seyn {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of sein
seyne {pron}
:: obsolete spelling of seine
seyne {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of seine
seynem {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of seinem
seynen {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of seinen
seyner {pron}
:: obsolete spelling of seiner
seyner {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of seiner
seynes {pron}
:: obsolete spelling of seines
seynes {determiner}
:: obsolete spelling of seines
Seyte {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Seite
-seyts {suffix}
:: obsolete spelling of -seits
Sezession {f}
:: secession
sezessionistisch {adj}
:: secessionistic
Sezessionskrieg {m}
:: a war of secession
Sezessionskrieg {prop} {m}
:: the American Civil War
sezieren {v}
:: to dissect
s-förmig {adj}
:: S-shaped
SGDI {prop}
:: initialism of Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt -Inschriften
SGP {prop}
:: initialism of Simmering - Graz - Pauker AG
Shampoo {n}
:: shampoo (product for washing hair)
Shanty {n}
:: shanty (song a sailor sings)
Sheliak {prop}
:: Beta Lyrae , a binary star system approximately 882 light-years away in the constellation Lyra
Sheriff {m}
:: sheriff
Shetlandinseln {prop}
:: Shetland Islands
Shiitake {m}
:: shiitake
Shikimisäure {f}
:: shikimic acid (shikimic acid)
Shisha {f}
:: shisha , hookah (pipe with a long flexible tube that draws the smoke through water)
shit happens {phrase}
:: shit happens
Shitstorm {m}
:: shitstorm , outcry
shoppen {v}
:: to shop
Shortcut {m}
:: hotkey , shortcut
Shortlist {f}
:: short list
Shorts {p}
:: shorts
Show {f}
:: show , spectacle
Showmaster {m}
:: host , compère , master of ceremonies
Siam {prop} {n}
:: Siam
Siamese {m}
:: Siamese (An inhabitant of Siam.)
siamesisch {adj}
:: Siamese
siamesischer Zwilling {m}
:: conjoined twin , Siamese twin (male or female)
Siamkatze {f}
:: Siamese cat
Sibirien {prop} {n}
:: Sibirien (region)
sibirisch {adj}
:: Siberian
Sibirische Fichte {f}
:: Siberian spruce (any tree of the species Picea obovata )
Sibylle {noun}
:: sibyl
Sibylle {prop}
:: given name
sibyllinisch {adj}
:: sibylline
sich {pron}
:: Reflexive pronoun of the third person singular: herself , himself , itself , oneself (direct or indirect object )
sich {pron}
:: Reflexive pronoun of the third person plural: themselves (direct or indirect object )
sich auf den Weg machen {v}
:: to hit the road
sich auf den Weg machen {v}
:: to head , to set forth
sich auf seinen Lorbeeren ausruhen {v}
:: to rest on one's laurels
sich aus dem Fenster lehnen {v}
:: stick one's neck out
sich aus dem Staub machen {v}
:: to take a powder
sich aus dem Staub machen {v}
:: to make off with
sich aus den Fingern saugen {vr}
:: to think of something, to make up , to make up out of thin air, to invent (false stories, figures, etc. ), to pull out of one's ass (fabricate a claim with no factual basis or evidence)
sich bei jemandem lieb Kind machen {v}
:: to curry favor
sich blicken lassen {v}
:: to show one's face
sich den Arsch aufreißen {v}
:: to bust one's ass
sich den Kopf zerbrechen {adj}
:: rack one's brain
sich den Magen verderben {v}
:: To get an upset stomach because of having eaten something bad
sich den Strick nehmen {v}
:: to hang oneself
sich die Hörner abstoßen {v}
:: to sow one's wild oats (to spend a period of one's youth behaving irresponsibly)
sich einen Reim auf etwas machen {v}
:: to find an explanation for something
sich ein Herz fassen {v}
:: to pluck up courage
Sichel {f}
:: sickle
Sichel {f}
:: crescent (shape of the moon and some planets when partially illuminated)
sichelförmig {adj}
:: crescent -shaped , sickle -shaped
Sichelmonat {m}
:: August
Sichelstrandläufer {m}
:: curlew sandpiper (bird of the species Calidris ferruginea )
Sichelzellenanämie {f}
:: sickle-cell disease
sicher {adj}
:: safe
sicher {adj}
:: secure
sicher {adj}
:: certain
sicher {adv}
:: safely
sicher {adv}
:: surely , certainly
sichergegangen {v}
:: past participle of sichergehen
sichergehen {v}
:: to make sure
sichergestellt {v}
:: past participle of sicherstellen
Sicherheit {f}
:: certainty
Sicherheit {f}
:: security
Sicherheit {f}
:: safety
Sicherheitsabstand {m}
:: safety clearance / distance
Sicherheitsanforderung {f}
:: safety requirement
Sicherheitsdatenblatt {n}
:: safety datasheet
Sicherheitsdienst {m}
:: security service
Sicherheitsgurt {m}
:: seat belt , safety belt
sicherheitshalber {adv}
:: preventively
sicherheitshalber {adv}
:: as a precaution
Sicherheitshinweis {m}
:: safety precaution or advice / instruction
Sicherheitslücke {f}
:: vulnerability , security hole , security bug
Sicherheitsnadel {f}
:: safety pin , a pin, in the form of a clasp
Sicherheitsrat {m}
:: UN Security Council
Sicherheitstechnik {f}
:: safety engineering / technology
Sicherheitsventil {n}
:: safety valve
Sicherheitsvertrauensperson {f}
:: trusted person for health and security issues in a company
Sicherheitsvorkehrung {f}
:: security measure , safeguard
Sicherheitsvorschrift {f}
:: safety regulation / rule
sich erkenntlich zeigen {v}
:: to show one's gratitude
sicherlich {adv}
:: certainly
sichern {v}
:: to secure
sicherstellen {v}
:: to seize , confiscate a physical object as a measure to avert danger (a Gefahrenabwehrmaßnahme )
sicherstellen {v}
:: to ensure , to make sure , to guarantee
Sicherstellung {f}
:: verbal noun of sicherstellen
Sicherstellung {f}
:: seizure , confiscation a physical object as a measure to avert danger (a Gefahrenabwehrmaßnahme )
Sicherstellung {f}
:: making sure something
Sicherung {f}
:: fuse (device preventing overloading of a circuit)
Sicherung {f}
:: securing , safeguarding
Sicherungsverwahrung {f}
:: preventive detention
sich etwas hinter die Ohren schreiben {phrase}
:: to commit something to memory
sich etwas unter den Nagel reißen {v}
:: to take something that one doesn't own
sich gehen lassen {idiom}
:: to let oneself go (cease to care about one's appearance)
sich geschlagen geben {v}
:: to admit defeat , to fold
sich im Kreis drehen {v}
:: to go round in circles
sich in die Brust werfen {v}
:: to puff oneself up
sich in Luft auflösen {idiom}
:: to vanish into thin air
sich ins Zeug legen {v}
:: to work hard
Sichler {m}
:: ibis (any of various birds in the family Threskiornithidae with long curved bills)
Sichler {m}
:: glossy ibis (bird of the species Plegadis falcinellus )
sich nicht vom Fleck rühren {v}
:: stay put
sichs {contraction}
:: contraction of sich es
Sicht {f}
:: view
Sicht {f}
:: sight
Sicht {f}
:: visibility
sichtbar {adj}
:: visible
Sichtbarkeit {f}
:: visibility
Sichtbarkeit {f}
:: visibleness
sichtbarlich {adj}
:: visible
Sichtbereich {m}
:: viewing area
Sichtbereich {m}
:: field of vision
sichten {v}
:: to sight
sichten {v}
:: to sift , sort , winnow
sichten {v}
:: to classify , sort over
Sichtfeld {n}
:: field of view
Sichtgerät {n}
:: monitor , terminal (display console)
Sichtkontakt {m}
:: visual contact , intervisibility
sichtlaut {adj}
:: barking such that its position is known
sichtlich {adj}
:: obvious
sichtlich {adj}
:: visible
sichtlich {adv}
:: obviously
sichtlich {adv}
:: visibly
Sichtung {f}
:: A sighting
Sichtung {f}
:: A reviewing ; examination ; inspection
Sichtverhältnisse {np}
:: visibility conditions
Sichtweise {f}
:: view , viewpoint , perspective , way of thinking , standpoint
Sichtweite {f}
:: visibility
sich vom Acker machen {v}
:: to clear off , to scram (literally: “to make oneself off of the field”)
sicken {v}
:: to piss
sicken {v}
:: to be annoyed ; to be pissed off ; to complain
sickern {v}
:: to ooze
sickich {adj}
:: alternative form of sickig
sickig {adj}
:: annoyed , pissed off
Sideboard {n}
:: sideboard (piece of dining room furniture)
siderisch {adj}
:: sidereal (of or relating to the stars)
siderisch {adj}
:: of or relating to iron
Siderit {m}
:: siderite
Siderium {prop}
:: the Siderian
Siderose {f}
:: siderosis
sie {pron}
:: she
sie {pron}
:: it (when the object/article/thing/animal etc., referred to, is feminine (die ))
sie {pron}
:: they ; them
Sie {pron}
:: you (polite; singular and plural)
Sieb {n}
:: sieve ; sifter ; strainer ; colander ; riddle (any device with holes used to separate solids from liquids or fine matter from coarse matter)
sieben {vt}
:: to sift ; to sieve
sieben {num}
:: seven (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 7; or describing a set with seven elements )
Sieben {f}
:: seven
Sieben {n}
:: the act of sifting
Siebenbürgen {prop} {n}
:: Transylvania
siebenbürgisch {adj}
:: Transylvanian
Siebeneck {n}
:: heptagon
siebeneckig {adj}
:: heptagonal , having seven corners
Siebener {m}
:: something with a number, value or size of seven
siebenfach {adj}
:: sevenfold
Siebenflächner {m}
:: heptahedron
Siebenganggetriebe {n}
:: a transmission with seven gears
siebenhundert {num}
:: seven hundred
siebenjährig {adj}
:: seven -year -old
Siebenkämpfer {m}
:: heptathlete
Siebenkämpferin {f}
:: female heptathlete
siebenköpfig {adj}
:: seven -headed
siebenköpfig {adj}
:: of seven (people)
siebenmal {adv}
:: seven times
Siebenmeilenstiefel {m}
:: a seven-league boot (one of a pair of boots enabling the wearer to cross seven leagues at one stride)
siebenminütig {adj}
:: seven -minute
siebenmonatig {adj}
:: seven -month ; lasting seven months (attributive)
siebenprozentig {adj}
:: seven -percent
Siebensachen {p}
:: luggage ; tools (items carried around e.g. when travelling)
Siebensachen {p}
:: stuff
Siebensachen {p}
:: belongings
Siebenschläfer {m}
:: edible dormouse
Siebenschläfer {m}
:: Seven Sleepers Day , June 27
Siebenschläfertag {prop} {m}
:: Seven Sleepers Day
siebenseitig {adj}
:: seven -page
siebenseitig {adj}
:: having seven sides and seven angles, heptagonal
siebensilbig {adj}
:: heptasyllabic
siebenstellig {adj}
:: seven -digit
siebenstündig {adj}
:: seven -hour
siebentägig {adj}
:: seven -day , lasting seven days
siebente {ordinal num}
:: alternative form of siebte
sieben Todsünden {phrase}
:: seven deadly sins
siebenundachtzig {num}
:: eighty-seven (87)
siebenundachtzigste {ordinal num}
:: eighty-seventh
siebenunddreissig {num}
:: alternative spelling of siebenunddreißig
siebenunddreißig {num}
:: thirty-seven
siebenunddreißigste {ordinal num}
:: thirty-seven
siebenundfünfzig {num}
:: fifty-seven (57)
siebenundfünfzigste {ordinal num}
:: fifty-seventh
siebenundneunzig {num}
:: ninety-seven
siebenundneunzigste {ordinal num}
:: ninety-seventh
siebenundsechzig {num}
:: sixty-seven (67)
siebenundsechzigste {ordinal num}
:: sixty-seventh
siebenundsiebzig {num}
:: seventy-seven (77)
siebenundsiebzigste {ordinal num}
:: seventy-eighth
siebenundvierzig {num}
:: forty-seven
siebenundvierzigste {ordinal num}
:: forty-seventh
siebenundzwanzig {num}
:: twenty-seven
siebenundzwanzigste {ordinal num}
:: twenty-seventh
siebenwertig {adj}
:: heptavalent
siebenwöchig {adj}
:: seven -week
siebenzehn {num}
:: alternative form of siebzehn
siebenzehnte {ordinal num}
:: alternative form of siebzehnte
siebenzig {num}
:: alternative form of siebzig
siebte {adj}
:: seventh
siebzehn {num}
:: seventeen
Siebzehneck {n}
:: heptadecagon
siebzehneckig {adj}
:: heptadecagonal
siebzehnfach {adj}
:: seventeenfold
siebzehnhundert {num}
:: seventeen hundred
siebzehnhundertste {adj}
:: seventeen -hundredth
siebzehnjährig {adj}
:: seventeen -year -old
siebzehnminütig {adj}
:: seventeen -minute
siebzehnseitig {adj}
:: seventeen -page
siebzehnseitig {adj}
:: having seventeen sides and seventeen angles; heptadecagonal
siebzehntägig {adj}
:: seventeen -day , lasting seventeen days
siebzehnte {ordinal num}
:: seventeenth
siebzehnwöchig {adj}
:: seventeen -week
siebzig {num}
:: seventy (70)
Siebzigeck {n}
:: heptacontagon
siebzigeckig {adj}
:: with 70 vertices (usually of a heptacontagon )
siebzigjährig {adj}
:: seventy-year-old , seventy -year (attributive)
siebzigköpfig {adj}
:: seventy -headed
siebzigköpfig {adj}
:: of seventy (people)
siebzigminütig {adj}
:: seventy -minute
siebzigmonatig {adj}
:: seventy -month ; lasting seventy months (attributive)
siebzigprozentig {adj}
:: seventy -percent
siebzigste {ordinal num}
:: seventieth
siebzigstündig {adj}
:: seventy -hour
siebzigtägig {adj}
:: seventy -day , lasting seventy days
siebzigwöchig {adj}
:: seventy -week
siech {adj}
:: sick ; ill ; weak ; frail ; ailing ; afflicted
siechen {v}
:: to be sick
Siechenhaus {n}
:: leprosarium , infirmary
siedeln {vi}
:: to settle (cultivate hitherto unoccupied areas; create a colony in foreign land)
siedeln {vi}
:: to dwell ; to nest ; without the implication of a colony
siedeln {vt}
:: alternative form of ansiedeln
sieden {v}
:: to simmer , seethe
sieden {v}
:: to boil
siedend {adj}
:: boiling , simmering , seething
Siedepunkt {m}
:: boiling point
Siedetemperatur {f}
:: boiling point (boiling temperature)
Siedewasserreaktor {m}
:: boiling -water reactor
Siedler {m}
:: settler
Siedlung {f}
:: settlement
Siedlungshaus {n}
:: estate house
Sieg {m}
:: victory
Sieg {prop} {f}
:: a river flowing into the Rhine through the Sauerland and the Oberbergische , 155 km long
Siegel {n}
:: seal (official pattern)
Siegel {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Siegelring {m}
:: signet ring
siegen {v}
:: to be victorious , to win
Siegendorf {prop} {n}
:: Siegendorf (municipality)
Sieger {m}
:: agent noun of siegen ; winner , victor , champion
Siegerehrung {f}
:: a ceremony honouring a winner at a sports competition , victory ceremony
Siegerjustiz {f}
:: victor's justice
siegerländisch {adj}
:: Of or from Siegerland
Siegert {prop} {m}
:: given name
siegesbewusst {adj}
:: certain of victory
siegesgewiss {adj}
:: synonym of siegesbewusst
Siegesgewissheit {f}
:: certainty of victory
siegessicher {adj}
:: confident of victory
Siegfried {prop} {m}
:: Siegfried
Siegfried {prop} {m}
:: given name
Sieggraben {prop} {n}
:: Sieggraben (municipality)
sieghaft {adj}
:: victorious , triumphant
Sieghartskirchen {prop} {n}
:: Sieghartskirchen (municipality)
Sieg Heil {phrase}
:: a greeting; literally "Hail, victory!"
Sieglind {prop}
:: given name
Sieglinde {prop}
:: given name, notably of the mother of Siegfried in German mythology
Siegmeister {prop}
:: surname
Siegmund {prop}
:: given name
siegreich {adj}
:: victorious
siegreicher {adj}
:: comparative of siegreich
siegreichsten {adj}
:: superlative of siegreich
Siegrune {f}
:: victory rune
Siegrune {f}
:: the ᛋ /Sowilō/ rune
Siegtorschütze {m}
:: soccer player who scores/scored the game-winning goal
siehe auch {phrase}
:: see also
siehe da {interj}
:: lo and behold !
siehste {contraction}
:: contraction of siehst du
siehste {interj}
:: you see ?; didn't I tell you so?
Siel {m}
:: The lock of a dike
Siel {m}
:: A subterranean sewer
Siemens {n}
:: siemens
Sierndorf {prop} {n}
:: Sierndorf (municipality)
Sierning {prop} {n}
:: Sierning (municipality)
Sierra Leone {prop} {n}
:: Sierra Leone (country)
sierra-leonisch {adj}
:: Sierra Leonean
sies {contraction}
:: contraction of sie es
siezen {v}
:: to you (address formally using the pronoun Sie )
Siff {m}
:: filth , dirt
Siff {m}
:: nonsense , tosh
siffig {adj}
:: very dirty , filthy
Sigel {n}
:: siglum , a conventional abbreviation for a word or words
Sigelsuche {f}
:: abbreviation or siglum search
Siggi {prop} {mf}
:: A pet form for various given names: Siegfried , Siegmund , Sieglinde , Sigrun
Sigharting {prop} {n}
:: Sigharting (municipality)
Sigismund {prop}
:: historical given name
Sigle {f}
:: alternative form of Sigel
Sigleß {prop} {n}
:: Sigleß (municipality)
Siglind {prop}
:: given name
Siglinde {prop}
:: given name
Sigma {n}
:: sigma (Greek letter)
Sigmund {prop}
:: given name
Sigmundsherberg {prop} {n}
:: Sigmundsherberg (municipality)
Signal {n}
:: signal
signalisieren {v}
:: to signal
Signalleistung {f}
:: signal power (the power of an electrical signal)
Signallicht {n}
:: signalling light
Signallicht {n}
:: traffic light
Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis {n}
:: signal-to-noise ratio
Signaltransduktion {f}
:: signal transduction
Signalübertragung {f}
:: signalling
Signalübertragung {f}
:: signal transmission / transduction
Signalweg {m}
:: signalling pathway
Signatur {f}
:: signature (chiefly on paintings )
signieren {v}
:: to sign (put a signature)
signifikant {adj}
:: significant (having noticeable effect)
Signumfunktion {f}
:: signum function
Sigrid {prop}
:: given name
Sigrist {m}
:: sexton
Silage {f}
:: silage
Silan {n}
:: silane
Silbe {f}
:: syllable
silbenbildend {adj}
:: syllabic
Silbenkurzwort {n}
:: syllabic abbreviation
Silbenschrift {f}
:: syllabary
Silbenstecher {m}
:: writer
Silbenstecher {m}
:: quibbler
Silbenstrich {m}
:: A short vertical stroke through part of a staff to indicate a change of syllable in melismatic music
silbentragend {adj}
:: syllabic
Silbentrennung {f}
:: syllabification
Silber {n}
:: silver (chemical element, Ag)
Silber {n}
:: argent
Silberacetylid {n}
:: silver acetylide
silberähnlich {adj}
:: silvery (resembling silver)
Silberamalgam {n}
:: silver amalgam
Silberanteil {m}
:: silver content
Silberantimonglanz {m}
:: synonym of Miargyrit
Silberazid {n}
:: silver azide
Silberbarren {m}
:: silver bullion (silver bars)
Silberbergbau {m}
:: silver mining
Silberbergbau {m}
:: silver -mining industry
Silberbergwerk {n}
:: silver mine
silberbeschichtet {adj}
:: silver -coated
Silberbeschichtung {f}
:: silver coating
Silberbesteck {n}
:: silverware ; silver cutlery
Silberblättchen {n}
:: diminutive of Silberblatt
Silberblech {n}
:: sheet silver , rolled silver
Silberblick {m}
:: small squint
Silberbromid {n}
:: silver bromide
Silberchalkogenid {n}
:: silver chalcogenide
Silberchlorid {n}
:: silver chloride
Silbercyanid {n}
:: silver cyanide
Silberdraht {m}
:: silver wire
silberempfindlich {adj}
:: sensitive to silver
Silbererz {n}
:: silver ore
Silberfaden {m}
:: silver thread
Silberfarbe {f}
:: silver colour
silberfarben {adj}
:: silver -coloured , silvery
silberfarbig {adj}
:: silver (having a color/colour like silver)
Silberfisch {m}
:: different kinds of silver-coloured fish
Silberfisch {m}
:: alternative form of Silberfischchen
Silberfischchen {n}
:: silverfish , slicker (insect)
Silberfolie {f}
:: "silver foil ", that is, aluminium foil
Silberfolie {f}
:: silver foil , silver leaf : thin foil of silver
Silberfulminat {n}
:: silver fulminate
Silbergabel {f}
:: silver fork
Silbergäbelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Silbergabel
Silbergefäß {n}
:: silver vessel
Silbergeflecht {n}
:: silver mesh
Silbergehalt {m}
:: silver content
Silbergeschirr {n}
:: silver plate / dish
Silberglanz {m}
:: synonym of Argentit
Silberglanz {m}
:: synonym of Akanthit
silberglänzend {adj}
:: silvery , shiny
silbergrau {adj}
:: silver -grey
Silberhalogenid {n}
:: silver halide
silberhaltig {adj}
:: argentiferous (silver-bearing)
Silberhochzeit {f}
:: silver wedding
Silberhornerz {m}
:: synonym of Chlorargyrit
silberig {adj}
:: silvery
Silberiodid {n}
:: silver iodide
Silberion {n}
:: silver ion
Silberkupferglanz {m}
:: synonym of Stromeyerit
Silberlachs {m}
:: coho salmon , coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch )
Silberlagerstätte {f}
:: silver deposit
Silberlegierung {f}
:: silver alloy
Silberling {m}
:: silverling
Silberlöffel {m}
:: silver spoon
Silberlöffelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Silberlöffel
Silberlot {n}
:: silver solder
Silbermedaille {f}
:: silver medal
Silbermesser {n}
:: silver knife
Silbermine {f}
:: silver mine
Silbermineral {n}
:: silver mineral
Silbermöwe {f}
:: The European herring gull
Silbermünze {f}
:: silver coin
silbern {adj}
:: silver (having a color/colour like silver), silvern
silberne Löffel klauen {v}
:: to misconduct in a considerable and malevolent way, chiefly at the workplace
Silbernitrat {n}
:: silver nitrate
Silbernitratlösung {f}
:: silver nitrate solution
Silberoxid {n}
:: silver oxide
Silberpapier {n}
:: silver paper , that is, aluminium foil
Silberpapier {n}
:: silver paper : very thin sheet of silver
Silberpflege {f}
:: care of silver (removal of black markings)
Silberplatte {f}
:: silver platter
Silberreiher {m}
:: great egret (bird of the species Ardea alba )
Silbersalz {n}
:: silver salt
Silberschmuck {m}
:: silver jewellery / ornament
Silberschraube {f}
:: silver screw
Silberstandard {m}
:: silver standard
Silberstreifen am Horizont {m}
:: light at the end of the tunnel
Silbersulfat {n}
:: silver sulfate
Silbersulfid {n}
:: silver sulfide
Silbersulfidbelag {m}
:: silver sulfide coating (on cutlery etc)
Silbertal {prop} {n}
:: Silbertal (municipality)
Silberverbindung {f}
:: silver compound
Silberwangen-Ameisenwürger {m}
:: silvery-cheeked antshrike
Silberware {f}
:: silverware
silberweiß {adj}
:: silver -white
silbisch {adj}
:: syllabic
silbrig {adj}
:: silvery
silbrig {adj}
:: bright , shiny , shimmering
silbriger {adj}
:: comparative of silbrig
silbrigsten {adj}
:: superlative of silbrig
silbrigweiß {adj}
:: silvery -white
Silhouette {f}
:: silhouette
Silicat {n}
:: silicate
silicathaltig {adj}
:: silicate -containing
silicatisch {adj}
:: siliceous
Silicid {n}
:: silicide
Silicium {n}
:: alternative form of Silizium
Siliciumcarbid {n}
:: alternative form of Siliziumcarbid
Siliciumdioxid {n}
:: silicon dioxide
Siliciumhalogenid {n}
:: silicon halogenide
siliciumhaltig {adj}
:: alternative form of siliziumhaltig
Siliciumlegierung {f}
:: alternative form of Siliziumlegierung
Siliciummonoxid {n}
:: silicon monoxide
Siliciumnitrid {n}
:: silicon nitride
Siliciumtetrachlorid {n}
:: silicon tetrachloride
Siliciumtetrafluorid {n}
:: silicon tetrafluoride
Siliciumwasserstoff {n}
:: silicon hydride , silane
Silicon {n}
:: silicone
Silikat {n}
:: silicate
silikathaltig {adj}
:: silicate -containing
silikatisch {adj}
:: siliceous
silikatreich {adj}
:: silicate -rich
Silikon {n}
:: silicone
silikonisiert {adj}
:: siliconized
Silizium {n}
:: silicon
Siliziumcarbid {n}
:: silicon carbide
siliziumhaltig {adj}
:: silicon -containing
Siliziumlegierung {f}
:: silicon alloy
Siliziumsulfid {n}
:: silicon sulfide
Silke {prop}
:: given name, a Low German and Frisian diminutive of Cäcilie ( = Cecilia )
Sillian {prop} {n}
:: Sillian (municipality)
Sillimanit {m}
:: sillimanite
Silo {m} {n}
:: silo
Silt {m}
:: silt
Silum {prop} {n}
:: A village in Triesenberg , Liechtenstein
Silur {prop}
:: the Silurian
Silvaner {prop}
:: Silvaner (A variety of white wine grape, grown primarily in Germany and Alsace. )
Silvaner {prop}
:: Silvaner (A white wine made from this grape )
Silver Goal {n}
:: silver goal
Silvester {n}
:: New Year's Eve
Silvester {prop} {m}
:: given name
Silvia {prop}
:: given name
Simbabwe {prop} {n}
:: Zimbabwe
simbabwisch {adj}
:: Zimbabwean
similär {adj}
:: similar
SIM-Karte {f}
:: SIM card
Simmering {prop}
:: 11th district of Vienna , Austria ,
Simon {prop} {m}
:: Simon (biblical figure)
Simon {prop} {m}
:: given name
Simon {prop} {m}
:: surname
Simone {prop}
:: given name of French origin
Simonie {f}
:: simony (act of buying and selling ecclesiastical offices and pardons)
simpel {adj}
:: simple
Simpel {m}
:: simpleton
simpelsten {adj}
:: superlative of simpel
Simplex {m}
:: a simplex , a simple word without affixes, though in German it may have morphemes of inflection
Simplex {m}
:: a simplex (an analogue in any dimension of the triangle or tetrahedron)
Sims {m} {n}
:: ledge (protruding part of a wall that functions as a shelf)
Simsalabim {n}
:: abracadabra
Simse {f}
:: bulrush , any of several herbs of the genus Scirpus
simsen {v}
:: to text message , to text , to SMS
Simsen {prop} {p}
:: the genus Scirpus
Simson {prop}
:: Samson (Biblical figure)
Simulation {f}
:: simulation
Simulator {m}
:: simulator
simulieren {v}
:: to feign
simulieren {v}
:: to malinger
simulieren {v}
:: to simulate
simuliert {v}
:: past participle of simulieren
simuliert {adj}
:: feigned , bogus
simuliert {adj}
:: simulated
simultan {adj}
:: simultaneous (at the same time)
Sina {prop}
:: given name
Sinabelkirchen {prop} {n}
:: Sinabelkirchen (municipality)
Sindelfingen {prop} {n}
:: A town near Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg
Sindhi {n}
:: a language spoken in parts of India and Pakistan; Sindhi
sinds {contraction}
:: contraction of sind es
sind Sie gläubig {phrase}
:: are you religious
Sinfonie {f}
:: symphony
sinfonisch {adj}
:: symphonic
Singapur {prop} {n}
:: Singapur (island/and/city-state)
Singapurer {m}
:: Singaporean ; a person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent
singapurisch {adj}
:: Singaporean
Singdrossel {f}
:: throstle , song thrush (Turdus philomelos )
singen {v}
:: to sing
Singen {prop} {n}
:: Singen (town)
Singer {m}
:: singer
Singhalese {m}
:: Sinhalese (male or of unspecified sex) (member of a ethnic group in Sri Lanka )
Singhalesin {f}
:: Sinhalese (female) (member of a ethnic group in Sri Lanka )
singhalesisch {adj}
:: relating to an ethnic group in Sri Lanka; Sinhalese
Singhalesisch {n}
:: one of the languages spoken in Sri Lanka; Sinhalese
Single {f}
:: single (45rpm vinyl record)
Single {f}
:: single (song from an album, released individually)
Single {m}
:: single ; singleton (someone who is not involved in a stable romantic relationship)
Singlebörse {f}
:: online dating site
Single-Responsibility-Prinzip {prop} {n}
:: synonym of Eine-Verantwortlichkeit-Prinzip
Singleton {n}
:: singleton
Singleton {n}
:: singleton pattern
Singrün {n}
:: periwinkle
Singsang {m}
:: chant , singsong
Singspiel {n}
:: singing game , musical comedy
Singspiel {n}
:: singspiel
Singstimme {f}
:: singing voice
Singular {m}
:: singular
singulär {adj}
:: singular (of a matrix; having no inverse)
singulär {adj}
:: strange ; peculiar
Singularetantum {n}
:: singulare tantum (a noun that has no plural form)
Singularität {f}
:: singularity
Singulärwertzerlegung {f}
:: singular value decomposition
Singulett {n}
:: singlet (spectral line)
Singultus {m}
:: singultus (hiccups )
Singvogel {m}
:: songbird
sinister {adj}
:: sinister
sinistral {adj}
:: sinistral
sinken {vi}
:: to sink ; to submerge ; to set ; to fall from the sky
sinken {vi}
:: to fall ; to drop ; to decline
sinkend {adj}
:: subsiding , sinking
sinkend {adj}
:: decreasing
Sinn {m}
:: sense
Sinn {m}
:: meaning , sense (the objects or concept that a word or phrase denotes, or that which a sentence says)
Sinn {m}
:: point , idea , tenor
Sinn {m}
:: mind , consciousness
Sinn {m}
:: feeling
Sinn {m}
:: sense , sensus , aesthesia
Sinnbild {n}
:: symbol , allegory
Sinnbild {n}
:: emblem , ensign
Sinnbild {n}
:: (tech, welding ) symbol
sinnbildhaft {adj}
:: allegorical , emblematic , figurative , symbolic
sinnbildhaft {adv}
:: symbolically
sinnbildlich {adj}
:: allegorical , emblematic , figurative , symbolic
sinnbildlich {adv}
:: symbolically
sinnen {vt}
:: to think , to ponder , to cogitate
sinnen {vt}
:: to direct one's thoughts to something, to plan , to intend
sinnentstellend {adj}
:: falsifying the sense (of something)
Sinn ergeben {vi}
:: make sense
sinnergebend {adj}
:: logical
Sinnesanregung {f}
:: sensory stimulation
Sinnesnerv {m}
:: a sensory nerve
Sinnesorgan {n}
:: sense organ (an organic sensor)
Sinnesreiz {m}
:: sensory stimulus
Sinnestäuschung {f}
:: hallucination , illusion
Sinneswahrnehmung {f}
:: a sensory perception
Sinneswandel {m}
:: the change of heart
sinnfällig {adj}
:: meaningful
sinnfrei {adj}
:: senseless , inane , absurd
Sinngedicht {n}
:: epigram
Sinn gemacht {v}
:: past participle of Sinn machen
sinngemäß {adj}
:: mutatis mutandis
sinnhaft {adj}
:: meaningful
Sinnhaftigkeit {f}
:: meaningfulness
sinnieren {v}
:: to meditate , to muse
sinniert {v}
:: past participle of sinnieren
sinnig {adj}
:: meaningful
sinnlich {adj}
:: sensual , sensuous
sinnlich {adj}
:: sensory
sinnlos {adj}
:: meaningless , pointless , senseless
sinnlos {adj}
:: excessive , disproportionate
Sinnlosigkeit {f}
:: senselessness
Sinn machen {vi}
:: to make sense
sinnstiftend {adj}
:: meaningful
Sinnsuche {f}
:: a search for meaning
sinnverwandt {adj}
:: synonymous
sinnverwandt {adj}
:: meaningful
sinnvoll {adj}
:: meaningful
sinnvoll {adj}
:: sensible
sinnvollerweise {adv}
:: sensibly
Sinologie {f}
:: Chinese studies , sinology / Sinology
sintemal {conj}
:: (especially ) since , (especially ) because , forasmuch
sintemalen {conj}
:: (especially ) since , (especially ) because , forasmuch
Sinter {m}
:: sinter
sintern {v}
:: to sinter
Sinteza {f}
:: female equivalent of Sinto
Sintflut {f}
:: Deluge
Sintflut {f}
:: deluge (heavy rain)
Sintflut {f}
:: deluge (a great or overwhelming flood of anything, abstract or material)
sintflutartig {adj}
:: torrential
Sinto {m}
:: Sinto (member of a Romani people)
Sinus {m}
:: sine
Sinusitis {m}
:: sinusitis (inflammation)
Sipbachzell {prop} {n}
:: Sipbachzell (municipality)
Siphon {m} {n}
:: trap (bend in a pipe that prevents the escape of gases)
Siphon {m} {n}
:: siphon (bent pipe that makes use of hydrostatic pressure)
Siphon {m} {n}
:: siphon ; soda siphon
Sippe {f}
:: tribe
Sippe {f}
:: family
Sippschaft {f}
:: synonym of Sippe
Sirene {f}
:: siren (noisemaker)
Sirene {f}
:: siren (mythology)
Sirene {f}
:: sirenian
Sirene {f}
:: alternative form of Syringe
Sirene {prop} {f}
:: Sirene 1009 (asteroid)
Sirius {prop} {m}
:: Sirius
siriusfern {adj}
:: Very distant
Sirup {m}
:: syrup ; viscous , sweet (sugary ) liquid or semiliquid
Sirup {m}
:: viscous , sweet medicine
Sissi {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Elisabeth
Sistrans {prop} {n}
:: Sistrans (municipality)
Sisyphus {prop} {m}
:: Sisyphus
Sisyphusarbeit {f}
:: Sisyphean labor , Sisyphean task
Sitar {f}
:: sitar (Asian musical instrument)
Sitka-Fichte {f}
:: Sitka spruce (any tree of the species Picea sitchensis )
Sitte {f}
:: normative standard of society , mos , custom , decency
Sittenbild {n}
:: sketch of manners and customs , portrait of manners and morals
Sittenbild {n}
:: genre drawing , genre picture , genre painting
Sittenpolizei {f}
:: vice squad
Sittenstrolch {m}
:: someone who regularly shows lewd behaviour
sittenwidrig {adj}
:: immoral , inappropriate
Sittersdorf {prop} {n}
:: Sittersdorf (municipality)
Sittich {m}
:: parakeet (various species of small parrots)
sittlich {adj}
:: moral
Sittlichkeit {f}
:: The Hegelian concept of "ethical life " or "ethical order "
sittsam {adj}
:: demure , decent
sittsam {adj}
:: prudish
Situation {f}
:: situation , circumstances
Situation {f}
:: setting (background, atmosphere)
Situationismus {m}
:: situationism
situativ {adj}
:: situational
situiert {adj}
:: situated
situiert {adj}
:: wealthy , prosperous
Sitz {m}
:: seat
Sitz {m}
:: domicile
Sitzbein {n}
:: ischium
Sitzbezug {m}
:: seat cover
sitzen {vi}
:: to sit ; to perch
sitzen {vi}
:: to stay (in one place); to remain ; to be (in a particular place or state)
sitzen {vi}
:: to fit
sitzen {vi}
:: to be
sitzen {vi}
:: to do time ; to spend time in jail
sitzen {vi}
:: to hit home ; to have a significant effect
sitzen {vi}
:: to sit down
sitzen bleiben {vi}
:: to remain seated
sitzenbleiben {v}
:: to stay down , be held back (to repeat a school year, not having been moved up a class/grade)
sitzenbleiben {v}
:: to be left on the shelf (to remain unmarried as a woman)
sitzenbleiben {v}
:: to be left with, to be sitting on (to find no customer for something)
sitzenbleiben {v}
:: to be tarnished by, to be a black mark against somebody′s name
sitzenbleiben {v}
:: to not prove , to not rise (to not become aerated by the action of yeast)
sitzend {adj}
:: sitting , seated
sitzend {adj}
:: sedentary
Sitzfleisch {n}
:: buttocks
Sitzfleisch {n}
:: ability to sit still, Sitzfleisch
Sitzgelegenheit {f}
:: seat ; (plural) seating , seating accommodation
Sitz im Leben {m}
:: ("sit in life") sociological setting
Sitzkrieg {m}
:: sitzkrieg
Sitzmann {prop}
:: surname
Sitzplatz {m}
:: seat
Sitzredakteur {m}
:: editor responsible for taking the fall for someone else if a publication violated censorship laws
Sitzreihe {f}
:: generally: row of seats
Sitzreihe {f}
:: in a theatre: tier
Sitzriese {m}
:: A person who appears much taller when they are sitting than when they stand , e.g. because of their being long-waisted or their individual sitting posture
Sitzung {f}
:: meeting
Sitzung {f}
:: session
Sitzung {f}
:: assembly
Sitzung {f}
:: sitting
Sitzzwerg {m}
:: A person who appears much shorter when they are sitting than when they stand , e.g. because of their being short-waisted or their individual sitting posture
Sixpack {m} {n}
:: six pack
Sixpack {m} {n}
:: six pack
sixtinisch {adj}
:: Sistine
Sizilianer {m}
:: Sicilian (male person from Sicily )
Sizilianerin {f}
:: Sicilian (female person from Sicily )
sizilianisch {adj}
:: Sicilian (related to Sicily, the Sicilians or the Sicilian language)
Sizilianisch {n}
:: Sicilian (the language of Sicily)
Sizilien {prop} {n}
:: Sizilien (island/and/region)
Skabies {f}
:: scabies
skabrös {adj}
:: scabrous
Skala {f}
:: scale , gamut (ordered numerical sequence)
Skala {f}
:: gamut
Skalar {m}
:: scalar (physics, mathematics)
Skalar {m}
:: angelfish , Pterophyllum scalare
Skalarfeld {n}
:: scalar field
Skaleninvarianz {f}
:: scale invariance
Skalierbarkeit {f}
:: scalability
Skalp {m}
:: scalp (part of the skin of a slain enemy's head kept as a token)
Skalp {m}
:: a defeated enemy; a scalp
Skalpell {n}
:: scalpel
Skandal {m}
:: scandal
Skandalartikel {m}
:: exposing article
Skandalnudel {f}
:: A person (especially female) who often becomes or makes themself an object of scandal , sensation , or gossip
skandalös {adj}
:: scandalous
skandalträchtig {adj}
:: impending to result in a scandal; potentially scandalous
skandieren {v}
:: to chant
skandieren {v}
:: to scan (read out with emphasis to show the metre)
Skandinavien {prop} {n}
:: Scandinavia ; the countries of Denmark (excluding the Faroe Islands and Greenland ), Norway and Sweden
skandinavisch {adj}
:: Scandinavian
skandinavischsten {adj}
:: superlative of skandinavisch
Skarn {m}
:: skarn
Skat {m}
:: A type of trick-taking card game played with 3 players, popular in Germany
Skat {m}
:: The two discards in the game of Skat
Skate {m}
:: a new-fashioned skate
Skate {m}
:: a rollerblade
Skate {m}
:: a modern professional speedskate
Skateboard {n}
:: skateboard (wheeled platform for skating)
skaten {vi}
:: to play the card game of skat
skaten {vi}
:: to skate with a skateboard
skaten {vi}
:: to skate with rollerblades
skatologisch {adj}
:: scatological
Skelett {n}
:: skeleton
Skelettfluorose {f}
:: skeletal fluorosis
Skepsis {f}
:: skepticism (general disposition to doubt)
Skeptiker {m}
:: sceptic
skeptisch {adj}
:: skeptical , sceptical
skeptischsten {adj}
:: superlative of skeptisch
Skeptizismus {m}
:: skepticism
Sketch {m}
:: sketch (short musical, dramatic or literary work or idea)
Sketsch {m}
:: alternative spelling of Sketch
Ski {m}
:: ski
Skifahrer {m}
:: skier (male or of unspecified sex) (someone who practices skiing)
Skigebiet {n}
:: ski resort , skiing area
Skinhead {m}
:: skinhead
Skioptikon {n}
:: magic lantern
Skipetar {m}
:: Albanian (person from Albania)
Skipiste {f}
:: piste , ski slope
Skipper {m}
:: The captain of a yacht
Skischule {f}
:: ski school
Skistock {m}
:: ski pole , ski stick
Skizze {f}
:: sketch
skizzenhaft {adj}
:: sketchy
skizzieren {v}
:: to sketch (to create a sketch)
skizzieren {v}
:: to outline
Sklave {m}
:: slave (male or of unspecified sex)
Sklavenhalter {m}
:: slaveholder (male or of unspecified sex)
Sklavenhandel {m}
:: slave trade
Sklaventreiber {m}
:: slave driver
Sklaverei {f}
:: slavery
Sklavin {f}
:: female slave
sklavisch {adj}
:: slavish ; abject
sklavisch {adj}
:: slavish ; obeying or sticking to a rule without reflection
sklawinisch {adj}
:: Sclavinian
Skopje {prop} {n}
:: Skopje (capital city)
skoptisch {adj}
:: mocking
Skorbut {m}
:: scurvy
Skorpion {m}
:: scorpion (arachnid of order Scorpiones )
Skorpion {prop} {m}
:: Scorpio , a constellation
Skorpion {prop} {m}
:: Scorpio , a Zodiac sign used in astrology
Skorpionsfliege {f}
:: scorpionfly
skr. {adj}
:: abbreviation of sanskritisch
Skript {n}
:: script (writing; written document)
Skript {n}
:: script (text of the dialogue and action for a drama)
Skript {n}
:: script (procedure or program in computing)
Skriptorium {n}
:: scriptorium
Skriptum {n}
:: script (writing; written document)
skrofulös {adj}
:: scrofulous
Skrotum {n}
:: scrotum (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles)
Skrupel {m}
:: scruple ; qualm
skrupellos {adj}
:: unscrupulous (contemptuous of what is right or honourable)
SKU {noun}
:: abbreviation of S portk lub U nion (sport club union)
Skua {f}
:: skua , jaeger
Skuld {prop} {f}
:: Skuld
Skulptur {f}
:: sculpture (work of art)
Skunk {m}
:: skunk (animal)
skurril {adj}
:: bizarre , absurd , droll
Skutterudit {m}
:: skutterudite
skypen {v}
:: to skype (make a Skype call)
skythisch {adj}
:: Scythian
Slalom {m}
:: slalom (same meanings as in English)
Slang {m} {n}
:: slang
Slawe {m}
:: Slav (male or of unspecified sex), member of a Slavic tribe
Slawin {f}
:: Slav (female), member of a Slavic tribe
slawisch {adj}
:: Slavic , Slav , Slavonic
Slawisieren {n}
:: "slavicizating "
Slawisierung {f}
:: Slavicization
Slawistik {f}
:: Slavic studies
Slawonien {prop}
:: Slavonia
Slip {m}
:: a piece of underwear covering just the genitalia and buttocks : panties , knickers ; briefs
Slipeinlage {f}
:: pantyliner
Slogan {m}
:: slogan (phrase associated with a product)
Slogan {m}
:: slogan; rallying cry
slow. {adj}
:: abbreviation of slowenisch
slow. {adj}
:: abbreviation of slowakisch
Slowake {m}
:: Slovak (native of Slovakia)
Slowakei {prop} {f}
:: Slovakia
Slowakin {f}
:: female Slovak (native of Slovakia)
slowakisch {adj}
:: Slovak (of Slovakia, the Slovaks, or their language)
Slowakisch {n}
:: Slovak (language)
slowen. {adj}
:: abbreviation of slowenisch
Slowene {m}
:: Slovene (male or of unspecified sex) (person from Slovenia)
Slowenien {prop} {n}
:: Slovenia
Slowenin {f}
:: Slovene , Slovenian (female) (woman from Slovenia)
slowenisch {adj}
:: Slovene , Slovenian (related to Slovenia, its people or its language)
Slowenisch {prop} {n}
:: Slovene , Slovenian (the language)
Slum {m}
:: slum
Smalltalk {m} {n}
:: small talk
Small Talk {m} {n}
:: alternative spelling of Smalltalk
Smaragd {m}
:: Emerald
smaragden {adj}
:: emerald , smaragdine
smaragdgrün {adj}
:: emerald , emerald green (rich green colour)
Smaragdkehlkolibri {m}
:: The emerald-chinned hummingbird , Abeillia abeillei
smart {adj}
:: smart (exhibiting social ability or cleverness)
smart {adj}
:: smart (good-looking, well-dressed)
Smartcard {f}
:: chip card , smart card
Smartphone {n}
:: smartphone
Smectit {m}
:: alternative spelling of Smektit
Smegma {n}
:: smegma
Smektit {m}
:: smectite
Smichow {prop} {n}
:: Smichow (district)
Smilodon {m}
:: smilodon
Smithsonit {m}
:: smithsonite
Smog {m}
:: smog
Smoking {m}
:: Dinner jacket , tuxedo , tux
SMS {f} {n}
:: SMS (text message)
SMS {noun}
:: SMS - Seiner Majestät Schiff (His Majesty's Ship)
Snack {m}
:: snack (a light meal)
Snaresinselpinguin {m}
:: Snares penguin
Snob {m}
:: snob
snöben {vi}
:: to snowboard , to do snowboarding
Snobismus {m}
:: snobbery
snobistisch {adj}
:: snobbish , snobby
Snooker {n}
:: snooker (game)
Snowboard {n}
:: snowboard
s. o. {v}
:: initialism of siehe oben
so {adv}
:: so , such , that
so {adv}
:: as
so {adv}
:: thus , like this /that , in this/that way , in this/that manner
so {adv}
:: then (in that case)
so {adv}
:: expletive ; sometimes intensifying, sometimes with no noticeable meaning
so {conj}
:: an , if
so {pron}
:: that , which , who
So. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Sonntag
Soap {f}
:: soap opera , soap
sobald {conj}
:: as soon as , by the time
so bald wie möglich {adv}
:: as soon as possible
Söchau {prop} {n}
:: Söchau (municipality)
Socke {f}
:: sock
Sockel {m}
:: base
Sockel {m}
:: pedestal , plinth
Sockel {m}
:: socket for a chip or CPU
Sockenpuppe {f}
:: sock puppet (simple puppet made from a sock)
Socrates {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Sokrates ; Socrates
Soda {n} {f}
:: soda
Soda {n} {f}
:: soda water
Sodalith {m}
:: sodalite
Sodasee {m}
:: soda lake
sodass {conj}
:: so that
sodass {conj}
:: such that
Sodbrennen {n}
:: heartburn
Sodomie {f}
:: a form of sexual intercourse considered perverse and unnatural
Sodomie {f}
:: bestiality ; zoophilia
Sodomie {f}
:: anal sex , especially homosexual
Sodomie {f}
:: immoral behaviour in general, especially inhospitality
Sodomist {m}
:: sodomist ; sodomite ; one who engages in a form of sexual intercourse considered perverse and unnatural
Sodomist {m}
:: zoophile
Sodomist {m}
:: one who engages in anal sex , especially homosexual , and especially the active partner
sodomitisch {adj}
:: sodomitic
soeben {adv}
:: just now , quite recently (moments ago)
Soest {prop}
:: Soest (city)
Sofa {n}
:: sofa , couch (upholstered seat with a raised back and one or two raised ends, that accommodates at least two people)
Sofaschoner {m}
:: antimacassar , throw , tidy
Sofatisch {m}
:: coffee table
sofern {conj}
:: provided (that), if
Sofi {f}
:: clipping of Sonnenfinsternis
Sofia {prop} {f}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Sophia
Sofia {prop} {n}
:: Sofia (capital city)
Sofie {prop}
:: given name
sofort {adv}
:: immediately , at once
Soforthilfe {f}
:: emergency relief
sofortig {adj}
:: immediate
Software {f}
:: ' software
Software {f}
:: "a software " (cf. usage notes in the entry), a programme /program
Softwareentwickler {m}
:: software developer
Softwareentwicklerin {f}
:: female software developer
Softwareentwicklung {f}
:: software development
Softwareentwicklungsprozess {m}
:: software development process
Softwareentwurf {m}
:: software design
Softwarekonfigurationsmanagement {n}
:: software configuration management
sog. {adj}
:: abbreviation of sogenannt
Sog {m}
:: suction
Sog {m}
:: wake
sogar {adv}
:: even , actually , in fact
sogdisch {adj}
:: Sogdian (related to the Sogdians or their language)
Sogdisch {n}
:: Sogdian (the Sogdian language)
so gedacht {adj}
:: meant to be like this
sogenannt {adj}
:: so-called
sogenannt {adj}
:: so named
sogleich {adv}
:: readily , immediately , presently , straightaway
so Gott will {phrase}
:: God willing ; used to indicate acceptance of God’s will when expressing an intention or hope, and particularly to avert misfortune
so gut wie {adv}
:: almost , as good as ; pretty much
Sohle {f}
:: sole (of the foot/shoe)
sohlen {vt}
:: to sole
söhlig {adj}
:: horizontal
Sohn {m}
:: son
Söhnchen {n}
:: diminutive of Sohn
Söhngeit {m}
:: söhngeite
Söhnlein {n}
:: diminutive of Sohn
sohr {adj}
:: parched , wilted
soigniert {adj}
:: soigné , soignée
Soiree {f}
:: soirée , soiree
so ist das Leben {phrase}
:: such is life
Soja {f} {n}
:: soy
Sojabohne {f}
:: soy bean
Sojamehl {n}
:: soya meal / flour
Sojamilch {f}
:: soy milk
Sojasoße {f}
:: soy sauce
Sojus {mf} {n}
:: Soyuz (Russian/Soviet name for various objects and programmes)
Soko {prop} {f}
:: Abbrevation of Sonderkommission
Sokrates {prop} {m}
:: Socrates
sokratisch {adj}
:: Socratic
Sol {n}
:: sol , the fifth step in the solfège scale of C, preceded by fa and followed by la
Sol {n}
:: sol , a type of colloid in which a solid is dispersed in a liquid
so lala {adj}
:: so-so
solange {adv}
:: meanwhile
solange {conj}
:: as long as , while
solar {adj}
:: solar
solarbetrieben {adj}
:: solar-powered
Solarenergie {f}
:: solar energy
Solarium {n}
:: solarium (establishment where one can rent sunbeds)
Solarium {n}
:: sunbed
Solarkraftwerk {n}
:: solar power station
solarthermisch {adj}
:: Using thermal energy from the Sun
Solarzelle {f}
:: solar cell (semiconductor device)
Solawi {f}
:: abbreviation of Solidarische Landwirtschaft
SoLaWi {f}
:: alternative case form of Solawi
solch {pron}
:: such
solcherart {adv}
:: thus (in such a manner)
solchermaßen {adv}
:: thus
Sold {m}
:: income of a soldier , conscripts in military or other national service, and certain other professions
Soldanelle {f}
:: snowbell , any plant of the genus Soldanella
Soldat {m}
:: soldier
Soldatensprache {f}
:: military slang
Soldatin {f}
:: (female) soldier
Söldner {m}
:: mercenary
Söldnerin {f}
:: female mercenary
Sole {f}
:: brine
Solei {n}
:: pickled egg , cooked egg conserved in salted water
solenn {adj}
:: solemn
solid {adj}
:: solid
solidarisch {adj}
:: solidary
solidarisch {adv}
:: in solidarity
solidarisieren {vr}
:: to declare one's solidarity
Solidarität {f}
:: solidarity
solide {adj}
:: alternative form of solid
Solingen {prop} {n}
:: Solingen (city)
solipsistisch {adj}
:: solipsistic
solitär {adj}
:: solitary
solitär {adj}
:: single
Soliton {n}
:: soliton
Sölk {prop} {n}
:: Sölk (municipality)
Soll {n}
:: debit
Soll {n}
:: kettle lake
Söll {prop} {n}
:: Söll (municipality)
Sollbruchstelle {f}
:: predetermined breaking point
sollen {v}
:: should ; to be obligated (to do something); ought ; shall
sollen {v}
:: to be recommended (to do something); to be asked (to do something)
sollen {v}
:: to be intended (to do something); to be meant (to be something)
sollen {v}
:: to be said (to do something); reportedly ; they say that; I hear that; so they say; rumor has it; supposedly
sollen {v}
:: would ; indicates that the subordinate clause indicates something that would happen in the past but after the time frame of the main clause
sollen {v}
:: should ; indicates that the subordinate clause indicates a hypothetical and unlikely condition for the main clause
Sollenau {prop} {n}
:: Sollenau (municipality)
Söller {m}
:: roof deck
solls {contraction}
:: contraction of soll es
Sollwert {m}
:: setpoint
Sollzustand {m}
:: target state
solo {adj}
:: alone
solo {adj}
:: single (not married nor dating)
Solo {n}
:: solo (piece of music for one)
solomonisch {adj}
:: solomonic
Solotänzer {m}
:: solo dancer
Solotänzerin {f}
:: female solo dancer
solubel {adj}
:: soluble
solvent {adj}
:: solvent
Somalia {prop} {n}
:: Somalia
Somaliland {n}
:: Somaliland
somalisch {adj}
:: Somali
Somalisch {prop} {n}
:: Somali (language)
somatisch {adj}
:: somatic
somit {adv}
:: therefore , hence , thus
Somit {m}
:: somite
Sommer {m}
:: summer
Sommer {prop} {mf}
:: surname originating as a nickname
Sommeranfang {m}
:: beginning of summer
Sommerein {prop} {n}
:: Sommerein (municipality)
Sommerein {prop} {n}
:: Šamorín , Slovakia
Sommerende {n}
:: late summer , end of summer
Sommerferien {p}
:: summer holidays , summer vacation
sommerfest {adj}
:: that remains firm throughout the summer
sommergrün {adj}
:: deciduous (of or pertaining to trees that shed their leaves in winter)
Sommerhaus {n}
:: summerhouse
Sommerkleid {n}
:: A summer dress
Sommerkleidchen {n}
:: diminutive of Sommerkleid
sommerlich {adj}
:: summerlike , summerly , summery
Sommerloch {n}
:: silly season ; slow news day (time during the summer break when the media resort to reporting largely inconsequential stories)
Sommermonat {m}
:: summer month
Sommerpause {f}
:: summer break (especially such a parliamentary recess)
Sommerreifen {m}
:: summer tire , summer tyre
sommers {adv}
:: summers
Sommersonne {f}
:: summer sun
Sommersonnenwende {f}
:: summer solstice
Sommersprosse {f}
:: freckle
sommersprossig {adj}
:: freckled , freckly
Sommervogel {m}
:: summer bird , migratory bird
Sommervogel {m}
:: butterfly
Sommerwetter {n}
:: summer weather
Sommerzeit {f}
:: summertime (the season of summer)
Sommerzeit {f}
:: summer time ; daylight saving time
Somnambulismus {m}
:: somnambulism (sleepwalking)
so'n {pron}
:: contraction of so ein
son {pron}
:: alternative form of so'n
Sonar {n}
:: sonar (device to determine positions of objects under water)
Sonate {f}
:: sonata
Sonatine {f}
:: sonatina
Sonde {f}
:: probe (device used to explore, investigate or measure)
Sonde {f}
:: sonde
sonder- {prefix}
:: special , nonstandard
sonder {prep}
:: without ; except ; not including
Sonderangebot {n}
:: (special ) bargain
Sonderausstattung {f}
:: optional extra , optional extras
sonderbar {adj}
:: strange , odd
Sonderbarkeit {f}
:: oddity
Sonderbehandlung {f}
:: special treatment
Sonderbehandlung {f}
:: execution , extermination
Sonderbericht {m}
:: special report
Sonderbriefmarke {f}
:: commemorative stamp , special issue
Sondereinheit {f}
:: special force
Sonderfall {m}
:: special case
sondergleichen {prep}
:: which has no equal , incomparable
Sonderheit {f}
:: peculiarity
Sonderkommando {n}
:: special unit
Sonderkommission {f}
:: special commission
Sonderkraftfahrzeug {noun}
:: military vehicle, special purpose vehicle
Sonderkunststoff {m}
:: special purpose plastics
sonderlich {adj}
:: special , extra , very , particular
sonderlich {adj}
:: strange
Sonderling {m}
:: eccentric , nerd , a solitary person
Sondermünze {f}
:: commemorative coin
sondern {conj}
:: rather , but (instead )
sondern {interj}
:: so ?, then what?, so you tell me!
sondern {vt}
:: to separate , to sunder
Sonderpädagogik {f}
:: special education
sonderpädagogisch {adj}
:: special education (attributive)
Sonderrecht {n}
:: special right , privilege
sonders {adv}
:: only in samt und sonders
Sonderschule {f}
:: special school
Sondersitzung {f}
:: special / extraordinary meeting / session
Sondersprache {f}
:: subvariety of a language only understood by a certain social group
Sonderstellung {f}
:: special place / position / status
Sonderverkauf {m}
:: special sale
Sonderverwaltungszone {f}
:: special administrative region
Sonderweg {prop} {m}
:: the supposed special path by which German political structures developed (differently from those of France, Britain, Russia, etc), and which German history took (see the English entry )
Sonderweg {m}
:: special path; path different from the usual / normal one
Sonderzeichen {n}
:: special character
Sonderzug {m}
:: special train , chartered train
sondieren {v}
:: To sound out
sondieren {v}
:: To probe
sondiert {v}
:: past participle of sondieren
Sondierung {f}
:: Sounding (test made with a probe or sonde)
Sondierung {f}
:: Probe
Sondierung {f}
:: Investigation
sone {pron}
:: Ungrammatical alternative form of solch in plural
Sonett {n}
:: sonnet
Song {m}
:: a song of modern popular music
Songschreiber {m}
:: songwriter
Songtext {m}
:: lyrics , songtext
Sonja {prop}
:: given name
Sonnabend {m}
:: Saturday
Sonnabend {m}
:: Saturday evening (as being within the time period of roughly 30 hours in which the faithful may attend mass to fulfil their Sunday obligation )
Sonnabendabend {m}
:: Saturday evening
Sonnabendmittag {m}
:: Saturday noon
Sonnabendnachmittag {m}
:: Saturday afternoon
sonnabends {adv}
:: every Saturday , on Saturdays
Sonnabendvormittag {m}
:: Saturday morning (time before noon)
sonne {pron}
:: contraction of so eine (so , ein )
sonne {pron}
:: Ungrammatical synonym of solch in plural
Sonne {prop} {f}
:: the Sun
Sonne {f}
:: a sun (a star , especially when being the center of a solar system)
Sonne {f}
:: sunshine , sunlight (the light and warmth we receive on Earth from the sun)
sonnen {vr}
:: to sun , to sunbathe
Sonnenaktivität {f}
:: solar variation
Sonnenaufgang {m}
:: sunrise
Sonnenbad {n}
:: sunbath
sonnenbaden {vi}
:: to sunbathe
Sonnenbaden {n}
:: "sunbathing "
Sonnenblume {f}
:: sunflower
Sonnenblumenkern {m}
:: sunflower seed
Sonnenblumenöl {n}
:: sunflower oil
Sonnenbrand {m}
:: the burning heat of the sun
Sonnenbrand {m}
:: sunburn (condition of the skin)
Sonnenbrand {m}
:: a sunburn (instance of affliction with this condition)
Sonnenbrille {f}
:: sunglasses
Sonnencreme {f}
:: sunscreen
Sonnencrème {f}
:: alternative spelling of Sonnencreme
sonnendurchflutet {adj}
:: sun-drenched
Sonneneinstrahlung {f}
:: sunlight (solar radiation)
Sonneneinstrahlung {f}
:: insolation
Sonnenenergie {f}
:: solar energy
Sonnenfinsternis {f}
:: solar eclipse
Sonnenfleck {m}
:: sunspot
Sonnenfleck {m}
:: freckle
Sonnenfleck {m}
:: sunny area
Sonnengott {m}
:: sungod
Sonnenhut {m}
:: sunhat
Sonnenjahr {n}
:: solar year
sonnenklar {adj}
:: sunbright
sonnenklar {adj}
:: plain and clear , obvious
Sonnenkönig {prop} {n}
:: Sun King
Sonnenkorona {f}
:: solar corona
Sonnenkrem {f}
:: alternative spelling of Sonnencreme
Sonnenkreme {f}
:: alternative spelling of Sonnencreme
Sonnenlicht {n}
:: sunlight
Sonnenrad {n}
:: sun wheel
Sonnenrad {n}
:: swastika
Sonnenrad {n}
:: black sun
Sonnenrad {n}
:: burning wheel
Sonnenrad {n}
:: sun gear
Sonnenrad {n}
:: Rimostrombidium lacustris (Strobilidium lacustri)
Sonnenrauch {m}
:: synonym of Höhenrauch
sonnenreich {adj}
:: sunny
Sonnenschein {m}
:: sunshine
Sonnenschirm {m}
:: A parasol , type of umbrella used for protection against the sun
Sonnensegel {n}
:: a solar panel on a spacecraft
Sonnensegel {n}
:: a solar sail
Sonnensegel {n}
:: a saillike , spreadable awning
Sonnenspektrum {n}
:: solar spectrum
Sonnenstich {m}
:: sunstroke
Sonnenstrahl {m}
:: sunray
Sonnenstrahlung {f}
:: solar radiation
Sonnensystem {prop} {n}
:: The Solar System with its set of celestial bodies
Sonnensystem {n}
:: Any other solar system with its set of celestial bodies
Sonnentag {m}
:: sunny day
Sonnentau {m}
:: sundew (group of insectivorous plants)
Sonnenuhr {f}
:: sundial
Sonnenuntergang {m}
:: sunset (time of day)
sonnenverbrannt {adj}
:: sunburnt
Sonnenwende {f}
:: solstice
Sonnenwende {f}
:: heliotrope
Sonnenwind {m}
:: solar wind
sonnig {adj}
:: sunny
Sonntag {m}
:: Sunday (the first day of the week in many religious traditions, and the seventh day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 standard)
Sonntag {prop} {n}
:: Sonntag (municipality)
Sonntag {prop} {n}
:: Zyndaki , an East Prussian village in Poland
Sonntagabend {m}
:: Sunday evening
Sonntagberg {prop} {n}
:: Sonntagberg (municipality)
Sonntagmittag {m}
:: Sunday noon
Sonntagnachmittag {m}
:: Sunday afternoon
sonntags {adv}
:: on Sundays, every Sunday
Sonntagsbraten {m}
:: Sunday roast
Sonntagsbrötchen {n}
:: a special kind of bread roll , prepared with buttermilk
Sonntagsfahrer {m}
:: Sunday driver (male or of unspecified sex)
Sonntagskind {n}
:: child born on a Sunday
Sonntagskind {n}
:: lucky person
Sonntagskleidung {f}
:: churchgoing outfit ; one's Sunday best
Sonntagsschrift {f}
:: diligently tidy handwriting
Sonntagsschrift {f}
:: Sunday newspaper or magazine
Sonntagsstaat {m}
:: Sunday best (a person’s finest clothes, particularly those worn to church on Sunday)
Sonntagvormittag {m}
:: Sunday morning (time before noon)
sonst {adv}
:: otherwise (under different circumstances)
sonst {adv}
:: normally , usually
sonst {adv}
:: else
sonst {adv}
:: so ; then ; consecutive, but directed against an explicit or implicit alternative
sonstig {adj}
:: (any/all) other
Sony {prop} {n}
:: Sony (company)
Sony {m} {n} {f}
:: Sony (device produced by that company)
Sooretama-Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
:: Sooretama slaty antshrike
Sooß {prop} {n}
:: Sooß (municipality)
Sophia {prop} {f}
:: given name
Sophie {prop}
:: given name
Sophismus {m}
:: sophism
sophistisch {adj}
:: sophist
Sopran {m}
:: soprano (pitch)
Sopran {m}
:: soprano (singer)
Sopranstimme {f}
:: soprano (pitch)
Sopranstimme {f}
:: sheet music for soprano
Sorbe {m}
:: Sorb
Sorbentum {n}
:: the culture , history , religion , and traditions of the Sorbs
Sorbet {n}
:: sorbet
sorbisch {adj}
:: Sorbian (related to the Sorbian people or their language)
Sorbisch {adj}
:: Sorbian , belonging or relating to the Sorbian people
Sorbisch {adj}
:: Sorbian , in or relating to the Sorbian language
Sorbisch {n}
:: The Sorbian (West Slavic) language
Sorge {f}
:: concern , worry , apprehension , trouble , uneasiness , anxiety
Sorge {f}
:: care , aid
sorgen {v}
:: to care
sorgen {vr}
:: to worry
sorgenfrei {adj}
:: carefree , happy-go-lucky
sorgen für {v}
:: to care for , take care of
sorgen für {v}
:: to provide for
sorgen für {v}
:: to cause (commotion, excitement, sensation)
sorgen für {v}
:: to provide (music, provisions etc.)
sorgenlos {adj}
:: carefree , unconcerned
Sorgerecht {n}
:: custody
Sorgfalt {f}
:: carefulness , care , diligence
sorgfältig {adj}
:: careful , meticulous
sorgfältiger {adj}
:: comparative of sorgfältig
sorgfältigsten {adj}
:: superlative of sorgfältig
Sorghum {n}
:: sorghum (a kind of plant by genus)
sorglich {adj}
:: caring
sorglich {adv}
:: caringly
sorglos {adj}
:: carefree , happy-go-lucky
sorglos {adj}
:: careless
Sorglosigkeit {f}
:: carelessness , insouciance
sorgsam {adj}
:: careful , mindful
Sorption {f}
:: sorption
Sorte {f}
:: a sort , variety , grade of a good produced for sale or consumption
Sorte {f}
:: a sort, kind , type of anything
Sorte {f}
:: foreign cash ; foreign coins and notes
Sortenplural {m}
:: plural indicating different types of the noun
sortenrein {adj}
:: unmixed
sortieren {v}
:: to sort
Sortierverfahren {n}
:: sorting algorithm
Sortiment {n}
:: (product ) range (the entirety or a particular grouping of the articles produced by a company or sold by a shop)
Soße {f}
:: sauce , gravy
Soßenkelle {f}
:: sauce ladle , gravy ladle
soteriologisch {adj}
:: soteriological
Sottise {f}
:: taunt (a spiteful remark)
Sottise {f}
:: bêtise , stupidity
Soubrette {f}
:: soubrette
Soufflé {n}
:: soufflé
Soufflee {n}
:: alternative spelling of Soufflé
Souffleur {m}
:: prompter
Souffleuse {f}
:: feminine noun of Souffleur
soufflieren {v}
:: to prompt
Soul {m} {n}
:: soul music , soul
Soul {prop} {n}
:: rare spelling of Seoul
soulig {adj}
:: soulful
Soundso {mf}
:: so-and-so , such-and-such
Soundsystem {n}
:: sound system
Souper {n}
:: dinner , supper
Sout. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Souterrain
Soutane {f}
:: cassock , soutane
Souterrain {n}
:: basement
Souvenir {n}
:: souvenir
souverän {adj}
:: sovereign
souverän {adj}
:: confident , masterful
Souverän {m}
:: sovereign
Souveränität {f}
:: sovereignty
Souveränität {f}
:: poise , confidence , calmness of emotion
soviel {conj}
:: as far as , so far as
soviel {adv}
:: so much, so many, as much, as many
so wahr mir Gott helfe {phrase}
:: so help me God
sowas {pron}
:: that , such a thing
Sowchos {m}
:: sovkhoz
soweit {conj}
:: as far as (in the scope in which something holds)
soweit {conj}
:: if (supposing that; assuming that)
so weit das Auge reicht {adv}
:: as far as the eye can see
sowie {conj}
:: as well as
sowie {conj}
:: as soon as
sowieso {adv}
:: anyway , anyhow , in any case
sowieso {interj}
:: something ; replaces unknown or unimportant words
sowieso {interj}
:: of course ; sure ; that’s a given ; expresses agreement to a statement with the implication that it is trivial
Sowjet {m}
:: soviet
sowjetisch {adj}
:: Soviet
Sowjetrepublik {f}
:: Soviet republic (a constituent republic of the former Soviet Union )
Sowjetukraine {prop} {f}
:: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Sowjetunion {prop} {f}
:: Soviet Union
sowohl {conj}
:: both
sowohl ... als auch {conj}
:: both ... and
Sozi {m}
:: A member of a socialist or social-democratic party; socialist ; social democrat
sozial {adj}
:: social
Sozialabgaben {p}
:: social security contributions, contributions to the social security (unemployment aid etc.)
Sozialamt {n}
:: welfare agency ; benefits office
Sozialarbeiter {m}
:: social worker
Sozialarbeiterin {f}
:: female social worker
Sozialdarwinismus {m}
:: social Darwinism (theory)
sozialdarwinistisch {adj}
:: pertaining to social Darwinism
Sozialdemokrat {m}
:: social democrat
Sozialdemokratie {f}
:: social democracy
sozialdemokratisch {adj}
:: social democratic
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands {prop} {f}
:: German Social Democratic Party
sozialer {adj}
:: comparative of sozial
sozialer Mord {m}
:: social murder
Sozialhilfe {f}
:: income support , minimal social assistance
sozialisieren {v}
:: to socialize
Sozialismus {m}
:: socialism
Sozialist {m}
:: socialist / Socialist (male or of unspecified sex)
sozialistisch {adj}
:: socialist , socialistic
Sozialistische Föderative Republik Jugoslawien {prop} {f}
:: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
sozialistischer {adj}
:: comparative of sozialistisch
sozialistischsten {adj}
:: superlative of sozialistisch
Sozialneid {m}
:: class envy , social envy
Sozialneid {m}
:: social resentment
Sozialparasit {m}
:: Literally, "social parasite ", a parasite of social animals utilizing common resources; e.g. wasps that live in beehives or bumblebee nests, feeding on honey or larvae
Sozialparasit {m}
:: welfare parasite
Sozialpolitik {f}
:: sociopolitics
sozialpolitisch {adj}
:: sociopolitical
Sozialpsychologie {f}
:: social psychology (study of how people and groups interact)
Sozialschmarotzer {m}
:: welfare parasite
Sozialstaat {m}
:: welfare state
sozialsten {adj}
:: superlative of sozial
Sozialtourismus {m}
:: benefit tourism
Sozialversicherung {f}
:: social insurance
Sozialversicherungskarte {f}
:: social security card
Sozialversicherungskarte {f}
:: health insurance card
Sozialversicherungsnummer {f}
:: social security number , social insurance number
sozialverträglich {adj}
:: socially acceptable
Sozialwissenschaft {f}
:: social studies
Sozinianer {m}
:: Socinian (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination)
Sozinianerin {f}
:: Socinian (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination)
soziokulturell {adj}
:: sociocultural
Soziolekt {m}
:: sociolect
Soziolinguistik {f}
:: sociolinguistics
Soziologe {m}
:: sociologist
Soziologie {f}
:: sociology
Soziologin {f}
:: female sociologist
soziologisch {adj}
:: sociological
sozioökologisch {adj}
:: socioecological
sozioökonomisch {adj}
:: socioeconomic
Sozius {m}
:: pillion (second saddle on a motorcycle; person riding in the pillion)
sozusagen {adv}
:: so to speak , in a manner of speaking
Spachtel {m}
:: spattle ; palette knife
spachteln {vi}
:: to apply paint or plaster
spachteln {vti}
:: to eat
spack {adj}
:: thin , scrawny (having an unusually low amount of both muscle and fat)
spack {adj}
:: dry , brittle
Spacken {m}
:: spack , idiot
spackig {adj}
:: dried out , cracked
spackig {adj}
:: ridiculous , absurd
Spacko {m}
:: alternative form of Spacken
Spagat {m} {n}
:: splits (move in dance or gymnastics in which the legs are extended straight out and perpendicular to the body)
Spagetti {f}
:: alternative spelling of Spaghetti
Spagettieis {n}
:: ice cream made to look like a dish of spaghetti
Spaghetti {f}
:: spaghetti
Spaghetti {f}
:: an Italian
Spaghettieis {n}
:: alternative form of Spagettieis
Spaghetti-Eis {n}
:: alternative form of Spagettieis
spagirisch {adj}
:: spagiric
spähen {v}
:: to peer , peek
spähen {v}
:: to spy
Späher {m}
:: scout , spy , point man , one who looks out
Spallation {f}
:: spallation
Spalt {m}
:: crack
Spalt {m}
:: split , cleavage , fissure
spaltbar {adj}
:: divisible , cleavable
spaltbar {adj}
:: fissionable , fissile
Spaltbarkeit {f}
:: fissionability , fissility
Spalte {f}
:: fissure , cleft , crevice , crack , crevasse
Spalte {f}
:: column (of text )
Spalte {f}
:: slice (of fruit )
Spalte {f}
:: vagina ; hole , slit
spalten {vt}
:: to split (something); to cleave ; to chop
spalten {vr}
:: to split up; to become divided
spalterbig {adj}
:: heterozygous
Spaltprodukt {m}
:: nuclear fission product
Spaltung {f}
:: division
Spaltung {f}
:: splitting
Spaltung {f}
:: fission
Spam {f}
:: spam
Span {m}
:: chip ; shaving ; clipping (small, usually flat, cut-off piece)
spanabhebend {adj}
:: cutting , machining
Spanferkel {n}
:: suckling pig
Spange {f}
:: clasp , bracelet , brooch
Spange {f}
:: hairpin
Spange {f}
:: buckle
Spange {f}
:: bar (military decoration)
Spanien {prop} {n}
:: Spanien (country)
spanienweit {adj}
:: Spain -wide ; in all of Spain
Spanier {m}
:: Spaniard
Spanierin {f}
:: female person from Spain
spanisch {adj}
:: Spanish
spanisch {adj}
:: Characteristic of mammary intercourse
Spanisch {prop} {n}
:: the Spanish language
Spanisch {prop} {n}
:: Ruy Lopez (chess opening)
Spanisch {prop} {n}
:: mammary intercourse , the sexual practice or act of stimulating the penis by rubbing it between breasts
Spanische Grippe {f}
:: Spanish influenza
Spanische Partie {f}
:: Ruy Lopez (a common chess opening)
spanische Reiter {m}
:: cheval de frise
spanischer Kragen {m}
:: paraphimosis
Spann {m}
:: instep
Spannberg {prop} {n}
:: Spannberg (municipality)
Spanne {f}
:: span (space between the tips of the thumb and little finger)
Spanne {f}
:: span (semi-standardised measure of length)
Spanne {f}
:: span ; period of time
Spanne {f}
:: range ; margin ; spread (scope between two values, e.g. a mininum and a maximum)
spannen {v}
:: to stretch
spannen {v}
:: to tighten
spannen {v}
:: to tension
spannen {v}
:: to be taut
spannen {v}
:: to harness
spannen {v}
:: to span
spannen {v}
:: to stare , gaze
spannen {v}
:: to peep , spy on someone
spannend {adj}
:: thrilling , exciting , gripping , enthralling , spellbinding
spannend {adj}
:: interesting
Spanner {m}
:: agent noun of spannen
Spanner {m}
:: shoe tree
Spanner {m}
:: clamp
Spanner {m}
:: geometrid (moth of the family Geometridae )
Spanner {m}
:: voyeur
Spannrahmen {m}
:: tenter
Spannung {f}
:: voltage
Spannung {f}
:: tension
Spannung {f}
:: suspense (emotion of anticipation, excitement, anxiety or apprehension)
Spannungsabbau {m}
:: stress relief , reduction in tension
spannungsabhängig {adj}
:: voltage -dependent
spannungsaktiviert {adj}
:: voltage -activated
Spannungsbogen {m}
:: a sequence of events which serve to allow tension or suspense to rise
Spannungsfestigkeit {f}
:: dielectric strength
Spannungsregler {m}
:: voltage regulator , voltage controller
Spannungsserie {f}
:: cliffhanger
Spannungsstoß {m}
:: power spike , power surge
spannungsvoll {adj}
:: intriguing , exciting , suspenseful
Spannungszustand {m}
:: stress , state of stress
Spannweite {f}
:: wingspan , span (distance between the tips of the wings of an insect, bird or craft)
Spannweite {f}
:: span (distance a bridge covers)
Spannweite {f}
:: span (distance between two things or ideas)
Spareinlage {f}
:: savings deposit
sparen {v}
:: to save up
sparen {v}
:: to put aside
sparen {v}
:: to conserve (for example energy)
Spargel {m}
:: asparagus
Spargel {f}
:: alternative form of Spargel
Spargelsuppe {f}
:: asparagus soup
Spargeltarzan {m}
:: a man or boy who is slender or thin and has very little visible muscle mass ; a weakling (by appearance, though he might be stronger than he looks)
Spargelzeit {f}
:: asparagus time (the time of year when asparagus is harvested)
Sparkasse {f}
:: thrift
Sparkasse {f}
:: savings bank
spärlich {adj}
:: sparse (not dense; meager)
Sparmaßnahme {f}
:: austerity measure
Sparpaket {n}
:: austerity package (package of spending cuts)
Sparpolitik {f}
:: austerity policy
Sparren {m}
:: rafter
Sparren {m}
:: chevron
sparsam {adj}
:: economical , thrifty
sparsam {adv}
:: sparingly
Sparsamkeit {f}
:: thrift
Sparschwein {n}
:: piggy bank
Sparta {prop} {n}
:: Sparta
spartanisch {adj}
:: Spartan
Sparte {f}
:: division , branch , sector
Sparte {f}
:: underground conduit
spasmisch {adj}
:: spasmic , spasmodic
Spass {m}
:: alternative spelling of Spaß
Spaß {m}
:: fun
Spaß {m}
:: joke
Spaßbremse {f}
:: killjoy , someone who prevents others from having fun
Spaßguerilla {f}
:: spassguerilla
Spaß haben {v}
:: to have fun
spaßig {adj}
:: funny
spaßig {adj}
:: comical
Spaß machen {v}
:: to be fun
Spaßmacher {m}
:: jester
Spaßvogel {m}
:: joker , jester
Spasti {m}
:: spaz , spastic
Spastiker {m}
:: spastic
spastisch {adj}
:: spastic
Spastizität {f}
:: spasticity
Spat {m}
:: spar
Spat {m}
:: parallelepiped
spät {adj}
:: late
spätabends {adv}
:: late in the evening
Spätangelsächsisch {prop} {n}
:: late Old English
spätangls. {adj}
:: abbreviation of spätangelsächsisch
Spätantike {f}
:: Late Antiquity
spätbarock {adj}
:: late baroque
Spätburgunder {prop} {m}
:: Pinot Noir (A red wine grape variety mostly cultivated in relatively cool areas)
Spätburgunder {prop} {m}
:: Pinot Noir (A rosé or red wine made from this grape)
Spätburgundertraube {f}
:: Pinot Noir grape
Spätburgundertraube {f}
:: bunch of Pinot Noir grapes
Spätdienst {m}
:: late shift
Spaten {m}
:: spade
später {adj}
:: comparative of spät
später {adj}
:: later
später {adv}
:: later
späterhin {adv}
:: later on
spätesten {adj}
:: superlative of spät
spätestens {adv}
:: at the latest , not later than
spätestens {adv}
:: if not before
Spätfolge {f}
:: late consequence
Spath {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Spat
Spätherbst {m}
:: late autumn , late fall
Späti {m}
:: late-night convenience store
spatig {adj}
:: containing the mineral spar
Spätjudentum {prop} {n}
:: Early Judaism (ca. 200 BC–200 AD)
Spätkapitalismus {m}
:: late capitalism
spätlateinisch {adj}
:: Late Latin
Spätlese {f}
:: A late harvest , at the end of or after the normal harvesting season
Spätlese {f}
:: A (usually white) wine made from grapes which are purposefully harvested very late, so as to be extra sweet
Spätmittelalter {n}
:: Late Middle Ages
spätmittelhochdeutsch {adj}
:: late Middle High German
Spätmittelhochdeutsch {n}
:: Late Middle High German
spätmittelniederländisch {adj}
:: late Middle Dutch (related to the late stage of the Middle Dutch language)
spätmnl. {adj}
:: abbreviation of spätmittelniederländisch
spätnachts {adv}
:: late at night
Spätphase {f}
:: late phase / stage
spätrömisch {adj}
:: late Roman
spätsasanidisch {adj}
:: Late Sassanian
spätsassanidisch {adj}
:: alternative form of spätsasanidisch
Spätschicht {f}
:: late shift
Spätsommer {m}
:: late summer
Spätwinter {m}
:: late winter
Spatz {m}
:: sparrow
Spatz {m}
:: house sparrow
Spatz {m}
:: an affectionate nickname, mostly used towards children, more seldom towards lovers, almost never with friends
Spatzeck {n}
:: the wood piece struck in the tipcat game
Spätzle {np}
:: spaetzle
spazieren {v}
:: to take a stroll , to stroll , to take a walk, to walk leisurely
spazieren gehen {v}
:: to go for a walk , to stroll , to take a stroll
spazierengehen {v}
:: alternative spelling of spazieren gehen
Spaziergang {m}
:: walk (trip made by walking)
Spaziergang {m}
:: walk in the park
Spaziergänger {m}
:: walker
Spazierstock {m}
:: walking stick , walking canea
SPD {prop} {f}
:: initialism of Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
SPD-geführt {adj}
:: led or managed by members of the SPD
SPDL {f}
:: initialism of Siemens Personaldienstleistungen
Specht {m}
:: picid (member of the Picidae family of birds)
Specht {m}
:: woodpecker (member of the Picinae subfamily of birds)
Specht {prop} {mf}
:: surname
speciell {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of speziell
specieller {adj}
:: comparative of speciell
speciellsten {adj}
:: superlative of speciell
Species {f}
:: alternative spelling of Spezies
Speck {m}
:: bacon
Speck {m}
:: adipose tissue , fat
speckig {adj}
:: greasy
Spedition {f}
:: forwarding , carriage , transport , transportation (of goods)
Spedition {f}
:: (Speditionsfirma ) forwarding agency , forwarder , haulage firm , hauler , haulier , shipping agency , carrier
Spedition {f}
:: (Möbelspedition ) moving company , removing agency , removal firm , furniture moving , furniture removal
speditiv {adj}
:: quick , fast , speedy
Speed {n}
:: speed (amphetamine)
Speedrun {m}
:: speedrun
Speer {m}
:: spear ; javelin (a long stick thrown as a weapon or for sport)
Speerspitze {f}
:: spearhead (head of a spear or lance)
Speerwerfer {m}
:: javelin thrower , javelinist , spearcaster
Speerwerfer {m}
:: spearthrower
Speerwerferin {f}
:: javelin thrower (female)
Speiche {f}
:: spoke
Speiche {f}
:: radius
Speichel {m}
:: saliva
Speicheldrüse {f}
:: salivary gland
Speichellecker {m}
:: arse-licker , sycophant
Speichenschlüssel {m}
:: spoke wrench
Speichenspanner {m}
:: spoke wrench
Speicher {m}
:: granary
Speicher {m}
:: storage room in the attic
Speicher {m}
:: memory
Speicher {m}
:: storage
Speicher {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Speicher {prop} {n}
:: Speicher (town)
Speicher {prop} {n}
:: Speicher (municipality)
Speicherabbild {n}
:: image
Speichereiweiß {n}
:: storage protein
Speichererweiterung {f}
:: (computing) memory expansion
Speicherkarte {f}
:: memory card , memory stick
Speicherkraftwerk {n}
:: storage power station
speichern {v}
:: to store , save (store for future use)
speichern {v}
:: to save (write a file to a disk), store (write (something) into memory or registers)
speicherprogrammierbar {adj}
:: programmable logic
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung {f}
:: programmable logic controller
speicherresident {adj}
:: resident (in memory)
Speicherung {f}
:: retention
Speicherung {f}
:: storage
speien {v}
:: to spit
speien {v}
:: to vomit
Speierling {f}
:: service tree (Sorbus domestica )
Speise {f}
:: meal , fare (food)
Speiseeis {n}
:: ice cream (dessert)
Speisekammer {f}
:: pantry
Speisekammer {f}
:: larder
Speisekarte {f}
:: menu
speisen {v}
:: to dine (to eat; to eat dinner or supper)
speisen {v}
:: to feed (to supply)
Speisenbereich {m}
:: dining area
Speisepilz {m}
:: edible mushroom ; esculent
Speiseröhre {f}
:: esophagus , oesophagus (tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach)
Speisesaal {m}
:: dining hall
Speisesalz {n}
:: table salt
Speisopfer {n}
:: meal offering
Speispinne {f}
:: spitting spider
speiübel {adj}
:: sick to one's stomach
Spektakel {n}
:: spectacle (exciting or extraordinary exhibition, performance or event)
Spektakel {m}
:: row (continual loud noise)
spektakulär {adj}
:: spectacular
spektakulärer {adj}
:: comparative of spektakulär
spektakulärsten {adj}
:: superlative of spektakulär
spektral {adj}
:: spectral
spektral {adj}
:: prismatic (light)
Spektralanalyse {f}
:: spectroscopy
Spektralanalyse {f}
:: Fourier analysis
Spektralbereich {m}
:: spectral range / region
Spektralfarben {fp}
:: prismatic colors
Spektralklasse {f}
:: spectral class
Spektrallinie {f}
:: spectral line
spektrografisch {adj}
:: spectrographic
Spektrometer {n}
:: spectrometer
Spektrometrie {f}
:: spectrometry
spektrometrisch {adj}
:: spectrometric
Spektroskop {n}
:: spectroscope
Spektroskopie {f}
:: spectroscopy
spektroskopisch {adj}
:: spectroscopic
spektroskopisch {adv}
:: spectroscopically
Spektrum {n}
:: spectrum
Spekulant {m}
:: speculator
Spekulation {f}
:: speculation
Spekulationsobjekt {n}
:: An object of speculation
Spekulatius {m}
:: speculoos
spekulativ {adj}
:: speculative
spekulieren {v}
:: to speculate
Speläologie {f}
:: speleology
Speleologie {f}
:: speleology
Spelunke {f}
:: bar
Spelunke {f}
:: shack
Spelz {m}
:: spelt
spendabel {adj}
:: generous
Spende {f}
:: donation (that which is donated , given as charity ; the act of donating)
spenden {vti}
:: to donate ; to give as charity
spenden {vt}
:: to give ; to provide ; to lend
spenden {vt}
:: to administer (a sacrament )
spenden {vti}
:: to spend generously ; to treat to
Spender {m}
:: donor
Spenderorgan {n}
:: donated organ
spendieren {v}
:: to pay for , to buy
Spendierhosen {noun}
:: A metaphorical representation of a feeling of generosity ; literally “generosity trousers”
Spengler {m}
:: plumber , tinsmith
Spengler {prop} {m}
:: surname
Sperber {m}
:: sparrow hawk (bird of prey)
Sperling {m}
:: sparrow
Sperlingsvogel {m}
:: passerine (any bird of the order Passeriformes )
Sperma {n}
:: sperm (semen; male reproductory fluid)
Spermin {n}
:: spermine
Spermium {n}
:: sperm (cell)
Sperrangel {f}
:: shutter hook
sperrangelweit {adv}
:: (extremely) wide
Sperrballon {m}
:: barrage balloon
Sperrdifferential {n}
:: locking differential
Sperre {f}
:: barrier
sperren {v}
:: to bar (entry to a place or system)
sperren {v}
:: to space out the letters of a word or text, for emphasis An example of a spaced out word.
sperren {v}
:: to lock (to set measures in order to prevent access to a resource)
sperren {v}
:: to deactivate , to disable (to put a software functionality out of operation)
Sperrgebiet {n}
:: no-go area , no-go zone , prohibited area , restricted area
Sperrholz {n}
:: plywood
sperrig {adj}
:: bulky , unwieldy
Sperrklinke {f}
:: pawl
Sperrstunde {f}
:: closing time
Sperrung {f}
:: blocking ; closing (off )
Sperrung {f}
:: locking
Sperrung {f}
:: thought blocking
Sperrylith {m}
:: sperrylite
Sperrzone {f}
:: exclusion zone
Spesen {p}
:: charges , costs and expenses incurred in the performance of one′s job that are reimbursed by the employer ; (allowable , travel and entertainment /T&E ) expenses
Spesenbeleg {m}
:: expense receipt
spesenfrei {adj}
:: free of charge
Spessart {prop}
:: A range of low wooded mountains in Bavaria and Hesse
Spessartin {m}
:: spessartine
Speyer {prop} {n}
:: Speyer (city)
Spezerei {f}
:: spices from overseas
Spezerei {f}
:: delicacy
Spezi {m}
:: friend , buddy , pal
Spezi {n} {m}
:: a soft drink (carbonated beverage) made with cola, water, sugar, orange juice and lemon juice
spezial {adj}
:: special
spezialisieren {vr}
:: to specialize
Spezialist {m}
:: specialist
Spezialität {f}
:: speciality
Spezialkunststoff {m}
:: specialty plastic
Spezialstahl {m}
:: special steel
Speziation {f}
:: speciation
Spezie {f}
:: alternative form of Spezies
speziell {adj}
:: special
speziell {adj}
:: particular , specific
Spezies {f}
:: species
Speziesismus {m}
:: speciesism
Spezifikation {f}
:: specification
spezifisch {adj}
:: specific
spezifisch {adj}
:: unique
spezifisch {adj}
:: intrinsic
Spezifität {f}
:: specificity
spezifizieren {v}
:: to specify
Speziierung {f}
:: speciation
Sphære {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Sphäre
Sphalerit {m}
:: sphalerite
Sphäre {f}
:: sphere (region of activity)
sphärisch {adj}
:: spherical
sphärisch {adj}
:: celestial
Sphen {m}
:: sphene
Sphinx {m}
:: sphinx
spicken {vt}
:: to lard
spicken {vt}
:: to cheat
spicken {vt}
:: to bribe
Spicker {m}
:: synonym of Spickzettel
Spickzettel {m}
:: cheat sheet
Spiegel {m}
:: mirror (smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light)
Spiegel {m}
:: level (of a liquid)
Spiegel {m}
:: surface (flat overside or up-side of a liquid)
Spiegel {m}
:: schematic overview , table (two-dimensional presentation of data)
Spiegel {m}
:: white or light -coloured mark (on an animal)
Spiegel {m}
:: on the forehead of horses and cattle
Spiegel {m}
:: on the wing of a goose , capercaillie , or black cock
Spiegel {m}
:: on the hindquarters of deer
Spiegelbild {n}
:: mirror image
Spiegelbildchen {n}
:: diminutive of Spiegelbild
spiegelblank {adj}
:: glossy , shiny
Spiegelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Spiegel
Spiegelei {n}
:: fried egg
Spiegelei {f}
:: the act of mirroring or reflecting
Spiegeleis {n}
:: black ice
spiegelglatt {adj}
:: glassy (smooth as glass)
spiegelgleich {adj}
:: symmetrical
Spiegelkugel {f}
:: mirror ball
spiegeln {v}
:: to mirror
Spiegelreflexkamera {f}
:: single-lens reflex camera
Spiegelsaal {m}
:: hall of mirrors , a hall whose walls are covered with mirrors
Spiegelstrich {m}
:: a dash with the function to introduce an item in an unordered list
Spiegelstrich {m}
:: A division unit of a piece of law distinguished by the said sign, called in English indentation or indent
spiegelsymmetrisch {adj}
:: mirror -symmetric
Spiegeltest {m}
:: mirror test
Spiegelung {f}
:: reflection
Spiegelung {f}
:: mirage
Spiegelung {f}
:: endoscopy
spiegelverkehrt {adj}
:: mirror-inverted
Spieglein {n}
:: diminutive of Spiegel
Spiel {n}
:: a game (instance or way of playing)
Spiel {n}
:: the act of playing
Spiel {n}
:: leeway ; wiggle room
Spiel {n}
:: military band , marching band
Spielart {f}
:: variety , version
Spielart {f}
:: sport (variant form)
Spielautomat {m}
:: arcade game (machine)
Spielautomat {m}
:: flipper
Spielautomat {m}
:: slot machine , gaming machine
Spielautomatensalon {m}
:: slot machine saloon
Spielball {m}
:: ball (for playing)
Spielball {m}
:: game ball
spielbar {adj}
:: playable
Spielberg {prop} {n}
:: Spielberg (municipality)
Spielberg {prop} {n}
:: Spielberg (surname)
Spielchen {n}
:: diminutive of Spiel
spielen {v}
:: to play
Spieler {m}
:: agent noun of spielen ; player
Spielerin {f}
:: (female) player
spielerisch {adj}
:: whimsical , playful
Spielfeld {n}
:: field (sports )
Spielfigur {f}
:: man (piece in board games)
Spielfilm {m}
:: film , movie
Spielgefährte {m}
:: playmate
Spielhälfte {f}
:: half (one of two portions of the pitch, separated by the halfway line )
Spielhälfte {f}
:: half (one of two equally long periods of the match)
Spielhalle {f}
:: video arcade
Spielhaus {n}
:: toy house
Spielhaus {n}
:: gymnasium
Spielkarte {f}
:: playing card
Spielkonsole {f}
:: game console , video game console
Spielkugel {f}
:: game ball
Spielmann {m}
:: a wayfaring singer , musician , or other entertainer; a minstrel
Spielmann {m}
:: a member of a marching band
Spielmann {prop}
:: surname
Spielmaterial {n}
:: A game
Spielothek {f}
:: arcade
Spielplatz {m}
:: playground
Spielraum {m}
:: leeway
Spielraum {m}
:: latitude (margin of error etc)
Spielregel {f}
:: rule of the game , a rule
Spielsucht {f}
:: addiction to gambling
spielsüchtig {adj}
:: addicted to gambling
Spieltag {m}
:: matchday
Spieluhr {f}
:: music box
Spielverderber {m}
:: spoilsport , killjoy
Spielverderberin {f}
:: female spoilsport , killjoy
Spielwerk {n}
:: toy
Spielwiese {f}
:: playing field
Spielwiese {f}
:: sandbox
Spielzeit {f}
:: season
Spielzeug {n}
:: toy
Spielzeug {n}
:: toys
Spielzeugpistole {f}
:: toy gun
Spielzeugverkäufer {m}
:: a (male) toyseller
Spielzeugverkäuferin {f} {m}
:: a female toyseller
Spiess {m}
:: alternative spelling of Spieß
Spieß {m}
:: spit (pointed rod)
Spieß {m}
:: pike (weapon)
Spieß {m}
:: A rank in the German military, equivalent to company sergeant major in the British Army and first sergeant in the U.S. Army
Spieß {m}
:: skewer , a tactic in the game of chess
Spießbürger {m}
:: philistine , narrow-minded person
Spießbürger {m}
:: provincial
spießbürgerlich {adj}
:: bourgeois (socially conventional)
spießen {v}
:: to spear
spießen {v}
:: to skewer
spießen {vr}
:: to get stuck
Spießer {m}
:: square (socially conventional person)
Spießer {m}
:: philistine (person who lacks appreciation of art or culture)
Spießer {m}
:: bourgeois (individual member of the middle class)
spießig {adj}
:: square , bourgeois (socially conventional)
Spießrute {f}
:: kind of prod used to punish lansquenets
Spießrutenlauf {m}
:: gantlope , running the gauntlet
Spießrutenlauf {m}
:: gauntlet , ordeal
Spike {m}
:: spike (nail or something similar to it )
Spill {n}
:: capstan
Spillbaum {m}
:: alternative form of Spindelstrauch
spillerig {adj}
:: spindly (thin and long)
Spillern {prop} {n}
:: Spillern (municipality)
Spilling {m}
:: Prunus domestica ssp. insititia var. pomariorum, a variety of European plum
spillrig {adj}
:: alternative form of spillerig
Spin {m}
:: spin
spinal {adj}
:: spinal
Spinat {m}
:: spinach
Spind {m}
:: a simple cupboard or locker , usually for clothes, as in a barracks or changing room (less often in places where one does not fully undress oneself, as a library , for which usually Schließfach )
Spindel {f}
:: spindle
Spindel {f}
:: fusil
spindeldürr {adj}
:: spindly ; as thin as a spindle ; as thin as a rail , as thin as a rake
Spindelmage {m}
:: somebody related through females ; relation on the distaff side
Spindelstrauch {m}
:: spindle (tree of the genus Euonymus )
Spinell {m}
:: spinel
spingsen {v}
:: alternative spelling of spinksen
spinksen {v}
:: to look clandestinely , to lurk
spinksen {v}
:: to try to copy from someone
Spinne {f}
:: spider
spinnefeind {adj}
:: Rather hostile
spinnen {vti}
:: to spin (a thread, a web, a cocoon, etc.)
spinnen {vt}
:: to fabricate (an untrue story)
spinnen {vi}
:: to be crazy
spinnen {vi}
:: to act or talk foolishly
spinnen {vi}
:: to freak out
spinnen {vi}
:: to purr
Spinnennetz {n}
:: cobweb ; spider web ; especially one that has just been made or is still used by a spider
Spinnentier {n}
:: arachnid
Spinner {m}
:: agent noun of spinnen
Spinner {m}
:: A spinner who makes yarn
Spinner {m}
:: idiot , freak , oddball , nut (unusual, eccentric, crazy person, especially someone with unreasonable, absurd ideas)
Spinnerdelfin {m}
:: spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris )
Spinnerin {f}
:: A female spinner who makes yarn
Spinnerin {f}
:: A female idiot
spinnert {adj}
:: crazy , nutty
Spinnfaden {m}
:: spinning thread
Spinngewebe {n}
:: alternative form of Spinnwebe
Spinnlein {n}
:: diminutive of Spinne
Spinnrad {n}
:: spinning wheel
Spinnrädchen {n}
:: diminutive of Spinnrad
Spinnwebe {f}
:: cobweb ; spiderweb ; especially old, unused ones as dirt
Spinnweben {n}
:: alternative form of Spinnwebe
spinös {adj}
:: crackpot
Spinquantenzahl {f}
:: spin quantum number
Spinzustand {m}
:: spin state
Spion {m}
:: spy
Spion {m}
:: peephole
Spionage {f}
:: espionage
Spionagering {m}
:: spy ring
spionieren {v}
:: to spy
Spirale {f}
:: spiral
Spirale {f}
:: intrauterine device
spiralförmig {adj}
:: spiral , helical
Spiralgalaxie {f}
:: spiral galaxy
Spiralnebel {m}
:: spiral nebula , a spiral -shaped galaxy
Spiralschneider {m}
:: spiralizer , spiral vegetable slicer
Spiritismus {m}
:: Spiritism
spiritistisch {adj}
:: spiritualist
Spiritualität {f}
:: spirituality
Spirituose {f}
:: spirit
Spiritus {m}
:: alcohol
Spiritus {m}
:: aspiration , puff , whiff
Spiritus {m}
:: breath
Spiritus asper {m}
:: spiritus asper
Spiritus lenis {m}
:: spiritus lenis
Spirsäure {f}
:: salicylic acid
Spiss {prop}
:: Spiss (municipality)
Spital {n}
:: hospital
Spital {n}
:: nursing home
Spital {n}
:: poorhouse
spitz {adj}
:: pointed , pointy
spitz {adj}
:: sharp
spitz {adj}
:: spiky
spitz {adj}
:: horny
Spitz {m}
:: spitz
Spitz {prop} {n}
:: Spitz (municipality)
Spitzbergen {prop} {n}
:: Svalbard ; Spitsbergen (archipelago)
Spitzbergen {prop} {n}
:: Spitsbergen ; West Spitsbergen (largest island of this archipelago)
Spitzbub {m}
:: alternative form of Spitzbube
Spitzbube {m}
:: rascal
spitze {adj}
:: great , awesome
Spitze {f}
:: cusp
Spitze {f}
:: point , tip , peak
Spitze {f}
:: top , front , lead
Spitze {f}
:: spike
Spitze {f}
:: lace
Spitze {f}
:: striker
Spitze {f}
:: leadership
Spitze des Eisbergs {f}
:: tip of the iceberg
Spitzel {m}
:: diminutive of Spitz
Spitzel {m}
:: informant
spitzeln {v}
:: to spy
spitzen {vt}
:: to point
spitzen {v}
:: to sharpen
spitzen {v}
:: to perk up , prick up
Spitzenhäubchen {n}
:: small lace bonnet
Spitzenhaube {f}
:: lace bonnet
Spitzenkandidat {m}
:: the first candidate on an electoral list, who is often the leader of the respective political party, or the person designated to lead the government in the event of the party winning the election
Spitzenkandidatin {f}
:: female front runner
spitzenmäßig {adj}
:: excellent , first class
Spitzenplatz {m}
:: top position , top spot
Spitzenpolitiker {m}
:: top politician
Spitzenprädator {m}
:: apex predator (organism atop the food chain)
Spitzenqualität {f}
:: The highest quality
Spitzenreiter {m}
:: front runner , leader
Spitzenreiter {m}
:: bestseller ; chart topper
Spitzenspiel {n}
:: top game , top match
Spitzenspieler {m}
:: top player
Spitzentanz {m}
:: dance en pointe
Spitzentanz {m}
:: professional dance; world-class dance; top dance
Spitzentänzer {m}
:: toe-dancer
Spitzentänzerin {f}
:: (female) toe-dancer
Spitzentyp {m}
:: hot shot
Spitzenverbrauch {m}
:: peak consumption
spitzer {adj}
:: comparative of spitz
Spitzer {m}
:: sharpener (device for making things sharp)
spitzfindig {adj}
:: captious , quibbling , pedantic
Spitzhacke {f}
:: pickaxe
spitzig {adj}
:: synonym of spitz
Spitzmaulnashorn {n}
:: black rhinoceros
Spitzmaus {f}
:: shrew
Spitzname {m}
:: nickname
Spitzwegerich {m}
:: ribwort (Plantago lanceolata )
spitzwinklig {adj}
:: acute-angled , acute
Spleen {m}
:: obsession , idée fixe
spleißen {v}
:: to split
spleißen {v}
:: to splice (to unite ropes or cables by interweaving the strands)
Splenektomie {f}
:: splenectomy
Spliss {m}
:: split ends ; hair breakage
Splitt {m}
:: grit ; stone chips (fine gravel)
Splitt {m}
:: a kind or sort of such grit
splitten {v}
:: to split ; to divide into several; particularly of sums of money, companies, functions, tasks
Splitter {m}
:: splinter
splitterfasernackt {adj}
:: butt-naked (completely naked)
splittern {v}
:: to shatter
splitternackt {adj}
:: completely naked , starkers
Spodumen {m}
:: spodumene
Spoiler {m}
:: spoiler
spoilern {v}
:: to spoil
Spökes {m}
:: idle fun ; idle talk ; banter ; absurd or pointless joking
Spökes {m}
:: tumult ; romp
sponsern {v}
:: to sponsor
Sponsor {m}
:: sponsor (male or of unspecified sex)
spontan {adj}
:: spontaneous
Spontaneität {f}
:: spontaneity
Spontanität {f}
:: alternative form of Spontaneität
Spontanspaltung {f}
:: spontaneous (nuclear) fission
sporadisch {adj}
:: sporadic
sporadisch {adv}
:: sporadically
Spore {f}
:: spore
Sporn {m}
:: spur
spornen {v}
:: to buckle a spur
spornen {v}
:: to ride a horse
Sport {m}
:: sport (athletic activity that uses physical skills competitively under a set of rules)
Sport {m}
:: athletics , sports , exercise (physical activities (not necessarily with fixed rules) requiring stamina, fitness and skill)
Sport {m}
:: physical education , phys ed (element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development, physical health, etc.)
Sport {m}
:: hobby (activity involving exercise or exertion that one enjoys doing in one's spare time)
Sportart {f}
:: sport , type of sport
Sportartikel {m}
:: sports goods
Sportausrüstung {f}
:: sport equipment
Sportclub {m}
:: sports club
Sportgerät {n}
:: piece of sports equipment
Sporthalle {f}
:: gym ; sports hall (large room used for indoor sports)
Sportherz {n}
:: athlete's heart
sportiv {adj}
:: sporty , athletic
Sportklub {m}
:: sports club
Sportler {m}
:: sportsman , athlete
Sportlerherz {n}
:: athlete's heart (disease)
Sportlerin {f}
:: sportswoman (female athlete)
sportlich {adj}
:: sporting , sporty , sportily , athletically
sportlich {adj}
:: (clothing) casual
sportlich {adj}
:: sportsmanlike
Sportmannschaft {f}
:: sports team
Sportmedizin {f}
:: sports medicine
sportpsychologisch {adj}
:: sport psychology (attributive)
Sportstätte {f}
:: sports complex
Sportstätte {f}
:: sports venue
Sportstätte {f}
:: sports facility
Sportuhr {f}
:: sports watch
Sportverein {m}
:: sports team
Sportwagen {m}
:: a sports car
Sportwagen {m}
:: a pushchair / stroller
Sportwettkampf {m}
:: sports competition / contest
Sportzeitschrift {f}
:: sports magazine
Sportzigarette {f}
:: joint (marijuana cigarette)
Spot {m}
:: spot
Spot {m}
:: clipping of Spotlight
Spott {m}
:: mockery
spottbillig {adj}
:: dirt-cheap
Spottdrossel {f}
:: mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos )
Spottdrossel {f}
:: mocker (a person who mocks)
Spöttelei {f}
:: mockery
Spöttelei {f}
:: jibe (A facetious or insulting remark, a jeer or taunt.)
spötteln {v}
:: to make mocking remarks
spotten {v}
:: to scoff , jeer
Spötter {m}
:: mocker
Spötterin {f}
:: feminine noun of Spötter
Spottgedicht {n}
:: satirical
spöttisch {adj}
:: scornful , mocking
Spottname {n}
:: derogatory nickname , derisive nickname
spottschlecht {adj}
:: Very bad
spottsüchtig {adj}
:: Excessively mocking
Spottwort {n}
:: pejorative word
Sprachberatung {f}
:: language consultancy / advice
Sprachbund {m}
:: sprachbund
Sprache {f}
:: language (body of words, and set of methods of combining them)
Sprache {f}
:: speech (style of speaking)
Sprache {f}
:: speech (faculty of uttering articulate sounds or words; the ability to speak)
Sprachenschule {f}
:: language school , school of languages
Spracherwerb {m}
:: language acquisition
Sprachfamilie {f}
:: language family
Sprachgebrauch {m}
:: language use , usage ; linguistic usage
Sprachgefühl {n}
:: the instinctive or intuitive grasp of the natural idiom of a language
Sprachgewalt {f}
:: expressive power, eloquence
sprachgewaltig {adj}
:: eloquent
sprachgewandt {adj}
:: articulate
sprachkritisch {adj}
:: Relating to language criticism
Sprachkurs {m}
:: language course
Sprachlaut {m}
:: phone
Sprachlehre {f}
:: grammar (a system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language)
Sprachlehre {f}
:: grammar (a book describing the rules of grammar of a language)
Sprachlehre {f}
:: a vague term referring to intellectual interest in languages
Sprachlehre {f}
:: linguistics at large
Sprachlehre {f}
:: grammar in particular
Sprachlehre {f}
:: the teaching of languages
Sprachlehrer {m}
:: language teacher (teacher of languages) (male or of unspecified sex)
sprachlich {adj}
:: linguistic , language (relating to language)
sprachlos {adj}
:: speechless , dumbfounded , tongue-tied
Sprachnachricht {f}
:: voice message
Sprachpolizei {f}
:: language police
Sprachpurismus {m}
:: linguistic purism
Sprachratgeber {m}
:: language guide
Sprachraum {m}
:: Sprachraum , language area , language zone ; geographical region in which a language is spoken
Sprachregelung {f}
:: prescribed usage (an authoritative representation of facts given by an influential institution or person)
Sprachrohr {n}
:: megaphone
Sprachrohr {n}
:: mouthpiece (spokesman who speaks on behalf of someone else)
Sprachschule {f}
:: language school , school of languages
Sprachspiel {n}
:: language game
Sprachstil {m}
:: speech style
Sprachstörung {f}
:: speech disorder
Sprachteil {m}
:: part of speech (the function a word or phrase performs)
Sprachtheil {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Sprachteil
Sprachtheorie {f}
:: A linguistic theory ; a theory of what language is and how it works
Sprachtod {m}
:: language death
Sprachvarietät {f}
:: variety
Sprachverschlüsselungsgerät {n}
:: voice encryption device
Sprachwandel {m}
:: language change
Sprachwissen {n}
:: language knowledge
Sprachwissenschaft {f}
:: linguistics
Sprachwissenschaftler {m}
:: linguist
Sprachwissenschaftlerin {f}
:: female linguist
sprachwissenschaftlich {adj}
:: linguistic (relating to linguistics)
Spray {m} {n}
:: spray
Spraydose {f}
:: aerosol , spray can
Sprechbläschen {n}
:: diminutive of Sprechblase
Sprechblase {f}
:: speech bubble
Sprechchor {m}
:: chorus of voices
Sprechchor {m}
:: chant
sprechen {vt}
:: to speak (some language, the truth, etc.)
sprechen {vi}
:: to speak ; to talk ; to give a speech
sprechen {vt}
:: to say (something)
sprechen {vr}
:: to have a pronunciation ; to be pronounced (some way)
sprechen {vt}
:: to grant , approve (a loan, funding, etc.)
Sprechen {n}
:: "speaking "
sprechen Sie Englisch {phrase}
:: do you speak English ?
Sprecher {m}
:: a speaker ; one who speaks (male or unspecified sex); especially:
Sprecher {m}
:: one who speaks in a presentation or performance , such as a radio drama or voiceover
Sprecher {m}
:: an announcer , newsreader
Sprecher {m}
:: a spokesperson , representative
Sprecher {m}
:: a speaker of a given language
Sprecherin {f}
:: spokeswoman
Sprecherin {f}
:: speaker (female)
Sprecherzieher {m}
:: elocution teacher , elocutionist
Sprechgesang {m}
:: Sprechgesang, "spoken song" - a technique of vocal production halfway between singing and speaking
Sprechgesang {m}
:: vocals in rap music , toasting
Sprechkapsel {f}
:: mouthpiece (part of a telephone)
Sprechkapsel {f}
:: microphone of a telephone
Sprechmuschel {f}
:: mouthpiece (part of a telephone)
Sprechsprache {f}
:: spoken language
Sprechstunde {f}
:: office hours
Sprechstunde {f}
:: consultation-hour , surgery
Sprechweise {f}
:: way of speaking
Sprechwerkzeuge {np}
:: speech organs
Sprechzeit {f}
:: hours during which an office regularly receives clients for consultation , etc., for example the surgery hours of a doctor
Spree {prop} {f}
:: Spree (river)
Spreemetropole {f}
:: the metropolis on the River Spree : Berlin
Spreestadt {f}
:: city on the River Spree
Spreewald {prop} {m}
:: the Spreewald
spreizen {v}
:: to spread (legs)
Sprengel {m}
:: parish , diocese
Sprengel {m}
:: administrative district
sprengen {v}
:: to blow up , to blast
sprengen {v}
:: to sprinkle
Sprengfalle {f}
:: booby trap
Sprengkopf {m}
:: warhead
Sprengkraft {f}
:: explosive force
Sprengstoff {m}
:: explosive
Sprengstofffund {m}
:: discovery of explosives
Sprengstoffgürtel {m}
:: explosive belt , suicide belt
Sprengstoffweste {f}
:: suicide vest
Sprengung {f}
:: blasting (with explosive)
Sprengung {f}
:: sprinkling
Sprenkelbeutelmaus {f}
:: dibbler
sprenkeln {v}
:: to sprinkle
Spreu {f}
:: chaff (inedible parts of grain plant)
sprichst du Englisch {phrase}
:: do you speak English ?
Sprichwort {n}
:: saying , proverb , adage , maxim (phrase)
sprichwörtlich {adj}
:: proverbial
sprießen {v}
:: to sprout
Springbrunnen {m}
:: fountain
springen {vi}
:: to spring ; to leap ; to bounce
springen {vi}
:: to dive ; to jump ; to vault
springen {vi}
:: to break ; to burst ; to pop
Springer {m}
:: jumper , one who jumps
Springer {m}
:: stand in
Springer {m}
:: knight
Springer {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Springerbauer {m}
:: knight's pawn
Springerin {f}
:: jumper , one who jumps (female)
Springerin {f}
:: female stand in
Springinsfeld {m}
:: carefree , careless young person
Springmesser {n}
:: switchblade
Springpferd {n}
:: jumper (a horse)
Springspinne {f}
:: jumping spider , salticid
Sprinkler {m}
:: sprinkler
Sprinkleranlage {f}
:: sprinkler system
Sprinz {m}
:: male sparrowhawk
Sprit {m}
:: petrol , gas (gasoline)
spritig {adj}
:: Relating to alcoholic spirit
Spritze {f}
:: syringe
Spritze {f}
:: injection
spritzen {v}
:: to spurt , to squirt
spritzen {v}
:: to inject
Spritzer {m}
:: splash , spatter
Spritzfisch {m}
:: banded archerfish
Spritzgießen {n}
:: injection molding , injection moulding
Spritzgießen {n}
:: pressure die-casting
Spritzkuchen {m}
:: pastry made of choux pastry and formed as a ring (similar to doughnuts ) with a pastry bag (see photo ) that is fried (and generally has a sugar icing )
Spritztour {f}
:: joyride
spröd {adj}
:: alternative form of spröde
spröde {adj}
:: brittle
spröde {adj}
:: rough , chapped (skin)
Sprödigkeit {f}
:: brittleness
Sprödmetall {n}
:: The metallic, crystalline forms of the elements arsenic , antimony and bismuth
Spross {m}
:: bud
Spross {m}
:: descendant
Sprosse {f}
:: rung , step , rundle
Sprosse {f}
:: branch , tine , prong (of an antler)
Sprosse {f}
:: sprout
Sprosse {f}
:: freckle , spot
sprossen {v}
:: to bud
Sprosser {m}
:: the thrush nightingale (a bird in the flycatcher family, Luscinia luscinia )
Sprössling {m}
:: offspring
Sprössling {m}
:: offshoot , slip , sprig , scion
Sprößling {m}
:: alternative form of Sprössling
Sprossvokal {m}
:: anaptyxis
Spruch {m}
:: short saying , expression or dictum that is remembered or is meaningful in itself
Spruch {m}
:: stock phrase
Spruch {m}
:: slogan
Spruch {m}
:: sharp remark or repartee
Spruch {m}
:: witticism , witty quote
Spruch {m}
:: proverb , saying
Spruch {m}
:: popular verse or short poem
Spruch {m}
:: particular kind of medieval lyric poem
Spruch {m}
:: judgment , decision
Spruchband {n}
:: banner
Sprüchelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Spruch
Sprüchlein {n}
:: diminutive of Spruch
spruchreif {adj}
:: definitive , official
Sprudel {m}
:: carbonated water
Sprudel {m}
:: soft drink
Sprudel {m}
:: spring fountain
sprudeln {v}
:: to bubble , to sputter
Sprudelwasser {n}
:: fizzy water
Sprue {f}
:: sprue (all senses)
Sprühdose {f}
:: spray can
sprühen {v}
:: to spray
sprühen {v}
:: to radiate with a certain feeling or quality ; to be full of or bursting with that feeling or quality
Sprühkäse {m}
:: spray cheese
Sprühnebel {m}
:: spray (a fine, gentle, dispersed mist of liquid)
Sprühregen {m}
:: drizzle
Sprung {m}
:: jump , leap
Sprung {m}
:: crack
sprungbereit {adj}
:: ready to jump / go
Sprungbrett {n}
:: springboard , diving board
Sprungbrett {n}
:: springboard , stepping stone
Sprungfeder {f}
:: A spring , made of flexible material, as in a car to absorb shocks
Sprunggelenk {n}
:: ankle joint
sprunghaft {adj}
:: erratic
sprunghaft {adj}
:: volatile
sprunghaft {adj}
:: skittish
sprunghaft {adj}
:: rapid , sharp
Sprunghaftigkeit {f}
:: instability
Sprunghaftigkeit {f}
:: rapidity
Sprungtemperatur {f}
:: critical temperature
Sprungturm {m}
:: diving platform
Sprungwurf {m}
:: jump shot
SPS {noun}
:: initialism of Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung
Spucke {f}
:: spittle , spit , saliva
spucken {v}
:: to spit
Spucki {m}
:: a piece of paper with a glue on one side that has to be activated by licking, mostly used in street art
Spucknapf {m}
:: spittoon
Spuk {m}
:: apparition (of ghosts)
Spuk {m}
:: manifestation , haunting
spuken {vi}
:: haunt
spukhaft {adj}
:: spooky
Spülbecken {n}
:: sink , chiefly in the kitchen
Spule {f}
:: spool
Spule {f}
:: coil
Spule {f}
:: reel
spulen {v}
:: to spool
spülen {vt}
:: to rinse or wash (dishes, clothes, etc.)
spülen {vt}
:: (of waves, tides, etc.) to wash , to sweep (something off a boat, onto shore)
spülen {v}
:: to flush (esp. the toilet)
spülen {v}
:: to wash , to sweep , to flush
Spüli {n}
:: washing-up liquid
Spülkasten {m}
:: cistern (of toilet); toilet tank
Spüllappen {m}
:: dishrag
Spülmaschine {f}
:: dishwasher
spülmaschinenfest {adj}
:: dishwasher safe
Spülmittel {n}
:: detergent , dishwashing liquid , washing-up liquid
Spülsaum {m}
:: driftline , strandline
Spülsaummaterial {n}
:: driftline litter , floodmark litter
Spültuch {n}
:: dishcloth (A cloth used to wash dishes.)
Spülung {f}
:: flushing
Spülung {f}
:: rinsing
Spülung {f}
:: irrigation
Spülung {f}
:: hair conditioner
Spülwasser {n}
:: rinse water
Spulwurm {m}
:: maw-worm (any of several parasitic worms which infest the mammalian stomach and intestines)
Spur {f}
:: track , trace , trail , sign , scent
Spur {f}
:: lead , clue (evidence pointing to a solution)
Spur {f}
:: lane
Spur {f}
:: trace
Spur {f}
:: track
spürbar {adj}
:: noticeable
spüren {v}
:: to sense
Spurenelement {n}
:: trace element
Spurensicherung {f}
:: securing of evidence
Spurensicherung {f}
:: forensic squad , forensic department
spurlos {adj}
:: without a trace, traceless
Spurrille {f}
:: rut
Spurt {m}
:: sprint
spurten {v}
:: to sprint
sputen {vr}
:: to speed
Sputtern {n}
:: sputtering (process)
SPz {noun}
:: IFV (infantry fighting vehicle) abbreviation of Schützenpanzer
Squash {n}
:: squash
Squasher {m}
:: squash player
Squashspieler {m}
:: squash player
Sri Lanka {prop} {n}
:: Sri Lanka
sri-lankisch {adj}
:: Sri Lankan (Of, from, or pertaining to Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan people or the Sri Lankan language)
ss {symbol}
:: Sometimes used to replace the letter ß , especially when this key or character is not available. It was also the only official way of writing a capital ß , until ẞ was officially adopted by the Council for German Orthography in June 2017
ss {symbol}
:: alternative spelling of ß
SS {symbol}
:: One of the official capital forms of ß (the other one is ẞ ), or ss used in Swiss and Liechtenstein German, or once ſs (in Antiqua)
SS {f}
:: abbreviation of Schutzstaffel
-st {suffix}
:: verb suffix for the second-person singular
-st {suffix}
:: forming superlatives of adjectives and adverb
st. {prep}
:: abbreviation of statt
st. {adj}
:: abbreviation of stark
Staat {m}
:: country ; state (sovereign political entity)
Staat {m}
:: state ; authorities (the political and administrative system of such an entity)
Staat {m}
:: state (non-sovereign territory in some countries, including the United States)
Staat {m}
:: entourage of a sovereign or prince
Staat {m}
:: stateliness ; that which gives the effect of it; fine appearance in clothing and ménage
staatähnlich {adj}
:: statelike
staatenbildend {adj}
:: (of insects ) social
Staatenbund {m}
:: confederation , confederacy
Staatengebilde {n}
:: a super state or structure formed by the amalgamation of smaller states, e.g. the Soviet Union , the European Union etc
Staatengebilde {n}
:: state , state structure , statehood
Staatengemeinschaft {f}
:: community of states
staatenlos {adj}
:: stateless
Staatenlose {f}
:: stateless person (female)
Staatenloser {m}
:: stateless person (male or of unspecified sex)
staatlich {adj}
:: belonging or referring to the state
Staat machen {idiom}
:: to impress
Staat machen {idiom}
:: to live in style , in luxury ; to be extravagant , fancy
Staat machen {idiom}
:: to make a fuss ; to make a big thing out of
Staatsangehörige {f}
:: citizen , national
Staatsangehöriger {m}
:: citizen , national (legal member of a state)
Staatsangehörigkeit {f}
:: nationality , citizenship
Staatsanleihe {f}
:: government bond , state bond , sovereign bond
Staatsanwalt {m}
:: public prosecutor , district attorney
Staatsanwältin {f}
:: a female prosecutor
Staatsanwaltschaft {f}
:: public prosecutor 's office
Staatsbesitz {m}
:: government property
Staatsbesitz {m}
:: state / public ownership
Staatsbesuch {m}
:: state visit
Staatsbürger {m}
:: citizen (legal member of a state)
Staatsbürgerin {f}
:: citizen (legal member of a state)
Staatsbürgerschaft {f}
:: nationality , citizenship
Staatschef {m}
:: head of state
Staatsfeind {m}
:: enemy of the state
Staatsführung {f}
:: state leadership , leadership of a state
Staatsführung {f}
:: governance , type of governance
Staatsgebiet {n}
:: national territory
staatsgefährdend {adj}
:: subversive
Staatsgewalt {f}
:: state authority
Staatskanzlei {f}
:: state chancellery ; office of the prime minister
Staatskasse {f}
:: coffers (of the state)
Staatsmacht {f}
:: state power
Staatsmann {m}
:: statesman
Staatsnation {f}
:: A nation with its own state
Staatsnation {f}
:: A nation defined by or as seen through political institutions , as opposed to other traits
Staatsoper {f}
:: State opera
Staatsorchester {n}
:: state orchestra
Staatspräsident {m}
:: president (head of state)
Staatsraison {f}
:: alternative spelling of Staatsräson
Staatsräson {f}
:: national interest
Staatsregierung {f}
:: state government
Staatsschuld {f}
:: national debt
Staatsschutz {m}
:: state protection , state security , national security , national protection
Staatsschutz {m}
:: state security apparatus
Staatsschutzdelikt {n}
:: crime against the state
Staatsschützer {m}
:: a member of the national security apparatus
Staatssekretär {m}
:: Secretary of State
Staatssicherheit {f}
:: (Ministry for) State Security , secret police and intelligence organization of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
Staatsstreich {m}
:: coup d'état
staatstragend {adj}
:: statesmanlike
Staatstrojaner {m}
:: state trojan
Staatsvolk {n}
:: all the national subjects of a sovereign country
Staatsvolk {n}
:: those subjects belonging to the dominant ethnic group of a country, excluding minorities , especially those who belong to nations that have states of their own
Staatz {prop} {n}
:: Staatz (municipality)
Stab {m}
:: rod , staff
Stab {m}
:: staff (employees)
Stab {m}
:: palet
Stäbchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stab
Stäbchen {n}
:: rod (in the retina )
Stäbchen {n}
:: skewer
Stäbchen {n}
:: chopstick (mostly used in plural form)
Stabheuschrecke {f}
:: walking stick (insect), phasmid
Stabhochspringer {m}
:: pole vaulter
Stabhochspringerin {f}
:: female pole vaulter
Stabhochsprung {m}
:: pole vault
Stabi {f}
:: city library
stabil {adj}
:: stable
stabiler {adj}
:: comparative of stabil
Stabilisator {m}
:: stabilizer (substance added to something in order to stabilize it)
stabilisieren {vt}
:: to stabilize / stabilise
stabilisieren {vr}
:: to stabilize / stabilise
stabilisiert {adj}
:: stabilized
Stabilisierung {f}
:: stabilization
Stabilisierungsmittel {n}
:: stabilizing agent
Stabilität {f}
:: stability
stabilsten {adj}
:: superlative of stabil
Stabkirche {f}
:: stave church
Stabkirchlein {n}
:: diminutive of Stabkirche
Stabreim {m}
:: alliteration
Stabsarzt {m}
:: staff surgeon , medical officer
Stabschef {noun}
:: chief of staff
Stabwanze {f}
:: needle bug , water stick insect (insect genus Ranatra)
staccatoartig {adj}
:: staccato -like
Stachel {m}
:: spike , sting , barb , prick
Stachelbeere {f}
:: gooseberry
Stacheldraht {m}
:: barbed wire
Stachelgurke {f}
:: A plant in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae ) with spiny fruits, Echinocystis lobata
Stachelgurke {f}
:: Chayote , some varieties of which have spiny fruits
stachelig {adj}
:: spiny , thorny , prickly
Stachelschwein {n}
:: porcupine
Stachelstock {m}
:: prod , goad
stachlicht {adj}
:: prickly , spiky
Stade {prop} {n}
:: Stade
Stadel {m}
:: barn
Staden {m}
:: river bank , path or road along a river
Stadion {n}
:: stadium (a venue for sporting events )
Stadion {n}
:: stadion (an Ancient Greek unit of length )
Stadium {n}
:: stage , phase
Stadt {f}
:: city (large settlement)
Stadt {f}
:: town (settlement larger than a village)
Stadt {f}
:: city center (central business area of a city)
Stadt {f}
:: city, town, town council , city council (governing body of people elected to oversee management of a municipality)
stadtbekannt {adj}
:: known to the inhabitants of a city
Stadtbezirk {m}
:: city district
Stadtbibliothek {f}
:: town library , city library
stadtbremisch {adj}
:: Of or from Bremen
Stadtbücherei {f}
:: town library , city library
Stadtbummel {m}
:: a stroll in town
Städtchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stadt
städtebaulich {adj}
:: urban development (attributive)
Städtepartnerschaft {f}
:: partnership between cities /towns
Städter {m}
:: city -dweller , urbanite (person who lives in a city)
Stadtgebiet {n}
:: municipal area , city area
Stadtgespräch {n}
:: talk of the town
Stadthalle {f}
:: guildhall
Stadthalle {f}
:: civic centre
Stadthaus {n}
:: townhouse
städtisch {adj}
:: urban
städtisch {adj}
:: municipal
Städtlein {n}
:: diminutive of Stadt
Stadtluft {f}
:: city air
Stadtmauer {f}
:: city wall
Stadtmitte {f}
:: city center , downtown
Stadtmusikant {m}
:: town musician
Stadtparlament {n}
:: city council
Stadtplan {m}
:: street map , city map
Stadtplanung {f}
:: urban planning
Stadtrand {m}
:: outskirts , periphery , edge of town
Stadtrandgebiet {n}
:: suburban area
Stadtrat {m}
:: city council
Stadtrundfahrt {f}
:: city tour (guided tour of a city, often by bus)
Stadtstaat {m}
:: city state
Stadtteil {m}
:: district
Stadtverordnetenversammlung {f}
:: city council assembly / meeting
Stadtverwaltung {f}
:: town / city council
Stadtviertel {n}
:: district
Stadtwerke {m}
:: city utility companies
Stadtzentrum {n}
:: city centre
Stadtzentrum {n}
:: downtown , city hub
Staffel {f}
:: season
Staffel {f}
:: relay
Staffel {f}
:: squadron
Staffel {f}
:: echelon
Staffelei {f}
:: easel
Staffellauf {m}
:: relay race
staffieren {v}
:: to outfit , equip
staffieren {v}
:: to decorate
staffieren {v}
:: to sew two different fabrics together
Stagnation {f}
:: stagnation
stagnieren {v}
:: to stagnate
Stahl {m}
:: steel
Stahlbeton {m}
:: reinforced concrete (building material)
stahlblau {adj}
:: steel blue
stählern {adj}
:: (made of) steel
Stahlerzeugung {f}
:: steelmaking
Stahlfaß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Stahlfass
Stahlgerüst {n}
:: steel scaffolding , steel framework
stahlgrau {adj}
:: steel -grey
Stahlhelm {m}
:: any steel helmet intended to protect the wearer from shrapnel
Stahlhelm {m}
:: a distinctive, steel helmet fielded by Germany during World Wars I and II, and by many other countries during the 20th century
Stahlhelm {m}
:: Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten
Stahlherstellung {f}
:: steel production
Stahlindustrie {f}
:: steel industry
Stahlkonstruktion {f}
:: structural steelwork (steel construction)
Stahlkopfforelle {f}
:: steelhead
Stahllegierung {f}
:: alloy steel
Stahlplatte {f}
:: steel plate
Stahlschraube {f}
:: steel screw
Stahlträger {m}
:: steel beam
Stahltreppe {f}
:: steel staircase
Stahlwerk {n}
:: steelworks
Stahlwolle {f}
:: steel wool , wire wool
Stahlzylinder {m}
:: steel cylinder
Stainz {prop} {n}
:: Stainz (municipality)
Staket {n}
:: slat fence
Stalag {n}
:: clipping of Stammlager ; stalag
Stalagmit {m}
:: stalagmite
Stalaktit {m}
:: stalactite
Stalin {prop} {m}
:: Stalin (assumed name of Soviet ruler, Joseph Stalin, né Djugashvili)
Stalinallee {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Karl-Marx-Allee
Stalingrad {prop} {n}
:: Stalingrad (the city of Volgograd , especially as the site of the Battle of Stalingrad)
Stalingrad {n}
:: a decisive defeat ; a Waterloo
Stalinismus {m}
:: Stalinism
Stalinist {m}
:: Stalinist (male or of unspecified sex)
stalinistisch {adj}
:: Stalinist
Stalinorgel {f}
:: Katyusha (type of artillery rocket launcher)
Stalinstadt {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Eisenhüttenstadt
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Bahnhofstraße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Berliner Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Frankendamm
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Kröpeliner Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Meißner Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Lübsche Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of St. Annen-Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Wismarsche Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Gartenstraße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Am Planetarium
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Chemnitzer Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Eisenberger Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Straße des Friedens
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Thomasstraße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Schweriner Straße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Bernhardstraße
Stalinstraße {prop} {f}
:: synonym of Fritz-Hesse-Straße
Stalker {m}
:: stalker (a person who engages in stalking)
Stalking {n}
:: stalking (crime of following or harassing another person, causing him or her to fear death or injury)
Stall {m}
:: stable ; stall ; sty ; barn (building to keep animals of all sorts)
Stall {m}
:: pen (small outdoors area where animals are kept)
Stallbursche {m}
:: stable-boy
Ställchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stall
Stallehr {prop} {n}
:: Stallehr (municipality)
Stallhofen {prop} {n}
:: Stallhofen (municipality)
Stallung {f}
:: stabling
Stamm {m}
:: trunk (of a tree), stem
Stamm {m}
:: tribe
Stamm {m}
:: stem (of a word)
Stamm {m}
:: phylum
Stamm {m}
:: strain (of bacteria, etc.)
Stammbaum {m}
:: family tree
Stammbesucher {m}
:: regular (visitor ), patron (a frequent, routine visitor to an establishment or event)
Stammdaten {noun}
:: core data ; reference data
stammeln {v}
:: to stammer
stammen {v}
:: to descend , originate , be derived
stammend {adj}
:: descendant
Stammgast {m}
:: regular (visitor ), patron (a frequent, routine visitor to an establishment)
Stammherzogtum {n}
:: A stem duchy , the princely territory of a stem duke
-stämmig {suffix}
:: -born
stämmig {adj}
:: stocky , sturdy , brawny , heavyset , burly
Stammkneipe {f}
:: local , hangout (someone's nearest or regularly frequented public house or bar)
Stammkunde {m}
:: regular customer , patron
Stammlager {n}
:: prisoner-of-war camp
Stammlager {n}
:: main camp , usually of a concentration camp ; the administrative centre
Stammmutter {f}
:: ancestress , progenitrix
Stamm-Mutter {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Stammmutter
Stammsilbe {f}
:: stem syllable
Stammtisch {m}
:: regulars' table, stammtisch
Stammtisch {m}
:: a group of people gathering at such a table
Stammzelle {f}
:: stem cell
Stampede {f}
:: stampede
stampfen {v}
:: to stamp
Stampfer {m}
:: compactor
Stampfer {m}
:: masher
Stampfer {m}
:: pestle
Stams {prop} {n}
:: Stams (municipality)
Stand {m}
:: standing , state , status , position , situation
Stand {m}
:: estate
Stand {m}
:: booth , stand
Stand {m}
:: canton (state of Switzerland)
Standard {m}
:: standard
Standardabweichung {f}
:: standard deviation (statistical measure)
Standardaussprache {f}
:: standard pronunciation
Standardbedingung {f}
:: (especially in plural ) standard condition (s)
Standarddeutsch {n}
:: Standard German
Standarddosis {f}
:: standard dose (especially of radiation)
standardisieren {v}
:: to standardize , to standardise
standardisiert {adj}
:: standardized , standardised
Standardisierung {f}
:: standardization , standardisation
Standardkunststoff {m}
:: commodity plastics
standardmäßig {adj}
:: default
Standardmodell {prop} {n}
:: Standard Model
Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik {n}
:: synonym of Standardmodell
Standardpotential {n}
:: standard potential
Standardsprache {f}
:: standard language
standardsprachlich {adj}
:: standard language (attributive)
Standardwerk {n}
:: standard work (main reference work for a subject)
Standardwert {m}
:: default , preset (default or preset value or setting)
Standarte {f}
:: standard
Standartenführer {noun}
:: military rank of the nazi SA and SS , corresponds to colonel . Literally translates to "Regiment Leader". Next in rank to Oberführer , rank below is Obersturmbannführer
Ständchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stand
Ständchen {n}
:: A serenade
Ständehaus {n}
:: house of the estates , Parliament House
Stander {m}
:: pennant , burgee
Ständer {m}
:: stand (a device to hold something upright or aloft)
Ständer {m}
:: boner , stiffy , rod (a phallus in erect state)
Ständerpilz {m}
:: basidiomycete
Standesamt {n}
:: register office
standesamtlich {adj}
:: civil
standesbewusst {adj}
:: in accordance with social status
standesgemäß {adj}
:: befitting
standhaft {adj}
:: steadfast
Standhaftigkeit {f}
:: steadfastness
standhalten {v}
:: to stand , withstand , defy
ständig {adj}
:: permanent , incessant
ständig {adj}
:: persistent
ständig {adv}
:: permanently
ständig {adv}
:: incessantly
ständisch {adj}
:: estate -based
Standort {m}
:: location , place , site
Standort {m}
:: base
Standort {m}
:: position
Standpauke {f}
:: A harangue , diatribe , tirade , threatening lecture
Standpunkt {m}
:: standpoint
Standpunkt {m}
:: stance , point of view (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
standrechtlich {adj}
:: summary (according to martial law)
Standuhr {f}
:: grandfather clock , longcase clock
Standvogel {m}
:: sedentary bird (bird of a non-migratory population)
Stange {f}
:: pole ; bar ; rod ; post (a long stick, usually round and of metal, but also of other material, especially when fixed somewhere)
Stange {f}
:: a small straight glass for beer, especially Kölsch
Stange {f}
:: carton (lengthy box containing several packets)
Stange {f}
:: a lot (of money); a packet
Stange {f}
:: run-of-the-mill , chiefly with clothes (referring to the poles on which clothes are presented in large fashion shops)
Stängel {m}
:: stalk
Stanislaus {prop}
:: given name
Stannan {n}
:: stannane
Stannat {n}
:: stannate
Stanniol {n}
:: tinfoil
Stannit {n}
:: stannite
Stans {prop}
:: A municipality and capital of Nidwalden , Switzerland
Stans {prop}
:: Stans (municipality)
Stanzach {prop} {n}
:: Stanzach (municipality)
stanzen {v}
:: to press ; to punch ; to stamp
Stapel {m}
:: stack , batch (also computing)
Stapel {m}
:: slipway
stapelbar {adj}
:: stackable
stapeln {v}
:: to pile up ; to stack
Stapelspeicher {m}
:: stack
Stapelverarbeitung {f}
:: batch processing
stapelweise {adv}
:: by the pile , in batch , in stacks , stacks of, batches of, piles of
stapfen {v}
:: to trudge
Stapler {m}
:: forklift truck
Star {m}
:: starling
Star {m}
:: cataract (an eye disease, leucoma )
Star {m}
:: celebrity
Starez {m}
:: starets
stark {adj}
:: strong (intense , powerful , unyielding )
stark {adj}
:: strong (having a high concentration of some ingredient, e.g. alcohol)
stark {adj}
:: strong (inflecting according to a pattern distinct from another called "weak")
stark {adj}
:: great , brilliant , awesome
Starkbier {n}
:: literally means "strong beer " in German and generally refers to the doppelbocks that are brewed for early spring consumption
Starkbierfest {prop} {n}
:: A Lent festival in Munich , Germany, that runs from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday
Stärke {f}
:: strength
Stärke {f}
:: starch
starke Deklination {f}
:: strong declension
stärkehaltig {adj}
:: starchy
starke Kernkraft {f}
:: strong nuclear force
stärken {v}
:: to strengthen
stärken {v}
:: to starch
stärker {adj}
:: comparative of stark
starker Tobak {noun}
:: strong stuff
starkes Verb {n}
:: strong verb
starke Wechselwirkung {f}
:: strong interaction
stark machen {v}
:: alternative form of starkmachen
starkmachen {vt}
:: to strengthen
starkmachen {vr}
:: to support , advocate for
stärksten {adj}
:: superlative of stark
Stärkung {f}
:: strengthening , reinforcement
Stärkung {f}
:: fortition
Stärkungsmittel {n}
:: tonic , restorative
starr {adj}
:: rigid
Starre {f}
:: rigidity , stiffness
starren {v}
:: to stare (auf at)
starren {v}
:: to be covered (with), to teem (with)
starrköpfig {adj}
:: obstinate , stubborn , wrongheaded
Starrsinn {m}
:: stubbornness
starrsinnig {adj}
:: stubborn , mulish
Start {m}
:: start (beginning of a project)
Start {m}
:: start (beginning point of a race)
Start {m}
:: takeoff (begin of a flight)
Startbahn {f}
:: runway
startbereit {adj}
:: ready to go
starten {vi}
:: to start (race car, airplane, etc.)
starten {vt}
:: to start something
Starter {m}
:: starter (person or device)
Startkapital {n}
:: seed money (money used to set up a new business venture)
startklar {adj}
:: ready to start , ready for start
startklar {adj}
:: ready for takeoff
Startlauf {m}
:: take-off run
Startschuss {m}
:: shot fired from a starting gun , starting a race
Startseite {f}
:: home page
Start-Stopp-Automatik {f}
:: a system that automatically shuts the engine down when the car is not moving; automatic start/stop , automatic start/stop feature, automatic start/stop function, automatic start/stop mechanism
Stasi {prop} {f}
:: Stasi
Stasis {f}
:: stasis
Statherium {prop}
:: the Statherian
Station {f}
:: stop ; stopover ; station (a place where one stops on the way; the act of stopping itself)
Station {f}
:: station (area equipped to serve as a regular stop; compare usage notes below)
Station {f}
:: station (place where workers are stationed, e.g. a weather station or space station)
Station {f}
:: ward (division in a hospital)
stationär {adj}
:: steady
stationär {adj}
:: stationary , fixed , static
stationär {adj}
:: inpatient
stationieren {v}
:: to deploy
stationieren {v}
:: to site
stationieren {v}
:: to station
stationiert {v}
:: past participle of stationieren
stationiert {adj}
:: stationed , deployed , positioned
Stationierung {f}
:: stationing
statisch {adj}
:: static
Statist {m}
:: extra (background actor)
Statistik {f}
:: statistics
Statistik {f}
:: statistics , stats
Statistiker {m}
:: statistician
Statistin {f}
:: extra , background actor
statistisch {adj}
:: statistical
Stativ {n}
:: tripod
statt {prep}
:: instead of , in one's stead
Statt {f}
:: place
stattdessen {adv}
:: instead (of)
stattdessen {adv}
:: in lieu (of)
Stätte {f}
:: venue , place , spot
Stattegg {prop} {n}
:: Stattegg (municipality)
stattfinden {v}
:: to take place , to happen
stattfindend {adj}
:: happening
stattgeben {v}
:: to approve
stattgefunden {v}
:: past participle of stattfinden
statthaben {v}
:: to take place
statthaft {adj}
:: allowed
statthafter {adj}
:: comparative of statthaft
statthaftesten {adj}
:: superlative of statthaft
Statthalter {m}
:: regent , vicegerent , viceroy , governor , proconsul
Statthalter {m}
:: stadtholder (chief magistrate of the Dutch Republic)
Statthalter {m}
:: chief official of a region, deputy of a territorial lord; chief magistrate , mayor
stattlich {adj}
:: stately , imposant
Statue {f}
:: statue
statuieren {v}
:: to state
Statur {f}
:: build ; physique ; figure (of the body, particularly the bones and muscles)
Statur {f}
:: character ; profile ; good standing ; integrity ; stature
Status {m}
:: status (standing)
Status {m}
:: status (notification in social networking)
Status {m}
:: state (situation)
Status quo {noun}
:: status quo
Statut {n}
:: statute , bylaw , charter , a body of legal provisions defined by a corporation for itself
Statut {n}
:: the law applicable to a legal relationship in civil and commercial matters containing foreign elements, as determined by private international law
statutarisch {adj}
:: statutory
Statzendorf {prop} {n}
:: Statzendorf (municipality)
Stau {m}
:: congestion
Stau {m}
:: backed-up , blocked , or dammed mass of water
Stau {m}
:: traffic jam
Stau {m}
:: blood congestion
stauanfällig {adj}
:: (of roads ) Tending to clog up
Staub {m}
:: dust
staubbeladen {adj}
:: dust -laden
Staubblatt {n}
:: stamen
Stäubchen {n}
:: diminutive of Staub ; a speck of dust
stauben {v}
:: to emit dust
stäuben {v}
:: to dust
Staubexplosion {f}
:: dust explosion
Staubgefäß {n}
:: stamen
staubig {adj}
:: dusty (covered with dust)
Staublappen {m}
:: dustcloth , dustrag , duster (object used for dusting)
Stäublein {n}
:: diminutive of Staub
Staublunge {f}
:: pneumoconiosis
Staubmantel {m}
:: duster
staubsaugen {v}
:: to vacuum
Staubsauger {m}
:: vacuum cleaner , hoover
Staubsturm {m}
:: dust storm
Staubwedel {m}
:: feather duster
Staubwolke {f}
:: dustcloud
Staubzucker {m}
:: powdered sugar
stauchen {v}
:: to compress
Staudamm {m}
:: embankment dam
Staude {f}
:: perennial , perennial plant
stauen {v}
:: to stow
stauen {v}
:: to dam
Stauf {m}
:: a cylindrical or slightly conical drinking vessel without a stem , typically with no handle , beaker
staunen {v}
:: to be amazed , astonished
Staunen {n}
:: astonishment , amazement
Staupe {f}
:: pillory
Stausee {m}
:: reservoir
-ste {suffix}
:: -th , -nd etc; Used to form the ordinal form of a cardinal number
Steak {n}
:: steak (slice of meat, chiefly beef )
Steakmesser {n}
:: steak knife
Stearat {n}
:: stearate
Stechapfel {m}
:: thorn apple , Datura stramonium
stechen {vt}
:: to stick (someone or something); to poke
stechen {vti}
:: to sting ; to bite ; to prick
stechen {vt}
:: to cut ; to chop
stechen {vt}
:: to burn
stechen {vt}
:: to take ; to trump ; to capture
stechend {adj}
:: piercing , biting , penetrating
stechend {adj}
:: pungent
stechend {adj}
:: stabbing
Stecher {m}
:: engraver
Stecher {m}
:: a man with regard to his qualities as a lover and sexual partner
Stecher {m}
:: a male lover or boyfriend
Stechmücke {f}
:: mosquito
Stechpalme {f}
:: holly (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex )
Stechschritt {m}
:: goose-step (style of marching)
Stechuhr {f}
:: time clock , punch clock
Steckbrief {m}
:: profile
Steckbrief {m}
:: flier
Steckbrief {m}
:: poster (especially a wanted poster )
steckbrieflich {adj}
:: via "wanted" posters , by putting up "wanted" posters (which provide information on a suspect and ask for more information on them or their apprehension)
steckbrieflich {adv}
:: via "wanted" posters , by putting up "wanted" posters (which provide information on a suspect and ask for more information on them or their apprehension)
Steckdose {f}
:: (electric) socket
stecken {vt}
:: to stick ; to put ; to insert ; to pin
stecken {vi}
:: to stick ; to be stuck
stecken {vi}
:: to be hiding (by location or causally behind something)
stecken {v}
:: to inform privily , to intimate
Stecken {m}
:: stick
stecken bleiben {v}
:: alternative form of steckenbleiben
steckenbleiben {v}
:: to become stuck
Steckenpferd {n}
:: hobby horse
Steckenpferd {n}
:: hobby
Stecker {m}
:: plug (electrical plug)
Steckhalma {n}
:: peg solitaire (board game)
Steckling {m}
:: cutting
Stecknadel {f}
:: pin (small needle with no eye)
Stecknadelkopf {m}
:: pinhead (often used in size comparisons)
Steckrübe {f}
:: rutabaga , swede
Steeg {prop} {n}
:: Steeg (municipality)
Steegen {prop} {n}
:: Steegen (municipality)
Stefan {prop}
:: given name
Stefanie {prop} {f}
:: given name, alternative spelling of Stephanie
Stefanus {prop} {m}
:: alternative spelling of Stephanus
Stefanus-Steinigen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Stephanus-Steinigen
Steffen {prop} {m}
:: given name
Steg {m}
:: footbridge
Steg {m}
:: duckboards
Steg {prop} {n}
:: A village in Triesenberg , Liechtenstein
Steganographie {f}
:: steganography
Stegen {prop} {n}
:: Stegen (municipality)
Stegersbach {prop} {n}
:: Stegersbach (municipality)
Stegosaurier {m}
:: stegosaur
Stegreif {m}
:: improvisation , impromptu
Stegreif {m}
:: stirrup
Stegreifdichtung {f}
:: improv poetry
Stehaufmännchen {n}
:: roly-poly (toy that rights itself when pushed over)
Stehaufmännchen {n}
:: someone who easily recovers from setbacks
stehen {vi}
:: to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
stehen {vi}
:: to be , to appear , to stand (to be placed or located somewhere)
stehen {vi}
:: to stay ; to be still
stehen {vt}
:: to suit , to become (to look attractive on, of a garment, color etc.)
stehen {v}
:: to put , place
stehen {v}
:: to fancy
stehen bleiben {v}
:: alternative form of stehenbleiben
stehenbleiben {v}
:: to stop moving
stehenbleiben {v}
:: to be left as-is
stehend {adj}
:: standing , waiting
stehend {adj}
:: stationary
stehend {adj}
:: stagnant
stehenden Fußes {adv}
:: on the spot
stehendes Heer {n}
:: standing army
stehenlassen {v}
:: to abandon
Stehlampe {f}
:: standard lamp , floor lamp (lamp supported by a tall vertical pole with its base resting on the floor)
stehlen {vti}
:: to steal
stehlen {vr}
:: to skulk , to move secretly
stehn {v}
:: alternative form of stehen
Stehsatz {m}
:: standing type
Stehsatz {m}
:: boilerplate text
Steiermark {prop} {f}
:: Steiermark (state)
steif {adj}
:: stiff , rigid
Steif {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Steifigkeit {f}
:: stiffness
Steifigkeit {f}
:: rigidity
steif wie ein Stock {adj}
:: stiff as a poker / stiff as a board
Steig {m}
:: climb (steep upward path)
Steig {m}
:: pass (in mountainous terrain)
Steig {m}
:: footway , footpath
Steigbügel {m}
:: stirrup
Steigbügel {m}
:: stapes , stirrup
Steigbügelhalter {m}
:: someone who helps another person to come to power (literally: stirrup holder)
Steige {f}
:: A steep motorway or driveway
Steige {f}
:: A narrow staircase
Steige {f}
:: A lathed shed ; stall (for animals)
steigen {vi}
:: to ascend ; to climb
steigen {vi}
:: to rise
steigen {v}
:: to step
steigen {vi}
:: to rear up
steigend {adj}
:: rising
steigend {adj}
:: increasing
Steiger {m}
:: mine manager or mining foreman
steigerbar {adj}
:: augmentable
steigerbar {adj}
:: comparable
steigern {v}
:: to increase , to raise
steigern {v}
:: to boost , to improve , to enhance
steigern {v}
:: to compare
Steigerung {f}
:: increase
Steigerung {f}
:: comparison
Steigerungsform {f}
:: degree of comparison , that is positive , comparative or superlative
Steigrohr {n}
:: riser (vertical water pipe)
Steigrohr {n}
:: standpipe
Steigung {f}
:: slope (area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward)
Steigung {f}
:: slope
steil {adj}
:: steep
Steilhang {m}
:: steep slope
Steilheck {n}
:: hatchback
stein- {prefix}
:: very
Stein {m}
:: stone , rock
Stein {m}
:: pit (core of a fruit)
Stein {m}
:: an old unit of weight
Stein {m}
:: a beer stein
Stein {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Steina {prop} {n}
:: Steina (municipality)
Steina {prop} {n}
:: Steina (river)
Steinadler {m}
:: golden eagle (large bird of prey)
steinalt {adj}
:: ancient
Steinbeißer {m}
:: Spined loach (a species of fish )
Steinbeißer {m}
:: wolffish
Steinbeißer {prop}
:: A surname .
Steinbock {m}
:: ibex
Steinbock {m}
:: Capricorn (constellation)
Steinbock {m}
:: Capricorn (zodiac sign)
Steinbrech {m}
:: saxifrage , any plant of the genus Saxifraga
Steinbruch {m}
:: quarry (site for mining stone)
Steinbruch {prop}
:: Steinbruch (district)
Steinbrunn {prop} {n}
:: Steinbrunn (municipality)
Steinbutt {m}
:: turbot (any of various flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae )
Steinchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stein
Stein der Weisen {prop} {m}
:: philosopher's stone
Stein des Anstoßes {phrase}
:: A source of annoyance
Steineiche {f}
:: holly oak ; holm oak Quercus ilex
steinen {adj}
:: stonen (made of stone)
Steinen {prop} {n}
:: Steinen (municipality)
Steinen {prop} {n}
:: Steinen (municipality)
Steinen {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Schwyz , Switzerland
Steiner {prop} {mf}
:: surname
steinern {adj}
:: stonen , made of stone
Steinfliege {f}
:: stonefly
Steinfrucht {f}
:: stone fruit (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit)
steinhart {adj}
:: hard as stone , stonehard
Steinhaufen {m}
:: pile of stone
Steinhaus {n}
:: stonen house
Steinhaus {prop} {n}
:: surname
Steinhaus {prop} {n}
:: Steinhaus (municipality)
steinig {adj}
:: stony , rocky
steinigen {vt}
:: to stone (usually to death); to lapidate
steiniger {adj}
:: comparative of steinig
steinigsten {adj}
:: superlative of steinig
Steinigung {f}
:: stoning , lapidation
Steinkauz {m}
:: little owl (species of owl)
Steinkohle {f}
:: glance coal
Steinkoralle {f}
:: stony coral , madrepore
Steinlaus {f}
:: stone louse
Steinmarder {m}
:: beech marten , stone marten , Martes foina
Steinmetz {m}
:: stonemason
Steinmetzin {f}
:: female stonemason
Steinobst {n}
:: stone fruit
Steinpilz {m}
:: porcini (an edible mushroom , Boletus edulis )
Steinplatte {f}
:: stone slab , stone plate
steinreich {adj}
:: very rich (wealthy ), filthy rich
Steinsalz {n}
:: rock salt , halite
Steinsalzbergbau {m}
:: rock salt mining
Steinsalzbergbau {m}
:: rock salt mining industry
Steinschleuder {f}
:: slingshot
Steinschmätzer {m}
:: wheatear (any of various passerine birds in the genus Oenanthe , especially the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe ))
Steintreppe {f}
:: stone stairs
Stein und Bein schwören {idiom}
:: to swear an absolute oath , to promise emphatically
Steinwälzer {m}
:: the ruddy turnstone (a wading bird, Arenaria interpres )
Steinwurf {m}
:: stone's throw
Steinzeit {f}
:: Stone Age
steinzeitlich {adj}
:: stone-age
steirisch {adj}
:: Styrian
Steiß {m}
:: backside
Steißbein {n}
:: tailbone
Stele {f}
:: stele
Stella {prop}
:: given name
stellar {adj}
:: stellar (relating to the stars)
Stelldichein {n}
:: rendezvous ; meet-up ; date
Stelle {f}
:: place , stead , location , position , lieu
Stelle {f}
:: position (as a job ), employment
Stelle {f}
:: digit , decimal place
stellen {vt}
:: to put , to place , to position , so that it afterwands stands as opposed to being gesetzt , gelegt
stellen {v}
:: to lodge , to provide , to pose , etc.
stellen {v}
:: to encounter and stop
stellen {v}
:: to set , adjust
stellen {vr}
:: to expose oneself, to succumb , to come out to face , to confront
stellen {vt}
:: to feign , to simulate , to pretend
Stellenangebot {n}
:: job offer , offer of employment
Stellenanwärter {m}
:: job applicant , job candidate
Stellenausschreibung {f}
:: job posting , job advertisement , advertisement of an available job
Stellenbewerber {m}
:: applicant (for a job or employment), jobseeker , job candidate
Stellenvermittlung {f}
:: placement , job placement
Stellenvermittlung {f}
:: placement agency , employment agency
stellenweise {adv}
:: in some places
Stellenwert {m}
:: position , status (value that depends upon position)
Stellenwert {m}
:: place value
Stellenwertsystem {n}
:: positional notation , place-value notation, positional numeral system
Stellplatz {m}
:: parking place
Stellung {f}
:: position
Stellungnahme {f}
:: statement , comment , expression of an opinion
Stellungnahme {f}
:: opinion , view on a particular subject
Stellungskrieg {m}
:: trench warfare
stellv. {adj}
:: abbreviation of stellvertretend
stellv {noun}
:: alternative spelling of stellv.
Stellv. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Stellvertreter
stellvertretend {adj}
:: acting , vicarious
Stellvertreter {m}
:: proxy
Stellvertreter {m}
:: The proxy pattern
Stellvertreter {m}
:: deputy
Stellvertreterkrieg {m}
:: proxy war
Stelze {f}
:: stilt
Stelze {f}
:: wagtail (genus Motacilla )
stemmen {v}
:: to press , to press against , to brace
stemmen {v}
:: to lift
Stempel {m}
:: mark , imprint , trademark , brand , postmark
Stempel {m}
:: stamp , rubber stamp ; the actual device used to make a mark or stamp
Stempel {m}
:: pit prop
Stempel {m}
:: pestle , pounder
Stempel {m}
:: punch , stamp , stamper , die
Stempel {m}
:: pistil
stempeln {v}
:: to stamp
stempeln {v}
:: to postmark
Stempeluhr {f}
:: time clock , punch clock
Stengel {m}
:: alternative spelling of Stängel
Stenium {prop}
:: the Stenian
Stenograf {m}
:: stenographer , shorthand typist (male or of unspecified sex)
stenographisch {adj}
:: stenographic
stenohalin {adj}
:: stenohaline
stenök {adj}
:: stenoecious
Stenz {m}
:: dandy (vain, narcisstic man)
Stenz {m}
:: pimp
Stephan {prop} {m}
:: given name, an alternative spelling is Stefan
Stephanie {prop}
:: given name, a feminine form of Stefan borrowed from French
Stephanus {prop} {m}
:: Stephen the protomartyr
Stephanus-Steinigen {n}
:: A popular custom , observed in some Catholic regions of Germany, including Westphalia , on St. Stephen's Day (December 26th), involving the ritualized consumption of Korn
Steppe {f}
:: steppe (grassland)
Steppenbewohner {m}
:: a native to the steppes or similar grasslands
Steppenfuchs {m}
:: corsac fox
Steppenkatze {f}
:: Asiatic wildcat (Felis silvestris ornata)
Steppenralle {f}
:: African crake
Steppenwaran {m}
:: savannah monitor , a species of monitor lizard (Varanus exanthematicus )
Steppenwolf {m}
:: steppe wolf (Canis lupus campestris)
Steppenwolf {m}
:: coyote (Canis latrans )
Steppenzebra {n}
:: Plains zebra (Equus quagga )
Stepper {m}
:: stepper , step machine
Sterbebett {n}
:: deathbed
Sterbehilfe {f}
:: euthanasia (practice of killing a human being or animal)
sterben {vi}
:: to die
sterben {vt}
:: to die of a (particular kind of) death
sterbend {adj}
:: dying
sterbender Schwan {m}
:: one who suffers showily ; one who is weakly or over-sensitive
sterbenskrank {adj}
:: fatally ill
sterbenslangweilig {adj}
:: deadly boring
sterblich {adj}
:: mortal
Sterbliche {m}
:: mortal
Sterblicher {m}
:: mortal
Sterblichkeit {f}
:: mortality
Stereochemie {f}
:: stereochemistry
stereochemisch {adj}
:: stereochemical
Stereolupe {f}
:: stereomicroscope
stereoselektiv {adj}
:: stereoselective
Stereotyp {n}
:: stereotype (a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image)
steril {adj}
:: sterile (germless)
Sterilisation {f}
:: sterilization
Sterilisation {f}
:: sterilization
Sterilisation {f}
:: sterilization
sterilisieren {v}
:: to sterilize
Sterilisierung {f}
:: sterilization
sterisch {adj}
:: steric
Sterlingsilber {n}
:: sterling silver
Stern {m}
:: a star ; a small luminous dot that can be seen on the night sky
Stern {m}
:: a star ; the actual celestial body
Stern {m}
:: a star , a mullet , or anything that resembles such an object
Stern {m}
:: a star ; the symbol used to rate hotels , movies , etc
Stern {m}
:: an asterisk (* )
Stern {m}
:: a star , starlet , celebrity , something or somebody popular
Stern {m}
:: a stellar crystal , a snow crystal possessing the shape of a star
Stern {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Sternanis {m}
:: star anise
Sternatmosphäre {f}
:: stellar atmosphere
Sternbild {n}
:: constellation (collection of stars)
Sternblume {f}
:: any flowering plant having (a) starlike, star-shaped flower (s) in bloom (e.g. Aster , Astrantia major )
Sternchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stern
Sternchen {n}
:: starlet
Sternchen {n}
:: asterisk
Sterndeuter {m}
:: astrologer
Sterndeuterei {f}
:: astrology
Sternenbanner {prop} {n}
:: Star-Spangled Banner ; Stars and Stripes (the flag of the United States)
Sternenbanner {n}
:: any flag dominated by stars
sternenbesetzt {adj}
:: star -spangled ; gemmed or dotted with stars
sternenhell {adj}
:: starry
Sternenkind {n}
:: stillbirth
sternenklar {adj}
:: starry
Sternenmeer {n}
:: the starry night sky
Sternennacht {f}
:: starry night
Sternenstaub {m}
:: stardust
sternförmig {adj}
:: stellate , star -shaped
Sterngucker {m}
:: astrologist
sternhagelvoll {adj}
:: dead drunk
Sternhaufen {m}
:: star cluster
Sterninneres {n}
:: stellar interior
Sternkarte {f}
:: star chart
Sternkunde {f}
:: astronomy , stargazing
Sternlein {n}
:: diminutive of Stern
Sternschnuppe {f}
:: shooting star , falling star
Sternsinger {m}
:: caroler (dressed like the Magi )
Sternstunde {f}
:: sidereal hour
Sternstunde {f}
:: finest hour (moment of glory)
Sternsystem {n}
:: Collection of matter at least as large as a planetary system
Sternum {n}
:: sternum , breastbone
Sternwarte {f}
:: astronomical ground -based observatory
Sternwind {m}
:: stellar wind
Sternzeichen {n}
:: zodiac sign
Sternzeichen {n}
:: constellation
Sterz {m}
:: tail
Sterz {m}
:: handle
Sterz {m}
:: A type of sweet polenta
Sterzing {prop} {n}
:: Sterzing (municipality)
stet {adj}
:: steady
stet {adj}
:: constant , continuous
stet {adj}
:: perpetual
Stethoskop {n}
:: stethoscope
stetig {adj}
:: steady , continuous (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)
Stetigkeit {f}
:: continuity
Stetl {n}
:: alternative spelling of Schtetl
stets {adv}
:: always ; constantly ; the whole time (very often)
stets {adv}
:: everytime (whenever some precondition is given)
stets {adv}
:: always (at all times without exception)
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: Stetten (municipality)
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: Stetten (municipality)
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: Stetten (municipality)
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: Stetten (municipality)
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Aargau , Switzerland
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Schaffhausen , Switzerland
Stetten {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Upper Alsace
Stettin {prop} {n}
:: Stettin (city)
Stettin {prop} {n}
:: Stettin (city)
Steuer {f}
:: tax
Steuer {n}
:: helm
Steuer {n}
:: wheel , steering wheel
steuerbar {adj}
:: steerable
Steuerberater {m}
:: tax advisor
Steuerberg {prop} {n}
:: Steuerberg (municipality)
Steuerbetrug {m}
:: tax fraud
steuerbord {adv}
:: starboardside
Steuerbord {n}
:: starboard
Steuererklärung {f}
:: tax return
steuerfrei {adj}
:: free of tax
Steuergeld {n}
:: tax money
Steuerhinterziehung {f}
:: tax evasion
steuerlich {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to taxes
Steuermann {m}
:: helmsman (he who is responsible for steering a ship)
Steuermann {m}
:: coxswain
steuern {v}
:: to steer
Steueroase {f}
:: tax haven
Steuerparadies {n}
:: tax haven
steuerpflichtig {adj}
:: liable to taxation , subject to taxation , taxable
steuerpolitisch {adj}
:: fiscal
Steuerrad {m}
:: steering wheel
Steuerreform {f}
:: tax reform
Steuersatz {m}
:: tax rate
Steuersatz {m}
:: headset
Steuerschwindel {m}
:: tax fraud
Steuerstab {m}
:: control rod
Steuersünder {m}
:: tax evader (male or of unspecified sex)
Steuerung {f}
:: control
Steuerwagen {m}
:: control car
Steuerzahler {m}
:: taxpayer (male or of unspecified sex)
Stewardess {f}
:: stewardess
Steyregg {prop} {n}
:: Steyregg (municipality)
sthenisch {adj}
:: sthenic
stibitzen {v}
:: to scrounge , to pilfer
Stich {m}
:: sting , prick , stitch , stab
Stich {m}
:: trick
Stich {m}
:: engraving
Stich {m}
:: tinge , slight tint or discoloration
Stich {m}
:: shooting competition
Stich {prop}
:: surname
Stichelei {f}
:: mockery , quib , jab , taunt
sticheln {vi}
:: to tease , to provoke , to banter
sticheln {v}
:: to prick repeatedly
sticheln {v}
:: to sew with small stitches
stichfest {adj}
:: stiff , tough
stichfest {adj}
:: sting -resistant
stichhaltig {adj}
:: valid
Stich ins Herz {m}
:: See: de Stich Herz
Stich ins Herz {m}
:: a wrench ; an overwhelming, usually sudden grief or sadness
stichometrisch {adj}
:: stoichiometric
Stichprobe {f}
:: sample
stichprobenartig {adj}
:: random
stichprobenhaft {adj}
:: random
Stichsäge {f}
:: jigsaw (tool)
Stichtag {m}
:: deadline ; cutoff date
Stichwaffe {f}
:: stabbing weapon
Stichwahl {f}
:: runoff vote , second ballot
Stichwort {n}
:: keyword
Stichwort {n}
:: headword
stichwortartig {adj}
:: shorthand , briefly , in note form
Stichwunde {f}
:: stab wound
Stick {m}
:: short for USB-Stick
sticken {v}
:: to embroider
sticken {v}
:: to suffocate
stickig {adj}
:: stuffy , close , sticky (warm and poorly ventilated)
Stickoxid {n}
:: nitric oxide (or other oxides of nitrogen)
Stickstoff {m}
:: nitrogen
Stickstoffatmosphäre {f}
:: nitrogen atmosphere
Stickstoffatom {n}
:: nitrogen atom
Stickstoffbindung {f}
:: nitrogen fixation
Stickstoffdioxid {n}
:: nitrogen dioxide
Stickstofffixierung {f}
:: nitrogen fixation
Stickstoffgas {n}
:: nitrogen gas
Stickstoffgruppe {f}
:: nitrogen group (of the periodic table)
Stickstoffhalogenid {n}
:: nitrogen halide
stickstoffhaltig {adj}
:: nitrogenous
Stickstoffkreislauf {m}
:: nitrogen cycle
Stickstoffmolekül {n}
:: nitrogen molecule
Stickstoffmonoxid {n}
:: nitric oxide
Stickstoffoxid {n}
:: nitrogen oxide
Stickstofftriiodid {n}
:: nitrogen triiodide
Stickstoffverbindung {f}
:: nitrogen compound
stieben {vi}
:: to spray , to scatter
stief- {prefix}
:: step- ; a prefix indicating the individual being referred to is related through the marriage of a parent
stief {adj}
:: much , many , numerous
Stiefbruder {m}
:: stepbrother (son of one's stepfather or stepmother)
Stiefel {m}
:: boot (shoe)
Stiefelknecht {m}
:: bootjack ; boot jack (a V-shaped, or forked, device for pulling off boots)
stiefeln {vr}
:: to put on boots
stiefeln {vi}
:: to stride
Stiefelschlaufe {f}
:: bootstrap
Stiefeltern {p}
:: stepparents
Stiefkind {n}
:: stepchild
Stiefmutter {f}
:: stepmother
Stiefmütterchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stiefmutter
Stiefmütterchen {n}
:: pansy (plant)
stiefmütterlich {adj}
:: stepmotherly , neglected , unloved , shabby (treatment of a person, etc.), novercal (rare)
Stiefschwester {f}
:: stepsister
Stiefsohn {m}
:: stepson
Stieftochter {f}
:: stepdaughter
Stiefvater {m}
:: stepfather
stiefväterlich {adj}
:: stepfatherly
Stiege {f}
:: stairs
Stieglitz {m}
:: European goldfinch
stiekum {adv}
:: discreetly , secretly
Stiel {m}
:: stalk (thin stem)
Stiel {m}
:: a long, fairly thin protrusion , e.g. the handle of a broom or the stem of a wine glass
stiellos {adj}
:: stalkless
Stielmus {n}
:: a variety of turnip greens or turnip top (a vegetable, popular in some regions of Germany, including the Rhineland)
stier {adj}
:: rigid , unyielding , starched , stiffened
stier {adj}
:: broke , missing money
stier {adj}
:: of a drab modus vivendi as if broke
Stier {m}
:: bull
Stier {m}
:: Taurus
stieren {vt}
:: To stare at
stierig {adj}
:: (of a cow ) ready to be mated with a bull
Stierkampf {m}
:: bullfight , bullfighting
Stift {m}
:: pen
Stift {m}
:: pin
Stift {m}
:: pin (short metal rod)
Stift {m}
:: pencil (clipping of Bleistift )
Stift {m}
:: stylus
Stift {n}
:: abbey
Stift {n}
:: monastery
stiften {v}
:: to endow , to donate
Stiftshütte {f}
:: tabernacle
Stiftung {f}
:: foundation
Stiftungsurkunde {f}
:: deed of donation
Stiftungsvermögen {n}
:: endowment capital , endowment fund
Stigma {n}
:: stigma (mark of infamy)
Stigma {n}
:: branding (either on animals or as mark of infamy)
Stigma {n}
:: stigma (crucifixion wound of Christ)
Stigmatisation {f}
:: stigmatization
stigmatisieren {v}
:: to stigmatize
stigmatisiert {adj}
:: stigmatized
Stigmatisierung {f}
:: stigmatization
Stil {m}
:: style
Stilblüte {f}
:: bloomer , blooper , howler
Stilbruch {m}
:: combination of styles clashing with each other
Stilettostiefel {m}
:: stiletto (-heeled) boot
Stilfs {prop}
:: Stilfs (municipality)
stilisiert {v}
:: past participle of stilisieren
stilisiert {adj}
:: stylized
Stilist {m}
:: stylist
Stilistik {f}
:: stylistics
stilistisch {adj}
:: stylistic
still {adj}
:: quiet , silent
still {adv}
:: quietly , silently
Stille {f}
:: stillness , silence
stillen {vt}
:: to nurse , to breastfeed (a baby)
stillen {vt}
:: to quench (a need, e.g. hunger)
Stillen {n}
:: breastfeeding , suckling
Stille Post {f}
:: Chinese whispers
stiller {adj}
:: comparative of still
Stiller Ozean {prop} {m}
:: Pacific Ocean
stille Wasser sind tief {proverb}
:: still waters run deep
stillgelegt {v}
:: past participle of stilllegen
stillgestanden {v}
:: past participle of stillstehen
stillhalten {v}
:: to stay still
Stillleben {n}
:: still life (work of art)
stilllegen {v}
:: to put out of service , to shut down , to decommission
Stilllegung {f}
:: putting out of service , shutdown , decommissioning
stillos {adj}
:: lacking style , tasteless
stillschweigen {vi}
:: to be quiet
Stillschweigen {n}
:: silence (as in: to maintain silence about)
stillschweigend {adj}
:: tacit
stillsitzen {v}
:: to sit still
Stillstand {m}
:: standstill
stillstehen {v}
:: To stagnate
stillsten {adj}
:: superlative of still
Stillzeit {f}
:: nursing period
stilmäßig {adj}
:: stylistic
Stilpon {prop} {m}
:: Stilpo (Greek philosopher)
stilsicher {adj}
:: stylish
stilvoll {adj}
:: stylish (having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress)
Stimmband {n}
:: vocal cord
stimmberechtigt {adj}
:: entitled /eligible to vote
Stimmbruch {m}
:: voice crack
Stimme {f}
:: voice
Stimme {f}
:: vote
stimmen {v}
:: to vote
stimmen {v}
:: to tune
stimmen {v}
:: to be right , be true
stimmen {vt}
:: to make (someone happy, sad, etc.)
Stimmengewirr {n}
:: babble of voices
stimmenmäßig {adj}
:: in terms of votes
stimmenmäßig {adj}
:: in terms of voices
Stimmfach {n}
:: Fach (method of classifying singers)
Stimmfarbe {f}
:: timbre
Stimmfühlung {f}
:: contact by voice (the phenomenon that animals give special calls to stay in contact with members of their family, flock vel sim.)
Stimmgabel {f}
:: tuning fork
stimmhaft {adj}
:: voiced (sounded with the vibration of the vocal cords)
Stimmhöhe {f}
:: pitch
stimmig {adj}
:: coherent
Stimmlage {f}
:: (vocal ) pitch
Stimmlage {f}
:: the limited and specific range of a voice or an instrument ; vocal register , tessitura
Stimmlippe {f}
:: vocal fold , vocal cord
stimmlos {adj}
:: (phonetics, of a consonant) voiceless ; spoken without vibration of the vocal cords; unvoiced
Stimmregister {n}
:: vocal register
Stimmregister {n}
:: electoral roll
stimmt {interj}
:: correct
Stimmumfang {m}
:: vocal range , compass
Stimmung {f}
:: mood (emotional state)
Stimmung {f}
:: mood (inclination to do something)
Stimmung {f}
:: lively atmosphere ; vibe ; exuberance (good mood of a group or crowd, e.g. at a party)
Stimmung {f}
:: general mood ; prevalent attitude ; trend ; public opinion
Stimmung {f}
:: tuning (act of setting the pitches of an instrument)
Stimmungskanone {f}
:: life of the party
Stimmvieh {n}
:: uncritical and easily manipulated voters
Stimmzettel {m}
:: ballot
Stimulans {n}
:: stimulant
Stimulation {f}
:: stimulation
stimulieren {v}
:: to stimulate
stimulierend {adj}
:: stimulating
stimulierend {adj}
:: provocative
stimuliert {v}
:: past participle of stimulieren
stimuliert {adj}
:: stimulated
Stimulierung {f}
:: stimulation
Stimulus {m}
:: stimulus
Stinatz {prop} {n}
:: Stinatz (municipality)
Stinkefinger {n}
:: the finger
stinken {vi}
:: to stink
stinkfaul {adj}
:: lazy as hell
stinkig {adj}
:: stinky
Stinkkatze {f}
:: skunk
stinklangweilig {adj}
:: deadly boring
stinknormal {adj}
:: totally normal
stinkreich {adj}
:: filthy rich
stinksauer {adj}
:: hopping mad ; royally pissed
Stinktier {n}
:: skunk (mammal of the family Mephitidae )
Stipendiat {m}
:: scholarship holder
Stipendium {n}
:: scholarship
Stippe {f}
:: point , spot , fleck
Stippe {f}
:: sauce
stippen {v}
:: to dip (lower into a liquid)
stippen {v}
:: to pat , tap (touch, often repeatedly)
Stippvisite {f}
:: flying visit
stipulativ {adj}
:: stipulative
Stirlingmotor {m}
:: Stirling engine
Stirn {f}
:: forehead
Stirn {f}
:: frons
Stirnrunzeln {n}
:: frown
Stirnseite {f}
:: front
Stirnseite {f}
:: gable end
Stishovit {m}
:: stishovite
Stiwoll {prop} {n}
:: Stiwoll (municipality)
St. Kitts und Nevis {prop}
:: St. Kitts und Nevis (a <<country>> consisting of two <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
St. Lucia {prop} {n}
:: Saint Lucia
stöbern {v}
:: to browse
stöbern {v}
:: to rummage
stöbern {v}
:: to snow
stöbern {v}
:: to blow around
stöbern {v}
:: to clean up
Stochastik {f}
:: stochastics
stochastisch {adj}
:: stochastic (pertaining to stochastics)
Stocherkahn {m}
:: punt (narrow shallow boat propelled by a pole)
stochern {v}
:: to pick , to poke
Stöchiometrie {f}
:: stoichiometry
stöchiometrisch {adj}
:: stoichiometric
stöchiometrisch {adv}
:: stoichiometrically
stock- {prefix}
:: Used to emphasize
Stock {m}
:: stick , staff , broken-off twig
Stock {m}
:: floor , storey (UK ), story (US ), level
Stock {m}
:: stock , supply (but only in some contexts and much less common than in English)
Stock {m}
:: pile of undealt cards , deck
Stock {m}
:: the entirety of roots of a plant; stock
Stock {m}
:: hive ; beehive
stockbesoffen {adj}
:: dead drunk , blind drunk
Stöckchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stock : little stick
Stöckchen ziehen {v}
:: to draw straws (choose at random by having someone draw one of two sticks of different lengths from another person's hand)
stockdunkel {adj}
:: pitch-dark
Stöckel {m}
:: heel
stöckeln {v}
:: to walk with high heels
Stöckelschuh {m}
:: high-heeled shoe
stocken {v}
:: to stop
stocken {v}
:: to stagnate
Stockente {f}
:: mallard , wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos )
Stockerau {prop} {n}
:: Stockerau (municipality)
stockfinster {adj}
:: pitch-black , pitch-dark
Stockfisch {m}
:: stockfish
Stockholm {prop} {n}
:: Stockholm (capital city)
stocknüchtern {adj}
:: stone-cold sober
stocksteif {adj}
:: stiff as a pocker
stocktaub {adj}
:: stone deaf , deaf as a post
Stockwerk {n}
:: floor , storey , level (of a building)
Stoff {m}
:: stuff , matter , substance
Stoff {m}
:: substance
Stoff {m}
:: cloth , fabric , material
Stoffel {m}
:: boor , lout
Stoffgruppe {f}
:: group of substances
Stoffklasse {f}
:: class of substances (especially of chemical elements and compounds)
Stoffkreislauf {m}
:: cycle (of a named element or material)
stofflich {adj}
:: material , physical , substantial (having to do with the material world)
stofflich {adj}
:: regarding subject matter , thematic , with regard to the subject
stofflich {adj}
:: made of cloth
Stoffmenge {f}
:: mole (amount of substance)
Stoffmengenanteil {m}
:: mole fraction
Stoffname {m}
:: common noun
Stofftasche {f}
:: textile bag , canvas tote bag , canvas bag
Stofftier {n}
:: stuffed animal
Stoffwechsel {m}
:: metabolism
Stoffwechselablauf {m}
:: metabolic process
Stoffwechselprodukt {n}
:: metabolite (metabolic product)
Stoffwechselprozess {m}
:: metabolic process
Stoffwechselstörung {f}
:: metabolic disorder
Stoffwechselvorgang {m}
:: metabolic process
Stoffwechselweg {m}
:: metabolic pathway
stöhnen {v}
:: to moan , to groan
Stoiber {prop}
:: surname
Stoiker {m}
:: stoic
stoisch {adj}
:: stoic
Stoizismus {m}
:: stoicism
Stolberg {prop}
:: Stolberg (town)
Stollen {m}
:: gallery ; tunnel (long cavity in rock, usually man-made, but sometimes natural)
Stollen {m}
:: stud ; cleat (protrusion on a shoe, especially a football shoe)
Stollen {m}
:: stollen (kind of cake)
stolpern {v}
:: to stumble , to trip
Stolperstein {m}
:: stumbling block (raised or uneven stone or paving slab over which someone could stumble)
Stolperstein {m}
:: stumbling block (hindrance, obstacle)
Stolperstein {m}
:: stolperstein (small, cobblestone-sized memorial for an individual victim of Nazism)
stolz {adj}
:: proud
stolz {adj}
:: haughty
Stolz {m}
:: pride
Stoma {n}
:: stoma (all senses)
Stoob {prop} {n}
:: Stoob (municipality)
Stop {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Stopp
stopfen {v}
:: to stuff , to plug
stopfen {v}
:: to darn (mend by sewing over)
Stopfleber {f}
:: foie gras (The liver of a duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a feeding tube. )
Stopp {m}
:: stop (interruption of travel)
Stoppel {f} {m}
:: stubble (cut-off stalk)
Stoppel {f} {m}
:: anything that resembles cut-off stalks , such as stubbles of hair, etc
stoppen {vti}
:: to stop
stoppen {v}
:: alternative form of stopfen
Stoppschild {n}
:: stop sign
Stoppuhr {f}
:: stopwatch
Stöpsel {m}
:: plug (something intended to plug)
Stopselclub {m}
:: A social club, the members of which always have to carry a plug with them
Stör {m}
:: sturgeon (fish)
Stör {prop} {n}
:: Stör (river)
Storch {m}
:: stork (bird)
Storch {m}
:: girl
storchen {v}
:: to stride
Store {f}
:: Venetian blind , roller blind
stören {v}
:: to disturb , to interfere , to bother
störend {adj}
:: disturbing , annoying
störend {adj}
:: spurious
störend {adj}
:: disruptive , troublesome
Störenfried {m}
:: gadfly , troublemaker , disruptor , mischief-maker (male or of unspecified sex)
Störfaktor {m}
:: disruptive factor , nuisance factor, disturbing factor
Störfaktor {m}
:: confounder , confounding factor , confounding variable
stornieren {v}
:: to cancel , to reverse
Storno {n}
:: cancellation , reversal
storr {adj}
:: alternative form of starr
störrisch {adj}
:: stubborn , restive , recalcitrant , obstinate
Störung {f}
:: disturbance
Störung {f}
:: dysfunction , disorder
störungsfrei {adj}
:: error -free
störungsfrei {adj}
:: trouble-free
Story {f}
:: The plot of a novel , film , video game , etc
Story {f}
:: An account of sensational character and/or unknown credibility , e.g. the cover story of a newspaper, or a story someone uses as an excuse, etc
Stoß {m}
:: push
Stoß {m}
:: the rectrices (the flight feathers on the tails of birds)
Stoßdämpfer {m}
:: shock absorber , damper
Stößel {m}
:: a pestle
Stößel {m}
:: follower ; tappet
stossen {v}
:: alternative spelling of stoßen
stoßen {vt}
:: to push ; to shove ; to thrust
stoßen {vtr}
:: to bump ; to knock ; to strike ; to hurt
stoßen {vr}
:: to take exception (to something)
stoßen {vi}
:: to jolt ; to kick ; to thrust
stoßen {vi}
:: to bump (into something); to knock (against something)
stoßen {vi}
:: to come (across something); to happen (upon something); to stumble (upon something)
Stößen {prop} {n}
:: Stößen (town)
Stößer {m}
:: sparrow hawk
Stößer {m}
:: pestle
Stößer {m}
:: cabbie hat
stößig {adj}
:: having the habit of butting with the horns (as of a goat)
stößig {adj}
:: having the habit of goring
Stössing {prop} {n}
:: Stössing (municipality)
Stoßstange {f}
:: bumper (of vehicle)
Stoßverkehr {m}
:: rush hour traffic
Stoßwelle {f}
:: shock wave
Stoßzahn {m}
:: the large tusk of an elephant or walrus
Stoßzeit {f}
:: rush hour
stotterig {adj}
:: stuttering , stammering
stottern {v}
:: to stutter
Stottern {n}
:: stutter
stottrig {adj}
:: alternative form of stotterig
Stotz {m}
:: alternative form of Stutzen
Stotze {m}
:: obsolete form of Stutzen
Stotzen {m}
:: alternative form of Stutzen
Stotzing {prop} {n}
:: Stotzing (municipality)
Stövchen {n}
:: teapot warmer (device to warm a teapot , usually by means of a tealight )
Str. {noun}
:: abbreviation of Straße : St. (street)
Strabismus {m}
:: strabismus
Stracciatella {f}
:: stracciatella (soup)
Stracciatella {n}
:: stracciatella (ice cream)
strack {adj}
:: straight , taut
strack {adj}
:: drunk
stracks {adv}
:: directly , immediately , straightway
stracks {adv}
:: precisely , without deviating (especially from a rule or command)
Straden {prop} {n}
:: Straden (municipality)
Strafantrag {m}
:: application for legal action
Strafantrag {m}
:: sentence demanded
strafbar {adj}
:: liable to criminal prosecution ; criminal (for which the law provides a criminal punishment)
strafbar {adj}
:: criminally punishable (to or for which a criminal punishment can be meted out)
Strafbarkeit {f}
:: punishability
Strafbataillon {?}
:: A German military unit formed of prisoners during World War II
strafbefreiend {adj}
:: immune from prosecution
strafbewehrt {adj}
:: immune from punishment
Strafe {f}
:: punishment
Strafe {f}
:: penalty
Strafe {f}
:: fine
strafen {vt}
:: to punish
straff {adj}
:: tight , firm , of an object that could also be slack
straffen {vt}
:: to tighten , tauten
straffrei {adj}
:: exempt from punishment , scot-free
Straffreiheit {f}
:: exemption from punishment
Strafgericht {n}
:: criminal court
Strafgerichtsbarkeit {f}
:: criminal jurisdiction
Strafkammer {f}
:: criminal division / chamber
sträflich {adj}
:: criminal , wanton
Strafmaßnahme {f}
:: sanction , punitive measure
strafmildernd {adj}
:: mitigated from a heavier punishment
strafmindernd {adj}
:: synonym of strafmildernd
strafmündig {adj}
:: old enough to be punished
Strafraum {m}
:: penalty area
Strafrecht {n}
:: criminal law
Strafrechtler {m}
:: criminal law expert
Strafrechtlerin {f}
:: (jur ) female criminal law expert
strafrechtlich {adj}
:: concerning or according to criminal law
strafrechtlich {adj}
:: criminal
strafrechtlich {adv}
:: under criminal law
Strafstoß {m}
:: penalty kick
Straftat {f}
:: criminal offence
Straftäter {m}
:: criminal offender
strafunmündig {adj}
:: not yet old enough to be punished
strafverdächtig {adj}
:: suspected of committing a crime
Strafverfolgung {f}
:: criminal prosecution
strafverschärfend {adj}
:: aggravated (Deserving of a more severe punishment )
Strafverteidiger {m}
:: criminal defense attorney
Strafvollzug {m}
:: execution of a sentence
Strafvollzugsanstalt {f}
:: penitentiary
strafwürdig {adj}
:: punishable
Strafzettel {m}
:: traffic ticket
Strafzettel {m}
:: parking ticket
Strahl {m}
:: beam , ray (e.g. of light)
Strahl {m}
:: jet (e.g. of water or ink)
Strahl {m}
:: frog (part of a horse's hoof)
Strahl {m}
:: ray , half-line
Strahl {m}
:: arrow
strahlen {v}
:: to shine
strahlen {v}
:: to radiate
strahlen {v}
:: to smile in a big way
Strahlenbelastung {f}
:: radiation exposure
Strahlenchemie {f}
:: radiation chemistry
strahlend {adj}
:: shining
strahlend {adj}
:: radiant
strahlend {adv}
:: dazzlingly , radiantly , brightly
strahlender {adj}
:: comparative of strahlend
strahlendsten {adj}
:: superlative of strahlend
strahlenförmig {adj}
:: radial
Strahlenkammer {f}
:: radiation chamber
Strahlenschutz {m}
:: radiation protection
Strahlenschutzkleidung {f}
:: radiation protection clothing
Strahlentierchen {n}
:: radiolarian
Strahlflugzeug {n}
:: jet plane
Strahltriebwerk {n}
:: jet engine
Strahlung {f}
:: radiation , irradiation
Strahlungsdichte {f}
:: emittance
Strahlungsdichte {f}
:: flux , radiation density
Strahlungsintensität {f}
:: radiation intensity
Strahlungsquelle {f}
:: radiation source
Strähne {f}
:: strand (of hair)
Strallegg {prop} {n}
:: Strallegg (municipality)
Stralsund {prop}
:: Stralsund (independent city)
Stramin {n}
:: aida cloth , meshed cotton or linen fabric used for cross stitch embroidery or carpet weaving
stramm {adj}
:: tight ; taut (tightly fastened)
stramm {adj}
:: upright (standing tall, as of a soldier)
stramm {adj}
:: upright ; stalwart ; staunch ; strict ; rigorous
stramm {adj}
:: stalwart ; burly ; muscular
stramm {adj}
:: drunk
strammgestanden {v}
:: past participle of strammstehen
strammstehen {v}
:: to stand at attention
Strand {m}
:: beach
Strandbad {n}
:: A bathing beach at a lake or a river
stranden {v}
:: To strand
Strandflieder {m}
:: statice , sea lavender , any of several flowering plants of the genus Limonium
Strandgut {n}
:: jetsam , beach litter , beach debris
Strandhafer {m}
:: beachgrass (Ammophila )
Strandhotel {n}
:: beach hotel
Strandläufer {m}
:: sandpiper , stint (bird of the genus Calidris )
Strandwächter {m}
:: lifeguard (on a beach) (male or of unspecified sex)
Strang {m}
:: thread
Strang {m}
:: cord
strangförmig {adj}
:: composed of strands
stranggepresst {v}
:: past participle of strangpressen
stranggepresst {adj}
:: extruded
Strapaze {f}
:: strain
strapazieren {v}
:: To stress , to strain , to tire , to tax , to overtax , to punish , to try
strapazierfähig {adj}
:: heavy-duty
strapazierfähiger {adj}
:: comparative of strapazierfähig
strapazierfähigsten {adj}
:: superlative of strapazierfähig
strapaziert {adj}
:: (for hair:) stressed
strapazierter {adj}
:: comparative of strapaziert
strapaziertesten {adj}
:: superlative of strapaziert
strapaziös {adj}
:: strenuous
Strass {m}
:: rhinestone , paste (lead crystal used as gemstone)
Straß {m}
:: alternative spelling of Strass
Straßburg {prop} {n}
:: Straßburg (capital city)
Strässchen {n}
:: alternative spelling of Sträßchen
Sträßchen {n}
:: diminutive of Straße
Strasse {f}
:: alternative spelling of Straße
Straße {f}
:: street ; road (a way wide enough to be passable for vehicles, generally paved, in or outside a settlement)
Straße {f}
:: carriageway (the part of a road or street used by vehicles, excluding the pavement, etc.)
Straße {f}
:: public , any area accessible to anyone
Straße {f}
:: general public , using the locale to describe people not part of a specific group
Straße {f}
:: the streets , areas or groups of people of no income or criminal affiliation, or the leading of a life associated with these
Straße {f}
:: strait (channel of water)
Straße {f}
:: straight
Strassen {prop} {n}
:: Strassen (town)
Strassen {prop} {n}
:: Strassen (municipality)
Strassenbahn {f}
:: alternative spelling of Straßenbahn
Straßenbahn {f}
:: a streetcar , a tramway
straßenbahnähnlich {adj}
:: tramlike
Straßenbahnfahrer {m}
:: tram driver
Straßenbahnfahrerin {f}
:: tram driver
Straßenbeleuchtung {f}
:: street lighting
Straßenbild {n}
:: streetscape
Strassenböschung {f}
:: alternative spelling of Straßenböschung
Straßenböschung {f}
:: road embankment
Straßendecke {f}
:: road surface
Straßenecke {f}
:: streetcorner
Straßenfest {n}
:: block party
Straßenkämpfer {m}
:: streetfighter (male)
Straßenkämpferin {f} {m}
:: streetfighter (female)
straßenköterblond {adj}
:: blond mixed with some brunette
Strassenkreuzung {f}
:: alternative spelling of Straßenkreuzung
Straßenkreuzung {f}
:: crossroads , intersection , road junction
Straßenlaterne {f}
:: streetlight
Straßenleuchte {f}
:: street light
Strassenmaler {m}
:: alternative spelling of Straßenmaler
Straßenmaler {m}
:: street painter , pavement artist
Straßenmusikant {m}
:: street musician
Strassenmusiker {m}
:: alternative form of Straßenmusiker
Straßenmusiker {m}
:: street musician , busker
Straßenpflaster {n}
:: pavement
Straßenprostitution {f}
:: streetwalking , street prostitution
Straßenprotest {m}
:: street demonstration , protest in the street
Straßenräuber {m}
:: highwayman , brigand
Strassenschild {n}
:: alternative spelling of Straßenschild
Straßenschild {n}
:: street sign
Straßenschild {n}
:: signpost
Straßenschild {n}
:: road sign , traffic sign
Straßenseite {f}
:: roadside
Strassenverkehr {m}
:: alternative form of Straßenverkehr
Straßenverkehr {m}
:: road traffic
Straßenzug {m}
:: continuous street sequence with houses
Straßenzustand {m}
:: road condition
Straße von Gibraltar {prop} {f}
:: Strait of Gibraltar
Straßwalchen {prop} {n}
:: Straßwalchen (municipality)
Stratege {m}
:: strategist
Strategem {n}
:: stratagem
Strategie {f}
:: strategy
Strategie {f}
:: The strategy pattern
strategisch {adj}
:: strategic
strategisch {adv}
:: strategically
stratigrafisch {adj}
:: stratigraphic
stratigraphisch {adj}
:: alternative form of stratigrafisch
Stratosphäre {f}
:: stratosphere
Stratzing {prop} {n}
:: Stratzing (municipality)
sträuben {vt}
:: to bristle up
sträuben {vr}
:: to be reluctant , to resist
Straubing {prop}
:: Straubing (independent city)
Strauch {m}
:: bush
Strauch {m}
:: shrub
strauchartig {adj}
:: shrubby
straucheln {v}
:: to stumble , fall
Straucherbse {f}
:: toor dal , pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan plant and seeds)
Strauss {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Strauß (primarily Switzerland)
Strauss {prop}
:: alternative spelling of Strauß
Strauß {m}
:: bunch (of flowers), bouquet
Strauß {m}
:: ostrich
Strauß {m}
:: contention , fight
Straußenfarn {m}
:: ostrich fern (any fern of the genus Matteuccia )
streamen {v}
:: to stream
Strebe {f}
:: strut , brace
streben {v}
:: To strive
streben {v}
:: To aspire
Streber {m}
:: streber , a river fish that lives in Eastern Europe
Streber {m}
:: A nerd ; someone who strives to achieve success in school
Strebsamkeit {f}
:: eagerness ; ambitiousness
strebt {v}
:: past participle of streben
Strecke {f}
:: stretch
Strecke {f}
:: route
strecken {v}
:: to straighten , stretch
strecken {v}
:: to elongate , lengthen
strecken {v}
:: to dilute , cut
Streckenverlauf {m}
:: course of the road
Streckerspinne {f}
:: long jawed spider
Streich {m}
:: stroke
Streich {m}
:: practical joke , prank
streichbar {adj}
:: spreadable
Streichbein {n}
:: folding-bone , folding-stick , bonefolder
streicheln {v}
:: to stroke (to move the hand over the surface of), to pet ; to fondle
streichen {vt}
:: to stroke
streichen {vt}
:: to cancel ; to discard ; to delete ; to strike out ; to cross out
streichen {vt}
:: to spread ; to rub ; to apply
streichen {vt}
:: to paint
Streicher {m}
:: string player
Streichholz {n}
:: match (device to make fire)
Streichhölzchen {n}
:: diminutive of Streichholz
Streichhölzer ziehen {v}
:: to draw straws (choose at random by having someone draw one of two sticks of different lengths from another person's hand)
Streichhölzlein {n}
:: diminutive of Streichholz
Streichholzschachtel {f}
:: matchbox
Streichholzschächtelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Streichholzschachtel
Streichinstrument {n}
:: bowed string instrument
Streichinstrumentenbauer {m}
:: bowed string instrument maker , violin maker (a luthier specialized in the production of string instruments that are played by a bow , such as violins , violas , cellos , etc.)
Streichinstrumentenhersteller {m}
:: manufacturer of bowed string instruments
Streichung {f}
:: cancellation , abolishment
Streichung {f}
:: abatement
Streifchen {n}
:: diminutive of Streifen
Streife {f}
:: patrol (-man)
streifen {v}
:: to brush , to range
streifen {v}
:: to swipe something
Streifen {m}
:: stripe
Streifen {m}
:: strip
Streifen {m}
:: band
Streifen {m}
:: film
Streifen {m}
:: streak
Streifen {m}
:: tape
Streifen {m}
:: zone
Streifenameisenwürger {m}
:: bar-crested antshrike
Streifenhörnchen {n}
:: chipmunk
Streifenschakal {m}
:: side-striped jackal
Streifenwagen {m}
:: police car (vehicle used by a police officer)
Streifenwanze {f}
:: striped shield bug
Streifzug {m}
:: ramble
Streik {m}
:: strike (work stoppage)
Streikbrecher {m}
:: strikebreaker
streiken {v}
:: to strike (to stop working in protest)
streiken {v}
:: to refuse to cooperate or participate ; to stop working
Streikgeld {n}
:: strike pay
Streit {m}
:: quarrel , dispute , fight , argument
Streit {m}
:: fight , battle
Streitaxt {f}
:: battle axe
streitbar {adj}
:: disputatious (inclined to argue or debate)
streitbefangen {adj}
:: disputed (subject to dispute)
Streitbeilegung {f}
:: dispute settlement
streiten {vir}
:: to argue ; to fight ; to quarrel
Streitgespräch {n}
:: contention , debate , disputation , discussion , verbal dispute
streitig {adj}
:: arguable , debatable
Streitkraft {f}
:: armed forces
Streitkraft {f}
:: branch of a country's armed forces (army , navy , air force , etc.)
Streitkraft {f}
:: military power ; military capacity; combat strength
Streitlust {f}
:: belligerence
streitlustig {adj}
:: belligerent
Streitwagen {m}
:: chariot
Strem {prop} {n}
:: Strem (municipality)
stremmen {v}
:: to be too tight (clothing)
streng {adj}
:: severe , rigid , strict
streng {adv}
:: very much, strictly
Strengberg {prop} {n}
:: Strengberg (municipality)
Strenge {f}
:: severity , strictness
Strengen {prop} {n}
:: Strengen (municipality)
streng genommen {adv}
:: strictly speaking
strenggläubig {adj}
:: strictly religious
strengsten {adj}
:: superlative of streng
Streptokokken {p}
:: streptococcus
Streptokokken {p}
:: Streptococcus
Stress {m}
:: stress (emotional pressure)
Stress {m}
:: dispute , quarrel , beef
Streß {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Stress
stressfrei {adj}
:: stressfree
Stresshormon {n}
:: stress hormone
stressig {adj}
:: stressful
stressresistent {adj}
:: stress -resistent
Stresstest {m}
:: stress test
Streu {f}
:: litter ; mulch (bedding for animals)
Streubesitz {m}
:: public float , free float
Streubesitz {m}
:: scattered estates , manors , exclaves
streuen {v}
:: to strew , to scatter , to sprinkle
streuen {v}
:: to spread
streufähig {adj}
:: spreadable
Streufahrzeug {n}
:: gritter
streunen {v}
:: to stray
Streuner {m}
:: stray
Streusalz {n}
:: salt (for putting on icy roads)
Streusel {m} {n}
:: streusel
Streuselkuchen {m}
:: Streuselkuchen
Streuung {f}
:: scattering
Streuung {f}
:: dispersion
Strg {noun}
:: abbreviation of Steuerung
Strich {m}
:: stroke
Strich {m}
:: line
Strich {m}
:: the direction to which hairs , or similar things, are inclined
Strich {m}
:: streetwalkers' district
Strich {m}
:: prostitution (chiefly as a milieu)
Strich {m}
:: prime (derivation symbol)
Strichelchen {n}
:: diminutive of Strich
Strichelchen {n}
:: the two dots , or (in handwriting and older prints) little strokes , used to dinstinguish umlaut letters
Stricher {m}
:: manwhore , a male prostitute
Strichfarbe {f}
:: streak
Strichjunge {m}
:: hustler , a male prostitute
Strichlein {n}
:: diminutive of Strich
strichliert {adj}
:: dashed
Strichmädchen {n}
:: streetwalker
Strichmännchen {n}
:: stick man
strichpunktiert {adj}
:: composed of alternate dots and dashes
Strichvogel {m}
:: straggling bird (bird of a population without regular seasonal migrations)
Strichvogel {m}
:: prostitute
Strick {m}
:: fairly short rope or cord , usually for binding something
Strick {m}
:: the rope used in hanging somebody (often for English noose , but referring to the rope, not the loop, which is Schlinge )
Strickchen {n}
:: diminutive of Strick
stricken {v}
:: to knit
stricken {v}
:: to tie , to knot
Stricken {n}
:: knitting
Stricker {m}
:: knitter
Strickjacke {f}
:: cardigan
Strickleiter {f}
:: rope ladder (flexible ladder)
Strickzeug {n}
:: knitting
Striemen {m}
:: stripe , weal , wale , a linear pattern on skin, as resulting from a violent lash
Striemen {m}
:: a lashing stroke , hard enough to mark a stripe
strikt {adj}
:: strict
String {m}
:: thong (as undergarment or swimwear)
String {m}
:: string (sequence of text characters)
String {m}
:: string (central object in string theory )
Stringtheorie {f}
:: string theory
Strippe {f}
:: string , cord
Strippe {f}
:: wire , cable , line
Stripper {m}
:: stripper (One who removes their clothing in a sexually provocative manner.)
Stripperin {f}
:: feminine noun of Stripper
strittig {adj}
:: controversial , disputed , moot
Strizzi {m}
:: pimp
Strizzi {m}
:: rascal
Ströbel {prop}
:: surname
Stroboskop {n}
:: stroboscope
Stroboskoplampe {f}
:: strobe , strobe light , timing light
Stroh {n}
:: straw
strohblond {adj}
:: straw -blond
Strohdach {n}
:: thatched roof
strohdumm {adj}
:: Very stupid
Stroheim {prop} {n}
:: Stroheim (municipality)
strohen {adj}
:: straw (attributive)
Strohfeuer {n}
:: straw fire
Strohfeuer {n}
:: flash in the pan
Strohhalm {m}
:: straw (a dried stalk of a cereal plant)
Strohhalm {m}
:: drinking straw
Strohhälmchen {n}
:: diminutive of Strohhalm
Strohmann {m}
:: front man
Strohwitwe {f}
:: grass widow
Strohwitwer {m}
:: grass widower
Strolch {m}
:: a rascal
Strom {m}
:: stream (small river)
Strom {m}
:: stream ; current
Strom {m}
:: electric current ; electricity
Strom {m}
:: electricity (electric power)
Strom {m}
:: A small river
stromab {adv}
:: downstream
stromauf {adv}
:: upstream
Stromausfall {m}
:: blackout , power failure
Stromdichte {f}
:: (electrical) current density
strömen {v}
:: To flow , stream , pour
strömend {adj}
:: pouring , streaming , flowing
Stromerzeugung {f}
:: (electric) power generation
Stromeyer {prop}
:: surname
Stromeyerit {m}
:: stromeyerite
stromführend {adj}
:: live (carrying an electrical current)
Stromkabel {n}
:: power cable , power cord
Stromkreis {m}
:: electric circuit
Stromleiter {m}
:: (electrical) conductor
Stromleitung {f}
:: power line
stromlinienförmig {adj}
:: aerodynamic
stromlos {adj}
:: dead (having no electric current)
Stromnetz {n}
:: electricity grid
Stromnetz {n}
:: mains (electricity)
Stromquelle {f}
:: power source
Stromschiene {f}
:: busbar
Stromschlag {m}
:: electric shock
Stromschnelle {f}
:: rapid (rough section of river or stream)
Stromstärke {f}
:: (electric) current (strength)
Stromstärke {f}
:: amperage
Stromstoß {m}
:: power surge
Stromstoß {m}
:: electric shock
Stromtrasse {f}
:: power line (A big long-distance above-ground electricity link.)
Stromuhr {f}
:: stromuhr
Strömung {f}
:: current , stream , flux , flow
Stromversorger {m}
:: electric utility
Stromzähler {m}
:: electricity meter (device that measures the consumption of electricity)
Stronsdorf {prop} {n}
:: Stronsdorf (municipality)
Strontianit {m}
:: strontianite
Strontium {n}
:: strontium
Strontiumamalgam {n}
:: strontium amalgam
Strontiumborid {n}
:: strontium boride
Strontiumcarbonat {n}
:: strontium carbonate
Strontiumchlorid {n}
:: strontium chloride
Strontiumchromat {n}
:: strontium chromate
Strontiumferrit {n}
:: strontium ferrite
Strontiumfluorid {n}
:: strontium fluoride
Strontiumgehalt {m}
:: strontium content
strontiumhaltig {adj}
:: yielding strontium
Strontiumhydroxid {n}
:: strontium hydroxide
Strontiumisotop {n}
:: strontium isotope
Strontiumlagerstätte {f}
:: strontium deposit
Strontiummetall {n}
:: strontium metal
Strontiummineral {n}
:: strontium mineral
Strontiumnitrat {n}
:: strontium nitrate
Strontiumnitrid {n}
:: strontium nitride
Strontiumoxid {n}
:: strontium oxide
Strontiumranelat {n}
:: strontium ranelate
strontiumreich {adj}
:: rich in strontium
Strontiumsalz {n}
:: strontium salt
Strontiumsulfat {n}
:: strontium sulfate
Strontiumsulfid {n}
:: strontium sulfide
Strontiumverbindung {f}
:: strontium compound
Strophe {f}
:: stanza (a unit of a poem)
strotzen {v}
:: to teem
Strudel {m}
:: swirl , maelstrom , vortex
Strudel {m}
:: whirlpool
Strudel {m}
:: strudel (a pastry made from multiple, thin layers of dough rolled up and filled with fruit etc.)
Struktur {f}
:: structure
Strukturanalyse {f}
:: structural analysis
Strukturaufklärung {f}
:: structure elucidation
Strukturchemie {f}
:: structural chemistry
Struktureinheit {f}
:: structural unit
Struktureinheit {f}
:: moiety
Strukturelement {n}
:: structural element
strukturell {adj}
:: structural
strukturell {adj}
:: textural
strukturell {adv}
:: structurally
strukturell {adv}
:: texturally
Strukturformel {f}
:: structural formula
strukturieren {v}
:: to structure (to give structure to; to arrange)
strukturiert {adj}
:: structured
Strukturmuster {n}
:: The structural pattern
Strukturprotein {n}
:: structural protein
strullen {v}
:: to urinate , especially to urinate profusely
strullern {v}
:: to urinate
Strumpf {m}
:: stocking ; hose (women’s undergarment covering the foot, the lower leg, and part of the thigh)
Strumpf {m}
:: stocking (long sock covering the foot and the lower leg)
Strumpf {m}
:: sock
Strumpfband {n}
:: garter
Strumpfhose {f}
:: tights , pantyhose
strümpfig {adj}
:: stockinged (wearing socks or stockings)
strumpfsockert {adj}
:: stockinged (wearing socks or stockings but no shoes)
strumpfsockig {adj}
:: synonym of strumpfsockert
Strunk {m}
:: the thick, woody stalk found in some plants , especially cabbages
Strunk {m}
:: tree trunk
Strunz {prop}
:: surname
strunzdumm {adj}
:: stupid
strunzen {v}
:: to urinate
struppig {adj}
:: shaggy
struppig {adj}
:: unkempt
struppiger {adj}
:: comparative of struppig
struppigsten {adj}
:: superlative of struppig
struwwelig {adj}
:: tousled
Strychnin {n}
:: strychnine
Stübchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stube
Stube {f}
:: living room
Stube {f}
:: room (room used for a special purpose; the term is often found in compounds with somewhat old-fashioned character)
Stube {f}
:: parlour (a room used chiefly for representation purposes; often called gute Stube or the like)
Stube {f}
:: the heated part of a traditional farmhouse (as opposed to stables, kitchen, etc.)
Stube {f}
:: bedroom in a barracks
Stubenberg {prop} {n}
:: Stubenberg (municipality)
Stubenberg {prop} {n}
:: A municipality in Lower Bavaria , Germany
Stubenfliege {f}
:: housefly
Stubenhocker {m}
:: couch potato , homebody (person who prefers to remain at home, rather than participate in social events)
stubenrein {adj}
:: house-trained , house-broken
Stubentiger {m}
:: housecat
Stuck {m}
:: stucco
Stück {n}
:: one , item , piece (of something countable; often untranslated in English)
Stück {n}
:: piece (portion of something bigger or of an uncountable mass)
Stück {n}
:: Something of artistic or historic value; piece of art (of any kind, but less common of novels and films)
Stück {n}
:: a person , often female
Stückchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stück
stückchenweise {adv}
:: in bits and pieces , in a piecemeal fashion, piecewise , piece by piece , little by little , bit by bit , by the slice
stückchenweise {adj}
:: piecemeal , piece-by-piece
stückeln {v}
:: to break into pieces
stückeln {v}
:: to piece together
Stück für Stück {adv}
:: piece by piece , bit by bit
Stücklein {n}
:: diminutive of Stück
Stückliste {f}
:: stock / parts list ; bill of materials
stückweise {adv}
:: in bits and pieces , piecewise , piece by piece , bit by bit , little by little
stückweise {adj}
:: piecemeal , piece-by-piece
Stückwerk {n}
:: patchwork
Stückzahl {f}
:: quantity (number of items)
Student {m}
:: student (person attending lectures at a university; male or of unspecified sex)
Studentenblume {f}
:: marigold (flower of genus Tagetes )
Studentenfutter {n}
:: a mixture of nuts and dried fruits (often raisins ); trail mix
Studentenwohnheim {n}
:: dormitory , student 's residence , hall of residence (building for college or university students to live in)
Studentin {f}
:: student (female) (person attending lectures at a university)
studentisch {adj}
:: student (attributive)
Studi {m}
:: college student
Studie {f}
:: study
Studiengebühr {f}
:: tuition
Studienhalbjahr {n}
:: semester
studieren {vti}
:: to study at university or college level; to be a student (of)
studieren {vt}
:: to study scientifically ; to research ; to perform a study on
studieren {vt}
:: to look at minutely ; to study; to peruse ; to analyse
Studierende {f}
:: student (female)
Studierender {m}
:: student , scholar (male or of unspecified sex)
Studierender {m}
:: student (male or of unspecified sex) at a Ingenieurschule / Fachhochschule
Studio {n}
:: studio
Studium {n}
:: study
Studium {n}
:: studies
Stufe {f}
:: step , tread (of a stair or ladder)
Stufe {f}
:: degree , stage , level , rank , phase
Stufe {f}
:: year (all pupils of a year or grade, regardless of forms)
Stufe {f}
:: an aggregation of standalone and well-crystallized mineral
Stufe {f}
:: age
stufen {v}
:: to subdivide
stufen {v}
:: to arrange in layers
Stufenbarren {m}
:: uneven bars
Stufenheck {n}
:: notchback
stufenlos {adj}
:: stepless
Stufenprüfung {f}
:: level test , level examination
Stufenprüfung {f}
:: step stress test
stufenweise {adv}
:: gradually
stufenweise {adv}
:: progressively , incrementally
stufenweise {adj}
:: step-by-step , stepwise , gradual , staged
stufig {adj}
:: stepped , layered , terraced
Stuhl {m}
:: a chair (to sit on)
Stuhl {m}
:: a chair (professorship)
Stuhl {m}
:: feces , stool
Stühlchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stuhl
Stuhlfelden {prop} {n}
:: Stuhlfelden (municipality)
Stuhlgang {m}
:: (hospital slang) the ability to defecate
Stuhlgang haben {idiom}
:: to defecate , or to be able to
StuK {noun}
:: SPG (self-propelled gun ) abbreviation of Sturmkanone (assault gun )
Stuka {m}
:: abbreviation of Sturzkampfflugzeug
Stuka {m}
:: specifically, a Ju-87 Stuka
Stuka-Tablette {f}
:: methamphetamine
Stulle {f}
:: A slice of bread with a topping, which may include another slice of bread
stumm {adj}
:: mute ; dumb (unable to speak)
stumm {adj}
:: silent (not speaking); with verbs or adverbs expressing a grade or temporary state
stumm {adj}
:: non-verbal , not explicitly expressed ; silent
stumm {adj}
:: mute ; silent (unpronounced)
Stumm {prop} {n}
:: Stumm (municipality)
Stumme {f}
:: mute female
Stummel {m}
:: stump
Stummer {m}
:: mute person
Stummerberg {prop} {n}
:: Stummerberg (municipality)
Stummfilm {m}
:: silent film , silent movie
Stummheit {f}
:: dumbness , muteness (condition of being mute, inability to speak)
Stumpen {m}
:: stump , stub
Stümper {m}
:: bungler
Stümper {m}
:: slacker
stumpf {adj}
:: dull , blunt
stumpf {adj}
:: flat (as opposed to pointy)
Stumpf {m}
:: stump , stub
Stumpfsinn {m}
:: absentmindedness ; indifference ; mental dullness ; dopiness
Stumpfsinn {m}
:: monotony ; tedium ; boringness
Stumpfsinn {m}
:: stupidity ; nonsense
stumpfsinnig {adj}
:: insipid , tedious , humdrum , indifferent
stumpfwinklig {adj}
:: obtuse-angled , obtuse , bevelled
Stündchen {n}
:: diminutive of Stunde
Stunde {f}
:: hour (unit of time consisting of 60 minutes)
Stunde {f}
:: hour , moment , time (point in time)
Stunde {f}
:: lesson ; class (unit of instruction, typically between 45 and 90 minutes)
Stunde der Wahrheit {f}
:: moment of truth
stunden {v}
:: to defer
Stundenglas {n}
:: hourglass
Stundenkilometer {m}
:: kilometers per hour
stundenlang {adj}
:: lasting for hours
stundenlang {adv}
:: for hours
Stundenplan {m}
:: timetable
Stundenzeiger {m}
:: hour hand
Stündlein {n}
:: diminutive of Stunde
stündlich {adj}
:: hourly
Stunt {m}
:: stunt
stupsen {vt}
:: to nudge , to prod
stupsnasig {adj}
:: snub-nosed
stur {adj}
:: stubborn
Sturheit {f}
:: stubbornness , obstinacy
sturm {adj}
:: befuddled , dazed , numb ; dizzy , giddy ; muddled
Sturm {m}
:: A strong, blustery wind ; gust ; gale ; squall
Sturm {m}
:: Storm , tempest
Sturm {m}
:: Storm , rush , attack
Sturmbannführer {noun}
:: military rank of the nazi SA , SS and NSFK , corresponds with major . Literally translates to "Assault (or Storm) Unit Leader". Next in rank to Obersturmbannführer , rank below is Sturmhauptführer in the SA and Hauptsturmführer in the SS and the NSFK
Sturm der Entrüstung {m}
:: outcry , storm of protest
stürmen {vi}
:: to storm
stürmen {v}
:: to be stormy weather
stürmen {vi}
:: to rush
stürmen {vi}
:: to storm , to charge
stürmen {vt}
:: to take by storm
stürmen {vi}
:: to attack
Stürmer {m}
:: stormtrooper (soldier who specialises in assault operations)
Stürmer {m}
:: forward ; striker ; attacker ; rusher
Stürmer {prop} {m}
:: Der Stürmer (Nazi propaganda newspaper)
Stürmerkasten {m}
:: a kind of wall newspaper, erected in every village during the Hitler era in Germany
Stürmerstar {m}
:: star striker , star forward
Sturmflut {f}
:: storm surge , storm tide
sturmfrei {adj}
:: having the house or flat to oneself , due to the absence of parents, housemates, or flatmates
sturmfrei {adj}
:: impregnable , unable to be stormed
sturmgepeitscht {adj}
:: stormtossed
Sturmgewehr {n}
:: assault rifle
Sturmhaube {f}
:: burgonet
Sturmhaube {f}
:: balaclava
Sturm im Wasserglas {m}
:: storm in a tea-kettle , storm in a teacup (literally: storm in a water glass)
stürmisch {adj}
:: stormy
Sturmkanone {f}
:: self-propelled gun (SPG ), an assault gun
Sturmtief {n}
:: deep depression
Sturm und Drang {m}
:: A period of turmoil
Sturmvogel {m}
:: petrel
Sturmvogel {m}
:: the ground-attack version of the WWII Messerschmitt Me-262 Schwalbe jet-fighter
Sturmwetter {n}
:: stormy weather
Sturz {m}
:: fall
Sturz {m}
:: architrave , lintel
sturzbesoffen {adj}
:: falling down drunk , shitfaced , rat-arsed (very drunk)
sturzbetrunken {adj}
:: Very drunk
stürzen {v}
:: to fall down , to drop , to tumble
stürzen {v}
:: to dash , to rush , to sprint to something
stürzen {v}
:: to throw , to hurl
stürzen {v}
:: to upturn
stürzen {v}
:: to overthrow , to oust , to dethrone
stürzen {v}
:: to drop off steeply
stürzen {vr}
:: to plunge
Sturzflug {m}
:: swoop
Sturzkampfflugzeug {n}
:: a dive bomber
Sturzkampfflugzeug {n}
:: a Ju-87 Stuka
Sturzkampfgeschwader {n}
:: dive bomber wing
Stuss {m} {n}
:: drivel , verbal nonsense
Stute {f}
:: mare (adult female horse )
Stute {f}
:: mare (of other equids ) or female of other animals (especially in compounds)
Stuten {m}
:: soft , usually sweetened , white bread
stutenbissig {adj}
:: snappy
Stuttgart {prop} {n}
:: Stuttgart (caplc)
Stuttgarter {m}
:: Stuttgarter (native or inhabitant of Stuttgart)
Stuttgarter {adj}
:: from, of, or pertaining to Stuttgart
Stutz {m}
:: Swiss franc , especially the 1 franc coin
Stutz {m}
:: money
Stutz {m}
:: verbal noun of stutzen
Stutze {m}
:: obsolete form of Stutzen
Stütze {f}
:: support , prop
stutzen {v}
:: obsolete form of stoßen
stutzen {v}
:: to be a coxcomb , to floss , to ball (to be a Stutzer )
stutzen {v}
:: to cut short , to trim
stutzen {v}
:: to stop short
Stutzen {m}
:: stub , any blunted oblong thing
Stutzen {m}
:: a knee high without a covering for the foot, similar to a leg warmer , as traditionally worn by men in some Alpine regions
Stutzen {m}
:: a football sock or similar long sport sock (often attached to the foot merely with a thin strip under the sole , but also so called when covering the whole foot)
Stutzen {m}
:: a short piece of pipe
Stutzen {m}
:: a rifle with a short barrel
Stutzen {m}
:: alternative form of Stütze
stützen {vt}
:: to support (to keep from falling)
stützen {vr}
:: (with preposition auf ) to use something or someone for support
stützen {vt}
:: to corroborate , to abet
stützen {v}
:: (with preposition auf ) to rest , to lean
Stutzer {m}
:: dandy , coxcomb
Stutzflügel {m}
:: baby grand piano , baby grand
stutzig {adj}
:: perplexed , suspicious
stutzig machen {v}
:: to perplex (someone)
stutzig machen {v}
:: to make (someone) suspicious; to arouse (someone's) suspicion
Stützpunkt {m}
:: point of support
Stützpunkt {m}
:: fulcrum
Stützpunkt {m}
:: base
Stützrad {n}
:: training wheel
Stutzuhr {f}
:: bracket clock
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen {prop} {p}
:: St. Vincent und die Grenadinen (archipelago/and/country)
StVO {f}
:: initialism of Straßenverkehrsordnung (road traffic act (RTA))
Styropor {n}
:: styrofoam
s. u. {phrase}
:: initialism of siehe unten
Suada {f}
:: diatribe (prolonged discourse)
Suaheli {prop} {n}
:: Swahili (language)
Suaheli {m}
:: Swahili (person)
sub- {prefix}
:: sub-
subaquatisch {adj}
:: subaquatic , underwater
Subarachnoidalraum {m}
:: subarachnoid space
subarktisch {adj}
:: subarctic
subatomar {adj}
:: subatomic
Subbotnik {m}
:: subbotnik
subchronisch {adj}
:: subchronic
Subdiakon {m}
:: subdeacon
Suben {prop} {n}
:: Suben (municipality)
subfebril {adj}
:: subfebrile
subglazial {adj}
:: subglacial
Subjekt {n}
:: subject
subjektiv {adj}
:: subjective
Subjunktion {f}
:: subordinating conjunction
Subklasse {f}
:: synonym of Unterklasse
subkonszient {adj}
:: subconscious
Subkontinent {m}
:: subcontinent
subkrustal {adj}
:: subcrustal
Subkultur {f}
:: subculture
subkulturell {adj}
:: subcultural
subkutan {adj}
:: subcutaneous
sublim {adj}
:: sublime
Sublimation {f}
:: sublimation
Sublimationspunkt {m}
:: sublimation point
sublimieren {v}
:: to sublimate
Sublimierung {f}
:: sublimation
sublinear {adj}
:: sublinear
sublunarisch {adj}
:: sublunar
submarin {adj}
:: submarine
submers {adj}
:: submerged
submikroskopisch {adj}
:: submicroscopic
submissiv {adj}
:: submissive
submukös {adj}
:: submucous
suboptimal {adj}
:: suboptimal
suborbital {adj}
:: suborbital
Suboxid {n}
:: suboxide
subperiostal {adj}
:: subperiosteal
subphrenisch {adj}
:: subphrenic
Subspezies {f}
:: subspecies
substantiell {adj}
:: alternative form of substanziell
Substantiv {n}
:: noun
Substantivierung {f}
:: substantivization , nominalization
substantivisch {adj}
:: substantive , nominal
Substanz {f}
:: substance , matter , material
substanziell {adj}
:: essential ; vital ; fundamental ; profound ; decisive ; substantial
Substituent {m}
:: substituent
substituieren {v}
:: to substitute
substituiert {v}
:: past participle of substituieren - substituted
substituiert {adj}
:: substituted
Substitution {f}
:: substitution , replacement
Substitutionstherapie {f}
:: replacement therapy
Substrat {n}
:: substrate
Substrat {n}
:: soil
Substrat {n}
:: substratum
subsumtiv {adj}
:: subsumptive
subterran {adj}
:: subterranean
subtil {adj}
:: subtle
Subtilität {f}
:: subtleness
subtrahieren {v}
:: to subtract
Subtraktion {f}
:: (arithmetic) subtraction
Subtraktionsfuge {f}
:: disfix
Subtropen {fp}
:: subtropics
subtropisch {adj}
:: subtropical
Subunternehmer {m}
:: subcontractor
suburbikarisch {adj}
:: suburbicarian
Subvention {f}
:: subsidy
subventionieren {v}
:: to subsidize
Subversion {f}
:: subversion
subversiv {adj}
:: subversive
Suchalgorithmus {m}
:: search algorithm
Suchanfrage {f}
:: query , search request
suchbar {adj}
:: searchable
Suchbaum {m}
:: search tree
Suche {f}
:: search
Suche {prop}
:: German name of any of several villages, including three in what is now Poland and two in Ukraine
suchen {v}
:: to seek
suchen {v}
:: to search , to look for
Suchen {prop} {n}
:: A (historical) municipality in the far west of the region of Gottschee , situated on the Suchen Plateau (Suchener Hochtal )
Sucher {m}
:: seeker , finder
Sucher {m}
:: viewfinder
Suchergebnis {n}
:: search result
Suchmannschaft {f}
:: search party
Suchmaschine {f}
:: search engine
Sucht {f}
:: addiction
Sucht {f}
:: exaggerated or morbid desire ; greed
Sucht {f}
:: physic or psychic disease
suchtartig {adj}
:: obsessive
suchten {v}
:: to do something extensively, often in a single sitting over a long time, as if addicted
Suchtgift {n}
:: Drug
Suchtgift {n}
:: Narcotic
Suchtgift {n}
:: Dope
süchtig {adj}
:: addicted
suchtkrank {adj}
:: ill as a result of addiction
Suchtmittel {n}
:: addictive substance
Sücka {prop} {n}
:: A village in Triesenberg , Liechtenstein
Sud {m}
:: stock , broth , brew
Süd {m}
:: the south
Süd {m}
:: a wind coming from the south
Südafrika {prop} {n}
:: South Africa
Südafrikaner {m}
:: a male South African
Südafrikanerin {f}
:: a female South African
südafrikanisch {adj}
:: South African
Südafrikanisches Englisch {prop}
:: South African English
Südamerika {prop} {n}
:: South America
Süd-Amerika {prop} {n}
:: archaic spelling of Südamerika
südamerikanisch {adj}
:: South American
Südamerikanischer Seelöwe {m}
:: South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens)
Sudan {prop} {m}
:: Sudan
Sudanesin {f}
:: female Sudanese
sudanesisch {adj}
:: Sudanese
südasiatisch {adj}
:: related or belonging to South Asia ; South Asian
Südasien {n}
:: South Asia
südatlantisch {adj}
:: South Atlantic
südbairisch {adj}
:: South Bavarian
Südd. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Süddeutschland
süddeutsch {adj}
:: South German; southern German; from or pertaining to southern Germany (Germany south of the river Main , or the states of Bayern and Baden-Württemberg )
süddeutsch {adj}
:: pertaing to the southern half of the German language area, i.e. the above plus Austria , Switzerland , Liechtenstein , South Tyrol , etc
süddonauisch {adj}
:: to the south of the Danube ; South Danubian
süddünisch {adj}
:: lying on the south side of the Duna (Daugava )
südelbisch {adj}
:: on the south side of the Elbe ; South Elbian
Süden {m}
:: south (direction)
Süden {m}
:: south (region)
Sudeten {fp}
:: Sudeten (mountain range)
sudetisch {adj}
:: Sudeten (attributive)
Südeuropa {prop} {n}
:: Southern Europe (Southern Europe)
südeuropäisch {adj}
:: South European
Südfrankreich {prop} {n}
:: South of France
Südhalbkugel {f}
:: southern hemisphere
Südkaukasus {prop} {m}
:: South Caucasus
Südkorea {prop} {n}
:: South Korea
Südkoreaner {m}
:: South Korean (person)
Südkoreanerin {f}
:: (female) South Korean
südkoreanisch {adj}
:: South Korean
südl. {adj}
:: abbreviation of südlich
südländisch {adj}
:: southern
südlich {adj}
:: south , southern
südlicher {adj}
:: comparative of südlich
Südlicher Ozean {prop} {m}
:: the Southern Ocean
Südlicher Schwarzameisenwürger {m}
:: Cocha antshrike
Südlicher Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
:: Peruvian slaty antshrike
Südlicher Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
:: variable antshrike
südlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of südlich
südnl. {adj}
:: abbreviation of südniederländisch
Sudoku {n}
:: sudoku (type of puzzle)
Südossetien {prop} {n}
:: South Ossetia
südostasiatisch {adj}
:: Southeast Asian
Südostasien {prop} {n}
:: Südostasien (subregion)
südostdeutsch {adj}
:: from or pertaining to southeastern Germany or the people, the culture or the dialects of this region
Südosten {m}
:: southeast
Südosteuropa {prop} {n}
:: not clearly defined south-eastern part of Europe; Southeast Europe
Südostküste {f}
:: the south-eastern coast from something; southeast coast
südöstlich {adj}
:: southeastern ; southeasterly
Südpol {m}
:: South Pole ; south pole
südrheinisch {adj}
:: to the south of the Rhine
südrheinisch {adj}
:: of, located by or pertaining to the southern portions of the Rhine
Südsahara {prop} {f}
:: southern Sahara
Südschwarzwald {prop}
:: Southern Black Forest
Südsee {prop} {f}
:: South Sea
südsiebenbürgisch {adj}
:: south Transylvanian
Südslawien {prop} {n}
:: Yugoslavia
Südsudan {prop} {m}
:: South Sudan
südsudanesisch {adj}
:: South Sudanese
Südtirol {prop} {n}
:: South Tyrol
südwärts {adv}
:: southward , southwards (towards the south)
Südwestafrika {prop} {n}
:: South West Africa (the colonial name of the area which is now Namibia)
südwestdeutsch {adj}
:: from or pertaining to southwestern Germany or the people, the culture or the dialects of this region
Südwesten {m}
:: southwest
Südwester {m}
:: sou'wester (waterproof hat)
südwestlich {adj}
:: southwestern
Südwind {m}
:: south wind
Sues {prop}
:: Suez
Sues-Kanal-Zone {prop}
:: The Suez Canal Zone
Suff {m}
:: drinking , alcoholism
süffig {adj}
:: quaffable , palatable
suffigieren {v}
:: to suffix
Suffigierung {f}
:: suffixation
süffisant {adj}
:: smug
Suffix {n}
:: suffix , postfix
Suffixaufnahme {f}
:: Suffixaufnahme
Suffixoid {n}
:: suffixoid
suffizient {adj}
:: sufficient
Suffkopp {m}
:: drunkard , binge drinker , alcoholic (concretely and jokingly)
Sufismus {m}
:: Sufism
suggestibel {adj}
:: suggestible
suggestiv {adj}
:: suggestive
Suhl {prop} {n}
:: Suhl (independent city)
Suhle {f}
:: mire , wallow
suhlen {vr}
:: to wallow (to roll oneself about in something dirty)
suhlen {vr}
:: to wallow (to immerse oneself in)
suhlen {vt}
:: to soil (to make dirty)
Sühne {f}
:: atonement
sühnen {v}
:: to atone
Suicidium {n}
:: suicide
Suite {f}
:: suite (hotel apartment consisting of several rooms)
Suite {f}
:: suite (line of rooms interconnected by doors)
Suite {f}
:: suite
Suizid {m} {n}
:: suicide
suizidal {adj}
:: suicidal
suizidgefährdet {adj}
:: suicidal (likely to commit suicide)
Sujet {n}
:: subject
sukkulent {adj}
:: succulent
Sukkulente {f}
:: succulent
sukzessiv {adj}
:: gradual
sukzessive {adv}
:: gradually
Sulfan {n}
:: sulfane
Sulfat {n}
:: sulfate / sulphate
Sulfatierung {f}
:: sulfating
Sulfatverfahren {n}
:: sulfate process , Kraft process
Sulfensäure {f}
:: sulfenic acid
Sulfid {n}
:: sulfide
sulfidisch {adj}
:: sulfidic
Sulfidmineral {n}
:: sulfide mineral
Sulfinsäure {f}
:: sulfinic acid
Sulfit {n}
:: sulfite
Sulfitoxidase {f}
:: sulfite oxidase
Sulfon {n}
:: sulfone
Sulfonamid {n}
:: sulfonamide
Sulfonat {n}
:: sulfonate
Sulfonierung {f}
:: sulfonation
Sulfonsäure {f}
:: sulfonic acid
Sulfosalz {n}
:: sulfosalt
Sulfoxid {n}
:: sulfoxide
Sulfoxylat {n}
:: sulfoxylate
Sulfur {noun}
:: sulfur (chemical element)
Sulfurylhalogenid {n}
:: sulfuryl halide
Sultan {m}
:: sultan
Sultanat {n}
:: sultanate
Sulz {f}
:: jelly , meat pieces in aspic
Sulz {f}
:: tripe
Sulz {prop} {n}
:: Sulz (municipality)
Sulzberg {prop} {n}
:: Sulzberg (municipality)
Sulzberg {prop} {n}
:: Sulzberg (municipality)
Sülze {f}
:: aspic
Sülze {f}
:: head cheese , brawn
Sulzer {prop}
:: surname
sulzig {adj}
:: slushy
Sumach {m}
:: sumac , any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Rhus
Sumatra {prop} {n}
:: Sumatra (island)
Sumatra-Nashorn {n}
:: Sumatran rhinoceros
Sumatra-Tiger {m}
:: Sumatran tiger
Sumer {prop}
:: Sumer
Sumerer {m}
:: Sumerian
sumerisch {adj}
:: Sumerian
Sumerisch {n}
:: Sumerian (the Sumerian language)
summarisch {adj}
:: summary
summa summarum {adv}
:: in total
summativ {adj}
:: summative
Sümmchen {n}
:: diminutive of Summe
Sümmchen {n}
:: pretty penny
Summe {f}
:: sum (maths)
summen {v}
:: to buzz ; to hum
Summenformel {f}
:: molecular formula
summieren {v}
:: to sum (add together)
Summierung {f}
:: summation , accumulation
Sumo {m}
:: sumo
Sumpf {m}
:: swamp , marsh
Sumpf {m}
:: sump
sumpfig {adj}
:: swampy , marshy
sumsen {v}
:: to buzz
Sünde {f}
:: sin
Sündenbabel {n}
:: a city rife with hedonism or sin , particularly of sexual nature; sink of iniquity
Sündenbock {m}
:: scapegoat
Sündenfall {m}
:: the Fall (of Man)
Sündenfall {m}
:: fall from grace
Sündenpfuhl {m}
:: cesspool of sinfulness ; Babylon , Sodom and Gomorrah
Sünder {m}
:: sinner
Sünderin {f}
:: feminine noun of Sünder
Sündflut {f}
:: alternative form of Sintflut
sündhaft {adj}
:: sinful , wicked
sündig {adj}
:: sinful
sündigen {v}
:: to sin
Sündopfer {n}
:: sin offering
sündteuer {adj}
:: excessively expensive
Sunna {f}
:: sunnah
Sunnitentum {n}
:: Sunni Islam
s. unten {phrase}
:: abbreviation of siehe unten
super {adj}
:: super , great , awesome
Super {n}
:: petrol with high octane number
superb {adj}
:: superb
süperb {adj}
:: alternative spelling of superb
superfein {adj}
:: superfine
Supergalaxienhaufen {m}
:: synonym of Superhaufen (supercluster )
supergen {adj}
:: supergene
Superhaufen {m}
:: super cluster
Superheld {m}
:: superhero
Superjumbo {m}
:: superjumbo (aircraft)
superkurz {adj}
:: very short , supershort
Superlativ {m}
:: superlative
Superlegierung {f}
:: superalloy
Supermacht {f}
:: superpower
Supermann {m}
:: superman
Supermarkt {m}
:: supermarket
Supernova {f}
:: supernova
Supernovaexplosion {f}
:: supernova explosion
Superoxid {n}
:: superoxide
Superphosphat {n}
:: superphosphate
superprovisorisch {adj}
:: super-provisional
Supersäure {f}
:: superacid
superstitiös {adj}
:: superstitious
Superstrat {n}
:: superstrate
supertoll {adj}
:: terrific
superzäh {adj}
:: Extremely viscous
Superzelle {f}
:: supercell (severe thunderstorm)
supi {adj}
:: short form of super
Süppchen {n}
:: diminutive of Suppe
Suppe {f}
:: soup
suppen {vi}
:: to trickle ; to drip ; to ooze ; to leak ; to seep ; to soak
suppen {vit}
:: to intake soup
suppen {vt}
:: to intake in a fashion in which soup is usually eaten
Suppengewürz {n}
:: soup spices
Suppenkraut {n}
:: pot herb
Suppenküche {f}
:: soup kitchen
Suppenlöffel {m}
:: soupspoon
Suppenschildkröte {f}
:: green turtle , Chelonia mydas
Suppenteller {m}
:: soup bowl
suppig {adj}
:: soupy
Supplement {n}
:: supplement (addition to a printed work)
supplementär {adj}
:: supplementary
Supplementierung {f}
:: supplementation
supplieren {v}
:: to add
supplieren {v}
:: to hold substitute classes
suppressiv {adj}
:: suppressive
suprafluid {adj}
:: superfluid
Suprafluidität {f}
:: superfluidity
Supraflüssigkeit {f}
:: superfluid
Supraflüssigkeit {f}
:: superfluidity
supraleitend {adj}
:: superconducting
Supraleiter {m}
:: superconductor
Supraleitung {f}
:: superconductivity
supramaxillar {adj}
:: supramaxillary
supramolekulare Chemie {f}
:: supramolecular chemistry
suprapubisch {adj}
:: suprapubic
Sure {f}
:: sura
Surfbrett {n}
:: surfboard
surfen {v}
:: to surf
surfen {v}
:: to surf (the web)
Surfer {m}
:: a person thats surfs; surfer
Surinam {prop}
:: Surinam (country)
Suriname {prop} {n}
:: Suriname (country)
Surinamer {m}
:: Surinamese
Surinamerin {f}
:: female Surinamese
surinamisch {adj}
:: Surinamese
Surjektion {f}
:: surjection , surjective function
Surmann {prop}
:: surname
surreal {adj}
:: surreal
surrealer {adj}
:: comparative of surreal
Surrealismus {m}
:: surrealism
Surrealist {m}
:: surrealist
surrealistisch {adj}
:: surrealist , surrealistic
surrealsten {adj}
:: superlative of surreal
surren {v}
:: to buzz , to hum
Susanna {prop}
:: given name
Susanna {prop}
:: Susanna
Susanne {prop} {f}
:: given name
Sushi {n}
:: sushi (Japanese dish)
suspendieniert {v}
:: past participle of suspendieren
suspendieren {vt}
:: to suspend
Suspendierung {f}
:: suspension
Suspension {f}
:: suspension (of solid particles in a liquid)
Suspensorium {m}
:: jockstrap
süss {adj}
:: alternative spelling of süß
süß {adj}
:: sweet
süß {adj}
:: cute
Süßdolde {f}
:: cicely , sweet cicely , sweet chervil , Myrrhis odorata or Myrrhis spp
Süße {f}
:: sweetness
Süße {f}
:: sweetener
Süße {f}
:: a pretty or charming girl
Süße {f}
:: sweetie (term of endearment, used for a female)
süssen {v}
:: alternative spelling of süßen
süßen {v}
:: to sweeten
Süßen {prop} {n}
:: Süßen (town)
Süßer {m}
:: sweetie (used for a male)
Süßes oder Saures {interj}
:: trick or treat !
Süßholz {n}
:: liquorice (plant)
Süßholz raspeln {v}
:: to flatter
Süssigkeit {f}
:: alternative spelling of Süßigkeit
Süßigkeit {f}
:: sweet ; candy (piece or kind of confectionery)
Süßigkeit {f}
:: sweetness
Süßigkeiten {p}
:: sweets
Süßkartoffel {f}
:: sweet potato (vine; tuber)
süßlich {adj}
:: sweetish
Süssreserve {f}
:: alternative spelling of Süßreserve
Süßreserve {f}
:: the portion of the unfermented grape juice which is added to fermented wines to provide the required level of sweetness
süsssauer {adj}
:: alternative spelling of süßsauer
süßsauer {adj}
:: sweet-and-sour
Süßstoff {m}
:: sweetener
Süssware {f}
:: alternative spelling of Süßware
Süßware {f}
:: confectionery , candy
Süsswasser {n}
:: alternative spelling of Süßwasser
Süßwasser {n}
:: fresh water
Süßwasserfisch {m}
:: freshwater fish
suszeptibel {adj}
:: susceptible
Suszeptibilität {f}
:: susceptibility
Sutane {f}
:: alternative spelling of Soutane
Sutra {n}
:: sutra
Sütterlin {prop} {mf}
:: surname
Sütterlin {f}
:: clipping of Sütterlinschrift
Sütterlinschrift {f}
:: Sütterlin script
SUV {n} {m}
:: initialism of Sport Utility Vehicle ; SUV
SV {noun}
:: abbreviation of Schülervertretung
SV {noun}
:: abbreviation of Sicherungsverwahrung
SV {noun}
:: abbreviation of Sozialversicherung
SV {noun}
:: abbreviation of Sportverein
Svalbard {prop} {n}
:: Svalbard (archipelago)
Svatý Kopeček {prop} {m}
:: Svatý Kopeček (historical town, nowadays a part of the city of Olomouc )
Sven {prop}
:: given name
Svenja {prop}
:: given name
svw. {abbr}
:: so viel wie
Swasiland {prop} {n}
:: Swaziland
swasiländisch {adj}
:: Swazi (pertaining to Swaziland)
swasisch {adj}
:: Swazi
Swastika {f}
:: a swastika (especially one in a non-National Socialist context)
Sweatshirt {n}
:: sweatshirt
Swen {prop}
:: given name, a phonetic spelling of Swedish Sven
Swenja {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Svenja
Swimmingpool {m}
:: swimming pool
Swinger {m}
:: swinger
sybaritisch {adj}
:: sybaritic
Sybille {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Sibylle
Syenit {m}
:: syenite
Syllepse {f}
:: syllepsis
Syllepsis {f}
:: alternative form of Syllepse
Syllogismus {m}
:: syllogism (inference from premises)
Sylphe {mf}
:: sylph (the elemental being of air)
Sylt {prop}
:: Sylt (German island in the North Sea )
Sylvester {prop}
:: alternative form of Silvester
Sylvia {prop}
:: given name
Sylvin {n}
:: sylvite
Sylvinit {m}
:: sylvinite
sym- {prefix}
:: variant of syn- , used before labials
Symbiogenese {f}
:: symbiogenesis (merging of organisms to form a new organism)
Symbiose {f}
:: symbiosis , mutualism
symbiotisch {adj}
:: symbiotic
Symbol {n}
:: symbol , icon
symbolisch {adj}
:: symbolic /symbolical
symbolisch {adj}
:: figurative
symbolisch {adv}
:: symbolically
symbolisch {adv}
:: figuratively
symbolisieren {v}
:: to symbolize , to symbolise
symbolträchtig {adj}
:: symbol-laden
Symmetrie {f}
:: symmetry
symmetrisch {adj}
:: symmetrical , symmetric
sympathetisch {adj}
:: sympathetic
sympathicolytisch {adj}
:: alternative form of sympathikolytisch
Sympathie {f}
:: goodwill ; favour ; affection ; sympathy
sympathikolytisch {adj}
:: sympatholytic
sympathisch {adj}
:: congenial , likable
sympathisch {adj}
:: sympathetic
sympathischer {adj}
:: comparative of sympathisch
sympathischsten {adj}
:: superlative of sympathisch
Symphonie {f}
:: symphony
symphonisch {adj}
:: symphonic
Sympodium {n}
:: sympodium
Symposium {n}
:: symposium
Symptom {n}
:: symptom , sign
Symptomatik {f}
:: symptomatology
symptomatisch {adj}
:: symptomatic
Synagoge {f}
:: synagogue
Synapse {f}
:: synapse
synaptisch {adj}
:: synaptic
synästhetisch {adj}
:: synesthetic
synchron {adj}
:: synchronous
synchron {adj}
:: synchronic
Synchronfirma {f}
:: dubbing company
Synchronisation {f}
:: synchronization (the state or property of being synchronized)
Synchronisation {f}
:: dubbing (replacement of voices)
synchronisch {adj}
:: synchronic
Synchronizität {f}
:: synchronicity
Synchronsprecher {m}
:: voice actor , dubbing actor
Synchronstudio {n}
:: dubbing studio
syndetisch {adj}
:: syndetic
Syndikalismus {m}
:: syndicalism
Syndikat {n}
:: syndicate
Syndrom {n}
:: syndrome
Synekdoche {f}
:: synecdoche (certain type of metaphor)
synekdochisch {adj}
:: synecdochic
Synergetik {f}
:: synergetics
synergetisch {adj}
:: synergetic , synergistic
Synergie {f}
:: synergy
synergistisch {adj}
:: synergistic
Synkope {f}
:: syncope
Synkope {f}
:: syncope
Synkope {f}
:: syncope (short loss of consciousness)
Synkretismus {m}
:: syncretism
synkretistisch {adj}
:: syncretic
synkretistisch {adj}
:: syncretically
synodal {adj}
:: synodic , relating to a synod , notably in ecclesiastic context
synonym {adj}
:: synonymous
Synonym {n}
:: synonym
Synonymie {f}
:: synonymy
Synopse {f}
:: synopsis
Synopsis {f}
:: synopsis
synoptisch {adj}
:: synoptic
synsemantisch {adj}
:: synsemantic
synsystematisch {adj}
:: synsystematic
Syntagma {n}
:: syntagma
syntagmatisch {adj}
:: syntagmatic
syntaktisch {adj}
:: syntactic
syntaktischer Zucker {m}
:: syntactic sugar
syntaktisches Salz {m}
:: syntactic salt
Syntax {f}
:: syntax
Syntax {m}
:: syntax
syntaxonomisch {adj}
:: syntaxonomic
Synthese {f}
:: synthesis
Synthesegas {n}
:: synthesis gas , syngas
Synthesis {f}
:: synonym of Synthese
Synthesizer {m}
:: synthesizer
Synthetase {f}
:: synthetase
synthetisch {adj}
:: synthetic
synthetisieren {v}
:: to synthesize
syntonisch {adj}
:: syntonic
Syph {f} {m}
:: clipping of Syphilis
Syphilis {f}
:: syphilis (sexually transmitted disease)
Syrer {m}
:: Syrian (male)
Syrerin {f}
:: Syrian (female)
Syriarch {m}
:: Syriarch
Syriarchat {noun}
:: Syriarchate
Syrien {prop} {n}
:: Syria
Syrier {m}
:: Syrian
syrisch {adj}
:: Syrian (Of, from, or pertaining to Syria, the Syrian people or the Syrian language)
System {n}
:: system
System {n}
:: period
Systemadministrator {m}
:: system administrator , sysadmin (male or of unspecified sex)
Systematik {f}
:: classification
Systematik {f}
:: systematics
systematisch {adj}
:: systematic
systematisch {adv}
:: systematically
systematisieren {v}
:: to arrange ; systemise (set up, organise)
Systemfehler {m}
:: system failure
systemisch {adj}
:: systemic
systemkonform {adj}
:: compliant with an existing order
systemlos {adj}
:: systemless , unmethodical
systemoid {adj}
:: systemoid
systemübergreifend {adj}
:: cross-system, inter-system; regardless of which system is used
systemweit {adj}
:: systemwide
Systole {f}
:: systole
Szenario {n}
:: scenario
Szene {f}
:: scene
szenig {adj}
:: trendy (characteristic of a scene )
szenisch {adj}
:: scenic
Szepter {m} {n}
:: sceptre , scepter
szientifisch {adj}
:: scientific
Szintigrafie {f}
:: scintigraphy
szintigrafisch {adj}
:: scintigraphic
szintigrafisch {adv}
:: scintigraphically
Szintigraphie {f}
:: healthcare alternative form of Szintigrafie
szintigraphisch {adv}
:: alternative form of szintigrafisch (scintigraphic , scintigraphical )
Szintillation {f}
:: scintillation (fluorescence from radioactive substances)
Szintillation {f}
:: glitter (of stars)
Szintillationszähler {m}
:: scintillation counter